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Flow Control

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The document discusses the simulation of flow control for a radial piston pump based on Simulink. It establishes the mathematical model of the pump and hydraulic cylinder and analyzes the system response under different loads and with the addition of a fuzzy PID controller.

The document derives equations (3)-(5) to model the continuity and forces within the hydraulic cylinder based on concepts like chamber volume, pressure, leakage, and piston area.

As shown in Figure 5, the system response time increases and overshoot decreases as the load increases from 10MPa to 30MPa.

Simulation of the flow control of radial piston

pump based on simulink

Qiu Xinguo , Chen Libin, Jiang Wei
Key Laboratory of E&M (Zhejiang University of Technology), Ministry of Education & Zhejiang Province
Zhejiang University of Technology
Hangzhou, China
e-mail: c_libin@yahoo.com

AbstractThe flow control of radial piston is widely used in Where: K q is the flow gain of servo valve, K c is the
speed, position servo system. In this paper the mathematic
model of the test radial piston pump is established and the pressure coefficient, xv , PL1 is the hydraulic cylinder
simulation diagram is established in the simulink of MATLAB.
Then the response curves of the system are achieved. The load pressure.
performance of the system is improved after adding the fuzzy- According to flow theorem, the continuity equation for
PID controller. compressible fluids:
dV V dP
Keywords-pump; valve; simulink; fuzzy-PID
Q -Q = dt + dt
r c (2)

Where: Q is the total flow get into

r the control
Radial piston pump has high performance of high control
precision, impact resistance, low noise, long life and large chamber, Q is the total flow get out of
c the control
range of pressure adjustment. It is favored by domestic and
foreign pump industry. Radial piston is widely used in the chamber, V is the volume of control chamber, is the
mine, forging, injection molding, ship building, heavy elastic modulus of the effective volume.
machinery and other equipments. The flow control of Radial So the continuity equation of the hydraulic cylinders inlet
piston pump can be used for motor speed control, position oil chamber:
control and constant power control[1].
dV1 V1 dP1
Q L -k ic (P1 -P2 )-k ec P1 = + (3)
The variable pump control system of this paper is valve Similarly the oil chamber continuity equation:
controlled cylinder[2]. The simple diagram of electro- dV2 V2 dP2
hydraulic proportional directional control valve piston kic (P2 -P1 )-kecP2 -Q2 = + (4)
cylinder, seem in Fig.1. dt dt
Where: k ic is the external leakage coefficient of the
hydraulic cylinder, k ec is internal leakage coefficient of

FL hydraulic cylinder, V1 is the oil inlet chamber volume of

hydraulic cylinder, V2 is the oil outlet chamber volume of
hydraulic cylinder.
Suppose the piston is in the center:
Q1 +Q 2
QL =
dx L V dPL1 (5)
Q L =k tc PL + A L1 +
Ps T dt 4 dt
Figure 1. The simple diagram of electro-hydraulic proportional directional
control valve piston cylinder
Where: k tc is the leakage coefficient of the hydraulic
According to known fluid mechanics[3]:
cylinder, A L1 is the Effective piston area.
QL = K q xv Kc PL1 (1)

978-1-4244-7941-2/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE

Hydraulic cylinder force balance equation can be obtained q = 2 M Ae (9)
by force balance principle[4]. Suppose the pump speed N, theoretical average output flow
of the pump can be drawn:
d2 x L dx
AL1PL1 =M1 +B1 L +K1x L +FL1 (6)
dt 2
dt 2 AMN
QS = e (10)
Where: M1 is the load mass, B1 is the viscosity damping 2 AMN , so Q = K e .
Letbe K Q = s Q
coefficient of piston and load, K1 is the spring coefficient of 60
load, FL1 is the external force load on the piston. Last equation shows that theoretical average output flow
has a linear relationship with eccentricity.
The output force of cylinder loads on the stator of radial
piston [5]. The forces load on stator can be seen in Fig.2. As The transfer function between input voltage ui and flow is
asymmetric pump structure, the stress on stator is not balanced. shown in Fig.4.
The equilibrium equation of the stator:


K C1

M 2s 2 +B2s+K 2

M1s 2 +B1s+K1


Figure 2. The forces load on the stator

FL1 = kh FL 2 + kv f FL 2 sign(Y ) +


M 2Y + B2Y + K sY

K q + kec +

Where: kh is average pressure coefficient, FL 2 is the

K qx
force of the single boot piston,kv is the average vertical

pressure coefficient, f is friction coefficient, Y is
displacement and eccentricity of stator, B is the motion K

Simultaneous equation (6) and equation (7) and las

transformed: Figure 4. The transfer function between input voltage ui
PL 1 A p = M Ys 2 + B Ys + K s + Different response of the step input at the different load
conditions are shown in the Fig. 5.
F L 2 ( k h + k v fsig n (Y ))
Pump flow can be achieved by accumulating the product of
all piston area and the speed. Study the movement of a single
plunger, and calculate its velocity. The plunger movement
diagram is shown in Fig.3.

Figure 3. The movement of a single plunger

The displacement one plunger displacement for one
rotation is 2eA. So M plungers displacement for one rotation Figure 5. The response of step input
In the Fig.5, Curve 1 stands for the load 10MPa, Curve 2
stands for the load 20MPa and Curve 3 stands for the load
In the Fig.5, the adjustment time of step input is about
0.35s. With the increasing load, the system response time will
increase too. The overshoot of the flow is 20cm3, the peak time
of the system is about 0.24s, and the rise time of the system is Figure 8. Fuzzy PID simulation diagram
0.20s. Put the step signal to the system with fuzzy PID controller,
The response of ramp input at the no-load load state is compare the output response to the output of original system.
shown in the Fig. 6. The contrast is shown in Fig.9.

Figure 9. The contrast between the system with and without fuzzy-PID
Figure 6. The response of step input controller
In the Fig.6, curve 1 stands for the expected curve, Curve 2 By the Fig.9 can be seem, the response time reduces from
stands for the actual response curve. The steady-state error 0.25s to 0.1s, and the overshoot reduces a lot by adding fuzzy
exists when the input signal is ramp. PID controller.


Conventional PID control algorithm is difficult to achieve The flow control curve of system can achieve by
effective control because of the time-varying, nonlinear and establishing the mathematical model and simulation,
uncertain factors of hydraulic system. Fuzzy control and PID simulation results prove the flow control system is stable. The
control is combined in this paper to control the flow[6]. system characteristics can significantly improve by using fuzzy
The fuzzy controller of flow control system is shown in PID controller.
Fig.7.The fuzzy controller on-line adjust the parameters of PID
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