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Tribology in Industry 4-2016

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tribology in industry ISSN 0354-8996

DECEMBER 2016. 4
Vol. 38, N 4 (2016)

Tribology in Industry
Journal of the Serbian Tribology Society


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: S. MITROVIC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

FOUNDING EDITOR: B. IVKOVIC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

EDITORIAL BOARD: M. BABIC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

B. BHUSHAN, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
K.-D. BOUZAKIS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
M.D. BRYANT, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
M.A. CHOWDHURY, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh
L. DELEANU, University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Machine Design and Graphics
Department, Galati, Romania
M. KANDEVA, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
G. MANIVASAGAM, VIT University, Vellore, India
N. MANOLOV, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
M. MILOSAVLJEVIC, Vinc a Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
N. MYSHKIN, Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of
Belarus, Gomel, Belarus
S. PYTKO, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
A. RAC, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
S. SEKULIC, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
A.I. SVIRIDENOK, The Research Center of Resources Saving Problems of the National
Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grodno, Belarus
A. TUDOR, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
A. VENCL, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
. VUKELIC, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

TECHNICAL EDITOR: M. PANTIC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: D. DZUNIC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia

LINGUISTIC ADVISER: F. ZIVIC, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
sa a
EDITORIAL ADDRESS: Tribology in Industry, Faculty of Engineering, Sestre Janjic 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
Phone: +381 34 335 990, ext. 646
Fax: +381 34 333 192
E-mail: tribology@fink.rs
ISSN: 0354-8996 (print version), 2217-7965 (electronic version)

Published by: Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, 4 issues per year

Financially supported by: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia,
Nemanjina 22-26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Print: Mas inac, Sestre Janjic 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

Circulation: 200 issues

Vol. 38, N 4 (2016)

Tribology in Industry
Gaskets Investigated by Thermal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

S. KUMAR, A. MUKHOPADHYAY: Effect of Microstructure on the Wear Behavior of Heat Treated

SS-304 Stainless Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445

M. RADOVIC: Multi-objective Optimization of Process Performances when Cutting Carbon Steel

with Abrasive Water Jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454

A. ANAND, K. VOHRA, M.I. UL HAQ, A. RAINA, M.F. WANI: Tribological Considerations of Cutting
Fluids in Machining Environment: A Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463


Wear and Damage Induced by Dry Sliding of Tempered AISI 4140 Steel against Hardened AISI
1055 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475

S. GUPTA, A. KHANDELWAL, A.K. GHOSE, I. CHAKRABARTY: Slurry Erosion Behavior of 5

Destabilized and Deep Cryogenically Treated Cr-Mn-Cu White Cast Irons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486

V.N. DURADJI, D.E. KAPUTKIN, A. DURADJI: Tribological Studies of Antiwear Antifriction

Composition and its Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496

S. PORIA, G. SUTRADHAR, P. SAHOO: Wear and Friction Behavior of Stir Cast Al-TiB2 Metal Matrix
Composites with Various Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
I. PEKO, B. NEDIC, A. OREVIC, D. DZUNIC, M. JANKOVIC, I. VEZA: Modeling of Surface
Roughness in Plasma Jet Cutting Process of Thick Structural Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522

S.H. DIN, M.A. SHAH, N.A. SHEIKH: Effect of CVD-Diamond on the Tribological and Mechanical
Performance of Titanium Alloy (Ti6Al4V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530

B.T. PRAYOGA, S. SUYITNO, R. DHARMASTITI: The Wear behavior of UHMWPE against Surface
Modified CP-Titanium by Thermal Oxidation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543

H. RAJAEI, I. MOBASHERPOUR, M. FARVIZI, M. ZAKERI: Effect of Composition on Mechanical

Properties of Mullite-WC Nano Composites Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552


Simulation of a Manipulator with Stable Viscoelastic Grasping Incorporating Friction . . . . . . . . . 559

K. MEHALA, N. BENDAOUD, A. YOUCEFI: Numerical Analyses of the Non-Newtonian Flow

Performance and Thermal Effect on a Bearing Coated with a High Tin Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575


Preheating Temperature on the Static Coefficient of Friction with Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
tribology in industry
ISSN 0354-8996
2011. 3
Mi Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

Tribology in Industry


Acid Aging Effects on Surfaces of PTFE Gaskets

Investigated by Thermal Analysis

C. Fragassa a,c, L. Giorgini b,c, A. Pavlovic c, G. Zattinib,c

a Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna, viale Risorgimento, 2, Bologna, Italy,
b Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari", University of Bologna, viale Risorgimento 4, Bologna, Italy,
c InterDept. of Industrial Research on Advanced Mechanics and Materials, University of Bologna, via Terracini 22,

Bologna, Italy.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Polymeric materials
This paper investigates the effect of a prolonged acid attack on the
surface of PTFE by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). PTFE is very non-reactive, partly because of
Ultrasonic cleaning process
the strength of carbonfluorine bonds and for its high crystallinity, and,
Surface Degradation
as a consequence, it is often used in containers and pipework with
reactive and corrosive chemicals. The PTFE under analysis is
commercialized by two alternative producers in form of Teflon tapes.
These tapes are adopted, as gaskets, in process plants where tires moulds
Corresponding author: are cleaned by acid solutions inside a multistage ultrasonic process. In
Cristiano Fragassa this case, PTFE shows, in a relatively short operation time, inexplicably
Department of Industrial Engineering, phenomena of surface degradation, which could be related, in general
University of Bologna, terms, to an acid attack. But, even considering the combined effect of
viale Risorgimento 2, ultrasonic waves, temperature, humidity and acid attack, the PTFE
Bologna, Italy. properties of resistance nominally exclude the risk of the extreme erosion
E-mail: cristiano.fragassa@unibo.it phenomena as observed.
The present experimental research aim at investigating this
contradiction. A possible explanation could be related to the presence in
the cleaning solution of unexpected fluorides, able to produce
fluorinating agents and, thus, degrade carbon-fluorine bonds.
Considering more the 300 chemical elements a tire compound consists in,
it is really complex to preserve the original chemical composition of the
cleaning solution. In this research PTFE samples have been treated with
different mixtures of acids with the aim at investigating the different
aging effects. The thermal analysis has permitted the experimental
characterization of PTFE surface properties after acid attack, providing
evidence of the degradation phenomena. In particular, the different acid
treatments adopted for accelerating the aging of gaskets have
highlighted the different behaviour of the PTFE matrix, but also
differences between manufacturers.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

1. INTRODUCTION Even if this document represents the guideline

for a specific UMCS, similarities emerge with
This experimental study is part of a larger other plant manufactures. It depends on the fact
investigation aiming at improving the process that a precise chemical composition for
efficiency in the case of innovative production solutions seems to be a relevant aspect in
plants used for the surface treatment and cleaning efficiency. On the contrary, it results
cleaning of tires moulds. Mould cleaning and evident that a residue from treatments tends to
maintenance are of major concern for the tire accumulate as sediments on the bottom of the
industry. Cleaning process has to remove fouling basin [3].
and residues of rubber from sensitive surfaces of
mould avoiding wear or damage effects (Fig. 1). Other investigations suggest that specific
elements from this leftover could be dissociated
in the cleaning solution modifying its chemical
compositions and properties. This aspect has
been always considered by manufacturers in
terms of loss in process efficiency or quality.
And, for this reason, a periodical action of
renovation for basins and solutions is regulated.

Nevertheless, recently, minor failures, as drops

of solution from washing basins in relatively
new plants, highlighted an unexpected
deterioration of seals. In particular, Teflon tapes,
used as gaskets in the most concentrated acid
Fig. 1. Effects of the cleaning processes on moulds. basins, exhibits degradation theoretically
incompatible with normal conditions of use [3].
Several technologies are used, each one with
specific advantages and limits in applications. A In fact, according to the material datasheets
comparative assessment of tire mould cleaning [4,5] or independent researchers [6-9], Teflon,
solutions is presented in [1], detailing aspects as better identified as Polytetrafluoroethylene
productivity, cost effectiveness, quality finishing, (PTFE), reveals a deep thermal and chemical
eco-sustainability, safety, etc. stability that make this material a valid choice
in a large number of challenging applications,
It is also reported that the so called Mould including UMCS. Referring to [10-12], it is
Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems (UMCS) represents a stated that only under very uncommon
preferable choice in terms of efficiency and circumstances PTFE degrades.
flexibility especially in the presence of very
complex and fragile geometries. The existence of unexpected fluorides [13] in the
washing solution, emerging from the breakdown
The UMCS technology consists in a cleaning of tire compound and/or used as lubricants or
process where ultrasonic waves, in combination processing aids, just after few weeks of plant
with temperature and acids, remove rubber operations times, could be the major reason for
scraps and other physical residuals from this quick PTFE degradation. It is noteworthy
interstices of the moulds. Tire moulds and their that, inside a tire compound more than 300
parts are immersed in a sequence of washing chemical elements could be present [14]. On the
baths, where chemical compounds attack the contrary, a consolidate know-how [12] reported
residues, cleaning the mould surfaces. how carbon-fluorine bonds in the PTFE can be
effected by alkali metals (i.e. zinc oxide, present
Useful information referring this technology, in 1-2 weight % in the rubber as vulcanization
including several technical details regarding the activator [15]) and fluorinating agents. With the
proper way to manage UMCS plants are available aim of investigate this relatively unknown
in [2]. In particular, the guideline emphasises the aspect, an intense research activity has been
attention to be focused by final users toward a developed. A first comparative analysis was
constant monitoring of the chemical solutions. performed on PTFE gaskets before and after the

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

use in UMCS by means of mechanical tests and two different manufacturers, one Italian (IT) and
micrographs. It showed a not negligible one Chinese (CH), have been investigated.
difference between the two situations [16]. Specimens have been immersed in the solution
and maintained in oven at 80 C for 1.500 hr. This
Table 1. Acid compositions (in accordance with approach was intended to reproduce the worst
accelerated aging procedure detailed in [17]). process situation represented in the process line
H2O Sol. I Sol. II by the most aggressive acid bath, with almost pH
%wt 1 solution of sulfamic, hydrochloric and
1 50 40 10 hydrofluoric acids and, simultaneously, a
2 90 10 0
temperature between 70 and 80 C.
3 80 20 0
4 87.5 10 2.5
5 77.5 20 2.5 With the aim at reducing the number of
6 67.5 30 2.5 experiments, two specific combinations of acid
7 85 10 5 attacks have been investigated (#6, #9). A
8 75 20 5 comparison with new, untreated samples (#0)
9 65 30 5 have been also implemented (Table 2). These
10 70 30 0
samples have been selected representing
respectively the most and least aggressive
Then, a comparative study on the PTFE surface
treatment as preliminary identified by the
properties, after accelerated aging in controlled
microscopic observations performed by a Hirox
environment was also realized and detailed in
3D Multifocal Microscope Model HX7700 (Fig.
[17-19]. In particular, it [17] describes the
2) and by the Fourier Transform Infrared
aggravated conditions of heat, acid attack (with
Spectroscopy (FT-IR) investigation [18].
an almost pH 1 solution composed by a mixture
of sulfamic, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, Table 2. List of samples analysed by TGA and DSC.
and, simultaneously, a temperature between 70
and 80 C) used to speed up the normal aging Sample Label
# Sol.I Sol.II
processes of PTFE gaskets in the way to
correctly represent their utilisation inside the A - - Chinese-New
B - - Italian-New
UMCS plants. Besides, [18] describes the effects G 30 % 2.5 % Chinese-6
of aging on PTFE chemical surfaces by Fourier H
30 % 2.5 % Italian-6
Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) I 30 % 5% Chinese-9
permitting preliminary considerations regarding J 30 % 5% Italian-9
the use of PTFE in UMCS conditions and its aging
mechanisms. The current research intends to At the end of the aging treatment, the specimens
merge further experimental results by useful were extracted from oven, cleaned, dried and
thermal analysis. With the aim at allowing a investigated by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
quick comparison with the previous results, all and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC).
conditions used in the former experiments (e.g.
for accelerating the PTFE chemical surface Changes in physical and chemical properties of
degradation), are maintained and summarized the polymers have been measured by TGA as a
in Table 1. function of increasing temperature (considering
a constant heating rate) [20-22]. This technique
has permitted to investigate physical and
2. MATERIAL AND METHODS chemical phenomena, such as degradation
temperatures and absorption of low molecular
In Table 1 are reported the different chemical weight moieties. In particular, in the present
compositions used to speed up the aging work, TGA has allowed the characterization of
processes by acid attack. Different combinations materials through the analysis of characteristic
for Sol. I (sulfamic acid 15%wt, hydrochloric acid decomposition patterns and the evaluation of
0.1%wt) and Sol. II (hydrofluoric acid 1%wt) degradation mechanisms and reaction kinetics.
have been evaluated with the aim to compare the By TGA, it has been also possible to verify the
effects of the two solutions in different ratios. For presence (or absence) of organic/inorganic
each of these combinations, PTFE specimens by contents.

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

a) b)

c) d)
Fig. 2. Examples of micrographs used for a preliminary selection of treatments and samples under investigation:
a) Italian #6; b) Italian #9; c) Chinese #6; d) Chinese #9.

This information has been useful for completing atmosphere has been switched to air in order to
the chemical analysis and corroborating oxidize any eventual organic residue [26].
alternative hypothesis on the material
structures. The choice of the inert atmosphere has been
made to avoid the introduction of thermo-
By Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), it is oxidative phenomena during the analysis. DSC
possible to analyse the difference in the amount has also performed under nitrogen atmosphere,
of heat required to increase the temperature of on 4-5 mg of polymeric material, using a TA
samples and references (as a function of Q2000 instrument, set to run two heating scans
temperature). By observing this difference, it has from -80 C to 360 C at a heating rate of 10
been possible to measure the amount of heat C/min. Only experimental results from the
absorbed during thermodynamic transitions, second scan have been used for the purposes of
investigating subtle physical changes (phase this work [27].
changes, melting) [23-25].

The untreated and treated gaskets have been 3. RESULTS

sampled both on the surface and in the core. TGA
has been performed on 6-8 mg of material, using 3.1 Untreated samples (#0)
a TA Q600 instrument, set to a heating rate of 10
C/min, from room temperature to 800 C. A sample purchased by the two manufacturers
Analyses have been realized in inert atmosphere performs similarly, with just few TGA and DSC
(N2, 100 mL/min) until 750 C, and then the differences. Italian sample seems to undergo

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

thermal decomposition to a slightly higher melting), that could be associated with a slightly
temperature (Fig. 3a), according to the DTG higher degree of crystallinity. In fact,
(Derivative Thermogravimetric Analysis) curves crystallization and melting enthalpy in PTFE are
obtained (expressed as maximum degradation rate supposed to be directly proportional [31].
temperatures). A DSC result also shows a very
similar behaviour between the two materials (Fig. Table 3. Thermal analyses results of new samples.
3b). Both the samples exhibit two partly Chinese Italian
overlapped crystalline phase transitions, typical of A (#0) B (#0)
PTFE at atmospheric pressure centred at 21/22 C Decomposition T
C, peak 571 576
and 30 C, in agreement with literature [28,29]. C, onset 543 551

Weight Loss %wt 100.0 99.5
3.5 Residue @ 750 C %wt 0.00 0.87
100 Onset T C 15 16

3.0 1st peak T C 21 22


Italian New 2nd peak T C 30 30
Chinese New 2.5

H J/g 8.4 7.9

Deriv. Weight (%/C)

2.0 Onset T C 319 321

Weight (%)

Peak T C 327 327

50 1.5 H J/g 34.2 32.2
30 Results obtained by thermal analyses of the new
untreated gaskets are reported in Table 3.
10 0.0
0 3.2 Treated samples (#6, #9)
0 200 400 600 800
Temperature (C)
Samples subjected to acid treatment #6 and #9
were analysed both at the surface and in the
Chinese New core of the gaskets. TGA thermograms (Fig. 4
Italian New
and Table 4) show four different weight losses,
with the first three that could be probably
attributed to compositional changes due to the
acid treatments. The last one is, instead, due to
Heat Flow (W/g)

the complete pyrolytic decomposition of the
PTFE chain, via depolymerisation at monomers.
In Table 4, TGA analysis results are summarized.
0.2 The first three weight losses show different
trends depending on the acid treatment applied.

-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Amongst samples subjected to treatment #6 (#G
Temperature (C) and #H), the surface samples behave in a very
b) similar manner, both in weight losses
Fig. 3. TGA (a) and DSC (b) thermograms of Chinese temperatures and entities. The Italian core and
and Italian untreated samples (#0) (exo-down). surface samples show the same weight loss
temperatures, but their entities are generally
In Table 3, onset temperature and total enthalpy slightly lower (Figs. 4a and 4b). The principal
change are reported considering the two observation regards the core of the Chinese
thermal transitions as a single event. The second sample subjected to treatment #6, which
thermal event observed in both manufacturers undergo one single weight loss, in the same
samples, centred at 327 C, is the main melting manner to what happens to the related Chinese
of PTFE according with literature [30]. The new untreated sample. This fact is consistent
difference in the onset melting temperature with the FT-IR analysis previously executed,
could be considered negligible. which have highlighted the simultaneous
presence of highly degraded surface as well as
Chinese sample shows a fairly higher enthalpy nearly unmodified areas in the core of Chinese
value for both events (phase transitions and sample subjected to treatment #6.

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

Samples subjected to treatment #9 (#I and #J) surface samples show instead similar behaviour.
show a similar trend. The core samples exhibit Temperatures of this main weight loss are quite
lower weight loss entities which occur at slightly consistent between core and surface but differs
lower temperatures when compared to the of 7 to 15 C between Chinese (lower T) and
surface samples. Comparing Chinese and Italian Italian (higher T). In any case, both onset and
samples, the weight loss temperatures of peak temperature measured are generally
Chinese core sample are higher than the Italian higher than those of new samples.
one, while the entities do not seem to have a
particular trend (Figs. 4c and 4d). Samples subjected to treatment #9 show coherent
values for Chinese and Italian samples, both in
The last and more abundant weight loss, entities and temperatures (peak and onset) of the
attributable to the depolymerisation of PTFE at weight loss, which are all very similar between the
its monomer, varies in entity from 81.9 to 100 two manufacturers (Figs. 4c and 4d). Even in this
%wt according to the previously three weight case, all the degradation temperatures measured
losses. Residue at 750 C also varies between 0 are higher than those of untreated samples.
and 4,78 %wt.
The simultaneous higher residue and lower
Samples treated with acid attack #6 do not entity of the last weight loss (related to the PTFE
exhibit a precise trend (Figs. 4a and 4b). Chinese decomposition) exhibited by the samples
core sample behave similarly to the related subjected at #9 treatment, seems to indicate that
untreated sample, and exhibits lower residue the aforementioned acid attack resulted in a
than the surface sample. The Italian core and more aggressive aging rather than #6 treatment.

100 100
90 Chinese New 90 Italian New
Chinese 6, Surface
80 80 Italian 6, Surface
Chinese 6, Core Italian 6, Core
70 70

60 60
Weight (%)

Weight (%)

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

a) b)
100 100

90 90
Chinese New Italian New
80 80
Chinese 9, Surface Italian 9, Surface
70 Chinese 9, Core 70 Italian 9, Core

60 60
Weight (%)
Weight (%)

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

c) d)
Fig. 4. TGA thermograms of Chinese samples (left) and Italian samples (right), subject to treatment #6 (upper)
and #9 (lower). New untreated, Surface and Core thermal traces are reported.

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

Tab. 4. Summary of TGA and DTG results for both treated and new samples.
1 2 3 4
Position Residue
Sample Weight Loss T Weight Loss T Weight Loss T Weight Loss T Onset T
(%) (C) (%) (C) (%) (C) (%) (C) (C) (%)
A Chinese #0 Core - - - - - - 100.0 571 543 0.00
B Italian #0 Core - - - - - - 99.2 576 551 0.87
Surface 1.66 100 1.61 212 2.24 261 92.6 571 541 1.69
G Chinese #6
Core - - - - - - 100.0 575 548 0.00
Surface 1.24 105 1.64 213 2.74 269 93.9 586 556 0.01
H Italian #6
Core 0.97 109 1.92 219 1.45 264 90.5 583 557 4.64
Surface 3.90 117 4.96 225 5.44 278 81.9 575 550 3.57
I Chinese #9
Core 1.04 112 2.35 215 3.90 275 90.2 584 552 2.02
Surface 4.55 118 4.98 226 3.77 273 85.2 574 548 1.34
J Italian #9
Core 1.25 102 1.69 210 2.56 271 89.7 585 550 4.78

Tab. 5. DSC results of new untreated and treated samples.

1 (phase transitions) 2 (melting)
Sample Position T peak T onset H T peak T onset H
(C) (C) (J/g) (C) (C) (J/g)
A Chinese #0 Core 21 15 8.4 327 319 34.2
B Italian #0 Core 22 16 7.9 327 321 32.2
Surface 21 15 6.4 326 319 25.6
G Chinese #6
Core 22 16 6.9 328 319 31.4
Surface 22 16 7.1 327 321 29.8
H Italian #6
Core 21 15 7.1 326 321 31.0
Surface 21 16 7.0 327 319 28.1
I Chinese #9
Core 21 15 8.0 327 317 33.0
Surface 22 16 7.6 327 321 28.0
J Italian #9
Core 22 16 7.5 327 321 29.3

0,8 0,8
Chinese New Italian New
34,2 J/g 32,2 J/g
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2
Heat Flow (W/g)

Heat Flow (W/g)

0,8 Chinese 6, Surface 0,8 Italian 6, Surface

25,6 J/g 29,8 J/g
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2

0,8 0,8
Chinese 6, Core Italian 6, Core
31,4 J/g 31,0 J/g
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2

-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

a) b)
0,8 0,8
Chinese New Italian New
34,2 J/g 32,2 J/g
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2
Heat Flow (W/g)

Heat Flow (W/g)

0,8 Chinese 9, Surface Italian 9, Surface

28,1 J/g 28,0 J/g
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2

0,8 0,8
Chinese 9, Core Italian 9, Core
33,0 J/g 29,3 J/g
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2

-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Temperature (C) Temperature (C)

c) d)
Fig. 1. DSC thermograms of Chinese (left) and Italian (right) samples subject to treatment #6 (upper) and #9
(lower). New Untreated, Surface and Core thermal traces are reported (exo-down).

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

DSC analyses of treated samples show the same different acid attacks. In particular, different
pattern recorded by new samples, with the combinations for Sol.I (sulfamic acid 15%wt,
presence of crystalline phase transitions peaks hydrochloric acid 0.1%wt) and Sol.II
located at the same temperatures (both peak (hydrofluoric acid 1%wt) have been considered
and onset), with significant variations in the as accelerating aging factors with the aim to
enthalpies (H) of both the 1st and 2nd thermal compare the effects of the two solutions in
events (Table 5 and Fig. 5). A decrease in these different ratios. Experimental measures have
melting enthalpy values is related to a reduced been performed by Thermogravimetric Analysis
crystallinity of the PTFE, which in turn could be (TGA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
the result of the presence of defects in the (DSC). Two series of PTFE gaskets, produced by
polymer chain due to degradation. The results two different manufacturers (one from Italy and
reported in Table 5 show a relative pronounced other from China) have been treated and
variation in the phase transitions enthalpy of compared with new untreated samples. The
Chinese samples centred at around 21-22 C, samples have been analysed to evaluate
highlighting also a higher decrease in both different behaviours in response of the various
surface samples enthalpy (treatment #6 and #9) acid treatments. Experimental TGA and DSC data
with respect to the corresponding core samples. have highlighted different behaviours for the
Instead, Italian surface samples exhibit H PTFE matrix (core and surface), but also
similar to their corresponding core samples. differences between Teflon manufacturers.
Furthermore, treated samples show slightly These results denote a rather clear evidence of
lower values of H when compared with the progressive degradation of PTFE by chemical
corresponding new samples. attack. Specifically, thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA) data seems to indicate a slightly higher
Finally, the lower H associated to the first amount of degradation in samples subjected to
phase transition has been measured for both aging treatment labelled as #9, especially in the
Chinese and Italian samples subjected to case of the Italian samples. DSC analysis shows
treatment #6. that the treatment #6 is responsible of a
generally higher decrease in phase transitions
The measured melting enthalpies are much enthalpies, as well as of the melting enthalpies,
more variable in entity amongst the samples, but particularly in the case of Chinese samples. In
the trends are quite similar to those observed fact, the lower enthalpies exhibited by treated
for the previously discussed phase transitions samples are sign of a more marked reduction of
(Fig. 5). Melting enthalpies variation of the their crystallinity degree. This fact could be a
treated samples, with respect to the consequence of a greater presence of defects in
correspondent new untreated samples, are the polymer chains, possibly induced or
slightly higher for Chinese samples (1-7 J/g, Fig. enhanced by the chemical attack. These results
5, left) rather than for Italian ones (2-4 J/g, Fig. are generally in accordance with those
5, right). However, a little difference could be previously obtained by FT-IR analysis on
pointed out in the behaviours exhibited by the samples treated in the same manner [18].
samples of the two manufacturers in relation to However, regarding the superficial and internal
the treatment: a Chinese sample seems to be homogeneity, our experimental data suggest
more susceptible to treatment #6 (i.e. lower that in all cases Chinese samples exhibit a
enthalpies), while Italian samples show slight slightly inhomogeneous degradation after the
lower H values after treatment #9. treatments.

Finally, as general trend, all samples exhibit

melting H of the surfaces lower than that of the Acknowledgement
This research is part of a larger investigation
aiming at improving the design in the case of
4. CONCLUSIONS innovative production plants used for cleaning
tires moulds. These plants are produced and
This paper investigates the surface and core commercialized worldwide by Keymical Group.
degradation of PTFE (Teflon) gaskets exposed to

C. Fragassa et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 435-444

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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

Tribology in Industry


Effect of Microstructure on the Wear Behavior of

Heat Treated SS-304 Stainless Steel

S. Kumar a, A. Mukhopadhyay a
a Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata- 700032, India.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Wear Sliding wear characteristics of some heat treated SS-304 stainless steel
Heat treatment against EN-8 steel in dry condition have been studied in the present
Micro hardness experimental work. Samples of SS-304 stainless steel have been heated in
Feritscope a muffle furnace in desired temperature and allowed to dwell for two
Tribo testing hours. The heated specimen are then cooled in different media namely
inside the furnace, open air, cutting grade oil (grade 44) and water at
Corresponding author: room temperature to obtain different grades of heat treatment.
Microstructures and corresponding micro hardness of the samples have
Abhijit Mukhopadhyay been measured along with Feritscopic studies. Wear characteristics have
Mechanical ngineering Department, been studied in a multi tribo-tester (Ducom) in dry sliding condition
Jadavpur University, against EN-8 steel roller. Speed, load on job and duration of test run have
Kolkata - 700032, India. been considered as the experimental parameters. The wear of the samples
E-mail: m_obiji@yahoo.com have been obtained directly from Winducom 2006 software. Mass loss of
the samples before and after operation has also been considered as the
measure of wear in the present study. All the samples have been slid
against EN-8 steel roller with fixed experimental parameters. The data
have been plotted, compared and analyzed. Effect of microstructures as
well as micro hardness on the wear behavior has been studied and
concluded accordingly.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION For the functional reliability of any component it

is very important to control the friction and
Study of friction and wear Study of friction, wear wear in case of sliding contact. A fundamental
and associated lubrication in case of interacting knowledge base is helpful to achieve the control.
surfaces under relative motion is the purview of Friction and wear are system dependent
tribology. Wear determines the useful life of a properties [3]. There are several research based
part/product. Product quality as well as models and formulations in the field of friction
reliability also depends on wear. Hence the and wear. However, majority of them are not
study of friction, wear and their control plays an suitable to predict the tribological behavior in a
important role in different engineering particular work situation. This practical
applications [1,2,28]. limitation necessitates the iteration of friction
and wear data through practical

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

experimentation in a particular situation and for 2.1 Heat treatment

a particular tool-work materials combination.
Present work has been carried out to compare Heat treatment of the samples has been done in
the sliding wear behavior of different heat a microprocessor controlled electric muffle
treated SS-304 stainless steel against EN-8 furnace [make: N.R. Scientific Kolkata]. The
stainless steel in dry working condition. The dimension of the furnace is 250 127 127
microstructures and micro hardness of the heat with a maximum temperature limit of 1100C.
treated samples have also been studied and The set up is shown in Fig. 1. It is not out of place
attempt has been made to find out the relation, if to mention here that stainless steel SS-304 cant
any, on the wear at large. be hardened by heat treatment as no phase
changes occur on heating and subsequent
Stainless steel is a major component for cooling. However, softening is possible. Several
industrial, commercial and consumer products. ways of softening processes have been discussed
SS-304 stainless steel is an austenitic iron- by different researchers in their research studies
nickel-chromium alloy and cant be heat treated [4-14, 30]. Based on the feasibility of studies in
for hardening purpose. However, annealing is the laboratory some basic heat treatment
possible and annealed SS-304 stainless steel has processes have been selected. These operations
several use in industries like chemical, have been discussed in the following sub-
refrigeration, paper and food processing, sections.
beverage, screws, machinery parts, car headers,
architecture and many more [27]. This may also
be used for bellows, flexible metal hose,
spinning, tubing and numerous other stainless
applications. Study of friction and wear behavior
is thus important in the characterization of
annealed SS-304 stainless steel along with the
evaluation of other mechanical properties.

Block-on-roller configuration of a multi

tribotester TR-25 (DUCOM, India) has been
utilized for the experimental evaluation of wear
[17]. Normal load on the sample, sliding speed
(rpm) of the wheel and duration of the test run
have been considered as the design factors for Fig. 1. Photographic view of muffle furnace.
the evaluation of tribo characteristics. The
experiments have been conducted in dry For sensitization, samples have been heated at
condition, that is, without any lubricants. 660 C and allowed to dwell for 30 minutes at
that temperature inside the furnace. Samples
have been cooled in an open environment, that
2. EXPERIMENTAL is, air cooling.

AISI SS-304 stainless steel has been selected as For annealing some samples have been heated
test material for the present experimental work. from room temperature to 950 C and allowed to
The material has been procured directly from dwell for 2 hours at that temperature inside the
the market. Samples of size 20 20 8 have furnace. At the end of the operation the furnace
been prepared as per the dimension has been switched off and the samples have
requirement for the experiments in tribo tester. been allowed to cool inside the furnace, that is,
The chemical composition of the as received furnace cooling.
material has been indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. Chemical composition of AISI SS-304 stainless steel.

Constituents C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Fe
Percentage 0.08 1.00 2.00 0.04 0.03 8.00-10.50 18.00-20.00 Balance

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

Some test specimens have been heated from microscopic observation as well as for the
room temperature of approximately 30 C up to measurement of micro hardness.
a temperature of 950 C and allowed to dwell at
that temperature for 2 hours (soaking time). 2.3 Micro hardness measurement
Rate of increment of temperature has been
selected as 10 per minute for all the cases. At Micro hardness of the samples has been
the end of the operation specimens have been measured in a micro hardness tester LM 248
taken out of the furnace and allowed to cool in AT (LECO, serial no. XM8 116, Michigan).
open air to attain room temperature. This is the Included angle of the pyramid shaped diamond
process of normalizing. indenter is 136. All the tests have been
conducted at a magnification of 500X, test load
Sudden cooling from elevated temperature is of 100 gf and dwell time of 10 sec. Two
known as quenching. This has been indentations have been made at two different
accomplished by dipping the heated samples in points on each sample and the average value has
an oil bath maintained at room temperature. been considered as the representative micro
Samples have been heated up to a temperature hardness. Figure 2 shows the set up for micro
of 950 C with a dwelling time of 2 hours as hardness measurement.
before and then dipped immediately inside an
oil bath maintained at room temperature.
Cutting grade oil (grade 44) has been used as the
quenching medium in this case.

For solution annealing some sensitized samples

are reheated at temperature of 1040 C with a
soaking time of 30 minutes and then allowed to
cool rapidly in water maintained at room
temperature. This is, however, completely
opposite to martensitic steels where this type
of heat treatment would harden the steel
instead of softening. Solution annealing of SS-
304 dissolves any precipitated carbide phase at
high temperature resulting a homogenous Fig. 2. Set up of the micro hardness measurement.
microstructure with a minor content of -
ferrite [13]. 2.4 Determination of delta ferrite

2.2 Observation of microstructure Amount of delta ferrite on the base material has
been de by magneto inductive testing equipment
Physical properties and mechanical behaviour, Fischer Feritscope FMP 30 (Finland) as shown
in particular, of a material depends on the in Fig. 3. A feritscope is used to measure the
microstructure. An optical or electron ferrite content in austenitic and duplex steel.
microscope can be used to reveal the
microstructure. In the present study a trinocular
microscope (Radical) has been used for the
purpose. The surface of each sample has been
polished using five grades of emery papers,
courser to finer. Finally a felt polishing machine
has been used to polish the surface with aqueous
aluminium oxide (Al2O3) solution to give a
shinny, smooth and mirror like appearance of
the surface of the sample. The surface roughness
has not been measured in the present work.
Standard nital solution, a mixture of 3 % nitric Fig. 3. Feritscope FMP 30 (Finland) with probe.
acid and 97 % ethyl alcohol, has been used to Magnetic induction method is the basis of such
etch the polished surface of the samples for measurement [15,16,26]. Proportions of delta

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

ferrite, strain induced martensite and any other 1800 sec of the said parameters have been
ferrite phases can be measured by this method. selected for the wear test. Weights of all the
Testing has been done on heat treated samples of specimens have been measured before and after
size 20 20 8. Ten readings have been taken in the wear test using an electronic analytical and
ten different places on the surface of each sample precision balance (Sartorius BSA 223S, Germany;
and the average value represents the maximum range is 220 gm with a readability of
corresponding reading. This test is based on the 0.001gm). Difference of the two values indicates
fact that the austenite is nonmagnetic and the the weight loss of the specimen due to wear [23].
delta ferrite is magnetic.

2.5 Friction and wear test 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Friction and wear tests of the samples have been Micro hardness values of the heat treated
carried out in a multi tribo tester TR-25 samples at different matrix or region have been
(DUCOM, India) supported with Winducom furnished in Table 2. The values of the micro
2006 software. Block-on-Roller configuration of hardness indicate the probable microstructures
the tester has been utilized for this purpose. The of the particular region. This is further supported
samples have been slid against EN-8 stainless by corresponding micrographs. The micrographs
steel roller of 50 mm diameter and hardness of of all the heat treated samples at two
55HRC. Wear is measured in terms of magnifications namely 500 and 400 have been
displacements in microns with the help of a linear furnished in Fig. 4 (a) (j).
voltage resistance transducer in this set up [17].
All the tests have been carried out at an average It is well known that AISI 304 stailess steel
room temperature of 30 C and humidity of undergoes a martensitic transformation under
approximately 85-90%. All the samples have cyclic loading conditions [16,24,25]. There are
been cleaned thoroughly with acetone to remove three prominent matrix or zone in the
any trace of oil, grease, dirt or dust. Based on microstructures namely white, black and mixture
different research studies [3, 18-22 and of white and black. Micro hardness values have
references there in] rotational speed of the wheel measured in those zones or regions. Comparing
(rpm), load on job (N) and duration of test run the micrographs and corresponding micro
(sec) have been identified as the most important hardness values, as tabulated in Table 2,
parameters for the wear test in multi tribo tester following analysis can be made:
and corresponding values of 375 rpm, 25 N and

Table 2. Micro hardness at different matrix of heat treated samples.

Heat Treatment Matrix Type Microstructure D1 (m) D2 (m) HV (H) Avg. HV
White Martensite 24.72 m 21.64 m 345.1
White Martensite 25.37 m 22.92 m 318.1
Black Martensite 21.24 m 19.96 m 437.0
Black Martensite 20.37 m 21.28 m 427.6
White Austenite 30.48 m 32.16 m 189.0
Solution White Austenite 29.87 m 29.87 m 215.2
Annealed Black Ferrite 23.50 m 29.29 m 266.2
Black Ferrite 24.88 m 27.02 m 275.4
White Austenite 28.51 m 28.35 m 229.4
White Austenite 30.84 m 27.65 m 216.8
Oil Quenched
Black Ferrite Band 26.66 m 25.45 m 273.2 273.2
Black Carbide(CrC) 16.28 m 14.04 m 806.9 806.9
White Carbide(CrC) 15.88 m 16.63 m 701.8
White Carbide(CrC) 15.16 m 15.93 m 767.4
Black Ferrite 25.36 m 25.44 m 287.4
Black Ferrite 24.99 m 25.14 m 295.2
White Austenite 29.54 m 29.30 m 214.8 214.8
White Ferrite 26.14 m 27.23 m 257.8 257.8
Black Carbide(CrC) 16.55 m 16.23 m 690.3 690.3
Black Mixture of Martensite and Carbide 20.54 m 19.86 m 454.4 454.4

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

Figure 4 (a) and (b) indicates the boundary. Carbide deposition is also prominent
microstructures of sensitized sample where on the grain boundary. Oil quenched sample
white and black matrix in both the figures shows the presence of ferrite as evidenced as
indicates the formation of martensite. Mixture of black band [cf. Fig. 4 (g)]. The entire black
martensite and carbide is present in the black matrix here represents carbide. Figure 4 (h)
matrix or region and some part contains ferrite, shows the existence of austenite (white), ferrite
where as white matrix or region is austenite in and carbide. In case of solution annealed
case of air cooled samples as indicated in Fig. 4 samples the existence of austenite and formation
(c) and (d) respectively. Microstructures of of ferrite has been revealed from Fig. 4 (i).
annealed samples have been depicted in Fig. 4 Figure 4 (j), on the other hand, indicates the
(e) and (f). Figure 4 (e) indicates that austenite formation of martensite inside the grain
has been transformed into ferrite and carbide boundaries. It is needless to be mentioned that
(chromium carbide). White matrix in Fig. 4 (f) austenite already contains carbon.
reveals the presence of austenite within grain

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

(g) (h)

(i) (j)
Fig. 4. Micrographs of different heat treated SS-304 samples showing the microstructures of (a) sensitized
sample at 500 (b) sensitized sample at 400 (c) normalized sample at 500 (d) normalized sample at 400 (e)
annealed sample at 500 (f) annealed sample at 400 (g) oil quenched sample at 500 (h) oil quenched at 400
(i) solution annealed sample at 500 and (j) solution annealed sample at 400.

Table 3. Percentage of bcc phase as obtained from Fischer Feritscope.

Heat Treatment % Reading of bcc Phase Average
Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (bcc Phase)
Sensitized 0.25 0.15 0.14 0.26 0.25 0.12 0.17 0.16 0.24 0.18 0.192
Annealed 0.67 0.75 0.68 0.58 0.72 0.88 0.70 0.51 0.63 0.65 0.676
Oil Quenched 0.61 0.51 0.55 0.60 0.49 0.61 0.43 0.59 0.45 0.58 0.542
Annealed 1.0 0.87 0.93 0.97 1.1 0.81 0.90 1.0 0.91 0.99 0.948
Normalized 0.51 0.53 0.51 0.71 0.78 0.59 0.80 0.53 0.71 0.64 0.631

Different types of heat treated SS-304 stainless on the hardness of heat treated samples. The
steel contain mainly austenite (approximately hardness of the heat treated samples may be
95 %), carbide, martensite (less than 1%) and - assumed to be affected by austenite, carbide and
ferrite (less than 1%). Fischer Feritscope martensite (very little). Hardness, again, is
measures the bcc percentage in the heat treated related to micro hardness of ferrite austenite,
samples [26]. Presence of bcc structure is mainly carbide and austenitic phases. Micro hardness
due to martensite and -ferrite. Table 3 indicates values have already been presented in Table 2.
the percentage of bcc phase in different heat
treated samples. Ten measurements have been Weight loss data due to wear have been
taken in ten different places on the surface of furnished in Table 4, whereas Table 5 indicates
each sample and the average values have been wear (micron) data as obtained directly from
considered as the representative data in this Winducom 2006 software at different time
regard. It has been revealed from the above intervals. Corresponding curves have also been
table that quantity of -ferrite is less than 1% in drawn in Fig. 5.
all the cases. Thus, -ferrite has very little effect

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

Table 4. Weight loss of the specimens due to wear.

Weight Loss (w1-w2) in gm
Sample No.
Sensitized Furnace Cooled Air Cooled Oil Cooled Solution Annealed
I 0.076 0.069 0.057 0.098 0.092
II 0.074 0.063 0.061 0.093 0.088
Avg. 0.075 0.066 0.059 0.096 0.090

Table 5. Wear (micron) of different heat treated samples in regular time intervals.
Heat Treatment Wear (micron) in different time intervals (sec)
300 600 900 1200 1500 1800
Sensitized 86.152 94.262 107.793 125.043 151.501 164.972
Annealed 111.040 117.157 116.397 117.201 120.968 123.966
Normalized 31.712 40.092 48.325 60.933 73.133 91.218
Oil quenched 139.965 177.901 204.43 218.06 224.054 231.011
Solution annealed 134.974 168.633 189.968 199.537 205.777 210.34

Fig. 5. Comparative charts of wear (micron) against time.

From Table 2 it has been revealed that samples. Though oil quenched sample contains
normalized sample has good hardness owing to carbide (CrC) but quite likely the percentage is
the presence of austenite, carbide (CrC) and very low. Hence, this sample has little resistance
mixture of martensite and carbide. So it has lesser against wear. Weight loss data (gm) of the worn
amount of wear than all other heat treated samples have been given in Table 4. It has been
samples. The wear follows almost a straight line revealed that the weight loss data and the wear
path (cf. Fig. 5). Sensitize samples contain higher (micron), as obtained directly from the
amount of martensite. Thus, more hardness is Winducom 2006 software, are in good
obtained in sensitized samples resulting less agreement. Thus, it is justified to consider the
wear rate as is evidenced in Table 5. The wear is, weight loss data as a measure of wear.
however, gradually increasing with time (cf. Fig.
5). On the contrary, annealed samples have more
amount of carbide. These samples also have good 4. CONCLUSION
amount of hardness. Initial wear is somehow
more than that of sensitized samples. But the Some important findings of the present
wear is almost stable with time and follows a experimental work have been furnished below:
straight line path. Sensitized, annealed and
Some important heat treatments of SS 304
normalized samples have less amount of wear
stainless steel have been done utilizing in
than oil quenched and solution annealed samples
house facilities. This is a great value
as the hardness of oil quenched and solution
addition in conceptual learning process.
annealed samples are far less than sensitized,
annealed and normalized samples. Ferrite and Microstructures and corresponding micro
austenite phases are prominent in majority of the hardness of different matrix has been
portions of oil quenched and solution annealed appraised and evaluated accordingly.

S. Kumar and A. Mukhopadhyay, Tribology in industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 445-453

Presence of - ferrite and martensite, that [8] R.A. Lindberg, Processes and materials of
is, bcc structure is less than 1% in all the manufacture. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 1974.
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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

Tribology in Industry


Multi-objective Optimization of Process

Performances when Cutting Carbon Steel with
Abrasive Water Jet

M. Radovanovi a
a University of Ni, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Ni, Serbia.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
brasive water jet cutting
Multi-objective optimization of process performances (perpendicularity
ulti-objective optimization
deviation, surface roughness and productivity) when cutting carbon
Perpendicularity deviation surface
steel EN S235 with abrasive water jet is presented in this paper. Cutting
factors (abrasive flow rate, traverse rate and standoff distance) were
determined when perpendicularity deviation and surface roughness are
minimal and productivity is maximal. Multi-objective genetic algorithm
Corresponding author: (MOGA) was used for the determination set of nondominated optimal
Miroslav Radovanovi points, known as Pareto front.
University of Ni, 2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14,
18000 Ni, Serbia.
E-mail: mirado@masfak.ni.ac.rs

1. INTRODUCTION versatility and has been proven to be an

effective technology for machining various
There are some machining technologies for engineering materials and wide range of
contour cutting metal or non metal sheets. thickness. hickness which can be cut are 100
Flame cutting, plasma cutting, laser cutting, wire mm for stainless steel and 120 mm for
EDM and water jet cutting are more applicable aluminum, for water pressure of 400 MPa. With
machining technologies for contour cutting AWJ it is possible to cut random contours in
sheets. Abrasive water jet (AWJ) cutting is a thick, middle and thin sheets, such as very fine
modern nonconventional machining technology tabs and filigree structures. Tolerances of 0.1
that enables contour cutting a wide range of mm can be realized in metal cutting. [1]
materials and thickness. AWJ cutting has
advantages over the other contour cutting Process of AWJ cutting is based on material
technologies such as: no thermal distortion, no removal from the workpiece by erosion. High
heat affected zone, small cutting force, minimum speed water jet stream accelerates abrasive
stress on the workpiece, high flexibility, high particles and those particles erode the material.

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

In AWJ cutting high pressure pump via carbide. Water is pressed out of the orifice in
accumulator and high pressure tubing directs form of very thin jet at a high speed. Speed of
the pressurized water to the cutting head. Types water jet can calculate using equation:
of pumps and levels of pressure are classified by
water jet industry as: 2p . (1)
v wj
Low pressure, p<10000 psi (p<690 bar,
p<69 MPa) where are: vwj-speed of water jet in m/s, -
Medium pressure, 10000<p<15000 psi correction factor (0.9-0.98), p-water pressure in
(690<p<1030 bar, 69<p<103 MPa) Pa, w-density of water in kg/m3.

High pressure, 15000<p<40000 psi Abrasive particles are added to water jet in
(1030<p<2760 bar, 103<p<276 MPa) mixing chamber of the cutting head. There are
Ultra high pressure, 40000<p<75000 psi two methods to add abrasive particles to water
(2760<p<5170 bar, 276<p<517 MPa) jet: suspension and injection. The suspension
method (direct, indirect or bypass) is used in
Hyper pressure, p>75000 psi (p>5170 bar, industry only at pressures of up to 70 MPa.
p>517 MPa). Today the injection method is mainly used for
industrial applications with operating pressures
There are two types of high pressure pumps: of up to 400 MPa. The high velocity of the water
direct drive pumps and intensifier pumps. Direct jet creates a Venturi effect or vacuum in the
drive pumps generally are found in industrial mixing chamber located immediately beneath
applications with pressure to 380 MPa. These the orifice. Abrasive particles are metered from
pumps use an electric motor to turn a crankshaft a mini-hopper through a plastic tube down to
that moves three or more pistons that create the the cutting head and are sucked into the water
water pressure. But, the most common pumps in jet stream in the mixing chamber. Abrasive
industrial applications are intensifier pumps. particles are accelerated with high speed water
Intensifier pumps are called intensifiers because jet. Abrasive particles are mixed with the water
they use the concept of pressure intensification jet creating abrasive water jet. Speed of abrasive
to generate the desired water pressure. These water jet can calculate using equation [2,4]:
pumps use hydraulics to apply a certain amount
of oil pressure on one side of a piston of a certain v wj . (2)
v awj
diameter. On the water side of the pump, the m
1 a
diameter of the piston is much smaller. The mw
difference in the surface area between the
hydraulic side and the water side gives a Where are: vawj-speed of abrasive water jet in
multiplication factor, or intensification, to the m/s, -momentum loss factor (0.65-0.85), vwj -
pressure from the oil side. Most intensifier speed of water jet in m/s, ma-abrasive mass flow
pumps have an intensification ratio of 20 times. rate in kg/s, mw-water mass flow rate in kg/s.
Intensifier pumps generally are found in
pressure applications to 600 MPa. With Abrasive water jet is focused by a focusing tube.
intensifier pump can be achieved hyper Focusing tube directs the abrasive water jet to
pressure. Water jet pumps are specified in either cut the workpiece. Abrasive water jet cuts
horsepower (HP) or kilowatts (kW) to indicate workpiece along the programmed contour using
the size of the electric motor that creates the CNC (computer numerical control) motion
force to pressurize the water. High pressure system of the machine. Scheme of the AWJ
pumps power range is from 15 HP (11 kW) to cutting is shown in Fig. 1. [2,3].
200 HP (150 kW). Most common AWJ machine
tools are with power between 30 HP (22 kW) For evaluation of the AWJ cutting, the greatest
and 100 HP (75 kW). Cutting head consists of influence has a group of geometric characteristics
orifice, mixing chamber and focusing tube. of the workpiece issued in cutting process. The
Orifice is with diameter of 0.15 to 0.35 mm and geometric characteristics are: form accuracy,
is made of sapphire, ruby or diamond. Focusing dimensional accuracy and cut quality. Cut quality
tube is with diameter of 0.54 to 1.1 mm, length relates to form of kerf and cut surface. Terms in
of 50 to 100 mm, and is made of tungsten AWJ cutting, according ISO/TC 44 N 1770 [5], are

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

shown in Fig. 2, where are: Ra-surface roughness, Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Two
f-pitch of drag line, g-burr, hf-fine cut, hr- objectives (material removal rate and surface
remaining surface, n-drag line, rk-edge radius, s- roughness) are optimized by using Grey Relation
jet direction, sb-jet affected zone, t-workpiece Analysis (GRA).
thickness, u-perpendicularity or angularity
tolerance. Cut quality limits AWJ cutting Chakravarthy P. and Babu N. in [7] studied
application. The perpendicularity deviation and abrasive water jet cutting of granite. They have
surface roughness of the cut are the most investigated the effect of factors (water
significant characteristics of the cut quality. pressure, traverse rate and abrasive flow rate)
on performance (depth of cut). In order to
determine the Pareto front for the multi-
objective optimization problem with three
objectives (cost of production, rate of production
and consumption of abrasives) they have
applied a new approach based on the principles
of fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm (GA).

Chaitanya M. and Krishna A. in [8] studied laser

cutting of aluminum alloy 7075. They have
investigated the effect of factors (pulse-power,
pulse frequency, pulse width and assist gas
pressure) on performances (surface roughness
and heat affected zone). In order to determine
the Pareto front for the multi-objective
optimization problem with two objectives
(surface roughness and heat affected zone) they
have applied GA based non dominated sorting
algorithm-II (NSGA-II).

Fig. 1. Scheme of AWJ cutting. Soni V. et al. in 9 studied turning of aluminum

using carbide cutting tool. They have
investigated the effect of factors (depth of cut,
feed and cutting speed) on performances
(material removal rate and surface roughness).
In order to determine the Pareto front for the
multi-objective optimization problem with two
objectives (material removal rate and surface
roughness) they have applied multi-objective
genetic algorithm (MOGA).

Bouzakis K. et al. in 10 studied milling of

aluminum alloy 2024 using cemented carbide
Fig. 2. Terms related to kerf and cut surface. face milling cutting tool. They have investigated
the effect of factors (depth of cut, feed rate and
There are some studies of multi-objective cutting speed) on performances (machining cost
optimization of abrasive water jet machining and machining time). In order to determine the
and multi-objective optimization using genetic Pareto front for the multi-objective optimization
algorithms (GA). Aultrin J. and Anand D. in [6] problem, for rough milling with three objectives
studied abrasive water jet cutting of aluminum (production cost, production time and distance
alloy 6061. They have investigated the effect of from maximum power) and for finish milling
factors (water pressure, abrasive flow rate, with three objectives (production cost,
orifice diameter, focusing tube diameter and production time and cutting tool deflection),
standoff distance) on performances (material they have applied multi-objective genetic
removal rate and surface roughness). using algorithm (MOGA).

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

2. AWJ CUTTING FACTORS AND Factors of motion system (precision,

PERFORMANCES accuracy, stiffness, working conditions).
Factors of process (water pressure,
AWJ cutting is a complex process with many
traverse rate, abrasive flow rate, standoff
factors that determine performances.
distance, impact angle).
Mechanism of erosion depends on the level of
various process factors and is explained by
AWJ cutting performances can be classified into
multiple phenomena. AWJ cutting factors can be
five categories, Fig. 4:
classified into six categories, Fig. 3:
Process performances (orifice wear,
Factors of workpiece (material type,
focusing tube wear, temperature, noise,
thickness, chemical structure, hardness,
toughness, grain size, tolerances,
roughness). Quality performances (form deviations,
dimension deviations, cut quality: kerf
Factors of water system (pump pressure,
depth, kerf width, perpendicularity
water flow rate, water purity, accumulator
deviation of the cut surfaces-kerf taper,
volume, high pressure tubing).
striations, burr, edge radius, jet affected
Factors of abrasive system (abrasive zone, surface roughness).
material type, abrasive hardness, abrasive
Productivity performances (machining
particle size, abrasive particle shape,
time, productivity).
abrasive particle size distribution,
abrasives input method). Economy performances (manufacturing
cost, power consumption, abrasives
Factors of cutting head (orifice diameter,
consumption, water consumption).
orifice material, focusing tube diameter,
focusing tube length, focusing tube Ecology performances (noise, pollution,
material). recycling).

Fig. 3. AWJ cutting factors.

Fig. 4. AWJ cutting performances.

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

Some of the most important performances in levels) with center point. Control factors are:
AWJ cutting are perpendicularity deviation, abrasive flow rate (ma), traverse rate (vf), and
surface roughness and productivity. standoff distance (h). Control factors and their
levels are shown in Table 1. [12]
Perpendicularity deviation of the cut surfaces
(kerf taper) is distance between two parallel Table 1. Control factors and levels
straight lines (tangents) between which the cut Levels
surface profile is inscribed, and within the set Code Control factors
-1 0 +1
angle (e.g. 90 in the case of vertical cuts).
A Abrasive flow rate, ma (g/min) 300 500 700
Perpendicularity deviation includes and the
flatness deviations. B Traverse rate, vf (mm/min) 50 100 150
C Standoff distance, h (mm) 1 3 5
Surface roughness is a measure of the
technological quality of the cut. Commonly Three control factors are arranged in design of
arithmetic average roughness (Ra) was used to experiment with 9 runs (8 runs are for base
describe surface roughness. Ra is defined as the design and 1 run for center point). Measured
arithmetic value of the profile from centerline performances are: perpendicularity deviation
along the sampling length. (u) and surface roughness (Ra). Perpendicularity
Productivity is defined as: deviation has measured using optical
microscope Metkon and surface roughness has
Q tvf . (3)
measured using surface measuring instrument
where are: Q (mm2/min)-productivity, t (mm)- Hommel Tester T500. Design of experiment with
material thickness, vf (mm/min)-traverse rate. factor levels and measured values of
performances, is presented in Table 2.
Productivity in contour cutting of sheets is
defined as cut surface productivity, i.e. surface of Table 2. Design of experiment and results.
the cut in unit of time. The goal in contour Control factors u Ra
cutting is to have maximum cutting length with Run
A B C (mm) (m)
minimum kerf width.
1 -1 -1 -1 0.07 4.12
2 -1 -1 1 0.11 4.50
3. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH 3 -1 1 -1 0.17 5.18
4 -1 1 1 0.14 5.13
Experimental research was planed and realized 5 1 -1 -1 0.20 4.23
in order to define regression equations for 6 1 -1 1 0.21 4,45
performances (perpendicularity deviation and
7 1 1 -1 0.30 4.99
surface roughness) in correlation of factors
(abrasive flow rate, traverse rate and standoff ... ... ... ... ... ...
distance). The equipment used for 9 0 0 0 0.26 4.22
experimentation was abrasive water jet cutting
machine Hydro Jet Eco 0615 with high pressure Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out to
pump of 150 MPa, power of 7.5 kW and water find the relative effect of factors and interactions
flow rate of 2.4 l/min. Cutting head was on performances perpendicularity deviation and
composed of orifice made of sapphire with inner surface roughness. If p<0.05 the factors have a
diameter of 0.35 mm and focusing tube made of significant effect on performance. If p>0.10 the
tungsten carbide with inner diameter of 1.02 factors have not an effect on performance. If
mm and length of 76 mm. Jet impact angle was 0.05<p<0.10 the factors have a moderate effect
90. All experiments were conducted with water on performance. Analysis of variance for
pressure of 150 MPa. Abrasive material was perpendicularity deviation (u) is shown in Table
Garnet mesh 80 ( 177 m). Workpiece material 3. Standard F table value at 95 % confidence
was carbon steel EN S235, thickness of 6.5 mm. level is F0.05,1,3=10.13.

Design of experiment was conducted using full From Table 3 can see that factors: abrasive flow
factorial design 23 (three factors each on two rate, traverse rate and standoff distance have a

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

strong (clearly statistically significant) effect on Table 4. Analysis of variance for Ra.
the perpendicularity deviation with contribution Source DF SS MS F p %
of 90.28 %. Traverse rate is the most significant Main effects 3 1.33330 0.44443 4848 0.000 65.39
factor affecting the perpendicularity deviation
A 1 0.06845 0.06845 746 0.000 3.36
with contribution of 51.04 %. Abrasive flow rate
affects with contribution of 34.70 % and B 1 1.26405 1.26405 13789 0.000 61.99
standoff distance affects with contribution of C 1 0.00080 0.00080 8.73 0.060 0.04
4.54 % on the perpendicularity deviation. Some 2-Way
3 0.03225 0.01075 117 0.001 1.58
interactions have significant effect on the Interactions
perpendicularity deviation. Interaction abrasive AB 1 0.02645 0.02645 288 0.000 1.30
flow rate-traverse rate affects with contribution AC 1 0.00080 0.00080 8.73 0.060 0.04
of 1.27 %, abrasive flow rate-standoff distance BC 1 0.00500 0.00500 54.55 0.005 0.24
affects with contribution of 5.67 % and
interaction abrasive flow rate-traverse rate- Interaction
1 0.02000 0.02000 218 0.001 0.98
standoff distance affects with contribution of
ABC 1 0.02000 0.02000 218 0.001 0.98
1.90 % on the perpendicularity deviation.
Curvature 1 0.65340 0.65340 7128 0.000 32.04
Table 3. Analysis of variance for u. Error 3 0.00028 0.00009 - - 0.01
Source DF SS MS F p % Total 11 2.03922 - - - 100
Main effects 3 0.07184 0.02394 261.23 0.000 90.28
A 1 0.02761 0.02761 301.23 0.000 34.70
Traverse rate is the most significant factor
affecting the surface roughness with
B 1 0.04061 0.04061 443.05 0.000 51.04
contribution of 61.99 %. Abrasive flow rate
C 1 0.00361 0.00361 39.41 0.008 4.54 affects with contribution of 3.36 %. Standoff
3 0.00584 0.00194 21.23 0.016 7.34 distance has moderate effect with contribution
Interactions of 0.04 %. Some interactions have significant
AB 1 0.00101 0.00101 11.05 0.045 1.27 effect on the surface roughness. Interaction
AC 1 0.00451 0.00451 49.23 0.006 5.67 abrasive flow rate-traverse rate affects with
BC 1 0.00031 0.00031 3.41 0.162 0.39 contribution of 1.30 %, traverse rate-standoff
3-Way distance affects with contribution of 0.24 %,
1 0.00151 0.00151 16.50 0.027 1.90 abrasive flow rate-traverse rate-standoff
ABC 1 0.00151 0.00151 16.50 0.027 1.90 distance affects with contribution of 0.98 % on
the surface roughness. Interaction abrasive flow
Curvature 1 0.00010 0.00010 1.14 0.365 0.13
rate-standoff distance has moderate effect with
Error 3 0.00027 0.00009 - - 0.34 contribution of 0.04 % on the surface roughness.
Total 11 0.07957 - - - 100 Regression equation for surface roughness, with
DF-degree of freedom, SS-sum of square, MS-mean square, coefficient of determination of R2=99.99 %, is:
F-variance ratio, pvalue, %-percent contribution
R a 3.01125 0.0017125m a 0.015325v
Regression equation for perpendicularity 0.1325h 0.00001325m a v 0.000225m a h (5)
deviation, with coefficient of determination of 0.0015vh 0.0000025m a vh
R2=99.65%, is:
u 0.106562 0.000434375m a 0.00283125v f
0.0090625h 0.0000031875m a v f (4) 4. MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION
0.000009375m a h 0.0000006875m a v f h
Procedure of multi-objective optimization has
Analysis of variance for surface roughness (Ra) is four phases. First phase is mathematical
shown in Table 4. Standard F table value at 95 % modelling of performances in correlation of the
confidence level is F0.05,1,3=10.13. factors. Second phase is determining
optimization problem. In second phase
From Table 4 can see that factors: abrasive flow objectives are selected and constraints are
rate and traverse rate have a strong (clearly defined. Third phase is selection of method for
statistically significant) effect on the surface solution of optimization problem. Fourth phase
roughness with contribution of 65.35 %. is solution of optimization problem.

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

Mathematical model of the multi-objective Nondominated points, generated by multi-

optimization was defined with goal to minimize objective genetic algorithm solver, have plotted
perpendicularity deviation and surface rougness in form of the Pareto front, Fig. 5.
and maximize productivity. Mathematical model
of the multi-objective optimization is:
Objective functions:
f1 min u
f 2 min R a
f 3 max Q

ma ,min ma ma ,max
vf ,min vf vf ,max
h min h h max

Mathematical model of the multi-objective

optimization for this study has form:
Fig. 5. Pareto front points.
Objective functions:
u 0.106562 0.000434375m a Listing of the Pareto front points obtained as

0.00283125v f 0.0090625h outcomes from the optimization process
f1 min presented in Table 6.
0.0000031875m a v f 0.000009375m a h

0.0000006875m v h
a f Table 6. Pareto front points.
R a 3.01125 0.0017125m a 0.015325v f f1 f2 f3 x1 x2 x3
Index u Ra Q ma vf h
0.1325h 0.00001325m a v f
f 2 min (mm) (m) (mm2/min) (g/min) (mm/min) (mm)
0.000225m a h 0.0015v f h
1 0.134 4.120 325.000 300.000 50.000 1.000
0.0000025m v h
a f 2 0.356 5.153 974.877 507.442 149.981 1.069
f3 min Q 6.5vf 3 0.251 4.563 588.735 339.636 90.113 1.965
4 0.590 5.121 972.039 579.961 149.545 4.711
Constraints 5 0.526 5.030 891.874 573.326 137.211 4.248
300 m a 700 6 0.353 5.153 974.757 507.461 149.963 1.016
50 v f 150 7 0.469 4.841 716.290 600.770 110.198 4.359
1 h 5 8 0.507 5.014 873.178 585.376 134.335 3.984
9 0.434 5.033 937.266 367.289 144.195 3.377
Table 5. Parameters of the multi-objective genetic
10 0.201 4.431 505.085 325.091 77.705 1.163
11 0.267 4.723 696.890 309.600 107.214 1.426
Population type Double vector
12 0.487 5.101 947.547 580.924 145.776 3.217
Population size 50
Creation function Constraint dependent 13 0.232 4.408 465.341 364.071 71.591 2.582
Selection function: Tournament, 14 0.382 4.913 806.165 482.089 124.025 2.598
Tournament size: 2 15 0.421 4.980 844.410 561.978 129.909 2.756
Reproduction Crossover fraction: 0.8 16 0.259 4.474 524.641 332.475 80.714 3.201
Mutation function: Constraint 17 0.333 4.865 757.053 501.921 116.470 1.747
Crossover function:
Crosover From Table 6 it is evident that near optimal
Intermediate, Ratio: 1.0
Direction: Forward, Fraction: factor levels for rough cutting carbon steel EN
0.2, Interval: 20 S235 with abrasive water jet can be selected as:
Multiobjective Pareto front population fraction:
abrasive flow rate of ma=507.442 g/min,
problem settings 0.35
Generations: 100*number of traverse rate of vf=149.981 mm/min and
Stopping criteria standoff distance of h=1.069 mm. For these
Current iteration 116 factor levels, perpendicularity deviation is

M. Radovanovi, Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 454-462

u=0.356 mm, surface roughness is Ra=5.153 m Acknowledgement

and productivity is Q=974.877 mm2/ min.
The paper is a result of the technological project
From Table 6 it is evident that perpendicularity TR35034 which is supported by the Ministry of
deviation u is important performance for finish Education, Science and Technological
cutting carbon steel EN S235 with abrasive Development of the Republic of Serbia.
water jet. Surface roughness is Ra6.3 m. For
example, if tolerance of dimensions is T=0.25
mm (u0.25 mm) and Ra6.3 m, than the near REFERENCES
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cutting using GA, Methods and Techniques for
h=1.163 mm. For these factor levels,
Industrial Development, University of Maribor,
perpendicularity deviation is u=0.201 mm, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico
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productivity is Q=505.085 mm2/ min.
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Engineering & Technology - IJISET, vol. 1, no. 3,
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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

Tribology in Industry


Tribological Considerations of Cutting Fluids in

Machining Environment: A Review

A. Anand a, K. Vohra a, M.I. Ul Haq a, A. Raina a, M.F. Wani b

a Department of Mechanical Engineering, SMVD University, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir, India,
b Centre for Tribology , National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Tribology The paper presents a review to highlight the tribological aspects of
Cutting fluids cutting fluids in machining environment. In this study, different
Lubrication machining processes viz. turning, grinding, drilling and milling have
Machining been considered with a special focus on grinding process. The cutting
fluids are primarily used as coolants and lubricants in the various
Corresponding author: machining processes. Different cutting fluids and the health hazards
associated with their use have also been represented in this research
A. Anand article. The paper also highlights the role of work materials and the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, cutting tool materials from tribology point of view. The literature
SMVD University, revealed that the development of biocompatible cutting fluids, recycling
Katra, J&K, India. of cutting fluids, cutting fluids for high temperature tribological
E-mail: anand.ankush13@gmail.com applications, studying the wetability characteristics with addition of
nanoparticles, etc. can be taken up as study in order to enhance the
tribological properties of the cutting fluids.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION emphasis on the role of tribology in the areas of

energy conservation. It has been observed that
In todays competitive world, manufacturers and nearly 5.5 percent of U.S. energy consumption is
designers are under tremendous pressure to used in primary metals and metal-processing
make the machining processes more and more industries, out of which 0.5 percent is conserved
efficient. With the development of new materials due to the tribological advancements made in
and the recent advancements in the cutting the recent past [1]. The recent tribological
technologies, friction and wear are still the developments during the last few years have led
major issues in a material removal environment. to a shift in the metal cutting technology.
However, these issues are addressed with the Tribology the science of friction, wear and
use of cutting fluids, which remove the heat lubrication plays a significant role in the
generated during the machining operation and synthesis of materials with a greater focus on
on the other hand, lubricates the two surfaces in metal cutting processes [2]. This paper reviews
order to decrease the amount of friction. The some of the commonly used cutting fluids and
lubrication research cell of ASME has laid the fluid application systems, which are in

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

practice in a machining environment. In a metal extreme pressure (EP) additives. In the present
cutting process, the tribological aspects to be industry, the cutting fluids commonly used are
considered in a machining process are area of water based emulsifiable oils and straight
contact, stress distribution factor, interfacial cutting oils. However, some semi-synthetic and
temperature, etc. Various research studies have synthetic based cutting fluids have also been
been carried out in the area of tribology in developed to improve cooling and lubrication
machining systems [3-5]. The conventional characteristics in a machining environment
approach for selecting a cutting fluid in a [13,14]. Various parameters play an important
machining environment is actually on the basis role in the selection of cutting fluids.
of performance characteristics and also the
economical factors. Various researchers have Owing to the increasing manufacturing costs, the
developed different cutting fluids for machining present day designers and manufacturers are
processes [6-9]. In these research studies, the shifting from conventional cooling systems to
researchers have taken into consideration new cooling systems [15,16]. However, a
mechanical performance and environmental thorough knowledge of tribology in a machining
impact as the parameters for a cutting fluid. environment is essential, and therefore the
designers and manufacturers need to
Owing to the global environmental consciousness understand the tribo concepts in terms of heat
among the end users and the stringent removal, cooling, wear reduction, lubrication
environmental legislations machinists are in aspects, and corrosion aspects involved therein.
search of cutting fluids which pose minimal
threat to the environment without compromising 2.2 Types of Cutting Fluid
the performance of these fluids [6]. Moreover the
disposability of these cutting fluids is another This section describes the various types of
challenge faced by the researchers as they cutting fluids used in a machining environment.
contain hazardous waste in the form of chemical
or toxic matter [10]. Hence an optimal cutting Straight Cutting Oils: These type of cutting
fluid with all the attributes is the need of the fluids are a combination oil-based extreme
present times. This paper is structured in a pressure additives which improve the
manner that it focuses on the various types of the performance characteristics of the base oil to
cutting fluids developed by researchers, work perform the desired cooling and lubrication
material considerations thereof, tool material activities. Generally applied in un-diluted state,
considerations, health factors associated, non the characteristic feature of these cutting fluids
traditional cutting fluids and minimum quantity is that they do not mix with water and therefore
lubrication for various machining processes from do not form an emulsion with water. Apart from
tribological point of view. exhibiting good lubrication properties, effective
anti-seizure qualities, they offer good corrosion
resistance [17]. However, at cutting speeds mist
2. CUTTING FLUIDS IN A MACHINING and smoke formation has been reported. These
ENVIRONMENT cutting fluids are best suitable for heavy duty
machining operations and also in some grinding
2.1 Role of Cutting fluids applications. The poor heat dissipation in case of
high speed cutting restricts their use. The higher
The cutting fluids are primarily used for cooling initial and disposal cost also is a limiting factor
and lubrication purposes in a metal cutting due to which straight cutting oils find
operation. Over the last century, water was used application in the cases when other types of
mainly as a coolant due to its high thermal fluids are not viable.
stability and availability [11,12]. However, its
use is being slowly replaced due to the corrosion Water Emulsifiable Oils: Also known as soluble
aspects and also due to non-satisfactory oils, these cutting oils form an emulsion but are
lubrication characteristics. The development of not completely soluble in water. These are oil
cutting fluids which were oil based have also led based concentrates, which contain emulsifiers
to the use of cutting oils (lubricants) for which permit them to mix with water and form
machining purposes, with the addition of an emulsion. To improve the lubrication

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

characteristics, additives are also added as in coolant to the tool, which has internal channels
case of straight cutting oils. These cutting oils through which, liquid nitrogen is supplied under
also contain some rust and corrosion inhibitors. controlled pressure.
These fluids are characterised by the properties
of better cooling efficiency, low viscosity, non- Dhar et al. have investigated the cutting
flammability and non-toxicity, ease of temperature, tool wear, surface roughness in
reclamation and low initial and disposal costs. case of machining steel by using liquid nitrogen
However, they also offer low lubricity, mist as the cutting fluid wherein significant
formation. These type of cutting oils are the improvement in the surface finish and tool wear
most commonly used oils in present day has been reported [22]. Stanford et al. carried
machining scenario including grinding out a similar investigation on the turning
operations [17-19]. operation of a plain carbon steel by using liquid
nitrogen as a coolant. In this study authors have
Synthetic Fluids: These cutting fluids are the reported 55 % reduction in the flank wear [23].
chemical fluids containing synthetic water- The use of liquid CO2 as a cutting fluid has been
soluble lubricants, which provide the necessary reported in various research studies [24,25]
lubrication characteristics. These cutting fluids wherein reduction in the tool wear and
also contain some rust and corrosion inhibitors, oxidation wear has been observed [25]. The use
biocides, and surfactants but do not contain any of CO2 as a coolant has resulted in doubling the
oil. Synthetic fluids offer resistance to rancidity, tool life in case of machining of titanium alloys
have good cooling properties, low viscosity, non- [24]. Jerold et al. have observed that the use of
toxicity, biodegradability, etc. However, when liquid CO2 as a coolant results in better tool life
used in heavy duty applications often encounter as compared to the liquid nitrogen [26]. It is
the problem of insufficient lubricity. Various clear from the reviewed literature that Liquid
tribological investigations have revealed that nitrogen and Liquid CO2 have been used as
synthetic fluids are an appropriate choice in the cryogenic fluids however the studies on other
future. Another issue with the application of cryogenic fluids like liquid argon , liquid helium
synthetic fluids in machining is the non- have not been reported much.
compatibility of grinding operations in a
manufacturing system. Moreover, poor
lubrication properties are the major cause of its 3. WORK MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS
non-compatibility when synthetic fluids as
coolants are used. An important area of concern with respect to the
role of cutting fluid is the work materials under
Semi-Synthetic Fluids: These cutting fluids a given machining environment from tribology
contain up to 25 % of oil which is added to the point of view. The cutting fluid to be used must
concentrate solution. An important characteristic facilitate the machining processes involved so as
of these fluids is that upon dilution with water, to ensure its compatibility with a wide variety of
they form a very fine emulsion. To improve the materials. From tribology point of view various
lubrication characteristics, oil is added. The issues research studies have been carried out [27-30].
related to the use of synthetic fluids led to the In case of materials like cast iron, the brittle
development of semi-synthetic fluids. behaviour during machining often leads to its
breaking and formation of small chips. The
Cryogenic Coolants: Another improvement in influence of friction between cutting tool and the
the cutting fluid technology is the development chip is less on account of the small size chip
and use of cryogenic fluids. Apart from thermal formation. The use of emulsion based cutting
and environmental benefits cryogenic fluids fluids enhances some machining characteristics
offer better wear reduction capabilities. Having like surface finish quality and, also restricts the
a temperature of the order of 196 0C, these formation / coagulation of foreign matter during
fluids are used primarily in difficult-to-machine the machining operations [28,30]. Sulphur
materials, chip formation and chip breaking added oils are used in the machining of stainless
being the major issues associated with them steel materials, which lead to stains over the
[20,21]. The use of liquid nitrogen as a cutting machined surface [28,30-31]. Water based
fluid involves applications where it acts as a cutting fluids are used in machining of heat

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

resistant and difficult-to-cut steel alloys, due to Hamdan et al. [35] carried out the performance
the involvement of higher temperature in evaluation of different types of cutting fluid in
cutting zone area. However, sulphur based the machining of AISI 01 hardened steel using
mineral cutting oils may also be used in some pulsating jet minimum quantity lubrication
machining operations [28,32]. Easy to machine system. In this study, research was carried out
materials like aluminium and aluminium based using three cutting fluids namely neat oil,
alloys when subjected to machining, no major soluble oil and semi-synthetic cutting fluids
issues on account of temperature are under minimal quantity lubrication (MQL)
encountered. The use of waterless cutting fluids, system with the application of high velocity
prevent the formation of built up edge [28,32]. cutting fluid in narrow pulsed jet forms. The
In the machining of copper and copper based results clearly proved that soluble oil gave the
alloys, the emulsion based cutting fluids or thin lowest cutting forces and does not change with
mineral oils are preferred, however for variable velocities.
machining of brass, high pressure additive
cutting oils are used [28,32]. Tsao [36] carried out an experimental
investigation on cutting fluid effect in milling an
aluminum alloy. The experiment shows that
adding sulfurous boric acid ester cutting fluid
reduced tool wear by 12.5 % for hard coating
tungsten carbide end mills and also decreases
the milling force by 10 %. Saravanakumar [37]
performed an experimental analysis on cutting
fluid dispersed with silver nano particles. The
research focuses on the performance of the
cutting fluid after inclusion of suitable additive,
in the form of silver nano particles, in the cutting
fluid to improve its thermal and tribological
properties. The results have shown a
considerable reduction in tool tip temperature, a
Fig. 1. Nozzle positions [20]. 8.8 % reduction in cutting forces for the cutting
forces with the inclusion of nano particles and
For the machining of difficult-to-cut materials 7.5 % improvement in surface roughness. Hung
such as titanium alloys, generation of high et al. [31] experimentally analyzed the effect of
temperature, is a matter of concern while cutting fluid on the machinability of metal
carrying out the selection of a cutting fluid. The matrix composites. The effect of cutting fluid on
selected cutting fluid must have both cooling the machinability of aluminium-based matrix
and lubricating characteristics. It has been composites reinforced with SiC or AI2O3
observed that lubrication properties of selected particles was investigated. The researchers have
cutting fluids are preferred when low cutting concluded that pressurized and copious cutting
speeds are selected. For composite materials, fluid has no effect on tool life due to effective
the cutting fluids influence the surface chip flushing and lack of lubricating film.
roughness quality [33].

Patrick et al. [34] studied the effect of cutting 4. TOOL MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS
fluids on the mechanical properties of mild steel
in a turning operation. In this study, the authors In a machining operation like grinding, the
have used soluble oil, water and palm kernel oil commonly used grinding materials are
as cutting fluid for turning operation using abrasives. However, on account of the heat
Tungsten carbide and HSS as cutting tools. In generated during the grinding operation and the
this study, the researchers have reported that presence of forces, the use of cutting fluid from
palm kernel oil as a cutting fluid exhibits very tribology point of view is very significant as it
good qualities including good chip formation, may affect the life of the abrasives used and the
reduced heat generation and comparatively surface finish characteristics. A wide variety of
good surface finish. materials are available for carrying out the

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

machining processes, including the grinding grinding environments. It was observed during
operation [39,40]. However, it becomes this research work that water-based emulsions
necessary to choose a particular cutting fluid- have better cooling. However, it leads to
tool material combination so as to get an generation of higher grinding forces and is not
optimized machining parameters. For materials able to prevent damage to the workpiece.
like tungsten carbide, waterless cutting fluids
are preferred [41]. It is important to consider Table 1. Grinding fluid characteristics by Webstar et
that in case of cutting tool materials, the cutting al. [31].
fluids have a significant role to play. The Semi- Soluble Straight
Characteristics Synthetics
generation of high heat in the interface of cutting synthetics oil oil
tool (grinding tool) and workpiece material, Heat removal 4 3 2 1
Lubricity 1 2 3 4
causes wear of the tool at a much higher rate
Maintenance 3 2 1 4
lowering the tool life and further leading to poor Filterability 4 3 2 1
surface quality [28,29]. Some typical grinding Environmental 4 3 2 1
materials like cubic boron nitrate (CBN) and Cost 4 3 2 1
polycrystalline diamonds (PCD) may also be Ranking Scale: 1-4 where,
used for machining operations [42]. The 1-Worst , 2 Good , 3- Very Good, 4- Best
economic constraints and the high temperature
associated with these materials restrict their Silva et al. [48] carried out an experimental
use. However, such materials are generally used investigation on thermal and rheological
in finishing operations to achieve high behavior of eco-friendly metal cutting fluids The
dimensional accuracy and surface finish research evaluated the thermal and rheological
characteristics [28,29]. performance of two chemically modified
cottonseed oils epoxidized fluid and
However, with a particular reference to grinding hydroxylated fluid, against unmodified
process, some researchers have suggested cottonseed oil and commercial cutting oils. The
rankings of cutting fluids based upon their results clearly depict that hydroxylated and
various properties. Webstar et al. [43] have epoxidized fluids offer better thermal resistance
carried out a study of four cutting fluid types as than commercial cutting fluid without causing
used in a grinding process as shown in Table 1. char formation, and former two fluids are more
In this research study, the researchers have efficient in lubricating and cooling the drill bit
highlighted the characteristics of these fluids. and part, thus causing less wear. Another
The work carried by Bardie was a further research study carried out by Ozcelik et al. [49]
extension to the studies done by Gr et al. [44]. It investigated the effects of vegetable-based
was observed that no such fluid can be cutting fluids on the wear in drilling to
suggested which may act as an ideal alternative. investigate the performances of three VBCFs
It was further suggested that the parameters developed from crude sunflower oil, refined
such as heat removal, filterability, cost and sunflower oil, refined canola oil and commercial
environmental aspects may be considered semi-synthetic cutting fluid and compared the
altogether. Breingsmeir et al. [45] showed that tool wear, thrust force and surface roughness in
with the increase in oil additive concentration, drilling operation of austenitic stainless steel
there is a decrease in the grinding energy and with HSSE tool. The researchers reported that
temperature, however the wheel life increases, CCF (canola based cutting fluid)-II is the best
later on established and confirmed by Yoon and cutting fluid for drilling of AISI 304 stainless and
Krueger [46]. These researchers have observed gives the best performance due to its higher
that diluted synthetic fluids had a grinding ratio lubricant properties. Mayr et al. [50] performed
(G-ratio) of 2.5 and 7.5, semi-synthetics had G- an experimental investigation to observe the
ratios between 2.5 and 6.5, and soluble oils had influence of cutting fluid on thermal behavior of
G-ratios between 4 and 12. Undiluted cutting 5-axis machine tools in precision machining. The
fluids had G-ratios between 60 and 120. Minke generated graphs illustrate that measured
[47] carried out a research study on the role of temperatures are higher without using cutting
coolants in a grinding process. In this research fluid and cutting fluids can also reduce the
study, the researcher has compared oil and chances of errors of the machine tool.
water based cutting fluids under different

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474



The human interaction with the cutting fluids in

a conventional machining process has forced the
researchers to carry out studies on the health
hazards involved in the use of cutting fluids. It
has been observed that some of the cutting fluids
have proved hazardous to the machine
operators [51,52]. The use of cutting fluids in
machining processes may often lead to skin
related issues. Some typical cases of skin Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a floating nozzle [36].
disorders like dermatitis are the most common
diseases caused due to frequent exposure to the Okuyama et al. [57] carried out an experimental
cutting fluids [53]. There are reports indicating investigation of cooling action of grinding fluid
respiratory problems faced by the operators in shallow grinding. During this investigation,
who work continuously in environments where the authors observed a better performance in
cutting fluids are used. Dahmen et al. [54] grinding by having 436 small grooves, 3 mm
carried out a research investigation for wide and 0.5 mm deep, attributed to the rise in
separation of debris in a grinding process. In this heat transfer coefficient. A reason for the
research study, the researchers have developed elevation in the heat transfer coefficient may be
a process using supercritical carbon dioxide to due to coolant being held and stirred by the
separate the debris and it was originally grooves. The researchers suggest that the
implemented for glass grinding with high oil and grooves have a capability of improving the
lead content. efficiency in heavy grinding with super-abrasive
wheels with no porosity as the increased
number of grooves also increases the heat
6. NON TRADITIONAL CUTTING FLUIDS IN A transfer coefficient.
Yui and Terashima [58] carried out a research
Various research studies have been carried out study for development of a coolant-less grinding
where solid lubricants have been used as a system. The authors mixed cold air (-30 C) and
cutting fluid in a machining process. Callister vegetable oilmist (08.6 cc/h) in order to
[55] in his research study observed that graphite improve upon cold air application and
can be used as a solid lubricant for cutting fluid concluded that the grinding ratio is higher as
applications because it possesses weakly bonded compared to the traditional grinding method
hexagonal plate structure. The author also with coolant oil. The investigation revealed that
confirmed the use of molybdenum disulfide that the critical depth of cut was only 6 mm.
(MoS2) as a new solid lubricant. Baheti et al. [59] carried out a research study on
environmentally conscious cooling and
Ninomiya et al. [56] studied the effect of the lubrication for grinding. In this research study
floating nozzle in grinding of mild steels with the authors reported better results upon using
vitrified CBN wheel. During his research study environmentally safe ester oil and air during the
the author found that by using a floating nozzle straight surface grinding of carbon steels using
on a CBN wheel, the wheel wear was reduced by alumunium oxide wheels. A mathematical model
50 % for shallow depths of cut and low of the process was also developed to predict
workpiece speeds (Fig. 2). The surface finish with reasonable accuracy the temperature rise.
also improved under these conditions. When S.C. Salmon [60] carried out a research study on
compared with traditional coolant application, the effects of hard lubricant coatings on the
the author observed that floating nozzle performance of electro-plated super abrasive
improves the grinding performance with an grinding wheels. In this research study, the
impressive one twelfth of the cutting fluid, author has used MoS2 as a hard lubricant and
however when the work speeds were increased titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) to resist
beyond 20 m/min, there was major wheel wear. wear on CBN wheels. During this research study,

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

the author observed that the coated wheels do with a high heat flux. Shaji and Radhakrishnan
not require added lubricity of the oil and the [68] carried out an experimental investigation
CBN wheels operate satisfactorily because they on surface grinding using graphite as a lubricant.
perform adequately with water-based fluids. The The authors used graphite paste with water-
author also observed that coated wheels soluble oil as a lubricant in a grinding process
perform better than the traditional wheels, due and compared the performance of graphite-
to their compatibility with the environmentally- assisted grinding with dry grinding and
friendly water-based coolants. conventional wet grinding by varying the
workpiece material, dressing conditions and
Choi et al. [61] carried out a comparison of the cutting fluid application. In this research study
cooling effects of compressed cold air and the authors observed that the tangential forces,
coolant for cylindrical grinding with a CBN grinding zone temperatures and specific
wheel. The authors reported that the energies are lower with the graphite paste when
effectiveness of cold air was nearly comparable compared to dry or coolant grinding but the
with conventional wet-grinding for shallow system has problems with wheel clogging and
depths of cut; however, the surface roughness grinding ductile materials. Yokogawa et al. [69]
would increase as the tensile surface residual carried out a research work on improving
stresses would appear upon increasing the grinding performance of BN wheels by dual-fluid
depths of cut as a result of the lack of lubrication supply method. During this research study, the
through the grinding zone. Inoue and Aoyama authors used a dual cutting fluid method in a
[62] carried out an experimental investigation cylindrical grinding operation using mineral oil
on application of air cooling technology and as a lubricant in the grinding zone and used
minimum quantity lubrication to relief grinding water to cool the workpiece. The experiments
of cutting tools. The authors used cold air at -33 were carried out with a removal rate of 1200
C with a cooling air output flow of 320 Nl/min mm2/min, a wheel speed of 3600 m/min, and a
at a pressure of 200 kPa. The lubricant was CBN wheel. Coolant water was applied to the
salad oil and was supplied at 6 m/min. The underside of the workpiece via a positional
results from this setup were compared with dry nozzle, (Fig. 3). The results showed that surface
grinding and grinding with an oil-based fluid. roughness of the workpiece dramatically
During this experimental investigation, the improved. With conventional cutting fluid
authors concluded that when the depth of cut applications the surface roughness was
exceeded 0.1 mm, the oil-based cutting-fluid approximately 3 mm Rz but with the dual cutting
grinding exhibited the lowest temperature rise. fluid application the surface roughness dropped
It was observed that conventional oil-based to under 1 mm Rz for the same removal.
cutting-fluid grinding has an advantage over
cooling-air and minimum-quantity lubricant Shaji and Radhakrishnan [70] carried out
application in terms of temperature rise control another experimental investigation on the
for large depths of cut. application of solid lubricants in grinding on
graphite sandwiched grinding wheels. Slotted
Xu et al. carried [63-67] out a research on heat wheels were used with graphite impregnated
transfer characteristics in grinding contact zone into the slots. Three different wheels with
with radial water jet impinging cooling. The varying numbers of slots: 10, 15 and 20 were
authors worked with a radial cooling used. Compared to conventional dry- and wet-
mechanism. It was found that by using grinding, the normal forces with the graphite
perforated electroplated CBN grinding wheels slotted wheels came out to be more or less the
with radial jets, where the fluid is forced from same or even slightly higher at low feed rates,
the cooling holes at high pressure, the fluid but at increased feed rates, these forces were
tends to break the boundary layer. The authors higher in most cases. The results showed that
were able to improve the critical heat flux and the surface roughness, residual stresses and
the cooling effect in the contact zone which hardness profiles were greatly improved with
increased overall efficiency. The temperature of the graphite wheels. These experiments were
the workpiece surface in the grinding zone was performed with small depths of cut and do not
steadily kept below the film boiling temperature represent a considerable improvement over
of 100120 C for water based coolants, even more traditional cutting fluid application. Shetty

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

et al. [71] carried out tribological investigation 7. MINIMUM QUANTITY LUBRICATION AND
of discontinuously reinforced aluminium TRIBOLOGY
composites based on the orthogonal arrays.
During the past few years, a new trend in the use
of cutting fluids technology in a machining
environment is MQL (minimum quantity
lubrication). MQL is being adopted nowadays for
high speed machining operations. This type of
advanced lubrication systems in a machining
environment plays a vital role particularly in
large cutting fluids application and dry
machining. Minimum quantity lubrication (MQL)
also known as Near Dry Machining (NDM) or
semi dry machining is an alternative to
traditional use of cutting fluids. In MQL, there is
a use of very small quantity of lubricant for
lubrication or cooling requirements. Minimum
quantity lubricants (MQL) systems generally
consists of cutting fluids (coolants and
lubricants) which are non-soluble in water.
Fig. 3. Dual cutting fluid setup [49]. These fluids however, reduce the health hazards
associated which may affect the health of the
machinist [75]. Some research studies have
In this tribological investigation, the tests were revealed that use of MQL technique enhances
carried out under dry, oil and water based lubrication and also leads to minimum power
emulsion and steam lubricated (cutting fluid) consumption in a grinding process (grinding
conditions. Both The tool wear and surface power). The wear rate of the grinding wheel also
roughness were found to be less for steam reduces in a significant way [76].
cutting in this investigation.
Tawakoli et al. [77] investigated the the
Anjaiah et al. [72] used a pressurized steam jet performance of MQL technique in a grinding
approach to tool wear minimization in cutting of operation. In this investigation, the researchers
metal matrix composites by full factorial design have considered both hard steel 100cr6 and soft
of experiments. In this experimental analysis, steel 42CrMo4 for investigation. It was observed
the researchers have observed that pressurized that for LB8000 MQL oil with wheel speed 25
steam jet plays a significant role on the tool m/s and depth of cut 25m the improvement in
wear. Kuram et al. [73] carried out a research surface quality in MQL grinding is more
study on the optimization of the cutting fluids significant in comparison to dry and fluid
and parameters using taguchi and ANOVA in grinding. Dhar et al. [78] investigated the effect
milling. In this research study, the researchers of MQL technique to grind 16MnCr5 alloy steel
have considered two different vegetable based on the cutting performance compared to
cutting fluids developed from refined canola and completely dry cutting and flood cooling with
sunflower oil and a commercial type semi- respect to grinding temperature, surface
synthetic cutting fluid. The optimum conditions roughness, chip morphology. The results
for tool wear and forces were studied. Walter indicate that the use of minimum quantity
Belluco and Leonardo De Chiffere [74] carried lubrication (MQL) by cutting oil (VG-68) leads to
out a research study on testing of vegetable lower surface roughness compared to dry and
based cutting fluids by hole making operations, wet environments. Silva et al. [79] investigated
using vegetable oil as cutting fluid for drilling the performance of MQL system to grind ABNT
operations, involved drilling, tapping and 4340 steel (HRC 60) with alumina wheel. It was
reaming operations and results indicated that found that, MQL system leads to finer surface
while reaming, higher cutting speeds had a finish and higher compressive residual stress
strong impact on part accuracy and at smaller compared to dry and conventional cooling.
cutting speeds, the effect considerably reduced. Sabahudin et al. [80] in his research study

A. Anand et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 463-474

broadly discussed the application of marginal Cutting Fluids and its types
amount of coolant instead of large coolant fluid
Health hazards with cutting fluids
used in machining, known as Minimum Quantity
Lubrication (MQL) machining. The study Work material considerations with cutting
revealed that the MQL machining leads to lesser fluids
cutting forces, less strain hardening and a
favourable chip formation process. Tool material considerations
Minimum quantity lubrication in grinding

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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

Tribology in Industry


Study of Surface Wear and Damage Induced by Dry

Sliding of Tempered AISI 4140 Steel against
Hardened AISI 1055 Steel

A. Elhadi a, A. Bouchoucha b, W. Jomaa c,d, Y. Zedan c, T. Schmitt e, P. Bocher c

a Departmentof Mechanical Engineering, University of Mohamed Boudiaf, Msila, Algeria,
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Constantine, Algrie,
c Department of Mechanical Engineering, TS, Montral, Canada,
dDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Laval University, Qubec, Canada,
eDepartment of Physics Engineering, Polytechnique Montral, Montral, Canada.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
In industry, the sliding mechanical systems are subject to friction and
wear phenomena. These phenomena can be the origin of a reduction of
Friction coefficient
the efficiency of the mechanical system even to be responsible for its
Wear rate
incapacity. Generally, the materials of the parts which are moving relative
Surface damage
(tribological couple) of these systems are low alloy steels and carbon
steels, thanks to their good mechanical and tribological properties. The
Corresponding author: present work aimed to study, the surface wear and damage induced by
Abdelmalek Elhadi dry sliding of hard carbon steel AISI 1055 (disc) against tempered low
Department of Mechanical alloy steel AISI 4140 (pin) with different hardness and applied loads was
Engineering,University of Mohamed investigated. The results revealed that the interaction between the
Boudiaf, Msila, Algeria applied load and pin hardness result in complex thermo-mechanical
E-mail: elhadimalek65@gmail.com behaviour of the worn surfaces. When a lower hardness pin is used, the
main wear mechanisms observed on the discs were abrasion, adhesion,
and oxidation. When a higher hardness pin is used, the wear of the discs is
governed by delamination, oxidation, and plastic deformation. In
particular, third-body wear occurs at high applied load resulting in higher
wear rate of high hardness pins compared to low hardness pins.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION motion, sliding velocity, surface roughness of the

rubbing surfaces, type of material, system
Low alloy steels are the most used material for rigidity, lubrication and vibration. In many metal
machines elements industry because of their pairs, in the high load regime, the coefficient of
high mechanical properties [1]. It was observed friction decreases with load [4]. Friction
by several researchers [2,3] that the variation of coefficient and wear rate of metals and alloys
friction depends on interfacial conditions such showed different behavior under different
as normal load, geometry, relative surface operating conditions [5,6]. Therefore,

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

addressing the wear mechanism regimes have increase the wear rate, or they can isolate the
generated a large number of research topics in surfaces and have a protective role so that
friction and wear by sliding fields [7]. reducing the wear rate [22]. Others [12]
attributed the change in the frictional regime to
The main steel selection criteria for parts the cyclic formation/detachment of coarse
submitted to wear is usually based on the debris in the case of low hardness/ductile
surface hardness of the component [8]. materials. It has been shown that a decrease in
the friction coefficient with an increase in
Many variables may affect the wear mechanism normal load can be attributed to an increase in
which makes it a complex phenomenon. Among frictional heating of the slider and a consequent
these variables are service conditions (such as decrease of material strength [23].
mating partners, normal load, sliding speed,
temperature and surface finish of the couple As only few studies have addressed the effect of
tribological parts), environmental parameters tempered martensite on the wear behaviour in
(atmospheric or sea environment) and other dry sliding conditions, the present study aims to
factors like lubrication or corrosion [1,9]. The investigate the wear behaviour of low alloy steel
wear rate can also be related to other factors AISI 4140 against carbon steel AISI 1055, which
such as microstructure and its features, are commonly used in the manufacturing of the
hardness, work hardening index, fracture, and parts of the sliding mechanism. The analyses
fatigue properties [10-13]. were made by performing pin-on-disc wear
tests, under various loads for fixed sliding speed.
The difference in hardness of the mating parts Different pin (AISI4140) hardness were tested
has a decisive influence on the contact surfaces while the disk hardness (AISI1055) was kept
life. Several studies have investigated the effect harder than the pin. Such study of wear
of hardness on the wear mechanisms of behaviour with different heat treatment may
unlubricated sliding wear of steels [14-16]. It is provide a proper selection of
well reported that sliding wear is driven by typicalhardnesssteel for sliding application.
abrasion, adhesion, and delamination processes
[17]. On one hand, the process of delamination is
caused by the nucleation of voids. Their growth 2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
and subsequent coalescence are favoured by
strained material under severely sliding 2.1 Materials
conditions [18, 19]. On the other hand, the
abrasion and adhesion wear mechanism may be The materials chosen in this investigation are
attributed to the fragmentation of the softer AISI 4140 and AISI 1055 steels for the pin and
material which cause to form wear debris. It was disc, respectively. The chemical compositions of
reported that fragment formation is the result of both steels are displayed in Table 1. The pins
the local increase of dislocation density; were quenched and tempered to 33HRC and
consequently, fragment can be formed after 39HRC while discs were quenched and
strain accumulation. tempered to 52HRC. The microstructures of the
pins are composed mainly by tempered
Experimental results have been reported that martensite for both steels with the presence of
the small debris particles created by plastic some bainite for low hardness (33HRC) one as
deformation (abrasion, adhesion, etc.) are shown in Fig. 1.
trapped in the contact zone and cannot be easily
removed [17]. Thus, the situation changes from 2.2 Methodology
two to three bodies contact conditions
consisting of two counterparts and the debris Dry sliding wear tests were conducted according
[20]. The third body particles affect the to the ASTM G99-5 (2010) standard using a pin-
displacement in the contact zone and thus affect on-disc system (Fig. 2). The linear sliding
the coefficient of friction [21]. Due to the energy velocity was kept constant at 0.5 m/s for all
dissipated in the contact (mechanical and tests. All wear tests were carried in air at
thermal), the wear particles can oxidized and ambient temperature and relatively humidity of
become hard abrading oxides which thus ~35 %. The normal load was varied between 15

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

and 35 N. A sliding time of 900 s was selected for by a precise electric-balance (10-4 mm). The
the tests, allows reaching a steady state in worn surfaces were analysed with 3D measuring
friction. Before each test, both the disk and the laser microscope (Lext OLS4100 from Olympus)
pin were cleaned with acetone, and each and a HITACHI S-3600N scanning electron
specimen was tested on fresh track. The test microscopy (SEM).
pins were weighed initially, and at the end of
each wear test. They were wiped clear of wear The friction coefficient was calculated as the
particles, degreased and re-weighed. The ratio between the friction force and the normal
difference in weights of test pin, before and after load. The average value from steady state regime
the experiment, determines the weight loss, was considered. The start of the steady state
which was used for calculating the volume of regime was selected as the sliding time at which
material lost. The latter was studied as function the standard deviation of friction coefficient
of the applied load for each steel samples. The became lower than the 10 % of its average value.
worn mass of the pin specimen were measured

Table 1. Nominal chemical composition (Wt. %) of AISI 4140 and AISI 1055 steel.
Element C Cr Mo Mn Si P S
AISI 4140 0.38 - 0.43 0.80 - 1.1 0.15 - 0.25 0.75 - 1.0 0.15 - 0.30 0.035 0.040
AISI 1055 0.50 - 0.60 0.60 - 0.90 0.040 0.050

(a) (b)

20 m 20 m

Fig. 1. Optical microstructures of AISI4140 steel tempered at a hardness of (a) 33HRC and (b) 39HRC.

Fig. 2. Pin-on-disc system: (1) Pin; (2) Pin holder; (3) Test disc; (4) Support; (5) Speed reducer; (6) Normal load
(dead weight); (7) Load cell for frictional force.

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485


3.1. Friction and wear behavior 0.8

Friction coefficient
The variation of the friction coefficient over the
sliding time can be seen in Fig. 3. The evolution 0.4
of the friction coefficient experiences a running- Pin_33HRC
in period during the first hundreds of seconds 0.2 Pin_39HRC
followed by a relatively steady state friction
regime. The duration of the running-in period is 0
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
found to vary with the applied load and the pin Applied load [N]
hardness. For the steady state period, the
Fig. 4. Effect of the applied load on the average
friction coefficient curves exhibit different
friction coefficient with relative standar deviation.
behaviours, involving low and high friction
plateaux. This is specifically true for the low
The average values of the friction coefficient,
hardness pins and applied loads of 20 N, 25 N,
measured in the steady-state condition (from 600
and 35 N (Fig. 3a). This phenomenon is observed
to 900 sliding distance) are plotted vs. applied
only at applied load of 25 N for high hardness
load in Fig. 4. The average values of the friction
pin (Fig. 3b). Moreover, the frequency of the
coefficient are in the range [0.5, 0.8] which is
transition from one regime to another over the
generally found in dry sliding friction of steels
sliding time varies with the applied load and the
[12,7]. The applied load affects the friction
pin hardness. The observed friction coefficient
coefficient in different manner and no specific
evolution with time and applied load suggests
trend was observed, particularly for low hardness
that changes in the wear mechanism and/or
pins. In fact, the high hardness pins have seen
temperature at the contact interface may be
their friction coefficients decrease with increasing
taking place for different applied load as
the applied load. Whereas the low hardness pins
suggested by [12].
have seen the opposite. Compared to the low
hardness pin, the high hardness pin produces
high friction coefficients except for the highest
applied load (35 N). Thus, SEM analysis will be
done in the next section to highlights the actual
wear mechanisms operating in the proposed
frictional systems and try to rationalize the
obtained results.

6.E-06 Pin_33HRC
Wear rate [mm/mm]

(a) 4.E-06
10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Applied load [N]

Fig. 5. Effect of the applied load on the wear rate with

relative standar deviation.

Figure 5 shows the wear rate (per sliding

(b) distance) as a function of applied load. In
Fig. 3. Friction coefficient as function of sliding time general, the wear rate increases with the applied
for (a) Pin tempered at 33HRC, and (b) Pin tempered load. Surprisingly, the high hardness pins wear
at 39 HRC. faster for high applied load than the low

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

hardness pins. This finding is in disagreement the presence of oxygen and chromium indicating
with the classical theory of sliding wear which that this layer is mainly composed of
postulates that the harder is the material, the agglomerated and compacted oxidised third
higher is its wear resistance, unless specific body particles of oxide from the pin material.
wear mechanisms took place during sliding as
argued in [12,24]. Studying the wear For high hardness pin used at applied load of 20
mechanisms of pin and disc under the tested N, the track worn surface presents micro-
conditions will provide some explanations for grooving and smooth surface with ploughing
this behaviour. marks (Fig. 10a). A close examination of the
ploughing marks indicates the presence of
3.2. Worn Surfaces analysis severe plastic deformation and cracking (Fig.
10b) which was note visible for low hardness
In order to identify the wear mechanisms, worn pin at the same applied load. Moreover, micro-
surface of pins and tracks have been analyzed by chipping and resulting fine particles were
optical microscopy and SEM techniques. Figure 6 observed on the formed micro-grooves (Fig.
displays examples of optical images of worn pins 10c) attesting the high shearing and rupturing
and tracks. For the highest load (35 N), the worn mechanisms in agreement with a higher Youngs
surface of the high hardness pin is larger (Fig. modulus which will increases the contact
6b) than the low hardness one (Fig. 6a). pressure when high hardness pins are used even
Moreover, the high hardness pin experiences at low applied load (20 N). EDS analysis
high level of oxidation (Fig. 6b). The worn area confirmed that these particles are mainly
of the tracks follows the same trend depicted in composed of oxidized material from the disc as
Figs. 6c and 6d. Moreover, Fig. 7 shows that the no/very few chromium element has been
wear track is significantly larger and deeper for detected (Fig. 10d). At applied load of 35N
the high hardness pin than for the low hardness induces severely damage on the track surface as
one for the same loading condition of 35 N. can be seen in (Fig. 11a). The main damage
features include delamination (Fig. 11b) and
SEM observations allowed the identification of severe plastic deformation (Fig. 11c). In the
typical damage features into the worn surfaces micro-delamination features, small flakes of
as a function of normal load and pin hardness material are pulled out from the surface (Fig.
(Figs. 8, 9, and 10). For low hardness pin and the 12b). As for the load 20 N, the adhering material
applied load (20 N), the worn profile (Fig. 8a) for the higher applied load (35 N) is mainly
presents a rough surface with damage features composed of the disc material as confirmed by
constituted mainly by local adhesive scars (Fig. the EDS spectrum in Fig. 11d.
8b) and particles (Fig. 8c). The presence of
chromium and molybdenum (Fig. 8d) indicates Additional EDS analyses were performed over
that these particles come from the pin material. larger areas (~1 mm 1 mm) in the wear track
It is suggested that these debris are the results of to highlights the effect of the applied load and
the micro-chipping and fragmentation of the low pin hardness on the main wear mechanisms. The
hardness pin material most likely induced by EDS spectrums give evidence of oxidative wear.
cumulative plastic shearing as suggested in One can observe significant interaction between
Lepesant et al. [25]. When the highest load is the applied load and pin hardness regarding the
applied (35 N), the worn surface of the track amount of oxygen on the wear products (Fig.
becomes smoother with abrasion marks that can 12). In fact, the oxygen content decreases when
be described as micro-ploughing and relatively increasing the applied load for the low hardness
narrow scars in the direction of sliding are pin, the inverse been true for the high hardness
formed and some adhered material layers are pin. Figure 13 displays the effect of applied load
found (Fig. 9a). SEM micrograph (Fig. 9b) and pin hardness on the chromium content. It is
highlights the plastic deformation on this layer clear that the applied load do not affect the
where the plastic flow lines and some micro- chromium content. However, the high hardness
cracks are visible suggesting that the surface pin produces lower chromium content into the
material has underwent high contact stresses worn track as compared to the low hardness
during sliding. Once again, EDS analysis reveals one.

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

(a) (b)

1 mm 1 mm
(c) (d)
Fig. 6. Optical images of worn surfaces at load of 35N: (a) Worn pin tempered at 33 HRC, (b) Worn pin tempered
at 39 HRC, (c) Worn disc with pin tempered at 33 HRC, and (d) Worn disc with pin tempered at 39 HRC.
Height [m]

Height [m]

Evaluation length [m]

Fig. 7. Worn track profiles for pins at (a) Hardness of 33HRC and (b) High hardness of 39HRC.

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 8. (a) SEM micrographs of worn tracks with pin tempered at 33 HRC and applied load of 20 N, (b)
Delamination (zone A), (c) Adhering particle (zone B), and (d) Corresponding EDS spectrum.


(a) (b)

Fig. 9. (a) SEM micrographs of worn tracks with pin tempered at 33 HRC and applied load of 35N, (b) Adhering
layer, and (c) Corresponding EDS spectrum.

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 10. (a) SEM micrographs of worn tracks with pin tempered at 39 HRC and applied load of 20N, (b) Plastic
deformation (zone A), (c) Micro-chipping and fragmented debris (zone B), and (d) EDS spectrum of zone C.


(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 11. (a) SEM micrographs of worn tracks with pin tempered at 39 HRC and applied load of 35N, (b) Adhering
particles and delamination (zone A), (c) Plastic deformation (zone B), and (d) EDS spectrum of the adhering
particle (zone A).

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

14.00 oxidation. Specifically, the oxidative wear is

Load=20N Load=35N
found to be governed by the applied load for
both tempered pins used in this study.
Oxygen content [%]


Lepesant et al. [25] argued that, in a specific
friction conditions, compacted oxide particles
6.00 from the pin, can plastically deformed to form a
layer, referred to as a glaze layer. It is shown
that the matrix strength of the pin material has
2.00 to be considered to know whether the oxides
from the glaze layers are protective, or not,
Pin at 33HRC Pin at 39HRC against wear [26]. If the matrix is strong enough,
Fig. 12. Oxygen content versus pin hardness at the oxides formed during friction have a positive
different applied load. influence on wear. On the contrary, if the matrix
is not strong enough, the oxides from the glaze
0.40 layer do not protect the surfaces from wear and
Load=20N Load=35N they may even act as an abrasive third body. In
the present study, we suggested that the oxides
Chromium content [%]

0.30 from the glaze layer plays a positive role in

0.25 improving the wear resistance of the low
hardness pin as compared to the high hardness
pin results regarding to the obtained wear rate
0.15 trends (Fig. 5).

Pin at 33HRC Pin at 39HRC
The present study investigated the wear
Fig. 13. Chromium content versus pin hardness at mechanisms of tempered low alloy steel against
different applied load.
hardened carbon steel under dry sliding wear.
Based on the obtained results, the following
The wear mechanisms operating on the pin conclusions may be drawn:
surface are strongly related to those operating
on the track side and several scenarios can In specific tribological conditions, low
operates as the interaction between the applied hardness pin can perform better, than high
load and pin hardness result in complex thermo- hardness pin in terms of dry sliding wear
mechanical behaviour of the worn surfaces. This resistance.
change of mechanisms can explain the unstable Wear mechanisms of the hard track
trend of the wear rate and friction coefficient material (disc) should be considered as
with regard to the applied load and pin three-body contact wear which is mainly
hardness. When high load is applied (35 N), the governed by the hard particles detached
high hardness pin induces high level of disc from the worn disc and pin.
material loss in the form of small debris. These
debris, which are harder than the pin material Under high applied loads, it is shown that
generate in turn high level of wear rate by when high hardness pins are used, the disc
abrasion on the pin surface. The same generates amount of particles/debris that
mechanism is applied to the low hardness pin significantly increases the wear of the pin.
but with low level of generated debris volume This can be avoided by using a pin with a
resulting in lower erosion rates. For the high slightly lower hardness.
hardness pin, the wear mechanisms are The obtained results can be considered as
governed by delamination, oxidation, and plastic a preliminary investigation for improving
deformation and fracture. In the case of low the performance of the sliding mechanism.
hardness pin, the main wear mechanisms
observed were abrasion, adhesion, and

A. Elhadi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 475-485

Acknowledgments [10] V. Abouei, H. Saghafian and S. Kheirandish,

'Effect of microstructure on the oxidative wear
The authors appreciate the financial support behavior of plain carbon steel', Wear, vol. 262,
from the Mechanical Engineering Department of no. 9-10, pp. 1225-1231, 2007.
the Faculty of technology, University of [11] D. Rai, B. Singh and J.Singh, 'Characterisation of
Mohamed Boudiaf, Msila, Algeria. The authors wear behaviour of different microstructures in
are also grateful for the technical support of the NiCrMoV steel', Wear, vol. 263, no. 1-6, pp.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, TS, 821-829, 2007.
Montreal, Canada through the Laboratoire [12] L. Tang, C. Gao, J. Huang, H. Zhang and W. Chang,
dOptimisation des Procds de Fabrication en 'Dry sliding friction and wear behaviour of
Arospatiale, LOPFA. hardened AISI D2 tool steel with different
hardness levels', Tribology International, vol. 66,
pp. 165-173, 2013.
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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

Tribology in Industry


Slurry Erosion Behavior of Destabilized and Deep

Cryogenically Treated Cr-Mn-Cu White Cast Irons

S. Gupta a, A. Khandelwal a, A.K. Ghose a, I. Chakrabarty a

aDepartment of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi
221005, India.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Alloy white cast iron
The effects of destabilization treatment and destabilization followed by
cryogenic treatment have been evaluated on the microstructural
Optical microscopy
evolution and sand-water slurry erosion behavior of Cr-Mn-Cu white cast
Erosive wear
irons. The phase transformations after the destabilization and
cryotreatment have been characterized by bulk hardness measurement,
Cryogenic treatment
optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction analysis. The
static corrosion rate has been measured in tap water (with pH=7) and the
Corresponding author: erosion-corrosion behavior has been studied by slurry pot tester using
sand-water slurry. The test results indicate that the cryogenic treatment
I. Chakrabarty
has a significant effect in minimizing the as-cast retained austenite
Department of Metallurgical
content and transforming into martensitic and bainitic matrix embedded
Engineering, Indian Institute of
with ultra-fine M7C3 alloy carbides. In contrast, by conventional
Technology (Banaras Hindu
destabilization treatment retained austenite in the matrix are not fully
University), Varanasi 221005 India.
eliminated. The slurry erosive wear resistance has been compared with
E-mail: ichakraborty.met@itbhu.ac.in
reference to destabilized and cryotreated high chromium iron samples
which are commonly employed for such applications. The cryotreated Cr-
Mn-Cu irons have exhibited a comparable erosive wear performance to
those of high chromium irons. Higher hardness combined with improved
corrosion resistance result in better slurry erosion resistance.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION material from corrosion are worn out by the

impinging eroding particles in the slurry and
A combined action of electrochemical corrosion further corrosion increases. Plastic deformation
and mechanical damage due to erosion by the of the metal surface during wear can also
solid particles suspended in a liquid slurry generate localized high energy sites more prone
medium accelerates failure to many critical to corrosion than the unworn sites. High
components. The effect of this combined action chromium and nickel-chromium white cast irons
is synergistic in nature that is corrosion are potent materials for corrosion-erosion
accelerates wear and vice-versa. Thin applications such as in the mining, earth moving,
passivating surface layers that protect the cement and coal industries [1-4]. The carbide

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

morphology and the matrix phase are the two moving dislocations. The tetragonality becomes
influencing factors contributing to maximum very low as a consequence. A strong interaction
wear resistance, toughness and corrosion. in between the time dependent strain field of
Discontinuous plate like eutectic M7C3 carbides dislocation and the segregated carbon atoms is
along with tough matrix embedded with fine produced. The segregated carbon atoms form
secondary alloy carbides are preferable for such clusters at nearby dislocations forming nuclei
applications [5,7]. A thin passive layer is formed for carbide precipitation during subsequent
on the surface due to high percentage of warming up to room temperature or tempering.
chromium in the solid solution [8,9]. These uniformly dispersed secondary carbides
are responsible for the improvement of
Beside the developments in the high properties on deep cryogenic treatment.
chromium and nickel-chromium irons there
has been continuing interest in the The aim of the present article is to study the
development of substitute alloy irons to effect of destabilization and cryogenic treatment
provide either a partial or total replacement of on the microstructural evolution and
costly and scarce alloying elements viz. Ni, Mo consequent erosive wear behavior of Cr-Mn-Cu
etc. A new class of chromium manganese white cast iron in sand-water slurry media.
alloy irons has been developed with
manganese, a cheaper alloying addition to
produce a predominantly austenitic matrix in 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
as-cast condition by suppressing pearlitic
transformation [10-12]. Copper addition to The alloy irons were melted in a basic lined high
chromiummanganese irons reported to be frequency induction furnace. Cylindrical test
beneficial because of its partitioning tendency bars and wear test samples were cast in sodium
to austenite phase and it enhances resistance silicate CO2 bonded sand moulds with a pouring
to aqueous corrosion [13-17]. temperature of 1773K (1500 0C). For
comparison of wear behaviour high chromium
The as-cast austenitic matrix is conventionally iron specimens were also cast; the chemical
destabilized by a destabilization or compositions analysed in ARL optical emission
destabilization treatment to transform as-cast spectrometer are shown in Table 1.
austenite to martensitic and/or fine bainitic
matrix embedded with fine secondary carbides Table 1. Chemical compositions of alloy irons cast.
[1,2]. But even after such conventional Alloy irons C% Mn% Si% Cr% Cu%
destabilization the retained austenite cannot be a)Cr-Mn-Cu iron 2.8 4.8 1.87 9.2 3.1
totally transformed. Cryogenic treatment is b) High Cr iron 2.9 0.53 0.32 16.3 -
successfully employed especially in tool steels
[18-32] and high chromium cast irons [33-37] to Optimum destabilization temperature ranges
minimize the retained austenite content as far as and time for as-cast Cr-Mn-Cu irons were
possible. The consequent improvement in wear selected based on isochronal and isothermal
resistance has been attributed to i) heat treatments. Initially the as-cast samples
transformation of retained austenite to were subjected to isochronal heat treatment for
martensite, ii) conditioning of martensite at low a fixed period of 1 hour in the temperature
temperature and iii) enhanced volume range of 973K (700 0C) to 1373K (1100 0C) in
percentage of refined secondary carbide 373K (100 0C) steps and followed by air cooling
precipitation. In a recent study, Shaohong Li et. to room temperature. In the optimum
al [31] have verified the mechanism of the temperature range thus found from the
refined carbide precipitation by internal friction isochronal treatment, the samples were
method and transmission electron microscopy, isothermally treated for various soaking times
in tool steels on deep cryogenic treatment. The and subsequently either air cooled or quenched
high internal stress developed from austenite to in liquid nitrogen bath and kept immersed for 30
martensite transformation is responsible for minutes for the cryogenic treatment. The wear
modification of carbide precipitation. The samples were heat treated at the optimum
martensite lattice contraction causes to temperature {1023K (750 0C)} and time (9
segregate interstitial carbon atoms at the nearly hours) obtained from isochronal and isothermal

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

treatments. High chromium irons were treatment conditions of the test alloy specimens
subjected to conventional destabilization at can be well assessed with reference to the high
1273K (1000 0C) for 9 hours and subsequently chromium iron samples under identical
cryotreated. The microstructures of the alloy conditions. Cylindrical wear specimens (10 mm.
irons observed under optical and scanning diameter x 50 mm. length) were ground with
electron microscopes. The bulk hardness at emery paper number 1000, cleaned with water
different heat treatment conditions were and acetone, dried and fitted in the holding disc
measured in Rockwell C- scale with 150 kgf load. of the test rig. Specimens with similar heat
treatment condition were placed at the
The retained austenite contents in a few selected
samples were measured by x-ray diffraction
analysis with Cu K radiations. To avoid the
effect of texture the samples were continuously
rotated. The carbide volume percentages
present in the alloys at different conditions were
measured by electrolytic extraction of carbides.
The carbide volume percentages thus
determined were computed to estimate the
retained austenite content in the matrix. A bath
with 5 % concentrated HCl in ethyl alcohol was
employed with sample as anode and a stainless
steel plate as cathode for electrolytic extraction.
The extraction was continued for about 20 hours
with a current density of 5 mA/cm2 and the
extracted carbides were collected in a glycerine
layer from the bottom of the bath. The volume
percentages of the extracted carbides were
calculated after drying at 343K (70 0C). Fig. 1. Slurry erosion test set-up.

The static corrosion rate of the alloy irons was Two diametrical opposite position at the holding
measured as per ASTM standard (ASTM G-1-72). disc to avoid any biasness. The sand-water
Mirror polished rectangular specimens (10x10 slurry was prepared with 60 % silica sand
mm.) were cleaned with water and acetone, particles by weight in plain tap water. The
dried and weighed in an electronic balance. The details of the silica sand eroding particles are
samples were suspended in a glass beaker with shown in Table 2.
tap water (pH=7) for 168 hours at room
temperature. After this period of immersion, the Table 2. Details of silica sand used for slurry erosion
specimens were again cleaned thoroughly with test.
water and acetone, dried and reweighed. The Shape Average Micro-hardness,
static corrosion rates were computed from the (Roundness)a size, m Kg/mm2
expression, Silica sand 0.79 325 1100-1150
a according to Rittenhouse sphericity scale
Corrosion rate [ in mg/decimeter2/ day (mdd)] =
K.W /(A.T.D) The specimens were rotated in the slurry for a
where, K= 2.4 x 106.D; W= weight loss in g total duration of 24 hours at 500 rpm which
nearest to 1 mg; A= surface area in square cm corresponds to a linear speed of 4.5 m/s. After
nearest to 0.01 cm2; T= duration in hours; D= every 6 hours of test run the specimens were
density of the material in g/cc. taken out, cleaned, dried and the mass losses
were noted. After 24 hours run the samples tips
The erosive wear performance was evaluated in were cut off, cleaned ultrasonically in acetone
a slurry pot tester as shown in Fig. 1. Although and examined under scanning electron
the effect of impact angle of the slurry particle microscope for worn-out surface topography.
impingement cannot be evaluated by this set up,
the relative wear performance in different heat

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as the temperature is increased initially as-cast

austenitic matrix is gradually transformed into
3.1 Phase Transformation Behaviour martensitic and/or fine bainitic matrix along
with fine alloy carbide precipitates.
As revealed in the optical microstructure shown
in Fig. 2, the as-cast Cr-Mn-Cu iron consists of
predominantly austenitic matrix along with
discontinuous eutectic carbides. The matrix
structure is confirmed by XRD analysis, the
austenite content has been estimated to be 87.63
% and the types of eutectic carbides are detected
as M7C3 carbides (Fig. 3). The volume percent of
these carbides has been estimated as 15.4 %
from electrolytic extraction.

Fig. 4. Optical micrographs of isochronally treated

alloy irons for 1 hour at a) 973K (700 0C), b) 1073K
(800 0C), c) 1273K (1000 0C) and d) 1373K (1100 0C).

Fig. 2. Optical micrograph of as-cast Cr-Mn-Cu iron

showing predominantly austenitic matrix.

Fig. 5. Variation in bulk hardness with isothermal

treatment time followed by a) cryotreatment and b)
air cooling.

This results in an increase in hardness. If the

treatment temperature crosses beyond the peak
temperature, it is perhaps too high above the A3
temperature of the alloy and austenite phase
Fig. 3. XRD pattern of as-cast Cr-Mn-Cu alloy iron
becomes stabilized again. This is substantiated
with Cu K radiation.
by the optical micrographs. The attainment of
The bulk hardness after isochronal treatment peak hardness can be attributed to the following
temperature attains a peak at a temperature factors:
around 1023K (7500C) and decreases with i) Initially when the alloy is held just above
further increase in temperature. Fig. 4 shows the the A3 temperature, the solid solubility of
corresponding microstructural change in optical carbon and other alloying elements being
micrographs from which it can be inferred that the lowest possible, the austenite matrix

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

gets depleted of carbon and other alloying shown in Fig. 7 and the EDS spectra obtained
elements with consequent fine alloy carbide from secondary carbides is shown in Fig. 7a.
ii) The martensite start temperature (Ms) of
the alloy depleted austenite matrix is raised
and during subsequent air cooling the
matrix transforms to martensite embedded
with fine carbides.
iii) On further increase in temperature, the
austenite gets stabilized again because of
the higher solid solubility and the
precipitates are also coarsened resulting in
a drop in hardness.

Fig. 7. SEM image of destabilized {1023K (750 0C) for

9 hours} and air cooled Cr-Mn-Cu alloy.

Fig. 6. Optical micrographs of isothermally treated

Cr-Mn-Cu alloy for a) 3 hours and air cooled; b)
9 hours and air cooled; c) 3 hours and cryotreated Fig. 7a. EDS spectra of secondary carbides in
and d) 9 hours and cryotreated. destabilized and air cooled alloy.

The bulk hardness versus isothermal treatment

time plot at the optimum temperature 1023K
(750 0C) obtained from isochronal treatment is
shown in Fig. 5. It is evident from the figure that
the hardness initially increasing almost linearly
with time and becomes steady at the latter stage
of treatment. A gradual conversion of austenitic
matrix into a dark matrix embedded with very
fine alloy carbides are revealed in the
corresponding optical micrographs (Fig. 6). The
actual phase present in the matrix is difficult to
be resolved under optical microscope. The as-
cast supersaturated austenite matrix tends to
attain equilibrium carbon and alloy contents Fig. 8. XRD profile of i) destabilized and cryotreated
with consequent rejection of these elements and alloy and ii) destabilized and air cooled alloy.
on subsequent cooling to room temperature the
alloy depleted austenite transforms to the dark The effect of cryotreatment following isothermal
phase. The dark matrix could be resolved under destabilization for varying soaking periods on
scanning electron microscope and it is found to the bulk hardness is shown in Fig. 5. It depicts a
be mostly fine bainite with few areas of similar trend as in the case of air cooling.
martensite embedded with fine alloy carbides. However, in case of cryotreatment, the hardness
The SEM image of the destabilized matrix is increase is significantly higher than that in air

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

cooling. This trend can be justified with the areas of fine bainites are formed as evidenced by
retained austenite percentage measured from the SEM.
XRD analysis (Fig. 8) and the corresponding
optical and SEM micrographs in Figs. 6 and 9 3.2 Static corrosion rates
respectively. The EDS spectra from secondary
carbides is shown in Fig. 9a. The static corrosion rates of destabilized and
subsequently air cooled or cryotreated Cr-Mn-
Cu and high chromium alloys in tap water (pH
=7) are shown in Fig. 10. It is evident from the
figure that cryotreated alloys are having a lower
rate of corrosion than those of destabilized and
air cooled alloys.

Fig. 9. SEM image of destabilized {1023K (750 0C) for

9 hours} and cryotreated Cr-Mn-Cu alloy.

Fig. 10. Static aqueous corrosion rate in different

alloy conditions.

Similar improvement in corrosion resistance has

been observed by Amini K. et al. in cryotreated
tool steel [30]. The improvement in corrosion
resistance has been attributed to the more
uniform carbide distribution in association with
Fig. 9a. EDS spectra of secondary carbides formed in
higher fine carbide formation in cryotreated
destabilized and cryotreated alloy.
alloy. It is believed that, the deep cryogenic
Table 3. Details of carbide volume% and retained treatment reduces the internal stress and
austenite content in different conditions. stabilizes the dislocation structure in steel,
consequently, decreasing the free energy of
Carbide Retained
Alloy conditions atoms. This results in a better corrosion
volume% austenite%
1. As-cast 15.44 87.63 resistance in steel [37,38].
2. Destabilized at
1023K (750 0C) + 9 hrs. air 21.50 13.54 3.3 Slurry-erosion behaviour
3. Destabilized at
1023K (750 0C) + 9 hrs. 28.32 - The cumulative wear loss versus wearing time
cryotreatment curves are shown in Fig. 11, from which it is
apparent that, the wear resistance of the
A large dispersion of very fine secondary carbide cryotreated specimens is significantly improved
precipitates accounts for further increase in compared to those in destabilized and
hardness which has been confirmed by the subsequently air cooled specimens. The wear
volume fraction of carbides determined by resistance of the as-cast alloy is least among
electrolytic extraction (Table 3). The matrix also other tested alloys. The erosive wear resistance
contributes to the high hardness, a of the cryotreated Cr-Mn-Cu alloys is
predominantly martensitic matrix with lesser comparable to that of cryotreated high

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

chromium alloy irons. The hardness perhaps harder phase compared to the matrix. The
plays a vital role in decreasing the wear rate. matrix regions have worn out preferentially
The corresponding microstructures obviously leaving the carbide regions to support the load
have a great influence on the wear loss. A fine of eroding particles. In all the worn out surfaces
Grained predominantly martensitic matrix with plough marks are prominent in the matrix
least amount of retained austenite embedded phases (Figs. 12a and 12b).
with fine and hard alloy carbides exhibit very
good wear resistance. The better wear
resistance of cryotreated samples can be
attributed to three factors:
I. Due to reduction of retained austenite and
its conversion to higher percentage of
martensite in the matrix. This provides
stronger support to the hard and fine
secondary alloy carbides during erosion.
II. More homogeneous precipitation with high
volume fraction of finer alloy carbides.
III. Cryotreatment produces refined martensitic
matrix causing a fine grained strengthening
effect which improves wear resistance

Fig. 12. a) SEM image of worn out surface of

destabilized and air cooled alloy, b) Magnified image
showing plough mark sand lip formation in the matrix.

Fig. 11. Average cumulative wear loss vs. time plot in

slurry erosion test.

The worn out surface topography have been

studied with scanning electron microscope
(SEM). The SEM micrographs show formation of
indentation craters by ploughing mechanism as
suggested by Hutchings [39]. The round to sub-
angular shaped eroding particles impinges on
the metal surface pushing the metal in the
direction of the movement of the eroding
particles. The erosion occurs due to fracture and
detachment of this lip. The metal is displaced
also at the sides of the impact craters. The worn Fig. 13. SEM image of worn out surface of as- cast
out surface show the carbides in relief, being alloy showing micro-cracks in the matrix.

S. Gupta et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 486-495

The as-cast Cr-Mn-Cu alloy shows fine cracks cryotreated high chromium iron. Not only higher
formed in the matrix. These cracks might have hardness but improved corrosion resistance
led to spall formation and hence material contributes to better slurry erosion property.
detachment (Fig. 13).
It is evident from the SEM images of the
worn out surfaces that, the predominant
mechanism of material removal during slurry
erosion is by ploughing. In as-cast irons cracks
are formed around the matrix leading to spall
formation. In case of cryotreated iron matrix
being harder, no preferential erosion between
matrix and carbides are occurring and hence a
smoother worn out surface is revealed.


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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

Tribology in Industry


Tribological Studies of Antiwear Antifriction

Composition and its Application

V.N. Duradji a, D.E. Kaputkin a, A. Duradji a

a National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Leninskiy prospect 4, 119049, Moscow, Russia.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
In recent decades appeared the considerable interest in the use of the
antiwear, anticorrosion and restoration technologies in friction units,
including the internal combustion engines. These technologies allow
Wearless friction
reducing the friction coefficient and the wear of friction surfaces during
Servovite film
the operation without disassembly of the components and assemblies.
The present work involves the studies of the tribotechnical characteristics
of the friction pairs when using the antiwear antifrictional (AWAF)
composition, injected in the lubricating medium. The results show, that
Corresponding author: injection of the AWAF composition in the lubricating material does not
V.N. Duradji cause the changes in the microstructure and microhardness of the surface
National University of Science and of friction pairs, friction coefficient decreases in 1.5 2 times, the amount
Technology "MISiS", Leninskiy of wear of the rubbing parts is close to zero. The obtained effect is causes
prospect 4, 119049, by the establishing of the selective transfer process (wearless friction)
Moscow, Russia with the formation of the servovite film. Application of this composition
E-mail: vnduradji@mail.ru allows to improve efficiency of machines and equipment, considerably
reduce the content of CO and CH as well as solid impurities in the engine
exhaust gases, and reduce the running-in time of the diesel engines.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION material, decreases the mutual penetration of

one surface into another, plastic deformations
The diversity of part destruction types during and oxidation processes reduce, as well as the
the friction is associated with number of abrasive action. Many methods was developed
physical-chemical and mechanical processes in to increase the parts hardness: cementing,
the contact area, mainly, with environment, chrome plating, nitriding, surface hardening,
friction conditions and applied constructional hard-surfacing and other, that allowed to solve
and lubricating materials. many issues associated with increasing in
lifecycle of the machines and equipment [1,2].
For a long time the main directions of the
struggle against wear and the decreasing of However, the friction pair can be considered as a
friction forces was the increasing in the friction thermodynamic system, where can be the
surface hardness. At increase in hardness of the exchange of energy and substance between the

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

friction surfaces and the external environment dependence of the film formation efficiency on
(lubricant), and consequently, the formation of the concentration of metals in the environment,
new structures based on self-organizing low resistance of the dispersions of metal
processes is possible [3]. Based on this powders, high purity powders, etc.), due to
phenomenon new metalplacking additives were which their application is mostly limited to
developed, which are injected into the lubricating plastic lubricants for the certain friction units.
materials, reduce the friction energy costs and
significantly improve the wear resistance of the It is of interest to obtain cladding layers with
rubbing parts of machined and mechanisms. To natural friction geomodifiers based on
this group of substances, apparently, can be serpentinite, and establish the possibility of
attributed antiwear antifriction composition their use in the form of additives for lubricants:
based on mineral serpentine. in oils and lubricant greases.

Antiwear antifriction technology with its

physical nature and with its impact character on 2. EXPERIMENTS
the friction surfaces is one of the varieties of
methods to improve the wear resistance of the Antiwear antifriction composition [6,7] it is
machine parts, based on the effect of the ultradispersive, multi-component mixture of the
wearlessness during the implementation of the minerals, additives, catalysts. The main raw
selective transfer. The selective transfer a materials for its production are natural
special kind of friction, which is caused by the materials of serpentinite group.
spontaneous formation in the contact area of the
thin non-oxidizing metal film with low shear The decrease in the number of particles with
resistance and incapable to the cold work high hardness is obtained due to the fact that
hardening. Such a protective film with thickness after preliminary crushing and grinding of the
1-4 microns is called servovite. mineral with appropriate additives (particle size
0.1 0.2 mm) particles of magnetite, pyroxene,
The formation of the servovite film during the and silica are removed from the mixture by an
friction process is caused by its creative nature, electromagnetic selection. Then the remaining
defined by the intensity of energy and matter part is mechanically crushed in the planetary
exchange between the friction unit and external centrifugal mill, resulting in ultradispersive
environment, as well as the collective behavior powder (particle size up to 40 microns) with
of metal ions. The properties of the protective phase composition given in Table 1.
servovite film, formed during the friction
Table 1. Phase composition of the antiwear
process, are other than the original metal.
antifriction powder.
It should be noted, that during the friction the The identified Content,
Chemical formula
phase wt.%
parts contact on a very small area, which is 0.01- Serpentine
0.001 of the nominal area of the mating surfaces. (chrysotile and Mg6[Si4O10](OH)8 78-85
As a result, the actual contact areas are lizardite)
experiencing a very high stress, which leads to Chlorite (MgAlFe)2[(Si,Al)8O20](OH)16 2-3
their mutual penetration, plastic deformation, Magnetite Fe3O4 1-2
Amakinite (Mg,Fe)(OH)2 1-2
and consequently, to the intensive wear. In case
Amphibole Ca2(Mg,Fe)5(Si,Al)8O22(OH)6 1.5-2
of the selective transfer the contract of mating Calcite CaMg(CO3)2 0.5-1.0
surfaces is carried out through the actual contact X-ray amorphous
area and increased tenfold. phase

Known the metalplacking lubricants[3-5], whose AWAF composition is powder with the
operating principle consists in forming in areas dispersion: from 40 microns to 10 microns 15
of actual contact of the protective films based on %; from 10 microns to 1 micron 20 %, the rest
a soft metals (Cu, Sn, Pb, Zn and other), which of the composition is less than 1 micron (Fig. 1 a,
decrease the force impact and the wear intensity b). This composition does not dissolve in oils and
of the mating surfaces. However, these materials other carriers and does not enter with them into
have a number of disadvantages (the chemical reactions; does not change the viscosity

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

of the oil, due to its very low concentration in it machine SMC-2 and mainly by means of friction
(0.05-0.1 g/l); it is not an abrasive material. machine MTU-01. Universal friction machine
Harmless both in the initial state (powder) and in MTU-01 is intended for testing on friction and
the process of the running-in. wear of the metallic and non-metallic materials in
terms of the various lubricants application (oils
and plastic lubricants). A special feature of the
friction machine is usage of original friction unit
block in the friction installation, which allows
keeping the parallelism of the friction surfaces
during the operation, and to use as a drive a
commercially available bench-drilling machine.
The testing time varied from 1 to 8 hours. The
pressure on the friction pair was varied in the
range 1-5 MPa, the linear speed of rotating rollers
was varied from 1 to 2 m/s (1000 RPM for
consistent greases and 600 RPM for oils). The
friction torque was determined using the load
cell. The registered parameters were recorded
and processed using a PC. The change in weight of
the samples is determined by weighing on a
laboratory scales VLE134 and electronic scales
model Sartorius 1201. The surface quality was
controlled visually (the presence of scratches,
grooves and burrs) by means of the optical
microscope at a magnification of 100 to 500-fold.

As a friction pairs were used: plates made of

brass, steel 10, st. 45, an aluminium alloy, cast
iron SCh 24 (same as DIN 1691 GG-25) and
rollers made of steel 10 or St. 45 (hardened with
a hardness of 45-47 HRC). To measure the
surface roughness of the samples and parts of
diesel engine before and after the running-in
was used a profilometer mod. 201 factory
b) "Kalibr".
Fig. 1. a) AWAF structure, b) Combined spectrogram
of 4 spectrums. It is known that under the same cooling
conditions the temperature of the lubricating oil
Metallographic studies of friction pair surfaces is directly dependent on the temperature of
made from different metals (steel10 steel10, friction surfaces. Therefore, the change in the
St.45-St.45, St.45-bronze, St.45- aluminium alloy, temperature of friction surfaces was evaluated
St.45-cast iron etc.) were carried out using a by the temperature of lubricating oil using the
microscope MIM-8 and microhardness PMT-3 thermocouple chromel copel, which was
with an increase from 500 to 1200-fold. These mounted in a PVC tube. The thermocouple was
studies were conducted both for initial samples connected to the potentiometer KSP-4.
and for samples tested on the friction machine
using the consistent greases (Lithol-24, Buksol, The test of the running-in oil M-10DM with
Solidol) and industrial oil I-20A with the AWAF composition was carried out on
addition of antiwear antifriction compositions of overhauled diesel engines D-180. The test
various concentrations from 0.05 to 1 %. engines were assembled from parts that have
the same size group. The inserts and CPG parts
The obtaining of the tribological characteristics of were installed new. Tests were carried out on
various friction pairs for various compositions the break-in-brake stand KI-5541M, designed
was partially carried out by means of friction for running engines of this size.

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

The running-in of the engines with pure oil M- widespread metalplacking lubricating materials,
10DM is carried out in modes in accordance with which form a copper, tin or lead servovite film.
typical technology, and with AWAF composition in
modes of the experimental technology. To register The metalplacking lubricating materials by phase
engine parameters the analyser of the pneumatic characteristic are divided into homogeneous and
density and tightness of cylinders AGC 2. heterogeneous. The first ones as an additives
contain metal compounds soluble in a base
The experiments were performed with a scanning lubricating medium, the second ones contain
electron microscope model VEGA2 TS 5136XM metal or its oxides in form of powder. However,
running at high and low vacuum. Scanning these materials have a number of disadvantages
electron microscopes (SEM) series TESCAN (the dependence of the film formation efficiency
VEGA- fully controlled via a personal computer. on the concentration of the metals in medium,
low resistance of the dispersions of metal
powder, high purity of the powders and other)
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS due to which their application is limited mainly to
the plastic lubricants for certain friction units.
3.1 Tribological properties of the antiwear
antifrictional composition In recent years, a number of technical solutions
appeared [4-9], according to which the layered
In the search for means to increase the wear natural hydro silicates (serpentinite, talc,
resistance of the machine parts, the selective serpentine, jade, dolomite and other) are used as
transfer during friction was discovered [3]. The a filler of solid-lubricant compositions. The
selective transfer a special kind of friction, presence of the powder of these compounds in
which is caused by the spontaneous formation in the lubricant composition under certain
the contact area of the thin non-oxidizing metal conditions of its manufacturing and injection
film with low shear resistance and incapable to between friction surfaces and their running-in
the cold work hardening. On a film, in its turn, leads to the formation on the friction metal
the polymer film is being formed, which creates surfaces of the protective film, which
additional antifrictional layer. significantly reduces their wear. Some authors
believe that the protective layer is a servovite
The complexity of the selective transfer consists film [3,5]. Strength and antifrictional
in a fact that numbers of its chemical and physical characteristics of the servovite film depend in
processes are not found in practice of a friction particular on manufacturing conditions,
research. These include the processes occurring composition of the lubricating material, the
in the servovite film, when the accumulation of running-in after its injection between the
dislocations during its deformation is maintained friction surfaces and their state, etc.
at a low level, thereby providing the wearlessness
of the contacting surfaces. Servovite film the However, it is possible to assume that the
protective metal film, appearing at the initial establishing mechanism of the selective transfer
stage of the friction as a result of the selective (ST) process and formation of the servovite film
dissolution of the anodic components of the for the metalplacking additives and for antiwear
material surface layer. antifrictional (AWAF) composition is different.

For the implementation of the selective transfer Mechanochemical activation of the AWAF
in the friction pairs steel-steel, cast iron-steel, composition in the planetary centrifugal mill
etc. that do not contain film-forming material, depending on the activation time, ultimately, can
the metalplacking lubricating materials are used. lead to the formation of the nanoparticles of
The metalplacking lubricant the class of the such size, which are commensurate with the
lubricating materials, containing (by weight crystal lattice parameters. Further dispersing
from 0.1 to 10 %) additives: powder of metals, inevitably entails restructuring (change of the
alloys and their oxides, salts and complex crystal lattice, amorphization) with a
compounds of metals or organometallic corresponding change of all thermodynamic
compounds, that release metal during the characteristics of the substance and its
decomposition in the friction area. The most reactivity.

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

The presence of x-ray amorphous component results are obtained when using as the base
(Table 1) indicates the content in the AWAF lubricating medium the natural lubricant
composition of nanoparticles with a developed Soliton, which does not contain any extraneous
surface, having a high catalytic ability that additives. The amount of wear of the friction
promotes the accelerated and efficient formation pairs in this medium is 4.0 mg for the plate (steel
of the servovite film. Besides, nanoparticles of 10) and 6.0 mg for the roller (steel 10). The
less than 100 nm are held in the liquid nature of the friction coefficient change with
(lubricating material) by the Brownian motion time under load 160 N is presented on Fig. 2.
that promotes the more efficient use of the
AWAF composition, by reducing the
concentration of injected powder, since a
smaller portion is precipitated by gravitational
forces or retained in the fine filter.

It should be noted, that there is an optimal time of

the mechanical activation depending on the
number of parameters: design of the mill,
material and diameter and mass of the balls,
amount of the load, rotation frequency, the
medium, where the activatable composition Fig. 2. Friction coefficient oscillograms: 1 lubricant
located and the like. With further increase in Soliton, 2 lubricant Soliton with AWAF.
processing time, the nanoparticles aggregation
starts or the substance destruction will occur In studying the effect of concentration values of
(mechanolysis, mechanical cracking, dissociation, the antiwear antifrictional composition in the
etc.). When the ultrafine grinding occurs, the lubricant grease on the tribological
original mineral ceases to exist in its original characteristics, its concentration varied from 2
structure or chemical composition, turning into a to 30 %. Research show that the increase in
new substance with the different properties, concentration more than 10 % leads to the
structure and even elemental composition. increase in wear values and when concentration
is 30 % the abrasive effect is being observed.
The AWAF composition particles (due to the Possible, that in real mechanisms the
property the perfect cleavage) are splitted as composition is not so intensely gets into a
long as do not form nanoparticles sols. This is friction area as in the friction machine and it is
liquid colloidal systems with particles of the possible to use such concentrations. In further,
dispersed phase freely and independently from the research was carried out with AWAF
each other moving during the process of concentration in the lubricant grease 1-5 %.
Brownian motion. In the friction area under the Experiments show that in case of using Soliton
action of electrostatic forces, they reach the as a base lubricant the friction coefficient
metal surface. It can be assumed, that because of decreases and its value is 0.6-0.8 from the
the mechanochemical reactions at the friction friction coefficient of the clean lubricant (Fig. 2).
surface, the self-organizing protective layer is Besides, on the plate surface, apparently, the
formed the servovite film. protective coating is formed, since no wear been
observed, but stable gain of the plate within 1-
Carrying out of tribological tests for lubricant 1.5 mg, i.e. of 0.8-1.3 mg/cm2, this means that
greases using as a base: Litol-24, Solidol-G, the thickness of the protective layer can be 1.5-3
Vaseline etc. (made by different companies) is microns. This effect was obtained for all
complicated by the fact that all these lubricants researched compositions. In work [10], on a
contain various additives, sometimes abrasive friction surfaces by means of the electronic
particles, as a result the wear amount during 1- microscopy revealed the presence of the
hour testing period can range from 3-4 mg up to protective film with the thickness about 6
100 mg. In this connection, we cant clearly microns having a non-metallic character.
determine what the reason of the obtained
negative result is: it is a lubricant composition or The dependence of the mass change of friction
it is an added composition. Best unequivocal pairs: the rollers and the plate using lubricating

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

medium oil I-20A, from the concentration of running time of friction pairs show that major
the injected composition varying from 0.008 to changes on the friction surfaces occur mainly
0.06 % under the load 160 N are shown on a Fig. during the first hour of work, during which the
3. In these cases, the weight gain of the rotating formation of a protective (servovite) layer occur,
part (rollers) is observed. At that with increase and in further the weight of samples (roller and
in the concentration of AWAF composition up to plate) remains unchanged.
0.048% the weight gain of the roller is observed,
but at further increase in the concentration the The antiwear antifrictional nanodispersed
value of the weight gain decreases, tending to (AWAF) composition, getting together with an
zero. For the second counter body (the plate), oil or lubricant grease on the friction surfaces of
the weight change with increasing concentration parts, initiate the formation process on the
of powder in oil up to 0.048 % is almost not friction surfaces of the modified coating with
observed. With increasing concentration of the high wear resistance and low friction coefficient.
AWAF composition, more than 0.05 % the value Thus, during the process of interaction of the
of the plate wear begins to grow noticeably. AWAF composition with friction surfaces the
value of gap between the rubbing parts
gradually stabilizes and approaches the optimal
over the entire area of contact spots.

The resulting nanoparticle of the AWAF

composition, apparently, have the enhanced
catalytic ability, the increased reactivity and the
excessive electric charge due to which they dont
leave the friction area and concentrate on the
Fig. 3. Weight change of the roller (1) and plate (2) metal surfaces of friction units.
depending on the concentration of the AWAF
composition (the friction pair steel10 steel10). One would assume that effect of the selective
transfer caused not by the physic-chemical
properties of the composition, but due to a size
of the particles forming the composition. Thus, if
the particles of some substance become
commensurable with nanoparticles, then this
substance could realize the process of selective
transfer. To check this assumption the
tribotechnical tests of lubricating substances
were conducted with addition of the
Fig. 4. Weight change of the roller (1) and plate (2) nanopowders (particle size less than 100 nm),
depending on the processing time (the friction pair boehmite (AlOOH), talcum powder, cobalt,
steel10 steel10). carbon nanofiber and other. However, there
were not such effect of decrease in the friction
coefficient and decrease in the value of wear as
with antiwear antifrictional repair-regenerative
composition. This means that effect of the
selective transfer is caused by the unique physic-
chemical properties of this composition.

As mentioned above, modified coatings with

high wear resistance and low friction coefficient
Fig. 5. Friction coefficient oscillograms: 1 oil I-20A; are formed on the metal surfaces of the friction
2 oil I-20A with AWAF composition (the friction pairs and the effect of the selective transfer is
pair steel10 steel10). being observed. In order to establish whether
these properties decisive in the phenomenon of
The conducted research of the wear amount the friction coefficient reduction and the wear
(Fig. 4) and friction coefficient (Fig. 5) from the amount reduction, the tribotechnical tests of the

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

friction pairs were conducted in accordance with quality of received production, growth of
the following scheme: 1 during 4 hours the diseases of people and animals, other adverse
friction pair worked in the lubricating effects. Besides, usage of the low quality oil and
environment containing antiwear antifrictional fuel leads to additional wear of the friction pairs,
composition; 2 then the lubricating power reduction, increased fuel consumption, oil
environment was replaced by the pure oil and burnout, and reduction of the vehicle
alternately every hour, keeping the friction exploitation efficiency as a whole.
surface unchanged, the friction coefficient and
the amount of wear were measured. The tests The antifrictional additives provide guaranteed
have shown that after the replacement of oil fuel economy by reducing mechanical friction loss
containing AWAF composition with the pure oil and a corresponding increase in efficiency of the
the protective (servovite) layer is retained on motor. They are most effective when the
the friction surfaces, the friction coefficient and boundary friction mode, for example, between
the amount of wear were slightly different from the compression piston rings and cylinders close
the values they had directly after work in the to the upper dead points. Their advantage is their
lubricating environment containing antiwear efficiency, both at low and at high temperatures.
antifrictional composition. These results are
confirmed in practice: in particular, car engines The protective antifrictional layer, which
with lubricant containing antiwear antifrictional formation is caused by the physic-chemical
composition retained technical indicators for 50- composition of the injected additive, could have
80 thousand kilometres, despite the fact that a various structures, providing the significant
planned oil change was carried out every 10 decrease in the friction coefficient and the
thousand kilometres. It means that this amount of wear. At that with the increase in the
composition is not simply identical to the solid operating time of the friction unit, the friction
lubricants, but related to the effect of selective coefficient tends to the value 0.03 0.04 and the
transfer (wearless friction). amount of wear tends to zero.

It is natural, that conducted metallographic However, along with these indicators the
studies of the friction surfaces and tribological operating results should be considered. For
tests are not enough to create action models of example, for the metalplacking compositions it is
antiwear antifrictional composition. However, necessary to inject next portion after each
the conducted research allow to make a lubricating medium replacement. In addition,
conclusion that with the injection of this after prolonged use occurs stripping of the
composition into a lubricating medium the self- protective layer from the friction surface. It
organizing protective (servovite) film specific to should also be taken into account that
the selective transfer (wearless friction) is metalplacking compositions are deposited not
formed on the friction surfaces. The theory of only on the friction surface, but also on the
this process is sufficiently developed for closed cavities [4].
metalplacking additives [3,5,11-19], but for this
moment there is no such theory for the additives The polymerized substances are characterized
based on the minerals. by the rapid onset of the effect of the friction
coefficient reduction. However, the Teflon
3.2 Application of the AWAF composition for coating, during the process of friction unit
the treatment of motor transport engines operation, is being saturated with fine products
of wear and works in further as an abrasive [4].
In recent years, dramatically exacerbated the The uses of preparations based on molybdenum
problem of environmental protection, especially disulphide significantly increase the sulphate
in large cities, where concentrated tens of ash content of engine oils exceeding the
millions of vehicles. The content of harmful permissible limits. It should be taken into
components in the exhaust gases increases account that the use of halogen compounds in
during the operation of the worn internal the lubricants promotes the formation of acids,
combustion engines, leaking oil through the which increase the acid number of the base
faulty seals result in contamination of lubricant and, hence, its corrosivity.
agricultural land, decline in the quantity and

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

Application of the antiwear antifrictional Table 3. The results of processing engine of Opel
composition [7] allows getting on the friction Astra car.
surfaces the protective layer, which persists Opel
when the vehicle mileage is 50 thousand Astra
kilometres and more, i.e. during several Full mileage 106540 106632 106900 107870
replacements of oil in the internal combustion Mileage after
92 360 1330
engines. Let us consider some of the results of application
the processing of automobile engines. Oil level MAX MAX MAX-0,2 kg MAX-0,5 kg
Application of the antiwear antifrictional 1 9 14.4 14.9 14.9
composition is accomplished by direct addition 2 6.5 14.4 14.8 15.3
into the engine according to the required 3 12.5 14.4 14.8 15.2
concentration (the calculation is carried out 4 14.4 14.4 14.9 15.3
depending on the quantity of the lubricant and Exhaust
oil in the engine). Then you can immediately gases
continue the exploitation in the normal mode The gas
55 C 55 C 55 C 55 C
without any restrictions.
CO 1.2-1.7 % 0.06 % 0.06 % 0.00 %
CO2 14 % 14 % 13.70 % 14 %
Processing of the internal combustion engine
O2 0.48 % 0.25 % 1.20 % 0.51 %
with the antiwear antifriction composition was
carried out according to the scheme: - warm up
to the operating temperature, - taking of The engine processing with the antiwear
testimony of the engine parameters; - processing antifrictional composition leads not only to wear
of the engine with the repair-regenerative reduction of the parts, but also to the certain
composition; - running-in at least 500 km; taking stabilization of gaps. Especially it concerns the
of testimony of the parameters. Technical cylinder-piston group and the crank mechanism.
condition of these engines corresponds to the This in turn leads to a decrease in the impact
category of the technical condition "acceptable". intensity of the parts and, consequently, to
Measured parameters in the process of diagnosis noisiness reduction.
for several types of vehicles are shown in Tables
2 and 3. As known, one of the main sources of the engine
wear is the start-up mode, especially at low
Table 2. The values of compression in cylinders for temperatures. The engine processing with the
the engine TATRA 815 (air-cooled). antiwear antifrictional composition simplifies the
cold start conditions, due to the reduction of
Cylinder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
power losses to overcome the friction forces, and
Compressio reduced start-up time. In addition, the growth of
n before
the compression also facilitates start of the






kg/cm2 engine. This has a positive effect on reducing the
After treatment wear of all interfaces of the friction units.
n, kg/cm 2, 3.3 Application of the AWAF composition for
running-in of the vehicle engines





2 500 km
Compressio Carrying out the running-in of the vehicle
n, kg/cm 2, aggregates, such as internal combustion engine





mileage 30 and elements of the transmission, is caused by the

000 km presence of defects in the manufacture and
Compressio assembly of parts and components leading to the
n kg/cm 2, grasp of the friction surfaces and the possible





mileage 95 appearance of burrs on them and also the need to

000 km identify possible hidden manufacturing defects.

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

It is known, that most of the vehicle dont need temperature of friction surfaces increases over
the operational running-in, however, for some of 473 K (hot running-in) the serpentine forms on
them it is mandatory process step both at the friction surfaces, in places of their contact, a
automotive factories and repair shops. The thin antifriction film which is able to withstand a
necessity of the running-in, as a technology higher load than the lubricating film of mineral
operation, is caused by the fact that even when oil. At that, the contacting irregularities are not
the perfect assembly and accordance of the cut off, but plastically deform under a film of the
waviness and roughness of working surfaces to serpentine. The force and temperature of
the drawings requirements, almost impossible in friction significantly decrease.
other process steps to achieve optimal
tribological properties of the surface layers of The presence of the hard magnetite particles in oil
friction parts. Running-in largely determines the should lead to the intensive wear of the friction
reliability of a diesel engine, especially in the surfaces. However, small abrasive particles dont
initial period of operation and at a minimum of intensify wear, but also inhibit to it [15]. In some
the running-in and steady-state wear of the cases, the particle size of less than 5 microns is
tribological connections provides the increase of considered safe and even beneficial. This is due to
the diesel engine resource. the polishing effect. Mechanical impurities
contained in the used oil, wherein the dispersant
For the diesel engine, the duration of running-in effect of the additives is weakened, represent
is 30-40 machine hours or about 5000 km of complexes, in the centre of which are located the
mileage for the vehicle. The development of solid abrasive particles coated with a multilayer
mechanical engineering indicates the need to colloid protection consisting of the polar-active oil
accelerate this process and reduce it to 2-3 min., oxidation products. The positive impact of these
necessary to control the operability of the particles is manifested in the fact that they
product and identify possible hidden defects. intensify heat transfer between the friction
surfaces, increase the electrical conductivity of the
When the running-in there is a change in oil film and eliminate the roughness on the surface.
geometry of friction surfaces and physico- Furthermore, the micro abrasive enhances physic-
mechanical properties of surface layers of chemical processes in the friction area, causing
materials during the initial period of friction, slight deformation of the surface layers and the
manifested under constant ambient conditions formation of new surfaces, which are active sites
and consist in reducing friction, temperature and for chemical reactions and diffusion processes. The
wear rate. Running-in of the parts is carried out at presence of the micro abrasive particles up to 1.5
the automotive factories and repair shops in the % in the lubricating oil decreases the friction
process of bench testing and in households - coefficient, accelerates the formation of the
consumers during the operational running-in. It optimal micro relief on the entire contact area.
should be understood that almost any
disassembly of rubbing joints leads to necessity of The quality of the running-in is estimated also
carrying out operations of running-in of the by the intensity of surface roughness change
reassembled unit with loss of a part of interrepair depending on the test time. It is known, that the
resource on the running-in wear. The application initial surface roughness of the rubbing parts
of the running-in preparations will not only allow becomes operational roughness. The formation
to reach faster the normal operation mode of the operational roughness is influenced by a
(reduce the running-in time) but also significantly complex set of different kinds of mechanical,
increase the overhaul life of machinery units physic-chemical, electro-chemical and other
(improve the quality of running-in). processes occurring in the contact between two
rubbing bodies. Therefore, in the work was
Adding the AWAF composition in the oil M- studied the surface roughness of the friction pair
10DM contributes to the acceleration of the "piston ring - cylinder liner" using the studied
running-in and improvement of the quality of running-in oils as a lubricant. The initial
the run-in surface, since this composition roughness of the friction surfaces of both
contains the most effective components of samples (roller, plate) Ra = 0.63 microns. Fig. 6
lubricating and plastically-deformable action - shows the profilograms of samples surfaces
the serpentine and magnetite. When the before and after running-in.

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

Before running-in:

After running-in on pure oil M-10DM:
Fig. 7. a) sample surface, run-in on oil M-10DM, b)
the spectrogram of the sample surface, run-in on oil

After running-in on oil M-10DM with AWAF


Fig. 6. The profilograms of friction surfaces of the
parts samples.

Fig. 8. a) Sample surface, run-in on oil M-10DM with
AWAF composition, b) The spectrogram of the sample
surface, run-in on oil M-10DM with AWAF composition.

The best results obtained on the oil M-10DM

with AWAF composition. Thus, the roughness
a) stabilized after a 30 minute test on the value of

V.N. Duradji et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 496-507

Ra = 0.14 microns, which is 60 % less than with silicates this requirement is eliminated and it is
pure oil M-10DM. Within 15-20 minutes of the possible to inject them into any lubricating
tests, takes place the plastic smoothing of the medium.
roughness peaks up to the platforms, which
gives a better distribution of the load and the
reduction of the actual pressure between the REFERENCES
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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

Tribology in Industry


Wear and Friction Behavior of Stir Cast Al-TiB2

Metal Matrix Composites with Various Lubricants

S. Poria a,b, G. Sutradhar a, P. Sahoo a, b

a Departmentof Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India,
bCentre of Excellence on Phase Transformation and Product Characterization, TEQIP-II, Jadavpur University,
Kolkata 700032, India.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Al- TiB2 metal matrix composites are fabricated using stir cast method
Metal matrix composites and its tribological characterization is done using three different
Wear lubricants. Tribological studies are performed in a multi-tribotester
Coefficient of friction using block-on-roller configuration under 25-75 N loads and 400-600
Lubricant rpm rotational speeds. Four different weight percentages of TiB2 are
considered in this study. Comparison between dry condition and
Corresponding author: lubricated conditions is gleaned to differentiate wear and friction
characteristics and SEM images are taken to fortify them. Lubricated
Prasanta Sahoo conditions yield large reduction in wear and friction compared to dry
Department of Mechanical Engineering, condition.
Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032,
India. 2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering
E-mail: psjume@gmail.com

1. INTRODUCTION industry and also in chemical and transportation

industries [7-8]. As one of the onerous
Aluminum alloy based ceramic particulates yardsticks in new age materials is good strength
reinforced metal matrix composites are active to weight ratio combined with high wear
area of research for last few years [1-3]. The resistance, soul aluminum alloys are lagging
reason behind wide acceptance of metal matrix behind aluminum based metal matrix
composites as engineering materials is the composites in terms of industry usage focus on
excellent combinations of properties which are materials [9-12]. Various literatures reveal that
difficult to achieve by individual alloy phase or aluminum alloy based metal matrix composites
particulates. Metal matrix composites are mainly show better hardness, Youngs modulus, yield
combination of two or more phases among strength, ultimate tensile strength and wear
which base one is metallic alloy based matrix resistance in comparison to other alloy i.e. Mg,
phase and reinforcements are ceramic type Cu based metal matrix composites [13].
particulates or short fiber or whisker [4-6]. Considering all of these properties aluminum
Applications of MMCs are established in based metal matrix composites are gradually
aerospace industry, automobile industry, marine becoming potential alternative materials in

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

connecting rods, cylinder blocks, gears, shafts several reasons [22-23,26]. But agglomeration
etc. [14-15]. behavior of TiB2 particles segregates the grain
boundary and weakens the inter-atomic force
In spite of all great potentials of metal matrix which is very much detrimental in functional
composites, main challenge is to get proper output [27]. Some additives, e.g., CeO2, Mg, Zr
uniformity of the phases in composites and are used within the matrix to solve out the
accepted compatibility between matrix and problem of agglomeration [27-28]. In case of in-
reinforcement. Thats why selection of situ techniques, production of reinforcement
fabrication process and also reinforcement is happens by exothermic behavior which also can
indispensable task to get proper enhancement in be negatively effective on the grain boundary
the properties of MMCs. Powder metallurgy, regime of MMC [29]. To overcome these
liquid metallurgy techniques, in-situ techniques problems and also to make the fabrication
and chemical synthesis are the methods processes more simple, flexible and economical
normally used for synthesis of MMCs [16]. for commercial purpose, stir casting method is
Several opinions exist on which techniques are introduced [30]. Stir-casting method is basically
most preferable for fabrication of MMCs. For an ex-situ method where reinforcement
selection of reinforcement, ceramic particulates particles are prepared externally and poured
are popular as several literatures delineate the into the molten metal. Stir casting methods are
enhancement of mechanical and tribological also helpful to break the dendritic structures
properties due to incorporation of ceramic already present in the molten aluminum alloy
particulates in MMCs [1, 17-18]. SiC, TiC, ZrC, which lead to better mechanical strength than
TiB2, ZrB2, AlN, Al2O3, B4C, TiC are the ceramic original alloy excepting the effect of
particulates commonly used to intensify the reinforcement. Some problems associated with
characteristics of aluminum based metal matrix this method like non-uniform distribution of
composites [1,19-20]. Thermodynamic stability particles and porosity can be addressed easily by
in matrix phase, solubility in molten metal, grain controlling stirring process, lower particle size
boundary regime near to the metallic atoms are of TiB2, preheating of the particles and molding
the characteristics of reinforcement responsible techniques [7, 30]. Recent literatures on Al- TiB2
for determining the properties of MMCs. composites reveal that stir casting method has
been accepted widely as the mode of fabrication
TiB2 particulate is chosen in this work as of MMCs including Al- TiB2 MMC [7,10,31].
reinforcement in aluminum alloy based matrix
due to properties like high Youngs Modulus Al-TiB2 MMC fabricated through stir casting
(345-409 GPa), low specific gravity (4.5), good method is the working material in this study. As
hardness (3400HV), high melting point (3225 tribological properties are one of the important
C), good thermal stability and good thermal and considerations of Al- TiB2 MMCs, miscellaneous
electrical conductivity [21-22]. TiB2 also works are found on this topic. Some works are
enhances mechanical and tribological properties also available considering mechanical behaviors
of aluminum matrix composites in a of specified composites and comparison with
deterministic way [22-23]. TiB2 does not react others [12,13]. But most of the works are based
with aluminum which also helps not to lead to on in-situ stir cast Al- TiB2 composites. With
any interface product with detrimental effect on increase of weight percentage of TiB2 in in-situ
behavior [24]. SiC reinforced aluminum metal composite, wear resistance increases in case of
matrix composites are absorbing larger dry wear, sliding wear, abrasive wear, and
percentage of commercially available MMCs but erosive wear [22,26,32-33,]. Effect of grain
in this case formation of aluminum carbide refinement, surface roughness and in-situ
(Al4C3) reduces physical, mechanical and reaction parameters on wear behavior of Al-
chemical properties of the composites [25]. TiB2 TiB2 composites are also studied [34]. How wear
reinforcement is free from this problem and TiB2 trend varies in elevated temperature is also
acts also as a nucleating agent at the grain reported [34]. Characterization of in-situ
boundary of aluminum alloy and TiB2 grains [2]. fabricated specific composites is also available in
It is widely reported in various literatures that good numbers. But reports on characterization
fabrication of Al- TiB2 MMCs through in-situ and tribological trends of stir cast Al- TiB2
methods are advantageous and popular due to composites are really scanty [31]. All composites

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

including Al- TiB2 have been studied to find out lubricants also [40]. Works on tribological
the inclination of wear and coefficient of friction behaviors under various types of bio-lubricants
on applied load, and weight percentage mostly and on metal matrix composites are really scanty
in dry condition. Characterization of composites [1]. Some works are reported on aluminum
and other new age materials, e.g., polymide matrix composites in air and water lubricated
composites, Al2O3f/SiCP/Al hybrid MMCs except condition in direction to opt out detrimental
Al- TiB2 composites is also available in various effects of commercial lubricant on environment
lubricated conditions. But it is difficult to find an [41]. Some works are also reported on in-situ Al-
analysis of tribological trends of stir-cast Al- TiB2 TiB2 composites in hydrocarbon based synthetic
MMC in various lubricated conditions or a lubricated condition [42]. In case of many
systematic approach to characterize tribological practical applications it is difficult to use water as
parameters in various lubricated conditions in lubricant. In this work, one commercial synthetic
comparison with dry condition. petroleum based lubricant, one commercial
Chloro-fluro-Carbon free lubricant based on
There are many potential areas where Al- TiB2 petroleum oil but blended with natural oil and
composites can be used for sliding and rolling one vegetable oil based bio-lubricant are used to
applications. In that case lubricants also can be understand the contact surface behavior and
used for bringing the tribological parameters in tribological parameters of stir cast Al- TiB2
favor. These tribological parameters are composites in lubricated condition. Contribution
definitely influenced by the nature of the of various bio-diesel contaminated bio lubricants
lubricant because most of the loads in contact on contact surface are not well studied though a
surface of sliding are carried out by the pressure good number of works are carried out on
regime generated within lubricant film. So, it is characterization of bio-lubricants. Other than two
needed to improve the understanding of the commercially available lubricants, Rice bran oil
tribological behavior of Al- TiB2 composites under based methyl ester is chosen for development
lubricated contacts. It is reported that maximum and usage as bio-lubricant in this study due to
percentage of lubricant is based on petroleum some advantages as the wear resistant properties
and they ended up in environment which leads to of rice bran oil is less in comparison with other
increment of toxicity in nature [35]. To overcome vegetable oils because of the presence of natural
this issue of petroleum based lubricants on anti oxidants like gamma oryzanol and
environment, vegetable oils based lubricants are tocopherols. Rice bran oil is thermally stable at
becoming the alternative now a days [36]. high temperature i.e. 395 0C without any mass
Triacyglycerol structure presents in natural oil degradation and also methyl esters are more
which is an important aspect as lubricant because effective for reduction of friction [43].
it contains long chains of polar fatty acids which
adheres to metallic surfaces [37]. Length of In this work, tribological tests on stir-cast Al-
carbon chain present in the fatty acids also can TiB2 composites are performed in Multi-
affect the friction nature of the contacting tribotester for various loads, speeds, and weight
surfaces [37]. Many researchers have paid their percentages of TiB2 using three different
attention to various bio-diesel based lubricants lubricants. SEM images are taken after
derived from vegetable oils, e.g., rapeseed oil, tribological tests to characterize the worn out
canola oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil [38]. surfaces in lubricated contact and to compare
As a part of the research on bio-diesel based the tribological characteristics of Al-TiB2 MMC
lubricants and additives used on it, it is also under lubricated sliding from dry contact
concluded by some researchers that individual conditions.
fatty acid esters are not so much effective as
methyl esters derived from fatty acids are
effective in reducing friction [39]. Works on bio- 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
esters and their effects on engines as diesel and
as lubricant are going on but some clear 2.1 Sample preparation
understandings are also needed on their
behaviors in contact surfaces of newly developed Stir casting process is used in this study for
materials to develop the potentiality of real time fabrication of Al-TiB2 composites. Average
applications for both the materials and the bio- particle size of TiB2 varies from 5 m to 40 m.

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

Base alloy used as matrix phase is LM4. Chemical layer over the particles [31]. Diagram of this
composition of LM4 alloy and TiB2 particulates total process is shown in Fig. 1. After ensuring
are given in Table 1 and Table 2. overall equal distribution of particles, the
mixture of molten metal and TiB2 particulates
Table 1. Chemical composition of LM4 alloy. poured into a fixed size metallic mould at fixed
Element Cu Si Mg Fe Mn Ni Zn Al temperature 800 C. Then it solidifies and with
wt% 3.2 6 0.05 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.15 Rest repetition of the same process four different
weight percentages (1 %, 2.5 %, 4 %, and 5.5 %)
Table 2. Chemical composition of TiB2 powder. of TiB2 reinforced composites are prepared.
Element Ti B C O N Fe
2.2 Lubricants used
wt% 67-69 29-32 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.09
Three different liquid lubricants are used in this
study. Petroleum based commercial lubricant is
SAE20W-40 procured from Indian Oil
Corporation Limited. This commercial lubricant
is based on high refined petroleum stocks with
well balanced group of additives. Similar type
lubricant is used previously by researchers to
find out boundary lubricated tribology of an
aluminumsilicon alloy sliding against steel [44].

Other commercial lubricant (Chain Lube Oil) is

collected from a Germany based company (OKS).
This liquid lubricant is based on refined
petroleum oil but blended with some additives
collected from natural mineral oil. This lubricant
is free from chloro-fluro-carbon (CFC) which is
healthy for environment in heated condition.
Similar type of lubricant has been used
previously to characterize Ni-P coatings [45].
Properties of SAE20W-40 and chain lube oil are
listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Properties of SAE20W-40 and Chain lube oil.

Viscosity Flash
Lubricant Viscosity Density
Index Point
13.5-15.5 cSt
SAE20W- 0.8-0.9
@100 0C 132 200 0C
40 g/ml
Fig. 1. Stir casting system used for fabrication. (ASTM D445)
Chain lube 300 cSt @40 0C
0.9 g/ml 320 164 0C
To get proper homogeneous distribution of oil (DIN 51 562-1)
particles over the matrix phase, an electric
stirrer controlled by speedometer is connected One bio-lubricant (Rice bran oil based TMP
with Electric Resistance Arc Furnace. LM4 ingots Ester) is formed in laboratory according to the
are first placed in the furnace and got molten. standard process [43]. The crude rice bran oil is
TiB2 particles preheated at 600 C are poured purchased from local industries in Kolkata. This
into the vortex of the molten LM4 alloy. String crude oil is first heated to a temperature 110C
speed is kept fixed at 500 rpm for 15 minutes. and then mixed with a methanolic solution
Stirring of molten LM4 alloy helps to break which is also prepared by properly mixing
dendritic structure if present inside and leads to methanol and KOH according to fixed molar
better micro-structural unity in the end. ratio [40]. The mixing of processed crude oil and
Preheating of reinforcement is necessary methanolic process is performed in a stirred
because preheating helps to create an oxide condition with the help of an electric stirrer.

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

After keeping that mixture at 70 C for 1 day, two applications. In each experiment, specimen is
distinct layers are formed of which upper one is held against the counter roller. Contact surface is
ester. This process is called trans-esterification. flooded with lubricants at the time of
Upper ester layer is separated out from that experiment. For each experiment, a fixed flow
mixture and collected and used as bio lubricant rate of lubricant is maintained to get lubrication
for this study. Above steps are performed as regime within contact surface. Pictorial diagram
replication of processes published in various of test set-up is shown in Fig. 2.
research articles [38,43,46]. Properties of the
fabricated rice bran oil based ester are tabulated
in Table 4.

Table 4. Properties of Rice bran oil based TMP esters

Lubricant Viscosity Flash Point
Rice bran oil
4-5.5 cSt 0.877
based TMP 183 0C
@40 0C @30 0C

2.3 Hardness measurement

Micro-hardness testing is done for various TiB2

weight percentage composites using Vickers Fig. 2. Pictorial view of tribological test apparatus.
Micro Hardness Tester (Model-VMHT MOT, Sl.
No. 1002001). Average load of 3 kgf is applied Table 5. Test parameters for measuring wear and
and a diamond indenter is used for indentation. friction.
Dwell time is retained at 15 s and speed of Parameters Values
indentation is 50 m/s. Tests are carried out at Constant normal load 25 N, 50 N, 75 N
five different locations and the average is taken Constant sliding speed 400 rpm, 500 rpm, 600 rpm
as the hardness of the sample. Weight percentage of
1 %, 2.5 %, 4 %, 5.5 %
TiB2 in composites
2.4 SEM study SAE20W40, Chain Lube Oil,
Lubricants Rice bran oil based TMP
The surface morphologies of the fabricated Ester
composites are studied by scanning electron
microscope (SEM, INSTRUMENT JSM-6360, EN8 stainless steel is used as the roller material
Japan) to understand the basic mechanisms and the surface is ground with 600 grit abrasive
happening on the wear track. Same SEM paper before and after each wear tests. Material
machine is used to analyze wear track of the of the counter-face roller is important as it
composites in dry condition [31]. Before determines hardness ratio which is defined as
scanning, samples are cut according to the size ratio of the hardness of roller material to the
of the tray of the machine. Samples are also hardness of block material and this hardness
polished and etched using proper etchant. ratio determines also the wear rate of the
contact regime [35]. Considering hardness of
2.5 Wear and friction measurement Al- TiB2 composites from previous study, EN8
steel as roller material is perfect for testing
Friction and wear tests are carried out on a wear and friction [31]. Wear is measured in
computer controlled block-on-roller Multi- terms of wear depth created at the surface in
tribotester (DUCOM TR-25). Block specimen micrometer and friction is measured as friction
used in this study has the size 20 mm 20 mm loads in N using load cells for measurements.
8 mm. Tests for measuring wear and friction are Coefficient of friction is calculated from the
performed at ambient temperature (25 C) value of friction load. Normally effects of
under three different lubricated conditions. lubricants in contact surface exhibit their best
Time duration for each test is taken as 1800 functions in boundary lubrication regime.
seconds to get estimation for long run Pressure at contact interface is totally

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

dependent on constant normal load applied at composites is observed under SEM. Distribution
the time of tests which directs that normal of TiB2 particulates over the surface is
loads are also responsible for creating determined through this and also homogeneous
boundary lubrication regime or mixed regime. nature in distribution is found out from SEM
Thats why parameters for wear and friction images. Detailed discussion on surface
measuring tests should be chosen in such a way morphology of SEM images of various weight
so that optimal lubrication regime can be percentage fabricated composites is performed
achieved in boundary or mixed regime. elsewhere [31].
Parameters used for measuring friction and
wear are tabulated in Table 5. After performing
tests, results are analyzed and compared with
the results obtained in dry condition for same
materials under same load and speed
conditions [31].


3.1 Hardness

Change in micro-hardness of Al- TiB2 composites

with amount of TiB2 particulates is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 4. SEM images of (a) 1 % TiB2 composites and (b)
5.5 % TiB2 composites.

Fig. 3. Variation of hardness with wt% of TiB2. Figure 4 shows the SEM images for composites
with highest weight percentage TiB2 and lowest
It is obvious from figure that with inclusion of weight percentage TiB2 as reinforcement. It is
TiB2 particulates, hardness is affected due to fine clearly noticed that nature of the distribution of
particulate dispersion and higher hardness is particles is uniform and presence of TiB2
achieved by higher weight percentage of TiB2 in particles in fabricated composites is confirmed.
Al-TiB2 composites. Similar observation is
reported earlier [22,31]. 3.3 Wear behavior in lubricated condition
and comparison with dry condition
3.2 SEM characterization
Figure 5 shows the wear test results of Al- TiB2
After fabrication of composites, surface composites using various lubricants at a
morphology of each weight percentage particular speed of roller i.e. 400 rpm. Figure 5a

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

presents the wear results for three different With increase in normal loads, wear depth
contact loads and for different weight increases for all TiB2 percentage composites
percentage Al-TiB2 composites including base irrespective of the nature of lubricants and this
alloy with two lubricants, one is CFC free trend is in line with Archards wear law. Wear
commercial bio-lubricant with bio-additives depth decreases with increase in weight% of
[chain lube oil] and another one is bio-lubricant TiB2 in composites. This is due to increase in
[rice bran oil TMP ester]. hardness with higher amount of TiB2 in the
composites. At a particular load and speed
combination, rice bran oil performs better than
chain lube oil in terms of wear reduction. For
same load i.e. 25 N, difference in wear depths for
5.5 % TiB2 composite is almost 4.4 % and for
base alloy it is almost 13 %. Similar trends are
observed in Fig. 5b which depicts the wear
results for different load and for different weight
percentage composites but with rice bran oil
TMP ester and commercial lubricant SAE20W-
40. In terms of the value of wear depths,
commercial SAE20W-40 is more effective as
wear resistant followed by rice bran oil TMP
ester and chain lube oil. This trend is followed in
all the cases shown in Figs. 5a and 5b except a
few. At 50 N loads and above 4 wt% of TiB2
composites, wear is slightly more in presence of
rice bran oil TMP ester than chain lube oil. At 25
N and 50N loads for 4 wt% and 5.5 wt% of TiB2
composites, wear for rice bran oil TMP ester and
(a) for commercial SAE20W-40 are almost same. All
of these tests are carried out at a fixed sliding
speed, 400 rpm. At highest contact load i.e. 75 N
and fixed sliding speed, comparison of wear in
case of all three lubricants and all weight
percentage composites is shown in figure 6a. At
75N loads, difference in wear values for 5.5 %
TiB2 composites between highest effective
lubricant and lowest effective lubricant is almost
15 %. It is obvious from the figure that
commercial SAE20W-40 is most effective wear
resistant lubricant for composite -steel contact

Figure 6b shows wear results for different

sliding speeds with two commercial lubricants,
one with bio-additives and one with petroleum
base. Wear increases with sliding speeds and
effects of the two lubricants remain same in
nature in compliance with previous trends for all
the roller speed conditions.

(b) Comparison of wear in dry condition and in

Fig. 5. Wear vs. weight percentages of TiB2 for three lubricated condition is drawn in Fig. 7. Dry
different loads: (a) comparison of chain lube oil and condition results and parameters are based on
rice bran oil, (b) comparison of rice bran oil and previous report [31]. It is clearly seen that
SAE20W-40. differences of wear depth reduces significantly

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

in lubricated condition when compared to dry

sliding conditions. It is important to observe
here that inclination of graphs for wear depths
with respect to weight percentages of TiB2 in dry
condition is much higher than in lubricated
conditions. In dry condition, wear is mainly
dependent on nature of contact surfaces and
hardness ratios between two surfaces. But in
lubricated condition, lubricant film and its
interactions with surface layers play the main
role and the contribution of weight percentage
of TiB2 particles (i.e. hardness of the composite)
on tribological behavior becomes relatively

Fig. 7. Wear vs. weight percentages of TiB2 under dry

and lubricated conditions.

In lubricated contacts, wear is governed by the

development of lubrication film in the contact
interface between the composites and steel, and
the interaction of the surfaces with the lubricant
film. Generation of the lubrication film depends
on the composition and the nature of the
lubricant. Wear takes place due to breakage of
junctions in apparent contact area of the mating
surfaces or due to the deformation of asperities.
In dry condition, dominating mechanism is
abrasion and adhesion. In presence of lubricants,
(a) lubricant film reduces the number of junctions or
number of asperities of the surfaces in contact.
Beside this, absorption of lubricant by the surface
helps to reduce adhesion force between two
adjacent atoms of the mating surfaces, as a result
of which mild abrasion occurs at the surface.
Cooling effect of lubricant also helps to decrease
surface temperature which leads to restrain the
adhesion transference and plastic deformation
[48]. Similar type of restraining in adhesion also
occurs in Al- TiB2 composite-steel interface in the
presence of lubricants. These facts are
responsible for reduction of wear in lubricated
conditions. In lubricated condition, wear
increases with normal loads also due to removal
of the lubricant layer between contact surfaces
and same reason is also applicable for the case of
increased rotational speed. But in dry condition,
(b) more penetration of asperities in the contact
Fig. 6. Wear vs. weight percentages of TiB2 (a) For surface occurs with higher load which yields
three different lubricants at 75 N loads (b) For three more wear. But variation in wear with different
different speeds for SAE20W-40 and chain lube oil. lubricants occurs due to the variation in

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

capability of the lubricant film to develop

boundary lubrication or mixed lubrication or
elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication condition [48].
In boundary lubrication regime, chemical
interaction occurs between surface layers and
lubricants that influences wear. In this aspect,
SAE20W-40 and rice bran oil TMP ester is more
effective as wear resistant lubricant. Esters
present in the bio-lubricant helps to create
effective boundary lubrication condition that
influences wear in a large way though the film
thickness may not be so thick [49]. SAE20W-40 is
more effective by producing mixed regime mainly
elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication [48] as the (c)
viscosity of this lubricant is higher compared to
other two lubricants.

To observe the wear mechanisms in lubricated

contact sliding, SEM micrographs of worn
surfaces in SAE20W-40 lubricated contacts
under 25 N and 400 rpm are shown in Fig. 8. As
reported earlier [31], in dry condition, presence
of longitude grooves, partial pits, micro-cutting
and micro-ploughing indicates the contribution
of adhesion and abrasion wear mechanism both.

Fig. 8. SEM micrographs of worn surfaces of
composites: (a) 1 % TiB2, (b) 2.5 % TiB2, (c) 4 % TiB2
and (d) 5.5 % TiB2.

But in lubricated condition, other than 1 % and

2.5 % TiB2 composites, there is no sign of
ploughing or cracking. No holes or pits are
observed on the worn surfaces. Thus there is no
effect from corrosiveness of lubricants. Elastic
deformation of asperities is supposed to be an
(a) important mechanism for composite surface in
lubricated condition. Wear due to elastic
deformation creates no ploughing effects on the
surface. With higher weight percentage, hardness
of the composite increases which also increases
the chance of abrasion of the surface at the time
of sliding and this phenomena is observed in the
dry condition but in lubricated condition higher
weight percentage of TiB2 increases the number
of hard asperities at the mating surfaces resulting
in lesser possibility of plastic deformation.

In dry condition, due to plastic deformation of

asperities, hard particles are generated and laid
(b) in the surface but in lubricated condition only in

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

case of lower weight percentage composites;

there is small amount of plastic deformation
yielding a comparatively rough surface.
Lubricants also help to wipe out the tips which
are procured at the time of sliding or rolling
action and that is also an important reason
behind getting smoother surfaces in lubricated
conditions. Similar type of observations is
reported elsewhere [42].

3.4 Friction behavior in lubricated condition

and comparison with dry condition

Friction behavior of Al-TiB2 composites under

lubricated condition is shown in Fig. 9. The
Figure 9a compares coefficient of friction vs. wt%
of TiB2 for rice bran oil based TMP ester and
chain lube oil. Figure 9b compares coefficient of
friction vs. wt% of TiB2 for rice bran oil based
TMP ester and SAE20W-40. It is observed that
friction decreases with increase in wt% of TiB2
and increases with normal load for all three Fig. 9. Friction vs. weight percentages of TiB2 for
lubricants. For TMP ester lubricant, friction three different loads (a) comparison of chain lube oil
and rice bran oil (b) comparison of rice bran oil and
coefficient values are in the range between0.054
and 0.062 for 25 N loads. Change in friction
values for the same lubricant with change in
From Figs. 9a and 9b, it is seen that with loads
loads from 25 N to 75 N for base alloy is about 17
also, friction values vary more in case of ester
% for base alloy and about 20 % for 5.5 % TiB2
lubricant than other two lubricants and friction
composite. Friction values for 5.5 % weight
values are more or less lie in the same range for
percentage composites lie in the range between
other two commercial lubricants. For same load
0.077 and 0.087 for different loads in SAE20W-
and same weight percentage of composites,
40 lubricant and lie between 0.08 and 0.087 for
friction values are lower for ester lubricants and
different loads in Chain lube oil lubricant.
comparatively these are much lower in case of
higher load than in case of higher weight
percentage. Ester type lubricant appears as the
most effective lubricant on frictional behavior of
Al-TiB2 composites. Lowest value of friction
obtained within these parametric conditions is
0.0547 which is significantly low from
application point of view and the same is
obtained in presence of ester lubricant.

Comparison of friction in dry condition and

lubricated condition is shown in Fig. 10. Dry
condition results and parameters are based on
previous report [31]. It is clearly visible that the
effect of weight percentages of TiB2 on friction in
dry condition is significant, while lines are almost
parallel to axis under lubricated condition. It
means effect of lubricant is much prominent than
effect of weight percentage of TiB2 on friction. In
dry condition, friction values vary between 0.313
(a) and 0.332 with varying loads for 5.5 % TiB2

S. Poria et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 508-521

composites while these lie between 0.077 and surface as they can be absorbed to form metallic
0.087 for commercial lubricant. Actually friction soap [49]. However, with higher load this
values are 5 times lower in lubricated condition condition may be destroyed and will be difficult
compared to dry condition. It is apparent that for to achieve in presence of methyl ester type of
control of friction, lubricants play very vital role lubricant. In recent times, there has been
that cant be compensated by incorporating more growing interest in friction and wear study of
TiB2 particulates in weight percentages as metal matrix composites [50-54]. However, all
reinforcement. Difference between friction these studies consider only dry contact
values in dry condition and lubricated condition situations. In this respect, the present study will
is also higher for ester lubricant. help in widening the use of such composites in
various lubricated conditions as well.


In the present study, Al-TiB2 composites are

developed through stir casting method and
tribological tests are performed in a Multi-
triobotester using three different lubricants are
chosen in this study. In lubricated contact,
mostly elastic deformation of asperities occurs
during sliding against steel surface by higher
weight percentage of TiB2-composites. It leads to
relatively smoother surface morphology of wear
tracks which is confirmed by SEM images. In
case of lower weight percentage of TiB2-
composites, little amount of ploughing and
cracking is present on the surface due to mild
wear by abrasion and less amount of plastic
deformation of asperities. Petroleum based
Fig. 10. Friction vs. weight percentages of TiB2 under commercial lubricant is the most effective
dry and lubricated conditions. lubricant as wear resistant followed by methyl
ester based lubricant and bio-additives based
In lubricated conditions, frictional force develops lubricant. In case of frictional characteristics,
due to generation of shear force within lubricant methyl ester based lubricants are the most
film and this shear force is dependent on effective one as they are capable to make
characteristics of the lubricant itself. Thats why metallic soap through absorption by surface up
lubricants having closed structure will be able to to a certain extent.
give similar frictional behavior [47]. This leads to
almost same friction values of Al-TiB2 composites
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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

Tribology in Industry


Modeling of Surface Roughness in Plasma Jet Cutting

Process of Thick Structural Steel

I. Peko a, B. Nedi b, A. orevi b, D. Duni b, M. Jankovi b, I. Vea a

aFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, Ruera
Bokovia 32, 21000 Split, Croatia,
bFaculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janji 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Plasma jet cutting
Today highly competitive market and demands for obtain high surface
Surface roughness
finish and machining of complex shape geometries replace conventional
machining processes with non-conventional. Plasma jet cutting is one of
these non-conventional processes that primary uses a thermal energy of
Structural steel
highly ionized gas to cut specified material and blow molten metal away.
Main advantages of plasma jet cutting process are high speed of cutting,
Corresponding author: cutting different types of materials, the quality of cut and moderate to low
investment costs. This paper presents experimental results concerning the
I. Peko
surface roughness variation at plasma jet cutting of structural steel
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
S235JRG2 plate thickness of 15 mm. Using the experimental data artificial
Mechanical Enginering and Naval
neural network (ANN) model was developed in order to predict the surface
roughness in terms of two input parameters, cutting current and cutting
University of Split, Ruera Bokovia
speed. After the prediction accuracy of the developed model was validated,
32, 21000 Split, Croatia
the model was used for analyzing influence of input parameters on process
E-mail: ipeko@fesb.hr
response values.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION abrasive water jet cutting are optimal

combination of cut quality, productivity and
Today, different non-conventional thermal costs for mild steel, stainless and aluminium
processes can be found in many applications in cutting. Competitive investments, high
metal processing and shipbuilding industry. productivity, long consumables life and lower
These processes include oxy fuel cutting, laser costs per part lead this technology to become a
cutting and plasma jet cutting. They can be used practical alternative to other processes such as
for the cutting various types of materials at laser and abrasive water jet cutting.
various thicknesses. Plasma jet cutting process
has many advantages which can help the Plasma jet cutting process was developed at the
modern company to survive in a turbulent end of 1950s. Plasma can be defined as the
market. Main benefits that characterize this fourth state of substance which is obtained by
process and position it in front of the laser and supplying a tremendous amount of energy to gas

I. Peko et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

or when a gas is subjected to a high electric field. for data analysis. Chamarthi et al. [4] cut a
In this process an electric arc is generated Hardox 400 plate thickness of 12 mm. They
between the electrode and the workpiece. An varied cutting speed, plasma gas flow rate and
electrode acts as an anode and the workpiece as voltage as the process parameters in the 16
a cathode. The plasma gas expandes with the experiments and analyzed their influence on
high velocity through the nozzle at the same the unevennes of cut surface. ANOVA is
time an electric current passes through the gas performed later in order to identify the
with the help of a tungsten electrode due to parameters that clearly define the unevenness
which a high intensity plasma jet is generated. quality attributes. Gullu et al. [5] investigated
This jet is able to melt or vaporize the plate material structure changes that occurred after
surface that should be cut and to blow the plasma jet cutting of AISI 304 stainless steel
molten metal away from the cut. The most and St 52 carbon steel. Gariboldi et al. [6] cut
commonly used gases for this process are titanium sheets using high tolerance plasma arc
compressed air, nitrogen, argon-hydrogen, cutting process. They used free feed rate range
oxygen and their combinations. They can be with the adoption of oxygen and nitrogen as
used both as a plasma and shield gases. plasma and shield gases and analyzed cut
quality features such as unevenness, kerf width,
Main components of plasma jet cutting system angle of cut and surface roughness. Also they
are power supply unit, an arc starting circuit and conducted temperature measurements in the
a torch. These units provide the electrical regions near to the cutting edge,
energy, ionization, and process control for microstructural investigations and
cutting all ellectrically conductive materials to measurements of geometric and surface
180 mm thickness. atributes of the cutting edges. Adalarasan et al.
[7] assesed te quality characteristics of the cut
Today many of plasma jet cutting systems are surface by measuring the surface roughness
supported by manufacturers recommendations. and kerf width while cutting the 304L stainless
However these recommendations usually reflect steel. Taguchi L18 orthogonal array and Grey
the point of view of the manufacturers bussines Taguchi based respone surface methodology
but do not lead to the optimization of all cut were used to design experiments and find
quality features required by users. Because of optimal cutting parameters. Chen et al. [8]
that various experimental researches were analyzed two process responses such as bevel
conducted in order to describe and model magnitude and the hole diameter deviation.
plasma jet cutting process and to chose the They conducted 36 experiments according to
optimal process parameters. Taguchi L9 experiment design and varied six
process parameters, tip size, feed rate, voltage,
Kumar Das et al. [1] analyzed the influence of amperage, air pressure and pierce time.
three process parameters, gas pressure, arc Taguchi method was used to find optimal
current and torch height on material removal combination of process parameters that lead to
rate and surface roughness parameters. They the smallest bevel angle and diameter deviation
conducted experiments on EN31 steel of the hole. Thilak et al. [9] analyzed the
according to Taguchi L27 orthogonal array. influence of arc current, gas pressure, cutting
Parametric optimization was carried out using speed and arc gap in plasma cutting of stainless
grey relational analysis. Salonitis et al. [2] used steel 316L on process responses such as
the regression analysis to describe the effect of machining time, hardness and kerf width. They
cutting power, cutting speed, cutting height and used Taguchi method for design experiment
plasma gas pressure process parameters on cut and Grey relational analysis for optimization.
quality features such as kerf taper angle, the Radovanovic et al. [10] conducted experiments
edge roughness and the size of the heat affected in which they varied three input process
zone. Bini et al. [3] analyzed the influence of arc parameters, cutting current, plate thickness and
voltage, cutting speed, plasma and shield gas cutting speed. They developed artificial neural
flowrates on kerf position and shape in 15 mm network model to predict the ten point height
thick mild steel sheets cutting. They used a two- of irregularities of cut surface (Rz) and to
level fractional factorial design for design identify cutting parameters values that lead to
experiment and ANOVA (Analyisis of variance) optimal surface roughness. Kechagias et al. [11]

I. Peko et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

also used artificial neural network approach for Table 1. Plasma jet cutting parameters.
prediction of bevel angle that appear after CNC Input parameters
plasma arc cutting of St37 mild steel sheets. No. of
Experiment Cutting current, Cutting speed, v
They conducted a L18 Taguchi orthogonal array I (A) (mm/min)
experiment. Input parameters whose influence 1 60 425
was analyzed are plate thickness, cutting speed, 2 60 530
arc current and torch standoff distance. 3 60 635
4 80 490
In the present research paper experiments were
5 80 610
conducted on structural steel S235JRG2 plate
6 80 730
thickness of 15 mm. It was analyzed the
7 80 870
influence of input process parameters, cutting
current and cutting speed on surface roughness. 8 80 1055
Artificial neural network approach was used for 9 100 530
mathematical modeling and to identify cutting 10 100 695
parameters ranges that lead to minimal surface 11 100 870
roughness values. 12 100 1055
13 120 730
14 120 870
16 120 1320
Experimental work was conducted on a CNC 17 120 1585
Steel Taylor plasma cutting machine (Fig. 1).
Test specimens were cut on 15 mm thickness Table 2. Experimental results.
structural steel plate S235JRG2 with the use of
compressed air as plasma gas. Input process Measured Mean value of
No. of Measurement surface surface
parameters levels that were varied in Exp. places roughness, Ra roughness, Ra
experiments were shown in Table 1. Fixed (m) (m)
input parameters are: nozzle diameter 1.5 mm, g 10.50
gas pressure 6 bar, cutting height 5 mm. Every 1 s 17.00 19.00
experiment was conducted one time. During the d 30.70
experiments it was noticed that some
g 12.40
combinations of cutting parameters lead to not
2 s 21.30 24.70
penetrated workpieces such as those in runs
d 40.40
number 3 and 8. In Figures 2 and 3 it was
shown look of well cut specimen and one not g
penetrated. Measurements of surface 3 s Workpiece is not penetrated
roughness were performed on three places of d
cut surface: near to upper cut edge (g), in the g 17.50
middle (s) and near to lower cut edge (d) (Fig. 4 s 29.40 24.50
4). Results of measured surface roughness were d 26.60
shown in Table 2. g 15.20
5 s 35.80 24.67
d 23.00
g 14.10
6 s 24.30 21.03
d 24.70
g 14.00
7 s 41.00 36.67
d 55.00
8 s Workpiece is not penetrated
Fig. 1. CNC Steel Taylor plasma jet cutting machine. d

I. Peko et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

g 35.00
9 s 19.00 28.67
d 32.00
g 13.00
10 s 13.00 11.93
d 9.80
g 12.40
11 s 8.80 11.40
d 13.00 Fig. 4. Surface roughness measurement places.
g 12.00
12 s 12.40 11.50
13 s 14.00 16.00
d 18.00 The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an
g 17.00 artificial system similar to the biological nervous
14 s 14.00 17.00 system able to intelligently process the
d 20.00
information simulating the biological
intelligence. The artificial neural networks are
g 10.30
applicable today in various areas such as process
15 s 11.00 7.10
modeling and optimization, design and
d -
simulation, classification, robotics, etc. [12-14].
g 10.80
16 s 9.90 11.20 Architecture of artificial neural networks is
d 12.90 parallel-distributed and it consists of a large
g 8.30 number of neurons distributed in several layers.
17 s 10.10 9.40 Each ANN must have at least three layers: input
d 9.80 layer, hidden layer and output layer [15-17].
Neurons of one layer are connected by specific
synapses to the neurons of their neighbouring
layers. Interconnections between particular
neurons by the layers are characterized by weights
and biases, which change during the ANN training.
By proper adjustments of weights and biases in the
training process ANN is more capable to better
describe the relationships between input process
parameters and output responses. Prior to ANN
training process optimal number of hidden layers
and the number of neurons in each of them should
be properly defined. These numbers change
Fig. 2. Look of penetrated specimen. during training and can be defined empiricaly or
by using some existing equations that take in
consideration number of input and output neurons
and training data. Training is carried out on the
exmples data usually obtained by the experiments.
This process should be repeated until the ANN is
stabilized or error is defined below a previously
defined treshold. Validation and testing process
of developed ANN are performed on data subsets
that are not included in the training data subset.
The trained, validated and tested ANN can be
used for modeling and prediction various
Fig. 3. Look of not penetrated specimen. processes [15-22].

I. Peko et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

In this paper, the three layered feed-forward normalized to a range of (-1,1) and the initial
backpropagation ANN architecture has been values of weights were set according to Nguyen-
selected for modeling surface roughness in Widrow method. As it was already mentioned
plasma jet cutting process of thick structural steel backpropagation algorithm with momentum
plate. The input layer of the ANN model consists was used for ANN training.
of two neurons corrsponding to the two process
parameters that were varied in the experiments, The performance of the network was measured
cutting current (I) and cutting speed (v) and the by the Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the
output layer has one neuron for prediction of predicted outputs with regards to the real
surface roughness values (Fig. 5). experimental data. The goal is to get MSE as
close as possible to zero. The zero means that
there is no error between outputs of the
network and experimental values. In this case,
ANN training was initially set to terminate after
a maximum number of epochs, but it was
stopped at 15 iterations since no further
improvement in the MSE was achieved. MSE
values obatined after training, validation and
testing of ANN are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. MSE values of ANN model.

ANN Mean Squared Error (MSE)
architecture Training Validation Testing
2-10-1 0.0218 0.0697 0.0043

Fig. 5. Selected ANN architecture for modeling

surface roughness in plasma jet cutting process.

The whole experimental data set (Ntot=17) is

divided into a data subset for training, a data
subset for validation and a data subset for testing.
90 % randomly selected data of the whole
experimental data have been employed for
training, 5 % for validation and 5 % for testing.

Main problems that occure in backpropagation

ANNs are overfitting and overtraining.
Overtraining means that ANN only memorizes
the training data set and excellent learns these
data but doesnt have an ability to generalize to
new data and because of that performance of the
validation set decreases. According to this, the
goal is to find the simplest ANN model that has
the total error considerably low [23-24]. In this Fig. 6. Correlation between predicted and
paper ANN architecture with one hidden layer experimental data during training, validation and
and ten neurons was used for process modeling testing of the developed ANN model.
and prediction. It was found out that this
architecture gives a minimal difference between Except MSE another performance measure for
the predicted values and real experimental data. ANN model is correlation coefficient (R). This is
Transfer functions that were used in the a statistical measure of the strength of
network are tangent sigmoid function in the correlation between predicted and experimental
hidden and linear function in the output layer. values. A perfect correlation is obtained when
Prior to ANN training the training data were R=1. In real manufacturing processes this case is

I. Peko et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

very rare. A good ANN model should have the input cutting parameters, cutting current (I) and
correlation coefficient greater than 0.8. cutting speed (v) can be expressed following the
Correlation coefficients of the developed ANN Equation 1. In this equation X is the column
model for all three datasets are shown in Fig. 6. vector which contains normalized values of v
Also, it was carried out comparison of actual and I and Ranorm is the normalized value for the
data and those predicted by developed ANN Ra. To obtain actual values of surface roughness
model. Results were shown in Fig. 7. it is necessary to denormalize the data:
Ranorm 1 wkj b k (1)
1 e2( X w ji b j )


Using Equation 1 and by varying value of both or

just one parameter while the other was kept at
specified level the effects of input process
parameters on the surface roughness were
analyzed. In Figs. 8-9 were shown their individual
Fig. 7. Comparison of actual and predicted surface impacts while in Fig. 10 was shown impact of
roughness values.
their interaction on process response values.
The weights and biases of the ANN model that
were determined in training process are given in
Table 4-5.

Table 4. The weights wji of developed ANN model.

I -3.2376 2.829 0.85764 4.8486 4.7737
I 3.0145 5.2474 -5.1114 -5.6098 2.7624
II 0.46901 -1.7208 6.2266 -0.64648 3.1856
II 2.4687 3.2077 6.0504 -2.4774 -3.535

Table 5. The weights wkj and biases of developed

ANN model. Fig. 8. Influence of the arc current (I) on the surface
Weights Biases roughness (Ra).
wkj bj bk
-1.4067 5.4031 -0.13449
1.2101 -4.6788
-0.65194 3.9649
-0.73323 -0.877
0.16832 -2.7303
2.3098 1.534
-0.53875 0.83182
-2.6379 -1.9525
0.85298 -0.49454
0.077574 4.2281

Using the weights and biases from Table 4-5 and

in accordance with selected ANN architecture
the exact mathematical relationship between Fig. 9. Influence of the cutting speed (v) on the
process response, surface roughness (Ra) and surface roughness (Ra).

I. Peko et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 522-529

Analyzing the experimental data the area of Future research will take in consideration other
parameters combinations within certainly cut quality responses such as kerf width, dross
comes to sheet metal cutting was defined. This width, dross height that occur during plasma jet
area was shown in Figs. 8-10. cutting. Their values will be included in
mathematical modelling procedure to obtain a
complete view of output process quality.


The paper has been fully supported by The

Croatian Science Foundation under the project
Innovative Smart Enterprise INSENT (1353).


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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

Tribology in Industry


Effect of CVD-Diamond on the Tribological and

Mechanical Performance of Titanium Alloy

S.H. Din a, M.A. Shah b, N.A. Sheikh a

aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar 190006, India,
bDepartment of Physics, National Institute of Technology Srinagar 190006, India.

Keywords: ABSTRACT

Hot filament CVD Nano-crystalline diamond and microcrystalline diamond films have been
Nanocrystalline separately deposited on chemically treated titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V)
Microcrystalline substrates from methane/hydrogen (CH4/H2) gas mixture, using hot
Coefficient of friction filament chemical vapor deposition technique. The coatings have
Wear track architecture of Ti6Al4V/NCD and Ti6Al4V/MCD. The as grown nano-
Tribo-layer crystalline diamond and microcrystalline diamond films were
characterized using high resolution scanning electron microscope and
Ramans spectroscopy. The residual stresses along the surface of nano-
crystalline diamond coatings and micro-crystalline diamond coatings are
compressive in nature as shown by the Raman spectroscopy.
Corresponding author: Nanoindentation tests were also conducted using Berkovich nanoindenter
Sajad Hussain Din for the purpose of measurement of hardness and elastic modulus values.
Department of Mechanical The indentation depth for microcrystalline diamond coating was 65 nm,
Engineering, National Institute of whereas for nanocrystalline diamond coating, it was 72 nm.
Technology Srinagar 190006, India. Microcrystalline diamond and nanocrystalline diamond coatings have
E-mail: sajad_08phd12@nitsri.net yielded the super-hardness of ~55 G Pa and ~38 G Pa respectively. The
average coefficient of friction of microcrystalline diamond and
nanocrystalline diamond coatings decrease from 0.305-0.27 to 0.068-
0.053, respectively, when the load is increased from 1 N to 10 N. However,
for conventional Ti6Al4V substrate the average coefficient of friction
changes from 0.625 to 0.38 under the same input conditions.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION used in joint implants need to have a good

biocompatibility, good fixation, chemical
Many researchers are working on the deposition inertness and load transfer capacity. Titanium
of diamond coatings on metallic substrates and its alloys have exceptional properties such
because of their applications in medical field [1- as: good specific strength, creep resistance,
5]. Among these metals titanium and its alloys corrosion resistance and biological inertness.
are best suited for joint implants. The materials Due to these properties titanium and titanium

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

alloys are widely used in medicine, aeronautics, influence of the NCD films adhesion on wear of
astronautics, chemical industry, power industry NCD-coated tools in milling aluminum alloy AA
and food industry [6-10]. Titanium and its alloys 7075 T6, which is a characteristic material for
are preferred for implants and surgical devices aerospace applications. The NCD coating-
because of its biocompatibility, resistance and substrate interface fatigue strength is a key
tolerance to body fluids. The mechanical and aspect for measuring the coated tool life in
tribological properties of titanium alloys milling. The NCD coating-interface fatigue was
combine to provide implants that are extremely probed using inclined impact tests at ambient
damage-tolerant. The durability and service and elevated temperatures. The investigations of
performance of titanium by chemical vapor milling AA 7075 T6 showed that the NCD film-
deposition can markedly be enhanced [11-14]. substrate interface strength at elevated
By altering the microstructures of the substrate temperatures is a key factor for explaining the
materials the gas reactants severely deteriorate wear behaviour. An insufficient adhesion leads
the mechanical properties [1519]. Hydrogen is rapidly to a delamination of the NCD-coating and
crucial to synthesize quality diamond as it to a substrate revelation. The inclined impact
preferentially etches non diamond carbon test is an efficient test method facilitating the
species. But hydrogen also readily dissolves into assessment of the NCD film substrate interface
titanium and induces phase transformation and at ambient and elevated temperatures [48-51].
increase embrittlement. [20-25]. A new hetero- Z. Doni et al. studied the evolution of the
interface is introduced which complicates the functional integrity state in a comparative way
adhesion failure models of diamond coatings. for two contact pairs (Ti6Al4V/Al2O3 and
Thus preventing the formation of an Ti6Al4V/steel ball) in dry and corrosive
intermediate titanium carbide layer at the early environment [52]. The investigation showed the
stage of CVD processing [26,27]. For smoothing behavior of TI6Al4V alloy under reciprocating
the surface of diamond films, various methods wear sliding conditions in a comparative way for
have been developed. Various effective tools to two different counter materials, bearing steel
improve the tribological behavior of the and ceramic balls (Al2O3 99.6 %) in dry and
diamond film and lower the surface roughness corrosive environment (an aqueous solution of
are nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) film, 3.5 % NaCl). It aimed to highlight the tribological
substrate pretreatment, activated hydrogen characteristics that showed invariability during
etching on surface, diamond polishing, growth the test and provided a high level of functional
parameters control, addition of interlayers, solid integrity of the surface. The conclusions drawn
lubrication composite coating on diamond films from this work were as follows; (a) in dry
and alternate deposition of poly/nanocrystalline condition the Ti6Al4V/Al2O3 contact pair
diamond multilayer [28-35]. With the showed a high functional integrity degree of the
development of the technique of CVD diamond surfaces in terms of surface quality,
films, synthesis of nanocrystalline diamond characterized by roughness parameters Sa, Sq
(NCD) and microcrystalline diamond (MCD) and Sy, while for the Ti6Al4V/steel ball based on
films have gained wide spread research interest the roughness parameter Sv; (b) in the case of
[36,37]. NCD films possess fine diamond crystals Ti6Al4V/steel ball contact pair a better
with small grain sizes ranging few nanometers functional integrity (evaluated based on the
[38,39]. Compared with microcrystalline weight loss) occurred for higher applied loads
diamond (MCD) films, NCD films have lower than in the case of lower loads; (c) from the
hardness than MCD films due to the presence of point of view of the electrochemical behavior a
graphitic carbon in the films. Moreover, due to higher functional integrity occurred in the case
high grain boundary density the NCD coatings of Ti6Al4V/Al2O3 contact pair at lower applied
show surface hardness reduction [40-46]. loads (assessed through parameters Ecorr and
Further, NCD films have smoother surface and Icorr); (d) the electrochemical parameters for
lower friction coefficient, which makes them Ti6Al4V/Al2O3 contact pair are at a lower level
ideal coatings for tribological applications. K. D. than those of the Ti6Al4V/steel ball contact pair;
Bouzakis et al. studied the application of inclined (e) the evolution of the roughness parameters
impact test for evaluating the temperature and the structural affinity between TI6Al4V alloy
dependent fatigue strength of NCD coatings and the bearing ball conduced to a higher
interface [47]. Moreover, it clarified the functional integrity level from the point of view

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

of the evolution of COF by comparison to 17 mm, was placed above the samples. A rotary
Ti6Al4V/Al2O3 contact pair [53-56]. pump was used to continuously pump the hot
filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD)
A comparison has been documented between chamber, while methane (45 sccm) diluted in
nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) and excess of hydrogen (2250 sccm), were
microcrystalline diamond (MCD) coatings on quantified in at carefully controlled rates. The
titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) substrates with assembly of gas distribution allowed the control
architectures of Ti6Al4V/NCD and of the gas flow patterns in and around both the
Ti6Al4V/MCD, using hot filament chemical filament assembly and the sample to ensure
vapor deposition (HFCVD) technique. A detailed uniformness in the coatings. A two color
analysis of friction and wear behavior in pyrometer monitored the temperature of
ambient air for the two separate coatings has tungsten filament. It was found to be 2200 C. A
been studied. Their tribological behavior is k-type thermocouple was used to measure the
studied as a function of the diamond coatings temperature of titanium alloy samples. The
characteristics. The effect of diamond quality on thermocouple was located beneath the titanium
the tribological behavior of the two types of alloy samples. It was found to be 800 C. The
coatings has been investigated. The friction whole growth process was performed for 3
characteristics of the diamond coated Ti6Al4V hours and the thickness of the film was
substrates has been compared with uncoated estimated to be 3 m. The detailed growth
one, using ball on disc type linear reciprocating parameters for depositing MCD and NCD films
micro-tribometer, sliding against smooth alumina are listed in Table 1.
(Al2O3) ceramic ball under dry sliding conditions.
Al2O3 is a promising ceramic material used at high Table 1. Growth parameters for the deposition of
temperature because of its excellent chemical MCD and NCD coatings.
stability, good mechanical and electrical Coating Substrate Substrate Filament Methane Duration
properties, and wear and corrosion resistance. type Pressure Temp. (C) Temp. Conc. (hrs)
(Torr) (C) (CH4/H2)
MCD 36 800850 2200 2 3
2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS NCD 12 800850 2200 4 3

Titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) samples of 25 mm X 25 Raman spectra of the deposited films were
mm in dimensions were polished using silicon recorded using a confocal microscope (Alpha
carbide (SiC) and cleaned with deionized water. 300, Witec) with an excitation radiation of 532
The samples were etched in the solution of HF: nm of a Nd:YAG laser operated at less than 20
H2O2: DI water. The samples were rinsed in mW. The surface roughness and microstructure
deionized water three times for three minutes were observed using a field emission SEM
each. The samples were removed and blown dry (Quanta 3D, FEI). The detailed experimental
with air gun. The mirror finish was obtained by conditions are given in Table 2.
polishing the samples by diamond paste (1m).
An ultrasonicator was used to clean the samples Table 2. Experimental conditions.
with acetone for 30 minutes and then dried S. No. Parameters Operating Conditions
thoroughly by a hot drier. Dimethyl sulphoxide 1 Normal Load 1, 5, 10 N
(DMSO) solution containing diamond seedings of 2 Sliding Velocity 8 cm/s
size 4 m were used. Before deposition of nano- 3 Relative Humidity 70 ( 5)%
diamond films, the titanium alloy samples were 4 Duration of Rubbing 15 minutes
5 Surface Condition Dry
dispersed in it. This is done by using a low power
6 Materials Tested Ti6Al4V, MCD and NCD
ultrasonicator for 15 minutes. The samples were 7 Ball Material Alumina (Al2O3)
again cleaned with ethanol in an ultra-sonicator 8 Diameter of ball 6 mm
for 1 minute and placed inside the cold walled 9 Stroke length 5 mm
aluminum chamber of hot filament chemical 10 Frequency 2 Hz
vapor deposition (HFCVD) system (sp3 Diamond 11 Temperature 301 C
Roughness Factor (Ra)
Technologies Inc. USA). An array of 31 parallel Ti6Al4V 0.38 m
wires of (0.12 mm) diameter filaments, with 12 12
NCD 0.18 m
mm wire to wire spacing and standoff distance of MCD 0.26 m

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

2.1 Method of deposition when sliding against smooth Al2O3 ceramic ball,
under the application of 1-10 N loads.
Hot filament chemical vapor deposition system
(HFCVD, Model 650 series, sp3, Diamond 3.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy
Technologies) with excellent process control
unit system was used for the deposition of The scanning electron microscopy was used to
diamond films, using the growth rate of 1 m/hr. study the morphology and grain size of diamond
Deposition parameters such as chamber films. With the increase in methane
pressure and methane concentration were concentration, secondary nucleation takes place
controlled easily during the experiment by using which changes the nature of existing grains from
throttle valve and mass flow controllers microcrystalline to nanocrystalline. Therefore, a
respectively. Hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) cauliflower type of morphology is generally
were used as the precursor gases and their flow shown by the top-layer (NCD) of multilayer CVD
rates were completely controlled using mass diamond coatings [57]. The MCD coating
flow controllers. An arrangement of tungsten exhibits clear multi-facet diamond crystals. Fig. 1
wires (diameter 0.12 mm) in systematic order (a) shows the general surface morphology of the
were used as hot filaments for the activation of NCD coating, whereas Fig. 1 (b) shows the
these precursor gases and the distance between surface morphology of the MCD coating.
filament and substrate was kept 17 mm. The
grain size of the diamond films were
automatically controlled by maintaining both
methane concentration and chamber pressure.
The toxic by product gases or exhaust gases
produced after the deposition process from the
HFCVD chamber were diluted using nitrogen
(N2) gas. However, N2 gases were used before
and after the diamond growth process of flush
the chamber. CVD chamber was made of
aluminum with cooling channels and the
temperature of the chamber was maintained at
~55 C using a circulating water chiller.


The friction measurement was carried out for

the total sliding time of 20 minutes using ball on
disc type linear reciprocating micro-tribometer,
sliding against smooth alumina (Al2O3) ceramic
ball, under the application of increased normal
load. After friction measurement the wear tracks
formed on the surfaces of NCD, MCD and
Ti6Al4V were characterized using Raman
Spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) techniques. However, the compositional
analysis for the formation of tribo-layer
observed on the wear tracks of NCD and MCD
coatings were confirmed using energy
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) technique after
friction measurement. Also nanoindentation
tests were carried out using Berkovich
nanoindentation data. In this research, it is
aimed to find the variations in frictional Fig. 1. CVD-diamond coatings, (a) Surface morphology of
characteristics with the duration of rubbing NCD coatings, (b) Surface morphology of MCD coatings.

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

3.2 Raman Spectroscopy stretching (C-C) vibrational modes, respectively.

The presence of these modes was ascribed to the
Raman spectroscopy was used to identify the formation of transpolyacetylene (TPA) chain in
chemical structure and crystalline quality of the the grain boundaries which is a well-known
diamond coatings. In this respect, stress free characteristic of NCD coatings. A cauliflower
crystalline diamond coating exhibits Raman type of growth is generally seen with the NCD
peak at 1332 cm1 corresponding to the first- coatings [36-46].
order phonon mode of T2g symmetry [42].
Raman spectrum of MCD coating confirms the 3.3 Mechanical and Tribological Properties
microcrystallinity. First order Raman peak shift
towards higher side centered at 1333 cm1 is Figures 3 (a) and (b) show the load
indicative of the presence of residual displacement curves for the polished NCD and
compressive stress in both the coatings (Fig. 2). MCD coatings. Indentation tests were performed
Mainly, this compressive residual stress is due to on each coating using nanoindentation
the difference in thermal expansion coefficients technique. It was evident from the load
of the substrate and coating [30-31]. displacement curves that the NCD coating was
less resistant to deformation in comparison to
Residual stresses can be calculated from = - the MCD coating. The indentation depth for MCD
0.348 (vm v0) GPa for fundamental Raman peak coating was 65 nm, whereas for NCD coating, it
at vm, where v0 =1332 cm-1 and vm = 1333 cm-1. was 72 nm. The hardness of NCD and MCD
Thus both MCD and NCD diamond coatings coatings were found to be ~38 GPa and ~55
contain a compressive stress of - 0.348 GPa, GPa, respectively and these values are in
where negative sign indicates compressive agreement with the earlier reports on diamond
stress. MCD exhibits columnar structure of films [58-60]. Hardness of NCD coatings was
grains and faceted form of surface morphology. found to be inferior to that of MCD coatings
In case of NCD coatings, two other peaks 1 and because of the presence of non-diamond phases
3 are characteristics of in-plane (C-H) and at the grain boundaries.

Fig. 2. Raman spectra of CVD-diamond coatings, (a) NCD and (b) MCD.

Fig. 3. (a) Loaddisplacement curve for NCD coating, (b) Loaddisplacement curve for MCD coating.

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

Fig. 4. Tribological characteristics of Ti6Al4V substrates sliding against alumina ball. (a) Coefficient of friction vs
duration of rubbing at 1 N, 5 N and 10 N, (b) Average coefficient of friction vs. normal load.

Fig. 5. Tribological characteristics of MCD coatings sliding against alumina ball. (a) Coefficient of friction vs
duration of rubbing at 1 N, 5 N and 10 N, (b) Average coefficient of friction vs. normal load.

Fig. 6. Tribological characteristics of NCD coatings sliding against alumina ball, (a) Coefficient of friction vs
duration of rubbing at 1 N, 5 N and 10 N, (b) Average coefficient of friction vs. normal load.

3.4 Friction Characteristics of the NCD and ~0.305-0.27 and 0.068-0.053, respectively by
MCD Coatings against Alumina Balls increasing the normal load from 1-10 N, for the
total duration of 20 minutes. Tribological
Frictional characteristics of uncoated Ti6Al4V, characteristics of Ti6Al4V substrate sliding
MCD and NCD were studied, sliding against against alumina ball is shown in figure 4. The
smooth Al2O3 ceramic ball using ball on disc type coefficient of friction decreases with increase in
linear reciprocating micro-tribometer, for a load, shown in Fig. 4 (a) and the average
sliding speed of 8 m/s and a load of 1 N, 5 N and coefficient of friction, shown in Fig. 4 (b)
10 N. The average values of coefficient of friction decreases from 0.625 to 0.38. Similarly, the
corresponding to virgin substrate, MCD and NCD values of coefficient of friction corresponding to
coatings were calculated as ~0.625-0.38, MCD coating decrease under the same input

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

operating conditions, as shown in Fig. 5 (a). The

average coefficient of friction in MCD coatings
decrease from 0.305 to 0.27, as shown in Fig. 5
(b). Tribological characteristics of NCD coatings
against alumina ball are shown in Fig. 6. The
NCD coatings show least coefficient of friction
among all the tested materials. The values of
coefficient of friction corresponding to NCD
coatings decrease under the same conditions. As
the load increases the coefficient of friction
decreases. The average coefficient of friction
decreases from 0.068 to 0.053. This observed low
friction coefficient of NCD coating in comparison
to that of MCD coating was observed due to the
presence of graphitic carbon phases at the grain
boundaries and also due to small grain size.
However, in case of MCD coating, the observed
initial higher value of friction coefficient is mainly
due to high surface roughness which becomes
smoother with sliding time.

The noisy fluctuations of the friction coefficient

have been observed at 1 N. These fluctuations
are due to surface roughness. At the beginning of
the applied load we can observe a peak which
corresponds to the adaptation of the contact of
both counter-faces. After the tests carried out in
these conditions, the diamond coating on the
disc is found to be intact as shown by the optical
microscope in Fig. 7 and indicated by the surface
roughness values which remain constant. Figure
7 (a), (b) and (c) show the surface morphology
of the wear tracks corresponding to virgin
Ti6Al4V substrate, MCD and NCD coatings at 10
N load, respectively. It has been clearly observed
from all the wear tracks that with the increase in
load the track width increases, and therefore
corresponding coefficient of friction decreases
for both the types of coatings. At the end of the
test carried out at 10 N, a wear track of 966 m,
673 m and 426 m in width was formed on the
Ti6Al4V substrate, MCD and NCD diamond Fig. 7. Images of wear track of CVD-diamond
coated discs, respectively. The detailed coatings, (a) surface morphology of virgin substrate,
mechanical and tribological experimental results (b) Surface morphology of NCD coatings, (c) Surface
morphology of MCD coatings.
are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Mechanical and tribological results.

No variation of the total volume wear rate as a
function of sliding distance was evidenced
Variation in during the test because the vertical
Material Hardness (H) Coefficient of
Friction displacement was weak, a few micrometers at
the end of the test. At this point, the final wear
Ti6Al4V ~10 GPa ~510 ~0.625-0.38
rate of the ball is indeed about 3x10-17 m3 (N/m).
MCD ~55 G Pa ~1150 ~0.305-0.27 The wear of the diamond coated disc is too low
NCD ~ 38 G Pa ~1050 ~0.068-0.053 to be measured and the wear track is just

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

polished, as observed by SEM. This lack of the formation of thick transfer layer [67].
coating wear of the disc results from the short Diamond is considered as self-lubricating
test duration due to the ball wearing more material and the low friction coefficient values
quickly. Alumina is a chemically inert ceramic attained by many researchers is mainly due to
compound and sliding interaction of diamond its extreme chemical inertness (no chemical
coatings against alumina material is purely interaction/bonding) and sliding induced
mechanical. The stable and low friction graphitization or re-hybridization of carbon. The
coefficient of the NCD coating was attributed to chemistry of the sliding environment such as
the chemical inertness of the mating materials relative humidity and use of vacuum, inert gases
and also due to the continuous availability of the or any other gases may affect the friction and
lubricious non-diamond graphitic phases at the wear characteristics of the diamond films [68-
grain boundaries of NCD coating. On the other 69]. The wear and friction of diamond coatings
hand, slightly high and unstable friction are found to be normally low only in air and
behavior was observed during the sliding of relatively dry inert gas environment, whereas, in
MCD coating against alumina ball. The high run- vacuum and at high temperatures, the friction
in friction behavior of the MCD coating was and wear are much higher [70-71]. Gaseous
attributed to its sharp and rough surface adsorbates such as hydrogen or oxygen can
asperities. effectively passivate the free -bonds on the
surface of diamond. When these -bonds
The tribological characteristics of CVD diamond become highly passive, then the adhesion
coatings depend on their grain size, grain component of the friction significantly reduces
boundary strength and the presence of non- and such diamond surface exhibits low friction
diamond phases [61]. Also, the wear and friction coefficient [72]. Roy et al. investigated the
behavior of the tribo-contact pairs during dry friction response of the H-terminated and O-
sliding depends on the extrinsic conditions such terminated NCD films and found that the H-
as normal load, sliding velocity and mainly on terminated diamond films show low friction
the type of interaction, whether mechanical or coefficient in comparison to that of O-terminated
chemical [62]. The contact between two sliding NCD films, which was attributed to the
surfaces occurs at asperities and these asperities hydrophobic nature of the former one [73].
act as stress concentrators. CVD diamond
coatings are highly wear resistant and High surface roughness of the faceted MCD
chemically inert while sliding against most of the coatings has a detrimental effect on the friction
ceramics and undergo only mechanical wear by and wears characteristics [74]. However, these
means of asperity fracture and abrasive damage coatings hardly show any wear but severely
[63]. Grooves may form on the wear surfaces in abrade counter face materials due to the hard
sliding contact due to the abrasive micro-wear and sharp asperities [75]. Generally MCD
mechanisms [64]. Purely mechanical wear coatings exhibit high run-in friction behavior
produces rough contact surfaces and generally and stabilize to the lower value after a long
shows stable friction behavior. Whereas, the sliding distance. In the case of NCD coatings, the
tribo-chemical interactions or tribo-oxidation of friction coefficient falls to a much lower steady
the mating parts produces tribo-debris or tribo- state value soon after a short run-in period. The
layer at the contact interface and modify the low friction coefficient of the NCD coating is due
contact stresses [65]. These tribolayers of the to the presence of non-diamond carbon phases
reaction products are generally softer than the that are present at the grain boundaries. The
substrate and affect the wear and friction roughness of the NCD coatings will have less
properties, especially under un-lubricated detrimental effect on friction and wear
conditions [66]. The friction characteristics of characteristics in comparison to MCD coatings
diamond coating mainly depend on the counter [76].
face material. In the case of non-diamond sliders,
the friction is influenced by the formation of a 3.5 Wear track Analysis by Raman
transfer layer during run-in period. Bull et al. Spectroscopy and EDS
found that the initial friction between CVD
diamond coating and sapphire was ~ 0.2, but Figures 8(a) and 8(b) show the Raman spectra of
raised rapidly to ~ 0.6, which was attributed to wear tracks corresponding to NCD and MCD

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

coatings at 10 N loads. The presence of residual

stresses in NCD and MCD wear tracks are
calculated from = -0.348 (vm v0) GPa for the
fundamental Raman peak at Vm = 1334 cm-1 [77].
Hence, wear track of both diamond coatings
contain residual compressive stresses of -0.348
GPa, under the application of normal load.

Fig. 10. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) of

NCD Coatings.

Figures 9 and 10 show the compositional

analysis of the tribo-layer formed on the MCD
and NCD coatings, respectively. Tribo-chemical
wear and tribo-oxidation of Al2O3 under un-
lubricated conditions is a well-known
phenomenon and formation of tribo-debris or
tribo-layer is anticipated. Tribo-layer formation
was obvious from images of the wear tracks.
Tribo-layer formation was not continuous and it
was localized according to the contact asperities
and observed as smooth and shiny flakes [78].
No tribo-layer formation was observed on the
Al2O3 ball and the wear was mainly due to the
mechanical fragmentation and tribo-oxidation.
These small fragments and the tribo-products of
the Al2O3 ball are transferred to the wear track
on the NCD and MCD coatings [79]. Further, the
small fragments are mechanically smeared and
Fig. 8. Raman spectra of wear track of CVD-diamond thermally treated during multi-cycle sliding
coatings, (a) NCD and (b) MCD. process to form glassy amorphous tribo-layer
[80]. Wear of the NCD and MCD coatings was
negligible during the sliding test, except the
blunting/crushing of sharp asperities/peaks of
the NCD and MCD coatings during the run-in time.
Further, the surface of the NCD and MCD coatings
was completely protected by the tribo-layer
formed with the aid of oxide tribo-products from
the Al2O3 ball. The wear of the Al2O3 ball was
mainly tribo-oxidation wear and the possible
mechanical (abrasive) wear only during run-in
time due to the interaction with the sharp
asperities of the NCD and MCD coatings.
Fig. 9. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) of

MCD and NCD coatings have yielded the super-

hardness of ~55 GPa and ~38 GPa, respectively.
The observed low hardness of the NCD coating
in comparison to that of MCD coating was
attributed to the presence of non-diamond

S.H. Din et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 530-542

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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

Tribology in Industry


The Wear behavior of UHMWPE against Surface

Modified CP-Titanium by Thermal Oxidation

B.T. Prayoga a, S. Suyitno a, R. Dharmastiti a

a Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bulaksumur 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Sliding wear
The effects of thermal oxidation duration on hardness, roughness, and
wettability of the CP-titanium surfaces were investigated in this paper.
The thermal oxidation treatment was done at 700 oC for 12-36 hours in an
Thermal oxidation duration
air atmosphere. The wear behavior of the UHMWPE sliding against
treated thermal oxidation of the CP-titanium was tested by a pin-on-plate
Corresponding author: tribometer under lubrication of the solution of 75 % distilled water and 25
Benidiktus Tulung Prayoga % bovine serum. The results showed that the layer of the oxide titanium
Departement of Mechanical was formed on the surface after being treated by the thermal oxidation for
Engineering, 12-36 hours. The oxide titanium layer was dominated by rutile form of
Universitas Gadjah Mada, TiO2, that offers an improvement of hardness and wettability of the CP-
Bulaksumur 55281, Yogyakarta titanium surfaces. The average wear factor of the UHMWPE reduced
Indonesia. significantly when the sliding against of the CP-titanium was modified by
E-mail: beni@ugm.ac.id the thermal oxidation, and the lowest average wear factor was reached
when the sliding against the 12 hour oxidized CP-titanium counterfaces.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION low friction, and biocompatible. The bearing that

made of UHMWPE have excellent performed in
In general, artificial human joints are composed vivo. The only major issue is wear and the wear
of at least two components that are arranged, particles on the in vivo durability of the
such a manner so that it can function like natural prosthesis [2].
joints. Metallics and polyethylene biomaterial
are the most common materials used as a joint The metallic biomaterials, titanium, stainless
implant component. They are combined steel, and Co Cr are used in the overwhelming
particularly in the joint implant, that is, one of majority of the joint implants [3,4]. Recently,
the components is made of metal, and others of titanium and titanium alloys are intensively
the polyethylene [1]. The most popular type of studied for use in medicine, particularly in
polymer in the joint implant is called ultra-high dental and orthopedic [5]. It is because the
molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). It titanium and titanium alloys have higher
has been widely used as a bearing material in mechanical properties, lightweight, corrosion-
total joint replacement, especially in hip and resistant, non-toxic, low modulus, non-magnetic
knee implant, due to its high wear resistance, and higher biocompatibility than stainless steel

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

or cobalt alloy [5,6]. Additionally, they are very and 700 0C [24]. The long duration (more than 72
reactive metals and will quickly react to form hours) gave the effect of the spallation of the
oxide layer when exposed to the atmosphere. oxide layer, but if the duration was very low (less
The compact oxide layer will form easily at the than 5 hours) the oxide layer formed was thin
surface, so that they have excellent corrosion [25]. In the previous investigation, the thermal
resistance [79]. The oxide layer is compact and oxidation at 700 oC for several duration could
stable, but the layer which is automatically reduce the wear of the UHMWPE-CP-
formed is thin, and it is not enough to improve titanium/Ti64 counterparts. Wang et al. [26]
the wear resistance. All joint prostheses are investigated the wear of Ti64 that was treated by
articulated with a boundary or mixed lubrication the TO and UHMWPE; they found that the wear
that allows the bearing surface in the contact volumes decreased 68 % for treated samples
and results in the generation of wear debris [11]. compared to the untreated specimen. Xiong et al.
In the total joint replacement, the UHMWPE [27] investigated the wear properties of the
wear debris is the main issue due to the wear UHMWPE sliding against modified titanium
debris is recognized as a leading cause of failure alloys. The friction coefficients of the UHMWPE
of the total joint replacement [12]. The debris of sliding against thermal oxidation treated
the wear will cause damage to body tissue specimens under bovine serum that were
surrounding the implant [3,12]. The weakness of decreased by 63 %. All studies used the pin on
the titanium and titanium alloy are poor disk tribometer.
tribology properties when rubbing against itself
or other materials [14]. Therefore, it has limited A linear reciprocating movement generated on
their extensive use in biomedical implant the uni-directional pin on plate tribometer is a
[13,14]. more realistic motion for investigating wear
mechanism of the joint implant material. The
The one of the methods to improve the intermittent motion at the end of stroke can
tribological properties of titanium is the surface represent the natural joint movement [27,28].
modification. Several studies have been The aim of this study was to investigate whether
conducted to investigate surface modification of the effect of the duration of the thermal
the titanium and titanium alloy material through oxidation on the surface treatment of the CP
anodic oxidation, DLC coating, SMAT, and titanium at 700oC was able to reduce the wear of
thermal oxidation to improve the wear behavior the UHMWPE tested using a reciprocating pin-
[1316]. Thermal oxidation (TO) is very on-plate tribometer.
straightforward and inexpensive method.
Therefore, this treatment is very promising for
improvement of the wear behavior of the 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
titanium which would be used as the load-
bearing implant [19,20]. 2.1 Materials preparation

The hard and thick TiO2 layers can be obtained on The CP-titanium cast was used in this study. The
the surface of the CP-titanium by the thermal specimens as-received from the investment
oxidation method. This method exploits the low casting cut by milling machine to the dimension
resistance of the titanium to oxidation and of 55 mm x 18 mm x 3 mm. After that, the
oxygen diffusion at high temperature. According specimens were annealed at 900oC for 2 hours in
to previous studies [8,19,21], the two primary an argon environment and then cooled in the
parameters to obtain optimum TiO2 layer are furnace to obtain a uniform initial
temperature and duration of the thermal microstructure condition. The specimens were
oxidation treatment. Satendra Kumar et al. [23] ground with abrasive paper #600, 1200, 5000,
investigated the formation of rutile TiO2 during and finished with diamond paste to obtain
thermal oxidation of CP-Ti was minimal at 650 oC. average surface roughness (Ra 0.1 m). All of
At the low temperature (below 500 oC) the kinetic the specimens were ultrasonically cleaned in
reaction was slow, but at a high temperature distilled water for 15 minutes and degreased
(above 800 oC) would affect on the spallation of with alcohol before treatment. In this study, all
the oxide layer, so the oxidation temperature was of the thermal oxidation processes were
chosen as an optimum temperature between 600 performed at 700 oC.

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

The oxidation process was performed in a attached in water drop equipment (Gaosuo,
chamber furnace (Thermo Scientific, USA) in an China) and then the droplet contact angles were
air atmosphere. The specimens were heated in analyzed.
room temperature at 700 oC with the ramp rate
was the default of the furnace setting. The holding 2.3 Unidirectional reciprocating wear test
time was set 12 and 36 hours (not including the
ramp). After the holding time had been reached, The wear test was performed for untreated and
the specimens were cooled naturally in the the oxidized CP-titanium specimen with the
furnace. The specimens were weighed prior and UHMWPE in the 6 station unidirectional
after oxidation with microbalance with an reciprocating pin-on-plate tribometer. The device
accuracy 0.00001 g (Ohaus). was built in our laboratory. The flat-ended
UHMWPE pins having the dimension of the 9
2.2 Surface characterizations mm, and 15 mm length were prepared as
counterpart specimen. Prior to wear testing, all the
The specimen surface roughness was measured UHMWPE pin specimens were allowed to soak in
using a contact stylus profilometer (Surfcorder, distilled water for 2 weeks to prevent the moisture
Kosaka, Japan). The measurement was uptake during the wear test. The density of the
conducted at 19 different locations to obtain the UHMWPE was assumed 0.9737 gr/cm3.
medium arithmetic value (Ra) of the samples.
All samples were cleaned up using alcohol, The UHMWPE pins were installed at the upper
rinsed in distilled water, and dried prior to the of the plate sample moving unidirectional
observation and measurement. reciprocating. The normal load on the pin was
180 N which was provided with the lever
The surface morphology of the oxide layer mechanism, so that it corresponded to 2.8 MPa
formed in surface CP-titanium was examined of nominal contact stress. The frequency for
using a scanning electron microscope (JSM- reciprocating motion was set 1 Hz and the
6510LA, JEOL, Ltd., Japan). The examinations sliding distance was set to 25 mm giving a
were conducted on the untreated, 12, and 36 sliding velocity of 50 mm/s. The wear tests were
hours treated sample. X-ray diffraction (XRD) done at a room temperature. The lubricant used
was undertaken using Monochromatic X-ray in this study was a solution of 25 % bovine
radiation from a copper tube with a wavelength serum and 75 % of distilled water. To prevent
of K1 = 1.5406 to identify phases presence in the lubricant from the bacterial growth the
the thermally oxidized samples. The X-ray tube sodium azide were added (0.1 % v/v).
was supplied by an electric current at a voltage
of = 40 kV and intensity of I = 30 mA. The The wear tests were run with a total sliding
scanning was done in an angular range from 10o distance of about 75 kms. The tests were
to 90o. interrupted at regular intervals 12.5 kms and the
wear was measured by the weight loss. The wear
The surface hardness examinations were device was shut off then the pins and plates were
determined using a Vickers microhardness removed for weighing every regular interruption.
tester (Buehler, USA). The tests were conducted Prior to weighing, the pins and plates were
with indentation load 0.49 N for 15 s. The cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner in distilled
measurement of the average hardness was done water for 15 minutes and lapped with tissue.
for seven different locations at the surface.
The samples were weighed using a microbalance
The surface wettability was taken from the with an accuracy 0.00001 g (Ohaus). The
measurements of the drop static contact angle average wear factor was calculated as
between the bovine serum solution (75 % accumulated volume loss (mm3), divided by the
distilled water and 25 % bovine) and sample unit of force (N) times total sliding distance (m).
surface at room temperature. A bovine solution The average wear factor (WF) was determined
droplet was deposited five times at three from Eq (1):
different locations on the surface of each sample.
The droplet of the bovine solution image was Wear Volume (mm3 )
WF (1)
obtained using a USB digital microscope Load ( N ) x sliding dist (m)

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION layer which covered the entire of the sample
3.1 Microstructure initial state

Microscopic metallographic examinations

showed that the CP-titanium cast after being
annealed at 900 oC for 2 hours was characterized
by a grain structure with the equiaxial grains
shape (Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of untreated and thermal

oxidation of CP-titanium at 700 oC for 12 and 36 hours.

Fig. 1. The microstructure CP-titanium cast after

annealed at 900 oC for 2 hours.

3.2 Surface morphology

Figure 2 shows the diffractogram obtained for

CP-titanium samples untreated and TO-treated
at 700 C for 36, 12 hours. According to JCPDS
card (No. 88-1175), the peaks at diffraction
angle 2 = 27o, 36o , and 55o indicating TiO2 in
rutile phase [30]. Thermal oxidation treatment
samples showed peaks as the rutile phase were
dominant. This condition means that the
oxidized surface is mainly composed by the
rutile form of TiO2. Increasing the duration of
the treatment, the composition of the oxide layer
would be dominated by rutile TiO2. It has been
reported that the thermal oxidation of pure
titanium at high temperature (650-700 oC) and
for short times to obtain to the formation of
rutile TiO2 [8,23,28]. The oxidation temperature
and duration of treatment employed in this
study were sufficient for the formation of the
rutile oxide. As known, rutile phase is a stable
structure of TiO2 with high hardness so the
thermal oxidation treatment of the CP-titanium
would improve the wear behavior [10]. The SEM
images of the surface sample for untreated and
treated at 700 C for 12 and 36 hours are shown
in Fig. 3. The surface of the sample of the CP- Fig. 3. The SEM image of the surface sample, (a)
titanium that was treated at the temperature untreated, (b) treated at 700 oC for 12 and (c) treated
700 C revealed the existence of a uniform oxide at 700 oC for 36 hours.

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

After 12 hours of the oxidation, the oxide layer

covers throughout the surface (Fig. 3b). The
grains of the oxides formed were noticeably
larger after being treated at 700 C for 36 hours
than 12 hours. The oxide layer was relatively
smooth for a sample oxidized for 12 hours but it
would be relatively coarse when oxidation time
was increased to 36 h. According to the literature
[32], the formation of an oxide layer on the
surface of pure metal were done in four steps,
first, oxygen adsorption at the surface, second,
the formation of oxide nucleation, third, lateral
growth of the nuclei and the last, formation of a
compact oxide layer. When the lateral growth of
the nuclei is terminated, the metal surface is
completely covered by the oxide layer. Fig. 4 The surface microhardness of untreated and
treated CP-titanium.
From the Fig. 3, It can be seen that the oxide
layer grows through the formation and
agglomeration that become very fine grains of
oxide particles (Fig. 3b). Along with increasing
time of the treatment (36 hours), the oxide
particles would grow to be larger (Fig. 3c). This
is similar to the study of the growth of the oxide
layer was found in a paper [33].

Figure 4 shows the surface microhardness of

untreated and thermal oxidation treated samples
measured on the surface of the oxide layer. The
surface hardness of the treated CP-titanium at 700
OC for 36 hours (Hv = 8.3 GPa) was approximately

three times higher than the surface hardness of the

untreated CP-titanium (Hv = 2.78 GPa). It can be
seen that the hardness enhances by the increased
Fig. 5 The surface roughness of untreated and treated
duration of the treatment. The thermal oxidation CP-titanium.
conducted for only 12 h at a temperature of 700
C made it possible to obtain an oxide layer
almost thrice harder than the untreated
material. But in the longer duration of treatment
no increase of hardness that did not significantly
increased. This is similar to the studies that
reveal the increase of the duration of the
treatment would increase the microhardness
[33]. In addition, the surface roughness also
increased by the increase of the duration of the
thermal oxidation treatment (Fig. 5). Compared
with the untreated sample, the surface
roughness of the treated sample increased
significantly about two times. The increase of the
surface roughness was consistent with the
papers [20,23,33]. Surface roughness before the
thermal oxidation (Ra = 0.1 m) increased to
0.26 m and 0.30 m in the thermal oxidation at Fig. 6 The static contact angle of untreated and
700 oC for 12 and 36 hours, respectively. treated CP-titanium.

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

The increase of the surface roughness was however, the oxide layer formed on the surface
caused by the growth of the oxide layer on the of the samples were able to reduce the wear of
surface. This can be described by the formation the UHMWPE. Specifically for couples the
of large agglomerations oxide grains on the UHMWPE and CP-titanium-treated, showed that
surface. Grains of the oxide began to cover the the surface roughness also affected the wear
surface and grow larger in size when the though it was not significant.
duration increased (Fig. 3).

The effect of the thermal oxidation duration in

the contact angle is shown in Fig. 6. The static
contact angle of the untreated sample was about
67o. However, the contact angle of treated
sample for 12 and 36 hours were lower than
that of the untreated sample. The decrease was
about 12-20o. The lower static contact angle
means the wettability of the surface improves.
This is in good agreement with the studies that
reveal the increase surface roughness would
reduce static contact angle [35]. The good
wettability or low contact angle means the
lubricant covered the sample surface easily and
it potentially reduced the friction and wear. The
film of lubricant that covers the surface will Fig. 7 Effects of thermal oxidation duration of CP-
prevent the surface from rubbing each other. titanium counterfaces on the wear of UHMWPE.

3.3 Tribological test

The graphic of the volume loss compared sliding

distance, for the UHMWPE sample against
untreated and treated thermal oxidation of the
CP-titanium plate as shown in Fig. 7. It is obvious
by comparing untreated and treated sample that
the wear of the UHMWPE sample was
significantly reduced by treated thermal
oxidation of the CP-titanium counterface
irrespectively with the duration of the treatment.

The average wear factor for the UHMWPE pins

against untreated and thermal oxidation CP-
titanium are shown in Fig. 8. It was noticed that Fig. 8 Average wear factor of UHMWPE sliding
the wear factor decreased significantly from against untreated and treated CP-titanium.
1.25 x 10-7 mm3/N m to 3.54 x 10-8 mm3/N m
and 5.87 x 10-8 mm3/N m after the thermal The figures of the worn surfaces of the CP-
oxidation for 12 and 36 hours, respectively. The titanium plate and pin tested under bovine serum
CP-titanium sample treated for 12 hours showed as lubricant are shown in Fig. 9. The wear track of
the fewest wear of the UHMWPE compared with the untreated CP-titanium plate (Fig. 9a) was
the 36 hours treated and untreated. The average marked by relatively deep and wide grooves.
wear factor of the UHMWPE pins against 12 Thus is an indication of severe abrasive wear.
hours and 36 hours thermal oxidation treated This matched with the UHMWPE counterface also
samples were reduced 3.5 and 2 times that of experiences severe damage marked by several
the UHMWPE pins against untreated CP- grooves (Fig. 9b). The different wear track can be
titanium respectively. Although the samples seen in Figs. 9c-9f, which found only a few
subjected to thermal oxidation had a higher scratches on the surface of the treated CP-
surface roughness than the untreated samples, titanium and UHMWPE surface. This indicates

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

that the thermal oxidation treatment can improve the treated sample, because the auto oxide layer
wettability and reduce wear. is thin so that it can not inhibit the wear sliding.
The thin oxide layer will peel off as wear debris
The surface of the CP-titanium was covered by or will penetrate in the UHMWPE and lead to
the oxide layer composed of TiO2 oxide which scratching of the CP-titanium surface which, in
improved hardness and wears resistance. The turn, leads to severe abrasive wear to both
formation of TiO2 can be held responsible for an articulate surfaces. The wear mechanism of the
increase the surface roughness and enhance in UHMWPE/untreated CP-titanium couple may be
the wettability. The coarse grain oxide will offer attributed to the mechanisms of third body
greater surface contact and provide micro wear. This study has shown that the wear of the
spaces between grains (Fig. 3) that play as UHMWPE was greater against CP-titanium plate
lubricants pocket to increase hydrodynamic treated for 36 hours than against 12 hours
lubrication which results in a decrease of wear treated plates, due to the roughening by thermal
rate. The thermal oxidation treatment can be oxidation duration. In the case of the rough CP-
suitable to reduce the wear of corresponding titanium thermal oxidation treated surface, the
UHMWPE and hinder the generation of abrasive coarse of oxide grains accelerated the wear
particles. In the case of the untreated CP- because of the high point or asperities on the
titanium counterfaces, although with smooth surface to produce wear by an abrasive wear
surfaces, the average wear factor is higher than mechanism.

Fig. 9. Worn surfaces of plate and pins (a) untreated CP-titanium; (b) UHMWPE sliding against untreated CP-
titanium; (c) 12 hours thermal oxidation CP-titanium; (d) UHMWPE sliding against 12 hours thermal oxidation
CP-titanium; (e) 36 hours thermal oxidation CP-titanium; (f) ) UHMWPE sliding against 36 hours thermal
oxidation CP-titanium. The arrows indicate as sliding direction.

B.T. Prayoga et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 543-551

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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 552-558

Tribology in Industry


Effect of Composition on Mechanical Properties of

Mullite-WC Nano Composites Prepared by Spark
Plasma Sintering

H. Rajaei a, I. Mobasherpour a, M. Farvizi a, M. Zakeri a

a Ceramics Department, Materials and Energy Research Center, Karaj, Iran.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Mullite-WC composites were prepared from Mullite and WC powders by
WC spark plasma sintering at 1400 C for a holding time of 180 s under 30
Nano composite MPa. Microstructure, strength, and hardness of the mullite-WC
Spark plasma sintering composites were studied. The mullite-WC composite containing 5-20
wt% WC reached over 94 % theoretical density. The strength and
Corresponding author: Vickers hardness of mullite-(10 wt%) WC sintered composite reached
maximum values of 298 MPa, and 1589 HV, respectively demonstrating
Iman Mobasherpour that the introduction of WC significantly enhances the mechanical
Ceramics Department, Materials and properties of the mullite matrix.
Energy Research Center, Karaj, Iran.
E-mail:Iman.Mobasherpour@gmail.com 2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION can markedly deteriorate the densification and

degrade the properties of the produced
During the recent decades, researchers composites. The processing difficulties are
conducted extensive studies on ceramics based aggravated when reinforcing phases are sub
composites and nano composites [111]. Results micrometer or nanometer sized powders
established that for reinforced ceramics, the because finer particles tend to form stronger
creep rate is lower by two up to three orders of agglomerates [12].
magnitude, and the strength is higher by two up
to three times compared to the ceramics Mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2) has been considered a
without reinforcements [2,3,5,8]. good candidate for high temperature application
[13] because of its marvelous properties, such as
Nevertheless, fabrication of dense composites is good chemical and thermal stability, low thermal
a challenge because the reinforcing phases are expansion and conductivity coefficient, low
often carbides, nitrides or borides, which are dielectric constant and high creep resistance
very difficult to densify. On top of that, there [14]. However, application of mullite is largely
have been a lot of difficulties in achieving a limited because of its rather low strength and
uniform dispersion of reinforcing phases in the fracture toughness [14]. Continuous reinforced
matrix. Agglomeration of reinforcing particles mullite matrix composites have been extensively

H. Rajaei et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 552-558

investigated recently in order to improve the m, and the number percentage of the particles
inherent brittleness of monolithic mullite below 9 m was 90 %.
ceramic [15-19]. Continuous silicon carbide
fiber- or aluminosilicate reinforced mullite
matrix composites have been used in advanced
applications, such as aero engines, stationary gas
turbines and heat exchangers [20]. Nevertheless,
these mullite composites are not much reliable
at temperatures higher than 1500 C because of
the severe degradation of silicon carbide or
aluminosilicate phases [21].

Tungsten carbide (WC) is a superior candidate

as second phase material and it is extensively
used in cutting tools and protective coatings
because of its unique combination of properties
viz. high melting temperature, extremely hard,
chemical stability, excellent abrasive and
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of primarily
corrosion resistance [22].
WC powder.

Spark plasma sintering (SPS) or plasma pressure

compaction is a technique for densifying any
class of materials, especially those that are
difficult to be sintered by the conventional
techniques [23]. Presence of plasma in spark
plasma sintering systems is still unproven.
Specific advantages of SPS over the conventional
sintering techniques are: (1) a faster heating
rate, which avoids mass transport mechanisms
that do not contribute to the densification (2) a
shorter dwell time, which retains finer Fig. 2. Particle size analyses of WC powder.
microstructures, and (3) DC pulse voltage, which
contributes to an enhanced mass transport A fine mullite (3Al2O3.2SiO2) powder was
through electro-migration [24]. synthesized by sol-gel process using aluminum
nitrate (Art No. 101086, Merck Co.) and tetra
In this study, SPS technique was used to prepare ethyl ortho silicate (TEOS) (Art No. 800658,
mullite-WC composites, and influence of Merck Co.) as starting materials. The detailed
composition on microstructures and mechanical synthesis procedure is reported in literature [25].
properties of composites was investigated.
Phase identification of the synthesized mullite
powders were performed by X-ray diffraction
2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (XRD) method using a CuK, Siemens
diffractometer. Particle size of the synthesized
2.1 Materials mullite powder was obtained by field emission
scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM Mira 3-
WC powder was provided by Alfa Aesar Co. (Art XMU).
No.12070). Figure 1 shows a SEM image of the
pure WC powder. As can be seen, it consist WC 2.2 SPS operation
particles exhibiting severe initial agglomeration.
Particle size distribution analysis was performed WC and mullite powders were mixed by a ball
for the WC powder by the dynamic laser mill to produce mullite-WC (0-20 wt%)
scattering technique using Fritsch particle sizer mixtures. The wet milling was performed in a
analysts. It can be found from Fig. 2 that the plastic vial for 12 h at a speed of 200 rpm in
mean particle size (D50) of the powder was 3.20 presence of 50 ml ethanol. The mixed powders

H. Rajaei et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 552-558

were dried and then passed through a sieve with crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. For each set of
a pore-opening size of 100 m. Using a graphite compositions, at least five specimens were
die with an inner diameter of 50 mm, Powders tested for both strength and hardness
were sintered by an SPS machine (SPS-20T-10, measurements.
Easy fashion metal products trade Co.). Standard
DC pulse ONOFF sequence with current 2.6 kA
was chosen for all the experiments. The heating 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
rate was 1 C/s and sintering was performed
under vacuum at a temperature of 1400 C for a 3.1 Characterization of mullite
holding time of 180 sec with pressure 30 MPa.
The temperature of die was measured by an Morphology of synthesized mullite single
optical pyrometer. particles is shown in Fig. 3. The particles have a
spindle-like morphology with an average
2.3 Characterization particle size in the range of 80200 nm. Figure 4
shows XRD pattern of synthesized mullite
Siemens diffract meter with Cu K radiation ( = powder compacted at elevated temperature.
0.1541 nm) was used to study the phase Mullite is main phase in the specimen sintered at
evolution of sintered samples. Diffraction 1400 C and diffraction peaks of -Al2O3, Al or Si-
measurements were performed at 30 kV /20mA spinel not be observed in pattern.
with scanning speed of 1 /min for scanning
range of 2080 with intervals of 0.02.
Morphology of synthesized mullite and
microstructure evolution of sintered samples
were investigated by a field emission scanning
electron microscopy (FE-SEM) Mira 3-XMU
operating at 30 kV and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) ZEISS operating at 15 kV,

Using distilled water, ASTM C373-88 standard

via Archimedes method was applied in order to
study changes in the density of samples. The
mean density values were obtained by averaging
values of densities of three specimens for each
composition. Theoretical densities of mullite
(3.05 g/cm3), and WC (15.63 g/cm3) were used
Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of synthesized
to calculate relative densities. mullite powder.

Following ASTM-C1327-08 standard, the Vickers

hardness was measured using a micro hardness
tester (MVK-H21, Akashi Co.) with a load of 1 kg
for a holding time of 15 sec. Surface of samples
was prepared for the hardness tests through
polishing with 1m diamond slurry. 5
measurements for each sample were averaged
to evaluate Vickers hardness. Specimens with
dimensions of 20mm4mm2mm were cut and
machined for bending strength tests according Fig. 4. XRD of synthesized mullite powder compact at
to ASTM C1161-13. The entire specimen surface elevated temperature.
was ground by an 800-grit diamond wheel and
surface facing to the tensile machine was 3.2 Effect of composition
polished by diamond slurries. Bending strength
of samples was measured at room temperature Figure 5 shows XRD patterns of the mullite-WC
by a three-point bending test operating with a (5, 10, 15, and 20 wt.%) composites sintered at

H. Rajaei et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 552-558

1400 C for a sintering time of 180 sec. Patterns Figure 6 shows the effect of content WC on
reveal the presence of only mullite and WC relative density of sintered composites.
phases, which indicates that there was no Considering Fig. 6 and table 1, one can realize
reaction between mullite and WC during milling the sintering behavior of the mullite-WC
or sintering process. This finding is similar to the composites with different compositions. Despite
results reported in literature for Al2O3-WC [26], the detrimental effect of the presence of WC
and mullite-TiC [19] composites. phase on sintering, all of samples have reached
over 94 % of their theoretical density (TD).
Mullite-10 wt% WC sample reached the highest
relative density compared to other

Contact points between particles are highly

resistant to current flow and contribute to an
increased heating. The temperature at those
localized heating zones exceeds melting
Fig. 5. XRD pattern of Mullite-(5 %wt) WC, Mullite- temperature of material. The cumulative effect
(10 %wt) WC, Mullite-(15 %wt) WC and Mullite-(20 from all such zones results in an improved
%wt) WC sintered at 1400C for 180s. densification at rather lower sintering
temperatures compared to conventional
Table 1. Relative densities and mechanical sintering techniques [18]. The effectiveness of
properties of various Mullite-WC composite samples
low temperature sintering in SPS can be
that were analyzed after sintered at 1400 C for 180 s
by SPS.
explained as follows: Firstly during spark
plasma sintering, high heating rate enables
Relative Bending Hardness
density (%) strength (MPa) (HV)
sample to skip over the low-temperature regime
Mullite 94.1 220 1269 where the nondensifying mechanism (surface
Mullite-(5 wt%) diffusion) is active and sample proceeds directly
94.6 235 1528
WC into the elevated temperature regime where
Mullite-(10 wt%) densifying mechanisms predominate. Thus, SPS
96 298 1589
suppresses the grain pre coarsening before
Mullite-(15 wt%)
95.5 273 1568 actual sintering starts [30]. Secondly, electric
Mullite-(20 wt%) discharge, electric shock pressure and
95.1 245 1536
WC mechanical pressure during SPS also improve
mass transport between ceramic particles and
It is well known that mullite has very poor sinter thus sintering progress is significantly better in
ability and could be sintered to full density only SPS compared to the pressure less sintering and
at temperature higher than 1700 C [2729]. even hot pressing methods [31, 32].
Table 1 shows relative densities and mechanical
properties of sintered mullite-WC samples. Figure 7 shows, SEM micrographs of polished
cross section of mullite-WC composites
containing 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt% sintered at
1400 C for 180 sec. Due to rather low sintering
temperature, short sintering time and pining
effect of the WC particles on grain growth of
mullite matrix, a fine matrix grained
microstructure is observed for composites with
different amount of WC. The microstructure is
homogeneous and WC particles are present
inside at the grain boundaries. As Fig. 7c shows,
WC is well uniformly distributed in mullite
matrix. Figure 7b shows that microstructure of
mullite-(10 wt%) WC sintered composites is
better densified and contains less pores in
Fig.6. Sintering curves of Mullite-WC composite powder. comparison with the other composites.

H. Rajaei et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 552-558

microstructure and residual stress strengthening

effects resulted by the presence of WC particles in
the matrix are the important factors that improve
strength. Besides, formation of dislocation
networks in the matrix and the strengthening by
grain boundaries also contribute to increase in
strength [2,3]. According to Fig. 7, by increase of
WC content more than 10 wt% up to 20 wt% the
agglomeration of WC particle occurred. Duos to
rather high sintering temperature of WC, the
agglomeration of WC phases and increase of
porosity have detrimental effect on sintering
behavior and mechanical properties.

Fig. 7. SEM micrographs of Mullite-WC composites:

(a) Mullite-(5 %wt) WC; (b) Mullite-(10 %wt) WC; (c)
Mullite-(15 %wt) WC; (d) Mullite-(20 %wt) WC
sintered at 1400 C for 180s by SPS.

Fig. 9. Effect of WC content on the Vickers hardness

of Mullite-WC composite sintered at 1400 C for 180 s
by SPS.

Figure 9 shows Vickers hardness of sintered

mullite-WC composites. Mullite-10 wt. % WC
composite achieved the highest hardness value of
1589 HV. The high hardness of WC particles
dispersed in mullite matrix caused an increase in
hardness. Hardness values for composite materials
ranged between 15.3 and 15.9 GPa, which are
significantly improved compared to that of pure
Fig. 8. Plots of effect composition on the strength of mullite (12.7 GPa). The hardness values of mullite-
Mullite-WC composite. WC composites in the present study are
comparable with values reported in literature for
Figure 8 shows, effect composition on strength of alumina-WC [6], and mullite-TiC [19] composites.
mullite-WC composites. The strength increases The hardness of sintered mullite-WC composites
steadily by increasing WC content up to 10 wt%. decreases with an increase in WC content over 10
The strength of mullite-WC (5, 10, 15 and 20 wt%) wt%. This decrease in hardness is explained by the
composites reach 235 MPa, 298 MPa, 273MPa lowering relative density of mullite-WC (15 or 20
and 245 MPa, respectively. In comparison with wt%) composites (Fig. 6).
rather poor strength of the monolithic mullite
sintered by conventional sintering method (200
MPa) [33], and the monolithic mullite sintered by 4. CONCLUSION
SPS (220 MPa), the strength of present mullite-
WC composites is significantly improved. The Spark plasma sintering of mullite-WC composite
increase in Youngs modulus [33], refinement of powders was investigated. The sinterability of

H. Rajaei et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 552-558

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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Tribology in Industry


Modelling and Simulation of a Manipulator with

Stable Viscoelastic Grasping Incorporating Friction

A. Khurshid a, Z. Khan b, V. Chacko b, A. Ghafoor c, M.A. Malik d, Y. Ayaz c

a Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Air University, Sector E-9, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan,
b NanoCorr, Energy and Modelling (NCEM), Faculty of Science & Technology, Bournemouth University, Dorset BH12
5BB United Kingdom,
c School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology Sector H-12,

Islamabad 44000, Pakistan,

d Department of Mechanical Engineering, Air University, Sector E-9, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Anthropomorphic arm
Design, dynamics and control of a humanoid robotic hand based on
Computer aided design anthropological dimensions, with joint friction, is modelled, simulated and
Multi-body mechanics simulation analysed in this paper by using computer aided design and multibody
Dynamics dynamic simulation. Combined joint friction model is incorporated in the
Joint friction joints. Experimental values of coefficient of friction of grease lubricated
Bond graph model sliding contacts representative of manipulator joints are presented.
Viscoelasticity Human fingers deform to the shape of the grasped object (enveloping
grasp) at the area of interaction. A mass-spring-damper model of the
grasp is developed. The interaction of the viscoelastic gripper of the arm
Corresponding author:
with objects is analysed by using Bond Graph modelling method.
Zulfiqar Khan Simulations were conducted for several material parameters. These
NanoCorr, Energy and Modelling, results of the simulation are then used to develop a prototype of the
(NCEM), proposed gripper. Bond graph model is experimentally validated by using
Faculty of Science & Technology, the prototype. The gripper is used to successfully transport soft and
Bournemouth University, fragile objects. This paper provides information on optimisation of
Dorset BH12 5BB, friction and its inclusion in both dynamic modelling and simulation to
United Kingdom. enhance mechanical efficiency.
E-mail: zkhan@bournemouth.ac.uk
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION manipulators in hazardous environments

reduces risk to human beings (in a paint shop on
Robotic manipulators are usually used for tasks a factory floor) and exposure to airborne
which have been historically performed by hazardous particles can be avoided. The aim of
human beings by using their hands e.g. in a this research is to develop a humanoid hand
factory production line. The use of robotic arms with joint friction model and viscoelastic end
is beneficial in several ways as it helps to effectors to provide solutions for performing
accomplish repetitive tasks which can cause automated mechanical tasks at maximum
fatigue in human beings, use of robotic performance.

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Mechanics of robotic manipulators have been So far several significant contributions have
investigated over the past half a century. been made in the design of various grippers for
Mechanics analyses of manipulators have grasping and in-grasp fine manipulation
progressed from kinematic to a more complex [10,11,1315]. Detailed classification may be
dynamic analysis over the past two decades. found in [16]. Kinematics and dynamics of
Modelling of complex manipulator linkage general robotic manipulators has been
mechanisms is now increasingly possible and is presented in [17,18]. A history of robotic arms
being captured more accurately. However, two is given by Monkman [19]. Some of the notable
areas of manipulator mechanisms require anthropomorphic manipulators are the
further analysis. The first is the dynamic Salisbury hand (Stanford hand), the Barret hand
simulation of mechanical manipulators and the and the Karlsruhe hand.
effect of joint friction on the dynamics, and the
second is, the analysis of interfacial mechanisms The need for task specific robot grippers was
between the gripper (manipulator end effector) addressed through grippers designed to the
and corresponding object. shape of the workpiece [20]. The same concept
has been presented in [13,21]. For use in special
Dynamic simulations have become increasingly environments, the requirement and design of an
popular with increasing computational power adaptive finger has been highlighted in [13].
and the availability of a wide range of software Modification of PUMA robot arm by fitting a
tools [1]. Several software tools have diverse humanoid hand with 16 degrees of freedom
capabilities in terms of applications. This fingers have been presented in [22].
improves the quality of simulation and reduces
the design cycle time. In mechanical systems, Postural synergies to control the end effector
the use of a virtual prototype leads to reduction was presented in [23]. Slip sensing of grasped
in the overall design cost [2] and virtual objects using skin acceleration sensors bonded
prototyping accurately simulates the to silicone skin has been presented by [24]. The
performance of a system. Visualisation of application of screw theory for modelling a
mathematical models as prototypes in a virtual heavy manipulator has been presented in [25].
space provides a better understanding of
system performance. Dexterity is the capability of the manipulator to
perform certain complex tasks autonomously.
Human fingertips provide soft contact grasping Dexterity can be divided into grasping and
and take on the shape of the object at the internal manipulation [16]. However, the
interface. Finger deformation at the contact dexterity or firmness of grasping is often
plateaus between 0.2 and 0.9N according to [3] sacrificed while performing in-grasp fine-
and deformation limit is reached at 1 N. manipulation where a pinching grasp is
Modified Hertzian contact theory for finger necessary [26]. When holding an object in
deformation and a power law model has been between fingertips, in-grasp manipulation
derived for the deformation of the finger by [4]. becomes easy but the chances of slippage and
Therefore, deformable fingers are superior in unstable grasp increase at the same time [27].
comparison to hard grippers and moreover, Therefore, an enveloping grasp is required
hard grippers can damage the object. The which is quite dexterous. In-grasp fine
property of softness also helps in maintaining an manipulation then becomes difficult to achieve.
increased area of contact during grasping and Therefore, the development of such a gripper
manipulation which confines the object from that makes it possible to provide dexterous
moving thus providing a stable grasp [59]. grasping and in-grasp fine manipulation
Friction at such contact occurs mainly through simultaneously is a daunting task. Human hand
adhesion [3]. The importance of contact surface has been analysed from this perspective and the
engineering has been highlighted in [10] with the novel Huminitive Gripper is introduced.
introduction of a velvet surface on the gripper.
Novel granular material gripper has been The structure of the finger is a key aspect of any
presented in [11] which provides an alternative anthropomorphic gripper. The finger is made up
to fingered grasping end effector. Vision based of flesh with blood vessels inside, and a covering
grasping has been presented in [12]. of skin[28]. The fleshy part of the finger imparts

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

stiffness while the blood inside provides viscous material properties and deterioration has been
damping. Combination of the two leads to performed by researchers [3436]. There are
viscoelastic property of fingers. These soft two approaches to achieve fine manipulation of
fingers deform at contact to take on the shape the grasped object (i) by manipulating fingers as
of the object which ultimately delivers a grasp in a human hand [3739] or (ii) using the finger
that is both dexterous and firm. The fingers are tips for fine manipulation of the grasped object
visco-elastic and return to their initial shape [10,26,40,41]. The use of soft fingertips in
after the object is released from the grasp. To grasping objects leads to stable grasping [24,
study the role of stiffness and damping in soft 42]. Yet a category for research on a human
grasping, Bond graph model of soft fingers using hand like gripper having soft contact capability
a spring-damper combination is developed. and rotating fingers seems to be absent. This has
Interfacial friction between soft fingertips and been categorised as Huminitive Gripper by [9],
the object is incorporated into the contact. This and comprises all grippers which resemble and
is followed by an analysis of the gripper to perform soft grasping and fine manipulation like
evaluate the effects of materials properties on a human hand. The classification of grippers has
grasping mechanism within a soft contact. been explained in [19] (also see Table 1 and
Table 2). Prehension is the hands ability to grasp
Table 1. Gripper Classification According to Physical and hold objects of different size and shape,
Principle of Operation [19]. compared to apprehension, which is the hands
Gripper Type Typical Examples
ability to understand through active touch [16].
Clamps (external The choice of manipulator actuators determines
fingers, internal fingers,
the performance of the manipulators i.e. their
Impactive chucks, spring clamps),
tongs (parallel, shear, dynamics and control. Some of the latest and
angle, radial) futuristic actuators have been evaluated. Shape
Pins, needles and Memory alloys (SMA) deliver large strokes at fast
Ingressive hackles contraction rates and have long life. The analysis
Non- intrusive Hook and Loop of an SMA based miniature manipulator with
Vacuum Vacuum suction
Suction cup/bellows
parallel mechanism has been presented in [43].
Magento Permanent SMAs are currently be expensive, prone to
Astrictive hysteresis, require strengthening and have a low
adhesion Magnet/Electromagnet
Electrostatic field
energy capacity [44]. Carbon Nano-tubes and
adhesion polymer fibres have a high work capacity, but
Thermal Freezing, melting
need to be redrawn between cycles and were
Chemical Permatrack adhesives
Capillary action, surface found to be expensive [45]. Work on electro-
Fluid dynamically driven organic fibres which could
render large strokes has been presented in [46].
Table 2. Other Grasping Methods not normally However, they require special electrolytic
categorized [19]. envelope, counter electrode, containment
Material systems which make them both heavy and
Gripper Example application
Type expensive. Pneumatic Air Muscles have been
Loose materials such as nuts presented in [47,48]. These now have novel
Spoon and bolts pumping mechanism, significant low pressure
Flexible Powders and viscous fluids
actuation but can only be actuated linearly with
Determinate topology for
example castings radial expansion. Muscles for controlling the
Flexible Waste material sorting finger are long interwoven and form complex
dynamic structures. With several competing
End effector is the point of interaction with technologies showing advancements that address
objects in the task environment. Several the drawbacks, high performance human muscle
investigations have been focussed on object substitutes that can be used to activate
manipulation and a fine motion in the past mechanisms is still closer to reality [46, 49].
decade [12,2932]. Tactile [33], visual and Improvements of the hysteresis characteristics of
grasping controls of multi-fingered robotic SMAs, the life of CNT wires and decreasing the
hands [23] has been investigated. Research on size of the electrolytic envelope in electrodynamic

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

fibres will lead to the development of high where i = 1,2,3,4, Aii1 is the planar kinematic
performance actuators for robotic manipulators
transformation matrix including rotations and
in the future. SMA and CNT based actuation
seems to be promising for actuators of the future.
translations. pi pix piy
piz 1 ,
is the
coordinates of the transformation. For this work
This paper has been organised into modelling, forward kinematics has been calculated by
simulation and experimentation parts. simulation program and the end effector positions
Mechanical modelling of the manipulator and the corresponding to input joint angles have been
gripper are presented in the following section. obtained. Dynamic model of the manipulator
mechanism is presented in the next section.

2. MODELLING 1.2. Dynamics

The kinematics of the manipulator in the Dynamic model defines the relationship
Cartesian coordinate system, the dynamics of between force and/or torque parameters during
the arm developed by using the Newton Euler the operation of a linkage and/or mechanism.
method of formulation, combined joint friction According to Featherstone and Orin, The
model comprising Coulomb, Viscous and dynamic equations of motion provide the
Stribeck friction have been described along with relationships between actuation and contact
the control of the arm and the development of forces acting on robot mechanisms, and the
grasping model using Bond Graph method is acceleration and motion trajectories that result
presented in the section. [18]. Forward dynamics refers to the calculation
of the joint trajectories given the actuation
1.1. Kinematics forces or torques. Inverse dynamics refers to the
calculation of forces and/or torques at joints
Kinematics pertains to the motion of bodies in a given the joint positions and its derivatives [18].
robotic mechanism with no regard to the forces or Various methods of dynamic modelling have
torques that cause the motion [17]. Kinematic been described in literature: 1) Newton Euler
model of the arm is made of the geometric method [52], 2) Euler Lagrange Method [53] and
relations between links in space and their time 3) Kanes equation method [54]. The arm may be
derivatives which are; velocity and acceleration. considered as a constrained multi-link
The term Forward Kinematics (FK) usually pendulum. Rigid body dynamics equation may
referring to calculations of end effector position be expressed as [52]:
for a given input parameters. Inverse kinematics
(IK) on the other hand is referring to joint state D( ) H ( ,) G( ) B() (3)
parameters calculations from the end effector where represents joint angles, D() represents
position. The process of computing IK is complex inertia, H(, ) represents Coriolis and
for higher number of links. Further description centripetal forces, G() represents gravity
of general kinematics may be found in [17]. forces, B( ) represents frictional forces,
Here, Denavit-Hartenberg coordinate represents the joint torques.
assignment convention is used [50], [51]. The
general kinematic transformation for expressing Friction is an important phenomenon that
a point on link i in the coordinate system of the affects manipulator motion. It is non-linear and
i 1 link can be expressed as [50]: can affect control and positioning of the arm.
pi 1 Aii1 pi Therefore, dynamic model of manipulators need
(1) to incorporate friction. The practical obstacle is
the variation of friction behaviour with the type
of joint e.g. anti-friction ball bearings exhibit
cos i cos i sin i sin i sin i a i cos i
sin different behaviour from pin and bush joints.
cos i cos i sin i sin i a i sin i The type of surface finish, lubricant, lubrication
Aii1 i

0 sin i cos i di condition and the influence of agents determine

0 0 0 1 the friction behaviour of joints [55]. In this work,
(2) a friction model composed of Coulomb, viscous

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

and Stribeck friction is used. Friction values can values and the D value accounts for the future
change due to the influence of environment, as values of error based on the trend. The equation
well as wear and tear. brk represents the for the PID controller is given by:
breakaway friction torque which occurs at the t
start of motion. br.thr represents the threshold d e(t )
u (t ) K p e(t ) K i e(t ) d t K d (7)
breakaway friction torque i.e. the value of torque 0
immediately before the beginning of motion, C
represents the Coulomb friction torque, vthr where Kp is the proportional gain, Ki is the
represents the threshold velocity for motion and integral gain, and Kd is the derivative gain, e(t) is
cvisc , ctrans represent the coefficients of viscosity the error in signal between set point value and
and translation respectively. The numerical process variable, t is the time and u(t) is the
coefficients have been assumed and have been control signal. The tuned parameters for the
listed in. The revolute friction model used in the controller are given as P (=144.7), I (=2.4), D
dynamic simulation is represented by the (=0.01) and N (=2963.35). Results have been
following equations [56]: presented in Section 4.1.

f = ( C + ( brk - C ).exp(-cv ))sign( ) + f (4)

( C + ( brk - C ).exp(-c v th r ))sign(-c vth ) fthr )
f =
where equation 5 applies in the region of friction Fig. 1. Schematic of PID Controller.
transition i.e. thr . The value of the
parameters is given below in Table 3. 1.4. Soft contact grasping model

Table 3. Parameters for friction modelling. The robotic gripper grasping a cylindrical object
Variable Name Value has been developed, which has been used to arrive
at the required softness to maintain a stable grasp.
brk 25 N m
Fig. 2 shows various cylindrical objects being
C 20 N m grasped by using fingers alone. The deformation of
cv 0.001 N m s/rad the fingers is clearly visible in Fig. 2b.

C trans 10 s/rad

thr 1e-4 rad/s

br.thr 24.995 N m

The friction model for finger contact is given by [3]:

F N m (6)
Where F is the friction force, is the coefficient Fig. 2 a. Soft Fingers Grasping a Knob for Fine
of friction, N is the normal force and m is an Manipulation [9], b. Three finger grasp of a cylindrical
arbitrary constant ( 0.3). In this work, friction object.
term in the bond graph model is termed as Rf.
Three fingers were modelled as soft bodies by
1.3. Control using linear mass, spring and damper effects
(Fig. 3). Terms Sf1, Sf2 and Sf3 are the forces
The developed dynamic model is used for induced by three fingers for grasping the object.
simulation by using a PID controller as shown in Interfacial friction opposes gravity, preventing
Fig. 1. The advantage of using a PID controller is the object from slipping through the grasp. The
the simplicity of design and the ability of the frictional forces are denoted by Rf1, Rf2 and Rf3
controller to accommodate the temporal at the interface of the gripper and object, the
variations. The term P accounts for the present damping coefficients given by Rd1, Rd2 and Rd3.
error values, term I includes historical error Ks1, Ks2 and Ks3 denotes spring stiffness.

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

applications [57,58]. Material for the links was

then selected to be aluminium alloy material
(Al6061). The links were then assembled. The
relative link motion is constrained by a one
degree of freedom revolute joint between the
links (Fig. 4). The simulation of arm dynamics
has been explained in the next section.

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of three fingers gripping a

cylindrical object with the actual finger deformation

Fingers masses are given as Mf1, Mf2 and Mf3.

Mo is used to denoted the object mass and Se its
weight. Here linear viscoelasticity of soft
material has been assumed. Rf, Ks, and Rd were Fig. 4 CAD Design for the humanoid robotic
positive time-invariant [41]. manipulator with single degree of freedom joints.

1.5. Development of the Virtual Prototype

2. Simulation
Computer aided design environment is used to
develop a prototype of the arm by using the 2.1. Dynamics of the arm
bottom up approach. Dimensions suitably close
to the human arm were assumed for this design The novel modelling method considers the
and their approximated values have been listed concept of frame based physical modelling. The
in Table 4. dynamics of the arm have been simulated. The
simulations were performed on a workstation
Table 4. Dimensions suitably approximated values powered by a multi-core processor running at
(these can be modified in the future based on 3.20 GHz, with 32 GB RAM running Windows 7
anthropometrics). Professional operating system, equipped with
Part Name Mass (kg) Length (mm) a dedicated Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The
Upper Arm 0.14 118 model was developed in the CAD environment
Lower Arm 0.947 249
and was exported to the multibody dynamics
Forearm 0.257 423
Hand 0.395 170 Fig. 5 shows a graphical layout of the block
diagram. The advantage of the method is that
Forearm was given a complex form (using loft) links may be iteratively redesigned without
to highlight the versatility of the CAD design having to redesign the whole mechanism. The
process. The calculation of link properties such system also uses physical signals, which can be
as mass, centre of gravity and moments of interfaced with Simulink for control design. In
inertia are automated in this process. This this case, a PID controller has been used to
helps to overcome the tedious calculations for control the plant based on input values. The
each link for complex designs. Al6061 alloy is model is simulated and the controller is tuned to
used widely in manufacturing robot follow the input signal. The results are presented
manipulators for its high its strength to weight in following sections.
ratio and superior machineability and wider

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Fig. 5. Block diagram layout of SimMechanics 2nd generation diagram.

Fig. 6. The contact model of three fingers represented by a Bond graph.

2.2. Bond Graph Model of the hand 3. EXPERIMENTATION

The bond graph model for the three-finger Two sets of experiments have been presented in
gripping contact has been presented in Fig. 6. this section. The first set measures the friction
Application of Bond graph method for various coefficient through the tribo-testing of steel alloy
dynamic systems has been discussed in detail by pair lubricated by grease. The alloy combination
Khurshid et al. [5961]. Further details of Bond is found in pin and bush sliding joints bearings
graph construction may be found in [41]. used in manipulator arms. Similar experiments
have been reported in [6264]. The
Simulation was performed by using 20Sim. reciprocating mechanism is driven by a scotch
Results from the multi-body dynamics yoke mechanism. The displacement is 5 mm and
environment and Bond graph simulation have the loading is provided by a cantilevered loading
been presented in Section 5.3. mechanism. The results will provide insight into
the performance of grease lubricated contacts

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

with frequent start stops and conformal contact The developed gripper design has been
mechanism. The coefficient of friction was designed for light objects with soft contact with
measured for contacts lubricated by commercial viscoelastic material at tips. Like human
off the shelf molybdenum grease. Three load fingers, the soft fingertips change their shape to
conditions were used for the tests ranging from the object being grasped. Planetary gears
25 N to 45 N. The experimental setup for micro- mechanisms in two of the fingers enable them
friction tribo-testing is shown in Fig. 7. to provide in-grasp manipulation. This gives the
gripper the ability to grasp objects having
complex shapes. When the egg was gripped,
picked and placed from one place to the other,
there was no slippage found practically because
of the friction between the egg and soft finger
tips was greater than that with the tomato due
to the rough surface of the egg. Similarly, no
slippage was observed when the tomato is
gripped as well. This is because the object is
soft and the surface area between the soft
finger tips and the tomato surface increases.
The results have shown successful gripping
without slippage.

Fig. 7. Experimental setup for micro-friction tribo-testing.

Fig. 8 Process followed by the robotic manipulator in

handling the objects.

The second set of results involves the

experimental evaluation of the effectiveness of
the soft fingertips used to move a soft object and
a fragile object between two locations. The
process cycle is outlined in
Fig. 8. The results from the simulations are used
to develop an end effector with a viscoelastic
interface. The gripper was used to fulfil two
tasks successfully. The first task was to pick and
place an object which had a smooth exterior and
soft composition, i.e. a fruit (tomato) was chosen
for its smooth exterior surface and soft body.
Fig. 10 shows the grasping, picking and placing
of the egg. The second task was performed with
a fragile object namely an uncooked egg. The
object was picked and placed safely without
cracking. The friction parameters for soft finger
surfaces have been calculated from the
simulations. Both objects remained intact during
the experiments because of the soft material
(having viscoelastic property) beneath the
surface of the fingers [41].

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Fig. 9. Gripper having three soft fingers. Grasping, picking, based on the equations (4-7) and presented.
and placing of the tomato have been demonstrated. Comparison of the end effector motions for
different solvers has been presented in

Fig. 14. Simulations of complex systems require

verification and this has been achieved through
the comparison of the results.

Fig. 11. Manipulator space in 3 dimensions.

Fig. 10. Experiments with the developed gripper

having three soft fingers. Grasping, picking and
placing of the raw egg are demonstrated.


4.1. Dynamic Simulation

The results of the dynamic simulation of the

arm have been presented below. The reach of
the manipulator or the extent it traverses the
workspace has been illustrated in Fig. 11.
Execution times for the different solvers vary.
ODE15s solver takes most execution time
followed by ODE23s, ODE23tb and ODE23t.
ODE15s is suitable for solving stiff differential
equations and differential algebraic equations
(DAE). Friction torque generated at the joints is
presented in Fig. 12. A PID controller has been
used to generate control torque which is shown
in Fig. 13. Friction torques have been generated

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Fig. 12. Comparison of friction torque generated at

the three joints for different simulations.

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Fig. 14. Comparison of end effector motion in task

manipulator task space for different simulations.

Fig. 13. Control torques from the controller for the

three planar joints of the manipulator.

Fig. 15. Coefficient of friction measured by using

micro-friction tribometer.
Comparison of the friction torques generated in
joints gives an insight on the effect of the
numerical solver on the solution. Stiff solvers
have been selected where smaller step sizes are
required. The difference in output parameters
may be attributed to the solver step size.
Simulations 1, 3 and 4 appear to agree.
Simulation 3 takes minimum execution time.
Therefore, solvers used in simulations 1, 3 and 4
may be suitable for simulation involving friction.

4.2. Coefficient of friction from micro-friction


The coefficient of friction is measured by using

reciprocating micro friction tribometer. It is
observed that the value of friction was stabilised
in 200-300 s into the test which was conducted
for 10 minutes. The values of the coefficient of
friction were observed to lie between 0.08 and
0.11 for the fully lubricated contact conditions.
Therefore, low frictional torqueses are likely to
be generated in newer machinery with close fit
at the joints. However, with continued usage of
mechanism, there is likely to be wear in the joint
which will alter friction and affect the joint
dynamics. The results from Bond graph
simulation are presented in Fig. 15.

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Fig. 16. a. Velocity of object during grasping at

4.3. Bond graph Simulation stiffness = 10 N/m, damping = 5ns/m and friction = 5
N.s/m, b. Velocity of object during grasping at
stiffness = 10 N/m, damping = 10 N.s/m and friction
The objective of this research is to pick and place
= 10 N.s/m, c. Velocity of object during grasping at
the fragile and soft objects without slippage by stiffness = 20 N/m, damping = 20 N.s/m and friction
using a soft fingered gripper. 20Sim [65] was = 20 N.s/m.
used for simulation of Bond graph model. In
simulation, it was found that after gripping the Simulations have been repeated for a range of
object, the displacement due to its weight is stiffness and damping values to study the effect of
considerably small, i.e., only in micrometres. these parameters on the friction and the system
Experimental results show that there is no stability. The values of Rd and Rf in each soft finger
slippage after gripping the object. were varied from 5 N.s/m to 20 N.s/m and that of
Ks was varied from 10 to 20 N/m. The mass of the
object was fixed at 100g for all simulations.
Consolidated table containing all the simulated
results are given in [41] (Error! Reference
source not found.). The velocity of the object and
its displacement for 1N force was observed. The
velocity of the object after gripping has been
shown in Fig. 16. The object slips initially during
the grasping. Steady state value of zero
displacement was achieved after 200


This paper addresses two challenges. The first

challenge is the rapid development of
manipulator mechanics using high end virtual
prototypes which is extended to include the
effects of joint friction parameters. With the
increase in computational resources, virtual
prototyping has been increasingly used to model
the mechanics of new designs, leading to both
time and cost savings. In this work, it is
demonstrated this by using computer aided
b) drawing and multibody dynamics to develop the
prototype of a humanoid manipulator.
Additionally, the friction model has been
incorporated into the joints of the robotic arm.
The value of the coefficient of friction from tribo-
tests has been used to run several simulations of
the manipulator mechanics.

The second problem analysed in this paper deals

with the issue of effective grasping of soft and
fragile objects. Bond Graph method is used to
model the end interactions of the viscoelastic
grip on fragile objects. Simulation of the model
c) demonstrates the stabilising effect of linear
viscoelastic fingertips grasping fragile objects.

Table 5. Simulation results from 20Sim [41].

A. Khurshid et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 559-574

Ks1 = Rd1 = Rf1 = Settling Time

Ks2 = Rd2 = Rf2 = Peak velocity Peak Displacement Steady State Value of
for Steady State
# Ks3 Rd3 Rf3 [m/s] [mm] Displacement [mm]
Velocity [s]
[N/m [N.s/ [N.s
] m] /m] vx vy vz vx vy vz x y z x y z
1 10 5 5 -1.2 -1.7 -1.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 -0.036 -0.12 -0.05 -0.025 -0.043 -0.032
2 10 10 10 -2.6 -2.8 -2.7 0.5 0.8 0.5 -0.6 -0.14 -0.08 -0.025 -0.043 -0.032
3 10 15 15 -4.0 -4.2 -4.1 0.3 1.0 0.6 -0.072 -0.14 -0.089 -0.028 -0.037 -0.032
4 10 20 10 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 0.4 0.8 0.7 -0.08 -0.137 -0.09 -0.030 -0.037 -0.032
5 20 5 5 -1.3 -1.7 -1.4 0.6 0.8 0.6 -0.037 -0.126 -0.091 -0.032 -0.036 -0.033
6 20 10 10 -2.7 -2.9 -2.8 0.6 0.9 0.6 -0.06 -0.14 -0.08 -0.032 -0.036 -0.033
7 20 20 10 -5.5 -5.5 -5.5 0.4 0.8 0.6 -0.08 -0.137 -0.09 -0.032 -0.036 -0.033

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i Angular velocity position

FK Forward Kinematics
i Angular acceleration IK Inverse Kinematics
G Gravity Forces Matrix
brk Breakaway torque
H Centripetal forces matrix
br.thr Threshold breakaway torque
Ks Springs stiffness in each soft finger (N/m)
C Coulomb friction torque
Arbitrary constant in the friction contact
Control torque m
Coefficient of Friction
Mf Mass of each finger (kg)
Angular velocity
Mo Mass of the object being grasped (kg)
thr Threshold angular velocity
Filter coefficient (PID controller), Normal force
Aii1 Kinematic transformation matrix N
at contact
B Friction Forces matrix ODE Ordinary differential equation
cv Coefficient of viscous friction pi Coordinates of ith frame
ctrans Coefficient of transition PID Proportional Integral Derivative Controller
CAD Computer Aided Design Rf Friction at each soft finger contact (Ns/m)
D Inertia Matrix Rd Damping in each soft finger (Ns/m)
DAE Differential Algebraic Equations Sfi Force applied on ith soft finger (N)
DOF Degrees(s) of Freedom Se Weight of the object (N)
e Error signal between control and actual

Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

Tribology in Industry


Numerical Analyses of the Non-Newtonian Flow

Performance and Thermal Effect on a Bearing
Coated with a High Tin Content

K. Mehala a, N. Bendaoud a, A. Youcefi a

aUniversity of the Sciences and Technology of Oran Mohammed Boudiaf, 1505 El Menaour Bir El Djir Oran Algeria
Faculty of mechanical engineering, Engineering department, Algeria.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Thermal effect
The hydrodynamic bearings are stressed by severe workings conditions,
Non-Newtonian flow
such as speed, load, and the oil will be increasingly solicit by pressure and
Plain cylindrical journal bearing
shear. The Newtonian behavior is far from being awarded in this case, the
most loaded bearings operating at very high speeds; the shear rate of the
oil is of higher order.
Corresponding author: A numerical analysis of the behavior of non-Newtonian fluid for plain
Kadda Mehala cylindrical journal bearing finite dimension coated with antifriction
University of the Sciences and material with a high tin content, for to facilitate the accommodation of
Technology of Oran Mohammed the surfaces and save the silk of the shaft in the case of a contact. this
Boudiaf, 1505 El Menaour Bir El Djir analyses is implemented using the code-ANSYS CFX, by solving the energy
Oran Algeria equation with the finite difference method, considering that laminar
Faculty of mechanical engineering, regime and the fluid is non Newtonian by using the power law Ostwald
Engineering department model, the coefficient n is equal to 1.25 and for different model such as
E-mail: postegraduation@yahoo.com Bingham, cross and Hereshek-Bulkley model.
This study aims to better predict the non-Newtonian behavior of the oil
film in bearings operating under more severe conditions. The purpose
conducted during this study is to predict the effect of non-Newtonian
behavior of the film; the journal bearing operating under severe
conditions, the speed of rotation varies from 1000 to 9000 rpm and the
bearing working under radial load 2 to 10 kN. Temperature and the
pressure within the fluid film assumed non-Newtonian are high, with a
coefficient n greater than 1 that is to say for viscoelastic fluids.
2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering

1. INTRODUCTION viscosity versus shear rate. The viscoelastic effects

are more complex, but in simple terms, we can say
The non-Newtonian effects can be of two kinds: that the viscoelastic fluids have a memory of their
the shear-thinning effects and viscoelastic effects. deformities. There are several models that can
The shear-thinning effects, often simply called represent the viscoelastic behavior. Among them,
non-Newtonian effects, result in a variation of the the simplest and most used is the Maxwell model,

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

which takes into account two parameters: viscoelastic) are included. They show that there
viscosity and relaxation time. is significant influence of the shear thinning
effect on the minimum thickness on the power
The plain journal bearing have been largely used loss and leakage flow dynamic bearings.
in industrial applications for more than a However, the viscoelastic effect has no
century. However, the thermal behaviour in the significant influence on these parameters and
journal bearing became only recently the object can more or months influence the load capacity
for the researchers, while considering the fluid bearings, compared to operating conditions.
has a non-Newtonian behaviour.
In 2001 and 2002 Wang et al. [8,9] have also
Hirst and Moore [1] present a study in 1974 on addressed the influence of shear thinning effects
non-Newtonian behavior in the in dynamic bearings, while taking into account
elastohydrodynamic lubrication, they stated in the non-Newtonian behavior and the effect of
their study that low values, the shear rate is the geometry of the elliptical -form palier- ave
directly proportional to the shearing force, but rough surfaces. They show that it has a
higher values, the shear rate increases faster than significant reduction in the minimum film
the shear stress, this phenomenon depends on thickness and power dissipation.
the pressure and molecular size of the fluid film.
In the same year, Zhang [10] continues the study
In 1985, Hutton [2] performs an experimental with an analysis TEHD dynamic bearings. It
study on the effect of lubricant on the u happens almost the same conclusions as in the
performance sliding bearing, the experimental THD study. Moreover, he argues that the
results performed on a bearing in order to verify viscoelastic effect tends to reduce the variation
the theory that the capacity of the load is of pressure over time and thus reduce the
generated by the elasticity viscoelastic lubricants. pressure peaks and the elastic deformation.

Gecim [3] published in 1990 a review of the In 2003 Kane [11] show the effect of the
literature on shear-thinning effects. He shows roughness and non-Newtonian effects in severe
some examples and technical solutions for the contact lubricated such as bearings. He
treatment of non-Newtonian effects in plain presented a new modified Reynolds equation
bearings. He introduced a new incorporating act, called non-Newtonian, using the rheological
based on the Cross of law. The advantage of this laws and the basics of continuum mechanics
law is that it has a single parameter to adjust applied to thin film. Solving this equation gives
(the stability coefficient), compared to the Cross the influential parameters on geometry and
equation which uses three parameters. rheology, these results were validated with the
non-Newtonian theory.
During the same period, Rastogi and Gupta [4,5]
analyze the importance of viscoelastic effects in Fatu [12] in 2005 present a numerical and
bearings subjected to dynamic loads that they experimental modeling of the lubrication of motor
use the Maxwell model. They showed a decrease bearings subjected to severe operating conditions
Load carrying capacity in the presence of a with the laws of variation of the suitable viscosity,
viscoelastic behavior. it stinks meter highlight the respective influence of
non-effects Newtonian and piezovisqueux in the
Lemaitre and Berker [6] realized two years later complex case of big end bearings. Fatu showed
a study on the modeling of non-Newtonian that piezovisqueux effect turns out to be most
effects in plain bearings. They propose an significant effect on the behavior of the bearing,
extension of the cavitation Elrod algorithm for a the non-Newtonian effect.
non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid, using the
finite volume method. In 2012, Singh and al [13], present a study on the
performance of pivoted curved slider bearings
In 2000, Zhang and Cheng [7] propose a non- by suggest that the fluid is non Newtonian, by
Newtonian thermohydrodynamic analysis in using the Rabinowitsch Fluid Model. The results
conditions of mixed lubrication. Both non- show that steady state film pressure, load
Newtonian effects (shear thinning and carrying capacity and centre of pressure,

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

calculated numerically for various values of 2.1 Basic Equations

viscosity index, have been significant with the
non-Newtonian behavior of the fluid. The equation describing the flow in the gap is the
generalized Reynolds equation (Dowson, [16]).
Javorova and his colaborators, have been
presented in 2016 [14], a study on 3 p Ra 2 3 p I 2 h
Gh Gh h1 (1)
hydrodynamics Journal Bearings Considering L2 z J 2 t
Elastic Deformation and Non-Newtonian fluid,
by using the Rabinowitsch fluid model. They where:
have showed that higher values of film pressure
and load carrying capacity have been obtained h h/C, y y/h, / 0 , t t,
for dilatant lubricants, while for pseudoplastic
lubricants; pressure in oil film is less significant. C2
p p , z z/L
The present study investigates the effect of
y I2
temperature in laminar regime by resolution of the
G y d y ,
energy equation with the finite difference method. J 2
This analysis studied the impact the behavior non- 0

Newtonian fluid for journal bearing working under 1

sever operating condition. The non-Newtonian I2 dy, (2)
behavior of lubricants (oils containing polymers 0
PM3) was analyzed numerically. Moreover, the 1
fact that the oils containing polymers should have J2 dy
a decrease in viscosity and normal stress at a high 0
shear rate, so having a non-Newtonian behavior, In order to get pressure field, Reynolds type
rheological properties were examined according to boundary conditions are considered. The
the levels of operating conditions by Moritsugu boundary conditions for pressure are
KASAI in 2010 [15]. summarized by the following equations:
- at the bearing sides:

p , L / 2 0 (3)
In order to theoretically predict the temperature - At the limit of the rupture zone traditional
field throughout a plain bearing, one ought to Reynolds boundary conditions are
create a 3D thermohydrodynamic theoretical applied:
model. The schematic representation of the
journal bearing is presented in Fig. 1. p r 0 (4)

The temperature in the bush is given by the

bidimensional energy equation in polar
RB coordinates:
T 1 T 1 2T
B cB kB r 2 2 (5)
t r r r r
The temperature in the shaft is supposed to be
uniform in the circumferential direction, due to
RS its rotation; the energy equation reduces to a
unidimensional form:
T 1 T
s cs ks r (6)
t r r r
Fig. 1. Schematisation of plain
Fig.1 Schematisation of plainjournal bearing.
journal bearing

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

Heat flux continuity condition was imposed at where 0 is the zero shear viscosity,
the interface between the oil film and the shaft:
viscosity at infinite shear, time constant, is an
T exponent of power law and is a parameter that
2k s kF d (7) describes the transition from the low shear and
r r Rs
I y y 0
power law behavior region.
While at the interface between the oil film and
the bush the heat flux continuity condition is: 2.2.2 Viscoplastic oils

T T The nonlinear viscoplastic oil are characterized

kB kB (8)
y y h
r r RB
by a shear threshold it has two phases: liquid
and solid as example fats. In this section we
The initial temperature condition for the present the fluids and Bingham Hereshek-
transient problem is: Bulkley.
T t 0
a) Bingham model
2.2 Empirical relationships for viscosity
The Bingham fluid viscoplastic are characterized
by a single elastic 0, over which the said fluids
When the viscosity is not independent of shear rate,
it is necessary to use several parameters to describe behave as Newtonian fluids. The viscosity is is
the mechanical behavior of the fluid. A number of expressed by:
empirical models provide this description. 0

0 (4)

2.2.1 Pseudo plastic Fluids

where 0 reference viscisity.
Fluid conducting a pseudo-plastic viscosity
decreases when the shear stress increases, their b) Hereshek-Bulkley model
rheological behavior are not linear these are
monophasic oils such as heavy oils. The model Hereshek-Bulkley presents the
nonlinear case from that of Bingham, this model
a) Model of power law Ostwald: In a certain is a combination of yield strength and plastic
range of shear rates, the viscosity can be nickname behavior of the power law, this law is

represented as a power law, particularly for presented in the following form:
molten polymers: n 1 0
n 1
0 (1)
Newtonian fluid corresponds to n = 1 and a 2.2.3 Expression of the pressure field with
shear-thinning fluid is represented by n <1. non-Newtonian behavior oil film

The model of the power law can be used for Eg the power model Ostwald, the relationship of
fluids such as rubber, adhesive, polymers or the pressure field is given in the following form:
certain body fluids for isothermal flow. In the

case where the temperature varies in the field, it
6C 0 n 1 L
is possible to introduce the temperature T: p( , z ) sin Z (6)
(h r ) 3
n 1
0 e eT (2)
2.3 Thermal Deformations
b) Carreau model: The tile model is an
extension of the power law model that involves The thermal deformations of the bush and shaft
five parameters: may have important influence on the bearing
behaviour, the thermal displacement relative to

the shaft radius the initial temperature, T0, is
[1 ( ) a ]n 1 / a (3)
0 Timoshenko and Goodier in 1974 [17]:

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

2 s Rs
u s (t )
Rs T (r, t ) T rdr
0 (9)

The thermal displacement of the bush u B ( ) is

computed using the Finite element method.

2.4 Film thickness

Due to the thermal deformations of both the

shaft and the bush, the film thickness is given by
the following expression:
h C1 cos( ) ( ) (10)

with: Fig. 2. Finite element mesh of the bearing.

( ) u B ( ) u s (11)
3.1 Results and Discussed

The main features of the bush are presented in

THE BEARING ON TRANSIENT REGIME Table 1. Operating conditions and geometric
characteristics of the journal bearing.
In this part, we present the transient analysis on Bearing diameter D (mm) 100
speed effect for plain journal bearing and for Bearing lemgth L (mm) 80
thermohydrodynamic behaviour in lubricated Radial clearance C (mm) 0.09
Length of supply groove Lg (mm) 70
Food opening diameter do (mm) 14
Lubricant type
This study is carried out by the ANSYS CFX code Density of oil PM3
for obtain the pressure field distribution with Specific heat of lubricant (kg/m3) 800
energise equation resolution, by using the Finite Oil viscosity at 40C Cp (j/kgK) 2000
Oil viscosity at 80C
Differential Method. The both shaft and bush Rotational speed 1 (mm/s) 17,49
deformation is obtained with displacement Radial load 2 (mm/s) 8,003
equation resolution by Finite Elements Method. Ambient temperature N (r/min) 1000-9000
The discretization of the geometry in a number Supply pressure W (kN) 2-10
of elements finished well is presented in Fig. 2. Ta (C) 60
Pa (MPa) 0.04
In this meshing, nodes number is 31200 and
element number is 244201.

1) Velocity variation for load 2000 N and n=1.25


1000 rpm 3000 rpm 5000 rpm

7000 rpm 9000rpm

Fig. 3. 3D view for pressure distribution.

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

Maximum pressure according rotational velocity There is the creation of the rupture zone of
for radial load 2000 N and for power law highly significant oil film, for Angular coordinate
Ostwald model, the coefficiet n is equal to 1.25, 200 to 250 for a bearing operating under
Is preseted in Fig. 4a. Import values for pressure velocity of 9000 rpm and for radial load 2000 N.
is noted for higly velocity (9000 rpm). Increses The pressure drop reaches 0.08 MPa.
is estimated of 90 per cent for velocity ranging of
1000 to 9000 rpm. Figure 5 show the pressure distribution of the
median plain cylindrical journal bearing for
radial load 2000N and n = 1,25
radial load 2000, 6000 and 10000 N and for
200000 rotational velocity 9000 rpm, for power law
Ostwald model with n = 1.25.
maximum pressure (Pa)

160000 550000
500000 n = 1,25 N = 9000rpm
2000 N
140000 400000
300000 10 000N

Pressure (Pa)
120000 250000
100000 50000
80000 -100000
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 -150000
Rotational velocity (rpm) -250000
Fig. 4a. Maximum pressure according rotational 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
velocity for radial load 2000 N and n=1.25 Model of Angular coordinate ()
power law Ostwald. Fig. 5. Circumferentiel pressure for different radial
load for velociy 9000 rpm and n=1.25 (Model of
n = 1,25 W= 2000N
power law Ostwald).

1000 rpm
The significate pressure values is noted for
3000 pm radial load of 10000 N, and the rupture zone is
5000 rpm
7000 rpm highly significant for radial load 10000 N.
120000 9000 rpm
pressure (Pa)


Temperature evolution in medi n plain journal
bearing for velocity ranging of 1000 to 9000 rpm
is presented in Fig. 6. This figure shows clearly
that sigignificat temperature is obtain for velocity
150 200 250 300 350
7000 and 9000 rpm, for bearing subjected to
Angular coordinate ()
radial load 2000 N and lubricat by non newtonein
Fig. 4b. Circumferentiel pressure for different fluid with coefficient n equal to 1.25.
rotational velocity and for radial load 2000 N and
n=1.25 (Model of power law Ostwald).
1000 rpm 3000 rpm 5000 rpm
Pressure distribution of the median plain
cylindrical journal bearing for rotational velocity
1000 to 9000 rpm and for radial load 2000 N, is
illustrates in Fig. 4b, for power law Ostwald
model with n = 1.25. 7000 rpm 9000 rpm

The maximum pressure increases up to 180000

Pa for rotational speed ranging from 1000-9000
rpm, the increase is estimated by 76 per cent. It
is situated at angular coordinate 170 and 190. Fig. 6. 3D view for temperature distribution.

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

The Average temperature according rotational Figure 8 presents the circumferentiel distribution
velocity for radial load 2000 N and n=1.25 of temperature for different radial load (2000,
(Model of power law Ostwald), is shown in Fig. 6000 and 10 000N) and for rotational velocity
7a, obtained from the numerical analysis in 9000 rpm, n=1.25 (power law Ostwald model).
6000, 9000, 11 000, 13 000 and 15 000 rpm and The maximum values for temperature is noted for
a radial load of 2000 N. The feeding condition is low radial load (2000 N).
presented in the Table 1. An increase of
temperature is estimated of 4 per cent with
increases the velocity from 1000 to 9000 rpm. n = 1,25 N = 9000 rpm
Radial load 2000 n and n= 1,25 2000 N
328 6000 N
10 000N

Temperature (K)
326 325

Average temperature




314 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Angular coordinate ()
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Fig. 8. Circumferentiel temperature for different
Roational velocity (rpm)
radial load and for rotational velocity 9000 rpm
Fig. 7a. Average temperature according rotational n=1.25 (Model of power law Ostwald).
velocity for radial load 2000 N and n=1.25 (Model of
power law Ostwald). These digital temperature results were validated
335 with experimental results; that were presented
by the Bendaoud and al in 2012 [17] while
n = 1,25 W = 2000N
considering the fluid is Newtonian, Fig. 9.
1000 rpm
3000 pm
5000 rpm Figure 9 present circemfereciel temperature
Temperature (K)

7000 rpm
9000 rpm ditribution for radial load 2000 N and rotational
velocity 5000 rpm for experiment data and
320 Numerical resul for fluid newtonian. The Search
result is a reasonable agreement, the gap is
315 estimated 6 per cent.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 46
Angular coordinate ()
Temperature (C)

Fig. 7b. Average temperature for different rotational 44
velocity for radial load 2000 N and n=1.25 (Model of
power law Ostwald).
experimental temperature
However, the Fig. 7b illustrates the distribution 41 numerical temperature
of the average temperature in median plan for 40
journal bearing. Rotational velocity is ranging of 0 100 200 300 400
1000 to 9000 rpm. The bearing is subjected to angular coordinate ()
radial load of 2000 N and fluid low is considered
non-Newtonian fluid. This figure shows clearly Fig. 9. circemfereciel temperature ditribution for
that the significant temperature is located for radial load 2000 N and rotational velocity 5000 rpm.
angular coordinate 50 to 120. The import
values are noted for velocity of 9000 rpm.

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

2) Pressure and temperature for different (n) Maximum value obtains for velocity of 9000 rpm
for load 2000N and velocity 1000 rpm is 0.064; this value is between 0.05 and 0.2 (limit
Maximum pressure for different n for power law
Ostwald model is presented in figure 10, for 2000N

radial load of 2000N and rotational speed 1000 0,07

rpm. The maximum value for pressure is obtain
for n equal to 1.5 and is estimates by 250000 Pa. 0,06

Pressure increase with increases of the 0,05

Friction coefficient
coefficient n, this increases is estimated by 65
per cent. 0,04

Radial load 2000 N

280000 veleocity 1000 rpm

260000 0,02
maximum pressure (Pa)

200000 0,00
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
rotational velocity (rpm)

140000 Fig. 12. Friction coefficient according rotational

120000 velocity for n=1.25 (Model of power law Ostwald).

80000 Figure 13 presents the variation of the

0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 maximum pressure with velocity variation of
Rotational velocity (rpm) 1000 to 9000 rpm, for tree different radial load
Fig. 10. Maximum pressure for different n (Model of (2000, 6000 and 10000 N), the fluid is
power law Ostwald). considered non-Newtonian with n=1.25.
Important values are obtained for radial loads
For the variation of the average temperature 10000 kN.
(Fig. 11), Temperature is significate for
coefficient n equal to 1.5. 2000N
10 000N
radial load 2000 n
velocity 1000 rpm 700000

Maximum pressure (Pa)


Average temperature (K)


313,7 400000


313,5 250000

313,4 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
rotational velocity (rpm)

Fig. 13. Maximum pressure variation according
0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 rotational velocity for different radial load (Model of
n power law Ostwald).
Fig. 11. Average temperature for different n (Model
of power law Ostwald). Average temperature according velocity for tree
different radial load (2000, 6000 and 10000N)
Figure 12 presents the variation of the friction for power law Ostwald model with n = 1.25, is
coefficient according rotational speed 1000 to presented in Fig. 14. The significate values for
9000 rpm and for radial loads of 2000 N, this temperature are noted for bearing operating
variation is carried out by power law Ostwald under radial load 2000 N. The maximum value is
with n = 1.25. Friction coefficient has an increase 328 K.
(0.005-0.064), is estimated of 80 per cent.

K. Mehala et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 575-584

330 6000N
The power law Ostwald model gives a realistic
10 000N temperature variation unlike the other model.
Knowing that the temperature increases with
326 increasing the rotation speed of the bearing.
Average temperature (K)



318 Most oils are considered to have a linear

316 variation in the shear stress versus shear rate,
for some highly additive oils and which operate
under severe stress; the behavior is no longer
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Newtonian. One speaks in this case, a non-
rotational velocity (rpm) Newtonian behavior.
Fig. 14. Average temperature according velocity for
different radial load (Model of power law Ostwald). To represent these behaviors, we expose a
numerical study on the behavior of non-
Figures 15 and 16 illustrates respectively the Newtonian fluid with several rheological models
maximum pressure and average temperature such as the simplest model of Oswald (also
variation according rotational velocity for known as the power law), Bingham, cross and
different non-Newtonian model and for radial Hereshek-Bulkley model. The thermal effect
load of 2000 N. has been included on the behavior of the bearing
to obtain the temperature map. The bearing
Power law Ostwald model
Bingham model alloy coated with an anti-friction high tin
Hereshek-Bulkley model
Cross model
content (Babbitt 88 % Tin).
Temperature is high and reaches a maximum
Maximum pressure (Pa)

value of 328 K, a bearing for operating at a speed
8000000 of 9000 rpm and which is subjected to a radial
load of 2000 N. The temperature increases 15 K.
However, the maximum pressure reached a
2000000 value of 0.18MPa and it is noted in the angular
position of the bearing of from 170 to 190 by
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 varying the rotation speed of bearing of 1000
Rotational velocity (rpm)
rpm to 9000.
Fig. 15. Maximum pressure variation according
rotational velocity for different model and load 2000 N. Temperature and the pressure within the fluid
Power law Ostwald model film assumed non-Newtonian are high, with a
Bingham model
Hereshek-Bulkley model
coefficient n greater than 1 that is to say for
cross model viscoelastic fluids.


Average temperature (K)


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Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 585-589

Tribology in Industry


Influence of the Previous Preheating Temperature

on the Static Coefficient of Friction with Lubrication

M. ivkovi a, M. Mateji b, D. Miljani c, Lj. Brzakovi a, V. Koovi b

a Higher Technical School of Mechanical Engineering, Radoja Krstia 19, 37240 Trstenik, Serbia,
b Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janji 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia,
c TAMIA LTD, Trebjeka 6/28, 81400, Niki, Montenegro.

Keywords: ABSTRACT
Static coefficient of friction
Experimental investigations static coefficient of friction in lubricated
High temperatures
conditions and pre-heating of the sample pin at high temperatures is
Temperature heat treatment
discussed in this paper. The static coefficient of friction was measured in
the sliding steel copper pins per cylinder of polyvinylchloride. Pins are
Oxidation layer
previously heated in a special chamber from room temperature to a
temperature of 800 oC with a step of 50 C. Tribological changes in the
Corresponding author: surface layer of the pins caused by pre-heating the pins at high
Marija Matejic temperatures and cooling systems have very significantly influenced the
Faculty of Engineering, increase in the coefficient of static friction. The results indicate the
University of Kragujevac, possibility of improving the friction characteristics of metal materials
Sestre Janji 6, based on their thermal treatment at elevated temperatures.
34000 Kragujevac, Serbia 2016 Published by Faculty of Engineering
E-mail: marija.jeremic@kg.ac.rs

1. INTRODUCTION motionless body [3,4]. The coefficient of static

friction depends on a number of parameters,
Surface roughness and condition of the contact primarily the contact surface, normal load,
surface is of great interest and importance in atmosphere and temperature, surface absorption,
many applications including fluid flow. Numerous surface finish and material of contact surfaces [5-
theories are based on hypotheses and different 9]. Experimental tests [10-15] are based on the
observations, which occur from experimental observation of changes in the coefficient of static
data and explain the influence of different contact friction due to changes in temperature of the
surfaces on the value of the coefficient of friction. contact surfaces. In these studies, it is found that
In researches [1,2] the authors show that the influence of increased temperature leads to
increasing the temperature of the body in contact tribochemical changes on the surfaces of contact
has a significant impact on increasing the pairs. The changes are shown in the form of the
coefficient static of friction. Static friction is appearance of oxides, borides, carbides and
realized at the moment of macro tangential nitrides, which causes the change in the
displacement of a moving body in relation to a coefficient of static friction. It is observed that

M. ivkovi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 585-589

keeping the contact pairs at higher temperatures 2. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS

increases the oxide layer, which results in the
increasing of the coefficient of static friction. Experimental investigations were carried out
When the surface contact between the contact with the previous thermal preparation the pin as
pairs becomes completely based on the contact of one of the contact pairs. Pins are previously
iron oxide, it leads to stabilization of the heated by the temperature from room
coefficient of static friction due to appropriate temperature to 800 C with a step of 50 C.
chemical and thermal reactions [10]. According to During the measurement process - sliding the
[16] it is experimentally confirmed that the pin per cylinder (pipe) is conducted in a fluid
coefficient of static friction of tool steel has a flow. Namely, tube is filled with fluid and sealed
lower value at temperatures around 800 C. in order to create identical conditions of
Experimental results indicate that the coefficient lubrication. The studies were conducted on
of static friction between the contact pair of tribometer for measuring the static coefficient of
nitrided tool steel and boroned steel is lower at friction, which is described in details in [20]. The
higher temperatures compared to tool steel sample (pin) is heated to a certain temperature
without surface nitriding. Reducing the in a special chamber (Fig. 1), then cooled to
coefficient of friction with increasing temperature room temperature. After cooling to room
can possibly be connected to the formation of a temperature, the sample is placed in cylinder
concentrated oxide layer, which is caused by filled with fluid (Fig. 2). Considered the contact
oxidation at higher temperatures [16]. Vanadium pair that makes steel copper pin whose
(V) significantly reduces the coefficient of friction characteristics are defined in DIN 8559 and tube
at higher temperatures due to the ability of from polyvinyl chloride whose characteristics
forming lubricating oxides, V2O5 [16,17]. are defined in standard (EN1452-2). Figure 2
Experimental tests [18] show that the TiN coating shows the levelled position of the contact pair in
has a higher coefficient of friction during the the middle of the fluid (oil) in which the tube is
entire temperature range from 25 C to 700 C, rigidly attached to the platform measuring
compared to the VN coating. Researches show device (tribometer).
that the reason for the decreasing coefficient of
static friction of VN coatings is the previously
formed oxide layer which consists mainly of
V2O5 oxide. The mentioned oxide has a low shear
strength and very low melting point, which leads
to lower coefficients of static friction at higher
temperatures because of its crystallographic
structure [19].

Experimental research of static coefficient of

friction with the previous preheating contact
element from ambient temperatures up to
800OC, in steps of 50OC were carried out in this
paper. The contact element is cooled after pre- Fig. 1. The sample is heated in the chamber
heating to room temperature. We considered the
contact pair that makes steel copper pin with the Rotating the platform at a specific angle of the ,
characteristics defined in DIN 8559 and pipe of sliding occurs the pin per cylinder in the middle
polyvinylchloride (EN1452-2). Whereby the pair of the fluid (Fig. 3). The angle at which the
of contact during the measurement process in sample begins with a sliding scale is read with a
fluid flow - oil. The measurement procedure is tribometer. From the paper [20] it is known that
identical to the measurements explained in the the tg is equal the static coefficient of friction.
framework by reference [20].

M. ivkovi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 585-589


The experimental results are shown in the

diagram in Fig. 4. From the diagram, it can
clearly be seen growing trend static coefficient
of friction with increasing temperature of the
previous heat treatment pins. Oscillations trend
shows increase in the coefficient of friction as a
result of different levels of influence of certain
temperature range.

Fig. 2. The sample in levelled position.

Fig. 4. Dependence of the static coefficient of friction

s from the previous preheating temperature T.
Fig. 3. Rotating the platform and begin sliding the pin.
From the given diagram, it can be concluded that
of the previous temperature heat treatment pins
Was performed a total of 17 experimental tests.
have a very significant impact on the value of the
Each of the experimental test was repeated 30
coefficient of static friction. The consequence of
times, in order to reliably determine the mean
the increase in the coefficient of static friction is
value of the coefficient of friction. Obtained the
essentially related to structural changes in the
mean value of the coefficient of static friction for
surface layer and the oxide layer was formed as
certain values of the previous temperature heat
a result of the previous heat treatment.
treatment pins are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Calculated mean value of the coefficient of In the first measurement at room temperature
static friction s depending on test temperatures. coefficient of static friction is s=0.24. After the
second and third measurements, heating the
Pretreatment temperature of
specimen [oC]
s [-] sample to 50 C and 100 C and cooling, the
23 0.24
static coefficient of friction rises to s= 0.44. The
50 0.33
increase in the static coefficient of friction can be
100 0.44 largely attributed to the formation of an
150 0.39 oxidation layer on the surface of the sample.
200 0.31 With further heating the sample to 150 C and
250 0.60 200 C occurs decline in the static coefficient of
300 0.46 friction to values s=0.39 and s=0.31. For
350 0.39 further heating the samples to 800 C
400 0.52 temperature occur certain decline in and
450 0.45 increase the static coefficient of friction which
500 0.45 can be seen from the diagram in Fig. 4. Static
550 0.53 coefficient of friction is an intricate process
600 0.55 governed by a combination of factors, such as
650 0.54 the real area of contact, the contact geometry,
700 0.55 the surface roughness of the members in
750 0.61 contact, the load, and the temperature. When a
800 0.66 specimen over a cylindrical groove, a component

M. ivkovi et al., Tribology in Industry Vol. 38, No. 4 (2016) 585-589

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Vol. 38, N 4 (2016)

Tribology in Industry
Journal of the Serbian Tribology Society


AIMS, SCOPE AND AREAS: The aim of Tribology in Industry journal is to publish quality experimental and
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Topical areas include, but are not limited to: Friction, Wear, Lubricants, Surface
characterization, Surface engineering, Nanotribology, Contact mechanics, Coatings,
Alloys, Composites, Bearings, Tribological design, Biotribology, Green Tribology.

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