LemanRuss Tanks
LemanRuss Tanks
LemanRuss Tanks
The Chimera is the standard armoured personnel carrier (APC) of the Imperial Guard and its
chassis is the basis for a large number of other Imperial armoured vehicles such as
the Basilisk artillery andSalamander scout vehicles. The basic Chimera is equipped with a
Multi-Laser but can also be equipped with a variety of other heavy weapons, such as Twin-
linked Heavy Bolters, an Autocannon or a Heavy Flamer.
The Chimera also mounts a hull-mounted Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer and 6 hull-
mounted Lasguns on the vehicle's sides which can be fired from the passenger compartment,
allowing the infantry inside to fire at the enemy. It can carry up to 12 Guardsmen or 6 Ogryns.
The Chimera also has amphibious capabilities, allowing it to take part in naval amphibious
assaults or overcome watery obstacles like swamps and rivers.
The Hellhound is a flame-thrower tank of the Imperial Guard that is based upon the
Imperial Chimera armoured transport chassis. Its main weapon is the Inferno Cannon, also
known as the "Dragonfire Thrower", which is a large Flamer that projects streams of burning
Promethium at range, making the Hellhound well-suited to close-range fire support missions
such as countering enemy melee units that attempt to assault Imperial armour and driving
dug-in enemies out of cover. The Hellhound replaces the troop compartment of the Chimera
with a large Promethium storage tank, as its main weapon needs a lot of fuel to function. The
large storage tank replaces the passenger area at the vehicle's rear, this makes the fuel tank,
and the vehicle itself, vulnerable to enemy weapons. The Hellhound is widely used by the
Imperial Guard as a useful weapon to clear enemies out of cover. Hellhound tanks usually
make up their own company in a regiment, but are rarely fielded as one. Instead the
Hellhound and its variants are attached to infantry and armoured regiments as they are
needed. There are very few Imperial Guard regiments lucky enough to possess an entire
company of these tanks. The crew of a Hellhound are often considered brave as the tank is
prone to exploding catastrophically if an enemy round detonates the fuel tank, but many
Hellhound crews are made up of pyromaniacs, who actually prefer the Hellhound's fire-based
weapons and spend much of their free time playing with the output of the Hellhound's
Promethium dispersal valves to increase the vehicle's fire output. This is discouraged by
Imperial Guard commanders, as it makes these vehicles even more prone to explosion.
The Leman Russ tank can exchange its main weapon for a different weapon which changes
the tank's designation and battlefield role. These variants include:
Leman Russ Demolisher
One of the most common Leman Russ variants, the Leman Russ Demolisher is equipped with
the Demolisher Cannon, and is designed as a short-range bombardment and line-breaker
tank. The extreme power of this weapon is hampered by its short effective range. Demolishers
are valued as close heavy fire support vehicles by the Imperial Guard's infantry units, and it is
the most common variant of the Leman Russ that is equipped with Plasma Cannons and Multi-
Meltas on its sponson mounts in order to make them more effective against heavily armoured