Social and Political Stratification
Social and Political Stratification
Social and Political Stratification
of-stratification-67/caste-systems-398-3426/ 11
symbolic capital is 'rational' in that it cultural characteristics, are singled out
can be freely converted into leveraging from the others in the society in which
advantage within social and political they live for differential and unequal
spheres. Yet unlike financial capital, treatment, and who therefore regard
symbolic capital is not boundless, and themselves as objects of collective
its value may be limited or magnified discrimination." This definition includes
by the historical context in which it both objective and subjective criteria:
was accumulated. Symbolic capital membership of a minority group is
must be identified within the cultural objectively ascribed by society, based
and historical frame through which it on an individual's physical or
originated in order to fully explain its behavioral characteristics; it is also
influence across cultures.12 subjectively applied by its members,
who may use their status as the basis
b. Gender inequality of group identity or solidarity. In any
Gender inequality refers to unequal case, minority group status is
treatment or perceptions of individuals categorical in nature: an individual
based on their gender. It arises from who exhibits the physical or behavioral
differences in socially constructed characteristics of a given minority
gender roles. Gender systems are group will be accorded the status of
often dichotomous and hierarchical; that group and be subject to the same
gender binary systems may reflect the treatment as other members of that
inequalities that manifest in numerous group.
dimensions of daily life. Gender
inequality stems from distinctions, d. Other minorities (e.g. persons with
whether empirically grounded or disabilities)
socially constructed. (On differences The disability rights movement has
between the sexes, see Sex and contributed to an understanding of
psychology.)13 people with disabilities (including not
to be called 'disabled') as a minority or
Sex- and gender-based prejudice and a coalition of minorities who are
discrimination, called sexism, are disadvantaged by society, not just as
major contributing factors to social people who are disadvantaged by their
inequality. Most societies, even impairments. Advocates of disability
agricultural ones, have some sexual rights emphasize difference in physical
division of labor and gender-based or psychological functioning, rather
division of labor tends to increase than inferiorityfor example, some
during industrialization.[18] The people with autism argue for
emphasis on gender inequality is born acceptance of neurodiversity, much as
out of the deepening division in the opponents of racism argue for
roles assigned to men and women, acceptance of ethnic diversity. The
particularly in the economic, political deaf community is often regarded as a
and educational spheres. Women are linguistic and cultural minority rather
underrepresented in political activities than a group with disabilities, and
and decision making processes in most some deaf people do not see
states in both the Global North and themselves as having a disability at all.
Global South.14 Rather, they are disadvantaged by
technologies and social institutions
c. Ethnic minorities that are designed to cater for the
Racial or ethnic inequality is the result dominant group.16
of hierarchical social distinctions
between racial and ethnic categories c. Global Inequality (relationships
within a society and often established between states and non-state actors in
based on characteristics such as skin the global community)
color and other physical characteristics
or an individual's place of origin or Global Inequality: Differences among
culture. Even though race has no Countries
biological connection, it has become a
socially constructed category capable - Countries can be stratified according
of restricting or enabling social to their per-person gross national
status.15 product. Forty percent of the world's
population live in low-income
Sociologist Louis Wirth defined a countries, compared with only 16
minority group as "a group of people percent in high-income countries.
who, because of their physical or
- An estimated 1.3 billion people, or
12 nearly one in four people, live in
poverty today, an increase since the
13 early 1980s. Many are the victims of
discrimination based on race,
ethnicity, or tribal affiliation.
15 16
Theories of Global Inequality