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A4 DAILY BRUIN | News | Monday, June 6, 2016 | dailybruin.


UCLA alums
cards of kindness
aim to lift spirits
BY ANDREA are all one family and stand
HENTHORN united together!
Daily Bruin reporter Renge, who is studying
law at Southwestern Law
The morning after School, said he could not
Wednesdays campus shoot- attend the candlelight vigil
ing, UCLA alumnus Justin Thursday night because he
Renge drove to campus with had class, so he wanted to
a bag of 50 envelopes. Each give back in a different way.
envelop contained anony- Renge said he initially
mou s notes a nd money, passed the notes out on
wh ich he d istr ibuted to Bruin Walk, but decided
random locations across the to leave them in various
campus. locations around campus
Renge, who graduated instead. The notes can be
from UCLA in spring 2015, found on desks of the Pow-
said he was off campus at a ell and Charles E. Young KELLY MA/ DA I LY BRUIN

local gym when he saw the Research libraries, in resi- Students mourned UCLA professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering William Klug and other victims of gun violence at vigils held on Thursday and Friday.
live news coverage of the dence hall common areas
My he a r t d r opp e d ,
Renge said. You hear about
and in the trays of vending
Though he did not know
Vigils commemorate gun violence victims
stuff like this happening what atmosphere to expect
from time to time, but you when he drove to campus BY KUHELIKA GHOSH business economics student who USAC council members orga- said she is proud of the strong
dont imagine it could hap- Thursday morning, he was Features & student life editor attended the vigil said she want- nized the vigil to bring the com- support system UCLA students
pen at a place like UCLA. pleasantly surprised to find ed to stand in solidarity with the munity together as soon as pos- have.
After the lockdown was students taking graduation The plain night sky above campus and find comfort among sible, said Danny Siegel, USAC I think the moments we were
lifted and he confirmed his pictures. Bruin Plaza was lit by hundreds other Bruins. president and third-year political in classrooms waiting for that
friends at UCLA were safe, (Seeing students happy) of candlelights Thursday. Im surprised by how many science student. all clear (translate) to this very
he thought of a way to cheer made me realize that as a Students held the candles in students are here, especially in Siegel added the suppor t moment, Ramirez said. Its
students up. community, we are really silence, mourning professor Wil- the midst of finals, Che said. It students and faculty received really beautiful to see how our
The night of the shooting, strong, Renge said. liam Klug, who was killed in a really shows the strength of our from across the country demon- community is coming together to
Renge divided $75 between Six people have already murder-suicide Wednesday. community. strates that the UCLA commu- remember professor Klug.
50 hand-addressed, multi- reached out to Renge on The event was also held a Che s a id she t h i n k s t he nity extends beyond the campus. Speakers at Fridays vigil
colored envelopes, which Facebook to thank him for day after National Gun Violence spread of misinformation during Other UC campuses, includ- commended Klugs dedication to
read, Good luck on finals! leaving the notes. Renge Awareness Day for victims of gun the campus shooting caused a lot ing UC Irvine and UC Riverside, his vocation and unreserved love
Good luck on f i na ls ! said the students told him violence. of panic. She added she thinks are also holding vigils for profes- for his students.
Your next snack/drink is he made their day. The Henry Samueli School of students should find confirmed sor Klug. You could always see it in
from a recent UCLA alum- A s Br u i n s, were a l l Engineering and Applied Sci- sources and not listen to rumors Siegel said he thinks students his eyes, said professor Pirouz
ni who watched in horror one family, he said. Even ence held a vigil Friday after- spread by social media in the and administrators should dis- Kavehpour, a friend and col-
as Wed nesdays tragedy though I graduated, Im still noon. Chancellor Gene Block and future. cuss student safety and address league of Klug who worked with
occurred, the note read. a Bruin. several colleagues spoke about Prashant Bala, a first-year questions about door locks, him in the mechanical and aero-
I hope that you will even- their experiences with Klug. business economics student, said BruinAlerts effectiveness and space engineering department.
tually pay it forward, and Email Henthorn at The undergraduate student he thinks the murder-suicide preparing for active shooter situ- He was excited about what he
remember that we as Bruins ahenthorn@dailybruin.com. government and the graduate stemmed from mental health ations. He added this incident did.
student government held anoth- problems and that more mental should encourage UCLA to lead a Engineering professor Jeff
er vigil Thursday. Students, fac- health services should be pro- conversation about gun violence Eldredge, said he noticed Klugs
ulty, administrators and local vided to people. for the country. brilliance as a young student at
leaders attended, including Los I know UCLA did its best, Garcetti spoke at the vigil Caltech, where Eldredge was his
Angeles city Mayor Eric Garcetti. but if someone reached out to about campus safety. teaching assistant.
After speeches, there was a the (shooter) before, a friend One thing I would encourage The memorial service closed
moment of silence for victims of or something, then maybe this is not to shut a campus down, with an a cappella rendition of
gun violence. wouldnt have happened, Bala Garcetti said. It has to stay Imagine by John Lennon.
USAC cultural affairs com- said. open. Part of making sure there A GoFundMe page was cre-
missioner Amy Shao, then asked He added the stories people is a secure campus is to make ated Friday in honor of the late
people to stand in a circle and shared at the vigil helped instill sure people can (feel free). professor. The page has raised
hold hands. People stepped a sense of community. He added LAPD was prepared more than $100,000.
into the center to share their Student leaders at the vigil to make improvements for cam-
thoughts and experiences with also made statements about the pus safety. Contributing reports from Jo
MICHAEL ZSCHORMACK/ A S S I STA N T P H OTO E D I TO R Wednesdays incident and gun changes they plan to make on Dayanara Ramirez, a fourth- Huang and Connie Zhou. Email
UCLA alumnus Justin Renge said he wanted to give back in some way violence. campus in light of the murder- year communication studies Ghosh at kghosh@dailybruin.
following Wednesdays tragic shooting incident on campus. Selina Che, a second-year suicide. and political science student, com or tweet @kuhelika14.



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