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English For Academics: (Lesson 1-10)

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(Lesson 1-10)

Submitted by: Hubert L. Tan

Submitted to: Maam Irish Pando
Module 1: Developing Your Vocabulary
Page 2 (Yes or No)

1. YES/NO- I have a very handy dictionary application on my mobile phone or tablet

2. YES/NO- I refer to a thesaurus to use new words in my writing style.
3. YES/NO- I play games related to vocabulary building in my mobile phone or tablet
4. YES/NO- I can usually guess the meaning of a word when reading academic texts.
5. YES/NO- I look at a dictionary when I dont understand a word and avoid asking my
classmates or teacher for its meaning.
6. YES/NO- I know the meaning of most prefixes and suffixes and I use them effectively.
7. YES/NO- I can easily identify even the subtlest root word and know its meaning.
8. YES/NO- I carefully use words especially if they have connotative meaning.
9. YES/NO- I want to enrich my vocabulary.
10. YES/NO- I want to take what I already know to the next level.

Page 3

Topic What I already Know What I Want to Find Out

Context Clues This are the words that give More examples of context
hints to unfamiliar words in a clues.
Prefixes Attaching or adding letters What are the changes when
before a word we add prefix to a word?
Suffixes Attaching or Adding letters Does adding suffix to a word
after a word change it form?
Root words It is a base form of a word How can I spot a root words
Denotations It is the literal or dictionary More examples of
meaning of the word denotations.
Connotations It is the implied meaning of Are we using connotation
the words words every day?

Page 5 (What I have I learned so far?)

Math Quadratic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Fractions

English Prefixes, Suffixes, Verb, Adverb, Adjective
Economics Supply, Demand, Scarcity, Shortage, Surplus
Science Solar System, Cells, Body, Bones, Animals
Filipino Wika, Pandiwa, Dayalekto, Idyolek, Sosyolek
Page 9

1. Carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, and rice may contribute to gain weight.
Carbohydrates are the foods that give us energy and may have contribute to our weight

2. When the storm subsided, the residents came out to clean the mess in their yard.
Going down to a lower or normal level

3. Grace had no choice but to acquiesce to the orders of her boss; otherwise, she might get
To follow or to agree

4. A theory is futile when it is not practiced.


5. A hushed and mournful milieu dawned inside the church as relatives viewed the deceased
politician for the last time.
Ambiance or environment

Page 10

1. Recondite-
2. Quell-
3. Obnoxious-

Page 11

1. Preposterous- Contrary to nature, reason or common sense

2. Ameliorate-To make something better or less painful
3. Halcyon-Very happy and successful

Page 12 (What I have learned so far?)

1. Inane-Lacking significance, empty

2. Pejorative-Having negative connotations
3. Reticent- Inclined to be silent

Page 16 (What I have learned so far?)

Root Words Meaning Sample Words

aud hear Audience, audible, auditorium, audio-visual
cred belief Credit, incredible, credulous
legi law Legitimate, legislature
spect see, look Inspect, spectacle, circumspect
voc voice, call Vocal, vocation

Page 17 (What I have learned so far?)

1. No, the Priest is asking the sinner if he already cleaned the sin he had done.
2. No, they just make promises to each other.

Module 2: Determining the Authors Purpose and Intended Audience

Page 19 (Three way match)

Title of the Printed Text Intended Audience Purpose

My first ABCs a. Babies B, informative
The PH Times (newspaper) b. Toddlers C, informative
Advance (sexy tabloid) c. Stand by or street vendors D, expressive
Deceptive Heart (fiction) d. Flight passengers G, expressive
Chew, Baby! Chew! e. Animal enthusiasts A, Informative
Dogs are better than cats f. Students E, informative and persuasive
Chemistry 101 g. Teenagers F, informative

Page 21

What is the main difference between a persuasive text and an informative text?

-The main difference between the two is, persuasive text will target your ideas it may change
your perspective on a certain topic but the informative text will only inform you and will give
details on a certain topic.

Page 23

What is the main feature of an expressive text?

-For me, the main feature of an expressive text is the issue that will affect our emotions when we
are reading it.

Page 25 (What I have learned so far?)

What are the things to consider in writing an academic text with the audience in mind?
-Of course we must consider their age because we can tell what are the things that they like
based on their age, we should also think their Social status and their specific professions.

Module 3: Identifying the Authors tone and point of view

Page 28 (What I have learned so far?)

Positive Negative Neutral

Delighted Refused Asked
Rejoiced Yelled Tell valued
Wondered Declined Relayed
Remarked Retorted
Agreed Agonized
Page 29

Engineer Eladio was awed at the project proposal Remy presented. He agreed to look at the
budget and make necessary cost-cutting measures to accommodate the new process that has been
suggested Rod, the budget secretary, however, refused to make adjustments on the original
figures. He insisted that the proposed projects will not give the company a good return in the
long run.

1. What words convey a positive tone? Underline them.

2. What words relay negative tone? Encircle them.
3. What words are neutral? Place a star on them.

Page 29

Paragraph 1

a. What is the authors tone in the paragraph?-For me the authors tone is negative because of the
three main points that he or she stated and all of that is sad situation in our country.

b. What were the three main points that the author raised to support the thesis statement that the
Philippines has been battling many challenges?

1. Endless battle against graft and corruption.

2. Natural Calamities that bombarding the country.

3. Battle of the minds of the Filipino people.

Page 30

Paragraph 2
a. Paragraph 2 is more positive as compared with the first paragraph. Aside from its positive
tone, how else would you describe the tone of the author in this paragraph?-I think that the
authors tone in this paragraph is convincing the Filipino people and expressing his/her side, it
has the combination of persuasive and expressive text.

b. What positive things did the author point out for each negative supporting detail?

1. Graft and corruption-being exposed instead of being hidden from the public eye.

2. Natural calamities-we are managing to cope after all of the natural calamities that happened.

3. Negative thinking-he used this to awaken the emotion of people by saying that it will not help.

Page 32

How do personal experiences affect ones point of view?

-it will affect by learning on our own experiences because if we experienced failure in our life we
will have a knowledge that will help us to correct what we did and we can share it to others for
them to learn also.

Page 35

In what ways can culture be reflected in academic texts?

-We can reflect our culture by applying it in our academics text, some academic texts had a
culture based form because its author is applying their culture in his or her academic text.

Page 35

Aspect Western (American) Eastern (Philippines)

Greetings Shaking of hands Doing mano po
Food Influenced by their own Some of the dishes are
country influenced by other country
Marriage Church and legal age Legal age and weddings can
happen in mayors office etc.
Family life Most of the families are rich Most of the families a less
Personal space Doing things on their own Guiding by their families

Module 4: Facts, Opinion and Incorrect information

Page 38
1. Benidict is a fashion model.
2. Benidict is a great, handsome fashion model.
3. Peter is in the tourism business.
4. Peter is very successful in the tourism business.
5. Lea is a signer.
6. Lea is a wonderful signer.
7. The Mall of Asia in the Philippine is huge.
8. The Mall of Asia in the Philippine is located at the heart of Makati City.
9. There are no restaurants in the Mall of Asia in the Philippines.
10. There are restaurants in the Mall of Asia in the Philippines.

Page 39

1. Name: Paul Walker

Fact: Paul Walker is one of the actors in Fast and the Furious
Opinion: Paul Walker is a good and handsome actor
2. Name: Jackie Chan
Fact: He came from China
Opinion: Jackie Chan is a legendary actor because of his skills
3. Name: Marian Rivera
Fact: Marian Rivera has a daughter
Opinion: Marian Rivera is the most beautiful person in the world

Have you ever been a fan of a celebrity or group of celebrities?

Circle One: YES NO

If yes, how does it feel to be a fan? Describe this feeling in 5 words.

- It is fascinating and inspiring

Module 5: Fallacies in Reasoning

Page 41

1. You noticed that your favorite cup is at the edge of the table. You will get it and place it in
the center of the table.
2. You smell smoke coming from the kitchen where you are cooking a cup of rice for an
hour now. You will immediately go to the kitchen and turn off the stove.
3. You see dark clouds above, and you are about to take a short walk to the store to buy
something. You will bring an umbrella and will go to the store.
4. You see flies swarming over the food on the table. You will move my hands repeatedly
and will place the food in the trash or give it to stray dogs or cats.
5. You noticed that your colds are not getting any better after taking the prescribed medicine
for a week. You will ask my mom to go to the doctor and will ask for a better medicine.

Page 43

Based on the discussion, give at least one example each of deductive reasoning and of inductive

Deductive Reasoning

- Popes are religious

Jose Mario or Pope Francis is a pope
Therefore, he is religious

Inductive Reasoning

- My father dont have a work today

My classmates father dont have a work today also
Most of the parents of my classmate dont have a work today
Therefore, today is Labor Day.

Page 44

Choose one fallacy in the list. Give your own example.

Hasty Generalization

- My dog is scary and my classmates dog is also scary. Therefore, All of the dogs are scary.

Page 45 ( What I have learned so far?)

1. A whitening facial wash says that you should have clear, white skin or else you wont
find true love.- Either-or
2. A political candidate says that the incumbent governor is incompetent because he could
not solve the countrys poverty issue; therefore, that governor should be replaced by
someone else who is better.- Attack on a person
3. Those who were against the reproductive health bill focused on the issue of abortion and
how it is immorally against the Christian Faith.- Red Herring
4. An advertisement says that bright students drink this memory enhancing pill. So if you
are not yet taking this vitamin, then you are left out. -Bandwagon
5. A news reporter said that the college students are not happy with the current governor
who cancels classes at all levels. The reporter was able to talk only to five students in pn
particular school.- Hasty Generalization

Page 46

Fallacy Product How the fallacy was used


Hasty Generalization

Red Herring


Module 6: Evaluating the authors argument

Page 49

Statement Yes N
Im careful in clicking links that my friends share on social media
I get updated news about sports, politics, weather, entertainment and global affairs
through what my friends share on social media
I have a favorite web site that I open regularly to read about current events
I dont depend on social media for news
I believe everything I read or watch on the internet
I dont check the name of the web site when I read articles online as long as the topic
interests me
Page 50

Web site Date Posted Inaccurate News of

False Information

Page 51

Weather Updates

Local Politics

Global News

Local Entertainment News

Global Sports

Page 51

Why is it important to know the sources of information?

- Because by looking at the source of information we can also know if that information is
true and some sources had a false information.

Page 52

What are the three things to consider in investigating sources of information?

- The author, the pieces of evidence to the claims of the author and the publisher or

Page 53

1. .com owned by a company

2. .edu owned by educational institution
3. .gov Government owned web site
4. .net Network owned web site
5. .org Owned by organizations

Page 54

Why is it necessary to refer to legitimate Web site?

- It is necessary to form a legitimate Web site because it will help us to clarify what kind of
website we have and people who visit our website will have trust on us.

Module 7: Journal Articles

Page 58 (What I have learned so far?)

What is a topic?

- A topic is simply who or what is being talked or written about.

Page 58 (What have I learned so far?)

1. Holidays in 2015 released by the Aquino Administration.-

2. Top 10 PH Beach destinations according to Tourists.-
3. Too cute to handle: Kittens on the move!-
4. PH Economy Performed Higher than the Forecast.-
5. Philippine to join soccer in the next world cup.-

Page 59

How do you identify an implied main idea?

- By looking at its supporting ideas or formulating implied main idea.

Page 60

Journal Article 1

1. What is the title of the research paper?

2. What is the topic of the research paper based on the title and the abstract?

3. What is the main idea of the research paper? Write a complete sentence in your own
4. What do you think is the content of this article? What do you think are the findings or
results of the research paper? Predict the outcomes.

Journal Article 2

1. What is the title of the research paper?

2. What is the topic of the research paper based on the title and the abstract?
3. What is the main idea of the research paper? Write a complete sentence in your own
4. What do you think is the content of this article? What do you think are the findings or
results of the research paper? Predict the outcomes.

Journal Article 3

1. What is the title of the research paper?

2. What is the topic of the research paper based on the title and the abstract?

3. What is the main idea of the research paper? Write a complete sentence in your own
4. What do you think is the content of this article? What do you think are the findings or
results of the research paper? Predict the outcomes.

Journal Article 4

1. What is the title of the research paper?

2. What is the topic of the research paper based on the title and the abstract?

3. What is the main idea of the research paper? Write a complete sentence in your own
4. What do you think is the content of this article? What do you think are the findings or
results of the research paper? Predict the outcomes.

Journal Article 5

1. What is the title of the research paper?

2. What is the topic of the research paper based on the title and the abstract?

3. What is the main idea of the research paper? Write a complete sentence in your own
4. What do you think is the content of this article? What do you think are the findings or
results of the research paper? Predict the outcomes.

Page 62

What is a journal abstract?

- Journal abstract is a form to reference to identify the topic, main idea and predict the
outcomes of the research paper based on its title and abstract alone.
Page 63

In reading journal abstracts to search for the right references, what attitude should you have to be

- We should have patience in finding the right reference, determination and passion in what
we are doing.

Module 8: Applying critical reading skills in academic disciplines

Page 64

How can you apply critical reading skills in understanding academic texts?

- For me, I can apply it by having a wide imagination based on what I am reading, it will
help me to understand mo what I am reading.

Page 66

How do you write an effective outline?

- The main section is written first followed by the supporting details.

Page 68

What values do you think you should possess to understand and analyze a text better?

- I should have an analytical skills that will help me a lot in analyzing a text better,
observing skill must be also practice, and also note-taking and annotating skills.

Module 9:
Page 71

What are the main differences among the three styles of citation?
- The APA is mostly used for social sciences while the MLA is mostly used for liberal arts
and humanities and the CMS is mostly used in the publishing industry.

Page 71

Why is it your responsibility to learn how to acknowledge your sources of information? Was
there an instance in your life when you failed to give credit to the people who helped you?

- Because they can file a case against me. No theres no instance like that.

Page 72

What is the citation style that the writer used?

In text citation 1 (full details of its source)

In text citation 2 (full details of its source)

In text citation 3 (full details of its source)

In text citation 4 (full details of its source)

In text citation 5 (full details of its source)

Page 73

What are the things to consider in choosing a suitable citation style?

- If that citation style is trusted or if that citation style is suitable for the research that we are

Module 10: Acquainting ones self in the workplace: reading job-related

Page 77

Job description education height resume

Location/address job experience food preference skin color

Name of company age religion ethnic race

Page 78

Page 80

What are the preemployment documents? How do they differ from one another?

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