A Practitioner's Guide To Factor Models
A Practitioner's Guide To Factor Models
A Practitioner's Guide To Factor Models
Factor Models
The Frontiers of
Investment Knowledge
Body of
Gaining Validity
Foreword ..................................... ix
Ever since the seminal work of Harry M. Markowitz (1952), the identification
and measurement of investment risk have been hotly debated. Markowitz
constructed a mean-variance model to demonstrate how to quantify both the
risk and return of an asset or a portfolio of assets. The Markowitz model reveals
that, in an efficient marketplace, higher returns can be accomplished only by
accepting greater risks. Consequently, one of the most widely accepted
financial principles is the tradeoff between risk and return.
Although the concept of investment risk is universally recognized, the
appropriate measure of risk remains controversial. Financial researchers
generally agree that specific (nonsystematic) risks, such as those pertaining
only to individual companies, tend to cancel out in well-diversified portfolios.
Because systematic risk is nondiversifiable, however, it cannot be eliminated.
The first theory to measure systematic risk was the capital asset pricing model
(CAPM) for which William F. Sharpe (1964) shared the 1990 Nobel Memorial
Prize in Economic Sciences. The CAPM postulates that a single type of risk,
known as market risk, affects expected security returns. Only by exposing a
well-diversified portfolio to higher market risk can an investor expect to achieve
a higher rate of return.
Under the CAPM, market risk is defined as the variability of an asset's rate
of return relative to that of the overall market as measured by some market
index such as the S&P 500. Beta, the coefficient of the independent variable
(the market's rate of return) in an ordinary least squares regression equation to
explain the dependent variable (a security's rate of return), measures a
security's relative amount of systematic (market) risk. A beta equal to 1.0
indicates risk equivalent to that of the overall market, whereas a beta less than
1.0 denotes lower-than-market risk and a beta exceeding 1.0 indicates greater-
than-market risk.
The arbitrage pricing theory (APT), first presented by Stephen A. Ross
(1976), was the next major asset pricing model to appear. Also focusing on
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
systematic risk, the APT recognizes that several different broad risk sources
may combine to influence security returns. The intuitive appeal of the APT
results from its recognition that the interaction of several macroeconomic
factors such as inflation, interest rates, and business activity affects rates of
return. The statistical process of factor analysis is employed to quantify the
broad risk factors and to estimate individual securities' degree of exposure to
these factors. A security effectively has a sensitivity to each systematic risk
factor. A series of beta coefficients are estimated to measure the sensitivity to
the respective factor risks for a particular security. Unlike the CAPM,
however, the individual factors, although precisely quantified, are not specifi-
cally associated with readily identifiable variables. Although considerable dis-
cussion continues about the number and the identification of these broad
factors, the APT nevertheless provides investment managers with a valuable
risk-management tool.
Factor models, the focus of this monograph, have existed for many years.
Even before the introduction of the popular CAPM and APT, Markowitz (1959)
proposed the use of a single-factor model to explain security returns. Some-
times referred to as index models, factor models often rely on the use of factor
analysis to identlfy factors that influence security returns.
A good portfolio manager, whether explicitly or implicitly, evaluates the
impact of a series of broad factors on the performances of various securities. In
this sense, a reliable factor model provides a valuable tool to assist portfolio
managers with the identification of pervasive factors that affect large members
of securities. According to a factor model, the return-generating process for a
security is driven by the presence of the various common factors and the
security's unique sensitivities to each factor (factor loadings). The common
factors may be readily identifiable fundamental factors such as price-earnings
ratio, size, yield, and growth. Factor models can be used to decompose
portfolio risk according to common factor exposure and to evaluate how much
of a portfolio's return was attributable to each common factor exposure.
Consequently, factor models offer a useful extension of the CAPM and the APT
because they advance our understanding about how key factors influence
portfolio risk and return.
The CAPM is clear about the source of risk (the market) but suffers because
no practical measure of the market exists. The APT causes difficulties because
it does not identlfy the number of important factors or define them. Financial
researchers and investment managers undoubtedly agree that only a few
important factors explain an overwhelming degree of investment risk and
return. Therefore, the appeal of factor models that define these factors
becomes apparent.
A Practitioner's Guide to
Arbitrage Pricing Theory
Edwin Burmeister
Duke University
Richard Roll
University of California, Los Angeles
Stephen A. Ross
Yale University
Currently, only two theories provide a rigorous foundation for computing the
trade-off between risk and return: the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and
the arbitrage pricing theory (APT).
The CAPM, for which William F. Sharpe shared the 1990 Nobel Memorial
Prize in Economic Sciences, predicts that only one type of nondiversifiable risk
influences expected security returns, and that single type of risk is "market
risk."l In 1976, a little more than a decade after the CAPM was proposed,
Stephen A. Ross invented the APT. The APT is more general than the CAPM
in accepting a variety of different risk sources. This accords with the intuition
that, for example, interest rates, inflation, and business activity have important
impacts on stock return volatility.
Although some theoretical formulations of the APT can be more intellectu-
ally demanding than the CAPM, the intuitively appealing basics behind the APT
are easy to understand. Moreover, the APT provides a portfolio manager with
a variety of new and easily implemented tools to control risks and to enhance
portfolio performance.
In the remainder of this paper, we will explain APT basics and the equations
of the APT. We will also discuss macroeconomic forces that are the underlying
sources of risk. We will then illustrate some risk exposure profiles and the
resulting APT-based risk-return trade-offs, and we will show how these
fundamental risks contribute to the expected and unexpected components of
realized return. Finally, we will discuss several uses of the APT that every
practitioner could easily apply.
More precisely, if rm(t) is the return (in time period t) on a market index, such as the
S&P 500, the CAPM measure of the riskiness for asset i with return r,(t) is equal to that asset's
CAPM beta defined by Pi = cov[r,(t), rm(t)]lvar[rm(t)I.
The CAPM is equivalent to the statement that the market index is itself mean-variance efficient
in the sense of providing maximum average return for a given level of volatility. The index used
to implement the CAPM is implicitly assumed to be an effective proxy for the entire market of
An insurance company is not entirely free of risk, however, simply because
it insures a large number of individuals. For example, natural disasters or
changes in health care can have major influences on insurance losses by
simultaneously affecting many claimants. Similarly, large, well-diversified port-
folios are not risk free, because common economic forces pervasively influence
all stock returns and are not eliminated by diversification. In the APT, these
common forces are called systematic or pervasive risks.
According to the CAPM, systematic risk depends only upon exposure to the
overall market, usually proxied by a broad stock market index, such as the S&P
500. This exposure is measured by the CAPM beta, as defined in Footnote 1.
Other things equal, a beta greater (less) than 1.0 indicates greater (less) risk
relative to swings in the market index.2
The APT takes the view that systematic risk need not be measured in only
one way. Although the APT is completely general and does not specify exactly
what the systematic risks are, or even how many such risks exist, academic and
commercial research suggests that several primary sources of risk consistently
impact stock returns. These risks arise from unanticipated changes in investor
confidence, interest rates, inflation, real business activity, and a market index.
Every stock and portfolio has exposures (or betas) with respect to each of
these systematic risks. The pattern of economic betas for a stock or portfolio
is called its risk exposure profile. Risk exposures are rewarded in the market
with additional expected return, and thus the risk exposure profile determines
the volatility and performance of a well-diversified portfolio. The profile also
indicates how a stock or portfolio will perform under different economic
conditions. For example, if real business activity is greater than anticipated,
stocks with a high exposure to business activity, such as retail stores, will do
relatively better than those with low exposures to business activity, such as
utility companies.
Most importantly, an investment manager can control the risk exposure
profile of a managed portfolio. Managers with different traditional styles, such as
small-capitalization growth managers and large-capitalization value managers,
have differing inherent risk exposure profiles. For this reason, a traditional
manager's risk exposure profile is congruent to a particular APT style.
Given any particular APT style (or risk exposure profile), the difference
between a manager's expected return and his or her actual performance is
attributable to the selection of individual stocks that perform better or worse
Of course, "other things equal" can only be expected to hold on average over many time
A Practitionefs Guide to Factor Models
APT Equations
The APT follows from two basic postulates:
ri(t) the total return on asset i (capital gains plus dividends) realized at the
end of period t,
E[ri(t)] = the expected return, at the beginning of period t,
p,j = the risk exposure or beta of asset i to risk factor j for j = 1, . . . , K,
fi(t) = the value of the end-of-period realization for the jth risk factor, j =
1, .. .
, K, and
~ ~ (=t )the value of the end-of-period asset-specific (idiosyncratic) shock.
It is assumed that the expectations, at the beginning of the period, for all of the
factor realizations and for the asset-specific shock are zero; that is,
It is also assumed that the asset-specific shock is uncorrelated with the factor
realizations; that is,
cov[ei(t), fi(t)] = 0 for allj = 1, . . . , K.
Finally, all of the factor realizations and the asset-specific shocks are assumed
to be uncorrelated across time:
cov[fi(t), fi(tl)] = COV[E;(~),E i(t')] = 0
Here, Pj is the price of risk, or the risk premium for the jth risk factor. Via
equation (3), these Pi's determine the risk-return trade-off.3
Imagine a portfolio that is perfectly diversified (i.e., one for which ep(t) = 0)
and with no factor exposures (Ppi = 0 for all j = 1, . , K); such a portfolio has
zero risk, and from equation (3) its expected return is Po.Thus, Pomust be the
risk-free rate of return. Reasoning similarly, the risk premium for the jth risk
An equivalent interpretation of equation (3) uses an analogy to the familiar relationship that
"quantity x price = value." Thus, if we think of Pii as the quantity of type-j risk in the ith asset
and Pj as the price of type-j risk, then the product is the value of the contribution of type-j
risk to the expected return of the ith asset. If we let V,? denote this value, then it follows from
equation (3) that the sum of all the values is equal to the expected excess return (the expected
return in excess of the risk-free rate) for the ith asset; that is, E[r,(t)]- Po = V,, + . . + V.,
A PractitionerS Guide to Factor Models
factor, Pi, is the return, in excess of the risk-free rate, earned on an asset that
has one unit of risk exposure to the jth risk factor (Pii = 1) and zero risk
exposures to all of the other factors (Pi, = 0 for all h Z j).
The full APT is obtained by substituting equation (3) into equation (I),which
after rearranging terms yields:
It is at this level of the determination of expected returns that the CAPM and
the APT differ. In the CAPM, the expected excess return for an asset is equal
to that asset's CAPM beta times the expected excess return on a market index,
even for multifactor versions of the standard CAPM. For such a multifactor
CAPM to be true, the APT risk premiums-the Pis-must satisfy certain
restrictions. In statistical tests, these CAPM restrictions have repeatedly been
rejected in favor of the APT.
A portfolio manager controls a portfolio's betas-the portfolio's risk expo-
sure profile-by stock selection. Note that as the risk exposure to a particular
factor is, for example, increased, the expected return for that portfolio is also
increased (assuming that this risk factor commands a positive risk premium).
Thus, risk exposures and hence the implied expected return for a portfolio are
determined by a manager's stock selection.
In many applications, data are observed monthly, and the 30-day Treasury
bill rate is taken as a proxy for risk-free rate; that is, Po in equation (4) is
replaced by TB(t), the 30-day Treasury bill rate known to investors at the
beginning of month t. Then, for a model with N assets (i = 1, . . . , N ) and a
sample period of T time periods (t = 1, . . . , T), the data are the asset returns,
ri(t), the Treasury bill rates, TB(t), and the factor realizations, fi(t). From these
data, the statistical estimation problem is to obtain numerical values for the N
Pis and the (N x K)Pii)s. Discussion of this econometric problem is beyond the
scope of this paper, but the bibliography lists further readings that cover the
topic in detail.4
See, for example, Brown and Weinstein (1983); McElroy, Burmeister, and Wall (1985);
Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986); Burmeister and McElroy (1988); and McElroy and Burmeister
From h s point, there are three alternative approaches to estimating an APT
1. The risk factors f,(t), f,(t), . , fK(t) can be computed using statistical
techniques such as factor analysis or principal components.
2. K different well-diversified portfolios can substitute for the factors (see
Appendix B).
3. Economic theory and knowledge of financial markets can be used to
specify K risk factors that can be measured from available macroeconomic and
financial data.
Each of these approaches has its merits and is appropriate for certain types
of analysis. In particular, the first approach is useful for determining the number
of relevant risk factors, or the numerical value of K. Many empirical studies
have indicated that K = 5 is adequate for explaining stock returns.
The estimates extracted using factor analysis or principal components have
an undesirable property, however, that renders them difficult to interpret; this
problem arises because, by the nature of the technique, the estimated factors
are nonunique linear combinations of more fundamental underlying economic
forces. Even when these linear combinations can be given an economic
interpretation, they change over time so that, for example, Factor 3 for one
sample period is not necessarily the same combination-in fact, it is almost
certainly different-as the combination that was Factor 3 in a different sample
The second approach can lead to insights, especially if the portfolios
represent different strategies that are feasible for an investor to pursue at low
cost. For example, if K were equal to 2, one might use small- and large-
capitalization portfolios to substitute for the factors.
The advantage of the third approach is that it provides an intuitively
appealing set of factors that admit economic interpretation of the risk exposures
(the p i s ) and the risk premiums (the Pis). From a purely statistical view, this
approach also has the advantage of using economic information in addition to
stock returns, whereas the first two approaches use "stock returns to explain
stock returns." This additional information (about inflation, for example) will, in
general, lead to statistical estimates with better properties, but of course,
insofar as the economic variables are measured with errors, these advantages
are diminished.
Selecting an appropriate set of macroeconomic factors involves almost as
much art as it does science, and by now, it is a highly developed art. The
practitioner requires factors that are easy to interpret, are robust over time,
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
Market-timing risk is not required in an APT model that includes all the relevant
macroeconomic factors. As a practical matter, some relevant macroeconomic factor may be
difficult to measure or may not even be observable. Market-timing risk will capture the effects of
any such unobserved macroeconomic factor.
The probability that the first four macroeconomic factors do not add any information that is
useful for explaining stock returns is less than the probability that a standard normal variable (a
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
Contribution of
Price of Risk Factor to
Risk Expected Return
Risk Factor Exposure x (%/year) = (%/year)
In general, then, for any asset, i, the APT risks-return trade-off defined by
equation (3) is:
random variable that is normally distributed with a mean of zero and standard deviation of 1)
exceeds 20 in value; that is, it is virtually zero. See McElroy and Burmeister (1988).
The model presented in this section uses parameters estimated by the BIRR@Risks and
Returns AnalyzeF ("BIRR is an acronym for Burmeister, Ibbotson, Roll, and Ross). The model
is re-estimated every month, and the examples here and in the next sections use numbers taken
from the April 1992 release, which is based on monthly data through the end of March 1992.
The Risks and Returns Analyze@ is a PC-based software package for doing APT-based risk
analysis with a model of the sort described in this paper. Although econometric estimation of APT
parameters (the risk exposures, P i s , and the risk premiums or prices, P's) is beyond the scope
of this paper, complete discussions of the more technical statistical issues involved in parameter
estimation can be found in Brown and Weinstein (1983); McElroy, Burmeister, and Wall (1985);
Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986); Burmeister and McElroy (1988); and McElroy and Burmeister
where TB is the 30-day Treasury bill rate. The following four observations will
help clarify this risks-return trade-off:
1. The price of each risk factor determines how much expected return will
change because of an increase or decrease in the portfolio's exposure to that
type of risk. Suppose, for example, a well-diversified portfolio, p, has a risk
exposure profile identical to that of the S&P 500, except that it has an exposure
to confidence risk, P*,, of 1.27 instead of 0.27 (= P,,,,). Because the price
of confidence risk (from Table 1) is 2.59 percent a year, the reward for
undertaking this additional risk is 1.00 times 2.59-that is, the portfolio will
have an expected return that is 2.59 percent a year higher than the expected
return for the S&P 500.
2. APT risk prices can be negative, and they are for both time horizon risk
and inflation risk (P, < 0 and P, < 0). Consider first inflation risk. Almost all
stocks have negative exposures to inflation risk because their returns decrease
with unanticipated increases in inflation. Thus, the inflation risk contribution to
expected return is usually positive (the negative risk exposure times the
negative price for inflation risk equals a positive contribution to expected
return). That is, for most i, Pa < 0, and because P, < 0, P, x P, > 0 for
most i.
3. Many stocks have a positive exposure to time horizon risk (P, > O),
however, and thus, when the price of long-term government bonds rises
relative to the price of 30-day Treasury bills, their return increases. Because
the reward for time horizon risk is negative (P, < 0), time horizon's contribu-
tion to the expected return for such stocks is negative; for stocks with a
negative exposure to time horizon risk, its contribution is positive.
Why should this be the case? The answer is that, just as you pay for an
insurance policy that pays off when your house bums down, investors desire to
hold stocks with returns that increase when the relative price of long-term
government bonds rises. The fact that investors want to hold stocks having this
characteristic means that the prices of those stocks have been driven higher
than they otherwise would have been, and therefore, their expected returns are
lower. Thus, the negative price for time horizon risk produces the desired
result: stocks with larger (positive) exposures to time horizon risk also have
lower expected returns.
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
New York Stock Exchange is indicated by the vertical dashed line. Again, note
that the distribution is not normal and appears to be skewed to the right.
As is evident from Figure 1, the business cycle risk for Reebok is much
larger than for the S&P 500. These risk exposure profiles are shown below.
Exposure for Reebok Exposure for S&P 500
The BIRR Risk Index plotted in this and the following graphs is a single number that gives an
approximate answer to the question, "Does A have more systematic risk, relative to the market,
than B?"
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
volatility of the S&P 500 but achieve a higher return. How could the manager
use the APT?
Let si be the score from 1 to 10 assigned to the ith stock (i = 1, . . . , N).
The formal problem is to find portfolio weights, w,, w,, ..
. , wN, for the N
stocks in the selection universe such that the portfolio score is maximized but
the risk exposure profile is similar to that of the S&P 500. More formally, the
weights should result in the highest possible value for
for j = 1, . , K, are close to the betas for the S&P 500. That is, the weights
should make the risk exposure profile for the portfolio close to the risk exposure
profile for the S&P 500 while maximizing the value of the portfolio's ranking
score. If the ranking system works, the return will be superior to the S&P 500.
If the resulting portfolio is well-diversified, it and the S&P 500 will have
approximately equal volatilities. The proper diversification can be achieved by
making N sufficiently large and by imposing a maximum value for the weights so
that the portfolio contains a large number of stocks. This optimization problem
is easily solved using linear programming.
Now, let the risk exposure profile on the long portfolio exactly match the risk
exposure profile on the short position. Then, using equation (3), the expected
returns on the long and short portfolios are equal, the expected return to the
long-short strategy is simply TB(t), and the variance of the realized return is
Because no stock is held in both the long and short portfolios, this variance is
The position has greater volatility than 30-day Treasury bills but no greater
mean return. Therefore, it is not a very attractive strategy, particularly after
trading costs.
This strategy could become attractive if the APT alphas on the long position
were sigdicantly larger than the APT alphas on the short position; that is, it is
an attractive strategy for a manager with superior APT selection. Consider an
exceptional manager who can pick two well-diversified portfolios of stocks, with
no stocks in common, such that ol, > 0 for the long portfolio and a, < 0 for the
short portfolio. If the manager also can match the risk exposure profiles of the
long and short positions, the return would be oc, - as + TB(t)with a volatility
approximately equal to that of 30-day Treasury bills.
The APT can play a crucial role for such a manager: It provides an easy and
quick way to match the risk exposure profiles of the long and short positions. As
an example of this role of the APT, we constructed a long portfolio consisting
of approximately 50 NYSE-listed stocks with the largest ex Post alphas over a
sample period of 72 months (April 1986 to March 1992). We then computed the
risk exposure profile for this long portfolio. A short portfolio of approximately 50
NYSE-listed stocks, not in the long portfolio, was also selected. An optimization
problem was solved to find portfolio weights for the short position that matched
its risk exposure profile to that of the long position. The resulting risk exposure
profile for the overall long-short strategy is illustrated in Figure 8; it has
essentially zero systematic risk. The sole source of volatility (beyond the
volatility of 30-day Treasury bills) for this long-short strategy comes from the
E'S for the long and short positions. By having portfolios of 50 stocks or more,
this volatility can be kept small.
The performance of this long-short, or market-neutral, strategy for the
most recent 12 months of the sample period (April 1991 to March 1992) is
illustrated in Figure 9. The mean realized return was 30.04 percent a year,
compared with 11.57 percent for the S&P 500, and the standard deviation of
this realized return was only 6.26 percent a year, compared with 18.08 percent
for the S&P 500.
Other enhancements are being invented every day. As more and more tools
become available and as understanding of the APT spreads, so does its
application to portfolio management problems.
Appendix A
To derive the restrictions that a multifactor CAPM must obey, suppose that the
CAPM were true for some market index of N assets. This index has a return
denoted by rm(t)and has weights wml, w, .. ., wd summing to 1. Suppose also
that Postulate 1of the APT holds, that is, that the N asset returns are generated
by the linear factor model (LFM) given in equation (1). We will then show that the
APT is valid and find the CAPM restrictions that the APT risk prices must satisfy.
This problem is solved by recognizing that the CAPM beta for any asset can
be computed as a linear function of the LFM risk exposures; that is, the CAPM
beta is equal to a linear function of the APT Pis.
First note that the return on the market index is
The latter can be computed from the LFM generating the return for the ith asset:
A Practitioneh Guide to Factor Models
for all j = 1, . . . , K. Conversely, if the APT is true and the above K CAPM
restrictions on the Pis hold, then the CAPM is also true. Given an LFM for
asset returns, these are the CAPM restrictions that are rejected in favor of the
APT in statistical tests.
Appendix B
We will show that K well-diversified portfolios can substitute for the factors in
an APT model. To simplify the computations, we assume that K = 2; the
general case is easily handled using matrix algebra. Thus, suppose that two
different well-diversified portfolios have returns given by
Also assume that the risk exposure profiles for the two portfolios are not
proportional. We will show below that
(a) The APT equation for the return on the ith asset, ri(t), given by equation
(5), can be rewritten in terms of the portfolios with returns Rl(t) and
(b) Given the answer to (a), E[ri(t)] can be expressed in terms of the
expected returns for the two portfolios.
To prove (a) and (b), we introduce the following simphfymg notation:
In this notation, the APT equations for the two portfolios are
A PractitionerS Guide to Factor Models
Takingy,(t) andy2(t) as given, the latter are two equations in two unknown z's,
and they may be solved for
Note that as long as the risk exposure profiles for the two portfolios are not
proportional, 6 # 0 and the solution given above exists.
Given these results, with straightforward algebraic manipulation, equation
(5) may be rewritten as
The concept of index models and their role in explaining and understanding the
pattern of security returns, what affects individual security returns, the
selection of optimal portfolios, and the level of relative long-run (equilibrium)
returns have been widely discussed. We will review these techniques as an
introduction to the concepts of estimating multi-index models.
Rit = is the return on security i in time t,
bil = is the sensitivity of security i to returns on Index 1,
f1, = is the return on Index 1 in period t,
ai = is the expected level of nonindex-related return for security i, and
eit = is a random variable with mean of zero and variance 0:;;
Note that the unique return is also split into two parts: its mean level, a , and
its variability, ei, For the single-index model to be a reasonable description of
reality, the unique part should be truly unique to the security in question and not
related to another influence. Technically, this means that the value of the unique
return for security i in period t is unrelated to the value for security j in period
t. Because the a's are constants, this condition means
E(eigjt)= 0 for all i and j, where i # j.
Likewise, for the researcher to have correctly divided the return into its
systematic and unique parts, the unique return must be unrelated to the index
return so that
E(eiJlt)= 0 for all securities.
The single-index model describes return in terms of one common influence,
and the multi-index model describes returns in terms of more than one common
influence. Its structure is exactly the same as that of the single-index model
except for the inclusion of additional indexes. Thus, the model can be written as
6, = the return on the jth index affecting stock return, and
bC = the sensitivity of security i to the jth index.
As in the single-index case, unique return is assumed to be uncorrelated
across all securities; that is,
E(eigjt)= 0 for all i and all j, where i # j,
and systematic influences are assumed to be independent of unique influences: l
An additional assumption that is frequently made is that the indexes are uncorrelated. This
assumption does not create problems, because a set of correlated indexes can always be
converted to a set of uncorrelated indexes.
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
for explaining equilibrium returns is an index of the return on all risky assets in
which the weight on each return is the relevant market proportion of that asset.
If the model is not correct, there is no theoretical way of identdymg an
appropriate index and the definition of the relevant index is not clear-cut.
Furthermore, even if the standard CAPM is a relevant equilibrium model, no
one would be able to calculate the return on a market-weighted index of all
assets. Although a market-weighted index of equities is readily available,
market-weighted indexes of other assets, such as real estate, are not.
Plausibly, a non-market-weighted index of equities (one that places greater
weight on equities correlated with excluded assets such as real estate) could be
a better representation of the true "market" index than is a market-weighted
index of equities alone.
If we feel a multi-index model better represents the return structure, the
problems become more severe. No theoretical multi-index equilibrium model is
generally accepted. Although alternative theory suggests certain broad influ-
ences that might affect equilibrium returns, these influences are not easily
translated into empirically measurable influences.
An alternative to prespecdymg indexes is to try to have the historical return
series itself suggest what portfolios of securities would best serve as indexes.
Equation (1) and its explanation suggest the characteristics these indexes
should possess. In particular, they should separate the common influences in
returns from the unique influences in returns. After we have specified the
indexes, the unique returns on securities should be uncorrelated with each
other. In addition, the structure should be parsimonious; that is, returns can be
described in terms of a limited number of indexes. Finally, having the indexes
represent separate influences would be desirable.
Two statistical techniques accomplish these goals: factor analysis and
principal components analysi~.~ The most common technique is factor analysis.
Factor analysis was devised to define a set of indexes mathematically so that the
covariance between security returns is minimized after the indexes have been
removed. This assures that cov(e,ej) is as close to zero as it can be.
More precisely, once the user sets the number of indexes desired, factor
analysis wik
See the appendix to this chapter for a more detailed discussion of factor analysis and principal
components analysis, as well as the differences between them.
Speclfy the return of each index at each point in time (this is the same
concept as the return of the S&P Index at each point in time),
Calculate the bG, or sensitivity of each stock to each index, and
Measure the average explanatory power of the model for each stock.
One can then repeat the analysis for a different number of factors (indexes)
and determine the probability of needing to add another factor to the model.
Design Issues
Although the idea of letting the data design the model has a lot of appeal, in
statistical methodology, as in economics, there are few free lunches. The
techniques come with their own problems and their own set of choices. We will
discuss four of these: the effect of the choice of data, the number of indexes to
use, indeterminacy of the model, and computational diaculties.
Principal components analysis does provide one particular determinate solution to the factor
solution. See the appendix to this paper.
In technical terms, solutions are determined only up to a linear transformation of the factor
stand what influences are affecting security returns and to convince themselves
that the overall separation makes intuitive sense.
Nonuniqueness is a concern in certain applications and not in others. Any
solution is correct in the sense that it explains (and predicts) returns as well as
any other solution. Some solutions, however, are easier to interpret econom-
ically than others. Also, two researchers using slightly different solution
algorithms or slightly different samples can come up with solutions that are
simply transformations of each other but that appear to be very different.
Two papers, Cho, Elton, and Gruber (1984) and Brown and Weinstein (1983), discuss
techniques for identifying the common factors across groups.
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
Second, the results obtained by this methodology are very sensitive to the
portfolio formatioli technique that was used.
the United States. The two-factor model does an excellent job of explaining
This section is based on an article by Elton and Gruber (1990). Other authors have
documented the success of alternative forms of multi-index models in Japan. See Brown (1990)
and Harnao (1990). The reason the multi-index model works especially well in Japan is the higher
residual covariance between security returns after the iduence of the market has been removed.
This result may be attributable to some structural difference between the U.S. and Japanese
economies or it may be attributable to the high percentage of corporate cross-ownership in Japan.
criteria (Akaike 1974b), and Baysian criteria (Schwartz 1978). Of the three,
Schwartz's technique is the most conservative in estimating the number of
sigmficant factors. The chi square test and Akaike's information criteria tend to
include factors that, although statistically sigmficant, have little economic
importance. When we used either of those two tests, the results showed that,
for each sample, at least ten factors were present in the return-generating
process. We did not test for the optimum number because we had not
performed factor solutions involving the extraction of more than ten factors.
Also, alternative tests, as well as previous attempts by others to identify the
return-generation processes for other samples of securities, indicated the
presence of fewer than ten factor^.^
Schwartz's Baysian criteria provided a much more parsimonious description
of the return-generating process. Schwartz's method produces a statistic that
reaches its minimum at the "correct" number of factors extracted. The value of
Schwartz's statistic for each group for alternative numbers of factors (one
through ten) is shown in Figure 1. Schwartz's criteria identified three factors as
sigmficant in the return-generating process for Sample 1 and four factors for
Samples 2, 3, and 4.
The conclusion from examining the number of factors present in the
return-generating process of each sample separately is somewhat ambiguous. It
rests on the choice of the test used to determine sigmficance. The answer
would seem to be either four, ten, or more factors. This ambiguity illustrates
how cautious one should be about placing too much reliance on statistical
sigmficance in deciding on the number of factors. The next step is to use
information from more than one group to decide on the number of factors.
Mult$le-group tests. The intent of our analysis was to estimate a return-
generating process that describes the return on all stocks that are comparable
to the stocks in the NRI 400 Index. For any one of the four samples, as more
factors were added to the solution, the probability increased that the added
factors are idiosyncratic to the stocks in that sample or a subset of those stocks
rather than factors that explain the covariance structure of returns among large
groups of securities. If, in fact, the factor solution from a sample captured
general influences, then the solution from a second group should reflect the
same general influences. We could not, however, simply compare the first
factor from a sample with the first factor from another sample and the second
with the second, and so forth. Factor solutions are only unique up to a linear
transformation. Therefore, the first factor from one sample may be the second
/ '
\ /
\ /.
'. --. ./ .
5.0 - .
'. -_ -.-...
- .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Factors
Group 1
- - - Group 2
. .. . . . . Group 3
Group 4
factor from a second sample or even a linear combination,of the first, second,
third, and fourth factors from the second sample. Although some attributes of
maximum likelihood factor analysis will tend to extract factors in a parallel
manner and to some extent lessen this problem, they do not eliminate it.*
This problem can be corrected by canonical correlation. For an n-factor
solution, find that linear combination of the n factors from one sample that is
most highly correlated with the best linear combination of the n factors from a
second sample. After removing this correlation, find the second linear combi-
nation of the n factors from the first sample that is most highly correlated with
the linear combination of the n factors from the second sample. This process is
repeated n times. By finding best-fit linear combinations, canonical correlation
removes the problem of factors from one sample being linear transformations of
See Roll and Ross (1980) and Dhrymes et al. (1984) for a debate on this issue.
factors from a second sample. If, in fact, one has estimated too many factors,
then after removing the common factors, the remaining canonical variates
should be uncorrelated.
Table 3 presents the average (across four samples) squared canonical
correlation for the first canonical variate out of the one-factor solution, the
second canonical variate out of the two-factor solution, proceeding through the
seventh canonical variate out of the seven-factor solution. The results indicate
that the likely solution is either four or five factors. The canonical R2 of the
fourth linear combination from a four-factor solution is almost 60 percent; for
the fifth linear combination from a five-factor solution, it is slightly more than 20
percent; but for the sixth linear combination of the six-factor solution, it is less
than 5 percent.
The evidence so far would seem to support a four-factor solution with the
fifth factor worth considering. Although we have argued that canonical corre-
lation is the correct way to determine whether factor structures from one group
are the same as those from a second group, the simple correlation pattern
between factors is also worth examining in order to see the type of orthogonal
transformation that can take place. Table 4 presents the simple correlation
between the factors extracted from Samples 1 and 2 for the four-factor and
five-factor solutions. Note that in the four-factor solution, the only correlations
above 0.10 occur for the first factor from Sample 1 with the first factor from
Sample 2, the second with the second, and so forth. For the five-factor solution,
however, this clear pattern fractures. In addition, some factors from one group
do not seem to be associated at all with factors from the other group. For
example, Factor 5 from Sample 1and Factor 4 from Sample 2 have only minimal
A Practitioneh Guide to Factor Models
correlation with any of the factors from the other group. This result also
supports the four-factor solution.
Sample 1
Sample 2 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Four factors
Five factors
Note: Dash = less than 0.1.
With one four-factor solution for each of the four groups, the problem could
be which solution to accept, but this is not really a problem. Each four-factor
solution is close to a linear transformation of any other four-factor solution.
Therefore, they should, for all practical purposes, work about equally well in
explaining returns. In fact, they all have about the same explanatory power
across securities and portfolios of securities. For example, the R2 of the Tokyo
Stock Exchange (TSE) varied between 0.902 to 0.928 across the four different
factor solutions.
The model's explanatory power. Having determined that returns are
related to four factors and having produced a particular four-factor solution, the
next step is to examine how much of the total return these four factors explain
and to compare this result to the amount explained by the more conventional
single-index model.
To examine this question, we used returns on 20 groups obtained by ranking
the securities in the NRI 400 by size (total equity asset capitalization). Grouping
by size will, of course, increase the amount explained by almost any model. At
the same time, it creates a manageable set of data that allows examination of
average explanatory power and explanatory power across sets of stocks.
Table 5 shows the sensitivities and adjusted R2s when the returns on each
of the 20 portfolios are regressed against the four factors for the 15-year period
April 1971 to March 1986. Across the 20 portfolios, the average adjusted R2 is
78 percent. Of the 80 different sensitivity estimates, all but 18 are significant at
the 5 percent level.
Beta Coefficients
Portfolio F1 F2 F3 F4 Adiusted R2
1 0.0428 0.0092
2 0.0442 0.0048
3 0.0427 0.0034
4 0.0417 -0.0003"
5 0.0421 0.0041
6 0.0396 0.0022"
7 0.0388 0.0077
8 0.0380 0.0078
9 0.0417 0.0059
10 0.0356 0.0025"
11 0.0375 0.0023"
12 0.0384 -0.0007"
13 0.0347 -0.0037
14 0.0374 -0.0029"
15 0.0368 -0.0037
16 0.0384 -0.0059
17 0.0330 -0.0087
18 0.0385 -0.0004"
19 0.0364 -0.0022"
20 0.0364 -0.0065
"Insignficant at the 5 percent level.
To compare these results with those for the single-index model, returns on
the 20 portfolios were regressed against the NRI 400 index. Because the NRI
400 index is value weighted and because it is made up of the same 400 stocks
used to form the 20 groups, the relationship between the 20 portfolios and the
index is likely to be higher than if we had chosen another market index. Table
6 shows the results. As one might expect given the construction of the index,
A Practitioneh Guide to Factor Models
the R2 declines with size. The extent of the decline is dramatic. The adjusted
R2 is less than 50 percent for the smaller eight portfolios and less than 15
percent for the portfolio of smallest stocks. The four-factor model explains
considerably more of the time series of security returns than does the
single-factor model. The average adjusted R2 is 55 percent compared with 78
percent for the four-factor model. 9
Comparing the explanatory power of the first factor in the four-factor model
with the explanatory power when all four factors are included shows that the
added three factors explain a significant proportion of the variability of returns.
The sensitivity of portfolio returns to the NRI 400 index (beta) also declines
That the four-factor model has a higher explanatory power than a single-factor market model
in the fit period is to be expected. The size of the difference, however, is not the same as for U.S.
studies, nor is the deterioration with size.
with size, which was not at all expected, because beta is usually considered a
measure of risk. For U. S. data, the beta coefficient increases as size decreases,
so smaller firms are viewed as having greater risk. For Japanese data, the
reverse is true. This result must be interpreted with some caution, however.
The firms in the sample are all fairly large. The 400 companies that compose the
NRI 400 are selected from among the largest firms on the TSE, which lists
1,100 h s in its first section. Thus, the relationship between size and beta is
found in the larger firms of the first section of the TSE.
Also evident from Table 6 is that return is strongly related to size. The
difference between the average return on the small and large firms is more than
1 percent a month. Furthermore, the relationship is almost monotonic. These
results mean that the smaller firms provide a higher return as well as lower
beta. If beta is a risk measure, this evidence strongly favors the purchase of
small stocks. Alternatively, perhaps beta is not a sufficient metric for risk. The
relationship between return and size is at least partially captured by the
four-factor model. For example, the sensitivities shown to Factor 4 are ranked
by size. A similar pattern, although less pronounced, is seen in Factors 2 and 3.
Thus, part of what the four-factor model is picking up relative to the one-factor
model is a size effect.
Factor sensitivity stationarity. Another interesting question is the
stability of the sensitivity coefficient, b$ We concentrated on Factor 4 because
it generally has the least stable sensitivity of the four factors. Table 7 shows the
sensitivity coefficients for Factor 4 for the 15-year period and three nonover-
lapping 5-year periods. Although not identical, clearly the sensitivities have the
same pattern across the 20 groups. The correlation between the sensitivities
for the 1971-76 and 1976-81 periods is 0.97; the correlation between the
1976-81 and 1981-86 periods is 0.95.
The average absolute difference in sensitivity between the 1971-76 and
1976-81 periods was 0.0024 when the average absolute value of the sensitivity
in the 1971-76 period was 0.0105. On average, the change was less than 23
percent. Likewise, the average absolute difference in sensitivity between the
1976-81 and 1981-86 periods was 0.0039, with an average absolute value of
the sensitivity in 1976 to 1981 of 0.0139. Thus, the average change was about
28 percent. The sensitivity measures between nonoverlapping periods are very
stable for Factor 4. The stability is even more pronounced for the other factors.
In this section, we have shown that a four-factor model explains returns
better than a one-factor model and exhibits stable sensitivities over time.
Although some increase in explanatory power is guaranteed as we move from
a one-factor to a four-factor model, the magnitude of the increase, particularly
for low-capitalization portfolios was unusually large. A much more powerful test
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
Index Matching. In index matching, for each model (the one-index and
four-index models), a portfolio is constructed that has the same sensitivity
(beta) or sensitivities as the index being matched, with minimum residual risk
and (approximately) a fixed number of securities. The second step is to examine
the ability of these portfolios to match the index over a period of time
subsequent to when they are formed.
The index-matching test is a joint test of a number of hypotheses. One
aspect affecting performance is whether the market has one or four factors.
Even with four factors, the one-factor model could still perform better than the
four-factor model if the historically estimated sensitivities for the four-factor
model were poor forecasts of future sensitivities and the historical sensitivities
for the single-index model were a good predictor of future sensitivities. Finally,
if the sensitivity of the market to the four factors is very stable over time, the
performance of the two models might be quite similar, even if the four-factor
model were a superior description of reality. In this case, matching market
betas is equivalent to matching factor sensitivities. Thus, the index-matching
tests are joint tests of the model, the stability of the sensitivities, and the
stability of the relationship of the market to the factors.
We attempted to match the Nikkei 225 Index over the five-year period
January 1, 1981, to December 31, 1986. The first step was estimating
sensitivities for each security. Sensitivities were estimated on a quarterly basis
for both the single-factor model and the four-factor model. For the market
model, we simply ran a regression of the return on each of the 393 stocks in our
study against the TSE Index at the beginning of each quarter using the previous
five years of monthly data. For the four-factor model, a factor analysis was run
at the beginning of each quarter, using the prior 11 years of return data to
determine the composition of the factors. Then, at the beginning of each
quarter, we regressed the prior five years of monthly returns for each of the
393 securities against returns on the four factors. The regression coefficients
were the sensitivities or betas used in the next step. To match the Nikkei, we
need to know the sensitivity of that index to our model. To estimate the
sensitivity of the Nikkei 225, we regressed it against both the TSE Index for the
market model and the four indexes for the four-factor model.
Once the sensitivities were determined, we calculated the composition of
the portfolio with minimum tracking error. Matching portfolios were determined
for portfolios of about 25, 50, and 100 securities. For example, for the market
model with 25 securities, quadratic programming was used to produce a
portfolio with approximately 25 securities that (1) had the same beta as the
Nikkei index and minimal residual risk from the market model, (2) involved full
investment, and (3) had appropriate upper and lower limits on investment in
each security. For the four-factor model, the portfolio is constrained to match
the sensitivity of the Nikkei index to each of the four factors. This procedure is
repeated for 25, 50, and 100 securities and for each quarter, or 20 times for the
five-year period.
Having determined the portfolio composition at the beginning of each
quarter, we then calculated the return on the Nikkei 225 adjusted for dividends
each month, as well as the return on the matching portfolio, using the market
l2 AS we discussed earlier, this is a joint test. It is not very plausible, however, that the
four-factor model is more stable than the one-factor model. Its superior performance is likely to
be because of the presence of multiple factors rather than greater stability of sensitivities.
A PractitionerS Guide to Factor Models
l3 See Elton, Gruber, and Nabar (1988) for a more detailed description of the methodology and
results described in this section.
in maturity and broadly diversified and use them as the portfolios (indexes) of
interest over time.
In this paper, we have reviewed some methodology for simultaneously
estimating the indexes and sensitivities in a multi-index model. We have
discussed some of the problems with this methodology and described one
example, the Japanese stock market, for which the method worked extremely
well, and one example, U.S. bonds, for which it worked less well.
We also described some tests of how well a factor model works. Two points
are particularly important: Whether a model works well or poorly can only be
judged in the framework of a particular application (and then it should be judged
in a forecast mode), and the performance of the model is only good or bad
relative to alternative models. Good performance is not an absolute concept.
We should close with a brief discussion of the methodology we have
discussed in this chapter versus the methodology of prespecifying sensitivities
or indexes. Estimating both parameters of a multi-index model has a charac-
teristic that is both its fundamental strength and its major weakness. Its
strength is that it requires no a priori specification of the influences that affect
returns. This makes such models an ideal tool for explaining new types of data.
This analysis can provide real insight into the influences that affect returns.
Furthermore, an n-index model derived from a set of data via factor analysis
explains those data better than any other n-index model. The weakness of the
factor solution is that it may or may not perform better in any application
involving forecasts. Moreover, the factor solution lacks the intuition contained
in a model constructed on the basis of economic logic, and it is usually more
difficult to explain to clients.
A researcher might well wish to use combinations of the models discussed
in the various sections of this monograph. If an analyst feels confident that he
or she can identify one or more economic variables that affect security returns
but that other, unknown factors might be important, factor analysis can help
identify these unknown factors. For example, a researcher might believe that all
equity returns are affected by the market but that undefined sector influences
are also instrumental. One solution is to estimate the single-index model using
the market index and then factor analyze the residuals of the single-index model
to derive other factors.
Appendix A
ences are extracted. Normally, the indexes are adjusted so the standard
deviations of all indexes are unity.15
As additional influences are extracted using principal components analysis,
the proportion of random noise in the yet-unexplained variance-covariance
matrix increases. Therefore, each successive principal component is more
likely to be measuring random influences.
Principal component analysis has several advantages over other methods of
extracting factors:
Factor Analysis
Factor analysis operates directly on the covariance matrix and produces a
result that is intuitively appealing, given the nature of multifactor models. A
number of alternative estimation procedures are available, including maximum
likelihood, generalized least squares, and unweighted least squares. Most
analysts use maximum likelihood methods. For any hypothesized number of
factors, factor analysis finds the indexes and the loadings on each index for each
security to make the covariance between the unique returns as small as
Although the indexes produced by factor analysis need not be orthogonal to
l5 In addition, researchers often want to construct the indexes from a larger sample of stocks
or to have other properties such as being widely diversified. See, for example, Lehrnann and
Modest (1988).
l6 For example, in a single-index model, beta has been shown to be positively related to
residual variance. Thus, a principal components estimation of the single-index model can lead to
false inferences about beta.
each other, researchers in this area have generally constructed their solutions
so that they are orthogonal. Even with the orthogonal constraint, interpreting
the solution is quite complex. For any given data set, an infinite number of
equivalent factor solutions are possible, which makes interpreting any particular
factor very difficult. The information spanned by the multiple-factor solution
from one sample should be the same as the information spanned by the
multiple-factor solution from the second sample (except for sampling error). As
a practical matter, we know what the set of factors from a factor solution
represents, but we are less sure about the meaning of any individual factor.
A second drawback to factor analysis is that factor solutions are very difficult
to estimate and the sample size that can be factor analyzed is limited by the
length of the return series. Maximum likelihood factor analysis involves a
complex nonlinear optimization problem. It is sufficiently complex that many
analysts have resorted to small sample sizes to estimate factors and factor
Multiple-Factor Models for
Portfolio Risk
Richard Grinold
Ronald N. Kahn
Vn,, the covariance of asset n with asset m (if n
= = m, this gives the
variance of asset n),
Xn,,, = the exposure of asset n to factor k1,
Although the model's time structure is defined in equation (I), in the rest of this paper, the
explicit time variables will be suppressed.
A PractitionerS Guide to Factor Models
F,,,, = the covariance of factor k l with factor k2 (if k l = k2, this gives the
variance of factor kl), and
A , , = the specific covariance of asset n with asset m. By assumption, all
specific risk correlations are zero, so this term is zero unless n =
m. In that case, this term gives the specific variance of asset n.
Factors in the U.S. equity market include industries, size, yield, value, success,
volatility, growth, leverage, liquidity, foreign income, and labor sensitivity.
Interesting factors explain some part of performance. We can attribute a
certain amount of return to each factor in each period. That factor might help
explain exceptional return or beta or volatility. For example, large stocks did
well over a particular period, or high-volatility stocks are high-beta stocks.
Research leading to the appropriate factors, then, depends both on statistical
techniques and on investment intuition. statistical techniques can idenbfy the most
incisive and interesting factors. Investment intuition can help idenbfy intuitive
factors. Factors can have statistical signdicance or investment significance or both.
Model research must take both forms of significance into account.
where mean (X,,) is the raw exposure value mean and SDCX,,,) is the raw
exposure value standard deviation across the universe of assets. The result is
that each risk index exposure has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.
This standardization also facilitates the handling of outliers.
As an example of how this procedure works, BARRA's USE2 model assigns
General Motors a size exposure of 1.30 for March 1992. Thus, on the size
dimension, General Motors lies sigdicantly above average. For the same date,
the model assigns Apple Computers a size exposure of -0.26. On this
dimension, Apple Computers lies somewhat below average.
Factor Returns. Given exposures to the industry and risk index factors,
the next step is to estimate returns via multiple regressions. This procedure
was developed in Fama-MacBeth (1973). The model is linear, and equation (1)
has the form of a multiple regression. Stock excess returns are regressed
against factor exposures, choosing factor returns that minimize the (possibly
weighted) sum of squared specific returns. For the United States, we use a
universe of 1,100 of the largest companies. The R2 statistic, which measures
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
the explanatory power of the model, tends to average between 30 percent and
40 percent for models of monthly equity returns with roughly 1,000 assets and
50 factors. Larger ' R statistics tend to occur in months with larger market
In this cross-sectional regression, which is performed every period, gener-
ally one month, the industry factors play the role of intercepts. The market as
a whole has an exposure of 1to the industries, and industry factor returns tend
to pick up the market return. They are the more volatile factors in the model.
The market has close to zero exposure to the risk indexes, and risk index factor
returns pick up extra-market returns. They are the less volatile factors in the
To estimate factor returns efficiently, we run generalized least squares
regressions, weighting each observed return by the inverse of its specific
variance. In some models, we instead weight each observation by the square
root of its market capitalization, which acts as a proxy for the inverse of its
specific variance.
Although these cross-sectional regressions can involve many variables (the
USE2 model uses 68 factors), the models do not suffer from multicollinearity.
Most of the factors are industries (55 out of 68 in USEZ), which are orthogonal.
In addition, tests of variance inflation factors, which measure the inflation in
estimate errors attributable to multicollinearity, lie far below serious danger
Our research has shown that the square root is the appropriate power of market capitalization
to mimic inverse specific variance. Larger companies have lower specific variance, and as
company size doubles, market variance shrinks by a factor of 0.7.
In this form, each factor return, f,, can be interpreted as the return to a
portfolio with portfolio weights c, ,. So factor returns are the returns to factor
portfolios. The factor portfolio hoidings, which are known a priori, ensure that
the portfolio has unit exposure to the particular factor, zero exposure to every
other factor, and minimum risk, given those constraints.
These portfolios have two different interpretations. They are sometimes
interpreted as factor-mimicking pot@olios, because they mimic the behavior of
some underlying basic factor. We interpret them more simply as portfolios that
capture the specific effect we have defined through our exposures.
Factor portfolios typically contain both long and short positions. For
example, the factor portfolio for the earnings-to-price factor in the U.S. market
will have an earnings-to-price ratio that is one standard deviation above the
market while having zero exposure to all other factors. A zero exposure to an
industry implies that the portfolio will hold some industry stocks long and others
short, with longs and shorts balancing. This portfolio will contain every single
asset with some weight.
Forecasting covariance from a past history of factor returns is a subject worthy of a paper in
itself, and the details are beyond the scope of this effort. Basic techniques rely on weights over
the past history and Bayesian priors on covariance. More advanced techniques include forecasting
variance conditional on recent events, as first suggested by Engle (1982). Such techniques
assume that variance is only constant conditional on other variables. For a review of these ideas,
see Bollerslev et al. (1992).
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
S(t) measures the average specific variance across the universe of stocks, and
vn captures the cross-sectional variation in specific variance.
To forecast specific risk, we use a time series model for S(t) and a linear
multiple-factor model for vn(t). Models for vn(t) typically include some risk index
factors, plus factors measuring recent squared specific returns. The time
dependence in the model of v,(t) is captured by time variation in the exposures.
One pooled regression over assets and time periods, with outliers trimmed, is
used to estimate model coefficients.
Model Validity
Considerable evidence supports the validity of multiple-factor risk models.
This evidence falls into three categories: in-sample tests, out-of-sample tests,
and empirical observations.
In-sample tests focus on the performance of the multiple-factor model
(equation 1)in explaining excess stock returns. Typically, these models will use
BARRA's USE2 model started in January 1973 and, for initial estimation, required data
covering the period from January 1968 through December 1972. This model relies mainly on
MARKET PLUS for market data, COMPUSTAT for fundamental accounting data, and IBES for
earnings forecasts, but it also requires data from many other sources, including Standard &
Poor's, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, Value L i e , and
Interactive Data Corporation.
roughly 50 factors to explain the returns to roughly 1,000 assets each month.
Monthly R2 statistics for the models average about 30-40 percent, meaning
that the model "explains," on average, about 30-40 percent of the observed
cross-sectional variance of the universe of stock returns.
These R2statistics, averaged over many months, do not accurately convey
model performance, however. In fact, the R2 statistic can vary quite signifi-
cantly from month to month, depending in part on the overall market return.
Model R2statistics are highest when the market return differs very signdicantly
from zero. The R2statistic was very high in October 1987 because the market
return was so extreme. In months when the market return is near zero, the R2
statistic can be quite low, even if discrepancies between realized and modeled
returns are small.
Another measure of model performance is the root mean square error from
the regression. This averages 6 percent for monthly cross-sectional returns in
the United States and does not vary much from month to month. Because
monthly stock volatility in the United States averages 10 percent, the model
explains about 64 percent of individual stock variance, on average.
Because the goal of the model is to explain portfolio risk, a better way to
evaluate the model is by the fraction of portfolio risk it explains, and here is
evidence of the model's true power. For benchmark portfolios in the United
States, the multiple-factor risk model explains more than 98 percent of portfolio
Out-of-sample tests compare forecast risk with realized risk. One out-of-
sample test builds portfolios of randomly chosen assets and then compares the
forecast and realized active risk of those portfolios; active risk is defined as the
volatility of the active return, or the difference between the portfolio return and
a benchmark return. In tests in the United States involving 500 such portfolios
containing 100 assets each, we compared realized active risk for a 12-month
period with forecast active risk at the beginning of the 1988-91 period, using
the S&P 500 as the benchmark. At the 1 percent confidence level, we could
reject the hypothesis that forecast variance equaled realized variance only 2.8
percent of the time.
We have also examined risk forecasts cross-sectionally. With the same 500
portfolios, we examined standardized active returns: ratios of realized active
returns to forecast active risk. Pooled over four months, the standard deviation
of standardized active returns was 1.06, which according to X 2 tests, was
statistically consistent with the unbiased result of 1.0.
Finally using a variance-forecasting test suggested by Engle, Hong, and
Kane (1990), we have run options-based tests comparing multiple-factor risk
model forecasts with historical asset-by-asset risk. In these tests, we construct
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
30 random portfolios of 100, 150, 200, and 250 assets and generate the two
forecasts of active risk. We then use the Black-Scholes model to price
one-month at-the-money options on portfolio active value based on these two
forecasts. We create a synthetic market in these options, trading at the mean
price. At the end of the period, we calculate profit and loss. Over a 36-month
period from January 1988 through December 1990, the strategy using the
multiple-factor risk model forecasts, on average, returned 37 basis points per
option traded with the historical volatility trader, with a standard deviation of
134 basis points. In this zero-sum game, the strategy based on historical
volatility lost 37 basis points per option traded.
In both in-sample and out-of-sample tests of model validity, we occasionally
invoke standard distributional assumptions to interpret the statistical sigmfi-
cance of the results. Also, in both model building and testing, we make use of
Monte Carlo simulations to test statistical sigmficance while relaxing the
required assumptions. As to investment sigmficance, if some event occurs 3
times out of 12, an investor would want to know about it, even if a statistician
would not be sure of its importance at the 95 percent confidence level.
Empirical observations concerning model validity are more vague than
statistical tests, but they are still relevant. Simply put, these models success-
fully make use of intuitive factors to predict risk and understand return, and
they have been widely accepted by the investment community for those roles
for 18 years now.
How do multiple-factor risk models compare with their existing alternatives?
Historical asset-by-asset covariance matrixes consistently underperform multi-
ple-factor models in risk forecasting, and they suffer from severe estimation
problems. A covariance matrix for 1,000 assets contains 500,500 independent
entries, all estimated with errors. In addition, unless estimated over more than
1,000 time periods, the covariance matrix will not be full rank.
Simpler versions of the multiple-factor approach include a one-factor model
and a constant-correlation model. The one-factor model is a close relative of the
capital asset pricing model. This model includes only one common factor-the
market. The constant-correlation model assumes that all assets exhibit the
same correlation. Both models are simple and helpful for "quick and dirty"
applications but ignore linkages among stocks in specific industries and with
similar attributes.
Another approach to risk modeling uses statistical factor analysis. This
approach identifies factors based on past correlations between asset returns.
These factors are typically not intuitive or recognizable. This statistically driven
approach can lead to risk forecasts comparable in quality to multiple-factor risk
model forecasts but without any of the insight. Also, because they do not rely
on investor intuition, they can be less robust than multiple-factor models.
Overall, multiple-factor risk models outperform all alternative risk models in
providing incisive, intuitive, and interesting risk analysis.
American Express
Coca Cola
Walt Disney Productions
Dow Chemicals
Eastman Kodak
General Electric
General Motors
International Paper
Johnson &Johnson
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Philip Morris
Procter & Gamble
To understand portfolio risk characterization more concretely, consider the
following problem: Using as an investment portfolio the Major Market Index
(MMI), a price-weighted index of 20 of the largest U. S. stocks, analyze its risk
relative to the S&P 500 as of February 28, 1992. The portfolio's composition is
given in Table 1.
Comparing risk factor exposures against the benchmark, this portfolio
contains larger, less volatile stocks with higher leverage and foreign income and
lower earnings variability-what one might expect from a large-stock portfolio
versus a broader index. The portfolio also contains several industry bets.
The multiple-factor risk model forecasts 21.3 percent volatility for the
portfolio and 20.8 percent volatility for the index. The portfolio tracking error is
4.7 percent. Assuming that active returns are normally distributed, the portfolio
annual return will lie within 4.7 percent of the index annual return roughly
two-thirds of the time. The model also can forecast the portfolio's beta-its
exposure to movements of the index. Beta measures the portfolio's inherent
risk. The MMI portfolio beta is 1.02. This implies that if the S&P 500 exceeded
its expected return by 100 basis points, we would expect the portfolio return to
exceed its expected return by 102 basis points.
The mar@ contribution to tracking error-the increase in tracking error
from a 1percent increase in asset holding financed by a 1 percent decrease in
cash-can be used to determine the most and least diversify~ngassets. A more
detailed treatment of marginal contribution to tracking error is found in the
mathematical appendix to this paper.
In this example, increasing the holdings in American Express would do most
to reduce risk, and increasing holdings in Merck would do the most to
concentrate the portfolio. These are also the lowest and highest weighted
assets in the portfolio.
American Express
Coca Cola
Walt Disney Productions
Dow Chemicals
Eastrnan Kodak
General Electric
General Motors
International Paper
Johnson & Johnson
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Philip Morris
Procter & Gamble
With this reweighting, the tracking error moves slightly, from 4.68 percent to
4.71 percent, and the alpha of the portfolio moves to 1.21 percent. For reasons
of risk control, the optimizer cannot eliminate the holdings of all the negative
alpha stocks, but it does reduce those holdings and eliminates three of them
from the portfolio.
Given the large numbers of stocks in the portfolio, very little of the active return
arose from specific asset selection. The market-timing component measures
return contributions attributable to variation in portfolio beta over the time
period. The beta of the S&P 500 versus the BARRA ALL-US was 0.97 in
March 1992, but it does vary over time. The market-timing contribution of - 13
basis points arises because that beta tended to be above its mean value in
A Practitionefi Guide to Factor Models
months when the BARRA Index excess return was below its mean value, and
vice versa.
Among all the bets (policies) included in the S&P portfolio but in not the
BARRA ALL-US benchmark, the best performing was a positive bet on foreign
income, which gained 28 basis points a year; the worst performing was the size
bet, which lost 29 basis points a year during this period.
Two particular statistics can help assess the skill and value added of the S&P
portfolio. Letting Ram,,, represent annualized returns and M represent the
number of observation periods, the t-statistic for the mean return is:
This statistic measures whether the observed mean annualized return differs
sigmficantly from zero. It is one statistical measure of investment skill. If the
t-statistic exceeds 2.0 and returns are normally distributed, then the probability
that simple luck generated these returns is less than 5 percent.
Related to this distinction between skill and luck is the question of whether
the manager has added investment value. The utility defined in equation (9) can
be used to measure value added, or risk-adjusted active return. Detailed
analysis shows that value added rises in proportion to the square of the
manager's information ratio, IR, or the ratio of annual active return, a,, to
annual active risk, o:,
vAma = A(%) ,
4A '"annual
Value added rises with the manager's information ratio, regardless of the level
of risk aversion.
If the M periods of observation of these returns correspond to T years, then
the information ratio is just the t-statistic divided by the square root of the
number of years of observation:
I R = 6
Overall, the t-statistic measures the statistical sigtllficance of the return, but the
information ratio also captures the risk-reward trade-off of the strategy and the
manager's value added.5 An information ratio of 0.5 observed over five years
may be statistically more significant than an information ratio of 0.5 observed
over one year, but the value added will be equal. The distinction between the
t-statistic and the information ratio arises because the definition of value added
is based on risk over a particular horizon, in this case one year.
Using the results of single-period performance attribution over M periods,
this analysis of skill and value added can be applied factor by factor. This process
will identlfy not only whether the manager has overall skill and has added value
but also where the manager has skill and has added value. The result is a precise
analysis of the manager's style. For the example above, the information ratios
and t-statistics for each component of active return are as follows:
Ratio t-statistic
For a more detailed discussion of the information ratio and its relationship to skill and value
added, see Grinold (1990).
A Practitioner's Guide to Factor Models
aid in index arbitrage strategies through their use in constructing small baskets
of stocks to track index futures optimally.
Multiple-factor risk models perform well in predicting investment risk and
providing investment intuition. Across many asset classes and markets, these
models identlfy incisive, intuitive, and important common factors affecting risk
and return. They use intuitive, easy-to-understand factors to analyze invest-
ment risk and returns. They accurately forecast investment risk and help
explain past returns, but they do not forecast returns.
Multiple-factor risk models can be used to analyze current portfolio risk,
construct portfolios that optimally trade off risk with expected returns, and
analyze skill and value added associated with past returns. They are an
important tool for managing portfolios, conducting investment research, coor-
dinating multiple managers, and trading.
Portfolio managers use multiple-factor risk models to (1) analyze their
current risk and understand the size and location of their bets, (2) construct
portfolios that optimally trade off risk against expected returns, and (3) analyze
and provide insight into their past returns in order to understand their skill and
value added. Researchers use multiple-factor risk models in similar ways to
backtest and fine-tune strategies. Pension plan sponsors use multiple-factor risk
models to coordinate their multiple managers and to understand gaps and
overlaps in their asset allocation mixes. Traders use these models to control
investment risk over short horizons.
Multiple-factor risk models are central to structured investing and are also
extremely useful for traditional investment processes. Whether investors
structure their portfolios within a strict risk-return framework or whether they
simply pick stocks according to tradition, multiple-factor risk models help
control and understand risk and also help understand past performance.
Appendix A
the specific returns, u, are uncorrelated with the factor returns, f; that
is cov{u,, f,} = 0 for all n and k.
the covariance of stock n's specific return, u,, with stock m's specific
return, urn, is 0, if m # n; that is, cov{u,, urn}= 0 if m # n.
Notice that we have separated both total and active risk into common factor and
specific components. This method works because factor risks and specific risks
are uncorrelated.
We can also examine the marginal effects of any change in the portfolio. This
type of sensitivity analysis allows us to see what factors and assets have the
largest impact on risk. The marginal impact on risk is measured by the partial
derivative of the risk with respect to the asset holding.
We can compute these marginal contributions for total risk and active risk.
The N vector of marginal contributions to total risk is:
MCTR = -.
The MCTR(n) is the partial derivative of upwith respect to hp(n). We can think
of it as the change in portfolio risk given a 1percent increase in the holding of
asset n, which was financed by decreasing the cash account by 1percent. The
cash holding, hp(0), is given by:
In a similar way, we can define the marginal contribution to active risk as:
MCAR = -.
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