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Hamblin EarthDynamics

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Earth Materials
1 Planet Earth
2 Geologic Systems
3 Minerals
4 Igneous Rocks
5 Sedimentary Rocks
6 Metamorphic Rocks
7 Structure of Rock Bodies
8 Geologic Time

We begin this study of planet Earth with an examination of Earths

composition and take you on a brief tour across its surface and into its
deepest interior. Earth is a major system of energy and matter with
many interconnected and interrelated subsystems. These systems are
the mechanism by which energy and matter interact to create the infi-
nite array of landforms and landscapes, structures and stones. In this
part of the book, you will be introduced to each major system, to the
energy that drives the flow of matter and makes Earth truly dynamic,
and to rocks and mineralsthe materials that this energy acts upon.
But even after a rock body is formed, it is not static. Forces in the tec-
tonic system can contort and deform it, and we will guide you through
a basic understanding of the resulting structures.

Here you will be introduced to the great planetary systemsplate tec-

tonics and the hydrologic system. Finally, you will see that geology is
also a historical science. Our present is affected by our past; and the pre-
sent will shape the future. This is what makes geology so fascinating
it is the study of changes that affect every aspect of our lives.

Image provided by SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE
1 Planet Earth
For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have learned to survive by adapting to the
natural rhythms and cycles of the planet on which we live. Understanding our environment
has always been essential. But from our beginnings, we have been able to perceive only our
immediate landscape, usually only a few square kilometers. Our perspective for observing
and understanding Earth and its changes was very limitedat best, a vantage point on a
high hill or mountaintop.
Since the 1960s, however, we have seen our planet as it really is, a tiny blue sphere sus-
pended in the blackness of empty space, as this photograph of the International Space
Station hovering over Earths cloud-covered oceans illustrates so dramatically. Astronaut
photographs and satellite images have revealed the exquisite beauty of Earth, a planet
washed in water and surrounded by a thin atmosphere with swirling white clouds. Viewed
from space, our planetour homeis a system of moving gas, liquid, and solids with nu-
merous interconnected and interdependent components.
Our need to understand Earth as a system is one of the reasons the different views
from space are so valuable and so exciting. But the exploration of space did more than
increase our understanding of Earth. We have landed on the Moon, mapped the surfaces
of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and surveyed the diverse landscapes of the moons of Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Every object in the solar system contains part of a record of
planetary origin and evolution that helps us understand our own planet.
Back on Earth, we have also extended our explorations to the vast unknown of the
ocean floor. We have mapped its landforms and structure, gaining insight into its origin and
history. We now know that the rocks below the ocean floor are completely different from
those below the surface of the continents. We also have peered into Earths depths using
indirect methods. We have traced the paths of earthquake-generated seismic waves,
measured the amount of heat that escapes from inside Earth, and recorded the pulse of the
magnetic field. Consequently, we have discovered how Earths interior is churning slowly
and how such movements affect processes at the very surface of the planet.
With these new perspectives of our planet, we must develop an all-encompassing view of
how Earth operates as a constantly changing dynamic system. In this chapter we start to do
this by comparing and contrasting other planets with Earth. We also describe the major
features of continents and ocean basins and view Earths internal structureall features
that make Planet Earth unique in the solar system.

Photograph courtesy of NASA.

1. A comparison of Earth with other inner planets reveals the distinguishing
characteristics of our planet and shows what makes it unique.
2. Earths atmosphere is a thin shell of gas surrounding the planet. It is a fluid
in constant motion. Other planets have atmospheres, but Earths is unique be-
cause it is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen.
3. The hydrosphere is another feature that makes Earth unique. Water moves
in a great, endless cycle from the ocean to the atmosphere, over the land sur-
face, and back to the sea again.
4. The biosphere exists because of water. Although it is small compared with
other layers of Earth, it is a major geologic force operating at the surface.
5. Continents and ocean basins are the largest-scale surface features of Earth.
6. The continents have three major components: (a) ancient shields,
(b) stable platforms, and (c) belts of folded mountains. Each reveals the
mobility of Earths crust.
7. The major structural features of the ocean floor are: (a) the oceanic ridges,
(b) the vast abyssal floor, (c) long, narrow, and incredibly deep trenches, (d)
seamounts, and (e) continental margins.
8. Earth is a differentiated planet, with its materials segregated into layers ac-
cording to density.The internal layers classified by composition are (a) crust,
(b) mantle, and (c) core.The major internal layers classified by physical prop-
erties are (a) lithosphere, (b) asthenosphere, (c) mesosphere, (d) outer core,
and (e) inner core. Material within each of these units is in motion, making
Earth a changing, dynamic planet.


Geology is the science of Earth. It concerns all of Earth: its origin, its
history, its materials, its processes, and the dynamics of how it changes.

Geology is an incredibly fascinating subject. It is concerned with such diverse phe-

nomena as volcanoes and glaciers, rivers and beaches, earthquakes and landslides,
and even the history of life. Geology is a study about what happened in the past
and what is happening nowa study that increases our understanding of nature
and our place in it.
Yet geology does much more than satisfy intellectual curiosity.We are at a point
in human history when Earth scientists have a responsibility to help solve some of
societys most pressing problems. These include finding sites for safe disposal of
radioactive waste and toxic chemicals, determining responsible land use for an
expanding population, and providing safe, plentiful water supplies. Geology is
being called upon to guide civil engineers in planning buildings, highways, dams,
harbors, and canals. Geology helps us recognize how devastation caused by natural
hazards, such as landslides, earthquakes, floods, and beach erosion, can be avoid-
ed or mitigated. Another driving force in our attempt to understand Earth is the
discovery of natural resources. All Earth materials, including water, soils, miner-
als, fossil fuels, and building materials, are geologic and are discovered, exploit-
ed, and managed with the aid of geologic science.
Geologists also offer key information about the entire global system, especially
past climate change and likely causes and effects of future climate modification.
Perhaps, in the end, more fully comprehending nature is as important as the dis-
covery of oil fields and mineral deposits.
Let us begin by exploring why Earth is unique among the planetary bodies of
the solar system. We will then examine some of its important characteristics: its
size, composition, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and the structure of its interior.

Planet Earth 5


Among the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars),
Earth is unique because of its size and distance from the Sun. It is large
enough to develop and retain an atmosphere and a hydrosphere.
Temperature ranges are moderate, such that water can exist on its surface
as liquid, solid, and gas.

The Solar System

A map of the solar system (Figure 1.1) shows the Sun and the major planetary
bodies. This is Earths cosmic home, the place of its origin and development. All of
the planets in the solar system were created at the same time and from the same
general material. The massive Sun, a star that generates heat by nuclear fusion, Tour of the Solar System
is the center of the system. Because of the Suns vast gravitational influence, all
of the planets orbit around it. As seen from above their north poles, the planets
move counterclockwise about the Sun in slightly elliptical orbits. Moreover, all
orbit in the same plane as the Suns equator, except Pluto (note the different
inclination of its orbit).
The diagram of the solar system in Figure 1.1 is not, of course, to scale. The or-
bits are distorted, and the sizes of the planetary bodies are greatly exaggerated and
shown in perspective. In reality, the orbits are extremely large compared with the
planets sizes. A simple analogy may help convey the size and structure of the
solar system. If the Sun were the size of an orange, Earth would be roughly the
size of a grain of sand orbiting 9 m (30 ft) away. Jupiter would be the size of a pea
revolving 60 m (200 ft) away. Pluto would be like a grain of silt 10 city blocks
away. The nearest star would be the size of another orange more than 1600 km
(1000 mi) away.
Until recently, the planets and their moons were mute astronomical bodies, only
small specks viewed in a telescope. But today, they are new worlds as real as our
own, because we have landed on their surfaces and studied them with remotely con-
trolled probes. One of the most fundamental facts revealed by our exploration of
the solar system is that the sizes and compositions of the planets vary systemati-
cally with distance from the Sun (Figure 1.2).The inner planets (Figure 1.3) in- How do the inner planets differ from
clude Mercury and the planetlike Moon, with their cratered surfaces; Venus, with the outer planets?
its extremely hot, thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and numerous volcanoes;
Earth, with cool blue seas, swirling clouds and multicolored lands; and Mars, with
huge canyons, giant extinct volcanoes, frigid polar ice caps, and long, dry river beds.
The large outer planetsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptuneare giant balls of
gas, with majestic rings and dozens of small satellites composed mostly of ice. The
most distant planet, Pluto, is small and similar to these icy moons. Indeed, water ice
is the most common rock in the outer solar system. The density of a planet or
moon reveals these dramatic differences in composition. (Density is a measure of
mass per unit volume: g/cm3). For example, the densities of the rocky inner plan-
ets are quite high (over 3 g/cm3) compared to the gas- and ice-rich outer planets
which have densities less than about 1.6 g/cm3.
Our best evidence tells us that Earth formed, along with the rest of the solar
system, about 4.6 billion years ago. Nonetheless, only the inner planets are even
vaguely like Earth. The compositions (dominated by dense solids with high melt-
ing points) of the inner planets make them radically different from the outer
planets, made of low-temperature ices as well as gas. Although the inner planets
are roughly of the same general size, mass, and composition, they vary widely in
ways that are striking and important to us as living creatures. Why is Earth so dif-
ferent from its neighbors? Why does it alone have abundant liquid water, a dy-
namic crust, an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and perhaps most unique, that intricate
web of life, the biosphere?




Venus Earth




FIGURE 1.1 Our solar system consists of one star, a family of nine planets (almost 70 moons discovered so far), thousands of asteroids, and
billions of meteoroids and comets (not shown here). The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth with its Moon, and Mars) are composed mostly of
rocky materials. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are much larger, are composed mostly of gas and liquid, and have no
solid surfaces. Pluto and Charon and the satellites in the outer solar system are composed mostly of water ice. Some are so cold (230C) that they
have methane ice or nitrogen ice at their surfaces.
All planetary bodies in the solar system are important in the study of Earth because their chemical compositions, surface features, and other
characteristics show how planets evolve. They provide important insight into the forces that shaped our planets history.

Planet Earth 7

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

1 10
Astronomical units from Sun
FIGURE 1.2 The planets of the solar system vary in size and composition with distance from the Sun. The inner planets are small and rocky,
whereas the outer planets are much larger and composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.

From a planetary perspective, Earth is a small blue planet bathed in a film of white
clouds and liquid water (Figure 1.3). In this remarkable view, we see Earth mo-
tionless, frozen in a moment of time, but there is much more action shown here
than you might imagine. The blue water and swirling white clouds dominate the
scene and underline the importance of moving water in the Earth system. Huge
quantities of water are in constant motion, in the sea, in the air (as invisible vapor
and condensed as clouds), and on land.You can see several complete cyclonic storms How has space photography changed
spiraling over thousands of square kilometers, pumping vast amounts of water into our view of Earth and its geologic
the atmosphere.When this water becomes precipitation on land, it flows back to the systems?
sea in great river systems that erode and sculpt the surface.
Large parts of Africa and Antarctica are visible in this view. The major climac-
tic zones of our planet are clearly delineated. For example, the great Sahara Desert
is visible at the top of the scene, extending across North Africa and into adjacent
Saudi Arabia. Much of the vast tropical rain forest of central Africa is seen be-
neath the discontinuous cloud cover. Also, large portions of the south polar ice
cap are clearly visible.
Earth is just the right distance from the Sun for its temperature to let water
exist as a liquid, a solid, and a gas. Water in any of those forms is part of the hy-
drosphere. If Earth were closer to the Sun, our oceans would evaporate; if it
were farther from the Sun, our oceans would freeze solid. However, there is
plenty of liquid water on Earth, and it is liquid water, as much as anything else,
that makes Earth unique among the planets of the solar system. Heated by the
Sun, water moves on Earth in great cycles. It evaporates from the huge oceans
into the atmosphere, precipitates over the landscape, collects in river systems,
and ultimately flows back to the oceans. As a result, Earths surface stays
young, being constantly changed by water and eroded into intricate systems
of river valleys. This dynamism is in remarkable contrast to other planetary bod-
ies, the surfaces of which are dominated by the craters of ancient meteorite im-
pacts (Figure 1.3).
The presence of water as a liquid on Earths surface throughout its long histo-
ry also enabled life to evolve. And life, strange as it may seem, has profoundly
changed the composition of Earths atmosphere. Here is the mechanism: Photo-
synthesis by countless plants removes large quantities of carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere. As part of this process, the plants exhale oxygen. In addition,
many forms of marine life remove carbon dioxide from seawater to make their
shells, which later fall to the seafloor and form limestone.
Earth is a delicate blue ball wrapped in filmy white clouds. The water and
Earth swirling clouds that dominate Earths surface underline the importance of
water in Earths systems.The cold polar regions are buried with ice, and the
warm tropics are speckled with clouds and greenery. The rocks of the high
continents are strongly deformed and older than the rocks of the ocean
basins. Earth has active volcanoes, a dynamic interior, and no large
impact craters are visible on its surface.
Diameter 12,800 km Density 5.55 g/cm3


Venus is often considered Earths twin because of its similar size and
density, but the two planets are not identical. This image of Venus shows its
cloudy atmosphere partially stripped away to reveal a radar map of the solid
surface made by an orbiting satellite. Venus has high plateaus, folded mountain
belts, many volcanoes, and relatively smooth volcanic plains, but it has no water
and few meteorite impact craters.
Diameter 12,100 km. Density 5.25 g/cm3

Mars is much smaller than Earth and Venus but has many fascinating geologic featuresevidence that its
surface has been dynamic in the past. Three huge extinct volcanoes, one more than 28 km high, can be
seen in the left part of this image. An enormous canyon extends across the entire hemispherea distance
roughly equal to that from New York to San Francisco. These features reveal that todays windy, desert
Martian surface has been dynamic in the past, but ancient meteorite impact craters (visible in the upper right
part of the image) have not been completely obliterated by younger events.
Diameter 6800 km Density 3.9 g/cm3

Mercury is similar to the Moon, with a surface dominated by
ancient impact craters and younger smooth plains presumably
made from floods of lava. Like the Moon, Mercury lacks
an atmosphere and hydrosphere.
Moon Diameter 4900 km Density 5.44 g/cm3

The Moon has two contrasting provinces: bright, densely cratered highlands and dark, smooth lava plains. We know from rock
samples brought back by the Apollo astronauts that the dark smooth plains are ancient floods of lava that filled many large meteorite
impact craters and spread out over the surrounding area. The volcanic activity thus occurred after the formation of the heavily
cratered terrain, but was not sufficient to obliterate all of the impact craters. Today the Moon is a geologically quiet body with no
atmosphere or liquid water. Diameter 3500 km Density 3.3 g/cm3

FIGURE 1.3 The surfaces of the inner planets, shown at the same scale, provide insight into planetary dynamics. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)

Planet Earth 9

Another characteristic of Earth is that it is dynamic. Its interior and surface

continually change as a result of its internal heat. In marked contrast, many
other planetary bodies have changed little since they formed because they are
no longer hot inside. Most of Earths heat comes from natural radioactivity. The
breakdown of three elementspotassium, uranium, and thoriumis the prin-
cipal source of this heat. Once generated, this heat flows to the surface and is
lost to space. Another source of heat has been inherited from the formation of
What can the surface features tell us
the planets. Heat was generated in each of the planets by the infall of countless
about planetary dynamics?
meteorites to form a larger and larger planet. This accretionary heat may have
melted the early planets, including Earth. Larger planets have more internal
heat and retain it longer than smaller planets.
Earths internal heat creates slow movements within the planet. Its rigid outer
layer (the lithosphere) breaks into huge fragments, or plates, that move. Over bil-
lions of years, these moving plates have created ocean basins and continents. The
heat-driven internal movement also has deformed Earths solid outer layers, cre-
ating earthquakes, mountain belts, and volcanic activity. Thus, Earth has always
been a dynamic planet, continuously changing as a result of its internal heat and
the circulation of its surface water.
Look again at the view of Earth from space (Figure 1.3). Of particular inter-
est in this view is the rift system of East Africa. The continent is slowly being
ripped apart along this extensive fracture system. Where this great rift separates
the Arabian Peninsula from Africa, it has filled with water, forming the Red Sea.
The rift extends from there southward across most of the continent (it is mostly
obscured by clouds in the equatorial region). Some animals that evolved in the
East African rift valleys spread from there and learned to live in all of the var-
ied landscapes of the planet. This was their first home, but they have since walked
on the Moon.

The Other Inner Planets

In stark contrast to the dynamic Earth, some of the other inner planets are com-
pletely inactive and unchanging. For example, the Moon and Mercury (Figure 1.3)
are pockmarked with thousands of craters that record the birth of the planets
about 4.55 billion years ago. This was a period when planetary bodies swept up
what remained of the cosmic debris that formed the Sun and its planets.As the de-
bris struck each body, impact craters formed.
The Moon and Mercury are so small that they were unable to generate and re-
tain enough internal heat to sustain prolonged geologic activity.They rapidly cooled
and lost the ability to make volcanoes. Their smooth lava plains are ancient by
comparison with those on Earth. Consequently, their surfaces have changed little
in billions of years. They retain many meteorite impact craters formed during the
birth of the solar system. Neither planet has a hydrosphere or an atmosphere to
modify them. Thus, these small planets remain as fossils of the early stages in
planetary development. The footprints left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts
will remain fresh and unaltered for millions of years. Mars is larger and has more
internal heat and a thin atmosphere (Figure 1.3). Its originally cratered surface
has been modified by volcanic eruptions, huge rifts, and erosion by wind and, in its
distant past, running water. Today, Mars is too cold and the atmospheric pressure
too low for water to exist as a liquid. Large polar ice caps mark both poles. In many
ways, Mars is a frozen wasteland with a nearly immobile crust. Consequently, its an-
cient impact craters were never completely obliterated.
Venus is larger still and has more internal energy, which moves the crust and con-
tinually reshapes its surfaces (Figure 1.3).Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth
and closer to the Sun. A thick carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere holds in the solar
energy that reaches the surface and makes the temperature rise high enough to
melt lead (around 500C).The atmospheric pressure is 90 times that on Earth. Un-
like the smaller planets, Venus has no heavily cratered areas. Its ancient impact
10 Chapter 1

craters must have been destroyed by deformation or by burial below lava flows.
Its surface is apparently young. Because of its large size, it has cooled quite slowly,
so that volcanoes may even be active today. On the other hand, no evidence of
water has been found on Venus; it has no oceans, no rivers, no ice caps, and only
a very little water vapor. Only Earth has large amounts of liquid water that have
influenced its development throughout history.
This, then, is Planet Earth in its cosmic settingonly a pale blue dot in space,
part of a family of planets and moons that revolve about the Sun. It is a minor
planet bound to an ordinary star in the outskirts of one galaxy among billions.Yet,
from a human perspective, it is a vast and complex system that has evolved over
billions of years, a home we are just beginning to understand. Learning about Earth
and the forces that change itthe intellectual journey upon which you are about
to embarkis a journey we hope you will never forget. Our study of the diverse
compositions and conditions of the planets should remind us of the delicate bal-
ance that allows us to exist at all.Are we intelligent enough to understand how our
world functions as a planet and to live wisely within those limits?


The outermost layers of Earth are the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and

biosphere. Their dynamics are especially spectacular when seen from space.

Views of Earth from space like the one in Figure 1.3 reveal many features that
make Earth unique, and they provide insight into our planets history of change.The
atmosphere is the thin, gaseous envelope that surrounds Earth. The hydrosphere,
the planets discontinuous water layer, is seen in the vast oceans. Even parts of the
biospherethe organic realm, which includes all of Earths living thingscan be
seen from space, such as the dark green tropical forest of equatorial Africa. The
lithospherethe outer, solid part of Earthis visible in continents and islands.
One of the unique features of Earth is that each of the planets major realms is
in constant motion and continual change. The atmosphere and the hydrosphere
move in dramatic and obvious ways. Movement, growth, and change in the bio-
sphere can be readily appreciatedpeople are part of it. But Earths seemingly im-
mobile lithosphere is also in motion, and it has been so throughout most of the
planets history.

The Atmosphere
Perhaps Earths most conspicuous features, as seen from space, are the atmosphere
and its brilliant white swirling clouds (Figure 1.3). Although this envelope of gas
forms an insignificantly small fraction of the planets mass (less than 0.01%), it
is particularly significant because it moves easily and is constantly interacting with
the ocean and land. It plays a part in the evolution of most features of the land-
scape and is essential for life. On the scale of the illustration in Figure 1.3, most of
the atmosphere would be concentrated in a layer as thin as the ink with which the
photo is printed.
The atmospheres circulation patterns are clearly seen in Figure 1.3 by the shape
and orientation of the clouds. At first glance, the patterns may appear confusing,
but upon close examination we find that they are well organized. If we ignore the
details of local weather systems, the global atmospheric circulation becomes ap-
parent. Solar heat, the driving force of atmospheric circulation, is greatest in the
equatorial regions. The heat causes water in the oceans to evaporate, and the heat
makes the moist air less dense, causing it to rise. The warm, humid air forms an
equatorial belt of spotty clouds, bordered on the north and south by zones that
are cloud-free, where air descends. To the north and south, cyclonic storm systems
develop where warm air from low latitudes confronts cold air around the poles.
Planet Earth 11
Our atmosphere is unique in the solar system. It is composed of 78% nitrogen,
21% oxygen, and minor amounts of other gases, such as carbon dioxide (only
0.035%) and water vapor. The earliest atmosphere was much different. It was
essentially oxygen-free and consisted largely of carbon dioxide and water vapor.
The present carbon dioxide-poor atmosphere developed as soon as limestone
began to form in the oceans, tying up the carbon dioxide. Oxygen was added to the
atmosphere later, when plants evolved. As a result of photosynthesis, plants
extracted carbon dioxide from the primitive atmosphere and expelled oxygen into
it. Thus, the oxygen in the atmosphere is and was produced by life.

The Hydrosphere
The hydrosphere is the total mass of water on the surface of our planet. Water
covers about 71% of the surface. About 98% of this water is in the oceans. Only How are Earths atmosphere and
hydrosphere different from those on
2% is in streams, lakes, groundwater, and glaciers. Thus, it is for good reason that
other planets?
Earth has been called the water planet. It has been estimated that if all the ir-
regularities of Earths surface were smoothed out to form a perfect sphere, a glob-
al ocean would cover Earth to a depth of 2.25 km.
Again, it is this great mass of water that makes Earth unique. Water permitted
life to evolve and flourish; every inhabitant on Earth is directly or indirectly con-
trolled by it.All of Earths weather patterns, climate, rainfall, and even the amount
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are influenced by the water in the oceans.
The hydrosphere is in constant motion; water evaporates from the oceans and
moves through the atmosphere, precipitating as rain and snow, and returning to the
sea in rivers, glaciers, and groundwater. As water moves over Earths surface, it
erodes and transports weathered rock material and deposits it. These actions con-
stantly modify Earths landscape. Many of Earths distinctive surface features are
formed by action of the hydrosphere.

The Biosphere
The biosphere is the part of Earth where life exists. It includes the forests, grass-
What is the biosphere? How does it
lands, and familiar animals of the land, together with the numerous creatures affect Earth dynamics?
that inhabit the sea and atmosphere. Microorganisms such as bacteria are too small
to be seen, but they are probably the most common form of life in the biosphere.
As a terrestrial covering, the biosphere is discontinuous and irregular; it is an in-
terwoven web of life existing within and reacting with the atmosphere, hydros-
phere, and lithosphere. It consists of more than 1.6 million described species and
perhaps as many as 3 million more not yet described. Each species lives within its
own limited environmental setting (Figure 1.4).
Almost the entire biosphere exists in a narrow zone extending from the depth to
which sunlight penetrates the oceans (about 200 m) to the snow line in the tropical
and subtropical mountain ranges (about 6000 m above sea level).At the scale of the
photograph in Figure 1.3, the biosphereall of the known life in the solar system
would be in a thin layer no thicker than the paper on which the image is printed.
Certainly one of the most interesting questions about the biosphere concerns
the number and variety of organisms that compose it. Surprisingly, the truth is that
no one knows the answer. Despite more than 250 years of systematic research, es-
timates of the total number of plant and animal species vary from 3 million to
more than 30 million. Of this number, only 1.6 million species have been record-
ed. The diversity is stranger than you may think. Insects account for more than
one-half of all known species, whereas there are only 4000 species of mammals, or
about 0.025% of all species. Observation shows that there are more species of
small animals than of large ones. The smallest living creaturesthose invisible to
the unaided eye, such as protozoa, bacteria, and virusescontribute greatly to the
variety of species. The biosphere is a truly remarkable part of Earths systems.
The main factors controlling the distribution of life on our planet are temper-
ature, pressure, and chemistry of the local environment. However, the range of
12 Chapter 1

environmental conditions in which life is possible is truly amazing, especially the

range of environments in which microorganisms can exist (Figure 1.4B).
Although the biosphere is small compared with Earths other major layers (at-
mosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere), it has been a major geologic force. Es-
sentially all of the present atmosphere has been produced by the chemical activi-
ty of the biosphere. The composition of the oceans is similarly affected by living
things; many marine organisms extract calcium carbonate from seawater to
make their shells and hard parts. When the organisms die, their shells settle to the
seafloor and accumulate as beds of limestone. In addition, the biosphere formed
all of Earths coal, oil, and natural gas. Thus, much of the rock in Earths crust
_originated in some way from biological activity.

Land vegetation Ocean plankton

Low High Low High

(A) This map of the biosphere was produced from data derived from satellite sensors. Land vegetation increases from tan to yellow to green to black.
Escalating concentrations of ocean phytoplankton are shown by colors ranging from purple to red. Phytoplankton are microscopic plants that live in the
surface layer of the ocean and form the foundation of the marine food chain. Note the particularly high concentrations of phytoplankton in polar waters
(red and yellow) and the very low concentrations (purple and blue) in the mid-latitudes. (Courtesy of SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
and Orbimage)

10,000 Highest mountains

Airborne bacteria and
8,000 some birds Upper limit of land animals
Upper limit of most plants
6,000 Upper limit of human habitation
Upper limit of agriculture
Elevation (meters)

Most of biosphere occurs
2,000 Sea level within this zone
Sea level
Isolated communities at Bacteria down to
2,000 several thousand meters
ridge, energy from
4,000 heat and chemical reactions
6,000 Scattered bottom-living animals
at the greatest depths reached
8,000 by underwater cameras

(B) Most of the biosphere exists within a very thin zone from 100 m below sea level to about 2000 m above sea level.

FIGURE 1.4 These global views of Earths biosphere emphasize that life is widespread and has become a powerful geologic force.
Planet Earth 13
A historical record of the biosphere is preserved, sometimes in remarkable
detail, by fossils that occur in rocks. Indeed, the number of living species today
represents less than 10% of the number of species that have existed since life first
developed on Earth.

EARTHS INTERNAL STRUCTURE Why is it important to distinguish

between the physical and chemical
layers of Earths interior?
The solid materials of Earth are separated into layers according to composi-
tion and mechanical properties. From outside in, the compositional layers
are (1) crust, (2) mantle, and (3) core. Layers based on physical properties
are (1) lithosphere, (2) asthenosphere, (3) mesosphere, (4) outer core, and
(5) inner core.

Studies of earthquake waves, meteorites that fall to Earth, magnetic fields, and
other physical properties show that Earths interior consists of a series of shells of
different compositions and mechanical properties. Earth is called a differentiated
planet because of this separation into layers. How did Earth become differentiated?
First, recall that the density of liquid water is 1 g/cm3. The density of most rocks at
the surface is about three times as great, just under 3 g/cm3. But the overall density
of Earth is about 5.5 g/cm3. Clearly, Earth consists of internal layers of increasing
density toward the center. The internal layers were produced as different materi-
als rose or sank so that the least-dense materials were at the surface and the most
dense were in the center of the planet. Thus, gravity is the motive force behind
Earths differentiated structure.
In the discussion below we take you on a brief tour to the very center of Earth,
which lies at a depth of about 6400 km. Chemical properties define one set of lay-
ers, and mechanical behavior defines a different set. Figure 1.5 shows the layers
based on chemical properties on the left and those based on mechanical proper-
ties on the right. An understanding of both types of layers is vital.

Internal Structure Based on Chemical Composition

Geologists use the term crust for the outermost compositional layer (Figure 1.5,
left). The base of the crust heralds a definite change in the proportions of the var-
ious elements that compose the rock but not a strong change in its mechanical be-
havior or physical properties.
Moreover, the crust of the continents is distinctly different from the crust be-
neath the ocean basins (Figure 1.6). Continental crust is much thicker (as much as
75 km), is composed of less-dense granitic rock (about 2.7 g/cm3), is strongly
deformed, and includes the planets oldest rocks (billions of years in age). By
contrast, the oceanic crust is only about 8 km thick, is composed of denser vol-
canic rock called basalt (about 3.0 g/cm3), is comparatively undeformed by folding,
and is geologically young (200 million years or less in age). These differences be-
tween the continental and oceanic crusts, as you shall see, are fundamental to
understanding Earth.
The next major compositional layer of Earth, the mantle, surrounds or covers
the core (Figure 1.5, left). This zone is about 2900 km thick and constitutes the
great bulk of Earth (82% of its volume and 68% of its mass). The mantle is com-
posed of silicate rocks (compounds of silicon and oxygen) that also contain abun-
dant iron and magnesium. Fragments of the mantle have been brought to the
surface by volcanic eruptions. Because of the pressure of overlying rocks, the
mantles density increases with depth from about 3.2 g/cm3 in its upper part to
nearly 5 g/cm3 near its contact with the core.
Earths core is a central mass about 7000 km in diameter. Its density increases
with depth but averages about 10.8 g/cm3. The core makes up only 16% of Earths
volume, but, because of its high density, it accounts for 32% of Earths mass.
14 Chapter 1

FIGURE 1.5 The internal structure of Crust Lithosphere

Earth consists of layers of different 8 to 75 km 0
composition and layers of different physical 100 to 300 km
properties. The left side shows the layering Asthenosphere
based on chemical composition. These Mantle 350 to 500 km
consist of a crust, mantle, and core.
The right side shows the layering based Mesosphere
on physical properties such as rigidity,
plasticity, and whether it is solid or liquid.
(Note that the two divisions, chemical and
physical, do not coincide except at the core Lithosphere
mantle boundary.) (Rigid)

Crust Asthenosphere
(Silicates) (Plastic)

Mantle 2900 km (Solid)

Outer Core
5150 km

6370 km (Solid)
Layers based on chemical properties Layers based on physical properties

Indirect evidence indicates that the core is mostly metallic iron, making it distinctly
different from the silicate material of the mantle.

Internal Structure Based on Physical Properties

The mechanical (or physical) properties of a material tell us how it responds to
force, how weak or strong it is, and whether it is a liquid or a solid.The solid, strong,
and rigid outer layer of a planet is the lithosphere (rock sphere).The lithosphere
includes the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle (Figure 1.5, right). Earths
lithosphere varies greatly in thickness, from as little as 10 km in some oceanic areas
to as much as 300 km in some continental areas. Figure 1.6 shows how the major
internal layers of Earth are related.
Within the upper mantle, there is a major zone where temperature and pres-
sure are just right so that part of the material melts, or nearly melts. Under these
conditions, rocks lose much of their strength and become soft and plastic and flow
slowly. This zone of easily deformed mantle is known as the asthenosphere (weak
sphere). The boundary between the asthenosphere and the overlying lithosphere
is mechanically distinct but does not correspond to a fundamental change in chem-
ical composition. The boundary is simply a major change in the rocks mechani-
cal properties.
The rock below the asthenosphere is stronger and more rigid than in the as-
What layers of Earth are most signifi- thenosphere. It is so because the high pressure at this depth offsets the effect of
cant to planetary dynamics? high temperature, forcing the rock to be stronger than the overlying astheno-
sphere. The region between the asthenosphere and the core is the mesosphere
(middle sphere).
Earths core marks a change in both chemical composition and mechanical
properties. On the basis of mechanical behavior alone, the core has two distinct
parts: a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. The outer core has a thickness
of about 2270 km compared with the much smaller inner core, with a radius of
only about 1200 km.The core is extremely hot, and heat loss from the core and the
rotation of Earth probably cause the liquid outer core to flow.This circulation gen-
erates Earths magnetic field.
Planet Earth 15

Folded Stable
mountain belt platform Shield
Oceanic ridge Trench

Oceanic crust

70 km Continental crust
Lithosphere Lithosphere
60 km

Mantle Mantle

Asthenosphere Asthenosphere

FIGURE 1.6 The outermost layers of the solid Earth, based on physical characteristics, are the asthenosphere and the lithosphere. The
asthenosphere is hot, close to its melting point, and is capable of plastic flow. The lithosphere above it is cooler and rigid. It includes the uppermost part
of the mantle and two types of crust: thin, dense oceanic crust and thick, buoyant continental crust.


Continents consist of three major structural components: (1) shields;

(2) stable platforms; and (3) folded mountain belts. Continental crust is
less dense, thicker, older, and more deformed than oceanic crust.

If Earth had neither an atmosphere nor a hydrosphere, two principal regions would
stand as its dominant features: ocean basins and continents. The ocean basins, What are the fundamental structural
which occupy about two-thirds of Earths surface, have a remarkable topography, features of continents?
most of which originated from extensive volcanic activity and Earth movements
that continue today. The continents rise above the ocean basins as large platforms.
The ocean waters more than fill the ocean basins and rise high enough to flood a
large part of the continents. The present shoreline, so important to us geographi-
cally and so carefully mapped, has no simple relation to the structural boundary
between continents and ocean basins.
In our daily lives, the position of the ocean shoreline is very important. But
from a geologic viewpoint, the elevation of the continents with respect to the
ocean floor is much more significant than the position of the shore. The differ-
ence in elevation of continents and ocean basins reflects their fundamental dif-
ference in composition and density. Continental granitic rocks are less dense
(about 2.7 g/cm3) than the basaltic rocks of the ocean basins (about 3.0 g/cm3).
That is, a given volume of continental rock weighs less than the same volume of
oceanic rock. This difference causes the continental crust to be more buoyant
to rise higherthan the denser oceanic crust in much the same way that ice
cubes float in a glass of water because ice is less dense than water. Moreover, the
rocks of the continental crust are older (some as old as 4.0 billion years old) than
the rocks of the oceanic crust.
The elevation and area of the continents and ocean basins now have been
mapped with precision. These data can be summarized in various forms. Figure
1.7 shows that the average elevation of the continents is 0.8 km above sea level, and
the average elevation of the seafloor (depth of the ocean) is about 3.7 km below
sea level. Only a relatively small percentage of Earths surface rises significantly
above the average elevation of the continents or drops below the average depth
16 Chapter 1

8 Mount Everest
(8.8 km)

Elevation (km)
4 Mean land surface
(0.84 km)
Mean seafloor
4 (3.7 km)

8 Mariana Trench
(11.0 km)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent of Earths surface

FIGURE 1.7 A graph of the elevation of the continents and ocean basins shows that the
average height of the continents is only 0.8 km above sea level. Only a small percentage of Earths
surface rises above the average elevation of the continents or drops below the average elevation of
the ocean floor.

of the ocean. If the continents did not rise quite so high above the ocean floor, the
entire surface of Earth would be covered with water.

What are the most significant features Shields. The extensive flat region of a continent, in which complexly deformed
of continental shields? ancient crystalline rocks are exposed, is known as a shield (Figure 1.8). All of the
rocks in the shield formed long agomost more than 1 billion years ago.
Moreover, these regions have been relatively undisturbed for more than a half-
billion years except for broad, gentle warping. The rocks of the shields are highly
deformed igneous and metamorphic rock; they are also called the basement
Without some firsthand knowledge of a shield, visualizing the nature and sig-
nificance of this important part of the continental crust is difficult. Figure 1.9
shows part of the Canadian shield of the North American continent as seen
from space. It will help you to comprehend the extent, the complexity, and some
of the typical features of shields. First, a shield is a regional surface of low relief that
generally has an elevation within a few hundred meters of sea level. (Relief is the
elevation difference between the low and the high spots.) Resistant rocks may rise
50 to 100 m above their surroundings.
A second characteristic of shields is their complex internal structure and com-
plex arrangements of rock types. Many rock bodies in a shield once were molten, and
others have been compressed and extensively deformed while still solid. Much of the
rock in shields was formed several kilometers below the surface. They are now ex-
posed only because the shields have been subjected to extensive uplift and erosion.

What are the most significant features Stable Platforms. When the basement complex is covered with a veneer of
of stable platforms? sedimentary rocks, a stable platform is created. The layered sedimentary rocks are
nearly horizontal and commonly etched by dendritic (treelike) river patterns (Figure
1.10). These broad areas have been relatively stable throughout the last 500 million
or 600 million years; that is, they have not been uplifted a great distance above sea level
or submerged far below ithence the term stable platform. In North America, the
stable platform lies between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains
and extends northward to the Lake Superior region and into western Canada.
Throughout most of this area, the sedimentary rocks are nearly horizontal, but locally
they have been warped into broad domes and basins (Figure 1.8). Sometimes it is
useful to group the shield and stable platform together in what is called a craton.

Folded Mountains. Some of the most impressive features of the continents are
the young folded mountain belts that typically occur along their margins. Most
people think of a mountain as simply a high, rugged landform, standing in contrast
to flat plains and lowlands. Mountains, however, are much more than high country.
To a geologist, the term mountain belt means a long, linear zone in Earths crust
where the rocks have been intensely deformed by horizontal stress during the slow
Planet Earth 17

FIGURE 1.8 The major surface features of Earth reflect the Young mountain belt Flood basalt
structure of the lithosphere. The continental crust rises above the 0 to 100 m.y. old less than 200 m.y. old
ocean basins and forms continents. They have as their major Older mountain belt
Continental shelf
structural features shields, stable platforms, and folded mountain 100 to 500 m.y. old
belts. The continents are formed mostly of granitic rock. The oceanic
Stable platform Oceanic crust
crust forms the ocean floor. Its major features include the oceanic
less than 500 m.y. old 0 to 200 m.y. old
ridge, the abyssal floor, seamounts, and trenches. It is composed
primarily of basalt. Shield Oceanic ridge
greater than 500 m.y. old Trench
18 Chapter 1

FIGURE 1.9 The Canadian shield is a fundamental structural component of North America. It is composed of complexly deformed crystalline
rock bodies, eroded to an almost flat surface near sea level, as shown in this false-color satellite image. Throughout much of the Canadian shield, the
topsoil has been removed by glaciers, and different rock bodies are etched in relief by erosion. The resulting depressions commonly are filled with
water, forming lakes and bogs that emphasize the structure of the rock bodies. Dark tones show areas of metamorphic rock. Light pink tones show
areas of granitic rock. (Courtesy of NASA)

collision between two lithospheric plates. In addition, they generally have

been intruded by molten rock. The topography can be high and rugged, or it
can be worn down to a surface of low relief. To a sightseer, the topography of
a mountain belt is everything, but to a geologist, it is not as important as the
extent and style of its internal deformation. The great folds and fractures in
mountain belts provide evidence that Earths lithosphere is, and has been, in
Figure 1.10 illustrates some characteristics of folded mountains and the ex-
tent to which the margins of continents have been deformed. On this map of
the Appalachian Mountains, the once horizontal layers of rock have been de-
Can a folded mountain belt be a formed by compression and are folded like wrinkles in a rug. Erosion has re-
lowland? moved the upper parts of the folds, so the resistant layers form zigzag patterns
similar to those that would be produced if the crest of the wrinkles in a rug
were sheared off.
The crusts of the Moon, Mars, and Mercury lack this type of deformation. All
of their impact craters, regardless of age, are circularproof that the crusts of
these planets have not been strongly deformed by compressive forces. Their
crusts, unlike that of Earth, appear to have been fixed and immovable through-
out their histories. However, Venus is like Earth in this respect and has long belts
of folded mountains.

Summary of the Continents. The broad, flat continental masses that rise above
the ocean basins have an almost endless variety of hills and valleys, plains and
plateaus, and mountains. Yet from a regional perspective, the geologic differences
between continents are mostly in size and shape and in the proportions of shields,
stable platforms, and folded mountain belts.
Planet Earth 19

FIGURE 1.10 The stable platform and folded mountain belt in the eastern United States are clearly shown on this topographic map. The
layered rocks of the stable platform are nearly horizontal, but on a regional scale, they are warped into a large structural basin that has been
highly dissected by intricate networks of river valleys (upper left). The rocks of the Appalachian Mountains, in contrast, have been compressed
and folded (center and lower right). The folded layers are expressed by long, narrow ridges of resistant sandstone that rise about 300 m above
the surrounding area (lower right). Erosion has removed the upper parts of many folds, so their resistant limbs (which form the ridges) are
exposed in elliptical or zigzag outcrop patterns. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)

Let us now briefly review the major structural components of the continents by
examining North and South America (Figure 1.8). North America has a large
shield, most of which is in Canada. Most of the Canadian shield is less than 300 m
above sea level. The rocks in the Canadian shield formed between 1 and 4 billion
years ago.The stable platform extends through the central United States and west-
ern Canada and is underlain by sedimentary rocks, slightly warped into broad
domes and basins. The Appalachians are an old folded mountain belt that formed
about 250 million years ago. The Rocky Mountains form part of another folded
mountain belt (the Cordillera) that dominates western North America and ex-
tends into South America. The Rockies started forming about 60 million years
ago, and parts of this belt are still active.
In many ways, the structure of South America (Figure 1.8) is similar to that of
North America. The continent consists of a broad shield in Brazil and Venezuela,
and stable platforms in the Amazon basin and along the eastern flanks of the
Andes Mountains.The Andes Mountains are part of the Cordilleran folded moun-
tain belt that extends from Alaska to the southern tip of South America. The con-
tinent has no mountain belt along the eastern margin like the Appalachian Moun-
tains in North America. More than 90% of South America drains into the Atlantic
Ocean by way of the Amazon River system.
Before going on, you should briefly review the major structural features of each
of the other continents and examine how they are similar and how they are dif-
ferent (see the shaded relief map inside the back cover).
THE ART Mapping the Continents from Space

Topographic maps that show elevations have always been

important to geologists studying the continents. Until the
mid-1900s, such maps were painstakingly constructed by
careful fieldwork using survey instruments. It might take
weeks to cover an area of 100 km2, assuming access was
good. Later in the 1930s and 1940s, aerial photographs re-
placed or supplemented these field techniques, but some
fieldwork was still necessary. However, many remote areas
and less-developed countries remained largely unmapped.
In February 2000, astronauts on the space shuttle using
imaging radar revolutionized mapmaking. In just nine days,
they collected the data for the most accurate topographic
map ever made of much of the planet. Radar signals were
bounced off Earths surface and then received by two dif-
ferent antennas, one inside the spacecraft and the other on
a 60-m-long boom extended from the shuttle. A computer
then combined these separate images to prepare a three-di-
mensional topographic map, just as your brain combines
two separate images, one from each eye, to construct a 3-D
image of your surroundings.
A key advantage to radar is that it can see the sur- terrains and assist in troop deployment. Lower resolution
face through clouds and in darkness. Another major ad- maps (10 to 30 m resolution) will be used to study Earth on
vantage is speed. Shuttle radar can capture the topograph- a global scale in a way never before possible, including top-
ic data for an area the equivalent of Rhode Island in only ics such as tectonics, flooding, erosion rates, volcanic and
two seconds and for an area 100,000 km2 in a minute. In landslide hazards, earthquakes, and climate change.
nine days, the shuttle mapped nearly 80% of Earths land The shuttle radar topographic map below shows the dra-
surface. In many areas these will be the highest resolution matic difference between the new data (30 m resolution on
maps available. Before the shuttle mission, less than 5% of the left) and the best existing data (on the right) for the trop-
Earths surface had been mapped at a comparable scale. ical rain forests of central Brazil.This region is centered near
NASA, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the Ger- the city of Manaus on the great Amazon River.With the new
man and Italian space agencies are supporting the project. map, you can see the delicate branching patterns of a multi-
The most detailed maps, showing objects just 3 m across, tude of stream valleys. The dark, smooth areas are reservoirs
may only be available to the U.S. military. Such data will be behind large dams. Most of the small valleys are not visible
used, for example, to guide cruise missiles through complex on the earlier topographic map.

0 10 20
(Courtesy of NASA)

Planet Earth 21


Oceanic crust differs strikingly from continental crust in rock types,

structure, landforms, age, and origin. The major features of the ocean floor
are (1) the oceanic ridge, (2) the abyssal floor, (3) seamounts, (4) trenches,
and (5) continental margins.

The ocean floor, not the continents, is the typical surface of the solid Earth. If
we could drain the oceans completely, this fact would be obvious. The seafloor How do the landforms on the ocean
holds the key to the evolution of Earths crust, but not until the 1960s did we rec- floor differ from those on continents?
ognize that fact and obtain enough seafloor data to see clearly its regional char-
acteristics. This new knowledge caused a revolution in geologists ideas about
the nature and evolution of the crust, a revolution as profound as Darwins the-
ory of evolution.
Until about the 1940s, most geologists believed that the ocean floor was simply
a submerged version of the continents, with huge areas of flat abyssal plains cov-
ered with sediment eroded from the land mass. Since then, great advances in tech-
nology and exploration have been used to map the ocean basins in remarkable
detail, as clearly as if the water had been removed (see the inside cover of this
book).These maps show that submarine topography is as varied as that of the con-
tinents and in some respects is more spectacular.
Along with this kind of mapping, we have collected samples of the oceanic crust
with drill rigs, dredges, and submarines. We have learned that the oceanic crust is
mostly basalt, a dense volcanic rock, and that its major topographic features are
somehow related to volcanic activity.These features make the oceanic crust entirely
different from the continental crust. Moreover, the rocks of the ocean floor are
young, in geologic terms. Most are fewer than 150 million years old, whereas the
ancient rocks of the continental shields are more than 600 million years old. We
have discovered that the rocks of the ocean floor have not been deformed into
folded mountain beltsin marked contrast to the complexly deformed rocks in the
mountains and basement complex of the continents.

The Oceanic Ridge. The oceanic ridge is perhaps the most striking and important What are the highest and lowest parts
feature on the ocean floor. It extends continuously from the Arctic Basin, down the of the ocean floor?
center of the Atlantic Ocean, into the Indian Ocean, and across the South Pacific.
You can see it clearly in Figure 1.8 and on the map inside the back cover. The
oceanic ridge is essentially a broad, fractured rise, generally more than 1400 km
wide. Its higher peaks rise as much as 3000 m above their surroundings. A huge,
cracklike rift valley runs along the axis of the ridge throughout much of its length,
which totals about 70,000 km. In addition, great fracture systems, some as long
as 4000 km, trend perpendicular to the ridge.

The Abyssal Floor. The oceanic ridge divides the Atlantic and Indian oceans
roughly in half and traverses the southern and eastern parts of the Pacific. On both
sides of the ridge are vast areas of broad, relatively smooth deep-ocean basins
known as the abyssal floor. This surface extends from the flanks of the oceanic
ridge to the continental margins and generally lies at depths of about 4000 m.
The abyssal floor can be subdivided into two sections: the abyssal hills and the
abyssal plains. The abyssal hills are relatively small ridges or hills, rising as much
as 900 m above the surrounding ocean floor. They cover from 80% to 85% of the
seafloor, and thus, they are the most widespread landforms on Earth. Near the
continental margins, land-derived sediment completely covers the abyssal hills,
forming flat, smooth abyssal plains.

Trenches. The deep-sea trenches are the lowest areas on Earths surface. The
Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest part of the worlds oceans
22 Chapter 1

Oceanic ridge Trench Seamounts Abyssal floor Continental Shelf

FIGURE 1.11 The major features of the ocean floor include the oceanic ridge, the deep-sea trenches, and the abyssal floor. Seamounts rise
above the deep-ocean floor and are formed by volcanic eruptions.

11,000 m below sea leveland many other trenches are more than 8000 m deep.
Trenches have attracted the attention of geologists for years, not only because of
their depth, but also because they represent fundamental structural features of
Earths crust. As illustrated in Figure 1.11, the trenches are invariably adjacent to
chains of volcanoes called island arcs or to coastal mountain ranges of the
continents.Why? We will see in subsequent chapters how the trenches are involved
in the planets most intense volcanic and seismic (earthquake) activity, and how the
movement of Earths lithospheric plates causes it all.

Seamounts. Isolated peaks of submarine volcanoes are known as seamounts.

Some seamounts rise above sea level and form islands, but most are submerged and
are known only from oceanographic soundings.Although many may seem to occur
at random, most, such as the Hawaiian Islands, form chains along well-defined
lines. Islands and seamounts testify to the extensive volcanic activity that is ongoing
throughout the ocean basins.They also provide important insight into the dynamics
of the inner Earth.

How are continental margins different Continental Margins. The zone of transition between a continent and an ocean
from the rest of the seafloor? basin is a continental margin. The submerged part of a continent is called a
continental shelf, essentially a shallow sea that extends around a continent for
many kilometers. You can clearly see the continental shelf around the continents
in Figure 1.8 and on the map inside the back cover. Geologically, the continental
shelf is part of the continent, not part of the ocean basin. At present, continental
shelves form 11% of the continental surface, but at times in the geologic past, these
shallow seas were much more extensive.
The seafloor descends in a long, continuous slope from the outer edge of the con-
tinental shelf to the deep-ocean basin.This continental slope marks the edge of the
Planet Earth 23

THE ART Mapping the Ocean Floor from Space

Earths uncharted frontiers lie at the floor of the oceans,

and for most of human history they were as inaccessible as Satellite
the stars. Thanks to several new techniques, geologists are Orbit
now seeing the topography of the ocean floor.
The technique that is easiest to understand involves echo Tracking
sounding. This is a special type of sonarsound waves are Radar laser
timed while they travel to the ocean bottom and bounce
back. Research ships tow long trails of hydrophones be-
hind them to detect the signals. The result is a narrow strip Antenna
map showing the elevation of the seafloor directly beneath Sea su
Seamount OCEAN
the ship. Multiple traverses are necessary to accumulate r
enough data to compile a good topographic map. It would CRUST
take about 125 years to map all of the ocean basins using this
A completely new way to make global maps of the vide the first view of the ocean-floor structures in many re-
seafloor is carried out by an orbiting spacecraft instead of mote areas of the Earth. The map shown here of a swath
a ship. The satellites use radar to carefully map the eleva- across the Pacific Ocean with New Zealand on the west.
tion of the sea surface. These maps show that the surface of and the map on the inside back cover were constructed in
the ocean bulges upward and downward, mimicking the this way.
topography of the underlying ocean floor. Although these Why does the sea surface bulge? It bulges because Earths
bumps are too small to be seen with your eyes, they can be gravitational field is not constant everywhere. The gravita-
measured by a radar altimeter on the satellite. The satellite tional acceleration at any spot on Earths surface is propor-
emits a pulse of radar at the ocean surface, and the time tional to the mass that lies directly beneath it. Thus, if a high
for its reflection back to the satellite is measured.The width seamount or ridge lies on the ocean floor, it has enough mass
of the pulse is several kilometers wide and averages out to pull water toward it, piling up the water immediately
local irregularities caused by ocean waves. To make accu- above it. Such a bulge may be several meters high. On the
rate elevation measurements, the satellite itself is tracked other hand, because water has a density less than that of
from ground stations using lasers. rock, a point above a deep trough in the ocean floor has less
The data are then processed with a computer to calculate mass directly below it and shows up as a shallow trough on
the topography of the underlying seafloor. The maps pro- the sea surface.

(Courtesy of D. T. Sandwell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego)

24 Chapter 1

continental rock mass. Continental slopes are found around the margins of every
continent and around smaller fragments of continental crust, such as Madagascar
and New Zealand. Look at Figure 1.8 and study the continental slopes, especially
those surrounding North America, South America, and Africa. You can see that
they form one of Earths major topographic features. On a regional scale, they are
by far the longest and highest slopes on Earth. Within this zone, from 20 to 40 km
wide, the average relief above the seafloor is 4000 m. In the trenches that run along
the edges of some continents, relief on the continental slope is as great as 10,000
m. In contrast to the shorelines of the continents, the continental slopes are re-
markably straight over distances of thousands of kilometers.
To ensure that you understand the basic features of the oceans, refer again to
Figure 1.11 and the map inside the back cover and study the regional relationships
of the oceanic ridges, abyssal plains, trenches, and seamounts of each of the major
oceans. For example, the topography of the Atlantic Ocean floor shows remark-
able symmetry in the distribution of the major features (Figure 1.11). It is domi-
nated by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a broad rise in the center of the basin. Iceland
is a part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that reaches above sea level. South of Iceland,
the ridge separates the ocean floor into two long, parallel sub-basins that are cut
by fracture zones stretching across the entire basin. Abyssal hills lie on either
side the ridge, and abyssal plains occur along the margins of the continental plat-
forms. In the South Atlantic, two symmetrical chains of seamounts extend from the
continental margins to the oceanic ridge and come together to form an open V.
Deep trenches flank volcanic island arcs off the north and south margins of South
America. The symmetry of the Atlantic Basin even extends to the continental
margins: the outlines of Africa and Europe fit those of South America and North


One way to simplify this vast array of details is to consider a model of Earth
in its simplest form, in which the fundamental componentsenergy, rock,
air, water, and lifeare the only elements.

Having surveyed the important components of Planet Earth, you should now look
back and consider what these facts imply for life in general and humans in partic-
ular. To help you understand, let us contemplate a simple model of Earththe
An ecosphere is a small glass globe, about the size of a large cantaloupe, con-
taining five essential elements: energy, air, water, sand, and living things (algae,
seaweed, shrimp, snails, and a variety of microorganisms). The globe is sealed,
forming a closed system in which plants and animals are self-sustaining (Figure
1.12). Just like a planet, nothing enters or leaves the system except sunlight and
heat.You cannot add oxygen.You can never clean the water or replace the seaweed
or remove dead organisms. You can never add food or remove waste. The plants
and animals are on their own small planet: an isolated world in miniature.
Experiments have shown that if even one of the five parts is missing, the shrimp
will not survive and the entire system will fail. The biological cycle is shown in the
diagram in Figure 1.12. The key to the system is energy in the form of light. Light
energy powers photosynthesis, the chemical mechanism through which algae make
their own food from carbon dioxide and water and release oxygen into the water.
The shrimp breathe the oxygen in the water and feed on the algae and bacteria.
The bacteria break down the animal waste into nutrients that the algae use in their
growth. The shrimp, snails, and bacteria also give off carbon dioxide, which the
algae use to produce oxygen. Thus, the cycle is repeated and constantly renews it-
self. The shrimp and snails are masters of this little worldas long as they do not
Planet Earth 25

Solar energy


Shrimp and snails

Food and oxygen
Carbon dioxide
Sea weed

Algae Inorganic


FIGURE 1.12 An ecosphere is a small model of Earth. It is a closed system of air, water, sand,
and living organisms. Sunlight enters, providing the energy needed by the algae to make oxygen
from carbon dioxide and water. Shrimp and snails breathe the oxygen and consume some algae and
bacteria. Bacteria break down the animal waste into nutrients, which are used by the algae. The
shrimp, snails, and bacteria also give off carbon dioxide, which the algae use to make more oxygen.
This is an interlocking cycle of constant decay and renewal. If any component is missing, or is too far
out of proportion, the system collapses and the entire biosphere of this tiny planet becomes extinct.
(Photograph by Stan Macbean)

overpopulate or contaminate their environment. In this closed system, plants

and animals grow, reproduce, and die, but the self-renewing cycle continues. The
ecosphere in Figure 1.12 operated well for more than three years, until it was
moved to a spot near a window. There it received more sunlight. The algae grew
too fast and upset the critical balance, causing everything to die. Some ecospheres
have sustained themselves for more than 10 years.
As you might suspect, an ecosphere is much the same as Planet Eartha closed,
self-contained system with a few basic parts. The only real external input is ener-
gy from sunlight. Our ecospherethe lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
biosphereprovides the rest.When astronauts look back at our planet from space,
they see an ecosphere made of continents and oceans, forests, and polar bodies of
ice, all enclosed in a thin blue dome of gases, bathed in sunlight.
These five spheres interact to form a single dynamic system in which com-
ponents are interconnected in fascinating ways with a strength so amazing that a
change in one sphere can affect the others in unsuspected ways. In the next chap-
ter, we will consider in greater detail the concept of natural systems and introduce
you to the two fundamental geologic systems of our planetary ecosphere.
26 Chapter 1
Slope Systems 26
GeoLogic Meteorites and Earths Interior

Stony meteorite
Mantle and crust
(seen through microscope)

Stony-iron meteorite
Core-mantle boundary

Iron meteorite

(Photograph of stony-iron meteorite by C. Clark, Smithsonian Institution)

Can you imagine any part of Earth more inaccessible than 3. Detailed chemical studies show that these metallic mete-
the core? Our best estimates place it at a depth of almost orites are made principally of only two elements, iron and
3000 km.The deepest mines or even caves extend only a few nickel.
kilometers deepin spite of what you may have read in Jules 4. Iron meteorites are also extremely dense, a cubic cen-
Vernes Journey to the Center of the Earth. Our deepest timeter weighs nearly 8 g/cm3, compared to a typical sur-
drill holes only penetrate to a depth of 15 or 20 km. And face rock that weighs less than 3 g/cm3.
yet geologists believe they know a great deal about Earths
interior. For example they believe that Earths core is made Interpretations
mostly of iron, that it supports a huge magnetic field, and
that it has a temperature of 5000 C. While we cannot Each of these bits of evidence points to a logical interpre-
justify all of these propositions here, we can present a few of tation that has implications for the nature of Earths interi-
the facts that lead to the logical conclusion that Earths core or. Apparently, iron meteorites formed by: (1) partial melt-
is made of molten metal. ing of a planet (implied by high temperature of formation);
(2) gravitational sinking of the molten metal to near its cen-
ter (high density and slow cooling rate caused by a thick in-
Observations sulating layer that allowed heat to escape slowly), and fi-
1. There are three fundamentally different types of mete- nally (3) cooling and crystallization (crystalline structure).
orites (rocks that fall from space). The most common are Thus, we have concluded that when you hold an iron mete-
similar to rocks found at Earths surface and are called orite in your hand, you are actually holding a piece of the
stony meteorites. Other meteorites are mixtures of stony once molten core of another planet. The other types of me-
materials and shiny metal, and a third type is made sole- teorites appear to have come from the mantles and crusts of
ly of metal. small planets that were like Earth in having differentiated in-
2. When cut open, polished and etched with acid, metallic teriors.
meteorites have spectacular crystalline structures that re- The average density of the Earth is 5.5 g/cm3. This aver-
veal they formed at high temperatures from molten metal age density of the surface rocks is about 2.8 g/cm3. How does
and then crystallized slowly in the solid state. this support the interpretation above?

Planet Earth 27

abyssal floor (p. 21) continental shelf (p. 22) hydrosphere (p. 11) oceanic crust (p. 15)
abyssal hill (p. 21) continental slope (p. 22) impact crater (p. 9) oceanic ridge (p. 21)
abyssal plain (p. 21) core (p. 13) inner core (p. 14) outer core (p. 14)
accretionary heat (p. 9) craton (p. 16) inner planets (p. 5) outer planets (p. 5)
asthenosphere (p. 14) crust (p. 13) internal heat (p. 9) radioactivity (p. 9)
atmosphere (p. 10) density (p. 5) island arc (p. 22) relief (p. 16)
basement complex (p. 16) differentiated planet (p. 13) lithosphere (p. 14) rift valley (p. 21)
biosphere (p. 11) ecosphere (p. 24) mantle (p. 13) seamount (p. 22)
continent (p. 13) folded mountain belt (p. 16) mesosphere (p. 14) shield (p. 16)
continental crust (p. 15) geology (p. 4) ocean basin (p. 13) stable platform (p. 16)
continental margin (p. 22) trench (p. 21)

1. Why are some planets geologically active today and others ridge, the abyssal floor, and deep-sea trenches.
inactive? 6. Make a table comparing the differences in the age, thick-
2. Why are the atmosphere and the oceans considered as ness, density, composition, and structure of oceanic and con-
much a part of Earth as is solid rock? tinental crust.
3. Study the view of Earth in Figure 1.3. Sketch a map show- 7. Briefly describe the distinguishing features of continental
ing: (a) major patterns of atmospheric circulation, (b) low- shields, stable platforms, and folded mountain belts.
latitude deserts, (c) the tropical belt, (d) a folded mountain 8. Using the map in the back of the book, describe the loca-
belt, (e) the stable platform, and (f) the shield of North tions of the shield, stable platforms, and folded mountain
America. belts of Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe.
4. Draw two diagrams of Earths internal structure. Draw one 9. Briefly describe the distinguishing features of the oceanic
to show its internal structure based on chemical composi- ridge, the abyssal floor, trenches, seamounts, and continental
tion and draw another showing its structure based on mechan- margins.
ical (physical) properties. 10. Describe the major elements of an ecosphere and how it
5. Draw a cross section showing the lithospheres major struc- functions. Relate these elements to their counterparts on
tural features: the continental crust, shields, stable plat- the real Earth.
forms, and folded mountain belts, together with the oceanic

Allegre, C. 1992. From Stone to Star. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Lunine, J. I. 1999. Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World. Cam-
University Press. bridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Broecker, W. S. 1998. How to Build a Habitable Planet. New Sagan, C. 1994. Pale Blue Dot. New York: Random House.
York, N.Y.: Columbia University Press. Hughes, R. 2002. Planet Earth. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and addition- to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
al resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of complex global systems
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Video clips of Earth systems in action
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with examples of important geologic features
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Web Site
Web Resources
2 Geologic Systems
Earth is a dynamic planet because the materials of its various layers are in motion. The ef-
fects of both the hydrologic and the tectonic systems are dramatically expressed in this
space photograph of eastern North America. The most obvious motion is that of the surface
fluids: air and water.The complex cycle by which water moves from the oceans into the at-
mosphere, to the land, and back to the oceans again is the fundamental movement within
the hydrologic system. The energy source that drives this system is the Sun. Its energy evap-
orates water from the oceans and causes the atmosphere to circulate, as shown above by
the swirling clouds of hurricane Dennis. Water vapor is carried by the circulating atmos-
phere and eventually condenses to fall as rain or snow, which gravity pulls back to Earths
surface. Still acted on by the force of gravity, the water then flows back to the oceans in sev-
eral subsystems (rivers, groundwater, and glaciers). In every case, gravity causes the water
to flow from higher to lower levels.
Earths lithosphere may appear to be permanent and stationary, but like the hydro-
sphere, it is in constant motion, albeit much, much slower. There is now overwhelming evi-
dence that the entire lithosphere moves, and as it does, continents split and the fragments
drift thousands of kilometers across Earths surface perchance to collide with one another.
The great Appalachian Mountain chain, visible here as a series of parallel ridges and val-

c hi Florida
Canadian an
Shield unt
Great Lakes

leys, formed when two continents collided hundreds of millions of years ago. The folded
and crumpled rock layers formed a high mountain belt that was slowly eroded away by
streams. Subsequently, the margin of North America formed as it rifted away from Africa.
In fact, all of the structural features of our planet are the result of a simple system of mov-
ing lithospheric plates. Movement in this plate tectonic system is driven by the loss of inter-
nal heat energy.
The concept of a natural system, as developed for the study of geology, provides a frame-
work for understanding how each part of Earth works and why it is constantly changing. Geo-
logic systems are governed by natural laws that provide the keys to understanding Earth and
all of its varied landscapes and processes.
In this chapter, we will consider the fundamentals of natural systems. We also explore
the basics of the hydrologic system and the tectonic system as the ultimate causes of
geologic change.

Image provided by Orbimage; Orbital Imaging Corporation

1. A natural system is a group of interdependent components that interact to
form a unified whole and are under the influence of related forces. The ma-
terials in a system change in an effort to reach and maintain equilibrium.
2. Earths system of moving water, the hydrologic system, involves the move-
ment of waterin rivers, as groundwater, in glaciers, in oceans, and as water
vapor in the atmosphere. As water moves, it erodes, transports, and deposits
sediment, creating distinctive landforms and rock bodies.
3. Radiation from the Sun is the source of energy for Earths hydrologic system.
4. A system of moving lithospheric platesthe plate tectonic systemexplains
Earths major structural features. It operates from Earths internal heat.
5. Where plates move apart, hot material from the mantle wells up to fill the
void and creates new lithosphere. The major features formed where plates
spread apart are continental rifts, oceanic ridges, and new ocean basins.
6. Where plates converge, one slides beneath the other and plunges down into
the mantle. The major features formed at convergent plate margins are fold-
ed mountain belts, volcanic arcs, and deep-sea trenches.
7. Where plates slip horizontally past one another, transform plate boundaries
develop on long, straight faults. Shallow earthquakes are common.
8. Far from plate margins, plumes of less-dense mantle material rise to shallow
levels, feeding within-plate volcanoes and producing minor flexures of the
9. Earths crust floats on the denser mantle beneath. The crust rises and sinks
in attempts to maintain isostatic equilibrium.


A system is a group of interdependent materials that interact with energy to

form a unified whole. Most geologic systems are open; that is, they can
exchange matter and energy across their boundaries.

As we emphasized in the preceding chapter, the world is a unified whole. Nothing

in or on it exists as an isolated entity. Everything is interconnected. We may know
myriad details about the many separate items found on or inside Earth, but most
of us do not understand how the pieces are interrelated and fit together. Without
some concept of how the world functions as a whole, we easily miss important re-
lationships between seemingly isolated phenomena, such as the critical connec-
tions among rainfall, temperature, and landslides. To understand Earth and how it
functions, we need a model or framework, a plan or map that shows how things are
interrelated and how things operate. Such a framework is provided by the con-
cept of the system.
What is a geologic system? There are many different kinds of systems. You are undoubtedly familiar with
many natural and artificial systems. An engineer may think of a system as a group
of interacting devices that work together to accomplish a specific task. In your
home, there is an electrical system, a plumbing system, and a heating system. Each
functions as an independent unit in some way. Each transfers material or energy
from one place to another, and each has a driving force that makes the system op-
erate. In another example, a biologist conceives of a similar kind of system, but it
is one composed of separate organs made of living tissues that work together. The
circulatory system is composed of the heart, blood vessels, and other organs that
together move blood through the body.
In the physical sciences, we speak of systems in very general terms; a system is
that part of space in which we are interested. The space may contain various ma-
terials acted on by energy in different ways. By defining a system, we identify the

Geologic Systems 31

extent of the material being considered and the energy involved so that we can
more clearly understand any changes.
In each of these cases, a system is composed of individual items or components
that work together to make a unified whole. In accomplishing specific tasks, ma-
terial and energy move about and change from one form to another. Such a sys-
tem is dynamic, in motion, rather than static or unchanging. What is a dynamic system? Can you
A natural system is a bit more complicated than a typical engineering system. give an example?
For example, a geologic system may have real boundaries, such as the top and bot-
tom of a flowing stream of water or the walls of a body of molten rock (Figure
2.1). Or it may have arbitrary boundaries defined for the specific purpose of study.
Everything outside of the systems boundaries is the surroundings or environment
and is not considered part of the system.
Earths systems obviously are so broad in scope, and cover so many phe-
nomena in the natural world, that we should be careful about how we use the term.
Two types of systems are important in geology: (1) a closed system exchanges only
heat (no matter); and (2) an open system exchanges both heat and matter with its
surroundings. In a closed system, such as a cooling lava flow, heat is lost, but
new material is neither added nor lost (Figure 2.1A). However, most geologic
systems are open systems, in which matter and energy freely flow across the sys-
tems boundaries. A river system, for example (Figure 2.1B), gains water from
springs, snowmelt, and rainfall as it flows toward the ocean.
Earth itself is a system. It is a sphere of matter with distinct boundaries. Earth
has been an essentially closed system since the end of the heavy meteorite bom-
bardment some 4 billion years ago. Since then, no significant new material has en-
tered the system (except meteorites and space dust), and, just as important, sig-
nificant quantities have not left the system. Since the planet formed, however, its
materials have experienced tremendous change. Solar energy enters this nearly
closed system and causes matter (air and water) to move and flow in distinctive pat-
terns. Heat energy from within Earth also causes motion resulting in earthquakes,
volcanism, and shifting continents.Thus, a space photograph of our planetary home
seen as a whole is a powerful image of a natural systeman image that imparts a
sense of the oneness in a natural system.
On a much smaller scale, a river and all its branching tributaries is a natural sys-
tem. The floor of the stream and the upper surface of the flowing water form some
of its boundaries. Matter enters this system from the atmosphere as rain, snow, or
groundwater and then flows through the river channel and leaves the system as it
enters the sea. As long as rain falls, the system will be supplied with matter, gravi-
tational potential energy, and kinetic energy.The ultimate energy source for a river
system is energy from the Sun. Its energy heats water in the ocean, evaporating it

FIGURE 2.1 Natural systems may be

closed or open.

(A) A closed system, such as a cooling lava (B) Open systems, such as a river, exchange energy
flow, exchanges only radiant heat. Here, heat and matter. In a river, water and sediment are
from the lava is lost to the atmosphere. collected from the drainage area and flow through
the system to the sea. Most geologic systems are
open systems.
32 Chapter 2

and lifting it into the atmosphere, and transporting it to the continents. The force
of gravity causes the water to flow downslope to the sea.
Most other geologic systems are complex open systems like river systems. One
type of complexity results from subsystems. For example, a river system is only
part of the much larger hydrologic system that includes all possible paths of world-
wide water movement. Atmospheric circulation of water vapor is another impor-
tant subsystem of the hydrologic system. Oceanic currents are another; glaciers
and groundwater are others. Each is a subset of the overall circulation of water and
energy at Earths surface.


In all natural systems change occurs in the direction necessary to establish

and maintain equilibriuma condition of the lowest possible energy.

The very essence of Earths geologic systems is the flow of energy and the
movement of matter. As a result, materials on and in Earth are changed or
rearranged. Yet, this change does not occur at random. It occurs in a definite,
predictable way. By carefully examining a system, we can see how one component
is connected to another in an invisible web. The individual threads of this network
are so tightly interdependent that a change in any component, even a small
Why is Planet Earth considered to be a change, causes change in the rest of the system. Predicting and understanding
natural system? these changes is an important reason for using the system approach.
What determines the direction of change in a dynamic geologic system? For
example, does water flow downhill or uphill? Does hot air rise or sink? Although
the answers to these questions seem self-evident, they seem simple only because
of your experience with natural systems driven by gravity. You have thousands of
experiences each day that reveal many of the principles of gravity. These experi-
ences allow you to predict what will happen in many different situations.
However, because you lack experience with other natural systems, there are
many questions regarding direction of change that are more difficult for you to an-
swer. For example, under what conditions of temperature or pressure does one
mineral convert to different mineral? At what temperature does rock melt? Or
water freeze? Why does heat flow from one rock to another or from one region to
another? When will solid rock break to cause an earthquake? In short, how can we
predict the direction of change in any natural system?
Most of these questions can be answered, or at least better understood, because
of one very simple principle. Changes in natural systems have a universal tenden-
cy to move toward a state of equilibriuma condition of the lowest possible ener-
gy.This pattern holds for the landscape, earthquakes, volcanoes, flowing water, and
many other geologic phenomena. This governing principle has been clearly estab-
lished through painstaking experimentation by thousands of scientists working over
several centuries.Thus, if we can deduce which of several possible conditions is low-
est in energy, we can predict the direction of change in a natural system.
Another way to think about equilibrium is to consider it a condition in which
the net result of the forces acting on a system is zero. It is a state of no permanent
change in any characteristic of the system. Systems not in equilibrium tend to
change in a direction to reach equilibrium. To better understand this idea, think
of two boulders on a hillside. One sits high on the side of the hill and has much
gravitational potential energy. Another sits on the valley floor and has very little
gravitational potential energy. Which boulder is more likely to change its position?
Obviously, only a small perturbation could send the first boulder rolling down
the hillside. But any force exerted on the second boulder would cause only a mod-
est and temporary change in position, and it would then roll back to its original
position. The second boulder has low gravitational potential energy and is at an
equilibrium position.
Geologic Systems 33

Now, imagine a third boulder that sits in a slight depression on the hillside. It is
in a metastable position. A very small force would be insufficient to change its po-
sition permanently, but a larger force would push it over the brink and allow it to
crash down the hill to a stable position.
A hot lava flow cools for similar reasons. It loses heat energy to its surround-
ings in order to reach equilibrium with its environment. If a change upsets this
equilibrium, the system will naturally change in such a direction as to reestablish
equilibrium under the new conditions.
In all such transformations, some energy is lost to the environment, gener-
ally as heat. Often, the lost heat energy is no longer available to cause change.
A fundamental natural law holds that any system tends to run down, mean-
ing that it gradually loses energy of the sort that can cause change.
If you look carefully at a geologic system, you should be able to identify its
equilibrium state. For example, what would be the equilibrium landscape formed What is equilibrium in a natural
by a river system? The state that would provide the very least gravitational po- system?
tential agency would be one of flatness. Thus, a perfectly flat landscape with no
hills, ridges, or valleys would be the equilibrium landscape. Of course, that state may
never be perfectly achieved, because of the inability of erosion to keep up with
other changes imposed on the river system.
In summary, the total energy of a system must decrease for a spontaneous change
to occur. The change will proceed until equilibrium is attained and the energy is at a
minimum. The most stable state is always the one with the lowest energy. In other
words, all materials attempt to achieve a balance with the chemical and physical forces
exerted upon them, and they will change to arrive eventually at equilibrium.This ef-
fort results in progressive changes in any planetary material that is exposed to an en-
vironment different from that in which it formed. Although this equilibrium state is
the preferred state of all systems, there are many intermediate or metastable states,
adding to the complex problem of understanding Earths dynamic systems.

Systems, Equilibrium, and Geology

The dual concepts of systems and equilibrium, as developed for the study of geolo-
gy, provide a framework for understanding how each part of Earth works and why it
is constantly changing. Order can be seen in all scales of time and space. Nothing is
random. Everything, from a grain of sand on a beach to a lake, mountain range, or
canyon, is there because it was formed in a systematic way by an organized interac-
tion of matter and energy. Dynamic geologic systems are governed by natural laws,
which provide the keys to understanding Earth and all its landscapes and processes.
The major geologic systems are the hydrologic system and the tectonic system.
Perhaps no other place on Earth illustrates the operation of these two grand sys-
tems as well as the Middle East (Figure 2.2). This satellite photograph may at first
appear to be a chaotic jumble of colors and textures, but careful examination shows
that every feature is a product of these two dynamic systems. Carefully read the
figure caption to understand this important point.


The hydrologic system is the complex cycle through which water moves
from the oceans, to the atmosphere, over the land, and back to the oceans
again. Water in the hydrologic systemmoving as surface runoff, ground-
water, glaciers, waves, and currentserodes, transports, and deposits
surface rock material.

The complex motion of Earths surface waterthe hydrologic systemoperates

on a global scale. It unites all possible paths of water into a single, grand system of
motion. The term hydrologic is rooted in the Greek term hydor for water. The
FIGURE 2.2 Earths geologic systems are evident in this space photograph. The effects of the hydrologic system are revealed by river systems,
even in this desert region of the Middle East. The Sinai Peninsula (right page) is etched by delicate networks of stream valleys, which disappear into
the sandy desert along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Elsewhere, stream erosion has etched out the fractures in the rocks, but the drainage
patterns are masked by wind-blown sand. The Nile River is flanked by farmlands (red). The Nile carries a tremendous volume of sediment to the sea,
where it is deposited in a huge delta (dark red because of vegetation). The Nile River and its delta are a dramatic expression of the hydrologic system
as running water erodes the highlands of central Africa and transports the sediment to the sea. An additional expression of the hydrologic system is the

wave action along the delta front that reworks the sediment brought to the sea by the Nile and redeposits it as beaches and barrier bars. In this arid
region, linear windblown sand dunes have developed on either side of the Nile Delta. The tectonic system is expressed by the rift of the Red Sea and
the fracture system extending northward up the Gulf of Aqaba and into the Dead SeaJordan River valley. The Arabian Peninsula is moving to the
northeast and, as it splits and moves away from Africa, a new ocean basin (the Red Sea) is born. The movement of tectonic plates is a clear expression
of the fundamental dynamics of Earths interior. (Courtesy of Earth Satellite Corporation)

36 Chapter 2

FIGURE 2.3 The hydrosphere, the

thin film of water that makes Planet Earth basic elements of the system can be seen from space (Figure 2.3) and are dia-
unique, is essential for life. Earth is just the grammed in Figure 2.4. The system operates as energy from the Sun heats water
right distance from the Sun for water to in the oceans, the principal reservoir for Earths water. As it is heated, the water
exist as a liquid, solid, and gas. If it were
closer to the Sun, our oceans would
evaporates. Most of the water vapor condenses and returns directly to the oceans
evaporate; if it were farther from the Sun, as rain. Atmospheric circulation carries the rest over the continents, where it is
the oceans would freeze solid. Drawing precipitated as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
energy from the Sun, it moves in great Water that falls on the land can take a variety of paths. The greatest quantity re-
cycles from the oceans to the atmosphere turns to the atmosphere by evaporation, but the most visible return is to the oceans
and over the landscape in river systems,
ultimately returning to the oceans. (Image
by surface runoff in river systems, which funnel water back to the oceans. Some water
provided by Orbimage, Orbital Imaging also seeps into the ground and moves slowly through pore spaces in the soil and rocks,
Corporation) where it is available to plants. Part of the water is used by the plants, which exhale
it into the atmosphere, but much of it slowly seeps into streams and lakes. In polar re-
gions, or in high mountains, water can be temporarily trapped on a continent as glacial
ice, but the glacial ice gradually moves from cold centers of accumulation into warmer
areas, where melting occurs and the water returns to the oceans as surface runoff.
In short, water in the hydrologic system is constantly moving as vapor, rain,
snow, surface runoff, groundwater, and glaciers, or even in ocean waves and cur-
rents.As it moves across the surface, it erodes and transports rock material and then
deposits it as deltas, beaches, and other accumulations of sediment. Consequent-
Hurricanes ly, the surface materials, as well as the water, are in motionmotion that results
in a continuously changing landscape.
One of the best ways to gain an accurate conception of the magnitude of the hy-
drologic system is to study space photography. These photographs provide a view of
the system in operation on a global scale. A traveler arriving from space would see
that the surface of Earth is predominantly water (Figure 2.3).The movement of water
from the oceans to the atmosphere is expressed in the flow patterns of the clouds.The
atmosphere and moving cloud cover are among the most distinctive features of Earth
Geologic Systems 37


Transpiration and



FIGURE 2.4 The circulation of water in the hydrologic system is powered by solar energy, as shown in this block diagram. Water
evaporates from the oceans, circulates with the atmosphere, and eventually condenses as rain or snow where it cools. Much of the water
that falls on the continents returns to the oceans by surface runoff and groundwater seepage. Variations in the major flow patterns of this
system include the temporary storage of water in lakes and glaciers. Within this major system are many smaller cycles, or shortcuts, such as
evaporation from lakes and transpiration from plants.

as it is viewed from space. The great river systems stand out markedly when com-
pared with the surfaces of the Moon and Mercury, where impact craters dominate
stark landscapes. Without hydrologic systems, the surfaces of these planets have re-
mained largely unmodified for billions of years (see Figure 1.2).
In addition, the swirling, moisture-laden clouds carry an enormous amount of
energy. For instance, the kinetic energy produced by a hurricane amounts to rough-
ly 100 billion kilowatt-hours per day. That is much more than the energy used by
all of the people of the world in one day.
Another way to grasp the magnitude of the hydrologic system is to consider the
volume of water involved. From measurements of rainfall and stream discharge,
together with measurements of heat and energy transfer in bodies of water, sci-
entists have calculated that if the hydrologic system were interrupted and water How much water is in motion in the
did not return to the oceans by precipitation and surface runoff, sea level would hydrologic system?
drop 1 m per year. All of the ocean basins would be completely dry within
4000 years. The recent ice ages demonstrate this point clearly: The hydrologic
system was partly interrupted, as much of the water that fell on the Northern
Hemisphere froze and accumulated to form huge continental glaciers, preventing
the water from flowing immediately back to the oceans as surface runoff. Con-
sequently, sea level dropped more than 100 m during the most recent ice age.
As a final observation, consider what the hydrologic system has produced. It
eroded millions of tons of rock from the Grand Canyon, carved the fantastic peaks
of the Himalaya mountains, and deposited the vast Mississippi delta. The hydro-
logic system also created the small streams and valleys around your hometown.
There is little, if any, surface on Earth that is not affected in some way by the work
of the hydrologic system. When you go for a walk in the country, it is very likely
you will be walking over a surface formed by running water, a young surface (ge-
ologically speaking) that is still developing.

Major Subsystems of the Hydrologic System

The enormous energy of the hydrologic system is apparent in each subsystem by
which water movesrivers, glaciers, groundwater, oceans, and wind. All erode,
transport, and deposit material and create new landforms in the process. We will
explore the details of each major geologic system in subsequent chapters, but for
now let us examine some results of the water movement over Earth.
38 Chapter 2

Atmosphere-Ocean System. Earths oceans are vast reservoirs of liquid water

that together with the gases in the atmosphere create the climate system.
Circulation in these envelopes of fluid is driven by heat from the Sun. The uneven
heating of Earths surface causes the atmosphere to convect, winds to blow, causes
evaporation of huge quantities of water vapor into the atmosphere, and drives
Hydrologic System ocean currents. In addition, variations in this convection system sets up a regular
pattern for the distribution of precipitation and temperature around the entire
globe. Thus, the climate is controlled by the materials and energy in his system. In
turn, the climate controls how the hydrologic system operates in a local area.

River Systems. Most water precipitated onto the land returns directly to the
oceans through surface drainage systemsriver systems. The amount of water in
Earths rivers appears vast, but in fact it is startlingly small; it is only about 0.0001%
of the total water on Earth, or 0.005% of the water not in the oceans. Water flows
through rivers very rapidly, at an average rate of 3 m per second.At this rate, water
can travel through the entire length of a long river in a few weeks.This means that,
although the volume of the water in rivers at any given time is small, the total
volume passing through river systems in a given period can be enormous. As a
result, most of the landscape is dominated by features formed by running water.
From viewpoints on the ground, we cannot appreciate the prevalence of stream
What are the major components of channels on the surface of Earth. From space, however, we readily see that stream
the hydrologic system and how do they valleys are the most abundant landforms on the continents. In arid regions, where
operate? vegetation and soil cover do not obscure our view, the intricate network of stream
valleys is most impressive (Figure 2.5). Most of the surface of every continent is
somehow related to the slope of a stream valley, which collects and funnels surface
runoff toward the ocean.
Another important aspect of a river system is that it provides the fluid medium
that transports huge amounts of sand, silt, and mud to the oceans.These sediments
form the great deltas of the world, which are records of the amount of material
washed off the continents by rivers. The Nile Delta is a classic example (Figure
2.2). The Nile River is confined to a single channel far upstream from Cairo. It
then splits into a series of branching channels, from which the sediment carried
by the river is eventually deposited as new land in the Mediterranean Sea. The
main channels slowly shift their courses back and forth across the delta, and the
older extensions of the delta are eroded back by ocean waves and currents.

FIGURE 2.5 River systems are clear

records of how the hydrologic system sculpts
the land. They testify to the magnitude of
this vast interconnected system of moving
water, for few areas on land are untouched
by stream erosion. In this photograph of a
desert region, details of the delicate network
of tributaries are clearly shown. On the
Moon, Mercury, and Mars, craters dominate
the landscape, but on the continents of
Earth, stream valleys are the most abundant
landforms. (Courtesy of NASA)
Geologic Systems 39

FIGURE 2.6 Valley glaciers, such as

these in Alaska, occur where more snow
accumulates each year than is melted in the
summer. Over many years, this cycle allows
accumulating snow to build the glaciers.
Valley glaciers originate in the snowfields of
high mountain ranges and slowly flow as
large tongues of ice down preexisting stream
valleys. The moving ice is a powerful agent of
erosion and modifies the valleys in which it
flows. The dark lines on the glaciers are rock
debris derived from the valley walls.
(Courtesy of U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Glacial Systems. In cold climates, precipitation falls as snow, most of which

remains frozen and does not return immediately to the ocean as surface runoff. If
more snow falls each year than melts during the summer months, huge bodies of
ice build up to form glaciers (Figure 2.6). Large valley glaciers originate from
snowfall in high mountains and slowly flow down valleys as rivers of ice. Glacier
systems greatly modify the normal hydrologic system because the water that falls
upon the land does not return immediately to the ocean as surface runoff. It is not
until the glaciers melt at their lower end that water flows back to the sea, seeps into
the ground, or evaporates.
At present, the continent of Antarctica is almost entirely covered with a conti-
nental glacier, a sheet of ice from 2.0 to 2.5 km thick. It covers an area of 13 million
km2an area larger than the United States and Mexico combined. An ice sheet Why are glaciers considered to be part
similar to that now on Antarctica covered a large part of North America and Eu- of the hydrologic system?
rope during the last ice age, and it retreated only within the last 18,000 years.As the
ice moved, it modified the landscape by creating many lakes and other landforms
in Canada and the northern United States, including the Great Lakes.
Water in the form of ice constitutes about 80% of the water not in the oceans,
or about 2% of Earths total waterfar more than is in our streams and rivers.
Water in glaciers moves very slowly and may remain in a glacier for thousands or
even millions of years. Present estimates suggest that water resides in a glacier for
about 10,000 years on average.

Groundwater Systems. Another segment of the hydrologic system is the

groundwater systemthe water that seeps into the ground and moves slowly
through the pore spaces in soil and rocks. Surprisingly, about 20% of the water
not in the oceans occurs as groundwater. As it slowly moves, groundwater
dissolves soluble rocks (such as limestone) and creates caverns and caves that can
enlarge and collapse to form surface depressions called sinkholes. This type of
dissolution-generated landform is common in Kentucky, Florida, Indiana, and
western Texas and is easily recognized from the air (Figure 2.7). Sinkholes
commonly create a pockmarked surface somewhat resembling the cratered
surface of the Moon. They may also become filled with water and form a series
of circular lakes.

Shoreline Systems. The hydrologic system also operates in shoreline systems

along the shores of all continents, islands, and inland lakes through the unceasing
40 Chapter 2

FIGURE 2.7 Groundwater is a largely

invisible part of the hydrologic system
because it occupies small pore spaces in the
soil and rocks beneath the surface. It can,
however, dissolve soluble rocks, such as
limestone, to form complex networks of
caves and subterranean passageways. As the
caverns enlarge, their roofs may collapse,
forming circular depressions called
sinkholes. The hundreds of lakes shown in
this false-color photograph of the area west
of Cape Canaveral, Florida, occupy
sinkholes and testify to the effectiveness of
groundwater as a geologic agent. (Courtesy
of U.S. Department of Agriculture)

work of waves.The oceans and lakes are bodies of mobile water subject to a variety
of movementswaves, tides, and currents.All of these movements erode the coast
and transport vast quantities of sediment (for example, the Nile Delta in Figure
2.2).The effects of shoreline processes are seen in wave-cut cliffs, shoreline terraces,
deltas, beaches, bars, and lagoons.

Eolian (Wind) Systems. The hydrologic system also operates in the arid regions
of the world. In many deserts, river valleys are still the dominant landform. There is
no completely dry spot on Earth. Even in the most arid regions some rain falls, and
climate patterns change over the years. River valleys can be obliterated, however, by
dunes of wind-blown sand that cover parts of the desert landscape (Figure 2.2).
The circulation of the atmosphere forms the eolian system. Wind can transport
enormous quantities of loose sand and dust, leaving a distinctive record of the
winds activity. In the broadest sense, the wind itself is part of the hydrologic sys-
tem, a moving fluid on the planets surface.


The tectonic system involves the movement of the lithosphere, which is

broken into a mosaic of separate plates. These plates move independently,
separating, colliding, and sliding past one another. The margins of the
plates are sites of considerable geologic activity, such as seafloor spreading,
continental rifting, mountain building, volcanism, and earthquakes.

Geologists have long recognized that Earth has its own source of internal energy.
It is repeatedly manifested by earthquakes, volcanic activity, and folded mountain
belts. But it was not until the middle 1960s that a unifying theory developed to ex-
Plate Tectonic System plain Earths dynamics.This theory, known as plate tectonics, provides a master plan
of Earths internal dynamics. The term tectonics, like the related word architec-
ture, comes from the Greek tektonikos and refers to building or construction. In
geology, tectonics is the study of the formation and deformation of Earths crust
that results in large-scale features.
Evidence for this revolutionary theory of lithospheric movement comes from
many sources. It includes data on the structure, topography, and magnetic patterns
of the ocean floor; the locations of earthquakes; the patterns of heat flow in the
Geologic Systems 41

Oceanic ridge

Ocean floor

South America

(Upper mantle)
Trench (Mantle and crust)
Mesosphere Plume
(Lower mantle)


crust; the locations of volcanic activity; the structure and geographic fit of the con- FIGURE 2.8 The tectonic system is
tinents; and the nature and history of mountain belts. powered by Earths internal heat. The
asthenosphere is more plastic than either the
The basic elements of the tectonic system are simple and can be easily understood
overlying lithosphere or the underlying
by carefully studying Figure 2.8. The lithosphere, which includes Earths crust and lower mantle. Above the plastic
part of the upper mantle, is rigid, but the underlying asthenosphere slowly flows. asthenosphere, relatively cool and rigid
A fundamental tenet of plate tectonics is that the segments, or plates, of the rigid lithospheric plates split and move apart as
lithosphere are in constant motion relative to one another and carry the lighter single mechanical units (along the ocean
ridges). As this happens, molten rock from
continents with them.
the asthenosphere wells up to fill the void
Plates of oceanic lithosphere form as hot mantle material rises along mid- between the lithospheric plates and thus
oceanic ridges; they are consumed in subduction zones, where one converging plate creates new lithosphere. Very slow
plunges downward into the hotter mantle below (Figure 2.8). The descent of these convection occurs in the mantle. Some plates
plates is marked by deep-sea trenches that border island arcs and some continents. contain blocks of thick, lower-density
continental crust, which cannot sink into the
Where plates slide by one another, large fractures form. The movement and colli-
denser mantle. As a result, where a plate
sion of plates accounts for most of Earths earthquakes, volcanoes, and folded carrying continental crust collides with
mountain belts, as well as for the drift of its continents. another plate, the continental margins are
From the standpoint of Earths dynamics, the boundaries of plates are where the deformed into mountain ranges. Plate
action is. As seen in Figure 2.9, plate boundaries do not necessarily coincide with margins are the most active areas on Earth
the sites of the most intense volcanism,
continental boundaries, although some do. There are seven very large plates and
seismic activity, and crustal deformation.
a dozen or more small plates (not all of which are shown in Figure 2.9). Each plate Locally, convection in the deep mantle
is as much as a few hundred kilometers thick. Plates slide over the more mobile as- creates rising mantle plumes. (After P. J.
thenosphere below, generally at rates between 1 and 10 cm per year. Because the Wyllie)
plates are internally quite rigid, they become most deformed along their edges.
The basic source of energy for tectonic movement is believed to be Earths in-
ternal heat, which is transferred by convection. In a simple model of Earths con-
vecting interior, hot mantle material rises to the lithospheres base, where it then
moves laterally, cools, and eventually descends to become reheated, continuing
the cycle. A familiar example of convection can be seen while heating a pot of
soup (Figure 2.10). Heat applied to the base of the pot warms the soup at the bot- What is the source of energy for the
tom, which therefore expands and becomes less dense. This warm fluid rises to the tectonic system?
top and is forced to move laterally while it cools. Consequently, it becomes denser
and sinks, setting up a continuing cycle of convection.

Major Subsystems of the Tectonic System

Many features of the ocean basins and continents can be nicely explained by the
plate tectonic system.We will consider many of them in detail in subsequent chapters, but
42 Chapter 2

Eurasian plate
Eurasian plate

Juan de
China Fuca plate North American
Caribbean Arabian
subplate plate
plate plate
Philippine African
plate plate
Pacific plate plate
South Somalian
American subplate
Nazca plate

Scotia plate

Antarctic plate

Convergent plate boundaries Divergent plate boundaries Transform plate boundaries

FIGURE 2.9 A mosaic of plates forms Earths lithosphere, or outer shell. The plates are rigid, and each moves as a single unit. There
are three types of plate boundaries: (1) the axis of the oceanic ridge, where the plates are diverging and new oceanic crust is generated (red
lines); (2) transform faults, where the plates slide past each other (the short lines slicing across the divergent boundaries); and (3)
subduction zones, where the plates are converging and one descends into the asthenosphere (blue lines).

let us look briefly at the major features of the planet and how they fit into the
tectonic system. The different types of plate boundaries are, in effect, subsystems
of the tectonic system. Each creates specific geologic phenomena. We have
illustrated each boundary type with an example from the continents.

Divergent Plate Boundaries. The plates move apart at divergent plate

boundaries, which coincide with midoceanic ridges (Figure 2.9 and Figure 2.12).
Hot molten material from the deeper mantle wells up to fill the void. Some of
this material erupts on the seafloor as lava. The molten rock solidifies and forms
new lithosphere. The midoceanic ridges stand high because their material is hot
and, therefore, less dense than the colder adjacent oceanic crust.
The most intense volcanism on Earth occurs at divergent plate boundaries, but
What are the major subsystems of the it is largely concealed below sea level. When oceanic earthquake locations are
tectonic system and how do they plotted on a map, they outline with dramatic clarity the divergent plate bound-
operate? aries (Figure 2.11). Most of these are shallow earthquakes, quite unlike those found
where plates converge.
Most divergent boundaries occur on the seafloor, but continental rifts also
develop where divergent boundaries form on the continents. Such a continental rift
eventually creates a new ocean basin. The great rift of the Red Sea (Figure 2.2)
displays many features of a continental rift. The Red Sea is an extension of the
midoceanic ridge of the Indian Ocean, which splits the Sinai and Arabian penin-
sulas from Africa. Take the time to locate the area shown in this remarkable
photograph (Figure 2.2) on the topographic map on the inside covers of this book.
The structure of the area is dominated by the long, linear fault valley that forms
the north end of the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez. Note the sharp contrast where
faults have juxtaposed young, light-colored sediments against the ancient shields
as this region is slowly ripping asunder. New seafloor is forming on the floor of the
Geologic Systems 43

Ocean High heat flow

FIGURE 2.10 Convection in the
mantle can be compared to convection in a
Cool Cool pot of soup. Heat from below causes the
material to expand and thus become less
dense. The warm material rises by
Cooling Cooling convection and spreads laterally. It then
Hot cools, and thus becomes denser, and sinks. It
is reheated as it descends, and the cycle is
Heat Source repeated.

Red Sea. This rift expresses dramatically the tensional stresses in the lithosphere
and the way these stresses affect Earths surface.

Transform Plate Boundaries. The oceanic ridges are commonly broken and
offset along lines perpendicular to the ridges. These offsets are large faults
expressed by their own high ridges and deep valleys. Transform plate boundaries
occur where plates horizontally slide past one another (Figure 2.13). Shallow Convection
earthquakes are common along all transform boundaries (Figure 2.11), but
volcanic eruptions are uncommon.
Most transform plate boundaries are on the seafloor, but the best-known ex-
ample of this type of fault on a continent is the great San Andreas Fault system in
California (Figure 2.13). The fault zone is marked by sharp linear landforms, such
as straight and narrow valleys, straight and narrow ridges, and offset stream valleys.
The San Andreas Fault system is an active boundary between the Pacific plate to
the west and the North American plate to the east. The Pacific plate is moving at
about 6 cm per year, relative to the North American plate. As stress builds be-
tween the plates, the rock bodies deform until they break. This sudden release
along the fault causes earthquakes like those so common in California. Another

Divergent boundary Convergent boundary Transform boundary Earthquakes Active volcanoes

FIGURE 2.11 Earthquakes and active volcanoes outline plate margins with remarkable fidelity. At divergent plate boundaries,
shallow earthquakes, submarine volcanic eruptions, and tensional fractures occur. Transform boundaries have shallow earthquakes
but generally lack active volcanoes. Along convergent margins, there are deep earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, trenches on the
seafloor, and folded mountain belts. Isolated areas of volcanism and earthquakes reveal the locations of active mantle plumes.
44 Chapter 2

FIGURE 2.12 The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is transform boundary cuts the Asian continent from the Gulf of Aqaba to the Dead
a divergent plate boundary and marks the Sea and creates a valley obvious from space (Figure 2.2).
spot where new lithosphere is forming and
where two plates are separating. The North
American plate is slowly moving west and Convergent Plate Boundaries. Plates move toward one another along convergent
Africa on the Eurasian plate is moving east. plate boundaries. Along such plate margins, geologic activity is far more varied
Earthquakes and volcanoes are and complicated than at transform plate boundaries (Figure 2.14). Intense
concentrated along the crest of the ridge. compression ultimately rumples the lithosphere and builds high folded mountain
Transform faults cut the ridge and offset it.
(Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)
belts. Preexisting rocks become altered by heat and pressure. The net result is the
growth of continents.Where two plates converge, one tips down and slides beneath
the other in a process known as subduction.
It is clear that earthquakes and volcanoes dramatically outline convergent
plate margins (Figure 2.11).The simplest form of convergence involves two plates
with oceanic crust. Such subduction zones in the western and northern Pacific re-
gion lie along the volcanic islands of Tonga, the Marianas, and the Aleutians.Trench-
es form where the downgoing plate plunges into the mantle. These are long, nar-
row troughs, normally 5 to 8 km deep, and are the lowest features on Earth. As a
plate of lithosphere slips into the mantle, it becomes heated and dehydrated.
Some rock material melts, becomes less dense, and rises, and some erupts to
form a string of volcanic islands called an island arc.
If the oceanic plate dives beneath a continent, the molten rock may form a
chain of volcanoes on the continental margin; the Cascades of California-Ore-
gon-Washington are an example. The remarkable series of deep-sea trenches
and associated volcanic arcs make the ring of fire that almost surrounds the
Pacific Ocean (Figure 2.11).
As each subducting plate grinds its way downward, earthquakes are produced.
The deepest of all earthquakes, almost 700 km deep, occur at convergent plate bound-
aries. Plate tectonics can thus readily explain why the Andes mountains of South
America are tormented by repeated volcanic eruptions and earthquakes (Figure
2.14). They are forming where two tectonic plates converge. The same is true for the
western coasts of Central America. It is equally clear that the earthquakes and vol-
canic eruptions in the Mediterranean area occur at a convergent plate margin.
Where moving plates converge, the rocks in the crust may also become de-
formed. The crust in continents and in island arcs is buoyant (it is less dense than
Geologic Systems 45

North American Plate

Pacific Plate
Paci Pl

oceanic crust) and resists subduction back into the dense mantle. Consequently, this FIGURE 2.13 The San Andreas Fault
kind of crust becomes intensely compressed and folded at some convergent plate system in California is part of a long
transform plate boundary that separates the
margins. The structures of the Andes Mountains (Figure 2.14) of South America
North American plate from the Pacific plate.
vividly express this type of deformation. The complex system of ridges and val- It connects a divergent boundary in the Gulf
leys in the eastern Andes is produced by folded sedimentary rock layers deformed of California with the Mendocino transform
by the collision of two plates. The folded layers now appear like wrinkles in a rug. fault and the Juan de Fuca ridge. At least a
The Appalachians were formed in a similar manner (Figure 1.10). dozen major fault systems can be seen as
linear mountain trends. Movement along the
A younger mountain belt that extends from Alaska through the Rockies and
San Andreas Fault is horizontal; that is, one
Central America and into the Andes of South America was produced by the en- block of Earths crust slides laterally past
counter of the American plates with the Pacific, Cocos, and Nazca plates. This is a another. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte,
geologically young mountain system, with many parts still being deformed as the Inc.)
plates continue to move.

Within-Plate Tectonics and Mantle Plumes. Within the moving plates, the
continental and oceanic crust experience little tectonic or volcanic activity as they
move away from midoceanic ridges. However, plumes of hot rock rising from the
deep mantle (Figure 2.8) may create isolated volcanoes and gently warp the interior
of a plate. An excellent example is the Hawaiian Island chain in the Pacific Ocean
(Figure 2.15). The huge volcanoes and geysers of Yellowstone National Park in
western North America may also overlie a mantle plume. Earthquakes related to
the volcanoes in these areas are also common (Figure 2.11), but large deep
earthquakes are rarely felt in such within-plate regions.

Plates and Plate Motion

Take a moment to study Figure 2.9 again. You will want to become very familiar
with this map because it shows a new geographythe geography of tectonic plates.
As you have seen, most of Earths major features can be understood from the
interactions of these plates in the tectonic system.
THE ART Heat Flow Measurements and Plate Tectonics

Earth is a giant heat engine. Not only does it create its own
heat, but its tectonic system is driven by the flow of this heat.
The outer core is molten and convects vigorously. Portions
of the mantle melt. Volcanoes erupt hot lava. Hot springs
bubble and boil. Metallic ore deposits form from hot fluids.
These facts underscore the importance of understanding
Earths internal heat. To do this, geologists evaluate heat
flow by measuring the amount of thermal energy released
through a given area (in miliwatts/m2). Heat flow is usually
measured by lowering a sensitive thermometer down a deep
drill hole and recording the temperaturesometimes called
the geothermal gradient.
The map summarizes decades of careful measurements
and shows fundamental relationships between heat flow
and global tectonic setting (compare with Figure 2.11). It is (Courtesy of H. N. Pollack)
obvious that heat flow is not distributed uniformly across
the planet. But why do these patterns emerge? Where is igneous processes at ocean ridges. It is also much younger
Earths internal heat coming from anyway? than most continental lithosphere and has not yet lost all of
Let us answer the last question first. Today, most of the its heat. Moreover, the highest heat flow regions are the
heat released from Earth is generated by radioactive decay midocean ridgesespecially the East Pacific rise and the
of three elements found in small quantities in almost all ridge in the Indian Ocean. At the ridge, the lithosphere is
rockspotassium, uranium, and thorium. The heat is cre- young, thin, and the site of active volcanism.
ated when small quantities of matter are converted to en- The zones of lowest heat flow correspond to ancient cen-
ergy. Even though the mantle contains very low concen- tral parts of the continentsthe shields (compare with the
trations of these radioactive elements, it is so thick and map on the inside front cover). Apparently, the lithosphere
massive that the mantle is the dominant source of Earths is cool and thick under the ancient shields.
thermal energy. Therefore, heat flow (and the temperature Another interesting pattern is visible upon careful ex-
gradient) is high where the hot mantle is near the surface. amination of the heat flow over trenches (or subduction
This principle helps us understand why heat flow is so zones). Note that heat flow is low over the subduction zones
high below oceanic regions where the cold lithosphere is near Indonesia and the west coast of South America. Why
thin compared to that beneath the continents. Another way is heat flow low near these zones of active volcanoes? Prob-
of thinking about this oceanic thermal anomaly is to re- ably because the subduction of cold oceanic lithosphere
member that oceanic lithosphere is hot when it forms by refrigerates the mantle and reduces the heat flow.


mW m-2






(Modified after H. N. Pollack and D. S. Chapman)

Geologic Systems 47

l ca
FIGURE 2.14 The Andes Mountains were formed by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America at a convergent plate margin.
Layers of sedimentary rock, which were originally horizontal, have been elevated and compressed into folds that were subsequently eroded. The
resistant layers appear as ridges in the eastern Andes. Folded mountain belts such as the Andes are one of the most significant results of converging
plates, but if you look carefully you can also see the relatively smooth volcanic plains and isolated volcanic cones that show the role played by
volcanism at convergent plate margins. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)

In Figure 2.9, you can see that seven major lithospheric plates are recognized
the North American, South American, Pacific, Australian, African, Eurasian, and
Antarctic platestogether with several smaller ones. Let us take a brief tour, so
you will know what to look for.
1. The divergent plate boundaries are marked by oceanic ridges, which extend What are the major plates and how are
from the Arctic south through the central Atlantic and into the Indian and Pa- they moving?
cific oceans. Movement of the plates is away from the crest of the oceanic ridge.
2. The North American and South American plates are moving westward and
interacting with the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca plates along the
west coast of the Americas.
3. The Pacific plate is moving northwestward away from the oceanic ridge to-
ward a system of deep trenches in the western Pacific basin.
4. The Australian plate includes Australia, India, and the northeastern Indi-
an Ocean. It is moving northward, causing India to collide with the rest of
Asia to produce the high Himalaya Mountain ranges and the volcanic arc
of Indonesia.
5. The African plate includes the continent of Africa, plus the southeastern At- Earth Systems
lantic and western Indian oceans. It is moving northward and colliding with
the Eurasian plate.
6. The Eurasian plate, which consists of Europe and most of Asia, moves eastward.
7. The Antarctic plate includes the continent of Antarctica, plus the floor of the
Antarctic Ocean. It is unique in that it is nearly surrounded by oceanic ridges.
48 Chapter 2

FIGURE 2.15 The Hawaiian Islands formed far from any plate boundary and are thought to lie above a plume of hot
material rising through the mantle. As the lithosphere slowly moves northeast, it carries the older volcanoes away from the
hotspot. Volcanoes are still active on the large southern island of Hawaii, but not on the more eroded Maui, and other
islands to the northeast where the action of the hydrologic system is dominant. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)


Gravity plays a fundamental role in Earths dynamics. It is intimately

involved with differentiation of the planets interior, isostatic adjustments
of the crusts elevation, plate tectonics, and downward flow of water in the
hydrologic system.

Gravity is one of the great fundamental forces in the universe. It played a vital
role in the formation of the solar system, the origin of the planets, and the impact
of meteorites that dominated their early history. Since then, gravity has been a
constant force in every phase of planetary dynamics, and it is a dominant factor in
all geologic processes operating on and within Earthglaciers, rivers, wind, and
even volcanoes.
Gravity also operates on a much grander scale within Earths crust. It causes
lighter (less dense) portions, such as continents, to stand higher than the rocks of
the heavier, denser ocean floor. Similarly, the loading of Earths crust at one place
with thick sediment in a river delta, or with glacial ice, or with water in a deep lake
will cause that region to subside. Conversely, the removal of rock from a mountain
range by erosion will lighten the load, causing the deep crust to move upward to take
How is isostasy a reflection of an equi- its place. This gravitational adjustment of Earths crust is isostasy (Greek isos,
librium state? equal; stasis, standing). Earths lithosphere therefore continuously responds
to the force of gravity as it tries to maintain a gravitational balance.
Isostasy occurs because the crust is more buoyant than the denser mantle be-
neath it. Each portion of the crust displaces the mantle according to its thickness
and density (Figure 2.16). Denser crustal material sinks deeper into the mantle
than does less-dense crustal material. Alternatively, thicker crustal material will
extend to greater depth than thin crust of the same density. Isostatic adjustments
in Earths crust can be compared to adjustments in a sheet of ice floating on a lake
as you skate on it. The layer of ice bends down beneath you, displacing a volume
of water with a weight equal to your weight. As you move ahead, the ice rebounds
behind you, and the displaced water flows back.
Geologic Systems 49



(A) Low-density blocks float on a denser liquid. If the blocks (B) High mountains in low-density crust are balanced by a deep
have equal densities, the thicker blocks rise higher and sink root that extends into the mantle.
deeper than the thinner blocks.

Dense Dense rocks



(C) Floating blocks of unequal density. The block with denser (D) A deep basin may form if the rocks beneath it are denser
(green) portions sinks and the surface is lower than the adjacent (green) than surrounding rocks (brown).
blocks, even though the thickness is the same.

FIGURE 2.16 Isostasy is the universal tendency of segments of Earths crust to establish a condition of gravitational balance.
Differences in both thickness and density can cause isostatic adjustments in Earths crust.

As a result of isostatic adjustment, high mountain belts and plateaus are com-
monly underlain by thicker crust that extends deeper into the mantle than do areas
of low elevation. Any thickness change in an area of the crustsuch as the re-
moval of material by erosion or the addition of material by sedimentation, vol-
canic eruption, or accumulations of large continental glacierscauses an
isostatic adjustment.
The construction of Hoover Dam, on the Colorado River, is a well-documented
illustration of isostatic adjustment. The added weight of water and sediment in the
reservoir was sufficient to cause measurable subsidence. From the time of the dams
construction in 1935, 24 billion metric tons of water, plus an unknown amount of sed-
iment, accumulated in Lake Mead, behind the dam. In a matter of years, this added How do we know that isostatic adjust-
weight caused the crust to subside in a roughly circular area around the lake. Con- ments occur?
tinental glaciers are another clear example of isostatic adjustment of the crust.The
weight of an ice sheet several thousand meters thick disrupts the crustal balance and
depresses the crust beneath. In both Antarctica and Greenland, the weight of the
ice has depressed the central part of the land masses below sea level. A similar iso-
static adjustment occurred in Europe and North America during the last ice age,
when continental glaciers existed there. Parts of both continents, such as Hudson Bay
and the Baltic Sea, are still below sea level. Now that the ice is gone, however, the
crust is rebounding at a rate of 5 to 10 m/1000 yr.
Tilted shorelines of ancient lakes provide another means of documenting isostat-
ic rebound. Lake Bonneville, for example, was a large lake in Utah and Nevada dur-
ing the ice age but has since dried up, leaving such small remnants as Utah Lake and
Great Salt Lake. Shorelines of Lake Bonneville were level when they were formed
but have been tilted in response to unloading as the water was removed.
The concept of isostasy, therefore, is fundamental to studies of the crusts major
featurescontinents, ocean basins, and mountain ranges. It also is fundamental to
understanding the response of the crust to erosion, sedimentation, glaciation,
and the tectonic system.
GeoLogic Earths Systems from Space

Climate zones









Antarctica 60

Courtesy of NASA

A view of planet Earth from space gives us a truly global continental platforms, which are underlain by rocks of
view of the geologic systems that shape the planet. different compositions, structures, and ages. Locally, new
ocean basins are forming where continents are rifting apart
Observations as shown by the separation of Africa from Arabia. Else-
where, plates are colliding to form new continents and
1.The continents and ocean basins are Earths most promi- mountain belts like the one barely visible in southern Iran.
nent features.
2. The planets water is seen in the vast blue oceans and the
white polar ice caps.Water cycles through the atmosphere The hydrologic system endlessly modifies the surface fea-
as shown by the bright swirling clouds. tures of the lithosphere with rain, wind, waves, flowing
3. Climate zones are expressed as regular patterns in the water, and ice. The role played by the climate in the opera-
distribution of green vegetation on land, of the amount tion of the hydrologic system is clear. In the cloud-spotted
and shapes of clouds in the atmosphere, and ice at the tropics, air heated by the Sun rises in vertical convection
poles. cells making abundant rainfall and fueling the growth of
vegetation in the biosphere. Cloud-free deserts lie north and
south of the tropics. At the south pole, the cold climate has
Interpretations created the vast Antarctic glacier. Cyclonic storms, which
Two major geologic systems shape the Earththe hydro- appear as clouds resembling huge commas, show the pre-
logic system and the tectonic system. The tectonic system vailing wind patterns generated by solar radiation and by
created the lithosphere with its huge ocean basins and high Earths rotation.
Geologic Systems 51

climate system (p. 38) dynamic system (p. 31) isostasy (p. 48) river system (p. 38)
closed system (p. 31) eolian system (p. 40) metastable (p. 33) shoreline system (p. 39)
convection (p. 41) equilibrium (p. 32) open system (p. 31) subduction (p. 44)
convergent plate boundary glacier system (p. 39) plate (p. 41) system (p. 30)
(p. 44) groundwater system (p. 39) plate tectonics (p. 40) transform plate boundary
divergent plate boundary hydrologic system (p. 33) plume (p. 45) (p. 43)
(p. 42)

1. Consider the gravitational interactions among Earth, the 7. On a map such as the one in Figure 2.9, identify the three
Sun, and the Moon. Does this constitute a system? If so, fundamental kinds of plate boundaries.
what are its boundaries? Is it open or closed? What forms 8. What surface features distinguish each kind of plate bound-
of energy are involved? ary?
2. Diagram the paths by which water circulates in the hydro- 9. Explain how the Alps, midocean ridges, deep-sea trenches,
logic system. island arcs, and volcanoes are related to plate tectonics.
3. What energy drives the hydrologic system? 10. Describe the geologic processes that occur above a mantle
4. Approximately how much water evaporates from the ocean plume.
each year? 11. Why do the materials inside Earth convect?
5. Describe the major landforms resulting from (a) rivers, 12. Make a list of the many roles played by gravity in geologic
(b) groundwater, (c) glaciers, and (d) wind. systems.
6. Draw a diagram (cross section) showing (a) converging 13. Explain isostasy, and give two examples of isostatic adjust-
plates and (b) diverging plates. ment of Earths crust in recent geologic time.

Fothergill, A., Holmes, M., Attenborough, D. , Byatt, A. 2002. Peixit, J. P., and M. A. Kettani. 1973. The control of the water
The Blue Planet. New York: DK Publishing. cycle. Scientific American.
Condie, K. C. 1998. Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution, 4th ed. U.S. Geological Survey. 1990. National Water SummaryHydro-
New York: Butterworth-Heinemann. logic Events and Water Supply and Use. U.S. Geological
Cox, A., and R. B. Hart. 1986. Plate Tectonics: How It Works. Survey Water Supply Paper 2350, Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Palo Alto, Calif.: Blackwell. Government Printing Office.
Hallam, A. 1973. A Revolution in the Sciences: From Continental Van Andel, T. H. 1994. New Views on an Old Planet: A History of
Drift to Plate Tectonics. New York: Oxford University Press. Global Change, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Kearey, P., and F. J. Vine. 1996. Global Tectonics, 2nd ed. Oxford: Press
Leopold, L. B., and K. S. Davis. 1980. Water. Alexandria, Va.:
Time-Life Books.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and addition- to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
al resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of plate tectonics
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Slide shows with examples of the action of the hydrologic
Quantitative Problems system and tectonic system
Critical Thinking Exercises An interactive map that allows you to explore Earths geology
Web Resources A direct link to the Companion Website
3 Minerals
We live in a world of mineralsthey are everywhere around us. Gems and jewelry are
minerals. Gravel and sand are minerals. Mud is a mixture of microscopic minerals. Ice is a
mineral, and even dust in the air we breathe is made up of tiny mineral grains. Minerals
sustain our lives and provide continuously for society. The houses in which we live, the au-
tomobiles we drive, as well as the roads and other structures of our society, and almost
everything we touch are made of minerals or material derived from minerals. Indeed, on
average, every person on Earth uses, directly or indirectly, 10 metric tons of minerals each
But the importance of minerals extends far beyond their value as economic deposits.
Minerals are also the substance of Earths natural systems. The green and white crystals in
this beautiful photograph are two very different minerals. The lustrous pastel green crystals
are apophyllite and the sparkling white needles are mesolite. Each mineral has distinguish-
ing properties. Every one of the tiny ice-clear crystals in these radial sprays of mesolite has
much in common with all of the other grains of its mineral species. For example, all grains
of mesolite have the same internal arrangement of atoms and have the same chemical and
physical properties even though individuals may vary greatly in size and shape. The atomic

structure of mesolite creates a natural chemical sieve. Its open structure allows some mole-
cules and ions dissolved in water to move through the framework of the atoms, but it will
filter out the larger molecules. Mesolites internal structure contains chains of atomic tetra-
hedrons aligned in one direction; this produces the needle-like shape of the crystals. The
mineral breaks preferentially between the long chains where atomic bonds are weakest.
All of Earths dynamic processes involve the growth and destruction of minerals as
matter changes from one state to another. As Earths surface weathers and erodes, some
minerals are destroyed and others grow in their place. Mesolite and apophyllite in this photo
grew from a watery solution as flowed through ancient lava flows. As sediments accumulate
in the oceans, minerals also grow from solution. Other minerals grow from molten rock when
lava erupts from volcanoes and cools. Deep below Earths surface, high pressure and temper-
ature remove atoms from the crystal structures of some minerals and cause them to recom-
bine them into new minerals. As tectonic plates move and continents drift, minerals are creat-
ed and destroyed by a variety of processes. Some knowledge of Earths major minerals,
therefore, is essential to understanding Earths dynamics.
In this chapter, we survey the general characteristics of minerals and the physical prop-
erties that identify them. We then explore the major rock-forming minerals in preparation
for a study of the major rock types in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

Photograph by Chip Clark.

1. An atom is the smallest unit of an element that possesses the properties of
the element. It consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons and a sur-
rounding cloud of electrons.
2. An atom of a given element is distinguished by the number of protons in its
nucleus. Isotopes are varieties of an element, distinguished by the different
numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.
3. Ions are electrically charged atoms, produced by a gain or loss of electrons.
4. Matter exists in three states: (a) solid, (b) liquid, and (c) gas. The dif-
ferences among the three are related to the degree of ordering of the atoms.
5. A mineral is a natural solid possessing a specific internal atomic structure and
a chemical composition that varies only within certain limits. Each type of
mineral is stable only under specific conditions of temperature and pressure.
6. Minerals grow when atoms are added to the crystal structure as matter
changes from the gaseous or the liquid state to the solid state. Minerals dis-
solve or melt when atoms are removed from the crystal structure.
7. All specimens of a mineral have well-defined physical and chemical proper-
ties (such as crystal structure, cleavage or fracture, hardness, and density).
8. Silicate minerals are the most important minerals and form more than 95%
of Earths crust.The most important silicates are feldspars, micas, olivines, py-
roxenes, amphiboles, quartz, and clay minerals. Important nonsilicate minerals
are calcite, dolomite, gypsum, and halite.
9. Minerals grow and are broken down under specific conditions of tempera-
ture, pressure, and chemical composition. Consequently, minerals are a record
of the changes that have occurred in Earth throughout its history.


An atom is the smallest unit of an element that possesses the properties of

the element. It consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons and a sur-
rounding cloud of electrons. There are three states of matter: gas, liquid,
and solid. Each state is distinguished by unique physical properties.
Processes in Earths dynamics mostly involve the changing of matter from
one state to another.

To understand the dynamics of Earth and how rocks and minerals are formed and
changed through time, you must have some knowledge of the fundamental struc-
ture of matter and how it behaves under various conditions.The solid materials that
make up Earths outer layers are called rocks. Most rock bodies are mixtures, or
aggregates, of minerals. A mineral is a naturally occurring compound with a defi-
nite chemical formula and a specific internal structure. Because minerals, in turn,
are composed of atoms, to understand minerals we must understand something
about atoms and the ways in which they combine.

An atom is the smallest fraction of an element that can exist and still show the
characteristics of that element. Atoms are best described by abstract models con-
structed from mathematical formulas involving probabilities. They are much too
small to be seen with optical microscopes; recently, however, images of atoms have
been made. An example is shown in Figure 3.1. In its simplest form, an atom is
characterized by a relatively small nucleus of tightly packed protons and neutrons,
with a surrounding cloud of electrons. These are the principal building blocks of
atoms, but many other subatomic particles have been identified in recent years.

Minerals 55

FIGURE 3.1 Image of atoms of silicon produced by a scanning tunneling microscope at the
IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. The blue spots are individual silicon atoms,
which are arranged in a regular pattern that repeats itself across the surface. You can also see the
hexagonal arrangement of groups of the atoms. Locally, flaws in the structure are also visible. Images
such as this are helpful in understanding the structure of different minerals. (Courtesy of
International Business Machines Corporation. Unauthorized use not permitted.)

The distinguishing feature of an atom of a given element is the number of pro-

tons in the nucleus. The number of electrons and neutrons in an atom of a given
element can vary, but the number of protons is always the same. Each proton car-
ries a positive electrical charge, and the mass of a proton is taken as the unit of
atomic mass, approximately 1.66 1024 g.The neutron, as its name indicates, is elec- What is the structure of an atom?
trically neutral and has approximately the same mass as the proton. The electron
is a much smaller particle, with a mass approximately 1/1850 the mass of the pro-
ton. It carries a negative electrical charge equal in intensity to the positive charge
of the proton. Because the electron is so small, for practical purposes, the entire
mass of the atom is considered to be concentrated in the protons and neutrons of
the nucleus.The atomic mass is simply the sum of the number of neutrons and protons.
Hydrogen is the simplest of all elements. It consists of one proton in the nucle-
us and one orbiting electron (Figure 3.2). The next heaviest atom is helium, with
two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons. Each subsequently heavier element
contains more protons, neutrons, and electrons. Figure 3.3 is a simplified chart of
all naturally occurring elements. The elements are arranged in rows, with increas-
ingly heavier elements to the right and bottom. This table is commonly called the
periodic chart. The distinguishing feature of an element is the number of protons
in the nucleus of each of its atoms, often called the atomic number. The number
of electrons and neutrons in the atoms of a given element can vary, but the num-
ber of protons is constant.
Atoms normally have the same number of electrons as protons and thus do not
carry an electrical charge. As the number of protons increases in progressively
heavier atoms, the number of electrons also increases. The electrons fill a series of
energy-level shells around the nucleus, each shell having a maximum capacity.The
progressive filling of these shells is reflected in the rows of the periodic chart (Fig-
ure 3.3).The electrons in the outer shells control the chemical behavior of the element.
56 Chapter 3

Although the number of protons in each atom of a given element is constant, the
number of neutrons in the nucleus can vary.This means that atoms of a given element
are not all exactly alike. Iron atoms, for example, have 26 protons but individual atoms
may have 28, 30, 31, or 32 neutrons. These varieties of iron are examples of isotopes;
e they all have the properties of iron but differ from one another in mass. Most com-
mon elements exist in nature as mixtures of isotopes. Some isotopes are unstable,
emitting particles and energy as they experience radioactive decay to form new, more
stable isotopes.

Atoms that have as many electrons as protons are electrically neutral, but atoms
Hydrogen of most elements can gain or lose electrons in their outermost shells. If electrons
are gained or lost, an atom loses its electrical neutrality and becomes charged.
These electrically charged atoms are ions. The loss of an electron makes a positively
charged ion because the number of protons then exceeds the number of nega-
tively charged electrons. If an electron is gained, the ion has a negative charge.The
electrical charges of ions are important because the attraction between positive ions
and negative ions is the bonding force that sometimes holds matter together. Like
e 2n+ atoms, ions have distinctive sizes that reflect the number of particles in the nucle-
2p+ us and the number of electrons in the surrounding cloud. Ionic size and ionic charge
control how elements fit together to make solid minerals (Figure 3.3).
An atom is most stable if its outermost shell is filled to capacity with electrons. The
inner shell can hold no more than 2 electrons. The next shell can hold 8 electrons
Helium and is full in neon (atomic number 10). In heavier elements, the next shell can
have 18 electrons, and the shell after that one can have 32 electrons. Neon, for
example, has 10 protons in the nucleus and 10 electrons, of which 2 are in the
FIGURE 3.2 The atomic structures of
hydrogen and helium illustrate the major
first shell and 8 are in the second shell. A neon atom does not have an electrical
particles of an atom. Hydrogen has one charge. Its two electron shells are complete because the second shell has a limit
proton (p) in a central nucleus and one of 8 electrons. As a result, neon does not interact chemically with other atoms.
orbiting electron (e). Helium has two Argon and the other noble gases (the right column on the periodic chart) also
protons (p), two neutrons (n) in the nucleus, have 8 electrons in their outermost shell, and they normally do not combine with
and two orbiting electrons.
other elements. Most elements, however, have an incomplete outermost shell.
Their atoms readily lose or gain electrons to achieve a structure like that of argon,
neon, and the other inert gases, with 8 electrons in the outermost shell.
For example, an atom of sodium has only 1 electron in its outermost shell but
8 in the shell beneath (Figure 3.4). If it could lose the lone outer electron, the sodi-
um atom would have a stable configuration like that of the inert gas neon. The
chlorine atom, in contrast, has 7 electrons in its outermost shell, and if it could gain
an electron, it too would attain a stable electron configuration.Whenever possible,
therefore, sodium gives up an electron and chlorine gains one. The sodium atom
thus becomes a positively charged sodium ion, and the chlorine atom becomes a
negatively charged chloride ion. With opposite electrical charges, the sodium ions
and chloride ions attract each other and bond together to form the compound
What are the distinguishing characteris- sodium chloride (common salt, also known as the mineral halite). (A compound
tics of an isotope? Of an ion? has more than one element in its structure.) This type of bond, between ions of op-
posite electrical charge, is known as an ionic bond. Such bonds commonly devel-
op between elements that lie far from one another on the periodic table.
Atoms can also attain the electron arrangement of a noble gas, and thus attain sta-
bility, by sharing electrons. No electrons are lost or gained, and no ions are formed.
Instead, an electron cloud surrounds both nuclei.This type of bond is a covalent bond
and typically develops between elements that are near one another on the periodic
table. Bonds between two atoms of the element may be of this type; the bonds in an
oxygen molecule (O2) are a good example.The bonds between carbon and hydrogen
Minerals 57
No tendency
Strong tendency to to gain or lose
lose electrons electrons

1 2
H Atomic number (protons) He
Tendency to share electrons Strong tendency
8 -2 Ionic charge or gain and lose electrons to gain electrons
Hydrogen O Helium
1.42 Symbol
3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be 2 Oxygen Ionic radius B3 C 4
N 5
O 2
F 1
0.76 0.27 Name of element 0.11 0.16 0.13 1.42 1.36
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na 1 Mg 2 Darker colors are major constituents of crust Al 3
Si 4
P 5
S 2
Cl 1
1.18 0.72 0.54 0.40 0.38 1.84 1.81
Sodium Magnesium Tendency to lose electrons Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K1 Ca 2 Sc 3 Ti 4
V 3
Cr 3
Mn 2 Fe 2
Co 2 Ni 2
Cu 2 Zn 2 Ga 3 Ge 4 As 3 Se 6 Br 1
1.51 1.12 0.14 0.74 0.64 0.62 0.83 0.78 0.74 0.69 0.73 0.74 0.62 0.53 0.46 0.42 1.95
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb 1 Sr 2
Y3 Zr 4
Nb 5 Mo 5 Tc Ru 4 Rh 3 Pd 2 Ag 1 Cd 2 In 3 Sn 4 Sb 3 Te 6 I 1 Xe
1.61 1.26 1.02 0.84 0.74 0.61 0.62 0.67 0.86 1.15 0.95 0.80 0.69 0.76 0.56 2.16
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon

55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs 1 Ba 2 TO
Hf 4
Ta 5 W6 Re 4 Os 6 Ir 4
Pt 2
Au 1 Hg 2 Tl 1 Pb 2 Bi 3
Po At 1
1.74 1.42 0.83 0.74 0.60 0.63 0.54 0.62 0.60 0.68 1.02 1.59 1.29 1.17
Cesium Barium 71 Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon

87 1 88 89 Metals Nonmetals
Fr Ra 2 TO
Francium Radium 92

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
La 3 Ce 3 Pr 3
Nd 3 Pm 3 Sm 3 Eu 2 Gd 3 Tb 3 Dy 3 Ho 3 Er 3
Tm 3 Yb 3 Lu 3
1.16 1.14 1.11 1.09 1.08 1.25 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.98
Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thullium Ytterbium Lutetium

89 90 4 91 92 4
Ac Th Pa U
1.05 1.00
Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium

FIGURE 3.3 The periodic table of the elements shows the name and symbol of all of the naturally occurring elements. The lightest and simplest
elements are in the upper left; across and toward the bottom, each element is progressively more complex, with increasing numbers of nuclear particles
and electrons. The elements are separated into rows according to the outermost electron shell. Also shown is the charge of the common ion and the
radius for that ion. These properties of an element control how it combines with other elements to form minerals.

in organic materials are also of this type. Many bonds found in natural substances
are intermediate between covalent and ionic bonds. Electrons are pulled closer to
the nucleus of one ion than to the other.As a consequence, one part of the molecule
may have a slight charge. The Si-O bond that is so common in minerals is like this.
A third type of bond is the metallic bond. In a metal, each atom contributes
one or more outer electrons that moves relatively freely throughout the entire ag-
gregate of ions. A given electron is not attached to a specific ion pair but moves
about. This sea of negatively charged electrons holds the positive metallic ions to-
gether in a crystalline structure and is responsible for the special characteristics of
metals, including their high electrical conductivity and ductile behavior. Except
for a few native elements (such as gold), few minerals have metallic bonds.

States of Matter
The principal differences between solids, liquids, and gases involve the degree of
ordering of the constituent atoms. In the typical solid, atoms are arranged in a
rigid framework.The arrangement in crystalline solids is quite different.The atom-
ic structure of a crystal consists of a regular, repeating, three-dimensional pattern
known as a crystal structure. However, there are some amorphous solids in which
the atomic arrangement is random. Glass is an example of an amorphous solid
that lacks a clearly defined crystalline structure. In such solids, each atom occupies Why can gaseous, liquid, and solid
a more or less fixed position but has a vibrating motion. Changes in crystalline forms of a substance have such differ-
solids occur as the temperature or pressure changes. For example, as temperature ent physical properties and still have
rises, the vibration of atoms in the structure increases, and atoms move farther and the same composition?
farther apart. Eventually the bonds between two atoms may break and they be-
come free and able to glide past one another. Melting ensues, and the crystalline
solid passes into the liquid state.
In a liquid, the basic particles are in random motion, but they are packed close-
ly together. They slip and glide past one another or collide and rebound, but they
58 Chapter 3

Sodium atom Chlorine atom

loses 1 electron gains 1 electron
Reaction Reaction

Sodium ion Chlorine ion Covalent bond forms

Na+ Cl by sharing electrons

Compound sodium chloride forms by

electrical attraction between Na+ and Cl-

(A) The formation of an ionic bond in sodium (B) Covalent bonds form when two atoms
and chloride ions by transfer of an electron from share electrons. The bond between silicon and
the outermost shell of a sodium atom to the oxygen, so common in minerals, is largely of
outermost shell of a chlorine atom results in a this type.
stable outer shell for each ion.

FIGURE 3.4 Elements form chemical bonds in several different ways, but all involve
interactions of electrons in the outermost electron shell. Ionic and covalent bonds are two of the
most important in minerals.

are held together by forces of attraction greater than those in gases. This force of
attraction explains why density generally increases and compressibility decreases
as matter changes from gas to liquid to solid. If a liquid is heated, the motion of the
particles increases, and individual atoms or molecules become separated as they
move about at high speeds.
In a gas, the particles are in rapid motion and travel in straight lines until their
direction is changed by collision. Because the individual atoms or molecules are
separated by empty spaces and are comparatively far apart, gases can be mark-
edly compressed and can exert pressure. Gases have the ability to expand indefi-
nitely, and the continuous rapid motion of the particles results in rapid diffusion.
Water undoubtedly provides the most familiar example of matter changing
through the three basic states. At pressures prevailing on Earths surface, water
changes from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas in a temperature range of only 100C. Most
people are familiar with the effects of temperature changes on the state of matter
because of their experience with water as it freezes, melts, and boils. Fewer people
are familiar with the effects of pressure. Under great pressure, water will remain
liquid at temperatures as high as 371C.
The combined effects of temperature and pressure on water are shown in the
phase diagram in Figure 3.5. An interesting and very important feature of water is
the fact that as it freezes, the solid is actually less dense than the liquid.As a result,
water ice floats rather than sinks. The expansion of water during freezing is im-
portant for weathering and in the moderation of Earths climate. Because polar ice
floats on the sea, it creates an insulating layer that slows the cooling of the rest of
the sea. If ice did not float, Earths oceans may have frozen solid during the ice ages.
Other forms of matter in the solid Earth are capable of similar changes, but
usually their transitions from solid, to liquid, to gas occur at comparatively high
temperatures. At normal room temperature and pressure, 93 of the 106 elements
are solids, 2 are liquids, and 11 are gases. Diagrams similar to Figure 3.5, constructed
from laboratory work on other minerals, provide important insight into the process-
es operating at the high temperatures and pressures below Earths surface.
Minerals 59
100 point
Solid Liquid

10 Freezing Boiling point

point at

Pressure (bars)
at 1 bar
1 bar


100 0 100 200 300 400

Temperature (C)

FIGURE 3.5 Temperature and pressure determine the state in which matter exists. In this
diagram, the ranges of temperature and pressure for the various phases of water are shown. The triple
point is the point at which all three phases are in equilibrium. Beyond the critical point the liquid and
gas phases cannot be distinguished. Similar phase diagrams can be constructed for other minerals.


A mineral is a natural inorganic solid with a specific internal structure and

a chemical composition that varies only within specific limits. All specimens
of a given mineral, regardless of where, when, or how they were formed,
have the same physical properties (including cleavage, crystal form, hard-
ness, density, color, luster, and streak). Minerals also have restricted stability

Minerals are the solid constituents of Earth. Many people think of minerals only
as exotic crystals in museums or as valuable gems and metals; but grains of sand,
snowflakes, and salt particles are also minerals, and they have much in common
with gold and diamonds. A precise definition is difficult to formulate, but for a
substance to be considered a mineral, it must meet the conditions listed above and
described in greater detail below. The differences among minerals arise from the
kinds of atoms they contain and the ways those atoms are arranged in a crystalline

Natural Inorganic Solids

By definition, only naturally occurring inorganic solids are mineralsthat is, natural
elements or inorganic compounds in a solid state. Synthetic products, such as
artificial diamonds, are therefore not minerals in the strict sense. Organic
compounds, such as coal and petroleum, which lack a crystal structure, are also
not considered to be minerals. This criterion is not as important as most of the
others. After all, there is little difference between a synthetic and a natural Why is the structure of a mineral so
gem, other than where they formed. All of its structural, physical, and chemical important?
properties are shared with its natural counterparts. Likewise, there are organic
solids that have all of the characteristics of minerals.

The Structure of Minerals

The key words in the definition of mineral are internal structure. Minerals can
consist of a single element, such as gold, silver, copper, diamond, or sulfur.
However, most are compounds of two or more elements.The component atoms of
a mineral have a specific arrangement in a definite geometric pattern. All speci-
mens of a given mineral have the same internal structure, regardless of when,
where, and how they were formed. This property of minerals was suspected
THE ART X-Ray Diffraction and the Structure of Minerals
With modern methods of X-ray diffraction, we can determine more complicated X-ray diffraction pattern was formed
precisely a minerals internal structure and learn much about from a specimen of feldspar. Because feldspars have a much
the arrangement of its atoms. Diffraction involves the bend- greater variety of elements, bond types, and structural ele-
ing of X rays as they pass through a crystalline substance. ments, the diffraction pattern is also more complicated.
The technique is illustrated in the figure below. When a X-ray diffraction analysis is the definitive technique that
narrow beam of X rays is passed through a mineral grain, shows us that each mineral species has its own distinctive
the X rays are diffracted by the framework of atoms.The in- structure that is repeated many times in every grain of the
dividual ions are spaced very closely in the rigid network, mineral. It reveals the great symmetry and order found in
close enough to bend X rayslike a diffraction grating the mineral kingdom.
bends light rays. The diffracted rays cause constructive and
destructive interferencein effect, concentrating the en-
ergy of the X rays in some areas and dispersing it in others.
After they leave the crystal, the X rays expose a photo-
graphic plate or are detected with a scanning device and 80
plotted as shown. From the pattern made by the spots or
from measurements of the position and height of the peaks, 60
the systematic orientation of planes of atoms within the

Intensity of difracted X-rays

crystal can be deduced. Such measurements are so precise
that the distances between atoms can be measured and the 20
size and shape of the electron cloud calculated. Detailed
models of crystal structures showing the position of each 0
different atom can thus be constructed. 100
The X-ray diffraction instrument is now the most basic Quartz
device for determining the internal structure of minerals,
and geologists use it extensively for precise mineral identi- 60
fication and analysis.
Two typical examples of X-ray spectra are shown on the 40
chart. The lower curve is the X-ray diffraction pattern for
the mineral quartz. The peaks are created by constructive
interference of the X rays and correspond to specific atom- 0
ic spacings that are the result of the nearly covalent silicon- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
oxygen bond. The peak positions do not directly reveal the Angle of examination (2 Theta)
kinds of atoms, only their distances and arrangements. The

X-ray Focusing plates Photographic film



Minerals 61

Strong covalent
Carbon bonds



Strong covalent


FIGURE 3.6 The internal structure of a mineral controls its physical properties. Diamond and graphite have exactly the same chemical
composition, but the carbon atoms are arranged differently and held together by different types of bonds. Graphite is made of sheets of carbon
stacked on top of one another. It is soft and black. Diamond, the hardest mineral known, is made of carbon atoms bound together in a tight
tetrahedral framework. Most grains of diamond are transparent. (Photographs by Jeffrey A. Scovil)

long ago by mineralogists who observed the many expressions of order in

crystals. Nicolaus Steno (16381687), a Danish monk, was among the first to note
this property. He found from numerous measurements that each of the different
kinds of minerals has a characteristic crystal form. Although the size or shape of
a minerals crystalline form may vary, similar pairs of crystal faces always meet at
the same angle. This is known as the law of constancy of interfacial angles.
Later, Rene Hauy (17431822), a French mineralogist, accidentally dropped a
large crystal of calcite and observed that it broke along three sets of planes only,
so all the fragments had a similar shape (see Figure 3.9). He then proceeded to
break other calcite crystals in his own collection, plus many in the collections of his
friends, and found that all of the specimens broke in exactly the same manner. All
of the fragments, however small, had the shape of a rhombohedron. To explain his
observations, he assumed that calcite is built of innumerable infinitely small rhom-
bohedra packed together in an orderly manner; he concluded that the cleavage
of calcite is related to the ease of parting of such units from adjacent layers. His
discovery was a remarkable advance in understanding crystals. Today we know
that cleavage planes are planes of weakness in the crystal structure and that they
are not necessarily parallel to the crystal faces. Cleavage planes do, however, con-
stitute a striking expression of the orderly internal structure of crystals.
To understand the importance of structure in a mineral, consider the charac-
teristics of diamond and graphite (Figure 3.6). These two minerals are identical in
62 Chapter 3

chemical composition. Both consist of a single element, carbon (C). Their crystal
Si+4 0.40 Al
0.54 structures and physical properties, however, are very different. In diamond, which
forms only under high pressure, the carbon atoms are packed closely, and the co-
valent bonds between the atoms are very strong. Their structure explains why di-
Ni+2 0.69 Mg
0.72 Fe
0.78 Fe+3 0.64 amonds are extremely hardthe hardest natural substance known. In graphite,
the carbon atoms form layers that are loosely bound. Because of weak bonds, the
layers separate easily, so graphite is slippery and flaky. Because of its softness and
slipperiness, graphite is used as a lubricant and is also the main constituent of com-
K+ 1.51 Na+ 1.18 Ca
1.12 mon lead pencils.The important point to note is that different structural arrange-
ments of exactly the same elements produce different minerals with different prop-
erties. This ability of a specific chemical substance to crystallize in more than one
type of structure is known as polymorphism.
O2 1.42 OH 1.40
The Composition of Minerals
FIGURE 3.7 The relative size and
electrical charge of ions are important A mineral has a definite chemical composition, in which specific elements occur
factors governing the suitability of one in definite proportions. Thus, a precise chemical formula can be written to express
ion to substitute for another in a crystal
structure. Silicon can be replaced by
the chemical compositionfor example, SiO2, CaCO3, and so on. The chemical
aluminum, iron by magnesium or nickel, composition of some minerals can vary, but only within specific limits. In these
and sodium by calcium. minerals, two or more kinds of ions can substitute for each other in the mineral
structure, a process known as ionic substitution. Ionic substitution results in a
chemical change in the mineral without a change in the crystal structure, so sub-
stitution can occur only within definite limits. The composition of such a mineral
can be expressed by a chemical formula that specifies ionic substitution and how
the composition can change.
The suitability of one ion to substitute for another is determined by several fac-
tors, the most important being the size and the electrical charge of the ions in ques-
tion (Figures 3.3 and 3.7). Ions can readily substitute for one another if their ionic
radii differ by less than 15%. If a substituting ion differs in charge from the ion for
which it is substituted, the charge difference must be compensated for by other
substitutions in the same structure in order to maintain electrical neutrality.
Ionic substitution is somewhat analogous to substituting different types of equal-
sized bricks in a wall. The substitute brick may be composed of glass, plastic, or
whatever, but because it is the same size as the original brick, the structure of the
wall is not affected. An important change in composition has, however, occurred,
and as a result there are changes in physical properties. In minerals, ionic substi-
tution causes changes in hardness and color, for example, without changing the
internal structure.
Ionic substitution is common in rock-forming minerals and is responsible for
mineral groups, the members of which have the same structure but varying com-
position. For example, in the olivine group, with the formula (Mg, Fe)2SiO4, ions
of iron (Fe+2) and magnesium (Mg+2) can substitute freely for one another because
they have similar charges and sizes (Figure 3.7).The total number of Fe+2 and Mg+2
ions is constant in relation to the number of silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) atoms in
the olivine, but the ratio of iron to magnesium may vary in different samples. The
common minerals feldspar, pyroxene, amphibole, and mica each constitute a group
of related minerals in which ionic substitution produces a range of chemical

The Physical Properties of Minerals

What determines the physical proper- Because a mineral has a definite chemical composition and internal crystalline
ties of a mineral? structure, all specimens of a given mineral, regardless of when or where they
were formed, have the same physical and chemical properties. If ionic substitu-
tion occurs, variation in physical properties also occurs, but because ionic substi-
tution can occur only within specific limits, the range in physical properties also can
occur only within specific limits. This means that one piece of quartz, for example,
(B) Tetrahedrons of sphalerite (ZnS).

(C) Needles of the rare mineral crocoite (PbCrO4).

(A) Prismatic tourmaline


(D) Radiating clusters of long slender needles of the zeolite

mineral mordenite (Ca,Na2,K2)(Al2Si10)(O247H2O).

FIGURE 3.8 Crystal form is an important physical

property showing the arrangement of atoms in a mineral.
(Photographs by Jeffrey A. Scovil) (E) Cubes of pyrite (FeS2), commonly known as fools gold.

64 Chapter 3

(A) One plane of cleavage in mica produces thin plates or sheets. (B) Two planes of cleavage at right angles in feldspar produce blocky

(C) Three planes of cleavage at right angles in halite produce cubic (D) Cleavage of calcite occurs in three planes that do not intersect at
fragments. right angles, forming rhombohedrons.

FIGURE 3.9 Cleavage reflects planes of weakness within a crystal structure.

is as hard as any other piece, that it has the same density, and that it breaks in the
same manner, regardless of when, where, or how it was formed.
The more significant and readily observable physical properties of minerals are
crystal form, cleavage, hardness, density, color, luster, and streak.
If a crystal is allowed to grow in an unrestricted environment, it develops nat-
ural crystal faces and assumes a specific geometric crystal form. The shape of a
crystal is a reflection of the internal structure and is an identifying characteristic
for many mineral specimens (Figure 3.8). If the atoms are arranged in a long chain,
the crystal may be shaped like a needle. If the atoms are arranged in a boxlike net-
work, the crystal will likely be in the form of a cube. If the space for growth is re-
stricted, however, smooth crystal faces cannot develop.
Cleavage is the tendency of a crystalline substance to split or break along smooth
planes parallel to zones of weak bonding in the crystal structure (Figure 3.9). If the
bonds are especially weak in a given plane, as in graphite, mica, or halite, perfect
cleavage occurs with ease. Breaking the mineral in any direction other than along
a cleavage plane is difficult (Figure 3.9). In other minerals, the differences in bond
strength are not great, so cleavage is poor or imperfect. Cleavage can occur in
more than one direction, but the number and direction of cleavage planes in a
given mineral species are always the same. Some minerals have no weak planes in
their crystalline structure, so they do not have cleavage and break along various
types of fracture surfaces. Quartz, for example, characteristically breaks by con-
choidal fracturethat is, along curved surfaces, like the curved surfaces of chipped
glass. Cleavage planes and crystal faces should not be confused with the facets
found on gems. Facets are produced by grinding and polishing the surface of a
Minerals 65

Mohs Hardness Scale
Hardness Mineral Test
1 Talc
2 Gypsum
3 Calcite
Copper coin
4 Fluorite
5 Apatite
Knife blade
or glass plate
6 K-feldspar
7 Quartz
FIGURE 3.10 Hardness reflects the strength of the atomic bonds inside the mineral. Gypsum
Steel file
has a hardness of 2 on Mohs hardness scale. It is a very soft mineral and can easily be scratched with 8 Topaz
a fingernail. 9 Corundum
10 Diamond

mineral grain and do not necessarily correspond to cleavage directions. For ex-
ample, diamond lacks cleavage altogether but can be polished so that a single crys-
tal will have many shiny faces.
Hardness is a measure of a minerals resistance to abrasion. It is in effect a mea-
sure of the strength of the atomic bonds in a crystal. This property is easily deter-
mined and is used widely for field identification of minerals. More than a century
ago, Friedrich Mohs (17731839), a German mineralogist, assigned arbitrary
relative numbers to 10 common minerals in order of their hardness. He assigned
the number 10 to diamond, the hardest mineral known. Softer minerals were
ranked in descending order, with talc, the softest mineral, assigned the number 1.
The Mohs hardness scale (Table 3.1) provides a standard for testing minerals for
preliminary identification. Gypsum, for example, has a hardness of 2 and can be
scratched by a fingernail (Figure 3.10). More exacting measures of hardness show
that diamond is by far the hardest mineral.
Density is the ratio of the weight of a substance to its volume. For example, at
room temperature, 1 cm3 of water weighs 1 g; the density is thus 1 g/cm3. On the other
hand, 1 cm3 of solid lead weighs a little over 11 g, and thus its density is 11 g/cm3.
Density is one of the more precisely defined properties of a mineral. It depends
on the kinds of atoms making up the mineral and how closely they are packed in
the crystal structure. Clearly, the more numerous and compact the atoms, the high-
er the density. Most common rock-forming minerals have densities that range from
2.65 g/cm3 (for quartz) to about 3.37 g/cm3 (for magnesium olivine). Iron-rich
olivine is even denser (4.4 g/cm3) because iron has a higher atomic weight than
magnesium. Some metallic minerals have much higher densities. For example,
native gold has a density of about 20 g/cm3 and native iron has a density of
almost 8 g/cm3. At high pressures, the densities of most minerals increase because
the atoms are forced to be closer together.At high temperatures, their densities de-
crease as the atoms move farther apart.
Color is one of the more obvious properties of a mineral. Unfortunately, it is not
diagnostic. Most minerals are found in various hues, depending on such factors as
subtle variations in composition and the presence of inclusions and impurities.
Quartz, for example, ranges through the spectrum from clear, colorless crystals
to purple, red, white, yellow, gray, and black.
Luster describes the appearance of light reflected from a minerals surface. Lus-
ter is described only in subjective, imprecise terms.There are two basic kinds of lus-
ter: metallic and nonmetallic. Minerals with a metallic luster shine like metals.
Nonmetallic luster ranges widely, including vitreous (glassy), porcelainous, resinous,
66 Chapter 3

and earthy (dull). The luster of a mineral is controlled by the kinds of atoms and
5000 by the kinds of bonds that link the atoms together. Many minerals with covalent
bonds have a brilliantly shiny luster, called adamantine luster, as in diamond. Ionic
bonds create more vitreous luster, as in quartz. Metallic bonding in native metals,
Low Quartz

4000 such as gold, also has its characteristic luster.

Quartz Streak refers to the color of a mineral in powder form and is usually more di-
Pressure (bars)

agnostic than the color of a large specimen. For example, the mineral pyrite (fools
gold) has a gold color but a black streak, whereas real gold has a gold streakthe

same color as that of larger grains. Streak is tested by rubbing a mineral vigor-
ously against the surface of an unglazed piece of white porcelain. Minerals softer

than the porcelain leave a streak, or line, of fine powder. For minerals harder
than porcelain, a fine powder can be made by crushing a mineral fragment. The

powder is then examined against a white background.
Magnetism is a natural characteristic of only a few minerals, like the common
iron oxide magnetite. Although only a few minerals can be identified using this
0 property, magnetism is an important physical property of rocks that is used in
500 1000 1500 2000 many investigations of how Earth works (see page 604).
Temperature (C)

FIGURE 3.11 The stable form of Stability Ranges

SiO2 depends on pressure and Another important feature of each mineral is that it is stable only over a fixed
temperature. The colored areas show the
range of temperature and pressure over
range of conditions. We call a mineral stable if it exists in equilibrium with its en-
which each of five different minerals are vironment. In such a case, there is little tendency for further change. The environ-
stable. Quartz, for example, is stable at ment that exists when a mineral crystallizes determines which of the many thou-
intermediate temperatures over a wide sands of minerals will form.The environmental conditions that determine whether
range of pressures. Other minerals of the a particular mineral is stable are mainly pressure, temperature, and composition.
same composition (SiO2), but with
different atomic arrangements, are stable
We have already examined the stability ranges for the various states of water
at other pressures and temperatures. (see Figure 3.5), and we can use similar phase diagrams to represent the range
of conditions over which a specific mineral is stable. Figure 3.11 shows the
names and stability fields for various minerals with the chemical formula SiO2.
Quartz is the most common of these minerals because it is stable over the range
of temperatures and pressures found near Earths surface. However, if the tem-
perature is increased to 1300C at a pressure of 1000 bars (a depth in Earth of
about 3 km), the arrangement of the atoms in quartz will change to form a differ-
ent mineral called tridymite, which has its own structure and distinctive physical
properties. For example, quartz has a density of 2.65 g/cm3 and tridymite has a den-
sity of about 2.26 g/cm3. If the temperature is increased to 1600C, still another
change occurs as tridymite converts to cristobalite with a density of 2.33 g/cm3. In
the absence of water, pure SiO2 melts only at a temperature higher than 1700C.
Changes in pressure can also induce minerals to break down and form new species
that are stable under the new conditions. Metamorphic processes, discussed in
more detail in Chapter 6, are driven by the tendency for minerals to react and
change as their environment changes.
Although minerals have distinctive stability ranges, they may remain in exis-
tence far from those conditions. A mineral existing outside of its stability range
is called metastable. Metastability occurs if the reactions to form new minerals
from preexisting minerals are very slow. Such barriers are common at Earths
surface, where low temperatures make atomic movements and reactions very
sluggish in solids. Thus, tridymite has been found at temperatures far below the
range of temperatures shown in Figure 3.11. Moreover, feldspars are common at
Earths surface, even though clay minerals are more stable in the presence of
water. Despite these reaction barriers at low temperature, it is useful to keep in
mind the approximate range of temperatures and pressures over which a given
mineral is stable.
Minerals 67


Minerals grow as matter changes from a gaseous or liquid state to a solid

state or when one solid recrystallizes to form another. They break down as
the solid changes back to a liquid or a gas. All minerals came into being
because of specific physical and chemical conditions, and all are subject to
change as these conditions change. Minerals, therefore, are an important
means of interpreting the changes that have occurred in Earth throughout
its history.

Crystal Growth
Even though minerals are inorganic, they can grow. Growth is accomplished by
crystallization, which occurs by the addition of ions to a crystal face. As noted
above, an environment suitable for crystal growth includes (1) proper concentra-
tion of the kinds of atoms or ions required for a particular mineral and (2) prop-
er temperature and pressure.
The time-lapse photographs in Figure 3.12 show how crystals grows from a liq-
uid in an unrestricted environment. Although the size of each crystal increases, its
form and internal structure remain the same. New atoms are added to the faces
of the crystal, parallel to the plane of atoms in the basic structure. Some crystal How can a mineral, which is inorganic,
faces, however, grow faster than others.As a result of these different growth rates, grow?
the crystal may become elongated in one direction. Thus, the ideal crystal shape
reflects not only the arrangement of atoms inside the crystal, but it also controlled
by which faces grow faster or slower. You can see that all of the crystals in Figure
3.12 have the same idealized shape, because they are all the same mineral. The
mineral grains in the chapter opening photograph show the dramatic results of
growth in an unrestricted environment. These minerals crystallized from a watery
solution in an open vug within an ancient series of lava flows. Each crystal was free
to grow to its ideal shape with little interference from other crystals. It is easy to
tell that there are two different kinds of minerals from their ideal shapes.
In contrast, where space is restricted, a crystal may not grow to form its ideal
crystal shape. Where a growing crystal encounters a barrier (such as another crys-
tal), it simply stops growing.This process is illustrated in Figure 3.12. Note how the
vertical crystal grew between 10 and 30 seconds.At 30 seconds, it has impinged on
a nearly horizontal crystal and stopped growing. However, the more horizontal

Elapsed Time
0 sec. 10 sec. 30 sec. 1 min.




FIGURE 3.12 Crystal growth can be recorded by time-lapse photography. Each crystal grows as atoms in the surrounding liquid lock onto the
outer faces of the crystal structure.
68 Chapter 3


y y Growth


(B) (C)

Figure 3.13 Crystals growing in a restricted environment do not develop perfect crystal faces. (A) Where growth is unrestricted, all crystal
faces grow with equal facility. (B) In a restricted environment, growth on certain crystal faces, such as x and y, is terminated but growth on the
faces labeled z continues. (C) The final shape of the crystal is determined by the geometry of the available space in which it grows.

crystal grows throughout the sequence because there were no restrictions to its
Figure 3.13 shows how crystal growth occurs in a restricted environment. A
crystal growing from a liquid in a restricted space assumes the shape of the con-
fining area, and well-developed crystal faces do not form. The external form of the
crystal can thus take on practically any shape, but its internal structure is in no way
modified. The minerals internal structure remains the same; its composition is
unaffected, and no changes in its physical and chemical properties occur. The only
modification is a change in the shape of the crystal.
Crystal growth in restricted spaces is common for rock-forming minerals. In a
still molten lava flow or in an aqueous solution, many crystals grow at the same time
and must compete for space. As a result, in the later stages of growth, crystals in
rocks commonly lack well-defined crystal faces and typically interlock with adja-
cent crystals to form a strong, coherent mass (Figure 3.14). This interlocking tex-
ture is especially common in igneous rocks, which form by crystallization from
molten rock material.
Most crystals are rather small, measuring from a few tenths of a millimeter to
several centimeters in diameter. Some are so small they can be seen only when
enlarged thousands of times with a high-powered electron microscope (Figure
3.15). Where crystallization occurs from a mobile fluid in an unrestricted envi-
ronment, however, crystals can grow to enormous sizes (Figure 3.16).

Destruction of Crystals
Mineral grains can be destroyed in many different ways. Minerals melt by removal
of outer atoms from the crystal structure as they enter a less organized liquid state.
The heat that causes a crystal to melt increases atomic vibrations enough to break

FIGURE 3.14 Interlocking texture develops if crystals grow in a restricted environment. Crystals grow into one another when
they are forced to compete for space. Such textures are common in igneous rocks which form form molten magma. (see Chapter 4).
Minerals 69

(A) Sand grains magnified 50 times. Small (B) Clay crystals coating sand grains (C) Clay crystals magnified 2000 times.
crystals of clay form between the grains. magnified 1000 times.

FIGURE 3.15 Submicroscopic crystals of hexagonal plates of clay growing in the pore spaces between sand grains can be seen with an electron
microscope. Each crystal contains all of the physical and chemical properties of the mineral, even though each one is extremely small. (Courtesy of
Harry W. Fowkes)

the bonds holding an atom to the crystal structure. Similarly, atoms can be pried
loose and carried away by a solvent, usually (in geologic processes) water. Crys-
tals begin to break down or dissolve at the surface and the reaction moves inward.
Mineral grains can also be destroyed as their constituent atoms become re-
arranged in the solid state. Such recrystallization processes are especially common
deep inside the crust and mantle, where heat and pressure cause some crystal struc-
tures to collapse and new minerals, with a denser, more compact atomic structure
(Figure 3.17) to form in their place. In this case, the atoms do not move far, but new
bonds form and new internal structures are created. The new mineral grains have
different physical properties, like cleavage, luster, hardness, and density.

(A) Open structure at low pressure.

(B) Densely packed structure at

high pressure.

FIGURE 3.17 Under high pressure, the

atomic structure of a mineral can collapse
into a denser form, in which the atoms are
FIGURE 3.16 Large crystals can form where there is more closely packed. Although the physical
ample space for growth, as in caves. These crystals of gypsum properties change, the chemical composition
are more than 1 m long. may remain the same.
70 Chapter 3

Concentrations of the More than 95% of Earths crust is composed of silicate minerals, a group
Most Abundant Elements of minerals containing silicon and oxygen linked in tetrahedral units, with
in Earths Crust (by weight) four oxygen atoms to one silicon atom. Several fundamental configurations
Element Percentage
of tetrahedral groupings are single chains, double chains, two-dimensional
sheets, and three-dimensional frameworks.
O 46.60
Si 27.72
Al 8.13
Although more than 4000 minerals have been identified, 95% of the volume of
Fe 5.00
Earths crust is composed of a group of minerals called the silicates. This should
Ca 3.63
not be surprising because silicon and oxygen constitute nearly three-fourths of the
Na 2.83
mass of Earths crust (Table 3.2) and therefore must predominate in most rock-
K 2.59
forming minerals. Silicate minerals are complex in both chemistry and crystal struc-
Mg 2.09
ture, but all contain a basic building block called the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron.
Ti 0.44
Nearly covalent Si-O bonds form a complex ion [(SiO4)4] in which four large oxy-
H 0.14
gen ions (O2+) are arranged to form a four-sided pyramid with a smaller silicon ion
P 0.12
(Si4+) bonded between them (Figure 3.18). This geometric shape is known as a
Mn 0.10
tetrahedron. The major groups of silicate minerals differ mainly in the arrange-
S 0.05
ment of such silicate tetrahedrons in their crystal structures.
C 0.03
Perhaps the best way to understand the unifying characteristics of the silicates,
as well as the reasons for the differences, is to study the models shown in Figure
After B. Mason and C. B. Moore, Principles of 3.19. These were constructed on the basis of X-ray studies of silicate crystals.
Geochemistry, 4th ed. (New York: Wiley, 1982).
Silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons combine to form minerals in two ways. In the sim-
plest combination, the oxygen ions of the tetrahedrons form bonds with other
elements, such as iron or magnesium. Olivine is an example. Most silicate miner-
als, however, are formed by the sharing of an oxygen ion between two adjacent
tetrahedrons. In this way, the tetrahedrons form a larger ionic unit, just as beads
are joined to form a necklace.The sharing of oxygen ions by the silicon ions results
in several fundamental configurations of tetrahedral groups. These structures de-
fine the major silicate mineral groups:
1. Isolated tetrahedrons (example: olivine)
2. Single chains (example: pyroxene)
3. Double chains (example: amphibole)
4. Two-dimensional sheets (examples: micas, chlorite, and clays)
5. Three-dimensional frameworks (examples: feldspars and quartz)
The unmatched electrons of the silicate tetrahedron are balanced by various metal
ions, such as ions of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. The sil-
icate minerals thus contain silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons linked in various patterns
Crystal Models by metal ions. Considerable ionic substitution can occur in the crystal structure. For
example, sodium can substitute for calcium, or iron can substitute for magnesium.
Minerals of a major silicate group can thus differ chemically from one another but
have a common silicate structure.


FIGURE 3.18 The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is the basic building block of the silicate minerals. In
this figure, the diagram on the right is expanded to show the position of the small silicon atom. Four large
oxygen ions are arranged in the form of a pyramid (tetrahedron), with a small silicon ion covalently
bonded into the central space between them. This is the most important building block in geology
because it is the basic unit for 95% of the minerals in Earths crust.
Minerals 71

Isolated Single chain Double chain

Two-dimensional sheet Three-dimensional framework

FIGURE 3.19 Silicon-oxygen tetrahedral groups can form various structures by the sharing of oxygen
ions among silicon ions. A small silicon ion lies at the center of each tetrahedral unit. In general, various types
of metal ions complete the mineral structure; they are not shown here.


Fewer than 20 kinds of minerals account for the great bulk of Earths crust
and upper mantle. The most common silicate minerals are feldspars, quartz,
micas, olivine, pyroxenes, amphiboles, and clay minerals. Important nonsili-
cates are calcite, dolomite, halite, and gypsum.

Most of Earths crust and upper mantle are composed of silicate minerals in which
the common elementssuch as iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium,
and aluminumcombine with silicon and oxygen.The identification of these min-
erals presents some special problems. Rock-forming minerals rarely have well-
developed crystal faces because (1) they grow by crystallization from melts (e.g.,
magmas) or from aqueous solutions (e.g., seawater) and vigorously compete for
space; (2) they are abraded as they are transported as sediment; or (3) they are
deformed under high temperature and pressure. In addition, most rock-forming
mineral grains are small, generally less than the size of your little fingernail, so
their physical properties may be difficult to see without a hand lens or microscope.
Further complications arise because most rock-forming mineral groups have
variable compositions attributable to ionic substitution in the crystal structure.
As a result, color, hardness, and other physical properties may be variable.
72 Chapter 3

It is important for you to become familiar with the general characteristics of

each of the major rock-forming mineral groups (feldspars, quartz, micas, olivines,
pyroxenes, amphiboles, clays, calcite, dolomite, halite, and gypsum) and to know
something about their physical properties, their mode of origin, the environment
in which they form, and their genetic significance. Some of the characteristics of
these, as well as other important but less common minerals, are listed in Table 3.3.
You will find the following summary of each mineral group to be much more mean-
ingful if you examine a specimen of a rock containing the mineral while you study
the written description.
A careful examination of the minerals that make up granite is a good beginning.
The polished surface of granite (Figure 3.20) shows that the rock is composed of
myriad mineral grains of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Although the minerals
interlock to form a tight, coherent mass, each has distinguishing properties.

Felsic Silicate Minerals

One large group of silicate minerals includes the major constituents of continen-
tal crust: feldspars and quartz.These are commonly known as felsic minerals. (They
are sometimes called sialic because they are rich in silicon and aluminum.) In
addition to being the major constituents of continental crust, the felsic minerals
also have low densities and crystallize at low temperatures in magmas.
Feldspars are the most abundant minerals in granite, a common crustal rock.The
granite in Figure 3.20 consists largely of a pink, porcelainous mineral that has a rec-
tangular form and a milky-white mineral that is somewhat smaller but similarly
shaped. These are feldspars (German, field crystals), the most abundant miner-
als in Earth's crust, comprising about 50%.The feldspars have good cleavage in two
directions, a porcelainous luster, and a hardness of about 6 on the Mohs hardness
scale. The crystal structure involves a complex three-dimensional framework of
silicate tetrahedrons (Figure 3.19). Considerable ionic substitution gives rise to
two major types of feldspars: potassium feldspar (K-feldspar) and plagioclase
feldspar. Potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8) is commonly pink in granitic rocks. Pla-
gioclase feldspar (shown in gray in the sketch) permits complete substitution of
sodium (Na) for calcium (Ca) in the crystal structure, giving rise to a composi-
tional range from NaAlSi3O8 to CaAl2Si2O8. Moreover, most grains of plagioclase
have distinctive, closely spaced striations on their cleavage planes. Plagioclase in
granite is rich in sodium. Feldspars (with a density of 2.7 g/cm3) are common in most
igneous rocks, in many metamorphic rocks, and in some sedimentary rocks. Con-
sequently, the continental crust has a characteristically low density (ranging from
2.6 to 2.7 g/cm3), controlled by the shear abundance of feldspar and quartz.
Quartz forms the glassy, irregularly shaped grains in Figure 3.20. It usually grows
in the spaces between the other minerals.As a result, quartz in granite typically lacks
well-developed crystal faces.When quartz crystals are able to grow freely, their form
is elongated, has six sides, and terminates in a point, but well-formed crystals are
rarely found in rocks. In sandstone, quartz is abraded into rounded sand grains.
Quartz is abundant in all three major rock types. It has the simple composition
SiO2 and is distinguished by its hardness (7), its conchoidal fracture, and its glassy
luster. Pure quartz crystals are colorless, but slight impurities produce a variety of
colors. Quartz is made of silicate tetrahedrons linked together in a tight frame-
work. All of the bonds are between Si and O; it includes no other elements. As a
result, quartz is very hard, and, because all of the bonds have the same strength,
it lacks cleavage. Quartz is stable both mechanically (it is very hard and lacks
cleavage) and chemically (it does not react with elements at or near Earths sur-
face). It is therefore a difficult mineral to alter or break down once it has formed.
Micas are the tiny black, shiny grains in Figure 3.20. These distinctive min-
erals are potassium aluminum silicates. Micas are readily recognized by their per-
fect one-directional cleavage, which permits breakage into thin, elastic flakes. Mica
is a complex silicate with a sheet structure, which is responsible for its perfect
Minerals 73

TABLE 3.3 Earths Common Minerals

Name Composition Cleavage/ Color Hardness Density Comments
Fracture (g/cm3)
Amphibole Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 Two at 60 and 120 Black to green 56 3.2

Aluminum ore,
Bauxite AlO(OH) One perfect White 6.5 3.4
mineral diaspore
Emerald is gem variety
Beryl Be3Al2Si6O18 One poor Green, blue, red 8 2.7
Hexagonal prisms
Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2 One perfect Black to dark brown 2.53 3 Splits into thin sheets
Three perfect
Calcite CaCO3 Colorless, white 3 2.7 Bubbles in dilute acid
Brassy, golden yellow
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Fracture 4 4.3 Copper ore
Metallic luster

Chlorite (Mg,Fe)5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 One perfect Green 2 2.5 Foliated masses

Clay Al2Si2O5(OH)4 One perfect White to brown 2 2.02.5 Common in soils

Corundum Al2O3 Fracture Brown or blue 9 4 Rubies and sapphires

Diamond C Fractures 10 3.5 Hardest mineral known
Adamantine luster
Bubbles in acid when
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 Three perfect Transparent to white 3.54 2.8
Transparent, green,
Fluorite CaF2 Perfect 4 3.2 Fluorine ore
purple, yellow
Three perfect Black to silver
Galena PbS 2.5 7.6 Lead ore
Cubic Metallic luster
Conchoidal Red to brown
Garnet Ca3Al2Si3O12 6.57 3.6
fracture Vitreous luster

Graphite C One perfect Black 12 2.1 Compare with diamond

One perfect
Gypsum CaSO42H2O Transparent to white 2 2.3 Used in plasterboard
Two good
Three perfect
Halite NaCl Transparent to white 2.5 2.2 Table salt
Red to silvery gray
Hematite Fe2O3 None 6 5.3 Iron ore
Metallic or earthy
White to gray
K-feldspar KAlSi3O8 Two at right angles 6 2.6
or pink
One perfect
Kyanite Al2SiO5 White to light blue 57 3.6 Long-bladed aggregates
One poor
Conchoidal Black
Magnetite Fe3O4 6 5.2 Magnetic
Irregular Metallic luster
Colorless to
Muscovite KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 One perfect 22.5 2.8 Splits into translucent sheets
light brown

Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Conchoidal Green to brown 6.5 3.4 Gem peridot

NaAlSi3O8 Striations on cleavage planes
Plagioclase Two at right angles White to gray 6 2.7
CaAl2Si2O8 Most common mineral at surface
Brassy to golden Fools gold; well-formed cubes
Pyrite FeS2 Uneven fractures 6.5 5
yellow common
Two at about 90 Green to dark
Pyroxene (Mg,Fe)SiO3 6 3.3
brown or black
Colorless, also
Quartz SiO2 Conchoidal fracture 7 2.7 Six-sided elongate crystals
gray, purple, other
Splintery fracture Green to brown
Serpentine Mg6Si4O10(OH)8 2.5 2.5
Asbestos fibrous Silky or waxy luster

Sillimanite Al2SiO5 One perfect Colorless to white 67 3.2 Long, slender crystals

Staurolite Fe2Al9Si4O22(OH)2 One poor Brown to red 7 3.8

Talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 One perfect White to light green 1 2.8 Soft, soapy masses
Complex hydrous Colorless to light Earthy, but may form
Zeolite One perfect 45 2.2
silicates green radiating crystals in cavities
74 Chapter 3



(A) A polished surface of a granite,

shown at actual size, displays mineral
grains of different sizes, shapes, and Potassium
colors. Feldspar






(B) An exploded diagram of (A)

shows the relative size and the shape
of individual mineral grains.

FIGURE 3.20 Mineral grains in a granite, a common rock in continental crust, form a tight, interlocking texture because each mineral is forced to
compete for space as it grows. The most common minerals in granite are the felsic minerals: quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and potassium feldspar.

cleavage. Two common varieties occur in rocks: muscovite [KAl3Si3O10(OH)2],

which is white or colorless and is found along with felsic minerals, and biotite
[K(Mg, Fe)3Si3AlO10(OH)2], a black mica, rich in iron and magnesium that
belongs to the category of mafic minerals discussed below. Both types of mica con-
tain water in the form of hydroxyl ions (OH). The densities of these minerals are
also distinctive, with biotite (about 3 g/cm3) denser than muscovite (about 2.8
g/cm3). Mica is abundant in granites and in many metamorphic rocks and is also
a significant constituent of many sedimentary rocks.

Mafic Silicate Minerals

Another category of silicate minerals is the mafic minerals, so named because they
contain much magnesium and iron. These minerals contrast with felsic minerals
and generally range from dark green to black and have high densities. Biotite is clas-
sified in this general group, together with the olivine, pyroxene, and amphibole.
Minerals 75

Plagioclase Olivine

(A) In a hand specimen, only a few large grains of green olivine can be
seen. The dark spots are gas bubbles frozen into the once molten rock.

Plagioclase Olivine

Pyroxene Glass

Glass bubble
(B) Viewed through a microscope, the mineral grains form an
interlocking texture. Plagioclase feldspar crystals typically form small (C) An exploded diagram of (B) shows the size and shape of individual
lathlike grains between the mafic minerals. mineral grains.

FIGURE 3.21 Mineral grains in basalt are microscopic and are dominated by mafic minerals. Basalt is a mafic volcanic rock common in the
oceanic crust.

In granite, biotite is common, but the other mafic minerals are rare or absent.
The mafic minerals are common, however, in Earths mantle and in oceanic
crust. They generally crystallize at higher temperatures and have higher densities
than felsic minerals. Let us examine basalt, a common mafic volcanic rock, to see
what these minerals are like (Figure 3.21).
Olivine is the only mineral clearly visible in the hand specimen in Figure 3.21; it
is a green, glassy mineral. Olivine is a silicate in which iron and magnesium substi-
tute freely in the crystal structure. The composition is expressed as (Mg,Fe)2SiO4.
Olivine is composed of isolated Si-O tetrahedrons linked together by magnesium or
iron ions (Figure 3.19).This hard mineral is characterized by an olive-green color (if
magnesium is abundant) and a glassy luster. In rocks, it rarely forms crystals larger
than a millimeter in diameter. Like most mafic minerals, olivine has a relatively
high density (about 3.3 g/cm3) and typically forms at high temperatures. It is proba-
bly a major constituent of the upper mantle. At depths of about 400 km in the
mantle, olivine is no longer stable and recrystallizes to form an even denser miner-
al with the same elemental composition.
Pyroxenes are high-temperature minerals also found in many mafic rocks in
the crust and mantle. In Figure 3.21, pyroxene occurs as microscopic crystals, but
some basalts contain larger grains of this mineral, which typically range from dark
76 Chapter 3

FIGURE 3.22 Amphibole crystals were among the first to crystallize in this granitic rock and
therefore have well-developed crystal faces. The largest grain is about 3 cm long.

green to black.Their internal structure consists of single chains of linked Si-O tetra-
hedrons (Figure 3.19). Pyroxene crystals commonly have two directions of cleav-
age that intersect at right angles.
Amphiboles (Figure 3.22) have much in common with the pyroxenes.Their chem-
ical compositions are similar, except that amphiboles contain hydroxyl ions (OH)
and pyroxenes do not. The minerals also differ in structure. The internal structure
consists of double chains of silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons (Figure 3.19). The amphi-
boles produce elongate crystals that cleave perfectly in two planes, which are not at
right angles. Amphibole ranges from green to black. This mineral is common in
many igneous and metamorphic rocks. Hornblende [NaCa(Mg,Fe)5AlSi7O22(OH)2]
is the most common variety of amphibole. The density of a typical amphibole is
about 3.2 g/cm3.
A dangerous form of amphibole is asbestos, once used widely to make fireproof
fabrics, tiles, and as insulation in buildings. Miners working in old dusty mines be-
came sick as small cleavage fragments of a specific type of this mineral became
lodged in their lungs, especially in conjunction with cigarette smoking.The incidence
of this noncancerous lung disease in modern mines with dust controls is much lower.
Fortunately, most asbestos used in construction consists of an entirely different min-
eral, and the hazard to people is much less than commonly supposed.

Clay Minerals
The clay minerals form another important group of silicate minerals. They are a
major part of the soil and are thus encountered more frequently in everyday ex-
perience than many other minerals. Clay minerals form at Earths surface, where
air and water react with various silicate minerals, breaking them down to form clay
and other products. Like the micas, the clay minerals are sheet silicates (Figure
3.19), but their crystals are usually microscopic and are most easily detected with
an electron microscope (Figure 3.15). More than a dozen clay minerals can be
distinguished on the basis of their crystal structures and variations in composition.
A common clay mineral, kaolinite, has the formula Al4Si4O10(OH)8 and a low
density of about 2.6 g/cm3.
Minerals 77

Nonsilicate Minerals
Some important rock-forming minerals are not silicate minerals. Most of these
minerals are carbonates or sulfates and typically form at low temperatures and
pressures near Earths surface.
Calcite is composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), the principal mineral in
limestone. It can precipitate directly from seawater or is removed from seawa-
ter by organisms as they use it to make their shells. Calcite is dissolved by ground-
water and reprecipitated as new crystals in caves and fractures in rock. It is usu-
ally transparent or white, but the aggregates of calcite crystals that form
limestone contain various impurities that give them gray or brown hues. Calcite
is common at Earths surface and is easy to identify. It is soft enough (hardness
of 3) to scratch with a knife, and it effervesces in dilute hydrochloric acid. It has
perfect cleavage in three planes, which are not at right angles, so that cleaved
fragments form rhombohedra (see Figure 3.9). Besides being the major con-
stituent of limestone, calcite is the major mineral in the metamorphic rock mar-
ble. Calcite has a density of about 2.7 g/cm3.
Dolomite is a carbonate of calcium and magnesium [CaMg(CO3)2]. Large crys-
tals form rhombohedra, but most dolomite occurs as granular masses of small crys-
tals. Dolomite is widespread in sedimentary rocks, forming when calcite reacts
with solutions of magnesium carbonate in seawater or groundwater. Dolomite can
be distinguished from calcite because it effervesces in dilute hydrochloric acid
only if it is in powdered form. Dolomite has a density of nearly 2.9 g/cm3.
Halite and gypsum are the two most common minerals formed by evaporation
of seawater or saline lake water. Halite, common salt (NaCl), is easily identified
by its taste. It also has one of the simplest of all crystal structures; the sodium
and chloride ions form a cubical array. Most physical properties of halite are
related to this structure. Halite crystals cleave in three planes, at right angles, to
form cubic or rectangular fragments (Figure 3.9). Salt, of course, is very soluble
and readily dissolves in water.
Gypsum is composed of calcium sulfate and water (CaSO42H2O). It forms crys-
tals that are generally colorless, with a glassy or silky luster. It is a very soft miner-
al and can be scratched easily with a fingernail. It cleaves perfectly in one plane to
form thin, nonelastic plates (Figure 3.10). See the GeoLogic discussion at the end
of the chapter for more information about the internal structure of gypsum. Gyp-
sum occurs as single crystals, as aggregates of crystals in compact masses (alabaster),
and as a fibrous form (satin spar).
Oxide minerals lack silicon as well and include several economically important
iron oxides, such as magnetite and hematite (Table 3.3). Magnetite is particularly
interesting because it is one of only a very few minerals that are naturally magnetic.
A wide variety of other minerals have been identified, including silicates,
carbonates, oxides, sulfides, and sulfates. There are literally thousands of natu-
rally formed minerals; some seem rare and exotic because of their color, crys-
tal form, and hardness, and others seem more mundane because they occur as
minor constituents in common rocks. Some we consider precious, such as gold,
silver, diamonds, and rubies; others are important in high technology. In addi-
tion to providing documents of Earths history, minerals are at the foundation
of all human societiesfrom pre-Paleolithic times, in which minerals were used
for tools, to modern technological societies that require vast amounts of met-
als and construction materials.
GeoLogic Internal Structure of Minerals

Gypsum (CaSO42H2O) (1 cm across). Cleavage

planes look like topographic steps

Gypsum seen with scanning tunneling microscope (15 nanometers

across). Individual sulfate ions seen as hills in precise geometric
arrangement. Lighter area is an atom high "plateau," magnified
from the sheets seen in the cleavage planes.

Gypsum seen with scanning electron microscope

(150 microns across). Cleavage planes still visible
as plateaus separating different cleavage sheets.

Atomic model of the internal sturctue of gypsum.

Calcium ions (blue) are linked to sulfate groups (sulfur yellow
and oxygen red). Sulfur-oxygen bonds are strong and covalent.
Cleavage planes are created by weak bonds between these tightly
Gypsum seen with atomic force microscope (10 microns bonded sheets. The layers are bound together by weak hydrogen
across). Each cleavage sheet consists of even thinner bonds. (Hydrogens are small and pink.)

(Images courtesy of Dirk Bosbach and Barry Bickmore )

Seeing is believinga phrase we often use to discount the shows the smooth surface is a series of humps and
unseeable. But how can we understand the internal struc- swalesindividual groups of atomspacked into a precise
ture of minerals at the atomic scale where distances are geometric network. The step shown in brighter colors is
measured in nanometers (10-9 m)? These images take you one atomic layer thick and lies on top of other similar lay-
on a tour through inner space, from the surface of a miner- ers below it.
al into its deep interior.
Observations The last step of the journey is not a real image, but rather
1. At the lowest magnification with an optical microscope, an interpretive model that has been constructed from the
you can see the nature of a cleavage plane in gypsuma information gleaned by studying the other images and from
smooth lustrous break. X-ray diffractometry. Each group of atoms is bound to-
2. If we zoom in closer with a scanning electron microscope, gether by a strong electrical charge emanating from a cloud
you can see that the cleavage plane is not quite as smooth of electrons. This electron cloud gives the atomic groups
as it first looked, but you can still see broad flat plateaus. their shapes in the images. Finally, the images and mea-
3. Zooming in closer with an atomic force microscope, we surements show us that the physical properties of a mineral
can see that the planar structure is preserved at the micron are controlled by its internal atomic structure. For exam-
scale (10-6 m). You can see that the mineral grew as a series ple, strong bonds form hard minerals and where weak
of layers controlled by its internal structure. Each layer bonds are aligned like those between the hydrogen ions
has a relatively smooth surface but is only a molecule thick. shown in the model, the mineral cleaves easily in that
4. At even higher resolution, the atomic force microscope direction.

Minerals 79

amorphous solid (p. 57) crystal form (p. 64) isotope (p. 56) plagioclase (p. 72)
amphibole (p.76) crystallization (p. 67) liquid (p. 57) polymorphism (p. 62)
atom (p. 54) crystal structure (p. 57) luster (p. 65) proton (p. 55)
atomic mass (p. 55) density (p. 65) mafic mineral (p. 74) pyroxene (p. 75)
atomic number (p. 55) dolomite (p. 77) magnetism (p. 66) quartz (p. 72)
biotite (p. 74) electron (p. 55) melt (p. 68) recrystallization (p. 69)
calcite (p. 77) feldspar (p. 72) metallic bond (p. 57) silicates (p. 70)
clay mineral (p. 76) felsic minerals (p. 72) metastable (p. 66) silicon-oxygen tetrahedron
cleavage (p. 64) gas (p. 58) mica (p. 72) (p. 70)
color (p. 65) gypsum (p. 77) mineral (p. 59) solid (p. 57)
compound (p. 56) halite (p. 77) muscovite (p. 74) stability range (p. 66)
conchoidal fracture (p. 64) hardness (p. 65) neutron (p. 55) stable (p. 66)
covalent bond (p. 56) ion (p. 56) nucleus (p. 54) streak (p. 66)
crystal (p. 61) ionic bond (p. 56) olivine (p. 75) X-ray diffraction (p. 60)
crystal faces (p. 64) ionic substitution (p. 62) oxide mineral (p. 77)

1. Contrast atoms, ions, and isotopes. 11. Why is color of little use in identifying minerals? What are
2. Give a brief but adequate definition of a mineral. some better diagnostic properties?
3. Explain the meaning of the internal structure of a mineral. 12. What are silicate minerals? List the silicate minerals that
4. Why does a mineral have a definite chemical composition? are most abundant in rocks.
5. What other common element might substitute for Ca in a 13. Why are feldspars so abundant in Earths crust?
plagioclase feldspar? Why? 14. Construct a table listing the distinguishing characteristics of
6. How do geologists identify minerals too small to be seen in quartz, feldspar, biotite, amphibole, pyroxene, mica, and
a hand specimen? clay.
7. Briefly explain how minerals grow and are destroyed. 15. Study Figure 3.20, and explain why most of the mineral
8. Explain the origin of cleavage in minerals. grains in a granite have an irregular shape even though they
9. Describe the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. Why is it impor- still have an orderly atomic structure.
tant in the study of minerals? 16. What is the difference between a mineral and a rock?
10. Discuss the implications of a minerals limited stability
range for the kinds of minerals found at progressively
greater depths in Earths mantle.

Deer, W. A., R. A. Howie, and J. Zussman. 1992. An Introduc- Perkins, D. 2001. Mineralogy, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
tion to the Rock-Forming Minerals, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley. Prentice Hall.
Klein, C. 2002. Manual of Mineral Science (after J. D. Dana), Riciutti, E. R. 1998. National Audubon First Field Guide to
22nd ed. New York: Wiley. Rocks and Minerals. New York: Scholastic.
Mackenzie, W. S., and A. E. Adams. 1994. A Color Atlas of Rocks
and Minerals in Thin Section. New York: Halstead Press.
Nesse, W. D. 2000. Introduction to Mineralogy. New York:
Oxford University Press.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and addition- to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
al resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
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4 Igneous Rocks
Igneous rocks are records of the thermal history of Earth. Their origin is closely associated
with the movement of tectonic plates, and they play an important role in the spreading of
seafloor, the origin of mountains, and the evolution of continents. The best-known exam-
ples of igneous activity are volcanic eruptions, in which liquid rock material works its way
to the surface and erupts from volcanic fissures and vents such as those shown above.
Less obvious, although just as important, are the enormous volumes of liquid rock that
never reach the surface but remain trapped in the crust, where they cool and solidify.
Granite is the most common variety of this type of igneous rock and is typically exposed
in eroded mountain belts and in the roots of ancient mountain systems now preserved
in the shields.
In January 1983, Kilauea volcano began an eruption of basaltic lava that is still ongoing.
The eruption has buried thousands of acres of land, destroyed homes, roads and forests. It
has also added to the size of the island as lava spilled into the sea. This volcano on the south
shore of the island of Hawaii is Earths most active volcano. Volcanoes like Kilauea are dra-
matic proof that Earths interior is still warm and active. In this spectacular image, you can

see igneous processes shaping the landscape as red-hot molten rock is spilled out onto the
surface. This magma formed deep in the mantle when solid rock melted at depths of more
than 30 km; the temperature must have exceeded 1200C. The molten magma then rose to-
ward the surface through a series of fractures and pipes because its density was lower than
that of the surrounding solid mantle. The continuous expansion of small gas bubbles in the
magma caused it to rise even higher in the throat of the volcano. Small explosions in the
magma were caused by the bursting of giant bubbles of gas. The still-molten droplets accu-
mulated as spatter around the vent to make a small cone. A weak spot in the base of the
cone allowed a stream of lava to break through and feed a long lava flow that will slowly
cool and crystallize to form solid rock.
In this chapter, we study the major types of igneous rocks and what they reveal about
the thermal activity of Earth. We pay particular attention to the compositions and distinc-
tive textures of igneous rocks and how we can read from the interlocking network of grains
the history of how the hot liquid became part of the solid crust.

Photograph by G. Brad Lewis Photography

1. Magma is molten rock that originates from the partial melting of the lower
crust and the upper mantle, usually at depths between 10 and 200 km below
the surface.
2. The texture of a rock provides important insight into the cooling history of
the magma. The major textures of igneous rocks are (a) glassy, (b) aphanitic,
(c) phaneritic, (d) porphyritic, and (e) pyroclastic.
3. Most magmas are part of a continuum that ranges from mafic magma to sili-
cic magma.
4. Silicic magmas produce rocks of the granite-rhyolite family, which are com-
posed of quartz, K-feldspar, Na-plagioclase, and minor amounts of biotite or
5. Basaltic magmas produce rocks of the gabbro-basalt family, which are com-
posed of Ca-plagioclase and pyroxene with lesser amounts of olivine and lit-
tle or no quartz.
6. Magmas with composition intermediate between mafic and silicic composi-
tions produce rocks of the diorite-andesite family.
7. Basalt, the most abundant type of extrusive rock, typically either erupts from
fissures to produce relatively thin lava flows that cover broad areas or erupts
from central vents to produce shield volcanoes and cinder cones. Volcanic
features developed by intermediate to silicic magmas include viscous lava
flows, ash-flow tuff, composite volcanoes, and collapse calderas. The abun-
dance of water in silicic magma is critical to its development and eruption.
8. Masses of igneous rock formed by the cooling of magma beneath the surface
are called intrusions or plutons. The most important types of intrusions are
batholiths, stocks, dikes, sills, and laccoliths.
9. The wide variety of magma compositions is caused by variations in (a) the
composition of the source rocks, (b) partial melting, (c) fractional crystal-
lization, (d) mixing, and (e) assimilation of solid rock into the molten magma.
10. Most basaltic magma is generated by partial melting of the mantle at diver-
gent plate boundaries and in rising mantle plumes. Most intermediate to sili-
cic magma is produced at convergent plate boundaries. Partial melting of
continental crust at rifts and above plumes can also produce silicic magma.


Igneous rocks form from magmamolten rock material consisting of liquid,

gas, and crystals. A wide variety of magma types exists, but important end
members are (1) basaltic magma, which is typically very hot (from 900 to
1200C) and highly fluid, and (2) silicic magma, which is cooler (less than
850C) and highly viscous.

The term magma comes from the Greek word that means kneaded mixture, like
a dough or paste. In its geologic application, it refers to hot, partially molten
rock material (Figure 4.1). Most magmas are not entirely liquid but are a combi-
nation of liquid, solid, and gas. Crystals may make up a large portion of the mass,
so a magma could be thought of more accurately as a slush, a liquid melt mixed
with a mass of mineral crystals. Such a mixture has a consistency similar to that of
freshly mixed concrete, slushy snow, or thick oatmeal. The movement of most
magmas is slow and sluggish.
Like most fluids, magma is less dense than the solid from which it forms, and be-
cause of buoyancy, it tends to migrate upward through the mantle and crust. Magma
can intrude into the overlying rock by injection into fractures, it can dome the over-
lying rock, or it can melt and assimilate the rock it invades. Magma eventually cools

Igneous Rocks 83

FIGURE 4.1 Magma is molten rock material that commonly contains gas and solids. Much of it cools deep in Earths crust, but some of it
works its way to the surface and is extruded as lava. Eruptions such as this permit us to study the nature of magma, its composition, and its
physical characteristics and give us an insight into the origin of igneous rocks. (Photograph by G. Brad Lewis Photography)

and crystallizes to form igneous rocks. The rise of the magma may be halted where
it comes to density equilibrium with the surrounding rocks or where the roof rocks
are too strong to allow the magma to penetrate farther. Magma that solidifies below
the surface forms intrusive rock. When magma reaches the surface without com-
pletely cooling and flows out over the landscape as lava, it forms extrusive rock.
Chemical analyses of igneous rocks have revealed a wide variety of magma
types, but most terrestrial magmas consist largely of molten silicates.The principal What are the physical and chemical
elements in such magmas are oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), calcium characteristics of molten rock?
(Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), and magnesium (Mg). Two con-
stituentssilica (SiO2) and water (H2O)largely control the physical properties
of magma, such as its density, viscosity (the tendency for a material to resist flow),
and the manner in which it is extruded.
Although there is great variety in magma composition, we can illustrate much
about silicate magma by examining only two extreme types. Mafic magmas contain
about 50% SiO2 and have temperatures ranging from about 100 to 1200C. Mafic
minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene, crystallize from such magmas. Silicic mag-
mas contain between 65% and 77% SiO2 and generally have temperatures lower
than 850C. Felsic minerals, such as feldspars and quartz, are the dominant minerals
84 Chapter 4

that crystallize from these magmas. Basaltic magmas are characteristically fluid,
whereas silicic magmas are viscous.This is because silicic magmas have lower tem-
peratures and greater amounts of SiO2. The viscosity of a magma is influenced by
its SiO2 content because silica tetrahedra bond or link together even before crys-
tallization occurs, and the linkages offer resistance to flow. Temperature affects
viscosity because as the temperature of a magma drops, more and more linkages
prototypes of the minerals that crystallizeare made. Therefore, the higher the
silica content or the lower the temperature, the greater the magmas viscosity.
Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the principal gases dissolved in a magma.
More than 90% of the gas emitted from hot magma is water (H2O) and carbon
dioxide (CO2). Together, these volatiles (materials that are readily vaporized to
form gases at Earth surface conditions) usually constitute from 0.1% to 5% by
weight but may reach concentrations as high as 15% in some silicate magmas.
These volatiles are important because they strongly influence the viscosity and
melting point of a magma and the types of volcanic activity that can be produced.
Dissolved water tends to decrease the viscosity of magma by breaking the Si-O
bonds, which may otherwise form long, complex chains. Magmas rich in volatiles
also tend to erupt more violently than volatile-poor magmas because of the ex-
plosive expansion of gas bubbles.
Igneous rocks are found in many parts of the globe, but they are actually
formed in a few relatively restricted settings. On the continents, for example,
Where are most igneous rocks formed? most igneous rocks form at convergent plate margins where intrusions of
magma feed overlying volcanoes. In North America (Figure 4.2), you can see
ancient and recent examples. The intrusive rocks of western North America
largely formed above an ancient subduction zone that no longer exists. Even
older intrusive igneous rocks are exposed in the Canadian shield; they prob-
ably intruded the roots of mountain belts formed at ancient convergent plate
margins. On the other hand, the young volcanic belt in the northwestern Unit-
ed States that extends into Alaska and the volcanic rocks of southern Mexico
and Central America all erupted above still-active subduction zones. Igneous

FIGURE 4.2 Igneous rocks in North

America are concentrated along recent and
former convergent plate margins like those
of the western (active) and eastern (inactive)
mountain belts. Older, mostly intrusive,
igneous rocks are found in the shields,
especially that of eastern Canada. However,
these igneous rocks probably formed at what
were convergent plate boundaries. Igneous
rocks are rare in the stable platform, but
they can form above mantle plumes, like that
thought to lie beneath Yellowstone Park.

Volcanic rocks Plutonic rocks

Igneous Rocks 85

rocks are not common in the stable platform, but they may form in associa-
tion with a mantle plume. For example, many geologists think that the lava
flows in the Columbia River Plateau and Snake River Plain may have formed
above a mantle plume that lies beneath the continent. A few other volcanic
rocks formed at rifts, such as the one that is forming the Gulf of California. In
addition, the oceanic crust is almost entirely igneous rock formed at an ocean-
ic rift.


The texture of a rock refers to the size, shape, and arrangement of its
constituent mineral grains. The major textures in igneous rocks are glassy,
aphanitic, phaneritic, porphyritic, and pyroclastic.

The texture of a rock can be compared to the texture of a piece of cloth. In this
analogy, the mineral grains in a rock are likened to the yarn or threads that
compose the cloth. The cloths texture is determined by the weave (it may be
open or tight; it may be knitted, woven, or felted), by the coarseness of the yarn,
or by the mix of various yarns (coarse, fine, or a mixture of thicknesses). Care-
ful examination of a piece of cloth will reveal how the cloth was constructed
and the way in which it was formed. The color and the composition of the thread
(whether it is silk, wool, or cotton), however, are separate properties of the
cloth. Similarly, the texture of a rock is the size, shape, and arrangement of its
constituent minerals. It is a characteristic separate and distinct from composi-
tion. Texture is important because the mineral grains bear a record of the en-
ergy changes involved in the rock-forming process and the conditions existing
when the rock originated.
The genetic imprint left on the texture of a rock is commonly clear and easy to What does the texture of a rock indicate
read. For example, rocks formed from a cooling liquid have a texture characterized about the cooling history of a magma?
by interlocking grains (see Figure 3.14).
To illustrate the importance of texture, we will consider six examples of igneous
rocks that have essentially the same chemical and mineralogic composition but
different textures (Figure 4.3). In each rock, a chemical analysis would disclose
about 48% O, 30% Si, 7% Al, and between 1% and 4% each of Na, K, Ca, and
Fe. On the basis of chemical composition alone, these rocks would be considered
the same; they differ in texture only. It is their texture that provides the most in-
formation about how each specimen was formed.

Glassy Texture. The nature of volcanic glass is illustrated in Figure 4.3A. The
hand specimen displays a conchoidal fracture, with the sharp edges typical of
broken glass. No distinct grains are visible, but viewed under a microscope, distinct
flow layers are apparent. These result from the uneven concentration of
innumerable, minute, embryonic crystals.
In the laboratory, melted rock or synthetic lava hardens to glass if it is quenched
(or quickly cooled) from a temperature above that at which crystals would normally
form. We can conclude that a glassy texture is produced by very rapid cooling. The
randomness of the ions in a high-temperature melt is frozen in because the ions
do not have time to migrate and organize themselves in an orderly, crystalline
structure. Field observations of glassy rocks in volcanic regions support the hy-
pothesis that rapid cooling produces glass. Small pieces of magma blown from a vol-
canic vent into the much cooler atmosphere harden to form glassy ash. A glassy
crust forms on the surface of many lava flows, and glassy fragments form if a flow
enters a body of water.
86 Chapter 4

(A) A glassy texture develops when molten rock cools so rapidly that the (B) An aphanitic texture consists of mineral grains too small to be seen
migration of ions to form crystal grains is hampered. Glassy texture without a microscope. The sample shown here is rhyolite. Only a few grains
typically forms on the crust of lava flows and in viscous magma. The are large enough to be seen. Most are microscopic. Aphanitic texture results
sample shown here is obsidian. from rapid cooling.

(C) A phaneritic texture consists of grains large enough to be seen with (D) A pyroclastic texture forms when crystals, fragments of rock, and glass
the unaided eye. All grains are roughly the same size, and they interlock are blown out of a volcano as hot ash. The material may accumulate as an
to form a tight mass. The large crystals suggest a relatively slow rate of ash fall or as an ash flow. The black lenses of glass were pumice fragments
cooling. that were squashed during welding of the hot ash.
FIGURE 4.3 Textures of igneous rocks provide important information concerning rock genesis. All of the silicic rocks presented here have
roughly the same chemical composition but extremely different textures. The photographs show the actual size of the specimens.

Aphanitic Texture. If crystal growth from a melt requires time for the ions to
collect and organize themselves, then a crystalline rock indicates a slower rate of
cooling than that of a glassy rock.The texture illustrated in Figure 4.3B is crystalline
but extremely fine-graineda texture referred to as aphanitic (Greek a, not;
phaneros, visible). In hand specimens, few, if any, crystals can be detected in
aphanitic textures.Viewed under a microscope, however, many crystals of feldspar
and quartz are recognizable.
Why do volcanic rocks have aphanitic An aphanitic texture indicates relatively rapid cooling, but not nearly as rapid
textures? as the quenching that produces glass. Aphanitic textures are typical of the in-
teriors of lava flows, in contrast to the glassy texture that forms on the surface
or crust.
Many aphanitic and glassy rocks have numerous small spherical or ellipsoidal
cavities, vesicles. These are produced by gas bubbles trapped in the solidifying
rock. As hot magma rises toward Earths surface, the confining pressure dimin-
ishes, and dissolved gas (mainly H2O steam) separates and collects in bubbles.The
process is similar to the effervescence of champagne and soda pop when the bot-
tles are opened. Vesicular textures typically develop in the upper part of a lava
Igneous Rocks 87

THE ART Microscopes Reveal Hidden Worlds of Geology

Geologists examine Earth and igneous rock that was at one time
its materials on a vast range molten. The fine-grain size
of scalesfrom that of the shows that the molten
entire planet down to the magma cooled quickly and
smallest constituent of a the rock is probably vol-
grain of dust. To do this, canic rather than plutonic.
they use several sophisti- Electron microscopes
cated instruments. One create greatly magnified
tool used extensively to ex- images of rock surfaces or
amine small features in rocks mineral grains and are capable
and minerals is the microscope. of magnifications to several tens
The last few decades have seen the of thousands of times. An electron
development of a wide variety of microscopes, but we men- microscope accomplishes this without using optical light at
tion only two here: the standard optical microscope and the all. Instead, it uses electrons, which have wave characteristics
electron microscope. equivalent to extremely short wavelengths.A rock specimen
Optical microscopes are used to examine rocks with vis- is placed in a small vacuum chamber and bombarded by a
ible wavelengths of light and can be used at magnifications beam of electrons stripped from a heated filament at the top
as large as about 500 times.To examine a rock with a micro- of the instrument.A series of magnetic lenses bend and focus
scope, the rock is usually sliced into a thin section, glued to the electron beam on the specimen, which then emits a show-
a glass slide, and then ground and polished until it is only er of secondary electrons.These secondary electrons control
30 microns thick. Under these conditions, many minerals the intensity of another beam of electrons inside a television
are transparent or translucent, although a few minerals, picture tube to construct an image that we can see with our
such as the iron oxides and pyrite, remain opaque. A series eyes.Tiny mineral grains are thus visible for study and the de-
of lenses bend rays of light transmitted through the thin tails of mineral structures can be seen. Moreover, some elec-
section to create an enlarged image. Polarizing lenses add trons in the target atoms may be kicked into higher energy
to the discriminating power.An optical microscope can give levels and when they fall back to lower energy levels X rays
clear pictures only of specimens that are larger than the are given off that can be used to identify the element and its
wavelength of light used. concentration in the rock. A map of the microdistribution
The photograph above shows the wealth of information of the elements in the mineral can be made. The colorful
that can be seen. Not only are the identities of the individual electron microprobe image shows the concentration of mag-
grains revealed, but the texture is also obvious, which tells us nesium in a single crystal of garnet.The colors show that the
about the history of the rock. By identifying the minerals, a ge- environment changed as the garnet crystallized so that the
ologist can classify the rock as igneous, sedimentary, or meta- rim is poor in magnesium (blue) and the core is high (yel-
morphic and thereby decipher some of the rocks history.The low). This information can be used to infer the temperature
network of intergrown crystals reveals that this specimen is an and pressure of crystallization.

(Photograph courtesy of Nikon Inc. ) (Courtesy of Cameca Instruments, Inc.)

88 Chapter 4

flow, just below the solid crust, where the upward-migrating gas bubbles are
trapped. Even though vesicles change the outward appearance of the rock and in-
dicate the presence of gas in a rapidly cooling lava, they do not change the basic
aphanitic texture.

Phaneritic Texture. The specimen shown in Figure 4.3C is composed of grains

large enough to be recognized without a microscope, a texture known as phaneritic
(Greek phaneros, visible). The grains are approximately equal in size and form
an interlocking mosaic.The equigranular texture suggests a uniform rate of cooling,
and the large size of the crystals shows that the rate of cooling was very slow.
For cooling to take place at such a slow rate, the magma must have cooled far
below the surface. Field evidence supports this conclusion, because magma crys-
tallized after volcanic eruptions produces only aphanitic and glassy textures. Rocks
with phaneritic textures are exposed only after erosion has removed thousands of
Igneous Crystallization meters of covering rock.
Some intrusive igneous rocks have especially coarse grainsas much as a meter
long.These pegmatites probably crystallized from water-rich magmas and are typ-
ically found in association with granite.

Porphyritic Texture. Some igneous rocks have grains of two distinct sizes. The
larger, well-formed crystals are referred to as phenocrysts; the smaller crystals
constitute the matrix, or the groundmass. This texture is known as porphyritic. It
occurs in either aphanitic or phaneritic rocks.
A porphyritic texture usually indicates two stages of cooling. An initial stage of
slow cooling, during which the large grains developed, is followed by a period of
more rapid cooling, during which the smaller grains formed (see Figure 4.5F). The
aphanitic matrix indicates that the cooling melt had sufficient time for all of its
material to crystallize. The initial stage of relatively slow cooling produced the
larger grains; the later stage of rapid cooling, when the magma was extruded,
produced the smaller grains. Similarly, a phaneritic matrix with phenocrysts indi-
cates two stages of cooling (see Figure 4.5A). An initial stage of very slow cooling
was followed by a second stage, when cooling was more rapid but not rapid enough
to form an aphanitic matrix.

Pyroclastic Texture. The texture shown in Figure 4.3D may appear at first to be
that of a porphyritic rock with phenocrysts of quartz and feldspar. Under a
microscope, however, the grains are seen to be broken fragments rather than
interlocking crystals. Some fragments of glass are bent and flattened. This is a
pyroclastic texture (Greek pyro, fire; klastos, broken), produced when
explosive eruptions blow crystals and bits of still molten magma into the air as a
mixture of hot fragments called ash. If the fragments are still hot when they are
deposited, they will be welded (fused) together by the weight of the overlying


Igneous rocks are classified on the basis of texture and composition. The
major kinds of igneous rocks are granite, diorite, gabbro, rhyolite, andesite,
and basalt.

A simple chart of the major types of igneous rocks is shown in Figure 4.4. The
basis for this scheme of classification is texture and composition. Variations in
composition are arranged horizontally, and variations in texture are arranged ver-
tically. Rocks that cool below the surface are called intrusive, and those that cool
at the surface are called extrusive. The rock names are printed in bold type, the
Igneous Rocks 89
Silica (weight %)
Density (g/cm3)
Plagioclase Olivine
Volume % 50

25 Pyroxene
Biotite Amphibole


(Extrusive) Rhyolite Andesite Basalt Komatiite

(Intrusive) Granite Diorite Gabbro Peridotite

Silicic Intermediate Mafic Ultramafic

FIGURE 4.4 The classification of common igneous rocks is based on texture (shown vertically on the chart) and
composition (shown horizontally). The size of type in which the names of the rocks are printed is roughly proportional to
their abundance at Earths surface.

size of which is roughly proportional to the relative abundance of the rock at the
surface. Rocks in the same column have the same composition but different tex-
tures. Rocks in the same horizontal row have the same texture but different com-
positions. The chart shows that granite, for example, has a phaneritic texture and
is composed predominantly of quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar.The type size in-
dicates that it is the most abundant intrusive igneous rock. Rhyolite has the same
composition as granite but is aphanitic. Basalt has an aphanitic texture and is com-
posed predominantly of Ca-plagioclase and pyroxene. It has the same composition
as gabbro but is much more abundant at Earths surface.
This classification attempts to show the natural, or genetic, relationships be-
tween the various rock types. As we saw in the preceding section, texture provides
important information on the cooling history of the magma. Rocks that crystallize
slowly are able to grow large crystals; those that cool rapidly have a fine-grained
or glassy texture.The composition of a rock provides information about the nature
and origin of the magma. Mafic magmas high in iron and magnesium and poor in What are the properties upon which
silica generally originate from partial melting of the mantle; they are erupted in igneous rocks are classified?
continental rift systems and along midoceanic ridges. Rocks richer in silica, such
as andesite and rhyolite, or their intrusive equivalents, diorite and granite, typi-
cally form at convergent plate margins and in other settings, such as rifts or above
hot spots, where continental crust can be partially melted by hot basalt.

Rocks with Phaneritic Textures

Granite is a coarse-grained igneous rock composed predominantly of feldspar and
quartz (Figure 4.5A). K-feldspar is the most abundant mineral, and usually it is
easily recognized by its pink color. Plagioclase is present in moderate amounts,
usually distinguished by its white color and its porcelain-like appearance. Mica is
conspicuous as black or bronze-colored flakes, usually distributed evenly through-
out the rock. A very important property of granite is its relatively low density,
about 2.7 g/cm3, in contrast to basalt and related rocks, which have a density of
3.2 g/cm3. This fact is important in considering the nature of continents and the
contrast between continental crust and oceanic crust. Granite and related rocks
make up the great bulk of the continental crust.
(A) Granite: K-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, and biotite. (B) Rhyolite: K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, biotite, and light-
colored fine-grained groundmass..

(C) Diorite: plagioclase, amphibole, quartz, and biotite. (D) Porphyritic andesite: plagioclase, pyroxene, and amphibole
along with fine-grained, gray groundmass.

(E) Gabbro: pyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine. (F) Porphyritic basalt: pyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine along
with black vesicles and gray groundmass.

(G) Peridotite: olivine and pyroxene. (H) Komatiite: olivine and pyroxene. (Photograph by D. A.

FIGURE 4.5 The major types of igneous rocks and their mineral constituents listed from most to least abundant. Photographs are actual size.

Igneous Rocks 91

Diorite is similar to granite in texture (Figure 4.5C), but it differs in composi-

tion. Plagioclase feldspar is the dominant mineral, and quartz and K-feldspar are
minor constituents. Amphibole is an important constituent, and some pyroxene
may be present. In composition, diorite is intermediate between granite and
gabbro. Its extrusive equivalent is andesite.
Gabbro is not commonly exposed at Earths surface, but this mafic rock is a
major constituent of the lower part of the oceanic crust and is present in some in-
trusions on the continents. It has a coarse-grained texture similar to that of gran-
ite, but it is composed almost entirely of pyroxene, calcium-rich plagioclase, and
olivine. Gabbro is dark green, dark gray, or almost black because of the predomi-
nance of dark-colored minerals (Figure 4.5E).
Peridotite is composed almost entirely of two minerals, olivine and pyroxene
(Figure 4.5G). It is not common at Earths surface or within the continental crust,
but it is a major constituent of the mantle. Its high density, together with other
physical properties, suggests that the great bulk of Earths interior is composed of
peridotite and closely related rock types. The Alps and St. Pauls Rocks (islands in
the Atlantic Ocean) are two areas where peridotite from the mantle appears to
have been pushed through the crust to Earths surface. Small pieces of peridotite
are also found in basaltic lava flows. These fragments were ripped out of the man-
tle by rapidly rising magma.

Rocks with Aphanitic Textures

Rhyolite is an aphanitic rock with the same silicic composition as granite (Figure
4.5B). It commonly contains a few phenocrysts of feldspar, quartz, and biotite.
Because of their high silica contents and low temperatures, rhyolite lava flows are What is the difference between a
viscous. Instead of spreading in a linear flow, rhyolite typically piles up in large, bul- rhyolite and a basalt?
bous domes (see Figure 4.13). Obsidian with the composition of rhyolite is quite
common in these lava flows. Rhyolite ash-flow tuffs are also common. Rhyolite is
not common along the ocean ridges or oceanic islands but is more common on
the continents.
Andesite is an aphanitic rock typically composed of plagioclase, pyroxene, and
amphibole (Figure 4.5D). Andesite has an intermediate composition and usually
contains little or no quartz and has the same composition as diorite. The texture
of andesite is generally porphyritic, with phenocrysts of plagioclase feldspar and
mafic minerals. The rock is named after the Andes Mountains, where volcanic
eruptions have produced lavas with this composition in great abundance.Andesite
is the next most abundant lava type after basalt and occurs most frequently along
the convergent plate margins in island arcs and along continental margins. It is not
found along oceanic ridges, and it is rare in oceanic islands or other intraplate set-
tings related to mantle plumes.
Basalt is the most common aphanitic rock (Figure 4.5F). It is a very fine-grained,
usually dark-colored rock that originates from cooling lava flows. The mineral
grains are so small they can rarely be seen without a microscope. If a thin section
(a thin, transparent slice of rock) is viewed through a microscope, the individual
minerals can then be seen and studied (see Figure 3.21).
Basalt is a mafic rock composed predominantly of calcium-rich plagioclase and
pyroxene, with smaller amounts of olivine. The plagioclase occurs as a mesh of
elongate, lathlike crystals surrounding the more equidimensional pyroxene and
olivine grains. In some cases, large crystals of olivine or pyroxene form phenocrysts,
resulting in a porphyritic texture. Many basalts have some glass, especially near
the tops of flows. Basalt is the most common volcanic rock on Earth, because it
is so abundant on the seafloor.
Komatiite is a rare volcanic rock (Figure 4.5H) found mostly in very ancient rock
sequences exposed in the continental shields. It is composed mainly of the mineral
92 Chapter 4

(A) The surface of an aa flow consists of a jumbled mass of angular (B) The surfaces of pahoehoe flows are commonly twisted, ropy
blocks that form when the congealed crust is broken as the flow structures. Pahoehoe flows form on fluid lava and typically are very
slowly moves. Aa flows are viscous and much thicker than pahoehoe thin. The firm, hot plastic crust is wrinkled and folded by continued
flows. This photograph shows a recent aa flow in Hawaii. movement of the fluid interior. (Photograph from U.S. Geological

(C) Hexagonal columnar joints commonly form by contraction when (D) Lava tubes develop where the margin of the flow cools and
a lava cools. The long axis of the column is approximately solidifies and the interior, molten material is drained away.
perpendicular to the cooling surface. These columns form the Giants
Causeway, Ireland. (Photograph Tom Till)

(E) Pressure ridges develop in lava flows when the outer crust (F) Spatter cones, or ramparts, form in local areas along fissures where
buckles as the flow surface folds. They commonly crack and release globs of lava accumulate near a major vent. (Photograph from J.D. Griggs/
lava and gas from the interior of the flow. U.S. Geological Survey)

FIGURE 4.6 A variety of features develop on basaltic lava flows and reflect the manner of flow, rates of cooling, amount of dissolved gases, and
Igneous Rocks 93

(H) Tephra is a general term referring to all pyroclastic material

ejected from a volcano. It includes ash, dust, bombs, and rock
fragments. It is commonly stratified.

(G) Pahoehoe lava flows on the island of Hawaii. The flow is moving
away from the observer. The main flow forms a solid crust along its
margins and upper surface. Hot liquid lava breaks through the crust, (I) Volcanic bombs are fragments of lava ejected in a liquid or plastic
gradually cools, and forms a new crust. The process is then repeated state. As they move through the air they twist and turn and form
downslope. spindle-shaped masses.

(J) Fissure eruptions are the most common type of volcanic eruption on Earth. Lava is simply extruded through cracks or fissures in the crust. This type of
eruption is typical of fluid basaltic magma and is the dominant eruption style along the oceanic ridge. This photograph shows a recent fissure eruption on
the island of Hawaii. (Courtesy of Hawaii Volcano Observatory, U.S. Geological Survey)
94 Chapter 4

olivine.The olivine phenocrysts may grow to exceptional lengths of as much as 50 cm,

giving most komatiites a decidedly porphyritic character.The rest of the rock is made
of fine crystals of pyroxene and rare plagioclase, giving it an appearance like basalt.
Because of their high content of mafic minerals, these rocks have even less silica than
basalt. Komatiites are important because they provide evidence for the high tem-
peratures and other characteristics of volcanism early in Earths history.

Rocks with Pyroclastic Textures

Explosive volcanic eruptions of rhyolitic and andesitic magmas commonly pro-
duce large volumes of fragmental material that are ejected high into the atmo-
sphere. The fragments range from dust-sized pieces, or ash, to large blocks more
than a meter in diameter. Pumice is a vesicular frothy glass common among the
larger fragments. Some pumice fragments have densities low enough that they
can float on water. Tephra deposits are composed of shards of volcanic glass,
pumice, broken phenocrysts, and foreign rock fragments. The rock resulting from
In what way are the products of the accumulation of pyroclastic fragments is also known as tuff. Although of
explosive eruptions unique? volcanic origin, tuff has many of the characteristics of sedimentary rocks because
the fragments composing tuff may settle out from suspension in the air and com-
monly are stratified like sedimentary rocks. Pyroclastic-fall tuff is composed of
volcanic ash that fell more or less vertically out of the atmosphere. These layers
mantle the hills and valleys. In contrast, an ash-flow tuff, or ignimbrite, forms
from particles that move laterally across the surface in a gas-charged flow in which
movement resembles that of a lava flow but is much more rapid. In some ash-
flow tuffs, the ash may be fused or welded together in a tight, coherent mass, and
the glass fragments may be flattened and bent out of shape. This unique texture
indicates that at the time of deposition, the ash fragments were hot enough to
deform and fuse from the weight of the overlying ash (Figure 4.3F).


Extrusive igneous rocks are those that form from magma extruded onto
Earths surface by volcanic eruptions. The rocks include lava flows and
volcanic ash. Basaltic magmas are low in silica and are relatively fluid. The
lava is typically extruded quietly from fissures and fractures. Silicic magmas
are viscous, and their eruptions are typically explosive. The magma extrudes
as thick lava flows, bulbous domes, or ash flows.

One of the most spectacular of all geologic processes is the extrusion of lava
onto Earths surface by volcanic eruptions (Figure 4.6, previous page). Through-
out recorded history, more than 700 volcanoes have been known to be active,
but this is only an instant in geologic time and ignores the region of the most
intense volcanic activity on Earththe region hidden beneath the oceans, where
most eruptions go unnoticed. The importance of volcanic activity is that it testi-
fies to the continuing dynamics of Earth, provides an important window on the
planets interior, and sheds light on the processes operating below the surface,
in the lower crust and upper mantle.

Products of Basaltic Eruptions

Basaltic eruptions are probably the most common type of volcanic activity on Earth.
The lava is generally extruded from fractures or fissures in the crust. Upon extru-
sion, it tends to flow freely downslope and spreads out to fill valleys and topo-
graphic depressions (Figure 4.6). This type of eruption occurs along fissures at the
oceanic ridge, forming new oceanic crust where the tectonic plates move apart, and
it is the major type of eruption in the volcanic plains of the continents related to
Igneous Rocks 95

hotspots and rifts. Basaltic lavas erupt with temperatures ranging between 1000
and 1200C. A lava can flow at speeds as high as 40 km/hr down steep slopes, but
rates of 20 km/hr are considered unusually rapid. For example, the flow front of the
1998 basaltic lava in the Galapagos Islands moved an average of 170 m/hr. The
fronts of Hawaiian basalt flows commonly move only a few meters per hour. Rapid
flows are usually found in confined flows or inside lava tubes. As a flow moves
downslope, it loses gas, cools, and becomes more viscous. Movement then becomes
sluggish, and the flow soon comes to rest.
There are two common types of basaltic flows, referred to by the Hawaiian
terms aa (pronounced ahah) and pahoehoe (pronounced pa hoe hoe) (Figure
4.6A, B). An aa flow moves slowly and is typically 3 to 10 m thick. The surface of
the flow cools and forms a crust while the interior remains molten. As the flow
continues to move, the hardened crust is broken into a jumbled mass of angular What kinds of lava flows and volcanoes
blocks and clinkers (Figure 4.6A). Gas within the fluid interior of the flow mi- form from basaltic lava flows?
grates toward the top, but it may remain trapped beneath the crust. These fossil
gas bubbles, called vesicles, make the rock light and porous. Pahoehoe flows are
more fluid than aa flows. Many are less than 1 m thick, but they can be much thick-
er.As a pahoehoe flow moves, it develops a thin, glassy crust, which is wrinkled into
billowy folds or surfaces that can resemble coils of rope. A variety of flow features
(such as those shown in Figure 4.6B, G) can develop on the surface of the flow.
Commonly, the crust of the flow buckles to form a pressure ridge, with a central
fracture through which gas and lava can escape (Figure 4.6E). Both aa and pa-
hoehoe flows can be erupted from the same vent. Many pahoehoe flows convert
to aa when the surface cools and small crystals form or where flow rates increase
when the flow drops over a steep slope.
The interior of a basaltic flow may be massive and nonvesicular.As a flow cools,
it contracts and may develop a system of polygonal cracks, known as columnar
joints, that are similar in many ways to mud cracks (Figure 4.6C). In some flows,
the sides and top freeze solid while the interior remains fluid.The fluid interior can
break through the crust and flow out, leaving a long lava tube (Figure 4.6D). In-
stead of issuing from a central vent, basaltic lava is commonly extruded from a
series of fractures in the crust known as fissures (Figure 4.6J). The fluid lava usu-
ally spreads out over a large area rather than building an isolated cone. In some
places along the fissure, the rising lava may be concentrated and erupt like a lava
fountain. The splashing of lava around the fountain can build up small conical
mounds called spatter cones (Figure 4.6F). Flood basalts are some of Earths most
impressive volcanic deposits; single flows can be traced for hundreds of kilometers

FIGURE 4.7 Flood basalts cover large areas of the Columbia Plateau. Two thick flows and several thinner ones are exposed in this valley wall.
Columnar joints form fractures through much of each flow.
96 Chapter 4

FIGURE 4.8 A cinder cone is a small volcano composed almost exclusively of pyroclasts blown out from a central vent, such as this one in
southern Utah. The internal structure consists of layers of ash inclined away from the summits crater. The vent, or volcanic neck, is commonly filled
with solidified lava and fragmental debris.

(Figure 4.7). Individual flows can be as much as 30 m thick, and a sequence of

flows may stack up to be hundreds of meters thick, as in the Columbia River
Plateau of Washington. The low viscosity of basalt and high eruption rates create
these plains. Studies of the Moon and planets show that this type of volcanism is
the most common not only on Earth but also on all the inner planets.
Droplets and globs of lava blown out from a volcanic vent may cool by the
Cinder Cone Eruption time they fall back to the ground. This material forms volcanic ash and dust, col-
lectively known as tephra (Figure 4.6H). Volcanic bombs are the larger frag-
ments (Figure 4.6I). As the tephra travels through the air, it is sorted according
to size. The larger particles accumulate close to the vent and form a cinder cone
(Figures 4.8 and 4.9), and the finer, dust-sized particles are transported afar by
the wind. Cinder cones, which are generally less than 200 m high and 2 km in di-
ameter, are relatively small features compared with large shield volcanoes and
If the extrusion of fluid basaltic lava dominates, a broad cone, or shield volcano,
may form around a central vent or series of fissures (Figure 4.10). With each erup-
tion, the fluid basaltic lava flows freely for some distance, spreading into a thin
sheet, or tongue, before congealing. Shield volcanoes, therefore, have wide bases
and gentle slopes (generally less than 10). Their internal structure consists of in-
numerable thin basalt flows with comparatively little ash.The Hawaiian Islands are
excellent examples of large shield volcanoes.They are enormous mounds of basaltic

FIGURE 4.10 Shield volcanoes are composed of innumerable thin basaltic lava flows that erupt from a central vent or fissures. This small shield,
on the Snake River Plain of southern Idaho, shows the typical broad low profile. It is about 50 m high and about 5 km across. Some of the largest
volcanoes, such as the Hawaiian Islands, are also shields.
Igneous Rocks 97

Flood basalt flow Cinder cone Lava dome Vesuvius Composite

Kilimanjaro Shield Fuji Composite Mt. St. Helens Composite

Sylvania Guyot Shield Shasta Composite Stromboli Composite

Bikini Atoll Shield Valles Caldera Ash-flow caldera

Sea level

Hawaii Shield

0 5 10 15 20 km No vertical exaggeration

FIGURE 4.9 Volcanoes come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The smallest shown here are cinder cones and the largest are Hawaiian-
type shield volcanoes. In between these extremes in size are small shield volcanoes, rhyolite lava domes, steep-sided composite volcanoes, ash-flow
calderas, and vast plains covered by flood basalts.

lava, rising as high as 10,000 m above the seafloor (Figure 4.9). The younger vol-
canoes typically have summit craters, or calderas, as much as 5 km wide and sev-
eral hundred meters deep, that result from subsidence following the eruption of
magma from below (Figure 4.11).
The extrusion of basaltic lava into water produces a flow composed of a multi-
tude of ellipsoidal masses referred to as pillow lava (Figure 4.12). The formation
of pillow basalt has been observed off the coast of Hawaii, and recent undersea Eruption of Pillow Basalt
photographs show that it is widespread on the seafloor, anywhere volcanic activ-
ity has occurred.

Products of Intermediate to Silicic Eruptions

The silica-rich magmas that produce andesite and rhyolite are relatively viscous,
cool (600 to 900C), and water-rich. Consequently, their eruption and flow are
quite different from basaltic lavas. Some silicic magmas are so viscous that small
volumes hardly flow at all but instead form small bulbous lava domes over the
volcanic vent (Figure 4.13).
Magmatic explosions are not driven by chemical reactions like manufactured ex-
plosives; instead, they are caused by the rapid expansion of gas bubbles at low
pressure. The high viscosity of silicic magmas inhibits the escape of dissolved gas,
so tremendous pressure builds up. Consequently, when eruptions occur, they are
highly explosive and violent and commonly produce large quantities of tephra.
Alternating layers of tephra and thick, viscous lava flows or domes typically pro-
duce a composite volcano, or stratovolcano, a high, steep-sided cone centered Mt. St. Helens
around the vent (Figure 4.14). This is probably the most familiar form of conti-
nental volcano, with such famous examples as Shasta, Fuji, Vesuvius, Etna, and
Stromboli.A depression at the summit, the crater, usually marks the position of the
vent.These volcanoes are long-lived and their eruptions infrequent.Although they
are large structures, they are much smaller than the huge shields formed on the
ocean floor (Figure 4.9).
Explosive eruptions of silicic volcanoes can blow out large volumes of ash and
magma in a very short period. While the chamber empties, the roof becomes weak
98 Chapter 4

Flank eruption

Magma conduit

FIGURE 4.11 Calderas atop Mauna

Loa volcano in Hawaii may have formed
by subsidence when magma was
withdrawn from shallow chambers within
the volcano. The large caldera is about 3
km across and nearly 200 m deep.
Eruption of lava onto the floor of a
caldera occasionally forms a lake of lava
that may spill over onto the sides of the
volcano. Shield volcanoes also erupt from
vents on their flanks (Photograph by J. D.

and unstable. As a result, the summit may collapse, forming a large caldera. Crater
Lake, Oregon (Figure 4.15), for example, formed when a volcanos summit col-
lapsed during its last major eruption and the resulting caldera filled with water.
Wizard Island, a small cinder cone in the caldera, formed during subsequent minor
eruptions. Other collapse calderas associated with rhyolite eruptions are as much
as 50 km across. Fortunately, no eruption of the size necessary to create such a
caldera has occurred during recorded history.
A spectacular type of eruption associated with silicic magmas is the lateral flow
Crater Lake of large masses of pumice and ash. This phenomenon is not a liquid lava flow or an
ash fall (in which particles settle independently) but a flow consisting of fragments
of hot mineral grains, ash, and pieces of rock all suspended in hot gas. It moves
rapidly close to the surface like a dense dust cloud. This type of eruption is there-
fore known as an ash flow (Figure 4.16).As magma works its way to the surface, con-
fining pressure is released and bubbles of gas coming out of solution rapidly ex-
pand. Near the surface, the magma violently explodes, ejecting pieces of lava, bits
of solid rock, crystals, and gas.This material is very hot, sometimes incandescent. Ini-
tially, explosions throw this material high into the atmosphere, but being denser
than the air, it eventually falls and flows across the ground surface as a thick, dense
cloud of hot ash.Ash flows can reach velocities greater than 250 km/hr.There is no
Why dont basaltic eruptions pro- outrunning an ash flow. When an ash flow comes to rest, the particles of hot crys-
duce ash flows? tal fragments, glass, and ash may fuse to form welded tuff (Figures 4.17and 4.3D).
As it cools, the contracting mass can develop columnar jointing. Ash-flow tuffs can
be very large. Some have carried ash as much as 100 km from their vents. Some
flows form layers more than 100 m thick and cover thousands of square kilometers.
A few ash-flow tuffs have volumes of more than 1000 km3.This is the equivalent of
a cube 10 km on a side and probably erupted over the course of only a few weeks.
Igneous Rocks 99

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

FIGURE 4.12 Pillow basalt is formed when

lava extruded under water cools quickly, forming a
series of ellipsoidal masses as shown in this sequence
of sketches. (A) A new pillow buds from the front of
a lava flow with a still molten interior. (B) The solid
crust of the pillow splits and hot lava comes in
contact with the cold water, sending a stream of
water vapor bubbles toward the surface. (C) The gap
widens as gravity pulls the pillow downward.
(D) Eventually, the pillow breaks off and falls.
Ultimately, a pile of pillows forms at the flow front
and is then overridden by the rest of the flow. The
photograph shows pillow lava that was originally
formed on the ocean floor and is now exposed in
New Zealand. Note the radial fractures and the
quenched black glassy rim around each pillow.

Ash-flow calderas are the largest silicic volcanoes on Earth. Constructed of far trav-
eled sheets of tuff, these volcanoes form very low, very broad shields dominated by
the central collapse structure (Figures 4.17 and 4.9)
Ash-flow eruptions are catastrophic events. A few fortunate geologists have
had the opportunity to witness them from afar and to make direct observations of
this type of extrusion. For example, Mount Lamington, in New Guinea, was con-
sidered extinct until it erupted in 1951. It had never been examined by geologists
and was not even considered to be a volcano by the local inhabitants. When it did
erupt, volcanic activity began with preliminary emissions of gas and ash, accom-
panied by earthquakes and landslides near the crater. Sensitive seismographs were
soon installed near the crater to monitor Earths movements, and aerial photo-
graphic records were made daily. Then, on Sunday, January 21, 1951, a catastroph-
ic explosion burst from the crater and produced an ash flow that completely dev-
astated an area of about 200 km2. Almost 3000 people died. The main eruption
was observed and photographed at close quarters from passing aircraft, and a
(B) Cross section showing the internal structure of a rhyolite dome.
These domes inflate as magma rises from below, so the crust of the
dome is continually stretched and fractured. The development is
similar to that of inflating a balloon.

(A) This small rhyolite dome, and the thick rhyolite lava flow behind it,
erupted in northern California, near Mono Lake.

FIGURE 4.13 Domes of silicic lava form because silica-rich

lava is viscous and resists flow. It therefore tends to pile up over the
vent to form small bulbous domes, usually less than 1 km across. (C) Closeup photograph of glassy rhyolite flow showing contorted
flow structures formed in viscous lava.

FIGURE 4.14 Composite volcanoes are built up
of alternating layers of ash and lava flows, and
intruded by lava domes. They are high, steep-sided
cones such as Washingtons Mt. St. Helens before its Lava
catastrophic eruption in 1980. A typical composite
volcano is about 20 km across and may be 3 km high.
(Photograph by U.S. Department of Agriculture)

(A) Early explosive eruptions from the prehistoric volcano (B) Great eruptions of ash flows emptied more of the magma
Mount Mazama created a high eruption column and ash fell out chamber, causing the top of the volcano to collapse.
to form thin beds of ash.

(C) The collapse of the summit into the partly drained magma (D) A lake formed in the caldera, and subsequent minor
chamber formed the caldera. eruptions produced small volcanic islands in the lake.

FIGURE 4.15 The evolution of the caldera at Crater Lake, Oregon, involved a series of great eruptions followed by the collapse
of the summit into the magma chamber. (After H. Williams, F. J. Turner, and C. M. Gilbert)

cloud of hot
ash and

Flowing mass
of hot ash
and gas

Ash flow

FIGURE 4.16 An ash flow is a hot mixture of highly

mobile gas and ash that moves rapidly over the surface of the
ground away from the vent. The ash rises into the air from the
explosive force of the eruption but, being much denser than air,
it moves en masse back to the surface and rushes down the
slopes of the volcano as an ash flow. Less-dense gas and ash
continue to move upward as a cloud into the atmosphere. This
ash ultimately falls back to the surface as an ash fall. This
photograph shows the eruption of a composite volcano on the
north island of New Zealand.

102 Chapter 4

FIGURE 4.17 Ash-flow tuffs can

form sheets tens of meters thick that
extend for many kilometers away from
their source calderas. These rhyolite
ash-flow sheets erupted several million
years ago from Valles Caldera near Los
Alamos in northern New Mexico. The
block diagram shows the internal
structure of a caldera. The ring faults
allowed the roof of the magma
chamber to drop like a piston during
eruption of the tuff (gray). The tuff
partially filled the caldera and a thinner
sheet accumulated outside. Rhyolite
domes (salmon) erupted along the ring
fracture. A subsequent intrusion domed
the floor of the caldera.

qualified volcanologist was on the spot within 24 hours.The ash flow descended ra-
dially from the summit crater, its direction of movement controlled to some degree
by the topography. As the ash flow rushed downslope, it scoured and eroded the
surface. Estimated velocities of 470 km/hr were calculated from the force required
to overturn certain objects. Entire buildings were ripped from their foundations,
and automobiles were picked up and deposited in the tops of trees. Other exam-
ples are described in Chapter 21.


Igneous intrusions are masses of rock formed when magma cools beneath
the surface. They are classified according to their sizes, shapes, and relation-
ships to the older rocks that surround them. Important intrusive rock bodies
are plutons, batholiths, stocks, dikes, sills, and laccoliths.

Magma is mobile, at times amazingly so. It rises because it is less dense than
the surrounding rock. It can push aside surrounding rocks, force its way into
cracks, and flow on the surface over distances of more than 100 km. It can move
Igneous Rocks 103

upward in the crust by melting away surrounding rocks or wedging and prying
loose large blocks of rock, which it then replaces. When a magma within the
crust loses its mobility, it slowly cools and solidifies, forming a mass of igneous
rock called an intrusion (Figure 4.18). Intrusions occur in a variety of sizes and
shapes and are exposed at the surface only after the overlying rock has been re-
moved by erosion.

Plutons and Batholiths

Plutons are masses of intrusive igneous rock of any size. Ideally, each pluton
represents one magma body crystallized to solid rock, but it is often hard to
prove that only one batch of magma was involved.The true three-dimensional
form of plutons is difficult to determine because of uncertainty about their ex-
tension deep below the surface. The bases of plutons are only rarely exposed at
the surface, but evidence from gravity measurements and seismic studies, show What are the characteristics of the
that plutons exposed at the surface do not extend down into the mantle. They major types of intrusive rock bodies?
must therefore be less than 30 km thick and most are probably only a few kilo-
meters thick.
A stock is a small pluton with an outcrop area of less than 100 km2. Some stocks
are known to be small protrusions rising from larger underlying plutons, but the
downward extent of most intrusions is unknown. Large exposures (greater than 100
km2) of intrusive rock are called batholiths, but careful mapping shows that most
batholiths are composite intrusions and consist of many individual plutons of dif-
ferent ages intruding one another. Many batholiths cover several thousand square
kilometers. The Idaho batholith, for example, is a huge body of granite, exposed
over an area of nearly 41,000 km2 (Figure 4.19). The Coastal batholith of British
Columbia is more than 2000 km long and 300 km wide and probably consists of sev-
eral hundred separate intrusions.
Batholiths appear to be huge, slablike bodies, with horizontal extents much
greater than their thicknesses. The map in Figure 4.19 gives a rough idea of the
geometric form of some of the younger batholiths of western North America. The
surface exposure of a granitic pluton can be elongate and elliptical or circular (Fig-
ure 4.20). It generally cuts across layering in the surrounding rock and is discordant.
In some areas, however, the walls or roof of the batholith can be parallel to layer-
ing in the surrounding rocks and is said to be concordant.
Batholiths typically form in the deeper zones of mountain belts and are ex-
posed only after considerable uplift and erosion. Some of the highest peaks of
mountain ranges, such as the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges of western
Canada, are carved into granite batholiths (Figure 4.18E). These rocks originally
cooled thousands of meters below the surface. The trend of a batholith usually
parallels the axis of the mountain range, although the intrusion can cut locally
across folds within the range. Extensive batholiths also are found in the shields of
the continents (Figure 4.20). These exposures are considered to be the roots of an-
cient mountain ranges that have long since been eroded to lowlands.

One of the most familiar signs of ancient igneous activity is a narrow, tabular body
of igneous rock known as a dike (Figure 4.18C). All dikes are discordant; that is,
they cut across preexisting structures such as layers in metamorphic or sedimen-
tary rocks. A dike forms when magma enters a fracture and cools. The width of
a dike can range from a fraction of a centimeter to hundreds of meters. The length
is always much greater than the width. The largest known example is the Great How would you tell a dike from a sill?
Dike of Zimbabwe, which is 600 km long and has an average width of 10 km.
The emplacement of dikes is controlled by fracture systems within the sur-
rounding rock. They commonly radiate from ancient volcanic necks and thus re-
flect the stresses associated with volcanic activity. Sometimes, upward pressure
104 Chapter 4

Laccolith Domed

(A) Laccolith partially exposed by erosion, southern Utah. Layers of sedimentary rock (B) Volcanic neck exposed by erosion, central France. Necks
were domed upward and shouldered aside by the intrusion. form below volcanoes when magma solidifies in a pipe.

Ring dike




Magma chamber

FIGURE 4.18 Magmatic intrusions may assume a variety of forms. Batholiths are large masses of coarsely crystalline rock that cools in the major
magma chamber. Stocks are smaller masses and may be protrusions from a batholith. Dikes are discordant, tabular bodies formed as magma enters
fractures and cools. Many dikes are related to conduits leading to volcanoes. Some radiate out from the volcanic neck; others form a circular pattern
above a stock and are called ring dikes. Sills are layers of igneous rock squeezed in between layering. Laccoliths, dome-shaped bodies with flat floors,
are formed where magma is able to arch up the overlying strata. Inclusions of the surrounding rock in the magma are called xenoliths. A pipe is a
cylindrical conduit through which magma migrates upward.
Igneous Rocks 105


(C) Dike of dark mafic rock, Bar Harbor, Maine, forms a (D) Sills of mafic rock with prominent columnar joints intruded into sedimentary
nearly vertical sheet. rocks, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, and form nearly horizontal sheets.

Metamorphic roof rocks


(E) Sierra Nevada batholith in California. Part of the roof (dark-colored metamorphic rock) remains above the granite intrusion (tan rock low on the
106 Chapter 4

from a magma chamber produces circular or elliptical fracture systems, in which

injected magma forms ring dikes (Figure 4.18). Large ring dikes can be as much as
25 km in diameter and thousands of meters deep. Dikes often occur in swarms re-
lated to continental rifting that may be hundreds of kilometers across and include
numerous separate dikes. After erosion, the surface expression of a dike is usual-
ly a long narrow ridge. Dikes can also erode as fast as the surrounding rock, or
batholith even faster, and they can form long narrow trenches. A volcanic neck forms when
magma solidifies in a pipe-like conduit through which lava reaches the surface
(Figure 4.18B).

Rising magma follows the path of least resistance. If this path includes a bedding
plane, which separates layers of sedimentary rock, magma may be injected between
Idaho those layers to form a silla tabular intrusive body parallel to, or concordant with,
the layering (Figure 4.18D). Sills range from a few centimeters to hundreds of
meters thick and can extend laterally for several kilometers. A sill can resemble a
buried lava flow lying within a sequence of sedimentary rock. It is an intrusion,
however, squeezed between layers of older rock.The overlying rock is lifted by the
Sierra Nevada
batholith intrusion. Many features evident at the contact with adjacent strata can be used to
distinguish between a sill and a buried lava flow. For instance, rocks above and
below a sill are commonly altered and recrystallized, and a sill shows no signs of
weathering on its upper surface. Sills also commonly contain inclusions, blocks and
Peninsular Range pieces of the surrounding rocks.A buried lava flow, in contrast, has an eroded upper
surface marked by vesicles; the younger, overlying rock commonly contains frag-
ments of the eroded flow. Sills can form as local offshoots from dikes, or they can
Baja be connected directly to a stock or a batholith.

When viscous magma is injected between layers of sedimentary rock, it may arch
up the overlying strata. The resulting intrusive body, a laccolith, is lens-shaped,
with a flat floor and an arched roof (Figure 4.18A). Laccoliths usually occur in
blisterlike groups in areas of flat-lying sedimentary rocks.They can be several kilo-
FIGURE 4.19 Batholiths are large meters in diameter and thousands of meters thick. Typically, they are porphyritic.
intrusive bodies; most are composed of many
small plutons. For example, the Sierra
Nevada batholith of western North America
contains hundreds of mapped intrusions. It THE ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF MAGMA
was formed by multiple intrusive events over
a span of about 50 million years. The
Peninsular Range batholith, the Idaho Magma is formed by melting preexisting solid rock. The wide range of
batholith, and the Coast Range batholith are magma compositions is the result of variations in the composition of the
similar composite bodies. source rocks, partial melting, fractional crystallization, assimilation, and
magma mixing. Differentiation of mafic magma generally forms silicic

Origin of Magma
Magma can be produced by several processes, all of which involve an attempt to
reach equilibrium between solid rock and its environment. Magma is often gen-
erated by one of these processes: (1) lowering the pressure; (2) raising the tem-
perature; or (3) by changing the composition of the rock.
Although there are many ways by which these three changes can occur, we out-
line three of the most common here. As the mantle convects, some portions rise
from deeper zones toward the surface.As this happens, the pressure becomes lower
and lower and ultimately the mantle may become partially molten. The tempera-
ture can increase if hot mafic magma is intruded into the continental crust.This may
make the crust hot enough to cause it to partially melt. In the third case, magma
can be generated by adding a flux, such as water, to hot but solid mantle. For ex-
Igneous Rocks 107

FIGURE 4.20 Plutons exposed in the shield of Egypt are shown in this satellite image. The batholiths are large, nearly
circular masses of highly fractured rock that intrude into older metamorphic rock. The largest plutons are about 30 km across.
(Courtesy of Earth Satellite Corporation/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)

ample,experiments show that the addition of only 0.1% water to dry mantle peridotite low-
ers its temperature of first melting by more than 100C.

Differentiation of Magma
By now it is probably obvious to you that there are many different kinds of mag-
masmagmas that have different mineral constituents, magmas that have different
element compositions, and magmas that have different temperatures. Moreover,
many plutons, lava flows, and ash-flow tuffs reveal that the composition of magma
in almost all magma chambers changes as time passes. We call the processes that
cause these differences magmatic differentiation. Why is there such great variability in
One of the major causes of variability in magmas is the variability in composi- the composition of magma?
tion of the source rocks from which the magma formed (Figure 4.21). Obviously,
a magma derived from the mantle will be very different (mafic) from a magma
formed by melting of the continental crust (silicic). The molten fraction must be
in equilibrium with the solid part; consequently, the melt is a reflection of the
source from which it is derived. For example, granites derived from melting of sed-
imentary rocks are distinctive from those produced from other sources.
A second important cause of variation is partial melting of magma source rocks
(Figure 4.21). Bear in mind that most rocks are composed of more than one min-
eral (Figure 4.4). Unlike water ice, which melts completely when heated above
0C, a typical rock does not have a single melting temperature at which it becomes
completely molten. Most natural rocks melt over a span of several hundred degrees,
with the proportion of melting increasing with temperature. The liquid is different
in composition than the solid source. The partial melt is enriched in components
of the minerals that melt at low temperatures and depleted in elements that remain
in the still-solid minerals. Because of this simple process of partial melting, the liq-
108 Chapter 4

Rhyolite dome


melt Mixed Blocks
magma dissolve
Crystals in magma
Crust Basalt

Basalt stick
to wall


Different Fractional Magma Assimilation

sources crystallization mixing

FIGURE 4.21 Magmatic differentiation is caused by several processes, including variations in the composition of the source rocks,
fractional crystallization, magma mixing, and assimilation of wall rocks. Each of these is in turn controlled by the tectonic setting .

uid is, in nearly all cases, richer in SiO2 and less dense than the original solid rock.
Thus, although the magma is a reflection of its source, it is not a perfect reflection
that preserves the exact composition of the source. Consider an extreme but fa-
miliar example. A snowball mixed with sand consists of two fundamentally dif-
ferent kinds of minerals with different melting pointswater ice and quartz sand.
On a cold day, the ice and the quartz coexist as solids. If you place the iceball in a
sieve and raise the temperature slightly, the ice melts and pure liquid water flows
away from the silicate minerals.As a result of the partial melting, the molten water
does not have the same composition as the original solid mixture of snow and
When magma cools and equilibrates with its environment, different minerals
begin to crystallize at different temperatures and in a sequence that depends on
the pressure and composition of the melt. Just as a rock does not melt at a single
temperature, a magma does not crystallize completely at one temperature. The
general order of crystallization of minerals from common magmas is summarized
in Figure 4.22. When partial crystallization occurs, the crystal fraction can be sep-
arated from the remaining liquid, leaving a residual melt quite different from the
parent magma. This process, fractional crystallization, usually makes daughter
melts that are richer in SiO2 than the parent melt. By this process, andesite and
rhyolite can be sequentially derived from some basaltic magmas. Crystals can be
Igneous Rocks 109

Granite-rhyolite Gabbro-basalt

Sodic Plagioclase Calcic FIGURE 4.22 The temperature of

crystallization of common minerals provides
Mg - Olivine a key to the history of a magma. Olivine,
Mg - Pyroxene pyroxene, and calcium-rich plagioclase
crystallize at high temperatures in mafic
magmas. Amphibole, plagioclase, and biotite
Biotite crystallize at intermediate temperatures.
Quartz Quartz, K-feldspar, sodium-rich plagioclase,
and muscovite crystallize at low temperatures
in silicic magmas. This sequence of
Muscovite crystallization is sometimes called Bowens
reaction series after the geologist whose
experiments showed the temperature
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 sequence. Of course, not every magma
Temperature of crystallization (C) crystallizes all of these minerals.

removed from a magma by simple gravitational settling or by adhering to the

walls of the magma chamber. In either case, the liquid is generally less dense and
can flow away from the solids and accumulate in the upper part of the magma
chamber (Figure 4.21). Thus, even in a closed magmatic system the composition
of the residual melt can become quite different from the original. The elements
in some important gems and ores are concentrated by this progressive enrich-
ment process.
The magmatic differentiation processes described above can occur in closed
systems, but you can probably imagine ways in which an open magmatic system can
become differentiated as well. One obvious mechanism involves the mixing of two
different magmas. Magma mixing can involve magmas as diverse as basalt and
rhyolite (Figure 4.21). Sometimes, the mixing is complete enough to form a ho-
mogeneous intermediate, such as andesite. But just as often, the mixing process is
evident in the form of blebs of mafic rock incompletely mixed with silicic rock to
make a magmatic marble cake. Mixing of magmas is probably a universal process
that occurs at all levels of the crust, from initial melting to final eruption.
Another open-system process that differentiates magmas is assimilation of the
wall rock through which the magma passes (Figure 4.21). Chunks of rock sur-
rounding a magma body may fall into the chamber and become dissolved in the
magma. The composition of the magma is changed by the incorporation of these
foreign materials.


At divergent plate margins, basaltic magma is formed as mantle peridotite

rises and partially melts. Along convergent plate boundaries, distinctive
magmas are generated in the mantle as a result of dehydration of the slab.
These magmas may differentiate to form andesite and other silicic magmas.
In mantle plumes, basaltic magma is produced when hot solids rise from
the deep mantle and the pressure drops. The addition of hot basaltic magma
to the continental crust can create rhyolitic magma in many different
tectonic settings.

Generation of Magma at Divergent Plate Boundaries

As lithospheric plates move apart at divergent plate boundaries, solid mantle peri-
dotite wells upward to fill the void. As it does, the pressure becomes lower and
lower, and conditions appropriate for partial melting are reached at depths of 10
to 30 km (Figure 4.23). The first minerals to melt yield basaltic magma. Laboratory
110 Chapter 4

Island arc Axial shield

Oceanic ridge
composite volcano volcano

shield volcano


Dehydration Upwelling
and melting Mantle mantle

FIGURE 4.23 Magmas form in distinctive tectonic settings, generally related to plate boundaries. Basaltic magma originates
by partial melting of the upper mantle at diverging plate margins. As mantle material moves upward in a convection cell, the
peridotite (major rock in the mantle) begins to melt because of a decrease in pressure. The material that melts first produces a

experiments on melting peridotite at these pressures show that basaltic magma is

produced by 10% to 30% melting. The basaltic magma, being less dense than the
still-solid portion of the peridotite, rises beneath the oceanic ridge and creates new
How would a magma derived from the oceanic crust by filling a small magma chamber just below the rift floor. Fraction-
mantle differ from one that formed by al crystallization to form silicic magma is inhibited by repeated injection of new
partial melting of the continental crust? batches of basaltic magma from below. Some magma is extruded to form small
shield volcanoes, fissure-fed flows, and pillow basalts. The rest of the magma cools
to form intrusive gabbro.
If rifting occurs in a slab of continental crust, the hot, dense basaltic magma
from the mantle may lodge at or near the base of the crust and cause a second
episode of partial melting. Experiments show that such crustal melts are rhyolitic.
The low-density rhyolite may rise to the surface and erupt to form small lava
domes, or it may accumulate in huge, shallow magma reservoirs that catastrophi-
cally erupt to form calderas. Magma intermediate between basalt and rhyolite is
rare in continental rift settings.

Generation of Magma at Convergent Plate Boundaries

At convergent plate boundaries, oceanic crust, composed of cold, wet basalt, and
a veneer of marine sediment, descends deep into the mantle and is heated (Figure
4.23). At a depth of about 100 km, the temperature becomes high enough so that
either the oceanic crust partially melts or the water in its minerals is driven out by
Why are different types of magma dehydration. This low-density fluid rises into the overlying wedge of mantle peri-
produced at different types of plate dotite and causes it to partially melt. The water acts as a flux to lower the mantles
boundaries? melting point. Moreover, the resulting magma is rich in water and oxygen derived
from the oceanic crust. Fractional crystallization of this magma leads to andesite
and rhyolite. In addition, if the magma also interacts with the continental crust, it
may become even more silicic as SiO2-rich crust is assimilated into the magma.
Much of this magma stalls in the crust to form plutons that may coalesce into a huge
Igneous Rocks 111

Magmatic arc
Trench Composite Continental
volcano rift


Continental crust

Granitic Lithosphere

and melting

magma of basaltic composition. Granitic magma is generated at subduction zones by partial melting and fractional crystallization. As
the oceanic crust (containing basalt, oceanic sediments, and water) descends into the mantle, it is heated and dehydrates. The resulting
fluid is lighter than the surrounding rock and rises to cause melting in the overlying mantle.

composite batholith, like those unroofed by erosion at ancient convergent plate

boundaries. The granites and diorites of Californias Sierra Nevada batholith are What kind of magma is most character-
good examples. Some magma makes its way to the surface to form andesitic com- istic of a convergent margin?
posite volcanoes, characteristic of convergent plate boundaries; however, a wide va-
riety of magmas, ranging from basalt to rhyolite, are erupted along with the an-
desite. Where continents collide, silica-rich magmas like granite develop from the
partial melting of continental crust.

Generation of Magma in Mantle Plumes

The origin of magma in ocean islands found in the middle of the plates far from
plate boundaries has long been a mystery. A distinctive type of basalt is found in
oceanic islands and seamounts. The details of the composition of these basaltic
lavas suggest to many geologists that they are generated by partial melting of ris-
ing plumes of solid mantle (Figure 4.23). Presumably, they rise because they are
more buoyant and warmer than the rest of the mantle. As the material in the
plume nears the surface, the plume partially melts to produce basalt that rises to Do all igneous rocks form at some kind
the surface. The basaltic magma may erupt to form chains of shield volcanoes, of plate boundary?
like the Hawaiian Islands, or to form large provinces covered by flood basalts.
Thus, the magma-generating process is very similar to that at oceanic ridges, but
the composition and the shape of the zone of magma generation and eruption
are significantly different.
If hot basaltic magma from a mantle plume impinges on the continental crust,
rhyolite may be produced by the melting of continental materials. These rhyolites
or intrusive granites are similar to those found in rifts at divergent boundaries. For
example, the basaltic lavas of the Snake River Plain and the huge rhyolitic calderas
that created the spectacular scenery of Yellowstone National Park may have been
powered by heat derived from a mantle plume.
112 Chapter 1
Slope Systems 112
GeoLogic Laccoliths of the Henry Mountains

sedimentary layers

Flat floor

Several large dome-shaped hills rise above the horizontal Interpretations

sedimentary strata of Utah's Colorado Plateau. They look
The diorite was once molten magma. This interpretation is
like huge blisters. How did these distinctive mountains
based on the rock's composition, its high temperature min-
form? How did these mountains appear before erosion?
erals, and its texture. Coarse grains indicate the magma
What is the structure of the rocks below the surface? The
cooled slowly below the surface. The magma intruded into
surface exposures of these rocks provide a clear picture of
and between the layers of sedimentary rock, pushing them
what lies below each mountain and tell us how they formed.
upward to form a dome. Originally, the sedimentary rocks
completely covered the igneous rocks but erosion has re-
Observations moved much of the sedimentary cover and exposed the core
1. Each mountain has a core of the coarse-grained igneous of igneous rocks.
rock called diorite.
2.The sedimentary rocks form a nearly circular ring around The geologic interpretation of these facts is summarized in
the diorite. the diagram below. Do you see the domal structure in the
3.The sedimentary beds are horizontal in the adjacent areas photograph? Can you infer the extent of the sedimentary
but are upturned to form domes around the diorite rocks before erosion? Is the interpretation logical? Are
masses. there other logical interpretations?
4. Locally, horizontal sedimentary rocks also form a floor
below the intrusion.

Igneous Rocks 113

aa flow (p. 95) fissure (p. 95) magma (p. 82) rhyolite (p. 91)
andesite (p. 91) flood basalts (p. 95) magma mixing (p. 109) shield volcano (p. 96)
aphanitic texture (p. 86) fractional crystallization (p. 108) magmatic differentiation sill (p. 106)
ash (p. 94) gabbro (p. 91) (p. 107) source rock (p. 107)
ash flow (p. 98) glass (p. 85) matrix (p. 88) spatter cone (p. 95)
ash-flow tuff (p. 94) glassy texture (p. 85) pahoehoe flow (p. 95) stock (p. 103)
ash-flow caldera (p. 99) granite (p. 89) partial melting (p. 107) stratovolcano (p. 97)
assimilation (p. 109) groundmass (p. 88) pegmatite (p. 88) tephra (p. 94)
basalt (p. 91) igneous rock (p. 83) peridotite (p. 91) texture (p. 85)
batholith (p. 103) ignimbrite (p. 94) phaneritic texture (p. 88) thin section (p. 91)
caldera (p. 97) inclusion (p. 106) phenocryst (p. 88) tuff (p. 94)
cinder cone (p. 96) intrusion (p. 103) pillow lava (p. 97) vesicle (p. 86)
columnar joint (p. 95) intrusive rock (p. 83) pluton (p. 103) viscosity (p. 83)
composite volcano (p. 97) komatiite (p. 91) porphyritic texture (p. 88) volatile (p. 84)
crater (p. 97) laccolith (p. 106) pressure ridge (p. 95) volcanic ash (p. 96)
dike (p. 103) lava (p. 83) pumice (p. 94) volcanic bomb (p. 96)
diorite (p. 91) lava dome (p. 97) pyroclastic-fall tuff (p. 94) volcanic neck (p. 106)
extrusive rock (p. 83) lava tube (p. 95) pyroclastic texture (p. 88) welded tuff (p. 98)

1. Define the term magma. 10. Describe the extrusion of an ash flow.
2. Name the principal gases (volatiles) in magma. 11. Describe and illustrate the major types of igneous intru-
3. Name two principal types of magma. sions. What is the textural difference between intrusive
4. List the major types of igneous rock textures. Why is texture rocks and extrusive rocks?
important in the study of rocks? 12. Explain how an igneous rock can be produced from magma
5. List the major types of igneous rocks, and briefly describe that does not have the same composition as the rock from
their texture and composition. which it melts.
6. Describe some common surface features of basaltic flows. 13. What is fractional crystallization?
7. Why does magma tend to rise upward toward Earths surface? 14. Draw a simple diagram and explain how basaltic magma
8. Draw a series of diagrams showing the form and internal originates from the partial melting of the mantle at diver-
structure of (a) a cinder cone, (b) a composite volcano, and gent plate boundaries or at a mantle plume.
(c) a shield volcano. 15. Draw a simple diagram, and explain how granitic and an-
9. Describe the events that are typically involved in the forma- desitic magma originate in a subduction zone.
tion of a caldera. 16. Why cant a basalt be produced by partial melting of a granite?

Best, M. G., and E. H. Christiansen. 2000. Igneous Petrology. MacKenzie, W. S., C. H. Donaldson, and C. Guilford. 1982. Atlas
Boston: Blackwell. of Igneous Rocks and Their Textures. New York: Halstead
Blatt, H., and R. J. Tracy. 1996. Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary, Press.
and Metamorphic. New York: Freeman. Winter, J. D. 2002. An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic
Decker, R., and B. Decker. 1998. Volcanoes. New York: Freeman. Petrology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and addition- to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
al resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of crystallization of liquids
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Video clips of volcanic eruptions
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with examples of igneous rocks
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
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5 Sedimentary Rocks
The geologic processes operating on Earths surface produce only subtle changes in the land-
scape during a human lifetime, but over a period of tens of thousands or millions of years,
the effect of these processes is considerable. Given enough time, the erosive power of the
hydrologic system can reduce an entire mountain range to a featureless lowland. In the process,
the eroded debris is transported by rivers and deposited as new layers of sedimentary rock.
A series of sedimentary rock layers may be thousands of meters thick. When exposed at
the surface, each rock layer provides information about past events in Earths history. Such
is the case in the Moenkopi Formation of southern Utah shown in the panorama above.
The various shades of red and white occur in the thin beds of siltstone and mudstone de-
posited on an ancient tidal flat about 220 million years ago. Thin layers of siltstone and
shale each contining ripple marks, mudcracks, and rain imprints combine to tell the history
recorded in the rock now exposed in this colorful cliff.
The record of Earths history preserved in sedimentary rocks is truly remarkable. Each
bedding plane is a remnant of what was once the surface of Earth. Each rock layer is the
product of a previous period of erosion and deposition. In addition, details of texture,
composition, and fossils are important records of global change, showing how Earth

evolved in the past and how it may change in the future. To interpret the sedimentary
record correctly, we must first understand something about modern sedimentary systems,
the sources of sediment, transportation pathways, and places where sediment is accumulat-
ing today, such as deltas, beaches, and rivers. The study of how modern sediment originates
and is deposited provides insight into how ancient sedimentary rocks formed. Fossils pre-
served in sedimentary rocks not only reveal the environment of deposition but also the
pace and course of evolution through Earths long life.
Apart from their scientific significance, the sedimentary rocks have been a controlling
factor in the development of industry, society, and culture. Humans have used materials
from sedimentary rocks since the Neolithic Age; flint and chert played an important role in
the development of tools, arrowheads, and axes. The great cathedrals of Europe are made
from sedimentary rock, and the statues made by the artists of ancient Greece and Rome
and during the Renaissance would have been impossible without limestone. Fully 85% to
90% of mineral products used by our society come from sedimentary rocks. Virtually our
entire store of petroleum, natural gas, coal, and fertilizer come from sedimentary rocks.
Sand, gravel, and limestone are the raw materials for cement. Sedimentary rocks are also
important reservoirs for groundwater, and host important deposits of copper, uranium,
lead, zinc, as well as gold and diamonds.

1. Sedimentary rocks form at Earths surface by the hydrologic system. Their
origin involves the weathering of preexisting rock, transportation of the
material away from the original site, deposition of the eroded material in
the sea or in some other sedimentary environment, followed by compaction
and cementation.
2. Two main types of sedimentary rocks are recognized: (a) clastic rocks and
(b) chemically precipitated rocks, including biochemical rocks.
3. Stratification is the most significant sedimentary structure. Other important
structures include cross-bedding, graded bedding, ripple marks, and mud cracks.
4. The major sedimentary systems are (a) fluvial, (b) alluvial-fan, (c) eolian,
(d) glacier, (e) delta, (f) shoreline, (g) organic-reef, (h) shallow-marine,
(i) submarine fan, and (j) deep-marine.
5. Sedimentary rock layers can be grouped into formations, and formations
can be grouped into sequences that are bound by erosion surfaces. These
formations and sequences form an important interpretive element in the
rock record.
6. Plate tectonics controls sedimentary systems by creating uplifted source
areas, shaping depositional basins, and moving continents into different cli-
mate zones.


Sedimentary rocks form from fragments derived from other rocks and by
precipitation from water. They typically occur in layers, or strata, separated
one from the other by bedding planes and differences in composition.

Sedimentary rocks are probably more familiar than the other major rock types.
Few people, however, are aware of the true nature and extent of sedimentary
rock bodies.
The constituents of sedimentary rocks are derived from the mechanical break-
down and chemical decay of preexisting rocks. This sediment is compacted and
cemented to form solid rock bodies. The original sediment can be composed of
various substances:
1. Fragments of other rocks and minerals, such as gravel in a river channel, sand
on a beach, or mud in the ocean
2. Chemical precipitates, such as salt in a saline lake or gypsum in a shallow sea
3. Organic materials formed by biochemical processes, such as vegetation in a
swamp, coral reefs, and calcium carbonate precipitated by in the ocean
Sedimentary rocks are important because they preserve a record of ancient land-
scapes, climates, and mountain ranges, as well as the history of the erosion of Earth.
In addition, fossils are found in abundance in sedimentary rocks younger than
600 million years and provide evidence of the evolution of life through time. Earths
geologic time scale was worked out using this record of sedimentary rocks and fossils.
An excellent place to study the nature of sedimentary rocks is Arizonas Grand
Canyon (Figure 5.1), where many distinguishing features are well exposed. Their
most obvious characteristic is that they occur in distinct layers, or strata (singular
stratum), many of which are more than 100 m thick. Rock types that are resistant
to weathering and erosion form cliffs, and nonresistant rocks erode into gentle
slopes. From Figure 5.1, you should be able to recognize the major layers or for-
mations in the geologic cross section shown in the diagram.The formations exposed
in the Grand Canyon can be traced across much of northern Arizona and parts of
adjacent states. In fact, they cover an area of more than 250,000 km2. A close view

Sedimentary Rocks 117


Temple Butte


Bright Angel

Tapeats SS


(A) Formations that are resistant to weathering and erosion (such as (B) A cross section of the Grand Canyon graphically illustrates the
sandstone and limestone) erode into vertical cliffs. Rocks that weather major sedimentary formations. The sedimentary strata are essentially
easily (such as shale) form slopes or terraces. horizontal and were deposited on older igneous and metamorphic rocks.

FIGURE 5.1 The layered series of sedimentary rocks exposed in the Grand Canyon, Arizona, is almost 2000 m thick and was deposited over a
period of 300 million years. A similar sequence of sedimentary rocks occurs through the stable platforms of most continents.

of sedimentary rocks in the canyon reveals that each formation has a distinctive
texture, composition, and internal structure.
The major layers of the sandstone, limestone, and shale actually consist of small-
er units separated by bedding planes that are marked by some change in composi-
tion, grain size, or color, or by other physical features. Animal and plant fossils are
common in most of the rock units and can be preserved in great detail (Figure 5.2).
The term fossil is generally used to refer to any evidence of former life (plant or an-
imal). It may be direct evidence, such as shells, bones, or teeth, or it may be indirect,
such as tracks and burrows produced by organic activity. The texture of most sedi-
mentary rocks consists of mineral grains or rock fragments that show evidence of
abrasion (Figure 5.2B) or consist of interlocking grains of the minerals calcite or
dolomite. In addition, many layers show ripple marks (Figure 5.2C), mud cracks
(Figure 5.2D), and other evidence of water deposition preserved in the bedding
planes.All of these features show that sedimentary rocks form at Earths surface in
environments similar to those of present-day deltas, streams, beaches, tidal flats, la-
goons, and shallow seas.
Sedimentary rocks are widespread on the continents, covering about 75% of
the surface of the continents; they therefore form most of the landscape. Nearly
100% of the ocean floor is blanketed with at least a thin layer of sediment.The map
in Figure 5.3 illustrates the distribution of sedimentary rocks in North America.You
can see that the stable platform of the Great Plains and adjacent areas is com-
pletely covered by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary rocks. Most of these lay-
ers of rock are nearly horizontal. In addition, folded layers of sedimentary rocks
are exposed in mountain belts. Sedimentary rocks are rare in the Canadian shield.
118 Chapter 5

(A) Fossils found in sedimentary rocks include representatives of most (B) A microscopic view of sand grains in sediment shows the effects of
types of marine animals. transportation by running water. The grains are rounded and sorted to
approximately the same size.

(C) Ripple marks preserved in sandstone suggest that the sediment was (D) Mud cracks form where sediment dries while it is temporarily
deposited by the current action of wind or water. exposed to the air. This structure is common on tidal flats, in shallow
lake beds, and on stream banks.

FIGURE 5.2 A variety of features in sedimentary rocks show their origin at Earths surface as a result of the hydrologic system. These include
stratification, cross-bedding, ripple marks, mud cracks, fossils, and other features formed at the time the sediment was deposited.


Sedimentary rocks are classified on the basis of the texture and composition
of their constituent particles. Two main groups are recognized: (1) clastic
rocks, formed from fragments of other rocks, and (2) chemical rocks and
biochemical rocks.

Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

How are the different types of sedimen- One important category of sedimentary rock consists of particles of gravel, sand,
tary rocks distinguished and classified? or mud. Rocks made up of such fragmental material are called clastic rocks. The
term clastic comes from the Greek word klastos, meaning broken, and describes
the broken and worn particles of rock and minerals that were carried to the sites
of deposition by streams, wind, glaciers, and marine currents.
Sedimentary Rocks 119

Coastal plain Stable platform Mountain belt

FIGURE 5.3 Sedimentary rocks in North America are widespread in the stable platforms. They
are also found as deformed layers in the folded mountain belts. In the stable platform, the
sedimentary sequence is generally less than 2 km thick. In folded mountain belts and on continental
margins, they may be much thicker.

In general, clastic rocks are subdivided according to grain size (Figure 5.4). From
the largest grain size to the smallest, the types of clastic rocks are conglomerate,
sandstone, and mudrock. The grain size of clastic sedimentary rocks is not con-
trolled by progressive growth of grains as in igneous rocks, but is instead controlled
by the size of clasts present in the source and by the carrying capacity of the
transporting mediuma river, a glacier, or the wind. Grains are deposited when
the transporting medium loses its carrying capacity, commonly when its velocity
decreases.Thus, sediment deposited from a fast-moving stream is coarser than that In what way are clastic sedimentary rocks
deposited in a quiet lagoon. different from chemical precipitates?
Conglomerate consists of consolidated deposits of gravel (fragments larger than
2 mm in diameter) with various amounts of sand and mud in the spaces between
the larger grains (Figure 5.5A). The gravel is usually smooth and well rounded,
suggesting the grains were rounded during transport. Most conglomerates are only
crudely stratified and include beds and lenses of sandstone. High enery is required
to transport large clasts like gravel, so conglomerate tends to be deposited in high-
energy environments where water is flowing rapidly. Conglomerate accumulates
today at the bases of many mountain ranges, in stream channels, and on some
Sandstone is probably the most familiar, though not the most abundant, sed-
imentary rock because it is well exposed, easily recognized, and generally resis-
tant to weathering (Figure 5.5B). The sand grains range from 0.0625 to 2 mm in
diameter and can be composed of almost any material, so sandstones can be
120 Chapter 5

Clast Sedimentary Special

types rocks types
64 Cobble

Gravel Pebble Conglomerate Breccia

Grain size (mm)

Sand Sandstone

Silt Siltstone

Mud Mudrock Mudstone

Clay Claystone

FIGURE 5.4 The classification of common clastic sedimentary rocks is based primarily on grain size and
secondarily on textural and compositional variations.

almost any color. Quartz grains (Figure 5.2B), however, are usually most abun-
dant because quartz is a common constituent in many other rock types and
because it is resistant to abrasion or chemical breakdown as the sediment parti-
cles are transported. The particles of sand in most sandstones are cemented by
calcite, quartz, or iron oxide. Other grains maybe feldspar (in a rock called
arkose), pieces of chert, or small rock fragments.
The composition of a sandstone provides an important clue to its history. Dur-
ing prolonged transportation, small rock fragments and minerals that readily de-
compose such as olivine, feldspar, and mica break down into finer particles and are
winnowed out, leaving only the stable quartz. Clean, well-sorted sandstone com-
posed of well-rounded quartz grains indicates prolonged transportation, or even
several cycles of erosion and deposition.
Mudrocks are fine-grained clastic rocks with grains less than 1/16 mm (0.0625
mm) across (Figure 5.4). Mudrocks are the most abundant sedimentary rocks.They
are usually soft and weather rapidly to form slopes, so relatively few fresh, un-
weathered exposures are found.They are frequently deposited in river floodplains
and deltas and other shallow marine settings. Many mudrocks also show evidence
What rock types commonly form in of burrowing by organisms.
shallow-marine environments? There are several important varieties of mudrocks. Siltstone is a fine-grained
clastic rock coarser than claystone. Clasts in mudrocks tend to be more angular
than those in sandstone. Many of the small clasts, especially in claystones, are flaky
minerals like mica and clay. Tiny grains of quartz are another major constituent.
A mudrock that contains very thin layers (laminae) is called shale (Figure 5.5C).
Shales split easily along these layers to form small paper-thin sheets or flakes. The
particles in claystones are generally too small to be clearly seen and identified
even under a microscope.
Many shales are black and rich in organic material that accumulated in a
variety of quiet-water, low-oxygen environments, such as lagoons and seas with
(A) Conglomerate is a coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock. (D) Limestone is the most common nonclastic sedimentary rock. It is
composed mostly of calcium carbonate.

(B) Sandstone is a clastic sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized (E) Limestone may also be made of abundant shell fragments.

(C) Shale is a clastic sedimentary rock composed of very fine grains (F) Gypsum precipitates as shallow bodies of water evaporate.
of clay or mud.

Figure 5.5 Major types of sedimentary rocks. Clastic rocks are shown on the left and biochemical chemical precipitates on the right. All of the
rocks are shown at actual size.

122 Chapter 5

poor circulation where oxygen-poor water accumulated. Red shales are col-
ored with iron oxide and suggest oxidizing conditions in the environments in
which they accumulate, such as river floodplains, tidal flats, lakes, and well-
mixed oceans.

Biochemical and Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

The other major category of sedimentary rocks form when chemical processes re-
move ions dissolved in water to make solid particles. Some are biochemical rocks
with sediment formed during the growth of organisms such as algae, coral, or
swamp vegetation. Others are inorganic chemical precipitates from lakes or shal-
low seas.
Limestone is by far the most abundant chemically precipitated rock (Figure
5.5D). It is composed principally of calcium carbonate (CaCO3dominantly cal-
cite) and originates by both inorganic chemical and biochemical processes. Indeed,
the distinction between biochemical and chemical rocks is rarely clear cut. Lime-
stones have a great variety of rock textures, and many different types have been
classified.Three important examples are described here: skeletal limestone, oolitic
limestone, and microcrystalline limestone.
Some marine invertebrate animals construct their shells or hard parts by ex-
tracting calcium and carbonate ions from seawater. Corals, clams, algae, snails,and
How do organisms make sedimentary many other marine organisms construct their skeletons of calcium carbonate.After
rocks? the organisms die, the shells accumulate on the seafloor. Over a long period of
time, they build up a deposit of limestone with a texture consisting of shells and
shell fragments (Figure 5.5E). These particles may then be cemented together as
more calcite precipitates between the grains. This type of limestone, composed
mostly of skeletal debris, can be several hundred meters thick and can extend over
thousands of square kilometers. Chalk, for example, is a skeletal limestone in which
the skeletal fragments are remains of microscopic plants and animals.
Other limestones are composed of small semispherical grains of calcium car-
bonate known as oolites. Oolites form where small fragments of shells or other tiny
grains become coated with successive thin layers of CaCO3 as they are rolled along
the seafloor by waves and currents.
A third important type of limestone forms in quiet waters where calcium car-
bonate is precipitated by algae as tiny, needlelike crystals that accumulate on the
seafloor as limy mud (Figure 5.6A). Soon after deposition, the grains commonly
are modified by compaction and recrystallization. This modification produces

(A) Some kinds of algae produce calcium carbonate (B) Diatoms are the shells of tiny single-celled
particles that accumulate to form limestone. These algae that are made of silica. Some deep-
are found near the Kuril Islands of the north Pacific. marine sediments are dominated by diatoms
Each leaflike structure is about 5 cm across. like these seen through a microscope.
Accumulations convert to chert.

FIGURE 5.6 Algae are important biochemical factories for the generation of sediment.
[(a) Mikhail V. Propp/Peter Arnold, Inc.; (b) Dr. Darlyne A. Murawski/NGS Image Collection]
Sedimentary Rocks 123





Shelf Terrigenous Ice-rafted Siliceous Carbonate Red clay

FIGURE 5.7 Marine sediments form largely by biochemical precipitation. Carbonate sediments dominate at shallow depths and in warm near-
shore waters. Elsewhere, siliceous sediment, which eventually forms chert, is typical in deeper water. Most of the red clay is transported from the
continents as wind-blown dust.

microcrystalline limestone (or micrite), a rock with a dense, very fine-grained tex-
ture (Figure 5.5D). Its individual crystals can be seen only under high magnifica-
tion. Other types of carbonate grains may be cemented together by microcrystalline
Inorganic limestone also is precipitated from springs and from the dripping
water in caves to form beautifully layered rocks called travertine.
Most limestone forms on the shallow continental shelves where waters are warm
and organic production is high. In contrast, carbonate sediments are rare in deep
water and do not accumulate on the abyssal plains. In fact, calcite is not stable at
the low temperatures and high pressures found on the deep seafloor. Calcite shells
formed in surface waters fall toward the seafloor when the organism dies; but in
deep water, calcite shells dissolve before they reach the bottom. Near the equator,
calcite is not stable at depths below about 4,500 m. Where the seafloor is shallow-
er than this, as on oceanic ridges, carbonate sediment will accumulate (Figure 5.7).
Dolostone is a carbonate rock composed of the mineral dolomite, a calcium-
magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2. It is similar to limestone in general ap-
pearance, but reacts with acid only when powdered. Dolostone is commonly
dull brownish yellow or light gray. It can develop by direct precipitation from
seawater, but such environments are extremely rare. Instead, dolostone may
form by the reaction of magnesium-bearing groundwater with calcium carbon-
ate in limestone. The recrystallization generally destroys the original texture of
the rock. In a fashion, dolostones are chemical precipitates formed from bio-
chemical rocks. What kind of sedimentary rock typically
Chert is a common rock composed of microcrystalline quartz. In a hand spec- forms on the deep-ocean floor?
imen, it is hard, dense, and typically breaks like glass, but under a high-power
microscope, it has a fibrous or granular texture. Chert is usually white or shades
124 Chapter 5

FIGURE 5.8 Coal is an important biochemical precipitate. It forms by the decomposition of organic material buried within sedimentary rocks.
Lush vegetation may form in an ancient swamp and then be converted by burial into coal. The coal beds on the left are interlayered with sandstone.

of gray, tan, green, or red. Several varieties are recognized on the basis of color,
including flint (black) and jasper (red). Because it fractures to make sharp edges,
it has been shaped by many ancient people to make arrowheads, spear points,
and tools. Chert commonly occurs as irregular nodules in limestone or as distinct
thin layers in marine sedimentary rocks. Some nodular chert precipitates from
pore fluids, particularly in carbonate rocks. However, most chert probably forms
A distinctive type of deep-marine chert develops from deposits of siliceous
shells of microscopic organisms, such as radiolaria and diatoms (Figure 5.6B).
In the modern ocean, this kind of thinly bedded sediment dominates deep-ma-
rine environments where these tiny shells rain onto the seafloor. Siliceous ma-
rine sediment is thickest beneath regions of high biologic productivity. Com-
pare the map of the biosphere (Figure 1.4) with the distribution of deep-marine
chert (siliceous sediment in Figure 5.7), and you will discover that the siliceous
sediment dominates in regions of high biologic productivitycontinental mar-
gins, in near-polar seas, and along the equator. Carbonate minerals do not ac-
cumulate on the seafloor where the ocean is very deep because calcite is not
stable at great depths (Figure 5.7). If the water is deep enough, a falling shell
made of carbonate is dissolved back into the seawater.
Another important biochemical component of many sedimentary rocks are
hydrocarbons or organic compounds derived from living things. The decay of
these materials at in deeply buried sedimentary rocks produces oil, natural gas,
and coal (Figure 5.8).
Only a few important rock types form strictly by inorganic processes. Rock
salt is made of the mineral halite (NaCl). It crystallizes when evaporation con-
centrates sodium and chlorine ions to the point that salt is stable in the resid-
ual brine. Strong evaporation creates saline lakes in closed desert basins (for
example, the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea). Enhanced evaporation also oc-
curs in restricted bays along the shore of the ocean. Gypsum, CaSO4 2H2O, also

originates from evaporation. It collects in layers as calcium sulfate is precipitated

(Figure 5.5F) from water. Because evaporites (rocks formed by evaporation)
accumulate only in restricted basins subjected to prolonged evaporation, they
are important indicators of ancient climatic and geographic conditions.
Sedimentary Rocks 125

Migration of the dune


FIGURE 5.9 Cross-bedding is formed by the migration of sand waves (ripple marks or dunes). Particles of sediment, carried by currents,
travel up and over the sand wave and are deposited on the steep downcurrent face to form inclined layers.


Sedimentary rocks commonly show layering and other structures that form
as sediment is transported. The most important sedimentary structures are
stratification, cross-bedding, graded bedding, ripple marks, and mud cracks.
Primary sedimentary structures provide key information about the
conditions under which the sediment accumulated.

One of the most obvious characteristics of sedimentary rocks is that they occur in Why are sedimentary structures impor-
distinct layers expressed by changes in color, texture, and the way the different tant in the study of sedimentary rocks?
rock units weather and erode. These layers are termed strata, or simply beds. The
planes separating the layers are planes of stratification, or bedding planes. Strati-
fication occurs on many scales and reflects the changes that occur during the for-
mation of a sedimentary rock. Large-scale stratification is expressed by major
changes in rock types (formations) (Figure 5.1). For example, cliffs of limestone or
sandstone can alternate with slopes of weaker shale.
The origin of stratification is quite simple. Different layers form because of
some change that occurs during the process of deposition. But there are many
types of changes that occur and operate on many different scales, so the con-
struction of a detailed history of sedimentary rocks presents a real challenge to
geologists. Changes in weather, changes in the seasons, and changes in climate
all can produce stratification in a sedimentary basin. Tectonic changes such as
126 Chapter 5

uplift and subsidence of the continental platform, mountain building, and vol-
canism all produce changes in material transported to the sea, and all can pro-
duce different layers of sedimentary rock.

Cross-bedding is a type of stratification in which the layers within a bed are inclined
at an angle to the upper and lower surfaces of the bed. The formation of cross-
bedding is shown in Figure 5.9. As sand grains are moved by wind or water, they
form small ripples or large dunes. These sand waves range in scale from small rip-
ples less than a centimeter high to giant sand dunes several hundred meters high.
Typically, they are asymmetrical, with the gentle slope facing the moving current.
As the particles migrate up and over the sand wave, they accumulate on the steep
downcurrent face and form inclined layers. The direction of flow of the ancient
currents that formed a given set of cross-strata can be determined by measuring the
direction in which the strata are inclined.We can determine the patterns of ancient
current systems by mapping the direction of cross-bedding in sedimentary rocks.
Moreover, the style of cross-bedding changes with the sediment supply and with the
flow conditions at the depositional site.Thus, the details of an ancient environment
can be interpreted from careful study of the type of cross-bedding.

Graded Bedding
Another distinctive type of stratification, called graded bedding, displays a pro-
gressive decrease in grain size upward through a bed (Figure 5.10). This type of
What sedimentary structure forms from stratification commonly is produced on the deep-ocean floor by turbidity cur-
a turbidity current? rents, which transport sediment from the continental slope to adjacent deep
ocean forming bodies of rock called turbidites. A turbidity current is generated
by turbid (muddy) water, which, being denser than the surrounding clear water,
sinks beneath it and moves rapidly down the continental slope (Figure 5.11). The
denser, muddy water moves out along the bottom of the basin and can flow for
a considerable distance, even along the flat surface of an abyssal floor. As a tur-
bidity current moves across the flat floor of a basin, its velocity at any given point

Figure 5.10 Graded bedding is produced by turbidity currents. It occurs in widespread layers, each layer generally less than a meter thick.
Slumps off the deep continental slopes commonly produce great thicknesses of graded layers, which can easily be distinguished from sediment
deposited in most other environments.
Sedimentary Rocks 127

Time 1 Time 2 Time 3

FIGURE 5.11 The movement of turbidity currents down the slope of the continental shelf can
be initiated by a landslide or an earthquake. Sediment is moved largely in suspension. As the current
slows, the coarse grains are deposited first, followed by the deposition of successively finer-grained
sediment. Fine mud slowly settle out from suspension after the turbidity current stops. A layer of
graded bedding is thus produced from a single turbidity current.

gradually decreases. The coarsest sediment in the turbidity current is deposited

first, followed by successively smaller particles. After the turbid water ceases to
move, the sediment remaining suspended in the water gradually settles out. One
turbidity current, therefore, deposits a single layer of sediment, which exhibits a
continuous gradation from coarse material at the base to fine material at the top.
Subsequent turbidity currents can deposit more layers of graded sediment, with
sharp contacts between layers.The result is a succession of widespread, nearly hor-
izontal turbidites, each a graded unit deposited by a single turbidity current. Tur-
bidity currents also form where streams discharge muddy water into a clear lake
or reservoir (Figure 5.12).
Small turbidity currents can be created by pouring muddy water down the side
of a tank filled with clear water. The mass of muddy water moves down the slope
of the tank and across the bottom at a relatively high speed, without mixing with
the clear water.
Turbidity currents are commonly generated by earthquakes or submarine land-
slides, during which mud, sand, and even gravel are transported downslope. In
1929 one of the best-documented large-scale turbidity currents was triggered by
an earthquake near the Grand Banks, off Newfoundland. Slumping of a large
mass of soft sediment (estimated to be 100 km3) moved as a turbidity current
down the continental slope and onto the abyssal plain, eventually covering an
area of 100,000 km2. As the turbidity current moved downslope, it broke a series
of transatlantic cables at different times. The speed of the current, determined
from the intervals between the times when the cables broke, was from 80 to
95 km/hr. This mass of muddy water formed a graded layer of sediment over a
large area of the Atlantic floor.

Ripple Marks, Mud Cracks,

and Other Surface Impressions
Ripple marks are commonly seen in modern streambeds, in tidal flats, and along
the shores of lakes and the sea. Many are preserved in rocks and provide infor-
mation concerning the environment of deposition, such as depth of water, ancient
current directions, and trends of ancient shorelines (Figure 5.2C). Mud cracks are
also commonly preserved in sedimentary rock and show that the sedimentary en-
vironment was occasionally exposed to the air during deposition. Mud cracks in
128 Chapter 5

FIGURE 5.12 Turbidity currents into Lake Powell, Utah, result where the muddy water of the
Colorado River enters the clear water of the lake.

rocks suggest that the original sediment was deposited in shallow lakes, on tidal
flats, or on exposed stream banks (Figure 5.2D). Rain prints are even preserved in
some mudrocks.

Fossils and Trace Fossils

Another key feature of many sedimentary rocks are fossils of once living organ-
isms (Figure 5.2A). Fossils often reveal much about the past environment, giving
us hints about whether a deposit is marine or continental, what the water depth was
when the sediment was deposited, and about temperature and salinity of the water.
Beyond that, however, fossils in sedimentary rocks reveal the history of the evo-
lution of life.Although the record is far from complete, everything we know about
past life comes from reconstructions based on ancient fossils.
Tracks, trails, and borings of animals are typically associated with ripple marks
and mud cracks and can provide additional important clues about the environ-
ment in which the sediment accumulated.
As can be seen, primary sedimentary structures and fossils are the clues or the
tools used by geologists to interpret the conditions and environment at the site
where the sediment is deposited.
Sedimentary Rocks 129


Weathering of preexisting rocks, transportation, and deposition, followed

by compaction and cementation, are the major steps in the formation
of sedimentary rocks. The major sedimentary systems are (1) fluvial,
(2) alluvial-fan, (3) eolian, (4) glacial, (5) delta, (6) shoreline, (7) organic-
reef, (8) shallow-marine, and (9) deep-marine. Each of these systems has a
specific set of physical, chemical, and biological conditions and therefore
develops distinctive rock types and fossil assemblages.

Sedimentary systems operate at Earths surface through interactions of the hydro-

logic system and the crust. As a result of the transfer of energy between the vari- Sedimentary Systems
ous parts of a sedimentary system, new landforms and new bodies of sedimentary
rock are created. Most the energy that drives these systems ultimately comes from
the Sun; gravitational and chemical potential energy are also transferred in various
parts of the sedimentary system. It is useful to visualize a hypothetical sedimenta-
ry system as consisting of a source of sediment (weathering), a transport path for
the sediment, a site of deposition, and the processes that compact and cement the
sediment together to form a solid rock. Fortunately, many of these sedimentary
processes operate today, and geologists actively study rivers, deltas, and oceans and
other sedimentary systems in an effort to understand the characteristics of rocks
formed in these environments.

Weathering is the interaction between the elements in the atmosphere and the
rocks exposed at Earths surface. The atmosphere can mechanically break down
the rock through processes such as ice wedging, and it can chemically decompose
the rock by a variety of reactions. We will study the details of weathering in Chap-
ter 10. For now, note that weathering is the first step in the genesis of sedimenta-
ry rock. The atmosphere breaks down and decomposes preexisting solid rock and
forms a layer of loose, decayed rock debris, or soil. This unconsolidated material
can then be transported easily by water, wind, and glacial ice.

Running water is the most effective form of sediment transport. All rivers carry
large quantities of sediment toward the sea. This fact is readily appreciated if you
consider the great deltas of the world, each formed from sediment transported by
a river (Figure 5.13; see also Figure 12.38). Indeed, sediment is so abundant in most
rivers that a river might best be thought of as a system of water and sediment
rather than simply a channel of flowing water.
As clastic sediment is transported by a river, it is sorted and separated accord-
ing to grain size and composition. Large particles accumulate in high-energy en-
vironments as gravel, medium-sized grains are concentrated as sand, and finer ma-
terial settles out as mud. The grain size of the sediment correlates with the energy
of the transporting medium. Thus, large particles are carried by rapidly moving
streams with high amounts of kinetic energy; only small particles are transported
by slowly moving streams. Wind, glaciers, and shoreline currents also transport
sediment, but their activity is somewhat restricted to special climate zones. Com-
ponents from dissolved minerals are carried in solution and are ultimately pre-
cipitated to form limestone or salt, for example.

Probably the most significant factor in the genesis of sedimentary rocks is the
place where the sediment is deposited. The idealized diagram in Figure 5.13
130 Chapter 5

Alluvial fan

Dunes Glacier Fluvial

(eolian) Playa lake Beach Delta
Tidal Barrier
flat island


Organic reef

Organic reef

FIGURE 5.13 The major sedimentary systems are represented in this idealized diagram. Most sediment moves downslope from continental
highlands toward the oceans, so the most important sedimentary systems are found along the shores and in the shallow seas beyond. Sedimentary
systems can be categorized in three groups: continental, shoreline (transitional), and marine. Their important characteristics and the types of sediments
that accumulate in each are outlined in Figures 5.14 to 5.25.

shows the major depositional systems. The most important continental systems
are river (fluvial) systems, alluvial fans, desert dunes, and margins of glaciers.
Marine systems include the shallow marine, which cover parts of the continen-
tal platform, reefs, submarine fans, and the floors of the deep-ocean basins. Be-
tween continental areas and marine areas are the transitional, or mixed, envi-
ronments that occur along the coasts and are influenced by both marine and
nonmarine processes. These include deltas, beaches, barrier islands, tidal flats, and
lagoons (Figure 5.13).
Each depositional system imprints specific characteristics on the rocks formed
What are the major steps in the forma- within it. A small depositional area within a system creates a faciesa body of
tion of sedimentary rock?
rock with distinct chemical, physical, and biological characteristics created by
the environment. Thus, a delta system produces many different facies, for exam-
ple, sediment deposited in channels, between channels, and at the mouths of
channels. Distinctive textures, compositions, sedimentary structures, and fossil
assemblages develop in each facies. Illustrations of modern sedimentary systems,
together with examples of the rocks they produce, are shown in Figures 5.14
through 5.25. Carefully study each of these photographs and the discussions in
the captions.

Compaction and Cementation

The final stage in the formation of sedimentary rocks is the transformation of
loose, unconsolidated sediment into solid rock. Compaction occurs when the
weight of overlying material, which continually accumulates in a sedimentary
environment, compresses the sediment buried beneath into a tight, coherent
mass. Wet mud consists of 60 to 80% water, most of which is driven out during
compaction. Cementation occurs when dissolved ions, carried by water seeping
through pores, is precipitated. Common cementing minerals are calcite, quartz,
(A) Point-bar deposits in a modern river. (Photograph by J. K. Rigby) (B) Ancient stream channel marked by sandstone lens interlayered
with fine-grained clay and siltstone.

FIGURE 5.14 Fluvial systems. The great rivers of the world are the major channels by which erosional debris is transported from the continents
to the oceans. Before reaching the ocean, most rivers meander across flat alluvial plains and deposit a considerable amount of sediment. Within this
environment, sediment is deposited in stream channels, on bars, and on floodplains. Perhaps the most significant type of sedimentation occurs on bars
on the insides of meander bends. Stream deposits have channels of relatively coarse sand or gravel cut into horizontal layers of fine silt and mud that
were deposited on the flood plain.

(A) Modern alluvial fans in Death Valley, California. (B) Ancient alluvial-fan deposits in central Utah.

FIGURE 5.15 The alluvial-fan systems. In many arid regions of the world, thick deposits of sedimentary rock accumulate in alluvial fans at the
bases of mountain ranges. Deposition occurs here because stream channels widen and the slope decreases, causing the water to slow down and drop its
sediment. Flash floods and debris flows are an important factor in this environment. Torrents from cloudbursts pick up the loose debris on the slopes of
the mountain ranges and deposit it on the basin floor. The sediment in an alluvial fan characteristically is coarse-grained, and conglomerate is the most
abundant rock type. In the central part of the basin, fine silt and mud can accumulate in temporary lakes and commonly are associated with the coarser
fan deposits.

(A) Modern sand dunes in the Little Sahara Desert, Utah. (B) Ancient dune deposits in Zion National Park, Utah.

FIGURE 5.16 The eolian (wind) systems. Wind is a very effective sorting agent. Small silt and dust grains are lifted high in the air and may be
transported thousands of kilometers before being deposited where wind velocity drops. Sand is transported close to the surface and eventually
accumulates in dunes. Gravel cannot be moved effectively by wind. In arid regions, a major process is the migration of sand dunes. Sand is blown up
and over the dunes and accumulates on the steep dune faces. Large-scale cross-strata that dip in a downwind direction are thus formed. Ancient dune
deposits have large-scale cross-strata consisting of well-sorted, well-rounded sand grains. The most significant ancient wind deposits are sandstones that
accumulated in large dune fields comparable to the present Sahara and Arabian deserts and the great deserts of Australia. These sandstones are vast
deposits of clean sand that preserve the large-scale cross-beds developed by migrating dunes.

(A) The margins of a valley glacier in eastern Canada. (Photograph by (B) Ancient glacial sediments in central Utah.
J. D. Ives)

FIGURE 5.17 Glacial systems. A glacier transports large boulders, gravel, sand, and silt suspended together in the ice. This material is eventually
deposited near the margins of the glacier as the ice melts. The resulting sediment is unsorted and unstratified, with angular individual particles that rest
on the polished and striated floor of the underlying rock. Fine-grained particles dominate in many glacial deposits, but angular boulders and pebbles
are invariably present. Streams from the meltwaters of glaciers rework the unsorted glacial debris and redeposit it beyond the glaciers as stratified,
sorted stream deposits. The unsorted glacial deposits are thus directly associated with well-sorted stream deposits from the meltwaters.

(A) The delta of the Nile River, Egypt, forms where the river empties (B) Ancient deltaic deposits in Tertiary rocks of the Colorado Plateau.
into the Mediterranean Sea. (Courtesy of NASA)

FIGURE 5.18 Delta systems. One of the most significant depositional systems occurs where major rivers enter the oceans and deposit most of
their sediment in marine deltas. A delta can be very large, covering areas of more than 36,000 km2. Commonly, deltas are very complex and involve
various distinct subenvironments, such as beaches, bars, lagoons, swamps, stream channels, and lakes. Because deltas are large features and include both
marine and nonmarine subenvironments, a great variety of sediment types accumulate in them. Sand, silt, and mud dominate. A deltaic deposit can be
recognized only after considerable study of the sizes and shapes of the various rock bodies and their relationships to each other. Both marine and
nonmarine fossils can be preserved in a delta.

(A) A modern beach on Cape Hatteras along the Atlantic Coast of the (B) Ancient beach deposits in central Utah form resistand sandstone
United States. (Photograph Tom Till) beds alternating with shale (slopes).

FIGURE 5.19 Shoreline systems. Much sediment accumulates in the zone where the land meets the ocean. Within this zone, a variety of
subenvironments occurs, including beaches, bars, spits, lagoons, and tidal flats. Each has its own characteristic sediment. Where wave action is strong,
mud is winnowed out, and only sand or gravel accumulates as beaches or bars. Beach gravels accumulate along shorelines, where high wave energy is
expended. The gravels are well sorted and well rounded and commonly are stratified in low, dipping cross-strata. Ancient gravel beaches are relatively
thin. They are widespread and commonly are associated with clean, well-sorted sand deposited offshore.

(A) A lagoon along the central Atlantic coast of the United States. (B) Ancient lagoonal deposits with thick beds of coal in sandstone in
(Courtesy of NASA) eastern Wyoming.

FIGURE 5.20 Lagoon systems. Offshore bars and reefs commonly seal off part of the coast, forming lagoons. A lagoon is protected from the high
energy of waves, so the water is relatively calm and quiet. Fine-grained sediment, rich in organic matter, accumulates as black mud. Eventually, the
lagoon may fill with sediment and evolve into a swamp. Where the bottom vegetation provides enough organic matter, a coal deposit may form. The
rise and fall of sea level shift the position of the barrier bar, and thus the organic-rich mud or coal formed in the lagoon or swamp is interbedded with
sand deposited on the barrier island.

(A) A modern tidal flat in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. (B) Ancient tidal flat deposits in southern Utah.
(Courtesy of Candaian Department of Energ, Mines, and Resources)

FIGURE 5.21 Tidal-flat systems. The tidal-flat environment is unique in being alternately covered with a sheet of shallow water and exposed to
the air. Tidal currents are not strong. They generally transport only fine silt and sand and typically develop ripple marks over a broad area of the tidal
flat. Mud cracks commonly form during low tide and are subsequently covered and preserved. Ancient tidal-flat deposits are thus characterized by
accumulations of silt and mud in horizontal layers with an abundance of ripple marks and mud cracks. In restricted settings, evaporites can form on
tidal flats.

(A) Australias Great Barrier Reef is a coral reef on the eastern (B) An ancient reef from the Paleozoic Era in the Guadalupe
shore. (Jan Arthus/CORBIS.) Mountains of west Texas (William A. Bake/CORBIS)

FIGURE 5.22 Organic-reef systems. An organic reef is a solid structure of calcium carbonate constructed of shells and secretions of marine
organisms. The framework of most reefs consists of a mass of colonial corals and forms a wall that slopes steeply seaward. Wave action continually
breaks up part of the seaward face, and blocks and fragments of the reef accumulate as debris on the seaward slope. A lagoon forms behind the reef,
toward the shore or toward the interior of the atoll (organic reef), and lime, mud, and evaporite salts may be deposited there. Gradual subsidence of
the seafloor permits continuous upward growth of reef material to a thickness of as much as 1000 m. Because of their limited ecological tolerance
(corals require warm, shallow water), fossil reefs are excellent indicators of ancient environments.

(A) A modern shallow-marine environment in the Bahamas as seen (B) Ancient shallow-marine sediments in eastern Nevada are made of
from space. The light ridges are drifts of carbonate sediment. (Courtesy many layers of limestone.
of U.S. Geological Survey and EROS Data Center.)

FIGURE 5.23 Shallow-marine systems. Shallow seas border most of the worlds land area and can extend to the interior of a continent, as do
Hudson Bay, the Baltic Sea, and the Gulf of Carpentaria (in northern Australia). The characteristics of the sediment deposited in the shallow-sea
environment depend on the supply of sediment from the land and the local conditions of climate, wave energy, water circulation, and temperature. If
there is a large supply of land-derived sediment, sand and mud accumulate. If sediment from the land is not abundant, limestone is deposited. Ancient
shallow-marine deposits have thin, widespread, interbedded layers of sandstone, shale, and limestone.

(A) Submarine fan with its distributary channels sits at the base of the (B) Ancient series of folded turbidites in southern France.
continental slope offshore California. (Courtesy of Michelle Hurst; data
from U.S. Geological Survey)

FIGURE 5.24 Continental slope-systems. Sediment on the continental slope is dominated by turbidites. The deposits are typically a series of
graded beds, with each layer extending over a large area. Such beds are easily distinguishable from sediment deposited in most other environments.
The turbidites accumulate to form a cone of debris at the foot of the continental slope called a submarine fan; most are at the mouths of submarine
canyons. Channels filled with porous sandstone weave complicated patterns through the fan, as shown on this shaded relief map of a submarine fan off
the coast of southern California. These sandstones that fill the channels are important hosts for oil in deep-marine environments.

(A) Thin layers of deep marine sediment form on abyssal plains on the (B) Thin beds of ancient deep marine cherts now exposed in coastal
flanks of the midocean ridge (right). (Courtesy of Chalk Butte, Inc.) California. Such cherts are interbedded with fine mudstones.

FIGURE 5.25 Deep-marine systems. Deep-marine sediment accumulates on the floor of the open ocean, far from continents. This material
consists of shells of microscopic organisms and fine particles of mud that are carried in suspension and gradually sink. Biochemical chert in thin beds is
a common deep-marine sediment. However, the most abundant sediment is a fine-grained brown or red clay. Silt blown in by the wind is another
important sediment in the deep ocean basins. Calcium carbonate does not accumulate in the deepest oceans, but may be deposited on midocean ridges
where the water is shallower. In this environment, sediment accumulation rates are very low and the beds are typically thin.

Sedimentary Rocks 137

and iron oxides. This postdepositional crystallization of cement holds the grains
of sediment together and is a fundamental process in transforming sediment into
solid rock.


Layers of sedimentary rocks can be grouped into formations, and formations

can be grouped into sequences that are bounded by erosion surfaces. These
formations and sequences form an important interpretive element in the
rock record.

There are more than 17,000 formally recognized and named formations in the
United States, each covering an area of up to 300,000 km2. Each formation is a
group of beds of a distinctive rock type that formed at a specific time and place.
They are, thus, the fundamental rock units studied by geologists. On a regional
scale, these formations are like a deck of cards scattered across a table with most
cards overlapping another. In many areas, the total succession of sedimentary for-
mations is thousands of meters thick. Stratification occurs on many scales, so there
are typically many separate beds within a formation and innumerable thin lami-
nae within the layers of each bed.
On a larger scale, formations and their stratification are produced by changes
in the depositional system; each change causes a different type of sediment to
form. One of the simpler and more common patterns in a vertical succession is
the cycle of sandstone-shale-limestone-shale-sandstone (Figure 5.26).This pattern
is produced by advance (transgression) and retreat (regression) of a shallow sea
across a continental margin. The base of the sedimentary layers is a preexisting
surface produced by erosionan unconformity. In Figure 5.26A, sand is accumu-
lating on the floodplain of a river system and along the shore, fine-grained mud is
carried farther and is accumulating just offshore, and calcium carbonate precipi-
tates from solution beyond the mud zone.All three types of sediment are deposited
simultaneously, each in a different environment.
As relative sea level rises, each environment shifts landward (Figure 5.26B, C).
Beach sands are deposited over stream sediments, offshore mud is deposited over
the previous beaches, and carbonate is deposited over the mud. As transgression
continues, the layers of sand, mud, and carbonate are deposited farther and far-
ther inland.
If relative sea level drops (Figure 5.26D), mud is deposited over limestone and Why do geologists study sedimentary
near-shore sand over mud.The net result is a long wedge, or layer, of limestone en- sequences and not just the individual
cased in a wedge of shale, which in turn is encased in a wedge of sandstone. This layers?
package of sediment is bounded below and above by an unconformity. Subsequent
uplift and erosion of the area reveal a definite sequence of rock (Figure 5.26E). Be-
ginning at the basal unconformity, sandstone is overlain by shale and limestone,
which in turn are overlain by shale and sandstone.

Sequence Stratigraphy
Traditionally, rock formations have been identified and classified on the basis
of rock typesuch as the limestones and sandstone bodies that form the promi-
nent cliffs in the photograph in Figure 5.1but they can also be grouped into
larger sequences of strata separated by major unconformities. The study of such
sequences of rock is known as sequence stratigraphy and is an attempt to detect
worldwide changes in sea level and to document tectonic movements that affect
sea level in smaller regions. Sequences of rock bounded by unconformities re-
flect important events in Earths history that have regional or even worldwide
(A) The sea begins to expand over an erosional unconformity. The
original shoreline is marked by sand deposits that grade seaward into Sand
mud and lime (carbonate sediment). Lime


(B) The sea transgresses farther inland, depositing a sheet of sand

overlain by mud (gray) and lime (tan).

Position of
original shoreline

(C) With continued transgression of the sea, mud is deposited on top of

the sand at the position of the original shoreline.

Position of
original shoreline

(D) A regression of the sea deposits shoreline sand over the offshore
mud. Thus, the vertical succession of sediment at the position of the
original shoreline is sand, mud, carbonate, mud, and sand. The package
of sequence is bounded above and below by an unconformity.

(E) Much later the eroded exposure of a transgressive-regressive
sequence shows the cycle from bottom to top: sandstone, shale,
limestone, shale, and sandstone.

FIGURE 5.26 A sequence of sediments deposited by transgression and regression of a shallow sea is represented in these schematic diagrams.
Sand accumulates along the beach, mud is deposited offshore, and calcite is precipitated farther offshore, beyond the mud. As the sea expands over the
continent, these shallow-marine environments move inland, producing a vertical sequence of sand, mud, and carbonate sediment. When the sea
recedes off the continent, mud is deposited over the carbonate sediment, and sand is deposited over the mud. The net result is a vertical sequence of
sedimentary layers: sandstone, shale, limestone, shale, and sandstone.

Sedimentary Rocks 139

significance. Over much of the last 600 million years, the seas repeatedly trans-
gressed and regressed across the continental shelves and over the platforms, Changes of sea
leaving a record of shallow-marine deposits separated by erosional surfaces. level relative
These sequences bounded by unconformities are created by major changes in Periods to present
the position of the shoreline. Such relative sea level changes can be caused by vari- Meters
350 0 150
ations in the total amount of water in the oceans or by tectonic events. For exam-
ple, the amount of water in the oceans drops during periods of glaciation when
water is stored on continents. During periods of rapid seafloor spreading, ocean Tertiary
ridges become inflated; this reduces the volume of ocean basins, and forces water

sea level
to spill over continental lowlands. Changes in ocean basin volume also occur when

continents collide.
100 Cretaceous
The concepts of sequence stratigraphy are extensively used by geophysicists in-
terpreting seismic records of rocks in the subsurface. The principal erosional sur-
faces marking transgressions and regressions have been identified from seismic
logs from all over the world. Consequently, a clear picture of changing sea level Jurassic
through time is emerging (Figure 5.27).



Plate tectonics has a profound influence on the origin of sedimentary 300 Pennsylvanian
rocks in that it controls sediment sources, pathways, climate zones, and
depositional systems. As a result, each major tectonic setting produces a Mississippian
distinctive sequence of sedimentary rocks.

Although the nature of sedimentary rocks depends on many factors (depth and 400
velocity of water, ocean currents, biology, and sediment source area, for example), Silurian
plate tectonics plays a major role in global aspects of sediment deposition and the
sequences of rock that are produced. Tectonics controls the extent of shallow Ordovician
seas upon the stable platform, the distribution of continental margins, the devel-
opment of sedimentary basins, and the origin of mountain belts that are the 500
sources of many sediments. Plate movement also controls rates of crustal uplift Cambrian
and subsidence, and therefore the rates of erosion and deposition. In addition,
plate tectonics also has a prime control on the courses of rivers (which deter-
mine where the bulk of clastic sediment is deposited), and the topography and Precambrian
structure of continents in general. Let us consider some of the tectonic settings
in which major bodies of sedimentary rocks form (Figure 5.28).
On the continents, sediment forms by weathering and is then transported FIGURE 5.27 Sequence stratigraphy
across the stable platform from distant highlands and locally accumulates to form identifies the global changes of relative sea
level. The major transgression-regression
thin deposits that include stream sands and shallow-marine mudstones and lime- cycles are probably produced by large
stones. Broad basins may form on the stable platform in which thicker sequences tectonic events that change the volume of
of sediment accumulate. However, most sediment carried all the way to the sea the ocean basins. Shorter cycles of
is deposited as shallow-marine sediment on the continental margin. transgression and regression are
Continental rift valleys at incipient divergent plate boundaries receive a dis- superimposed on these major changes and
probably are caused by glaciation and
tinctive suite of conglomerate, sandstone, lake deposits, and evaporites (if the cli- regional tectonic events.
mate is arid). As the rift evolves into an open seaway, the continental margin sub-
sides as it cools; shallow seas spread over the margin and across part of the stable
platform to form a broad continental shelf. A thick wedge-shaped deposit of sed-
iment forms as the margin continues to subside.
Farther from shore, on the continental slope, turbidity currents move sediment
toward the abyssal plains to form deep-sea fans comprised of turbidites. Even
farther from the continent, deep-ocean basins accumulate organic ooze (domi-
nated by siliceous diatoms) and wind-blown dust. Carbonate sediments form in
shallower parts of the oceans. These sediments slowly settle out of seawater to
form thin layers of brown mud on the igneous part of the oceanic crust.
THE ART Ocean Drilling Program: Probing the Deep Blue Sea

One of the most ambitious scientific endeavors in the study of

Earth is the effort to collect samples from below the floor of
the deep oceans by drilling through its outer layers. The pro-
gram employs specially designed research ships that carry huge
drills and long strings of pipe. Imagine the difficulty in lower-
ing a slender drilling stem 8000 m long to the floor of the
ocean, then drilling another 2000 m or more through layers of
siliceous organic ooze and then drilling into solid igneous rock.
Once drilled, core segments about 10 m long and 10 cm in di-
ameter are slowly pulled to the deck of the ship, where they are
cut in two in preparation for detailed laboratory studies.
Ocean cruises of this sort require many crew members and
scientific staff and extend over several months. The research
is expensive and only a few nations have mounted this type of
research. Since 1985, the United States has coordinated an in- Why spend months at sea and go to such great expense?
ternational program called the Ocean Drilling Program. Sci- The scientific payoff for such deep-sea drilling programs
entists from the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany,Australia, has been tremendous. Most of what we know about past cli-
New Zealand, and other nations also participate. JOIDES Res- mate change has come from painstaking studies of the sed-
olution has drilled in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic iment samples recovered by deep-sea drilling, including the
oceans. In the first 15 years of the program, more than 180,000 timing of past glacial epochs and unravelling the Mi-
m of core have been recovered from nearly 1500 holes drilled lankovitch cycles (p. 401). Ocean drilling has revealed evi-
in 80 different locations. Its predecessor, the Deep Sea Drilling dence for the meteorite impact that marked the end of the
Program, probed the seafloor for nearly 20 years. Mesozoic Era (p. 732). Other drilling opportunities have fo-
cused on understanding the origin of massive oceanic
plateaus that some geologists think are produced by rapid
submarine eruptions of flood lavas (p. 618). Some projects
drilled through the entire sedimentary cover to reveal ex-
actly what types of igneous rocks are below the oceanic sed-
iment and to allow for heat flow measurements (p. 44) that
tell us the thickness of the lithosphere. These cores help us
unravel Earths past and present and conjecture about its fu-
ture. In essence, these seafloor cores are cylindrical slices of
Earths history.

In addition to the huge drill, scientists on board have at

their disposal a complete array of analytical instruments in
the ships twelve laboratories.They examine samples of sed-
iment under microscopes to see what fossils they contain, X
ray cores of sedimentary and igneous rocks to determine
their composition, and probe the cores with magnetometers
and thermometers and other instruments. After the cruise,
these rocks and sediment are stored in a core library and be-
come invaluable resources for scientists around the world.
The empty drill holes are often turned into laborato-
ries themselves. Instruments are lowered into the holes to
record the temperature, measure heat flow, take water sam-
ples, and generally record the physical and chemical prop- (Photographs courtesy of the Ocean
erties of the oceanic crust. Drilling Program, Texas A&M University)

Sedimentary Rocks 141

Rifted continental
Accretionary wedge Foreland basin Continental rift Stable platform Deep marine

Melange Alluvial fan Shallow marine Lake Fan Shallow marine Thick shallow marine Turbidites Mud layers

FIGURE 5.28 Plate tectonics exerts fundamental controls on sedimentary systems. The most important types of sedimentary basins form at
convergent margins, divergent margins that evolve into passive continental margins, and shallow basins that form on the stable platform. Deep-ocean
basins also have distinctive sediments.

At convergent plate boundaries, a folded mountain belt typically has a subsid-

ing basin on its landward side. Erosional debris from the mountains accumulates
rapidly in alluvial fans containing conglomerates and associated sandstones and
shales. Subsidence in this basin may be so great that the region may be inundated
by a shallow sea. On the ocean side of the mountain belt, the distance to the sea How does plate tectonics influence the
is short and there is no broad continental shelf. Large deltas seldom form on sub- nature of sedimentary rocks?
ducting continental margins because drainage basins are small. Instead, sediment
transported from the mountain toward the boundary accumulates in the adjacent
deep-sea trench where turbidites are common. Some of the sediment is consumed
with the descending plate. However, much continental sediment is scraped off, and
together with deep-marine mud and basalt on the descending plate, is plastered
against the continent. These mixed deposits are known as mlange.
Thus, we see that each of the various tectonic settingscontinental rift valleys,
rifted and subsiding continental margins, deep-ocean floor, and convergent plate
boundariesproduce distinctive basins that fill with unique kinds of sedimenta-
ry rock.
An indirect, but also profound, control tectonics has on sedimentation is the
drifting of continents into different climate zones (see Figure 9.21). This affects
weathering, including the rate and nature of the sediment produced. For example,
in the tropics, lush vegetation may form coal swamps. If the continent moves into
the low-latitude deserts, wind-blown sand is deposited on the coal. If the conti-
nent continues northward, glacial sediments might eventually be deposited upon
the desert sand. In short, plate tectonics influences not only the different types
of sedimentary basins where sediment accumulates, but also the basic stratigraphic
patterns in a sequence of sedimentary rock.
From a scientific point of view, sedimentary rocks are important for the geologic
history they preserve. A record of the past is written in the layers of sedimentary
rock. From this record, we can interpret such things as the origin and destruction
of old mountain systems, the erosion of continents, climate changes, and even the
evolution of life.
Slope Systems 142
GeoLogic Sedimentary Rocks at Dead Horse Point

The spectacular scenery of Utahs Dead Horse Point is due specific sedimentary process. Some formed by deposition
to the colorful succession of horizontal sedimentary for- by river systems, others by deposition on tidal flats, and
mations that were carved by stream erosion into vertical others by deposition in deserts.
cliffs and slopes. To most people the visual impact of this
scenery is enough and they are satisfied. But there is much Interpretations
more to this scene than you might think. The rocks and The geologic interpretation of this scene begins by trying to
landforms are documents of history which, if understood, is visualize the original extent of the rock sequences as they
more fascinating than the scenery. existed before erosion.The layers of rock also extended far
beyond the area shown in the photograph, one superim-
Observations posed upon another. Details of the sedimentary environ-
1. The landscape was formed by stream erosion of these ments in which each rock unit was deposited come from
nearly horizontal sedimentary rock layers. studying the composition, texture, and structure of each
2.The rock units were once much more extensive than what major layer. Subsequent to deposition, compaction and ce-
we see here. Some formations once covered an area of mentation, the rock layers were uplifted and the cliffs were
more than 250,000 km2. formed by erosion of the hard resistant sandstone, where-
3. Each major rock layer, or formation, was formed by a as the slopes were carved on soft nonresistant shale.

Sedimentary Rocks 143

alluvial fan (p. 130) deep-ocean basin (p. 130) limestone (p. 122) sequence (p. 137)
barrier island (p. 130) delta (p. 130) mudrock (p. 120) shale (p. 120)
beach (p. 130) dolostone (p. 123) mud cracks (p. 127) shallow marine (p. 130)
bed (p. 125) dune (p. 126) oolite (p. 122) siltstone (p. 120)
bedding plane (p. 117) eolian (p. 132) reef (p. 130) stratification (p. 125)
biochemical rocks (p. 122) evaporite (p. 124) regression (p. 137) stratum (p. 116)
cementation (p. 130) facies (p. 130) ripple marks (p. 127) submarine fan (p. 130)
chalk (p. 122) fluvial (p. 130) rock salt (p. 124) tidal flat (p. 130)
chemical precipitate (p. 122) formation (p. 116) sandstone (p. 119) transgression (p. 137)
chert (p. 123) fossil (p. 117) sand wave (p. 126) turbidite (p. 126)
clastic (p. 118) glacier (p. 130) sediment (p. 116) turbidity current (p. 126)
claystone (p. 120) graded bedding (p. 126) sedimentary rock (p. 116) unconformity (p. 137)
compaction (p. 130) gypsum (p. 124) sedimentary structure weathering (p. 129)
conglomerate (p. 119) lagoon (p. 130) (p. 125)
cross-bedding (p. 126) lamina (p. 120) sedimentary system (p. 129)

1. List the characteristics that distinguish sedimentary rocks 8. Show, by a series of sketches, the characteristics of stratifica-
from igneous and metamorphic rocks. tion, cross-bedding, and graded bedding.
2. What is the principal mineral in sandstone? Why does this 9. How could you recognize an ancient turbidity current de-
mineral dominate? posit now exposed in a mountain?
3. What is the major difference between the various kinds of 10. What rock types form in the following sedimentary systems:
clastic sedimentary rocks? (a) delta, (b) lagoon, (c) alluvial fan, (d) eolian, (e) organic
4. What is the principal cause of grain-size variations in clastic reef, and (f) deep marine?
sediment? 11. How does plate tectonics control the character of sedimen-
5. How do limestones differ from clastic rocks? tary rocks deposited on a continental margin that is far
6. What is the mineral composition of limestone? from a modern plate boundary?
7. How do evaporites form? How are they different from clas- 12. How does a transgression followed by a regression of the
tic sedimentary rocks? sea produce the vertical sequence sandstone, shale, lime-
stone, shale, sandstone?

Adams, A. D., W. S. MacKenzie, and C. Guilford. 1984. Atlas of Open University. 1998. The Ocean Basins: Their Structure and
Sedimentary Rocks Under the Microscope. New York: Wiley. Evolution. Oxford: Butterworth and Heinemann.
Blatt, H., and R.J. Tracy. 1996. Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary, Prothero, D.R., and F. Schwab. 1996. Sedimentary Geology. New
and Metamorphic. New York: Freeman. York: Freeman.
Boggs, S. 2001. Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Reading, H. G. 1996. Sedimentary Environments: Processes, Fa-
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. cies, and Stratigraphy. Oxford: Blackwell.
Carozzi, A. V. 1993. Sedimentary Petrography. Englewood Cliffs, Tucker, M. E. 2001. Sedimentary Petrology. Oxford: Blackwell.
N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and addition- to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
al resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Slide shows with more examples of sedimentary rocks and
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback sedimentary environments
Quantitative Problems Videos showing the formation of sedimentary structures
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
6 Metamorphic Rocks
Most of the rocks exposed in the continental shields and in the cores of mountain belts
show evidence that their original igneous or sedimentary textures and compositions have
changed. At the same time, many were ductilely deformed, as shown by contorted parallel
bands of minerals resembling the swirled colors in marble cake. Other rocks recrystallized
and developed large mineral grains, and the constituent minerals of many have strong
fabrics with planar orientations called foliation. These are the hallmarks of recrystallization
in the solid state, a process we call metamorphism. The result is a new rock type with a
distinctive texture and fabric and, in some cases, new mineral compositions.
In the photograph above, metamorphic rocks are exposed in the sheer walls of Arizonas
Grand Canyon. Here, near Phantom Ranch, metamorphic rocks dominate the inner gorge
of the canyon. The high vertical cliff exposes younger sedimentary formations. The minerals
in the metamorphic rocks did not crystallize from a magma, but they are stable only at high
temperatures and pressures found deep in the crust. Light-colored dikes and sills of igneous
rock cut the metamorphic rocks. Note the strong vertical fabric of the canyon wall. This pla-
nar fabric is characteristic of many metamorphic rocks. Complex folds and contortions in

the rock units show the degree to which these rocks have been deformed at high tempera-
ture. In this area, we are looking at the roots of mountains built long before the continents
split to form the Atlantic Ocean or even before life had evolved that could survive on land.
In fact, most of the rocks originally formed as horizontal beds of sedimentary and volcanic
rocks more than 1.6 billion years ago. Later, the collision of two tectonic plates pushed
them to great depths in the crust, and there they recrystallized without melting at high
temperature and under immense pressure. The rocks were folded and contorted; the bed-
ding was destroyed; even their microscopic grain-to-grain textures changed. The change
was as complete and striking as the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. Mean-
while, a folded mountain belt formed above the metamorphic zone, and was then slowly
eroded away eventually exposing the rocks of the deep mountain roots. All of this history
can be read by a simple realization of the metamorphic character of the rock.
Events such as these formed the very foundation of each of the continents. The rocks of
the shields and those in the deep parts of the stable platforms are mostly of this type. Every
aspect of metamorphic rock, from the small grain to the regional fabric of a shield, points to-
ward the same theme: metamorphic rocks dramatically show the mobility of a dynamic crust.

1. Metamorphic rocks can be formed from igneous, sedimentary, or previous-
ly metamorphosed rocks by recrystallization in the solid state. The driving
forces for metamorphism are changes in temperature, pressure, and compo-
sition of pore fluids.
2. These changes produce new minerals, new textures, and new structures with-
in the rock body. Careful study of metamorphic rocks reveals the thermal
and deformation history of Earths crust.
3. During metamorphism, new platy mineral grains grow in the direction of
least stress, producing a planar texture called foliation. Rocks with only one
mineral (such as limestone) or those that recrystallize in the absence of de-
forming stresses do not develop strong foliation but instead develop a gran-
ular texture. Mylonite develops where shearing along a fracture forms small
grains by ductile destruction of larger grains.
4. The major types of foliated metamorphic rocks include slate, schist, gneiss,
and mylonite; important nonfoliated (or granular) rocks include quartzite,
marble, hornfels, greenstone, and granulite. They are distinguished by their
textures and secondarily by their compositions.
5. Contact metamorphism is a local phenomenon associated with thermal and
chemical changes near the contacts of igneous intrusions. Regional meta-
morphism is best developed in the roots of mountain belts along convergent
plate boundaries.
6. Mineral zones are produced where temperature, pressure, or fluid compositions
varied systematically across metamorphic belts or around igneous intrusions.
7. Distinctive sequences of metamorphic rocks are produced in each of the
major plate tectonic settings.


Metamorphic rocks form by recrystallization in the solid state because of

changes in temperature, pressure, or the composition of pore fluids. New
minerals form that are in equilibrium with the new environment, and a
new rock texture develops in response to the growth of new minerals.

Many igneous and sedimentary rocks have recrystallized in the solid statewith-
out meltingto such an extent that the diagnostic features of the original rock
have been greatly modified or obliterated. Recrystallization occurs because of
changes in temperature, pressure, and the chemical composition of the fluids that
flow through them. We call these solid-state processes metamorphism (Greek,
changed form). These solid state reactions are akin to those that a potter uses
to convert soft clay into hard ceramic. When a soft clay pot is placed in a kiln at a
temperature near 1200C, the clay minerals change into other minerals that are sta-
ble under those conditions. In other words the clay is metamorphosed. The re-
crystallization occurs without melting, but is sufficient to create a new material
radically different than its precursor.
During metamorphism of rocks, most structural and textural features in the
original rocksuch as stratification, graded bedding, vesicles, and porphyritic tex-
turesare destroyed. New minerals replaced those originally in the rock to cre-
ate a new rock texture. These are metamorphic rocks, a major group of rocks that
results largely from the constant motion of tectonic plates (Figure 6.1). Metamor-
phic rocks can be formed from igneous, sedimentary, or even previously meta-
morphosed rocks.
Many people know something about various igneous and sedimentary rocks
but only vaguely understand the nature of metamorphic rocks. All of us have

Metamorphic Rocks 147

(A) Satellite image of metamorphic rocks in the Canadian Shield. Note the complex folds and fractures resulting from extensive crustal deformation while
the rocks were at high temperature and pressure. (Courtesy of National Air Photo Library, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, Canada)

(B) Outcrop of metamorphic rocks at 5500-m level of Mount Everest in (C) Hand sample of a highly metamorphosed rock. Note that
Tibet. The foliation in this rock formed by shear during the collision of recrystallization in the solid state has concentrated light and dark
India and Asia. minerals into layers which were then deformed and folded.

FIGURE 6.1 The characteristics of metamorphic rocks are shown on three different scales. Each shows features resulting from strong
deformation and solid-state recrystallization caused by changes in temperature, pressure, or fluid composition.

seen many environments where new sedimentary rocks are forming; most have
also seen a few igneous rocks formwhen volcanoes erupt, for example. But the
formation of metamorphic rocks takes place so deep within the crust that we
are not familiar with these processes. Perhaps the best way to become acquaint-
ed with this group of rocks, and to appreciate their significance, is to study care-
fully Figure 6.1. The satellite image of part of the Canadian Shield (Figure 6.1A)
shows that the rocks have been distorted and compressed. Originally, these were
sedimentary, and volcanic layers deposited horizontally. They have been de-
formed so intensely, however, that it is difficult to determine the original bot-
tom or top of the rock sequence.
148 Chapter 6

Figure 6.1B shows a more detailed view of metamorphic rocks.The alteration and
deformation of the rock are evident in the alternating layers of light and dark min-
erals.These rocks were intensely sheared along almost horizontal planes while it was
in a plastic or semiplastic state. The degree of plastic deformation possible during
metamorphism is best seen by comparing the shapes of pebbles in a conglomerate with
the shapes of pebbles in metamorphosed rock. In a metamorphosed rock, the origi-
nal spherical pebbles in the conglomerate have been stretched into long, ellipsoidal
blades (the long axis is as much as 30 times the original diameter, Figure 6.2). A def-
inite preferred orientation of the grains shows that they recrystallized either under un-
equal stress (force applied to an area) or by flowing as a plastic.
The typical texture of metamorphic rocks does not show a sequence of forma-
tion of the individual minerals like that evident in igneous rocks.All grains in meta-
morphic rocks apparently recrystallize at roughly the same time, and they have to
compete for space in an already solid rock body. As a result, the new minerals
grow in the direction of lowest stress. Most metamorphic rocks thus have a layered,
or planar, structure, resulting from recrystallization.
Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the continental crust. Extensive ex-
posures (Figure 6.3) are found in the vast shield areas of the continents. Deep
drilling in the stable platform shows that the bulk of the continental crust is also
made up of metamorphic rocks. In addition to those beneath the stable platforms
of the continents and exposed in the shields, metamorphic rocks are also found in
FIGURE 6.2 A stretched pebble the cores of eroded mountain ranges, such as the Appalachian and Rocky Moun-
formed during metamorphism of a tain chains. The widespread distribution of metamorphic rocks in the continental
conglomerate. The pebble was once nearly crust, especially among the older rocks, is evidence that Earths crust has been de-
spherical and about the same size as the formed repeatedly. Large parts of the oceanic crust are also metamorphosed. Even
specimen shown to the side, but it was
deformed at high confining pressure and
the mantle is made mostly of a type of metamorphic rock.
temperature and stretched to six times its
original length. (Photograph by Stan

The driving forces for metamorphism are changes in temperature, pressure,

and composition of the environment or strong deformation.These changes
cause recrystallization in the solid state as the rock changes toward
equilibrium with the new environment.

Metamorphism causes a series of changes in the texture and composition of a rock.

The changes occur to restore equilibrium to rocks subjected to an environment
Solid State Recrystallization different from the one in which they originally formed (Figure 6.4). Several agents
of change act in combination and create distinctive metamorphic environments
depending upon which factors are most important.

Temperature Changes
Heat is one of the most important factors in metamorphism. For example, as a
rocks temperature increases, its minerals may become unstable and react with
other minerals to form new mineral assemblages that are stable under the new
conditions (Figure 6.4A). Below 200C, reaction rates are low, and most minerals
will remain unchanged for millions of years. As the temperature rises, however,
chemical reactions become more vigorous. Crystal lattices are broken down and
re-created using different combinations of ions and different atomic structures.
As a result, new minerals appear. For example, if pressure is held constant at 2 kb
and temperature increases, the mineral andalusite recrystallizes to sillimanite at
about 600C (Figure 6.5). When the sillimanite crystallizes, the bonding of atoms
in the mineral is rearranged and new crystal forms result. If temperature contin-
ues to increase, the rock becomes partially molten at about 700C, and layers of
solid material mixed with layers of magma might form. The critical idea here is
Metamorphic Rocks 149

FIGURE 6.3 Metamorphic rocks are

widely distributed in the Canadian Shield
and in the cores of folded mountain belts
such as the Appalachians of eastern North
America. A blanket of sedimentary rocks
covers the metamorphic rocks in the stable

A. Temperature change B. Pressure change C. Composition change

0 0
Initial T Initial P 0
100 C 5 bars

1 10 2
Depth (km)

B e fo r e

g cru 4
20 tin
2 uc
ubd Mantle
Rising S 6 Fractures
3 8
0 0 0
Final T
600 C 2
1 10
D e p th (k m)

Magma cru
A fte r

tin 4
uc Fluid
20 bd
2 Su
30 Final pressure
8,000 bars
3 8

(A) Temperature changes when a magmatic (B) Pressure changes can be caused by the (C) Fluids carrying dissolved ions may flow
body intrudes the shallow crust and causes collision of two plates, where minerals at low from one spot (blue dot) to another (red dot),
recrystallization around the intrusion pressure (blue dot) are dragged to high causing minerals along the flow path to
(region in light orange). pressure (red dot) in a subducting plate. recrystallize as they equilibrate with the fluid.

FIGURE 6.4 Metamorphic changes can occur as the result of changes in temperature, pressure, and in the composition of pore fluids, as the rocks
attempt to reach equilibrium with the new conditions. These cross sections illustrate some of the changes.
150 Chapter 6

0 0


Depth (kilometers)

Pressure (kilobars)


FIGURE 6.5 The stable form of

Al2SiO5 varies at different temperatures and
pressures. Andalusite is stable at low
6 20
temperatures and changes to sillimanite
during metamorphism at higher
temperatures. Higher pressure produces
kyanite. At even higher temperatures, a 8 Kyanite
metasedimentary rock partially melts to
make migmatite. The arrows show possible 30
pressure-temperature paths during 500 600 700 800
metamorphism. Temperature (C)

that different minerals are in equilibrium at different temperatures. The minerals

in a rock, therefore, provide a key to the temperatures at which the rock was meta-
morphosed. This powerful interpretive tool is not without its problems, however.
For example, with a decrease in temperature, the sillimanite becomes unstable;
but, because reaction rates are lower at these lower temperatures, the sillimanite
may persist for a long time without converting back to andalusite. In such cases,
the mineral is said to be metastable.
How is heat added to cause metamorphism? The two most important ways are
intrusion of hot magma and deep burial (Figure 6.4). Recall that magmas have
What is the difference between regional
and contact metamorphism?
temperatures that range from about 700 to 1200C depending on their composi-
tions. The temperature of the country rocks around an intrusion increases as heat
diffuses from the intrusion. Zones of different mineral assemblages in metamor-
phic rocks show that strong thermal gradients once existed around igneous intru-
sions. This kind of metamorphism is called contact metamorphism (Figure 6.6A).
Deep burial also increases a rocks temperature. Temperature increases about
15 to 30C for each kilometer of depth in the crust. Even gradual burial in a sed-
imentary basin may take rocks formed at the surface to depths as great as sever-
al kilometers, where low-temperature metamorphism can occur. The tectonic
processes that make folded mountain belts can bury rocks to even greater depths

0 Uplift of
Country rock 10
0 rock
Heat Crust
1 km Heat 20 km
2 Metamorphism of
Fluids Contact deep mountain roots
Cooling Mantle

(A) Contact metamorphism occurs around hot igneous intrusions. (B) Regional metamorphism develops deep in the crust, usually as the
Changes in temperature and composition of pore fluids cause result of subduction or continental collision. Wide areas are
preexisting minerals to change and reach equilibrium in the new deformed, subjected to higher pressures, and intruded by igneous
environment. Narrow zones of altered rock extending from a few rocks. Hot fluids may also cause metamorphic recrystallization.
meters to a few hundred meters from the contact are produced.
FIGURE 6.6 Metamorphic environments are many and varied. Two major examples are shown here.
T H E A RT Rock Metamorphism in the Laboratory
In this chapter, phase diagrams are used as graphical sum- Kyanite Andalusite Sillimanite
maries of the stability fields of minerals. Phase diagrams 0
tell us much about the origin of metamorphic rocks, which
have all recrystallized because of changes in their physical
or chemical environment. But how do we know that kyanite 2
is not stable at pressures higher than about 4 kilobars (Fig-
ure 6.5) or that garnet is stable in many rocks at tempera-
tures of about 500C (Figure 6.14)? The answer is: we con- 4
duct laboratory experiments.
An important branch of geology involves the experimen-
tal determination of the stability ranges of minerals. One type 6

Pressure (kilobars)
of experimental apparatus is shown here. Small samples of
pulverized rock are placed in a tiny metal capsule about the
size of a vitamin pill. The capsule is usually made of gold or 8
some other noble metal that remains stable at high temper-
ature.This small capsule is then placed inside a bottle with
strong metal walls and a screw top. A fluid is pumped inside 10
the bottle to increase the confining pressure. Heating fila-
ments are used to control the temperature. Once the capsule
is safely inside the bomb, the pressure and temperature 12
are brought up to the point of experimental interest, say 1
kilobar and 400C, and maintained at that point for many
hours. Some experiments last for weeks so that equilibrium 14
can be achieved between the various solids and fluids in the 0 200 400 600 800 1000
capsule. At the end of the experiment, the capsule is rapidly Temperature (C)
cooled and the pressure is dropped back to normal condi-
tions. If the temperature drop is rapid enough, the phases
formed at high pressure and temperature will persist as The major problem with such experiments is ensuring
metastable minerals (see Chapter 2). The capsule is careful- that equilibrium between the mineral phases and their en-
ly opened to see what minerals were stable under the ex- vironment actually occurred. To test this, several experi-
perimental conditions.The results are plotted on a pressure- ments are usually done with different starting minerals.
temperature grid like the one shown here. Each point Other tests involve starting the experiment from a high tem-
represents one experiment. perature or from a lower temperature. If equilibrium is
achieved, every experiment at a given pressure and tem-
perature will produce the same minerals.
You can see that many time-consuming experiments are
needed to establish the stability field of a mineral. The ex-
periments clearly show that many minerals indicate the
specific temperature and pressure at which they formed
and can be used to determine the history of changes a cer-
tain natural rock has experienced. For example, if silli-
manite is present in a metamorphic rock (with the same
composition as the experiment), then we can conclude that
the rock recrystallized at a temperature above about
600C. On the other hand, if andalusite is present and sil-
limanite is absent, the rock must have recrystallized at a
lower temperature and a pressure between 0 and 4 kb.
Such interpretations give us a better understanding of how
mountain belts form and then erode away, uplifting the
metamorphic rocks to the surface.
(Courtesy of M. J. Rutherford)

152 Chapter 6

tens of kilometerswhere the temperature is much higher. In this case, meta-

morphism may occur over a large area. This is type of regional metamorphism
(Figure 6.6B) contrasts with the much smaller volumes involved in contact meta-
Metamorphism morphism. Because it typically owes its origin to the construction of folded moun-
tain belts, this type of metamorphism is sometimes called orogenic metamorphism
(Greek oro, high or elevated)

Pressure Changes
High pressure, deep within Earth, also causes significant changes in the properties
of rocks that originally formed at the surface (Figure 6.4B). An increase in pres-
sure can drive chemical reactions to produce new minerals with closer atomic
packing and higher densities. The vertical blue arrow in Figure 6.5 shows a pres-
sure increase at a constant temperature of 550C. If a rock containing andalusite
followed this pressure-temperature path, it would recrystallize to form sillimanite
at 3 kb; kyanite would crystallize at about 5 kb (almost 20 km deep).
Pressure increases when rocks are buried deep beneath Earths surface. Burial
may be caused by prolonged sedimentation in a basin. Metamorphic rocks are also
caused by increasing pressure during the stacking of thrust sheets at convergent
plate boundaries or as oceanic crust is thrust deep into the mantle. The confining
pressure is equal to the weight of the overlying rocks and causes these kinds of min-
eral changes.
If a rock experienced progressively lower pressure during uplift, theoretically it
would undergo metamorphic changes to bring it to equilibrium at the lower pres-
sure (Figure 6.5). However, these changes may be so slow that the high-pressure
minerals remain metastable at the new lower pressure.An extreme example is that
of diamond, which is stable only at pressures that exceed 30 kb, reached at depths
of more than 100 km. Soft graphite is the stable form of carbon at 1 bar (atmospheric
pressure), but the change from diamond to graphite is infinitesimally slow.
Temperature and confining pressure increase together in most environments
where metamorphic rocks form. Such a path is shown with the sloping orange
arrow in Figure 6.5. Along this pressure-temperature path, andalusite recrystal-
lizes to form kyanite at about 450C and 3.5 kb. Further increases in temperature
and pressure make kyanite recrystallize to form sillimanite at about 600C and 6
kb. If the rock continues to follow the sloping path of the curve in Figure 6.5, par-
tial melting could occur to form small bodies of magma. Obviously, metamorphism
occurs under many different conditions. Metamorphism that takes place at low
temperature and pressure is called low-grade metamorphism; high pressure and
high temperature produce high-grade metamorphism.

Movement of Fluids
Metamorphic recrystallization is often accompanied by some change in the chem-
ical composition of the rockthat is, by a loss or gain of certain elements (Figure
6.4C). This process is metasomatism. Especially important is the movement of
water and carbon dioxide. In metamorphic processes that involve an increase in
How can fluids cause metamorphic temperature, many minerals that contain H2O or CO2 eventually break down, pro-
reactions? viding a separate fluid that migrates from one place to another. For example, at high
temperatures, calcite (CaCO3) and clay [Al2Si2O5(OH)4] break down to release
CO2 and H2O fluids and other ions (Figure 6.4C). Original crystals break down, and
new crystal structures, which are stable under the new conditions, develop. If an ion
becomes detached from a minerals crystal structure, it may move with the fluid to
some other place. The fluids move through tiny pore spaces, fractures, and along
the margins of grains.The small amount of pore fluid transports material through
the rock and allows it to rearrange into new mineral structures.
Other metamorphic reactions occur by the addition of volatile fluid compo-
nents such as water and carbon dioxide. This kind of metasomatism is commonly
Metamorphic Rocks 153

connected with the flow of hot water. For example, magmatic intrusions may re- Contact

lease hot fluids that flow into the surrounding country rock. Consequently, minerals Temperature
that are stable in the new chemical environment crystallize. Many types of metal-

lic ore deposits are created by metasomatism. Because of the importance of hot


water in the formation of such metasomatic rocks, the process is also known as


r ia

hydrothermal alteration. Veins of white milky quartz are a common expression of

the mobility of water in metamorphic rocks. The quartz crystallized from a fluid Impact
Shear Regional Pressure
flowing through a fracture. Gold or other valuable minerals may also crystallize
with the quartz. Stress
The circulation of hot seawater through cold oceanic crust probably produces
more metasomatic rocks than all other processes combined. Ocean ridge meta-
morphism converts olivine and pyroxene into hydrated silicates, including ser- Fluids
pentine, chlorite, and talc (see Figure 6.19). This is the most characteristic kind of
metamorphism in the oceanic crust. As much as one-fourth of the oceanic crust is
metamorphosed in this way. This example shows that several different factors, in FIGURE 6.7 Metamorphism is caused
this case an increase in temperature and a change in fluids, may be involved in a by changes in temperature, pressure, fluid
single metamorphic environment (Figure 6.7). composition, or strong deformation.
Different metamorphic environments
involve one or more of these factors.
Deformation Regional metamorphism lies within the
tetrahedron because all four factors are
You have seen that changes in temperature, confining pressure, and fluid propor- important. (Modified after M.G. Best, 2003)
tions can cause new minerals to crystallize while a rock is still in the solid state. In
addition, deformation of rock can also cause metamorphism. The result is pre-
served in the grain-to-grain relationshipsthe texture. In many tectonic settings,
there is directed or differential stress that acts to shorten and compress the rock,
or, alternatively, to lengthen and extend the rock. In other words, the forces on the
rock are not equal in all directions. Differential stress is usually the result of hor-
izontal compression at zones of plate convergence or collision. At high tempera-
ture or confining pressure, a rock becomes ductile and may be deformed slowly if
such a differential stress is applied. Mineral grains may move, rotate, or flatten,
but more commonly new grains actually grow in new orientations. At low pres-
sure or rapid rates of deformation, mineral grains may be strongly sheared. De-
formation reorients mineral grains and forms a new rock texture.

Differential Stress. Perhaps the most obvious sign of differential pressure is the
distinct orientation of grains of platy minerals such as mica and chlorite. An
important result of metamorphic deformation is the alignment and elongation of
minerals in the direction of least stress (Figure 6.8). Because many metamorphic
rocks form during deformation where stresses are not uniformly oriented, they
develop textures in which the mineral grains have strongly preferred orientations
(Figure 6.9). This orientation may impart a distinctly planar element to the rock,
known as foliation (Latin folium, leaf, hence splitting into leaflike layers).The
planar structure can result from the alignment of platy minerals, such as mica and
chlorite, or from alternating layers having different minerals (gneissic foliation).
Everything else being equal, the grain sizes in foliated rocks increase with the
intensity of metamorphism; that is, they depend on the temperature and confining
pressure. Grains range from microscopic to very coarse.
Foliation is a good record of rock deformation. It usually forms during recrys-
tallization associated with regional horizontal compression. In most foliated meta-
morphic rocks, the mineral alignment is nearly perpendicular to the direction of
compressional stress. The orientation of foliation, therefore, is closely related to Development of Foliation
the large folds and structural patterns of rocks. This relationship commonly ex-
tends from the largest folds down to microscopic structures. For instance, the fo-
liation in slate is generally oriented parallel to the hinge planes of the folds, which
can be many kilometers apart. A slice of the rock viewed under a microscope
shows small wrinkles and folds having the same orientation as the larger structures
mapped in the field.
154 Chapter 6

Stress Stress

Granite Gneiss

(A) The minerals in this granite crystallized (B) Micas in this gneiss grew perpendicular to the
from a melt and in absence of directed stress. directed stress. A granite was metamorphosed and
Crystals grew freely in all directions. developed a foliation to become a gneiss.

FIGURE 6.8 Foliation develops in metamorphic rocks when platy minerals grow. Minerals such as mica grow
perpendicular to the applied stress. For example, during compression, the foliation will be perpendicular to the
directed stress. (Courtesy of Cold Spring Granite Company)

Foliation is actually caused by several different mechanisms. For example, dur-

ing solid state recrystallization platy minerals grow to become elongate perpen-
dicular to the directed stressgrowth is enhanced where the pressure is lowest.
Some grains are also rotated during deformation to become aligned, like logs float-
ing in a stream. Some ductile grains are also flattened by compression.
Shear stress is a distinctive type of differential stress which causes one part of
a material to move laterally past another part: you can shear a deck of cards on a
table by moving your hand parallel to the table. Intense shearing forms a group of
relatively rare metamorphic rocks with textures formed by the destruction of grains
rather than their growth.This type of rock may form in a tectonic shear zone where
two walls of a fracture grind past one anther at very high confining pressure. The
progressive destruction of grain shapes and reduction of grain sizes is character-
istic of this type of deformation. The shearing dismembers and destroys preexist-
ing mineral grains to make a very fine-grained rock called mylonite (Greek mylon,
to mill). A microscope may be required to see the intensely strained individual
grains (Figure 6.9B). Most mylonites form by pervasive ductile flow of solid rock
(Greek mylon, to mill). During deformation, zones of slippage develop within
individual grains to allow them to flow. At high temperature, the rock deforms
much like soft taffy. At lower temperatures, at which the deformation is dominat-
ed by brittle breakage, mylonitic rocks grade into tectonic breccias that have frag-
ments with angular margins.
Metamorphic Rocks 155

Uniform Stress. Not all metamorphic rocks are foliated. Some metamorphic rocks
form where the stress is fairly uniform in all directions and so no planar texture
develops.The resulting texture is best described as granular, or, simply, nonfoliated.
If the rocks have micas or other platy minerals, they are randomly oriented. For
example, during contact metamorphism, there are no strong differential stresses
and the metamorphic rocks are not strongly deformed.
The texture of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks reveals some of the results of
crystallization in the solid state. Typical grains are polygonal, reflecting the mutu-
al growth and competition for space. Grain boundaries are relatively straight, and
triple junctions are common. The growth of quartz during the metamorphism of
sandstone shows this kind of texture (Figure 6.9C). A familiar example of this
process is the growth of bread rolls as they bake in an oven.The outlines of the rolls
become polygonal as they expand against one another, and they have straight
boundaries; triple junctions occur where three rolls meet. (A) Strongly foliated schist with aligned
grains of chlorite that grew in a differential
stress field during contraction.


The two major groups of metamorphic rocksfoliated and nonfoliated

are further subdivided based on the basis of mineral composition. The major
types of foliated rocks are slate, schist, gneiss, and mylonite. Important
nonfoliated rocks are quartzite, marble, hornfels, greenstone, and granulite.

Because of the great variety of original rock types and the variation in the kinds
and degrees of metamorphism, many types of metamorphic rocks have been rec-
ognized. A simple classification of metamorphic rocks, largely based on texture, is
usually sufficient for beginning students. The major rock names can then be qual-
ified by prefixes listing the important minerals.

Foliated Rocks (B) Mylonites have grains that reflect

destruction by shearing. The fine grains
Slate is a very fine-grained metamorphic rock, generally produced by the low- formed by crushing and shearing of larger
grade metamorphism of shale. It is characterized by excellent foliation, known grains, such as the large quartz grain.
as slaty cleavage, in which the planar element of the rock is a series of surfaces
along which the rock can be easily split (Figure 6.10A). Slaty cleavage is produced
by the parallel alignment of minute flakes of platy minerals, such as mica, chlo-
rite, and talc. Zeolites also form in these low-grade rocks. The mineral grains are
too small to be obvious without a microscope, but the parallel arrangement of
small grains develops innumerable parallel planes of weakness, so the rock can be
split into smooth slabs. Because of this property, slate has been used for black-
boards and as roof and floor tiles.
Slaty cleavage should not be confused with the bedding planes of the parent
rock. It is completely independent of the original (relict) bedding and common-
ly cuts across the original planes of sedimentary stratification. Relict bedding can
be rather obscure in slates, but it is often expressed by textural changes resulting
from interbedded, thin layers of sand or silt. Excellent foliation can develop in the
shale part of the sedimentary sequence, in which clay minerals are abundant and
are easily altered to mica. In thick layers of quartz sandstone, however, the slaty (C) Nonfoliated texture resulting from
cleavage plane is generally poorly developed. Metamorphism of some volcanic se- growth without deformation. Solid-state
quences also produces slate. growth produces polygonal grains with
A phyllite is a metamorphic rock with essentially the same composition as a abundant triple junctions.
slate, but the micaceous minerals are larger and impart a definite luster to the
rocks plane of foliation. The large mineral grains result from enhanced growth FIGURE 6.9 Metamorphic textures
range widely, but all indicate
at higher temperature and pressure than for slate. Like slates, most phyllites form
crystallization in the solid state, as
from rocks that were originally shales. illustrated by these thin sections. Each
view is 3 mm across.
(A) Slate is a fine-grained foliated rock. The foliation usually cuts (D) Quartzite is a nonfoliated metamorphic rock derived from quartz-
across sedimentary bedding. rich sandstone.

(B) Schist is a strongly foliated metamorphic rock with abundant (E) Metaconglomerate often displays highly elongated clasts.
platy minerals, usually muscovite or chlorite.

(C) Gneiss has a foliation defined by alternating layers of light (F) Marble is limestone that recrystallized during metamorphism. It
(mostly feldspar and quartz) and dark (mafic silicates) layers. The consists of mostly calcite.
layers do not conform to preexisting sedimentary beds.

FIGURE 6.10 The major metamorphic rocks include foliated (AC) and nonfoliated (DF) varieties shown in their actual sizes.

Metamorphic Rocks 157

Schist is a strongly foliated rock ranging in texture from medium-grained to

coarse-grained. Foliation results from the parallel arrangement of relatively large
grains of platy minerals, such as mica, chlorite, talc, and hematite, and is called
schistosity. The mineral grains are large enough to be identified with the unaided
eye and produce an obvious planar structure because of their overlapping sub- How does foliation differ from
parallel arrangement (Figure 6.10B). The foliation of schist differs from that of
slate mainly in the size of the crystals. The term schistosity comes from the Greek
schistos, meaning divided or divisible.As the name implies, rocks with this type
of foliation break readily along the cleavage planes of the parallel platy minerals.
The mineral composition provides a basis for subdividing schists into many va-
rieties, such as chlorite schist, mica schist, and amphibole schist. In addition to the
platy minerals, significant quantities of quartz, feldspar, garnet, amphibole, silli- Recrystallization and
manite, graphite, and other minerals occur in schist. The mineral proportions are Melting
largely controlled by the original composition of the rock. Parent rock types include
basalt, granite, shale, and tuff.
Schists result from a higher grade of regional metamorphism than the type that
produces slates. Schists are one of the most abundant metamorphic rock types.
Gneiss is a coarse-grained, granular metamorphic rock in which foliation re-
sults from alternating layers of light and dark minerals, or gneissic layering (Fig-
ure 6.10C).The composition of most gneisses is similar to that of granite.The major
minerals are quartz, feldspar, and mafic minerals such as biotite and amphibole.
Feldspar commonly is abundant and, together with quartz, forms light-colored
(white or pink) layers of polygonal grains. Mica, amphibole, and other mafic min-
erals form dark layers. Gneissic layering can be highly contorted because of de-
formation during recrystallization. When struck with a rock hammer, gneiss gen-
erally fractures across the layers, or planes of foliation, but where micas are
abundant, it can break along the foliation.
Gneiss forms during high-grade metamorphism, and in some areas it grades
into partially molten rock if the temperature of initial melting is reached (Figure
6.11). Such a rock that is partly igneous and partly metamorphic is known as
migmatite (Greek migma, mixed). Migmatites are commonly deformed and
have thin dikes or sills. The migmatites may even grade into completely igneous
rocks, such as granite.
The mineral composition of gneisses is varied because the possible parent rocks
are so different from one another. Gneiss can form as the highest grade of meta-
morphism of shales, but more commonly the parents were plutonic and volcanic
igneous rocks such as granite and basalt. For example, biotite gneiss is commonly
derived from granite. Metasedimentary gneisses typically have garnet and other
aluminum-rich silicates. Metamorphism of basalt or gabbro produces amphibolite
gneisses, coarse-grained mafic rocks composed chiefly of amphibole and plagio-
clase. Because of the abundance of basalt, amphibolite is a fairly common meta-
morphic rock. Most amphibolites have a distinctive lineation caused by the align-
ment of elongate grains of amphibole. Some amphibolites develop a true foliation
if mica or other platy minerals are abundant, but many are more or less massive
with little foliation.
Mylonite is the hard, fine-grained metamorphic rock with a streaked or weak-
ly foliated texture formed by intense shearing. Less-deformed, larger grains may
survive as relicts embedded in a sheared groundmass. Very fine-grained mylonite
forms sheetlike bodies that appear to be as structureless as chert, but the streaked
and lineated appearance hints at its true origin. Mylonites form in shear zones in FIGURE 6.11 Migmatite is a mixed
metamorphic and igneous rock. The light-
folded mountain belts and along transform fault plate boundaries. colored pods and layers crystallized from
granitic magma, and the darker zones consist
Nonfoliated Rocks of metamorphic rock rich in mafic minerals.
Migmatite may form if the temperature and
Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks can form in two different ways. Some form by re- pressure are high enough to cause partial
crystallization in a uniform stress field. Others, probably most, lack a foliation melting.
158 Chapter 6

because they are made of minerals that are equant in shape and not platy like
micas and chlorite. For example, quartzite is a metamorphosed, quartz-rich sand-
stone (Figure 6.10D). It is not foliated because quartz grains, the principal con-
Why are some strongly metamorphosed stituents, do not form platy crystals. The individual grains commonly form a tight
rocks not foliated? mass, so the rock breaks across the grains as easily as it breaks around them.
Nonetheless, some sedimentary structures survive metamorphism, including cross-
bedding and grain size variations. Pure quartzite is white or light-colored, but iron
oxide and other minerals often impart various tones of red, brown, green, and
other colors.
Metaconglomerate is not an abundant metamorphic rock. It is important in
some areas, however, and illustrates the degree to which a rock can be deformed
in the solid state. Under differential stress, individual pebbles are stretched into a
mass that shows distinctive linear fabric (Figure 6.10E).
Marble is metamorphosed limestone or dolostone. Calcite, the major con-
stituent of the parent rocks, is equidimensional, so marble is usually not foliat-
ed (Figure 6.10F). The grains are commonly large and compactly interlocked,
forming a dense rock. The purest marbles are snow white, but many marbles con-
tain a small percentage of minerals other than calcite that were present in the
original sedimentary rock. These impurities result in streaks or bands and, when
abundant, may impart a variety of colors to the marble. Thus, marbles may ex-
hibit a range of colors including white, green, red, brown, and black. Because of
its coloration and softness, marble is a popular building and monument stone.
Most marbles occur in areas of regional metamorphism where metamorphosed
sedimentary rocks include schists and phyllites. Impure marbles contain a wide
variety of other minerals.
Hornfels is a fine-grained, nonfoliated metamorphic rock that is very hard and
dense. A lack of differential stress is the main reason these rocks are not foliated.
Platy minerals, such as mica, can be present but they have random orientations.
Commonly, grains of high-temperature minerals are present. Hornfelses are usu-
ally fine-grained and dark-colored and may resemble basalt, dark chert (flint), or
even dark, fine-grained limestone.They result from thermal metamorphism of the
wall rocks around igneous intrusions. The parent rock is usually shale.
Low-grade metamorphism converts the minerals in mafic igneous rocks
(plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine) to new minerals such as chlorite, epidote, and
serpentine that are stable at low temperatures (about 200 to 450C) and in the
presence of water. Because these abundant minerals are characteristically green,
metamorphosed mafic rocks such as basalt have come to be called greenstones.
These fine-grained rocks commonly lack pronounced foliation because of the low
grade of metamorphism. Moreover, most greenstones form where differential
stresses are absent. For example, much of the oceanic crust is metamorphosed by
How are the different types of metamor-
the interaction of hot water circulating passively through basaltic lava flows at an
phic rocks distinguished and classified?
ocean ridge. Ancient greenstone belts in the continental shields record the low-
grade metamorphism of basaltic lavas or incorporation of slivers of oceanic crust
into a deformed mountain belt.
On the opposite end of the metamorphic spectrum, high-grade metamorphism
produces a distinctly granular rock called granulite. Minerals that lack water, such
as pyroxene and garnet, are characteristic of granulites; other common minerals
include feldspars and quartz. Their parent rocks range from sedimentary to many
kinds of igneous rocks. The most important implication of granulites is the ex-
tremely intense metamorphism that is required in their formation. Such high
temperatures and confining pressures are achieved only in the lowermost parts
of the continental crust. They cause micas to break down; the replacement of platy
micas with equigranular pyroxene, garnet, and feldspar creates the unique texture
of granulite. Granulite may form at temperatures as high as 700 to 800C.
Metamorphic Rocks 159

Parent Material for Metamorphic Rocks

The origin of metamorphic rocks is complicated and presents some challenging
problems of interpretation. A single-parent rock can be changed into a variety of
metamorphic rocks, depending on the grade of metamorphism and the type of de-
formation. For example, shale can be changed to a variety of metamorphic rock
types, including slate, schist, gneiss (Figure 6.12) or even migmatite, if it gets hot
enough. Contact metamorphism may also convert shale into hornfels. Alterna-
tively, shale may be deformed to make mylonite if it is strongly sheared. Gneiss can
form from many different kinds of rocks, such as shale, granite, or rhyolite. The
chart in Figure 6.13, which relates parent rocks and metamorphic conditions to
metamorphic rock types, gives a generalized picture of the origin of common meta-
morphic rocks.


Regional metamorphism involves large-scale recrystallization. The meta-

morphosed rocks commonly show mineralogic zones that reflect the dif-
ferences in metamorphic grade (temperature and pressure) across the region.

Regional metamorphism involves large-scale changes in thick masses of rock in

which major recrystallization and structural adjustments occurred in ancient oro-
genic belts. Regional metamorphic rocks commonly show systematic changes from
place to placemetamorphic zonesthat reflect large gradients in temperature
and confining pressure. These gradients are correlated with depth and distance
from ancient heat sources. By mapping zones of differing grade, geologists can lo-
cate the central and marginal parts of ancient mountain belts and infer something
about ancient interactions between tectonic plates.
One type of metamorphic zonation can be defined because of the occurrence
of certain index mineralsa mineral that forms at a specific metamorphic grade.
For the metamorphism of shale, a typical sequence of index minerals that reveals
the transition from low-grade to high-grade metamorphism is chlorite, biotite, gar-
net, staurolite, kyanite, and sillimanite. Each index mineral is stable over a narrow
range of temperature and pressure, thus characterizing a particular grade of meta-
morphism. Figure 6.14 is a phase diagram showing stability fields for the index
minerals produced during metamorphism of shale. For example, with increasing
metamorphic gradechiefly an increase in temperature shown by the arrow
chlorite breaks down and is replaced by biotite, then garnet, staurolite, kyanite,
and, ultimately, sillimanite appear. These changes in mineral composition may be
accompanied by textural changes from phyllite to slate to schist to gneiss.
Index minerals are not as useful for indicating metamorphic grade if the com-


Homogeneous Slaty cleavage Conspicuous foliation Layering

Clay minerals Microscopic mica grains Large mica grains Large feldspars
and micas
Crystal growth

Intensity of metamorphism

FIGURE 6.12 The metamorphism of shale can involve a series of steps, depending on the intensity of temperature and
pressure. Shale can change to slate, schist, or even gneiss.
160 Chapter 6

Original Intensity of metamorphism position of the rocks varies across a region. For example, a limestone and a shale
rock metamorphosed under exactly the same conditions would have different stable
Shale Slate
minerals. In this case, metamorphic zonation can be defined on the basis of a group
of associated minerals formed under specific metamorphic conditions. The dis-
Rhyolite Schist
tinctive group of minerals, known as a metamorphic facies, is named after a char-
acteristic rock or mineral type (Figure 6.15). Each metamorphic facies is defined
Granite Gneiss
by the assemblage of minerals found in rocks of diverse composition but of simi-
lar metamorphic grade. In this way, the metamorphosed limestone and the shale
Basalt Amphibolite could be assigned to the same metamorphic facies by considering the whole range
of minerals that could be produced under similar conditions of temperature and
Limestone Marble pressure.
Figure 6.16 shows the major metamorphic facies in relation to variations in con-
Sandstone Quartzite fining pressure and temperature. The boundaries between the facies are grada-
tional because of the complex nature of mineral reactions.The implications of each
Conglomerate Metaconglomerate facies can be understood by tracing the metamorphic gradients shown by the ar-
rows. For example, contact metamorphism around shallow intrusions follows the
FIGURE 6.13 The source rocks for upper, low-pressure path.
common metamorphic rocks are varied. In
some cases, such as quartzite, marble, and
Most metamorphic rocks formed in folded mountain belts, however, recrystal-
metaconglomerate, the nature of the original lized along the middle path. The zeolite facies represents metamorphism at low
rocks is easily determined. In other cases, temperature and pressure and is transitional from the changes in sediment result-
such as schist and gneiss, it is difficult and ing from compaction and cementation. The low temperature and pressure pro-
sometimes impossible to determine the type duce zeolite minerals. With a further increase in temperature and pressure, these
of source rock. This simplified flowchart
shows the origin of some of the common
minerals are soon altered as water is driven out of the mineral structure. The set
metamorphic rocks. of minerals characteristic of the greenschist facies then forms at moderate pressure
and still fairly low temperature. This low-grade facies is typified by the minerals
chlorite, talc, serpentine, muscovite, sodic plagioclase, and quartz (Figure 6.17).
The rocks are characteristically green because they have abundant green miner-
alschlorite, talc, and serpentine. If temperature increases further along the mid-
dle curve in Figure 6.16, the minerals of the amphibolite facies form: in many types
What features of a rock indicate of rocks hornblende (a type of amphibole) forms. With a further increase in tem-
zones of different degrees of meta- perature (above 650C), the minerals of the granulite facies form. Pyroxene is an
morphism? important mineral in this facies, along with sillimanite and garnetdepending on
the original composition of the rock. The granulite facies represents the highest

0 0


Pressure (kb)

Depth (km)


Ch B


lo Melt +


r it




10 30
200 400 600 800
Temperature (C)

FIGURE 6.14 Metamorphic index minerals show the grade of metamorphism and are related
to temperature and pressure. The arrow shows a typical change from lower to higher grades at a
given depth. The sequence of index minerals for a metamorphosed shale will commonly be chlorite,
biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, and sillimanite.
Metamorphic Rocks 161

grade of metamorphism wherein most hydrous minerals like micas and amphi-
boles are not stable. Under these conditions, melting may occur and magma may
be produced.
The pressure-temperature path traced by the lowermost arrow produces a dif-
ferent sequence of metamorphic facies. In this case, temperature rises slowly with
depth (pressure) and rocks of the blueschist facies form, so called because of the
characteristic blue amphiboles that form under these conditions (Figure 6.18). Dis-
tinctive blue-green pyroxenes also form.With further increase in temperature and
pressure, the blueschist facies grades into the eclogite facies, consisting of feldspar-
free rocks with pyroxene and garnet with granular textures. This high pressure-
low temperature path is followed by cold oceanic crust as it is subducted deep
within the mantle. VT


Most metamorphic rocks develop because of plate collision deep in the
roots of folded mountain belts. Subduction zone metamorphism occurs
and high pressure but relatively low temperature. Ocean ridges, transform
faults, and continental rift zones also develop distinctive types of
metamorphic rocks. RI

We can never observe metamorphic processes in action because they occur deep
within the crust. In the laboratory, however, we can study how minerals react to
changes in temperature and pressure that simulate the conditions under which Metamorphic Facies
metamorphism occurs. These laboratory studies, together with field observations grade Greenschist facies
and studies of texture and composition, provide the rationale for interpreting meta-
morphic rocks in the framework of plate tectonics. Figure 6.19 summarizes some Amphibolite facies
of the major ideas concerning the relationships of metamorphic rocks to plate High Granulite facies
0 50 100

Hornfels km
L o w P /T
2 FIGURE 6.15 Regional metamorphic
gradients are displayed across large areas, as

Zeolite 10
shown in this map of New England.
of g

4 M edium P/T Distinctive groups of minerals (facies) with

Greenschist different stability ranges show the pressures

Granulite and temperatures of peak metamorphism.
Pressure (kb)

Depth (km)


M e lti n g c

Compare the zonation with the phase

diagram shown in Figure 6.16. This region

once formed the roots of an ancient

mountain belt before uplift and erosion
of meta

30 exposed it to the surface.


12 Eclogite

Hi 40
gh Melt

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Temperature (C)

FIGURE 6.16 Metamorphic facies are defined by a set of minerals stable at a certain
temperature and pressure (depth) and independent of rock composition. The arrows show three
possible paths of metamorphism. If temperature increased moderately with pressure, the sequence of
facies would be zeolite, greenschist, amphibolite, and granulite (the middle arrow). If the increase in
temperature with depth was slight, changes in metamorphic facies would follow the path indicated
by the lower arrow, with the formation of blueschist and then eclogite. Contact metamorphism is
limited to zones of low pressure around shallow igneous intrusions (the upper arrow).
162 Chapter 6

FIGURE 6.17 Greenschist facies rocks are characteristic of FIGURE 6.18 Blueschist facies rocks are characteristic of
low-grade metamorphism. The green color indicates an abundance of metamorphism in subduction zones. The distinctive blue mineral is a
green mineralschlorite, talc, serpentine, and epidote. Greenschist type of amphibole that is stable at high pressure but relatively low
facies conditions are typical of ocean ridge metamorphism. temperature.

tectonics. According to the theory of plate tectonics, high confining pressures can
be produced by tectonic burial at convergent plate boundaries. Temperatures are
high near zones of magma intrusion or at great depth. Deformation and shearing
occur where plates collide or where they slide past each other along fault zones and
in deep subduction zones.
Regional metamorphism is best developed in the deep roots of folded moun-
tain belts, which form at convergent plate boundaries. Recrystallization tends to
produce nearly vertical foliations in a long belt parallel to the margins of the con-
verging plates and perpendicular to the applied stress. Different kinds of meta-
morphic rocks are generated from different parent materials: sand, shale, and lime-
stone along continental margins are converted into quartzite, schist or gneiss, and
Is there only one kind of metamor- marble; volcanic sediments and lava flows in island arcs change into greenstones,
phism at convergent plate margins? gneisses and amphibolites; and mixtures of deep-marine sediments and oceanic
basalt from the oceanic crust in the subduction zone are converted into schists,
amphibolites, and gneisses.
After the stresses from the converging plates are spent, erosion of the mountain
belt occurs, and the mountain roots rise because of isostasy. Ultimately, the deep
roots and their complex metamorphic rocks are exposed at the surface, forming a
new segment of continental crust. Although the return of the root to the surface
involves changes in confining pressure and temperature, metamorphic reaction
rates are low because the changes are toward lower temperatures.Therefore, many
high-grade metamorphic rocks reach the surface as metastable relicts, little changed
from the peak in metamorphic temperatures and pressures. The entire process
takes several hundred million years. Repetition of this process causes the continents
to grow larger with each mountain-building event.The belts of metamorphic rocks
in the shields are thus considered to be the record of ancient continental collisions
(see Figure 6.3).
Close to a subduction zone, sediments that have accumulated on the seafloor,
together with fragments of basaltic oceanic crust, may be scraped off the descending
plate. Locally, these rocks are crushed in a chaotic mass of deep-sea sediment,
oceanic basalt, and other rock types. This jumbled association of rocks is called
mlange (French for mixture). Slices of this material are apparently dragged to
great depth by the relatively cold subducting slab, where they recrystallize along
the high pressure-low temperature path in Figure 6.16. The basalt in deeply
subducted oceanic crust may convert to dense garnet-bearing eclogite. These
Metamorphic Rocks 163

Low P/T
Seafloor metamorphism (Low P/T) Medium P/T
High P/T
Cold sea water


0 50
Rising Rising
hot water Magma hot water km

Metamorphic Facies
Continental crust

FIGURE 6.19 The origin of metamorphic rocks is strongly linked to plate tectonics. Oceanic crust is dragged deep into the mantle along a
subduction zone to form blueschists. In the deep mountain roots, high temperatures and high pressures occur and develop schists and gneisses. Contact
metamorphism develops around the margins of igneous intrusions. ocean ridge metamorphism is caused by the circulation of seawater through hot
basaltic rocks of the ocean floor.

metamorphic rocks then return rapidly to the surface as a mixed broken up mass
that includes blueschist facies metamorphic rocks in a mlange. Farther inland
from the subduction zone, in the mountain root, moderate-pressure and high-tem-
perature metamorphism occurs, forming rocks of the greenschist, amphibolite, and
granulite facies (Figure 6.19).
Mylonites can be produced by shearing along fracture zones developed at con-
vergent plate margins. Shear zones are common in the ancient shields of the con-
tinents, as well as along the transform faults that cut spreading ocean ridges.
Another metamorphic environment that has a distinctive plate tectonic setting What type of metamorphism dominates
is found at and near midoceanic ridges (Figure 6.19). Here, ocean ridge metamor- at divergent plate boundaries on the sea
phism produces low grade metamorphic rocks at low pressure, mostly of the zeo- floor?
lite and greenschist facies. Hot fluids form when cold seawater flows through the
hot igneous rocks near the ridge crest. The basaltic lavas and other rocks of the
crust reequilibrate to form new minerals stable in the hot fluid, and much of the
oceanic crust becomes metamorphosed.
Much smaller volumes of metamorphic rock are probably formed in the lower
part of the crust at continental rift zones and above mantle plumes (Figure 6.19).
High temperatures may be produced by the intrusion of mantle-derived magmas
into the crust and by the rise of hot mantle below the rift zone. In this way, a small
fraction of the lowermost continental crust may become metamorphosed in di-
vergent rather than convergent environments.
GeoLogic The Black Canyon of the Gunnison

Metamorphism in Subduction causes

roots of ancient folding, thrusting,
mountain belt and magma generation.
Consequently, pressure
and temperature increase.

A remarkable sequence of metamorphic rocks is exposed Interpretations

in the steep walls of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison Even a beginning geologist can use these facts to make a
River in Colorado. Here, the characteristics of metamorphic logical interpretation of the ancient history. More than 1.7
rocks are there for all to see. billion years ago, sedimentary rocks were deposited in an
ancient ocean basin.These rocks were gradually buried to a
Observations depth of perhaps 15 km where the temperature was about
1. The canyon walls are made of high-grade metamorphic 600 to 700 C (indicated by the presence of garnet and stau-
rock such as schist and gneiss. rolite, Figure 6.14). This dramatic change in pressure and
2. The foliation of the metamorphic rocks results from temperature caused the minerals in the sedimentary rock
aligned grains of muscovite and biotite in schist and by to be unstable; they recrystallized to form new minerals and
bands of different composition in gneiss. new foliated textures. Compression folded and deformed
3. Locally, beds of quartzite or layers with different grain the hot rocks. Platy minerals grew perpendicular to the ap-
size and texture reveal that these high grade metamor- plied stress. Locally, the temperature was so high that the
phic rocks were once beds of sedimentary rocks. rocks melted and formed magma that rose and was inject-
4. Careful mapping of the walls also shows that there are a ed into fractures and then cooled to become dikes.
multitude of folds and shear zones. What tectonic environment could produce such profound
5. Radiometric dating shows that the metamorphic minerals change? As we look into the Black Canyon are we seeing the
crystallized about 1.7 billion years ago. roots of an ancient folded mountain belt formed billions of
6. The metamorphic rocks are cut by thin light-colored years ago at a convergent plate margin? Although the con-
granitic dikes. verging plates have long since disappeared, the evidence in
the rocks remains to be seen today.

Metamorphic Rocks 165

amphibolite (p. 157) granulite (p. 158) metaconglomerate (p. 158) orogenic metamorphism
amphibolite facies (p. 160) granulite facies (p. 160) metamorphic facies (p. 160) (p. 152)
blueschist facies (p. 161) greenschist facies (p. 160) metamorphic rock (p. 146) phyllite (p. 155)
confining pressure (p. 152) greenstone (p. 158) metamorphism (p. 146) plastic deformation (p. 148)
contact metamorphism (p. 150) high-grade (p. 152) metasomatism (p. 152) quartzite (p. 158)
ductile (p. 153) hornfels (p. 158) metastable (p. 150) regional metamorphism (p. 152)
differential stress (p. 153) hydrothermal alteration (p. 153) migmatite (p. 157) schist (p. 157)
eclogite facies (p. 161) index mineral (p. 159) mylonite (p. 154) schistosity (p. 157)
foliation (p. 153) low-grade (p. 152) nonfoliated (p. 155) slate (p. 155)
gneiss (p. 157) marble (p. 158) ocean ridge metamorphism slaty cleavage (p. 155)
gneissic foliation (p. 153) mlange (p. 162) (p. 153) zeolite facies (p. 160)

1. What causes metamorphic reactions? 8. Make a generalized flowchart showing the origin of the
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of metamorphic common metamorphic rocks.
rocks with those of igneous and sedimentary rocks. 9. Draw an idealized diagram of converging plates to illustrate
3. What important variables cause changes associated with re- the origin of regional metamorphic rocks.
gional metamorphism? With contact metamorphism? With 10. What type of metamorphic rock would result if zeolite fa-
ocean ridge metamorphism? cies rocks were subjected to temperatures of about 800C
4. Make a series of sketches showing the changes in texture at a depth of 15 km as a result of tectonic processes?
that occur with regional metamorphism of (a) slate, 11. You find the mineral sillimanite in a regional (orogenic)
(b) sandstone, (c) conglomerate, and (d) marble. metamorphic gneiss. To what metamorphic facies does it be-
5. Contrast the texture of a schist and a mylonite. What ac- long?
counts for the textural differences? 12. How does ocean ridge metamorphism change the composi-
6. Define foliation and explain the characteristics of tion of oceanic crust? What does this imply about the com-
(a) slaty cleavage, (b) schistosity, (c) gneissic layering, and position of subducted oceanic crust?
(d) mylonitic texture. 13. What evidence do you see that metamorphic crystallization
7. Describe the major types of metamorphic rocks. takes place in the solid state without melting?

Best, M. G. 2003. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Boston: Miyashiro, A. 1994. Metamorphic Petrology. New York: Oxford
Blackwell. University Press.
Blatt, H., and R. Tracy. 1996. Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary, Philpotts, A. R. 1990. Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic
and Metamorphic, 2nd ed. New York: Freeman. Petrology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Bucher, K., and M. Frey. 1994. Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Yardley, B. W. D., W. S. Mackenzie, and C. Guilford. 1990. Atlas of
Rocks, 6th ed. New York: Springer-Verlag. Metamorphic Rocks and Their Textures. New York: Wiley.
Kretz, R. 1994. Metamorphic Crystallization. New York: Wiley.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of metamorphism
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Video clips of showing metamorphic recrystallization and
Quantitative Problems eventual melting of simple metamorphic systems
Critical Thinking Exercises Slide shows with metamorphic rocks and structures
Web Resources A direct link to the Companion Website
7 Structure of
Rock Bodies
Although many people think that Earths crust is permanent and fixed, evidence of crustal
movement comes in many forms and is there for all to see. In the Mediterranean area, some
ancient harbors, such as Ephesus in Asia Minor, are now high and dry, several kilometers inland
from the sea. Other ancient shorelines have been submerged well below low tide. Earthquakes
are perhaps the most convincing evidence that the crust is moving. During earthquakes, the
crust not only vibrates, but segments of it are fractured and displaced along a fault. One impres-
sive example was the movement along the San Andreas Fault during the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake, which offset fences and roads by as much as 7 m. Another is the 1899 earthquake at
Yakutat Bay,Alaska, during which a beach was uplifted 15 m above sea level.The raised beach
terraces along the coast of southern California also testify to crustal movement in prehistoric
times.There, ancient wave-cut cliffs and terracescontaining remnants of beaches with barna-
cles, shells, and sandrise in a series of steps more than 500 m above the present shore.
Since the beginning of geologic studies more than 200 years ago, geologists have shown
that rock layers in certain parts of the continents are folded, fractured, and deformed on a

gigantic scale. The large-scale shape, geometry, and deformation of rock bodies are part of
what we call their structure.
Deformation of the crust is most intense in the great mountain belts of the world, where
sedimentary rocks, which were originally horizontal and below sea level, are now folded,
contorted, fractured, and, in some places, completely overturned. In some mountains, large
bodies of rock have been thrust several tens of kilometers over younger strata.The folded
rocks in the worlds major mountain belts (the Appalachians, the Rockies, the Andes, the
Himalayas, the Urals, and the Alps) all exemplify this type of deformation. These folded
and warped rock layers testify to the continuing motion of the lithosphere and the defor-
mation it produces.
Spectacular examples of structural deformation are found in the large flexures of folded
mountain belts. In the photo above of Borah Peak, Idaho, the sedimentary rock layers were
originally deposited on the seafloor, but were uplifted more than four kilometers above sea
level and deformed into anticlines and synclines by horizontal compression at a convergent
plate margin. Erosion has cut through the flexures to reveal their internal structure.
The extensive deformation of rock bodies in the shields and mountain belts shows that
Earths tectonic system has operated throughout geologic time, with shifting plates con-
stantly deforming at their margins. In this chapter we examine how and why rocks deform,
how we describe deformed rocks, and then give specific examples of deformed rock bodies.

1. Deformation of Earths crust is well documented in historical times by earth-
quakes along faults, by raised beach terraces, and by deformed rock bodies.
2. Rocks deform when applied stress exceeds their strength. They may deform
by ductile flow or brittle fracture. Extensional stress causes rocks to stretch
and thin. Contractional stress causes rocks to shorten and thicken.
3. Joints are fractures in rocks along which there is no horizontal or vertical
4. Faults are fractures, along which slippage or displacement has occurred. The
three basic types are (a) normal faults, (b) thrust faults, and (c) strike-slip faults.
5. Folds in rock strata range in size from microscopic wrinkles to large structures
hundreds of kilometers long. The major types of folds are (a) domes and
basins, (b) plunging anticlines and synclines, and (c) complex folds.


Rocks deform in response to differential stress. The resulting structure

depends on the stress orientation. At high temperatures, ductile flow of
rocks occurs. At low temperatures, brittle fractures form.

The folds and faults exposed in canyon walls and mountain ranges show that crustal
rocks can be deformed on large scales and in dramatic ways (Figure 7.1). But why
are some rocks warped into great folds and others only fractured or faulted? Why
are some only gently folded, whereas others are complexly folded and faulted? In
short, what factors control the type of deformation that rocks experience?
To understand this, you need to understand the forces on rocks. Force applied
to an area is stress. Stress is the same thing as pressure and is a measure of the in-
tensity of the force or of how concentrated the force is. Everyday experience tells
us that solids will bend or break if too much stress is placed on them; that is, they
deform if the stress exceeds their strength (their natural resistance to deforma-
tion). Rocks behave in the same way and deform in response to the forces applied
to them.
All of Earths rocks are under some type of stress, but in many situations the
stress is equal in all directions and the rocks are not deformed. In many tectonic
How are solid rocks deformed? settings, however, the magnitude of stress is not the same in all directions and rocks
experience differential stress. As a result, the rocks yield to the unequal stress and
deform by changing shape or position. Geologists call the change in shape strain.
In other words, differential stress causes strain.
Although strain proceeds by several complex phenomena, two end-member
styles of deformation are recognized, with all gradations between them being pos-
sible. Under some conditions, rock bodies change shape by breaking to form con-
tinuous fractures and they lose cohesion; this is brittle deformation (Figure 7.2).
We commonly see such behavior of solids in our daily experience: Chairs, baseball
bats, pencils, and wooden beams break if too much force is applied to them. On the
other hand, ductile deformation occurs when a rock body deforms permanently
without fracturing or losing cohesion. The most obvious type of ductile deforma-
tion is the viscous flow of fluids, such as molten magma, but solids can also deform
ductilely.At first it may seem strange that solids can flow. But bending of metal pro-
vides a familiar example. Consider sheet metal in a car fender. A minor collision
commonly makes a dent, not a fracture in the fender. Likewise, rocks can flow in
a solid state, under the right conditions. This type of solid state flow is usually called
plastic flow and is accomplished by slow internal creep, gliding on imperfections
in crystals, and recrystallization.
Depending on the temperature or pressure of the surroundings and the rate at
which stress is applied, most types of rocks can deform by brittle fracture or

Structure of Rock Bodies 169

Removed by erosion

FIGURE 7.1 A sequence of inclined

beds striking toward the background and
dipping 40 to the east (left) forms the flank
of the San Rafael Swell, in Utah. The
diagram shows the form of the flexure and
the upper beds, which have been partially
removed by erosion.

ductile flow. Low pressures, low temperatures, and rapid deformation rates favor
brittle deformation (Figure 7.2B). As a result, brittle structures are most common
in the shallow crust. We use the term shear to describe slippage of one block past
another on a fracture. High confining pressures, high temperatures, and low rates
of deformation all favor ductile behavior (Figure 7.2C). Ductile deformation is
more common in the mantle and deeper parts of the crust.Another example of this
difference can be seen in the behavior of glass. When a glass rod is cold, it is strong
and brittle fractures form when enough stress is applied (Figure 7.3). When the What effect does confining pressure
same glass rod is hot but not molten, it is weak and easy to bend. To visualize the have on the style of rock deformation?
role of the rate of deformation, consider taffy (or Silly Putty) as an example. If
warm taffy is pulled slowly and steadily, it is ductile and stretches continuously,
without breaking, to form long, thin strands. On the other hand, if it is stretched
rapidly, it may break and form brittle fractures.
It should be clear which types of rock structures form by ductile deformation
and which form by brittle behavior. The flow of rocks in a solid state to form folds
in metamorphic rocks is a good example of ductile behavior (Chapter 6 Opener).
The formation of fractures, joints, and faults are common expressions of defor-
mation in the brittle regime.

(A) Initial shape (B) Low confining pressure (C) High confining pressure FIGURE 7.2 Brittle versus ductile
behavior of rocks is controlled by external
conditions. These marble cylinders were
compressed in a laboratory under different
confining pressures, but at the same
temperature and with the same deforming
stress. At low pressure, the cylinder
deformed in a brittle fashion and fractured
and faulted. At high pressure, the cylinder
deformed in a ductile fashion as mineral
grains flowed and recrystallized.
170 Chapter 7

FIGURE 7.3 Temperature affects how

solids deform. (Photographs by Stan (A) A cold glass rod deforms by brittle fracture (B) A hot glass rod bends and shows ductile
Macbean) and breaks. behavior without breaking.

We can also better understand rock structures if we consider the orientations

of the stresses acting on a body (Figure 7.4). For example, tension occurs where the
stresses point away from one another and tend to pull the rock body apart. In con-
trast, compression tends to press a body of rocks together. Three distinct types of
deformation occur because of differential stresses caused by tectonic processes
(Figure 7.4). To visualize this, imagine how two adjacent blocks can interact. They
can move away from one another (extension), move toward one another (con-
traction), or slip horizontally past one another (lateral-slip). Obviously, the orien-
tation of the stresses acting on the blocks determines which of the three cases is
dominant. In the simplest case, the stress orientations are directly related to plate
tectonic settings. Extension is caused when the differential stresses point away
from one another (Figure 7.4A). This type of deformation results in lengthening
and is common at divergent boundaries. In brittle rocks it is expressed by fractur-
ing and faulting, and in ductile rocks by stretching and thinning. Contraction is
caused by horizontal compression when the differential stresses are directed toward
one another (Figure 7.4B). Contraction is common at convergent boundaries and
causes shortening and thickening of rock bodies, expressed as faults in brittle rocks
and folds in ductile rocks. Lateral-slip is the kind of shear that occurs when rocks
slide horizontally past one another along nearly vertical fractures and dominates
at transform plate boundaries (Figure 7.4C).

Undeformed layers Undeformed layers Undeformed layers

Extensional stress; Compressional stress; Shear stress;

Stretching and thinning Shortening and thickening Lateral shift

(A) Extension results in stretching rock bodies and (B) Contraction (or horizontal compression) (C) Lateral-slip creates faults as blocks
produces brittle fractures in the upper crust that pass causes shortening and thickening and is of crust slide horizontally past one
downward into ductile zones. manifested in faults and folds. another.

FIGURE 7.4 Extension, contraction, and lateral-slip produce fundamentally different types of structures in rocks. Moreover, each is caused
by different stress orientations and dominates at different plate tectonic settings.
Structure of Rock Bodies 171


The orientation of planar features in rocks, such as bedding planes, faults,

and joints, can be defined by measurements of dip (the downward
inclination of the plane) and strike (the direction or trend of the plane).

Many structural features of the crust are too large to be seen from one point on
the ground. They are recognized only after the geometry of the rock bodies is de-
termined from geologic mapping. At an outcrop, two fundamental observations
dip and strikedescribe the orientations of bedding planes, fault planes, joints,
and other planar features in the rock. The dip of a plane is the angle and direction
of its inclination from the horizontal. The strike is the compass bearing of a hori-
zontal line on the plane, such as a bedding plane or a fault.These two measurements
together define the orientation of the planar surface in space.
The concept of dip and strike can be easily understood by referring to Figure
7.5, which shows an outcrop of tilted beds along a coast. The water provides a nec-
essary reference to a horizontal plane. The trend of the waterline along the bed-
ding plane is the direction of strike. The angle between the bedding plane and the How do we measure the orientation of
water surface is the angle of dip. Figure 7.1 shows a sequence of beds striking south rock bodies, faults, and joints?
(to the top of the picture) and dipping 40 to the east (to the left of the picture).
Another way to visualize dip and strike is to think of the roof of a building. The
dip is the direction and amount of inclination of the roof, and the strike is the trend
of the ridge.
In the field, dip and strike are measured with a geologic compass, which is de-
signed to measure both direction and angle of inclination. A long crossbar shows
the strike, a short line perpendicular to it shows the direction of dip, and the num-
ber represents the angle of dip (Figure 7.5). The symbols provide a way to view a
map in three dimensions and simplify the construction of vertical cross sections
through the crust.
A useful tool to interpret the structure of dipping layers of rock is called the rule
of Vs. Look carefully at the sketch and photo in Figure 7.5. Erosion has cut V-
shaped notches into the resistant layer of rock. Each V points in the direction the
bed dips.

30 St

FIGURE 7.5 The concept of dip and strike can be understood by

studying rock layers such as the ones shown in this photograph. The
strike of a bed is the compass bearing of a horizontal line drawn on the
bedding plane. It can readily be established by reference to the
horizontal waterline in this example. The dip is the angle and direction
of inclination on the bed, measured at right angles to the strike and is
represented with a T-shaped symbol and accompanying dip in degrees.
172 Chapter 7


Joints are tension fractures in brittle rocks along which no shear has
occurred. They form at low pressure and are found in almost every

The simplest and most common structural features of rocks at Earths surface are
cracks or fractures, known as joints, along which little displacement (or slip) has
occurred. Their most important feature is the absence of shear; no movement oc-
curs parallel to the fracture surface. Joints form by the brittle failure of rocks at low
pressure as stress accumulates and exceeds the rocks strength. They do not occur
at random but are usually perpendicular to the direction of tension.
What is the difference between a joint Multiple sets of joints that intersect at angles ranging from 45 to 90 are very
and a fault? common. They divide rock bodies into large, roughly rectangular blocks. These
joint systems can form remarkably persistent patterns extending over hundreds of
square kilometers. Each set probably formed at a different time and under a dif-
ferent stress orientation.
The best areas to study joints are where brittle rocks, such as thick sandstones,
have been fractured and their joint planes accentuated by erosion. The massive
sandstones of the Colorado Plateau are excellent examples. Joints are expressed
by deep, parallel cracks that have been enlarged by erosion; they are most impres-
sive when seen from the air (Figure 7.6). In places, joints control the development
of stream courses, especially secondary tributaries and areas of solution activity.
Joints result from broad regional upwarps, or from contraction or extension as-
sociated with faults and folds; some tensional joints result from erosional unload-
ing and expansion of the rock. Columnar joints in volcanic rocks are produced by
tensional stresses that are set up as the lava cools and contracts.
At first it may seem that joints are insignificant and uninteresting, but they have
great economic importance. They can be paths for groundwater migration and for
the movement and accumulation of petroleum.Analysis of joint patterns has been

FIGURE 7.6 Joint systems in resistant sandstones in Arches National Park, Utah, have been enlarged by weathering, forming long, narrow
crevasses. The system of intersecting joints reflects the orientation of stress that deformed the rock body.
Structure of Rock Bodies 173

important in exploration and the development of these resources. Joints also

control the deposition of copper, lead, zinc, mercury, silver, gold, and tungsten ores.
Hot aqueous solutions associated with igneous intrusions migrate along joint sys-
tems and minerals crystallize along the joint walls, forming mineral veins. Modern
prospecting techniques therefore include detailed analysis of fractures. Major con-
struction projects are especially affected by joint systems within rocks, and al-
lowances must be made for them in project planning. For example, dams must be
designed so that the stresses caused by water storage tend to close any fractures
in the bedrock foundation. Joint systems can be either an asset or an obstacle to
quarrying operations. Closely spaced joints severely limit the sizes of blocks that
can be removed. If a quarry follows the orientation of intersecting joints, howev-
er, the expense of removing building blocks is greatly reduced, and waste is held
to a minimum.


Faults are fractures in Earths crust along which displacement has occurred.
Three basic types of faults are recognized: (1) normal faults, (2) reverse
faults, and (3) strike-slip faults. Normal faults are usually the result of
extension, thrust faults the result of horizontal compression, and strike-slip
faults the result of lateral slip.

Slippage (or shear) along brittle fractures in Earths crust creates faults (Figure 7.7).
Like other deformation features, they form by the application of differential stress. Why are there three different types of
In a road cut, or in the walls of a canyon, a fault plane may be obvious, and the dis- faults?
placed, or offset, beds can easily be seen. Elsewhere, the surface expression of a
fault can be very subtle, and detailed geologic mapping may be necessary before
the precise location of such a fault can be established. Displacement along faults
ranges from a few centimeters to hundreds of kilometers.

Footwall Hanging wall

Hanging wall Footwall

(A) In normal faults, the hanging wall moves (B) In thrust faults, the hanging wall moves upward in relation to the
downward in relation to the footwall. footwall.

FIGURE 7.7 The three major types of faults are distinguished

(C) In strike-slip faults, the displacement is horizontal. by the direction of relative displacement.
174 Chapter 7

Faults grow by a series of small movements, which occur as stress built up in the
crust is suddenly released in earthquakes. Displacement can also occur by an al-
most imperceptibly slow movement called tectonic creep.

Normal (Extensional) Faults. Along normal faults, movement is mainly vertical,

and the rocks above the fault plane (the hanging wall) move downward in relation
to those beneath the fault plane (the footwall) (Figure 7.7A). Most normal faults
are steeply inclined, usually between 65 and 90, but some dip at low angles (Figure
7.4). Their predominantly vertical movement commonly produces a cliff, or scarp,
at the surface.
Normal faults are rarely isolated features. A group of parallel normal faults
may develop a series of fault-bounded blocks. A narrow block dropped down be-
tween two normal faults is a graben (German, trough or ditch), and an up-
What tectonic settling commonly pro- raised block is a horst (see Figure 7.8B). A graben typically forms a conspicuous
duces normal faults? fault valley or basin marked by relatively straight, parallel walls. Horsts form
plateaus bounded by faults. Normal faults usually juxtapose younger rocks over
older rocks. In the field, this may be mistaken for normal layer-upon-layer depo-
sition, especially where the normal fault dips at a low angle (Figure 7.4). Howev-
er, careful fieldwork will also reveal that some rock layers are apparently missing
along the fault. This is called omission of strata.
Large-scale normal faulting is the result of horizontal extensional stress, which
stretches, thins, and pulls apart the lithosphere. Normal faults are common because
rocks are weaker during extension than during compression. This type of exten-
sional stress occurs on a global scale along divergent plate margins. Consequent-
ly, normal faults are the dominant structures along the oceanic ridge, in continen-
tal rift systems, and along rifted continental margins.
In the Basin and Range Province of western North America, normal faulting
Faults produced a series of grabens and horsts trending north from central Mexico to
Oregon and Idaho.The horsts commonly form mountain ranges from 2000 to 4000
m high, which are considerably dissected by erosion. Grabens form topographic
basins, which are partly filled with erosional debris from the adjacent ranges. Be-
tween the Wasatch Range, in central Utah, and the Sierra Nevada, on the Neva-
da-California border, faulting has extended Earths crust some 100 km during the
last 15 million years. Modern earthquakes and displacement of young alluvial fans
and surface soils show that many of the faults are still active. The great rift valley
of east Africa is another example of large-scale normal faulting produced by a
zone of extension in Earths crust.

Reverse (Contractional) Faults. Faults in which the hanging wall has moved up
and over the footwall are reverse faults (Figure 7.7B). Thrust faults are low-angle
reverse faults and dip at angles less than 45. Movement on a thrust fault is
predominantly horizontal, and displacement can be more than 50 km.
Thrust faults result from horizontal compression with the maximum stress per-
Why are thrust faults and folds found in pendicular to the trend of the fault. This shortens and thickens the crust. In con-
the same regions? trast to normal faults, thrust faults usually place older over younger strata and in-
stead of omitting layers, units are repeated in a vertical section (Figure 7.9).Where
resistant rocks are thrust over nonresistant strata, a scarp is eroded on the upper
plate. The scarp is not straight or smooth, as are cliffs produced by normal fault-
ing. Rather, the outcrop of the fault surface typically is irregular in map view due
to the low angle of dip (Figure 7.9B).
Most contractional faults form at convergent plate margins. Thrust faults are
typically associated with folds and are prominent in all of the worlds major fold-
ed mountain belts. They commonly evolve from folds in the manner diagrammed
in Figure 7.9.

Strike-Slip Faults. Strike-slip faults are high-angle fractures in which slip is

horizontal, parallel to the strike of the fault plane. Ideally, there is little or no
Structure of Rock Bodies 175

(A) Faults exposed on the vertical walls of a valley or (B) Grabens and horsts are commonly produced where the crust is extended. This area
road cut are easily recognized by the displaced strata. shows alternating horsts (ridges) and grabens (valleys).

(C) Normal faults commonly form cliffs on the upthrown block. This is the Hurricane fault in southern Utah where the red Mesozoic strata are displaced
downward about 1.5 km. The trace of the fault is along the base of the gray cliff.

(D) Thrust faults form where the crust is contracted as in a folded (E) Strike-slip faults are commonly expressed by a series of straight
mountain belt. Here, a series of thrust faults (shown in white) juxtapose linear ridges and troughs that can be traced for long distances. Here the
Precambrian rocks on Paleozoic sandstones. San Andreas Fault in southern California offsets a drainage system.

FIGURE 7.8 The surface expression of faults is highly variable and influenced by the character of the rock units that have been displaced, the
type and degree of erosion, and the nature of the exposed surface.
176 Chapter 7

(A) Progressive development of a fold in a colored layer (B) Thrust faults form sinuous scarps that are modified by
into a thrust fault (nearly horizontal plane). contemporaneous erosion.

FIGURE 7.9 The evolution of thrust faults from folds is depicted in this sequence of diagrams. A fault forms when the strength
of the folding rock layers is exceeded.

vertical movement, so high cliffs do not usually form along strike-slip faults. Instead,
these faults are expressed topographically by a straight valley or by a series of low
ridges and commonly mark discontinuities in the drainage and types of landscape.
No crustal thinning or thickening are produced, except at bends in the fault where
extension or contraction can occur.
Some topographic features produced by strike-slip faulting and subsequent ero-
sion are shown in Figure 7.7C. One of the more obvious is the offset of the drainage
pattern. The relative movement is often shown by abrupt right-angle bends in
streams at the fault line. A stream follows the fault for a short distance and then
turns abruptly and continues down the regional slope (Figure 7.8E). As the blocks
Structure of Rock Bodies 177

FIGURE 7.10 Recent displacement along a fault, at the base of the Lost River Range in
southern Idaho, has produced the fresh cliff at the base of the mountain front. Cumulative
movement on the fault during a vast period of time produced the mountain range. (Courtesy of
Glenn Embree)

move, some parts may be depressed to form sag ponds. Others buckle into low,
linear ridges. Faults also disrupt patterns of groundwater movement, as is reflect-
ed by contrasts in vegetation and soils, and by the occurrence of springs along the
fault trace.
Strike-slip faults result from horizontal shear along nearly vertical faults. They What kind of stress makes strike-slip
commonly are produced by lateral-slip where one tectonic plate slides past an- faults?
other at a transform fault boundary.The most famous is probably Californias seis-
mically active San Andreas Fault. Strike-slip faults also join adjacent segments of
the oceanic ridge. Others form where two segments of continental crust are
stretched or shortened at different rates.

Observed Movement on Faults

The movement along faults during earthquakes rarely exceeds a few meters. In
the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906, the crust slipped horizontally as much
as 7 m along the San Andreas Fault, so roads, fence lines, and orchards were off-
set. Recent offsets along vertical faults in Nevada and Idaho have produced fresh
scarps from 3 to 6 m high (Figure 7.10). The Good Friday earthquake in Alaska,
in 1964, was accompanied by a 13-m uplift near Montague Island.The largest well-
authenticated displacement during an earthquake appears to have occurred in
1899 near Yakutat Bay in Alaska, where beaches were raised as much as 15 m
above sea level.
Movement along faults is not restricted to uplift during earthquakes, however. How long does it take for thousands of
Precise surveys along the San Andreas Fault show slow shifting along the fault meters of displacement to occur on a
plane at an average rate of 4 cm/yr. Such slow movements, known as tectonic creep, normal fault?
break buildings constructed across the fault line and eventually result in consid-
erable displacement.
The important point is that the total displacement on a fault that may amount
to many kilometers does not occur in a single violent event. Rather, it is the result
of numerous periods of displacement. On most faults, there are hundreds to thou-
sands of years between major earthquakes. Slow tectonic creep may continue be-
tween these major events.
178 Chapter 7


Folds are warps in rock strata during ductile deformation. They are three-
dimensional structures ranging in size from microscopic crinkles to large
domes and basins that are hundreds of kilometers across. Most folds
develop by horizontal compression at convergent plate boundaries where
the crust is shortened and thickened. Broad, open folds form in the stable
interiors of continents, where the rocks are only mildly warped.

Almost every exposure of sedimentary rock shows some evidence that the strata
have been deformed. In some areas, the rocks are slightly tilted; in others the stra-
ta are folded like wrinkles in a rug. Small flexures are abundant in sedimentary
rocks and can be seen in mountainsides and road cuts and even in hand specimens.
How do we describe the geometry of These warps in the strata are called folds and are a manifestation of ductile de-
folded rocks? formation in response to horizontal compression. This kind of deformation is also
called contraction. Large folds cover thousands of square kilometers, and they can
best be recognized from aerial or space photographs or from geologic mapping.
Like faults, folds form slowly over millions of years, as rock layers gradually yield
to differential stress and bend.
Folds are of great economic importance because they commonly form traps for
oil and gas and may control localization of ore deposits. Consequently, it is of more
than academic interest to understand folds.

Monocline Anticline

Syncline Overturned
anticline and syncline

FIGURE 7.11 The nomenclature of folds is based on the three-dimensional geometry of the structure, although most
exposures show only a cross section or map view.
THE ART Geologic Maps: Models of the Earth
The key tool used in almost all geologic investigations is a tacts in the field and marking their locations on a map or
geologic map. A geologic map shows more than just loca- a photo. If the contacts are obscured by vegetation or by
tions and distances; it also shows more than elevation. In- younger rocks, contacts may need to be inferred from the
stead, a geologic map shows the distribu- evidence gathered. Soils, selective growth
tion of rock types, faults, folds, and other of vegetation, stream patterns, and other
geologic features, as well as the ages of the geologic features can help. A geologist
rocks. It is a scale model of the rock bod- working on a map must also decide the
ies, revealing much about their origin, in- relative ages of the rock units using the
ternal structure, and deformation. principles of superposition and crosscut-
Geologic maps are constructed by ting relationships.
careful fieldwork. A geologist working Observations are recorded on maps and
alone or as part of a small team collects in field notebooks. A brunton compass
critical data about rock types during tra- (pocket transit) may be used to measure the
verses on foot across a field area. The lo- strike and dip of deformed layers of sedi-
cations and rock type of each outcrop are mentary rock. A geologic hammer is used
found and plotted on a map. In arid re- to collect samples and break off weathered
gions where vegetation is sparse, large surfaces.A stereoscope is used with a pair of
areas can be mapped on an aerial photo- aerial photographs to view the landscape in
graph as shown here. By plotting the dis- three dimensions.The data are then plotted
tribution of rock types along with strikes on a topographic map. In some areas, where
and dips of planar features, we reveal the locations are difficult to establish precisely
three-dimensional structure of the rocks. because of vegetation cover, a GPS unit
The goal of field geologists is to first recognize major (global positioning system; see page 592) and computer may
rock bodies (formations) that can be mapped and then to be used to record locations or contacts. Regardless of how
determine the location and nature of the contacts between the data are collected and recorded, the end result is a scale
the rock units. They may do this by walking along the con- model of Earth.

21 15








(Courtesy U.S. Department of Agriculture)

180 Chapter 7


Hinge plane Angle of



FIGURE 7.12 The hinge plane of a

fold is an imaginary plane that divides the
fold in equal parts. The line formed by the Syncline
Angle of
intersection of the hinge plane and a
bedding plane is called the hinge. The
downward inclination of the hinge is called
the plunge. Hinge plane

Fold Nomenclature. Three general types of folds are illustrated in Figure 7.11.
An anticline, in its simplest form, is uparched strata, with the two limbs (sides) of
the fold dipping away from the crest. Rocks in an eroded anticline are progressively
older toward the interior of the fold. Synclines, in their simplest form, are
downfolds, or troughs, with the limbs dipping toward the center (Figure 7.11).
Rocks in an eroded syncline are progressively younger toward the center of the
Folds fold. Monoclines are folds that have only one limb; horizontal or gently dipping
beds are modified by simple steplike bends.
For purposes of description and analysis, it is useful to divide a simple fold into
two more-or-less equal parts by an imaginary plane known as the hinge plane. The
hinge marks the region of maximum curvature in the fold. The line formed by the
intersection of the hinge plane and a bedding plane is the hinge line, and the down-
ward inclination of the hinge line is called the plunge (Figure 7.12). A plunging
fold, therefore, is a fold in which the hinge line is inclined.
In most folds, the hinge plane is not vertical but is inclined, and the fold is over-
turned and one limb is steeper than the other (7.11D). The direction the hinge
plane is rotated from vertical indicates the direction the rocks were displaced. In
other words, movement is toward the steep limb. In Figure 7.11D, you can see that
the folded rocks were transported from left to right, just as they were in Figure 7.9.

Fold Belts. Where contraction is intense (typically in orogenic belts at convergent

plate boundaries), the rock layers are deformed into a series of tight folds in a long
linear belt.The internal geometry of many fold belts is not exceedingly complex. In
many ways, the folds resemble the wrinkles in a rug. However, complexity in the
outcrop patterns of fold belts results from erosion, so folds may be difficult to
recognize on aerial photographs without some experience in geologic observation
and interpretation. The diagrams in Figure 7.13 illustrate a fold belt with plunging
folds and its surface expression after the upper part has been removed by erosion.
What is the outcrop pattern of a series The outcrop of the eroded plunging anticlines and synclines forms a characteristic
of plunging anticlines and synclines? zigzag pattern. The nose of an anticline forms a V that points in the direction of
plunge, and the oldest rocks are in the center of the fold (see Figure 7.15D).The nose
of a syncline forms a V that opens in the direction of plunge, and the youngest rocks
are in the center of the fold.Together, the outcrop pattern, the strike and dip of the
beds, and the relative ages of the rocks in the center of the fold make it possible to
determine the structures subsurface configuration.Thrust faults commonly form in
association with these contractional folds.
Intense deformation in the cores of some mountain ranges produces complex
folds like those in Figure 7.14. Some folds are refolded. Such structures common-
ly exceed 100 km across and can extend through a large part of a mountain belt.
Details of such intensely deformed structures are extremely difficult to work out
because of the complexity of the outcrop patterns. These complexities arise from
Structure of Rock Bodies 181
(A) The basic form of folded strata is similar to that of a wrinkled rug. In this
diagram, the strata are compressed and plunge toward the background.

(B) If the tops of the folded strata are eroded away, a map of the individual
layers shows a zigzag pattern at the surface. Rock units that are resistant to
erosion form ridges, and nonresistant layers are eroded into linear valleys. In
a plunging anticline, the surface map pattern of an anticline forms a V
pointing in the direction of plunge.

FIGURE 7.13 A series of plunging folds forms a zigzag outcrop


multiple episodes of folding at elevated temperatures and pressures in lower crust.

Under these conditions, rocks are much more likely to deform ductilely.
Figure 7.14 illustrates the geometry and surface expression of a large complex
fold. Figure 7.14A is a perspective drawing of a single bed in a typical complex
fold. This overturned fold is a huge anticlinal structure with numerous minor an-
ticlines and synclines forming indentations on the larger fold; Figure 7.14B shows
the fold after it has been subjected to considerable erosion, which has removed
most of the upper limb. Note the cross section of the structure on the mountain
front and the outcrop pattern compared with that in Figure 7.14A.The topographic
expression of complex folds is variable. They usually are expressed in a series of

(A) Rocks that have been intensely deformed commonly consist of large
overturned folds, with minor folds on the limbs. Some of these are refolded folds.

(B) The surface outcrop of the fold, after erosion has removed the upper
surface, shows great complexity, so that its details and overall structure are
difficult to recognize.

(C) The topographic expression of complex folds can be a series of linear

mountain ridges.

FIGURE 7.14 Complexly deformed folds produce intricate outcrop

(A) Anticlines and synclines are easily recognized when erosion cuts across the structures and exposes them in a vertical cross section, such as these folds in
the Calico Hills of southern California.

(B) A small structural dome in west Texas has

been truncated by erosion and is expressed as a
series of circular ridges and valleys. The dome is (C) Folds in the Sulaiman Ranges of western Pakistan are plunging anticlines and synclines
only about 5 km across. (Courtesy of U.S. formed when India collided with Asia. This area is about 30 km across.(Courtesy of U.S. Geological
Geological Survey) Survey and EROS Data Center)

(D) A plunging anticline forms a typical V-shape pattern pointing in the direction of plunge. This is an exceptionally clear example near St. George, Utah, where
colorful beds form alternating ridges and valleys.

FIGURE 7.15 The surface expression of folds is extremely variable because of the great range in the size and shape of the structures and because
of the variety of ways in which folds may be modified by erosion. Common types of folds are shown above.

Structure of Rock Bodies 183

(A) A single folded bed is warped into broad domes and


(B) As erosion proceeds, the tops of the domes are

eroded first. The outcrop pattern of eroded domes and
basins typically is circular or elliptical.

FIGURE 7.16 The geometry and topographic

expression of domes and basins involve broad upwarps
and downwarps of layered rocks. When eroded, the
exposed rock forms circular or elliptical outcrop

mountains (Figure 7.14C). Complex folds are common in the Swiss Alps (see Fig-
ure 21.14C), but they were recognized only after more than half a century of de-
tailed geologic studies. They are also common in the roots of ancient mountain
systems and thus are exposed in many areas of the shields.
An excellent example of an orogenic belt is the Zagros Mountains of southern
Iran. The fold belt is only a small part of the Alpine Himalaya chain that extends
from southern Europe and across southern Asia (see Figure 7.17). The Landsat
satellite photograph of the region shows that the sedimentary beds have been fold-
ed above a series of major thrust faults.Anticlines form the hills and are separat-
ed by intervening synclines. The Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian
Mountains in the eastern United States is another good example. The fold belt ex-
tends from New England to central Alabama and consists of enormous parallel
folds hundreds of kilometers long.Thrust faults slice through many of the folds.The
region has been deeply eroded so that resistant formations form long, high ridges,
and the weak formations form intervening valleys (see Figures 1.10 and 23.17).
Other folded mountain belts include the Sulaiman Range of Pakistan (Figure
7.15C) and the Alps in France and Switzerland (see Figure 21.14c). Folds are the
obvious expression of the ductile deformation of rocks in Earths crust.All of these
fold belts formed at convergent plate margins where an oceanic plate was thrust
underneath a continental plate or where two continents collided.

Domes and Basins. In contrast to fold belts at convergent margins, the

sedimentary rocks covering much of the continental interiors have been only gently
warped into broad domes and basins many kilometers in diameter. One large basin
covers practically all of the state of Michigan.Another underlies the state of Illinois.
An elongate dome underlies central Tennessee, central Kentucky, and southwestern
Ohio. Although these flexures in the sedimentary strata are extremely large, the
configuration of the folds is known from geologic mapping and from information
gained through drilling. The nature of these flexures and their topographic
expression are illustrated in Figures 7.15 and 7.16.
184 Chapter 7

West East
10 Cambrian salt 0 20 40 60 km

FIGURE 7.17 A vast orogenic belt is being created by the collision of Arabia with southern Asia. This portion of the fold and thrust belt is part of
the Zagros Mountains of Iran. The deformation accompanies the underthrusting of the Arabian subplate beneath Asia. Doubly plunging anticlines and
synclines as well as elongate domes lie above major thrust faults. In the lower right, a light-colored salt dome has pierced through an anticline. The salt
is not resistant and a valley has formed. (Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center. Cross section modified from Nadine MacQuarrie.)
Structure of Rock Bodies 185

Deformed strata

Salt layer

FIGURE 7.18 Diapirs form by the rise of low-density ductile materials such as salt and gypsum
taking on a variety of forms. The overlying strata may be faulted and folded as they are pierced or
domed upward. As salt domes form, the layer of salt is thinned (Modified after F. Trusheim).

The form of a single bed warped into broad domes and basins is shown in per-
spective in Figure 7.16A. If erosion cuts off the tops of the domes, the surface ex-
posure of the layer looks like the one shown in Figure 7.16B. The deformed layers
in both domes and basins typically have circular or elliptical outcrop patterns.
There is a major difference, however. The rocks exposed in the central parts of
eroded domes are the oldest rocks, whereas the rocks exposed in the centers of
basins are the youngest. The rule of Vs is also a useful tool to interpret the struc-
ture of domes and basins. Look carefully at the aerial photos of the dome in Fig-
ure 7.15B and the model in Figure 7.16. Note how stream erosion has cut V-shaped
valleys into the resistant layers of rock. The V points in the direction the bed
dips. Thus, for domes the Vs point away from the center and for basins they point
inward. A classic example of a broad fold in the continental interior is the large
dome that forms the Black Hills of South Dakota (see Figure 23.11). Resistant
rock units form ridges that can be traced completely around the core of the dome,
and nonresistant formations make up the intervening valleys.
How these broad domes form is still enigmatic. Their circular shapes and dis-
tance from convergent margins are puzzling. Many could have formed by multi-
ple periods of deformation. For example, gentle east-west contraction far from an
active convergent margin, followed by north-south contraction related to a dif-
ferent plate margin, could produce a series of broad domes and intervening basins.

Diapirs. Some domes and basins also could form by vertical adjustments caused
by density differences in the crust or upper mantle. Many small domes, like the
one in Figure 7.15B, are associated with buoyant rise of material that is less dense
than the overlying rock. For example, in thick sequences of sedimentary rocks,
beds of salt may deform and rise as a diapir, a streamlined body shaped somewhat
like an inverted teardrop (Figure 7.18). Plugs of salt may rise and pierce overlying
sedimentary strata to form salt domes. The deformed sedimentary beds are faulted
and typically dip away from the center of the structure. The white mass in the
lower right part of Figure 7.18 is a salt dome that has reached the surface to flow
like a glacier. The movement of salt has modified the seafloor south of the
Mississippi delta on a grand scale, with subsidence basins and domes pockmarking
the seafloor (see Figure 11.17). Other small domes are formed by the intrusion of
magma (see Figure 4.18A).
GeoLogic The Keystone Thrust

Thrust fault

Eroded strata

Paleozoic limestones

Mesozoic sandstones

The Keystone Thrust in Nevada is one of the most dramat- Interpretations

ic expressions of thrust faulting in the world. Here a se-
The geologic interpretation is shown in the lower diagram.
quence of dark bluish-gray limestones and dolomites are
The three major structural elements are (1) the older se-
thrust over a sequence of reddish sandstone.The important
quence of rocks, (2) the younger sequence of rocks, and (3)
questions are: (1) What was this area like before erosion,
the thrust fault. If we project these major geologic features
and (2) How did this structure form?
to their position prior to erosion, the magnitude of the struc-
ture becomes much more apparent. One hundred million
Observations years ago, a convergent plate margin existed along the west-
1. Older beds lie above younger beds! The fossils in the gray ern margin of North America. As a result of intense com-
limestones show that they are about 350 million years pression at the plate boundary, a thrust fault broke through
older than the layers of red sandstone beneath them. these layers of rock. Gradually, over the course of the next
2. The contact between the two rock layers is not a sedi- few millions of years, the great slab of gray limestones was
mentary contact, but a zone of broken and crushed rock pushed up and over the reddish sandstone layers.The great
a typical fault zone. folded mountain belt that once dominated this region is
3. By carefully mapping the dip of the beds in the thrust now dismembered by extensive erosion.
sheet, a large fold is revealed.
4.The landscape has been eroded and huge volumes of rock
have been removed from the area.

Structure of Rock Bodies 187

anticline (p. 180) fault (p. 173) limb (p. 180) strain (p. 168)
basin (p. 183) fold (p. 178) monocline (p. 180) strength (p. 168)
brittle deformation (p. 168) footwall (p. 174) normal fault (p. 174) stress (p. 168)
compression (p. 170) fracture (p. 168) orogenic belt (p. 180) strike (p. 171)
contraction (p. 170) graben (p. 174) overturned fold (p. 181) strike-slip fault (p. 174)
diapir (p. 185) hanging wall (p. 174) plunge (p. 180) syncline (p. 180)
differential stress (p. 168) hinge line (p. 180) plunging fold (p. 180) tension (p. 170)
dip (p. 171) hinge plane (p. 180) reverse fault (p. 174) thrust fault (p. 174)
dome (p. 183) horst (p. 174) rule of Vs (p. 171) vein ( p. 173)
ductile deformation (p. 168) joint (p. 172) scarp (p. 174)
extension (p. 170) lateral-slip (p. 170) shear (p. 169)

1. List evidence that Earths crust is in motion and has moved ment of the rock bodies along each. List the defining char-
throughout geologic time. acteristics of each type of fault.
2. What is the difference between a fault and a joint? 10. What are horsts and grabens? What global tectonic features
3. Compare the kinds of deformation produced by extension are found where horsts and grabens most commonly are
and those produced by contraction. formed?
4. Contrast brittle and ductile behavior in rocks. 11. What global tectonic features are found where thrust faults
5. Do you think the fold shown in Figure 7.1 could have commonly are formed?
formed when the rocks were at the surface as they are now? 12. What are the major features of an orogenic belt?
6. Explain the terms dip and strike. 13. Make a perspective sketch of an anticline and the adjacent
7. Sketch a cross section of the structure of the rocks shown in syncline, and label the following features: (a) hinge plane,
Figure 7.15B. (b) hinge, (c) angle of plunge, and (d) limbs.
8. List some of the surface features that commonly are pro- 14. Sketch the outcrop pattern of a plunging fold.
duced by strike-slip faults. 15. Describe the development of complex alpine-type folds.
9. Draw a simple block diagram of a normal fault, a thrust 16. What kinds of folds or other structures might form above a
fault, and a strike-slip fault, and show the relative move- salt diapir?

Davis, G. H., and S. J. Reynolds. 1996. Structural Geology of Twiss, R. J., and E. M. Moores. 1992. Structural Geology. New
Rocks and Regions. New York: Wiley. York: Freeman.
Hatcher, R. D. 1995. Structural Geology: Principles, Concepts, Van der Pluijm, B.A., and S. Marshak. 1997. Earth Structure: An
and Problems. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics. New York:
Moores, E. M., and R.J. Twiss. 1995. Tectonics. New York: Free- WCB/McGraw-Hill.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations showing the creation of folds and faults
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Slide shows with examples of different kinds of structures
Quantitative Problems A direct link to the Companion Website
Critical Thinking Exercises
Web Resources
8 Geologic Time
Some sciences deal with incredibly large numbers, others with great distances, still others
with infinitesimally small particles. In every field of science, students must expand their
conceptions of reality, a sometimes difficult, but very rewarding, adjustment to make.
Geology students must expand their conceptions of the duration of time. Because life is
short, we tend to think 20 years is a long time. A hundred years in most frames of refer-
ence is a very long time; yet, in studying Earth and the processes that operate on it, we
must attempt to comprehend time spans of 1 million years, 100 million years, and even
several billion years.
As a beginning student, you can see that rocks are records of time and begin to read this
record. From the interrelationships of rocks, the events of Earths history can be arranged in
proper chronologic order. An area north (to the left) of Flagstaff, Arizona, and part of the
Grand Canyon region is shown in the satellite panorama and is an excellent example. Sever-
al major geologic events are clearly expressed. The oldest obvious event is the deposition of
a sequence of horizontal marine sedimentary rocks that form the tan to green plateau. The
next event was the uplift of the rocks above sea level and the development of a series of

northeast (to the upper left) trending fractures that cut across the sedimentary rocks. Gradu-
ally, the deep canyon (on the far left) and other details of the landscape formed by stream
erosion. The fractures were etched into long narrow valleys. Volcanic activity, evidenced by
the dark lava flows, cinder cones, and vegetated lava domes (in false color on the far right), is
obviously a younger event. Many different lava flows formed and filled stream valleys and
fractures. The youngest eruption made the dark black lava flow and cinder cone near the
center of the panorama. With this brief introduction, you can begin to appreciate the fact
that rocks are records of time. We will have much more to say about telling time in the
Grand Canyon later; remember that what is obvious here is only a fraction of the long
history of the Grand Canyon region, which spans 1.7 billion (1,700,000,000) years.
How do scientists measure such long periods of time? Nature contains many types of
time-measuring devices. Earth itself acts like a clock, rotating on its axis once every
24 hours. Fossils within a rock are a type of organic clock by which geologists can tell
time and identify synchronous events in Earths history. Rocks also contain clocks that
tick by systematic radioactive decay, which permit us to measure with remarkable accuracy
the number of years that have passed since the minerals in a rock crystallized.

Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ.

1. The interpretation of past events in Earths history is based on the principle
that the laws of nature do not change with time.
2. Relative dating (determining the chronologic order of a sequence of events)
is achieved by applying the principles of (a) superposition, (b) faunal suc-
cession, (c) crosscutting relations, (d) inclusions, and (e) succession in land-
scape development.
3. The standard geologic column was established from studies of rock sequences
in Europe. It is now used worldwide. Rocks were originally correlated from
different parts of the world largely based on the fossils they contain. Today,
radiometric dating can be used to correlate major rock sequences.
4. Numerical time designates a specific duration of time in units of hours, days,
or years. In geology, long periods of numeric time can be measured by ra-
diometric dating.


Time is measured by change. Because rocks are themselves records of

change, they mark the passage of geologic time. The interpretation of rocks
as products and records of events in Earths history is based on the prin-
ciple of uniformitarianism, which states that the laws of nature do not
change with time.

We are all aware of change in the physical and biological worlds. Were things un-
changing and motionless, we would not be aware of time. Time is measured by
change, and change occurs on many scales of time and space. In the natural world,
countless clocks are ticking at different rhythms, measuring different time spans.
We are acutely aware of the changes in our daily world: night to day, the seasons,
and cycles of life from birth to death. However, there is a scale of deep time, span-
ning millions and even billions of years, measured by clocks that are less obvious
to the human experience. It is the rhythm of Earths dynamics: continents moving,
mountains uplifting and eroding, volcanoes erupting, and seas expanding and con-
tracting. It is also the clock of species evolving and disappearing into the oblivion
of extinction. Our planet has a vast natural archive that reveals past episodes of
many of these changes.
The great abyss of timegeologic timewas discovered in Edinburgh in the
1770s by a small group of scholars led by James Hutton (17261797). These men
challenged the conventional thinking of their day, in which the age of Earth was ac-
cepted to be 6000 years, as established by Bishop James Usshers (15811656) sum-
mation of biblical chronology. Hutton and his friends studied the rocks along the
Scottish coast and observed that every formation, no matter how old, was the prod-
uct of erosion from other rocks, older still.Their discovery showed that the roots of
time were far deeper than anyone had supposed. It was perhaps the most significant
discovery of the eighteenth century because it changed forever the way we look at
Earth, the planets, the stars, and, consequently, the way we look at ourselves.

The interpretation of rocks as products and records of events in Earths history is
based on a fundamental assumption of scientific inquiry: the principle of unifor-
mitarianism, which states that the laws of nature do not change with time. We as-
sume that the chemical and physical laws operating today have operated through-
out all of time. The physical attraction between two bodies (gravity) acted in the
past as it does today. Oxygen and hydrogen, which today combine under certain

G e o l o g i c Ti m e 191

conditions to form water, did so in the past under those same conditions.Although
scientific explanations have improved and changed over the centuries, natural laws
and processes are constant and do not change. All chemical and physical actions
and reactions occurring today are produced by the same causes that produced sim-
ilar events 100 years or 5 million years ago.
Huttons principle of uniformitarianism was radical for the time and slow to be
accepted. In the late eighteenth century, before modern geology had developed,
the Western worlds prevailing view of Earths origin and history was derived from
the biblical account of creation. Earth was believed to have been created in 6 days
and to be approximately 6000 years old. Creation in so short a time was thought
to have involved forces of tremendous violence, surpassing anything experienced
in nature.This type of creation theory is known as catastrophism. Foremost among
its proponents was Baron Georges Cuvier (17691832), a noted French naturalist.
Cuvier, an able student of fossils, concluded that each fossil species was unique to
a given sequence of rocks. He cited this discovery in support of the theory that
each fossil species resulted from a special creation and was subsequently destroyed
by a catastrophic event.
This theory was generally supported by scholars until 1785, when Hutton chal-
lenged it. He saw evidence that Earth had evolved by gradual processes over an
immense span of time, and he developed the concept that became known as the
principle of uniformitarianism. According to Hutton, past geologic events could be Why did scientists discard the idea of
explained by the natural processes operating today, such as erosion by running catastrophism as proposed by Cuvier?
water, volcanism, and the gradual uplift of Earths crust. Hutton assumed that
these processes occurred in the distant past just as they occur now. He saw that, in
the vast abyss of time, enormous work could be achieved by what seemed small and
insignificant processes. Rivers could completely erase a mountain range. Volcan-
ism and Earth movements could form new ones. Based on his observations of the
rocks of Great Britain, he visualized no vestige of a beginningno prospect of an
end. In a way, what Copernicus did for space, Hutton did for time. The universe
does not revolve around Earth, and time is not measured by the life span of hu-
mans. Before Hutton, human history was all of history. Since Hutton, we know
that we are but a tiny pinpoint on an extraordinarily long time line.
Sir Charles Lyell (17971875) based his Principles of Geology (18301833) on
Huttons uniformitarianism. Lyells book established uniformitarianism as the
method for interpreting the geologic and natural history of Earth. Charles Darwin
(18091882) accepted Lyells principles in formulating his theory of the origin of
species and the descent of man. Modern science continues to make significant ad-
vances in understanding Earth, its long history, and how it was formed.As a result,
the principle of uniformitarianism has been verified innumerable times.
The assumption of constancy of natural law is not unique to interpretations of
geologic history; it is the logical essential in deciphering recorded history as well.
We observe only the present and interpret past events on inferences based on
present observations. We thus conclude that books or other records of history
such as fragments of pottery, cuneiform tablets, flint tools, temples, and pyramids
that were in existence before our arrival have all been the work of human beings,
despite the fact that postulated past activities are outside the domain of any pre-
sent-day observations. Having excluded supernaturalism, we draw these conclu-
sions because humans are the only known agent capable of producing the effects
observed. Similarly, in geology we conclude that ripple marks in a sandstone in
the Appalachian Mountains were in fact formed by streams, or that coral fossils
found in limestones exposed in the high Rocky Mountains are indeed the skele-
tons of corals that lived in a now-nonexistent sea.
Many features of rocks serve as records, or documents, of past events in Earths
history; for those who listen, the rocks still echo the past. Igneous rocks are records
of thermal events; the texture and composition of an igneous rock show whether
volcanic eruptions occurred or if the magma cooled beneath the surface. Sedi-
mentary rocks record changing environments on Earths surfacethe rise and fall
192 Chapter 8

of sea level, changes in climate, and changes in life forms.A layer of coal is a record
of lush vegetation growth, commonly in a swamp. Limestone, composed of fossil
shells, indicates deposition in a shallow sea. Salt is precipitated from seawater or
from saline lakes only in an arid climate, so a layer of salt carries specific climatic
connotations. The list of examples could go on and on. For more than two cen-
turies, geologists have extracted from the rocks a remarkably consistent record of
events in Earths history: a record of time.


Geologic time is continuous; it has no gaps. In any sequence of rocks,

however, many major discontinuities (unconformities) reveal significant
interruptions in rock-forming processes.

James Hutton was a very perceptive observer who recognized the historical im-
plications of the relationships between rock bodies. He not only recognized the
vastness of time recorded in the rocks of Earths crust, but he also recognized
breaks, or gaps, in the record. In 1788, Hutton, together with Sir James Hall and
Angular Unconformities John Playfair, visited Siccar Point in Berwickeshire, Scotland, and saw for the first
time the Old Red Sandstone resting upon the upturned edges of the older strata
(Figure 8.1). This exposure proved that the older rocks (primary strata) had been
uplifted, deformed, and partly eroded away before the deposition of the sec-
ondary strata. They soon discovered comparable relationships in other parts of
Great Britain. This relationship between rock bodies became known as an angu-
lar unconformity.

FIGURE 8.1 Angular unconformity at Siccar Point, southeastern Scotland. It was here that the historical significance of an unconformity was first
realized by James Hutton in 1788. Note that the older primary rocks are nearly vertical and that the younger secondary strata were deposited on
the eroded surface formed on the older rocks.
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 193

To appreciate the significance of an angular unconformity, consider what the an-

gular discordance, or difference, implies by studying the sequence of diagrams in
Figure 8.2. At least four major events are involved in the development of an an-
gular unconformity: (1) an initial period of sedimentation during which the older
strata are deposited in a near-horizontal position, (2) a subsequent period of de-
formation during which the first sedimentary sequence is folded, (3) development
of an erosional surface on the folded sequence of rock, and (4) a period of re-
newed sedimentation and the development of a younger sequence of sedimenta-
ry rocks on top of the old erosional surface.
At first, only the most obvious stratigraphic breaks were recognized as uncon- Why is a major unconformity implied
formities, but with more field observations, other, more subtle, discontinuities were where sandstone is deposited on top of
recognized. In Figure 8.3, for example, foliated metamorphic and igneous rocks granite?
are overlain by flat-lying sedimentary strata.This relationship, in which plutonic ig-
neous or metamorphic rocks are overlain by sedimentary rocks, is a nonconformity.
The deposition of sedimentary rocks on metamorphic or granitic rocks implies
four major events: (1) the formation of an ancient sequence of rocks, (2) meta-
morphism or intrusion of granite, (3) uplift and erosion to remove the cover and
expose the metamorphic rocks or granites at the surface, and (4) subsidence and
deposition of younger sedimentary rocks on the eroded surface.

(A) Sedimentation: A sequence of rocks is deposited

over time.

(B) Deformation: The sequence of rocks is deformed by

mountain-building processes or by broad upwarps in
Earths crust, followed by erosion.

(C) Subsidence below sea level and renewed


(D) A new sequence of rocks is deposited on the eroded

surface of the older deformed rocks.

FIGURE 8.2 The geologic events implied from an angular unconformity represent a sequence of major events in the
geologic processes operating within the area.
194 Chapter 8

FIGURE 8.3 A nonconformity is an

unconformity in which sedimentary rocks
were deposited on the eroded surfaces of
metamorphic or intrusive igneous rocks. The
metamorphic rocks and the igneous dikes
shown in this photograph of the inner gorge
of the Grand Canyon were formed at great
depths in the crust. Subsequent uplift and
erosion exposed them at the surface.
Younger sedimentary layers were then
deposited on the eroded surface of the
igneous and metamorphic terrain.

An example of another type of stratigraphic break is shown in Figure 8.4. Here

the rock strata above and below the erosion surface are parallel. Erosion may strip
off the top of the older sequence and may cut channels into the older beds, but there
is no structural discordance between the older, eroded rock body and the younger,
overlying rock. This type of discordance is called a disconformity.
An unconformity is best seen in a vertical section exposed in a canyon wall,
road cut, or quarry, where it appears as an irregular line. An unconformity is not
a line, however, but a buried erosional surface. The present surface of Earth and
especially its coastal plains are examples of what unconformable surfaces are like.

FIGURE 8.4 Disconformities do not show angular discordance, but an erosion surface separates the two rock bodies. The channel in the central
part of this exposure reveals that the lower shale units were deposited and then eroded before the upper units were deposited.
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 195

Channels cut by streams are responsible for many irregularities, and resistant
rocks protruding above the surrounding surface can cause local relief of several
hundred meters.


Relative ages are determined by the chronologic order of a sequence of

events. The most important methods of establishing relative ages are
(1) superposition, (2) faunal succession, (3) crosscutting relations, and
(4) inclusions.

An expanded conception of time is perhaps the main contribution of geology to

the history of thought. Two different concepts of time, and hence two different but Relative Dating
complementary methods of dating, are used in geology: relative time and nu-
merical time. Relative age is simply determining the chronologic order of a se-
quence of events. Historians commonly use relative time when they place events
in relation to ancient dynasties, reigns of kings, or major events such as wars. Ge-
ologists do the same with geologic time. Earths history is divided into eons, eras,
periods, and epochs by markers such as the existence of certain fossils (for exam-
ple, the age of dinosaurs) or major physical events (for example, Appalachian
mountain building), although the actual dates of the events may be unknown.
Relative dating implies that no quantitative or numerical length of time in days
or years is deduced. An event can only be interpreted to have occurred earlier or
later than another. This can be done by applying several principles of remarkable
simplicity and universality.

The Principle of Superposition

The principle of superposition is the most basic guide in the relative dating of rock
bodies. It states that in a sequence of undeformed sedimentary rock, the oldest
beds are on the bottom and the higher layers are successively younger. The rela-
tive ages of rocks in a sequence of sedimentary beds can thus be determined from
the order in which they were deposited. Why is the principle of superposition so
In applying the principle of superposition, we make two assumptions: (1) Lay- important in geologic interpretations?
ers were essentially horizontal when they were deposited, and (2) the rocks have
not been so severely deformed that the beds are overturned. (Many sedimentary
rock sequences that have been overturned are generally easy to recognize by their
sedimentary structures, such as cross-bedding, ripple marks, and mud cracks.)

The Principle of Faunal Succession

Fossils are the actual remains of ancient organisms, such as bones and shells, or
the evidence of their presence, such as trails and tracks. Their abundance and di-
versity are truly amazing. Some rocks (such as coal, chalk, and certain limestones)
are composed almost entirely of fossils, and others contain literally millions of
specimens. Invertebrate marine forms are most common, but even large verte-
brate fossils of mammals and reptiles are plentiful in many formations. For exam-
ple, it is estimated that more than 50,000 fossil mammoths have been discovered
in Siberia, and many more remain buried.
The principle of faunal succession states that groups of fossil animals and plants
occur in the geologic record in a definite chronologic order. Consequently, a peri-
od of geologic time can be recognized by its characteristic fossils. Thus, in addition
to superposition, a sequence of sedimentary rocks has another independent ele-
ment that can be used to establish the chronologic order of events.
Even before Darwin developed the theory of evolution by natural selection,
the principle of faunal succession was recognized by William Smith (17691839),
196 Chapter 8

a British surveyor and early geologist. Smith worked throughout much of south-
ern England and carefully studied the fresh exposures of rocks in quarries, road
cuts, and excavations. In a succession of interbedded sandstone and shale forma-
tions, he noted that several shales were very much alike, but the fossils they con-
tained were not. Each shale layer had its own particular group (or assemblage) of
fossils. By correlating types of fossils with rock layers, Smith developed a practi-
cal tool that enabled him to predict the location and properties of rocks beneath
the surface. Soon after Smith announced that the fossil assemblages of England
change systematically from the older beds to the younger, other investigators dis-
covered the same to be true throughout the world.
By tracing the changing character of fossils in progressively younger rocks, you
How can fossils be used to determine may appreciate the significance of these discoveries. The oldest rocks contain only
the relative age of a rock layer? traces of soft-bodied organisms. Progressively younger and younger sedimentary
rocks contain marine invertebrates with shells, followed by the appearance of sim-
ple marine vertebrates like fish. Amphibians appear in even younger strata, fol-
lowed in successively younger rocks by the first appearance of reptiles, birds, and
Today, the principle of faunal succession has been confirmed beyond doubt. It
has been used extensively to find valuable natural resources, such as petroleum and
mineral deposits. It is also the foundation for the standard geologic column, which
divides geologic time into progressively shorter subdivisions called eons, eras, pe-
riods, epochs, and ages (see Figure 8.8).

The Principle of Crosscutting Relations

The relative age of certain events is also shown by the principle of crosscutting re-
lations, which states that igneous intrusions and faults are younger than the rocks
they cut (Figure 8.5). Crosscutting relations can be complex, however, and careful
observation may be required to establish the correct sequence of events. The scale
of crosscutting features is highly variable, ranging from large faults, with displace-
ments of hundreds of kilometers, to small fractures, less than a millimeter long.

The Principle of Inclusion

The principle of inclusion states that a fragment of a rock incorporated or included
in another is older than the host rock. The relative age of intrusive igneous rocks
(with respect to the surrounding rock) is therefore commonly apparent if inclusions,
or fragments, of surrounding rocks are included in the intrusion (Figure 8.6). As
magma moves upward through the crust, it dislodges and engulfs large fragments of
the surrounding material, which remain as unmelted foreign inclusions.
The principle of inclusion can also be applied to conglomerates in which large
pebbles and boulders eroded from preexisting rocks have been transported and
deposited in a new formation. The conglomerate is obviously younger than the
formations from which the pebbles and cobbles were derived. In areas where
superposition or other methods do not show relative ages, a limit to the age of a
conglomerate can be determined from the rock formation represented in its
pebbles and cobbles.

Succession in Landscape Development

Surface features of Earths crust are continually modified by erosion and com-
monly show the effects of successive events through time. Many landforms evolve
through a series of stages, so a features relative age can be determined from the
degree of erosion. This is especially obvious in volcanic features such as cinder
cones and lava flows. These features are created during a period of volcanic activ-
ity and then subjected to the forces of erosion until they are completely destroyed
or buried by erosional debris (Figure 8.7).
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 197

(A) Several generations of igneous dikes cut across the green metamorphic rock. The thick dike is the youngest because it cuts across all the other rock
bodies. The green metamorphic rock is older than all of the dikes. Small fractures are younger than the dikes.

Fault scarp

Fault scarp



(B) This glacial moraine in the Sierra Nevada, California, is cut by a fault expressed as a low linear cliff (in shadow from left to right). The fault scarp is
obviously younger than the moraine it cuts, indicating a tectonic event after deposition.

FIGURE 8.5 Crosscutting relations indicate the relative ages of rock bodies and geologic structures.
198 Chapter 8

FIGURE 8.6 Inclusions of one rock in

another provide a means of determining
relative age. In this example fragments of
granite are included in the basalt, clearly
indicating that the granite is the older.


Using the principles of relative dating, geologists have unravelled the chrono-
logic sequence of rocks throughout broad regions of every continent and
have constructed a standard geologic time scale that serves as a calendar for
the history of Earth.

Age correlations using fossils have made it possible to construct a diagram, called
the geologic column, to show, in simple form, the major units of strata in Earths
crust (Figure 8.8). Most of the original geologic column was pieced together from
strata studied in Europe during the mid-1800s. Major units of rock (such as the
Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian) generally were named after geographic areas
in Europe where they are well exposed.The rock units are distinguished from each
other by major changes in rock type, unconformities, or different fossil assem-
blages. The original order of the units in the geologic column was based on the
FIGURE 8.7 Ancient lava flows near
St. George, Utah, now exist as long linear
ridges with flat tops. When the lava was
extruded, it flowed down stream valleys and
displaced the stream to the margins of the
flow. Subsequent erosion was then concen-
trated along the lava flow margins and
developed a lava-capped ridge at the site of
the original stream channel. These ridges are
called inverted valleys. This flow is obviously
older than other flows in the region that
occupy the present drainage channels.
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 199

Millions of
Era Period Epoch in millions
years ago
of years
Quaternary Holocene 0.01
1.8 0.01
Pleistocene 1.8
Pliocene 3.5

Miocene 18.5

Duration 23.8
Millions of Oligocene 9.9
EON ERA in millions 33.7
years ago
of years Eocene 21.1

65 Paleocene 10.2


543 Cretaceous 79

LATE 357


MIDDLE 700 Jurassic 62


1600 206

Triassic 42

Permian 42

2500 Pennsylvanian

LATE 500

Mississippian 31


Devonian 63

Silurian 26

Ordovician 47


Cambrian 53



FIGURE 8.8 The standard geologic column was developed in Europe in the 1800s, based on the principles of superposition and faunal succession.
Later, radiometric dates on igneous rocks provided a numerical scale for absolute ages of the geologic periods.
200 Chapter 8

sequence of rock formations in their superposed order as they are found in Europe.
In other areas of the world, rocks that contain the same fossil assemblages as a
given part of the European succession are considered to be of the same age. The
column is made of a hierarchy of relative time subdivisions of Earths history. The
How are rock units on different conti- longest units are called eons, and progressively shorter subdivisions are eras, pe-
nents correlated with one another? riods, and epochs.

The Precambrian Eon

Precambrian time is represented by a group of ancient rocks that form a large vol-
ume of the continental crust. Most of these are igneous and intensely deformed
metamorphic rocks. To produce these rocks, great thicknesses of sedimentary and
volcanic rocks were strongly folded and faulted, and then intruded with granitic
rock. Precambrian rocks contain only a very few fossils of the more primitive forms
of life. Without common fossils, age correlations of rock layers from continent to
continent are difficult, if not impossible. Major progress in deciphering the Pre-
cambrian has been made using radiometric ages for igneous and metamorphic
rocks (as discussed in the next section). The Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic
Eons, subdivisions of the Precambrian, are defined based on these radiometric
ages and not on fossil successions.

The Phanerozoic Eon

Rocks younger than the Precambrian are generally less deformed and contain
many fossils, permitting geologists to identify and correlate them worldwide. The
span of time since the end of the Precambrian is the Phanerozoic Eona term
meaning visible life in Greek.The passage of time in this eon is chronicled by fos-
sils that reveal the continual evolution of Earths biosphere.The Phanerozoic is sub-
divided into three major eras, which are in turn subdivided into periods and into
even shorter epochs (Figure 8.8).

The Paleozoic Era. The term Paleozoic means ancient life. Paleozoic rocks
contain numerous fossils of invertebrate (no backbone) marine organisms and
later vertebrates, such as primitive fish and amphibians. The era is subdivided into
periods (Figure 8.8) distinguished largely according to the sequence of sedimentary
rock formations of Great Britain.

The Mesozoic Era. Mesozoic means middle life. The term is used for a period
of geologic time in which fossil reptiles, including dinosaurs, are present. Fossil
invertebrates that were more like modern lifeforms dominate marine rocks. The
Mesozoic Era includes three periodsthe Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous
(Figure 8.8).

The Cenozoic Era. Cenozoic means recent life. Fossils in these rocks include
many types closely related to modern forms, including mammals, plants, and
invertebrates. The Cenozoic Era has two periodsthe Tertiary and Quaternary
(Figure 8.8).
The geologic column by itself shows only the relative ages of the major periods
in Earths history. It tells us nothing about the length of time represented by a pe-
riod. With the discovery of the radioactive decay of uranium and other elements,
new tools for measuring geologic time were invented. They greatly enhanced our
understanding of time and of the history of Earth and provided numerical bench-
marks for the standard geologic column.
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 201


Radiometric dating provides a method for directly measuring geologic time

in terms of a specific number of years (numeric age). It has been used
extensively during the last 50 years to provide a numerical time scale for
the events in Earths history.

Unlike relative time, which specifies only a chronologic sequence of events, numer-
ical age is measured in hours, days, and years. In other words, numeric dating speci-
fies quantitative (or absolute) lengths of time. Numeric time can be measured using
any regularly recurring event, such as the swing of a pendulum or the rotation of
Earth. You are very familiar with the concept of numeric dating in that it is the way Have scientists always thought the
in which you record your own age. It is one matter to reveal that you are older than Earth was billions of years old?
someone else (relative age) and something quite different to say that you are a spe-
cific number of years old (numeric age). Using appropriate numerical dating tech-
niques, geologists can estimate the time span between two geologic events.
Before Hutton and Lyell, few people even thought about the age of Earth.After
Hutton presented his arguments for uniformitarianism, and Lyell further developed
the concept, much interest was generated in the magnitude of geologic time, and
scientists explored several ways to estimate Earths age. Early attempts included
estimates based on how long it would take for the ocean to become salty (about
100 million years) or how long it would take to accumulate the known thickness-
es of fossil-bearing sedimentary strata (about 500 million years). By the end of the
1800s, many geologists had come to accept an age for the Earth of about 100 mil- Numerical Dating
lion years. This was based on Lord Kelvins estimate of how long it would take the
planet to cool from an initially molten state.
In short, before the 1900s there was no reliable method for measuring long pe-
riods of geologic time, and there seemed to be little hope of finding the secret of
Earths age. Each method showed that Earth was far older than many had supposed
based on a reading of the Bible (6000 y), but the true dimensions of time remained
elusive.Then, a major breakthrough occurred when Henri Becquerel (18521908),
a French physicist, discovered natural radioactivity in 1896 and opened new vistas
in many fields of science.Among the first to experiment with radioactive substances
was the distinguished British physicist Lord Rutherford (18711937). After defin-
ing the structure of the atom, Rutherford was the first to suggest that radioactive
decay could be used to calculate a numerical age for geologic events (Figure 8.8).

234, 235, 238Uranium

FIGURE 8.9 The chart of the nuclides
Stable isotopes shows the number of protons and neutrons
80 in many of the almost 300 known isotopes.
Radioactive isotopes 232Thorium Most isotopes are radioactive and
Number of protons (Atomic number)

Long half-lives spontaneously decay to stable daughter

Short half-lives isotopes that lie in the central band on the
diagram. The elements that are commonly
used in radiometric dating are labeled. The
inset shows the decay of 40K to 40Ar. Some
radioactive isotopes have such long half-lives
that they can be found in rocks; others have
40 half-lives of only fractions of a second and
are not found naturally on Earth. Not all of
these short-lived isotopes are shown.

20 19 Potassium
18 Argon
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Number of neutrons
202 Chapter 8

The discovery of radioactive decay solved two problems at once. First it provided
Parent nucleus the means to calculate ages for igneous rocks. Second, the heat continually pro-
duced by radioactive decay explained why Earth was still hot billions of years after
Energy its formation.
Neutron (0)
Radioactive Decay
Proton (+)
Electron () Many atoms spontaneously change into other kinds of atoms through radioactive
or Beta particle Daughter nucleus
decay.You will remember from our discussion of the nature of atoms that the num-
(A) Beta emission (Example: rub- ber of protons in the nucleus is the determining characteristic of an element. If
idim to strontium) the number of protons in the nucleus changes, the atom becomes a different ele-
ment with its own set of distinctive physical and chemical properties.This happens
Parent nucleus in minerals when potassium (K) decays to form the noble gas argon (Ar). A loss
of a proton in the nucleus of potassium changes it into argon (see the periodic
Energy table in Figure 3.3).
Of course, not all isotopes experience radioactive decay. To visualize the rela-
Proton (+)
tionship between those isotopes that are radioactive and those that are not, refer
Neutron (0) to Figure 8.9. This chart shows the number of protons and the number of neutrons
Positive electron
or positron
in the nuclei of most of the known isotopes. Remember, each isotope has a dis-
Daughter nucleus
tinctive atomic weightthe sum of its protons and neutrons. Thus, one element
(B) Positron emission (Example: can have many different isotopes, each with a different number of neutrons and dif-
nitrogen to carbon) ferent atomic weight, but the same number of protons. From this diagram, you can
see that all of the stable isotopes lie in a diagonal band through the center of the
Parent nucleus
diagram. Radioactive isotopes lie on either side. For example, you can see that
potassium (K) has two stable isotopes (39K and 41K), one long-lived radioactive
isotope (40K) that is found in rocks and minerals, and several short-lived isotopes
that do not occur naturally on Earth.
Proton (+)
Electron ()
All decay reactions move an unstable isotope on a path that ultimately ends in
a stable nuclear configuration in the central part of the diagram. There are sever-
Neutron (0)
Daughter nucleus al types of radioactive decay (Figure 8.10), but all involve changes in the number
of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an unstable atom. The atom that decays
(C) Electron capture (Example: is the parent isotope and the product is the daughter isotope. Many decay reactions
potassium to argon)
are composed of several separate steps in a long decay chain involving as many as
Parent nucleus
a dozen intermediate isotopes.
Radiogenic heat is also produced by radioactive decay reactions (along with
other particles not listed in Figure 8.10). In fact, radioactive decay of potassium,
uranium, and thorium is one of Earths principal sources of heat. Radiogenic heat-
ing explains why Earth is still hot after all these years of cooling.
Alpha particle
2 neutrons Rates of Radioactive Decay
2 protons Daughter nucleus
Each radioactive isotope disintegrates at its own distinctive rate.The rate of decay
(D) Alpha emission (Example: has been accurately and repeatedly measured for many radioactive isotopes.
uranium to thorium)
Unlike chemical reactions that only involve electrons, nuclear reactions are not
affected by temperature or pressure, at least under the conditions found in the
Parent nucleus
outer layers of Earth and other planets. Experimental measurements all show that
decay follows a simple rule, under which half of the parent atoms present in a
closed system decay to form daughter atoms in a fixed period of time known as a
half-life. In other words, half the original atoms decay during one half-life. In a
second half-life, half the remainder (or a quarter of the original atoms) decay. In
a third half-life, half the remaining quarter decay, and so on (Figure 8.11).
Daughter nuclei Regular decay is the critical rhythm used in measuring radiometric dates. The
(E) Spontaneous fission (Example:
time elapsed since the formation of a crystal containing a radioactive element can
uranium to various elements) be calculated from the rate at which that particular element decays. For a simple
decay reaction, the amount of the parent isotope remaining in the crystal can be
FIGURE 8.10 Several different modes compared with the amount of the daughter isotope.
of radioactive decay are important geologic Note that the fraction of atoms that decay during each half-life is always the
clocks and important sources of heat. same; one-half of the atoms change into another isotope This means that the
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 203



1 FIGURE 8.11 Rates of radioactive

2 growth and decay are exponential. (A) Many
3 processes are characterized by uniform,
straight-line depletion, like sand moving
through an hourglass. If half of the sand is
gone in 1 hour, all of it will be gone in
2 hours. (B) Radioactive decay, in contrast,
1/2 is exponential. If half is depleted in 1 hour,
half of the remainder, or one-fourth, will be
1/4 depleted in 2 hours, leaving one-fourth.
1/8 Rates of radioactive decay are expressed in
1/16 half-lives; the time required for half of the
0 1 2 3 4 remaining amount to be depleted. In this
Hours case, the half-life is 1 hour.

number of atoms that decay in a given time continually diminishes. Thus, the rate
of decay actually declines over time. This declining rate is important in under-
standing radiometric dating, but it is also crucial for understanding why the amount
of heat released by decay dramatically declines with the passage of time. Conse- Why do some isotopes spontaneously
quently, all of the planets have cooled with time. decay to form other elements?
The half-life for each unstable isotope is different. Most isotopes decay rapid-
ly; that is, they have short half-lives and lose their radioactivity within a few days
or years. Many of these short-lived isotopes may be formed naturallyin stellar
interiors, for example. But they have such short half-lives compared with the age
of the solar system that they have long since decayed away and are not found on
Earth. However, other isotopes decay very slowly, with half-lives of hundreds of
millions of years.These are the ones that can be used as atomic clocks for measuring
long periods of time. The parent isotopes and their daughter products that are
most useful for geologic dating are listed in Table 8.1.

Radiometric Dating
The use of radioactive decay to measure the passage of time numerically has dra-
matically improved our understanding of Earth and its evolution. Radiometric Do all radioactive isotopes decay at the
dating of rocks and minerals uses a variety of elements that decay in different ways same rate?
(Table 8.1). Commonly, the same rock can be dated by several different techniques,
giving geologists important cross checks on their interpretations and lending a

TABLE 8.1 Radioactive Isotopes Commonly Used

in Radiometric Dating
Parent Isotope Daughter Isotope Half-life (years)
Uranium-238 Lead-206 4.5 billion
Uranium-235 Lead-207 704 million
Thorium-232 Lead-208 14.0 billion
Samarium-147 Neodymium-143 106 billion
Rubidium-87 Strontium-87 48.8 billion
Potassium-40 Argon-40 1.25 billion
Carbon-14 Nitrogen-14 5,730
Hydrogen-3 Helium-3 12.3
THE ART Single Grain Ages of Earths Oldest Rocks
Many numerical dating tech- argon). These ions drill a small crater
niques are based on the radio- into the grains surface and eject ion-
active decay of one isotope into ized atoms from the grain. These ions
an isotope of a completely dif- are swept into a mass spectrometer
ferent element. One of the ra- where the ratio of the parent isotope
dioactive elements with a long and the daughter isotope can be mea-
half-life is uranium (Table 8.1). sured. (See page 415 for more infor-
Uranium is found in fairly high mation on how mass spectrometers
concentrations in several min- work.) For zircon, this means measur-
erals, including the mineral zir- ing the amount of uranium and its ra-
con (ZrSiO4), where uranium diogenic daughter lead. By using this
can substitute for zirconium be- ratio and the known decay rate of ura-
cause of its similar size and (Courtesy of I. S. Williams, Australian National University) nium, a crystallization age for this small
charge. Zircon is found in very spot on the mineral can be calculated.
small quantities in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. After moving the crystal a small distance, another micro-
Because zircon equilibrates very slowly with its environ- hole is drilled and another age is calculated. The result is a
ment, it is difficult to reset the radiometric clock.The parent map that shows the crystallization history of a single tiny
uranium isotopes and daughter lead isotopes are held tight- grain of zircon (ages given in millions of years).
ly in the minerals atomic structure. Geologists have found This technique shows that some gneisses have zircon
that zircon grains are windows into the geologic past. grains that first crystallized in a magma, were then meta-
A new type of sophisticated instrument is used to open morphosed, and later still incorporated into a different hot
these windows. Called a SHRIMP (for Sensitive High Res- magma without ever completely dissolving or even reaching
olution Ion MicroProbe), these expensive tools allow sci- equilibrium with the new molten environment. Each event
entists to get numerical dates for extremely small spots only is recorded by the crystallization of a rim (colored bands) of
a fraction of a millimeter across. Thus, many dates can be new zircon around the old core. In the photo you can see
obtained from a single grain (as shown in the photo above). that the rim of the grain is about 80 million years younger
In contrast, many other dating techniques require the use than the core. Even more exciting results have come from
of tens to hundreds of grains to get a single date. dating zircons from the ancient rocks of the shields.The old-
The essence of this technique is to bombard a polished est rocks found on Earth so far are gneisses that crystallized
grain surface with a narrow beam of energetic ions (usually about 4.0 billion years ago in what is now northern Canada.

(Courtesy of I. S. Williams, Australian National University)

G e o l o g i c Ti m e 205

firm foundation to our measurements of geologic time. Let us review several im-
portant systems for measuring radiometric dates.

Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) Clock. The potassium-argon method of radiometric

dating is one of the most widely applied techniques. Because potassium is
incorporated in common minerals, such as feldspars, micas, and amphiboles, this
method is widely used to date igneous and metamorphic rocks. Although the half-
life of 40K is about 1.25 billion years (Table 8.1), rocks as young as a few hundred
thousand years have been successfully dated. Fortunately, the potassium-argon
clock is one of the easiest to understand. 40Ar, the decay product of 40K, is a noble
gas and does not form chemical bonds with other ions in mineral structures. Thus,
when a 40K-bearing mineral crystallizes from hot magma, it contains very little or
no 40Ar. Once the rock cools, 40Ar steadily accumulates as 40K decays by electron
capture.As long as the mineral is cool, less than a few hundred degrees Celsius, the
Ar will remain trapped within the minerals crystalline structure, just as the grains
of sand accumulate in the bottom of an hourglass. If this igneous rock is collected
and the 40K and 40Ar contents are precisely measured, the crystallization age of the
mineral can be calculated because the half-life of 40K is accurately known.
It is important to keep in mind that a radiometric age is the time of crystalliza-
tion of the mineral that is dated. These techniques tell us nothing about the time
at which the elements themselves formed; most elements formed in the interiors
of ancient stars billions of years before Earth was created. Moreover, this tech- What processes can reset the K-Ar
nique works best when used to date mineral grains that crystallized over very short clock to zero age?
periods of time and at the same time that the rock formed. Consequently, potas-
sium-argon dating is best used to date metamorphic and igneous rocks, particularly
quickly cooled volcanic rocks. It is nearly useless in dating clastic sedimentary
rocks because argon may have been accumulating in the individual mineral grains
for a very long time before the grains were transported and deposited to form a
sedimentary rock.
To understand other potential complications in radiometric dating, imagine that
a 40K-bearing mineral grain leaks a little of the 40Ar already produced by ra-
dioactive decay. If we collect and analyze this grain, its calculated age will be lower
than the real crystallization age of the mineral. In the same way, an underestimate
of the passage of time would occur if we used an hourglass that had an undetect-
ed crack through which sand grains in the lower chamber escaped from the once-
closed system. Leakage of 40Ar can occur in real minerals if, for example, they are
heated during metamorphic processes or if they are weathered by reactions with
air and water at Earths surface. Radiometric dating only works if the mineral has
remained a closed system, with no loss or gain of the parent or daughter isotopes.
Therefore, it is extremely important for the geologist to collect fresh, unaltered
rocks for geochronologic work.
On the other hand, the fact that the potassium-argon clock can be partially or
completely reset allows these techniques to be used to study the thermal histories
of rocks, not just the time when they crystallized. A simple example is the meta-
morphism of an old granite to form gneiss. Here, all of the 40Ar may be expelled
from the igneous minerals as they become hot, effectively resetting the clock com-
pletely. Such a gneiss would then yield a K-Ar age that corresponds to the age of
metamorphism. With increasingly sophisticated techniques, we are now able to
look at the timing of even more subtle temperature changes, such as those that
occur when sedimentary rocks are buried or when mountain belts are uplifted.

Carbon-14 Clock. Another important radiometric clock uses the decay of

carbon-14 (14C), which has a half-life of 5730 years (Figure 8.12). If this isotope has Why cant we use carbon-14 to date old
such a short half-life, why is there any left at all? Carbon-14 is produced continually metamorphic rocks like those in the
in Earths upper atmosphere by cosmic rayshigh-energy nuclear particles that shields?
arise from the Sun and elsewhere in space. Cosmic rays fragment the nuclei of
gases in the atmosphere to produce free particles, including protons and neutrons.
206 Chapter 8


Cosmic ray collides with atom in

Atmosphere atmosphere and produces energetic

Neutron collides with 14Nitrogen atom

Proton Radioactive 14Carbon produced

Carbon reacts with oxygen

CO2 molecule with 14C

Absorbed by
Amount of plants
Dissolves in


5730 y

FIGURE 8.12 The 14C radiometric Layers rich in organic carbon

clock is based on the production of 14C from 11,460 y
nitrogen in the atmosphere, the incorpora-
tion of the radioactive carbon into living
plants and animals, and the regular decay of 17,190 y
the 14C after organisms die and stop
absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. The 14C in dead plants and animals gradually decays to 14N
short half-life of 14C allows this system to be 22,920 y
used to date events from a few hundred to as
much as 40,000 years old.

If one of these neutrons hits 14N, with seven protons, the nucleus gives up a proton
and unstable 14C, with only six protons, is formed.The formation of 14C is in balance
with its decay, so the proportion of 14C in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is
essentially constant.
The newly formed radioactive carbon becomes mixed with ordinary carbon
atoms in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Plants use this radioactive carbon dioxide in
photosynthesis, and animals also incorporate radioactive carbon by eating the
plants. Both plants and animals thus maintain a fixed proportion of 14C while they
are alive. After death, however, no additional 14C can replenish what is lost by ra-
dioactive decay. The 14C steadily reverts to 14N by beta decay. The time elapsed
since an organism died can therefore be determined by measuring how much 14C
remains. The longer the time elapsed since death, the less 14C. Because the iso-
Can all rocks be accurately dated using topes half-life is 5730 years, the amount of 14C remaining in organic matter older
radiometric techniques? than 50,000 years is too small to be measured accurately. This method is therefore
useful for dating very young geologic events involving organic matter and for dat-
ing archeological material.
There are several complications in using the 14C system for age determinations.An
important difficulty lies in the fact that the production rate of 14C in the atmosphere
has not been constant. Changes in the rate of cosmic-ray bombardment and in the
strength of Earths magnetic field, which can deflect cosmic rays, are probably the
most important reasons why 14C production changes. However, this error amounts to
only 1% to 4%, when compared with ages obtained by other numeric dating
techniques, such as tree ring dating. In addition, the short half-life limits 14C dating to
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 207

very young materials. Another possible drawback comes from carbons mobility at
Earths surface and the fact that it may be added to or subtracted from an organisms
remains after death.

Problems in Radiometric Dating

The principles of radiometric dating may be simple enough, but the laboratory pro-
cedures are complex. Most radioactive elements are found in only trace quantities
in rocks and minerals. They do not form their own minerals but are impurities in
common rock-forming minerals. For example, uranium and thorium have concen-
trations of only a few parts per million in most rocks. Consequently, the principal
difficulty lies in the precise measurement of minute amounts of parent and daugh- What kinds of rocks are most useful
ter isotopes. Modern instruments are capable of accurate measurements at the parts for radiometric dating?
per billion level. The accuracy of a date also depends on the accuracy with which
the half-life of the radioactive element is known. For example, measurements of
the half-life for the decay of 235uranium to 207lead are considered accurate within 1%.
Other errors are the result of the movement of parent and daughter isotopes after
the radiometric clock has been started, as described previously for the K-Ar system.
Isotopic systems can become open, or leaky, as a result of weathering and alter-
ation, or by heating, burial, and uplift. By understanding these problems, one can
minimize their effects by carefully collecting samples and using precise instruments
in the laboratory.
Many rocks cannot be dated by radiometric methods. Some rocks are too young
to have accumulated sufficient daughter products for analysis. Other rocks are too
old and all of the parent isotopes have decayed away. Some rocks lack sufficient
quantities of radioactive elements in the first place. For example, quartz does not
accommodate radioactive elements in its crystal structure and is rarely useful for
radiometric dating.
To safeguard against these problems, geologists constantly check and recheck
radiometric ages. Several radioactive isotopes are suitable for numerical dating, so
one obvious test is to determine the age of a mineral or a rock by more than one
method. If the results agree, the probability is high that the age is reliable. If the
results differ significantly, additional methods must be used to decide which age,
if either, is correct. Another independent check can be made by comparing the ra-
diometric age with the relative age of the rocks, determined from such evidence
as superposition and fossils. Through this system of tests and cross-checks, many
very reliable radiometric ages have been determined.


Some natural processes produce records that can be used to calculate

numerical ages. Some of the most important are tree rings, varves, and ice
layers. Most of these methods can be used to understand the last few tens
of thousands of years of Earths history.

Tree Rings
The annual growth rings of trees found in temperate climates provide a simple
way to measure the age of a tree (Figure 8.13). The thickness and texture of each
ring are records of the environmenttemperature, humidity, precipitation, insect
infestations, and even fires will create distinctive patterns recorded in all of the
trees in one area. Consequently, by comparing the pattern of rings from one tree
to another tree, or even to ones that have died, the chronology of a forested region Why cant we count tree rings to find
can be accurately deduced. By overlapping sections of rings from many different out when dinosaurs lived on Earth?
trees, scientists have been able to link together unbroken tree ring records that
extend as far back as 8000 years in some localities.
208 Chapter 8

Date of last
ring is the year
when tree was cut

1950 1970 1990

1910 1930
B Second dead tree
C Third dead tree

FIGURE 8.13 Tree rings can be used to determine the numerical ages of some very young geologic
events. The patterns of annual growth rings can be matched from living to dead trees to form a record
extending back several thousand years in some locations.

Because the rings are so sensitive to the climate, tree ring dating is an ideal tool
to date and explain many of Earths most recent climate changes. Moreover, tree
rings have been used to examine slumping and mass movement on hillsides and
also disturbances caused by earthquakes. Pollutants from power plants, smelters,
nuclear testing, and waste disposal sites are transported in wind and water and be-
come incorporated in an annual ring. Consequently, both the extent and timing of
these environmental perturbations are recorded as the tree grows.

In some geologic settings, rhythmic changes in a sedimentary environment create
a type of clock based on successions of thin sediment beds. Some of these rhythms
correspond to the annual cycle of the seasons. For example, thin layers of clay,
known as varves, accumulate in the still waters of some glacial lakes (see Figure
14.22B). Each graded layer represents one year and was created by seasonal vari-
ations in the amount of sediment-laden meltwater that flowed into a lake. By care-
fully counting these layers, geologists have pieced together a record that extends
back about 20,000 years in the glaciated region around the Baltic Sea of northern
Europe. Some varves can also be dated by 14C techniques if they contain sufficient
organic material.
In many other areas, thick sequences of laminated sedimentary rocks exist, but
without a knowledge of the numerical age of the first or last bed, we can only de-
cipher the total length of time that passed during their deposition, not the nu-
merical age of each layer. One famous section from the shales of the Green River
Formation of Wyoming is built of layers 2 mm thick that accumulated into a se-
quence almost 1 km thick (see Figure 5.5C). If each bed represents a single year,
then the shales were deposited over a period of about 5 million years, a result in
accord with what is known about the radiometric age of the formation.

Ice Layers
A distinctive type of rhythmic sediment accumulates in Earths high mountains
and in its polar regionsice sheets (Figure 8.14). Seasonal changes in the amount
of snowfall and subsequent snowmelt create thin layers in glacial ice sheets. Drill
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 209

FIGURE 8.14 Annual layers of ice form

in many glaciers. Many layers can be seen in
this South American glacier. Layers of wind-
blown dust deposited in the summer help
define the layers.. In some deep drill cores,
these layers can be counted back for tens of
thousands of years. (Courtesy of L

cores obtained from both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets show that these
layers can be counted to obtain a nearly continuous record almost 65,000 years
long. Ice older than this is present in the ice sheets, but the annual layers have been
destroyed by flowage of the ice. Some of these cores are 3000 m long. Independent
confirmation of the age of the ice layers can be obtained from radiometric dates
of thin beds of volcanic ash preserved in the ice. Volcanoes in Iceland, Mount St.
Helens in the United States, and even some volcanoes as far away as Mexico have What segment of geologic time can be
erupted ash that is preserved in the Greenland ice cap. dated using ice layers?
These ice layers are rich storehouses of climatic information. Besides the infor-
mation in their thickness, the isotopic and chemical composition of the ice tell when
changes in the environment occurred. Contaminants in the ice reveal the wide-
spread changes that accompanied the industrial revolution, including the intro-
duction of lead and copper from smelting operations and the buildup of carbon
dioxide trapped in bubbles. Moreover, by carefully examining the oxygen isotopic
composition of the ice, scientists can calculate the temperature of the polar regions.


Numerical ages of many geologic events have been determined from

thousands of specimens throughout the world. These, in combination with
the standard geologic column, provide a radiometric time scale from which
the numerical age of other rock units and geologic events can be estimated.

Unfortunately, radiometric dates cannot be used to determine the age of every

rock. Many sedimentary rocks do not contain minerals suitable for accurately
dating the time of deposition. In most cases, a radiometric date of a sedimentary
rock indicates when the mineral grains within the rock crystallizednot the time
when the sediment was deposited. Radiometric dating can be used effectively to
determine when igneous rocks crystallized or when new minerals formed in meta-
morphic rocks because, in these cases, the mineral and the rock formed together.
The problem in developing a reliable numeric time scale is the placement of the
radiometric dates of igneous and metamorphic rocks in their proper positions in
the relative time scale established by relative dating of sedimentary rocks.
210 Chapter 8

Layered Volcanic Rocks

The best reference points for the radiometric time scale are probably volcanic ash
falls and lava flows. Both are deposited instantaneously, as far as geologic time is
concerned. Because they commonly are interbedded with fossiliferous sediments,
their exact positions in the geologic column can be determined.
For example, thin beds of volcanic ash are common in some richly fossiliferous
shales and limestones of the western interior of the United States. Here, several dif-
ferent fossil species permit us to determine precisely the position of thin units in
which the fossils occur within the geologic column. Comparisons with fossils found
on other continents are also possible, so that their Late Cretaceous age is well es-
tablished. The sequence of interbedded volcanic ash layers can be dated very pre-
cisely by radiometric means. Therefore, a numerical age for each successive fossil
How are igneous rocks used to calibrate zone can be established. In this case, individual fossil zones have radiometric ages
the relative time scale? known within about 1% and provide tight constraints on the numerical ages of
several important parts of the geologic time scale.
In other formations, sedimentary rocks lack fossils that are diagnostic of a cer-
tain period of geologic time. For example, the Morrison Formation of the western
United States is famous for its abundant and distinctive dinosaur fauna, including
stegosaurs, allosaurs, and apatosaurs, but it has few fossils that identify its exact
position in the standard geologic column. Estimates of its age ranged from Juras-
sic to Cretaceous. However, volcanic ash beds are common in this unit, and care-
ful radiometric dating has established that the Morrison Formation and its di-
nosaur remains range from 155 to 148 million years old.They are thus Late Jurassic
in age (Figure 8.8).

Bracketed Intrusions
As shown in Figure 8.15, molten rock can cool within Earths crust without ever
breaking out to the surface. Subsequent erosion may expose this rock at the
surface. Later, younger sediments may be deposited on top. In some cases, the
entire sequence of events takes only a few million years. In others, a much longer
time may pass. The relative age of the igneous rock is bracketed between the ages

FIGURE 8.15 Radiometric

dating of igneous rocks can be
used in developing a numerical
time scale, but the relationship
between rock bodies must be 1 1
considered. In these diagrams, 2
major geologic events are
numbered. Radiometric dating of
the intrusion (2) indicates that
the granite cooled 355 million
years ago and that the lava flow (A) A sequence of sedimentary rocks (1) is deposited. (B) The sedimentary rocks are subsequently
(5) cooled 288 million years ago. intruded by an igneous body (2).
These two dates place certain
constraints on the absolute age of
all units. (1) is older than 355 6
million years; (3) and (4) formed 5
between 355 and 288 million 4
years ago; and (6) is younger than
288 million years. 3 3
2 1 2 1

(C) Erosion (3) removes part of the sequence (1 and 2). (D) Subsequent deposition of sediment (4) and
extrusion of lava (5). The lava flow is covered by
deposition of younger sedimentary rocks (6).
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 211

of the older sediments (1) and the younger sediments (4). Such a rock body is
therefore known as a bracketed intrusion. Unfortunately, the span of time between
1 and 4 is commonly too long to permit the relative age of the intrusion to be use-
ful in detailed geochronology. Radiometric dating of such rocks does establish the
time of major igneous events, however.

The Geologic Time Scale

The currently accepted geologic time scale is based on the standard geologic col-
umn, established by faunal succession and superposition, plus the numerical ra-
diometric dates of rocks that can be placed precisely in the column. Each dating sys-
tem provides a cross-check on the other because one is based on relative time and
the other on numerical time.Agreement between the two systems is remarkable and
discrepancies are few. In a sense, the radiometric dates act as the scale on a ruler,
providing reference markers between which interpolation can be made. Enough
dates have been established so that the time span of each geologic period can be es-
timated with considerable confidence.The age of a rock can be determined by find-
ing its location in the geologic column and interpolating between the nearest ra-
diometric time marks.
From this radiometric time scale, we can make several general conclusions about
the history of Earth and geologic time:

1. Present evidence indicates that Earth formed about 4.5 to 4.6 billion years
ago. The oldest rocks on Earth are a little more than 4 billion years old.
2. The Precambrian constitutes more than 80% of geologic time.
3. Phanerozoic time began about 540 million years ago. Rocks deposited since
Precambrian time can be correlated worldwide by means of fossils, and the
dates of many important events during their formation can be determined
from radiometric dating.
4. Some major events in Earths history are difficult to place in their relative po-
sitions on the geologic column but can be dated by radiometric methods.


Using the principles of relative and numerical dating, geologists can deduce
the details of the geologic history of a region.

One of the best areas in the world to visualize the sequence of events recorded in the
geologic record is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona (GeoLogic
essay on next page). Here, many rock formations are completely exposed, and the
major events they record are exceptionally clear. Three major groups of rocks are
shown in the photograph and are separated by major unconformities.They are (1) the
Vishnu Schist and the granitic rocks that intrude it, which are exposed in the deep,
rugged inner gorge; (2) the Grand Canyon series, a sequence of sedimentary rocks
nearly 4000 m thick, all tilted about 15; and (3) the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks,
which are 1500 m thick and are essentially horizontal.They form a series of alternat-
ing steep cliffs and gentle slopes extending from the top of the Grand Canyon series
up to the canyon rim. Above the Paleozoic rocks to the north is another thick se-
quence of Mesozoic strata (not visible in the photograph), which forms the Grand
Staircase in southern Utah.
To interpret the events recorded by these rocks, we need only think a moment
about how each major rock formation formed and what is implied by the
relationship of one rock body to another. The major events are shown graphically
in the series of block diagrams on the next page. The diagrams show several kinds
of crosscutting relationships, as well as unconformities and superposition of major
GeoLogic The Story of the Grand Canyon


Vishnu Schist

The Grand Canyon of Arizona exposes rocks that are as much as 1.7 billion years old. Relative and radiometric dating have been used
to reconstruct its geologic history. The major events that formed the rocks and landscapes of the Grand Canyon are shown in the block

(A) Deposition of Vishnu sediment and associated arc (B) Mountain building and metamorphism form Vishnu
volcanic rocks (1.75 billion years ago) Schist, followed by several episodes of granite intrusion
(1.7 to 1.4 billion years ago)

(E) Normal faulting (800 to 740 million years ago) (F) Erosion and formation of Great Unconformity (740 to
550 million years ago)

Revealed in Stone


Grand Canyon

diagrams below. This sequence of geologic events was deciphered using superposition and crosscutting relations. The absolute ages of
many of the events have been established by radiometric dating. The major rock units are labeled on the photograph.

(C) Up lift and erosion (1.4 to 1.2 billion years ago) (D) Deposition of Grand Canyon Supergroup (1.2 to
1.0 billion years ago)

(G) Deposition of Paleozoic (blue), Mesozoic (green) and (H) Erosion of Grand Canyon by Colorado River (20
Cenozoic (yellow) rocks (550 to 20 million years ago) million years to present)

214 Chapter 8

Pal o z o i o i c
eo c
s z Photerozoic
Lat zoic
Me eno








FIGURE 8.16 If the length of geologic time is compared to a football field, Precambrian time represents the first 87 yd, and all
events since the beginning of the Paleozoic are compressed into the last 13 yd. Dinosaurs first appeared 5 yd from the goal line. The
glacial epoch occurred in the last inch, and historic time is so short that it cannot be represented on this figure.

rock bodies. Study each figure carefully. Refer to the photograph of the canyon. Do
you recognize each rock body? Do you understand the reasons for each event il-
lustrated in the cross sections? If not, try again, and your reward will be a new
awareness of time.


The magnitude of geologic time is easier to comprehend when compared

to some tangible linear time line.

Geologists speak of millions of years as casually as politicians speak of billions of

dollars. A billion dollars is difficult to comprehend; indeed, it does not seem like
real money. Great time spans are also difficult for most people to comprehend
and do not seem to be real time. Today, we accept that our planet is 4.6 billion
years old, but it is not easy to deal with this astonishing number.Yet, we should not
accept it without trying to understand what it means. Without an expanded con-
ception of time, extremely slow geologic processes, considered only in terms of
human experience, have little meaning.
To appreciate the magnitude of geologic time, we will abandon numbers for the
moment and refer instead to something tangible and familiar. In Figure 8.16, the
length of a football field represents the lapse of time from the beginning of Earths
What are some ways to envision the history to the present. A numeric time scale and the standard geologic periods are
magnitude of geologic time? shown on the left. Precambrian time constitutes the greatest portion of Earths
history (87 yd). The Paleozoic and later periods are equivalent to only the last
13 yd. To show events with which most people are familiar, the upper end of the
scale must be enlarged. The first abundant fossils occur at the 13-yd line. The great
coal swamps are at about the 6-yd line. The dinosaurs became extinct about a yard
from the goal line, and the last ice age occurred an inch from the goal line. Record-
ed history corresponds to less than the width of a blade of grass.
It has not been easy for man to face time. Some, in recoiling from the fearsome
prospects of times abyss, have toppled backward into the abyss of ignorance. (Albrit-
ton, The Abyss of Time, 1980.)
G e o l o g i c Ti m e 215

angular unconformity (p. 192) disconformity (p. 194) nonconformity (p. 193) radiometric dating (p. 203)
carbon-14 (p. 205) faunal succession (p. 195) numerical age (p. 201) relative age (p. 195)
catastrophism (p. 191) geologic column (p. 198) Paleozoic (p. 200) superposition (p. 195)
Cenozoic (p. 200) geologic time scale (p. 211) parent isotope (p. 202) tree-ring dating (p. 208)
correlation (p. 198) half-life (p. 202) Phanerozoic (p. 200) uniformitarianism (p. 190)
crosscutting relations (p. 196) inclusion (p. 196) Precambrian (p. 200) varve (p. 208)
daughter isotope (p. 202) Mesozoic (p. 200) radioactivity (p. 201)

1. Explain the modern concept of uniformitarianism. an accurate age? Too young? In what situations might there
2. Explain the concept of relative dating. be insufficient radioactive elements?
3. Explain how the following principles are used in determin- 10. What kinds of rocksigneous, sedimentary, or metamor-
ing the relative age of rock bodies: (a) superposition, (b) fau- phicare best for radiometric dating? Why?
nal succession, (c) crosscutting relations, and (d) inclusions. 11. Can you think of a simple test of the accuracy of radiometric
4. Discuss the sequence of events illustrated in Figure 8.2. dating using several minerals found in one volcanic rock?
5. What is the standard geologic column? How did it origi- 12. Why are most rocks dated with respect to their position in
nate? the standard geologic column rather than assigned a defi-
6. Explain the meaning of half-life in radioactive decay. nite numerical age, even though accurate methods of radio-
7. Examine Figure 8.10 and give the simple nuclear change for metric dating are well established?
each type of decay shown. 13. How old are the oldest rocks on Earth? How old is Earth
8. How is the numerical age of a rock determined? thought to be?
9. Give examples of the important limitations on radiometric
dating. In what situation could a rock be too old to obtain

Albritton, C. C. 1980. The Abyss of Time. San Francisco: Free- Faure, G. 1986. Isotope Geology. New York: Wiley.
man. Gould, S. J. 1987. Times Arrow, Times Cycle: Myth and
Berry, W. B. N. 1988. Growth of Prehistoric Time Scale. Palo Alto: Metaphor in the Discovery of Geologic Time. Cambridge,
Blackwell. Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Burchfiel, J. D. 1990. Lord Kelvin and the Age of the Earth. Hallam, A. 1982. Great Geologic Controversies. New York: Ox-
Chicago, University of Chicago Press. ford University Press.
Dalrymple, G. B. 1991. The Age of the Earth. Stanford: Stanford Hume, J. D. 1978. An understanding of geologic time. Journal of
University Press. Geological Education 26(4): 141143.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations showing how relative ages are established
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback An interactive tutorial on numerical dating
Quantitative Problems Slide show and animation illustrating the nature and develop-
Critical Thinking Exercises ment of unconformities
Web Resources A direct link to the Companion Website

The Hydrologic System

9 The Atmosphere-Ocean System
10 Weathering
11 Slope Systems
12 River Systems
13 Groundwater Systems
14 Glacier Systems
15 Shoreline Systems
16 Eolian Systems

Earths hydrologic system is composed of all the paths through which

water moves around and through the outer layers of the planet. In this
part of the book, we explore not only the complex paths that water
follows on the continents, but we will also consider the nature and dy-
namics of the atmosphere and the ocean. The sources of energy that
drive these systems are the samea combination of heat energy from
the Sun and gravitational energy from the Earth. Solar heat, created in
a vast nuclear furnace suspended in space, causes evaporation of sea-
water, makes some air masses more buoyant than adjacent ones, and
speeds up chemical reactionsamong a host of other effects. The re-
lentless effect of gravity causes stream water, hillsides, glaciers, and air
masses to move in a ceaseless effort to reach equilibrium. The surface
features of the Earth, which supply us with so much scenic beauty, are
all sculpted by the hydrologic system.

Image provided by SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE
9 The Atmosphere-
Ocean System
Earths outer fluid spheres operate as an enormous interconnected system of moving air and
water that creates and controls the hydrologic system and the entire planets climate. Every day
we find our activities affected by the ceaseless movement of the atmosphere and oceans, as well
as its constantly changing temperature and water vapor content.A moment in this highly vari-
able system is captured in this panorama that looks out over the water in the Gulf of Mexico
from Cancun, Mexico. Here you see the Sun (the ultimate energy source for the atmosphere-
ocean system), clouds formed as a result of evaporation of water from the sea, and evidence of
winds moving the turbulent atmosphere and making waves in the ocean.
In the longer term, we look forward to the march of the seasons. They repeatedly bring
alternating warmth and cold and drive the annual cycle of life. On an even longer scale,
however, we are probably completely unaware of variations in our overall climate. But,
despite our ignorance, climate change over hundreds or thousands of years is just as

relentless as any daily change in weather. Detecting a change in the climate is a daunting
task, given the large daily, seasonal, and even annual variations in temperature and
precipitation and the lack of good weather records before the 1800s. Moreover, natural
events such as volcanic eruptions can cause short-term climate change.
Nonetheless, the record of climate change is extremely clear on the face of Planet Earth.
Its sediments, rocks, and even its landscapes record the sometimes dramaticbut often
slow and ponderouschanges in climate.
Climate significantly affects almost all geologic systems, discussed in detail in subsequent
chapters, because climate is the fundamental control on the operation of the hydrologic
system. Tremendous river systems, the slow circulation of great ocean currents and endless
crashing waves, the massive ice cap on Antarctica, the vast deserts, and even the soil in
which we grow our food, all owe their existence to climatic controls. Consequently, climate
profoundly affects all forms of life. In turn, we humans now can affect climate by altering
Earths surface and by introducing pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere.
In this chapter, we focus on the two most important components of Earths climate
system: the oceans and atmosphere. To understand this system, you must have a basic
understanding of the origin, composition, structure, and flow patterns of air and seawater.
We close the chapter with a few notes on how humans affect the climate.

1. Earths climate system is driven by solar heat and the interactions of the
oceans, the atmosphere, and their circulation patterns.
2. The atmosphere is the envelope of gases that surrounds Earth. It consists
mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. Latitudinal variations in humidity and tem-
perature are caused by the uneven distribution of solar radiation, and there-
fore heat, on Earths surface.
3. Earths ocean consists of liquid water, capped at the poles with sea ice. A
strong vertical temperature gradient in ocean waters creates a thin, warm sur-
face layer and a thick mass of cold deep water. The most important dissolved
constituents in seawater are salt (NaCl) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
4. Circulation of the oceans is driven by the wind, by seawater density differ-
ences (caused by variations in salinity and temperature), and by coastal up-
welling.A global circulation pattern involving surface and deep waters mixes
the entire ocean.
5. Global climate change can be caused by changes in solar radiation intensity,
by volcanism, by the development of new mountain belts, by changes in the
composition of the atmosphere (especially its carbon dioxide content), and to
some extent by the tectonic position of the continents.
6. Concerns about global warming are based on increases in atmospheric car-
bon dioxide caused by our burning fossil fuels.



Among the planets of the Solar System, Earths atmosphere is unique

because it is rich in nitrogen and oxygen. Temperature variations divide it
into several layers; the most important layer for geologic development of
the surface is the troposphere.

Seen from space, the brilliant white swirling clouds of Earths atmosphere are per-
haps its most conspicuous feature. Although this tenuous envelope of gas is an in-
significantly small fraction of the planets mass (less than 0.01%), it is tremen-
dously important because it is an extremely dynamic, open system.The atmosphere
moves easily and rapidly and reacts chemically with surface materials. As a result,
the atmosphere plays a part in the evolution of most features of the landscape.
The atmosphere transports heat energy from the tropics to the polar regions and
moderates the far greater temperature extremes that would otherwise exist.Water
from the oceans is evaporated and carried over the continents by wind. Above the
land, it may precipitate to form rivers, glaciers, and systems of groundwater. Over
What makes Earths atmosphere unique? vast desert areas, the flow of the wind drives the movement of sand.Winds also sup-
ply the energy that drives ocean surface currents, which transport heat, salt, and nu-
trients in addition to water. The wind drives the waves that modify our shorelines.
Chemical reaction of the atmosphere with minerals drives weathering processes
and creates soils and ore deposits. Consequently, an understanding of the compo-
sition and flow of the atmosphere is fundamental to understanding many of Earths
geologic systems.

Composition of the Atmosphere

Earths atmosphere consists mainly of only a few gases. Just three constituents
oxygen, nitrogen, and argonmake up 99.9% of the atmosphere (Table 9.1).
Earths atmosphere is unique compared with the atmospheres of the eight other
planets in our solar system (Figure 9.1). Ours is the only atmosphere with large

Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 221

amounts of oxygen. Oxygen is extremely important because it is necessary for

TABLE 9.1 Composition of
most forms of animal life. Moreover, atmospheric oxygen is constantly reacting
Earths Atmosphere
with minerals that originally formed deep inside Earth to make new minerals in
equilibrium with the atmosphere. These reactions are one of the reasons for the Chemical Concentration
continuing change at Earths surface. Component Formula (volume)
The major gases, along with the inert gases (helium, neon, and krypton), are all
Nitrogen N2 78.0%
found in nearly constant proportions. But other constituents, most notably water,
have concentrations that vary from place to place and from time to time. Water Oxygen O2 21.0%
vapor (humidity) can vary from a bone-dry 0.01% to an extremely humid 3% of Argon Ar 0.9%
the atmosphere. Short-term variations in water content are hallmarks of an active Carbon
hydrologic system.Another constituentcarbon dioxidevaries on a much longer dioxide CO2 353 ppm
time scale. Today it has an abundance of about 0.03%. Over the last few decades,
Neon Ne 18 ppm
carbon dioxide has been increasing in abundance because it is produced by the
burning of fossil fuels. Helium He 5 ppm
The major atmospheric gases are nearly transparent to incoming solar radiation, Methane CH4 2 ppm
and they do little to affect the heat balance at Earths surface. However, some Krypton Kr 1 ppm
minor gases absorb certain wavelengths of light and thus help to heat the atmo-
Water vapor H2O Variable
sphere. In fact, without these absorbent gases, Earths surface temperature would
be 30C lower than it is today. Earth would be a frozen wasteland. The most im- Compiled from D. L. Hartmann.
portant gases for the absorption of solar energy make up less than 1% of the at-
mosphere. In order of importance, they are water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone,
methane, and various nitrous oxides. Because the amount of carbon dioxide is in-
creasing, this variation carries important implications for Earths future climates.

Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere

The most widely recognized climate variable is temperature. Almost all of the heat
in the atmosphere and oceans originates from nuclear fusion in the distant Sun
(Figure 9.2). This energy is transmitted 150 million kilometers to Earth by radia- What causes the atmosphere to divide
tion and heats our planets surface. The global average temperature of the air just into more or less distinct layers?
above the surface is 15C (59F). However, the range of surface temperatures
across the globe is rather wide (90 to 58C). Temperature also changes vertical-
ly above Earths surface (Figure 9.3) and divides the atmosphere into several lay-

The Troposphere. In the lowermost layer of the atmosphere, the temperature 10,000
decreases with altitude at a rate of about 6.5C per kilometer. In other words, if you He
climb 1000 m up the side of a mountain, it will be 6.5C cooler than it was at the Ar
Atmospheric pressure (bars)

bottom. In reality, the rate of temperature change varies from place to place and 100
even from season to season. 3.5%
We live in this lowermost layer, called the troposphere. It is marked by turbu- 10
lent movement of the air (wind) and wide variations in humidity and tempera- 0.03%
ture. It is the zone where all the phenomena related to weather occur. From a ge- 1.0 H2 Ar
82% O2 0.9%
ologic viewpoint, the most significant part of the atmosphere is the troposphere. 21%
0.10 CO2
This layer, or zone, contains about 80% of the atmospheres mass and practically 96%
Ar N2
all of its water vapor and clouds. It is the zone in which evaporation, condensation, 0.01 N2 0.1% 3.4%

and precipitation occur, in which storm systems develop, and in which decay of 78%

0.001 CO2
solid surface rock takes place. 96%
Jupiter Venus Earth Mars
The Stratosphere. In the layer above the troposphere, the temperature change FIGURE 9.1 Earths atmosphere is
reverses and temperatures increase with altitude (Figure 9.3). This layer is known dramatically different in its composition and
as the stratosphere. Temperatures increase to nearly the same level as at the surface, pressure from those of other planets. It is
apparently because solar energy is absorbed by molecules of ozone (O3) that are dominated by nitrogen and oxygen, whereas
the atmospheres of other inner planets
concentrated in the stratosphere. Because of this reversal of the temperature
(Mars and Venus) are mostly carbon dioxide.
gradient, the lower two layers of the atmosphere do not readily mix. Consequently, The much larger outer planets, such as
gases and particulates move through the troposphere rapidly but only slowly across Jupiter, have thick atmospheres of hydrogen
the boundary into the stratosphere. Once in the stratosphere, small particles may and helium.
222 Chapter 9

FIGURE 9.2 The Sun is a seething mass

of hydrogen and helium where energy is
formed by nuclear fusion. Some of this
energy is transmitted by electromagnetic
radiation to Earth, where it drives the
circulation of the atmosphere and the ocean.
This image was constructed from radiation
characteristic of a temperature of about
1 million degrees Celsius (Courtesy of the
TRACE Project, Lockheed Martin Solar
and Astrophysics Laboratory, and NASA)

remain suspended for a very long time. No rain occurs in the stratosphere to remove
particles that reach this height. Moreover, the stratosphere is quiet, and turbulence
is uncommon. Because the density of the air in the stratosphere decreases with
height, the stratosphere does not mix readily and it is stratified, or layered.
Although only a minor constituent in the atmosphere, ozone gas plays several
important roles. Most of the ozone is concentrated in the stratosphere, where it
forms the ozone layer. In addition to warming the stratosphere, ozone in the upper
atmosphere also absorbs harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. Thus,
Which layer of the atmosphere has the it forms a radiation shield for many kinds of plants and animals, including humans.
greatest turbulent motion? Excessive ultraviolet radiation has been linked to skin cancer.
Unlike the other gases in the atmosphere, ozone is not released from the plan-
ets interior, nor is it created by plants on the surface. Instead, stratospheric ozone
is produced when sunlight breaks the bonds in an O2 molecule to form atomic
oxygen (O), which then reacts with another O2 molecule to form O3. Ozone con-
centrations reach a maximum of about 10 ppm (parts per million) at altitudes of
20 to 25 km. That is a very low concentration for any gas, but it is sufficient to cre-
ate the ozone shield.
Lower in the atmosphere, ozone plays a completely different role and is creat-
ed by entirely different mechanisms. Ozone in the troposphere, a pungent gas, is
strongly reactive and oxidizing. As a result, it is corrosive and constitutes a health
hazard near the surface, where it is an important pollutant.

The Upper Layers of the Atmosphere. Above the stratosphere, the temperature
decreases again in what is called the mesosphere, or middle sphere
(coincidentally, the same term applied to the middle of Earths interior). At an
altitude of about 90 km, the temperature change reverses again to form the
thermosphere. Here the temperature increases as ultraviolet energy from the Sun
is absorbed by the molecules in the atmosphere (Figure 9.3). In fact, the gases
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 223



80 Ionized
Altitude (km)


Stratosphere Ozone
20 FIGURE 9.3 The main layers of Earths
atmosphere are defined according to their
Troposphere Weather temperature gradients (left). Earths weather
clouds systems develop in the troposphere. This
0 profile shows mean temperatures at 15 N.
80 0 80 0 0.5 1 The atmospheric pressure decreases
Temperature (C) Pressure (bars) regularly with height (right).

become so warm that some molecular bonds are broken and charged ions of
oxygen and nitrogen form.
Beyond the atmosphere is the magnetosphere, a tear-drop shaped zone where
electrically charged particles streaming from the Sun are trapped by Earths mag-
netic field. This part of the atmosphere is another powerful shield against damag-
ing radiation that comes from outer space.

Atmospheric Pressure
The air about us seems so tenuous as to be almost weightless. In fact, the density
of air at sea level is only about 1/800 the density of liquid water. Nonetheless, these
air molecules exert a pressure that is just over 1 bar at sea level (1 bar = 1 kg/cm2
or 14.7 lb/in.2) at sea level. Perhaps you have seen what happens to a sealed alu- Atmosphere Layers
minum can when the air inside is pumped out; the can collapses, crushed under
the weight of the overlying air. Our own bodies are the same way; were it not for
internal fluid pressures, we would be crushed flat.
Atmospheric pressure is greatest at sea level and drops rapidly with increasing
altitude (Figure 9.3). At an elevation of about 5.6 km, atmospheric pressure is
about 0.5 bar, and half of all the gas molecules in the atmosphere lie below this
level. The atmospheric pressure is cut in half again for each additional increase of
5.6 km in altitude. At an elevation of 8.8 km, the height of Mount Everest, the air
is so thin that it is difficult for a human to get enough oxygen in each breath to
survive.At 80 km above the surface, the pressure is only about 10 6 bars. Nonethe-
less, at 500 km above the surface, there is still a trace of an atmosphere, although
it is extremely tenuous.

Atmospheric Water Vapor

What part of the atmosphere contains
One of the most important variables in the atmosphere is its water vapor content the greatest amount of water vapor?
(Figure 9.4). Water is removed from the ocean by evaporation and rapidly carried
aloft as water vapor in the turbulent troposphere. The amount of water that pass-
es through the atmosphere each day is staggering.Water vapor is also important be-
cause it has a warming influence on the atmospherethe so-called greenhouse ef-
fect. Moreover, the water vapor that condenses to form clouds controls the amount
of solar energy that is reflected away from Earth, for clouds are highly reflective.
It is important to realize that cold air can hold much less water vapor than warm
224 Chapter 9

FIGURE 9.4 Water vapor is a minor

but extremely important part of Earths
atmosphere. This global view of the water
vapor (white) was constructed by images
taken in infrared light and reveals the
relative concentrations of water vapor and
its transport paths in the atmosphere. You
can see that water is almost everywhere in
the atmosphere, but that high concentrations
occur in swirling storm systems. (Courtesy
NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center,
Scientific Visualization Studio)

air.As a result, the percentage of water vapor in the atmosphere at the poles is almost
10 times less than at the equator. Likewise, the water vapor high in the atmosphere
is much less than near the surface.
Precipitation occurs when the air becomes oversaturated with water vapor.
Oversaturation occurs when vapor is no longer the stable form of water but must
be joined by liquid as well. The vapor condenses to form small droplets of liquid
water (or ice), which fall to the surface. Precipitation is generally caused by cool-
Precipitation ing of the air (see Figure 3.5). Commonly air masses cool as they rise into the cold-
er upper troposphere. Ascending air may be caused by winds that force air over
high mountains or by the buoyancy of plumes of warm air.The distribution of pre-
cipitation on Earths surface is shown in Figure 9.5. Most precipitation occurs along
the equator.The least precipitation falls in the deserts north and south of the equa-
tor and also in the polar zones.



Motion of the atmosphere is driven by the uneven distribution of solar

energy. Solar heating is greatest in equatorial regions and causes water in
the oceans to evaporate and the moist air to rise. The warm, humid air
forms a belt of equatorial clouds and heavy rainfall. It is bordered in the
middle latitudes by high-pressure zones that are cloud-free and contain
dry descending air. Temperate and polar zones are marked by separately
convecting masses of air.

Solar Radiation and Heat Balance

Much of the Suns radiation that reaches Earth is reflected immediately back into
space. Fully 30% of the energy is reflected from bright areas such as clouds, oceans,
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 225





Precipitation (cm/year)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

FIGURE 9.5 Precipitation is greatest near the equator, where warm, moisture-laden air rises, then cools at high altitude, and becomes
supersaturated with water that falls as rain. This phenomenon causes the tropical rain forests. Dry regions lie in subtropical belts north and south of
the equator, because here dry air descends, becomes heated, and can then absorb more water vapor. Such conditions cause evaporation to
predominate over precipitation and a desert climate to exist. (Data from Global Precipitation Climatology Project, NOAA)

ice fields, and snow-covered plains. The solar energy that is not reflected is ab-
sorbed by the atmosphere and by the surface. As the surface warms, it radiates
heat back toward space and warms the lower atmosphere in the process.
It has long been known that the amount of solar radiation absorbed by Earth What is the fundamental control of
decreases with the distance from the equator.This variation causes the pronounced climate?
temperature difference between the warm equatorial regions and the frigid polar
regions. Measurements of the average surface temperature clearly show this glob-
al pattern (Figure 9.6).
The strikingly systematic temperature pattern north and south of the equator
is the result of several factors. First, because Earth is a sphere, the angle at which
the Suns rays hit its surface varies from nearly vertical at the equator to nearly hor-
izontal at the poles (Figure 9.7). Consequently, much less energy is received per
square kilometer at the poles because the same amount of incoming radiation is Earths Orbit
spread over a larger area because of the angle. The same energy is concentrated
in a much smaller area at the equator.
In addition, in the polar regions, the low-angle Suns rays travel through a much
greater thickness of atmosphere, where more absorption and reflection occur.The
result is a reduction in the energy received at the poles.
Still another critical factor affecting the heat distribution at Earths surface is
the length of the day. Because Earths spin axis is tilted at an angle of 23.5 with
respect to the plane of its orbit, the length of the day varies with the seasons. Dur-
ing the winter, the days are shorter because the spin axis is tilted away from the Sun. Why is heat distributed unevenly across
In the extreme polar regions, no sunlight falls on the surface for weeks. Thus, lit- Earths surface?
tle solar heating occurs. During the summer at the poles, the midnight Sun does
not set because the spin axis is now leaning toward the Sun. Nonetheless, the sun-
light falls on the surface at such a low angle that little heating occurs.
226 Chapter 9





40 20 0 20 40
Average Annual Temperature (C)

FIGURE 9.6 The mean surface temperature for June 1988 as obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather
satellites. Temperature increases from purple to blue to yellow to red. (Courtesy of GLOBE Program, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA)

In contrast at the equator, the Suns rays strike the surface at a high angle, sun-
light passes through less atmosphere, and the hours of sunlight change much less
with the seasons. Consequently, the equatorial regions are efficiently heated.

Global Circulation of the Atmosphere

Recall from Chapter 2 that we said: Systems not in equilibrium tend to change in
a direction to reach equilibrium. The global circulation of the atmosphere is an at-
tempt to reach equilibrium by equalizing the temperature differences at the poles
and equator. The resulting flow pattern of the atmosphere is critically important

FIGURE 9.7 The Suns energy is Diffuse solar energy.

unevenly distributed across the surface of Rays strike the surface 60
the nearly spherical Earth. The amount of at a low angle.
solar energy per unit area varies with the Minimum heating.
angle at which the Suns rays strike Earths
surface. At low latitudes, near the equator, 30
the Suns rays are nearly perpendicular and
much more heat is received per unit area. At
higher latitudes, where the angle is smaller, Most direct path.
the same amount of energy is spread over a Rays are perpendicular
to the surface. Equator
larger elliptical area and warms the surface
less. Moreover, sunlight must travel through Maximum heating.
a much greater thickness of atmosphere near
the poles than at the equator. This greater
thickness also diminishes the amount of heat 30
that reaches the surface.
Diffuse solar energy.
Rays strike the surface
at a low angle. 60
Minimum heating.
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 227

for Earths climates. It also drives the wind, which helps drive the circulation of the
oceans as well as the atmosphere and, thus, the hydrologic system as a whole.
You have felt the wind blow, but you might not have noticed its systematic
nature. Even from space, seeing that the atmosphere is in constant motion is easy;
the circulation patterns are dramatically revealed by the shape and orientation of What are the main patterns of the
the clouds (page 50) and the distribution of water vapor (Figure 9.4).At first glance, atmospheres global circulation?
these circulation patterns may appear confused, but upon close examination, we
find that they are well organized. If we smooth out the details of local weather
systems, the global atmospheric circulation becomes apparent. For example, there
is considerable symmetry in the flow patterns of the Northern and Southern Hemi-
The general circulation of the troposphere is depicted in Figure 9.8. If the cir-
culation were due solely to solar heating, hot air would rise at the equator and
flow toward the poles.As this air cooled, it would sink at the poles and then return
to the equator by flowing across the surface. All surface winds would simply flow Atmospheric Circulation
straight from the poles to the equator.
However, winds on the spinning Earth are deflected by the planets rotation.This
Coriolis effect is an illustration of Newtons first law of motion: A body in motion
keeps its speed and direction unless acted on by an outside force.This inertial force
divides atmospheric circulation into several latitudinal zones.Thus, the atmosphere
flows in three separate loops, as shown in Figure 9.8. The tropical, temperate,
and polar cells are spiraling convection cells that stretch around the planet.

Polar cells

60 Temperate cells

fr o


30 high-pressure belt




de NE


Tr Tropical cells


0 Equatorial trough
de Tr Tropical cells






high-pressure belt



Temperate cells

Polar cells

FIGURE 9.8 Atmospheric circulation and prevailing wind patterns are generated by the uneven distribution of solar
radiation in combination with Earths rotation. In the equatorial regions, air is intensely heated; the heating reduces its
density, and the air rises. At higher altitudes, this air cools, becomes denser, and descends, forming the subtropical high-
pressure belts (deserts) on either side of the equator. Near the surface, this air then moves back toward the equator to
complete the cycle, causing trade winds. In the Northern Hemisphere, this air is deflected by Earths rotation to flow
southwestward. (In the Southern Hemisphere, flow is northwestward.) Temperate cells form a complementary spiral, creating
strong west-to-east winds. Cold polar air tends to wedge itself toward the lower latitudes and forms polar fronts.
228 Chapter 9

The Global Patterns of Water Movement

Once you can visualize temperature variations across the globe and the flow of the
atmosphere, you can also understand many facets of water movement in the hy-
drologic system. Combine the atmospheric pattern with two simple rules and we
can explain the global transport patterns for water in the hydrologic system:
(1) Evaporation rate increases with temperature; (2) Warm air holds more water
vapor than cold air. Consequently, evaporation is high near Earths equator and low
at the poles (Figure 9.9).

A Circulation Model. Over the equatorial oceans, hot, moist air rises because of
the low density of the warm air. As it rises and cools, the moisture condenses. This
condensation produces intense tropical rains, which fuel the growth of tropical
rain forests in South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The Coriolis effect deflects
surface winds in this climate zone, creating the trade winds that converge toward
the equator (Figure 9.8).
As the rain is removed over the tropical regions, the rising air becomes much
drier. At the top of the troposphere, the air splits into two convection paths, some
flowing northward and some southward (Figure 9.8). As the dry air flows pole-
Why are there deserts in the mid- ward, it cools and becomes denser until it begins to descend toward the surface.This
latitudes and polar regions? dry air reaches the surface at about 30 north and south of the equator (Figure
9.8). As the dry, cool air descends, it warms, and its capacity to hold and absorb
water vapor increases. As a result, evaporation exceeds precipitation (Figure 9.9).
This is a very important factor in the movement of water in the hydrologic sys-
tem. Very little rain falls from this dry air. The low precipitation and high evapo-
ration rates combine to cause the subtropical belts of deserts centered between 15
and 30 latitude (Figure 9.5). These deserts form a fundamental climatic zone on
our planet.
Large temperate convection cells mark Earths mid-latitudes between 30 and
about 50. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Coriolis force deflects the north-
flowing air to the right to create the prevailing westerly winds of this zone.



Major source


20 Major source



FIGURE 9.9 Evaporation creates major sources of water for the hydrologic system. Darkest areas 80 40 0 40 80
are where evaporation exceeds precipitation, moving great volumes of moisture into the air. These areas Precipitation minus evaporation
are the main sources of water for the global hydrologic system. Light areas are where precipitation (cm per year)
dominates, returning water from the atmosphere to the surface. Arrows show the direction of water
movement in the atmosphere as caused by prevailing winds. The graph on the right shows that the two
major sources of water for the hydrologic system are the oceans between 10 and 40 north and south of
the equator. The equatorial oceans and the high-latitude oceans do not supply significant water to the
global system. (Modified from J. P. Peixit and M. A. Kettani)
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 229

Consequently, most storm systems sweep from west to east in the temperate zone,
as you probably have observed on weather maps for the United States. Mild, moist
winds blow frequent cyclonic storm systems to the western sides of the continents.
Precipitation is higher than in the desert zones, and temperatures are moderate.
(Note that the directional patterns are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.)
The polar front is another important element of mid-latitude climates (Figure
9.8). Here warmer air masses from the temperate cell rise over cold air masses
that convect separately in the polar regions. Near the surface, the air turns back to-
ward the equator, completing the circulation of the temperate cell. A zone of un-
stable air, storm activity, and abundant precipitation is created at the polar front.
When the warm, moist air flowing from the south cools, it drops its moisture as rain
or snow. The irregular shifting position of the polar front is an important variable
in weather conditions on the continents. A very fast-moving stream of cold air
the polar jet streammarks the boundary between the two air masses.
The polar air that moves toward the equator becomes warm and rises and at
high altitude flows northward to the pole. On its way to the pole, it cools and even-
tually sinks to complete the polar cell. Here, transport of water is limited because
of low evaporation rates over the oceansmany of them are ice-coveredand
because of the small amount of water vapor carried in cold air.

Evaporation-Precipitation Balance. One of the major factors influencing the

patterns of water movement on a global scale is the balance between evaporation
and precipitation.The curve in Figure 9.9 shows where annual evaporation exceeds
precipitation (on the right) and areas where precipitation exceeds evaporation
(on the left).Where precipitation exceeds evaporation, a net loss of water occurs
from the atmosphere.These areas are therefore not the major sources for the water
that falls on the continents. Instead, the major sources of moisture are areas of the
ocean where evaporation exceeds precipitation.
If you study Figure 9.9, you will see that the flow of water from the oceans to
the atmosphere is almost symmetrical with respect to the equator. Near the equa-
tor, there is a comparatively narrow zone where precipitation exceeds evaporation.
Flanking this tropical zone are two broad areas where evaporation exceeds pre-
cipitation. These zones are the most important sources of water in the entire hy-
drologic system. Water is literally pumped from the ocean in these regions and
carried to adjacent continents, where it is eventually precipitated.

Rainfall Sources for River Flow. The terrestrial branch of the hydrologic system
is an extension of the atmospheric branch. Regions of excess evaporation are the
major sources for water for Earths major river systems. By careful analysis of
Figure 9.9, you can find the major sources of water for Earths large river systems
(see Figure 12.38). Areas of intense evaporation in the western Atlantic are the
major sources for the Amazon River. Prevailing winds (arrows) blowing westward
carry the water vapor over the continent. The source for the Mississippi River is
evaporation in the eastern Pacific, where prevailing winds carry the water vapor Why are the worlds largest river
eastward. The Indian Ocean is a major source for the water in the rivers of systems in the tropics?
southeast Asia, including the Indus, Ganges, Mekong, and Yangtze.
In contrast, the area of intense evaporation west of South America is not a
major source of continental water. Prevailing winds carry the vapor into the cen-
tral Pacific, where the water precipitates as rain and falls back into the oceans.
Likewise, the water vapor from the source south of Australia is carried eastward
over the South Pacific. Indeed, more than 90% of the water that evaporates from
the ocean returns directly to the ocean as rain without falling on a continent.
Areas on land where evaporation exceeds precipitation are the worlds major
deserts (Sahara, Arabian, and Australian, for example; see Figure 9.20). Here,
few rivers flow during the entire year.
230 Chapter 9



Oceans are the great reservoirs of water in the hydrologic system and
affect essentially every phase of Earths dynamics. There are two principal
layers of oceanic water: (1) a thin upper layer of warm, well-stirred water
and (2) a thick mass of deeper, colder water that is relatively calm and

The importance of the oceans is hard to exaggerate. They influence practically

every phase of Earths dynamics. Consider a few facts about the oceans. Most of
Earths water resides in the seas, which cover 70% of the surface and contain about
97% of Earths water. Some scientists compare the ocean to a huge boiler in which
water is constantly changing from liquid to vapor and cycling through the hydro-
logic system. Indeed, the oceans are the major source of the water vapor that even-
tually precipitates onto the continents as snow or rain. The great capacity of the
oceans to store heat moderates seasonal temperature changes and slows the rate
of long-term climate change. Together with the atmosphere, the oceans help mod-
erate temperature differences from the equator to the poles. Because gases can
dissolve in seawater, the oceans play a major role in the composition of the at-
mosphere. Some of these dissolved gases eventually precipitate to form carbonate
minerals in limestones. Seawater cycles through the oceanic crust, transforming
hot, dry rock into wet, cold rock during seafloor metamorphism. Finally, the oceans
were the womb and the cradle of life. Every element of the biosphere is directly
or indirectly tied to the ocean. Everywhere you look, even in the heart of a large
continent far from the seashore, you can see and feel the effects of the ocean.

Composition of Seawater
The oceans are not pure water, as you can easily taste. They contain many differ-
ent kinds of dissolved salts, the importance of which is far-reaching.The major dis-
solved constituent of seawater is common table salt (sodium chloride or NaCl).The
What path does cold polar water follow waters of the open ocean have about 30 g of dissolved salt per kg of water. Other
to get to the equator? dissolved constituents add up to another 5 g per kg (Table 9.2).
Salinity is a measure of all of the dissolved salts in seawater. It varies with the
amount of freshwater input from rivers or melting glaciers and with the rate of
evaporation. In subtropical regions, the salinity of surface water is high because in-
tense evaporation leaves the water rich in salts that cannot evaporate. At high lat-
itudes where the temperature is lower, the evaporation rate is much lower and
fresh rainwater makes the surface waters low in salinity.
TABLE 9.2 Major Dissolved However, there is little variation in salinity with depth in the ocean. Salinity is
greater just below a surface layer of sea ice; the ice rejects the dissolved con-
Components in Earths Ocean
stituents, thus enriching them in the liquid beneath the floating ice. Highly saline
Chemical Concentration waters are denser than fresher waters.These differences in salinity, along with tem-
Component Formula (g/kg) perature, help drive the circulation and flow of seawater, which is critical for daily
weather patterns, climate control, and the movement of nutrients in the ocean.
Chloride Cl 19.4
The ocean plays another important role because it controls the composition of
Sodium Na 10.8 the atmosphere by exchanging gases, especially carbon dioxide. In turn, some dis-
Magnesium Mg+ 1.3 solved carbon is removed by the precipitation of calcium carbonatein the shells
Sulfate SO4 2
2.7 of living creatures, for example. Some dissolved carbon is converted to organic
2+ carbon and deposited in marine shales.
Calcium Ca 0.4
Potassium K 0.4
Thermal Structure of the Oceans
Bicarbonate HCO3 0.1
Water has one of the highest heat capacities of any substance. Consequently, the
Compiled from D. L. Hartmann
waters in the ocean have a tremendous capacity to store, transport, and release
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 231
heat. Because of this fact, ocean temperature is important, and it powerfully affects Warm surface water
Earths weather and climates.

The average temperature of the global ocean is 3.6C, but it varies widely. For 1
example, ocean temperature generally decreases with depth (Figure 9.10). Near
the surface, seawater is nearly the same temperature as the atmosphere. At great

Depth (km)
depths, the temperature is very nearly freezing, regardless of latitude on the 2
globe. Consequently, the difference in temperature between the surface and the
bottom water is small at the poles, and the temperature gradient is low. Cold deep water

Surface Water. The ocean is layered because of temperature differences, just

as the atmosphere is. The ocean has only two important layers (Figure 9.10). A 4
thin upper layer (surface water) is generally warm and has a lower density, and
a thick mass of cold water below has a higher density. The upper 100 m or so of
the oceans are well mixed, stirred by winds, waves, and surface currents. This 5
surface water communicates extensively with the atmosphere, freely exchanging 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
constituents such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, and is relatively warm and Temperature (C)
oxygen-rich. In this surface layer, temperature and composition change very FIGURE 9.10 Ocean temperatures
little with depth. It is a zone of turbulent mixing and, in this sense, is comparable vary with depth and with latitude. In most
to the troposphere. cases, the ocean is stratified into warm
surface water and cooler (and therefore
denser) deep water. Except in polar regions,
Deep Water. Below the surface layer, the temperature rapidly drops through a ocean water becomes markedly cooler with
transition zone to the cold deep water of the oceans. Deep water has an almost depth. Surface waters are warmest near the
uniform temperature that changes very little north or south of the equator (Figure equator, but the temperature at 1 km depth
9.10). This zone is very thick and contains most of the ocean water. Deep water varies little with latitude. Mixing is vigorous
moves very slowly. Moreover, the density difference between the two layers makes only in the surface layer.
it very difficult for the dense cold water below to rise and mix with the lower-
density warm surface layers. Thus, the stratification of the ocean is very stable.
Deep water mixes slowly with the surface layer and is almost completely isolated
from the atmosphere.

Sea Ice. Over large regions of the polar oceans, the temperature is so low that Why are the ocean waters layered?
solid ice is the stable form of water. Sea ice plays a pivotal role in Earths climate
by increasing the amount of solar energy that is reflected back into space. Ice
reflects much more solar energy than does the darker seawater. At any time, this
sea ice covers as much as 15% of Earths surface. The extent of ice changes with
the season, growing to cover more of the ocean in the winter and shrinking to
expose liquid during the summer (Figure 9.11). However, even in the present
relatively warm climate, sea ice never completely disappears from the Arctic
Ocean or from the fringes of the Antarctic continent. Sea ice is permanently
present on about 7% of the ocean.
Sea ice is thin, usually no more than 4 m thick, because it is a good insulator
that floats on top of the warmer water below. Fresh water freezes at 0C, but Sea Ice Variation
seawater freezes at about 2C, because of the salt it contains. The layer of sea
ice grows thicker as ice crystallizes from the underlying water. It may also become
thicker if snow falls onto the top of the ice sheet. Moreover, while sea ice crys-
tallizes, distinctly dense and salty water forms beneath it as a complement to the
salt-free ice. When the ice melts again in the spring, the fresh water from the ice
dilutes the salty seawater.
The average thickness of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is 3 to 4 m; around Antarc-
tica the ice is thinner, averaging about 1 to 2 m thick. Sea ice is quite smooth on
a regional scale, but it is typically broken into a series of smaller blocks, or floes,
of varying thickness (Figure 9.12). The ice is repeatedly fractured by its move- If it is so cold in the polar regions, why
ment, which exposes seawater that then freezes between the ice floes. Where dont the oceans freeze completely?
plates of sea ice are driven together by winds or ocean currents, compressive de-
formation featurespressure ridgesform, and the ice can become as much as
10 m thick below these ridges.
232 Chapter 9

March March
(Winter) (Summer)





September September
(Summer) (Winter)

FIGURE 9.11 The extent of sea ice

waxes and wanes with the seasons. The
shading shows the percentage of area 10%
covered by ice. In the Northern Hemisphere,
sea ice is at a maximum in March (at
winters end) and then declines through the
summer (September). In the Southern
Hemisphere, the variations in sea ice are
similar, but at opposite times of the year,
because the seasons are reversed. As sea ice
declines in the north, it is expanding in the
south, and vice versa. (Courtesy of J. C.
Comiso, NASA Goddard Space Flight


The warm surface layer of the ocean is moved principally by wind-generated

currents that form circular patterns. The deep oceans circulate because of
changes in density caused by salinity and temperature. Global oceanic
circulation carries cold surface water deep into the North Atlantic, around
Africa, and into the Indian and Pacific oceans. Surface currents then return
the water to the North Atlantic.

No part of the ocean is completely still, although movement of water in the

abyssal deep is extremely slowthe ocean is a sluggish beast by comparison
with the atmosphere. The circulation of the oceans is one of the major factors
in developing Earths climate. The deep and shallow waters of the oceans cir-
culate by distinctive mechanisms and at different rates. However, the surface
and deep-water circulation are connected to form a global circulation system for
seawater. Here again, the concept of a natural system attempting to reach equi-
librium with its changing environment (temperature, salinity, wind pressure) is
the critical motive force.

Wind-Driven Circulation of Surface Waters

Surface currents have been known and measured since ancient times and were
extensively exploited by early navigators (Figure 9.13). Movement in the surface
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 233

FIGURE 9.12 Sea ice covers as much as 10% of the sea surface today. It slows the loss of heat
from the oceans and reflects sunlight. Both effect Earths climate. Note how the cracks in the ice
have frozen over here in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. (Kim Westerskov/Tony Stone Images)

layer is driven primarily by the wind. In turn, the prevailing winds are caused by
the uneven heating of Earths surface. Circulation of surface waters might be best
understood by considering the Pacific Ocean, which is bordered by continents on
the east and west (Figure 9.13). Strong equatorial currents (North and South Equa-
torial Currents) are pushed westward by the trade winds.As the currents encounter
the western land masses (Asia and Australia), some of the water is deflected north-
ward and some southward to form two large ring-shaped currents. Helped by the
Coriolis force, the flow is clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counter- What determines the direction of sur-
clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Other rings form at each pole and orbit in face currents?
the opposite direction.
Surface currents in other areas of the world ocean are more complex than in the
Pacific because of the shapes and arrangements of land masses and the configu-
ration of the ocean floor, but the basic pattern is still obvious (Figure 9.13). Large
circular patterns dominate surface currents in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian
oceans. Note that each circular current flow has a strong, narrow, poleward current
on its west side and a weaker current on its east side. The most pronounced of
these strong western-margin currents in the Northern Hemisphere are the Gulf
Stream in the Atlantic and the Kuroshio current in the Pacific. Because these cur-
rents carry water from the south to the north, they are much warmer than the sur-
rounding waters. The speed of these surface currents may exceed 2 m/sec. The re-
turn eastern-margin flow from the mid-latitudes to the equator is much slower
and occurs over a broader area.Western boundary currents also occur in the South-
ern Hemisphere along the shores of South America and Africa.These currents are
not as strong as those in the Northern Hemisphere.
The northward-flowing Gulf Stream is part of this global pattern. It is obvious
as a warm anomaly in the North Atlantic (Figure 9.14). As it flows northward, it
mixes with colder waters in turbulent swirls, or eddies, and eventually loses its
identity. The warm waters carried by the Gulf Stream are very important for mod-
erating the climate of northern Europe. The eastern Atlantic Ocean is much
warmer at the surface than the western Atlantic. Consequently, western European
winters are milder than their counterparts in eastern North America at the same
234 Chapter 9



Equatorial Current

en rr
Per u Cu

West Wind Drift

FIGURE 9.13 Surface currents of the oceans are driven by prevailing winds, which are in turn caused by the uneven heating of Earths
surface illustrated in Figure 9.6. Most of the currents have crudely circular patterns. Warm (red) and cold (blue) currents are shown.

latitude. Compare the climates of New York City and Lisbon, Portugaltwo cities
found at the same latitude but on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Some of the heat
carried by the Gulf Stream is picked up by the Norwegian Current and carried
even farther into polar regions.
Cold surface currents flow toward the equator along the eastern Pacific Ocean
the California Current along North America and the Peru Current off South Amer-
ica (Figure 9.13). These cool waters lower the air temperature along their shore-
lines, compared with continental regions at similar latitudes.

Density-Driven Circulation of the Deep Ocean

At great depth, the oceans are not directly affected by the winds. Instead, the slow
circulation of water in the deep ocean is caused instead by changes in water den-
sity. The major causes of this density variation in seawater are its temperature and
salinity. This slow but vastly important movement is called thermohaline circula-
tion (in Greek, therme is heat and hals is salt or sea).The movement is so slow that
What causes the deep ocean water to measuring it is difficult. Nevertheless, the patterns have been deduced from the dis-
move? tribution of minor dissolved constituents, principally salt and dissolved gases such
as oxygen, and by careful measurement of water temperature at depth. The decay
of the naturally formed radioactive isotope of carbon (14C) also can be used to es-
timate the flow velocities for these density currents.
From these measurements, we infer that water from the surface sinks to great
depths in the polar oceans (Figure 9.15). For example, cold, high-salinity water
forms beneath the sea ice around Antarctica. This dense Antarctic water drops to
the seafloor and then slowly flows along the base of the Atlantic Ocean, eventu-
ally reaching as far north as 40 N (Figure 9.15). Another large mass of cold deep
water is formed in the North Atlantic, where frigid air cools surface waters. The
water sinks and flows southward above the even denser Antarctic bottom water.
This water rises back to the surface near 60 S. Cold water formed in mid-latitudes
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 235

FIGURE 9.14 The Gulf Stream is a

warm north-flowing current in the North
Atlantic. It is revealed in this computer
model where reds are warm waters; blues
and violets are cooler. Note the warm waters
flow from the Gulf of Mexico along the
Atlantic coast northward to the cool Arctic
waters. The large swirls are eddies in the
Gulf Stream. (Courtesy of the Advanced
Computing Laboratory, Los Alamos
National Laboratory)

of the Southern Hemisphere wedges itself between the warm surface water and the
North Atlantic deep water.
It takes about 1000 years for a complete cycle of surface water to become deep
water and then surface water again. Most chemical and thermal properties of the
oceans should not change rapidly because of this slow movement of deep ocean
water. Thus, the oceans act to slow the rate of climate change. The transport of
heat by the slowly moving waters of the oceans is one of the major factors in con-
trolling Earths climate.
Deep-ocean waters are generally rich in dissolved nutrients. They have spent
considerable time at depth, where falling detritus can be dissolved and where no
organisms exist to consume the nutrients because of the low amount of light.Where
deep-ocean water wells upward into sun-drenched shallow waters, these nutrients
become important for the marine food chain.

Warm surface
Antarctica Arctic
1000 Antarctic intermediate current water

Bottom Arctic deep current

FIGURE 9.15 Deep circulation of the ocean is driven by density differences caused by temperature differences and to a lesser
extent by differences in salinity. Cold bottom water in the Atlantic Ocean tumbles down the margins of Antarctica and flows northward,
reaching as far as 40 N of the equator. Cold surface water in the north also sinks toward the ocean floor and flows southward.
236 Chapter 9

Coastal Upwelling
Along the shorelines of many continents, strong coastal upwelling of deep-ocean
water is an important part of ocean circulation. Because of the Coriolis effect,
winds blowing toward the equator and along a coast cause seawater to move to the
right of the wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left of the wind
direction in the Southern Hemisphere (Figure 9.16). For appropriately oriented
coasts, this movement of surface water away from the shore causes cold deep water
to flow upward to take its place. This deep water is rich in nutrients and nourish-
es rich blooms of plankton, which in turn are food for a wide variety of sea animals.
Some of the oceans richest fisheries are found in these waters. Upwellings off the
California coast and the western coasts of South America and Africa are excellent
examples of this phenomenon. Ancient upwellings have created important de-
posits of phosphates (used for fertilizer) and organic materials that have con-
tributed to the formation of oil.
A temporary change in surface currents can have an extreme impact on coastal
upwelling. For example, occasionally the normally strong trade winds weaken.
Their weakening allows warm currents to approach the western shore of South
El Nio America, where surface waters are normally cold. This phenomenon, called El
Nio (The Child) because it occurs around Christmas, disrupts the upwelling of cold
nutrient-rich water (Figure 9.17). Consequently, the phytoplankton population di-
minishes and the fish population almost disappears. Bird populations diminish,
and fishermen are put out of work. Large El Nio disturbances also change pre-
What is El Nio and why is it important cipitation patterns worldwide, causing flooding in North and South America and
in oceanic circulation? drought in areas as distant as India, Indonesia, and Australia.

Global Pattern of Oceanic Circulation

The waters of the entire ocean are mixed slowly but surely because of the wind-
driven circulation of the shallow ocean, coastal upwelling, and the density-driven
circulation that involves the deep ocean. All of these phenomena are shown in
Figure 9.18. As ocean waters move by surface flow, by sinking, or by rising, other
waters must move in to take their place. The surface flow is easy to observe and
therefore is better understood, but the deep-water flow is much harder to deci-
pher. Thus, the simple picture we elaborate below is based partly on observation
and partly on theoretical models.
To visualize the global flow of the ocean, let us trace the long, slow journey of
a parcel of water starting in the North Atlantic (Figure 9.19). As this water equi-
librates with the cold air, it also becomes cold and dense and sinks as much as 2 km

FIGURE 9.16 Upwelling ocean waters

are common along the margins of the
continents. In the Southern Hemisphere,
coastal upwelling occurs in response to
winds that blow northward. As a result, the
Coriolis force drives surface water away
from the shore. In response, deep waters
upwell and bring nutrient-rich waters to the
surface. This upwelling nourishes plankton
and other organisms that feed on it.

Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 237

Temperature Temperature






(A) Warm water (red in the upper map) accumulates against the (B) As conditions return to normal, colder surface waters (green in
western shore of South America (SA), inhibits deep upwelling, and upper map) return near shore of South America, upwelling resumes,
reduces the amount of phytoplankton (red in the lower map) in the and phytoplankton grows across the equatorial Pacific and especially
Pacific Ocean. near the western shore of the Galapagos Islands.
FIGURE 9.17 El Nio marks an anomalous buildup of warm water along the west coast of South America. This shuts off upwelling, nutrient-rich
deep waters and stifles phytoplankton production. (NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, Sea WIFS Project, Science Visualization Studio)

to the ocean floor. Once cold water fills the deep basin there, it surmounts the
Iceland Ridge and plunges southward as an intense bottom current on the west-
ern side of the North Atlantic. Salty, dense, but warm water spills from the Mediter-
ranean and mixes with the North Atlantic Deep Water. At any instant, the rate of
water flowing along the floor of the Atlantic is estimated to be 80 times the vol-
ume of the Amazon River.

Tropospheric circulation

Stirring by wind and waves Fresh rain
water Sea ice

Shallow warm water Turbulent

mixing Cold saline

Diffuse upwelling
Cold deep water

Equator Pole

FIGURE 9.18 The ocean and atmosphere form a simple system of interacting water and air,
but many processes are involved in the flow and mixing. Variation in solar heating causes winds,
which drive the surface circulation of the ocean. Density-driven circulation vertically mixes the
shallow and deep layers of the ocean. These density variations are caused by differences in
temperature or salinity. Only the upper oceanic layer is well mixed by turbulence. Mixing with deep
water is much less efficient and occurs mainly by the sinking of cold polar waters into the deep
ocean. Diffuse upwelling throughout the ocean basins and coastal upwellings return deep water to
the surface. (Modified from D. L. Hartmann)
THE ART Earth From Space: Satellite Eyes
A multitude of satellites orbiting far above Earths surface
are equipped with a diverse array of sensors. One of the
most straightforward applications is to take digital pho-
tographs of the surface in many different wavelengths and
at different scales. The highest resolution satellite images
available today show objects just only 1 or 2 m across. Fig-
ures 2.2 and 14.21 are two examples of satellite pho-
Some of these satellites are in orbits that allow them to
see the entire surface of Earth each and every day. As a re-
sult, they become monitors of the daily changes in Earths Water vapor (g/cm2)
hydrosphere and atmospherethe fundamental compo- 0 1 2 3 4 5

nents of our changing global climate. Movies showing

motion of the hydrologic system can be made from these
time-lapse images. Imagine the huge numbers of observa-
tion stations that would be needed to replace the global
coverage provided by one of these satellites in a single day.
Short- and long-range weather forecasts rely heavily on in-
formation derived from these satellites.
Sensors on satellites such as the TOPEX/Poseidon and
Terra satellites measure the amount of water vapor in the
atmosphere, wind speeds, or even wave height (to right).
The map at the bottom of the page shows the elevation of Wind speed (m/s)
the sea surface caused by differential heating and the ef-
0 5 10 15
fects of winds. Elsewhere in this book, you have seen glob-
al maps made from satellite data of precipitation (Figure
9.5), temperature (Figure 9.6), vegetation (Figure 1.3) and
even the amount of ozone in the atmosphere (Figure 9.22).
Other satellites measure sulfur or other components in
the air that emanate from volcanoes. Some are equipped
with lasers for measuring the elevation of the surface below
or with radar to construct images or topographic maps of
the terrain beneath a dense forest canopy or through clouds
(Figure 12.37 and p. 18).
Satellites have literally become our eyes in the sky.These
dramatic images have immensely changed our view of Wave height (m)
Earth and helped us see it as one global system. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Elevation of sea surface (m)

80 0 80
(Courtesy of NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology)
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 239

This deep current continues southward until it meets a strong northward- and
eastward-flowing current of Antarctic Bottom Water in the South Atlantic. The
two currents appear to merge and the water flows eastward into the deep Indian
Ocean and ultimately northward into the deep Pacific Ocean.The water that orig-
inated in the North Atlantic has now been removed from contact with the atmo-
sphere for several hundred years. How long does it take for North
In the Pacific, much of this deep water warms as it moves toward the equator Atlantic Deep Water to make one
and slowly buoys to the surface. There it mixes with surface waters and begins a complete circuit through the oceans?
return flow to the Atlantic. But now, much of the journey is at the surface of the
ocean. Wind-driven surface currents sweep it through the maze of Indonesian is-
lands and into the Indian Ocean and then southward around Africa. The surface
currents along the southern shore of Africa produce broad, spinning eddies that
eventually feed the water into the Atlantic.
Beyond this area, northward transport is hindered by strong surface currents
parallel to the equator (Figure 9.13); gigantic swirling eddies eventually spin much
of the water across the equator and into the North Atlantic. Water is then swept
northwestward across the Atlantic to near the Caribbean where, if caught in the
Gulf Stream, it finally returns to the North Atlantic.
Of course, this long flow path is not like a pipe, conducting every molecule of
water along the same path. As deep water traverses the ocean floor, there is very
slow diffuse upwelling. More intense and localized upwelling of deep water also oc-
curs along shorelines. Some water in the Pacific takes a shortcut to the North At-
lantic by flowing through the Bering Sea, into the Arctic Ocean, and then south-
ward (Figure 9.19).
The formation of North Atlantic deep water may have important implications
for the global climate. Changes in the flow pattern, perhaps induced by shifting
continents and swelling ridges, may have caused some of the climate change that
led to the ice ages. In the future, greenhouse warming may also affect the rate at
which North Atlantic deep water is formed. This effect could change oceanic cir-
culation and have complicated global effects on precipitation.

Sea to air
heat transfer

Warm shallow

Cold salty
deep current
tic Bott
om Wa

FIGURE 9.19 The global pattern of ocean circulation can be likened to a huge conveyor belt that carries surface water to great depths and then
back again. Deep-water circulation (blue arrows) originates in the North Atlantic by the sinking of cold surface waters north of Iceland. This water
flows southward at depth along the western side of the ocean basin and into the South Atlantic Ocean. Along the shores of Antarctica, it is joined by
more cold sinking water and then flows eastward into the deep basins of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Diffuse upwelling in all of the oceans returns
some of this water to the surface. In addition, a warm surface current from the Pacific (red arrows) may return water to the North Atlantic. (Modified
from NOAA)
240 Chapter 9


Earths climates vary with latitude. From equator to each pole, there are
four fundamental climate zones: hot and wet (tropical), hot and dry
(desert), moderately warm to cool and humid (temperate), and cold and
dry (polar).

Climate is tremendously important in geologic processes that shape Earths sur-

face. As we have seen, sedimentary rocks form in immediate contact with and be-
cause of movement of the ocean or the atmosphere.These sediments record many
details of ancient climates. In addition, the rates and styles of many surface process-
es are affected by climate. As a consequence, it is important to understand a few
of the major climate zones.
Because of the systematic differences in the amount of solar radiation on the
surface, combined with variations in the amount of precipitation, several major
climatic zones surround the globe at different latitudes (Figure 9.20). One might
expect these zones to be consistent around the globe, depending only on the ra-
diation received from the Sun. However, local climate variations are widespread,
resulting from secondary agents, such as mountain rain shadows, cold or warm sur-
face currents, and elevation.

Tropical Climates. Moisture-laden warm air flows toward the equator from
both hemispheres, as you saw in Figure 9.8. In these tropical climates (Figure
9.20), the annual average temperature exceeds 20C. Precipitation rates as high
as 2 m/yr are not uncommon in these regions, but much rain usually falls in a
wet summer season. Tropical cyclones bring much of this moisture to the




Polar Temperate, cool Temperate, warm Desert, semi-arid Tropical

FIGURE 9.20 A world climate map shows the systematic variations in temperature and precipitation across the globe. Four
distinctive climates have important geologic implications. Near the equators lie the tropical climates with their high temperatures and
precipitation, much of it falling from tropical cyclones. The worlds great deserts lie in broad bands of desert climate north and south of
the tropics. Temperate climates dominate the mid-latitudes. Nearer the poles, cold polar climates with varying amounts of precipitation
are characteristic. Temperature in the ocean range from systematically warm (red) near the equator to cold (blue) at the poles.
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 241

These climatic conditions are often recorded by distinctive rock types. For ex-
ample, rain forests developed in the tropics may produce such lush vegetation
that coal deposits form from the accumulation of dead plants. Moreover, large
tropical rivers produce large deltas at their mouths. Elsewhere, thick red soils
form as rocks are decomposed by deep weathering caused by the high tempera-
tures and abundant precipitation. Nutrients are leached from the soil by the abun-
dant precipitation.

Desert Climates. Where the precipitation is less than the evaporation rate,
desert climates develop. Globally this situation occurs in the subtropical high-
pressure zones, causing the great deserts of North Africa and the Middle East
(Figures 9.8 and 9.20). Prevailing easterly winds and the high mountains of western
North America are responsible for the deserts in that region. Small deserts can be Can global climate zones develop
produced locally in the rain shadows of high mountain belts. perpendicular to the equator?
Temperatures and precipitation rates vary greatly in the worlds deserts. Por-
tions of the Sahara in North Africa have an average summer high temperature of
38C, a winter low of 16C, and an annual precipitation of only about 2 cm/yr.
Some deserts are cooler, and rain may not fall for decades. For example, the At-
acama Desert of Chile has a summer average high of only 20C and a winter min-
imum of 13C. Although the Atacama is cooler than the Sahara, the average an-
nual precipitation is extremely lowonly 0.2 cm/yr.
Geologic processes in deserts include the deposition of evaporites and the de-
velopment of large sand seas. Large rivers are rare, and closed river basins with
no outlets to the sea are common. Decomposition of rock by weathering is slow
because of a lack of water.

Temperate Climates. In regions of temperate climates, between latitudes of

about 35 and 60 both north and south of the equator, annual temperatures range
from less than 0 to 25C (Figure 9.20). Precipitation falls throughout the year.
These regions are generally too cold to support coral reefs in the oceans or rich
vegetation on the continents. However, large rivers form and deposit sediment.
Rich soils are created by weathering, and temperatures are high enough for
intensive agricultural development.

Polar Climates. In the region north and south of about 60, temperatures are
so low that water is frozen solid during much of the year (Figure 9.20). On the
continents in these polar climates, the average temperature is less than 10C all
year and is below freezing for most of the year. Moreover, because of atmo-
spheric circulation patterns, precipitation is also low (Figure 9.5). In terms of
lower amounts of rainfall, these are polar deserts, and wind-blown sand occurs
in many areas.
The differences between geologic processes in polar regions and in other climatic
zones of the world can be explained by the presence of ice. Glaciers may form and
devour continental landscapes that elsewhere are dominated by stream valleys.
Beyond the reach of glaciers, seasonally frozen ground may overlie a layer of per-
manently frozen soil and enhance the downslope movement of material. Weath-
ering is minimal in polar regions, and vegetation is sparse. Polar oceans are far too
cold to support organic reefs and are often covered by sea ice.
At times in geologic history, polar climates have expanded much farther south-
ward. Conversely, long periods of warmth have caused polar climates to collapse.
Such global changes in climate are the focus of the next section.
242 Chapter 9


Climate change on a continent can be caused by its slow tectonic movement

through climate zones. Alternatively, the climate may change on a global
scale. Heating by the greenhouse effect is one of many important factors
that cause global climate change.

Nothing is as constant as change. This clich applies to all of Earths dynamic sys-
tems, but especially to the climate system. Climate fluctuations are nothing new.
The general features of past climate change are clear in many sedimentary rock
records. Past climate changes have run the gamut from minor changes in precipi-
tation over a local area to dramatic changes that engulfed the entire planet. Future
climate changes are just as inevitable, but they are very difficult to predict. Fore-
casting climate change requires understanding of Earths vast climate web and its
myriad interacting elements, which weave together in a complex and often chaot-
ic fashion. We cannot isolate one piece of the system from the rest. Predictions of
What causes climate change? future change may improve when we better understand past changes in Earths
long climate history.
The amount of temperature change necessary to alter the climate significantly
is not large. In fact, huge temperature changes have not occurred on Earth. Even
its oldest rocks include metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, demonstrating that
Earth had cooled enough for liquid water to exist continuously since at least four
billion years ago. Apparently, the surface temperature has remained between
waters freezing and boiling points for a very long time. This nearly constant tem-
perature range on Earths surface is indeed a remarkable fact.
Just as remarkable, perhaps, is how much change is wrought by small varia-
tions in the global temperature. From geologic and geochemical evidence, it has
been suggested that temperatures during the last ice age, which reached their
lowest point about 20,000 years ago, were only about 3C to 5C lower than
todays balmy average of 20C. Yet this small change was sufficient to create
ice sheets that covered much of the Northern Hemisphere with a layer of ice
3 km thick.
In the past, two types of climate change often had dramatic geological and bi-
ological results: (1) regional climate change due to continents moving into differ-
ent climate zones and (2) global climate change.

Continental Drift and Climate Change

Because the continents are carried about by the slow movements of the litho-
sphere, they commonly move from one climate zone to another. As a result, im-
portant changes in the climate at a single location can occur over a long span of
time. For example, consider the climate zones that would be encountered by a con-
tinent drifting slowly from the southern polar regions to the north (Figure 9.21).
At the South Pole, the continent would likely be covered with glacial ice, produc-
ing glacial deposits and destroying river systems. As the continent moved north-
ward into the temperate zone, the glacial deposits would be succeeded by deposits
from large rivers or shallow seas, depending on sea level.
Continued movement northward would bring the continent into the subtrop-
ical high-pressure belt marked by deserts. Stream sediments would be overlain by
deposits of evaporites and wind-blown sand. Continuing movement into the trop-
ics would bring greater precipitation, and therefore large river deposits interlay-
ered with coal might lie atop the desert sands. Shallow marine deposits in this
region would include coral reefs. With continued northward movement, this se-
quence would reverse, with tropical deposits on the bottom, progressively over-
lain by desert sands, then temperate river deposits that were capped by glacial
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 243

Glacial (Polar)

North Pole
Equator to
Streams (Temperate)
Deserts (Low latitude)
r Coal swamp or reefs (Tropical)


South Pole
to Equator
Deserts (Low latitude)
Streams (Temperate)
Glacial (Polar)

FIGURE 9.21 Continental drift causes local

climate to change with the passage of time. A
sequence of climate-controlled rocks develops as
this hypothetical continent moves from the south
to the north pole. Polar climates produce glacial
deposits; temperate climates may produce river
deposits; desert climates produce wind-blown
sand deposits and evaporites; and tropics yield
thick deposits of deltaic sands, coals, or coral
reefs in shallow-marine settings. A reverse
version of this sequence accumulates as the
continent moves through the climate zones of the
Northern Hemisphere.

deposits. This hypothetical trip would have taken about 400 million years at typ-
ical plate velocities.
Obviously, such a simple succession of rocks is unlikely to form because plate tec-
tonics rarely carries a continent continuously in a north-south direction. Moreover,
plate collisions and mountain-building events would alter the simple sequence.
However, the most important conclusion from this simple model is that profound
change can occur in one area simply by shifting the continent through different
climate zones. Climateand the rock record it produceschanges continuously.
Despite the evidence for climate change in this theoretical example, Earths glob-
al climate remained unchanged.

Global Climate Change

Global climate change is caused by fundamental change in one of the major climatic
factors and must be clearly distinguished from the movement of a continent from
one climate zone to another. Instead, global climate change involves the
expansion and contraction of entire climatic zones across Earths surface. For
example, during the past ice ages, polar climates extended as far south as the north-
ern tier of the United States and into central Europe, about 1000 kilometers or so.
In the geologic past, temperate climates were found far to the north of their pre-
sent positions. Obviously, global climate change and continental drift occur
simultaneously, and separating their effects is not an easy task.
The most important global climate parameter is temperature. Consequently, the
major controls on climate change are changes that affect the global temperature or
its distribution on the surface.These include the energy output of the Sun, the com-
position of Earths atmosphere, the reflectivity of Earth and its atmosphere, the
ocean circulation patterns as continents move, blocking of sunlight by particles in
the atmosphere, or even changes in Earths spin or orbit. (Some of these global
changes are discussed in more detail in Chapter 14, where we discuss the cause of
the ice ages.) Because these temperature factors are constantly changing, climate
at one spot may change as a climate zone shrinks or expands.
244 Chapter 9

The Ozone Hole

Changes in the atmosphere-ocean system also may be induced by human activi-
ties. There are now so many peopleapproaching 6 billionand our activities
are so pervasive that humans have become an important part of the physical and
chemical evolution of the entire planet. The changes we have made are not lim-
ited to the construction of buildings, dams, and highways, or to the destruction of
natural vegetation in forests and plains. We are also changing the composition of
the atmosphere in ways that may affect the global climate and even our own fate
as a species.
The recent history of the atmosphere-ocean system involves the chemical changes
caused by humans. Both the atmosphere and the ocean are becoming polluted with
Ozone Hole the products and by-products of our modern industrial and agricultural practices.
For example, the chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs, used as refrigerants) attack and
destroy ozone molecules in the stratosphere. Even the tiny amounts of CFCs re-
leased have modified the ozone balance and decreased the amount of ozone and
increased the area of the depleted zone to create an ozone hole over both poles. Fig-
ure 9.22 shows the ozone hole over Antarctica. The ozone hole comes and goes
with the seasons and is deepest in the winter when ozone production is naturally at
a minimum. The destruction of stratospheric ozone increases the amount of ultra-
violet radiation (a carcinogen at high dosages) that reaches the surface (Figure
Another prominent side effect of atmospheric pollution, greenhouse heat-
ing, is highlighted in the GeoLogic essay on the next page. Will Earth return to
the greenhouse conditions of the Cretaceous period when temperate climates
extended as far north as Alaska? How will the production of food and other bi-
ological resources be affected by this impending climate shift? Will a natural

Ozone minimum
Spring measurement

Ozone amount (DU)



South America 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

FIGURE 9.22 The hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica develops each winter and is deepest in the early spring (September). The hole is a
decline in the abundance of ozone in this upper atmospheric layer. The depletion is caused by the reaction of ozone with human-made chemicals such
as chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs) used in air conditioners and formerly as propellants in aerosol cans. Measurements of ozone (in concentration
called Dobson units) can be made by satellites orbiting Earth and show that the depth of the ozone hole is not increasing as fast as it once was.
(Courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Scientific Visualization Studio)
Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 245


high pressure belt


Deep Wi
Equatorial flow

Tropical ocean
cell currents

high pressure belt


FIGURE 9.23 Earths climate system is based on energy delivered by the Sun and spread unequally around the surface.
This, in conjunction with variations in buoyancy and gravity-driven flow, creates vast circulation paths in atmosphere and in
the ocean. In turn, these moderate the temperature differences around the planet and shape the biosphere.

return to glacial conditions dampen the effects of the carbon dioxide increase?
Only time will tell.
At this point, it is worth looking back over the atmosphere-ocean system in its
entirety (Figure 9.23). The global climate system is based on energy delivered by
the Sun and spread unequally on the surface. Because heat is concentrated at the
equator and diffuse at the poles, a planet-wide circulation system is established in Greenhouse Heating
the atmosphere. Winds set up by the flow of the atmosphere drive the circulation
of shallow ocean water, interference is supplied by the continents. Deep circula-
tion of seawater is driven by density differences caused by heating and salt content.
In turn, the movement of the waters in the ocean moderate the temperature
differences around the globe. The climate zones are the ultimate result of these
variations and have had an obvious impact on all aspects of the hydrologic sys-
tem and its interaction with the lithosphere. Their role in the evolution of life and
especially humans cannot be underestimated.
GeoLogic The Greenhouse Effect
380 0.6
Measurements from atmosphere Temperature deviation
Measurements from ice cores 5-Year running mean


CO2 concentrations (ppm)

Temperature (C)



280 0.6

1700 1800 1900 2000 1870 1910 1950 1990
Year Year

Global climate change caused by human activities is a major 3. Coal, oil, gasoline (all fossil fuels) burn to release carbon
political and scientific issue in the modern world. Claims dioxide as a by-product.
and counterclaims abound in the political debate about the 4. The increased carbon dioxide is coming from fossil fuels,
reality of an increase in abundance of greenhouse gases in not volcanoes or other natural sources.This is revealed by
the atmosphere, about the source of the greenhouse gases in the isotopic composition of the carbon in the air.
the atmosphere, and about a global temperature increase. 5. The use of fossil fuels increased dramatically since the
From a scientific point of view, the facts are less contentious. early 1800s because the population increased and because
of the industrial revolution.
Observations 6. There is a scientific consensus that the global tempera-
1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs heat radiated ture has increased by about 0.8C over the past 100 years.
from the surface and traps it in the troposphere. We have
already described how certain gases absorb radiation at Interpretations
specific wavelengths depending upon the atoms in the This is a classic case of trying to determine the relationships
molecule and the nature of the bonds that hold the atoms between two correlated observations (increasing carbon
together. Gases that absorb energy and thus increase the dioxide and increasing temperature). Does one cause the
atmosphere's temperature are called greenhouse gases. other? If so, which is cause and which is effect? Or are they
2. Carbon dioxide concentrations have been increasing since completely unrelated and their correlation is simply coinci-
about 1800 as shown in the graph.The first evidence came dental? In this case, most atmospheric scientists have con-
from direct measurements of the atmosphere's composi- cluded that the two factors are actually related to one an-
tion. Since 1958, regular sampling has shown that the con- other because the effect (temperature increase) is in the
centration of carbon dioxide has increased from about 315 direction predicted by the change in the causative factor (in-
ppm to 360 ppm. Moreover, by carefully extracting bub- crease in carbon dioxide). It is still not absolutely certain
bles of gas trapped in glacial ice, we have extended our that the temperature increase is caused solely by greenhouse
carbon dioxide measurements back several hundred years. heating, but it is an obvious candidate.
In the 1700s, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere
was fairly constant at about 275 ppm, but it has increased
to about 360 ppm over the last 250 years.

Th e A t m o s p h e r e - O c e a n S y s t e m 247

coastal upwelling (p. 236) greenhouse gas (p. 246) ozone layer (p. 222) temperate climate (p. 241)
Coriolis effect (p. 227) humidity (p. 221) polar climate (p. 241) thermohaline circulation
deep water (p. 231) jet stream (p. 229) precipitation (p. 224) (p. 234)
desert climate (p. 241) magnetosphere (p. 223) salinity (p. 230) thermosphere (p. 222)
El Nio (p. 236) mesosphere (p. 222) sea ice (p. 231) tropical climate (p. 240)
greenhouse effect (p. 223) ozone (p. 221) stratosphere (p. 221) troposphere (p. 221)
greenhouse heating (p. 244) ozone hole (p. 244) surface water (p. 231)

1. Explain how weather and climate are different. 11. Outline the two major driving forces for ocean circulation.
2. What causes the layering of Earths atmosphere? 12. Why is there so little mixing between the waters of the deep
3. Why does the temperature gradient in the atmosphere re- ocean and the waters in its surface layers?
verse at the boundary between the troposphere and the 13. Where is ocean water densest? What causes the density
stratosphere? variations?
4. Describe the general temperature variations across Earths 14. Why would the development of a warm surface layer asso-
surface. What causes these pronounced latitudinal changes ciated with the El Nio event off the coast of South Ameri-
in temperature? ca inhibit coastal upwelling?
5. Venuss cloudy atmosphere reflects away so much solar en- 15. What are the major constituents of seawater? What is the
ergy that its surface receives less than Earth. What then origin of the dissolved ions?
causes the very high (470C) surface temperature on Venus? 16. Do you think Earths climate has always been the way it is
6. Why does the pressure of the atmosphere decrease at high today? What evidence supports your conclusion?
elevations? 17. What could cause the climate to change?
7. Describe the global flow patterns of the atmosphere. 18. How is Earths atmosphere different from any other in our
8. Why are the tropical rain forests found along the equator? solar system? What would you conclude if you discovered a
Why does a band of deserts encircle Earth at 30 north and planet with an oxygen-rich atmosphere?
south of the equator? 19. What are the potential human-caused changes in Earths
9. Outline the role ozone plays in the atmosphere. climate system?
10. How is ozone formed in the stratosphere? What causes its 20. Why are wind velocities and wave heights so strongly corre-
destruction? lated in the maps on page 238?

Berner, K. B., and R. A. Berner. 1996. Global Environment: Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Water, Air, and Geochemical Cycles. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Oliver, H. R., and S. A. Oliver. 1995. The Role of Water and the Hy-
Prentice Hall. drologic Cycle in Global Change. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Hartmann, D. L. 1994. Global Physical Climatology. San Diego: Kunzig, R. 1996. In deep water. Discover 17 (12): 8696.
Academic Press. Schneider, F. 1997. Trends in climate research: The rising seas.
MacKenzie, F. T. 1998. Our Changing Planet: An Introduction to Scientific America. 276(3): 96101.
Earth System Science and Global Environmental Change.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of crystallization of liquids
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Video clips of volcanic eruptions
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with examples of igneous rocks
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
10 Weathering
A new building gradually deteriorates. The paint chips and peels, wood dries and splits, and
even brick, building stone, and cement eventually decay and crumble. Left alone, most
buildings decompose into a pile of rubble within a few hundred years. This process of natur-
al decay is called weathering. Weathering is a general term describing all of the changes
that result from the exposure of rock materials to the atmosphere.
The spires and columns of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah vividly show how
weathering modifies a rock body. Once a solid mass of sedimentary rock, these spires and
columns were largely created by the gradual decomposition of rock by reactions with water
and air. The loose material fell downslope and was eventually carried away by streams.
Here, weathering is controlled by vertical joints and by differences in the various layers of
colorful sedimentary strata. The intersecting joint systems produce a series of columns that
are modified during weathering into an infinite variety of forms by different bedding
characteristics. Take a moment to study this photograph. Can you see that the columns are
aligned in rows parallel to joint systems? Can you recognize certain horizons in the

sedimentary strata that weather much more rapidly than others? Can you see joint systems
being enlarged by weathering to separate the rocks into columns? Weathering has pro-
duced this remarkable landscape, but the effects of weathering can be seen everywhere.
From a geologic point of view, weathering is important because it transforms the solid
bedrock into small, decomposed fragments and prepares those fragments for removal by
the agents of erosion.
It would be difficult to overemphasize the importance of weathering to humans. Without
weathering, Earth would be forbidding indeed. The continents would be bare, hard rock, for
no soil cover could develop; consequently, Earth would be devoid of plant and animal life.
In addition to producing the soil on which agriculture depends, weathering produces some
other very practical products. Sand, gravel, and clay deposits are the indirect results of
weathering. Practically all aluminum ore, most iron ore, and some copper ore are formed
and concentrated by weathering. Consequently, it is important for us to understand this
important component of Earths systems.

1. Weathering is the breakdown and alteration of rocks at Earths surface through
physical and chemical reactions with the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.
2. Physical weathering is the mechanical fragmentation of rocks from stress
acting on them. Ice wedging may be the most important type.
3. Chemical weathering involves chemical reactions with minerals that pro-
gressively decompose the solid rock. The major types of chemical weather-
ing are dissolution, acid hydrolysis, and oxidation.
4. Joints and fractures facilitate weathering because they permit water and
gases in the atmosphere to attack a rock body at considerable depth. They
also greatly increase the surface area on which chemical reactions can occur.
5. The major products of weathering are spheroidal rock forms, a blanket of
regolith, and dissolved ions. Soil is the upper part of the regolitha mixture
of clay minerals, weathered rock particles, and organic matter.
6. Climate and rock type greatly influence the type and rate of weathering.

The Nature of Weathering

To appreciate how geologic processes erode the surface of Earth, and how the
landscape evolves, one first needs to understand the nature of weatheringthe
disintegration and decomposition of rocks. By definition, weathering is different
from erosion. Weathering involves only the breakdown of rock, whereas erosion
involves the removal of debris produced by the breakdown. In reality, however,
weathering and erosion are intimately involved with one another. Weathering dis-
integrates solid rock and produces loose debris. Erosion by running water, wind,
and ice removes the debris and exposes fresh rock, which is then weathered, and
the cycle continues. The results of weathering are seen everywhere, from the de-
bris along hill slopes to decomposed monuments of antiquity (Figure 10.1).
Like metamorphism, its counterpart deep within the crust, weathering reflects
adjustments of rocks exposed to a new environment. Minerals in rocks are in equi-
librium with where they originate (in terms of temperature, pressure, and chemi-
cal environment, for example). If they are exposed to a different environment, the
elements in minerals will slowly adjust to different forms that are stable under the
new conditions. In weathering, rocks adjust and are altered to forms more stable
at low pressure, low and fluctuating temperatures, and the chemical environment

(A) Weathering is especially obvious on old monuments in (B) Weathering is apparent from the fallen debris on many slopes. Here the
Europe. Here, most of the details on the gargoyles of the Notre resistant sandstone butte is shrinking as weathering separates fragments that
Dame Cathedral in Paris have been erased by weathering. fall and accumulate at the base of the cliff.

FIGURE 10.1 The effects of weathering are seen whenever rocks are exposed. These photographs show typical examples.

We a t h e r i n g 251

with abundant water that prevails at Earths surface.Thus, metamorphic rocks and
igneous intrusions are generally most susceptible to weathering.
Weathering, then, involves a multitude of physical, chemical, and biological
processes, but two main types of weathering are recognized: (1) physical weath-
ering and (2) chemical weathering. Physical (or mechanical) weathering breaks
the rock mass into small particles. It is strictly a physical process involving no
change in chemical composition. Chemical weathering alters the rock by chemi-
cal reactions between elements in the atmosphere and those in the rocks. Most ge-
ologists believe that chemical weathering is most important in terms of total
amount of rock breakdown. In most places, however, the two processes work
together, each facilitating the other, so that the final product results from a com-
bination of the two processes.


Physical weathering is the breakdown of rock into small fragments by

physical processes without a change in chemical composition. No chemical
elements are added to, or subtracted from, the rock. The most important
types of physical weathering are ice wedging and sheeting, or unloading.

Ice Wedging
Figure 10.2 includes a simple diagram showing how ice wedging breaks a rock
mass into small fragments. Water from rain or melting snow easily penetrates
cracks, bedding planes, and other openings in the rock. As it freezes, it expands
about 9%, exerting great pressure on the rock walls, similar to the pressure
produced by driving a wedge into a crack. Eventually, the fractured blocks and

(A) Ice wedging occurs when water seeps

into fractures and expands as it freezes. The
expanding wedge forces the rock apart and
produces loose, angular fragments that
move downslope by gravity and accumulate
at the base of the cliff as talus cones.

(B) The effects of ice wedging in the Teton Range in Wyoming are seen in both the rugged surface of
the mountain peaks and the accumulation of fragmented debris at the base of the cliff. The rock that
FIGURE 10.2 Ice wedging is an forms the mountain range is a massive granite cut by numerous fractures. Ice wedging, controlled in
important type of physical weathering in part by the fractures, produces the sharp, angular texture of the mountain peaks. The debris derived
areas where temperatures rise above and from ice wedging has accumulated in conical slopes near the base of the cliff. (Courtesy of U.S.
fall below the freezing point. Department of Agriculture)
252 Chapter 10

bedding planes are pried free from the parent material. The stress generated each
time the water freezes is approximately 110 kg/cm2, roughly equivalent to that
produced by dropping a 98-kg ball of iron (about the size of a large sledgehammer)
from a height of 3 m. Stress is exerted with each freeze, so that, over a period of
time, the rock is literally hammered apart.
Ice wedging occurs under the following conditions: (1) when there is an adequate
How does physical weathering break supply of moisture; (2) where preexisting fractures, cracks, or other voids into
down a mass of solid rock into small which water can enter occur within the rock; and (3) where temperatures fre-
fragments? quently rise and fall beyond the freezing point. Temperature fluctuation above
and below the freezing point is especially important because pressure is applied
with each freeze. In areas where freezing and thawing occur many times a year, ice
wedging is far more effective than in exceptionally cold areas, where water is per-
manently frozen. Ice wedging thus occurs most frequently above the timberline. It
is especially active on the steep slopes above valley glaciers, where meltwater pro-
duced during the warm summer days seeps into cracks and joints and freezes dur-
ing the night (Figure 10.2).
The process of ice wedging has been known for years, and more than 100 years
ago, ice wedging was used in some quarrying operations. Workers would drill a se-
ries of holes along the line of a desired cut and fill them with water. The expansion
accompanying freezing would split the rock apart almost as cleanly as modern
In arid regions, the growth of salt crystals in pores and cracks can also pry apart
What is the difference between sheeting rock. The crystals grow by evaporation of the salt-laden spray that accumulates in
and stratification? the fractures of rocks exposed along the shores of salty lakes or the sea.This process
is vividly expressed in the shattering of fence posts near the shore of the Great
Salt Lake (Figure 10.3).

Rocks formed deep within Earths crust are under great confining pressure from
the weight of thousands of meters of overlying rocks. As this overlying cover is re-
moved by erosion, the confining pressure is released, and the buried rock body
tends to expand.The internal stresses, set up by expansion, can cause large fractures,
or expansion joints, parallel to Earths surface (Figure 10.4). The result is known
as sheeting. It can be observed directly in quarries, where the removal of large
blocks is sometimes followed by the rapid, almost explosive expansion of the quar-
ry floor. A sheet of rock several centimeters thick may burst up, and at the same
time, numerous new parallel fractures will appear deeper in the rock body. The
same process occasionally causes rock bursts in mines and tunnels, when the con-
fining pressure is released during the tunneling operation. It can also be seen in
many valley walls and in excavations for roads, where rock slumping, due to sheet-
ing, can cause serious highway problems.

Other Types of Physical Weathering

Animals and plants play a variety of relatively minor roles in physical weather-
ing. Burrowing animals, such as rodents, mechanically mix the soil and loose rock
particles, a process that facilitates further breakdown by chemical means. Pressure
from growing roots widens cracks and contributes to the rock breakdown. Lichens
can live on the surface of bare rock and extract nutrients from its minerals by ion
exchange; the presence of lichens, therefore, results in both physical and chemi-
cal alteration of the minerals. These processes may seem trivial, but the work of
FIGURE 10.3 Growth of salt crystals innumerable plants and animals over a long period of time adds significantly to
has shattered these fence posts near the the disintegration of the rock. Although dismissed by some geologists, recent
shore of the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Salty evidence is mounting that thermal expansion and contraction of the rock caused
groundwater seeps into the wood, and, as it by daily or seasonal temperature changes may also be an effective process of
evaporates, salt crystals grow, expand, and
break apart the wood fibers.
physical weathering.
We a t h e r i n g 253

Talus FIGURE 10.4 Sheeting in granite of

the Sierra Nevada occurs as erosion
The products of physical weathering are best seen in high mountain country, where removes the overlying rock cover and
ice wedging dominates and produces a large volume of angular rock fragments.This reduces the confining pressure. The bedrock
material commonly accumulates in a pile at the base of the cliffs from which it was expands, and large fractures develop
parallel to the surface. Ice wedging may
derived. Because most cliffs are notched by steep valleys and narrow ravines, the
subsequently enlarge the fractures.
fragments dislodged from the high valley walls are funneled through the ravines
to the base of the cliff, where they accumulate in cone-shaped deposits known as
talus cones (Figure 10.5).
Talus cones are built up by isolated blocks loosened by physical weathering.
The blocks commonly fall separately, as almost any mountain climber can testify,
but large masses of the material on steep slopes may be moved by an avalanche.
Earthquakes may also suddenly activate large numbers of blocks loosened by
many seasons of ice wedging. Talus Cones
In the example shown in Figure 10.5, all of the talus has accumulated since the
last ice age, which terminated 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. This is a considerable
amount of material produced by physical weathering alone.


Chemical weathering is the breakdown of minerals by chemical reactions

with the atmosphere or hydrosphere. The three main types of chemical
reactions are (1) dissolution, (2) hydrolysis, and (3) oxidation.

During chemical weathering, rocks are decomposed, the internal structure of the
minerals is destroyed, and new minerals are created. Thus, there is a significant
change in the chemical composition and physical appearance of the rock.

Dissolution is a process whereby a mineral passes completely into solution, like salt
dissolving in water. Some minerals dissolve directly in water and the ions are
leached, or flushed away. Halite (salt) is perhaps the best-known example. It is ex-
tremely soluble, surviving at Earths surface only in the most arid regions. Gypsum
254 Chapter 10

FIGURE 10.5 Talus cones are piles of

rock debris that accumulate at the base of a
cliff as the result of rockfall. Most rock
fragments in talus cones are produced by ice
wedging as here in the Canadian Rockies.
(Courtesy of L. F. Hintze)

is less soluble than halite but is also easily dissolved by surface water. Few, if any,
large outcrops of these minerals occur in humid regions. This kind of dissolution
happens because water is one of the most effective and universal solvents known.
The structure of the water molecule requires the two hydrogen atoms to be posi-
tioned on the same side of the larger oxygen atom. The molecule thus has a con-
centration of positive charges on the side with the two hydrogen atoms, balanced
by a negative charge on the opposite side. As a result, the water molecule is polar
and behaves as a tiny magnet would. It acts to loosen the bonds of the ions at the
surface of minerals with which it comes into contact. Because of the polarity of the
water molecule, practically all minerals are soluble to some extent in water, but
those with ionic, rather than covalent, bonds are more easily dissolved.

Acid Hydrolysis
The most common dissolution reactions involve slightly acidic water. Carbonic
acid (H2CO3) is common in natural environments and forms when water com-
bines with carbon dioxides. This reaction takes place in the atmosphere and in the
root zones of plants where carbon dioxide is released into the soil. In addition,
bacteria in the soil combine oxygen with decaying organic materials to make car-
bonic acid. Consequently, water seeping through organic remains becomes more
and more acidic and its effectiveness as a weathering agent continually increases.
Other acids are also produced by plant activity and by bacterial decay of plant
and animal remains. The result is seen dramatically in regions such as the Great
What are the products of chemical Lakes area, where rivers flow through bogs and marshes and the organic acids
weathering? stain the water yellowish brown. Human activities have also produced acids that
contaminate surface waters, including sulfuric acid and nitric acid in acid rain and
sulfuric acid from mining coal or sulfide minerals.The effects of these acids are seen
in the corrosion of buildings and acidification of lakes and rivers and occasional-
ly in the destruction of their biota.
We a t h e r i n g 255

Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction wherein water and another substance both

decompose into ions; the OH ion groups with one of the fragments and the H+ ion
with another fragment. As you examine the following reactions, observe how the
H+ and the OH ions are derived from splitting water molecules. Hydrolysis can
occur in pure water, but in the natural world it usually accompanies reactions with
acids; thus, this kind of reaction between a mineral and an acid is usually called acid
To simplify what is a far more complex series of reactions, we will illustrate
weathering reactions involving calcite and carbonic acid. In pure water, calcite is
not very soluble. But water with carbonic acid is capable of dissolving much more
calcite than is pure water. Carbonic acid forms when rainwater combines with car- What are the major chemical reactions
bon dioxide in the atmosphere or the soil by the reaction: in weathering?

H2O + CO2 = H2CO3

(water) (carbon dioxide) (carbonic acid)

This acid may then react with calcite to form calcium and bicarbonate ions in so-
lution. This reaction may be expressed as follows:
CaCO3 + H2CO3 Ca2 + 2HCO3
(calcite) (carbonic acid) (calcium bicarbonate)

Some silicate minerals may also dissolve, although not as readily as calcite. For
example, pyroxene will slowly dissolve when it is in contact with acidic waters ac-
cording to the following reaction:

MgSiO3 + H2O + 2H2CO3 Mg2 + 2HCO3 + H4SiO4
(pyroxene) (water) (carbonic acid) (ions) (silicic acid)

Acid Hydrolysis and Secondary Minerals

Another important kind of hydrolysis reaction involves the formation of new min-
erals, in addition to the dissolved ions. You might think of this as a kind of partial
solution, with some ions going into solution and being carried away at the same
time as a new mineral forms. During chemical weathering, these new minerals are
almost all hydratedthat is, they have water in their structures. The water is not

merely absorbed, as by a sponge, but actually incorporated as OH ions into the How are natural acids formed?
atomic structure of the new mineral (Figure 10.6). Most silicate minerals, espe-
cially those containing aluminum, do not simply dissolve in water. Instead, they
react to form a new mineral and free ions.
A good example of the production of secondary minerals is the chemical weath-
ering of feldspar. As you recall from previous chapters, feldspar is an abundant
mineral in a great many igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It is there-
fore important to understand how feldspars weather and decompose to make clay
minerals. In turn, these clay minerals are transported and deposited to form the
most abundant sedimentary rock, shale (or, strictly speaking, mudrocks).
If plagioclase feldspar, the most common silicate mineral in the crust, comes in
contact with water containing carbonic acid, the following general reaction takes

2NaAlSi3O8 + 2H2CO3 + 9H2O =

(Na-plagioclase) (carbonic acid) (water)
2Na + 2HCO3 + 4H4SiO4 + Al2Si2O5(OH)4
(dissolved components) (clay mineral)

This reaction is simplified; it actually takes several steps to form clay. This
clay mineral does not contain sodium, which was present in the original feldspar.
The new mineral also has a new crystal structure, consisting of sheets of silicate
256 Chapter 10

tetrahedra that form submicroscopic crystals (see Figure 3.15). The Na ion is dis-
solved in the water. Silica is also released from the minerals and goes into solution
in the water as a weak acid (H4SiO4).The water may then carry the dissolved com-
ponents away from the site of reaction. For example, the sodium eventually accu-
mulates in ocean water as dissolved salt. As a result of weathering reactions like
this, the shales that form from the accumulation of such clays are poor in sodium,
compared with their igneous precursors.
Potassium and calcium feldspars go through similar weathering reactions to
produce clays, but K ions are largely retained in the soil by absorption and become
important nutrients for plants. When the plants die, the potassium is returned to
the soil. Many of the Ca2 ions released by weathering are transported to the

oceans, but they eventually react with dissolved CO32 to form carbonate miner-
als. These two processes leave seawater rich only in Na .
The effects of chemical weathering of minerals are clearly seen with a scanning
electron microscope and are truly remarkable (Figure 10.6). Rectangular etch pits
(A) Weathering creates small rectangular pits
in plagioclase feldspar. The shapes of the pits develop on weaknesses in the crystal structure of plagioclase, shown here at a mag-
are controlled by the internal arrangement of nification of 3000 times. As weathering proceeds, the pits grow and merge to de-
ions in the minerals framework structure. stroy the fabric of the rock containing the feldspar. A macroscopic example of the
effects of chemical weathering can be seen in the fragments of ancient granite
columns that were partly buried in the mud of the Nile floodplain (Figure 10.7).
Weathering destroyed the delicate carvings in the monuments as feldspar con-
verted to clay minerals.

Oxidation is the chemical combination of oxygen, in the atmosphere or dissolved
in water, with one mineral to form a completely different mineral in which at least
one of the elements has a higher oxidation state (higher ionic charge). Of the el-
ements that have variable charges, iron is the most important in weathering reac-
tions on Earth. In most silicates, iron is present as Fe2+, but in the presence of
Earths modern oxygen-rich atmosphere, Fe3+ is the favored oxidation state.There-
fore, oxidation is especially important in the weathering of minerals that have a high
iron content, such as olivine, pyroxene, and amphibole. Oxidation of silicates is
commonly accompanied by hydrolysis and partial solution. In the case of olivine,
(B) Weathering corrodes amphibole to make
the reaction is as follows:
long needles or cones of residual material
controlled by the chain structure of the ions in 2Fe2SiO4 + 4H2O + O2 = 2Fe2O3 + 2H4SiO4
the mineral. A thin vein of clay (purple) (olivine) (water) (oxygen) (hematite) (silicic acid)
formed at the expense of the amphibole.
In this reaction, the iron in silicate minerals unites with oxygen to form the min-
FIGURE 10.6 Chemical weathering of eral hematite (Fe2O3). Hematite is deep red, and if it is dispersed in sandstone or
minerals can be seen with an electron
microscope.The magnification is about 3000
shale, it imparts a red color to the entire rock. Limonite [FeO(OH)] is another
times. (Courtesy of E. Berner and R. A. common weathering product. It is formed by oxidation combined with a reaction
Berner) with water.

Concluding Notes
By carefully examining the reactions above and Tables 10.1 and 10.2, you should
be able to detect a general pattern for chemical weathering. Most alkali (e.g., Na
and K) and alkaline earth (e.g., Ca and Mg) elements are removed into solution
by weathering reactions (Table 10.1) and eventually become enriched in seawater
(Table 10.2). On the other hand, the solid mineral residue becomes enriched in
Al, Siincorporated in claysand Fe incorporated in oxides.These minerals are
stable in the surface environment.
Figure 10.8 lists common minerals in order of their susceptibility to chemical
weathering. This is a powerful example of how the materials in Earths systems
are constantly changing toward equilibrium. Minerals at the top of the list weather
We a t h e r i n g 257

FIGURE 10.7 A column of granite

from a temple in Lower Egypt fell over and
its right side was partially buried for
hundreds of years. Moisture in the soil
facilitated hydrolysis and altered much of the
feldspar to clay. The left side of the column
was exposed only to the dry atmosphere and
remained fresh and unaltered for more than
2000 years.

easily and rapidly; those at the bottom weather slowly and are resistant to change.
Note that the order shown for igneous silicate minerals corresponds to their typ-
ical temperature of formation. Thus, olivine weathers more readily than plagio-
clase and plagioclase more readily than muscovite. Moreover, these minerals
commonly weather to form minerals found low on the listminerals that are sta-
ble at the cool, wet, oxygen-rich surface of the planet.
Inasmuch as feldspars and other silicate minerals that weather into clay con-
stitute a large percentage of igneous and metamorphic rocks, an enormous amount
of clay has been produced by the weathering of these minerals throughout geologic
time. It has been calculated that sediment and sedimentary rocks have an average
thickness of 3 km throughout the ocean basins, 5 km on the continental shelves, and
1.5 km on the continents. Because clay makes up about one-third of all sedimen-
tary rocks, the total amount of clay would form a layer almost 2 km thick if spread
uniformly over the entire surface of Earth.
We have considered physical and chemical weathering as separate processes, but
in nature they are inseparable because many types of weathering processes are
usually involved in the weathering of any outcrop. Mechanical fracturing of a rock
increases the surface area, where chemical reactions take place, and permits deep-
er penetration of reactive fluids that cause chemical decomposition. Chemical
decay in turn facilitates physical disintegration. One process may dominate in a
given area, depending on the climate and rock composition, but physical and chem-
ical weathering processes generally attack the rock at the same time.


The weathering of rocks is influenced by a number of variables, such as the

mineral composition, the texture of the rock, and the climate in which
weathering occurs. Differential weathering is a result of differences in the
rates of weathering.

Weathering is influenced by so many factors that it is difficult to make a meaning-

ful generalization concerning the weathering of specific rock types. Limestone, for
example, may weather and erode into a soil-covered valley in a humid climate, where-
as the same formation forms a cliff in an arid climate. Similarly, a well-cemented
quartz sandstone may be extremely resistant to weathering, whereas a sandstone
with a high clay content is likely to be soft and weak and weather rapidly.
258 Chapter 10

TABLE 10.1 Weathering Reactions for Common Minerals

Original General Weathering Dissolved Residual
Mineral Formula Reactions Ions Minerals
Gypsum CaSO42H2O Dissolution by water Ca, SO4
Halite NaCl Dissolution by water Na, Cl
Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Oxidation Fe oxides
Dissolution by acid Mg, Fe
Pyroxene Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6 Oxidation Fe oxides
Dissolution in acid Mg, Fe, Ca
Amphiboles NaCa(Mg,Fe)5AlSi7O22(OH)2 Oxidation Fe oxides
Partial solution by acid Na, Ca, Mg Clay
Plagioclase NaAlSi3O8 to CaAl2Si2O8 Partial solution by acid Na, Ca Clay
K-feldspar KAlSi3O8 Partial solution by acid K Clay
Muscovite KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 Partial solution by acid K Clay
Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2 Oxidation Fe oxides
Partial solution by acid K, Mg Clay
Quartz SiO2 Resists dissolution
Calcite CaCO3 Dissolution by acid Ca
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 Dissolution by acid Mg, Ca
Pyrite FeS2 Oxidation SO4 Fe oxides

Mineral composition is of prime importance. Some minerals, such as quartz, are

very stable and remain essentially unaltered for long periods of time; others, such
as olivine and the feldspars, are very unstable and begin to decompose almost
immediately (Figure 10.8). The texture of the rock is also very significant because
of its influence on porosity and permeability, which govern the ease with which
water can enter the rock and attack the mineral grains. Precipitation and tem-
perature are the chief climatic controls, but weathering will be influenced not
only by the total rainfall, but also by the distribution of precipitation through
Why is seawater so rich in sodium, time, percent of runoff, and rate of evaporation. Therefore, a given rock will re-
calcium, and magnesium? spond to weathering in a variety of ways, but in general the major rock groups
weather in a characteristic fashion.

Granite is a massive homogeneous rock composed of feldspar, quartz, and mica,

with minor amounts of other minerals. It forms at high temperatures, in consider-
able depth, and under great pressure, so it is out of physical and chemical equilib-
rium when exposed at Earths surface. For example, the release of pressure re-
sulting from the erosion of the overlying rocks produces expansion joints, which
aid in the development of exfoliation.

TABLE 10.2 Contribution of Weathering to

Water Compositions (in parts per million)
Rain- River Ground- Ocean
Component water Water water Water
HCO3 0.5 58 93 28
SO42 2 11 32 905
Cl 1 7 5 19,400
Ca2+ 1 15 27 412
Mg2+ 0.5 44 6 1,290
Na+ 1 6 9 10,800
K+ 0.5 2 1 380
Fe2+ 0.6 1.6 0.1
Si4+ 6 18 2
We a t h e r i n g 259

Slow weathering Rapid weathering

stable Stable in Unstable in Dissolve and
atmosphere atmosphere reprecipitate

Pyrite Dolomite
Biotite FIGURE 10.8 Relative susceptibility to
Na-plagioclase weathering varies widely among common
K-feldspar minerals found at Earths surface. Minerals
at the top of the diagram react to form
minerals near the bottom that are stable at
Quartz low temperatures and pressures and in the
presence of abundant water and oxygen. The
Most Aluminum oxide ultimate weathering products of many rocks
stable Iron oxide are clays, quartz, and oxides of aluminum
and iron.

Feldspars weather rapidly by chemical reaction with water and are altered to
various clay minerals. Calcium plagioclase is least resistant, followed by potassium
feldspars. Mica weathers somewhat more slowly than most feldspars but is easily
attacked along its cleavage planes by water, and oxidation of iron and ion exchange
are common. Micas alter, with little change in structure, to chlorite and clay min-
erals. In contrast, quartz is very resistant to both chemical and physical weather- Why do various rock types weather in
ing and remains essentially unaltered as the other minerals are decomposed. different ways?
Therefore, it constitutes the most significant particle or fragment produced by the
weathering of a granite.

Basalt is a fine-grained rock composed mostly of feldspar, olivine, and pyrox-

ene. The surface of a basalt flow is generally vesicular and very porous, and the
interior of the rock body is commonly broken by a system of columnar joints.
Therefore, flows are highly permeable and susceptible to decomposition. Olivine,
pyroxene, and calcium plagioclasethe most common minerals in basaltare all
highly susceptible to chemical weathering. Quartz is not present in basalt, so most
minerals in this rock are eventually converted to clay and iron oxides. The ulti-
mate weathering product is a red or brown soil.

Sandstone is composed mostly of quartz grains, with varying amounts of small

rock fragments, feldspar, and clay minerals. The quartz in sandstone is highly re-
sistant to chemical weathering, so chemical decomposition of the rock consists
largely of an attack on the cement. The major cementing materials in sandstones
are calcite, iron oxide, and quartz.

Limestone is composed mostly of the mineral calcite, although it generally con-

tains some clay and other impurities. It is the most soluble of the common rock
types, and (except in extremely dry climates) solution is the dominant weathering
process. In most limestone regions in humid climates, solution activity enlarges
joints and bedding planes and forms a network of caverns and caves; the lime-
stone formations in such regions typically form valleys. In arid regions, where so-
lution activity is at a minimum, limestones form cliffs.

Shale commonly weathers faster than most other rocks because it is fine-grained
and soft. Because it contains a high proportion of clay, it has the ability to absorb
and expel large amounts of water.
260 Chapter 10

Differential Weathering
As can be seen from the preceding brief descriptions, different rock masses, or dif-
ferent sections of the same rock, weather at different rates.This variation is known
as differential weathering. It occurs on a broad scale, from the great sandstone
ridges of the Appalachian Mountains to delicate etching of thin layers in sedi-
mentary rock. The more-resistant zones stand out as ridges, and the weaker zones
form depressions. Differential weathering can lead to the formation of unusual
shapes and forms, such as the spindles and pinnacles in Bryce Canyon (see the
chapter-opening photograph) or pits and caverns on a rock face. Differential ero-
Why do rocks weather at different sion on dikes of igneous rocks can form trenches or walls, depending on whether
rates? the dike is harder or softer than the surrounding rock.
Differential weathering can be seen everywhere a rock is exposed. Study the
photo of Bryce Canyon and you will notice that each layer has its own weather-
ing characteristics. The white layers erode most rapidly and tend to form slender
columns.The thicker beds of sand are more resistant, whereas the interbeds of silt-
stone and shale weather rapidly. Thus, the horizontal layers are etched into ridges
and furrows, which are responsible for much of the beauty in this scene.


The major products of weathering are (1) rock bodies modified into
spherical shapes; (2) a blanket of loose, decayed rock debris, known as
regolith, of which soil is an important part; and (3) ions in solution.

Geometry of Weathered Rock Fragments

The breakdown of rocks and the shapes of most rock fragments are inherited from
patterns of joints, bedding, cleavage, and other planes of structural weakness in
the parent rock material. The best way to appreciate how joints, bedding planes,
and other planes of weakness influence the geometry of rock fragmentation is to
compare and contrast outcrops of several rock types and consider the shape of
the fragmented material that weathering has produced (Figure 10.9).

Importance of Fractures and Joints. Almost all rocks are broken into a system
of fractures that greatly influence the weathering of rock bodies in two ways. First,
they effectively cut large blocks of rock into smaller ones, thereby increasing the
surface area where chemical reactions take place. The importance of joints in
weathering processes can be appreciated by considering the amount of new surface
area produced by jointing. Consider, for example, a cube of rock that measures
10 m on each side (Figure 10.10). If only the upper surface of the cube were exposed
and the rock were not jointed, weathering could attack only the exposed top surface
of 100 m2. If the block were bounded by intersecting joints 10 m apart, however,
the surface area exposed to weathering processes would be 600 m2. If three
additional joints cut the cube into eight smaller cubes, the surface exposed to
weathering would be 1200 m2. If joints 1 m apart cut the rock, 6000 m2 of rock
surface would be exposed. Obviously, a highly jointed rock body weathers much
more rapidly than a solid one. The breakdown of a rock along a system of jointing
planes is known as joint-block separation. Figure 10.9A shows a basalt flow that
broke into hexagonal columns as it cooled.
Besides providing a larger surface area for chemical decomposition, joints also
act as a system of channels through which water can more readily penetrate a rock
body. Joints thus permit physical and chemical weathering processes to attack the
rock from several sides, even hundreds of meters below the surface.
We a t h e r i n g 261

(A) Joint-block separation results when prominent fractures divide the (B) Bedding-plane separation occurs along a bedding zone of weakness
rock into small blocks. The Devils Post Pile in California is an excellent in sedimentary rocks and causes the rock to break up into slabs.
example, where columnar joints control the geometric patterns of rock Foliation in metamorphic rock causes similar type of weathering.

(C) Jointing is commonly the major type of structural weakness in granite (D) Granular disintegration in granite is common, producing crumbly
and related rocks and causes the rock to break up into large blocks. spheroidal boulders. The disintegrated material consists of feldspars
Spheroidal weathering then rounds the edges of the fragments. weathered to clay and quartz grains. The dissolution of calcite cement
in a sandstone also causes granular breakdown.

(E) Exfoliation occurs when the solid rock mass comes apart in a series of (F) Shattering occurs when a rock is subjected to severe stress that
shells or plates that roughly conform to the shape of the outer surface. ruptures the rock into sharp, irregular, angular blocks. Ice wedging
Exfoliation can occur on a very large scale, such as on this dome in shatters rock outcrops in nature. Repeated cycles of heating and
Yosemite National Park, California, or on a very small scale, with the cooling may also cause shattering. Blasting bedrock with explosives
individual plates being only a millimeter or less thick. produces shattering artificially.

FIGURE 10.9 The geometric patterns of rock disintegration depend on the composition, texture, and structure (especially layers and joints) of
the parent rock body.

262 Chapter 10

(A) A surface of bedrock, 10 m long and 10 (B) Three additional joints, dividing (C) If joints 1 m apart cut the rock,
m wide, with no joints, exposes a total area of the block into eight cubes, would the surface area exposed to
100 m2 to weathering processes. A set of joints increase the surface area to 1200 m2. weathering would be increased to
10 m apart would expose more rock to the 6000 m2.
atmosphere and would increase the surface
area vulnerable to weathering to 600 m2.

FIGURE 10.10 A system of joints cutting a rock body greatly increases the surface area exposed to weathering.

Spheroidal Weathering
In the weathering process, there is a universal tendency for rounded (or spherical)
surfaces to form on a decaying rock body regardless of the original shapes of the
rock fragments. The sphere is the geometric form that has the least amount of sur-
face area per unit of volume.A rounded shape is produced because weathering at-
tacks an exposed rock from all sides at once, and decomposition is most rapid
along the corners and edges of the rock (Figure 10.11). As the decomposed mate-
rial falls off, the corners become rounded, and the block eventually is reduced to
an ellipsoid or a sphere. Once the block attains this shape, it simply becomes small-
er with further weathering. This process is known as spheroidal weathering.
Examples of spheroidal weathering can be seen in almost any exposure of rock
(Figure 10.12). It can also be seen in the rounded blocks of ancient buildings and
monuments. The original blocks had sharp corners and were fitted together with
precision.The edges are now completely decomposed, and each block has assumed
an ellipsoidal or spherical shape. In nature, spheroidal weathering is produced
both at the surface and at some depth.

FIGURE 10.11
Spheroidal weathering occurs
because the edges and corners
of a joint block are easily

(A) Joint systems cut a rock body into (B) On each block, (C) The corners of the block are
angular blocks. weathering proceeds soon completely decomposed,
inward from the joint face. so the weathered rock assumes
a spherical or ellipsoidal shape.
We a t h e r i n g 263

FIGURE 10.12 Spheroidal weathering

shapes natural outcrops like these jointed
and weathered granite blocks from near
Prescott, Arizona.

Exfoliation is a special type of spheroidal weathering in which the rock breaks

apart by separation along a series of concentric shells or layers that look like cab-
bage leaves (Figure 10.9E). The layers, essentially parallel to each other and to
the surface, develop by both chemical and physical means. Exfoliation may in-
volve sheeting in rocks such as granite; if they are brought to the surface after
deep burial, they have a tendency to expand upward and outward as the over-
lying rock is removed. In cold climates, ice wedging along the sheeting joints
helps to remove successive layers gradually. The increase in volume of mineral
grains associated with the chemical weathering of feldspar might also promote
exfoliation. Exfoliation causes massive rocks, such as granite, to develop a spher-
ical form characterized by a series of concentric layers ranging from boulders
to a mountain.

The results of weathering can be seen from the driest deserts and the frozen waste-
lands, to the warm, humid tropics. The most obvious product of weathering is a
blanket of loose, decayed rock debris known as regolith, which forms a discontin-
uous cover over the solid, unaltered bedrock below it. The term regolith comes
from the Greek work rego, meaning blanket (blanket rock). It is a layer of soft,
disaggregated rock material formed in place by the decomposition and disinte-
gration of the bedrock that lies beneath it.Within the regolith, the individual grains
or small groups of mineral particles are easily separated, one from the other. The
thickness of the regolith ranges from a few centimeters to hundreds of meters, de-
pending on the climate, type of rock, and length of time that weathering process-
es have been operating. The transition from bedrock to regolith can be seen in
road cuts and stream valleys.
Gravel, sand, silt, and mud deposited by streams, wind, and glaciers are some-
times referred to as transported regolith, in order to distinguish them from the
residual regolith produced by weathering. Many types of transported regolith, or
surficial deposits, have been identified, and we will learn more about them in later
chapters dealing with rivers, glaciers, and wind.
A regional view of the regolith and its relationship to bedrock is given in Fig-
ure 10.13. The photograph shows exposures of bedrock limited to certain areas of
resistant limestone and sandstone strata, which form discontinuous cliffs along the
upper part of the mountain front. On the steep canyon walls, little soil is retained,
and bedrock is exposed from the base to the top of the canyon. The sketch in (B)
was made from the photograph and outlines the rock outcrops. In (C), the out-
264 Chapter 10

(A) The Wasatch Range in central Utah displays contrasting areas of bedrock and regolith.

(B) Outcrops of bedrock appear in cliffs and canyons. Slopes are covered with regolith.

(C) The discontinuous blanket of regolith almost completely covers some formations, while others are exposed as discontinuous cliffs.
Outcrops of bedrock form holes in the regolith cover.

(D) The structure of the bedrock consists of rock layers warped into broad folds, some of which are cut by canyons. Compare with (A).

FIGURE 10.13 The relationship between bedrock and regolith is depicted in the photograph and diagrams.
We a t h e r i n g 265

Decaying vegetation

A horizon

B horizon

C horizon

Unaltered bedrock

FIGURE 10.14 A soil profile for a temperate climate shows the transition from bedrock to regolith through a sequence of layers, or horizons,
consisting of successively smaller fragments capped by a dark layer of decomposed organic material.

cropping bedrock is not shown, so the regolith appears as a thin, discontinuous

blanket with holes where bedrock is exposed. Sediment fills the valley in the
foreground, but the regolith there is not shown in the diagram. If you carefully
study the pattern of exposed bedrock areas (B), you can see that the strata are
warped into broad folds, shown in (D), which form the internal structure of the

The uppermost layer of the regolith is the soil. It is composed chiefly of small par- What is the ultimate origin of soil?
ticles of rock, new minerals formed by weathering, plus varying amounts of de-
composed organic matter. Soil is so widely distributed and so economically im-
portant that it has acquired a variety of definitions, and you should be aware that
the term, as used by engineers, geologists, farmers, and soil scientists, has some-
what different definitions.
The transition from the upper surface of the soil down to fresh bedrock is a soil
profile, which shows a rather systematic sequence of layers, or horizons, distin-
guished by composition, color, and texture. These are shown in Figure 10.14 for a
humid temperate climate. The A horizon is the topsoil layer, which often is visibly
divided into three layers: A0 is a thin surface layer of leaf mold, especially obvious
on forest floors;A1 is a humus-rich, dark layer; and A2 is a light, bleached layer.The
B horizon is the subsoil, which contains fine clays and colloids washed down from
the topsoil. It is largely a zone of accumulation and commonly is reddish in color.
The C horizon is a zone of partly disintegrated and decomposed bedrock. The in-
dividual rock fragments are often weathered, spheroidal boulders that may be
completely decomposed. The C horizon grades downward into fresh, unaltered
Several special kinds of soils are worth noting here. The major soil orders are
described in Table 10.3 and their distribution is shown in Figure 10.15. Some soils
are noteworthy because they are ore deposits. For example, aluminum does not mi-
grate far during weathering, and, in fact, it may be concentrated as a residual de-
posit as other elements are removed.The enrichment may be great enough to form
aluminum orebauxite. Iron is also insoluble in the presence of dissolved oxygen
266 Chapter 10

Rocky land

FIGURE 10.15 Principal soil types of the world are shown on this map. The various soils are classified based on obvious physical characteristics
including organic matter and clay content, the degree of nutrient depletion, soil chemistry, and origin or age of the soil. See Table 10.3 for a description
of the major features of each type of soil. Note the strong control of climate on soil types. (Modified after U.S. Department of Agriculture)

TABLE 10.3 Major Types of Soil

Soil General Typical Geographic or Geologic Setting
Order Characteristics
Andisols Soils that from by weathering of volcanic parent material Common in volcanic areas like Japan, Alaska,
and Pacific Northwest
Entisols Only slightly weathered with minimal development of soil Young surfaces, slopes, and sand dunes
horizons. Similar to parent material
Aridosols Thin A and B horizons with little organic matter Arid regions
Carbonate deposits (caliche) common in B horizon
Gelisols Soils with a dark organic surface layer underlain by Arctic regions of North America and Russia
Histosols Dark soils dominated by decomposed organic matter Typically in poorly drained low-lying areas

Inceptisols Well developed A horizon, but little clay. Still retain Relatively young surfaces or resistant
weatherable minerals. bedrock
Mollisols Dark organic-rich A-horizon. Nutrient-rich parent material. Common in grasslands of stable platforms
in temperate climates
Alfisols Thin A horizon and clay and nutrient-rich B horizon Semi-arid to humid climates; good
agricultural soil
Spodosols Strongly leached A-horizon with aluminum and iron-rich Coniferous forests in cool temperate climates
Vertisols Clay-rich soils that shrink when dry and swell when wet Tropical regions with wet and dry seasons

Oxisols Deeply weathered with oxidized iron apparent in B horizon Humid tropical to subtropical regions of low
Red or yellow relief
Ultisols Highly weathered clay-rich B horizon with high concentrations Warm, humid regions; with fertilizer they can
of aluminum and low in nutrients be used for agriculture
We a t h e r i n g 267

and also accumulates in soils. Intensely weathered soils are typically red because
of the presence of secondary iron oxide minerals formed by weathering. Such
residual laterites may also be enriched in other insoluble elements such as nickel
and make ore deposits. (see Figure 10.18)
As do so many other aspects of weathering, the type and thickness of soil de-
pend on a number of factors, the most important of which are parent rock com-
position, topography, and time. The mineral composition of the bedrock strongly
influences the type of soil because the bedrock provides the chemical elements
and mineral grains from which the soil develops. Pure quartzite, for example, con-
tains 99% quartz and is extremely deficient in minerals that can weather to make
clays. Its decomposition produces a thin, infertile soil poor in plant nutrients (Fig-
ure 10.16A).
Topography affects soil development because it influences the amount and rate
of erosion and the nature of drainage. Flat, poorly drained lowlands develop a
bog-type soil, rich in decomposed vegetation and saturated with water, whereas
steep slopes permit rapid removal of regolith and inhibit the accumulation of
weathered materials.Well-drained uplands are conducive to thick, well-developed
soils (Figure 10.16B).
Time is important in soil development in that it takes time for physical and
chemical processes to break down the bedrock. In Figure 10.16C, the young lava
flow has a very thin, patchy soil, whereas the older flow has had time for a thick
soil layer to develop.

Thick soil
Thin soil
Thick soil
Thin No soil
soil Thick

Quartzite Shale Bedrock

(A) The influence of rock type is illustrated by the difference between a

layer of quartzite and a layer of shale. Quartzite resists chemical
decomposition, so the soils produced from it are thin and poorly (B) The influence of topography is apparent from the contrast
developed. Shale is much more susceptible to chemical weathering and between slope soils and valley soils. Thick soils can form on flat or
forms thicker soils. gently sloping surfaces, but steep slopes permit only thin soils to
Young flow
thin soil
Old flow
thick soil


(C) The influence of time can be seen in areas of volcanism. Thick

soils have developed on old lava flows, in contrast to thin soils on FIGURE 10.16 Topography, rock type, and time also affect the
younger flows. thickness of soil.
268 Chapter 10

FIGURE 10.17 Dissolved ions are one Ions in Solution

of the major products of chemical
weathering. Here, along the margins of a salt The ions dissolved in water are almost invisible products of weathering. A chem-
pan in Death Valley, California, the salts ical analysis of rainwater compared with river water illustrates the effectiveness of
once dissolved in river water accumulated in chemical weathering in dissolving and transporting many elements (Table 10.2).
a shallow lake that then evaporated. The
Fresh rainwater contains relatively little dissolved mineral matter, but surface
volume of salt in these evaporite deposits
reveals the amount of dissolved materials. water soon dissolves the more soluble minerals in the rock and transports ions
away in solution (Figure 10.17). Each year the rivers of the world carry about 4 mil-
lion metric tons of dissolved materials to the oceans (Table 10.2). It is not surpris-
ing, then, that seawater contains 3.5% (by weight) dissolved salts, most of which
were derived from the continents by chemical weathering.
The major source of ions in solution are carbonate rocks. About 45% of the
dissolved material in rivers is derived from carbonates, even though they consti-
tute only about 16% of the continental area exposed to weathering. Evaporites
are also made of very soluble mineralssalts of potassium, sodium, magnesium,
chlorine, and sulfate. Despite the fact that they make up only about 1% of the area
of the continents, fully 18% of the ions in solution in rivers appear to be derived
from evaporites. If we consider only one constituent, about 80% of the chloride in
the Amazon River comes from halite dissolution, not from the weathering of sili-
cate minerals. Other rocks are much less soluble than carbonates and evaporites.
Silicate rocks account for more than 80% of the land area but only about 35% of
the dissolved constituents of river water. The effect of susceptibility of rock types
to chemical weathering is the important factor here.


Climate is the single most important factor influencing weathering. It

determines not only the type and rate of weathering, but also the charac-
teristics of regolith and weathered rock surfaces. Intense chemical
weathering occurs in hot, humid regions and develops a thick regolith.
Chemical weathering is minimal in deserts and polar regions.

Climate is of major importance in weathering because rainfall, temperature, and

seasonal changes all directly affect the style and rates of weathering. The influ-
ence climate has on weathering is apparent in the striking contrasts of the soil in
the tropics, deserts, and polar regions (Figure 10.18).
In physical weathering, perhaps the most important temperature changes are
the ones that produce continual cycles of freezing and thawing that result in re-
peated expansion of water ice in the rock and soil, and thus mechanical frag-
mentation. The rate of chemical reactions (and biological activity) also tends to
increase as temperature increases. Commonly, a 10C increase in temperature
doubles reaction rates.
We a t h e r i n g 269

Most chemical reactions, such as hydrolysis, dissolution, and oxidation, require

the presence of water, so the total amount of precipitation in an area is clearly a
major factor in weathering (Figure 10.15). But many factors such as the intensity
of rain, seasonal variations, infiltration, runoff, and the rate of evaporation combine
to influence weathering and weathered products in a given region.
The extent and style of chemical weathering are not controlled entirely by tem-
perature and total water supply; weathering may be greatly affected by other con-
ditions. For example, many reactions are controlled by the waters acidity (hydro-
gen ion concentration), which is expressed as the pH value, ranging from 1 (acid)
to 14 (alkaline). Iron, for example, becomes 100,000 times as soluble at pH 6 as it
is at pH 8.5. Tropical climates typically support lush vegetation that yields organ-
ic acids. As a result, forested areas experience higher rates of chemical weathering
than in otherwise similar areas that lack such growth. Some studies suggest weath-
ering to be eight times as high as in forested areas as compared to nonforested
areas, other things being equal. Moreover, high temperatures and abundant water
can also increase the rate of bacterial activity, important in the production of acid.
The relative importance of various types of weathering under different climat-
ic conditions (temperature and rainfall) is shown in Figure 10.19. High tempera-
ture and high precipitation cause intense chemical weathering. Physical weather-
ing dominates in regions of low temperature and low rainfall. Perhaps the best
way to appreciate the influence of climate on weathering is to consider variations
in the types and thicknesses of soils from the equator to the poles, as shown in Fig-
ure 10.20.This diagram summarizes the relationships between the amount of chem-
ical weathering and variations in precipitation and temperature.
In humid, tropical climates, extreme chemical weathering rapidly develops thick
soils to depths greater than 70 m (Figure 10.20). In central Brazil, the zone of de-
cayed rock is more than 150 m thick. Under such conditions, the feldspars are com-
pletely altered to clays, and all soluble minerals are leached out. Only the most in-
soluble materials (such as silica, aluminum, and iron) remain in the thick, red soil
(Figure 10.18).These are not good soils for continued agriculture, because plant nu-
trients are leached away by the abundant rainfall. The high temperatures in trop-
ical zones speed chemical reactions, so chemical decomposition is very rapid. Frost
action, of course, is essentially nonexistent in the tropics, except on the tops of high

(A) Arctic weathering profile. Thin soils, with partly decomposed rock (B) Tropical weathering profile. Thick red (oxidized) soils develop in tropical
fragments, develop in polar regions. Physical weathering is dominant. regions. Chemical weathering dominates.

FIGURE 10.18 Climate is one of the important controls on the type of soil found in an area.
270 Chapter 10


Slight Moderate
weathering chemical
+10 of any

Average temperature (C)

0 Moderate
with ice wedging

FIGURE 10.19 The relative

importance of various types of weathering

depends on temperature and rainfall. This te
era l

diagram shows that strong chemical od sica

M hy
weathering occurs where both temperature p

and precipitation are high. Physical 20 g
ron al

St ysic

weathering is strongest where the mean
annual temperature is between 10 and ph
10C and precipitation is between 25 and
100 cm. Weathering is at a minimum where 0 50 100 150 200
annual precipitation is below 25 cm. Precipitation (cm /year)

In the low-latitude deserts, north and south of the tropical rain forests, chemi-
cal weathering is minimal because of the lack of precipitation. Moreover, organic
matter is not abundant. Consequently, the soil is thin, and exposures of fresh, un-
altered bedrock are common. Physical weathering is evident, however, in the fresh,
angular rock debris that litters most slopes.
In the temperate regions, precipitation ranges from humid to subarid, and tem-
peratures range from cool to warm. Both chemical and physical processes operate,
and the soil and regolith develop to depths of several meters. The agricultural
breadbaskets of the world are not in the tropics where soil is thickest, but in these
temperate zones. Here, soils are moderately thick and have retained their nutrients.
Moreover, temperate soils are commonly enhanced by added deposits of wind-
blown dust.
Why are thin soils produced in both In the polar regions, weathering is largely physical. Temperatures are too low
polar and desert regions? for much chemical weathering, so the soil typically is thin and unproductive (Fig-
ure 10.18). It is composed mostly of angular, unaltered rock fragments. In per-
mafrost zones (areas where water in the pore spaces of soil and rock is perma-
nently frozen), the surface layer melts during the summer but freezes again in the
winter. This unique condition produces polygonal ground patterns, which result
from thermal contractions and the differential thawing and freezing.


The rate at which weathering processes decompose and break down a

solid rock body depends on three main factors: (1) susceptibility of the
constituent minerals to weathering, (2) climate, and (3) the amount of
surface exposed to the atmosphere.

A consideration of the rate at which weathering proceeds is a good way to review

its controlling factors. Rates of weathering can be calculated by measuring the
amount of decay on rock surfaces of known age.Tombstones, ancient buildings, and
monuments, for example, provide datable rock surfaces for estimating rates of
weathering. These studies show that in some climates, several centimeters of rock
can be decomposed in a few decades, whereas the same rock remains unaltered in
other climates.
We a t h e r i n g 271

North Pole Equator

Arctic Temperate Low-latitude deserts Tropics

regions regions 300

Precipitation (cm)
Temperature (C)




i pi


0 0
FIGURE 10.20 Climate controls the
Regolith type and extent of weathering because of the
combined effects of precipitation,
50 temperature, and vegetation. (Other
Depth (m)

variables are also involved, such as those

shown in Figure 10.16.) Weathering is most
Unaltered bedrock bedrock
pronounced in the tropics, where
100 precipitation, temperature, and vegetation
reach a maximum. Conversely, a minimum of
weathering is found in deserts and polar
regions, where these factors are minimal.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Compare this cross section with the map in
Latitude Figure 10.15.

In places, rates of weathering have been measured on volcanic ash and

basaltic lava flows that have been dated by radiometric means. For example, on
the subtropical island of St. Vincent in the West Indies, a volcanic ash deposit-
ed 4000 years ago has weathered to produce a layer of clay soil 2 m thick. Soils
have also formed on the ash deposits resulting from the 1883 eruption of the
equatorial volcano Krakatua. Measurements made 45 years after the Krakatua
eruption showed a new soil nearly 50 cm thick. Of course, the rates of weathering
are much lower in polar climates and in the arid deserts.
The Egyptian pyramids provide an interesting example of rates of weather-
ing in arid climates. The Great Pyramid of Cheops, near Cairo, was originally
faced with polished, well-fitted blocks of travertine limestone. These blocks pro-
tected the rock in the pyramid core from weathering until the outer, polished
layers were removed, about 1000 years ago, to build mosques in Cairo. Since Weathering of the Pyramids
then, without the rock facing, weathering has attacked all four main rock types
used in the construction of the pyramid. The most least weathered rock in the
pyramid is a granite, which today remains essentially unweathered. Also resis-
tant is a hard, gray limestone, which still retains marks of the quarry tools used
to carve its final shape. The shaly limestone and fossiliferous limestone used for
other blocks, however, have weathered rapidly. Individual building blocks have
weathered to spherical forms. Many of these blocks have a zone of decayed
minerals as deep as 20 cm. Most of the weathered debris remains as talus on
individual tiers and around the base of the pyramids. During the last 1000 years,
the volume of weathered debris produced from the pyramid has been calculat-
ed to be 50,000 m3.
Near Saqqarah, Egypt, on older pyramids built nearly 4600 years ago, deeper
weathering has occurred, with talus debris nearly covering the steps. Some of
the smaller pyramids in the area are completely covered by their own weath-
ered debris.
In Mexico, pyramids built nearly 2000 years ago have also been deeply weath-
ered. Some were completely covered by their own weathered debris (see the
GeoLogic essay on the next page).
GeoLogic Weathering of Mexican Pyramids

When Europeans first entered the highland valleys of cen- 5. Most of the delicate carvings in the solid rock are de-
tral Mexico, they found tree-covered mounds dotting the stroyed, only being preserved where collapse or over-
landscape. Eventually, archeologists discovered that these hangs had protected them from the attack by water and
mounds were not natural at all, but were the weathered air.
remnants of the buildings of a once great city. Teotihuacan 6. Some of the temples have now been partially recon-
was at its zenith about 400 AD but the city was abandoned structed, revealing their former grandeur. New stone
and partially destroyed about 700 AD. In the photograph, was quarried and carefully placed to recreate the an-
you can see that the classic Mesoamerican architecture ap- cient buildings. But so extensive was the weathering
pears to be wonderfully preserved. But that is a popular that it was unclear how many steps ascend to the top
misconception. The temples with their staircases, platforms of a temple or even how many wide platforms break
and altars were restored after careful archeological work. the profile.
Study the mounds to the left; the low rounded conical hills
covered with grass and a few trees.These are the unrestored Interpretations
segments of the Teotihuacan complex. Considering the location, landscape, and present system
of slopes, could the pyramids have been covered by de-
Observations position of sediment from running water, wind, or lakes?
1. After Teotihuacan was abandoned some 1300 years ago The principal conclusion you can draw from these obser-
the buildings and monuments were left to decay as a re- vations is that the monuments were not covered with sed-
sult of weathering. iment transported in from some other area, but simply
2. A regolith, in some places more than 1 m thick, topped covered in their own weathered debris. Weathering is a
the ruined structures. It consisted of decomposed rock rapid process capable of producing a regolith in only a
fragments, clay, and organic material from plants that col- few hundred years in a temperate climate. The products
onized the newly created soil. of weathering are spheroidal boulders, decomposed rock
3. Once angular building stones are now spheroidal, fragments, and soil.
crumbly, and ill-fitting.
4. Numerous blocks of rock are scattered over the weath-
ered structures.
We a t h e r i n g 273

A horizon (p. 265) granular disintegration (p. 261) permeability (p. 258) soil profile (p. 265)
B horizon (p. 265) horizon (p. 265) physical weathering (p. 251) spheroidal weathering (p. 262)
C horizon (p. 265) hydrolysis (p. 255) porosity (p. 258) talus cone (p. 253)
chemical weathering (p. 251) ice wedging (p. 251) regolith (p. 263)
differential weathering (p. 260) joint-block separation (p. 260) shattering (p. 261)
dissolution (p. 253) leach (p. 253) sheeting (p. 252)
exfoliation (p. 263) oxidation (p. 256) soil (p. 265)

1. List five ways in which the effects of weathering are ex- 10. What is spheroidal weathering?
pressed in natural outcrops of bedrock. 11. Draw a schematic diagram showing variations in weather-
2. Discuss the processes involved in the most important types ing from arctic regions to the tropics.
of physical weathering. 12. How do the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico provide infor-
3. Which rock types are most susceptible to chemical weath- mation on rates of weathering?
ering? 13. Put these rock types in the order by which they would
4. Discuss the chemical reactions involved in chemical weath- weather the fastest: granite, rock salt, gabbro, sandstone,
ering of feldspar. mica schist, shale, serpentinite, and gypsum. Assume that
5. Explain why joints are important in weathering processes. the climate is humid and temperate.
6. How does soil originate? 14. Which rock type, limestone, granite, or basalt, would weath-
7. Why are mudrocks (dominated by clay minerals) the most er to form the most clay? Which would be most susceptible
common sedimentary rocks? to oxidation?
8. Explain how rock types, topography, and time influence the 15. Compare the soil map in Figure 10.15 with the climate map
types of soil produced by weathering. in Chapter 9. Comment on the distribution of different soil
9. Why is quartz sand so abundant in clastic sedimentary types in each of the major climates.

Berner, E. B., and R. A. Berner. 1996. Global Environment: Goldich, S. S. 1938. A study in rock weathering. Journal of Geol-
Water, Air, and Geochemical Cycles. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: ogy 46:1758.
Prentice Hall. Ollier, C. D., and C. Pain. 1996. Regolith, Soils and Landforms.
Bland, W., and D. Rolls. 1998. Weathering : An Introduction to the New York: Wiley.
Scientific Principles. New York: Arnold. Yotsu, E. 1988. The Nature of Weathering. Tokyo: Sozosha.
Colman, S. M., and D. P. Dethier. 1986. Rates of Chemical Weath-
ering of Rocks and Minerals. New York: Academic Press.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Slide shows about weathering of man-made structures
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Slide shows with examples of results of weathering, including
Quantitative Problems talus cones
Critical Thinking Exercises Web links to more information about soils
Web Resources A direct link to the Companion Website
11 Slope Systems
Most of Earths surface is not perfectly horizontal; sloping surfaces are everywhere. On
Earth, most slopes are formed by stream erosion and are related to the walls of stream
valleys. Some, however, are the result of tectonic activity such as faulting; others result from
wave erosion, extrusion of lava, glaciation, and even impact of meteorites. Regardless of a
slopes origin, gravity has a universal tendency to pull materials on it to a lower gravitation-
al potential. Consequently, the downslope transfer of material through the direct action of
gravitymass movementis extremely common.
Slope failures can be rapid and devastating, as in great landslides on steep cliffs, or they
can be imperceptibly slow, as in the creep of soil down the gentle slope of a grass-covered
field. Slope failures occur on all planetary surfacesmodifying impact crater rims on the
Moon and on Mercury, enlarging the huge canyons on Mars, in addition to shaping stream
valleys, sea cliffs, and mountain fronts on Earth. In all cases, the net effect of mass move-
ment is the transportation of loose rock material from hillsides onto low-lying areas.
Mass movement is also common on steep slopes on the ocean floor. The largest land-
slides known on Earth occur on the flanks of volcanic seamounts and on steep continental

slopes and are spaced thousands of years apart. The smallest ones occur on hill slopes like
those shown above everyday. This glaciated landscape is part of Banff National Park in Al-
berta, Canada. Coarse angular rock fragments accumulated to make large talus cones that
coalesced into a nearly continuous apron on the mountain front. As on all slopes, the inex-
orable, continuous force of gravity works in concert with weathering to slowly create a new
landscape from these steep cliffs.
As geologic hazards, slope failures and related subsidence features pose a constant
threat to people in many regions of the world. The 19971998 El Nio rains caused millions
of dollars of damage in California alone as steep oceanfront properties slumped into the
Pacific Ocean. In Central America, hillsides, drenched by torrential rains from Hurricane
Mitch, gave way and destroyed whole villages. Many lives were lost in the region as a result
of these debris flows and other kinds of slope failures. Consequently, assessment of slope
stability is an important job for many geologists.
In this chapter, we will consider the various types of mass movement, some rapid and oth-
ers extremely slow. We will also consider the fundamental factors that determine if a slope is
stable or unstable and susceptible to failure. The great overriding theme in this chapter is
that all slopes are mobile and constantly changing under the continuous pull of gravity.

1. Mass movement is the downslope transfer of material through the direct ac-
tion of gravity. It is a major geologic process operating on all slopes.
2. The most important factors influencing slope failures are saturation of slope
material with water, earthquakes, oversteepening of slopes, freezing and
thawing, and the strength of the materials in the slope.
3. The major types of mass movement are creep, debris flows,, landslides, and
4. Creep is the very slow downslope movement of soil and rock, produced pri-
marily by the expansion and contraction of the surface materials.
5. Debris flows are mixtures of rock fragments and water that flow rapidly
downslope as a viscous fluid. A lahar is a special type of debris flow com-
posed of volcanic materials.
6. Landslides are a type of mass movement in which the material moves as a unit
or block along definite slippage planes.
7. Subsidence is essentially vertical motion caused by collapse into voids or as
a result of compaction of loose materials.
8. Slopes are open dynamic systems in which regolith and near-surface bedrock
move downslope toward the main stream, where they are removed through
the drainage system.


Gravity is the driving force for the downslope movement of material, but
several factors are important in causing movement to occur. The most
important are (1) saturation of material with water, (2) vibrations from
earthquakes, (3) oversteepening of slopes by undercutting, (4) alternating
freezing and thawing, and (5) strength of the slope materials.

Gravity pulls continuously downward on all materials everywhere on Earths

surface. Bedrock is usually so strong that it remains fixed in place, but if a slope
becomes too steep or if fractures form, masses of bedrock may break free and
move downslope. Soil and regolith, in contrast, are held together poorly and are
much more susceptible to downslope movements. There is abundant evidence
that, on most slopes, at least a small amount of downhill movement is occurring
all of the time.
What factors influence mass movement? Gravity is the driving force behind all slope processes. Mass movement is not
limited to stream valleys but occurs on all slopes, including sea cliffs and fault-
block mountain fronts, on the ocean floor, and even on the slopes of craters on
other planets. The force of gravity is continuous, of course, but it can move mate-
rial only when it exceeds the cohesive strength of the surface material.As the prod-
ucts of weathering accumulate on a hill slope, the dry, loose rock fragments will tend
to accumulate at a nearly uniform slope angle inclined at what geologists call the
angle of repose. This angle is the steepest slope at which loose material, such as
talus, will remain at rest without rolling farther downslope. This is the inclination
of a slope at equilibrium. The angle of repose is commonly about 30 for dry sand,
but it varies depending on the size, shape, and sorting of the fragments and the
amount of moisture between the grains. Rock slopes also have a profile of equi-
librium. Some rocks, such as sandstone, form steep cliffs, whereas soft shale form
gentle slopes. That is why in many areas, alternating layers of sandstone and shale
develop a profile of alternating cliffs and slopes. The profile of equilibrium on any
rock surface is the preferred profile, and any time it is modified (naturally or by
humans), it will readjust to the original profile.

Slope Systems 277

Some factors that influence mass movement can be understood by consider-

ing the forces acting on a rock fragment that rests on a slope (Figure 11.1). The
weight of the object (the force caused by gravity) is directed vertically down-
ward, here 1 kg. The force directed down this hill slope is only 0.5 kg (1 kg
sine 30). On a stable slope, the frictional cohesion of the object to the slope is
greater than this downhill force, and the rock fragment remains stationary. Any

factor that either weakens the cohesion of the object with the surface or increases

the downslope force may initiate downslope movement. Such factors include (1) kg

saturation of the material with water, (2) vibrations from earthquakes, (3) al-
ternating expansion and contraction of the regolith, (4) the undercutting of slopes
by streams or waves, and (5) modification of slopes by humans, including the re- 30
moval of vegetation. 1 kg
Water is an important factor in mass movement because it lubricates the un-
consolidated material on slopes (reduces cohesion) and adds weight to the mass FIGURE 11.1 Forces acting on a rock
(increases downhill force), thereby promoting mobility and downslope movement. on a hill slope determine if it will move
Heavy rainfalls, whether prolonged over many days or in a single storm, are par- downslope. The force of gravity is vertical,
but it can be separated into one component
ticularly effective in triggering mass movement.
that is parallel to the surface and another
Earthquakes, with their initial shock and aftershocks, can loosen fragments of that is perpendicular to the slope.
rocks on steep slopes, overcoming the cohesion of the slope, and set the regolith Consequently, the force directed downslope
in motion. In many areas, more damage is caused by mass movement than by the depends on the weight of the object and the
earthquake itself. For example, an earthquake in Guatemala in 1976 set off more angle of the slope. If the downhill force
exceeds the forces of friction that resist
than 10,000 mass movements. Most occurred on steep slopes, but some were on
movement, the rock will start to move.
gentle slopes where water-saturated regolith was mobilized and turned into de-
bris flows.
Undercutting of slopes is a fundamental cause of slope failures in that it creates
steep gravitationally unstable surfaces. Natural undercutting is caused by streams
eroding their banks, or by waves cutting cliffs on a shoreline. Home and road con-
struction commonly undercut natural slopes that were at the angle of repose. The
new steeper slope is unstable and susceptible to failure. Almost everyone has seen
the evidence of slope failure on a steep road cut.
A significant factor in mass movement has been the modification of natural
slopes to suit humans. Since prehistoric times, farming and deforestation have
brought changes in vegetation cover, soil, and drainage. In more recent times, large
scale engineering works have modified coastlines, river systems, and landforms on
an even larger scale.All of these changes by humans result in new and artificial sur-
faces imposed on existing geologic systems that had attained some degree of equi-
librium.They commonly provoke unforeseen reactions that cause widespread dam-
age. A dramatic example is the deforestation of large areas in Madagascar that
resulted in tens of thousands of major slope failures and accelerated erosion (Fig-
ure 11.2).
The strength of the materials in the slope is obviously important. We have al-
luded to this already in the discussion about frictional cohesion of a rock to the hill-
side. But the rocks and regolith that make up the slope will also control its failure.
Consider the strength of a well-cemented sandstone compared to a shale. Shale are
weak and fail easily. Fractures and bedding planes also impart weakness to a bock
Another example of slope failure related to human activities is the landslide
that occurred at Vaiont Dam in northern Italy. This, the worst dam disaster in
history, resulted from a huge landslide into the Vaiont Reservoir on October 9,
1963 (Figure 11.3). The landslide moved slowly downhill over a 3-year period.
The rate of creep had been as much as 7 cm per week, until a month before the
catastrophe; then, it increased to 25 cm per day. On October 1, animals grazing
on the slopes sensed the danger and moved away. Finally, on the day before the
slide, the rate of creep was about 40 cm per day. Engineers expected a small
landslide and did not realize, until the day before the disaster, that a large area
of the mountain slope was moving en masse at a uniform rate. When the slide
broke loose, more than 240 million cubic meters of rock rushed down the hill
278 Chapter 11



FIGURE 11.2 Accelerated mass movement resulting from deforestation in Madagascar is vividly shown in these diagrams and
photograph. As a consequence of removing the forests, numerous landslides formed and deep gullies eroded into the hillsides and fed
sediment into adjacent streams. The ocean around Madagascar is colored red by the silt eroded from the recently deforested areas.
(Photograph by National Geographic Society)

slope and splashed into the reservoir. It produced a wave of water more than
100 m high that swept over the dam and rushed down the valley, destroying
everything in its path for many kilometers downstream. The entire catastroph-
ic event, including the slide and flood, lasted only 7 minutes, but it took ap-
proximately 2600 lives and caused untold property damage. Several adverse
geologic conditions contributed to the slide. Compare these conditions with the
list of important factors just discussed.The rocks in the mountainside were weak
limestone interbedded with thin layers of clay. The beds were inclined steeply
toward the reservoir, creating inherent planes of weakness in the bedrock be-
neath the slope. Finally, it was the rising water level in the reservoir, saturating
the adjacent soil and rock along the banks, that reduced the slopes cohesiveness
and caused the slide.
Slope Systems 279

a v e River
landslide S. Martino
Codissago N

Path of
Pirago wave caused
Landslide by slide

M esazz
Provagna S

Flood area
0 1 2

(A) Longarone before the flood. (B) Longarone is downstream from a a dam with a larger reservoir. In
1963, a large landslide into the reservoir created a huge wave that
swept away part of the town.

1200 Slip plane Water
Elevation (m)


0 500
0 m

(C) Longarone after the landslide drove flood waters into the town. (D) Cross section through the Vaiont landslide shows the role
played by a tilted succession of weak sedimentary rocks.

FIGURE 11.3 The Vaiont Dam disaster is illustrated in this map, cross section, and photographs. The map shows the location of the landslide and
the area covered by the resulting flood. The photographs show part of the town of Longarone, Italy, before and after the flood.

Landslides are natural processes and constantly occur, but as slopes are artifi-
cially modified for building sites and roads, the magnitude and frequency of mass
movement increases greatly. As a result, millions of dollars in property are lost
each year. Careful geologic investigations and proper land-use planning could
greatly reduce these losses. However, it also takes stringent laws that are enforced
to make a real difference. Landowners often object to regulations that limit their
ability to sell their property. This right has to be balanced with the need to protect
the buyers and to protect the government (and its tax-paying citizens) from the
need to pay for the eventual damages. As a result of our inability to predict all
landslides, millions of dollars in property are lost each year. Careful geologic in-
vestigations and proper land-use planning could greatly reduce these losses.
280 Chapter 11

(A) Creep is the slow downslope migration of soil and loose (B) A debris flow is the rapid flow of a mixture of rock
rock fragments resulting from a variety of processes, fragments, soil, mud, and water. The mixture generally
including frost heaving. contains a large proportion of mud and water.

(C) Slump is the slow or moderately rapid movement of a (D) A rockslide is the rapid downslope movement of rock
coherent body of rock along a curved rupture surface. material along a bedding plane, joint, or other plane of
Debris flows commonly occur at the end of a slump block. structural weakness.

(E) A rockfall is the free-fall of rock from steep cliffs. (F) Subaqueous slope failures form on steep submarine
slopes involving clasts of all sizes.

FIGURE 11.4 Mass movement takes various forms, all of which produce slope retreat and enlarge valleys. Examples of various types
of mass movement are illustrated in the diagrams.


Many types of mass movement can be recognized on the basis of the

behavior of the material and the mechanics of movement. The most
important are (1) creep, (2) debris flows, and (3) landslides.

Mass movements include all types of slope failure. Because of their potential
for destruction, such movements have been studied extensively by engineers
and geologists. As a result, they have been classified in various ways, depend-
Slope Systems 281

FIGURE 11.5 Creep, the slow downslope movement of soil and rocky debris, is a common
phenomenon on slopes.This photo shows how creep downhill bent the upper edges of these stratified
rocks to the right.

ing on the type of motion, type of material involved, and rate of movement
(Figure 11.4).

Creep is an extremely slow, almost imperceptible downslope movement of soil
and rock debris that results from the constant minor rearrangement of the con-
stituent particles (Figure 11.4A). The motion is so slow that observing it directly
generally is difficult, but it is expressed in a variety of ways. On weakly consolidated,
grass-covered slopes, evidence of creep can be seen as bulges or low, wavelike How is creep expressed on a hillside?
swells in the soil. In road cuts and stream banks, creep can be expressed by the
bending of steeply dipping strata in a downslope direction or by the movement of
blocks of a distinctive rock type downslope from their outcrop (Figure 11.5). Ad-
ditional signs of creep include curved tree trunks and tilted posts, deformed roads
and fence lines, and damage to retaining walls.The slow movement of large blocks
of bedrock (block slides) can be considered a type of creep.
Many factors combine to cause creep, but the heaving process that results from
the alternating expansion and contraction of the loose rock fragments in the
regolith is probably the most important.The heaving process is accomplished in two
principal ways: (1) by wetting and drying and (2) by freezing and thawing. In both
instances, the regolith expands and shifts upward perpendicular to the hill slope.
When it contracts, it settles back vertically under the force of gravity. With each
cycle of expansion and contraction, each particle of rock comes to rest slightly
downslope from its original position (Figure 11.6). Repeated expansion and con-
traction cause the particles to move downslope in a zigzag path. Freeze-thaw cy-
cles are most numerous in regions where the temperature regularly crosses the
freezing point. Therefore, creep is facilitated by cold climates. Cycles of wetting
282 Chapter 11

Expansion due to
frost heaving
Original position

(A) Water seeps into the pore spaces between fragments of (B) As the water freezes and expands, the soil and rock
loose rock debris. fragments are lifted perpendicular to the ground surface.

Subsidence after
frost melts Path of a single
pebble resulting from
a series of freezes

(C) As the ice melts, gravity pulls the particles down vertically, (D) Repeated freezing and thawing cause a significant net
displacing them slightly downhill. displacement downslope.

FIGURE 11.6 Creep can result from repeated expansion and contraction of the regolith. With each cycle, there is a net downslope
displacement of all loose material.

and drying will occur in greatest number where heavy precipitation alternates with
periods of desiccation.
Many other factors also contribute to creep. Growing plants exert a wedgelike
pressure between rock particles in the soil and thus cause them to be displaced
downslope. Burrowing organisms also displace particles, and with each movement,
In what parts of the world would you however slight, the force of gravity pulls the particles downslope. In addition, creep
most likely find solifluction? can be facilitated by undercutting from rain runoff and streams, increased loads of
rainwater and snow, and disturbance of slope surfaces by earthquakes and con-
struction by humans.
Studies in various parts of the world show that the rate of creep is highly vari-
able, but some general patterns have been discovered. On moderately steep slopes
(10 to 15), a rate of 1 to 2 mm/yr is common in humid temperate regions. In semi-
arid regions with cold winters, creep reaches an average of 5 to 10 mm/yr.
Solifluction (soil flowage) is a special type of creep. It is common in polar re-
gions, where groundwater in the pore spaces of soil and rock is permanently frozen
(Figure 11.7). The layer of permanently frozen ground is called the permafrost
layer. It ranges from less than a meter to several hundred meters thick and occu-
pies some 20% of the worlds land.The presence of permafrost presents some spe-
cial conditions for the downslope movement of regolith. During the spring and
early summer, the ground begins to thaw from the surface downward. Because the
meltwater cannot percolate downward into the impermeable permafrost layer,
the upper zone of soil becomes completely saturated, and large areas of the regolith
will flow slowly down even the gentlest slopes.These hillsides are covered by lobes
of moving debris and look like melted wax on a candle. Solifluction can also occur
Slope Systems 283

FIGURE 11.7 Solifluction is a major

type of mass movement in cold polar regions
and in some high mountains. On this hill in
Alaska, the water-saturated regolith moves
slowly downslope like a viscous fluid to form
a series of lobate terraces. (Courtesy of
Emily Binnian, USGS/EROS Data Center)

(A) Debris flows in Coast Ranges of California have stripped away vegetation and exposed the light-colored sedimentary rocks.

(B) Debris flow from the Lemhi Range, Idaho, for a broad
lobe at the mouth of a narrow canyon. (Courtesy of U.S.
Department of Agriculture)

FIGURE 11.8 Debris flows are rapidly moving slurries

of rock fragments, mud, and water.
284 Chapter 11

in temperate regions in nonfrozen soil if a sufficient amount of water accumulates

in the upper soil. Once liquefied the soil can start moving downslope.

Debris Flows
Debris flows consist of mixtures of rock fragments, mud, and water that flow down-
Debris Flows slope as viscous fluids (Figure 11.8). They are commonly mislabelled mudslides.
Movement can range from a flow that is similar to the flow of freshly mixed con-
crete to one that is similar to the flow of a stream of mud, in which rates of mud-
flow are nearly equal to those of running water. Debris flows are a common type
of mass movement that generally occur during intense rainfall. They commonly
begin on steep hill slopes as soil slumps that soon liquefy and flow at speeds as great
as 50 km/hr. They are capable of transporting huge boulders, cars, and buildings.
The consequences of a debris flow can be catastrophic if human habitation lies in
Why do debris flows move so quickly its path. The reason for the high velocity of flow is the presence of large amounts
and so far from their sources? of water that penetrate and soak into the regolith. Water acts as a lubricant by de-
creasing the friction between grains, and it adds weight to the mass because it re-
places the air in the open spaces between the fragments.Therefore, the more water
present, the greater the speed of the flow.
A new type of debris flow is created on mine dumps where unstable slopes of
mine waste accumulate at the angle of repose for dry rock fragments. Perhaps the
best known, and certainly one of the most tragic, was the disastrous flow of 1966
that destroyed the village school at Aberfan, South Wales, with the loss of 140 lives.
The debris flow had its origin in a large mine dump 40 m high. During a period of
heavy rain, the debris became saturated with water and flowed down into the val-
ley, covering a school and adjacent buildings.
A volcanic debris flow is called by its Indonesian name lahar (Figure 11.9).
Many occur because the abundant loose pyroclastic material that accumulates on
How are lahars different from other the flanks of a steep-sided volcano is inherently unstable. During explosive erup-
kinds of debris flows? tions, the material commonly becomes saturated by rain or by melting snow
warmed by volcanic heat or from water expelled from a crater lake. Lahars are
especially dangerous because they travel at high velocities and can flow for great
distances. The explosive eruption of Mount St. Helens, for example, triggered sev-
eral large mudflows that flowed many kilometers down the Toutle River (Chap-
ter 21). Other lahars from prehistoric eruptions of Mount Rainier in Washington
traveled more than 80 km. More recently, on November 13, 1985, a lahar raced
down the slopes of the ice-capped Andean volcano called Nevado del Ruiz at
speeds of more than 150 km/hr. The lahar roared down the Lagunillas River val-
ley, completely destroying the city of Armero, Colombia, 50 km away. It buried
more than 25,000 people90% of the city. This lahar was a watery mass of mud
40 m deep traveling 40 km/hr through town. Nothing could escape it; humans and
livestock were engulfed and swept away by the slurry of mud. Because it took
more than an hour for the flow to reach Armero, a single telephone call from an
observer nearer the mountain could have averted the human tragedy.
Mudflows are a variety of debris flows that consist mostly of small silt and clay-
sized particles. Mudflows almost invariably result from an unusually heavy rain or
a sudden thaw. Their water content can be as much as 30%. As a result of the pre-
dominance of fine-grained particles and the high water content, mudflows typi-
cally follow stream valleys. They are common in arid and semiarid regions and
typically originate in steep-sided gullies where there is abundant loose, weathered
debris (Figure 11.8). If they reach a mountain front, they spread out in the shape
of a large lobe, or fan. Because of their density, mudflows can transport large boul-
ders by floating them over slopes as gentle as 5, and they have been known to
move houses and barns from their foundations. Many disastrous landslides in
southern California are really mudflows that move rapidly down a valley for con-
siderable distances. Mudflows vary in size and rate of flow, depending on water
content, slope angle, and available debris. Many are more than 80 km long.
Slope Systems 285

FIGURE 11.9 These light-colored lahars from the Mt. Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines filled river valleys with flowing volcanic debris moving
at speeds of over 30 km/hr. Most of the Pinatubo lahars were triggered by torrential rains from typhoons that mobilized loose volcanic ash on the
flanks of the volcano. Fifty thousand homes were destroyed, but only a few hundred deaths were reported because of the advance warning provided by
volcanologists. Lahars are still being spawned on the volcano, twelve years after the eruption. (Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS)

Illustrations of a special type of mudflow are found in the St. Lawrence valley
in eastern Canada and in various parts of Scandinavia. In both regions, marine
mud deposited near the margins of receding glaciers has a remarkable property
known as sensitive clay or quick clay.The sediment particles are loosely packed
and consequently have a high water content.With only a slight disturbance, the ma-
terial can become liquefied, or quick (transformed from a weak solid to a viscous
fluid). The material can flow rapidly, even on very gentle slopes, once this change
takes place. Disastrous flows of quick clay have affected several settlements along
the valley of the St. Lawrence. Large masses of clay may become liquefied com-
pletely and flow as fast as a river.

Although the vague term landslide has been applied to almost any kind of slope
failure, true landslides involve movement along a well-defined slippage plane.
Landslides, therefore, differ from creep and debris flows in their mechanics of
movement. A landslide block moves as a unit (or series of units) along a defi-
nite fracture (or system of fractures), with much of the material moving as a
286 Chapter 11

cap rock

Curved blocks
of rupture
Debris flow

(A) This photograph shows the upper part of a landslide in California, (B) Landslides occur along rather well-defined slippage surfaces. Large
where homes were displaced along the curved rupture surface of the slump blocks slump and rotate downslope, and many grade into debris flows
block. (Courtesy of Geophoto) at their lower margins.

(C) This landslide along a hillside in Hong Kong destroyed four major (D) A landslide into a harbor in Hong Kong. Note the trucks and cars
roads and many buildings. As development continues, so will in the upper part of the slide. (Courtesy of C. Fletcher)
devastation from landslides. (Courtesy of C. Fletcher)

FIGURE 11.10 Landslides are a significant kind of mass movement that have discrete planes or rupture surfaces along which rocks slip or slide
downhill. They are often extremely destructive where human development encroaches on hill slopes as seen in these three examples.
Slope Systems 287

large slump block (Figure 11.10). The detached block leaves behind a distinct
curved incision, or scar. The slippage plane is typically spoon-shaped. As the
block moves downward and outward, it commonly rotates so that bedding or
other identifiable surfaces are tilted backward toward the source (Figure 11.10).
In the lower part of the slump block, part of the displaced material may move
as a debris flow. Several slippage planes commonly develop in the same slide,
so the top of the slump block is broken into a series of steps, or small terraces.
The characteristic scar, tilting of bedding or other surfaces, and jumbled, poor-
ly drained small hills formed by previous slides serve to identify terrains that are
prone to landslides.
Landslides are common phenomena and occur on a small scale nearly every- Landslides
where. Large slides are less numerous, but they commonly develop on steep slopes
of weak shale. They can move in a matter of seconds or slip gradually over a peri-
od of weeks and months.
Many landslides come to rest on a valley floor and often dam the stream flow-
ing through the valley, forming a lake behind them. Such lakes are temporary
because the impounded water soon overflows the barrier and rapidly erodes
through the unconsolidated rock debris. This sequence may result in catastrophic
flooding downstream as the lake is almost instantly drained. Many other land-
slides are started by earthquakes.
The term rockslide is used to denote the rapid movement of a large block of rock
along a bedding plane, joint, or other plane of structural weakness (Figure 11.4D).
A large block may move en masse for a short distance, but generally there is some
disintegration as the body moves downslope and breaks into smaller blocks of
rubble. A rockslide may grade into a rockfall or into a landslide, with the entire
mass moving as a coherent unit. Joint systems are critical in the development of
rockslides because they are continuous fractures through massive rock that ulti-
mately weaken the structure and lead to failure. Once the stress exceeds the
cohesive strength along any plane in a rock, mass movement will be initiated. The

FIGURE 11.11 The Frank rockfall, Alberta, Canada, involved a huge mass of rock that broke away from the mountain face, completely
burying the mining town of Frank, Alberta. Among the factors that contributed to this slope failure were the steepness of the mountain front, the dip
of the bedding planes parallel to the mountain face, and underlying weak shale and coal beds. Mining activity may have triggered the movement.
(Courtesy of P. Nixon)
288 Chapter 11

FIGURE 11.12 The Blackhawk slide in southern California is a good example of a long rock avalanche. The vertical fall was only 1.5 km, but the
flow spread out 9 km beyond the mountain front.

failure tends to be progressive because weakening along one joint will direct
additional stress onto others.
Rockslides usually occur on steep mountain fronts, but they can develop on
slopes with gradients as low as 15. They are among the most catastrophic of all
forms of mass movement. Sometimes millions of metric tons of rock plunge down
the side of a mountain in a few seconds.

Rock Flows and Avalanches

Rockfalls include the free-fall of a single fragment ranging from a small grain up-
ward to huge blocks (Figure 11.4E). Over time, great quantities of small to mod-
erate-sized fragments (a few centimeters to a few meters long) shower down from
the face of a cliff and accumulate at the base as talus. Ice wedging is a major process
Are all rapidly moving slope failures in dislodging the fragments.
saturated with water like debris flows? Some rockfalls are much larger; a whole hillside may break off from the face of
a mountain and evolve into a flowing mass of particles called a rock avalanche
(Figure 11.11). Even though it flows like a fluid, a rock avalanche is dry. The huge
rock avalanche that buried the town of Frank, Alberta, Canada, in 1903 was
among the largest of such mass movements in the world.A gigantic wedge of lime-
stone 400 m high, 1200 m wide, and 160 m thick crashed down from Turtle Moun-
tain at 4:10 a.m. on April 29 and destroyed much of the town. Seven million tons
of rock fell off the mountain face and swept over the valley floor, burying many
homes, mines, railways, and 3200 acres of farmland to a depth of 30 m. The fall oc-
curred in 100 seconds, dammed the Crowsnest River, and created a small lake at
the base of Turtle Mountain.
A fascinating aspect of some large rock avalanches is their capacity to move
rapidly and spread out over vast distances, seemingly violating the laws governing
friction. Most dry rockfalls move horizontally less than twice the distance they fall,
but some show remarkable mobility, traveling roughly 10 to 100 times as far as
they fall. One of the more spectacular examples is the Blackhawk slide in the
Mojave Desert about 135 km east of Los Angeles (Figure 11.12). This rock
avalanche occurred about 17,000 years ago when a large part of Blackhawk Moun-
tain collapsed and a mass of rock debris fell about 1.5 km down the mountainside
and spread out 9 km beyond the mountain front. The great avalanche came to rest
as a huge lobe on the almost flat surface of the valley floor. The velocity of move-
ment is estimated to have been 120 km/hr.
State of Landslide Hazard Maps and GIS
the Art
Hazard posed by
Landslides and other types of slope failures are some of the
1. Rock type
most damaging of all geologic hazards, even though they are
not as dramatic as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Each 2. Slope
year more than two billion dollars of damage results from
landslides in the United States alone. As a consequence,
3. Precipitation
some governments have devoted significant efforts to un-
derstanding slope failures and to preventing some of the
damage. Only a few things can be done to stop natural land- 4. Past landslide
slides, but much can be done to prevent people from living
and developing properties where landslides are a threat.
One tool used in this effort is the development of land- Total hazard
(= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4)
slide hazard maps. Such maps show the relative risk of a
landslide. Modern hazard maps are constructed using Ge-
ographic Information Systems (GIS). Geographic Infor- the chance for landslides. The slope can be calculated from a
mation Systems use layers of computerized maps. Each topographic map and is recorded on a grid for each spot in the
spot on a map layer represents a specific property, for ex- map area. Precipitation is also important. Water adds to the
ample, rainfall, elevation, angle of slope, or any other pa- weight of the material in a slope, reduces its cohesiveness and
rameter that can be measured (or calculated) in an area. lubricates flowing materials. Precipitation is measured at many
What types of information would be useful in predict- meteorological stations and estimated between the stations so
ing where landslides might occur in the future? By review- that it can also be represented as a grid of values on a map.
ing the information in this chapter, you should be able to A hazard value is assigned to each spot on the map for
come up with a list of important factors. Four very impor- each of these separate factors.Then they are, in effect, added
tant factors are slope, precipitation, past occurrence of land- together to make a composite map of the overall landslide
slides, and rock type. hazard, like the one shown here. Locate your area and com-
Elevation above sea level is not important, but the slope of pare the relative hazard with your understanding of local
a hillside is very important.The steeper the slope, the greater topography and precipitation.

Landslide Hazard

Very Low
0 500

(Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey and Jonathan Godt)

290 Chapter 11

Several theories have been proposed to explain how a dry mass of rock debris
can flow like a fluid. Some consider that the debris moves over a cushion of com-
pressed air beneath it. Others think that the vibration of the fragments lowers the
friction between them and allows them to move more freely. This acoustic flu-
idization permits the mass of debris to flow like a liquid. Laboratory experiments
show that vibrating sand has mechanical properties quite different from ordinary
sand and can be fluidized by the vibrations.

Other Types of Slope Failures

Rock glaciers are long, tonguelike masses of angular rock debris that resemble
glaciers in general outline and form. The surface of a rock glacier is typically fur-
rowed by a series of parallel flow ridges similar to those in an advancing lava flow
(Figure 11.13). Evidence of movement includes concentric ridges within the body,
the rock glaciers lobate form, and its steep front. Measurements show that rock
glaciers move as a body downslope at rates ranging from 5 cm a day to 1 m a year.
Rock glaciers commonly occur at the heads of glaciated valleys and are fed by a
continuous supply of rock fragments produced by ice wedging on the cirque wall.
Excavations into rock glaciers reveal ice in the pore spaces between the rock frag-
ments. Presumably, the ice is responsible for much of the flow movement. With a
continuous supply of rock fragments from above, the constantly increasing weight
causes the ice in the pore spaces to flow. Favorable conditions for the develop-
ment of rock glaciers thus include steep cliffs and a cold climate. The steep cliffs
supply coarse rock debris with large spaces between fragments in which ice can
form; the cold climate keeps the ice frozen. Some rock glaciers may be debris-cov-
ered, formerly active glaciers.
FIGURE 11.13 A rock glacier in the Subaqueous mass movements affect large areas of the seafloor and are proba-
Canadian Rockies, British Columbia,
bly as common as those that occur on land (Figure 11.4F). They are especially ac-
illustrates many features of this type of mass
movement. Note the long tongues of moving tive near deltas and convergent continental margins, where sediment accumulates
rock debris and the wrinkled surface resulting rapidly and slopes are steep. Weak, water-saturated sediment may slide or flow
from this flow of rock fragments and ice. downhill if a slope becomes unstable. Landslides with slump blocks are common
(Courtesy of Lehi Hintze) along the continental slope (Figure 11.14). Sand flows and turbidity currents com-
monly move farther downslope and out across the abyssal plain, where they can
damage submarine cables and other installations and are potential dangers to off-
shore oil fields. Submarine mass movements are often triggered by earthquakes or
large storms, but the giant Storegga slide off the coast of Norway may have been
set off by the break down of an icy cement called methane hydrate.
Storegga Landslide Other spectacular submarine landslides have scarred the flanks of volcanic is-
lands and seamounts, such as Hawaii (Figure 11.15). Recent detailed mapping of the
ocean floor around the Hawaiian island chain shows that 17 giant submarine land-
slides have occurred off the Hawaiian Islands and 40 more surround the submerged
volcanoes that extend from Kauai to Midway.These are among the largest landslides
on our planet. One occurred when the northern part of the island of Oahu col-
lapsed, sending debris 235 km out across the deep ocean floor. The horizontal ex-
tent of this landslide was more than 30 times the height of its fall. Huge blocks of
debris, one the size of Manhattan Island, were swept across the ocean floor. Such
an event must have created a tremendous tsunami, much larger than any created
by an earthquake (see Chapter 15).The tsunamis created by giant submarine land-
slides in Hawaii swept debris onto slopes 300 m above sea level! Fragments of coral
reefs are embedded in the mountainside of an adjacent island 365 m above sea
level. Elsewhere, large scour marks and rip-up channels are found on other islands,
indicating wave erosion far beyond anything witnessed in historic times.
Where are subaqueous landslides most The process of giant submarine landslides and their associated tsunamis has
likely to occur? been going on for many millions of years as volcanic islands grow from the seafloor
and then collapse, with huge sections of the islands peeling off every 100,000 to
200,000 years.A long fault marked by a prominent escarpment has formed as a 300-
km segment of the island of Hawaii slowly moves seaward. The block is moving at
Slope Systems 291

Head scarp
Slump blocks

FIGURE 11.14 A subaqueous landslide of

the coast of central Oregon formed when
tectonic activity made the slope too steep, as seen
Debris in this shaded relief map. A trail of debris
extends downslope from the arcuate head of the
landslide. The crescent-shaped head of the slope
0 4 failure is 6 km across. Some of the blocks are
2 3
hundreds of meters high and kilometers across.
The collapse may have been triggered by an
km earthquake on the underlying subduction zone.
(Courtesy of W. Haxby and L. Pratson)

a rate of more than 10 cm/yr (Figure 11.15). The giant landslides around Hawaii
are almost certainly driven by the active magmatic systems inside the volcanoes
(Figure 22.14).A magma chamber inflates when new magma enters from the man-
tle, and extrusion follows. Every day, lava flows dump millions of tons of new rock
along the edge of the island. Eventually the stress and weight of the new land will
trigger another great landslide and a catastrophic tsunami. Geologists agree that
if the south side of the island breaks free suddenly, the results will be one of the
worst disasters in recorded history, far beyond anything ever witnessed by hu-
mankind. The force of this catastrophic landslide crashing into the ocean could
trigger a tsunami that could travel across the ocean at the speed of a jet plane in-
undating the coasts of the Pacific Rim. The south flank of the island of Hawaii is
unstable. It is going to slide into the sea, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

Mauna Mauna
Loa Kea Kilauea

FIGURE 11.15 Vast subaqueous slumps and flows flank the island of Hawaii and others in the seamount chain. Each major lobe is outlined.
The names of the major shield volcanoes are also given.
292 Chapter 11

FIGURE 11.16 Subsidence is a major

type of mass movement that affects roads
and buildings, causing millions of dollars of
damage each year. Repeated swelling and
contraction of clays have caused this road in
Colorado to buckle into waves like a roller
coaster. (Courtesy of D. C. Noe, Colorado
Geologic Survey)

Land Subsidence
Subsidence is the downward movement of earth material lying at or near the sur-
face. It differs from other types of mass movement in that movement is essential-
ly vertical; there is little or no horizontal component. The primary force produc-
ing subsidence, of course, is gravity, but before gravity can act, other processes
must operate to create space into which the earth can sink. The formation of caves
by dissolution of rock by groundwater is a major cause of subsidence and is dis-
cussed in Chapter 13. The natural burning of combustible materials, such as peat
and coal, in the subsurface also removes support for overlying rock, as does the
melting of isolated blocks of glacial ice covered with glacial sediment. When
swampy areas, such as Floridas Everglades, are drained, bacteria can oxidize the
organic materials to make water and carbon dioxide gas. The loss of carbon in the
soil can cause subsidence of several centimeters per year. Lava tubes are also areas
of potential subsidence.
Examples of subsidence that result from human activity are varied and nu-
merous. Where subsurface mining has removed large quantities of rock, subsi-
dence into the abandoned workings may be so widespread that entire towns are
abandoned. Subsidence may also follow the removal of fluids such as water, oil, or
gas from the subsurface. A notable example is the subsidence of buildings in Mex-
ico City because of the excessive pumping of groundwater from aquifers below
them (see Figure 13.29). Subsidence like this also occurred in arid southern Ari-
zona. Since 1900, a tremendous amount of groundwater was pumped from wells
to provide for the rapidly expanding metropolitan areas and for agriculture. In
some areas 500 times the amount of water that naturally replenished the ground-
water system was withdrawn and water levels in some wells dropped by 150 m . Fis-
sures ruptured the surface when the water was removed and the loose sediment
compacted unevenly. The fissures typically form in linear swarms, with individual
fissures as much as 1 m wide. A total area of more than 7500 km2 was affected.
Since 1985, the problem has lessened because water has been imported to the arid
valleys of southern Arizona through a system of canals. This imported water re-
duced the demand for groundwater and has also been used to artificially recharge
the groundwater system. In Long Beach, California, pumping from the Wilmington
oil field caused the surface to subside 10 m in 30 years. Pipelines, bridges, roads, and
harbor facilities had to be modified to counter the effect of subsidence. The injec-
tion of water into the petroleum reservoir rock has now reduced subsidence in the
area by raising the fluid pressure in the subsurface rock.
Perhaps the most devastating type of subsidence results from the expansion
and contraction of clay-rich soils. The process may at first seem harmless enough,
but the damage is very expensive. When dry, expansive soils are hard and strong,
Slope Systems 293


Mississippi delta


0 20

FIGURE 11.17 Subaqueous subsidence occurred in thick deposits of sediment and salt near the delta of the Mississippi River. This pockmarked,
Moonlike seascape was created by the shifting flow of the salt. The movement of salt created the high scarp on the right side of the map. Elsewhere,
salt diapirs mushroomed into domes that eventually collapsed to make the bowl-shaped depressions as the salt flowed away. (Courtesy of W. Haxby
and L. Pratson)

they are almost like rock, but when water is added, they expand and soften. Some
clay-rich soil will expand more than 15 times its dry volume. Expansion of one and
a half times the dry volume is common. When fully saturated with water, these
soils lose much of their strength and become soft and slippery, much like lubri-
cating grease. Upon drying, they shrink, causing the structures built upon them to
collapse or buckle (Figure 11.16).
The shrinking and swelling of soils inflict enormous lossof homes, commer-
cial buildings, roads, and pipelines. The average annual loss in the United States is
more than $2.3 billionmore than twice the loss from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes,
and earthquakes combined. The damage from expansive soils is not sensational
and draws little attention because it happens to individuals one by one through-
out the country.
Less damaging to human constructions, but nonetheless spectacular, are the
subsidence features formed on the ocean floor as a result of the flow of salt inter-
layed with marine sediments (Figure 11.17). Subsidence bowls several kilometers
across dot the seafloor west of the Mississippi delta. They developed while salt di-
apirs welled upward (see Figure 7.18).The horizontal and vertical displacement of
the salt caused adjacent areas to collapse.
GeoLogic Slope Systems

If you carefully study this photograph and the accompany- Interpretations

ing sketch, you will soon see what geologists see as they
The basic elements of a slope system are shown in the dia-
look at a hillside.What makes the difference in slope angle?
gram. Rockfalls from the cliff are produced by weathering
Why are the rocks in the cliff so jointed, whereas those
and frost action along points in the sandstone formation.
below are not? What processes shaped the form of the cliff
Coarse boulders accumulate at the base of the cliff. They
and slope? Abundant angular boulders litter the slope.
are then transformed into smaller and smaller particles by
Where did they come from? Do you see any systematic
mechanical and chemical weathering and move downslope
changes in particle size away from the cliff? Why is there a
by creep and other types of mass movement. Some debris
network of small gullies even in this arid region? Finally,
may be collected by minor tributaries on the slope and
does the stream at the foot of the hill play a role in the evo-
move into the main stream by running water. The remain-
lution of the slope?
der of the fine-grained debris continues to move down-
slope by gravity (mostly by creep). It eventually enters the
Observations main stream and is carried away as sand, salt, and mud.
1. The cliff is receding by rockfalls. A slope is perhaps best thought of as an open and very
2. Talus produced by frost action and rockfalls accumulates dynamic system where gravity is the major source of ener-
at the base of the cliff. gy. The system has inputs of rock material produced by
3. Larger blocks of rock occur on the higher slopes below physical and chemical weathering, and an output of fine
the cliff. rock fragments into a stream as shown above. Mass move-
4. Small rocks are found progressively downslope. ment, together with weathering, and erosion of small gullies
5. Near the river the slope is covered by mostly fine-grained transport regolith and loose rock material downslope to a
material (sand) and a few very small blocks. stream.
6. Sediments carried by the river are mostly sand-size par-
ticles (note sand bars) and mud (note muddy water).

Slope Systems 295

angle of repose (p. 276) landslide (p. 285) rockfall (p. 288) solifluction (p. 282)
cohesive strength (p. 276) mass movement (p. 280) rock glacier (p. 290) subaqueous mass movement
creep (p. 281) mudflow (p. 284) rockslide (p. 287) (p. 290)
debris flow (p. 284) permafrost (p. 282) slope system (p. 294) subsidence (p. 292)
lahar (p. 284) rock avalanche (p. 288) slump block (p. 287)

1. List the factors that affect mass movement on a slope. 8. What factors promote debris flows?
2. How would you decide if a building lot was safe with regard 9. Speculate about the variety of ways that a lahar might be
to slope failure? generated.
3. Calculate the downhill force on a boulder weighing 2.5 kg 10. What causes creep?
that rests on a slope inclined at 27. 11. What is solifluction? In what climates is it common?
4. Why does deforestation cause unstable slopes and acceler- 12. How does subsidence differ from other kinds of mass
ate mass movement? movement?
5. Describe four types of rapid mass movement. 13. What kinds of slope failures occur below sea level? What
6. List the types of mass movement that are dominantly slow. causes them?
7. List five ways in which creep is expressed on a hill slope. 14. Explain why slopes are considered open systems.

Bloom, A. L. 1991. Geomorphology, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, Godt, J. W. 1997. Digital Compilation of Landslide Overview
N.J.: Prentice Hall. Map of the Conterminous United States. U.S. Geological
Costa, J. E., and V. R. Baker. 1981. Surficial Geology. New York: Survey Open-File Report 97-289. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Wiley. Government Printing Office.
Crozier, M. J. 1986. Landslides: Causes, Consequences, and Envi- Schuster, R. L., D. J. Varnes, and R. W. Fleming. 1981. Landslides.
ronment. Dover, N.H.: Croom Helm. Pages 5565 in Facing Geologic and Hydrologic Hazards, ed.
Fleming, R. W., and F. A. Taylor. 1980. Estimating the Cost of W. W. Hays. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1240-
Landslide Damage in the United States. U.S. Geological Sur- B. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
vey Circular 832. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Print- Turner, A.K., and Schuster, R.L., eds. 1996. Landslides: Investiga-
ing Office. tion and mitigation. Washington, D.C.: National Research
Galloway, D., D. R. Jones, and S.E. Ingebritsen. Land Subsidence Council. Transportation Research Board Special Report 247.
in the United States, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1182,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of landslides and debris flows
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Slide shows with examples of mass movement
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12 River Systems
and backswamps of Louisiana, the ridges and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains, and
the flat coastal plains. No other geologic agent is so universally important in the origin
and evolution of the surface upon which we live.
Rivers are ideal examples of natural systems. The energy that drives the flow of water
ultimately comes from the Sun and from gravity. Moreover, it is easy to see that a river is
an open system with multiple sources for water and for the sediment it carries. Water can
A river system is a network of connecting channels through which water, precipitated on come from melting snow and ice, from direct precipitation, from groundwater, and of
the surface, is collected and funneled back to the ocean. At any given time, about 1300 km3 course from other rivers. Sediment is added to the system by erosion and solution and
of water flows in the worlds rivers. As it moves, it picks up weathered rock debris and eventually it leaves the system when it is deposited far from its source. This majestic sys-
carries it to the oceans. Rivers are the dominant agents of erosion on our planet. No matter tem interacts with other parts of the hydrologic system and, as we shall see, is modified by
where you go, rivers have played some role in shaping the surface. the tectonic system in diverse ways. Rivers respond to climate change as well as to the
The tremendous waterfalls of the Iguass River, shown in the panorama above, illus- motion of the continents.
trate both the beauty and power of rivers. The river rises in a coastal mountain range In this chapter, we discuss the effects and controls on rivers as natural systems: how
hardly 50 km from the Atlantic Ocean. From its headwaters, it flows 700 km inland along water flows and how it carries and eventually deposits sediment. We will also consider how
the border of Argentina and Brazil before it joins the great Paran River and empties the entire river system responds to changes.
into the Atlantic Ocean. Shortly before it merges with the Paran, the river plunges over
a series of high escarpments created by the flood basalts of the Paran basin. With a
torrential roar, the falls plunge over cliffs that are 3 km long and greater than 70 m high.
More than 273 separate falls can be counted along the rugged cliffs.
But river systems also formed the gentle rolling hills of Ohio and Kansas, the levees

296 297
River Systems 299
1. Running water is part of Earths hydrologic system and is the most impor-
tant agent of erosion. Stream valleys are the most abundant and widespread
landforms on the continents.
2. A river system consists of a main channel and all of the tributaries that flow
into it. It can be divided into three subsystems: (a) a collecting system, (b) a
transporting system, and (c) a dispersing system.
3. The most important variables in stream flow are (a) discharge, (b) gradient,
(c) velocity, (d) sediment load, and (e) base level.
4. The variables in a stream constantly adjust toward a state of equilibrium.
5. Rivers erode by (a) removal of regolith, (b) downcutting of the stream chan-
nel by abrasion, and (c) headward erosion.
6. As a river develops a low gradient, it deposits part of its load on point bars, 0
on natural levees, and across the surface of its floodplain.
7. Most of a rivers sediment is deposited where the river empties into a lake
or ocean. This deposition commonly builds a delta at the rivers mouth. In
arid regions, many streams deposit their loads as alluvial fans at the base of
steep slopes.
8. The origin and evolution of the worlds major rivers are controlled by the tec-
tonic and hydrologic systems.
FIGURE 12.1 Rivers drain most of the continents, but their distribution and patterns are controlled by climate and plate tectonics. For
example, the role of climate is evident in that there are few rivers in the mid-latitude deserts, large rivers in the tropics, and no rivers in the
GEOLOGIC IMPORTANCE OF RUNNING WATER coldest polar areas. Short rivers drain convergent margins (like western North and South America) and long rivers drain the stable platforms
(like central North America and Russia) and some shields (like the South American shield).

Running water is by far the most important agent of erosion. Other agents,
the great variety of physical characteristics rivers exhibit. There are big rivers,
such as groundwater, glaciers, and wind, are locally dominant but affect
such as the Mississippi, Amazon, and Nile, and there are little rivers, streams,
only limited parts of Earths surface.
creeks, or brooks. Some rivers in arid regions flow only after a heavy rain and
then dry up, whereas rivers in the Arctic are frozen two-thirds of the year.
An attempt to appreciate the significance of streams and stream valleys in Earths From the viewpoint of geology, it is perhaps most useful to consider a river not
regional landscape presents a problem of perspective. Viewed from the ground, as a natural channel through which water flows, but as a system. A river sys-
Earths stream valleys may appear to be only irregular depressions between rolling tem, or drainage basin, consists of a main channel and all of the tributaries
What is the most common landform on hills and plains. Viewed from space, however, stream valleys are seen to dominate that flow into it (Figure 12.3). It is bounded by a divide (ridge), beyond which
Earths surface? most continental landscapes of Earth. water is drained by another system. Within a river system, the surface of the
The ubiquitous stream valleys on Earths surface, and the importance of run- ground slopes toward the network of tributaries, so the drainage system acts
ning water as the major agent of erosion, can best be appreciated by taking a as a funneling mechanism for removing surface runoff and weathered rock
broad, regional view of the continents and their major river systems (Figure debris.
12.1). As the topographic maps in Figure 12.2 show, the surface, throughout A map of a typical river system is shown in Figure 12.3. Three subsystems
broad regions of the continents, is little more than a complex of valleys creat- a collecting system, a transporting system, and a dispersing systemcan be
ed by stream erosion. Even in the desert, where it sometimes does not rain for identified. Although the boundaries between the three subsystems are some-
decades, networks of dry stream valleys commonly are major landforms. No what gradational, the distinguishing characteristics of each subsystem on a re-
other landform on the continents is as abundant and significant. Look again at gional scale are readily apparent.
the space photograph in Figure 2.5. Is any part of the terrain not influenced by
stream erosion? The Collecting System
A rivers collecting system consists of the network of tributaries in the head-
water region that collect and funnel water and sediment to the main stream. It
MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF RIVER SYSTEMS commonly has a dendritic (treelike) drainage pattern, with numerous branch-
es that extend upslope toward the divide. Indeed, one of the collecting systems
most remarkable characteristics is the intricate network of tributaries, shown
A river system consists of a main channel and all of the tributaries that in the enlargement in Figure 12.3. This map was made by plotting all visible
flow into it. It can be divided into three subsystems: (1) a collecting system, streams shown on an aerial photograph. It is not, however, the entire system.
(2) a transporting system, and (3) a dispersing system. Each of the smallest tributaries shown on the map has its own system of small-
er and smaller tributaries, so the total number becomes astronomical. From
Although rivers and the valleys through which they flow are the most famil- the details in Figure 12.2, it is apparent that most of the lands surface is part
iar of all landforms, it is difficult to define precisely the word river because of of some drainage basin.

300 Chapter 12 River Systems 301

0 km 50 0 km 20 0 km 5

Missouri River St. Louis

FIGURE 12.4 The characteristics of a

river change systematically downstream. The
gradient decreases downstream, and the
(A) A map of an area in Missouri shows the (B) A detailed view of the area reveals an (C) At even higher resolution, many smaller channel becomes larger. Other downstream
regional patterns of the valleys formed by intricate network of streams and valleys within streams and valleys in the main drainage system changes include an increase in the volume of
Missouri river system near St. Louis. The area is the tributary regions of the large streams. are revealed water and an increase in the size of the
about 200 km across. valley through which the stream flows.

FIGURE 12.2 Erosion by running water is the dominant process in the formation of the landscape and stream valleys are apparent at all scales.
(Courtesy of NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)
The Dispersing System
The Transporting System The dispersing system consists of a network of distributaries at the mouth of a
river, where sediment and water are dispersed into an ocean, a lake, or a dry basin.
The transporting system is the main trunk stream, which functions as a channel The major processes are the deposition of the coarse sediment load and the dis-
through which water and sediment flow from the collecting area toward the ocean. persal of fine-grained material and river waters into the basin.
Although the major process is transportation, this subsystem also collects addi-
tional water and sediment. Deposition of sediment commonly occurs where the
Order in Stream Systems
channel meanders back and forth and when the river overflows its banks during
a flood stage. Erosion, deposition, and transportation thus occur, but the main It is apparent from Figures 12.3 and 12.4 that a stream does not occur as a sepa- How do we know that streams erode
process in this part of a river is the movement of water and sediment. rate, independent entity. Every stream, every river, and every gully and ravine the valleys through which they flow?
are part of a drainage system, with each tributary intimately related to the stream
FIGURE 12.3 The major parts of a river
into which it flows and to the streams that flow into it. Every stream has tributaries,
system are characterized by different geologic and every tributary has smaller tributaries, extending down to the smallest gully.
processes. The tributaries in the headwaters Collecting Studies of drainage systems show that when a stream system develops freely on
constitute a subsystem that collects water and system a homogeneous surface, definite mathematical ratios characterize the relation-
sediment and funnels them into a main trunk ships between the tributaries and the size and gradient of the stream and of the
stream. Erosion is dominant in this headwater
area. The main trunk stream is a transporting
stream valley. Some of the more important relationships and generalizations are
subsystem. Both erosion and deposition can the following:
occur in this area. The lower end of the river
is a dispersing subsystem, where most
1. The number of stream segments (tributaries) decreases downstream in a
sediment is deposited in a delta or an alluvial mathematical progression.
fan and water is dispersed into the ocean. 2. The length of tributaries becomes progressively greater downstream.
Deposition is the dominant process in this 3. The gradient, or slope, of tributaries decreases exponentially downstream.
part of the river. 4. The stream channels become progressively deeper and wider downstream.
5. The size of the valley is proportional to the size of the stream and increases
These relationships are the basis for the conclusion that streams erode the valleys
through which they flow.
If valleys were ready-made by some process other than stream erosion, such as
faulting or other earth movements, these relationships would be infinitely im-
Transporting probable. You can easily confirm the high degree of order in streams by studying
system Figure 12.2 and Figure 2.5. Does each tributary have a steeper gradient than the
stream into which it flows? Does each tributary flow smoothly into a larger stream
Drainage without an abrupt change in gradient? Are the tributary valleys smaller than the
divide valleys into which they drain?
system Ocean Geologists have studied stream erosion in great detail over the last 100 years,
and they have been able to observe and measure many aspects of stream
302 Chapter 12 River Systems 303

development and erosion by running water. The origin of valleys by erosion is

well established, and running water is clearly the most significant agent of ero-
sion on Earths surface.


FIGURE 12.5 Flow of water around a
Rivers are highly complex systems influenced by several variables. As is meander bend in a river follows a corkscrew
the case with so many natural systems, if one variable is changed, it produces pattern. Water on the outside of the bend is
a change in the others. The most important variables are (1) discharge, forced to flow faster than that on the inside
(2) gradient, (3) velocity, (4) sediment load, and (5) base level. of the curve. This difference in velocity,
together with normal frictional drag on the
channel walls, produces a corkscrew pattern.
Anyone who has watched the fascinating flow of water in a river realizes that the As a result, erosion occurs on the outside
bank, where velocity is greatest, and
process is complex. The water moves down the stream channel through the force
deposition occurs on the inside of the bend,
of gravity, and the velocity of flow increases with the slope, or gradient, of the where velocity is at a minimum. Erosion on
streambed. In fact, the flow of water in natural streams depends on several factors, the outside of the meander bend and
the most important of which are discussed below. These variables are intimately deposition on the inside cause the stream
related and a change in one causes change in others. channel to migrate laterally.

Sediment Load. Running water is the major cause of erosion, not only because
Factors Influencing Stream Flow it can abrade and erode its channel, but also because of its enormous power to
Discharge. The amount of water passing a given point during a specific interval transport loose sediment produced by weathering. Flowing water is a fluid
of time is called discharge. It is usually measured in cubic meters per second. medium by which loose, disaggregated regolith is picked up and transported to
The discharges of most of the worlds major drainage systems have been the ocean.
monitored by gauging stations for years. The water for a river system comes from Sediment particles can be lifted from a stream bed by hydraulic liftjust as air
both surface runoff and seepage of groundwater into the streams channels. flowing over a curved wing creates lift that carries an airplane aloft. Some grains
Groundwater seepage is important because it can maintain the flow of water bounce off the stream bed when other grains hit them and knock them into the
throughout the year. flowing water. In addition, water has a very low viscosity, many times less than
that of flowing lava. As a result, its usual flow cannot be described by smooth,
Stream Gradient. Certainly one of the most obvious factors controlling stream simple, streamlines. Instead, it is turbulent with many secondary eddies and swirls
flow is the gradient, or slope, of the stream channel. The gradient of a stream is in addition to the main downstream current. One part of the turbulent flow is ver-
steepest in the headwaters and decreases downslope. The longitudinal profile (a tical and tends to keep small grains suspended in the stream flow.
cross section of a stream from its headwaters to its mouth) is a smooth, concave, Once within a stream, sediment is transported in three ways (Figure 12.6):
upward curve that becomes very flat at the lower end of the stream (Figure 12.4). 1. Fine particles are moved in suspension (suspended load).
The gradient usually is expressed in the number of meters the stream descends 2. Coarse particles are moved by traction (rolling, sliding, and saltation) along
for each kilometer of flow.The headwater streams that drain the Rocky Mountains the streambed (bed load).
can have gradients of more than 50 m/km; the lower reaches of the Mississippi 3. Dissolved material is carried in solution (dissolved load).
River have a gradient of only 1 or 2 cm/km.
The suspended load is the most obvious, and generally the largest, fraction of
Velocity. Streams flow downhill with velocities that range from a few centimeters material moved by a river. In most major streams, silt and clay-sized particles re-
per second to as much as 10 meters per second (about 35 km/hr). The velocity of main in suspension most of the time and move downstream at the velocity of the
flowing water is proportional to the gradient of the stream channel. Steep gradients flowing water, to be deposited in an ocean, in a lake, or on a floodplain.
produce rapid flow, which commonly occurs in high-mountain streams. Where Particles of sediment too large to remain in suspension collect on the stream bot-
slopes are very steep, waterfalls and rapids develop, and the velocity approaches tom and form bed load, or traction load. These particles move by sliding, rolling,
that of free fall. Low gradients result in slow, sluggish flow. Where a stream enters and saltating (short leaps). The bed load moves only if there is sufficient velocity
a lake or an ocean, its velocity is soon reduced to zero. The velocity of flowing
FIGURE 12.6 Movement of the
water in a given channel also depends on the water volume.The greater the volume, Dissolved ions sediment load in a stream is accomplished in
the faster the flow. Suspension a variety of ways. Mud is carried in
The velocity of flowing water is not uniform throughout a stream channel. It de- Saltation Rolling suspension. Particles that are too large to
pends on the shape and roughness of the channel and on the stream pattern. The remain in suspension are moved by sliding,
velocity usually is greatest near the center of the channel and above the deepest rolling, and saltation. Some ions are
dissolved and carried in solution. Increases in
part, away from the frictional drag of the channel walls and floor (Figure 12.5). As discharge, due to heavy rainfall or spring
the channel curves, however, the zone of maximum velocity shifts to the outside snowmelt, can flush out all of the loose sand
of the bend, and a zone of minimum velocity forms on the inside of the curve. This and gravel, so the bedrock is eroded by
flow pattern is an important cause of the lateral erosion of stream channels and of abrasion.
the migration of stream patterns.
304 Chapter 12 River Systems 305

to move the large particles. Part of the bed load can suddenly move in suspension, the former lake bed. For all practical purposes, the ultimate base level is sea level
or part of the suspended load can settle. The bed load can constitute 50% of the because the energy of a river is quickly reduced to zero as it enters the ocean.
total load in some rivers, but it usually ranges from 7% to 10% of the total sedi- Therefore, base level is an extremely important control on the extent of stream
ment load.The movement of the bed load is one of the major tools of stream abra- erosion, and a drop in base level commonly creates the basal unconformity of a
sion because as the sand and gravel move, they abrade (wear away) the sides and sedimentary sequence.
bottom of the stream channel. In some rivers, the grinding action of the bed load
can be heard as large boulders are moved along the rivers bottom.
The dissolved load is matter transported as chemical ions and is essentially in- EQUILIBRIUM GRADIENTS IN RIVER SYSTEMS
visible.All streams carry some dissolved material, which is derived principally from
the groundwater that emerges from seeps and springs along the riverbanks. The
most abundant materials in solution are calcium and bicarbonate ions, but sodium, A river system functions as a unified whole: Any change in one part of the
magnesium, chloride, ferric, and sulfate ions are also common. Various amounts of system affects the other parts. The major factors that determine stream
organic matter are present, and some streams are brown with organic acids de- flow constantly change toward a balance, or equilibrium, so that the
rived from the decay of plant material. Flow velocity, which is so important to the gradient of the stream is adjusted to accommodate the volume of the
transportation of the suspended and traction loads, has little effect on a rivers water available, the channels characteristics, and the velocity necessary to
ability to carry dissolved material. Once mineral matter is dissolved, it remains in transport the sediment load.
solution, regardless of velocity, and is precipitated and deposited only if the chem-
istry of the water changes. Chemical analysis shows that most rivers carry a dis- We have repeatedly emphasized the fact that any one part of a stream does not
solved load of less than a thousand parts per million. Although these amounts of occur as a separate, independent entity. One of the most important characteris-
dissolved material seem small, they are far from trivial. Sampling shows that 5% tics of a river system is that it functions as a unified whole: Any change in one part
to 50% of all the material carried to the ocean is in solution. For example, in the of the system affects the other parts. The major factors that determine stream
Mississippi River the dissolved load is about 30% of the total sediment load. flow (discharge, velocity, channel shape, gradient, base level, and load) constant-
Velocity is an important control on a streams ability to erode, transport, and de- ly change. A change in any of these factors causes compensating adjustments in
posit sediment.The capacity of a stream is the amount or weight of sediment it car- another factor to restore balance or equilibrium in the entire drainage system. A
ries. Stream capacity increases to a third or fourth power of flow velocity; that is, river is in equilibrium if its channel form and gradient are balanced so that nei-
if the velocity is doubled, the stream can move from 8 to 16 times as much sediment. ther erosion nor deposition occurs. Rivers are constantly adjusting to approach this What is the profile of equilibrium in a
Another measure of sediment load is its competencethe size of the largest par- ideal condition. This adjustment is important in understanding the natural evo- river system?
ticle the stream is able to carry. Competence also increases with velocity. lution of the landscape. It also has practical considerations: If we are going to
The results of experimental studies show that a minimum or threshold veloci- continually manipulate rivers to suit our needs, we should know how river systems
ty is required to move grains of a certain size (Figure 12.7). The graph shows that respond to changes.
at low velocities only small grains can be transported. Higher velocities will gen- The concept of equilibrium in a river system can be appreciated by consider-
erally move larger particles. On the other hand, where the streams velocity is low, ing a hypothetical stream in which equilibrium has been established. In Figure
a significant part of the sediment load is deposited along the channel or on the 12.8A, the variables in the stream system are in balance, so neither erosion nor de-
floodplain. Sediment may also be deposited where the velocity is reduced, such as position occur along the streams profile. There is just enough water to transport
when a river enters a lake or the ocean. the available sediment down the existing slope. Such a stream is in equilibrium and
is known as a graded stream. In Figure 12.8B, the streams profile is displaced by
Base Level. The base level of a stream is the lowest level to which the stream a fault that creates a waterfall. The increased gradient across the fault greatly in-
can erode its channel. The base level is, in effect, the elevation of the streams creases the streams velocity at that point, so rapid erosion occurs, and the wa-
mouth, where the stream enters an ocean, a lake, or another stream. A tributary terfall (or the rapid) begins to migrate upstream. The eroded sediment added to
cannot erode lower than the level of the stream into which it flows. Similarly, a lake the stream segment on the dropped fault block is more than the stream can trans-
controls the level of erosion for the entire course of the river that drains into it. port because the system was already in equilibrium before faulting occurred. The
The levels of tributary junctions and lakes are temporary base levels: Lakes can river therefore deposits part of its load at that point, thus building up the chan-
be filled with sediment or drained, and streams can then be established across nel gradient (the yellow areas in Figure 12.8CD) until a new profile of equilib-
rium is established.
FIGURE 12.7 The threshold velocity 1000 An example of the adjustments just described occurred in Cabin Creek, a small
for sediment transport shows the minimum Erosion tributary of the Madison River, north of the Hebgen Dam in Montana. In 1959, dur-
velocities at which a stream can pick up and
move a particle of a given size. This 100 ing the Hebgen Lake earthquake, a 3-m fault scarp formed across the creek. By
Velocity (cm/sec)

threshold velocity is represented by a zone, June 1960, erosion by Cabin Creek had erased the waterfall at the cliff formed by
not by a line, because of variations resulting the fault, and only a small rapid was left. By 1965, the rapid was completely re-
from stream depth, particle shape, and 10 moved, and equilibrium was reestablished.
density. The lower curve indicates the Equilibrium in a river system is also illustrated by the results of dam con-
velocity at which a particle of a given size
settles out and is deposited. Note that fine 1 struction. In the reservoir behind a dam, the gradient is reduced to zero. Hence,
particles stay in suspension at velocities Deposition where the stream enters the reservoir, its sediment load is deposited as a delta and
much lower than those required to lift them as layers of silt and mud over the reservoir floor (Figure 12.9). Because most sed-
from the surface of the streambed. iment is trapped in the reservoir, the water released downstream has practically
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
no sediment load. The clear water in the river downstream of the dam is therefore
Size of particles (mm) capable of much more erosion than the previous river, which carried a sediment
306 Chapter 12 River Systems 307
Direction of flow to irrigate 1 million acres of arid land and to generate 10 billion kilowatts of power,
Faultwaterfall or rapids
which, in turn, was to double the national income and permit industrialization.
Longitudinal stream profile The dam, however, destroyed the Niles equilibrium, and many unforeseen ad-
justments in the river resulted (Figure 12.10). This is what happened.
Base level Base level The Nile is not only the source of water for the delta; it is also the source of
sediment. When the dam was finished and began to trap sediment in a reservoir
(Lake Nasser), the physical and biological balance in the delta area was destroyed.
(A) Initially, when the stream profile is at equilibrium, the velocity, (B) Faulting disrupts equilibrium by decreasing the gradient Without the annual gift of the Nile, the delta coastline is now exposed to the full
load, gradient, and volume of water are in balance. Neither erosion downstream and increasing the gradient at the fault line. force of marine currents, and wave erosion is eating away at the delta front. Some
nor deposition occurs.
parts of the delta are receding several meters a year.
The sediment previously carried by the Nile was an important link in the aquat-
ic food chain, nourishing marine life in front of the delta. The recent lack of Nile
sediment has reduced plankton and organic carbon to a third of the former levels.
Erosion New longitudinal profile at equilibrium This change either killed off or drove away sardines, mackerel, clams, and crus-
Deposition taceans. The annual harvest of 16,000 metric tons of sardines and a fifth of the fish
Base level Base level catch have been lost.
The sediment of the Nile also naturally fertilized the floodplain. Without this
annual addition of soil nutrients, Egypts 1 million cultivated acres need artificial
(C) Erosion proceeds upstream from the fault, and deposition occurs (D) Erosion and deposition eventually develop a new stream profile fertilizer.
downstream and a new stream profile starts to develop. at which the velocity, load, gradient, and volume of water will be in The water discharged from the reservoir is clear, free of most of its sediment
balance so that neither erosion nor deposition occurs. load. Without its load, the discharged water flows swiftly downstream and is vig-
FIGURE 12.8 Adjustment of a stream to reestablish equilibrium is shown by profile changes after disruption by faulting. Erosion and deposition
orously eroding the channel bank. This scouring process has already destroyed
develop a new stream profile at which the velocity, load, gradient, and volume of water will be in balance so that neither erosion nor deposition occurs. three old barrier dams and more than 500 bridges built since 1953. Ten new barri-
er dams must be built between Aswan and the ocean at a cost equal to one-fourth
load adjusted to its gradient. As a result, extensive scour and erosion commonly the cost of the Aswan Dam itself.
result downstream from a new dam. The annual Nile flood was also important to the areas ecology because it
washed away salts that accumulated in the arid soil. Soil salinity has already in-
The Nile and River Equilibrium creased, not only in the delta, but throughout the middle and upper Nile areas.
Unless corrective measures are taken (at a cost of more than U.S. $1 billion), mil-
The Aswan High Dam on the Nile River in Egypt provides a good example of the
lions of acres will become unproductive within a decade. Also, the control of the
many consequences of modifying a river system that has approached equilibrium.
river has resulted in stagnation of the channels and overgrowth of vegetation (Fig-
For centuries, the Nile River has been the main source of life in Egypt (Figure
ure 12.10).
2.2). The Niles principal headwaters are located in the high plateaus of Ethiopia.
The change in the river system has permitted double cropping, but this elimi-
Once a year, for approximately a month, the Nile used to rise to flood stage and
nated periods of dryness. The dry seasons previously helped limit the population
cover much of the fertile farmland in the Nile Delta area. The Aswan High Dam
of bilharzia, a blood parasite carried by snails that infects the intestinal and urinary
was completed in the summer of 1970. It was intended to provide Egypt with water
FIGURE 12.9 The volume of sediment FIGURE 12.10 The Nile River has
transported by a stream is illustrated by the been dramatically affected by the
Mono Reservoir in California, which has construction of the Aswan High Dam.
been completely filled with sand and mud. Without the annual flood, the river stagnates
(Courtesy of U.S.D.A. Forest Service) and is commonly overgrown with vegetation.
(Courtesy of Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Peter
Arnold, Inc.)
308 Chapter 12 River Systems 309



River systems erode the landscape by three main processes: (1) removal
of regolith, (2) downcutting of the stream channel by abrasion, and

Flood (3) headward erosion.

(A) Surface runoff vs. infiltration under
natural conditions. From 80% to 100% of the stage
surface water filters into the subsurface, and
from 0% to 20% flows through the drainage Erosion of the land is one of the major effects of the hydrologic system. It has
system. Runoff is distributed over a long occurred on all continents throughout all of geologic time and will continue as
period with a small peak flow. Time long as the system operates and land is exposed above sea level (Figure 12.12).
Evidence of erosion is ubiquitous and varied. We see it in the development of gul-
80 100%
lies on farmlands and in the cutting of great canyons. We see it in the thick lay-
90 100% ers of sedimentary rocks that cover large parts of the continents and bear witness
to erosion and deposition in past ages. But exactly how does a river system erode
the land? How can a relatively small stream such as the Colorado River erode
the Grand Canyon, which is more than 2 km deep and 25 km wide? What process-
es are involved in erosion? How do river systems evolve? Answers to these basic


(B) Surface runoff vs. infiltration in urban

stage questions have eluded scientists until recently, and even today some details re-
areas. From 0% to 10% filters into the main controversial. However, we now know that erosion by running water and
subsurface, and from 90% to 100% moves as the evolution of a river system are accomplished by three basic processes: (1)
surface runoff. Peak flow is very high and removal of regolith, (2) downcutting of the stream channel by abrasion, and (3)
occurs in a short period of time. Time
headward erosion.
FIGURE 12.11 Urbanization has affected the amount and rate of runoff.
Removal of Regolith
tracts of humans. One out of every two Egyptians now has the infection, and it One of the most important processes of erosion is the removal and transport of
causes a tenth of the deaths in the country. rock debris (regolith) produced by weathering. The process is simple but impor-
Problems have also occurred in the lake behind the dam. The lake was to have tant. Loose rock debris created by weathering is washed downslope into the
reached a maximum level in 1970, but it might actually take 200 years to fill. More
What changes occur when a dam is than 15 million cubic meters of water annually seep underground into the porous
built on a river? Nubian Sandstone, which lines 480 km of the lakes western bank. The sandstone
is capable of absorbing an almost unlimited quantity of water. Moreover, the lake
is in one of the hottest and driest places on Earth, and the rate of evaporation is
staggering. A high rate was expected, but additional losses from transpiration by
plants growing along the lakeshore and increased evaporation caused by high
winds have brought the total loss of water from the lake to nearly double the ex-
pected rate. This loss equals half the total amount of water that once was wast-
ed, flowing unused to the ocean.

Effects of Urbanization on River Equilibrium

Another way that equilibrium in river systems has been disrupted is through ur-
banization. The construction of cities may at first seem unrelated to the modifica-
tion of river systems, but a city significantly changes the surface runoff, and the
resulting changes in river dynamics are becoming serious and costly.Water that falls
to Earth as precipitation usually follows several paths in the hydrologic system. In
general, from 54% to 97% returns to the air directly by evaporation and transpi-
Water erosion Other regions
ration; the remaining water collects in stream systems as surface runoff or infiltrates vulnerability of low vulnerability
the ground and moves slowly through the subsurface toward the ocean. Under
Low Dry
natural conditions, 80% to 100% of the surface runoff infiltrates into the subsur- Moderate Cold
face. Urbanization disrupts each of these paths in the normal hydrologic system. High Depositional
It changes the nature of the terrain and consequently affects the rates and per- Very High Ice or glacier
centages of runoff and infiltration. Roads, sidewalks, and roofs of buildings render
a large percentage of the surface impervious to infiltration. Not only does the vol-
FIGURE 12.12 Water erosion vulnerability varies across the globe in a systematic way and is closely related to climate and topography. Two
ume of surface runoff increase, but runoff is much faster because water is channeled large regions are climatically controlled: The Arctic regions (blue) which have been glaciated and/or influenced by permafrost, and the great desert
through gutters, storm drains, and sewers. As a result, flooding increases in inten- regions (gray) which have low vulnerability simply because there isnt enough water for significant stream erosion. In much of the desert regions
sity and frequency (Figure 12.11). deposition by wind and intermittent streams dominates. Areas of very high vulnerability are mountainous regions with high rainfall.
310 Chapter 12 River Systems 311

drainage system and is transported as sediment load in streams and rivers. In

addition, soluble material is carried in solution. The net result is that the blanket
of regolith created by weathering is continually being removed and transported to
the sea by stream action. As it is removed, however, it is also continually being re-
generated by the weathering of the fresh bedrock below. Measurements of the
amount of sediment carried by rivers suggest that about 6 cm/1000 yr are removed
from the continents.

Downcutting of Stream Channels

FIGURE 12.13 Sketch of a wire saw
commonly used in quarry operations. The Downcutting is a fundamental process of erosion in all stream channels, whether
wire is pulled across the rock, dragging small hillsides, gullies, or great canyons of major rivers.The process is accomplished
abrasives as it moves. When the rock is
raised (or the wire is lowered), the abrasives,
by the abrasion of the channel floor by sand and gravel as they are swept down-
dragged across the rock by the wire, slice stream by the flowing water. It is similar in many respects to the action of a wire
through the block. saw used in quarries to cut and shape large blocks of stone (Figure 12.13).An abra-
sive such as garnet, corundum, or quartz, dragged across a rock by a wire, can cut
through a stone block with remarkable speed.
Some dramatic examples of the power of streams to cut downward are the steep,
Another important factor in the downcutting of a stream channel is the up- FIGURE 12.15 Entrenched meanders
nearly vertical gorges in many canyons in the southwestern United States (Figure of the Colorado River resulted from
12.14). Although the bed load of sand and gravel on the channel floor is station- stream migration of waterfalls and rapids. Here again, the process is simple but
downcutting of the river channel more than
ary much of the time, during spring runoff and periodic flash floods, it moves with important. It can be appreciated by considering the erosion of Niagara Falls (Fig- 300 m.
the flowing water.This material is an effective abrasion tool and can cut the stream ure 12.17). The increased velocity of the falling water sets up strong turbulence at
channel to a profile of equilibrium in a short time.The power of downcutting is also the base of the falls, causing rapid erosion of the underlying weak, nonresistant
expressed by the entrenchment of rivers to form deep canyons (Figure 12.15). rock layers. The cliff is gradually undermined, and the falls retreat upstream. Dur-
An effective and interesting type of abrasion of the channel floor is the drilling ing the last 12,000 years, Niagara Falls has migrated headward more than 11.5 km.
action of pebbles and cobbles trapped in a depression and swirled around by cur- Slope retreat also plays an important role in shaping stream valleys. Mass move-
rents. The rotational movement of the sand, gravel, and boulders acts like a drill ment and the erosion of small tributaries reduce steep valley walls to gentle slopes.
and cuts deep holes known as potholes. As the pebbles and cobbles are worn away, In the process, much new sediment enters the river system.
new ones take their place and continue to drill into the bedrock of the stream
channel. Some potholes are several meters in diameter and more than 5 m in depth Headward Erosion
(Figure 12.16). In the process of stream erosion and valley evolution, streams have a universal
As the pebbles and cobbles are carried by flowing water, they themselves are tendency to erode headward, or upslope, and to increase the lengths of their val-
worn down by striking one another and the channel bottom. Their corners and leys until they reach the divide. Headward erosion can be analyzed by referring to
edges are chipped off, and the particles become smaller, smoother, and more round- Figure 12.18. The reason erosion is more vigorous at the head of a valley than on
ed. Large boulders that have fallen into a stream and are transported only during its sides is apparent from the relationships between the valley and the regional
a flood are thus slowly broken and worn down to smaller fragments. Ultimately, slope. Above the head of a valley, water flows down the regional slope as sheets
they are washed away as grains of sand. (sheet flow), but the water starts to converge to a point where a definite stream
FIGURE 12.14 The tools of erosion channel begins. As the water is concentrated into a channel, its velocity and ero-
are sand and gravel. Transported by a river, sive power increase far beyond those of the slower-moving sheet of water on the
they act as powerful abrasives, cutting surrounding ungullied surface. The additional volume and velocity of the channel
through the bedrock as they are moved by
flowing water. The abrasive action of sand
water erode the head of the valley much faster than sheet flow erodes ungullied
and gravel cut this vertical gorge through
resistant limestone in the Grand Canyon, FIGURE 12.16 Potholes are eroded in
Arizona. a streambed by sand, pebbles, and cobbles
whirled around by eddies. These potholes on
the floor of the Blyde River Canyon in South
Africa are about 3 m across.
312 Chapter 12 River Systems 313
Headward erosion of the falls most likely to occur if headward erosion of one stream is favored by a steeper Headward
gradient or by a course in more easily eroded rocks. Some of the most erosion Sheet wash
spectacular examples occur in the folded Appalachian Mountains, where extends
nonresistant shale and limestone are interbedded with resistant sandstone valley
Niagara Escarpment formations. The process of stream capture and the evolution of the regions
drainage system are shown in the series of diagrams in Figure 12.20. The original
streams flowed in a dendritic pattern (a branching, treelike pattern) on
horizontal sedimentary layers that once covered the folds. As uplift occurred,
Niagara erosion removed the horizontal sedimentary rocks, and the dendritic drainage
gorge pattern became superposed, or placed on, the folded rock beneath. The
Lake Erie
Niagara Falls superposed stream thus cuts across weak and resistant rocks alike. As the major
stream cuts a valley across the folded rocks, new tributaries rapidly erode
headward along the nonresistant formations. By headward erosion, these new
streams progressively capture the superposed tributaries and change the
dendritic drainage pattern to a trellis drainage pattern (a pattern in which the
Lake Ontario
tributaries join the main stream at right angles).
Extensive stream piracy and development of a trellis drainage pattern can be
seen almost any place where folded rocks are exposed at the surface. In the fold-
ed Appalachian Mountains, the major streams that flow to the Atlantic (such as the
Susquehanna and the Potomac) are all superposed across the folded strata. Their
(A) The Niagara River originated as the last glacier receded from the area and water flowed from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario over the FIGURE 12.18 Headward erosion is
tributaries, however, flow along the nonresistant rocks parallel to the geologic constantly extending the drainage upslope so
Niagara Escarpment. Erosion causes the waterfalls to migrate upstream at an average rate of about 1 m/yr.
structure and have captured many superposed tributary streams. that the network of tributaries is enlarged
Another example of stream piracy is the Pecos River in New Mexico. By ex- and consumes the flat, undissected upland.
tending itself headward to the north along the weak shale and limestone, which Water flows as a sheet down the undissected
crop out in a northsouth zone parallel to the Rocky Mountain front, it has cap- regional slope. As it converges toward the
head of a tributary valley, its velocity and
tured a series of eastward-flowing streams that once extended from the Rockies volume are greatly increased, so its ability to
across the Great Plains. The original eastward drainage (shown in Figure 12.21A) erode also increases. The tributary valley is
resulted from the uplift of the Rocky Mountains. Now the headwaters of most of thus eroded headward, up the regional slope.
the original streams have been captured by the Pecos River.Water that once would
have flowed across the Llano Estacado (the High Plains of Texas) now flows down
the Pecos valley (Figure 12.21B).

Point of Point of
imminent piracy piracy

(B) Niagara Falls presents a spectacular scene as large volumes of water fall vertically over the cliffs of limestone. The falls are 70 m high and
have migrated headward more than 11.5 km in the last 12,300 years. ( Joseph Sohm: Visions of America/CORBIS)

FIGURE 12.17 Retreat of Niagara Falls upstream occurs as hydraulic action undercuts the weak shale below the limestone.

slopes or the valley walls. In addition, groundwater moves toward the valley, so
the head of the valley is a favorable location for the development of springs and
seeps. These, in turn, help to undercut overlying resistant rock and cause head-
ward erosion to occur much faster than retreat of the valley walls. The head of the
valley is thus extended upslope.

Stream Piracy. With the universal tendency for headward erosion, the
tributaries of one stream can extend upslope and intersect the middle course of
another stream, thus diverting the headwater of one stream to the other. This
process, known as stream piracy, is illustrated in Figure 12.19. Stream piracy is FIGURE 12.19 Stream piracy occurs where a tributary with a high gradient rapidly erodes headward and captures a tributary of another stream.
314 Chapter 12 River Systems 315

Extension of Drainage Systems Downslope

In addition to downcutting and headward erosion, a drainage system can grow in
length simply by extending its course downslope as sea level falls or as the land-
mass rises.This process is probably fundamental in determining the original course
of many major streams, especially in the interior lowlands, where the oceans once River Erosion
covered much of the continents and then slowly withdrew. During a regression of
the sea, drainage systems were extended down the newly exposed slopes. Later,
they were modified by headward erosion and stream piracy.
Tidal channels (major channels formed by tidal currents extending from offshore
well into the tidal flat) along coastal plains are examples of the beginning of a new
segment of a drainage system as a result of a fall in sea level.The pattern of land and
(A) Initially, a dendritic pattern formed on horizontal sedimentary (B) Regional uplift causes erosion to remove the horizontal sediments, tidal drainage is characteristically dendritic because the material on which this
rocks, which cover the older, eroded folds. thereby exposing the older, folded rocks at the surface. The dendritic drainage
drainage is established consists of recently deposited horizontal sediments. If the
pattern is then superposed, or placed on, the folded rocks.
slope is pronounced, however, the tributaries, as well as the major streams, flow par-
allel for a long distance. If sea level were to drop, the streams would continue to flow
downslope, following the courses established by tidal channels, as is shown in Figure
12.22. Major streams would extend their drainage patterns over the deltas that they
deposited. Most of the streams in the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains originated in
this way. If sea level is falling, the youngest parts of a river are therefore near the
shoreline and upslope, where headward erosion develops new channels.

(C) Main streams cut across both resistant and nonresistant rock by (D) Rapid headward erosion along exposures of weak rocks results in stream
channel abrasion. capture and modification of the dendritic pattern to a trellis pattern. (A) In the original position of the shore, tidal channels develop between
high tide and low tide.
FIGURE 12.20 A dendritic drainage pattern superposed on a series of folded rocks evolves into a trellis pattern as headward erosion proceeds
along nonresistant rock formations.

Tidal zone
Colorado Kansas Colorado Kansas
N.M. Oklahoma N.M. Oklahoma

(B) As the sea level falls and the shoreline recedes, tidal channels become
part of the permanent drainage system.
P ec os Riv e r
rande River
rande River

Tidal zone


(C) With each successive retreat of the shoreline, new tidal channels
develop and drainage is extended farther downslope. A dendritic drainage
pattern typically is produced on the homogeneous tidal-flat material.
Texas Texas

(A) Prior to the development of the Pecos valley, drainage is (B) Headward erosion of the Pecos River northward along the Tidal zone
believed to have been eastward from the Rocky Mountains across nonresistant rocks of the Pecos plains captured the headwaters of the
the Great Plains. eastward-flowing streams.
FIGURE 12.22 Extension of a drainage system downslope occurs as a shoreline recedes. This downslope extension commonly results in a
FIGURE 12.21 The Pecos River evolved as headward erosion extended the drainage network northward and captured the eastward-flowing streams. dendritic pattern.
316 Chapter 12 River Systems 317

The Grand Canyon: A Model of Stream Erosion PROCESSES OF STREAM DEPOSITION

Because the evolution of a drainage system may require tens of millions of years,
we can study the origin of stream valleys only indirectly. One approach is to study In the lower parts of a river system (transporting and dispersing systems),
the interaction of downcutting and slope retreat by means of a computer model of the gradient of a river is very low. As a result, the streams velocity is
the Colorado Rivers erosion of the rock sequence in the Grand Canyon area. reduced, and deposition of much of the sediment load occurs, to create:
Variables of a drainage system that affect various rock formations, such as rates of (1) floodplains, (2) alluvial valleys, (3) deltas, and (4) alluvial fans.
downcutting and slope retreat, were analyzed. This study produced a series of
hundreds of computer-calculated profiles of the Grand Canyon, showing changes The fact that rivers transport and deposit huge volumes of sediment is apparent in
that have occurred between the time the Colorado River began cutting through the the practical problems of the silting of reservoirs and the maintenance of naviga-
Colorado Plateau and the present. ble channels and harbors. Most large rivers are always muddy; in some rivers, the
Although this model cannot be verified directly, you can get a glimpse of the weight sediment sometimes exceeds the weight of water. Sediment is deposited
stages of canyon development by studying the canyon longitudinally (Figure when the velocity of the current falls below the minimum velocity required to keep
12.23). Upstream, near Lees Ferry, the river is just beginning to cut through the the particles of a certain size in motion (Figure 12.7). Thus, if a river carrying silt,
Kaibab Limestone. Here, uplift has been minimal, and the entire sequence of sand, and gravel is slowed by a gentler gradient, or by entering a lake or the sea,
strata exposed farther downstream in the Grand Canyon is below the surface. The the coarsest particles of the load are deposited first, and progressively finer parti-
river cuts only a narrow gorge in the Kaibab Limestone, which forms the upper cles are deposited as the velocity of the current continues to decrease. Deposition
rim of the Grand Canyon downstream. Farther downstream (near the bottom of the sediment load in the lower transporting and dispersal segments of a river cre-
of the photograph), uplift permitted the river to cut much deeper into the rock ates prominent and distinctive landforms. Foremost among these are the great
sequence, and the sequence of profiles across the canyon is similar to the one de- floodplains and alluvial valleys. Farther downstream, where the river enters the
veloped by the computer model. Evidence of the evolution of slope morpholo- sea, most of its load is deposited as huge deltas.
gy from the canyon itself thus supports the findings of the computer model.
On the gentle slopes of shields and stable platforms, most stream valleys are cov-
ered with large quantities of sediment that make up a flat surface over which the
stream flows.This surface is called the floodplain, and during high floods it may be What major geologic processes operate
completely covered with water. Rivers that flow across floodplains are character- on a floodplain?
ized by channels that either meander in sinuous loops or braid in interweaving
multiple channels.These differences in channel configurations reflect variations in
the type of sediment load and fluctuations in the volume of water. A schematic
diagram showing the features commonly developed on a meandering river flood-
plain is shown in Figure 12.24. It serves as a simple graphic model of floodplain sed-

Meanders and Point Bars. All rivers naturally tend to flow in a sinuous pattern,
even if the slope is relatively steep, because water flow is turbulent, and any bend
or irregularity in the channel deflects the flow of water to the opposite bank. The
force of the water striking the stream bank causes erosion and undercutting, which
initiate a small bend in the river channel. In time, as the current continues to
impinge on the outside of the channel, the bend grows larger and is accentuated, River Deposition
and a small curve ultimately grows into a large meander (Figure 12.25). On the
inside of the meander, velocity is at a minimum, so some of the sediment load is
deposited. This type of deposit occurs on the point of the meander bend and is
known as a point bar. The two major processes around a meander benderosion
on the outside and deposition on the insidecause meander loops to migrate
Because the valley surface slopes downstream, erosion is more effective on the
downstream side of the meander bend; thus, the meander also migrates slowly
down the valley (Figure 12.25). As a meander bend becomes accentuated, it de-
velops an almost complete circle. Eventually, the river channel cuts across the me-
ander loop and follows a more direct course downslope.The meander cutoff forms
a short but sharp increase in stream gradient, causing the river to completely aban-
FIGURE 12.23 The effects of erosion of the eastern Grand Canyon are seen in this space photograph. The river flows from Lees Ferry, don the old meander loop, which remains as a crescent-shaped lake known as an
in the upper left, toward the lower right. At Lees Ferry, the river is just beginning to cut through the sedimentary rock sequence and has oxbow lake (Figure 12.25).
produced a profile like the one shown in the computer model. Downstream, uplift has permitted the river to cut deeper, and it has produced a
sequence of profiles of alternating cliffs and slopes formed on resistant and nonresistant rock bodies. (Photograph courtesy of NASA)
318 Chapter 12 River Systems 319
Backswamp Natural Levees. Another key process operating on a floodplain is the
Oxbow development of high embankments, called natural levees, on both sides of the
Bluff Floodplain lake
Bluff river. Natural levees form when a river overflows its banks during flood stage and
Cutoff the water is no longer confined to a channel but flows over the land surface in a
broad sheet. This unchanneled flow significantly reduces the waters velocity, and How can a river build its own levees?
some of the suspended sediment settles out. The coarsest material is deposited
Oxbow lake close to the channel, where it builds up a high embankment. Natural levees grow
stream with each flood. Some grow high enough so that the river channel is higher than
Point bar the surrounding area (Figure 12.26).
Meander bend
neck Backswamps. As a result of the growth and development of natural levees, much
Natural levees
of the floodplain may be lower than the river flowing across it. This area, known
Alluvium as the backswamp, is poorly drained and commonly is the site of marshes and
swamps.Tributary streams in the backswamp are unable to flow up the slope of the Floodplains
Bedrock natural levees, so they are forced either to empty into the backswamp or to flow
as yazoo streams, streams that run parallel to the main stream for many kilometers.
Strangely enough, then the highest parts of the floodplain may be along the natural
levees immediately adjacent to the river.
The lower Mississippi River is well known for its floodplain features (Figure
12.27). Between Cairo, Illinois, and the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi meanders
over a broad floodplain, forming high natural levees, oxbow lakes, and backswamps.
The dynamics of the river and the changes it can bring about by deposition are il-
lustrated by the fact that, from 1765 to 1932, the river cut off 19 meanders between
Cairo, Illinois, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Now the level of the Mississippi is
controlled by dams and artificial levees, which have modified its hydrology, much
as the Nile and Colorado rivers have been artificially manipulated.

FIGURE 12.24 The major features of a floodplain include meanders, point bars, oxbow lakes, natural levees, backswamps, and stream channels.
A stream flowing around a meander bend erodes the outside curve and deposits sediment on the inside curve to form a point bar. The meander bend
migrates laterally and is ultimately cut off, to form an oxbow lake. Natural levees build up the banks of the stream, and backswamps develop on the
lower surfaces of the floodplain. Yazoo streams have difficulty entering the main stream because of the high natural levees and thus flow parallel to it.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Point bars


Old natural levee


FIGURE 12.26 Natural levees are wedge-shaped

deposits of fine sand, silt, and mud that taper away from
Oxbow lake the stream banks toward the backswamp (A). They form
during flood stages because, as the stream overflows its
banks, the velocity of the water is reduced and silt is
FIGURE 12.25 Stream meanders evolve because erosion occurs on the outside of a curved stream channel, where velocity is greatest, and deposited (B). As the levees grow higher, the stream
deposition occurs on the inside of the curve, where velocity is low. An irregularity deflects stream flow (A) to the opposite bank and erosion begins. channel also rises, and thus the river can be higher than
This start the development of a meander loop (BD). At the same time, sediment is deposited on the inside of the bend, forming point bars. The the surrounding floodplain. (Photograph courtesy of
meander enlarges and migrates laterally (CD). Continued growth of the meander bends ultimately cuts off the channel and forms an oxbow lake (D). Michael Collier)
320 Chapter 12 River Systems 321

MO Cairo Present river Channel Channel Alluvial Valleys

and point and point and point
Backswamp bars #1 bars #3 bars #2 Many streams fill part of their valleys with sediment during one part of their his-
deposits tory and then cut through the sediment fill during a subsequent period. This fluc-
tuation in stream processes commonly produces stream terraces. Deposition can
AR TN be initiated by any change that reduces a streams capacity to transport sediment.
These changes include (1) a reduction in discharge (as a result of climatic change
or of a loss of water volume due to stream piracy), (2) a change in gradient (caused
by a rise in base level or by regional tilting), and (3) an increase in sediment load.
The basic steps in the evolution of stream terraces are shown in Figure 12.29.
In (A), a stream cuts a valley by downcutting and slope retreat. In (B), changes, such
as regional tilting of the land or rising of base level, cause the stream to deposit part
Present of its sediment load and build up a floodplain, which forms a broad, flat valley
course floor. In (C), subsequent changes (such as uplift or increased runoff) cause re-
newed downcutting into the easily eroded floodplain deposits, so a single set of
terraces develops on both sides of the river. Further erosion can produce addi-
tional terraces (D) by the lateral shifting of the meandering stream.
During the last ice age, the hydrology of most rivers changed significantly and
LA produced stream terraces in many river systems. Stream runoff was increased
greatly by the melting ice, and large quantities of sediment deposited by the glac-
iers were reworked by the streams, many of which became overloaded. In addition,
the climatic changes accompanying the ice age caused a general worldwide in-
crease in precipitation. As a result, many streams filled part of their valleys with
sediment that they are now cutting through to form stream terraces (Figure 12.30).
Oldest meander

FIGURE 12.27 The floodplain of the Mississippi River extends from Cairo, Illinois, to the sea. It is more than 1000 km long and 200 km wide. The
main meander belt has shifted several times during the last few thousand years. Progressively older meander belts are shown in blue, brown, and tan. (A) A stream cuts a valley by normal downcutting and headward (B) Changes in climate base level, or other factors that reduce flow
erosion processes. energy cause the stream to partially fill its valley with sediments,
forming a broad, flat floor.

Braided Streams. If streams are supplied with more sediment than they can
carry, they deposit the excess material on the channel floor as sand and gravel
bars. These deposits may force a stream to split into two or more channels, so
the stream pattern forms an interlacing network of braided channels and islands
(Figure 12.28). The braided stream pattern is best developed in rivers that carry
coarse sand and gravel and fluctuate greatly in the volume of water they
discharge. These conditions commonly occur in arid or semiarid regions, where
the amount of water in a stream varies greatly from season to season, or from
storm to storm. Melting ice caps and glaciers also produce favorable conditions
for braided streams because the streams in front of the melting ice cannot
transport the exceptionally large load of sediment deposited by the glaciers. As
a result, deposition occurs in mid-channel and new channels develop. For
example, meltwater from the Nabesna glacier of southeast Alaska created the (C) An increase in flow energy causes the stream to erode through (D) The stream shifts laterally and forms lower terraces as subsequent
braided stream in Figure 12.28. Moreover, the cold climate near glaciers causes the previously deposited alluvium. A pair of terraces is left as a changes cause it to erode through the older valley fill.
remnant of the former floodplain.
most rivers to freeze during the winter, so the volume of water discharged
FIGURE 12.28 A braided stream
fluctuates from almost nothing in the winter to spring floods. Compare the FIGURE 12.29 The evolution of stream terraces involves the deposition of sediment in a stream valley, subsequent change in the streams
pattern commonly results if a river is
channel pattern in this photograph with the meandering channels on the gradient, and renewed downcutting. These changes can be initiated by various factors that affect a streams capacity to transport sediment, such as
supplied with more sediment than it can
Mississippi River floodplain shown in Figure 12.27. changes in climate, changes in base level, or regional uplift.
carry, as at the front of a glacier.
322 Chapter 12 River Systems 323

(A) Natural levee breached. Part of stream (B) Reduced velocity causes deposition of (C) Growth of splay by development of
flow diverted to backswamp. sediment in a fan-shaped splay. small distributaries and subsplays.

Splay Splay

FIGURE 12.30 Stream terraces along

the Pahsimeroi River, Idaho, were formed
by recent recurrent uplift. More than seven
well-defined terraces can be identified in
this area.

As a river enters a lake or the ocean, its velocity suddenly diminishes, and most of
its sediment load is deposited to form a delta. The growth of a delta can be com- Natural Natural Natural
levee levee levee
plex, especially for large rivers depositing huge volumes of sediment. However,
three major processes are fundamental to the formation and growth of a delta: Subaqueous Subaqueous Subaqueous
formation of distributaries, splay development, and avulsion. levee levee levee

Distributaries. The diagrams in Figure 12.31 illustrate the development of

distributaries. As a river enters the ocean (or a lake) and the flowing water is no
longer confined to a channel, the currents flare out, rapidly losing velocity and flow
energy. The coarse material carried by the stream is deposited in two specific
Bar Bar Bar Bar
areas: (1) along the margins of quiet water on either side of the main channel
(deposits build up subaqueous natural levees) and (2) in the channel at the river
Channel mouth
mouth, where there is a sudden loss of velocity (deposits build a bar at the mouth bar Channel mouth Channel mouth
of the channel). These two deposits effectively create two smaller channels bar bar
(distributary channels), which can build seaward for some distance. The process
(D) A bar forms at the mouth of the river (E) Stream flow is channeled between bar (F) Process is repeated, forming branching
is then repeated, and each new distributary is divided into two smaller channel. Subaqueous levees form. and natural levees. distributaries.
distributaries. In this manner, a system of branching distributaries builds seaward
in a fan-shaped pattern. FIGURE 12.31 Distributaries and
Avulsion. A major phenomenon in the construction of deltas is the shifting of a splays play key roles in the growth of a delta.
Splays. Figure 12.31 shows how the area between distributaries is filled with rivers entire course. Distributaries cannot extend indefinitely into the ocean These sequential diagrams show the
sediment.A local break in the levee, a crevasse, forms during periods of high runoff because the rivers gradient and capacity to flow gradually decrease. The river, evolution of splays (AC) and distributaries
therefore, is eventually diverted to a new course, which has a higher gradient. This (DF).
and diverts a significant volume of water and sediment from the main stream. The
escaping water spreads out and deposits its sediment to form a splay, which is diversion generally happens during a flood. The river breaks through its natural
essentially a small delta, with small distributaries and systems of subsplays. levee, far inland from the active distributaries of the delta, and develops a new
The sediment deposited by distributaries and splays is vulnerable to erosion course to the ocean.The new channel shifts the site of sedimentation to a different
and transportation by marine waves and tides. The growth of a delta is therefore area, and the abandoned segment of the delta is attacked by wave and current
influenced by the balance between the rate of input of sediment by the river and action. The new, active delta builds seaward, developing distributaries and splays,
the rate of erosion by marine processes. If waves or tides are strong, the develop- until eventually it also is abandoned, and another site of active sedimentation is
ment of distributaries is limited, and the sediment is reworked into bars, beaches, formed. The shifting back and forth of the main river channel is thus a major way
and tidal flats. in which sediment is dispersed and a delta grows (Figure 12.32).
324 Chapter 12 River Systems 325

Types of Deltas. Several types of deltas are illustrated in Figure 12.33. Each
shows a different balance between the forces of stream deposition and the forces

A tch
# Baton Rouge reworking the sediment (waves and tides). In the Mississippi Delta, processes of

river deposition dominate (Figure 12.33A). The delta is fed by the extensive


Mississippi River system, which drains a large part of North America and


is s
ip p discharges an annual sediment load of approximately 454 million metric tons. The


iv er 2 river is confined to its channel throughout most of its course, except during high
# New Orleans floods. Most of the sediment reaches the ocean through two or three main
distributary channels and has rapidly extended the delta far into the Gulf of
4 Mexico. This extension is known as a bird-foot delta.
Seven major subdeltas have been constructed by the Mississippi River during
3 the last 5000 years as repeated avulsion occurred in the region between Baton
Rouge and New Orleans. These are shown in Figure 12.32. The oldest lobe (1) was
abandoned approximately 4000 years ago and since then has been eroded back
5 and inundated. Only small remnants remain exposed today. The successive lobes,

Mediterranean Sea
7 Swamp


Barrier beach

Gulf of Mexico Deltaic plain

(A) The Mississippi Delta is dominated by fluvial processes that (B) The Nile Delta is dominated by wave action that produces an
produce a bird-foot extension. arcuate delta front.

Deltaic plain Deltaic plain

Tidal channel
bars River mouth bars
Indian Tidal flat Mangrove swamps Atlantic Ocean

FIGURE 12.32 The history of the Mississippi Delta involves repeated avulsion of the main channel, (C) The Mekong Delta is dominated by tidal forces that produce (D) The Niger Delta has formed where stream deposition, wave
which has formed seven subdeltas. Most of the sediment is deposited in a small sector of the delta front. A wide distributary channels. action, and tidal forces are about equal. An arcuate delta front
major break in the natural levee upstream eventually diverts the entire flow to some other sector, and the and wide distributary channels are thus produced.
process is repeated. Wave action then erodes the inactive bird-foot deltas. Previous subdeltas are indicated by
numbers (16) according to age; (7) is the present subdelta. The active distributary system (6 and 7) has built a FIGURE 12.33 The shape of a delta depends on the balance between fluvial and marine processes. The most important processes
major bird-foot delta in the last 500 years, the details of which are shown in this satellite photograph. (Courtesy include the ability of waves and tides to rework the sediment in the delta. The Mississippi, Nile, Mekong, and Niger deltas are dominated by
of NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS.) different processes.
326 Chapter 12 River Systems 327

or subdeltas (2 to 7), have been modified to various degrees.The abandoned chan-

nels of the Mississippi are well preserved and can be recognized on satellite pho-
tographs. The currently active delta lobe (7) has been constructed during the last
500 years. River studies show that the present bird-foot delta has been extended
as far as the balance of natural forces permits. Without continued human inter-
vention, the Mississippi will shift to the present course of the Atchafalaya River.
The Nile Delta (Figure 12.33B) differs from the Mississippi Delta in several
ways. Instead of being confined to one channel, the Nile begins to split up into dis-
tributaries at Cairo, Egypt, more than 160 km inland, and fans out over the entire
delta. Before construction of the Aswan High Dam, the Niles annual flood briefly
covered much of the delta each year and deposited a new layer of silty mud. Two
of the large distributaries have built major lobes extending beyond the general
front of the delta, but strong wave action in the Mediterranean redistributes the
sediment at the delta front. The reworked sediment forms a series of arcuate bar-
rier bars, which close off segments of the ocean to form lagoons.The lagoons in turn
form a subenvironment, which soon becomes filled with fine sediment. The dif-
ference between the Nile Delta and the Mississippi Delta is due largely to dis-
similar balances between the influx of sediment, which builds bird-foot deltas, and
the strength of wave action, which redistributes sediment to form barrier bars.
The Mekong Delta, along the southern coast of Vietnam, is dominated by tidal
currents that redistribute sediment in the river channels and along the delta fronts
(Figure 12.33C). The distributaries branch into two main courses near Phnom
Penh, about 500 km inland. Sediment carried by the river is reworked by tidal
current, forming broad distributary channels, a distinctive feature of tide domi-
FIGURE 12.34 Alluvial fans form in arid regions where streams enter dry basins and deposit their sediment load as the stream gradient
nated deltas. becomes smaller. This fan is in Death Valley, California.
The Niger Delta (Figure 12.33D) is a good example of a delta in which the im-
portant energy systems are nearly in equilibrium. Stream deposition, wave action,
and tidal currents are more evenly balanced there than in the other delta types, so
the Niger Delta is remarkably symmetrical.
Flooding is the overflow of water from the stream channel onto adjacent
land that is usually dry. It is a natural process in all river systems and has
Alluvial Fans
occurred throughout all of geologic time.
An alluvial fan is a stream deposit that accumulates in a dry basins at the base of
a mountain front. Such areas are usually arid and have a large quantity of loose,
weathered rock debris on the surface; when rain falls, the streams then transport Flooding of rivers is not a rare event, but it is often a seasonal occurrence corre-
huge volumes of sediment. Many or most of the streams are intermittent and run sponding to prolonged rain or rapid snowmelt. Human populations have always Why do floods occur?
for only a short time each year or just during storms. Deposition of the load car- concentrated on deltas and floodplains of major rivers. It is therefore no accident
ried by the streams results from the sudden decrease in velocity as a stream that more than 500 flood stories, like that of Noah in the Bible, from more than 250
emerges from the steep slopes of the upland and flows across the adjacent basin peoples or tribes are well documented. Indeed, floods are the most frequent and
with its gentle gradient. The channel soon becomes clogged with sediment, and lethal of all natural disasters.
the stream is forced to seek a new course. In this manner, the stream shifts from
side to side and builds up an arcuate, fan-shaped deposit (Figure 12.34). Debris
flows are also common on alluvial fans. Their coarse unsorted deposits are found
interlayered with the stream gravels and sands. As several fans build basinward at
the mouths of adjacent canyons, they eventually merge to form broad slopes of
alluvium at the base of the mountain range (Figure 12.35).
Although alluvial fans and deltas are somewhat similar, they differ in mode of
origin and internal structure. In deltas, sediment is deposited in a body of water.
The level of the ocean or lake effectively forms the upper limit to which the delta
can be built. In contrast, a fan is deposited in a dry basin, and its upper surface is
not limited by water level. Cobbles and gravel in alluvial fans are commonly less
rounded than in other stream deposits. The coarse-grained, unweathered, poorly
sorted sands and gravels of an alluvial fan also contrast with the fine sand, silt, and
mud that predominate in a delta.

FIGURE 12.35 Alluvial slopes develop as fans grow and merge. This photograph of the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada of eastern
California shows large alluvial slopes covering much of the dry basin.
328 Chapter 12 River Systems 329

Flooding on Deltas and Floodplains date high water. The narrow floodplain in the upper basin was completely covered
with floodwater for much of its length, whereas there was no serious flooding in
Deltas and floodplains are the regions most susceptible to flooding because in
the lower Mississippi River Basin.
these areas flooding is a fundamental recurring geologic process. Indeed, the deltas
Weather in the upper Mississippi River Basin during the latter part of 1992 and
and floodplains originate and grow through the process of flooding, and in these
continuing into 1993 was highly unusual. Heavy rainfall began in September 1992
areas flooding is as natural as windstorms in a desert. Unfortunately, more than half
and continued for eight months. In some areas, more than three times the normal
of the worlds population lives along riverbanks, deltas, and seacoasts, where dev-
annual rainfall had occurred by June 1993. Soil moisture was therefore at saturation
astating floods are a natural, common process.
point for essentially the entire region, and reservoirs were at or near maximum ca-
Most rivers experience seasonal flooding in which waters overflow their banks
pacity. Following this unusually wet spring, excessive precipitation persisted through
Flooding and spread out over the floodplain. Exceptional high water can cause extensive
June and July. Eighty percent of the upper basin received more than 200% normal
flooding over thousands of square kilometers (Figure 12.36). This type of flooding
rainfall for July, and 30% of the area received more than 400%. The flood occurred
results because rivers that flow over the lowlands and deltas tend to build up high
because the soil throughout the region was saturated, and there was literally no stor-
natural levees; the river channel is actually higher than the surrounding area.
age capacity in the ground for the incredible amounts of rainfall during the summer.
Ultimately, a river may break through its levee and develop a new course to the
Recorded history bears grim witness to the destruction flooding can bring.
sea. Such a breakthrough usually occurs in the delta region of a river where
Bangladesh, a country built almost entirely on the huge delta of the Ganges and
numerous distributaries form over a period of time.
Brahmaputra rivers, experienced its worst flood of many this century, in which more
The flood in the upper Mississippi River Basin in 1993 was the greatest flood
than 60% of the country (140,000 km2) was under water. More than 2000 people
disaster in U.S. history. Property damage exceeded $10 billion, and millions of
died and 45 million were uprooted and displaced (Figure 12.37). A similar story is
acres of productive farmland were under water for weeks. To understand the
told for other great deltas of the world.The Hwang (Yellow) River in China, for ex-
details of this event, take a moment and study the satellite images of the region
ample, periodically overflows its natural levees, causing destruction and misery. In
around St. Louis, Missouri (Figure 12.36). The geologic setting of the upper
1887, floodwaters covered more than 130,000 km2 of the deltas surface, with an es-
Mississippi River Basin is strikingly different from that of the lower basin. In the
timated loss of life exceeding 1,000,000. In 1991, 200,000 km2 were flooded; 2000
upper basin, the Mississippi River and its major tributaries (the Missouri and Illi-
people died and 1,000,000 were made homeless. The Chinese know all too well the
nois) flow through relatively deep, narrow valleys throughout much of their
process of flooding in the deltas of their two great rivers, yet they have no choice but
course, and their floodplains are like long narrow trenches bounded by steep
to live in the floodplains that have nurtured Chinese civilization for centuries.
bluffs. In the lower basin, the floodplain is much wider and is able to accommo-

(A) The region around St. Louis, Missouri, on July 4, 1988, when the (B) The same area on July 18, 1993, at the peak of the flood, when the
area was experiencing a drought. Mississippi River was 5 m above flood level.

FIGURE 12.36 The 1993 flood in the Mississippi River Basin covered vast areas of the floodplain. (Courtesy of Earth Satellite FIGURE 12.37 Floods of the Ganges River of Bangladesh are caused by the monsoons, which occur between June and September each year.
Corporation/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.) Floods inundate the low-lying delta of the river. (Brian Blake/John Hillelson Agency)
330 Chapter 12 River Systems 331

Flash Floods Lena

Flash floods are local, sudden, short-lived floods in which great volumes of water
rush downstream at high velocities. They frequently occur in the upper reaches of
a river, especially in mountain valleys. Flash floods are a major process in developing
alluvial fans. Ordinarily, they are caused by brief but heavy rainfall (a cloudburst) 60
that transforms even a dry streambed into a rushing torrent of water and mud.
Flash floods are especially likely to occur in regions that have narrow, deeply incised
valleys where the river channel is so restricted that an exceptionally high wave of Tigris-
floodwater develops and rushes downstream with tremendous force. Disaster can Euphrates
30 Mississippi
strike with lightning speed. In the narrow canyons of Zion National Park in Utah, Yangtze
it is not uncommon for a summer storm to cause the river level to rise 30 m.
The flash flood on the Big Thompson River that drains part of the Colorado Indus
Ganges Mekong
Rockies near Denver is a classic example. Spawned by 25 to 30 cm of rainfall from Amazon
a violent cloudburst on the night of July 31August 1, 1976, the downpour trans-
formed a small mountain stream into a raging torrent of muddy water. The wall of
water swept down the canyon, demolishing nearly everything in its path, including
canyon highways, bridges, homes, and commercial buildings. At least 150 people
perished and property damage exceeded $50 million.
It is clear that the greatest cause of flood damage is the choice (or necessity) of
humans to build near rivers. Flooding is a natural geologic process that has be- 100 2000 106 tons/year
come a hazard to humans only since they have built and developed communities
in mountain valleys, floodplains, and deltas.
FIGURE 12.38 The worlds largest
Low surface runoff is not confined to the low-latitude deserts, however. Large rivers transport vast volumes of sediment,
RIVERS, CLIMATES, AND PLATE TECTONICS river systems are not found in the polar regions of North America and Europe. most of which is deposited as huge deltas.
There are several reasons for this. First, these areas were covered with glaciers The size of the deltas is partially controlled
by climate. Most of the large rivers are in the
during the ice age, which ended only a few thousand years ago. Previous drainage
The evolution of the major rivers of the world is influenced directly and tropics or originate in the tropics where
systems were obliterated as the glaciers expanded over the region, and there has precipitation is highest (red higest to purple
indirectly by plate tectonics and by climate zones.
not been sufficient time for new integrated drainage systems to develop. Second, lowest precipitation).This size of the circles
large tracts of the polar regions are, in fact, arid and have low precipitation (see Fig- shows the annual discharge of sediment for
In previous sections of this chapter, we considered river systems on a local basis: ure 12.1 and Figure 9.5). the largest drainage systems of the world.
How is the distribution of major rivers how they erode, transport, and deposit material. The major rivers of the world Humid areas underlain by porous limestone have poor drainage because solu-
related to climate? have other features, of a much larger scale, that are related to the global patterns tion activity develops a network of subterranean caverns and enlarged fractures,
of the hydrologic and tectonic. which divert the drainage to the subsurface. Many of these areas have no inte-
grated drainage systems, despite their humid climate. Parts of Kentucky, Florida,
Climate and River Systems. A glance at a drainage map of the world may give and Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula are in this category. Large rivers do not develop
a first impression that the drainage of the continents is haphazard and unsystematic. on tropical islands because the catchment areas are too small even though rainfall
Rivers appear to flow in any direction, in an almost unlimited variety of patterns. is very high.
Upon further study, however, some system becomes apparent in the locations of
the major rivers, their tributaries, and the patterns they form. River Systems and Plate Tectonics. Plate tectonics is a fundamental factor in
Figure 12.38 shows the locations of the worlds major rivers and the relative the origin and evolution of Earths major river systems. As shown in Figure
sizes of their deltas. The major rivers are found on broad, gently sloping platforms 12.39, tectonics can influence rivers in a variety of ways. The most obvious is
that lie near the equator where there is maximum rainfall (see Figure 9.5). Like- that tectonism creates the principal relief of continents such as mountain melts
wise, the sizes of the deltas formed at the mouths of the major rivers of the world along plate margins and continental tilt. The convergence of the Pacific plates
are controlled by the size of the drainage basins, elevation of the land, and climate with North and South America produced a long linear mountain belt.with an
(which controls the amount of surface runoff). Maximum sediment load occurs in eastward continental tilt. The result is that most of the drainage of the Americas
large rivers that drain mountainous topography in a humid climate. The worlds is a sample pattern away from the converging margin toward the passive margins
largest deltas are built by the Amazon, Tigris-Euphrates, Ganges, Mekong, and of the Atlantic Ocean (purple arrows). The Amazon River of South America
Hwang Ho. In addition, there is a common association of many rivers with a sub- and the pre-glacial drainage of North America are classic examples of this type
marine canyon and a huge submarine fan built out onto the abyssal plains in the of tectonic control. Perhaps this was the most common drainage pattern in the
deep-ocean basin. A submarine fan, like a delta built at a river mouth, is an indi- geologic past.
cation of the vast amount of erosion accomplished by the work of a river system. Even more impressive are the mountains and highlands extending from France
It is also apparent from Figure 12.38 that large areas of the continents do not to the South China Sea, a distance of more than 13,000 km. This highland result-
have major river systems. Arid and semiarid low-latitude deserts, such as the Sa- ed from India and Africa impinging on Eurasia. This created a subradial drainage
hara in North Africa, the Kalahari in South Africa, and the great desert in Australia, of the great rivers of Asia (purple). In fact, seven of the ten largest rivers originate
are the most obvious examples (see Figure 9.20). Sand seas cover much of them. in the Himalayan orogenic belt.
332 Chapter 12 River Systems 333

Associated with continent-to-continent collision are depressions or basins, down-

warps of the crust, parallel to the mountain belt. Drainage commonly develops in
the downwarp parallel to the axis of the mountain belt. The Ganges, Indus, Tigris-
Euphrates, and Danube are good examples (red arrows). 60
Continental rifting is one of the most direct and obvious ways in which drainage
can be modified by plate tectonics. The most recent rivers generated by rifting are
those associated with the African Rift Valleys (black arrows) and the Red Sea.
Older rift-generated drainages are the rivers flowing down the escarpments formed
when Pangaea broke up and the various continental fragments drifted apart. The
rift-generated rivers are commonly associated with basalt extruded along the rift
system.The great escarpments along the west coast of India, southern and western
Africa, and the eastern coast of South America, as well as eastern Australia were
formed during the breakup of Pangaea and rivers flowing down the shoulders of 0

the escarpments are among the oldest rivers in the world.

Modification of Basic River Pattern. Many exceptions and modifications to this

basic pattern are influenced by tectonics. Continental rifting effectively beheads or
dismembers a previously established river system. Also, if rifting or subsidence
occurs in the shield or platform, it will tend to focus and orient the trunk system
of the drainage. Examples are the lower Niger, Amazon, Parana, and lower
Mississippi rivers.
Indirectly, the tectonics of a continent influence drainage patterns because fold-
ed rocks produced by crustal deformation create zones of alternating hard and Away from convergent plate margin Away from escarpments Convergent plate margin
soft rock, parallel to the trend of the mountain belt. Headward erosion follows the Foreland basin or strong structural control Rift-related escarpments Mid-ocean ridge
zones of weakness and modifies the pattern so that large segments of a river flow Relic drainage to Tethys Sea
parallel to the structural trends of the folded mountain belt.The Mekong (Vietnam) FIGURE 12.39 The relationship
and Irrawaddy (Burma) rivers in Southeast Asia are examples. system originated. Very few rivers (and certainly no major ones) begin or end between river systems and plate tectonics is
Volcanic activity is another method by which the tectonic system modifies a without some relationship to the drainage system that preceded them. Instead, a shown on this map of plate boundaries and
rivers drainage pattern. Extrusion of flood basalts can obliterate the preexisting drainage system continually evolves by headward erosion and stream capture, the flow direction of the major rivers.
Do rivers have histories? How is the his- drainage system.A new pattern is then established on the volcanic surface or along Convergent plate boundaries (purple
adjustment to the structure of the underlying rocks, and modifications related to arrows) have had the greatest influence on
tory of a river related to plate tectonics? the margins of the flows. marine transgressions, continental glaciation, desert sand, and continental rifting. the drainage of Eurasia and the Americas
The drifting of a continent into a new climatic zone is yet another way in which As the system continually evolves, each period of its history inherits something where drainage is away from the mountain
tectonic activity modifies a river system. As a continent drifts into the low lati- from the preceding conditions. The reason rivers continue to evolve is that the belt on the convergent margin. Downwarped
tudes, precipitation is greatly reduced, and wind-blown sand can completely cover hydrologic system is continuous. Uplift of a mountain belt cannot divert or change basins and tightly folded mountain belts
large parts of the previously established drainage. Proof of this type of modifica- create drainage parallel to the orogenic belt
the course of a river because a river has the capacity to downcut its channel much (red arrows). Divergent plate margins
tion was recently discovered in radar images of parts of the Sahara, made during faster than uplift occurs. A rivers history is a history of the landscape over which commonly create drainage away from the rift
a flight of the space shuttle Columbia (Figure 12.40).These images show a large and it flows. system (black arrows).
extensive ancient drainage system now buried beneath the sand. In all probability, the great Amazon is not the largest river the world has seen.
The drifting of continents into cold climatic zones may cause similar destruction Larger rivers probably drained Pangaea, the ancient landmass that existed about
of a substantial part of the drainage system if glaciers develop and cover the con- 200 million years ago, before the present continents were outlined and drifted
tinent. Continental glaciation obliterates the drainage system beneath it and forces apart. The ancestral Congo, for example, could have flowed across South Ameri-
the major rivers to establish a new course along the margins of the ice. After the ca before rifting.
continental ice sheet retreats, a new and complex drainage pattern is integrated
through a system of overflowing ponds and lakes.
FIGURE 12.40 Ancient river systems
in the Sahara Desert are now buried under
Age of Rivers. The age and history of a river system are fundamental questions, sand but are revealed by radar imagery made
but the answers may be difficult to determine. We may consider the time of the during a flight of the space shuttle.
origin of a river to be the earliest date at which a continuous system drained the On a satellite image, the present sand desert
surface is yellowish orange (top) and gives
region in question.We may consider a river to date from the last marine regression,
no hint of a river drainage. The black-and-
the last significant tectonic uplift, the termination of lava extrusion, or the waning white radar image cutting diagonally across
of an ice sheet.All produce new surfaces upon which a drainage system may evolve. the picture on the right covers an area about
A river could be terminated by a new marine invasion, new tectonism, glaciation, 50 km wide and 300 km long. The largest
volcanic extrusion, or expansion of a sand sea, but it is not always that simple. In valley on the image is as wide as the present
Nile River valley and represents millions of
fact, some of todays major river systems may date back to the early Cenozoic Era,
years of erosion when the Sahara had a
40 to 50 million years ago. much wetter climate. (Courtesy of U.S.
However, various parts of a river system originate and evolve at different times Geological Survey)
and in different ways, so we cannot establish a precise time when an entire river
River Systems 335

GeoLogic Russias Lena River Delta
abrasion (p. 310) delta (p. 322) gradient (p. 302) stream piracy (p. 312)
alluvial fan (p. 326) dendritic drainage pattern headward erosion (p. 311) stream terrace (p. 321)
avulsion (p. 323) (p. 299) longitudinal profile (p. 302) superposed stream (p. 313)
backswamp (p. 319) discharge (p. 302) meander (p. 317) suspended load (p. 303)
base level (p. 304) dispersing system (p. 301) natural levee (p. 319) threshold velocity (p. 304)
bed load (p. 303) dissolved load (p. 304) oxbow lake (p. 317) transporting system (p. 300)
bird-foot delta (p. 325) distributary (p. 301) point bar (p. 317) trellis drainage pattern
braided stream (p. 320) divide (p. 299) pothole (p. 310) (p. 313)
capacity (p. 304) downcutting (p. 310) river system (p. 299) tributary (p. 299)
collecting system (p. 299) drainage basin (p. 299) saltating (p. 303) turbulent flow (p. 303)
competence (p. 304) floodplain (p. 317) slope retreat (p. 321) yazoo stream (p. 319)
crevasse (p. 322) graded stream (p. 305) splay (p. 322)

1. Explain the reasons for concluding that stream action (run- 12. Describe the steps involved in the growth of a stream mean-
ning water) is the most important process of erosion on der and the formation of an oxbow lake.
Earth. 13. How does a point bar develop?
2. Describe and illustrate the three major subsystems of a 14. Explain the origin of natural levees.
river. 15. What conditions are conducive to the development of
3. Draw a diagram showing the general nature of transportation braided streams?
of (a) bed load, (b) suspended load, and (c) dissolved load. 16. Describe and illustrate the steps in the development of
4. Explain the role of flow velocity in the transportation and stream terraces.
deposition of stream sediment. 17. Explain how a delta is built where a stream enters a lake or
5. Explain the concept of equilibrium in river systems, and cite the sea.
several examples of how streams adjust to attain equilibrium. 18. Outline the history of the Mississippi Delta.
6. How does urbanization affect surface runoff? 19. Make a series of sketches to show the form of a delta in
7. Explain how a stream cuts a valley through solid bedrock. which (a) fluvial processes dominate, (b) wave processes
8. What is headward erosion? Why does it occur? dominate, and (c) tidal processes dominate.
9. Explain the process of stream piracy, and cite examples of 20. Explain how an alluvial fan is built.
how it modifies a drainage system. 21. What role does climate play in shaping river systems?
10. How does a stream system grow longer? 22. Contrast the nature of a river system that flows from a
11. Name and describe the important landforms associated mountain belt toward a convergent plate margin and one
with floodplain deposits. that flows toward a passive continental margin.

The delta of the Lena River in northern Russia clearly Interpretations Bloom, A. L. 1998. Geomorphology. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Knighton, D. 1998. Fluvial Forms and Processes: A New Perspec-
shows many of the processes of delta building. Sediment The Lena Delta is dominated by fluvial processes. As the Prentice Hall. tive. London: Edward Arnold.
picked up by a huge tributary system flows as much as 4,000 river encounters the ocean, its velocity slows and the clas- Chorley, R. J., S. A. Schumm, and D. E. Sugden. 1984. Geomor- Ollier, C. D. 1981. Chapter 12 in Tectonics and Landforms. Lon-
km before it is deposited here as a large fan-shaped delta. phology. London: Methuen. don: Longman.
tic sediment it carries drops out to make channel mouth
Easterbrook, D. J. 1999. Surface Processes and Landforms. Richards, K. 1982. Rivers. New York: Methuen.
bars that split the channel and create a branching system of Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Ritter, D. F. 1985. Process Geomorphology. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown.
Observations distributaries. Avulsion moves the course of the major
1.The river freezes over during the winter, but during spring stream and, as a result, the focal point of deposition moves
high runoff transports large volumes of sediment. back and forth across the delta. Today, the eastern part of MULTIMEDIA TOOLS
2.The seasonal fluctuation in stream runoff plus the load of the Lena delta is most active and the northwestern part has
been abandoned.The inactive part of the delta has been re- Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
coarse gravel develop braided stream channels.
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
3. Channel bars are abundant and numerous distributary shaped over into a series of irregular ponds by the repeat-
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
bars develop where the river channel approaches the sea. ed freezing and thawing, swelling and collapsing, of the
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
4. When the major river channel shifts part of the delta be- water-saturated sediment. Unseen in this vertical view, is
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of floodplain processes
comes inactive and no additional sediment is deposited. the thick (1 to 5 km) wedge of clastic sediment that has ac-
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Video clips of flooded river valleys
Numerous small lakes associated with permafrost activ- cumulated on the continental margin. Deltas are major sed-
imentary environments that contribute to the continuing Quantitative Problems Slide shows with examples of river erosion and deposition
ity form on the abandoned part of the delta (on the west).
5.The Arctic Ocean is frozen during the long winter so wave growth of the continents. Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
action along the delta front is limited. Courtesy U.S. Geological Survey and EROS Data Center Web Resources

13 Groundwater
The movement of water in the pore spaces of rocks beneath Earths surface is a geologic
process that is not easily observed and therefore not readily appreciated; however, ground-
water is an integral part of the hydrologic system and a vital natural resource. Groundwater
is not rare or unusual. It is distributed everywhere beneath the surface of Earth. It occurs
not only in humid areas, but also beneath desert regions, under the frozen polar regions,
and in high mountain ranges. In many areas, the amount of water seeping into the ground
equals or exceeds the surface runoff.
In many ways, groundwater systems are like river systems. For each there is a collecting
system, transporting system, and a dispersal or discharge system. For groundwater, the col-
lection area is the zone of recharge where surface water enters the subsurface. The path fol-
lowed by the slowly moving groundwater is controlled by permeability and porosity of the

rocks in an aquifer. Along the flow path, groundwater, like river water, picks up materials
and transports them. In groundwater systems, most of the transported materials are carried
away as ions dissolved in water. Finally, like a river, a groundwater system has a discharge
zone where the water comes back to the surface or enters a lake, river, or ocean. This pho-
tograph shows such a discharge zone on the walls of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Even
though this is an arid region, where only a few tens of centimeters of rain fall each year,
there is enough recharge that a spring has formed on the steep canyon wall and feeds luxu-
riant vegetation around it. See Figure 13.13 for a cross-section through the formation which
gives rise to this spring.
In this chapter we will study groundwater systems: how water moves through various
types of pore spaces in the rock and how it forms karst topography, caves, and cave
deposits. You will see that groundwater is related to surface drainage and how it erodes
and deposits material to change loose sand into sandstone and fallen tree trunks into
petrified wood. We will then consider how we use groundwater, this most precious natural
resource, and how we attempt to cope with the environmental problems that result when
we modify and manipulate this part of the hydrologic system.

1. Groundwater is an integral part of the hydrologic system, and it is intimately
related to surface water drainage.
2. The movement of groundwater is controlled largely by the porosity and
permeability of the rocks through which it flows.
3. The water table is the upper surface of the zone of saturation.
4. Groundwater moves slowly through the pore spaces in rock.
5. The natural discharge of groundwater is generally into springs, streams,
marshes, and lakes.
6. Aquifers are saturated permeable rocks; they may be confined between im-
permeable layers or unconfined and open to the surface.
7. Erosion by groundwater produces karst topography, which is characterized
by caves, sinkholes, solution valleys, and disappearing streams. Precipitation
of minerals from groundwater creates deposits in caves and along fractures
and cements many kinds of clastic sedimentary rocks.
8. Alteration of the groundwater can produce many unforeseen problems, such
as pollution, subsidence, collapse, and disruption of ecosystems.


Two physical properties of a rock largely control the amount and movement
of groundwater. One is porosity, the percentage of the total volume of the
rock consisting of voids. The other is permeability, the capacity of a rock to
transmit fluids.

Groundwater is not stagnant and motionless. Rather, it is a dynamic part of

the hydrologic system, in constant motion, and is intimately related to surface
drainage. Gravity is the principal driving force for the flow of groundwater.
Moreover, like other parts of the hydrologic system (rivers and glaciers), the
groundwater system is an open system. Water enters the system when surface
water infiltrates the ground (recharge); water moves through the system by
percolating through the pore spaces of rock and ultimately leaves the system
by seeping into streams, springs or lakes (discharge). Along this flow path,
groundwater does geologic workmostly as a result of solution or precipita-
tion of rock. The characteristics of the material through which the water moves
are fundamental controls on the groundwater system.

Water can infiltrate the subsurface because solid bedrockas well as loose
soil, sand, and gravelcontains pore spaces. There are four main types of pore
Permeable Flow spaces, or voids, in rocks (Figure 13.1): (1) spaces between mineral grains, (2)
fractures, (3) solution cavities, and (4) vesicles. In sand and gravel deposits,
pore space can constitute from 12% to 45% of the total volume. If several
grain sizes are abundant and the smaller grains fill the space between larger
grains, or if a significant amount of cementing material fills the spaces be-
tween grains, the porosity is greatly reduced. All rocks are cut by fractures, and
in some dense rocks (such as granite), fractures are the only significant pore
spaces (Figure 13.1). Solution activity, especially in limestone, commonly re-
moves soluble material, forming pits and holes. Some limestones thus have
high porosity. As water moves along joints and bedding planes in limestone,
solution activity enlarges fractures in the rock and develops passageways that
may grow to become caves. In basalts and other volcanic rocks, vesicles formed

Groundwater Systems 339

Vesicles and Solution cavities Space between Space between Fractures

fractures in in limestone 30% grains in grains in in granite
basalt 3040% cemented conglomerate < 1%
sandstone 5% 20%






FIGURE 13.1 Various types of pore spaces in rocks permit the flow of groundwater.

by trapped gas bubbles significantly affect porosity. Vesicles commonly are

concentrated near the top of a lava flow and form zones of very high porosi-
ty; these zones can be interconnected by columnar joints or through the voids
in cinders and rubble at the top and base of the flow.

Permeability, the capacity of a rock to transmit a fluid, varies with the fluids
viscosity, hydrostatic pressure, the size of openings, and particularly the degree
to which the openings are interconnected. If the pore spaces are very small, a
rock can have high porosity but low permeability because it is difficult for How can a rock be highly porous and
water to move through small openings. still have low permeability?
Rocks that commonly have high permeability are conglomerates, sand-
stones, basalt, and certain limestones. Permeability in sandstones and con-
glomerates is high because of the relatively large, interconnected pore spaces
between the grains. Basalt is permeable because it is often extensively frac-
tured by columnar jointing and because the tops of most flows are vesicular.
Fractured limestones are also permeable, as are limestones in which solution
activity has created many small cavities. Rocks that have low permeability are
shale, unfractured granite, quartzite, and other dense, crystalline metamor-
phic rocks.
Water moves through the available pore spaces following a tortuous path
as the flow twists and turns through the tiny voids. Whatever the permeabili-
ty of the rock, groundwater flows slowly and the flow is laminar. Thus, the
flow of groundwater contrasts sharply with the turbulent flow of rivers. Where-
as the flow velocity of water in rivers is measured in kilometers per hour, the
flow velocity of groundwater commonly ranges from 1 m/day to 1 m/yr. The
rate of percolation in exceptionally permeable material is only 250 m/day.
Some water takes more than a million years to move from recharge to dis-
charge zone. Only in special cases, such as the flow of water in caves, does the
movement of groundwater even approach the velocity of slow-moving sur-
face streams.
340 Chapter 13


The water table is the upper surface of the zone of saturation. Aquifers are
Zone of
aeration saturated permeable rocks; they may be open or confined.

As water seeps into the ground, gravity pulls it downward through two zones
of soil and rock. In the upper zone, the pore spaces in the rocks are only partly
filled with water, and the water forms thin films, clinging to grains by surface
tension. This zone, in which pore space is filled partly with air and partly with
Zone of water, is the zone of aeration. Below a certain level, all of the openings in the
saturation rock are completely filled with water (Figure 13.2). This area is called the zone
of saturation. The water table, which is the upper surface of the zone of
saturation, is an important element in the groundwater system. It may be only
a meter or so deep in humid regions, but it might be hundreds or even
thousands of meters below the surface in deserts. In swamps and lakes, the
water table is essentially at the land surface (Figure 13.3). Although the water
table cannot be observed directly, it has been studied and mapped with data
FIGURE 13.2 The water table is the collected from wells, springs, and surface drainage. In addition, the movement
upper surface of the zone of saturation. of groundwater has been studied by means of radioactive isotopes, dyes,
Water seeps into the ground through pore and other tracers, so extensive knowledge of this invisible body of water has
spaces in rock and soil. It passes first through been acquired.
the zone of aeration, in which the pore
A permeable zone or formation that is saturated with water is known as
spaces are occupied by both air and water,
and then into the zone of saturation, in an aquifer (Figure 13.4). Aquifers are filled, or recharged, as surface water
which all of the pore spaces are filled with seeps downward through the zone of aeration. An unconfined aquifer is con-
water. The depth of the water table varies nected to the surface by open pore spaces through which it can be recharged,
with climate and amount of precipitation. as shown in Figure 13.3. In an unconfined aquifer, the amount of water is in-
dicated by the height of the water table. Saturated zones in surficial deposits
of sand and gravel are commonly unconfined aquifers. They can easily be con-
taminated by fluids at the surface. At considerable depths, all pore spaces in
the rocks are closed by high pressure, and there is no free water. This is the
lower limit, or base, of a groundwater system (Figure 13.5). Several important
generalizations can be made about the water table and its relation to surface
topography and surface drainage (Figure 13.3). In general, the water table
tends to mimic the surface topography. In flat country, the water table is flat.
What is the general configuration of the In areas of rolling hills, it rises and falls with the surface of the land. The rea-
water table? son is that groundwater moves very slowly, so the water table rises in the areas
beneath the hills during periods of greater precipitation but takes a long time
to flatten out during droughts.
In humid areas, the water table is at the surface in lakes, swamps, and most
streams, and water moves in the subsurface toward these areas, following the
general paths shown in Figure 13.3. In arid regions, however, most streams lie
above the water table, so they lose much of their water through seepage. Where
impermeable layers (such as shale) occur within the zone of aeration, the
groundwater is trapped above the general water table, forming a local perched
water table. If a perched water table extends to the side of a valley, springs and
seeps occur.
Confined aquifers are permeable rock units enclosed within impermeable
strata such as shales (see Figure 13.9). Confined aquifers typically lie deep
below the surface but are recharged in highlands where the permeable rocks
are exposed. A sandstone aquifer that extends under much of the upper mid-
western states of Iowa and Missouri is recharged hundreds of kilometers to the
north in Wisconsin, where the permeable rocks outcrop at the surface. The
water pressure in a confined aquifer can reach high levels. Water does not leak
readily into a confined aquifer directly downward from the surface.
Groundwater Systems 341

Impermeable Spring
bed Perched

Wate n
rtable io
le at
ab ur
rt t
ate sa
Zon Zo
e of

bed Perched

FIGURE 13.3 The movement of groundwater in an

unconfined aquifer is directed toward areas of least
pressure. In the idealized system depicted here,
groundwater moves downward to the water table (by the
pull of gravity) and then moves toward areas of lower
pressure. The configuration of the water table has a strong
influence on the direction of movement. In most areas,
the water table is a subdued replica of the topography.
The enlarged view shows high and low areas in the water
table much like the hills and valleys on the surface.
Differences in the height of the water table cause
r tab
differences in the pressure on water in the zone of ate
saturation. Water thus moves downward, beneath the high W
Wa n
ter io
areas of the water table (because of the higher pressure), tabl at
and upward, beneath the low areas. Water can also flow tur
across the surface of the water table. It commonly seeps
Zon of
into streams, lakes, and swamps, where the water table is e of
satu ne
near the surface. In humid areas, as represented here, the ratio Zo
surface of a lake may represent the water table (right side
of block diagram). In this case, a stream gains water from
groundwater. A line of springs and seeps commonly
occurs where an impermeable rock layer creates a
perched water table.


Groundwater moves from zones of high pressure to zones of lower


In an unconfined aquifer, the difference in elevation between parts of the water

table is known as the hydraulic head. These pressure differences cause the water
in the aquifer to follow the paths illustrated in Figure 13.3. If we could trace the
path of a particle of water, we would find that gravity slowly pulls it through the
zone of aeration to the water table. When a particle encounters the water table, it
342 Chapter 13

y yy Aquifers in:
Glacial till
Unconsolidated sand or gravel
Semiconsolidated sand
Carbonate rock
Volcanic rock

FIGURE 13.4 The major aquifers of the United States are shown on this map. Each aquifer consists of permeable rocks.
Much of the countrys drinking water and water for irrigation is extracted from these reservoirs. For some aquifers, extraction
is faster than recharge. (Modified after U.S. Geological Survey)

continues to move downward, by the pull of gravity, along curved paths from areas
Depth (m)
Water table
where the water table is high toward areas where it is low (lakes, streams, and
swamps). The explanation for this seemingly indirect flow is that the water table
0 is not a solid surface like the ground surface. Water at any given point below the
water table beneath a hill is under greater pressure than water at the same eleva-
tion below the lower water table in a valley. Groundwater therefore moves down-
ward and toward points of less pressure.
50 Although these paths of groundwater movement may seem indirect, they con-
form to the laws of fluid physics and have been mapped in many areas by tracing
Fractured the movement of dye injected into the system. The movement of the dye reveals
a continuous, slow circulation of groundwater, from infiltration at the surface to
100 seepage into streams, rivers, and lakes.


150 bedrock
Natural discharge of the groundwater reservoir occurs wherever the water
table intersects the surface of the ground. In general, such places are
inconspicuous, typically occurring in the channels of streams and on the
floors and banks of marshes and lakes. This discharge is the major link
between groundwater reservoirs and other parts of the hydrologic system.
FIGURE 13.5 The base of an
unconfined groundwater reservoir is not an
abrupt surface like the water table. Most of The natural discharge of groundwater into streams, lakes, and marshes is the major
the groundwater reservoir is in porous link between groundwater reservoirs and other parts of the hydrologic system
regolith and bedrock. Different rock types (Figure 13.6). If it were not for groundwater discharge, many permanent streams
have substantially different porosities and would be dry during parts of the year. Most natural discharge is into streams and
permeabilities. Open pores gradually close
with depth, so the base of the reservoir
lakes and, therefore, usually goes unnoticed. It is detected and measured directly
varies from place to place. by comparing the volume of precipitation with the volume of surface runoff.
Groundwater Systems 343
(A) A line of springs develops on valley walls where
impermeable beds cause groundwater in permeable layers to
migrate laterally and eventually to seep out at the surface. They
are commonly marked by an abnormal growth of vegetation.


Permeable beds

(B) Springs form along valley slopes where cavernous limestone

permits the free flow of groundwater to the surface.


(C) Many faults displace rocks so that impermeable beds are

placed next to permeable beds. A spring line commonly results
as groundwater migrates upward along a fault.


(D) Surface water readily seeps into vesicular and jointed basalt
flows. It then migrates laterally and forms springs where basalt
units are exposed in canyon walls.


FIGURE 13.6 Springs can be produced under a variety of geologic conditions, some of which are illustrated in the block diagrams here. They are
natural discharges of the groundwater reservoir and introduce a significant volume of water to surface runoff.
344 Chapter 13

Artificial discharge results from the extraction of water from wells, which are
made by simply digging or drilling holes into the zone of saturation. Many thou-
sands of wells have been drilled, so in some areas artificial discharge has modified
the groundwater system. Indeed, in some areas, more water is removed from the
groundwater system by artificial discharge than is added by natural recharge, and
the level of the water table drops.

Natural Discharge
Several geologic conditions that produce natural discharge in the form of seeps and
springs are shown in Figure 13.6. If permeable beds alternate with impermeable lay-
ers (Figure 13.6A), the groundwater is forced to move laterally to the outcrop of
What geologic conditions produce the permeable bed. Conditions such as this usually are found in mesas and plateaus
natural springs? where permeable sandstones are interbedded with impermeable shales.The spring
line commonly is marked by a line of vegetation. Figure 13.6B shows a limestone
terrain in which springs occur where the base of the cavernous limestone outcrops.
Kentuckys Mammoth Cave area is a good example. Figure 13.6C shows springs
along a fault that produces an avenue of greater permeability. Faults frequently dis-
place strata for significant distances; thus, impermeable beds, which block the flow
of groundwater, may be displaced along a fault so that they are positioned against
permeable rocks.The water then moves up along the fault plane and forms springs
along the fault line. Many of the great spas of Europe depend upon springs origi-
nating on faults. Figure 13.6D shows lava formations that outcrop along the sides
of a canyon. Springs develop because groundwater migrates readily through the
layers of vesicular and jointed basalt. Note that surface drainage disappears as the
water flows over the lava plain.
An excellent example of this last type of discharge is found in the Thousand
Springs area of southern Idaho, where numerous springs occur along the sides of
the Snake River Canyon (Figure 13.7). This region is a vast lava plain extending
across the entire southern part of the state. It was built up by innumerable flows
L i t tl

B ig
o st




Sn n Idaho Falls
ake ai

Thousand Springs Pocatello

Twin Falls 0 50

(A) Drainage in the tributaries to the Snake River (B) The springs issue from the north wall of the canyon and are fed by
is influenced by the high porosity and permeability water that flowed underground.
of the basaltic bedrock (gray).

FIGURE 13.7 Thousand Springs along the Snake River Canyon, Idaho, are fed by water that seeps into the basaltic lava
plain about 200 km to the northeast.The major tributaries coming from the north lose their entire volume of water by seepage
into the subsurface, and the rivers simply end. Much of the groundwater reappears to form the spectacular Thousand Springs.
Groundwater Systems 345

of basaltic lava, with some interbedded sand and gravel deposited in streams
and lakes that occupied the region during the intervals between volcanic erup-
tions. The porosity and permeability of these basaltic rocks are remarkably high.
Porosity is produced by columnar joints and vesicular texture in the basalt and
by pore space in zones of rubble at the tops and bottoms of the basalt flows. In
addition, porosity is naturally high in lava tubes and in layers of unconsolidated
coarse sand and gravel between some flows. In terms of permeability, the rock
sequence is almost like a sieve. The Snake River lies near the southern margin
of the lava-covered plain, so tributary streams coming from the mountains to
the north are forced to flow across the plain before they can join the Snake (Fig-
ure 13.7A). Only one river actually completes the short journey. The rest end
after flowing a short distance across the plain; they lose their entire volume of
water by seepage into the subsurface. Two of the main would-be tributaries are
known as Big Lost and Little Lost Rivers. The groundwater returns to the sur-
face in a series of spectacular springs approximately 200 km downstream. The
largest and best known are the Thousand Springs just west of Twin Falls, Idaho
(Figure 13.7B). These springs clearly show the tremendous movement of ground-
water as they discharge about 1500 m3/sec (nearly 37,000 gal/sec). The visible
springs issue from a layer of vesicular basalt 50 m above the river. However, the
volume of water that seeps into the Snake River in a less-spectacular fashion
below the banks is no doubt many times as great. So much water comes from
the Thousand Springs area that an electric power plant has been built on the site
to use the energy.

WellsArtificial Discharge
Ordinary wells are made simply by digging or drilling holes through the zone of
aeration into the zone of saturation, as shown in Figure 13.8. Water then flows
out of the pores into the well, filling it to the level of the water table. When a well What is the cone of depression in the
is pumped, the water table is drawn down around the well in the shape of a cone, water table? How is it produced?
known as the cone of depression. If water is withdrawn faster than it can be re-
plenished, the cone of depression continues to grow, and the well ultimately goes
dry. The cone of depression around large wells, such as those used by cities and
industrial plants, can be many hundreds of meters in diameter. All wells within
the cone of depression are affected (Figure 13.8). This undesirable condition has Drawdown
been the cause of water wars, fought physically and in the courts. Because
groundwater is not fixed in one place, as mineral deposits are, it is difficult to
determine who owns it. Many disputes are now being arbitrated using comput-

Water table Minor


Cone of
Major depression

Cone of

FIGURE 13.8 A cone of depression in a water table results if water is withdrawn from a well faster than it can be replenished. The cone can
extend for hundreds of meters around large, deep wells and effectively lower the water table over a large area. Shallow wells nearby then run dry
because they lie above the lowered water table.
346 Chapter 13

er models that simulate subsurface conditions such as permeability, direction of

flow, and level of the water table. The models predict what changes will occur in
the groundwater system if given amounts of water are drawn out of a well over
specified times.
Extensive pumping can lower the general surface of the water table. This effect
has had serious consequences in some metropolitan areas in the southwestern
United States, such as Phoenix, Arizona, where the water table has fallen hun-
dreds of meters. The supply of groundwater is limited. Although the groundwater
reservoir is being continually replenished by precipitation, the migration of ground-
water is so slow that it can take hundreds of years to raise a water table to its for-
mer position of balance with the hydrologic system.


Water in a confined aquifer lies between impermeable beds and is

under pressure, like water in a pipe. Where a well or fracture intersects the
aquifer, water rises in the opening to reach the potentiometric surface and
may produce a flowing (or artesian) well.

A very important type of groundwater occurs in a confined aquifer where a per-

meable rock body confined between impermeable beds, where it is under pres-
sure. A well drilled into such an aquifer will commonly allow water to rise and
flow freely without pumping. The name artesian was originally applied to flowing
wells in a French province along the English Channel, where this condition is com-
mon. The necessary geologic conditions for artesian water, illustrated in Figure
13.9, include the following:
1. The rock sequence must contain interbedded permeable and impermeable
strata to create a confined aquifer. This sequence occurs commonly in na-
ture as interbedded sandstone and shale. Permeable beds form the aquifers.
2. The rocks must be tilted and exposed in an elevated area where water can
infiltrate into the aquifer.
3. Sufficient precipitation and surface drainage must occur in the outcrop area
to keep the aquifer filled.
The water confined in an aquifer behaves much as water does in a pipe. Hydrostatic
pressure builds up, so where a well or fracture intersects the bed, water rises in

Recharge area
for aquifer

P o t e n t i o m e t r i c s u rf a c

Im Impermeable sh
p er ale
shal Confined aquifer

FIGURE 13.9 The necessary geologic conditions for a flowing well include (1) a permeable bed (aquifer, blue) confined between
impermeable layers, (2) rocks tilted so the aquifer can receive infiltration from surface waters, and (3) adequate infiltration to fill the aquifer
and create hydrostatic pressure. Consequently, water rises in all of the wells (A, B, C, D) to a level called the potentiometric surface. Flowing
(or artesian) wells occur only when the top of the well is below the potentiometric surface and require no pumping.
Groundwater Systems 347

the opening. The height to which water in a confined aquifer rises is shown by the
colored line in Figure 13.9. The imaginary surface defined by this level is called
the potentiometric surface. You might expect it to be a horizontal surface, but ac-
tually, a potentiometric surface slopes away from the recharge area. The mineral
grains in the aquifer provide resistance to flow, lowering the water pressure. Some
pressure is also lost through minor leaks in the underground plumbing system. If
a well were drilled at location A or C in Figure 13.9, water would rise in the well,
but it would not flow to the surface because the potentiometric surface is below
the ground surface. Water in a well at location B or D, where the potentiometric What produces flowing wells?
surface is above the ground, would flow to the surface. Nonetheless, the water in
all of these wells is under pressure and rises above the top of the aquifer.
Confined aquifers are common in most areas underlain by sedimentary rocks
because the necessary geologic conditions are present in various ways. One of the
better-known confined aquifers underlies the Great Plains states (Figure 13.10A).
The sequence of interbedded sandstones, shales, and limestones is nearly hori-
zontal throughout most of Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas, but it is upwarped
along the eastern front of the Rockies and the margins of the Black Hills. Sever-
al sandstone formations are important aquifers. Water is confined in them under
hydrostatic pressure. The recharge area is along the foothills of the Rockies.
Figure 13.10B illustrates another type of confined aquifer in the inclined stra-
ta of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast plains of North America. The rock sequence
consists of permeable sandstone and limestone beds, alternating with imper-
meable clay. Surface water, flowing toward the coast, seeps into the beds where
they are exposed at the surface. It then moves slowly down the dip of the per-
meable strata.
A third example is from the western United States, where the arid climate makes
confined aquifers an important resource (Figure 13.10C). In this region, the sub-
surface rocks in an intermontane basin consist of sand and gravel deposited in an-
cient alluvial fans. Farther into the basin, these deposits are interbedded with lay-
ers of clay and silt deposited in playa lakes. These fine-grained strata act as
confining layers bounding permeable layers of sand and gravel.Water seeping into
the fan deposits becomes confined as it moves away from the mountain front.
Confined aquifers also underlie some of the worlds great desert regions. Nat-
ural discharge from them is largely responsible for oases. Part of the Sahara sys-
tem is shown in Figure 13.10D. Oases occur where water from a confined aquifer
is brought to the surface by fractures or folds or where the desert floor is eroded
down to the top of the aquifer.
Note that each example shown in Figure 13.10 has the basic geologic conditions
necessary for artesian water: (1) There is a sequence of interbedded permeable
and impermeable strata, and (2) the sequence of strata is tilted so that the strata
are exposed in an elevated area, enabling surface water to infiltrate into the aquifer.
The main difference in each area is in the details of the rock structure and se-
quence of strata.


In areas of recent igneous activity, rocks associated with old magma

chambers can remain hot for hundreds of thousands of years. Ground-
water migrating through these areas of hot rocks becomes heated and,
when discharged to the surface, produces thermal springs and geysers.

The most spectacular manifestation of groundwater is in the areas of thermal

springs and geysers, where scalding water and steam commonly erupt high into
the air. Geysers and thermal springs are usually the results of groundwater mi-
grating through areas of hot, but not molten, igneous rocks.
348 Chapter 13

(A) The Great Plains states are underlain by Potentiometric surface

permeable Cretaceous sandstones that are Permeable beds
warped up along the front of the Rocky
Mountains, where they receive infiltration. This
Impermeable beds
structure forms a widespread confined aquifer in
Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas.

(B) Under the Atlantic and Gulf Coast states

Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks dip uniformly
Impermeable beds
toward the ocean. Water enters permeable beds
where they are exposed and becomes confined Permeable beds
down the dip to form a large confined aquifer.

(C) The intermontane basins in the western

United States contain permeable sand and gravel
(deposited in alluvial fans) interfingered with Permeable
impermeable clay deposits (deposited in playa alluvial fan
lakes). Water seeps into the lenses of buried fan
deposits and is confined by the clay to form a Impermeable
confined system. clay

(D) The Sahara Desert of North Africa is

underlain mostly by gently warped permeable
beds that receive water where they are exposed
at the base of the Atlas Mountains. Oases form
when water from the confined aquifer discharges Impermeable beds
through fractures or where the aquifer is exposed Permeable
by erosion. beds

FIGURE 13.10 Confined aquifers develop under a variety of geologic conditions, some of which are illustrated in these block diagrams. The main
difference is in the geometry of the rock structures in each area. The potentiometric surface is shown with a dashed red line.
Groundwater Systems 349

The three most famous regions of hot springs and geysers (a hot spring that in-
termittently erupts jets of hot water and steam) are Yellowstone National Park of
Wyoming, Iceland, and New Zealand.All are regions of recent volcanic activity, so
the rock temperatures just below the surface are quite high.Although no two gey-
sers are alike, all require certain conditions for their development:
1. A body of hot rocks must lie relatively close to the surface.
2. A system of fractures must extend downward from the surface.
3. A relatively large supply of groundwater must be present.

Eruptions of Geysers
Geyser eruptions occur when groundwater pressure in fractures, caverns, or porous
rock builds to a critical point at which the temperature-pressure balance is such that
a small change will cause the water to convert instantly into steam (Figure 13.11). Be-
cause the water at the base of the fracture is under greater pressure than the water
above, the deeper water must be heated to a higher temperature before it boils.
Eventually, a slight increase in temperature or a decrease in pressure (resulting from Why do geysers erupt in cycles?
the liberation of dissolved gases) causes the deeper water to boil. The expanding
steam throws water from the underground chambers high into the air. After the
pressure is released, the caverns refill with water and the process is repeated.
This process accounts for the periodic eruption of many geysers.The interval be-
tween eruptions is the amount of time required for water to percolate into the
fracture and be heated to the critical temperature. Geysers such as Old Faithful in
Yellowstone National Park erupt at definite intervals because the rocks are per-
meable and the plumbing system refills rapidly. Other geysers, which require
more time for water to percolate into the chambers, erupt at irregular intervals
because the water supply over a longer period of time can fluctuate.
Hot water migrates upward through the surrounding rock without losing much
heat or energy and emerges at the surface as thermal springs, sometimes at boil-
ing temperatures.These waters are loaded with chemicals dissolved from the rocks
through which they flow. Where they reach the surface, they quickly cool and pre-
cipitate various minerals in beautiful splashes of color (Figure 13.12).

Geothermal Energy
The thermal energy of groundwater, or geothermal energy, offers an attractive
source of energy for human use. At present, it is used in various ways in areas of
the United States, Mexico, Italy, Japan, and Iceland.
In Iceland, geothermal energy has been used successfully since 1928. Wells are
drilled in geothermal areas, and the steam and hot water are piped to storage tanks
and then pumped to homes and municipal buildings for heating and hot water.
The cost of this direct heating is only about 60% of that of fuel-oil heating and
about 75% of the cost of the cheapest method of electrical heating. Steam from
geothermal energy is also used to run electric generators, producing an easily trans-
ported form of energy.


Slow-moving groundwater can dissolve huge quantities of soluble rock and

carry it away in solution. In some areas, it is the dominant agent of erosion
and produces karst topography, which is characterized by sinkholes, solution
valleys, and disappearing streams.

Groundwater can accomplish erosion on an enormous scale, but unlike streams,

groundwater erodes only by dissolving soluble rocks such as limestone, dolostone,
350 Chapter 13

(A) Groundwater circulating through hot rocks in an area of (B) The expanding steam forces water upward until it is
recent volcanic activity collects in caverns and fractures. As discharged at the surface vent. The deeper part of the geyser
temperature rises the water boils and steam bubbles rise, grow system becomes ready for the major eruption.
in size and number, and may accumulate in restricted parts of
the geyser tube.

(C) The preliminary discharge of water reduces the pressure on (D) Eruption ceases when the pressure from the steam is spent
the water lower down. Consequently, water from the side and the geyser tubes are empty. The system then begins to fill
chambers and pore spaces begins to flash into steam, forcing the with groundwater again, and the eruption cycle starts anew.
water in the geyser system to erupt.

FIGURE 13.11 The origin of geysers is depicted in this series of diagrams. A geyser can develop only if (1) a body of hot rock lies relatively
close to the surface, (2) a system of irregular fractures extends down from the surface, and (3) there is a constant supply of groundwater. Hot
springs and mud pots develop where groundwater has freer access to the surface.
Groundwater Systems 351

FIGURE 13.12 Hot springs such as

Prismatic Springs in Yellowstone National
Park are common where groundwater is
heated in regions with young volcanism or
deep faulting. The brilliantly colored water is
a result of chemical reactions between the
wall rocks and the hot groundwater. Orange
hues show where overflows carry the
alteration products. A walkway in the upper
right part of the photo shows the scale.

rock salt, and gypsum. It then transports the dissolved mineral matter and ei-
ther discharges it into other parts of the hydrologic system or deposits it in the
pore spaces within the rock. Groundwater erosion starts with water percolating
through joints, faults, and bedding planes and dissolving the soluble rock (Figure
13.13). In time, the fractures enlarge to form a subterranean network of caves that
can extend for many kilometers. The caves grow larger until ultimately the roof
collapses, and a craterlike depression, or sinkhole, is produced. Solution activi-
ty then enlarges the sinkhole to form a solution valley, which continues to grow
until the soluble rock is removed completely.
As we saw in Chapter 10, the most important acid in groundwater is carbonic
acid (H2CO3). This acid forms readily as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and
soil dissolves in water. Most of the carbon dioxide comes from gases in the soil,
where plants have enriched carbon dioxide to as much as 10%; in the atmosphere,
carbon dioxide makes up only 0.03%. Sulfuric acidformed from sulfur com-
pounds abundant in organic sediments such as coal, peat, and liquid petroleum
is also commonly present in groundwater. Together with various more-complex
organic acids generated in the soil, these dilute acids react with the minerals in
rocks and remove them in solutions. These processes of acid production and min-
eral dissolution can be represented by two chemical reactions:
H2O + CO2 = H2CO3
(water) (carbon dioxide gas) (carbonic acid)

H2CO3 + 2CaCO3 = 2Ca2+ + 2HCO3
(acid) (calcite) (calcium bicarbonate)

The rate of erosion of limestone terrains by the chemical action of groundwa-

ter can be measured in several different ways. One is to measure precisely the
weight of small limestone tablets and place them in different climatic conditions.
Once the weight loss of the limestone during a specific period of time is known,
the average rate at which limestone terrains are being lowered, by chemical
352 Chapter 13

FIGURE 13.13 The importance of fractures in the evolution of a cave system is revealed in this photograph of the Redwall Limestone.
Dissolution was enhanced along vertical fractures and on nearly horizontal bedding planes.

processes alone, can be calculated. Other methods include measuring the amount
of mineral matter in water dripping through caves and the dissolved mineral mat-
ter carried by a river system in limestone regions. Recently, precise measurements
of dissolution rates have been obtained with a microerosion meter, an instrument
capable of measuring the erosion of a rock surface to the nearest 0.005 mm. The
results of these measurements indicate that in temperate regions the landscape is
being lowered at an average rate of 10 mm/1000 yr. In areas of greater rainfall,
rates may be as high as 300 mm/1000 yr. These averages may seem small, but they
indicate that in some areas erosion by groundwater can be greater than the aver-
age erosion of a surface by running water. It is clear from these measurements,
Groundwater Erosion and from the characteristics of limestone terrains, that groundwater accomplish-
es erosion on a grand scale.
The permeability and porosity created by dissolution of limestone can create im-
portant reservoirs for oil and natural gas accumulation. In fact, about 50% of all
petroleum comes from carbonate rocks.
Rock salt and gypsum, the most soluble rocks, are eroded rapidly by solution ac-
tivity and can cause overlying layers to collapse. They are relatively rare, howev-
er, and are not widely distributed on any of the continents.

Perhaps the best way to appreciate the significance of solution activity is to con-
sider the nature of a cave system and the amount of rock removed by solution.
Shallow groundwater dissolves carbon dioxide and forms a weak acid. The slight-
ly acidic water then percolates through the fractures and bedding planes, slowly dis-
solving the limestone and enlarging the openings (Figure 13.14). In the zone of
aeration, the general direction of groundwater motion is downward, toward the
water table. The water then moves toward a natural outlet, such as a river system,
and as it moves, it dissolves the limestone. In time, a main subterranean channel is
developed that transports the solution to the main streams. If the water table drops
(usually by downcutting of the river), water in the main subterranean channel be-
gins once again to seep downward to a new level. Eventually, the old horizontal
Groundwater Systems 353

Water table

(A) In the early stages, water seeps through the fractures and bedding planes in limestone. The groundwater seeps downward to the water
table and then moves toward the surface streams. Soluble minerals are dissolved and the flow paths become enlarged.

Water table

(B) As the surface streams erode the valley floor, the water table drops. The surface water seeping through the zone of aeration enlarges
the existing joints and caves. Movement of water toward the surface stream develops a main system of horizontal caverns.

Water table

(C) As the river erodes a deeper valley, the water in the main underground channel seeks a new path to the lower river level.
A new, lower system of horizontal caverns develops. The older, higher caverns may continue to enlarge and ultimately collapse to form
sinkholes, or they may fill with fallen rubble or cave deposits.

FIGURE 13.14 The evolution of a cave system is shown schematically in these diagrams. (Modified from Underground Worlds,
Planet Earth Series, Time-Life Books, 1982)
354 Chapter 13


0 500
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

meters Highest levels

Middle levels
Lowest levels

FIGURE 13.15 A map of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, shows the complexity of cavern systems in limestone regions. The major northwest-
southeast lineaments show how joints have controlled groundwater erosion. Solution activity along the joints has produced the network of
caverns. Various cave systems develop in different layers of limestone. (After the Cave Research Foundation)

channel drains, and water dripping from the old channel ceiling begins to deposit
calcite, in time creating major deposits in the open cave. The origin and evolution
of caves are shown in Figure 13.14.
As caves grow larger, they become unstable and tend to collapse. The fallen
rubble occupies about one-third more volume than it did as intact rock on the
cave ceiling. Consequently, small caves may completely fill because of debris falling
from the ceiling, but larger caverns tend to migrate upward as their roofs collapse
and bury their floors. Larger or shallower caves ultimately break through to the sur-
face to become sinkholes. A map of a cave system may show long, winding corri-
dors, with branched openings that enlarge into chambers, or a maze of interlacing
passageways and channels, controlled by intersecting joint systems. Where a se-
quence of limestone formations occurs, several levels of cave networks may exist.
Kentuckys Mammoth Cave, for example, has more than 50 km of continuous sub-
terranean passages on several different levels (Figure 13.15).

Karst Topography
Karst topography is a distinctive type of terrain resulting largely from erosion by
groundwater (Figure 13.16). Karst is a German word for the Kras Plateau in Slove-
nia where this landscape is common. In contrast to a landscape formed by surface
streams, which is characterized by an intricate network of stream valleys, karst
topography lacks a well-integrated drainage system. Sinkholes are generally nu-
merous and, in many karst regions, they dominate the landscape. Where sinkholes
grow and enlarge, they merge and form elongate or irregular closed depressions
known as solution valleys. Small streams commonly flow on the surface for only
a short distance and then disappear down a sinkhole, becoming disappearing
streams. There the water moves slowly through a system of caverns and caves,
Groundwater Systems 355

(A) Sinkhole karst, Kentucky. (Courtesy of John S. Shelton) (B) Sinkhole in a karst terrain in Florida. (Courtesy of GeoPhoto
Publishing Co.)

(C) In some karst regions, streams disappear into subsurface caverns like (D) Groundwater solution enlarged these fractures in limestones in New
this one in China. Zealand.

FIGURE 13.16 Karst topography includes a wide variety of landforms ranging in size from small solution pits, to sinkholes and caves, to residual
towers. These solution features are distinctive and stand out in striking contrast to landscapes formed by running water, glaciers, or the wind.

sometimes as sluggish underground streams. Springs, which are common in karst

areas, return water to the surface drainage.
In tropical areas, where dissolution is at a maximum because of the abundance
of water from heavy rainfall, a particular type of karst topography, known as tower
karst, develops. In China, this terrain is called a peak forest. Tower karst is char-
acterized by steep, cone-shaped hills rather than sinkholes and solution valleys
(see Figure 13.19 and the frontispiece). The towers are largely residual landforms
left after most of the rock has been removed by solution activity along fracture sys-
tems, collapse of caverns, and enlargement of solution valleys. They are the rem-
nants of a once-continuous layer of rock that covered the area.
Thus, in detail, karst topography is highly diverse, ranging from fantastic tower
landscapes to the low relief of a plane pitted with small depressions. What is com-
mon to all karst terrains is that their landforms are caused by the unusually great
solubility of certain rock types. Humid climate is a very important factor in de-
veloping karst topography. The more water moving through the system, the more
solution activity will occur. Karst topography is, therefore, largely restricted to
humid and temperate climatic zones. In desert regions, where little rain falls, ex-
tensive karst topography will not develop.
356 Chapter 13

(A) Initial stage. Scattered sinkholes dotting the Sinkhole

landscape grow in size and number as caverns Caves
enlarge and their roofs collapse.

(B) Intermediate stage. Individual sinks enlarge and Solution

merge with those in adjacent areas to form solution valley
valleys. Much of the original surface is destroyed.
Disappearing streams and springs are common.

(C) Late stage. Solution activity has removed most of remnant
the limestone formation. Only isolated knolls Erosional
remain as remnants of the former surface. remnant

FIGURE 13.17 The evolution of karst topography involves these major processes: (1) the enlargement of caves and the development of
sinkholes, (2) the enlargement of sinkholes and the development of solution valleys, and (3) the enlargement of solution valleys until the original
limestone terrain is completely destroyed.
Groundwater Systems 357




FIGURE 13.18 The major areas of karst topography (dark shade) of the world are restricted to regions where outcrops of limestone occur
in humid climatic conditions.

A simplified model of the evolution of karst topography is shown in the block

diagrams in Figure 13.17. Initially, water follows surface drainage until a large
river cuts a deep valley below the limestone layers. Groundwater then moves
through the joints and bedding surfaces in the limestone and emerges at the
riverbanks. As time goes on, the passageways become larger and caverns de-
velop. Surface waters disappear into solution depressions. The roofs of caves
collapse, so many sinkholes are produced (Figure 13.16B and 13.17A). Springs
commonly occur along the margins of major stream valleys. Sinkholes prolifer-
ate and grow in size as the limestone formation is dissolved away. The cavernous
terrain of central Kentucky, for example, is marked by more than 60,000 holes.
As solution processes continue, sinkholes increase in number and size. Some
merge to form larger depressions with irregular outlines. This process ultimately
develops solution valleys (Figure 13.17B). Most of the original surface is final-
ly dissolved, with only scattered hills remaining (Figure 13.17C). When the sol-
uble bedrock has been removed by groundwater solution, normal surface
drainage patterns reappear.

Karst Regions of the World. The development of karst topography is not random
but is developed in specific regions where limestone formations are exposed near
the surface and where there is adequate precipitation for vigorous chemical
reactions to occur. High temperatures are favorable because heat enhances the
dissolution process. The map in Figure 13.18 shows the major karst regions of the
world, and, although it appears that karst topography is scattered across the globe,
close examination of this map will reveal why karst landscapes develop in specific
areas and not in others.
Only about 20% of Earths surface has major limestone sequences exposed at
the surface; the development of karst topography is limited to those areas. The
continental shields do not favor karst development, nor do terrains dominated
by granite, basalt, sandstone, and the like. As can be seen in Figure 13.18, karst
topography is not well developed in desert regions, where there is inadequate
rainfall, although limestone occurs at the surface. Karst landforms are also rare
in regions recently covered by continental glaciers, such as those in Canada and
northern Europe.
358 Chapter 13

(A) Residual towers reveal the extent of (B) Surface grooves, pits, and sharp ridges (C) Dissolution is expressed vividly by the
groundwater solution. Caves are common in caused by dissolution of limestone in surface abundant cavities so that the limestone
such towers. waters. formations resemble swiss cheese.

FIGURE 13.19 Karst features in southern China are well developed because of the high rainfall and thick layers of limestone exposed at the surface
and include large residual towers, as well as small scale features.

The best-developed and most-extensive karst topography is in humid and trop-

ical regions.The Alpine Mountain belt extending through the Pyrenees and south-
ern Europe and across Croatia, Bosnia,Yugoslavia, and Turkey has thick sequences
of deformed limestone on which many classic karst landforms have developed. In
the United States about 15% of the area is favorable for karst development. The
best-known regions are the sinkhole country of Kentucky, Indiana, and Florida.
These regions consist of plains pockmarked by innumerable small, isolated de-
pressions (Figure 13.16A). Surface streams of any significant length are extreme-
ly rare. The limestone regions of Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba, and Mexicos Yu-
catan Peninsula have extensive karst regions because of widespread limestone and
heavy rainfall. Little-known karst regions in other parts of the world include the
large Nullarbor Plain in southern Australia and the karst regions of Southeast
Asia, particularly in Malaysia and the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java.

The Tower Karst of China. In striking contrast to the sinkhole plains of Indiana
and Kentucky, the tower karst topography of southern China presents some of the
most spectacular limestone scenery on Earth (see the frontispiece and Figure
13.19). Here, an area of thousands of square kilometers, once covered by thick
layers of limestone, is in an advanced stage of dissection by groundwater. The
region consists of a forest of hills that rise abruptly from the surrounding terrain.
These hills are remnants between sinkholes and solution basins and stand like
clusters of towers.These strange mountains, shaped like upended loaves of French
bread, form an intricate system of precipitous slopes and overhanging cliffs, with
caves, arches, and strange landforms made by solution activity.
Classical Chinese art is noted for portraying these bizarre and exotic landforms,
which appear unreal to the foreign eye. Western artists believed that the Chinese
masters who painted these landforms were impressionists, but anyone fortunate
enough to visit the region realizes that the artists were not visionaries; the shapes
they painted were natures own.
Groundwater Systems 359

FIGURE 13.20 Stalactites originate on

the ceilings of caves. Water seeps through a
crack and loses carbon dioxide as it partially
evaporates. Consequently, a small ring of
calcite is deposited around the crack. The
(A) Diagram showing, left to right, the
(B) Long, slender stalactites (soda straws) ring grows into a tube, which commonly
evolution of stalactites, stalagmites, and
grow as a drop of water suspended at the end acquires a tapering shape as water seeps
loses carbon dioxide and evaporates. from adjacent areas and flows down its outer
(Courtesy of David Herron) surface.

The small-scale solution features in this area are almost as impressive as the
larger features. Evidence of solution activity is everywhere. Every hill is riddled with
caves, caverns, solution pits, and voids that form an intricate network for subter-
ranean drainage. Indeed, most outcrops look like Swiss cheese. This maze of cav-
ities is where the action is, and in a way, it performs the same function as the net-
work of gullies and streams do in surface drainage systems. It collects water and
funnels it through the system. As the water moves, it erodes and transports rock
material.Thus, the cavities in the towers enlarge and ultimately collapse. Examples
of the features in this amazing landscape are shown in Figure 13.19.


The mineral matter dissolved by groundwater can be deposited in a variety

of ways. The most spectacular deposits are stalactites and stalagmites,
which are found in caves. Less obvious are the deposits in permeable rocks
such as sandstone and conglomerates. Here, groundwater commonly
deposits mineral matter as a cement between grains.

The chemical processes that cause groundwater to dissolve soluble material are
easily reversed, and the minerals are precipitated in the pore spaces, voids, and
caves within the rock.The change from solution to precipitation is commonly caused
by a lowering of the water table. The main solution processes occur in the zone of
saturation; precipitation occurs in the zone of aeration after the caves and pore
spaces are drained. This process can be understood by examining what happens in
an air-filled cave. Groundwater dripping from a caves roof contains more CO2 than
the surrounding air. In an attempt to reach equilibrium with the air, CO2 diffuses
out of the water droplet.This diffusion reduces the amount of carbonic acid as well
as the amount of calcite that can be dissolved in the water.As a result, the water be-
comes saturated with CaCO3 and it precipitates. You can visualize this process by
examining the chemical reactions shown previously on page 351. Both reactions
are driven to the left as a result of the escape of CO2 from the groundwater.
The deposits formed in caves are some of natures fancywork; the endless vari-
ety of cave deposits is familiar to almost everyone. They originate in a variety of
ways and are collectively called speleothems. One formative process is shown in
Figure 13.20.As water enters a cave (usually from a fracture in the ceiling), carbon What features are unique in Lechuguilla
dioxide escapes during evaporation, and a small amount of calcium carbonate Cave?
crystallizes. Each succeeding drop adds more calcium carbonate, so that eventually
a cylindrical, or cone-shaped, projection is built downward from the ceiling. Many
beautiful and strange forms result, some of which appear in Figures 13.21 and
13.22. Icicle-shaped forms growing down from the ceiling are stalactites. These
360 Chapter 13




Helicites Drip
Soda Rod curtain
straws stalagmites Shield
Collapse Travertine Columns Compound
Cave stalagmite Shelfstone
blocks terrace
Cave Travertine
Soil interlayered Collapse
with travertine blocks

FIGURE 13.21 Many varieties of cave deposits are shown in this idealized diagram. Most are composed of calcite deposited by
water that seeps into the open cave and then loses carbon dioxide as the water evaporates.

commonly are matched by deposits growing up from the floor, known as stalag-
mites, because the water dripping from a stalactite precipitates additional calcium
carbonate onto the floor directly below. Many stalactites and stalagmites eventu-
ally unite to form columns. Water percolating from a fracture along a slanting ceil-
ing may form a thin, vertical sheet of rock known as drapery because of its shape.
Pools of water on the cave floor flow from one place to another, and as they evap-
orate, calcium carbonate is deposited on the floor, forming terraces made of traver-
tinea layered cave or hotspring rock composed of calcium carbonate.

Lechuguilla Cave
One of the best-kept secrets of the National Park Service is Lechuguilla Cave, in
the Guadalupe Mountains near Carlsbad, New Mexico. It was first explored in
1986 and was found to be the deepest known cave in the United States, with a ver-
tical range of 475 m. Within this cave are some of the most spectacular cave for-
mations in the world. As a result, it is commonly referred to as the Jewel of the
Lechuguilla Cave is remarkable, not only for its size and beauty, but also for its
strange origin. Most of the worlds caves are dissolved from limestone as ground-
water with carbonic acid (H2CO3) moves downward by the pull of gravity.
Lechuguilla developed in an entirely different way. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), rather
than carbonic acid, played the dominant role in its formation. Water associated
with the vast petroleum deposits of southwestern Texas is rich in hydrogen sul-
fide(H2S). This water is under pressure and seeps up, from the trapped oil and gas,
through fractures in the rock. Eventually it reaches the shallow groundwater reser-
voir; there, the hydrogen sulfide combines with oxygen in the fresh groundwater
to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The rising acidic water dissolves the cave system
and, in places, excess hydrogen sulfide gas may even dissolve caverns above the
water table.
Groundwater Systems 361

(A) Stalactites and stalagmites formed from calcium carbonate in Lechuguilla

(B) Gypsum stalactites form coarsely crystalline, clawlike
branches. These chandeliers are up to 6 m long and are thought
FIGURE 13.22 Deposits in Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico. (Photographs to be the worlds largest.
by Norman R. Thompson)

The unique role played by sulfuric acid in the formation of Lechuguilla Cave
has produced an enchanting array of sulfate cave deposits, most notably gypsum
(CaSO4.2H2O). Some blocks are as large as houses; elsewhere, crystals are as fine
as hair.The hallmarks of Lechuguilla are dozens of unique stalactites hanging from
the ceiling like monstrous, grotesque chandeliers (Figure 13.22). Some are more
than 6 m long, with downward-twisting trunks ending in branching, clawlike arms
of transparent crystals. But the gypsum deposits of Lechuguilla come in many other
strange forms. Long, slender, glasslike needles, some as much as 6 m long, extend
downward from the ceiling. Other exotic cave deposits, both large and small, occur
in great profusion and display, in a most spectacular waythe results of fluid and
gases migrating beneath the surface.
Although cave deposits are spectacular expressions of deposition by ground-
water, they are trivial compared with the amount of material deposited in the pore
spaces of rock. In sandstones and conglomerates, precipitation of silica and calci-
um carbonate cement the loose grains into a hard, strong rock body. In some for-
mations, the cementing minerals deposited by groundwater may exceed 20% of the
volume of the original rock (Figure 13.23).
Mineral precipitation by groundwater action is a slow process, in some cases
involving the slow removalone at a timeof atoms or molecules of organic mat-
ter and their simultaneous replacement by other mineral ions carried by the
groundwater. One example of this process is petrified wood. Perhaps the best-
known deposit of petrified wood is the Petrified Forest National Park in eastern
Arizona. Here, great accumulations of petrified logs, buried in ancient river sedi-
ments, are now being uncovered by weathering and erosion (Figure 13.24). The
Petrified Forest is not really a forest at all but a great collection of driftwood. This
driftwood washed down from adjacent highlands about 230 million years ago and
accumulated as logjams in ancient river bars and floodplains. It was subsequently
covered with hundreds of meters of younger sediments. While the driftwood was
covered with sediment, groundwater percolating through the strata replaced the
362 Chapter 13

cellular structure of the wood with silica. This process transformed the wood to
agate, a variety of silicon dioxide (SiO2).
Geodes are another common example of the result of the action of groundwa-
ter deposition.A geode is a roughly spherical, hollow rock mass with its central cav-
ity lined with mineral crystals. Geodes are common in limestones, but they also
occur in preexisting voids in shales and in silica-rich volcanic rocks. The formation
of geodes can be explained as a two-stage development. First, a cavity is formed
in the rock by groundwater solution activity. Then, under different conditions, the
mineral matter carried by groundwater is precipitated on the walls of the rock cav-
ity. Quartz, calcite, and fluorite are the most common minerals precipitated. They
accumulate very slowly and form perfect crystals, pointing toward the center of
FIGURE 13.23 Calcite deposited by the cavity. Subsequent erosion removes the material around the geode cavity, but
groundwater cements the rounded quartz the mineral-lined walls of the cavity are resistant, so geodes remain; they are found
sand grains together, as shown in this thin
section of sandstone. The quartz grains are
as boulderlike remnants, left from the weathering of the parent rock material. In
various shades of gray and the calcite is pink a sense, a geode is a fossil cavity.
and green speckles.The area shown is 3 mm Another expression of deposition by groundwater is the mineral deposit formed
across. around springs. Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park is one of the
most spectacular examples (Figure 13.25).


Groundwater is a valuable resource that is being exploited at an ever-

increasing rate. Ancient groundwater systems have also produced valuable
mineral resources.

Groundwater is of major importance to civilization because it is the largest re-

serve of drinkable water in many regions. This probably constitutes the most im-
portant use of groundwater in our modern society for both urban and rural peo-
ples in arid and semiarid regions. Many cities in the western United States derive
a substantial portion of their municipal water from wells. Another major use of
groundwater is in agricultural irrigation.Although most irrigation water is derived
by diverting rivers, increasingly irrigation water in the United States is derived di-
rectly from groundwater reserves. Increased use of drinking and irrigation water
has caused the water levels in many aquifers to drop. In developing countries,
groundwater resources are often the controlling factor for development.
In addition, some important metallic ore deposits are formed by groundwater
processes. Groundwater can carry dissolved metals from one place to another,
concentrating it in specific areas. Some groundwaters are heated by deep circulation
FIGURE 13.24 Petrified trees litter the
area, piled like giant jackstraws about a
rolling landscape on the Petrified Forest
Member of the Chinle Formation, Arizona.
Groundwater Systems 363

FIGURE 13.25 Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, was formed by the deposition of travertine (CaCO3) as the warm spring
water evaporated and lost carbon dioxide.

or igneous intrusions; the heating usually increases their ability to carry dissolved
ions. For example, deposits of fluorite, lead, and zinc in the upper Mississippi Val-
ley formed as groundwater carried dissolved metals to shallow levels and con-
centrated them in deposits of sulfide minerals. Deposits of uranium, vanadium,
and copper in sedimentary rocks are also formed by the movement of groundwa-
ter. Many nonmetallic resources are also controlled by groundwater systems. Oil
is sometimes trapped in paleokarst deposits formed in ancient limestones. The
Yates field of western Texas is developed in a buried karst terrain and contains
the highest-yielding wells in the United States because of the high permeability and
porosity of such partially dissolved rock units. We have already mentioned the use
of heated groundwaters to produce electricity and space heating. Even many build-
ing stones are derived from groundwater deposits. These include travertine and
onyx marble. Many valuable gemstones form from groundwaters: for example, opal,
agate, and onyx (forms of amorphous or cryptocrystalline silica) and emerald.


A variety of problems resulting from human activities alter the ground-

water system. Important problems are (1) changes in the chemical
composition of groundwater (pollution), (2) saltwater encroachment,
(3) changes in the position of the water table, and (4) subsidence.

Groundwater is an integral part of the hydrologic system and is intimately relat-

ed to other parts of the system. As we have seen in this chapter, its source is pre-
cipitation and infiltration from surface runoff. Its natural discharge is into streams
and lakes and, ultimately, the sea. With time, a balance, or equilibrium, among pre-
cipitation, surface runoff, infiltration, and discharge is established. These in turn
approach an equilibrium with surface conditions, such as slope angles, soil cover,
and vegetation.When any one of these interrelated factors is changed or modified,
the others respond to reestablish equilibrium.
364 Chapter 13


shale or clay
Permeable sand
and gravel

Permeable limestone
Impermeable shale

(A) A permeable layer of sand and gravel overlying an impermeable (B) An impermeable shale (or clay) confines pollutants and prevents
shale creates a potential pollution problem because contaminants are significant infiltration into the groundwater system in the limestone
free to move with groundwater. below.

Fractured Permeable beds

rock body (artesian) Impermeable

(C) A fractured rock body provides a zone where pollutants can move (D) An inclined, permeable aquifer below a disposal site permits
readily in the general direction of groundwater flow. pollutants to enter a confined aquifer and move down the dip of the
beds, so that they contaminate the system.

FIGURE 13.26 The effects of waste disposal or leaking storage tanks on a groundwater system depend on the geologic setting. In many cases,
water seeping through the disposal site enters and pollutes the groundwater system. (After W. J. Schneider, U.S. Geological Survey)

Changes in Composition
The composition of groundwater can be changed by increases in the concentration
of dissolved solids in surface water.The soil is like a filtration system through which
groundwater moves. Obviously, any concentration of chemicals or waste creates
local pockets that potentially can contaminate the groundwater reservoir. Mater-
ial that is leached (dissolved by percolating groundwater) from waste disposal
sites, for example, includes both chemical and biological contaminants. Upon en-
tering the groundwater flow system, the contaminants move according to the hy-
draulics of that system. The character and concentration of the pollutants depend
partly on the length of time the infiltrated water is in contact with the waste de-
posit, partly on the volume of infiltrated water, and partly on the solubility of waste
involved. In humid areas, where the water table is shallow and in constant contact
with refuse, leaching continually produces maximum potential for pollution.
Figure 13.26 illustrates four geologic environments in which waste disposal af-
How does human activity alter the fects the groundwater system. In the environment shown in Figure 13.26A, the
groundwater system? near-surface material is permeable and essentially homogeneous. Dissolved pol-
lutants percolate downward through the zone of aeration and, upon reaching the
water table, enter the groundwater flow system. The flowing pollutants ultimate-
ly become part of the surface drainage system. As shown in Figure 13.26B, an im-
permeable layer of shale confines pollutants and prevents their free movement in
the groundwater system. As a result, the pollutants are restricted and inhibited
from moving freely through the groundwater system. Figure 13.26C illustrates a dis-
posal site above a fractured rock body. Upon reaching the fractured rock, the con-
taminants can move more readily in the general direction of the groundwater flow.
Water table Salty groundwater
Groundwater Systems 365
Salty groundwater


Water table
Fresh Fresh water Well
Salty groundwater
Salty groundwater

Fresh water Well

Salty groundwater
(A) A lens of fresh groundwater beneath the land is buoyed up by denser (B) Excessive pumping causes a cone of depression in the water table
saltwater below. on top of the freshwater lens and a cone of saltwater encroachment at
the base of the freshwater lens.

(C) Fresh water pumped down an adjacent well can raise the water
table around the well and lower the interface between the fresh water
and the saltwater.
Fresh water Well
Salty groundwater pump well

pump well FIGURE 13.27 The relationship between fresh water and
saltwater on an island or a peninsula is affected by the withdrawal of
water from wells. Excessive pumping causes a cone of saltwater
encroachment, which limits the usefulness of the well.

Dispersion of the contaminants is limited, however, because of the restriction of

flow to the fractures. Figure 13.26D illustrates a critical condition in which a waste
disposal site was constructed in highly permeable sand and gravel, above an in-
clined aquifer. Here, pollutants move down past the water table and enter the
aquifer as recharge. If the waste disposal site is directly above the aquifer, as shown
in the diagram, most of the pollutants
Recharge will enter the aquifer and contaminate the
groundwater system. pump well

Saltwater Encroachment
On an island or a peninsula, where permeable rocks are in contact with the ocean,
a lens-shaped body of fresh groundwater is buoyed up by the denser saltwater
below, as is illustrated in Figure 13.27A. The fresh water literally floats on the salt-
water and is in a state of balance with it. If excessive pumping develops a large
cone of depression in the water table, the pressure of the fresh water, on the salt-
water directly below the well, is decreased, and a large cone of saltwater en-
croachment develops below the well, as is shown in Figure 13.27B. Continued
excessive pumping causes the cone of saltwater to extend up the well and contami-
nate the fresh water. It is then necessary to stop pumping for a long time to allow the
water table to rise to its former position and depress the cone of saltwater. Restora-
tion of the balance between the freshwater lens and the underlying saltwater can
be hastened if fresh water is pumped down an adjacent well (Figure 13.27C).
THE ART Computer Models of Flowing Groundwater

Deep below your feet, groundwater is probably inching its What would you need to know to construct such a model?
way through a permeable aquifer. We are largely unaware Of prime importance is a thorough understanding of the ge-
of this vast resource, but groundwater is used extensively for ologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the rocks
city water supplies and for irrigating croplands.Although we through which the water is flowing. How deep is the water
rely on this water supply to be pure, groundwater invari- table? What is its slope? What is the hydraulic head? Are the
ably carries dissolved ionsin most cases of little conse- rocks permeable or impermeable? Do they have fractures
quence to people. However, in some places groundwater or bedding planes along which fluids flow? What is the sub-
has become contaminated with bacteria, arsenic, gasoline, surface configuration of the pressure gradients? How much
and a host of other pollutants. If such contaminated ground- precipitation is there and how is the aquifer recharged? Are
waters are pumped out of wells and enter municipal water the wastes soluble in water? Will they react with minerals
supplies, they could have serious consequences. along the flow path and become neutralized? And so on.
Short of eliminating the use of groundwater altogether, Given the complexity of natural rocks, many of these
what can be done to protect humans from pollutants mov- questions can only be approximately answered.Within these
ing invisibly in groundwater? Contaminated groundwater limitations, however, reasonable models of groundwater
does not simply diffuse outward away from the source of flow can be constructed. In the three-dimensional figure
pollution. Instead, it follows a path determined by the per- below, you can see a colored plume of contaminated ground-
meability and structure of the aquifer (Figure 13.26). water emanating from an industrial facility that leaked chlo-
Around some waste sites, monitor wells are drilled to see rinated hydrocarbons. The contaminant is soluble in water
where the contaminated water is flowing. Drilling is costly and has leaked into the groundwater system. The contami-
and time-consuming. An alternative is to create a comput- nated water then moved down through the aquifer.The col-
er model of the flow path of the contaminated groundwa- ored bands show the concentration in the contaminated
ter. If such models were accurate, precise predictions about plume. You can see that the core of the plume, near its
the direction, depth, or rate of flow could be made quickly source, is more polluted than the rest. Such a computer
and inexpensively and the risk of pumping water from con- model would allow city planners to avoid the plume and
taminated wells avoided. help environmental geologists devise ways to shut off con-
However, any computer calculation depends heavily on tinued contamination, pump the contaminated water out,
the quality of the starting conditions used in the model. or otherwise mitigate the damage.

nsoli n
d Ocea
sand ated


Plume of contaminated

(Image created by Environmental Visualization System,

courtesy of C Tech Development Corp. www.ctech.com)

Groundwater Systems 367

Fort Fort
Pierce Pierce

Lake Lake
Okeechobee Okeechobee

Fort Fort
Myers Myers

lf o

lf o


Big Cypress

Big Cypress Swamp Swamp

Miami Miami
Everglades Salt-water Everglades

0 100 km 0 100 km

Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean

Key West Key West

(A) Natural drainage of southern Florida in 1871 spread southward (B) Canals diverted the natural flow of surface water across the
from Lake Okeechobee in a broad sheet only a few centimeters deep. Everglades. The water table was lowered, the swamp was destroyed in
This sheet maintained swampy conditions in the Everglades and some areas, and saltwater encroached in wells along the coast.
established a water table very close to the surface.

FIGURE 13.28 Modification of the natural drainage system of southern Florida. (After F. Ward, National Geographic)

Changes in the Position of the Water Table

The water table is intimately related to surface runoff, the configuration of the
landscape, and the ecological conditions at the surface. The balance between the
water table and surface conditions, established over thousands or millions of years,
can be completely upset by changes in the position of the water table. Two exam-
ples illustrate some of the many potential ecological problems.
In southern Florida, fresh water from Lake Okeechobee has flowed for the
past 5000 years as an almost imperceptible river only a few centimeters deep
and 64 km wide. This sheet of shallow water created the swampy Everglades.
The movement of the water was not confined to channels. It flowed as a sheet,
in a great curving swath for more than 160 km (Figure 13.28). The surface of the
Everglades slopes southward only 2 cm/km, but this gradient was enough to keep
the water moving slowly to the coast and to prevent saltwater from invading the
Everglades and the subsurface aquifers along the coast. In effect, the water table
in the swamp was at the surface, and the ecology of the Everglades was in bal-
ance with the water table.
Today, many canals have been constructed to drain swamp areas for farmland,
to help control flooding, and to supply fresh water to the coastal megalopolis (Fig-
ure 13.28). The canals diverted the natural flow of water across the swamp, in ef-
fect lowering the water table, in some places as much as 0.5 m below sea level.This
change in position of the water table produced many unforeseen and often un-
fortunate results.As the water table was lowered, saltwater encroachment occurred
in wells all along the coast. Some cities had to move their wells far inland to ob-
tain fresh water.
368 Chapter 13

FIGURE 13.29 Subsidence of

buildings in Mexico City resulted from
compaction after groundwater was pumped
from unconsolidated sediment beneath the
city. Subsidence has caused this building to
tilt and sink more than 2 m.

The most visible effects, however, involve the ecology of the swamp. In the past,
the high water table could maintain a marsh during periods of natural drought.
Now the surface is dry during droughts. Forest fires ignite the dry organic muck,
which burns like peat, smoldering long after the surface fires die out. This effec-
tively destroys the ecology of the swamp. The lowering of the water table also
caused the muck to compact, so that it subsided as much as 2 m in places. In addi-
tion, muck exposed to the air oxidizes and disappears at a rate of about 2.5 cm/yr.
Once the muck is gone from the swamp, only nature can replace it.
Raising the water table can also modify many surface processes. An example
is found in the environmental changes caused by irrigation in Washingtons Pasco
Basin. This area, which lies in the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountains, receives
only 15 to 25 cm of precipitation a year. In recent years, extensive irrigation has
caused the water table to rise, introducing many changes in the surface condi-
tions. Today, from 100 to 150 cm of water is applied each year to the ground by
irrigation, which simulates the effect of a large climatic change. The higher water
table has rapidly developed large springs along the sides of river valleys. The
springs are now permanent, reflecting saturation of much of the ground. Erosion
is accelerated, and many farms and roads have been damaged severely. Land-
slides present the most serious problems. Slopes that were stable under arid con-
ditions are now unstable because they are partly saturated from the high water
table and from the formation of perched water bodies.
In many areas, it is imperative that we modify the environment by reclaim-
ing land or by irrigation; unless we are careful, however, the detrimental effects
of our modifications may outweigh the advantages. Before we modify an envi-
ronment, we must attempt to understand the many consequences of altering
natural systems.

Surface subsidence related to groundwater can result from natural Earth process-
es, such as the development of sinkholes in a karst area or from the artificial with-
drawal of fluids. An ever-present hazard in limestone terrains is the collapse of
subterranean caverns and the formation of sinkholes (Figure 13.16B). Buildings
and roads have frequently been damaged by sudden collapses into previously
undiscovered caverns below. In the United States, important karst regions appear
in central Tennessee, Kentucky, southern Indiana, Alabama, Florida, and Texas
(Figure 13.18). The problem of potential collapse is difficult to solve. Important
Groundwater Systems 369

FIGURE 13.30 A dam constructed on

permeable limestone in western Wyoming
never functioned because the surface water
seeped into the subsurface. The dam lies at
the beginning of the gorge. The light-colored
sediment behind the dam marks the fraction
of the reservoir that formed before water
was lost through seepage.

construction in karst regions should be preceded by test borings to determine

whether subterranean cavernous zones are present. Geophysical studies using
ground-penetrating radar and seismic investigations can be used to detect some
shallow caverns and soil cavities. Wet concrete can be pumped down into caves
and solution cavities, but such remedies can be very expensive.
Compaction and subsidence also present serious problems in areas of recently
deposited sediments. In New Orleans, for example, large areas of the city are now
4 m below sea level, a drop due largely to the pumping of groundwater. As a re-
sult, the Mississippi River flows some 5 m above parts of the city, and rainwater
must be pumped out of the city at considerable cost. Also, as the surface subsides,
waterlines and sewers are damaged.
Where groundwater, oil, or gas is withdrawn from the subsurface, significant
subsidence can also occur, damaging construction, water supply lines, sewers, and
roads. Long Beach, California, has subsided 9 m as the result of 40 years of oil pro-
duction from the Wilmington oil field.This subsidence resulted in almost $100 mil-
lion worth of damage to wells, pipelines, transportation facilities, and harbor
installations. Parts of Houston, Texas, have subsided as much as 1.5 m as a result
of the withdrawal of groundwater.
Probably the most spectacular example of subsidence is Mexico City, which
is built on a former lake bed. The subsurface formations are water-saturated
clay, sand, and volcanic ash. The sediment compacts as groundwater is pumped
for domestic and industrial use, and slow subsidence is widespread. The opera
house (weighing 54,000 metric tons) has settled more than 3 m, and half of the
first floor is now below ground level. Other large structures are noticeably tilt-
ed (Figure 13.29).
Another type of groundwater problem is shown in Figure 13.30. In western
Wyoming, a dam for storing irrigation water was built in the tilted strata of the
Madison Limestone Formation. The limestone, however, was so porous and
permeable that all of the water that was supposed to be stored in the reservoir
seeped into the subsurface and was lost. The reservoir never filled, and the pro-
ject was abandoned.
We are using and altering the groundwater system at an ever-increasing rate.
Approximately 20% of all water used in the United States is pumped from the
subsurface. This amounts to more than 83 billion gallons a day, almost three times
as much as in 1950. How much groundwater will be needed in the future? What
effect will pumping groundwater have on the environment?
GeoLogic Cave Systems of Guilin, China




One of the most exotic landscapes in the world is the tower Interpretations
karst in southern China. Here, groundwater is a powerful Taken together, these observations lead to the logical con-
agent of erosion and forms vast cave systems largely hidden clusion that this landscape was shaped largely by ground-
from view. Openings to many caves occur on hill sides but water solution. In this humid climate, surface water seeped
they only give a hint to the extent of the cave system with- into intersecting joints and enlarged them by solution ac-
in the mountains. What were the major controlling factors tivity. This separated the once continuous limestone layer
in their formation? into numerous conical towers. Caves and smaller open-
ings on the face of the hills indicate extensive cavern sys-
Observations tems inside the hills. In many cases, cave exploration has
1. Limestone, a soluble rock, is the dominant rock type in verified this conclusion. The caverns were also dissolved
this region. by groundwater percolating along fractures and bedding
2. The hills are unusual steep-sided, conical mounds. planes. The diagram illustrates how a geologist might view
3. Intersecting sets of fractures cut the rocks and bedding this area. Without abundant water none of these process-
planes are etched into the rocks. es would be possible and the limestone would resist weath-
4. The hills are remnants of the once extensive limestone ering and erosion.
5. The hillside is riddled with openings to cavessome go
through the entire hill.
6.The abundance of water and vegetation show that the cli-
mate is humid.

Groundwater Systems 371

aquifer (p. 340) groundwater (p. 338) potentiometric surface (p. 347) stalagmite (p. 360)
artesian water (p. 346) hydraulic head (p. 341) recharge (p. 338) subsidence (p. 368)
cave (p. 354) hydrostatic pressure (p. 339) saltwater encroachment tower karst (p. 355)
cone of depression (p. 345) (p. 365) unconfined aquifer (p. 340)
karst topography (p. 354)
confined aquifer (p. 340) seep (p. 344) water table (p. 340)
leach (p. 364)
discharge (p. 338) sinkhole (p. 351) zone of aeration (p. 340)
perched water table (p. 340) solution valley (p. 354)
disappearing stream (p. 354) zone of saturation (p. 340)
permeability (p. 339) speleothem (p. 359)
geothermal energy (p. 349)
pore spaces (p. 338) spring (p. 344)
geyser (p. 349)
porosity (p. 338) stalactite (p. 359)

1. Define porosity and permeability. 11. What is the source of heat for hot springs and geysers?
2. Describe and illustrate the major types of pores, or voids, in 12. Describe the evolution of a landscape in which ground-
rocks. water is the dominant agent of erosion.
3. What rock types are generally impermeable or nearly 13. Explain how stalagmites and stalactites originate.
impermeable? 14. What important resources are related to groundwater
4. Describe the major zones of subsurface water, and explain systems?
how water moves through each zone. 15. Describe the forms and processes of groundwater pollution.
5. Contrast the geologic conditions that form confined and 16. Describe the relationship between salty groundwater and
unconfined aquifers. fresh groundwater beneath an island or a peninsula.
6. What is a potentiometric surface? How does it control the 17. What undesirable effects can result from withdrawing an
movement of water in confined aquifers? excessive amount of groundwater from wells close to the
7. Explain some ways in which springs originate. ocean?
8. What effects are produced in the water table by excessive 18. Explain how the alteration of the natural drainage system
and rapid pumping? in southern Florida has affected the Everglades.
9. Explain how a flowing well develops. 19. How can subsidence of the land result from the withdrawal
10. Explain the origin of geysers. of groundwater? Give examples.

Environmental Protection Agency. 1991. Protecting the Nations Solley, W. B., E. B. Chase, and W. B. Man IV. 1983. Estimated Use of
Groundwater: EPAs Strategy for the 1990s. Washington, Water in the United States in 1980. U.S. Geological Survey Cir-
D.C.:U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. cular 1001. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Fetter, C. W. 2001. Applied Hydrogeology. Upper Saddle River, Trudgill, S. 1985. Limestone Geomorphology. White Plains, N.Y.:
N.J.: Prentice Hall. Longman.
Jennings, J. N. 1983. Karst landforms. American Scientist 71: White, W. B., D. C. Culver, J. S. Herman, T. C. Kane, and J. E.
578586. Mylroie. 1995. Karst lands. American Scientist 83: 450459.
Price, M. 1996. Introducing Groundwater. London: Chapman
and Hall.

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14 Glacier Systems
No event in recent geologic history has had as profound an effect on Earth as the last great
ice age. Its impact extended far beyond the margins of the ice itself and influenced almost
every aspect of the physical and biological world. For example, the present sites of many
northern cities, such as Chicago, Detroit, Montreal, and Toronto, were buried beneath thou-
sands of meters of glacial ice as recently as 15,000 to 20,000 years ago.
Much of the magnificent mountain scenery in Canadas Yukon Territory shown above
was sculpted by valley glaciers, many of which still exist. The Kaskawulsh Glacier and its
tributaries have cut the deep U-shaped valleys, carved horns, and transported the eroded
debris downhill to be carried away by melt waters and river systems. As we will see in this
chapter, the great continental glaciers, which covered much of North America and Europe,
had an even more profound effect upon the landscape.
When glaciation occurs, many geologic processes are interrupted or modified signifi-
cantly. Much precipitation becomes trapped in glaciers instead of flowing immediately
back to the ocean. Consequently, sea level drops and the hydrology of streams is greatly

altered. As gigantic ice sheets advance over continents, they obliterate preexisting
drainage networks. The moving ice scours and erodes the landscape and deposits the
debris near its margins, covering the preexisting topography. The crust of Earth is
pushed down by the weight of the ice, and meltwater commonly collects and forms
lakes along the ice margins. As the glaciers melt, new drainage systems are established
to accommodate the large volume of meltwater. Far beyond the margins of the glaciers,
stream systems are modified by changing climatic patterns. Even in arid regions, the
imprint of climatic changes associated with glaciation is seen in the development of
large lakes in closed basins.
We now know that glacial epochs have come and gone repeatedly over the last few mil-
lion years. Today, the planet basks in the relative warmth of an interglacial period, but it has
been cyclically plunged into cold episodes. Will there be another ice age?
In this chapter, we will study how glaciers operate as systems of flowing ice and how they
modify the landscape. We will then consider the causes of an ice age, which remain tantaliz-
ing questions still partly unanswered.

1. Glaciers are systems of flowing ice that form where more snow accumulates
each year than melts.
2. As ice flows, it erodes the surface of the land by abrasion and plucking. Sed-
iment is transported by the glacier and deposited where the ice melts. In the
process, the landscape is greatly modified.
3. The two major types of glacierscontinental and valley glaciersproduce
distinctive erosional and depositional landforms.
4. The Pleistocene ice age began 2 to 3 million years ago. During the ice age,
there were several glacial and interglacial epochs.The last glacial maximum
was about 18,000 years ago and glaciers have been receding since then.
5. The major effects of an ice age include glacial erosion and deposition, mod-
ification of drainage systems, creation of numerous lakes, the fall of sea level,
isostatic adjustments of the lithosphere, and migration and selective extinc-
tion of plant and animal species.
6. Periods of glaciation have been rare events in Earths history. The causes of
glacial episodes are not completely understood, but they may be related to
several simultaneously occurring factors, such as astronomical cycles, plate
tectonics, and ocean currents.


A glacier is an open system of flowing ice. Water enters the system as snow,
which is transformed into ice by compaction and recrystallization. The ice
then flows through the system, under the pressure of its own weight, and
leaves the system by evaporation and melting. The balance between the
rate of accumulation and the rate of melting determines the size of the
glacial system.

Glacial Ice
A glacier is a natural body of ice formed by the accumulation, compaction, and re-
crystallization of snow that is thick enough to flow. It is a dynamic system involv-
ing the accumulation and transportation of ice. The movement of the ice is a crit-
ical factor. A mass of ice must move or flow to be considered a glacier. Bodies of
ground ice, formed by the freezing of groundwater within perennially frozen
ground, are not glaciers, nor is the relatively thin sheet of frozen seawater known
as sea ice, which is so abundant in the polar regions. Perennial snowfields that do
not move are also not considered glaciers. Glacial ice is really a type of metamor-
phic rock that begins as sediment (an aggregate of mineral particles, or snow) and
is then metamorphosed by compaction and recrystallization into glacial ice.
The essential parts of a glacial system are (1) the zone of accumulation, where
there is a net gain of ice, and (2) the zone of ablation, where ice leaves the system
by melting, calving (shedding of large blocks of ice from a glacier edge, usually
into a body of water), and evaporating (Figure 14.1). The boundary between these
zones is the snow line. In the zone of accumulation, snow is transformed into glacial
ice. Freshly fallen snow consists of delicate hexagonal ice crystals or needles, with
as much as 90% of their total volume as empty space (Figure 14.2). As snow ac-
cumulates, the ice at the points of the snowflakes melts from the pressure of snow
buildup and migrates toward the center of the flake, eventually forming an ellip-
tical granule of recrystallized ice approximately 1 mm in diameter. The accumu-
lation of these particles packed together is called firn, or nv. With repeated
annual deposits, the loosely packed nv granules are compressed by the weight
of the overlying snow. Meltwater, which results from daily temperature fluctuations

Glacier Systems 375

Melting Zone of
and accumulation



Outwash plain

Melting and

FIGURE 14.1 A glacial system is an open system of ice that flows under the pull of gravity. Snow enters the system by
precipitation and is transformed into ice. The ice flows outward from the zone of accumulation under the pressure of its own weight.
The ice leaves the system by evaporating and melting in the zone of ablation. The boundary between these zones is approximated by
the snow line. As the ice moves through the system, it erodes and deposits sediment at the end of the glacier.

and the pressure of the overlying snow, seeps through the pore spaces between
the grains; when it freezes, it adds to the recrystallization process. Most of the air
in the pore spaces is driven out.When the ice reaches a thickness of approximately
60 m, it can no longer support its own weight and yields to plastic flow.

Types of Glaciers
There are two main types of glaciers: (1) valley glaciers and (2) continental glaci-
ers (Figure 14.3). Valley glaciers are ice streams that are confined to the canyons
and valleys of mountainous terrains. They originate in snowfields at the mountain
crest and flow down the canyons.A valley glacier that emerges from the mountain
front and spreads out as a large lobe at the foot of the mountain is commonly
called a piedmont glacier. Continental glaciers are huge sheets of ice that spread
out over a large part of the continent. They are commonly more than 3000 m thick
and completely cover the underlying terrain, except for the peaks of the highest

1 mm

FIGURE 14.2 Snow crystals change to granular ice by partial thawing and refreezing along their delicate edges. Burial produces compaction and
recrystallization, cementing all the grains into glacial ice. (Scanning electron microscope images courtesy of E. Erbe, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
376 Chapter 14

(A) Continental glaciers are huge ice sheets that cover a large part of a (B) Valley glaciers are streams of ice that flow down canyons and the
continent such as Antarctica, shown here. (Courtesy of M. F. Sheridan) valleys of mountainous terrains.

FIGURE 14.3 Types of glaciers can be recognized by their geometry and relationship to topography.

mountains. These huge sheets of ice generally flow outward in all directions from
one or several central regions of accumulation. Flow directions may be influenced
by subglacial topography such as highlands and mountain ranges. In rugged terrain,
the direction and rate of ice flow may be greatly influenced by mountain ranges,
and the ice is funneled through mountain passes in large streams called outlet glac-
iers. Antarctica and Greenland are present-day examples of continental glaciers
with a maximum thickness approaching 5000 m.

(A) Rotation of grains Glacier Flow

Ice is a brittle substance and, when struck sharply, it will fracture and break; how-
ever, like many substances that are normally regarded as solids, ice will flow if ad-
equate stress is applied over an extended period of time. Gravity is the funda-
mental force that causes ice to flow, and where an accumulation of ice exceeds a
depth of about 60 m, depending on temperature, slope angle, and so on, flow is
initiated. Ice has a much higher viscosity, or resistance to flow, than liquid water.
(B) Melting and freezing As a result, its flow is not turbulent, but rather the flow of glacial ice is laminar.That
is, the planes of flow are parallel. The planes curve but do not intersect or cross.
Several mechanisms have been observed by which ice undergoes solid-state
flow (Figure 14.4). In ice composed of loose individual granules, the shifting and
rotation of grains can produce a flowlike movement similar to that of sand being
poured from a bucket. In glaciers, the ice crystals are packed tightly together, so
this type of flow is minimal. Stress exerted on intergrown crystals causes them to
melt at points where pressure is concentrated. The water is then moved to areas
(C) Internal slipping of lower pressure and refreezes.Another mechanism involves minor displacement
along a series of parallel slip planes within individual ice crystals.Thin layers of ice
move past each other as a sheared deck of cards would.
The ice in most glaciers normally moves too slowly for us to see at any given mo-
ment, but a simple experiment can demonstrate the movement of glacial ice. We
need only lay a series of boulders in a straight line across a glacier from wall to wall,
and within a year or two the line will no longer be straight (Figure 14.5). This was
done in the Alps at least as early as the 1800s. More sophisticated measurements
show that various parts of glaciers move at different rates. One method to observe
FIGURE 14.4 Mechanisms of ice flow
involve (A) rotation of grains, (B) melting this difference is to drill a vertical hole through the glacier, insert a flexible pipe,
and freezing, and (C) internal slipping within and then survey the pipes position and inclination over a period of several years
the ice mass. (After R. P. Sharp) (Figure 14.5). The results show that the pipe not only moves down the valley, but
Glacier Systems 377

y wa



of Ic

ses one FIGURE 14.5 Ice flow in a glacier can
Pipe ttlez
Bri be shown by laying a series of rocks in a
She straight line across the glacier and observing
Bas and ring on
e their position in subsequent years. The
al flow ic z
slip st displaced boulders show that the center of
Pla the glacier, where ice is thickest, moves most
Def rapidly. A glacier moves by basal slip across
orm the underlying bedrock and by internal flow.
pipe ed ck The upper part of the glacier moves faster
Be than the basal part, which drags against
bedrock. The upper part of the glacier is
brittle and as a result has many fractures or

it also bends into a curve, with greater movement at the top than at the bottom.
In addition, the total downslope movement is greater than that accounted for by
bending. This result indicates that along with internal flow, the glacier also slips
over the underlying bedrock surface. Up to 95% of the movement in a glacier can
occur by basal slip. Basal slip is accomplished by melting and freezing of the ice near
the contact with the bedrock. Indeed, a relatively warm glacier is not everywhere
in firm contact with its bed, but it is locally separated from the bedrock below by Glacial Advance and Retreat
lubricating pockets of water.

Direction and Amount of Movement. The movement of glacial ice can best be
understood by considering what happens within the zone of accumulation and the
zone of ablation of a valley glacier that is in a steady state; that is, the size of the
glacier is neither shrinking nor expanding. Each year, a wedge-shaped layer of
snow, thickest at the head and thinnest at the snow line, is added to the surface of
accumulation (Figure 14.6).A similar wedge of ice, thickest at the end of the glacier
and thinnest at the snow line, is removed by melting. If a glacier is at equilibrium,
the volume of water represented by these two wedges must be the same. It cannot

Precipitation Evaporation

Melting and
Sediment input-
subglacial erosion

Zone of transportation

FIGURE 14.6 Movement of ice through a glacier is shown in this longitudinal cross section. In
the zone of accumulation, a wedge of snow is added each year. It is thickest at the head and thins to
a feather edge at the snow line. A similar wedge that is thin at the snow line and thickest at the end
of the glacier is removed by ablation. The internal flow of the glacial ice resulting from this
accumulation and wastage is shown with arrows. In the zone of accumulation, the ice moves
downward. Near the snow line, movement is horizontal. Near the lower end of the glacier, the
movement of the ice is upward. (After R. P. Sharp)
378 Chapter 14

keep getting thicker at the head and thinner at the snout. It adjusts to the
accumulation and removal of ice by changing the inclination of the direction of flow
(Figure 14.6). In the zone of accumulation, the direction of movement is inclined
downward, with respect to the surface of the glacier. The degree of downward
inclination decreases from the head of the glacier to the snow line.At the snow line,
the direction of movement is parallel to the surface of the glacier. In the zone of
ablation, the movement is upward, toward the surface, with upward inclination
increasing from the snow line to the snout. As shown in Figure 14.6, the ice at the
head of the glacier flows downward through the glacier. This same ice is near the
base of the glacier when it passes the snow line. It then flows upward and laterally
to the snout.

Extending and Compressing Flow. The movement of glacial ice is not uniform.
The vector lines in Figure 14.6 show that velocities of ice flow in the zone of
accumulation increase progressively from the head to the snow line. Here, the ice
is under tension and is constantly pulling away from upvalley ice. This is the
condition of extending flow. Below the snow line, velocities progressively decrease;
therefore, upvalley ice is continually pushing against downvalley ice. This is a
condition of compressing flow. Where bedrock slopes steepen, glacier velocities
increase and extending flow prevails; where the bedrock slopes are gentle, velocities
decrease and compressing flow occurs (Figure 14.7). Where glaciers descend over
extremely steep slopes, the ice descends with high velocities, creating a veritable
icefall. These are zones of extreme extending flow, and the ice is greatly thinned
and completely broken by numerous deep crevasses (see Figure 14.14B).The flow
velocity in an icefall can exceed 10 times that of the glacier elsewhere along its
course. At the base of an icefall, conditions are reversed; flow decreases rapidly,
compressing flow dominates, and the glacier thickens.

Debris from
valley wall

End moraine

flow ice fall Extreme


Plucking and

FIGURE 14.7 Extending and compressing flow result from variations in velocity. Where velocity increases, a glacier is extended (stretched)
and thinned. Where velocity decreases, the glacier is compressed and thickened. Fast-flowing ice over a steep surface results in extreme extending
flow. Gentle gradients produce compressing flow. As the ice moves, it erodes and transports sediment in various ways. Rockfalls from the valley
walls add sediment to the surface of the ice. Plucking and abrasion erode bedrock at the base of the glacier. Near the terminus, this sediment load
is transported upward by the flowing ice and deposited as the ice ablates.
Glacier Systems 379

In continental glaciers, the flow is radially outward from the zone of accumu-
lation or from broad domes of maximum thickness. Movement, however, is strong-
ly influenced by the configuration of the subglacial landscape. Preglacial valleys will How fast do glaciers flow?
channelize the flow of ice and greatly influence both direction and rate of flow.
Domes or highlands, in contrast, will act as barriers and inhibit flow.

Velocity Variations. The flow of glacial ice, like that of running water in streams
and rivers, is not constant, but varies significantly with time and place. Ice flow in
a glacier may seem extremely slow compared with the flow of water in rivers, but
the movement is continuous, and over the years, vast quantities of ice can move
through a glacier. Measurements show that some of Switzerlands large valley
glaciers move as much as 180 m/yr. Smaller glaciers move from 90 to 150 m/yr.
Some of the most rapid rates have been measured on the outlet glaciers of
Greenland, where ice is funneled through mountain passes at a speed of 8 km/yr.
From these and other measurements, flow rates of a few centimeters per day appear
common, and velocities of 3 m/day are exceptional.

Surging Glaciers. An extremely rapid flow of glacial ice, with velocities more
than 100 times normal, is referred to as a glacial surge. Flow is extremely rapid, with
daily advances of more than 90 m. One of the most rapid surges on record was
observed in the Kutiak Glacier in Asia, where the glacier advanced 12 km in
3 months. In fall 1993, the Bering Glacier in Alaska surged 225 m in a day. Most
glaciers occur in remote areas, so few surges were well documented in the past;
today, however, satellite imaging monitors the flow velocities of glaciers throughout
the world. Preliminary studies indicate that glacier surges are much more common
than previously thought.
It is believed that glacial surge results from basal slip, as water gradually ac-
cumulates in small, interconnected cavities under the ice. Under such conditions,
basal hydraulic pressure could increase to the point at which the glacier is local-
ly raised a centimeter or two off its bed. Raising of the glacier could greatly in-
crease basal slip and initiate a surge. Glacial surges may also result from sudden
slippage along the base of a glacier, caused by the buildup of extreme stress up-
stream. Stagnant or slow-moving ice near the terminus can act as a dam for the
faster-moving ice upstream. If this damming happens, stress builds up behind the
slow-moving ice, and a surge occurs when a critical point is reached. Surges can
also be caused by a sudden addition of mass to the glaciers, such as a large
avalanche or landslide on its surface. Glacier surge is more than a feature of aca-
demic interest. Where glaciers reach the sea, surging glaciers can create many
times more icebergs than normal, which constitute hazards in shipping lanes.
Greenland, for example, discharges on the order of 10,000 icebergs each year into
the Atlantic Ocean. If this amount were suddenly increased 100 times, it could
have a significant effect on shipping lanes.

The most obvious and abundant structures in a glacier are crevasseslarge cracks
opened by the fracturing of a brittle upper layer of ice as the underlying ice con-
tinues to flow (Figure 14.5). Crevasses are nearly vertical and may be more than Why do crevasses form only in the
30 m deep and thousands of meters long. Crevasses are tensional fractures pro- upper part of glaciers?
duced by differential motion in the ice (see Figure 14.14B). Almost any part of a
glacier involved in differential flow velocities is likely to develop crevasses trans-
verse to the direction of ice flow. Marginal crevasses are present in almost all val-
ley glaciers, along their lateral margins, because the ice drags along the valley walls
(see Figure 14.11).These crevasses are usually short and point upstream.Transverse
crevasses form at right angles to the direction of flow, where flexing of the ice oc-
curs as the glacier moves over bumps or ridges on the bedrock floor. Similarly, ice-
380 Chapter 14

falls are intensely crevassed by the greatly accelerated rate of flow as the ice moves
down a steep slope (Figure 14.7). Longitudinal crevasses develop at the terminus
of a glacier, where the ice stream spreads out, setting up tensional stresses at right
angles to the flow direction. Radial crevasses are similar but form a radial pattern
where the ice spreads out in a lobate pattern. Crevasses allow geologists to study
the interior of a glacier, but they are extremely hazardous because they may be-
come bridged over with snow, forming veritable ice death traps.

The zone of ablation is where ice leaves the system by melting, evaporating, and
calving (Figure 14.6). Melting, of course, is a major process. It is influenced by
many complex factors, such as cloud cover, air temperature, rain, dust, and dirt
on the surface of the glacier. Surface rock debris can significantly influence melt-
ing because the darker rock absorbs much more solar radiation than the lighter
ice and snow.
Anyone who has visited a glacier during the summer is impressed with the large
amount of meltwater. Melting occurs not only at the end of a glacier (see Figure
14.14C), but over its entire surface.When meltwater is abundant, it percolates into
the crevasses and pore spaces between the ice grains, creating a zone of saturation
within the glacier. A water table is thus created in the glacier and is commonly
seen a few meters below the surface in many crevasses. Near the snow line, a thin
layer of snow covers the impervious glacial ice below, and the concentration of
meltwater may create snow swamps. Water derived from these swamps collects
into a surface drainage system in which streams may cut steep-walled channels
tens of meters deep. Velocity in these streams may be abnormally fast because the
smooth ice surface of the channel offers minimal resistance to flow.
A surface stream may disappear down a large cylindrical hole in the ice and
into a system of subglacial tunnels (see Figure 14.11). Subglacial tunnels are largest
and most numerous near the end of a glacier. Some are tightly confined and may
be completely full of meltwater and operate under pressure like domestic water
pipes. Where the water is brought back to the surface, it may emerge with enough
force to form a geyserlike eruption. The amount of water lost by melting is ap-
parent in the expanse of braided streams in the outwash plain beyond the glacier.
Calving occurs primarily where the glacier enters the sea and is broken into
large fragments that float away as icebergs and ultimately melt (see Figure 14.15).
Most of the ice on the entire Antarctic continent reaches the sea; some of it extends
over the oceans surface as a floating ice shelf. Calving is thus a major form of
wastage for Antarctic glaciers, as huge tabular icebergs break away from the shores
and drift northward. Calving is also a major process of wastage in valley glaciers
that reach the sea.
In the zone of ablation, only a small volume of ice changes from the solid state
directly to the vapor state. This accounts for less than 1% of the total ablation. In
most glaciers, melting and calving are the dominant processes of ablation.

Does ice flow through a glacier even

Glacial Equilibrium
though the end of the glacier is receding? Glaciers are open systems and have much in common with other gravity flow sys-
tems, such as rivers and groundwater. Water enters the system primarily in the
upper parts of the glacier, where snow accumulates and is transformed into ice.The
ice then flows out of the zone of accumulation. At the glaciers lower end, or ter-
minus, ice leaves the system by melting, calving, and evaporating. For most glaci-
ers, ice accumulation dominates during winter when snowfall is greatest, and ab-
lation is highest during spring and summer. The annual difference between
accumulation and ablation on a glacier is the net mass balance. If more snow is
added in the zone of accumulation than is lost by melting or evaporation at the end
of the glacier, the ice mass increases and the glacial system expands. If the
accumulation of ice is less than ablation, there is a net loss of mass and the size of
Glacier Systems 381

the glacial system is reduced. If accumulation and ablation are in balance, the mass
of ice remains constant, the size of the system remains constant, and the terminus
of the ice remains stationary. It is important to understand that the margins of a
glacier constitute the boundaries of a system of flowing ice, much as the banks and
mouth of a river constitute the boundaries of a river system. Ice within the glaci-
er continually flows toward the terminus, or terminal margins, regardless of whether
the terminal margins are advancing, retreating, or stationary.
The behavior of a glacial system (the size of the mass of ice) is determined by
the balance between the rate of input and the rate of output of ice. The two major
variables in this balance are temperature and precipitation. A glacier can grow or
shrink with an unchanging rate of precipitation if the temperature varies enough
to increase or decrease the rate of melting (rate of output). The size of a glacier in
no way represents the amount of ice that has moved through the system, just as the
length of a river does not represent the volume of water that has flowed through
it. Size simply shows the amount of ice currently in the system.
An example, from the last ice age, illustrates this point. A glacial valley 20 km
long in the Rocky Mountains was eroded 600 m deeper than the original stream
valley. This large amount of erosion was not accomplished by 20 km of ice moving
down the valley. It was the result of many thousands of kilometers of ice flowing
through the valley. If the ice occupied the valley during each glacial epoch and
moved 0.3 m/day, a total of approximately 72,000 km of ice would have moved
down the valley. Yet, the glacier was never more than 20 km long. The enormous
abrasion caused by such a long stream of ice would be able to wear down the val-
ley to a depth of 600 m.

Continental ice sheets and valley glaciers are powerful agents of erosion. An ice
sheet may erode its base at a rate of 0.1 to 0.35 mm/yr. The North American ice
sheet may have eroded as much as 1 to 2 m of bedrock during the last glacial
cycle and tens of meters during the entire series of glacial advances. Because of
the cold temperature accompanying glaciation, ice wedging contributes to the
process. Wherever hills or mountains stand higher than the surface of the glaci-
er, intense ice wedging occurs, loosening blocks of rock that then roll onto the
surface of the glacier, which carries them away. Indeed, ice wedging is responsi-
ble for much of the detailed form of the sharp, jagged peaks that characterize
glaciated mountains (Figure 14.3).
Glacial plucking is the lifting out and removal of fragments of bedrock by the
moving ice (Figure 14.7). It is one of the most effective ways in which a glacier
erodes the land. The process involves ice wedging. Beneath the glacier, meltwater
seeps into joints or fractures, where it freezes and expands, wedging loose blocks
of rock. The loosened blocks freeze to the bottom of the glacier and are plucked,
or quarried, from the bedrock, becoming incorporated in the moving ice. The
process is especially effective where the bedrock is cut by numerous joints and
where the surface of the bedrock is unsupported on the downstream side.
Abrasion is essentially a filing process.The angular blocks plucked and quarried
by the moving ice freeze firmly into the glacier; thus firmly gripped, they are ground
against the bedrock over which the glacier moves (Figure 14.7).The process is sim-
ilar to the rasping action of a file or sandpaper. Rivers, wind, and waves do not
have this ability to grasp and use rock fragments as a rasp. The process is a trade-
mark of glaciers. Aided by the pressure of the overlying ice, the angular blocks are
very effective agents of erosion, capable of wearing away large quantities of
bedrock. The fragments become abraded and worn down as they grind against the
bedrock surface. As a result, glacial boulders usually develop flat surfaces that are
deeply scratched.
Evidence of the distinctive abrasive and quarrying action of glaciers can be seen
on most bedrock surfaces over which glacial ice has moved. Hills of bedrock
382 Chapter 14

Glacial ice

Direction of ice flow


Bedrock Joints

FIGURE 14.8 A roche moutonne, like this one in a fjord in Norway, is an erosional feature that forms as ice moves over bedrock, eroding
it into a streamlined shape by a combination of abrasion and plucking. Abrasion produces a smooth, grooved, and striated surface on one flank;
plucking develops a jagged irregular cliff on the downstream flank. Roches moutonnes range from small knobs a few meters high to major
domes more than 200 m high.

(roches moutonnes) commonly are streamlined by glacial abrasion. Their up-

stream sides typically are rounded, smoothed, striated, and locally polished by
abrasion, while their downstream sides are made steep and rugged by glacial pluck-
ing (Figure 14.8).
Roches moutonnes range in size from small knobs a few meters long to large
hills that rise 50 to 200 m above the surrounding landscape. Many are elongate in
the direction of the ice flow and are best developed in resistant but jointed rock.
Whalebacks are similar to roches moutonnes but are smooth, elongate features
that are typically grooved and polished.They lack the rugged downstream face pro-
duced by glacial plucking and perhaps are more common than roches moutonnes.
Glacial striations are numerous, small scratches, a fraction of a millimeter deep
and several tens of centimeters long. They are formed by angular sand-sized par-
ticles dragged across the rock surface by the flowing ice. The striations are paral-
lel to the direction of ice movement. When used in conjunction with other fea-
tures like moraines and drumlins, they reveal the direction that the ice flowed.
Glacial polish is produced where very fine debris is incorporated into the basal
ice. Glacial grooves are similar to striations but are larger, longer, and deeper.They
are distinctively linear and U-shaped, with a smooth base, walls, and rounded edges
(Figure 14.9). Typical grooves are 10 to 20 cm wide and 50 to 100 m long. Excep-
tional grooves, 30 m deep and 12 km long, are found in northwestern Canada.


Erosion and deposition by valley glaciers produce many distinctive land-

forms, the most important of which are (1) U-shaped valleys, (2) cirques,
(3) hanging valleys, (4) horns, (5) moraines, and (6) outwash plains.

Valley glaciers are responsible for some of the most rugged and scenic mountain-
ous terrain on Earth.The Alps, the Sierra Nevadas, the Rockies, and the Himalayas
were all greatly modified by glaciers during the last ice age, and the shapes of their
valleys, peaks, and divides retain the unmistakable imprint of erosion by ice.
As a result, they have been studied for many years, and their general charac-
teristics are well understood. Valley glaciers are long, narrow streams of ice that
originate in the snowfields of high mountain ranges and flow down preexisting
stream valleys (Figure 14.10).They range from a few hundred meters to more than
a hundred kilometers in length. In many ways, they resemble river systems. They
Glacier Systems 383

FIGURE 14.9 Glacial grooves and striations result from the abrasive action of a glacier and
(when used in conjunction with other features) clearly show the direction in which the ice moved
across this landscape in southern Ontario.

FIGURE 14.10 Valley glaciers on Bylot Island just off the northern end of Canadas Baffin Island originate in the snowfields that almost
completely cover the mountain peaks. Note that the snow line extends down almost to sea level. The main glaciers extend down from the highland as
tongues of ice (blue). Note that glaciers, like river systems, consist of a main trunk stream and an intricate system of branching tributaries. (Courtesy of
384 Chapter 14

receive an input of water (in the form of snow) in the higher reaches of moun-
tains, and they have a system of tributaries leading to a main trunk system. Their
flow direction is controlled by the valley the glacier occupies, and as the ice moves,
it erodes and modifies the landscape over which it flows. Unlike a stream of liq-
uid water, the ice may be as much as 1000 m deep and flow slowly, perhaps a
Valley Glaciers fraction of a meter a day. As the ice moves, it picks up rock and debris along its
margins from abrasion, forming a marginal zone of dirty ice. In addition, the mass
movement of rock debris from the valley walls above the glacier contributes to
the rock debris along the ice margin. Below the snow line, the melting of the dirty
ice concentrates the debris into a linear band along the side of the glacier that is
called a lateral moraine (see Figure 14.14A) Where a tributary glacier joins the
main stream, the two adjacent lateral moraines merge to form a medial moraine.
Remember that the debris in a moraine represents only the outcropping of a band
What unique landforms result from of dirty ice normally extending from the surface to the floor of the glacier (Figure
sediment deposited by valley glaciers? 14.11). Thus, most valley glaciers are composed of multiple ice streams from trib-
utary glaciers, separated by zones of dirty ice underlying the moraines at the sur-
face. Downstream, the glacier undergoes progressive melting, and the morainal
ridges become higher and broader.
If the floors of two merging glaciers join at the same level, the ice streams merge
side by side, each extending from the surface to the floor of the valley, separated
by a zone of dirty ice and debris. If a tributary glacier enters the main stream above
the floor of the main glacier, the tributary glacier does not extend down to the
floor of the main stream but rests above it.
The idealized diagrams in Figure 14.12 and the photographs in Figures 14.13
and 14.14 illustrate the major erosional landforms resulting from valley glaciation.
Figure 14.12 permits a comparison and contrast of landscapes formed only by run-
ning water with those that have been modified by valley glaciers. Figure 14.12A
shows the typical topography of a mountain region being eroded by streams. A
relatively thick mantle of soil and weathered rock debris covers the slopes. The
valleys are V-shaped, in cross section, and have many bends at tributary junctions
so that ridges and divides between tributaries appear to overlap if you look up the
valley. In Figure 14.12B, the valleys are shown occupied by glaciers. The growing
glaciers expand down the tributary valleys and merge to form a major glacier.

FIGURE 14.11 The internal structure Medial

of a valley glacier consists of the merging of moraine
different ice streams. Each tributary is Crevasses
separated from the others by morainal
debris or dirty ice. Crevasses develop in the
upper, brittle part of the glacier by
differential motion in the ice. Common types
of crevasses in valley glaciers include
marginal crevasses due to drag along the
valley walls, transverse crevasses that form
as the glacier moves over irregularities on
the bedrock floor, and longitudinal crevasses
that develop at the end of a glacier where
the ice stream begins to spread out.
Meltwater may accumulate in marginal lakes
or flow in short streams before seeping into
the interior of the ice. Much of the meltwater
moves through tunnels in or at the base of
the ice.

Glacier Systems 385
Rounded (A) The topography before glaciation is shaped by
topography running water. Valleys typically are V-shaped and
V-shaped have many curves and irregularities in map view.
valley Hills are rounded.

Horns (B) Valley glaciers form in high areas and move

Medial Lateral down major stream valleys. A network of tributaries
moraines moraine delivers ice to the main glacier. Ice wedging on the
Cirques valley walls produces abundant rock fragments that
accumulate as lateral moraines on the glaciers

Horns (C) When the glacier recedes, the topography has

U-shaped Hanging valley been significantly modified. Sharp, angular
valleys Truncated landforms dominate. The valleys previously
spur Cirques occupied by glaciers are deep and U-shaped. Bowl-
shaped depressions called cirques develop at the
heads of the valleys. Where several cirques meet, a
sharp, pyramid-like peak called a horn is formed.
Tributaries form hanging valleys that can have
spectacular waterfalls.

FIGURE 14.12 Landforms produced by

valley glaciers constitute some of the most
spectacular scenery in the world. In these
diagrams, an idealized landscape formed by stream
erosion is shown as it might appear before, during,
and after glaciation.
FIGURE 14.13 Glaciated topography in the Alps of Switzerland shows most of the classic landforms produced by valley glaciers. Note the major
U-shaped valley and its tributaries. Cirques and horns dominate the landscape in the background, where remnants of valley glaciers still exist.
Compare the landforms shown here with those in Figure 14.12C. (Courtesy of Petroconsultants, S. A., Geneva, Switzerland)

(A) Lateral moraines form on the margins of valley glaciers. Where two (B) Crevasses are large cracks in the brittle upper part of a glacier.
glaciers merge, the lateral moraines merge to form a medial moraine. These transverse crevasses formed perpendicular to the flow direction
as the glacier moved over bumps on the valley floor.

(C) The outwash plain is covered by braided streams emanating from (D) A terminal moraine forms a high arcuate ridge after a valley
the melting Nabesna glacier of the Yukon Territory. glacier receded in Californias Sierra Nevada range.

(E) Extending flow forms crevasses and may occur where a glacier (F) Glacial erosion features, such as the horns shown here, dominate
descends over a steep slope. Compressing flow is common at the end of glaciated mountain regions. The Grand Teton, Wyoming, was shaped by
the glacier, where stagnant ice prevents its forward motion. erosion during the ice age.

FIGURE 14.14 Valley glaciers produce distinctive erosion and deposition features.

388 Chapter 14

A valley glacier commonly fills more than half of the valley depth, and as it
moves, it modifies the former V-shaped stream valley into a broad U-shaped, or
troughlike form. The head of the glacier is enlarged by plucking and grows head-
ward toward the mountain crest to form a cirque (Figure 14.12). Where two or
more cirques approach the summit crest, they sculpt the mountain crest into a
sharp, pyramid-shaped peak, called a horn. The projecting ridges and divides,
What unique landforms result from between glacial valleys, are subjected to rigorous ice wedging, abrasion, and mass
erosion by valley glaciers? movement. In contrast to the rounded topography developed by stream erosion,
these processes produce sharp, angular crests and divides, called artes.
Note that where tributaries enter the main glacier, the upper surfaces of the
glaciers are at the same level. The main glacier, however, is much thicker, and it
therefore erodes its valley to a greater depth than that of the tributary valleys.
When the glaciers recede from the area, the floors of the tributary valleys will be
higher than the floor of the main valley; the tributary valleys are therefore known
as hanging valleys.
Part of a valley glaciers load consists of rock fragments that avalanche down the
steep valley sides and accumulate along the glacier margins. Frost action is espe-
cially active in the cold climate of valley glaciers and produces large quantities of an-
gular rock fragments. This material is transported along the surface of the glacial
margins, forming conspicuous lateral moraines (Figure 14.11). Where a tributary
glacier enters the main valley, the lateral moraine of the tributary glacier merges
with a lateral moraine of the main glacier to form a medial moraine in the central
part of the main glacier. In addition to transporting the load near its base, a valley
glacier thus acts as a conveyor belt and transports a large quantity of surface sedi-
ment to the terminus. At the terminus, ice leaves the system through melting and
evaporation, and the load is deposited as an end moraine. End moraines common-
ly block the ends of the valleys, so meltwater from the ice accumulates and forms
ponds and lakes (Figure 14.14D). Downstream from the glacier, meltwater reworks
the glacial sediments and redeposits them to form an outwash plain (Figure 14.14C).
Figures 14.12C and 14.13 show regions after glaciers have disappeared. The
most conspicuous and magnificent landforms developed by valley glaciers are the
long, straight, U-shaped valleys, or troughs. Many are several hundred meters deep
and tens of kilometers long. The heads of glacial valleys terminate in large am-
phitheater-shaped or bowl-like cirques, which commonly contain small lakes.
The landforms that develop at the terminus of a valley glacier are illustrated in
Figures 14.1 and 14.14. The terminal moraine characteristically extends in a broad
arc, conforming to the shape of the terminus of the ice. It commonly traps melt-
water and forms a temporary lake. If periods of stabilization occur during the
recession of ice, recessional moraines may form behind the terminal moraine.
The great volume of meltwater released at the terminus of a glacier reworks
much of the previously deposited moraine and redeposits the material beyond the
glacier in an outwash plain (Figures 14.1 and 14.14C). Outwash sediment has all
of the characteristics of stream deposits, and the sediment is typically rounded,
sorted, and stratified.


Continental glaciers greatly modify the entire landscape they cover.

The flowing ice removes the soil and commonly erodes several meters of
the underlying bedrock. Material is transported long distances and
deposited near the ice margins, producing depositional landforms such as
moraines, drumlins, eskers, kettles, lake sediment, and outwash plains. The
preexisting drainage is disrupted or obliterated, so numerous lakes form
after the ice melts.
Glacier Systems 389
Esker Former
shorelines Kettle
Zone of lake Terminal
ablation Marine moraine
embayment Outwash
Proglacial stream Recessional
lake moraine



Zone of

Subsidence due
to weight of the ice

Crevasses Calving Iceberg


Shear zone Drop



Subglacial Abrasion Unstratified Stratified Varved or
till till till laminated mud
with dropstones

FIGURE 14.15 A continental glacier system covers a large part of a continent and causes significant changes across the entire landscape. The
weight of the ice depresses the ground surface, so the land commonly slopes toward the glacier, and lakes form in the depressions along ice margins, or
an arm of the ocean may invade the depression. The preexisting river systems are greatly modified, and streams that flow toward the ice margins are
impounded to form lakes. The glacier advances more rapidly into lowlands, so the margins are not straight but are typically irregular or lobate. As the
system expands and contracts, ridges of sediment are deposited along the margins, and a variety of erosional and depositional landforms develop
beneath the ice. The balance between the rate of accumulation and rate of melting determines the size of the glacier.

In terms of their effect on the landscape and on Earths hydrologic system, conti-
nental glaciers are by far the most important type of glacial system.These large ice
sheets form in some of the most rigorous and inhospitable climates on Earth.
Nonetheless, teams of scientists from various countries use modern technology to
study existing continental glaciers in Canada, Greenland, and Antarctica. From
these studies, we can construct a reasonably accurate model of an idealized conti-
nental glacial system and analyze how it operates (Figure 14.15).
The basic elements of a continental glacier are much the same as those in a val- What are the major elements in a
ley glacier. Both systems have a zone of accumulation, where there is a net gain of continental glacier system?
ice from snowfall. The ice flows out from the zone of accumulation to the zone of
ablation, where it leaves the system through melting, evaporation, and calving. A
continental glacier is a roughly circular or elliptical plate of ice, rarely more than
3000 m thick. Ice does not have the strength to support the weight of an appreciably
thicker accumulation. If more ice is added by increased precipitation, the glacier
simply flows out from the centers of accumulation more quickly.
The weight of such a huge ice mass causes Earths crust to subside, so the sur-
face of the land commonly slopes toward the glacier. Subsidence creates a low-
land along the ice margin, which traps meltwater to form large lakes. If the mar-
gin of the glacier is near the coast, an arm of the sea may flood the depression.
Preexisting drainage systems are modified or completely obliterated. Rivers that
flow toward the ice margins are impounded, forming lakes, which may overflow
and develop a new river channel parallel to the ice margin. Drainage systems
390 Chapter 14

covered by the glacier are destroyed. Thus, when the ice melts, no established, in-
tegrated drainage system exists, so numerous lakes form in the natural depressions.
The margins of continental glaciers commonly form large lobes. These develop
because the ice moves most rapidly into preexisting lowlands. The sediment de-
posited at the ice margins form arcuate or lobate terminal moraines. Erosion is at
a minimum where the ice extends into the near polar regions because ice is frozen
Continental Glaciers to the land surface. Most of the movement occurs in the middle of the sheet rather
than at its bottom.
The Barnes Ice Cap of Baffin Island, Canada (Figure 14.16), is one of the last
remnants of the glacier that covered much of Canada and parts of the northern
United States only 14,000 years ago. This example illustrates the relationship be-
tween the continental glacier and the regional landforms. As shown on the map,
the glacier is elliptical, with irregular, or lobate, margins. The ice is thickest in the
central part and thins toward the edges. The presence of the glacier has caused an
isostatic subsidence of the crust, so the land slopes toward the ice margins. In ad-
dition, the glacier has completely disrupted the former drainage system. Meltwa-
ter has therefore accumulated along the ice margins, forming a group of lakes. A
photograph of the southern margins of the ice cap (Figure 14.17) shows the large,
gently arched surface of the glacier, sediment deposited along the ice contact, and
stream channels formed by meltwater on the glaciers surface.
The ice cap that covers nearly 80% of Greenland is much larger than the rem-
nant on Baffin Island. In cross section, the glacier is shaped like a drop of water
on a table (Figure 14.18). Its upper surface is a broad, almost flat-topped arch and
is typically smooth and featureless. The base of the glacier is relatively flat. The

FIGURE 14.16 The Barnes Ice Cap,

Baffin Island, Canada, is a remnant of the
last continental glacier that covered large 0 20
parts of North America and shows many
features typically produced by continental km
glaciation. Isostatic adjustment of the crust
causes the surface of the land to slope
toward the ice, so lakes form along the ice
margins. Drainage coming from the north is
blocked by the ice and also contributes to
lake formation near the ice margins.
Irregularities in the surface over which the
ice flows cause the ice margins to be uneven,
or lobate.


Barnes Ice Cap



Glacier Systems 391

FIGURE 14.17 The margins of the Barnes

Ice Cap are marked by ridges of sediment
deposited as the ice melts. The glaciers upper
surface is gently arched, and meltwater has
formed small meandering streams. The landscape
of the Great Lakes region must have appeared
something like this 20,000 years ago. (Photograph
by J. D. Ives)


o f se

c Ci

FIGURE 14.18 The Greenland Ice Sheet
covers nearly 80% of the island. In this
2000 Ice diagram, the thickness of the glacier is shown
0 by contour lines. The upper surface of the
Bedrock glacier is a broad, almost flat-topped arch and is
typically smooth and featureless. The arrows
0 300 show the direction of ice flow. Note from the
km cross section that the central part of Greenland
has been depressed below sea level by the
weight of the ice.
392 Chapter 14

Main body of glacier


FIGURE 14.19 Outlet glaciers are segments of a continental glacier that advance rapidly through a mountain pass. A mountain
range is a physical barrier to the movement of a continental glacier, and great pressure builds up in the ice behind the range. This
pressure causes the ice in an outlet glacier to move very rapidly, in comparison with the main body ice.

Greenland glacier is more than 3000 m thick in its central part, but it thins toward
the margins.The zone of accumulation is in the central part of the island, where the
ice sheet is nourished by snowstorms moving from west to east. The snowline lies
from 50 to 250 km inland; thus, the area of ablation constitutes only a narrow belt
along the glacial margins.
In rugged terrain, especially in areas close to the margins, the direction of ice
What are outlet glaciers? movement is greatly influenced by mountain ranges, and the ice moves through
mountain passes in large streams of outlet glaciers (Figure 14.19). These resemble
valley glaciers in that they are confined by the topography. Pressure builds up in
the ice behind a mountain range and forces outlet glaciers through mountain pass-
es at relatively high speeds. Measurements in Greenland show that the main ice
mass advances at approximately 10 to 30 cm/day. Outlet glaciers, however, can
move as fast as 1 m/hr. In some places, you can actually see the ice move.
Antarctica The glacier of Antarctica is similar to that of Greenland in that it covers essen-
tially the entire land mass (Figure 14.20). Antarctica, however, is much larger than
Greenland, and its glacier contains more than 90% of Earths ice. Much of the gla-
cier is more than 3000 m thick, and its weight has depressed large parts of the con-
tinents surface below sea level. Parts of Antarctica (mostly near the continental
margins) are mountainous, with the higher peaks and ranges protruding above the
ice. In the mountains, outlet glaciers funnel ice from the interior to the coast.
In addition to the continental glacier that blankets most of the land surface,
Antarctica possesses two vast, fringing ice shelves and several smaller ones. These
are not true glaciers but tabular bodies of ice that float on the ocean waters in the
embayments of the Ross and Weddell seas. The shelves are several hundred me-
ters thick and are fed by glaciers flowing out toward the edge of the Antarctic
landmass.They are attached to the coast but calve off into the sea to form huge tab-
ular icebergs that may exceed 100 km in length.
Many outlet glaciers flow through the valleys of the rugged Transantarctic
Mountains onto the western edge of the Ross Ice Shelf (Figure 14.20). The largest
of these is the Byrd Glacier, which is more than 20 km wide and 100 km long. The
flow of ice is expressed by long ridges and furrows, parallel to the valley walls.
Byrd Glacier is one of the fastest-moving glaciers in Antarctica, flowing at a rate
of 750 to 800 m/yr.
Both Greenland and Antarctica are surrounded by water, so there is an ample
supply of moisture to feed their glaciers. In contrast, Siberia is cold enough for
Lambert Glacier glaciers to exist, but it lacks sufficient precipitation for ice to accumulate, so it has
no glaciers.
Perhaps the best way to approach the study of landforms produced by continen-
tal glaciers is to study the photograph of an ice cap in Iceland (Figure 14.21) and the
block diagrams of an ice sheet margin (Figure 14.22). From viewpoints on the ground,
the landforms developed by continental glaciers are relatively inconspicuous and
not nearly as spectacular as those produced by valley glaciers. Regionally, however,
Glacier Systems 393


Line of section

0 1000 2000


2000 Ross Ice Shelf Ice
0 1000 2000 0

km Bedrock

(A) Satellite image of Antarctica shows the vast extent of a continental (B) The tremendous weight of the Antarctic ice sheet has depressed
glacier. Two large ice shelves and several smaller ones float on seawater. large parts of the continent below sea level. The higher peaks of
The ice shelves appear smooth and flat. (Courtesy of NASA) Antarcticas mountain ranges protrude above the glacier as islands of
rock in a sea of ice.

Flow velocity (m/y) Ice thickness (m)

0.1 10 1000 0 2000 4000

(C) The ice moves as much as several hundred meters per year as shown in (D) The Antarctic ice sheet is as much as 3000 m thick but tapers toward
this computer model. Drainage basins are bounded by slow ice. Fast the margins of the continent. (Data from the BEDMAP Project)
streams of ice are concentrated on the margins but extend deep into the
interior. (Roland Warner, Antarctic CRC and Australian Antarctic Division)

FIGURE 14.20 Antarctica is buried by Earths largest mass of ice. The maps show its topography, velocity, and thickness of the glacier.
394 Chapter 14

Outlet glaciers
Atlantic Ocean

Zone of ablation

Outwash plain

Zone of accumulation

Zone of ablation


Laki fissure
Lobate margins

Eroded terrain

FIGURE 14.21 Icelands Vatnajokull glacier completely buries the underlying surface, including two large volcanoes. Beyond the snow line,
large lobes form the margins of the ice cap. In the more-rugged terrain, toward the top, outlet glaciers advance through the valleys toward the sea.
Sediment, carried by braided rivers on the outwash plains, tints the near-shore water. A subglacial eruption in 1996 caused a huge subglacial flood to
burst from the glacier and flow down the outwash plain to the ocean, destroying bridges and roads. (Courtesy of Earth Observation Satellite Company)
Glacier Systems 395
Ice-margin lake
Crevasses blocks

(A) A glacier transports debris to the ice margins. Meltwater carves

tunnels beneath the ice and emerges in braided streams that deposit
reworked glacial sediment on the outwash plain. In places, meltwater
collects along the ice margins in temporary lakes that develop deltas
and other typical shoreline features.

Recessional end
end moraine moraine
Ground Kettles Old lake
Kettles Delta
moraine shorelines


(B) After the ice has receded, the hummocky hills of a terminal
moraine stretch in an arcuate line, conforming to the original
shape of the ice margins at the farthest advance of the glacier.
The retreating glacier leaves behind unsorted debris in ground
moraines, and recessional moraines mark the positions of the
ice margin where the glacier paused during its retreat. Hills of
ground moraine can be reshaped by a subsequent advance of
ice, forming drumlins. Sinuous eskers remain where sediment
was deposited by subglacial streams, and sediment reworked by
meltwater forms outwash plain and lake deposits. Where ice
blocks were stranded by the receding glacier and partly buried
under debris, the melting of the ice produces kettles.

FIGURE 14.22 Landforms developed by continental glaciers commonly are related to the position of the ice margin or the direction of the flow.
(After A. N. Strahler, Physical Geography. New York: Wiley, 1951)
396 Chapter 14

(A) Glacial till resting on horizontal limestone in Iowa is responsible for (B) Varves are annual layers of sediment accumulated in glacial lakes.
much of the rich farmland in that area. Large boulders dropped from melting icebergs (dropstones)
accumulate contemporaneously.

(C) Moraines form a distinctive topography of rolling hills and numerous (D) Eskers form long, sinuous ridges composed of sand and gravel
closed depressions. (Courtesy of D. Easterbrook) deposited by streams that flowed beneath the glacier. (D. Easterbrook)

(E) Drumlins are streamlined hills that were shaped by the movement (F) The outwash plain forms from meltwaters from the glacier and is
of the glacier and show the direction in which the ice flowed. characterized by fluvial sediments deposited by braided streams.
(Courtesy of D. Easterbrook)

FIGURE 14.23 Glacial landforms reveal the former presence of vast continental glaciers.
Glacier Systems 397

FIGURE 14.24 Erratics are large

boulders transported by glaciers and then
dropped far from their point of origin. This
isolated block was carried 300 km by glacial
ice and now lies near Okotok, Alberta,
Canada. In some areas, diamond and other
ore deposits have been found by tracing
distinctive erratics back to their bedrock

continental glaciation modifies the entire landscape, producing many important and
distinctive surface features (Figure 14.23). Debris (till) transported by the glacier
accumulates at the ice margin as a terminal moraine. Beneath the ice is a variable
thickness of till, transported by the glacier and deposited as a ground moraine.
This material, together with outwash plain sediment, can be reshaped by subse-
quent advances of ice to produce streamlined hills, called drumlins. The upstream
end of a drumlin is blunt and steeper than the tail, so the form resembles a rain-
drop. The long axis is oriented parallel to the direction of ice movement. Drumlins
are usually found in groups or swarms containing as many as 10,000 individuals. Ex-
cellent drumlin fields are found in Ireland, England, Canada, Michigan,Wisconsin,
New England, New York, and western Washington. Some of the islands in Boston
Harbor are drumlins, as is Bunker Hill, a famous landmark in U.S. history.
Streams of meltwater flow in tunnels within (and beneath) the ice and carry
a large bed load, which is ultimately deposited to form a long, sinuous ridge
known as an esker (Figure 14.23D). Debris-laden meltwater forms braided
streams that flow from the glacier, over the outwash plain, where they deposit
much of their load. During the retreat of the glaciers, meltwater forms subglacial
channels and tunnels, which open into the outwash plain. Temporary lakes can
develop where meltwater is trapped along the edges of the glacier, and deltas
and other shoreline features form along the lake margins. Deposits on the lake
bottom typically are stratified in a series of alternating light and dark layers
known as varves (Figure 14.23B). The coarse, light-colored material accumulates
during spring and summer runoff. During the winter, when the lake is frozen
over, no new sediment enters the lake, and the fine mud settles out of suspension
to form the thin, dark layers.
Ice blocks, left behind by the retreating glacier front, can be partly or completely
buried in the outwash plain or in moraines. Where an isolated block of debris-
covered ice melts, a depression known as a kettle is formed.
Figure 14.22B shows the area after the glacier has disappeared completely. The
end moraine appears as a belt of hummocky hills, which mark the former position
of the ice. The size of the moraine reflects the duration of a stable ice front. Con-
tinental moraines can be large. For example, the Bloomington Moraine in central
Illinois is 25 to 30 km wide and more than 300 km long but only 20 to 60 m high.
From the ground, it probably would not be recognized by an untrained observer
as anything more than a series of hills. Mapped over a large area, however, it can
be seen to have an arcuate pattern, conforming to the lobate margin of the glaci-
er. Many small depressions occur throughout the moraine, some of which may be
filled with water, forming small lakes and ponds.
Scattered across the surface of the glaciated regions of North America and Eu-
rope are large fields of boulders known as erratics (Figure 14.24). Many midwest-
ern U.S. erratics are composed of igneous or metamorphic rocks and are com-
pletely different from the underlying bedrock of sandstone, limestone, and shale.
They could come only from the interior of Canada, hundreds of kilometers to the
398 Chapter 14

Dry land Sea


FIGURE 14.25 Pleistocene glaciers

covered large areas in North America,
Europe, and Asia, as well as many high
mountain regions. Parts of Alaska and
Siberia were not glaciated because those Ice
areas were too dry. They were cold enough,
but not enough precipitation fell for glaciers
to develop. With the accumulation of so
much ice on the land, the shoreline moved as
much as 200 km seaward along the Atlantic
coast of the United States. The drop in sea
Dry land
level formed a broad land bridge between
Siberia and North America (gray). Sea ice
covered most of the Arctic Ocean and
extended into the North Atlantic well south
of Iceland (light blue). Ocean temperatures
dropped by as much as 10C.

north. Some erratics are incorporated in the body of glacial sediment, whereas
others lie free on the ground. Most erratics are small but many exceed 3 m in di-
ameter, and others are enormous, weighing thousands of tons like the one shown
in Figure 14.24.


The Pleistocene ice age was one of the most significant events in recent
Earth history. The major effects of the ice age were (1) glacial erosion and
deposition over large parts of the continents that modified river systems,
(2) creation of millions of lakes, (3) changes in sea level, (4) pluvial lakes
developed far from the ice margins, (5) isostatic adjustment of the crust,
(6) abnormal winds, (7) impact on the oceans, (8) catastrophic flooding,
and (9) modifications of biologic communities.

The cycles of glacial and interglacial periods, which began between 2 and 3 million
years ago, constitute one of the most significant events in the recent history of
Earth. During this time, the normal hydrologic system was completely interrupt-
ed throughout large areas of the world and was considerably modified in others.
The evidence of such an event in the recent past is overwhelmingly abundant.
Over the last century, extensive field observations have provided incontestable
evidence that continental glaciers covered large parts of Europe, North America,
and Siberia (Figure 14.25). These ice sheets started to disappear only between
15,000 and 20,000 years ago (Figure 14.26). A detailed map of glacial features in
the northeastern United States is given in Figure 14.27. These maps were com-
piled after many years of fieldwork by hundreds of geologists who mapped the lo-
cation and orientation of drumlins, eskers, moraines, striations, and glacial stream
channels. These maps revealed the extent of the ice sheet, the direction of flow,
and the locations of systems of meltwater channels, and they allowed us to deci-
pher a history of multiple advances and retreats of the ice.
Glacier Systems 399



14 8
FIGURE 14.26 Successive positions of
10 8 the ice front during the recession of the last
10 ice sheet have been mapped from data
collected by geologists in Canada and the
14 United States. Contours indicate the position
and age of the ice front in thousands of years
before the present.

Four major periods of Pleistocene glaciation in the United States are recorded
by broad sheets of till and complex moraines, separated by ancient soils and lay-
ers of wind-blown silt. Striations, drumlins, eskers, and other glacial features show
that almost all of Canada, the mountain areas of Alaska, and the eastern and cen-
tral United States, down to the Missouri and Ohio rivers, were covered with ice
(Figure 14.27). There were three main zones of accumulation, the largest of which
was centered over Hudson Bay. Ice advanced radially from there, northward to
the Arctic islands and southward into the Great Lakes area. A smaller center was
located in the Labrador Peninsula. Ice spread southward from this center into
what are now the New England states. In the Canadian Rockies, to the west, val-
ley glaciers coalesced into ice caps. These grew into a single ice sheet, which then
moved westward to the Pacific shores and eastward down the Rocky Mountain
foothills, until it merged with the large sheet from Hudson Bay.
Throughout much of central Canada, the glaciers eroded from 15 to 25 m of
regolith and solid bedrock.This material was transported to the glacial margins and
accumulated as ground moraine, end moraines, and outwash in a broad belt from What evidence indicates multiple cycles
Ohio to Montana (Figure 14.27). In places, the glacial debris is more than 300 m of advance and retreat of the glaciers
thick, but the average thickness is about 15 m. Meltwater carried sediment down during the ice age?
the Mississippi River, and much of the fine-grained sediment was transported and
redeposited by wind.
Even before the theory of worldwide glaciation was generally accepted, many
observers recognized that more than a single advance and retreat of the ice had oc-
curred during the Pleistocene Epoch. Extensive evidence now shows that a num-
ber of periods of growth and retreat of continental glaciers occurred during the ice
age. The interglacial periods of warm climate are represented by buried soil pro-
files, peat beds, and lake and stream deposits separating the unsorted, unstratified
deposits of glacial debris.
Radiometric dating shows that the ice first began to advance between 2 and
3 million years ago, and the last glacier began to retreat between 15,000 and 20,000
years ago. Remnants of these last glaciers, now occupying about 10% of the worlds
land surface, still exist in Greenland and Antarctica.

The Effects of the Pleistocene Glaciation

The presence of so much ice upon the continents had a profound effect upon al-
most every aspect of Earths hydrologic system.The most obvious effects, of course,
are the spectacular mountain scenery and other continental landscapes fashioned
FIGURE 14.27 The major glacial features in the eastern United States have been mapped in considerable detail. They tell a story of repeated
advance and retreat of the great ice sheets over much of the north-central part of the United States. Four major periods of glaciation are recorded;
each had multiple cycles of expansion and contraction, and all are shown on this map in different colors. The older glacial deposits (Nebraskan,
Kansan, and Illinoian) have been modified by erosion and partly covered by the most recent deposits of Wisconsin age (shown in various shades of
green). The only part of this area not covered by ice was in southern Wisconsin. It was protected from ice advance by the Wisconsin highlands to the
north, which diverted lobes of ice around the area.
The moraines (darker tones) indicate the former positions of the ice margins. Two major lobes of ice moved into the lowlands of the Great Lakes
area and another large lobe moved south from the Dakotas and Minnesota and into Iowa. These lobes scoured out the basins, which were filled with


Marine sediments Drift, Wisconsin age

Lacustrine sediments End moraine, Illinoian age

Outwash sediments Drift, Illinoian age

Ice-contact stratified drift Drift, Kansan age

End moraine, Wisconsin age Drift, Nebraskan age

Drumlins Shorelines
0 100 200

water for large glacial lakes (shown in blue) much larger than the present Great Lakes. In New England, the ice moved southeastward beyond the
present coastline and deposited moraines out on the continental shelf; they are now covered with water. Long Island and Cape Cod are the
northernmost remnants of this morainal system. Eskers formed in subglacial streams are shown in linear patterns of orange and are especially
abundant in Maine. Spillways or meltwater channels, shown in yellow, reveal the drainage system that carried off the meltwater from the ice. Note the
major drumlin fields in New York, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, which indicate the direction of ice movement. Isostatic depression of the crust due to the
weight of the ice permitted the sea to invade the coast of Maine and large parts of the St. Lawrence lowlands in southern Canada. (Compiled from
glacial map of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, The Geological Society of America)

402 Chapter 14

(A) Before the ice age, drainage of central North America was (B) Present drainage patterns show major modifications. Preglacial
northeastward, from the northern and central Rocky Mountains into the drainage was impounded against the glacial margins and developed new
St. Lawrence Bay, Hudson Bay, and the Arctic area. The area eventually outlets to the ocean through the Missouri, Ohio, and Mackenzie rivers.
covered by ice is shown with the light shading The drainage system beneath the ice was obliterated. The present
drainage in most of Canada is deranged, consisting of numerous lakes,
swamps, and unintegrated meandering streams.

FIGURE 14.28 Glacial modification of North American drainage was extensive and created thousands of lakes.

by both glacial erosion and deposition instead of by running water. Entirely new
landscapes covering millions of square kilometers were formed in a relatively short
period of geologic time. In addition, the vast bodies of glacial ice affected the Earth
well beyond the glacier margins. Directly or indirectly, the effects of glaciation
were felt in every part of the globe.

Modification of Drainage Systems. Before glaciation, the landscape of North

America was eroded mainly by running water. Well-integrated drainage systems
collected runoff and transported it to the ocean. Much of North America was
drained by rivers flowing northeastward into Canada because the regional slope
throughout the north-central part of the continent was to the northeast. The
preglacial drainage patterns are not known in detail.Various features of the present
system, however, together with segments of ancient stream channels now mostly
buried by glacial sediments, suggest a pattern similar to that shown in Figure 14.28.
Before glaciation, the major tributaries of the upper Missouri and Ohio rivers were
part of a northeastward-flowing drainage system. This system also included the
major rivers draining the Canadian Rockies, such as the Saskatchewan,Athabasca,
Peace, and Liard rivers. It emptied into the Arctic Ocean, probably through
Lancaster Sound and Baffin Bay, and an eastern drainage was out of the St.
Lawrence River.
As the glaciers spread over the northern part of the continent, they effectively
buried the trunk streams of the major drainage systems, damming up the north-
ward-flowing tributaries along the ice front.This damming created a series of lakes
along the glacial margins. As the lakes overflowed, the water drained along the
ice front and established the present courses of the Missouri and Ohio rivers.A sim-
ilar situation created Lake Athabasca, Great Slave Lake, and Great Bear Lake, and
their drainage through the Mackenzie River. This process established the present
Glacier Systems 403

drainage pattern over much of North America (Figure 14.28). Compare this dia-
gram with Figure 14.16, which shows a drainage system currently undergoing sim-
ilar modifications as a result of the Barnes Ice Cap.
We can clearly see extensive and convincing evidence of these changes in South
Dakota. There, the Missouri River flows in a deep, trenchlike valley, roughly par-
allel to the regional contours. All important tributaries enter from the west. East
of the Missouri River, preglacial valleys are now filled with glacial debris, mark-
ing the remnants of preglacial drainage. The pattern of preglacial drainage is also
supported by recent discoveries of huge, thick, deltaic deposits in the mouth of
Lancaster Sound and in Baffin Bay. These deposits are difficult or impossible to
explain as results of the present drainage pattern because no major drainage sys-
tem currently empties into those areas.
Beyond the margins of the ice, the hydrology of many streams and rivers was
profoundly affected, either by the increased flow from meltwater or by the greater
precipitation associated with the glacial epoch. With the appearance of the mod-
ern Ohio and Missouri rivers, water that formerly emptied into the Arctic and
Atlantic oceans was diverted to the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi River.
Other streams became overloaded and their valleys partly filled with sediment.
Still others became more effective agents of downcutting, as a result of glacial sed-
iment, and their valleys deepened. Although the history of each river is complex,
the general effect of glaciation on rivers was to produce thick alluvial fill in their
valleys; the fill is now being eroded to form stream terraces.

Lakes. Pleistocene glaciation created more lakes than all other geologic processes
combined. The reason is obvious if we recall that a continental glacier completely
disrupts the preglacial drainage system. The surface over which the glacier moved
was scoured and eroded by the ice, leaving myriad closed, undrained depressions FIGURE 14.29 Lakes created by
in the bedrock.These depressions filled with water and became lakes (Figure 14.29). continental glaciation in the shield area of
Farther south, in the north-central United States, lakes formed in a different North America were photographed from a
height of approximately 900 km. More lakes
manner. There, the surface was covered by glacial deposits of ground moraine and were created by glaciation than by all other
end moraines. Throughout Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, these deposits geologic processes combined. (Courtesy of
formed closed depressions that soon filled with water to form tens of thousands of Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources,
lakes. Many of these lakes still exist. Others have been drained or filled with sed- Canada)
iment, leaving a record of their former existence in peat bogs, lake silts, and aban-
doned shorelines.
Exceptionally large lakes were created along the glacial margins. We can en-
vision their formation with the help of the basic model of continental glaciation
shown in Figure 14.15. The ice on both North America and Europe was about
3000 m thick near the centers of maximum accumulation, but it tapered toward
the glacier margins. Crustal subsidence was greatest beneath the thickest accu-
mulation of ice. In parts of Canada and Scandinavia, the crust was depressed more
than 600 m. As the ice melted, rebound of the crust lagged behind, producing a
regional slope toward the ice. This slope formed basins that have lasted for thou-
sands of years. These basins became lakes or were invaded by the ocean. The
Great Lakes of North America and the Baltic Sea of northern Europe were
formed primarily in this way.
Although the origin of the Great Lakes is extremely complex, the major ele-
ments of their history are known and are illustrated in the four diagrams in Fig-
ure 14.30. The preglacial topography of the Great Lakes region was influenced
greatly by the structure and character of the rocks exposed at the surface. A geo-
logic map of this region shows that the major structural feature is the Michigan
Basin, which exposed a broad, circular belt of weak Devonian shale and Silurian
salt formations, surrounded by the more-resistant Silurian limestone. Preglacial
erosion undoubtedly formed a wide valley or lowland along the shale, and es-
carpments developed on the resistant limestone.
As the glaciers moved southward into this area, large lobes of ice advanced
down the great valleys, eroding them into broad, deep basins. Lakes Michigan,
404 Chapter 14

16,000 y 0 0 500
500 km 13,000 y 0 500

km Superior km



i Erie




pi R
pi R

ie ke
Er Lake
La mee


Chicago u
R. Ma
oi ois hR


(A) Approximately 16,000 years ago, the ice front extended beyond (B) The ancestral Great Lakes appeared about 13,000 years ago, as the
the present Great Lakes. The ice advanced into lowlands surrounding ice receded. The northern margins of the lakes were against the
the Michigan Basin, with large lobes extending down from the present retreating ice. Drainage was to the south, to the Mississippi River.
sites of Lakes Erie and Michigan.

11,000 y
12,000 y 0 500 0 500

Superior km km

e A l g o n q ui


M M Iro
Lake Chicago

i ke






pi R

ie eE
pi R

Er La


R. Ea
ois R.
n ois


(C) As the ice front continued to retreat, an eastern outlet developed (D) Niagara Falls originated about 11,000 years ago, when the glacier
to the Hudson River in what is now New York, but the western lakes receded past the Lake Ontario basin, and water from Lake Erie flowed
still drained into the Mississippi. over the Niagara Escarpment into Lake Ontario. The lakes began to
assume their present outlines about 10,500 years ago.

FIGURE 14.30 The evolution of the Great Lakes can be traced from their origin along the ice margins about 16,000 years ago. The sequence of
events and modifications of the landscape are inferred from numerous studies of glacial features in the Great Lakes area.

Huron, and Erie were scoured from the belt of weak Devonian shale by these
lobes of ice. Figure 14.30A shows the Great Lakes area as it probably appeared at
the time the Wisconsin glaciers began to recede, about 16,000 years ago. Meltwa-
ters flowed away from the glacier margin to the south. As the glaciers receded,
lower land was uncovered, and meltwaters became impounded in front of the ice
margins to form the ancestral Great Lakes (Figure 14.30B). Drainage was still to
the south through various ancient channels that joined the Mississippi River. As
deglaciation continued, an eastern outlet was established (Figure 14.30C) through
the Mohawk and Hudson valleys. Finally, as the ice receded farther (Figure 14.30D),
a new outlet was developed through the St. Lawrence estuary. Niagara Falls came
into existence at this time, when water from Lake Erie flowed across the Niagara
Escarpment into Lake Ontario. The exposed sequence of rock consists of a resis-
tant limestone formation underlain by a weak shale. Undercutting of the shale
below the limestone causes the falls to retreat upstream.
Glacier Systems 405

To the northwest, another group of lakes formed in much the same way, but
they have since been reduced to small remnants of their former selves. The largest Ice sheet
9,900 years ago
of these marginal lakes, known as Lake Agassiz, covered the broad, flat region of
Manitoba, in northwestern Minnesota, and the eastern part of North Dakota (Fig-
ure 14.31). It drained into the Mississippi River and then, at lower stages, devel-
oped outlets into Lake Superior. Later, when the ice dam retreated, it drained into Lake
Hudson Bay. Remnants of this vast lake include Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba, Agassiz
and Lake of the Woods.The sediments deposited on the floor of Lake Agassiz pro-
vided much of the rich soil for the wheatlands of North Dakota, Manitoba, and the
Red River Valley of Minnesota. Even now, ancient shorelines of Lake Agassiz re-
main, marking its former margins.


Northward, along the margin of the Canadian Shield, Lake Athabasca, Great
Slave Lake, and Great Bear Lake are remnants of the other great ice-marginal
lakes. In northern Europe, the recession of the Scandinavian ice sheet caused sim- FIGURE 14.31 Lake Agassiz was the
ilar depressions along the ice margins, and the large lakes that were thus produced largest glacial lake in North America. Its
ultimately connected with the ocean to form the Baltic Sea. former shorelines are now marked by beach
ridges, spits, and bars. The dry lake bed now
Changes of Sea Level. One of the most important effects of Pleistocene glaciation forms the fertile soils of Manitoba and North
Dakota. Remnants of this former glacial lake
was the repeated worldwide rise and fall of sea level, a phenomenon that include Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba, and
corresponded to the retreat and advance of the glaciers. During a glacial period, Lake of the Woods. (After Teller, Canadian
water that normally returned to the ocean by runoff became locked on the land as Geological Survey)
ice, and sea level was lowered. When the glaciers melted, sea level rose again. The
amount of change in sea level can be calculated because the area of maximum ice
coverage is known in considerable detail, and the thickness of the ice can be
estimated from the known volumes of ice in the glaciers of Antarctica and
Greenland. The Antarctic ice sheet alone contains enough water to raise sea level
throughout the world by about 70 m.
The dates of sea level changes are well documented by radiocarbon dates from
terrestrial organic matter and from near-shore marine organisms obtained by
drilling and dredging off the continental shelf. These dates show that about 35,000
years ago, the sea was near its present position. Gradually, it receded. By 18,000 Sea Level Rise
years ago, it had dropped nearly 137 m. It then rose rather rapidly to within 6 m
of its present level. The fall in sea level caused the Atlantic shoreline to recede be-
tween 100 and 200 km, exposing vast areas of the continental shelf (Figure 14.25).
Early humans probably inhabited large parts of the shelf that are now more than
100 m below sea level.
The glaciers extended far across the exposed shelf of the New England coast, as
is evidenced by unsorted morainal debris and the remains of mastodons dredged
from the seafloor in those areas. In the oceans off the central and southern Atlantic
states, depth soundings reveal drainage systems and eroded stream valleys that ex-
tended across the shelf. Great Britain was connected to the European continent
during glacial maximums. Moreover, Asia was connected to North America by a
land bridge across the Bering Strait allowing humans to migrate on dry land.

Pluvial Lakes. The climatic conditions that caused glaciation had an indirect
effect on arid and semiarid regions far removed from the large ice sheets. The
increased precipitation that fed the glaciers also increased the runoff of major
rivers and intermittent streams, resulting in the growth and development of large
pluvial lakes (Latin pluvia, rain) in numerous isolated basins in nonglaciated
areas throughout the world. Most pluvial lakes developed in relatively arid regions
where, prior to the glacial epoch, there was insufficient rain to establish an
integrated, through-flowing drainage system to the sea. Instead, stream runoff in
those areas flowed into closed basins and formed playa lakes. With increased
rainfall, the playa lakes enlarged and sometimes overflowed. They developed a
variety of shoreline featureswave-built terraces, bars, spits, and deltasnow
recognized as high-water marks in many desert basins. Pluvial lakes were most
extensive during glacial intervals. During interglacial stages, when less precipitation
406 Chapter 14






FIGURE 14.32 Pluvial lakes were

formed in the closed basins of the western
United States as a result of climatic changes
associated with the glacial epoch. Most are 0 200
now dry lake beds because of the arid km
climate. Former shorelines of the pluvial
lakes are well marked along the basin
margins. Lake Bonneville, in western Utah,
was the largest. Great Salt Lake, Utah, is one
of its remnants. (Courtesy of Ken Perry,
Chalk Butte, Inc.)

fell, the pluvial lakes shrank to form small salt flats or dry, dusty playas.
The greatest concentration of pluvial lakes in North America was in the north-
ern part of the Basin and Range Province of western Utah and Nevada. The fault-
block structure there has produced more than 140 closed basins, many of which
show evidence of former lakes or former high-water levels of existing lakes. The
distribution of the former lakes is shown in Figure 14.32. Lake Bonneville was the
largest, by far, and occupied a number of coalescent intermontane basins. Remnants
of this great body of fresh water are Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake. At its maxi-
mum extent, Lake Bonneville was about the size of Lake Michigan, covering an
area of 50,000 km2, and was 300 m deep.The principal rivers entered the lake from
the high Wasatch Range, to the east.They built large deltas, shoreline terraces, and
other coastal features that are now high above the valley floors along the moun-
tain front (Figure 14.33).
As the level of the lake rose to 300 m above the floor of the valley, it overflowed
to the north into the Snake River and thence to the ocean. The outlet, established
on unconsolidated alluvium, rapidly eroded down to bedrock, 100 m below the
original pass.The level of the lake was then stabilized, fluctuating only with the plu-
vial epochs associated with glaciation. Some valley glaciers from the Wasatch Range
extended down to the shoreline of the old lake, and some of their moraines were
carved by wave action. This wave erosion shows conclusively that glaciation was
contemporaneous with the high level of the lake. As the climate became drier, the
lake dried up, leaving faint shorelines at lower levels.
Glacier Systems 407

FIGURE 14.33 Shoreline features of Lake Bonneville include deltas, beaches, bars, spits, and wave-cut cliffs. Multiple shorelines were
produced as Lake Bonneville dried up. This photograph shows shorelines on Fremont Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah. Note the wave-cut cliffs and
terraces at the highest levels.

Isostatic Adjustment. Major isostatic adjustments of the lithosphere during the

Pleistocene glaciation were caused by the weight of the ice, which depressed the
continents. In Canada, a large area around Hudson Bay was depressed below sea
level, as was the area in Europe around the Baltic Sea. The land has been
rebounding from these depressions ever since the ice melted. The area around
Washingtons Puget Sound rose at a rate of more than 10 cm/yr shortly after the
ice disappeared 13,500 years ago, but the rate slowed to 2 cm/yr by 11,000 years
ago.The total uplift in the area is about 150 m.The former seafloor around Hudson
Bay has risen almost 300 m and is still rising at a rate maximum rate of about 3.5
cm/yr. The land must rise an additional 80 m before it regains its preglacial level
and reestablishes isostatic balance. Some of these isostatic movements triggered
large earthquakes in Scandinavia about 9000 years ago. These earthquakes are
unique in that they are not associated with plate boundaries.
The tilting of Earths crust, as it rebounds from the weight of the ice, can be mea-
sured by careful surveying and also by mapping the elevations of the shorelines of
ancient lakes (Figure 14.34). The shorelines were level when they formed but were
tilted as the crust rebounded from the unloading of the ice. In the Great Lakes re-
gion, old shorelines slope downward to the south, away from the centers of maximum
ice accumulation, indicating a rebound of 400 m or more.

Effects of Winds. The presence of ice over so much of the continents greatly
modified patterns of atmospheric circulation. Winds near the glacial margins were
strong and unusually persistent because of the abundance of dense, cold air
coming off the glacier fields. These winds picked up and transported large
quantities of loose, fine-grained sediment brought down by the glaciers. This dust
accumulated as loess (wind-blown silt), sometimes hundreds of meters thick,
forming an irregular blanket over much of the Missouri River valley, central
Europe, and northern China.
Sand dunes were much more widespread and active in many areas during the
Pleistocene. A good example is the Sand Hills region in western Nebraska, which
covers an area of about 60,000 km2. This region was a large, active dune field dur-
ing the Pleistocene, but today the dunes are largely stabilized by a cover of grass.

The Oceans. Pleistocene glaciation affected to some extent the waters of all of
the oceans. Besides changing the sea level so that shorelines were altered and much
408 Chapter 14

South North

Lake, phase A


Isostatic adjustment

(A) When a lake develops along a glaciers margins, the shoreline features, such as beaches and bars, are horizontal.

Isostatic rebound
Stranded shoreline A

Lake, phase B
Isostatic rebound

(B) As the ice recedes, isostatic rebound occurs. The shoreline features formed during phase A are tilted away from the ice. Younger
horizontal shoreline features are formed by the lake during phase B.

Stranded shoreline A Stranded shoreline B

Lake, phase C

(C) Continued retreat of the ice causes further isostatic rebound and tilting of both shorelines A and B, which converge away from the

FIGURE 14.34 The tilted shorelines of glacial lakes can be used to measure the rate and extent of isostatic adjustment of the
crust after the ice recedes. (After R. F. Flint)

of the continental shelves were exposed, the glacial periods cooled the ocean waters
by as much as 10C. The lower temperatures affected the kind and distribution of
marine life and also influenced seawater chemistry. Furthermore, patterns and
strengths of oceanic currents were changed. Circulation was significantly restricted
by glacially formed features such as the Bering Strait, extensive pack ice, and
exposed shelves.
As sea level rose at the end of the last ice age other dramatic events occurred.
For example, during the Ice Age the Black Sea became an isolated freshwater lake
separated from the salty Mediterranean Sea by a dry strip of land where the Straits
of Bosporus are today. But about 7500 years ago, the Mediterranean Sea had risen
sufficiently to spill over the barrier and into the Black Sea basin. The flood cut
a 90 m deep trough and triggered a deluge that flooded the coastal area around the
Black Sea.
Even the deep-ocean basins did not escape the influence of glaciation. Where
glaciers entered the ocean, icebergs broke off and rafted their enclosed load of
sediment out into the ocean. As the ice melted, debris ranging from huge boulders
to fine clay settled on the deep-ocean floor, resulting in an unusual accumulation
Glacier Systems 409

(A) Scabland channels west of Spokane, Washington.

(B) Giant ripple marks west of Spokane, Washington. (Courtesy of D. (C) Patterned ground formed by permafrost activity at the end of
Easterbrook) the glacial period. (Courtesy of D. Easterbrook)

FIGURE 14.35 The Channeled Scablands of Washington consist of a complex of deep channels cut into the basalt bedrock. The scabland
topography is completely different from that produced by a normal drainage system. It is believed to have been produced by catastrophic flooding.

of coarse glacial boulders in fine oceanic mud. Ice-rafted sediment is most com-
mon in the Arctic, the Antarctic, the North Atlantic, and the northeastern Pacific.
In the warmer reaches of the oceans, the glacial and interglacial periods are
recorded by alternating layers of red clay and small calcareous shells of micro-
scopic organisms. The red mud accumulated during cold periods, when fewer or-
ganisms inhabited the colder water. During the warmer interglacial periods, life
flourished, and layers of shells mixed with mud were deposited.

Channeled Scablands. The continental glacier in western North America moved

southward from Canada only a short distance into Washington, but it played an
important role in producing a strange complex of interlaced deep channels, a type
of topography found nowhere else on Earth. This area, the Channeled Scablands,
covers much of eastern Washington and consists of a network of braided channels
from 15 to 30 m deep. The term scabland is appropriately descriptive because,
410 Chapter 14




Washington Lake

Oregon Idaho Montana

FIGURE 14.36 The origin of the Channeled Scablands is attributed to catastrophic flooding, on a magnitude apparently unique in
Earths history. The flood resulted when the ice dam that formed glacial Lake Missoula failed as the glacier receded. The ice sheet blocked the
drainage of the northward-flowing Clark Fork River to form Lake Missoula, a long, deep lake in western Montana. As the glacier receded, the ice
dam that formed Lake Missoula failed, and water from the lake quickly flowed across the Scablands, eroding deep channels. The glaciers
repeated advance and retreat probably produced several ice dams that failed as the ice melted, each time causing catastrophic flooding.

viewed from the air, the surface has the appearance of great wounds or scars
(Figure 14.35). Many of the channels have steep walls and dry waterfalls or
cataracts. In addition, there are sediment deposits with giant ripple marks and
huge bars of sand and gravel (Figure 14.35). These features attest to extreme
erosion by running watera catastrophic flooding by normal standardsyet, today
the area does not have enough rainfall to maintain a single permanent stream.
The scablands were eroded by the following process. A large lobe of ice ad-
vanced southward across the Columbia Plateau and temporarily blocked the Clark
Fork River, one of the major northward-flowing tributaries of the Columbia River
(Figure 14.36). The impounded water backed up to form glacial Lake Missoula, a
long, narrow lake extending diagonally across part of western Montana. Sediments
deposited in this lake now partly fill the long, narrow valley. As the glacier reced-
ed, the ice dam failed, releasing a tremendous flood over the southwestward-slop-
ing Columbia Plateau.The enormous discharge, barely diverted by the preexisting
shallow valleys, spread over the basalt surface, scouring out channels and forming
giant ripple marks, bars, and other sediment deposits. Estimates suggest that, dur-
ing the flood, as much as 40 km3 of water per hour may have been discharged from
Lake Missoula. Because the glaciers advanced several times into the region, such
catastrophic flooding probably occurred many times, perhaps as far back as 2.5
million years ago. Lake Missoula formed each time the ice front advanced past
the Clark Fork River and then flooded the Scablands with each recession of the
ice and subsequent dam failure.

Biological Effects of the Ice Age. The severe climatic changes during the ice age
had a drastic impact on most life forms. With each advance of the ice, large areas
of the continents (the areas beneath the ice) became totally depopulated, and
plants and animals retreating southward in front of the advancing glacier were
under tremendous stress. The most severe stresses resulted from drastic climatic
changes, reduced living space, and a curtailed food supply. As the glaciers
Glacier Systems 411

(A) This map shows the areas covered by ice during the late (B)The glacially striated bedrock in southern Australia has been exposed
Pennsylvanian and the Permian periods and the direction of ice by erosion of overlying sedimentary strata. The striations originally
movement. formed in the late Paleozoic.

FIGURE 14.37 Late Paleozoic glaciation is well documented in southern continents by deposits of glacial sedimentary rocks, striated bedrock
surfaces, and other glacial features.

advanced, most species were displaced, along with their environments, across
distances of approximately 3200 km. As the ice retreated, some new living space
became available in deglaciated areas, but the formerly exposed continental
shelves were inundated by the rising sea. During the major glacial advances, when
sea level was lower, new routes of migration opened from Asia to North America,
because much of Alaska and Siberia were not glaciated (see Figure 14.25), and
from Southeast Asia to the islands of Indonesia. Land plants were forced to
migrate with the climatic zones in front of the glaciers. As the glaciers pushed
cold-weather belts southward, displaced storm tracks and changes in precipitation
affected even the tropics.
Many life forms could not cope with the repeated and overwhelming environ-
mental changes brought about by the cycles of advancing and retreating ice. Nu-
merous species, particularly giant mammals, became extinct. During glaciation,
the now-extinct imperial mammoth, 4.2 m high at the shoulders, roamed much of
North America.The saber-toothed tiger became extinct about 14,000 years ago. Fos-
sils of the giant beaver, as large as a black bear, and the giant ground sloth, which
measured 6 m tall standing on its hind legs, have been found in Pleistocene sedi-
ments. In Africa, fossil sheep 2 m tall have been found, in addition to pigs as big
as a present-day rhinoceros. In Australia, giant kangaroos and other marsupials
thrived during the Pleistocene.


Glaciation has been a rare event in Earths history, but there is evidence of
widespread glaciation during late Paleozoic time (200 to 300 million years
ago) and during late Precambrian time (600 to 800 million years ago).

Before the great ice age, which began 2 to 3 million years ago, Earths climate was
typically mild and uniform for long periods of time.This climatic history is implied
by the types of fossil plants and animals and by the characteristics of sediments
preserved in the stratigraphic record. There are, however, widespread glacial de-
positsunsorted, unstratified debris containing striated and faceted cobbles and
412 Chapter 14

Pleistocene bouldersrecording several major periods of ancient glaciation in various parts
Cold Warm
of the geologic record. These glacial deposits commonly rest on striated and pol-

ished bedrock, and they are associated with varved shales and with sandstones
and conglomerates that are typical of outwash deposits. Such evidence implies sev-
eral major periods of glaciation prior to the last ice age.
K The best-documented record of pre-Pleistocene glaciation is found in late Pa-

leozoic rocks (formed 200 to 300 million years ago) in South Africa, India, South
J America,Antarctica, and Australia. Exposures of ancient glacial deposits are large
and numerous in these areas, many resting on a striated surface of older rock (Fig-
T ure 14.37). Deposits of even older glacial sediment exist on every continent but
P Phanerozoic South America.These indicate that two other periods of widespread glaciation oc-
curred during late Precambrian time (Figure 14.38).
IP Small bodies of glacial sediment from other geologic periods have been found
Age (Millions of Years)

M in local areas, but they are not nearly as well documented or as widespread as the
D Precambrian and Late Paleozoic deposits. Glaciation, therefore, has been a rela-

tively rare phenomenon and has not occurred in regular cycles throughout Earths
S long history. Glacial epochs must require a special combination of conditions,
which has occurred only a few times in the 4.5 billion years of Earths history.

No completely satisfactory theory has been proposed to account for Earths
1000 history of glaciation. The cause of glaciation may be related to several
simultaneously occurring factors, such as astronomical cycles, plate

tectonics, atmospheric composition, and ocean currents.


Although the history of Pleistocene glaciation is well established and the many
effects of glaciation are clearly recognized, we do not know with complete cer-
tainty why Earths climate changes and why glaciation takes place. For more
than a century, geologists and climatologists have struggled with this problem, but

it remains unsolved. An adequate theory of glaciation must account for the fol-
lowing facts:

1. During the last ice age, repeated advances of the ice in North America and
northern Europe were separated by interglacial periods of warm climate
FIGURE 14.38 Several periods of (Figure 14.39).
glaciation have been identified in Earths
long history that may record changes in the
2. Glaciation is an unusual event in Earths history. Widespread glaciation
surface temperature. The graph shows one also occurred at the end of the Paleozoic Era, 200 to 300 million years ago,
estimate of relative temperature changes and during late Precambrian time, approximately 700 million years ago
with time. The curve shows when (Figure 14.38).
temperatures were higher (to the right) or 3. Throughout most of Earths history, the climate was milder and more uniform
lower (to the left) than today.
than it is now. Several lines of evidence suggest that the global average tem-
perature was about 22C throughout much of Earths history.Today the glob-
al average is only about 14C. A period of glaciation would require a lower-
ing of Earths present average surface temperature by about 5C.
4. Continental glaciers grow on elevated or polar land masses that are situat-
ed so that storms bring moist, cold air to them. Glaciers can move into lower
latitudes, but they originate in highlands or in high latitudes. Greenland and
Antarctica provide favorable topographic conditions today, as do the
Labrador Peninsula, the northern Rocky Mountains, Scandinavia, and parts
of the Andes Mountains.
5. Precipitation is critical to the growth of glaciers. A number of areas are cold
enough at present to produce glaciers but do not have sufficient snowfall to
develop glacial systems.
Glacier Systems 413


Temperature (C)




45 Interglacial glacial
period Glacial period period

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Present

Thousands of years ago
FIGURE 14.39 A record of climatic change during the last 160,000 years was assembled from studies of ice cores from
Greenlands glacier. It shows that the normal pattern of change involves numerous rapid fluctuations in temperaturenot only during
glacial periods, but throughout interglacial periods as well. The stable warm temperature of the present interglacial period is distinctly

Many hypotheses for the causes of climate change have been proposed. Some
suggest that variations in the Suns energy output could account for the ice ages.
However, glaciation is cyclical and cannot be related to simple long-term cooling.
Moreover, our present understanding of the Suns luminosity holds that it should
have progressively increased, not decreased, over the course of Earths history.
Still others argue that volcanic dust injected into the atmosphere shielded Earth
from the Suns rays and initiated an ice age. However, no correlation between vol-
canic activity and the start of the last ice age has been found.
It has been known for some time that Earths orbit around the Sun changes pe-
riodically, cyclically affecting the amount of solar radiation that reaches Earth.The
role of Earths orbital changes in controlling climate was first advanced by James
Croll in the late 1800s. Later, Milutin Milankovitch, a Serbian geophysicist, elab-
orated on the theory and convincingly calculated that these irregularities in Earths
orbit could cause the climatic cycles now known as Milankovitch cycles. They are
the result of the additive behavior of several types of cyclical changes in Earths
orbital properties. Changes in the eccentricity (a measure of the noncircularity) of
Earths orbit occur in a cycle about 96,000 years long. The inclination, or tilt, of
Earths axis varies periodically between 22 and 24.5. The tilt of Earths axis, of
course, causes the seasons: The greater the tilt, the greater the contrast between
summer and winter temperatures. Changes in the tilt occur in a cycle 41,000 years
long. Also, Earth wobbles on its spin axis and completes one wobble, or preces-
sion, every 21,700 years. According to the Milankovitch theory, these astronomi-
cal factors cause a periodic cooling of Earth, with the coldest part in the cycle oc-
curring about every 40,000 years (Figure 14.40). The main effect of the
Milankovitch cycles is to change the contrast between the seasons and not to
change the amount of solar heat delivered to Earth.These cycles within cycles pre-
dict that during maximum glacial advances, winter temperatures are milder but so
too are summer temperatures. As a result, less ice is melted than is received and a
glacier may build up.
Milankovitch worked out the ideas of climatic cycles in the 1920s and 1930s, but
it was not until the 1970s that a sufficiently long and detailed chronology of the
Pleistocene temperature changes was worked out to test the theory adequately. A
correspondence between astronomical cycles and late Cenozoic climate fluctuations
414 Chapter 14

Eccentricity G l a c i a l p e r i o d s

Period: 100,000 years

Tilt Precession
Maximum tilt 24.5 13,000 years ago Today
Todays tilt
22.5 23.5
Minimum tilt

Combined effect on
solar radiation
Plane of

Period: 41,000 years Period: 26,000 years 125 100 75 50 25 0

Age (thousands of years ago)

FIGURE 14.40 Milankovitch climate cycles are caused by periodic changes with time in Earths orbital elements, including orbital
eccentricity, obliquity or tilt of the spin axis, and precession or wobble of the spin axis. When all of these cycles are added together, they affect the
seasonal differences in temperature on Earth. The total solar radiation at 65 N is shown as an example. The principal periods of glaciation as
defined from the continents, seafloor sediments, and polar ice cores are also shown.

now seems clear. Furthermore, studies of deep-sea cores, and the fossils
contained in them (see page 140), indicate that the fluctuation of climate during
the last few hundred thousand years is remarkably close to that predicted by Mi-
A problem with this theory is that the astronomical cycles have been in existence
for billions of years.We might expect that glaciation would have been a cyclic event
throughout geologic time, instead of a rare occurrence (Figure 14.38). Other fac-
tors must also be involved that caused Earths temperature to drop below a criti-
cal threshold. Once the temperature is low enough, Milankovitch cyclicity will act
as an ice age pacemaker, forcing the planet into and out of glacial epochs.
An attractive theory holds that decreases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, an
important greenhouse gas, started the long-term cooling trend that eventually led
to glaciation. Recent studies of the carbon dioxide content of gas bubbles pre-
served in the Greenland ice cap lend support to this idea. High carbon dioxide
contents correspond to warm interglacial periods, and low carbon dioxide to glacial
epochs. Similarly, conclusions drawn from our current understanding of the geo-
chemical cycle of carbon indicate a greater than 10-fold decrease in atmospheric
carbon dioxide since the middle of the Mesozoic Era (Figure 14.41). However, we
must still ask: Is this decline the cause of global cooling or is it the result? What
caused the carbon dioxide levels to decline?
Another important component of the cause for the long-term temperature drop
(Figure 14.38) may be related to the positions of the continents, relative to the
THE ART Mass Spectrometry and Earths Climate

Many of the speculations about the cause of climate varia- But how does the mass spectrometer do this? In our case,
tions are rooted in highly specialized geochemical studies. the carbon dioxide gas is heated so that it ionizesloses an
Earths changing climate has been tracked using tiny marine electron and becomes charged. Once the ion is charged, it is
fossils and a sophisticated instrument called a mass spec- accelerated by a magnetic field down a curved metal tube
trometer. Tiny marine animals secrete shells made of calci- less than one meter long. Magnets along the tube bend the
um carbonate (CaCO3) by extracting ions of Ca+2 and CO32 path of the individual ionized particles. The paths of the
from seawater. The oxygen in the carbonate is in equilibri- heavy isotopes are not as easily bent as the paths of the light
um with the oxygen isotopic ratio of the surrounding sea- isotopes, and separation occurs. Ion detectors are placed at
water. The isotopic composition of seawater is in turn con- the end of the tube and record the numbers of each ion that
trolled by the amount of ice on the continents. This is so strike it. By comparing the counts on two detectors, the iso-
because light isotopes of oxygen are preferentially evapo- tope ratio is calculated.
rated from the ocean to enter the atmosphere and eventu- We now have the information needed to construct a cli-
ally fall as snow on the continents. Thus, during periods of mate variation curve. By plotting (1) the age of the fossil
glaciation, the light isotopes of oxygen are extracted and and (2) its isotopic composition, we create a curve that
locked into ice. Consequently, the remaining seawater be- shows the changing amount of ice on the continents. Each
comes richer in the heavy isotopes of oxygen during peri- bend to the right is a cool period with much ice on the con-
ods of glaciation. By analyzing the ratio of the heavy (18O) tinent; a bend to the left is a warmer interglacial period with
to light (16O) oxygen isotopes in the fossils, geologists are little ice on the continents. We can verify these climate
able to estimate the amount of ice on the continentsa curves by performing the same kind of analysis in widely
neat trick indeed. The higher the 18O/16O ratio in the fos- separated parts of the ocean.What a story is told by the iso-
sils, the higher the amount of ice on the continents and the tope ratios in these tiny fossils.
lower the paleotemperature.
Warmer Cooler
Samples containing these tiny fossils are collected from 18
0 poor 18
0 rich
the seafloor when researchers on a ship drill cores through 0
the uppermost layers of sediment. Paleontologists careful-
ly extract the fossil shells from each layer. They are able to
determine the age of each layer using the principle of fau-
nal succession. In the laboratory, the shells from each layer
are treated to release carbon dioxide gas. This gas is col-
lected in a glass tube and then released into a mass spec-
trometer, which measures the ratio of the oxygen isotopes 0.5
to one another.
Age of fossils (millions of years ago)

As the name implies, a mass spectrometer is able to sep-

arate the isotopes in the gas sample according to their mass-
es (atomic mass is the sum of the protons and neutrons).
Specifically, it measures the ratio of the heavy to the light
isotopes of oxygen. This ratio is exactly what we need to
know to reconstruct Earths glacial history.


2 1 0 1 2
Oxygen isotopic composition
(Courtesy PDZ Europa Ltd.) of marine microfossils

416 Chapter 14

Cretaceous Tertiary Q poles. This relation can control the circulation of the oceans and atmosphere,
affecting how ocean currents carry heat to high latitudes. Here again, the theory of
plate tectonics helps to explain how Earths systems operate. Throughout most of
0.8 geologic time, the North Pole appears to have been in a broad, open ocean that al-
CO2 in atmosphere (1018 moles)

lowed major ocean currents to move unrestricted. Equatorial waters flowed into the
polar regions, warming them with water from more temperate latitudes. This un-
restricted circulation produced mild, uniform climates that persisted throughout
most of geologic time.
0.4 Throughout the Cenozoic Era, the large North American and South American
continental plates moved westward from the Eurasian plate. This drift culminated
in the development of the Atlantic Ocean, trending northsouth, with the North
0.2 Pole in the small, nearly landlocked basin of the Arctic Ocean.The Isthmus of Pana-
ma developed at a convergent plate margin about 4 million years ago, and further
separated oceanic circulation and created the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Mean-
while, Antarctica had drifted over the South Pole and a strong circumpolar current
100 80 60 40 20 0
Age (millions of years ago) developed in the surrounding ocean. This current prevented Antarctica from ex-
changing heat with the tropics. By about 40 million years ago, dramatic cooling
started in Antarctica and by about 20 million years ago, glaciation began on that con-
FIGURE 14.41 The abundance of tinent.The ages of volcanoes on glaciated basement rocks, and evidence from deep-
carbon dioxide in Earths atmosphere has
declined dramatically during the last 100 sea cores in the southern oceans, strongly suggest that glaciation in the Antarctic
million years. Loss of this important began long before the Pleistocene and has continued ever since.
greenhouse gas may have allowed Earth to Plate tectonics may have also caused other important changes in Earths cli-
cool enough for glaciers to accumulate. mate. While the Arctic Ocean became enclosed and surrounded by continents, the
Rocky Mountains and the Himalayas rose. These mountains may have altered the
flow of the atmosphere and, according to computer models, could have created a
colder climate in the Northern Hemisphere. Plate tectonics may even provide an
explanation for the drop in the abundance of carbon dioxide during the last 60 mil-
lion years. The process may have begun with the rise of the high Himalaya moun-
tains. Uplift and erosion exposed large volumes of rock to weathering. As weath-
ering attacked the silicates, many ions went into solution. When feldspar weathers,
calcium ions go into solution and are carried by rivers to the oceans. Once in the
oceans, calcium may have combined with dissolved carbon dioxide to make lime-
stone; in essence fossilizing part of the atmospheres carbon dioxide. Over the
course of millions of years of weathering and carbonate deposition, the carbon
dioxide levels may have dropped (Figure 14.41). As carbon dioxide was cleared
from the air, the greenhouse effect was also diminished and Earths climate cooled.
As can be seen, there are many variables in the interactions of climate, atmo-
spheric composition, the circulation of the oceans, and plate tectonics that could
have helped cause the ice ages. No single causative agent has been identified. Ap-
parently, an ice age occurs because of several simultaneously occurring factors.The
Pleistocene glaciation appears to have had two major underlying causes. One is re-
lated to a gradual long-term drop in global temperature. The most likely causes
may be plate tectonic movements and a drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide, but
the two may be intertwined. A second cause is needed to explain the waxing and
waning of the glacial epochs on short time scales. Milankovitch cycles seem to pro-
vide appropriately timed changes.

When Will the Next Ice Age Start?

The next ice age seemed imminent, when paleoclimatologists met in 1972 to discuss
this question.The previous interglacial periods seemed to have lasted about 10,000
years each. Assuming that the present interglacial period would be just as long,
they concluded that it is likely that the present-day warm epoch will terminate
relatively soon if man does not intervene. Since 1972 our understanding of the cli-
mate system has improved.We know now that not all interglacial periods are of the
same length and that solar heating varies in an irregular fashion forced by
Milankovitch orbital changes. But we also know that greenhouse gases are
Glacier Systems 417

increasing in concentration with each passing year. What will be their effect on
the onset of the next ice age? Predicting next weeks weather is so hard you may 0
think predicting temperatures thousands of years in the future is impossible. But Warm
based on the variations in solar heating and on the amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere, some calculations of future temperatures have been made (Fig- 10
ure 14.42) According to these estimates, the interglacial period we are in now may

Ice volume (106 km3)

persist for another 50,000 years. That is, if carbon dioxide levels increase to 750
ppm. Right now, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is only
about 370 ppm, but it is rising rapidly as people continue to burn fossil fuels (Chap-
ter 9). If carbon dioxide in the atmosphere drops instead, then the next glacial 30
epoch may be only 15,00 years away.
In addition, recent studies of seafloor sediments and cores from glaciers around
the world, especially the Greenland glacier, indicate that climatic change is anything 40
750 ppm CO2
but smooth. The long cores drilled from the ice yield information about atmos-
Cold 210 ppm CO2
pheric gases, temperature, precipitation, wind, and volcanic activity. Scientists can
count the annual layers of ice, just as tree rings are counted, but the ice layers con-
200 150 100 50 0 +50 +100
tain much more information than do tree rings. They can preserve elemental car- Age (thousands of years ago)
bon from forest fires and datable layers of ash from volcanic eruptions. But the
unique feature of ice cores is that they contain actual samples of Earths ancient FIGURE 14.42 An exceptionally long
atmosphere. According to studies of the oxygen isotopic composition of the ice in interglacial period may be in store if these
these cores, the change from warm to frigid temperatures can occur in a decade or calculations are correct. Computer models
two. Moreover, the ice cores show that an ice age is not uniformly cold, nor are in- using the amount of solar heating (as
terglacial periods uniformly warm. Analysis of ice cores of the entire thickness of controlled by Milankovitch orbital
variations) and the amount of carbon
the Greenland Glacier shows that the climate over the last 250,000 years has dioxide, predict that the next glacial period
changed frequently and abruptly (Figure 14.39). The present interglacial period may begin about 50,000 years from now (red
(the last 8000 to 10,000 years) has been fairly stable and warm, but the previous line assuming a concentration of 750 ppm
one was interrupted by numerous frigid spells lasting hundreds of years. If the pre- CO2) or as soon as 15,000 years from now (if
vious period was more typical than the present one, the period of stable climate in CO2 drops to 210 ppm, black line).
which humans flourishedinventing agriculture and thus civilizationmay have
been possible only because of a highly unusual period of stable temperature.
GeoLogic Glaciation in the Sierra Nevada

John Muir (1838-1914) was the one of the first to suggest Interpretations
that the Sierra Nevada range of eastern California had been The logical conclusion that glaciers shaped this landscape
extensively glaciated. Originally, his claims were met with was made by comparing it with modern glaciated regions.
skepticism, especially by J.D. Whitney, then the state geol- Horns and hanging valleys flank U-shaped valleys that are
ogist of California. How could the sunny state of California still filled with flowing masses of glacial ice. Mounds of till
have sustained glaciers? Now 130 years later, few doubt have accumulated at the end of the glaciers. In Muirs
Muirs claims. Look at this photograph to see what evidence words, The main lateral moraines that extend from the jaws
you can find of a former period of glaciation. of the amphitheater...are continued in straggling masses
along the walls of the amphitheater, while separate boulders,
Observations hundreds of tons in weight, are left stranded here and there
1.A U-shaped mountain valley set amid a distinctive moun- out in the middle of the channel. All that was missing was
tainous terrain marked by horns and hanging valleys. the ice.
2. Linear trails of sediment along the valley walls join ar- Here, we have reconstructed an ancient glacier that
cuate ridges of sediment at the mouth of the canyon. carved this valley in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Cali-
3. The sedimentary deposits are made of tillunstratified fornia, then transported the material and dropped it in ar-
and poorly sorted. cuate ridges at the terminus of the glacier. Such evidence
helps to show that Earth is coming out of a frigid glacial
epoch that peaked 18,000 years ago.

Glacier Systems 419

abrasion (p. 381) erratic (p. 397) lateral moraine (p. 384) recessional moraine (p. 388)
arte (p. 388) esker (p. 397) loess (p. 407) roche moutonne (p. 382)
Channeled Scablands (p. 409) extending flow (p. 378) medial moraine (p. 384) snow line (p. 374)
cirque (p. 388) glacial plucking (p. 381) Milankovitch cycles (p. 413) terminal moraine (p. 388)
compressing flow (p. 378) glacial striation (p. 382) moraine (p. 384) till (p. 397)
continental glacier (p. 375) ground moraine (p. 397) outlet glacier (p. 392) valley glacier (p. 375)
crevasse (p. 379) hanging valley (p. 388) outwash plain (p. 388) varve (p. 397)
drumlin (p. 397) horn (p. 388) Pleistocene Epoch (p. 399) zone of ablation (p. 374)
end moraine (p. 388) kettle (p. 397) pluvial lake (p. 405) zone of accumulation (p. 374)

1. Describe the processes by which snow is transformed into 12. Compare and contrast the origins of Lake Michigan and the
glacial ice. Great Salt Lake.
2. Draw a cross section of a typical valley glacier, and explain 13. List several hypotheses for the causes of continental
how a valley glacial system operates. glaciation.
3. Contrast compressing and extending flow in a glacier. What 14. Explain the origin of Hudson Bay.
part of a glacier is dominated by each type of flow? 15. Why did sea level change during each period of advance
4. Which moves faster, the base of a glacier or the ice near the and retreat of the ice?
surface? Why? What evidence supports your answer? 16. Explain the origin of the present course of the Missouri
5. Why is the flow of glacial ice laminar instead of turbulent as River.
the flow of water in streams? 17. Study Figure 14.26 and explain why the terminal moraines
6. Sketch a model of a continental glacial system and explain occur in a series of lobate patterns rather than in a
how it operates. straight line.
7. Explain the processes by which glaciers erode the surface 18. How do geologists measure isostatic adjustments of the
over which they flow. crust that result from glaciation?
8. Name and describe landforms produced by valley glaciers. 19. Why did a large number of lakes develop in the arid part of
9. Make a sketch map of North America showing the extent of the western United States during each major advance of the
the ice sheet during Pleistocene time. ice during the Pleistocene ice age?
10. Briefly describe the major effects, both direct and indirect, 20. List the periods of major pre-Pleistocene glaciation that are
of Pleistocene glaciation. well documented in the geologic record.
11. Explain the origin of the Channeled Scablands.

Ben, D. I., and D. J. A. Evans. 1998. Glaciers and Glaciation. New Hambrey, M. Glacial Environments. Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press.
York: Wiley. Imbrie, J., and K. P. Imbrie. 1986. Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery.
Chorlton, W. 1983. Ice Ages. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Covey, C. 1984. Earths orbit and the ice ages. Scientific Ameri- Paterson, W. S. B. 1999. The Physics of Glaciers, 3rd ed. Oxford:
can 8:15. Pergamon Press.
Dawson, A .G. 1992. Ice Age Earth. New York: Routledge Press. Sharp, R. P. 1992. Living Ice. New York: Cambridge University
Flint, R. F. 1971. Glacial and Quaternary Geology. New York: Press.

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The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
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15 Shoreline Systems
Water in oceans and lakes is in constant motion. It moves by wind-generated waves, tides,
tsunamis (seismic sea waves), and a variety of density currents. As it moves, it constantly
modifies the shores of all the continents and islands of the world, reshaping coastlines with
the ceaseless activity of waves and currents. Shoreline processes can change in intensity
from day to day, and from season to season, but they never stop.
Shoreline systems are complex open systems where the principal source of energy is
wind-generated waves. Ultimately, the winds energy is derived from the Sun. Gravity is
also an important source of energy in the systemits influence is felt in tides and near-
shore currents. The materials in the system include the shore itself, sand (and other shore-
line sediment), and seawater.
The worlds present shorelines, however, are not the result of present-day processes
alone. Nearly all coasts were profoundly affected by the rise in sea level caused by the melt-
ing of the Pleistocene glaciers, which began between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago. The rising
sea flooded large parts of the low coastal areas, and shorelines moved inland over land-
scapes formed by continental processes. The shapes of many coastlines are largely the result

of processes other than marine and may owe their outlines to stream erosion or deposition,
glaciation, volcanism, tectonism, or even the growth of plants and animals.
The photograph above shows the coast of Californias Big Sur. As waves pound the
shore, they erode cliffs and cause them to recede from the beach, leaving a wide, flat terrace
or wave-cut platform in their wake. The platform is produced just below sea level where
wave action is still vigorous. The result of this process is evident in the lower right of the
photo. The flat terrace above the cliffs is an ancient wave-cut platform that was uplifted out
of the sea by tectonic movements. Before the last uplift, the shoreline was near the base of
the mountains in the background. Thus, wave erosion, followed by tectonic uplift and re-
newed wave erosion, created this landscape.
Why is this shoreline so different from those of the Atlantic coast of the United States,
or the coasts of tropical islands such as Tahiti? In this chapter, we will consider these and
other questions of coastal dynamics. Shorelines are especially important to our society be-
cause of the concentration of population on or near the coasts. In fact, over twenty percent
of the worlds population is within 100 km of the shoreline. To live in harmony with these
rapidly changing environments, we must understand their histories and dynamics.

1. Wind-generated waves provide most of the energy for shoreline processes.
2. Wave refraction concentrates energy on headlands and disperses it in
3. Longshore drift, generated by waves advancing obliquely toward the shore,
transports sediment parallel to the coast. It is one of the most important
shoreline processes.
4. Erosion along a coast tends to develop sea cliffs by the undercutting action
of waves and longshore currents. As a cliff recedes, a wave-cut platform de-
velops, until equilibrium is established between wave energy and the shape
of the coast.
5. Sediment transported by waves and longshore current is deposited in areas
of low energy to form beaches, spits, and barrier islands.
6. Erosion and deposition along a coast tend to develop a straight or gen-
tly curving shoreline that is in equilibrium with the energy expended
upon it.
7. Reefs grow in tropical climates and thrive only in shallow, clear marine wa-
ters. Fringing reefs around volcanic islands can evolve into atolls.
8. The worldwide rise in sea level, associated with the melting of the Pleistocene
glaciers, drowned many coasts. Coasts are classified on the basis of either the
processsubaerial or marinethat has been most significant in developing
their configurations or their tectonic setting.
9. Tides are produced by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and locally
exert a major influence on shorelines.
10. Tsunamis are waves generated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and sub-
aqueous landslides that disturb the seafloor.


Shorelines are dynamic systems involving the energy of waves and currents.
Wind-generated waves provide most of the energy for erosion, transpor-
tation, and deposition of sediment. Waves approaching a shore are bent,
or refracted, so that energy is concentrated on headlands and dispersed
in bays.

Most shoreline processes are directly or indirectly the result of wave action.An un-
derstanding of wave phenomena is therefore fundamental to the study of shore-
line processes.All waves move some form of energy from one place to another.This
is true of sound waves, radio waves, and water waves. The most important types of
ocean waves are generated by wind.
As wind moves over the open ocean, the turbulent air distorts the surface of the
What is the nature of the motion of water. Gusts of wind depress the surface where they move downward; as they move
water in wind-generated waves? upward, they cause a decrease in pressure, elevating the waters surface. These
changes in atmospheric pressure produce an irregular, wavy surface in the ocean
and transfer part of the winds energy to the water. In a stormy area, waves are
choppy and irregular, and wave systems of different sizes and orientations may be
superposed on each other. As the waves move out from their place of origin, how-
ever, the shorter waves move more slowly and are left behind, and the wave pat-
terns develop some measure of order.

Wave Motion in Water

Water waves are described in the same terms as those applied to other wave
phenomena. These are illustrated in Figure 15.1. The wavelength is the horizontal
distance between adjacent wave crests. The wave height is the vertical distance
Shoreline Systems 423




FIGURE 15.1 The morphology of a wave can be described in terms of its length (the distance
from crest to crest), height (the vertical distance between crest and trough), and period (the time
between the passage of two successive crests).

between wave crest and wave trough. The time between the passage of two suc-
cessive crests is the wave period.
Wave motion can be observed easily by watching a floating object move up-
ward (as the crest of a wave approaches) and then sink into the following trough.
Viewed from the side, the object moves in a circular orbit with a diameter equal
Direction of (1)
to the waves height (Figure 15.2). Beneath the surface, this orbital motion dies wave advancement
out rapidly, becoming negligible at a depth equal to about one-half the wavelength.
This level is known as the wave base. The motion of water in waves is therefore dis-
tinctly different from the motion in currents, in which water moves in a given di-
rection and does not return to its original position.
A waves energy depends on its length and height.The greater the waves height, (2)
the greater the size of the orbit in which the water moves. The total energy of a
wave can be represented by a column of water in orbital motion.

Wave action produces little or no net forward motion of the water because the (3)
water moves in an orbital path as the wave advances. As a wave approaches shal-
low water, however, some important changes occur (Figure 15.3). First, the wave-
length decreases because the wave base encounters the ocean bottom, and the re-
sulting friction gradually slows the wave. Second, the wave height increases as the
column of orbiting water encounters the seafloor. As the wave form becomes pro- (4)
gressively higher and the velocity decreases, a critical point is reached at which
the forward velocity of the orbit distorts the wave form. The wave crest then ex-
tends beyond the support range of the underlying column of water, and the wave
collapses, or breaks. At this point, all of the water in the column moves forward,
releasing its energy as a wall of moving, turbulent surf known as a breaker. (5)
After a breaker collapses, the swash (a turbulent sheet of water) flows up the
beach slope. The swash is a powerful surge that causes a landward movement of
sand and gravel on the beach. After the force of the swash is dissipated against
the slope of the beach, the water flows down the beach slope as backwash, al-
though some seeps into the permeable sand and gravel.
In summary, waves are generated by the wind on the open ocean. The wave (6)
form moves out from the storm area, but the water itself moves in a circular orbit
with little or no forward motion.As a wave approaches the shore, it breaks, and the
energy of the forward-moving surf is expended on the shore, causing erosion, trans-
portation, and deposition of sediment.
FIGURE 15.2 The motion of a water
particle as a wave advances is shown by the
Wave Refraction
movement of a floating object. As the wave
A key factor in shoreline processes is wave refraction because it influences the advances (from left to right), the object is
distribution of energy along the shore as well as the direction in which coastal lifted up to the crest and then drops down to
the trough (top). The wave form advances,
water and sediment move. It occurs because the part of a wave in shallow water but the water particles move in orbits,
begins to drag the bottom and slows, whereas the segments of the same wave in returning to their original position.
deeper water move forward at normal velocity. As a result, the wave is bent, or
424 Chapter 15

Breaking wave Wavelength decreases

Wave height increases Deep-water

FIGURE 15.3 A wave approaching the shore undergoes several significant changes as the water in orbital motion encounters the seafloor.
(1) The wavelength decreases because of frictional drag, and the waves become crowded together as they move closer to shore. Note also that
the orbital motion of water in a wave decreases with depth and dies out at a depth equal to about half its wavelength. (2) The wave height
increases as the column of water, moving in an orbit, stacks up on the shallow seafloor. (3) The wave becomes asymmetrical, because of
increasing height and frictional drag on the seafloor, and ultimately breaks. The water then ceases to move in an orbit and rushes forward to the
shore. The photograph shows the characteristic shape of a breaking wave. (Courtesy of Leroy Grannis/Masterfile Corporation)

refracted, so the crest line tends to become parallel to the shore. Wave refraction
thus concentrates energy on headlands and disperses it in bays.
To appreciate the effect of wave refraction on the concentration and disper-
sion of energy, consider the energy in a single wave. In Figure 15.4, the unrefract-
ed wave is divided into three equal parts (AB, BC, and CD), each having an equal
How does wave refraction influence amount of energy. As the wave moves toward the shore, segment BC, in front of
erosion and deposition along coasts? the headland, first interacts with the shallow floor and is slowed down. Meanwhile,
the rest of the wave (segments AB and CD) moves forward at normal velocity.
This difference in velocity causes the crest line of the wave to bend as it advances
shoreward.The wave energy between points B and C is concentrated on a relatively
short segment (BC) of the headland, whereas the equal amounts of energy be-
tween A and B, and between C and D, are distributed over much greater distances
(AB and CD). Breaking waves are thus powerful erosional agents on the head-
lands but are relatively weak in bays, where they commonly deposit sediment to
form beaches. Where major wave fronts are refracted around islands and head-
lands, the refraction patterns are obvious from the air (Figure 15.5).
Shoreline Systems 425


Bay C


FIGURE 15.4 Wave refraction concentrates energy on headlands and disperses it across bays.
Each segment of the unrefracted waveAB, BC, and CDis the same length and therefore has the
same amount of energy as the other segments. As the wave approaches shore, segment BC
encounters the seafloor sooner than AB or CD and moves more slowly. This difference in the
velocities of the three segments causes the wave to bend, so that the energy contained in segment
BC is concentrated on the headland (BC), while the energy contained in AB and CD is dispersed
along the beach (AB and CD).


Longshore drift is generated as waves strike the shore at an angle. Water

and sediment move obliquely up the beach face but return directly down
the beach, perpendicular to the shoreline. This movement results in a net
transport parallel to the shore. As a result, an enormous amount of
sediment is constantly moving parallel to the shore.

Longshore drift is one of the most important shoreline processes. It is generated

as waves advance obliquely to the shore (Figure 15.6). As a wave strikes the shore
at an angle of less than 90, water and sediment moved by the breaker are trans-
ported obliquely up the beach, in the direction of the waves advance. When the
waves energy is spent, the water and sediment return with the backwash, direct-
ly down the beach, perpendicular to the shore. The next wave moves the material
obliquely up the shore again, and the backwash returns it again directly down the
beach slope.A single grain of sand is thus moved in an endless series of small steps,
with a resulting net transport parallel to the shore. This process is known as beach
drift. A similar process, known as a longshore current, develops in the breaker
zone; thus, longshore movement occurs in two zones. One is along the upper lim-
its of wave action and is related to the surge and backwash of the waves.The other
is in the surf and breaker zone, where material is transported in suspension and by
saltation.The two processes work together, and their combined action is known as
longshore drift.
Longshore drift results in the movement of an enormous volume of sediment.
A beach can be thought of as a river of sand, moving by the action of beach drift. FIGURE 15.5 Wave refraction around
If the wave direction is constant, longshore drift occurs in one direction only. If headlands and islands is clearly shown in
waves approach the shore at different angles during different seasons, longshore aerial photographs taken along the coast of
Oregon. The energy concentrated on the
drift is periodically reversed. Longshore currents can pile significant volumes of headlands has reduced some of them to
water on the beach, which return seaward through the breaker zone as a narrow offshore islands. (Courtesy of U.S. Geological
rip current. These currents can be strong enough to be dangerous to swimmers. Survey)
426 Chapter 15

(A) As a wave breaks on the shore, sediment lifted

by the surf is moved diagonally up the beach slope.
The backwash then carries the particles back down
the beach at a right angle to the shoreline. This f sa
action is repeated by each successive wave and en
transports the sediment along the coast in a zigzag vem
t mo
pattern. Particles also are moved underwater in Ne
the breaker surf zone by this action.

of sand Path
movement of wave

(B) Longshore drift can be seen in patterns of

sediment in this aerial photograph. The sediment
is moved parallel to the shore in a series of waves.

FIGURE 15.6 Longshore drift occurs

where waves strike the beach at an oblique

Longshore Drift at Santa Barbara, California

One of the best ways to appreciate the process of longshore drift is to consider how
it has influenced human affairs.A good example occurred near Santa Barbara, along
the southern coast of California, where data have been collected over a considerable
period. Santa Barbara is a picturesque coastal town at the base of the Santa Ynez
Longshore Drift Mountains. It is an important educational, agricultural, and recreational area, and the
people there wanted a harbor that could accommodate deep-water vessels. Studies
by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers suggested that the site was unfavorable because
of the strong longshore currents, which carry large volumes of sand to the south
(Figure 15.7A). Rivers draining the mountains of the coastal ranges supply new sed-
iment to the coast at a rate of 600 m3/day. Longshore drift continually moves the
sand southward from beach to beach. The currents are so strong that boulders
0.6 m in diameter can be transported. Ultimately, the sand transported by longshore
drift is delivered to the head of a submarine canyon and then moves down the canyon
to the deep-sea floor. Despite reports advising against the project, a breakwater
460 m long was built and a deep-water harbor was constructed in 1925 at a cost of
Why is a beach commonly called a $750,000.This breakwater was not tied to the shore. Sand, moved by longshore drift,
river of sand? began to pour through the gap and fill the harbor, which was protected from wave
refraction and longshore currents by the breakwater (Figure 15.7B).To stop the fill-
ing of the harbor, the town had to connect the breakwater to the shore. Sand then
Shoreline Systems 427

Santa Barbara

Le db
a e tt e
r Be
gs h
or e Breakwater
dr i
Ocean 0 1 km

(A) The Santa Barbara coast had significant (B) The initial breakwater prevented the
longshore drift before the breakwater was generation of longshore currents in the
built. protected area behind it, and therefore
the harbor filled with sand.

(C) After the breakwater was connected (D) Photo of Santa Barbara Harbor
to the shore, longshore currents moved (Courtesy of National Oceanic and
sand around the breakwater and filled Atmospheric Administration) FIGURE 15.7 The effect of a
the mouth of the harbor. Sand is now breakwater on longshore drift in Santa
dredged from the harbor and pumped Barbara, California, is documented by a
down the coast. series of maps of the coast from 1925 to 1938.

accumulated behind the breakwater, at its southern end. Soon a smooth, curving
beach developed around the breakwater, and longshore drift carried sand around the
breakwater and deposited it inside the harbor (Figure 15.7C).Two disastrous effects
were produced: First, the harbor became so choked with sand that it could accom-
modate only vessels with very shallow draft; second, the beaches downcoast were
deprived of their source of sand and began to erode. Within 12 years, more than
$2 million worth of damage had been done to property down the coast from Santa
Barbara, as the beach in some areas was cut back 75 m. The problem was solved by
the installation of a dredge in the Santa Barbara harbor to pump out the sand and
return it to the longshore drift system on the downcurrent side of the harbor. Most
of the beaches have been partly replenished, but dredging is very expensive.


Erosion along coasts results from the abrasive action of sand and gravel,
moved by the waves and currents and, to a lesser extent, from solution and
hydraulic action. The undercutting action of waves and currents typically
produces sea cliffs. As a sea cliff recedes, a wave-cut platform develops.
Minor erosional forms associated with the development of sea cliffs include
sea caves, sea arches, and sea stacks.
428 Chapter 15

Coastal regions are sculpted in many shapes and forms, such as rocky cliffs, low
beaches, quiet bays, tidal flats, and marshes.The topography of a coast results from
the same basic forces that shape other land surfaces: erosion, deposition, tectonic
uplift, and subsidence.
Wave action is the major agent of erosion along coasts, and its power is awesome
during storms.When a wave breaks against a sea cliff, the sheer impact of the water
can exert a pressure exceeding 100 kg/m2. Water is driven into every crack and
crevice of the rocks, compressing the air within. The compressed air then acts as a
wedge, widening the cracks and loosening the blocks.
Solution activity also takes place along the coast and is especially effective in
eroding limestone. Even noncalcareous rocks can be weathered rapidly by solution
activity because the chemical action of seawater is stronger than that of fresh water.

Sea Cliffs and Wave-Cut Platforms

The most effective process of erosion along coasts, however, is the abrasive action
of sand and gravel moved by the waves.These tools of erosion operate like the bed
load of a river. Instead of cutting a vertical channel, however, the sand and gravel
moved by waves cut horizontally, forming wave-cut cliffs and wave-cut platforms.
To understand the nature of wave erosion and the principal features of its forms,
study the diagram and photographs in Figure 15.8. Where steeply sloping land de-
scends beneath the water, waves act like a horizontal saw, cutting a notch into the
Why are most shores undergoing vigorous bedrock at sea level. This undercutting produces an overhanging sea cliff, or wave-
erosion? cut cliff, which ultimately collapses.The fallen debris is broken up and removed by
wave action, and the process is repeated on the fresh surface of the new cliff face.
As the sea cliff retreats, a wave-cut platform is produced at its base, the upper part
of which commonly is visible near shore at low tide. Sediment derived from the ero-
sion of the cliff, and transported by longshore drift, may be deposited in deeper
water to form a wave-built terrace. Stream valleys that formerly reached the coast
at sea level are shortened and left as hanging valleys when the cliff recedes.
As the platform is enlarged, the waves break progressively farther from shore,
losing much of their energy by friction as they travel across the shallow platform.
Wave action on the cliff is consequently greatly reduced. Beaches can then devel-
op at the base of the cliff, and the cliff face is gradually worn down, mainly by
weathering and mass movement. Because wave-cut platforms effectively dissipate
wave energy, the size to which they can grow is limited. However, some volcanic
islands have been truncated completely by wave action and slope retreat so that
only a flat-topped platform is left near low tide.

Sea Caves, Sea Arches, and Sea Stacks

The rate at which a sea cliff erodes depends on the durability of the rock and the
degree to which the coast is exposed to direct wave attack. Zones of weakness
(such as outcrops with joint systems, fault planes, and beds of shale between
harder sandstones) are loci of accelerated erosion. If a joint extends across a
headland, wave action can hollow out an alcove, which may later enlarge to a
sea cave. Because the headland commonly is subjected to erosion from two sides,
caves excavated along a zone of weakness can join to form a sea arch (Figure
15.9). Eventually, the arch collapses, and an isolated pinnacle known as a sea
stack is left in front of the cliff. An excellent example of the development of sea
arches and stacks is shown in Figure 15.10 in which the collapse of a sea arch is
documented by photographs.

Summary of Coastal Erosion

Coastal erosion is a natural process that has altered the worlds shorelines ever
since the oceans were first formed at least 4 billion years ago. Every day, the surg-
ing action of waves, the movement of longshore currents, and the pounding of
Shoreline Systems 429

Old wave-cut cliff (A) An uplifted wave-cut platform and a new sea cliff and
Beach sediment platform in the process of forming. As erosion continues,
Old sea stack the cliff recedes to form a wave-cut platform. Some
Notch sediment eroded from the shore is deposited in deeper
Wave-cut cliff
water as a wave-built terrace.
Sea stack

wave-cut terrace
Wave-built terrace

(B) A wave-cut platform on the Washington coast. (Photograph by D. (C) Wave action operates like a horizontal saw cutting at the base of the
Easterbrook) cliff like this one in Oman.

FIGURE 15.8 A wave-cut platform is the fundamental landform produced by wave erosion.

storms erode shorelines. In addition, sea level is constantly changing; with each
rise or fall, a new coastline is formed and the process of reshaping the shore be-
gins anew. Because of the recent rise in sea level, due to the melting of the glaci-
ers, many shorelines of the world are several hundred meters higher than they
were 30,000 years ago, Vigorous erosion by waves and currents will continue.
The rate at which wave action cuts away at the shore is extremely variable. It
depends on the configuration of the coast, the size and strength of the waves, and Can coastal erosion be stopped?
the physical characteristics of the bedrock. In poorly consolidated material, such
as glacial moraines, stream deposits, or sand dunes, the rate of cliff retreat may be
as much as 30 m/yr, but rates of erosion along most coasts are much slower.
An interesting example of rates of coastal erosion over a longer time is docu-
mented by maps made by the ancient Romans when they conquered Britain.These
maps show that in approximately 2000 years, parts of the British coast have been
eroded back more than 5 km, and the sites of many villages and landmarks have
430 Chapter 15

(A) Wave energy is concentrated on a headland as a result of wave refraction.

Zones of weakness, such as joints, faults, and nonresistant beds, erode fastest,
so sea caves develop in those areas.

(B) Sea caves enlarge to form a sea arch.

(C) Eventually, the arch collapses, leaving a sea stack. A new arch can develop
from the remaining headland.

FIGURE 15.9 The development of sea caves, sea arches, and sea
stacks is associated with differential erosion of a headland.

been swept away. Other examples of rapid wave erosion are found on new vol-
canic islands, such as Surtsey, near Iceland. The newly formed volcanic ash that
makes up such islands can be completely planed off by wave action in a matter of
only a few decades.
The reality of coastal erosion is made painfully clear by the passion of Ameri-
cans to live and vacation on the seashore. Development projects unwittingly put
more and more people and property on the shore, an area that by its very nature
is dynamic and mobile. In a remarkably short period of time, waves can erode high
cliffs like those that surround most of the island of Hawaii (Figure 15.11). About

(A) Sea arches and sea stack as they appeared in 1969. (B) The same area in 1987, after collapse of arch.

FIGURE 15.10 Collapse of a sea arch along the coast of California. Between 1969 and 1987, wave erosion also eliminated a small sea stack.
Shoreline Systems 431

86% of Californias coast is receding at an average rate of 0.15 to 0.75 m/yr (Fig-
ure 15.12). Parts of Monterey Bay lose as much as 2 to 3 m/yr. Cape Shoalwater,
Washington, about 100 km west of Olympia, has been eroding at a rate of more
than 30 m/yr. Parts of Chambers County, Texas, have lost 3 m of coast in nine
months. In parts of North Carolina, erosion in one year has cut into beachfront
property up to 25 m.
To combat these losses, people build sea walls and breakwaters, but these are
local and temporary solutions at best. A sea wall, or jetty (a long concrete or rock
structure that juts out into water to restrain waves and currents), may protect
threatened property near it, but it often hastens erosion in other areas. There may
be no simple answer. Carefully written zoning laws that limit coastal develop-
ment may be the best option. In our battle with nature, retreat might be the ulti-
mate solution.


Sediment transported along the shore is deposited in areas of low wave

energy and produces a variety of landforms, including beaches, spits,
tombolos, and barrier islands.

A shoreline is a system that involves input of sediment from various sources, trans-
portation of the sediment, and ultimate deposition. Much of the sediment is derived
from the land and delivered to the sea by major rivers. The sediment is then trans-
ported by waves and longshore currents and is deposited in areas of low energy,
where it builds a variety of landforms. Changes continue by both erosion and de-
position until the coastline is smooth and straight, or gently curving.
Figure 15.13 shows some important elements in a coastal system. The primary
sources of sediment, for beaches and assorted depositional features, are the rivers
that drain the continents. Sediment from the rivers is transported along the shore
by longshore drift and is deposited in areas of low energy. Erosion of headlands and
sea cliffs is also a source of sediment. In tropical areas, the greatest source of sand
commonly is shell debris, derived from wave erosion of near-shore coral reefs. Sed-
iment can also leave the system by landward migration of coastal sand dunes and
by transportation into deep areas of the ocean floor, where turbidites accumulate
as submarine fans.
FIGURE 15.11 High sea cliffs of
Hawaii indicate that the shoreline has
receded tens of kilometers by wave action
and slumping. Older islands in the chain
have been completely planed off in a matter
of only a few million years. (Courtesy of Bob
Abraham/Pacific Stock)
432 Chapter 15

FIGURE 15.12 Erosion of sea cliffs is a major process along shorelines. This photo shows erosion of a sea cliff along the coast of California. In
the last two decades, dozens of homes and hundreds of other structures have been lost or damaged because of sea cliff recession, particularly during
storms triggered by El Nio oscillations. (Courtesy of CORBIS)

A beach is a shore built of unconsolidated sediment. Sand is the most common
material, but some beaches are composed of cobbles and boulders and others of
fine silt and clay. The physical characteristics of a beach (such as slope, composi-
What is the source of sand on beaches? tion, and shape) depend largely on wave energy, but the supply and size of avail-
able sediment particles are also important. Beaches composed of fine-grained ma-
terial generally are flatter than those composed of coarse sand and gravel.

In areas where a straight shoreline is indented by bays or estuaries, longshore drift
can extend the beach from the mainland to form a spit. A spit can grow far out
across the bay as material is deposited at its end (Figure 15.14). Eventually, it may
extend completely across the front of the bay, forming a baymouth bar.

Beach deposits can also grow outward and connect the shore with an offshore
island to form a tombolo. This feature commonly is produced by the islands ef-
fect on wave refraction and longshore drift (Figure 15.15). An island near a shore
can cause wave refraction to such an extent that little or no wave energy strikes
the shore behind it. Longshore drift, which moves sediment along the coast, is not
generated in this wave shadow zone. Sediment carried by longshore currents is
Shoreline Systems 433
Output to Output to Input Input from
backshore spits and bars from rivers cliff erosion
Output dunes
to beaches

Output to
deep water

FIGURE 15.13 A shoreline is a dynamic system of moving sediment. Most of the sediment in a shoreline system is supplied by rivers bringing
erosional debris from the continent and by the erosion of sea cliffs by wave action. This material is transported by longshore drift and can be deposited
on growing beaches, spits, and bars. Some sediment, however, leaves the system either by transportation to deeper water by turbidites or by the
landward migration of coastal sand dunes.

therefore deposited behind the island. The sediment deposit builds up and up
and eventually forms a tombolo, a bar or beach connecting the shore to the is-
land. Longshore currents then move uninterrupted along the shore and around
the tombolo.

Barrier Islands
Barrier islands are long, offshore islands of sediment, trending parallel to the shore
(Figure 15.16). Almost invariably, they form long shorelines next to gently sloping
coastal plains, and they typically are separated from the mainland by a lagoon.
Most barrier islands are cut by one or more tidal inlets. Many barrier islands de-
velop from the growth of spits across an irregular shoreline (Figure 15.14).
Transportation and deposition along many coasts can be measured using his-
torical monuments, maps, and sequences of aerial photography. In northern France,
a dike built at the shoreline in 1597 is now more than 3 km inland from the pres-
ent shore, indicating an average rate of spit migration of about 1 km/100 yr.
Other rates of spit migration, based on dated maps, include the western end of
Fire Island (off the southern coast of Long Island, New York) and the Rockaway
spit (western Long Island).The rate of lateral migration for both Long Island spits How does a spit evolve into a barrier
is 65 m/yr, or 6.5 times the rate of migration along the French coast. island?
One of the best-documented examples of coastal modification is the barrier
beach at Chatham, Massachusetts (Figure 15.17). Before 1987, the barrier beach
known as Nauset, or North Beach, curved southward in a long, graceful arc and ter-
minated as a spit south of the town of Chatham. On January 2, 1987, a storm and
high tide cut a narrow slice (less than a half-meter deep and 5 m wide) through the
barrier. By 1992, the break was more than 3 km wide and 8 m deep, and a new
beach was connected to the mainland (Figure 15.17). The break in the protective
barrier permitted extensive erosion on the mainland coast.
434 Chapter 15

(A) Waves strike a shore obliquely and cause

longshore sediment transport. The sediment moves Dominant
in a series of sand waves around the end of a beach wind
and into a bay.
Longshore drift

Refracted Spit

in shallow water


(B) A spit or barrier island can form by migration

of a spit. Sediment moving along the shore is
deposited as a spit in the deeper water near a bay.
The spit grows parallel to the shore by longshore
drift. (Courtesy of National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration)

FIGURE 15.14 Curved spits develop as

longshore drift moves sediment around the point
of a barrier beach.


Processes of shoreline erosion and deposition tend to develop long, straight,

or gently curving coastlines. Headlands are eroded, and bays and estuaries
are filled with sediment. The configuration of the shoreline evolves until
wave energy is distributed equally along the coast, and neither large-scale
erosion nor deposition occurs.

All of the coastlines throughout the world are constantly changing. In many
areas, changes are rapid, and within only a few decades the local configuration
of a shoreline can be significantly modified. Over a longer period, regional vari-
ations in coast configuration occur. This constant and rapid change in our coasts
is due, in part, to the rise in sea level that accompanies the melting of glaciers.
Other changes in the coast result from uplift or subsidence of the land or ex-
pansion or contraction of the sea. Thus, the shape of most coastlines is far from
being at equilibrium with the wave energy expended upon them. The general
trend is for headlands to be eroded and bays and estuaries to become filled with
sediment. The change in the configuration of the shoreline is always in the di-
rection so that energy is equally distributed along the shore, and neither large-
scale erosion nor deposition occurs.
Shoreline Systems 435

(A) An offshore island acts as a breakwater to incoming waves and (B) Sediment moved by longshore drift is trapped in the shadow
creates a wave shadow along the coast behind it. zone.

(C) The zone of sediment deposition eventually grows until it (D) An aerial photograph of a tombolo. (Courtesy of U.S.
connects with the island. Longshore drift will then move sediment Geological Survey)
along the shore and around the tombolo.

FIGURE 15.15 A tombolo is a bar or beach that connects an island to the mainland. It forms because the island creates a wave shadow zone
along the coast, in which longshore drift cannot occur.

FIGURE 15.16 A barrier island along the Atlantic coast of the United States has a smooth seaward face, where wave action and longshore drift
actively transport sediment. A tidal inlet may form a break in the island, and sediment transported through it is deposited as a tidal delta in the lagoon.
(Courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
436 Chapter 15

(A) July 1984. Before the break, the barrier-spit

acted as a shield protecting Chathams shore and


(B) March 1987. Two months after the break, the

inlet enlarged and exposed the mainland to

New inlet

(C) July 1992. Five years after the break, the inlet
was 3 km wide, and a new spit connected the
barrier to the mainland. Vigorous erosion
continues along the coast of the mainland.

Wide inlet

FIGURE 15.17 Changes of the shoreline

near Chatham, Massachusetts. (Courtesy of
Kelsey-Kennard Photographers, Inc.)
Shoreline Systems 437

(A) A rise in sea level floods a landscape eroded by a river system and (B) Wave erosion cuts cliffs and, locally, sea stacks and arches on the
forms bays, headlands, and islands. islands and peninsulas.

(C) Wave-cut cliffs recede and grow higher, and headlands erode to (D) Islands are completely eroded, beaches and spits enlarge, and
form new sea cliffs. Sediment accumulates, forming beaches and spits. lagoons form in the bays.

FIGURE 15.18 The evolution of a shoreline of equilibrium

from an embayed coastline involves changes due to both erosion and
(E) A straight shoreline is produced by the additional retreat of the deposition. Eventually, a smooth coastline is produced, and the forces
cliffs and by sedimentation in bays and lagoons. The large wave-cut acting on it are essentially at equilibrium; thus, neither erosion nor
platform then limits further erosion by wave action. deposition occurs on a large scale.

In such a condition, the energy of the waves and longshore drift is just suffi-
cient to transport the sediment that is supplied. A shoreline with such a balance of
forces is called a shoreline of equilibrium. As is the case with a stream profile of
equilibrium, a delicate balance is maintained between the landforms and the ge-
ologic processes operating on them.
We can construct a simple conceptual model of a shorelines evolution to- What is the configuration of a shoreline
ward equilibrium and show the changes that would be expected to occur as of equilibrium?
erosion and deposition operate (Figure 15.18). Figure 15.18A shows an area
originally shaped by stream erosion and subsequently partly drowned by ris-
ing sea level. River valleys are invaded by the sea to form irregular, branching
bays, and some hilltops form peninsulas and islands. Next, as shown in Figure
15.18B, marine erosion begins to attack the shore. The islands and headlands
are eroded into high wave-cut cliffs. As erosion proceeds (Figure 15.18C), the
islands and headlands are worn back, and the sea cliffs increase in height. Minor
features, such as sea caves, sea arches, and sea stacks, form by differential ero-
438 Chapter 15

sion in weak places in the bedrock. These are continually being formed and
destroyed as the sea cliff recedes. A wave-cut platform develops, reducing wave
energy, so a beach forms at the base of the cliff. In a more advanced stage of
development (Figure 15.18D), the islands are eroded away and bays become
sealed off, partly by the growth of spits, forming lagoons. The shoreline then be-
comes straight and simple. In the final stages of marine development (Figure
15.18E), the shoreline is cut back beyond the limits of the bay. Sediment moves
along the coast by longshore drift, but the wave-cut platform is so wide that it
effectively eliminates further erosion of the cliff by wave action. The shoreline
of equilibrium is straight and essentially in equilibrium with the energy acting
on it. Further modification of the cliffs results from weathering, mass move-
ment, and stream erosion.
Naturally, the development of a shoreline is also affected by special condi-
tions of structure and topography and by fluctuations of sea level or tecton-
ics. The process of erosion of the headlands by wave action and the straight-
ening of the shoreline by both erosion and deposition follow the general
sequence of this idealized model; however, actual shorelines rarely proceed
through all these stages because fluctuations of sea level upset the previous-
ly established balance.
The development of a shoreline is interrupted in many areas by tectonic
uplift, which abruptly elevates sea cliffs and wave-cut platforms above the
level of the waves. When this happens, wave erosion begins at a new, lower
level, and the elevated marine terraces, stranded high above sea level, are
attacked and eventually obliterated by weathering and stream erosion
(Figure 15.19).

Storm Surges
Coastal changes are particularly great during intense storms such as hurricanes,
typhoons, or northeasters, as they are called in New England. These storm
surges expend tremendous amounts of energy along coastal regions and pro-
duce considerable damage and rapid changes in coastal morphology. Intense
storms, such as hurricanes and typhoons, are centered around strong low-pres-
sure systems in the atmosphere that cause the sea surface to rise in a broad
dome, while they depress the surface farther away. Such a buildup of water be-
neath the storm produces extensive flooding when it reaches shallow coastal
areas. In addition, during the storm, the drag of the wind on the sea surface
not only produces high waves but also creates currents that push the water in
the direction of the wind. When the water reaches the coastal area, it impinges
along the shore, resulting in abnormally high waves and tides. As a result, the
rapid erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediment cause extensive dam-
age to life and property.
The effect of storm surges on local coastal morphology and sediment trans-
port is profound and extremely rapid (Figure 15.20). Large bodies of sediment
may be washed over a barrier island to form a washover fan in the adjacent bay.
New surge channels (tidal inlets) may be opened, while previously formed in-
lets may be sealed. Beach and dune sand may be moved inland, rearranging
the areas surface features. Storm surges may be as high as 5 to 7 m.
One way to appreciate the energy of storm surges, and their force as a
geologic agent, is to consider the devastation they inflict on human life.
On September 8, 1900, a storm surge hit the barrier island city of Galveston,
Texas, killing 6000 people. Property damage from Hurricane Gilbert in 1988
exceeded $10 billion. One year later Hurricane Hugo hit South Carolina,
destroying considerable amounts of property, but early warnings and mass
evacuation averted great loss of life. In contrast, storm surges in the Bay of
Bengal in 1876 took 100,000 lives, and another in 1970 killed an estimated
300,000 people.
Shoreline Systems 439

FIGURE 15.19 A series of elevated

beach terraces resulted from tectonic uplift
along the southern coast of California and
the offshore islands. This photograph of San
Clemente Island was taken with the sun at a
low angle, to emphasize the sequence of
terraces. (Photograph by J. Shelton)


Reefs form a unique type of coastal feature because they are biological in
origin. Modern reefs are built by a complex community of corals, algae,
sponges, and other marine invertebrates. Most reefs grow and thrive only
in the warm, shallow waters of semitropical and tropical regions.

In many regions of the ocean, coral reefs grow and flourish to such an extent that
they significantly modify, if not control, the configuration of a coastline. Reefs are
especially important in the warm tropical waters of the South Pacific, where they
are a major influence along the coasts of most islands (Figure 15.21). Reefs are
constructed from invertebrate colonial animals that, instead of building separate
isolated shells, build enormous apartment houses in which thousands of indi-
viduals live. When the animals die, the shell structure remains intact and subse-
quent generations build their apartments upon the abandoned homes of their pre-
decessors; soon a reef develops into a rocky coast. The most impressive modern
reef is Australias Great Barrier Reef, which stretches a distance of 2000 km. Oth-
ers are noted throughout the South Pacific as barrier reefs and atolls surrounding
ancient volcanic islands. Indeed, coral reefs cover an area about the size of Italy.

(A) Washover fans on a barrier island formed in a hurricane. (B) Beach erosion caused by Hurricane Hugo in South Carolina made this
(Courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) building collapse. (Courtesy of David M. Bush/Orrin H. Pilkey, Jr.)

FIGURE 15.20 Storm surges are produced by storms with strong winds like hurricanes. They can be extremely damaging to coastal buildings and
cause rapid erosion.
440 Chapter 15

Reef Ecology
The marine life that forms a reef can flourish only under strict conditions of
temperature, salinity, and water depth. Most modern coral reefs occur in warm
tropical waters between the limits of 30 S latitude and 30 N latitude (Figure
15.22). Colonial corals need sunlight, and they cannot live in water deeper
than about 75 m. They do not grow up from abyssal depths on the sea floor.
Instead, they grow most luxuriantly just a few meters below sea level. Dirty
water inhibits rapid, healthy growth because it cuts off sunlight, and the sus-
pended mud chokes the organisms that filter feed. Corals are therefore ab-
sent or stunted near the mouths of large muddy rivers. They can survive only
How can an entire shoreline be formed if the salinity of the water ranges from 27 to 40 parts per thousand; thus, a
by growth of organisms? reef can be killed if a flood of fresh water from the land reduces the salinity.
Coral reefs are remarkably flat on top, the upper surface is usually are ex-
posed at low tide but must be covered at high tide. Reefs can grow upward with
rising sea level if the rate of rise is not excessive. They can also grow seaward
over the flanks of reef debris. The fact that reefs form in such restricted envi-
ronments makes them especially important as indicators of past climatic, ge-
ographic, and tectonic conditions.

Types of Reefs
Fringing reefs, generally ranging from 0.5 to 1 km wide, are attached to such
land masses as the shores of volcanic islands (Figure 15.23) or continents. The
corals grow seaward, toward their food supply. Because coral and other reef-
building lifeforms, need sunlight to grow, reefs are usually absent near deltas
and mouths of rivers, where the waters are muddy. Heavy sedimentation and
high runoff also make some tropical coasts of continents unattractive to fring-
ing reefs.
Barrier reefs are separated from the mainland by a lagoon, which can be
more than 20 km wide. As seen from the air, the barrier reefs of islands in the
South Pacific are marked by a zone of white breakers. At intervals, narrow
gaps occur, through which excess shore and tidal water can exit. The finest ex-
ample of this type is the Great Barrier Reef, which stretches for 2000 km along
the northern shore of Australia, from 30 to 160 km off the Queensland coast.
Platform reefs grow in isolated oval patches in warm, shallow water on the
continental shelf. They were apparently more abundant during past geologic
periods of warmer climates. Most modern platform reefs seem to be random-
ly distributed, although some appear to be oriented in belts. The latter fea-
ture suggests that they were formed on submarine topographic highs, such as
drowned shorelines.
Atolls are roughly circular reefs that rise from deep water, enclosing a shal-
low lagoon in which there is no exposed central land mass. The outer margin
of an atoll is naturally the site of most vigorous coral growth. It commonly
forms an overhanging rim, from which pieces of coral rock break off, accu-
mulating as submarine talus on the slopes below. A cross-sectional view of a
typical atoll shows that the lagoon floor is shallow and is composed of cal-
careous sand and silt with rubble derived from erosion of the outer side (see
the foreground of Figure 15.23).
Atolls are by far the most common type of coral reef. More than 330 are
known, of which all but 10 lie within the Indo-Pacific tropical area. Drilling
into the coral of atolls tends to confirm the theory that atolls form on sub-
merged volcanic islands. In one instance, coral extends down as much as 1400
m below sea level, where it rests on a basalt platform carved on an ancient
volcanic island. Because coral cannot grow at that depth, it presumably grew
upward as the volcanic island sank. A reef this thick probably accumulated
over 40 or 50 million years.
Shoreline Systems 441

(A) This aerial view of Bora Bora shows an island in the intermediate stage in the evolution of an atoll. Note the outer margin of the reef, where the growth
of organisms is most active. The shallow lagoon inside the reef, shown in light blue, is mostly calcareous sand formed by erosion of the reef. The remnant
volcano in the center is highly dissected by stream erosion, indicating the elapse of a long period of time since the volcano was active. (Courtesy of Jan
Arthus-Bertrand and CORBIS)

(C) An underwater view of the reef, showing the community of organisms (B) Reef mounds are visible through the shallow water in the
involved in reef construction. (Courtesy of Tahiti Tourist Board) lagoon. Note the boat for scale. (Courtesy of Tahiti Tourist Board)

FIGURE 15.21 A barrier reef surrounds a volcanic island in the Society Islands, French Polynesia.

442 Chapter 15




Coral reef
Warm water (T> 20)
Shallow water

FIGURE 15.22 The distribution of coral reefs is restricted to low-latitude areas, where the average water temperature exceeds 20C throughout
the year. The water must also be shallow and clear. Reefs do not form where major rivers empty into the ocean, nor do they grow upward from the
deep ocean floor of the abyssal plains. Reefs are widely developed throughout the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Origin of Atolls
In 1842 Charles Darwin first proposed a theory to explain the origin of atolls. As
is indicated in Figure 15.23, the theory is based on the continued relative subsidence
of a volcanic island. Darwin suggested that coral reefs are originally established as
fringing reefs along the shores of new volcanic islands.As the island gradually sub-
sides, the coral reef grows upward along its outer margins. The rate of upward
growth essentially keeps pace with subsidence. With continued subsidence, the
area of the island becomes smaller, and the reef becomes a barrier reef. Ultimately,
the island is completely submerged, and the upward growth of the reef forms an
atoll. Erosional debris from the reef fills the enclosed area of the atoll to form a
shallow lagoon.


On a global scale, coasts are classified on the basis of their tectonic setting.
On a local scale, coasts are classified on the basis of the process most
responsible for their configuration.

Coastal landscapes exist in an almost infinite variety of marvelous forms, rang-

ing from the sandy barrier islands of the Atlantic, to the rocky shores of New
England, to the swamps of southern Florida, to the rugged cliffs of California.
Nearly all coasts are complex, both in the types of landforms and in their geo-
logic history. All are dependent upon the landforms that preceded them, all are
subject to the effects of changes in sea level that took place during the ice age,
and all are influenced by the operation of present coastal processes. Despite
these complexities, insight into the nature of shorelines can be gained by con-
sidering the processes responsible for their configuration. To do this effectively,
we must consider coastal features on a regional scale and contrast them with
features developed on a local scale.
Shoreline Systems 443

Volcanic island (A) A fringe reef begins to grow along the coast of a newly formed volcanic


(B) As the island subsides, the reef grows upward and develops a barrier that
Volcanic island
separates the lagoon from open water.

Barrier reefs

(C) Further subsidence completely submerges the island, but if subsidence is

not too rapid, the reef continues to grow upward to form an atoll.


FIGURE 15.23 The evolution of an atoll from a fringing reef was first
Submerged volcanic island
recognized by Charles Darwin. The theory assumes that continued slow
subsidence of the ocean floor allows the reef to continue growing upward.

Shoreline Classification Based

on Plate Tectonics
On a regional basis there are fundamental reasons for similarities and differ-
ences along coasts, and it is not surprising that plate tectonics, the fundamental
dynamic system of Earth, has a tremendous influence on the origin and evolu-
tion of coastlines. The broadest features of coasts, those extending for thousands
of kilometers, are directly related to types of plate boundaries and may be clas-
sified as follows: (1) convergence coasts, (2) passive-margin coasts, and (3) mar-
ginal seacoasts.
A map showing the global distribution of the various types of coasts classified
on the basis of plate tectonics is shown in Figure 15.24. This map highlights the
relationship of various coastal types and the tectonic setting of the continents.You
should refer to this map as you study the material that follows.

Convergence Coasts. Convergence coasts develop where one plate collides

with another to form a subduction zone. They are all relatively straight and
mountainous and are distinguished by rugged sea cliffs, raised marine terraces, and
narrow continental shelves. Convergence coasts are regions of active seismicity,
volcanism, and rapid tectonic uplift, all of which have profound influences on the
444 Chapter 15

characteristics of the coast. The high mountain ranges of convergence coasts have
rivers that are short, steep, and straight because the drainage divide is at a high
elevation near the coast. Consequently, the rivers do not transport enough
sediment to build up large deltas; they deposit their sediment load into drowned
river valleys or onto small open beaches. None of the worlds 25 largest deltas
occur on convergence coasts. Indeed, the only areas of significant sediment
accumulation along convergence coasts lie in relatively small bays caused by
drowning of stream valleys or depressions formed by faulting.
The steep gradients of the seafloor off convergence coasts descend to depths of
hundreds of meters, and what sediment is transported by longshore currents is in-
tercepted by submarine canyons and transported to the adjacent trenches, where
they form submarine fans. The deep water close to shore also permits large waves
to maintain their size because there is no shallow seafloor to interfere with wave
motion and diminish their size. Thus, large waves strike the shore with high ener-
gy, resulting in rapid rates of erosion.
The west coasts of North and South America are excellent examples of conti-
nental convergence coasts, and the Aleutian Islands, Japan, and the Philippines
are typical convergence coasts of island arcs.

Passive-Margin Coasts. Passive-margin coasts are initially formed by rifting

and the movement of a continent away from a spreading ridge. The coastlines
evolve through a series of stages and develop more diverse types. In the early
stages of rifting, the separating land masses have high relief marked by steep
How does tectonics influence the nature cliffs. The drainage divide is close to the shore, so rivers and streams emptying
of shorelines? into the sea are short, small, and carry little sediment. The coasts during this
initial stage are very similar to convergence coasts. The cliffs formed by uplift and
rifting are ultimately eroded and, as the continent moves away from the uparched
oceanic ridge and as the lithosphere cools, the coast subsides. Passive-margin
coasts then remain tectonically stable until they become involved with a
converging plate or another rift. The tectonic stability of a passive continental
margin is the fundamental distinguishing characteristic of this type of coast and
is responsible for many local features. A cross section across a passive-margin
coast shows a nearly flat, featureless surface extending from the continental

Convergent coast
Passive margin (African)
Passive margin (American)
Marginal sea coast

FIGURE 15.24 The tectonic classification of coasts is based on the tectonic setting of the continental margins. Passive margins characterize
the eastern coasts of North and South America, Africa, and Australia. Mountainous coasts are typical of converging plate margins.
Shoreline Systems 445

interior out to the edge of the continental shelf. The shoreline is located
somewhere near the middle of this profile, and even a slight change in sea level
causes a major shift in the position of the shore. The water offshore is shallow
rarely more than 50 m deep. This shallowness dampens the energy of approaching
waves so that marine deposition is an important process in the development of
local coastal landforms, such as beaches and barrier islands. Another
distinguishing feature of passive-margin coasts is that they are the sites of the
worlds large deltas (see Figure 12.38 and 12.39). The drainage divide is at the
crest of the mountain range, which is near the converging plate margin and
thousands of kilometers away. Consequently, large collecting systems develop
and funnel sediment to the passive margin.
The east coasts of North and South America are typical passive-margin coasts.
Both have low relief and broad coastal plains and are bordered by wide conti-
nental shelves. The shores of the Red Sea and the Gulf of California are passive-
margin coasts in the very early stages of development; they have high cliffs and nar-
row continental slopes. The coasts of Africa and Greenland represent a more
advanced stage. Both the east and west coasts of these continents face ocean ridges,
and both have relatively high relief but have developed narrow continental shelves.
The coast of India is somewhat similar.

Marginal Sea Coasts. Some continental coasts are near converging plate
boundaries but are removed from their influences by an offshore volcanic arc.
Although they are near the plate margin and the subduction zone, they are far
enough away to be unaffected by convergent tectonics. They thus behave more
like passive-margin coasts. Major rivers commonly carry large quantities of
sediment and build large deltas and other depositional features, such as beaches,
bars, tidal flats, and marshes in the shallow seas, which are protected from vigorous
wave action of the open ocean by the associated volcanic arc. For example, the
South China Sea is protected from the open ocean by the Philippine island arc,
and the Gulf of Mexico is protected by the island arc of the Caribbean.

Shoreline Classification Based

on Local Geologic Processes
It should be emphasized that the tectonic classification of coasts is intended to
apply only on a regional scaledistances of thousands of kilometers. On a small-
er scale, lengths of 100 km or so, the local coastal features are highly diverse. The
configurations of the shorelines are controlled by geologic processes involving
erosion and deposition. The recent rise of sea level associated with the melting of
the last glaciers has had a profound effect on all shorelines.The rise of sea level de-
veloped new shorelines that are only a few thousands of years old. Many of these
coasts are dramatically out of equilibrium with shoreline erosion. Climate is also
a major controlling factor influencing local coastal features because it controls
glacial systems, the location of major deltas, and the growth of reefs.
On this smaller scale, two principal types of coasts are recognized: (1) coasts
shaped mainly by terrestrial processes of erosion and deposition, and (2) coasts
shaped mainly by marine processes.

Coasts Formed by Subaerial Processes

The configuration of many coasts is largely the result of subaerial geologic agents,
such as streams, glaciers, volcanism, and earth movements.These processes produce
highly irregular coastlines characterized by bays, estuaries, fjords, headlands, penin-
sulas, and offshore islands. The landforms can be either erosional or depositional,
but they are only slightly modified by marine processes. Many of these coasts have
experienced a relative rise in sea level. Some of the more common types are
illustrated in Figure 15.25.
446 Chapter 15

(A) Stream erosion produces an irregular, embayed coast with (D) Marine erosion produces wave-cut cliffs.
offshore islands.

(B) Stream deposition produces deltaic coasts. (E) Marine deposition produces barrier islands and beaches.

(C) Glacial erosion produces long, narrow, deep bays (drowned (F) The growth of coral reefs produces barrier reefs and atolls.
glacial valleys) called fjords.

FIGURE 15.25 Classification of coasts is based on the dominant geologic process in developing their configuration.

Stream Erosion Coasts. If an area eroded by running water is subsequently

flooded by a rise in sea level, the landscape becomes partly drowned. Stream valleys
become bays or estuaries, and hills become islands.The bays extend up the tributary
valley system, forming a coastline with a dendritic pattern. Chesapeake Bay is a
well-known example (Figure 15.25A).

Stream Deposition (Deltaic) Coasts. At the mouths of major rivers, fluvial

deposition builds deltas out into the ocean. The deltas dominate the configuration
of the coast. They can assume a variety of shapes and are locally modified by
marine erosion and deposition (Figure 15.25B).

Glacial Erosion Coasts. Drowned glacial valleys, usually known as fjords, form
some of the most rugged and scenic shorelines in the world. Fjords are
characterized by long, troughlike bays that cut into mountainous coasts, extending
inland as much as 100 km. In polar areas, glaciers still remain at the heads of many
fjords. The walls of fjords are steep and straight. Hanging valleys with spectacular
waterfalls are common (Figure 15.25C).
Shoreline Systems 447

Glacial Deposition Coasts. Glacial deposition dominates some coastlines in

the northern latitudes, where continental glaciers once extended beyond the
present shoreline, over the continental shelf. The ice sheets left drumlins and
moraines, to be drowned by the subsequent rise in sea level. Long Island, for
example, is a partly submerged moraine. In Boston Harbor, partly submerged
drumlins form elliptical islands.

Coasts Formed by Marine Processes

As marine erosion and deposition begin to act on a coastline, marine processes
ultimately dominate and control the coastal configuration. These coasts are char-
acterized by wave-cut cliffs, beaches, barrier islands, spits, and (in some cases)
sediment deposited through the action of biological agents, such as marsh grass,
mangroves, and coral reefs. Marine erosion and deposition smooth out and
straighten shorelines and establish a balance between the energy of the waves
and the configuration of the shore.

Wave Erosion Coasts. Wave erosion begins to modify the shoreline as soon as
the landscape produced by other agents is submerged.Wave energy is concentrated
on the headlands, and a wave-cut platform develops slightly below sea level.
Ultimately, a straight cliff and a large wave-cut platform are created. The White
Cliffs of Dover, England, are prime examples (Figure 15.25D).

Marine Deposition Coasts. Where abundant sediment is supplied by streams

or ocean currents, marine deposits determine the characteristics of the coast.
Barrier islands and beaches are the dominant features. The shoreline is modified
as storm waves break over the barriers and transport sand inland. The barriers
also increase in length and width as sand is added.The lagoons behind the barriers
receive sediment and fresh water from streams; thus, they are often capable of
supporting dense marsh vegetation. Gradually, a lagoon fills with stream sediment,
with sand from the barrier bar (which enters through tidal deltas), and with plant
debris from swamps. The barrier coasts of the southern Atlantic and Gulf Coast
states are coasts of this type (Figure 15.25E).

Coasts Built by Organisms. Coral reefs develop a type of coast that is

prominent in the islands of the southwestern Pacific. The reefs are built up to the
surface by corals and algae, and they can ultimately evolve into an atoll. Another
type of organic coast that is prevalent in the tropics is formed by intertwined root
systems of mangrove trees, which grow in the water, particularly in shallow bays
(Figure 15.25F).


Tides are produced by the gravitational attraction of the Moon and the
centrifugal force of the EarthMoon system. They affect coasts in two
major ways: (1) by initiating a rise and fall of the water level and (2) by
generating tidal currents.

On most shorelines throughout the world, the sea advances and retreats in a reg- Tides
ular rhythm twice in approximately 24 hours.These changes are the tides, and their
cause has intrigued people for thousands of years. In the Mediterranean, tides are
almost imperceptible; in the Bay of Fundy, they are more than 20 m high. Tides
raised by the Moon have gradually slowed Earths spin. Nine hundred million
years ago, a day on Earth was only 18 hours long. Ignorance of tides has had an
impact on history. Caesars war galleys were devastated on the British shore
448 Chapter 15

384,300 km
45 00 k
FIGURE 15.26 Ocean tides are
caused by the gravitational attraction of the Center of gravity
Moon and the centrifugal force of the Earth of Earth-Moon system
Earth-Moon system. On the side of Earth
facing the Moon, the gravitational attraction
is greater, forming a tidal bulge in the
oceans water. On the other side of Earth,
the centrifugal force is greater, causing
another tidal bulge.

because he failed to pull them high enough out of the water to avoid the return-
ing tide. King John of England (11671216) was caught in a high tide, lost his trea-
sure and part of his army, and was so enraged he died a week later. The origin of
tides was not known until Isaac Newton (16421727) showed how tides arise from
the gravitational attraction of the Moon and Earth.
The diagram in Figure 15.26 illustrates, on a highly exaggerated scale, the prin-
What are the major effects of the rise cipal forces that produce tides. The gravitational force exerted by the Moon tends
and fall of tides? to pull the oceans facing the Moon into a bulge. Another tidal bulge, on the side
of Earth opposite the Moon, is caused by centrifugal force. Earth and the Moon
rotate around a common center of mass, which lies approximately 4500 km from
the center of Earth on a line directed toward the Moon. The eccentric motion of
Earth, as it revolves around the center of mass of the EarthMoon system, cre-
ates a large centrifugal force, which forms the second tidal bulge. Earth rotates
beneath the bulges, so the tides rise and fall twice every day.
The major effect of the rise and fall of tides is the transportation of sediment
along the coast and over the adjacent shallow seafloor. Extremely high tides are
produced in shallow seas where the rising water is funneled into bays and estu-
aries. For example, in the Bay of Fundy, between New Brunswick and Nova Sco-
tia, the tide range (the difference in height between high tide and low tide) is as
much as 21 m (Figure 15.27). Where fine-grained sediment is plentiful and the
tide range is great, the configuration of the coast is greatly influenced by tides
and tidal currents.


Movement of the ocean floor by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or

submarine landslides may produce a wave called a tsunami, which has a
long wavelength and travels across the open ocean at high speeds. As a
tsunami approaches shore, its wavelength decreases and its wave height
increases; therefore, a tsunami can be a formidable agent of destruction
along shorelines.

Large waves, known as seismic sea waves or by the Japanese term tsunamis, orig-
inate from disturbances on the ocean floor.They are also commonly referred to as
tidal waves, but they have no relationship with tides at all. Tsunamis can be caused
Shoreline Systems 449
(A) Low tide near Halls Harbor, Nova Scotia.

(B) High tide near Halls Harbor, Nova Scotia.

FIGURE 15.27 Tidal variations are

extreme in some restricted inlets such as the
Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia.

by volcanic eruptions, submarine landslides, or even meteorite impact, but most re-
sult from earthquakes that displace the ocean floor. It is not surprising then that
most tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean, which is circled by active volcanoes and
intense seismicity, both of which result from a series of subduction zones sur-
rounding the Pacific. For example, in 1999 a magnitude 7.1 earthquake triggered
in a subduction zone north of New Guinea created a tsunami that was 15 m high.
When it struck the shore, it swept 2200 people to their deaths.
A tsunami differs from wind-produced ocean waves in that energy is transferred
to the water by displacement of the seafloor during vertical faulting or by distur-
bances from volcanic eruptions or submarine landslides. When the seafloor is dis-
placed rapidly, the entire body of water above it is affected. Whatever happens on
the seafloor is reflected on the water surface above. Thus the entire body of water,
5000 to 6000 m deep, participates in the wave motion. Consequently, where part of
the ocean floor is uplifted or subsides, a bulge and its adjacent depression are pro-
duced on the ocean surface (Figure 15.28). The alternating swell and collapse may
450 Chapter 15

Wave pushes up Wave height increases

from seafloor as column of water
encounters shallow
200 km

3000 m


FIGURE 15.28 Tsunamis are produced by disruption of the seafloor (by earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, or landslides), which causes a large column of water to move. Initially, the wave is not very
high, but as the waves approach the shore, the column piles up, dramatically increasing the waves
height. The wave may be as much as 30 m high when it strikes the shore.

cover up to 10,000 km2 and spread out across the ocean like ripples in a pond. In
the open ocean, a tsunami is not a huge wall of water as many people might think;
it is usually less than 1 to 2 m high, with a wavelength of up to 1000 km. Thus, the
slope of the wave surface is very gentle (1 cm or so per kilometer). Such a wave in
the open ocean is essentially invisible, because it is masked or hidden by the nor-
Tsunamis mal surface waves. Indeed, a passing tsunami would not even disturb a game of
shuffleboard on a cruise ship.
To understand tsunamis, scientists have made measurements using sensitive
pressure meters lying on the seafloor and constructed computer models. In 4000
to 5000 m of water, these instruments are capable of detecting changes in sea level
of less than a millimeter. These studies show that a tsunami is not a single wave,
an image held by many, but is more like a series of concentric wavessimilar to
that produced by a pebble thrown into a pond (Figure 15.29). The wave front trav-
els at tremendous speed ranging from 500 to 800 km/hr, roughly the speed of a
jetliner. It can thus travel across the entire ocean in a few hours. Only as a tsuna-
mi approaches the shore does it reveal its tremendous energy (Figure 15.28). The
energy distributed in the thick column of water becomes concentrated in a pro-
gressively shorter column, resulting in a rapid increase in wave height at the sur-
face. Waves that are fewer than 60 cm high in the deep ocean can build rapidly to
heights exceeding 15 m in many cases and well over 30 m in rare instances. They
exert an enormous force against the shore and can inflict serious damage and great
loss of life. For every meter along the coast, a tsunami can deliver more than 100,000
tons of water with a destructive power that is difficult to imagine.The tsunami that
struck Japan in July 1993 was one of the largest in historical times, with wave surges
30 m above sea level.
Like all other waves, a tsunami consists of a crest and a trough. Commonly, the
first sign that a tsunami is approaching is not an immense wall of water but the sud-
den withdrawal of the sea. Shorelines recede and harbors are emptied because the
trough reaches the coast first. This seaward pull of the water from shore may ex-
tend out a great distance (over tens of kilometers), often with tragic results. When
an earthquake and tsunami struck Lisbon in 1755, the withdrawal of the sea
exposed the bottom of the citys harbor.This bizarre sight drew curious crowds, who
drowned when the crest of the tsunami rushed in a few minutes later. Many died
the same way when a tsunami hit Hawaii in 1946.
A number of tsunamis have been well documented by seismic stations and
coastal observers. For example, the tsunami that hit Hawaii on April 1, 1946, orig-
inated in the Aleutian Trench off the island of Unimak. The waves moving across
the open ocean were imperceptible to ships in their path because the wave height
was only 30 cm. Moving at an average speed of 760 km/hr, they reached the
Shoreline Systems 451



(A) Five hours after earthquake (B) Ten hours after earthquake

(C) Seventeen hours after earthquake (D) Twenty-two hours after earthquake

FIGURE 15.29 Computer model of a 1960 tsunami caused by a large earthquake along the subduction zone beneath Chile.
The tsunami created a system of waves that rapidly spread across the entire Pacific Ocean. The wave front reached Japan about one
day later. If you look carefully at the wave as it nears Japan, you will also see that tsunamis are reflected and refracted just like any
other wave. (Courtesy of P. L. F. Liu, S. N. Seo, S. B.Yoon, C. Devine/Cornell Theory Center)

Hawaiian Islands, 3200 km away, in fewer than five hours. Because the wavelength
was 150 km, the wave crests arrived about 12 minutes apart. As the waves ap-
proached the island, their height increased at least 17 m and thus produced an ex-
tremely destructive surf, which swept inland and demolished houses, trees, and al-
most everything else in their path.
Not all tsunamis are produced by violent earthquakes. For example, in 1896 in
Japan, a mild earthquake barely felt on shore was followed by a large tsunami that Why is a tsunami so small that it is
drowned 22,000 people. Similarly, in Nicaragua in September 1992, no one felt the imperceptible in the open ocean, but
offshore quake that caused a destructive tsunami that swept coastal homes out to may be more than 30 m high when it
sea and killed 170 people.The reason for this seemingly anomalous condition is that reaches the shore?
some earthquakes release their energy very slowly, over a minute or more, rather
than in a brief snap. This may happen if the boundary between the moving blocks
of rock is lubricated. The seismic energy from such a quake moves Earths surface
in long undulations that humans do not feel.
GeoLogic Tidal Inlet, Eastern Canada



Tidal delta

Barrier bar


Tidal Inlet


Small tidal delta

(Courtesy of Department of Energy and Mines and Resources, Canada)

The shore is dynamic being constantly changed and quiet water of the lagoon through an inlet across the bar-
reshaped by waves, currents and tides. Two major process- rier bar.
es are active in this area, (1) longshore drift and (2) tides. 3. A small tidal delta is built in the open ocean by outgoing
Observations 4. Subaqueous sediment is moved by longshore currents
1. A barrier bar extends across the lower part of the photo, forming subaqueous spits which restrict the tidal chan-
broken by a tidal inlet. nel.
2. A lagoon (upper part of photo) separates the mainland 5. The source of sediment for the tidal delta is sediment
from the barrier bar. transported by longshore currents.
3. The open ocean is in the lower part of the area. 6. The tidal delta has a series of distributary channels much
like a river delta.
7. The tidal delta in the lagoon is much larger than that in
the open ocean because wave-action in the open ocean
1.The curved spit indicates longshore drift from left to right. redistributes the delta sediment and inhibits delta growth.
2. A large tidal delta is built by incoming tides entering the

Shoreline Systems 453

atoll (p. 440) elevated marine terrace (p. 438) sea arch (p. 428) tsunami (p. 448)
backwash (p. 423) estuary (p. 432) sea cave (p. 428) wave base (p. 423)
barrier island (p. 433) fjord (p. 446) sea cliff (p. 428) wave-built terrace (p. 428)
barrier reef (p. 440) fringing reef (p. 440) sea stack (p. 428) wave crest (p. 422)
bay (p. 432) hanging valley (p. 428) shoreline of equilibrium wave-cut cliff (p. 428)
baymouth bar (p. 432) headland (p. 424) (p. 437) wave-cut platform (p. 428)
beach (p. 432) longshore current (p. 425) spit (p. 432) wave height (p. 422)
beach drift (p. 425) longshore drift (p. 425) swash (p. 423) wavelength (p. 422)
breaker (p. 423) platform reef (p. 440) tide (p. 447) wave period (p. 423)
coral (p. 439) rip current (p. 425) tombolo (p. 432) wave refraction (p. 423)

1. Describe the motion of water in a wind-generated wave. 9. Why are coral reefs so poorly developed along the shore-
2. Explain how wave refraction alters the form of a coastline. line of equatorial Brazil?
3. Explain the origin of longshore drift. 10. Explain the origin of atolls.
4. Describe the stages in the evolution of a sea cliff and wave- 11. Describe six common types of shoreline.
cut platform. 12. What are the differences between a shoreline formed along
5. Name the major depositional landforms along a coast, and a convergent continental margin and one on a passive conti-
explain the origin of each. nental margin?
6. What effect would the construction of dams on major rivers 13. Explain how ocean tides are generated.
have on beaches along the coast? 14. Explain the origin of a tsunami.
7. How are elevated marine terraces formed? 15. What is the difference in the source of energy for a normal
8. What conditions are necessary for the formation of a coral wave, a tide, and a tsunami?

Bird, E. 2000. Coastal Geomorphology: An Introduction. New Folger, T. 1994. Waves of destruction. Discover 15(5):66.
York: Wiley. Gonzalez, R. T. 1999. Tsunami! Scientific American 262(5):57.
Bird, C. F., and M. L. Schwartz. 1985. The Worlds Coastlines. Hardisty, J. 1990. Beaches, Form and Process. New York: Harper-
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Collins.
Cartwright, D. E. 1999. Tides: A Scientific History. Oxford: Ox- Snead, R. E. 1982. Coastal Landforms and Surface Features: A
ford University Press. Photographic Atlas and Glossary. Stroudsburg, Penn.:
Davis, R. A. 1994. The Evolving Coast. New York: Freeman. Hutchinson Ross.
Dolan, R., and H. L. Lins. 1987. Beaches and barrier islands. Sci- Trenhaile, A. S. 1997. Coastal Dynamics and Landforms. Oxford:
entific American 250(7):146. Clarendon.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Simulations that show why tides and longshore drift develop
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with examples of shoreline evolution
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
16 Eolian Systems
Geologists once thought that wind, like running water and glaciers, was an effective agent
of erosion, but even in the deserts, few major topographic features are the result of wind
abrasion. Wind can, however, pick up and transport large quantities of loose sand and dust.
As a result, shifting sand dunes or thick sheets of wind-blown dust dominate the landscape
in many areasespecially in low-latitude deserts, where precipitation is low and evapora-
tion is high. The great sand seas that completely cover large areas of north Africas
Sahara Desert, Saudi Arabia, and central Australia are the most spectacular examples of
wind activity on Earth, but sand dunes also occur in many coastal areas and in smaller
rain-shadow deserts.
Even in the arid regions of the western United States, sand dunes are locally significant
landforms. The Great Sand Dunes National Monument in Colorado, the Algodones dunes
in southern California, and the Sand Hills of Nebraska are good examples of relatively
small dune fields. The panorama above is from the rain-shadow desert in Death Valley,
California. It vividly illustrates a landscape where wind is the dominant geologic process
and huge sand dunes are the most striking feature.

Wind activity is also important in forming large deposits of wind-blown dust called loess
that blanket millions of square kilometers in the mid-latitude continents, including portions
of China, the central United States, and central Eurasia. Wind-blown dust covers about
one-tenth of the land surface. This fact is important because soils from these deposits are
some of Earths richest farmland and are the foundation for a large percentage of the
worlds food supply. Wind-blown dust is also carried far out over the seas, where it settles to
the floor of the ocean and forms sediment.
The eolian system, like other parts of the hydrologic system, takes its energy from the
Sun and the uneven heating of the planet. Like water, it is a fluid that flows readily. Also
like water, the wind picks up and transports huge volumes of sediment. Deposition and ero-
sion are associated with distinctive landforms just as they are for streams, groundwater, and
flowing ice. Thus, your challenge as you read this chapter is to clearly comprehend the simi-
larities in the different components of the hydrologic system, but also to come to grips with
the significant differences between the role of moving water versus moving air.
In this chapter, we consider eolian systems as geologic agents: how the wind erodes the
surface, transports and deposits sediment, and forms unique features of the landscape.

1. Wind is not an effective agent in eroding the landscape, but it can produce
deflation basins and yardangs as well as small pits and grooves on rocks.
2. The major result of wind activity is the transportation of loose, unconsoli-
dated fragments of sand and dust.Wind transports sand by saltation and sur-
face creep. Dust is transported in suspension, and it can remain high in the
atmosphere for long periods.
3. Sand dunes migrate as sand grains are blown up and over the windward side
of the dune and accumulate on the lee slope.The internal structure of a dune
consists of strata inclined in a downwind direction.
4. Various types of dunes form, depending on wind velocity, sand supply, and
constancy of wind direction.
5. Wind-blown dust (loess) forms blanket deposits, which can mask the older
landscape beneath them. The source of loess is desert dust or the fine rock
debris deposited by glaciers. Some deep oceanic sediment is wind-blown dust
from continents.
6. Desertification, the loss of farmable land on the margins of deserts, can be
caused by human activity or by slight climatic fluctuations.


The eolian system is a dynamic open system driven by heat from the Sun.
The great deserts of the world, where the effects of the wind are most
obvious, form in low-latitude regions in zones roughly 30 north and south
of the equator. There wind lifts, transports, and eventually deposits loose
sand and dust, but its ability to erode solid rock is limited.

Earths eolian system is intimately tied to the hydrologic system and shares many
common features with it. Like the hydrologic system, the eolian system is a man-
ifestation of a moving fluid across the surface. In addition, the energy source for
both is the same. The kinetic energy of the wind originates in the Sun and is radi-
ated to Earth.The uneven heating of Earths surface (see Figure 9.6) makes the at-
mosphere a vast convecting fluid that envelopes the entire planet. Prevailing wind
patterns are determined by (1) variations of solar radiation with latitude, (2) the
Coriolis effect (deflection due to Earths rotation, see Figure 9.8), (3) the config-
uration of continents and oceans, and (4) the location of mountain ranges.
What controls the location of deserts? The geologic effects of the wind are most obvious in deserts, where precipita-
tion and runoff are low and vegetation is sparse. The locations of most deserts
are controlled by the pattern of atmospheric convection (see Figure 9.8). The
worlds great deserts, such as the Sahara and the deserts of Asia, are mostly in
low-latitude belts (Figure 16.1). As described earlier, humid equatorial air, heat-
ed by solar radiation, rises because it is buoyant.As the air rises to higher altitudes,
it cools and releases its moisture, which falls as tropical rains in the equatorial
regions. This air is much drier as it continues to convect poleward. Eventually, the
dry air descends to the surface near 30 to 35 north and south of the equator. As
the air descends, it warms, so it rarely produces any precipitation. Consequently,
evaporation of surface moisture, rather than precipitation, occurs in the low lat-
itudes where the convecting air descends. The trade winds move this air back to
the equator, where it is again heated, humidified, and rises to start the cycle again.
Dry descending air currents also create polar deserts, where precipitation is low,
but so is the temperature.
Other deserts lie in rain shadows, behind high mountain ranges that intercept
moisture-laden air currents. As the air is forced to rise over the mountain
range, it cools and precipitates its moisture. On the other side of the range, the dry

Eolian Systems 457

Polar desert
Polar desert



30 Loess

Prevailing wind

Polar desert

FIGURE 16.1 The major deserts of the world, the Sahara, the Arabian, the Kalahari, and the deserts of Australia, are near 30 north or
south of the equator. These bands are under almost constant high atmospheric pressure where dry air subsides. Desert and near-desert areas
cover nearly one-third of the land surface. Wind-blown dust (loess) accumulates downwind from major deserts or along former margins of
Pleistocene glaciers. Prevailing winds (arrows) transport dust from the Sahara and Kalahari deserts to the Atlantic Ocean and from deserts of
Australia to adjacent seas. Dry descending air currents also create polar deserts, where precipitation is low, but so is the temperature.

descending air is heated. The arid regions of Nevada and Utah lie in the rain shad-
ow of the Sierra Nevada.
Wind action is most significant in desert areas, but it is not confined to them.
Many coasts are modified by winds that pick up loose sand on the beach and trans-
port it inland.
The eolian system is summarized in Figure 16.2.Weathering produces sediment
particles in a range of sizes. Water transports some of this material downslope be-
fore it is picked up by the wind. The coarsest materials are left to form lag de-
posits; sand-size grains are transported and ultimately deposited to form sheets
and dunes in the deserts; and the dust-sized materials are carried far away. Much
of the dust is deposited in adjacent, more humid climates.

Dust deposition
Dust transport
Sand deposition

area Sand sheets Sand dunes Loess
Lag gravel

Sand deposition

FIGURE 16.2 The eolian system is driven by energy from the Sun. Flowing air erodes, transports, and deposits fine sediment to form distinctive
landforms and rock bodies. Sand sheets, sand dunes, and layers of loess are the major eolian deposits. Lags of coarse particles are left behind.
458 Chapter 16


Wind erosion acts in two ways: (1) by deflation, the lifting and removal of
loose sand and dust particles from Earths surface, and (2) by abrasion, the
sandblasting action of wind-blown sand.

Wind alone can do little to erode solid rock exposed at the surface, but it is capa-
ble of transporting loose unconsolidated material. For wind to be an effective agent
of erosion, chemical and mechanical weathering must disintegrate solid rock into
Why is the erosive power of wind less small loose fragments that can be picked up and transported. A dry climate is also
effective than that of running water? necessary; in a humid climate vegetation usually covers the surface and holds loose
particles together. In addition, wet material is usually cohesive because water tends
to hold loose fragments together. On a small scale, wind can also abrade and pol-
ish solid rock surfaces.

The most significant type of wind erosion is deflation, a process in which loose
particles of sand and dust are lifted from the surface and blown away. The turbu-
lence of the wind is able to lift these fine materials. Deflation commonly occurs in
semiarid regions where the protective cover of grass and shrubs has been removed
by the activity of humans and animals. The results are broad shallow depressions
called deflation basins. Deflation basins also commonly develop where calcium
carbonate cement, in sandstone formations, is dissolved by groundwater, leaving
loose sand grains that are picked up and transported by the wind (Figure 16.3).
Large deflation basins, covering areas of several hundred square kilometers, are as-
sociated with the great desert areas of the world, particularly in North Africa near
the Nile Delta.
Perhaps the best example of wind erosion in the United States is in the Great
Plains, especially the High Plains of Colorado, Kansas, and Texas. In this area, in-
numerable deflation basinsranging from small dimples, 30 cm deep and 3 m in
diameter, to larger basins, 15 to 20 m deep and more than a kilometer acrossare
scattered across the landscape (Figure 16.3). Many have permanent or intermittent
lakes in them. Although some of these depressions may be the result of collapse
and local subsidence, deflation has played a major role in their development.

(A) Deflation basins in the Great Plains of Texas are produced where (B) Small deflation basins in sandstone formations in the Colorado
solution activity in the layers of horizontal bedrock dissolves the Plateau form in a similar manner.
cement that binds the sand grains. (Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey)

FIGURE 16.3 Deflation basins are wind erosion features that range in size from small depressions to large basins several kilometers in diameter.
Eolian Systems 459

Time 1: Original gravel is dispersed Time 2: Deflation removes fine grains Time 3: Deflation develops lag gravel

FIGURE 16.4 Desert pavement results as wind selectively removes sand and fine sediment, leaving the coarser gravels to form a lag deposit. The
protective cover of lag gravel acts as an armor limiting future deflation.

During wet periods, water collecting in small depressions will dissolve the cal-
careous cement in the horizontal sandstone that covers the area. Thus, many of
the individual grains in the sandstone formation are loose and free to move about.
During dry periods, wind will pick up the loose grains and blow them away. This
process creates a larger basin, which collects more water, which in turn dissolves
more cement, to produce more loose grains. The process is therefore self-perpet-
uating. Many of these depressions are enlarged by the activity of animals. Animals
were especially influential in the time when great herds of buffalo thronged to the
temporary ponds for water. After wading and wallowing, the herds would carry
away mud on their bodies and destroy the surrounding vegetation, producing con- What are the major features produced
ditions that favored further wind erosion.The depressions have thus been referred by wind erosion?
to as buffalo wallows.
In general, wind can move only sand and dust-sized particles, so deflation leaves
concentrations of coarser material known as lag deposits, or desert pavements
(Figure 16.4). These striking desert features of erosion (Figures 16.5 and 16.6)
stand out in contrast to deposits in dune fields and playa lakes. Deflation occurs
only where unconsolidated material is exposed at the surface. It does not occur
where there are thick covers of vegetation or layers of gravel.The process is there-
fore limited to areas such as deserts, beaches, and barren fields.

Wind abrasion is essentially the same process as the artificial sandblasting used to
clean building stone. Energy for abrasion comes from the kinetic energy of the
wind. Wind-driven grains impact rock surfaces and small particles are knocked off
the rock. Some effects of wind abrasion can be seen on the surface of the bedrock
in most desert regions (Figure 16.7). In areas where soft, poorly consolidated rock
is exposed, wind erosion can be both spectacular and distinctive. Some pebbles,
known as ventifacts (literally meaning wind-made), are shaped and polished by
the wind (Figures 16.7 and 16.8). Such pebbles are commonly distinguished by two
or more flat faces that meet at sharp ridges and are generally well polished. Some
faceted ventifacts are up to 3 m long. Other ventifacts have a variety of shapes.
Some have surface irregularities, pits, and grooves, or U-shaped depressions with
roughly parallel sides aligned with the wind direction (Figure 16.7).
Larger landforms produced by wind abrasion are less common, but in some
desert regions, distinctive linear ridges, called yardangs, are produced by wind
erosion. These features were first discovered in Chinas Taklimakan Desert. The
name is derived from the Turkistani word yar, meaning ridge or bank. Typ-
ical yardangs have the form of an inverted boat hull (Figure 16.9) and com- FIGURE 16.5 Lag gravels consist of
angular clasts that range from fragments
monly occur in clusters, oriented parallel to the prevailing wind that formed 30 cm or so across to small pebbles. Once the
them. Theoretically, they can be formed in any rock type, but they are best de- clasts become concentrated like this, they
veloped in soft, unconsolidated, fine-grained sediment or volcanic ash that is protect the surface from further erosion.
460 Chapter 16

FIGURE 16.6 Lag gravel and desert pavement, not sand dunes, are major parts of the landscape in many desert regions like the Sahara Desert in
Morocco. Desert pavement forms where small particles are swept away by the wind.

easily sculpted but is cohesive enough to retain steep slopes. Yardangs evolve
into streamlined shapes that offer minimum resistance to the moving air. In a
way, they are analogs to drumlins, which are shaped by moving ice. This shape
may involve the combination of erosion with deposition to sculpt the flanks or
the end of the yardang.
Yardangs are generally restricted to the most arid parts of deserts, which are
relatively sand-poor and are areas where vegetation and soil are minimal. There
is some indication that the Sphinx in Egypt was constructed out of a yardang.
Some of the most spectacular wind erosional features on Earth are the great
yardangs of the Tibesti area of Chad in northern Africa (Figure 16.10). There,
ridges almost 150 m high and several kilometers long are carved by the wind out
of nonresistant sediments. The ridges are separated by troughs 100 m or more
wide. There are no stream erosion channels between the yardangs, and no evi-
dence of water erosion can be seen on the floor of the yardang field.

(A) Grooves eroded on bedrock near Palm Springs, California. (B) Ventifact shaped by wind abrasion into flat surfaces. (Courtesy of
U.S. Geological Survey)

FIGURE 16.7 Wind abrasion is a process very much like sandblasting. Grooves and polished surfaces are apparent on cobbles and on bedrock in
most of the worlds deserts.
Eolian Systems 461
(A) (B)

Sandblasting begins
Original rounded pebble
to form smooth face

(C) (D)

Pebble rotates as a result Sandblasting forms a

of eddies new face on the pebble
FIGURE 16.8 Ventifacts are pebbles shaped and polished by wind action. They commonly have two or more well-polished sides formed as
the sandblasting action of wind reshapes one side and then another. In (B), a facet (smooth face) is formed by sandblasting on the side facing
the prevailing wind. Removal of the sand by deflation causes the pebble to rotate so that another faceted and polished surface is produced on
another side of the pebble (D).


Wind transports sand by saltation and surface creep. Silt and dust-sized
particles are carried in suspension.

Movement of Sand
Although both wind and water transport sediment, the mechanics of motion in-
volved are somewhat different because the viscosity of water is much greater than
that of air. A sediment grain can be picked up by the wind when the forces act-
ing to move the grain overcome the forces resisting movement. The main forces
resisting motion are the weight of the grain and its cohesion to other grains. Wind
blowing over the surface creates aerodynamic lift and drag on a grain. Lift is
caused by the air flowing over the grain, creating a zone of low air pressure over
the grain. (This is the same lift generated above the top of an airplanes wing.) The
low pressure causes the grain to be sucked into the air flow. Drag is caused by
the impact of air molecules on the grains surface. High-speed photography shows
that a particle begins to shake and then lifts off, spinning into the air. A critical
wind velocity must be reached before a grain of a certain size will begin to move.
For sand-sized grains with diameters of about 0.1 mm, this critical wind velocity

FIGURE 16.9 Yardangs are elongate

ridges formed by wind erosion of relatively
soft material. Note the streamlined shape.
(Photograph by Alan L. Mayo)
462 Chapter 16

FIGURE 16.10 Yardangs and windstreaks in the Tibesti area of Chad are carved out of
horizontally bedded nonresistant sedimentary rocks as regional winds are diverted around the
eastern side of a large shield volcano. (Courtesy of NASA)

is only about 20 cm/sec (0.7 km/hr). Once entrained into the moving wind, a sed-
iment particle moves in a variety of waves, which are similar to those in which
sediment moves in water (Figure 16.11).
Saltation results from impact and elastic bounce (Figure 16.11). When a grain
falls to the surface, it collides with other sand grains. The impact causes one or
more grains to bounce into the air, where they are driven forward by the drag of
the stronger wind above the surface. Gravity soon pulls them back, and the grains
strike the ground at angles generally ranging from 10 to 15. If the sand is mov-
Wind Transportation ing over solid rock, the grains bounce back into the air. If the surface is loose sand,
the impact of a falling grain can knock several grains into the air, setting up a chain
reaction, which eventually sets in motion the entire sand surface. Saltation nor-
mally lifts sand grains less than 1 cm above the ground, but heights as much as a
meter are not unusual. The forward velocity of saltating sand grains is usually
about one-half the wind speed.
Some grains that are too large to be ejected into the flowing air move by sur-
face creep (rolling and sliding). These large grains are moved by the impact of
saltating grains and the drag of the wind, but they do not lose contact with the
bed.Approximately one-fourth of the sand moved by a sandstorm travels by rolling
and sliding. Particles with a diameter greater than 2 mm are rarely moved by wind.

Movement of Dust
If you have ever been in a dust storm, you know that the wind also carries fine
sediment in another way. Small grains of dust (silt- and clay-sized particles with
Eolian Systems 463


a lta

FIGURE 16.11 The transportation of

sediment by wind is accomplished by surface
creep, saltation, and suspension. Coarse
Creep grains move by impact from other grains and
slide or roll (surface creep). Medium grains
move by skipping or bouncing (saltation).
Fine silt and clay move in suspension.

diameters of less than 0.06 mm) are carried in suspension by turbulence in the
wind flow. Such particles are lifted high into the atmosphere and are carried great
distances before they settle back to earth. Dust storms are major processes in
deserts. They can transport thousands of tons of sediment hundreds of kilometers
(Figure 16.12). Dust storms are a major dynamic process, and they subtly, but con-
stantly, change the surface. Throughout human history, dust storms have been a
major cause of soil erosion. References to dust storms were recorded in 1150 B.C.
in China and in biblical times in the Middle East.
Dust storms are commonly initiated by the downdraft of cool air from a cu- Dust Storms
mulonimbus cloud.When such a cloud develops to the point that rain begins to fall
from it, the rain cools the air as it falls. Because the cool air is denser than the sur-
rounding air, it descends in a downdraft. As the heavy, cooled air reaches the
ground, it is deflected forward and moves in a large tongue-shaped pattern. It flows
across the ground as a density currenta body of moving air that is heavier than
the surrounding airbecause it is cooler (Figure 16.12). As the dense air moves

FIGURE 16.12 A dust storm in the Blue Nile area (Sudan, Africa) results when cool air descends and moves
laterally over the surface as a density current. As the dense, cool air moves across the surface, it sweeps up dust
and sand in its turbulent flow, creating a dust storm, or haboob. Eolian dust from such storms is an important
component of deep-ocean sediment. (Courtesy of Bruce Coleman, Inc.)
464 Chapter 16



Canary Islands

FIGURE 16.13 Dust storms in the Sahara Desert, as seen from a satellite. This storm formed by dissipating thunderstorms and then picked up
loose sediment and moved it westward. The Canary Islands disturb the flow of the dust-laden winds. Storms like this can carry sediment into the
Atlantic Ocean and as far west as the Americas. Eolian dust from such storms is an important component of deep-ocean sediment. (Courtesy of NASA
SeaWIFS Project)

across the dry surface, it sweeps up dust and sand by the churning action of its tur-
bulent flow. Dust storms of this type are called haboobs, from the Arabic word for
violent wind (Figure 16.12).
Great dust storms sometimes reach elevations of 2500 m and advance at speeds
of up to 200 m/sec. It has been estimated that 500 million tons of wind-blown dust
are carried from the deserts each year. (This is only slightly less than the amount
Dust Storms of sediment deposited each year by the Mississippi River.) Some is deposited
downwind from the desert, such as in China (Figure 16.1), but because of the pre-
vailing wind pattern in the Sahara, Australia, and South America, large quantities
of wind-blown dust are carried out to sea (Figure 16.13). Some larger dust storms
in the Sahara have even carried dust across the Atlantic to the eastern coast of
South America and the Caribbean Sea. Some diseases that afflict coral reefs around
Florida and the Caribbean islands may have been carried there by such dust storms.
A soil fungus that has caused an epidemic among some of the organisms in the
coral reefs has been traced to central Africa.
Eolian Systems 465


Wind-blown sand accumulates to form sand sheets, ripples, and dunes.

Different kinds of sand dunes result from variations in sand supply, wind
direction, and velocity. The most significant types of dunes are (1) transverse
dunes, (2) barchan dunes, (3) longitudinal dunes, (4) star dunes, and
(5) parabolic dunes.

Where wind velocity decreases, moving sand grains may become deposited to form
a variety of sedimentary bodies. About 40% of these deposits are gently undulat-
ing, nearly flat sand sheets (see Figure 16.19). Grains that are too big to move by
saltation are the principal constituent, and many sand sheets grade into sand dunes.
The active part of a sand sheet is only a few centimeters thick, but the sand sheet
may cover a very large area. For example, much of southern Egypt and northern
Sudan are covered by a featureless sand sheet.
Saltating grains form ripples that are perpendicular to the wind direction. The How can wind move an entire sand
distance between each ripple is about the same as the average jump made by each dune?
saltating grain.These ripples are usually only a centimeter or so high. Ripples form
on the surfaces of many dunes.
Sand dunes are the most commonly recognized deposits of sand. Dunes mi-
grate relentlessly downwind and may completely modify the landscape, damaging
or obliterating almost anything in their path. Forests have been entombed by ad-
vancing dunes, streams diverted, and villages completely covered (Figure 16.14).
Examples of such migration occurred in England and France, where entire towns
were overwhelmed by advancing dunes so that nothing was seen but the church
spire.Then the dunes marched on, leaving behind a devastated countryside of dead
trees and collapsed buildings. But why do dunes form, and why do some grow so
large? How do they move?
In many respects, dunes are similar to ripple marks (formed by either air or
water) and to the large sand waves or sandbars found in many streams and in shal- What is the difference in the way wind
low-marine water. Many dunes originate where an obstacle such as a large rock, and water transport sediment?
a clump of vegetation, or a fence post creates a zone of quieter air behind it (Fig-
ure 16.15). As sand is blown up or around the obstruction and into the protected
area (the wind shadow), its velocity is reduced and deposition occurs. Once a small
dune is formed, it acts as a barrier itself, disrupting the flow of air and causing con-
tinued deposition downwind. Dunes range in size from 30 cm to as much as 500 m
high and 1 km wide.

(A) Dunes near Cairo, Egypt, encroach upon an apartment complex. (B) Dune fields in northern Canadas polar desert migrate over a forest.

FIGURE 16.14 Migrating sand dunes may obliterate or damage almost anything in their path. These dunes in North Africa and North America
are gradually inundating buildings and forests.
466 Chapter 16

FIGURE 16.15 Sand dunes commonly originate in wind

shadows. Any obstacle that diverts the wind, such as a bush or a
fence post, creates eddies and reduces wind velocity. Wind-blown
sand is deposited in protected areas, and eventually enough sand
accumulates in the wind-shadow area to form a dune. The dune
itself then acts as a barrier, making its own wind shadow, and thus
causes additional accumulation of sand.

Migration of the dune

Windward face

FIGURE 16.16 A sand dune migrates as sand grains move up the slope of the dune and accumulate in a protected area on the downwind face. The
dune slowly moves grain by grain. As the grains accumulate on the downwind slope, they produce a series of layers (cross-beds) inclined in a downwind
direction. (Photograph by E. McKee, U.S. Geological Survey)
Eolian Systems 467

FIGURE 16.17 Cross-bedding in the Navajo Sandstone in Zion National Park, Utah, is evidence that the rock formed in an ancient desert. The
inclination of the strata shows that the wind blew from north to south (from left to right, in the photograph) for most of the time during which this
formation was being deposited.

The movement of sand in a typical dune is diagrammed in Figure 16.16. A

typical dune is asymmetrical, with a gently inclined windward slope and a steep-
er downwind slopethe lee slope, or slip face. The steep slip face of the dune
shows the direction of the prevailing wind. Dunes migrate grain by grain as wind
transports sand by saltation and surface creep up the windward slope. The wind
continues upward past the crest of the dune, creating divergent airflow and ed-
dies just over the lee slope. Beyond the crest, the sand drops out of the wind Why do sand dunes assume different
stream and accumulates on the slip face. When the sand grains exceed the angle shapes?
of repose, they spill down the slip face in small landslides or avalanches. As more
sand is transported from the windward slope and accumulates on the lee slope,
the dune migrates downwind. The internal structure of a migrating dune con-
sists of cross-beds formed as the saltating grains accumulate on the inclined
downwind slope of the dune (Figure 16.16). Strata formed on the lee slope are
therefore inclined downwind. Geologists map the directions of ancient winds by
measuring the directions in which the cross-strata of wind-blown sandstone are
inclined (Figure 16.17).
Quartz is the most common mineral in wind-blown sand because of its hardness,
strength, and resistance to weathering. In some areas, gypsum also forms sand-
sized grains that can saltate and accumulate in dunes.

Types of Sand Dunes

Sand dunes vary greatly in size and shape, and although they form bleak and bar-
ren wastelands, they impart a sense of stark beauty and hidden mysteries to the
areas they cover.
Transverse dunes typically develop where there is a large supply of sand and a
constant wind direction (Figure 16.18A).These dunes cover large areas and develop
wavelike forms, with sinuous ridges and troughs, perpendicular to the prevailing
468 Chapter 16

(A) Transverse dunes develop where the wind direction is constant (B) Barchan dunes develop where the wind direction is constant
and the sand supply is large. but the sand supply is limited.

(C) Linear or seif dunes are formed by converging winds in an area (D) Star dunes develop where the wind direction is variable.
with a limited sand supply.

FIGURE 16.18 Each of the major types of sand dunes

represents a unique balance between sand supply, wind velocity,
and variability in wind direction. The arrows show the major wind
directions. (E) Parabolic dunes are formed by strong onshore winds.

wind. Transverse dunes commonly form in deserts where exposed ancient sand-
stone formations provide an ample supply of sand. They usually cover large areas
known as sand seas, so called because the wavelike dunes produce a surface re-
sembling that of a stormy sea (Figure 16.19).
Barchan dunes form where the supply of sand is limited and winds of moder-
ate velocity blow in a constant direction (Figure 16.18B). These crescent-shaped
dunes are typically small, isolated dunes from 1 to 50 m high. The tips (or horns)
of a barchan point downwind, and sand grains are swept around them as well as
up and over the crest.With a constant wind direction, beautiful symmetric crescents
form. With shifts in wind direction, however, one horn can become larger than the
other. Although barchans typically are isolated dunes, they may be arranged in a
chainlike fashion, extending downwind from the source of sand.
Eolian Systems 469

FIGURE 16.19 Sand seas in south Africa have been mapped with the use of satellite photography. A sand sea covers much of Namibia where
some of Earths highest sand dunes are found. Some are as much as 300 m high. A variety of dune types are formed as a result of variations in wind
velocity and direction, supply of sand, and the nature of the surface over which the sand moves. This image shows an area about 100 km across.
(Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey and Eros Data Center)

Linear dunes or seif dunes (Arabic, sword) are long, parallel ridges of sand,
elongate in a direction parallel to the vector resulting from two slightly different
wind directions (Figure 16.18C). They develop where strong prevailing winds con-
verge and blow in a constant direction over an area having a limited supply of sand.
Many linear dunes are less than 4 m high, but they can extend downwind for sev-
eral kilometers. In larger desert areas, they can grow to 100 m high and 120 km
long, and they are usually spaced from 0.5 to 3 km apart. Linear dunes occupy a vast
470 Chapter 16

FIGURE 16.20 Ancient sand seas are evidenced by thick deposits of wind-blown sand in the Colorado Plateau and adjacent regions of the
western United States. During the early Mesozoic Era, this region was a vast dry plain where eolian sands accumulated in a subsiding basin. This
photograph of the White Cliffs in the Grand Staircase is typical of the deposits of more than five major sand seas now preserved in the rock record.

area of central Australia called the Sand Ridge Desert. They are especially well
developed in some desert regions of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
Star dunes are mounds of sand having a high central point, from which three
or four arms, or ridges, radiate (Figure 16.18D). This type of dune is typical in
parts of North Africa and Saudi Arabia. The internal structure of these dunes
suggests that they were formed by winds blowing in three or more directions.
Some are 500 m high.
Parabolic dunes (blowouts) typically develop along coastlines where vegeta-
tion partly covers a ridge of wind-blown sand, transported landward from the
beach (Figure 16.18E). Where vegetation is absent, small deflation basins are pro-
duced by strong onshore winds. These blowout depressions grow larger as more
sand is exposed and removed. Usually, the sand piles up on the lee slope of the shal-
low deflation hollow, forming a crescent-shaped ridge. In map view, a parabolic
dune is similar to a barchan, but the tips of the parabolic dune point upwind and
are fixed in place by vegetation. Because of their form, parabolic dunes are also
called hairpin dunes.

Sand Seas
Although Earth is commonly called the water planet, several continents have vast
areas where precipitation is rare, and the surface is covered with wind-blown sand.
Some of these areas are so vast they are known as sand seas, or ergs (Figure 16.19).
It has been calculated that 99.8% of all wind-blown sand is in the great sand seas
of the world.The largest are in Africa,Asia, and Australia. In Africa, about 800,000
km2 (or one-ninth of the entire area of the Sahara) is covered by stable or active
sand dunes. One-third of Saudi Arabia, approximately 1,000,000 km2, is covered by
eolian sand, and in the vast Rub al Khali (Empty Quarter), dunes may be more
than 200 m high and cover about 400,000 km2. The Australian sand seas are main-
ly in the western and central portions of that continent (Figure 16.1). Dunes cover
most of the area (about 60%) of a typical sand sea; the rest consists of sand sheets.

Ancient Sand Seas. Sand deposits from ancient deserts are found in many parts
of the world, including those where deserts do not exist today. These ancient sand
seas are distinctive sedimentary deposits with a texture (cross-bedded) and
composition (clean quartz sand) that reveals their origin. They range in age from
a few thousand to more than 500 million years old and provide an important record
of climatic change and movement of tectonic plates.
Eolian Systems 471

FIGURE 16.21 Loess deposits in central China cover vast areas and are exceptionally thick. They illustrate the typical properties of loess,
including fine grain size, sequences of buried soils, buff color, and steep cliff faces.

Some ancient sand seas indicate that climatic conditions have changed consid-
erably over vast areas. For example, the Sand Hills of Nebraska are an inactive
dune field covering some 57,000 km2. The dunes were active during the last ice
age, which ended about 15,000 years ago. Barchan and transverse types are well pre-
served; some are 120 m high. Because of climate change during the last interglacial
period, they are now covered with grass and do not migrate.
Other sand seas developed when moving continents drifted through the low-
latitude zones where deserts form. Such is the case for those in western North
America. Ancient sand seas were especially numerous and widely distributed
throughout the western United States during late Paleozoic and Mesozoic time.
More than eight formations of eolian sand have been recognized, and much of the
spectacular scenery of the Colorado Plateau is developed in these colorful strata
(Figure 16.20).The formations are typically white, buff, or pale red, and they erode
into steep cliffs. Many national parks and monuments including Zion, Capitol Reef,
Canyonlands, Arches, Canyon de Chelly, and the Grand Canyon expose forma-
tions developed in ancient sand seas. Ancient wind directions can easily be deter-
mined by the dip direction of the cross-strata. It is thus possible to map patterns
of ancient winds when the sandstone formations were being deposited.These great
accumulations of sand record the passage of North America through the dry desert
latitudes during the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras.


Loess is a deposit of wind-blown dust (silt and clay) that accumulates

slowly and ultimately blankets large areas. It covers one-tenth of the worlds
present land surface. The dust is derived either from nearby deserts or from
rock flour originating near recently glaciated regions. Wind-blown dust
settles in the oceans and is an important source of deep-marine mud.

Wind-blown dust may accumulate in thick deposits called loess (German,

loose) that blankets many regions throughout the world. Loess is a distinctive
sediment. It is composed mostly of silt-size grains, but smaller clay-size grains
are also common. Loess is typically yellowish brown and is composed of small an-
gular grains of quartz, feldspar, and clay. Although it is loose, friable, and porous,
it typically erodes into vertical walls that do not crumble unless they are
disturbed. As the dust accumulates, successive generations of grass roots (now
472 Chapter 16

FIGURE 16.22 Dust sources and distribution paths are shown for April 2002. They are based on satellite measurements of aerosols in the
atmosphere. Most dust is derived from the deserts of Arabia and north Africa and then blown toward the Atlantic by prevailing winds. Dust plumes
are also common north and south of the Himalaya mountains. (Courtesy of J. Herman, Laboratory for Atmospheres, Goddard Space Flight Center)

represented by narrow tubes partly filled with calcium carbonate) make it suf-
ficiently coherent to stand up in vertical cliffs (Figure 16.21).
Dust is dispersed high into the atmosphere and carried great distances by the
wind (Figure 16.22). Therefore, loess is widespread beyond desert areas and, un-
like sand dunes, loess deposits blanket the landscape, covering hills and valleys
alike. The map in Figure 16.1 shows the distribution of loess. Loess covers as
much as one-tenth of Earths land surface and is particularly widespread in semi-
arid regions along the margins of the great deserts between latitude 24 to 55
north and 30 to 45 south. Equatorial regions are free from loess because as
What geologic features are produced by soon as dust accumulates, it is washed away by heavy rainfall. Areas formerly
wind-blown dust? covered by continental glaciers are also free from loess because glaciated terrains
are new surfaces that were covered with ice until only a few thousand years ago.
Loess is not widespread in the major desert regions because dust is swept out of
the deserts and deposited in adjacent areas.
As can be seen in Figure 16.22, the global dispersion of wind-blown dust is re-
lated to the prevailing wind patterns in the major desert regions of the world.
Wind carries dust from the deserts of central Asia to the south and east, where
it is deposited over vast areas of China. The greatest deposits of loess are in the
Shansi and adjacent provinces of China, where it locally exceeds 300 m in thick-
ness. Over immense areas, many meters of dust have accumulated, completely
Asian Dust burying the entire landscape (Figure 16.23). From the deserts of North Africa,
dust is carried by the prevailing winds to the west, where it settles out over the
Atlantic Ocean. Oceanographic research has identified wind-blown dust that
forms distinctive widespread layers on the seafloor. Indeed, wind-blown dust is
an important source of deep-marine mud. Some dust from the Sahara is blown
northward and is trapped in the Mediterranean Sea, but occasionally some reach-
es southern Europe and has been known to turn white Alpine snow into delicate
shades of pink and brown.
Most of the great loess deposits of North America and Europe are not relat-
ed to desert dust but are considered to have their sources in the outwash plains
of continental glaciers. Rock debris pulverized and transported by glaciers is
Eolian Systems 473

FIGURE 16.23 Young loess deposits in northern China are as much as 100 m thick and are widely used for agriculture. Stream erosion has cut deep
valleys, but there is still a tendency to stand in vertical cliffs. Inasmuch as the loess forms an excellent soil, it can be terraced for optimum agricultural

ultimately deposited as glacial outwash. This sediment, commonly called rock

flour, was then picked up by strong thermal winds moving down off the glacier.
These winds carried the fine particles aloft and then deposited them as a blan-
ket of loess beyond the margins of the ice. In the central United States, most of
the loess is in the uplands of the Mississippi drainage system and is well exposed
as vertical cliffs along the riverbanks. Near rivers where floodplain muds provide
a ready source of dust, the loess is 30 m or more thick, but it thins out away from
the river channels. The greatest accumulations are east of the floodplains; their
thickness is controlled by the prevailing winds.
In Eurasia, a long belt of loess derived from glacial material stretches from
France to China (Figure 16.1). Beginning as local thin patches in France and Ger-
many, the deposits become thicker and more extensive as they are traced across
Russia and Turkestan.
Loess has played an important role in human history, and it continues to be
highly significant today. Loess forms some of the most productive soils in the world;

FIGURE 16.24 Loess plateaus of China are highly dissected into an intricate network of
tributaries to the Yellow River, so-named because of the abundance of fine sediment in the river.
474 Chapter 16

the steppes of eastern Europe (the Ukraine and Russia) and the plains of the mid-
western United States are all blanketed by loess (Figure 16.1). This correlation is
not by chance. Loess is not deposited in dry desert regions but in adjacent areas
where there is enough precipitation to support agriculture. It is transported, not
decomposed, soil and is rich in nutrients because they have not been leached away.
Moreover, because it is transported soil, it is commonly thicker and not as easily
stripped away as relatively thin weathered soils.
Long before the Qin (Chin) dynasty in 221 B.C., farming was initiated on the
loess plains of northern China.This exceptional soil, blown in from the Gobi Desert
during the ice age, shaped the origins of China. On this rich land along the middle
Yellow and Wei rivers, the first Chinese culture developed in the fifth millennium
B.C. The fertility of the soil when irrigated led to the development of the remark-
able water control work of ancient China. The loess in China is up to 335 m thick
and covers an area of more than 400,000 km2. This soft, loose fine material is eas-
ily eroded and is carved into a remarkable maze of dendritic stream valleys (Fig-
ure 16.24). In this region, everything is yellow: the land, the homes, and the water.
It is loess that gives the name to the Yellow River, whose sediment load is simply
loess remobilized by water. In fact, the Yellow River is more like a thin mudflow
than like running water.The loess in the Yellow River is ultimately delivered to the
ocean, where much stays in suspension for a long time, imparting its characteris-
tic color to the Yellow Sea.


Desertification (or land degradation) occurs naturally or as a result of the

activities of people. Exploitation and overgrazing of sensitive lands adjacent
to natural deserts can cause a desert to expand.

The great deserts of the world formed by natural processes over long periods, as
continents migrated into dry climates produced in low-latitude, high-pressure
zones. A desert may expand and shrink in response to short-term cyclic climatic
fluctuations. The margins of deserts, therefore, have always been transitional or
gradational to the adjacent, more humid environments.
There are two distinct forms of desert expansion. One is a natural process due
to climatic change or the migration of moving sand. It takes place on the immedi-
ate edges of existing deserts, and when the distribution of rain over the desert and
surrounding areas shifts, the desert expands or contracts. Some desert expansion
takes place over thousands of years.
The second form of desertification results from human-induced breakdown of
soils in the zones adjacent to deserts. Poor cultivation practices, overgrazing, and
deforestation are the major causes. Sparse vegetation inhibits wind erosion, but
when it is destroyed, the desert expands. Along the desert margins, human activi-
ty is commonly superimposed upon the natural processes that cause the expansion
and contraction of the deserts. Grazing livestock, the compaction of soil by hooves,
and even the collection of firewood by humans can reduce the plant cover.The soil
ultimately degrades, and, in many cases, the desert expands. This process, in which
productive land becomes unproductive, is called land degradation or desertifica-
tion. If the general climatic trend is toward increasing aridity, desertification can
occur with remarkable speed.This type of desertification results when the number
of people and livestock exceeds the capacity of the rainfall to supply their food.
Desertification does not occur in a broad, even swath that can easily be mapped
along the desert fringe. Deserts advance erratically, forming patches on their bor-
ders, and areas far from the desert may quickly degrade into barren rock and
sand. Desertification presents an enormous problem for human existence. About
one-third of Earths land is arid or semiarid, but only about one-half of this area
Eolian Systems 475

(A) Lake Chad 1966. (B) Lake Chad 1992.

FIGURE 16.25 Lake Chad is a shallow freshwater lake between the Sahara Desert and the tropics. Climatic variations cause
the lake to expand or shrink. During the ice age, the lake covered 1,000,000 km2. In 1966 (A) the lake covered only 25,000 km2. The
nose of the Gemini spacecraft covers the lower part of the photo. The lake shrank to 1200 km2 during the drought of the Sahel in
1992 (B). Fishing villages once on the shore are now stranded many kilometers from water. (Digital image copyright 1996 Corbis;
original image courtesy of NASA)

is so dry that it cannot support human life. More than 600 million people live in
the dry areas, and about 80 million live on land that is nearly useless because of
desertification. The most severe problems are in Africa and Asia. The United Na-
tions estimates that more than 11 billion acres (35% of the worlds cropland)
show signs of human-induced degradation.
The Sahel, a semiarid zone south of the Sahara Desert, is commonly used as an
example of desertification. It extends across the entire continent of Africa and in-
cludes Ethiopia, the Sudan, Mauritania, and all of the small countries in between.
It is a transition zone, 800 to 1000 km wide, separating the Sahara to the north
from the well-watered grasslands of central Africa. The area receives rainfall from
the seasonal northward shift of moist equatorial air masses, but it suffers a long,
hot, rainless season that is the result of dry northeasterly trade winds blowing
southward out of the Sahara. A slight shift in the wind patterns causes significant
changes in climate and weather. An example of these changes can be seen in the Lake Chad
shrinking shoreline of Lake Chad (Figure 16.25). This natural situation, combined
with overgrazing, removal of trees for firewood, and an annual population growth
rate of 2.5% to 3.0%, have stressed the Sahels sensitive environment. Drought
and human suffering go hand in hand in this fragile area.
Clearly, neither shipping emergency food nor drilling more and deeper wells
are the answers to desertification. Reaction to disaster must be replaced by pre-
disaster planning, based on a clear understanding of an areas basic geologic
systems and of the kinds of changes that occur naturally.
GeoLogic Mars: The Eolian Planet

(A) Sand dunes like these barchans are very common on Mars. (Courtesy (B)Yardangs emanate from incompletely stripped hills. (Courtesy of
of NASA and Malin Space Science Systems) NASA and ASU Themis Science Team)

(C) The surface of Mars is dominated by eolian erosion and deposition. Small dunes have formed from saltating sand. The wind has also fluted some
pebbles and scoured away loose sediment leaving a lag of pebbles and boulders. (Courtesy of NASA)

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Its surface temper- and the ends taper sharply. Their alignment shows the
ature and atmospheric pressure are both much lower than dominant wind direction
on Earth. So low, that liquid water is not stable at the pre- 6. Irregular blankets of loess mantle most of the planet and
sent time. It either vaporizes or freezes. How has this mod- are interlayered with ice in the polar ice caps.
ified the surface of Mars? 7. On the surface, landers have photographed small sand
dunes. The blocky, angular rocks that mantle the area re-
Observations semble desert pavement Some of the rocks are fluted and
1. Occasionally global dust storms envelope the entire plan- shaped into ventifacts, as if eroded by the wind.
et, obscuring the peaks of volcanoes that are 20 km high.
2.Winds comparable to those in a strong hurricane on Earth
rage for several months at a time. Interpretations
3. Windstreaks caused by erosion and deposition are found These features collectively show that Mars is a cold desert
near many impact craters. where the wind is the dominant active process. Everywhere
4. Dunes are found in almost all regions on Mars.The largest you look the surface is shaped by the wind.The wind is con-
sand sea encircles the polar ice cap and is comparable in stantly moving and redepositing loose surface material. If
size to the entire Sahara Desert. Long transverse dunes not for its liquid water and abundant plant life, Earth too
break up into isolated barchans on the margin of the erg. would be an eolian planet. Which processes do you think
5. Yardangs have developed by abrasion of young deposits are more common in our solar systemthose driven by
that are weakly consolidated and long narrow spines pro- wind or those caused by running liquid water?
ject from low plateaus,The ridges are narrow and keellike,

Eolian Systems 477

barchan dune (p. 468) desert pavement (p. 459) linear dune (p. 469) slip face (p. 467)
blowout (p. 470) drag (p. 461) loess (p. 471) star dune (p. 470)
Coriolis effect (p. 456) dune (p. 465) parabolic dune (p. 470) suspension (p. 463)
creep (p. 462) erg (p. 470) rain shadow (p. 456) transverse dune (p. 467)
cross-bed (p. 467) lag deposit (p. 459) saltation (p. 462) ventifact (p. 459)
deflation (p. 458) land degradation (p. 474) sand sea (p. 470) yardang (p. 459)
deflation basin (p. 458) lee slope (p. 467) sand sheet (p. 465)
desertification (p. 474) lift (p. 461) seif dune (p. 469)

1. Describe the processes involved in wind erosion. 8. Describe how a sand dune forms and how it migrates.
2. What controls the distribution of the major desert 9. List the five major types of dunes, and state the conditions
regions of Earth? under which each type forms (wind direction and velocity,
3. What landforms are produced by wind erosion and sand supply, and the characteristics of the surface over
deflation? which the sand moves).
4. Explain the origin of ventifacts. 10. What is the origin of loess?
5. Explain the origin of desert pavements. 11. Where are the major areas of loess deposits in the world
6. Draw a simple diagram showing how sand is transported today?
by wind. 12. What changes in the Australian desert would occur if that
7. Why is wind an effective agent in sorting sand continent were to drift 2000 km (approximately 20 of lati-
and dust? tude) northward?

Abrahams, A.D., and A.J. Parsons, eds. 1994. Geomorphology of Livingstone, I., and A. A. Warren. 1996. Aeolian Geomorpholo-
Desert Environments. London: Chapman and Hall. gy: An Introduction. Harlow: Longman.
Bagnold, R. A. 1941. The Physics of Wind-Blown Sand and McKee, E. D. 1979. A Study of Global Sand Seas. U.S. Geological
Desert Dunes. New York: Methuen. Survey Professional Paper 1052. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov-
Brookfield, M. E., and T. S. Ahlbrandt. 1983. Eolian Sediments ernment Printing Office.
and Processes. New York: Elsevier. Pye, K., and H. Tsoar. 1990. Aeolian Sand and Sand Dunes. Lon-
Eigeland, T., and others. 1982. The Desert Realm. Washington, don: Unwin Hyman.
D.C.: National Geographic Society. Well, S. G., and D. R. Haragan, eds. 1983. The Origin and Evolu-
Greeley, R., and J. Iversen. 1985. Wind as a Geologic Process. tion of Deserts. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Press.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Video showing how sand is transported in a wind tunnel
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Animations of the circulation of the atmosphere that creates
Quantitative Problems deserts
Critical Thinking Exercises Slide shows with more examples of loess
Web Resources A direct link to the Companion Website

The Tectonic System

17 Plate Tectonics
18 Seismicity and Earths Interior
19 Divergent Plate Boundaries
20 Transform Plate Boundaries
21 Convergent Plate Boundaries
22 Hotspots and Mantle Plumes
23 Tectonics and Landscapes

In this part of the book, we present the details of Earths tectonic sys-
tem. The tectonic system creates Earths large scale structurethe con-
tinents and ocean basins. It is driven by internal heat, largely generat-
ed by radioactivity inside the Earth.As this heat is lost, a series of huge
convective systems is set up inside the core and the mantle. Even the
lithosphere participates in the convective churning as new lithosphere
is created at ridges and consumed at subduction zones. We explore in
detail the evidence for plate tectonics and ponder the mechanisms that
drive huge plates for thousands of kilometers over billions of years.
You will learn how Earths oceanic crust and its continents formed by
slow separation of material from the mantle. Moreover, you will ex-
amine how earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, landforms, and even
the microscopic features of many kinds of rocks, are all related to plate

Image provided by SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE
17 Plate Tectonics
A spectacular example of the surface expression of plate movement is dramatically shown
in this shaded relief map of Central America collected by astronauts on the Space Shuttle.
The map spans a distance of almost 2000 km. A long linear trench lies parallel to the shore
and marks the zone where the oceanic Cocos plate bends and dives back into the mantle.
The area between the trench and the shore is underlain by strongly deformed sediment
scraped off the downgoing plate. The system of ridges and valleys, high plateaus, grabens,
and volcanoes is part of the great Cordilleran mountain chain formed by subduction be-
neath the American continents. The mountains furrowed with arcuate ridges (on the far
right and left) are eroded fold and thrust belts formed by compression. On the left, you can
see a series of long linear troughs and rugged ridges that cut diagonally across the region;
this is a transform plate boundary that connects the Caribbean trench with the Middle
American trench. Strike-slip movement has sheared continental and oceanic plates past
one another. Huge ash-flow calderas are filled by lakes and smaller andesite volcanoes are
aligned parallel to the trench. Magma is generated at a depth of about 100 km before rising,

intruding the crust to form vast batholiths, or erupting explosively. These volcanoes and in-
numerable earthquakes along the faults pose a direct threat to millions of people. All of
these tectonic features have been extensively eroded by rivers to form short but delicate
dendritic patterns. Wave action has shaped the shoreline and helped to create the wide con-
tinental shelf. Elsewhere coral reefs have shaped the Caribbean coastline.
Plate tectonics has done much more than explain the deformation of these mountains in
Central America. It explains the San Andreas fault system and its relationship to the Gulf of
California and how the Cascade Mountains are related to the far-off midocean ridge that tra-
verses the Pacific. It explains many aspects of the interrelationships of volcanoes, earth-
quakes, climate change, and even of the evolution of life itself. In brief, it provides a single
unifying theory of Earths dynamics. Essentially everything about our planet is related ei-
ther directly or indirectly to plate tectonics.
How did scientists develop such a revolutionary theory? A few decades ago, most
geologists believed that continents and ocean basins were fixed, permanent features on
Earth, and the theory of continental drift was considered a radical idea. What brought
about the remarkable change in the entire science of geology? In this chapter we will
consider how the theory of plate tectonics developed and the evidence upon which it is
based. We will then consider the nature of the lithospheric plates, what causes them to
move, and how we measure the rates and direction of plate motion.

Courtesy of NASA/JPL/NIMA.
1. The theory of continental drift was proposed in the early 1900s and was sup-
ported by a variety of geologic evidence. Lack of knowledge of the nature of
the oceanic crust, however, prevented a complete theory of Earths dynam-
ics from being developed.
2. A major breakthrough in the development of the plate tectonics theory oc-
curred in the early 1960s, when the topography of the ocean floors was mapped
and magnetic and seismic characteristics of the oceanic crust were determined.
3. Most tectonic activity occurs along plate boundaries. Divergent plate bound-
aries are zones where the plates split and spread apart. Convergent plate
boundaries are zones where plates collide. Transform fault boundaries are
zones where plates slide horizontally past each other.
4. The direction of the relative motion of plates is indicated by (a) the trend
of the oceanic ridge and associated transform faults, (b) seismic data,
(c) magnetic stripes on the seafloor, and (d) the ages of chains of volcanic
islands and seamounts. The motion of a plate can be described in terms of
rotation around a pole.
5. Heat from the mantle (generated by radioactivity) and from the core is prob-
ably the fundamental cause of Earths internal convection.
6. The major forces acting on plates are (a) slab-pull, (b) ridge-push, (c) basal
drag, and (d) friction along transform faults and in subduction zones. The
most important forces that make the plates move are probably slab-pull and


The theory of continental drift was proposed in the early 1900s and was
supported by a variety of impressive geologic data. Lack of an understanding
of the nature of the oceanic crust, however, prevented the development of a
complete theory of Earths dynamics.

The theory of plate tectonics wrought a sweeping change in our understanding of

Earth and the forces that shape it. Some scientists consider this conceptual change
as profound as those that occurred when Darwin reorganized biology in the nine-
teenth century or when Copernicus, in the sixteenth century, determined that Earth
is not the center of the universe.
The predecessor of the plate tectonic theory, the concept of continental drift, is
an old idea. Soon after the first reliable world maps were made, scientists noted that
the continents, particularly Africa and South America, would fit together like a
jigsaw puzzle, if they could be moved.Antonio Snider-Pelligrini, a Frenchman, was
one of the first to study the idea in some depth. In his book Creation and Its Mys-
teries Revealed (1858), he showed how the continents looked before they separat-
ed (Figure 17.1). He cited fossil evidence in North America and Europe but based
his reasoning on the catastrophe of Noahs flood. The idea seemed too far-fetched
for science or the general public, so it was forgotten, not to be revived for 50 years.
The theory was first considered seriously in 1908, when American geologist Frank
B. Taylor pointed out several geologic facts that could be explained by continen-
tal drift.
However, Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, was the first to exhaus-
tively investigate the idea of continental drift and to convince others to take it se-
riously. In his book The Origin of the Continents and Oceans (1915),Wegener based
his theory not only on the shapes of the continents, but also on geologic evidence,
such as similarities in the fossils found in Brazil and Africa. He drew a series of
maps showing three stages in the drifting process, beginning with an original large

P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 483

(A) Maps made by Antonio Snider-Pelligrini in 1858.

FIGURE 17.1 Continental drift was illustrated as early as

1858 by Antonio Snider-Pelligrini when he published these
maps (A) in his book Creation and Its Mysteries Revealed. The
idea seemed too far-fetched to the public and the scientific
communities of the time and was forgotten, not to be revived
for 50 years. Wegener published his series of maps (B) in 1915.
His evidence, most of which was quite valid, was drawn from
all of the sciences. Wegener called the original land mass
Pangaea (all lands) and believed that the continents
somehow plowed through the oceanic crust as they drifted. (B) Maps made by Alfred Wegener in 1915.

land mass, which he called Pangaea (meaning all lands) (Figure 17.1). Wegener
believed that the continents, composed of less dense silicic rock, somehow plowed
through the denser rocks of the ocean floor, driven by forces related to the rota-
tion of Earth.
Most geologists and geophysicists rejected Wegeners theory, although many
scientific observations supporting it were known at the time. A few noted schol-
ars, however, seriously considered the theory. Alexander L. du Toit, from South What evidence indicates that continents
Africa, compared the landforms and fossils of Africa and South America and fur- split and drift apart?
ther expounded the theory in his book Our Wandering Continents (1937). Arthur
Holmes, of England, later developed it in his textbook Principles of Physical Ge-
ology (1944). The early arguments concerning the breakup of the supercontinent
Pangaea and the theory of continental drift were supported by some important
and imposing evidence, most of which resulted from regional geologic studies as
outlined below.

Paleontological Evidence
The striking similarity of certain fossils found on the continents on both sides of
the Atlantic is difficult to explain unless the continents were once connected. The
fossil record indicates that a new species appears at one point and disperses out-
ward from there. Floating and swimming organisms could migrate in the ocean,
from the shore of one continent to another, but the Atlantic Ocean would present
an insurmountable obstacle for the migration of land-dwelling animals, such as
reptiles and insects, and certain land plants. Consider the profound implications of
the following examples (Figure 17.2).
Fossils of Glossopteris, a fernlike plant, have been found in rocks of the same Are marine fossils important in sup-
age from South America, South Africa, Australia, India, and Antarctica. Mature porting the theory of continental drift?
seeds of this plant were several millimeters in diameter, too large to have been
dispersed across the ocean by winds.The simultaneous presence of Glossopteris on
484 Chapter 17

Fossil remains of Cynognathus, a Triassic land

reptile approximately 3 m long, have been Fossils of the fern Glossopteris, found in all
found in Argentina and southern Africa. of the southern continents are proof that they
were once joined.

Remains of the freshwater reptile

Mesosaurus have been found in both South
America and Africa. Africa
India Evidence of the Triassic land
reptile Lystrosaurus has been
found in Africa, Antarctica, and

South America


FIGURE 17.2 Paleontologic evidence of continental drift can be appreciated by considering the distribution of some fossil
plants and animals found in South America, Africa, Madagascar, India, Antarctica, and Australia. Mesosaurus, a Permian freshwater
reptile, is found in both Brazil and South Africa. Glossopteris, a fossil fern, is found on all of the southern continents in the zone
shown on the map. Lystrosaurus, a Triassic land reptile, is found in South Africa, South America, India, and Antarctica. Cynognathus,
an older Triassic reptile, is found in Argentina and South Africa. (Modified from L. Motz)

all of the southern continents, therefore, is strong supporting evidence that the
continents were once connected.
The distribution of Paleozoic and Mesozoic reptiles provides similar evidence;
fossils of several species have been found in the now-separated southern conti-
nents. An example is a mammal-like reptile belonging to the genus Lystrosaurus.
This creature was strictly a land dweller. Its fossils are found in abundance in South
Africa, South America, Asia, and in Antarctica. This genus thus inhabited all of
the southern continents except Australia during the same geologic period. Clear-
ly, these reptiles could not have swum thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic
and Antarctic oceans, so some previous connection of the continents must be pos-
tulated. A former land bridge between the continents could explain the distribu-
tion of Lystrosaurus in distant parts of the world. Surveys of the ocean floor show
no evidence for such a submerged land bridge like todays Central America.

Evidence from Structure and Rock Type

Several geologic features end abruptly at the coast of one continent and reappear
on the facing continent across the Atlantic (Figure 17.3). The folded mountain
ranges at the Cape of Good Hope, at the southern tip of Africa, trend from east
to west and terminate sharply at the coast.An equivalent structure, of the same age
and style of deformation, appears near Buenos Aires,Argentina (Figure 17.3).The
folded Appalachian Mountains are another excellent example.The deformed struc-
tures of the mountain belt extend northeastward across the eastern United States
and through Newfoundland, terminating abruptly at the ocean.The mountain belt
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 485
FIGURE 17.3 South America and Africa
fit together, not only in outline, but also in
rock types and geologic structure. The green
areas represent the shields of metamorphic
and igneous rocks, formed at least 2 billion
years ago. Structural trends such as fold axes
are shown by dashed lines. The gray areas
represent younger rock, much of which has
been deformed by mountain building. Most of
the deformation occurred from 450 million to
650 million years ago. Several fragments of the
African shield are stranded along the northern
coast of Brazil. Green dots represent rocks
that are more than 2 billion years old. Orange
dots represent younger Precambrian rocks.
(After P. M. Hurley)

with a similar age, rock sequence, fossils, and structural style reappears on the
coasts of Ireland, Scotland, and Norway.
Other examples could be cited, but the important point is that the continents on
both sides of the Atlantic fit together, not only in outline, but in rock type and
structure. They are related much like matching pieces of a torn newspaper (Figure
17.4). The jagged edges fit, and the printed lines (structure and rock types) join in
a coherent unit. One important point needs emphasis. The geologic similarities on
opposite sides of the South Atlantic are found only in rocks older than the Creta-
ceous Period, which began about 145 million years ago. The southern continents
are believed to have split and begun drifting apart in Jurassic time, about 200 mil-
lion years ago.

Evidence from Glaciation

During the latter part of the Paleozoic Era (about 300 million years ago), glac-
iers covered large portions of the continents in the Southern Hemisphere. The
deposits left by these ancient glaciers are distinct and can be readily recognized,
and they cannot be mistaken for other types of sediment. In addition, striations
and grooves on the underlying rock show the direction in which the ice moved
(Figure 17.5A). Except for Antarctica, all of the continents in the Southern
Hemisphere now lie close to the equator, far removed from a latitude that could
produce glaciation. In contrast, the present-day continents in the Northern
Hemisphere show no trace of glaciation during this time. In fact, fossil plants in
North America and Europe indicate a tropical climate in those areas. This evi-
dence is difficult to explain in the context of immovable continents because the FIGURE 17.4 When reconstructed, the
climatic belts are determined by latitude. continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle or
pieces of a torn newspaper. Not only do the
Even more difficult to explain is the direction in which the glaciers moved.
outlines of the torn pieces fit together, but
Regional mapping of striations and grooves indicates that in South America, the printing on them (analogous to the ages
India, and Australia, the ice accumulated in the oceans and moved inland. Such and structural features of the continents)
movement of ice would be impossible unless there was a land mass where the also matches across their edges.
486 Chapter 17

Ice flow

(A) Late Paleozoic glacial deposits are found only in the Southern (B) If the continents were restored to their former positions according
Hemisphere and India, areas now close to the tropics. The present-day to Wegeners theory of continental drift, and if the former South Pole
cold latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere show no evidence of were located approximately where South Africa and Antarctica meet,
glaciation at this time. Arrows show the direction of ice movement was the location of late Paleozoic glacial deposits and the directions in
from the sea toward the land. This flow direction is impossible; glaciers which the ice flowed would be explained nicely.
flow from centers of accumulation on the continents outward toward
the sea.

FIGURE 17.5 The distribution and flow direction of late Paleozoic glaciers provide further evidence of continental drift.

oceans now exist. As we saw in Chapter 14, glaciers do not form in the ocean.
If glaciers could form in the sea, a large permanent glacier would exist in the
Arctic Ocean. Instead, glaciers originate on land and move toward the edge of
a continent.
However, if the continents were grouped together as Wegener proposed, the
Why is the distribution of Paleozoic glaciated areas would have made up a neat package near the South Pole (Fig-
glacial features such powerful evidence ure 17.5B), and Paleozoic glaciation could be explained nicely. The pattern of
for continental drift? glaciation was considered strong evidence of continental drift, and many geol-
ogists who worked in the Southern Hemisphere became ardent supporters of the
theory because they could see the evidence with their own eyes.

Evidence from Other Paleoclimatic Records

Other evidence of striking climatic changes recorded in the geologic record
tends to support the drift theory. Great coal deposits in Antarctica show that
abundant plant life once flourished on that continent, now covered with ice
more than a kilometer thick (see Figure 14.19).
On the other continents, thick deposits of salt, formations of wind-blown
sandstone, and extensive fossil coral reefs provide additional clues that permit
us to reconstruct the climatic zones of the past. The paleoclimatic patterns shown
by these rocks are baffling with the continents in their present positions, but if
the continents are grouped together in their predrift positions, the patterns are
easily explained (Figure 17.6).
The evidence for the theory of continental drift was considered and debat-
ed for years. Wegener was criticized for failing to explain what forces would
permit continents of granite to plow through oceans of rock. The idea of a mov-
ing lithosphere was yet to come. In the absence of a reasonable mechanism for
drift, there was little further development of the theory until after World War
II. An explosion of knowledge then provided renewed support for the drift hy-
pothesis and also led to the discovery of a possible mechanism.
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 487

Polar Ocean

rl d

North America


Tethys Sea
South America




Ice-rafted boulders Coal Low-latitude deserts

Evaporite deposits Desert dune deposits Tropics

Coral reef Direction of ice movement Glacier

FIGURE 17.6 Paleoclimatic evidence for continental drift includes deposits of coal, desert sandstone, rock
salt, wind-blown sand, gypsum, and glacial deposits about 300 million years ago near the end of the Paleozoic Era.
Each indicates a specific climatic condition at the time of its formation. The distribution of these deposits is best
explained if we assume that the continents were grouped together at the end of the Paleozoic Era, as shown in this
diagram. (After American Association of Petroleum Geologists)



The plate tectonics theory was developed during the early 1960s, when
new instruments permitted scientists to map the topography of the ocean
floor and to study its geologic and paleomagnetic characteristics.

Although the theory of continental drift was supported by some convincing evi-
dence, the data on which it was originally based came only from the continents
because, before the 1950s, there was no effective means of studying the ocean floor.
Before 1950, therefore, geologists faced an almost total absence of data about the
geology of three-fourths of Earths surface; then, in the 1950s and 1960s, new tech-
nology resulted in a burst of new data and new ideas about the geology of the
ocean floor and about paleomagnetism.

Geology of the Ocean Floor

In the 1950s and 1960s, newly developed echo-sounding devices enabled marine ge-
ologists and geophysicists to map in considerable detail the topography of the
ocean floor. When the results of these studies were compiled, they revealed that
488 Chapter 17

several ocean basins are divided by a great ridge, approximately 65,000 km long
and about 1500 km wide. Moreover, at the crest of the ridge is a central valley,
from 1 to 3 km deep. This feature appears to be a rift valley that is splitting apart
under tension. No one could imagine why the ridge was there, but no one could dis-
pute that it was the longest mountain range on the planet, and along its crest was
the longest valley.
Other evidence showed a multitude of differences between continental and
oceanic crust. Decades of research have shown that the oceanic crust is much
younger than continental crust. Drilling and dredging have established that the
oceanic crust is composed largely of basalt and, therefore, has a completely dif-
The plate tectonics theory is simple, ferent composition from the granitic continental crust. Seismic studies reveal that
clear, and straightforward. Why wasnt oceanic crust is also much thinner. Furthermore, the oceanic crust is not deformed
it developed earlier? into folded mountain structures and apparently is not subjected to strong com-
pressional forces.
In 1960 H. H. Hess, a noted geologist from Princeton University, proposed a
theory of seafloor spreading that took into account the new data from echo sound-
ings and suggested a possible mechanism for continental drift. Hess postulated
that the ocean floors are spreading apart, propelled by convection currents in the
mantle, and are moving symmetrically away from the oceanic ridge. According to
his theory, this continuous spreading produces fractures in the rift valley, into which
magma from the mantle is injected to become new oceanic crust. He proposed
that convection currents in the mantle carry the continents away from the ocean-
ic ridge and toward deep-sea trenches. There, the oceanic crust descends into the
mantle, with the descending convection current, and is reabsorbed. In this way, the
entire ocean floor is completely regenerated in 200 or 300 million years.
In the light of fresh knowledge, Hess thus elaborated on the theory of conti-
nental drift and redefined it in the scheme of seafloor spreading.A test of his ideas,
using new studies in paleomagnetism, was soon to follow.

Like most planets, Earth has an internally generated magnetic field. In many ways,
Earths magnetic field resembles that of a simple bar magnet with a distinct north
and south magnetic pole.The axis of the magnetic field is inclined 11 from the spin
axis (Figure 17.7A). However, Earths mantle and core are far too hot to retain a
permanent magnetic field. Earths magnetism, therefore, must be constantly gen-
erated electromagnetically. Geophysicists still lack a complete understanding of
how the field forms. The electromagnetic, or dynamo, theory postulates that the
outer core of liquid iron convects and the motion generates electrical currents that
establish a magnetic field (Figure 17.7B).
The study of rock magnetism developed during the 1950s with the perfection of
new, highly sensitive magnetometers. Certain rocks, such as basalt, are fairly rich
in iron and become weakly magnetized by Earths magnetic field as they cool. In
a sense, the mineral grains in the rock become fossil magnets that show the ori-
entation of Earths magnetic field at the time when the minerals crystallized and
cooled; they thus preserve a record of paleomagnetism. Similarly, the iron-oxide
grains in some red sandstones become oriented in Earths magnetic field as the sed-
iment is deposited, so some sedimentary rocks also can show the orientation of
the paleomagnetic fields. These rocks therefore retain an imprint of Earths mag-
netic field at the time of their formation.

Apparent Polar Wandering. Some of the first paleomagnetic studies were

conducted in Europe. Paleomagnetism in these rocks of widely different ages
appears to show that Earths north magnetic pole has steadily changed its position.
As illustrated in Figure 17.8, the north magnetic pole appears to have slowly
migrated northward and westward to its present position. The change in position
was systematic, not random. Migration of the magnetic pole was found from
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 489

FIGURE 17.7 Earths magnetic field is like that of a simple

bar magnet because it has a north and a south pole. The
Magnetic temperature in the core and mantle, however, is far too high for
field permanent magnetism. Earths magnetism must therefore be
generated electromagnetically.

Solid inner core




(A) Lines of force in Earths magnetic field are shown by arrows. If a (B) Theoretically, convection in Earths core can generate an
magnetic needle were free to move in space, it would be deflected by electrical current (in a manner similar to the operation of a
Earths magnetic field. Close to the equator, the needle would be dynamo), which produces a magnetic field
horizontal and would point toward the poles. At the magnetic poles, the
needle would be vertical. Field lines are shown for a reverse polarity
time period.

paleomagnetic work in North America, and although the path of migration was
systematically different, it paralleled that of the European shift. Soon, paleomag-
netic results collected from the southern continents were reported. Again, a
systematic change in the position of the magnetic pole through time was
documentedbut with different paths for different continents.
It is impossible that there were numerous magnetic poles migrating systemati-
cally and eventually merging.The most logical explanation is that there has always
been only one magnetic pole, which has remained fixed, while the continents moved
with respect to it. Consequently, students of paleomagnetism became leading pro-
ponents of the theory of continental drift.
The results of paleomagnetic studies make sense if the continents were once
arranged as shown in Figure 17.8B and then drifted to their present positions. This How does apparent polar wandering
discovery brought renewed interest in the theory of continental drift and lent sup- support the theory of plate tectonics?
port to the conclusion that the Atlantic Ocean opened relatively recently.

Patterns of Magnetic Reversals on the Seafloor. Studies of the magnetic

properties of numerous layers of volcanic rock, from many parts of the world,
demonstrate that the polarity of Earths magnetic field has reversed many times
over its history. Epochs of normal polarity (that is, periods when the magnetic field
was oriented as it is today with the north magnetic pole in the north and close to
its present location) have been followed by periods during which the locations of
the north magnetic pole and the south magnetic pole were reversed. At least a
dozen magnetic reversals have occurred in the last 4.0 million years (Figure 17.9).
490 Chapter 17

520 Common
Millions of North pole at one
years ago America time
Europe Different
400 paths over
280 time


(A) The magnetic properties of rocks in North America show (B) The question can be answered if the location of the
that the north magnetic pole has apparently migrated in a magnetic pole was fixed while the continents drifted. Thus
sinuous path over the last 500 hundred million years (red). when the continents are moved back to a past positions, they
Other continents show polar migration along different paths. show that there was only one magnetic pole at that specific
How could different continents show different paths of polar time. The apparent polar wander paths of Europe (blue) and
wander? The paleomagnetic evidence implies that different North America (red) in (A) show they were separate (before
continents would have had different magnetic poles at the same about 400 million years ago), then joined, and then diverged
time, but that would be impossible. again. (after about 180 million years ago).

FIGURE 17.8 Apparent changes in the locations of the magnetic poles in the geologic past are shown by paleomagnetic studies
of rocks.

The present period of normal polarity began about 780,000 years ago. It was
preceded by a major period of reversed polarity, which began about 2.5 million
years ago. That period of generally reversed polarity contained two short episodes
of normal polarity. The major intervals of alternating polarity (about 1 million
years apart) are termed polarity chrons.
The pattern of alternating polarities has been clearly defined, and evidence
of the occurrence of polarity reversals has been found in widely separated places.
From the sequence of magnetic anomalies and their radiometric ages, a reliable
chronology of magnetic reversals has been established for the last 4 million
years (Figure 17.9). The paleomagnetic time scale is gradually being extended
back in time.
In 1963 Fred Vine and D. H. Matthews saw a way to use paleomagnetism to test
the idea of seafloor spreading put forth by Hess. If seafloor spreading has occurred,
they suggested, it should be recorded in the magnetism of the basalts in the ocean-
ic crust. (The same idea was developed independently by L. W. Morley.) If Earths
magnetic field reversed intermittently, new basalt forming at the crest of the ocean-
ic ridge would be magnetized according to the polarity at the time it cooled.As the
ocean floor spreads, a symmetrical series of magnetic stripes, with alternating nor-
mal and reversed polarities, would be preserved in the crust along either side of the
How do patterns of magnetic reversals oceanic ridge. Subsequent investigations have conclusively proved this theory.
support the plate tectonics theory? To understand the origin of these magnetic patterns better, consider how the
seafloor could have evolved during the last few million years. Figure 17.10A shows
the seafloor as it is considered to have been about 2.75 million years ago, during
the Gauss normal polarity chron (named for German mathematician Karl Friedrich
Gauss). Basalt was injected into dikes below the ocean ridge or was extruded over
the seafloor as submarine flows.As it crystallized and cooled, it became magnetized
in the direction of the existing (normal) magnetic field, and thus, basalt extruded
along the oceanic ridge formed a zone of new crust with normal magnetic polarity.
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 491

North magnetic
Alaska Alaska

Western U.S. Western U.S.

Galapagos Galapagos
Islands Islands

North magnetic

(A) Normal polarity (B) Reverse polarity

Observations millions Geologic periods
Normal Reverse Interpretations of years
0 0 Pleistocene

1 20
Age, millions of years ago

Reverse Oligocene



3 Chron 60 Paleocene

Gilbert 70
Reverse Cretaceous
(C) Magnetic polarity time scale

FIGURE 17.9 Reversals of lines of force in Earths magnetic field are documented by paleomagnetic studies of numerous rock samples from
throughout the world. Lines of force with normal polarity are shown in (A). With reverse polarity (B), the lines of force are oriented in the opposite
direction. (C) shows the patterns of changing polarity with time. The pattern of change during a period of 1 or 2 million years is distinctive, and it can
be used to help establish the age of a rock sequence. (After A. Cox, G. B. Dalrymple, and R. R. Doell)
492 Chapter 17

Time 1

Time 2 Vertical sequence of

basalt flows on continent

Time 3


Time 4


Time 5

(A) As magma cools and solidifies along the ridge in dikes (B) Patterns of magnetic reversals in a vertical sequence of
and flows (top), it becomes magnetized in the direction of basalts on the continents. Note that the pattern of magnetic
the magnetic field existing at that time (normal polarity). reversals away from the ridge is the same as the pattern found in
As seafloor spreading continues, the magnetized crust this sequence of basalt flows. The youngest (upper) continental
formed during earlier periods separates into two blocks. rocks correlate with the youngest oceanic crust (at the center of
Each block is transported laterally away from the ridge, as the oceanic ridge).
though on a conveyor belt. New crust, formed at the ridge,
becomes magnetized in the opposite direction.

FIGURE 17.10 Specific patterns of magnetism are preserved in the newly formed crust generated at the oceanic ridge as the
lithosphere moves laterally. The patterns of magnetic reversals away from the ridge are identical to the patterns of magnetic
reversals in a vertical sequence of rocks on the continents.

As the seafloor spread, this zone of crust split and migrated away from the ridge
but remained parallel to it. About 2.5 million years ago, Earths magnetic polari-
ty reversed. New crust generated at the oceanic ridge was then magnetized in this
new direction (Figure 17.10B), producing a zone of crust with reverse polarity.
When the polarity changed to normal again, the newest crustal material was mag-
netized in the normal direction. In this way, the sequence of polarity reversals be-
came imprinted like a bar code on the oceanic crust.
Magnetic Stripes Note that the patterns of magnetic stripes on the ocean floor, on either side of
the ridge, match the patterns found in a sequence of recent basalts on the conti-
nents (Figure 17.10A and B; see also Figure 17.9C); that is, the crest of the ridge
shows normal polarity and is flanked by a broad stripe of rocks with reversed po-
larity (formed during a reversed chron) and containing two narrow bands of rocks
with normal polarity (formed during normal chrons). Then follows a stripe with
normal polarity, containing one narrow band with reversed polarity, and so on. In
brief, the patterns of magnetic reversals away from the ridge crest are the same as
those found in a vertical sequence of rocks on the continents, from youngest to
oldest. These data provide compelling evidence that the seafloor is spreading and
that continents drift.
An important aspect of these reversal patterns is that they enable us to deter-
mine the age of the seafloor and to measure rates of plate movement. Magnetic re-
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 493

Holocene to Pliocene (0 5 MY) Paleocene (56 65 MY)

Miocene (523 MY) Cretaceous (65146 MY)
Oligocene (23 35 MY) Late Jurassic (146 157 MY)
Eocene (35 56 MY) Middle Jurassic (157178 MY)

FIGURE 17.11 Ages of the rocks on the seafloor are symmetrical with respect to the oceanic ridge. By correlating magnetic reversals with the
age of rocks found on the continents, we can estimate the age of the seafloor. The youngest crust is along the crest of the ridge. Away from the ridge,
the crust is progressively older. The oldest oceanic crust is found in the Pacific Ocean and is less than 200 million years old.

versals in rock sequences on the continents have been radiometrically dated.These

studies show that the present normal polarity has existed for the last 700,000 years
and was preceded by the pattern of reversals shown in Figure 17.9C. Because the
same pattern exists in the oceanic crust, we can assign provisional ages to the mag-
netic anomalies on the ocean floor based on known ages of continental rocks. Mag-
netic surveys have now determined patterns of magnetic reversal for most of the
ocean floor, and from these patterns, the age of various segments of the seafloor
has been established (Figure 17.11). These studies show that most of the deep
seafloor was formed during the Cenozoic Era (the last 65 million years). It now
seems probable that very little or none of the present ocean basin was formed be-
fore the Jurassic. From the pattern of magnetic reversals, the rate of seafloor spread-
ing appears to range from 1 to 17 cm/yr.

Evidence from Sediment on the Ocean Floor

To many geologists, some of the most convincing evidence for the plate tectonics
theory comes from recent drilling in the sediment on the ocean floor. The Deep-
Sea Drilling Project is truly a remarkable example of scientific exploration. It
began in 1968 with the Glomar Challenger, a special ship designed by a California
offshore drilling company. The Challenger can lower more than 6000 m of drilling
pipe into the open ocean, bore a hole in the seafloor, and bring up bottom cores
and samples. The project was funded by the National Science Foundation and is
under the direction of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Since 1968, the
Challenger and its successors have drilled hundreds of holes in the seafloor and
494 Chapter 17

penetrated more than a kilometer into the oceanic crust. These drilling projects
have provided considerable data in support of the theory of plate tectonics.
Deep-sea drilling confirms the conclusions drawn from paleomagnetic stud-
ies by providing samples of the fossils that accumulated on different portions of
the ocean floor. As is predicted by the plate tectonics theory, the youngest sedi-
ment resting on the basalt of the ocean floor is found near the oceanic ridge (Fig-
ure 17.12), where new crust is being created. Away from the ridge, the sediments
that lie directly above the basalt become progressively older, with the oldest sed-
iment nearest the continental borders.
Measurements of rates of sedimentation in the open ocean show that about
3 mm of red clay accumulates every 1000 years. If the present ocean basins
were old enough to have existed since Cambrian time, for example, the sedi-
ments would be 1.5 km thick (Figure 17.12A); however, the average thickness
of deep-ocean sediments measured to date is only 300 m, suggesting that the
ocean basins are young geologic features (Figure 17.12B). In fact, the oldest sed-
iments yet found on any ocean floor are only about 200 million years old. In
contrast, the metamorphic rocks of the continental shields are as much as 3.8
billion years old.
Not only do the thickness and age of the deepest sediments increase away
from the crest of the oceanic ridge, but certain types of sediment also indicate
Seafloor Spreading seafloor spreading. For example, plankton thrive in the upwelling, warm, nutri-
ent-rich water of the Pacific equatorial zone. As the creatures die, their tiny skele-
tons rain down unceasingly to build a layer of soft, white chalk on the seafloor.
The chalk can form only in the equatorial belt, as plankton do not flourish in
the colder waters of higher latitudes; yet, drilling by the Glomar Challenger has
shown that the chalk layer on the Pacific floor extends north of todays equator.
The only logical conclusion is that the Pacific seafloor has been migrating north-
ward for at least 100 million years, carrying its load of chalk formed anciently
when the plate was farther south.
The theory of plate tectonics is now firmly established and accepted as the fun-
damental theory of Earths dynamics. It was first used to explain the meaning of
features on the ocean floor. Now the emphasis has switched to the continents, and
most previous geologic observations of the continents are being reexamined in
light of plate tectonics theory.

(A) With no seafloor spreading, the entire ocean floor would be

covered with a thick sequence of oceanic sediment, with alternating
polarity preserving a record of Earths magnetism since
Precambrian time. Younger



(B) With seafloor spreading, the blanket of oceanic sediment thins

progressively toward the crest of the oceanic ridge and is almost
nonexistent on the ridge. The edge of each layer of magnetized
sediment lies upon basaltic crust, which was generated at the crus
spreading ridge during the same time interval the sediment was nge t
O ld er

Mantle convection

FIGURE 17.12 The thickness of sediment and magnetic reversals on the oceanic ridge confirms the theory of seafloor spreading.
(After P. J. Wylie)
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 495


Plate boundaries are the most significant structural elements of Earth

because they reflect the planets internal dynamics.

The shorelines of the continents are major geographic features but have little sig-
nificance from the standpoint of Earths tectonics. Plate boundaries are the plan-
ets most significant geologic elements, and to understand plate tectonics, you must
learn a new geography: the geography of plate boundaries. This should not be dif-
ficult because plate boundaries generally are marked by major topographic fea-
tures. You only need to focus your attention on Earths structural features, rather
than on the boundaries between land and ocean.
The new geography of tectonic plates is illustrated in Figure 17.13. Earths outer How does the geography of tectonic plates
rigid layerthe lithosphereis divided into a mosaic of seven major plates and differ from classical physical geography?
several smaller subplates. The major plates are outlined by oceanic ridges, trench-
es, and young mountain systems.These include the Pacific, Eurasian, North Amer-
ican, South American, African, Australian, and Antarctic plates.
The largest is the Pacific plate, which is composed almost entirely of oceanic crust
and covers about one-fifth of Earths surface.The other large plates contain both con-
tinental crust and oceanic crust. No major plate is composed entirely of continental
crust. Smaller plates include the Philippine, Arabian, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, Nazca,
Caribbean, and Scotia plates, plus others that have not been defined precisely.
Individual plates are not permanent features. They are in constant motion and
continually change in size and shape. Plates that do not contain continental crust

Eurasian plate
Eurasian plate

Juan de
China Fuca plate North American
subplate plate Caribbean Arabian
plate plate
Philippine African
plate plate
Pacific plate plate
South Somalian
American subplate
Nazca plate

Scotia plate

Antarctic plate

Convergent plate boundaries Divergent plate boundaries Transform plate boundaries

FIGURE 17.13 The major tectonic plates are delineated by the major tectonic features of the globe: (1) the oceanic ridge, (2) deep-sea trenches,
and (3) young mountain belts. Plate boundaries are outlined by earthquake belts and volcanic activity. Most plates (such as the North American,
African, and Australian) contain both continental and oceanic crust. The Pacific, Cocos, and Nazca plates contain predominantly oceanic crust.
496 Chapter 17

can be completely consumed in a subduction zone. Even plate margins are not
fixed. A plate can change its shape by splitting along new lines, by welding itself
to another plate, or by the accretion of new oceanic crust along its passive margin.
The movement and modification of a plate margin can change its size and shape
across the entire plate.


Three kinds of plate boundaries are recognized and define three funda-
mental kinds of deformation and geologic activity: (1) divergent plate
boundarieszones of tension, where plates split and spread apart,
(2) convergent plate boundarieszones where plates collide and one plate
moves down into the mantle, and (3) transform fault boundarieszones of
shearing, where plates slide past each other without diverging or converging.

How are plate boundaries expressed at Each tectonic plate is rigid and moves as a single mechanical unitthat is, if one
the surface? part moves, the entire plate moves. It can be warped or flexed slightly as it moves,
but relatively little change occurs in the middle of a plate. Nearly all major tectonic
activity occurs along the plate boundaries, and thus, geologists and students of ge-
ology focus their attention on the plate margins, the ones that are active as well as
the ancient plate boundaries preserved on the continents (Figure 17.14).

Divergent Plate Boundaries

A divergent plate boundary forms where a plate splits and is pulled apart. Ex-
cept for a few rift zones in Africa and western North America, essentially all pres-
ent divergent plate margins are submerged beneath the sea. Where a zone of
spreading extends into a continent, rifting occurs, and the continent splits (Figure
17.15). The separate continental fragments drift apart with the diverging plates,
so a new and continually enlarging ocean basin is formed at the site of the initial
rift zone. Divergent plate boundaries are thus characterized by tensional stress-
es that produce normal faults along the margins of the separating plates. Basaltic
magma, derived from the partial melting of the mantle, is injected into the fis-
sures or extruded as fissure eruptions. The magma then cools and becomes part
of the moving plates.
Divergent plate boundaries are some of the most active volcanic areas on Earth;
they are, however, generally characterized by unspectacular, quiet fissure erup-
tions, most of which are concealed beneath the sea. The importance of volcanism
along this zone is underlined by the fact that during the last 200 million years, more

FIGURE 17.14 Types of plate margins Oceanic ridge

are depicted in this idealized diagram. (diverging plates)
Constructive margins (divergent plate Trench, subduction
boundaries) occur along the oceanic ridge, Transform fault zone (converging plates)
where plates move apart. Destructive
margins (convergent plate boundaries) occur
along the deep trenches. Margins with no
change in seafloor area during displacement
occur along transform faults. (After B. Isaks,
J. Oliver, and L. R. Sykes)

P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 497
(A) Continental rifting begins when the crust is uparched and
stretched, so that block faulting occurs. Continental sediment
accumulates in the depressions of the downfaulted blocks, and
basaltic magma is injected into the rift system.

Partial melting

Oceanic crust (B) As the continents separate, new oceanic crust and new
lithosphere are formed in the rift zone, and the ocean basin becomes
wider. Remnants of continental sediment can be preserved in the
down-dropped blocks of the new continental margin.

FIGURE 17.15 Divergent plate boundaries are found in the ocean basins and continents. The midocean ridge is one type of divergent plate
boundary and has abundant normal faults, shallow earthquakes, and basaltic magmatism.

than half of Earths surface has been created by volcanic activity along divergent
plate boundaries. The mid-Atlantic ridge is a typical divergent plate boundary.

Convergent Plate Boundaries

Convergent plate boundaries, where the plates collide and one moves down into
the mantle, are areas of complicated geologic processes, including igneous activi-
ty, earthquakes, metamorphism, crustal deformation, and mountain building.
The specific processes that are active along a convergent plate boundary de-
pend on the types of crust involved in the collision of the converging plates (Fig-
ure 17.16). If both plates at a convergent boundary contain oceanic crust, one is
thrust under the margin of the other in a process called subduction. A subduc-
tion zone is usually marked by a deep-sea trench, and the movement of the de-
scending plate generates an inclined zone of seismic activity. The subducting
plate descends into the asthenosphere, where it is heated and ultimately ab-
sorbed into the mantle. Layers of sediment may be scraped off the downgoing
plate and accreted onto the continent. The island arcs of the western Pacific, in-
cluding the islands of Tonga and the Marianas, formed at ocean-ocean conver-
gent margins.
If one plate contains a continent, the lighter continental crust always resists sub-
duction and overrides the oceanic plate. Compression may deform the continen-
tal margin into a folded mountain belt (Figure 17.16 and 17.17), and the deep roots
of the mountains are intruded by magma and metamorphosed. The Cascadia sub-
duction zone offshore of the northwestern United States is an ocean continent
convergent margin.
If both converging plates contain continental crust, neither can subside into the
mantle, although one can override the other for a short distance. Both continen-
tal masses are instead compressed, and the continents are ultimately fused into
a single continental block, with a high mountain range marking the line of the su-
ture.As a result of the collision and underthrusting, the thickness of the crust is
greatly increased. The great Himalayan mountain chain formed when India and
Asia collided, both of which are continental plates.
Magma is also produced at convergent plate margins. Magma extracted from the
mantle above a subduction zone can differentiate to form relatively silicic magmas
(like andesite and rhyolite) which have low densities. Ultimately much of this low
density material is added to the continental crust as batholiths and volcanic ex-
trusions at the surface In fact, most continental crust formed at ancient convergent
plate boundaries. Steep-sided stratovolcanoes and large collapse calderas are the
typical volcanoes found at convergent margins.
498 Chapter 17

(A) The Philippine Islands represent the convergence of two

oceanic plates.

(B) South America represents the convergence of an oceanic

plate and a continental plate.

(C) The Himalaya Mountains represent the convergence of

two continental plates.

FIGURE 17.16 Examples of the main types of convergent plate boundaries can be found today in various parts of the
world. The major geologic processes at convergent plate boundaries include the deformation of continental margins into folded
mountain belts, metamorphism due to high temperatures and high pressures in the mountain roots, and partial melting of the
mantle over the descending plate, which produces andesitic volcanism on the overriding plate.

Transform Fault Boundaries

Transform fault boundaries are zones of shearing where plates slide past each
other without diverging or converging, and without creating or destroying litho-
sphere (Figure 17.18). These boundaries occur along a special type of fault, a
transform fault, which is simply a strike-slip fault between plates (that is, move-
ment along the fault is horizontal and parallel to the fault). The term transform
is used because the kind of motion between plates is changedtransformed
at the ends of the active part of the fault. For example, the divergent motion be-
tween plates at an oceanic ridge can be transformed along the fault to the con-
vergent motion between plates at a subduction zone.
Transform faults can join ridges to ridges, ridges to trenches, and trenches to
trenches. In all cases, transform faults are parallel to the direction of relative
plate motion. The plates simply slide past each other, but as the plates move, the
crust is fractured and broken. This fracturing produces the shallow earthquakes
that are characteristic of transform plate boundaries. However, volcanic activi-
ty usually is not abundant at transform faults.
The San Andreas fault system of western North America is a typical continen-
tal transform fault at the boundary between the North American plate and the
Pacific plate (Figure 17.13). Southwestern California is actually on the Pacific plate.
The fault connects a series of short spreading ridges in the Gulf of California, with
the Cascadia subduction zone that starts in northern California and extends to
Canada. Shallow earthquakes are common, and often devastating, along the bound-
ary, but there are no active volcanoes along the fault system.
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 499



0 20 40

FIGURE 17.17 The spectacular fold belt of the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States, is one of the great surface expressions of a
convergent plate boundary. The deformed strata form ridges that zigzag across the terrain, showing the style of deformation produced as the African
plate drifted westward and impinged against the North American plate. Deformation dies out rapidly to the northeast. Small granitic plutons intruded
the mountain belt, but are not obvious on this topographic map. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)
500 Chapter 17

Inactive Active fault zone Inactive

fracture (Blocks move in fracture
zone opposite directions) zone
(Both blocks move (Both blocks move
in same direction) in same direction)

FIGURE 17.18 The relative movement

of plates at a ridge-ridge transform fault
changes along the fracture zone. The plates are
moving away from the ridge, but an active
fault only lies between the two ridge segments.
Here plates on opposite sides of the fault
move in opposite directions. Beyond the
spreading ridge, however, the plates move in
the same direction on both sides of the fault.


The motion of a series of rigid plates on a sphere can be complex. Each

plate moves as an independent unit, in different directions and at different
velocities than any other plates.

The geometry of a curved plate moving on a sphere was workedQout more than
200 years ago by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (17071783) and now pro-
vides the basis for analyzing plate motion.The basic analysis of this type of motion
What is unique about the motion of is illustrated in Figure 17.19A. In the figure, the motion of the yellow plate, with
plates on a sphere? respect to the orange plate, is a rotation around the axis AR (the axis of plate ro-
tation), one pole of which is the point P (the pole of rotation). Note that the pole
of the plate rotation is completely independent of Earths spin axis and has no re-
lation to the magnetic poles.
Several important facts about plate motion are immediately apparent from Fig-
ure 17.19A. First, different parts of a plate move with different velocities. Maximum

Earth's axis Earth's axis

of rotation of rotation

Axis of plate
rotation AR Plate 1
Pole of

Plate 2

Equator of
plate rotation Rift zone

(A) Plate motion can be easily understood by (B) The motion of Plate 1 with respect to Plate 2 can
considering a plate that covers an entire hemisphere. be described as rotation around some imaginary axis.
Each point on the plate would move along a line of Segments of the oceanic ridge lie on lines of longitude
latitude with respect to the pole of spreading, P. that pass through the pole, and transform faults lie on
lines of latitude. The rate of spreading is at a maximum
at the equatorial line and zero at the pole.

FIGURE 17.19 Plate motion on a sphere requires that the plates rotate around an axis of spreading, the pole of
which is called a pole of spreading. Plates always move parallel to the transform faults and along circles of latitude
perpendicular to the spreading axis.
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 501



5.4 5.5


10.5 10.1

1.7 3.7

Transform boundary
Divergent boundary Convergent bondary Absolute velocity Relative velocity
and fracture zone

FIGURE 17.20 Velocities and directions of plate movement show how the major plates are currently interacting. Compare the absolute plate
motions (red arrows) with the relative plate movements. The lengths of the arrows are proportional to the velocity of plate movement; the numbers
represent velocity in centimeters per year.

velocity occurs at the equator of rotation and minimum velocity at the poles of
rotation. This fact may best be understood by considering a plate so large that it
covers an entire hemisphere. All motion occurs around the axis of plate rotation.
The pole of rotation has zero velocity because it is a fixed point around which the
hemispheric shell moves. Points Q, R, and S have progressively higher velocities,
with a maximum velocity at point T, which lies on the equator of rotation.
Note also that transform faults lie on lines of latitude relative to a pole of ro-
tation (Figure 17.19B). This condition holds for most transform faults in nature, as
can be seen on a topographic map of the Atlantic. (See the inside covers of this
book.) We can thus use the orientation of transform faults to locate the pole of ro-
tation for each plate.
Spreading ridges are linear and are usually perpendicular to plate motion.They What geologic features indicate direc-
are commonly oriented along lines of longitude relative to the plates pole of ro- tion and rates of plate motion?
tation. It is important to understand that the poles of rotation do not necessarily
lie on the plate in question.
The direction of movement of the major plates, in relation to their neighbors,
can be determined in several ways. As we have seen, the trends of the oceanic
ridges and the associated transform faults are related to the location of the pole
of rotation. Indications of movement are also drawn from seismic data (Chapter
18), from the relative ages of different regions of the seafloor (Figure 17.11 and
Chapter 19), and from the ages of chains of volcanic islands and seamounts (Chap-
ter 22). From these data, geologists have determined the motion of the present
tectonic plates. This motion is summarized in Figure 17.20.
The Pacific plate is moving in a general northwesterly direction, from the East
Pacific rise toward the system of trenches in the western Pacific. It is bordered by
several small plates along the subduction zone, so the relative motion at each
502 Chapter 17

trench differs from the general trend. The American plates are moving westward
from the mid-Atlantic ridge, converging with the Pacific, Cocos, and Nazca plates.
The Australian plate is moving northward.
Africa and Antarctica, however, present a different situation. Both are nearly
surrounded by ridges, and they have no associated subduction zones to accom-
modate the new lithosphere generated along the ridges.Therefore, the ridges must
be moving outward. The African and Antarctic plates illustrate a very important
point: Plate margins are not fixed but can move as much as the plates themselves can.
If two divergent plate margins are not separated by a subduction zone, new lithos-
phere is formed at each spreading axis, but none is destroyed between them. The
plate between the ridges is continually enlarged, so the ridges themselves must
move apart.
Another important change is in the lengths of plate margins. An oceanic
ridge is essentially a fracture in the lithosphere that can grow longer. A good
example is the ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. It has grown and lengthened con-
siderably since spreading began to separate South America from Africa.


Magnetic reversals on the ocean floor provide a timing mechanism to

measure the relative velocity of plate motion. Absolute plate velocities can
be measured compared to a fixed reference frame. The results show that
plates move at different rates, ranging from 1 to 18 cm/yr.

Velocities of plates can be determined in two fundamentally different ways. The

relative velocity compares the movement of one plate with respect to another
plate. The absolute velocity compares plate movement to a fixed reference frame.
The difference between the two measurements can be understood with a famil-
iar example. Imagine you are standing on an overpass. Beneath you, two cars
are traveling in opposite directions; Their speedometers say they are moving 50
km/hr. Compared to one another, their relative velocity is 100 km/hr, but com-
pared to your fixed position, both cars have an absolute velocity of 50 km/hr.
To determine the relative velocity of a certain section of seafloor, all you need
to know is its age and how far it is from the ridge. We described in a previous sec-
tion how the age of the seafloor (Figure 17.11) can be estimated using the oscil-
lation of Earths magnetic field. The distance from the ridge axis and the age of
the seafloor can then be used to calculate the velocity of plate movement. Trans-
form faults show the direction of movement.
Absolute plate motion can be established in several ways. If we assume that
hotspots are essentially stationary, then the tracks of hotspot volcanoes are tan-
gible records of a plates absolute velocity and its direction of movement. Ab-
solute plate velocities can also be measured directly, using satellites and lasers.
In one technique, a narrow beam of light is emitted from an Earth-bound laser
and bounced off an orbiting satellite whose position is known precisely. The
light is collected at the surface of Earth again, and the elapsed time is deter-
mined. This method allows the location of the laser to be determined to within
a millimeter. If the location of the station is repetitively determined, the ab-
solute motion of plate can be accurately measured. Global positioning satel-
lites can be used in a similar way as described on p. 592.
The velocities and directions measured in this fashion are complementary
records of plate movement (Figure 17.20). It is apparent that the plates are mov-
ing at significantly different rates, ranging from 1 to 20 cm/y. The Pacific, Nazca,
Cocos, and Indian plates are moving faster than the slower moving North
American, South American, and Antarctic plates. To better understand the signif-
icance of the difference between absolute and relative plate motions, compare the
relative movement of Africa with respect to Europe with the absolute motion of
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 503

Midocean rid g e
li d e o ff Lithosphere
a te

Subduction Dense
zone Subduction sinker

Outer Convection Outer Mantle

Mantle core cell core

Inner Inner
core core

(A) Convection in the mantle drives the movement of the plates. Many (B) Forces generated by the plates themselves cause the plates to sink into
characteristics of plate motion are inconsistent with this hypothesis. the mantle because of their density and to slide off the midocean ridges.
FIGURE 17.21 Two suggested models of plate tectonics show how flow in the mantle might be related to plate movement.

both plates. The relative movement of Europe is south toward the African plate,
since they are separated by a subduction zone. However, the absolute motion of
both plates is northward. Europe is moving slower than Africa and consequently
a convergent margin has developed between them.This can be likened to two cars
traveling in the same direction, in the same lane, but with the trailing car going
faster than the leading car. A collision is inevitable. Likewise, rifting is separating
Arabia from Africa, but the absolute motion of both plates is northward, with Ara-
bia moving faster than the African plate.
The fastest-moving plates are those in which a large part of the plate boundary
is a subduction zone, and the slower-moving plates are those that lack subducting
boundaries or that have large continental blocks embedded in them. This relation
has been interpreted by some geologists as evidence that the tectonic plates are part
of Earths convection system and that plate motion is largely a result of cold, dense
plates sinking into the mantle.


Forces that influence the motion of a plate include (1) slab-pull, (2) ridge-
push, (3) basal drag, (4) friction along transform faults, and (5) friction
between the converging slabs of the lithosphere in a subduction zone.
Slab-pull and ridge-push probably drive plate movement.

It should be clear by now that the tectonic plates move. But why do they move? Is convection of the mantle the only
Ultimately, the energy that drives plate tectonics is heat transported out of the force responsible for plate movement?
hot core and mantle to Earths surface. Plate tectonics is a type of convection
and is the result of Earths effort to cool and reach thermal equilibrium with
cold space.
One of the first models to explain the driving mechanism of plate tectonics
suggested that convection cells within the mantle carried the plates, and that the
plates played little or no active part in the convection (Figure 17.21A). The ris-
ing limbs of the convecting cells in the mantle would therefore determine the
positions of the oceanic ridges. The convecting mantle would cause the litho-
sphere to split, and the moving mantle would carry the lithosphere laterally
toward the subduction zone. The descending cell would mark the location of the
trench and would drag the lithosphere down into the mantle. Movements in the
asthenosphere were thought to be coupled strongly to the lithosphere. In other
words, convection cells in the mantle supposedly caused ridges, trenches, and the
THE ART The Magnetic Fabric of the Seafloor

The magnetic character of rocks on the seafloor was a major

factor in deciphering the reality of plate tectonics. But given
the remoteness of the seafloor, how is this paleomagnetic
data collected?
Specially designed magnetometers (instruments designed
to measure the strength or orientation of the present-day
magnetic field) are towed behind research ships. (These
magnetometers were originally designed and used to de-
tect submarines travelling below the surface during World
War II.) The position of the magnetometer and the strength
of the magnetic field are simultaneously recorded. The re-
sult is a long strip map showing where the strength of the
magnetic field is higher or lower than normal, as shown in (Photograph by Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia University)
the illustration.
Note that the pattern of variation in the seafloor mag- netic field was the same as it is today.Thus, the modern mag-
netism is not as regular as a simple sine wave. The highs netic field and the paleomagnetism stored in the rocks add
and lows are not separated by equal distances. In spite of the to one another.The lows are areas where the paleomagnetic
irregular widths of the bands, you can see that the patterns orientation is opposite that of the present field and cancels
are symmetrical on either side of the ridge axis. out part of the current magnetic field. To make a map like
One way to interpret the map was to claim that each this one, the ship must traverse back and forth across the
band had fewer (the lows) or more (the highs) magnetic area many times.The strips are then laid side by side and in-
minerals. But this did little to explain the overall symmetry terpreted as representing stripes of rocks with different po-
of the patterns or the correlation of the middle high with a larities and therefore different ages.
midoceanic ridge. It was soon realized that a better inter- Magnetic maps can also be constructed for areas above
pretation was that the polarity of Earths field changed. In sea level and they reveal much about the structure of the
addition, each band must have formed anciently at a ridge crust (page 603). The magnetic field variations shown on
and was then split apart. According to this interpretation, these maps are strongly affected by the amount of magnetite
the magnetic highs lie over regions where the volcanic rocks in the rocks and to a lesser degree by the polarity of the
on the seafloor erupted when the orientation of the mag- magnetic field at the time the rocks formed.

Ridge axis


-500 A


0 E B

-500 D

500 F


(Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)

P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 505

plate Oceanic
Trench Ridge plate

force Ridge Ridge FIGURE 17.22 Forces active on the
Basal push push plates are shown with arrows on the front
Slab drag of this block diagram. They include slab-
Mantle pull pull, ridge-push, basal drag, and friction
resistance along transform faults and in the
Mantle resistance subduction zone.

movement of plates. The distance between plate boundaries was thought to be

caused by the size of the convection cell.
A more successful model of convection theory considers the plates themselves
to be active participants in the convection process (Figure 17.21B), not passive
passengers on a churning mantle. In this model, the lithosphere is the cold upper
layer of the convection cell. Because of its greater density, the lithosphere even-
tually sinks. Subduction occurs not because the plate is pulled down by the de-
scending mantle, but simply because the plate becomes denser than the underly-
ing asthenosphere. In addition, the upward flow of the asthenosphere beneath a
spreading ridge is not the cause of seafloor spreading, but a consequence of the
plates moving apart. Thus, the plate may be moved by forces that are largely in-
dependent of the convection of the mantle beneath the plate.
To better understand why the plates move, let us examine the forces that act on
them. The most important forces are shown diagrammatically in Figure 17.22.
The forces that influence motion of the plate include:
1. Slab-pull: A pull exerted on the plate as the dense oceanic slab descends
under its own weight into the asthenosphere in a subduction zone. In essence,
the slab sinks because it is denser than the asthenosphere, and it pulls the
rest of the lithosphere along with it. What is the difference between ridge-
2. Ridge-push: Gravity makes the lithosphere slip off the elevated ridge. push and slab-pull?
3. Basal drag: Resistance to flow exerted on the bottom of the plate by the
underlying asthenosphere; shear at the base of the plate. Depending on the
direction of flow in the asthenosphere, this could aid or hinder plate
4. Mantle resistance: Frictional resistance to the movement of the subducting
plate through the asthenosphere and mesosphere.
5. Friction: Resistance along transform faults and between the converging slabs
of lithosphere in a subduction zone; shear between two plates.
Inasmuch as each plate has a nearly constant velocityis neither accelerating
nor deceleratingmost researchers believe that the forces that drive the plates
are approximately balanced by forces that resist their movement. Thus, the dri-
ving forces provided by slab-pull and ridge-push are nearly balanced by resisting
forces such as basal drag, mantle resistance, and friction at plate boundaries.
As noted in the last section, the absolute velocity of a plate is strongly related
to the proportion of its margin that is subducting. For example, plates such as the
Pacific and Cocos plates, which have about 40% of their margins represented by
subduction zones, have high plate velocities (greater than 5 cm/yr). Plates such as
the North American, which have smaller proportions of subducting margins, move
more slowly (1 to 3 cm/yr). Hence, many researchers have concluded that
506 Chapter 17

FIGURE 17.23 Convection in a

lava lake in Hawaii simulates convection slab-pull is a major driving force.The correlation between the rate of plate motion
and plate motion. As fresh, molten lava and the proportion of subducting edges is so strong that other forces may be only
rises by convection, slightly older chilled
minor. Slab-pull is aided by the metamorphic phase transitions that occur in sub-
lava (darker) is shoved aside to sink at
some other zone in the crater (out of ducting plates.As the plate moves deeper into the mantle, low-density phases con-
view). Note the transform fault near the vert into higher-density phases.These changes effectively create a sinker that pulls
middle of the view and the differential the plate deeper into the mantle.
rate of spreading revealed by the Several examples illustrate the role of slab-pull in plate convection. If a large
different widths of recently chilled lava
cauldron of molten metal is allowed to cool, a skin of solid metal forms on the sur-
on either side of the spreading line. The
front edge of the view is about 50 m wide. face and, because it is colder and denser than the liquid, the solid skin eventually
(Courtesy of W. Duffield, U.S. Geological founders and sinks into the molten liquid, thereby stirring the melt. The same
Survey) process has been observed on a larger scale in lava lakes formed in the pit craters
of Hawaiian volcanoes (Figure 17.23). As molten lava cools, a solid layer forms
over the lake, but the rigid layer splits into slabs that move about. Eventually a
slab sinks, because it is cooler and denser than the underlying liquid, pulling the
solid crust apart. Large slabs of the crust break up and split, causing molten lava
to rise from below and create a zone of new cooling crust. Many features of plate
tectonics are exhibited in Figure 17.23. Spreading ridges, transform faults, and sub-
duction zones are all observed.
Ridge-push is probably the next most important, motivator of tectonic plates.
Ridge-push is related to the elevation of the ridge, which in turn is caused by the
hot buoyant mantle that rises beneath it.The asthenosphere acts as a slippery layer
beneath the slab, and the lithosphere simply slides downhill.
Observations of plate movement and theoretical calculations both suggest that
the forces supplied by slab-pull and ridge-push are so large that the question may
become, What slows the plates down? The major retarding force is probably re-
sistance in the mantle to the sinking of a subducting slab. Friction at plate bound-
aries must also slow the movement of the plates. Basal drag, once thought to be the
prime motivator of plate movement, is now relegated to a minor role. Basal drag
may actually slow the movement of a plate.
From the perspective supplied by considering the forces acting on plates, you
can think of the plates and the underlying mantle as forming a single, though com-
plex system, with each portion of the system affecting the others. In fact, convec-
tive flow in the mantle may have a radically different aspect than the motion of
lithospheric plates seen at the surface of Earth.
P l a t e Te c t o n i c s 507

absolute velocity (p. 502) friction (p. 505) polarity chron (p. 490) slab-pull (p. 505)
axis of plate rotation (p. 500) magnetic anomaly (p. 490) pole of rotation (p. 500) strike-slip fault (p. 498)
basal drag (p. 505) magnetic reversal (p. 490) relative velocity (p. 502) subduction (p. 497)
continental drift (p. 482) mantle resistance (p. 505) reversed polarity (p. 490) subduction zone (p. 497)
convection cell (p. 503) normal polarity (p. 489) ridge-push (p. 505) tectonic plate (p. 495)
convergent boundary (p. 497) paleomagnetism (p. 489) rift valley (p. 488) transform fault (p. 498)
divergent boundary (p. 496) Pangaea (p. 483) seafloor spreading (p. 488)

1. Briefly explain the theory of plate tectonics. 11. How is the pattern of a series of transform faults along a
2. Distinguish between continental drift and plate tectonics. plate boundary related to the pole of rotation?
3. List three major evidences for continental drift. 12. Explain how plate margins, as well as the plate itself, can
4. Why did it take so long for the scientific community to ac- migrate.
cept the movement of the continents? 13. Explain the origin of the following features in the context of
5. Why are there paleomagnetic stripes on the ocean floor? plate tectonics: (a) the Ural Mountains, (b) the Alps, (c) the
6. Where do you expect to find the youngest oceanic litho- Mid-Atlantic Ridge, (d) Hawaii, (e) the San Andreas Fault,
sphere? (f) the Andes Mountains, and (g) volcanoes in Italy.
7. In the Pacific Ocean basin, where is the oldest oceanic 14. How fast are the plates moving? How do we determine
lithosphere? How is its location explained by plate rates of plate motion?
tectonics? 15. Draw a cross section showing a tectonic plate with a diver-
8. Describe the types of plate boundaries, and give an example gent and a convergent boundary, and label the major forces
of each. acting on the plate.
9. Sketch a simple map of a part of an oceanic ridge, and draw 16. Explain the difference between (a) the convection model of
arrows to show the relative motion along ridge-to-ridge plate motion, in which the mantle carries the plates, and (b)
transform faults. a model in which the plates themselves drive plate tectonics.
10. Describe the geometry of lithospheric plate motion over the

Bird, J. M., ed. 1980. Plate Tectonics. Washington, D.C.: American Moores, E. M., and R. J. Twiss. 1998. Tectonics. San Francisco:
Geophysical Union. Freeman.
Condie, K. C. 1997. Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution, 4th ed. Oresekes, N. 2001. Plate Tectonics: An Insiders History of the
Oxford.: Butterworth-Heineman. Modern Theory of the Earth. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Cox, A., and R. B. Hart. 1986. Plate Tectonics: How It Works. Palo Van Andel, T. H. 1994. New Views on an Old Planet: A History of
Alto, Calif.: Blackwell. Global Change, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Kearey, P., and F. J. Vine. 1996. Global Tectonics, 2nd ed. Boston: Press.
Blackwell Scientific.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of plate movement
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Animations of the breakup of the continents
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with examples of tectonic processes
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
18 Seismicity and
Earths Interior
In defiance of nature, and the rule of plate tectonics, the king of Antiochus boasted that his
mausoleum and these monuments would be unravaged by the outrages of time. A few
decades later, the great statues of Nemrud Dagh, in eastern Turkey, were toppled by an
earthquake. Little did this king know, but Turkeys northern borderlands are sliced through
by a great strike-slip fault and sliding underneath its southern shores is a great plate of
oceanic lithosphere. In fact, Turkey projects westward toward Europe exactly because it is
being squeezed out of Asia by the ongoing collision of Africa and Arabia with the Eurasian
plate. Earthquakes occur with tragic regularity in Turkey; its last great earthquake shook Is-
tanbul and the rest of northern Turkey in 1999, leaving cities in rubble and killing 20,000
people. Landslides, tsunamis, groundshaking, and liquefaction all took their toll.

Earthquakes, perhaps more than any other phenomenon, demonstrate that Earth contin-
ues to be a dynamic planet, changing each day by internal, tectonic forces. Most earth-
quakes occur along plate boundaries. As the plates move, these boundariesocean ridges,
continental rifts, subduction zones, and transform faultsare the sites of the most intense
earthquake activity on Earth. Earthquakes occur during sudden movements along faults.
Every year, more than a million earthquakes are recorded by the worldwide network of
seismic stations and are analyzed with the aid of computers such as those at the Earth-
quake Information Center in Golden, Colorado. With this network, the exact location,
depth, and magnitude of all detectable earthquakes are plotted on regional maps. As a re-
sult, we can monitor the details of present plate motion. But that is not all. Seismic waves
also provide our most effective probe of Earths interior, and they constitute the main
method of collecting data upon which we base our present concepts of Earths internal
Indeed, earthquakes are human disasters, as the power released by a single event is stag-
gering. When the energy stored up in deforming rocks is suddenly released, the conse-
quences may be devastating. Many large cities lie along major faults. Thus, it is imperative
that we learn as much as we can about earthquakes so that their damage can be lessened.

1. Seismic waves are vibrations in Earth caused by the rupture and sudden
movement of rock.
2. Three types of seismic waves are produced by an earthquake shock: (a) P
waves, (b) S waves, and (c) surface waves.
3. The primary effect of an earthquake is ground motion. Secondary effects in-
clude (a) landslides, (b) tsunamis, and (c) regional or local uplift or subsidence.
4. The exact location and timing of an earthquake cannot be predicted. How-
ever, seismic risk can be evaluated and, in areas with high risk, preparations
for future earthquakes made.
5. Most earthquakes occur along plate boundaries. Divergent plate boundaries
and transform fault boundaries produce shallow-focus earthquakes. Con-
vergent plate boundaries produce an inclined zone of shallow-focus, inter-
mediate-focus, and deep-focus earthquakes.
6. The velocities at which P waves and S waves travel through Earth indicate
that Earth has a layered internal structure based on compositioncrust,
mantle, and core. It also has a solid inner core, a liquid outer core, a weak as-
thenosphere, and a rigid lithosphere.
7. Plate tectonics and upwelling and downwelling plumes are the most impor-
tant manifestations of Earths internal convection.The magnetic field is prob-
ably caused by convection of the molten iron core.


Earthquakes are vibrations of Earth, caused by the rupture and sudden

movement of rocks that have been strained beyond their elastic limits.
Three types of seismic waves are generated by an earthquake shock:
(1) primary waves, (2) secondary waves, and (3) surface waves.

Elastic-Rebound Theory
The origin of an earthquake can be illustrated by a simple experiment. Bend a
stick until it snaps. Energy is stored in the elastic bending and is released if rupture
occurs, causing the fractured ends to vibrate and send out sound waves. Detailed
studies of active faults show that this model, known as the elastic-
What causes earthquakes? rebound theory, applies to all major earthquakes (Figure 18.1). Precision surveys
across the San Andreas Fault in California show that railroads, fence lines, and
streets are slowly deformed at first, as strain builds up, and are offset when move-
ment occurs along the fault, releasing the elastic strain. The San Andreas fault is
the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. Its movement is
horizontal, with the Pacific plate moving toward the northwest. On a long-term
basis, the plates move quite steadily, at a rate of roughly 3 cm/yr. On a short-term
however, much of the movement occurs in a series of jerks. Sections of the fault can
be locked together until enough strain accumulates to exceed the rocks elastic
limit and cause displacement.
The point within Earth where the initial slippage generates earthquake energy
is the focus. The point on Earths surface directly above the focus is the epicenter
(Figure 18.2).

Types of Seismic Waves

Several different types of seismic waves are generated by an earthquake shock
(Figure 18.3). Each type travels at a different speed, and each therefore arrives at
a seismograph that might be hundreds of kilometers away at a different time. The

Seismicity and Earths Interior 511

(A) Strain builds up in rocks in seismically (B) Energy is released when the rocks
active areas until the rocks rupture or move rupture, and seismic waves move out from the
along preexisting fractures. point of rupture.

FIGURE 18.1 Earthquakes originate where rocks are strained beyond their elastic limits and

first waves to arrive are known as primary waves (P waves; Figure 18.4). These
are a kind of compressional wave, identical in character to sound waves passing
through a liquid or gas. The wave transmits energy by compressing and dilating
the material through which it moves. Thus, the particles involved in these waves
move short distances forward and backward in the direction of wave travel. P
waves commonly have smaller amplitudes than the later waves. The next waves to
arrive are secondary waves (S waves). In these, particles oscillate back and forth
at right angles to the direction of wave travel. In other words, the particles shear
or slide past one another.These shear waves cannot move through liquids. S waves
cause a second burst of strong movements to be recorded on a seismograph (Fig-
ure 18.4A).The last waves to arrive are surface waves, which travel relatively slow-
ly over Earths surface. Particles involved in one type of surface wave move in or-
bits, similar to particles in water waves. They may have amplitudes up to 0.5 m and
wavelengths of about 8 m.

Earthquake Locations
The location of an earthquakes focus is important in the study of plate tectonics
because it indicates the depth at which rupture and movement occur. Although
the movement of material within Earth occurs throughout the mantle and core,
earthquakes are concentrated in its upper 700 km.
Within the 700-km range, earthquakes can be grouped according to depth of
focus. Shallow-focus earthquakes occur from the surface to a depth of 70 km.They
occur in all seismic belts and produce the largest percentage of earthquakes.
Intermediate-focus earthquakes occur between 70 and 300 km below the surface,
and deep-focus earthquakes between 300 and 700 km. Both intermediate-focus

FIGURE 18.2 The relationship

between an earthquakes focus, its epicenter,
and seismic wave fronts is depicted in this
diagram. The focus is the point of initial
movement on the fault. Seismic waves
radiate from the focus. The epicenter is the
point on Earths surface directly above the
Epicenter focus.


Wave fronts
512 Chapter 18

P wave

(A) Before seismic disturbance. A regular grid or a straight fence (B) Motion produced by a P wave. Particles are compressed and
line provide good reference markers for future movement. then are expanded in the line of wave progression. P waves can
travel through any Earth material.

S wave Surface wave

(C) Motion produced by an S wave. Particles move back and forth (D) Motion produced by one type of surface wave. Particles move
at right angles to the line of wave progression and are commonly in nearly circular paths at the surface. The motion diminishes with
called shear waves. S waves travel only through solids. depth, like that produced by surface waves in the ocean.

FIGURE 18.3 Motion produced by various types of seismic waves can be illustrated by the distortions they produce in a regular grid. For
comparison, the motion of one type of surface wave is shown.

and deep-focus earthquakes are limited in number and distribution. In general,

they are confined to convergent plate margins. The maximum energy released by
an earthquake tends to become progressively smaller as the depth of focus in-
creases. Also, seismic energy from a source deeper than 70 km is largely dissipat-
ed by the time it reaches the surface. Most large earthquakes therefore have a
shallow focus, originating in the crust. The depth of an earthquakes focus is cal-
culated from the time that elapses between the arrivals of the three major types
of seismic waves.
The method of locating an earthquakes epicenter is relatively simple and can
be understood easily by referring to Figure 18.4. The P wave, traveling faster than
the S wave, is the first to be recorded at the seismic station. The time interval be-
tween the arrival of the P wave and the arrival of the S wave is a function of the
stations distance from the epicenter. By tabulating the travel times of P and S
waves from earthquakes of known sources, seismologists have constructed time-
distance graphs, which can be used to determine the distance to the epicenter of
a new quake. The seismic records show the distance, but not the direction, to the
epicenter. Records from at least three stations are therefore necessary to determine
the epicenters precise location.

The intensity, or destructive power, of an earthquake is an evaluation of the sever-
ity of ground motion at a given location. It is measured in relation to the effects
of the earthquake on humans. In general, destruction is described in subjective
terms for the damage caused to buildings, dams, bridges, and other structures, as
reported by witnesses.
The intensity of an earthquake at a specific location depends on several fac-
tors. Foremost among these are (1) the total amount of energy released, (2) the dis-
tance from the epicenter, and (3) the type of rock and degree of consolidation. In
general, wave amplitude and destruction are greater in soft, unconsolidated ma-
terial than in dense, crystalline rock (Figure 18.5).
Seismicity and Earths Interior 513

tH Time between arrivals

at Helena, MT tR

Time (seconds)
S wave
P wave tL



at Laramie, WY
tR dLaramie
Distance (km)

(B) The time between the arrivals of P waves and

at Reno, NV
S waves is correlated with the distance between the
seismic event and the recording station. For example,
Time time at Helena, tH, yields distance from Helena, dHelena.
(A) The greater the distance between the seismic
event and a recording seismograph station, the
more time it takes for the first wave to arrive. Also,
the greater the distance, the longer the interval
between the arrival of P waves and S waves.

(C) The direction of the event from any single station is
not known, but simply plotting the intersection of three Reno
arcs that have radii the respective distances from the three
stations identifies a common point. That point lies at the
epicenter of the seismic event.

FIGURE 18.4 Locating the epicenter of an earthquake is accomplished by comparing the arrival times of P waves
and S waves at three seismic stations.
Shaking amplitude

(A) Bedrock

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Shaking amplitude

(B) Unconsolidated sediment

FIGURE 18.5 The intensity of an earthquake can

be magnified in locales with unconsolidated sediment or
landfill. The seismograms shown here are for the same
aftershock of the 1992 Landers earthquake in California.
Seismographs located on unconsolidated sediment
measured much greater wave amplitudes and durations
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 than seismometers on solid bedrock. Amplification can
Time (seconds) be by a factor of 10 or more.
514 Chapter 18

TABLE 18.1 Magnitude

Earthquake Magnitude Scale The magnitude of an earthquake is an objective measure of the amount of ener-
gy released. It is a much more precise measure than intensity. Earthquake magni-
tudes are based on direct measurements of the size (amplitude) of seismic waves,
Magnitude Number per Year
made with recording instruments, rather than on subjective observations of de-
1 700,000 struction. The total energy released by an earthquake can be calculated from the
2 300,000 amplitude of the waves and the distance from the epicenter. The first attempt by
3 300,000 seismologists to express magnitudes of earthquakes resulted in the Richter scale
4 50,000 (Table 18.1), which assigns a single number to an earthquake. Each step on the
scale represents an increase in wave amplitude by a factor of 10. The vibrations of
5 6000
an earthquake with a magnitude of 2 are therefore 10 times as great in amplitude
6 800 as those of an earthquake with a magnitude of 1, and the vibrations of an earth-
7 120 quake with a magnitude of 8 are 1 million times as great in amplitude as those of
8 20 an earthquake with a magnitude of 2. The increase in total energy released, how-
>8 1 every few years ever, is about 30 times for each step on the scale. The largest earthquake ever
recorded had a magnitude of approximately 8.8 on the Richter scale. Significant-
ly larger earthquakes are not likely to occur because rocks are not strong enough
to accumulate more energy.
Recent refinements of the earthquake magnitude scale attempt to better dis-
tinguish the differences in large earthquakes. One such modification, called the
moment magnitude scale, is the most widely used measure of earthquake magni-
tude today. The moment magnitude scale is designed to reflect the amount of en-
What is the difference between the mag- ergy released by an earthquake. The magnitudes reported by the media are com-
nitude and intensity of an earthquake? monly from this scale.
An added advantage of the moment magnitude scale is that the magnitude of
an ancient earthquake can be calculated from measurements of the amount of slip
along the fault scarp. Like the standard Richter scale, moment magnitudes are log-
arithmic and range to about 10, but the absolute values are slightly different on the
two scales, especially at the high end of the scale. Thus, the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake had a Richter magnitude of 7.9 and a moment magnitude of 8.2. The
largest known earthquake on the moment magnitude scale had a magnitude of
9.5. Moment magnitudes are used in the rest of this chapter.


In addition to ground shaking and surface faulting, earthquake hazards

include submergence, liquefaction, tsunamis, and landslides. Fires and
floods caused by breakage of water lines or dam failures are also important.

Earthquakes pose a significant threat to much of the worlds population. On av-

erage, several tens of thousands of people die each year because of large earth-
quakes. Figure 18.6 shows the expected probability of earthquakes in the conter-
minous United States. The principal areas exposed to earthquake risk are in the
western United StatesCalifornia, Nevada, Utah, and Montanabut there are
significant risks elsewhere in the country as well.The primary effect of earthquakes
is the violent ground motion caused by movement along a fault. This motion can
shear and collapse buildings, dams, tunnels, and other rigid structures (Figure 18.7).
What kinds of secondary damage are Secondary effects include soil liquefaction, landslides, tsunamis, and submergence
caused by earthquakes? of the land. Following are a few examples of well-documented earthquakes.

San Francisco, 1906. The most destructive earthquake in the history of the United
States was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. This shallow earthquake was
located on a transform plate boundary. It lasted only a minute but had a magnitude
of 8.2. The fire that followed it caused most of the destruction (an estimated $400
million in damage and a reported loss of 700 lives). From a scientific point of view,
Seismicity and Earths Interior 515

High probability FIGURE 18.6 A seismic risk map shows the

likelihood that an earthquake of a certain magnitude
will occur. These predictions are based on the
Low probability distributions and sizes of past earthquakes.

(A) Earthquake of June 16, 1964, Niigata, Japan. Apartment houses tilted (B) Earthquake of January 1994, Northridge, California. Extensive
by liquefaction. About one-third of the city subsided as much as 2 m as a damage to freeway overpasses occurred. (Photograph by Geo-Tech
result of sand compaction. (Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey) Imagery)

(C) Earthquake of September 19, 1985, Mexico City, Mexico. A 15-story (D) Earthquake of February 9, 1971, San Fernando, California. Southern
reinforced concrete building collapsed. (Courtesy of U.S. Geological Pacific railroad tracks near Los Angeles were laterally displaced. (Courtesy
Survey) of U.S. Geological Survey)

FIGURE 18.7 The effects of historic earthquakes are dramatically displayed in the types of damage rendered to buildings and other structures.
516 Chapter 18

the earthquake was important because of the visible effects it produced along the
San Andreas fault zone. Horizontal displacement occurred over a distance of about
400 km and offset roads, fences, and buildings by as much as 7 m.

Alaska, 1964. The earthquake that devastated southern Alaska late in the
afternoon of March 27, 1964, was one of the largest tectonic events of modern
times. This convergent boundary earthquake had a moment magnitude of 9.2, and
its duration ranged from 3 to 4 minutes at the epicenter. Despite its magnitude
and severe effects, this quake caused far less property damage and loss of life than
other national disasters (114 lives were lost and property worth $311 million was
damaged) because, fortunately, much of the affected area was uninhabited. The
crustal deformation associated with the Alaskan earthquake was the most extensive
ever documented. The level of the land was changed in a zone 1000 km long and
500 km wide. Submarine and terrestrial landslides triggered by the earthquake
caused spectacular damage to communities, and the shaking spontaneously
liquefied deltaic materials along the coast, causing slumping of the waterfronts of
Valdez and Seward.These landslides triggered destructive tsunamis that swept the
states southern shoreline (Figure 18.8). Fires started when oil tanks at Seward
harbor ruptured.

Northridge, California, 1994. Early in the morning of January 17, 1994, an

earthquake of magnitude 6.6 struck Northridge, California, just north of Los
Angeles. It was followed by thousands of smaller aftershocks, including at least two
What is the difference between the tec- with magnitudes greater than 5. This earthquake, although modest compared with
tonic setting of the earthquakes in the much larger magnitude-8 earthquakes that can occur along the San Andreas
Japan versus those in California? Fault, was one of the most destructive in the region. It caused the deaths of more
than 50 people and $30 billion in property damage. The earthquake occurred on a
previously unknown reverse fault that does not reach the surface but dips beneath
the heavily populated San Fernando Valley. The focus of the quake was at a depth
of about 14 km. Shaking caused considerable damage, including the collapse of
several apartment buildings (where most of the people died), a parking garage, and
several freeway overpasses (Figure 18.7B).The ground surface was ruptured along
a 15-km stretch, with offsets as much as 20 cm. Overall, the ground was uplifted by
about 1 m, locally disrupting sidewalks, streets, and buildings.

FIGURE 18.8 Tsunamis from the 1964

Alaskan earthquake devastated the bay at
Seward. An overturned ship, demolished
truck, and torn-up dock strewn with logs and
scrap metal attest to the power of the wave.
A section of the waterfront slid into the bay.
Waves spread in all directions, destroying
railroad docks, washing out railroad and
highway bridges. Flaming petroleum spread
over the water, igniting homes and an
electrical generation plant. (Courtesy of
National Geophysical Data Center).
Seismicity and Earths Interior 517

FIGURE 18.9 The Northridge,

California, earthquake of January 1994
caused several types of damage. An
aftershock caused landslides and associated
dust plumes on Santa Paula Ridge. (Courtesy
of P. Morton)

The earthquake was also responsible for much secondary damage. Landslides
were common on steep mountain slopes, stripped bare of their vegetation by
earlier brush fires (Figure 18.9). Consequently, the Pacific Coast Highway and
many local streets were closed, hampering rescue efforts. Much of the secondary
damage was the result of destruction to built structures. Electrical power was
cut off for more than 3 million people. An oil main and more than 250 natural
gas lines were ruptured. Many homes and some businesses and university build-
ings burned, as sparks ignited gas leaking from the broken lines. Several homes
were caught in a fireball ignited when someone tried to start a truck moments
after the earthquake. Others were flooded when water lines were ruptured. Strik-
ing views of towering flames and billowing smoke above flooded streets were
shown on television and in newspapers, vividly recording the significance of these
secondary effects.

Kobe, Japan, 1995. The worst earthquake to hit Japan since 1923, this tremor
destroyed much of the port city of Kobe on January 17, 1995. In this city of 1.4
million, nearly 5500 died, largely because of building collapse.The homes of 300,000
people were rendered unsafe. More than 600 fires started from broken gas lines and
burned out of control because of ruptured water lines. The Kobe earthquake had
a moment magnitude of about 7.2, and its focus was about 20 km deep.
In monetary terms, this was the largest earthquake disaster in history, causing
direct losses of $140 billion. If an earthquake of similar magnitude had shaken the
more densely populated Tokyo area, it could have caused direct losses of more
than $1 trillion, to say nothing of casualties.
The cause of the Kobe earthquake was the subduction of the oceanic Philippine
plate beneath southern Japan (Figure 18.10). Note in the figure that the directions
of plate movement are not head-on but converge at an oblique angle. Because of
this oblique collision, part of the displacement is taken up by movement along a
long strike-slip fault zone. The main shock occurred along a fault in this zone.
The actual rupture of rock caused by the earthquake started 20 km from Kobe
and moved rapidly toward the city. It broke the surface along a northeast-trend-
ing zone at least 9 km long.Thousands of aftershocks continued on this same trend
in a zone 60 km long for several days after the quake. Both vertical and horizon-
tal movements were about 1 or 2 m. An earthquake of this size probably occurs
every 1000 to 1500 years along this strand of the main Kobe fault zone.
518 Chapter 18


plate Trench
Strike Kobe Pacific
slip fault plate



FIGURE 18.10 The 1995 Kobe, Japan, earthquake occurred on a

strike-slip fault that accommodates some of the deformation above a
northward-dipping subduction zone. (Photograph by Michael

Shaking and liquefaction were the main causes of damage. Liquefaction occurs
when unconsolidated, water-saturated regolith, soil, or landfill loses its strength
and behaves like a fluid when shaken by an earthquake. Liquefied soils are unable
to support buildings and other structures. In the Kobe earthquake, extensive liq-
uefaction destroyed many buildings, bridges, highways, and utilities (sewer, gas,
and water lines). Much of the city is built on human-made islands and landfill
placed atop a granite basement and thus was susceptible to failure. Liquefaction
most strongly affected areas with shallow water tables. As a result, geysers of wet
sand erupted from fissures and covered many islands in the city. Subsidence, also
a result of liquefaction, ranged from 0.5 to 3 m. Many buildings on landfills tilted
Why does Japan have so many because of ground settlement. However, buildings supported on deep piles sus-
earthquakes? tained little or no damage.
This earthquake was about the same size as the Northridge, California, earth-
quake. However, many more people were killed in Kobe, and more damage was
done. The likely reason was not any difference between the two earthquakes but
a great difference in the human aspect: Kobe has an extremely dense population,
older buildings, and construction on liquefiable landfill materials.

Izmit, Turkey, 1999. A long strike-slip fault slices across northern Turkey,
connecting two convergent plate boundaries (Figure 18.11). Its size and deadly
potential are comparable to that of Californias San Andreas fault. During the
early morning hours of August 17, 1999, one segment of the fault broke, producing
a magnitude 7.4 earthquake. The epicenter was near the city of Izmit, 80 km south
of Istanbul. A single gigantic heave created displacements of 3 to 4 m along a
rupture 160 km long. The earthquake destroyed hundreds of buildings, damaged
industrial and port facilities, a military base, pipelines, and roads, and was
responsible for the collapse of bridges. As a result, nearly 20,000 people died and
600,000 were homeless. In some cities near the epicenter, 70% of the buildings
collapsed or were uninhabitable. Surface faulting, ground shaking, subsidence,
liquefaction, and even a small tsunami were responsible for most of the damage.
Thousands of aftershocks plagued the area for several months after the earthquake.
The large number of deaths in this heavily populated region brought the practices
of contractors and building inspectors under intense scrutiny.
Seismicity and Earths Interior 519
THE ART Radar Interferometry Reveals Earthquake Deformation

0 20


(Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)

On October 16, 1999, a huge earthquake was triggered at a the two images. But if the ground changes ever so slightly
depth of about 6 km along the infamous San Andreas fault between the two radar scans, then the phase of the wave re-
system of southern California. With a moment magnitude turned from some spots in the second image are different.
of 7.1, it set off a series of waves that rumbled through the A map of these phase changes, called an interferogram, is
crust of the sparsely populated region. Moments later, the displayed as a series of colored fringes that are like con-
tear reached the surface and rapidly spread along the fault tour lines on a topographic map. Each fringe marks 10 cm
system. The maximum strike-slip displacement along the of vertical ground motion.
fault was 5 m, and the rocks on one side of the strike-slip The map shows a nearly continuous picture of the mag-
fault heaved upward, forming a scarp 3 m high. Breakage nitude and distribution of the deformation caused by the
extended for a distance of 50 km and to a depth of about Hector Mine earthquake. By starting at edges and counting
15 km. Beyond these limits, the earthquake energy was in- the number of color bands and multiplying by 10 cm, you
sufficient to actually break the rocks. can see that deformation was strongest right along the sur-
High above this scene an orbiting satellite (European face rupture (black lines) and amounted to as much as 5 m.
Remote Sensing satellite ERS-2) snapped a picture of the Clearly, displacement was not limited to a small area along
Mojave desert with its radar acting as a flashlight to illu- the fault scarp. However, deformation declines with distance
minate the scene below. By comparing this image with one away from the fault.
taken a month earlier, a map of the extent of disruption This technique works best in regions where vegetation
was madewithout ever setting foot in the desert. and other changes are minor. Thus, polar and arid regions
This technique is called satellite interferometry and is are ideal. It provides many advantages over slow and ex-
based on the simple notion of a before-and-after picture pensive ground surveying, especially in remote areas. Even
with an ingenious twist. Optical sensors record only the thick cloud cover does not obscure the surface from a prob-
brightness (or amplitude) of light waves reflected off a sur- ing radar systemwater droplets and ice crystals do not im-
face. Radar instruments measure both the amplitude and pede the radio signals. Images can be taken in the dead of
the exact point in the oscillation cycle where the radar wave night because radar systems have their own illumination
hits the surface and bounces back to the satellite.This point source.
is called the phase of the returned wave. Since radar waves Satellite radar interferometry can be used to rapidly map
have wavelengths of a few tens of centimeters, a surface deformation along faults that have ruptured in earthquakes,
change of only a few millimeters causes a significant phase to follow swelling volcanoes as magma accumulates beneath
change. A deviation of a centimeter results in a phase them, or to map their sagging as magma drains away. Other
change of 40%, an amount that can be easily measured, geologists use interferometry to quietly monitor landslides
even by a satellite orbiting hundreds of kilometers above. in remote areas or to watch the direction and amount of ice
If two satellite images are taken from exactly the same po- movement in glaciers or in sea ice. Ocean currents can also
sition, there should be no phase difference for any spot on be measured by interferometry.
520 Chapter 18

Black Sea

1000 9100
8500 2600





FIGURE 18.11 The 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake occurred on a strike-slip fault system that connects two convergent plate boundaries. The
red line shows the length of the fault that actually ruptured. The trace of the fault is marked by lakes, an inlet of the sea, and a line separating
different types of landforms. It was responsible for the deaths of 20,000 people. The number of deaths at each location is given in the white boxes.
(Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)

Tangshan, China, 1976. The great Tangshan quake, which shook China in the
early morning hours of July 28, 1976, was probably the second most devastating
earthquake in recorded history. (The most destructive also occurred in China, in
1556.) In a matter of seconds, a large industrial city was reduced to rubble. The
enormous shock registered 7.8 on the magnitude scale; an aftershock with a
magnitude of 7.1 struck late in the afternoon, destroying structures that had
withstood the main quake. The total amount of energy released by the earthquake
and its aftershocks is almost unbelievable: the equivalent of 400 atomic bombs of
the size dropped on Japan at the end of World War II.When the quake struck, many
people were catapulted into the air, some as high as 2 m, by what were described
as violent, hammer-like blows.The Tangshan quake killed 240,000 people, and many
more were seriously injured. Most people were killed when their houses collapsed
on them. All of the citys lifelines were destroyed, including bridges, railroads,
telephone, electricity, water, and sewers. Fortunately, there were no natural gas lines
in the city. Of the 680,000 residential buildings near the quake, 650,000 suffered
serious damage. Eighty percent of the water reservoirs were damaged. Before the
earthquake, little attention had been paid to earthquake resistance in the local
building codes, and the buildings were highly vulnerable to seismic damage.
Moreover, much of the city was built on young, unconsolidated sediments, which,
as noted earlier, tend to amplify earthquake intensity (Figure 18.5).
The earthquakes focus was 11 km deep and caused movement in a fault zone
120 km long and 20 km wide. Ground fissures opened up, some with a lateral slip
of 1.5 m. Liquefaction of wet sediments drove sand gushers from holes as wide as
1 m across. There were no foreshocks; in fact, no earthquakes of any size were de-
tected in more than 2 months before the devastating blow came in July. In contrast,
aftershocks continued for 4 years, and some 24,000 separate events were identified.

Other Earthquakes. The earthquake that shook Peru on May 31, 1970, had a
magnitude of 7.8. Claiming the lives of 50,000 people, it was the deadliest
earthquake in Latin American history. Much of the damage to towns and villages
was caused by the collapse of adobe buildings, which are easily destroyed by
ground motion. Eighty percent of the adobe houses in an area of 65,000 km2 were
destroyed. Vibrations caused most of the destruction to buildings, but the massive
Seismicity and Earths Interior 521

landslides triggered by the Andes quake were a second major cause of fatalities.
In a matter of a few minutes, a huge debris avalanche buried 90% of the resort
town of Yungay, with a population of 20,000. In 1797 similar earthquake-triggered
debris avalanches killed 41,000 in Ecuador and Peru and, in 1939, killed 40,000
people in Chile.
Another type of earthquake hazard is exemplified by the 1960 earthquake that
occurred in the Andes of Chile and caused extensive damage from a tsunami, in
addition to ground motion, landslides, and flooding. It triggered a spectacular
tsunami that devastated seaports with a series of waves 7 m high. This tsunami
crossed the Pacific at approximately 1000 km/hr and built up to 11 m in height at
Hilo, Hawaii. Nearly a day after the quake, the tsunami reached Japan, causing
damage to property estimated at $70 million (Figure 15.29).


Effective short-term earthquake prediction, which could save many lives

and millions of dollars in property damage, is proving to be elusive.
Preparation is a more achievable goal.

Considerable effort has been made to find methods of predicting earthquakes.

More than a million earthquakes occur around the world each year; about 50 are
large enough to cause property damage and loss of lives. Some people have tried
to relate earthquakes to sunspots, tides, changes in the weather, the alignment of
planetary bodies, and other phenomena but have ignored many facts about Earths
seismicity.As a result, their predictions fail. Scientists have struggled with the prob-
lem, and significant strides have been made. Yet, predicting the location and mag-
nitude of an earthquake is still an elusive goal.
Chinese scientists claim to have been successful in predicting about 15 earth-
quakes in recent years. In spite of the fact that there is no scientific evidence that
animals can sense the advent of an earthquake, Chinese predictions rely heavily
on the centuries-old idea that animals sense various underground changes before
an earthquake and hence behave abnormally. Cattle, sheep, and horses refuse to
enter their corrals; rats leave their hideouts and march fearlessly through houses;
shrimp crawl on dry land; ants pick up their eggs and migrate en masse; fish jump Why is earthquake prediction so
above the surface of the water; and rabbits hop about aimlessly. Chinese scientists, difficult?
using a variety of precursory activities, successfully predicted the large (magni-
tude 7.3) Haicheng earthquake that occurred on February 4, 1975. In late 1974 the
water table in this region periodically rose and fell. Well water became turbid and
the ground tilted in some places. The most bizarre events occurred in mid-
December, when snakes came out of hibernation and froze to death, and groups
of rats appeared and scurried about. These events were followed by a swarm of
small earthquakes that led to a prediction of a magnitude-6 or larger earthquake
by January or February. Continued abnormal animal behavior, and another swarm
of earthquakes on February 1, were accompanied by variations in electrical con-
ductivity of the ground. Some water wells spouted into the air; others stopped pro-
ducing water. Finally, at 10 A.M. on February 4, seismologists convinced the provin-
cial government to issue a warning by telephone to begin the evacuation of
Haicheng. Schools, factories, and businesses were closed. Medical rescue teams
were mobilized. The earthquake struck at 7:36 P.M. the same day. In some areas,
more than 90% of the houses collapsed. Thousands of lives were spared, and many
people were convinced that earthquakes could be predicted.This hope was dashed
2 years later by the unpredicted Tangshan earthquake already described.
An ambitious attempt to predict earthquakes has also been made along an ac-
tive strand of the San Andreas Fault system near the small town of Parkfield, Cal-
ifornia (see Figure 20.19). This area was the site of a string of regularly spaced
522 Chapter 18

Predicted earthquake 19871993



1900 1901
FIGURE 18.12 Six Parkfield
earthquakes between 1857 and 1966
happened almost as regularly as the ticks of
a clock. This regularity led to a prediction
that a major earthquake would occur 1857
between 1988 and 1993 (yellow circle). That
earthquake is now overdue showing just how 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Predicted
difficult they are to predict. Parkfield earthquakes

earthquakes beginning in 1857 (Figure 18.12). Six large earthquakes, with magni-
tudes of about 6, occurred at Parkfield between 1857 and 1966.An earthquake oc-
curred on average every 21 or 22 years. Recognizing this regular spacing, geo-
physicists predicted that a major earthquake should occur in about 1987, and that
certainly one would occur before the end of 1993. As a result, the strike-slip fault
near Parkfield has become a natural laboratory, with a host of instruments arrayed
along the fault to measure strain across it, as well as small changes in elevation, re-
lease of gas from the soil, magnetic-field variations, electrical properties, and small
earthquakes that might be foreshocks. In theory, a fault can begin to move weeks
or months before the sudden rupture that marks a major earthquake.
The 1993 deadline has now come and gone and no major earthquake has
struck Parkfield. Warnings were issued several times when small earthquakes,
less than magnitude 4.7, were triggered on the fault. The warnings were based
on the hypothesis that the small quakes could be foreshocks. Aside from those
events, however, no sign of slip or other changes that might precede a major
earthquake has been detected. The hypothesis that a fault is a simple system
that gradually stores stress and then releases it at a specific threshold may need
to be reconsidered. Some computer models of stress accumulation and relief
through faulting suggest that fault behavior is likely to be so chaotic that the
long-term prediction of earthquakes may be impossible. Have the monitoring
and instrumentation at Parkfield been a waste of money? Certainly not. The in-
formation gleaned, even if it is negative with regard to earthquake prediction,
has greatly expanded our understanding of the complex response of Earths
crust to tectonic stress.
Instead of attempting to predict the time, place, and magnitude of an expected
earthquake, geologists are now concentrating on the more modest goal of fore-
casting which areas may be most susceptible to significant quakes. One approach
is to calculate the probability that an earthquake of a certain magnitude will occur
in a certain period ranging from decades to centuries.
Another contribution to forecasting has been the compilation of maps showing
the seismic potential of major plate boundaries. Figure 18.13 essentially shows lo-
cations along the plate boundaries, where major quakes are most likely to occur
in the near future. Along the plate margins are several gaps in seismic activity,
where stress may be building to a critical level. The most susceptible areas are
those where major tremors have occurred in the past, but not in the last 100 years.
At various times, these gaps included such heavily populated areas as southern
California, central Japan, central Chile, Taiwan, and the west coast of Sumatra.
Some of the gaps have now been filled with recent earthquakes. For example, the
Seismicity and Earths Interior 523

Seismic gap
strain accumulating
Stress released

FIGURE 18.13 Seismic gaps are important in earthquake forecasting. Areas along plate margins that are not
seismically active are believed to be building up stress and may be sites of significant seismic activity in the future. In
the gray areas, earthquakes have relieved strain within the last 40 years, but in the red-shaded areas, no large quakes
have occurred and strain is still building.

1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in northern California occurred in a seismic gap

identified by the U.S. Geological Survey. The forecast called for a 30% probabili-
ty of a magnitude-6.5 earthquake within a 30-year window. Other large earth-
quakes occurred in seismic gaps along the western coast of Mexico in 1979 and
another off the coast of Nicaragua in 1992 (magnitude 7.6). The rest of these areas
appear likely to experience a major earthquake (magnitude of 7 or greater) in the
next few decades.

Earthquake Preparation
Because earthquakes are still difficult, if not impossible, to predict, societies around
the world need to prepare for them in an attempt to minimize destruction. Prepa-
ration involves several important steps. The first is to acquire a thorough under-
standing of where past earthquakes occurred, under the assumption that they will
strike there in the future. Such a seismic risk map is shown for the United States
in Figure 18.6. Maps are also made for much smaller areas that show a specific
type of earthquake hazard (surface rupture, landslides, and soil liquefaction, for ex-
ample). Such maps can then be used as the basis for community zoning laws. In
high-risk areas, stiffer building codes need to be in place. Critical facilities (hospi-
tals, fire stations, and schools) should be placed where seismic hazards are lowest.
Zoning laws should prohibit development in some areas. In other areas, even in the What is the best way to prepare for an
same city, where seismic hazards are smaller, zoning requirements and building earthquake?
codes can be more lenient, reflecting the smaller risk.
To see how important and effective this approach is, compare the results of
four earthquakes. The 1989 Loma Prieta (San Francisco) earthquake occurred in
an area with strict building codes. The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.9, and
about 65 people died. The 1988 earthquake in Armenia also had a magnitude of
6.9, but 28,000 people died when their poorly constructed homes and apartment
buildings collapsed on them. In Latur, India, a magnitude-6.4 earthquake killed
more than 11,000 people in 1993, in an area where little thought had been given
to earthquake preparation. The walls in homes there were as much as 1.5 m thick,
but the walls were made by stacking boulders together and filling the gaps be-
tween them with mud and pebbles. The walls crumbled as the earth shook. In
the 1999 earthquake in Turkey where 20,000 people died, the importance of
building with rigorous standards was revealed when whole neighborhoods built
524 Chapter 18

in violation of existing codes collapsed and adjacent ones built to the required
standard survived. One expert concluded, Almost all of the casualties could be
attributed to buildings that collapsed because they were not built to code. Build-
ing codes save lives.


The distribution of earthquakes delineates plate boundaries. Shallow-focus

earthquakes coincide with the crest of the oceanic ridge and with
transform faults between ridge segments. Earthquakes at convergent plate
margins occur in a zone inclined downward beneath the adjacent continent
or island arc.

A worldwide network of 125 sensitive seismic stations was established in 1961 by

the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Since then, the network has been expand-
ed greatly, and the data received are processed by computers at many seismic data
centers such as the one in Golden, Colorado. From the worldwide network of
How are earthquakes related to plate seismic stations, seismologists have compiled an amazing amount of data con-
boundaries? cerning earthquakes and plate tectonics. Not only are the locations and magni-
tudes of thousands of earthquakes established and plotted on regional maps
each year, but other information, such as the direction of displacement on earth-
quake faults, is collected. The result is a new and important insight into the de-
tails of current plate motion.

Global Patterns of Earths Seismicity

Tens of thousands of earthquakes have been recorded since the establishment of
the worldwide network of seismic observation stations.Their locations and depths
are summarized in the seismicity map in Figure 18.14. From the standpoint of
Earths dynamics, this map is an extremely significant compilation because it shows
where and how the lithosphere of Earth is moving at the present time.

Divergent Plate Boundaries. The global patterns of Earths seismicity show a

narrow belt of shallow-focus earthquakes that coincides almost exactly with the
crest of the oceanic ridge and marks the boundaries between divergent plates.This
zone is remarkably narrow compared with the zone of seismicity that follows the
trends of young mountain belts and island arcs. The shallow earthquakes along
divergent plate boundaries are usually less than 15 km deep and typically are small
Why arent there as many damaging in magnitude. Earthquakes associated with the crest of the oceanic ridge occur
earthquakes in Iceland, which sits within, or near, the rift valley. They appear to be associated with normal faulting
astride a plate boundary, as in Japan? and intrusions of basaltic magmas. Detailed studies indicate that earthquakes
associated with the ridge crest are produced by normal faulting.

Transform Plate Boundaries. Shallow-focus earthquakes also follow the

transform faults that connect offset segments of the ridge (Figure 18.14). Studies
of fault motion indicate horizontal (strike-slip) displacement away from the ridge
crest. Moreover, as is predicted by the plate tectonic theory, earthquakes are
restricted to the active transform fault zonethe area between ridge axesand
do not occur in inactive fracture zones. The most damaging transform zone
earthquakes are those found on landincluding the San Andreas fault and the
Anatolian fault of northern Turkey, where several strong earthquakes occurred
in 1999.

Subduction Zones. On Earth, the most widespread and intense earthquake

activity occurs along subduction zones at convergent plate boundaries.This belt of
Seismicity and Earths Interior 525

Oceanic ridge Trenches Shallow-focus Intermediate-focus Deep-focus

and transforms (0-50 km) (50-300 km) (300-600 km)

FIGURE 18.14 Earths seismicity is clearly related to plate margins. This map shows the locations of many earthquakes that occurred
during a 5-year period. Shallow-focus earthquakes occur at both divergent and convergent plate margins, whereas intermediate-focus and deep-
focus earthquakes are restricted to the subduction zones of converging plates.

seismic activity is immediately apparent from the world seismicity map (Figure
18.14), which shows a strong concentration of shallow, intermediate, and deep
earthquakes coinciding with the subduction zones of the Pacific Ocean.The three-
dimensional distribution of earthquakes in this belt defines seismic zones that are
inclined, at moderate to steep angles from the trenches, and extend down under the How are earthquakes at convergent plate
adjacent island arcs or continents. Along convergent plate boundaries, earthquakes boundaries different from those at
occur at depths as great as 660 km. No other tectonic setting produces earthquakes divergent boundaries?
as deep as this.

Collision Zones. The Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau define a wide belt of
shallow earthquakes. In this area, two continents collidedIndia and Asia. This
convergence produced the wide zone of exceptionally high topography in the
Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, but no deep earthquakes because there is no
longer a subduction zone.

Intraplate Seismicity. Although most of the worlds seismicity occurs along plate
boundaries, the continental platforms also experience infrequent and scattered
shallow-focus earthquakes. The zones of seismicity in East Africa and the western
United States are most striking. They are probably associated with incomplete
rifting. The minor shallow earthquakes, in the eastern United States (including
New Madrid, Missouri, and South Carolina) and Australia, are more difficult to
explain. Apparently, lateral motion of a plate across the asthenosphere involves
slight vertical movement. Built-up stress can exceed the strength of the rocks within
the lithospheric plate, causing infrequent faulting and seismicity along old lines of
weakness such as ancient rifts. Although these continental intraplate earthquakes
may be large, they are infrequent. In terms of the total energy released by seismicity
each year, they account for only 0.5%.
526 Chapter 18


Seismic waves passing through Earth are refracted in ways that show
distinct discontinuities within Earths interior and provide the basis for the
belief that Earth has a distinctive core.

Speculations about the interior of Earth have stimulated the imagination of hu-
mans for centuries, but only after we learned how to use seismic waves to ob-
tain an X-ray picture of Earth were we able to probe the deep interior and for-
mulate models of its structure and composition. Seismic wavesboth P waves
How can seismic waves X ray Earths and S wavestravel faster through rigid material than through soft or plastic
internal structure? material. The velocities of these waves traveling through a specific part of Earth
thus give an indication of the type of rock there. Abrupt changes in seismic wave
velocities indicate significant changes in Earths interior.
Seismic waves are similar in many respects to light waves, and their paths are
governed by laws similar to those of optics. Both seismic rays and and light rays
have velocities that depend on the kind of material through which they are
transmitted. Both move in straight lines through homogeneous bodies. If the
waves encounter a boundary between different substances, however, they are ei-
ther reflected or refracted (bent). Familiar examples are light waves reflected
from a mirror or refracted as they pass from air to water.
If Earth were a homogeneous solid, seismic waves would travel through it at
a constant speed in all directions. A seismic ray (a line perpendicular to the
wave front) would then be a straight line, like the ones shown in Figure 18.15.
Early investigations, however, found that seismic waves arrive progressively
sooner than was expected at stations progressively farther from an earthquakes
source. The rays arriving at a distant station travel deeper through Earth than
those reaching stations closer to the epicenter. Obviously, then, if the travel
times of long-distance waves are progressively shortened as they go deeper into
Earth, they must travel more rapidly at depth than they do near the surface.
The significant conclusion drawn from these studies is that Earth is not a ho-
mogeneous, uniform mass, but has physical properties that change with depth.

Wave front

FIGURE 18.15 Seismic waves in a homogeneous FIGURE 18.16 Seismic waves in a differentiated
planet would be neither reflected nor refracted. Lines planet would pass through material that gradually
drawn perpendicular to the wave fronts (rays) would increases in rigidity with depth. As a result, wave
follow linear paths. velocities would increase steadily with depth, and rays
would follow curved path.
Seismicity and Earths Interior 527

As a result of these differences with depth, seismic rays are believed to bend and
follow curved paths through Earth (Figure 18.16).
In 1906 scientists first recognized that whenever an earthquake occurs, there
is a large region on the opposite side of the planet where the seismic waves are
not detectable. To better understand the nature and significance of this shadow
zone, refer to Figure 18.17. For an earthquake at a particular spot (labeled 0),
a shadow zone for S waves invariably exists beyond 103 from the earthquakes
focus. This huge S wave shadow zone extends almost halfway around Earth, op-
posite the earthquakes focus (Figure 18.17). Evidently, something stops the
waves so that they do not reach the other side of Earth. This was the first evi-
dence that Earth had a core made of something distinctly different from the
rest of the planet. S waves simply do not pass through this core. One of the im- What is the principal evidence that
portant properties of shear waves (like S waves) is their inability to move Earth has a core?
through liquids. S waves are transmitted only through solids that have enough
elastic strength to return to their former shapes after being distorted by the
wave motion. The fact that S waves will not travel through the core, therefore,
is generally taken as evidence that the outer core is liquid. This, combined with
Earths magnetic field and high density, implied that the core was made of
molten iron.
The effect of the core on P waves is also informative but more complex (Fig-
ure 18.18). The shadow zone for P waves forms a belt around the planet be-
tween 103 and 143 away from the earthquakes focus (Figure 18.19). Evidently,
the P waves are deflected but not completely stopped by Earths core. Conse-
quently, they are not detected in the shadow zone. Seismic rays traveling through
the mantle follow curved paths from the earthquakes focus and emerge at the
surface between 0 and 103 from the focus (slightly more than a quarter of the
distance around Earth). In Figure 18.18, ray 1 just misses the core and is re-
ceived by a station located 103 from the focus. Ray 2, however, being steeper
than ray 1, encounters the cores boundary, where it is refracted. It travels more
slowly through the core, is refracted again at the cores boundary, and is finally

Source FIGURE 18.17 The shadow zone of

0 S waves extends almost halfway around the
globe from the earthquakes focus. This
phenomenon can be explained if the outer
core of Earth is liquid. Because S waves
cannot travel through liquid, they do not
pass through the core.

with liquid outer portion

103 103


S wave
shadow zone
528 Chapter 18

Earthquake focus

Many waves Many waves

received received

FIGURE 18.18 A P wave shadow

zone occurs in the area between 103 and
143 from an earthquakes focus. The best
way to explain the P wave shadow zone is to
postulate that Earth has a central core
through which P waves travel relatively
slowly. Ray 1 just misses the core and is 1
received at a station located 103 from the
earthquakes focus. A steeper ray, such as Core
ray 2, encounters the boundary of the core
and is refracted. It travels through the core, 103 103
is refracted again at the cores boundary,
and is received at a station fewer than 180
from the focus. Similarly, ray 3 is refracted 3
and emerges at the surface 143 from the Shadow Shadow
focus. Other rays that are steeper than ray 1 zone 2 zone
are severely bent by the core, so that no 1a
P waves are directly received in the shadow 143
zone. From shadow zones, seismologists
calculate that the boundary of the core is
2900 km below the surface. Many P waves received

received at a station on the opposite side of Earth. Ray 3 is similarly refracted

and emerges on the opposite side, 143 from the focus. Other rays that are steep-
er than ray 1 are also refracted through the core and emerge between 143 and
180 from the focus. Thus, refraction at the boundary between the core and the
mantle causes the P wave shadow zone.
More recent studies of the P wave shadow zone show that some weak P waves
are received in this zone.This is the evidence for the presence of a solid inner core,
which deflects the deep, penetrating P waves in the manner shown in Figure 18.19.

FIGURE 18.19 P waves are deflected

by the inner core and are received in the
shadow zone as weak, indirect signals. This
deflection suggests that the inner core is

Inner 103

120 P-wave
shadow zone

Seismicity and Earths Interior 529


Seismic discontinuities reveal the size of Earths crust, mantle, and core
and show that they have different chemical compositions. In addition,
seismic studies reveal much about the physical nature of the interior,
revealing a solid inner core, a liquid outer core, a soft asthenosphere, and a
rigid lithosphere. Seismic tomography is beginning to reveal the pattern of
convection in the mantle.

With the present worldwide network of recording stations, even minor variations
in seismic velocities with depth, known as seismic discontinuities, can be deter-
mined with considerable accuracy. Seismic wave velocity versus depth curves, like What are seismic discontinuities? What
the one in Figure 18.20, provide a huge amount of significant information about do they reveal about Earths interior?
Earths interior. The first seismic discontinuity occurs between 5 and 70 km below
the surface. This is known as the Mohorovici c discontinuity, or simply Moho, after
Andrija Mohorovici c, the Croatian seismologist who first recognized it. The dis-
continuity is considered to represent the base of the crust and heralds an impor-
tant compositional change from the feldspar-rich crust to the olivine-rich mantle.
Seismic wave velocity studies also show that the continental crust is much thicker
(25 to 70 km) than oceanic crust (about 8 km).
Perhaps the most significant discontinuity, however, is the low-velocity zone
from 100 to 250 km below the surface (Figure 18.21). Beno Gutenberg, a German
seismologist, recognized this zone in the 1920s. The normal trend is for seismic
wave velocities to increase with depth in the mantle. In the low-velocity zone, how-
ever, the trend is reversed, and seismic waves travel about 6% slower than they do
in adjacent regions. The generally accepted explanation for the low seismic wave
velocities is that the mantle is very near its melting point or even partially molten,
with perhaps 1% to 5% liquid.A thin film of liquid around the mineral grains may

P wave
Mantle Mantle Asthenosphere
S wave
Depth (km)

4000 Outer
Outer core

Inner core Inner

6000 core

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Velocity (km/sec)

FIGURE 18.20 The internal structure of Earth is deduced from variations in the velocity of seismic waves at depth. The
velocity of both P waves and S waves increases until they reach a depth of approximately 100 km. There the waves are slow until
they have traveled to a depth of about 250 km. This low-velocity layer lies within the asthenosphere. Below this, the velocity of P
waves and S waves increases until a depth of about 2900 km, where both velocities change abruptly. S waves do not travel through
the central part of Earth, and the velocity of the P waves decreases drastically. This variation is the most striking discontinuity and
indicates the boundary between the liquid outer core and the mantle. Another discontinuity in P wave velocity, at a depth of 5000
km, indicates the surface of the solid inner core.
530 Chapter 18

0 0

Observed seismic velocity


O li

v in

Low-velocity zone

Depth (km)
Depth (km)





P wave




7.5 8.0 8.5 7 8 9 10 11 12
P-wave velocity (km/sec) P-wave velocity (km/sec)

FIGURE 18.21 The low velocity zone is revealed by FIGURE 18.22 Discontinuities in seismic wave
a drop in the velocities of both P waves (shown here) and velocities may correspond to phase changes. The blue line
S waves. This marks a zone of low strength in the upper shows how P wave velocities change with depth. The other
mantle between about 100 and 250 km below the surface. lines show velocities for various minerals. The uppermost
The low-velocity zone is contained in the asthenosphere mantle is dominated by olivine. Below 400 km a velocity
and marks part of the mantle that is very near its melting increase implies olivine is replaced by spinel. At greater
point and may be a zone of partial melting. depths, spinel is probably replaced by magnesium-
perovskite. Each change increases the density of the mantle.

slow both S and P waves. Moreover, rocks near their melting points are very weak
and ductile. The low-velocity zone is embedded within the asthenosphere. The as-
thenosphere plays a key role in the motion of tectonic plates at Earths surface. If
Earth lacked a weak, ductile asthenosphere, the upper part of the mantle would
be directly tiedfrozen, if you willto the lower part of the mantle, and plate
motions would be prohibited. Apparently, the asthenosphere effectively decou-
ples the moving lithosphere from the lower part of the mantle.
Other changes in seismic velocities occur in the mantle at depths of about 400
and 660 km to create a transition zone between the upper and lower mantle (Fig-
ure 18.22). These discontinuities are probably caused by phase changes: a meta-
morphic transformation of the minerals in the mantle (unlike the compositional
change that marks the Moho). Seismic velocities suggest olivine and pyroxene are
the dominant minerals in the upper mantle. With increasing depth and pressure,
denser phases, with more-compact atomic structures, become stable. For example,
garnet gradually replaces pyroxene between 300 and 500 km in depth. Olivine is
unstable at depths greater than about 400 km, where a denser mineral (magne-
sium spinel), with the same composition but a different internal structure, replaces
it. This metamorphic transformation probably causes the seismic discontinuity at
400 km depth (Figure 18.22). The discontinuity at 660 km depth may be caused by
the replacement of spinel by two different magnesium-rich minerals (magne-
siowustite [(Mg,Fe)O] and perovskite [(Mg,Fe)SiO3]). The seismic wave veloci-
ties suggest that perovskite is much more abundant (Figure 18.22).
The most striking variation in seismic wave velocities occurs at the core-man-
tle boundary, at a depth of 2900 km (Figure 18.20).There, S waves stop, and the ve-
locities of P waves are drastically reduced. The seismic wave velocities and densi-
ty of the outer core can be explained if there is a striking change in composition
and physical state. Laboratory studies of seismic wave velocities and comparisons
with meteorites show convincingly that the core must be made mostly of iron. The
outer core is most likely made of molten iron mixed with nickel, together with
Seismicity and Earths Interior 531

some lower density elements such as silicon or sulfur.The light component is need-
ed to explain the density of the core which is about 10% less than pure iron. The
deepest discontinuity is a strong increase in seismic velocity.The increase shows that
the inner core is less compressible and more rigid than the outer core. Apparent-
ly, the inner core is solid (Figure 18.20). Even though the temperature must be
higher, the extremely high pressures found inside the deep Earth make the more
compact solid phase of iron more stable.


Convection of the core and mantle is the most important mechanism of

heat transfer in Earth. Convection in the iron core probably creates the
magnetic field, and convection in the mantle creates mantle plumes and
plate tectonics.

Observations such as the three-dimensional seismic tomographs are driving a rev-

olution in our understanding about convection in Earths interior. Our newly ac-
quired ability to construct three-dimensional tomographic images of Earths deep
interior opens up the breathtaking prospect of tracing tectonic plates as they plunge
below the surface in a subduction zone and descend into the deep mantle. In ad-
dition, calculations of how the mantle and the core flow are becoming increasing-
ly more realistic as more complete data about the interior are used.

Convection in the Core

Seismic velocity studies clearly show Earths core is made mostly of iron and di-
vided into a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. With the help of three-di-
mensional computer models, we are beginning to chart the flow of the molten iron
alloy that forms the outer core and speculate about the origin of Earths magnet-
ic field. At 5000C, the temperature of Earths core approaches the temperature
of the surface of the Sun, but it is slowly cooling as the inner core crystallizes. Con-
sequently, a system of convective currents is established in the molten outer core.
Moving metals can produce an electric current if the metal passes through a mag-
netic field. This principle is used to make electrical generators (dynamos) where-
in conductive metallic wires are spun inside a magnetic field. In turn, an electrical
current can generate a magnetic field (see Figure 17.7). The magnetic field may be
caused by Earths rotation combined with convection of the molten metal in a
shell surrounding the inner core (Figure 18.23). This creates a self-sustaining dy-
namo. Changes in these convective flow patterns may cause periodic polarity re-
versals (see Chapter 17).
Seismic maps of the core-mantle boundary show that the surface of the core is
not smooth but is marked by broad swells and depressions with a difference in
height of up to 20 km. A rough boundary could disturb the flow of the liquid iron
in the outer core, much as a mountain influences the flow pattern of winds. Some
seismic studies also suggest that Earths solid inner core spins a bit faster than the
rest of the planet.

Convection in the Mantle FIGURE 18.23 Earths magnetic field

probably forms by convection of the outer
Another way Earth shows its dynamic nature is by the large-scale convection of core, which is made of molten iron. A
its mantle. Indeed, Earth is a large heat engine constantly churning by internal computer model of convection shows
convection. The changes in mineral assemblage and density of the mantle out- magnetic field lines as a smooth dipole with
lined above may help control the way the interior of Earth convects. The result blue lines directed inward and gold field
lines directed outward. The field inside the
of combining seismic data about the mantles layered structure with computer core is much more complex.(Courtesy of
simulations of temperature distribution and internal convection are shown in Gary A. Glatzmaier, University of California,
Figure 18.24. Santa Cruz.)
532 Chapter 18

Hotspot Midocean

oundary barrier
se b
P ha
FIGURE 18.24 Earths thermal Subduction
structure and convection can be modeled zone e Plume
using computers to complement the os
observations of seismic tomography. In one es Subduction
model, subducted slabs pass without pausing
through the phase boundary at 660 km. In
of slabs
another model, the phase boundary is a
temporary barrier that is broken down when Outer
enough subducted material accumulates and core
then flushes rapidly through the lower
mantle. The lower mantle may convect by
generating thin plumes that rise off of the Inner
core-mantle boundary. Some of the plumes core
may be triggered by the sinking of the dense
overlying mantle.

One possibility is that the upper mantle convects separately from the lower man-
tle because of the differences identified by seismic discontinuities (Figure 18.24).This
model suggests that the mantle may convect in two more or less distinct layers that
are usually separated by the 660 km discontinuity. The lower mantle may convect
by generating narrow cylindrical plumes, shown in the model as yellowish mush-
room-like fingers projecting from the core-mantle boundary. In the computer mod-
els, some of these plumes penetrate the upper mantle and reach all the way to the
surface, supporting the notion that volcanic hotspots are related to deep upwellings
in the mantle. Convection of the upper mantle may be driven by the sinking of cold,
dense slabs of subducted lithosphere. Perhaps strong rock in the lower mantle pro-
What does seismic tomography tell us hibits the slabs from penetrating the phase boundary at 660 km. However, the cold
about Earths internal structure? slabs slowly accumulating above the boundary could eventually have enough weight
to break through the barrier and flush into the lower mantle. To understand this
process, think of what happens if you place a small piece of iron on a coffee table.
Iron is denser than wood, but it would not immediately sink through the table be-
cause of the strength of the wood. If you continue stacking more and more iron on
the table, it will eventually break and the iron will fall to the next barrier to its
movement, presumably the floor. It may take several hundred million years of sub-
duction to amass a cold sinker that could break through the boundary. Three-di-
mensional numerical models show that these avalanches take the shape of broad
cylindrical pipes with greatly enlarged bases, created when the cold rock hits the
dense, impenetrable core. Each flushing event may trigger an upward counterflow
as material from the lowest part of the mantle moves upward to balance the down-
ward flow of the cold avalanche (Figure 18.24). Periods of enhanced volcanism on
the real Earth could be a plume response to a flushing event.
In a competing model, the whole mantle convects as a single unit. Subducting
slabs of oceanic lithosphere may be dense enough to pass unobstructed through
the boundary between the upper and lower mantle (Figure 18.24). Recently con-
structed tomographic sections give some support to the suggestion.They show that
Why do we believe the mantle is inclined sheets of anomalously cold rock extend through the 660 km discontinu-
moving in a slow convection system? ity and into the lowermost mantle. Ultimately, deeply subducted oceanic lithos-
phere must stall at the core-mantle boundary because it is less dense than the
metallic core. And indeed, a large concentration of anomalously cold rock has
been found at the core-mantle boundary. Why would cold material be present in
a place where we would expect to find hot mantle created by the flow of heat from
the convecting iron core? These deep-mantle cold spots lie below subduction zones.
Could the cold rock correspond to ancient oceanic lithosphere, still distinctive be-
cause of its composition and lower temperature? Has dense oceanic lithosphere
accumulated there over billions of years, to form a slab graveyard?
THE ART Seismic Tomography of Earths Mantle

(Courtesy of P. Morin)

During the last decade, scientists have utilized a new ana- ings, will rise, whereas cool mantle rock will sink. Thus, the
lytic technique, known as seismic tomography, that promis- tomograph can be used to outline the patterns of convective
es to greatly enhance our knowledge of the deep internal flow in the mantle.
structure of Earth, including the pattern of flow in the man- The three-dimensional view of the mantle obtained from
tle. Seismic tomography is like its medical analog, the CAT seismic tomography provides an unparalleled view of the ef-
scan (computer-assisted tomography; tomograph is based fects of plate tectonics on Earths interior. At a depth of
on a Greek word, tomos, meaning section). In a medical 150 km, slow seismic zones occur under most of the volcanic
CAT scan, X rays that penetrate the body from all direc- regions, including the midocean ridges. This is evidence that
tions are used to construct an image of a slice (cross sec- the mantle directly beneath the midocean ridges is hotter
tion) through the body. Bones, organs, and tumors are iden- and probably less dense than normal. As a result, it is prob-
tified because they have different densities and absorb X ably rising.At still greater depths of 350 km, there is still hot
rays differently.With the aid of a computer, these images are rock (shown in red on the image) concentrated beneath the
stacked side by side to produce a three-dimensional view. ocean ridge system. Beneath the mid-Atlantic ridge this zone
In seismic tomography of Earths interior, natural seis- of hot rock is not continuous, but is broken up into isolated
mic waves from earthquakes are used as X rays are. Using segments.At depths even greater than those shown here, the
the vast network of seismographs around the world, seis- relationship between mantle and surface features is even
mologists analyze the velocities of hundreds of thousands weaker.This indicates that the ocean ridge system is not sim-
of seismic waves as they pass through Earth in different ply the surface expression of vertical upwelling currents from
directions. the deepest mantle. Instead, midocean ridges must be fed by
Geophysicists use computers to produce three-dimen- the movement of hot material in the upper mantle.
sional images of Earths interior from the data. The results In contrast to the mantle beneath the ocean basins, the
show regions where seismic waves travel faster or slower continental shields of Canada, Brazil, Siberia, Africa, and
than normal. Geophysicists know, from laboratory studies Australia are all underlain by mantle that has higher than
and from observations near volcanoes, that seismic waves normal velocities (blue on this tomograph) and must be
travel slowly through the relatively weak, hot rock and some of the coldest mantle. This cold upper mantle forms a
quickly through stronger,cooler rock. The tomographs can deep root beneath the continents and may not convect with
thus be interpreted as temperature maps. In addition, hot the rest of the mantle, but is part of the lithosphere and
parts of the mantle, being less dense than their surround- moves with the continents.

GeoLogic Inclined Seismic Zones




Philippines >7


(Courtesy of Paul Morin)

Earthquakes are like a two-edged sword. On the one 5.The deepest earthquakes on Earth occur in these inclined
hand, they are devastating and kill thousands of people seismic zones.
and cause billions of dollars of damage each year. On the 6. Earthquakes do not occur below about 600 km depth.
other hand, they have helped us understand many of the
fine points about Earths internal structure. For example, Interpretations
consider the following facts about earthquake focal Initially, this small set of observations led geologists and geo-
depths in the northwestern Pacific region shown on this physicists to conclude that great slabs of oceanic crust were
globe with a transparent crust. being thrust beneath the continents. Eventually, we realized
that it was not just the crust that was involved, but an entire
Observations plate of lithosphere is descending into the interior.The ocean-
1. Earthquakes occur only in brittle, cool rocks. ic lithosphere is denser than the continental lithosphere; in
2. Earthquakes form narrow zones that are inclined below fact, it can become denser than the mantle beneath it and
volcanic arcs with andesitic composite volcanoes. subduct back into Earths interior. Earthquakes occur at
3. Here, and around the Pacific Ocean, these inclined earth- great depths only in subduction zones, because the oceanic
quake zones all dip beneath the adjacent continent. plate is cold and brittle as it descends into the warmer man-
4.The earthquake zone reaches the surface at a deep ocean- tle. Once the plate descends to depths greater than 600 km,
ic trench. it is too warm to rupture and form an earthquake.

Seismicity and Earths Interior 535

compressional wave (p. 511) intermediate-focus S wave (secondary wave) seismograph (p. 510)
deep-focus earthquake (p. 511) earthquake (p. 511) (p. 511) shadow zone (p. 527)
earthquake (p. 510) liquefaction (p. 518) seismic discontinuity (p. 529) shallow-focus earthquake
elastic limit (p. 510) magnitude (p. 514) seismic ray (p. 526) (p. 511)
elastic-rebound theory (p. 510) Moho (Mohorovicic seismic risk map (p. 523) shear wave (p. 511)
discontinuity) (p. 529) seismic tomography (p. 533) surface wave (p. 511)
epicenter (p. 510)
moment magnitude (p. 514) seismic wave (p. 510)
focus (p. 510)
P wave (primary wave) (p. 511)
intensity (p. 512)

1. Explain the elastic-rebound theory of the origin of earth- 11. What do seismic velocity-depth diagrams (see Figures 18.18
quakes. and 18.20) tell us about Earths internal structure?
2. Describe the motion and velocity of the three major types 12. What changes could explain the transition zone between
of seismic waves. the upper and lower mantle between 400 and 660 km?
3. Explain how the location of an earthquakes epicenter is 13. How does the cause of the Mohorovicic discontinuity differ
determined. from the cause of discontinuities at 400 and 660 km?
4. What secondary effects commonly accompany earth- 14. Where is the low-velocity zone and why is it important for
quakes? plate tectonics?
5. Describe the difficulties geologists have encountered in try- 15. Where and how is Earths magnetic field thought to be
ing to predict earthquakes. generated?
6. How can a seismic gap be used to predict an earthquake? 16. How does the presence of anomalously hot (low seismic
7. Describe the global pattern of earthquakes. wave velocity) material below the oceanic ridges of the Pa-
8. Compare the relative earthquake hazard along a divergent, cific support the plate tectonic model?
transform, and convergent plate boundary. 17. Why are the continents underlain by cold mantle?
9. How does the depth of earthquakes indicate (a) convergent 18. Compare convection styles in the upper and lower mantle.
plate margins and (b) divergent plate margins? 19. Trace the path of a hypothetical slab of oceanic lithosphere
10. Draw a diagram showing the paths that would be followed from its production at a midocean ridge to its ultimate
by seismic rays through Earth if the core were only half the demise.
diameter shown in Figure 18.17.

Bolt, B. A. 1999. Earthquakes. New York: W. H. Freeman. Gore, R. 2000. Wrath of the Gods:Centuries of Upheaval Along
Brumbaugh D. S. 1999. Earthquakes, Science and Society. Upper the Anatolian Fault. National Geographic 192(7): 3271.
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Gore, R. 1995. California earthquakes. National Geographic
Chen, Yong, et al. 1988. The Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976: 187(4): 237.
An Anatomy of Disaster. Oxford: Pergamon. Pakiser, L. C. 1991. Earthquakes. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govern-
Clark, G. C. 1995. Swallowed up. Earth 3(4): 3441. ment Printing Office.
Fowler, C. M. R. 1990. The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Glob- Yeates, R. S., K. Sieh, and C. R. Allen. 1996. The Geology of
al Geophysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Earthquakes. New York: Oxford University Press.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations that show how earthquake waves propagate
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Models of mantle convection
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with more examples of earthquake damage
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
19 Divergent Plate
Although we have studied the ocean and used its resources for thousands of years, until
now the details of the ocean floor have remained mysterious. Using sophisticated radar
instruments carried by satellites, we have constructed for the first time accurate maps of
the ocean floor that reveal the dominant role played by divergent plate boundaries among
Earths dynamic systems.
The ocean ridge is part of the global system of divergent plate boundaries that encircles
the planet. High mountainous ridges coincide with these boundaries and extend through all
of the ocean basins in a nearly continuous seam that is tens of thousands of kilometers
long. Oceanic ridges are the sites of the most active volcanism on Earth. Occasionally, the
rift valleys become boiling cauldrons when basalt, fresh from the mantle, erupts from long
fissures onto the ocean floor. The volcanic rocks of the high ridge are so hot and porous
that seawater easily circulates through the crust. Where the water exits, dense plumes of hot

water belch from fragile chimneys that rise as high as skyscrapers. Here the crust is so
active that its movement away from the ridge can be measured in centimeters per year.
The panorama above shows the oceanic ridge where it rises above sea level in Iceland.
The entire area is built of floods of young basalt cut by a shallow rift valley extending
through the center. A shallow lake partially fills the graben. The long linear fissures formed
during rifting between volcanic episodes. Shallow earthquakes rattle the country during
volcanic eruptions and rifting episodes. The road snakes its way from the high rift flank
across a tensional fracture and onto the floor of the broad rift valley. In fact, tour buses, like
the one on the road, can take visitors from the North American plate, on the right, across
the rift to the Eurasian plate on the left.
Throughout Earths long history, the geologic processes operating at divergent plate
boundaries have been among the most fundamental forces that shaped our world. It is at
divergent plate boundaries that continents split and move apart, creating new continen-
tal margins, many of which contain valuable resources such as petroleum, natural gas,
and salt. In this chapter, we examine these divergent plate boundaries as parts of Earths
plate tectonic system. We first study the role they play in the formation of oceanic crust
and then explore how they form when continents split and move apart to form new
ocean basins.

Photograph by Motomaro Shirao.

1. Divergent plate boundaries are zones where lithospheric plates move apart
from one another. They are characterized by tensional stresses that typical-
ly produce long rift zones, normal faults, and basaltic volcanism.
2. An oceanic ridge marks divergent plate boundaries in the ocean basins. It is
a broad, fractured swell with a total length of about 70,000 km. Basaltic vol-
canism and shallow earthquakes are concentrated along the rift zone at the
ridge crest.
3. The ridges characteristics depend upon the spreading rate. As oceanic litho-
sphere moves away from the ridge, it cools, becomes thicker and denser, and
4. Oceanic crust is generated at divergent plate boundaries and is composed of
four major layers: (a) deep marine sediment, (b) pillow basalts, (c) sheeted
dikes, and (d) gabbro. Below the crust lies a zone of sheared peridotite in
the upper mantle.
5. At divergent plate boundaries, basaltic magmatism results from decompression
melting of the mantle. The magma then collects into elongate chambers be-
neath the ridge, and some is intruded as dikes or extruded along the rift zone.
6. Seawater is heated as it circulates through the hot crust and causes extensive
metamorphism. Locally, the hydrothermal fluids produce hot springs on the
7. Continental rifting occurs where divergent plate margins develop within con-
tinents. The East African Rift, the Red Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean illustrate
the progression from continental rifting to seafloor formation.
8. Continental rifting creates new continental margins marked by normal faults
and volcanic rocks interlayered with thick sequences of continental sedi-
mentary rocks. As the continental margin subsides, it is gradually buried be-
neath a thick layer of shallow-marine sediments.


A midoceanic ridge marks a divergent plate boundary in an ocean basin. It

is a broad, fractured swell, marked by basaltic volcanism and earthquakes.
As the oceanic lithosphere moves away from the ridge, it cools, becomes
thicker and denser, and subsides.

The discovery of divergent plate margins only a few decades ago changed forev-
er our understanding of Earths dynamics. It is along divergent plate margins that
the longest and most important mountain chain of our planet is located (Figure
19.1). Beneath divergent plate margins chambers are filled with hot magma that
is episodically extruded to form new oceanic crust.
The creation of new oceanic crust is the fundamental process that occurs at a
midocean ridge. Indeed, more rock is generated at this type of divergent plate
boundary than by all other processes combined. Since the early periods of Earths
history, igneous activity along divergent plate margins has generated enough basalt
to cover the entire Earth with a layer about 120 km thick. As new crust forms,
however, it continually spreads away from the ridge crest at rates of several cen-
timeters per year. The newly formed basaltic crust is cooled by circulating sea-
water at a rate sufficient to filter the entire oceans water within a few million
years. These circulating waters alter the hot oceanic crust, thereby creating large
volumes of metamorphosed basalt.

Divergent Plate Boundaries 539



3.8 5.5

10.7 2.8

Ind 9.5
9.5 i a n R id
6.4 1.5 6.4

FIGURE 19.1 The midocean ridge (red) extends as a major structural feature around the entire globe and marks divergent plate
boundaries. The thickness of the line is proportional to the rate of spreading. The numbers give spreading rates in cm/y. Note the rate of spreading
along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is slow, so the ridge is high and rugged and is cut by a deep rift valley. The ridge in the eastern Indian Ocean
spreads at an intermediate rate. The East Pacific Rise typically spreads at 15 cm/yr, about six times faster than the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Methods of Study
Our new knowledge of the ocean floor comes from a variety of direct and indirect
observations. One is the use of sophisticated sonar equipment, which provide im-
ages of the ocean floor similar to relief maps of the continents made from aerial
photography. In addition, the sound waves penetrate the upper layers of the ocean-
ic crust, revealing its internal structure (Figure 19.2). Numerous dredge and drill- How do we see the topography and
core samples have been obtained from specially designed oceanographic ships. landforms of the ocean floor?
Closeup examination of the seafloor from divers in small submarines also has re-
vealed much about this concealed part of our planet. Only small parts of the ocean-
ic ridge are exposed above sea level, allowing direct examination of the process-
es that create oceanic crust even as it forms. However, a few large segments of
ancient oceanic crust have been thrust up and over continental rocks where geol-
ogists can study oceanic crust on dry land.

Abyssal valley Abyssal
hills hills
Sediment Sediment

FIGURE 19.2 Seismic reflection profiles of the midocean ridge provide

some of the fundamental data concerning the topography and the
characteristics of divergent plate margins. A profile across the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge at 44 north shows the outline of the surface plus the subsurface
structure. The crest of the ridge is marked by a deep rift valley, which can be
traced along most of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Note the layers of marine
sediment along the flanks of the ridge and their absence at the ridge crest. The
vertical scale is greatly exaggerated for this 500-km-long transect.
540 Chapter 19

These direct studies are supplemented by various indirect studies using geo-
physical measurements such as paleomagnetism, seismicity, gravity, and heat flow.
These geophysical measurements give us the ability to see not only the surface
of the ocean floor, but also the internal structure of the oceanic crust. In the last
few years, declassified sea surface measurements collected by military satellites
have been converted to topographic maps covering nearly all of Earths ocean
floor (see the inside cover). All of these observations combine to provide a firm
basis for constructing models of how divergent plate margins operate.

Topography of Midocean Ridges

The oceanic ridges are the most pronounced tectonic features on Earth. If they
were not covered with water, the ridges would be visible from the Moon. A mid-
oceanic ridge is essentially a broad, fractured swell, a huge feature generally more
than 1500 km wide (the width of Texas), with peaks rising as much as 3 km above
the surrounding ocean floor. Its local relief is thus greater than some mountain
ranges on land.
Remarkably, the midoceanic ridge is a nearly continuous feature around the
entire globe, like the seam of a baseball (Figure 19.1). The ridge extends from the
Arctic Basin, down through the center of the Atlantic, into the Indian Ocean, and
across the South Pacific, ending in the Gulf of California, a total length of about
70,000 km. Without question, it is the greatest mountain system on Earth. The
internal structures of the mountains of the oceanic ridge, however, are noth-
ing like the mountains of the continents, which largely consist of folded and meta-
morphosed sedimentary rocks. By contrast, the ridge is composed entirely of
basalt and is not deformed by folding. Its main structures are due to extension-
al forces, resulting in normal faulting and basaltic igneous activity. The midocean
ridge is not one continuous fracture. It is broken into segments defined by off-
sets (Figure 19.3B). Many involve transform faults and their extensions called
fracture zones, which are some of the most prominent features on the ocean
floor. Small overlaps and minor bends also create irregularities in the trend of
the ridge (Figure 19.4).
Many detailed characteristics of the ridge are apparent in Figure 19.5, which
shows the Juan de Fuca Ridge. You can see that the broad ridge is arched up and
broken by many faults, which form linear hills and valleys. The highest and most
rugged topography is along the axis, and a prominent rift valley marks the crest of
some ridges throughout much of their lengths. Locally, volcanoes have complete-
ly filled the rift valley and rise above its crest. The East Pacific Rise displays much
less rugged topography and does not possess a prominent central rift valley (Fig-
ure 19.3A). Oceanic sediments are thickest on the flanks of the ridge, but they thin
rapidly toward the crest (Figure 19.2).
The characteristics of a ridge depend on its spreading rate. Where the rate of
spreading is slow (less than 5 cm/yr), as in the North Atlantic (Figure 19.1), the
oceanic ridge is steeper and more rugged and mountainous, and a prominent rift
valley develops along the axis (Figure 19.3B). At intermediate spreading rates (5
to 9 cm/yr), as in the southern part of the Indian Ocean Ridge, the topography is
more subdued and the rift valley is only 50 to 200 m deep.At faster spreading rates
(greater than 9 cm/yr), as in the eastern part of the East Pacific Rise, the ridge
topography is relatively smooth and no rift valley develops (Figure 19.3A).
Regardless of spreading rates, however, all ridge crests are marked by a zone of
volcanic activity and fissures (Figure 19.5). Away from the ridge crest, the topog-
raphy is controlled by active normal faults. Some 10 to 15 km from the axis, there
is little volcanic activity or faulting. Thus, the actual plate boundary, the place of
intense geologic activity, is a narrow zone only 20 to 30 km wide.

Cooling and Subsidence of Oceanic Crust. The elevation of the ocean floor is
strongly influenced by its temperature. This simple observation is the result of an
Divergent Plate Boundaries 541
2 Fast spreading

East Pacific Ridge

0 50


(A) Fast-spreading ridges, such as the East Pacific Ridge, usually have gentle slopes and lack a prominent rift valley at the ridge crest.

Slow spreading

MidAtlantic Ridge
0 100


(B) Slow-spreading ridges, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, have steeper flanks and prominent rift valleys. Transform faults offset the ridge in
numerous places.

FIGURE 19.3 Spreading rate helps control many features of an oceanic ridge. (Courtesy of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory/Columbia
542 Chapter 19

FIGURE 19.4 Overlapping ridge segments along the East Pacific Rise are shown in this color-coded topographic map. Deep-ocean floors are
shown in blue, changing upward to green, yellow, red, and white. The important features in this image are the overlapping ridge segments that end in
hook-shaped curves and merge with the adjacent ridge. Volcanic peaks flank the ridge. Considerable vertical exaggeration of relief is employed along
this 100-km-long transect. (Courtesy of Ken C. Macdonald, University of California, Santa Barbara)

equally simple principle that we have repeatedly employed in our investigations

of Earth systems: Hot rocks are expanded and less dense than cooler rocks of the
same composition. Thus, hot rocks rise to a higher level. Because oceanic crust
forms by magmatic processes at the midocean ridge, the crest of the ridge is hot.
As the oceanic crust moves away from the ridge, it cools. In fact, the temperature
of the oceanic crust bears a simple relationship to the distance from the spreading
ridge: The farther away from the ridge, the cooler the oceanic crust.
How does the topography of the ridge As a result of cooling, the oceanic crust becomes denser and subsides as it moves
in the North Atlantic differ from that of away from the ridge crest. Consequently, the depth to the ocean floor depends on
the East Pacific Rise? What causes this the seafloors age (Figure 19.6). Most studies show that the subsidence of ocean-
difference? ic crust is proportional to the square root of its age. A theoretical curve based on
this heat loss model can be calculated that matches the observed depths. Water
depth increases from about 2.5 km at the ridge crest to 3 km where the crust is
2 million years old, 4 km where it is 20 million years old, and 5 km where the crust
is 50 million years old. In other words, the approximate age of the ocean crust can
be estimated from its depth below the sea surface. Because cooling and subsidence
depend on age, a fast-spreading ridge has a broader, gentler profile than a slow-
spreading ridge (Figure 19.3).
An important corollary of this principle holds that there is a direct relationship
between global spreading rates and sea level. If spreading rates increase, the mid-
ocean ridge inflates and rises higher toward the sea surface. This expansion re-
duces the volume of the ocean basin, causing sea level to rise. As a result, shallow
seas spill onto the stable platforms of the continents. Conversely, if seafloor spread-
ing rates drop, sea level also drops, and the shallow seas withdraw from the conti-
nents. For example, a decrease in the spreading rate from 6 cm/yr to 2 cm/yr along
Divergent Plate Boundaries 543

FIGURE 19.5 Midocean ridges, like this one along the Juan de Fuca Ridge off the coast of Washington, are regions where episodes of
volcanism and tectonism alternate. The high part of this ridge is a shield volcano with a shallow summit crater. The lower parts of the ridge toward
the top of the image are where volcanism is less active and normal faulting, extension, and thinning are the dominant processes, as indicated by the
long linear fault blocks. Volcanic peaks or seamounts flank the rise on both plates. Near the bottom of the image, a large volcano was ripped in half
by rifting. The ridge terminates near the top of the image in a long transform fault marked by a deep trough, flanked by parallel ridges. (Courtesy
NOAA PMEL Vents Program)

a ridge that is 10,000 km long will drop global sea level by about 100 m. Such sea
level changes are not rapid; they develop over tens of millions of years.
These changes in sea level may have profoundly affected the evolution of world
geography throughout geologic time. Indeed, one of the great central themes of
geologic history is the expansion and contraction of shallow seas over the conti-
nents, as witnessed by the numerous formations of shallow-marine sedimentary
rocks that cover the stable platforms of all continents. With expanding and con-
tracting seas, the climate and other aspects of the physical environment are sig-
nificantly changed, including living space for shallow-marine and terrestrial or-
ganisms, and thus the evolution and extinction of many species are also affected.
Closeup View of the Rift Zone. Deep-sea submersibles, both piloted and robotic,
North Atlantic
have provided spectacular closeup pictures of the rift zones at divergent plate 3000
North Pacific
boundaries. Thousands of photographs show that the ridge surface is covered with
Depth of seafloor (m)

fresh lava flows, including thin, smooth sheet flows as well as pillow basalt. It is Cooling
plate model
important to note that almost no sediment covers even the finest details of the 5000
lava flow surfaces (Figure 19.7).This lack of cover is strong evidence that the basalt
is young and fresh; otherwise, oceanic sediment would cover and mask the pillow 6000
structures. Numerous open fissures in the crust also exist wherever the ridge has
been observed at close range (Figure 19.8). In one small area of only 6 km2, 400 7000

open fissures were mapped, some as wide as 3 m. These are considered conclusive
evidence that the oceanic crust is being pulled apart by extension. 0 40 80 120 160
Age of seafloor (millions of years)
The eruption of lava from these fractures, which parallel the rift valley, creates
long, narrow ridges, sheet flows, or small mounds of pillow lavas within the rift FIGURE 19.6 Subsidence of the ocean
valley. Besides the pillow basalts and fractures, many small shield volcanoes and floor occurs as the oceanic crust cools and
small fissure-fed flows dot the rift valley. In places, elongate volcanic troughs or moves off from the ridge crest. Individual
points represent the actual depth of the
collapsed lava lakes have been discovered by detailed mapping of the rift valley. seafloor, and the solid line shows the
In the rift valley, springs of hot, mineral-laden waters spew from chimneylike calculated depth based on heat loss and
vents (Figure 19.9). contraction of oceanic lithosphere.
544 Chapter 19

FIGURE 19.7 Pillow basalt along the

Mid-Atlantic Ridge was photographed up
close by scientists in the deep-diving
submarine Alvin. Little or no sediment
covers the basalt because this part of the
seafloor is very young. The large elliptical
pillow is approximately 1 m across. (Courtesy
of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

A unique and previously unknown community of living organisms thrives in

the darkness of the rift valley. These ecosystems are unusual in that, unlike the
rest of the known biosphere, they draw their nutrients and energy from the hot-
water solutions rising from the vents rather than from sunlight. These vent
communities contain 10,000 to 100,000 times more living matter than adjacent
deep-sea communities and are like isolated islands of deep-marine life. Crabs,
Why is there little or no sediment cov- worms, shrimp, and abundant bacteria cluster around the vents. The most spec-
ering the pillow basalts and sediment in tacular organisms are giant tube worms nearly 3 m long and giant clams up to 25
the rift zone? cm across (Figure 19.9).
We should reemphasize the important fact that the active rift zone is extremely
narrow, with volcanism and seafloor spreading occurring episodically in the same
zone. During a rifting episode, the volcanoes and their flows are ripped asunder,
roughly half going in each direction away from the center of the ridge. This ac-
tivity imparts a striking symmetry to the topography and structure of the ridge
a symmetry also revealed by the paleomagnetic stripes discussed in the preced-
ing chapter.

FIGURE 19.8 Open fissures along the

Mid-Atlantic Ridge were photographed
from the Alvin. Hundreds of such fissures
were mapped. Such fissures may be as much
as one meter wide and hundreds of
kilometers long. They clearly show extension
along the rift zone as the oceanic crust is
pulling apart. (Courtesy of Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution)
Divergent Plate Boundaries 545

FIGURE 19.9 Vents for hot, mineral-laden waters circulating through the hot rocks in the rift valley of an oceanic ridge cause black
smokers. This warm water provides a unique habitat for exotic life that can subsist without sunlight. A black smoker spews hot water from a
narrow chimney. The smoke is really dark minerals precipitating from the hot solution as it mixes with the cold ocean water. Giant tube
worms and giant clams do not possess guts; they are nourished by bacteria that live in their tissues. Other life forms include white crabs,
which swarm over the pillow basalt. (Courtesy of Br. Robert McDermott, S.J.)

As common as seafloor eruptions must be, very few have ever been observed.
However, several active eruptions on the midocean ridge have been located and
examined firsthand by use of underwater listening devices, formerly used only by
the military to track the movement of submarines. In 1993, 1996, and 1998
scientists were able to detect new eruptions of deep-sea volcanoes on the Juan de
Fuca Ridge off the Oregon coast. In 1993 a huge plume of warm water, rising above
the eruption site, was discovered by ships at the surface. A remotely piloted robot
submarine was lowered 2500 m to the seafloor to photograph the area and to col-
lect samples of fresh, glassy pillow lavas. With this new monitoring system now in
place, significant advances in our understanding of midocean ridge volcanic systems
are likely to come. We will finally know exactly where, when, and how often vol-
canic eruptions occur on the ridge.

A narrow belt of shallow-focus earthquakes coincides almost exactly with the crest
of the oceanic ridge and marks the boundary between divergent plates (Figure
19.10). This zone is remarkably narrow compared with the zone of seismicity that
follows the trends of young mountain belts and island arcs. Another very impor-
tant difference between earthquakes at convergent and divergent boundaries is
546 Chapter 19

their depth and size. Earthquakes along divergent plate boundaries are almost al-
ways less than 10 km deep and typically are small in magnitude.
Although the zone of seismicity along the midoceanic ridge looks like a near-
ly continuous line on regional maps, two types of boundaries, based on fault mo-
tion as determined from earthquakes, can be distinguished: spreading ridges and
transform faults (Figure 19.10). Earthquakes at the ridge occur within, or near, the
How does seismicity on the ocean floor rift valley.They are associated with intrusions of basaltic magma and normal fault-
differ from that along a subduction zone? ing. Locally, shallow earthquakes in the rift occur in swarms related to the move-
ment of magma in dikes. Why are there no deep earthquakes at the ridges? Earth-
quakes do not occur at great depth beneath the ridges, even though deformation
is active there. Instead, the hotter, deeper mantle deforms ductilely and does not
fracture as do the cooler and more brittle materials in the upper crust.
Shallow earthquakes also follow the transform faults that connect offset seg-
ments of the ridge (Figure 19.10), but they generally are not associated with vol-
canic activity. Studies of fault motion in the transform zone show strike-slip dis-
placement in a direction away from the ridge crest, in contrast to the vertical motion
on normal faults in the ridge crest.

Magnetic Anomalies
Magnetic surveys of the seafloor are easily accomplished, and measurements have
been carried out since the mid-1950s. Magnetometers towed behind a vessel mea-
sure the magnetic field intensity.The surveys revealed a pattern of magnetic stripes
of alternating high and low magnetic anomalies (Figure 19.11A). These bands are
remarkably persistent; many can be traced for hundreds of kilometers. Further-
more, the bands are parallel to the midocean ridges and are offset at fracture zones
just as the ridge crest is. As explained in Chapter 17, these anomaly bands are
caused by periodic reversals in the polarity of Earths magnetic field during seafloor
spreading (see Figure 17.10 and p. 504).

Divergent boundary Convergent boundary Shallow-focus earthquake

FIGURE 19.10 Seismicity along divergent plate margins is concentrated along the ridge crest and along transform faults. This map shows
the locations of thousands of earthquakes that occurred during a 5-year period. Shallow-focus earthquakes (generally less than 10 km deep) are
associated with normal faults along the ridge crest and strike-slip movement along transform faults.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 547

Reversals of the magnetic field thus produce spectacular markers of the ex-
pansion of the ocean floors. They act as a bar code, imparting a distinctive signa-
ture of the age and spreading rate of the ocean floor. These discoveries clearly
demonstrate seafloor spreading.

Heat Flow and Gravity

As you might expect for a volcanically active region, large amounts of heat are
released from the midoceanic ridge. Heat flow is a measure of the amount of
heat escaping per second from a given area and is usually measured in watts/m2.
Measurements show that heat flow is 10 times greater near the ridge crests than
for average oceanic crust (Figure 19.11C). In addition, the numerous hot springs
at active spreading boundaries show that significant heat is also carried out of the
crust by convecting pore water. These data imply that a large heat source
basaltic magmalies beneath the ridge axis. Heat flow diminishes rapidly as one
moves away from the spreading center.
Gravity measurements across an oceanic ridge show low values at the crest and
higher values on the adjacent flanks. This gravity anomaly indicates that materi-
als below the ridge are less dense than materials of the adjacent crust and mantle
(Figure 19.11B). Such measurements also suggest that the ridge is nearly in isostatic
equilibrium. Consequently, differences in elevation must also reflect differences in

Magnetism (A) Magnetic anomalies form a symmetrical pattern of

500 highs and lows centered on the ridge crest. The pattern
is caused by seafloor spreading and continuing magnetic

0 field reversals.


(B) The gravity values measured over an oceanic ridge

5 Gravity
are lower than in adjacent areas, indicating that the ridge
4 is underlain by lower-density rocks than the ridge flanks.


(C) Heat flow in the ocean basins peaks at the

Heat flow
Heat flow units

5 midocean ridge. Over only 300 km, heat decreases to

4 one-fifth its value at the ridge.

Cross section of ocean ridge (D) Gravity and heat flow imply that the ridge is high
Sediment because of the low density of the hot rocks and magma
there. The crust (with seismic velocities of 3.7 to
Depth (km)

5 Basalt 6.8 km/sec) and lithosphere are very thin at the ridge.
The layer with velocities of about 6.5 to 6.8 km/sec is
Hot gabbro
Gabbro interpreted to consist of gabbro. Seismic wave velocities
10 and
(6.56.8) are abnormally low (7.3 km/sec) beneath the ridge,
probably because of partial melting. The higher mantle
(7.3) Mantle
(7.98.4) velocities (7.9 to 8.4 km/sec) mark lithospheric mantle.
500 0 500 1000 (km)
FIGURE 19.11 Magnetism, gravity, heat flow, and seismic wave velocities at a midocean ridge reveal much about the internal structure and
origins of oceanic crust.
548 Chapter 19

density or thickness of the underlying lithosphere. The best explanation for the
gravity anomaly is that the lithosphere is very thin just below a ridge and that hot
asthenosphere with a lower density extends nearly to the surface. Putting togeth-
er the gravity anomaly and heat flow data, we can construct accurate models of
magma chambers and their surrounding environment beneath a midocean ridge
(Figure 19.11D).



Oceanic crust is composed of four major layers: (1) deep-marine sediment,

(2) pillow basalts, (3) sheeted dikes, and (4) gabbro. Below the crust lies a
zone of sheared mantle peridotite.

Although oceanic crust is much more difficult to study than continental crust be-
cause it lies deep below the ocean, seismic investigations of the ocean floor en-
able geologists to understand the internal structure and composition of the ocean-
ic crust. This understanding is greatly enhanced by direct studies of the ocean floor
at fracture zones, by field studies of fragments of oceanic crust thrust onto the con-
tinents (ophiolites), and by studies of Iceland, an active part of the oceanic ridge.

Seismic Studies
Seismic velocity and reflection studies show that the oceanic crust consists of four
major layers. From the top down, these have been designated as layers 1, 2, 3A, and
3B (Figure 19.12).
Layer 1 averages 0.4 km in thickness and has been extensively sampled by dredg-
ing and drilling. Samples show that this layer consists of fine mud that settled
How do we study the internal structure through the deep ocean waters. Layer 1 is thinnest near the ridge and thick-
of the oceanic lithosphere? ens on the flanks (Figure 19.2).
Layer 2 ranges from 1 to 2.5 km thick and has P wave velocities that increase
from 3.5 km/sec to 6.2 km/sec with increasing depth.
Layer 3 is the main layer of the oceanic crust and is about 5 km thick.This layer
is usually subdivided into two units. Layer 3A has a seismic velocity of about
6.8 km/sec. The underlying Layer 3B has a velocity of about 7.3 km/sec.
Beneath Layer 3 lies a zone where seismic velocities are abruptly higherabout
8 km/sec. This zone is interpreted to be the upper mantle.
It is important to emphasize that the seismic structure represents units defined
on variations in only one physical propertyseismic wave velocity. Consequent-
ly, the boundaries between these seismic layers do not necessarily correspond ex-
actly with the contacts between specific rock types as seen in drill holes or in ophi-
olites. Nonetheless, the seismic information reveals that the oceanic crust is layered
and that the layers are relatively undeformed, unlike continental crust. Moreover,
the seismic data provide a framework into which data from other sources can be
integrated to form an accurate interpretation of the structure of oceanic crust.

Studies of Ophiolites
Fortunately, numerous fragments of ancient oceanic crust, with its four layers, have
been thrust up on the continents. Here, geologists can study the crusts structure
and rock types, gaining information needed to interpret the nature and origin of
What is an ophiolite? the seismic layers described above. These fragments of ancient oceanic crust are
known as ophiolites (literally snake rock) because of some rocks similarity to
the color and texture of snakeskin. There are excellent descriptions of more than
Divergent Plate Boundaries 549
Velocity (km/sec)
2 4 6 8

Sediment 2

Depth below ocean floor (km)

Pillow basalt
FIGURE 19.12 The major rock
Sheeted dikes units in an ophiolite sequence are
3B shown in this idealized diagram. The
6 uppermost layer consists of deep-
marine sediments. Most of the rest of
Moho the crust is made of igneous rocks.
Pillow basalts and sheeted dikes form
Gabbro 8
Layered thin layers. Massive gabbro underlain
by layered gabbro forms the rest of the
Mantle crust. Peridotites, tectonites deformed
in the mantle, are the lowest rocks
10 found in some ophiolites. Ophiolites are
Mantle thought to be fragments of the ocean
floor thrust onto the continents.
Correlations with seismically
determined layers of the oceanic crust
are shown on the right.

100 ophiolites in mountain belts around the world. Most ophiolites were probably
accreted onto a continent at a convergent plate margin and now exist as deformed,
isolated fragments in folded mountain belts.
One of the most complete ophiolite sequences in the world is in Oman, on the
Arabian peninsula off the coast of the Indian Ocean (Figure 19.13). This sequence
of rock, as much as 15 km thick, extends about 500 km along the Arabian shore
and has a width of 50 to 100 km. The absence of soil and vegetation in the desert
climate provides excellent exposures. The Oman ophiolite has remained largely
undeformed, unlike others that have been compressed, folded, and faulted. The
sequence is only gently folded into broad anticlines. Stream erosion has cut
through the slab to expose a complete sequence of oceanic lithosphere from the
mantle up through the uppermost oceanic sediments. In studying the Oman ophi-
olite, we are able to walk across dry ocean floor and climb down into canyons to
observe one layer after another in a section through the entire oceanic crust and
down into the mantle below.
Careful field studies of the Oman ophiolite, as well as others, lead to the con- Persian Gulf
clusion that the four seismic layers seen in typical oceanic crust can be identified Qatar

and their origin interpreted. The correspondence between the main units in ophi- Muscat
olite sequences and the seismically determined layers of oceanic crust are shown 0 80 km U.A.E.

in Figure 19.12 and described in the following sections.

Saudi Ophiolite
Sediments. The uppermost layer of the Oman ophiolite sequence consists of a Arabia
relatively thin layer of deep-marine sediments (Figure 19.14). The thin layers are
made of clay and calcareous and siliceous mud derived from shells of microscopic
organisms (such as foraminifera, diatoms, and radiolarians).Thin beds of chert are Oman
common. Some thin graded beds of sand and mud were deposited by turbidity Yemen Arabian Sea
currents when this piece of oceanic crust was near the continental margin. In most

ophiolites, the sediment layer is several hundred meters thick. This layer has been
correlated with the sediments found on the ocean floor (Figure 19.12) and with the FIGURE 19.13 The Oman ophiolite is
seismically defined Layer 1. a large sheet of oceanic crust that was thrust
onto the Arabian peninsula during its
collision with Eurasia. The ophiolite is well
Basaltic Lavas. Below the sediments, the Oman ophiolite has a thick layer of exposed and reveals much about the internal
basalt lava flows with abundant pillows. This extensive mass of pillow basalt is structure of oceanic crust.
550 Chapter 19

unlike anything formed on the continents (Figure 19.15) and is evidence that
ophiolites originally formed on the ocean floor. More massive sheet flows have
columnar joints that developed as the lava cooled. Also common are lava breccias
consisting of fragmental debris, formed as the hot lava hit cold seawater.This entire
layer ranges from 1.0 to 2.5 km thick. In many places, basalt dikes and sills intrude
into the lower part of the lava sequence.This dominantly volcanic layer is most like
seismic Layer 2 (Figure 19.12).

Sheeted Dike Complex. Below the pillow basalts, a typical ophiolite has a layer
that consists almost entirely of dikes and is known as a sheeted dike complex. This
distinctive body of rock appears to form much of seismic Layer 3A (Figure 19.12).
The individual dikes are vertical tabular sheets a meter or so wide. From a distance,
this mass of vertical dikes looks like a sequence of sedimentary strata tilted at a
high angle (Figure 19.16). The dikes are igneous intrusions formed by injection of
magma into fissures and fractures.The total vertical thickness of this mass of dikes
is about 2 km. This is strange geology; for one who has seen only continental
sedimentary rocks, the sight of a huge rock mass consisting of nothing but igneous
dikes seems unreal.
Another important feature of the sheeted dike complex is the age relationship
of the dikes. Each vertical dike is progressively older than the adjacent one. Age
does not increase from the top of the body toward its base.At the top of the sheet-
ed dike complex, dikes intrude into the pillow basalt, but the central part of some
ophiolites is 100% dikes. The structure of the sheeted dikes has been compared to
a deck of cards standing on edge.
Close examination shows how the sheeted dike complex forms. Individual dikes
in these swarms are so numerous that they intrude into one another. A dike in-
trudes along a zone of weakness, which in an area with multiple magma-filled dikes
will be either along the margin or in the center of a preexisting dike. This process
occurs because an earlier dike may still be hot and therefore weak in the interior,
but cold and strong along its margins. Thus, a new fracture develops down the cen-
ter of a dike, where the rock is weakest. As a result, a new dike splits the older
How can you recognize a half dike? dike in half (Figure 19.17). The final result is the development of dikelike bodies
that are in essence half-dikes with chilled margins on only one side.

Gabbro. In ophiolites, the sheeted dikes grade downward into a zone of massive
gabbro (Figure 19.12). The gabbro may be coarse-grained. Below the massive
gabbros, the Oman ophiolite is composed mostly of layered gabbro and lesser
amounts of peridotite.

FIGURE 19.14 Deep-marine

sediments at the top of the Oman ophiolite
are thin beds of clay and chert. They were
originally deposited horizontally but were
tilted when the ophiolite sequence was
thrust onto continental crust.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 551

FIGURE 19.15 Pillow basalts exposed in Wadi Jizzi, Oman, illustrate the characteristics of Layer 2 of the oceanic crust. This rock unit is more
than 500 m thick and extends over a vast area in the Oman mountains. The pillows, or sausagelike structures, form as lava is extruded onto the seafloor
and chills rapidly in the cold water under high pressure. The outer surface of the pillows is smooth and glassy, the result of rapid quenching of the lava
as it contacted cold seawater.

FIGURE 19.16 Sheeted dikes exposed

in Wadi Hawasina, Oman, are nearly
vertical, almost exactly the way they were
intruded into the rift zone. Many dikes
intrude into earlier dikes, forming half-dikes
with chilled borders on only one margin, as
552 Chapter 19

Gabbro represents the main mass of the ophiolite sequence and may be as much
as 4.5 km thick.This part of an ophiolite has been correlated with the seismic Layer
3B. The seismic studies show gabbro is just as abundant in oceanic crust as it is in
the ophiolite.
The layering and composition suggest that these rocks crystallized from basaltic
magma contained in a magma chamber that cooled slowly at shallow depth beneath
a midocean ridge.The layers probably formed as crystals accumulated on the walls
and floors of the chamber to form distinct layers (Figure 19.18). Layers of chromite
(chromium oxide) also form along with the layered gabbros and are among the
richest chromium deposits in the world. The layering in these rocks is more regu-
lar than in the underlying mantle rocks.

Tectonites (Upper Mantle). The lower part of many ophiolite sequences is made
of rocks thought to have formed in the upper mantle (Figures 19.12 and 19.19).
These peridotites display a distinctive texture, suggesting ductile deformation at
high temperature during seafloor spreading: hence the term tectonite. A
pronounced lineation or foliation has been produced by the preferred orientation
of mineral grains and by concentration of minerals into distinctive layers during
deformation. The layers are typically stretched, folded, and refolded, showing that
significant flowage occurred during their formation (Figure 19.19B). In many
ophiolite sequences, the tectonites are between 5 and 7 km thick, but in some they
are as much as 12 km thick. This material was once in the upper mantle, which is
rarely exposed at the surface except in ophiolites. The change to high seismic
velocities seen at the base of oceanic crust appears to occur in a layer much like
the Oman tectonites.
In general, we can make strong correlations between the seismic layers of the
oceanic crust and the real compositional layers seen in ophiolites (Figure 19.12).
The seismic studies reveal just how far the layered character of oceanic crust ex-
tends. Moreover, both ways of studying the oceanic crust show it is very thin (about
6 to 8 km thick) when compared with crust formed at oceanic subduction zones (as
much as 20 km thick) or when compared with continental crust (25 to 75 km thick).

The Oceanic Crust Observed by Deep Submersibles

Although ophiolite sequences and seismic studies of the ocean floor reveal much
about the composition and structure of oceanic crust, natural cross sections have
also been studied directly on the ocean floor in a very few places using submarines.
One such area is the Vema Fracture Zone in the central Atlantic, a huge incision
in the oceanic crust expressed as a cliff about 3 km high. In 1988 geologists in the
French submersible Nautile observed and sampled a virtually complete section

FIGURE 19.17 Half-dikes form

when a normal dike (A) is split down its
hot center by a younger dike (B). The
center may be weak because it is still hot
and molten. A half-dike (C) has only one
chilled margin and is thinner than a
normal dike. Repeated intrusion (D) A. Normal dike B. New dike intrudes C. New dike D. Repeated intrusion
forms a sheeted dike complex above an chilled margins cools with quenched creates half dikes
ocean ridge magma chamber. A margins thinner and only one
representative cross section (E) of the chilled margin
sheeted dike complex in the Troodos
ophiolite complex, Cyprus, shows these

E. Troodos sheeted dike complex normal and half-dikes

Divergent Plate Boundaries 553

FIGURE 19.18 Layered gabbro in the

Oman ophiolite appears to have a structure
like sedimentary rocks. Early-formed
crystals rich in iron and magnesium settle to
the base of the magma chamber and
accumulate in distinct layers. Some layers
are graded, and others show cross-bedding.

through the oceanic crust in the Vema Fracture Zone (Figure 19.20). Their views
complement the observations made on land in ophiolites.
At the bottom of the cliff, the Nautile crew discovered peridotite from the upper
mantle altered to serpentinite during prolonged contact with seawater. (Serpen-
tinite is a metamorphic rock made of the hydrated mineral serpentine.) Continu-
ing up the slopes and cliffs of the fracture zone, the Nautile traversed a section of
gabbro at least 1000 m thick. Above the gabbro, the divers discovered a dike com-
plex 1000 m high, made exclusively of vertical basaltic dikes intruding into each
other.The last 800 m to the top of the fracture zone consisted of basaltic lava flows
and many pillows.
The sequence of rocks in this seafloor exposure is nearly identical to that found
in ophiolites and provides the best visual correlation between ophiolites and mod-
ern oceanic crust.

Geologic Studies of Iceland

Iceland is the best example of an oceanic ridge above sea level. Here geologists can
examine in detail the surface expression of an active divergent boundary (although
it is complicated by an underlying mantle plume). The island is a plateau of basalt,
with a fissure-laced rift extending through the center (Figure 19.21). The Mid-
Atlantic Ridge rises to the surface in the southwest and is offset toward the east
across a diffuse volcanic and earthquake zone. Although some cinder cones and
rhyolite calderas have developed, sheets of basalt extruded quietly from fissures
are responsible for the largest volume of the island. Small basaltic shield volca-
noes are also aligned along the rifts, showing that vertical fractures brought magma
to the surface.The youngest rocks are found along the rift, with progressively older
basalts occurring toward the east and west coasts (Figure 19.22). Of special im-
portance are innumerable vertical basalt dikes exposed by erosion. The aggregate
width of these vertical dikes is about 400 km. Because of the abundant magma in
shallow chambers, groundwater is also heated to form geothermal systems and
even geysers. Almost all of the faults that cut the island are normal faults. Shallow
earthquakes are concentrated in the rift zone. The two halfs of Iceland are sepa-
rating by about 2 cm/yr.
To understand the nature of volcanism along divergent plate boundaries, let
us examine the largest eruption ever recorded by humans, the Laki fissure
eruption in 1783 (Figure 19.22B). Although the eruption occurred on land, it
gives us important information about the nature and volume of eruptions at
midocean ridges.
554 Chapter 19

(A) Perhaps the best exposures of mantle material in the world form the mountains around Muscat, Oman. Because of the high iron content in these mafic
rocks, weathering forms a thin layer of iron oxides (rust) instead of a typical soil profile.

(B) Closeup view of the mantle peridotite in

Oman shows a lineation and foliation
resulting from plastic flow as the convecting
mantle moves under the diverging plates. At
the high temperatures found in the mantle,
the minerals are stretched and are flattened as
they slide past each other. Mineral layers are
contorted and twisted as they flow. Geologists
map these structures in the field to determine
flow patterns in the mantle beneath the ridge.

FIGURE 19.19 Part of the upper The eruption was heralded by a series of earthquakes and the opening of sev-
mantle is included in some ophiolite eral fissures 25 km long. A shallow graben formed between two of the fissures.
The eruption began along part of the fissure zone, and after a day of purely ex-
plosive activity, lava reached the surface and poured out to form a huge flow that
flooded a river valley. In a single day, the front of the lava flow advanced 15 km.
The vent was marked by a row of lava fountains throwing red-hot molten basalt
tens of meters into the air. Four more cycles of explosive activity switching to lava
eruption occurred before the region became quiet again five months later. When
the eruption was finished, 560 km2 of land was buried under as much as 100 m of
new lava, more than 100 new spatter and cinder cones had formed, and 12 km3 of
magma had spilled onto Earths surface.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 555

Pillow basalt
Sheeted dikes


Fracture zone FIGURE 19.20 Geologic section along
the Vema Fracture Zone as recorded by the
crew of the deep submersible Nautile shows
a large section of the oceanic crust.
Peridotite (altered to serpentinite) makes up
the floor of the fracture zone. These are
overlain by gabbros, sheeted dikes, and
pillow basalts. This is the same sequence of
rocks found in ophiolites. (After A. Nicolas)

The Laki eruption of 1783 was also a human catastrophe. A blanket of ash and
vapors with traces of poisonous sulfur and fluorine were released from the magma.
Consequently, about half the islands cattle and three-fourths of its sheep died of
starvation or from fluorine poisoning. Because of these secondary effects, more
than 20% of the islands human population died of the volcano-induced famine.
The influence of the eruption was felt far from Iceland. The winter of 17831784
was colder in Europe than usual. Benjamin Franklin, then in Europe, accurately
concluded that the fine ash and gases from the eruption had partially blocked the
Suns radiation and caused the cool weather.

Visualizing the Oceanic Crust

The world beneath the sea, where oceanic crust forms, is an alien world com-
pletely unlike the surface on dry land. It may be difficult to visualize the geolog-
ic processes that occur at oceanic ridges and the nature of the rocks formed there.
A significant difference in continental and oceanic environments is the direction
in which rocks accumulate. Instead of widespread units of horizontal sedimentary

FIGURE 19.21 A geologic map of

0 50 100 Iceland shows that the oldest volcanic rocks
km are along the eastern and western margins
and the youngest rocks are near the center
of the island. The youngest rocks are basaltic
lava flows and dikes that lie in a zone of
fissures and active volcanoes. This pattern
shows that, as in the rest of the midoceanic
ridge, new crust is created here as oceanic
lithosphere spreads away from the center of
the island.
Vatnaj kull

e tic
dg lan
Ri At



Holocene sediments Central

Late Quaternary (< 0.7 m.y.) volcanoes
Late TertiaryQuaternary (0.73.1 m.y.) Fissures
Tertiary (> 3.1 m.y.) Glaciers
556 Chapter 19

(A) Old plateau basalts that are highly eroded by glaciers and streams (B) A fissure eruption at Laki, in Icelands central rift zone, produced a
are exposed in east and west Iceland. Here, on the flanks of the rift in flood of basaltic lava in 1783. This row of spatter cones marks the fissure
eastern Iceland, the basaltic lavas are about 3 million years old. vent for this, the largest historic eruption known.

FIGURE 19.22 Basaltic lava flows form the bedrock of Iceland. Old lavas are exposed on the flanks of the rift zone and young basaltic flows and
other volcanic features are concentrated in the central rift zone. (Photographs Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Corbis)

strata stacked layer upon layer from vertical accretion, dikes intrude into dikes
as they are injected from the chamber below. Thus, crustal accretion in the ocean-
ic realm is lateral and the layers accumulate side by side. The contrast between the
Why is Iceland so important in under- sheeted dikes and horizontal sedimentary rocks could not be greater. In a se-
standing the midocean ridges? quence of sedimentary rocks, time lines are nearly horizontal and crustal growth
is vertical; in a body of sheeted dikes, time lines are vertical and growth is hori-
zontal (Figure 19.23).
To visualize what the oceanic crust looks like, imagine a section of it compared
with the Grand Canyon (Figure 19.24). A sequence of progressively younger hor-
izontal sedimentary layers deposited upon a basement complex of metamorphic
rocks is exposed in the real Grand Canyon. If oceanic crust were exposed, we
would see thin layers of sediments extending from the canyon rim down to the
base of the Coconino Formation. Lavas including pillow basalts would extend to
the top of the Precambrian basement. The sheeted dikes would extend another
2000 m below the river. The thick unit of gabbro would extend another 4000 m
below this.



At midocean ridges, basaltic magma forms by decompression melting of

rising mantle rock. The magma collects and then begins to crystallize in
elongate chambers beneath the ridge. Some magma intrudes upward
through dikes and erupts in the rift zone. Seawater is heated as it circulates
through the hot crust and causes extensive hydrothermal alteration,
metamorphosing large volumes of basalt.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 557
Time Time
1 1 2 1
Pillow basalt Pillow basalt

Sheeted dikes Sheeted dikes

Gabbro Gabbro
Layered gabbro Layered gabbro
Gabbro Gabbro

Sheared peridotite Sheared peridotite

Time Time Pillow basalt

1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Pillow basalt

Sheeted dikes Sheeted dikes

Gabbro Gabbro
Layered gabbro Layered gabbro
Gabbro Gabbro

Sheared peridotite
Sheared peridotite

FIGURE 19.23 Time lines are vertical in oceanic crust, whereas time lines in continental sedimentary strata, such as those in the Grand
Canyon, are horizontal. (Time lines are imaginary lines showing rocks of a given age.) These cross sections show the step-by-step construction of
oceanic crust. The horizontal layering of the crust is not the result of simple superposition, but results from spreading during lateral growth of
pillow basalts, sheeted dikes, and gabbro.

Magmatism at Oceanic Ridges

Igneous activity is without question one of the most significant processes operat-
ing along divergent plate boundaries. Indeed, more igneous rock is formed along
ocean ridges than in any other environment in the world. But why is magma gen-
erated at divergent plate boundaries rather than at other places? And what process-
es are involved in creating such large volumes of igneous rock?
The answers lie in what happens to the hot silicate minerals in the mantle as they
rise by convection beneath the ridge.The general process is simple. Melting occurs
because of a decrease in pressure, a process known as decompression melting (Fig-
ure 19.25).As solid mantle rises beneath a ridge, the pressure gets lower and lower.
The mantle peridotite may cool slightly as it rises, but as it reaches shallow depths
(about 30 to 100 km) the decrease in pressure causes it to begin to melt. Magma
is thus generated beneath the ridges, and not in other places, largely because this
is where mantle can rise to a zone of low pressure.
As the peridotite continues to rise, the amount of molten material increases
and it becomes like slushy snowa mixture of solid crystals and newly formed
liquid. Eventually, the molten portion accumulates, first into small droplets, then
merging into larger and larger teardrop-shaped bodies of magma. The magma,
being of lower density, then rises independently of the solid. The melt leaves be-
hind a residue of olivine and pyroxene that becomes sheared to form tectonites
(Figure 19.19) attached to the moving lithosphere.Beneath the fast-spreading East
Pacific ridge, the zone of partially molten rock may be about 100 km wide.
Much of the rising magma accumulates in a long linear chamber of molten
basalt (Figure 19.26) directly below the ridge crest. Seismic studies suggest that
the chambers are narrow, only 1 to 5 km across, but chambers as wide as 10 km may
exist beneath fast-spreading ridges. The completely molten part is probably only
several hundred meters to a kilometer thick. An active magma chamber may not
558 Chapter 19

Sediments Coconino

1 Pillow basalts Redwall


Thickness (km)

FIGURE 19.24 The oceanic crust

compared with a profile of the Grand Sheeted dikes
Canyon shows the magnitude of this 3
sequence of rocks. If the oceanic crust were
exposed in the Grand Canyon, the river
would flow in the upper part of the sheeted
dike complex, which would extend another
2 km below river level. A thick section of Gabbro
gabbros would underlie the entire column.

be present at all times along the entire length of the ridge, especially along those
that spread slowly. Periods of magma chamber development and volcanic eruption
are interspersed with periods of stretching and faulting.
Because the roof of the axial magma chamber is stretched by plate divergence,
vertical dikes grow upward to the floor of the ocean, removing magma from the
chamber and forming a sheeted dike complex (Figures 19.16 and 19.26). Magma
also erupts to form small shield volcanoes and sheets of fissure-fed lava that build
a cover over the sheeted dikes and thicken the crust. Some basalt extruded onto
the seafloor is quenched and forms bulbous piles of pillow lava. Most lava flows
cool so rapidly in contact with seawater that they move less than 2 km before com-
pletely solidifying.
Oceanic crust develops as the magma in the axial magma chamber cools and
crystallizes to form intrusive rock.The first minerals to crystallize from the basaltic
magma are the dense minerals olivine and chromite, which sink to the base of the
How is magma generated at a mid- chamber and form layers (Figures 19.18 and 24.3)very different from the de-
oceanic ridge? formed peridotite of the underlying mantle (Figure 19.19). With further cooling,
crystals of pyroxene and plagioclase join olivine and chromite to form layered
gabbro.The removal of these minerals from the magma (fractional crystallization)
causes the residual melt to change composition. Meanwhile, new batches of magma
intrude into the chamber and mix. The upper part of this magma body solidifies to
form massive gabbro.
A remarkable characteristic of divergent plate margins is that all of this
activity goes on in an extremely small area centered directly on the ridge. The
zone where new oceanic crust is formed is only about 10 km wide and 10 km
deep. Nevertheless, it extends thousands of kilometers along the midoceanic
ridges and is responsible for generation of the entire oceanic crust in little more
than 200 million years.

Seafloor Metamorphism
The great expanses of gneiss, schist, and slate exposed in Earths continental shields
dramatically show the effects of metamorphism. Most of these were formed at
convergent plate margins in the roots of ancient mountains, where dramatic
changes in temperature and pressure were the agents of change. Metamorphism
Divergent Plate Boundaries 559



40 peridotite
Depth (km)




1000 1500 2000
Temperature (C)
FIGURE 19.25 Magma forms by decompression melting under ocean ridges. The black
line is the beginning-of-melting curve (the solidus) for mantle peridotite. The blue arrow
shows the temperature-pressure path followed by mantle that rises directly below the oceanic
ridge. When conditions in the upwelling mantle cross the beginning-of-melting curve, basaltic
magma is produced. Melting probably occurs between 100 and 30 km deep. The melt can rise
upward to form the basaltic crust of the ocean basins.

Lava Volcano Hydrothermal

flow vent



Basalt st
Dikes C
Heated Magma Fault
gabbro Hot, Partially e
o tit
not rigid crystallized
a nt
Lithosphere magma

Broad zone of partial melt

FIGURE 19.26 An idealized cross section of a midocean ridge shows that hot mantle rises and then moves laterally. As it rises, pressure
decreases and partial melting occurs. The less-dense magma rises buoyantly and collects in a chamber. Heat is lost by conduction and by
convection of cold seawater through the hot, permeable crust. The magma consequently cools and crystallizes along the floor and walls of the
chamber to form gabbro. As the roof is stretched by plate divergence, sheeted dikes propagate to the surface. The magma erupts to form pillow
basalts that add to the roof of the chamber and thicken the crust. Small shields and fissure-fed flows cap the volcanic system. The hydrothermal
fluids flow through small vents along the fissure systems to form submarine hot springs that cool as they mix with the surrounding seawater.
Sulfides and other minerals dissolved in the fluid crystallize as the fluid cools and changes composition, and mounds of these minerals form.
560 Chapter 19

30 m

FIGURE 19.27 Hot springs form on the seafloor at midocean ridges. Large mounds are
created when hot fluids vent from the seafloor and react with cold seawater. This image (above) is of
the Endeavour hydrothermal vent field on the Juan de Fuca ridge offshore from the state of
Washington. Sulfide minerals precipitate and build up the irregular mounds and complex chimneys.
Some chimneys, like this one called Godzilla (left), are as tall as skyscrapers. Note the submarine
Alvin, for scale. (Courtesy of J. Delaney, V. Robigou, and D. Stakes, 1993. The highrise hydrothermal
vent field, Endeavor Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 20, No. 17,
p. 18871890)

on the continents is typically accompanied by strong horizontal compression and

structural deformation; the metamorphic rocks are folded and foliated.
But there is another type of metamorphism operating at divergent plate
boundaries, the results of which we only rarely see on the continentsseafloor
metamorphism. It is metamorphism in which the chemical action of fluids is the
major agent of change. Metamorphism along the crest of the midoceanic ridges
is caused by the circulation of seawater heated by igneous rocks. At the ocean-
ic ridges, the essential tectonic process is extension that opens narrow fissures.
As seawater circulates through the cracks in the hot volcanic rocks, it is heated
to 400 to 450C. This hydrothermal water attempts to equilibrate with the crust
and reacts with unstable olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase to form the new min-
erals that are stable under these conditionschlorite, epidote, sodium-rich pla-
gioclase, talc, and serpentinetypical of greenschist facies metamorphism (Fig-
ure 6.16 and 6.17). The metamorphic rock is called metabasalt and it may be
the most abundant kind of metamorphic rock exposed near Earths surface.
The process that alters the igneous rock along ridge axes, even as they form,
is a type of hydrothermal alteration. The circulation of hot water through the
entire ridge system is a fundamental phenomenon. Lava flows are extremely
permeable to the flow of water. Moreover, tectonic stretching and faulting occur
at the ridge. Fissures are opened through which seawater can percolate down-
ward, penetrating the crust to depths of 2 to 3 km. Seawater may reach the very
base of the dike complex. Deeper penetration of circulating fluids is more dif-
ficult owing to the massive nature of the underlying gabbro. Locally, water pen-
etrates deep enough to react with mantle peridotite and hydrate it to form to
serpentine. This metamorphic rock is neither dense nor coarsely crystalline; it
is a light, weak rock capable of rising isostatically and penetrating the overly-
ing materials like an igneous intrusion.
During the circulation, the hot water not only alters the rock, but it also dis-
solves minerals from the oceanic crust. Once the water is hot enough, it be-
comes buoyant, ascends, and is channeled toward central vents on the seafloor.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 561

Some of the dissolved material is precipitated in veins just below the seafloor.
The hot water jets through springs and vents on the seafloor to form variously
colored mineral-laden plumes several meters high, called black or white smok-
ers. Copper, zinc, and lead sulfides, as well as other minerals, precipitate from
the hot water as it meets the cold oxygen-rich seawater. Chimneylike mounds
of minerals up to 10 m high form as these minerals accumulate (Figure 19.9 and
Figure 19.27). In fact, many of Earths important ore deposits formed when sea-
water reacted with hot volcanic rocks on the ocean floor.
Hydrothermal circulation through the global ridge system is not trivial. The
total amount of water circulating through the oceanic crust each year is equiv-
alent to 2% of the annual discharge of all rivers on the planet. Hydrothermal cir-
culation is thus a major element of hydrologic circulation. The system is large
enough to recycle the entire volume of the oceans through the oceanic crust
every 5 to 10 million years. This circulation has significant effects on the com-
position of seawater and indirectly on the composition of the atmosphere, which
is in equilibrium with the circulating ocean.

Structural Deformation and the Origin of Abyssal Hills

Abyssal hills such as those in Figure 19.5 may seem unspectacular when com- What is the structure of the abyssal hills?
pared with mountain ranges, island arcs, and deep-sea trenches, but they are
singularly important because they form the most abundant landforms on Earth,
covering more than 30% of the ocean floor.
New high-resolution topographic data, combined with photography from
deep submersibles of abyssal hills in the Pacific, shed new light on their origin.
Abyssal hills are long, low ridges typically 10 to 20 km long, 2 to 5 km wide, and
50 to 300 m high (Figure 19.28). They are parallel to the ridge crest. Many hills
are asymmetric, with steep slopes facing the ridge axis. The orientation and
shape strongly suggest that the basic structures of the hills are normal faults.
Abyssal hills begin to develop when normal faulting is initiated near the crest
of the ridge as the plates move away from the axis (Figure 19.28). These faults
create short ridges and valleys that are really tilted fault blocks or horsts and
grabens. With continued displacement, the faults grow more numerous and
longer. Thus, short grabens deepen, widen, and merge with one another even
while the plate moves slowly away from the ridge. The abyssal hills are the ridges
between the troughs.
Apparently, abyssal hills form near the ridge crest and a short distance down
the ridge flank where the crust is extending. Beyond the ridge flank, active fault-
ing and volcanism cease, and the hills become progressively covered with sed-
iment. Near the continents, sediment completely covers the abyssal hills to form
the extensive flat abyssal plains.

Long graben Short graben Axial summit


Abyssal hill

3 km
Large Small Magma
fault fault 0
Oceanic crust


FIGURE 19.28 Abyssal hills form at the oceanic ridge by a combination of faulting and volcanic
processes. These hills are the dominant landforms on the ocean floor.
562 Chapter 19

Concluding Note
In many ways, studies of midocean ridges represent a remarkable piece of scientif-
ic detective work. They give us a clear picture of a part of Earth that is extremely
important but obscured and nearly as inaccessible as another planet. It is important
to understand the contrasts between oceanic and continental crust thus
revealed. First, much of the oceanic crust and its topographic features are related
in some way to igneous activity. Moreover, the rocks of the ocean crust have been
deformed by extension, not horizontal compression, so their structure contrasts
markedly with the complex folds in mountains and shields of the continents. It can-
not be overemphasized that the rocks of the ocean crust are all young compared
with most continental crust. All oceanic rocks appear to be less than 200 million
years old, whereas the great bulk of continental rocksthe ancient rocks of the
shieldsare more than 700 million years old.


Continental rifting occurs when divergent plate margins develop in conti-

nents. Continental rifts are typified by thin crust normal faults, shallow
earthquakes, and basalt and rhyolite magmatism. Continued rifting creates
new continental margins, marked by normal faults and volcanic rocks inter-
layered with thick sequences of continental sedimentary rocks. As the margin
cools and subsides, it is overlain by a thick layer of shallow-marine sediment.

Oceanic and continental rifts are quite similar, but they also display significant dif-
ferences. Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust and is struc-
turally much more complex. Continents have a different composition than ocean-
ic crust, being much richer in silica. In addition, rifting of a continent is initiated on
Where are the major divergent plate dry land, so stream erosion and sedimentation play important roles in the evolu-
boundaries on the continents? tion of continental rift zones. Thus, compared to seafloor spreading, continental
rifting involves different materials and different events, and it produces its own
distinctive structures, landforms, and sequences of rocks.
A continental rift is a major elongate depression bounded by normal faults,
where the entire lithosphere is deformed. It is a region where the crust has been
arched upward, extended, and pulled apart and may develop into a divergent plate
margin. The dominant structure is a system of parallel normal faults with large
vertical displacements. Faulting produces large elongate down-dropped blocks
(grabens or rift valleys) and associated uplifted blocks (horsts). Like their ocean-
ic counterparts, continental rifts are commonly associated with volcanic rocks.The
magmas are mostly basaltic, with lesser rhyolite that distinguishes them from ocean-
ic rifts. Lavas of intermediate composition (andesites) are less common than either
basalt or rhyolite at most continental rifts.
Continental rifting is not just an academic interest.The passive continental mar-
gins produced along mature rifts are the largest storehouses of sediment on Earth.
As a result, they contain about two-thirds of the worlds giant oil fields and hold
more than half the worlds oil reserves.
The Basin and Range Province, the East African Rift valleys, the Red Sea Rift,
and the margins of the Atlantic Ocean are exceptional examples of continental
What is the dominant structure of the rifting in various stages of development. From these examples, we can gain im-
Basin and Range province? portant insight into the characteristics of continental rifts and the processes in-
volved in their evolution.

The Basin and Range Province

The Basin and Range Province is a large area of western North America where
the crust has been uplifted and pulled apart, forming a complex rift system that
Divergent Plate Boundaries 563

Subduction zone


San A
Basin and Range

ndr e
normal faults

0 500


Cascade Volcanoes
Pre-extension Normal fault
Young caldera
Modern day
Young volcanic rock

FIGURE 19.29 The Basin and Range Province of western North America extends from Mexico northward into Canada.
Partial rifting of the continent has greatly extended the region since about 20 million years ago at a rate of about 1 to 5 cm/yr.
Extension created normal faults. The region also has thin crust, high heat flow, and eruptions of basalt and rhyolite.

extends from northern Mexico into Canada (Figure 19.29). Normal faulting,
resulting from extension, has produced alternating mountain ranges and inter-
vening fault-bounded basins.
There are more than 150 separate mountain ranges in this province. Some are
simple tilted fault blocks with the steeper side of the range marking the side along
which faulting occurred. Others are horsts with normal faults on both sides. Esti-
mates of vertical displacement on individual faults are as much as 8 to 10 km. The
upthrown blocks may be as much as 3000 m above the valley floors and are con-
siderably dissected by erosion. Earthquakes are common along the eastern and
western boundary of the Basin and Range province (Figure 18.6). The total hori-
zontal stretching across the Basin and Range may be more than 300 km.
Structural evidence shows that the Basin and Range is an area where the
continental crust has been uplifted and stretched to as much as twice its origi-
nal width. Geophysical evidence supports this conclusion. Most earthquakes
are concentrated along the boundary faults in Nevada and Utah. Heat flow is
as much as three times greater than normal. Seismic refraction reveals that the
crust is only 25 km thick under much of the region, whereas only 25 million
years ago, it may have been as much as 50 km thick. Moreover, the crust over-
lies a mantle with a low seismic wave velocity. There seems to be no evidence
for a high-velocity lithospheric mantle directly below the continental crust. In
other words, in this region, the hot asthenosphere may be in contact with the
base of the continental crust. Hot springs are a natural manifestation of the high
heat flow and thin crust.
Thus, the topography, structure, and geophysical evidence all show that the
Basin and Range is undergoing extension that began about 20 million years ago.
The overall extension rate is 1 to 5 cm/yr, compared with 2 to 20 cm/yr for mid-
ocean ridges.
A distinctive sequence of sedimentary rocks forms in continental rift systems be-
cause of faulting of the crust.The sharp local relief created by normal faulting gen-
erates vigorous stream erosion. In a dry climate, such as the western United States,
564 Chapter 19

Red Sea Saudi

Rift Arabia




Kilimanjaro Ocean
Lake Ngorongoro
FIGURE 19.30 The East African Rift
valleys are where the continent is being
uparched and pulled apart. Basaltic
volcanism accompanied rifting. If the Lake
spreading continues, the rift system may Malawi
evolve into an elongate sea like the Red Sea
to the north. The blue box shows the location
of Figure 19.32. (Courtesy of Ken Perry,
Chalk Butte, Inc.)

thick deposits of sand and gravel accumulate at the base of the mountain ranges
as alluvial fans. Large rock avalanche deposits are also common next to the ranges.
The sediments of the alluvial fans grade into finer sand and silt and interfinger
with lake sediments that accumulate in the lower parts of the basins (see Figure
23.19). In the arid Basin and Range province, the lakes may evaporate to form dry
lake beds or playa mud. Thick deposits of gypsum, salt, and other evaporite min-
erals are commonly formed in the lakes.
Volcanic rocks, mostly basalt and rhyolite, occur both along the Basin and Range
margins and near the center. Small flows of basalt are common in these localities.
Locally, large calderas formed, caused by repeated eruption of rhyolite ash-flow
tuff. Prominent examples include the calderas of southern Nevada and the still-
active Long Valley caldera near Mammoth Mountain in eastern California.

FIGURE 19.31 The thinning of the Western Eastern Indian

continental crust beneath the African Rift Rift Rift Coast Ocean
valleys is indicated by gravity measurements
as shown in this cross section. Beneath the
Continental crust Oceanic crust
valleys, the top of the asthenosphere is near
the base of the crust, only 25 km below the
Depth (km)

surface. The East African Rift valleys

represent the first stage of continental 50
Mantle Mantle
rifting. lithosphere lithosphere

100 Asthenosphere
Divergent Plate Boundaries 565




FIGURE 19.32 The East African Rift is marked by numerous normal faults, earthquakes, and active volcanoes. This map shows part of the
western branch of the rift at the junction of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. The main graben is partially filled by Lake Kivu and sediment and lava
covered plains. The flanks of the rift are eroded by stream valleys. Large basaltic shield volcanoes and small cinder cones lie on the floor of the rift and
on the eastern flank. Some of the volcanoes have large calderas formed by collapse of their summits. In 2002, Nyiragongo erupted fluid lava flows that
flooded the town of Goma and displaced 500,000 people. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/NIMA)

The East African Rift

The East African Rift extends from Ethiopia to Mozambique, a distance of near-
ly 3000 km (Figure 19.30). It consists of a large uparched segment of the crust in
which long linear blocks have faulted down near the crest. Many rift valleys are
closed depressions and have partly filled with water to form the large freshwater
lakes of East Africa.Where evaporation is great, smaller lakes have become saline,
forming significant salt deposits.
This part of Africa is underlain by thin crust and thin lithosphere (Figure 19.31).
Recent volcanic activity is also associated with the rifting and includes such well-
known volcanoes as Mount Kenya, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Nyiragongo (Figure
19.32). Structural and geophysical data show that the region is extending at a rate
of about 0.5 cm/yr, with the total extension being slightly less than 50 km. The
northern end of the rift, in the Afar region, has a very thin crust (about 8 km).
Here, rifting of the continental crust is nearly complete, and basalt volcanoes are
566 Chapter 19

Mediterranean The sequence of rocks generated in the East African Rift valley is similar to
Dead that in the Basin and Range. Thick conglomerates and associated alluvial fan de-
Sea posits occur near the margins of the valleys and grade into stream and lake sed-
Saudi iments and evaporites near the center of the basins. Volcanic rocks, including
Sinai Transform Arabia
lava flows and ash falls, occur both along the flanks and within the rift valleys.
N This characteristic rock assemblage stands out in sharp contrast to the sequence
of rocks generated at the oceanic ridges, despite both being formed at divergent

plate margins.

Gabbro The Red Sea Rift

The Red Sea, which separates Africa from Arabia, is an important part of Earths
Normal rift system (Figure 19.33). It is an extension of the divergent plate boundary in the
faults Indian Ocean (Figure 19.1). At the northern end of the Red Sea, the rift continues
to form the Gulf of Suez, and a major transform fault extends up the Gulf of Aqaba
Oceanic into the Dead Sea and Jordan Valley. The Red Sea Rift is about 3000 km long and
100 to 300 km wide (Figure 19.33). The margins of the Red Sea are steep normal
fault scarps, as much as 3 km high, with steplike fault blocks descending abruptly
0 200 km down to the coast.
Much of the Red Sea is floored by continental crust that is thinner than that un-
FIGURE 19.33 The Red Sea is a derlying the flanking land masses. The crust has been thinned by normal faulting
narrow ocean basin separating Arabia from and extension (Figure 19.34). Only the south-central part of the Red Sea reaches
Africa. Its margins are steep fault scarps, but the abyssal depth of a deep ocean basin and is underlain by oceanic-type crust.
much of the Red Sea is floored by thin
Evaporite deposits, mostly salt interbedded with clastic sediments, cover the block-
continental crust. However, a narrow zone of
oceanic crust (purple) extends along the Red faulted continental shelf with a layer nearly 1 km thick.
Sea axis through most of its length. The Red Igneous rocks associated with the Red Sea Rift are mostly basaltsdikes, sills,
Sea represents the second stage of and lava flows associated with fissures parallel to the rift (Figure 19.35). Individ-
continental rifting, in which an embryonic ual eruptions form small shield volcanoes and cinder cones with associated lava
ocean develops.
fields. Volcanism and faulting commenced about 25 million years ago.
The small amount of oceanic crust in the deep central part of the Red Sea Rift
has a pattern of symmetrical magnetic anomalies typical of the midocean ridge.The
magnetic patterns indicate that oceanic crust has been generated for the past
5 million years. The Red Sea is therefore an outstanding example of the initial
stages of the formation of an ocean basin: the logical next step from the Basin and
Range and East African Rift valleys.

Evolution of Continental Rifts to Passive Margins

On the basis of the examples described above, we can understand the various
stages in a progression from a continental rift to a new passive margin (Figure
19.36). The initiating event in continental rifting is believed to be an upwarp or

Thinned Oceanic Thinned Saudi

Egypt continental crust crust continental crust Arabia

t al
0 o nt tle
C an
Depth (km)

20 e
40 Li
FIGURE 19.34 A cross section of the Red Sea illustrates the major structural elements of this stage of rifting. Continental crust is thinned
by movement along a series of curved normal faults. The thinned continental crust is overlain by a salt layer up to 1 km thick. New oceanic crust
occupies the central part of the rift.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 567

FIGURE 19.35 Swarms of basaltic

dikes along the Arabian Peninsula parallel
the shore of the Red Sea. They were
injected into the continental crust during
the early stages of rifting.

Flood basalt

(A) Continental rifting begins when the crust is uparched and

stretched, so that normal faults (red) develop. Continental sediment
(yellow) accumulates in the depressions of the downfaulted blocks,
Partial melting and basaltic magma is injected into the rift system. Flood basalt (gray)
can be extruded over large areas of the rift zone during this phase.

(B) Rifting continues, and the continents separate enough

Injection of for a narrow arm of the ocean to invade the rift zone. The
basaltic magma injection of basaltic magma continues and begins to develop
new oceanic crust (green).

Oceanic crust

(C) As the continents separate, new oceanic crust

and new lithosphere are formed in the rift zone,
and the ocean basin becomes wider. Remnants of
continental sediment can be preserved in the down-
dropped blocks of the new continental margins.

Slope sediments Deep-sea sediments Slope sediments

FIGURE 19.36 Stages of continental rifting are shown in this series of diagrams. The major geologic processes at divergent plate boundaries
are tensional stress, block faulting, and basaltic volcanism.
568 Chapter 19

Coastal Continental Continental

Deep ocean
plain shelf slope

Continental Oceanic crust


Upper mantle lithosphere

Rift valley Basalt Salt Turbidites Deep marine

sediments dike sediments
Shallow Reef and Slump
marine lagoon blocks
sediments deposits

FIGURE 19.37 A passive continental margin shows features formed during rifting. Tilted fault blocks that formed during initial rifting
define the margins of continental crust. Continental sedimentary deposits consisting of alluvial fan conglomerate and playa lake evaporites may
be preserved in narrow grabens. As the continent subsides, reefs and associated beach and lagoon sediments are deposited, and eventually the
entire margin is covered by a thick accumulation of shallow-marine sediment that grades into deep-marine sediment. Poorly sorted dirty
sandstone and shale are deposited by turbidity currents in the deep water.

dome in a continent.As the lithosphere expands, it arches and thins the crust, frac-
turing the brittle upper part.
Extension and thinning of the continental crust ultimately create a fault-bounded
rift valley.The complexly faulted edges of the rift zone gradually become a new pas-
sive continental margin. In an arid climate, the fault blocks erode to form alluvial
fans, interlayered with lake deposits. Thick evaporite deposits may accumulate in
playa lakes.As the crust thins, the mantle rises and decompression melting may occur.
Basaltic eruptions follow. Rhyolitic magma may be produced by partial melting of the
granitic crust by heat from the basalt or by differentiation of basaltic magma. These
volcanic rocks are interlayered with the sediments within the rift basins.
When the continent moves away from the hot, uparched spreading ridge, the
rifted margins begin to subside. Subsidence permits a thick sequence of sediment
to accumulate in shallow-oceans at the new passive continental margin. Gradual
subsidence of the continental margins occurs for two reasons: (1) As the lithos-
phere moves off from the hot rising mantle, it cools, contracts, becomes denser,
and subsides isostatically; and (2) the weight of the newly deposited sediment on
the continental margin causes the crust to be depressed.
With continued subsidence, the oceans ultimately enter the topographic de-
pression to form long, narrow, shallow seas having restricted circulation. Shallow-
marine sediments are deposited upon the vestiges of older continental sediments
deposited in the original rift valley (Figure 19.37). If the climate is hot and dry,
more salt may be deposited atop the graben-filling sediments. Salt deposits formed
by evaporating seawater in the embryonic rifts may accumulate to more than
1 km thickness, such as those formed recently in the Red Sea. (The salt may sub-
sequently be mobilized under isostatic pressure and rise as salt domes through the
overlying strata.)
Ultimately, the rift widens enough to permit open circulation of marine water.
Such narrow seas are commonly fertile ground for marine life. In tropical climates,
organic reefs may flourish on the edges of the fault blocks, with associated shallow
lagoons and beaches (Figure 19.37). Organic matter accumulates in shallow-
marine sediments and may lead to petroleum deposits. As the margin subsides
even more, large river systems are refocused to flow toward the shores of the new
THE ART Gravity Variations Reveal Hidden Continental Rift
Buried deep beneath the marine limestones and glacial till in the exploration for ore deposits and petroleum. In fact,
of Iowa, geologists have found evidence of a giant conti- following the discovery of the Midcontinent gravity high,
nental rift that is just over 1 billion years old. Highlighted in the exploration efforts of a few oil companies proved the
red on the map, the rift marks an aborted effort to rip North rift exists beneath central Iowa. Cores and chips brought
America apart. The tear is about 100 km wide and 2200 km to the surface from these deep holes were Precambrian
long. It stretches from northern Kansas across parts of Ne- rocksdense basaltic lava flows and gabbro intrusions
braska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. formed in the ancient rift. Indeed, what your eyes see at
And yet, the Midcontinent rift is absolutely invisible the surface is not always the whole geologic story.
through most of its length. For example, a topographic map
of central Iowa reveals no elongate trough nor high moun-
tainous flanks, only flat fields of corn and gently rolling hills
carved by streams. Even careful geologic mapping shows
no normal faults bounding a graben, no basaltic lava flows
or intrusive gabbros, no rhyolite ash-flow tuff, no conglom- L. Superior
erates or other sediment filling a depression. All these fea-
tures were long since buried by layers of sedimentary rock
that are now several kilometers thick. How then is the map
showing this vast rift constructed?
The answer is to use a sensitive instrument called a
gravimeter. Gravimeters are used to measure small varia- ND
tions in the strength of Earths gravity. Most gravimeters
work by measuring how much a small spring is deformed
the longer the spring stretches, the stronger the gravitation-
al acceleration is at that spot. Like many other geophysical
surveys, most gravity surveys are conducted on the ground by
making repeated measurements at many different locations.
The gravity at each spot on the surface varies by a minute
amount from each adjacent spot because of differences in
the density of the column of underlying rock. A gravity sur- SD WI
vey is an indirect way to map density (g/cm3) variations in
the crust. Dense rocks near the surface create a strong grav-
ity field; low-density rocks create a weaker gravity field.
The map of the Midcontinent shown here does not show
elevation or the distribution of rock types. The different
colors represent the strength of the gravity field measured IA
(in milligals) across the region. A buried continental rift is MO
revealed by a high ridge in the gravity field. A long, NE
narrow strip of dense rocks must lie underneath the low-
density sedimentary rocks at the surface. Models of the
gravity field suggest a fault-bounded trough was filled with
dense igneous rocks, such as basalt and gabbro, as much as
7 km thick. In places, these rift rocks are buried beneath a
kilometer of sedimentary rock. However, the rift and its
dense fill are actually exposed at the surface in Michigans
Keeweenawan peninsula.
KS 0 300
Gravity maps like these are very useful for showing the
structure of Earths crust at depth and, as you can see, help km
us see below deposits of soil, glacial drift, sedimentary
rock, or thick vegetation. They can also be used to find
faults that otherwise might be undetecteduntil they rup- -85 0 85
ture in massive earthquakes. Gravity maps are also used

570 Chapter 19

ocean. They bring sediment in large volumes to bury the reefs and their associat-
ed sediment under thick layers of clean, well-sorted sand, silt, mud, and limestone.
In the deeper water off the continental margins, the sequence of sediment is
distinctly different. It consists of poorly sorted sandstone and shale deposited by
turbidity currents (turbidites), submarine slump blocks, and rock debris from sub-
marine landslides. As shown in Figure 19.37, turbidites grade seaward into deep-
marine organic oozes that cover the basalts of the oceanic crust.
Eventually, the thinned continental crust drifts even farther away from the rift,
and new oceanic crust forms in the rift zone and continues to evolve following the
pattern of typical oceanic ridges.



The considerable amount of data on plate motion enables us to trace the

development of divergent plate margins during the last 200 million years
of Earth history. A large continental mass (Wegeners Pangaea) rifted
apart and large ocean basins formed. Subduction accommodated the growth
of new ocean basins.

The tectonic system probably has operated during much of Earths history, and it
What will be the most significant changes is responsible for the growth and destruction of ocean basins. Ocean basins come
in the next 50 million years if the present and go because the ancient oceanic crust is consumed at subduction zones and re-
pattern of tectonism continues? placed by newer oceanic crust, created at ridges. Continents have rifted apart, drift-
ed with tectonic plates, and rejoined a number of times, but details of the patterns
of ancient plate movements are scanty.
However, the considerable amount of data on plate motion during the last
200 million years enables us to reconstruct the position of continents and to trace
Plate Movements plate movement with some certainty (Figure 19.38). They indicate that a large
continental mass (Wegeners Pangaea) began to break up and drift apart about
200 million years ago.
The earliest event in the splitting of Pangaea was the extrusion of large vol-
umes of basalt along the initial continental rift zones. Remnants of these basalts
are found in the Triassic basins of the eastern United States and the flood
basalts of southwestern Africa, western India, and eastern Brazil. A northern
rift split Pangaea along an east-west line, slightly north of the equator, and sep-
arated the northern continents (Laurasia) from the southern continents (Gond-
wanaland). A southern rift split South America and Africa away from the rest
of Gondwanaland. Soon afterward, India was severed from Antarctica and
moved rapidly northward. The plate containing Africa converged toward Eura-
sia, forming an east-west subduction zone. By the end of the Cretaceous peri-
od, 65 million years ago, the South Atlantic Ocean had widened to at least 3000
km. All of the major continents were blocked out by this time, except for the
connection between Greenland and Europe and between Australia and Antarc-
tica. A new rift separated Madagascar from Africa, and India continued mov-
ing northward.
During the last 65 million years, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge extended into the
Arctic and finally detached Greenland from Europe. During that time, the two
Americas were joined by the Isthmus of Panama, which was created by tecton-
ism and volcanism along the subduction zone. The Indian landmass completed
its northward movement and collided with Asia, creating the Himalayas. A new
divergent boundary developed as Australia rifted away from Antarctica. Final-
ly, a branch of the Indian rift system split Arabia away from Africa, creating the
Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. Another arm of the rift created the East African
rift valleys.
Divergent Plate Boundaries 571

(A) Pangaea, 200 million years ago. Note the Tethys

Sea between Laurasia (to the north) and
Gondwanaland (to the south).


Tethys Sea


(B) Plate movement, 100 to 50 million years ago. The

Atlantic Ocean is formed as North and South
America drift westward. The Tethys Sea is nearly

(C) Plate movement, 50 million years ago to the


FIGURE 19.38 The history of plate

movement during the last 200 million years has
been reconstructed from all available geologic and
geophysical data. These maps show the general
direction of drift from the time Pangaea began to
break up until the continents moved to their
present positions.
GeoLogic Sheeted Dikes of the Oman Ophiolite

Geologists trained on the stable platform of a continent are Interpretations

used to seeing vast sheets of nearly horizontal layers of sed- The geologic interpretation of these sheets is that each is a
imentary rocks stacked one upon another in what has been solidified dike of basalt that formed below an ancient sub-
called layer-cake geology. Imagine the geologic consterna- marine volcano composed of pillow lavas. The underlying
tion that might possess these same geologists when con- coarse-grained gabbro is an ancient magma chamber from
fronted by this stark desert outcrop of layers near Wade which the basalt in the dikes and flows was extracted. Each
Hawasina in Oman. dike reveals the stretching and breaking of the oceanic crust
at an ancient oceanic ridge. The dikes were filled with new
Observations magma freshly extracted from the mantle and added to the
1. At first glance, the sheeted dikes resemble a series of de- growing oceanic crust.The fine-grained margins of the dikes
formed, almost vertical, sedimentary beds. But here the formed when the hot magma quenched against the colder
strata are not layers of sandstone and shale. wall rocks. In a way, a dike is like a planar chimney that
2. Instead, they are vertical sheets made of fine-grained pla- connects a hot chamber at depth to the surface where hot
gioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. fluids are extruded.
3. Most sheets are about a meter thick and have thin bor-
ders of very fine-grained rock.
4. More extensive field investigation shows that the sheets
grade upward into pillow lavas and downward into gab-
bro plutons.

Divergent Plate Boundaries 573

abyssal hill (p. 561) half-dike (p. 550) midocean ridge (p. 538) shallow-focus earthquake
abyssal plain (p. 561) heat flow (p. 547) ophiolite (p. 548) (p. 545)
black smoker (p. 561) hydrothermal alteration passive continental margin sheeted dike complex (p. 550)
continental rift (p. 562) (p. 560) (p. 562) spreading rate (p. 540)
decompression melting (p. 557) layered gabbro (p. 550) pillow basalt (p. 543) subsidence (p. 542)
fissures (p. 543) magnetic anomaly (p. 546) rift valley (p. 540) tectonite (p. 552)
fracture zone (p. 540) massive gabbro (p. 550) seafloor metamorphism (p. 560) transform fault (p. 540)
gravity anomaly (p. 547) metabasalt (p. 560) serpentinite (p. 553) white smoker (p. 561)

1. What are the major processes that occur at all divergent 11. Explain the origin of abyssal hills.
plate boundaries? 12. How is basaltic magma generated at divergent plate
2. Is extension or horizontal compression more common at boundaries?
divergent plate boundaries? 13. Where is rhyolite more common, at an oceanic or a conti-
3. Why are divergent plate boundaries in the ocean basins nental rift?
marked by a broad rise? 14. Draw a series of cross sections that outline the stages in the
4. Explain why divergent plate boundaries commonly have development of a continental rift that evolves into an ocean
shallow earthquakes but lack deep earthquakes. basin.
5. What kinds of volcanic activity are common at divergent 15. Describe a vertical sequence of sediments and rocks that
plate boundaries? might be encountered upon drilling into a continental rift
6. Draw profiles showing the magnetic, gravity, and heat flow basin such as that in East Africa.
anomalies across a typical oceanic ridge. Explain the under- 16. Why do thick sequences of sedimentary rock accumulate
lying causes of these anomaly patterns. along rifted continental margins?
7. Compare and contrast a fast- and a slow-spreading ridge, 17. What causes the margins of continental rifts that were once
and give examples of each type. high to eventually subside below sea level?
8. What is the significance of the fissure eruptions in Iceland? 18. Why are continental rifts developed on high bulges in the
What structures underlie these fissure-fed lava flows? crust?
9. Describe the typical internal structure of oceanic crust. 19. Which formed earlier, the North or the South Atlantic
10. What is the role of metamorphism in the development of ocean?
oceanic crust? Describe a typical ocean-floor hydrothermal

Bonatti, E. 1994. The Earths mantle below the oceans. Scientific Moores, E. M., and R. J. Twiss. 1995. Tectonics. San Francisco:
American 271: 4450. Freeman.
Keary, P., and F. J.Vine. 1990. Global Tectonics. Oxford: Blackwell Nicolas, A. 1995. The Mid-Oceanic Ridges: Mountains Below Sea
Scientific. Level. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of seafloor spreading
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Movies showing plate motions
Quantitative Problems Slide shows with more photos from the Oman ophiolite
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
20 Transform Plate
The remarkable ridges and troughs of the San Andreas fault system of southern California,
shown in the panorama above, are one of the great surface expressions of plate tectonics.
The long linear valleys mark faults that are part of a plate boundary that cuts through the
entire lithosphere to a depth of about 100 km; they are not merely surface features. Over
the last 30 million years, horizontal movement along the strike-slip faults of the San
Andreas system amounts to several hundred kilometers. Rocks on either side of the fault
are on fundamentally different plates. The deformation is produced as the North American
plate slips south past a narrow slice of continental crust trapped on the Pacific plate.
Carefully examine this panorama, because from it you can begin to develop a more
accurate concept of what Earths tectonic system does.
Transform faults and fracture systems are even more spectacular on the ocean floor (see
the inside back cover of this book). They slice through the midocean ridges in hundreds of

places and sweep across the ocean floor for thousands of kilometers, imparting a spectacu-
lar fabric to the solid surface of our planet. They form the most prominent and widespread
fracture system on Earth.
Although huge oceanic fracture zones are intimately related to transform fault move-
ments, only short segments are active transform plate boundaries. The closely spaced
fracture zones of the southern Atlantic Ocean grade southward into a coarser fabric in the
southern Indian Ocean. There, the fracture systems have their own distinctive characteris-
tics. In the northern Indian Ocean, fractures are short and closely spaced, whereas those in
the southwestern arm of the ridge near Australia are four times as long. Some of the
longest and boldest fractures are in the southern Pacific Ocean, but northward, the East
Pacific Rise is more subdued and the fracture systems have weaker topographic expression.
Transform faults connect various kinds of plate boundaries. All play an important role in
Earths plate dynamics. Thus, it is clear that transform plate boundaries are ubiquitous and
play an important role in global tectonics. Our focus in this chapter is on the processes that
occur at these plate boundaries and the features they produce.

1. Transform plate boundaries are unique in that the plates move horizon-
tally past each other on strike-slip faults. Lithosphere is neither created
nor destroyed.
2. The three major types of transform boundaries are: (a) ridge-ridge trans-
forms, (b) ridge-trench transforms, and (c) trench-trench transforms.
3. Transform plate boundaries are shear zones where plates move past each
other without diverging or converging. During shearing, secondary features
are created, including parallel ridges and valleys, pull-apart basins, and belts
of folds. Compression and extension develop in only small areas.
4. Oceanic fracture zones are prominent linear features that trend perpendic-
ular to the oceanic ridge. They may be several kilometers wide and thou-
sands of kilometers long. The structure and topography of oceanic fracture
zones depend largely on the temperature (or age) difference across the frac-
ture and on the spreading rate of the oceanic ridge.
5. Continental transform fault zones are similar to oceanic transforms, but they
lack fracture zone extensions.
6. Shallow earthquakes are common along transform plate boundaries; they
are especially destructive on the continents.
7. Volcanism is rare along transform plate boundaries, but small amounts of
basalt erupt locally from leaky transform faults.
8. Metamorphism in transform fault zones creates rocks with strongly sheared
fabrics, as well as hydrated crustal and even mantle rocks.


Transform plate boundaries are zones of shearing, where two plates slide
horizontally past each other. Rocks in the shear zone are strongly deformed,
but no new lithosphere is created and none is consumed. Transform bound-
aries in ocean basins and on the continents are expressed by steep, linear
ridges and valleys. The major types of transform plate boundaries are ridge-
ridge transforms, ridge-trench transforms, and trench-trench transforms.

Transform boundaries are strike-slip faults along which two separate tectonic
plates grind horizontally past each other without forming or consuming litho-
sphere (Figure 20.1). Transform faults are generally vertical and parallel to the
direction of movement. They are produced by shearing. Most transform faults
are intimately related to divergent plate boundaries on the ocean floor and cut
across the midocean ridges. Other types of transform faults connect convergent
and divergent plate boundaries, and some cut across the continents themselves.
Volcanism and deformation are less common at transform boundaries than
along other types, but transform faults remain complex structural and topo-
graphic features.
Oceanic transform plate boundaries are part of even longer features called
fracture zones (Figure 20.1). Fracture zones are enormous structures that range
up to 10,000 km long and may have a vertical relief of 6 km. They are remark-
ably narrowonly a few zones are as much as 100 km widebut all consist of
a series of parallel fractures. On regional maps, an oceanic fracture zone may
appear to be a fault that offsets an oceanic ridge. However, a fracture zone
(gray in Figure 20.1) extends in both directions beyond the active transform
fault boundary (red). Compared with the fracture zone, the actively deforming
transform plate boundary is much shorter, typically less than a few hundred
kilometers. This active zone is marked by steeply dipping faults and complex-
ly deformed oceanic crust.

Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 577


N. Anatolian

San Andreas

Dead Sea



Transform boundary Fracture zone Midocean ridge Convergent boundary

FIGURE 20.1 A map of the major transform plate boundaries and associated oceanic fracture zones shows that most are related to
spreading of the oceanic ridge. Also, most curve because they are parallel to small circles around the poles of plate rotation. Other transform
boundaries are related to convergent margins in regions of complex plate movement.

Casual examination of maps of oceanic fracture zones, like Figure 20.1, may fail
to convey an accurate notion of their size and length. Many are long enough that
they would extend across the entire United States as systems of parallel ridges
and troughs. (For example, compare the length of several Pacific fracture zones
with the United States on the map.) Most of the valley walls are much higher and
steeper than the ridges of the Appalachian Mountains or the Front Range of the
Rockies. The relief on some fracture zones is comparable to that of the great east-
ern scarp of Californias fault-bounded Sierra Nevada.Without erosion by river sys- How does a transform fault differ from
tems, the transform fault scarps on the ocean floor are quite unlike any on land. the associated fracture zone?
They are neither dissected with stream valleys nor greatly subdued by weathering
and erosion. Most erosional modification results from mass movement along the
slopes of the escarpment.
On the continents, transform plate boundaries are major strike-slip faults with
displacement of hundreds of kilometers, placing rocks of widely different origins
and ages side by side.This movement produces the linear cliffs, ridges, and troughs
that are common surface expressions of major strike-slip faults. Like oceanic trans-
forms, a continental transform fault is not one plane, but consists of a zone of faults
that can be several kilometers wide. Stream erosion of transform faults on conti-
nents tends to subdue their topographic expression, but movement on the great
Alpine Fault in New Zealand has produced mountains more than 3000 m high.
Continental transform faults also pose great hazards because of the abundant
earthquakes they produce.

Types of Transform Plate Boundaries

By carefully considering the map in Figure 20.1, you can see that a transform plate
boundary is a special kind of fault that transforms one type of plate motion into
another type. For example, the diverging motion between plates at an oceanic ridge
can be changed along a transform fault to the converging motion between plates
578 Chapter 20

at a subduction zone.Transform faults can connect convergent and divergent plate

boundaries in three different ways: (1) ridge-ridge transforms connect two seg-
ments of a divergent plate boundary; (2) ridge-trench transforms connect a ridge
and a trench; and (3) trench-trench transforms couple trenches at two different
convergent plate boundaries (Figure 20.2).
Ridge-ridge transform faults are by far the most abundant. It is therefore im-
portant to analyze the movements of these transforms in detail. Keep in mind that
active displacement on these faults occurs only between the ridge segments, as shown
in Figure 20.2A. The figure shows that plate movements are in opposite directions
between the ridge crests. No movement occurs along the rest of the fracture zone.
Thus, the transform fault sustains formidable shearing movement. In the upper
part of the plate, brittle shearing creates mylonite (Chapter 6) and tectonic brec-
cias. Numerous earthquakes are produced by repeated rupturing of the brittle
rocks along the upper part of the fault zone. Brittle fracturing grades into ductile
Why are ridge-ridge transform faults
more abundant than other types?
deformation in the weak underlying asthenosphere; consequently, seismicity is
characteristically shallow along a transform, occurring in the brittle zone.The fault
cuts through the entire lithosphere.
Ridge-trench transforms are much less common (Figure 20.2B). But they
form an important connection between spreading and converging plates. The
longest transform faults are all of this kind. One type of ridge-trench transform
connects a ridge with the overriding side of a convergent boundary, like the one
east of the southern tip of South America (Figure 20.1). Here, two long trans-
form faults connect a short ridge with the trench along the Scotia arc. Togeth-
er, these plate boundaries form a huge hairpin curve. Another type of ridge-
trench transform connects a ridge with the subducting side of a trench. An
example is the Queen Charlotte Island Fault off the western coast of Canada
(Figure 20.1).
Trench-trench transforms (Figure 20.2C) are also rare. Figure 20.1 shows two
good examples. One is the Alpine Fault in New Zealand, which appears to connect
two trenches in the south Pacific. The direction of subduction changes across the
transform fault.Another trench-trench transform fault connects the western Aleut-
ian trench and the Kamchatka trench on the eastern shore of Russia.

Fracture zone

(A) Ridge-ridge transform fault. (B) Ridge-trench transform fault.

FIGURE 20.2 Transform faults can connect convergent and
divergent plate boundaries in various combinations. (A) shows
the common ridge-ridge transform fault. Note that relative
motion occurs only along the boundary of the plates between the
two segments of the ridge. (B) shows a ridge-trench transform
fault. (C) shows a trench-trench transform fault. In all cases, the
trend of a transform fault is parallel to the direction of relative
motion between plates. This characteristic is helpful in
determining the direction of plate motion. (C) Trench-trench transform fault.
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 579

Depth meters




form fa
ult 4000



at transform plate boundaries. This map of
AND FRACTURE ZONES of the flanks of the mid-Atlantic ridge
shows all of the hallmarks of a transform
fault. Linear valleys, depressions, and ridges
Transform plate boundaries in the ocean basins are prominent linear features
are all aligned along the fault. In addition,
that are perpendicular to the midocean ridges. They are the short, active parts the abyssal hills bend to make J-shaped
of fracture zones that may be several kilometers wide and thousands of curves as they reach the transform.
kilometers long. The characteristics of oceanic fracture zones depend on the (Courtesy of D. Blackman)
age difference between the lithosphere on either side of the fault zone.

The long oceanic fracture zones that slice across the seafloor are not what they
first seem to be. The sharp linear surface expression of fracture zones and the ap-
parent offset of an oceanic ridge may suggest that they are simple strike-slip faults,
with displacement occurring along their entire length. However, nothing could be
farther from reality. To understand oceanic fracture zones, you must keep in mind
the relative motion of the plates at a spreading ridge.
Active displacement on the fracture zone occurs only along the line that con-
nects the offset ridge segments (Figure 20.2). This zone is the transform fault, and
it is the only place where the fracture zone is a boundary between plates. It is along
this zone that earthquakes occur. Beyond this transform zone, the plates on either
side of the fracture are moving in the same direction and at the same rate; they are
linked together on the same plate. There is thus an active segment of the fracture
(a transform fault, which is a plate boundary) and an inactive segment (which is
not a plate boundary).
As the plates slide past each other in the transform zone, their boundaries are
fractured and broken (Figure 20.3). This fracturing produces parallel ridges and
troughs in the fault zone (Figure 20.4). If there is no displacement along faults be-
yond the transform zone, then how do these valleys and ridges form? It is proba-
bly easiest to envision the inactive portion of the fracture zone as a long thermal
scar in the oceanic crust. Where a ridge segment terminates against a transform How long and wide are oceanic fracture
fault, the newly formed hot ocean floor lies next to older, colder ocean floor (Fig- zones?
ure 20.2A).A steep cliff or scarp is produced if there is a large difference in the age
of rocks on either side of the fault zone, as shown in the figure.The younger lithos-
phere near the oceanic ridge is hotter and expanded, so it stands higher than the
colder and contracted lithosphere on the other side of the fracture.The higher side
of the transform fault thus may change from one side to the other, as you can see
in the figure.
580 Chapter 20

Transform fault

Ocean crust

FIGURE 20.4 Various topographic expressions of transform boundaries result from juxtaposition of rock bodies having different temperatures,
ages, and internal structure. The simple-to-complex valleys and scarps shown here are common.

As spreading continues, this elevation difference persists, and the scar grows
longer and longer. Thus, a fracture zone is a historical recording of the relative
plate motions on either side of a spreading ridge. For example, the fracture zones
in the North Atlantic trace the movement of North America away from Africa.
Another distinctive characteristic of transform plate boundaries is that no sig-
nificant amount of lithosphere is formed or consumed.Tremendous shearing, grind-
ing, metamorphism, and deformation occur in these narrow zones. In fact, between
1% and 10% of the oceanic lithosphere has been deformed by processes at a trans-
form fault. There is generally little or no volcanic or intrusive activity, although
some volcanism may occur along leaky transform systems. Transform plate
boundaries play an important structural role in the tectonics of our planet, and
considerable movement and adjustment occur along these zones as the plates shift
and move about.

Examples of Oceanic Fracture Zones

To become better acquainted with the characteristics of oceanic fracture zones,
let us look more closely at three different transform systems.

Romanche Fracture Zone. The most spectacular fracture in the central Atlantic
Ocean is the Romanche fracture system, which lies almost on the equator (Figure
20.5). The fracture zone cuts the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic ridge and includes
a ridge-ridge transform fault between the African plate on the north and the South

0 500 km
Vema fracture zone
fracture zone

St. Pauls Rocks


FIGURE 20.5 The Romanche fracture zone extends across most of the Atlantic Ocean, forming a huge ridge and trough system some 5000
km long and almost 100 km wide. The active transform boundary lies between the offset ridge axis. (Courtesy of D. T. Sandwell and W. H. F. Smith,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego)
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 581

American plate on the south.The fracture zone stretches across the entire Atlantic
Ocean; even the active transform is 600 km long. Consequently, the difference in
age of the oceanic crust on either side of the fracture is huge, nearly 50 million
years (compare with the map on the inside front cover).
The Romanche fracture zone is a series of deep valleys separated by ridges.
One narrow ridge rises above sea level to make cluster of small islandsSt. Peter
and St. Pauls Rocks, one of the few oceanic island groups that did not form by
volcanism. The floor of this zone is fractured and grooved and contains the deep-
est part of the central Atlantic Ocean (7960 m below sea level). This deep gap in
the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is significant in circulation of oceanic water in that it per-
mits cold bottom water from the ocean near Antarctica to flow from the western
side of the ridge in the southern Atlantic into the deep basins of the northern At-
lantic on the east side of the ridge.
The transform fault is not a single plane but a fault system tens of kilometers
wide containing many separate vertical faults that branch and crosscut one an-
other. Many slumps from the steep walls of the escarpment cover large parts of the
valley floor. These deep cuts expose complete sections through the oceanic crust.
Rocks dredged from the floor of the fracture zone include igneous rocks such as
basalt, gabbro, and mantle peridotite as well as their deformed or metamorphosed
equivalentsmylonite, metabasalt, and serpentinite (hydrated peridotite). With-
out question, the transform is a zone of intense shearing, manifested by breccias
and highly deformed serpentinites. Extensive slumping and landsliding off the
steep scarps also have produced coarse talus breccias.

Clipperton Fracture Zone. The Clipperton fracture zone stretches from the coast
of Central America to the middle of the Pacific Ocean (Figure 20.1). The active
transform boundary, however, is only 85 km long and connects two segments of the
East Pacific Rise (Figure 20.6). The lithosphere differs in age across the fracture
zone, but only by about 1.5 million years.The spreading rate on this part of the ridge
is high, about 10 cm/yr. The transform fault zone is a deep cleft, bounded by high
ridges on either side.
The inactive fracture zone beyond offsets magnetic stripes in the oceanic crust,
indicating that the entire fracture zone originated as a ridge-ridge transform fault,
but the direction of spreading changed slightly about 3 million years ago. On the
north side, seismic investigations show no axial magma chamber within 70 km of
the ridge-transform intersection. On the other hand, a magma chamber is present
on the south side of the Clipperton fracture zone.

FIGURE 20.6 The Clipperton

0 50 transform fault cuts the East Pacific Rise, in
the northern part of this map. It is just west
km of the Central American coast. The
transform fault forms a series of ridges and
troughs connecting two segments of the
oceanic ridge. The offset is about 85 km.
Note the height of the plate immediately
north of the East Pacific Rise and the rugged
relief in the fault zone.The fracture system
where no shear occurs extends beyond the
active transform fault. (Courtesy of K. C.
Mcdonald, University of California at Santa
582 Chapter 20

Pillow basalt

Pillow Serpentinite Talus

basalt Sediment

Vertical scale (km)

FIGURE 20.7 The structure of a 1 Sheeted
transform shear as interpreted from
exposures in the Troodos ophiolite complex 2
on Cyprus. The fault zone consists of
innumerable vertical faults and is marked by
3 Gabbro
complex breccias made of fragments from
basaltic dikes. The large mass of serpentine s
Sheeted dike
intruded the fracture zone. Talus breccias are
interlayered with sediments and basaltic lava t plate
ne Young ho
flows, which include pillow basalts that Shear zo
erupted at the transform boundary. plate
Old cold

Transform Fault Zones in Ophiolites. Some ophiolites have long, nearly vertical
shear zones that slice through the igneous rocks. These zones are probably
transform faults formed on the seafloor and then preserved during the thrusting
of the ophiolite onto land.
For example, the Troodos ophiolite complex on the Mediterranean island of
Cyprus is cut by such a vertical shear zone (Figure 20.7). The shear zone is about
10 km wide and cuts through the rocks of the ophiolite sequence. Dikes in a sheet-
ed dike complex curve toward the major strike-slip fault, just as ridge tips do a
Why is Cyprus important for the study transform fault zone. Outcrops of gabbro and serpentinite lie on the south side of
of transform faults? the fault. The large mass of serpentine is interpreted to have formed when peri-
dotite in the mantle combined with seawater flowing through the highly perme-
able fracture zone. Because serpentine is both buoyant and weak, it may have in-
truded into the fracture zone as a diapir. Talus breccias formed as steep slopes on
the seafloor failed. Apparently, high ridges and deep valleys ran parallel to the
shear zone. The breccias are interlayered with sediments and basaltic lava flows,
which include pillow basalts. Small volumes of lava must have erupted along the
shear zone. All of these features reveal that this area of the ophiolite was strong-
ly sheared along a strike-slip fault while it was still at the bottom of the ocean
and long before it was thrust onto dry land.

Processes at Transform Plate Boundaries

Transform boundaries strongly influence local tectonic and igneous processes and
are responsible for much of the structural and topographic variation of the ocean
floor. The examples described above show that most oceanic fracture zones have
pronounced topographic relief, with high linear ridges and deep linear troughs,
What processes occur along transform steeply inclined fault scarps, and sheared rocks. Like many strike-slip faults on
faults? land, a transform fault zone is not a single plane but a fault zone that can be as
much as 100 km wide. The transforms thus contain numerous separate fault planes
that branch, merge, and cross one another to make a braided network of strike-
slip faults. Volcanism also diminishes near the transform intersection with an
oceanic ridge.
To understand why these characteristics develop, let us explore some of the fun-
damental processes that take place at transform plate boundaries.Their distinctive
fabric largely results from the complex interplay of strike-slip faulting, age and
temperature contrasts across the transform fault, and shearing rates.

Contraction and Extension in Transform Fault Systems. At many transform

fault boundaries, strike-slip displacement occurs along several separate fault planes
that curve slightly, merge, and separate again. Horizontal movement within this
braided system of curved faults produces local zones of horizontal compression or
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 583
Fold formed by transpression Basin formed by transtension

(A) (B)

FIGURE 20.8 Secondary compressional and extensional structures are produced by bends or offsets in the transform fault system. Small fold
belts mark zones of transpression (A) and pull-apart basins mark transtensional bends (B).

extension (Figure 20.8). Horizontal compression occurs where the bends are
oriented so that blocks on either side of the fault are squeezed together (Figure
20.8A). This squeezing creates uplifted regions with small folds and thrust faults
that trend perpendicular to the major strike-slip faults. Because this process
involves both transform and compression motion, it is known as transpression.
This kind of contraction commonly creates long, low ridges, but locally, uplift may
be extreme.
Areas of extension can also develop along bends in the strike-slip faults.
Transtension (transform plus extension) produces small fault-bounded troughs
known as pull-apart basins (Figure 20.8B). This extension results in normal fault-
ing and subsidence of a small block between the two plates. These more or less
rectangular basins grow and accumulate sedimentary deposits as strike-slip move-
ment continues.As the troughs grow, the floor may be stretched and thinned so that What effect does the cold wall have
volcanoes may develop in the central part of the basin. on the adjacent oceanic ridge?

Thermal Structure and the Cold Wall. By their very nature, ridge-ridge
transform plate boundaries juxtapose a cold wall of lithosphere against a hot ridge
axis.You can see in Figure 20.9 that a relatively thick, cold, and contracted segment
of older lithosphere on the flank of a ridge is adjacent to a hot ridge axis where new
lithosphere is forming. This may seem at first to be a minor and insignificant
characteristic, but it is a major factor in the structural and topographic evolution
of the oceanic crust.
In a sense, normal processes that occur along the ridge, such as rifting and the
generation of new oceanic crust, come up against this cold wall and stop. Thus, the
transform faults at either end of a ridge segment form distinct boundaries to the
crust-forming processes, much as the walls of a magma chamber form boundaries
to igneous processes in a pluton. The cold wall cools the asthenosphere rising be-
neath the ridge.This cooling restricts the amount of partial melting and reduces the
amount of magma that can separate from the asthenosphere. Consequently, this

Midocean FIGURE 20.9 The thermal structure of

Younger ridge a transform boundary is related to
Older cold
hot crust Hot bulge Younger differences in age and temperature of the
A hot crust lithosphere across the fault. The cross
section along AA is parallel to a ridge
segment and shows the thermal structure of
Hot bulge a ridge-transform boundary. The older,
cooler lithosphere creates a cold wall that
inhibits magmatic processes and
Older cold concentrates deformation into a narrow
zone. The younger, hotter lithosphere
stands higher than the older cooler
A' A' lithosphere. Thus, the scarp alternates from
one side of the fracture zone to the other.
In addition, a hot bulge forms on the older
lithosphere that is adjacent to the hot ridge.
584 Chapter 20

massive cold wall may effectively eliminate development of normal oceanic crust
at the adjacent ridge crest. Near transform boundaries the oceanic crust may be
very thin.
The spreading ridge also affects the cold wall. Intrusion of hot dikes or con-
ductive heating from the hot ridge causes a bulge to develop on the cold side of
the fault (Figure 20.9). This bulge is a significant topographic element of the trans-
form. Note the bulge across from the spreading ridge along the Clipperton frac-
ture zone (Figure 20.6).

Ridge Offset and Spreading Rate. The structure and topography of ridge-ridge
transform plate boundaries vary systematically, depending on the temperature of
the plates across the transform fault. The amount of offset of the ridge and the
spreading rate control the contrast in temperature. Large ridge offsets juxtapose
What is the difference in the structure an old, cold section of lithosphere against a young, hot ridge. Small ridge offsets
and topography of long offset versus juxtapose two sections of lithosphere that have almost the same temperature, age,
small offset transform faults? thickness, and strength. (For a given offset distance, ridges that spread quickly will
juxtapose plates that are very similar to one another as compared to transform
faults on ridges that spread slowly.)
Transforms with long ridge offsets (or with slow-shearing rates) have a promi-
nent cold wall (Figure 20.10). On one side of the fault zone, lithosphere is ex-
ceptionally thin and weak. Directly across the fault zone, the lithosphere may
be 30 million years old and 50 km thick. The striking difference in the thickness
of lithosphere keeps the fault zone narrow and prevents the fracture from split-
ting or migrating. Consequently, the fault zone is well defined, generally less than
1 km wide, and has steep walls. The cold wall also lowers the temperature of
magma beneath the ridge and slows volcanism. As a result, the crust that devel-
ops here is thin. In addition, seawater penetrates through the thin crust down
into the mantle. There it combines with peridotite to form the metamorphic rock
serpentinite. Because of its lower density and lower strength, the serpentinite
may rise through the crust and make long, narrow serpentinite ridges charac-
teristic of transforms at slow-spreading ridges.
As the amount of offset decreases (or rate of shearing increases), the fault zone
becomes wider and more complex (Figure 20.11). If the offset is less than about

1 millio
rs o ld
30 milli lip
years o
ld Strike-s

Transform zone

Serpentine lt
Fracture Basa
Ridge Dike tine
Ser pen
Ga bbro 0
0 50
km 4
sphe 8
(A) The transform fault is marked by a deep linear valley. Long, Litho
narrow, linear ridges commonly parallel the faults. Also, note how the
spreading ridge bends into the fault zone. (Courtesy of K. C. Macdonald
University of California, Santa Barbara)

(B) The schematic cross section shows the pronounced contrast in

thickness of the lithosphere from the accreting ridge where the lithosphere
FIGURE 20.10 A large-offset on a transform fault (or one that consists only of hot, new oceanic crust to the much older, colder, and
has a slow-shearing rate) has a narrow zone of deformation. thicker lithosphere on the opposite side.
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 585
1 millio
0 50 ld

ye a rs o
km 3 millio lip
ld Strike-s
years o faults

Fracture Transform zone
zone Gabbro


Lithosphere 4

(A) The transform fault zone may be tens of kilometers wide. Several 8
shear zones within the transform system form elongate ridges and Asthen
valleys. They are linked together by extensional pull-apart basins or
segments of spreading centers that trend obliquely across the shear
zone. Volcanism occurs along these short ridge segments. (Courtesy
of K. C. Macdonald University of California, Santa Barbara) (B) This cross section shows that there is little contrast in lithospheric
thickness across the transform zone. This relative uniformity permits a
FIGURE 20.11 A small offset transform fault (or one that
wide belt of deformation.
has a high-shearing rate) has a wide zone of deformation.

50 km, little variation exists in the temperature, age, or thickness of the lithosphere
on either side of the transform. Thus, the boundary is not well constrained by a
wall of strong, cold lithosphere. A broad zone of deformation up to 100 km wide
develops. The transform contains multiple shear zones and small ridge segments
that are oblique to the ridge. In addition, volcanism is more common in the wider
shear zones.


Continental transform faults are similar to oceanic transform faults. They

are seismically active and have distinctive topographic featuresfault
scarps, linear ridges and troughs, and displaced stream channels formed by
strike-slip faulting. Pull-apart basins and fold belts develop along bends in
the faults.

Transform faults that cut continental crust are not nearly as common as oceanic
transforms because most transform faults develop at oceanic ridges. Some inactive
transforms are preserved as suture zones in shields or as boundaries to accreted
terrains (see Chapter 21). Todays active continental transform faults are impor-
tant because they help us understand global tectonics and because they are seis-
mic hazards in populated areas.
Continental transform faults are similar to oceanic transforms in that their mo- How are transform faults expressed on
tion is essentially strike-slip and associated earthquakes are shallow. Like ocean- continents?
ic transforms, continental transform faults penetrate the entire lithosphere and
their movement defines a plate boundary. (Most other types of faults involve only
the upper part of the crust and die out at relatively shallow depths.) Continental
transform faults typically have distinctive linear topographic features (Figure
20.12). These include relatively straight fault scarps, linear ridges and troughs, and
streams and valleys that have been beheaded and displaced horizontally. The in-
dividual faults in a continental transform system therefore branch, join, bend, and
sidestep each other and even establish zones of local contraction or extension.
586 Chapter 20



Sag pond


(B) The San Andreas Fault slices through California, marking

the transform boundary between moving tectonic plates. The
great scar along the fault line is marked by linear valleys,
sharp contrast in landforms, and displaced drainage.
(A) Transform fault zones include strike-slip faults, fault scarps, linear ridges and
valleys, offset drainages, and local elongate lakes and ponds.

FIGURE 20.12 Continental transform faults produce very distinctive landforms.

Some differences between oceanic and continental lithosphere may be caused

by the greater thickness and structural complexity of continental lithosphere. Con-
tinental transform faults may follow previous zones of weakness, such as older
faults or boundaries between rock types that have contrasting strengths.

Examples of Continental Transform Faults

To appreciate these features and structures, let us consider some details of three
well-known continental transform systems.

San AndreasGulf of California Transform System. The San AndreasGulf of

California transform system is 3000 km long, extending from the Mendocino
fracture zone off the northern coast of California southward to the tip of Baja
California (Figure 20.13). It is a ridge-ridge transform consisting of two main parts:
the San Andreas strike-slip zone and the obliquely rifting Gulf of California.
The San Andreas Fault is expressed at the surface by a great scar running
through most of California, but it has many subsidiary faults.Thus, the displacement
involves a zone more than 100 km wide (see p. 594). These faults are part of the
same system that accommodates the motion of the Pacific plate past the North
American plate. Undoubtedly, it is the best-known plate boundary in the world.At
its southern end, the San Andreas Fault splays out into a series of subparallel strike-
slip faults that extend to the head of the Gulf of California. Throughout Califor-
nia, the San Andreas Fault zone is marked by sharp, linear landforms, including
straight and narrow valleys, linear ridges, and offset drainage patterns (Figure
20.12B). Local zones of transpression and transtension have developed deep pull-
apart basins and zones of intense compression. The rocks in one folded zone have
been uplifted about 15 km.
The San Andreas Fault itself is more than 1000 km long, an active boundary
between the Pacific plate to the west and the North American plate to the east.The
Pacific plate is moving northwestward at about 6 cm/yr relative to the North Amer-
ican plate. As stress builds between the plates, sudden releases cause the
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 587

earthquakes for which California is noted. Earthquakes occur along its entire

length and as deep as 15 km, but no deeper.The famous San Francisco earthquake


of 1906 resulted from movement that produced an offset of as much as 6.4 m.
The San Andreas Fault system began to develop about 30 million years ago (in
Oligocene time) and its location on the continent may have been controlled by
preexisting fractures in the basement rocks. Horizontal movement along the San Mendocino
Triple Junction
Andreas Fault has totaled about 300 km.
The Gulf of California segment of the transform system is a series of long trans-

form faults that connect very short spreading ridges (Figure 20.13). The features fracture

of the Gulf of California segment are similar in many ways to those of small- zone

re a s
offset oceanic transform systems. Most of the Gulf of California is thinned conti-
nental crust, and the floor of the ocean is very shallow.Along the spreading ridges,

however, oceanic crust has formed and the bottom of the gulf attains abyssal
depths. Opening of the gulf began about 5 million years ago with a spreading rate
of 5 cm/yr.
The net result of movement along the San AndreasGulf of California transform
system has been the opening of the Gulf of California and the displacement of the Gulf of
western block of the San Andreas northward approximately 300 km (Figure 20.13). California
With continued movement, Baja California and a narrow slice of western Cali-
fornia may become an elongate continental fragment surrounded by oceanic crust.
The San AndreasGulf of California transform system thus provides insight into
how some microcontinents are formed, especially where the transforms cut the
ridge obliquely, such as in the western Indian Ocean.This mechanism might explain East Pacific
the origin of Madagascar and the Seychelles Islands, which are continental frag- Ridge
ments formerly attached to Africa and India.
FIGURE 20.13 The San AndreasGulf
of California transform system extends from
Dead Sea Transform System. The Dead Sea transform system extends from the northern California to just beyond the end
spreading ridge of the Red Sea northward to a zone of continent-to-continent of Baja California. It connects the
collision in the Alpine orogenic belt in southern Turkey (Figure 20.14). The Mendocino fracture zone, the Cascade
structure, topography, and history of the entire region are magnificent expressions trench, and the East Pacific Rise. Where the
transform involves continental crust
of continental plates moving along a transform system.The transform zone is about (throughout California), it forms a series of
1000 km long and marks the boundary between the western edge of the Arabian strike-slip faults with intervening pull-apart
plate and the northern part of the African plate. It is a remarkable structure that basins and compressional ridges. In the Gulf
controls the development of many features in Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and the Sinai of California, where the transform system
Peninsula, as described below. involves oceanic crust, the fault zone consists
of a series of long transform faults
The main structure is the strike-slip fault zone, which involves several separate connecting short ridge segments.
fault planes that slice through the entire lithosphere. These faults are not straight
but have several angular bends. As a result, large, deep pull-apart basins have
formed along the strike-slip fault zone (Figure 20.15).The Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) seg-
ment is the widest and deepest. The floor of one of these basins is more than 2000
m below sea level. Farther north, the Dead Sea trough is another pull-apart basin;
it is 400 m below sea level, with water depths exceeding 300 m in places. Sediment
filling the Dead Sea trough is derived from erosion of the adjacent mountains. It
is several kilometers thick and continues to pour into the graben, forming alluvial
fans. In a more humid climate, the Dead Sea trough would be a freshwater lake or
an extension of the Gulf of Aqaba.
The structural features north and south of the Dead Sea are no less impressive.
Note the direction of plate movement illustrated in Figure 20.14.The Arabian plate What structures north and south of the
is moving northward and the African plate southward. Two major bends in the Dead Sea are produced by movement
strike-slip fault system occur, one to the north in Lebanon and Syria and the other along a transform fault?
south of the Dead Sea. As the plates move near these bends, slippage along the
fault is inhibited and broad zones of transpression result. This formed compres-
sional folds that branch off the strike-slip fault zone in the Palmyra Mountains to
the north (Figure 20.14)
The Dead Sea transform system began about 25 million years ago when Ara-
bia was still part of the African continent. As rifting began to open the Red Sea,
588 Chapter 20

nic B
o ge
in e

0 100 200
T re n c h
Turkey Basalt

Cyprus Syria Palestine

Lebanon Palmyra Dead
Mediterranean Sea folds Sea

Cairo (El-qahira)Jordan Sinai



Subduction zone
Red Sea

FIGURE 20.14 The Dead Sea transform system connects the Red Sea spreading ridge with the Alpine convergent belt. The
movement along the transform zone has produced the long, deep, narrow pull-apart basins of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea as
well as the contractional folds of the northern Sinai and the Palmyra Mountains of Lebanon and Syria. Small eruptions of basalt
occurred near the pull-apart basins. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)

the Arabian plate split from Africa and began to move northward. The Dead Sea
transform was initiated by this movement, and vigorous tectonic activity has con-
tinued ever since. Total offset along the southern extent is at least 100 km, but to
the north displacement is less, suggesting that part of the plate movement has been
taken up by folding in the Palmyra fold belt. Intermittent volcanism along the
transform system has occurred since Mesozoic time, and Pleistocene basaltic lava
flows and cinder cones are especially obvious (Figure 20.14).

Alpine Transform System of New Zealand. The Alpine Fault is a trench-

trench transform system connecting the west-dipping Tonga-Kermadec Trench
in the north with the east-dipping Macquarie Trench in the south. As seen in
Figure 20.16, the Pacific plate is being consumed in the Tonga-Kermadec Trench
east of the north island, and the Australian plate is being subducted south of
What is the offset along the Alpine the south island. Thus, the Alpine transform is a trench-trench transform that
Fault? traverses a large segment of a continental fragment, shearing New Zealand
down the middle. Consequently, this type of transform can be studied from
direct observation on land.
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 589




0 30

FIGURE 20.15 Pull-apart basins in the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea dominate this photograph taken by astronauts aboard the Space
Shuttle. Such basins are caused by movement on strike-slip faults that have sharp bends and offsets of the major faults (inset). These form three deep
basins along the floor of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea basin that lies below sea level.

Like the San Andreas Fault, the Alpine transform was well known as a strike-
slip fault long before plate tectonic theory developed. Correlation of distinc-
tive rock types near the ends of the fault zone indicates a huge displacement of
about 480 km (note the displacement of the late Paleozoic metamorphic rocks
on the map). The north and south islands of New Zealand are currently being
drawn apart along the Alpine transform system. Throughout much of its length,
the Alpine Fault is defined by the abrupt truncation of mountain spurs against
the adjacent plains.
Movement along the Alpine Fault has been largely horizontal throughout
most of its 40-million-year history (at a rate of up to 1 cm/yr). However, signif-
icant vertical movements associated with transpression and thrusting along the
fault zone have also occurred. For example, a change in plate motions about 6
to 7 million years ago initiated horizontal compression across the fault zone.
This compression caused the southern Alps to rise to their present height of
over 3500 m (Figure 20.17).
590 Chapter 20

Late Paleozoic
metamorphic rocks

dec Trench
Australian plate Sedimentary, volcanic,
and ultramafic rocks
schist and gneiss

FIGURE 20.16 The (Magnitude > 3) Ophiolites
transform system of the Alpine 0 30 100 400

Alpine fault
Fault, New Zealand, connects the Depth (km)
west-dipping Tonga-Kermadec
subduction zone to the east- Australian
dipping Macquarie subduction plate
zone. Note the tremendous lt
Alpine Fault
displacement of major rock units ine
on the Alpine Fault. The Alp Pacific

northern subduction zone dips plate

Pacific plate

east and the southern subduction

zone dips west, as shown by the

0 400
pattern of progressively deeper
earthquakes. (Courtesy of the 200 km km
New Zealand GeoNet Project)


Earthquakes at transform plate boundaries are especially abundant. The

seismicity is shallow and shows strike-slip characteristics.

Earthquakes are especially common on transform plate boundaries (Figure 20.18).

In fact, most of the earthquakes along the oceanic ridge system are actually on
transform offsets to the ridge, rather than on the ridge itself. The energy released
by these earthquakes is about 100 times greater than that released from earth-
quakes along the ridge crest. The abundance of earthquakes is related to the
lithosphere temperature along the cooler transform as compared with the hotter
ridge. In the relatively cold lithosphere along a transform fault, brittle fracture is

FIGURE 20.17 The Alpline Fault,

New Zealand, is a strike-slip fault that
connects two plate boundaries. The valley in
this view was created by differential eriosion
along the long linear fault. Deformation
along the fault created the high Alps of the
southern islands. (Courtesy of New Zealand
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences)
Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 591

Transform earthquakes

FIGURE 20.18 Shallow earthquakes

on a midocean ridge are more frequent on
the transform faults, where the crust is
cooler, thicker, and more brittle, than on the
Ridge spreading ridge itself. The region directly
earthquakes beneath the ridge is too hot and ductile to
produce many earthquakes. Strike-slip
earthquakes (blue) form on transform
0 1000
faults and earthquakes on normal faults
km (red) are common on ridges. (Courtesy of
D. T. Sandwell and W. H. F. Smith, Scripps
Institution of Oceanography, University of
California at San Diego)

common. Deformation by ductile flow is more common in the hotter rocks right
at the ridge, and earthquakes are consequently less common.
Earthquakes along oceanic transform faults are shallowmost are less than
10 km deepand small compared with those occurring at convergent plate mar-
gins (as deep as 650 km) and along continental transform faults (as deep as
20 km). Moreover, shallow earthquakes along the transforms are rarely related to
magma intrusion or volcanism as are earthquakes at the ridge crest.
In the 1960s, identification of earthquake patterns along oceanic fracture zones
was fundamental to establishing our present understanding of transform fault mo-
tion. Early workers found that most of the earthquakes along transform faults are
related to strike-slip movement on faults perpendicular to the ridge crest. In con-
trast, earthquakes along the ridge axis occur on normal faults parallel to the ridge.
As predicted by the plate tectonic theory, earthquakes only occur on the active
transform fault zonetypically the area between two ridge axesand few occur
along the inactive part of the fracture zone (Figures 20.2 and 20.18).
Earthquakes are also abundant along continental transform faults.The tremors
that plague much of western California occur along the San Andreas transform sys-
tem (Figure 20.19). One of the most famous earthquakes in history was the 1906
San Francisco event. This shallow earthquake lasted only a minute but had a mag-
nitude of 8.2. The shaking ruptured gas lines, and the fire that followed caused
most of the destruction (an estimated $400 million in damagea great value at that
timeand a reported loss of 700 lives). Horizontal displacement of up to 7 m oc-
curred over a distance of about 400 km, offsetting roads, fences, and buildings.



Volcanoes rarely develop on transform faults, but small volumes of basalt

may erupt in pull-apart basins. Metamorphism along transform fault zones
creates deformation fabrics, seafloor metamorphism, and serpentinite.

At transforms that juxtapose old crust against an active spreading ridge, the gen-
eration and emplacement of basaltic magma is modified because of the cooler
temperatures induced by the adjacent thick, cold lithosphere.The temperature be-
comes lower along the ridge axis as it approaches a transform fault (Figure 20.9).
The cooler temperatures diminish volcanic activity because it disrupts the
THE ART Global Positioning Systems

Knowing your location accurately is vital in almost all geologic

studies. It is important for research ships at sea, for oil drilling
rigs on land, and even for geologists collecting an individual
specimen from a rock outcrop. Traditionally, geologists have
determined their locations in the field by consulting a topo-
graphic map or aerial photograph and using distinctive land-
marks to approximate their position. These locations were
usually accurate to within a few meters. If more precise loca-
tions were needed, laborious measurements with surveying
equipment, a transit, or a steel tape could be used.
Ancient people used the stars to navigate. Stars and con-
stellations could be found in predictable places in the sky.
By knowing their own position relative to the stars, early nav-
igators could calculate a good fix on their location on the
globe. Today, the Global Positioning System (commonly ab- (Courtesy of A. Johnson/National Air and Space
breviated as GPS) uses radio signals (instead of light) from Museum/Smithsonian Institution)
a constellation of 24 satellites (instead of stars) to find the Once a location is known, say, for a sample collection site,
location of a spot on the surface. In effect, GPS uses these ar- a geologist may be satisfied and never return to this location.
tificial stars as reference points to calculate positions that But others interested in plate motion may come back to the
can be accurate to within a few millimeters.The satellites are same site again and again to measure the changing position
launched and maintained by the U.S. Department of De- of that spot. Remember, most plates move a few centimeters
fense. GPS receivers are small enough to carry in the field. each year, a distance well within the capabilities of a precise
A GPS unit measures the distance from your location GPS survey. Since the frame of reference (the satellite) is off
on Earth to four or more satellites in orbit and then it cal- the planet, an absolute direction and amount of motion can
culates each distance by accurately measuring how long it be found by comparing successive measurements.
takes radio signals from the satellite to reach the receiver. The map below shows the power of repeated GPS survey-
Using a method similar to that used to find earthquake epi- ing. The arrows are vectors showing the speed and direction
centers (Figure 18.4), four distance spheres are formed of movement of each surveyed spot. It is immediately appar-
and their mutual intersection gives your location on Earth. ent that parts of coastal California are quickly sliding to the
Obviously, the accuracy of the location depends on the northwest at a rate of about 5 cm/yr.The rapidly moving region
accuracy of the distance measurements. One way to im- is on the western side of the San Andreas fault system (Figure
prove the accuracy is to stay in the same place for a long 20.13).These velocity estimates are very similar to those found
time and allow many readings to be averaged. For precise by measuring offset features on the fault and constitute a pow-
measurements, like those described below, a GPS receiver erful affirmation of the role played by moving plates over mil-
may need to remain in the same place for an entire day. lions of years.


Rate and direction
of plate motion
10 mm/yr
Active fault

0 100


(Modified from R. A. Bennett, J. L. Davis, and B. P. Wernicke)

Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 593

Gorda plate
1980 San Andreas Fault
1922 Eureka Inactive zone
Active zone


fracture o

zone Other faults

Major earthquakes

0 Pa Cities

Depth in km



Parkfield 1906
S.F. 1868
r 1983 N
t Ca ev
q 1857 lifo ad
u Parkfield rn a
s 1952
1927 1812
S.B. 1992
L.A. 1918
0 50 100 150 Salton Sea
S.D. 1940
1987 1979

FIGURE 20.19 Earthquakes on the San Andreas continental transform system are concentrated along the
fault and its branching subsidiaries. Almost all of the earthquakes occur at depths less than 15 km. The southern
part of the fault has had many historic earthquakes while the northern segment has not. Perhaps strain is
building toward a large earthquake on the northern strand. (Modified from A. Robinson)

migration of the hot upwelling asthenosphere and lessens the volume of basaltic
melt generated. As a result, the amount of magma supplied to the shallow magma
chamber decreases as the transform boundary is approached. Consequently, the
crust becomes thinner near the transform.
Some continental transform faults are locally associated with basaltic volcanism.
Such leaky transforms usually have pull-apart basins, where small volumes of
basalt erupt as lava flows and cinder cones.The lavas along the Dead Sea transform Why are earthquakes limited to shallow
(Figure 20.14) and those near southern Californias Salton Sea are good examples depths along transform faults?
of this type of volcanism. Partial melting in the mantle occurs when it rises to fill
the small voids created by the pull-apart basins.
The most characteristic type of metamorphism that occurs at transform plate
boundaries is caused by the horizontal shearing motion. As the two plates grind
against one another, fault breccias and fine-grained mylonite are created; at high-
er temperatures, ductile deformation textures develop. Where a transform fault
meets an active ridge crest, metamorphic recrystallization of basaltic lava flows
and dikes is also aided by the influx of seawater into hot crust exposed by fault-
ing in the fracture zone.
GeoLogic Transform(ation) of California

Offset pluton
160 km

North American

Area of
image Los Angeles

This dramatic view of southern California is a hybrid be- 7. Earthquake epicenters (red dots for selected earthquakes
tween a map, a photograph, and a three-dimensional sculp- with magnitudes greater than about 4) clearly delineate
ture based on remote sensing and innumerable measure- the patches of broken ground found by field geologists
ments of elevation. Clearly displayed are the features that and revealed here by satellite photography.
led geologists to conclude that a transform fault system has
shaped the terrain. Interpretations
These observations clearly show that the lineaments seen
Observations on the satellite map were created by movement on a series
1. Note first of all, the sharp, nearly straight lines that sep- of strike-slip faults that cut across California. As one block
arate the mountains from the basins. slides past another, strain builds up until the rocks break
2. A pronounced linear fabric in the mountains parallels and release the energy during an earthquake. Repeated
these lines. earthquakes along the faults, break, crush, and pulverize
3. Geologists working on the ground find horizontal dis- rocks along the fault plane.These brecciated zones are more
placement and breccias along these zones showing that susceptible to weathering and erosion. The linear fabric of
each one is a strike-slip fault. the mountains was carved by weathering and erosion along
4. Thus, the San Andreas is not a single fault, but a system these zones of weakness. Long term movement on the San
of many faults (yellow lines). Andreas fault is shown by the offsets of many geological
5. A pluton is sliced and offset by one of the vertical faults features which imply that the rate of displacement along
in this system. Each part of the Triassic pluton is now sep- this strand of the fault is 2 to 3 cm/y. These interpretations
arated by 160 km. led to the conclusion that the San Andreas fault system is
6. Earthquakes make this motion tragically obvious; each a transform plate boundary that separates the North Amer-
year 2 or 3 large earthquakes rock the San Andreas fault ican plate from the Pacific plate.
system causing horizontal displacements of several meters
at a time. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/NIMA)

Tr a n s f o r m P l a t e B o u n d a r i e s 595

fracture zone (p. 576) ridge-ridge transform (p. 578) transform boundary (p. 576) trench-trench transform
leaky transform (p. 580) ridge-trench transform (p. 578) transform fault (p. 576) (p. 578)
mylonite (p. 578) serpentinite ridges (p. 584) transpression (p. 583)
pull-apart basin (p. 583) shearing (p. 576) transtension (p. 583)

1. Contrast the movement of plates at a transform boundary 8. What are the effects of the cold wall of lithosphere where
with that at divergent and convergent boundaries. an oceanic spreading ridge meets a transform fault?
2. How does a transform fault differ from a simple strike-slip 9. What geologic features mark the surface expression of a
fault? continental transform fault?
3. What are the three main types of transform plate 10. Outline the development of a pull-apart basin along a conti-
boundaries? nental transform fault.
4. Draw a simple line map of the Romanche fracture zone 11. How can a compressional fold belt form along a transform
(Figure 20.4). Show midocean ridges, inactive fracture plate boundary?
zones, the active fault zone, and the older colder side of the 12. Where do you think oil might form in connection with a
transform fault zone. transform fault system such as the San Andreas Fault?
5. List two examples of each of the three main types of trans- 13. Why is seismicity common on a transform fault between
form faults. two midocean ridge segments but rare on the long fracture
6. Why is there a steep cliff along one side of an oceanic frac- zone that extends beyond the ridge?
ture zone? 14. Why is volcanism rare along transform plate boundaries?
7. Compare the features of the Clipperton (small offset) with 15. What kinds of metamorphic rocks would you expect to find
the Romanche (large offset) transform zones. along an oceanic transform fault zone?

Collier, M., 1999. A Land in Motion: Californias San Andreas Moores, E. M., and R. J. Twiss. 1995. Tectonics. San Francisco:
Fault. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Freeman.
Keary, P., and F. J. Vine. 1996. Global Tectonics, 2nd ed. Boston: Nicolas, A. 1995. The Mid-Oceanic Ridges: Mountains Below Sea
Blackwell Scientific. Level. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animations of transform fault motion
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Simulated flights down an oceanic transform fault
Quantitative Problems Slides showing deformation along transform faults
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
21 Convergent
Plate Boundaries
The convergence of two tectonic plates develops some of the most remarkable structural
and topographic features on our planet. At convergent plate margins, great slabs of
oceanic lithosphere slide ponderously into Earths internal abyssthe deep mantle.
As they slowly disappear from the surface, spectacularly deep trenches form graceful
arcs on the seafloor. The subducted plates strive to reach mechanical and chemical
equilibrium with the mantle, and, in the process, many of Earths most dramatic
landscapes and structures are created. Earthquakes, volcanic arcs, deep-sea trenches,
and the continents themselves are the result of converging plates. But perhaps the most
fascinating phenomena resulting from plate collision are the great mountain ranges
of the world: the Alps, Andes, Rockies, and Himalayas. The internal structure of moun-
tains shows intense folding, thrust faulting, and other features of intense horizontal
compression resulting from plate collision. Young orogenic belts are elevated to great

heights and subjected to vigorous erosion by streams and glaciers.
An example is the great Alpine fold and thrust belt of southern Europe. The Tyrolean
Alps of northern Italy illustrate the results of deformation when plates collide, in this case
the African and Eurasian plates. Thick sequences of sedimentary strata, originally deposit-
ed on the seafloor, were deformed into anticlines and synclines and uplifted as much as
four kilometers above sea level. These rocks now form the highest peaks. Erosion has re-
moved a large volume of rock so that what we see in the high peaks is only a small fraction
of the total volume of rock.
Convergent plate margins are where continental crust is born, just as divergent plate mar-
gins are the birthplaces of oceanic crust. This is perhaps the most important fact to remember
as you study these important plate boundaries. This new granitic crust is so buoyant that it can
never sink into the denser mantle below. Consequently, the rocks of the continents are much
older than those in the ocean basins. They preserve a record of much of Earths ancient
historya record in the form of faults, folds, mountain belts, batholiths, and sediments.
In this chapter, we examine the basic types of convergent boundaries, how they develop,
and the rocks they form. We review their intimate relationship to Earths most destructive
earthquakes and volcanoes and to deformation at all scales. In addition, we will see that
the deformed rocks, high-grade metamorphic rocks, and igneous intrusions developed at
convergent plate margins are the building blocks of the continents.
Courtesy of Dallas and John Heaton/CORBIS

1. Convergent plate boundaries are zones where lithospheric plates collide.The
three major types of convergent plate interactions are (a) convergence of
two oceanic plates, (b) convergence of an oceanic and a continental plate, and
(c) collision of two continental plates. The first two involve subduction of
oceanic lithosphere into the mantle.
2. Plate temperatures, convergence rates, and convergence directions play im-
portant roles in determining the final character of a convergent plate
3. Most subduction zones have an outer swell, a trench and forearc, a magmatic
arc, and a backarc basin. In contrast, continental collision produces a wide belt
of folded and faulted mountains in the middle of a new continent.
4. Subduction of oceanic lithosphere produces a narrow, inclined zone of earth-
quakes that extends to more than 600 km depth, but broad belts of shallow
earthquakes form where two continents collide.
5. Crustal deformation at subduction zones produces melange in the forearc
and extension or compression in the volcanic arc and backarc areas. Conti-
nental collision is always marked by strong horizontal compression that caus-
es folding and thrust faulting.
6. Magma is generated at subduction zones because dehydration of oceanic
crust causes partial melting of the overlying mantle. Andesite and other sili-
cic magmas that commonly erupt explosively are distinctive products of con-
vergent plate boundaries. At depth, plutons form, composed of rock ranging
from diorite to granite. In continental collision zones, magma is less volumi-
nous, dominantly granitic, and probably derived by melting of preexisting
continental crust.
7. Metamorphism at subduction zones produces low-temperaturehigh-pres-
sure facies near the trench and higher-temperature facies near the magmat-
ic arc. Broad belts of highly deformed metamorphic rocks mark the sites of
past continental collision.
8. Continents grow larger as low-density silica-rich rock is added to the crust at
convergent plate boundaries and by terrane accretion.


Three distinctive types of convergence are recognized: (1) the convergence

of two oceanic plates, (2) the convergence of a continental plate and an
oceanic plate, and (3) the convergence of two continental plates.

We have learned a great deal about convergent boundaries from geophysical stud-
ies that include gravity surveys, measurements of heat flow, and seismic-reflection
profiles. In addition, geochemical studies of the igneous rocks erupted at these
boundaries tell the tale of their generation, rise, and differentiation. These results,
combined with field studies of ancient and modern mountain belts and arcs, give
us an integrated picture of the geologic features of convergent plate margins and
the processes that have shaped them.
If you study Figure 21.1, you will observe that convergent boundaries involve
either the convergence of two oceanic plates (numerous trenches in the Pacific),
the convergence of an oceanic and a continental plate (the western margin of
South America), or two continental plates (India and Asia).

Convergence of Two Oceanic Plates

The simplest type of convergent plate marginocean-ocean convergencecon-
sists of two oceanic plates. As the plates collide, one is thrust under the other,

Convergent Plate Boundaries 599


Alps Rockies
Aleutian Cascade


Mariana West

Java Andes



Mesozoic Paleozoic 10 cm/yr Fold Convergent Mid-ocean

mountains mountains trends boundary ridge

FIGURE 21.1 Convergent plate margins are marked in two ways: either by deep trenches, where plates of oceanic lithosphere converge
and one descends to be recycled into the mantle, or by high folded mountain belts. In both cases, earthquakes and magma are generated.
Absolute plate motions are shown with arrows. Trenches and mountain belts are labeled.

forming a subduction zone. The subducting plate descends into the mantle, where
it is heated, triggering the generation of magma. The magma, being less dense
than the surrounding rock, rises and erupts on the seafloor, ultimately building an
arc of volcanic islands (Figure 21.2). Andesite is the volcanic rock that charac-
teristically forms at such sites.
Several important structural and topographic features form at many subduc-
tion zones (Figure 21.2). A broad rise or bulge in the downgoing plate, known as What are the typical features produced
an outer swell, commonly develops where the plate bends to dive down into the by ocean-ocean convergence?
mantle. Closer to the island arc, a deep trench and a forearc ridge form. The fore-
arc commonly traps sedimentary deposits and is underlain by faulted and highly
deformed sedimentary and metamorphic rock. Behind the volcanic arc, the backarc
is a broad region of variable character that may be compressed or extended.
The Tonga Islands in the western Pacific show the structure and topography of
a simple island arc (Figure 21.1). The volcanoes are dominated by the eruption of
andesite, and the backarc region is extending to form a basin.

Convergence of Oceanic and Continental Plates

A subduction zone also develops where oceanic and continental plates converge
(Figure 21.3). The less-dense continental crust always resists subduction into the
dense mantle and overrides the oceanic plate. Consequently, the volcanic arc forms
on the continent, and compression may deform the continental margin into a fold-
ed mountain belt. Moreover, the deep mountain roots are intruded by granitic
plutons and metamorphosed. In this setting, a trench, a deformed forearc, and a
backarc region of deformation are all important.
Ocean-continent convergence has created the Andes Mountains of western South
America. The Cascade Range of western North America is another example,
forming above an east-dipping subduction zone. An older example is the Rocky
Mountain chain of western North America, which was deformed during late
600 Chapter 21

Backarc Forearc Swell
Accretionary Sediment
Rift Volcanoes wedge Trench

FIGURE 21.2 Ocean-ocean
convergence is dominated by volcanic c rus Lithosphere
activity and construction of an island arc. ean
Melting and c
Features developed include an outer swell, a dehydration O
forearc, a volcanic arc, and a backarc basin.
The forearc is underlain by an accretionary Asthenosphere
wedgesediment scraped off the downgoing
0 50
slab. Widespread metamorphism and large
granitic intrusions are rare or absent. km

Mesozoic and early Tertiary time (about 150 to 50 million years ago). The Ap-
palachian Mountains in the eastern United States were deformed several times in
the Paleozoic Era (about 500 to 300 million years ago). During some part of their
histories, all of these mountain chains experienced subduction of oceanic lithos-
phere beneath a continental margin.

Convergence of Two Continental Plates

If both converging plates contain continental crust, neither is subducted into the
mantle, because continental crust is too buoyant (Figure 21.4). In continent-
continent convergence, one plate overrides the other for a short distance. In sharp
contrast to the other two types of convergence, there is no outer swell, deep sub-
duction zone, trench, or forearc wedge. Instead, both continental masses become
compressed, and the continents ultimately are fused into a single block, with a
folded mountain belt marking the line of the suture. Orogenic metamorphism and
What structures and rock sequences granite generation mark this kind of convergence.
are produced by continent-continent Collisions between two continents are occurring in several places.The most dra-
convergence? matic is the one that produced the Himalaya Mountains and Tibetan Plateau of
southern Asia. The Himalayas, Earths highest mountain belt, is a wide and highly
deformed zone of mountains that rose as India collided with the Eurasian continent.
Russias Ural Mountains also formed during late Paleozoic time when the Siberian
continental mass collided with Europe.The Urals are not tectonically active and are
deeply eroded, so they are much lower than the Himalayas (Figure 21.5).

FIGURE 21.3 At ocean-continent Backarc Magmatic Forearc Swell

convergent plate boundaries, major geologic arc
processes include formation of an Fold and Accretionary
Inland sea thrust belt wedge
accretionary wedge, deformation of the Trench
continental margin into a folded mountain
belt, metamorphism due to high pressures
and high temperatures in the mountain
roots, and partial melting of the mantle
overlying the descending plate. The resulting
magmas commonly differentiate to form
andesite and even more silicic magmas, Metamorphism Plutons t
Lithosphere c rus
which cool to form plutons. Explosive ic
volcanism is also common. Granitic ce Mantle
batholiths and metamorphosed sedimentary
rocks develop in the deeper zones of the
orogenic belt.
Melting and 0 50
Asthenosphere dehydration km
Convergent Plate Boundaries 601

Fold and magmatic
Clastic thrust belt arc Ophiolite Fold and
sediment thrust belt

FIGURE 21.4 Continent-continent

Former rift collision is marked by complete subduction
margin of the oceanic crust. A high mountain belt
Lithosphere Mantle forms by folding, thrust-faulting, and
doubling of the crustal layers as one
continent is thrust beneath the other.
Ophiolites are thrust into the suture zone.
0 50
Granite magma and high-grade
metamorphic rocks form deep in the
Remnant slab km mountain belt.



Plate buoyancy, convergence rates and directions, and the thermal

structure of a subduction zone are all important to the development of
convergent plate boundaries.

Plate Buoyancy
Many geologic processes at convergent plate boundaries are influenced by densi-
ty differences that make one plate more buoyant than the other. The most obvi-
ous expression of this fact is that subduction occurs because oceanic plates cool and
become denser than the underlying mantle. Another important example is the
sharp contrast in density between oceanic plates and continental plates. Oceanic
crust is composed mostly of basalt (about 3.0 g/cm3) and is much denser than con-
tinental crust (about 2.8 g/cm3). Thus, at ocean-continent plate boundaries, the
oceanic plate descends beneath the continental plate.

(A) The young Himalaya mountain chain formed as a result of the (B) The Ural Mountains formed in the late Paleozoic (about 350 million
ongoing collision of India and Eurasia. It is Earths highest range, with years ago) when Europe collided with Asia. The mountains have been
some peaks more than 7000 m above sea level, but deep valleys have been deeply eroded so that no peaks are higher than 2000 m, but the internal
cut by river and glacier erosion. (Courtesy of Paolo Koch/Photo structure reveals its origin. (Courtesy of Wolfgang Kaehler)
Researchers, Inc.)

FIGURE 21.5 High folded mountain belts are formed during the collision of two continents but are gradually eroded away, as seen in this
comparison of the Himalayas and Urals.
602 Chapter 21

Less obvious, but nevertheless important, are density differences caused by dif-
ferences in the thickness of the crust. For example, seamounts and thick plateaus
of basaltic lava that erupted on the seafloor can make the lithosphere slightly more
buoyant than sections of oceanic lithosphere that lack this thick crust and are made
mostly of dense mantle instead. Consequently, oceanic lithosphere with thick crust
resists subduction and may bend into the mantle at a relatively low angle. More-
over, as a seamount chain approaches a subduction zone, it may clog up the sub-
duction process or become scraped off the oceanic lithosphere and accreted to an
island arc or continental margin.
Temperature also affects the buoyancy of the lithosphere. We have already
seen how oceanic lithosphere gets denser as it moves away from the midoceanic
ridge and cools. Imagine what would happen if a continental subduction zone de-
veloped immediately next to an oceanic ridge. The hot young lithosphere would
be only slightly less buoyant than the old cold continental lithosphere. Conse-
quently, it would not subduct readily and the hot slab might dip into the mantle
at a low angle.

The Thermal Structure of Subduction Zones

The physical and chemical behavior of most materials are profoundly affected by
temperature. There are many familiar examples. Warm honey flows much more
readily than refrigerated honey. Snow a few degrees below freezing is crisp and brit-
tle, but near its melting point, it is slushy and flows. A similar situation occurs in
lithospheric plates. The temperature variations at convergent plate margins exert
strong controls on rock dynamics.

The Cold Slab. The most obvious feature of the thermal structure of a subduction
zone (Figure 21.6) is the deep penetration of the cold subducting plate into the
hot asthenosphere. Rocks are very good insulators, and heat diffuses very slowly
through them. Consequently, subducted lithosphere heats very slowly as it moves
down through the hot mantle. As a result, temperatures as low as 400C may be
found in the plate at a depth of 150 km. This is a strikingly anomalous situation;
in an area with a normal temperature gradient, the temperature would be as high
as 1200C at this depth. Even at a depth of more than 600 km, the central zone of

FIGURE 21.6 The thermal structure of Heat flow

a subduction zone is dominated by the Backarc Volcanoes Trench
underthrusting of a thick, cold slab of
oceanic lithosphere into the hot mantle. The
descending lithosphere remains cold
compared with the surrounding rock to 0
considerable depth. Gradually, the slab heats 300C
as it dives deeper and deeper into the hot 900C
mantle. The heat flow from the volcanic arc 1200C
is higher than adjacent regions because heat Earthquakes
is carried upward by magma and perhaps by Temperature
convection in the wedge-shaped area above 200 Extension
Depth (km)

the slab. Note that earthquakes (dots) occur

only in the cold, brittle parts of the slab. 1500C
(After R. Stein and C. A. Stein)


Convergent Plate Boundaries 603

the subducted plate is still as much as 600C cooler than the surrounding mantle.
Because rocks are such poor conductors of heat, it would take an estimated
12 million years for the plate to reach even this relatively low temperature. Why are a cold slab and a hot arc
The fact that the subducting lithosphere is so much colder than the hot astheno- produced at convergent margins?
sphere through which it moves explains a great deal about the slabs behavior. The
cold slab is much more brittle, stronger, and resistant to ductile flow. It resists mix-
ing with the rest of the mantle and continues to move downward as a discrete plate
for hundreds of kilometers. Recent seismic investigations show that the cool tem-
perature of a subducting slab persists all the way to the bottom of the mantlea
distance of about 2700 km and a time of more than 100 million yearsbefore it
completely warms up (Figure 21.7).

The Hot Arc. A second important feature of the thermal structure of a

convergent plate boundary is the elevation of the heat flow in the volcanic arc
(Figure 21.6). The high heat flow in this region reflects the large amount of heat
transported from the mantle by magmas generated in the subduction zone.
In addition to this magmatic heat transport, flow in the asthenosphere above the
subducting plate may enhance heat flow. Because the subducting plate drags the
overlying asthenosphere downward, hotter asthenosphere from a greater depth
must flow upward to replace it, as shown by the arrows. This convective move-
ment delivers extra heat to the region immediately above the descending plate.

Plate Motions: Directions and Velocities

As you might expect, the velocity and direction of plate motion play important
roles in the dynamics of convergent plate margins (Figure 21.1). Plates moving di-
rectly toward each other (such as the Pacific and Eurasian plates) converge with
high energy and develop long, continuous subduction zones, intense compressive
deformation, and vigorous igneous activity.
Plates converging at oblique angles (such as the North American and the Pacific
plates) tend to slide past each other and have a strong shearing component.They de-
velop short discontinuous convergent boundaries interspersed with long transform
faults. In fact, many convergence zones are like this and have components of exten-
sion or transform movement along the plate boundary.
Extremely rapid plate motion develops extensive geologic activity, such as the
Ring of Fire around the fast-moving Pacific plates. Likewise, the Australian-
Indian plate is moving at a high rate northward into the nearly fixed Eurasian

Nor th America Atlantic W
Ocea Eas
st an n t
We O ce
a c i fi c
0 Faster than average (cold)
500 Slower than average (hot)


FIGURE 21.7 The trace of a cold subducted

h (k

1500 slab appears to extend from the continental margin


all the way to the core-mantle boundary in this


seismic tomograph of Earths interior beneath

2000 North America. Blue represents the cold parts of
the mantle, which have high seismic wave
2500 Core velocities; red represents the warmest parts of the
mantle, which have lower seismic velocities.
(Modified from S. P. Grand and R. D. van der Hilst)
604 Chapter 21

continent, explaining the high Himalaya range. Plate velocities are also important
for the angle of subduction. Rapidly moving plates generally subduct at lower an-
gles than slower plates.


In subduction zones, earthquakes occur in a zone inclined downward

beneath the adjacent island arc or continent. But in continental collision
zones, where subduction is minimal, earthquakes are shallow and widely
distributed. Many of Earths most devastating earthquakes occur at
convergent plate boundaries.

The most widespread and intense earthquake activity occurs at convergent plate
boundaries. Almost 95% of the total energy released by all earthquakes comes
from these margins. These belts of seismic activity are obvious on the world seis-
micity map (Figure 21.8).

Earthquakes and Subduction Zones

A strong concentration of shallow, intermediate, and deep earthquakes coincides
with the descending plate in a subduction zone. Earthquakes beneath the Tonga
arc in the South Pacific illustrate this point nicely (Figure 21.9). The inclined seis-
mic zone plunges into the mantle to a depth of more than 600 km.The angle of the
seismic zone is usually between 40 and 60.

Trench Subduction Shallow-focus Intermediate-focus Deep-focus

zone volcano earthquake earthquake earthquake

FIGURE 21.8 Earthquakes and volcanoes at convergent plate boundaries are common. Earthquakes occurring here are the most devastating.
This map shows the locations of some of the tens of thousands of earthquakes that occurred during a 5-year period. Shallow-focus, intermediate-
focus, and deep-focus earthquakes form the inclined zones of earthquakes characteristic of subduction zones. Volcanoes at subduction zones are also
the most destructive kind. Subduction zone volcanoes form the Ring of Fire around the Pacific Ocean and the arcs of the Mediterranean and
Indonesia. Shorter volcanic arcs are found in the Caribbean and South Atlantic. Zones of continental collision, such as the Himalayan region, are
quite different from subduction zones. They have abundant, but shallow, earthquakes, and they lack prominent active volcanoes.
Convergent Plate Boundaries 605

Samoa Islands

ch 100200
Tr 200300
Fiji Sea nga 300400
Ocean crust >600
Focal depth

Thrust faulting from
Extension faulting tension and
or compression from plates bending
faulting from sliding past of plate
sinking plate each other

FIGURE 21.9 Earthquake foci in the Tongan region in the South Pacific occur in a zone inclined from
the Tonga Trench toward the Fiji Islands. The top of the diagram shows the distribution of earthquake
epicenters, with focal depths represented by different-colored bands. The cross section on the front of the
diagram shows how the seismic zone is inclined from the trench. The colored dots represent different focal
depths. This seismic zone accurately marks the boundary of the descending plate in the subduction zone.
(Modified from L. R. Sykes)

Near the top of the subducting slab, a zone of shallow earthquakes forms where
the downgoing slab shears against the overriding plate. Deeper in the subduction
zone, earthquakes originate within the slab and not in the surrounding astheno-
sphere (Figure 21.9). These earthquake zones must correspond to the regions of
most intense shearing in the cold, brittle part of the plate.
Why do earthquakes at subduction zones occur so deeply within the mantle? In
no other tectonic setting do we detect earthquakes much deeper than 25 km. The
answer seems to lie in the thermal structure of a subduction zone (Figure 21.6).
Cold slabs of lithosphere plunge down into the mantle in these zones.These cold
rocks break by brittle fracture when stress exceeds their elastic limits, generating
earthquakes. The surrounding warmer mantle also deforms, but it does so by slow
ductile flow. In addition, some deep earthquakes may be caused by abrupt meta-
morphic mineral changes in the subducting slab.
Not all earthquakes in subduction zones are generated by simple compres- How does an earthquake zone at a
sion. Studies of seismic waves indicate that the type of faulting varies with depth. convergent margin differ from that of a
For example, near the walls of the trench, normal faulting is typical, resulting divergent margin?
from tensional stresses generated by the bending of the plate as it enters the
subduction zone (Figure 21.9). In the zone of shallow earthquakes, thrust fault-
ing dominates as the descending lithosphere slides beneath the upper plate. At
intermediate depths, extension and normal faulting result when a descending
plate that is denser than the surrounding mantle sinks under its own weight.
Compression results when the mantle resists the downward motion of the de-
scending plate. In many subduction zones, the deepest earthquakes result from
compression, indicating that the mantle material at that depth resists the move-
ment of the descending plate.

Earthquakes and Continental Collision

Earthquakes in continental collision zones are spread out over much broader areas
than those involving subduction of oceanic crust and do not form an inclined zone
of seismicity. For example, the Himalaya and adjacent Tibetan Plateau are marked
by a wide belt of shallow earthquakes that reveals the northward movement of
the Indian plate, currently about 0.5 cm/yr. This east-west zone of earthquakes is
about 2500 km long and between 1200 and 2000 km wide (Figure 21.8). Moreover,
606 Chapter 21

because there is no longer a cold, brittle slab subducting beneath this region, almost
all of the earthquakes are relatively shallow. Similarly, the convergent boundary be-
tween the Africa-Arabia and the Eurasian plate coincides with a wide seismic belt
in the Mediterranean region and across Turkey, Iraq, and Iran (Figure 21.8).


Intense deformation occurs along convergent plate margins. At subduction

zones, melange is produced in the forearc accretionary wedge. In some arc
and backarc regions, compression creates folds and thrust faults, but in
others extension causes rifting. Collision of two continents is marked by
strong horizontal compression that causes folding and thrust faulting.

The single most distinctive feature of the rocks at a convergent plate margin is
their structural deformation by folding and faulting. The scale of deformation
ranges from small wrinkles in mineral grains or fossils to huge folds and faults tens
of kilometers wide that combine to form mountain belts hundreds of kilometers
wide and thousands of kilometers long. Understanding this deformation is key to
understanding the structure of most continental crust, because convergent plate
boundaries are where most continental crust forms.

Compression at Subduction Zones

Strong contraction caused by horizontal compression occurs at many convergent
plate boundaries, including ocean-continent and continent-continent boundaries.
Especially striking is the deformation in the forearc region of a subduction zone.
Unconsolidated sediment is scraped off the descending plate and piles up into a
long wedgecalled the accretionary wedgein front of the overriding plate (Fig-
ure 21.10). The structures in an accretionary wedge are similar to those in the de-
formed snow that accumulates in front of a moving snow plow. The weak layer of
snow is sliced off the solid road surface and stacks up in a thick, internally de-
formed pile immediately in front of the rigid blade. In this analogy, the overriding
plate is the snowplow.
Folds of all sizes form in the accretionary wedge (Figure 21.10). As expect-
ed from the orientation of the applied stresses, the hinge planes of these folds
are parallel to the trench and dip in the same direction as the subduction zone.
Temperature and pressure changes during compression cause metamorphism,
How is an accretionary wedge formed? and slaty cleavage develops during folding. Thrust faults also cut through the soft
sediment (Figure 21.10). These generally dip in the same direction as the sub-
duction zone. As subduction continues and more sediment is scraped off, the
deformed mass grows toward the trench, simultaneously shortening and thick-
ening. Consequently, the front of the accretionary wedge grows steeper until it
becomes unstable. It then collapses along faults that allow extension and thin-
ning of the deformed mass. This cycle of tectonic shortening followed by grav-
itational collapse occurs repeatedly. The net result is uplift of deeper rocks to
the surface.
This complicated deformation produces an accretionary wedge that is a chaot-
ic mixture of rock types known as melange, one of the most structurally complex
rock bodies in the crust.The deformed rocks are mostly sediments, but in some sub-
duction zones, volcanic seamounts or other fragments of igneous oceanic crust
also are scraped off the downgoing plate and incorporated into the wedge.
Not all of the sediment on the oceanic crust is scraped off to form an accretionary
wedge.Apparently some is subducted deep into the mantle.As much as 20% to 60%
of the sediment on the oceanic crust is subducted. Some sediment may be carried
deep into the mantle, possibly to the core-mantle boundary.
North South

Cascade arc

in e ntal s

n tal Abyssal
n ti n e
Co plain
Strike-slip fault

Fold crest


Continental Fold
crust Thrust fault

Depth (km)

8 Oceanic

12 Mantle

50 40 30 20 10 0 (km)

FIGURE 21.10 Accretionary wedges form at convergent plate margins as sediment and some igneous rock are scraped off
the downgoing slab of oceanic rock. A southward-looking sonar image of the accretionary wedge along the coast of Oregon
reveals that its surface is like a folded carpet. The ridges mark anticlines and areas where thrust sheets are stacked on top of one
another. Transverse faults are strike-slip faults. Here the Juan de Fuca plate is being subducted beneath the North American
plate. The block diagram shows the internal structure of an accretionary wedge derived from a seismic reflection profile. Faults
and folds deform the rocks in the wedge. As sediment is removed from the downgoing plate, it is added to the base of the
accretionary wedge. Stacks of thrust faults form above the downgoing oceanic crust. Folds of all sizes form between the thrust
faults. (Courtesy of L. Praxton and R. Haxby)

608 Chapter 21

FIGURE 21.11 The Andes Mountains of South America are forming by subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath continental crust. Here, in
the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, you can see a row of andesitic stratovolcanoes towering over an intensely deformed series of layered
sedimentary rocks Deep in the mountain belt, metamorphic rocks are probably forming today. (Hubert Stadler/CORBIS)

If a subduction zone lies along a continental margin, compression produces a

long orogenic belt (folded mountain belt) parallel to the continental margin. The
Andes, parts of the Rockies, and the European Alps are classic examples.
In the central Andes, horizontal compression and crustal elevation are active
What is distinctive about compression today in the arc and backarc (Figure 21.11). Here, compression is causing pro-
along a subduction zone at a continen- nounced folding, thrust faulting, and thickening of the crust. The fold hinges and
tal margin? thrust faults trend parallel to the arc and the linear belts of granitic batholiths.
Intrusion of granitic plutons has added to the deformation. Not surprisingly, much
of the lower and middle crust has been metamorphosed from the tremendous heat
and pressure during compression and intrusion. The crust beneath the Andes is
75 km thick, probably thickened by intrusion of mantle-derived magmas as well as
by folding and contraction (Figure 21.12). The deformed continental margin and
its volcanic crest rise up to 6 km above sea level. Rapid erosion of such mountain
belts occurs simultaneously with volcanism, intrusion, and deformation.
Another good example of compression at an ocean-continent boundary is pro-
vided by the Mesozoic history of western North America (Figure 21.13). During
the Early Mesozoic, as oceanic lithosphere was subducted beneath the continent,
a long magmatic arc developed along the western margin of North America. Be-
hind the arc, thrusting and folding created a mountain belt. This extra load de-
pressed the crust in much the same way that thick glacial ice sheets make the crust
subside. Because of this subsidence, a shallow sea expanded onto the continent
behind the thrust belt. Clastic sediments were shed from the thrust belt, forming
coarse alluvial fans, floodplains, deltas, and shallow-marine shales that interfinger
with carbonates deposited in deeper water.Thin beds of volcanic ash, erupted from
volcanoes in the arc, also fell into the shallow sea. Today, these sedimentary basins
are rich in natural resources, including coal, oil, and natural gas.
The European Alps have a long and complicated history that started with con-
vergence of the oceanic part of the African plate beneath Eurasia (see page 479).
Convergence has not yet completely consumed the oceanic crust of the Mediter-
ranean Sea. Remnant volcanic arcs and scraps of unsubducted oceanic crust mark
places where suturing of the two continents is still incomplete. In the Alps, great
overturned folds called nappes (French, tablecloths) show enormous amounts
Convergent Plate Boundaries 609


Gravity (mgal)
Dense Thick, low density
oceanic continental crust

Line of 400
section 400 200 0 200 400 600
Distance form shore (km)

Old plutonic Fold and
Trench belt thrust belt

Depth (km)
50 crust crust
400 300 200 100 0 100
100 Mantle Mantle

FIGURE 21.12 The thick crust beneath the Andes is revealed by the gravity field. The gravity profile and geologic cross section show that the
outer bulge on the downgoing slab is marked by a positive gravity anomaly (red tones). Gravity is lower over the deep trench (light blue), which is
filled with low-density water, and over the accretionary wedge, which is made of low-density sediment. Gravity is highest in the part of forearc that is
underlain by the cold, dense subducting slab. The volcanic arc and folded mountain belt are marked by the lowest gravity anomalies (deep purples)
because of the great thickness (as much as 70 km) of low-density crust beneath the Andes. (Gravity map courtesy of M. Ksters and H. J. Gtze)

of crustal shortening (Figure 21.14C). The rocks are so strongly deformed that
spherical pebbles were stretched into rods as much as 30 times longer than the
original pebble diameters! Deformation is most intense near the continental mar-
gin and dies out northward toward the continental interior.

Compression in Continental Collision Zones

When two lithospheric plates that carry continents converge, the orogenic belt has
very different characteristics than those formed during ocean-continent conver-
gence. An excellent example of deformation related to continental collision is the
Himalaya chain of southern Asia. The course of this collision is shown in Figures
21.15 and 21.16.

California Nevada Utah Colorado

Coast Ranges Great Valley Sierra Nevada Sevier Fold Belt

Magmatic Old
arc Fold and Shallow
Accretionary accreted
thrust belt sea
wedge terranes

Line of section

Zone of
melting Asthenosphere

FIGURE 21.13 Much of western North America developed at a convergent plate margin 150 to 60 million years ago. The former locations of the
accretionary wedge, magmatic arc, and folded mountain belt are shown. A sedimentary basin formed in the backarc region because of tremendous weight
added by the mountain belt. The eroding mountains supplied sediment for the thick deposits that have accumulated along the margins of the mountains.
With increasing distance from their sources, the sedimentary environments include alluvial fans, floodplains, deltas, and shallow-marine settings where shale
interfingered with carbonates. (After E. Miller and P. Gans)
610 Chapter 21

(A) The Canadian Rockies contain both folds and thrust faults.

(B) The Appalachian Mountains consist of tight folds and thrust faults. These geologically older mountains have been
eroded to within 1000 to 3000 m of sea level. Resistant sandstones form the remaining mountain ridges.

(C) The Alps are a young range that consist of complex folds, many of which are overturned.

FIGURE 21.14 The structure of folded mountain belts reflects intense compression at convergent plate boundaries. Yet, each
range can have its own structural style, as shown in these cross sections.

The vast Himalaya orogenic belt formed during the past 100 million years, as
oceanic lithosphere that was carrying India moved northward and was subducted
beneath Asia. As a result, an accretionary prism developed on the southern edge
of Asia. The sediments along the continental margin were also folded and faulted
(Figure 21.15A). Simultaneously a magmatic arc developed as oceanic lithosphere
was progressively consumed at the subduction zone (Figure 21.15B). When the
two continental masses began to collide about 50 million years ago, subduction-
zone volcanism ceased. The floors of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are rem-
nants of oceanic lithosphere that were not subducted. Farther east, slices of ocean-
Folded Mountain Belts ic crust were thrust onto the continent. These ophiolites occur north of the
Himalayas along the suture (Figure 21.15C). As the two continents collided, India
was thrust under Asia, effectively doubling the thickness of the crust to about 70
km. Its buoyancy prevented it from descending into the mantle more than per-
haps 40 km below its normal depth. Thrust faults and folds formed a belt of de-
formed mountains, mainly in the overriding Asian plate. Much of the deformation
was ductile and accompanied high-grade metamorphism in the deeper part of the
crust. Because of compression and crustal thickening, the Himalayas and the ex-
tensive highlands of the Tibetan Plateau rose (Figure 21.15D). Mount Everest,
Earths highest peak, lies over the greatly thickened part of the crust. The conti-
nental masses were welded together to make a single large continent with an in-
ternal mountain range. At some point, the slab of descending oceanic lithosphere
must have become detached and then sank, independent of the Indian continent.
When it sank, volcanic activity and deep earthquakes ceased. Deformation
associated with the collision drove Southeast Asia and parts of China eastward
Convergent Plate Boundaries 611
Passive margin Accretionary Forearc Volcanic
sediments wedge sediment arc

crust Granite
Oceanic crust


Folding and faulting


Future Volcanism
thrust stops


FIGURE 21.15 Continental collision
Folding, thrusting, and erosion formed the Himalaya Mountains and involved the
(C) INDIA deformation of oceanic and shallow marine
sedimentary rocks. These were originally
deposited along a passive continental margin.
Collision produced a complex mountain range
Ganges Lower High with large nappes and gently dipping thrust faults.
Plain Himalaya Himalaya Tibetan Plateau
As India and Asia converged, slivers of oceanic
crust were thrust onto the continents as
ophiolites. A double layer of continental crust
formed, resulting in very high mountains. The
continents were welded together. Eventually,
the descending oceanic portion of the plate
detached from the rest of the plate and sank
independently. Once the slab was consumed,
volcanic activity and deep earthquakes ended.
However, during high-grade metamorphism in the
Crust melts roots of the mountain range, the continental crust
to form granite itself may partially melt to form granite with
ASIA distinctive compositions; these are found in no
(D) INDIA other tectonic setting.
612 Chapter 21

along faults that fan away from India (Figure 21.17). Of course, erosion of the
mountain belt continued throughout this long process.
It is interesting to contrast compression in the Himalayas with compression
in the Appalachian Mountains of the eastern United States. Compression in the
Appalachians was produced by several episodes of subduction of oceanic litho-
sphere, followed by collision between North America and Europe or Africa.
20 10 my These collisions occurred during the Paleozoic Era, making the Appalachian
Mountains more than 300 million years old. A cross section of the Appalachians
38 my shows a different style and extent of deformation than in the Himalayas (Figure
21.14B). The major structural features are tight folds and thrust faults. Orogenic
(or regional) metamorphism accompanied the collisions, but most of the plu-
tonic rocks are subduction-related and preceded the collisions.
55 my
Extension at Convergent Boundaries
It may seem paradoxical that extension occurs in regions where two plates of
lithosphere converge. However, mild extensionnot compressionis the domi-
nant deformation occurring at most oceanic volcanic arcs and at some continent
arcs as well. Before we consider why, let us describe the evidence for extension
and its effects.
70 million years ago
30 Extension Above Subduction Zones. In island arcs and some continental arcs,
grabens and normal faults typically are centered on the active volcanic region. For
0 600 example, the modern-day andesitic composite volcanoes of Ecuador lie in a graben
40 hundreds of kilometers long. The trends of these faults are parallel to the trench,
km indicating that the direction of extension is perpendicular to the trench. Extension
like this is very common in island arcs. Compression, marked by thrust faults and
60 70 80 90 100 folding, is found in few modern-day island arcs.
FIGURE 21.16 The Himalaya The backarc basins found behind most oceanic island arcs also reveal the effects
mountain belt formed by the collision of the of extension. These shallow oceanic basins are traversed by normal faults and have
Indian and Eurasian plates. Seventy million high heat flow and active seafloor volcanism. Extension may ultimately lead to backarc
years ago, India rifted away from Africa and spreading. The Mariana and Tonga-Kermadec arcs of the western Pacific have such
moved rapidly northward until it collided
basins.The backarc regions of many continental arcs are also marked by extension and
with Asia. The collision started about
25 million years ago and built the high subsidence like that behind oceanic island arcs. For example, backarc extension is ac-
Himalaya range and the Tibetan Plateau to tive in the Aegean Sea behind a volcanic arc rooted in continental crust (Figure 21.18).
the north. Normal faulting has produced many narrow grabens with trends that are parallel to
the arc and has allowed most of the area to drop below sea level. However, no ocean-
ic crust has yet developed in this region of extension and subsidence.
The islands of Japan, with their striking composite volcanoes and active sub-
duction zones, were once part of the Asian mainland before backarc extension
opened the sea of Japan. This sea marks more extensive development of rifting
above a subduction zone and is underlain by oceanic crust.

Extension and Continental Collision. As a secondary effect of the collision of

two continents, extensional tectonics may also develop. The Rhine Graben of
central Europe was created by the collision that raised the Alps. Lake Baikal in
southern Siberia lies in one of Earths deepest continental rifts, but the stresses
responsible for it are related to the collision that formed the Himalayas.

Compression Versus Extension. What controls whether a particular convergent

margin experiences horizontal compression or extension? No one yet knows for
sure, but several possible causes have been identified. One important variable
Why does extension occur in backarc might be the angle of the subducting plate. For example, the Mesozoic fold and
basins? thrust belt of western North America formed during a period of rapid convergence.
The subducting plate was probably inclined at a low angle, perhaps even dragging
along the base of the overriding lithosphere. Such a close coupling between
subducting plate and overriding plate may cause contraction in the backarc.
Convergent Plate Boundaries 613

Tibet China

a la
ro n
ta l t
h ru s

Indian Ocean Indochina

Thrust fault
Subduction zone
Strikeslip fault
Spreading ridge
Movement relative to Siberia 0 800
Absolute velocity
FIGURE 21.17 Complex folds, mountains, and plateaus mark the collision zone between India and Eurasia, as shown on this digital shaded relief
map. The collision also drove parts of Southeast Asia and China eastward along lengthy strike-slip faults or shear zones. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk
Butte, Inc.)

Black Sea

Aegean Sea

FIGURE 21.18 The Aegean backarc
basin developed in continental crust above
a subduction zone in the eastern
Mediterranean Sea. Like backarc basins
formed within ocean basins, the Aegean
Vo basin has subsided, and normal faulting
lca has caused extension. However, no
nic arc
Fo oceanic crust has yet developed. (Courtesy
r e a
r c b a s i n of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)
Subduction zone 0 200
Grabens km
614 Chapter 21

In addition, the subduction of young, hot, and buoyant oceanic lithosphere that
drags along the base of the overriding slab may be important for the development
of some fold and thrust belts.Another way to cause a compressional fold and thrust
belt is by collision of a continent with minor arcs or continental fragments. On the
other hand, backarc extension may be dominant where these factors are missing.
One cause of extension at convergent plate boundaries may be the convective
flow of the mantle beneath the arc (Figure 21.2). As described above, the down-
going slab may drag the viscous mantle with it, causing hot asthenosphere from
deeper in the mantle to flow upward and take its place.A convection pattern is thus
formed in the asthenosphere above the subducting plate. It thins the lithosphere
and may cause spreading behind the volcanic arc.
The absolute motion of the overriding plate (rather than the more obvious
relative movement) also may play a role in developing extensional structures
(Figure 21.1). For example, extension is common in arcs where the overriding plate
is moving away from the trench.


Magma in a subduction zone is probably generated when water in the

descending oceanic crust is driven out and rises into the overlying mantle.
The addition of water lowers the melting point of the mantle rock and
causes partial melting. Differentiation of this magma produces andesite
and rhyolite, which rise and intrude as plutons or extrude to make long-
lived composite volcanoes or calderas.

Most volcanoes erupting above sea level are clearly associated with subduction
zones at convergent plate boundaries (Figure 21.8).The geographic setting for vol-
canic activity along such zones depends on the type of plate interaction. Where
What produces a magmatic arc at two oceanic plates converge, an island arc forms, as you have seen. Where a con-
convergent margins? tinent is on the overriding plate, similar volcanic activity develops in a folded moun-
tain belt. In both cases, the close association of volcanism and convergent plate
boundaries is clear. In contrast, where two continents collide, volcanism is rare,
although magmas form granite plutons at depth.

Island Arc Magmatism

On a map, the most obvious manifestation of convergence of two oceanic plates
is an arcuate chain of volcanoes that rise from the seafloor (Figure 21.8). The vol-
canic arc forms on the overriding plate and is parallel to the curving trench. Typi-
cal island arcs are the Tonga Islands, the Aleutian Islands, and the West Indies (An-
tilles) Islands (Figure 21.1).
These volcanoes lie about 100 km from the trench and 100 km above the inclined
seismic zone that shows the location of the subducted slab. They mark a zone of
Igneous Crystallization voluminous magma production and high heat flow (Figure 21.6).The volcanoes are
built on igneous intrusions and deformed metamorphic rocks, including remnants
of oceanic crust formed at a midoceanic ridge. Most of these volcanoes are large
composite volcanoes that erupt large volumes of andesite and lesser amounts of
basalt and rhyolite.
The major volcanoes rise 1 to 2 km above their surroundings and are quite
regularly spaced, about every 50 to 75 km. Smaller extrusions build a nearly con-
tinuous ridge connecting the major cones. Most island arcs are several hundred
kilometers wide and extend discontinuously along the length of the trench.

Continental Arc Magmatism

A continental volcanic arc is a chain of many composite volcanoes on the mar-
gin of the continent above a subduction zone. The active volcanoes and under-
Convergent Plate Boundaries 615

lying plutons are about 100 to 200 km landward from the trench. Subsidiary
vents, lava domes, cinder cones, and fissure vents dot the landscape between the
major volcanoes. The deep part of the arc consists largely of plutonic rocks that are
the roots of volcanic systems. Multiple plutons intrude one another and form long,
linear batholiths. The plutons are typically diorite to granite in composition. These
plutons are commonly larger and more silicic than those found in island arcs. More-
over, they intrude into preexisting continental crust that is made of folded and
thrust-faulted sedimentary rocks overlying a basement of older igneous and meta-
morphic rocks.

Generation of Magma in Subduction Zones

Magmatism along subduction zones is quite different from the basaltic fissure
eruptions of divergent plate boundaries. The magmas generated at subduction
zones are characteristically andesite or even rhyolite. They are richer in silica than
basaltic magma and thus are more viscous. Consequently, water dissolved in the
magma cannot escape easily to form gas bubbles. Moreover, subduction zone mag- How do andesitic and silicic magmas
mas contain more water and other dissolved volatiles than do those formed at form in subduction zones?
divergent plate boundaries. These two characteristics result in violent, explosive
eruptions from central vents. They commonly produce ash flows, composite vol-
canoes, and collapse calderas, as well as viscous lava flows and domes. These im-
portant differences are probably caused by dramatically different mechanisms of
magma generation.
What triggers the generation of magma at subduction zones? How does inser-
tion of a cold slab into the mantle create hot molten magma? The probable answer
to this paradox lies not in the temperature of the plate, but in its high water con-
tent. The water in the descending plate was incorporated into the oceanic crust by
metamorphism at a midoceanic ridge. This water is eventually released from the
subducting oceanic lithosphere and rises into the overlying wedge of mantle.There
the water lowers the melting point of the mantle rock.
Figure 21.19 illustrates how the release of water from the subducting slab is in-
volved in the generation of magma. Water moves along with the descending plate
into a subduction zone as a pore fluid in sediments and as water included in the

Back arc Magmatic arc Trench Ocean basin

Wet oceanic crust

Silicic Granitic intrusions

Dehydration and
partial melting Asthenosphere

FIGURE 21.19 Magma at convergent plate boundaries is generated at depths of about 100 to 150 km. Subduction of oceanic
crust carries sediment and basalt into the hot asthenosphere. (This sediment and basalt were altered earlier by ocean ridge
metamorphism at a divergent plate boundary.) The descending slab is slowly heated; eventually, the hydrous minerals in the crust
decompose and release water. At this critical depth, the water rises into the overlying mantle, causing it to melt partially. This
basaltic magma rises buoyantly into the crust, where it may differentiate to form andesite and rhyolite. The magmas may crystallize
to make plutons or erupt at the surface.
616 Chapter 21




lti n
Depth (km)

ho t

150 le






tz +


200 +Q



r id

Solid peridotite

500 1000 1500 2000
Temperature (C)

FIGURE 21.20 The generation of magma in a subduction zone is primarily due to the role
played by water. As a descending plate slides into the mantle, it follows a path of increasing pressure
and temperature (red arrow). Where the path crosses the breakdown curve for amphibole (blue
line), an important mineral in metamorphosed oceanic crust, water is released. The buoyant fluid
rises into the overlying mantle and there induces partial melting. Wet peridotite begins to melt at a
temperature nearly 500C lower than dry peridotite. This new mafic magma is wetter and more
oxidized than magma produced at midocean ridges and may differentiate to make silicic magma
such as andesite or rhyolite.

structures of minerals formed by ocean ridge metamorphism.The descending slab

is subjected to progressively higher temperatures and pressures (red line in Figure
21.20). Water trapped in the sediments is probably squeezed out at shallow depths
beneath the accretionary wedge, but some of the water tied up in the chemical
Why is magma generated at convergent structures of minerals may remain in the oceanic crust until depths greater than 100
margins? km are reached.
Figure 21.20 shows a typical temperature-pressure path encountered by the
upper part of the cold slab as it descends into the hot mantle. Somewhere be-
tween 100 and 200 km deep, the slab has warmed enough that the hydrated min-
erals are no longer stable. Consequently, they break down to form new minerals
that lack water, together with a separate water-rich fluid. Figure 21.20 shows that
the mineral amphibole in wet oceanic crust may dehydrate to form pyroxene,
quartz, and water.
The water released rises buoyantly into the hot mantle peridotite overlying the
cold slab, causing the peridotite to partially melt (Figure 21.19). Careful examina-
tion of Figure 21.20 reveals why melting happens: Water dramatically lowers the
temperature at which peridotite begins to melt. You can see this relation by com-
paring the melting temperature at 100 km on the dry-melting curve with the melt-
ing temperature on the wet-melting curve. Consequently, the wet mantle above
the subducting slab may melt without increasing its temperature. (Here, water acts
as a flux, much like fluorite added to iron ore in a steel furnace will make it melt
at a lower temperature than pure iron ore.)
As this hybrid magma (derived partially from the oceanic crust and partially
from the overlying mantle), rises it reacts extensively with the overlying crust (Fig-
ure 21.21). Thus, this magma may contain components derived from oceanic sed-
iments, from metamorphosed oceanic basalt, from peridotite in the mantle wedge,
and from the overlying crust. On the way to the surface, the magma also may mix
with other batches of magma. Or, it may cool and experience fractional crystal-
lization to form andesite or rhyolite magmas, which are even richer in silica.
Convergent Plate Boundaries 617


Plutons Dikes



Partial melting,
assimiliation, and mixing

dikes Sills

FIGURE 21.21 Intrusions at convergent plate margins are one of the major ways that
continental crust is produced. Hot magma rising from a subduction zone may assimilate crustal
rocks or mix with other magma simultaneous with fractional crystallization. Through these
processes, basaltic magma differentiates to make andesite and rhyolite. Magma may rise in teardrop-
shaped bodies or through fractures or dikes that merge into larger and larger masses.

Eventually, magma that started deep in the subduction zone cools to form plutons
or extrudes as lava or ash flows. The fundamental point is that silica-rich conti-
nental crust is formed by the extraction of low-density material from the mantle.
Note that at subduction zones, magma is generated by partial meltinga process
that differentiates and segregates the materials of Earth. Here, magma rich in sil-
ica is produced. It is concentrated in island arcs or in granite plutons in mountain
belts of the continents. Unlike basalt, which may become dense enough to be sub-
ducted, this silica-rich material cannot sink into the mantle. It becomes concen-
trated to form additional continental crust.
Subduction zone magmas are distinct from those in most other tectonic set-
tings. We have already emphasized that the typical subduction zone magma is an-
desitic in composition, but the full spectrum of igneous rock compositions occurs.
Moreover, it is very important to remember that subduction zone magmas are
characteristically enriched in the water, as well as other volatile components such
as chlorine, sulfur, and oxygen. These elements were probably extracted from the
subducted oceanic crust which had been altered by ocean ridge metamorphism.

Generation of Magma in Continental Collision Zones

Where two continents collide, hot mantle-derived magmas do not form after the
subduction zone disappears (Figure 21.15). Nonetheless, small volumes of magma
are produced. A distinctive granite is the most important igneous rock. In this set-
ting, continental rocks, including metamorphosed shales and other clastic sedi-
mentary rocks, can partially melt to form granitic magmas that are rich in silica and
aluminum. Many of these granites contain minerals rarely found in other types of
granite (such as muscovite, garnet, tourmaline, and cordierite). Such magmas do
not rise far from their sources before they crystallize; only rarely do they erupt to
form lava or ash flows. The heat for melting probably comes from deep burial by
tectonic underthrusting of the continental crust. In the Himalayas, for example,
partial melting of continental crust has produced sill-like sheets of muscovite gran-
ite that intrude into previously folded and metamorphosed rocks.
618 Chapter 21


Somma <79 A.D. <1631 1694 1872 1944

1872 1944

FIGURE 21.22 Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii, Italy, with ash in A.D. 79. It is one of several composite volcanoes that lie above a
westward-dipping subduction zone beneath Italy. People asphyxiated by poisonous gas during the eruption were buried in the ash. Eventually, the
bodies decomposed, leaving cavities in the ash. By filling these cavities with plaster, archeologists have made detailed casts. Excavations provide
important insights into volcanic activity at convergent plate margins.


Volcanoes above subduction zones commonly erupt violently to form

viscous lava flows, lava domes, or ash flows or ash falls. Tsunamis, lahars,
and debris avalanches are also common. Although the volcanoes erupt
infrequently, some eruptions can be predicted.

There have been many volcanic eruptions at convergent plate boundaries over
the past 1000 years. Many have been fatal. In the last 100 years, about 100,000 peo-
ple have died as a result of volcanic eruptions. Historical accounts of a few of these
eruptions help us understand the nature of volcanic activity associated with con-
verging plates. The following sections recount four of the most spectacular, dev-
astating eruptions in recorded history: Mount Vesuvius, Krakatau, Mont Pele,
and Mount St. Helens.

A.D. 79Mount Vesuvius, Italy

The spectacular cone of Mount Vesuvius looms above the skyline of Naples, Italy.
Over the ages, it has repeatedly erupted magma generated in a subduction zone
beneath the Italian peninsula (Figure 21.22). In a.d. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted
catastrophically. An extraordinarily vivid eyewitness account of the eruption was
recorded by Pliny the Younger, then a 17-year-old boy. He related details of how
his famous uncle, Pliny the Elder, died while observing the volcano.Along with him,
many perished in the destruction of the two cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Convergent Plate Boundaries 619

Verlaten Lang
Island Island


0 3 km

Verlaten Lang
Island Island

Outline of
original island

FIGURE 21.23 Maps of Krakatau before (top) and after (bottom) its 1883 eruption show the force of violent volcanic eruptions at convergent
plate boundaries. Krakatau is a composite volcano along the Indonesian arc. All that remains of the volcano are several small islands like the one in
the background. A small volcanic cone (foreground) has been rebuilt over the center of the old volcano. (Charles ORear/CORBIS)

Beginning in a.d. 63 and continuing for 16 years, earthquakes shook the west-
ern coast of Italy. Then, on the morning of August 24, a.d. 79, Mount Vesuvius
exploded with a devastating eruption of white-hot ash and gas. Within two days,
ash falling from the cloud buried Pompeii, which was directly downwind and near
the volcano. Many people suffocated by sulfurous fumes or were burned by the
searing heat of brief pyroclastic surges that swept through the town; others died
in their homes when roofs collapsed from the weight of the tephra.The entire town
and most of its 20,000 inhabitants were buried by ash and forgotten for more than
1000 years, until Pompeii was excavated in 1748 (Figure 21.22). By contrast, the
town of Herculaneum was buried nearly instantaneously by rapidly moving ash
flows that accumulated to a depth of 20 m.
The ash fall and flow that buried Pompeii and Herculaneum are first-class
examples of the type of violent eruption that is common in volcanoes along con-
vergent margins. The once-smooth and symmetrical cone of Mount Vesuvius was
shattered by the explosion, which created a large caldera where a peak once ex-
isted. Subsequent eruptions have built a new cone inside the older caldera.

1883Krakatau, Indonesia
Krakatau is a small volcanic island west of Java, part of an island arc along the
subduction zone associated with the Java Trench (Figure 21.1). After remaining
dormant for two centuries, Krakatau began to erupt on May 20, 1883.The eruption
culminated in a series of four great explosions on August 26 and 27. One of them was
heard in Australia, 4800 km away. The explosions are considered the greatest in
recorded history. The whole northern part of the island, which stood about 600 m
high, was blown off, forming a huge caldera, 300 m below sea level (Figure 21.23).
620 Chapter 21

Tremendous quantities of ash were thrown high into the atmosphere, and some cir-
cled the globe for 2 years. Krakatau was uninhabited, but more than 36,000 people
were killed in Java and Sumatra by the huge tsunami produced by the eruption.

1902Mont Pele, West Indies

Ash flows are an important part of volcanism along convergent plate margins, and
the great eruption of Mont Pele, on the island of Martinique in the West Indies,
helped initiate an understanding of this type of eruption. Peles eruption was pre-
ceded by nearly a month of warnings, in the form of extrusions of steam and fine
ash from the volcanic vent, accompanied by numerous small earthquakes.
Then, on May 8, 1902, a gigantic explosion blew ash and steam thousands of
meters into the air. The dense, hot ash fell back out of the atmosphere and moved
as an ash flow, sweeping down the mountains slopes like a high-speed avalanche.
In fewer than 2 minutes, the hot, incandescent ash flow moved 10 km from the
side vent on Pele and swept over the city of St. Pierre. It annihilated the entire pop-
ulation of more than 30,000 people, except for one man, a prisoner who was being
held underground in the city jail. Every flammable object was instantly set aflame.
The rushing cloud of ash moved over the waterfront and across the sea surface, cap-
sizing all of the ships.
The ash flow was a mixture of hot glass shards and pumice that flowed at the
What characteristics do volcanoes at con- base of a billowing cloud of gas. The fundamental force that causes ash to flow
vergent plate margins have in common? rapidly is simply the pull of gravity, just like an avalanche of snow. But the key to
the speed of the cloud is that such a mixture of hot gas and fragments of ash is
highly mobile.
Intermittent ash-flow eruptions continued on Mont Pele for several months.
By October, a bulbous dome of lava, too viscous to flow very far, had formed in
the crater. A spire of solidified lava was then slowly pushed up from a vent in the
dome, like toothpaste from a tube. The spire repeatedly crumbled and grew again
from the lava dome. Each collapse produced a hot avalanche that rushed down
the slopes of the volcano.

1980Mount St. Helens, Washington State

The best-documented eruption of a composite volcano related to a subduction
Mount St. Helens zone is Mount St. Helens in Washington State. On May 18, 1980, it erupted with a
force estimated to be 500 times greater than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hi-
roshima, Japan, at the end of World War II (Figure 21.24).
Mount St. Helens is part of the Cascade Range, which extends about 1500 km
from British Columbia to northern California. Mount St. Helens is the youngest
of the 15 major volcanoes in the Cascade Range. It consists of coalesced dacite
domes, lava, and interlayered ash deposits.
Mount St. Helens had been dormant for 123 years, but on March 20, 1980, it
began to stir with a series of small earthquakes. After a week of increasing local
seismicity, it began to eject steam and ash. A series of moderate eruptions contin-
ued intermittently for the next six weeks. Within a few days after these first erup-
tions started, the U.S. Geological Survey issued warnings. During the weeks to
come, the U.S. Forest Service and Washington State officials closed all areas near
the mountain, undoubtedly saving thousands of lives.
By the second week of activity, more than 30 geologists had gathered to conduct
a wide variety of studies. In particular, they monitored the development of a large
bulge on the north flank of the mountain. By the end of April, the bulge was 2 km
long and 1 km wide and was expanding horizontally at a steady rate of 1.5 m/day.
Clearly, the mountain was being inflated by magmatic intrusion.
By monitoring the bulge, seismicity, and the gas emissions, geologists believed they
would detect some significant change to warn of an imminent large eruption. How-
ever, no anomalous activity occurred. In fact, seismic activity decreased. Thirty-nine
earthquakes were recorded on May 15 and only 18 on May 17.
Mt. Garibaldi
Mt. Baker
Glacier Peak
Mt. Rainier
Mt. St. Helens
Mt. Adams
Mt. Hood

Crater Lake

Fracture zone z
e nc

Mt. Shasta

Lassen Peak
Pacific plate

Juan de Fuca plate North American plate


FIGURE 21.24 The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State was one of the largest and most scientifically important to occur in
the United States. The eruption and devastation by explosive blasts and ash are typical of composite volcanoes built above subduction zones. The
Cascade Range contains 15 large composite volcanoes, extending in a line from British Columbia to northern California. These volcanoes are formed
by subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the North American plate. (Photography courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey)

622 Chapter 21

Summit 2978 m

N. Fork Toutle R.

(A) Mount St. Helens had been

dormant for 123 years until it erupted
on May 18, 1980.
Spirit L.

Gas and ash


(B) The May 18 eruption was triggered

when a landslide removed the side of
the volcano and caused a lateral blast of
incandescent gas and ash toward the
Spirit L.

New crater Pyroclastic flow Mud and debris

Blast zone
(C) The eruption removed a large part
of the northern flank, leaving a
breached crater. The landscape was
ravaged by the blast and by later
pyroclastic flows and lahars. A small Scoured
lava dome has subsequently developed slope Blast
in the horseshoe-shaped crater. zone

FIGURE 21.25 The sequence of events in the eruption of Mount St. Helens. (Modified from Geo-Graphics, Portland, Oregon)

On Sunday morning, May 18, the mountain was silent. Only minor plumes of
steam rose from two vents. David Johnston, a 30-year-old geologist, was monitor-
ing gas emissions and observing 8 km northwest of the volcanos crater. Abrupt-
ly, he cried over a two-way radio: Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it! Moments
later, Johnston vanished in the blast of hot ash and gas as more than 4 km3 of ma-
terial was thrown from the blast on the north side of the mountain.
The best way to understand the nature of this eruption is to study the sequence
in Figure 21.25. At 8:32 a.m., the mountain was shaken by an earthquake with a
magnitude of approximately 5. The bulge on the north slope destabilized and then
moved downslope as a great landslide. This uncapped the bottled-up magma and
gas bubbles formed and explosively expanded in the low atmospheric pressure.
Consequently, the eruption blasted horizontally across the collapsing slope.This lat-
eral blast of rock, ash, and gas caused most of the destruction and loss of life. The
blast wave leveled the forest in an area 35 km wide and 23 km outward on the
mountains north flank (Figure 21.25).
Convergent Plate Boundaries 623

The eruption caused three separate, but interrelated, processes: (1) lahars,
(2) ash flows, and (3) ash falls. The lahars originated largely from water-saturated
ash on the mountains upper slopes. Most of the lahars were hot. At the height
of the flow, the lower Toutle River was heated to 90C. The debris flows swept
up 123 homes, as well as cars, logging trucks, and timber, and carried them down-
stream, destroying bridges and other constructions. So much sediment from the
Toutle was carried into the Columbia River that the downstream depth of the
Columbia was reduced from 12 m to 4 m within a day, and ships upstream were
An important part of the eruption was the extrusion of numerous ash flows.
Traveling as fast as 130 km/hr, the incandescent ash and debris (at a temperature
of about 500C) extended northward a distance of 9 km. This was the same kind
of devastating ash flow that came from Mont Pele. Some ash flows reached Spir-
it Lake, where, together with debris flows that had been deposited earlier, they
blocked the lakes outlet. Consequently, the level of water in the lake rose 60 m.
Immediately after the lateral blast, a vertical ash cloud rose to 18 km altitude.
The ash cloud then fanned out downwind (eastward), and ash began to settle like
a soft, gray snow.The cloud then moved in a broad arc across the United States and
had completely circled Earth by June 5.
Other smaller ash-flow eruptions and lahars continued throughout the summer
of 1980.The closing of the eruption episode was marked by the slow rise of magma
through the central conduit to form a new lava dome in the summit crater.

A Summary of Volcanic Eruptions

The violent eruptions that characterize volcanoes at convergent plate boundaries
result from the magmas high silica content, which makes it strong and viscous.
Moreover, subduction zone magmas are rich in dissolved water. The dissolved
gases cannot escape easily from the viscous melt. As a result, tremendous pres-
sure builds up in the magma, and when eruptions occur, they are highly explosive.
The eruptions produce huge quantities of ash, often in hot ash flows. Eruption of
thick, viscous lava commonly precedes or follows the explosive activity. Tsunamis,
lahars, and debris avalanches (caused by collapse of the sides of the volcanoes)
are other significant hazards associated with steep stratovolcanoes like those
formed at convergent plate margins.


In the forearc of a subduction zone, metamorphism occurs at high-pressure

low-temperature conditions. In a magmatic arc, or in a zone of continental
collision, metamorphism occurs at higher temperatures and lower
pressures. Most metamorphic rocks in the continental crust were formed
at convergent plate boundaries.

Why are metamorphic processes associated with plate convergence? Recall that
metamorphism is driven by changes in a rocks environment, mainly changes in
temperature and pressure. Because systems always seek equilibrium, these changes
cause new minerals to form that are in equilibrium with the new conditions. At
convergent plate boundaries, the unique tectonic and magmatic processes create
dramatic temperature and pressure changes. Hence, metamorphism is a major
process at convergent boundaries. Most metamorphic rocks in the continents were
created at convergent plate boundaries.
At both modern and ancient subduction zones, two distinctive types of meta-
morphic rocks are juxtaposed to create paired metamorphic belts (Figure 21.26).
The pair consists of an outer and an inner belt. The outermost metamorphic belt
624 Chapter 21

China Russia


Sea of Japan
Korea Honshu North Pacific Ocean

0 200 400
Shi Koku High-pressure km
Kyushu belt

FIGURE 21.26 Metamorphism at convergent plate margins is an important process.

Paired metamorphic belts formed in Japan during Mesozoic subduction. A high-
pressurelow-temperature belt formed near the trench in the accretionary wedge and a belt
of low- to intermediate-pressure metamorphism formed in the region of the magmatic arc.

forms in the accretionary wedge. Here fine-grained schists and slates contain the
distinctive blue amphibole called glaucophane and other minerals indicative of
the blueschist facies (Figures 21.27 and 6.16). These minerals form here because
they are stable under the conditions unique to the forearc region: high pressure and
relatively low temperature (less than 300C). These unique high-pressurelow-
temperature conditions are explained by the thermal structure of a subduction
zone (Figure 21.6). Low temperatures result directly from the cold slab of sub-
ducting oceanic lithosphere. High pressure is attained because the slab drags cold
oceanic rocks as deep as 30 to 50 km in the mantle, where the pressure is 10 to 15
kilobars. Once formed, blueschist facies rocks are brought rapidly back to the sur-
face of the accretionary wedge by faulting, as described earlier. Belts of blueschist
are found in Japan, California, New Zealand, and in the Alps, all sites of present
or past plate convergence (Figure 21.1). Most of the blueschist metamorphic rocks
are fragments of oceanic lithosphere, including chunks of pillow lava and gabbro.
However, blueschists represent only a small fraction of the metamorphic rocks
formed at convergent plate boundaries because of the very distinctive conditions
required to form them. Serpentine from mantle peridotite is also present.
The innermost part of a paired metamorphic belt consists of rocks near the
magmatic arc that recrystallized at higher temperatures and over a wide range of
pressures or depths. In this zone of high heat flow (Figure 21.6), metamorphism is
driven by heat released from cooling magmas that intruded to form plutonic belts.
Where plutons intrude into sedimentary or other rocks near the surface, narrow
contact metamorphic aureoles form, and hornfels dominates. Wider zones of
orogenic metamorphism develop at moderate depths. In these belts, thrusting and
folding also bury rocks to great depths where they become hotter. The metamor-
phic rocks are typified by mineral assemblages of the greenschist and amphibolite
facies (see Figure 6.16). These are the most common kind of metamorphic rocks
found on the continents.
Because of the higher temperatures, intensive plastic deformation accompanies
orogenic metamorphism at convergent plate margins. The original sedimentary
and volcanic rocks become strongly foliated schists and gneisses. The horizontal
Convergent Plate Boundaries 625

FIGURE 21.27 Blueschist belts form

by high-pressurelow-temperature
metamorphism in accretionary wedges
near subducting plates of oceanic
lithosphere. The irregular blocks of
blueschist shown here are part of a
melange formed in a Paleozoic subduction
zone along the east coast of New Zealand.
The blocks are metamorphosed fragments
of oceanic crust.

stresses generated by the converging plates cause foliation that is perpendicular to

the direction of stress. Hence, slaty cleavage, schistosity, and gneissic layering in the
deeper parts of a mountain range are characteristically vertical or dip at high an-
gles. In a few collision zones, sedimentary rocks containing carbon were thrust so
deeply (more than 100 km) that diamond formed from the carbon. Diamonds like
this have been found in China, the Alps, Kazakhstan, and Norway. However, it is
the depth of the rock, not the horizontal pressure from collision, that produces the
pressure that drives recrystallization.
In the deeper parts of a mountain belt, metamorphism can become intense enough
to produce migmatitea complex mixture of thin layers of once-molten granitic
material sandwiches between sheets of schist or gneiss. It develops largely from the
partial melting of preexisting rocks. In these zones, high temperatures and pressures
soften the entire rock body, which then behaves like a highly viscous liquid if it is sub-
jected to stress.As a result, metamorphic rocks in deeper parts of orogenic belts ex-
hibit complex flow structures (see Figure 6.11). Migmatites are probably the sources
of some granitic magma.


Continents grow by accretion at convergent plate boundaries. New

continental crust is created when silicic magma is added to deformed and
metamorphosed rock in a mountain belt.

We have already seen how orogenic belts form at convergent boundaries. Strong
deformation of rocks on a continental margin occurs during subduction and col-
lision. These rocks are metamorphosed and intruded by silicic magmas that have
low densities. Portions of this magma are extracted from the mantle or from sub-
ducted oceanic crust and form new additions to the continental crust. By virtue of
their low densities, these rocks cannot be subducted and must remain in the con-
tinental crust. The gradual growth of the continents by addition of magma and de-
formation of preexisting crust is known as continental accretion. Consequently,
both the origin and the evolution of Earths continental crust are intimately tied
to the processes that occur at convergent plate margins.
THE ART Magnetic Maps Show Accreted Terranes

Geologists are always trying to find ways to see below the they spin. This precession induces a small but measurable
obscuring skin of soil and vegetation and discover the na- current in the coil. The frequency of this current correlates
ture of the rocks hidden below. Geophysical techniques pro- with the strength of the local magnetic field. Airborne mag-
vide tools that can sense important characteristics of rocks netometers are usually towed behind aircraft or mounted
beneath such a cover and for some depth into the interior. on wing tips. By repeatedly flying back and forth across a
The strength of Earths magnetic field is not uniform. Its region, a magnetic map is constructed. Line spacings may
strength varies because of the changing pattern of flow in- be as little as 200 m, but more typically they are a kilome-
side Earths core, because of changes in the solar wind, and, ter or so apart.
of importance here, due to differences in the magnetic prop- An aeromagnetic map of Alaska shows the power of
erties of rocks in the crust. this technique. Much of Alaskas landscape is difficult to
Magnetic minerals (such as magnetite) in rocks cause traverse. High mountains, glaciers, surging rivers, short
distortions in the magnetic field. Magnetic minerals in- field seasons, and hordes of mosquitoes make normal field
duce local magnetic fields that either add or subtract geologic investigations difficult. A series of airborne mag-
from Earths field. Magnetic susceptibility is a measure netic surveys, however, can be conducted quickly and
of how much magnetism can be induced in a rock. In gen- stitched together with a computer to see the magnetic fab-
eral, sedimentary and most metamorphic rocks have rel- ric of the state and nearby offshore areas. The magnetic
atively low magnetic susceptibilities. Igneous rocks, on variations reveal the distribution of various rock types,
the other hand, tend to have more magnetite and to be ages, and the folded structures of the mountain belts. They
more magnetic. define the boundaries of arcuate accreted terranes that
were added to Alaska during millions of years of plate
convergence.The aeromagnetic map also shows the
striped fabric of the seafloor before it subducts down the
oceanic trench.

(Courtesy of K. Nyman, Geological Survey of Finland)

By measuring the strength of the magnetic field at a

multitude of individual spots, a map of the distribution of
magnetic and nonmagnetic materials in the crust forms a
powerful interpretive tool for geologists. For land-based
magnetic surveys, the most commonly used magnetometer
is the proton precession magnetometer that measures only
the strength of Earths magnetic field, not its polarity. This
kind of magnetometer contains a cylinder filled with water
that is surrounded by a coil of conductive wire. The hydro-
0 200
gen nuclei (protons) in the water behave like tiny spinning km
dipole magnets. Because Earths magnetic field applies a
force to these protons, they begin to precess or wobble as (Courtesy of R. Saltus, U.S. Geological Survey)

Convergent Plate Boundaries 627


North North
America America


Terranes Deformed
Ancient margin
seafloor Atlantic
Island arc
fragments Accreted



0 500
0 300

FIGURE 21.28 Accreted terranes along convergent plate FIGURE 21.29 Accreted terranes form much of eastern North
margins are an important component of most continents. Western America. The Appalachian Mountains, which extend from
North America is composed of rocks that moved and became Newfoundland to Alabama, contain terranes that were once parts of
attached during episodes of convergence in the Mesozoic and ancient Europe, Africa, island arcs, and even oceanic islands. These
Cenozoic eras. Before reaching their present positions, these rocks terranes were accreted to the continent during plate convergence
were island arcs, fragments of rifted continents, or oceanic and continental collision in the Paleozoic Era, millions of years
plateaus. After accretion, they were shuffled along the margin by before the western North American accretions.
strike-slip faults.

Accreted Terranes
Studies worldwide reveal that many continental margins consist of a multitude of
separate crustal blocks, each with its own distinctive origin and history.These blocks
have been juxtaposed against one another by major faults. (Figure 21.28) Each
block is a distinctive terrane, a term that refers to a region or group of rocks shar-
ing a common age, structure, stratigraphy, and origin.These exotic segments of the
Why are accreted terranes a common
orogenic belt are called accreted terranes. The terranes vary in size, and their rocks,
feature in many mountain belts?
fossils, histories, and magnetic properties contrast sharply. Fossils indicate that each
terrane formed at different times and in very different environments than any
other; paleomagnetic data show that the various terranes originated at different lat-
itudes thousands of kilometers away.
Accreted terranes in the orogenic belt of western North America are a prime
example (Figure 21.28). In this region, many independent terranes are squeezed
together, each with its own internal structure, rock types, and fossils. Each terrane
628 Chapter 21



2.11.9 3.82.8



Age (billions of years)
FIGURE 21.30 Radiometric ages of
basement terranes in North America show 1.81.6
several geologic provinces, each
representing a mountain-building event. 1.91.8
The ages of the major granitic intrusions are
in billions of years, and the lines represent
the trends of the folds and structural trends 3.82.6
in the metamorphic rocks. The continent
apparently grew by accretion as new 42.5
mountain belts formed along its margins.

contrasts sharply with adjacent segments. One contains remnants of ancient

seamounts related to mantle plumes; another, segments of shallow-marine lime-
stones like those forming in the Bahamas; and still others are pieces of old vol-
canic arcs formed by subduction. Some are crustal fragments of metamorphosed
basement complexes. Each terrane is separated from the next by long major fault
systems, most of which show evidence of strike-slip movement. For example, pa-
leomagnetic properties and fossils suggest that many of the terranes in British Co-
lumbia originated far to the south and traveled hundreds of kilometers northward,
along the continental margin during the Mesozoic Era
The Appalachian Mountains, which stretch from Newfoundland to Alabama, are
another example of continental accretion. They contain slices of ancient Europe,
Africa, and oceanic islands accreted to the continent during the Paleozoic Era
(Figure 21.29).

Accretion of North America

Evidence for even older orogenic and accretion events can be seen on the map
of North America in Figure 21.30. It summarizes many radiometric ages for the
metamorphic and granitic basement, as well as structural details compiled from
years of field mapping and geophysical studies. The ages of the basement rocks
of North America form a regular pattern. The oldest rocks found thus far are in
northern Canada and are about 4 billion years old in the Slave Province (p. 204).
Other ancient scraps of continental crust are in southern Greenland, the
Convergent Plate Boundaries 629


Continental crust (%)




4000 3000 2000 1000 0
Age (millions of years ago)

FIGURE 21.31 The amount of continental crust has grown over the last 4 billion years of Earths
history. The curve shows our best estimate of the rate of growth. During the last few billion years, the
rate of growth was not as high as during the earlier history. Today, most continental crust forms at
subduction zones.

Superior, and Wyoming Provinces, where granites and metamorphic rocks have
ages between 2.5 and about 3.8 billion years.
Surrounding the Superior Province to the south, west, and north is a vast area
of gneiss and granite from 1.8 to 1.9 billion years old. In addition, its structural
trends are oriented differently than in the older terrane. To the southeast, the
rocks are younger still; the granitic intrusions and metamorphic rocks are as
young as 1.0 billion years old.

Continental Growth Rates

The crudely concentric pattern of the basement age provinces in North America
is strong evidence that the continent grew by the accretion of material around its
margins during a series of mountain-building events. Each province probably rep-
resents a period of relatively rapid crustal growth during mountain building, related
to convergent margin tectonics and magma production.The growth of North Amer-
ica is typical of other continents. Although the details are still sketchy, the amount
of continental crust must have gradually grown during Earths long history. Geo-
logical studies are starting to reveal the rate of growth of the continents (Figure
21.31). Continental crust grew slowly for the first billion years of Earths history.
Initially, much of the crust may have been swept back into the mantle.As Earth ma-
tured, its continents appear to have grown rapidly between about 3.5 and 1.5 bil-
lion years ago. Subsequently, growth of continental crust was slower. During both
of these time periods, however, subduction and plate tectonics seem to be the prin-
cipal cause of crustal growth.
Thus, the origin of continental crust can be related to the evolution of conver-
gent plate margins. In an analogous manner, the origin and evolution of the ocean-
ic crust is intimately connected to the processes at divergent plate boundaries.
GeoLogic Lau Basin: A Back Arc Basin

Lau Ridg








Modified from K.E. Zellmer and B. Taylor, 2001,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems

The Tonga-Kermadec arc of the southwest Pacific is like 5. Shallow earthquakes are clustered along the central val-
many other arcs related to subduction. A deep narrow ley, but are not as numerous as the deeper earthquakes
trench lies to the east of the arc. Subduction carries the Pa- along the subducting slab.
cific ocean lithosphere beneath the arc and is marked by 6. Hot springs are aligned along the central rift valley.
an inclined zone of intense earthquakes. Explosive andesitic 7. Subducting oceanic lithosphere lies about 300 km below
volcanoes dot the length of the arc, but many of the active the central part of the basin.
volcanoes are young and still below sea level. However, un- 8.A high volcanic plateau also marks the western side of the
like some arcs, a broad submarine basinthe Lau Basin basin. It is made of inactive andesitic volcanoes.
lies west of the island arc. What could have formed this
basin? Interpretations
Geologists think the Lau Basin is a back-arc basin that
Observations formed by rifting apart an older volcanic arc. The Tonga
1.The broad basin is corrugated with narrow ridges and val- ridge and the Lau Ridge mark the flanks of this rift. The
leys that more or less parallel the trend of the arc. youngest, most active part of the basin is a rift-valley,
2. A narrower, slightly deeper valley runs down the center marked by extension, volcanism, shallow earthquakes, and
of the basin and forms a rift (marked in red). hydrothermal vents. It is much like an oceanic ridge be-
3. Rocks along the submarine rift are mostly basaltic vol- cause new crust is forming here.The backarc extension may
canic rocks. be caused by convection driven by the subducting slab. A
4. The central rift is normally magnetized and rocks on the new volcanic arc is developing just west of the old high arc.
flanks are reversely magnetized. Most of the volcanoes in this new arc are still submarine.

Convergent Plate Boundaries 631

accreted terrane (p. 627) convergent plate boundary ocean-continent convergence paired metamorphic belt
accretionary wedge (p. 606) (p. 598) (p. 599) (p. 623)
backarc (p. 599) dehydrate (p. 616) ocean-ocean convergence subduction zone (p. 599)
folded mountain belt (p. 599) (p. 598) trench (p. 599)
backarc spreading (p. 612)
forearc ridge (p. 599) orogenic belt (p. 608) volcanic arc (p. 599)
blueschist facies (p. 624)
inclined seismic zone (p. 604) orogenic metamorphism
continental accretion (p. 625)
(p. 600)
continent-continent melange (p. 606)
outer swell (p. 599)
convergence (p. 600) nappe (p. 608)

1. Draw a simple cross section across a subduction zone show- 10. Contrast the type of metamorphism that is found at conver-
ing the outer swell, trench, accretionary wedge, and mag- gent plate boundaries with metamorphism that occurs at
matic arc. divergent plate boundaries.
2. Contrast the features of a continent-continent convergent 11. In which kind of convergent plate boundary would you
plate boundary with those of an ocean-ocean plate boundary. expect to find the strongest compressional deformation
3. Why are trenches so deep? an ocean-ocean boundary, an ocean-continent boundary,
4. Where do you expect to find the highest heat flow at a sub- or a continent-continent boundary? Why?
duction zone? Where would you find the lowest gravity 12. Why are earthquakes found deep (more than 300 km) in
anomalies? Explain. the mantle only at convergent plate boundaries?
5. Describe how an accretionary wedge grows. How do the 13. Give two reasons why volcanoes at convergent plate mar-
highly deformed rocks in the wedge differ from those in a gins are so explosive.
folded mountain belt? 14. How would you discriminate an ancient accretionary wedge
6. Is extension ever found at convergent plate boundaries? from the sediments that form on a rifted plate margin?
7. Describe the absolute plate motions along the convergent 15. What would a slice of oceanic crust found in the middle of a
plate boundaries: Australian-Indonesian, Indian-Eurasian, continent imply about the tectonic history?
North American-Pacific, Nazca-South America. How do 16. What are the characteristic sedimentary rocks formed along
you think these differences are reflected in the nature of the convergent plate margins? How do they compare with
plate boundary? those found in a continental rift?
8. Explain how magma is generated at subduction zones and 17. What processes lead to the growth of continents?
contrast that with magma generation at a midoceanic ridge. 18. The average chemical composition of the continental crust
9. What explains the origin of paired metamorphic belts at corresponds to that of an andesite. Can you explain this
ocean-continent convergence zones? observation?

Decker, R., and B. Decker. 1981. The eruption of Mount St. Hel- Moores, E. M., and R. J. Twiss. 1995. Tectonics. San Fran-
ens, Scientific American 244(3):6880. cisco: Freeman.
Francis, P. 1993. Volcanoes: A Planetary Perspective. Oxford: Ox- Taylor, S. R., and S. M. McLennan. 1996. The evolution of conti-
ford University Press. nental crust, Scientific American 274(1):7681.
Keary, P., and F. J. Vine. 1990. Global Tectonics. Oxford: Black-
well Scientific.

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The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
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22 Hotspots and
Mantle Plumes
Earths tectonic system is dominated by geologic processes that occur at the margins of
large plates of lithosphere, and our main focus has been on dynamics of these plate bound-
aries. But plate interiors are not entirely quiet. Several currently active volcanic systems,
such as Hawaii and Yellowstone National Park, are far from plate boundaries. Moreover,
many large flood basalt provinces, such as those in the Pacific Northwest or central Siberia,
have no explanation in simple plate margin dynamics.
Instead, these hotspots are believed to be surface manifestations of mantle plumes
long, narrow columns of hot material that flow upward from deep in the mantleand
appear to be independent of plate movements. Apparently, this type of convection stirs
the mantle from deep below the shallow zone that feeds the midocean ridges. Thus, mantle
plumes provide new information about the inaccessibly deep portions of our planet.

Iceland sits astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and yet it also shows strong evidence for an
underlying mantle plume. The hotspot is manifest by geophysical and geochemical studies,
but more visibly by numerous geysers, boiling mud pots, and hot springs, such as the one
shown in the panorama above. This is a steam eruption at a geothermal field at Hveravellir
in central Iceland. More than anything else, these mantle plumes reveal themselves as
tremendous thermal anomalies. Not only is water heated to the point that it can flash to
steam and create a geyser, but even solid rock may reach its melting point and become par-
tially molten. The magnificent geothermal activity in this area lies within an active volcanic
zone that erupts basalt or rhyolite every few years, sometimes spreading ash over much of
the North Atlantic Ocean. The most voluminous eruption seen by humans occurred here in
1783. In several areas, molten magma still resides in chambers just a few kilometers below
some of the worlds most spectacular scenery.
In this chapter, we discuss hotspots and the mantle plumes that appear to lie below
them as large and important geologic systems. We will examine the major effects of man-
tle plumes that ascend beneath the ocean basins and then turn our attention to those that
rise beneath the continents. We will also explore what causes plumes to move upward and
why they are intimately related to intraplate volcanoes, earthquakes, and broad swells
and basins.

Photograph by Ragnar Sigurdsson/Stone.

1. Mantle plumes appear to be long columns of hot, less dense solids that ascend
from deep in the mantle. Mantle plumes create hotspots with high heat flow,
volcanism, and broad crustal swells.
2. A plume evolves in two stages. When a plume starts, it develops a large, bul-
bous head that rises through the mantle. As the head deforms against the
strong lithosphere, crustal uplift and voluminous volcanism occur. The sec-
ond stage is marked by the effects of a still rising but narrow tail.
3. Basaltic magma is created because of decompression of the rising hot
plume. Magmas formed in mantle plumes are distinctive and show hints of
being partially derived from ancient subducted slabs that descended deep
into the mantle.
4. A starting plume that rises beneath the ocean floor produces a large plateau
of flood basalt on the seafloor. Subsequently, a narrow chain of volcanic islands
forms above the tail of the plume, revealing the direction of plate motion.
5. If a plume develops beneath a continent, it may cause regional uplift and
eruption of continental flood basalts. Rhyolitic caldera systems develop when
continental crust is partially melted by hot basaltic magma from the plume.
Continental rifting and the development of an ocean basin may follow.
6. Plumes may affect the climate system and Earths magnetic field.


Mantle plumes appear to be long, nearly vertical columns of hot, upwelling

materials that buoyantly rise from deep in the mantle. At the surface,
plumes are marked by hotspots with high heat flow, volcanic activity, and
broad crustal swells.

The first ideas about hotspots and mantle plumes emerged in 1963, from geolog-
ic observations of the Hawaiian Islands. It was well known that Hawaii, the largest
of the islands, had active volcanoes, few strong earthquakes, and extremely high
heat flow. The linear chain of volcanoes lies on a broad rise in the middle of the
Pacific Ocean floor.
Significantly, geologists noted an absence of tectonic contraction to form belts of
folded strata on Hawaii. Even strong extension is missing, although narrow rift zones
emanate from the summits of the shield volcanoes and feed lava flows. In addition,
it was discovered that the volcanoes on the islands are progressively older toward
the northwest (Figure 22.1). For example, the island of Hawaii consists of several still-
active shield volcanoes. The volcanoes on Maui, an island about 80 km to the north-
west, are barely extinct. Farther to the northwest, the chain of islands becomes still
older, and many volcanoes are deeply eroded; some are submerged below sea level.
Other linear chains of volcanic islands and seamounts in the Pacific, Atlantic,
and Indian oceans show similar trends: An active or young volcano is at one end
of the chain, and the series of volcanoes becomes progressively older toward the
Mantle Plume other end (Figure 22.2). For these reasons, the volcanically active parts of these
chains came to be called hotspots. We are not completely sure, but the simple idea
of mantle plumes rising as narrow columns from the deep interior explains many
such features and has become a generally accepted part of global tectonic theory.
Hotspots appear to be the surface expression of mantle plumes.

Evidence for Mantle Plumes

It must be emphasized that mantle plumes have not been observed directly. But
the indirect evidence for their existence is substantial:

Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 635

Ages in millions of years


Area of active
Direction of 0.20.7
plate movement FIGURE 22.1 The volcanic islands of
Hawaii are progressively older and more
eroded to the northwest. Active volcanoes
0 50 erupt periodically on the southeasternmost
island. A linear chain of seamounts extends
km even farther to the northwest. Ages of
volcanic rocks are given in millions of years
before present.

1. Locally, zones of high heat flow and associated volcanism (hotspots) occur
far from plate boundaries.
2. These hotspots do not drift with the plates. They are almost stationary, sug-
gesting that they are rooted deep in the mantle far below the moving
3. Geochemical studies show that the basalts erupted from hotspot volcanoes
are different from those that come from the upper mantle at divergent plate
boundaries.The evidence suggests that the lavas are derived from deep in the
mantle, below the asthenosphere (see p. 641).

Jan Mayen
Columbia Iceland
Bermuda Rajmahal

Galapagos Ontong
Parana Java
Easter St. Helena Reunion

Shona Bouvet Belleny

Hotspot Flood basalt Track

FIGURE 22.2 Hotspots, oceanic plateaus, and continental flood basalts related to mantle plumes are shown on this map. Basaltic volcanism in
the ocean basins has formed hundreds of islands, seamounts, and plateaus. Flood basalts, shield volcanoes, and large rhyolitic calderas may form
above plumes that lie beneath the continents. Ancient flood basalt provinces (gray) are connected to currently active hotspots by linear chains of
seamounts (red lines). For example, the currently active volcanoes on the island of Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic mark the site of a hotspot
whose initiation erupted flood basalts in South America and Africa approximately 125 million years ago. In the North Atlantic, two flood basalt
provinces, 65 million years old, are linked to a plume beneath Iceland. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)
636 Chapter 22

FIGURE 22.3 A mantle plume beneath

Iceland is revealed by anomalously low
seismic wave velocities in a cylindrical mass
below the island. The low seismic wave
velocities show that the plume has a higher
temperature than the surrounding mantle.
The plume extends to at least 400 km depth
and has a diameter of about 300 km.
(Courtesy of C. Wolfe and S. Solomon)

4. Oceanic islands at hotspots are associated with large topographic swells.This

association is evidence for an extra source of mantle-derived heat to expand
the lithosphere.
5. Perhaps the most convincing evidence for mantle plumes comes from recent
advances in seismic studies of Earths interior. Tomographic images of the
What is the evidence for the existence mantle beneath Iceland reveal that a narrow column of material with low
of mantle plumes? seismic wave velocities extends to at least 400 km beneath the island (Figure
22.3). Other investigations suggest it extends even deeper, to at least 700 km.
The plume has a diameter of about 300 km. High temperatures of the mate-
rial in the plume probably cause the low seismic wave velocities. In fact, the
plume may be as much as 200C warmer than the surrounding mantle. Fur-
ther refinements and higher resolution images are revealing more about the
precise shapes and depths of mantle plumes.

24 Characteristics of Hotspots and Mantle Plumes

The volume of volcanic rock produced at mantle plumes is small compared to that
18 produced along divergent and convergent plate boundaries (Figure 22.4). Most
Volume (km3/yr)

intraplate volcanoes lie on the floor of the South Pacific, which is dotted by many
12 submarine volcanoes and volcanic islands (Figure 22.2). At first glance, the distri-
bution of intraplate volcanoes may seem random. But upon further inspection,
linear trends or chains become apparent, especially in the Pacific Ocean (see the
maps on the inside covers).
Volcanism over a mantle plume produces a submarine volcano, which can grow
Transform Convergent Divergent into an island. Steps in this process are shown in Figure 22.5. If the plumes posi-
Plumes Plate boundaries tion in the mantle does not change for a long time, the moving lithosphere carries
the active volcano beyond its magma source. This volcano then becomes dormant,
FIGURE 22.4 The volume of magma
produced from mantle plumes is much and a new one forms in its place over the fixed plume. A continuation of this
smaller than that produced at divergent or process builds one volcano after another, producing a linear chain of volcanoes
convergent plate boundaries. parallel to the direction of plate motion.
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 637
Active volcano

Fringing reef
1 (A) A volcanic island forms above a more-or-less
stationary mantle plume. As the volcano grows, its base
Oceanic plate subsides because of the added weight of the basalt. The
volcano forms on top of a broad swell in the lithosphere
Plume caused by the heat carried in the plume.

Barrier reef
1 2 (B) As the plate moves, the first volcano is carried away
from the source of magma and stops growing. The island
then gradually erodes to sea level. Meanwhile, over the
plume, a new volcanic island forms.

2 3 4 (C) Continued plate movement produces a chain of
islands. Reefs can grow to form an atoll. As the plate
cools and subsides, the volcano may drop below sea

FIGURE 22.5 A linear chain of volcanic islands and seamounts results from plate movement above a mantle plume. The string of volcanoes
produced reveals the path of the moving plate.

From the evidence provided by studies of hotspots, it appears that mantle plumes
may have a variety of shapes and sizes.They may consist of hot mantle material ris-
ing as blobs rather than in a continuous streak. For the most part, mantle plumes
can be envisioned as long, slender columns of hot rock that originate deep inside
Earths mantle (Figure 22.6). They rise slowly toward the surface, arching the over-
lying lithosphere, forming volcanoes and plutons, and causing small, shallow earth-
quakes. Some plumes may have diameters of as much as 1000 km, but most are only What generates a mantle plume?
several hundred kilometers across. The material in the plume appears to rise at
rates of perhaps 2 m/yr. Plumes rise under continents and oceans alike, and they
occur in the center of plates and along some midoceanic ridges. The extra heat
they bring to the lithosphere commonly produces domes up to 1000 km in diam-
eter, with uplift ranging from 1 to 2 km at the center of the dome.

Flood Plume FIGURE 22.6 Plumes rise from the

basalt head Midocean core-mantle boundary, according to current
ridge theory, and are an important type of mantle
convection. Some mantle material in the hot
ere Hotspot boundary layer between the mantle and core
o sph becomes hot, and therefore more buoyant,
A sth Head and rises upward in a cylindrical plume. A
Island new plume starts with a large head, behind
er e Tail
arc ph which is a slender tail. When the plume
e reaches the cold, rigid lithosphere, it flattens
M Island
arc and spreads outward. Flood basalts may
Avalanche erupt from the plume head. Hotspot islands
of slabs Outer
core may form from the narrower, long-lived tail.
Oceanic crust subducted deep into the
mantle at some ancient subduction zone
(right) may be part of the source material of
Core mantle plume.
638 Chapter 22

Lithosphere Some geologists think that mantle plumes originate at depths of at least 700 km
and perhaps as deep as 2900 km at the core-mantle boundary. Their positions ap-
pear to be relatively stationary, as the lithospheric plates move over them. Plumes
are thus independent of the crusts major tectonic elements, which are produced by
plate movement.As a result, hotspots provide a reference frame for determining the
absolute, rather than the relative, motion of tectonic plates. However, the plume
B locations are not absolutely immovable. Some appear to wave slightly in the man-
tle wind (Figure 22.7).

The Evolution of Mantle Plumes: Heads and Tails

Like the plate tectonic system, mantle plumes are a type of convection that slowly
C stirs the mantle. However, plate tectonics and mantle plumes are related to two dis-
tinct types of convection. One is the convection involved in plate motion, wherein
material rises at divergent plate boundaries and descends at convergent bound-
aries. The other is the rise of thin columns of material in slender plumes from deep
in the mantle. Although plumes clearly transport much less heat than the process-
es at tectonic plate boundaries, mantle plumes are also largely driven by internal
D heat. Plumes probably arise from a hot layer at the base of the mantle. Because it
is so hot, the boundary layer surrounding the molten iron core must have much
lower viscosity (100 to 1000 times less) and slightly lower density than the mantle
above it. As heat from the fluid iron core flows into this boundary layer, parts of
the mantle expand and become less dense. When a small portion becomes lighter
than the cooler mantle above it (a difference of about 200C and 0.1 g/cm3 may be
sufficient), it becomes buoyant and begins to rise. Consequently, small bumps form
in the boundary layer (Figure 22.7). These may form diapirs that ultimately en-
large and develop into buoyant mantle plumes.
Laboratory experiments suggest that a new starting plume ascends through the
mantle with a large bulbous head fed by a long narrow pipe, or tail, that extends to
greater depth (Figure 22.7).As a new plume rises through the mantle, resistance to its
flow causes the head to rise more slowly than the material in the tail. Consequently,
the plume head enlarges as it is fed by material flowing up through the long narrow
tail; the rising plume head inflates like a balloon. Enlargement of the head also occurs
because material from the surrounding cooler mantle is swept into the rising plume.
FIGURE 22.7 The development of a
Because the plume head grows as it moves through the mantle, a large plume
mantle plume, shown in these cross sections, head can develop only if it traverses a large distance. Using this relationship, we
is related to the rise of low-density material can estimate that plumes must rise thousands of kilometers, probably from the
from deep in the mantle. The colors core-mantle boundary to the surfacea distance of 2700 km. If this is true, much
represent temperature, with yellow hottest of the heat lost from the molten metallic core is carried away by mantle plumes.
and brown the coolest. (A) As a plume rises,
its head enlarges and a narrow tail develops
Plumes are probably responsible for about 10% of Earths total heat loss; plate tec-
(B, C). When the plume head hits the base of tonics accounts for more than 80% of the heat lost from the mantle.
the lithosphere, it flattens (D). Cold, dense When the head of a starting plume nears the surface and encounters the strong
material also sinks (tan). Gradually, each lithosphere, it appears to spread out to form a disk of hot material 1500 to 2500 km
plume coolsnote the lower temperatures across and 100 to 200 km thick (Figure 22.7). This is about the size of most conti-
in the central plumeand new plumes
develop (E). (After M. A. Richards, 1991)
nental flood basalt provinces. The rising plume uplifts the surface to form a broad
low dome (Figure 22.8). If a plume head has a temperature of 1400C (about 200C
warmer than normal mantle), the buoyancy force and extra heat of the hot plume
can create a broad well hundreds of kilometers across and as much as 1 km high
(Figure 22.8). This uplift can cause extension, normal faulting, and rifting of the
Mantle Convection overlying lithosphere. Moreover, as the plume rises to shallow depths, the reduced
pressure allows it to melt partially and to produce basaltic magma. The larger the
plume head, the larger the volume of basalt that can form.
Eventually, the plume head dissipates by cooling or mixing with the shallow as-
thenosphere (Figure 22.8). The rest of the plumes history is dominated by flow
through the long tail. In contrast to a plume head, the narrow tail is thought to be
only about 300 km in diameter. Uplift, extension, and basaltic magmatism will also
be associated with this part of a plumes evolution, but all will be less than during
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 639
Surface upwarp Surface upwarp Surface upwarp
0 meters 50 meters 500 meters

Depth (km)

1000 Mantle

2000 FIGURE 22.8 A starting plume has a

large head and a narrow tail as shown in
3000 these cross sections. Each step shows the size
0 million years 20 my 40 my
and shape of an evolving mantle plume,
along with a profile showing uplift at the
Surface upwarp Surface upwarp Surface upwarp surface. The plumes head is enlarged
1000 meters 300 meters 100 meters
because of entrainment of material from the
surrounding mantle and because of its slow
movement relative to the material in the tail.
Once the head of the plume hits the strong
lithosphere, it deforms by flattening into a
thinner and wider disk. Uplift of the surface
is caused by the buoyancy and heat of the
mantle plume. Here, 1 km of uplift occurred
over the center of the plume during the first
few tens of million years of its history.
60 my 80 my 100 my Gradually, the plate moves and the plume
0 1000 2000 km head dissipates, leaving a narrower tail.
Eventually, this too disappears.

the starting phase. As the lithosphere moves away from the focus of a plume, it
cools, contracts, and subsides. This cooling phase may persist for hundreds of mil-
lions of years and may be accompanied by the slow subsidence of the crust and the
development of a large sedimentary basin.
Ultimately, the plume itself also loses thermal energy and dies, as new plumes
form elsewhere and continue to carry heat from the interior to the surface. A typ-
ical life span may be about 100 million years. In short, mantle plumes are tempo-
rary features that form and ultimately fade and die.
Plates and plumes are complementary, each involved in a different form of mantle
convection. Plumes probably come from a hot boundary layer at the base of the man- How does the shape of a plume change
tle, whereas tectonic plates are the cool boundary layer at the top of the mantle.As the as it rises through the mantle?
core loses heat, part of the overlying mantle becomes buoyant and rises in a plume. In
contrast, as plates cool, they become denser than the underlying mantle and sink.Thus,
in addition to the plate tectonic system, there is also a plume tectonic system. It in-
volves mostly vertical movements of the lithosphere accompanied by volcanism.These
processes are superimposed on the constantly moving tectonic plates.


Basaltic magma is generated in a rising mantle plume by decompression

melting. Magmas formed in mantle plumes are distinctive and show hints
that they are partially derived from vestiges of ancient slabs subducted
deep into the mantle. In continental settings, rhyolite and granite may form
above a mantle plume by partial melting of the crust or by fractional
crystallization of basalt.

The various components of a magma system can be compared to those of a river

system. Each magma system has a source of magma, a path along which the magma
is transported, and a final site of emplacement where the magma erupts as a lava
flow or where the magma crystallizes to form a pluton. Understanding the magma
sourcewhere, how, and why it is generatedis key to understanding and pre-
dicting the behavior of the entire magma system.
640 Chapter 22

The source of magma in a rising plume is probably related to melting caused

by a drop in pressure (decompression) as the hot material rises to shallow depth
(Figure 22.9). This mechanism is very similar to that which yields basalt magma
at midoceanic ridges. Decompression melting must be a common phenomenon
in the mantle because the melting point of peridotite, the most common rock in
the upper mantle, decreases slightly as pressure decreases (Figure 22.9). When
low-density, solid mantle moves upward in a plume, the pressure is reduced faster
than the plume can lose its heat and reach equilibrium with its surroundings. The
arrow in Figure 22.9 shows one possible pressure-temperature path for peri-
dotite rising in a plume. Although the rising material in the plume may cool
slightly, it still crosses the partial melting curve, when it reaches depths of less than
100 km or so. Consequently, part of the peridotite in the plume melts and forms
basaltic magma. This basaltic melt is even less dense than the solids in the plume,
so it moves upward into the crust, filling dikes, sills, and other magma chambers.
Here, the new magma may mix with other magma, cool to form solid plutons, or
move farther upward and erupt, usually as a quiet lava flow that forms part of a
shield volcano.
Detailed studies of the compositions of basalts related to mantle plumes lead
Is there a difference between basalts to a startling conclusion. These basalts may be derived from part of the mantle
erupted at midoceanic ridges and those contaminated by ancient oceanic crust, including oceanic basalt and sediment.
erupted on oceanic islands? Here we have a quandary. If the geophysical evidence is correct, plumes originate
from great depths, perhaps as deep as the core-mantle boundary. So, how did crustal
materials including sediment get into the deep mantle? Could the sources of plumes
be the graveyards for subducted oceanic lithosphere (Figure 22.6)?
Oceanic crust, with its basalt and its marine sediment, undergoes a significant
density increase during subduction when garnet and other dense high-pressure
minerals form. Perhaps the density increase allows the oceanic crust to travel all
the way to the core boundary, like a rock sinking slowly in thick mud. There, it
can subduct no further, because the core is much denser. So the subducted litho-
sphere may reside there for millions of years and mix with mantle rocks already
at the boundary. If this mixture becomes expanded by heat escaping from the iron
core, it may rise slowly back toward the surface and eventually melt to create
basalt magma.
Such a conclusion provides the final element for the vast recycling system that
is Planet Earth. Partial melts of the shallow mantle rise buoyantly and then erupt
at a midocean ridge. The crust created at the ridge becomes buried by deep-
marine sediment before it subducts back into the mantle. On the way down, it is
metamorphosed, dehydrated, and incompletely mixed with mantle rocks. Even-
tually, the oceanic lithosphere may reach the core-mantle boundary. There it
FIGURE 22.9 Magma in a rising 0
mantle plume is produced as a result of
decompression melting. The black line marks
the temperature at which melting begins for Co
mantle peridotite. The blue arrow shows the

pressure and temperature path followed by a



rising plume. Basaltic magma is produced 100 Solid


Depth (km)


when conditions in the plume cross the



melting curve at a shallow depth. The partial


melt can be extracted and rises to erupt as


an ocean island or continental flood basalt. Ascent

200 path
of rising

1000 1500 2000
Temperature (C)
THE ART X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

As you read this chapter, you may wonder exactly how lavas
that erupt above mantle plumes are different from those
that erupt at midocean ridges or at island arcs. To find out,
the lava flows may be studied using X-ray fluorescence spec-
trometrya widely used technique to find the elemental
composition of rocks.
Inside an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, powerful X
rays are beamed onto a specially prepared sample of rock.
In turn, secondary X rays are released from all the atoms
in the rock as electrons move from shell to shell. These sec-
ondary X rays have wavelengths that are characteristic of
each element. Thus, a silicon atom will yield X rays that are
different from those emitted by iron or by rubidium. In ad-
dition, the strength of the silicon X rays is directly propor-
tional to the amount of silicon in the specimen. The various
wavelengths of X rays are separated from each other by dif-
fraction as they pass through specially designed crystals.The
(Courtesy of Bruker AXS, Inc.)
intensity of each X-ray wavelength is then measured and
converted to an element concentration by comparison with
X-ray intensities from rocks of known composition. Now that we can see the differences, what do they mean?
The differences probably show that the mantle sources of
these basalts differ widely from one another. For example,
Composition of Basalts from Different Settings the source of midocean ridge basalts has been depleted in
Midocean Ridge Island Arc Ocean Island these trace elements over eons by the extraction of conti-
nental crust from the mantle. Island arc basalts are enriched
Major oxides in weight percent
SiO2 50.7 49.2 49.2
in elements (such as Babarium, Rbrubidium, and K
Al2O3 15.5 15.3 12.8
potassium) that are soluble in water and poor in elements
Fe2O3 10.6 9.9 12.5
(such as Nb) that are not soluble. The soluble elements are
carried into magmas when a subducting slab dehydrates
Trace elements in parts per million (Chapter 21). Finally, ocean island basalts have sources like
Rb 1 14 25 midocean ridge basalts, but smaller amounts of melting have
Nb 9 1 50 enriched the trace elements in the partial melts. Careful
La 3 10 35
examination of the oceanic island patterns also suggests that
Nd 9 1 50
Zr 85 50 220
some subducted oceanic crust lies in the plume source. In
this way, the compositions of rocks erupted at the surface
reveal much about Earths deep interior.
Chemical analyses of basalt lavas from three different set-
tings are shown in the table.There are only small differences
Element concentration in rock/primitive mantle

Ocean island basalt
in the major element concentrations, but large differences 100
in the trace element concentrations in the three basalts.
Geochemists have devised many graphical ways to com- 50 Island arc basalt
pare such data. One of the most useful is to divide the element
concentrations in a rock by those estimated for Earths prim- 20
itive mantle. On this kind of graph (sometimes called a spi-
der diagram), the differences among the basalts are obvious. 10
Midocean ridge basalts have relatively smooth patterns but
are poor in the elements plotted on the left. Basalts from is- 5 Midocean ridge basalt
land arcs have higher concentrations of these elements and
decided depletions in two highly charged elementsniobium 2
(Nb) and titanium (Ti). Ocean island basalts, erupted above
mantle plumes, have higher concentrations of most of the 1
trace elements, and the curve actually peaks at Nb. Ba Rb Th K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Sm Zr Ti Y

642 Chapter 22

resides until heat lost from the core makes it buoy back to the surface again, but
this time it rises as a part of a long narrow plume rather than sinking as a stiff
sheet (Figure 22.6).


A starting plume may yield flood basalt flows that erupt on the ocean floor
and form a large oceanic plateau. As the lithospheric plate continues to
move over the plume, a narrow chain of volcanic seamounts forms, with
the active volcanoes lying directly over the tail of the plume. If a plume is
centered on a midoceanic ridge, an elongate volcanic plateau forms.

Many mantle plumes rise to Earths surface beneath the ocean basins. Each of
these plumes has a discrete history, with a distinct beginning and an end. What,
then, is produced when a new plume with its large head rises beneath an ocean
basin? And what happens as the long-lived plume tail evolves? Some oceanic
plumes are even centered on midocean ridges, creating an exceptionally rich mix-
ture of volcanic and tectonic features. In the sections that follow, we will examine
each of these three types of oceanic volcanism: a starting plume, volcanism relat-
ed to a tail, and a plume on a midocean ridge.

How are mantle plumes expressed on Starting Plumes: Oceanic Plateaus and Flood Basalts
the ocean floor?
The first type of oceanic volcanism produces distinctive underwater landforms.
Scattered across the ocean floor are several broad plateaus that rise thousands
of meters above their surroundings (Figure 22.2). These oceanic plateaus are
not easily explored, and consequently, little is known about them. However,
oceanic plateaus may form by some of the most spectacular volcanic events on
the planet.
The largest oceanic plateau is the Ontong-Java Plateau (Figure 22.10); it is
two-thirds the size of Australia. A coral-capped bit of the plateau rises above sea
level to form the Ontong-Java atoll, the largest atoll in the world. The sur-
rounding region of the equatorial western Pacific is underlain by oceanic crust
that is 25 to 43 km thickas much as five times thicker than typical oceanic
crust. The thick crust is apparently made of about 36 million cubic kilometers
of basalt lava flows, enough to cover the entire conterminous United States with
a layer 5 m thick. The lavas buried older oceanic crust, with its magnetic stripes,
which originally formed at an oceanic ridge. There appear to be no large shield
volcanoes or calderas on the plateau. Instead, lava must have erupted from long
fissures on the ocean floor, probably as flood basalts, quite unlike the small
eruptions that occur at a midocean ridge. If these oceanic flood lavas are simi-
lar to those found on the continents, individual lava flows may have been hun-
dreds of kilometers long.
The paleomagnetic character of the lavas on the plateau and a few recently
acquired radiometric ages indicate that the Ontong-Java Plateau formed in at
least two episodes at about 120 million years ago and about 90 million years ago;
How does the Ontong-Java Plateau during the Cretaceous Period). Much of the plateau was probably created in less
differ from an oceanic ridge? than 3 million years. If that estimate is correct, the vents on the Ontong-Java
Plateau must have erupted between 15 and 20 km3 of lava each year. That amount
is comparable to the volume of new crust formed by the entire oceanic ridge
system in a year, and it dwarfs the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption of less than
1 km3 of volcanic rock.
From a geologic perspective, such a rapid outpouring of such a huge volume of
lava is truly remarkable. The entire submarine landscape of this large area was
changed in only a few million years. Most geologic processes that affect such large
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 643

0 1000
Ontong Java
Ja km

Guinea Trench

FIGURE 22.10 The Ontong-Java Plateau is probably a huge accumulation of submarine flood lavas erupted during the Cretaceous. The
plateau rises several kilometers above the surrounding abyssal depths and is underlain by crust that may be 40 km thick, about five times thicker
than normal oceanic crust. Oceanic plateaus are probably related to eruptions from the enlarged head of a new plume. (Courtesy of Ken Perry,
Chalk Butte, Inc.)

regions take tens of millions of years to accomplish such changes. For example,
the Rocky Mountains have been rising for more than 40 million years, and the
Andes have been building for at least 30 million years.
Such a vast oceanic plateau may represent a spasm of igneous activity related
to the initiation of a new mantle plume. As the enlarged plume head rose beneath
the ocean floor, partial melting produced huge volumes of basaltic lava that erupt-
ed over a geologically short period of time. Eventually, the heat from the plume
head was lost through this volcanism, and the amount of partial melting declined.
Oceanic lithosphere continued to move over the plume tail, and a hotspot track
formed. The Louisville hotspot (Figure 22.2) is the most likely current location of
the plume that fed the Ontong-Java oceanic plateau.

Plume-Tail Volcanism: Hotspot Island Chains

A second type of oceanic volcanism produces hotspot island chains. Presently,
most intraplate volcanism is dominated by the construction of large shield volca-
noes over plume tails. Most eruptions are relatively quiet flows of basaltic lava
from vents at a volcanos summit or on its flanks. Large collapse calderas are com-
mon at the summits of these shield volcanoes. In addition, heat from the plume and
the weight of the volcano drive a variety of vertical tectonic processes. Hotspot
volcanic systems can be explored by referring to the Hawaiian island chain. How does a mantle plume produce a
chain of volcanic islands?
The Hawaiian Plume. Hawaii is the best known example of volcanic activity
above the still-rising tail of a mantle plume beneath oceanic lithosphere (Figure
22.11). Hawaii is the active area of a series of otherwise extinct volcanoes stretching
across the Pacific seafloor to the Aleutian Trench (Figure 22.12). The lava that has
erupted from the hotspot is more than enough to cover the entire state of California
with a layer 1.5 km thick. Most of the volcanoes are below sea level now. The
islands northwest of Hawaii are all deeply eroded extinct volcanoes.
The island of Hawaii consists of five major volcanoes, each built up by innu-
merable eruptions. The largest active volcano on Earth, Mauna Loa, dominates
the big island of Hawaii. It rises 9000 m above the ocean floor (Figure 22.13). This
large shield volcano was built by repeated eruptions of lava during the past mil-
lion years, and it is still active. Many recent flows can be seen along Mauna Loas
flanks, extending as dark lines from a series of fissures, or rift zones, along the crest
644 Chapter 22

Kohala Mauna
Huala Kea



FIGURE 22.11 The island of Hawaii as seen from space. Two old eroded volcanoes form the northern (top) part of the island. Mauna Loa is the
large volcano in the foreground; it has erupted many times in the past 150 years. The individual flows appear as thin dark lines extending from fissures
that emanate from a summit caldera. Kilauea (right) is the youngest of the volcanoes that has reached sea level. Its most recent eruptions began in
1983. (Copyright SPOT IMAGE/CNES. Data manipulation by Oliver Chadwick and Steven Adams of JPL. Photo Researchers, Inc.)

of a ridge (Figure 22.11).The oval caldera (Figure 4.11) formed by the repeated col-
lapse of Mauna Loas summit when dense intrusions sank under their own weight
or as magma withdrew from subterranean chambers.
Southeast of Mauna Loa is the younger Kilauea volcano, where young lava
flows erupt primarily from rift zones.An eruption along the East Rift Zone has con-
tinued almost without pause since 1986. As a result, an extensive lava field and a
small shield volcano have formed, and tube-fed flows extend from the vent to the
sea. Kilauea is growing higher, and the island is growing larger on its margin. Far-
ther southeast is an even younger submarine shield volcano, Loihi (Figure 22.13).
It, too, is an active volcano and will one day rise to the surface as it progressively
grows higher by repeated eruption and intrusion.
The volcanoes of Hawaii are shaped like huge rounded plateaus. The classic
shield shape of Hawaiian volcanoes describes only that part of the volcano above
sea level. They are much flatter above sea level than below (see Figure 11.15). The
Hawaiian Islands shape of the entire volcano is complex because subaerial lavas and submarine
flows behave differently. Subaerial lavas are more fluid and form gently inclined
slopes, whereas submarine lavas do not flow as freely as those on land. They are
quenched rapidly by the cold seawater and some also become granulated as they
erupt into the cold seawater. These factors cause submarine lava to pile up and
produce steeper slopes.
These steeper submarine slopes are susceptible to gravitational failure and
mass movement. Vast landslides steepen the slopes of the submarine portions
of the volcanoes, as noted in Chapter 11. Most of the submarine flanks of Mauna
Loa and Kilauea are actually huge landslide scars (Figure 22.13). The landslides
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 645
(A) The volcanic islands and seamounts form the
most obvious part of the long chain. A bend in the
ch chain marks a change in the direction of plate
Tre movement, which is presently to the northwest. An
81 ti a n
Ale u elongate rise marks the hotspot trail; it is highest
near the plume beneath Hawaii and is
progressively lower toward the northwest. The
68 narrow trough or moat that lies on both flanks of
65 the island is due to subsidence from the weight of
the volcano. Numbers are ages in millions of years
56 for volcanic rocks along the seamount chain. (Base
map from D. T. Sandwell and W. H. F. Smith,
53 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of
California at San Diego)

43 Midway
34 0 1000
20 km
11 7

SW Bulge NE (B) This cross section shows the volcanoes sitting

on a broad bulge caused by heating from the
Depth (km)

Volcanic ridge underlying mantle plume. On either side, a narrow

2 moat or trough has formed because the weight of
Moat Moat
4 the volcanic islands bends the Pacific plate
600 300 0 300 600
Distance (km)
FIGURE 22.12 The topography of the Hawaiian-Emperor Island chain shows the critical elements of the evolution of a hotspot chain.

range from slow-moving slumps bounded by curved faults to fast-moving debris

avalanches. At the surface, landslides are marked by high scarps separated by
flat benches. In fact, entire volcanoes are being ripped apart by their own weight
(Figure 22.14). The active volcanoes are spreading seaward away from the
molten or plastic cores of their rift zones. This extension is driven by gravity
and is one cause of the rift zones. In turn, the rift zones become sites for intru-
sion of magma that causes further spreading of the island. These giant subma-
rine landslides pose a hazard to people who live on other islands as well. Cata-
strophic failure of a giant debris avalanche could cause a tsunami to sweep
across the Pacific basin.
The hot plume tail beneath Hawaii has also created a large swell in the ocean-
ic lithosphere (Figure 22.12). This broad uplift is probably caused by the plumes
buoyancy and by heating from the mantle plume.The swell is about 1500 km across, Why do we believe the island of Hawaii
more than 4000 km long, and nearly 1 km high. It is elongated along the track of is located above a mantle plume?
the hotspot and drops gently to the northeast where the lithosphere cooled and
contracted after it passed the plume.The high volcanic ridge caps the swell and rises
another 5 km or so to the ocean surface.
So great is the weight of these volcanoes that a narrow depression or moat lies
at their base (Figure 22.12). Moreover, because of the load, the islands are slowly
sinking by making isostatic adjustments. The island of Hawaii is sinking about
3.5 mm/yr; Maui is sinking 2.2 mm/yr. Farther up the island chain and made of
older inactive volcanoes, Oahu is sinking even more slowly. Large submergence
rates for the island of Hawaii make it difficult for coral reefs to grow around its
shorelines, whereas on the older, more slowly sinking islands of Maui and Oahu,
organic reefs flourish in the clear warm water. Consequently, white sand beaches
like those of Oahu, derived from the breakup of the coral, are absent on Hawaii.
646 Chapter 22

Mauna Kea


Hualalai idg




Mauna Loa


Hilina faults

Terrestrial lava
terrestrial lava
Young Old Submarine
Seamount 0 20
Seamount Abyssal
km sediment

FIGURE 22.13 The island of Hawaii consists of several volcanoes that rise from the floor of the Pacific. They include Mauna Loa, the tallest
volcano on Earth, and Loihi, a submarine volcano still growing toward the surface. The map shows the importance of eruptions from narrow rift
zones in the building of Mauna Loa and Kilauea. The arcuate shape of Loihi is also controlled by submarine eruptions from rift zones. Note that
huge landslides have slipped from the submerged flanks of the volcanoes. Normal faults on the island and some rift zones are controlled by
movement of these landslides. (Courtesy of J. G. Moore, U.S. Geological Survey, and W. Chadwick, Oregon State University)

Hawaiian Earthquakes. Earthquakes in Hawaii (Figure 22.15) are typical of

those that form above mantle plumes. Since no plate boundary is involved,
earthquakes are relatively small and infrequent. The most common earthquakes
are shallow and are related to the movement of magma or to slumping along the
landslide-bounding faults. They typically have magnitudes of less than 4.5 and
depths of less than 10 km. Another smaller family of deeper earthquakes arises in
the mantle. The largest and most recent of this type was a magnitude-6.2 tremor
on the island of Hawaii in 1973, occurring about 40 km deep. The earthquake
caused about $5.6 million in damage and injured 11 people.
What causes these deeper earthquakes if no plate interactions are involved?
Most of the deeper ones probably release strain built up by the enormous load of
the volcanoes on the lithosphere.As the volcanoes grow, they add ever more weight
to the lithosphere, bending it downward. Consequently, the earthquakes are most
common beneath the actively growing part of the volcano chain. The older parts
of the hotspot chain are seismically inactive.

Hawaiian Volcanism. Like other oceanic hotspots, Hawaiis volcanic rocks are
largely basalt. Silica-rich rocks, such as andesite and rhyolite, are extremely rare.
Magmas formed by partial melting of the mantle are overwhelmingly basaltic and
poor in volatiles, such as water vapor, compared with those formed in subduction
zones. The absence of silicic continental crust beneath the island chain may partly
explain the lack of rhyolite:There are no granitic rocks to assimilate and enrich the
magmas in silica.
Eruptions on Hawaiian volcanoes are relatively quiet and predictable but,
nonetheless destructive. During the most recent eruptions of the Kilauea volcano,
destruction of homes, buildings, and roads cost millions of dollars. Most eruptions
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 647

Sheeted Subaerial
dikes basalt
blocks Fragmental Oceanic crust
lava Pillow
basalt Magma Gabbro
Mantle Mantle

FIGURE 22.14 Magma system at an oceanic mantle plume, as deduced from geologic, earthquake, and geochemical
studies. After forming in the mantle, basalt magma rises buoyantly through dikes into small magma chambers, where it mixes
with magma still present from earlier episodes of intrusion. The magma in the chamber cools and crystallizes to form gabbro
along the walls. The movement of large slump blocks rips the volcano apart. Magma fills these rift zones and may erupt to form
pillow basalt or fragmental lava under water or, if the volcano is high enough, subaerial lavas above the water. The weight of the
volcano causes the underlying oceanic crust to subside.

start by the opening of a short, narrow fissure, only a meter or so wide, that rapid-
ly lengthens to as much as several kilometers. Along the rift, lava erupts as a
series of fountains and locally forms a nearly continuous curtain of fire. The
eruptions usually focus on one point on the fissure, where a cinder cone or low
shield volcano subsequently develops. Individual flows are usually only tens of
kilometers long and eruption rates are much slower than those inferred for flood
basalts. Small earthquakes accompany the eruptions because the volcano inflates
and deflates as magma is intruded into or flows out of the volcano. During a long
eruptive episode, activity may shift up and down the rift system as lava breaks out
at different places. Where the lava flows enter the sea, small yet dangerous explo-
sions may occur. Occasionally, the summits of the volcanoes have collapsed to
form small calderas several kilometers across.
Volcanic gases, consisting mostly of water and carbon dioxide but including
noxious sulfurous gases as well, may mix with humid air to form a type of volcanic
smog. However, Hawaiian eruptions are usually too weak to inject aerosols into the
atmosphere and affect the climate.

Evolution of Seamounts and Islands. The volcanic islands and seamounts

scattered across the ocean floors are the largest volcanic edifices on the planet.
The factors that control their evolution are quite unlike those for composite
volcanoes at convergent plate margins or the lava fields erupted from fissures at
divergent plate margins. Most of the volcanic activity that forms the islands and
seamounts occurs under water, so the temperature and pressure conditions are
quite different from the conditions where subaerial extrusions occur. Also, a
submarine volcano is not subjected to contemporaneous stream erosion as it grows.
The following summarizes our understanding of the origin of these volcanoes
(Figure 22.16).
Magma extracted from a mantle plume moves upward through the lithosphere, 0 20

eventually reaching the ocean floor. It rises through the brittle crust along fractures km

or dikes, extruding not only through a central summit vent, but also from fissures
FIGURE 22.15 Shallow earthquakes
or rifts on the flanks. Therefore, a seamount grows upward and outward by extru- are common in volcanic islands above
sion of lava over various parts of its surface (Figure 22.16A). Magma also flows mantle plumes. Earthquake epicenters for
nearly horizontally through the rift zones as it moves from a summit magma cham- Hawaii are shown here. Most of the
ber to the volcanos flanks.Thus, intrusive dikes make up a large fraction of the total earthquakes are related to the movement of
magma or to slippage on faults related to
volume of the shield volcano. Gabbro crystallized in small magma chambers also
large landslides. A few deeper earthquakes
must constitute an important part of the interior. These three types of rocksub- are caused by bending of the lithosphere
marine lavas, dikes, and gabbromake up most of the volcano (Figure 22.14). under the weight of the volcanoes.
648 Chapter 22

During the evolution of a large submarine volcano, isostatic balance requires the
base of the volcano to subside while its top grows upward. The compensating root
is about twice as thick as the overlying mass. Thus, a basaltic volcano with a relief
of 3 km must have grown upward 9 km because its base simultaneously had to
subside 6 km. Figure 22.16AC shows the subsidence and growth of a typical
seamount during the first million years of its evolution.
Other factors are important in the growth of islands and seamounts. Subma-
rine lavas erupt in two very different forms. Pillow lava might be considered the
subaqueous equivalent of pahoehoe. Cold seawater chills the lava so rapidly that
a crust forms instantly. Each flow advances in a complex multitude of repeatedly
How does a volcanic island change with budding pillows. Another type of flow leaves beds of tuff, fragmented glassy ma-
time? terial formed by the explosion and granulation of hot lava when it hits cold sea-
water. In addition, the abundance of vesicles, and consequently the density of the
lava, is directly related to water pressure. At depths of about 1000 m, vesicles form
only about 5% of the rock, whereas at depths of 100 m they may form as much as
40%. Consequently, basalt extruded at oceanic depths is denser than basalt ex-
truded on land.

(A) The first 4000 years of eruption makes a Pillow basalt and fragmental lava
volcano 1000 m high, but it has only 0.4% of its
Magma 4,000 yr
ultimate volume. Because of subsidence, its
volume is much greater than its height suggests. Oceanic crust
Pillow lava and fragmental lava dominate.

(B) After 400,000 years, the seamount is 4000 m

high, and it has about 40% of its ultimate volume.
400,000 yr
The volcano also grows by diking and by
crystallization of small plutons. The volcano 4000 yr
spreads under its own weight.

(C) After about 1 million years, the volcano

reaches sea level, and erosion joins subaerial
1,000,000 yr
eruptions. A typical shield volcano develops, with
gentle slopes, rift zones, and a summit caldera. 400,000 yr
4000 yr

(D) Summit and flank eruptions continue to build Pahoehoe and aa

the shield volcano above sea level, but wave action Summit crater Flank crater
and erosion begin to overwhelm the construction Sea cliff Littoral cone
phase. Wave-cut platforms and sea cliffs enlarge, Wave cut platform Slump blocks
slump blocks develop, and stream erosion is Moat Moat
1,000,000 yr
400,000 yr
4000 yr

(E) Within a few million years after the volcano Island remnant
drifts beyond the hotspot, erosion develops a Lagoon
wave-cut platform. Subsidence follows, as the
volcano drifts beyond the uparched area above Moat Moat
the mantle plume. In tropical areas, coral reefs
may develop a flat limestone cap on the eroded 1,000,000 years
volcano. 400,000 years
4,000 years

FIGURE 22.16 The evolution of a hypothetical submarine volcano related to an oceanic hotspot. Most volcanoes in the Pacific drift away from
their source plume in fewer than a million years.
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 649

Every volcano is subject to the force of gravity, and submarine mass movement
can be quite spectacular on seamounts and islands. As magma works its way up-
ward, the volcano swells and radial cracks may develop. In addition, the very weight
of the volcano itself begins to tear its fabric apart (Figure 22.16D; Figure 22.14).
The fractures may become faults and a large block may slump downward. This
movement leaves a gigantic scar near the shoreline.The great Hilina fault scarp on
the southern slopes of Hawaiis Kilauea volcano is believed to be such a slump
scar (Figure 22.13). Mapping the topography of submarine volcanoes shows that
the slump blocks are vast, with scars 30 to 40 km wide and slump deposits cover-
ing areas of more than 10,000 km2 (Figure 11.15).
Eventually, some submarine volcanoes reach sea level, where coastal process-
es combine to influence the volcanic eruptions (Figure 22.16D). When lava, with
a temperature of about 1100C, erupts on land and then hits cold seawater, it ex-
plodes by creating clouds of expanding steam, and the lava shatters into fragments.
This unconsolidated material, which is easily eroded and reworked by waves, is
deposited along the shore to form a broad platform. Waves can erode this sea-
quenched lava with remarkable speed: Wave-cut platforms more than 3 km wide
have been eroded in less than 250,000 years. This is roughly equivalent to the ex-
treme rate of erosion in the Himalaya Mountains, where, on average, a layer of
rock a meter thick is removed every thousand years. Thus, for a seamount to grow
and become an island, rates of extrusion must be greater than rates of erosion.
Once a volcano rises above sea level (Figure 22.16D), pahoehoe and aa flows
dominate. The volcano grows rapidly, as lava is extruded from summit and flank
eruptions. A steep-sided circular caldera may form near the summit.
The magma supply is gradually cut off when the volcano is carried away from
the relatively fixed hotspot (Figure 22.16E). The volcano becomes deeply eroded
by streams, waves, and sometimes glaciers. Its summit is soon eroded away and a
broad, flat platform forms near sea level. As the volcano moves farther from the
uparched hotspot, it subsides below sea level. Once the summit subsides to 200 m
below sea level, it remains essentially unchanged by erosion. In tropical regions,
however, the growth of coral reefs may add an important structure to the volcanic
edifice. As we saw in Chapter 15, a reef typically begins as a fringe around a young
volcano, evolving into a barrier reef and eventually into an atoll. This reef mater-
ial forms a limestone platform capping the top of the eroded basaltic volcano.
Ultimately, the eroded volcano is transported to a subduction zone, where it is
either consumed along with the oceanic crust into the mantle or accreted onto a
continental margin. After a trip of thousands of kilometers, the seamounts of the
Hawaiian-Emperor chain are currently being consumed by subduction down the
Aleutian Trench north of Japan. If an oceanic plateau ever formed above the start-
ing Hawaiian plume, it has been long since subducted.

Plumes at Midocean Ridges

The third type of oceanic volcanism shows that not all plumes lie stranded in the
middle of oceanic plates. For reasons discussed below, some plumes lie directly be-
neath divergent plate boundaries.At least six plumes lie on or near the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge. From north to south, they are Jan Mayen, Iceland,Azores,Tristan da Cunha,
Shona, and Bouvet (Figure 22.2). Iceland is the best known, so we discuss it to il-
lustrate the characteristics of plumes that are centered on midocean ridges.

The Iceland Plume. Iceland lies at the intersection of the north-trending,

seismically active Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the seismically inactive Greenland-
Faeroe ridge or plateau. If you look at the seafloor map on the inside cover, you
might wonder why Iceland is the only great island along a midoceanic ridge. The
answer is that more is involved beneath Iceland than a simple divergent plate
boundary. The east-trending plateau is a hotspot trail that has been torn asunder
at the spreading ridge and carried away on two separate plates.
650 Chapter 22

If not for the mantle plume that lies beneath Iceland, this area would be an ob-
scure, submerged part of the global ridge system. Instead, it is a zone of compro-
mises and contrasts. The compositionally distinctive sources of basalts erupted at
midoceanic ridges are mixed deep in the mantle with those typical of plumes, yield-
ing an intermediate mixture. These hybrid basalts erupt along the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge axis as much as 200 km north and south of Iceland.
Volcanism on Iceland, caused by the plume, formed basaltic crust more than 30
km thick, four times thicker than typical oceanic crust. Locally, this thick crust has
partially melted near new injections of hot basalt, creating rhyolitic magma. In
What evidence indicates a plume exists other volcanic centers, mantle-derived basalts have experienced fractional crys-
beneath Iceland? tallization to create rhyolite.As you know, rhyolite is extremely rare at normal mi-
docean ridges. Because of diverse magmas and a unique tectonic setting, volcanic
eruptions on Iceland have created flood basalts, shield volcanoes, fissure erup-
tions, composite volcanoes, rhyolite domes, and ash flow calderasa variety of
volcanic features quite unlike those at a normal midoceanic ridge!
In addition to these subaerial eruptions, submarine and subglacial eruptions
are both common. In the fall of 1996, a small fissure eruption beneath the Vatna-
jkull ice cap (see Figure 14.21) melted much of the overlying ice. Some eruptions
broke through the ice when hot magma contacted ice-cold water, exploding and
showering the ice cap with black basaltic ash (Figure 22.17). After about a month,
enough water accumulated to float the glacier off its floor. Water catastrophically
burst from the base of the glacier and inundated the outwash plain. Bridges were
destroyed as the floods drained the subglacial meltwater. House-sized blocks of ice
were ripped from the glacier and tumbled down the plain to the ocean.
The Iceland Ridge began to form about 60 million years ago, when Greenland
was rifted away from Europe to open the North Atlantic Ocean (Figure 22.18).
Rifting was apparently assisted by the development of a new mantle plume. Large
continental flood basalt provinces in Greenland and the northern British Isles
mark the position of the starting plume when the continents were still attached
(Figure 22.2). Gradually, an open ocean developed between the two continents.
Rising high from the seafloor between the continents, active volcanoes on

(A) The overlying ice collapsed into the subglacial lake. Eventually, (B) About 1 month after the eruption started, the meltwater burst from the
explosions caused by the contact of hot basalt with the cold water base of the glacier and flooded the outwash plain of the glacier, carrying
sent low plumes of basaltic ash over the glacier. (Steve Winter/NGS large blocks of ice and destroying bridges like this one. (F. Torbjornsson/
Image Collection) Morgunbladid/Gamma-Liaison, Inc.)

FIGURE 22.17 Eruption of basalt beneath a glacier on Iceland caused the base of the glacier to melt.
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 651

proto-Iceland continued to form above the still-rising tail of the plume. The vol-
canoes and lava flows were aggressively eroded by streams, glaciers, and waves,
keeping much of the island near sea level. Moreover, because the Iceland plume
is centered on a ridge, the volcanoes eventually drifted away from the ridge axis
and became inactive.As the newly formed lithosphere moved away from the ridge
and cooled, it subsided to make the long plateau that links Greenland to the Faeroe
Islands. Unlike a spreading ridge, this ridge lacks active volcanoes and has no earth-
At some ridge-centered mantle plumes, a sudden shift in the position of the
ridgea so-called ridge jumpmay isolate a plume tail on one side of the ridge.
Half the hotspot trail is stranded on the other side and ceases to grow. For exam-
ple, the plume beneath the Azores was once on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge but is now
east of the ridge (Figure 22.2). The Tristan da Cunha plume is also on the opposite
side of the ridge from half of its hotspot trail. A ridge jump may explain why the
Ninetyeast Ridge lies north of the Indian Ocean ridge and its parental plume is now
centered beneath Kerguelen Island, south of the ridge (Figure 22.2). The ridge
apparently drifted off the plume about 37 million years ago.


If a plume develops beneath a continent, it may cause regional uplift and

eruption of flood basalt from fissures and rhyolite from calderas. Continen-
tal crust is not strongly deformed above a mantle plume, but the lithosphere
bends to form broad swells and troughs; this bending may trigger shallow
earthquakes. Sometimes, continental rifting and the development of an
ocean basin may follow the development of a new plume.

The vast sheets of basaltic lavascontinental flood basaltsthat cover large areas
of the continents have puzzled geologists for more than a century. Their origins
were not explained by any aspect of plate tectonic theory, and they remained a
major geologic mystery until it was suggested that they might be caused by man-
tle plumes. Magmatic systems above subcontinental plumes are quite different
from oceanic hotspots in composition, eruption and intrusion style, and the nature
of the volcanic deposits.The reasons are that (1) the continental crust is thicker and
less dense than oceanic crust; (2) the continents silica-rich rocks may become as-
similated and change the magmas composition; and (3) continental crust responds
to stress quite differently than oceanic crust does.

Greenland Proto
Greenland Greenland
Flood Iceland
New track
North America
Europe Europe North

(A) 60 million years ago. A new mantle plume (B) 30 million years ago. Greenland rifted (C) Today, Greenland and Europe are far
rose to create a large continental flood basalt away from Europe and a midocean ridge apart and volcanically active Iceland sits
province on the margins of what are now formed. Volcanoes formed above the plume, astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is being
Europe and Greenland. but drifted away to make the aseismic ridge rifted apart, but it is still underlain by an active
(green) between Greenland and Europe. mantle plume.

FIGURE 22.18 The history of Iceland stretches back 60 million years and involves a mantle plume and a midocean ridge.
652 Chapter 22

The Yellowstone Plume

Yellowstone National Park, in northwestern Wyoming, is best known for its spec-
tacular sceneryhot springs, geysers, deep canyonsand abundant wildlife.
However, the rocks tell an even more dramatic story. Three huge volcanic
calderas form the heart of Yellowstone. From these, more than 8500 km3 of rhy-
olite ash-flow tuff erupted over the past few millions of years, including some of
the largest ash-flow tuffs known. The most recent major eruption occurred only
620,000 years ago, and its ash buried parts of every state west of the Mississippi
River (Figure 22.19). It is the heat from this still-active volcanic system that
drives the flow and eruption of groundwater as thermal springs and geysers.
Southwest of Yellowstone, the Snake River Plain is a depression 800 km long
and 80 km wide, slicing across north-trending mountain ranges (Figure 22.20).
The plain descends from 2500 m at the margin of Yellowstone Park to 1200 m in
southwestern Idaho. The Snake River Plain is covered by small basalt lava flows
and is dotted with small shield volcanoes, some as young as 2000 years old (see
Figure 4.10). The basaltic lava flows cap thick accumulations of rhyolite ash-flow
tuff, similar to tuffs at the surface in Yellowstone, but much older. The rhyolites
below the Snake River Plain become systematically older with distance from Yel-
lowstone, as old as 16 million years in northern Nevada. Even farther southwest,
a narrow rift slices through northern Nevada. It is filled with basaltic and rhy-
olitic lavas and associated sediments that show that it formed 16 or 17 million
years ago (Figure 22.21).
North of this rift, the great flood basalts of the Columbia River Plateau cover
What is the evidence that Yellowstone an area of nearly 5 million square kilometers in Washington and Oregon. These
overlies a mantle plume? flood basalts have a cumulative thickness between 1 and 2 km (Figure 22.22), with
individual flows up to 100 m thick. This great accumulation of lava was not fed by
central eruptions from a single volcano. Instead, the lavas were extruded through
many fissures. Such continental flood basalts may erode into plateaus of layered
basalt and are therefore also known as plateau basalts. Vast dike swarms now mark
the fissures through which the lava extruded.The largest eruptions occurred about
17 million years ago from long fissure vents along Idahos western border; these
parallel the rift in northern Nevada. Some basalt lavas flowed all the way to the
Pacific Ocean, in some cases as much as 500 km.
How are these volcanic and tectonic features related? One hypothesis holds
that all are related to a mantle plume that presently lies beneath Yellowstone. Ac-
cording to this theory, about 17 million years ago a mantle plume rose beneath
what is now the common border of Idaho, Oregon, and Nevada.The enlarged head
Mt. St. Helens
Lava Creek
of this starting plume fed the Columbia River flood basalts. Eruption rates were
Huckleberry Ash very high and some lava flows were exceptionally long. Simultaneously, uplift ac-
Yellowstone companied by extension created the rift through northern Nevada (Figure 22.21).
As the North American plate moved southwestward (at about 3.5 cm/yr) over
the plumes tail, a trail of huge rhyolite calderas formed sequentially atop a broad
crustal swell across southern Idaho (Figure 22.21). Each rhyolite caldera was much
like the currently active Yellowstone caldera. Rhyolite magma was probably
0 500
km formed by partial melting of a mixture of old continental crust and young basalt.
The basalt had been intruded to form dikes and sills above the plume. Large gran-
Mt. St. Helens (1980)
Yellowstone Lava Creek Ash (0.6 m.y.) ite plutons crystallized beneath the calderas. In the wake of the plume, the litho-
Yellowstone Huckleberry Ridge Ash (2.0 m.y.)
sphere cooled, contracted, and subsided, and was covered by younger basaltic lavas
FIGURE 22.19 Rhyolite eruptions forming the broad depression that is the Snake River Plain (Figure 22.20). The
from Yellowstone calderas have buried the eruption rates and volumes of basalt on the Snake River Plain were much small-
western United States with ash several times. er than on the Columbia River Plateau. Individual flows are all less than 75 km
The last large eruption from this caldera long, and many are much shorter.
system ejected more than 3000 km3 of ash as
The Snake River Plain is a depression atop a broad arch. The elevated region
fall and flow deposits. The volume of ash
from the devastating eruptions of Mount St. is about 600 to 1000 km across, comparable in size to oceanic swells related to
Helens in 1980 is small by comparison: Less mantle plumes.The epicenters of earthquakes (up to magnitude 6) form a crescent
than 1 km3 of magma was erupted. around the front of the crustal swell (Figure 22.20). These earthquakes are
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 653

Columbia River
FIGURE 22.20 The Snake River Plain
and Yellowstone calderas form a dramatic
Yellowstone scar across the mountainous terrain of the
western United States. During the last
17 million years (late Cenozoic), silicic
volcanism swept across the region as North
America moved westward over a nearly
stationary mantle plume. Later eruptions of
basalt formed small shield volcanoes and

Pl fissure-fed flows. The huge Yellowstone
iv er caldera marks the present site of the
S na k e R
Yellowstone plume. A string of rhyolite
calderas like the Yellowstone caldera lies
underneath the Snake River Plain to the
0 100 west. Earthquake locations (dots) are
superimposed. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk
Butte, Inc.)

related to normal faults and crustal extension. Some shallow earthquakes in Yel-
lowstone may also be related to magma movement below the surface.
Interpretations of gravity variations across the Yellowstone Plateau and the
Snake River Plain reveal much about the subsurface structure (Figure 22.23). A
large gravity low marks the Yellowstone caldera, because it is partly filled by low-
density ash and lava and large bodies of hot rock and rhyolitic magma. In addition,
seismic wave velocities are anomalously low beneath the caldera. Most likely the
low velocities are caused by this hot (probably still molten) rock just below the
caldera. In contrast, the Snake River Plain is marked by a gravity high, probably
caused by dense basalts at the surface and the accumulation of basalt dikes and sills
in the lower and middle crust. No still-molten magma chambers have been dis-
covered beneath the Snake River Plain.
The fundamental cause of the huge geologic anomaly at Yellowstone is the fo-
cused flow of heat from the mantle (Figure 22.23), probably from a rising mantle
plume. Heat from the plume, probably transferred to the crust by basalt magmas,
has (1) uplifted the entire region, (2) caused a multitude of shallow earthquakes,
(3) created many separate basalt and rhyolite magma systems of different ages,
and, consequently, (4) dramatically modified the structure and composition of the
lithosphere. Measurements of the heat flow (2000 mW/m2) in Yellowstone show

FIGURE 22.21 The Cenozoic features

of the northwestern United States may be
related to the development of the Yellow-
stone mantle plume. About 16 million years
ago, rhyolite calderas formed near the
common borders of Oregon, Idaho, and
Nevada, where the plume was probably
Columbia River
centered. A narrow rift developed in central
Vents Yellowstone Nevada. Simultaneously, the eruption of flood
17 6 m.y. old
basalts from long fissures on the Idaho border


0.6 formed the Columbia River Plateau. As the

plume head dissipated and North America
Cascade Basalt 4
6 moved over the plume tail, rhyolite calderas
10 formed in a narrow strip across the Snake
11 River Plain of southern Idaho (the numbers
Caldera 12 in the calderas are ages in millions of years
ago). Later, small eruptions of basalt covered
the Snake River Plain. Today, the Yellowstone
16 m.y.
hotspot lies beneath Yellowstone National
0 300 Park, where large rhyolite eruptions
blanketed much of the region.
654 Chapter 22

FIGURE 22.22 Flood

basalts of the Columbia Plateau
formed between 17 and 6 million
years ago. Locally, several lava
flows are stacked one upon the
other. Erosion that formed the
Channeled Scablands of
Washington has exposed this
sequence of flows. Individual
flows may be more than 100 m
thick and as long as 500 km. They
provide important information
about the style of volcanic activity
above mantle plumes.

that it is about 30 times the continental average.The total thermal energy released
at Yellowstone in one year is 5% of that released from the entire rest of the
western United States. Heat flow across the Snake River Plain in the wake of the
plume is still high, but it dwindles to normal heat flow near the Oregon border.
Northeast of the plume, where its geologic effects are not yet manifest, the heat flow
is much lower (Figure 22.23).

Continental Rifting, Flood Basalts, and Mantle Plumes

Many geological observations suggest genetic links among continental rifts, flood
basalts, and mantle plumes. Many episodes of continental rifting have been pre-
ceded by crustal uplift and the outpouring of huge volumes of continental flood
basalt. Is there any explanation for this relationship?
As discussed earlier in this chapter, a plume begins as a small bump on an in-
ternal boundary layer that rises and develops a very large mushroom-shaped plume
head and a narrow tail (Figure 22.7). The plume head may be several thousand
kilometers across. As the plume head encounters the overlying rigid lithosphere,
its ascent slows, and it flattens against the strong, rigid lithosphere. Heat and buoy-
ancy from the plume may cause the overlying lithosphere to dome and weaken.As
a result, it may stretch and ultimately rift. While this is happening, copious conti-
nental flood basalt may erupt over a short period and spread over large areas. Un-
like the slow, steady eruption of basalt at midoceanic ridges, the eruption of lava
generated from starting plumes is rapid and episodic.
The connection between a flood-basalt province, continental rifting, and a
hotspot track is exemplified by the opening of the southern Atlantic Ocean (Fig-
ure 22.2). The flood basalt provinces lie along the present-day continental mar-
gins, but they originally extruded above mantle plumes that later developed rifts
and seafloor spreading. About 125 million years ago, when South America and
Africa were still connected (see Figure 19.38), huge eruptions formed the Etende-
ka flood basalt province of southern Africa and the Parana basalts of South Amer-
ica. In southern Brazil and adjacent Paraguay, more than 1 million cubic kilome-
ters of basalt were extruded in about 10 million years.
This volcanic episode probably marked the arrival of the head of a new plume
at the base of the lithosphere. Rifting of the continent started at about the same time,
and the rift grew northward and southward from the site of the plume-related vol-
canism. Because of rifting, South America slowly slipped away from Africa. The
oceanic lithosphere of the southern Atlantic basin formed in the wakes of these
two continental fragments.A hotspot near the midoceanic ridge left a narrow track
of seamounts on each side of the ridge. The modern volcanic island of Tristan da
Cunha lies over the current location of this plume (Figure 22.2). Volcanism along
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 655

the hotspot trace was much less voluminous than during the initial stage and ap-
parently records the continued rise of mantle material in the tail of the plume.
Elsewhere, several major plumes have risen beneath continental crust during the
past 250 million years, creating flood basalt provinces and continental rifts. An ex-
ample is the vast basalt flood that formed Indias Deccan Plateau (1 to 2 million
cubic kilometers) as India rifted away from Africa. In North Africa the floods of
basalt in the Ethiopian plateaus extruded as the Red Sea Rift developed. Precam-
brian flood basalts that were probably caused when an aborted rift developed are
found in the Lake Superior area of northern Michigan (see p. 569). Continental flood
basalts are, therefore, important records of the role played by mantle plumes in ini-
tiating divergent plate boundaries.
Plumes alone, however, probably cannot cause continents to break apart. The Is there a relationship between conti-
Siberian flood basalts (Figure 22.2) of the latest Paleozoic age are some of the nental rifting and mantle plumes?
greatest outpourings of lava the world has known, but the continent did not
break up. Likewise, the Yellowstone plume may have aided in the extensional dis-
ruption of western North America, but it did not cause complete rifting and the
creation of new seafloor. In situations where the plate motions are already suit-
ably established, the additional stress generated by uplift above a plume, or the
lowered viscosity it creates in the mantle, may be sufficient to let rifting proceed
when it otherwise might not. In addition, the presence of the plume may cause
an already active rift to shift over the center of the plume.

100 FIGURE 22.23 High heat flow and

topography are associated with the
1000 Gravit
y Yellowstone plume. The Snake River Plain is

Bouguer gravity (mgal)

Heat flow (mW/m2)

a zone of subsidence formed in the wake of

the plume. Gravity studies help geologists
construct a cross section through the region.
220 Rock densities are given in grams per cubic
centimeter and are lowest in the region of
flow the mantle affected by the passage over the
100 Heat
180 plume. Crustal density beneath the Snake
50 River Plain may be higher because of the
intrusion of dense basaltic dikes and sills.
Basalt lava Rhyolite ash caldera
SW Idaho SW Montana
Granite Silicic


Basaltic Dikes Basalt rising Partial
from plume melting of
Depth (km)

Plate movement crust

80 Partial
Heated lithospheric


120 mantle

600 400 200 0 200
Distance (km)
656 Chapter 22


Mantle plumes may affect Earths climate system and magnetic field.

From the foregoing, it should be clear that, like the theory of plate tectonics, the
model of a mantle plume is a simple but powerful concept. It explains much of
the geologic activity in the central parts of plates that never seemed to fit a sim-
ple interpretation of plate tectonics. Volcanic islands, rifts in continents, flood
basalts, and continental calderas find explanations in the mantle plume model.
Recently, mantle plumes have been used to explain another class of phenome-
na, including climate change, mass extinctions, and even changes in Earths mag-
netic field.
Hypothetically, the effects of mantle plumes may extend far beyond the lim-
its of the flood basalts and rhyolite ash that periodically pour from them. For
example, the volcanic activity associated with a starting plume, either beneath
a continent or on an ocean basin, occurs in a short, dramatic episode. These
spasms of volcanic activity and rapid extrusion of lava may change the compo-
What effect could a mantle plume have sition and circulation of the oceans and the atmosphere. During eruptions, huge
on climate? volumes of volcanic aerosols and gases, including carbon dioxide (a greenhouse
gas), are released.
Because a series of plumes developed during the latter part of the Mesozoic
Era (particularly in the Pacific Ocean, such as the one that developed the Ontong-
Java Plateau), some scientists have speculated that enough carbon dioxide was
released to raise global temperatures by several degrees. Thus, the warmth that
typified the Cretaceous may have had its roots deep in the mantle. Some of the
environmental adjustments may have contributed to mass extinctions, including the
one in which dinosaurs vanished.
The Deccan flood basalts of India erupted at the boundary between the Cre-
taceous and Tertiary Periodsmarked by extinctions that included dinosaurs and
many other species. The Siberian flood basalts have also been correlated with
extinctions at the very end of the Paleozoic. These environmental shifts may have
helped promote the origin of new species.These provocative hypotheses need fur-
ther investigation; perhaps within your lifetime we shall establish the cause of
these great extinctions.
A secondary result of the release of carbon dioxide from mantle plumes may
have been the deposition of organic carbon in marine sediments, especially as
black carbon-rich shales and as beds of coal. Plants can convert carbon dioxide
into organic carbon molecules and release oxygen gas into the atmosphere. If
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes the carbon is locked in sediments, the atmosphere may eventually become en-
riched in oxygen. Some paleontologists suggest that oxygen contents higher than
those in todays atmosphere were important for the evolution of anomalously
large animals, such as dinosaurs in the Mesozoic and large insects in portions of
the Paleozoic. Some scientists contend that such high oxygen contents may have
been produced during times of enhanced plume development. The excessive car-
bon dioxide from the mantle could have released oxygen by the mechanism de-
scribed above.
Another effect of mantle plumes may also have an example in the Cretaceous,
a period when several large plumes formed. A significant decrease in the num-
ber of reversals in the polarity of the magnetic field marks this part of Earths
history. Magnetic field reversals are probably related to changes in the convec-
tive pattern in the metallic outer core. If large amounts of heat are drained from
the core during the development of several mantle plumes during a short inter-
val, the convection patterns in the core might be changed. These changes might
have diminished the number of field reversals, perhaps by slowing convection
in the core.
Hotspots and Mantle Plumes 657

decompression melting hotspot (p. 634) plateau basalt (p. 652) rift zone (p. 643)
(p. 640) hotspot track (p. 643) plume head (p. 638) seamount (p. 647)
diapir (p. 638) mantle plume (p. 634) plume tail (p. 638) shield volcano (p. 634)
dike swarm (p. 652) oceanic plateau (p. 642) ridge jump (p. 651) starting plume (p. 638)
flood basalt (p. 638)

1. What type of volcanic activity occurs within the central 10. Compare the style of volcanism related to a starting plume
parts of tectonic plates, beyond the active plate margins? with that related to a plume tail.
2. Explain the origin of chains of volcanic islands and 11. What kinds of earthquakes are related to mantle plumes?
seamounts. 12. If Iceland is part of the oceanic ridge system, why is it so
3. Outline the evidence that suggests that mantle plumes are real. much higher than the rest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge? Does
4. What causes a mantle plume to rise? this situation occur anywhere else?
5. Describe the probable shape and size of a mantle plume. 13. What evidence is there that Yellowstone National Park is
Does the shape of the plume change during its history? underlain by an active mantle plume? How does it differ
6. How is the production of magma in a mantle plume similar from the Hawaiian mantle plume?
to its production at a divergent plate boundary? If magma is 14. Why is rhyolite more common above continental plumes
produced in similar ways under the two conditions, why than above oceanic plumes?
does it have different compositions? How are its sources 15. Compare the possible contrasts between the dominant
different? modes of convection in the upper and in the lower mantle.
7. Compare the size, composition, and structure of a typical 16. What represents a more universal type of mantle convec-
subduction-related volcano with those of a plume-related tion, plumes or plate tectonics?
volcano. 17. If a starting plume rises 2 m/yr, how long will it take to
8. What causes the large topographic swell that surrounds an rise from the core-mantle boundary to the base of the
active ocean island volcano? lithosphere?
9. What does the study of flood basalt provinces tell us about 18. How could a mantle plume affect Earths global climate?
volcanic systems that are related to mantle plumes?

Condie, K. C. 2001. Mantle Plumes and Their Record in Earth Larson, R. L. 1995. The mid-Cretaceous superplume episode.
History. New York: Cambridge University Press. Scientific American 272(2):8286.
Duncan, R. A., and M. A. Richards. 1991. Hotspots, mantle Smith, R. L., and L. W. Braille. 1994. The Yellowstone hotspot.
plumes, flood basalts, and true polar wander. Reviews of Geo- Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
physics 29:3150. 61:121127.
Hill, R. I., I. H. Campbell, G. F. Davies, and R. W. Griffiths. 1992.
Mantle plumes and continental tectonics. Science

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23 Tectonics and
In the preceding chapters, we have seen that the landscape is shaped by Earths geologic
processes and evolves systematically. The processes of landscape development, however,
are complex because tectonism produces a variety of structural settings upon which erosion
occurs. The geologic structures of the shields are different from those of the stable plat-
forms, folded mountain belts, or island arcs. Consequently, the landforms that develop in
each tectonic setting have many distinctive characteristics. Moreover, climate influences
the types of processes that operate within a region. Nonetheless, a landscape has many
distinctive characteristics that reveal its history.
This panoramic photograph of Monument Valley of the Colorado Plateau illustrates this
point very nicely. At first glance, this image appears to show the intricate details of a lost
world with mesas, buttes, sheer cliffs, gentle slopes, complex spires and towering pinnacles.
This landscape has fascinated humans since before historic times and many myths and

legends are associated with it. Indeed, this landscape may appear to be incomprehensible.
However, there is a system and a beauty in the evolution of the land that promises an intel-
lectual reward for those who take time to understand and appreciate it.
The landscape of Monument Valley, like any other, can be explained in light of Earths
tectonic and hydrologic systems. The events that produced this unique landscape began
hundreds of millions of years ago when the colorful sedimentary rocks were deposited on
the continent and in shallow marine waters. Gradually, the sediment lithified and turned to
rock as it was buried. Joints broke through the rocks. Sometime in the last few tens of mil-
lions of years the region was uplifted above sea level and streams carved intricate systems
of valleys. Weathering ate away at the cliffs and slopes, enlarging fractures and isolating
columns of sandstone. Eventually, the details of the landscape were sculpted out by differ-
ential erosion of once continuous layers of sedimentary rock. Resistant formations eroded
to form the pinnacles, steep cliffs, and mesa walls. Easily eroded shales form the gentler
You can see from the photograph that the landscape has much to tell about its history,
but to read this history, you must learn a new languagea language written in the mesas,
canyons, and rocks.

1. The most important factors in the evolution of continental landscapes are
tectonic setting, climate, and differential erosion.
2. The surface of a continental shield evolves through erosion and isostatic ad-
justment of a mountain belt. Ultimately, a surface of low relief near sea level
is produced and equilibrium is reached. Local relief on a shield is largely the
result of differential erosion on complexly deformed metamorphic and ig-
neous rocks and is usually less than 100 m.
3. Stable platforms result from deposition of sediment in shallow seas that trans-
gress and regress across the shields. The rocks are nearly horizontal or are
warped into broad domes and basins. Erosional features on stable platforms
are circular or elliptical cuestas and strike valleys and rolling hills developed
by dendritic drainage patterns.
4. Landscapes developed on folded mountain belts are typically controlled by
deformational structures, such as folds and thrust faults. Ridges and valleys
carved on plunging folds are the most common landform.
5. Horsts and grabens are the major structural features formed in rift systems.
The landscapes developed on these structures are eroded mountain ranges
and basins partly filled with sediment.
6. Flood basalts formed at hotspots and rifts bury the previous landscape and
form a completely new surface that is subsequently modified by weathering
and erosion. Uplift and erosion of this surface commonly produce basaltic
7. Landforms developed in magmatic arcs are dominated by volcanic features,
such as composite cones and andesitic lava flows. These disrupt the drainage
and create temporary lakes. Ultimately the original volcanic features are
eroded away and deeper granitic intrusions are exposed and etched out by
differential erosion.



Tectonic setting, climate, and differential erosion are the most important
controls on the evolution of continental landscapes on Earth.

Compared with other planets in the solar system, Earth is unique because of its con-
sistently changing landscapes. The surfaces of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, and other
planetary bodies are dominated by meteorite impact structures formed more than
4 billion years ago. But mountain building, volcanism, erosion, and sedimentation
constantly change the surface of Earth. Indeed, most of Earths continental land-
forms are very young and formed during the last 2 million years.
The constant resurfacing of our planet by both erosion and deposition re-
sults in a changing landscape that may seem at first to be unorganized and chaot-
ic, but if you study Earths surface from a variety of perspectives, you will find
system and order in every feature of the landscape (Figure 23.1). Nothing is
random. Every valley, plateau, volcano, and sand dune was produced by a geo-
logic system, and every landscape preserves some record of its history and how
it was formed.
We have emphasized in previous chapters how the hydrologic system operates and
how each agent, including running water, glaciers, and wind, produces distinctive
landforms. However, to read the stories told by the landscape more effectively, we
must consider how the hydrologic system operates in different tectonic settings and
how erosion on different rock sequences and structural features develops distinctive

Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 661

7 6


9 3



Major Geologic Provinces

1. Canadian Shield
2. Stable Platform
3. Appalachian Mountains
4. Piedmont 13 5
5. Coastal Plains
6. Rocky Mountains
7. Cascade Mountains
8. Columbia Plateau 12
9. Basin and Range
10. Colorado Plateau 5
11. Coast Ranges
12. Sierra Madre
13. TransMexican Volcanic Belt

FIGURE 23.1 The major geologic provinces of North America are shown on this map. The tectonic setting or structure of
the rocks just below the surface is a major control on the character of the landscape. Most other continents also have shields,
stable platforms, and folded mountain belts. (Courtesy of WorldSat International Inc. )

features. In every region, tectonism is important in determining the underlying foun-

dation of Earths surface features. The main focus in this chapter is on how tecton-
ism influences the evolution of the landscape by providing several fundamental
structural settings upon which the agents of the hydrologic system operate to pro-
duce their distinctive landforms.
Let us emphasize a few important facts about the continents first discussed in
Chapter 1.Although the various continents may appear to be unique in size, shape,
662 Chapter 23

and surface features, they all have three basic components: (1) a large, relatively
flat area of ancient complex igneous and metamorphic rocks known as a shield, (2)
a broad, low platform or plain where the shield is covered with a veneer of sedi-
mentary rocks known as the stable platform, and (3) folded mountain belts formed
above a subduction zone or where two continental segments have been sutured to-
What are the three major structural com- gether during continental collision (Figure 23.1). The geologic differences between
ponents of all continents? continents are mostly in the size, shape, and proportions of these three compo-
nents. In addition, some continents may be split by a rift system and some may be
involved with a magmatic arc produced at a subduction zone. The important un-
derlying theme in this chapter is that each of these major tectonic elements pro-
vides a different substructure on which the hydrologic system operates. Shields,
platforms, mountain belts, and continental rifts, with their distinctive rock types
and structure, will each tend to develop a distinctive type of landscape. Details of
the landforms formed on each major tectonic setting will of course be determined
by climatic factors that govern the type and intensity of the processes operating in
the hydrologic system.

Climate is a major factor in landscape development because it controls the action
of the hydrologic system and, therefore, of many types of geologic processes in a
given region. Weathering, slope stability, river erosion, groundwater, glaciers, and
wind are all subject to climatic conditions.A continents climate is controlled most-
ly by latitude, but also by topography. For example, high mountains have low tem-
peratures and create rain shadows downwind from them. Although the structural
components of the continents are fundamentally the same, details of the landforms
developed on them depend to a considerable degree upon climate. The landscape
of the Canadian shield is modified by glaciation, the Brazilian shield is covered
by a thick soil developed by tropical weathering, and the landforms of the shield
of the Sinai Peninsula are different still because this shield is in an arid climate
that imposes distinctive processes of weathering and erosion.
The topography of the stable platforms and mountain ranges are likewise
affected by climate. Limestone regions in humid climates develop karst topogra-
phy, but in arid regions they are resistant to erosion and form ridges, ledges, and
How does climate influence landscape? cliffs (Figure 23.2). In the tropics the high rainfall accelerates weathering, and
thick soils (some more than 100 m thick) may develop. These soils mask structural
details in the underlying rock that would be etched out in relief in arid regions.
The complete disruption of river systems by glaciation results in many distinc-
tive landforms produced both by glacial erosion and glacial deposition. Many
landforms in arid regions may be dominated by eolian processes, and sand seas
may cover extensive areas.

Differential Erosion
Differential erosion occurs on all scales, from a mountain range, to cliffs and
slopes formed on alternating hard and soft rock bodies, down to thin laminae
within a rock. Differential erosion is thus responsible for much of the beauty
and the spectacular scenery of Earth. Differential erosion generally is well ex-
pressed in arid regions, where differences in rock type, jointing, and the avail-
ability of surface water and groundwater combine to produce fascinating details
of the landscape.
Probably the most widespread examples of differential erosion on a stable
platform are the alternating cliffs and slopes that develop on sequences of alter-
nating hard and soft sedimentary rocks. Soft shales typically form slopes, and the
more-resistant sandstones and limestones produce cliffs. The height of a cliff and
the width of a slope are largely functions of the thickness of the layers involved.
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 663
(A) In humid environments, such as southeast
China, limestone is nonresistant to erosion and
weathers to form karst terranes.

(B) In an arid environment, such as the western

United States, limestone is resistant to weathering
and erosion and forms cliffs or ledges.

FIGURE 23.2 Climate plays a major role in the evolution of all landscapes. The same rocks in different climates will erode and weather very

Similarly, if the series of resistant and nonresistant rocks are tilted, the nonresis-
tant rocks are quickly eroded to form lowlands or valleys, leaving the resistant
rocks as hills or ridges (Figure 23.3).
The main point here is that erosion is a selective process. It rapidly removes How is differential erosion expressed
weak rock to form valleys or depressions in the landscape and leaves resistant on a sequence of tilted strata?
rock bodies standing in relief as mountains, hills, and ridges. In this way, landscapes
commonly reflect the structure of the rocks exposed at the surface.
664 Chapter 23

FIGURE 23.3 Differential erosion of a

sequence of tilted strata produces ridges
called hogbacks on resistant formations and
long, narrow valleys in nonresistant rocks.


A continental shield results from the formation of mountain belts at

convergent plate margins and from the subsequent erosion and isostatic
adjustment, which reduce the mountain to a broad, flat surface near sea
level. Local relief is usually less than 100 m and depends upon differential
erosion on the igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Continental shields are distinctive in that their surface features are formed on an-
cient and complex metamorphic rocksgneisses, schist, slates, quartzites, and mar-
blesall of which have been intruded by granitic batholiths, stocks, and dikes. In
most regions, the shields have been eroded down to near sea level and differential
erosion has etched out the nonresistant structural features of the various rock
units. Thus, shields have a very distinctive landscape, although climatic influences
(glaciation, desert, tropical forests, and so on) may leave their particular imprint
upon the surface.
How does a mountain belt evolve into a Shields and their associated stable platforms are the fundamental tectonic com-
segment of a shield? ponents of continents, so an understanding of how they developed is essential in
understanding the origin of the surface features of our planet. A general model
showing how the basement rock evolves from mountain building is shown in Fig-
ure 23.4. Two major factors control this process: (1) erosion of the mountain belt
by running water and (2) contemporaneous isostatic adjustment of the mountain
belt as a result of the removal of material by erosion. Both erosion and isostatic
adjustment continue until equilibrium is reacheda condition in which the topo-
graphic relief is eroded down to sea level and the mountain root has rebounded
to a state of gravitational equilibrium. Under these conditions, large-scale erosion
cannot occur because the surface is at sea level and uplift does not occur because
of isostatic equilibrium.
In Figure 23.4A a new mountain belt has been formed by plate convergence. It
is important to note that there are significant changes in the dominant structural
features of the mountain belt, from the surface down to the deep roots. Andesitic
volcanism occurs at the surface. At shallow depths, where the confining pressure
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 665
(A) In the early stages of development, there is maximum
relief. Some andesitic volcanoes may still remain at the
surface. Thrust faults and folds are the dominant structures
exposed at the surface, and headward erosion of tributary
streams begins to adjust the stream pattern to the major
structural trends. The Andes of South America are in this
stage of their development.

(B) As erosion removes material from the mountain belt,

isostatic adjustment causes the mountain root to rebound.
Tight folds formed in the deeper part of the mountain
system are exposed at the surface, and headward erosion
adjusts the stream pattern to the folded rocks. Many
tributaries flow parallel to the structural grain of the
mountain belt. The central Appalachian Mountains of
eastern North America are similar to this.

(C) Continued erosion and isostatic adjustment reduce the

topographic relief and the size of the root of the mountain
belt below. Complex folds and granitic igneous intrusions,
originally formed deep in the mountain belt, are now
exposed at the surface. The stream patterns adjust to the
new structure and rock types. Local relief and rates of
erosion are greatly reduced. The eroded mountain belts of
Scotland and Norway have structures like these.

(D) Isostatic equilibrium is ultimately reestablished. The

rocks formed deep in the mountain root are exposed to the
surface, and local relief is only a few meters. Stream
patterns adjust to the structural trends in the metamorphic
terrain. At this stage, the mountain belt constitutes a new
segment of the shield. The Canadian shield has developed
by the processes outlined here.

FIGURE 23.4 A continental shield develops from a folded mountain belt. Erosion occurs during crustal deformation, so by the time mountain
building terminates, the mountain range is already carved into a rugged terrain. After deformation, a mountain root extends down into the mantle to
compensate for the high topography. Note that the style of structure in a mountain belt changes with depth. Andesitic volcanic features may dominate
at the surface. Thrust faults and folds occur at shallow depths. Tight folds and granitic intrusions occur at intermediate depths. In the deeper roots,
metamorphic rocks intruded by small granitic bodies dominate.
666 Chapter 23

is low, the rocks are relatively brittle, and the compression that formed the moun-
tain belt has developed thrust faults (green).At greater depth, the rocks are under
greater confining pressure, and they yield to plastic flow, which produces tight folds
(tan). At still greater depths, complex folds are formed. Silicic magma, generated
in the lower crust and involving magmas from the subduction zone, rises because
it is less dense than the surrounding rock and reaches a level where it spreads out
to form large plutons. In the deeper roots of the mountain belt, metamorphic rocks,
including granulites and migmatites, dominate and are intruded by smaller bodies
of granite (reddish brown). The topography in Figure 23.4A is young. It is con-
trolled by andesitic volcanism, thrust faulting, and folds. The topographic relief is
high, and headward erosion is beginning to adjust the drainage pattern to the struc-
tural trends of the mountain belt.
How does isostasy influence the devel- In the second stage (Figure 23.4B) the upper segment of the mountain belt has
opment of a shield? been removed by erosion, but isostatic rebound causes the mountain belt to rise con-
tinually.The dominant structure, now exposed at the surface, is a series of tight folds
(tan) etched into relief. Erosion on the folds produces a series of ridges on resistant
rocks that zigzag across the landscape. Long strike valleys erode on less resistant
strata such as shales. The result is a valley-and-ridge type of topography.
At a later stage (Figure 23.4C) erosion has removed the zone of folded strata,
but isostatic adjustment continues to elevate the mountain belt. Note the position
of the root, or base, of the mountain belt in (C), compared to its former position
in (A) and (B), shown in dashed lines. Isostatic rebound is less because the moun-
tain root is not so deep, and topographic relief is consequently not as great as be-
fore. Complex folds and granitic intrusions, which formed deep in the mountain
belt, are now exposed at the surface, and the landforms are controlled by these
features. Resistant granitic rock bodies typically form elliptical low mountains sur-
rounded by lowlands of metamorphic rock. Small-scale structural features in the
metamorphic terrain may be eroded into relief, forming a complex of low ridges
and lowlands.At this stage, the topographic relief and rate of erosion are much less
than in stages A and B.
In Figure 23.4D erosion and isostatic adjustments have reached a state of equi-
librium.There is no mountain root extending down as a bulge below the mountain
topography, and as a result there is no isostatic uplift. Metamorphic rocks and ig-
neous intrusions (reddish brown), which were formed in the deep mountain root,
are now at the surface, and their structure and distinctive rock types control the
topographic features to be developed. The entire surface is eroded close to sea
level.The mountain root is now in isostatic equilibrium.The area is tectonically sta-
ble, and a new segment of the basement complex is formed. The most significant
event in the subsequent history of the region is that slight changes in sea level may
cause the sea to spread across the region and deposit shallow-marine rocks over
the shield to form a stable platform.

Rates of Uplift and Erosion

The rate of uplift during mountain building is variable and difficult to measure.
However, estimates can be made on the basis of the age of strata that were orig-
inally deposited in the sea but are now found high in mountain ranges, together
with data obtained from precise geodetic surveys across active mountain belts. A
number of such observations give a general rate of uplift of 6 mm/yr. If erosion
did not occur contemporaneously with uplift, a mountain summit could rise 6 km
in 1 million years. If these measurements are correct, a full-size mountain belt
could be created in a relatively short time (5 to 10 million years).
Current estimates of rates of erosion are based on extensive measurements of
the volume of sediment carried by the major rivers of the world. In mountainous
areas, rates of erosion range from 1 to 1.5 m/1000 yr. From these data we can draw
a generalized graph showing rates of uplift and the relation of rates of erosion to
elevation (Figure 23.5). The rate of uplift is roughly 5 to 10 times faster than the
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 667
Erosion = Uplift

5 200

4 Net denudation rate

Elevation (km)

Tectonic uplift

Subsidence and
50 sedimentation
1 Shield Broad uplift and
renewed erosion
12 6 3 1.5

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195

Time (millions of years)

FIGURE 23.5 Rates of erosion of a mountain belt decrease exponentially with time. The
period of mountain building is shown by the steep line at the beginning of the graph. The tectonic
deformation is shown to last 5 million years, but most of the uplift may occur within 2 million years.
Erosion proceeds contemporaneously with uplift, increasing in intensity with increasing elevation.
By the time deformation ends, uplift of 6 km has occurred, but the surface is already eroded down to
5 km. The initial rate of erosion is 1 m/100 yr, but isostatic adjustment occurs at a ratio of 4:5. The
initial rate of new lowering of the surface is thus 200 m per 1 million years (200 m/m.y.). In 15 million
years, one-half of the mass is removed, and the net rate at which the surface is lowered is reduced to
100 m/m.y. After 30 million years, only one-quarter of the mass remains, and the average altitude is
1.25 km. In 75 million years, the mountain belt may be reduced to a new segment of the shield.
(Modified from A. N. Strahler)

maximum rate of erosion. The relatively rapid rate of deformation and uplift is
shown by the steep line on the graph and can occur in a time span of 5 million
years. Erosion would occur during uplift, so by the time deformation and uplift
terminate, the mountain range would already be carved into a rugged terrain, and
perhaps as much as 1 km of rock would have been removed. The main idea that
this graph emphasizes is not the absolute rate of erosion but the rapid decrease in
the rate with a decrease in elevation. From the regional viewpoint, the rate of ero-
sion depends on the height of the landmass above sea level.
As erosion removes material from the mountain belt, the mountain root re-
bounds in an attempt to reestablish the balance. In the early stages of erosion, the
removal of 500 m of rock is generally compensated for by an isostatic uplift of
about 400 m, so there is a net lowering of only 100 m of the mountain surface. If
we assume that isostatic adjustment occurs constantly at a ratio of 4:5, the initial
rate of net lowering of the surface will be 0.2 m/1000 yr or 200 m/m.y., as shown at
the top of the curve in Figure 23.5. In contrast, at the end of 15 million years, the
net rate of lowering of the surface has been reduced to approximately 100 m/m.y.
Erosion and isostatic adjustment continue to reduce the topographic relief. By
the end of 30 million years, the elevation and rate of erosion are again halved, to
one-quarter of the initial value.Approximately three-quarters of the original land-
mass has now been removed, and the structures of the deep mountain roots are
exposed. The regional surface is a broad, nearly flat plain. Local relief of a few
tens of meters is produced by differential erosion of belts of different metamor-
phic and igneous rock types. Erosion of the surface and the associated isostatic
adjustment have declined at a rapid rate, probably exponential, so that a near bal-
ance is reached. Once the original mountains are eroded almost to sea level, the
exposed roots of the mountain belt are a new segment of the continental shield.
The subsequent evolutionary history of the landscape is intimately related to
broad uplift and subsidence and to changes in sea level. Sea level is important in
668 Chapter 23

FIGURE 23.6 The Canadian shield is a broad, flat surface
carved on a complex of igneous and metamorphic rocks that
were originally formed deep in the roots of a mountain belt.
This view shows that many structural features are eroded into
relief. Erosion by a continental ice sheet during the last glacial
advance is responsible for most of the small landscape features.
Linear faults and zones of nonresistant rock are occupied by Metamorphic
lakes. (Courtesy of Canadian Government Dept. of Energy, rocks
Mines, and Resources)

our model of erosion because it is the ultimate level to which stream erosion can
effectively lower the continental surface. Both erosion and isostatic adjustment
combine to produce a flat slab of continental crust, the upper surface of which is
eroded to near sea level. There are, however, several reasons why the continental
lithospheric plate can be expected to move both up and down with respect to sea
level even though it is in a state of near isostatic equilibrium. For example, the top
of the asthenosphere is not a perfectly smooth surface but undulates in swells and
depressions. Bulges in the upper surface of the asthenosphere may also result from
hotspots in the mantle. As the plate moves over these highs and lows, the conti-
nental crust may be upwarped or depressed with respect to sea level. This change
would cause the sea to expand or contract across the stable platform.
Changes in sea level can also result from changes in the rate of spreading at
midocean ridges. If spreading is rapid, the oceanic ridge swells and is arched up-
ward, reducing the volume of the ocean basins and causing expansion of the sea
over the flat continental surface. Slow spreading deflates the oceanic ridge, caus-
ing the sea to withdraw from the continents. Transgressions and regressions of the
sea may thus be related to plate tectonics.
Another important point is that any change in sea level, regardless of the cause,
may affect the erosional processes on the continent. If sea level is lowered (or the
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 669

continent is upwarped), the processes of erosion will be rejuvenated. An increase

in elevation of the land brings a rapid increase in the rate of erosion. An uplift of
1 km will be followed by accelerated erosion lasting probably 5 to 10 million years.
If sea level rises (or a continent is depressed), the sea will advance over the land.
Erosion terminates, and shallow-marine sediments are deposited on the eroded
surface of the shield. Transgressions and regressions of the sea over the continen-
tal platform have been the major recurring events in this area through most of ge-
ologic time.

The Canadian Shield. The Canadian shield covers about one-fourth of the North
American continent, more than 3 million square kilometers. Although it has been
glaciated, the basic structural and topographic features are well expressed. On a
regional basis, the surface of the shield resembles a vast saucer with the center in
Hudson Bay.The shield extends northward to Baffin Island, eastward to Labrador
and Newfoundland, southward to the Great Lakes, and westward to the interior
plains of Canada.The landscape of this vast area is truly remarkable.As can be seen
in Figure 23.6, the most striking characteristic is the vast expanse of the low flat
surface, and throughout thousands of square kilometers the shield is barely above
sea level. The only surface features that stand out in relief are the resistant rock
formations that rise 30 to 100 m above the adjacent surface. The structural
complexity of the shield (Figure 23.7) is shown by the complex patterns of erosion,
alignment of lakes, and differences in tone and texture of the landscape.The major
structural elements of the Canadian shield have been mapped, and several distinct
geologic provinces were discovered. Each represents a different mountain system
of a different age, and each has its own characteristics of rock type and structure.
The basic elements of the shields of other continents are quite similar to those
of the Canadian shield. Conditions of the local climate, however, impart distinctive
characteristics to the landscape. In the shields of desert regions, such as North
Africa, Arabia, and Australia, the structural trends and local landforms are partly
covered by desert features such as wind-blown sand, alluvial fans, and lag gravels.
Shields in the tropics are commonly covered with thick soil and tropical vegetation.
Those in the polar regions, such as Scandinavias Baltic shield, carry the strong im-
print of glaciation. Yet the fundamental topographies of all shields are remark-
ably similar.

FIGURE 23.7 The complex structures

of the shield are etched out by differential
erosion of the igneous and metamorphic
rocks, as shown in this topographic map of
Lake Superior
the Canadian shield in southern Ontario.
The major fracture systems are eroded into
narrow valleys, although the regional
topography is eroded to within a few
hundred meters of sea level. (Courtesy of
Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)



Lake Huron 0 20 km
670 Chapter 23

FIGURE 23.8 The stable platform is an area in which

the basement complex is covered with a veneer of
sedimentary rocks that are gently inclined or essentially
horizontal. Stable platforms constitute much of the worlds
flat lowlands and are known locally as plains, low plateaus,
and steppes. (Tom Bean/Tom & Susan Bean, Inc.)


Landforms developed on stable platforms result from differential erosion

on horizontal to gently dipping sedimentary rocks. Dendritic drainage is
common on horizontal strata and produces rolling hills. Cuestas and strike
valleys typically form on the low dipping strata on the flanks of structural
domes and basins.

The stable platform is simply that part of the basement complex covered with sed-
imentary strata.As we have seen, erosion and isostatic adjustment combine to pro-
duce a flat slab of continental crust that is very near sea level. Thus, any change in
sea level causes the sea to expand or recede far across the surface of the low, flat
continent. The history of the stable platform over hundreds of millions of years
has been that of repeated transgression and regression of shallow seas in which
were deposited cycles of sandstone, shale, and limestone (see Chapter 5). Each of
these sedimentary sequences is bounded by an erosional unconformity. The total
thickness of sedimentary strata on a stable platform rarely exceeds 2000 to 3000
m, so the sedimentary rocks form only a thin veneer covering the underlying ig-
neous and metamorphic basement. Earth movements on the stable platform are
mostly broad regional undulations that produce gentle domes (upwarps) and basins
(downwarps) in the otherwise nearly horizontal strata. Thus, the landscapes on all
stable platforms throughout the world consist of landforms developed on
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 671

horizontal or gently inclined sedimentary rocks (Figure 23.8). These form the vast
plains of the interior of North America, the great steppes of the Ukraine, the cen-
tral lowlands of China, and the vast flat interior of Australia.

Major Landforms of the Stable Platform

One of the most fundamental characteristics of a stable platform is the distinctive
stream drainage pattern that develops on horizontal strata. A given layer of sedi-
mentary rock forms a large area that is essentially homogeneous in all directions.
Such a surface presents no appreciable structural control over the development of
the drainage systems. Tributaries are free to develop and grow with equal ease in
all directions so that dendritic drainages typically develop on horizontal rocks
(Figure 23.9). Seen from the ground, the landscape seems to be a broad expanse
of low rolling hills.
Another important factor in the development of the major landscapes of the
stable platform is differential erosion on the horizontal layers of sedimentary How does the landscape of a stable
rock. Sedimentary strata deposited by the expanding and contracting seas con- platform differ from that of a shield?
sist of sequences of sandstone, shale, and limestone formations. Of these, shale
is by far the most abundant and the least resistant. Layers of sandstone and
limestone are thinner but are much more resistant in most climates. Differen-
tial erosion on these rocks is responsible for much of the landscape of the sta-
ble platform.
Resistant rock layers such as sandstone and limestone commonly form a resis-
tant cap rock where interbedded with shale. The cap rock forms a low plateau.
Erosion and slope retreat along the edges of the plateau create alternating cliffs
(on the resistant unit) and slopes (on the nonresistant layers). As stream erosion
eats headward, a large portion of the plateau can be detached from the main
plateau to form a small mesa (Figure 23.10).
Where a sequence of alternating resistant and nonresistant strata is tilted, the
nonresistant units are eroded into long strike valleys or lowlands trending parallel
to the strike, or trend, of the rock layers. The resistant layers are left standing as

FIGURE 23.9 The stable platform of

the east-central United States, shown on this
shaded relief map, is underlain by flat-lying
sedimentary rock layers dissected by
dendritic drainage systems. Seen from the
ground, this area appears as low rolling hills.
(Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)



iv e r



0 20 40
672 Chapter 23

Plateau Mesa


FIGURE 23.10 Differential erosion of horizontal strata is characteristic of a continents stable platform and forms plateaus, mesas, buttes,
and pinnacles. Resistant beds of jointed sandstone commonly cap plateaus and control the erosion patterns.

long, asymmetrical ridges. Ridges formed on gently inclined strata are known as
cuestas. Sharp ridges formed on steeply inclined layers are hogbacks (Figure 23.3).
The major structural features of the stable platform are broad upwarps and
swells that form structural domes, and downward movements that create basins.
These warps in the crust are large, ranging from a few hundred to thousands of kilo-
meters across. They may form while shallow seas cover the area so that sedimen-
tary rocks may be thicker in the basins and thinner across the crest of the domes.
On the flanks of these structures, the strata may dip at angles of 20 or 30 or
more. As stream erosion proceeds, strata are removed from the top of a dome,
which is eroded outward to form a concentric series of sharp-crested cuestas or hog-
backs with intervening strike valleys (Figure 23.11). The drainage pattern devel-
oped by erosion along strike valleys is commonly circular. If the older rocks in the
center of the dome are nonresistant, the center of the uplift may be eroded into a
topographic lowland bordered by inward-facing cliffs formed on the younger, re-
sistant units. If the older rocks are more resistant, the center of the dome remains
high, forming a dome-shaped hill or ridge. Large structural domes have inward-
facing cliffs, whereas large basins have outward-facing cliffs.
Domes and basins in the stable platform may form in a variety of ways.They may
result from mild compression associated with a mountain-building event at a dis-
tant convergent plate margin. Also, domes and basins may be the result of chang-
ing temperatures in the underlying mantle.

Differential Erosion on the Stable Platform

in Arid Climates
Differential erosion of nearly horizontal strata also produces many fascinating small
landforms. These landforms are best displayed in arid regions, where details of the
topography are not obscured by vegetation. Buttes, pinnacles, and pillars are some
of the most spectacular of these small features (Figure 23.10). They are simply the
result of differential erosion on receding cliffs composed of stratified sedimentary
rocks. If a massive cliff has well-developed joints, vertical columns develop. Where
stratification produces alternating layers of hard and soft rock, additional detail
can be etched out by differential weathering and erosion.
Jointing commonly plays an important role in the evolution of these landforms,
for it permits weathering to attack a rock body from many sides at once. The fa-
mous columns and pillars in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, for example,
result from differential weathering along a set of intersecting vertical joints and
horizontal bedding planes (Figure 23.12 and the photograph at beginning of the
Chapter 10). The joints divide the rock into columns. Nonresistant shales separate
the more resistant sandstone and limestone, and differential erosion forms deep
recesses in the columns, producing the fascinating slopes and landforms. This con-
figuration is in striking contrast to the thick massive homogeneous sandstone that
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 673

forms nearby Zion National Park, Utah, where joints are the only significant zones
of weakness. As a result, erosion along the joints separates the rock into large
blocks with steep cliffs (see Figure 7.6).
Natural arches are also products of differential erosion in arid climates. The
best examples are found in the massive sandstones of the Colorado Plateau, in
the western United States. The diagrams in Figure 23.13 illustrate how natural
arches may be formed. This arid region receives little precipitation, and much
of the surface water seeps into the thick, porous sandstone. Groundwater is Why didnt a Grand Canyon develop
most abundant beneath dry stream channels, and its movement follows the gen- in Kansas?
eral surface drainage lines. Groundwater, emerging as a seep in a cliff beneath
a dry waterfall, dissolves the cement in that area. Loose sand grains are washed
or blown away, so that an alcove soon develops at the base of the normally dry
waterfall. If the sandstone is cut by joints, a large block can be separated from
the cliff as the joints are enlarged by weathering processes. The alcove and joint
surface continue to enlarge, and an isolated arch is eventually produced (Figure
23.13). Weathering then proceeds inward from all surfaces until the arch is de-
stroyed, leaving only columns standing.

The Stable Platform of North America

The stable platform of North America consists of three distinctive parts: (1) the area
underlain by Paleozoic strata in the east, (2) the Great Plains region underlain by
Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata to the west, and (3) the Atlantic and Gulf coastal
plains. The region north of the Ohio and Missouri rivers has been glaciated and is
now largely covered with glacial moraine. However, to the south, the classic land-
forms of a stable platform are well developederosional landscapes on horizon-
tal and gently inclined strata.
The major domal structures are the Cincinnati arch in Ohio, Kentucky, and ad-
jacent areas; the Wisconsin dome; and the Ozark dome in Missouri. Large basins
formed between the upwarps in Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. The extension of the
Cincinnati arch southward forms the Nashville dome in which weaker rocks in the
center have been eroded away to form a topographic basin. Here limestones are

FIGURE 23.11 Hogbacks and intervening strike valleys form in domal structures in the stable platform. Differential erosion of a
structural dome in the Black Hills of South Dakota is shown in this diagram.
674 Chapter 23

(A) Initial stage. Intersecting joints separate the rocks into columns. (B) Intermediate stage. Weathering and erosion along the joints
accentuate the columns, which erode into various forms as a result of
alternating hard and soft layers.

(C) Final stage. As weathering and erosion proceed, the cliff retreats. (D) Eroded columns provide the spectacular scenery in Bryce
Old columns are completely destroyed, but new ones are continually Canyon National Park, Utah. The columns were eroded into colorful
created. Tertiary sedimentary rocks.

FIGURE 23.12 The evolution of columns by differential erosion along a receding cliff commonly is controlled by intersecting joint sets.
Rapid erosion along joint systems separates the columns from the main cliff. Differential erosion, accentuating the difference between rock
layers, produces the fluted columns.

abundant and details of the topography developed on the dipping strata are great-
ly influenced by groundwater erosion with resulting typical karst landforms.
Throughout the Great Plains, the sedimentary strata dip gently westward. Ero-
sion on the tilted strata has formed cuestas and intervening lowlands in Kansas, Ok-
lahoma, and adjacent areas. A notable exception is the Black Hills dome in west-
ern South Dakota, which is a classic domal structure with surrounding elliptical
hogbacks and strike valleys (Figure 23.11).
In the coastal plains of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast states, alternating layers of
sandstone and shale deposited during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras dip gen-
tly seaward. The topography of the coastal plains therefore consists of a series of
low cuestas on the sandstone layers and broad, low strike valleys in the soft shales
(Figure 23.14). The major streams developed as the seas receded, following the di-
rection of the initial slope.These streams are called consequent streams. A younger
set of streams eroded headward along the weak shale formations and excavated
a belt of lowlands. These are called subsequent streams. The resulting drainage
system in the coastal plains has a trellis pattern.
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 675

(A) Initial stage. In arid regions, much of the surface water seeps (B) Intermediate stage. If a joint system in the sandstone is roughly
into the ground below a stream channel. This water may move parallel to the cliff face, the joints can be enlarged by weathering,
laterally above an impermeable layer and eventually emerge as a which separates a slab from the main cliff.
spring at the base of a cliff. Cement holding sand grains together is
soon dissolved in this area of greatest moisture; the sand grains fall
away, so that a recess, or alcove, forms beneath the dry falls from the
intermittent stream above.

(C) Final stage. An arch is produced as the alcove enlarges. (D) The initial stage in the development of a natural arch in Zion
Weathering then proceeds inward from all surfaces until the arch National Park, Utah. A well-developed alcove formed beneath a dry
collapses. waterfall. Weathering along a large joint will soon separate the
alcove from the cliff to make a natural arch.

FIGURE 23.13 Natural arches develop in massive sandstone formations by selective solution activity in nearly horizontal rocks of the
semiarid or arid parts of a stable platform.


Differential erosion of folded mountain belts produces a series of ridges

and valleys conforming to the structural trends of the folds. The landscape
generally reflects the specific structural style of the mountain belt.

Folded mountains have complex structures that commonly include tight folds,
thrust faults, accreted terranes, igneous intrusions, and andesitic volcanic rocks.
Landforms are therefore quite variable and the features of mountainous topog-
raphy will vary according to the age of the mountain and stage of development and
the unique structure and rock assemblages that may exist. There are, however,
some basic trends in the development of mountain landscapes. The fundamental
factor for landscape development is for differential erosion to etch out the struc-
tural fabric of the mountain belt and form linear valleys along weak rocks and
fault zones and linear ridges along the more resistant rock units. Since folds are the
dominant structures in mountain belts, the nature and style of folds greatly influ-
ence the style of landforms to be developed.
676 Chapter 23

Landforms that typically develop on folded strata are shown in Figure 23.15. In
the initial stages of erosion, the anticlines may form ridges, and the synclines may
form long valleys. Some major streams may be superposed across the anticlinal
ridges. As erosion proceeds, the crests of the anticlines are cut by the narrow val-
leys that grow along the flanks of the ridge. As the crest of the ridge is breached,
anticlinal valleys are enlarged and deepened so that the crest of the anticline
becomes open along its length.
As erosion proceeds rapidly headward along the nonresistant formations, the
crests of the anticlines are eroded away, and the surface topography bears little
resemblance to the underlying folds. Differential erosion effectively removes the
weak rock layers to form long strike valleys. Resistant rock bodies stand up as nar-
row hogback ridges. The ridges thus mark the limbs of the folds. The pattern of
topography is typically one of alternating valleys and ridges that zigzag across the
landscape, and the drainage system generally forms a trellis pattern.
It is important to note that folded and eroded formations of sedimentary rock
imply the erosion and removal of huge volumes of rock from the landscape. Ex-
cellent examples are the hogbacks along the Front Range of Colorado (Figure
23.16). Hogbacks and strike valleys formed on Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata along
the front of the Rocky Mountains throughout Colorado and into Wyoming. Sed-
imentary rocks once covered the older Precambrian granites and metamorphic
rocks now exposed in the present mountain range. They have since been eroded,
leaving the tilted and eroded edges of the strata as hogbacks and strike valleys.
In young folded mountain belts, especially those that are still active, andesitic
volcanoes may dominate the landscape to produce features characteristic of a
magmatic arc. Also, thrust faults may greatly complicate the structure so that the
resulting landscape is more complex.

Clay Sand Clay Sand

(A) As the coastal plains emerge above sea level, the drainage system is simply extended downslope directly toward the new
shoreline. These are called consequent streams.

Old highland Cuesta Lowland Cuesta

(B) Headward erosion of tributary streams along the nonresistant shale units produces linear lowlands (strike valleys). The
more-resistant sandstone units remain as linear ridges called cuestas.

FIGURE 23.14 The Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains consist of Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks that are inclined
toward the sea. The evolution of landforms developed on the inclined strata is shown in idealized block diagrams. (After A.
N. Strahler)
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 677

(A) Initial stage. Anticlines form ridges and synclines form

valleys, but erosion soon attacks the crests of the folds.

(B) Later stages. The tops of the folds are eroded away, so that hogback ridges are
left along the flanks of the folds. These ridges commonly form a zigzag pattern.

FIGURE 23.15 Differential erosion of folded rocks typically forms alternating ridges and valleys. (After A. N. Strahler)

The Appalachian Ridge and Valley Province

The Ridge and Valley Province of the eastern United States is a classic example
of a landscape formed on folded and thrust-faulted strata (Figure 23.17). It ex-
tends from Pennsylvania to central Alabama, a distance of more than 2000 km. In
Alabama, the folded structures plunge beneath the younger sediments of the
Coastal Plain. Similar topography is exposed again in the Ouachita Mountains in
Arkansas and Oklahoma and in the Marathon Mountains in west Texas. A large
segment of the folded Appalachian mountain belt is, therefore, still buried beneath
younger sediments.
What landforms typically develop on
The deformation that produced the folds occurred during the late Paleozoic Era
folded mountain belts?
(more than 200 million years ago). The mountain belt was then deeply eroded, and
most of the region was covered by Cretaceous and possibly Tertiary sediments.
Regional uplift ensued, and renewed erosion began to remove the sedimentary
cover. The major east-flowing streams were superposed on the northeast-trending
structures, and differential erosion began to cut the extensive valley system
between the resistant sandstone ridges (Figure 23.15). Extension of the drainage
system by more rapid erosion of the nonresistant shale and limestone formations
resulted in stream capture and the development of a trellis drainage pattern. (Note
that in humid regions limestones are eroded rapidly, whereas in drier regions they
are resistant.)
Folded mountain belts similar to the Appalachian are found in many areas of
the world, such as in southwest China, the Zagros Mountains of Iran, the Urals of
Russia, and parts of the Andes, as well as the foothills of the Himalayas.
678 Chapter 23

FIGURE 23.16 Hogbacks along the

Front Range of Colorado are the remnants
of a thick sequence of Paleozoic and
Mesozoic strata that were deformed into a
large dome. The sequence at the end of the
diagram shows the amount of material
removed by erosion.


Continental rifts produce horsts and grabens that are rapidly modified by
erosion and sedimentation. Erosion dissects the uplifted blocks, and the
sediment is deposited in the grabens as alluvial fans and lake deposits.
With time, the rift may evolve into a continental margin.

A continental rift is a region where the crust has been arched upward, thinned,
stretched, and fractured. The dominant structures in this tectonic setting are par-
allel systems of normal faults, with large vertical displacements.Typically, the faults
produce large, elongate, down-dropped grabens and associated uplifted horsts.The
major landform produced by normal faulting is a steep cliff, or fault scarp, which
is soon dissected by erosion.

FIGURE 23.17 The Appalachian

Mountains in eastern North America are a
classic example of the topography formed
by erosion of a folded mountain belt. The
linear ridges are formed on resistant
quartzite formations along the flanks of
long, narrow folds. The ridges are about 300
m high. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk
Butte, Inc.)

OH Altoona

WV Harrisburg

0 20 40

Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 679

The evolution of erosional landforms developed on a normal fault block is

shown in Figure 23.18. As soon as uplift occurs, stream erosion begins to dissect the
cliff and produces a series of triangular faces known as faceted spurs. Erosion also
forms gullies along the blunt face of the faceted spurs, so the cliff produced by
faulting is considerably modified. Recurrent movement along the fault can produce
a fresh scarp at the base of the older faceted spurs, but it is also rapidly modified
by gullying to form a series of compound-faceted spurs. When movement on the Why is the topography of the
fault ceases, the cliff continues to erode down and back from the fault line. Appalachian Mountains so different
The idealized stages in landscape development by block faulting in an arid re- from that of the Rocky Mountains?
gion are illustrated in Figure 23.19. In the initial stage, maximum relief is produced
by the uplift of fault blocks. Relief diminishes throughout subsequent stages, un-
less major uplift recurs and interrupts the evolutionary trend by producing greater
relief during later stages. In arid regions, depressions between mountain ranges
generally do not fill completely with water. Large lakes do not form because of the
low rainfall and great evaporation. Instead, shallow, temporary lakes, known as
playa lakes, form in the central parts of basins and fluctuate in size during wet and
dry periods.They may be completely dry for many years and then expand to cover
a large part of the valley floor during years of high rainfall. When rainfall is high
enough to maintain a permanent body of water, the lake is commonly saline, owing
to the lack of an outlet. Great Salt Lake, in Utah, is an example. Most basins in the
Basin and Range Province have dry playas during most of the year; however, dur-
ing the cooler, wetter climatic periods that accompanied the Pleistocene glaciers,
lakes with surface areas of thousands of square kilometers developed in many of
these valleys.
Weathering in the uplifted mountain mass produces more sediment than can be
carried away by the intermittent streams, which may flow only during spring runoff.
The overloaded streams commonly deposit much of their load where they emerge
from the mountain front. This sediment accumulates in broad alluvial fans.
Throughout their history, the mountain ranges are eroded and the debris is de-
posited in the adjacent basin. As erosion continues (Figure 23.19B), the mountain
mass is dissected into an intricate network of canyons and is worn down. At the
same time, the mountain shrinks farther as the front recedes through the process
of slope retreat.
In the final stage (Figure 23.19C) of this model, the fans along the mountain
front grow and merge to form a large alluvial slope, a bajada. As the mountain
front retreats, an erosion surface, known as a pediment, develops on the underly-
ing bedrock. It expands as the mountain shrinks. Pediments are generally covered What landforms typically develop on
by a thin, discontinuous veneer of alluvium.As shown in Figure 23.19C, pediments continental rifts?
may become completely buried.

Basin and Range Province

This tectonic and erosional model effectively explains much of the landscape in the
Basin and Range Province of the western United States (Figure 23.20). The Basin
and Range is a large area where the crust has been uplifted and extended, form-
ing a complex rift system that reaches from northern Mexico to southern Idaho and
Oregon (Figure 19.29). The block faulting, resulting from extension, has produced
alternating mountain ranges and intervening basins. There are more than 150
separate ranges in this province. Some are simple tilted fault blocks that are
asymmetrical in cross section, the steeper side marking the side along which fault-
ing occurred. Others are faulted on both sides. The internal structure of the fault
blocks is complex, with folds, faults, and igneous intrusions recording an earlier
history of crustal deformation.
To the north, throughout much of western Utah and all of Nevada, the
area is in the initial stage of development. The basins occupy about half the
total area, and the pediments are small. The relief of the mountain ranges is
high, with most alluvial fans just beginning to coalesce into broad alluvial
680 Chapter 23

(A) The original dissected upland, before faulting, consists mostly (B) The first major period of faulting is accompanied by accelerated
of valley slopes. stream erosion. Valleys are cut through the scarp produced by
faulting to form triangular faceted spurs.

(C) Recurrent movement along the fault can produce a series of (D) Faceted spurs on the Wasatch Mountains, central Utah. A
fresh scarps, which are subsequently dissected by stream erosion. normal fault lies at the base of the range. Stream erosion during
Older faceted spurs recede and are worn down. uplift created valleys that bound triangular faceted spurs.

FIGURE 23.18 Erosion of fault-block mountains follows a series of stages in which faceted spurs are a prominent landform. This
landscape is typical of the Basin and Range province of the western United States and illustrates the evolution of landforms in continental rifts.

slopes. Recurrent movement along many fault systems is indicated by com-

plex faceted spurs, similar to those illustrated in Figure 23.18D. Continued
movement in recent times is clear from faulted alluvial fans and recurring
earthquakes in the area.
In Arizona and Mexico, erosion in the Basin and Range has proceeded much
further, and the area is in the late stage of development. The ranges are eroded
down to small remnants of their original size. Extensive bajadas, spreading over ap-
proximately four-fifths of the area, cover wide pediments, through which isolated
remnants of bedrock protrude.


The extrusion of large volumes of basalt may flood large areas of the land-
scape to produce a basaltic plain that commonly develops a series of distinc-
tive landforms and ultimately evolves into a dissected basaltic plateau.

The tectonic setting for extrusion of continental flood basalts is commonly a rift
system or a hot spot. The unique feature of flood basalts is that, as the name im-
plies, huge volumes of fluid basaltic lava are extruded and flood the landscape,
covering extensive areas of preexisting landforms. The floods of basalt thus pro-
vide a new surface that is modified by erosion through a series of stages resulting
in a distinctive landscape quite unlike that of a shield, stable platform, or folded
mountain belt.
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 681
Downfaulted blocks (A) Initial stage. Faulting produces maximum relief. Initially,
some areas in the mountains are undissected. Playa lakes
Playa lake may develop in the central parts of the basins.


Alluvial fans (B) Intermediate stage. The mountain range is completely

Playa lake Playa lake dissected, and the mountain front retreats as a pediment
Pediment develops. Alluvial fans spread out into the valley.


Pediment (C) Late stage. The basins become filled with sediment.
Erosion Playa lake Bajada Playa lake Erosion wears down the mountain ranges to small, isolated
remnants remnants. The pediments expand and are buried by the
alluvial fans, which merge to form bajadas. Most of the
surface is an alluvial slope.


FIGURE 23.19 A model of landscape development in the Basin and Range Province of the United States. Continental rift systems such as this
evolve through a series of stages until the mountains are consumed.

Evolution of Basaltic Plains

The general trends in the evolution of basaltic plains might best be understood by
considering what develops in areas of local volcanism because the local areas pro-
vide a small-scale model of the major trends in landform evolution of regional
basaltic floods. The sequence of landforms resulting from erosion in areas where
minor volcanic activity occurs is shown in Figure 23.21. Upon extrusion, lava fol-
lows established river channels and partly filled stream valleys. The lava flows
disrupt drainage in two principal ways: (1) Lakes are impounded upstream, and
(2) the river is displaced and forced to flow along the margins of the lava flow.
Subsequent stream erosion is then concentrated along the lava margins.
As erosion is initiated in the displaced drainage system (Figure 23.21B), new val-
leys are cut along the flow margins and become gradually deeper and wider with
time. Cinder cones, if formed during the volcanic activity, are soon obliterated
because the unconsolidated ash is easily eroded. Only the conduit through which
the lava was extruded remains as a resistant volcanic neck. With time, the area
along the margins of the lava flow is eroded, so the old stream now flooded with
lava is left standing higher than the surrounding area as an inverted valley. In the
final stage of erosion (Figure 23.21C), the inverted valley is reduced in size and ul-
timately becomes dissected into isolated mesas and buttes.
In regions of extensive volcanism, such as those related to mantle plumes and
flood basalts, large areas may be completely buried by lava flows. In the initial stage,
682 Chapter 23





0 20


FIGURE 23.20 Basin and Range Province in Nevada shows the typical landforms developed in a broad rift system
in an arid region. Erosion of the fault blocks produces alternating mountain ranges and intervening basins filled with
sediment. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)

basaltic lava covers the lowlands, forming a lava plain. Drainage usually is displaced
to the margins of the lava plain, but some rivers may migrate across the plain.When
extrusion ceases, stream erosion begins to dissect the lava plain and eventually cuts
it into isolated plateaus and mesas. These, in turn, are ultimately eroded away.
Foremost among the older basaltic plains that are now uplifted and eroded into
dissected plateaus is the Ethiopian Plateau in northeast Africa. Here, floods of
basalt associated with the East African Rift valleys are eroded into plateaus more
than 4000 m above sea level. The Deccan basalts of India, the Parana basalts of
South America, and the basaltic lava flows of northern Siberia have developed
landscapes typical of plateau basalts.

Basaltic Plains of North America

An example of a landscape developed on basaltic plains is the Columbia Plateau
and Snake River Plain of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. This region of more
than 400,000 km2 represents one of the worlds major accumulations of lava on a
continent (Figure 23.22). Approximately 100,000 km3 of basaltic lava was extrud-
ed in this area through fissure eruptions and small shield volcanoes.The lavas were
very fluid and completely covered preexisting mountains and valleys with a local
What are inverted valleys? How do relief of more than 750 m. The age of the basalts ranges from about late Tertiary
they originate? (17 million years) to Recent, with the youngest flows in Craters of the Moon Na-
tional Monument being less than 2000 years old.As explained in Chapter 22, these
lavas are probably related to the passage of North America over a mantle plume.
Individual lava flows vary from 2 m to as much as 50 m in thickness. In places, the
total sequence of basalt flows is more than 4 km thick.
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 683
Lava flow (A) Initial stage. Lavas extruded from volcanic vents flow down
displaces existing rivers and streams and block the normal drainage system.
drainage Lakes commonly form upstream, and new stream channels
Lakes formed
develop along the margins of the lava flow. Volcanic cones are
by lava dam
fresh and relatively untouched by erosion.
Dike Cinder core

Inverted valleys Volcanic (B) Intermediate stage. The cinder cones are worn down until only
neck volcanic necks are left standing. Erosion along the margins of the
lava flow removes the surrounding rock, so the flow forms a
sinuous ridge, or inverted valley.

Mesa Butte Volcanic (C) Late stage. Inverted valleys are eroded to mesas and buttes.
Dike ridge neck Volcanic necks and dikes commonly form peaks and isolated

FIGURE 23.21 A model of landscape development in an area of local basaltic volcanism shows how inverted topography may develop.

The extrusion of the lavas produced a new surface that is currently being erod-
ed and modified by the Columbia and Snake river systems. In southern Idaho,
where the lavas are young, the region is in the initial stage of development, with
large areas of basalt flows essentially untouched by stream erosion. In the eastern
part of the region, the Snake River has been forced to flow along the southern
margins of the plain because new young flows cover the central part of the area
(Figure 23.22). In western Idaho, the Snake River has cut a deep canyon in the
basalts. Hells Canyon of the Snake, along the Idaho-Oregon border, is deeper
than the Grand Canyon of the Colorado.
The Columbia Plateau in Oregon and Washington is made of much older
basaltic lavas and is more deeply eroded. Erosion of the Columbia Plateau has
been complicated by catastrophic flooding during the last ice age. But here again,
the major drainage is displaced to the margins of the plains, where it is actively
cutting deep canyons.
684 Chapter 23

Basalt plain

Idaho Falls

of the Moon
ke River
WY Sna


0 20 40


FIGURE 23.22 The eastern Snake River Plain in Idaho is underlain by extensive floods of basalt that form a broad,
smooth plain. The young lava flows of the Snake River Plain are not eroded. Note how the Snake River has been displaced
to the southern margin of the plain by repeated volcanism. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte, Inc.)


The landscapes of magmatic arcs formed above subduction zones are

dominated by volcanic landforms that evolve by uplift and erosion until
most of the volcanic features are erased. Ultimately, the volcanoes are
eroded away to expose the deeper igneous intrusions.

Island arcs are the surface manifestation of magmatic activity produced at conver-
gent plate boundaries. The most characteristic landform is a group of large com-
posite andesitic volcanoes that rise thousands of meters above their surroundings.
FIGURE 23.23 Two of the
hundreds of volcanoes in the Kuril
Island arc of the western Pacific show
the typical landforms developed on an
active magmatic arc. Large calderas
occur on the opposite ends of the island,
each with a younger cone in the middle.
Older volcanoes can be recognized by
their circular forms. (Digital image
copyright 1996 Corbis; original image
courtesy of NASA)
Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 685

The volcanoes extend in a linear zone parallel to the convergent plate margin. The
general trend in landform evolution in a magmatic arc is for streams and glaciers
Mt. Hood
to systematically erode the volcanoes even as eruptions continue. Thus, the high
volcanic peaks and collapse calderas are soon eroded down to circular or elliptical
remnants and rounded hills. Circular landforms dominate the landscape (Figure
23.23). Repeated extrusion occurs in magmatic arcs, however, so volcanic features
representing a variety of ages occur within a given area. Drainage systems are con-
stantly being displaced by new volcanoes, and large segments of a river system may
be completely obliterated as extrusion continues. New drainage patterns develop
Mt. Jefferson
in its place. A well-integrated drainage system is therefore difficult to establish in
an active volcanic arc and many small lakes commonly develop. Glaciers also form
on the high volcanic peaks, even in low latitudes such as the central Andes.
When igneous activity terminates, erosion and associated isostatic uplift occur
so that, ultimately, the volcanic material is removed and granitic intrusions are ex-
posed at the surface. Thus, the landscape evolves from a volcanic terrain to one
formed on igneous intrusions. Three

The Cascade Volcanic Chain

The Cascade Mountains of northwestern United States is a magmatic arc built on
continental crust (Figure 23.24). Here, famous composite volcanoes such as Mount Newberry
Shasta, Crater Lake, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Rainier rise above the sur-
rounding landscape, and hundreds of smaller volcanoes form a belt roughly 80 km
wide and more than 500 km long. Between the volcanoes are beds of lava and tuff
that mask all the other rocks and surface features. In many areas the average dis-
tance between these small volcanoes is little more than 5 km. Volcanic eruptions
and contemporaneous erosion have been the dominant geologic processes for Crater
most of the last several million years. Lake
Californias Mount Shasta exceeds 4000 m in elevation and Mount Lassen,
which last erupted in 1914 and 1915, rises to more than 3000 m. Much of the stream
drainage has been disrupted by the flows and volcanoes. Lakes are numerous, but
many are dry much of the time because of the porous nature of the lava and tephra.
During the last ice age, glaciers formed on all of the volcanic peaks higher than
about 3000 m, and many glaciers still exist today.
Cycles of eruption and erosion have persisted since 15 million years ago. In the
middle Cascades, an imposing row of huge Quaternary (less than 1 million years old)
volcanoes dominate the skyline.Volcanoes and volcanic material represent all ages
from middle Tertiary to the present. For example, the flanks of Mount St. Helens 0 40 WA
are only a few years old. Crater Lake, in southern Oregon, was once a similar huge OR
volcano, but 7000 years ago a cataclysmic eruption fractured the upper part of the
cone as great quantities of ash erupted. The summit collapsed to form a caldera
containing a lake about 600 m deep.The western Cascades are so completely erod-
ed that no trace of their original volcanic landscape remains. North of Washing-
tons Mount Rainier, the Cascades have been uplifted and deeply eroded to ex-
pose granitic batholiths that intrude older metamorphic and sedimentary rock. FIGURE 23.24 Erosion of a magmatic
We thus see in the Cascades examples of practically every phase of landscape arc produces a landscape marked by circular
developed in magmatic arcs, from active volcanoes to exposed granitic intrusions. forms that are the remnants of volcanoes and
collapse calderas. Radial drainages commonly
This is Americas segment of the great Ring of Fire that essentially surrounds the
develop on the volcanoes. This shaded relief
Pacific Ocean, and similar landforms can be found from the southern end of the map shows the Cascade Mountains in
Andes to the Aleutian Islands, Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Oregon. The young volcanoes are being
eroded but their circular form is still
preserved. An older volcanic terrain to the
west is dissected into deep valleys and
canyons. (Courtesy of Ken Perry, Chalk Butte,
GeoLogic Landscape of Snow Canyon, Utah

Cenozoic laccolith

Mesozoic shale
Cinder cones

Mesozoic sandstones

Late Cenozoic basalt

This area is a land of colorful mesas, cliffs, and plateaus Interpretation

but there is much more to this area than spectacular Initially, the layers of sedimentary rock were deposited by
scenery. The sketch will help you identify the major geo- the wind, in rivers, or in shallow seas. At the time, this area
logic features. was east of an active convergent plate margin. Eventually,
subduction-related magmatism created granitic magma,
Observations which intruded into the sequence of sedimentary rock. But
1.The red and white cliffs are made of Mesozoic sandstones convergence ceased and was replaced by extension and rift-
that are resistant to erosion. ing on a grand scale. As a result, the sequence of sedimen-
2. The tree-covered slope behind them is underlain by late tary rocks and the laccolith were raised several kilometers
Mesozoic shales that are less resistant to erosion. above sea level. Erosion by running water then stripped the
3.The mountains in the background expose a middle Ceno- sedimentary cover off the intrusion, and carved the rugged
zoic granitic laccolith. red and white cliffs and deep canyons.The nonresistant rock
4. Late Cenozoic basalt flows bury part of the countryside. layers were easily stripped away to create the tree-covered
A road winds its way across one of them and another slope. Continental rifting was accompanied by several
basalt flow forms a low inverted valley on top of the red episodes of basaltic volcanism. Lava flows cascaded down
sandstone in the central part of the scene. A third basalt the white cliffs and flowed into the red canyons below. Con-
flow forms a high inverted valley on top of the white cliffs tinued uplift and erosion during the volcanism created the
and black cones of talus spill from it. inverted valleys from the resistant lava flows.

Te c t o n i c s a n d L a n d s c a p e s 687

alcove (p. 673) cuesta (p. 672) inverted valley (p. 681) shield (p. 662)
bajada (p. 679) dendritic drainage (p. 671) mesa (p. 671) stable platform (p. 662)
basaltic plain (p. 681) differential erosion (p. 662) natural arch (p. 673) strike valley (p. 671)
basin (p. 672) dome (p. 672) pediment (p. 679) subsequent stream (p. 674)
butte (p. 672) faceted spur (p. 679) pillar (p. 672) trellis pattern (p. 674)
column (p. 672) fault scarp (p. 678) pinnacle (p. 672) volcanic neck (p. 681)
consequent stream (p. 674) folded mountain belt (p. 662) plateau (p. 671)
continental rift (p. 678) hogback (p. 672) playa lake (p. 679)

1. What are the major factors that influence the evolution of 11. What processes are responsible for the adjustment of a
continental landscapes? drainage pattern to flow along structural trends such as
2. Contrast the landscapes formed on a shield found in a trop- those found in folded mountain belts?
ical climate with one found in a polar region. 12. Describe and illustrate, by means of a cross section, the ori-
3. How does differential erosion produce alternating cliffs and gin of landforms in a rift system.
slopes? 13. How do the landforms of a magmatic arc differ from those
4. Describe the model of evolution of a mountain belt into a of a folded mountain belt formed by continental collision?
new segment of the shield. At what stage are erosion rates What landscape features might they have in common?
highest? 14. Why is the western slope of the Cascade Mountains (Figure
5. Explain the origin of columns and pillars, such as those in 23.24) more intricately eroded than the eastern side?
Bryce Canyon National Park. 15. How do rivers adjust in areas where eruptions of basaltic
6. How are natural arches formed? lavas are important?
7. Describe and illustrate, with sketches, the landforms that 16. On a map of North America, outline the extent of the
typically develop on a stable platform. shield, stable platform, folded mountain belts, and basaltic
8. Why is the Coastal Plain of the Atlantic so low and smooth? plains.
9. What changes would be necessary for deep canyons to form 17. List several ways in which tectonics influence or control the
in Kansas? nature of landscapes.
10. Describe and illustrate, by means of a cross section, the
landforms that typically develop by erosion of folded sedi-
mentary rocks found along a convergent plate margin.

Bloom, A. L. 1998. Geomorphology: A Systematic Analysis of Late Pirkle, E. C., and W. H. Yoho. 1982. Natural Landscapes of the
Cenozoic Landforms. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. United States. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
Bridges, E. M. 1990. World Geomorphology. New York: Cam- Ritter, D. F., C. R. Kochel, and J. R. Miller. 1995. Process
bridge University Press. Geomorphology. New York: McGraw Hill.
Easterbrook, D. J. 1999. Surface Processes and Landforms. Summerfield, M. A. 1991. Global Geomorphology. New York:
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Cambridge University Press.
Hunt, C. G. 1973. Natural Regions of the United States and Cana- Trenhaile, A. S. 1998. Geomorphology: A Canadian Perspective.
da. San Francisco: Freeman. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Slide show on differential erosion
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Computer-guided tour of the major geologic provinces of
Quantitative Problems North America
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Web Resources

24 Earths Resources
25 Other Planets

It is appropriate to look back at Earth and its dynamic geologic sys-

tems now that you have a firmer grasp on how it works. One way of
doing this is by examining the relationship between people and the
planet. Nowhere is this relationship more clear than in the realm of
our natural resources. Just like the planet itself, human societies rely on
energy and a host of materials, all of which are derived from Earth.
Another fruitful way to look back at Earth is from the vantage point
of space. Earth is but one planet among many that orbit our Sun, hav-
ing formed from a swirling mass of gas and dust 4.55 billion years ago.
By comparing and contrasting Earth with these other bodies, you will
see how truly unique Earth is. You will see how a delicate balance be-
tween planet size, location, and composition has allowed Earth to be
a haven for life. With only a few minor changes in any of these factors,
Earth would have been a radically different place, inhospitable for life
as we know it.

Data courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

24 Earths Resources
Our modern society is completely dependent on a wide variety of mineral resources. Often
we take for granted that these resources will always be available. The sobering fact is that
most of our natural resources are finite and nonrenewable. History records the fall of cul-
tures and civilizations in which a depleted resource base played a major role. An example
is the decline of Mesopotamia 1500 years ago. As the people of southern Asia began to
irrigate their arid lands, salt became concentrated in the soil when irrigation waters evapo-
rated. Agricultural production gradually diminished. The destruction of one of their most
valued resources led to the decline of their entire civilization.
The image above is symbolic of yet another such cultural collapse following the destruc-
tion of an island societys resources. In this chapter, you will read about the rise and fall of
the people of Easter Island who carved these great basalt statues. Although they did not
depend on deposits of iron or reservoirs of petroleum, they did depend on certain palm
trees, on good soil, and on animal life. Eventually, however, the small volcanic island be-
came overpopulated and its resources were not sufficient to sustain its inhabitants.

Our problem is similar. It is not just one of finding more and more resources, but of bal-
ancing those resources with a burgeoning human population. In the early 1900s, Earths
total population is estimated to have been about 1.7 billion people. At the beginning of the
new millennium, the population is more than 6 billion. Every 3 years the equivalent of the
population of the United States is added to the planet. In 100 years, our numbers have in-
creased more than threefold. The increase in population has not come without its costs.
During the next decade, we will use more oil, gas, iron, and other mineral resources than
were consumed throughout previous human history. These facts lead us to ask a series of
important questions. Is there really a finite supply of mineral resources? Will we completely
consume the metallic resources discovered only in the last century? Will we be able to find
and extract even deeper deposits? What about oil resources will they be gone in another
30 years? Do we have enough agricultural lands to support ourselves? Will there be ample
fresh water for billions of additional people? In short, what will be the fate of our resource-
dependent civilization?
Ore deposits and other types of earth resources are not equally distributed around the
world but are rare and only concentrated by very specific geologic conditions. All mineral
resources develop slowly and eons pass before a new deposit forms. In this chapter we
review the origin of these resources and examine some of the implications of our increasing
rate of consumption of our natural resources.
Photograph by Val Brinkerhoff

1. Mineral resources are concentrated by geologic processes operating in the hy-
drologic and tectonic systems. Many require long periods to form; these re-
sources are finite and nonrenewable.
2. Ore deposits are formed by igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, and weath-
ering processes. Many metallic ores involve transport and deposition of met-
als in a hydrothermal fluid.
3. Earths principal nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil, natural
gas, and nuclear power. Renewable energy resources include solar energy,
wind power, hydroelectric power, tidal power, and geothermal energy. At
present these renewable forms of energy provide only a small fraction of our
energy needs.
4. The location and richness of most of Earths natural resources are directly or
indirectly controlled by plate tectonics.
5. There are limits to population growth on Earth imposed by the finite nature
of many of our natural resources.


The present store of mineral resources has been concentrated very slowly
by a variety of geologic processes related to the plate tectonic and hydro-
logic systems. Most mineral resources are therefore finite and nonrenewable.

Mineral resources range from the soils that support agriculture to metals such as
silicon, which is used in high-technology applications such as computers. Though
technically not minerals, oil, natural gas, coal, and some other sources of energy are
also included as mineral resources because they are extracted from Earth. Mining
worldwide produces about $500 billion worth of metallic ore each year; another
$700 billion of energy minerals are produced.
The worlds valuable deposits of minerals and energy fuels were formed slow-
ly by the major geologic systems during various periods in the geologic past (Table
24.1). Their formation required very long intervals of time and occurred under
Why are mineral resources distributed specific geologic conditions. Some metallic mineral deposits were formed in such
so unevenly throughout the world? restricted geologic settings that they approach uniqueness. For example, 40% of the
worlds reserves of molybdenum are in one igneous intrusion in Colorado; 77% of
tungsten reserves are in China; more than 50% of tin reserves are in Southeast
Asia; and 75% of chromium reserves are in South Africa. If mineral resources are
depleted, we cannot just go out and find more. More of many deposits simply does
not exist. Fortunately, most metals, unlike fossil fuels, can be recycled.
In contrast to some energy resources and most biological resources (such as
agricultural crops and forest products), very few mineral resources are renewable,
meaning they are replenished in a short period of time. The processes that form
mineral resources operate so slowly (by human standards) that their rates of re-
plenishment are infinitesimally small in comparison to rates of human consump-
tion. For example, the generation of oil from sedimentary rocks may take more than
10 million years. Consequently, mineral deposits are finite and therefore are ex-
haustible or nonrenewable. Most of our mineral resources are like a checking ac-
count that will never receive another deposit. The faster we withdraw, or the larg-
er the checks we write, the sooner the account will be depleted. Moreover, today,
few areas remain completely unexplored for mineral deposits. Most of the conti-
nents have been mapped and studied extensively, so the inventory of natural re-
sources is nearly complete. We can accurately estimate the extent of many of our
mineral resources and their rates of consumption.With these estimates, projecting
how long they will last is not especially difficult.

Earths Resources 693

TABLE 24.1 The Major Geologic Processes That Form Mineral Resources
Process Deposits Formed Mineral Resource
Igneous processes Magmatic segregation Chromium, vanadium, nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum
Pegmatites Beryllium, lithium, tantalum
Hydrothermal deposits Copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tin, gold, silver

Sedimentary processes
Clastic rocks Stream deposits Sand, gravel
Placer deposits Gold, platinum, diamonds, tin, ilmenite, rutile, zircon
Dune deposits Sand
Loess deposits Soil

Chemical precipitates Evaporite deposits Halite, sylvite, borax, gypsum, trona

Marine sediment Banded iron formation, phosphate, limestone

Organic precipitates Hydrocarbon deposits Oil, natural gas, coal

Marine deposits Limestone

Metamorphic processes Contact metamorphism Tungsten, copper, tin, lead, zinc, gold, silver
Regional metamorphism Gold, tungsten, copper, talc, asbestos

Weathering and groundwater Soil Agriculture

Residual soils Clay
Residual weathering deposits Nickel, iron, cobalt, aluminum, gold
Groundwater deposits Travertine, uranium, sulfur
Brines in basins Lead, zinc, copper
Geothermal wells Hot water, electricity
Water Drinking water, irrigation
(Modified from S. E. Kesler)



The origin of most ore deposits is related to fundamental geologic processes.

We recognize four major groups of mineral deposits formed by (1) igneous
processes, (2) metamorphic processes, (3) sedimentary processes, and
(4) weathering and groundwater processes.

The important minerals on which modern civilization depends are an extremely

small part of Earths crust. For instance, copper, tin, gold, and other metallic min-
erals occur in quantities measured in parts per million (and, in most cases, a very
few parts per million). To form a mineral deposit, some metals must be concen-
trated thousands of times beyond their normal concentrations in rocks. In con-
trast, the rock-forming minerals (such as feldspar, quartz, calcite, and clay) are
abundant and widely distributed. The important question, then, is how these very
small quantities of important minerals are concentrated into deposits large enough
to be used.
Below, we will consider some principles governing the concentration of rare
minerals in ore deposits and the origin of some nonmetallic resources. It may sur-
prise you to learn that essentially every geologic processincluding igneous ac-
tivity, metamorphism, sedimentation, weathering, and deformation of the crust
plays a part in the genesis of some valuable mineral deposits (Table 24.1). The
occurrence or absence of most mineral deposits, therefore, is controlled by a re-
gions specific geologic conditions and plate tectonic setting (Figure 24.1).
694 Chapter 24

Iron ore deposits

Diamond pipes
Chromium deposits
Porphyry copper deposits

Shield Stable platform Paleozoic folded mountain belt Cenozoic folded mountain belt

FIGURE 24.1 Major ore deposits are related to specific tectonic settings. Most important iron ores are in sedimentary rocks of
Precambrian age exposed in the shields. Chromium and diamond deposits are also concentrated on the shields and formed in ancient basaltic
intrusions related to mantle plumes or rifts. In contrast, many copper (and lead, zinc, and silver) deposits form around intrusions in young
mountain belts at convergent plate boundaries.

Igneous Processes
Many mineral resources are formed by magmatic processes. Magmas have higher
concentrations of some elements than most other rocks, and some minerals can reach
even higher concentrations in specific areas of an igneous rock. Prime examples are
the exotic ultramafic volcanic rocks that host diamonds. Diamond crystals were prob-
ably ripped from diamond-bearing wall rocks by magma rising through the deep
mantle (Figure 24.2). Laboratory experiments show that diamond is stable at depths
of at least 150 to 200 km. At low pressure, the stable form of carbon is the soft min-
eral graphite, but the reaction of diamond to form graphite proceeds very slowly at
the low temperatures found at Earths surface. Besides its use as a gem, diamonds
have found industrial uses as abrasives and as strong coatings. Diamond deposits
are limited to regions underlain by Precambrian crust (Figure 24.1). The richest de-
Why are there no diamond mines in posits are found in South Africa and Australia, but diamonds have been discovered
Kansas? recently in the Northwest Territories. Diamond prospecting in the United States has
identified diamond-bearing igneous pipes on the Colorado-Wyoming state line and
in Arkansas, but none of these is currently economic to mine.
Concentrations of other ores result when minerals forming in a magma have dif-
ferent temperatures of crystallization and density. One concentration process is
magmatic segregation, in which dense mineral grains accumulate in layers near
the base of an igneous body (Figure 24.2). To form ore, the layer must form when
only one kind of mineral is crystallizing. This requirement calls for unusual con-
ditions because most magmas have several different kinds of minerals crystalliz-
ing simultaneously. Once they crystallize, the dense minerals can sink to the bot-
tom of the chamber to form layers. Deposits of chrome, nickel, vanadium, and
platinum form in some mafic intrusions by this process (Figure 24.3). The largest
of these are in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa. The rich nickel and copper
sulfide ores of Sudbury, Ontario, also sank to the base of a very unusual, but large
body of mafic magma. Some geologists have concluded that the magma formed be-
cause of a meteorite impact about 1.7 billion years ago.
Earths Resources 695

Volcano FIGURE 24.2 Igneous processes

Magmatic Hydrothermal produce many metallic ore deposits as
Contact veins
segregation Diamond illustrated in this cross section. Magmatic
pipe segregation (left) occurs as heavy crystals
sink through fluid magma and accumulate in
layers near the base of a magma chamber.
Ore in pegmatites consists of beryllium and
lithium, which are concentrated in residual
Hydrothermal melts during fractional crystallization. Other
fluid elements, such as gold, silver, copper, lead,
magma and zinc, are carried by hydrothermal fluids
(blue and purple arrows) through fractures in
the surrounding rock. Eventually, the metallic
elements are precipitated as hydrothermal
Granite vein deposits. The concentration of ore
Layer of Layer of deposits by contact metamorphism occurs as
other minerals ore mineral Pegmatite Disseminated fluids from the cooling magma replace parts
ore of the surrounding rock. Iron and tungsten
deposits may be formed by this process.
Diamonds, brought deep from the mantle,are
mined from volcanic pipes in which the
Late-stage segregation and crystallization is another process by which rare min- upper part is a complex breccia (right).
erals are concentrated (Figure 24.2). In an original magma, many elements occur in
amounts of only a few parts per million but do not fit readily into the crystalline
structure of the rock-forming minerals.As a silica-rich magma crystallizes, these rare
elements are concentrated in the last remaining melt. Examples of such rare ele-
ment segregations include beryllium, lithium, uranium, and tantalum. These late-
stage, water-rich magmas can then intrude into fractures in a pluton or in the sur-
rounding rock. As they cool, the rare elements crystallize as minerals in a
coarse-grained rock called pegmatite. Individual quartz crystals several meters long
have formed in pegmatites. These rare elements have important uses in electronics,
lightweight metal fabrication, and nuclear reactors. Several gemstones are found in
granitic pegmatites, including topaz, beryl, and tourmaline. In addition, large mass-
es of common silicate minerals, such as feldspar and mica, can be mined from peg-
matites. Feldspars are used in ceramics, and muscovite mica is used in makeup, in-
sulators, and various construction materials.
As some magmas cool and crystallize, hot water-rich solutions are concentrat-
ed and released. These hot fluids are one type of hydrothermal fluid and can be-
come laden with high concentrations of soluble materials, including many eco-
nomically important elements. Deposits from these fluids are part of a large

FIGURE 24.3 Layers of dense minerals

such as chromite may form by the
crystallization and settling to the floor of
large mafic igneous intrusions. Shown here is
the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. The
black layers are chromite and the tan layers
are made of olivine. (Spence Titley/Peter L.
Kresan Photography)
696 Chapter 24

category of ores known as hydrothermal ore deposits (Figure 24.2). Hydrothermal

fluids can be injected into fractures in the rock surrounding an intrusion to form
veins with minerals containing gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and
other elements. The fluids can also permeate small fractures and grain boundaries
in the already-solid part of the intrusion to form metallic minerals distributed in
the intrusion. This process produces large deposits of low-grade ore (0.2% to 2%
copper); much of the pluton may be mineralized. If the intrusion is exposed near
the surface, these low-grade deposits can be removed profitably by open-pit min-
Earth Resources ing. An important example of this type of mineral deposit is the copper found in
some porphyritic igneous intrusions, often of dioritic or granitic composition.
Porphyry copper deposits currently account for more than 50% of the worlds
copper production. Utahs Bingham copper mine is one the largest of this type in
the world (Figure 24.4).
Other types of hydrothermal fluids are formed by a variety of processes and
tectonic settings; not all hydrothermal fluids are released directly from magmas. In-
trusions may heat groundwater, causing it to convect and carry ore metals that
may become concentrated in veins. The penetration of water along faults in rift
zones into the deep and hot parts of the crust can also create hydrothermal solu-
tions that carry gold and other metals (Figure 24.2).
A variety of igneous materials are also used as industrial mineralsgenerally
nonmetallic minerals or rocks that are used in industry. The cost per ton for these
materials is generally low. Building stone, for example, is commonly quarried from
homogeneous unfractured plutons exposed at the surface. Road aggregate with
very specific properties is sometimes formed by crushing intrusive igneous rocks
of known strength, especially in areas where gravel is not common.

Metamorphic Processes
Metamorphism changes the texture and mineralogy of rocks and in the process can
form important new mineral resources.

Regional Metamorphism. Important deposits of industrial minerals, such as

asbestos, talc, and graphite, have formed during the metamorphism of large regions
in the roots of mountain belts. Marble and serpentine are commonly used to face
buildings and in other construction projects. Corundum (Al2O3) and garnet are

FIGURE 24.4 Porphyry copper deposits form around shallow igneous intrusions where hydrothermal fluids deposit copper and alter the
surrounding rocks. Most are mined as large open pits with huge tailing (waste rock) piles like these near Bingham, Utah.
Earths Resources 697

common metamorphic minerals used as industrial abrasives. On the other end of

the value scale, these same two minerals also form gemsruby and sapphire are
colored varieties of corundum, and garnet is a semiprecious gem. Colombian
emeralds (gem form of beryl) appear to have formed during metamorphism of
sedimentary rocks.
Metallic ore deposits are also created by regional metamorphic processes. Gold,
copper, and tungsten bearing hydrothermal fluids are also expelled from rocks
during regional metamorphism of the continental crust. Fault zones, formed deep
in the crust and now exposed in the continental shields, have been mineralized
when such fluids flowed along them.

Contact Metamorphism. Some ore deposits form by contact metamorphism

metamorphism along the contact between an igneous intrusion and the
surrounding rocks. In this process, heat and the flow of chemically active fluids What important ore deposits are
from a cooling magma alter the adjacent rock by adding or removing elements. formed by metamorphic processes?
Limestone surrounding a granite pluton is particularly susceptible to alteration
by hot, acidic hydrothermal solutions related to the intrusion. For example, large
volumes of calcium can be replaced by iron in a hydrothermal fluid to form
valuable ore deposits that contain tungsten or tin (Figure 24.2).

Seafloor Metamorphism. Hot hydrothermal fluids circulating through the

oceanic crust cause seafloor metamorphism. These fluids leach metals (such as
manganese, iron, copper, zinc, lead) and sulfur from the crust and transport these
elements to hotspring vents on the ocean floor. Minerals precipitate when the
hydrothermal fluids mix with seawater and cool. Mounds of sulfide ores collect
on the seafloor where the hot waters are released.

Sedimentary Processes
A significant result of the erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments is
the segregation and concentration of mineral grains according to size and density
(Figure 24.5).As emphasized in Chapter 12, soluble minerals are transported in so-
lution; silt and clay-sized particles are transported in suspension, and sand and
gravel are moved mostly as bed load by strong currents. Each of these forms of sed-
iment transport may create mineral deposits.

Clastic Sediments. Sand and gravel are concentrated in river bars, beaches, and
alluvial fans. These deposits, both modern and ancient, are valuable resources for
the construction and glass-making industries. In the United States alone, more
than $1 billion worth of sand and gravel is mined each year, making it the largest
mineral industry not associated with fuel production in the country.
Clastic sedimentary processes also concentrate gold, diamonds, and tin
oxide. Originally formed in veins, volcanic pipes, and intrusions, these miner-
als are eroded and transported by streams. Because they are much denser than
most silicate minerals, they are deposited and concentrated where current ac-
tion is weak, such as on the insides of meander bends or on protected beach-
es and bars (Figure 24.5). Such layers and lenses of valuable minerals are
known as placer deposits, and they are mined from both modern and ancient
rivers and beaches. Some placers in modern rivers have been traced upstream
to the source of the ore in vein deposits higher in the drainage basin. Placer How can diamonds be concentrated in
ore deposits include gold and diamonds; some ancient placers also contain both igneous and sedimentary processes?
uranium minerals.

Chemical Precipitates. Chemically precipitated sediments are also important

sources of minerals. Chemical precipitates from seawater form the great bulk of
iron ore mined today. Banded iron formations of Precambrian age are especially
significant because of their abundance (Figure 24.6). These deposits consist of
698 Chapter 24

"Mother Lode"
ore in quartz veins

Placers formed in
rapids, waterfalls,
and potholes

Placers formed
in point bars
FIGURE 24.5 The concentration of
heavy minerals in placer deposits occurs by
stream action. Gold, diamonds, and tin, for Buried placers
example, if eroded from their original in old stream
deposits, will accumulate in areas where channels
stream currents are weak, such as at the base
of a waterfall or inside a meander bend.

alternating layers of iron oxide and chert, formed during a unique period of Earths
history, from 1.8 to 2.2 billion years ago, when the oxygen in Earths atmosphere
was building up to modern levels. Consequently, much iron was removed from
solution in seawater. They cannot form under present environmental conditions.
Many of these sedimentary sequences were subsequently metamorphosed.
Another way in which sedimentary processes concentrate valuable minerals is
in the evaporation of saline waters in restricted embayments of the ocean or in
large lakes where little clastic sediment is deposited.Valuable evaporites are formed
in many playa lakes. As evaporation proceeds, dissolved minerals are concentrat-
ed and eventually precipitated as solid crystals.These brines and evaporite deposits
include elements of commercial value, such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium
salts, sulfates, borates, and nitrates (Figure 24.7). Gypsum is a common sulfate min-
eral formed by evaporation and is an especially important industrial mineral used
in home construction as wallboard and as the base for plaster of paris.

FIGURE 24.6 Banded iron formations formed as iron minerals interlayered with chert precipitated from shallow Precambrian oceans. Today,
they form our major source of iron. These banded iron formations are in Australia. (Jean-Marc La Roque/Auscape International)
Earths Resources 699

FIGURE 24.7 Brines form by strong

evaporation. These ponds on the shores of
Great Salt Lake are sources of magnesium
as well as salt.

Less exotic chemical precipitates are also important mineral resources. Lime-
stone, deposited by organic and inorganic processes, is a key component of agri-
cultural lime, concrete, and other building materials. Limestone is crushed to make
aggregate for roads and as a flux in steel smelting. The phosphate mineral apatite
precipitates from upwelling seawater and is also mined to make fertilizers. Carbon-
rich organic deposits are discussed below as energy minerals.

Sedimentary Fluids. Hydrothermal fluids may also form in sedimentary basins Ore body
as the strata subside to deeper and deeper levels in the crust. If meteoric water
penetrates these deep basins, it may be heated to as high as 300C. At this
temperature, soluble elements may be extracted from the rocks and then
concentrated by crystallizing out of the fluid at shallower and cooler levels of the
crust.There, ore minerals may precipitate in cavities and veins. Important deposits
of lead and zinc in Paleozoic limestone of the upper Mississippi Valley of Missouri
and Wisconsin formed in this way.

Weathering and Groundwater Processes

The simple process of chemical weathering also concentrates valuable minerals
(Table 24.1). For example, water removes soluble material such as sodium, potas-
sium, calcium, and magnesium from rocks, leaving insoluble compounds as a
residue.Weathering, therefore, can enrich ore deposits that were originally formed
by other processes (Figure 24.8). For example, gold may occur as small inclusions
in the sulfide mineral pyrite.Weathering may destroy the pyrite, concentrating the Accumulation
of insoluble
gold in a surface layer. minerals
Chemical weathering can also concentrate, in the regolith, an element that was
originally dispersed throughout a rock body. For example, extensive weathering of
granite in tropical and semitropical zones commonly concentrates relatively
insoluble metallic oxides and hydroxides in the thick regolith as it removes the
more-soluble material. Because aluminum is relatively insoluble in groundwater,
deposits of aluminum called bauxites may form in this way. Aluminum ores form
where other elements are efficiently flushed out by a combination of high rainfall
and good drainage due to high relief. Ophiolites exposed to deep tropical weath-
FIGURE 24.8 The concentration of ore
ering may concentrate residual deposits of nickel, cobalt, and iron.
deposits by weathering processes occurs as
Perhaps the most important resource formed by weathering is agricultural soil. soluble rock, such as limestone, is removed
As discussed in Chapter 10, both physical and chemical weathering processes, as in solution, leaving insoluble minerals
well as biological activities, are important in soil formation. Physical weathering concentrated as a residue.
700 Chapter 24

breaks rocks up into small fragments; chemical weathering attacks minerals in

these fragments and produces new clay minerals. The voids around the fragments
allow nutrients and water to seep into the ground, and the clays absorb water and
nutrients so that plants can gradually use them. A mixture of clay and silt with de-
cayed organic materials creates productive agricultural soil. In many places, how-
ever, soil is being stripped away by erosion much faster than it is being formed.
Even in a humid climate, it may take thousands of years to produce a few cen-
timeters of good soil.
Even the clay formed by chemical weathering is a valuable resource and may
be used in ceramics and to make tile and bricks (Table 24.1).
Another important resource controlled by surface processes is the ground-
water itself. As discussed in Chapter 13, groundwater is an important source of
drinking and irrigation water in many regions of the world. In many of the worlds
aquifers, groundwater is a nonrenewable resource. In these aquifers, recharge
rates are so slow that groundwater is pumped out much faster than it can be re-
plenished. We are therefore essentially mining these groundwater resources, and
once depleted, they cannot be replenished in a human time frame. Elsewhere,
aquifers behave more like reservoirs used to temporarily store water for later use.
Recharge occurs over the course of the year, and the water table remains es-
sentially constant.


Renewable energy resources include solar energy, hydropower, tidal

energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. Together they cannot be
expected to fulfill our long-term energy needs. Fossil fuels form slowly
from sedimentary rocks and are being rapidly depleted. Nuclear energy
may become a major energy source in the future.

Modern societys technological progress and standard of living are intimately re-
lated to energy consumption. Until recently, energy resources and the capacity for
growth seemed unlimited. Now, we are beginning to appreciate that energy sources
are limited. Understanding the sources of energy and how they can be used most
effectively will be among the most pressing problems of the twenty-first century.
Our sources of energy are found in both renewable and nonrenewable forms.
A renewable energy source is either one that is available in unlimited amounts,
for all practical purposes, or one that will not be appreciably diminished in the
foreseeable future. Solar energy, tidal energy, and geothermal energy are the
most important examples. In contrast, nonrenewable energy sources, such as
mineral resources, are finite and exhaustible. They cannot be replaced once they
have been consumed. Coal and petroleum, the fossil fuels on which modern cul-
ture relies so much, are nonrenewable. These energy sources have been con-
centrated by geologic processes that operated over vast periods of geologic
time. Although the same processes function today, they operate too slowly to re-
plenish these fuels.
An important aspect of todays energy picture is that more than 90% of the en-
Are oil production and consumption ergy we use is produced from nonrenewable fossil fuels (Figure 24.9). The expo-
increasing in the United States? nential growth in consumption of the worlds fossil fuels has brought on the pres-
ent energy crisis. Few technical analystswhether economists, geologists, or
engineersdoubt that the problem exists. They see the trends and events that in-
dicate, in the near future, difficulties ranging from an awkward situation to disas-
ter and economic peril. By contrast, most of the general publicif we are to ac-
cept the results of public opinion pollsdo not believe that a problem exists.
The energy crisis, however, was accurately predicted more than 40 years ago. In
1956 M. King Hubbert, an eminent research geologist for Shell Oil Company,
Earths Resources 701

analyzed the reserves, production, and rate of consumption of petroleum in the Hydroelectric (4%)
United States. From these data, he predicted a continuous decline in U.S. produc- Other renewable (3%)
tion beginning in 1971 (Figure 24.10). Take a moment and study these curves and Nuclear (8%) (geothermal, tidal, etc.)
observe that they show the decline actually started about 1975. If our actual re-
serves exceeded this estimate by a third, the huge increase would postpone the
day of reckoning by only 5 years. More recent forecasts of world oil production also
generally paint a gloomy picture. Most geologic forecasts predict that world oil
production will peak sometime between 2005 and 2020. From then on, there will
be less available in each year than in the previous year. Petroleum production
could decline to near exhaustion by 2070. Obviously, if these predictions are cor- Petroleum
rect, oil prices will rise.The U.S. Department of Energy forecast, on the other hand, (38%)
sees no drop in world oil production until sometime after the end of the period they Natural gas
scrutinized (ending in 2020). Obviously, predicting any future events is difficult. (25%)
Visualizing the volume of a natural resource buried beneath the ground in lim-
ited parts of the world can be difficult. To get some idea of the finite nature of the Coal
worlds petroleum, imagine the Great Lakes drained of water.Then imagine pour- (22%)
ing into those basins all the oil we know of or anticipate ever finding. A small pud-
dle in the Lake Superior basinless than 5% of the lakes volumewould rep-
Fossil fuels
resent the worlds oil for all time. In the future, coal might be expected to replace
petroleum as the main hydrocarbon resource, but natural gas, solar energy, and FIGURE 24.9 The energy consumed in
hydrogen fusion will certainly be needed (Figure 24.11). It is quite clear, there- the United States is provided from a variety
of resources, but is predominantly from
fore, that we must greatly curtail our reliance on fossil fuels and replace them with petroleum. Over the last two decades,
other energy sources. however, our reliance on oil has diminished
and the use of coal and natural gas has
Renewable Energy Sources
Solar Energy. Solar radiation is the most important renewable, or sustained-
yield, energy source. It has the added benefits of being clean. If our present
understanding of the evolution of stars is correct, the Sun will continue to shine for
the next several billion years. The major problem, of course, is that solar energy is
distributed over a broad area. To be used effectively in our urban societies, it must
first be concentrated in a small control center, where it can be converted to
electricity and then distributed.
Solar energy can be converted to electricity in several ways. One technology
uses a very large array of mirrors and lenses to focus the Suns energy to heat
water, turn it into steam, and use the steam to turn turbines that generate

FIGURE 24.10 Projected rates of

petroleum consumption in the United States
U.S. consumption were calculated in 1956 by M. King Hubbert.
His analysis of reserves, production, and
consumption rates predicted a decrease in
production beginning in 1970, with supplies
declining to near exhaustion by the year
Oil (billions of barrels)

2070. The major oil crisis that occurred in

1974 substantiates his remarkable
projections. U.S. production (green and red
curves) decreased soon after 1970.
3 U.S. production
including Alaska

Hubbert Lower 48 states
1 cycle

1880 1920 1960 2000 2040

702 Chapter 24


80% Coal

60% Natural gas

Energy use

FIGURE 24.11 A world without oil. fusion
The history of energy sources for humans is 0%
marked by changes from wood, to coal, to
oil. Future sources may be natural gas, 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
hydrogen, solar, and fusion. Year

electricity. A more familiar, but technically more advanced, method involves the
use of photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity (Figure 24.12).
A variety of familiar electronic devices, especially calculators and outdoor lights,
are powered by small arrays of these cells. The same technique is used to gener-
ate electricity for space satellites. Larger panels with many individual cells for col-
lecting solar radiation have been mounted on buildings to provide some of the
electrical needs of a household, but collecting systems for large-scale solar ener-
gy use, although technically feasible, are not yet economical. Although the tech-
nology is improving, photovoltaic cells are relatively inefficient, and large collec-
tors are still necessary. For example, to satisfy the present needs for electrical
energy in the United States, a collecting system covering 7000 km2 (about twice the
size of the state of Rhode Island) would be required. Experimental systems with
many solar panels have been built in California. Moreover, experimentation with
new materials may lead to more efficient photovoltaic cells. Currently, solar cells

FIGURE 24.12 Solar energy can be

converted directly to electricity in
photovoltaic cells, but the process is still
quite inefficient. Large arrays of cells must
be used to produce electricity for modern
urban societies. This experimental array of
solar cells in California is being used to test
the technology for large-scale production of
electricity. (John Mead/Science Photo
Library/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
Earths Resources 703

can extract only about 10% to 15% of the energy that falls on them, but theory sug-
gests that more efficient cells could be developed to extract as much as 30% of the
energy that falls on them.
More passive uses of solar power are becoming increasingly important for heat-
ing homes and businesses and producing hot water. Solar collectors can be mount-
ed on south-facing roofs. These solar collectors consist of black panels filled with
narrow tubes through which fluids circulate to collect heat from the Sun.Water can What are the principal sources of
be heated and piped into the home, or air can be warmed by heat from the fluid renewable energy?
in the collector.
Limitations on the usefulness of solar energy include the number of sunny,
cloud-free days in an area. More critical is the inefficiency of the current solar col-
lectors. Large-scale solar energy use, therefore, is a long way away, although local
use in individual homes and buildings reduces the need for other forms of energy.
Biomassmaterials of biological originprovides another way to collect, store,
and use solar energy. Crops can be grown specifically for the production of fuel. For
example, corn can be converted into liquid alcohol for use in automobiles. Alterna-
tively, woody plants, grains, and even municipal garbage can be combusted to drive
electrical generating plants. This technology has the added benefit of reducing the
amount of landfill needed for waste, but on the other hand, combustion and fuel pro-
duction facilities create pollutants, including carbon dioxide, that enter the biosphere.

Hydroelectric Power. Hydroelectric power is another sustained source of energy.

In a sense, this is also energy extracted from the Sun, because the gravitational
potential energy acquired by water is provided by the Sun as it heats the ocean
surface to produce buoyant air laden with water vapor. Subsequently, the kinetic
energy of water flowing downhill is used to turn turbines that generate electricity.
The power plants are usually built in dams or at waterfalls on rivers (Figure 24.13).
Hydroelectric power is relatively inexpensive and clean.As a side benefit, the dams
are important flood-control devices and the reservoirs behind them serve as sources
of irrigation water. Hydroelectric power constitutes about 4% of U.S. energy
consumption, but it has been developed in the United States to approximately
25% of its maximum capacity. With full development, hydroelectric power would
still provide only about 15% of the energy needed in the United States. To reach
this level of production, however, large areas of wilderness and farmland would
have to be flooded. A problem with hydroelectric generators is that, when a river
system is modified by a dam, many unforeseen side effects may occur, including the
destruction of natural habitats upstream and downstream from the dam (see the
discussion of the Nile River in Chapter 12). Moreover, the reservoir behind the dam
is only a temporary feature, destined to become filled with sediment.The useful life
expectancy for most large reservoirs is only 20 to 200 years, so this source of energy
is, in reality, limited.

Wind Energy. Another indirect form of solar energy can be extracted from the
wind. Windmills have been used for centuries to drive grain mills and pump water
from shallow aquifers. Only recently, however, has the wind been used to generate
electricity on a significant scale. For example, Denmark has embarked on a vigorous
plan to exploit wind energy. Some parts of the country currently derive as much
as 7% of their electrical energy in this way. Individual generators are scattered
across the countryside. Elsewhere, large wind farms, consisting of as many as several
thousand windmills, have been constructed in remote areas as in eastern California
(Figure 24.14). Passes between mountains that funnel winds to high velocities are
particularly favorable locations. California intends to eventually generate about 8% FIGURE 24.13 Hydroelectric power is
of its energy in this way. produced by channeling dammed rivers
Like many other solar-based energy sources, wind power has many advantages. through turbines inside dams such as this
one. Hoover Dam impounds the Colorado
It is pollution-free, releases no carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases, requires River to form Lake Mead in Nevada and
no mining or processing of fuel, and has no radiation dangers. Moreover, virtual- Arizona. (Lowell Georgia/Photo
ly every country has plentiful wind resources that are free. However, individual Researchers, Inc.)
704 Chapter 24

FIGURE 24.14 Wind energy can be extracted to produce electricity using modern propeller-driven turbines but has been used for centuries to
drive windmills to pump water and grind wheat into flour. This field of turbines is in California.

windmills are moderately expensive, so wind energy is not an immediate solution

to energy problems in developing countries. Moreover, much of our energy con-
sumption is as portable fuels for automobiles and other transportation vehicles.
Like all forms of solar energy, no portable fuel is a direct product of wind power,
although electricity could be used to hydrolyze water and create gaseous hydro-
gen fuel. Wind power could also be used for electric vehicles if they become
accepted and technical advances allow them to compete with gasoline-powered
vehicles. In more-developed countries, the unseemly appearance, noise pollution,
and large tracts of land set aside for power generation are of concern. If people
come to accept these as trade-offs for a clean source of energy, wind power may
become an increasingly important part of a diverse set of energy sources.
What limits the potential for wind ener-
gy to become an important energy Geothermal Energy. Earth has its own internal source of heat, which is expressed
source? on the surface by hot springs, geysers, and active volcanoes (Figure 24.15). In
general, temperature increases systematically with depth, at a rate of approximately
3C/100 m at shallow levels. Temperatures at the base of the continental crust can
range from 400 to 1000C, and at the center of Earth they are perhaps as high as
4500C. Unfortunately, most of Earths heat is far too deep to be artificially tapped,
and the heat we can reach by drilling is typically too diffuse to be of economic
value. Like ore deposits, however, geothermal energy can be concentrated locally
and has been used for years in Iceland and in areas of Italy, New Zealand, and the
United States. In most cases, this thermal energy is focused by hot groundwater or
steam circulating at shallow levels in permeable rocks (Figure 24.16). Geothermal
energy is concentrated where magma is relatively close to the surface. In addition,
deep circulation of groundwater along normal faults in rifts produces concentration
of hot springs used to produce electricity. Geothermal systems are similar to
hydrothermal fluids that produce ore deposits. Hot springs and geysers are common
manifestations of buried geothermal systems. These geothermal areas are most
abundant above subduction zones, along continental rifts, and above mantle
Geothermal systems require a combination of special conditions. In addition
to a large source of concentrated heat, such as a shallow magma chamber, a com-
mercial geothermal system typically has to have a large reservoir of permeable
rock with ample fractures and other pore spaces filled with water and steam. The
heated water convects through the pore spaces, becoming hot as it nears the heat
Earths Resources 705

FIGURE 24.15 Geothermal energy

stored in heated groundwater is extracted in
facilities such as this one in New Zealand to
generate electricity.

source, then rising and eventually cooling. In the most favorable settings, the per-
meable zone is capped by rocks of low permeability. This seal helps to contain the
fluid, so that all of the energy is not expelled by convection of the water to the
surface. Where geothermal water temperatures are above 150C, electricity can
be produced by pumping the fluids to the surface, where they flash to steam at
low pressures. This energy can be used to drive a turbine and produce electricity.
Cooler geothermal waters can be used for space heating. The homes in Reykjavik,
Iceland, for example, are heated by geothermal water piped throughout the city.
Elsewhere, geothermal water is used to heat greenhouses for growing vegetables
and flowers year-long.
The United States, Philippines, Mexico, and Italy lead the world in the produc-
tion of electricity from geothermal power plants. A few large geothermal systems,
such as the Geysers of northern California or the Lardarello field of Italy, pro-
duce enough energy to power a large city, but geothermal energy currently ac-
counts for less than 0.2% of that produced by oil and gas worldwide. Estimates
indicate that, at its maximum worldwide development, geothermal energy would
yield only a small fraction of the worlds total energy requirements.


Geyser Caldera
Rift basin Hot springs
Hot springs
water Ash-flow tuff

Normal fault Porous
Magma reservoir
Heated water

(A) In a fault-bounded rift basin, cold, near-surface water flows to (B) In a large caldera, cold descending groundwater is heated when it
great depth, where it is heated, and eventually returns to the surface gets near a hot magmatic intrusion. Hot springs and geysers form
along faults. where the water returns to the surface.

FIGURE 24.16 Geothermal energy can be extracted from subsurface hot water tapped by drilling. The hot water forms by the deep
circulation of water along normal faults in rifts or by heating above shallow, still-molten magma bodies.
706 Chapter 24

Geothermal energy has several advantages over more traditional sources of en-
ergy. First, electricity produced by geothermal systems is relatively nonpolluting.
Geothermal plants do not produce air pollution or carbon dioxide as do plants
that burn oil or gas. Second, geothermal energy is renewable in the sense that the
heat source is typically long-lived.A large magma chamber may take thousands of
years to cool below the temperature needed to sustain an active geothermal sys-
tem. A more immediate cause of the death of a geothermal system may be artifi-
cial or industrial extraction of the groundwater or steam faster than it can be re-
supplied. A diminishing supply of steam related to overproduction in the Geysers
geothermal system of northern California limits the energy output of the power
plants there. On the negative side, hot geothermal fluids carry high concentrations
of dissolved salts and metals and are very corrosive to the pipes and other equip-
Can geothermal energy provide all of ment that contains them. The discharge of the hot geothermal fluid can pollute
our future energy needs? neighboring streams, lakes, or aquifers. Moreover, as in any case where groundwater
is removed, the withdrawal of geothermal fluids can cause subsidence of the sur-
face over the circulating system.

Tidal Energy. Another sustained energy source is the ocean tides. Tidal energy
can be harnessed by a dam built across the mouth of a bay where the tidal range
is high. At the narrowed entrance to the bay, the rise and fall of the tides produce
a strong tidal current that can be channeled through the dam and used to turn
turbines that generate electricity. Tidal power cannot be generated along most
continental margins, however. It is practical only where the tidal range is large,
greater than 8 m or so. Large tidal ranges are enhanced by narrow, nearly enclosed
bays. Tidal power plants have been built along the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia
(Chapter 15), in Russia, and in China; the largest facility is in France at the mouth
of the Rance River. No tidal power plants exist in the United States. Even with
maximum development, however, tidal power could supply only 1% of the energy
needed in the United States. Tidal power is renewable, as long as the Moon
continues its gravitational tug-of-war with Earths oceans. Moreover, it can be
extracted without air or water pollution.

Fossil Fuels
Coal, petroleum, and natural gas commonly are called fossil fuels because they con-
tain solar energy preserved from past geologic ages. The idea that we currently use
energy released by the Sun more than 200 million years ago may seem remarkable.
Energy from the Sun is converted by biological processes into combustible, carbon-
Petroleum rich substances (plant and animal tissues). This organic matter may be subsequent-
ly buried by sediment and preserved. Only small proportions of all the organic mat-
ter in the biosphere is buried with the potential to become a natural resource. Most
organic materials decay by combining with the oxygen in the atmosphere to pro-
duce carbon dioxide and water. In a manner of speaking, the storage of this ancient
solar energy is a type of savings account we inherited from the distant past.

Coal. Extensive coal deposits originate from plant material that flourished in
ancient temperate swamps, typically found in low-lying floodplains, deltas, and
coastal barrier islands. Modern examples include the coastal swamps of Sumatra
and the Great Dismal Swamp along the coast of Virginia and North Carolina. In
this area, the lush growth of vegetation has produced a layer of peat more than
2 m thick, covering an area of more than 5000 km2. In this environment, the layer
of peat will eventually be covered with sand and mud from an adjacent lagoon
and beach, as sea level slowly rises (Figure 24.17). Because of increased
temperature and pressure from the overlying sediment, water and organic gases
are cooked and squeezed out of the plant debris, causing the percentage of carbon
to increase. By this process, peat is compressed and is eventually transformed
into coal in a series of steps (Figure 24.18). The sequence lignite, subbituminous,
bituminous, and anthracite marks this increase in rank, or metamorphic grade,
Earths Resources 707

of coal. Experimental studies show that this process proceeds at about 200 to
300C; some anthracite coals have experienced even higher temperatures during
tectonic folding and low-grade metamorphism. The coal itself is a complex
mixture of graphitic carbon and more complicated hydrocarbonshydrogen-
carbon compounds made of molecular chains and rings. Some coals contain
abundant plant fossils, including bark, leaves, and wood. If sea level rises and
falls repeatedly, a series of coal beds can develop, interbedded with beach sand
and near-shore mud.
Coal deposits are restricted to the latter part of the geologic record, when plant
life became plentiful. The most important coal-forming periods in Earths histo-
ry were the Pennsylvanian and Permian Periods about 300 million years ago.
Great swamps and forests then covered large parts of most of the continental
platforms. (The Western industrial nations, such as Great Britain, Germany, and
the United States, developed with energy from these coals.) Other important pe-
riods of coal formation were the Cretaceous and Tertiary. Coal deposits are nonex-
istent in Precambrian rocks.
Coal is an important energy resource because there are large reserves of it.
With the completion of at least reconnaissance geologic mapping of most of the
continents, all of the major coalfields are believed to have been discovered

Marine mud
(A) The sequence of sedimentary
Swamp environments along a coast grades seaward
Lagoon from floodplain to swamp and lagoon, to
barrier bar, to offshore mud.
Peat Sand
Floodplain deposits

(B) As the sea expands inland, each

sedimentary environment shifts landward.
Swamp vegetation is deposited over previous
floodplain deposits, the sand of the barrier
Peat Sand island is deposited over the previous swamp
Floodplain deposits Marine mud (peat) muck, and marine mud is deposited
over the coastal sand. The heat and pressure of
the overlying sediment change the peat to

(C) Continued expansion of the sea

superposes swamp deposits over floodplain
sediments, beach sand over swamp material,
and mud over beach sand.
Peat Sand
Floodplain Coal
Marine mud

(D) As the sea recedes, the sequence is

reversed: The sand of the barrier island is
deposited over offshore mud, coal is deposited
over the sand, and floodplain sediments are
deposited over coal. By expansion and
Coal Sand contraction of the sea, layers (lenses) of
Marine mud
sediments and coal are thus deposited in an
orderly sequence.
FIGURE 24.17 Coal deposits are commonly formed by the expansion and contraction of a
shoreline and involve the associated movement of a swamp and barrier bar.
708 Chapter 24

Coal-forming forest swamp

50% carbon

72% carbon
FIGURE 24.18 The origin of coal
involves burial, compaction, and induration
of plant material. The process begins in
extensive swamps. Plant material produced
in the swamp decomposes to form peat Bituminous
(about 50% carbon). Subsidence causes the 85% carbon
peat to be buried with sediment, and the
resulting increase in temperature and
pressure compacts the peat, expelling water
and gases and thus forming lignite and Anthracite
brown coals (about 72% carbon). With 93% carbon
continued subsidence and deeper burial, the
lignite is compressed into bituminous coal
(about 85% carbon). Further compression
(commonly induced by tectonism) drives out
most of the remaining hydrogen, nitrogen,
and oxygen, producing anthracite coal, which
is about 93% carbon.

(Figure 24.19), and therefore a reasonably accurate inventory of the worlds coal
reserves can be made. Most of the reserves are found in the United States and
Russia, so developing nations are not likely to grow by using vast amounts of coal.
Coalfields in the United States can probably sustain our current rate of energy
consumption for several hundred years.
Just over 20% of U.S. energy needs are met by using coal (Figure 24.9). In the
early part of this century, coal played a much more important role as an energy
source, providing more than three-quarters of the countrys needs. With the tech-
nological developments that allowed oil and natural gas to be exploited, the im-
portance of coal diminished. However, with the depletion of oil and gas, we are
again witnessing a shift to reliance on coal. Coal is used largely to generate electricity.
What problems result from relying Undoubtedly, increased use of coal will bring with it serious environmental prob-
more and more on coal as an energy lems related to strip mining and acid rain produced by burning sulfur-rich coals.
source? Coal is probably the dirtiest of all fossil fuels. Considerable quantities of sulfur
compounds are emitted by burning. Left unchecked, this sulfur is released into the
atmosphere and there combines with water to make sulfuric acid. This acid is an
important component of acid rain.Two highly industrialized portions of the world,
eastern North America and northern Europe, have rain with pH of less than 4.2.
Normal precipitation has a pH of about 5.7.Where the acid precipitation is not neu-
tralized by reaction with carbonate rocks, the pH of streams and lakes also drops.
Acid buildup is blamed for the near extinction of fish populations in southern
Scandinavia. Fortunately, new technologies allow sulfur to either be removed from
coal before it is burned or scrubbed from smoke before it is released to the at-
mosphere. Environmental acids are also created by the mining of coal. Pyrite is a
common mineral in many coal layers. When it is exposed to oxygen-rich ground-
water in open mines, it dissolves to create sulfuric acid that enters stream drainages
(Figure 24.20). Present mining regulations in the United States and Canada have
Earths Resources 709

Coal fields

Shield Stable platform Paleozoic folded mountain belt Cenozoic folded mountain belt

FIGURE 24.19 The principal coal deposits are concentrated in fluvial and deltaic sedimentary rocks on the continental platforms.

largely alleviated this problem. Another problem with the use of coal as a source
of energy is that large volumes of ash are left after burning. Ash may be as much
as 30% of the coal. It consists of clastic material such as clay and quartz that were
included in the ancient swamps. Large quantities of gypsum sludge are also creat-
ed in removing sulfur from the smokestacks. Other problems with coal mining are
related to the destruction of the natural landscape in strip mines and subsidence
over some underground mines. Coal deposits
Acid streams
Petroleum and Natural Gas. Petroleum and natural gas are hydrocarbons. Drainage
Natural gas consists largely of the simple organic molecule known as methane
(CH4). Crude oil is made of larger and more complex molecules composed only
of hydrogen and carbon linked together in chains and rings. In contrast to coal, the
hydrocarbons forming oil and gas deposits originate largely from microscopic algae
and other plants and animals that once lived in the oceans and in large lakes. The
remains of these organisms accumulated with mud on the seafloor. Because of
their rapid burial, they escaped complete decomposition. o

Deposits of oil and gas form if several basic conditions are met. First, the source
beds must have sufficient organic material in fine-grained sediments. The environ-
ment of deposition must be poor in oxygen to prevent destruction of the organic ma-

terials before burial. Second, the beds must be buried deep enough (usually at least

500 m) for heat and pressure to compress rock and cause the chemical transfor-
mations that break down organic debris in the source rocks to form hydrocarbons.
Oil generation usually begins when temperatures reach 50 to 60C.At about 100C,
methane is produced as the complex molecules break down to form simpler ones.
Third, the materials must migrate from the scattered pores in the source beds to be-
come concentrated. Once formed, the hydrocarbon fluids are squeezed by com-
paction out of the shales. Because of their low densities, these fluids generally mi-
grate upward from source beds into more porous and permeable rock (usually FIGURE 24.20 Streams in the eastern
sandstone or porous limestone or dolomite) called reservoir rocks. Fourth, as the United States became acidic when pyrite was
oxidized during the weathering of coal
oil and gas migrate through the reservoir beds, a physical barrier, or hydrocarbon
mines. Modern environmental regulations
trap, must cause the oil or gas to accumulate. If the reservoir beds provide an un- have returned these streams to more normal
obstructed path to the surface, the oil and gas seep out at the surface and are lost. conditions.
710 Chapter 24

This is one reason why most oil and gas deposits are found in relatively young rocks.
In older rocks, there has been more time for erosion and Earth movements to pro-
vide a means for the oil and gas to escape. Traps in the path of oils upward migra-
tion can result from a variety of geologic conditions, such as those shown in Figure
24.21. Most traps involve some sort of permeability barrier. For example, shales are
much less permeable than sandstones and provide effective cap rocks for many oil
and gas deposits. Exploration for oil and gas, therefore, is based on finding sequences
of sedimentary rocks that provide good source and reservoir beds and then finding
an effective trap. Gas, oil, and water all migrate together, but once trapped, they
separate from one another on the basis of their densities. Natural gas is the light-
est and fills the pore spaces in the uppermost part of the reservoir; oil occupies an
intermediate position and floats on water (Figure 24.21).
If any component of this sequence is missing, a hydrocarbon deposit will not
form. For example, only about 250 of the 800 sedimentary basins produce oil or gas
Why cant we find oil deposits in the (Figure 24.22). Some basins may not have organic-rich source rocks. Others have
shields? adequate organic materials, but the sediments have not yet been buried deep
enough for oil and gas to form. In many others, oil and gas formed but have sub-
sequently leaked from the rocks because traps were inadequate. Groundwater
may permeate a basin and strip the reservoirs of oil. The age of source rocks is not
as critical as for coal deposits, but because of progressive leakage, young sedi-
mentary rocks are more productive than older ones. Algae, the principal source of
oil, have been on Earth for a very long time and oil of Precambrian age is known.
Oil and gas are commonly extracted from Earth through holes drilled through
the trap rock and into the permeable reservoir. This simple fact makes oil and gas
much more economical to produce than many types of solid mineral resources.
The fluids may be under sufficient pressure to flow to the surface on their own, or
they may be pumped out (Figure 24.23). In some fields, water, natural gas, or even
steam is pumped into the subsurface to flush more oil or gas from a reservoir.
Environmental problems associated with oil and gas production are not as se-
vere as for coal mining. However, oil extraction can lead to subsidence, just like that


Gas Gas
Water Water

(A) Anticline. Oil, being lighter than water, migrates up the dip of (B) Fault trap. Impermeable beds can be displaced against a
permeable beds and can be trapped beneath a relatively impermeable permeable stratum and then trap the oil as it migrates up dip.
shale bed in the crest of an anticline.

Gas Oil

Oil Gas


(C) Salt dome. Oil and gas may accumulate near the flanks of salt (D) Stratigraphic trap. Shale surrounding a sandstone lens can form
diapirs that pierce and arch up sedimentary layers. and prevent the oil from escaping.

FIGURE 24.21 The accumulation of oil and gas requires (1) a reservoir rock (a permeable formation, such as a porous sandstone) into
which the petroleum can migrate and (2) a barrier (an impermeable cap rock) to trap the fluids. Some of the geologic structures that trap oil and
gas are shown here.
THE ART Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging

(Courtesy of Compagnie Generale de Geophysique, data from BEB)

Geologists are trained to look at a two-dimensional sur- In the last 10 years, the capabilities of computer pro-
face, such as a landscape or road cut, and construct a men- cessing have increased so rapidly that a single vertical sec-
tal image of the third dimension. For example, a team of tion is no longer the goal of a seismic survey. Instead, the
geologists may make a geologic map showing the distribu- surveyors make a series of traverses across a region to cre-
tion of various geologic units on the surfacea two- ate an array of sections that can be combined in a comput-
dimensional view (see p.179). They may then, by a process er to construct a three-dimensional image that reveals the
of interpretation, draw a vertical cross section showing how subsurface geology.
the outermost layers, faults, and folds extend below the sur- Using powerful computers, these blocks can be sliced
face where no one can see. Every geologist longs for a type anywhere and at any angle to allow a geologist to see the
of X-ray vision that would reveal what the structure of structure from any perspective. Multiple maps can be
the interior is really like. Seismic investigations are one way viewed; vertical sections can be stacked together and played
that this can be done. back like a movie while a geologist traces faults or distinc-
Seismic geophysicists specialize in these techniques and tive beds through the three-dimensional image. In fact, some
their skills are widely employed in oil exploration.A marine oil companies have developed special rooms with multiple
survey is conducted on a ship with an air gun that sends a projectors that allow teams of geologists with special head-
series of acoustic (sound) pulses toward the bottom of the sets to walk through a virtual-reality model of the crust.
sea. This energy travels as compressional waves to the They explore details of the structures that might help them
seafloor, where some of it enters the sediment and rock as find deposits of oil that can later be drilled and exploited.
seismic waves. Portions of this seismic energy are reflected The diagram above is a three-dimensional seismic image
back to the surface by the layers of sediment. Sensors towed sliced to show the subsurface structure of a salt dome in
behind the ship detect the reflected energy and time its ar- Germany. The layers of sedimentary rock show up as red,
rival back at the surface. In this way, an image of the dis- blue, and white stripes, cut by the irregular dome. The col-
continuities (usually faults and sedimentary layers) in the ored planes to the right show the configuration of several
crust can be constructed. Such information is usually shown deformed layers as revealed by the seismic image.The sur-
as a vertical cross sectiona seismic sectionmuch like face of this block is actually a horizon at depth.These tools
one that might be constructed from interpretation of a map. have dramatically changed the way an oil company looks
Figure 19.2 is a vertical seismic profile. for new deposits and increased their success rate.

712 Chapter 24

caused by the extraction of groundwater. For example, parts of Long Beach, Cal-
ifornia, subsided by as much as 8 m by 1967. Subsequently, water injection has
stopped the subsidence. Injection is a common practice in other fields now. Oil
spills are another form of environmental problem, but they are associated more
with the transportation of oil in large tankers than with production.
In some geologic environments, the hydrocarbons remain as solids in the shale
in which the organic debris originally accumulated. These deposits are known as
oil shales. They are reservoirs of oil that may become important in the future.
There are huge reserves of oil shale (Figure 24.22).The United States has more than
10 times more oil that could be recovered from shale than it does from conventional
wells. Most of the oil shale in North America lies in the Green River Formation of
Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. The shale was deposited in a series of shallow Ter-
tiary lakes. The problem with all oil shale is that it must be mined and heated to
extract the oil. This process requires considerable energy and water resources and
is not yet economically feasible. Reclamation of strip mines and the safe disposal
of processing wastes are also costly.
Oil and gas are convenient forms of energy because they are easy to handle
and transport. Currently, about 40% of the U.S. total energy needs comes from
petroleum, and another 25% comes from natural gas. Unfortunately, at the present
rate of consumption, the known reserves of oil will be depleted in about 50 years.
In the United States, reserves are only about 10 times our annual consumption.
World gas reserves are not projected to last much longer at current usage rates.
Obviously, the real lifetime of our oil reserves will depend upon the actual price
of oil in the future, upon world politics, and upon the further development of tech-
nology and energy conservation efforts. If the current trends continue, we will soon
be forced to begin large-scale gasification and liquefaction of coal and oil shale
deposits and to rely more on coal-fired electrical plants combined with nuclear
and solar energy. Clearly, we can expect to pay a great deal more for petroleum in
the future and should use alternative sources of energy whenever possible.

Oil deposits
Natural gas
Oil shale

Shield Stable platform Paleozoic folded mountain belt Cenozoic folded mountain belt

FIGURE 24.22 Major oil and gas fields and deposits of oil shale are found on all of the continents except Antarctica. Most form in thick
sedimentary deposits on continental crust. The rifted margins of Africa, South America, and Europe are important oil-producing environments.
Other important fields lie in the sedimentary basins of the platform and the flanks of folded mountain belts.
Earths Resources 713

FIGURE 24.23 Oil wells such as this in

the North Sea are important symbols of our
modern society. About $600 billion of oil and
gas are produced each year. Oil is the most
expensive basic commodity of our modern
society. (Keith Wood/Tony Stone Images)

Methane Hydrates. This icy substance forms where rising bubbles of methane gas,
given off as bacteria digest organic matter in mud, react with cold seawater (Figure
24.24). The ices are concentrated in a layer about 100 m thick where pore spaces
between sediment particles are filled with the hydrate. Gaseous methane is trapped
beneath this impermeable cloak.
Methane hydrates were first discovered on the seafloor in the 1970s. They are
now known to cover vast areas of the seafloor where the water is deep and cold
enough. These ices may contain twice as much carbon as all other petroleum, coal,
and natural gas sources put together. However, the highly volatile hydrates will
be very difficult to mine. The gas cannot simply be drilled into and then pumped
on shore. Even if a way can be devised to economically extract these valuable What are the limitations of using oil
materials from the seafloor, there are concerns about the effect of releasing shale as an energy source?
methane into the atmosphere, either during mining or if seawater warms by con-
tinued global warming.
Methane is a greenhouse gas and decomposition of hydrates may contribute to
global warming. In turn, release of methane gas from the icy hydrates could be trig-
gered by warming of the seafloor related to climate change. Several large submarine
landslides may have been triggered when hydrates decomposed as the ocean warmed
at the end of the last ice age. One landslide on the continental slope off Norway slid
800 km and probably induced a large tsunami that inundated Scotland. Elsewhere,
craters as large as 700 m across pockmark the floor of the polar Barents Sea and
may mark places where methane gas vented explosively to the surface as climate
changed. It is conceivable that a large gas release could warm the planet further and
help to create other landslides and release more gas from the seafloor, forming a
complicated feedback cycle. Some scientists have speculated that a sharp rise in sea
temperatures, extinctions of tiny marine animals, and fossil composition changes
were all related to a massive release of seafloor methane 55 million years ago.

Nuclear Energy
The ever-increasing demands for energy and the decreasing supply of fossil fuels
naturally put the spotlight on nuclear power as an answer to our energy require-
ments. The technology of nuclear energy production is well developed. Nuclear
energy is commonly generated by the controlled fission of uranium-235 in what is
known as a nuclear reactor. The fission is produced by bombarding the uranium
714 Chapter 24

Water ice


FIGURE 24.24 Methane hydrates consist of a methane molecule (CH4) trapped inside a crystalline cage of frozen water (left). They form
on the deep seafloor as methane released by bacteria bubbles upward and is trapped in ice. They may be abundant enough to form an important
source of natural gas and will burn if ignited with a match (right). However, they will be difficult to mine and pose environmental hazards because
methane is a greenhouse gas. (Illustration courtesy of J. Booth, USGS, Woods Hole, MA; photograph by John Pinkston and Lama Stern/USGS,
Menlo Park, CA)
in a fuel rod with neutrons. As a result of the splitting of the uranium nucleus into
lighter isotopes of other elements, a small mass is converted to heat energy. This
heat is used to drive steam turbines that generate electricity.
Contemporary society, however, has hesitated to move toward large-scale pro-
duction of nuclear energy because of the possibility of environmental problems and
potential for cataclysmic accidents. Radiation hazards during mining and energy pro-
duction, problems of waste disposal, and thermal pollution of fresh and marine
waters, as well as potential terrorist activities, are among the greatest concerns. For ex-
ample, if the rate of fission is not carefully controlled, the reaction may become a
rapid and destructive chain reaction. Enough heat may be released to melt the floor
of the reactor, dropping hot radioactive materials to the water table. If the water table
is shallow, steam explosions, like those generated by magma-water interactions, may
shower radioactive debris over a large area. Even small releases of steam from small
accidents can release harmful doses of radioactive materials. Increasing costs for
government-mandated safety regulations, combined with a small accidental leak of
radioactive materials at the Three Mile Island reactor in Pennsylvania in 1979, turned
public opinion against the use of nuclear energy in the United States and much of the
rest of the world. As a result, the price of uranium dropped precipitously, and urani-
um production has also dropped.The nearly catastrophic failure of the Chernobyl re-
actor, in what is now the Ukraine, showed even more people about the potential dan-
gers associated with nuclear reactors. A partial meltdown at this reactor in 1986
released a cloud laden with radioactive by-products across much of central Europe.
Only when these hazards and disposal problems are solved will nuclear energy
become a more important source of energy. France is the one country that has
moved toward large-scale production of electricity from nuclear energy. About
75% of its electricity is produced in nuclear reactors. Belgium (60%), South Korea
(49%), Sweden (46%), Switzerland (43%), Spain (38%), Taiwan (38%), Bulgaria
(36%), and Finland (35%) all produce major proportions of their electricity in nu-
clear reactors. In contrast, the United States produces only about 20% of its elec-
tricity in this way and Canada only about 14%.A few countries, most notably Italy,
have complete bans on the production of nuclear energy.
The key element in the development of nuclear energy is uranium. The average
uranium content in the rocks of Earths crust is only 2 parts per million. At current
prices, uranium concentrations must be as high as 5000 parts per million before the
ore can be mined profitably. Uranium is concentrated by a variety of igneous, meta-
morphic, and sedimentary processes. For example, uranium is concentrated in rhy-
olitic magma by fractional crystallization. Explosive eruptions may shower the
Earths Resources 715

rhyolite as ash over large areas, where it weathers by reactions with the atmosphere
and water.As the glassy ash reacts with oxygen, the uranium becomes oxidized and
water-soluble. The uranium is then leached out of the rock and transported by sur-
face water and groundwater. It can later be deposited and highly concentrated if a
barrier to its transport is encountered. In this case, the barriers are usually chemical
rather than physical. In permeable sedimentary rocks, uranium may be absorbed by
clay minerals and reduced to its insoluble state by carbonaceous organic matter.The
rich uranium deposits in the Colorado Plateau of the western United States proba-
bly formed in this way and are concentrated in ancient stream channels, especially
where fossil wood is found. Other important uranium deposits form as vein deposits
in granite and as placers of heavy uranium oxides in ancient (older than about What are the advantages of nuclear
2.2 billion years) stream channels. Canada, Russia, the United States, Australia, energy?
Namibia, and France are all important producers of uranium ores (Figure 24.25).


Earths system of plate tectonics creates many different environments

favorable for the creation of mineral deposits and accumulations of fossil
fuels. Understanding these associations has led to the discovery of new
deposits that sustain a high standard of living for many people.

Plate tectonics is important to understanding the genesis of and exploration for

new mineral resources. Plate margins are where many of Earths dynamic
processes prevail, including magma intrusion, faulting, and folding. Moreover,
the tectonic setting determines the type of sedimentary rocks that accumulate in
a region. Even weathering and stream processes are controlled by a continents
climate belt, a product of plate movement. Following, we briefly review some of
the most important types of mineral resources found in each of the four types of
tectonic settings discussed earlier.

Divergent Plate Margins

Basaltic volcanism, normal faulting, and sedimentation in closed basins are the
products of continental rifts. A distinctive suite of ore deposits forms because of
these geologic processes (Figure 24.26).
For example, the great intrusions of mafic magmas developed in rifts have pro-
duced magmatic segregation deposits of sulfide ore rich in platinum and copper.
Basaltic lavas erupted in continental rifts are also rich in copper that can be ex-
tracted by groundwater circulating on deep faults and later deposited in enriched
zones as native copper. Many native copper deposits of northern Michigan formed
in a rift that is more than 1 billion years old. Proterozoic rifting in what is now the
Yukon and the Northwest Territories of Canada also produced native copper de-
posits. In this narrow rift, more than 3 km of basaltic flows are overlain by 4 km of
clastic sediments including conglomerates.The entire sequence is capped by evap-
orites to form a classic rift sequence of rocks.
In other continental rifts, the evaporites are the principal mineral resource. Rifts
may contain evaporites related to playa lakes. Deposits of salt, soda, potash, and
gypsum, as well as mineral-laden brines, are extracted from rifts in East Africa and
the Basin and Range Province of the western United States.
Divergent boundaries on the ocean floor also have a characteristic suite of min-
eral resources that owe their origin to basaltic magmatism, high heat flow, deep
fractures, and abundant seawater. For example, pods or layers of chromium and
platinum minerals form in or below oceanic-ridge magma chambers. A slice of
mineralized oceanic crust that is thrust onto a continent as an ophiolite may be-
come an ore deposit.
716 Chapter 24

Uranium deposits
Nuclear power plants
Nuclear waste disposal sites

Shield Stable platform Paleozoic folded mountain belt Cenozoic folded mountain belt

FIGURE 24.25 Uranium deposits and nuclear reactors may become a key part of the future production of energy, but only if the public
becomes convinced that nuclear reactors are safe and that their waste products can be safely stored in repositories for long periods of time.

In addition, seawater becomes a hot brine when it circulates through the ocean-
ic crust and then vents onto the seafloor. Ancient hydrothermal mounds, such as
those described in Chapter 19, have formed important sulfide deposits sought for
their copper and zinc. Only those brought to the surface in ophiolite complexes can
be mined today. The copper deposits of the ophiolite on the island of Cyprus are
a characteristic example of this seafloor mineralization.
Rifted continental margins gradually evolve into broad submarine shelves where
shallow-marine sediment collects. The cooling and subsidence of the once-hot el-
evated margins are the important geologic controls here. Many of Earths most
important resources are formed in this divergent margin environment. Large de-
posits of oil, gas, and coal form in sediments deposited in tropical or subtropical
environments such as this. During the Proterozoic, banded iron formations formed
as sedimentary precipitates along continental shelves. At other times, ocean up-
wellings formed phosphorus deposits on the shelves that are now mined as fertil-
izer on the coastal plains of the eastern United States.
Many important beach placer deposits also form on rifted continental margins.
Erosion of a continental shield and concentration by longshore drift have formed
ore deposits of dense minerals with titanium, niobium, zirconium, and rare earth

Convergent Plate Margins

The role of convergent margin processes in producing many deposits is exem-
plified by the distribution of porphyry copper deposits (Figure 24.1). Many hy-
drothermal deposits of copper and other metallic ores (molybdenum, lead, zinc,
silver, and gold) are associated with diorite to granite intrusions formed above
subduction zones. Porphyry copper deposits are found in island arcs and in con-
tinental volcanic arcs (Figure 24.26). In some cases, the volcanoes themselves
host the ore deposits. The copper ores of western North and South America,
Iran, Pakistan, Philippines, and New Guinea are examples of relatively young
porphyry copper deposits.
Earths Resources 717

Midoceanic Accretionary Magmatic Foreland Continental Continental Shield Rifted continental

ridge wedge arc basin rift / Hot spot basin margin

Volcanic rock
Sediment Sediment

Hydrothermal Strike-slip
Ocea ores Layered Hot fluids
nic fault

magma Continental crust

Melting Basaltic
Magma from magma
Lithospheric mantle
Asthenospheric mantle subduction zone from plume

Magmatic Oceanic ridge Hydrothermal Sedimentary Magmatic Sedimentary Metamorphic Sedimentary

segregation deposits in vein deposits segregation oil, gas, shear zone oil, gas, coal,
melange gold oil platinum coal, salt gold evaporites,
copper silver oil shale copper, nickel tungsten beach placers
zinc Contact gas Hydrothermal
Hydrothermal nickel metamorphic copper, lead,
Hydrothermal Precambrian
sulfides chromium copper, lead, zinc, silver
zinc, gold, lead, zinc Banded iron
copper Sedimentary formations
silver, iron, tin, fluorite
zinc evaporites, brines
sand, gravel

FIGURE 24.26 Mineral resources are intimately related to the plate tectonic system. Some of the major ore-forming environments are
shown on this schematic cross section. Plate tectonics controls igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic processes and even the climate; it
therefore exerts a major control on the types of ore deposits formed at any location and time.

The collision of two continents produces fewer ore deposits, but distinctive
granites do form by partial melting of the continental crust. Hydrothermal and
placer deposits of tin form in and near these granites. The tin deposits of
Malaysia, Indonesia, and southeastern China may have formed in this tectonic
Oil and gas deposits are commonly related to convergent plate boundaries. As
noted above, organic-rich sedimentary rocks are deposited on rifted continental
margins. In time, many of these rift-margin sequences become involved in plate
collisions of various sorts. Convergent margin thrust systems may bury organic-rich
sedimentary rocks to sufficient depths to cause oil or gas formation in sediments What mineral resources would you ex-
that otherwise would remain cool and unproductive. Deformation also creates pect to find in the area where you live?
pathways for the oil and gas to migrate and, ultimately, become trapped. The most
obvious of these structures are found in fold belts, where anticlines may be natur-
al petroleum traps.

Transform Plate Boundaries

Mineral resources along transform boundaries are represented by the oil and gas
fields of southern California. Small pull-apart basins between offsets in the strike-
slip faults of the San Andreas transform fault system are ideal for accumulation of
clastic sedimentary rocks rich in organic materials. Continued faulting, subsidence,
and sedimentation bury these strata to depths where oil and gas can form and mi-
grate to a variety of stratigraphic and structural traps.
A few deep shear zones in the continental shields may be ancient trans-
form faults (Figure 24.26). Some have gold deposited by hydrothermal fluids
that passed along the permeable fault zones. Otherwise, metallic ore deposits
are rare along transform plate boundaries, mainly because igneous rocks are
also rare.
718 Chapter 24

Intraplate Settings
Mineral deposits found in plate interiors are also distinctive. Two different types
are worth considering here. The first type is found in stable platforms where sed-
imentary rocks accumulate in broad, slowly subsiding basins. Hydrothermal fluids
formed here may concentrate a variety of elements, including lead, zinc, and fluo-
rine. Important deposits of this type are found in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of
Missouri, Wisconsin, and Tennessee and in the Pine Point region of the Northwest
Territories of Canada. Other sedimentary basins, such as the Witwatersrand of
South Africa, contain ancient placer deposits of gold and, if old enough, uranium
minerals. Intracontinental basins also contain many of the worlds important evap-
orite deposits, including those in the Michigan Basin, central Europe, and the Paris
Basin.These same sedimentary basins, if they were also filled with sufficient organic
materials, may lead to coal, oil, and gas deposits.
The second type of resource is associated with hotspots or mantle plumesin
either oceanic or continental settings. The vast magma bodies formed from plume
heads have been important sources of some metallic resources. For example, the
large Norilsk ore deposit of Siberia formed at the same time that the flood basalts
of the Siberian traps erupted. The ores formed by magmatic segregation of nick-
el, copper, and platinum.
Mantle plumes beneath continents may also produce granites that have hy-
drothermal deposits of tin. Such granites are important sources of tin minerals
that were further concentrated in placer deposits in Nigeria, for example.


Rapid population growth and the associated industrial expansion cause

consumption of natural resources to increase at an exponential rate. We
are finding that there are limits to growth. These limits will probably be
reached through the depletion of natural resources.

The consumption of natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal rate. The

rapid population growth that has prevailed during the last few hundred years is
unprecedented (Figure 24.27). There are currently about 6 billion people on the
planet. It took history until about a.d. 1830 to reach a population of 1 billion. The
population doubled in the next 100 years and doubled again in the next 45 years.
Just how many people can Earth hold? Estimates range widely, but most hover
near 10 to 15 billion people, surprisingly close to the estimate of Leeuwenhoek, the
Dutch naturalist famous for his use of early microscopes. In 1679 he suggested
that Earth could sustain no more than 13.4 billion people. He based his estimate
on the population and area of the Netherlands and extrapolated that population
density over two-thirds of Earths land area. Obviously, this must be an upper limit,
because the Netherlands sustains such a high population density by importing
many of its resources. However, if the growth rate for the last century persists, the
population will reach his estimated limit in the next century.
The challenge is basically one of changing from a period of growth to a period
of nongrowth. This change will require a fundamental revision of current popular
economic and social thinking, which is based on the assumption that growth must
be permanent and the even more basic assumption that growth must occur for so-
ciety to prosper. It is important, therefore, to consider how resources are used and
the rates at which they are being depleted. Perhaps the most critical point to make
is that the rate of resource consumption increases exponentially. The exponential
rate results both from population growth and from the growth of the average an-
nual consumption per person, which increases yearly. In other words, growth is ex-
ponential because of an increasing population and a rising standard of living.
Earths Resources 719

Studies show that the limits of population growth probably will not be imposed
by pollution. The limits will be established by the depletion of natural resources.
The projected interaction of some major variables, as the population grows to its
ultimate limits, is shown in Figure 24.28. Food, industrial output, and population will
continue to grow exponentially until the rapid depletion of resources forces a sharp
decline in industrial growth.
On our finite Earth, unlimited population growth is impossible. In fact, the tran- What are the limits to growth?
sition to a stable or declining phase has already begun. This does not pose insur-
mountable technological, biological, or social problems. It does, however, require
some fundamental adjustments in our present growth culture. If we can achieve
appropriate cultural adjustments, a steady-state population could be one of hu-
manitys greatest advances. The alternative could be catastrophic.


The history of Easter Island shows the effects of overuse of natural resources
and disregard for the limitations of a natural environment.

Three thousand kilometers from the western shores of South America lies Easter
Island (Rapa Nui), a small volcanic island that is part of a long chain of hotspot is-
lands and seamounts in the South Pacific (Figure 24.29). Easter Island formed like
many other hotspot islands. Submarine basaltic eruptions gradually built a large
volcano that eventually rose above the crashing waves. The most recent eruptions
formed several small cinder cones that are less than 1 million years old.
The subtropical climate of the island ensures that it is warm and wet. The mean
temperature is 20C, and the island receives about 120 cm of rain annually.Weath-
ering of the basaltic lavas created a rich volcanic soil. Eventually, the island was col-
onized by plants and animals floating or flying to this lonely island paradise. By the
time the first Polynesians landed on the island between a.d. 400 and 700, Easter Is-
land was richly forested. Several species of trees, notably the date palm, bushes, and
other plants blanketed the landscape. However, 1000 years later, when the first
European visitors arrived, the landscape and environment of Easter Island were

FIGURE 24.27 Earths human

8 population has grown exponentially. This
growth has resulted in a similar increase in
the rate of consumption of our natural

1995 6
World population (billions)

1975 4

1930 2

1830 1
Agriculture 1650
10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2,000 A.D.
B.C. A.D.
720 Chapter 24

Birth r
FIGURE 24.28 A computer model of ate
resource consumption and its influence on
other variables assumes no major changes in
the physical, economic, and social
relationships that historically have governed
the development of the world system. All De
a th
variables plotted here follow historical rat
values from 1900 to 1970. Food, industrial
output, and population grow exponentially
until the rapidly diminishing resource base
forces a slowdown in industrial growth.
Because of natural delays in the system, both capita
Food per
population and pollution continue to
increase for some time after the peak of Populatio
industrialization. Population growth is finally
ial out
halted by a rise in the death rate due to In d u s tr Pollution
decreased food and medical supplies. (After
D. H. Meadows and others) 1950 2000 2050 2100

quite different. The climate had not changed. The basic geologic processes that
shaped the island, produced soil, and allowed abundant rain to fall had not changed.
But, apparently, its human population had heedlessly consumed its resources.
All of the European accounts describe Easter Island as a desolate place, lack-
ing forests and having poor soil. The only animals larger than insects that early
European visitors found were chickens. The island people, who came from a great
seafaring culture, met early explorers in leaky canoes or by swimming. Jacob
Roggeveen, a Dutch explorer and the first European to encounter the island, in
1722, described what he saw: Withered grass, hay, or other scorched and burnt
vegetation . . . its wasted appearance could give no other impression than of a sin-
gular poverty and barrenness.And there were, of course, the ominous stone carv-
ings (p. 690), knocked over, some left in the middle of construction.
The location of the island and its volcanic rocks, which normally weather to
produce fertile soils, should produce a rich environment that would provide a
healthy and prosperous life for human inhabitants. Detailed studies have shown
that 1500 years ago, when the first Polynesians came to Easter Island was a sub-
tropical paradise. Seed, spores, and pollen found in ancient soils show that palms,
tree daisies, ferns, herbs, and grasses grew in abundance. Bones uncovered in the
same sediments show that more than 25 species of nesting birds used to be found
on the island (more than on any other Polynesian island). In addition, the fossil ev-
idence shows that many sea birds bred on the island.
What happened to this island and its people? Ancient pollen found in the lay-
ers of soil give a detailed account. Recorded in the soil is the destruction of an en-
tire ecosystem and the demise of a culture.The first Polynesians reached the island
between a.d. 400 and 700. The early colonizers enjoyed an abundance of food and
lumber; in their abundance, the population increased. But the pollen records show
dramatic changes in the plant life on the island as early as a.d. 900 (Figure 24.30).
In only a few centuries, the islanders had begun the process of overharvesting the
forests, one of their most important natural resources. The fossil pollen shows that
by the 1400s the Easter Island palm had disappeared, probably consumed by hu-
mans and unable to regenerate itself because introduced rats devoured the palm
seeds. Other trees that were needed by the islanders to make ropes and fibers
show a similar decline, although they took longer to disappear.
There were several reasons the inhabitants deforested the island and many un-
alterable consequences. People on the island used wood both for construction ma-
terials to make canoes and houses and for fuel. In addition, they cleared land so
that they could plant crops to feed the growing population. Statue construction,
which required logs and ropes made from tree fibers to transport the huge basalt
Earths Resources 721

images up to 10 km, was at a peak during the years 1200 to 1500. Deforestation led
to destruction of plant and animal habitat. Land birds, which provided food for
the islanders, disappeared with the forests. Soil erosion increased with the de-
struction of the forests, and, in turn, growing crops became difficult and ultimate-
ly impossible. Island

With dwindling forest resources, islanders appear to have turned to exploiting


the bounties of the sea. Archeological remains suggest a shift in the islanders 3850 km
dietsfrom porpoise (which could be harpooned from good seafaring canoes), to 40
sea birds and shellfish, to small sea snails, chickens, and rats. As food supplies de-
clined and warfare broke out, the people of Easter Island fell to cannibalisma
fact recorded in the archeological remains and oral traditions of the people.
Hand in hand with the environmental degradation came the demise of the is-
lands society. Excessive consumption within the society depleted the small islands
natural resources and intensified deforestation. Resources decreased and food be-
came scarcer; canoes could no longer be constructed, so people could not escape
FIGURE 24.29 Easter Island provides
to other islands.A complex centralized society was apparently replaced with feud-
lessons about the potentially catastrophic
ing and chaos. Warrior societies formed and, between 1770 and 1864, the huge impact of humans on their environment.
stone statues were toppled by rival gangs. It is estimated that the human popula- Easter Island is a small hotspot island that
tion of the island fell to between one-quarter and one-tenth of its prior size. lies in the subtropical part of the South
Some have asked, Why didnt the Easter Islanders understand what they were Pacific, about 3000 km from South America.
doing and stop before it was too late? What were they thinking when they cut
down the last palm tree? But a better question might be, What can we learn from
the history of Easter Island? In myriad ways, the history of Easter Island is a mi-
crocosm of our own planet. Viewing Earth as our island in the vastness of space,
we can see a potential repeat of the disasters that happened on this lonely Pacif-
ic island. Today, we see a human society that largely disregards the long-term ef-
fects of its actions and increasingly consumes many of its natural resources. The
people of Easter Island had nowhere to go once they exhausted most of their re-
sources. And where do we, the inhabitants of Earth Island, have to go if we ex-
haust our resources and change our global environment?

0 FIGURE 24.30 Pollen fossils collected

from Easter Island paint a grim picture of
1 the demise of the natural resource base for
the people of Easter Island. Pollen was
2 1400
A.D. collected from cores taken from sediments
that accumulated in a small volcanic crater.
3 Ferns
detritus The record suggests that when people
colonized the island about a.d. 400, date
4 950
A.D. palms were abundant, as indicated by the
amount of palm pollen preserved in
5 910
A.D. sediment. By a.d. 1000, pollen records show,
the island was nearly devoid of date palms.
Depth (m)

6 By the time Europeans visited the island in

the 1700s, there were none. As a result of the
7 overuse of their primary resources such as
590 the date palm, the population of the island
8 Trees (date palms) probably collapsed from a high of about
and shrubs 10,000 to as few as 1000 in the course of a
9 few generations.

10 Clay


Rock 14 C 20 40 60 80 2,000 6,000 10,000

type dates Pollen abundance Estimated population
GeoLogic The Origin of Coal




Thick layers of black coal are some of our most valuable vast nearly impenetrable swamp with closely spaced trees
resources. Many also preserve abundant evidence of their with their roots standing in water. Rotting plant material
origin. Careful observations of the character of the coal and forms a black organic-rich mud in the ponds. Fallen trees
its enclosing rocks allow us to understand the sequence of clog the forest and thick layers of leafy litter are every-
events involved in its formation where. The ocean is not far away and the quiet lapping of
the waves can be heard. Nearby, a slow-moving river wends
Observations its way to the ocean and some of its banks are lined with
1. Coal is made of the carbon mineral graphite mixed with white sand.
a variety of organic molecules, many of which have coun- The fossils and organic molecules show that coal is plant
terparts in still living materials. derived. The sands and shales that enclose coal deposits
2. Hosts of plant fossils are still clearly visible in most coal were formed in beach, delta, and shallow marine environ-
layerstiny grains of pollen, leaves, bark, and wood from ments. They typically show the shoreline was moving back
large trees related to those found today in tropical and and forth across a subsiding continental margin when the
temperate rain forests. coal layer was deposited. Eventually, as burial depths in-
3. Coal beds are universally contained within layers of sed- creased, the organic material was converted by metamor-
imentary rock, clearly indicating their formation and ac- phism to coal of various grades. Tectonic uplift and erosion
cumulation at the surface. brought the coal beds back to the surface where they could
4. The thicknesses of the overlying strata show that coal be mined to support our energy-hungry modern lifestyle.
beds were buried to depths of several kilometers.

With these facts in mind, what do geologists see when they
look at a coal seam like that mined here? Many envision a

Earths Resources 723

banded iron formation (p. 697) hydroelectric power (p. 703) nuclear energy (p. 713) renewable (p. 692)
biomass (p. 703) hydrothermal fluid (p. 695) oil shale (p. 712) reservoir rock (p. 709)
brine (p. 698) hydrothermal ore deposit peat (p. 706) solar energy (p. 701)
coal (p. 706) (p. 696) pegmatite (p. 695) source rock (p. 709)
evaporite (p. 698) industrial mineral (p. 696) photovoltaic cell (p. 702) strip mining (p. 708)
fossil fuel (p. 706) magmatic segregation (p. 694) placer (p. 697) tidal energy (p. 706)
geothermal energy (p. 704) mineral resource (p. 692) porphyry copper (p. 696) vein (p. 696)
hydrocarbon trap (p. 709) nonrenewable (p. 692) recycle (p. 692) wind energy (p. 703)

1. List the ways in which mineral resources are concentrated. 13. Are there similarities between the reservoir rocks for oil
2. Why are most mineral resources considered nonrenewable and for geothermal fluids?
if their formation processes are continuing? 14. Why is oil rarely found in the center of a syncline?
3. Explain how magmatic segregation concentrates ores such 15. Compare Figures 24.22 and 24.19. Why are coal and oil
as chromium. commonly found in the same regions?
4. How are minerals concentrated by streams? 16. What are the major problems with nuclear energy?
5. Explain how some mineral resources are concentrated by 17. What hydrocarbons may become more important fuel
weathering processes. sources in the future?
6. List five different ways in which hydrothermal fluids can be 18. Give an example of an important mineral resource whose
generated. origin is strongly controlled by plate tectonics.
7. Which energy sources are renewable? Which are nonre- 19. Hydrothermal deposits formed on oceanic crust are rich in
newable? copper and nickel, whereas similar deposits formed in conti-
8. Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of solar power, nental crust are poor in nickel but richer in lead and zinc.
hydroelectric power, and wind energy. Speculate about the causes of this association between
9. What are fossil fuels? metal deposits and kinds of crust.
10. Explain how coal originates. 20. List the mineral resources that you have used today. Which
11. Describe various kinds of petroleum traps. were renewable and which were not?
12. What kinds of strata serve as (a) source beds and (b) reser- 21. Discuss the factors that limit the growth of population and
voir beds for petroleum? industrialization.

Bongaarts, J. 1994. Can the growing human population feed it- Energy for Planet Earth. 1990. Special issue. Scientific American
self? Scientific American 271(3): 3642. 267(9).
Brimhall, G. 1991. The genesis of ores. Scientific American Evans, A. M. 1995. Introduction to Mineral Exploration. Oxford:
268(5): 8490. Blackwell Scientific.
Cohen, J. E. 1995. How Many People Can the Earth Support? Kesler, S. E. 1994. Mineral Resources, Economics, and the Envi-
New York: Norton. ronment. New York: Macmillan.
Department of Energy. 1991. National Energy Strategy. Washing- Suess, E., G. Bohrman, J. Greinert, E. Lausch, Flammable ice.
ton, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Scientific American 279(11): 7683

Earths Dynamic Systems Website Earths Dynamic Systems CD
The Companion Website at www.prenhall.com/hamblin Examine the CD that came with your text. It is designed
provides you with an on-line study guide and additional to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
resources for each chapter, including: in this chapter. It includes:
On-line Quizzes (Chapter Review, Visualizing Geology, Animation of how petroleum forms
Quick Review, Vocabulary Flash Cards) with instant feedback Animation of oil exploration techniques
Quantitative Problems Slide shows of ore deposits
Critical Thinking Exercises A direct link to the Companion Website
Web Resources
25 Other Planets
The exploration of the solar system is one of the most exciting adventures ever experienced
by humankind; for the first time, we are exploring whole new worlds and can compare them
with Earth. The study of planetary geology, however, does much more than merely satisfy
scientific curiosity. By comparing in detail the geologic nature and evolution of different
planets, we can better recognize those principles and processes that are fundamental to the
geology of Earth and those that are of secondary importance.
Take for example, the two planetary bodies shown above. On the left is the Moon. It is
an airless body only one-fourth the diameter of Earth. Its surface is not dissected by river
valleys, but is instead a forest of impact craters. Each crater is the record of the collision of
an asteroid or comet. Some of the craters are over 1000 km across. The bright areas are
heavily cratered and ancientdating back nearly to the origin of the Moon. The smooth
dark areas are covered by floods of lava, but the youngest are 2 or 3 billion years old.
On the right is Venus, a planet almost the same size and density as Earth. Look carefully
at this false color, radar map of its surface. Like the Moon, Venus also lacks any sign of liquid
water; it has no ocean basins or river channels. On the other hand, how many impact craters

can you count? Indeed, there are only a few. What is the meaning of this difference between
Venus and the Moon? It seems that Venus does not have an ancient surface that kept a
record of impacts long ago. Instead, its surface is quite young. Our best estimates are that its
surface is less than 0.5 billion years old. Much of the surface is highly deformed by tectonic
processes and the rest consists of a great variety of volcanic features, including smooth plains
covered by flood lavas, channels thousands of kilometers long, lava domes, calderas, and
shield volcanoes, to name the most common. The tectonic and volcanic activity have de-
stroyed what was once a cratered surface like the Moons.
While you study this chapter, try to find out why these two planets are so different. This
chapter contains some of the most spectacular images ever made: A photo album of our
cosmic familythe solar system. Keep in mind that each planet, moon, or asteroid was
shaped by geologic systems that were created by the unique conditions found on each body.
Understanding the conditions, such as surface temperature, composition of the rocks and
atmosphere, extent of internal differentiation, impact history, size, and especially the
amount of internal heat, is critical for developing a true appreciation of the geologic sys-
tems of other planets. You will find that this comprehension will reinforce the fundamental
concepts you have already learned about Earths dynamic geologic systems. To gain an in-
sight into the systematic reasons for these differences, we will venture into a brief but excit-
ing study of the planets.

Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech.

1. Impact cratering was the dominant geologic process in the early history of all
planetary bodies in the solar system.
2. Earth, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars form a family of related planets,
known as the inner planets, that probably experienced similar sequences of
events in their early histories.
3. Both the Moon and Mercury are primitive bodies, and their surfaces have not
been modified by hydrologic and tectonic systems. Much of their surfaces
are ancient and heavily cratered.
4. Mars has had an eventful geologic history involving crustal uplift, volcanism,
stream erosion, and eolian activity. Huge tracts of cratered terrain remain,
but they are intensely eroded. Liquid water may have existed on its surface,
and there is controversial new evidence that life may have evolved there.
5. The surface of Venus is dominated by relatively young volcanic landscapes
and such tectonic features as faults and folded mountain belts. The crust of
Venus does not appear to be broken into tectonic plates, however, and much
of its evolution is related to the development of mantle plumes.
6. Cratering on the icy moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune suggests
that a period of intense bombardment affected the entire solar system more
than 4 billion years ago.
7. Most of the icy moons of Uranus and Neptune show evidence of geologic
activities, such as volcanic extrusions of slushy ice and rifting.
8. Asteroids and comets are the smallest members of the solar system.They ap-
pear to be remnants of the bodies that accreted to form the larger planets.
9. The planets formed in a thermal gradient around the Sun. The inner planets
are thus rich in silicates and iron, which are stable at high temperature, and
the outer planetary bodies have large amounts of ice, which is stable at low
10. The geologic evolution of a planet depends on its source of heat energy, its
size, and its composition.


Three types of planets formed in our solar system. The inner planets are
small and made mostly of silicates and iron metal. The outer planets are
large and made largely of gaseous hydrogen and helium. The icy planets
also lie in the outer solar system but are small and have surfaces dominated
by water ice.

Review in your mind the intellectual journey we have taken in space and in time
as we studied Earth. Now we will contrast our home planet with the other worlds
of the solar system. Turn back to Figure 1.1, which shows our solar system. The
planets, moons, and other objects that orbit the Sun have an almost infinite vari-
ety if we dwell on the details of their surfaces, interiors, sizes, and densities. How-
ever, if we step back, we recognize only three fundamentally different types of
planets.The differences between these groups can be appreciated by looking at the
simplified model planets in Figure 25.1 and Table 25.1.
The inner planets are small rocky bodies composed mostly of silicates and iron
metalmaterials that solidify at high temperatures. Their interiors are probably
differentiated by density into metallic cores, mantles, and crusts. Several of these
planets also have atmospheres composed of volatile gases; the most common are
What are the major differences between carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen. Io, a satellite of Jupiter, is the only sizable
the inner and outer planets? object in the outer solar system that falls into this group.
The large outer planets are gas giantslarge balls of hydrogen and heliumand
lack solid surfaces entirely. Obviously, they are extremely rich in volatile materials

Other Planets 727

(olivine, pyroxene)
Silicate Cloud
rock layer Crust
(feldspar) Core
Ice and
(CO2,N2, O2)

Iron core Inner planet


Gas giant
Icy planet
FIGURE 25.1 Three different types of
Gas/liquid (H2, He) planets are found in the solar system as
shown in these cross sections. The inner
Gas (CO2, N2, O2)
planets are small and made mostly of silicates
Gas giant Ice (H2O , CH4, N2) and iron metal. The outer planets are large
(Saturn) Inner Icy
Metal (Fe) and made largely of gaseous hydrogen and
planet planet
helium. The icy planets also lie in the outer
(Earth) (Titan) Silicate rock (more solar system but are small and have surfaces
Planets to scale dense/less dense) dominated by water ice. An example of each
is drawn to scale in the inset.

compounds that refuse to solidify except at very low temperatures.These planets are
also layered on the basis of density. Buried deep inside their interiors, smaller Earth-
sized masses of silicate, metal, or even water ice constitute their cores.
Transitional between these two extremes, at least in terms of density and abun-
dance of volatile elements, are the icy planetary bodies. Here we include, along
with Pluto and comets, almost all of the moons of the outer planets.Water ice blan-
kets these relatively small bodies, but ices of ammonia, methane, and nitrogen may
also be present. Denser silicate minerals and perhaps metals are mixed with the ices
or form discrete cores, as illustrated in Figure 25.1.
Thus, a simple pattern emerges out of this complexity. Only a few materials are
really important: silicate rocks, iron metal, ice, and gas.The proportions of these ma-
terials inside a planet are reflected by its density. More important, the types of
planets show a systematic relationship with distance from the Sun. Keep these
characteristics in mind as we review the nature of the planets. We first discuss the
inner planets in order of their sizes (Table 25.1), because size exerts such a strong
control on their histories.


The inner planets are composed of rocky material that condensed near the
Sun. The Moon and Mercury were too small to generate enough heat to
sustain a tectonic system and ceased to be active after their first major
thermal event. Mars, being larger, developed a more prolonged period of
tectonism. Venus, nearly as large as Earth, has continent-like highlands; a
young, dominantly volcanic surface; and folded mountain belts.

The Moon
With the development of the space program, the Moon has become one of the
best-understood planetary bodies in the solar system. As curious as it may seem,
728 Chapter 25

TABLE 25.1 Physical Characteristics of the Planets and Selected Moons

Planetary Density Diameter Surface Atmosphere Known
Body (g/cm3) (km) Composition Composition Moons
Mercury 5.43 4880 Silicate 0
Venus 5.24 12,104 Silicate CO2 0
Earth 5.52 12,756 Silicate and water N2 and O2 1
Moon 3.34 3476 Silicate
Mars 3.93 6787 Silicate CO2 2
Eros 2.7 33 Silicate
Vesta 3.3-3.9 549 Silicate
Ida 2.2-2.9 56 Silicate and iron 1
Ceres 2.0-2.7 1020 Silicate and carbon
Jupiter 1.33 143,800 H2 and He 60
Io 3.53 3640 Silicates and sulfur SO2 (thin)
Europa 2.99 3130 Water ice
Ganymede 1.94 5280 Water ice
Callisto 1.85 4840 Water ice
Saturn 0.69 120,660 H2 and He 31
Mimas 1.14 392 Water ice
Enceladus 1.12 500 Water ice
Tethys 1.0 1060 Water ice
Dione 1.44 1120 Water ice
Rhea 1.24 1530 Water ice
Titan 1.88 5150 Water ice N2
Uranus 1.32 51,120 H2 and He 21
Miranda 1.20 470 Water ice
Ariel 1.67 1150 Water ice
Umbriel 1.40 1170 Water ice
Titania 1.71 1580 Water ice
Oberon 1.63 1520 Water ice
Neptune 1.64 49,560 H2 and He 11
Triton 2.05 2700 N2 and CH4 ice N2, CH4 (thin)
Pluto 2.06 2284 Nitrogen ice N2 1
Charon 2.24 1170 Nitrogen ice

only a few decades after putting astronauts on the Moon, we probably understand
the Moons earliest history better than Earths, for Earth lacks a rock record of the
first 800 million years of its history. The Moon is a comparatively small planetary
body (Table 25.1), with a diameter only about one-fourth of Earths. Moreover, it
is less dense than Earth, with a density (3.3 g/cm3) that suggests it is made almost
entirely of silicate rocks, which have densities of about 3.0 g/cm3. If there is an iron
core, it must be very small.

Impact Processes. One of the most important results of the exploration of the
Moon is the discovery that cratering, from the impact of meteorites and comets, is
a fundamental and universal process in planetary development. The Moon is
pockmarked with billions of impact craters, which range in size from microscopic
pits on the surface of rock specimens to huge, circular basins hundreds of
What role does a shock wave play in kilometers in diameter. How are impact craters formed, and what is their geologic
the origin of an impact crater? significance?
Conceptually, the process is relatively simple, as is illustrated in Figure 25.2. As
a meteorite strikes the surface, its kinetic energy is almost instantaneously trans-
ferred to the ground as a shock wave that moves downward and outward from the
point of impact. This initial compression wave is followed by a relaxation wave as
rocks decompress back to low pressure, causing material to be ejected from the
Other Planets 729

Impact of

(A) The impact of a meteorite causes the rock to be instantly fractured,

fused, and partly metamorphosed.

Beginning of
shock wave

(B) A shock wave is propagated downward and outward from the point of

(C) The shock wave expands.



(D) The shock wave is reflected back toward the surface. The crater begins
to form, and material is fragmented. The result is similar to that produced
by an explosion.

(E) The fragmented material is thrown upward and outward. Solid
bedrock is fractured and forced upward to form a crater rim.

Ejecta Overturned Ejecta

blanket crater rim blanket

Fracture system (F) The crater rim may be overturned and a peak may develop in the
center of the crater floor. Ejected particles fall back to the surface to form
a blanket of debris and a system of rays.

FIGURE 25.2 Hypothetical stages in the formation of a meteorite impact crater. The kinetic energy of the meteorite is almost instantly
transferred to the ground as a shock wave that moves out, compressing the rock. At the point of impact, the rock is intensely fractured, fused, and
partly vaporized by shock metamorphism. The shock wave is reflected back as a rarefaction wave that throws out large amounts of fragmental debris,
and the solid bedrock is forced upward to form the crater rim. A large amount of fragmental material falls back into the crater.
730 Chapter 25

surface along ballistic trajectories.This fragmented material accumulates around the

crater, forming an ejecta blanket and a system of splashlike rays. A central peak on
the crater floor can result from the rebound, and rocks in the crater rim can be
overturned. Its steep walls rapidly slump and move downslope by mass movement.
This process results in partial filling of the excavation and forms concentric ter-
races (slump blocks) inside the crater rim. Many large craters (more than 300 km
in diameter) contain a series of concentric ridges and depressions and hence are
known as multiring basins. Meteorite impacts create new landforms (craters) and
new rock bodies (ejecta blankets), so records of the events are preserved.
After a crater is formed on the Moon, it is subject to modification. Isostatic ad-
justment can arch up the crater floor to compensate for the removal of material
How is an impact structure modified in the craters formation. The rays and eventually the entire crater may gradually
with time? become obliterated by subsequent bombardment. In addition, the crater and ejec-
ta can be buried by lava flows.

The Surface of the Moon. Study the surface of the Moon in Figure 25.3 and you
will see two contrasting types of landforms; these reflect two major periods in its
history. The bright, densely cratered highland resulted from an intense
bombardment of meteorites, most of which impacted more than 4 billion years
ago. The dark, smooth areas that mostly occupy low regions, such as the circular
interiors of impact basins, are maria (singular mare). We know from rock samples
brought back from the Apollo missions (19691974) that the maria resulted from
great floods of basaltic lava that filled many large craters and spread out over the
surrounding area. Most of this volcanic activity, therefore, occurred after the
formation of the densely cratered terrain. Radiometric dates on samples brought
back from the Moon indicate that most of the lavas are between 4 and 3 billion
years old. Almost no global tectonic activity has occurred on the Moon during the
last 3 billion years; in fact, very little has occurred in its entire history. We find no
evidence of intense folding or thrust faulting and no indication of major rifts. The
main lunar features that can be attributed to structural deformation are narrow
grabens, formed by minor extension, and wrinkle ridges, formed by minor
compression. Nor has the lunar surface been modified by wind, water, or glaciers.
Without an atmosphere, it has no hydrologic system, and its surface is strikingly
different from Earths.

Lunar History. One of the most significant results of geologic exploration of

the Moon has been the construction of a lunar geologic time scale. This was done
by using the same principles of superposition and crosscutting relations devised in
the early nineteenth century by geologists studying Earth. In Figure 25.3 you can
read much of the record of lunar history yourself.
What principles did scientists use to A period of intense bombardment is recorded in the densely cratered terrain.
develop a geologic time scale for the The heavy cratering gives us an important insight into the origin of all planetary
Moon? bodies. Apparently, they formed by accretion when one body after another col-
lided and merged into a growing planet. So much heat was released by this process
that much of the outer layers of the Moon melted during a process that led to the
internal differentiation of the Moon into layers of different density.
Accretion and differentiation were followed, or accompanied, by the impact of
large asteroid-sized bodies that produced the huge multiring basins such as Im-
brium Basin. A subsequent event is evident in the floods of lava that filled the
lowlands and spread over parts of the densely cratered terrain. A period of light
bombardment by meteorites followed that formed craters upon the lava flows of
the maria. The light cratering episode reveals that most of the debris that formed
the planets had been swept up by this time. Radiometric dates of lunar rock sam-
ples provide benchmarks of absolute time, and the major events in lunar history
have been outlined as shown in Figure 25.4.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the Moons geologic evolution is that
the most dynamic events occurred during the early history of the solar system,
Other Planets 731





FIGURE 25.3 The surface of the Moon shows two contrasting types of landforms: densely cratered highlands, called terrae, and dark, smooth
areas of lava plains, called maria. We know from rock samples brought back by the Apollo missions that the maria resulted from great floods of
basaltic lava filling many large craters and spreading over the surrounding area. The volcanic activity thus occurred after the formation of the densely
cratered terrain. These relationships between surface features imply that the Moons history involved three major events: (1) a period of intense
bombardment by meteorites, (2) a period of volcanic activity, and (3) a subsequent period of relatively light meteorite bombardment (resulting in
young, bright-rayed craters). The lunar surface has a very low level of erosion and has not been modified by wind, water, or glaciers. (Courtesy of Kitt
Peak National Observatory)
732 Chapter 25

of years ago

Copernican Formation of
Period rayed craters

Formation of
Copernicus crater

2.0 Eratosthenian Light cratering


Last extrusion
of mare basalt

Formation of
Eratosthenes crater
Extrusion of
mare basalt
Imbrium Basin
Nectarian Period
4.0 Nectaris Basin
Heavy meteorite
Pre-Nectarian bombardment
Accretion Birth of Moon
FIGURE 25.4 The lunar time scale was constructed on the principle of superposition. Five major periods have been recognized. They
are (1) the origin of the Moon and the Pre-Nectarian Period, (2) the Nectarian Period (intense bombardment), (3) the Imbrian Period
(extrusion of basalt), (4) the Eratosthenian Period (light bombardment), and (5) the Copernican Period (light bombardment).

even before the oldest rock preserved on Earth was formed. The Moon thus
provides important insights into planetary evolution that are unobtainable from
studies of Earth.

Mercury is nearly 1.5 times larger in diameter than the Moon and has a much
greater density (Table 25.1), suggesting that much of its interior is made of dense
iron metal. Thus, Mercurys interior is quite different from the Moons. However,
Mercurys surface features are strikingly similar to the Moons, as is evident from
the images in Figure 25.5. Most of Mercurys surface is nearly saturated with craters,
whose range of sizes is similar to that of the Moons craters. Some are
obviously old because they are battered by the impact of other meteorites; others
What evidence suggests that the Moon are younger and have bright rays extending out from the point of impact.
and Mercury had similar histories? The largest impact structure seen on Mercury is the Caloris Basin. It is a mul-
tiring basin similar in size and form to the Imbrium Basin on the Moon. Smooth
plains cover the floor of the Caloris Basin, as well as much of the lowlands be-
yond. The similarity to the lunar maria suggests that the plains also formed by the
THE ART Geologists on Other Worlds: The Apollo Program

(Courtesy of NASA)

Sometimes it seems hard to believe, but 30 years ago as- 3. The Moons Outer Layers Melted. Geochemical stud-
tronauts from Earth stepped from a spindly legged space- ies show that the Moon probably melted to a depth of
craft out onto a truly alien world, the Moon, and declared several hundred kilometers during its early history.
that this was, One small step for man, one giant leap for 4. Crust Formation. The bright lunar highlands are
mankind. Indeed, many people think that this event was made of anorthosite that formed when plagioclase
the most important in the century or perhaps of the entire feldspar floated to the top of this huge global magma
millennium. What event could match this, the first time hu- ocean.
mans left their home planet? 5. Meteorite Impact. Meteorite impact, not volcanism, is
Why did we go to the Moon? Although there were many the principal cause of lunar craters. Heavy meteorite
political justifications for pursuing a lofty goal as part of a bombardment lasted until about 3.8 billion years ago.
Cold War strategy, certainly one goal of the Apollo Project 6. Basalt Is Common. The vast dark lunar maria
was to better understand the Moon, and thereby come to a formed from a series of flood basalt eruptionsmost
better understanding of our home planet. of them 3 to 4 billion years ago.
To accomplish this latter task, all of the tools of the geolo- 7. The Moon Is Dead. No lava flows younger than
gist were brought to bear.Aerial photographs, rock hammers, about 3 billion years old have been found. The small
drills, magnetometers, seismographs, and many other instru- Moon quickly cooled after its hot start.
ments were used on the Moons surface.Astronauts, specially 8. The Moon Is Dry. No water was found in any lunar
trained in lunar geology, worked in nine different field areas rocks. Even less volatile elements, such as potassi-
on the near side of the Moon (Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and um, are found in low abundances on the Moon. How-
17). They returned with more than 380 kg of rock and soil. ever, the Moons poles may harbor ice in perma-
Back in the laboratory these special rocks were carefully an- nently shadowed areas.
alyzed with the most sophisticated instruments to determine 9. Small Lunar Core. Seismic and geochemical studies
their physical characteristics, ages, and precise chemical com- show that if the Moon has an iron core, it is very
positions, all in an attempt to decipher the Moons history. small.
10. The Moon Is Earths Daughter. The facts revealed
Top Ten Discoveries of Lunar Exploration by study of the lunar rocks, suggest that the Moon
formed when a Mars-sized object crashed into Earth,
1. The Moon Is Old. Radiometric ages show that the
ejecting part of its mantle (Figure 25.27).
Moon formed 4.6 billion years ago, at the same time
that Earth formed. One day astronauts from Earth will return again to the
2. Accretion. The Moon formed when a multitude of Moon and continue the geologic exploration they began so
smaller objects, in orbit around the ancient Earth, long ago. One day we will have permanent bases on the
collided with one another and by mutual gravita- Moon that will serve as outposts for furthering our under-
tional attraction collected into a large body. standing of our neighbor in space.

734 Chapter 25

FIGURE 25.5 Mercury and the Moon are strikingly similar. Each has a densely cratered terrain, multiring basins,
younger plains (maria), and young rayed craters. The false-color image on the left shows the surface is made of materials
with different compositions. (Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey and M. S. Robinson)

extrusion of fluid basaltic lava, but we have no samples from Mercury to prove
that they did.
Geologists have established a preliminary geologic time scale for Mercury and
have developed a hypothesis for its geologic evolution. Mercurys surface features
indicate a sequence of four major events, broadly similar to the sequence of events
recorded on the Moon: (1) accretion, planetary differentiation, and intense mete-
orite bombardment; (2) formation of multiring basins; (3) flooding of basins by the
extrusion of basaltic lava; and (4) light meteorite bombardment. Because there is
no atmosphere or water on Mercury, its surface has not been modified by a hydro-
logic system.

A fascinating red planet, Mars orbits the Sun beyond Earth (Figure 25.6). For years
it was a planet of mystery and intrigue, and there was much speculation that Mars
might host life. Telescopic observations revealed polar ice caps and shifting mark-
ings that often darkened during the Martian spring. Before the space program,
some observers thought that life on Mars had evolved to a civilized state. Streaks
were believed to be canals or vegetated land alongside canals. As it turned out, all
this speculation was fanciful.
Still, the Mars we have just explored by our space probes and landers is a won-
drous place, more like Earth than any other planet (Figure 25.7). Many of its Earth-
like surface features are not only large, but gigantic (Figure 25.8). There are huge
How does Mars differ from the Moon rift valleys, volcanoes, global dust storms, polar ice caps, and dry river beds. Mars
and Mercury? has been eroded by enormous floods of water that once flowed across its surface
(Figure 25.9), but presently, temperatures and atmospheric pressures are such that
water can exist only as vapor or as ice. Thus, nearly all of the water on Mars is
frozen as ice caps or is locked up as ground ice. Now, wind alone is the major
process altering the landscape of Mars. Some dust storms grow to such propor-
tions that at times they blanket the entire planet.
The huge dry river channels on Mars (Figure 25.9) also create an intriguing
mystery. Under what ancient conditions did liquid water once flow in great floods
across the surface of Mars? Why did things change on such a global scale? Some
Other Planets 735

Impact craters

d ch
v ol ca
T h a r si s

Valles Marineris rift

FIGURE 25.6 The planet Mars, as photographed from the Viking spacecraft, has a surface dramatically different than the Moons.
Although it has some heavily cratered regions, Mars has many features indicating that its surface has been modified by atmospheric
processes, recent volcanic activity (circular volcanoes on left), and crustal deformation (the Valles Marineris rift extends across the bottom
of the image). (Courtesy of California Institute of Technology/NASA/JPL/Caltech)

answers to these questions may be suggested when we consider the size and ther-
mal history of Mars.
Mars has a diameter about half that of Earth or Venus but almost twice that of
the Moon (Table 25.1). Thus, Mars generated more internal heat, leading to more
geologic activity than experienced by Mercury and the Moon. Like all other plan-
etary bodies in the solar system, Mars experienced an early period of intense bom-
bardment, followed by volcanic activity in which floods of lava were extruded.Two
major provinces create a global dichotomy on Mars. A heavily cratered southern How do river channels on Earth differ
hemisphere contrasts with a relatively young, smooth northern hemisphere where from those on Mars?
the impact craters were buried or destroyed by younger events.
Apparently, Mars cooled more slowly than the smaller Moon, producing
younger giant shield volcanoes and younger deformation of its surface. Huge domes
in the lithosphere are also cut by deep rifts, such as Valles Marineris (Figure 25.10).
Mars started much as Earth did, developing a core, mantle, crust, and even a rel-
atively dense atmosphere early in its history. Mars may once have had a moderate
climate and abundant liquid water. Small seas may have formed. During this time,
736 Chapter 25

FIGURE 25.7 The Martian surface as photographed by Mars Pathfinder. The large boulders are approximately 2 m across. Many
features shown here illustrate the importance of wind activity in forming details of the Martian landscape. The gravel surface
probably formed as a catastrophic flood deposit that was further modified of wind deflation by the surface. (Courtesy of California
Institute of Technology/NASA/JPL/Caltech)

FIGURE 25.8 Volcanoes in the Tharsis region

of Mars include huge structures, much larger than
any found on Earth. Olympus Mons, the largest
volcano on Mars, is shown here. It is 700 km across
at the base and 23 km high. The complex caldera at
the summit is 65 km in diameter. (Courtesy of U.S.
Geological Survey and NASA/JPL/Caltech)
Other Planets 737

FIGURE 25.9 Dry stream channels on

Mars are similar in many respects to dry
riverbeds in arid regions on Earth. Some
have typical braided patterns; others
meander. This photomosaic taken in 1976 by
a Viking orbiter shows a drainage system
more than 500 km long. (Courtesy of
California Institute of Technology/

rainfall and flooding created stream channels and other features somewhat simi-
lar to those on Earth. But Mars is much smaller than Earth, has less internal heat,
cooled more quickly, and was geologically active over a much shorter period. Its
internal convection appears to have been stirred by mantle plumes rather than
plate tectonics. Moreover, Mars is farther from the Sun than Earth. Billions of
years ago, Mars grew cold and dry. All of its water became locked into ice caps or
frozen in the pore spaces of rocks and soil, and stream erosion ceased.As it cooled
inside, its volcanoes ceased erupting several hundred million years ago. Although
its present carbon dioxide atmosphere is very thin (exerting only 6/1000 of Earths
pressure), great dust storms now rage on Mars as the major process altering its

Life on Mars? In 1996, dramatic headlines and television stories flashed the
news around our planet that Earth might not be the only planet inhabited by living
things. The putative Martians were not ominous invaders from space, but tiny
microscopic blebs seen with a powerful electron microscope (Figure 25.11).

FIGURE 25.10 Landslides in Valles

Marineris. The landslide on the far wall has
two components: an upper blocky portion,
which is probably disrupted cap rock, and a
finely striated lobate extension, which is
probably debris derived from the old
cratered terrain exposed in the lower canyon
walls. Similar lineations are found on
terrestrial landslides and show direction of
movement. This part of Valles Marineris is
about 5 km deep. This image is
approximately 200 km wide. (Courtesy of
U.S. Geological Survey)
738 Chapter 25

(A) Scanning electron microscope view of shapes like bacteria (colored) (B) This false-color microscope image shows carbonate globules (brown)
found on the fractured surface of the meteorite. that have rims of iron oxides and sulfides (black) like those formed by
some terrestrial bacteria. The carbonate blebs are enclosed in a crystal of
pyroxene (green).

FIGURE 25.11 Evidence for life has been found in a meteorite thought to have come from Mars. (Courtesy of NASA)

Evidence for life on Mars comes from the intensive study of a few of the 14
meteorites that are believed to have come from Mars. The Martian origin of these
meteorites is based on very young radiometric ages (less than 1 billion years old),
mineral compositions, and especially on the composition of the inert gases trapped
inside the meteorites. The ratios of the gases extracted from them match ratios
measured by spacecraft for the atmosphere of Mars, but not Earth, Venus, or any
other meteorite types.
At least one of these meteorites has several bits of evidence of past life on Mars.
First, complex organic molecules (long chains of hydrocarbons) are found in these
meteorites. Second, tiny globules found on broken surfaces of the meteorite and
Is there any evidence for ancient life on made of carbonate minerals have wormlike shapes similar to fossils of terrestrial
Mars? bacteria (Figure 25.11). Moreover, the carbonate blebs have rims that are a mix-
ture of magnetite and iron sulfide minerals; these minerals are also formed by
some terrestrial bacteria. Third, the isotopic composition of carbon in the mete-
orites is like that which is created by living things on Earth.
The hypothesis that these tiny features are actually fossilized bacteria is natu-
rally being intensely scrutinized. Evidence against past life in this meteorite in-
cludes the very small size of the bacteria. No fossil bacteria found on Earth are
this small. The objects in Figure 25.11 are 10 to 100 times smaller than terrestrial
bacteria and are about the same size as viruses. Moreover, carbonate globules with
iron minerals can form by inorganic processes in hot springs on Earth. Finally, hy-
drocarbons of the sort identified in these Martian meteorites are not particularly
rare. Many different kinds of meteorites contain the same kinds of molecule but
clearly did not host living organisms.
All of the evidence collected by studying the surface of Mars and by carefully
probing these meteorites makes it clear that Mars is rich in water compared with
the Moon, Mercury, or Venus.We think that liquid water is critical for the evolution
of life on any planet, and the presence of water has led to much speculation about
life on Mars. Moreover, there is abundant evidence that Mars once had a more tem-
perate climate and perhaps even higher atmospheric pressures. Nonetheless, only
ambitious new missions to Mars in the coming decades will help us resolve the
supremely important questions about life there. Ultimately, we need samples actu-
ally collected on Mars to understand the details of its early evolution.
Other Planets 739

Of all the planets, Venus is most like Earth in both size and density (Table 25.1).
Thus understanding the similarities and differences between these two twins
yields important clues about what controls the major characteristics of a planet. Un-
fortunately, the surface of Venus is totally obscured by clouds of sulfuric acid in a
thick atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide. Nonetheless, Soviet and U.S.
spacecraft used radar to reveal features as small as a football field. From these
data an outline of the planets history is emerging, though many important facets
of its history are still mysterious.
Volcanic plains, mountain belts, volcanoes, and high continents that rise sev-
eral kilometers above vast rolling lowlands show that Venus has a surface simi-
lar, in some ways, to the surface of Earth with its continents and ocean basins
(Figure 25.12). However, Venus has almost no water, and because of an enhanced
greenhouse effect in its carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere, surface temperatures
(almost 500C) are higher than on Mercury. Its atmosphere exerts a pressure
almost 90 times that of Earths.
Venus does not have a heavily cratered terrain dominated by ancient impact
structures like those of the Moon, Mercury, and Mars. This is the single most im-
portant fact we know about the surface of Venus. It clearly shows that the surface
of Venus is young, perhaps only 500 million years old, and has been repeatedly
modified by tectonism and extensive volcanism. However, Venus has about 1000
relatively young impact craters.
Although erosional and depositional features dominate the surface of Earth
and are common on Mars, they appear to be relatively insignificant on Venus.

Ishtar Terra

Beta Regio

Aphrodite Terra

6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 km

FIGURE 25.12 Topographic map of Venus shows that it consists mostly of low plains and several continent-sized highlands, including Ishtar
Terra and Aphrodite Terra. Colors show elevation changes, with purple lowest and red highest. (Courtesy of D. T. Sandwell, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, University of California at San Diego)
740 Chapter 25

Eolian and mass movement processes are the only effective sedimentary
processes. Wind streaks and dune fields have been identified, but they are not
widely distributed.
How do the craters on Venus differ Volcanic features dominate the landscape of Venus. Smooth volcanic plains
from those on the Moon and Mars? make up more than 80% of the planet. The plains are built by thin, fluid lava
flows. In addition, thousands of small shield volcanoes, generally 2 to 8 km in
diameter, with summit craters, are scattered across the plains and concen-
trated in local clusters. These features are similar to seamounts on Earth. In
some areas, eruptions built large volcanoes, as much as 225 km in diameter,
that have radial lava flow. Some steep-sided volcanic domes suggest the pres-
ence of lavas with higher viscosities and possibly more silicic compositions
(Figure 25.13B). Another distinctive volcanic landform is called a corona (Fig-
ure 25.13D). It consists of a large (500 km across) raised wreath of faults and
fractures surrounding a central volcanic plain that may be dotted by smaller
volcanoes and scarred by a large collapse caldera. Many of these and other vol-
canoes lie on broad structural domes that are cut by long rift valleys. These
structures may indicate the presence of broad mantle upwellings or plumes like
those on Earth.
Most of the volcanism on Venus appears to be quite young. None of the
plains are as heavily cratered as the lunar maria. Lacking confirming radio-
metric dates from samples collected on the surface, planetary scientists think
What are the major products of that the average age of the surface may be only about 500 million years. Com-
volcanic activity on Venus? pare this with the Moon, where nearly all of the surface is more than 3 billion
years old.
The surface of Venus has tectonic features that are spectacularly displayed
because they are essentially unmodified by erosion. Some uplifted domes are
completely laced with polygonal patterns of faults and fractures (Figure 25.13).
In other areas, deformation of the plains occurs in linear belts of narrow ridges,
similar to the wrinkle ridges on the Moon, but wider and longer. Folds and
thrust sheets form parallel ridges and troughs that clearly represent com-
pressional deformation.
It appears that Venus has had a long and especially eventful geologic his-
tory. Like its sister planet Earth, Venus lacks heavily cratered terrain formed
early in the history of the solar system. But billions of years of volcanism and
tectonism have erased any vestige of its battered crust. Nonetheless, Venus
has not developed a system of plate tectonics to recycle its lithosphere and
rid its interior of heat. Instead, Venus, like Mars, seems to be losing heat via
hot spot development.

Thermal Histories of the Inner Planets

A major, yet simple, lesson has been learned in the few decades of space explo-
rationthe thermal history and resulting geologic activity of a planet are largely
dependent on the planets size. Small bodies cool rapidly because they have large
surface areas compared with their masses. Larger bodies retain heat longer and,
as a result, have prolonged periods of internal geologic activity, such as volcanism
and crustal deformation. Thus, we see a natural sequence arising by examining the
ages of the rocks and surfaces of the inner planets. Meteorites are derived from the
smallest bodies in the solar systemasteroidsand have crystallization ages clus-
How does the thermal history of a tering between 4.5 and 4.6 billion years old. The Moon preserves many areas of an-
planet influence its tectonic system? cient heavily cratered terrains that are more than 3.9 billion years old, but some
parts are flooded with younger basaltic lavas, perhaps as young as 3 billion years
old. Mercury, Mars, Venus, and finally Earth have progressively younger surfaces,
with very young (less than 0.5 billion years old) volcanic rocks forming much of the
surfaces of both Venus and Earth. Most of this difference is simply related to the
size and slower cooling rates, and hence prolonged tectonic and volcanic activity,
on the larger planets.
Other Planets 741

(A) Impact craters on Venus are unique because of the high surface (B) Steep-sided, flat-topped volcanic domes are similar to silicic
temperature and high atmospheric pressure. This crater is about domes on Earth. Their structure and morphology suggest that they
30 km in diameter. The asymmetrical, radial-lobate ejecta pattern were formed by viscous magma.
suggests that the ejected material was fluid, like a mudflow. Note the
bright flows extending to the upper right as part of the continuous
ejecta deposit.

(C) A large structural dome cut by a complex fault system and (D) Coronas are important volcano-tectonic features found on
flanked by a series of folds. The width of the image is about 125 km. Venus. They may be underlain by mantle plumes.

FIGURE 25.13 The surface of Venus as revealed by Magellan radar images. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)
742 Chapter 25


Planetary bodies in the outer solar system were formed mostly of the lighter
elements: hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. Therefore, the satellites of the
giant planets are composed mostly of ice, not of rock, as are the inner
planets. They are relatively small and did not generate enough internal
heat to sustain geologic activity much beyond the period of intense bom-
bardment. Io, Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus, Miranda, and Triton are
notable exceptions, in that each has a distinctive tectonic style resulting
from unique energy systems.

Jupiter and Its Satellites

Jupiter and its moons form a planetary system of incredible beauty and intrigue.
The giant planet has a volume 1300 times greater than Earths (Table 25.1).The sur-
face we see with telescopes is a layer of colorful clouds swirling in complex patterns
(Figure 25.14). The exploration of Jupiter proved to be one of the most significant
results of the Voyager missions (197989) to the outer solar system. In addition,
Jupiter is now the focus of the Galileo mission. Jupiter has no solid surface and
hence no record of a geologic history.The density of Jupiter is only 1.3 g/cm3, slight-
ly more than that of liquid water, and there is conclusive evidence that silicate
rock is not its most important constituent. Rather, Jupiter and the rest of the large
outer planets are composed dominantly of hydrogen and helium that cloak Earth-
sized masses of silicates and metals (Figure 25.1).
Jupiters moons, however, are solid planetary bodies containing geologic won-
ders that reveal fundamental ideas about the origin of planets. Jupiters four large
moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) are called the Galilean satellites be-
cause they were discovered by Galileo in 1610. Each of Jupiters moons shows a
diverse landscape resulting from impact, volcanism, and fracturing (Figure 25.15).
Three of these moons have surfaces composed mostly of water ice, and one is prob-
ably made mostly of silicates and iron.

Io. Io is Jupiters innermost major satellite. In contrast to every other large

satellite in the outer solar system, it lacks an icy outer layer and is composed mostly
of silicates like the inner planets. It is only slightly larger and denser than Earths
Moon (Table 25.1). However, unlike the Moon, Io is volcanically active (Figure
25.15A). More than a dozen erupting volcanoes were spotted by the Voyager
cameras as they plummeted past Jupiter (Figure 25.16). More have been discovered
by Galileo, including an erupting fissure vent. The volcanoes are so active that no
impact craters have yet been discovered. There is no ancient cratered terrain; all
of it was engulfed long ago by volcanic materials.
Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system and probably has
been throughout much of geologic time. The question is why? The Moon, which is
about the same size as Io, cooled quickly because of its small size and has been vol-
canically dead for almost 3 billion years. Theoretically, Io should be dead, too.
However, energy from tidal forces may give it a continual energy boost. Europa
and Ganymede, as well as Jupiter, exert a strong gravitational pull on Io, forcing
Why does Io have so many active it into an eccentric orbit. Io is therefore constantly massaged by tidal forces as it
volcanoes? moves closer to and then farther from Jupiter. These conditions cause the satellite
to be heated by internal friction. Indeed, tidal heating may make Io molten at a
depth of only 20 km, so that volcanic activity would naturally be a dominant sur-
face process.

Europa. Europa has a density of about 3 g/cm3 and must therefore be composed
mostly of dense silicate rock (Table 25.1). However, spectroscopic measurements
show that Europa is surrounded by a frozen ocean of ice. Europa represents the
class of icy planets (Figure 25.1). Its surface is distinctive in that it is essentially
Other Planets 743






FIGURE 25.14 Jupiter as photographed by Voyager 1. Not visible are Jupiters faint rings, seen for the first time on this mission. (Courtesy
of NASA/JPL/Caltech)

free from large impact craters. Watery lava erupted through cracks and fissures in
the crust and repeatedly coated the surface with fresh ice. The most obvious
features on Europa are sets of tan streaks or bands that are probably fractures
formed by its constant gravitational tug-of-war with Jupiter (Figure 25.15B).
The near-absence of impact craters on Europa shows that the surface is very
young, formed after the early periods of heavy meteorite bombardment. Resur-
facing by the eruption of lavas must have continued until very recently. This
scenario is very similar to what we just described for Io. Yet, Io and Europa have How is the composition of Europa
distinctly different surfaces and would not be confused by anyone.What makes the different from the composition of the
difference? Europa has a surface of solid water ice that probably overlies a deep inner planets?
ocean (Figure 25.17). At the markedly higher resolution provided by the cameras
of Galileo, parts of Europas surface can be seen to be similar to the fractured ice
packs in Earths polar regions (see Figure 9.12). An ocean of liquid water must lie
at a shallow depth to explain the shapes and sizes of the ice floes. Could Europa,
then, host life that evolved in such an ocean? Could internal heat, released from
(A) Io: A young surface formed by volcanism. (B) Europa: A young surface of fractured ice (in false color).

(C) Ganymede: An older icy surface with a complex history of (D) Callisto: An ancient surface dominated by impact structures.
crustal fragmentation. The lower photo shows the details of one The detailed photo shows the rim of the impact structure Valhalla.
area of grooved terrain.

FIGURE 25.15 The Galilean moons of Jupiter. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)

Other Planets 745

(A) Maasaw Patera is a large central volcano capped by a triangular (B) The volcano Pelee is shown in eruption by the Voyager cameras. The
caldera. Lava flows erupted from near the summit flowed down the flanks eruption produces a spray similar to that of a lawn sprinkler. From this
of the volcano. vertical view, the margins of this ash cloud form a dark elliptical pattern.

FIGURE 25.16 Volcanoes are Ios most spectacular landforms. Many are active today. (Courtesy A. McEwen, University of Arizona)

tidal heating, drive communities of organisms like those found clustered around
hydrothermal vents in Earths deep seas?

Ganymede. Jupiters largest satellite is Ganymede, whose diameter is

approximately 1.5 times that of Earths Moon (Table 25.1). It is even larger than
Mercury. It has a bulk density of only 1.9 g/cm3 and may consist of about 50%
water ice surrounding a rocky core. Ganymede has a cratered surface with two
contrasting terrain types (Figure 25.15C).The older terrain is nearly saturated with
impact craters. It is dark and is believed to be composed of dirty ice, containing

FIGURE 25.17 Europas surface is

made of ice. These blocks of fractured ice
floated on a liquid ocean, which must lie at a
shallow depth, before they refroze. Note the
absence of abundant craters on this young
surface. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)
746 Chapter 25

fragments of dust and particles from outer space. This older crust appears to
have fractured and split apart, and many of the fragments have shifted. The
younger terrain is brighter and is crossed by closely spaced, nearly parallel
grooves. There are fewer craters on the bright grooved terrain than on the darker
surface, so the grooved terrain is believed to be much younger. Apparently, the
old, cratered terrain fractured at some time late in the period of intense
bombardment, and cleaner ice from below was extruded into the fractures to
form the grooved terrain. The breaking and movement of the crustal fragments
is a type of plate tectonics on a frozen world with a lithosphere of ice.

Callisto. Callisto is the outermost Galilean satellite. It is only slightly smaller

than Ganymede (Table 25.1) and is also believed to consist of a rocky core
surrounded by a thick mantle of ice. Callisto, in contrast to the other Galilean
satellites, is saturated with craters (Figure 25.15D). The surface of Callisto is very
old, recording events during the early history of the solar system. Callisto is
covered with ancient dark, dirty ice, similar to the old terrain on Ganymede.
Many craters have bright interiors and ejecta blankets. The bright material is
probably clean, melted ice from below the dirty crust, ejected onto the surface
What geologic features are unique on during impact. Aside from the densely cratered terrain, the most striking feature
each of the Galilean satellites of on Callisto is a large multiring basin. This feature is reminiscent of the multiring
Jupiter? basins on the planets of the inner solar system. Important differences exist,
however, in the numbers of rings, their spacing, and their elevation. Apparently,
ice responds quite differently to the shock of impact than rock.

Saturn and Its Satellites

Saturn is similar to Jupiter in many ways (Table 25.1). It is a gigantic ball of gas,
mostly hydrogen and helium, and is the center of a miniature planetary system
with an elaborate family of at least 18 satellites. Its atmosphere is not as color-
ful as Jupiters but is marked by dark bands alternating with lighter zones. Sat-
urns rings, of course, have long been considered its most dramatic feature; they
have intrigued astronomers for more than 300 years (Figure 25.18). They extend
over a distance of 40,000 km and yet are only a few kilometers thick. The rings
are probably made up of billions of particles of ice and ice-covered rock, rang-
ing from a few micrometers to a meter or more in diameter. Each particle moves
in its independent orbit around Saturn, producing an extraordinarily complex
ring structure.
Except for Titan, the seven largest moons of Saturn are small, icy bodies. They
range from 390 to 1530 km in diameter. In other words, they are only one-half
to one-tenth the diameter of the Moon. The surfaces of most of Saturns icy satel-
lites are saturated with impact craters (Figure 25.18). Many of the moons have
large fracture systems and other strange surface markings, probably resulting
from an exotic type of icy volcanism.
Two of Saturns moons warrant separate discussion here. Tiny Enceladus has
Are the satellites of Saturn more like a rifted terrain and young, smooth plains that may have been produced by lavas
those of Jupiter or Earths Moon? of slushy water that erupted from fissures (Figure 25.19). The ridged terrain is
probably similar in its origin to the grooved areas of Ganymede. Why would such
a small body have smooth young plains? The recent heating of Enceladus is prob-
ably related to the same type of tidal heating that warms Io. Titan, larger than the
planet Mercury, is the only moon in the solar system that has a substantial at-
mosphere. Surprisingly, the atmosphere of Titan is most like Earth and is com-
posed mainly of nitrogen (N2). There is no oxygen, however, but there are traces
of methane (CH4). The orange color of Titan comes from a haze or smog of hy-
drocarbon particles in the atmosphere. Some planetary scientists even speculate
that Titan has seas of hydrocarbon liquids washing its surface. However, Hubble
Space Telescope images show that Titan is not completely, if at all, covered by
seas. There are permanent surface features that rotate with the moon.
Other Planets 747








FIGURE 25.18 Saturn and its major moons assembled as a composite picture from Voyager photographs. This view shows Dione in the
forefront, Saturn rising behind, Tethys and Mimas in the distance on the right, Enceladus and Rhea off Saturns rings to the left, and Titan at the
top. Saturns icy moons are a geologically diverse group of mostly small satellites. They show an amazing variety of young and old surfaces, impact
craters, evidence of icy volcanism, and global fracture systems. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)

Uranus and Its Satellites

Like the other giant planets, Uranus has no solid surface but is enveloped by a
thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium (Figure 25.20). It is much smaller than
Saturn and only about four times as large in diameter as Earth (Table 25.1). Its
cloud layer is bland and bluish, because of the presence of methane. It also has a
thin dark system of rings that are almost invisible. It is unique among all other
planets in the solar system, because its spin axis is tipped on its side; that is, its axis
of rotation lies nearly in the plane of its orbit. Thus, it rolls, like a ball, as it moves
on its orbital path around the Sun, whereas other planets spin like tops.
Uranus has five major moons (Table 25.1). Each moon occupies a nearly circular
orbit, lying in the plane of Uranuss equator. Their orbits share the unusual axial
inclination of the planet itself. Oberon, Titania, Ariel, and Umbriel are quite sim-
ilar in size (1100 to 1600 km in diameter) and are approximately the size of the
748 Chapter 25

FIGURE 25.19 Enceladus is one of the

most interesting of the satellites in the solar
system. Although it is tiny (less than 500 km
across), it shows a remarkable record of
geologic activity. Its smooth, uncratered
surface is geologically young, which indicates
that it has experienced a relatively recent
thermal event and an exotic form of volcanic
activity in which floods of water and icy
slush were extruded. (Courtesy of

intermediate moons of Saturn (Tethys, Dione, and Rhea). Their surfaces are near-
ly saturated with craters (Figure 25.20) and are composed mostly of water ice.

Neptune and Its Satellites

Neptune is only slightly smaller than Uranus and is similar to its neighbor in com-
position (Table 25.1). Both planets, called the twins of the outer solar system, are
thought to have large cores of water ice and rock, surrounded by thick atmospheres
of hydrogen, helium, and minor methane. However, Neptunes cloud layers are
banded in various shades of blue (Figure 25.21). Oval storm systems spin in the at-
mosphere. Clouds of bright methane ice tower above the storm systems. Like the
other gas giants, Neptune has a system of rings made of ice particles in orbit around
the planet.
Only two moons were known to orbit Neptune before the Voyager spacecraft
passed it in 1989. At that time, six additional tiny moons were discovered. Triton
is the most interesting and largest moon. It is only slightly smaller than Earths
Moon (Table 25.1). It has an extremely tenuous atmosphere of nitrogen and
methane, and its exotic landscape is formed from ices of those gases. Triton has a
surprisingly large variety of geologic features, including ice caps, fractured terrain,
lava lakes, and volcanic or geyser eruptions (Figure 25.22). It is not a simple
cratered body. Triton is so cold (only 40 above absolute zero) that nitrogen is
frozen solid on its surface. However, there is enough warmth from the Sun to cause
How could volcanism occur on the the nitrogen to vaporize seasonally. Consequently, nitrogen ice caps shift from pole
frigid bodies of outer solar system? to pole. Its constantly changing ice caps of nitrogen and methane ice found on its
surface mark it as one of the most distinctive planetary bodies in the solar system.
Its odd retrograde orbit and young surface features combine to suggest that it
formed elsewhere in the outer solar system but was then captured and tidally melt-
ed as it went into orbit around Neptune.
Other Planets 749







FIGURE 25.20 Uranus and its five major satellites assembled in a composite picture from Voyager. Uranus
is smaller than Saturn, but still has a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. The blue color is caused by
methane. The moons are relatively small and all have icy surfaces. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)

Pluto is a planet of extremes (Table 25.1). It is the farthest, the smallest, the
coldest, and the darkest. Discovered in 1930, Pluto was the last of the planets to
be found. Because of its great distance from the Sun, it takes nearly 250 years
to complete one orbit. Pluto is distinctive among the outer planets in that it
lacks a thick, hydrogen-rich atmosphere. Indeed, it is much more similar to the
moons of Neptune than to any of the major planets. However, it does have its
own moon, Charon.
750 Chapter 25

FIGURE 25.21 Neptune and its

largest satellite, Triton, as photographed by
Voyager 2. Neptune is about the size of
Uranus but has a banded blue atmosphere
decorated with brilliant white clouds of
methane ice. Triton is so cold that nitrogen
ice forms on its surface. (Courtesy of

Our best images come from the Hubble Space Telescope (Figure 25.23). Tele-
scope studies show that Plutos surface is dominated by nitrogen ice. (At this
distance from the Sun, Earths nitrogen-rich atmosphere would freeze solid to
form a thin layer of ice.) Because Pluto is such an oddityan icy planet among
the gas-rich outer planetsthere has been much conjecture about its origin.
Perhaps, Pluto and Triton both accreted in the same frigid part of the outer solar
system as Sun-orbiting planets. Triton was then captured by Neptune. Pluto
remained in Sun orbit, but Charon may have formed when Pluto collided with
another object and fragmented.

FIGURE 25.22 Triton is so far from

the Sun and its surface temperature is so low
(40K), that nitrogen is frozen solid to form
a large ice cap shown on the bottom of this
photo. A fractured terrain with many
crisscrossed linear features appears to be the
result of rifting. Floods of lava (probably
mixtures of water, nitrogen, and methane)
formed smooth plains and lava lakes. Dark
streaks are formed from geyserlike volcanic
eruptions from beneath the bright ice cap.
(Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech)
Other Planets 751

FIGURE 25.23 Pluto is the most

distant planet in the solar system. Our best
views of Pluto and its smaller moon, Charon,
are those acquired by the Hubble Space
Telescope. (Courtesy of Hubble Space
Telescope Team)



Although among the smallest members of the solar system, asteroids and
comets hold answers to some of the biggest questions regarding the origin
of the solar system.

Besides the nine major planets, thousands of smaller planetoids are also part
of the solar system. These minor planets are called asteroids (Figure 25.24).
There are more than 10,000 known asteroids, but many others are far too small
to be seen even through the best telescopes. Most are found between the or-
bits of Jupiter and Mars, where the gravitational force of Jupiter prevented
them from accreting to form a single larger planet. The largest asteroid is only
about 1000 km across.
Our best information about asteroid surfaces comes from the photographs taken
by the NEAR spacecraft which orbited and then landed on the small asteroid
named Eros. Craters of every size are visible on its surface. Incomplete crater walls
define its irregular shape.The abundance of craters suggests that the surface formed
billions of years ago, perhaps because of massive fragmentation of a once-larger
body. Eros, like most of the other asteroids, is not big enough to sustain active ge-
ologic systems driven by internal heat. Perhaps it never was. No lava flows or tec-
tonic features have formed on this small body. Eros lacks the gravitational ener-
gy to pull itself into a sphere.Galileo also photographed two asteroids. Ida (Figure
25.24) has a long axis that only measures 56 km, but it has its own tiny moon. Ida
is also irregularly shaped and heavily cratered. Impact cratering is the main process
that shapes asteroids today.
Most meteorites that fall to Earth as shooting stars or meteors are probably
fragments of asteroids. By carefully studying the composition of meteorites, we
have learned that many came from asteroids that had differentiated anciently,
forming iron cores and silicate mantles, and some even had crusts made of basaltic
lava flows. These meteorites reveal that the parent asteroids are much like the
inner planets in their compositions. Radiometric dates of meteorites have also
752 Chapter 25

(A) Ida was photographed by Galileo on its (B) Eros, photographed by the NEAR (C) Closeup photograph of the surface of
way to Jupiter. It is only 56 km long and 24 km spacecraft in 2000, is only about 20 km long Eros. The regolith and boulders were created
across. Ida, like many other asteroids, is not and heavily cratered. by multiple impacts. This photograph shows
large enough to be spherical. It was shaped by an area only 12 meters across and was taken
impact with other asteroids, but it does have from 250 m above the surface of Eros.
its own tiny moon Dactyl.

FIGURE 25.24 Asteroids are among the smallest members of the inner Solar System. Most are irregularly shaped and orbit between Mars and
Jupiter. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech and the Advanced Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University)

established that the solar system formed during a short interval between 4.6 and
4.5 billion years ago.
It is commonly concluded from this information that asteroids and meteorites
are remnants of a swarm of small bodies from which the inner planets formed.
Thus, by carefully studying the meteorites, we can understand more about the con-
ditions of formation and differentiation of planetary bodies.

Comets are the most distant members of the solar system. Some have orbits that take
them so far from the Sun that it takes tens of thousands of years to complete a single
revolution. Although we have not collected samples of any comet, telescopic and
space probe studies of these small bodies show that they are composed basically of
ice and dust and have a kinship with the icy bodies of the outer solar system (Figure
25.1). The ices of water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, and ammonia
have been identified.These are mixed with various silicate minerals and metal parti-
cles. The mixture leads to the common notion that comets are dirty snowballs.
Because comets have strongly elliptical (elongated) orbits with the Sun at one
focus, they occasionally enter the inner solar system, where it is much warmer than
in the outer solar system. The icy nucleus of a comet partially vaporizes when it
comes close to the Sun, forming a large diffuse coma (the sphere of gas and dust
around the nucleus) and spectacularly long tails of gas and dust. During the early
months of 1997, Comet Hale-Bopp moved through the inner solar system (Figure
25.25). It treated stargazers to a spectacular view.As it swept through the inner solar
system, its head enlarged and its tail became longer and longer as heat from the Sun
vaporized ice inside the comet. (Comets do not glow from internal energy.They sim-
ply reflect sunlight off the molecules of gas and dust.) Even though the icy nucleus
is only a few tens of kilometers across, the bright coma of this comet was as large as
Jupiter and its tail extended millions of kilometers behind it. As Hale-Bopp moved
back out of the inner solar system, the ice recondensed and the tail disappeared.
Other Planets 753

FIGURE 25.25 Comets are actually

small ice bodies that formed in the outer
solar system. Some have elliptical orbits that
take them near the Sun. When they enter the
warmth of the inner solar system, the ice
sublimes to vapor and forms a long tail that
streams behind it. Hale-Bopp (1997) was
probably the most spectacular comet seen in
the latter half of the twentieth century.
(Courtesy of D. McClain)

The origin and history of comets are very enigmatic. Comets may have originally
formed near Uranus and Neptune, but subsequent gravitational perturbations
from Jupiter must have ejected them to distant orbits that presently envelop the
solar system. Periodically, some comets are gravitationally forced, perhaps by a
passing star, into shorter elliptical orbits that take them into the inner solar system.
Comets must be remnants of the planetesimals that accreted to form the outer
planets and their satellites.
Using the Hubble Space Telescope, several of these remnants have been iden-
tified in the outer solar system. Ranging in size to as much as 200 km across, these
icy bodies orbit beyond Neptune. More than 200 have been discovered since 1992,
and some estimates suggest that as many as 200 million may exist. In fact, Pluto and
Triton may be large members of this group of outer solar system planetesimals.


The solar system probably formed by gravitational collapse of a huge

cloud of gas and dust. The inner planets formed from dense silicates and
metals that crystallized at high temperatures near the forming Sun, while
the outer planets additionally included elements that form solids at low
temperatures. Dense atmospheres became attached to the large icy cores
of the outer planets.

Most scientists believe that the universe began about 15 billion years ago, in what
has become known as the Big Bang. This gigantic explosion caused matter to ex-
pand outward from one point to form the billions of swirling galaxies and, in time,
the stars and their planets. It is generally thought that our solar system was spawned How did silicates become concentrated
in a cold, diffuse cloud of gas and dust, or a nebula, deep within a spiral arm of the in the inner planets and water ice in
Milky Way galaxy. The huge cloud was made up largely of the two lightest ele- the planetary bodies of the outer
ments, hydrogen and helium, along with lesser oxygen and even smaller quantities solar system?
of heavy elements, such as silicon and iron.The nebula rotated slowly about a cen-
tral concentration of mass and contained a system of complicated eddies. Under
754 Chapter 25

(A) A slowly rotating portion of a large nebula

becomes a distinct globule as a mostly gaseous
cloud collapses by gravitational attraction.

Diffuse nebula

(B) Rotation of the cloud prevents collapse of

the equatorial disk while a dense central mass

Equatorial disk

(C) A protostar ignites and warms the inner

part of the nebula, possibly vaporizing Protostar
preexisting dust. As the nebula cools,
condensation produces solid grains that settle to
the central plane of the nebula.

Ejected gas
(D) The dusty nebula clears by dust aggregation and dust
into planetesimals or by ejection during a T-Tauri Planet
stage of the stars evolution. A star and a system
of cold bodies remains. Gravitational accretion of
these small bodies leads to the development of a
small number of major planets. Sun

FIGURE 25.26 The evolution of a dusty nebula to a star with a surrounding system of orbiting planets.

the force of gravity, the giant cloud began to collapse and assume the shape of a
rotating disk, with an increasingly hot and dense mass at the center (Figure 25.26).
During the collapse, much of the clouds matter swirled toward the dense cen-
tral core to form the Sun. The outer part of the cloud was naturally the coldest, so
substances theresuch as water, ammonia, and methanesolidified as low-
density ices. Nearer the Sun, those materials remained as vapor, but silicon, iron,
aluminum, and similar materials could combine with oxygen and crystallize at high
temperatures into solids, to form dense rocky material. However, these elements
were not as abundant as the ice-forming materials. Thus, early in the history of the
solar system, there was a separation and differentiation of material. Silicate min-
erals stable at high temperature were concentrated in the central region, whereas
icy solids dominated near the fringes of the cloud.
Over a relatively short period (possibly as short as 100,000 years), the small par-
ticles in the embryonic solar system accreted into larger and larger particles, until
asteroid-sized bodies of rock and ice called planetesimals formed. As the planetes-
imals orbited the infant Sun, the larger bodies grew by accretion as smaller objects
repeatedly slammed into them. These planetesimals became the principal planets.
A planets size and composition were therefore determined to a considerable
degree by its distance from the Sun. In the high-temperature regions near the Sun,
Other Planets 755

only materials such as the scarce metals and silicates crystallized into solids and ac-
creted to form planets. Proceeding outward toward cooler and cooler tempera-
tures, materials with lower crystallization temperatures, such as water and then
methane and finally nitrogen, also became solid (ices) and accumulated to form
planets. Because these volatile elements are much more abundant than the sili-
cates, large icy bodies formed in the outer solar system. Huge amounts of gaseous
hydrogen and helium became gravitationally anchored to these giant planets.
Most of the material of the nebula swirled inward toward the very center of
the solar system. The intense pressure raised the temperature to a point where
it became a vast nuclear furnacea new star, the Sun. By this time, the princi- What is the importance of planetary
pal planets and their satellites already orbited the Sun, and swept up most of the differentiation?
remaining debris in their orbital paths. This final stage of planetary accretion is
clearly recorded as densely cratered terrain on the surfaces of the Moon, Mer-
cury, Mars, and most other planetary bodies.
All planetary bodies were heated to some degree because of the impact of the
numerous planetesimals that formed them. If heated sufficiently, much of the plan-
et melted and the constituent materials became differentiatedthat is, denser ma-
terials were separated and concentrated in the core and lighter materials were
concentrated near the surface. This process is known as planetary differentiation
and led to the layered internal structure of the solid inner planets and icy satellites
of the outer planets (Figure 25.1).

The Role of Impact Processes in the Origin of the Planets

With all these images of the planets before you, you can probably come to a sim-
ple but dramatic conclusion about the fundamental geologic processes in the solar
system. Impact cratering may be the most important process in the origin and sub-
sequent evolution of the planets. To understand further and emphasize the role of
impact cratering in our solar system, let us consider several examples.

Impact Origin of the Moon. In the last 10 years, an exciting new hypothesis for
the origin of the Moon has gained scientific respect (Figure 25.27). A glancing
collision of Earth with a Mars-sized object would have vaporized and ejected
material from the already differentiated Earth. The refractory silicate portion of
this material could have become solid again and accreted while in orbit around
Earth to create a small water- and iron-poor natural satellitethe Moon.

Planetesimal FIGURE 25.27 A giant collision of the

early Earth with a body the size of Mars may
Ejecta have ejected material into orbit, where it
accreted to form the Moon. The iron core of
Mantle the impacting body would have plunged
through Earths mantle and merged with the
Core already formed core. Earth may have been
Earth stripped of its primordial atmosphere and
been left with a globe-encircling ocean of
A. Approaching planetesimal B. Initial impact C. Fragmentation of
planetesimal and loss
of volatile elements

in orbit
D. Re-accretion and core E. Accretion of Moon
modification of Earth
756 Chapter 25

15 sec after impact 50 sec 70 sec

300 km
Cloud tops

FIGURE 25.28 The collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy was simulated by computer. These illustrations
show the sequence of events associated with one of the impacts. First, a fireball forms along the trail of the
falling comet. Second, the heated gases rise back along the tunnel. Third, a large fireball modified by an
expanding shock wave punches through the cloud tops. (Modified from the Sandia National Laboratory)

Other Large Impacts. The role of similar large-body impacts in the evolution of
other planets is a topic of increasing speculation. For example, Mercurys relatively
high density may be explained partly as the result of a giant impact that stripped
away the outer silicate layers of the already-differentiated planet, leaving it enriched
in the dense metallic iron that formed its core. A late, large impact on Venus may have
slowed its spin and reversed its rotational direction, as compared with that of all
other planets. The global dichotomy between Marss heavily cratered northern
What role has impact played in the hemisphere and its relatively young, smooth northern plains may be traced back to
evolution of the planets and moons of a giant impact basin in the northern hemisphere.The small icy satellites of Saturn and
the solar system? Uranus, some scientists conjecture, were fragmented several times, only to reaccrete
later. Moreover, the rings that encircle the outer planets may be created again and
again by the collisional fragments of small icy moons. At the very least, several icy
satellites sustained massive impacts that created global fracture systems, as well as
large craters. Finally, a giant collision with a large body may have tipped Uranus on
its side, and another may have fragmented Pluto to form a double-planet system.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Other Comet Impacts. The continuing

importance of impact processes in the solar system was dramatically revealed in
1994 when a disrupted comet slammed explosively into Jupiter (Figure 25.28). As
the comet approached Jupiter, the massive gravitational force of the giant planet
ripped the icy body into a series of at least 21 perfectly aligned fragments, strung
out like an orbiting string of pearls(Figure 25.29).The fragments became satellites
of Jupiter, swinging around the planet in a highly elliptical orbit.
Each newly formed fragment was surrounded by a coma and tail of gas and
dust. The best estimates are that the largest comet fragment was little more than
1 kilometer in diameter. From July 16 to 22, 1994, the jewels on this necklace of
comets collided one by one with Jupiter.
As each fragment entered the atmosphere, it flashed like a shooting star from the
friction generated by its rapid flight. Each icy chunk probably tunneled about 75 to
150 km below Jupiters cloud layer, leaving behind it a trail of hot, pressurized gas
and cometary debris.Temperatures reached almost 8000 K.The heat released hurled
an upward expanding fireball back through the tunnel created by the falling
fragment (Figure 25.29). A powerful shock wave closely followed the fireball,
enlarging it into a huge semispherical plume. Some of these huge plumes were larg-
er than Earth.They rose hundreds of kilometers and punched through the cloud tops
within minutes of exploding. Momentarily, the light from Jupiter increased 50-fold.
The bright plumes disappeared in a matter of hours and were replaced by outward-
expanding ripples or waves in the atmosphere and by enigmatic dark scars that
eventually disappeared.
Impact is a fundamental process in planetary formation and evolution. It is not
the dominant process it was 4.5 billion years ago, but impacts still occur today.
(B) The impacts left a string of dark scars aligned
in a ring. The lighter swirls are large storms.
(Courtesy of Hubble Space Telescope Team)

(A) The string of comets collided one by one with Jupiter, as seen in this artists conception. (C) This explosion was captured using an Earth-
(Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Caltech) based telescope. (Courtesy of P. McGregor)

FIGURE 25.29 The collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter shows that collisions between solar system bodies still occur today. These
events occurred in July 1994 and are the first such collisions on another planet ever seen by humans.

We live in an extraordinary period of geologic exploration. We have explored all
of the planets except Pluto, with spacecraft flybys or orbital missions. By studying
other planetary bodies, we gain a greater understanding of our own Earth. Its size
and composition are just right for the development of a tectonic system that re-
cycles the lithosphere, creates continents and ocean basins, and concentrates ores
and minerals. Earths gravitational field is strong enough to hold an atmosphere.
Earth is just the right distance from the Sun so that water can exist as solid, liquid,
and vapor and can move in a hydrologic cycle. If the planet were a little closer to
the Sun, our oceans would evaporate; if farther from it, the oceans would freeze
solid. Studying other planets has taught us that Earth is a small place, an oasis in
space, a home we are still trying to understand.

GeoLogic Chicxulub: Smoking Gun?

Gulf of
Mexico Mexico

Pacific Ocean
S h o re lin e

(Courtesy of V. Sharpton/Lunar and Planetary Institute)

A major extinction of many forms of life, on land and sea, Interpretations

and including dinosaurs, marks the boundary between the Though they took decades to accumulate, once in place
Cretaceous and Tertiary time periods. What could have these facts rapidly led to the earth-shaking interpretation
caused the extinction? that our planet was struck by a large asteroid 65 million
years ago.According to this widely accepted theory, its im-
Observations pact scattered Ir-rich ejecta across much of the world. The
1. Iridium concentrations are high in meteoritic material, passage of the shock wave though the crust created micro-
but low in rocks found at Earths surface. scopic shock features in mineral grains. The impact exca-
2. High concentrations of iridium occur in sedimentary lay- vated a large depression that rapidly collapsed and a cen-
ers formed at the transition between the Cretaceous and tral peak and surrounding moat formed. Many scientists
Tertiary time periods (65 million years ago) . are also convinced that the fine dust blasted into the at-
3. Fine fragments of minerals in the iridium layer have pla- mosphere blocked the Sun and helped cause the mass ex-
nar microfeatures that form only at intense but short- tinction that included the dinosaurs.
lived pressures. Are there problems with this interpretation? Of course
4.The iridium layer is thickest in the areas near the Yucatan there are. For example, why was the extinction selective,
peninsula of southern Mexico. taking some of the tiniest marine plankton and the biggest
5. Gravity surveys show that a large (nearly 200 km diam- animals on the continents, but leaving others unscathed?
eter) circular basin is buried below several kilometers of Nonetheless, the evidence is overwhelming that an impact
sediment in the Yucatan peninsula. occurred. The possible relation of the impact to extinction
will drive continued research in attempts to strengthen or
ultimately reject the impact-extinction connection.

Other Planets 759

accretion (p. 730) gas giant (p. 726) mass extinction (p. 758) planetesimal (p. 754)
asteroid (p. 751) icy planetary body (p. 727) meteorite (p. 728) ray (p. 730)
comet (p. 752) impact crater (p. 728) multiring basin (p. 730) tidal heating (p. 742)
differentiation (p. 755) inner planet (p. 726) nebula (p. 753)
ejecta blanket (p. 730) mare (p. 730) outer planet (p. 726)

1. Explain the meaning of the color code in the color bars in 12. Describe the surface features generated by wind on Mars.
Table 25.1. 13. Compare and contrast the surface features of Venus with
2. What geologic process has been most significant in modify- those on Earth and Mars.
ing the surfaces of the Moon, Mercury, and Mars? 14. Compare and contrast the sizes, densities, compositions, and
3. Outline the stages in the production of a crater by the im- surface features of the four large moons of Jupiter.
pact of a meteorite. What geologic features are produced by 15. Why are the surfaces of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter so
impact? different in age? In composition and density?
4. How are craters modified with time? 16. Explain why Io is still volcanically active, whereas the
5. Explain how a geologic time scale was developed for events Moon, which has a similar size and density, is not.
in the Moons history. 17. What is the significance of the major surface features on the
6. Outline the major events in lunar history. Saturnian moon Enceladus?
7. Compare and contrast the geology of Mercury with that of 18. How is Earth geologically unique among the planetary bod-
the Moon. ies of the solar system?
8. Why is the Moon so poor in water and iron if it formed 19. Contrast the compositions of asteroids and comets.
close to Earth, where both materials are abundant? 20. Why is there such a great composition and size difference
9. Describe the volcanoes on Mars. between the inner and the outer planets?
10. What tectonic features are found on Mars? 21. What do you think is the most common rock type on the
11. Describe the fluvial features on the surface of Mars. How surfaces of the inner planets? On the moons of the outer
do they compare with fluvial features on Earth? planets?

Beatty, J. K., C. C. Petersen, and A. Chaikin. 1999. The New Solar Light, M., A. Chaikin. 2002. Full Moon. New York:Alfred A.
System, 4th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Sky Publishing. Knopf.
Christiansen, E. H., and W. K. Hamblin. 1995. Exploring the McKay, D. S., E. K. Gibson, K. L. Thomas-Kerpta, H. Vali, C. S.
Planets, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice Hall. Romanek, S. J. Clemett, X. D. F. Chillier, C. R. Maechling, and
Gehrels, T. 1996. Collisions with comets and asteroids, Scientific R. N. Zare. 1996. Search for past life on Mars: Possible relic
American 274(3):5459. biogenic activity in Martian meteorite ALH84001. Science
Greeley, R. and R. Batson. 1997. NASA Atlas of the Solar Sys- 273: 924930.
tem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pappalardo, R. T., J. W. Head, and R. Greeley. 1999. The hidden
Hartmann, W. K. 1999. Moons and planets. Belmont, Calif: ocean of Europa. Scientific American 281(4):5463.
Wadsworth Press. Taylor, S. R. 1998. Destiny or Chance: Our Solar System and Its
Levy, D. H., E. M. Shoemaker, and C. S. Shoemaker. 1995. Comet Place in the Cosmos. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Shoemaker-Levy 9 meets Jupiter. Scientific American

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provides you with an on-line study guide and addition- to help you visualize and thus understand the concepts
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aa flow A lava flow with a surface typi- aftershock An earthquake that follows a amphibolite A metamorphic rock con-
fied by angular, jagged blocks. Contrast larger earthquake. Generally, many after- sisting mostly of amphibole and plagio-
with pahoehoe flow. shocks occur over a period of days or clase feldspar.
even months after a major earthquake. andesite A fine-grained igneous rock
agate A variety of cryptocrystalline composed mostly of plagioclase feldspar
Lava quartz in which colors occur in bands. It and from 25 to 40% pyroxene, amphi-
is commonly deposited in cavities in bole, or biotite, but no quartz or K-
rocks. feldspar. It is abundant in mountains bor-
aa flow A horizon The topsoil layer in a soil dering the Pacific Ocean, such as the
ablation Reduction of a glacier by melt- profile that commonly contains organic Andes Mountains of South America,
ing, evaporation, iceberg calving, or matter. from which the name was derived.
deflation. alluvial fan A fan-shaped deposit of angle of repose The steepest angle at
abrasion The mechanical wearing away sediment built by a stream where it which loose grains will remain stable
of a rock by friction, rubbing, scraping, or emerges from an upland or a mountain without sliding downslope.
grinding. range into a broad valley or plain. Allu- angular unconformity An unconformity
absolute age Geologic time measured in vial fans are common in arid and semi- in which the older strata dip at a different
a specific duration of years (in contrast to arid climates but are not restricted to angle (generally steeper) than the
relative time, which involves only the them. younger strata.
chronologic order of events). Also called
numerical age.
abyssal Pertaining to the great depths
of the oceans, generally 1000 fathoms
(2000 m) or more below sea level.
abyssal hills The part of the ocean floor
Angular unconformity
consisting of hills rising as much as 1000 m Alluvial fan
above the surrounding floor. They are anion A negatively charged ion.
found seaward of most abyssal plains and alluvium A general term for any sedi- anomaly A deviation from the norm or
occur in profusion in basins isolated from mentary accumulations deposited by average.
continents by trenches, ridges, or rises. comparatively recent action of rivers. It anorthosite A coarse-grained intrusive
abyssal plains Flat areas of the ocean thus includes sediment laid down in river igneous rock composed primarily of
floor, having a slope of less than 1:1000. beds, floodplains, and alluvial fans. calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar.
Most abyssal plains lie at the base of a amorphous solid A solid in which atoms anticline A fold in which the limbs dip
continental rise and are simply areas or ions are not arranged in a definite away from the hinge. After erosion, the
where abyssal hills are completely cov- crystal structure. Examples: glass, amber, oldest rocks are exposed in the central
ered with sediment. obsidian. core of the fold.
accretionary prism A wedge-shaped amphibole An important rock-forming
body of faulted and folded material mineral group of mafic silicates. Amphi-
scraped off subducting oceanic crust and bole crystals are constructed from double
added to an island arc or continental chains of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. Ex-
margin at a subduction zone. ample: hornblende.

Continental shelf Continental slope

Submarine canyon Abyssal fan Abyssal hills
Abyssal plains Anticline

aphanitic texture A rock texture in

which individual crystals are too
small to be identified without the aid
of a microscope. In hand specimens,
aphanitic rocks appear to be dense
Abyssal hills and structureless.

G2 Glossary

aquifer A permeable stratum or zone believed to be soft and yielding to into an intricate system of closely spaced,
below the Earths surface through which plastic flow. narrow ravines.
groundwater moves. asymmetric fold A fold (anticline or bajada The surface of a system of coa-
syncline) in which one limb dips more lesced alluvial fans.
surface steeply than the other. bar An offshore, submerged, elongate
ridge of sand or gravel built on the
seafloor by waves and currents.
barchan dune A crescent-shaped dune,
the tips or horns of which point down-
wind. Barchan dunes form in desert areas
where sand is scarce.
Aquifer Asymmetric fold
barrier island An elongate island of
arch An arch-shaped landform pro- atmosphere The mixture of gases sur- sand or gravel formed parallel to a coast.
duced by weathering and differential rounding a planet. The Earths atmo-
erosion. sphere consists chiefly of oxygen and
arte A narrow, sharp ridge separating nitrogen, with minor amounts of other
two adjacent glacial valleys. gases. Synonymous with air.
arid A dry climate such as exists in atoll A ring of low coral islands sur-
deserts. rounding a lagoon. Barrier island
arkose A sandstone containing at least
25% feldspar. barrier reef An elongate coral reef that
artesian-pressure surface The level to trends parallel to the shore of an island or
which water in an artesian system a continent, separated from it by a lagoon.
would rise in a pipe high enough to
stop the flow.
artesian water Groundwater confined in Atoll

an aquifer and under pressure great

enough to cause the water to rise above atom The smallest unit of an element. Volcano
the top of the aquifer when it is tapped Atoms are composed of protons, neu- Barrier reef
by a well. trons, and electrons.
ash Volcanic fragments the size of dust atomic number The number of protons basalt A dark-colored, fine-grained,
particles. in the nucleus of an atom. It uniquely de- mafic volcanic rock composed of plagio-
ash flow A turbulent blend of unsorted fines an element. clase (over 50%) and pyroxene. Olivine
pyroclastic material (mostly fine- atomic weight The mass of one atom of may or may not be present.
grained) mixed with high-temperature an element, essentially the sum of the base level The level below which a
gases ejected explosively from a fissure protons and neutrons in the nucleus of stream cannot effectively erode. Sea level
or crater. an atom. is the ultimate base level, but lakes form
ash-flow tuff A rock composed of vol- axis 1 (crystallography) An imaginary temporary base levels for inland drainage
canic ash and dust, formed by deposition line passing through a crystal around systems.
and consolidation of ash flows. which the parts of the crystal are sym- basement complex A series of igneous
assimilation The process by which hot metrically arranged. 2 (geophysics) A and metamorphic rocks lying beneath the
magma incorporates or dissolves the sur- straight line about which a planet or oldest stratified rocks of a region. In
rounding solid country rock. moon rotates or spins. shields, the basement complex is exposed
asteroid A small, rocky planetary body over large areas.
orbiting the Sun. Asteroids are numbered backarc basin The area behind a
in the tens of thousands. Most are located subduction-related volcanic arc where
between the orbit of Mars and the orbit folds and faults form. Most oceanic
of Jupiter. Their diameters range down- backarcs are extending.
ward from 1000 km. backswamp The marshy area of a flood-
asthenosphere The weak zone inside plain at some distance beyond and lower
Earth directly below the lithosphere, than the natural levees that confine the
Basement complex
from 10 to 200 km below the surface. river.
Seismic velocities are distinctly lower backwash The return sheet flow down a basin 1 (structural geology) A circular
in the asthenosphere than in adjacent beach after a wave is spent. or elliptical downwarp. After erosion, the
parts of Earths interior. The material badlands An area nearly devoid of veg- youngest beds are exposed in the central
in the asthenosphere is therefore etation and dissected by stream erosion part of the structure. 2 (topography)
Glossary G3
A depression into which the surrounding biochemical sediment A sediment made calcite A mineral composed of calcium
area drains. of material precipitated as a result of bio- carbonate (CaCO3).
batholith A large body of intrusive ig- logical processes, such as shells made of caldera A large, more or less circular
neous rock exposed over an area of at calcium carbonate. depression or basin associated with a vol-
least 100 km2. biosphere The totality of life on or near canic vent. Its diameter is many times
Earths surface. greater than that of the included vents.
biotite Black mica. An important Calderas are believed to result from sub-
mafic silicate with silicon-oxygen tetrahe- sidence or collapse and may or may not
dra arranged in sheets. be related to explosive eruptions.
bird-foot delta A delta with distribu- calving The breaking off of large blocks
taries extending seaward and in map of ice from a glacier that terminates in a
view resembling the claws of a bird. body of water.
bathymetry The measurement of ocean Example: the Mississippi Delta. capacity The maximum quantity of sedi-
depths and mapping of the topography of block faulting A type of normal faulting ment a given stream, glacier, or wind can
the ocean floor. in which segments of the crust are bro- carry under a given set of conditions.
bauxite A mixture of various amor- ken and displaced to different elevations carbon 14 A radioactive isotope of car-
phous or crystalline hydrous aluminum and orientations. bon. Its half-life is 5730 years.
oxides and aluminum hydroxides, com- blowout A dune shaped like a parabola carbonaceous Containing carbon.
monly formed by intense chemical with the concave side toward the wind. carbonate mineral A mineral formed by
weathering in tropical and subtropical Commonly formed along shorelines the bonding of carbonate ions (CO32-)
regions. Bauxite is the principal ore of (same as a parabolic dune). with positive ions. Examples: calcite
aluminum. blueschist A fine-grained schistose (CaCO3), dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2].
bay A wide, curving recess or inlet be- rock characterized by high-pressure, carbonate rock A rock composed most-
tween two capes or headlands. low-temperature mineral assemblages ly of carbonate minerals. Examples: lime-
baymouth bar A narrow, usually sub- and typically containing the blue amphi- stone, dolomite.
merged ridge of sand or gravel deposited bole glaucophane. catastrophism The belief that geologic
across the mouth of a bay by longshore boulder A rock fragment with a diame- history consists of major catastrophic
drift. Baymouth bars commonly are ter of more than 256 mm (about the size events involving processes that were far
formed by extension of spits along em- of a volleyball). A boulder is one size more intense than any we observe now.
bayed coasts. larger than a cobble. Contrast with uniformitarianism.
beach A deposit of wave-washed sedi- bracketed intrusion An intrusive rock cation A negatively charged ion.
ment along a coast between the landward that was once exposed at the surface by cave A naturally formed subterranean
limit of wave action and the outermost erosion and was subsequently covered by open area, chamber, or series of cham-
breakers. younger sediment. The relative age of the bers, commonly produced in limestone
bed A layer of sediment 1 cm or more intrusion thus falls between, or is brack- by solution activity or in basalt flows as
in thickness. eted by, the ages of the younger and lava tubes.
bedding plane A surface separating lay- older sedimentary deposits. cement Minerals precipitated from
ers of sedimentary rock. braided stream A stream with a com- groundwater in the pore spaces of a sedi-
bed load Material transported along the plex of converging and diverging chan- mentary rock and binding the rocks par-
bottom of a stream by rolling or sliding, nels separated by bars or islands. Braided ticles together.
in contrast to material carried in suspen- streams form where more sediment is Cenozoic The era of geologic time from
sion or in solution. available than can be removed by the dis- the end of the Mesozoic Era (65 million
bedrock The continuous solid rock charge of the stream. years ago) to the present.
that underlies the regolith everywhere breaker A collapsing water wave. chalcedony A general term for fibrous
and is exposed locally at the surface. An breccia A general term for sediment cryptocrystalline quartz.
exposure of bedrock is called an out- consisting of angular fragments in a ma- chalk A variety of limestone composed of
crop. trix of finer particles. Examples: sedimen- shells of microscopic oceanic organisms.
benioff zone A zone of earthquakes tary breccias, volcanic breccias, fault chemical weathering Chemical reactions
that dips away from a deep-sea trench breccias, impact breccias. that act on rocks exposed to water and
and slopes beneath the adjacent conti- brittle Easily broken or fractured in the atmosphere so as to change their
nent or island arc. contrast to plastic flow.
B horizon The solid zone of accumula- butte A somewhat isolated hill, usually
tion underlying the A horizon of a soil capped with a resistant layer of rock
profile. Some of the material dissolved by and bordered by talus. A butte is an
leaching in the A horizon is deposited in erosional remnant of a formerly more
the B horizon. extensive slope. Butte
G4 Glossary

unstable mineral components to more coal A common fuel mineral made conduction Transmission of heat energy
stable forms. Oxidation, hydrolysis, car- mostly of carbon resulting from the by the impact of moving atoms. Contrast
bonation, and direct solution are the metamorphic decomposition of the re- with convection.
most common reactions. mains of terrestrial plants. Found in sedi- cone of depression A conical depression
chert A sedimentary rock composed of mentary rock. of the water table surrounding a well
granular cryptocrystalline silica. cobble A rock fragment with a diameter after heavy pumping.
C horizon The lowest zone of soil con- between 6.4 cm (about the size of a ten-
sisting of partly decomposed bedrock un- nis ball) and 25.67 cm (about the size of a
derlying the B horizon. It grades down- volleyball). Cobbles are larger than peb- Water table
ward into fresh, unweathered bedrock. bles but smaller than boulders.
cinder A fragment of volcanic ejecta climate The long-term average of pre-
from 0.5 to 2.5 cm in diameter. cipitation, temperature, and wind direc- Cone of depression
cinder cone A cone-shaped hill com- tion and orientation.
posed of loose volcanic fragments erupt- columnar jointing A system of fractures conglomerate A coarse-grained sedi-
ed from a central vent. that splits a rock body into long prisms, mentary rock composed of rounded frag-
cirque An amphitheater-shaped depres- or columns. It is characteristic of lava ments of pebbles, cobbles, or boulders.
sion at the head of a glacial valley, exca- flows and shallow intrusive igneous contact The surface separating two dif-
vated mainly by ice plucking and frost flows. ferent rock bodies.
wedging. contact metamorphism Metamorphism
of a rock near its contact with a magma.
continent A large landmass composed
mostly of granitic rock. Continents rise
abruptly above the deep-ocean floor and
include the marginal areas submerged
Columnar joint
beneath sea level.
comet A small icy object in orbit around continental accretion The growth of
clastic 1 Pertaining to fragments (such the Sun. The orbits of many comets are continents by incorporation of deformed
as mud, sand, and gravel) produced by elliptical and when they near the Sun, the sediments, arc magmas, and accreted ter-
the mechanical breakdown of rocks. 2 A ice sublimes to make a fuzzy head and ranes along their margins.
sedimentary rock composed chiefly of long tail of gas and dust. continental crust The type of crust un-
consolidated clastic material. competence The maximum size of parti- derlying the continents, including the
clastic texture The texture of sedimen- cles that a given stream, glacier, or wind continental shelves. The continental crust
tary rocks consisting of fragments of can move at a given velocity. is commonly about 35 to 70 km thick. Its
minerals, rocks, and organic skeletal composite volcano A large volcanic density is typically 2.7 g/cm3, and the ve-
remains. cone built by extrusion of ash, lava, and locities of primary seismic waves travel-
shallow intrusions. Synonymous with ing through the crust are less than 6.2
stratovolcano. km/sec. Contrast with oceanic crust.
continental drift The theory that the con-
tinents move in relation to one another.
continental glacier A thick ice sheet
covering large parts of a continent.
Composite volcano
Present-day examples are found in
Greenland and Antarctica.
Clastic texture compound A substance made of two or continental margin The zone of transi-
more elements bound together. tion from a continent to the adjacent
clay Sedimentary material composed of compression A system of stresses that ocean basin. It generally includes a conti-
fragments with a diameter of less than tends to reduce the volume of or shorten nental shelf, continental slope, and conti-
1/256 mm. Clay particles are smaller than a substance. nental rise.
silt particles. conchoidal fracture A type of fracture continental rise The gently sloping sur-
clay minerals A group of hydrous sili- that produces a smooth, curved surface. face located at the base of a continental
cates formed by weathering of minerals It is characteristic of quartz and obsidian. slope (see diagram for abyssal hills).
such as feldspar, pyroxene, or amphibole. concretion A spherical or ellipsoidal continental shelf The submerged margin
Silicate tetrahedra are arranged in sheets. nodule formed by accumulation of min- of a continental mass extending from the
cleavage The tendency of a mineral to eral matter after deposition of sediment. shore to the first prominent break in
break in a preferred plane in the crystal condensation The process by which a slope, which usually occurs at a depth of
lattice. vapor becomes a liquid or a solid. about 120 m.
Glossary G5
continental slope The slope that extends covalent bond A chemical bond in defined as the part of the Earth above the
from a continental shelf down to the which electrons are shared between dif- Mohorovicic discontinuity. It represents
ocean deep. In some areas, such as off ferent atoms so that none of the atoms less than 1% of Earths total volume. See
eastern North America, the continental has a net charge. also continental crust, oceanic crust.
slope grades into the more gently sloping crater An abrupt circular depression Continental crust Oceanic crust
continental rise. formed by extrusion of volcanic materi-
convection Transmission of heat energy al, by collapse, or by the impact of a
by the rise of buoyant hot material and meteorite.
sinking of cold material.


cryptocrystalline texture The texture of

rocks composed of crystals too small to
be identified with an ordinary micro-
craton The stable continental crust, in- crystal A solid, polyhedral form bound-
cluding the shield and stable platform ed by naturally formed plane surfaces
areas, most of which have not been af- resulting from growth of a crystal lattice.
fected by significant tectonic activity crystal face A smooth plane formed by
since the close of the Precambrian Era. growth of the surface of a crystal.
convection cell The space occupied by a creep The imperceptibly slow down-
single convection current. slope movement of material as a result
convergent plate boundary A plate of gravity.
boundary at which plates collide. Conver-
gent plate boundaries are sites of consider- Crystal face
able geologic activity and are character-
ized by volcanism, earthquakes, and crustal crystal form The geometric shape of a
deformation. See also subduction zone. crystal. Examples: cubic, prismatic.
coquina A limestone composed of an crystal lattice A systematic, symmetrical
aggregate of shells and shell fragments. Creep
network of atoms within a crystal.
crystalline texture The rock texture result-
crevasse 1 (glacial geology) A deep ing from simultaneous growth of crystals.
crack in the upper surface of a glacier. crystallization The process of crystal
2 (natural levee) A break in a natural growth. It occurs as a result of condensa-
levee. tion from a gaseous state, precipitation
cross-bedding Stratification inclined to from a solution, or cooling of a melt.
the original horizontal surface upon crystal structure The orderly arrange-
which the sediment accumulated. It is ment of atoms in a crystal.
Coquina produced by deposition on the slope of a cuesta An elongate ridge formed on the
dune or sand wave. tilted and eroded edges of gently dipping
coral A bottom-dwelling marine inver- Dune Cross-bedding strata.
tebrate organism of the class Anthozoa.
Most build hard skeletons of calcium daughter isotope An isotope produced
carbonate. by radioactive decay of its parent isotope.
core The central part of the Earth below The quantity of a daughter isotope con-
a depth of 2900 km. The core is thought tinually increases with time.
to be composed mostly of iron, in con- debris flow The rapid downslope move-
trast to the overlying mantle of silicate ment of debris (rock, soil, and mud).
rock. crosscutting relations, principle of The declination, magnetic The horizontal
Coriolis effect The tendency of moving principle that a rock body is younger angle between true north and magnetic
fluids on Earths surface to be deflected than any rock across which it cuts. north at a given point on Earths surface.
to the right in the Northern Hemisphere crust The outermost compositional layer, deep-marine environment The sedimen-
and to the left in the Southern Hemi- or shell, of Earth (or any other differenti- tary environment of the abyssal plains.
sphere. Caused by Earths spin. ated planet). The crust consists of low- deep-sea fan A cone-shaped or fan-
country rock A general term for rock density materials compared to the under- shaped deposit of land-derived sediment
surrounding an igneous intrusion. lying mantle. Earths crust is generally located seaward of large rivers or
G6 Glossary

submarine canyons. Synonymous with detritus A general term for loose rock dissolution The process by which mate-
abyssal cone, abyssal fan, and submarine fragments produced by mechanical rials are dissolved.
cone. weathering. dissolved load The part of a streams
deep-sea trench See trench. differential erosion Variation in the rate load that is carried in solution.
deflation Erosion of loose rock particles of erosion on different rock masses. As a distributary Any of the numerous
by wind. result of differential erosion, resistant stream branches into which a river
deflation basin A shallow depression rocks form steep cliffs, whereas nonresis- divides where it reaches its delta.
formed by wind erosion where ground- tant rocks form gentle slopes. divergent plate boundary A plate mar-
water solution activity has left unconsoli- differential stress A condition in which gin formed where the lithosphere splits
dated sediment exposed at the surface. the stress applied to a rock body is not into plates that drift apart from one an-
delta A body of sediment deposited at the same in all directions. other. Divergent plate boundaries are
the mouth of a river. Many are roughly differentiated planet A planetary body areas subject to tension, where new crust
triangular in shape. in which various elements and minerals is generated by igneous activity. See also
are separated according to density and oceanic ridge.
concentrated at different levels. Earth, divide A ridge separating two adjacent
for example, is differentiated, with heavy drainage basins.
metals (iron and nickel) concentrated in dolomite 1 A mineral composed of
the core; lighter minerals in the mantle; CaMg(CO3)2. 2 A sedimentary rock com-
Delta and still lighter materials in the crust, hy- posed primarily of the mineral dolomite.
dendritic drainage pattern A branching drosphere, and atmosphere. dolostone A sedimentary rock composed
stream pattern, resembling the branch- differentiation See magmatic differenti- mostly of the mineral dolomite. Some-
ing of certain trees, such as oaks and ation and planetary differentiation. times referred to simply as dolomite.
maples. dike A tabular intrusive rock that cuts dome 1 (structural geology) An uplift
density Mass per unit volume, expressed across strata or other structural features that is circular or elliptical in map view,
in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). of the surrounding rock. with beds dipping away in all directions
density current A current that flows as a from a central area. 2 (topography) A gen-
result of differences in density. In oceans, eral term for any dome-shaped landform.
density currents are produced by differ-
ences in temperature, salinity, and turbid-
ity (the concentration of material held in
deranged drainage A distinctively dis-
Dike Dome
ordered drainage pattern formed in a
recently glaciated area. It is characterized dike swarm A group of associated dikes. downwarp A downward bend or subsi-
by irregular direction of stream flow, few diorite A phaneritic intrusive igneous dence of a part of Earths crust.
short tributaries, swampy areas, and rock consisting mostly of intermediate drainage basin The total area that
many lakes. plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene, with contributes water to a single drainage
some amphibole and biotite. system.
dip The angle between the horizontal drift A general term for sediment de-
plane and a structural surface (such as a posited directly on land by glacial ice or
bedding plane, a joint, a fault, foliation, or deposited in lakes, oceans, or streams as a
other planar features). result of glaciation.
Deranged drainage disappearing stream A stream that dis- drip curtain A thin sheet of dripstone
desert climate A climate with generally appears into an underground channel and hanging from the ceiling or wall of a cave.
high temperatures, high rates of evapora- does not reappear in the same, or in an dripstone A cave deposit formed by
tion, and low precipitation. Most deserts adjacent, drainage basin. In karst regions, precipitation of calcium carbonate from
lie at about 30 degrees north or south of streams commonly disappear into sink- groundwater entering an underground
the equator. holes and follow channels through caves. cavern.
desertification The process of trans- discharge Rate of flow; the volume of drumlin A smooth, glacially streamlined
forming arid land into a barren desert. water moving through a given cross sec- hill that is elongate in the direction of ice
Often induced by human activities or cli- tion of a stream in a given unit of time. movement. Drumlins are generally com-
mate change. disconformity An unconformity in posed of till.
desert pavement A veneer of pebbles which beds above and below are parallel.
left in place where wind has removed the discontinuity A sudden or rapid change in
finer material. physical properties of rocks within Earth.
detrital 1 Pertaining to detritus. 2 A Discontinuities are recognized by seismic
rock formed from detritus. data. See also Mohorovicic discontinuity. Drumlin
Glossary G7
ductile Easily bent. Contrast with brittle. regional uplift or lowering of the regional from a change in the volume of water or
dune A low mound of fine-grained mater- base level. the capacity of ocean basins.
ial that accumulates as a result of sediment eolian Pertaining to wind. evaporite A rock composed of minerals
transport in a current system. Dunes have eolian environment The sedimentary derived from evaporation of mineralized
characteristic geometric forms that are environment of deserts, where sediment water. Examples: rock salt, gypsum.
maintained as they migrate. Sand dunes are is transported and deposited primarily by exfoliation A weathering process by
commonly classified according to shape. wind. which concentric shells, slabs, sheets, or
See also barchan dune, parabolic dune, seif eon A major subdivision of geologic flakes are successively broken loose and
dune, star dune, and transverse dune. time consisting of eras. Example: stripped away from a rock mass.
Phanerozoic Eon.
earthquake A series of elastic waves epicenter The area on Earths surface
propagated in Earth, initiated where that lies directly above the focus of an
stress along a fault exceeds the elastic earthquake.
limit of the rock so that sudden move-
ment occurs along the fault. exposure Bedrock not covered with soil
eclogite A high-grade metamorphic or regolith; outcrop.
rock made of garnet and pyroxene and extrusive rock A rock formed from a
lacking plagioclase. As a result, eclogite mass of magma that flowed out on the
has a high density. Epicenter surface of Earth. Example: basalt.
ecology The study of relationships be- epoch A division of geologic time; a
tween organisms and their environments. subdivision of a period. Example: Pleis- faceted spur A spur or ridge that has
ejecta Rock fragments, glass, and other tocene epoch. been beveled or truncated by faulting,
material thrown out of an impact crater era A division of geologic time; a subdi- erosion, or glaciation.
or a volcano. vision of an eon. Example: Mesozoic Era. facies A distinctive group of characteris-
ejecta blanket Rock material (crushed Eratosthenian Period The period of tics within part of a rock body (such as
rock, large blocks, breccia, and dust) lunar history when large craters, the rays composition, grain size, or fossil assem-
ejected from an impact crater or explo- of which are no longer visible, such as Er- blages) that differ as a group from those
sion crater and deposited over the sur- atosthenes, were formed (from 3.1 billion found elsewhere in the same rock unit.
rounding area. to 0.8 billion years ago). Examples: conglomerate facies, shale fa-
elastic deformation Temporary deforma- erg A large area covered with sand cies, and brachiopod facies.
tion of a substance, after which the mater- dunes. A sand sea such as those found in fan A fan-shaped deposit of sediment.
ial returns to its original size and shape. Earths large deserts. See also alluvial fan and deep-sea fan.
Example: the bending of mica flakes. erosion The processes that loosen sedi- fault A surface along which a rock body
elastic limit The maximum stress that a ment and move it from one place to an- has broken and been displaced.
given substance can withstand without other on Earths surface. Agents of ero- fault block A rock mass bounded by
undergoing permanent deformation ei- sion include water, ice, wind, and gravity. faults on at least two sides.
ther by solid flow or by rupture. erratic A large boulder carried by fault scarp A cliff produced by faulting.
elastic-rebound theory The theory that glacial ice to an area far removed from its faunal succession, principle of The prin-
earthquakes result from energy released point of origin. ciple that fossils in a stratigraphic se-
by faulting; the sudden release of stored quence succeed one another in a definite,
strain creates earthquake waves. recognizable order.
electron A negatively charged subatom- feldspar A mineral group consisting of
ic particle. silicates of aluminum and one or more of
end moraine A ridge of till that accumu- Erratic the metals potassium, sodium, or calcium.
lates at the margin of a glacier. Examples: K-feldspar, Ca-plagioclase,
energy A measure of the amount of escarpment A cliff or very steep slope. and Na-plagioclase.
work that can be done, usually measured esker A long, narrow, sinuous ridge of felsic The minerals feldspar and quartz
in ergs (cgs) or joules (mks). stratified glacial drift deposited by a or an igneous or metamorphic rock made
entrenched meander A meander cut stream flowing beneath a glacier in a tun- predominantly of feldspar and quartz.
into the underlying rock as a result of nel or in a subglacial stream bed. Contrast with mafic.
estuary A bay at the mouth of a river fiord A glaciated valley flooded by the
formed by subsidence of the sand or by a sea to form a long, narrow, steep-walled
rise in sea level. Fresh water from the inlet.
river mixes with and dilutes seawater in firn Granular ice formed by recrystalliza-
an estuary. tion of snow. It is intermediate between
eustatic change of sea level A world- snow and glacial ice. Sometimes referred
Entrenched meander wide rise or fall in sea level resulting to as neve.
G8 Glossary

fissure An open fracture in a rock. casts, impressions, and trails. geologic column A diagram representing
fissure eruption Extrusion of lava along fossil fuel A fuel containing solar ener- divisions of geologic time and the rock
a fissure. gy that was absorbed by plants and ani- units formed during each major period.
mals in the geologic past and thus is pre- geologic cross section A diagram show-
served in organic compounds in their ing the structure and arrangement of
remains. Fossil fuels include petroleum, rocks as they would appear in a vertical
natural gas, and coal. plane below Earths surface.
Fissure eruption fractional crystallization The separation geologic map A map showing the distri-
flint A popular name for dark-colored of crystals and melt that causes the resid- bution of rocks at Earths surface.
chert (cryptocrystalline quartz). ual magma to progressively change its geologic time scale The time scale de-
flood basalt An extensive flow of basalt composition. Early crystallized mafic termined by the geologic column and by
erupted chiefly along fissures. Synony- minerals commonly are separated by radiometric dating of rocks.
mous with plateau basalt. gravitational settling, so that the residual geothermal Pertaining to the heat of the
floodplain The flat, occasionally flooded magma is left enriched in silica, sodium, interior of Earth.
area bordering a stream. and potassium. geothermal energy Energy useful to
fluvial Pertaining to a river or rivers. fracture An irregular break in a rock or human beings that can be extracted from
fluvial environment The sedimentary a break in a crystal that is not parallel to steam and hot water found within Earths
environment of river systems. a crystal face. crust.
focus The area within Earth where an fracture zone 1 (field geology) A zone geothermal gradient The rate at which
earthquake originates. where the bedrock is cracked and frac- temperature increases with depth.
fold A bend, or flexure, in a rock. tured. 2 (tectonics) A zone of long, linear geyser A thermal spring that intermit-
fractures on the ocean floor, expressed tently erupts steam and boiling water.
topographically by ridges and troughs. glacial environment The sedimentary
Fracture zones are the topographic ex- environment of glaciers and their melt-
pression of transform faults. waters.
folded mountain belt A long, linear fringing reef A reef that lies alongside glacier A mass of ice formed from com-
zone of Earths crust where rocks have the shore of a landmass. pacted, recrystallized snow that is thick
been intensely deformed by horizontal enough to flow plastically.
stresses and generally intruded by ig- glass 1 A state of matter in which a sub-
neous rocks. The great folded mountains stance displays many properties of a solid
of the world (such as the Appalachians, but lacks crystal structure. 2 An amor-
the Himalayas, the Rockies, and the phous igneous rock formed from a rapid-
Fringing reef
Alps) are believed to have been formed ly cooling magma.
at convergent plate margins. frost heaving The lifting of unconsoli- glassy texture The texture of igneous
foliation A planar feature in metamor- dated material by the freezing of subsur- rocks in which the material is in the form
phic rocks, produced by the secondary face water. of natural glass rather than crystal.
growth of minerals. Three major types frost wedging The forcing apart of rocks global change A worldwide change, usu-
are recognized: slaty cleavage, schistosity, by the expansion of water as it freezes in ally referring to a change in climate of
and gneissic layering. fractures and pore spaces. the entire planet and not of just a local
footwall The block beneath a dipping area or region.
fault surface. gabbro A dark-colored, coarse-grained glossopteris flora An assemblage of late
foraminifer Single-celled organisms that rock composed of Ca-plagioclase, pyrox- Paleozoic fossil plants named for the
secrete calcium carbonate shells. They ene, and possibly olivine, but no quartz. seed fern Glossopteris, one of the plants
are an important source of biochemical gas The state of matter in which a sub- in the assemblage. These flora are wide-
sediment in the oceans. stance has neither independent shape nor spread in South America, Africa, Aus-
forearc At a convergent plate margin, the independent volume. Gases can be com- tralia, India, and Antarctica and provide
region between the trench and volcanic pressed and tend to expand indefinitely. important evidence for the theory of con-
arc. The forearc is underlain by a long sed- geode A hollow nodule of rock lined with tinental drift.
imentary basin and accretionary prism. crystals; when separated from the rock gneiss A coarse-grained metamorphic
foreshore The seaward part of the body by weathering, it appears as a hollow, rock with a characteristic type of folia-
shore or beach lying between high tide rounded shell partly filled with crystals. tion (gneissic layering), resulting from al-
and low tide. ternating layers of light-colored and
formation A distinctive body of rock dark-colored minerals.
that serves as a convenient unit for study gneissic layering The type of foliation
and mapping. characterizing gneiss, resulting from al-
fossil Naturally preserved remains or ternating layers of the constituent silicic
evidence of past life, such as bones, shells, Geode and mafic minerals.
Glossary G9
Gondwanaland The ancient continental granulite A high-grade metamorphic hanging wall The surface or block of
landmass that is thought to have split rock that typically lacks hydrous minerals rock that lies above an inclined fault
apart during Mesozoic time to form the like micas and amphibole. plane.
present-day continents of South America, gravel The coarsest (greater than 2 cm Hanging wall
Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica. across) clasts found in clastic sedimenta-
ry rocks, includes cobbles and boulders.
gravity anomaly An area where gravita-
Africa tional attraction is greater or less than its
India normal value.
graywacke An impure sandstone con- Footwall


sisting of rock fragments and grains of


America tra Hanging wall


quartz and feldspar in a matrix of clay-


size particles. hardness 1 (mineralogy) The measure of

greenhouse effect The warming of a the resistance of a mineral to scratching
planets atmosphere caused when certain or abrasion. 2 (water) A property of
graben An elongate fault block that has gases (especially water vapor and carbon water resulting from the presence of cal-
been lowered in relation to the blocks on dioxide) absorb of solar energy reflected cium carbonate and magnesium carbon-
either side. off the surface. ate in solution.
greenschist facies Metamorphic condi- headland An extension of land seaward
tions typified by low temperature and from the general trend of the coast; a
low pressure. promontory, cape, or peninsula.
greenstone A low-grade metamorphic headward erosion Extension of a
Graben rock that commonly has green minerals stream headward, up the regional slope
such as chlorite and talc. of erosion.
Graben groundmass The matrix of relatively heat flow The flow of heat from the in-
fine-grained material between the phe- terior of Earth.
graded bedding A type of bedding in nocrysts in a porphyritic rock. high-grade metamorphism Metamor-
which each layer is characterized by a groundwater Water below Earths sur- phism that occurs under high tempera-
progressive decrease in grain size from face; generally in pore spaces of rocks ture and high pressure.
the bottom of the bed to the top. and soil. hinge The line where folded beds show
guyot A seamount with a flat top. maximum curvature. The line formed by
the intersection of the hinge plane with
the bedding surface.

Graded bedding Hinge plane
gypsum An evaporite mineral com-
graded stream A stream that has at- posed of calcium sulfate with water hogback A narrow, sharp ridge formed
tained a state of equilibrium, or balance, (CaSO42H2O). on steeply inclined, resistant rock.
between erosion and deposition, so that horizon 1 (geologic) A plane of stratifi-
the velocity of the water is just great half-life The time required for half of a cation assumed to have been originally
enough to transport the sediment load given sample of a radioactive isotope to horizontal. 2 (soil) A layer of soil distin-
supplied from the drainage basin, and decay to its daughter isotope. guished by characteristic physical proper-
neither erosion nor deposition occurs. halite An evaporite mineral composed ties. Soil horizons generally are
gradient (stream) The slope of a stream of sodium chloride (NaCl).
channel measured along the course of hanging valley A tributary valley with
the stream. the floor lying (hanging) above the
grain A particle of a mineral or rock, gen- valley floor of the main stream or shore
erally lacking well-developed crystal faces. to which it flows. Hanging valleys com-
granite A coarse-grained igneous rock monly are created by deepening of the
composed of K-feldspar, plagioclase, main valley by glaciation, but they can
and quartz, with small amounts of mafic also be produced by faulting or rapid re-
minerals. treat of a sea cliff. Hanging valley
G10 Glossary

designated by letters (for example, A hydrosphere The waters of Earth, as dis- inverted valley A valley that has been
horizon, B horizon, C horizon). tinguished from the rocks (lithosphere), filled with lava or other resistant material
horn A sharp peak formed at the inter- the air (atmosphere), and living things and has subsequently been eroded into
section of the headwalls of three or more (biosphere). an elongate ridge.
cirques. hydrostatic pressure The pressure within ion An atom or combination of atoms
a fluid (such as water) at rest, exerted on that has gained or lost one or more elec-
a given point within the body of the fluid. trons and thus has a net electrical
hydrothermal deposit A mineral deposit charge.
formed by hot water. The high tempera- ionic bond A chemical bond formed by
ture commonly is associated with em- electrostatic attraction between opposite-
placement of a magma. ly charged ions.
Horn ionic substitution The replacement of
ice sheet A thick, extensive body of one kind of ion in a crystalline lattice by
hornblende A variety of the amphibole glacial ice that is not confined to valleys. another kind that is of similar size and
mineral group. Localized ice sheets are sometimes called electrical charge.
hornfels A nonfoliated metamorphic ice caps. island arc A chain of volcanic islands.
rock of uniform grain size, formed by ice wedging A type of mechanical Island arcs are generally convex toward
high-temperature metamorphism. weathering in which rocks are broken by the open ocean. Example: the Aleutian
Hornfelses typically are formed by the expansion of water as it freezes in Islands.
contact metamorphism around igneous joints, pores, or bedding planes. Synony- isostasy A state of equilibrium, resem-
intrusions. mous with frost wedging. bling flotation, in which segments of
horst An elongate fault block that has igneous rock Rock formed by cooling Earths crust stand at levels determined
been uplifted in relation to the adjacent and solidification of molten silicate min- by their thickness and density. Isostatic
rocks. erals (magma). Igneous rocks include equilibrium is attained by flow of materi-
volcanic and plutonic rocks. al in the mantle.
Horst Horst inclination, magnetic The angle between
the horizontal plane and a magnetic line
of force.
inclusion A rock fragment incorporated
into a younger igneous rock.
Graben Isostasy
intermediate-focus earthquake An
Graben earthquake with a focus located at a isotope One of the several forms of a
depth between 70 and 300 km. chemical element that have the same
hot spot The expression at Earths sur- intermittent stream A stream through number of protons in the nucleus but dif-
face of a mantle plume, or column of hot, which water flows only part of the time. fer in the number of neutrons and thus
buoyant rock rising in the mantle be- internal drainage A drainage system differ in atomic weight.
neath a lithospheric plate. that does not extend to the ocean.
hummock A small, rounded or cone- interstitial Pertaining to material in the joint A fracture in a rock along which no
shaped, low hill or a surface of other pore spaces of a rock. Petroleum and appreciable displacement has occurred.
small, irregular shapes. A surface that is groundwater are interstitial fluids. Miner-
not equidimensional or ridgelike. als deposited by groundwater in a sand- kame A body of stratified glacial sedi-
hydrolysis A chemical reaction wherein stone are interstitial minerals. ment. A mound or an irregular ridge
hydrogen ions replace other ions in a intrusion 1 Injection of a magma into a deposited by a subglacial stream as an
mineral. Commonly results in the pro- preexisting rock. 2 A body of rock result- alluvial fan or a delta.
duction of hydrous minerals such as clay ing from the process of intrusion. karst topography A landscape charac-
or complete dissolution of calcite. intrusive rock Igneous rock that, while it terized by sinks, solution valleys, and
hydraulic Pertaining to a fluid in motion. was fluid, penetrated into or between other features produced by ground-
hydraulic head The pressure exerted by a other rocks and solidified. It can later be water activity.
fluid at a given depth beneath its surface. exposed at Earths surface after erosion Solution valley
It is proportional to the height of the of the overlying rock. Disappearing stream
fluids surface above the area where the Sinks Caves
pressure is measured.
hydrologic system The system of mov-
ing water at Earths surface.
hydration Chemical combination of
water with other substances. Hydrologic system Karst topography
Glossary G11
kettle A closed depression in a deposit form Europe, Asia, North America, and the shore at an angle.
of glacial drift formed where a block of Greenland. longshore drift The process in which sed-
ice was buried or partly buried and then lava Magma that reaches Earths surface. iment is moved in a zigzag pattern along a
melted. lava dome Bulbous lava flow or viscous beach by the swash and backwash of
plug of lava piled near its vent. Most are waves that approach the shore obliquely.
laccolith A concordant igneous intru- made of rhyolite. low-grade metamorphism Metamor-
sion that has arched up the strata into leach To dissolve and remove the solu- phism that is accomplished under low or
which it was injected, so that it forms a ble constituents of a rock or soil. moderate temperature and low or mod-
pod-shaped or lens-shaped body with a lee slope The part of a hill, dune, or rock erate pressure.
generally horizontal floor. that is sheltered or turned away from the luster The appearance of the light re-
wind. Synonymous with slip face. flected from a mineral surface, described,
levee, natural A broad, low embank- for example, as dull, glassy, or metallic.
ment built up along the banks of a river
channel during floods. mafic A mineral or rock rich in iron and
limb The flank, or side, of a fold. magnesium silicates such as olivine and
limestone A sedimentary rock com- pyroxene.
lag deposit A residual accumulation of posed mostly of calcium carbonate magma Molten rock, generally a silicate
coarse fragments that remains on the sur- (CaCO3). melt with suspended crystals and dis-
face after finer material has been re- lineament A topographic feature or solved gases.
moved by wind. group of features having a linear configu- magmatic differentiation A general term
lagoon A shallow body of seawater sep- ration. Lineaments commonly are ex- for the processes by which magmas differ-
arated from the open ocean by a barrier pressed as ridges or depressions or as an entiate. It includes fractional crystalliza-
island or reef. alignment of features such as stream tion, magma mixing, and assimilation.
lahar A volcanic debris flow. beds, volcanoes, or vegetation. magmatic segregation Separation of
lamina (pl. laminae) A layer of sediment linear dune An elongate sand dune ori- crystals of certain minerals from a magma
less than 1 cm thick. ented in the direction of the prevailing as it cools. For example, some minerals
laminar flow A type of flow in which the wind. (including certain valuable metals) crys-
fluid moves in parallel lines. Contrast liquid The state of matter in which a tallize while other components of the
with turbulent flow. substance flows freely and lacks crystal magma are still liquid. These early formed
landform Any feature of Earths surface structure. Unlike a gas, a liquid retains crystals can settle to the bottom of a
having a distinct shape and origin. Land- the same volume independent of the magma chamber and thus become con-
forms include major features (such as shape of its container. centrated there, forming an ore deposit.
continents, ocean basins, plains, plateaus, lithification The processes by which sed- magnetic anomaly A deviation of ob-
and mountain ranges) and minor features iment is converted into sedimentary rock. served magnetic inclination or intensity
(such as hills, valleys, slopes, drumlins, These processes include cementation and (as measured by a magnetometer) from a
and dunes). Collectively, the landforms of compaction. constant normal value.
Earth constitute the entire surface con- lithosphere The relatively rigid outer magnetic reversal A complete 180-
figuration of the planet. zone of Earth, which includes the conti- degree reversal of the polarity of Earths
landslide A general term for relatively nental crust, the oceanic crust, and the magnetic field.
rapid types of mass movement, such as part of the upper mantle lying above the magnetosphere A region of the extreme
debris flows, debris slides, rockslides, and weaker asthenosphere. upper atmosphere that is dominated by
slumps. load The total amount of sediment car- the magnetic field and charged particles
lateral moraine An accumulation of till ried at a given time by a stream, glacier, are trapped in it. It acts as a type of radi-
deposited along the side margins of a or wind. ation shield.
valley glacier. It accumulates as a result loess Unconsolidated, wind-deposited magnitude A measure of the size of an
of mass movement of debris on the sides silt and dust. earthquake, usually calculated from the
of the glacier. longitudinal profile The profile of a common logarithm of the largest ground
lateral slip Nearly horizontal movement stream or valley drawn along its length, motion observed and corrected for dis-
(shear) of blocks on either side of a verti- from source to mouth. tance from the earthquake focus.
cal fault. longitudinal wave A seismic body wave mantle The zone of the Earths interior
laterite A soil that is rich in oxides of in which particles oscillate along lines in between the base of the crust (the Moho
iron and aluminum formed by deep the direction in which the wave travels. discontinuity) and the core.
weathering in tropical and subtropical Synonymous with P wave. mantle plume A buoyant mass of hot
areas. longshore current A current in the surf mantle material that rises to the base of
Laurasia The ancient continental land- zone moving parallel to the shore. Long- the lithosphere. Mantle plumes common-
mass that is thought to have split apart to shore currents occur where waves strike ly produce volcanic activity and
G12 Glossary

structural deformation in the central part temperature and pressure and by a gain moraine A general term for a landform
of lithospheric plates. or loss of chemical components. composed of till.
marble A metamorphic rock consisting metasomatism A change in the chemical
mostly of metamorphosed limestone or composition of a rock during metamor- Lateral Lateral
Moraine Moraine
dolomite. phism, usually caused by the transport of Medial
mare (pl. maria) Any of the relatively ions by fluids. Moraine
smooth, low, dark areas of the Moon. The meteoric water Water derived from the
lunar maria were formed by extrusion of atmosphere, such as rainwater, snow, or
lava. hail.
mass movement The transfer of rock meteorite Any particle of solid matter
and soil downslope by direct action of that has fallen to Earth, the Moon, or an-
gravity without a flowing medium (such other planet from space.
as a river or glacial ice). Synonymous mica A group of silicate minerals ex-
with mass wasting. hibiting perfect cleavage in one direction.
matrix The relatively fine-grained rock midocean ridge Broad fractured swell in Moraines
material occupying the space between the ocean basins. New oceanic crust is
larger particles in a rock. See also formed at this type of divergent plate mountain A general term for any land-
groundmass. boundary. Synonymous with oceanic mass that stands above its surroundings.
meander A broad, looping bend in a river. ridge. In the stricter geological sense, a moun-
migmatite A mixture of igneous and tain belt is a highly deformed part of
metamorphic rocks in which thin dikes Earths crust that has been injected with
and stringers of granitic material interfin- igneous intrusions and the deeper parts
ger with metamorphic rocks. of which have been metamorphosed. The
Milankovitch theory The theory that topography of young mountains is high,
Meander cyclical climatic changes are caused by but erosion can reduce old mountains to
variations in Earths orbital characteris- flat lowlands.
medial moraine A ridge of till formed in ticseccentricity of the orbit and tilt mud crack A crack in a deposit of mud
the middle of a valley glacier by the junc- (obliquity) and precession (wobble) of or silt resulting from the contraction that
tion of two lateral moraines where two the spin axis. accompanies drying.
valley glaciers converge. mineral A naturally occurring inorgan- mudflow A flowing mixture of mud and
melange A mixture of diverse deformed ic solid having a definite internal struc- water.
rocks formed in the accretionary prism at ture and a definite chemical composi-
a convergent plate margin. tion that varies only within strict limits.
Mercalli scale A measure of earthquake Chemical composition and internal
intensity determined from the effects on structure determine its physical proper-
people and buildings, ranges from I (low) ties, including the tendency to assume a
to XII (nearly total destruction). particular geometric form (crystal
mesa A flat-topped, steep-sided high- form).
land capped with a resistant rock forma- Mohorovicic discontinuity The first
tion. A mesa is smaller than a plateau but global seismic discontinuity below the Mudflow

larger than a butte. surface of Earth. It lies at a depth varying mudrock A fine-grained sedimentary
Mesozoic The era of geologic time from from about 5 to 10 m beneath the ocean rock made of clay and silt-size particles.
the end of the Paleozoic Era (225 million floor to about 35 km beneath the conti- Shale is a finely laminated type of
years ago) to the beginning of the Ceno- nents. Commonly referred to as the mudrock.
zoic Era (65 million years ago). Moho. multiring basin A large crater (on the
metaconglomerate A metamorphosed Mohs hardness scale A scale of mineral Moon they are more than 300 km in
conglomerate. hardness ranging from 1 for soft minerals diameter) containing a series of concen-
metallic bond A chemical bond in which to 10 for very hard minerals. tric ridges and depressions. Example: the
shared electrons move freely among the monocline A bend or fold in gently dip- Orientale basin on the Moon.
atoms. ping horizontal strata. mylonite A foliated metamorphic
metamorphic rock Any rock formed rock formed by intense shearing and
from preexisting rocks by solid state re- deformation of preexisting grains.
crystallization driven by changes in tem- Formed in the transition between brittle
perature and pressure and by chemical fracture and ductile flow.
action of fluids.
metamorphism Alteration of the miner- nappe A large thrust sheet with over-
als and textures of a rock by changes in Monocline turned folds.
Glossary G13
neve Granular ice formed by recrystal- oil shale Shale that is rich in hydrocar- overturned fold A fold in which at least
lization of snow. Synonymous with firn. bon derivatives. In the United States, the one limb has been rotated through an
neutron A subatomic nuclear particle chief oil shale is the Green River Forma- angle greater than 90 degrees.
that has no electrical charge but a mass tion in the Rocky Mountain region.
almost the same as a proton. oil trap Impermeable rocks or struc-
nonconformity An unconformity in tures that block the flow of oil and force
which stratified rocks rest on eroded it to accumulate into larger bodies.
granitic or metamorphic rocks. olivine An important silicate mineral Overturned fold
with magnesium and iron [(Mg,Fe)2SiO4].
oolite A limestone consisting largely of oxbow lake A lake formed in the chan-
spherical grains of calcium carbonate in nel of an abandoned meander.
concentric spherical layers. oxidation Chemical combination of oxy-
Nonconformity gen with another substance.
oxide mineral A mineral lacking silicon,
nonfoliated A metamorphic rock that but containing oxygen bound to a metal.
lacks any preferred orientation of its Examples: hematite and magnetite.
mineral grains. ozone layer A zone within the strato-
normal fault A steeply inclined fault in sphere where ozone (O3) is abundant and
which the hanging wall has moved down- forms a protection from some of the
ward in relation to the footwall. Suns harmful ultraviolet radiation.
pahoehoe flow A lava flow with a billowy
Foot wall
ooze (marine geology) Marine sediment or ropy surface. Contrast with aa flow.
consisting of more than 30% shell frag- paleocurrent An ancient current, which
Hanging wall ments of microscopic organisms. existed in the geologic past, with a direc-
Normal fault ophiolite A sequence of rocks charac- tion of flow that can be inferred from
numerical age Geologic time measured terized by ultramafic rocks at the base cross-bedding, ripple marks, and other
in a specific duration of years (in contrast and (in ascending order) gabbro, sheeted sedimentary structures.
to relative time, which involves only the dikes, pillow lavas, and deep-sea sedi- paleogeography The study of geography
chronologic order of events). Synonym: ments. The typical sequence of rocks con- in the geologic past, including the pat-
absolute age. stituting the oceanic crust. terns of Earths surface, the distribution
ore deposit A mass of rock containing of land and ocean, and ancient mountains
obsidian A glassy igneous rock with a metal (or some other commodity like di- and other landforms.
composition equivalent to that of granite. amonds) of sufficient abundance to be paleomagnetism The study of ancient
ocean basin A low part of the litho- extracted at a profit. magnetic fields, as preserved in the mag-
sphere lying between continental masses. organic sediment A sediment deposited netic properties of rocks. It includes stud-
The rocks of an ocean basin are mostly through biological means and rich in hy- ies of changes in the position of the mag-
basalt with a veneer of oceanic sediment. drocarbons, such as coal. netic poles and reversals of the magnetic
oceanic crust The type of crust that un- orogenic Pertaining to deformation of a poles in the geologic past.
derlies the ocean basins. It is generally continental margin to the extent that a paleontology The study of ancient life.
less than 8 km thick, composed predomi- mountain range is formed. Paleozoic The era of geologic time from
nantly of basalt and gabbro. Its density is orogenic belt A mountain belt. the end of the Precambrian (600 million
about 3.0 g/cm3. The velocities of com- orogeny A major episode of mountain years ago) to the beginning of the Meso-
pressional seismic waves traveling building. zoic Era (225 million years ago).
through it exceed 6.2 km/sec. Compare outcrop An exposure of bedrock. Pangaea A former continent from
with continental crust. outlet glacier A tonguelike stream of which the present continents originated
oceanic ridge The continuous ridge, or ice, resembling a valley glacier, that forms by plate movement from the Mesozoic
broad, fractured topographic swell, that where a continental glacier encounters a Era to the present.
extends through the central part of the mountain system and is forced to move parabolic dune A dune shaped like a
Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, and South Pacific through a mountain pass in large streams. parabola with the concave side toward
oceans. It is several hundred kilometers outwash Stratified sediment washed out the wind. Blowout dune.
wide, and its elevation above the ocean from a glacier by meltwater streams and
floor is 600 m or more. The ridge marks a deposited in front of the end moraine.
divergent plate boundary where new outwash plain The area beyond the
oceanic lithosphere is being formed. margins of a glacier where meltwater de-
oil reservoir Porous rock that can posits sand, gravel, and mud washed out
contain oil. from the glacier. Outwash plain
G14 Glossary

partial melting The process by which peridotite A dark-colored ultramafic placer A mineral deposit formed by the
minerals with low melting points liquefy igneous rock of coarse-grained texture, sorting or washing action of water. Plac-
within a rock body as a result of an in- composed of olivine, pyroxene, but with ers are usually deposits of heavy miner-
crease in temperature or a decrease in essentially no feldspar and no quartz. als, such as gold.
pressure (or both) while other minerals in period A division of geologic time plagioclase A group of feldspar miner-
the rock are still solid. If the liquid smaller than an era and larger than an als with a composition range from NaAl-
(magma) is removed before other compo- epoch. Example: Cretaceous Period. Si3O8 to CaAl2Si2O8.
nents of the parent rock have melted, the permafrost Permanently frozen ground. planetary differentiation The processes by
composition of the magma can be quite permanent stream A stream or reach of which the materials in a planetary body are
different from that of the parent rock. a stream that flows continuously separated according to density, so that the
Partial melting is believed to be impor- throughout the year. Synonymous with originally homogeneous body is converted
tant in the generation of basaltic magma perennial stream. into a zoned or layered (shelled) body with
from peridotite at ocean ridges and in the permeability The ability of a material to a dense core, a mantle, and a crust.
generation of granitic magma from transmit fluids. plankton Collective term for very
basaltic crust. phaneritic texture The texture of ig- small plants and animals that drift near
passive margin (plate tectonics) A neous rocks in which the interlocking the surface of water. Phytoplankton in-
lithospheric plate margin at which crust is crystals are large enough to be seen with- clude bacteria, algae (including di-
neither created nor destroyed. Passive out magnification. atoms), and fungi. The small animals are
plate margins generally are marked by phenocryst A crystal that is significantly called zoo-plankton.
transform faults. larger than the crystals surrounding it. plastic deformation A permanent
peat An accumulation of partly car- Phenocrysts form during an early phase change in a substances shape or volume
bonized plant material containing ap- in the cooling of a magma when the that does not involve failure by rupture.
proximately 60% carbon and 30% oxy- magma cools relatively slowly. plate (tectonics) A broad segment of
gen. It is considered an early stage, or the lithosphere (including the rigid upper
rank, in the development of coal. mantle, plus oceanic and continental
pebble A rock fragment with a diameter crust) that floats on the underlying as-
between 2 mm (about the size of a match thenosphere and moves independently of
head) and 64 mm (about the size of a other plates.
tennis ball). plateau An extensive upland region.
pediment A gently sloping erosion sur- plateau basalt Basalt extruded in exten-
face formed at the base of a receding sive, nearly horizontal layers, which, after
mountain front or cliff. It cuts across uplift, tend to erode into great plateaus.
bedrock and can be covered with a ve- Synonymous with flood basalt.
neer of sediment. Pediments characteris-
tically form in arid and semiarid climates.
phyllite A foliated metamorphic rock
Pediment intermediate between slate and schist.
Plateau basalt
Small mica crystals give broken surfaces
a silky sheen. plate tectonics The theory of global
physical weathering The breakdown of dynamics in which the lithosphere is
rock into smaller fragments by physical believed to be broken into individual plates
processes such as frost wedging. Synony- that move in response to convection in the
Pediment mous with mechanical weathering. upper mantle.The margins of the plates are
physiographic map A map showing sur- sites of considerable geologic activity.
pegmatite A very coarse grained ig- face features of Earth. playa A depression in the center of a
neous rock typically with a granitic com- pillow lava An ellipsoidal mass of ig- desert basin, the site of occasional tem-
position. neous rock formed by extrusion of lava porary lakes.
pelagic sediment Deep-sea sediment underwater.
Playa lake Playa Playa lake
composed of fine-grained detritus that
Perched water table
slowly settles from surface waters. Com- water table
mon constituents are clay, radiolarian
ooze, and foraminiferal ooze.
peninsula An elongate body of land ex-
tending into a body of water. Playa
perched water table The upper surface
of a local zone of saturation that lies playa lake A shallow temporary lake
above the regional water table. Perched water table formed in a desert basin after rain.
Glossary G15
Pleistocene The epoch of geologic time ment of the magnetic poles with respect primary wave See P wave.
from the end of the Pliocene Epoch of to the continents. proton A positively charged nuclear
the Tertiary Period (about 2 million years pole of rotation A pole of the imaginary particle.
ago) to the beginning of the Holocene axis about which a tectonic plate rotates. pumice A light-colored volcanic rock
Epoch of the Quaternary Period (about polymorphism The ability of a chemical with abundant vesicles in natural glass.
10,000 years ago). The major event dur- compound to crystallize with more than P wave (primary seismic wave) A type
ing the Pleistocene was the expansion of one kind of crystal structure. For example, of seismic wave, propagated like a sound
continental glaciers in the Northern Al2SiO5 may crystallize as three different wave, in which the material involved in
Hemisphere. Synonymous with glacial minerals, depending on the prevailing the wave motion is alternately com-
epoch, ice age. temperature and pressure. pressed and expanded.
plucking (glacial geology) The process of pore fluid A fluid, such as groundwater pyroclastic Pertaining to fragmental rock
glacial erosion by which large rock frag- or liquid rock material resulting from material formed by volcanic explosions.
ments are loosened by ice wedging, be- partial melting, that occupies pore spaces
come frozen to the bottom surface of the of a rock.
glacier, and are torn out of the bedrock pore space The spaces within a rock
and transported by the glacier as it body that are unoccupied by solid mater-
moves. The process involves the freezing ial. Pore spaces include spaces between
of subglacial meltwater that seeps into grains, fractures, vesicles, and voids
Pyroclastic flow
fractures and bedding planes in the rock. formed by dissolution.
plume See mantle plume. porosity The percentage of the total vol- pyroxene A group of rock-forming sili-
plunge The inclination, with respect to ume of a rock or sediment that consists cate minerals composed of single chains
the horizontal plane, of any linear structur- of pore space. of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. Compare
al element of a rock. The plunge of a fold is porphyritic texture The texture of ig- with amphibole, which is composed of
the inclination of the axis of the fold. neous rocks in which some crystals are double chains.
plunging fold A fold with its axis in- distinctly larger than others.
clined from the horizontal. porphyry copper Deposits of copper quartz An important rock-forming
pluton Igneous rock formed beneath disseminated throughout a porphyritic silicate mineral composed of silicon-
Earths surface. granitic rock. oxygen tetrahedra joined in a three-
pluvial lake A lake that was created pothole A hole formed in a stream bed dimensional network. It is distinguished
under former climatic conditions, at a by sand and gravel swirled around in one by its hardness, glassy luster, and con-
time when rainfall in the region was spot by eddies. choidal fracture.
more abundant than it is now. Pluvial quartzite A sandstone recrystallized by
lakes were common in arid regions dur- metamorphism.
ing the Pleistocene.
point bar A crescent-shaped accumula- radioactivity The spontaneous disinte-
tion of sand and gravel deposited on the gration of an atomic nucleus with the
inside of a meander bend. Pothole emission of energy.
Precambrian The division of geologic radiocarbon A radioactive isotope of car-
time from the formation of Earth (about bon, 14C, which is formed in the atmo-
4.5 billion years ago) to the beginning of sphere and is absorbed by living organisms.
the Cambrian Period of the Paleozoic era radiogenic heat Heat generated by
(about 600 million years ago). Also, the radioactivity.
Point bar rocks formed during that time. Precam- radiometric dating Determination of
polar climate The climate that pre- brian time constitutes about 90% of the age in years of a rock or mineral by
vails at Earths poles, with temperatures Earths history. measuring the proportions of an origi-
commonly below freezing and precipita- pressure ridge An elongate uplift of the nal radioactive material and its decay
tion low. congealing crust of a lava flow, resulting product.
polarity epoch A relatively long period from the pressure of underlying and still rain shadow A dry area lying downwind
of time during which Earths magnetic fluid lava. from a high mountain chain.
field is oriented in either the normal primary sedimentary structure A struc- rayed crater A meteorite crater that has
direction or the reverse direction. ture of sedimentary rocks (such as cross- a system of rays extending like splash
polarity event A relatively brief interval bedding, ripple marks, or mud cracks) marks from the crater rim.
of time within a polarity epoch; during a that originates contemporaneously with
polarity event, the polarity of Earths the deposition of the sediment (in con-
magnetic field is reversed with respect to trast to a secondary structure, such as a
the prevailing polarity of the epoch. joint or fault, which originates after the
polar wandering The apparent move- rock has been formed). Rayed crater
G16 Glossary

recharge Replenishment of the ground- rift valley 1 A valley of regional extent saltation The transportation of particles
water reservoir by the addition of water. formed by block faulting in which in a current of wind or water by a series
recrystallization Reorganization of ele- tensional stresses tend to pull the crust of bouncing movements.
ments of the original minerals in a rock apart. Synonymous with graben. 2 The
resulting from changes in temperature down-dropped block along divergent
and pressure and from the activity of plate margins.
pore fluids. rip current A current formed on the sur-
reef A solid structure built of shells and face of a body of water by the conver-
other secretions of marine organisms, gence of currents flowing in opposite di-
particularly coral. rections. Rip currents are common along Saltation
regional metamorphism Metamor- coasts where longshore currents move in
phism of large areas of crust, usually opposite directions. salt dome A dome produced in sedi-
during mountain building at convergent ripple marks Small waves produced on mentary rock by the upward movement
plate margins. Contrast with contact a surface of sand or mud by the drag of of a body of salt.
metamorphism. wind or water moving over it.
regolith The blanket of soil and loose river system An integrated system of
rock fragments overlying the bedrock. tributaries and a trunk stream, which col-
regression A drop in sea level causes lect and funnel surface water to the sea, a
the shoreline to move downslope. lake, or some other body of water. A
relative age The age of a rock or an river with all of its tributaries.
event as compared with some other rock roche moutonne An abraded knob of Salt dome

or event. bedrock formed by an overriding glacier. saltwater encroachment Displacement

relative dating Determination of the It typically is striated and has a gentle of fresh groundwater by salt water in
chronologic order of a sequence of slope facing the upstream direction of ice coastal areas, due to the greater density
events in relation to one another without movement. of salt water.
reference to their ages measured in years. sand Sedimentary material composed of
Relative geologic dating is based primari- fragments ranging in diameter from
Direction of ice movement
ly on superposition, faunal succession, 0.0625 to 2 mm. Sand particles are larger
and crosscutting relations. than silt particles but smaller than peb-
relative time Geologic time as deter- bles. Much sand is composed of quartz
mined by relative dating, that is, by grains, because quartz is abundant and
placing events in chronologic order resists chemical and mechanical disinte-
without reference to their ages mea- Roche moutonne gration, but other materials, such as shell
sured in years. fragments and rock fragments, can also
relief The difference in altitude between rock An aggregate of minerals that forms form sand.
the high and the low parts of an area. an appreciable part of the lithosphere. sandstone A sedimentary rock composed
reverse fault A fault in which the hang- rockfall The most rapid type of mass mostly of sand-sized particles, usually ce-
ing wall has moved upward in relation to movement, in which rocks ranging from mented by calcite, silica, or iron oxide.
the footwall; a high-angle thrust fault. large masses to small fragments are loos- saturated The condition wherein the
ened from the face of a cliff. pore spaces in a rock are completely
rock flour Fine-grained rock particles filled with water.
pulverized by glacial erosion. saturated zone The zone in the subsur-
rock glacier A mass of poorly sorted, face in which all pore spaces are filled
Hanging wall
angular boulders cemented with intersti- with water. Contrast with the overlying
tial ice. It moves slowly by the action of unsaturated zone.
Footwall Reverse fault
gravity. scarp A cliff produced by faulting or
rhyolite A fine-grained volcanic rock rockslide A landslide in which a newly erosion.
composed of quartz, K-feldspar, and pla- detached segment of bedrock suddenly schist A medium-grained or coarse-
gioclase. It is the extrusive equivalent of slides over an inclined surface of weak- grained metamorphic rock with strong
a granite. ness (such as a joint or bedding plane). foliation (schistosity) resulting from par-
Richter scale A logarithmic scale for runoff Water that flows over the land allel orientation of platy minerals, such as
expressing the magnitude of an earth- surface. mica, chlorite, and talc.
quake in terms of the energy dissipated schistosity The type of foliation that
in it. A modified version of this scale is sag pond A small lake that forms in a characterizes schist, resulting from the
commonly used. depression, or sag, where active or recent parallel arrangement of coarse-grained
rift system A system of faults resulting movement along a fault has impounded a platy minerals, such as mica, chlorite,
from extension. stream. and talc.
Glossary G17
scoria A dark colored volcanic rock seif dune A linear dune of great height very old (that is, more than 600 million
containing abundant vesicles. and length. years old).
sea arch An arch cut by wave erosion seismic Pertaining to earthquakes or to
through a headland. waves produced by natural or artificial
seismic discontinuity A surface within
Earth at which seismic wave velocities Shield
abruptly change.
seismic gap The part of an active fault shield volcano A volcano shaped like a
that has experience little or no seismic flattened dome and built up almost en-
Sea arch activity for a long time. tirely of numerous flows of fluid
seismic ray The path along which a seis- basaltic lava. The slopes of shield volca-
sea cave A cave formed by wave erosion. mic wave travels. Seismic rays are per- noes seldom exceed 10 degrees, so that
sea cliff A cliff produced by wave erosion. pendicular to the wave crest. in profile they resemble a shield or
seafloor spreading The theory that the seismic reflection profile A profile of broad dome.
seafloor spreads laterally away from the the configuration of the ocean floor and shore The zone between the waterline
oceanic ridge as new lithosphere is creat- shallow sediments on the floor obtained at high tide and the waterline at low tide.
ed along the crest of the ridge by igneous by reflection of artificially produced seis- A narrow strip of land immediately bor-
activity. mic waves. dering a body of water, especially a lake
seamount An isolated, conical mound seismic wave A wave or vibration pro- or an ocean.
rising more than 1000 m above the ocean duced within Earth by an earthquake or silica Silicon dioxide; quartz is the most
floor. Seamounts are probably sub- artificial explosion. common form.
merged shield volcanoes. seismograph An instrument that silicate A mineral containing silicon-
records seismic waves. oxygen tetrahedra, in which four oxygen
settling velocity The rate at which a atoms surround each silicon atom.
grain falls through water or air. silicon-oxygen tetrahedron The structure
shadow zone (seismology) An area of the ion SiO42, in which four oxygen
where there is very little or no direct re- atoms surround a silicon atom to form a
ception of seismic waves from a given four-sided pyramid, or tetrahedron.
earthquake because of refraction of the sill A tabular body of intrusive rock
sea stack A small, pillar-shaped, rocky waves in Earths core. The shadow zone injected between layers of the enclosing
island formed by wave erosion through a for P waves is between about 105 and 142 rock.
headland near a sea cliff. degrees from the epicenter. silt Sedimentary material composed of
shale A fine-grained clastic sedimenta- fragments ranging in diameter from
ry rock formed by consolidation of clay 1/265 to 1/16 mm. Silt particles are larger
and mud. than clay particles but smaller than sand
shallow-marine environment The sedi- particles.
mentary environment of the continental siltstone A fine-grained clastic sedi-
Sea stack shelves, where the water is usually less mentary rock composed mostly of silt-
than 200 m deep. sized particles.
secondary wave See S wave. shear Stress that causes two adjacent sinkhole A depression formed by the
sediment Material (such as gravel, sand, rock bodies to slide past one another. collapse of a cavern roof.
mud, and lime) that is transported and shear wave A type of seismic wave
deposited by wind, water, ice, or gravity; wherein the elastic vibrations of the
material that is precipitated from solu- particles are transverse to the direction
tion; deposits of organic origin (such as the wave is moving. Shear waves cannot
coal and coral reefs). pass through liquids. Synonym: S wave.
sedimentary environment A place sheeting A set of joints formed essential-
where sediment is deposited and the ly parallel to the surface. It allows layers Sinkhole
physical, chemical, and biological condi- of rock to break off as the weight of over-
tions that exist there. Examples: rivers, lying rock is removed by erosion. It is es- slate A fine-grained metamorphic rock
deltas, lakes, and shallow-marine shelves. pecially well developed in granitic rock. with a characteristic type of foliation
sedimentary rock Rock formed by the ac- shield An extensive area of a continent (slaty cleavage), resulting from the paral-
cumulation and consolidation of sediment. where igneous and metamorphic rocks lel arrangement of microscopic platy
seep A spot where groundwater or are exposed and have approached equi- minerals, such as mica and chlorite.
other fluids (such as oil) is discharged at librium with respect to erosion and slaty cleavage The type of foliation that
Earths surface. isostasy. Rocks of the shield are usually characterizes slate, resulting from the
G18 Glossary

parallel arrangement of microscopic spit A sandy bar projecting from the strata (plural of stratum) Layers of
platy minerals, such as mica and chlorite. mainland into open water. Spits are rock, usually sedimentary.
Slaty cleavage forms distinct zones of formed by deposition of sediment moved stratification The layered structure of
weakness within a rock, along which it by longshore drift. sedimentary rock.
splits into slabs. stratosphere The portion of Earths at-
slip face See lee slope. mosphere between about 11 km to 50 km
slope retreat Progressive recession of a and in which temperature increases gradu-
scarp or the side of a hill or mountain by ally to about 0 C and clouds rarely form.
mass movement and stream erosion. Spit stratovolcano A steep-sided volcano built
slump A type of mass movement in up of ash, lava flows, and shallow intru-
which material moves along a curved sur- splay A small deltaic deposit formed on sions. Synonymous with composite volcano.
face of rupture. a floodplain where water and sediment streak The color of a powdered mineral.
snowline The line on a glacier separat- are diverted from the main stream stream load The total amount of sedi-
ing the area where snow remains from through a crevasse in a levee. ment carried by a stream at a given time.
year to year from the area where snow spring A place where groundwater stream order The hierarchical number
from the previous season melts. flows or seeps naturally to the surface. of a stream segment. The smallest tribu-
soil The surface material of the conti- stable platform The part of a continent tary has the order number of 1, and suc-
nents, produced by disintegration of rock; that is covered with flat lying or gently cessively larger tributaries have progres-
regolith that has undergone chemical and tilted sedimentary strata and underlain sively higher numbers.
physical weathering and includes organic by a basement complex of igneous and stream piracy Diversion of the head-
material. metamorphic rocks. The stable platform waters of one stream into another
soil profile A vertical section of soil show- has not been extensively affected by stream. The process occurs by headward
ing the soil horizons and parent material. crustal deformation. erosion of a stream having greater ero-
solid The state of matter in which a sub- stalactite An icicle-shaped deposit of sive power than the stream it captures.
stance has a definite shape and volume dripstone hanging from the roof of a cave.
and some fundamental strength. stalagmite A conical deposit of drip-
solifluction A type of mass movement stone built up from a cave floor.
in which material moves slowly down-
slope in areas where the soil is saturated
with water. It commonly occurs in per-
mafrost areas.
solution valley A valley produced by so-
lution activity, either by dissolution of Stream piracy

surface materials or by removal of sub- stream terrace One of a series of level

surface materials, such as limestone, gyp- surfaces in a stream valley representing
sum, or salt. the dissected remnants of an abandoned
sorting The separation of particles ac- floodplain, stream bed, or valley floor
cording to size, shape, or weight. It occurs produced in a previous stage of erosion
during transportation by running water or deposition.
or wind. stress Force applied to a material that
spatter cone A low-steep-sided volcanic tends to change its dimensions or vol-
cone built by accumulation of splashes ume; force per unit area.
and spatters of lava (usually basaltic) striation A scratch or groove produced
around a fissure or vent. on the surface of a rock by a geologic
spheroidal weathering The process by agent, such as a glacier or stream.
which corners and edges of a rock body strike The bearing (compass direction)
become rounded as a result of exposure to of a horizontal line on a bedding plane, a
weathering on all sides, so that the rock ac- fault plane, or some other planar struc-
quires a spheroidal or ellipsoidal shape. Stalagmite tural feature.

star dune A mound of sand with a high Angle of dip

central point and arms radiating in vari-
ous directions. ct
stri ion of
stock A small, roughly circular intrusive
body, usually less than 100 km2 in surface
Spheroidal weathering exposure. Strike
Glossary G19
strike-slip fault A fault in which move- tact with the stream bed. It consists main- terra (pl. terrae) A densely cratered
ment has occurred parallel to the strike ly of mud, silt, and sand. Contrast with highland on the Moon.
of the fault. bed load and dissolved load. terrace A nearly level surface bordering
suture A belt of intensely deformed a steeper slope, such as a stream terrace
rocks that marks the site of continental or wave-cut terrace.
swash The rush of water up onto a
beach after a wave breaks.
Strike-slip fault S wave (secondary or shear seismic
wave) A seismic wave in which particles
strike valley A valley that is eroded par- vibrate at right angles to the direction
allel to the strike of the underlying non- in which the wave travels. Contrast with texture The size, shape, and arrangement
resistant strata. P wave. of the particles that make up a rock.
strip mining A method of mining in syncline A fold in which the limbs dip thermohaline circulation The convec-
which soil and rock cover are removed to toward the axis. After erosion, the tion of the ocean caused by differences in
obtain the sought-after material. youngest beds are exposed in the central temperature and salinity.
subaerial Occurring beneath the atmo- core of the fold. thin section A slice of rock mounted on
sphere or in the open air, with reference a glass slide and ground to a thickness of
to conditions or processes (such as ero- talus Rock fragments that accumulate in about 0.03 mm, thin enough for light to
sion) that occur on the land. a pile at the base of a ridge or cliff. pass through many kinds of minerals.
subaqueous Occurring beneath water, threshold velocity The velocity at which
with reference to conditions or processes a grain of a certain size will be picked up
that occur on the floors of rivers, lakes, by a flowing fluid such as water. The
and oceans. threshold velocity for large particles is
subduction Subsidence of the leading higher than for small particles.
edge of a lithospheric plate into the thrust fault A low-angle fault (45 de-
mantle. grees or less) in which the hanging wall
subduction zone An elongate zone in has moved upward in relation to the
which one lithospheric plate descends be- tectonic creep Slow, apparently continu- footwall. Thrust faults are caused by hori-
neath another. A subduction zone is typi- ous movement along a fault (as opposed zontal compression.
cally marked by an oceanic trench, lines to the sudden rupture that occurs during
of volcanoes, and crustal deformation as- an earthquake).
sociated with mountain building. See also tectonics The branch of geology that Hanging wall
convergent plate boundary. deals with regional or global structures
sublimation The conversion of a solid to and deformational features of Earth. Footwall
a gas without melting. Example: carbon temperate climate A moderate climate
dioxide passes directly from dry ice to a found at mid-latitudes on Earth, with
Thrust fault
vapor that is heavier than air. adequate precipitation for plant growth
submarine canyon A V-shaped trench or and no extreme temperatures. tidal flat A large, nearly horizontal area
valley with steep sides cut into a conti- tension Stress that tends to pull materi- of land covered with water at high tide
nental shelf or continental slope. als apart. and exposed to the air at low tide. Tidal
subsidence A sinking or settling of a tephra A general term for pyroclastic flats consist of fine-grained sediment
part of Earths crust with respect to the material ejected from a volcano. It in- (mostly mud, silt, and sand).
surrounding parts. cludes ash, dust, bombs, and other types till Unsorted and unstratified glacial
superposition, principle of The principle of fragments. deposit.
that, in a series of sedimentary strata that terminal moraine A ridge of material tillite A rock formed by lithification of
has not been overturned, the oldest rocks deposited by a glacier at the line of maxi- glacial till (unsorted, unstratified glacial
are at the base and the youngest are at mum advance of the glacier. sediment).
the top. tombolo A beach or bar connecting an
surface wave A seismic wave that trav- island to the mainland.
els along Earths surface. Contrast with
P waves and S waves, which travel
through Earth and at higher velocities.
suspended load The part of a streams
load that is carried in suspension for a
considerable period of time without con- Terminal moraine Tombolo
G20 Glossary

topography The shape and form of turbidite A sedimentary rock deposited ventifact A pebble or cobble shaped
Earths surface as expressed in elevations by a turbidity current. Graded bedding is and polished by wind abrasion.
above or below sea level. characteristic.
transform fault A special type of turbidity current A current in air, water, or
strike-slip fault forming the boundary any other fluid caused by differences in the
between two moving lithospheric plates, amount of suspended matter (such as mud,
usually along an offset segment of silt, or volcanic dust). Marine turbidity cur-
the oceanic ridge. rents, laden with suspended sediment,
move rapidly down continental slopes and
spread out over the abyssal floor. vein A tabular rock body deposited in a
fracture. Many ore minerals were de-
posited in veins when hot fluids flowed
through fractures.
Transform fault vesicle A small hole formed in a vol-
Turbidity current canic rock by a gas bubble that became
transpiration The process by which trapped as the lava solidified.
water vapor is released into the atmo- turbulent flow A type of flow in which
sphere by plants. the path of motion is very irregular, with
transverse dune An asymmetrical dune eddies and swirls. Contrast with laminar
ridge that forms at right angles to the di- flow.
rection of prevailing winds.
travertine terrace A terrace formed ultramafic rock An igneous rock com-
from calcium carbonate deposited by posed entirely of mafic minerals.
water on a cave floor. unconformity A discontinuity in the
trellis drainage pattern A drainage succession of rocks, containing a gap in Vesicle

pattern in which tributaries are the geologic record. A buried erosion viscosity The tendency within a body
arranged in a pattern similar to that of a surface. See also angular unconformity, to resist flow. An increase in viscosity
garden trellis. nonconformity. implies a decrease in fluidity, or ability
uniformitarianism The theory that geo- to flow.
logic events are caused by natural volatile 1 Capable of being readily va-
processes, many of which are operating at porized. 2 A substance that can readily
the present time. be vaporized, such as water or carbon
unsaturated zone The zone below the dioxide.
Trellis drainage pattern surface and above the water table, in volcanic ash Dust-sized particles ejected
which pore spaces are usually filled with from a volcano.
trench A narrow, elongate depression of air. volcanic bomb A hard fragment of
the deep-ocean floor oriented parallel to upwarp An arched or uplifted segment lava that was liquid or plastic at the
the trend of a continent or an island arc. of the crust. time of ejection and acquired its form
tropical climate A climate that is frost- U-shaped valley A valley with a U- and surface markings during flight
free with temperatures high enough to shaped profile caused by glacial erosion. through the air. Volcanic bombs range
support year-round plant growth and Contrast with the V-shape of a typical from a few millimeters to more than a
abundant precipitation. This climate pre- stream valley. meter in diameter.
vails near the equator.
tributary A stream flowing into or join- valley glacier A glacier that is confined
ing a larger stream. to a stream valley. Synonymous with
troposphere The lowermost zone of the alpine glacier and mountain glacier.
atmosphere, where most of the weather varve A pair of thin sedimentary lay-
occurs. ers, one relatively coarse-grained and
Volcanic bomb
tsunami A seismic sea wave; a long, low light-colored, and the other relatively
wave in the ocean caused by an earth- fine-grained and dark-colored, formed
quake, faulting, or a landslide on the sea by deposition on a lake bottom during a
floor. Its velocity can reach 800 km per period of one year. The coarse-grained
hour. Tsunamis are commonly and incor- layer is formed during spring runoff, and
rectly called tidal waves. the fine-grained layer is formed during
tuff A fine-grained rock composed of the winter when the surface of the lake
volcanic ash. is frozen. Varve
Glossary G21
volcanic neck The solidified magma that wave-cut terrace See wave-cut platform. the prevailing winds in arid regions with
originally filled the vent or neck of an an- wave height The vertical distance be- soft sediment at the surface.
cient volcano and has subsequently been tween a wave crest and the preceding yazoo stream A tributary stream that
exposed by erosion. trough. flows parallel to the main stream for a
wavelength The horizontal distance be- considerable distance before joining it.
tween similar points on two successive Such a tributary is forced to flow along
waves, measured perpendicular to the the base of a natural levee formed by the
crest. main stream.
wave period The interval of time re-
quired for a wave crest to travel a dis- zeolite facies A metamorphic facies
tance equal to one wavelength; the inter- formed at relatively low temperature and
Volcanic neck
val of time required for two successive pressure where zeolite minerals are stable.
wave crests to pass a fixed point.
volcanism The processes by which wave refraction The process by which a
magma and gases are transferred from wave is bent or turned from its original
Earths interior to the surface. direction. In sea waves, as a wave ap-
proaches a shore obliquely, part of it
wash A dry stream bed. reaches the shallow water near the
shore while the rest is still advancing in
deeper water; the part of the wave in the
shallower water moves more slowly than
the part in the deeper water. In seismic
waves, refraction results from the wave
encountering material with a different
density or composition.
wave trough The lowest part of a wave,
between successive crests.
water gap A pass in a ridge through weathering The processes by which
which a stream flows. rocks are chemically altered or physically
broken into fragments as a result of expo-
sure to atmospheric agents and the pres-
sures and temperatures at or near Earths
surface, with little or no transportation of
the loosened or altered materials.
Water gap welded tuff A rock formed from parti-
water table The upper surface of the cles of volcanic ash that were hot enough
zone of saturation. to become fused together.
wind gap A gap in a ridge through
which a stream, now abandoned as a re-
sult of stream piracy, once flowed.

Water table

wave base The lower limit of wave

transportation and erosion, equal to half
the wavelength. Wind gap
wave-built terrace A terrace built up
from wave-washed sediments. Wave-built wind shadow The area behind an obsta-
terraces usually lie seaward of a wave-cut cle where air movement is not capable of
terrace. moving material.
wave crest The highest part of a wave. X-ray diffraction In mineralogy, the
wave-cut cliff A cliff formed along a process of identifying mineral structures by
coast by the undercutting action of waves exposing crystals to a beam of X rays and
and currents. studying the resulting diffraction patterns.
wave-cut platform A terrace cut across
bedrock by wave erosion. Synonymous yardang An elongate ridge carved by
with wave-cut terrace. wind erosion. The ridges are parallel to

Page numbers in italics indicate illustration of composition of, 22021, 221 Brines, 698, 699
the topic. energy and motion of, 22429 Brittle deformation, 168, 169
global circulation of, 22627, 228 Bryce Canyon, Utah, 24849, 260, 672, 674
A horizon soil, 265, 265 thermal structure of, 22122 Buttes, 672, 672
Aa flow, 92, 95 water vapor in, 22324, 224 Bylot Island, Canada, 383
Ablation, 380 Atolls, 44042, 441
Abrasion Atomic mass, 55 Calcite, 77
glacial, 381 Atomic number, 55, 57 Calderas, 97, 98
stream channel, 310 Atoms, 5455, 55 Callisto, 728, 744, 746
wind, 459 Australia, 439, 457, 470, 694, 698 Canadian Rockies, 254, 28788, 290, 610
Abyssal floor, 17, 21 Avulsion, 323, 325 Canadian shield, 18, 147, 147, 668, 669, 669
Abyssal hills, 21, 561 Axis of plate rotation, 500 Capacity, stream, 304
Abyssal plains, 21 Carbon-14 clock, 2057, 206
Accreted terranes, 627, 627 B horizon soil, 265 Cascade volcanic chain, 685, 685
Accretion Backarcs, 599 Catastrophism, 191
lunar, 730 Backarc spreading, 612 Caves, 352, 353
of North America, 627, 628 Backswamps, 319 Cementation, 130
Accretionary wedges, 606, 607 Backwash, 423 Cenozoic Era, 199
Acid hydrolysis, 25455 Baffin Island, Canada, 391, 402 Chalk, 122
Aegean Sea, 52021, 520 Bajadas, 679, 681 Channeled Scablands, Washington, 409,
Age correlations, 198 Banded iron formations, 69798, 698 40910, 410
Alaska Barchan dunes, 468, 468 Charon, 74950, 751
Earthquake 1964, 516 Barnes Ice Cap, Canada, 390, 39092 Chatham, Massachusetts, 433, 436
terranes, 626 Bar Harbor, Maine, 105 Chemical precipitates, 122, 69799
Alcoves, 673 Barrier islands, 130, 433, 434, 435 Chemical sedimentary rocks, 12224
Algae, 122 Barrier reefs, 440 Chemical weathering, 25357, 256
Alluvial fans, 130, 131, 326, 327, 328 Basal drag, 505 by acid hydrolysis, 25456
Alluvial slope, 327 Basalt, 90, 91, 259 by dissolution, 25354
Alluvial valleys, 321 Basaltic eruptions, products of, 9798 by oxidation, 256
Alpine transform, New Zealand, 58889, 590 Basaltic plains, 68183, 681, 684 Chert, 12324
Alps, 386, 608, 610, 612, 624 Base level, 3045 Cinder cones, 96, 96
Amorphous solids, 57 Basement complex, 16 Cirques, 388
Amphiboles, 76, 76 Basin and Range Province, 174, 56264, 563, Clastic sedimentary rocks, 118122
Amphibolite, 157 67980, 681, 682 Clastic sediments, 697, 698
Amphibolite facies, 160 Basins, 183, 183185, 672 Clay minerals, 76
Andesite, 90, 91 Batholiths, 103, 105, 106, 107 Claystone, 120
Andes Mountains, 608, 608, 609 Baymouth bars, 432 Cleavage planes, 61, 64, 64
Angle of repose, 276 Bays, 432 Climate
Angular unconformity, 192, 192 Beach drift, 425 deserts, 270
Antarctica, 232, 233, 23435, 239, 244, 376, 389, Beaches, 130, 432 landscape development and, 662, 663
392, 393 Bedding planes, 117 polar, 270
Anticlines, 178, 180 Bed load, 303 river systems and, 331332
Aphanitic textures, 86, 8688, 90, 91 Beds, 125 temperate, 270
Apollo Program, 733 Big Lost River, Idaho, 344, 345 tropical, 269
Appalachian Mountains, 677, 678 Bingham copper mine, Utah, 696 weathering and, 268270, 270
Aquifers, 340, 342 Biochemical sedimentary rocks, 122, 125 Climate change, 24243
Arches, 673, 675 Biomass, 703 continental drift and, 24243, 243
Artes, 385, 388 Biosphere, 1011, 12 global, 243, 243
Artesian-pressure surface, 346 Biotite, 74 greenhouse gases and, 244, 246
Artesian water, 346, 34647 Bird-foot deltas, 325 mass spectrometry and, 415
Artificial discharge, 345 Blackhawk slide, California, 288, 288 Climate zones, 240, 24041
Ash, 94 Black smokers, 561, 561 Clipperton fracture zone, 581, 581
Ash flows, 98, 101, 102 Blowout dunes, 470, 470 Closed systems, 31
Ash-flow tuff, 94 Blueschist facies, 161, 161, 624, 625 Coal, 7069, 707, 708, 709
Assimilation, 108, 109 Blyde River, South Africa, 311 Coastal upwelling, 236, 237
Asteroids, 75152, 752 Bonding, 5657, 58 Coasts,
Asthenosphere, 14 Borah Peak, Idaho, 16667 local geologic processes and, 445447
Aswan High Dam, 306307 Bracketed intrusions, 210211 plate tectonics and, 443445
Atmosphere, 1011 Braided streams, 320, 320 Cold Wall, 583, 583
atmospheric pressure, 223 Breakers, 423, 424 Collecting system, 299, 300

I2 Index

Collision zones, 525 Crater Lake, Oregon, 98, 101 Discharge, 302
Colorado Plateau, 172, 659, 661, 672, 673 Craters, 97 Disconformity, 194, 194
Columbia Plateau, Washington, 85, 95, 65253 Craton, 16 Dispersing system, 301
Columnar joints, 92, 95 Creep, 281, 28182, 282, 283 Dissolution, 25354
Columns, 672, 674 Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) boundary, 758 Dissolved load, 3034
Comets, 75253, 753 Crevasses, 322, 377, 37980 Distributaries, 301, 322, 323
Compaction, 130 Cross-bedding, 125, 126, 466, 467 Divergent plate boundaries, 42, 4243, 49697,
Competence, sediment load, 3034 Crosscutting relations principle, 196, 197 497, 53673
Composite volcanoes, 97, 100 Crust, 13 earthquakes and, 524
Compound, 56 formation of, 62529 generation of magma at, 10910
Compressing flow, 37879, 378 Crystallization, 67 mineral resources and, 71516
Compression, 170, 170 Crystals, 61 Dolomite, 77
in continental collision zones, 60912, 611 destruction of, 6869 Dolostone, 123
at subduction zones, 6069 faces, 64 Domes, 183, 183, 672
in transform fault systems, 58283, 583 forms, 64 Downcutting, 310311
Compressional waves, 511 growth of, 67, 6768, 68 Drainage basins, 299
Conchoidal fractures, 64 Crystal structures, 57 Drainage patterns, 311314
Cone of depression, 345, 345 Cuestas, 672 Drumlins, 396, 397
Confined aquifers, 340, 346 Ductile deformation, 168, 169
Confining pressure, 152 Darwin, Charles, 44243 Dunes, 126, 132
Conglomerate, 119, 120, 121 Daughter isotopes, 202 Dust, 46264, 463, 464
Consequent streams, 674 Dead Sea transform system, 58788, 588
Constancy of interfacial angles, law of, 61 Death Valley, California, 268, 327 Earth, 79, 8
Contact metamorphism, 150, 150, 697 Debris flows, 280, 28485, 283 internal structure, 13, 1314
Continental accretion, 625, 627 Decompression melting, 557, 559, 640 as natural system, 31
Continental arc magmatism, 61415 Deep-focus earthquakes, 51112 outer layers, 1013, 15
Continental drift, 48287 Deep-marine sediment, 136 Earthquakes
climate change and, 24243, 243 Deep water of oceans, 231 Alaskan, 516, 516
glaciation evidence for, 48586, 486 Deflation, 458 continental collision and, 6056
paleoclimatic evidence for, 48687, 487 Deflation basins, 458, 458 elastic-rebound theory and, 510, 511
paleontological evidence for, 48384, 484 Deformation Hawaiian, 646, 647
structure and rock type evidence for, at convergent plate boundaries, 60614 hazards of, 43, 51421
48485, 485 rock, 168187 intensity of, 51213, 513
See also Plate tectonics Dehydration, 616 Izmit, Turkey, 518, 520
Continental glacier systems, 37576, 376, Deltaic coasts, 446, 446 Kobe, Japan, 51718, 518
38898 Deltas/delta systems, 130, 133, 32226 locations of, 51112
landforms created by, 39596 Dendritic drainages, 299, 300, 314, 671 magnitude of, 514
Continental margins, 21, 2224 Density plate tectonics and, 52425
Continental rifts, 56270, 568, 569 circulation of ocean and, 23435 prediction of, 52123
landscape development and, 67883 of minerals, 65 preparation for, 52324
mantle plumes and, 65456 planetary, 5 radar interferometry and, 519
Continental shelf, 22 Deposition San Francisco, 514, 516
Continental slope, 2223 coastal, 43133 seismic waves and, 51011, 511
Continents by groundwater, 35962 subduction zones and, 6045, 605
crust, 14, 15 river systems and, 31726 at transform boundaries, 59091, 591
major features, 1520, 17 sedimentary systems and, 12930 East African rift, 564, 56566
Contraction, 170, 170 Desert climates, 241, 270 Easter Island, 71921, 721
Convection, 41, 43, 506 Desertification, 47475 Eccentricity, 413, 414
inside Earth, 53132 Desert pavement, 459, 459, 460 Echo sounding, 23
Convergence coasts, 44344, 444 Deserts, 45657, 457 Eclogite facies, 161
Convergent plate boundaries, 4445, 497, 498, Devils Postpile, California, 261 Ecosphere, 2425
499, 596631 Diamond, 61, 61, 6566, 73, 152, 69798 Ejecta blanket, 729, 730
continent-continent, 600, 601 Diapirs, 185, 185, 638 Elastic limit, 510
deformation at, 60614 Diatom, 122, 124, 139, 549 Electrons, 55
factors influencing nature of, 6014 Differential erosion Element, 5455
generation of magma at, 11011 evolution of columns by, 674 El Nio, 236, 237
mineral resources and, 71617, 717 of folded mountain belts, 67577, 677 Enceladus, 728, 746, 747, 748
ocean-continent, 599600, 600 landscape development and, 66263, 664 End moraines, 388
ocean-ocean, 59899, 600 stable platforms and, 67274 Energy resources, 70015
seismicity at, 604, 6046 Differential stress, 153 fossil fuels, 706712
types of, 598600 Differential weathering, 260 geothermal, 7046
volcanic eruptions at, 61823 Differentiated planet, 13, 755 hydroelectric, 703
Coral reefs, 439, 442 Differentiation of magma, 1069 nuclear, 71315
Core, 1314, 14 Dikes, 103, 105, 106 renewable, 692, 7006
convection in, 531 Dike swarms, 652 solar, 7013
Coriolis effect, 227, 456 Diorite, 90, 91 tidal, 706
Correlations, age, 198, 199 Dip, 171, 171 wind, 7034
Covalent bond, 5657 Disappearing streams, 35455 Eolian (wind) systems. See Wind
Index I3
Epicenter, earthquake, 510, 511, 513 Formations, 11617, 117, 125 Great Lakes, United States, 403, 404
Equilibrium, 32 Fossil fuels, 70612 Greenhouse effect, 223
glacial, 38081 Fossils, 117, 118, 128 Greenhouse gases, 245
river systems and, 3058, 306 Fractional crystallization, 108, 109 Greenland, 38990, 628, 650
Ergs, 470 Fractures, 168 Ice Sheet, 391, 392
Eros, 752 Fracture zones, 540, 576 Greenschist facies, 160, 161
Erosion Frank slide, Alberta, 287 Greenstones, 158
coastal, 42731, 436 Friction, 505 Groundmass, 88
by glacier systems, 38182 Fringing reefs, 440 Ground moraines, 397
by groundwater systems, 34959 Groundwater processes, 699700
headward, 31114 Gabbro, 90, 91 Groundwater systems, 39, 40, 33671
by river systems, 30916 in ophiolites, 553 alteration of, 36369
by wind, 45861 Ganges River, India, 329, 33031 aquifers and, 340
See also Differential erosion Ganymede, 728, 743, 744, 74546 artesian water/confined aquifers and, 34647
Erratics, 397, 39798 Gas, 58 deposition by, 35962
Eskers, 398, 397 Gas giants, 72627 erosion by, 349359
Europa, 724, 725, 72425, 728, 74245, 743, Geodes, 362 flowing, computer models of, 366
744, 745 Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 289 groundwater movement, 341, 34142
Evaporation, 228, 22829 Geologic column, 198200, 199 groundwater resources, 341, 34142
Evaporation-precipitation balance, 229 Geologic maps, 179 natural discharge of, 34245
Evaporites, 124, 268, 268, 698 Geologic systems, 2851, 3435 porosity/permeability and, 33839
Everglades, Florida, 367, 36768 Geologic time, 188215 thermal springs/geysers and, 34749
Exfoliation, 261, 263 calibration of, 20911 water table and, 340, 340
Extending flows, 37879, 378 dating methods, 2019 Guilin, China, 32223, 358
Extension, 170, 170 discovery of, 19092 Gulf of California transform system, 58687
at convergent boundaries, 61214, 613 geologic column for, 198200, 199 Gulf Stream, 235
in transform fault systems, 58283, 583 magnitude of, 214 Gypsum, 77, 121, 124
Extrusive rocks, 83, 8889 relative ages, 19597
Geology, 4 Hale-Bopp comet, 752, 753
Faceted spurs, 679, 680 Geothermal energy, 349, 7046, 705 Half-dikes, 550, 552
Facies, 130 Geothermal gradient, 46 Half-life, 202
Faults, 173, 17377, 175, 176, 177 Geysers, 347, 349, 350, 351 Halite, 77
normal, 174, 175 Giants Causeway, Ireland, 92 Halls Harbor, Nova Scotia, 449
observed movement on, 177 Glacial erosion coasts, 446, 446 Hanging valleys, 388, 428
reverse, 174 Glacial plucking, 381 Hanging wall, 173, 174
San Andreas, 43, 45, 177 Glacial striations, 382, 383 Hardness, 65, 65
strike-slip, 17477 Glacier systems, 3940, 372419, 375 Hawaiian Islands, 45, 96, 635, 64349, 644
thrust, 174 causes of, 412416 earthquakes, 646. 647
Fault scarps, 678 continental, 38898 Hawaiian plume, 64345
Faunal succession, 19596 equilibrium, 38081 volcanism, 64647
Feldspars, 72 erosion by, 38182 Headland, 424
Felsic minerals, 7274 glacial ice, 37475 Headward erosion, 31113, 312, 313
Fissures, 93, 95, 543, 544 glacier flow, 37679, 377 Heat balance, 22426, 226
Flash floods, 330 Pleistocene, 398411 Heat flow, 547, 54748
Flood basalts, 95, 9596, 638, 68083, 683, 684 pre-Pleistocene, 41112 plate tectonics and, 46
mantle plumes and, 65455 sedimentary rocks and, 12930, 132 Heat, internal, 9
Floodplains, 318, 31720 valley, 38288 Hess, H. H., 488
flooding on, 328330 Glassy texture, 85, 86 High-grade metamorphism, 152
Floods, 32730, 328 Global climate change, 24345 Himalaya Mountains, 48081, 498, 60912, 611
Fluvial systems, 130, 131 Global positioning system (GPS), 592 Hinge line, 180
Focus, earthquake, 510, 511 Gneiss, 156, 157 Hinge plane, 180, 180
Folded mountain belts, 15, 1617, 19, 180, 599 Gneissic foliation, 153 Hogbacks, 664, 672, 673, 678
differential erosion of, 67577, 677 Graben, 174, 175 Hoover Dam, 49
Folds, 17885 Graded bedding, 126, 12627 Hornfels, 158
anticlines, 178, 180 Graded streams, 305 Horns, 388
belts of, 180 Gradient, 302 Horst, 174, 175
hinge line, 180 Grand Canyon, Arizona 11617, 117, 21213, Hotspots, 632, 635
hinge plane, 180, 180 316, 316 characteristics of, 63638
limbs, 180 Grand Teton Mountains, Wyoming, 251 Hawaiian, 64347
monoclines, 178, 180 Granite, 74, 74, 25859 Iceland, 636, 64951, 651
overturned, 178, 181 Granular disintegration, 261, 261 Yellowstone, 633
plunging, 180, 180, 181 Granulite, 158 Hotspot track, 643
synclines, 178, 180 Granulite facies, 160 Humidity, 221
Foliated rocks, 15557 Gravimeters, 569 Hutton, James, 19092
Foliated textures, 15354, 154 Gravity, 4849 Hydraulic head, 341
Foliation, 153 slope processes and, 276 Hydrocarbon traps, 70910
Footwall, 173, 174 variations, hidden continental rift and, 569 Hydroelectric power, 703, 703
Forearc ridge forms, 599 Gravity anomaly, 547, 54748 Hydrologic system, 33, 3340
I4 Index

Hydrolysis, 25455 Lake Chad, 475 Mantle, 13

Hydrosphere, 11, 12, 37 Lake Okeechobee, Florida, 367, 368 convection in, 53132
Hydrothermal alteration, 153, 55860, 695 Lakes, Pleistocene glaciation and, 403, 4036 seismic tomography of, 533
Hydrothermal fluid, 695, 695 Laki eruption, Iceland, 55355, 556 Mantle plumes, 41, 45, 63257
Hydrothermal ore deposits, 696, 696 Laminae, 120 beneath continents, 65155
Land degradation, 47475, 475 beneath ocean floors, 64251
Ice Ages, 398417 Landscapes characteristics of, 63638
Iceland, 394, 504, 537, 553555, 555, 556 continental, factors influencing, 66063 climate change and, 656
mantle plume beneath, 635, 636, 64951, 650 continental rifts and, 67880 continental rifting and, 65455
Ice layers, 208, 209 flood basalts and, 68083 evidence for, 63436, 636
Ice wedging, 251, 12552 folded mountain belts and, 67577 evolution of, 638, 63839
Icy planetary bodies, 727, 74250 magmatic arcs and, 68485 flood basalts and, 65455
Ida, 75152, 752 plate tectonics and, 65887 generation of magma in, 11011, 63942
Igneous rocks, 80113 shield evolution and, 66469, 665 Hawaiian, 64345
classification of, 89 stable platforms and, 67075 Iceland, 636, 636, 64951, 651
extrusive, 9199 succession in development of, 196, 198 mass extinctions and, 656
intrusive, 102106 Landslides, 28588, 288 at midocean ridges, 64951
nature of, 8285 hazard maps for, 289 Yellowstone, 65254
in North America, 84 Lateral moraines, 370, 370 Mantle resistance, 505
plate tectonics and, 109111, 111 Lateral slip, 384, 384 Marble, 156, 158
textures of, 8588, 86 Lava, 83 Marginal sea coasts, 444, 445
types of, 8894 Lava domes, 97, 100 Maria, 730, 731
Iguazu Falls, South America, 29697 Lava tubes, 92, 95 Marine deposition coasts, 446, 447
Impact craters, 9, 10, 72830, 729 Layered gabbro, 550, 553 Mars, 5, 8, 9, 73438
Inclined seismic zone, 604, 605 Leached, 253, 364 crust, 18
Inclusion principle, 19698, 198 Leaky transform systems, 580 landslides, 737
Inclusions, 106 Lechugilla Cave, New Mexico, 36062, 367 life on, 73738, 738
Index minerals, 15960 Lee slope, 467 stream channels, 737
Industrial minerals, 696 Lift, 461 surface, 735, 736
Inner core, 14 Limbs, 180 volcanoes, 736
Inner planets, 5, 9, 26, 531, 727, 72741 Limestone, 121, 122, 259 Mass extinction, 758
See also specific planets Linear dunes, 469, 468 Massive gabbro, 550
Intermediate-focus earthquakes, 511 Liquefaction, 518 Mass movements
Internal heat, 9 Liquids, 57 factors influencing, 27677
Intraplate seismicity, 525, 525 Lithosphere, 14 slope systems and, 294, 294
Intraplate settings, mineral resources and, 717 See also Oceanic lithosphere; Plate tectonics types of, 28093
Intrusions, magmatic, 1024, 105 Loess, 407, 47174, 471, 473 Mass spectrometry, 415
Intrusive rocks, 83, 87, 1026 Longitudinal profile, 302 Matrix, 88
Inverted valleys, 682, 683 Longshore currents, 425 Matter, 5459
Io, 742, 745 Longshore drift, 42527 states of, 5758
Ionic bond, 5657 Low-grade metamorphism, 152 Meanders, 317, 318
Ionic substitution, 62 Luster, 65 Medial moraines, 384, 384
Ions in solution, 268 Lyell, Sr., Charles, 191, 201 Mekong Delta, Vietnam, 325, 326
Island arc magmatism, 614, 615 Mlange, 141, 162, 606
Island arcs, 22, 600, 605 Madagascar slope failures, 277, 278 Melt, 68
Isostasy, 4849, 50 Mafic, 7476 Mercury, 5, 8, 9, 18, 73234, 734
Isotopes, 56 Magma, 82, 83 Mesas, 671, 672
Izmit, Turkey earthquake, 518, 520 generation of Mesosphere, 14, 222, 223
in continental collision zones, 617 Mesozoic Era, 200
Jet stream, 22829 at convergent plate boundaries, 11011, Metabasalt, 560
Joint-block separation, 260, 261 615 Metaconglomerate, 156, 158
Joints, 172, 17273 at divergent plate boundaries, 10910 Metallic bond, 57
Jupiter, 5, 6, 742, 743 in mantle plumes, 111 Metamorphic rocks, 14565
satellites of, 74246, 74345 in subduction zones, 61517, 616 facies, 160
mafic, 83 kinds of, 15559
Karst topography, 35458, 355, 356 origin and differentiation of, 1069 nature of, 14648, 147
Kettles, 395, 397 silicic, 8384 origin of, 14855
Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, 97, 64347, 644 Magma mixing, 108, 109 plate tectonics and, 16163
Kobe, Japan earthquake, 517, 518 Magmatic arcs, 684, 68485, 685 source material for, 159
Komatiite, 89, 90, 9192 Magmatic differentiation, 107, 108 Metamorphic zones, 159161
Krakatau, Indonesia eruption, 619, 61920 Magmatic segregation, 694 in Japan, 624
Magnetic anomalies, 490 Metamorphism, 146
Laccoliths, 104, 106 Magnetic mapping, 626 chemically active fluids and, 15253
Lag deposits, 457, 459, 459 Magnetic reversals, 48993 contact, 150
Lagoons/lagoon systems, 134, 134 Magnetism, 66 at convergent margins, 624, 62325,
Lahar, 284, 285 Magnetosphere, 223 high-grade, 152
Lake Agassiz, Canada, 405 Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, 344, 354, 354 low-grade, 152
Lake Bonneville, United States, 49, 4056, 407 Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, 362, 363 ore deposit, 696-97
Index I5
ocean-ridge, 163, 58861 Natural levee, 319, 319 Ore deposits. See Mineral resources; Minerals
pressure changes and, 152 Natural system, 3132 Orogenic belt, 608
regional, 15961, 696 Nebula, 753, 754 Outer core, 14
temperature changes and, 14850, 153, 149 Neck, volcanic, 104, 106 Outer planet, 5, 6, 7267, 74250
at transform plate boundaries, 59193 Neptune, 5 See also specific planets
Metasomatism, 152 satellites of, 748, 750 Outer swell, 599
Metastable Neutron, 55 Outlet glacier, 392, 392
mineral, 66, 150 New Madrid, Missouri, earthquake, 525 Outwash plain, 375, 387, 388, 396
position, 33 New Zealand, 99, 101, 58889, 590 Overturned fold, 181183, 181
Meteorite, 26, 728 Niagara Falls, New York, 312 Oxbow lake, 317, 318
Methane hydrate, 713, 714 Niger Delta, Nigeria, 326, 325 Oxidation, 2567
Mexico City, Mexico, 368, 369, 515 Nile River, Africa Oxide mineral, 77
Mica, 72, 74 delta, 34, 38, 32526 Ozone, 22122
Midocean ridge, 53848, 539, 541, 542, 543 river equilibrium and, 307, 306308 Ozone hole, 244, 244
cooling and subsidence of, 54042 Nonconformity, 193, 194 Ozone layer, 222, 244
gravity and, 547-48, 547 Nonfoliated metamorphic rock, 15758
heat flow and, 547, 54748 Nonrenewable resource, 692 P-wave, 511, 5278
magmatism at, 55758 Nonsilicate mineral, 7778 Pahoehoe flow, 92, 93, 95
magnetic anomalies and, 54647 Normal fault, 174, 175 Paired metamorphic belt, 624, 6234
seismicity of, 54546 Normal polarity, 489, 491 Paleomagnetism, 48893, 489, 490
topography of, 520 Northridge, California earthquake, 515, 51617, Paleozoic Era, 200
Migmatite, 157, 157 517 Pangaea, 483
Milankovitch climate cycle, 41314, 414 Nuclear energy, 71315 Parabolic dune, 470, 468
Mineral resource, 692700 Nucleus, atomic, 54 Parent isotope, 202
plate tectonic controls on, 715718, 717 Nuclides, chart of, 201 Partial melting, 1078
processes forming, 693700 Numerical age, 190 Passive continental margin, 562, 568
Mineral, 5279 Passive-margin coast, 444, 4445
common, 73 Ocean basins Peat, 706707
composition of, 62 crust, 1314, 15, 17 Pecos River, New Mexico, 313, 314
destruction of, 6869 major features, 13, 2124 Pediment, 679, 681
growth of, 6768, 67, 68 mapping from space, 23 Pegmatite, 88, 695
nature of, 5966 Ocean Drilling Program, 140 Perched water table, 340
nonsilicate, 77 Ocean floor Peridotite, 90, 97
physical properties of, 6266 cooling and subsidence of, 540, 542 Periodic table, 57
rock-forming, 7177 geology of, 48788 Permafrost, 282
silicate, 7076 magnetic fabric of, 504 Permeability, 258, 339
stability range, 66 metamorphism, 163, 55861 Peru earthquake, 520521
structure of, 5962, 61 methods of studying, 53940 Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, 348,
X-ray diffraction and, 60 sediment on, 49394 3612, 362
Mississippi River, 302, 304, 319320, 32829, spreading, 488 Petroleum, 70910, 712
329 Oceanic lithosphere, 54862 Phaneritic texture, rocks with, 86, 8891
Delta, 324, 325326 abyssal hills and, 561 Phanerozoic Eon, 200
Mohorovicic discontinuity, 529 deep submersible observation of, 55253 Phenocryst, 88
Mohs hardness scale, 65 Iceland, 55355 Photovoltaic cell, 7023, 702
Moment magnitude, 514 ophiolite, 54852, 549 Phyllite, 155
Monocline, 178, 180 origin and evolution of, 55662 Physical weathering, 251, 2513, 252
Mont Pele, West Indies eruption, 618, 620, seismic studies of, 548 Pillar, 672, 672
623 visualizing, 55556, 557 Pillow lava, 97, 99, 543, 544, 549551, 551
Moon, 59, 6, 8, 18, 72732, 731 Oceanic plateau, 635, 642 Pinnacle, 672, 672
history, 730, 732 Oceanic ridge, 17, 21, 538553, 542, 543 Placer deposit, 697, 698
impact processes, 72830, 755, 755 Oceanic trenches, 17, 2122 Plagioclase, 72
surface, 730, 731 Oceans Planetesimal, 754
Moraine, 384, 384 coastal upwelling of, 236, 236 Planet, 72459
Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya, 565 composition of, 23031 impact processes in origin of, 75556
Mount Rainier, Washington, 100 energy and motion of, 23239 physical characteristics, 728
Mount St. Helens, Washington State, 62023, global circulation of, 23639, 239 Plastic deformation, 148
621, 622 Pleistocene glaciation and, 407408 Plateau basalt, 652
Mount Vesuvius, Italy eruption, 618619, 618 thermal structure of, 231, 23031 Plateau, 671, 672
Mud crack, 118, 127-28 Oil, 700701, 70910, 712, 710 Plate motion, 4347, 500503, 501
Mudflow, 28485 Oil shale, 712 in last 200 million years, 57071, 550, 552
Mudrock, 120 Olivine, 75, 75 rates of, 4041, 48087, 502503
Multiring basin, 730 Oman ophiolite, 549, 54950, 550, 551 Plate tectonics
Muscovite, 74 Ontong-Java Plateau, 642, 643 development of theory, 48794
Mylonite, 157, 578 Oolite, 122 driving mechanisms for, 503, 505506
Mylonitic texture, 155159, 155 Open system, 31 earthquakes and, 52425
Nappe, 60809 Ophiolite, 54852 igneous rocks and, 16163
Natural arches, 673, 675 transform fault zones in, 582 metamorphic rocks and, 16163
Natural gas, 70913 Optical microscope, 87 mineral resources and, 71518, 717
I6 Index

plate boundaries and, 496, 49697 Recessional moraine, 388 S-wave, 511, 527
plate geography and, 49596 Recharged aquifer, 326, 340 Sahara desert, Africa, 456, 460, 464, 470, 475
plate motion and, 45, 47, 500502 Recrystallization, 69 Sahel, Africa, 47475
river systems and, 33033 Recycle, 692 Salinity, 230
sedimentary systems and, 13941, 141 Red Sea Rift, 35, 4243, 566, 568 Saltation, 303, 462
shoreline classification and, 444, 44345 Reefs/reef system, 12930, 135, 441 Salt dome, 185, 185
See also Tectonic system ecology of, 440 Saltwater encroachment, 365, 365
Platform reef, 440, 442 types of, 440 San Andreas fault system, 43, 45, 177, 57475,
Playa lake, 679, 681 Regional metamorphism, 150, 152, 15961, 57686
Pleistocene Epoch, 399 161, 624, 696-97 San Clemente Island, California, 439
Pleistocene glaciation, 398411, 398 Regolith, 263, 264 Sand dune, 465, 46570, 466
drainage system modification, 402403 removal of, 30910 types of, 46770
isostatic adjustment, 407 Regression, 137 Sand sea, 469, 47071, 470
lake creation, 403, 403405 Relative dating, 19597, 197 Sand sheet, 465, 469
ocean, 407409 Relief, 16 Sandstone, 11920, 121, 259
pluvial lake, 405406, 406 Renewable resource, 692 San Francisco earthquake, 514, 516
sea level change, 405 Reservoir rock, 709 Santa Barbara, longshore drift at, 42627, 427
wind effects, 407 Resources Satellite sensor, 238
Plucking, glacial, 378, 381, 382, 384 depletion of, population growth and, 71819 Saturn, 5, 747
Plume head, 638, 638 energy, 70015 satellites of, 746747
Plume, mantle. See Mantle plumes mineral, 692700 Scarp, 174
Plume tail, 638, 688 plate tectonics and, 715718 Schist, 156, 157
Plunge, 180, 180 Reverse fault, 174 Schistosity, 157
Plunging fold, 18081, 181 Reverse magnetic polarity, 490, 491 Sea arches, 428, 430
Pluto, 728, 749, 751 Rhyolite, 86, 89, 90, 91, 554555, 562, 618, Sea cave, 428, 430
Pluton, 103 65051 Sea cliff, 428, 431
Pluvial lake, 405406, 406 Richter Scale, 514 Seafloor. See Ocean floor
Point bar, 317, 318 Ridge and Valley Province, 677, 678 Seafloor metamorphism, 163, 163, 55861, 697
Polar climate, 241, 270 Ridge jump, 651 Seafloor spreading, 488, 490, 492
Polarity chron, 490, 491 Ridge offset, 58485 Sea ice, 231, 232, 233
Polar wandering, 48889 Ridge-push, 505 Seamount, 22, 21, 22
Pole of rotation, 500 Ridge-ridge transform fault, 578, 579 evolution of, 64749, 648
Polymorphism, 62 Ridge-trench transform, 578, 578 Sea stack, 428, 429, 430
Population growth, limits to, 718719 Rifts Secondary (S) wave, 511
Pore space, 338, 339 Basin and Range province, 174, 56264, 563 Sedimentary fluid, 699
Porosity, 258, 338 East African, 565, 566, 56566 Sedimentary processes, 693, 69799
Porphyritic texture, 8588, 86 Red Sea, 566 Sedimentary rock, 11443
Porphyry copper deposit, 696, 696 Rift system, East Africa, 9 plate tectonics and, 139, 141, 141
Potassium-argon (K-Ar) clock, 205 Rift valley, 21, 488 sedimentary systems and, 12937
Pothole, 310, 311 of midocean ridge, 540, 541 stratigraphic sequence, 13739
Precambrian Eon, 200 Rift zone, 643644 structures in, 12528
Precession, 413, 414 Ring of fire, 603, 604 types of, 11824
Precipitation, 224, 225 Rip current, 425 Sediment load, 303, 303304, 306
Pressure, 58, 59, 152 Ripple mark, 118, 12728 Seep, 343, 344
Pressure ridge, 92, 95 River flow, rainfall sources for, 229 Seif dune, 468, 469
Primary (P) wave, 511 River system, 38, 38, 296335 Seismic imaging, three dimensional, 711
Proton, 55 age of, 332 Seismicity, 508535, 525
Proterozoic, 198200 characteristics of, 298302 at convergent plate boundaries,, 604606
Pull-apart basin, 583 climate and, 330331 global patterns of, 5245
Pumice, 94 equilibrium gradients in, 305308 intraplate, 525
P-wave, 511 erosion by, 309316 Seismic ray, 526
Pyroclastic-fall tuff, 94 flood, 32730 Seismic risk map, 516, 523
Pyroclastic texture, 86, 88, 94 geologic importance of, 298, 299, 300 Seismic tomography, 533
Pyroxenes 75 order in, 301302 Seismic wave, 51011, 52630
plate tectonics and, 33132 velocity discontinuities, 52931
Quartz, 72 stream deposition processes, 31726 Seismograph, 510
Quartzite, 156, 158 stream flow dynamics, 302305 Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe
Roches moutonnes, 381-382, 382 (SHRIMP), 204
Radar interferometry, earthquake deforma- Rock avalanches, 287, 28890 Sequence stratigraphy, 13739, 139
tion and, 519 Rock deformation, 16687 Serpentinite, 553
Radioactive decay, 9, 202, 202 principles of, 16870 Serpentinite ridge, 584
Radioactivity, 9, 202 rock structure geometry and, 17185 Shadow zone, 527, 527, 528
Radiogenic heat, 9 Rockfall, 280, 287, 288 Shale, 120, 121, 259
Radiometric dating, 201207 Rock-forming mineral, 7176 Shallow-focus earthquake, 511, 545546
problems in, 207 Rock glacier, 290, 290 Shallow-marine system, 130, 135
Rain forest, 225, 228, 241 Rock salt, 124 Shattering, 261
Rain-shadow desert, 241, 454, 456 Rockslide, 280, 287 Shear, 169, 576
Rays, impact crater, 730 Romanche fracture zone, 580, 58081 Shear wave, 511
Index I7
Sheeted dike complex, 550, 552 Storm surge, 438, 439 Thermosphere, 22223, 223
Sheeting, 252, 253 Strain, 168 Thin section, 91
Shield Strata, 116 Thousand Springs, Idaho, 344, 34445
continental, 1618, 18, 662 Stratification, 125 Threshold velocity, 304
evolution of, 628, 66469, 665 Stratosphere, 22122, 223 Thrust fault, 174, 175
Shield volcano, 96, 634 Stratovolcano, 97, 100 Tibesti, Chad, 460, 462
Shoemaker-Levy comet, 756, 756, 757 Streak, 66 Tidal delta, 452, 452
Shoreline system, 3940, 133, 42653 Stream deposition coast, 446, 446 Tidal energy, 706
coastal classification, 44247 Stream erosion coast, 446, 446 Tidal flat, 130, 134
coastal deposition, 43133 Stream piracy, 312313, 313, 314 Tidal heating, 742
coastal erosion, 42731, 436 Stream terrace, 321, 322 Tide, 44748, 448, 449
evolution of, 43438 Strength, 168 Till, 396, 397
longshore drift, 42527 Stress, 168 Time
reef, 43942 Striation, glacial, 382, 383 numerical (absolute), 201
tide, 448, 44748, 449 Strike, 171, 171 radiometric measurement of, 201207
tsunami, 44851, 450, 451 Strike-slip fault, 17477, 175, 498 relative, 195
waves, 42225 Strike valley, 67172, 672 Titan, 728, 746, 747
Siccar Point, Scotland, 192 Strip mining, 708 Tombolo, 432433, 435
Sierra Nevada, California, 103, 105, 253, 327 Subaqueous mass movement, 29091, 291, 293 Tonga trench, 605
Silicate mineral, 7072 Subduction, 44 Topographic map, shuttle radar, 20, 481-482,
clay, 76 Subduction zone, 497, 59899 300
felsic, 7274 compression at, 606608 Tower karst, 355
mafic, 7476 earthquakes and, 52425, 604-605, 605 of China, 35859, 358
Silicic eruptions, products of, 97102 extension at, 612 Transform fault, 576
Silicic magma, 8283 generation of magma in, 51517, 616 Transform plate boundaries, 43, 4344, 57495
Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, 70, 71 thermal structure of, 602603, 602 continental, 58589
Sill, 105, 106 Submarine fan, 130 Dead Sea, 58788
Siltstone, 120 Subsequent stream, 674 earthquakes at, 524, 59091
Sinkhole, 351 Subsidence, 292293, 292, 542 magmatism at, 59193
Slab-pull, 505 groundwater and, 36869, 368 map, 577
Slate, 155, 156 Sun, 5, 6, 222 metamorphism at, 59193
Slaty cleavage, 155 Superposed stream, 313 midocean ridges and, 540
Slip face, 467 Superposition principle, 195 mineral resources and, 717
Slope retreat, 321 Surface water of oceans, 231 oceanic, 57985
Slope system, 27495 density-driven circulation of, 23536, 235 processes at, 58285
Slump block, 280, 287, 286 wind-driven circulation of, 23233, 234 San Andreas, 58689, 586, 587, 594
Snake River Plain, Idaho, 344, 652, 653, Surface wave, 511 thermal structure, 58384
65253, 668, 684 Suspended load, 303 types, 57778
Snow line, 374 Suspension, 463 Transgression, 137
Soil, 26568 Swash, 423 Transporting system, 300
Soil profile, 265, 265 Systems, 3238 Transpiration, 37
Solar energy, 702, 701703 Syncline, 180, 178 Transpression, 583
Solar radiation, 22426, 226 Transtension, 583
Solar system, 5, 6, 72659 Tahiti, 441 Transverse dune, 46768, 468
origin of, 75357 Talus, 253 Tree ring dating, 207, 207208
See also Inner planets; Outer planets Talus cone, 253, 254, 274 Trellis drainage pattern, 313, 674
Solid, 57 Tangshan, China earthquake, 520 Trench, 21, 23, 599
Solifluction, 282, 283 Tectonic system, 4045, 41, 495 Trench-trench transform, 578, 578
Solution valley, 354 Tectonite, 552 Tributaries, 299
Sorting, 119, 120, 129 Temperate climate, 241, 270 Triton, 748, 750
Source rock, 107, 709 Temperature Tropical climate, 24041, 269-271
Spatter cone, 92, 95 metamorphism and, 14852, 149 Troposphere, 221, 223
Speleothem, 359 states of matter and, 5758, 59 Tsunami, 44851, 451, 519
Spheroidal weathering, 26364, 262, 263 Tension, 170 Tuff, 91, 94, 98, 102
Spit, 432, 433, 434 Tephra, 94 Turbidite, 126
Splay, 322, 323 Terrace Turbidity current, 12627, 127, 128
Spreading rate, 540, 541, 58485 stream, 321, 321, 322 Turbulent flow, 303
Spring, 343, 344345 wave-cut, 421, 428, 439, 443
Stable platform, 16, 18, 19, 662, 671, 670-675 wave-built, 428, 428 Ultramafic igneous rock, 89
differential erosion and, 67273 Terrane, accreted, 627629, 627 Unconfined aquifer, 340
landscape development and, 67075 Terminal moraine, 388 Unconformity, 137, 19294
of North America, 67374 Terrestrial planet, 8, 9 Uniformitarianism, 19092
Stalactite, 359360, 359 Tetrahedron, silicon-oxygen, 70 Upwelling, coastal, 23637, 237
Stalagmite, 359 Textures Ural Mountains, Russia, 601
Star dune, 468, 470 of igneous rocks, 8586, 88 Uranium deposit, 71314, 716
Starting plume, 638, 639 of metamorphic rocks, 15559 Uranus, 5, 747748, 749
oceanic plateaus/flood basalts and, 64243 of sedimentary rocks, 11822,121 satellites of, 72324, 725
Stock, 107 Thermohaline circulation, 234 Urbanization, river equilibrium and, 308, 308
I8 Index

Vaiont Dam, Italy, 27778, 278 Water vapor, 223, 224 sediment transportation by, 46164
Valles caldera, New Mexico, 102 Wave base, 423 Wind shadow, 456
Valley and Ridge province, 183 Wave-built terrace, 420, 429 Within-plate tectonics, 45
Valley glacier systems, 375376. 38288 Wave crest, 422, 423
Vatnajokull glacier, Iceland, 394 Wave-cut cliff, 428, 429 X-ray diffraction, structure of minerals and, 56
Varves, 208, 397, 396 Wave-cut platform, 428, 429 X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, 641
Vein, 173, 696 Wave erosion coast, 446, 447
Velocity, stream flow, 302 Wave height, 422 Yardang, 45960, 461, 462
Vema fracture zone, 553, 555 Wavelength, 422, 423 Yazoo stream, 319
Ventifact, 459, 460, 461 Wave period, 423 Yellowstone National Park, 45, 63233
Venus, 5, 6, 7, 8, 739, 73940 Wave refraction, 4234, 425 Yellowstone plume, 65254
corona, 741 Weathering, 129, 24873
dome, 741 chemical, 25357 Zeolite facies, 160
impact crater, 741 climate and, 26870 Zion National Park, Utah, 127, 467, 471, 673
Vesicle, 87 differential, 260 Zone, metamorphic, 150, 15961
Vesuvius, 618619, 618 major rock types and, 25759 Zone of ablation, 374
Viscosity ore deposits and, 693, 699700 Zone of accumulation, 374
of air, 461 physical, 25153 Zone of aeration, 340
of ice, 376 products of, 26068 Zone of saturation, 340
of magma, 83 rates of, 27071
Volatile, 84 reactions, for common minerals, 257, 259
Volcanic arc, 599 Wegener, A., 48284
Volcanic ash, 93, 96 Welded tuff, 98, 102
Volcanic bomb, 93, 96 Well, 34546
Volcanic glass, 85, 86 White smoker, 561
Volcanic neck, 104, 106, 683 Wind, 40, 132, 45477
Volcanoes, 43, 97, 55759, 59193, 61423 energy, 703704, 704
erosion by, 45860
Water movement, global patterns of, 228 global aspect, 45657
Water table, 340, 340 loess deposits by, 47174
changes in position of, 36768 sand deposits by, 46871

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