Crossroads of Courage Core Rules
Crossroads of Courage Core Rules
Crossroads of Courage Core Rules
Crossroads of Courage is Privateer Press narrative league for All players who participate in at least one league season
organized play that runs from Lock & Load Gamefest 2016 until receive a participation prize just for signing up and having fun.
Lock & Load Gamefest 2017. This league consists of four seasons Additionally, a second participation prize is available to players
spread throughout the organized play year, with each season who participate in all four weeks of a league season.
spanning four weeks.
All league games during each season should be played at the same
The league format is ideal for groups of eight or more players who point level. This point value is determined by the EO at the start
regularly meet at a hobby store or gaming club where they can play of the season and communicated to all players. We recommend
whenever they wish. Each league requires an Event Organizer 75 points for standard games and 25 points for Rumble games.
(EO), who is responsible for tracking players game results.
Bombardier Bombshell Man-O-War Bombardier trooper A weapon can be completely swapped for another weapon
as long as the new weapon is of the same type (e.g., an axe
Steelsoul Keg for an axe, a rifle for a rifle).
Steelsoul Protector solo
Protector A weapon cannot be removed unless it is replaced by another
weapon; a weapon cannot be added unless it is replacing a
Gorman di Sea Wulfe
Gorman di Wulfe solo removed weapon.
Volunteer Exclusive
If a conversion uses a Privateer Press upgrade kit for the
Blighted Bather Spawning Vessel model it is intended to represent, all parts of the upgrade kit
must be clearly visible on the model.
Cephalyx Mind Bender Models must be mounted on appropriately sized round-
Gobber Drudge
& Drudges Grunt lipped bases. Added scenic details can overhang the bases
edge but must not obscure the edge in a way that makes
Blindwater Brew Witch
Gatorman Witch Doctor accurate measuring during a game difficult or impossible.
A player cannot use a model as a proxy (stand-in) for another
Brute ThrallFemme model.
Brute Thrall
Any conversions must be clearly pointed out to the opponent
Bloody Buccaneer before the game, and the end result of any conversion must
Pirate Queen Skarre be clearly identifiable as the intended model.
The golden rule of converting models for tournament play is
simply this:If the EO cannot independently, easily, and accurately
determine which model your conversion represents, the model is not
tournament legal.
A player mounts his Kommander Orsus Zoktavir model on The player with the highest games won total wins a Fate point
a base featuring a pile of destroyed warjacks that slightly for that week. In the case of a tie, the tied player with the lowest
overhangs the models base but does not obscure it. He also games played total wins the Fate point. If there is still a tie, all
replaces Zoktavirs axe, Lola, with the axe from a Trollkin tied players win a Fate point for that week. Games played, games
Scout model. While the mighty Butcher will look a bit odd won, and completed achievements do not carry over from week
holding the smaller axe in his enormous hands, this model is to week, so to win multiple Fate points a player must continue to
a legal conversion. dominate the battlefield each week.
A player re-poses his Kommander Orsus Zoktavir model, At the end of the season, the Reaper player with the most Fate
intending to play it as Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of points is declared the Reaper Champion, and the Sower player
Khardov. This is an illegal conversion because it breaks the with the most Fate points is declared the Sower Champion. In the
golden rule of conversionsit will be difficult for EOs and case of a tie, all tied players should face off in a game (or series
players to know which character the model is intended to of games if there are multiple tied players) to determine who the
represent without help from the player who converted it. winner truly is!
A player puts an enormous hammer in one of his Stormwalls Regardless of wins and losses, all players can receive three
voltaic fists. Because a weapon cannot be added to a model participation prizes each season: two Holden character cards and
unless it replaces a removed weapon, this is an illegal a Coin of Fate. A player receives the character cards immediately
conversion. upon signing up for each league season. A player who plays at
least one game each week of a league season also receives the
League Teams Coin of Fate for that season at its conclusion.
Each season players must choose to belong to one of two teams:
Reapers or Sowers. A player must make this decision before The Holden character cards available at the beginning of each
playing his first league game. season can be used in any league game played throughout the
Crossroads of Courage league. The Coin of Fate will have specific
A player can play any Faction and can freely switch Factions in-game effects that alter a players chances at victory in the
between games, but once a player has chosen a team he must following season. The specific usage for each card and Coin of
remain on that team until the next league season begins. A Fate is described in the season rules documents.
players team choice will affect his specific goals for the season
and during game play.
Contents and Game Rules 20012016 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press, Iron Kingdoms, WARMACHINE, Convergence of Cyriss, Convergence, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate of Menoth,
Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, warcaster, warjack, HORDES, Circle Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood, warbeast, Steamroller, and all associated logos and slogans are
trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, non-commercial use and must maintain all copyrights,
trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated therewith. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.