Developing A HACCP Plan
Developing A HACCP Plan
Developing A HACCP Plan
5. Construct flow diagram and on-site confirmation of flow diagram -Steps 4 and 5
6. List all potential hazards associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis and con-
sider any measures to control identified hazards - Step 6 / Principle 1
9. Establish a monitoring system for each critical control point - Step 9/Principle 4
9.1 Monitoring
9.2 Design of a monitoring system
11.1 Verification
11.2 Description of verification activities
HACCP is the most widely used risk based tool for developing food safety management programs.
Its principles require the user to identify potential hazards relating to a specific product or process,
to determine the risk of these hazards impacting on consumers and where critical to put in place
monitoring and control procedures. Developing an effective HACCP plan requires a clear under-
standing of the principles and specific steps involved in a HACCP study. This whitepaper covers in
detail these requirements and illustrates how users can build a plan capable of identifying and con-
trolling food safety hazards relevant to their products and processes. The methodology covered in
this whitepaper is based on the Codex Alimentarius Commission guidelines which is cited in most
food safety standards. We have used the core document developed by Codex to ensure alignment
with legal and commercial requirements. We have developed this content in appropriate areas and
use the Safefood 360 food safety management platform to illustrate how the requirements are met.
HACCP is the most important food safety tool employed across the global food industry. Due to
its systematic and preventive approach it has gained widespread acceptance from governmental
agencies, global food standards (GFSI) and codes of practice.
The HACCP concept has its origins in the 1960s when the Pillsbury Company under the direction
of the United States Army and the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) developed a system to ensure the production of safe food for the United States space pro-
gramme. NASA needed to ensure that food produced and supplied to astronauts would not endan-
ger their health during missions, putting the program at risk. Needless to say, if astronauts were to
become ill from food poisoning the option of pulling in to the nearest hospital was not an option.
NASAs demand for 100% safe food was unrealistic. Pillsbury therefore developed an approach
which stated that while the food could not be guaranteed as safe, the process and conditions under
which it was made could be assured, and thus maximising the safety of the products. HACCP em-
phasized control of the process as opposed to final product inspection and testing. Pillsbury pre-
sented the HACCP concept publicly at a conference for food protection in 1971. These principles
were introduced into regulations for low-acid canned food in 1974 by the United States Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). In the early 1980s, the HACCP approach was adopted by other ma-
jor food companies and in the 1990s found its way into global legislation. In recent years it has
become the most commonly cited methodology for risk based food safety systems in global stand-
ards including the GFSI.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission have adopted Guidelines for the application of the Hazard Analysis
Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. The commission was also informed that the draft revised
General Principles of Food Hygiene would incorporate the HACCP approach. The Codex General
Principles of Food Hygiene sets out the requirements for good food hygiene and includes the prin-
ciples for HACCP Ref: General Principles of Food Hygiene [CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev 3 (1997)]. These
controls are internationally recognized and underpin the need for food safety for human consump-
tion and international trade.
It focuses on those critical points in food processing and handling required for safe food
Science based and systematic allowing for the specific identification of food safety hazards
Standardization of hazard management allowing for easier auditing and inspection by sec-
ond and third parties
In theory, the HACCP system can be applied across all stages of the food supply chain. It is de-
signed to supplement and work alongside other management systems of control for quality and
GMP. Global food safety standards such as those under the GFSI require these systems to be inte-
grated with HACCP to form a total food safety system.
HACCP is not intended to control all hazards that may impact on a specific stage of the food sup-
ply chain. Rather it is intended to build on the existing best practices employed in these sectors and
focus on specific hazards and steps where significant hazards need special control. For this reason,
HACCP assumes a certain level of good agricultural practices (GAP) or good manufacturing prac-
tices (GMP) are already in place.
In terms of its successful application, HACCP like all risk management systems, requires sufficient
commitment from all stakeholders including management. The application of the specific princi-
ples also require a team possessing the various skills needed to produce safe food including micro-
biology, public health, food technology, environmental health, chemistry, engineering, etc.
Food industries, retailers and regulatory agencies have all adopted the principles of HACCP and
the requirement for food businesses to install it in their operation. For example, the Global Food
Safety Initiative (GFSI) requires all schemes benchmarked against its guidance document to have
HACCP as part of the scheme. Large food retailers like Tesco, Woolworths and M&S have devel-
oped their own set of technical standards which include HACCP as a core requirement. In recent
years changes in the global legal framework, e.g. FSMA, have led to a dramatic increase in the need
for developed and developing nations to install HACCP to conduct trade.
The purpose of the HACCP system is the identification of specific food safety hazards which can
potentially cause illness, injury or death if consumed and to put in place controls for these. The
focus of the controls is on preventing these hazards either entering the system or their elimination
or reduction to an acceptable level.
The following are definitions of key words and terms employed in the HACCP system.
Control (verb): To take all necessary actions to ensure and maintain compliance
with criteria established in the HACCP plan.
Control (noun): To state wherein correct procedures are being followed and
criteria are being met.
Control measure: Any action and activity that can be used to prevent or eliminate
a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
Corrective action: Any action to be taken when the results of monitoring at the
CCP indicate a loss of control.
Critical Control Point A step at which control can be applied and is essential to
(CCP): prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or
reduce it to an acceptable level.
Critical limit: A criterion which separates acceptability from unacceptability.
Deviation: Failure to meet a critical limit.
Flow diagram: A systematic representation of the sequence of steps or operations
used in the production or manufacture of a particular food item.
HACCP: A system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards
which are significant for food safety.
HACCP plan: A document prepared in accordance with the principles of
HACCP to ensure control of hazards which are significant for
food safety in the segment of the food chain under consideration.
Hazard: A biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with
the potential to cause an adverse health effect.
Hazard analysis: The process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards, and
conditions loading to their presence, to decide which are significant for
food safety and therefore should be addressed in the HACCP plan.
Monitor: The act of conducting a planned sequence of observations or
measurements of control parameters to assess whether a CCP is under
Step: A point, procedure, operation or stage in the food chain including raw
materials, from primary production to final consumption.
Validation: Obtaining evidence that the elements of the HACCP plan are effective.
Verification: The application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in
addition to monitoring to determine compliance with the HACCP
The HACCP system consists of the seven principles. Each principle is designed to develop the
level of understanding of hazards, their identification and implementation of controls. The princi-
ples are defined by CODEX as follows:
Principle 1: Conduct a hazard analysis
Identify the potential hazard(s) associated with food production at all stages, from primary produc-
tion, processing, manufacture and distribution until the point of consumption. Assess the likeli-
hood of occurrence of the hazard(s) and identify the measures for their control.
Principle 2: Determine the Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Determine the points, procedures or operational steps that can be controlled to eliminate the haz-
ard(s) or minimize its (their) likelihood of occurrence. A "step" means any stage in food produc-
tion and/or manufacture including the receipt and/or production of raw materials, harvesting,
transport, formulation, processing, storage, etc.
Principle 3: Establish critical limit(s)
Establish critical limit(s) which must be met to ensure the CCP is under control.
Principle 4: Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP
Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP by scheduled testing or observations.
Principle 5: Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a
particular CCP is not under control.
Principle 6: Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system
is working effectively.
Principle 7: Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate
to these principles and their application.
Codex goes on to define how these principles are practically applied using a logical sequence of
steps. By following each step in sequence, users can develop a HACCP plan which is based on
their actual food product/process and which is effective in controlling the specific hazards identi-
fied in the hazard analysis.
The following summarises each step:
Step 1: Assemble HACCP team
The first step is the put together a team of individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge and ex-
perience to develop an effective HACCP plan. By its nature this team will be multidisciplinary and
ideally will be made up of team members working directly on the site. Where required, expertise
may be obtained from other external sources. In all cases, the internal HACCP team will retain
ultimate responsibility for the HACCP system. One of the initial tasks of the HACCP team is to
clearly define the scope of the HACCP plan including the product/process to be assessed, seg-
ments of the food chain to be included and the general classes of hazards to be included.
Step 2: Describe product
In order to identify all the factors which can impact on the safety of the product under study, the
HACCP team must first clearly describe the product including composition, physical/chemical
structure (including Aw, pH, etc.), packaging, durability and storage conditions and method of dis-
Step 3: Identify intended use
The intended use of the product is important since the same hazard may impact on different
groups or populations. For this reason the intended use should define specific and vulnerable
groups who may use the product. The team will also need to include how the product will be used,
e.g. ready to eat (RTE) or requires further preparation by the consumer.
Step 4: Construct flow diagram
A flow diagram is a graphical representation of the process steps involved in making the food
product and is developed by the HACCP team. It should be comprehensive and cover all the steps
in the processes and the defined scope of the HACCP study.
Step 5: On-site verification of flow diagram
Following the development of the flow diagram, the HACCP team should confirm the actual pro-
cessing operation against it. Amendments should be made where required prior to formal verifica-
tion and sign off by the HACCP team.
Step 6: List all potential hazards associated with each step, conduct a hazard analysis,
and consider any measures to control identified hazards (see Principle 1)
Principle 1 is introduced at this step in HACCP. It requires the HACCP step to list all hazards that
may be reasonably expected to occur at each step covered in the scope of the HACCP study. This
may include primary production, processing, manufacture, and distribution until the point of con-
sumption. Next, the HACCP team should conduct a hazard analysis to identify which hazards are
of such a nature that their elimination or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the produc-
tion of a safe food. In conducting the hazard analysis, wherever possible the following should be
the likely occurrence of hazards and severity of their adverse health effects
the qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the presence of hazards
survival or multiplication of microorganisms of concern
production or persistence in foods of toxins, chemicals or physical agents; and
conditions leading to the above.
Point one above also introduced the application of risk assessment as the key method of identifing
significant hazards. Finally, the HACCP team must consider what control measures, if any, exist
which can be applied for each hazard. More than one control measure may be required to control a
specific hazard(s) and more than one hazard may be controlled by a specified control measure.
Step 7: Determine Critical Control Points (see Principle 2)
The main tool for identifying CCPs is the Codex decision tree. It can in many cases assist the user
in the process of separating out steps which are critical to food safety but it is not always logical or
relevant to all processes. Users must make a judgement on this when considering its use. It may
need to be modified to ensure effective CCP identification. The decision tree can sometimes lead
to the need to modify the step in the process where control is necessary for safety but no control
measure exists.
Step 8: Establish critical limits for each CCP (see Principle 3)
Clear and specific limits must be set where a CCP has been identified. In some cases more than
one critical limit may be required. Ideally the critical limit should be measurable and typically can
cover criteria such as temperature, time, moisture level, pH, Aw, available chlorine, and sensory
parameters such as visual appearance and texture.
Step 9: Establish a monitoring system for each CCP (see Principle 4)
Monitoring is the scheduled measurement or observation of a CCP relative to its critical limits. The
monitoring procedures must be able to detect loss of control at the CCP. It should facilitate adjust-
ment of the process prior to loss of control. All records and documents associated with monitoring
CCPs must be signed by the person(s) doing the monitoring and by a responsible reviewing official
(s) of the company.
Step 10: Establish corrective actions (see Principle 5)
For each CCP there must be clearly defined actions in the event of any deviations from critical lim-
its. Actions must be capable of bringing the CCP back under control and address the disposition of
any suspect products. Records must be kept.
Step 11: Establish verification procedures (see Principle 6)
Verification is essential to ensure that the plan you have developed is being fully complied with.
This can included auditing methods, procedures and tests, review of the HACCP system and its
records, review of deviations and product dispositions.
Validation should also be considered where you confirm the efficacy of all elements of the
HACCP plan.
Step 12: Establish documentation and record keeping (see Principle 7)
HACCP records should be maintained of the entire HACCP system. In addition, HACCP proce-
dures should be documented and approved consistent with the size and complexity of the opera-
tion. Documentation includes hazard analysis, CCP determination and Critical limit determination.
Record examples include CCP monitoring activities, deviations and associated corrective actions
and any modifications to the HACCP system.
The HACCP team should be appointed following public declaration of commitment by senior
management. Once received, the team should be assembled based on a review of the knowledge,
skills and experience required. Therefore the team will be multidisciplinary and may be made up of
internal and external members especially where the internal team is small. Ensure the team includes
personnel who are directly involved in daily processing activities and who know the process well.
Ideally the team should have between two and six members. Additional members can be temporar-
ily co-opted as required. Key criteria to be considered when determining the team composition
One of the first tasks of the HACCP team should be to identify the scope of the HACCP plan.
This should include the limit of the study to a specific product and process, type(s) of hazards to
be included (e.g. biological, chemical, physical) and the part of the food chain to be studied.
Fig: Example of HACCP scope
HACCP Team Leader
All HACCP teams should have a designated HACCP team leader whose role is to:
Training requirements for HACCP team varies depending on the team member and the require-
ments of specific customers and standards. It is essential that the team leader receives full training
in the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene and the guidelines for the application of the
HACCP system to ensure that the team will work together with a common focus and use the same
approach and terminology. Other team members should also receive training commensurate with
their role and responsibilities.
Figure: Sample HACCP Training Program
HACCP requires resources. Management must allocate the necessary resources for the HACCP
study including:
Product name (common name) or group of product names (the grouping of like products is
acceptable as long as all hazards are addressed)
Important end-product characteristics: properties or characteristics of the food under review
that are required to ensure its safety (e.g. Aw, pH/preservatives)
How the product is to be used (i.e. ready-to-eat/further processing required, heated prior to
Type of package, including packaging material and packaging conditions (e.g. modified at-
Shelf-life, including storage temperature and humidity if applicable
Where the product will be sold (e.g. retail, institutions, further processing)
Labelling instructions (e.g. handling and usage instructions)
Special distribution control (e.g. shipping conditions)
The HACCP team can use the following questions below to help in the development of the
product description.
Processing and Can a contaminant reach the product during preparation, processing
preparation check- or storage?
list Will microorganisms or toxic substances of concern be inactivated during cooking,
reheating or other processing?
Could any microorganisms or toxins of concern contaminate food
after it has been heated?
Would more severe processing be acceptable or desirable?
Is the processing based on scientific data? How does the package
or container affect survival and/or growth of microorganisms?
How much time is taken for each step of processing, preparation,
storage and display?
What are the conditions of distribution?
Figure: Sample Product Description
A picture paints a thousand words. In order for the HACCP team to correctly identify all hazards
at each step, it must first identify all steps. This is best done by the team developing a flow chart
which shows each step in sequence and the relationship between each step. The team can then
focus on each step in sequence and list the relevant hazards. Information which can be included in
the flow diagram includes:
Once the process flow diagram and plant schematic have been drafted, they must be confirmed by
an on-site inspection for accuracy and completeness. This will ensure that all the major process
operations have been identified. All members of the HACCP team should be involved in the flow
diagram confirmation. Adjustments should be made to the flow diagram, as necessary based on the
actual operations observed.
There are three main categories of hazards - biological, chemical and physical.
Biological hazards
Foodborne biological hazards include microbiological organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi
and parasites. These organisms are commonly associated with humans and with raw products en-
tering the food establishment. Many of-these microorganisms occur naturally in the environment
where foods are grown. Most are killed or inactivated by cooking, and numbers can be minimized
by adequate control of handling and storage practices (hygiene, temperature and time).
The majority of reported foodborne disease outbreaks and cases are caused by pathogenic bacteria.
A certain level of these microorganisms can be expected with some raw foods. Improper storage
or handling of these foods can contribute to a significant increase in the level of these microorgan-
isms. Cooked foods often provide fertile media for rapid growth of microorganisms if they are not
properly handled and stored.
Physical hazards
Illness and injury can result from hard foreign objects in food. These physical hazards can result
from contamination and/or poor practices at many points in the food chain from harvest to con-
sumer, including those within the food establishment. Examples include wood, plastic and metal.
The information required concerning potential hazards associated with a specific food can be ob-
tained from a variety of sources including the following.
Reference texts
Food Safety Standards
Codes of Practice
Company complaint files
Scientific research and review papers
Epidemiological data on foodborne illness or disease
After listing all the hazards (biological, chemical or physical) that may be reasonably expected at
each step from primary production, processing, manufacturing and distribution until the point of
consumption, the HACCP team should assess the potential significance or risk of each hazard by
considering its likelihood of occurrence and severity. The estimate of the risk of a hazard occurring
is based upon a combination of experience, epidemiological data and information in the technical
literature. Severity is the degree of seriousness of the consequences of a hazard if the hazard is not
controlled. There may be differences of opinion even among experts as to the risk of a hazard.
Figure: Sample Risk Assessment for Biological Hazard
Hazards addressed under the HACCP system must be of such a nature that their prevention, elimi-
nation or reduction to acceptable levels is essential to the production of safe foods. Hazards of a
low probability of occurrence and a low severity should not be addressed under the HACCP sys-
tem but may be addressed through the good manufacturing practices (GMPs) contained in the Co-
dex General Principles of Food Hygiene. Five areas of review can assist the team in identifying all
potential hazards and understanding their nature.
After the hazard analysis is completed, the team must then consider what control measures, if any,
exist which can be applied for the control of each hazard. Control measures are any actions and
activities that can be used to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable
level. More than one measure may be required to control a specific hazard and more than one haz-
ard may be controlled by a specified measure.
Figure: Sample Control Measures
Controlling hazards
Biological hazards can be controlled by limiting, removing or altering the growth kinetics microor-
ganisms need to survive, grow and reproduce. They can be destroyed, eliminated or controlled by
thermal processing (heating or cooking), freezing or drying. Food growers or processors should
have three objectives for their HACCP programmes with regard to biological hazards:
The information gathered from the hazard analysis can be used to determine:
High (Intolerable Risk) - examples include illnesses caused by Clostridium botulinum, Salmonel-
la typhi, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio vulnificus, paralytic
shellfish poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning
Medium (Undesirable Risk) - examples include illnesses caused by Brucella spp., Campylobac-
ter spp.. Salmonella spp., Shigella spp.. Streptococcus type A, Yersinia entercolitica, hepatitis A virus,
mycotoxins, ciquatera toxin
Low (Acceptable or Tolerable Risk) - examples include illnesses caused by Bacillus spp., Clos-
tridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, Norwalk virus, most parasites, histamine-like substanc-
es and most heavy metals that cause mild acute illnesses
Risk of hazard
Risk is a function of the probability of an adverse effect and the magnitude of that effect, conse-
quential to a hazard(s) in food. Degrees of risk can be categorized as high (H), medium (M), low
(L) and negligible (N).
The determination of critical control points (Step 7) is the second principle of HACCP. The Codex
guidelines define a critical control point (CCP) as "a step at which control can be applied and is
essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level".
If a hazard has been identified at a step where control is necessary for safety/and if no control
measure exists at that step or at any other, then the product or process should be modified at that
step, or at an earlier or later stage, to include a control measure.
The determination of a CCP in the HACCP system can be facilitated by the application of a deci-
sion tree such as that included in the Codex Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) sys-
tem and guidelines for its application (see Figure) which indicates a logical reasoning approach. The ap-
plication of the decision tree should be flexible according to the type of operation (production,
slaughter, processing, storage, distribution or other). The decision tree proposed by Codex may not
be applicable to all situations.
Figure: CCP Decision Tree
The decision tree asks a series of questions which when answered in order will drive you to the
next logical question in the sequence until you arrive at a decision as to whether the step is a CCP
or not a CCP. There are four questions in the sequence as follow:
Question 1: Do control measure(s) exist?
Question 1 should be interpreted as asking whether or not the operator could use a control meas-
ure at this operation or anywhere else in the food establishment to control the identified hazard.
Control measures could include, for example, temperature control, visual examination or use of a
metal detector.
If the response to Question 1 is "yes", under Question 1, then proceed to Question 2 in the deci-
sion tree. If the response is "no", i.e. a control measure does not exist, indicate how the identified
hazard will be controlled before or after the manufacturing process (outside the control of the op-
erator). For example, salmonella in raw poultry is controlled by the end-user. Alternatively, modify
the operation, process or product so that a control measure exists, and then proceed to the next
identified hazard in the process.
Question 2: Is the step specifically designed to eliminate or reduce the likely occurrence of
the identified hazard to an acceptable level?
Examples of procedures or operations in a food process that are designed specifically to identify
hazards include:
CCPs should be uniquely numbered to ensure they are clearly identified within the process or op-
eration. Numbering and identification systems can vary from operation to operation.
Once the CCPs have been established, the next step is to document the parameters that will be
monitored and controlled. HACCP Principles 3 to 7 will lead to the development of the establish-
ment's HACCP plan. This HACCP plan will provide the written guidelines that will be followed in
the establishment.
At each critical control point (CCP)/critical limits are established and specified. Critical limits are
defined as criteria that separate acceptability from unacceptability. A critical limit represents the
boundaries that are used to judge whether an operation is producing safe products. Critical limits
may be set for factors such as temperature, time (minimum time exposure), physical product di-
mensions, water activity, moisture level, etc. These parameters, if maintained within boundaries,
will confirm the safety of the product.
The critical limits should meet requirements of government regulations and/or company standards
and/or be supported by other scientific data. In some cases, food control regulatory authorities
provide information on which to establish the critical limits based on known food hazards and the
results of risk analysis (e.g. the time/temperature requirements for thermal processes such as pas-
teurization, cooking, retorting; maximum number and size of physical contaminants, chemical resi-
dues). It is essential that the person(s) responsible for establishing critical limits have a knowledge
of the process and of the legal and commercial standards required for the product. Sources of in-
formation on critical limits include:
To measure the performance level of the system's operation at the CCP (trend analysis)
To determine when the performance level of the system results in a loss of control at the
CCP, e.g. when there is deviation from a critical limit (see Step 10)
To establish records that reflect the performance level of the system's operation at the CCP
to comply with the HACCP plan
There are many ways to monitor the critical limits of a CCP. Monitoring can be done on a continu-
ous (100 percent) or batch basis. The monitoring system may take time to achieve a result from the
monitoring procedure. Most monitoring procedures will need to be rapid, as they relate to on-line
processes which in general do not leave time for lengthy analytical testing. For this reason physical
and chemical measurements or visual observations, which may be done rapidly, are often preferred
to microbiological testing. Examples of some physical and chemical measurements taken to moni-
tor critical limits are temperature, time, pH, moisture level and water activity (Aw). It is essential
that all monitoring equipment be properly calibrated for accuracy.
Monitoring procedures performed during the operation should result in written documentation
which will serve as an accurate record of the operating conditions. Monitoring records provide
information on conditions during the operation and allow for action to be taken in the event of a
loss of control or for a process adjustment to be made if there is a trend towards a loss of control.
Accurate monitoring procedures and associated records provide information to the operator and
allow for decisions to be made on the acceptability of the lot at a particular stage in the process. To
complete the monitoring process, data derived from monitoring should be reviewed and evaluated
by a designated person or persons with knowledge and authority to carry out corrective actions
when indicated (see Step 10).
The worst scenario is that in which monitoring procedures indicate that any one of the critical lim-
its is exceeded, which indicates loss of control of a CCP. This lack of control is considered to be a
deviation resulting in the production of a hazardous or unsafe product. The situation requires im-
mediate identification and control of the affected product and corrective action.
Responsibility for monitoring should be clearly defined, and individuals must be adequately trained
in the monitoring procedures for the CCP for which they are responsible. They must also fully
understand the purpose and importance of monitoring. The individual should have ready access to
the monitoring activity, must be unbiased in monitoring and must accurately report the monitoring
The control measures discussed at Step 6 are intended to control a hazard or hazards at each CCP.
The monitoring procedures will determine if the control measures are being implemented and en-
sure that critical limits are not exceeded. The monitoring specifications for each CCP should be
Water activity meters
Chemical analytical equipment
Equipment should undergo periodic calibration or standardization as necessary to ensure accuracy.
However, the variability of the equipment should be considered in setting the critical limits. Opera-
tors should be trained in proper use of the monitoring equipment and should be provided with a
clear description of how the monitoring should be carried out. The details should be relevant to
the type of monitoring performed; for example, it would be important to specify that temperature
measurements for a heating process should be made at the coldest point of the process, while tem-
perature measurements for a cooling process should be made at the warmest part.
Monitoring frequency
Monitoring can be continuous or non-continuous. Where possible, continuous monitoring is pre-
ferred; it is possible for many types of physical or chemical methods. Examples of continuous
monitoring include:
It is important that the responsible individual report all unusual occurrences and deviations from
critical limits immediately to make sure that process adjustments and corrective actions are made in
a timely manner. This person should record and sign all monitoring results and occurrences associ-
ated with monitoring CCPs. Records and documents associated with monitoring CCPs should also
be signed by one or more responsible reviewing officials of the company.
The Codex Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and guidelines for its application
defines corrective action as "any action to be taken when the results of monitoring at the CCP in-
dicate a loss of control". Loss of control is considered as a deviation from a critical limit for a CCP.
Deviation procedures are a predetermined and documented set of actions to be implemented when
a deviation occurs. All deviations must be controlled by taking action(s) to control the non-
compliant product and to correct the cause of non-compliance. Product control includes proper
identification, control and disposition of the affected product. The control and disposition of the
affected product and the corrective action(s) taken must be recorded and filed.
The Codex guidelines for the application of the HACCP system define deviation as "failure to
meet a critical limit". Procedures should be in place to identify, isolate and evaluate products when
critical limits are exceeded. The food business should control deviations as follows.
Identification of deviation
The producer should have a system in place to identify deviations when they occur.
Isolation of affected product
The producer should have effective procedures in place to isolate, mark clearly and control all
product produced during the deviation period.
All affected product, i.e. that processed since the last point at which the CCP was known to
be under control, should be isolated.
Isolated product should be clearly marked, e.g. with firmly attached tags, with information
including: hold number, product, amount, date held, the reason for the hold, the name of
the person holding the product.
The producer should maintain control of the product from the hold date to the date of final
Since the main reason for implementing HACCP is to prevent problems from occurring, corrective
action should be taken to prevent deviation at a CCP. Corrective action should be taken following
any deviation to ensure the safety of the product and to prevent recurrence of the deviation. Cor-
rective action procedures are necessary to determine the cause of the problem, take action to pre-
vent recurrence and follow up with monitoring and reassessment to ensure that the action taken is
effective. If the corrective action does not address the root cause of the deviation, the deviation
could reoccur. The food companys corrective action programme should include the following:
Records should be available to demonstrate the control of products affected by the deviation and
the corrective action taken. Adequate records permit verification that the producer has deviations
under control and has taken effective corrective action. The following information should be rec-
orded in the deviation and corrective action records.
Date produced/held/released
Reason for the hold
Amount of product held
Results of evaluation: amount analysed, analysis report, number and nature of defects
Signature of personnel responsible for hold and evaluation
Disposition of held product (if appropriate)
Signed authorization for disposition
Corrective action
The Codex guidelines define verification as "the application of methods, procedures, tests and oth-
er evaluations, in addition to monitoring to determine compliance with the HACCP plan". Verifi-
cation and auditing methods, procedures and tests, including random sampling and analysis, can be
used to determine if the HACCP system is working correctly.
Each HACCP plan should include verification procedures for individual CCPs. HACCP plans are
expected to evolve and to improve with experience and new information. Periodic verification
helps improve the plan by exposing and strengthening weaknesses in the system and eliminating
unnecessary or ineffective control measures. Verification activities include:
Records should be maintained for all aspects of the HACCP system including monitoring, the de-
viations and the corrective actions (including disposition of product) that occurred at the identified
CCP. Records may be in any form, e.g. processing chart, written record, computerized record. The
importance of records to the HACCP system cannot be overemphasized. It is imperative that the
company maintains complete, current, properly filed and accurate records. Four types of records
should be kept as part of the HACCP programme:
HACCP system records are kept to demonstrate adherence of the HACCP system with the
HACCP plan. These records are used to demonstrate control at CCPs in the food process. The
records generated by the HACCP system include all activities and documentation required by the
plan, as follows.