ABS Endocrinology PDF
ABS Endocrinology PDF
ABS Endocrinology PDF
Introduction to Endocrinology
Endo 1 - Professor John Laycock & Dr. Chris Long (j.laycock@imperial.ac.uk & c.long@imperial.ac.uk)
ENDOCRINE GLAND: a group of cells which secret messenger molecules directly into the bloodstream
ENDOCRINOLOGY: study of endocrine glands and their secretions
HORMONE: the bioactive messenger molecule secreted by an endocrine gland into the blood, i.e. not simply a
metabolite or energy substrate
ENDOCRINE: relates to hormones action on target cells at a distance from source
PARACRINE: relates to hormones action on nearby target cells e.g. within immediate area around source
AUTOCRINE: relates to hormone having an effect on its own immediate source
CRYPTOCRINE: a term devised to indicate that a hormone can have an effect within its own cell of production, i.e.
Endocrine Glands
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Fat (adipose) tissue
Hormone Classification
Protein/polypeptide hormones
E.g. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
Precursor is known as a PRO-HORMONE, and in this case is pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC); an 241 amino
acid long chain with Ser at the amino terminus, and Phe at the carboxyl terminus
POMC is produced in the ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND (just below the hypothalamus, but lies outside the
blood-brain barrier
Blood perfuses the anterior pituitary gland, delivering and removing substrates
Amino acids are provided by the diet and via the blood enter the cytoplasm of a CORITCOTROPH CELL
(ACTH secretory cells) within the anterior pituitary glandstimulates the transcription and translation of
precursor POMC in the endoplasmic reticulum.
Vesicles containing POMC are transported into the golgi, where they undergo post-translational
modification and processing by enzymes to form ACTH.
ACTH is then stored in vesicles within the cell, waiting for a STRESS SIGNAL for exocytosis (secretion of the
Steroid Hormones
E.g. Cortisol
Major stress hormone
Precursor molecule is STEROID, which is transported via low density lipoproteins LDL as FATTY ACID
Stress stimulus breakdown of fatty acid esters using enzymes e.g. ESTERASE, liberating the cholesterol
Cholesterol then needs to be transported into the MITOCHONDRIA of the adrenal cortical cell. The inner
and outer membrane of mitochondria is AQUEOUS, therefore StAR PROTEIN is required to act as a
transporter of the cholesterol into the mitochondria. This can be seen as RATE LIMITING.
Once in the mitochondria, cholesterol is converted to the steroid hormone of choice, in this case
As soon as the steroid hormone of choice is produced, it diffuses across the PLASMA MEMBRANE of the
adrenal cortical cell into the blood circulation
Steroid hormones bind to a large number of PLASMA PROTEINS within the blood, which prevent the
hormone from being degraded.
o HIGH AFFINITY LOW CAPACITY proteins = BINDING GLOBULINS, in this case Cortisol binding
globulins; GBG
Only free steroid hormones are biologically active, therefore they cannot have an effect on their target
tissue if bound to a plasma protein
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When steroid hormones bind with plasma proteins in the blood, they form a PLASMA PROTEIN BOUND
HORMONE. This formation reaches EQUILIBRIUM
If the FREE HORMONE is used up by the TARGET TISSUE, its concentration will decrease therefore the
position of equilibrium will shift to oppose this change, i.e. the ENDOCRINE GLAND will increase hormone
synthesis and release from the plasma protein
Conversely, if the concentration of plasma protein bound hormone INCREASES (which occurs during
pregnancy), the position of equilibrium will shift to oppose the change to try to form more of the protein-
hormone complex. This will result in a DECREASE in the PLASMA PROTEIN concentration in the blood.
Protein/polypeptide hormones
ACTH is transported to the ADRENAL CORTICAL CELLS in the ADRENAL GLANDS via the blood, where it
Binding dissociation of the G-PROTEIN which activates ADENYLATE CYCLASE
Adenylate cyclase then increases the conversion of ATP c-AMP (CYCLIC AMP)
c-AMP activates PROTEIN KINASE A, which stimulates INCREASED cholesterol release from fatty acid
esters, and increased uptake into mitochondria via StAR protein increased CORTISOL SYNTHESIS
Steroid Hormones
Only free steroid hormones are able to freely diffuse across the plasma membrane of their target cell,
where they bind to an INTRACELLULAR RECEPTOR
The complex is then TRANSLOCATED into the nucleus, where it MODIFIES PROTEIN TRANSCRIPTION of a
new protein
Hormone feedback
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
1. Draw a labelled diagram showing how hypothalamic hormones reach their target cells in the
adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) using the terms hypothalamic nuclei, neurosecretions and
hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system.
2. Identify the six chief adenohypophysial hormones and relate them to the hypothalamic hormones
which control them, indicating whether the latter hormones stimulate or inhibit their production.
3. Describe the general features of synthesis, storage and release of the adenohypophysial hormones,
including the pre-prohormone and prohormone stages when relevant.
4. Describe the principal physiological actions of corticotrophin (ACTH), thyrotrophin (TSH) and the two
gonadotrophins (LH and FSH).
5. Draw a diagram illustrating direct, indirect and short negative feedback loops, using the hypothalamo-
adenohypophysial-thyroidal axis for your example.
6. Describe the growth promoting and metabolic actions of somatotrophin (growth hormone).
7. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating the various controlling influences on somatotrophin release.
8. List the various actions of prolactin indicating which one is its principal physiological effect.
9. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating how prolactin release is controlled, using the term neuroendocrine
reflex arc.
The PITUITARY GLAND (also known as the HYPOPHYSIS) lies at the base of the brain in the SELLA TURCICA
directly under the HYPOTHALAMUS
The hypothalamus:
o Regulates the endocrine system
o Lies around the 3RD VENTRICLE in the brain
o Anterior: OPTIC CHIASMA lies at the front of the hypothalamus, and has an important role in sight
o Posterior: MAMMILLARY BODY at the back of the hypothalamus is important in the development
of the nervous system
Development of the pituitary gland:
o ANTERIOR LOBE (ADENOHYPOPHYSIS) - grows up and attaches to the base of the brain.
o POSTERIOR LOBE (NEUROHYPOPHYSIS) nervous tissue grows down and attaches to the
anterior lobe; consists mainly of nerve axons and nerve terminals
The region between the Hypothalamus and the pituitary gland is known as the REGION OF MEDIAN
Within the hypothalamus, HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEI are present. These are clusters of nerve cell bodies.
There are two types of neurones within these clusters:
o Neurones that pass through the region of median eminence and end at the NEUROHYPOPHYSIS
within the pituitary gland
o Neurones that terminate at the region of median eminence
Adenohypophysial Cells
NB: cells can also produce/release other molecules that may have paracrine, autocrine or endocrine effects
Adenohypophysial Hormones
1. Proteins
o Growth hormone
o 191 amino acids
o 199 amino acids
2. Glycoproteins
- Consist of an alpha and beta sub-unit
- Alpha sub-unit common to all 92 amino acids
- Specificity of hormone lies in the number of amino acids in the beta sub-unit
o 110 amino acid beta sub-unit
o LH and FSH
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3. Polypeptides
o 39 amino acids
o SOMATOSTATIN (SS) inhibits release
o DOPAMINE (DA) inhibits release (is also dominant hormone controlling prolactin release)
Gonadotrophins (LH & FSH)
Corticotrophin (ACTH)
o VASOPRESSIN (VP) stimulates release (secondary)
Secreted from the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary lobe) and is transported to the body tissues and
Binding to receptors on general body tissues metabolic actions growth and development
Binding to receptors on liver release of SOMATOMEDINS; mediators- IGF I and IGF II
Somatomedin metabolic actions:
o Stimulation of amino acid transport into cells e.g. muscles
o Stimulation of protein synthesis
o Increased cartilage growth
o Stimulation of lipid metabolism leading to increased fatty acid production
o Increased insulin resistance, leading to decreased glucose utilization and increased blood glucose
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Negative Feedback
Somatotrophin and somatomedin release in itself inhibits further somatotrophin production via negative
feedback loops
SOMATOSTATIN (SS) inhibits release
Positive feedback
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Case History
A 10-year-old boy was seen by his GP because the parents were concerned about his lack of growth which they
had become increasingly aware of because his younger brother (aged 6.5 years) was already taller by 2 cm. His
height and body weight were recorded as 120 cm and 25 kg respectively, giving a BMI of 17.4 kg/m2. The boys
proportions were perfectly normal, and apart from the short stature no other abnormalities were seen on
examination. From the family history there was clearly no evidence of malnutrition or emotional deprivation, and
the mid-parental height gave an expected height of 166 cm. The boys recorded height 2 years previously
(according to the practice records) was 116 cm.
Standard growth curves are shown on the next page
1. Examine standard growth charts for boys and girls and interpret the various lines shown.
Growth lines indicate percentiles: there is usually a large variation in height
The patient is in the lowest 3rd percentile of the population
The patient does not have a genetic defect due to the following reasons:
o 2 years ago he was above the 3rd percentile
o His expected height (based on mid-parental height) is greater than his current height
o His younger brother is taller than him
o His proportions are normal; therefore he does not have dwarfism
Use of growth charts:
o It is important to take multiple height measurements over a period of time in order to establish a
basis for comparison
o A single height measurement is not sufficient
o The growth chart must be specific to the population to which an individual belongs
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
1. Draw a simple labelled diagram identifying the principal features of the neurohypophysial system.
2. Name the two neurohypophysial hormones and indicate how their chemical structures differ.
3. Describe the principal steps involved in the synthesis, storage and release of the neurohypophysial
4. Name the receptors for vasopressin and the major intracellular pathway activated through each
5. Name target cells for each of the vasopressin receptors.
6. List the principal physiological actions of the neurohypophysial hormones.
7. Relate the actions of the hormones to their receptor types.
8. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating the principal physiological action of vasopressin on renal water
9. Describe the control systems involved in the production of the neorhypophysial hormones
10. Draw a simple diagram illustrating the neuroendocrine reflex arc for oxytocin.
Two HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEI (collection of cell bodies) are associated with the POSTERIOR PITUITARY
o PARAVENTRICULAR nucleus; axons pass through median eminence and terminate in the
o SUPRAOPTIC nucleus; axons pass through the median emninence and terminate just above the
OPTIC CHIASMA in the neurohypophysis
There are effectively two types of neurones within the paraventricular nucleus:
o MAGNOCELLULAR neurones are larger (and are the majority), and pass through the median
eminence and terminate on the neurohypophysis
o PARVOCELLULAR neurones are smaller, and either terminate on the PRIMARY CAPILLARY PLEXUS
at the median eminence, or in other parts of the CNS (acting as neurotransmitters)
Supraoptic neurones are also magnocellular.
Magnocellular Neurones:
o Larger than parvocellular
o Terminate in the neurohypophysis, i.e. pass through the median eminence
o Have swellings along their axons, known as HERRING BODIES
o Herring bodies are granules that accumulate the newly synthesised hormones within the
axon/dendrites, forming swellings which then release the hormones into the general circulation
Both paraventricular and supraoptic neurones are either VASOPRESSINERGIC or OXYTOCINERGIC
o Vasopressinergic neurones secrete VASOPRESSIN
o Oxytocinergic neurones secrete OXYTOCIN
Other hypothalamic neurones , e.g. in the SUPRACHIASMATIC nucleus (effectively the biological clock)
produce vasopressin
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Oxytocin synthesis has the same sequence of events as vasopressin synthesis, although the neurophysin differs
slightly, and the glycopeptide is absent.
Both vasopressin and oxytocin exhibit a RING structure with 6 AMINO ACIDS
They also have a small attached CHAIN or PRE-AMINO ACIDS
Differ by 2 amino acids
Difference within the ring structure; Vasopressin has Phe replaced by Ile in Oxytocin
Difference within the chain structre; Vasopressin has Arg replaced by Leu in Oxytocin
Principal physiological
o water
reabsorption in
within the
o controls final
concentration of urine
Other actions:
o Vasoconstriction -- of smooth muscle in the vascular system, particularly arterioles
o Corticotrophin (ACTH) release (together with CRH) -- by PARVOCELLULAR neurones
o CNS effects -- neurotransmitters affect behaviour- receptors in HYPOCAMPUS
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In order to have an effect, presence of RECEPTOR is required to mediate the effect of the
There are many locations of vasopressin receptors away from the vasopressinergic
neurones; vasopressin is perhaps carried in the CSF (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID)
o Synthesis of blood clotting factors (VIII and Von Willbrandt factor)
o Hepatic Glycogenolysis- STRESSORS increase blood glucose concentration, therefore can be said
that stressors lead to VP secretion
V1 receptors:
- G-protein linked receptor which activate PHOSPHOLIPASE C (enzyme)
- Phospholipase C acts on membrane phospholipids to produce INOSITOL TRIPHOSPHATE; IP3 (and DIACYL
- IP3 and DAG increase free cytoplasmic Ca2+ and other intracellular mediators (PKC) cellular response
o V1a receptor locations:
Vascular smooth muscleVasoconstriction
Hepatocyte Glycogenolysis
CNS parvocellular neurones behavioural effects
o V1b (Also known as V3) receptor location:
Adenohypophysial corticotrophs ACTH production
V2 receptors:
- G-protein linked receptor which activate ADENYL CYCLASE (enzyme)
- Adenyl cyclase catalyses the conversion of ATP c-AMP
- Protein kinase A activates other intracellular mediators cellular response
- Cellular response: synthesis of AQUAPORINS, especially AQP2.
- AQP2 is a water protein-channel which is needed for water reabsorption in the kidney collecting duct,
which is VAOPRESSIN DEPENDENT and present in the APICAL MEMBRANE of principal cells
o Receptor location:
Collecting duct cells water reabsorption
Other unidentified sites (e.g. endothelial cells vasodilator effects)
Blood clotting factors (VIII and Von Willbrandt factors)
V2 receptor lies on BASOLATERAL membrane (G-protein linked receptor with adenylate cyclase)
Osmotic gradient across cell increases from tubule lumen to the plasma
Synthesis of APQ2 migration of AGGRAPHORES to APICAL membrane (facing lumen) and insertion of
APQ2 into membrane
AQP2 then acts as protein channel for water absorption from the tubule lumen into the cell
AQP3 and AQP4 lie in the BASOLATERAL MEMBRANE, and act as protein channel for water transport out
of the cell
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Vasopressin Control
Water Reabsorption
- Stimulus: increased plasma osmolarity (esp. Increase in Na+ conc), therefore water leaves collecting duct
- OSMORECEPTORS in the brain respond to this increase:
o Increase activation of neurones
o Increase vasopressin secretion into general circulation
o Increased water reabsorption into nephron
- Response: decreased plasma osmolarity
- Stimulus: decreased arterial blood pressure
- BARORECEPTORS in CAROTID SINUS and AORTIC ARCH decrease frequency of stimulus
o Decreased stimulus on SYMPATHETIC nervous system
o Increased vasopressin secretion
o Increased vasoconstriction
- Response: increased arterial blood pressure
NB: there are also influences from higher centres, e.g. stress. For example anaesthetics + surgery = stress
increased vasopressin release
MYOMETRIAL cells contract
Delivery of baby
Note: PROLACTIN stimulates the synthesis of breast milk, OXYTOCIN stimulates is ejection
Note: the same arc occurs from prolactin, except for milk synthesis
Clinical Effects
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Oxytocin: milk can be artificial, and delivery can be induced therefore not very important
Vasopressin: a decrease in vasopressin may lead to DIABETES INSIPIDUS, or SIADH (syndrome of
inappropriate ADH)
Diabetes insipidus
Case History
A 27-year old woman attended her GP's surgery complaining of a continuous unquenchable thirst. She felt a
constant need to drink water and consumed around 20 large glasses every day. She also kept water beside her bed
since she was woken every night by her thirst. She also needed to urinate very frequently. On referral to an
endocrine clinic it was found that her fasting serum glucose level was normal and no glucose was detected in her
urine. She was then given a water deprivation test in which she was not allowed to drink but was asked to provide
urine samples every hour. After the 11.00 am sample had been taken she was given a dose of a modified form of
vasopressin (DDAVP) as a nasal spray. The osmolality of her urine samples were measured (a high osmolality
representing concentrated urine).
1. What would you expect to happen to the osmolarity of urine during water deprivation test?
Urine osmolality would increase since high blood glucose level exerts an osmotic pressure which draws
water out of the plasma and into the renal filtrate
This leads to:
o Polyuria: increased urine volume
o Polydipsia: excessive thirst
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
2. Why did the osmolarity of her urine rise after the administration of DDVAP?
DDAVP stimulates water reabsorption in the principal cells of the renal collecting ducts
Increased water reabsorption in the renal collecting ducts causes the osmolality of her urine to rise
3. What could be the underlying cause of her condition?
She is sensitive to vasopressin since DDAVP has the desired physiological effects
Therefore the cause of her disease is a lack of vasopressin due to any of the following:
o Genetic disorder
o Cranial diabetes insipidus: this results in the production of dilute urine (as opposed to diabetes
o Hypothalamic disorder which affects vasopressinergic neurones: e.g. due to trauma or a tumour
o Hypophysial disorder: e.g. due to inflammation
4. What further measurements could be made?
Vasopressin may be measured following stimulation of vasopressin release using hypotonic saline
1. Explain why the blood glucose concentration is closely regulated and list the hormones that control it.
2. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating the relationship between the different types of cell in the islets of
Langerhans. Describe the endocrine pancreas.
3. Give an overview of the principal metabolic pathways for carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and the hormones
that regulate these pathways.
4. Describe the structure of a typical islet of Langerhans, identifying the different cellular components and their
principal endocrine secretions.
5. Describe the main features of insulin synthesis, storage and secretion.
6. List and describe the principal actions of insulin
7. Discuss the insulin receptor and its function.
8. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating the factors which regulate the release of insulin.
9. Describe the synthesis, storage and secretion of glucagon.
10. List and describe the principal actions of glucagon.
11. Draw a labelled diagram illustrating the factors which regulate the release of glucagon.
12. Describe in your own words what the diagnosis of diabetes means to patients (video)
13. Describe the beta-cell sensing mechanism of glucose
14. Describe the endocrine regulation of intermediary metabolism
Diabetes Mellitus
Blood glucose concentration elevation and lack of controlled physiological feedback loop
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM): elevated blood glucose concentration where insulin is required to
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM): more common, considerable health problem; defined in terms of
glucose but also related to HYPERTENSION and DYSLIPIDAEMIA
T1DM is the cause of approx 11% of UK diabetes, and T2DM approx 85-95%
Treatment (to help symptoms, complications; mobidity and mortality):
o Diet- important, but less important due to new developments in treatment
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
o Insulin- correct amount of insulin is vital (this is an important role of the pancreas)
o Glucose monitoring:
Capillary glucose monitoring monitors due to the lack of physiological feedback loop into
the pancreas
Average blood glucose can be measured using Hb concentration as glucose binds to Hb
Hypoglycaemia occurs when there is an imbalance between diet, exercise and insulin
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) single gene defect diabetes. Behaves like T2DM, but
occurs in younger people (15-30 yrs olds) and is not a polygenic disease. However is used to help
understand the mechanisms that bring about T2DM
MODY only accounts for 3% of UK diabetes cases
Over years, diabetes results in an increase in complications, reduction in life expectancy etc
Very important energy substrate, particularly for the CNS which cannot use fat metabolism
A decrease in blood glucose below 4-5mM is known as HYPOGLYCAEMIA, and may impair brain function
A decrease in blood glucose below 2mM leads to unconsciousness, and perhaps coma and death
Feedback Loop
The Pancreas
Islets of Langerhans
o increases blood glucose
o Inhibits insulin and glucagon- NEGATIVE HORMONE
o Mainly paracrine effects
Beta Cells
Alpha Cells
Formed from PROINSULIN; signle amino acid chain joined by many disulphide bridges
Pro- insulin is processed by the beta cell before release:
o Cleaved at amino acid 64 and 32
o Cleavage produces C-PEPTIDE and the ALPHA and BETA CHAINS of insulin
o Disulphide bridges then lead to the specific 3D structure formation of insulin
Processing of pro-insulin is impaired in T2DM, but is not the cause of T2DM. This means that patients will
secrete pro-insulin.
INSULINOMAS: tumour of pancreatic tissue secreting insulin and C-peptide (inappropriate release)
Measurements of C-peptide can be used to assess PANCREATIC FUNCTION
Beta-cell function
Glucagon-like peptide 1
GI hormone secreted in response to food
Transcription product of PROGLUCAGON gene, primarily from L CELLS
Causes increase in insulin release and a decrease in glucagon release
Also causes and increase in SATIETY, therefore can be used to help weight loss
However GLP-1 has a short half life, as it is broken down by DPPG-4
T2DM treatment: injection of GLP-1 and DPPG-4 INHIBITOR, to increase the half life of GLP-1
Insulin Secretion
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Actions of Insulin
Metabolic processes
o Glucose; decrease HEPATIC GLUCOSE OUTPUT, and increase muscle glucose uptake
o Protein; decrease PROTEOLYSIS
o Lipid; decrease LIPOLYSIS and KETOGENESIS
Growth: particularly in utero, but also in children
Vascular effects: alters blood flow in certain tissues e.g. muscles
Ovarian function: important in polycystic ovarian syndrome
Clotting: PAI-1
Energy expenditure: in relation to LEPTIN
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Fuel Stores
- Liver and muscle cells: glycogen glucose (especially used in brain)
- Short term source: 16 hrs
- Longer term: 15 days
- Long term source: 30-40 days
- Highest energy released per gram
Fat metabolism
Insulin and LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE stimulates the breakdown of TRICLYGERIDES into GLYCEROL and NON-
Insulin also stimulates the uptake of glucose into ADIPOSE tissue via Glut-4 transporter
Effects of insulin WITHIN adipose tissue:
o Stimulates the formation of triglycerides from GLYCEROL-3-PHOSPHATE and non-esterified fatty
o Inhibits the breakdown of triglycerides into GLYCEROL and non-esterified fatty acids
Catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormone stimulates the breakdown of triglycerides into GLYCEROL
and non-esterified fatty acids
Omental circulation
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Increased waist circumference as a result of increased number of adipocytes in the GI tract leads to an
increased risk of ischaemic heart disease and death
Hepatic Gluconeogenesis
Needs energy
Can use glucose and ketone bodies as source of energy, but cannot use fatty acid metabolism
This is because LIPOLYTIC ENZYMES are not present in the brain; suggested reasons for this is that lipolytic
enzymes may degrade brain tissue
NON-ESTERIFIED fatty acids are taken up into hepatocytes, where they are converted to FATTY ACYL COA
Fatty acyl CoA is then converted to Acetyl CoA Acetoacetate Acetone and 3 HYDROXYBUTARATE
These are then released as KETONE BODIES (which are an alternative source of fuel for the brain if
hypoglycaemia occurs)
Insulin inhibits this process, and glycogen stimulates the conversion of fatty acyl CoA to ketone bodies
Ketones in urine indicate fasting which has lead to fatty acid metabolism
Elevated glucose and ketones present in urine is ABNORMAL and indicates INSULIN DEFICIENCY
Hepatic Glycogenolysis
Muscle Cells
Fatty acids are taken up into muscle cells where they are converted to acetyl CoA (which then enters the
Krebs cycle)
Glucose uptake
o Via Glut-4
o Stimulated by insulin
o Inhibited by growth hormones, catecholamines and cortisol
Glucose is then either stored as glycogen, or converted to acetyl-CoA (which then enters the Krebs cycle)
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Prolonged fasting
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Also catecholamines, cortisol and growth hormones act as a counter-regulatory system to increase plasma
glucose during hypoglycaemia (same effects as glucagon)
Insulin resistance
Important in T1 and T2
Not specific; insulin treatment arranged as to respond to a healthy diet
T2DM often suggests total calorie control
Reduced number of fat calories
Reduced refined carbohydrate calories
Increased complex carbohydrate calories
Increased soluble fibre prolongs absorption of food therefore second phase insulin is also used
Reduced sodium intake
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Case History
Case 1
A 23-year old journalist presents with a 3-month history of weight loss. She drinks up to 3.5 litres (water, tea,
lemonade) a day and passes similar volumes of urine, and wakes up at night three times to pass urine. There are
no abnormal physical signs. Her urine has ++++ of glucose and ketones. Capillary glucose was 23 mmol/l.
Age: 23 yr old
Age < 30 yrs T1DM, even though increase in prevalence of obesity has lead to earlier development of
3 month history rapid onset; more typical of T1
No abnormal physical signs more typical of T2, but can be T1 as well
++++ glucose & ketones urine DIP STICK test
o No ketones = yellow
o Ketones = green
o ++++ = completely green (+ is a scale of ketone presence in urine)
o T2DM ketones not present in urine unless fasting
o This suggests lack of insulin = T1DM; GAD antibodies wipe out beta islets in pancreas
CG 23 mmol/l hyperglycaemic
Role of insulin: activates-
o GLUT 2
o GLUT 4
o Glycogen synthase
2. Why does she have glucose in her urine and why is she passing so much urine?
Lack of insulin glucose uptake (via Glut 2 and glut 4) stopped, glycogenesis does not occur (glucose
glycogen) therefore glucose remains in the plasma and is passed out in the urine
Increased glucose concentration in the urine exerts and increased osmotic pressure, therefore more water
is drawn out into the urine (due to increased osmolarity) therefore urine volume increases
3. Why is her plasma glucose high and what would her plasma insulin concentration be if we measured it (but no
need clinically)?
T1DM beta islets wiped out by GAD antibodies, therefore no insulin synthesised or secreted
Therefore plasma insulin concentration would be 0 mmol/l
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Case 2
A 58 year old bus driver presents with angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease. He is overweight (Body
Mass Index, BMI = 32 kg/m2). During investigation he is found to have a fasting plasma glucose of 12 mmol/l
(normal FPG < 6.0 mmol/l). He is started on a diet for his diabetes
1. What is the diagnosis and what (if we bother to measure it) is his plasma insulin concentration likely to be?
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Plasma insulin concentration likely to be normal/high
o Not caused by lack of insulin, but unresponsiveness to insulin
o Body tries to compensate by increasing insulin secretion, but no effect
2. What are the important features of his diet? How does energy restriction help?
Overall calorie control:
o Reduce fat calories
o Reduce refined carbohydrate calories
o Increase complex carbohydrate calories
o Increase soluble fibre
o Reduce sodium intake
Energy restriction will ensure that glucose is taken up into cells as a necessary energy source, therefore
preventing hyperglycaemia
1. Describe the anatomy of the thyroid and the structure of the follicles.
2. List the main hormones produced by the follicular and parafollicular cells of the thyroid.
3. Describe by means of a labelled diagram the principal features of iodothyronine synthesis, storage and release.
4. Describe the physiological actions of the iodothyronines.
5. Explain the mechanism(s) of action of the iodothyronines.
6. Describe the control mechanisms of iodothyronine production with particular reference to the hypothalamo-
pituitary-thyroidal axis.
7. Describe the principal clinical effects of excess circulating iodothyronines, and name the condition described.
8. Describe the principal clinical effects associated with a deficiency in circulating iodothyronines, and name the
condition described.
9. Understand the principles of treatment issues in the individual patient.
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Thyroglobulin (TG)
Globular protein
Long chain of amino acids consisting of many TYROSINES; known as TYROSYL RESIDUES
Reactive iodine incorporates into the tyrosyl residues
This stimulates the DI-IODYLTYROSYL (DIT) and MONOIODOTYROSYL (MIT) process
Thyroidal Peroxidase
Enzyme which catalyses the COUPLING of DIT and MIT, by altering the configuration of their amino acid
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Stimulates the migration of lysosomes to the APICAL membrane of the follicular cells
T3 and T4 are then taken up from the colloid into the cell by ENDOCYTOSIS
T3 and T4 then fuse with the lysosome:
o this breaks down the TG into amino acids
o releases iodine
o releases T3 and T4, which are then expelled into the bloodstream
Consist of T3 and T4
Transported in the blood
Mostly bound to plasma proteins
Plasma protein component acts as store of iodothyronines
Dynamic Equilibrium reached between free hormone and protein-bound hormone levels within the blood
Unbound hormones are BIOACTIVE, but only 0.05% of T4 and 0.5% of T3 exist as unbound hormones
Plasma Proteins
- Non specific
- Low affinity, high capacity
- 20% T4, 10% T3 exist bound to this protein
- Also known as TRANSTHYRETIN
- 10% T4, 10% T3 exist bound to this protein
Latent period:
o T3 and T4 have a very long time period before effect
o T3 around 12 hrs
o T4 around 72 hrs
Biological Half-life:
o T3 around 2 days
o T4 around 7-9 days
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Deiodination of T4 (THYROXINE)
Mechanisms of Action
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Negative Feedback
Thyrotrophin release from the anterior pituitary has an AUTO INHIBITION of the hypothalamus, so TRH is
not released
Iodothyronines released from the thyroid also have negative feedback loops:
o They have a DIRECT INHIBITION of the TRH release from the anterior pituitary
o INDIRECT INHIBITION of the hypothalamus, so TRH is not released
Other possible effects:
o Somatostatin inhibits TRH release from the adenohypophysis
o Oestrogen STIMULATES TRH release
o Glucocorticoids inhibits TRH release
o Sympathetic innervations of the thyroid inhibits iodothyronine release
o Inorganic iodide (WOLFF-CHAIKOFF EFFECT) inhibits iodothyroning release
2 unit glycoprotein
Found in anterior pituitary (As well as other tissues)
Binds to thyrotrophin (TSH) receptor
Functions unknown, but possibly regulatory mechanism of Thyrotrophin release
1. Describe the anatomy of the thyroid and the structure of the follicles.
2. List the main hormones produced by the follicular and parafollicular cells of the thyroid.
In the neck
Pyramidal Lobe
Shield shaped
Embedded within are 4 parathyroid glands:
o Right and left superior
o Right and left inferior
The parathyroid glands
consist of different cells Left Lobe
Right Lobe
and are important in
Ca metabolism
Parathyroid Gland
Isthmus 29
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
I- I-
Blood T4 Thyroxine
Thyroid Disease
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Case History
Case 1
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
A 25-year old lady who had recently undergone a divorce presented to her GP. She was upset about this and
wanted something to calm her down and help her to sleep. She had been very irritable for the last 18 months. On
direct questioning she admitted to a history of palpitations, weight loss and sweating over the past year. Two
aunts had previously undergone neck operations and she had noticed a swelling in her own neck over the past
On examination she had a fine tremor and looked thin. Her pulse was 112 beats per minute and her blood
pressure 106/70mm Hg. She had a swelling in her neck which moved with swallowing. It was soft, extended
symmetrically either side of the midline and was not tender to the touch. Her GP sent off a blood sample to the
hospital to obtain measures of thyroid activity.
Case 2
A 32-year old woman presented to her GP with progressive tiredness over the last 2 years since the birth of her
daughter. She wanted a vitamin preparation to give her more energy. She had been let go from her job as a
cashier in her local supermarket 6 months earlier because her throughput of customers had slowed down so
much. On direct questioning, she admitted to being constipated, intolerant of the cold and one stone heavier than
before the birth of her child. Her periods were now much heavier and lasted longer than ever. There was no
illness other than ischaemic heart disease in her family.
On examination she was pale, had an increased Body Mass Index (BMI) and appeared disinterested in her GPs
questions. Her pulse was 54 beats per minute, and her blood pressure 110/75 mm Hg. She had slow relaxing
reflexes but there were no other abnormal findings on examination. Her GP sent off a blood sample to the hospital
to obtain measures of thyroid activity.
Normal pulse: 60-100 beats per minute
o Tachycardia > 100bpm
o Bradycardia <60 bpm
Secondary hypothyroidism is caused by TSH (thyrotrophin) deficiency
Causes of hypothyroidism:
Surgery (thyroidectomy)
Autoimmune disease antibodies bind to TSH, therefore stimulating release
Resistance to TSH
Iodine deficiency
Causes of hyperthyroidism:
Autoimmune disease (Graves disease)
Cancer: a TRH producing tumour in the hypothalamus; a TSH producing tumour in the hypophysis
Treatment of hyperthyroidism:
PTU: stops thyroxine production
Radiolabelled iodine (131-I): destroys part of the thyroid gland
Carbimazole: treatment of symptoms of hyperthyroidism
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
1. Which of the patients above has a) an overactive and b) an underactive thyroid. Indicate the likely results of
thyroid function testing in each case.
Patient 1 has an overactive thyroid hyperthyroidism
o Thyroid function test would show increased TSH levels, but TRH levels would be virtually zero
Patient 2 has an underactive thyroid hypothyroidism
o Thyroid function test would show reduced TSH levels, with increased TRH levels
2. Outline the key clinical features that suggest the diagnosis of underactive and overactive thyroid disease in each
This is self-explanatory.
3. What anatomical structures are likely to be affected by an enlarged thyroid gland?
The left recurrent pharyngeal nerve: this innervates the larynx and therefore there may a change in the
quality of voice or difficulty in speaking
Trachea: there may be difficulty in breathing
Oesophagus: there may difficulty in swallowing
1. Describe the anatomy of the adrenal gland, identifying the medulla and the cortical zones.
2. List the main hormonal products from the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex.
3. Draw simple pathways identifying the main intermediates in the synthesis of the adrenal steroids.
4. State that the adrenal steroids exert their main effects via intracellular receptors and genomic
5. Identify the main mineralocorticoid in humans and describe its principal actions.
6. Describe the control mechanisms for mineralocorticoid hormones.
7. Identify the main glucocorticoid in humans and describe its principal actions.
8. State that cortisol plays an important role in the endocrine response to stress.
9. Describe the principal features of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.
10. State that adrenal androgen production in women can be clinically important in conditions of
11. Describe the effects of excess and deficiency of cortisol.
12. Understand the principles of treatment issues in the individual patient.
13. Recognise the necessity for adrenal steroids for survival.
The adrenal glands lie on top of the kidneys, and consist of:
o The adrenal medulla core of the gland
o The adrenal cortex outer layers surrounding the core
The adrenal cortex consists of 3 layers, known as CORTICAL ZONES:
o Outer layer: Zona GLOMERULOSA
o Middle layer: Zona FASCICULATA
o Inner layer: Zona RETICULARIS
The adrenal gland is then finally surrounded by a CAPSULE
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Functionally, the medulla and cortex act as separate endocrine glands, as they are involved with the
synthesis and release of different hormones:
Cortical Zones
Arterial blood supply flows below the capsule surrounding the gland
There are then two ways that blood is transported through the different cortical zones to the medulla:
o Blood perfuse through cells until it reaches the TRIBUTARY OF CENTRAL VEIN in the centre of the
o Clearly defined ARTERIOLES flow from the outer capsule to the medulla
The three cortical zones are layers of different cells that have grouped together:
o Zona fasciculata recognisable form; lines of cells which run towards the zona reticularis
o zona reticularis and zona glomerulosa no distinguishable form of cells
the cortical zones release corticosteroid hormones
Adrenal Hormones
- Released by the medulla
- 80% ADRENALINE (also known as epinephrine)
- 20% NORADRENALINE (also norepinephrine)
- Dopamine is also an end point of synthesis of catecholamines
- Released by the cortex
- Divided according to principal functions:
o MINERALOCORTICOIDS aldosterone principal human hormone
o GLUCOCORTICOIDS principally cortisol
o SEX STEROIDS androgens (oestrogens then synthesised from androgen precursor)
- Note: the zona glomerulosa is the only zone with the necessary enzyme for ALDOSTERONE synthesis,
whereas the zona fasciculata and reticularis are both involved in the synthesis of cortisol, androgens and
Steroid hormones
- The Gonads are then responsible for the synthesis and release of:
o Progesterone (C21)
o Androgens (C19)
o Oestrogens (C18)
Corticosteroids are LIPOPHILIC, therefore can easily cross cell membranes where they bind with
intracellular or nuclear membrane receptors
Therefore these hormones cannot be stored, as this will result in excessive binding with receptors and
hence over stimulation
Because of this, the hormones can be produced on demand, or bound to plasma proteins in the blood to
prevent their action
o The plasma proteins act as a store and transport mechanism they transport the hormone where
the unbound-bound hormone equilibrium is unbalanced, i.e. where the hormone needs to be
o 75% bound to CBG (cortisol binding globulin also known as TRANSCORTIN)
o 15% bound to the non-specific protein ALBUMIN
o 10% of the hormone is unbound, and is BIOACTIVE
o 60% bound to CBG
o 40% unbound bioactive form
Synthesis Pathways
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Circulating concentration
Cortisol controlled by the HYPOTHALAMO-PITUITARY axis, and is released in PULSES, which vary
depending on time of day. This is known as CIRCADIAN RHYTHM:
o 8am 140 690 nmol/l
o 4pm 80 330 nmol/l
Aldosterones released in pulses, and depend on body positioning
o Upright 140 560 pmol/l
Note: cortisol is measured in nanomoles/l, whereas aldosterone is measured in picomoles/l
o Nanomoles are 1000x greater than picomoles
stimulates Na+ reabsorption in distal convoluted tubule and cortical collecting duct (and in sweat glands,
gastric glands, colon)
stimulates K+ and H+ secretion, also in distal convoluted tubule and cortical collecting duct. This is the only
physiological way of removing potassium from the body
Mechanism of action
Renin release
Three factors influence renin release from the juxtaglomerula cells in the distal convoluted tubule:
Decreased renal perfusion pressure
- This is associated with a decrease in arteriole blood pressure
Increased renal sympathetic activity
- As a result of trying to increase blood pressure
- This directly activates the juxtaglomerular cells leading to renin release
Decreased Na+ loads to top of loop of Henle
- This is recognised by the Na+ sensing macula densa cells, which leads to increased renin release
Metabolic Effects
- Peripheral protein catabolism
- Hepatic gluconeogenisis
- Increased blood glucose concentration
- Lypolysis in adipose tissue
- Enhanced effects of glucagon and catecholamines
Mineralocorticoid effects
- Some, not major
Other effects
- Bone growth
- CNS effects
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Anti-inflammatory action
Immunosuppressive action
Anti-allergic action
All of these are associated with decreased production of molecules such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
histamine, etc. as well as on the movement and function of leukocytes and the production of interleukins
Cortisol Receptors
Mechanism of Action
Similar to aldosterone
Cortisol binds to intracellular receptor, and the complex is transported to the nucleus where it binds to
DNA stimulating protein synthesis
E.g. ANNEXIN 1 and ANNEXIN 1 RECEPTOR are synthesised
o The annexin 1 then exhibits AUTOCRINE action, preventing PROSTAGLANDING synthesis via
Control of Cortisol
De-hydro-epi-androsterone (DHEA)
Converted to active hormones within target cells (which have the appropriate enzymes)
Peak serum levels at 20-30 years, then decrease steadily with increasing age
Particularly important in postmenopausal women as precursor for oestrogen (and androgen) synthesis by
target tissues in the absence of ovarian steroids
Adrenal Disorders
Endo 9 - Dr Karim Meeran (k.meeran@imperial.ac.uk)
Endocrine Diseases
IVC: Inferior
Vena Cava
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
27 carbon compound
Basic cyclic structure 17C
Side chain 8C
Pregnenolone - Most basic steroid
hormone, as just involves removal of part
of the cholesterol side chain
Pregnenolone can then be oxidised, hydroxylated etc to form mineralocorticoids (e.g. aldosterone) and
glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) the difference between aldosterone and cortisol is just position of OH
The side chain can removed completely and then changed to form testosterone
Disorders come from excess/absence/abnormal function of enzymes within the hormone synthesis
Synthesis pathways
(21) (21)
(11) (11)
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
(release CRH)
Corticotrophs in APG
(release ACTH/Corticotrophin)
Adrenal Gland
(release Cortisol)
Addisons Disease
Cushings Syndrome
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
moon face fat deposition in cheecks
buffalo hump (interscapular fat pad)
Thin skin
proximal myopathy
centripetal obesity
diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis
immunosuppression (reactivation of TB)
moon face
Cushings syndrome where the cause is unknown, but clinical features observed
Cushings disease where cause is determined to be PITUIUTARY ADENOMA
Each bruising
Poor wound healing, thin skin
NB: side effects are the same as clinical signs of Cushings syndrome
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Case History
Case 1
A 30 year old man suffers from adrenal failure.
1. What symptoms will he complain of? Briefly explain why he has such a good tan, despite not going on a sunny
o Postural hypotension low blood pressure, will feel dizzy which may cause him to collapse or faint
o Weight loss
o Increased pigmentation with autoimmune vitiligo seen
o He will have insufficient cortisol and aldosterone production from the adrenal glands
o This will lead to increased ACTH and hence MSH levels in the blood in order to try and increase the
cortisol production
MSH causes increased pigmentation of the skin, giving a tanned appearance
Case 2
A 55-year old female complains that she has been increasing in weight over the past five years. She also has a five-
year history of high blood pressure.
1. What are the most likely hormonal causes of this high blood pressure?
Increased salt concentration in the blood, which is due to either increased cortisol, aldosterone or
adrenaline production
Conns syndrome: excess aldosterone production could be due to tumour in the zona glomerulosa
Cushings syndrome: excess cortisol production - could be due to tumour in zona fasciculate or the
anterior pituitary gland
Phaeochromocytoma: excess adrenaline production
Oral steroid intake
2. A year ago, she fell over and fractured her hip. A bone density scan revealed that she had osteoporosis. What is
Osteoporosis: decreased bone mass and decreased bone density, leading to an increased risk of fractures
It is associated with increased osteoclast activity and decreased osteoblast activity
o Osteoclasts: break down bone
o Osteoblasts: build up bone
Associated with low oestrogen/testosterone, therefore common in post-menopausal women
3. Three months ago, she developed polyuria and polydipsia. She saw her general practitioner who noted that she
had glycosuria on dipstick testing. What important tests should be performed?
Blood glucose levels at fasting.
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
4. Over the last few weeks, she has had progressive weakness, affecting her thighs, with difficulty climbing stairs.
What is this condition called?
Proximal myopathy: this occurs due to stimulation of proteolysis and suppression of protein synthesis due to
excess cortisol
5. On direct questioning she notes that the shape of her face has changed. She also mentions that she bruises
easily, and that a wound on her shin that she had six months ago has not healed. What clinical signs would you
expect to find on examination?
Weight gain
Fat redistribution: centripetal obesity; moon face; buffalo hump
Proximal myopathy
Diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis
Thin skin, associated with poor wound healing
The Gonads I
Endo 10 - Dr Pat Cover (p.cover@imperial.ac.uk)
1. Describe the stages of gametogenesis and the process of steroidogenesis in male and female gonads.
2. Label diagrams illustrating the principal structures of the testes and ovaries.
3. Draw simple flow charts illustrating the synthesis of progesterone, 17b-oestradiol and testosterone.
4. Describe the principal ovarian and endometrial changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.
5. Relate the synthesis of the major gonadal steroids in males and females to the relevant hormones of the
hypothalamo-adenohypophysial axis.
6. Describe how the cyclic production of ovarian steroids is linked to the endometrial, cervical and other changes
of the menstrual cycle.
7. Describe the actions of the gonadal steroids in males and females.
8. Identify the principal features of the control systems operating on the production of the gonadal steroids, with
particular reference to negative and positive feedback loops, in males and females.
9. Define the terms primary and secondary amenorrhoea.
10. List the principal causes of infertility with particular references to endocrine causes.
11. Name the two major functions of the testes and, with the use of a simple diagram, describe how they are
regulated by the hypothalamo-pituitary axis.
12. With the use of simple diagrams that distinguish between the follicular (early, mid, late) and luteal phases of
the menstrual cycle, summarise the endocrine regulation of ovarian function.
2 functions:
Gametogenesis: production of gametes for reproduction
- In males spermatogenesis
- In females oogenesis
Steroidogenesis: production of steroid hormones
- In males androgens (also oestrogens and progestogens)
- In females oestrogens and progestogens (also androgens)
Derived from germ cells, which multiply and increase in number before birth
In males, SPERMATOGONIA levels remain relatively constant through life (6-7million)
In females, OOGONIA reach 5-6million by 24 weeks of gestations, but then no more are produced
o These then enter the first stage if meiosis where development is halted until pubery
o Rapid ATRESIA of oogonia occurs before birth, therefore at birth numbers have reduced to
o By puberty, < half remain, and by menopause
Germ Cell (44 + XY diploid)
number of oogonia virtually 0
o Only 3-4 hundred ever reach ovulation
Initial number of oogonia in fetus is approx 6 million Spermatozoa (22X or 22Y haploid)
Primary oocytes halted at prophase during Germ Cell (44 + XY diploid)
first meiotic division
Then primordial follicles enter process of
ATRESIA - By birth the total number of
Oogonia (44 + XY diploid)
oogonia is approximately 2 million, and by
puberty < 0.5 million (Mitotic division)
Only at puberty under influence of FSH
does the first meiotic division finish and the Primary Oocytes (44 + XY diploid)
cycle continues
(First meiotic division)
The last step of the cycle occurs at
fertilisation Secondary Oocytes + first polar body (both 22X haploid)
The Testes
To urethra
Consists of a lumen surrounded by SERTOLI CELLS connected by tight junctions in the periphery
Spermatogonia are engulfed into the sertoli cell, where they develop in the cytoplasm into primary and
secondary spermatocytes and are released into the lumen of the tubule as spermatozoa
outside the seminiferous tubule are LEYDIG CELL clusters, which are the site of testosterone production
Testicular Cells
Sertoli cells
- Form the seminiferous tubules
- Synthesis FSH and androgen receptors
- In response to FHS produce INHIBIN
- Intimately associated with developing spermatocytes etc
Leydig cells
- Lie outside the seminiferous tubules
- Synthesis LH receptors
- In response to LH are principal source of testicular androgens (mainly TESTOSTERONE)
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
The Ovaries
Steroidogenesis Pregnenolone
PRE-ANTRAL follicle
- Developed in the absence of hormones
- Ovum surrounded by layer of cells
- Ovum surrounded by GRANULOSA cells and THECAL cells
- Follicle present ANTRAL filled space
LATE ANTRAL follicle
- Same as early antral follicle
- Follicle increases in size, therefore more antral filled space surrounding ovum
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
GRAFFIAN follicle
- Ovum released
- Cells form CORPUS LUTEUM
Endometrial Cycle
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
The Gonads II
Endo 11 - Professor John Laycock (j.laycock@imperial.ac.uk)
In blood bound to plasma proteins as the androgens are LIPOPHILIC therefore need to be bound to
prevent excess effects
o Specific for androgens and oestrogens
- Albumin 38% bound
- Free bioactive component 2%
In seminiferous fluid
Principle actions
In fetus
- Development of male internal and external genitalia
- General growth (acting with other hormones, stimulates e.g. protein anabolism)
- Behavioural effects during development
In adults
- Spermatogenesis
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Definition: any substance (natural or synthetic) which induces mitosis in the endometrium
o 17b-oestradiol (main one during menstrual cycle; most potent)
o Oestrone (precursor)
o Oestriol (main oestrogen produced in pregnancy)
Principal actions
Definition: any substance (natural or synthetic) which induces secretory changes in the endometrium
o Progesterone
o 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
Principal actions
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Anterior pituitary Gland
o Gonadotrophs release GONADOTROPHINS: LH & FSH
o Enter general circulation
o LH (in LEYDIG cell); stimulates TESTOSTERONE production stimulates:
o FSH (in SEROLI cell); stimulates INHIBIN production
NB: with regards to spermatogenesis testosterone is insufficient on its own to start cycle, but in
conjunction with FSH is important in the maintenance of the spermatogenesis cycle
o DIRECT inhibition of FSH and LH release from the anterior pituitary gland
o INDIRECT inhibition of the pulse generator releasing GnRH from the hypothalamus, which in turn
also reduced gonadotrophin (FSH & LH) release
o Same effects as testosterone
Androgen production
- stimulated by GnRH/LH system
- reduced by testosterone
o direct negative feedback to reduce LH release from anterior pituitary gland
o indirect negative feedback to slow hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator
- stimulated by GnRH/FSH system
- also requires GnRH/LH/testosterone system for complete spermatogenesis
- limited by inhibin negative feedback (direct and indirect)
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
At the end of the previous menstrual cycle, there is a decreasing oestrogen and progesterone production,
but the steroid hormones still result in an INHIBITION of FSH and LH
o This is due to direct negative feedback on the anterior pituitary gland
o Indirect negative feedback on the hypothalamus
The decrease in steroid hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) from the previous cycle reduces
inhibition of gonadotrophins from the anterior pituitary, therefore LH and FSH are released
LH acts on THECAL cells within the ovaries (binding to the LH receptor), inducing androgen synthesis
o Androgens are then released into the general circulation, follicular fluid, or taken up by
GRANULOSA cells within the ovary
FSH binds to FSH receptor on GRANULOSA cells, inducing the AROMATISATION of androgens to 17-beta-
o This is known as a local positive feedback loop which enhances oestradiol production in
developing follicles CRYPTOCRINE EFFECT
The steps of the early-mid follicular phase continues, leading to an exponential increase of oestradiol,
which exerts a negative feedback effect resulting in decreased FSH and LH production
o There is also a production of INHIBIN from the follicle
o Selective negative feedback loop by oestrogen and inhibin on the GnRH-FSH system results in
ATRESIA (regression) of all follicles that are still FSH dependent
o largest follicle no longer requires FSH to develop and proliferate
o It keeps growing and producing large amounts of 17b-oestradiol
This rising concentration of 17b-oestradiol, in the absence of progesterone, for a minimum of 36h and at a
certain level results in the positive feedback switch on the hypothalamo-adenohypophysial system
This triggers the LH SURGE (as well as a lesser FSH surge) which stimulates the final development of ovum
o There is also a surge in 17-ALPHA-HYDROXY-PROGESTRONE just before this surge, which could be
responsible for the final increase in oestrogen concentration
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
After the gonadotrophin surges, there is an increase in the production of steroids 17-BETA-OESTRADIOL
o If fertilization does not occur, progesterone, oestradiol and inhibin exert a negative feedback on
LH and FSH release, leading to LUTEOLYSIS and MENSTRUATION
The steroid concentrations then start to decrease towards the end of the cycle
Clinical Correlates
In the blood
Ion regulation
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
o CALCITONIN a polypeptide hormone with a physiological role that is not completely understood,
but is relatively short lasting and increases in levels during pregnancy
Calcitonin is rleased by PARAFOLLICULAR CELLS
Hormone Actions
- Increased Ca2+ reabsorption from tubular fluid in the proximal and distal tubules
- Increased PO43- excretion in urine
- Stimulates 1a hydroxylase activity
o This hydroxylases 25 OH Vit D3 1,25 (OH)2D3
o The 1,25 (OH)2D3 then acts on the small intestine
o The 1,25 (OH)2D3 acts to:
Increase Ca2+ absorption into the blood
Increase absorption of PO43-
- these both lead to an influence in the blood calcium concentrations
- Stimulate OSTEOCLASTS (breakdown)
- Inhibit OSTEOBLASTS (rebuilding)
- This leads to increased bone reabsorption
Effect on Blood
Increased Ca2+ reabsorption and increased PO43- excretion from the kidneys leads to increased Ca2+
concentration in blood
Increased Ca2+ and PO43- absorption from the small intestine leads to increased blood Ca2+
Increased Ca2+ MOBILIZATION due to increased osteoclast activity increased blood Ca2+
Action in Bone
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
PTH Regulation
1, 25 (OH)2 D3 Actions
Calcitonin is 32 amino acid long polypeptide
Binds to transmembrane G-protein linked receptor which leads to the activation of adenyl cyclase or PLC
as second messenger systems
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
Stimulus: increased plasma Ca2+ concentration stimulates the parafollicular cells of the thyroid to produce
o GASTRIN also stimulates this
Calcitonin action on bone inhibition of osteoclast activity which decreases the plasma concentration
Calcitonin action on the kidneys increased urinary excretion of Ca2+ (as well Na+ and PO43-) which again
decreases the plasma concentration
Clinical Correlates
Endocrine causes:
Decreased Plasma [Ca2+]
Increased Plasma PO43-
Reduced PTH
Decreased Plasma [Ca2+]
Increased Plasma PO43-
Increased PTH
Decreased Plasma [Ca2+]
Decreased Plasma PO43-
Increased PTH
LCRS Alexandra Burke-Smith
o Clinical feature is the decreased calcification of bone matrix resulting in softening of bone
bowing of bones in children and fractures in adults
Endocrine causes:
Note: secondary hyperparathyroidism is NOT associated with hypercalcaemia, but with low or normal
plasma calcium levels
o ADENOMA within the parathyroids leads to an increase in PTH, which increases the [Ca2+].
However there is no response to negative feedback seen.
This is PRIMARY hyperthyroidism results in clubbing of the fingers, and marked
periosteal bone erosion in the terminal phalanges
o LOW PLASMA [Ca2+] e.g. due to renal failure; a decrease in [Ca2+] stimulates the parathyroids to
produce PTH, which increases the [Ca2+] although there is no calcitonin release to counteract this,
and there is NO FEEDBACK
This is SECONDARY hyperthyroidism
o INITIAL CHRONIC LOW PLASMA [Ca2+] same as secondary hyperparathyroidism, but as opposed
to no feedback, there is no response to the negative feedback
Parathormone excess
o On the kidneys:
Ca reabsorption
PO4 excretion
Renal stones
1,25 (OH)2 D2 synthesis
o On the GI tract:
Gastric acid
Duodenal ulcers
o On bone:
Bone lesions
Bone rarefaction