Fully Developed Viscous in Coiled Circular Pipes: Larry Austin and J.D. Seader
Fully Developed Viscous in Coiled Circular Pipes: Larry Austin and J.D. Seader
Fully Developed Viscous in Coiled Circular Pipes: Larry Austin and J.D. Seader
Circular Pipes
The Navier-Stokes equations in stream-function/vorticity form were
solved numerically by over-relaxation for the case of steady state, fully de-
veloped, isothermal, incompressible viscous Newtonian flow within a rigor-
ously treated toroidal geometry. Solutions were obtained for curvature ratios LARRY R. AUSTIN
ranging from 5 to 100 and for Dean numbers as low as 1 and as high as and J.D. SEADER
1000. The Dean number was demonstrated to be the principal parameter to
characterize toroidal flow; however, a second-order dependence upon the Department of Chemicul Engineering
curvature ratio above that expressed in the Dean number was observed. The University of Utah
Comparisons of the numerically computed axial-velocity profiles were made Salt Lake City, Utah 841 12
with experimental data. The cross-sectional pressure distribution was cal-
culated, and a correlation is presented for a diametral pressure drop in terms
of the Dean number.
Straight circular tubes have found widespread use in as compared with simple straight-tube parabolic flow,
operations involving fluid dynamics, heat transfer, mass causes a higher axial-pressure gradient, a higher critical
transfer, and chemical-reaction kinetics. For laminar flow, Reynolds number for transition to turbulent Row, a di-
a large number of analytical investigations and supporting ametral-pressure gradient, a fluid-element residence-time
experimental studies have been reported that permit, in distribution that more closely approximates plug flow, rela-
many cases, quite accurate predictions of transport phe- tively high average heat-transfer and mass-transfer rates
nomena, including transport with simultaneous chemical per unit axial pressure drop, especially for high-handtl-
reaction. number and high-Schmidt-number fluids, and significant
Curved configurations of circular tubes-such as partial peripheral distributions of the transport rates. The latter
coils, single coils, helical coils, and spiral coils-have re- effect can be utilized to advantage in applications where
ceived far less attention in the literature despite their fre- the peripheral boundary conditions are asymmetrical.
quent use in heat exchangers, chemical reactors, rocket en- Of fundamental interest to the development of a com-
gines, and other apparatus, equipment, or devices. In some plete understanding of viscous-flow phenomena in curved
cases, the use of curved tubes is necessitated because of or coiled tubes is the nature of the velocity and pressure
geometrical restrictions. However, it is also becoming in- distributions in the fully-developed flow region. In studies
creasingly apparent that the nature of the complex primary by previous investigators, these profiles have been found
(axial direction) and secondary (normal to primary) flow to depend strongly on the Dean number N D , where N D , =
patterns in curved tubes makes possible some definite ad- NRe(R/Rc)'h,R is the pipe inside radius, and Rc is the coil
vantages of this configuration over straight tubes for a radius of curvature. At low Dean numbers, open-form
number of situations. In fully developed curved-tube vis-
analytical solutions have been achieved; numerical meth-
cous flow, the primary-flow-velocity profile is distorted
ods have been successful to moderate Dean numbers of
from its parabolic straight-tube-flow counterpart, a sec-
ondary flow is established that consists of two vortices, and approximately 300; and an approximate combined bound-
the resultant combined primary and secondary flow pat- ary-layer/potential-flow core theory has been applied at
terns cause a fluid element to have a screw-like motion. high Dean numbers. The objective of this study was to
At one instant, a fluid element may be traveling near the develop a rapidly converging and reasonably accurate nu-
very center of the tube cross section. After a short period merical solution to the equations of fluid motion so that
of time and a short axial distance downstream, the same velocity and pressure profiles could be computed over a
fluid element may be found very near the outside wall of much wider range of Dean numbers and curvature ratios
the tube. The nature of curved-tube viscous-fluid motion, R J R than previously.
Fluid flow within helically coiled tubes is common in White ( 1929). His law has been verified many times since.
many industrial operations, particularly those involving He introduced a dimensionless parameter, now known as
heat transfer. Toroidal flow is the limiting case of helical the Dean number, which has proved to be the most im-
flow with zero pitch. The mode of fluid flow in coils is portant single parameter with which helical flow can be
characterized by a secondary flow field, which is superim- characterized. Dye-injection experiments, performed first
posed upon the axial-velocity flow field. The secondary by Eustice (1911), and later by Taylor (1929), were
flow field divides itself along the diameter of the toroid fundamental in demonstrating the secondary flow, which is
into two mirror images. Flow is directed outward along the characteristic of all helical flow. Taylors experiments also
diameter, which then returns to the center by following showed that, depending on the ratio of the radius of curva-
the tube wall. This secondary-flow action causes the diame- ture to the tube radius (curvature ratio), the critical Reyn-
tral axial-velocity profile to be skewed toward the outside olds number was increased to values beyond the value of
of the coil. Not only are velocity profiles altered as com- 2,100 usually accepted for straight-tube flow. For example,
pared to straight-pipe flow, but also the axial-pressure drop at a curvature ratio of 18.7, a critical Reynolds number
is increased and a diametral pressure difference is estab- of 5830 was observed.
lished. Fundamental information on velocity and pressure Several theoretical attempts have been made by Dean
profiles is useful in establishing heat- and mass-transfer ( 1927, 1928), Topakoglu ( 1967), McConalogue and
rates and homogeneous chemical-kinetic phenomena for Srivastava (1968), Truesdell and Adler (1970), Larrain
flow in curved tubes. and Bonilla (1970), and Akiyama and Cheng (1971) to
Active experimental work with helical-flow systems solve the equations of fluid motion for the case of toroidal
dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Con- flow. The first classical work is attributed to Dean (1927,
siderable experimental work has been done by Grindley 1928). His original solution was valid for creeping flow
(1908), Eustice (1910), White (1929), Keulegan and only ( N D , < 1) and failed to show any increased flow
Beij (1937), %ban and McLaughlin (1963), Kubair and resistance over straight-pipe flow but did predict the form
Kuloor ( 1963), Schmidt ( 1967), Ito ( 1969), and Larrain of the secondary-flow field, as previously observed by
and Bonilla ( 1970) to establish a pressure-drop relation- Eustice ( 1911) in his dye-injection experiments. Truesdell
ship. The first reliable resistance law was determined by and Adler (1970) produced a numerical solution that was
t' /
2. The axial component of the Navier-Stokes equation
S =r2(Ar)hao, (22)
25 = TZ [ --+2~ -+ -
2ha AT
wal I I Outer where
c x5 1
waI I
r2C P
Fig. 2. The computational grid region.
2Ar AT)^
I cessive values of the three dependent variables obtained
during major iterations changed by less than 0.001%.
t This normally required on the order of 100 major itera-
Boundary c o n d i t i o n f o r
tions. Convergence was aided by proper selection of re-
laxation factors that were assigned in the manner of
One i t e r a t i o n on
Greenspan (1965). The best relaxation factor for the
stream function was one. This is in agreement with Aki-
yama and Cheng (1q71). Factors for the vorticity and
I t e r a t e on S once
axial velocity were required to decrease from one with in-
creasing Dean number. Once a completely converged solu-
tion was obtained, values of the Reynolds number, the
for error Dean number, and the friction factor were computed.
Check Converqence pressure distribution for the cross section was calculated
by integration of the radial component of Equation ( 6 ) ,
starting with a reference value of zero for the pressure at
*Lorrain and Bonilla (1970) show that, for very low Dean numbers
and low curvature ratios, the maximum velocity can occur slightly closer
to the inner wall of the pipe. This effect was observed also in the nu-
merical results of this study. Fig. 7. Axial-velocity surface.
1 10 100 1000
Fig. 9. Correlation of diametral-pressure difference.
-This work.
fc fs
In this paper we present a simplified analytical method uniform dose rate distribution gives a higher overall reac-
to predict the effect of mixing on radiation-induced poly- tion rate for the same absorbed energy. If one can make
merization in which the species initiating the polymeriza- the distribution of the active species more uniform by
tion were not uniformly produced becawe of a nonuniform agitation before the deactivation, an increase in the re-
dose rate distribution. Under the influence of the nonuni- action rate may be expected.
form dose rate distribution, the rate of active species for- Up to this time, two different calculational methods
mation is naturally nonuniform, and the efficiency of active have been reported. One is based on a diffusion model in
species utilization in propagation reactions is low because which the radicals produced in the higher dose rate area
of the high probability of their mutual deactivation in the
are assumed to be dispersed throughout the reactor by
high concentration.
The rate of radiation-induced chemical reaction usually diffusion (Noyes, 1959; Hill and Reiss, 1968). The other
has a dose rate exponent ranging from 0.5 to 1.0, depend- is based on a circulation flow model, in which fluid ele-
ing on the deactivation mechanism of active species. In ments are assumed to be irradiated periodically by going
the case of reaction with dose rate exponent less than around in the reactor (Fredrickson et al., 1961; Kawakami
unity, it has been established that irradiation with a more and Isbin, 1970).