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Terms and Conditions Rental Jacket.

Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions
ics navigational or other system included with the vehicle. You acknowledge these systems may use
1. Definitions. Agreement means the Terms and Conditions on this page and the provisions found on cellular telephone, wireless technology, or radio signals to transmit data, and therefore your privacy
the Face Page. You or your means the person identified as the renter in this Agreement, any person cannot be guaranteed. You authorize any persons use or disclosure of or access to location informa-
signing this Agreement, any Authorized Driver, and any person or organization to whom charges are tion, automatic crash notification, and operational vehicle reporting conditions of Vehicle as permit-
billed by us at its or the renters direction. All persons referred to as you or your are jointly and sever- ted by law. You shall inform any and all drivers and passengers of vehicle of the terms of this section
ally bound by this Agreement. We, our, or us means Sixt rent a car, LLC. Additional Driver means and that you have authorized release of information as provided herein. You agree to release us and
a person we list on the Face Page of this Agreement. Authorized Driver means the renter, any Ad- agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless for any damage to persons or property cause by
ditional Driver, and any individual permitted by state law to operate the Vehicle. For rentals with pick-up failure of the telematics device to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the telemat-
locations in California, Nevada, New York, and Texas, Authorized Driver includes your spouse; your ics device. Third party telematics service providers are not our agents, employees, or contractors.
employer and co-workers who are engaged in business activity with you. For rentals with pick-up loca-
tions in Texas, Authorized Driver also includes employees who are engaged in business activity with 4. Condition and Return of Vehicle. You must return the Vehicle to our rental office or other location we
you. For renters with pick-up locations in New York and Texas, Authorized Driver also includes any identify, on the date and time specified in this Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it,
person who drives the Vehicle to a medical or police facility under circumstances reasonably believed except for ordinary wear. If the Vehicle is returned to any other office or location or left somewhere other
to constitute an emergency. Each Authorized Driver must have a valid drivers license and, at most than the office or location identified by us, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss
locations, be at least age 21. For renters with pick-up locations in New York, the renter and renters of the Vehicle until we inspect it. In addition, you authorize us to charge your credit or debit card a one-way
spouse must be at least 18 years old. Authorized Drivers are the only persons permitted to drive charge or service fee plus any additional costs incurred by us in the return of the Vehicle. If the Vehicle is
the Vehicle. Vehicle means the motor vehicle identified in this Agreement and any vehicle we sub- returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle
stitute for it, and all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys and Vehicle documents, but Vehicle until we inspect it upon our next opening for business. Service to the Vehicle or replacement of parts or
does not include portable navigation devices or other optional equipment (Optional Equipment) that accessories during the rental must have our prior written approval. You must check and maintain all fluid
you rent from us. LDW means Loss Damage Waiver. PDW means Partial Loss Damage Waiver, and levels, check that the Vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, lock the Vehicle at all times when you are not
is not offered in the states of California and Nevada. Loss of Use means the loss of our ability to use operating it, and return the Vehicle with at least the same amount of fuel as when rented. No refund or
the Vehicle for any purpose (including, but not limited to non-rental uses such as general display of the credit shall be issued if you return the Vehicle with a greater amount of fuel than when you received it.
Vehicle, display of the Vehicle for sale, non-revenue transportation by employees) due to damage to
or loss of the Vehicle during your rental. Diminished Value means the difference between the value FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN FLORIDA Failure to
of the Vehicle immediately prior to damage or loss, and the value of the Vehicle after repair or replace- return rented property or equipment upon expiration of the rental
ment. Vehicle License Fee means our estimate of the average per day per vehicle portion of charges period and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for dam-
imposed by governmental authorities on us, including our total annual vehicle licensing, titling, plating, age to the property or equipment) are evidence of abandonment
inspection, and registration costs, or to recover other similar charges as permitted by applicable law. or refusal to redeliver the property, punishable in accordance with
section 812.155, Florida statutes.
2. Rental, Indemnity and Warranties. This is a contract for rental of the Vehicle. We may terminate
this Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you, if you breach this FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN ARIZONA You will
Agreement or if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. You agree to be in violation of A.R.S. 13-1806 if the Vehicle is not returned within
indemnify us, defend us and hold us harmless from all claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we 72 hours of the date and time the Vehicle is due back. If you fail to
incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle. We make no warranties, return the Vehicle within 72 hours of the date and time due in, you
express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability and no may be found guilty of a Class 5 felony that could result in a fine of
warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. You agree not to alter the vehicle or any up to $150,000 per charge and/or imprisonment of up to 7.5 years.
Optional Equipment. If you or an Authorized Driver determine the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment
is unsafe, you or the Authorized Driver shall stop operating the vehicle or Optional Equipment and 5. Responsibility for Damage or Loss; Reporting to Police; for Tolls and Parking Violations. You are
notify us immediately. responsible for all damage to, and for loss or theft of, the Vehicle including damage caused by weather,
road conditions and acts of nature, even if you are not at fault. You are responsible for the cost of repair,
3. Telematics Notice and Release. You acknowledge that the Vehicle may be equipped with a telemat- or the actual cash retail value of the Vehicle on the date of the loss if the Vehicle is not repairable or if we
ics device, global positioning satellite (GPS) technology, an electronic locator device, and/or an event elect not to repair the Vehicle. You are also responsible for Loss of Use (without regard to fleet utilization),
data recorder. We may find, monitor, or disable the Vehicle through such systems if we deem it necessary, Diminished Value, and our administrative expenses incurred processing a claim. You must report all ac-
without warning or notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Remote monitoring may include the cidents and incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. You are
collection of Vehicle data, such as location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery charge, diag- responsible for paying the charging authorities directly all parking citations, toll fees, fines for toll evasion,
nostic trouble codes, and other elements that we may deem necessary. You should have no expectation and other fees, fines and penalties assessed against you, us, or the Vehicle during this rental. If you fail
of privacy related to the use of this Vehicle. We are not responsible for the operability of any telemat- to pay any of these charges and we pay any part of them, you will reimburse us for all such charges and,
in addition, pay us an administrative fee of $40 for each such charge. For rentals with pick-up locations in the Vehicle if we elect not to repair; or (c) the actual cash value of
the state of California, we will be responsible for any fines assessed against you, us, or the Vehicle that the Vehicle immediately before the damage (not to exceed the fair
are based solely on the Vehicles lack of toll transponder. Your responsibility for damage to or loss market value, less net disposal proceeds).
of the Vehicle is limited by law in the following jurisdictions:
a. Optional Automated Toll Service. If you elect to purchase the automated toll service (TX) offered
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA You are responsible for all da- at your pickup location, you may use automated toll lanes (Toll Lane) within the States where the
mage to and loss of the Vehicle caused by collision whether or not you are at fault. Your respon- Vehicle is registered with the toll road services, as stated on the Face Page, an unlimited number of
sibility will include: (a) all physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle measured as follows: times without paying tolls. The TX fee is payable to us even if you do not use a Toll Lane that accepts
(i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Vehicle calculated payment through the toll service registrations. Where no Toll Lane is available, or if a Toll Lane does
in accordance with California law; (ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable: the reason- not accept payment, you must use the cash lanes and pay the toll at the toll site. We will not give credit
able estimated retail value or actual cost of repair; (b) an administrative fee in accordance with or refund against the TX fee for cash toll payments. If you do not elect to purchase TX and you drive
California Law; and (c) our actual charges for towing, storage, and impound fees. You are also through a Toll Lane, you will pay us an administrative fee of $5 plus the applicable toll fee for each time
responsible for missing equipment. You are responsible for loss due to theft of the Vehicle and all you drive through a Toll Lane during your rental.
damage due to vandalism that occurs in connection with a theft, if you fail to exercise ordinary
care while in possession of the Vehicle. You are responsible for damage due to vandalism not b. Optional Equipment. Upon request and subject to availability, we offer certain Optional Equipment,
associated with theft of the Vehicle up to a maximum of $500. Permitting a person who is not an including but not limited to, Child Seats and Global Positioning Devices, for your use during the rental
Authorized Driver to use the Vehicle is not an exercise of ordinary care, but a willful and reckless at an additional charge. All Optional Equipment is rented AS IS and must be returned to us at the end
act, and is a breach of this Agreement. of the rental in the same condition as when rented. Optional Equipment is not part of the car. You are
responsible for any loss or damage to any Optional Equipment regardless of the cause, even if you
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN NEVADA, NOTICE ABOUT RENTERS FINAN- have accepted LDW or PDW. You should review the operational instructions for all Optional Equipment
CIAL RESPONSIBILITY You are responsible for mechanical damage to the Vehicle resulting before leaving the rental location. If you rent a Child Seat from us, you have the sole responsibility to
from your deliberate or negligent act or omission, and all physical damage to the Vehicle inspect and properly install the seat yourself. We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent,
regardless of cause, measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, regarding the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment, no warranty of merchantability, and no
the fair market value of the Vehicle calculated in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes warranty that the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment is fit for a particular purpose. You are
482.3154 and 482.31535 ; (ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable, the reasonable responsible for all injury or damage arising out of, or related to your use of the Child Seat, or any
estimated retail value or actual cost of repair. You also are responsible for Loss of Use without other Optional Equipment. If you choose to rent a Global Positioning Device (GPS) from us, you
regard to fleet utilization and excluding optional charges from the calculation; administrative are responsible for returning it in the same condition as when rented with all accessories provided,
expenses as permitted under Nevada Revised Statutes 482.3154 and 482.31535; and our including the carrying case, the car charger, the windshield mount, and, in states where provided, the
actual charges for towing, storage and impound fees. Your responsibility for physical damage console beanbag mount (GPS Accessories). If the GPS or GPS Accessories are lost or damaged
to the Vehicle and Loss of Use resulting from vandalism not related to theft of the Vehicle and so as to, in our sole opinion, require repair or replacement, you will pay us the fair market value for its
not caused by the renter will not exceed $2,500. You are not responsible for loss or damage to repair or replacement.
the Vehicle resulting from theft or vandalism related to the theft if you have possession of the
ignition key or you establish that the ignition key was not in the Vehicle at the time of the theft; 6. Loss Damage Waiver; Prohibited Use of the Vehicle; Breakdown Assistance. LDW and PDW are
you file an official report of the theft with the police within 24 hours of learning of the theft, and not insurance, are optional, and may duplicate other coverage that you have. If you purchase LDW
you cooperate with us and the police in providing information regarding the theft; and neither or PDW, we waive your responsibility for the portion of damage to or loss of the Vehicle that is stated
you nor an Authorized Driver committed or aided in the commission of the theft. on the Face Page. PDW IS NOT AVAILABLE IF YOU PICK-UP YOUR RENTAL IN THE STATES OF
CALIFORNIA OR NEVADA. We will not waive your responsibility, even though you purchased
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN NEW YORK You are LDW or PDW, if you gave us false, fraudulent or misleading information prior to the rental or
responsible for (a) all physical damage to the Vehicle, whether or during the rental, and we would not have rented the Vehicle to you or extended the rental
not you are at fault; (b) mechanical damage related to an accident period, if we were given true information; or if you fail to notify us and the police of an ac-
or caused by your abuse or neglect; and (c) theft of the Vehicle up cident, theft or vandalism involving the Vehicle, or if damage to or loss of the Vehicle is the
to its fair market value if it is established that an Authorized Driver result of a prohibited use, including damage or loss that: (a) is caused by anyone who is
failed to exercise reasonable care or that an Authorized Driver com- not an Authorized Driver; (b) is caused by anyone under the influence of a drug or alcohol;
mitted, aided, or abetted in the theft of the Vehicle. You are responsi- (c) occurs while the Vehicle is used during the commission of a crime, other than a minor
ble for the lesser of: (a) the actual and reasonable costs incurred to traffic violation; (d) occurs while carrying persons or property for hire, while pushing or tow-
repair the Vehicle, including fees for towing, storage, and impound; ing anything, during any race, speed test or contest, or while teaching anyone to drive; (e)
(b) the reasonable costs that would have been incurred to repair results from carrying dangerous, hazardous, or illegal material; (f) results from use of the
Vehicle outside the geographic area specified on the Face Page, or from use in Mexico; (g) false information and we would not have rented the vehicle if we
is caused by driving on unpaved roads; (h) occurs while transporting more persons than had instead received true information.
the Vehicle has seat belts, while carrying persons outside the passenger compartment, or
while transporting children without approved child safety seats as required by law; (i) occurs FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN NEVADA You are
when the odometer has been tampered with or disconnected; (j) occurs when the Vehicles responsible for damage to the Vehicle. You may also be responsible
fluid levels are low, or it is otherwise reasonable to expect you to know that further operation for the cost of repair of the vehicle, loss of use, towing, storage, and
would damage the Vehicle; (k) is caused by carrying anything on the roof, trunk or hood of impound fees. This Agreement offers, for an additional charge, a
the Vehicle, or by inadequately secured cargo inside the Vehicle, or by an animal transported Loss Damage Waiver to cover your financial responsibility for dam-
in the Vehicle; (l) occurs when the Vehicle is unlocked, or the keys or key fob are lost, stolen age to or loss of the Vehicle. The purchase of a Loss Damage Waiv-
or left in the Vehicle when not operating it; (m) is caused, where applicable, by anyone who er is optional and may be declined. Your own auto insurance may
lacks experience operating a manual transmission; (n) results from failure to allow sufficient cover all or part of your financial responsibility for the Vehicle, so
height or width clearance; (o) results from your willful, wanton or reckless act or misconduct; you should determine the extent of your coverage before deciding
(p) results from fueling with a type of fuel improper for the specific Vehicle; or (q) results whether to purchase a Loss Damage Waiver. We will not waive your
from driving or operating the Vehicle while using a hand-held wireless communication de- responsibility, even though you purchased LDW if: if an Authorized
vice or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, Driver provided us with fraudulent information or false information
electronic data, mail or text messages while not in a hands-free mode. In the event of a and we would not have rented the Vehicle had we received true in-
loss due to theft of the Vehicle, we will not waive your responsibility for the loss unless formation, if the Vehicle is operated by a person other than an Au-
you return to us all the Vehicle keys or ignition devices we gave you at the time of rental. thorized Driver, or if damage or loss to the Vehicle (a) results from
an Authorized Drivers: (i) intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA NO- conduct; (ii) operation of the Vehicle while intoxicated in violation of
TICE ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND OPTIONAL Nevada Revised Statutes 484C.110; or (iii) use of the Vehicle to push
DAMAGE WAIVER. You are responsible for all collision damage to or tow anything, or on an unpaved road if the damage or loss is a di-
the Vehicle even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. rect result of the road or driving conditions; or (b) occurs when the
You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the ve- Vehicle is: (i) used for hire, involved in a speed test, speed contest,
hicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees. Your own insurance, or driver training activity; (ii) used in connection with conduct that
or the issuer of the credit card you use to pay for the vehicle rental constitutes a felony; or (iii) operated outside the United States or
transaction, may cover all or part of your financial responsibility outside of the States of Nevada, Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon
for the Vehicle. You should check with your insurance company, or and Utah, unless this Agreement expressly provides that the Ve-
credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount hicle may be operated in other locations. In addition, LDW may be
of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. Further, if you invalidated if damage or loss results from the theft of the Vehicle by
use a credit card that provides coverage for your potential liability, an Authorized Driver or a person aided or abetted by an Authorized
you should check with the issuer to determine if you must first ex- Driver (the Authorized Driver is presumed not to have committed or
haust the coverage limits of your own insurance before the credit to have aided and abetted in the theft if the renter has possession
card coverage applies. We will not hold you responsible if you buy of the ignition key or establishes that the ignition key furnished by
LDW. But LDW will not protect you if: us was not in the car at the time of the theft; files an official report
(a) Damage or loss results from an Authorized Drivers (i) in- of the theft with an appropriate law enforcement agency within 24
tentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct, (ii) operation of the hours of learning of the theft; and cooperates with us and the law
Vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol in violation of Sec- enforcement agency in providing information concerning the theft).
tion 23152 of the Vehicle Code, (iii) towing or pushing anything, or
(iv) operation of the vehicle on an unpaved road if the damage or FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN NEW YORK NO-
loss is a direct result of the road or driving conditions. (b) Damage TICE: This contract offers, for an additional charge, optional vehicle
or loss occurs while the Vehicle is (i) used for commercial hire, (ii) protection to cover your financial responsibility for damage or loss
used in connection with conduct that could be properly charged as to the rental vehicle. The purchase of optional vehicle protection is
a felony, (iii) involved in a speed test or contest or in driver training optional and may be declined. You are advised to carefully consider
activity, (iv) operated by a person other than an Authorized Driver, whether to purchase this protection if you have rental vehicle col-
or (v) operated outside the United States. (c) An Authorized Driver lision coverage provided by your credit card or automobile insur-
who has (i) provided fraudulent information to us, or (ii) provided ance policy. Before deciding whether to purchase optional vehicle
protection, you may wish to determine whether your credit card rental vehicle damage or loss and determine the amount of the de-
or your vehicle insurance affords you coverage for damage to the ductible under your own insurance coverage. The purchase of the
rental vehicle and the amount of deductible under such coverage. waiver is not mandatory. The waiver is not insurance. Any LDW or
PDW purchased by you will be invalidated, and we will not waive
You may void your purchase of LDW or PDW within 24 hours of our right to hold you financially responsible for loss of or damage
purchase in person with the Vehicle at our office at no charge, to the Vehicle, if you provided fraudulent information to us and we
PROVIDED THAT, the rental is for at least 2 days and you sign our agreed to rent the Vehicle to you based on that information, or if
cancellation form. We will not waive our right to collect from you damage to or loss of the Vehicle: (a) occurs as a result of an Au-
for damage to or loss of the Vehicle if the damage or loss: (a) is thorized Drivers willful and wanton misconduct, or is intentionally
caused intentionally or as a result of willful, wanton, or reckless caused by an Authorized Driver; (b) results from use of the Vehicle
conduct of the driver; (b) arises out of the drivers operation of by a person who is under the influence of an intoxicant that impairs
the vehicle while intoxicated or impaired by the use of alcohol or driving ability, including alcohol, an illegal drug, or a controlled
drugs; (c) we entered into the rental transaction based on fraudu- substance; (c) occurs during the commission of a crime other than
lent or materially false information supplied by the renter or other a traffic violation; (d) occurs when the Vehicle is used by anyone
Authorized Driver; (d) arises out of the use of the Vehicle while en- other than an Authorized Driver; (e) arises out of the use of the Ve-
gaged in the commission of a crime other than a traffic infraction; hicle outside the continental United States, unless that use is spe-
(e) arises out of the use of the Vehicle to carry persons or property cifically authorized elsewhere in this Agreement; or (f) arises out of
for hire, to push or tow anything, while engaged in a speed con- the use of the Vehicle (i) to carry persons or property for hire, (ii) to
test, operating off road, or for drivers training; (f) arises out of the push or tow anything, (iii) to engage in a speed contest, or (iv) for
use of the Vehicle by a person other than: an Authorized Driver; a drivers training.
duly licensed parent or child over the age of 18 who permanently
resides in the same household; or a parking valet or parking ga- a. Lost or Damaged Keys or Key Fobs. Even if you purchase LDW or PDW and do not violate the terms
rage attendant for compensation and in the normal course of em- detailed in paragraph 6 above, you will be responsible for the following: a) a service fee for replacing
ployment; (g) arises out of the use of the Vehicle outside of the the keys or key fob and delivering replacement keys or key fobs or towing the Vehicle to the nearest
continental United States, unless specifically authorized by this Sixt location if you lose the keys or key fob to the Vehicle; and b)a service fee for delivering replace-
Agreement. We also will not waive our right to collect from you ment keys or key fob or towing the Vehicle to the nearest Sixt location if you lock the keys or key fob in
for damage to or loss of the Vehicle if an Authorized Driver fails the Vehicle and request assistance from Sixt, flat tire service, and jumpstarts.
to comply with the requirements for reporting damage or loss as
required by New York law. b. Roadside Assistance. If you purchase the optional Roadside Assistance, we will provide you with 24/7
breakdown assistance (where available) without additional charge. Roadside Assistance includes
Upon return of the Vehicle or within 72 hours of its return, an Au- replacement of lost keys or key fobs, flat tire service, jumpstart, and key lockout services. Cost of a re-
thorized Driver or his or her insurer must notify us that he or she placement tire is not covered by Roadside Assistance. When deciding whether to purchase Roadside
wishes to inspect the damaged Vehicle, or else the right to inspec- Assistance, you may wish to check whether you have other coverage for the services. ROADSIDE
tion will be waived. The inspection must be completed within 7 ASSISTANCE IS NOT INSURANCE AND IS OPTIONAL. ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE IS VOID IF
days of the Vehicles return date. If we determine that the Vehicle is YOU ARE IN BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE PROHIBITED USES IN PARA-
a total loss and subject to salvage, the 72-hour notification period GRAPH 6. For rentals with pick-up locations in California and Nevada, Roadside Assistance
and waiver do not apply, and the Authorized Driver or his or her does not include replacement of lost keys or remote entry devices.
insurer will have 10 business days from receipt of notification from
us to inspect the damaged Vehicle, unless we agree to provide ac- 7. Insurance. You are responsible for all damage or loss you cause to others. You agree to provide
cess to the Vehicle beyond the 10 business-day time period. auto liability, collision and comprehensive insurance covering you, us, and the Vehicle. Where
state law requires us to provide auto liability insurance, or if you have no auto liability insurance,
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN TEXAS NOTICE: we provide auto liability insurance (the Policy) that is excess to any other valid and collectible
Your rental agreement offers, for an additional charge, an optional insurance whether primary, secondary, excess or contingent. The Policy provides bodily injury
waiver to cover all or a part of your responsibility for damage to and property damage liability coverage with limits no higher than minimum levels prescribed by
or loss of the vehicle. Before deciding whether to purchase the the financial responsibility laws of the State whose laws apply to the loss. You and we reject PIP,
waiver, you may wish to determine whether your own automobile medical payments, no-fault and uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage. To the extent
insurance or credit card agreement provides you coverage for such protection is imposed by operation of law, that protection will be for the minimum limits re-
quired by applicable law. The Policy applies only in the United States or Canada, and the Vehicle period. You will not receive a refund of prepaid amounts if you return the Vehicle before
may not be taken into Mexico under any circumstances. Coverage under the Policy is void if you the Due-In Date. All Charges are subject to a final audit. If errors are found, you authorize us
violate the terms of this Agreement or if you fail to cooperate in any loss investigation conducted to correct the Charges with your payment card issuer.
by us or our insurer. Giving the Vehicle to an unauthorized driver terminates our liability insur-
ance coverage, if any. You grant us a limited power of attorney to present claims to your insurance 9. Deposit. You permit us to reserve against your credit or debit card at the beginning of the
carrier for damage to or loss of the Vehicle that occurs while you are responsible for the Vehicle. rental an amount up to three times the estimated total charges as a deposit, in no event
less than $100, or the amount listed on the Face Page. For Vehicles in the executive or
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN FLORIDA The valid luxury categories you authorize us to reserve up to $5,000 against your credit or debit
and collectible liability insurance and personal injury protection in- card. We may use your deposit to pay any amounts owed to us under this Agreement.
surance of any authorized rental or leasing driver is primary for the The deposit amount does not limit in any way the total amount owed to use under this
limits of liability and personal injury protection coverage required Agreement. We will authorize the release of any excess Reserve upon the completion of
by 324.021(7) and 627.736, Florida Statutes. your rental. Your debit/credit card issuers rules will apply to your account being credited for
the excess, which may not be immediately available.
ability insurance does not cover injuries to passengers in the Ve- 10. Your Property. You release us, our agents and employees from all claims for loss of or
hicle. The owner does not extend any of its motor vehicle financial damage to your personal property, including digital data or information from any mobile
responsibility or provide public liability insurance coverage to the device that you link to any telematics device or system in the Vehicle, or that of any other
renter, authorized drivers or any other driver. person, that we received, handled or stored, or that was left or carried in or on the Vehicle
or in any service vehicle or in our offices, whether or not the loss or damage was caused
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA The by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility.
purchase of optional insurance products is not required to rent the
Vehicle. Optional insurance products that we sell may provide cov- 11. Breach of Agreement. The acts listed in Paragraph 6 are prohibited uses of the Vehicle and breaches
erage that duplicates coverage provided by your personal automo- of this Agreement. YOU WILL BREACH THIS AGREEMENT IF YOU ALLOW ANY PERSON OTHER
bile liability policy or by another source of coverage. We are not THAN THE RENTER OR AN AUTHORIZED DRIVER TO OPERATE THE VEHICLE. IF AN UN-
qualified to evaluate the extent of your existing auto liability cov- AUTHORIZED DRIVER DAMAGES THE VEHICLE OR INJURES OTHERS, WE WILL HOLD YOU
erage. Optional insurance products are provided under individual RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DAMAGE. You waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or
policies issued to you, or issued to you under a group or master prosecutions taken against you by law enforcement arising out of your breach of this Agreement.
policy issued to us by an insurer authorized to transact the appli-
cable insurance business in the State of California. 12. Modifications. No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing signed by
one of our expressly authorized representatives. Sixt counter representatives are not authorized to
8. Charges and Costs. You will pay us at or before the conclusion of this rental, or on demand, all charges waive or change any term of this Agreement. If you wish to extend the rental period, you must return
due us under this Agreement, including the charges and fees shown on the Face Page and: (a) a the Vehicle to our rental office for inspection and written amendment from us by the Due-In Date. This
mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with; (b) any taxes, surcharges Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agree-
or other government-imposed fees that apply to the transaction; (c) all expenses we incur locating ments between you and us regarding this rental are void.
and recovering the Vehicle if you fail to return it, return it to a location or office other than the location
or office identified by us, or if we elect to repossess the Vehicle under the terms of this Agreement; 13. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy,
(d) all costs including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees we incur collecting payment from you or void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement;; (g) a reasonable fee not to exceed
$350 to clean the Vehicle if returned substantially less clean than when rented or if there is evidence 14. Waiver; Jurisdiction. A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional
of smoking in our Vehicle; and, (h) towing, impound, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penal- breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement. Our acceptance of
ties and all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle during this rental. Special rental payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement
rates, vehicle category upgrades or any equipment or services provided to you free of charge only ap- does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law,
ply to the initially agreed upon rental period: If you return the Vehicle after the Due-In Date, you may be you release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damages in connection with this
charged the standard rates for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In Date, which may rental or the reservation of a vehicle. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforce-
be substantially higher than the rates for the initially agreed rental period. You also may able, the remaining provisions are valid and enforceable.
be charged the standard fees for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In date for any
equipment or services provided to you without charge for the initially agreed upon rental
15. Sixt Advantage Circle Master Agreement. We will store your personal data and your signature that
appears in this Agreement in order to more efficiently process future rentals with us or other compa- SUMMARY OF THE NATIONAL CASUALTY COMPANY
nies of the Sixt group. We may either accept your signature on the Face Page as your signature on SUPPLEMENTAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY
future rental agreements, or ask for your signature at the time of a future rental. We refer to this system THE SUMMARY IS WRITTEN BY NATIONAL CASUALTY COMPANY
as the Sixt Advantage Circle Master Agreement. There is no cost to you associated with this service. Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) by: National Casualty Company, Home Office: Madison, Wis-
consin Administrative Office: 8877 North Gainey Center Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258, 1-800-
16. Personal Data. You grant us permission to disclose your personal data to other companies of the Sixt 423-7675 Fax (480) 483-6752. In the event of an accident: Contact the Police immediately
group and third parties for the purpose of keeping you informed of the products or services offered by Fill out the Rental Vehicle Accident Report
the Sixt group as well as products and services related to the rental of vehicles. You can choose to opt Fax all the documents to the
out of the use of your personal data in this way by sending a written request to: Personal Data, Sixt Scottsdale Insurance Group Home Office Claims: 480-483-6752
rent a car, LLC, PO Box 460967, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316-0967. Notwithstanding the forego- If serious injury/fatality call 800-423-7675
ing, we may still disclose your personal data as reasonably necessary for legitimate business
purposes. Disclosure for such purposes may include, but is not limited to, disclosure in This coverage may duplicate other coverage already available to you under other insurance available
compliance with law or to public authorities, credit entities, insurance companies, law firms, to you. The purchase of this insurance is not required to rent a vehicle.
intermediaries used for booking your rental, debt collection agencies, or to any other person
or entity necessary to enforce these terms and conditions. Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) protects you against claims made by a third party for bodily injury
and/or property damage sustained as a result of an accident while you are operating a rental vehicle.
COUNTY, FL NOTICE: Section 316.613, Florida statutes, re- This coverage is excess over the minimum Financial Responsibility Limits.
quires every operator of a motor vehicle transporting children
age 5 and under to properly use a federally approved, crash-test- Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) does not cover all situations that may arise while operating a
ed child restraint device. This car rental company has federally rental vehicle. This policy summary is only a condensed version of the entire Supplemental Liability
approved crash-tested child restraint devices available for rent. Excess Policy.

Seccin 316.613, estatutos de la Florida, requiere que cada op- A complete copy of the Supplemental Liability Excess Policy is available for your review from your
erador de un vehculo transportando nios de 5 aos de edad o rental agent.
menor debe utilizar correctamente una silla de auto aprobado
por el gobierno federal a prueba de accidentes. Esta empresa de Throughout this Policy, the words we, us and our refer to the company named in the Declarations.
alquiler de automviles tiene sillas de auto para nios aproba- In addition, certain words or phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to
das por el gobierno que estn disponibles para el alquiler. the Supplemental Liability Excess Policy for a complete list of definitions.

Sektion 316.13 nan stati lwa Floride la di ke chack moun ki ka SECTION I EXCESS LIABILITY COVERAGE
opere yon machinn kap transporte ti moun ki gen 5 an ou mw- Coverage We will pay the ultimate net loss, in excess of the minimum financial responsibility liability
ens, fo ke yo itilize yon machinn ke gouvenmen approve chz ti limits, to which this coverage applies, provided that:
mounn ke yo teste. Kompayi lokation sa gen chz sa yo ke gou- n It results from an accident involving a rental vehicle;
venmen approve pou lwe. n The accident occurs while the rental agreement is in effect and the rental agreement
becomes effective during the policy period; and
n Excess rental liability insurance has been elected by the renter at the origin of the rental

Who Is An Insured Only the following are insureds under this excess policy:
n The policyholder shown in the Declarations.
n The renter who has:
Entered into a rental agreement with the policyholder shown in the Declarations; and
Elected under the rental agreement to purchase optional excess rental liability insurance.
n Additional authorized drivers as defined herein.
Who Is An Authorized Driver Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us
n Only the following are authorized drivers under this excess policy: n If any person or organization to or for whom we make payment under this Policy has rights to
A driver whose name is listed on the original rental agreement; or recover damages from another, those rights are transferred to us. That person or organization
A driver designated by description, if any, in the rental agreement. must do everything necessary to secure our rights and must do nothing after accident to impair them.
n Any driver who does not meet one of the conditions above is not an authorized driver, even if:
That driver had the permission of an insured; or General Conditions
That driver is covered by the underlying insurer for the minimum financial responsibility
liability limits. Attachment of Liability
n Liability under this Policy shall not attach until the minimum financial responsibility liability limits have
Limit Of Insurance Regardless of the number of insureds, rental vehicles, premiums paid, been exhausted by payment of judgments or settlements and the insured has become legally obli
claims made or vehicles involved in the accident, for each rental agreement the most we will gated to pay the ultimate net loss in excess of such minimum financial responsibility liability limits.
pay for the ultimate net loss, resulting from any one accident, is the difference between the
dollar amount shown in the Declarations and the minimum financial responsibility liability limits. Coverage Territory
n The coverage territory is as stated in the rental agreement and is further limited to:
Exclusions This insurance does not apply to any of the following: The United States of America;
n Bodily injury or property damage arising out of the use, or permitting the use, of a rental vehicle: The territories and possessions of the United States of America;
By any driver other than the renter or an authorized driver; Puerto Rico; and
By any driver while under the influence of drugs or alcohol; Canada.
For any illegal purpose;
To carry persons or property for hire; SECTION III DEFINITIONS
To tow or propel any other auto; n Bodily injury means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person including death
In any race, contest or training activity; resulting from these.
Off-road or on unpaved roads that are not regularly maintained; or n Insured means any person qualifying as an insured in WHO IS AN INSURED (SECTION I).
By any violation of the rental agreement. n Minimum financial responsibility liability limits means the minimum limits specified by a
n Any loss, cost or expense payable under or resulting from any first party physical damage coverage; compulsory or financial responsibility law of the applicable jurisdiction.
no-fault law; personal injury protection or auto medical payments coverage; or uninsured or under- n Rental agreement means any written agreement, stating a period of less than one year,
insured motorist law; or any similar law, in any jurisdiction. entered into setting forth the terms and conditions governing the use of a vehicle provided by the
n Bodily injury to renter or any family member, if such family member resides in the same rental car company.
household with the renter and any authorized driver while driving the rental vehicle. n Rental vehicle means the auto rented or leased by the renter from the policyholder and
n Property damage to the rental vehicle. described in the rental agreement.
n Bodily injury or property damage expected or intended from the standpoint of the insured. n Renter means any person obtaining the use of an auto from the policyholder (rental car
company or its franchisee) under the terms of a rental agreement.
SECTION II CONDITIONS n Ultimate net loss means all sums for which an insured becomes legally obligated to pay, as
Loss Conditions Duties In The Event Of Accident, Claim Or Suit damages for bodily injury and property damage combined. Ultimate net loss will be reduced
n In the event of accident, claim or suit that is likely to involve this Policy, the policyholder or the by deduction for all salvage or recoveries which have been or will be paid.
insuredmust give us or our authorized representative prompt notice of the accident. Include: n Underlying insurer means the insurance company or the certified self-insurer who provides
How, when and where the accident occurred; the minimum financial responsibility liability limits.
The insureds name and address; and
To the extent possible, the names and addresses of any injured persons and witnesses.

Legal Action Against Us No one may bring a legal action against us under this Policy until:
n There has been full compliance with all the terms of this Policy. Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) underwritten by ACE USA, with its Execu-
tive Offices at 436 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19106. For further information
Appeals If an insured or underlying insurer elects not to appeal judgments in excess please read the PAI policy available for you at any Sixt counter. The policy is
of the minimum financial responsibility liability limits, we may elect to appeal such judg- underwritten by ACE USA.
ments at our own expense, but in no event shall our liability for the ultimate net loss
exceed the Limit Of Insurance plus expenses incurred in such an appeal.

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Customer Service
+1888 SIXTCAR (749 8227)

GDS System Codes: SX

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Android, BlackBerry or Windows

Partners: sixt.com/sixt-partners

Sixt USA Headquarters

Sixt rent a car, LLC
P.O. Box 460967
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33346

@sixtusa | #sixtrentacar

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