Credit Transactions: San Beda College of Law
Credit Transactions: San Beda College of Law
Credit Transactions: San Beda College of Law
2. bailee- the recipient; one who
receives the custody or possession of
the thing thus delivered
All transactions involving the
purchase or loan of goods, services,
or money in the present with a LOAN (Articles 1933 1961)
promise to pay or deliver in the
future A contract wherein one of the
parties delivers to another, either
Contracts of security something not consumable so that
Types: the latter may use the same for a
1. Secured transactions or contracts of certain time and return it or money
real security - supported by a or other consumable thing, upon the
collateral or an encumbrance of condition that the same amount of
property the same kind and quality shall be
2. Unsecured transactions or contracts paid. (Art 1933)
of personal security - supported only
by a promise or personal Characteristics:
commitment of another such as a 1. Real Contract delivery of the thing
guarantor or surety loaned is necessary for the
perfection of the contract
Security NOTE: An accepted promise to make
Something given, deposited, or a future loan is a consensual
serving as a means to ensure contract, and therefore binding upon
fulfilment or enforcement of an the parties but it is only after
obligation or of protecting some delivery, will the real contract of
interest in property loan arise. (Art 1934)
Types of Security
a. personal when an individual 2. Unilateral Contract - once the
becomes surety or guarantor subject matter has been delivered,
b. real or property when a it creates obligations on the part of
mortgage, pledge, antichresis, only one of the parties (i.e.
charge or lien or other device borrower).
used to have property held, out
of which the person to be made Kinds:
secure can be compensated for 1. Commodatum when the bailor
loss (lender) delivers to the bailee
(borrower) a non-consumable thing
Bailment so that the latter may use it for a
The delivery of property of one certain time and return the identical
person to another in trust for a thing.
specific purpose, with a contract, Kinds of commodatum:
express or implied, that the trust a. Ordinary Commodatum use by
shall be faithfully executed and the the borrower of the thing is for a
property returned or duly accounted certain period of time
for when the special purpose is b. Precarium - one whereby the
accomplished or kept until the bailor bailor may demand the thing
claims it. loaned at will and it exists in the
following cases:
Parties: i. neither the duration nor
1. bailor - the giver; one who delivers purpose of the contract is
property stipulated
Death of either party terminates the bailee, even though the bailee
the contract unless by acted without fault, unless there is a
stipulation, the commodatum is stipulation to the contrary (Art 1949
transmitted to the heirs of either par 2)
or both parties. 5. To return the thing loaned
Bailee can neither lend nor lease The bailee has no right to retain
the object of the contract to a the thing loaned as security for
third person. claims he has against the bailor
even for extraordinary expenses
except for a claim for damages
suffered because of the flaws of
NOTE:Use of the thing loaned the thing loaned.
may extend to members of the
bailees household except: NOTES:
a. contrary stipulation; However, the bailees right
b. nature of the thing extends no further than
forbids such use retention of the thing loaned
until he is reimbursed for the
Obligations of the Bailee: (Arts 1941 damages suffered by him.
1945) He cannot lawfully sell the
1. To pay for the ordinary expenses for
thing to satisfy such damages
the use and preservation of the thing
without courts approval.
loaned. (Art 1941)
2. To be liable for the loss of the thing In case there are two or
even if it should be through a more bailees, their
fortuitous event in the following obligation shall be solidary.
cases: (KLAS D)
a. when he keeps it longer than the Obligations of the bailor (Art 1946 Art
period stipulated, or after the 1952):
accomplishment of its use 1. To respect the duration of the loan
b. when he lends or leases it to GENERAL RULE: Allow the bailee
third persons who are not the use of the thing loaned for the
members of his household duration of the period stipulated or
c. when the thing loaned has been until the accomplishment of the
delivered with appraisal of its purpose for which the commodatum
value was instituted.
d. when, being able to save either EXCEPTIONS:
of the thing borrowed or his own a. In case of urgent need in
things, he chose to save the which case bailee may demand
latter; or its return or temporary use;
e. when the bailee devoted the b. The bailor may demand
thing for any purpose different immediate return of the thing if
from that for which it has been the bailee commits any act of
loaned (Art 1942) ingratitude specified in Art. 765.
3. To be liable for the deterioration of
thing loaned (a) if expressly 2. To refund to the bailee extraordinary
stipulated; (b) if guilty of fault or expenses for the preservation of the
negligence; or (c) if he devotes the thing loaned, provided the bailee
thing to any purpose different from brings the same to the knowledge of
that for which it has been loaned the bailor before incurring them,
4. To pay for extraordinary expenses except when they are so urgent that
arising from the actual use of the the reply to the notification cannot
thing by the bailee, which shall be be awaited without danger.
borne equally by both the bailor and
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease),
John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
interest shall begin to run interest rates to level which will either
only from the date of the enslave their borrowers or lead to a
judgment of the court is hemorrhaging of their assets (citing
made. Almeda vs. CA, 256 SCRS 292). In Medel
iii. When the judgment of the vs. CA, 299 SCRA 481, it was ruled that
court awarding a sum of while stipulated interest of 5.5% per
money becomes final and month on a loan is usurious pursuant to
executory, the rate of legal CB Circular No. 905, the same must be
interest, whether the case equitably reduced for being iniquitous,
falls under paragraph i or ii unconscionable and exorbitant. It is
above, shall be 12% per contrary to morals, (contra bonos
annum from such finality mores). It was reduced to 12% per
until its satisfaction, this annum in consonant with justice and fair
interim period being deemed play.
to be by then an equivalent
to a forbearance of credit. DEPOSIT (Articles 1962 2009)
(Eastern Shipping Lines vs.
CA, July 12, 1994) A contract constituted from the
moment a person receives a thing
NOTES: belonging to another, with the
Central Bank Circular No. 416 fixing obligation of safely keeping it and of
the rate of interest at 12% per returning the same.
annum deals with loans, forbearance
of any money, goods or credits and Characteristics:
judgments involving such loans, or 1. Real Contract - contract is
forbearance in the absence of perfected by the delivery of the
express agreement to such rate subject matter.
Interest as indemnity for damages is 2. Unilateral (gratutitous deposit) -
only the depositary has an
payable only in case of default or
non-performance of the contract. As
3. Bilateral (onerous deposit) -
they are distinct claims, they may be
gives rise to obligations on the
demanded separately. (Sentinel
part of both the depositary and
Insurance Co., Inc. vs CA, 182 SCRA
Central Bank Circular No. 905 (Dec. Deposit Mutuum
10, 1982) removed the Usury Law 1. Purpose
ceiling on interest rates for secured Principal purpose is Principal purpose is
and unsecured loans, regardless of safekeeping or consumption
maturity. custody
2. When to Return
Validity of unconscionable interest rate Depositor can The lender must wait
in a loan demand the return of until the expiration
Supreme Court in Sps. Solangon the subject matter at of the period granted
will to the debtor
vs. Jose Salazar, G.R. No. 125944, June
3. Subject Matter
29, 2001, said that since the usury law
Subject matter may Subject matter is
had been repealed by CB Cir. No. 905 be movable or only money or other
there is no more maximum rate of immovable property fungible thing
interest and the rate will just depend on 4. Relationship
the mutual agreement of the parties Relationship is that Relationship is that of
(citing Lim Law vs. Olympic Sawmill Co., of lender (creditor) depositor and
129 SCRA 439). But the Supreme Court and borrower depositary.
said that nothing in said circular grants (debtor).
lenders carta blanche authority to raise
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease),
John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
Indorsement Guaranty
The rule will apply only after it
has been definitely ascertained 1. Primarily of 1. Contract of
that the contract is one of transfer security
suretyship or guaranty. It cannot
be used as an aid in determining 2. Unless the note is 2. Failure in either or
whether a partys undertaking is promptly presented both of these
for payment at particulars does not
that of a surety or guarantor.
maturity and due generally work as an
(Palmares vs CA, 288 SCRA 292) notice of dishonor absolute discharge of
It does not apply in case of given to the indorser a guarantors liability,
compensated sureties. within a reasonable but his is discharged
10. It is a contract which requires that time he will be only to the extent of
the guarantor must be a person discharged abso- the loss which he may
distinct form the debtor because a lutely from all have suffered in
liability thereon, consequence thereof
person cannot be the personal
whether he has
guarantor of himself. suffered any actual
NOTE: However, in a real guaranty, damage or not
like pledge and mortgage, a person
may guarantee his own obligation 3. Indorser does not 3. Guarantor
with his personal or real properties. warrant the solvency. warrants the solvency
He is answerable on a of the promisor
Guaranty Suretyship strict compliance
with the law by the
1. Liability depends 1. Surety assumes holder, whether the
upon an independent liability as regular promisor is solvent or
agreement to pay the party to the not
obligation if primary undertaking
4. Indorser can be 4. Guarantor cannot be
debtor fails to do so
sued as promisor sued as promisor
2. Collateral under- 2. Surety is an
taking original promisor Guaranty Warranty
A contract by which a An undertaking that
3. Guarantor is 3. Surety is person is bound to the title, quality, or
secondarily liable primarily liable another for the quantity of the
fulfilment of a subject matter of the
4. Guarantor binds 4. Surety undertakes promise or contract is what it
himself to pay if to pay if the principal engagement of a has been represented
the principal DOES NOT PAY third party to be, and relates to
CANNOT PAY some agreement
made ordinarily by
the party who makes
5. Insurer of 5. Insurer of the
the warranty
solvency of debtor debt
A guaranty is gratuitous, unless there
is a stipulation to the contrary. The
cause of the contract is the same
he chooses and hold the guarantor to to cover the amount of the debt (Art
his bargain. 2060)
Demand can be made only after
Benefit of Excussion (Art 2058) judgment on the debt
The right by which the guarantor Demand must be actual; joining
cannot be compelled to pay the
the guarantor in the suit against
creditor unless the latter has
the principal debtor is not the
exhausted all the properties of the
demand intended by law
principal debtor, and has resorted to
9. Where the pledge or mortgage has
all of the legal remedies against such
been given by him as special security
Benefit of Division (Art 2065)
Should there be several guarantors
Not applicable to a contract of of only one debtor and for the same
suretyship (Arts 2047, par. 2; debt, the obligation to answer for
2059[2]) the same is divided among all.
Cannot even begin to take place Liability: Joint
before judgment has been obtained
against the debtor (Baylon vs CA, NOTES:
312 SCRA 502) The creditor can claim from the
guarantors only the shares they are
When Guarantor is not entitled to the respectively bound to pay except
benefit of excussion: (PAIRS) when solidarity is stipulated or if
1. If it may be presumed that an any of the circumstances
execution on the property of the enumerated in Article 2059 should
principal debtor would not result in take place.
the satisfaction of the obligation
The right of contribution of
Not necessary that the debtor be guarantors who pays requires that
judicially declared insolvent or the payment must have been made
bankrupt (a) in virtue of a judicial demand, or
2. When he has absconded, or cannot (b) because the principal debtor is
be sued within the Philippines unless insolvent (Art 2073).
he has left a manager or
If any of the guarantors should be
3. In case of insolvency of the debtor insolvent, his share shall be borne by
the others including the paying
Must be actual guarantor in the same joint
4. If the guarantor has expressly proportion following the rule in
renounced it solidary obligations.
5. If he has bound himself solidarily
with the debtor
The above rule shall not be
applicable unless the payment has
Other grounds: (BIPS) been made in virtue of a judicial
6. If he is a judicial bondsman or sub- demand or unless the principal
surety debtor is insolvent.
7. If he fails to interpose it as a The right to contribution or
defense before judgment is rendered reimbursement from his co-
against him guarantors is acquired ipso jure by
8. If the guarantor does not set up the virtue of said payment without the
benefit against the creditor upon the need of obtaining from the creditor
latters demand for payment from any prior cession of rights to such
him, and point out to the creditor guarantor.
available property to the debtor
within Philippine territory, sufficient
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease),
John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law
action after payment before payment. A judicial bondsman and the sub-
Substantive right Preliminary remedy surety are NOT entitled to the
benefit of excussion because they
Extinguishment of guaranty: (RA2CE2) are not mere guarantors, but
1. Release in favor of one of the sureties whose liability is primary
guarantors, without the consent of and solidary. (Art 2084)
the others, benefits all to the extent
of the share of the guarantor to PLEDGE, MORTGAGE AND ANTICHRESIS
whom it has been granted (Art I. Common Elements of Pledge,
2078); Mortgage, and Antichresis (Articles
2. If the creditor voluntarily accepts 2085 2092)
immovable or other properties in
payment of the debt, even if he A. Essential Requisites (SOD) (Art
should afterwards lose the same 2085)
through eviction or conveyance of
property (Art 2077);
1. Secures the fulfillment of a principal
3. Whenever by some act of the
2. Pledgor, mortgagor, antichretic
creditor, the guarantors even though
debtor must be the absolute owner
they are solidarily liable cannot be
of the thing pledged or mortgaged;
subrogated to the rights, mortgages
and preferences of the former (Art
The reason being that in
4. For the same causes as all other anticipation of a possible
obligations (Art 1231); foreclosure sale in case of
5. When the principal obligation is default which is still a sale, the
extinguished; rule is that the seller must be
6. Extension granted to the debtor by the owner of the thing sold
the creditor without the consent of (Cavite Development Bank vs.
the guarantor (Art 2079) Lim, 324 SCRA 346)
3. Pledgor, mortgagor, antichretic
BOND debtor must have free disposal of
An undertaking that is sufficiently their property, or be legally
authorized for such purpose.
secured, and not cash or currency
Bondsman (Art 2082)
A surety offered in virtue of a Third persons can pledge or
provision of law or a judicial order. mortgage their own property to
He must have the qualifications secure the principal obligation.
required of a guarantor and in It is not necessarily void simply
special laws like the Rules of Court. because the accommodation pledgor
or mortgagor did not benefit from
NOTES: the same. So long as valid consent
Judicial bonds constitute merely a was given, the fact that the loan was
special class of contracts of guaranty given solely for the benefit of the
by the fact that they are given in principal debtor would not invalidate
virtue of a judicial order. the mortgage (GSIS vs CA, 170 SCRA
If the person required to give a legal 533)
or judicial bond should not be able The accommodation pledgor or
to do so, a pledge or mortgage mortgagor, without expressly
sufficient to cover the obligation assuming personal liability for such
shall admitted in lieu thereof (Art debt, is not liable for the payment of
2083) any deficiency, should the property
not be sufficient to cover the debt
Period of Redemption
1. Extra-judicial (Act #3135)
a. natural person one year from
registration of the certificate of
sale with Registry of Deeds ANTICHRESIS (Articles 2132 -2139)
b. juridical person same rule as
natural person A contract whereby the creditor
c. juridical person (mortgagee is acquires the right to receive the
bank) - three months after fruits of an immovable of the debtor,
foreclosure or before with the obligation to apply them to
registration of certificate of the payment of the interest, if
foreclosure which ever is earlier owing, and thereafter to the
principal of his credit (Art 2132)
amount due on such mortgage and claim above others out of the
the costs, and expenses incurred by debtors assets.
such breach of condition before the
sale thereof (Sec 13, Act No. 1508). NOTES:
The rules on preference of credits
Right to possession of foreclosed apply only when two or more
property creditors have separate and distinct
1. Real mortgage After the claims against the same debtor who
redemption period has expired, the has insufficient property.
purchaser of the property has the Preference creates no lien on
right to a conveyance and to be
property, and, therefore, gives no
placed in possession thereof.
interest in property, specific or
general, to the preferred creditor
but a preference in application of
Purchaser is not obliged to bring the proceeds after the sale. (Molina
a separate suit for possession. vs. Somes, 31 Phil. 76)
He must invoke the aid of the The preferential right of credit
courts and ask for a WRIT OF
attains significance only after the
properties of the debtor have been
Section 7 of Act No. 3135 allows inventoried and liquidated, and the
the purchaser to take possession claims held by his various creditors
of the foreclosed property during have been established. (DBP vs.
the period of redemption upon NLRC, 183 SCRA 328)
filing of an ex parte application
and approval of a bond. Preference of Lien
2. Chattel mortgage When default Applies only to Creates a charge
occurs and the creditor desires to claims which do on a particular
foreclose, the creditor has the right not attach to property
to take the property as a preliminary specific
step for its sale. properties
NOTE: Where the debtor refuses to
yield the property, the creditors Liability of debtors property for his
remedy is to institute an action obligations
either to effect judicial foreclosure GENERAL RULE: Debtor is liable with
directly or to secure possession all his property, present and future, for
(REPLEVIN) as a preliminary to the the fulfilment of his obligations. (Art
sale contemplated in Section 14 or 2236)
Act. No. 1508
CONCURRENCE AND PREFERENCE OF 1. Present property those
CREDITS (Articles 2236 2251) provided under Arts. 155 and 205
of the Family Code, Sec. 13,
Concurrence of Credits Rule 39 of the Rules of Court,
Possession by two or more creditors and Sec. 118 of the Public Land
of equal rights or privileges over the Act
same property or all of the property 2. Future property a debtor who
of the debtor obtains a discharge from his
debts on account of his
Preference of Credits insolvency, is not liable for the
Right held by a creditor to be unsatisfied claims of his
preferred in the payment of his creditors with said property
subject to certain exceptions
CHAIRPERSON: Romuald Padilla ASST.CHAIRPERSON: Vida Bocar, Joyce Vidad EDP: Alnaiza Hassiman, Dorothy Gayon
SUBJECT HEADS: Christopher Rey Marasigan (Persons and Family Relations), Alejandro Casabar(Property), Ma.
Ferrer(Wills and Succession), Ian Dominic Pua(Obligations and Contracts), Sha Elijah Dumama(Sales and Lease),
John Stephen
Quiambao(PAT), Christopher Cabigao(Credit Transactions), Ligaya Alipao(Torts and Damages), Anthony
Ma. Ricasion Tugadi (Conflicts of Law)
San Beda College of Law