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Legacy Format Master Deck List File: A Community Project

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Legacy Format Master Deck List File

A Community Project

Welcome! This is the official LegacyFonte master decklist file! Any

lists that get posted onto LegacyFonte, as well as lists found online in
general, should go here. That way, we can have a growing database of
anything people might want to play. This document will *NOT* allow
public editing: to get your list cataloged, please send an admin either
a file image, a link to the image, or if you have neither, the list itself
(with set/coll #s for the Pokemon). This allows us to keep it organized
and accessible.

To make the document a little more orderly, itll be organized

alphabetically, with subsections for each archetype within that letter.
Under each subsection, ownership of each deck will be given, and
then their deck. To make things as clear as possible, anytime a new
archetype subsection is added, it will be color coded in red. Placing
decks under a certain letter will be based on the *MAIN* Pokemons
name. In addition, a hyperlink to a picture of the deck may be
included, if one is provided.

Because certain archetypes are going to naturally be more popular

than others and well have countless lists of them as a result (ex:
Darkrai, Celebi/VG, etc), the admins may place a disclaimer next to a
list or lists they feel is a great starting point for the archetype. The
recommendations are up to admin interpretation and may be subject
to change as new information comes to light, but the principle is to
find a list that best represents the archetype. This will not be done for
every archetype as many are simply rogue decks/strategies, but it will
be done for popular archetypes.
Here is an example of the categorization:

- Victini:

- Vileplume:
-Ash Ketchums Vileplume/Pikachu **Admin Recommendation**
- [list goes here]

-Brocks Vileplume/Onix
- [list goes here]

- VirGen:

And so on. This way, anyone can browse through archetypes for a
variety of ideas, find a specific Pokemon they wanted to build around,
or they can find a specific list by someone they know. A simple
CTRL+F will find any deck or idea youre interested in. At the end of a
document will be a list of viable meta decks and ideas, as well as links
to some valuable resources.

**NOTE**: Not all lists may be fully tested and refined, and may
instead be samples, or drafts/proof of concepts. If it is a rough draft
or proof of concept, you may note that as part of your name heading
when you submit it one of the admins.

Again, this is a resource for all of us, so please be respectful!



- Blastoise:
- Redditor Xapis27s sample Blastoise/Black Kyurem/Keldeo

- Michael Slutskys Blastoise/Vileplume/Keldeo

- William Herrmanns Blastoise/Keldeo/Black Kyurem


- Darkrai
- Redditor Xapis27s sample Darkrai/Sableye
- Sage Logans Darkrai/Victini EX

- Owen Robs Darkrai/Garbodor (Hovertoxin)

(Junk Arm TM 87)

- Andrew Wamboldts Darkrai/Absol **Admin Recommendation**

- Donphan:
- Thomas James Smiths Donphan/friends

- James Harts Donphan/Eevees/Electrode

- Durant:
-Brandon Cantus Durant **Admin Recommendation**
- Evan Coles Durant

- Electrode:

- Brandon Cantus Electrode Prime Toolbox

(4 Double Colorless Energy, 4 Prism Energy, 4 Rainbow Energy)

- Flareon:
- Michael Slutskys Flareon/Eels

- Gengar
- Redditor Xapis27s sample Gengar Prime deck
(Gengar Prime TM 94, Mime Jr. CL 47, Slowking HS12/CL, Lost
World CL 81)
- Daniel Altavillas Gengar Prime/Donphan Prime

(Donphan Prime HS 107, Gengar Prime TM 94, Mr. Mime CL 29,

Mew Prime TM 97, Pokemon Collector HS 97, Lost World CL 81)



- Klinklang
- Michael Slutskys Klinklang (JewKlang)
- Jarryd Basts Klinklang

- Landorus
- Redditor Xapis27s sample Landorus/Friends/Garbodor
- Machamp:
- Daniel Altavillas Machamp Prime

(Cleffa HS 17, Smeargle UD 8, Shaymin UL 8, Pokemon Collector

HS 97)

- Magmortar:
- Simon Narodes Magmortar/Emboar

- Meganium
- Brandon Cantus Meganium/Vileplume
(1 Tropical Breach, 3 Blend, 4 Prism, 4 Rainbow)

- Mewtwo:
- Marcos Millers Mewtwo/Gardevoir

- Ninetales:
- Daniel Altavillas Ninetales/Amoongus

(Lost Remover CL 80)

- Chip Richeys Ninetales/Amoongus


- Plasma:
- Jimmy Mulligans Thundurus/Deoxys/Kyurem (TDK)

(4 Prism, 2 Rainbow, 1 Lightning, 1 Water)

-Nyeh Jones Thundurus/Deoxys/Kyurem (TDK)


- Rayquaza:
- Michael Slutskys RayEels/ERL **Admin Recommendation**

- Redditor Xapis27s sample RayEels
- Rayquaza/Deoxys Legend
- William Herrmanns Turbo RDL

- Typhlosion:
- Redditor Xapis27s sample Typhlosion/Reshiram


- Vileplume
- Matt Blowers Vileplume/Vanilluxe/Victini
- Phillip Bartas Vileplume/Mew/Vanilluxe **Admin

- Redditor Xapis27s sample Vileplume/Mew/Vanilluxe

(Relicanth CL 69)
- Kevin Murphys Vileplume/Exeggutor

- Michael Slutskys Vileplume/Meganium/friends

- VirGen:
- Redditor Xapis27s sample Celebi/VirGen
- Josh Markings Celebi/VirGen **Admin Recommendation**

- Patrick Landis Celebi/VirGen

- Jason Killough VirGen/Roserade/Drifblim

- Weavile:
- Simon Narodes Weavile/Eggs


- Running database of HGSS-era bundles in the PTCGO shop:
- As of 4/20: Feraligatr Prime bundle, includes Feraligatr Prime, 3
Unleashed packs. Cost: 650 coins. Promotion end date is 4/26.

- As of 06/01: Meganium Prime bundle, includes Meganium Prime, 3

Undaunted packs. Cost: 650 coins. Promotion end date is 06/15.

- Legacy Tournament Rewards:

4/30/2016: Unleashed and Noble Victories (End Date Unknown)
06/01/2016: Dragons Exalted and Triumphant (End Date Unknown)

- List of HGSS-era staple trainers:

Because BLW-LTR fall under the Expanded card pool, staples from those
sets will not be listed here, as they are both more well known and many
players already have the playsets that they need. In addition, the counts
next to each card are merely suggested playset sizes, and are up for
interpretation: ***
- HeartGold & SoulSilver:
- Pichu (1-2)
- Tyrogue (1)
- Cleffa (1-3)
- Copycat (2-3)
- Pokemon Collector (4)
- Pokemon Communication (4)
- Professor Elms Training Method (2-3)
- Professor Oaks New Theory (4)
- Unleashed
- Shaymin (2)
- Dual Ball (4)
- Engineers Adjustments (3-4)
- Judge (2-4)
- PlusPower (3-4)
- Rare Candy (4)
- Undaunted
- Smeargle (2-3)
- Vileplume (2-3)
- Flowershop Lady (1)
- Sages Training (4)
- Special Dark (4)
- Special Metal (4)
- Triumphant
- Junk Arm (4)
- Twins (4)
- Seeker (2-3)
- Rescue Energy (2-4)
- Call of Legends
- Smeargle (2-3) (Reprint from Undaunted)
- Cleffa (1-3) (Reprint from HeartGold & SoulSilver)
- Tyrogue (1) (Reprint from HeartGold & SoulSilver)
- Copycat (2-3) (Reprint from HeartGold & SoulSilver)
- Dual Ball (4) (Reprint from Unleashed)
- Lost Remover (2-3)
- Professor Elms Training Method (2-3) (Reprint from HeartGold &
- Professor Oaks New Theory (4) (Reprint from HeartGold &
- Sages Training (4) (Reprint from Undaunted)
- Special Dark (4) (Reprint from Undaunted)
- Special Metal (4) (Reprint from Undaunted)

*** Given the size of Legacy, chase cards such as Celebi and Mew
Prime, while powerful, are not required for every deck. These and
many more unique/powerful cards exist in these sets, which can be
browsed through links below.

- Some tips on getting cards for Legacy:

- So far, it seems that the best way to do this is simply to play Legacy
tournaments on PTCGO. Play in tournaments that cost tickets (as coin
entry tournaments have little in the way of rewards), and winning one pays
out 4 packs. Not much, but it's a start. *Also* we recommend building
something like Plasma, or Darkrai; chances are, you already have a
majority of these cards due to Expanded, and can scrape together a
feasible list that can win you some games and packs. Checking out lists
from Worlds 2013 is also gonna be useful for building these kinds of lists
(that's essentially what you'd be doing).
-Use the public trading section or any of the trading groups on the PTCGO
forums (you'll have to sign in, but it's under the In-Game Item Exchange
section. The big groups are Top Cut, Violet City, and Phantom Knight) and
trade modern era packs for them. This might be a generally easier route
because it's less time consuming, but it is obviously expensive, both in
terms of pack ratios and having to actually get code cards and stuff. Still,
this is a suitable option.
- Pick up older format theme decks in the shop. These lists probably arent
playable, but they might contain some staple trainers or niche Pokemon
you can play around with, and can be bought with coins.
- Typing in Legacy-era set names (ex: 'noblevictories', 'darkexplorers', etc)
in the PTCGO code redeem section can grant you theme decks from the
corresponding sets, which may contain some useful staples. Unknown
what cards the theme decks have, but could be useful to get a few more
(As more methods are discovered/modified, this section will be
Link to list of meta decks (courtesy of Redditor scenia) :

Link to the official PTCGO In-Game Item Exchange (notable traders

include Top Cut, Violet City, and Phantom Knight; you will need to
sign in to your account to view) :

Link to official LegacyFonte Facebook group:


Links to HGSS-era set scans:

HeartGold & SoulSilver (HS)
Unleashed (UL)
Undaunted (UD)
Triumphant (TM)
Call of Legends (CL, CoL)
HeartGold & SoulSilver Promos (PR)

Link to complete scan database:


Hope youve enjoyed!

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