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Lisam Enterprise v. Bdo

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Case #: 4

By: Cuanan, Jodelle Chris G.


G.R. No. 143264, April 23, 2012


Rule 10, Section 3. Amendments by leave of court. Interestingly, Section 3, Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules
of Civil Procedure amended the former rule in such manner that the phrase "or that the cause of action or
defense is substantially altered" was stricken-off and not retained in the new rules. The clear import of
such amendment in Section 3, Rule 10 is that under the new rules, "the amendment may (now)
substantially alter the cause of action or defense." This should only be true, however, when despite a
substantial change or alteration in the cause of action or defense, the amendments sought to be made
shall serve the higher interests of substantial justice, and prevent delay and equally promote the laudable
objective of the rules which is to secure a "just, speedy and inexpensive disposition of every action and


Petitioners filed a Complaint against respondents for Annulment of Mortgage with Prayer for Temporary
Restraining Order & Preliminary Injunction with Damages with the RTC of Legaspi City. Petitioner Lolita A.
Soriano alleged that she is a stockholder of petitioner Lisam Enterprises, Inc. (LEI) and a member of its
Board of Directors, designated as its Corporate Secretary.

Sometime in 1993, plaintiff LEI, in the course of its business operation, acquired by purchase a parcel of
residential land with improvement situated at Legaspi City, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No.
37866. On or about 28 March 1996, defendant Lilian S. Soriano and the late Leandro A. Soriano, Jr.,
(Spouses Soriano), in their personal capacity and for their own use and benefit, obtained a loan from
defendant PCIB (now BDO) the amount of P20 Million.

As security for the payment of the aforesaid credit accommodation, Spouses Soriano, as president and
treasurer, respectively of plaintiff LEI, without authority and consent of the board of said plaintiff and with
the use of a falsified board resolution, executed a real estate mortgage over the above-described property
of plaintiff LEI in favor of defendant PCIB, and had the same registered with the Office of the Registry of
Deeds, Legaspi City.

Plaintiff Lolita A. Soriano as Corporate Secretary of plaintiff LEI, had never signed a board resolution nor
issued a Secretary's Certificate to the effect that a resolution was passed and approved by plaintiff LEI,
neither did she appear personally before a notary public to acknowledge or attest to the issuance of a
supposed board resolution issued by plaintiff LEI.

Defendant PCIB, knowing fully well that the property being mortgaged by the Spouses Soriano belongs to
plaintiff LEI, a corporation, negligently and miserably failed to exercise due care and prudence required of
a banking institution. It disregarded or failed to notice that the questioned board resolution with a
Secretary's Certificate was notarized only on 28 March 1996 or after the lapse of more than four (4)
months from its purported date of issue on 6 November 1995. That these circumstances should have put
defendant PCIB on notice of the flaws and infirmities of the questioned board resolution.

That said irregular transactions, were discovered by plaintiff Lolita A. Soriano sometime in April 1999.
That immediately upon discovery, said plaintiff, for herself and on behalf and for the benefit of plaintiff LEI,
made demands upon defendants Lilian S. Soriano and the Estate of Leandro A. Soriano, Jr., to free
subject property of plaintiff LEI from such mortgage lien, by paying in full their personal indebtedness to
defendant PCIB in the principal sum of P20 Million.

That plaintiffs, in order to seek complete relief from the unauthorized mortgage transaction between the
Spouses Soriano and defendant PCIB, were further compelled to institute this instant case to seek the
nullification of the real estate mortgage dated 28 March 1999. Consequently, plaintiffs were forced to
retain the services of a lawyer with whom they contracted to pay P100,000.00 as and for attorney's fee;

That unfortunately, the plaintiffs learned that on 30 July 1999, defendant Sarte, in his capacity as Notary
Public of Daraga, Albay and upon application of defendant PCIB, issued a notice of Auction/Foreclosure
Sale of the property subject of the mortgage in question. After service of summons on all defendants, the
RTC, after hearing, went on to issue a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining respondent PCIB from
proceeding with the auction sale of the subject property.

Respondents Lilian S. Soriano and the Estate of Leandro A. Soriano, Jr. filed an Answer dated September
25, 1999, stating that the Spouses Lilian and Leandro Soriano, Jr. were duly authorized by LEI to
mortgage the subject property; that proceeds of the loan from respondent PCIB were for the use and
benefit of LEI; that all notarized documents submitted to PCIB by the Spouses Soriano bore the genuine
signature of Lolita Soriano.

On September 28, 1999, respondent PCIB filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint on grounds of lack of
legal capacity to sue, failure to state cause of action, and litis pendencia. Petitioners filed an Opposition
thereto, while PCIB's co-defendants filed a Motion to Suspend Action.

On November 11, 1999, the RTC issued the first assailed Resolution dismissing petitioners' Complaint.
Petitioners then filed a Motion for Reconsideration of said Resolution. While awaiting resolution of the
motion for reconsideration, petitioners also filed, on January 4, 2000, a Motion to Admit Amended
Complaint, amending paragraph 13 of the original complaint to read as follows: xxx that plaintiff Lolita A.
Soriano likewise made demands upon the Board of Directors of Lisam Enterprises, Inc., to make legal
steps to protect the interest of the corporation from said fraudulent transaction, but unfortunately, until
now, no such legal step was ever taken by the Board, hence, this action for the benefit and in behalf of
the corporation.

On May 15, 2000, the trial court issued the questioned Order denying both the Motion for Reconsideration
and the Motion to Admit Amended Complaint.The trial court further ruled that the Amended Complaint can
no longer be admitted, because the same absolutely changed petitioners' cause of action.


Whether or not the trial court committed a reversible error when it denied the admission of the petitioners
amended complaint, after the order of dismissal was issued but before its finality?


Yes. As enunciated in Valenzuela v. CA, even if the amendment substantially alters the cause of action or
defense, such amendment could still be allowed when it is sought to serve the higher interest of
substantial justice, prevent delay, and secure a just, speedy and inexpensive disposition of actions and
proceedings. The courts should be liberal in allowing amendments to pleadings to avoid a multiplicity of
suits and in order that the real controversies between the parties are presented, their rights determined,
and the case decided on the merits without unnecessary delay.

Amendments are generally favored, it would have been more fitting for the trial court to extend such
liberality towards petitioners by admitting the amended complaint which was filed before the order
dismissing the original complaint became final and executory. It is quite apparent that since trial proper
had not yet even begun, allowing the amendment would not have caused any delay. Hence, the Court
overrules the trial court's denial of the motion to admit the amended complaint, and orders the admission
of the same.

With the amendment stating that plaintiff Lolita A. Soriano likewise made demands upon the Board of
Directors of Lisam Enterprises, Inc., to make legal steps to protect the interest of the corporation from
said fraudulent transaction, but unfortunately, until now, no such legal step was ever taken by the Board,
hence, this action for the benefit and in behalf of the corporation, does the amended complaint now
sufficiently state a cause of action? In Hi-Yield Realty, Incorporated v. Court of Appeals, the Court
enumerated the requisites for filing a derivative suit, as follows: (a) the party bringing the suit should be a
shareholder as of the time of the act or transaction complained of, the number of his shares not being
material; (b) he has tried to exhaust intra-corporate remedies, i.e., has made a demand on the board of
directors for the appropriate relief but the latter has failed or refused to heed his plea; and (c) the cause of
action actually devolves on the corporation, the wrongdoing or harm having been, or being caused to the
corporation and not to the particular stockholder bringing the suit.

A reading of the amended complaint will reveal that all the foregoing requisites had been alleged
therein. Hence, the amended complaint remedied the defect in the original complaint and now sufficiently
states a cause of action. The Resolution of the RTC of Legaspi City denying petitioners Motion for
Reconsideration and Motion to Admit Amended Complaint, are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. It is
hereby DIRECTED to ADMIT the Amended Complaint.

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