Road Skid Resistance
Road Skid Resistance
Road Skid Resistance
The morphology of this test is to determine the frictional properties (skid resistance
value) of a pavement using a Portable Skid Resistance Tester. One of the surface
requirements for road pavement is that it should possess adequate skid resistance. Skid
resistance is important for road safety. With skid resistance, it allows for better grip between
tire and road surfaces. Most road surfaces have adequate skid resistance in the dry as
compared during wet condition. The presence of water between tire and road surface reduce
the contact are which are needed to create the grip. The instrument, which gives direct
reading, gives a measure of the friction between a skidding tire and dry/wet road surface in
low speed situation (<50km/h).
Skidding, i.e. loss of adhesion portable, can be taken to the site or
between a vehicle's tyres and the road used in laboratory experiments.
surface, occurs in many road This device simulates the skid
accidents whether it is the actual resistance offered by a road surface to
cause of the accident. Over the years, a motor car travelling at 50 km/h. It
tyre manufacturers have done a lot of gives a number, being a percentage,
research into different types of rubber somewhat akin to a coefficient of
and tread patterns to improve the friction.Other devices include braking
safety of motor vehicles. force trailer and the meter. These can
Governments have introduced be used at the high speeds required
regulations concerning the tread depth for testing airport runways. With
and general condition of the tyres. devices to measure skidding
Highway engineers have also resistance, researchers then monitored
researched ways to improve the skid changes during the life of road
resistance of road surfaces. The pavements. It was found that skid
impetus for this research came from resistance falls rapidly after a road is
the Malaysian Public Work opened to traffic but the rate of
Department (JKR). One of the first deterioration slows down, eventually
things they did was to devise the settling to a constant value. This latter
Pendulum Skid Tester which, being value is dependent on the surface
texture, rock type and traffic volume.
To determine the skid resistance value of road pavement surface.
Portable pendulum skid resistance
Water sprayer
1. Set up skid resistance tester so that 4. Raise the pendulum arm to the
the centre column is vertical (adjust starting position and engage the
the levelling screws) retaining catch.
2. Adjust the height of the pivot so 5. Water (wet) the road surface where
that the arm swings freely without the readings of skid resistance to be
touching the road surface. (check taken.
that is swings freely right through 6. Check the maximum swing
to the zero scale) indicator is set to the vertical
3. Lower the pivot height so that the position.
friction foot is contact with the 7. Release the pendulum arm.
road surface over the precise 8. After it swings through, catch the
distance (150mm) as shown by the arm to prevent back swing which
gauge (scale rule) which is placed could disturb readings
alongside. 9. Take and note the reading on the
10. Repeat the test to obtain a
minimum of three readings.
13. Table 1: Road skid resistance
14. Pavement 15. Dry 16. Wet
17. Centre
18.R1 19.12 20.12
21.R2 22.19.5 23.11
24.R3 25.17.5 26.12
27.R4 28.18 29.16
30.R5 31.19 32.15.5
33. Average 34. 17.2 35. 13.3
36. Parking
37.R1 38.14.5 39.14
40.R2 41.18 42.11
43.R3 44.19 45.10
46.R4 47.16.5 48.10
49.R5 50.19 51.10
52. Average 53. 17.4 54. 11.0
55. Corner
56.R1 57.19 58.11.5
59.R2 60.19.5 61.10
62.R3 63.20 64.10
65.R4 66.16.5 67.10
68.R5 69.21.5 70.12
71. Average 72. 19.3 73. 10.7
74. Source: Fictitious data, for illustratIon purposes only
77. Average = R1+ R2+ R3 + R4 +R5
78. 5
79. = 19 + 19.5 + 20 + 16.5 + 21.5
80. 5
81. = 19.3
83. Skid resistance is very important pavement evaluation parameter because poor skid
resistance will lead to accident. Based on the result of the experiment, the differences
between Skid Resistance Value (SVR) for each type of surface are obviously assorted,
depending on its surface texture and its condition, either wet or dry. The experiment is carried
out in highway engineering to analyze the surface friction between the vehicles tires and
road, which enable more research to be made to maximized road safety, mostly during the
85. This experiment will get an accurate result if the experiment is done according to the
proper procedure. First we have to make sure the portable skid resistance tester is on center,
the bubble must calibrated before start the swing. But due to human error, that can be happen.
We should avoid it if we can, like when we had to catch arm after it swings, if we slightly
move after catch the arm, it will disturb the readings. Beside that, we had to make sure that
we read the readings proportional to eye level to avoid parallax error. And when we had to
wet the surface with water spray bottle, make sure that we sprayed enough water and dont
overspray cause it may affect the readings.
86. .
88. Surface with rougher texture will have higher friction value compared to smoother
surface texture. The skid resistance test is important in highway engineering since
inadequate skid resistance will lead to higher incidences of skid related accidents.
Besides, skid resistance measurements can be used to evaluate various types of
materials and construction practices of highway and road. Meanwhile, the skid
resistance test with wetted surface was done to illustrate the road condition during
rain, where it is dangerous for any vehicle to travel in high speed. In general, the
friction resistance of most dry pavements is relatively high; wet pavements are the
problem. The numbers of accidents on wet pavements are twice as high as dry
pavements, including other factors such as visibility in addition to the skid resistance
90. i. British Standards Methods of determination of particle shape BS 812, Part 105,
91. ii. Kenneth N. derucher and George P .Korfiatis, Material for civil and highway
engineers, Prentice Hall, NJ 2nd edition,1988.
92. iii.