Prem Jain Interview
Prem Jain Interview
Prem Jain Interview
By Ravi Nagarajan
Published on April 8, 2010
Copyright 2010 The Rational Walk and Prem C. Jain
This pdf file was adapted from an article that originally appeared at the following URL:
Professor Jain generously took the time to provide extensive answers to several questions
regarding Warren Buffett, the evolution of behavioral finance in academia, defining an investing
circle of competence, approaches for investors who wish to expand their competence over
time, and much more.
Q: There are many books covering Warren Buffetts career, particularly over the past few
years. What made you decide to write a book about Warren Buffett and how is your book
differentiated from Buffett biographies such as Snowball?
Most authors of books on Warren Buffett spend a significant part of their books on narratives
about Warren Buffett as a person. They do not analyze his investing philosophy in enough detail
to develop a good sense of Buffett-style investing. I have tried to fill that gap. Having taught
Buffetts principles for over twenty years and having personally benefitted from his principles, I
have written a book that is primarily about Buffetts investing principles. My book is even more
valuable to those who already have some background on Buffett from reading biographical
books such as Snowball.
Q: Much of your book focuses on how investors can learn from Warren Buffetts techniques
and generate market beating returns. Yet, the usual caveat is that investors must not stray
from their circle of competence. Many investors have trouble precisely identifying the
boundaries of this circle. How would you suggest that investors go about defining their circle
of competence?
An investor should start with analyzing one industry that the investor knows the most about.
The investor is in his circle of competence if he is not often surprised by the developments in
that industry. Else, he needs to study it more. As a professor, I have benefited from investing in
education stocks as I understood the business models of several of those companies.
Furthermore, to precisely identify the boundaries of ones circle of competence, one must also
test ones knowledge in several additional stocks in the same industry.
It is often the case that an investor would invest in one company in an industry (say, Wal-Mart)
and would not know much about other companies in the same industry (say, Costco and
others). To understand Wal-Mart well, they should study and monitor other similar companies
as well. This is how I came across Wal-Mart de Mexico (a Wal-Mart subsidiary in Mexico that
trades independently). Only after developing a good understanding of one industry, the
investor should start investigating in other industries.
Q: You identify Warren Buffett as a renaissance investor because he was one of the first to
blend the growth and value styles into a model that has produced consistently superior
results over many decades. Part of Mr. Buffetts shift toward growth + value was due to the
influence of Charlie Munger and others such as Philip Fisher, but part of this was due to size.
As Berkshire grew, the small cigar butt opportunities were not able to move the needle
for Berkshire. Portfolio size is not an issue for most small investors. In early 2009, there were
many small stocks selling under net-net current assets as defined by Graham. Does it make
sense for small investors to pursue the cigar butt style advocated by Graham or does it
make more sense to emulate Buffetts growth + value approach?
Buffetts investing philosophy has evolved over time. An investor can similarly become a better
investor over time. In 1963, Warren Buffett invested in American Express because American
Expresss stock price had declined in the wake of the infamous Salad Oil Scandal in which
American Express lost money. However, the American Express charge card business was not
affected. After a year or two, Buffett sold those shares as the price recovered. In this investing
approach which is usually classified as cigar butt investing, the focus is on finding stocks when
declining stock prices can be attributed more to market psychology than to fundamentals.
The cigar butt investing is based on examining numbers such as P/E ratios or other
quantitative metrics. However, even as far back as 1967, Buffett wrote in his letter to his
partners that really big money tends to be made by investors who are right on qualitative (as
opposed to quantitative) decisions. Clearly, Buffetts investing style was evolving.
An evaluation of Buffetts writings and decisions over decades suggests that he has maintained
the principle of not paying excessively as a value investor (or as a cigar butt investor), he is
now willing to pay a fair price as a growth investor. If we were to think of him as a pure value
investor, it would be difficult to explain him paying about market P/E for several of his stock
acquisitions such as BYD and Burlington Northern Santa Fe or even Wal-Mart. He has clearly
evolved into a value + growth investor over time and has specifically mentioned that value and
growth are two sides of the same coin. An investor should not ignore cigar butts but in this
day and age when information is ubiquitous, cigar butts are not easily found. However, an
investor incorporating the principles of both value investing and growth investing together is
more likely to earn large returns.
This is a good example of an investor not making good returns even when he may have a good
understanding of a particular product. The reason is that investment circle of competence
requires not only the knowledge of the products but also the ability to understand the financial
statements and to project future earnings. Many investors can not translate success of a
product into financial success of the company.
I recommend the following to doctors and others who are interested in investing. Investor
should think whether the company and not just a product will be successful for a long time.
They should forecast sales and earnings in dollar terms and not only evaluate a products
technical ability. If they are financial-statements-challenged, they should join hands with others
who know some accounting and finance. This may prove to be a fruitful partnership.
Q: Over the past decade, behavioral finance has attracted much more attention than in the
past, perhaps due to several events over the past 25 years that could not be easily explained
by the Efficient Market Hypothesis. I recall as an undergraduate student majoring in Finance
in the early 1990s that there were few mentions of Warren Buffett or other investors who
have routinely achieved market beating returns. Most references to Mr. Buffett tended to
dismiss his record as an aberration unlikely to be replicated. Do you see this attitude
changing in Finance departments today?
Warren Buffett has had tremendous influence on the academia. In 2003, I invited him to
Georgetown University to conduct a question-answer session and the response from the
students and the faculty was overwhelming. The finance discipline now acknowledges that
professors during the 1970s to 1990s overemphasized the market efficiency paradigm.
Fortunately, we have people like Buffett who constantly reminded the academia that the
professors had much to learn. And professors have learned. For example, in one of the courses
at Georgetown, the first class of the course centers on what we may learn from Warren Buffett.
Thanks to Buffett that we do not claim that markets are efficient all the time. It is not easy but if
investors work hard, they can beat the indexes and possibly earn very high returns.
Q: How can investors prepare themselves to mentally deal with temporary declines in the
market value of their investments? Even if an investor finds undervalued companies, it is
obviously possible for market prices to suffer material declines. We have seen this in
Berkshire Hathaway, for example, over the past two years. Is the ability to deal with
temporary declines a matter of inherent temperament or personality that cannot be changed,
or can investors find ways to improve their investment temperament over time?
Knowledge is the best antidote to making bad decisions. For example, if you know about
jewelry and diamonds, all that glitters is not gold for you. Your knowledge will allow you to pick
diamonds in the rough and hold on to them. In investing, if you know a lot about certain
companies and their managers, you will not become nervous and sell the stock at the wrong
time or when the market declines. No wonder, Buffett suggests that you should invest only in
companies you understand. Both in 2000 and 2009 when Berkshire stock prices went down by
about 50%, I added to my Berkshire holdings.
Q: Most individual investors attempt to pick stocks on a part time basis. How much time per
week do you think is required for part time investors to dedicate to this pursuit? It seems like
spending a couple of hours each weekend reading Barrons or The Wall Street Journal simply
wouldnt be sufficient, yet most people do not have 15 to 20 or more hours per week to delve
in more deeply. How should investors think about the time investment required to actively
pursue undervalued opportunities?
This is related to an earlier question. If a person has a full time day job, he should study only
one industry at a time. Only after he understands one industry, he should move to studying
other industries. If he does that, he would not need more than a few hours a week. After
several years, he should end up with 20 stocks to invest about 5% in each. In the meantime, he
can invest partly in an index fund and party in individual stocks. An average investor need not
hold more than 20 stocks in a portfolio. Buffett does not invest in a large number of stocks and
most of his holdings are for the long term. In Berkshire, five of the top stocks have often
constituted 50% of its total stock holdings. Finally, if a person is very busy and does not have
any time to find good stocks, he should simply invest in an index fund such as the Vanguard S&P
500 index fund.
Q: If an investor decides that he has no particular circle of competence or lacks the time to
dedicate to the pursuit, does it make more sense to invest in index funds or in mutual funds
such as Fairholme that are run by proven value oriented managers? In your book, you
recommend against investing in hedge funds due to the asymmetry that is common in the 2
and 20 compensation models. Does the same caveat apply to value oriented mutual funds?
Although they are more cost efficient, certainly index funds remain far cheaper.
For a person who has no particular circle of competence but has decided to invest in the stock
market, I recommend investing an index fund and not in mutual funds. An investor is less likely
to sell an investment in an index fund when the market goes down than if he were to invest in a
mutual fund. I am afraid that the investor would blame the manager for not performing well in
a down market and sell all his holdings at the wrong time. It may not be the managers fault at
all but the investor may not be able to see through the effect of the market on an otherwise
well run mutual fund. Even the best of managers do not outperform the market in all the years.
The only time a busy investor should invest in a mutual fund is when the investor is extremely
comfortable with the managers style of investing and has examined it in great detail. It is not
enough to simply examine a managers past performance and invest with the manager.
Q: One of the most difficult decisions involves when one must sell an investment at a loss.
You cover this topic in the book and suggest that investors should be willing to sell at a loss if
subsequent events lead the original investment thesis to be invalid. This is perhaps the most
difficult aspect of investing for most people because selling at a loss involves admitting a
mistake and making it permanent. Is this just a matter of inherent stubbornness or can
investors take any steps to mentally allow them to sell at a loss with more philosophical
I think we are hard-wired not to admit mistakes. Selling at a loss is indeed difficult. Or, we are
optimistic and hope for an improvement in the stock price. I recommend two specific steps.
First, one should write detailed notes whenever a purchase decision is made. Periodically, as
the company makes earnings announcements or other important announcements, the notes
should be updated. I have benefited from this practice a lot. When individuals are forced to
write their thoughts on the paper, they can more easily see the right thing to do. For example, if
one has a good knowledge of the companys products, managers and financial statements, a
decline in the stock market may be a good time to invest more in the stock market. Second,
they should compute a stocks intrinsic value periodically. I discuss the concept of intrinsic value
in detail in my book. When the intrinsic value is below the current stock price, they may find it
easier to sell.
If the Berkshire board decides to have only one person at the top, I think Ajit Jain is the right
person. After all, Buffett talks to him every day, insurance is the most important part of
Berkshire, and he has been at Berkshire for about 25 years. (This has nothing to do with the fact
that I have the same last name. I dont know him at all.) The two other names often mentioned
are those of Tony Nicely of GEICO and David Sokol of MidAmerican and NetJets. It will however
not matter much if any one of the three is the CEO. After all, the Berkshire CEO does not
interfere with the subsidiary CEOs.
Yes, the culture! What is the culture at Berkshire, I have often asked myself. Once we reflect on
some of the unique features of the Berkshire culture, we are less likely to be concerned about
the future of Berkshire even if the next CEO is not as good as Warren Buffett. There are at least
two important features of the Berkshire culture. First, the subsidiary CEOs (and employees) are
compensated according to what is most meaningful. Buffett has often talked about
compensation based on return on assets or other appropriate metrics. This creates a sense of
fair play resulting in high productivity. Second, subsidiary CEOs are given independence to make
all decisions at the subsidiary level. Hence, Berkshire will continue to do well after Buffett
because of its decentralized management structure. The capital allocation process may not be
as good as it is today under Buffett but there are many people who have been close to Buffett
and my guess is that the new CEO will continue to do a good job for a long time to come.
Professor Jain, this has been very insightful. Thank you very much.