Life style diseases are becoming more common as countries industrialize and lifespans increase. The document analyzes lifestyle diseases in Indian women. A survey found that 90% of women have at least one risk factor for lifestyle diseases like heart disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and breast cancer. Many women now lead sedentary lifestyles with poor diets and lack of exercise, unlike in the past when women were more resistant to disease. The government should provide education on preventing lifestyle diseases.
Life style diseases are becoming more common as countries industrialize and lifespans increase. The document analyzes lifestyle diseases in Indian women. A survey found that 90% of women have at least one risk factor for lifestyle diseases like heart disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and breast cancer. Many women now lead sedentary lifestyles with poor diets and lack of exercise, unlike in the past when women were more resistant to disease. The government should provide education on preventing lifestyle diseases.
Life style diseases are becoming more common as countries industrialize and lifespans increase. The document analyzes lifestyle diseases in Indian women. A survey found that 90% of women have at least one risk factor for lifestyle diseases like heart disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and breast cancer. Many women now lead sedentary lifestyles with poor diets and lack of exercise, unlike in the past when women were more resistant to disease. The government should provide education on preventing lifestyle diseases.
Life style diseases are becoming more common as countries industrialize and lifespans increase. The document analyzes lifestyle diseases in Indian women. A survey found that 90% of women have at least one risk factor for lifestyle diseases like heart disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and breast cancer. Many women now lead sedentary lifestyles with poor diets and lack of exercise, unlike in the past when women were more resistant to disease. The government should provide education on preventing lifestyle diseases.
INTRODUCTION Life style diseases are diseases that appear to become ever more wide spread as country became more industrialized. Life style diseases are defined as diseases of civilization, found mostly in countries which are technologically developed and where and the lifespan of the population increases. Long periods inappropriate relationship of people with their environment being about these life style diseases which take years to develop , once encountered do not lend themselves easily cure. The life style diseases in women are polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) ,heart attack , breast cancer , overweight , and obesity. In early days women have long life span than men, they are not exposed to most diseases easily but today they are affected by lot of diseases mainly due to their life style and eating habits. METHODOLOGY The method adopted for the study is survey method. Life style diseases are social issues in the contemporary society. I have to collect first hand information through the persons of each family, for that survey method is the most convenient method. RESULT Life style diseases are diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer here. DISCUSSION In early days women are more disease resistant and they have more life span than the men but today they also meets lots of diseases in their daily life due to their life style, so we understood that they are life style diseases. By analyzing the data observed during the survey find that ninety percent of women that surveyed are affected or have at least anyone health problems may be a risk factor of those life style diseases. The twenty percent of them are affected by life style diseases like heart diseases, polycystic ovarian syndrome, heart diseases, breast cancer, over weight. In next twenty percent, fifteen percent seen heart diseases, two percent are affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome, other two percent causes over weight and related problems and one percent affected the breast cancer. The life style and eating habits are changed a lot among women, the sedentary life style, stress, physical inactivity food habits etc, are seen among those women. They doesn't follow a healthy diet and not take proper care of their health. By surveying the women l find that the problems seen in women due to their life style and lack of exercise and may be unaware of problems related and symptoms of diseases CONCLUSION A healthy women or mother can produce a healthy child and her proper case and protection need their child to its complete development .Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ,heart problems, overweight and obesity breast cancer and uterine cancer are very rarely reported diseases in early days but today they are present in about 40 percent of women and risk of diseases are also seen. We have the responsibility to give proper care and protection of the health of women. So government should take these responsibilities and give training to health workers to provide knowledge about lifestyle diseases and preventing factors to women in rural area and in urban area. REFERENCES 1. Pollan, defense of food: An eater's manifesto. penguin press H C, The ISBN. 978-1-59420-145-5. 2. Vaillant G E, mukamal k. successful aging, AM J psychiatry -2001 june1:158 (6): 839- 847". 3. Gray E Fraser , David J shavlik. Ten years of life :Is it a matter of choice? Arch intern med .2001; 161: 1645- 1652. 4. Fourie j ; Bradshaw D. The impact of chronic diseases of lifestyle and their major risk factors on mortality in south Africa. 5.Afr med J ,1992 oct 82:4,227- 31.PMID 1418@7 olshansky s. Jay ; carneas, Bruce A.(2002).
Freedom from Disease: The Breakthrough Approach to Preventing Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, and Depression by Controlling Insulin and Inflammation