Antique Tools: A Buyer's Guide To Many You Can Use
Antique Tools: A Buyer's Guide To Many You Can Use
Antique Tools: A Buyer's Guide To Many You Can Use
by Robert Sutter
The latest tool catalog has come in tions raises prices, and they are aware dling likewise. But eschew the item
the mail, so you settle down with the that old tools have recently been touted encrusted with rust. It won't clean satis-
"wishing book" in eager anticipation. as preeminently collectible. Dealers factorily no matter the effort, and the
But my oh my, those prices: sixteen also know the worth of old tools on the metal will bear pit marks and deep-
dollars for a saw, twenty-two for a current market, so don't expect to find seated rust pockets for evermore. While
brace, sixty for a plough plane. It sure an antique dealer who doesn't know
puts a damper on your ardor to fill your what he has in that box of rusty old
shop with all those wonderful-looking tools lying half out of sight under the
objects in the pages of that catalog dropleaf table in the back of the store.
open across your knees. He knows, and he put that box where it
Well, how do you go about getting is on purpose.
your heart's desire while preserving as Okay, let's assume that in spite of
much of your bank account as possible? my admonitions you decide you're
One way is to budget a realistic sum of going to look around for some old
money for your basic tools and then tools. What can you expect to find and
make additions only as the need arises. what will the results of your search cost?
Buy the best you can get in the way of I'll try to answer those questions from
edge tools and saws. If you must, you experience garnered in fifteen years of
can acquire inexpensive yet less soul- collecting and over thirty of buying
satisfying hammers, pliers, screwdriv- tools for my workshop.
ers, files, etc. at the local hardware
store. Beware of special house brands Braces
and bargains, though; you only get
what you pay for. Shop carefully and The first braces were naturally form-
compare with your wishing book; you ed tree limbs of the proper shape. Next
may find that a small price difference came factory-shaped wooden braces
will procure a more trustworthy item with brass reinforcement plates. Such
than the bargain bucket at the local items are in the seventy to one-
hardware emporium. hundred-fifty-dollar classmore if
Another way to build your journey- unique. Metal braces with rudimentary
man's kit is the antique tool route. screw chucks were in use side by side
There is certainly a big kick to be gotten with wooden ones. Later on in the 19th
out of finding a half dozen peachy century, and early in the 20th, braces
chisels at the back of the antique shop with universal shell chucks and ratchet
for just two dollars apiece. That sort of sweeps began to be manufactured.
bargain may be easy on the budget, but Stanley braces from 1900 on can often
old isn't necessarily good, and if they be found with ten to fifteen-dollar
turn out to be made of Swiss cheese, price tags, which, if sound, will func-
you can't exchange them. Realize that tion perfectly today. Check the chuck
when searching for old tools you to be sure it closes all the way and is
compete with the tool collector and concentric. See that the wooden parts
that chances are he knows a lot more are not split and that the metal is bright
about the tricky business of buying under the dirt. If so, you've got a
antique tools than you do. usable tool for a reasonable price.
Recognize, too, that sellers of A word about rusty tools here. A lit-
antiques keep informed about trends in tle rust easily scraped away to expose
their field. They know that competi- bright metal is okay and can be cleaned
tion between collectors for new acquisi- up. Discoloration due to use and han-
dles, for the only way to sharpen them
is to remove the handle. To use an adze
requires a very sharp edge on the adze
and a very sharp skill on your part.
Have someone who knows show you
how to use it, and then practice on
scrap timber before working on any-
thing important. Watch out for your
toes as the tool is swung towards them.
Drawknives, etc.