Analysis and Design of 220 KV Transmission Line Tower (A Conventional Method of Analysis and Indian Code Based Design)
Analysis and Design of 220 KV Transmission Line Tower (A Conventional Method of Analysis and Indian Code Based Design)
Analysis and Design of 220 KV Transmission Line Tower (A Conventional Method of Analysis and Indian Code Based Design)
Abstract: Transmission line tower constitute about 28 to 42 percent of the cost of the transmission power line
project. The increasing demand for electricity can be made more economical by developing different light
weight configuration of transmission line tower. In this study an attempt is made to model, analyse and design a
220KV transmission line tower using manual calculations. The tower is designed in wind zone V with base
width 1/5thof total height of the tower. This objective is made by choosing a 220 KV single circuit transmission
line carried by square base self-supporting tower with a view to optimize the existing geometry and then
analysis of the tower has been carried out as a 2-D structure. Structure is made determinate by excluding the
horizontal members and axial forces are calculated using method of joints and design is carried out as per IS
Keywords: Transmission towers, Geometry of tower, Self-supporting tower, Configuration oftower, unit load,
method of joint, deflection, design.
India has a large population residing all over the country and the electricity supply need of this
population creates requirement of large transmission and distribution system. Also, the disposition of the
primary resources for electrical power generation viz., coal, hydro potential is quite uneven, thus again adding to
the transmission requirements. Transmission line is an integrated system consisting of conductor subsystem,
ground wire subsystem and one subsystem for each category of support structure. Mechanical support of
transmission line represents a significant portion of the cost of the line and they play an important role in the
reliable power transmission. They are designed and constructed in wide variety of shapes, types, sizes,
configuration and materials. The supporting structure types used in transmission line generally fall into one of
the three categories: lattice, pole and guyed.
The supports of high voltage transmission lines are normally steel lattice towers. The cost of tower
constitutes about quarter to half of the cost of transmission line and hence optimum tower design will bring in
substantial savings. The selection of an optimum outline together with right type of bracing system contributes
to a large extent in developing an economical design of transmission line tower. The height of tower is fixed by
the user and the structural designer has the task of designing the general configuration and member and joint
details. In this paper, the sag tension calculation is carried for conductor and ground wire using parabolic
equation. Then different loading format including normal condition, top conductor broken, earth wire broken
condition is evaluated.The wind loading is calculated on the longitudinal face of the towers and then two
dimensional analysis of the tower is carried outand accordingly the design is completed for different members.
Transmission Line Voltage: 220 kV (A. / C.) No. of Circuits: Single Circuit
Right of Way (recommended): 35, 000 mm Tower Configuration: Vertical Conductor
Angle of Line Deviation: 0 to 2 degrees Bracing Pattern: Pratt system
Terrain Type Considered: Plain Cross Arm: Pointed
Innovation in engineering science and technology (NCIEST-2015) 40 | Page
JSPMS Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering,Pune-33,Maharashtra ,India
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN : 2278-1684, p-ISSN : 2320334X
PP 40 -49
Terrain Category: 2 (Normal cross country lines Inclination of the tower legs: 70 (with vertical)
with very few obstacles)
Return Period: 50 years Shielding Angle: 30
Wind Zone: 5 Insulator Type: I String
Basic Wind Speed: 50 m/s Number of Insulator Discs: 15
Design Wind Pressure: 793 N/sqm Size of Insulator Disc: 255 145 mm (Skirt
Tower Type: Self-Supporting, Type A Length of Insulator String: 2,500 mm
Tower Geometry: Square Base Tower Creep Effect: Not Considered
2.2. Conductor
A substance or a material which allows the electric current to pass through its body when it is subjected
to a difference of electric potential is known as Conductor. The properties of the conductor considered here are
tabulated in Table1.
2.3. Earthwire
The earthwire is used for protection against direct lightning strokes and the high voltage surges
resulting there from. There will be one or two earthwire depending upon the shielding angle or protection angle.
The earthwire considered for transmission line has the following properties as mentioned in Table 2.
Take, K = F1 - (2)
Table 3. Sag tension for conductor (ASCR)
Temperature variationC 0 32 75
Wind variation % 0 0. 36 0 0.75 1.0 0
Tension (kg) 2282.5 3733.0 3246.24 3108.30 3416.27 2367.23
The dimension of the tower is shown in the Fig 1 Figure 1: Dimensions of tower in meter
Main leg: ISA 20020025 single angle back to back section.
For diagonal bracing: ISA 1001008 single angle
Horizontal bracing: ISA 13013010 single angle
Cross arm bracing: ISA 909012 single angle
To calculate wind load on panels, Fw=PdCdtAeGT
Cdt = drag coefficient for panel considered against which the wind is
Ae = effective area of the panel
GT = gust response factor for towers
w1 bs = w+w1-t
Figure 3: Angles with End Connection.
20 mm bolts
ISA 20020025
16 mm bolts
ISA 1001008
The transmission line tower is a statically indeterminate structure and the manual analysis of such a
structure is very complex. A rigorous analysis considering three dimensional space actions is quite difficult. The
development and application of computer analysis opened up a new and practically unlimited possibilities for
the exact solution of these statically indeterminate structures with precise statically analysis of their three
dimensional performance. However the adopted method of analysis presented in this paper considering linear
behavior with two dimensional approaches gives satisfactory results which should be further verified with
advanced software like STAAD Pro, Ansys etc. As per the design concern all section we consider are found safe
against worst condition. In summary, the study presented here would certainly useful for Design Engineers
basically for the new learners for better understanding the behaviors and the method of analysis and design of
the transmission tower as per Indian Standard Codes of practice in a very simple and easy manner .
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