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/I aim
TRANOUILITY /I justification-
/I intent
II architectural challenges

~:~::~~~e=~~~~il\~t~~n~:~~~~:healing or provide spaces "A rchi te (( u re is the art 0 f re C0 ~ c iii at io n. be twe en

II We as human beings have an inner connecllon with our environ 0 u rse lv esan d the W 0 rid, and t his me d Iat Ion t a ke 5
ment by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual means. This con "
nection can create a dynamic lire that people can thrive in every p Iace t h r 0 ugh the sen s e s .
aspect. _ J u han Pa IIa sma a
II To design an cenlre for IranqUitity that act as the space for wellbeing, sslt-sustamed
built enVIronment that provokes mental and physical healing.

1/ To establish
a relationship between healing,. senses and arChil.ec -.... V
.". - , ....

1/ To understand the various elements 01 healing, by incorporating 1\ \

them Into the bu It lorm ................
II bUIIHu 11'
Architecture ] I Senses t
1/ Sigh.
II closed >pa e, \ .". \J.... 1 II touch
/I To challenge the preconceIVed notion of healing centres
1/ snace
.... _ .". .... "",\""
~ 1/ healing

1/ smell
/I To tearn and understand healing as a part of built enVIronment

1/ taste

II To create a holishc environment that restore and mamtllln the eqUilibrium between
II scale I Heah ng t .
u I !'E-dd
mind, body

II To understand the five elements 01 nature and live senses as a heallngl rejuvenating
lactors 01 healing environment

II From being the 'science ollile', Ayurveda has become the 'suce
olille' lor many WIIn the advent and positive growlh 01 rejuvenation

? centers In the country

II Ayurveda recommends the means 01 prevention and treatment of

various Illness a well as preservation of health.
II Ayurveda is a system 01 natural healtng thai Is originated In India some 5000 years
ago in which the body and mind are seen as Interplay 01 live great elemenls (space,
air, waler, earth, fire) ... __ ... ---- ... ... ...
II The proposed bullt-iorm helps to Integrate these elements In harmony which creates ... ,
equllibnum of physical heatth, mental clarity and emotionat happiness,
11 To create an IIltegrated environment Where the physical and the ,,
mental healing lakes place
, ,
, "To juxtapose tne INe elements of nature In to the built form

,/ " To explore sensory architecture In the bunt-term \

II To design esteemed environment that provokes user's sell-esleem by olfenng them \
dlgnilled bUilt-enVlfonment \
II To Integrate landscape as a major element In 10 the bu t-roern

II To Integrate water as a main element 01 healing

II DeSigning spaces accorlng to tne user behavioural patterns I

II Cautious designing 01 acoustics

II To explore
II Scheduling
Ine aml-ocular aspects 01 the architecture

01 vistas, to connect user to the nature

\ ,
, , I

"The senses not only mediate Information for',

the Judgment of the intellect: they are also a means',
of igniting the Imagination and of articulating " ,
sensory thought." ...... .........
... ... ...
C A Y S E R H U S S A IN H :::::::::::::::
-juhani Pallasmaa :::::::::::::::
3 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 0 0 7mmmmm
TEN r [ IA [ S r mmmmm
architectural d e s i an th e s is 1201520161 - AR2551 I mar!! Institute of d e s iz n and a r ch n e c t ur e sw a rn e b ho o m i [midasl IDA S
I I ayu rveda ani d its types
TRANOUILITY II yoga and its types
II meditation and its types
II naturopathy and its types

........ .. ........

MedltaIJon ISan expenence 01 relaxing Ihe booy. qUK!!L'lg the mind, and awak-
emng Ire spiril MeOltatlon encourages a 01 consciousness or hatha
awareness. and also lacl tates a 01 sell and others.

.......... .. ....
.' concentrative '.
.. \....~ ...>
/Ibasic I~mory~
larger build + strong \. oily
Pale skm
hair + dislikes damp cold weather
T thick

... ......... ..
balanced approach. balanced
calm. reflectrng,
greed, envy, holds

... mud therapy '.
/I focus 01 phyciaJ element

.......... .. ........ .. ........

love, nurtwing. com-
passion, patience
grudes attachmeni

.... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... " .." ... .. raja .

........" .... "
/I locus sed atlenlJon.

/I hold attention on a primary object

usually your breath. Mentally notices
Its movement
\. -,
/I adva~~ed
- ro;m ~;
.... ......... ....


....- .- .- ..
with balanced approach
/I mud therapy, which is a distinct science 01 Naturopa-
thy, bestows a number 01 health benet lis Where the simple
.. . .-. /I locus ot mental element ..
....... ....... .. ......
applicatron 01 mud

... ......... ..
this hetps In health and weUness.

... .. karma ' medium budd + lair/reddish skin + hne

straight hair + dislikes cold wealher

... hydro therapy'"

. ..
intelligence, con-
anger. hate. jealou-
centrauon. memory, sy, temper

.............-.. "'...
/III teaches tM i~ance
.. .. " dlscrlminaUon

. .. 01 selfless acts, WIthout

.... ..
1/ noticing
consideration 01 galn or


..... . .....
.." ......"
II concentrateWhlIw carefully naming

thoughts, sensaUon and other mental
/Ihydrotherapy ISthe use 01 water to eat a disease or process and distractions. vata
to malntrun health. The theory behind It IS that water has
many properties Ihat give It Ihe abtilly to heal: Water can
.... ..- .- .....-
/ ejnana "':
store and carry heat and energy Water can dlssotve other
substances, such as minerals and salts
.' mindfulness .

.... . ..
.. " .. " ..
... .... ..

' aroma therapy'. II emp~;srzes st"u~ as
.. ' ...
a means to Inqu re mto
small + Ihfn + hght buM; dried + dis-

........... .... one's own nature.
likes cold weather

.. .. bhakti
I. .

balanced imbalanced

.. - ..... - .... ... Imagination, cre- lear anXily. stress,

' .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/ . ..
ative, sprlfltual, worry, poor memory
II witnessing
closely watch your thoughts and ac-....
/Iaroma therapy uses plant materials and aromatic plant
tlvltles. Let them come and go, Without
oils, Inctudlng essenllal oils, and olller aromatic corn- reacllng, ,udglng or holding on.
pounds lor the purpose 01 alterrng one's mood. cognlllve. Ill'Ihlch focuses on a
state 01 pure devolJon
psychological or physical wellbetng. 3 1 1 2 . 1 2 6 1 0 0 7HmWH
to God
TEN r [ IA [ S r mmmm
ar c h u ec tu r a l d es i an th es is 1201520161 - AR2551 I mar!! i ns n t u t e of d es i s n and ar ch n e ct ur e sw arn e b ho o m i [midasl I1IDA
II functional flow - ayurveda
TRANOUILITY II functional flow - yoga
II functional flow - meditation
--._~_~~/I functional flow - naturopathy

/ ,
... __

I I ------
--- --- ---
- -- --- - -

unct onal flow chart - Avurveda soaces

-- ....
" "-
I )

<, I
... ..... - ....
I " \
----, \

" -,
1-- "
unctional flow chari - yoga soaces

or .... .J
" I

... ..... I \

\ I

e administrative spaces -- must

e public spaces - - - should

therapy spaces would be nice

CAYSER HUSSAIN W;ii!ii!;ii;g
)acoustically sound 3 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 0 0 7mnmiiiii~
TEll r , E 11 [ s r , wmmmm
architectural d e s i g n th e s i s 120152016J AR2551 1 marg Institute of c e s ig n and architecture s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l 10 AS
II precedent study - heritage madurai
TRANOUILITY 1/ inferences

location: madurai. tamil nadu. India

"architecture should play to all the senses -
area: 17 acres
the smell of vegetation after rain, the sound of
project year: 1974 birds and the wind in the trees, the texture of
site description: densely planted trees with huge cl ay fl 0 0 r til esan d r 0 ugh Plas t e r - bY re rn 0 v i ng
banyanlrees the concept of indoor and outdoor, this senses
curnate : warm humid climate
based experience is possible".
lunctions : hotel rooms + villas + restaurant + mas-
sage rooms + conference lacilities + informal meet
- geoffrey bawa
ing places + kitchen

location + site details

framed Dy.1IOng haUway,


3 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 0 0 7mnmiiiii~
TEll r , E 11 [ S r _ wmmmm
architectural d e s ig n th e s is 120152016J AR2551 I marg Institute of design and architecture s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l 10 AS
II precedent study - think tank retreat
TRANOUILITY II precedent study - therme vals
II inferences

rrchitects : peter zumthor

location: vaipoi, goa, india location: vals, Switzerland, europe

area: 1685.25 sqm [rea: 1890 sqm

project year: 2(X)9 project year: 1996

site description: located in the verdent environment site description: The geography 01 site is mountain-
of eastern goa ous and landlocked surrounding.

climate: tropical climate ctimate : cotd climate

functions: massage rooms + conference lacitJlles + lunctions : spas + pool + drinking lountains + rest
yoga & meditation spaces + Inlormal meeting areas + sauna + turkish baths
places + kitchen

"Mounlaln,stone. water -
building in the slooe, build-
Ing with the stone, ,nto the
mountain, bUild ng out 01
the mountain berng Inside
the mounlaln - how can
the Implications and the
sensuality of tile associa-
tion 01 these words be In-
terpreted, architecturally?
- Peter Zumlhor

Integra!JOt' of nature and water Into he bu II + contro ;; 01 perspecuva Ihal either ensures
+ form makes roe Inlerlor more vrorant at d'4fl es VJe"'I's

exce lent ...se CI local materials blended to the + we I anchOled 10 the site and the VIbrant
8!in8it .J+ modern rna'e' a
Climatic condll ons

careful deahng ot senses In to the

+ terrac Spaces gives C07Y env ronmenl ot
user to meonat + a ellil.

the vrstas framed Irom the terrace space are

less ocular becase 01 Ihe slope lhat obslrcuts , he pursues the
the vIe'" 'techniques of construction.

architectural d e s i g n th e s i s 12015-2016J "AR2551 I marg ms tuut e of deSign and architecture s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l

/I case study - quiet healing centre

"architecture as a healing environment would

location: auroville. tamilnadu, india
need to acknowledge and weave in the senses
area: 866.1 sq. m and tb e emotions. Buildings are like third skin of
project year: 1993 human beings after their own skn and clothing.
site description: located in banks of bay of bengal The acoustic, olfactory, tactile experiences
climate: warm and humid climate of an building are an important part of living
vegetation: palm trees + shrub cover
- Poppo Pingel
topography: 25m from MSL, no contours
location +
site details

the healll19 centre and guest houses places on Sllher Side of ,....----...,....--- .... /lIn this project architect have explored the
caretaker house and windmIll
psychological impact ot recessed
/I services are zoned to the rear of the site, so that Ills
ll'lotlslflJcteid Irom visitors view entrance, this gives user the sense of
convlvality when they enter the building
Cluster organisation - curvilinear therapy rooms In
front with with the Inlernal corridors faCing the /Ithis also act as the shading element. be-
court. cause of the tropicat climate.

dispersed circular rooms provides good air flow /I addition01 me 10 lhe concrele gIVes the
Ithrouohout the built-form lighness feel to the buill-iorm

/I located d~ecUy over-looking the bay of

bengal on slighl sand dunes

/I the thick veg talion 01 palm and local shrubrs

are In the front 01 the slle, abbuhng the sea

/I thisact as the natural elementlhat channal-

isa and reduce the wind speed .

..P.!!'l:r:'.:t ..9!.Q~r:'.i.~?t.i.<?0
~!~~ .

_----~II archllect have provided only one entry that Is used by the
/I old water tank Isused as a spaces for
\ -- - '. vlsitcxs. stalls and other serviCe vehicles.

, \Ilvehlcular circulation Inslde the site 10 restrlctsd to

hydrotherapy, thoughllappearsto
be free flowing layout, exact geometry Is em-
'\ \ reduce the nolca levellnstde the building, and also 10 ployed to determine scale and proportions.
\br,ng In the Idea of tranquil while entenng.

, \/1 perdestrlan circutanoa connects all the therapy and /I a buildingIs evenlually a reflection of con-
i \PUbIiC spaces 01 the bu tdlng
sciousness 01 the person who conceives II as
well as those who use it,
: VI because of Ihe single entry point the the chaos IS
I \happenlng at the lucUons polntsd as cntlcat nodes.
/llhls pona aiso cools the hot air that enters the
multi-use hall
I,, /Ithis gives the openess to the bu Horm and
also act as the core lor healing
I /lihe Integraled landscape With the rockgarden

Is the space for mud therapy

circulation movement---------------
................................................................. 3 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 0 0
TEll r , E 11 [ S r _
architectural d e s ig n th e s i s 12015-2016J . AR2551 I marg Institute of c e s ig n and architecture s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l 10 AS
II case study - quiet healing centre

I/the spaces are arranged based on the hierarchy of

pnvacy level
/I all the therapy Circles are placed In the lront but the
\ direct entry is resllicted.

\, all the services Uke Imen, kitchen and other storages

are places at the rear at the building

/I all the therapy and corndor spaces opens In to the

Inner courtyards /I because 01 the high humicbty ievel, the architect also gave equal omrlort:,.,ce'o
climatIC deSign principles
/Ipedestrian movement Is regulated throughout the
/I cross ventilation through double ceiling and domes

.--- ---.--
climate+_ cross
- -- _. --_._ventilation
, .
/I open spaces are very IVell merged WIth the bullt-Iorm

/I all the linkage Ill<ecorndors are connced physclal-

Iy to the consullatJon rooms and visually to the land-
scaped courtyards.

/I the reslicted link is established lor the therapy room

to avoid the disturbance by other users

/I all the linkages are well light and well shaded

/I rooch atlentlon to the detail Is given. the architect have used precast nngs to
/I the corridor IIOor slab ISelevated from the ground Irame the vistas. this also reduce the usage of concrete In the bUilding
level gives !foaling eHectto the building
/I all the east lacing windows are larger to give the view a the beach It aiso has less
radiation Inside.

details + fenestrations

+ isolation of the faCility from [he urban environment.
+ seperauon of public private and the therapy areas
WE S T + simpliCity in the structure with the careful Integration
of [he healing elements
.rn?~?ing. t..
+ use of COrridorsare mu .ifunctional spaces
+ good Integration of cllmat c factor in to the bUIt-torm
+ dssiqned landscapes at the coutryard spaces
+ usage of local building materials
- no designed exterior landscape

local brick + lime mortor + lime - the swimming pool places is vistor's view
concrete + bioconcrete
/I dome IS cladded with broken mosaic tiles to avoid wa
ter seepage and the radiation Inside the building. - movement of service vehicle in the Site

material + surface articulation

.................................................................................... CAYSER HUSSAIN w;mmmm
3 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 0 0 7mnmiiiii~
TEll r , E 11 [ s r , wmmmm
architectural de s ig n th e s i s 120152016J AR2551 I marg ins u tute of c e s ig n and a r ch u e ct ure s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l 10 AS
II case study - ayurvedagram
TRANOUILITY /I inferences

location: whitefield, bengaJuru

sHearea: 7 acres
~/a projected entrance
~_rea!es a waiting space. announces
I Its luncbon to approach and enter the
project year: 2006 budding
sHedescription: within the city limit the entrance ISvisually reinlorced by
climate: moderateclimate

vegetation: coconut trees + shrub cover

, __
I p;11U'lg

'......... -

. .'l!~""
.~>' D _


..-- 'Pllocell\llrl~
... _plI_IIIlII'Ic:t'CU

..-- - - -,'lt1!1o\,Mt ClI'CU

___ ~ClfCIJ

II the path configuration is more /I the bullllorms In this site are ens- lithe centratopen spaces lorms inferences
composite but to avoid the ere-
anon01disorienting maze. a hi
manlleClfrom the tradlbOnalkerata
housesand assembieCIhere to make
tile heart of Ihls buliCling
+ slrol'lg o "pt 01vastu snastraIS100iowedtl1roug~ou bu ding the
eracncai order among the paths
and nodes of the buliClingIs as-
the essence of karala vernacular ar-
1/ this ptace acts as the Inlormal
gathering space for therapy work
+ resuse01 he tradmonatrnat raj to reCIucetne ene gy buon consu

/I mangaloreIlles WIIn the ceiling tiles
shops + we organised pecesmao and vehlt clrculauor (' the s e

II tne private patnwaysruns In the gives good Insulabonto lhe rooi II this ISthe brahmastana01thiS - Improper amalgsmallon 01arcnilecture style and the Me
rear 01tile bu Idlng gives pnvacy bu ding
to the guest
........ """, .....

architectural d es i g n th es i s [20152016J . AR2551 I marg Institute of c es ig n and architecture s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l

II comparative
study of quiet
TRANOUILITY h ea li ng ce ntre and ayu rved agra m


locauon aurovllle,tami! nadu, mdia whilefield. oengaluru, India

!~~~~.7 , , , ,'T.li~~~,~~7:.~.7:~,7.b.P.~~!,:.I~~I,I!,!~~,~:
.. o.!.~r., , ,~~T.~~:~!~.!!.~!~P.T.~~I:.~~~~~!1f.:~:.~~~
, , ,.
~()n.~~IY. !I.is.i.n.~~rT1.f)r()(~.IIY..t().th.e..rle.ar.tly.P.?n.cliC!l~r.rv..b.u.s.
~l()p': II i~in.~.~rT1.er()(~I'Y.
~.u.s.S.I()f:l: .
cluster organisationwllh lhe lherapy room and consultationroom thai linear orqarasaton wilh adrrunrooms. lherapy rooms, consultation
~P'~~.~.~~~.I.~~I!()rl ~~:!~~n.~~,!h.7:.~!~.()I.~()1f.:ly'~cI~ ..'~~~.()~~~I~.~!~n.fl.~~.P.~~~~~!~.~tt.!y'~y' .
architect maintaJi1edthe idea 01creating therapeutic and the healing more concentrationwas give to the aesthelics of Ihe bUilding.this 10-
~!~~!t~.~.~~..c.~.af.~.C.I~f ~~~I.:()~.':f'.e.~.t
..~,!I.t.h~~~~i~~ ~~~.r:':'.0.r.7.
~ ..~t~~I~~.I~~ .k.7!.~I.~.
~~I~~:~. ~lyl~: .
the unplannedservice vehicularcirculation Id creating chaos in !he the vehicular movementInside the site IS restricted.all the service ve
C:lr~1f.Ia.t~!' ~i.I<;!
..tly.I'!IElr!1:'.~ ..Il1El.p.~~e.st!i<l!1.rT1()v.etll.e.nt: ~i~.':'.I.E!.~.~rEl.~fC)lJfl.~I.t()
1~(,l.rEl~r.()f.ll1E!.~!lclin.!;l ..

p.~:~!~~ , , , ~:!p.~~:~!,p.~:!?~.~ , , , " ,p.~:!p.~~:~!.~~~J!.

,., , , , ..
I Sccllr.r:yOloln .SeCllflt(0o."

~~" ReceptIOn
'I"oti" 'lD""'t .W1tbrc tDtJI1ic
I lJl",u'V- Rnd i"C s pte
LiorlllV + JI&~.r,s;ea
.~ ....P'tn:oll\
01 pltv /001'1'1

CItlf'CC 100m
ISpedU1!!1 fOOm


c:.. ""t /0011'0

M.CI U'c~py ICCII'

Vi!. t(PC
~i:lt01'fa' c:.:NI'l

Mll'lintoOm .sttn flU'!:C103'"

..~!,~.~, ~?t?9..,~g.:.r:!] , , ~9.9.9.
..~g.:~ , , .

.. ar.~a ??~..~q:.f!l ?~.~.??..~q:.r:!] ..
floorarea ratto 0.61 0.3
Ilihe main Ideaof design IScharaclensed by the series orcourtyaros. 1/ because01the moderale climatic condition lhe huge open spaces
are given
/I due to the humd cllmabc condition. Ihe proportion of Ihe courtyards
are malntrunedIn a way to allow cross venblatlonWithproper SllaOlng " Ihesesspaces are used as Informalgathering spaces
~P.E!'!.~p.~~EI~ ~~~!~Il.,!~EI.~rltl.~.al.~!~.~f.~~X, , , ,., , ..

no .ot, users 100

.................................................................................................................................................. ,,,
200 , " , .

~:'!~.p.'!~.IJ~EI:, , ~.?:.s. ,, ,, ~9. , , ,., , , ..


3 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 0 0 7mnmllllll
TEll r , E 11 [ s r , wmmmm
architectural d e s ig n th e s is 120152016J AR2551 1 marg in s ut u t e of c e s ig n and architecture s w ar na b h o o m r l mt d a s l 10 AS
II area programming
TRANOUILITY II area requirements

site area Waiting: lounge

Display room
site area 1.5
Consultation room

maximum built-up 43710 SQ rr Compounding room

Therapy room
no. 01. !Iocr 9+3 Panchakarma room
Shirodhara room
FOOl reflexology

Speoatisu room
Medial officer room

Staff nurse room

Med,,-..ioft ayurveda .
ls.i ....

entrance 366sq.m
.' ...... i:lalroom

ayurveda 2785 sq.m

total built-up .Se ...... publl
il ~ L I'I "Ctluts

naturopathy 895sq.m 10.100 .TUCHf_...

mea tauon 1520 sq.rn Stok_,"

tacilules 2160 sq.m

laua~_ ..

~p.?t.j.~!.P.~?Q~~~.~.~ . T....

, ,. .
See il,(Clibili
.S10fe (Tradiioul_w;,ilkl

.f.eccpti ..
Cluomo the:rapv room
IWail.,t. Mud therapy 100m
libnrv .. wd~s,.(c Hydrotherapy room

Assistants room
Store room
Record stort
Reseal'(h room
var. typt

0 0 0


.~!,.I!'y'.:':.!?c: ll) ~!~.s . CAY SER HUS S A IN H:::::;::::::::

3 1 1 2 . 1 2 6 1 0 0 7i:::immm~
TEN r [ IA [ S r m~:mmiH
architectural d es i an th es is 1201520161 - AR2551 I mar!! Institute of d es iz n and ar ch ne ct ur e sw arn e b ho o m i [midasl MIDAS
II location and details
TRANOUILITY II transport proximity
II landuse map
II climate analysis

C Altitude: 149m Climate: Aw 'C: 27.4 mm: n94 m


1l55'N 180
I 120
SO 100
i 40 80
/Icourtallam, spa 01south India, is a panchayallown situated at a mean elevation of 160 m on
the western ghats in tenkasi taluk of brunelveli district In India. 30 60
20 40
/Ithe numerous waterlalls and cascades along Ihe area have earned It the t11lethe spa of
southlnda 10 20

/I the site IS located In the centre ollihe panchayat with equal proximity to the tails
o 0

/I tocated In the toot hills abutting lIhemajor road and a wateroody

location +
site details _._
........................................................................ 40




es 00 09. 10 Ll 120


macro + micro climate

reSidence .,nstltute

.conmerclal .PUbIiC + semipublic

.IT1IXed-use agriculture C A YSER H U SSA IN H:::::::::::::!! :::::::::::::::

.1.~~.9.'-!~.~. 3 1 1 2 . 1 2 6 1 0 0 7Hllmmm
~.~p. . TEN r [ IA [ S r m~:mmiH
architectural d es i an th es is 12015-20161 - AR2551 I ma r g i ns n t u t e of d es iz n and ar ch ne ct ur e sw arn e b ho o m i [midasl MIDAS
II site study

II counanam -s o<JlO.vnas the spa of soun iOdta 'lnSuy usee by tne (leal", ,).~ 1/ mango flee act as d'Ie Ite malf'\ load. ftCltV; co(1re sre is towards Irk! ~ 13 S
firSt focal pont w!'k-le ap-
II loothlll ....klhme stream on the western eoge rnase the s.te more mad conrets II) the fT'..1 fats at c una! asn proaclng the SIte lrls road s ffeq used by toe vrs.tors

I the I~uge canopy act has potent aJ to oe esec as an ZlPPIO~Chrcoc lOf tt.e ete
1/ since thts edge s far from me main road me muteness IS a- as sun shade
",ays rnallltail"ted

/I nas good fOCal vtew point towards f10e til

I/ltltS ls one of 'II brJnl and $1'h;kJr'lQ

'OUt I ,polin Coutlil!l<1m
IIII"IS g~'I!S the C i) ienge 10 Inrecl'.ue ttle' bUJlHorm with 11'-0r S alSO C.!t:~~I(!S
II e pi Ie o,~kflSo.llolI! the I:!le
IUfu /I th SmakdS e rr nUdS01the Sltd mote acHve dt..1no the ~.:'Ison tmeS
ex ept t'hD n nIl1!). I A !uarV

. .

1IC " ~ ..


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