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About The Authors: Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri)

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Dr. D a v i d F r a w l e y ( P a n d i t V a m a d e v a S h a s t r i )
Dr. Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) is regarded as one of the most
important western exponents of Vedic knowledge in the world today. He
has studied the Vedas, Puranas, Tantras and Yoga Shastras in the original
Sanskrit and written extensively on their wisdom and their practices. He is
the author of over twenty five books and numerous articles on diverse as-
pects of Vedic and Yogic knowledge, as well as several training programs on
Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedic Astrology.
Dr. Frawley is a Pandit or traditional teacher of Vedic knowledge
(Vedacharya), an Ayurvedacharya (traditional teacher of Ayurveda),
Jyotish Brihaspati (professor of Vedic Astrology) and O M D (Oriental
Medical Doctor). In India, where he has lectured and taught throughout
the country, his Vedic work, including his translations from the Vedas, is
highly regarded.
Dr. Frawley is the director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies
and is also on the advisory boards for the National Association of
Ayurvedic Medicine and the magazine Yoga International. He works closely
with the California College of Ayurveda, the European Institute of Vedic
Studies and the American College of Vedic Astrology.
Dr. Frawley is one the main western pioneers of Ayurvedic medicine,
particularly relative to its interface with the greater system of Yoga. He
presents detailed information for those who want to go deeply into these
profound traditions. The aim of his work is to train serious students and
practitioners, who can authentically represent the real teachings. He has a
special connection with the teachings of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi,
which he has been involved with over the last thirty years.

American Institute of Vedic Studies

The American Institute of Vedic Studies is an educational center, directed
by Dr. David Frawley, devoted to the greater systems of Vedic and Yogic
knowledge. It teaches related aspects of Vedic Science including Ayurveda,
252 Supplemental Material and Appendices

Vedic Astrology, Tantra, Yoga and Vedanta with a special reference to their
background in the Vedas. It offers publications, courses and classes, in-
cluding special tutorial programs for advanced students. The Institute is
engaged in several research projects including:
Ayurvedic Psychology and Yoga: The mental and spiritual aspects of
Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic usage of Pranayama, Mantra and Medita-
Vedic Yoga: Restoring the ancient Vedic Yoga that perhaps is the founda-
tion for the Yoga tradition, particularly the Vedic Agni or Fire Yoga.
Translations and interpretations of the Vedas, particularly the Rig Veda.
Vedic History: The history of India and of the world from a Vedic per-
spective, reflecting the latest archaeological work in India.
The Soul and the Sacred Fire: Showing the ancient fire and enlighten-
ment religion of all humanity.
The Institute, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has helped found various
organizations including the European Institute of Vedic Studies, Califor-
nia College of Ayurveda, the American Council of Vedic Astrology, the
World Association of Vedic Studies, the Vedic Friends Association, and
the British Association of Vedic Astrology.

American Institute of Vedic Studies

PO Box 8357
Santa Fe, NM 87504-8357
Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri), Director
Ph: 505-983-9385, Fax: 505-982-5807
Website: www.vedanet.com, Email: vedicinst@aol.com

American Institute of Vedic Studies

Ayurvedic Healing Correspondence Course
This comprehensive distance learning program covers all the main aspects
of Ayurvedic theory, diagnosis and practice, with detailed information on
herbal medicine and dietary therapy. It also goes in depth into Yoga phi-
losophy and Ayurvedic psychology, outlining an integral mind-body medi-
cine and its practical application. It contains the main material covered in
two-year Ayurvedic programs for foreign students in India and more.
The course is designed for Health Care Professionals as well as for serious
students to provide the foundation for becoming an Ayurvedic practitio-
ner. It has been taken by doctors, chiropractors, nurses, acupuncturists,
herbalists, massage therapists, yoga therapists and psychologists. How-
ever, there is no required medical background for those wishing to take the
Biodata and Resources for Ayurveda and Marma Therapy 253

course and many non-professionals have completed it successfully. Topics

Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology (Doshas, Dhatus, Malas, Srotas),
Determination of Constitution, Diagnosis of Disease, the Disease Pro-
cess, Samkhya and Yoga
Diet and Nutrition, Ayurvedic Herbology, Pancha Karma, Aroma
Therapy, Pranic Healing, Ayurvedic Psychology, Yoga and Ayurveda,
Mantra and Meditation, and more.
The course is authored by Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri),
uses his books on Ayurveda and represents his approach to Ayurveda,
adapting Ayurveda to the modern world without losing its spiritual integrity.

American Institute of Vedic Studies

Astrology of the Seers Correspondence Course
This comprehensive distance learning program explains Vedic Astrology in
clear and modern terms, providing practical insights regarding how to
adapt and use the system relative to our changing circumstances today.
For those who have difficulty approaching the Vedic system, the course
provides many keys for unlocking its language and its methodology for the
western student.
The goal of the course is to provide the foundation to become a profes-
sional Vedic astrologer. Its orientation is two-fold: 1) to teach the lan-
guage, approach and way of thinking of Vedic Astrology, and; 2) to teach
the Astrology of Healing or Ayurvedic Astrology. Topics include:
Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Yogas, Nakshatras, Dashas, Divisional
Charts, Ashtakavarga, Muhurta
Ayurvedic (Medical) Astrology, Spiritual Astrology, Karma, Gem-
therapy, Color-therapy, Mantras, Deities, and detailed Principles of
Chart Analysis.
The course can be taken as part of a longer tutorial program of training in
Vedic Astrology through the American Council of Vedic Astrology
(ACVA), the largest Vedic Astrology organization outside of India. The
course author, Dr. David Frawley, has been awarded the titles of Jyotish
Kovid (proficiency in Vedic astrology) and Jyotish Brihaspati (Prof, of
Vedic Astrology) through the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences

Prof. S u b h a s h R a n a d e
Dr. Subhash Ranade is a leading academician and physician in the field of
Ayurveda worldwide. He has written over sixty books on different aspects
254 Supplemental Material and Appendices

of Ayurveda, which have been published in Marathi, Hindi, Malayalam,

Polish, Japanese, Italian and German. He has worked as Professor and
Head of the Department of Ayurveda, Pune University and Principal of
Ashtanga Ayurveda College in Pune, India.
At present Dr. Ranade is the Chairman of the International Academy of
Ayurveda in Pune, which offers Ayurveda courses as well as Pancha Karma
and Rejuvenative treatments for foreigners and Indians in Pune and Goa.
He is also Chairman of the Ayurveda International Diffusing Association,
Professor Ranade has given many television interviews on Ayurveda,
not only in India but in Poland, Italy and Germany as well. He has spoken
at many international and national seminars on Ayurveda and Yoga. He
has written numerous articles published in various magazines, newspapers
in India and abroad and is also on the editorial board of several Ayurvedic
He has had the honor of being visiting Professor to many Ayurvedic
Institutes in the United States, the SEVA Academy in Munich, Germany,
Ateneo Veda Vyasa, Savona, Italy and the Foundation for Health, Warsaw,
Poland. He is in charge of the new Ayurveda courses that have been
started at Barcelona, Spain and Graz, Austria.
His pioneering work in the field of C D - R O M ' S like Dhanvantari
Ayurvedic Massage and Marma Therapy have been whole-heartedly wel-
comed and highly appreciated. Since 1981, he has visited and conducted
hundreds of Ayurveda courses for medical practitioners in Europe, USA,
Canada and Japan.

Dr. A v i n a s h L e l e
Dr. Avinash Lele graduated from R. A. Podar Government Ayurvedic
College in Mumbai with distinction in Ayurvedic surgery and did his post-
graduate study from Tilak Ayurved College. He is an expert in Ayurvedic
surgery, Pancha Karma and Rasayana (rejuvenation therapy), which he
practices and teaches worldwide.
Dr. Lele has a broad professional experience having served as principal
of Maharashtra Arogya Mandal's College of Ayurveda, Vice-President of
Savitri Ayurved Pratishthan, Director of the International Academy of
Ayurved, and professor of the Shalya Shalakya (surgery), Ashtang Ayurved
College. He has been a post-graduate teacher and examiner since 1983.
Dr. Lele has a vast clinical experience as Medical Director of Janaki Clinic
and Panchakarma Health club, C h i e f Medical Consultant Atreya
Rugnalaya and Research Center, and Director of Amrut Aushadhi which
manufactures numerous Ayurvedic herbal products.
Biodata and Resources for Ayurveda and Marma Therapy 255

Dr. Lele is the author of several books on Ayurveda in both Marathi and
English including Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Massage and Secrets of
Marma. He has written many articles on different Ayurvedic subjects pub-
lished in various journals in India and the West. He has organized various
national scientific seminars and workshops on Ayurveda and conducted
courses for foreign and Indian students with clinical training in Pancha
Karma, Ayurvedic Massage, marma therapy, Ayurvedic acupressure and
acupuncture and herbology.
Dr. Lele has been traveling and teaching Ayurveda worldwide since
1994 including Singapore, Japan, Hawaii, Bahamas, Italy, Switzerland,
Netherlands, Austria, Germany and USA. He is a visiting professor and
advisory board member for various institutions.

International Academy of Ayurveda

The International Academy of Ayurveda in Pune, India - whose chairman
is Dr. Subhash Ranade and director is Dr. Avinash Lele-is one of the fore-
most institutions for training foreign students in India. It has complete
facilities and programs for all levels of training from beginner to advanced,
including special clinical instruction. It features a renowned faculty of
Ayurvedic experts from throughout the world including Dr. Subhash
Ranade, Dr. Avinash Lele, Dr. Abbas Qutab, Dr. Hans Rhyner, Dr. David
Frawley and Mukunda Stiles. Pune itself is one of the most modern cities
in India with a pleasant year round climate and easy airport access from
Bombay (Mumbai), making it an ideal place in India to study.
The institute offers practical courses in Ayurveda, both basic and ad-
vanced. Special programs are available on the Fundamentals of Ayurveda,
Pancha Karma, Ayurvedic Massage, Marma Therapy, Herbology and
Clinical Studies. Programs are given July-August and November-January
every year in batches of about ten students. Please register at least two
months ahead of time to reserve your place.
The institute has its own line of a dozen important books on Ayurveda
in English by Dr. Ranade, Dr. Lele, Dr. Frawley and others, as well as
other educational materials (Ayurvedic C D - R O M ) and herbal products,
making it an important Ayurvedic resource center as well.

International Academy of Ayurveda

Nand Nandan, Atreya Rugnalaya, M.Y. Lele Chowk
Erandawana, Pune 411 004 India
Telefax: 91-11-212-378532/524427
Website: www.ayurveda-int.com

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