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My Will Sebastian Kneipp

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The document discusses Sebastian Kneipp's legacy and methods of using water and herbs for healing purposes.

The book is about Sebastian Kneipp's water cure methods and use of medicinal herbs for healing people of various ailments and conditions.

The author discusses the healing powers of water and herbs, and gives rules and methods for applying water treatments as well as using various herbs.


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Prelate Seb. Kneipp Prior Fr. Boniface Reile.



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H. GREYEL Co., &
33, King Steeet, Covent Gaeden, W. C.

peinted in geemany.



All Rights reserved.

is a common practice tor everyone who.

has acquired something or eftected anything
'Y&T^P' i^^ l^is life time, to take steps for securing
/^h\ its continuance in the future, and to make
j^ sure that it hands of those
will fall into the
who will value it and make good use of it,
and it is to ensure this that a Man makes his Will.

I have during the last few years written many

books on various subjects not for my own profit but
for that of mankind, especially for that portion of it
afflicted with pain and wretchedness of whatever
sort. I have written them in the simplest possible
language so that everyone can understand and select
from them that which is helpful in his or her parti-
cular need. Above all I have, in these books, given
rules for people of every rank and condition, rules
for living, and hints how to help themselves in emer-
gencies. My whole effort has been to point out and
explain what the Creator offers us in Water and in
YI Preface.

Herbs. As
an Exhibition various objects are ex-
posed to view, so in these may be found many things
vakiable and serviceable in life.

An old man glancing back over his life will see

clearly the changes that have taken place between
his own childhood and his present age and will re-
cognise the truth of the phrase: ^'The child thinks
differently to the youth, and the youth thinks differ-
ently to the thoughtful man and the experienced

These degrees can quite well apply to my

watei'-cure. It is forty six years ago that I learnt

to recognise water as a healing power and equally

long ago when I began making experiments with

compare myself with a scholar who goes to a

master and learns my teacher was a little book.

I followed up my experiments step by step in order

to gain a clear insight into the healing powers of
water and herbs with the object of applying my
knowledge to benefit mankind.

No ever turns out as perfect the first

coat he makes, it is only by practice and experience
he arrives at full knowledge. It happened to me as
to many
another to be drawn aside from the path I
had chosen and forced into another not ot my seek-
ing. In my
books you can see how I passed from
one experience to another and gained a fuller know-
ledge of the effect of water and the different methods
of applying it. My desire in this new book is to
show how all my experience may bo utihzed for
the benefit of my fellow man. I am now seventv-
Preface. VII

three years old and if I am to accomplish my wish

there must be no delay. I therefore send out this
first world for the use of those who
part into the
are anxious to benefit by my experience and my
advice. If the Creator alloAv me a short time longer
to live I will send out the second part. In other
words, as a man full of days who knows not at what
hour the Lord of Life and Death may call him from
his Avork, I have made 31y Will and leave it in the
hands of my friends, the Executors.
Should the dear Lord bless me still further with
life and health, it is possible that I may enlarge and
complete this my Will and add to it a codicil.

The present book embraces in the first place

the manner in which the showers, bandages, baths,
steam and other applications must be used. Then
follows a list of the common maladies and instruc-
tions how to prevent and how to cure them. I have

noticed particularly those maladies which appear to

me to require help most ; those omitted will be dealt
Avith in the second part.
Those who have read the book I sent out

into the World viz. ''My water-cure" and will com-

pare with this will find that with many of the

applications the duration of time is altered.

The innumerable and those afflicted with

all possible eruptions and pains have induced me to

use the water in the simplest way. Foniierly I or-

dered the hip-bath to be taken for two minutes but
by degrees I have come to the conclusion that two
seconds are long enough for the greater number of
and even for those who could take it
yill Pkeface.

for a longer time two seconds are sufficient. It is

exactly the same with the wrappers or bandages.

I have gradually come where

to the opinion that
the douches are properly applied the bandages are
less necessary ; not that I mean to imply a Avant of
healing power in them. The majority of diseases
may be cured by water used in four different ways,
viz. by washings^ baths, wrappers, and douches.

Although I have always striven to keep myme-

dical practice within bounds so that it should not be
a hindrance to me in my profession as Priest yet
the invalids have come in crowds demanding at-

Without my wishing it and without advertise-

ment of Worishofen outside it, the sick people came
in such numbers that we knew not what to do with
them. At first I used my own washhouses in which
to apply my remedies but as these no longer sufficed
tAVo bath-houses were built above the Village one
for men and one for women.

In that for men were given by the

the douches
superintendant of the Bath-house Johann Kustermann:
for the other I en ployed my nieces Rosina and The-
resa. The time soon came when these new buildings
were found insufficient and tAvo natives of the place
LudAvig Geromiller and Fidel Kreuzer resolved to
meet me halfway.

Each of these men

a beautiful house with
every bathing appliance, one for men and one for
Peeface. IX
A little myself built a house which was
later I
principally designed for Priests; the space not used
by them Avas at the service of laymen.
At the very beginning of my work here my great
desire was that spiritual and temporal matters both
in the Baths and in the Village should be attended
to by the Brothers of Charity and thus it has come
about that my Kurhaus (or Healing Establishment)
which has lately grown very large has been placed
under the direction of the Brothers.

The most remarkable thing was the effect of

water upon the unhappy children many of whom
arrived here in machines half lame^ half blind, half
deaf, while others were bound from head to foot so
diseased were they. As there was no Institute exist-
ing for [them in wished earnestly to
the place I

build a special house for them in which they could

have proper care and water treatment, apart from
the Adults, under the care of the Sisters of the
-My wish was and the so called Childrens'
Asylum was built, and it is large enough to admit
of our taking in more than two hundred children.
And even with this so many children come that the
House cannot take then in and some of them have
always to be accommodated in the Village.
This house stands on a beautiful eminence ad-
joining the Village and affords a lovely view over
the whole neighbourhood as far as the Hochgebirge.
If I could build and pay for a house, there is no
ground or empty space to be seen. It is announced
to all that the poorest and most helpless are to be
X Preface.

assisted as much as possible and none have as yet

been dismissed on account ot poverty. Tliere are
now in the children's house about thirty who pay
nothing at all and are helped and advised out of

This house like the Healing Establishment or Kur-

haus is carried on under the management of mem-
bers of the Order.

Worishofen itself is a lovely village in whicli

the buildings are in very good situations. The in-

habitants are for the most part devoted to agricul-

ture; they have a good deal of ground but it is poor.

At first when the many sick people came to me

the inhabitants looked quietly on, did not trouble
themselves much about them but would have been
better had they stayed away. Because I
got on well and found favor with the Villagers I
easily persuaded them to receive the invalids; they
did it however because I wished it and not at all
because they desired to see Worishofen a watering
place or Spa.

At that time no one thought that the Water-Cure

would take such fast hold and draw together so
many sick people. Now indeed Worishofen is enti-
rely changed. The peasants arrange their dwellings
for the reception of strangers and beside this a large
number of new houses have been built.
As the number of patients increased so rapidly,
it was found necessary to have a Doctor whose
office it was to examine the patients and state their
maladies before they were taught my remedies and
how to practise them.
Preface. XI

111 time several Doctors came; we have eight

now: two from Switzerland, one from Bohemia, one
from Paris, one from Holland, one from Canada and
two from Germany.

Doctors also come who have made experiments

according to my book with good results and who
now wish to make more minute investigations into
ray methods. I myself have neither invited nor
summoned here either patients or doctors. The Doc-
tors who are now believers in my method of treating
the sick have founded a Society in order to enter
upon this system of healing in common and to ground
themselves scientifically. This also has happened
without any sort of action on my part.

Through these doctors a newspaper also has been

started called '^Central-Blatt fiir das Kneipp'sche
Heilverfahren'' which is published by Borchert and
Schmid Kaufbeuren and on which I have also
worked. Doubtless all this has a good tendency if
only harmony can be maintained.

Just now there

are over a hundred places in
which the sick are treated according to my method.
If it be true that many sicknesses and infirmities
remain still unhealed, we must remember that all
commencements are difficult. I have a strong hope
that my method, if it be properly understood and
carried out, will contribute to the well being of the
People and the satisfaction of the Doctors.

Above all may my

healing-method be preserved
pure and unadulterated which was indeed the^main
object of the above named Society of Doctors.
XII Peeface.

Those Avho do not consider water and herbs

heaUng of the sick cannot rightly
sufficient for the
know their power; this is not my opinion only but
that of the most prominent Water-Doctors.

A proof that water and herbs suffice is given

by the thousands of invalids who have found and
still find here relief or' care for those illnesses which

had 'been declared past help.

Nevertheless no herb has been found to ward

off death, neither is water powerful enough for this.

The herbs themselves will be fully described in the

second part if God blesses me with health and time.
May this work was not sought by me
of mine, which
but rather forced upon me, be blessed by Him who led
me into it and who is the Leader and Helper through
the intricate paths of human sufferings.

Worishofen, Auo^ust 1894.

The Author.

First Part.

General Remarks.

K ne i p p , ily Will.
Chapter I.

How do Maladies arise?

he human body is marvellous m

all its parts from

the smallest vein to the largest bone and the

.g^-^-^^f^-JI perfect harmony equally
existing throughout is
X^-^X wonderful. Still this does not exempt the va-
C (k\ rious parts from liability to injury and distur-
1 bance which from time to time deprive them
power to perform their functions. When
of the
this state things obtains in a single part or in the
whole body, the person is said to be ill.

Many and varied are the causes of such disturban-

ces and many are the maladies they produce.

By means of larger or smaller canals, called veins

and arteries, the blood circulates through the whole body
and provides nourishment to the single parts as well as
to the whole. The entire body lives by the blood and
is built up by it. If we examine attentively the exqui-
site mechanism of the arterial system, we are amazed ^t
the simplicity of the circulation of the blood and ask,
how it is possibile for the blood to pass through the
FiEST PART. General eemarks.

little veins without getting blocked or meeting with ac-

cident, and this really does sometimes happen as for
example when an obstruction lies in the course of the
blood. Blood obstructions are often the cause of illnesses
both slight and severe which sometimes end fatally;
and even when the illness is less severe, it often unfits
a man for work of any kind.
a man dies of apoplexy the commencement of
which was a slight obstruction in the blood.

When these
obstructions occur in various parts of the
body, the blood remains as it were cooped up neither
able to advance nor to retire properly; and the result of
this superfluity at a particular point is a great heat
which will inevitably develop an illness. The special parts
of the body suffering from obstructions do not suffer
alone, for while they are afflicted with too much blood,
other parts of the body have not sufficient. It is a case
of over-filling on one side and privation on the other.

A person may have a bad headache from too much

blood in the head, another may have an equally bad time
of it", because there is a lack of blood in his head. One
has pain in the leg occasioned by obstruction in the blood,
another suffers pain in the foot which is thin and with-
out power or warmth showing that there is not enough
blood in it.

weight at the chest is caused by a flow of blood
to causing at the same time pain in the lower part

of the stomach from lack of blood.

can count the number of diseases produced by
defective circulation of the blood?

person came to me this summer with a hundred
boils all over her body which she ascribed to an un-
duly vigorous course of massage which had pressed too
much blood from the veins. The consequence was that
having no flow or outlet, it became foul and corrupt.
This is an illustration on a large scale of what happens
in smaller troubles.
Chaptee I. How DO Maladies arise.

The blood is formed by the food we take; if it be

wholesome and strengthening, the blood will be pure and
good if, on the contrary, the food be unsuitable or want-

ing in nutrition, then the blood becomes poor for exam- ;

ple alcohol contains nothing to nourish the system, on the

contrary its tendency is to hurt it. You cannot take
alcohol without its getting into the blood. If you take
medicine containing poison, the poison remains to infect
the blood. Just so with food and drink taken into the
system; whatever they contain of mischief gets into the
blood and lays the foundation of many various illnesses.
It behoves us therefore to be careful what we eat and
what we drink that we neither impoverish the blood nor
weaken the system : this is the more necessary, because
as a rule our appetites crave rich, unwholesome food and
drink and to yield is to imperil our health and possibly
destroy it.

The use of beer, wine, and brandy prepares an early

grave for many; and almost as mischievous as alcohol
isthe very free use of acids found in various vinegars
and in sweetmeats.

As the blood flows through the arteries to all parts

of the body, so do the juices flow through the small
canals or veins, and in their course both one and the
other are equally subject to obstructions.

Both blood and secretions are rendered unhealthy,

when the food is unwholesome or lacking in nourish-
What is dropsy but a disease of the juices which
converts them into salt and water?

It often happens that a man breaks into a profuse

perspiration without being able to account for it, but the
evaporation proclaims the sweat to stream out of nau-
seous impure secretions. The patient himself will tell
you of the relief the sweat has afforded him. The system
may be nourished or vitiated by that which it receives
and absorbs. Even the very air we breathe contains im-

pure particles which, absorbed by the system, produce


Light is indispensable to health, and where it is

lacking, the whole body A
proof of the life-
giving property of light may be seen in plants; those in
the shade are weak, sickly and colourless, while those in
bright light are strong and vigorous even when the air
is not over pure.

The body is very sensitive to heat and cold and

suffers from an extreme of either.

Diseases are often inherited. Even as children bear

the features of their parents, so do they inherit their
characteristics whether good or evil. It is often said "He
or she has not stolen this vice but inherited it from the
parents." Just so can children inherit disease. If the
parents blood be bad and their bodies diseased and filled
with impure secretions, it is scarcely possible for the
children to escape the like condition. There is a pro-
verb, "As the field so the produce, like father like son;
like mother like daughter." Those children who are born
with poor sickly bodies and impure blood must of neces-
sity be subject to disease all their lives. In daily life
we see hundreds of cases in which the children of un-
healthy parents are also unhealthy thereby proving that
disease is hereditary.

If we could see with our eyes the innumerable and

minute particles floating in the air we constantly breathe,
we should understand that the amount we inhale must
influence the system. The effect of smoking one bad
cigar in a room is sufficient to vitiate the air and make
it dangerous to breathe.

Living continually in vitiated air will soon change

a healthy complexion into an unhealthy one. It is con-
sidered that air breathed three times is somewhat poi-
soned. What must it be then, when the same air is
breathed over and over again? No wonder under these
circumstances that unhealthy symptoms appear. The ex-
Chaptee I. How DO Maladies akise? 7

halations from sick and unhealthy people are injurious to

those in close contact with them, because they inhale the
bad airwhich often communicates disease. This know-
ledge must not make us cowards. A healthy body is
not so liable to attacks as a sickly one and as smoke is
dissolved in the air, so the impure elements will scarcely
affect the healthy person. A weak system on the con-
trary is more easily influenced by the air it inhales
especially if it has a tendency to take in impurities.
Some diseases are specially infectious, for example,
cholera, dysentery, small pox, and several others; and
the reason for this, in my opinion, is that they contain
poisonous matter in a higher degree than others and can
more easily enter the system to its detriment. There
must be however a predisposition in the system to receive
the poisonous matter as we all know of people who have
remained untouched, when these diseases have been raging
around them.
In the year 1855 during an epidemic of cholera the
eating of cucumbers was forbidden. A servant in a mo-
nastery who was fond of them tried to live on them
alone, first because they were cheap, and secondly, to as-
certain if they were really hurtful. He suffered no harm
either from the cucumbers or the cholera.

Dread or sudden fright makes the body susceptible

to disease.

The human body suffers from insanitary dwellings,

unhealthy exhalations from the earth, from marshes, from
dust heaps and from stagnant water. During spring and
autumn it is not unusual to see mists rising from damp
low lands, and they are much more disagreeable than
those emanating from high and dry land. It is absolu-
tely necessary for health that dwelling houses should be
well ventilated and that the land on which they are
built should be thoroughly drained and no stagnant wa-
ter in the neighbourhood.

Much injury is done to the health by many and

varied articles of fashion. For example it is the faohion
g First paet. General remarks.

at the present time to wear boots and shoes with high

heelsand any one comparing the 'foot formed by the Crea-
tor with a fashionable shoe will wonder not a little how
it can be protected by such a covering. Generally too
the boot is pointed and the toes have no means of ex-
tending themselves. That which is cramped is sick and
unable to perform its part of a healthy body.

The high heeled shoes demand immoderately high

stepping to avoid stumbling. Each step therefore gives
a sharp shock to the heel which is carried on to the
bones, veins, and arteries. Proofs of the injury to the
system by these fashionable shoes can be had by hun-
dreds. So badly adapted to the foot is the fashionable
shoe that it has to be tied on by lace or elastic to
enable a person to walk. Sprains are of constant occur-
rence, and it is impossible for the blood to circulate
through a foot so compressed if it passes into the foot,

it cannot get out and gradually it comes to pass that

the foot cannot perform its work for want of nourish-
ment. A person who is the slave of fashion is a poor
thing and must bear the consequence of her folly. Some
of the results of wearing these shoes may be seen in
pains in the insteps and ankle bones and bad sores on
the feet which seldom heal.

Aristocrats and peasants alike appreciate the perfect

physique of a fine horse. I too admire a beautiful horse,

and I know
that infinite care is bestowed on horse breed-
ing, butnever heard of such a folly as putting on a
cuirass in order to render the figure and beauty of the
horse more perfect. Whether Lord or Peasant attempted
such an act of folly, he would be looked upon as
a fool.

Yet what man would think laughable for animals is

adopted by women with zeal. A cairass or so called
corset is laced so tightly over breast and waist that wo-
men can scarcely bend or breathe; of course this can
only result in injury to the health. The blood must
nourish and warm all parts of the body and to do this
Chapter I. How do Maladies aeise? 9

it must flow uninterraptedly through the proper channels.

Part of the veins and arteries he near the surface, while
others lie deeper, and it is easy to see that those parts
of the body which are compressed by tight lacing cannot
be properly nourished; and without nourishment they
become weak and diseased. By tight lacing healthy
growth is stopped.
We dare not interfere with or place hindrances in
the way of the functions of our bodies such is nature's

law. The bones of the young are pliable and soft, and
by constant compression they may be distorted out of
their natural form and prevented from full development.
This treatment leaves the body weak and troubled.
I have known girls, who were perfect models accor-
ding to Fashion Plates, unable to bend their bodies suf-
ficiently to pick an object off the floor, so thoroughly had
they weakened their bodies. Such weakness makes them
prematurely old and feeble and liable to pain, beside ren-
dering them unfit for any healthy vocation.

were a legislator, I would pass a law forbidding

If I
marriage with a person whose habit was to tight lace,
not on her account so much as on that of the children
who through her folly will probably come into the world
weak, deformed or still born. How could it be other-
wise, when there is no space for full development?

no unusual thing to see children of the upper

It is
classes weak, nervous,and pale, a condition brought about
not merely by careless bringing up but by the mothers
having been slaves of fashion and tight lacing.

Who among not afraid of diseases of the liver ?

us is

He is indeed happy whose liver is healthy and well deve-

loped, but this is not possible with tight lacing of the
waist. A famous doctor has assured me that the body
of a person who has laced tightly when dissected shows
a dried up, wasted and deformed liver.

A tight corset is also injurious to the organs of the

stomach which it compresses. How can the blood cir-

culate freely when it is forced ont of its proper chan-

nel? The result is that it gradually forms growths or
tumours which have to be removed by the knife or left
to produce death.

It is not only on the abdomen but also on the upper

part of the body that the harmful effects of the corset
are to be seen. When the circulation of the blood has
been impeded by squeezing the veins aud arteries and it
fails to nourish the body, the blood goes partly to the
chest but the greater part to the head. The feet natu-
rally get cold, because the blood does not descend and
the heat and pain in the head will be intense, because of
the undue amount of blood pressing into it in short the

corset prevents the natural development of the organs of

the body; it ages, weakens and decays the system and
makes life a burden. To avert these evils we must
appeal to the parents for their help.

I knew a man and clever in every way w^ho

had heard and its evil results. His daugh-
of the corset
ter obtained one secretly, wearing it only on Sundays
and holidays* When the father found that his girl was
using this instrument of torture he took a cord, made
one or two knots in it, and whipped her until she pro-
mised never in her life again to wear it. He was right,
and I have a great respect for him. Why is it that the
country people only wear corsets on Sundays and festi-
vals? For the simple reason that they cannot do their
work in a corset which deprives them of strength, acti-
vity and vitality.

I object also to too much covering up of the throat.

x\s long as I can remember, certain wrappings about the
throat have been the fashion and have never lacked fol-
lowers. Some years ago it was the fashion to wear com-
forters and neck-ties as protection against coughs and
affections of thethroat. At first this met with great
favor. Every toddling boy and old man wore one and it
was thought, there would be no more coughs now that
the throats were well covered. Alas, it was found that
Chapter I. How do Maladies aeise ? J 1

these coverings made people weak and therefore more

subject to coughs and mflammation of throats than be-
fore: and a comforter is scarcely seen now-a-days. The
fashion is now a very narrow tie, tight round the throat.
Many men wear collars which look as though they were
made of tin plate. The object seems to screw up the
neck tight within it and to fix the head as it were by
a metallic band. Those who follow this fashion do not
perhaps know that there is on the right and left of the
neck quite near to the surface a large artery leading to
the head and that this pressure of the stiff collar upon
it prevents the blood passing freely into the head, thereby
causing obstructions.
The neck should be as free and open as possible that
perspiration may have full play and that fresh air having
free access to thethroat may strengthen it. A throat
constantly wrapped up becomes weak and liable to va-
rious maladies.

Among the things I do not understand is the prac-

tice of wearing gloves in the house or in very warm
weather. If you shake the hand which has been so gloved
you will find it weak, flabby, and damp, seldom warm
in summer and you may imagine what it is like in win-
ter. Of course such hands are never warm. Free per-
spiration is prevented by the gloves and that which is
thrown out begins to decompose. The hands being al-
ways cold is a sign that they are neither properly nou-
rished nor fully developed. But if it is the fashion to
stunt the growth of various parts of our bodies, so be
it, I have nothing to say.

I am
no judge of the comfort of gloves never having
worn them in my life, but this I know I never have cold
hands in the summer weather and they are cleaner
without than with gloves and I can use them as I like.

Debility or the lack of power to resist is a great

evil. Look at the trees on the border of a forest espe-
cially those on the side most exposed to wind and storms,
and you will find that they have a much greater power

of resistance than those growing in the centre of the

forest. If yoii opened up a way to these sheltered trees
and exposed them to the rough stormy blasts borne by
the outside ones they would bend, become uprooted,
and die.
The reason being that they have always been so
protected and sheltered that they have no power to re-
sist the stormy blasts. Those, on the contrary, which
have grown up on the border become daily stronger
by the constant exposure to wind and weather and have
developed such deep roots that it would be difficult to
stir them.
There stands in the middle of Worishofen a single
pine tree more than a hundred years old which no storm
has been able to uproot.

These trees are a good illustration of the feeble and

hardy men. There are thousands of people who never
feel really well and strong, and yet there is nothing ra-
dically wrong about them. In nearly every case it is
debility, the want of power to resist that places them at
the mercy of every storm. I do not think I am wrong,

when I describe the age in which we live as one of ef-

feminacy and luxurious ease. Never has the average of
human life been lower. Some years ago statistics proved
the average duration of life to be thirty four; whereas
it is now twenty eight. There is no doubt that de-
bility, produced by luxurious ease, is one of the chief
causes of the deterioration of our race, and why it has
no power of resistance and is easily overcome by trifles.

There is scarcely a disease which does not find easy

entrance into an enfeebled delicate system, simply because
there is no power of resistance. It would be quite ano-
ther thing to try and gain admission into the hardy brave
constitution which would resist with all its might.

Debility opens the door freely to all kinds of disease

a good many of which are brought on by coughs. En-
feebled people always have coughs more or less all the
year round with scarcely any cessation, whereas a strong
Chaptee I. How DO Maladies arise? 13

hardy man rarely has one, and even if he has, he quickly

throws it off.
A chronic cough is very serious in its consequences,
it produces loss of appetite and consumption and wears
out those parts of the body it attacks. I am assured

by a very able doctor that all kinds of diseases and even

death itself may result from a cough.
My idea of debility is that it leads to all sorts of
troubles, that its evil influence penetrates all parts of the
body and renders a man incapable of undertaking with
success any career.

A young priest came to me in his distress. He had

no private means by which to live and was quite unable
to work or continue his ministry; he could not live and
he could not die, he could only be miserable. His chief
possessions consisted in the many wraps he carried about
with him with which he tried to alleviate his misery. He
wore three pairs of drawers and two woollen shirts and
was wrapped from head to foot. He could only groan
at his discomfort; his mind was depressed, his body unable
to work, though his system was in the main sound.

He began by taking woollen clothes and

off his
replacing them by simpler coverings; his body was bra-
ced by the use of cold water, and both it and his mind
got back to a healthy condition. He resumed his career
with confidence, he continued the treatment prescribed
by me and in two years became a professor. He is up
to the present time fulfilling his duties with ability and
occupying the professor's chair with success whereas in
his former weakened state, he could not be employed even
as a curate.

How did he manage to get into such a state of

weakness as that in which I first saw him? His account
is, he took cold and sent for a doctor and after taking

physic he had spasms. Gradually he became weaker, more

nervous and low spirited, and the least thing tried
him. Now^ he is as calm and well balanced as a man
can be.
14 First part. General remarks .

I could point out thousands of instances of people

who, through debility have become ill and unable to ful-
fil the duties of their trade or profession, and I think it

high time that a reaction should set in which will make

the bracing and strengthening of the body the fashion
and that it should not be said of us in the future "When
the average duration of human life was at its lowest,
there was no one who lent a hand to raise it."

Yet there are so many among us who, by bracing

and strengthening their systems, have overcome trouble
and illnesses and preserved their livGs that. I cannot help
sayingon no pretext yield to debility which must lead
to a premature death.

"Too much or too little spoils the game" is a Ger-

man proverb.

Just as weakening and pampering ourselves may

produce many on the other hand must we guard
evils so
against cold which can be equally prolific of evil. The
body must be protected from the heat in summer and
from the cold in winter, but moderation Uiust be obser-
ved in the choice of our clothing that it be not too hot
and heavy in winter nor too light in summer.

A wide-spread and most tormenting disease is Itch.

I have known it from my childhood on account of my
parents having cured it by a salve made of brandy, sul-
phur and lard, (there might have been some other in-
gredient). After a few times of rubbing with this, the
disease for the time was cured though it sometimes made
its appearance later. This treatment of Itch was in my
opinion very wrong and even dangerous. Itch is only a
tiny living w^orm which burrows under the skin as a mole
does underground in winter. By the use of this salve
the creature was either driven deeper to reappear by and
by or suffocated and difficult to expel.
Itch highly contagious and is transmitted through
clothing and bedding. If one suffers long with this di-
sease, the effect upon the body is serious; the secretions
and blood become poisoned and sleeplessness comes on.
Chapter I. How do Maladies aeise? 15

I however warn every one against the use of salves or

other external remedies; there is but one efPectual means
of getting rid of it, and that is to purify the blood. Many
persons otherwise sound have been cured of Itch in Wo-
rishofen by baths especially by the use of the hip-bath
and needle douche. Twenty years ago, I cured many
cases by means of a green soap which the patient rub-
bed thoroughly over his whole body and immediately
after took a warm bath 30 to 32*^ of heat. In this way
the expelled vermin were washed away. After this pro-
cess it was quite necessary to put on fresh clothing for
fear of contamination with the old. Two or at most
three baths were sufficient for a complete cure. Itch is
infectious so far that the creatures pass from dresses and
beds of people to other dresses and beds. As men are
liable to this class of disease, so are animals, who indeed
frequently communicate it to men. Trichina, for instance,
is only a living thing which is either developed in or
has penetrated into the system of the animal and which
can be transmitted to the human frame. This is why I
cannot understand )iow so many people persist in eating
raw meat. Trichina having made such ravages.

The Tape worm it is proved is communicated mostly

by eating raw or underdone meat. The egg enters the
stomach and is hatched there and the creature often
attains a great length.

Seeing that the tape worm is so injurious to the

system, one cannot but feel thankful that an infallible and
easy means of getting rid of it has been found formerly
the most severe remedies were necessary. Thirty six
years ago one of my neighbours here was afflicted with
tape worms, and so violent were the remedies used that
they were supposed to have caused his death.

When one thinks of the number of diseases to which

the human body is liable, one cannot help asking where
can the means be found to cure so many? How well
provided the doctor must be with materials to combat
all the miseries brought to him! My answer is, "Water
15 First part. General remraks.

and herbs are furnished by our Creator as the best means

of alleviating our miseries and restoring our health." The
question is: How is the water to be applied? and what
plants are effectual as remedies?
When a body is sick, it is evident that the beauti-
ful harmony of the various parts has been turned into
discord; either impure elements have developed or been
absorbed. In either case remedies are for the purpose of
dissolving and expelling the unsound matter and must
be applied till the body is free of it and therefore restored
to health. Of course when one sees the number and
variety of the diseases, it is easy to understand that the
water and herbs must be used in many and different
ways; applying sometimes much, sometimes little; some-
times on a part and sometimes on the whole of the body;
neither too little, nor too much, nor too often; every-
thing in its proper time and place this is the great art.

We will now give examples of the way to cure di-

seases both simple and complicated by water and herbs.
Chapter II.

In what Condition must a man be to

undergo Treatment?

irst and foremost his body must be normally

warm, neither cold nor shivering; and further
i. this warmth must be obtained by motion, by
work, or by remaining in a warm room. He
who is only half warm will derive little or no
benefit from an application of w^ater, indeed it
may prove injurious; because in the struggle
between the cold water and the warmth of the body the
latter, if insufficient, would not hold its own and the cold
water would be conqueror. The effect of this would
probably be fever.
The Body therefore must be warm.
Some warmth for the feet by walking in snow
which easilyprovokes heat and preserves it. Walking
bare-foot in cold water is a quick way of warming the
feet but these two applications should not exceed three
to five minutes. The colder the water, the quicker and
stronger will be the reaction.
Kneipp, My Will. 2

The question arises "how warm should one be ? and

can one go into the cold water while perspiring?" The
answer is "The greater the natural warmth of the body,
the better for the struggle with cold water, and he
it is

who takes the application with perspiration trickling

from every pore will derive the greatest benefit."
All my have heard warnings against going
life long I

into cold water while perspiring; yetI have taken more

than five hundred baths during a state of free perspira-

tion and have prescribed them for others with the very
best results.
stands to reason that if warmth is a force against
cold water the greater the heat the greater the force.

It is commonly said that the blood is heated and

excited by great heat
this is true but the condition is

at once improved by the cold water; just as a person

derives the greatest comfort when freely perspiring by
rinsing his face and hands in cold water. If by great
heat and rapid walking the pulse should beat a hundred
and fifty times a minute before the bath, the beats will
be reduced to eighty or at the outside ninety by the
time the man gets out of the bath.
It is said that the lungs cannot act quickly enough
and that this sudden pressure upon them may be hurt-
ful and even bring on paralysis. But this is another
mistake. It is not possible that in the short space of
two seconds water can so penetrate the inner organs as
to destroy them: the person goes into the water only
up to the breast and in a second much of the superfluous
heat is absorbed while the remainder is got rid of by
rapidly washing the chest. There would be no harm
in subsequently plunging into the water up to the neck
or in washing the upper part of the body and finish up
by a bath.
be asked how long is a bath to
If it last? I say
the shorter the better; the usual time is from one to
two seconds; only on very rare occasions from five to
six. It is precisely in this direction that mistakes are

Chaptfb, II. Condition to UNDEEao teeatment? 19

made: for remaining too long in the water destroys its

efficacy and tortures the body.
Imagine how much heat is lost by the body which
remains from six to ten minutes in the water: a loss
most difficult to get back. One or two seconds removes
very little warmth and develops a most agreeable feeling
which accounts for the fact that people who used to
dread the bath take it now with pleasure.
The question is often asked "How cold must the
water be?" and my answer is "the colder the better?"
My experience, as well as that of others, is that a mix-
ture of snow with the water is very beneficial. A cer-
tain repugnance is felt at first to the mixture of snow
with water, but there is no hanging back from it when
once tried, so great is the comfort to the body from the
increased cold. I repeat the colder the water the better
it is.

This principle must be applied Avith great caution in

dealing Avith children and old people. Plunge the child
even when a few days old into cold water while you
count two, replace it quickly into the warm bed from
which it wa's taken and the baby will be warm at once
this is a good basis for bracing the system and making
it hardy. A lady of high rank came to me this year
she was somewhat old and so emaciated and feeble as
to be scarcely able to walk she begged that T would at

firstuse tepid water as she had herself commenced by

taking warm footbaths.
gave her a gentle thigh douche of quite cold water,
the effect of which was qaickly to give warmth. After
this she never used warm water, because she gained more
warmth and strength from cold thus confirming my state-

ment that the coldest water is the best. It does not

matter whether the water be from river, well, or foun-
tain so long as it is clean and fresh. Another question
often asked is "Are we to hop or spring into the water?
My answer is always "Go quietly into the water" and in
applying douches to the various parts of the body or to
the whole of it I say use care and gentleness,
20 First part. General remarks.

I advise going into the water slowly so as to avoid

shock to the system or a too great pressure on it. To go

in leisurely works no harm while too rapid an entrance
is occasionally dangerous.

school boy, wishing to take a bath, took a sharp
run and leaped into the water which was about three
or four feet deep. As he sprang in he went under and
was drowned. This could not be due to the coldness of
the water, for it was summer, but to the shock to the
heart and lungs caused by the rapid plunge which resulted
in paralysis.

I have known three similar cases which have of

course been attributed to the water although it was sum-
mer. However it is for us to bear in mind that water
must be applied gently and carefully to the whole body.
Again many ask "When is the proper time to take
a bath?" My answer is, that as the action of water on
the body is rarely if ever injurious it may without anx-
iety be taken at any time, but a difference should be
made between a beginner and one accustomed to w^ater
and to whom a bath is as simple as washing his hands.
I myself have taken many cold baths at midnight
and at two or three o'clock in the morning when I could
not sleep. I take one also when I rise, and when the
day's work is over, and often before and after meals and
I have received good from them all.

In the course of time I have acquired so much na-

tural warmth that I can dispense with the exercise gene-
rally considered necessary after bathing. As a rule I am
warmer after a bath than before. In my opinion begin-
ners should avoid bathing immediately before and after
meals, because it does not then afford them the neces-
sary warmth: Neither in the evening just before going
to bed as the body is weary and wanting sleep which
would be interfered with by the excitement produced by
bathing. Though I do not advise it, I know many who
take a bath just before going to bed and who sleep the
better for it; in such cases no harm is done. Each per-

son can really judge for himself the best time to take
a bath.
The action of the water upon the system in one
such application is so gentle and gradual that there can
foe no question of over excitement. Another question ari-
ses "What is to be done after taking the bath?" In
order to get good results the body must, as we have
said, be warm before taking the bath and it must be
thoroughly warm as quickly as possible after taking it.
This is one of the most important points in water cure.

He who is unaccustomed to water must take double

care to regain his natural warmth as quickly as possible
either by outdoor exercise or walking up and down in a
warm room.
It must not be forgotten that, when the reaction sets
in and the person experiences an agreeable warmth, he
may be subject to a second or even a third reaction; so*
if he finds himself shivering, he must resume exercise
until warmth returns again. Gymnastics may be resorted
to in such a case, but I must warn against such violent
movements as will fatigue even a rested body which
would greatly reduce the benefit gained by the bath. In
all cases the body must be dealt with carefully.

As baths should be taken in the

far as possible the
morning. however, one is obliged to take them in

the afternoon, let it be an hour or two after the midday

meal or an hour or two before supper. A bath may be
taken with advantage at night after the first sleep, when
the body is thoroughly warm and somewhat rested, if the
person goes back to bed at once to regain his natural heat.
Part IL

Bracing by Water.
^- tu^ '. i,'-^^

Chapter HI.

"Going bare-foot."

It is not at all uncommon in life to treat with

scorn and neglect certain valuable means of

gaining health and strength. One of these is
"Goino^ bare- foot." If people only knew the im-

^p\ portance of this, it would not be neglected. It

i is most beneficial in developing and strengthen-

ing growing children.

The old as well as the young may derive comfort

and strength by walking bare-foot in a garden or on wet
stones; and w^hoever you are, dear readers, I beg you
not to neglect to spare ten minutes from time to time
for this exercise.
If you cannot do it in the open air, do it in the
house or even in your room before going to bed and
nothing but good will come of it.
Those who accustom their feet to this healthful prac-
tice are wise, and those w^ho neglect to brace and streng-
then them are, I think, most unfortunate. Whether your
position be high or low or whether you wTap your feet
up or leave them bare, it does not alter the fact that
26 Part II. Bracing by water.

they are made to tread the earth and carry the human
body, and that can only be done, if they are hardy and
well nourished. It is a great misfortune when, as is
often the case, the feet are too poor and weak to do
their work properly. Those who go bare-foot never suf-
fer from cold feet which is the result of poorness of
blood and too little of it. Not only does going bare-
foot strengthen and nourish the feet by drawing the blood
down to them, and by causing a proper flow and circu-
lation of the blood through the body but it also streng-
thens the organs of the stomach. How many people have
come to me suffering from catarrh and diseases of the
bladder! I may say that not one of them had ever at-
tempted to strengthen his feet and lower part of the body
by going bare-foot, indeed he would scarcely have dared to
walk across the room without shoes and stockings. The
circulation of the blood is much disturbed by debility
and cold feet and, in this condition, diseases of the
bowels, the kidneys and the bladder are easily brought on.
The proof lies in this, that w^e cure these diseases by
well regulated applications of cold water and by going

Consumptive people are, as a rule, very weak to

begin with, and consumption is often the result of a
neglected cold. It stands to reason therefore that this
disease may be avoided by bracing and strengthening
the body. And for this there -is nothing so good as
going bare-foot ! It is the best protection against micro-
bes, because it strengthens the system and enables it to
resist bravely the entrance into it of all injurious matter.

How many by women

of the miseries specially borne
have been due to imperfect circulation! Miseries which
might have been avoided had simple remedies been used
to strengthen the feet and the organs of the stomach.
Therefore, to women even more than to men, I recom-
mend the constant practice of goin<^ bare-foot from in-
fancy to old age and this recommendation I beg them to
lay to heart. .
Chapter III. Going bare-foot. 27

Many people feel oppression of the chest and heart

even when the upper part of their body is in good or-
der: the reason is that the abdomen being weak, the
blood flows too rapidly into the chest and produces dis-

"Going bare-foot" will attract the blood from the

chest to the abdomen and from the abdomen to the feet
and so on without interruption.

A girl of twenty-four years of age complained to

me that she suffered always from tightness and weight
at the chest and it w^as so bad as to prevent her from
working. I advised her to go b.ire-foof for half an hour

twice a day or to wade in water for three minutes. At

the end of a month, she was perfectly well and only had
the pain, when her feet were cold. If the force of the
blood to the lungs is too great, it produces difficult
breathing, cough and irritation of the throat, all of which
may be traced to the weakness of feet and stomach
wdrich disturbs the even circulation of the blood. The
going bare-foot will, however, regulate this and brace and
strengthen the body.

Thousands of people suffer constantly from headache

and try remedy after remedy for it in vain.

you ask them "how are your feet?" the answer

is The headache arises there-
invariably "Always cold."
fore from too much blood in the head.

I have had the assurance from a very large number

of these that they owe first the alleviation of their pain
and finally the cure of their headache entirely to goiii^ bare-
Try it for yourselves go bare-foot on the ground
or on the grass and, whether you are suffering headache
or only dizziness, you will soon experience that the pres
sure is removed and the head clearer. A gentleman
wrote to me that he had been a sufferer for more than
thirty years with intense headaches and that during that
time he had scarcely been free from pain for an hour;
that he had tried every possible remedy in vain; he now
28 Paet IL Beacing by water.

mado a trial of going bare-foot as recommended in "My

Water cure" and that after the first trial he found relief
and in continuing it became stronger and lost the head-
ache altogether, a thing he thought impossible.
Only necessity drove him to try "going bare-foot".
All his relations were opposed to it and firmly believed
it would entirely undermine his health.
Going bare-foot has indirectly a great influence on
the stomach for, the stronger a man is, the stronger and

more active is his system, and the easier will the stomach
perform its duties. In short, "going bare-foot" is the
best protection against all maladies and for this reason,
that by it the body is made strong and the circulation
of the blood regulated. The origin of nearly every ill-
ness may be traced to debility and disturbance in the
circulation of th:i blood.
How children long for the country when the spring
has passed that they may run bare-foot! They love it
because it makes them and does them so
so comfortable
much good and I would never put on shoes
believe they
and stockings again, unless they were compelled.
Going bare-foot is not only good for country folk,
but is even better for town people. The business man
sitting all day long in his office with heavy aching head
counts the minutes until his return home exactly as the
day labourer counts the strokes of the clock which an-
nounces his release from work. His head is heavy, for
the close work has sent the blood so rapidly into it ma-
king it burning hot, while his feet are like ice. Now
what could he better for such a man than a quarter,
or better, half an hour's practice in going bare-
foot? The sleepy heaviness would soon disappear, the
blood would be drawn from the head, the movement
would act beneficially on the whole body and, last but not
least, the feet would be quite warm. I recommend going
bare-foot not only as a relief, but as a protection against
many diseases peculiar to those who lead a sedentary
life, in which the brain has too much to do and the body

too little.
Chapter III. Going baee-foot. 29

That which appKes to the man of business appUes

equally to all whose occupations confine them to the
house, whether they be students or clerks.

A couple of years ago, a surgeon in the Army came

to Worishofen, where he heard and saw so much about
the benefit and comfort derived by the sick from the
practice of going' bare- foot that he determined to try it
himself. On leaving our village, he said to me ''I could
not have believed that'' "'going bare-foot" could have
produced such w^onderful results; it clears the head and
strengthens the body, and makes one feel as fresh and
strong after it as one felt weak and faint before it; and
on my return home, I shall do ail in my power to in-
duce the military authorities to introduce "going bare-
foot" into the Army for the purpose of strengthening all
parts of the body."

He was quite right. Woe to the unhappy soldier

W'ho in the manoeuvres and on forced marches is weak
and debilitated; the others have no compassion on him;
they simply deride and laugh at him wdiereas the hardy,

brave, strong soldier commands at all times respect and

commendation. If a soldier fears "going bare-foot" for
a few^ minutes, how will he endure forced marches? he
will soon be exhausted, his feet will blister, his knapsack
will be too heavy, he will look like a cripple and the
picture of misery, and be called "a good for nothing".

Ihave seen many students and clerks join the Army

w'ho, in a short time, lost half the health and strength'
they started with and never recovered from the fatigue.
These are some of the strongest proofs that bracing and
strengthening the body is an absolute necessity for every
career. If the feet are neglected, the whole body suffers.
What I have said of soldiers I say of all. How can a
man who has never gone bare-foot stand with impunity
a night on the field! If only I had influence with ,the
military authorities, I would make it a law that every
soldier should "go bare-foot" daily or on alternate days
for half an hour at least, and to make the strengthening
30 Part II. Beacing by ^YATER.

process complete I would further order the takmg of a

half bath two or \ree times a week for the space of
three seconds. H<. "^asy all this is to do! The officer
could go about his ^e in the morning and the soldier
in his barracks morx and evening bare-foot; it is not
necessary to march & .1^ outdoors in this condition, if
they don't like it, thY" great thing is to expose the feet
to the air.

The "going bare-foot" acts like a plaister drawing

all the impurities to the feet and then getting rid of

It has lately come to my knowledge that a certain

professor obliges his students to^ ''go bare- foot"every
day for an hour after which he gives his first lecture
and not till then. I make my bow to this professor and
I am certain there is no nervousness among his students.

To parents, I would say "Let your children go bare-

foot as much as possible." To teachers "Care for the
health of your pupils and see that they do not omit
guiiig bare-foot and to the students of every class and
degree I say "secure yourselves from debility and ner-
vousness by a constant practice of going bare-foot".

Who is so unhappy as a nervous man who, on ac-

count of this weakness is unable to fulfil the duties of
the career for which he has sacrificed so much?

In asylums for children you see not only orphans

but diseased and crippled children. It is of great im-
portance therefore that "going bare-foot" should be in-
troduced into these institutions in order that the bodies
may be strengthened and made healthy. This being suc-
cessful, the healthy mind will follow. If I had my way,
no shoes would be worn in orphan asylums. In many
schools there are halls or kitchens with brick floors;
these would be capital for the practice of "going bare-

The lot of factory and mill hands is generally re-

garded as unhappy, because as a rule so many weak and

undeveloped girls work in them and spend what little

strength they have in gaining their daily bread. To them

I would say a few earnest words. ''If you are weak from
birth, take care that you do not become weaker, and I
beg you not to confine your efforts to nourishing the
body but to the bracing and t ,^2;thening of it: and
the first step towards this is th^^abit of g^oing^ bare-
foot. If employers desired the mor. as well as the phy-
sical well being of their workers, they would not only
provide them with the means of earning a livelihood, bat
also with the means of bracing and strengthening their
bodies. Here again the first step towards it is the
"goin^ bare-foot" which I would make compulsory. The
body being strengthened would act upon the mind, and
employers aud hands would equally benefit by this im-
provement. The workers would perform their tasks with
ease and content and earn their bread honourably and it
could no longer be said as it often is now 'T was never
strong but I lost the little strength I had, when working
in the factory."

I wish much that what a manufacturer promised me

might become a universal practice viz. that he would see
that his employees should have the opportunity of wad-
ing in water, taking hip-baths, and "going- bare foot"*
I look upon this man as a benefactor and a father to
his workpeople.

Nor would I exempt the upper classes from going

bare-foot. Three years ago, a duchess came here for the
cure quite as much out of curiosity as from a desire
to be healed of her sickness. She tried "going bare-foot"
thoroughly; she walked about all day long in this way.
One day she said to me "Oh, how I wish my dear mo-
ther had included "going bare-foot" in my bringing up.
How thankful I should be to her now. As a child I
had always an intense longing to go about without my
shoes and stockings and envied every bare-footed child I
saw. But my mother having forbidden it my governess
punished me severely, whenever she found me without
my shoes and stockings. Now I see the good effects of
32 Pakt II. Beacing by wateb.

going bare-foot, I am quite sure that I should have been

spared much suifering, if I had followed my strong incli-
To my question "What was the objection to your
goino^ bare- foot!" answered "My mother considered
it undignified for the^kild of a duke." May all mothers
of high position tal^Khis to heart, that they earn not
the reproach of their children for having neglected their
health. AVhat is there dishonourable or undignified in
a child of the aristocracy going bare-foot? Surely it is
better to practise this if by so doing debility is removed
and the body strengthened in every part. It should be
a source of pride to the parents to feel that they have
done their duty and that their children are healthy and
Going bare-foot should be very popular among people
of every age, position and sex, because of its power to
comfort and strengthen as well as to prevent disease
and pain.
Goings bare-foot for a few seconds only is not suffi-
cient; practise it as often and as long as you can and
if you cannot manage it out of doors do it within the

house and at all times let the covering of the feet be

I knew a priest whose feet were always cold even
when sitting in a warm room or wearing two
or three pairs of stockings. He said to me "Surely, there
must be some means by which I can keep my feet warm
in a hot room." I told him to take off his boots and
keep on only one pair of stockings and they would be
warmer, but that first he must wade two or three mi-
nutes daily in cold water and that would harden and
warm them quicker than anything. He followed my ad-
vice and, in a few days, he was sufficiently cured to wear
stockings only in doors and a little later to wear san-
dals, and now his feet are perfectly warm.
! ;

Chapter III. The wearing oe sandals. 33

The Wearing of Sandals.

During the last three years we have introdaced the
wearing of sandals in Worishofen not instead of going
bare- foot but as a supplement to it. I am sorry I did

not make use of them sooner it is true I had seen them


worn by the Capuchins but thei'Pv value never struck me.

My large experience has taught me that most of the
evils which attack the various parts of the body, spe-
cially the feet, have their origin in weakness and this
knowledge induced me to combine the wearing of san-
dals with the going bare-fuot in my treatment. No
sooner ^vere they worn by a few patients than the desire
for them spread rapidly through the village and every one was
to be seen buying and wearing them as proudly as a child
puts on a new frock. The chief reason for the hearty
welcome given to the sandals lay in the fact that the
unhardened skin suffered from contact with the rough
bare ground, and the feet were often injured by splinters
and then the sandals were so light and easy to walk in
with the advantage of having the upper part of the foot
uncovered. As the w^earing of sandals became general,
I noticed that many of the wp.arers had swollen feet,
blisters or ulcers and complained of great pain. How
much this state of things taught me
Just because free perspiration had been prevented
hitherto by the constant use of shoes and stockings, the
secretions w^ere retained between the skin and flesh and
caused much disturbance, and I am not wrong in saying
"Going bare-foot" gave the pent up matter the oppor-
tunity of escape; hence the pained and blistered feet.

If neither light nor air can penetrate the feet, it

stands to reason that perspiration is impossible and the
whole body suffers from impeded secretions. By going
bare-foot light and air get to the feet, developing heal-
thy action and enabling them to get rid of impure matter
in a natural way. Free circulation is sometimes hindered
by wearing shoes, the result of which is three or four
weeks of swollen feet with unbroken skin. I ask, what
K ne ipp, My Will. 3
34 Part II. Brachstg by watee.

is more natural than that illness should result from the

keeping pent up in the system impure matter giving it

no chance of escape?

I opine that in such a condition eruptions cannot

be avoided unles subject to constant bathing.

Notwithstanding the pain and trouble experienced

at first by the sandal wearers, they courageously perse-
vered in continuing their use. On the other hand there
were many quite discontent at having no eruptions on
their feet, because those who had suffered from them
could not express the relief they had afforded and^the
ease with which they could subsequently walk.

To cure the wounded feet we should never think of

driving the evil matter back and covering it up; on the
contrary, w^e should apply means to draw it all out and
then the wound would heal of itself.

As time went on the wearing of sandals was not

confined to any class or condition of people; with bishops,
cardinals, dukes and others of high rank they were
quite as popular as with the people of low degree and
there were very few who failed to take sandals with
them on their return home.

It is my belief that sixty thousand pairs of sandals

are sold in Worishofen every year and I only wish that
every one would replace leather boots by sandals at least
in summer.

Wading in Water, Walking on Wet Grass, on Wet

Stones and in Snow.

As "going- bare-foot" and wearing sandals are im-

portant means of bracing, strengthening and protecting
the body, so great benefit is derived from wading in
water, in walking on wet grass, wet stones and in snow.
Chaptek III. Wading in water etc. 35

The wading should be in the coldest water and not

for longer than from two to four minutes. It is streng-
thening not only to the feet but to the stomach and
whole body. It is of especial benefit in urinary diseases,
catarrh of the bladder, and ulcerated bowels.

It is most comforting to walk in the dewy grass in

the early morning, the longer the better, and is one of
the best means of gaining strength.

The walking bare foot on w^et stones is very bracing

to the system and draws the blood downwards, and the
effect of walking in snow is much the same. I must

remark here that one must walk only in fresh fallen snow
certainly not in that which has been frozen.

If the snow is from 10 to 20 '^

of cold, it would do
more harm than good.
There were certain rash people in Worishofen who
believed no snow could be too cold for them and the
consequence was that their feet were frozen.
It isnot necessary to enlarge upon these last points
as their working is much the same as going bare-foot

which I have described fully.

Third Pari.

Applications of Water.
Chapter IV.


Classification; Duration; not drying the body.

he means employed to restore a sick man to

health must be of a dissolving and eliminating
character in order to rid the body of all its
rfe^X morbid and impure elements.
C \p^
Water isexactly adapted to act upon the
f body in various ways, and the simplest appli-
cations are Washings or Ablutions.

These, like Douches, are of different kinds according

to the disease they are to remove. For example the
person suffering from a bad finger should treat the whole
body but especially the finger in order to loose and get
rid of the morbid elements, because the evil matter in
the finger will pass on to other parts of the body.

The principal ablutions are for the whole body, for

the upper part of the body; and for the lower part of
the body.
40 Thied part. Applications of watee.

The first (called in German Ganzwaschung) consists

in washing every part of the body from head to foot so
that not a spot is left untouched by the water.

The second in German the

(called Oberkorper-
wascliung") consists inwashing down to the waist. The
hair must not be included, because when once wet it
dries slowly and is apt to give cold.

The third (or Unterwaschung") takes in the lower

part from above the thighs down to the feet. A large
sponge may be used for washing but I prefer a coarse
The first thing of importance is to get it over as
quickly as possible. The washing of the whole body
should not last longer than a minute. Nothing is more
dangerous than to remain exposed to the open air par-
ticularly if the room is not warm.

Tn washing the whole body, begin either at the upper

or the lower part, only be quick about it and do not
rub the skin dry. The chief point is that the whole
body should be wet and the water pressed gently into
the pores. One should go over the same place three or
four times with the sponge or the towel which should
be wet but not dripping so that the water may be well
pressed in. As soon as the ablution is over the clothes
must be put on rapidly and the warmth of the body
preserved by at once taking exercise. If the patient gets
out of bed to take this form of washing, he must go
back to bed as soon as it is accomplished. My order
that the skin was not to be rubbed dry after the wash-
ing met with great opposition and many refused to take
the "Ganzwaschung" in consequence, believing that it
would take a whole day before they would feel dry.
A Doctor told me that previous to his coming to
Worishofen he thought this plan of mine nonsense and
left off taking this form of ablution in consequence, but
now from personal experience he is convinced that my
method of not rubbing and drying the skin is by far
the best.
Chaptfr IV. Ablutions: Effects of washings. 41

The water taken in by the pores quickly becomes

warm and conveys its warmth to the skin- This pro-
duces rapid evaporation which taken up by the clothes
develops an agreeable sensation of comfort to the whole
body. A proof that the non-drying process is not harm-
ful is afforded by animals who are constantly exposed to
rain without bad results. He who made them knew what
was best for them. It is my opinion that the non-drying
process effects a quicker and stronger warmth without
producing any of the troubles in the pores of the skin
brought on by friction. Even supposing that drying
oneself is not harmful, it is useless.
For the partial washing (Theilwaschung) one proceeds
in the same way as for the entire ablution.
Washings are divided into three classes as we have
already stated, but they admit of sub-divisions viz. those
for the head, hands, and feet. Only after one of these,
that for the head, must the greatest care be taken to
rub both head and hair quite dry as the latter prevents
evaporation. To leave the liead and hair damp would
very likely produce headache and neuralgia.

Effeminacy has taken such hold of the people gene-

rally and of the higher classes specially at the present
time that they scarcely dare use cold water for hands
and face and certainly not for the whole body. However
I say once again that no matter what the class of ab-
lution the coldest water is the best. If a special stimu-
lant or a more rapid development of heat is desirable,
add a little sharp vinegar to the water. This has a very
good effect, especially in the ablution for the whole body

Effects of Washings.

Ablutions, whether entire or partial, develop easily

an increase of warmth on the skin which penetrates
deeper into the body. This increase of natural warmth
42 Thied paet. Applications of watee.

eliminates and disperses just as the sun draws out the

moisture from a wet cloth exposed to its rays. In the
same way by the washing the increased warmth is drawn out
and the water itself, penetrating the pores, mixes with
the secretions and by means of perspiration carries off the
morbid matter. We see then that these washings are
very effectual in warming and in dispersing and if repeated
again and again must be of infinite service to the
whole system.
Take as an example a man sufferingfrom Influenza;
his skin is very dry and all his pores are blocked and
as a consequence perspiration is rendered impossible.

If the man takes three entire ablutions, one each

hour, he will find great relief after the first, but by the
time he has taken three, he will be in a profuse perspi-
ration and the dry skin will have vanished; and if he
have the courage to continue them for eight or ten hours,
the whole mass of corrupt secretions will have been
drawn out and dispersed.

The power of w^ater to dissolve and disperse can

scarcely be made clearer.

every ablution there will be a decrease of the
intensityand dryness of the heat and an increase of
strength to the body because of the mass of evil got
rid of.

Cold Water strengthens and fortifies. We will sup-

pose a man to have been hard at work all day and his
hands and feet weary and tired. He puts them for three
or four minutes in cold water, the weariness disappears
and strength comes back to them. This is the way cold
water acts; it refreshes and strengthens the whole body.

We see that the effect produced by the entire ablu-

tion that of dissolving, dispersing, and strengthening.
This being so, it stands to reason that if repeated suffi-
ciently often these ablutions would heal sicknesses and
remove deep seated mischief. There are however many
diseases in which simple ablutions would be too weak.
Chapt. IV. Ablut. : How often are the washings necess. ? 48

In such cases, stronger and more intense applications

must be used not only on the whole body but on indi-
vidual parts.

How often, and in what cases, are the washings


He who washes his face every day

keep it to- will
lerably clean he who
; does not will certainly have a
dirty one. As the face is always exposed to view, it is
generally kept clean notwithstanding that it requires
constant attention to remove the dust and dirt with which
it comes in contact.

As to the other parts of the body my observation

of the lower classes assures me
that the only cleansing
they get is from the rubbing of the undergarments against
the skin. I consider this very wrong and would strongly
advise these people to wash the whole body at least
three or four times a week. Not only would this remove
the dirt but would dissolve and disperse the impure
secretions and give strength to the entire person. Dis-
eases generally attack feeble people, because their per-
spiration is not free and the corrupt secretions have
therefore no outlet.

By want of cleanliness a man destroys his own


Both the and partial ablutions are so benefi-

cial that many illnesses are quite cured by them alone.
One or two instances will make this clear. The much-
feared Influenza which is spreading far and wide and
which has demanded so many sacrifices may be quite
cured by washings. If the patient will get out of bed
every hour and take an entire washing- rapidly, and at
once get into bed again, and repeat this eight or ten
times nay even twelve, profuse perspiration will result,
the dry skin and fever will disappear and the patient
44 Third paet. Applications of watee.

will be free of the malady. No other remedy will be


Very severe colds or catarrhs may be cured in this

simple way.

A woman was suffering from so called wandering

gout though not very seriously. I advised her every
night to get out of bed and take an entire washing and
get back quickly into bed. She soon became accustomed
to the habit and took to it kindly, and continued
it for six months. Not only was she quite cured of the
gout but her general health was greatly improved and
became less subject to cold. She could not speak too
highly of these ninthly entire washings.

Another woman, named Martha, forty eight years

old, night from, swollen feet and difficult
suffered every
breathing causing her great discomfort; as she had no
one to perform any loving service for her, it was useless
to advise complicated applications, so I ordered her daily
an entire washing (Ganzwaschung). At the end of three
months, she told me that her feet were in the best pos-
sible condition, her breathing easier, her appetite impro-
ved, she could sleep better and she was quite free from
flatulence which had formerly troubled her. Another
case was that of a servant girl who for months had suf-
fered with sores on the feet, and it was only with great
pain she could perform her duties. I ordered her to take

an entire washing every night, to get out of bed to take

it, and return to it as quickly as possible, and to bind
on the sores a cloth dipped in a decoction of shave-grass.
In about ten weeks the feet were all right and the girl's
health, as she expressed it, better than ever. Those who
are so weak and feeble as to suffer from every change
of weather cannot do better than take the entire ablu-
tion immediately on getting up in the morning and for
as short a time as possible. This will give them strength
and power of resistance.

How many thousands of people suffer from blood-

obstruction ! The blood does not flow regularly through
Chapt. IV. Ablut. : How often ahe the washings necess.? 45

the veins To get the circulation into perfect order use


the entire washing" three or four times a week.

A Servant-maid complained that she was never free

from bad colds. Scarcely was she free from one before
another made its appearance. I ordered her the washing
of the upper part of the body every morning and during ;

the day to wade in water once for the space of three or

four minutes.

Wading water braces and strengthens the whole

body, while the upper washing has the same effect upon
that particular part.

Christina communicated to me that she often had

eruptions on various parts of her body and had taken
many kinds of medecine in vain. I advised her to take
an entire ablution (Ganzwaschung) three times a week
either when she woke up in the night or when she rose
in the morning. She followed my advice and, in the
course of a few weeks was completely cured.

Johanna suffered incessantly from intense headaches

which were looked upon as incurable. My advice to her
was to wade in water once or twice a day for the space
of three or four minutes and to take the entire washing
three or four times a week getting out of bed for it and
returning to it. Before a month had passed she experi-
enced the greatest relief at which I was not at all sur-
prised. The wading in water had drawn the blood down
from the head and the washing" had braced the whole

Itfrequently happens that children and grown up

people alike get slight attacks of fever without knowing
how or why They may be due to colds, or getting wet

through, or taking food or drink which they could not

digest. In cases such as these the patient should rise
from bed every hour, take the entire washing and go to
bed again, repeating this six or eight times. Before he
has taken five or six washings, he will find himself free
of fever.
46 Thied part. Applications of water.

Ah- a rule the entire washing- answers every purpose,

still there are cases in which the part-washing and wading
in water will effect a good deal. To use the upper-
washing alone is of no avail for frequent use; others
must be taken in combination.
I must make one remarkabout the "Ganzwaschung"
or entire washing. To take one every day is not advi-
sable; the body gets too much accustomed to it and
therefore does not derive so much benefit fi*om it. Many
have told me that it is their habit to take one daily and
I have dissuaded them believing they would derive more
benefit if they took only two a week and on other days

only half washings and wading in water. If the entire

washing is prescribed for an illness, it must be continued
as long as the illness remains and afterwards only every
third or fourth day.
Chapter V,

The Baths.
General Remarks,

n going into a well-stocked chemist's shop we

cannot help saying as we look round "Surely
there are remedies enough here and to spare to
XS/S^X relieve, if not to cure, every disease to which
(TQ.'P^ man is subject."
on the other hand, declare water and
If I,
herbs only to be my stock in trade for the
healing and relieving of all human maladies, the
thought may occur to many "This chemist with his
tw^o simple remedies is really too insignificant to deal
with the large number of diseases and infirmities".
Yet pause for a moment! Just as one can make many
garments out of one large bale of cloth, so we can ob-
tain from water a number and variety of remedies not
inferior to those in the well stocked chemist's shop.

There are many kinds of Douches which, if wisely

combined and applied, have very special results on the
body. Each application has its own special name and
48 Third paet. Applications of watee.

use just as each jar in shop is labelled

the Chemist's
with its contents. As from head each part of
to foot
the body has its own name, so also the Douches begin-
ning with the one for the head and ending with that
for the feet, derive their names from the parts of the
body to which they are applied.
Each part of the body has also its own bath which
differs both in application and effect from the Douche.

The water applications described are to be considered as
taken in a Bath-house with stone floor; only on account of con-
venience our sketches were made in the sick room.
In actual water applications in the room it is of course best
to use a vessel from which the water can run.

The illustrations in this book represent only a single moment

of the process ; for full detail look in the sixth division of this

The Eye-Bath.

The eye is one of the most important and necessary

parts of the body and lies somewhat deep in the head.
It has its own special bath which is simple and easy to
take. Having poured cold water into a hasin the fore-
head and eyes must be dipped in sufficiently far to cover
the latter which must be kept open while in the water.
This will at cause pain which will be overcome by
perseverance ; water never causes harm.
for Keep the
eyes in water for four or five seconds, then lift them out
and wink repeatedly so that they may be cleansed by
the eye-lids, i^fter a minute repeat the whole process
and then again the third time and the good effects will
soon appear. The Eye-bath strengthens and purifies:
and if there is any impure matter in the eyes, the water
will disperse it. One may take an eye-bath with advan-
tage every day, and it will hurt no more than washing
the face.

The Eye Bath

V. 48
Chapter V. The baths. General remarks. 49

One sees the enormous benefit of the eye-bath when

used for inflammation of the eyes from six to twelve
times a clay.
Occasionally applying this bath inflammation
makes its appearance and may be regarded by some as
the outcome of the eye- bath but the case is quite other-

wise. The effect of the eye-bath is to dissolve and

disperse and, should there be impure matter in the head,
it is drawn out by its means through the eyes which
become inflamed, if the matter is acid.
When this state of things obtains, one must work
upon the whole body in order to secure a strong ejec-
tion of the morbid matter. While this is being done,
the continued use of the eye-bath will do the eyes no
An eye-bath can be made by mixing herbs in water
for example, make a light decoction of shave grass, or
wormwood, fennel and eye-bright, or a good bath may
be made of the green inner bark of the elder-tree. These
are made use of in the same way as the simple eye-bath.
When it is not possible for the patient to get these
herbs, let him persevere with the simple eye-bath and
all will come right.

It isa good plan to change the eye-baths; one day

a simple water bath, another day one of herbs.
Alum water a popular remedy for the eyes a
is ;

small portion on the point of a knife in half a cup of

water being the right quantity it makes a capital mi-

neral bath for the eyes and should be taken in the same
way as the simple bath adding the alum in proportion
to the w^ater.

Itshould not be taken too often but in turn with

the other eye-baths.

Eye-baths are so harmless that they may be taken

without fear for all weaknesses of eye. Whether the
eyes be weak from over work or as the result of an ill-
ness they may alike be strengthened by the use of the
Kneipp, My Will. 4:
50 Third paet. Applications of watee.

eyebath which acts upon these as the entire bath acts

upon the body.

The Arm Bath.

by footbaths one receives much benefit why should

not arm baths be of equal service to arms, hands and
indeed the whole body?
They may be warm or cold, simple, or made with
The cold arm bath is more generally taken it streng- ;

thens and develops warmth, and acts upon the arms and
hands, in the same way as the foot bath acts upon
the feet.

A priest in the hand by an insect, the

was stung
spot began to burn and be painfii] and Ihe whole arm
was so swollen that he feared blood-poisoning. In such
a case as this, nothing is better than a w'arm arm bath
with hay-flowers in the water
it is powerful in drawl-

ing out the poisonous matter.

The bathed the arm with hot water to
priest first
raise the temperature and then applied swollen hay-flow^ers,
these he kept on for half an hour. A short time
after he repeated the process but continued it for an
hour; the pain gradually disappeared and the poison dis-
persed leaving its trace only in a red mark. When in
paralysis the arm becomes powerless through w^ant of
blood and warmth, plunge it into a w^arm bath for half
an hour or even an hour and there will be no doubt of

the success of the remedy. The strictest attention must

be given to the necessity of taking^ a cold arm bath
after every second or third warm one in order to give
strength to the system.

When gout attacks the joints of hands or arms the

warm arm bath is an admirable means of relief. It may
be taken two or three times a day, if a cold one is em-
ployed alternately lasting from two to four minutes.
Chapter Y. The baths: The eoot-bath. 51

Abscesses and whitlows are easily cured by arm-baths

of hayflowers assisted by cold water and bandages. If
the hand has been swollen for a long time by rheuma-
tism or if the swellings have become hard, douches will
be of the greatest service and an arm bath now and then
will accelerate the cure.

In children's paralysis the w^arm footbath with hay-

flowersis good and it acts beneficially too on swollen
arms. The warm armbath with hay-flowers is of great
importance in paralysis of children. Again I repeat the
caution, that between every two warm baths a cold one
must be taken.

The Foot-Bath.
(See "My Watercure" 50th Ed. p. 39.)

Even as a boy I noticed how

country people took
footbaths both warm and cold. They were constantly
ordered by physicians for various illnesses. If doctors
forbade cold foot-baths I never heard of it. It used to
be a common practice among country people in summer
when they had finished their days' work to sit outside
the house and rest while, at the same time, they put their
feet in a pan or pail of cold water for a few minutes,
they declared it took away their tiredness and freshened
them up as much as a night's rest. The men took the
footbath sometimes in a stream or river wherever oppor-
tunity served. I knew a farmer whose servant often of
an evening while feeding the horses stretched his feet out
and splashed them in the water and after doing this he
would cry out "A foot bath is a rare good thing."

Children have a love for wading and splashing in

the water, when they cannot have baths. Formerly the
people, especially the old and feeble, took cold foot-
baths in summer and warm in winter. Because
they were feeble they nearly always had cold feet and
in order to increase the warmth of the footbath two
52 Third part. Applications of water.

handsful of wood ashes and one of salt were thrown in.

Having no thermometer they judged the warmth of the
water by the hand and, if it were pleasant and agreeable,
they declared it to be all right; they disliked the water
extremely hot or extremely cold probably because they
were ignorant of the result they would produce.

As regards the length of time the feet should be in

the water, my opinion is that it should never exceed a
quarter of an hour: the doctors whom I have known and
who recommend these baths give fourteen minutes as the
outside limit. I constantly recommend warm foot-baths

and my experience tells me that the time fixed by the

doctors is best. But I give more cold than warm and
am guided in the length of time they should be taken
by the physical condition ot the individual: one cannot
therefore fix a time, but as a rule the feet should not
remain in a cold bath longer than three or four minutes;
but after all the person taking the bath is the best judge.
On first putting the feet into water, a sharp sensation of
cold will be felt which will gradually pass and be followed
by an agreeable sensation of warmth; this however"
does not last; the cold returns to the feet and again is
replaced by a pleasant heat and the same is repeated for
the third time, though the warmth is not so great as
after the first sensation of cold.

One reaction after another sets in, and the question

arises "how long is this cold foot bath to last?" The
answer is, as soon as the cold in the feet yields to a
warmth which is as the water itself were not cold, the

bath should finish; do not wait for a further reaction.

The effect of the cold foot-bath is as follows
at first
it .produces cold which is gradually replaced by an agree-
able warmth. The reason of this is the downward ten-
dency of the blood which is most important. The blood
is thus attracted from the head, chest and abdomen to
the feet and on this account the cold foot-bath is recom-
mended to those who suffer from the head. It further
regulates the circulation of the blood. Cold feet and hot
head at the same time is a proof that the circulation is
Chapter V. The baths: The foot-bath. 53

defective. The use of the cold footbath is to draw the

blood downward, make the feet warm, beside doing good
to the head, chest, and abdomen which have been over-
pressed with blood. The cold foot-bath is not only good
for the upper but for the lower part of the body. It is
good indiseases of the kidney and bladder and other
maladies of the lower part of the body, not only because
it draws the blood to them in regular course but because

it strengthens the parts that are weak.

of great use in urinary difficulties.

It is If the foot-
bath taken wisely that is, for a short time only, and

exercise taken immediately after it, so that the feet get

thoroughly warm there is no remedy so good for urin-
ary troubles. AYhen the sick man cannot get the feet
warm by these means, then with this special trouble it
is better to take a warm foot-bath.

To those who suffer from weak voice or occasional

loss of voice the cold foot-bath cannot be too highly re-
commended. It is equally good for those who suffer from
constipation and blood obstruction in the lower part of
the body and is of special benefit to women. It has the
power of bracing and strengthening the whole body by
regulating the circulation of the blood.

The w^arm font bath works same way

in much the
as the cold. It is generally prescribed for old and weak
people who dread cold water because they have not suf-
ficient blood to warm them.
The warm bath comforts old people and if taken for
about a quarter of an hour (or rather less) in the even-
ing they nearly always sleep well after it.

Instead of wood-ashes and salt, put oat-straw, hay-

flower and other herbs into the water, perhaps the most
effective of these is hay-flower. These baths taken for
fourteen minutes will develop w^armth, conduct the blood
downwards, and strengthen the feet. Baths, with these
additions should always be taken warm.

Oat-straw and hay-flower footbaths are of the great-

est service in gout, severe colds, and weak or perspiring
54 Third part. Applications of watfe.

blood obstructions, diseased

feet; also in urinary troubles,
bones, especially where they are injured by over
work and strain and consequently brittle they are also ;

very good in cases of abscesses of bones and muscles.

The Sitting-Bath.

About years ago I heard of various sitting-

and hip-baths which were taken both hot and cold and
I made enquiries as to the length of time they should
last. The answer was from a quarter an hour to half
and occasionally for a whole hour for both hot and cold,
the temperature of tKe warm baths being from 26^ to
38^ R. and even warmer.

I am opposed to all extreme measures and it seemed

to me that this use of the sitting bath was rough on
the human system for how could people sit for a
whole hour in cold water without danger of losing a
great deal too much of their natural or normal warmth!
Such a result would mean loss and not g^aiii.
Grreat heat is wi'akening whether it be summer heat
or excess of heat in the bath. To sit in water of 30^
or more of heat for a long period cannot fail to work
mischief by increasing immensely the natural warmth of
the body.
Too warm a bath makes the body weak and inac-
tive, and too cold a bath produces shiverings which ren-
der it difficult to regain the normal warmth. Both one
and the other act prejudicially on the system, the one
by making the blood too cold, and the other by making
it too hot.
Seeing this I tried to find the happy medium and
began to experiment in a small way. 1 used both cold
and warm sitting-baths but the latter of less w^armth
and for a shorter time.
Gradually I came to the conclusion that too many
sitting-baths whether hot or cold should not be taken.-
Chaptee, v. The baths: The sitting-bath. 55

By taking many warm baths the blood is attracted

too much to the lower part of the body and produces
many troubles difficult to remove the fault of oft repeated

cold sitting-baths is to take too much warmth from

the system and the whole body suffers. Even should
nature re-assert itself, too much blood will pass into the
abdomen and prodjice piles, as well as cause obstructions
of the blood and secretions, indeed there is no knowing
where the mischief will end.

have learned from experience that it is not good


to take many sitting-baths and at no time to take them

except in combination with other applications which will
act on the whole body. When judiciously used, under
direction, they are of great service whether cold or hot
as the following instance will prove.

A peasant caught a severe cold by getting wet

through, h'^- was unable to pass urine and suffered intense
pain. ord3red a warm sittiu^-bath of 28^ R. to last

four or five minutas. It warmed the lower part of the

body, the cramp disappeared and with it the difficulty
of passing urine. I recommended him to use it occasion-

ally as required.

Whenever a person is suffering from chill in the

lower part of the body the sitting-bath is the right thing
in the right place. Still as the mischief is rarely local,
it wise to treat the whole body in order to regulate

the circulation and the easiest and best means is to take

a whole washiiif;:, getting out of bed for it and returning
thither immediately. As a severe cold can be suppressed
by a warm bath, so great heat in the lower part of the
body may be removed by a cold sitting-bath; I give an
example. A man suffered greatly from piles. When he
became overheated by work and much walking his pain
and trouble were almost unbearable, and in addition to-
this the heat flew to the head giving him violent pain.
A cold sitting-bath cooled the abdomen and brought him
great relief. Now comes the question ''How often can
such a sitting-bath be taken?

A gentlemantold me that the sitting-bath had

afforded him great relief from pain in, and constipation
of, the bowels and consequently he made use of it con-
stantly. The result was that he began to get a good
deal of pain and to lose daily much blood. The frequent
sitting-baths had conducted too much blood downward;
this clotted and produced piles by straining the blood
vessels of the rectum.

I am in favour of sitting-baths if taken in moderation

both as to time and to number.

In cases great heat or inflammation of the

bowels I give a cold sitting-bath once or twice in the
week, sometimes thrice, but never oftener. If more be
necessary, then a half bath is preferable to the sitting-bath.

In acute cases such as fever, where inflammation

runs very high, sitting-baths may be taken but always
in combination with other applications, otherwise too
much would be pressed into the
blood abdomen and
more harm than good would be done.

I invariably, when using the warm sitting-bath, mix

shave grass, oat-straw^, and young pine-wood, or salt, in
the water as Ifim convinced of their efficacy.

Sitting-baths are good if As a

not used too often.
rule they are taken cold but in cases where warmth fails
and severe cold has set in, it is wise to take them warm.
They must always be of short duration and not so fre-
quently as to accustom the system to them.

The Half-Bath.

A terror of water, more or less, is very common

among mankind; the majority of whom have no faith in
its healing power but rather credit it with an evil in-

Chaptee Y. The baths: The hale-bath. 57

Patients are often warned against applications of

water and shudder when a full bath is prescribed; they
are less afraid of a half-bath, especially if it is to be of
short duration.
Ido not fight against this prejudice and recommend
very generally a half bath by which the upper part of
the body is kept dry or only gently splashed with water.
In this way I please the patients and obtain good

The half-bath reaches up to the chest. One goes

quietly into the water either standing kneeling or sitting
as circumstances require.

Formerly as stated in "My Water Cure" I ordered it

to be taken from one and a half to three minutes, now
I never permit it longer than from two to six seconds.
My reason for shortening the time is that patients taking
the half-bath have as a rule two other water applica-
tions in the day, beside wading in water.

Using the half-bath beyond the time ordered takes

so much warmth from the body that it is difficult to
reinstate it and hinders further applications such as going-
bare foot and wading in water, which are not only use-
ful in drawing off superfluous heat ])ut in bracing and
strengthening the body.
The results of the half-bath are excellent; it braces
and strengthens the body, develops heat, has a greater
influence on the circulation of the blood than any othe'r
application, and helps greatly to convalescence after severe
illness. Notwithstanding all that books on water-cure
say about the length of time the bath is to be taken
fixing it for minutes and even for half an hour, I say,
from long experience, that the shorter the time the bet-
ter; and that it is wiser to take two short baths than
one long one. The normal warmth remains during the
short bath, the result is good and energetic, the patient
likes it better and warmth is more quickly developed,
whereas after taking a bath of long duration it is a
couple of hours often before proper warmth returns.
58 Third part. Applications of water.

The half-bath is essentially different from the whole

bath which acts sympathetically upon the whole body
and somewhat delays the return of the normal heat. I
repeat, the duration of the half-bath should never ex-
ceed from two to six seconds.
The b.iths must be taken while the patient is quite
warm and exercise must follow immediately after to pro-
mote a full natural warmth.

Many who are tolerably warm after coming out of

the half-bath think exercise can be dispensed with. This
is wrong, the warmth they experience is the first reac-

tion and others will follow. Exercise niList be taken to

prevent the entrance of cold.
The half-b;ith may
be so taken as to allow the
upper part of the body to be rapidly washed at the same
time which gives very much the effect of a full bath.
The warmth developed quickly in the lower part will in
this way be developed in the whole body. Those patients
who are unable to take exercise after bathing should at
once go to b'^1 and, where possible, a warm bed. Indeed
in such a case it would be better to get up from bed
to take it and at once go back to it. The half-bath is
not for the sick alone but is of great importance to those
in health and I cannot too strongly recommend it to them
as a means of preserving their health.

What terrible progress effeminacy is making in our

day; itbegins in childhood and goes on to old age.
The h^lf-bath is a good protection against this evil. It
not only strengthens the body but it protects and shields
the system from weakness and effeminacy. The half- bath
is efficacious in many diseases, in relaxed or inactive
condition of the bowels, and in cases of general weakness.

How many people suffer from catarrh of th3 bladder;

not only for a short time but often for yeirs without
finding help. Just as an ordinary catarrh, if neglected,
produces other maladies, especially consumption, so ca-
tarrh of the bladder is fruitful in trouble to the lower
part of the body.
I !

Chapter V. The baths: The cold full bath. 59

In fact catarrh of the bladder, as it often comes

before me, may be compared to a serious disease which
requires the greatest care and skill to cure. I am con-

vinced that certain diseases would be of much less fre-

quent occurrence if the body w^ere systematically braced
and strengthened.
must not be thought however that, because the
influence of the half-bath upon the body is so excellent,
therefore it must be taken constantly. Here as elsewhere
my theory comes in "Too much is injurious."'
gentleman who had derived great benefit from the
use of the half-bath took it for a longer period each
day and some days took it twice. As time went on he
found that gradually he was losing strength and energy
and the difficulty of getting back his normal warmth was
each week greater and he naturally became depressed.
In fact his constitution could no longer bear the inces-
sant attacks of the cold water.
advised him to give up all application of water

entirely for three weeks and then only to take two half-
baths a week of the shortest duration.
This treatment succeeded in bringing back his na-
tural warmth, his strength, and good spirits.

In my opinion it is sufficient for those in health to

take two or three lialt-baths weekly and two or three
upper washings.
If the washing of the upper part of the body is
performed while taking the half-bath it is not necessary
to do it again during the week. For those who are
weak two or three hnlf baths are sufficient in the
seven days.

The Cold Full Bath. (Das kalte A^ollbad.)

Of all baths the Full Bath is the most pow^erful in

its eifects. Every part of the body, except the head, is
^0 Third part. Applications or water.

under water. It is well to take from four to six seconds

to step in and get thoroughly covered, there should be
no hurry. The length of time to remain in is as a rule
one or two seconds, or four or five seconds. It was
some years before I saw fully the good effects of these
simple baths. It was long before I could think it pos-
sible that so short a time in the bath could produce
such grand results, especially as I had heard that at
Water-cure Establishments patients were ordered to be
many minutes in the water.
It was only by constant experiments that I came
to the conclusion that the shortest baths were the best
and the easiest to take. Just as it is necessary to be
quite warm in stepping into the bath, so it is equally
necessary to dress immediately, in the same way as be-
fore taking it.
A general cry was raised at my demand that the
body should not be dried after a bath but the clothing
at once put on. My reason for this is that the warmth
is greater and that it comes more quickly if the clothes
are put on rapidly and the drying omitted. And as to
the drying, the person is perfectly free from damp before
he has finished dressing. Nor does one feel damp, for
the reason that all is quickly converted into a warm
steam which produces an agreeable glow to the skin.
It is quite as necessary to be warm after taking the bath
as before taking it, and that is why I require the person
to walk or work. By this he gets .back more quickly
his natural warmth and, if after a little time he feels
chilly, it is a proof that he has not yet obtained it
fully and he must begin to take exercise once again.

For the Full-Bath it does not matter whether the

water is obtained from brook or spring as long as it is
fresh and cool. It sometimes happens to one who has
taken a full-bath in the morning or at midday that
towards evening his feet are very stiff and heavy and it
is not unusual to hear such a person say "my feet are
as heavy as lead, perhaps my bath did me harm" or
^'my feet are cracked and burning''.
Chapter V. The baths: The warm full bath. 61

Such a condition is not rare after taking the bath

and comes about in this way. A man feels tolerably
warm after the bath and cats short the exercise, the
warmth does not last ami the feet cannot perspire.

The weariness and heaviness are easily removed by

wading a minute or two in water or walking on wet
earth or wet stones. Suppose the person unable to do
this let him, when he goes to bed, bind a cloth, which
has been dipped in water and wrung out, round his foot
or feet and the stiffness w^ill disappear in a couple of

The Warm Full Bath.

Herb-Baths and alternating Baths.

Having heard a great deal about warm baths and

knowing that they were commonly taken in Water-cure
Establishments I determined to test their value, and the
opinion I have formed is that, when one or another of
the warm baths are taken only once a week, they do no
harm but if oftener they produce weakness. The debi-
lity and want of resisting power which appear after the
use of warm baths are indications of pre-existing weak-
ness. have taken these baths myself, at first fre-

quently and latterly but seldom, but I made no progress

and the weakness remained. Although not delicately
brought up I found myself constantly suffering from bad
colds and like troubles, and in short I was not all pleased
with the working of the warm baths. Then I made
experiments with herb - baths of from 26 to 28^ R. of
heat giving them to the weak and strong alike. The
sick people were the better for them and they liked them
but when taken too often, the debility and delicacy re-
turned and instead of gaining strength they lost it. See-
ing that goaty people were warned above all things
against cold water I felt some hesitation at first in pre-
scribing it not thinking that one could so greatly err as
62 Thied part. Applications of water.

not to know whether cold water for bathing were good

or not, I yielded to the general feeling that cold water
was bad for gouty people and ordered warm baths both
for them and those subject to rheumatism. But I was
by no means content on the whole. Only in one parti-
cular was I satisfied which was the dissolving and dis-
persing quality they possessed. Still I could not but
regard them with ]3rejudice seeing that they were warm
and weakening.
I now made an attempt to combine warm baths
with cold and after allowing the patient ten minutes in
a warm one, put him into a cold one for half a minute,
then again into one warmer than the first and so on for
three changes. This plan succeeded well with the cor-
pulent, the gouty, and the rheumatic subjects.

The disadvantage of the warm baths which fostered

weakness and effeminacy w^as in a measure overcome by
the action of the cold baths and for many years I had
very good results from the combination.
I do not use warm baths alone, because I cannot
get rid of my prejudice against them and because although
at first they seem to work well they never fail to leave
weakness behind.
During the last five years I have made many expe-
riments with cold water and I am convinced that in al-
most every case the cold water is the reliable remedy.
If on occasion it should be necessary to use a w^arm
application in order to reinstate the normal warmth I
think it can be done better by means of compresses than
by warm baths. There have been many thousands of
patients here this year and yet I have not ordered a
single warm bath. He, who possesses a full knowledge
of the power and influence of water, wdll never be at a
loss "in any emergency which may arise either in helping
himself or in helping others by means of cold w^ater.
What cannot be effected with cold water cannot be
effected with warm. The latter is useful as a side help
in combination with cold baths, but warm baths alone
never heal or cure a disease.
Chapter V. The baths: The tvaem full bath etc. 63

My firm belief after these later years experience is

that cold water is Jilways the best.

A me and said that he had been

clergyman came to
ordered by his doctor to take a warm bath daily from
30 to 33 ^ K of heat, and that he was to remain in

it from 20 to 25 minutes and to continue it for six weeks.

It resulted in his becoming so weak that he could

scarcely undertake the journey home and thought his
death was near, x^fter three weeks' careful nursing he
w^as able to come to me at Worishofen. The effect of
the cold water on this man was so wonderful that, after
using various douches and half-baths for five weeks, he
was quite well.
I know that warm baths are much used
in rheu-
matism of the joints and in gout, but
never guarantee I

a cure by their means, because I am sure that both these

diseases are more easily and more effectively got rid of
by cold douches and baths than by warm ones.
This statement of mine has been disputed with some
show of reason by those who have experienced the power
of warm water to dissolve and disperse evil matter in
rheumatism and gout, but even acknowledging the truth
of this 1 still maintain my opinion, because my experience
has taught me that the warm baths so weaken the body
that the mischief they have removed comes back almost
immediately with increased force. The system has no
longer the power to resist a little cold or trifling neg-

lect will bring all the pain and sorrow back. On the
other hand when the cure has been effected by cold
w^ater the body is so braced and strengthened that the'
cure is permanent.

As regards herbsin the baths I have nothing but

praise. I hay-flowers, oat-straw and pine-shoots,
and for diseases of the bladder such as gravel or stone
there is nothing better than baths of oat -straw. I strongly
recommend those who suffer from these to take one or
two oat-straw baths in a month, at first warm and
of ten minutes' duration; then cold for five or six se-
64 Third part. Applications of water.

conds; then again warm. Two or three of these will

bring relief to the sufferer.

The pine-shoot baths are also good for these mala-

dies; one or two may ba taken within the month, with
the addition of a cold bath every week which will act
as a preventive against weakness.

The hay-flower bath is a dissolver of pernicious

matter and exceedingly good for corpulent people. It
should be used in the same way as that described for
the oat-straw bath.

Twenty years ago, when Iwas that much younger,

I used to take one of these herbal baths every week
with pleasure, but I am now of opinion that cold water
is more powerful for good and I like it better: and du-
ring the last year I have not prescribed one herbal bath,
having obtained the best results possible with the cold
Chapter VI.

The Douches.
General Remarks.

f I picture to myself a large number of different

trees or regard them in a picture, each tree
has itsown particular place and one can say
"so many trees, so much space.*' One tree
stands on a height, another in the dale; an-
other on a mountain, another somewhere else,
but all are alike in this, that each is rooted
in the earth and grows out of the earth.

More in number and more varied than these trees

are the diseases and infirmities of the human body which
have their dwellings in definite parts of it, yet are they
alike in this that their common home is the body just
as the earth was that of the trees.

a tree is to be removed from the earth, the attack

must first be made on the roots and as soon as they
are loosened and freed, the removal of the tree will
be easy.
Exactly so is it with diseases embedded, in our system.
Although each disease has its own special place of devel-
Kneipp My "Will.
, 5
66 Thikd paet. Applications of water.

opment, it affects more or less the whole body preju-


therefore the sick place only be operated on, the

roots of the tree of sickness will remain in the system
and the sick person will never be well.
When a person is out of health, it is not only a
part but the whole of the body that is sick.

I once asked a sick man what was the matter with

him. He said "I am quite well but two of my toes are


so very painful, I cannot get up from bed nor can

I work."
One would have supposed that having only his toes
painful other parts of the body could have done their
work as usual.
I am convinced that there is no disease which does
not gradually make itself felt throughout the whole body.
Even when the disease confines itself at first to one little
spot, it gradually extends itself till it has grasped the
whole body. As a rule I regard the bad spot only as
the head of the disease which is to be seen by any ob-
servant person just as the tree which grows out of the
I am quite sure that the body would cast out all
impure secretions and rid itself of all disease if only it
had the power; therefore it is my firm opinion that those
mathods of heahng are the best which support, streng-
then, and brace up the whole body, thereby enabling it
to throw off all hurtful matter and to resist any devel-
opment of disease within it. It would not take long to
cure a diseased part under such conditions.

Agatha had a whitlow on the finger. At first the

pain confined itself to the finger but it gradually ex-
tended to the hand and arm. Then came loss of
appetite and chills in all parts of the body and at length
she could neither eat nor sleep. The pain in the arm
became so great that she had to go to bed feeling al-
together ill. This example shows clearly that not only
Chapter VI. Douches: General remarks. 67

the finger but that the whole body was sick and that the
finger was the spot through which the disease made an
outlet. If one had treated the finger alone with reme-
dies the whole body might have remained sick for weeks,
until at length it had got rid of the diseased matter it
had imbibed, and in the process the finger may have
been lost.

I once met a gardener well know^n to me in Augs-

burg. He was full of trouble and complained to me

that the doctors had decided to amputate two of the
fingers of his right hand and that the operation was to
take place in two days. Up to his sixtieth year this
man was fat, strong, and healthy, he now looked wretched
and ill, he had lost weight and his whole appea-
rance was one of suffering; he had lost all his brightness
and good humour by the pain and sickness he had gone
The hand was frightful to look at; it was so swol-
len that it was impossible to say whether it was one
malignant ulcer or whether there were any fingers
at all.

As the man so bitterly grieved over and feared the

coming operation, I advised him as a last resource to
try the water cure. This he was ready and glad to do.
The effect of the water upon the whole body and upon
the fingers was to take away the intense pain and the
whole hand suffered less.

Every application brought with it relief so that the

excellent effects of the water applications on the body
and on the hand in a short time were very remarkable.
He made up his mind not to allow his fingers to be
taken off and at the same time persevered with the
water applications until at length the hand was healed
leaving only little scars, and he was able to use the hand
as well as ever. The application of water to the whole
body strengthened it in its effort to cast out the disea-
sed matter, and the benefit to the arm in dissolving and
dispersing corrupt elements was equally great. Gradually
68 Third paet. Applications of watfr.

the whole body became healthy: This is what I call


The cure of all diseases should be undertaken m

the same way as in the example I have just given. The
whole body must bQ treated and in this way the disea-
sed part will be healed.

These reasons have induced me regularly to work

.upon the whole organism: at the same time, however,
in order not to act upon it too severely, I treat from
time to time a special part of it and then again

In very severe cases of illness I have found the simple

washings with water ineffectual, and have therefore had
recourse to douches which have answered extremely well
on the various parts of the body. As each special douche
exercised its influence on a particular part, a combina-
tion of them was made use of for the whole body.

We act much in the same manner as a servant who

brushes his master's clothes; first he brushes the coat,
then the trousers, and next the waistcoat, and so on
until every article of the dress is clean. I have divided
the douches as follows: the Upper-Douche, which is
applied to the upper part of the body; Head-Douche
which is specially directed to the .head; Knee-Douche
Hip-Douche, Back-Douche, Arm-Douche, and Full-Douche
for the whole body. In short the douche derives its
name from the part of the body it acts upon. These
douches taken together operate on the whole body, but
separately on each particular portion of it.

If therefore, dear reader, you are desirous of heal-

ing your sick body you must use various applications,
one for instance to act upon the upper part, another on
the lower part, or one that will work on the whole body,
and you will be able to see how each and all work
upon the whole system even when directed upon indivi-
dual parts; and further that these applications must not
be used always of the same power.

Chaptek YI. Douches: The head-douche. 69

must be borne in mind therefore that the grea-

test care must be observed in using the douches and
that it is not so easy as people sometimes think. If
the appHcations have been used only partially or super-
ficially, it is impossible to obtain satisfactory results.

The Head-Douche.
(See '^My ^Yater Cure" 50th Edition p. 89.)

If the upper part of the body can be douched why

not the head? At the same time we must remember
that the head contains the most delicate and noble parts
of the body, for example, the brain, which has been called
''Man's Council ChambLn'". the ears, the eyes, the voice.
When these are nil in perfect order and rejoice in health,
we look upon man's condition as fairly good; at all
events he can bear easily other troubles when these are
all right. Consequently the head-dou<',he is of great im-

It is applied by beginning on the right or left side,

or behind the ear and continuing to the middle of the
head. From this point the water must flow quite evenly
over the whole head. One can of water or one hose is
generally sufficient though in case of a robust, strong
person two may be used. The object of this douche is
to strengthen and keep in health every part of the head.

Just as a tired hand gains strength by washing it

in cold water, so the head loses weariness and gains
strength by using the head-douche.

The question may be asked "Why not give the

lipad-douche at the same time as that for the upper part
of the body and so spare a lot of trouble?" And the
answer to it is The head douche
: may not be given
often and is more beneficial when given separately. If
it were given as frequently as that for the upper part
of the bodv, too much blood would be conducted into
70 Thied paet. Applications of watee.

the head; and repeated wetting of the hair would pro-

bably produce headache, neuralgia, and other mischief.

After many experiments, it is my opinion that the

head should be seldom douched and even then the grea-
test care should be used in giving the douche. Of course
there are exceptional cases where the man is hardy and
strong and at the same time has but little hair on his
head. These exceptions are found among people whose,
blood circulation is regular and without obstruction and
who, as a rule, lead very active lives.

Ihave known country people whose heads were so

strong that they put them daily under the water taps
and held them there for some minutes while the cold
water poured on them. Where people are strong enough
to bear it, it does them good, but for beginners so to
act would be most injudicious. The head should not be
douched with other parts of the body, unless it has been
gradually strengthened up to it. Those who have to
take a head douche must take it with a purpose and
with great caution.

The Face-Douche.
The face-douche consists simply in douching the
whole face in the same way that the head was douched.
It is employed in the cure of ulcers, Lupus and other
skin diseases which attack the face. The head may be
held in any way the patient prefers so that the water
is confined to the face only.

The Ear-Douche.

Various applications of the ear douche are made use of for

deafness. The person bows the head as for the upper-douche
and the water is poured from the water-can on one- side of the
Chapter YI. Douches: The breast-douche. 71

head round about the ear and then on the other in the
same way. The water is not poured into the ear but if
by chance some finds its way in it will not matter. If
the deaf person has not much hair, it would be well to
combine the ear with the head-douche so as to get a
stronger effect. In this case however the greatest care
must be taken to get the head and hair dry as quickly
as possible. Two
cans of w^ater may be used for the
ear-douche. After the ear douche the head should be
w^ell covered until cjuite dry, unless the temperature of
the room is warm when it will not be necessary. There
is no objection to going into the fresh air after it, if
the weather is warm and there is no wind. The effect
of this douche is to strengthen and remove blood obstruc-
tions and disperse foul secretions, in short, it streng-
thens the whole head.
If one very careful, it may be taken three, four
and even times a week with very good results. Its
action will not be on the ear alone but on every part
of the head particularly where blood obstructions exist.

The Breast-Douche.
This is generally taken in combination with the
upper douche. The patient bends one arm upward and
leans on the other, (see illustration) which renders easy
the pouring of the water on the chest from the side.
Many for whom I have prescribed this douche take it
while lying on their back on a board and so get a good
strong douche on the breast. This douche is strengthen-
ing and dissolving; it loosens the mucous in the chest
and makes its discharge easy. It is absolutely necessary
that the heart be strong and in perfect order for a per-
son to take the breast-douche.
72 Third paet. Applications of water.

The Arm-Douche.
(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 88.)

The arm -douche consists in douching the whole arm

beginning with the fingers every one of which must be
douched and continuing up to the shoulder, and the
whole process must not take more than a minute. It
is generally employed when powerlessness of the arm
sets in caused either by paralysis or any like trouble;
or when the arm is very feeble and abnormally cold, or
in rheumatism of the arm. In writers, cramp and neu-
ralgia generally it is a most excellent remedy. It may
be taken every day and in exceptional cases twice a day.

Just as the feet are strengthened by the knee-douche,

so the arm may be made quite strong by applications of
cold water from time to time.

The Upper-Douche.
(See '-My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 85.)

In administering an upper-douche one must take

into consideration the parts of the body which will be
subject to its action. These are the heart, the lungs,
the bronchial tubes and the vocal chords. This being
so, one must be advised whether the douche is to be
weak or strong or even at first whether it may be given
at all. For example in case of lung-disease it would not
be wise to begin with the upper douche, but to substitbute
for a time washing the upper part of the body morning and
evening with cold water and to increase the action by
mixing vinegar with the water. I advise the same for
one who has palpitation or any other disease of the
heart; otherwise it may be safely administered in all
cases. A weak upp'^r douche is not much stronger or
very different to a washing. Should a few days trial of
the upper washing prove a succes, then the upper douche

^-^-^f^ -?*-^Ct:y,.gy>^"-ri'-ir v'V^-^yg

The Arm Douche.

Chapter VI. Douches: The uppee-douche. 73

may follow which will gradually strengthen the patient.

This advice must be strictly followed in heart troubles.
As this special douche has so much effect upon the or-
gans of the chest, it is of the highest importance it
should he rightly administered.

It should be applied by beginning from the neck

down one half the back the water, which may be

given either from a hose or a water can, should spread

evenly like a sheet over the back. Whether the water
come from can or hose does not really matter although
I personally prefer the can, because with it the stream
can be more easily regulated, and increased or diminished
at pleasure. For a weak upper douche one uses an
ordinary garden hose containing three or four gallons
of water for a powerful upper douche double the
quantity. Where the patients have taken several dou-
ches and with them have made great progress, three or
four hose or cans may be used and for a very hardy
person even six, seven, and eight. If a sick person
bears the upper douche well, its power may be gradually
increased. If the upper part of the body is weak, one
begins gently with the 1 A
or right arm coming gradually
from one side to the other with the water till the loins
are reached. There is generally at the right or left side
of the lower part of the back a point from which the
water more easily covers the back, and flows equally,

looking as if covered with a sheet.

Before taking an upper douche the upper part of

the body should be quite warm, and as soon as it is
over the shirt or chemise must go on as quickly as pos-
sible followed by the remaining articles of clothing without
drying the body in the very least. x\fter the body is
covered, the neck and hair if they have become wet
should be made dry, and exercise taken till the whole
body has recovered its normal warmth.
74 Thied part. Applications of wateb.

The Hip-Douche.
(See "My Water Cure'' 50th Edition p. 82.)

As the upper douche principally affects the upper

part of the body, so the hip-douche aifects the lower
part of it. It is a continuation of the knee douche and
exercises its influence particularly upon the kidneys, the
liver and bladder and upon all parts of the abdomen.
It regulates the blood in the lower part of the body and
has great curative power in case of piles.

The method of administering it is as follows. Take

either a water can or a hose and begin to pour the water at
the back part of the feet and bring it up very slowly and
gradually till the knee is reached; then over the hip Iialf
way to the back. With beginners one always commen-
ces from the feet, gradually getting the stream higher
one ^oes it in the same way with people who suffer from
continued cold feet in order that the blood should rapidly
find its way to them, for where the water first falls that
part is the soonest warmed. We say emphatically that
the douching from below to above must be conducted
very slowly. If it is begun at the hip, douche first one
and then the other rapidly, and this may be done three
or four times. What we said about the upper douche
we repeat here that the water must flow equally over the
hip so that it looks as though covered with a sheet of
glass. He who gives the douche without method and
is content if the water is poured over the hip anyhow
wdll neither douche the hips properly nor procure warmth
to the feet.

When four or five douches have been taken from

the feet upward there is no harm in beginning from the
hip because the blood is now in better order. Those
which strengthen the most are those which are given from
the upper part of the hip, the water flowing to the feet.

For the hip-douche one uses from six to ten cans

or hose full of water containing about four Gallons. For
Chapter VI. Douches: The Hip-DOuciiE. 75

a weak person one canful is enough at first, then later

two or three, and if the effect of these is good the
amount can be increased. If the body is in good con-
dition and able to bear the action of these douches on
the abdomen, three or four cans of water may be used
and in cases where special force is required five or six
cans or hose. I have sometimes used as many as ten
when it has been very desirable to reduce corpulence.

While the knee douche acts beneficially upon part

of the abdomen as well as upon the feet, so the hip
douche benefits all parts of the abdomen. The hip-douche
is beyond comparison the best for acting on the kidneys;
its effect is not only to strengthen but to dissolve and
disperse. One sees this from the urine which becomes
thick and dark when the kidneys are out of order.

Nor is it less beneficial on the bladder, the liver,

and indeed on all parts of the abdomen, the organs of
which are in combination with the upper part of the
body; therefore we may say it strengthens the whole
A girl suffered so much from headache that she was
compelled to keep her bed, and every remedy she applied
seemed to increase the suffering.
In order to free her from pain
prescribed a powerful
hip-douche, the result being that in a short time the
headache disappeared and she was able to get a few
hours sleep. Evidently in this case the cause of the
headache was stomach trouble and this being removed
by the hip douche she obtained relief.
A man, named Jacob, from cramp
suffered intensely
in the feet. I prescriped hip-douches, back-douches and
half-baths and by these he was completely cured, though
I think the most effective was the hip-douche.

As the hip-douche is easy to take and as the ab-

domen and indeed the whole system can bear it well,
it may be taken two, three, or four times a week, accor-
ding to the strength of the patient.

76 Thied part. Applications of water.

The Knee-Douche.
(See ''My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 81

As the heading shews this douche is applied from

below to above the knee and is a reinforcement of
the footbath. One begins at the instep, covers the foot
and continues tha stream upward to above the knee. For
weak people it will be enough at first to use one can
or hose of water for both knees while for those who
are strong two, three, or four may be poured on.

The more douche is administered, the

carefully this
more often may it be taken. Like a strong footbath its
special object is to attract the blood to the feet, to in-
crease the normal warmth, and to brace and strengthen
the whole body.
Those who suffer constantly from cold feet may take
the knre- douche frequently, two or three times a week
for example. Those who are weak and delicate may use
this douche with advantage as its chief property is to
strengthen. It is of great benefit in urinary trouble, di-
seases of the stomach and kidney, and in removing head-
aches which are caused by too much blood in the head;
and even sore throats are relieved by this douche because
of its power to strengthen and draw the blood down-
It is quite as important here as in other douches
how the water is poured over the knee and foot. The
water must flow evenly and smoothly down over the
foot. If it be asked, why must it be poured with so
much regularity, and why cannot it be throw on to the
body? The answer is, that during the time the water
is flowing over the body all the warmth which otherwise
would evaporate is held back and develops an increased
Avarmth under the water, which combats with the cold
pressed in by the w^ater.
Thus the waimth gains a quicker and surer victory
over the cold or in other w^ords, the reaction will set

in sooner; the more regularly and quietly the water is

poured, the greater will be the warmth retained.
v. n
Chapter YI. Douches: The back-douche. 77

on the other hand the water is carelessly poured

on. the chance is there will be no possibihty of devel-
oping the necessary warmth, and the cold will so gain
the mastery that it will be most difficult to get warmth
back to the body.

Therefore I maintain that the more regularly and

quietly the water flows over the body, the greater the
chance of obtaining and retaining the desirable warmth.

The Back-Douche.
(See "'-My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 83.)

I once saw a cat spring leisurely up into a tree.

She did it so easily that one thought it must be her
usual way: I believe she did it out of pure pleasure.
As she alighted on a branch she settled herself cj^uietly
on it and from her elevated position looked about.

This picture of the cat reminded me of the back-

douche. The word shows us that the back is now the
part of the body to be acted upon by the douche but
the question is, how is it to be given? Exactly as the
cat climbed into the tree. She began from below, stuck
her claws in right and left and so mounted slowly.

Just so the back douche commences from below

and isdirected gradually upward till the water flows in
a gentle even stream over the shoulders. This last point,
as we have remarked, is important in all the douches but
perhaps in none so important as in the back douche.

Many -dislike this douche complaining that it gives

them headache and makes them restless. If this be so,
there has, without doubt, been some fault in administer-
ing it! This is why watering can, because
I prefer a
the person who the douche can do so with a
freer hand and guide the flow so that it spreads evenly
and broadly over the whole back.
78 Thikd paet. Applications or watek.

To administer the back douche properly o one proceeds

as follows: Commence from below and on getting to the
middle of the back go upward till you get above the
shoulder. When the watering can approaches the back,
it forms a sheet of water which spreads itself over half
the back. When the water is poured from the middle
of the back upwards, it does not matter which side is
first douched whether right or left so long as the water
flows quietly and uninterruptedly over the whole surface.
When both sides have been douched, one can direct the
water either up or down the middle of the back the
more quietly and uninterruptedly the water flows over
the middle and both sides of the back the better. It is
a great fault when the back douche is turned into a
spraying douche and when the stream is poured on
to the back from a distance of a quarter or half a yard
or when the water is thrown superficially on the surface
as if it did not matter at all as long as the water fell
out of the can on to the back somehow.

A me that he could not en-

patient complained to
dure the back-douche. It made him so nervous and
excitable and gave him so much headache that he could
not sleep at night. He begged of me that I would give
him this douche myself; I did so and the next morning
he could not speak too highly of the benefit it had been
to him.

The chief point to observe is, and I repeat it again

and again, to pour the water gently and regularly over
the back. If this be not done, there can be no good

In administering a back-douche to a weak and ner-

vous person one canful is enough at first. As the
patient gets accustomed to it, two or three may be given
containing about four gallons of water and as the con-
dition of the patient improves the number of cans may
be still further increased to six or seven.

For a long time I continued to give back- douches

to a bishop. At last I gave him ten or twelve cans
Chapter VI. Douches: The back-douchp:. 79

full. This was an exceptional case and I certainlj^ should

not recommend it at any time. He laughed and said I
should get tired of applying the douche long before he
would get weary of receiving it.

When the patient has taken several of these douches

the beginning may be made from above instead of below,
because the circulation is regular.
You will scarcely fiud another douche which will
raise and increase the heat as quickly as the back-

While the water pours over the back, the warmth concen-
trates itself within and gradually appears on the surface so
that in a very short time the patient feels great benefit.
Scarcely has he received the douche than a gentle glow
is felt on the skin and one knows that there is an in-
crease of warmth. One has seen the same effect from
wading in water. At first on stepping in one experien-
ces a cutting cold followed almost immediately by an
agreeable warmth and just as one puts on the dress
directly on coming out of the water without drying the
body so one does the moment after taking the back-
I know of no douche so generally strengthening as
the back-douche; its effects are excellent. It is of the
greatest service in regulating the circulation of the blood
and in dissolving and dispersing obstructions in the blood
and secretions. It braces and strengthens the lower part
of the body, in that it disperses gasses, and works upon
the liver and kidneys; its effect is also very good upon
the breast and indeed upon the whole body which it
warms and strengthens and purifies.
As the effect of this douche is so excellent, people
will naturally think they cannot take it too often. My
answer is :good results come slowly aud the ex-
All ;

cessive use of a remedy be it ever so good, is produc-

tive of evil. To expect to remove all obstructions of
blood or secretions at once is unreasonable and strength
can be re-instated only by degrees.
80 Third paet. applications of water.

In some cases however the back-douche may be

given oftener than in others, for example, to a strong,
healthy, and too well fed brewer who wished to reduce
his corpulence I prescribed one every other day and then
one every day and he was pleased with* the result. In
most cases however it must be taken in combination with
other douches once or twice a week only and then for
a very short time.

The Full-Douche.
People generally think that the full -douche is the
most difficult to take of all the douches and the least
easy for the body to endure, whereas the opposite is-
the case.

My great rule is to treat the system gently and this-

is why I prescribe the douches of the shortest dura-


tion. The number of small douches are proofs that one

need not begin with the full douche
indeed it is by
these that Nature is prepared and braced to take the
full douche. This last is to the series what the mantle
is to the articles of dress, the completion of the set.
One does not take the full-douche until the system i&
prepared for it by first taking the knee-douche, the hip-
douche, the upper-douche, the back-douche, and the half-
bath. This douche is merely a higher development of
the douches, and almost without exception those who
have enjoyed it once desire it again. It is clear that
when all parts of the body have been prepared and
strengthened, the full- douche comes in with the greatest
benefit to the whole body. In taking this as other
douches the body must be thoroughly warm and unless
it be so, on no account must the douche be taken in-
deed the very best time to take it is in full perspi-

One begins the full-douche from theheels upward

to the hips, then over the whole back to the shoulders.

Chapter VI. Douches: The eull-douche. 81

over which the water must flow backward and forward

as evenly as possible over the whole body. Or one may
begin at the shoulders, pouring the water first over the
back and then over the front of the body. It is quite
immaterial whether a hose or a water-can be used, the
great point being that the water must flow^ evenly on
both sides of the body: and the greater the regularity
and gentleness of this process, the more successful will
be the effect on the sick man.

In administering a full-douche to a hunchback "

or a corpulent person be careful to pour a sufficiency

of water on the enlarged parts. By placing the patient
in a somewhat forward position this may be done quite
easily without neglecting the even flow over the whole
body. I say again the more regularly the water
flows so much the more will the body be benefitted. It
must not be supposed that spraying or wetting the body
in all sorts of ways whether with hose or water-can is a full-
douciie. It must be administered according to instructions
or it is no full-doudie. When the body has been pre-
pared by other applications for the reception of the full-
douche as many as eight of even ten cans of water may
be used at one time. For a very weak person one would
begin with one or two cans of water but as his strength
increases, he w^ill not be content with less than eight or
ten and sometimes a patient asks for twelve.

For the robust and those who wish to reduce their

corpulency, I have not only used hose and water cans
but large pails from which the water fails like a cas-
cade ;
and sometimes,
although not necessary, but by
desire of the patients have given as many as twenty
pailsful. This, however, is an exception and can only be
allowed to a strong person who has too fat or too sleepy
a body.

Ihave often administered the full-douche in another

way. The patient kneels in a large bath and bends
slightly forward. A very hght full -douche is first admi-
nistered and then comes the pail and the water is dashed
Kne i p p , My Will.
32 Thied part. Applications of water.

over the body.

entire This is more or less an
amusement but the patient gradually comes to prefer it.
Such a douche is the strongest proof of the power of
water to strengthen and harden the human body and ;

when an invalid is so far improved as to be able to take

a full- douche, it is the best indication of renewed life.
If in administering this douche to the strong and healthy
the utmost care and caution is to be exercised, the ne-
cessity for care is double when given to a weak Or
delicate person.

Aconsumptive person came to me from AVtirzburg

having been given up by all the doctors and said
that, if I could give him no hope, he would bear his fate
and try nothing more. He did not look so very ill and
he had at least muscles.

During four weeks he took daily two small douches

then heavier ones then followed a back-douche very

gently given and then as a continuation a short full-

douclie applied upwards to the shoulders from w^hich the
water fell over the front of the body. This douche did
him much good although he shuddered at first; he was not
quite dressed when he exclaimed "This has done me most
good The application was repeated every two
of all".
or three days and he assured me he gained more strength
and warmth by this application than by any other. The
full-douclie is no tyrant! It may appear so to the weak
or effeminate, but to those who have become by its means
strengthened and cured, it is the conclusion of the cure.

never prescribe a remedy that I have not personally


tried, so I gave myself the full-douche. I took

a can of water, held it high with both hands, and turned
it over my chest, the water running from spout and
top quite evenly over the front of the body; then I bent
the head forward and taking a second can poured it
from my neck over the back first on one shoulder and
then on another and continued the process till I had
used four cansful.
Chapter YI. Douches : The lightning-douche. 83

The fulUdouclie is often given to children. It is

apphed simply from the heels upwards to the shoulders
from which points the water flows over the whole body,
the front receiving as much water as the back. At fir.st
one can of water is sufficient for the whole body; then
two, one for each side. Children like this douche c[uite
as much as the grown people do; and after having other
douches they like the full one best of all which is a proof
that they gain health and strength by it.
The full-douche is generally used in combination
with other applications once or twice a week. Where a
general strengthening of the body is required, it may be
given three times a week. It must not be given to
nervous or weak children quite so often, once or twice a
w^eek being sufficient.
The name full-doiiclie is very appropriate, for its
effects are generaland complete. Its special work is to
increase the normal warmth of the body, strengthen the
whole system and regulate the circulation of the blood.
As to the time of taking this douche it is immate-
rial; it can be taken in the early morning or before the
midday meal if in the afternoon it will be better to let

two hours pass by after the meal. In the winter it will

be better to take it before and not after four, in summer
not after six o'clock.
In taking the fuH-doucht^, it is better not to wet
the head especially if the hair be thick and long for fear
of neuralgia and headaches. If, however, the tempera-
ture is warm and the hair neither thick nor heavy, there
will be no danger but it must be rubbed thoroughly dry

or harm may come of it.

The Lightning-Douche.

Looking at the Parish Church of Worishofen to-day

one would scarcely credit the deplorable condition it was
in when I first took charge of the Parish.
84 Thikd pabt. Applications of water.

The walls were wet and stained even up to the roof

and looked as though they had stood partly in water
and collected all the mud and dirt round about; they
were not only wet through but thoroughly rotten and
if one leaned against them, one displaced the plaster.
In order to remove the decay and prevent the damp-
ness from extending, I sent for six masons to investigate
and remove the rottenness of the walls even if they had
to penetrate 'to the stone. So they went to work with
their picks and the rotten plaster fell like rain on the

floor. This being fully done the inner walls were found
to be sound and dry. They had evidently had three
layers of plasteron them none of which had been dry.
The church was not at all well ventilated and during
the service it was crowded with people and full of a
hazy mist which settled in the walls.

When the masons had exposed the walls, we had a

thin plaster laid on made of the best materials and to-
day they are perfectly free of damp and there is no lack
of fresh air or proper ventilation in. the Church.

This picture of my church represents to my mind

the conditions of a man who carries abont with him
fifty or sixty pounds of flesh without being able to get
rid of it; and the result is a weariness and a hindrance
to him* And yet this burden can easily be taken away.
There came to me one day a gentleman who weighed
three hundred and fifty pounds. He told me he greatly
desired to be free of some of this heavy burden. I ap-

plied to him all the douches

the hip, the back the halt-bath,
and the full-douche and being by this time quite accus-
tomed to the water I gave him the lightnings-douche.
This worked upon the man exactly as the mason's
pick had acted upon the walls of my church.

To give the lightning-douche correctly, one begins

at the heel of the right foot and works slowly upwards
till the whole of the back is douched and this process
is repeated for the front of the body. In the meantime
^W^^A'""?"?? ^'J.*i-'-'


Chaptfr YI. Douches: The lightning-douche. 35

a comfortable heat is developed and the sick person is

so relieved that he says ''I feel new born"\ If you wish
to know something of the effect of the lightning douche
go and look at a burning building. In order to quench
the flames a hose is directed to them and with such force
that the burning wall is sometimes thrown in and the
fire is smothered.

In the same way through a hose the w^ater is directed

like lightning over the body beginning either from
above or below. This lightning-like stream, although it
takes good strong hold, is by no means painful, but, as
one can see, it drives out everything from the system
that is superfluous or harmful. It reminds one of beating
a coat or carpet with a stick; the dust is all driven
out but the coat and the carpet remain intact.
In giving the lightning-douche the distance of the
hose from the patient is from three to five yards accor-
ding to the force desired for the jet, and the application
may last from three to eight minutes. First a fall sharp
douche is given, then the finger is placed across the
opening so that the stream is broken and a rapid spray
dashes against the body like a rain-storm against a win-
dow. The opening of the hose should be only large
enough to hold a lead pencil and that the system may
be treated as gently as possible the stream should not
be too strong. The effects of the lightning-douche are
as follows: Increased warmth, improved appearance,
lighter breathing, better appetite, free expectoration, an
unusual amount of and deposit in the urine, at which
last symptom many are needlessly alarmed.

According to the condition of the patient the

lightniiig--douche may be applied every second day, every
day or even twice a day.
I am radically opposed to massage which has been
introduced by the Allopathic Practitioners. Many patients
have come to me complaining not only of pains but of
injuries resulting from it. The pressure, rubbing, and
squeezing may very ea.sily burst the vessels and hberate
the blood from the smaller veins producing serious dis-
36 Third part. Applications of water.

turbaiices. A patientcame to me with more than fifty

ulcers produced by inflammation of the blood and secre-
tions, the result of a course of massage. In its stead I
recommend with a good conscience the lit^litning-douche
and affirm that it will not only replace but will surpass
the former in good effects. This douche hammers and
beats upon the body removing everything which is not
made fast.

Everyone knows that the body of the corpulent

person is porous and spongy and it is equally clear that
the porous matter can be easily dispersed. The cold
water draws all the dispersed matter together and causes
it to escape either by perspiration or through the urine.
It is precisely those who are corpulent who have weak
organs. Too much blood is formed and this leaves a
deposit in the system just as a thick smoke leaves a
depo.sit of soot in the chimney through which it passes.
A pro'of that this is so, is the heavy breathing and gait
cind the tendency to be easily fatigued. A double or
triple layer is formed in the inside like the plaster on
the walls of my church and must be got rid of.
An Austrian seventy three pounds after
official lost
a somewhat long course treatment. When he first
came, he could scarcely breathe, he was in low spirits
and could with difficulty drag his weight about. The
liglitning-douche relieved him of these troubles he
looked fresh, healthy and young; his breathing became
easy, he could walk without fatigue and resumed his
official duties which he had been about to give up. He
had previously tried many remedies aud the doctors had
prescribed rigid dieting which came hard upon him and,
although the amount of nourishment he took was
reduced it did not reduce his size and weight.
He looked quite extraordinary in his dress and
when one day he showed ijie his trousers I jokingly
remarked that really in the need of dwellings now-a-days
he could allow a tailor a lodging in them.
I advised him strongly not to change anything in
his way of living which I knew to be temperate. His
Chapter YI. Douches: The lightnixg-douche. 87

corpulence was due to a too great formation of blood

which built up a porous spongy mass and also to his
vocation which conduced to obstructions in the system.

It is because a sudden and entire change of diet

has often an injurious effect upon the system that I am
distinctly opposed to it.

Just as in the world there is nothing good that

does not meet with more or less of opposition, so w^ith
the lightning-douche, the working of which has been
falsely judged and in heart-disease has been declared
Even my own physician objected to this douche as
dangerous in this disease. I maintained the contrary
opinion always supposing it to be given in the proper way.

But when a man will not believe in a remedy, be he

Thomas or a Doctor, he will not accept it. We made
many trials of the lightning-douche; we counted the
pulse of the patient before, during, and after the douche
and then came the surprise; the result of this so
called torture w^as in my favour and even the unbelieving
doctors were convinced.

A young priest on account of disease of the

heart (insufficientia valvula mitralis) could not advance
in his profession took lightning-douches. The first day
before taking the douche, his pulse was 108
after it,
it was not more than 80.

The doctors thought that some mistake had been

made and still would not beheve in its power. The next
day another lightning-douche was administered to the
young man. Previous to his taking it the pulse v/as
120 afterwards it was 88.
He himself extremely w^ell and unexcited and
declared: "There is nothing the matter with me: I have
not felt so well and comfortable for years."
Chapter VII.

Bandages and Compresses.

General Remarks.

If the douches, owing to their simplicity, efficacy,

and short duration, are of the greatest importance in
the water cure treatment not less so are the bandages
aud compresses. He who knows the power and effect of
water and how
to give the applications rightly can, by
means ofbundages and compresses, obtain the same
results as with douches although the way is more roun-
dabout and slow.
The bandages are divided into head-bandage, neck-
bandage, short-bandage, foot-bandage and lastly the
full-bandage or as it is called the Spanish mantle.

As each bandage has its own special name, so has

it its own special effect, and as the bandages are quite
different one from another, so is their effect different and
yet in one thing they are in perfect unison viz., in their
power to dissolve, expel and absorb all foul m&.tter and
so improve the physical condition so also they take the

superfluous heat into themselves

removing feverishness,
Chaptee VII. Bandages : The head-bandage. 89

and bestowing warnith when needed. Great care must

be taken that the bandages hke the douches be properly
apphed or the result would h^ anything but good.

The Head-Bandage.
(See "My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 93.)

The head-baiidag^e embraces all the head except the

face. A wet linen cloth is wrapped about the head so
as to exclude the air. The hair of course is in the way
and should either be cut off or bound up within the wet
cloth. necessary that the hair itself should be
It is

made ihe dampness of the tow^el would

wet, otherwise
not penetrate and consequently would have no effect.
Unless under special advice the towel must be dipped in
cold water.

As soon as a warm vapour emanates from the head,

it is absorbed by the damp cloth and an agreeable warmth
is developed causing a still greater evaporation in pro-
portion- as the heat increases and the cloth absorbs.

One hour is generally sufficient for a head-bandage,

a longer time might develop extreme heat and attract
too much blood to. the head in which case the trouble
would be increased and not diminished. Should pains in
the head come on in consequence of too quick a flow
of blood to the head, meet the difficulty by a counter
action and apply a bandage extending from the foot to
the calf of the c

I rarely make use of the head-briiidage because my

principle is to work upon the head as little as possible
because of the delicacy which might so
of its organs'
easily receive injury. My belief is that the head may bo
more effectually helped by treating the whole body. When
one s'.iffers from too much blood in the head, it is not
driven out by the head-batidiij^e but rather drawn down
by application below.
90 Thied paet. Applications of water.

Th3 head bandage should not be appHed often, cer-

tamly not more than once or twice a week, and in very
rare cases three times.

Over the wet towel bound round the head, there

must always be two or three folds of dry cloth wound
very evenly.
The head-bandage is most effectual in cases of neu-
ralgia, and too rapid a flow to the head, causing ob-
structions of blood and secretions which cannot be got
rid of in the usual way. It must not be applied too
often in brain trouble, it might eliminate too much and
produce great weakness.
On removing the head-bandage on no account follow
it up by a douche as people are so apt to do because
the evaporation evoked by the bandage would by the
douche be suddenly suppressed. It would be much better
to remain in bed or in a warm temperature so as to
stimulate the evaporation. Then later, dry the head tho-
roughly and in four or five hours it may be washed, but
not the hair.

The Neck-Bandage.
(See "My Water Ciire^' 50th Edition p. 94.)

This bandage, as its name implies, is applied only

to the neck. Take a wet thick soft tow^el or bandage
of from four to six folds and with it encircle the throat
closely, beginning below the ear and under the chin;
and over this a dry cloth evenly wound.
The effect of this bandage is to extract foul matter
from the throat and to draw^ the superfluous heat from
it. It must not be kept on too long without renewing
it because it develops heat so rapidly and wdien this
becomes too intense more harm than good is done.
It affects not only the head but also the body, guid-
ing the blood downwards and cutting off the excess of
Chaptee YII. Bandages : The neck-bandage. 91

flow. What would

otherwise go into the head will be
repressed by this bandage;
but if it be too hot, the
blood and secretions are drawn both from the body and
the head into the throat.

For example a person having a swollen throat wished

to reduce it by means of the neck-baiidao^e. He felt
so great a relief from it that he kept it on a long time
believing that the longer he did so, the greater the good.
However his throat daily grew worse and he could not
understand why the bai.dage had not effected a cure.
At length when it became as bad as possible, he came
to me and poured out his complaints,

answered him shortly: '"If you attract matter


from your body and head into your throat, of course it

will be swollen. If you really wish to reduce this, lay
a very cold cloth round the throat which will contract,
but as soon as warmth is generated, expansion takes place
and cancels the good already done. If you want cold
to diminish heat, then you must renew your bandage every
quarter of an hour and continue it for an hour or an hour
and a half. In this way only will your throat be cured.
In case of a rush blood to the head the iieck-
baiidage will be of no avail. I should employ rather a
foot or thigh bandage or a wet cloth on the stomach
in fact one must work from below to draw the blood
from above.
The neck-bandage can and does draw the blood from
the head to the throat, but it must not stay there and
the only way of getting rid of what has been drawn into
it is by constantly renewing the bandage. In inflamma-
tion of the throat, the neck-bandage may be employed
with great advantage. If, however, it be applied igno-
rantly or carelessly the mischief will be increased. The
neck-bandage gets hot quickly and draws the blood ra-
pidly towards the throat thereby increasing the inflam-
Should it happen that the heat or the inflamma-
tion is increased by emptying th3 neck-bandage, then
92 Thikd paet. Applications of water.

on no account must be kept on longer than ten minutes


without renewal, and the water should be as cold

as possible into which, the cloth is dipped. But it would
be still better to lay a six-fold cloth on the stomach
which would rapidly develop an increased warmth and
so relieve the inflammation in the throat. It would be
of benefit also to have a bandage from the foot to the
knee which would draw the blood from the head to the
feet. There are cases in which the ne-ck-bandage must
be warm and not cold; for example in quinsy one applies
the bandage as hot as the patient can bear it, in order
to- work upon the coagulated blood, separate and disperse
it, and by a rapid interchange of matter ward off the

The principle the same as in blood-poisoning

the hot bandage prevents the spread of inflammation and
eliminates the foul matter.

In diptheria where a rapid accumulation of matter

forms, the flow of blood to the throat is prevented by
a frequent change of the cold bandage for this like the

warm bandage must be renewed every ten or twenty

minutes, the one with warm and the other with cold

The neck-bandage is especially used in obstructions

and swellings of throat or head.

One might suppose that goitres would be very easily

removed by the application of the neck-bandage. This
is not my opinion which is, that this result can only be
obtained by making the bandages of short duration and
soaking them three or four times one after the other
after they have been wound round the neck for ten mi-
nutes. Ifthe bandage becomes warm, the goitre increases
rather than diminishes because the blood flows to it
still more and produces swelling in the throat.

A cold in the throat or chest may,

freshly caught
by means of the neck-bandage, be cured within an hour
if the neck-bandage be changed every eight or ten mi-


Chapter VII. Bandages : The short-bandage. 93

nutes. very important that the patient making use

It is
of the neck bandage should be in bed and remain there
quietly, because with every movement comes air and this
must be strictly kept from the throat.
The full benefit bandage can only be secured
of this
if it is laid on the neck properly and with knowledge.

The Short-Bandage.
(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 100.)

This begins under the arms and reaches almost to the

knees. It is perhaps the most important of all the bandages

and w^hen properly understood and applied gives remarkable

results. On the other hand if not well applied, much
harm may be done and those who are too confident about
their knowledge of it are likely to come to grief.

The preparations for it are as follows: First lay

a blanket on the bed and on this a cloth which is to
be used as the bandage. It must be at least four fold
and of rough linen material. It must have been dipped
in water and partially wrung out to prevent the water
dripping but not so dry as to prevent the body from
being quite damp. On this the patient lies while the
cloth goes well up to the arms and down to the knees;
it is then folded closely over the body so as to adhere
to the skin in every part and to exclude the air, the
tw^o ends being laid carefully over each other. The
blanket, which should extend above and below the ban-
dage, is brought round so as completely to wrap the body
within it.
In case there is no blanket at hand a linen sheet
may be used to wind round the wet bandaged body
the more perfect the fit the surer the success.

Over and above these, two bandages, cloth and blanket,

some people add a band or roller which they wind over
them. I do not forbid this, on the contrary I approve
94 Thikd paet. Applications of watee.

of it, keeps everything in its place

because it Wlien
the patient is thus bandaged, he may have thrown over
him a cover or even a feather bed.
the cold, wet cloth first touches the stomach,
the patient is apt to shiver but that feeling soon passes

and in its stead there comes an agreeable, comfortable

warmth. As soon as the wet cloth encircling the body
and the dry one also becomes warm the work of elimi-
nating begins. If the bandage has been rightly given,
the blanket will be warmer and damper than the inner
cloth itself, because the evaporation has penetrated it.
The emanations from the body escape into the wrappings
as vapour rises in the air.

I have proved this by substituting a linen sheet for

a blanket and observing that it became quite as damp

as the original bandage. It is evident, therefore, that a
sort of pumping operation goes on in the body while the
short bandage is on.

One sees something of the work done by this ban-

dage by observing that the cloth bound round the body
was perfectly clean when put on, but when taken off and
put into water to be washed, it made the water quite
dirty. Sometimes when the cloth bandage is taken off,
it is quite yellow like jaundice and this is utterly im-
possible to remove except by bleaching on the grass.

The short bandage is very much used for every kind

of obstruction in order to dissolve and disperse them
it is enlargement of liver or spleen
efficacious also for
and for stoppages in the bowels and kidneys, or when
dropsy is about to develop and for gaseous matter.

For weak and thin people it is not beneficial, it

removes too much strength; on the other hand it is
extremely good for the corpulent and for those with heart
trouble brought on by complaints of the stomach, and
for asthma.

Formerly I prescribed this bandage very often now

I rarely give it more than once or twice a week
Chapter ML Bandages: The shoet-baxdage. 95

except ill special cases ^vhe^e rapid elimination is ne-


Where the seat of a disease is not well defined, the

application of one or two short bandages will often give
an insight into it.
The bandage may be dipped water,
in a variety of
for example, in warm or cold, hay-flower water, in
oat-straw water, in pine-bongh-water. or in salt and

The warm bandage is when the patient is of

a particularly cold temperament, or when he so shrinks
from contact with cold water that he refuses the cold
bandage. In this case he may have the first and second
short bandage warm bat the rest he must take cold.
If sufficientnatural warmth exists, that is to say if the
patient does not shiver, then the cold bandage shall fol-
low sharply on the warm. When I prescribe a warm
instead of a cold short bandage, it must be understood
that this is only to continue until the patient is string
enough to endure the cold, and further for a weak per-
son the bandage must be only two-fold, for a strong
person four-fold and for a very strong person six-fold.

Scarcely has the bandage been applied than an

agreeable comfortable warmth is developed. After half
an hour or perhaps sooner the warmth increases and the
patient realizes that the dissolving and eliminating pro-
cess is growing stronger. It is not advisable to keep
the bandage on too long or perspiration would commence
which I do not think advisable, because it draws out
too much heat and weakens the system. The conse-
quence of this would be that one could not so soon make
use of other applications.

One must always bear in mind that the body is to

be dealt gently with.

After removing the bandage neither a "washing*' nor

a 'iialf-bath'' may be taken but according to his strength
the patient may either take gentle exercise or keep in
96 Thied part. Applications ot watek.

bed for an hour; in which case he generally gets a

qniet sleep.

If a strong person has just taken a short bandage,

it would be good for him to go for a walk if itdid not
last too long, and so deprive him of strength.

As we have already said the bandage may be dipped

in other than simple water
it may be dipped in decoc-

tions of hay-flower, oatstraw, pine- bough or in a mix-

ture of half vinegar and half water.

The hay-flower water or decoction is prepared either

by pouring boiling w^ater over the hay-flowers or boiling
them for a few minutes, when it will have the appear-
ance of black coffee. Into this decoction \he bandage is
dipped as for the simple cold water bandage. Its in-
fluence is still stronger than the cold water in dissolving
and dispersing matter. The warmer this bandage is when
bound round the body, so much the more effectually does
it act upon the system and in fever the benefit of it is
great. And when there is a struggle in the system be-
tween heat and cold, the strong warm bandage supports
the natural warmth and suppresses the cold.
Neither this nor the oat-straw bandage should be kept
on longer than an hour or an hour and a half, for fear of
drawing too much warmth and strength from the body.
Generally too the warm bandage becomes colder at the
end of an hour and then cold and warmth begin anew
the struggle and the system is thereby injured.
The oat-straw short-bandage is of the greatest ser-
vice in gout; indeed I know of no better remedy for it^
and even more powerful for good is it for gout when
drunk as a tea.
The pine-bough water handage is especially streng-
thening for the skin and entering through the pores pro-
duces a great feeling of comfort. The pine-branches are
boiled for half an hour and the bandage dipped in it.

Even three days after using the bandage one cart

smell the rosin which is most agreeable. It is a theory
Chapter YII. Bandages: The loaver-bandage. 97

of mme when the system needs certain things, it

can absorb them through the pores. There is no doubt
that the skin takes in much that is good from the
pine-boughs ; and stuff that strengthens the whole

The bandage dipped in water and vinegar is used

for those who are weak and deficient in blood, in order
to increase their warmth. It must not be given too
often or it would make the weak weaker. I think
this is because the vinegar contracts the pores and im-
pedes perspiration, producing an internal tension. In
this case the patient feels tired and weak but it does
not continue: in a day or so the agreeable feeling

The Lower-Bandage.
(See '"My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 98.)

The lower-bandage begins at the breast and reaches

quite down enveloping the legs as well as the body. As
a rule one dips a twofold cloth into cold, water, hay-
flower, or oat-straw-Avater, and proceeds as follows A :

blanket is spread across a mattrass and upon this is laid

the wet sheet on w^hich the patient takes his place; the
sheet or cloth is then brought together about his body
and each leg is bandaged separately. As in all like ap-
plications the bandage must fit smoothly over the skin;
the blanket is then drawn closely over all and an addi-
tional blanket or quilt is laid on the outside. At first
th patient is apt to feel cold but in the course of two
or three minutes this feeling gives place to a comfortable

As soon as the moisture penetrates the pores and

warmth is developed, the diseased matter which should
long ago have been expelled by perspiration is now
Kneip p , My Will. 7
98 Third part. applications of water.

The bandage, like others of its kind, mist be kept

on for an hour, or an hour and a half and on very rare
occasions two hours. When it is removed, the patient
would do well to remain in bed for an hour and a half in
order that the evaporation may go on quietly. Usually the
patient falls into a refreshing sleep which should not be
disturbed. Those who can may take a walk after it with
the purpose of increasing the warmth and producing per-

I amfrequently asked, if after the lower bandage

is removed a patient may wash or take a half bath.
My answer is "neither the one nor the other''. This
lower- bandage acts, as I have said, both on the body and
legs. It disperses and dissolves obstructions and swel-
lings in the bow^els and legs, and in disturbances produced
by chills, or the flow of too much blood to the head
it brings all into order.

It is gout and swel-

also of great help in cases of
lings in the feetwhich are always more or less connected
with the stomach, the diseased matter from which
having forced its way downward.

Beneficial as this lower bandage is when rightly

applied, it is often administered so imperfectly that it
does more harm than good, and then the fault is as-
cribed either to Kneipp's system or to the water.

It may happen that there is no one present to help

a patient to apply this bandage
if this be so, we will

give a simple means by which he can help himself. Let

him take a pair of coarse linen drawers and dip them
in cold water, then put them on, smooth them carefully
about the body and legs and they will have the same
effect as the lower-bandage above described.

Chapter YII. Baxdages: The foot-bandage. 99

The Foot-Bandage.
(See ''My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 97).

Each part of the body is important and dare not

fail in the performance of its special duty lest it bring
disaster upon the whole body. The feet have a very
significant part to play which w^ill be quite impossible
for them unless properly cared for.

Therefore to prevent and cure diseases of the feet I

have bandages specially applied to them and I divide
them as follow^s.

l'\ The foot-bandage w^hich covers the foot and

reaches to above the ankle.
2".*^. The calf -bandage which reaches from the ankle
to the knee.

3^t The lower this^h bandage which reaches from

above to below the knee including the feet.
4'^. The leg bandage takes in the leg and thigh
up to the hip.

The foot-bandage is formed of a one or two fold

linen cloth wrapped carefully round the foot but not so
tight as to prevent free circulation.

This bandage has a dissolving effect upon the accu-

mulations, obstructions and swellings which result from
insufficient care of the feet. The bones of the feet suffer
very much now-a-days when it is the fashion to wear
very narrow shoes the high heels stab the bones at

every step the w^earer takes, and it is not to be supposed

that they can long bear this without serious injury. The
narrow shoes and high heels press so greatly upon the
skin, muscles, impeded;
and sinews that circulation is
and the result is that the obstructions decompose, the
blood becomes impure and gradually pain and weakness
spread over the whole foot.
The bandage may be kept on from one to two hours
but must be renewed at the end of the first hour. It

100 Third part, Applications of watfr.

may be given cold if no special dissolving is necessary

and if the feet are not very cold; where the special pur-
pose is to get rid of corrupt matter, it would be better
to add hay-flowers or shave-grass to the water. The
hay-flower bandage is generally put on warm as its power
ot dispersing is then stronger.

Instead of this bandage a linen sock may be used

dip it in water or hay-flower water and draw it on wet
cover it with a dry sock, or a dry cloth or flannel.

It an admirable remedy for all pains in the bones


of feet and ankles and for swelling resulting from blows

or too much walking. But for swellings in the feet
produced by mischief in other parts of the body a warm
bandage would increase the swelling and intensify
the heat.j

It may be taken two or three times a week; but I

repeat that, if the mischief is caused by other parts of
the body, then other remedies must be applied.

The calf-bandage is made with water, hay-flowers

or other herbs. It must fit very smoothly but not too
tightly and be covered with a dry woollen or linen cloth
of two or three folds. It is, as a rule, kept on for a
couple of hours but, in a case of necessity, it is kept on
the whole night.

When very tired and heated by a walk of some

hours, have dipped a handkerchief in water and bound

it round the calf of my leg, and in a short time the

heat and fatigue passed away
and I repeated this two
or three times in the day.

A single towel would answer the purpose, if it were

long; one half being made wet and the other half kept
dry to form a covering; or a wet stocking, would be
equally beneficial, if it were enveloped in a dry one.

It would do no harm to keep this bandage on the

whole day as it soon dries and prevents further develop-
ment of heat.

V 100
Chaptee YIL Bandages: The Spanish Mantle. 101

It is excellent for those whose feet are bloodless.

It increases the warmth and draws the blood dow^n to
them. If elimination is needed, the bandage must be
applied in the evening and kept on until the morning
with an occasional renewing during the night.

The lower-thigh bandage is to be applied in the same

way as the calf bandage.

The leg bandage prepared and applied in the


same way as the others

dipped in water or in decoc-
tions of hay-flowers and other herbs. Its special object is
to disperse. It is excellent for swellings and ulcers, cramp
and sciatica. should be renewed at the end of each
hour, or second hour according to the condition of the

The whole or complete Bandage.

As one can bandage individual parts, so it is quite

possible to bandage the whole body with a very large
sheet or cloth which should be dipped either in simple
water or in herbal decoctions.

The entire body is wrapped carefully up so that the

w^et bandage touches every part without a wrinkle. It
is kept on from one hour to an hour and a half. It is
important that here, as in all bandages, the patient
should not perspire. Instead of this complete bandage I
generally employ lighter applications and have had good
results from the use of the so called Spanish mantle.

The Spanish Mantle.

(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 102.)

This bandage or mantle is really a long shirt or

chemise reaching below the feet wdth an opening down
the entire front. It is put on like a night gown and'
102 Thibd part. Applications of watee.

the two parts of the front are well wrapped over each
other so that the whole body is covered.

A blanket is first laid on the bed or rather mattrass

on which the patient, wrapped in his Spanish mantle,
places himself the blanket is then brought iogether
about his body and the more closely and completely the
mantle fits itself to the body and the more securely the
blanket envelops him. the more complete will be the
success. The usual duration of this application is from
an hour to an hour and a half. It acts as a plaster to
the whole body it opens the pores, it develops warmth,

and conducts much foul matter from the system.

It must not be taken often and only in special


I know a clergyman who during a whole winter made

use of the Spanish mantle every week and by its means

became healthy and well.
I do not order it oftener than once in eight or four-
teen days, though it may be administered every second
or third day to very corpulent people who wish to reduce
their size quickly or to those whose bodies are puffed up
or bloated.

Because it draws so much from the system, it should

be taken with extreme caution by weak, thin people who
would probably lose too much strength and vitality in it.
And in this as in all bandages care must be exercised
both in the manner, duration, and frequency of its appli-
cation. It is by some thought necessary that the body
should perspire during each application; this is a mistake;
only an increased natural warmth is desirable, sufficient,
that is to say, to separate and dissolve the impurities
which the Spanish mantle absorbs. It is best to remain
in bed for an hour after its removal and on no account
to take a bath or a washing.

For strong people there will be no danger in apply-

ing the Spanish mantle once a week or once a fortnight;
nor for the corpulent two or three times a week, though
tzr' :r.

Chaptee YII. Bandages : The wet shirt. 103

not for more than four weeks in succession: other ap-

pUcations such as the half-bath and full-douche should
be taken in conjunction with it.
The patient sometimes goes to sleep w^hile using the
Spanish mantle; if he does so, the sleep must not be
allowed to go on beyond the hour or hour and a half.

moderately corpulent man used the Spanish mantle

every other day and had a fall douche, half bath, or
back-douche every day for a month, and he accomphshed
his purpose of reducing his weight.

As the Spanish mantle works upon the whole body,

it capable of removing disease from all parts of the
body and may be taken from time to time as a preven-
tive of illness.

The Wet Shirt.

(See ''My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 102.)

x^s the Spanish mantle is somewhat difficult to ma-

nage without assistance, I have' therefore tried in its
stead the wet shirt. It is made somewhat longer than
the usual shirt and may be open down the entire front.
It is dipped in simple water, or in a mixture of vinegar
and water or in a decoction of hay-flowers, oat-straw,
or pine-shoots. The patient puts this on, ^yraps it well
round him and remains an hour and a half; on
in it for
rare occasions two hours. The person usually sleeps on
the first application, certainly on the second and third.
The wrapping round the body with the blanket must be
very carefully undertaken so that it does not disturb the
fit of the shirt to the body, otherwise the bandage would

be in vain.

The wet sometimes called the little Spanish

shirt is
mantle as its effects are the same on a small scale and,
like it, must not be followed by a "washing" nor by a
bath nor by drying the body.
104 Thied paet. Applications of watee.

The wet shirt is peculiarly suitable for children; it

is really their Spanish mantle and may be used in fevers

and in all their common ailments. It must not be ap-
plied too often for fear drawing too much strength
from them; once or twice a week would not be too often;
in case of acute disease it would be given oftener.

When a considerable dissolving of matter takes place

as in obstructions, which can be
very removed only
slowly by a number Spanish
of applications, neither the
mantle nor the wet shirt should be given too often; they
would exhaust and fatigue the patient too much.

The wet shirt is admirable in all- light maladies as

a dissolver and disperser of impure matter.

The Abdominal Compress.

(See Abdomen Compress in '"My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 34.)

For hardenings, great obstructions, or inactivity of

the bowels the short bandage is too powerful, even when
only one or two a week are given, for they absorb too
much. So I use in such cases a compress on the abdo-
men; for a weak person a two fold, for a strong person
four fold and for a person who is robust six fold or even
eight fold. This compress covers from the pit of the
stomach to the middle of the thigh. The two, four, six
or eight fold cloth is dipped in water and laid on the
part described where it should remain for an hour and
a half and then be removed. The effect would be grea-
ter if, at the end of three quarters of an hour, it were
again dipped in water and laid on afresh. The renewed
cloth takes up the morbid matter more quickly. These
various folds of linen are sometimes dipped in decoctions
of hay-flower, oat-straw, and pineshoots which should be
laid on w^arm, in order to assist the natural warmth of
weak constitutions, and because these decoctions contain
material which can be taken in through the skin con-

Chapter YII. Bandages: The abdominal compress. 105

firming the principle that ''where a discharge takes place

then absorption also is possible."

An anaemic girl who had never had a good appetite

and who was never properly warm got her stomach into
good order by using this compress it is specially good;

for stoppages, sores and cancers or tumours for w^hich

the short bandage would be too severe. When this com-
press is laid on warm it increases the warmth, so when
applied cold and dipped several times in cold water it
reduces it. Compresses of water and vinegar applied for
some time increase the warmth more than water alone
the vinegar is a protective against susceptibility to colds.

How can the stomach digest that has no warmth

within it?

A girl who was

highly chlorotic had no appetite and
what she ate produced discomfort. I prescribed a warm

hay-flower compress daily. The warmth spread through-

out the body and in a short time her appetite improved,
the secretions acted well and her health was alto-
gether better. She kept it on for an hour and a half
but it was fresh dipped at the end of three quarters of
an hour.

In addition to this compress she took every third

day an "entire washing"* and in fourteen days she was
happy and strong, eating plenty of nourishing food and
so building up and purifying the blood. Then I ordered
a reduction of the application of the compress to one
every other day, and instead of the entire washing three
half baths or two ''upper washings" a week.

As internal treatment gave simply a spoonful of

water for the action of the bowels and occasionally in
small quantities some wormwood tea. One would scarcely
credit how much good these lower compresses do
weak people, indeed they are as beneficial as the short
bandages are for the strong. But must insist that

neither this compress nor the short bandage be given

too frequently or for too long a time, and also that they
106 Third paet. Applications of watee.

must invariably be given in combination with other ap-

plications, otherwise the effect would be too one sided.

The Under Compress.

(See "My Water Cure" oOth Edition p. 33.) .

This might really be called an under bandage. Upon

a cloth folded several times, dipped in cold water and
wrung partly dry, the patient is laid upon his back.
This cloth should be laid on a firm mattrass. It is still
better if there is a blanket between the mattrass and the
wet cloth with which the patient may well wrap about
his body.

This compress is almost always given cold as its

purpose is to strengthen the back and remove superfluous
heat. This being so it is only necessary as a rule to
keep it on for half an hour, or at the outside three
quarters according to the patient's power of endurance.

When a very great amount of heat to re-

there is

move, it may be continued longer, but it must be renewed

if so at the end of the hour.

In cases of fever, or cramp produced by cold, and

above all when it is warmth as
desirable to re-establish
in cholera, it must be given warm from two to four
times a week according to the patient's condition.

The Upper Compress.

A large coarse piece of linen or sacking is folded length-

wise three, four, six, eight or ten times, so wide and so long
that it reaches from the neck over the breast and covers the
abdomen. It must not cease abruptly on either side of the
body but a small piece should be left hanging dowm.
The cloth so prepared vshould be dipped in cold water,
Chaptee YII. Bandages: The shawl. 107

(if in winter warm water may be used) thorouglily wrung

out and then applied to the patient who is lying in bed.

Over this comes a blanket or a sheet two or three times
folded which has the effect of hermetically closing in the
compress and in order to prevent eifectually the entrance
of air lay over this a feather-bed. Round the neck I
place as a rule a rather large towel or woollen scarf in
order to keep the air from entering above.

One must be careful with the covering or a chil

might easily be caught.
The compress remains on from three quarters of an
hour to an hour. The application which in this case is
to work by means of cold mast be continued according
to prescription. The compresses as they get warm must
be renewed, that is re-dipped.

As soon as the prescribed time has elapsed one

removes the wet cloths, dresses and takes exercise or
remains a little time in bed.
The action of this upper compress is specially to
expel the gasses in stomach and abdomen.

The Shawl.
(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 96.)

This compress arranged about the shoulders like

a shawl and must fit smoothly over the skin. It is usu-
ally dipped in cold water though sometimes in decoctions
either of hay-flowers, oat-straw, shave-grass, and in
this case it must be laid on warm as the object of these
ingredients is to dissolve the morbid matter, whereas cold
water is used to do away with excess of heat.

The cold shawl must never be kept on beyond twelve

or fifteen minutes and even so must be renewed two or
three times, otherwise too much heat would be developed
and the condition of the patient injured rather than im-
proved (over the compress a blanket is laid).
108 Third paet. Applications of watee.

The herb compress on the other hand may be ap-

pHed for an hour or an hour and a half though it must
be renewed at the end of three quarters of an hour, be-
cause it does not remain warm longer than that. If it
cools, the body rapidly chills and that is dangerous.

The Hand and Arm Bandage.

(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 80.)

The illustrations of these two bandages are so clear

that a further description is not needed.
Chapter VIII.

Vapour Baths.
General Remarks.

here are many kinds of baths each of which has

its own special value and this applies equally

to shower as to vapour baths.

The last are very ancient and the use of

them from time to time has been more or less
regulated by fashion.

I have taken a great deal of trouble to test the

value of vapour baths and have made frequent use of
them in order to discover, not only the effect produced
by them but, the simplest way of employing them so that
those who have to use the vapour-bath may do so with
the smallest amount of trouble.

I have not only subjected the whole body to the

vapour bath but separate diseased portions of it, thereby
sparing the less afflicted or healthy parts.
110 Thied part. Applications of water.

I am well with every kind of vapour

bath whether arm,
for the head, the nose, the ears, the
the foot, the lower part of the back, or for the whole
body. That the vapour bath has a dissolvent effect, no
one will deny therefore it can be well employed for dis-

solving or getting rid of bad matter.

I have, however, come

the conclusion to use
vapour-baths only in rare cases of obstinate hardenings.
As a rule I prefer getting rid of evil or diseased matter
by douche baths and applications and I warn every one
against the too frequent use of vapour baths.

Many readers of "My Watercure" thought they would

try vapour baths on their own responsibility and took
two or three at short intervals with the result that their
condition was such that they could not help themselves
at all.

They have been quite rare cases in which I have

ordered more than one or, at most, two vapour baths
in one week, and even so have only permitted their use
for a fortnight on this scale.

emphatically repeat my warning against the too


frequent use of the vapour bath for the following reasons.

It produces violent extension of the arteries, its heat
causes great weakness, and it sends the blood running so
quickly through the veins that mischief is easily produced.
Another effect of the heat is that it makes a person
extremely sensitive, so that- after a vapour bath a patient
frequently takes a chill which spreads itself over the
whole body and is very difficult to get rid of.

This happened to me personally and on that account

I utter my warning against the reckless use of vapour

Chapt. YIII. Yap. baths : The yapoue-bath for the head. 1 1

The Vapour Bath for the Head.

(Sea '-'My Waterciire'^ 50th Edition p. 72.)

As the head contains the most delicate and intricate

organization it requires the greatest care and attention
in its treatment, when out of order. Like the wheels of
a watch its separate organs are so wonderfully connected
one with the other that morbid matter is easily formed
within them. If this is allowed to remain, the health of
mind and body is undermined.

There were in the year 1893 several thousand people

here (up to Nov. 1"' about 12 000) nevertheless only a
few vapour baths were used and these only in quite ex-
traordinary illnesses and exceptional cases; such as for
example a very bad case of lupus or skin-disease. The
patient had suffered from the disease for years the whole ;

head was swollen and bloated, being full of unhealthy

bad matter. In this and such extreme cases the vapour
bath had a dissolving and purifying effect freeing the
head from bad putrid matter, making the stiff tissue of
scars more flexible and giving the patient relief from pain.

But even in such an extreme case as this the vapour

bath was only given three times at most during the one
fortnight of its use. Many people have applied vapour
to the head in the hope of getting rid of a cold by
means of regular perspiration but without effect so again ;

I say do not take a head vapour bath to cure a cold.

In head vapour-bath may be t^ken

eye-affectioiis a
with care if during the steaming a strip of linen is bound
over the eyes so that the vapour does not penetrate them.

In cases of obstruction or formation in the ears, or

in gouty affection the head-vapour-bath may be tried
occassionally with success.

The explanation of the term head-vapour-bath is

simple. The whole head should perspire and the vapour
entirely envelop it.
112 Thied part. Applications of water.

taken generally in a sitting position the patient

It is ;

sitting on a chair and having in front of him or her a

second chair on which stands a vessel filled with boiling
He holds his head over the steaming water, not too
far off nor yet too close, so that the steam does not
scald him and yet reaches the whole head tolerably warm

In order that the steam should not disperse like the

smoke out of a chimney, a linen or woollen cloth is
spread out over the and the steaming vessel
(see illustration). Within this covering the steam is con-
fined and is distributed over every part of the head.

After from four to five minutes the head generally

begins to sweat and the perspiration to flow freely over
the whole head.
The length of the process should never exceed eigh-
teen to twenty-four minutes, otherwise harm would come
of it.
Ihave scarcely ever used pure water vapour, since I
discovered that by mixing herbs in it, the beneficial effect
was much greater.

There nothing better than powdered fennel; a tea

spoonful of which should be throwm into the boiling water:
It is excellent for the eyes. (The inhaling of fennel
vapour is also good for the stomach as it has the power
of removing obsructions.)
In addition to fennel one may use in the head-vapour-
bath either the yarrow herb, the common nettle, camo-
mile or other good herbs. A handful of any one of these
may be thrown into the bath.
When the process of steaming is over, the covering
is raised and a shower-bath which includes the head is
given directly one or two showers being quite suf-


Without the shower bath the patient would scarcely

avoid taking a very heavy cold and thus increase the
remaining humours in the head, as well as bring back
the old conditions.
Chapter VIII. Vapour baths: The arm- vapour-bath. 113

The Nose- and Ears-Vapour-Bath.

Just as the vapour can be applied to the whole
head, so it can be directed on to separate parts the
nose and ears for instance.
When paroxysms of pain attack the ear, probably
brought on by chill, put some camomiles into a small
vessel, pour hot water on them and hold the vessel close
to the ear that the vapour may penetrate and dissolve
any matter which may have caused the pain.

The Arm-Vapour-Bath,
Not only is it possible to apply vapour to the head
and separate parts of it, but it can be applied to the
arm with the greatest success.

If attention has been paid to the method of using

the vapour bath for the head and ears, already mentioned,
it will be quite clear to every one how to apply it to
the arm.

Take a basin or small tub across which the arm

can be laid, pour boiling water into it and cover both
arm and vessel so that the vapour can stream over the
arm. A great heat will set in and perspiration will not
be long behind. All the pores will open and produce
transpiration freely. If it be desirable to continue this
process, wash the arm swiftly, immediately after the
steaming; in most cases, however, the arm can be dipped
and douched in the water as in the case of head- and
foot-baths. As an- example of the benefit of the vapour
bath I give the following instance.
Theresa experienced great pain in her thumb; she
had, probably without knowing it, run something into it.
In a short time the arm began to swell and the pain to
grow intense the thumb became discoloured and the spot

where the pain was greatest became very red.

Knei pp , My WiU. 8
114 Thied part. Applications oe watee.

Withreason, she feared blood poisoning which fre-

quently begins in this way. In a short time it was not
only her thumb that was painful but the whole arm espe-
cially under the shoulder.

At she used an ointment which had no effect

whatever, then she fomented it with a decoction of hay-
flowers and boiling water as hot as she could bear it.
This did her much good, but when I wrapped her arm
properly in hay-flower and brought vapour to bear upon
it, the result was incomparably stronger. The pain yielded
and by means of the vapour so much of the foul matter
was dispersed that, in a short time, all danger was over.

In case of gout when the part becomes very hard

vapour may be used with advantage but the benefit is
even greater if some swollen hay-flower is wrapped round
the suffering part and then held over the steam. In this
way a stronger effect and a more powerful dissolvent is
obtained. As in gout, so here, heat is predominant, and
it is not necessary to give more than a very light shower
to the limb after steaming.

On the other hand with poisoning cases strong eva-

poration should continue until all dangerous matter has
been thrown off.

The Foot-Vapour-Bath.
(See ''My Watercure" 50th Edition p. 76.)

Ifa vapour-bath has a good effect ,upon the head,

there is no reason why it should not be equally benefi-
cial to the feet, in dissolving and carrying off injurious
matter and in giving requisite warmth.
foot vapour-bath is made as follows: Take a
tub or foot-bath and lay two or three wooden sticks
across for the feet to rest on. Then pour boiling water
into the vessel and place the patient's feet on the sticks.
Put a cover over the tub and the lower limbs of the
Chaptfr VIII. Yapoue baths: The foot-yapoue-bath. 115

person so that all the steam may be confined to the

feet and thighs and no particle allowed to escape into
the room. As the feet are generally colder than the head,
hot water alone wonld be too weak to cause the required
amount of perspiration, and so one or two bricks about
the size of a fist are laid in
the fire till they are red
hot and then dropped into the water which seethes up
and increases both heat and vapour.

This may also be done in head vapour-baths, if a

specially strong vapour is needed.
As a rule the patient should not merely stand his
feet in vapour but have knees and thighs enveloped in it
as well; and on this account it is needful to have a
strong vapour.

After five or six minutes the feet are covered with

perspiration and when the lower limbs have been sur-
rounded by vapour for twenty minutes, it will be found
that much diseased and foul matter will have been dis-
solved and carried off. The foot-vapour-bath works
beneficially not onlyon the feet, legs, and thighs but on
the whole body and it is therefore needful that directly
the steaming has ceased, a knee-, thigh- or back-douche
should be employed in order to strengthen the body and
to remove superfluous heat as well as to prevent weak-
ness from getting the upper hand.

gentleman took these foot-vapour-baths several
times and thought that all the perspiration came from
the vapour and not at all from the body and because he
could not understand that the sweat running over his
feet came from the body, I gave him rather a strong
foot-vapour-bath and bade him hold his feet over the
steam for twenty-six minutes. He began to perspire so
much that the sweat poured down his face and wetted
all his clothes.

All at once he said: Now I believe that in foot-

vapour-baths the perspiration comes from the feet, for no
vapour has reached my face and yet sweat runs down it.
116 Thikd pabt. Applications of wateb.

The effect of the foot-vapour-bath is dissolving and

dispersing and if the dissolving and dispersion takes place
through artificial warmth, it is clear when vapour baths
should be employed.

They should be used if hardened gout remains in

the feet if the feet are much swollen
; if the skin is ;

dry and hard, and the pores are closed; in cases of chill
and inflammatory diseases brought on thereby in delicate ;

conditions of the lower part of the body brought on by

chill ;in headaches if the feet are cold if the voice is ;

lost in consequence of a chill; in order to regain the

proper warmth and in short to dissolve and carry off
obstructions, hard matter, and dislodged stuff.

After using the foot-vapour-bath a knee or thigh-

douche or a hip bath should be taken.
The foot-vapour-bath should not be taken too often,
once a week is usually enough except in a special illness
or obstruction, and even then I should not advise its use
more than twice a week.
Whenthe swelling of the feet arises from the body
as in dropsy or kidney disease, the foot- vapour-bath must
not be used at all.
On the contrary it must in such cases be used on
the body in order to carry off diseased matter, but not
through the feet; otherwise the water would merely be
driven from the body to the feet.

The Close-Stool-Vapour-Bath.
(See ''My Watercure" 50th Edition p. 78.)

As there a head-vapour-bath and foot-vapour-bath,


so is there for the body what is called a close-stool-va-

pour-bath which can be well recommended in many cases
from its simplicity and beneficial effect.
It is made as follows.
Chapt. VIII. Yap. baths : The close-stool- yapoue-bath. 117

It is well known that in every night-stool is a good

sized pan; into this throw one or two handsful of herbs
and pour on these about four pints of boiling water; then
the patient sits down on the night-stool as quickly as
possible so that the vapour from the pan may reach
the body.
Should the opening of the pan be so large as to
allow the escape of the steam, it must be remedied by
laying a cloth round it.

As the vapour ascends, it warms the whole abdomen

and the longer it lasts, the greater the heat imparted.

After five or six minutes the whole body begins to

sweat profusely. Such a vapour bath lasts as a rule
from eighteen to twenty-four minutes; the patient then
generally goes to bed where he remains for some time
longer in a mild perspiration throughout. The patient
should not be too heavily covered.
This sort of vapour bath is principally used in uri-
nary trouble or disease of the bladder. It is also useful
after a chill or in cases of cramp, because it removes the
cold which has entered the system and disperses the
diseased matter introduced by the chill.
The action of the warmth on the abdomen is not
interrupted by a cold douche.
Some people may ask "Why
is a douche taken after
the hot steam in head and foot-vapour baths but not
after an abdominal one?"'

The reason is very simple. Because here on behalf

of nature solution and withdrawal are effected, a process
which must go on without being checked.
An example:
Augustin was unable to pass urine;
he had taken a chill and experienced feelings of cramp
in the bladder and stomach by means of the abdominal

vapour bath the cramp in the bladder and stomach gave

way and the urinary vessels resumed their functions.
After the vapour bath he went to bed and remained
there some time in a gentle perspiration.
118 Thikd pabt. Applications of watee.

The cramp did not return and gradually his normal

condition was re-established.

If Augustin had taken a douche or hip bath or any

other cold fomentation after the vapour bath, the artifi-
cially increased warmth would quickly have disappeared
and the old trouble would have resumed its place.

necessary to notice that the perspiration must

It is
not be fostered in bed by means of heavy coverings on ;

the contrary the heat should be allowed gradually to

pass off. In this way the benefit will be maintained.

The abdominal vapour bath has a marked effect on

the body, and by increasing the normal heat of the ab-
domen disperses and dissolves accumulations.

But it should only be used in cases of quickly deve-

loped diseases and great inactivity of the bowels, in order
that a strong dispersion should be effected. As however
this vapour bath is merely a substitute or temporary aid
until nature itself is so far strengthened as to be able
to resume its ordinary functions of dissolving and dispers-
ing, it should not be taken too often.

In rapidly developed diseases such as urinary trouble

and cramp, it may be needful to take it twice or thrice
in a couple of days but never oftener than this. For
^abdominal secretions it should not be made use of more
than once a week or in extreme cases twice and then
not for a long period.

If abdominal vapour bath acts beneficially on

urinal secretions, its effect is equally good on disease of
the kidneys, but as soon as the mischief is removed
douches should be used instead of the vapour baths in
order that the system may be strengthened, especially
those parts which have been subject to the vapour baths
which, if used too frequently, have a weakening tendency.
Chaptek VIIL Yapoue baths: The complete vapoue-bath.119

The Complete Vapour-Bath.

If separate parts of the body can be subjected to
vapour with good results so naturally a perspiration which
embraces the whole body must also have a good effect,
always taking into consideration that the vapour be em-
ployed moderately and the condition of the patient be
such that artificial heatwill disperse and dissolve inju-
rious matter.
Even in the '"fifties" I knew a doctor who had a so
called sweating stove and some of ^hese may be seen
now-a-days. Its object was to produce profuse perspira-
tion. He subjected his patients to its effect for the space
of twenty minutes and then ordered them into a full bath.

I myself ordered a like stove to be made oat of

curiosity that I might see the effect produced, and took
ten of the so called sweating baths. One really perspires
nobly and those w^ho bear aboat w^ith them a tolerably
large amount of flesh will find that such a sweating bath
will carry off a good deal of impurity from the system.

The sweating stove or box is so large that the patient

can easily sit in it; it is provided with a door through
which he enters and which is closed immediately after to
prevent the escape of steam. The upper covering or lid
of the stove is formed of two boards dovetailed together
with an opening in the centre for the patient's head to
pass through.

He stands in the box like one enveloped in a cloak

with the head only exposed.
At the bottom of the box is a vessel of boiling
water, and over it a gridiron through which the steam
ascends. The vessel can be taken out or replenished by
means of a little door at the back of the gridiron. Into
the boiling water two handsful of hay-flower are thrown.

As soon as the vessel full of boiling water is put

into the box or sweating stove, the vapour begins to as-
^cend, but this alone would not be sufficient to produce
heavy perspiration in the person within, so as in the
120 Third paet. Applications of water.

case of thefoot vapour bath two or three bricks are

made red hot and dropped mto the boiling water which
bubbles up violently and fills the whole box rapidly with
vapour. This process is renewed every five or ten minutes.
At the end of twenty or twenty-five minutes the box is
opened and the man dripping with sweat takes a rapid
cold bath lasting from two to four seconds or if he be
delicate he washes himself rapidly, dresses and takes

If he he must naturally go to bed,

cannot walk,
still I consider exercise always more advantageous. Al-
though the head be outside the box, it still sweats and the
perspiration runs down the face in big drops so that the
head must also be included in the vigorous washing,
otherwise on going into the air he will catch a severe cold.

This sweating bath may be employed in cases of

chronic gout and scrofula, if the scrofulous patient be
not too thin.
It acts efficaciously in reducing corpulency; and in
stoppages of the blood it proves of great service. If any
one wishes to use the complete vapour bath often because
of the heavy perspiration produced in the sweating box,
I warn him very earnestly against it, and for this reason,

that a too frequent application of it would cause great

extension of the principal vessels.
Some people are weakened by warmth and these
should be most careful in the use of this vapour bath.

After all the experience which I have acquired by

frequent application, I never allow people to take, at the
outside, more than two of these full baths in a week;
on other days I recommend cold applications.

This box-vapour-batli is the simplest form of the

well known Russian bath in which one sweats and is
afterwards immersed in the water.

Corpulent people are apt to think that the complete

vapour bath which causes such intense perspiration would
be very good for them. I differ from them because my
Chapter VIII. Vapoue baths The complete vapoub-bath.121

experience has taught me that apparently strong and

corpulent bodies are often very weak and the weakness
is increased rather than decreased by the sweating baths.

I am convinced that for such people full-douches, back-

douches and rapid showier baths would be much more
beneficial in lessening their weight and in making their
bodies stronger and more capable of resistance.
Alternately however with cold applications a com-
plete vapour bath might be recommended.
We see then that the whole body can be operated
upon with as much advantage as on separate parts. It
is also healthful and beneficial to be able to make separate
parts of the body perspire when they alone are sick and
in need of it.
Fourth Part.

Chapter IX.



here are many illnesses which can be read on

men's faces, as for instance consumption, dropsy,
and similar diseases.

Asthma one of the evils which one

also is

can sometimes perceive by a man's countenance.

Those afflicted by these illnesses have a sickly
colour, no freshness nor cheerfulness, they are constantly
depressed and spiritless; weakness is visible in their fea-
tures, theirbreath is short and heavy and their move-
ments fatigued; in short, one sees in the whole figure
that the person is ill.

As long as a sufferer from asthma is free of parox-

ysms, one might imagine there was nothing the matter
with him, but the moment one of these attacks come
on his look is so alarming that one believes death to be
quite near.

I was fetched to a young man who was unable to

find any position in which he could remain with comfort.

The whole head was of a bluish-blackish colour and the

sick man made allkinds of movements to enable him to
draw a single breath. This paroxysm lasted twelve

What then is the cause of this illness?

My opinion is that sufferers from this disease do not

possess the power of proper transpiration; that which
should be discharged remains for the most part behind
especially in the head and chest. To this may be traced
the swollen face and heavy breath.
The disease may also be traced to impure blood, viz.
when the blood is mixed with much bad matter; when
in consequence of defective digestion no good nourish-
ment is obtained; when the secretions of the blood are
not carried but steadily increase until at last obstruc-
tions are formed as in dropsy. Little by little the usual
secretion of the mucus in the lungs no longer discharges
itself; the little canals become blocked; and the lungs
become full of thickened humours and mucus which here
and there is the cause of expectoration.
Where no expectoration occurs and everything ob-
jectionable remains inside, the condition of the sufferer
is still worse, because the mass of slime or mucus soli-
difies and stops up the canals and can no longer find an
outlet and by degrees the whole breast is filled with it.

When at last a chill supervenes, cramp sets in and

asthma is established.

For asthma is nothing more nor less than a con-

vulsive or cramped condition which, in consequence of
cold, establishes itself in the chest and strangles every-

Asthma often follows other illnesses, childish com-

plaints for instance; also it frequently occurs at a ripe
old age when the activity of nature relaxes and the
superfluous matter no
longer carried off properly,
whereby obstructions arise and a certain inactivity of the
system commences.
Chapter IX. Asth3IA. 127

In a sound healthy man this illness does not prove

dangerous unless it be accompanied by some other disease,
when paralysis of the lungs occurs by being overcharged
and not able to get rid of the mucus.

If the illness lasts long, the heart as well as lungs

becomes affected. Those who grasp the idea of such an
illness as this we have described will not hesitate to
commence the water-cure with confidence.

As this illness is caused by the impure, watery, and

slimy blood and by the corrupt state of the lungs, and
indeed of the whole system, there is no difficulty in
dealing with it both outwardly and inwardly. Should
an attack of cramp set in. it must be quieted as quickly
as possible. If the cramp be caused by a chill, the nor-
mal heat must be raised at once by artificial means if, ;

however, the pain is so great that the invalid cannot

keep himself quiet, the part of the body attacked by the
cramp must be operated upon at once, and it would be
well to include the parts adjacent.

If the sufferer can lie down place on his chest a

six-fold cloth previously dipped in hot water and vinegar
as warm as he can bear it, and it will not be long be-
fore the cramp disappears.

Should one application not suffice, or if the cloth

it by another at the end of
cool too soon, replace fifteen
or twenty minutes.

If the cramp yields to the treatment the cloth may

be removed; otherwise the great heat of the blood would
clog the chest and so assist the illness. If the patient
cannot lie down, lay the cloth dipped in hot water and
vinegar on the stomach, or instead of this a warm bag
containing soaked hay-flowers.
As as artificial warmth is generated in the
stomach, spreads to the chest and diverts the blood
downwards making the pain more bearable and eventually
removing it.

Should the first attack pass off a second may be

looked for with certainty, therefore the applications to
the stomach must be renewed as soon as the natural
warmth decreases to prevent, if possible, a return of
the pain.
If the patient be quite free of an attack, the upper
part of the body may be washed with vinegar and water
and he must then be well covered up this will result

in an increased warmth to the whole body; not merely

must the upper part be washed but the feet also for as
soon as great heat spreads over the upper part of the
body the blood rises from the feet. If the patient after
this can get out of bed and feel comfortable, you know
that the efforts made have had a strength enmg, dis-
solving and dispersing effect upon his body.

A daily bath, whether be an upper or back douche,


conveys the blood downwards and has a soothing and

strengthening effect.
After these applications a regular transpiration in
the whole body will ensue shewing that the means em-
ployed to remove the evil have been efficacious.
The longer the process is continued of strengthening,
dispersing and dissolving, the more effectually will the
illness disappear.

If patient be strong and corpulent, I should

recommend him just once or twice to put on the Spanish
mantle which operates in a dissolving and dispersing
manner on the whole body and so breaking up the in-
ternal obstructions that the organs acquire more space
and can act more freely.

As the illness has its origin internally, we act upon

it first by warmth, then by dissolving, and lastly by

For warming and especially for quieting the cramp

the most suitable thing is tea made of silver weed,
camomile and mint. Milk with fennel boiled in it and
drunk as hot as possible is also an excellent remedy for
an attack of cramp.
Chapteb, IX. Asthma. 129

For the improvement of the gastric-juices and the

promotion of digestion I can strongly recommend a spoon-
ful every hour of tea made of wormwood, Juniper berries,
shave-grass, and angelica. The wormwood strengthens
and helps the stomach, the Angelica carries off bad
matter, the shave grass purifies, and Juniper berries empty
it of slime.
Persevere with these applications and remedies until
the invalid is free from his disease which should be in
three or four weeks. Two douches or a hip bath and
one or two back douches are enough for the day. If the
patient be corpulent, he may add to these a bath at
To prevent the disease the simplest way to take

two or three hip baths weekly and thrice inthe mor-

nings before getting up to wash the upper part of the
gentleman from Hungary came to me and said
for many years he had suffered from asthma and it that
had so increased that for many months he had not
passed a single night in which he had not endured half
the anguish of death for fear he should be suffocated.

was just the beginning of autumn and the tem-

perature was still tolerably mild and about four o'clock
in the afternoon when I saw him. I ordered at once

that his back should be dry-rubbed and directly after an

upper douche followed by a knee douche and then to
take exercise in the open air.

On the following morning he came to me full of joy

saying that he had slept better than for years previously.
On this day he took an upper and a back douche and
went for two minutes into the water and the second
night passed well.

This treatment was continued for three weeks. Daily

two douches; one day an upper-douche and a hip-douche;
another day an upper-douche and a hip bath, on another
a knee-douche and a back-douche a lightning and hip-

K nei pp , My Will. Q
130 Fourth paet. Diseases.

In this order he used the applications necessary for

the strengthening of his system.

Internally he took wormwood, shave-grass and ju-

niper berries boiled together. This carried off a good deal
of bad matter through the urine; he gained a better
appetite and looked younger.

During the cure, however, attacks made their appea-

rance, but they were only slight and did not last long.
The gentleman was an officer, his leave lasted four weeks
and at the end of that time he was quite cured.
If it be asked "how it was possible for the cure to
be accomplished so quickly?" 1 answer that asthma is
a kind of cramp which, like all that class of evils, arises
suddenly ;and just as quickly as it comes, so equally
quickly can it go.

There is no remedy for subduing cramp so effective

as a rapidly produced and increased heat. I let the upper
part ot the invalid be dry rubbed with a rough cloth
which, if done even for a short time, engenders rapidly
an artificial heat, and this being followed immediately
by an upper-douche the warmth is still more increased.

Through the artificially produced double warmth the

cold, which produced the cramp, was removed. By the
rubbing, the pores were opened while the water effected
a thorough dissolving process, and thus air was provided
internally by means of dispersion.

An asthmatic convulsion can then only, be helped

by assisting the natural with artificial heat.

mostly occurs when, in consequence of obstruction

and impurities, the system no longer transpires freely and
no longer possesses the proper amount of heat. It acts
as when a person goes out in very cold weather with a
very thin dress on
he very soon shivers.

Those suffering from asthma .should take special care

not to catch cold and above all to avoid getting into
draughts which is the most dangerous thing of all for
Chapter IX. Asthjia. 131

them. The best way of conquering asthma is to conti-

nue the increase of warmth and the strengthening

Those suffering from asthma are usually enfeebled

persons who dread nothing more than wet and cold
applications, and yet these are the only means of provid-
ing adequate warmth.

In cases of asthma one must try to strengthen and

harden the lower part of the body and this is obtained
by the various douches which, when the attack no longer
exists, may be used moderately.

It is by means these applications that the

system is strengthened and the foul and impure matter
carried ofP until at length the whole organism arrives at
a condition in which it no longer allows foul matter to
accumulate, especially if care be taken to provide a good
digestion and suitable food.

Once a professor came to me and related how, for

many years, he had so suffered from attacks of asthma
as to be quite unfit for his profession.

I ordered him different applications, but I was sum-

moned to his dwelling the same evening as he was suf-
fering from a worse attack than he had previously had.
I caused at once a six-fold cloth to be dipped in hot
water and vinegar and laid on his breast as hot as he
could possibly bear it and wonderful to relate, in about
twenty minutes the attack was over and he felt quite

In order to obtain universal warmth I made him

get out of bed twice daily and wash completely. His
attacks were so violent that each time he was obliged
to keep his bed several days and if then he came into
the air it was not long before a fresh one came on. The
applications of water and vinegar were renewed four or
five times at last these also were no good, the attacks

invariably returned, although no longer so violent. What

could be the cause of this? Because when the hot

cloth was again laid on the chest the blood rushed

to it and left the extremities cold, and this amount of
blood rushing to the chest a contraction took place there.
I now caused the hot cloth to be laid on the stomach
so that the blood was drawn thither and the chest relieved.
Again I made them lay the hot cloth over the feet
and calves of the legs whereby the blood was directed
to the feet and the chest still further relieved.

Thus treated, the blood was gradually brought into

proper circulation. When needful, hot water was used,
but when cold water bandages supplied the necessary warmth
the hot water applications were dispensed with.

Thus three weeks passed. By this time the patient's

whole system had acquired the needful warmth, the cir-
culation of the blood was regular, and a normal amount
of transpiration set in.

This gentleman told me that before he came for my

help he had used baths as hot as he could bear them,
and while they grave a certain amount of relief, they did
not remove the evil; on the contrary the attacks became
stronger and more frequent, a proof that warm water
not only weakens the system but withdraws heat, and

makes cool temperatures inconvenient and dangerous, and,

in short, rather assists than cures the disease. Many
will argue that I also have used hot water in attacks
and drawn off the natural heat. I answer that I used
hot water as a preparation for the cold w^ater applica-
tions with which alone one can successfully operate.

After each warm application comes a cold one from

four to six hours later which increases the normal heat,
and the greater the degree of the warmth, the more is
the system helped.

An upper douche, a hip douche, or a back douche

can be given according as the patient is stronger or
weaker, or instead of douches simple ablutions may
be taken.
Chapter IX. Eye diseases. 133

Eye Diseases.

the eye belongs to the noblest parts of the body,

it deserves also the most careful attention. Most people
however are generally content if they see at all and give
themselves very little trouble or care to spare the eyes.

Exactly as some people overload their bodies and

thus ruin them, so many use their eyes mercilessly and
destroy them sooner or later.

It is necessary however that the eyes should

be tended and not too much tried for, like all other parts
of the body, it is possible to weaken or strengthen them.
The eyes can be strengthened by eye-baths, by holding
them daily once, twice, or even thrice from two to five
seconds in water, winking with them; then lifting the
head out of the water to immerse it again a few seconds
after this process should be repeated three or four times,

the whole lasting about a minute.

Such baths cleanse and strengthen the eyes and can

be strongly recommended not only when the eyes are bad
but even when in good condition. In addition to these
so-called eye-baths, eye-bandages or applications are
Take a small piece of linen folded five or six times,
dip in cold water aud then bind it over the eyes; leave

it there four or five minutes and then repeat the process.

This simple bandage has a wonderfully strengthening effect

upon the eyes.
Instead of water bandages, herb bandages may be
used with equal advantage for cleansing and strengthen-
ing them.

Put a tea-spoonful of powdered fennel into a quart

of water, boil it and strain it, then dip the rag into it
and lay it on quite wet the liquid should penetrate

the eye.

If a rag be dipped in wormwood tea and laid on the

eyes in the same way, the effect is almost equally bene-
134 Fourth paet. Diseases.

ficial. These herbs cleanse and strengthen the eyes. Other

ingredients may be used with advantage for example
aloes, shave-grass, and alum, the last however very much
diluted. It is necessary for the eyes that the room should
be as light as possible. It is a pity that now-a-days the
window-curtains are frequently so heavy and dark that
full daylight cannot penetrate the rooms. This is espe-
cially the case with the upper classes who think that
the bright light will spoil their furniture and it someti-
mes happens, as it did to me the other day when on a
visit I found the greatest difficulty in broad daylight in
reading a few lines in the room.
There is nothing more important for the health of
the body than good light and pure air.
Going bare-foot on wet stones has a strengthening
effect upon the whole body and especially on the eyes.
It is the custom now-a days to wear different kinds of
spectacles and of various tints, but I recommend nothing
but that supplied by the Creator viz. pure air. When
the eyes cannot stand light and air they are diseased
and should first be healed by the application of eye-

The eye-shade is a make shift which may soon be

dispensed with, if care is taken to strengthen the body
and eyes. I was once asked whether a veil over the
face afforded protection to the eyes and whether 1 recom-
mended its use. My answer was "a piece of gauze over
the face is only worn by eccentric persons who are not
satisfied with what the Creator has provided either they

wish to look more beautiful or they have a couple of

worts or defects on their face which they wish to hide."

Just as one extinguishes an outburst of fire with

water, so may you drive inflammation of the eyes away
by the same means.
When, asoften happens, children get inflammation

of the eyes before they can walk, the best thing is to

dip the child in water daily for one or two seconds, or

a wet shirt may be put on two or three days a week, or

Chapter IX. Ete diseases. 135

the child may be clipped in water which the shirt on and

wrapped up for one or two hours.
The inflammation is often so violent and obstinate
that the eyelids swell greatly and the child is not able
to open its eyes.

In such cases necessary that applications should

it is

be used to the eyes. An excellent remedy is to beat up

very fine some potted cheese, lay it softly on the eyes
and bind it on, but as soon as it is dry, it must be
A farther remedy is shave-grass water, but the ban-
dages must be renewed every fifteen or twenty minutes.
If the inflammation be very obstinate, a cold head douche
should be given daily.
Inflammation of the eyes is generally caused by a
heavy rush of blood to the head and if this is aggra-
vated by a cold, it causes a serious extension of the blood
vessels and a superabundance of blood to the head. If
inflammation of the eyes is allowed to continue, the blood
easily flows to the head, and each trifle is likely to in-
duce further inflammation. It not infrequently happens
that children get four or five attacks of inflammation of
the eye in one year. When this is the case, the children
should be thoroughly braced and strengthened so that
the circulation of the blood be regulated and the blood
itself improved. Those children who often bleed from
the nose are those who sufi'er from inflammation of the
eye and this is a sign that there is too much blood in
the head.

Shave- grass water, freshwater, eye-bright water and,

in short, decoctions of such herbs as are cool and healing,
may all be used for bandages with good effect. After
attacks of inflammation traces of the illness are often
left behind and the result is that in the morning the
childrens' eyes are quite glued together and it is difficult
to open them. This is a sign that the eyes and head
are not yet free from iijflammation which is the cause
of the matter which glues the eyes together, therefore

the withdrawal and strengthenmg must be continued until

the whole system is purified of diseased matter.
very effectual remedy is a half bath every day or
every second day and to wrap the child once a week for
an hour in a wet shirt.

This wrapping should not however last over an hour,

otherwise too great a heat would be generated and the
evil might return. ,

Children who are subject to sores on various parts

of their body and so called scrofulous children are suffe-
rers with their eyes; and when these unhappy little ones
have inflammation in them they suffer very much and
the cure, if one wishes to work only on the eyes, is very
difficult. Help is only effectual in cases of inflammation
of the eye when the state of the body is more or less
healthy ;but in the case of those sufferers just named,
the blood circulation or current suffers before all; they
have delicate systems, impure vv^eak blood, in short the
whole body is sick in all its parts and the most that
can be done for them is to lessen the severity of their
sufferings until death puts them out of their misery. To
reduce the inflammation of the eyes in these children, it
is requisite to give them very good food, no stimulants,
nothing rich, on the contrary malt cooked in milk, strong
soup, broth and farinaceous food of every variety. I con-
sider meat, beer and wine harmful.

As the condition of these children permit of it, they

should have once or twice a week a shirt dipped in hay-
flower water so that the obstructions in various parts of
the body may be dissolved.

The children should be

daily, or if too weak, every
second day water but only for one or two
dipped in \

seconds; and further they should be much in the air,

either in a well ventilated room or in the open.

Milk alone cannot be assimilated by these children,

they must take it with acorn-coffee or cooked with malt.
It is important for them to have strong black malt coffee
Chapter IX. Eye diseases. 137

without milk and mixed with honey: they take it very

readily and thrive on it wonderfully. Only two to four
spoonsful should be given, however, every two or three
hours: even when children are for a time taking no other
food than this coffee, they still thrive, especially if the
malt be cooked with honey and so taken.

Inflammation of the eyes also occurs often in grow-

ing youth as well as at riper ages. It may arise through
cold, a draught or a wetting inflammation in the head

sets in which easily attacks the eyes. In such an attack

the rush of blood to the head is too strong, the veins
are overfilled and inflammation attacks the whole body
but the eyes get the worst of it.

These attacks are, as a rule, most painful

the eyes ;

are much weakened and the organs themselves suffer

thereby as they are more weakened by the usual dress
till at length the inflammation repeats itself at every

Here also, in my opinion, water is the best remedy,

as by it the blood is from the head back to
the iDody. The head itself should above all be left free
to the air and not weakened by wrappings.

Generally the first thing a person does who is suf-

fering from inflammation inhead or eyes, is to wrap up
the head in a thick shawl and so draws up more blood
and increases the strength and duration of the inflam-

He who braced and strengthened his system,

rarely suffersfrom inflammation of the eye, while he who,
on the contrary, has weakened his system, is liable to an
attack on the slightest provocation.

A girl, twenty four years old, was suffering from,

highly inflamed eyes. I made her take hourly eye-baths

and weekly one short bandage, one chemise dipped in

water and vinegar and two hip baths; for the head I
prescribed nothing but the eye bath.
138 Fourth paet. Diseases.

The mflammation qaickly abated, and the whole body-

was soon in a better condition; the eye baths were con-
tinned until the inflammation departed.

Eye water may be made from honey a teaspoon :

full honey is boiled in a quart of water for four or

five minutes and furnishes a good eye wash. The honey
purifies and strengthens, decreases the heat and relieves
the pain. I have tried mixing herbs with the honey and

those mostly green ones this mixture of honey and herbs


is called eye-salvo.

The effect is often quite remarkable and, in many

cases, this eye-salve was more beneficial than any other
Take about as much as a barley corn of this salve-
and apply it to the corner of the eye or, still better, un-
der the upper eyelid so that it penetrates within and
under the lids.
In children it sometimes occurs that clouds or films
come over the eyes. It is as when clouds cover the fir-
mament vapours arise from the earth into the sky where

they collect and form light or heavy clouds. Often also

little ulcers form on the horny skin of the eye which
take the same course as other sores and as is the case
with sores a scar remains even when healed. These
scars may cover a part of the horny skin or they may
extend themselves like a veil over the whole skin. Then
matters proceed as with the sun and the clouds. If the
cloud be thin or light, then one sees the sun through it;
if the cloud be heavy, the sun is invisible. Just so can
a thin cloud spread over the eyes through \yhich one
sees but not well, or a thick cloud may veil the eyes
and complete blindness sets in.
have never had any difficulty in dispersing these
clouds except when they were thoroughly hardened and
the crust impossible to soften. For example, a girl came
to me a short time ago who could scarcely see at all.
It was not long before the film was entirely removed and
the girl saw as clearly as before. The cure was effected
Chaptee JX. Eye diseases. 139

as I heal all diseases, by special workings

on the body
and on the sick these clouds or films arise from
part. If
sores, it is quite possible that trouble will come by the
influx of evil matter passing over the horny skin of the
eye and this is why I feel sure a cure may be effected
by operating on the whole body.
I think there are many such clouds in the system
caused by foul matter which we do not see. As for in-
stance in gout; no one sees it, and yet it is caused by
diseased matter. This proof is made clear to me by the
cure: if I only operate on the eyes, I require much more
time than when I operate on the whole body at once.
The principal cure consists then in purifying the whole
body and taking care that the circulation of the blood
on which so much depends should be in thorough working
order this being so, the carrying off of foul matter from

the eyes will be much more easily and quickly effected.

Wehave many means of removing these clouds from

the eyes. A very greatly diluted alum-water is beneficial
still I do not confine myself to the use of it for long
but make use of other dispersing remedies as well. A
drop of honey daily and twice a day wa-hing the eyes
with alum water have a dispersing and healing effect,
and the eye-salve works more powerfully even than the
honey. If this salve is applied once a day nnd the eyes
washed twice daily with eye water, the softening process
goes on quickly. A little later, the eye-salve can be
used twice and the washing once a day with a good eye-
water. ^

Fennel water is specially good, it so strengthens

the eye as to make the sight clearer. Eye-bandages are
very good in their effect a very soft washed out piece

of linen is dipped in aloe water and laid on for a couple

of hours, renewed, however, every half hour one may ;

also be applied at night. If the eye is still easily inflamed,

then use wormwood water either for washing or
bandaging the eye. Wormwood and tormentilla sugar
produces a special effect in cases of outbreaks on the eyes.
140 Fourth paet. Diseases.

Extract of tormentilla or wormwood is mixed with

white sugar, stirred together and set out in the open air;
the spirit quickly evaporates while the sugar dries and
retains the essential parts of the wormwood and tormen-
tilla and may be applied to the eyes once or twice daily.
If the sugar be not too fine it gives a gentle friction
when blown into fhe eye and greatly facilitates the dis-
persion of the clouds. The sugar, however, rapidly va-
nishes and sugar water mingled with dispersed matter
flows from the eyes.


A much more serious trouble in the eyes than those

already mentioned is the so called Cataract. I have often

wondered why the various kinds of blindnesses are called

in German by the name of "Staar" (Cataract); but as
these blindnesses are usually caused by a cloud or film
in the eye, I cannot but think that the word "Staar"
signifies "Erstarrung" (solidification) that is to say a
hardening of the collected evil matter in the interior of
the eye which establishes itself so firmly that it cannot
be removed.

There are three kinds of cataract which are called

Cataract, Gutta Serena or Amaurosis, and Glaucoma.


Cataract (graue Staar) is considered by the profes-

sion in general as incurable except by an operation.
Nevertheless I am of opinion thai help ma.y be afforded
without this, if taken in time. Many patients have been
aided by me not only at the commencement of the for-
mation of cataract but even when further advanced. In
such cases I have found it needful to include the whole

body in the process of dissolving and dispersing and not

to confine myself to the eyes only.

Bandages are, for instance, employed in stronger

forms than usual; those suffering from cataract should
take two or three head douches weekly and one or two
neck rollers or swathing bands, as well as one or two
eye-baths daily in addition to the use of eye-salve. I need
hardly say that the greatest prudence must be exercised
in the use of all these. Eyes and body must be care-
fully handled and yet vigorously operated on.

Gutta Serena or Amaurosis.

This form of blindness consists in the gradually dying

away of the visual nerve. I have cured partially blind
cases of Gutta Serena as well as some quite blind. For
example a Pole had been quite blind for three years and
in three weeks he was cured, and so with several in
whom the mischief had not been of long standing.
It is of great importance in curing this form of eye-
disease that one operates vigorously and that the inter-
change of matter should be promoted in the whole body
as well as in the eyes, for I am convinced that in such
eye-diseases the entire body is sick.

The strongest applications, if used with care, are

here the most effectual; each day two or three eye-baths;
and weekly two or three head-douches, and two hip-
baths should be taken.

These have a strengthening effect on the whole body

as well as a dissolving and purifying one. I was spe-
cially successful with this disease when nicotine poisoning
was the cause of it.
142 Fourth paet. Diseases.


Glaucoma comes on very rapidly, not gradually like

cataract and amaurosis. It is caused by a violent rush
of blood to the inner eye. This blood obstruction causes
great expansion in the eye which explains how it is
that people suffering from this form of eye-disease usu-
ally have protruding eyes of a greenish tinge.

This blood obstruction may be caused by too great

exertion of the eyes, which has the effect of directing
too much blood towards them slight inflammation sets

in, and in this way impure matter is formed which can

find no outlet, therefore the obstruction is increased and
an unbroken pressure excited. This pressing obstruction
can so increase as to destroy all visual power.
I have had the greatest success with glaucoma.
To cure glaucoma, it is essential in the first place that
all superfluous blood-currents be drawn off from the head
and by rapid interchange of matter, the obstruction gra-
dually decreased so that the eyes may once more attain
to their former strength.

In glaucoma each delay fraught with the greatest


danger. In treating it one operates less on the head

than on the whole body, for strong measures applied to
tile head would only direct more blood to it. It will
be sufficient to take frequent eye-baths and provide for
the purifying and strengthening of the eyes by the reme-
dies already given.

Above all, an endeavour must be made to bring the

circulation of the blood into order; as a rule, people
suffering from glaucoma generally have cold feet and
consequently too much blood in the upper part of the

A theologian was suffering from glaucoma and could

no longer see to read. He was ordered to walk daily
in water for the purpose of diverting the blood from the
bead, also to take three hip-baths every week in order
to warm and strengthen the abdomen and farther two
Chapter IX. Skin diseases. 143

complete douches to regulate the circulation of the blood.

Beyond all this, he took two eye-baths daily and washed
his eyes with wormwood-tea alternately with aloe-water.

The best means drawing the blood from the head

are footbaths and thigh and knee douches.Strong people
may take upper douches, but weak people must be con-
tent with washing the upper part of the body.

If glaucoma makes its appearance suddenly, the

blood rushes very violently to the eyes, as in lumbago
to the back, in such case it is best to take w^hat is
called a short bandag^e (see illustration) or if the
invalid be strong enough a Spanish Mantle. One
may also envelop the feet as high as the calves in a
cloth which has been dipped in water and vinegar, half
of each, but at most only for an hour. After three days
the blood will be drawn off from the head, and then
alternate knee and thigh douches and hip-baths can be
used* These must be used in moderation; two applica-
tions daily are quite enough.

All as well as cataract are less

eye-diseases, films
likely to occur in well regulated lives which serve to
strengthen the system indeed we often find among

the oldest people who have led healthful lives good,

sound eyes.

Skin Diseases.

It frequently happens that, on separate parts of the

body, a violent or slight eruption shows itself. It appears
rapidly, is visible for a short time and again quickly
disappears, and as a rule the person has with it more
or less fever.

If this eruption returns it is uncomfortable for the

patient, even if he feel no definite illness, but as a rule
he complains of pains in the head, trouble in the sto-
mach, loss of appetite, or of heat and cold in various

parts of the body or in the whole body. In such cases

evil matter is hidden in the blood and the system is not
in a condition to throw off the foul stuff and to get rid
of it, and if the sufferers are not helped their blood will
get still more corrupt and the gastric juices being also
diseased a severe illness might easily arise such as dropsy,
kidney disease, lung and heart disease.
The the doctor can attempt here, so
less much the
more effectual does water prove itself to be.
The question arises "What is to be thought of such
a condition and how can the evil be put aside?"

I understand the matter thus.

Thewhole organism is composed of blood; it i^

maintained by blood, just as it is nourished by blood-
If the blood be good, the condition of the individual is
also good; if the blood be bad, that is to say, mixed
with impure matter, the whole body suffers for it. When
therefore a part of the body is attacked with eruptions,
there flows through the afflicted part the same blood as
through the other portions of the body, and the part

attacked by eruptions is merely the point which nature

itself has chosen as the exit for the evil matter*

In order to effect a cure here, not only should the

part of the body on which the eruption appears be
treated, but the whole body must be operated upon in order
to draw off and expel all the evil matter. This is best
done by suppljdng the patient with good nourishment
which forms better blood.
Byapplications of water a quicker change of matter
takes place and the health is improved until by degrees
all diseased matter is drawn off and expelled and the
whole system strengthened.
Maria said "My face is often full of pimples, then
they go away and come again, generally on my arms
and feet but sometimes on other parts of the body. I
have seen many doctors who have prescribed ointments
for rubbing in, and sharp water for ablutions.
Chaptek IX. Bed-wettixg. 145

For years I have used all sorts of remedies, still the

eruption has spread and my strength has gradually de-
creased, while my whole appearance is unhealthy."

Maria was ordered by us to wear a shift dipped in

hay-flower w^ater twice a w^eek for an hoar or an hour and a
half, and to wrap herself in a woollen cloth. She was
also to take two half baths in the week for two seconds
only, and as she was strong enough two complete douches
were given her within the seven days.

The shirt not only softened the bad matter but drew
it out of the body. The half baths strengthened the
system and the complete shower baths induced great
activity, generated warmth, as well as a general violent

After six days the eruption was reduced to a gentle

redness, and after twelve days the eruption entirely dis-
appeared and then Maria was ordered the following ap-
plications: a wet shirt, two thigh -douches, two hip-
jjaths and a complete shower-bath and having used

these for a fortnight she was quite well she acquired


a splendid appetite, she slept well, and her strength in-

creased daily.

Internally she took daily morning and evening three

to four spoonsful of tea made of bark of oak, sage and


This occurs more frequently than one would imagine.

AVhen children go to bed in anxiety and fear, it mostly
occurs. I have know^n parents to punish children severely
for this fault. I was passing a house one evening
in which dwelt six children who had the misfortune to
have a step-mother. Four or five of them were screaming
terribly and even above the cries, the whistling of the
whip, coming down on the poor little ones, could be heardc
Kneipp, My "Will. 10

I found this misguided woman always administered pu-

nishment just before going to bed to prevent it.
Think of the misery of the children through the

day looking forward to this. Would not such a method

make the children still more miserable and render their
already deUcate system still more delicate!

Many remedies for this evil have been put forward

and extolled in the journals, but their uselessness forces
on us the fact that it is hard to cure.
I have made all sorts of experiments with herbs and
other home remedies without being satisfied. At last I
found one remedy helpful, ard that w^as to walk twice
daily for four or five minutes in w^ater over the calves
of the legs. A simple nourishing food is helpful and the
evening meal should always be a dry one. These means
were very successful in a school where I ordered them
to be used. I received the news that at the end of four

weeks, twenty four chi.dren had been cured.

Cases have come before me in which the walking in

water has been of no use unless combined with other treat-
ment, for example, where the evil is caused by weakness
of the system. In such cases I ordered regular applica-
tions to be taken which worked in a strengthening and
invigorating manner on the whole body, and I insisted
upon a simple yet nourishing food. In three or four
weeks the children recovered wonderfully and the evil
itself was removed.

The applications were, weekly three half-baths and

two complete shower-baths and every day to go bare-
foot or walk in water, and that during this time the
children should eat biscuits such as one uses in bisque
soup; they not only produce good appetite but are
nourishing as well.

Bed-wetting is not confined to children but occur^

frequently with grown people of both sexes. I know a

place in which more than a third part of the grown-up

people are afflicted with this trouble, and the cause of
Chaptek IX. Cataerh or the bladdeb. 147

it is certainly a general weakness of the system. Their

blood is weak and they are insufficiently nourished, there-
fore in curing them a general strengthening must be the
chief object. I should then order such a patient to take
weekly two or three hip baths, two or three knee-douches
or walking in water and an upper douche or two ,

or three washings of the upper part of the body. The

food should consist in the morning of chicken broth, at
mid-day of some simple strengthening food and the same
at evening. During the day some good nourishing bread
should be eaten to support the stomach and strengthen
the system. I strongly recommend also four spoonsful
of tea made of oak-bark, wormwood and shave grass to
be taken night and morning.

As a rule people with this evil should

take very little fluid. All unnecessary drink should be
avoided. If their thirst be unbearable, they may take a
spoonful of water every hour. The evening meal should
as far as possible be taken without fluid.

A person who was suffering from this evil enquired

of me what foot would be best for him order to lessen
his trouble. I advised three portions of good nourishing

bread every day and not to take more fluid than was
absolutely necessary to allay his thirst.

This person was cured in a month by means of the

water applications and the prescribed food, and he de-
clared he had never felt better in his life.

Catarrh of the Bladder,

people are very subject to colds and are sel-
dom without one, while others scarcely have time to feel
that one is coming before it has disappeared. Catarrhs
may be of different kinds and degrees and occur not only
in the respiratory organs but also in the stomach and


bladder; the last is very painful and those people are

happy who know nothing whatever about it.
If we ask the cause the answer is
of this trouble,
The more men weaken themselves, the more liable they
are to catarrh and the longer it lasts. It is just the
same with catarrh of the bladder.
Many delicate people get catarrh of the bladder on
every trifling occasion and it is often weeks before they
can get rid of it.

In looking back on my early years I am bound to

say we never heard of these diseases, and now so many
people are subject to them. As with other colds so here
weakness is the chief cause and must be removed by a
bracing process. Woollen clothing on the body conduces
to weakness. The wearing of drawers, whether by men
or women, is a great promoter of weakness, because they
prevent fresh air from getting to the body and render
them liable to take cold directly fresh air penetrates to
the body. Some years ago the so-called woollen "slip"
w^as worn universally as a preventive of cold, but seeing
that cold occurred much more frequently in consequence,
people came to the conclusion to discard the "slip" and -

get strength by bracing the system.

Fourteen years ago, drawers were rarely or never

worn by women, now on the contrary the larger number
of them, except country people, wear them and even
woollen ones. However, in spite of this care, these people
are troubled with all possible ills.

It is asserted that women must wear draw^ers to

preserve their modesty. I, on the contrary, affirm that
our ancestors who did not wear them were no whit less
modest and moral than the present generation, and it is
no less true that weakening the system rather creates
immodesty and gives it impetus. I even dare to assert
that those who wear drawers are not at all more modest
and moral than those who brace and strengthen their-
bodies to resist evil, for it is weakness that makes all
Chapter IX. Cataeeh or the bladdee. 149

natures morally and physically susceptible and thus the

worst finds an easy entrance.
Catarrh of the bladder is an extremely painful disease,
and those suffering from it feel heavy pressure, vio-
lent burning, and cramp in the bladder; now the urine
passes more easily; again it is thick and full of foreign
matter, or bright like water, in short all is out of order
and may have many sad results. Is it not painful that
the sufferer desires to make water and little or nothing
passes, or that ten or fifteen times in the night he ex-
periences heavy pressure in the bladder and yet scarcely
any urine will pass? Such a catarrh, if often repeated,
and also of long duration must, it is clear to every one,
be productive of the worst results.
A catarrh may be the commencement of inflamma-
tion of the larynx: equally so may the catarrh of the
bladder, if not taken in time, be the beginning of a fatal

When catarrh of the bladder is not promptly cured,

it becomes chronic and produces painful complications.
Soon a great deal of mucus passes, then blood and at
lest pus and similar signs of decomposition. This some-
times goes on for years destroying the mucous membrane
of the bladder until the disease is incurable.

Is there then no cure for catarrh of the bladder?

I only know of one by w^hich it can be accomplished,
and that is cold water which has the power to strengthen
the weak part, carry off the impure matter and build
np the diseased organs.
As catarrh of the air-tubes the whole upper part
of the body is affected, so in catarrh of the bladder the
entire abdomen sympathizes with the affected part.
Therefore in the cure this necessarily must be acted or
operated on, in order to decrease the inflammation, lessen
the heat and convulsive cramp, and strengthen the ab-
domen and the separately affected organs, so that the
foul and corrupt matter may in this way be dispersed
and dispelled.
150 Fourth part. Diseases.

The best means of accomplishing this is by douches,

bandages, and hip-baths.

If the abdomen has been affected for a long period

by such a catarrh the mischief will have reached the
separate parts of the abdomen and perhaps by degrees the
whole body, therefore the whole body must be included
in the operations.

Augustine made the following complaint.

"I have many months from what the

suffered for
doctors call catarrh of the bladder. I have tried many
remedies which have given me only temporary help if
indeed you can help at all.
call it 1 am always wanting

to make water but as a rule it passes in small quantity

or not at all. I often suffer from cramp, and the urine
is generally cloudy and mixed with putrid mucus and
leaves a thick sediment behind. I am always thirsty,
I have but little appetite, and my strength is gradually

getting less.

Augustine was of middle size, well built and not

specially emaciated. Lungs, heart and liver were healthy,
therefore this is how he was treated.

During the week he had three thigh-douches, one

back douche, three hip baths and two knee-douches and
every morning and evening a washing of the upper part
the body. In addition to these a four-fold- cloth dipped
in hay- flower- waterwas laid on the stomach three times
a week for an hour and a half each time. At the end
of three quarters of an hour, the cloth was dipped afresh
and laid on. The first hay-flower-water was
time the
\varm, the second time cold. The hay-flower cloth dis-
pelled, absorbed, and operated upon the cause of the
cramp; the thigh-douches checked the heat, strengthened
the system, softened the hardened matter, and expelled all
putrid stuff. The back douches operated in a strengthen-
ing way on the whole body, and supposing the abdomen
to have suffered much the evil would have been remedied
by them also.
Chapter IX. Catakeh of the bladder. 151

The hip-baths were equally strengthening in their

effect upon the body beside moderating the heat, which
had spread itself over the body.
After ten days of this treatment, Angastine reported
that the heat had decreased, that more putrid matter than
ever had passed, that the urine was improved, and that
the too frequent desire to make water had ceased, and
that in short his whole condition was much improved.

In order tocontinue this improvement he was

recommended to take three hip-baths, two complete
douches and a bandage on the abdomen each week for a
fortnight. Again the improvement was marked and now
for the space of four weeks he had a third prescription
viz. two hip-baths, two complete douches and frequent
wading in water each week. At the end of the four
weeks he was to take half only of these remedies.

At the end of weeks, his condition was so changed

that he could both sleep and eat well, he was much
stronger and the urinary trouble was only trifling. During
the first two weeks of his treatment he took internally
daily in two or three portions a cupful of tea made of
dwarf-elder-root, shave-grass and eight or ten crushed
juniper berries, all boiled together. The dwarf-elder-root
acted as a dissolvent and expellent, the shave-grass as a
purifier and the juniper berries as a dispeller and purifier.
The third and fourth week he took tea of oak- bark,
wormwood and shave grass. The oak-bark purifies,
draws together, and heals, while wormwood improves
the gastric juices.

A simple working man caught a bad cold while

digging a well; he got very wet, indeed soaked through,
and at once experienced a severe chill in his whole
body. He discovered that urine would pass only in drops
and with the greatest pain. He not only suffered pains
in the region of the bladder but shive rings and alternate
heats. The doctor was at once summoned who gave
him medicine which w^as of no use. Then the invalid
sought help of me and I recommended him to take
152 Fourth paet. Diseases.

promptly an abdominal- vaponr-bath. Into the pan of

the night stool a handful of shave grass was thrown and
boiling water was poured on it and as quickly as pos-
sible the patient sat on the stool so that the steam could
operate thoroughly on the whole body.

He had not sat on the stool twenty minutes when

a good deal of water passed and the cramping pains
soon ceased.
It seems almost inconceivable that such a painful
disease can be cured by such simple remedies in so short
a time, but seeing is believing.
At the end of the twenty minutes the patient went
to bed without washing himself so that the perspiration
which had set in might last longer and disappear by
degrees. After about two hours the sweat ceased of
itself and then the patient was washed with fresh water.
The washing is here of the greatest importance as by it
the cold air will affect the body less. A douche would
in this case be too drastic.
The patient remained a day in bed undergoing two
entire washings. A
two-fold cloth was laid on the ab-
domen and also on the region of the bladder and repeated
as often as it was found necessary, to get and maintain
a regular temperature in the system. Water mixed with
vinegar operates, as I have always found, in a very
strengthening way and prevents the heat spreading
The patient took nothing beyond tea of shave-grass
and dwarf-elder-root every two hours. He soon regained
his appetite and in a short time was able to get back
to his work.
Although further applications were not necessary, I
thought it wise that one or two complete washings should
be taken daily for a week. Should the trouble return
and one steam or vapour bath not be effectual, a second
may be taken which, as a rule, is enough.
Exceptional cases have however come to my know-
ledge in which the steaming and washing daily with
Chapter IX. Chlorosis. 153

vinegar and water had to be continued for three or four

days the sufferers were mostly corpulent. By such
washings a gentle perspiration is induced. When the
steam is removed and the gentle or heavy sweat has
lasted two hours the washing can be undertaken. If

sweat appears in the washing, little cramp pains return,

a sign that the disease is not quite removed. Therefore
the ablutions must be set aside and the steam, if neces-
sary, be repeated should the cramp pain come back.


Among growing youths from twelve to twenty chlo-

rosis frequently occurs. It shows itself less among men
than among women.

One need not be a special student of human nature

to be able to tell by a whether or not she
girl's look
suffers from chlorosis; the complexion is pale and yellow
without freshness the head is usually swollen, the eyes

are dull and heavy; the impression of the whole face is

unwholesome; in short, one perceives that she is more
or less ill. Such people are no longer able to work,
they are really sick they are spiritless and without

healthy appetite and desire such meat and drink as harm

rather than help them.

They usually have cold feet and hands and have

no natural heat in any part of their bodies.
This illness comes to many at stated times, lasts
half a year, disappears, and again sets in.

The endeavour to cure this illness by means of

medicaments so often fails that it is well to seek the
cause of it and how it can be cured.
The people who fall victims to this disease are those
who have been weak from their birth, or who have not
received proper nourishment, or who have lived too
dehcately in their youth. In either case there has been

a lack of proper food and af necessary bracing. In almost

every case this illness is caused by the disturbance or
deficiency of the blood.

The sufferers have but blood and are therefore

insufficiently nourished, the consequence is they are not
properly developed and have no strength. A hardening
and bracing of the system are the necessary adjuncts of
a proper development.

As regards the cure of chlorosis, it is of the first I

importance to operate on the whole system, to get rid
improve the
of the sluggish circulation of the blood, to
neglected transpiration, to recover the normal warmth
and to assimilate a wholesome and strengthening diet
which will provide plenty of good blood. Only on these
conditions can a certain cure be effected.

In order to acquire warmth the patient should, mor-

ning and evening, wash the upper part of the body in
vinegar and w^ater; a knee douche should be taken daily
and walking barefoot in water practised. This streng-
thens the body, provides it with warmth and draws the
blood to the feet. Among those who suffer from this
disease, one perceives that they have no appetite and no
power to digest a strong diet, a proof that the stomach
is out of order. Even if the stomach should be all right,
yet is the digestion faulty because of the insufficiency
of warmth in the system.

In order to aid the digestion, one cannot do better

than bind on the abdomen a four-fold cloth dipped in
hay-flower-water from four to six times a week and keep
it on from one hour to an hour and a half. This cold
cloth brings warmth to the cold system and induces in
it a greater activity and nothing better for the improve-

ment of the stomach can be employed. This .application

used for several days will certainly effect a remarkable
change in the whole system,
As further remedies one may use weekly three upper-
douches, two or three thigh douches and a back douche.
By the use of these means the system becomes gradually
Chapter IX. Chlorosis. 155

stronger and more active and the appetite greatly im-

As the invalid farther improves, he may take

two or three hip baths each week as well as the three

upper douches, and the four-fold cloth dipped in hay-
flower-water and laid on the abdoman may be continued
once a week for some time with great advantage.
As regards diet, only such should be chosen as is
wholesome, nourishing and easily digested. The inclina-
tion of the invalid is as a ruk for that which is not
good for him. He must however conquer his inclination
and he had better take nothing until his appetite returns
than a bad diet. Very few people can take milk diet;
some however can assimilate it, if they take a spoonful
of milk cooked with fennel every hour.

Others can take malt cooked in milk in small cjuan-

tities. Strong soup and broth are the best form of
nourishment in this disease; and it is particularly recom-
mended to eat every hour a small portion of good
strengthening bread or stale rye bread dipped in wine.
The wine warm^ the stomach and hdlps the digestion.
"This bread,taken for some time, provides the system
with much good nourishment, even if the patient can
take but little else, it will not harm him.

The appetiie however daily improve if this diet

is persevered in. bedroom there should always
In the
be an abundance of fresh air. All weakenings in the
way of clothes should be strictly avoided.
Exercise in the fresh air and work suitable to ones
powers are the best means of re-establishing health.
To strengthen and sustain stomach take a
spoonful of tea made of wormwood and angelica or tor-
mentilla two or three times a day; or instead of the
tea twenty to twenty-five drops of such tinctures in a
spoonful of water the same number of times daily.

a sufferer from chlorosis will follow this advice

for a year or yet longer, making the water applications
156 Fourth paet. Diseases.

with care, partaking of a very simple and nourishing

diet and taking heathfnl exercise, he or she will become
healthy and strong and capable for any calling in life
and be happy once again.
This illness rarely occurs in a family where the
children are brought up in a healthy bracing way and
with good nourishing diet. It is often said that chlo-
rosis is handed down from the mother to the children
to this I say that if the mother were debilitated, the
children also will be wf^ak, for the apple does not fall
far from the branch. It is quite remarkable how many
remedies are employed against this illness; for example,
to one is given sulphur, to another iron, and to "another
even arsenic. We have known odd and unnatural house- -^
hold remedies to be given, cockroaches for instance, ^
and other equally unreasonable things. None of these
however are of any use. Proper nourishment contains
every material necessary for the development, sustenance,
and elasticity of the different parts of the body. -
A debilitated system is not in a condition to extract
from the nourishing materials as much as it needs, and
if itcannot do this with simple diet, much less will it
be the case with iron, sulphur, lime and other medica-
It necessary first of all in these cases to bring
the blood into order and proper circulation and to get
a normal warmth of temperature then and not till then

^\l\\ the digestive organs be in a condition to extract

from the food all that the system requires in the way of
Neither wine, beer, nor any alcoholic drinks are of
the least assistance to people suffering from chlorosis
for they do not contain in the smallest degree the nourish-
ing matter which is deficient in the system.

When I recommended above a small portion of

bread to be taken every hour dipped in wine, I did not
therefore ascribe to the bread more strengthening power
because it was dipped in wine.
Chapter IX. Croup, diptheeia etc. 157

The wine here was merely a means the

of raising
low temperature, but it should not be regarded as a
curative factor.

Just so is it with the wormwood and the other

remedies mentioned; their office is to purify, brace and
support the digestive organs. People with chlorosis are
particularly partial to wine, spices and such like, which
are not good for them but which cannot quickly be laid

If a person accustomed to drink suddenly ceases to

take either beer or wine, he cannot bear it.
is exactly so with the chlorotic
It who are full of
cold through and through, therefore now and again a
spoonful of wormwood tea or a small piece of bread
dipped in wine may be permitted as a transition medium.
The recommendation to lay a warm cloth often on
the stomach was merely in order to raise the natural
warmth of the stomach and so promote a better

When this cloth has once been laid on and a na-

tural warmth raised, a cloth dipped in cold water and
vinegar may be applied which will have even a better

I am that chlorosis can only be per-

of opinion
manently cured by means of water, a good diet and ar
simple way of living.

If chlorosis is not fought against in this way by

the sufferer, it will be difficult, nay impossible, to effect
a cure.

Croup, Diptheria and Inflammation of the Throat,

Water confined within pipes or tubes seeks, as far

as it can, an outlet and if it can compass a breach any-
where it runs out in a stream. It is just the same with
the blood in the veins; it circulates through the whole-
158 Fourth paet. Diseases.

"body issuing from the heart and returning thither. At

the same time it often seeks with violence another out-
let, and woe to the human system, if it succeeds in find-
ing one. If it does not break forth in a stream it ac-
cumulates and produces inflammation. It needs then
only an external cause to arise and the fire breaks out.

Among chiklren, bleeding from the nose, owing to

the strong youthful blood breaking a vein, is of frequent

As the blood can accu-

collects in the nose, so it

mulate in other parts of the body without finding an

outlet. It frequently happens that the tonsils and their
surroundings in the throat get filled w^ith a mass of blood
which always results in more or less inflammation. The
symptoms of this illness are at first, alternate fits of cold
and dry heat, heaviness in the head, head-ache, failure
of powder, thickly coated tongue and difficulty in swal-
In the throat and on the palate a violent deep red
inflammation appears with swellings. 4
Our ancestors in such cases at once opened veins
in the feet or arms and tried to reduce the inflammation
with a variety of gargles.
According to my most important and ne-
idea the
-cessary thing to do is to convey the blood back again
to the body and this can only be accomplished in

three w^iys, by w^et applications or bandages, by douches

and by washings.
A girl of seven years old suffered frcm this disease.
As soon as the symptoms
declared themselves, I
dipped the child, together with her chemise, in water and
then as quickly as possible wrapped her in a w^oollen
covering. In a short time the child w^as quite hot and
when the temperature was tolerably high, I immersed her
again in the same manner.

The heat was already sensibly diminished by the

iirst immersion, but by the second it had almost disap-
Chapter IX. Croup, diptheria etc. 159

peared. After the heat had been removed, the child was
merely washed as often as the fever again appeared.
This treatment was continued for a few days the
swelling was allayed and the child well again. To take
intornally the most desirable in my opinion is a decoc-
tion of '"Fenugreek" for allaying the heat and dispersing
the mucus. A decoction of shave- grass is equally good,
so is camomile tea with sage and w^ormwood mixed in it.

If the inflammation be not too violent, it is advisable

to place the child in a tub and douche it with a hose
full of water the child should wear a shirt while this

is done. The cold stream acts like a water engine on

a burning house, it takes off much heat, and if the child
be wrapped up quickly, the danger is over even with
the first application. If however this operation is re-
peated once or twice, there is a certainty that this illness
will in the near future be completely healed.

do not know of a single case in which a child


under such treatment has died of this disease. Why?

Because the blood was quickly pressed back and
the child as well as it was before the inflammation
set it.

When people cannot make up their mind to douche

the child, the cure may be accomplished by means of
immersion in water. The sick child is immersed up to
the neck in water for one or two seconds and then
quickly laid in a warm bed. This should be done as often as
the inflammation returns which gradually lessens after
each immersion, and generally by the second day the
illness is over. Internally the above quoted remedies
may be used.
As however out of a small evil a very big one may
grov;, so also out of such an inflammation of the throat
may ulcers arise in the neck, and also in the larynx,
which bring the child into great danger. This illness is
called mild or violent, favourable or malignant dipdieria.
Where these ulcers make their appearance, death often
quickly follows.
160 FouETH PAHT. Diseases.

The symptoms of this ilhiess are swollen head, over-

filledveins in the head, difficulty of breathing and periods
of suffocation. Gradually the ulcers become larger and
more malignant, the rush of blood lessens rather than
increases and the end i^ in this case death from blood-

If one looks into the throat of such a child, you

-illsee on the palate, the uvula, and tonsils several
little ulcers which have a dirty yellow coating. The
fever is not very high, the child finds difficulty in swal-
lowing and is extremely fatigued.

After a few hours the ulcers grow bigger and spread

also to the nose out of which issues a greenish-yellow,
highly offensive mucus; the tongue shows a dirty thick
coating, swallowing becomes more difficult and to take
nourishment almost impossible. Should the little ulcers
creep as far down as the larynx, the greatest possible
distress in breathing sets in, the complexion turns blue,
the veins of the neck swell and if help is not quickly
forthcoming, death will in a short time ensue.

In the treatment of this disease both external and

internal remedies must at once be applied.

If the ulcers have already come to a head and are

beginning to get malignant, one must act as in blood
poisoning. The neck is enveloped in a cloth dipped in
water and vinegar (half and half) as vvarm as it possible
can be borne. At the end of twenty or twenty-five
minutes, the cloth must be fresh dipped and this must
be continued for two or three hours as long indeed as
it is necessary. The blue tint must disappear, the pa-
tient must breathe more freely and the fever be reduced
before the necessity for the cloth round the neck can
be dispensed with. If in the course of three or four
hours the invalid is better, the bandage may be removed
and he or she immersed in cold water.
This immersion may be needful twice or even three
times a day according as the fever increases or diminishes.
Chapter IX. Ceoup, diptheeia etc. 161

Should fits of suffocation come on and death seem im-

minent a douche is the surest remedy.
One child had larynx -throat- and nose-diptheria
and had already had several fits of suffocation. While
in one of these fits a garden hose full of water was
directed on the child, one heard a rapid cough, and
phlegm was expectorated. Immediately the child was
better and within two or three days the hose was played
on her about eight times, and she perfectly recovered
from the disease.
If diptheria not too wide spread or too malig-
nant, it may be cured by immersing the child in
its chemise in water as above stated and then carefully
wrapping it in a woollen covering. This must be repeated
as often as necessary.
Diptheria can also be treated from the commence-
ment with and in this way is often rapidly
cured. Internally, teas, with the power of dissolving, may
be used and salad oil is of great service, if four to six
drops are taken every hour. It cools, softens and dis-
solves the phlegm. Fenugreek made into rather thick
tea is one of the most effectual remedies. A spoonful
to be taken every half hour or in extreme cases every
quarter of an hour, and when matters have improved a
spoonful of tea made of shave grass and coltsfoot may
be given every hour with the best results. Teas of oak-
bark and shave-grass, or of sage and wormwood are also
highly recommended.

Just as sisters may greatly resemble each other, s6

is diptheria similar to croup or quinsy.
In this the blood accumulates in the larynx
and can no outlet.
find The larynx swells greatly and
the swelling impedes the breathing to a great extent,
the face becomes blue, the veins get over-filled and the
blood rushes upward. A rough barking cough sets in
and the danger of suffocation is imminent.
If the heat is very great in the larynx and throat,
the blood must be diverted to other parts of the body
Knei pp. My \Vill. ^
j_(52 Fourth part. Diseases.

by warmth, or the suffering part must be ope-

rated upon by cold applications to bring the blood to
the groins. Above all an equable warmth over the whole
system must be secured so that the surcharge may be
removed from the sick part and suffocation prevented.
It is quite possible to operate on the diseased part by
warm applications in order to stop the fever heat by
artificial warmth.

The must be wrapped in a w^arm cloth which

has been dipped in water and vinegar as hot as can be
borne by the patient. By this increase of warmth relief
is obtained, the heat divided, and what is more the
danger is lessened. When the hot cloth is removed the
affected part may be treated with cold applications which
will have the effect of pressing back the blood rather
than diverting it. It may be in the form of an upper
douche or a cold neck bandage. If a child is in great
danger, for example, wrap it in a hot cloth and when
this is removed, apply an upper-douche to the neck and
nape of the neck and put it to bed. Should the heat
return, repeat the upper-douche; the fever will then
decline, the breath become easier and the phlegm within
will be cut. This being the case, the child may be either
dipped in water or receive a complete douche.
Should how^ever the internal dispersion proceed too
slowly, a second complete bandaging of the whole body
must take place.

must work as vigorously as possible

Internally one
at dispersing by means of tea made of coltsfoot and the
common nettle, sage and shave-grass; of these
or of
a teaspoonful should be taken every quarter of an hour
or, as a change, salad oil may be given.

If treatment is continued, the child will in a

short time be out of danger; there is nothing more to
be done except to watch for a return of the fever. Should
this occur, repeat the washings or the bandages.

arrived at this treatment by handling several cases

of blood poisoning in which by using water as hot as
Chapter IX. Ceoup. diptheeia etc. 163

the patient conld bear it the poison was dissolved and

carried off.

Even if there be no actual poisoning in this illness,

the application of hot water tends to diminish and re-
move the diseased and partly poisoned matter. A house-
keeper acquired through a chill inflammation of the
throat like that just described and as a remedy she took
one head vapour-bath and a hot bandage during a day
and a half.
Her neck was so swollen she could not hold her
head straight, she could scarcely eat anything, and when
with much pain she swallowed a small portion, it returned
through the nose till finally she could not keep down a
drop of water.

I at once caused the disuse of the hot bandages

and ordered the throat and breast to be washed rapidly
in cold water every half hour and between the washings
to surround the neck with a linen cloth and to cover
herself well up.

She began the washing in the morning at eight

o'clock and in the evening at five, she could swallow
water and broth and in about twenty-four hours all
swelling had departed. The applications used by this
woman before coming to me were fundamentally wrong.
By the head vapour-bath the head and breast were
greatly heated and caused an increased rush of blood
to those parts. On the top of the vapour-bath she
applied a hot neck-bandage and by it still further in-
creased the mischief; the feet and arms were icily cold
in consequence of this rush of blood upward, and had
she continued this treatment, the result would have been
disastrous. When now the washing of the upper part
of the body in cold water began and at the same time
the feet were wrapped in a cloth dipped in hot water
and vinegar as high as the ankles, the blood was directed
back from whence it came. I must here notice that
formerly I used vapour-baths instead of hot fomentations
as may be seen in "My Water Cure". These however
164 Fourth part. Diseases.

appeared to me troublesome and children could not en-

dure them, yet by means of steam the little ones
were properly warmed and the warmth was equally

a vapour-bath be twice tried and the child thrown

into a strong perspiration, a large part of the diseased
matter is certainly carried away.
however necessary that after the vapour-bath
It is
a douche or washing be taken, otherwise the heat would
be too great and for children unendurable.
It is very difficult, as a rule, to apply vapour to
children and it is certain that with them one arrives at
the desired point much quicker by douches and bandages.

Children of larger growth can however use the vapour-

bath with advantage for twenty or twenty-five minutes.
If the housekeeper whose case we have just related
had taken a strong upper-douche immediately after her
head-vapour-bath all superfluous heat would have been
got rid of and she could easily have cured herself by
douches and washings.


There are very few people who do not know by ex-

perience what diarrhoea is like. It occurs frequently
among children many of whom lose their lives by
it. Neither are growing youths exempt from it. It is
a universal evil sparing neither rank nor age. It makes
itself felt by pain, pressure, contraction and noise in the
bowels causing discomfort to the whole man and finish-
ing up with diarrhoea. Comfort is restored and the
attack seems over when the w^hole discomfort is repeated.
This may continue for a day or two, sometimes even for
a week.
Diarrhoea is frequently produced by consuming cold
drinks while in a state of great heat and perspiration,
Chapter IX. Diaeehcea. 165

or by drinking new wine or eating unripe fruit. These

cause a revolution in the stomach which expresses itself
in pains and rumblings, and the disturbance is only got
rid of by means of a regular clearance of all superfluous

The drinking of much water on the top of greasy

food is quite certain to produce diarrhoea.

There are many people w^ho get diarrhoea directly

they eat certain food while others have it if they take
milk. I knew a person who, immediately after enjoying
strawberries, had diarrhoea.
the diarrhoea returns only two or three times, it
does not much matter it may even help the system

that Nature's police should cast out the disturbing


If however the diarrhoea lasts several days, the system

w^ill be much wasted and relaxed; great inactivity will
set in, the appetite will grow^ less and the strength de-
cline,such diarrhoea is fraught with important conse-
quences to the human body.
frequently happens that without any apparent
It also
cause, diarrhoea steps in.

Many people have assured me that they always have

diarrhoea in spring and autumn and that, as soon as an
attack is over, they feel quite healthy and well.

As this mischief attacks so many in spring and

autumn it is well to ask whether the people so attacked
have healthy systems.
Those who regularly have attacks in spring and
autumn I advise to do nothing; but those who have it
oftener have most certainly a rupture in the stomach
or bowels which is the cause of diarrhoea, and it is
necessary for these people to have help. One is often
responsible oneself for the mischief without knowing it,
for instance if one eats very fast, or takes fluids, then
solids, followed by sweets and acids. This diet rapidly

consumed will proceed to ferment and possibly generate

gas. The gas rejects the food and so it goes undigested.
There are also people who get diarrhoea if they are
unduly agitated, excited, or frightened, and delicate chil-
dren easily have attacks if they are punished or even in
fear of punishment.

I have known people who each time they had to

appear in public suffered from diarrhoea brought on evi-
dently by excitement.

Even during the "Water Cure"' diarrhoea may appear

but only when one carelessly uses an application without
being sure that the system is in proper condition or
applies too many. In all applications the natural heat
fights a duel with the cold of the water; if the warmth
gains the upper hand, then the object of the application
is attained if the warmth, on the contrary, yields to the

cold, then a duel commences internally which usually

ends in colic or diarrhoea. Such a diarrhoea during the
water-cure need not be feared, on the contrary it may
be beneficial. There are people who, for two or three
days, pass an extraordinary amount of urine, and then
for two, three, or more days suffer from diarrhoea.
Usually only obstructing or bad matter passes and when
this is thoroughly effected by Nature's police the diar-
rhoea stops of its own accord.

If we desire to remedy an extraordinary and there-

fore possibly a hazardous diarrhoea, we should let reason
and sense direct us, and only use such remedies as do
good to the human system. We must above all be
reasonable in eating, and not eat too fast; we must be
moderate in drinking and especially avoid drinking while
eating. We must also carefully avoid such food and
drink as cause diarrhoea.
If the diarrhoea proceeds from a weak stomach or a
rupture in the bowels which is probable when it often
appears without any apparent cause, then such measures
must be adopted as will remove the diseased matter
from the stomach and bowels, and strengthen the whole
Chapter IX. Diaeehcea. 167

system, so that nothing may find lodgement within,

either stomach or bowels which can lead to diarrhoea.
The first thing then is to strengthen the system so
that it will reject all unsound matter of itself.

The best thing for the dispersion of bad matter is

a bandage on the stomach of sW'oUen hay-flowers or of
water and vinegar. Weak systems which have no proper
heat and W'hich possess no good digestive powers will
be more easily cured if the bandage or compress be warm.
This artificial warmth opens the way to a vigorous
application of cold water which only can bring health.

Anna complained: "Every fortnight or three weeks I

have diarrhoea which, as a rule, makes me very
tired and powerless' I have seldom a good appetite and

I dare not eat much as it brings on diarrhoea. My

strength grows gradually less and I am scarcely able to
perform my duties, I am always thirsty and sleep very

I ordered her once a week to lay a three fold cloth

previously dipped in hay-flower water on the abdomen,

and to keep it on for an hour and a half, redipping it
at the end of three quarters of an hour.

This warm cloth produced natural warmth which

came out through the pores and was absorbed by it.
I also ordered her to take three times daily three
spoonsful of angelica root, wormwood and shave-grass
tea. Such a tea extracts the poisonous stuff and im-
proves the digestion.
Shave-grass purifies the blood while angelica empties
the body of injurious matter.
After the body had been thus acted upon externally
and internally, 1 recommended every week two thigh
douches, two half-baths, and a back-douche; the first of
these because they operate in a strengthening way on
the abdomen and create a greater activity in the organs
of the same the second because of their power to dis-

pel and strengthen even in a greater degree than the

168 Fourth paet. Diseases.

first,and the third or back douche because it produces

a regular circulation of the blood and strength to the
body generally.
At the end of three weeks these applications were
taken only half as often.
In this way the whole system was brought into a
better condition, the diseased matter was carried off and
the digestion was greatly improved.

A sick man came to me saying : "I suffered the whole

of last night with violent diarrhoea. I am exceedingly
thirsty and feel and exhausted, what can 1 do?" My

advice to him was Boil some knot-grass in half water


and half red wine, if you have such a thing, and drink
a cup of it. Drink it quite warm and if the diarrhoea
continues take a second cup in two or three hours.

you have no knot-grass ase wormwood and pow-

dered fennel instead, making the tea in the same way.

r recommended him also to dip a cloth in hot water

and vinegar and lay it on the abdomen for an hour and
a half, renewing it at the end of three quarters of an

Anthony cameto me with the complaint. "At every

trifle get diarrhoea; it certainly goes soon but it always

returns I am all right otherwise, I eat and sleep well."


I advised him to drink three tim^s a day two or

three spoonsful of tea made of oak-bark and wormwood
and to take every second or third day a half-bath; and
I was sure the mischief would be removed in a short

From these statements it will be seen that diarrhoea

may and also that it is not difficult to cure.
easily occur
Diarrhoea occurs more frequently in hot summer weather
and is nearly always brought about by imprudence.

My advice is to live sensibly at all seasons, and to

avoid any sudden change of diet and temperature.
Chapter IX. Swollen feet. '

Fruit very good and wholesome but if not taken


with prudence may be very prejudicial to the system.

Good, ripe, and sound fruit is in my opinion whole-

some. Half-ripe fruit, on the contrary, is always dange-
rous and easily produces diarrhoea.

Stone-fruit should be eaten with great andcare

never in quantities
this applies specially to plums and
damsons. Cherries are less harmful but even these should
be eaten in a moderation.
The best protection against diarrhoea from earliest
childhood to old age is to strengthen and brace the body
by good food, healthy exercise and a great care as to
It is well to avoid sweet pastry and food containing
much sugar as they often occasion diarrhoea. As soon .

as the first symptoms of diarrhoea show themselves, take

a small cup of tea made of centaury and wormwood
which will correct the mischief; or equally good is tea
of sage and camomile.

Swollen Feet.
Among people of all ages swollen feet are of frequent
occurence and cause fnar to those who have them Bad !

feet however are not in themselves an illness but are

either forerunners of one or proceed from a delicate state
of health.
Very often swollen feet are the result of faulty cir-
culation from which chlorotic and ancemic persons suffer;
for these have but little blood and this is unequally di-
vided in the body, one part having too much and the
other none. If the current of blood be too weak, it
does not flow in proper course and often sinks down to
the feet without the power to return to the heart.

The blood is like a very sick man who may have

power to get a little way from home but not to get
170 Fourth pakt. Diseases.

back. In such cases the swollen feet have no other

significance than poverty of blood and weakness.
If therefore measures be taken to increase and purify
the blood and to strengthen the system the whole con-
dition of the person improves, the natural warmth rises,
the appetite is better and the swellings on the feet
What applications are best here?
To wash oneself twice a week early in the morning
with water and vinegar without drying the body and get
into bed again directly.

Every second or third day bind a four fold cloth

which has been dipped in vinegar and water on the ab-
Also on alternate days take a thigh- douche and knee-
douche if the patient have sufficient strength, a back-douche
on the third day. Continue these for some time, say for
two or three weeks, and by that time the whole system
will be in a healthier condition.

The "Brennsuppe" or chicken-

diet should consist of
broth if the patient does not like this, he may have

malt boiled in milk and eaten as soup.

Milk is good it the stomach can assimilate it, for

example milk in which fennel has been cooked and of
which a teaspoonful should be taken every hour.
During the day a small portion of whole meal bread
with five or six tea-spoonfuls of sugar water may be
taken; this improves the blood and is easily digested.
The mid-day meal should be simple, a little salted and
seasoned but not acid. Otherwise I am for the usual
household fare. .

The evening meal vshould consist of strengthening

but easily digested soup, and one other dish which I

prefer to be farinaceous, of some unadulterated flour.

do not object to the patient eating boiled pickled

cabbage or "sour kraut" if it be not too acid.
Chapter IX. Swollen feet. 171

Farinaceous food is very easy of digestion if taken

in small portions.

Swollen feet often occur after fevers and inflamma-

tions: if the illness has in a measure passed and the
state of health on the road to improvement, thn feet
very often swell. This is because in the passing illness
the blood and gastric juices suffered from obstructions
and faulty circulation. These have made the system weak
and inactive and robbed it of the power to throw off
bad matter which frequently sinks to the feet; or the
diseased matter may collect in the abdomen and be got
rid of through the urine, a very likely occurrence if the
invalid keeps his bed.

the patient can be up and take exercise, then the

matter sinks to the feet. Snch swellings generally appear
after all severe illnesses if the system has not been pro-
perly cleansed. These swellings are so familiar to the
majority of people that it is a common saying: "One part
of the illness has gone to the feet.'*

Aconvalescent must not feel discouraged, if on

getting out after an illness he gets swollen feet; it is
much better so than if the matter collected in the
stomach w^iere it possibly might produce dropsy.

It is quite easy to cure swollen feet.

the convalescent goes to bed, the swellings grow

less; when he gets up, they increase. It is quite clear

that whether the impure matter collects in the feet or

in the abdomen, the system must be made free of it; then
the sick man will sometimes however the
become well;
feet and body swell at the same time which rather sug-
gests dropsy.

The swollen feet should be douched daily without

hesitation and wrapped in a cloth dipped in hay-flower
water also once a day. The cloth thus prepared opens
the pores and conducts the foul matter off. If however

the feet and body are equally swollen, it would be ad-

visable to apply a lower or short bandage twice a week
j[72 Fourth paet. Diseases.

In this way the body and feet are both acted upon and
the harmful matter drawn out at the same time it is

necessary so to strengthen the system that it can do its

own work of dispersing, and refuse longer to admit bad

When the patient is tolerably recovered, two or three

half-baths may also be taken every week. Internally a
tea may be taken in small quantities which purifies the
whole lower part of the body; a small cup daily of tea
made of wormwood, dwarf-elder, shave-grass and centaury
or rosemary.

This simple remedy carries off, cleanses the organs

and braces the system.
Swollen feet are not unusual after erysipelas and
scarlet fever, and attacks which usually have their origin
in some kidney disease.
In trying to get rid of the bad matter after erysi-
pelas, it must be remembered that this illness was not
simply one of the face, but had its seat in the whole
body, and merely sought an outlet for itself in the face.
It is just same with scarlet fever. If erysipelas,
Scarlet fever, and similar illnesses have taken a good
course externally and one thinks of them as cured there
may yet remain an internal eruption.

does not come out, a kind of blood poisoning

If this
sets in the bad matter presses downwards either to the

feet or the abdomen and is the cause of the swellings.

Such feet can only be cured by leading the impuri-

ties out as much as possible through the pores and by
making the system strong enough to resist the admission
of impure matter for the future. That which is already
there must be got rid of through the urine, sweat,
stools, and violent respiration of the skin, and evapo-
In order to bring this to pass, we employ the short
bandage alternately with the thigh and knee douches
and later on with half-baths. Usually two or three ban-
Chapter IX. Swollen feet. 17B

dages are enough in the week: and the above-mentioned

tea may be drunk as there prescribed. Strong and cor-
pulent people are not exempt from swollen feet; and
women in certain conditions are very liable to them.
Great corpulence nearlyalways a sign of weakness

and inaction of the system, and therefore the used-up

stuff is not got rid of. In this way all the organs suffer
from extension and become lax and give opportunity for
foul matter to gain a footing.

Unconsciously, corpulent people are in a way respon-

sible for their condition. If the necessary bracing were
not omitted, if they only took such diet as was nourish-
ing and if they did not consume so much, such mischief
might be easily prevented: for there is no doubt eating
too much produces bad, watery blood.

Swollen feet always occur to people who stand very

much and who take very little exercise, and who there-
fore increase in size.

Such people are often quite healthy, only they com-

plain that they feel languid and sleepy and that they
feel less fresh and vigorous than formerly.

Officials, and clergy all suffer more or less

from do all who lead a sedentary
this trouble, indeed so
life, and those who regularly drink beer even though

As the mind so does the body, and the cause

is as a rule other than inactivity and too little
bracing. As these people do not experience actual ilhiess
and are accustomed to a certain amount of languor, they
do not trouble themselves although the feet continue to
swell and both mind and body to grew tired. If, how-
ever, no help is brought to these people it is scarcely
possible for them escape a serious illness sooner or
later, it may be kidney or liver disease, general debility
and even apoplexy. And yet help would be so easy!
That which medicines cannot touch may be attained by
water with the best results, and it seems a great pity


therefore that one knows so little of water and water


If these people desire to get well, they should take

three or four applications a week. Wash daily, on ris-
ing, m order that the languid system may be invigorated
and an increase of warmth produced: take two or three
half-baths, or instead a thigh or back-douche during
the week, in short such applications as stimulate the
general activity of the system, bring the blood into healthy,
regular circulation, and shake the languor out of the

A short time since a man came to me and related

the following: "Every evening my feet swell and I feel
done up and good for nothing; I never feel fresh and
bright and my former strength is gradually diminishing,
and that which troubles me most is that I have lost all
spirit for enterprise and undertaking. I feel indifferent
about everything. Otherwise I have nothing to complain
of still I know I am not in the best condition, i^gain

the doctor told a friend of mine that I was in danger

of being struck with apoplexy or palsy."

All this plainly told of flaccidity in the whole body

which was having its effect on the mind. It showed
too that there was. the same inactivity in the blood,
allowing obstructions to form both in it and in the
secretions. The swollen feet therefore said plainly that
the system was out of order and that there were symp-
toms of a coming illness.
Such a patient is quite easily cured with water and
ihis man was a proof of it; in three weeks under our
treatment, he was so well that he said "I ftel a new
man; I have lost eighteen pounds
in weight; I have
almost regained my
former power, energy and spirit of
enterprise, and I cannot understand how in so short a
time such a change could have been effected."

Now what brought this man's whole body into or-

der again? in the week three thigh-douches,
He took
two back-douches, two half-baths and a complete douche,
Chapter IX. Swollen feet. 175

beside daily wading in water or having his knees douched

with cold water. Further he daily drank a cup of tea
made of shave-grass, bark of oak, and wormwood; the
shave-grass cleansed, the wormwood supported the dige-
stion, and the oak-bark braced the system.

What the herbs effected internally the water effected

externally. The thigh-douches drew the bad matter
together and dispersed it; wading in water and douching
the knees not only dispersed matter but acted bracingly
on the abdomen and the whole body. Again the action
of the back-doiiche was both bracing and expelling.

The action of the complete douche is upon the

whole body; as when one shakes a tree on which cock-
chafers swarm the tree is left free of them, so by this
douche all bad stuff is removed from the system; all
that is superfluous and burdensome is got rid of.

We have come to regard swollen feet as a proof of

a sick body, and to cure the feet, we must act upon the
whole body. To operate simply on the feet when the
swellings are of an important nature, 1 consider an error.

How many have come to me both men and women

having tightly bound their swollen feet in woollen ban-
dages or in india-rubber or elastic. Many of them had
worn these bandages for two or three years running.
The feet have not swollen more in consequence
because they could not, but above the bandages on the
legs and thighs bags were formed and the limbs w^ere
twice as big as they ought to be. It is easy to see
that if a passage to the feet be denied to the bad matter
it collects in the body where it certainly is more dan-
gerous then in the feet. Without exception I ordered
every person to remove their elastic or woollen bandages
and the whole body to be promptly operated on, so as
to expel the watery and sluggish matter within. In
every case I was successful. The expulsion being begun
heartily and continued in a proper manner the feet be-
came no longer the meeting place for useless matter
as a consequence the swelling stopped.


As a rule people so afflicted do not complain simply

of their feet but of the whole body; the abdomen is so
hard and the breathing so difficult, the head so

heavy, in fact each one of these being a sign that the

interior of the body is in great disorder.

As a rule four to six weeks treatment was sufficient

to cleanse the system, using for the purpose only tea
of herbs and applications of water. The patients soon-
recovered their appetite and healthy appearance and
rejoiced in their renewed vigour.

As regards the woollen and elastic bandages my impres-

sion as follows. As every man inhales and whales breath

day and night, so also does the skin. If however the

man's mouth and nose be bound up, he will suffocate
and if the feet are wrapped and bound whether it be
with elastic or woollen bandages, the evaporation stops.
Whatever is used up and thrown off by the system must
all remain in the feet; that this matter will by degrees
become corrupt in the feet must be plain to everyone,
and that this bad matter will be prejudicial to the whole
body, no one will deny.
Certainly within tightly bound blood cannot
feet the
circulate as it would do in properly nourished and un-
trammelled feet-

allowed, the foot must in time get more

If this is
jellified and more
like a machine by which one walks
than a fresh healthy member of one's body.

The accumulation and increase of bad matter in the

feet must in time operate prejudicially on the abdominal
organs and one cannot be surprised if at length a dan-
gerous illness comes on, it may be dropsy or kidney-
disease which is the result of disturbances in the blood
a,nd secretions.

Although the bandages are bound to com.-^ off, yet

I allow many to keep them on a few days longer; for
when the system has too much bad matter in it which
runs at once to the feet it w^ould cause them to swell
Chapter IX. Swollen feet. 177

very much and this would take the spirit and courage
of the patient away. So I first operate on the system
internally and externally for the purpose of bracing and
dispersing and then I order the bandages to be removed.

As a rule no more swellings take place: but should

they occur, it is a sign that there are still obstructions
in the body which must be removed if dropsy is to be

The feet should never be so clothed and bound up

as to impede the breathing of the pores care should be ;

taken to keep the feet properly clean that the respira-

tion may go on easily and that air may reach them.

A proof of the correctness of my idea is furnished

by those who, during the summer went bare-foot and by
those specially who had ulcers and open wounds on
their feet.

Those who began to go bwi-efoot often got eruptions

on the feet which frightened them not a little. But
when after persevering in the practice, the ulcers vanished,
they came to the conclusion that the sores were
an outlet for the foul matter left behind in the system,
and they were right.
It was remarkable that those who had suffered year
in and year out with cold feet soon got a good natural
warmth into them. This showed not only that the feet
were healthier but that the whole body had improved
under treatment.
It is "clear that a regular circulation of the blood
is beneficial to the whole system and it is equally mani-
fest that disturbances in the circulation, even if they
only occur in the feet, bring about unpleasantness and
ill health.

How many hundreds suffer from the above evils; and

how easily could they all be helped ! Certainly their
lives would be happier and longer.

Kneipp, My Will. 12
178 Fourth paet. Diseases.

Cold Feet.

Man is subject to innumerable illnesses and infirmi-

ties some of which may be easily cured, others never.
One very prevalent and to all appear-
of these is

ance very unimportant, yet it is difficult and in some

cases almost impossible to cure. This infirmity is cold
feet. Among a large number of people you will scarcely
find a dozen who do not complain of cold feet.

The advice given is to warm the feet, to wear

woollen stockings or woollen material three or four times
folded over them, still the feet remain cold. Fur shoes
are worn or shoes lined with wool without at all diminish-
ing the cold.

A hot bottle is placed in bed at night and when

tow^ards morning it has *grow^n cold the feet are cold
also. At length the feet are held close to the fire ; this
also is vain.

The question which forces itself upon us is "How

is it that so large a proportion of the people complain

of cold feet and yet can find no effectual or lasting remedy

for the evil?"

The cause of cold feet lies in the blood. The blood

must not only nourish the system but warm it where ;

no warmth is, there the blood is lacking. He who suf-

fers from cold feet has not enough blood in them, if
they had sufficient, they would be warm.

People who suffer continually from this evil are really

illnot simply on account of cold feet but because the
blood is unequally divided through the body, one part
being overfilled, another neglected; and in this condi-
tion it cannot maintain the body in health.

It may also be asked "How is it that apparently

strong, healthy people complain of cold feet? Are they
also poor-blooded?"
Chapter IX. Cold feet. 179

Certainly they are, otherwise their feet would be

properly nourished and therefore warm. The principal
reason is, however, in my opinion, the perverted way in
which men live.

AVhen one wishes to heat an oven, one must have

and use burning materials. In a similar way also must
men live that enough warming material is supplied to
the whole body.
Are there means of dividing or spreading the blood
equally over all parts of the body?

Why not? But they are not exposed for sale in

the chemist's shop, and if one took the whole stock one
after the other the feet would still remain cold. I, how-

ever, know a remedy which helps and I know also the

reason why so many have cold feet.
My remedy for making the feet warm is water and
that the coldest; and the reason why so many have
cold feet is the debilitating life they lead and their,
shyness of cold water. Let a man use hot bottles, furs,
woollen stuffs, hot fires or what he likes, he will still
keep his cold feet. I say no matter how cold the feet
are, they can be properly warmed by cold water and can
be kept warm.
A bount came tome and related that for seven
years he had not known what it was to have warm feet
even for an hour, not even in summer.
I made him immerse his feet three times a day in

cold water, and even on the second day he said he could

not understand how it happened that his feet had been
warm in bed on the previous night although he had
used neither hot bottle nor any other of his usual
The first and necessary step to take is to remove
the cause of the cold feet which as I have stated is

The feet must be exposed to the fresh air and be

treated with cold water only, as warm water would only

It is doubtful whether the water or cold

foster debility.
has the better effect on the feet, both are
fresh air
however unquestionably necessary.

The mother came to me and complained

of a family
of severe headachesand pains in the chest with palpi-
tations adding that she always had cold feet. ''I may

do what I will" she said "my feet are always cold and
my head is always hot; if my head ceases to ache then
I get pains in my chest."

Here was a plain indication of too much blood in

the head and chest and too little in the feet. I advised

her to walk once every d^y for four minutes in cold

water and to make movements with the feet while doing
so to wash herself all over every second day on rising

and take two half-baths a week lasting for two seconds

only. I told her if she did this she would gain warmth

in her feet and the pains in her head and chest would
vanish. Her answer was "Oh! I can't stand damp and
cold at all; I should never be warm again."

I said "Give it a. trial and come to me again in

eight days."

At the end time she began to laugh on

of this
entering the room and observed "I have warm feet, my
headache has gone, and my chest is much easier."

It was spring time and she still wore all her win-
ter and enervating clothing; now I ordered her to wear
simple stockings and to go barefoot the greater part of
the day. She said, "May I go barefoot all the time I
am about my w^ork ? for I find my feet get very warm
while doing so and yet this is what I used to dread;
and when quite young I was punished if I did not wrap
up well to avoid cold."

woman might acquire permanently

In order that this
warm we very
feet,gradually led the blood downwards
and braced and strengthened the whole system.
Chapter JX. Open feet. 181

Open Feet.

It very often happens that the young as well as the

old get what is called "Open Feet" that is feet with
open wounds.
First one foot and then the other or both swell up
a little or it may be severely. Not rarely, a small place
becomes inflamed on the foot which burns and stings
violently and then not unlikely, in sleep, the irritable part
is scratched.

Now because the skin is stretched to its utmost and

the shut in mattei" is sharp, it breaks through the skin
and flows over the surface, making for itself by degrees
a large opening often as big as the palm of the hand.
This causes great pain and if the foot is not treated
with all care and diligence, the pain will increase and
the mischief spread.

Such feet are not as a rule cured by the doctor and

if they are healed, the patient often runs risk of death.
Examples of this may easily be found.

A housekeeper of unusually good health and strength

had for years an open foot and if it were properly

attended to, she could quite well manage the duties of

her office. She had used many medical remedies, she
had employed ointments and salves and had swallowed
quantities of medicine. Still all was useless. If the
foot healed for a time, it soon broke out again and
so it went on. At last a doctor promised to cure her
foot, if she would remain in bed for six weeks and faith-
fully use the remedies he prescribed for her. She was
treated daily with the strongest aperients the mischief ;

grew less day by day and at last the foot was healed;
she felt quite well and was able to perform the duties
of her calling. Her foot kept all right but she soon
experienced a great stuffiness in the head, a heavy weight
at the chest, and a swelling of the abdomen. She had
to give up her work and remained in bed four days when
she suffered paralysis of the heart.

quite inconceivable to me that people do not

It is
believe that the cause of an open foot is a diseased
body, and that to heal the feet the body must be
operated on.
This healing can only take place when all foul mat-
ter in the body is dispersed and expelled and the system
braced and strengthened to resist the admission of foul
matter within it.
This is the only natural cure. Nothing should be
done to the feet themselves beyond keeping them clean.
When diseased matter is expelled from the body
and the wound cleansed from the impurities which the
corroding overflow has brought with it, the foot will
heal of itself. For when the mice are caught, the holes
by degrees close of themselves. The bracing of the
system must however be continued for some time until
at length the robust health of the body is reinstated.

As a rule women suifer more than men from open

feet especially if the women be corpulent.
As thin people do not often have open feet, it is
clear that stout people are more liable to obstructions
of the blood and secretions, and that their porous system
is a peculiarly favorable field for the formation of
diseased matter.
According to my
opinion the cure is only possible
by means of the various water applications which are
specially designed to disperse and expel all diseased
matter. No illness seems to me more easy to cure than
such a disease in the foot.
But one must proceed from the point of view that
the foot is healthy in itself and that it is only the diseased
matter in the body which has forced its way into it.

In healing it the first and most important thing is

to dissolve all unhealthy stuff in the system and to expel
iu all directions that which is softened, and then to
strengthen the body so much that diseased matter cannot
find an entrance.
Chaptek IX. Opex eeet. 183

The expelling of used up and bad matter is per-

formed by breathing, by the opening of the bowels, and
by transpiration. If by these means the body can pre-
serve its wonted activity, and if one can help it when
unable to do so the cure will have no obstacles. Some
examples will make what I mean clearer.

A matron, fifty-two years of age and rather stout

had suffered eight years with an open foot; she used
many salves and medicines and visited also several baths
yet could not heal her foot. Twice the doctors had
succeeded in healing it, yet in the course of a month
both feet broke out. I ordered her the following appli-
cations. Two short bandages a week dipped in hay-
flower water, which was to be warm; the wrapping to
reach from under the arms to the knees, and to be kept
on for an hour and a half. Two half-baths, two thigh
douches, a back-douche and a whole douche also in the
week. Internally she took a cup of tea of rosemary,
wormwood and dwarf-elder-root in two portions.

The pains in the foot diminished even on the second

day and from the fourth day on, the feet were quite
free of pain. After fourteen days, during which time she
continued these applications, she felt herself altogether
comfortable. The wounds on the feet were smaller, the
outflow reduced itself by degrees to one half, the inva-
lid acquired an excellent appetite, and the cure was thus
well started.

I ordered her now to take every week three half

baths, two back-douches, two complete douches and
every other day to bind on the abdomen a four fold
cloth dipped in water and vinegar and to keep it on
for an hour and a half. Further she was ordered to
drink, in two or three portions, a cup of tea of worm-
wood, shavegrass and sage daily. After another fourteen
days the feet were more than half healed und looked
much smaller than at starting, while the whole state of
health could scarcely have been better and the discharge
from the wounds quite unimportant.
184 Fourth pakt, diseases.

Now followed the third prescription which was that

during the week she was to take three half baths, two
complete douches, a short bandage and a thigh douche.
And for tea she was now to drink one made of centaury,
sage and ten or twelve crushed juniperberries, a cupful
to be divided into two portions, the whole of this pre-
scription to be continued for three weeks. The effect was
that both feet healed up, all swelling vanished, and ap-
petite and sleep were excellent, and her own opinion was
that her strength had increased from week to week.

Here one might suppose the cure to be perfect, but

I considered she was not yet ensured against a return
of the attack, and ordered farther applications. The first
week two half baths, the second week three half baths,
and at the end of every fourteen days a short bandage.

These applications allowed no more bad matter to

accumulate and braced the system so that it was able
to expel the worn-out matter.

Every simple, strengthening and nourishing food was

recommended to her, except coffee, wine and beer which
were forbidden. In the space of a year this lady again
presented herself to me and expressed her gratitude as
only those can who, having been plagued with some
disease, are at last delivered from it.

Would you like to know, dear reader, how, in this

case, the applications healed the feet and the body?

The bandage dissolved and absorbed the evil

matter in the body where the greatest collection was;
the half baths acted bracingly and stirringly on the ab-
domen and on the whole lower part of the body and
made it capable of ejecting the worn out stuff.
When in the month the cockchafers swarm
of May
on the trees, the sensible householder goes into his gar-
den and shakes them off. Exactly in the same way did
the complete douche operate; it shook the body and
loosened and drew off the particles of foul matter which
had collected. The thigh and back douches worked in
Chapter IX. Open feet. 185

the same way only confining their power to individual

parts instead of to the wliole body. We must notice
that the lady whom we have quoted lost thirty -six
pounds in weight and was glad to be rid of the super-
fluous burden. The work of the tea towards the cure
was to dissolve and expel bad matter and improve the
condition generally. I must here accentuate the fact
that such a foot or feet can only be healed by internal
treatment and that nothing should be employed on the
wound that can close it up and press back the diseased
matter. Such a mode of operation strikes me as being
like a peasant who stops up the mice holes in his m.^a-
dow and imagines that the mice can no longer harm him
because he does not see thsm. It is of special signifi-

cance that people with open feet appear to be otherwise

in good health and maintain quit3 a good appearance
especially if they have been well nourished. If however
they have had their open feet for months or perhaps
years their health breaks up and they become really ill.
Their appearance is like an apple which looks sound
outside bat is quite rotten within. It is exactly on this
account that a cure can only be effected by long con-
tinued applications which will bring the whole internal
organism, especially the abdominal organs, into a more
healthy condition.

Therefore it is necessary at times to operate on

the abdomen with bandagns and compresses in order to
dissolve and get obstructive matter.
rid of And quite
as necessary is it to strengthen and brace the whole
body which should be nourished by a healthy diet. Above
all, people who suffer from open feet should remember
that too much fluid is prejudicial.

As regards the wounds, something should be laid

over them to prevent the entrance of dirt as well as to
absorb the fluid which still issues from them until the
foot is completely healed. The best thing is a covering
dipped in shave-grass water and tolerably well wrung
out. Shave-grass cleanses and heals when all diseased
matter has been removed.

186 Fourth paet. Diseases.

Wormwood tea purifies and heals, so does tea of

bark-of-oak. Ribwort and other heahng herbs would'
have the same effect.

I condemn altogether ointments which are harmful

also lead water and verdigris. Verdigris salve was for-
merly frequently used in such cases although it is pure

The remedies is to form a crust

effect of these last
over the wound which the diseased matter to
retire internally because its exit is closed. This is not
what I call healing, but making worse.
Very often swollen or open feet are bound with ban-
dages of some yards long; the effect of which is to
stop the expansion of the foot and to send the diseased
matter into the system, probably into the abdomen. The
amount of evil which this banished stuff may bring about
in the body anyone can guess who still possess es his five
senses. Dropsy or kidney disease may easily result.
No bandages are necessary, only expulsion of matter
both from the feet and body.
A housekeeper came to me, she was rather stout,
her words were "I have been obliged to bind up my
foot, for if I did not it would swell up and be as heavy
as lead and prevent my walking."

The swelling up of the foot as soon as the bandage

was removed was the plainest proof that the matter which
had caused the swelling came from the body from whence
it must be removed yet not through the feet.

The patient had at once to remove the wrapping

from her foot. I ordered a bandage dipped in hay-flower
water and put on warm reaching from under the arm
quite to the feet once a day for three days. The hay-
flower bandage opens the pores and absorbs the evil
matter. In addition to this application she took a cup
full of tea a day, made of dwarf-elder-root, juniper ber-
ries and angelica root. This tea worked internally by
vigorously dissolving and expelling. The urine was quite
Chapter IX. Open feet. 187

thick with dirt and in the course of three days the feet
were less in size.

Besidethe hay-flower bandage she had a thigh

douche on the first day and a back- douche on the next.
The other applications in the week consisted of four
thigh douches, two back douches, one half bath
and a complete douche if necessary. In three weeks
this lady had greatly reduced her weight, her ap-
petite and sleep were good, and in a short time her feet
were well. One might have thought that she was per-
fectly cured and stood in no farther need of applications.
Yet for some time she took two half baths a week un-
til the whole system was cleared and in a condition to

allow no more bad matter to enter.

The effect of these was that the ban-
dage from under the arm downwards drew off foul mat-
ter from the whole body while the douches dissolved,
expelled and braced the system.
Someone may ask why the hay-flower bandage was
not confined to the feet. Why bandage fhe body? I
answer, ''Had we only applied a foot bandage, we might
have drawn much from the body which would have
clung to the feet, but we should not have secured a
violent transpiration of the body nor would the bad
matter have passed through the urine. So it was indis-
pensable to operate on the whole body. It is not un-
usual for foul matter to be found in the feet and for
the veins there to corrode, theiefore while the cure of
the body is going on, this harmful stuff must be expelled
and the damage made good.
Abandage had therefore to be applied between the
knee and the foot, at first every day and then every
other day as the cure was drawing to an end it was

applied every third day. This foot bandage was never

allowed to be kept on beyond an hour or two but even
so it had to be renew^ed at the end of the hour. Gene-
rally a knee-douche was given first, so that the foot did
not grow flaccid through the warm bandage, nor the
diseased matter gain ground.
\QQ Fourth pabt. Diseases.

Peoplewho formerly used linen bandages now use

elastic which are even worse. For with linen bandages
evaporation was almost impossible but with elastic it
would stop altogether. It stands to reason then that if
the linen or elastic wrappings are kept on night and
day, the foot will become a corrupt slough, even the
healthiest foot would get ill under such conditions.

Worse than either of these is the elastic stocking

which does not allow a single pin point of space on the
foot to perspire. Of the consequences of such bandages
any one who is at all thoughtful can form aii idea.

Certainly the newest fashion has adopted the so-

called porous elastic bandage! But I object to this also
because the binding up is of itself harmful, hindering the
skin more or less from perspiring.

In order to make a diseased foot well and to keep

it so, fresh air must constantly circulate over it as I
could prove by many examples. It is true that much
thought has been expended on the best way of cleansing
and healing these ulcers on the foot. Yet in my opinion
all attempts must fail so long as supplies of bad matter
go from the body to the feet, and as long as a complete
clearance of the diseased stuff is neglected.

have been able to bring help and relief in many


illnesses,but in no direction have 1 been so succesful as

in diseases of the feet even in those which had been

considered as past all hope of help and healing.

It may be asked, why do these sores and diseases

so often appear in the feet ? First of all because of the
enlargement of the veins of the feet, or what is called
varicose veins which is a sign of disorder in the circu-
lation of the blood and which will be treated of in a
special chapter.
Chapter IX. Flatulence. 189

Formation of Gas in the Stomach. Flatulence.

Man is subject to many
diseases some greater some
smaller, and among those- which cause great discomfort
flatulence and gaseous formation in th^ stomach stmd
prominently out.

Peopb whosuffer from thdse have great disquietude

in the bowels,experience oftjn a violent rumbhng fol-
lowed by an escape of gas above and b.^low, after which
they become easier.
If the accumulations of gas be great, they cause
nervousness, h;:;\clach^, giddiness, loss of sleep, pain in
the side and other troubles.

How does this gas come?

The causes may be various. a conduit the
If in
pipe is not cleaned out for a long time much foreign
matter is added to the water; or take a pipe which,
goes from the stove into the chimney, by degrees it gets
filled with soot. In the same way a quantity of waste
stuff collects in the bowels and the evaporation of this
creates the gas. The more such stuff collects the nar-
rower the intestinal canal becomes and so much greater
the expansion. The course of food through the bowels
becomes slower and a certain flaccidity and trouble is
the consequence. While this disorder is occurring in the
bowels it is not surprising that a certain pressure weighs
on the abdomen causing it to swell, beside creating a
disturbance in the natural channels.

the diet is not well digested, if one eats too much

so that a large part cannot be utilized and digested,
then hard obstructions arise whereby again the bowels
are unduly expanded, more in one place, less in another.
This stronger or weaker expansion causes disturbance
and unpleasantness in the system, making it more lax
and inactive. The same is effected by food which is not
digested that is, which cannot be assimilated by the
gastric juices, and must therefore remain unused.
190 Fourth paet. Diseases.

Horses afford good examples of this. When fodder

which has passed through an old horse comes as man-
ure to the field it germinates, a sure sign that it has
not been assimilated.

In like manner many things pass through men un-

digested, preparing trouble and discomfort.

There are many articles of food which one enjoys

eating, but which cause flatulence: for example horse-
radish, green cabbage, and most of the vegetables cooked
in water such as savoys and red cabbage. Many people
who suffer from this trouble know^ well what food causes
gas and flatulence. Anoemic and nervous people are
sufferers from flatulency, because the proper digestion and
requisite activity to throw off is not to hand; the juices
are bad, the food is only half digested and causes trouble
in its passage. m
Like a fire which burns slowly and produces smoke,
so do gases collect in the bow^els by torpid digestion.
Those also suffer from gas who have a very cold system
in which the stomach gets too little w^armth. With them
it happens in digesting as with a housewife who tries to
Ook w^ith wet wood she certainly gets much smoke and

steam but the food is ill cooked.

The fact people are injudicious in their selection


of food and they eat too much. Now too many sweets,
now too many acids, now quite indigestible things and
often not merely indigestible but perfectly unwholesome,
and the stomach is supposed to be able to digest such
a mixture How can people who thus indulge their

appetite expect good from their food? It simple troubles

them with obstructions and the formation of gas; we
must not forget that a fermentation is going on all the
time in the entrails and the useless stuff cannot properly
be carried off.

As every fire makes smoke so every fermentation

makes gas.
CnAPTEE IX. Flatulence. 191

When so much bad matter collects, the fermentation

is violent and the formation of gas increases, and trouble
and discomfort is the result.

Furthermore there are peopl-e who nearly always

have their mouths open and so take into their stomachs
and bowels a great deal of air. This also happens when
people eat too hastily and do not properly masticate, and
the food is swallowed down full of air. The peasant,
in whose service I once was, was quite right when he
forbad any talking at meals, though he never thought of
it except as a waste of tim<^.

Gas can collect in the bowels to such an extent as

TO be very dangerous and productive of great pain colic ;

is often a result, expanding the intestines and causing

intense pain.

If the bowels are rotten or brittle and such an ex-

pansion takes place, these gases press through the bowel
into the cavity of the abdomen which cannot happen
without much pain and which seems to me quite unna-
tural. When a large gaseous mass collects causing a
great expansion of the bowels, it is generally followed
by what is known as wind-colic. The pains are great
and the getting rid of the gas impossible.
Here first of all a great revolution is to be stopped,
in order that the pains may be allayed and the wind
divided. This wind-colic onr forefathers used to treat
with various household remedies one was a hot pot-lid

which they wrapped in a cloth and laid on the suffering

part as hot as the person could bear it.

Another was a bag containing four or five pounds

of oats which they laid on a hot slab till it was warm
through and then placed on the painful spot.

I knew a woman who from wind-

suffered greatly
colic; she took two square tiles, made them hot and
put one on wrapped in a towel und Avhen it had cooled
a little, she used the second one and so continued until
all pain had ceased.
192 Fourth part. Diseases.

This may
be accomplished by dipping a four or six
fold cloth in hot water and vinegar and laying it on
the pained part, renewing it every twelve or sixteen
minutes until the pains have completely ceased.
The patient should take internally a tea of boiled
fennel, or milk inwhich fennel has been boiled it must

be drunk quite hot; the pain will soon grow less.

Six or eight drops of cloves and fennel oil or worm-

wood in a spoonful of warm water also afford rapid

But one must not forget that these remedies merely

stillthe pain but do not remove the cause. If the pa-
tient takes daily a lower bandage and later an upper
one or vice-versa, the cause of the colic will soon be
removed. If the patient has a certain amount of strength,
a half bath, thigh douche or back douche will be of
most service.

As the gas produces unhealthiness and pains in the

bowels, so can it, like the smoke in the chimney, press
outward, or mount upward into the head causing in some
people giddiness, in others pains in the head and eyes,
sleeplessness, pains in the side, sickness and extreme

Whowould believe that these gases, about which

we never trouble ourselves could bring us such illnesses ?
If people only knew how often they themselves cause the
mischief, they would be more on their guard as to what
they give the systsm.

Gases are also formed by obstructions induced by

inactivity of the bowelsand sedentary occupations, and
unless met by certain remedies will be very serious in
their results.

If it be asked, what can really help- in this trouble

and how can it most easily be prevented, I answer The :

first and greatest healing power is cold water, outwardly

applied, and cold water and herbs inwardly applied.
Chapter IX. Flatulence. 193

Those troubled with gases have a flabby system.

This flaccidity is remedied by cold water whereby the
system is not only braced up and excited to greater
activity but at the same time it expels the gases.

Christian says "I am healthy in my whole body but

I have a weight in the abdomen and my bowels are
very relaxed and I rarely feel comfortable.''

bade him take in the week three hip-douches^


two back-douches and one complete douche. By means

of these the system was braced and the gases rapidly
diminished. In the second he was ordered three half-
baths, two back-douches and a hip-douche; the half-
baths were to brace and bind together the whole abdo-
men and to expel the gas and prevent further collection
of it.

We further prescribed that he should masticate and

swallow the first day ten juniper berries, the second day
fifteen, and the third day twenty-five which had the
effect of dissolving and dispersing much used up stuff
and diminishing the gas. He was further to take a cup
of tea made of fennel and wormwood to take off the
bad stuff and gas together.
Avery good remedy is boil as: much aloes as
will lieon the point of a knife in a quarter of a pint
of water and add to it a spoonful of honey. Take three
spoonsful of it every morning for six days; it certainly
is not nice tasting, but it will pass a quantity of matter

and greatly diminish the gas.

Another tea is made of bark of oak, wormwood and
shave grass, a cupful of which should be taken in two
portions daily; it will expel superfluous matter and help
to remove gas.
Ifthe formation of gas arises from food not well
digested a strong person may take two back-douches and
two complete washings in the week with good effect.
But it is necessary to operate internally as well, and I
recommend a good tea of wormwood and sage boiled
with fennel to be drunk daily, one cupful in three por-
Knei pp, My Will. 13
194 Fourth paet. Diseases.

tions. Dwarf-elder root, juniper-bemes and shave grass

make a good tea to be taken alternately with the above.

No matter what causes the formation of the gas

whether it be undigested food or a diet too strong or
not sufficiently nutritious, or a weak system generally,
the whole body must be acted upon till it becomes
stronger and the gastric juices improved so that the
digestive organs may work properly.

August was ill;food lay heavy and gas fre-

quently escaped; the bowels refused to act and he al-
ways had a swollen body, he was never w^ell, nor could
he sleep properly.
Weakness was evidently at the bottom of his trouble
and probably some remnants of an illness he had
remained behind.
The prescription for him was very simple nourish-
ment, to be taken in small portions, but rather often,
a tea of wormwood, centaury and bark of oak was to
be drunk, or in its place the mastication and swallowing
of juniper berries.

Above all he was advised to take applications of

water in order to get rid of any bad matter left by his
former illness, to brace the system generally and raise
the natural warmth, in a word, to bring all the machi- .

nery into better working order.

We further desired him to take two hip-douches and

one or two half baths in the week, and
he were tol-if

erably strong to take also two or three upper douches.

Once a week also to lay a two or four fold cloth

dipped in warm hay-flower water on the abdomen, or it
may be dipped in vinegar and water. Nothing acts
more favourably on a wT.ak stomach than this applica-
tion. When all these applications have been made for
three or four weeks running, the good results will be
plain to see. Still even now should the patient not feel
quite well, he should wash all over on rising and then
return to bed for a time. If this were done in combi-

Chapter IX. Paealtsis or the beain. 195

nation with the above prescribed douches, the effect would

be a great increase of strength.

As regards food advise only such to be eaten as

contains plenty of nourishment. Avoid acid and spiced
food and above all I warn against taking too much fluid.

I give another example. Clara had been through a

severe illnes she had a sluggish stomach and the doc-

tors told her it was much ulcered. She was constantly

troubled with distended bowels and escape of gas and
could not sleep for discomfort and unrest. I advised her
to eat every hour a spoonful of potted cheese in order
to stop the heat and heal the eruptions in the stomach
otherwise I allowed her to partake of any simple diet
she fancied.
She liked the "Potted Cheese" and did not care for
other food and lived on it for six months. It removed
all flatulence, healed the stomach and gave her quiet
sleep. Who would think that such a despised article of
food could accomplish such a result? And yet it is so.
The Pot Cheese contains sufficient nourishing matter
for the system, but I would not advise anyone to live
constantly on such a one sided remedy but rather on a
variety of food. Again I say, take very little fluid and
only nourishment that is simple and bracing.

In the examples I have laid before you, the gases

were undoubtedly called into existence by fermentation
which was to be ascribed to inflammation and acidity
in the stomach, and so I repeat, dispel the harmful matter
by strengthening the system.

Paralysis of the Brain,

The Creator has wonderfully ordered that the blood

should issue from the heart and stream in every direc-
tion in order to w^arm and nourish the body.
196 Fourth part. Diseases.

The blood is closely shut up in the veins but it is

quite possible to conceive that in the course of years
the veins may suffer injury or may decay, and allow the
blood to break through. If this is possible in various
parts of the body, it is equally so in the brain. Should
such a rupture ocx3ur and blood pour into the brain, death
would be the result.

It is sometimes the case that merely a few drops

of such blood pass through and these do not kill sud-
denly but render the person senseless. Then it is a
question whether the blood which has once found a little
exit will enlarge the same and a apoplectic fit result.
Should there only be a few drops, they may in time
evaporate and be absorbed and then the attack will have
no further consequences. If on the other hand the open-
ing be large and the outflow of blood so important that
a severe pressure is exercised on the brain, sudden death
is the result and is called paralysis of the brain.

Now comes "Are there messengers

the question :

of warning to tell when such a catastrophe

is to be
feared?" Yes, even here death has its messengers.

When the blood, in obedience to natural laws, flows

regularly in the veins the mode of life has still a great
effect upon the circulation. For example, with the man
who tries his head by
over-study, the blood ascends
more to the head. the blood is always labouring up-
wards naturally there ensues too great an influx and the
veins become swollen the blood is not then directed

regularly from the head and loses its value. It becomes

black and is, in fact, used up and not infrequently cry-
stalhzes itself in the intricacies of the blood vessels.

The result that the current of the hlood grows

gradually more torpid although the flow to the head
does not decrease. Such people generally suffer from
cold feet which is a proof, if it were wanted, that the
circulation is irregular and the blood forced upward
Chapter IX. Paralysis op the brain. 197

Not only in this case does the blood press on the

brain but it interferes with the action of the heart which
is no longer master of the ill-regalated current of blood.
It stands to reason that as the flow to the brain gets
stronger, an opening in the veins is almost certain. The
pulse is also affected; it no longer beats regularly, but is
now fall and violent, and then feeble, a sure sign that
the heart cannot work properly.
If such signs are visible, then the possibility cannot
be disguised that an apoplectic seizure may take place.
And should this occur, it does so from the mass of blood
collected in the brain. If it be a large mass then the
general pressure will soon make an end of life.

If, however, the mass is small and presses only feebly

on the brain, then the result is partial paralysis. It may
affect the right or left side. If the blood presses on the
right half of the brain, the left half of the body will be
paralysed; if the paralysis comes on the right side, the
power of speech is mostly lost.
The side paralysed is shown by the lips the face ;

gets another expression on it, the paralysed cheek swells

and the spittle flows out on the paralysed side. Usually
there is combined with these signs a greasy sweat.
If a second or third seizure comes, death is gene-
rally the result. If the attack does not repeat itself,
help is possible; the question is: "How can it be
the seizure occurs, the first thing to do is to
draw the blood down from the head to other parts of-
the body. Generally with such people the blood issues
from the extremities and presses upward into the body
out of the hands and feet.
The second operation must be a general one and
extend to the whole body so that the pores open them-
selves and the transpiration is raised. Further one has
to take care that the blood circulates in proper order,
that no new obstructions are formed, and that those
already there are got rid of.

For the invalid himself the greatest quiet is neces-

sary, so that the ebullitions are not increased by unrest
and thereby a new attack invited.

The best application is daily to wash the whole

body three or four times with vinegar and water.
Generally on the second or third washing a per-
spiration appears which is a favourable sign of improve-
ment. As the patient must have all possible rest, his
whole body cannot be washed at once; first wash his
feet, then his knees and then the upper parts. If the
body gets back a little of its activity, wash him
all over.

Of the head, only the face is to be washed. In

short, what can be washed should be washed. The side
paralysed should have the preference and be well
As the invalid improves from day to day, the arms
and feet can be douched and in the following way: The
invalid is brought to the edge of the bed so that the
foot or arm hangs out over the bed, and then a hose
or can full of water is directed over one or both. This
douching can be repeated once or twice daily in addi-
tion to the washing. The greater the warmth, the more
need is there of the w^ashing.

One may also employ daily an upper bandage by

dipping a four or six fold cloth in water and laying it
on from breast to knees. This may be kept on from
one to two hours if renewed every twenty or twenty-
five minutes according as the heat is more or less.

On the head nothing must come; to me it is quite

incomprehensible how people can lay an ice bag on the
head! for it forms an ice wall behind which the blood
stops and increases the obstructions. My revered pre-
decessor was stricken dowm by a seizure, his right hand
and right foot were paralysed. After laying an ice bag
on his head the blue tint on his face increased from
hour to hour; the head was quite unnaturally swollen
and the invalid was always trying to tear off the ice bag.
Chapter IX. Paralysis oe the braix. 199

At last tlie doctor left saying: "He may last another

couple of hours." On hearing this I took away the ice
bag and wrapped up the feet and also the arms as high
as the elbows in cloths which I had dipped in hot wa-
ter and vinegar. By means of these hot cloths the
blood was drawn downwards and even after half an hour
one could see the blackish blue tint disappearing and in
twelve hours the face had quite its normal colour, which
w^as a proof to me that the blood was retreating and
pressing again into the veins. After some days the in-
valid had equal warmth and colour, only the arm and
foot were still paralysed.

I kept up the natural warmth and led the blood

gradually from the head and, on the third day, my friend
opened his eyes and saw, though he could not speak;
a pathetic look and a tear was all.
At midday I continued the applications and went
on from washings, and knee and arm-douches, to thigh
and back douches; the 'state of the mind improved as
well as the condition of the body and even speech came
back by degrees, and by the seventh week he b^gan to
learn to pray "Our Father*' like the little children.
Later he learned the A. B.C. and gradually he came to

He proceeded to Latin and made progress in read-

ing, and later in arithmetic, and in a year he could read
the Church service.

He wasr.ow so far recovered that he not only had

his full consciousness but was also to a great extent
able to think the speech too returned, a little stutter-

ing remained which however was of no great importance.

He was able to converse but he could not preach or
lecture. Thus he lived four years longer.

As his mental and bodily powers increased, we used

stronger and more powerful applications. He got to like
these very much and found them so necessary that he
himself managed them daily, although formerly he was not
at all in favour of water.
200 Fourth paht. Diseases.

The applications consisted of lialf-batlis, back-dou-

ches, and complete douches taken in turn. When the
attack is over and a second not to be feared the great-
est care must be taken that every vestige of the trouble
should disappear.
One must remember first of all not to use too strong
applications or the system would suffer and be weakened
rather than braced. The principal operation must be
upon the whole body so that the strengthening process
may be extended to every feeble part of it.
The paralysed portionsthe body are half dead;

they have not their proper warmth, the blood does not
flow as it should and the motive power is torpid.

Therefore they must be operated upon, the obstrac-

tions removed and the blood led into the paralysed
parts; the warmth must be raised, the parts nourished
until the limbs recover their full power.

This can best be attained by bandaging the paralysed

parts with a four fold cloth dipped in hay-flower-water
lour of five times a week. It should be kept on for an hour
or an hour and a half. This opens the pores, absorbs
strongly, increases the warmth and induces the blood to
flow more easily. Beside this the paralysed parts must
either be immersed or douched wdth cold water every
day. One can sit and plunge the whole arm for three
or four minutes in a vessel filled with quite cold water.
The thigh can also b'e douched in a sitting posture but
ifthe patient is able to stand, the effect will be still
better. If the invalid be robast, he can apply a whole
douche and a special one for the sick part.
The improvement generally begins in the feet and
not till some days later in the arms. There have how-
ever been cases where the improvement began in the arm
and afterwards in the feet. Itstands to reason that the
patients in this condition should have good nourishing
and simple diet but I strictly forbid alcoholic drinks.
All heating drinks, spiced and acid food must be
Chaptek IX. Paealtsis of the braix. 201

Much good may be done by internal treatment. The

movement of the bowels should be as far as possible
regular; I have found that a spoonful of water every
hour assists this, but when it is necessary to get them
open quickly, I use a cup of Tonic Laxative or a harm-
less aperient, for example; boil as much aloes as would
lie on the point of a knife with a spoonful of honey
and drink a little glassful of it in three or four portions;
first three or four spoonsful and then at the end of
every two or three hours one spoonful. If, however, the

spoonful of water be taken every hour, it is not neces-

sary to take an aperient more than once.

A very good effect is wrought by the taking of

blackthornblossom tea, a spoonful every hour. It is
very harmless and works favourably on the bowels.-

Care must also be given to the digestive organs;

for a good digestion supplies the blood with proper nou-

By means of many experiments I have come to the

conclusion that herbs convey certain nourishing materials
to the system. To the various parts of the body each
of which needs its own special nourishment herljs are
very helpful and supply nourishment not obtained

Whyhave invalids so frequently a special desire for

some particular article of food? and on the other hand
why do they often evince such aversion to certain food
that they cannot touch it? I look upon it that when
the system has had enough of any food loathing or aver-
sion sets in. If, how^ever, there be a special desire for
any food, itmay safely be regarded as hunger for it, and
if given the invalid will thrive upon it.
have found that several herbs boiled into tea have

a remarkable effect; it is as if they strengthened and

improved the whole body. Chief among these is tea made
of oak-bark, wormwood, and juniper berries which is
excellent for the partially paralysed. As wormwood acts
well on the stomach, so the juniper berries contain ma-

terials which nourish and improve the system, while oak-

bark tea i^ very good also. Sage has a purifying effect
which is intensified when mixed with centaury or
Much can be if one
effected eats juniper berries
regularly, this has been proved by many who have im-
proved their^ stomach and gained a considerable increase
of power by their use.

The invalid may take on the first day five juniper

berries and daily one berry more and so for fourteen
days when he goes backward. This will result in a good


Gout in the Feet.

Gout in the feet is a malady which frequently ap-

pears among people of high rank or such as lead a
luxurious life and enjoy alcoholic drinks and eat too much
rich food.

It is also hereditary.

This malady usually begins at the feet in the big

toe. A burning pain is suddenly experienced which may
last through a whole night uninterruptedly but ceases pro-
bably in the morning. The joint swells up and the skin
is very red. From the great toe the pain goes to the
other toes and the whole foot becomes painful. Later
on the gout attacks the joints of one or other of the
hands and is called hand gout.
As it occurs in the joints of the hands, so it
attacks the elbow, hip, knee, shoulder and collar-bone

As we have suddenly and

said, it usually begins quite
quickly spreads through the body, and equally suddenly
do the pains disappear especially after a first attack,
Chapter IX. Gout. 203

but the improvement does not last. All at once the

pains and swellings begin again and after renewed at-
tacks the swellings harden and form knots especially
on the joints of the fingers and this is known as knotty
Sometimes gout appears suddenly in a spot and as
suddenly disappears and comes to sight in quite another
place on which account it is called Vagrant gout.

As vagabonds and vagrants go from one ale-house

to another and practise their disorderly tricks, exactly
so does this malady wander from one place to another
tormenting people.
a long continued perspiration sets in, be it weak
or strong, the gouty pain decreases and the patient seems
almost free of it, but only in appearance. The germs
of the malady remain in the body and in time the system
will collect them once again, they will ferment and the
old mischief will reappear. The greater the amount
of sweat, the sooner will the invalid be released from
The oftener this malady repeats itself, the further
it extends and the more difficult it will be to cure.
As I have said, gout appears principally in those
who take and enjoy too rich
alcoholic drinks in excess
a diet, which cannot be assimilated by the system, and
therefore conveys to the blood much impure matter. This
matter settles in the joints, hardens and becomes cal-
careous just as lime forms on the teeth when not kept
quite clean.
The knots sometimes get as large as doves'or hens^
eggs in time they become inflamed and break and well

shaped chalk-stones come out.

According to my idea such people have heat in
their limbs and cold in the interior of their bodies so
that the digestion being imperfect much impure matter
is taken in without power to expel it.

Gouty subjects are fond of rich food which is the

hardest to assimilate and their want of natural warmth

is owing, I believe, to clothing themselves too warmly,

fearing eyerything bracing and avoiding water like an
evil thing.

When gout appears, the urine is generally quite

bright and then gets a little red, showing that the suf-
fering places are beginning to get inflamed; if the bad
stuff disperses a thick yellowish sediment is formed in
the urine and this continues until the inflammation
is over.

The appetite of a gouty very variable.

subject is

When an attack is over and much bad matter has been

removed from the system, the man acquires a good ap-
petite, and rapidly recovers his usual health, until ano-
ther attack comes on, when his appetite vanishes, his
sleep is disturbed by pain, and he is again miserable.

Donot think however that only the Epicure and

the Glutton have gout it is quite likely to attack people

whose diet is simple, whose lives are active, and who

scarcely touch alcoholic drinks. With these it is here-

I a Capuchin Father who was healthy and

lived a simple life. For several weeks he nursed an old
pastor in gout, and at the end of a year he himself had
so severe an attack that it could scarcely have been

Gout can be transmitted from parents children to

and even if it passes over a generation, it can re-appear,
like other diseases, in the second generation. A proof
of how deeply this evil matter settles in the blood and
in the system and how very difficult it is to oust from
the body.
Now as regards the cure ; all possible experiments
had already been made, notwithstanding the oldmalady
regularly reappeared until at last the invalid was over-
I know of only one remedy which really cures and
can keep the disease off. But up to this time my remedy
Chapter IX. Gout. 205

has been feared by gouty people worse than the cross

is by the devil; therefore one may regard them as in-

For twenty years sufferers from all possible diseases
came to me but no gouty ones, and I should have been
so glad to know how water would heal this disease.

At clergyman came to me, still in possession

last a
of strength and not old he said he had lain in bed for

twelve weeks like a log of wood and had suffered greatly

and at the end of the attack he was only laughed at. This
made him very angry and that if I thought he could
be cured, I might make a trial with water and he would
endure it with courage. This happened and he w\as well
cured by water; this may have been about twenty years
ago he is now well on in years and still alive.

There are materials in this malady which do not

belong to the organism and produce inflammation of the
swellings. It is neces.sary therefore that these swellings
should be dissolved and the bad matter expelled. The
patient must be treated not only till he has no more
pain but until his body is so braced that no more bad
matter can find entrance then and then only can he

be said to be cured.
In curing Gout by water I operated in different ways
as long as I was not sure which was the best.

I used warm baths in combioation with cold ones

and with douches. I used bandages in order to disperse
and dissolve then I tried bandages dipped in warm hay-

flower water and bandages dipped in oat-straw water and

I have with them obtained good results.

But these applications were always made in com-

bination with cold water, because warm water alone
enervates too much and the system cannot so easily
throw off the bad matter. Cold water has been the
most effectual and now I rarely use any other with young
The cure is the quickest and surest by the appli-
cation of cold water.

206 Fourth paet. Diseases.

A pastor had kept his bed for some time: he suf-

fered very much and had tried ail possible remedies
without finding relief.

I wrapped his feet in a cloth dipped in warm oat-straw

water twice a day which was kept on each time for an hour
or an hour and a half. The hands which were as pain-
ful as the .feet I treated in the same way, and had the
body washed all over with cold water daily. This last
caused a perspiration which carried off the bad matter.
After some time the patient considered himself quite
cured, yet after a year the illness re-appeared and he
began anew the treatment of the previous year and with
like success. Whenever the malady returned he resorted
to his bandages, baths douches and washings, and
was able to perform his duties quite easily although;

the cure was not in my opinion complete.

A brewer about fifty years old had had gout for

many years and was obliged to keep his bed for some
weeks at a time. He feared to take cold water appli-
cations alone, and he took during the week two oat-
straw baths of 28^^ of warmth lasting ten minutes then ;

he went for three seconds into cold water, then again

into the warm, and so he alternated three times. These
applications seemed to dissolve, brace, and strengthen
and produce perspiration, still he did not recover as I
One could quite w^ell see that everything was not
expelled nor did the natural strength return. I there-
fore tried the experiment of using cold water only as in
other maladies and now I attained quite another result
a result so good that I use only cold applications
now in gout except where the patient is very weak.
Once a stout brewer came to me saying: 'T have
suffered from gout for twenty years and for many weeks
in the year I have to keep my bed and suffer much
pain. As I am w^ell built and otherwise strong I do not
want to give up my business and I wish to make one
trial here, for I know it is about the time for the mal-
Chapter IX. Gout. 207

ady to return and I am anxious if possible to overcome

it. I not weak and I am hardened to pain.
am At
present I am
stiff but without pain. I will remain seve-
ral days if there is a chance of improvement."

x\t three o'clock in the afternoon I went with this

gentleman into my washhouse and gave him a bracing
upper douche and immediately after a knee douche.

These did him good and he began to hope. How-

ever next morning at eight o'clock, he came with bag and
baggage to travel back home directly because his whole
arm had swollen seriously and the pain he suffered was
almost unbearable. ''I know" he said "that I shall have

to keep my bed for twelve weeks and I will not be bur-

densome to strangers."
Happily the diligence had driven off otherwise I
should not have been able to keep him.

By the exercise of all the eloquence I had I suc-

ceeded in persuading him to douche the swollen arm and
the othj.r also very vigorously with water of 5 ^ of
The pain yielded during the douching and when the
application was over, he said "Weill the pain has gone
but I have no courage to go on." In the afternoon
about three o'clock he received an upper douche, and
a thigh douche whereupon all pain vanished.

He remained fourteen days taking daily two cold

douches and he had no more pain.

On the contrary the feet and arms were more supple,

the limbs more pliable in walking, and he was a new
man. I gave him instructions how to make and how to use
the applications and advised him to take two half-baths, two
upper-douches and a back-douche every week. He fol-
lowed my instructions from autumn until spring when
he came to see me again and said "For twenty years I
have not had so good a winter. I have an immense
208 Fourth paet. Diseases.

business and I can manage ifc quite alone. Water i&

golden for people like me."
He remained for six days taking the remedies pre-
scribed and then returned home continuing there to use
a few applications. This gentleman has paid me a
visit every year for five years in order, as he says, to
show himself grateful.
He is sixty-six years of age and since he has tried
this water cure he looks much younger and fresher and
declares that for fifty years his work has not seemed so
easy to him as now.
I have treated many similar cases and am convinced

that cold w^ater is to be preferred to any other remedy

and that even when a person considers himself to be
free of gout, he should continue the water applications.
One or two at least weekly will be sufficient, and those
hkely to be of most use for strong people are a half
bath and a complete douche while for weak, delicate
people one half bath and one upper douche will suffice.
Iam of opinion that delicate people get on best
when treated with cold water only, but one must be
careful to treat the body as forbearingly as possible, and
avoid disturbing the natural warmth with too vigorous
applications which would harden rather than dispel the
How the applications are to be made for a delicate
patient, the following example will show.
An official, neither stout nor emaciated, suffered from
gout and had to keep his bed often for nine or ten
I ordered him the following: To get up in the
night and wash his whole body with quite cold water
and a little vinegar. In the morning to take a knee or
hip douche and in the afternoon an upper douche and
during the day to plunge his arms into cold water for
two or three minutes.
This was continued for ten days and the invalid
felt quite happy, the natural warmth had increased, the
Chapter IX. Gout. 209

pain had ceased, and his appetite and sleep were good.
The second prescription was -one day a hip-donche the
next a back-douche and every second day an upper-
douche. The complete washing ceased but the arms w^ere
still to be plunged into cold water.

In this way the system was braced, especially the

back, the natural warmth was still more raised, and the
secretions were not interrupted.

So the invalid went on for a fortnight. The third

prescription was one day a hip-douche, another day a
half-bath and each second day an upper-douche. The
arms were no longer plunged in water. This worked so
well that the patient thought nothing now was lacking.

At home he had to take two half-baths and two

upper-douches a week and to wade two or three times
in water as special bracing. This man quite took to the
applications and continued them a whole year and de-
clared he had never felt so well before.

For internal use he drank several kinds of tea, first

a tea of mouse-ear (for-get-me-not), shave-grass and juni-
per berries for ten days; then, one of wormwood, knot-
grass and juniper-berries and tea of centaury shave-grass
and dwarf-elder root. They were taken in very small
quantities, three or four spoonsful every morning and

during the cure, sharp pain comes on in the

hand, arm, or foot, and the joint swells and gets red, the
place should be douched for a minute or two. The pain
will decrease and, if it returns, repeat the douching. As
a rule three or four douches suffice and the inflammation
passes off.

My experience has shown me that gout can be cured

with warm bandages and baths, but a surer and quicker
result may be attained by cold water, if properly applied,
and I quite believe that by continued application the
disease is denied entrance into the human body.
Kneipp, My Will. 14

Warm bandages, compresses, and baths, on the other

hand, always render one flaccid and hmp and even if one
combines cold applications with them, it is not quite pos-
sible to prevent the great influence which the warm
water exercises on the body by making it flabby.

In a debilitated system evil matter develops much

more easily and is more difficult to get rid of com-

Thus the germs of disease nestle quicker in an ener-

vated system, develop more rapidly, and are harder to
remove. The principle holds good that "bracing is the
best protection as it is the first remedy" and bracing
can only be effected by cold water. The "dread that one
has of cold water is an imaginary or imparted one.

I have as yet known of no single case in which

cold water, reasonably applied, has wrought harm, and
I am sure that warm applications harm the system be-
cause their effect is to weaken and make the body more
liable to disease, and it is a fact that gout develops
itself more fully in debilitated systems.

Gravel and Stone Diseases.

Among the many evils to which human flesh is heir,

gravel and stone diseases may be accounted some of
the worst: they are very severe, they last long, and
very often are incurable. And although relief is afforded
often by operations, they are always dangerous to life.

The formation of gravel and stone occurs in the

hidney and bladder.
If the system falls into a debilitated state, and used
up matter be not properly dissolved and thrown off, it

will not be long before it produces serious consequences.

How much time often elapses before corrupt matter
is thrown off in a,n ulcer.
Chapter IX. Gravel and stoxe diseases. 211

Thus also corrupt and unexpelled matter takes refuge

in the kidneys and forms Httle hard crusts. In this case
a reddish sediment is deposited by the urine which at-
taches itself to the utensil.
When out of this red stuff little grains form in the
kidneys, the person is said to be suffering from gravel.
The grains of gravel stop for some time in the kidneys,
they increase and burn violently but at last may be
passed through the ureter. As this passage is very
narrow and at the same time very sensitive, the grains
of gravel in their passage cause extreme pain. This is
called Nephritic colic.

If these grains get into the bladder and collect

there, they again
cause mischief. If the collection be
large the stuff' falls into movement and by degrees forms
smaller or larger stones which sometimes grow to an
enormous size.

These stones consist of uric acid, chalk etc.

When these stones pass with the urine, they cause

intense pain; if they get to the opening, they close it up
and the urine can no longer pass properly. In this case
an operation generally becomes necessary. There are
however remedies by which the stones, even in the bladder,
may be dissolved.

A gentleman from Hungary who, as he said, had

borne untold sufferings for many years and had never
been able to find a remedy for the prevention of the for-
mation of stone, came to me.
He tried the water-cure and in order to expel the
gravel and stone made the various applications.

Now it may have been by chance that just at this

time I recommended in a lecture the little herb Knot
grass specially for gravel and stone.

This gentleman immediately collected a large quan-

tity of such herbs, had the same cooked by his land-
lady, drank in the course of a few hours three cups of
this tea, and continued drinking it at pleasure for seve-
212 Fourth part. Diseases.

ral days. After ten hours about fifty rather large stones
passed, and naturally much sedhnent and matter whereof
stones are formed in the urine.

This expulsion continued for ten days and when the

passage of small stones ceased the gentleman was quite
well. These little stones showed clearly by their shape
that they were pieces of larger stones. As no big stones
ever passed I came to the conclusion that this tea decom-
. posed them.
As soon as the cure became public property, many
people took to drinking this tea out of curiosity, and
more than a dozen can shew stones that have passed as
a result of the tea drinking.

Those who drank the tea from sheer curiosity made

the remark that they had often had great pain and heat
in the kidneys but had taken no notice of it and thought
it would pass.

seems to be correct as far as I can judge that

first a feeble inflammation sets in and that the heat
brought forth by it promotes the formation of stones.
When frequent pain is felt in the vicinity of the kidneys,
it is reasonable to conclude that stones are forming in
the kidneys. Signs of stone and gravel are generally to
be seen in the urine.
When one desires to cure such a condition of things,
it is necessary to be clear whence it came.

I find the origin in the single organs

flaccidity of
or of the whole because the system is no
body as well,
longer in a condition to throw off and expel the used
up stuff. I find it also in the want of strength to di-
gest the food properly and necessarily a good deal of
bad matter is left in the system and produces bad
That strongly salted, spiced, and heating beverages
and food maintain this evil I have no doubt at all.
Country people who live nearly entirely on vegeta-
bles rarely have gravel or stone diseases if by chance ;
Chapter JX. Gravel axd stone diseases. 213

they do, itsome change they have made in their way


of living which is the cause. The first and most impor-

tant thing to do is to strengthen the system and brace
it to ever greater activity so that of itself it begins to
throw off and The system must
expel such collections.
be provided with a good diet and everything must be
avoided which might perchance promote the formation
of gravel and stone.

As .spice and salt form and promote it,

this mischief
so there are remedies wdiich carry off gravel and stone
and we have many herbs w^hich have an important

I a town pastor who for more than twenty

years drank every evening a cup of briar-hips tea because
he suffered much from gravel and stone, and only
by this tea was he reUeved of pain. He grew so fond
of it that he continued to drink it when there was no
longer a necessity for it; he certainly had no intention
of allowing gravel and stone to come again.

Hegained his object for he was never ill of kidney

disease again and died over eighty years of age.
A gentleman of high rank suffered for years from
stone and gravel. In order to ged rid of it, he had tra-
velled far and wide and had used many remedies, still
the stones formed and gravel passed daily. We ordered
the following applications for him. Weekly four hip-
douches, two bach-douches, three half-baths and two upper-
douches. Daily to drink a cup of tea made of shave-grass,
juniper-berries and wormwood. After fourteen days of this
treatment the stones passed in large numbers and the pain
disappeared. For the second fourteen days he used in
the week tw^o half-baths, two complete douches, a back-
douche and a hip-douche,
By he had so far recovered that he could with
this time
pleasure follow his profession. The half-bath braced the
abdomen, and the back douches promoted and roused
greater activity in the system. Thus not only did the
powers of the body increase but by the rapid interchange

of matter a new order of things was instituted internally,

and all harmful stuff was set aside.

Shave-grass and juniper-berries are dissolving and

purifying and especially bracing for the kindneys and
, A gentleman of about forty years of age had, ac-
cording to the doctor's statement, stone in the bladder
which could only be removed by an operation.
He however dreaded this operation extremely and
all the more because his doctor told him it would be
very dangerous.
Iordered him, as he was otherwise strong, to take
in the week three baths of oat-straw water ef from 28^
to 30^ of warmth which were to last twenty-five minutes
and to be immediately followed by a vigorous douche
of cold water. We ordered him also to drink three large
cups of oat-straw-tea every day.
This treatment was continued for a fortnight, the
stones broke into pieces and so passed off.

do not usually prescribe warm baths and would


on no account allow weak people to take them but this ;

gentleman was tolerably strong and it must be admitted

that oat-straw decoctions have a special effect on stone
and gravel disease, indeed they dissolve the stones and
carry them off.

When delicate people suffer from this trouble, it

would be well to take two or three warm half-baths
in the week of from 26^ to 28^ and lasting from fifteen
to twenty minutes. In addition to these there must be
applications of cold water gentle or vigorous as the case
may require, for instance a back douche or half-bath
daily, and they must drink the tea already named.
Instead of the half-bath the patient might try an
abdominal vapour-bath of oat-straw water for eighteen
totwenty minutes two or tree times a week.
Oat-straw mixed with shave-grass would be of great
service. A bandage from under the arms to the knees
Chapter IX. Baldness. 215

would operate well, but should only be applied to strong

systems, and then at most two or three times a week.
Then also cold applications must be given in combination
such as two or three hip-douches, or one or two half-
baths in the week.

The teas most beneficial are one of Juniper-berries,

w'^ormwood and shave grass, and one of knot grass and
shave grass.

Loss of Hair or Baldness.

He who created the world arouses our astonishment

not only when we survey the whole creation but when
w^e look more closely into any single part of it the smal-
lest of which betrays His marvellous power.

we only would study the leaves in the Book
If of
Nature we should be forced to cry aloud: How great is

our Creator!

once looked at a single hair through a magnifying


glass it looked to me rather thick

; it had a scaly strong

bark, corresponding roots and some excrescences and I ;

thought: ''Just as many hairs as a man has on his head

so many objects for admiration and wonder does he carry
about with him." These objects are not only signs of
the marvellous power of our Almighty Father but proofs
of His Wisdom and Love.

Hownecessary is the hair of our head and how

greatly he to be pitied who has partly or altogether

lost this ornament!

The hair is of great use to us both in heat and

cold and it is a misfortune when we lose it partially
or entirely.
If it is much importance
of so to us the question
arises: "Why. do so many people lose their hair?" I give
as answer another question. "Why do so many and va-

rious and flowers grow on some meadows and

diminish or die on others?

The answer to this is When plants acquire the


nourishment by which they can live and grow, they pro-

sper; but when nourishment fails them, they decay.
Just so is it with one's hair.
As the plants come out of the ground just so has
the hair a soil of its own, and when this fails to supply
nutriment for it, it decays and falls" out. Sometimes the
hair falls out while the roots remain in the hair-soil; if
these be sufficiently nourished, the hair begins again
to grow.

If a field lies fallow for a long time, it collects a

lot of nutriment which is necessary for the life of plants;
if however it is too much used or too little manured,
nothing thrives on it.

good, healthy, and strong system has generally a
good deal of hair because a healthy soil for it is there.
If the bodily strength decreases and the system decays
then gradually the hair lacks its nourishment.
Man, however is not merely like a tree or a plant
which grows out of the earth and has to endure storm,
heat, and cold; the human body is like an implement
which if too much used and made to do more than it
ought becomes easily used up, brittle and useless.
are systems which have been thoroughly
debilitatedfrom childhood and with these the soil for
the hair cannot be good and nourishing.
One sometimes sees new-born babes come into the
world with more hair than many children acquire in a
whole year
Such children generally give indications of a good
strong development, while those who are without hair
possess a weak constitution.

The reader will, I hope, not take it amiss bring

if I

forward an example from the animal world. When a

Chapter IX. Baldness. 217

calf or a foal comes into the world with very little and
thin hair the owner says: "I shall sell this as soon as I
can for it will always be a weakling.'' If, on the con-
4:rary, the creature has a very thick coat, he remarks "I :

shall keep this, for it will tarn out a strong healthy

have made many observations and the opinions
have formed are, I think, right.
Just as one can strengthen a delicate body by suit-
able nourishment, so can one brace individual members
of it. I am convinced that a sickly child can only be-
come healthy by treating its body properly.
When the whole child becomes healthy and strong,
the hair acquires more nourishment and thrives better.
When thick hair is desired for a child, it is usual to cut
it from time to time and in nearly all cases it answers.
It is clear that one can improve the growth of the hair
by attention to its soil, on the other hand where the
soil is sickly the hair comes to grief.

Therefore the hair serves as a sign by which we

may judge of the delicacy or strength of the body,

All my have had a strong growth of hair but

life I

lately I have discovered that after a mental or physical

exertion the hair fulls out. For instance if in time of
Missions 1 have to make long rounds for several days together
I may be quite sure of losing a good deal of hair, but when
I return to my usual occupations and use the water
applications, it ceases to fall and sometimes I even get
new hair.

My view supported by the fact that I did not make


this discovery once but many times. I lost in one year

five near relatives and I became aware of the effect of

this trouble on my hair. The falling of the hair is spe-
cially marked in those people who are obliged to think
and meditate much. The more the head is tired the
more does the blood press into the head and create great
heat. Now it is known to everyone that, where there
218 Fourth part. Diseases.

is a continuance of too great heat, the plants come to

grief. I also think that people who work hard mentally

get too much heat in the head and consequently the soil
for the hair gets dried up. This explains why otherwise
healthy people have very little hair. Members of learned
professions, for example, have seldom much hair.

Hence advise those who are mentally much occu-


pied to undergo a reasonable water treatment so that

the system gets a good bracing and the blood is diverted
from the head; in this way the hair-soil will be pro-
tected and the nourishment for it not dried up.

Stout people have rarely much hair; the reason for

this is that stout people have a spongy, weak system
and this causes the hair to suffer. This might have been
avoided, if these people had early brought their bodies
into better condition by means of the water treatment
and reduced their weight by some pounds; then in pro-
portion as the body grew stronger and less spongy, their
hair would revive and increase.

Beside those already named there are other causes

which decrease and weaken the growtli of the hair, thus
with many it is not work or mental over-strain but an
. immoral life w^hich causes the body to become worm
eaten and corrupt and certainly does not spare the hair.

If a man brings his whole body into sickness by

vice, the hair becomes equally sick.
It often happens in farming that all the plants on
a certain piece of land perish and die off; then the far-
mer knows quite well that there are grubs devouring the
roots of the plants.

Why should not germs exist in men which, like the

grubs, devour the roots of the hair so that these fall off?
Hence it often happens that people lose all their hair
although they feel well.

I knew a schoolboy on whose head I observed a

round bald place similar to the tonsure of the priests it ;

was so artificial looking that a barber could scarcely


Chapter IX. Baldness. 219

have done it better: not one little hair was to be found

on it. Three weeks later I saw three other spots of like
shape. I thought that something must certainly be there

which caused the hair to fall out so completely and pre-

vent the growth of other.

The boy was weakly and did not look well, hence
the loss of hair might be due to weakness perhaps. Out-
side these spots his hair was tolerably long and strong
so there seemed no reason for these bare spots
than that something was in the skin which bit off the
hair and did not allow the roots to sprout out again.

How is this to be explained?

In a sick body no good healthy juices are to be

found; and in the corrupt juices tiny substances
form and collect in the soil of the hair and bite off the
roots. For these infirmities of the hair there must be
remedies by means of which cures may be effected.

In my opinion help is possible in all cases except

wher? the roots of the hair have died out altogether;
but hair-roots do not die so quickly and absolutely and
even if only a decayed root remain help may yet be
given. Look at a piece of worn out uncultivated land
you manure it and tend it and bring it into healthy con-
dition and thousands of plants spring up even without
anything being sown beforehand.
In the same way must the natural soil and hair-soil
be improved and the hair brought to new growth by
helping remedies. And these curative remedies are-
first to operate on the system so that it can throw off
all bad matter. In the next place one must take care
that good blood flows in the system by means of strength-
ening diet and the whole human machine must be got
into good working order and lastly one must work on

the principal part, the head, so that if such living germs

exist they may be destroyed.

In order to destroy these, I have used for many

years a decoction of the common nettle with half-water
220 Fourth paet. Diseases.

and half- vinegar and I have made it in the following

way: I boil dry fresh nettles in water and vinegar of
equal proportions, the more nettles the better. The
decoction should be rather strong about the same as
iDlack coffee.
This decoction should be rubbed vigorously into the
scalp once a day.
The rubbing should not however take the form of
a very heavy pressure, the pores must not be pressed
heavily but gently so that the juice will flow through
Then the scalp should be washed every morning
with cold water in order to remove all impurities. That
the hair should be short is a necessity.
It is well known that there is in the common nettle
an acidity which by boiling mixes with the acid of the
vinegar and one can imagine that when this decoction
penetrates through the pores to the roots of the hair, it
will destroy the fungus and make it possible for the
roots to grow again,
If one looks at the skin from which the hair has
long fallen out, one finds it shining like china and it
does not easily allow anything to get in or out and even
the entrance of air and moisture is hindered. In such a
case the roots of the hair are generally completely
If the skin is not polished, I have never yet had
difficulty in reproducing hair.
Supposing the scalp itself to have no noarishment
there surely must bs materials in the body and skin
which can be brought forward to supply the hair with
I have sometimes used burdoch-root which was held
in great esteem by our forefathers, and is being used
greatly now-a-days.
To repeat-the head must be daily rubbed with
the nettle acid once for the space of an hour and this
will thoroughly purify it.
Chapter IX. Hoaeseness.


Ihave found it good also to rub into the scalp once

a weeksalad or Provence oil especially when the invalid
is emaciated. One would scarcely believe how readily the
system absorbs this oil, and why should such harmless
grease not have a good effect?

Again, the whole body must be operated on so that

it may acquire an equal natural warmth, a regular circu-
lation and a bracing of the whole system. If a special
illness does not exist, it suffices to take two half-baths
in the week, to wash the upper body three or four times,
to walk in water two or three times, or to take a knee-
douche according as the system requires more or less

One must not however think that, if he begins this^

treatment on Monday, he must call in the hair dresser
on Saturday; some time must elapse before he will need
his services.

A patient at Worishofen applied these various things

for six weeks without any result; but six months later,
from his home, he wrote me word that he had then a
magnificent growth of hair.

Inflammation of the throat.

See under the heading of Croup.


It frequently happens especially in spring and winter

that a rapid change in the weather takes place and we
breathe wet and dry, cold and warm in quick succession,
and the result of this is that, in about half an hour, one
loses ones voice, becomes hoarse, and can only speak with

Sucli a condition often lasts some time, notwith-

standing that many remedies are tried.
Just as an obstruction can arise in the mucous mem-
brane of the nose and throat, so also can it occur in
the mucous membrane of the larynx; then the vocal
cords which, in a healthy state are white, become red,
a proof that they are overfilled with blood. By this in-
flux they are rendered stiff and incapable of sound; for
the words can only by force get through the narrow
space. This condition may be called an acute catarrh.

The circulation of the blood is subject to many in-

terruptions and in my opinion such disturbances may
affect the vocal cords.

The throat can often

specialist for diseases of the
give no explanation for long continued hoarseness or
loss of voice; while in reality it is caused by a stop-
page in the circulation of the blood.

Two specially remarkable instances of this came to

my knowledge. A from Munich suffered for six years
from loss of voice. Specialists and the best doctors w^ere
consulted in They tried inhalation, electricity,
cauterization, powdering and heaven knows what else.
The girl looked fresh and healthy and was well nourished
for her age. She came to get help from the w^ater
cure. I had no doubt of being able to effect the cure.
I thought that none of the doctors had discovered the
cause of the mischief, neither I am bound to say did I
find it, but the conviction was borne in upon me that
obstructions in the blood were the origin of the trouble;
and since in the water-cure the principal is to purify
the blood and to promote a regular circulation, I also
endeavoured in this manner to operate on the body. For
five days she received two or three applications daily
which were directed solely to the regulation of the cir-
culation of the blood.

On the sixth day she received a vigorous, strength-

ening lightning douche, and even during the douche
she noticed a movement in the vocal cords. This con-
Chapter IX. Hoaeseness. 223

tinned after the douche and soon an improvement set in,

and in a short time the girl could speak again, at first
certainly in rather a weak voice although quite clearly.
I operated further for a vigorous circulation of the blood,
and after six days the full sounding strong voice returned.
She tried to sing with success. It is true her condition
may have arisen from hysteria or other causes but that
does not alter the case; for even if it were so, in my
opinion the disturbed circulation of the blood was most
to blame.

A woman between twenty and thirty who lived at

Wiirzburg was completely voiceless for two years. All
this time she had been duly physicked, electrified and
powdered, and everything possible had been prescribed
for her by specialists and non-specialists, but nothing
helped her.

I thought that here also obstructions in the blood

were the cause, and ordered her douches, hip-, back-,
upper-, and complete- and a half-bath. In the afternoon
she got the prescription and went to the Bath Etablish-
ment. At the end of three quarters of an hour she
returned and related with great joy to several invalids
and doctors: "I have got my voice the hip-douche has

given it me back.'' The voice was certainly in working

order again but still somewhat weak. We continued to
operate on the circulation of the blood and in six days
she had completely recovered it.

If the loss of voice arises from cold or catarrh, it is

still necessary to direct the applications to the purifying
and regular circulation of the blood and for this reason,
that in cold or catarrh inflammation exists and draws
the blood upwards.

When the obstruction is removed and the blood goes

properly on its way, the voice becomes usable.

A girl said: "I have had colds and catarrhs for a

long time and during that period I have had no voice."
In this case also the important thing to do was to dis-
224 Fourth pabt. Diseases.

solve obstructions, and strengthen and regulate the flow

of the blood.

She had a washing of the upper part of the body

every evening which increased the natural warmth and
took away the feverish heat, besides effecting a more
vigorous transpiration.

She had also a hip-douche and knee-douche each

day for two days and then a hip- douche and back-douche
daily for four days.

Bythese applications an equal circulation was at-

tained and the blood which had been forced upwards
was again diverted downwards. A gentle perspiration
ensued and much hardened mucus was dissolved, and
so in a short time the voice returned.

One can operate on the system inwardly as well as

outwardly. Even in my childhood mullein-flowers and
elder-flowers were used as a sweat producing household
remedy. There no reason why such a tea should not

operate within as favourably as the water without.

Shave grass and coltsfoot are excellent, herbs for

dissolving why should not one use them when one knows,

to begin with, that they cannot do harm? Oak-bark

operates in drawing together, purifying and healing why

not take daily five or six spoonsful of such tea, or gargle

the throat with it?

The above named teas may also be used as gargles.

Poultices for the throat are beneficial if they are applied
with great care; for should the throat bandage become
hot, it attracts blood to the throat and the mischief is

Tlie throat bandage should lie on it so evenly that

no air bubbles can form. It may be continued for an
hour or an hour and a half, if it is renewed every twenty
Chaptee IX. Diseases oe the heaet. 225

Diseases of the Heart.

As each part of the body may become diseased and

too weak to perform its functions so also diseased con-
ditions may arise in the heart.

There are two prominent diseases of the heart to

guard against: in the first the heart can degenerate so
as not to perform its functions completely as it should,
because after inflammation either the valves do not close
properly or the muscles become flabby. Sufferers from this
form of disease are subject to fever. One can see in
the invahds' faces that disturbances exist, the skin has
a bluish red tinge, the eyes are dull and tired and the
expression is depressed, and generally the sufferer is not
good tempered.

Hehas a pressure and pain about the region of the

heart; each trifle excites him and causes fear, anxiety
and despondency: in short, all possible signs of a sickly
organism are in evidence.

With these disturbances it is quite possible for life

to be in danger, and many people have indeed fallen
victims to the disease.

The fear often so great that the heart, when in

itself quiet, is excited by this emotion in a high degree
and although it may be part of the disease, yet it re-
acts upon it and increases the mischief. If a man does
not know, or has not been told, that he has heart di-
sease,something within makes him aware that all is not
right, his sleep is short and restless and some trifle,
which has excited him, will even rob him of that.
I knew a person who
never dared read a letter at
night even though its contents were of the most innocent
character even a harmless piece of news robbed him

of rest.

This easily aroused excitability is a proof that great

weakness exists in the nervouss ystem and explains why
every trifle acts like electricity on it. The appetite is
Kneipp, My Will. 15
226 Fourth pakt. Diseases.

usually good if anxiety does not exist. If however the

sufferer thinks he cannot digest a certain article of food,
he really will not digest it.

This is the case with the heart. If the heart is

quiet the invalid feels tolerably well but should anything

occur which he fears will harm him, in a moment his

spirit of enterprise vanishes, as well as the power to
carry it out.

Such people may feel themselves perfectly w^ell and

healthy in one quarter of an hour and in the next ill

almost unto death.

It is clear that with such an infirmity other evils

are connected, as for instance short breath, difficulty of
breathing and even asthmatic attacks. According as the
excitement is weaker or stronger, the heart beats also
in proportion, often indeed so strongly that one can see
at three or four paces distant how the dress rises and
falls according to the heart beats.

one desires to cure a patient of heart trouble, one

must bear in mind that too much blood exists in the
heart and its vicinity because the heart is lacking in
strength to send the blood out into all parts of the body.
Therefore an increased warmth in the region of the heart
is noticeable in these diseases; the blood streams always
more towards this warmth, and nearly all the blood col-
lects near the heart. ,

As a proof that my view is right, I can bear wit-

ness that such invalids have as a rule cold feet and
hands, whereas great heat prevails in the region of
the heart.

The feet are generally emaciated; their muscular

power greatly decreased and one can scarcely see a vein
in them.

These are to me the surest signs that heart disease

exists, and these signs must be kept in mind when con-
sidering the means of cure.
Chaptek IX. Diseases of the heaet. 227

One must try to reconduct the blood into the feet

and hands.
If the blood be equally divided in all parts of the
body and circulates freely, and regularly, the heart will
be in a more healthy condition, its pulsation will be more
regular and it will perform its functions with greater
ease; the difficult breathing will cease, the temper will
be less fretful and the headache less frequent.
Formerly the invalid used to be bled in order to
remove the blood from the heart. By this, however, the
person became poorer in blood and the mischief gained
still more the upper hand.

According to my opinion no one has too much blood;

if on the contrary 1 conduct the blood away from the
heart into its proper channels, it will be relieved without
my depriving the body of any blood. To deprive the
body of blood is to weaken it and send what is left
pressing towards the heart. I am sure that a regular
circulation of the blood cannot be brought about by any
medicine, let it be what it may. Such a master-piece
can only be accomplished by water. Unfortunately, too
little attention is paid to the method by which water
can bring the current of blood in order and maintain it
so. I can assure you 1 have had innumerable sufferers

from heart-disease under my care and have had the

greatest success.
Doctors often ask '.'Why do you always enquire

about the feet of a person suffering from heart-disease,

and why^^do you want to look at them?"
My answer is, to prove that the indications of the
di^^ease are to be found on their feet which are always
cold and emaciated.

I know
a person of high rank in the army whose
feet i^ consequence of heart-disease are quite decayed
like those of a consumptive tailor or weaver.

Unfortunately there isnothing these sufferers are so

afraid of as water and yet there is n othing equal to
water for effecting their cure.
228 Fourth paet. Diseases.

The thing to be done towards curing heart-

disease is to get a regular circulation of blood through
the body, which can best be attained by nourishing and
strengthening every part of it.

By strengthening the body we strengthen the heart

also, and signs of its disease disappear.

consider when I have succeeded in getting the

circulation of the blood into order, the patient regains
his proper rest and sleep.

Fear and anxiety cease and thus a good step to-

wards recovery is made. The formation of blood be-
comes better because the whole system is again active,
the appetite is good, and the digestive organs are per-
forming their duty.

All applications must be directed towards the estab-

lishment of a regular current of blood and maintaining
the same. One must begin gently, but as soon as the
body gets strong the applications may be stronger. In
order to bring about this improvement in the blood the
following applications are the best the knee-douche, the

hip douche a.nd the upper washing; the knee-douche or

wading in water draws the blood into the feet. The
upper-washing brings a general increased activity into
the upper part of the body, develops more warmth and
stronger evaporation. The hip- douche operates bracingly
and leads the blood off.

It is good to immerse the arms in water daily

for two or three minutes by which they are braced and

warmed and the blood is directed into them.

These applications should be continued for about ten

or twelve days. If during this time a good result has
been achieved, pass on to wading in water and back-
douches and continue the upper washing for another ten
or twelve days. Then for some days longer applications
may be made in the form of half-baths and back-douches
followed by hip-douches and full-douches; the hip-douches
Chapter IX. Diseases of the heaet. 229

lead the blood off and continne the bracing while the
full douches brace the entire body.

is possible to give
it the lightning douche
and where a good operator is to be had a weak one
would be of great benefit in the second part of the

For a person with heart-disease the lightning douche

must be begun at the feet and continued until they, the
knees and thighs, are reddened - a proof that the blood
is being
o led into the feet.

Fromthe legs the douche proceeds to the arms and

then for the first time the invalid has the lightning douche
on the rest of his body. For people having heart disease,
nothing helps more than going barefoot to draw the
blood to the feet; they find the tread lighter and the
heart quieter.
I would even say that going barefoot is the fore-

most and also the surest means of affording these inva-

lids relief.

I do not care to use the upper-douche for people

with heart-disease because the stooping is difficult for

them and because they dislike it. And as they are so
sensitive, harm might ensue if the body were not pre-
pared for it.
The heart-diseases already mentioned occur unhap-
pily often they burden people and in time become in-

curable and cause death.

There are, however, other maladies known as heart-

diseases which are quite different to those we have been
speaking of. In these the heart in healthy but a fault
exists either in the valve or muscles. This causes a
palpitation of the heart so great as to render people
incapable of action.

In order to make the thing clear, I will draw a

comparison. If, on a stormy day, I walk against the
wind which is at first weak and then strong, I can
walk comfortably when the wind is quiet, but when it

blows strongly, the walking is slower and heavier and

the breath becomes short; and if there suddenly comes
a stronger puff of wind, Iam obliged to stand still or
go backwards and so I am by fits and starts obliged
to stop.
Just so can the heart be acted upon by the blood,
which appears suddenly to stand still and then practises
a reaction on the heart. Such a condition can be brought
about by momentary fright, fear, or anxiety which first
acts on the mind, then goes to the blood, and from it
to the heart.
If now
the storms come from all sides, the heart
struggles. has even happened that death has resulted
from some exceptionally intense emotion.
This is to be explained by all the blood suddenly
invading the heart in a gush so that it can no longer
manage its work.
once during a heavy storm accompanied a gentle-

man tothe house- door. A gust of wind made it impos-

sible for him to walk a step; in the same instant he
became deadly pale and only with difficulty could he say
to me "I am dying". I tried as quickly as possible to
get him room and bring the current of blood into
into a
order. As soon as his natural warmth returned and the
blood flowed quietly in its proper channel he was again
healthy and well.
According to my
opinion the blood flowed suddenly
back to the heart by reason of the gust of wind and it
was unable to combat the influx of blood which sud-
denly and in great quantity streamed to it.

Proof of this was afforded me by the sudden pallor

of the face and the icy coldness of his hands and my ,

view was still further confirmed when on being brought

into a warm temperature he acquired at once warm hands
and feet.

From this one saw that as soon as the blood redis-

tributed itself over the whole body the man felt well
Chapter IX. Diseases of the heaet. 231

Exactly as the wind acted on this man, so some

very strong emotion will act upon others, either making
the blood to stop or sending it in a rush to the heart.

This kind of heart disease therefore comes from some

influence on the blood which passes on to the heart and is
rightly called ucrvous heart-disease.

The most striking proof

however, that this heart-
disease arises from stoppage in the circulation of the
blood is given me by ways and means in which such
people can be cured.

I have found no application of any use as a cure

that did not have the power of regulating the circulation
of the blood and thereby also obtaining a richer
formation of it.
In the treatment the following must be observed.
The blood must be conducted away from the heart for ,

such invalids have many bloodless places in the remote

parts of the body owing to the propensity of the blood
to linger near the heart. If equal distribution is secured,
the system is then capable of a richer formation of
blood, and consequently a better nourished body with
greater elasticity and warmth will be enjoyed.

It takes some time however before a body, which

has hitherto trembled at every trifle, can be aroused and
brought to peace and strength. It can only be done by
increased warmth and nourishment of the blood which
must be conveyed through the whole body.
First then the feet and arms must be strengthened
and everything avoided which will nourish and support
his illness, above all every exciting stimulant must be
given up, and such a diet be taken as neither excites
nor forms heated blood.

A priest complained of nervous heart-disease he had


consulted several celebrated doctors who could only pro-

mise to cure him if he went for a year into a specially
favoured climate, avoided all exertion, and followed most

strictly a precribed diet; only then might it be possible

for him to recover.

He was the more depressed when another doctor

who practised Hydropathy could offer him no better pro-
spect. He then came to me, I ordered him to take a
strong knee-douche, so that the feet became quite red,
every, day. By this the feet were hardened and the blood
drawn down to them. Further I desired him to immerse
his arms in the coldest water from three to five minutes
twice a day.
After a few days he distinctly fell that his system
was being braced, and that he was acquiring more na-
tural warmth in his whole body. He found also that he
was getting a very good appetite and, at the end of four-
teen days, he felt much better.

He had no longer such a dread of catching cold by

changing the air, and he even felt himself better by
sleeping with fresh air in the room.

Up to this only the extreme portions of the body

had been braced and strengthened while the whole body
had been operated on only feebly; now this was vigor-
ously taken in hand with half-bath, back-douche, full-
douche, and lightning douche which were directed on
the whole body in general and with such success that
the man was completely cured in six weeks. Sleep which
had formerly failed was now excellent, the appetite was
good and healthy, the temper had grown sweet and a
wholesome love of fresh air had been inculcated.
The care and treatment were continued for some
time and his health was quite restored.

Here we must specially remark that these invalids

fear most of all the excitement produced by the water
applications; there are many whose hearts begin to pal-
pitate if they only see the bathing tub.
make such people Avalk two or three times bare-
foot onwet stones whereby the blood is diverted down-
ward and the system braced; then pass on to wading
Chapter IX. Diseases of the heart. 233

in water,and so on to knee-douches and later to hip

douches and arm-douches.

In this way they will acquire confidence in the wa-

ter- and they will be no longer distrustful of it.

The half-bath may

well be applied later so
also the back-douche, the full-douche and the lightning

One can operate internally with success in heart-di-

seases. All remedies should however be strengthening,
partly for the stomach's sake that a good digestion may
be established, and partly for the lower part of the body,
especially for the kidneys' sake that wherever weakness
exists, strength may be established.

Bark of oak is a strengthening remedy and if one

uses it with wormwood it will be found excellent for
the body generally and the stomach in particular.

I must however
specially warn every one against
taking too much
the system can only make use of small

portions, large ones are a burden to it.

I should prefer that only one or at most two spoons-

ful should be taken morning, noon, and night and not
a cupful as some desire to drink.

Inundations of tea at one time are of no avail. Al-

most equal to bark of oak in bracing the system are
tormentilla and angelica root. There is scarcely a plant
or root to be found so good for the blood as tormen-
tilla root.

Sage may be used with Juniper berries and bark


of oak are bracing in their effect on the internal vessels.

If one takes three grains of incense as large as a pea
three times a day they will prove of service to the bowels.

Palpitation of the Heart.

It sometimes happens that a watch which has re-

putation of going weil stops all at once, and the question
arises , What has happened to the watch ? Why won't
it go?
one looks into the matter one finds either that
dust has got into the wheels and interrupted the course
of the machinery, or that a cold temperature has brought
the watch to a standstill in the latter case it means

that the oil in the machinery has become cold and

There are also other circumstances which may cause
awatch to stop suddenly.
The watch
affords us an apt illustration of the mar-
vellousmachinery in the human body in which also a
sudden stoppage of its powers may occur.
To the heart is allotted the task of sending out the
blood into all parts of the body; and when one consi-
ders the giant work required of it, we ask how is it
possible for the heart to carry out such a task? In
thinking this over, it will be clear to us that an impedi-
ment, be it small or large, may bring the heart to a stand-
still and then it happens as when the watch stops.

Suddenly withoutvisible cause the heart stops and

at the same moment life comes to an end. The person
is said to have died of disease of the heart, it may be
called Angina Pectoris, or Palpitation, or any other
Palpitation of the heart may be produced in various
ways. First the blood streams from the whole body to
the heart, the current is so swift and large that the
heart is unable to cope with it: it coagulates and the
heart, which is no longer in a condition to drive out the
blood, stops suddenly.

Or it may be,secondly, that the blood is forced out

into the body and forms itself into large clots which
Chapter IX. Palpitation of the heart. 235

cannot flow back to the heart and which cause it sud-

denly to stop.

Or, thirdly,
it may be that too little blood exists
in the system and is always decreasing and consequently
it does not stream to the heart in sufficient quantity,
therefore the heart stops. As regards this latter condi-
tion I have made certain observations in farm yards
where cattle are bred; one is, that calves, to use the
agricultural expression, become ''heart empty". These young
creatures may for several days or even a week prosper
well ;all at once however they have an attack, they
plunge violently, heave up suddenly and then fall in a
heap. Such attacks repeat themselves and if they pause
for a time the improvement does not last; the creatures
are again convulsed until all at once they give vent to
a rather loud bellow and instantaneous death follows.

Naturally I had such creatures minutely examined

and found that their bodies were perfect but there was
no blood in them. The calves were "heart-empty" as
country-folk say.

This being the only fault, people have not scrapled

to eat their flesh.

I have known animals and a half old

of a year
apparently health and well nourished to have these at-
tacks and with like result. And yet one could never
have suspected it. It was discovered that their bodies
contained so little blood that they could not exist on it
and the hearts were quite bloodless.
If in creatures, such cases of bloodlessness and
sudden death occur, why should not the same happen
in men?
It may be that where the blood is constantly decreas-
ing there is not safficient to fill and strengthen the
heart which languishes for want of nourishment and
motive power. Or again, if the blood clots and no longer
flows back to the heart in proper quantities the heart-
beat becomes gradually weaker until it stops altogether.
236 Fourth paet. Diseases.

In this case no help is possible because the mischief is

not known beforehand.

one is poor in blood, the chief thing to do is to

take the greatest care to acquire an increase of good
blood, and this can only be attained by reasonable bracing
and good diet.


It is the lot of man to suffer many diseases and in-

firmities,but we must admit that we suffer many more
than the Creator of man intended we should. How these
evils would be lessened if people would only live as they
ought to live!
Thus some one complained to me a short time since
that he possessed a good many corns which were so pam-
ful that he could not take a step without feeling a stab.
Even in bed they hurt him when they were inflamed.

And yet people themselves are aloiie to blame for

corns as they only appear when the shoes have been too
narrow and exercised pressure on certain parts. This
repeated pressure on the skin leads by degrees to the
formation of a horny skin which gradually thickens and
spreads till it presses inward and is called a corn, and
because the corn presses deep into the flesh it causes
great pain.

Corns are always rather painful but specially so at

change of weather, and to some people they are the tor-
ment of their lives.

Many desiring to of them have them cut

get rid
out from time to reminded perhaps of that lady
who said, ''I have three important operations before me
for 1 must have my corns operated on."

But these operations are of no use they only remove


the horny skin and make it easy for new ones to form.
Chapter IX. Body ulcees. 237

The proper cure consists in dissolving the corn as far in

as it reaches, so that the la^^ers peel off of themselves;
and further, in wearing wider shoes.

As a particularly effective remedj' for dissolving

the homy substance an old priest recommended ivy
leaves to me: they were to be crushed and bound on.
I have advised this remedy very often with great suc-
cess. Another good remedy is shave-grass water: boil
the grass and dip a piece of linen in the decoction and
lay it on: this softens the horny skin so that the scales
may be easily removed by the finger.
Very many remedies for corns are recommended
now-a-days but the only true cure consists in dissolving
the substance and getting rid of the cause of the growth.

Body Ulcers.

not at all an unusual circumstance for a car-

It is
buncle to appear on the body which, after causing immense
pain, breaking and discharging, heals up again: nor is
it uncommon for several to appear at once, some of
which break and heal while others disappear without

To use plasters for such sores is miserable treat-

ment. The mischief is not simply the little spot on which
the ulcer rests, the whole body is sick and ill and until
that is operated on and healed, new ulcers will continu-
ally form even if the old ones apparently heal.

plasters, no matter how many are applied, do

not improve the blood on the contrary they make it

worse for they do not help the system in the very least
to throw off the corrupt matter which is the first step to

The impure blood must be purified and to do this

a good wholesome diet is essential. A student twenty-
four years of age came to me and said "I have for
238 Fourth paet. Diseases.

many years suffered from ulcers on my body; now many

appear at one time and I am in such a condition that
work is well nigh impossible.
I eat well and, but for the pain of the ulcers, I
should sleep well ;
yet my strength is gradually dimi-

young man the juices and secre-

Tn the case of this
tions were sick and out of order and the ulcers were
means by which Nature tried to eject the bad matter
out of the system. I saw at once that, if nature v/ere
assisted in the dissolving and dispersal of this matter, a
cure might be possible. The first thing to do however
was so to brace and strengthen the system that it would
refuse to harbour the foul stufP.

This student stopped at Worishofen for the cure and

received the following applications: two half-baths, two
hip-douches, two back-douches and two complete douches
in the week and a shirt dipped in warm hay-flower

At the end of whole body was covered

six days the
with ulcers so that the young man thought everything
had failed and that what he had always thought was
true viz. that his blood had become mere rubbish.

Yet exactly the contrary was the case.

The ulcers course and instead of in-

ran a rapid
a visible improvement
creasing, they steadily diminished;
took place in the system the invalid went barefoot

daily and enjoyed with appetite any reasonable whole-

some food.

Noattention was given to the ulcers outwardly but

inwardly for the purification of the blood he took a cup
of tea daily in three portions.

For such a case as this suitable teas are made of

wormwood, shave-grass, sage, juniper-berries and cen-
taury; also of bark of oak with rosemary, bog-bean, worm-
wood and sage.

Chapter IX. Yahicose yeixs. 239

For small ulcers which spread in numbers over the

whole body nothing external is applied. As regards car-
buncles or other large sores, however, they are dissolved
and dispersed by bandages.

The mildest and surest effect is next obtained by

Fenu-Greek which dissolves and draws off without allow-
ing them to heal till all bad matter is removed.

It often happens that those afflicted with these ul-

cers are so ill as to be unable to bear any strong ap-
plication. however, if such invalids wash the
It suffices,
whole body once or twice daily with cold water in order
to gradually remove the feverishness, increase the natural
warmth, and cause a greater activity in the system. In
this way the change of matter is hastened, the blood
improved and the used up stuff got rid of by the acti-
vity in the system and altogether a healthy body results.

Varicose Veins.

Imagine a much ramified aqueduct, as they used

formerly to be made, of wooden pipes

Imagine too that, in these pipes, water weeds formed,

out of which at last rather large plants sprang, so that
the water could no longer flow properly.

It is same in the human body; the blood

just the
flows the heart iu all directions, warming and
nourishing the whole body as it goes on its way.

The system takes from the blood needs; the all it

more regular the current of blood is, so much the more

equable is the warmth, and so much the better nourished
is the body.

One might with truth say that, when the circulation

of the blood is in order, the man is healthy, and when
disturbances occur in its flow, the man is sick.

He who desires to cure a sick man must turn his

attention first of all to the circulation of the blood: if
he can get this into order, he will soon bring the man
back to health, and if he does not accomplish this, his
endeavours to heal him will fail.
Obstructions in the blood are, as a rule, most noti-
ceable in the legs and such are know^n by the name of
varicose veins. Sometimes they occur in the so-called
hemorrhoidal vein and then are called piles.
Women suffer most from varicose veins, men
from piles.

Such obsructions do not form in the veins which

lead the blood from the heart but rather in those which
conduct it back to the heart, and which are called
Obstructions are formed in these, because the blood
does not flow quickly enough, an expansion sets in, the
vein is enlarged, the blood lingers in it and does not
move orderly on its way.
These enlargements may be great or small, they
may form oblong cushions or noduled, often several nodes
or knots lie close together.
The nodes sometimes swell till they get as thick as
a lead-pencil, a finger or even the size of one's wrist.
This blocked up blood gets worse as time goes on, it
often gets quite black and thick aud can scarcely flow
at all.

Occasionally the vessel is so distended that it bursts

and the blood pours rapidly out. This explosion of a
vein is dangerous, for if the effusion of blood is not at
once stopped death may ensue.
Like Varicose Veins in the legs so also "the hemor-
rhoidal vein expands till the obstruction ranges from the

size of a pea to that of a pigeon's egg. These are

called "blind" or "seeing" piles. When the little nodules
show themselves outside, they are said to be seeiiio^ piles

but when they are inside the "rectum" they are known
as blind piles.
Chapter IX. Varicose veins. 241

Nearly all men

from piles, consciously or un-
consciously, those who live in towns.
especially If
"seeing piles" exist, there can be little doubt but "blind
piles" exist also. A sign of the latter is the constant
feeling of heat in the rectum: the greater the heat so
much the more does the blood flow thither and form
itself into nodes or knots. A further symptom is a bi-
ting, burning, creepy restlessness which is caused by the
irregular flow of blood. If there be many of these piles
or knots on or in the rectum, they impede the action of
the bowels, causing the stools to be at first hard and
subsequently irregular.

results of piles are noticeable in fullness of the
head, a variable and depressed state of mind; indeed
piles may bring people to the mad-house and induce
suicide as well as insanity.

It may be asked, "Is it possible for disturbances in

the circulation of the blood which are apparently unim-
portant to bring about such disastrous results ?"

To which I make answer that very many illnesses

arise from disturbances in the circulation of the blood,
and that all have their origin in such
disturbances. Brain-fever and other inflammation of the
head arise simply from obstructions in the blood.

Inflammation of the lungs, and of the abdomen have

their origin also in ill-regulated circulation.

If disturbances of the blood can pro-

in the flow
duce such physical why
should they not exer-
cise the greatest influence on the mind as well?

I knew a man who from time to time not only

displayed an ungovernable temper but was often half
raving and who even had attacks of delirium.

These broke the nodes and so much blood was

lost that itwas feared he would sink under it. Even
while the blood was flowing, the unlucky man was quiet
Kneipp, My Will. 16
242 Fourth paet. Diseases.

er and after a quantity of bad-clotted blood had passed

he was quite reasonable.

This example clearly shows that if disastrous results

are to be avoided, the bad clotted blood must occasion-
ally be got rid of, and this nature does by opening the

Relief came to this man when the bad stagnant

blood was removed and the body relieved by evaporation*

It is necessary, therefore, that an emptying should

occur frequently; for if the blood remains long in this
obstructed state it gets worse and seizes on the vessels
at last, so that these become morbid and brittle.

Not only
are there varicose veins in the feet and
legs and not only are obstructions to be found in the
hemorrhoidal veins but they may form in many other

I have seen patients

. with veins on their neck as
big as a finger, a whole collection of such varicose for-

Equally common is it for nodes to form in the

vicinity of the liver making it appear as if an egg were
beneath the skin.

Also these nodes or clots may occur in the abdomen,

on the kidneys and in the back.

Whether these
clots of blood exist inside or outside
the body, without exception operate prejudicially on
the health, and may become dangerous, and as they may
be harmful to the body, so are they liable to cloud
the mind.

Cure for Varicose Veins.

In order to effect the cure of varicose veins, one

must first find out the cause of them.
Chapter IX. Cuee foe yaeicose veins. 243

If they occur on the feet or legs, the first great

cause is that they have received improper treatment.
Tight garters produce varicose veins without a doubt,
but if you tell people that tight garters are the cause
of the mischief, they invariably answer: ''My garters are
quite loose."'
They however do not think that in the morning
the legs are at their thinnest and that usually from mid-
day onwards the legs and feet of working people swelL
In the morning the garter may be quite loose but
by evening it may
be so tight that it has made a deep
circular mark on the leg in which one can almost place
a finger. If the leg be treated in this way every day, it
is natural that the blood should clot; then in a little
time it happens as if one bled a person and bound the
arm tightly and clots of blood formed above and below.
If the leg be compressed every day by a garter, the
extension of the veins above and below must become
greater and the current of the blood grow irregular.
Then it not infrequently happens that the blood breaks
out and stops under the skin and produces a dark blackish
colour on it generally under the thigh. This suf-
fusion of blood is inflamed from time to time, forms ul-
cers, breaks through the skin, and ends in w^hat is known
as '"open leg"'.
This was treated of in an earlier chapter. A second
cause of varicose veins is unsuitable shoes which are
prescribed by fashion and which really are not shoes at
all but foot machines.

In the morning the foot has not yet expanded and

one forces it into its narrowest compass as the feet in ;

the course of the day expand, it is impossible for the

blood to get into them, it stops in the veins on the
legs and enlarges the varicose veins.

This is why
the wearers of narrow shoes have cold
feet year in year out. The emptier the feet are of blood
the greater will be the clots of blood in the varicose
veins and in other parts of the body.
244 Fourth part, r Diseases.

If you want to cure varicose veins, you can only do

so by operating on the whole body and securing the
regular flow of the blood.

To cure by applications to the legs and feet only

is impossible for neither water nor any other remedy is

of use.

No matter where the obstructions are, the cure lies

in getting an equable flow of blood throughorit the body.

Agatha has large and small varicose veins in such

numbers that she cannot count them, she has been a
great sufferer for many years, the veins have frequently
burst and suffused blood has been drawn off as in all

She complains of all possible troubles and it is plain

to see that the circulation of her blood is thoroughly
out of order.
We gave her weekly four hip-douches two back douches
and two complete douches. We were able to give her
these vigorous applications because she had a strong-
constitution and was in her prime. She continued them
for three weeks with the result that the varicose veins
were smaller, softer, and less painful.

She was greatly relieved in her mind because she

felt her head was no longer heavy,
so well altogether,
the pains in her body, from which she formerly suffered,
had ceased; in short, she could see and feel the improve-

Her next prescription for the week consisted in two

half-baths, a back-douche, a hip-douche and two upper
washings on rising.

As the first prescription was particularly directed

towards regulating the current of blood in order to
decrease the obstructions, so the second was to strengthen
the abdomen and lower part of the body and to remove
cramp from the veins and to raise the warmth and the
Chapter IX. Cuee foe yaeicose veins. 245

At the Agatha said ''My con-

close of three weeks,
dition is so. much have no more pains in my
better, I

legs and feet and the varicose veins, although they are
still there, are smaller and painless. But I notice one
thing, several hardenings are on the calf of the leg and
on the foot which feel exactly as if they were sores.''

These of course were clots of blood which had formed

internally and which now could be seen in daylight
because legs and feet were thinner. Agatha continued
that already three such had broken out as ulcers.

This is proof that the clots of blood had

a clear
existed internallyand that the water allowed them no
rest until they were dissolved and expelled.

Agatha received a further prescription.

Twice a week on going to bed she was to envelope

her legs from the ankles to the knees in a cloth dipped
in loam water and twice a week also in a cloth dipped
in hay-flower- water. The efPect was that several ulcers
formed, broke, emptied themselves and again healed. The
hay-flower dissolved deep down, and the loam drew out
the corrupt matter from the surface of the skin and
carried it off.

If only the loambandages had been used, certain

superfluities would have been absorbed but the hardnesses
would have remained.

The douches did well which was

their work equally
and that this last might
to regulate the current of blood,
be more vigorously operated on and all the clots of blood
dissolved and carried off she, as a last treatment, put
on a shirt dipped in warm hay-flower-water twice a week
at first,and once a week later on. In addition to these
she had two complete douches, two half-baths and a

These were continued for iour weeks; after which

period the circulation of the blood was in order and the
obstructions removed.
246 Fourth paet. Diseases.

The varicose veins were

still there although much
smaller, and time longer she went on with a
for a little
gentle treatment so as to make the body yet stronger,
for example two half-baths and one complete douche in
the week.

Internally she took a cup of tea, in tvv^o or three

portions daily, made of shave-grass, dwarf-elder and worm-
wood which dissolved and carried off impure matter.
The effect was specially visible in the urine which
became thick and dull and of all possible colours.
The second tea we gave her was made of tormen-
tilla, rosemary and shave-grass; this strengthened the
formation of blood.

As a third tea I gave her one of sage, wormwood

and angelica root.

Cure of Piles.

As women are greater sufferers from varicose veins

than men, so men are greater sufferers, from piles than
Where the blood in the vessel cannot ran its pro-
per course, nodes, knots, or clots form they may be large ;

or small producing larg or small troubles accordingly.

The "blind" or which exist deeper

hidden piles,
within, are a source of serious trouble to men and they
can only be removed by bringing the blood into proper
circulation and keeping it so, and this can only be ef-
fected by operating on the whole body.

An official came to me ; he was almost a giant,,

unsually well built, and excellently nourished. He had
so many blood obstructions in his body that they could
scarcely be counted, some were visible, others were out
of sight.

Chapter IX. Cure of piles. 247

The doctors who had constantly examined this man

the case being an extraordinary one certified to
piles in the highest degree. The man looked flourishing
and yet was in a state which might prove ruinous to him.
He began to complain of unbearable headache and
while it lasted, he was like one out of his mind, this was
followed by a despairing, despondent state indeed he was

in a condition as miserable as it was possible for a man

to be in.

What could be more necessary here than to operate

on the w^hole body? Applications were begun by which
the activity of the system was increased and the obstruc-
tions dissolved.

In consequence of these applications he had several

sores on his body as large as his fist which passed on
to suppuration and dissolved.
From the ankle to above the calf there was a good
deal of suftused blood, this also dissolved and for several
weeks on these places there was no skin.
Thus for more than six months the dissolving and
dispersing of the bad juices and obstructions went on
as well as the strengthening of the system, with a result
that the corrupt matter was thrown off and the blood
improved and strengthened and that by degrees the sores
disappeared. The applications he used were as follows
for dissolving, the foot bandage; followed by the short
bandage and Spanish mantle. This last was applied at
least forty times,the short bandage twenty times and
the foot bandage still oftener. The patient became so
healthy in consequence of the treatment that he returned
to his professional duties with joy at the end of his

The time occupied in the cure may seem long to

some people but we must consider that the man was
regarded as incurable by all.
Whoever saw with his own eyes the whole condition
of the sick man from first to last might well exclaim


How is it possible that water can accomplish such a

Internally the patient used various teas which were
calculated to dissolve and disperse the bad matter. Per-
haps the best of these according to the patient's own
statement was that made of wormwood and shave-grass,
though I think that made with dwarf-elder root, juniper-
berries and knot-grass equally purifying and dispersing.
Tea made of wormwood, sage and ribwort he drank for
the improvement of the stomach. These teas he used
alternately one each week.

Although we applied the above remedies to this very

extraordinary case, is not therefore necessary to use

the same appliances for small and insignificant piles. For

these the best applications are, in the week three hip-
douches, two knee douches three upper-washings or upper-
douches, continued for two weeks.

The next two weeks three half baths, two back


douches, a hip douche, and two or three wadings in

water each week.
For another two weeks two half-baths, two back-
douches and two complete-douches may be taken each
Internally a tea of common nettle, coltsfoot
and shave-grass for fourteen days for the purpose of dis-
solving, purifying and opening the following fourteen

days take a cupful in two or three portions daily of tea

of bark of oak, juniper-berries and tormentilla root, or
a tea of centaury herb, yarrow and ribwort.

As regards
diet the patient should take little or no
stimulating beverages and no spiced or strongly seasoned
food. The diet should be simple, wholesome and easily
Chapter IX. Ixflam.matiox of the lungs. 249

Inflammation of the Lungs.

If a nail or a little splinter gets into a person's foot,

inflammation generally sets in even when the nail or
splinter has been removed. It is the same with matches
which are lighted on a rough surface; when the match
is removed from this surface, it still burns.

When the injured place begins to get inflamed then

naturally great heat sets in. This heat makes the blood
and juices pour to the neighbouring parts of the body
and form a large or small swelling and if one does not
reduce the inflammation and heat gangrene may set in.

Anna got a little splinter of wood into her finger.

It was so small she could scarcely see it with the naked
eye, and as she had no pain from it at first she took
no notice of it.

But by degrees inflammation set in and the arm

continued to swell till at last blood-poisoning was feared.

One sees from this how much may arise from an

unnoticed splinter.
Inflammation similar to this may easily, arise in and
on the body. One of the most frequent and one which
carries off many victims every year is Inflammation of
the Lungs.

We have often seen people with eruptions on the

face, or cases of erysipelas breaking out in the face,
arm, or other part of the body. At first the spots are
painful, then redness appears and blisters form. It is
just like this in the lungs, where corrupt matter collects
as easily as in other parts of the body. The matter
gets inflamed and produces an eruption on the lungs
similar to the skin eruptions and erysipelas. The in-
flammation may occur either above or below on the
lungs, in the centre or on one or other of the sides.
The heat increases and with it the swelling; a contrac-
tion of the chest takes place and consequently the air
250 Fourth part. Diseases.

can no longer be easily breathed in, and the used up

air no longer breathed out. Then obstructions form and
the contraction increases so that the air can only be
thrust out by force, that is by coughing.
A little time ago a fire broke out at a house in the
middle of the village. In a few minutes all the people
had collected round it, some to help, others to look on.
Why did they all crowd to the place ? Because fire had
broken out.

Just so the blood of the body rushes wherever in-

flammation exists for where warmth develops, there the

blood presses. It streams from the arms, the feet and

other portions of the body to the lungs, if inflammation
has set in there, leaving all these parts empty and there-
fore cold while in the lungs and their surroundings a

superfluity of blood may be found working mischief by

increasing the heat. What can be done to afford help?
At a conflagration people seek water to extinguish
it and when the fire has been stopped by this, a good
deal can be saved. But if the fire cannot be quenched,
then everything burns together.

Let us turn once again to the fire in the village

surrounded by people, because it gives such a good pic-
ture of inflammation of the lungs As the fire with

leaping flames consumes the house by degrees, one ob-

serves at a little distance a second house in great danger
of being involved. As soon as the spectators notice
smoke issuing from it, they rush to it and try to prevent
the fire from spreading.
This picture instructs us how to proceed with in-
flammation of the lungs.
The first thing is to deal with the original fire.

The blood which is streaming to the lungs must as

soon as possible be conducted away. How can this be
done? If the feet and legs are cold, we know that the
blood, which should be in them, has gone to swell the
amount in the lungs, so with the arms, hands and other

parts of the body; the blood has gone to the hings. To

brmg it back to its duty, wrap the feet in a cloth dipped

in hot vinegar and water as hot as the patient can bear

it; bj this they will acquire artificial heat and entice
the blood back to them from the lungs. In the same
way you can deal with other parts of the body which
are bloodless and by means of compresses you can lead
the blood from the chest to the abdomen.

If the invalid's body be cool rather than warm, lay

a warm cloth on the abdomen if on the contrary the

heat be great, lay a cloth on which has been dipped in

cold wafer.

the real conflagration, the chest, where the hot,
stinging pain is felt most, apply a plaster of pot- cheese
pounded with pot-water to a white ointment all over
the painful part. In a very short time the plaster ab-
sorbs the heat and decreases the pain. If the pot- cheese
becomes dry and stiff, it will not absorb sufficiently and
must be replaced by a second or even a third applica-
tion if necessary.

If however the first plaster or poultice has accom-

plished its purpose, take it off and wash the invalid every
two or three hours as may be necessary.

Generally after the first or second but certainly after

the third washing perspiration sets in and relieves the

One need only continue the washings until the heat


and fever are subdued. Should the pain and heat return
apply another poultice.

Very often in inflammations ice-bags are applied to

subdue the heat. That the cold deeply affects the heat
is true but it is equally true that this cold often pro-
duces other evils in the organs. I knew a gentleman

who had a stroke and was quite unconscious; the doctor

laid an ice-bag on his head and it remained there for
eighteen hours being constantly renewed.

The whole head and face became of a dark bine

tint and at length almost black, so also the arms, of
which one was paralysed. As the doctor announced that
he must die in a few hours, I thought to myself, if this
be so there is no harm in my making an experiment;
and as I gave a full description of this in the chapter
on paralysis, my readers can see that my experiment was
perfectly successful.

In my opinion ice-bags form a cold wall against

which the blood stops and cannot return.
The blood however must be conducted back.
When the danger is over and the inflammation sub-
dued, much care must be taken that the heat does not
return and take the upper hand. Two or three upper-
washings or whole-washings are generally sufficient.

One may operate internally, I have found in all

inflammatory mischief, especially in inflammation of the
lungs, that it is good to take a spoonful of salad oil
every morning and evening for three or four days. The
oil cools and braces the stomach and protects it from

For dissolving the mass of mucus which forms in

inflammation, I recommend tea of elder-flower, camomile,
yarrow, fennel and wormwood. One may make the tea
with a separate herb or two or three together. It is of
great importance that the diet should be nourishing and
digestible and taken in small quantities and that the in-
valid should breathe only good pure air.

Damp or even hot air in a room will be injurious.

As inflammation of the lungs occurs so often and

sweeps oif so many victims, one must fight against it
beforehand and in the days of health by making one's
body strong and capable of resistance.

This can best be accomplished by taking every week

two or three half-baths: these will keep the system in
Chapter IX. Dysenteey. 253

a healthy vigorous condition and make it difficalt for

corrupt matter to establish itself within.


Dysentery often occurs and is a great plague to the

poor earthly pilgrim. He who suffers from it knows full
well that the food passes as he eats it, the stomach
not having digested it. So the system gets no nourish-
ment and the result is naturally disastrous.

The strength diminishes and with it goes all life

and freshness and the whole body languishes. Dysentery
generally appears after severe ihnesses especially when
the patient has taken a great deal of medicine and that
of a pernicious character.

The consequences of such an and such me-

dicines is a great inactivity organs of the body
of the
so that scarcely anything taken nourishes the blood, and
the stomach is so injured that it has no longer the
power to digest. Then it happens to the stomach as to
the chest in diseases of the lungs or chest; it becomes
full of mucus which cannot be got rid of. This illness
is frequently the result of an ill-regulated manner of life.

People often thoughtlessly drink rauch cold water

and then for a time none. In this way the stomach gets
chilled and the gastric juices too much thinned this ;

alternation of cold and heat in itself can ruin the sto-

mach. A further cause of this evil may be an ill regu-
lated diet; for example if for a time one eats little or
nothing and then for a while overloads the stomach or
consumes much indigestible food-

Also by alcoholic beverages the stomach can be so

weakened and injured that at last it is unable to per-
form its functions properly. How often people drink cold
beer from the ice-cellars in summer and so bring on
severe gastric diseases. Again many mineral waters cor-

rode tke stomach and hinder its activity rendering it in-

capable of digesting.
If the stomach be brought into such an unhealthy
condition the remaining organ's of the abdomen will suffer
in sympathy; they will grow slack, inactive and useless.

The first step towards the cure is therefore to dis-

solve and disperse. As in diseases of the chest the whole
chest may be filled with mucus, so the stomach may be
filledwith all kinds of foul corrupt matter, in this case
it would be well if a chimney sweep could descend, clear
everything out and make a clean sweep. As this is
impossible, one must work in some other way. Since it
is not only the stomach that is suffering and weak but
the whole system, one must operate on the whole body
resolutely and for the body there is no better remedy
than water.
Internally only herbs are used as these in no way
harm or weaken but rather improve the stomach. Of
these I desire above all to recommend wormwood and
sage: the former attacks the foul bad matter in the
stomach, dissolves it and ejects it, while the latter puri-
fies and improves the juices. I advise a spoonful of this

tea every three hours*

The patient should confine himself to nourishing diet
and always in small portions.
If milk agrees with him, he may take three or four
times a day four spoonsful of milk which has been cooked
with caraway seeds.
He who cannot take milk should take the same
quantity of piquant soup which is easily digestible and
supplies good nourishment to the system. It is not of
so much consequence what kind of nourishment the
system gets as that the stomach should work it up and
make good useful juices from it.

rather severe purging with head-ache sets in,

If a
nothing helps the patient more than drinking daily a
small cup of tea of tormentilla-root with half water and
half red wine.
Chapter IX. Dysexteey. 255

In order to cornbat the dysentery and at the same

time supply the body with good nourishment, take every
hour a small portion of good bread soaked in pure red
wine for a few minutes.
This is specially recommended
those whose sys- to
tems have too little warmth. Centaury-herb mixed with
sage is also a good remedy. Good strong broth is spe-
cially advantageous to those with little warmth hi them,
it should be taken in small quantities but very often.

One can also fight against this evil by binding on

the abdomen every second or third day a four-fold cloth

soaked in hay-flower-water and leaving it on from three

quarters of an hour to an hour. It provokes activity of
the skin and abdomen and does not absorb too much.
With some people however, it will be sufficient to wash
the abdomen vigorously every morning and evening with
water and vinegar, half of each.
As the whole body has lost strength, activity and
warmth by this disease it would be well to wash the
abdomen on rising. It should be done as quickly as
possible, not rubbing dry after it but getting into bed
again without delay.
A man came to me and complained "I have the
stomach opened from six to ten times a day. I look
well, have a good appetite and can still work. Every-
thing I have tried as a cure fails."

My advice to him was to take a hip- douche every

morning and a halt-bath every afternoon and to take
a good simple diet: in the morning soup, and in the
evening a small cup of wormwood tea, for the rest he
might pursue his usual course of life.

A visitor came to me saying that his stomach was

opened many times a day and nothing that he took cor-
rected it.

Iordered him a hip-douche in the morning and a"

half- bath in
the afternoon for the first three days; for
the second three days, a back - douche iu the morning

keeping the half-bath in the afternoon.

still At the end
of the six days the mischief was removed. The chief
cause of his trouble was that his system was too weak
to expel the harmful matter, but as soon as the influence
of the water gave its support, it threw out the diseased

If acids get into the flour, fermentation sets in, if

the acid be removed the fermentation ceases.

Such conditions will not easily set in if one looks

to the bracing and strengthening of the body.

Slackness and inactivity open the door to disease;

strength and activity on the contrary drive everything
harmful away.

Bleeding of the Nose.

Healthy growing children frequently bleed at the

nose und they are said then to be rich in blood. As a
rule nothing much is thought of such bleeding, and yet
it is a messenger foreboding obstructions of the blood
and bleedings, in the time to come. Thus most chlorotic
people will testify that formerly they bled much from
the nose.

By this frequent bleeding children lose their best

blood and much blood-forming matter. Bleeding from
the nose is not only harmful for the present, but very
prejudicial to the future, for the path which the blood
has once taken it will continue to follow, and as soon
as there is an overflow, it generally breaks out in the
old place. "Nature however" preparesno more blood than
it requires if therefore blood
; is wasted anywhere, the
store of blood in some other part is decreased.

Children who bleed much from the nose are generally

dehcately constituted and have specially tender ves-
sels. If their blood flows in a rush, as it does sometimes,
through rapid running, stooping, screaming, anger or
Chapter IX. Bleeding of the nose. 257

excitement it soon finds an exit. One may ask why

should it seek an exit through the nose? For the fol-
lowing reasons. The mucous membranes in the nose
are particularly thin and full of blood, and again much
fresh air is drawn through the nose, and where this
occurs the blood is attracted. It is on this account
that the nose rarely freezes the ears suffer much more.

The nose however has other tasks; one person snuffles

much, another blows his nose hard, and further the nose
is always exposed to the temperature and by breathing,

dust and dirt make their way iuto it.

Children like putting their fingers into their nose,
indeed so many causes work together to drive the blood
into the nose more than into the other parts of the
body, that the blood vessels get much swollen especially
if the body is already delicate in itself.

Arobust child will not be much troubled with

bleeding from the nose unless he or she has had a blow
on it. In this case the blood flows from the jugular
artery; then it is as with a water conduit where a side
channel joins the main pipe.
If the side channel acquires a large opening, the
water streams out in the most violent way.
If bleeding from the nose occurs often, the pressure
will become stronger, while the vessels and cicatrisation
of the same get gradually w^eaker.

Repeated bleeding from the nose causes often great

bodily weakness, which in time may produce diseases,
for instance, consumption, chlorosis and even apoplexy,
for this bleeding is a sign that the blood ascends too
If one wishes to cure bleeding from the nose, he
must observe the condition of the person who is to be
cured; he may be stout and robust or he may be very
nervous, in either case the blood may collect in waves
and the vessels may become swollen.
The first thing therefore in the cure is to brace the
whole system, to stop the flooding and to institute an
Kneipp, My WUl. 17
258 Fourth paet. Diseases.

equable normal warmth, so that the blood is equally di-

vided throughout the body. The bracing can be done
with f two or three half-baths and upper-douches in the
week. The first brace the body and produce increased
warmth, while the latter effect greater strength, remove
the superfluous heat and press the blood back. A good
suitable diet must also be provided. One must not pro-
duce influx of blood by strong salt or spiced food and
alcoholic drinks; sweets must be avoided, and only a
simple diet taken.

This mode must not be followed for a few days

of life
simply, but for a long period. He who wants pure blood
and a sound elastic and durable body must choose such
a diet as will promote these.

Formerly various household remedies were used to

stop bleeding at the nose, indeed I myself have used
them* One of these was salt; salt water was drawn up
into the nose or the throat gargled with it. Another
was vinegar, used in the same way.

The remedy I have found the best is shave-grass-tea

snuffled up or used as a gargle. A case came before
me which taught me thoroughly what to do in a spe-
cially difficult condition. A girl seventeen years old had
bled two and a half basinsful she then wanted to go

sleep for she could no longer sit upright. I was afraid

if I let her sleep she would not wake again, because in

spite of her sleepinessthe bleeding still went on. In
this distressand danger I made the girl hold her head
and ears over a tub and I gave her an upper-douche
with a garden hose containing about seven quarts of
water. The moment the water was poured on the neck
the bleeding stopped and the girl was in peace. After
six hours the bleeding began again but not so badly, we
gave her another upper-douche as before and continued
them every day for four days. Naturally as a conse-
quence of this severe bleeding she became very weak,
and suffered from a complete lose of appetite. In order
to procure a new supply of blood for the body, she took
Chapter IX. Dischaege eeom the eae. 259

every hour for several clays a spoonful of milk boiled

with fennel; for the rest we allowed her to partake of
a simple and easily digested diet though only in small
quantities. Thus in a few weeks she was well again.

Death may result from bleeding of the nose, as I

have discovered in two cases. A girl of eighteen years
old bled to death; she however did not use water.

Another case I heard of after the man's death. A

priest from the Tyrol bled for several days and no one
could stop it. He had however suffered from disturbances
of the blood for many years.

Discharge from the Ear.

It grown up people, and

often occurs that children,
even those who are old have discharge from the ear.

This discharge is purulent and evil smelling, a proof

that it consists of unwholesome, foul matter which has
crept into the body.

With children usually occurs after some childish

malady such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, or small pox.
If these diseases are not perfectly cured, the unhealthy
matter collects in the head and forms itself into a mass
of purulence.

This matter may exist in the head for months and

even years and as long as it continues the discharge
goes on. Where inflammation is, thither flows the blood.
There are children who always have too much blood in
their heads, and as the impurities are not thrown out
in the proper way, they make an outlet for themselves
through the ears.

When this goes on for some time, the children lose

their good looks, their heads swell and you see plainly
that they are not thriving.

If no help
is given, the discharge may go on for
years. In this case the children are usually backward
in mental as well as physical development.

A childish malady imperfectly cured may produce

the saddest consequences which may last through life.
The foul mass which flows from the ears may not
only weaken the ear but also attack the bones. I have
known several people who had cariosity or rottenness
in the ear and it has the saddest consequences if not
promptly attended to. It is however quite possible to
heal by means of water.

a discharge from the ear exists, not only is the head

diseased but the whole body which is generally swollen,
spongy and delicate. Therefore it must be best to ope-
rate on the whole body.
the discharge from the ear be great and the child

rather stout, one may immerse the latter in water but

only for the space of one or two seconds. Farther he,
or she, may be wrapped once a week in a shirt soaked
in hay-flower-water. As the cold immersion strengthens
the body, unites and expels the bad matter, so also is
the hay-flower shirt bracing and dissolving.
As the head is the specially sick part, it should be
douched with cold water once daily, or if the child be
tolerably strong, even twice.
not necessary to give anything internally or
It is
at events not much.
all If the child suffers from weak-
ness a little white powder is best; sage, camomils, and
ribwort may be given safely.
If one continues this treatment for two or three
weeks there may an addition of two or three half-baths.
This last application may last for some days not
because it is necessary for the discharge from the ear
but in order to brace the system.
As with children so also with young people, dis-
charge from the ear may set in and in this case the
cause would probably be a chill.
Chapter IX. Dischaege eeom the ear. 261

For if a thorough chill has interrupted evaporation

from the head, inflammation sets in; this causes a

greater pressure of blood to the head, the transpiration
is weakened or completely stopped, and obstructions form
there. These obstructions in time pass into purulence
which seeks an outlet through the ear. It may be, that
at first the mischief has its seat only in the head, but
by degrees the unhealthy condition passes on to the
neighbouring parts of the body and corrupts the blood
and juices.

When grown up people get discharge from the ears

and have it time, it affects their mental as
for a long
well as physical condition, and if help is not speedily
obtained, the whole body will be seriously injured. Here
also water can eflFect certain cure.

People suffering from discharge of the ear vshould

take five or six upper- washings during the week, or still
better take one upper-douche, tw^o half-baths, and a head-
douche every second day.

In a few weeks not only will the discharge from

the ear be stopped, but the body will be in a healthier
and stronger condition.

One may with good effect wash out and syringe the
ears daily two or three times with a decoction of shave-
grass, or ribwort. The cleaner the injured place is kept,
the quicker will be the cure.

Grown up people sometimes get discharge from the

ear from the same cause that produces it in little chil-
dren viz. imperfectly cured illnesses; a remnant has re-
mained behind and established itself in the head, form-
ing inflamed obstructions and sores which seek an outlet
through the ears.

Where this mischief arises from imperfectly cured

illness, we know that the body is not free from corrupt
material and must be acted upon if the cure is to be

Two or three half-baths in the week and a shht

soaked in hay-flower water twice for an hour will suf-
fice, but if the patient be very emaciated the wet shirt
alone will do.

Beyond this two or three upper-douches in the week

and constant cleansing of the ears with herb tea will
soon reduce the trouble. The patient would do well to
take herb-tea for the cleansing of the blood and improve-
ment of the stomach.

Discharge from the ear may also arise from bruising

the head, by collision, or a blow. In this case the
blood issues from the veins, because the vessels have
burst; in time this overflow of blood and juices becomes
corrupt and seeks an outlet through the ear.

But discharge from the ear occurs most frequently

through a chill, or when for some reason or other the
blood is forced unduly into the head.
Let discharge from the ear arise from whatever cause
it may, it can be most effectually cured by the influence
of water.

Diseases of the Ear. Ear-ache; Deafness.

have never had ear-ache and therefore do not


know from experience whether it really exists. Those

who have had it declare there can be nothing worse.
I will take their word for it and remark that pains
in the ear or what is called earache must be caused by
inflammation or rheumatism.

Everyone knows that inflammations are painful

wherever they occur, but when they attack the hearing
organ, they must be doubly painful because the ears are
extraordinarily tender and sensitive.

For curing such pain the first thing to be done is

to remove the blood which has been forced to the head.
Chaptek IX. Diseases of the eae. ear-ache; deafness. 263

If theinflammation grows to an abscess, then the bad

matter must be expelled by the applications already-
detailed for discharge from the ear. If the pain is spas-
modic, one must look after the necessary warmth as in
all spasms.

In diseases of the ear the head- vapour bath bene- is

ficial as it produces perspiration in the whole head, and

so drives out the accumulated corrupt matter.

There are some people who do not hear well and

some who do not hear at all, not even if a cannon were
fired beside them.
In such a case obstructions must exist which have '

completely hardened. These hardened abscesses have

closed up the whole passage for hearing, allowing no
sound to enter.

I say therefore, that whoever dissolves and removes

these hardened ulcers and abscesses can make the deaf

to hear.

A huntsman who, for over two years, had never

heard the report of his own gun, came to me, and in a
few weeks he completely regained his hearing, because
the hardened obstructions were dissolved.

If we wish to help deaf people, we must make our appli-

cations to work on the whole body, and especially on
the ears.
If the deaf person be rather stout, head vapour-
baths which dissolve well and work deeply may be quite
easily apphed. Douches which operate on the ear and
head are also bracing.

Just as one can use compresses and bandages on

single parts of the body, so can one place bandages on
the ear for the purpose of dissolving and dispelling. I

could give help to very many by means of herb bandages.

A three or four fold piece of soft linen is dipped in herb
water, bound on the ear for an hour and a half and
then renewed.
264 Fourth paet. Diseases.

In the ears a certain wax which the Wise

Providence provided for the prevention of foreign matter
gaining entrance.

Sometimes a hardening and drying of this ear wax

sets in which prevent sound from entering.

I a woman who had completely lost her hear-

ing. The doctor examined the ear and then with a
httle instrument removed a lot of hardened wax and her
hearing was restored.

Whether the entrance to the ear be blocked by

hardened wax or by obstructions, or small ulcers, these
hardenings or sores must be dissolved and expelled until
the hearing returns. A housekeeper had lost her hear-
ing for a long time. During eight weeks she bound on
her ear every night a rag dipped in herb water. She
had previously applied many remedies without obtaining
relief but the herb water bandage dissolved the harden-
ings so that she heard tolerably well again.

Shave-grass-tea is of great help also. This decoc-

tion is thrown into the ear or a cloth is dipped in it
and bound on the ear over-night.

Sage is of great benefit when the obstructions pro-

duce ulcers, indeed all these herb decoctions are good
and they are quite harmless to the system.

One or two drops of spirits of camphor once or

twice a day cauterise and make the ear- tube clear. Per-
haps my Readers may ask, why operate on the whole
body when the ear only is diseased?

If there are obstructions in the blood, they will be

in the juices also.

inflammation attacks a separate tendon the blood

flows thither and causes obstructions which may end in
a tumour; in like manner ossifications may form in the
ear as a result of inflammation and render hearing im-
Chapter IX. Apoplexy, attack of the lungs. 265

Ifhowever one can dissolve an ossification by oper-

ating on the blood circulation why should not one in
the same way gradually dissolve a hardening in the ear?

In all obstructions of the blood wherever they may

form, the cause must be removed, and to effect this there
is nothing like douching the whole body as well as the
separate parts in which the obstructions lie.

Therefore I say again, the whole body must be

operated on so as to gain an even circulation of the

Apoplexy. Attack of the lungs.

If a chimney is not cleansed from time to time, it

gets choked with accumulations of dirt, and naturally
there comes a day when the smoke wdll no longer rise
because the chimney no longer fulfils its function.

It is much like this w^ith men.

By transpiration, by exhalation of breath, as well

as by the urine and action of the bowels, all useless
stuff should be expelled from the body.

It may happen however, especially with older people

that the transpiration ceases and obstructions form in
the lungs, in the breast and in the abdomen. In a word
the whole body gets filled with impurities as a chimney
with soot; and thus it is not of rare occurrence that, at
the change of the seasons, old people even if they do not
feel ill, when going from the open air into a room or
from a room into the open air. suddenly fall down dead.
This sort of accident happens generally when the
temperature is wet and cold. According to my idea the
transpiration is blocked, a general stoppage takes place,
the invalid experiences a panic, great difficulty of brea-
thing and in a short time even in a minute he suffo-
266 Fourth pabt. Diseases.

Ionce asked a doctor how such a body looked when

dissected, and the answer he made me was that all the
little bladders of the lungs were full of mucus, and this
is why this deadly malady is called attack of mucus.

With people who have been struck by such a disease,

the functions of the body, as if with one consent, seem
to strike work, for example, proper transpiration and the
expulsion of matter by breathing fails and the action

of the bowels ceases. And yet this evil is to be avoided

if people will only pay attention to the signs of warning.

Such people have short, difficult breathing, a proof in

itself that contraction exists and that much phlegm is
lodged in the chest which ought to come out but which
the system cannot eject.

They also have difficulty in the action of the bow-

els, owing to the accumulations internally, which take
up a great deal of room. Matter collects under the skin
because it is no longer properly transpired. It is clear
that the origin of this fatal disease is obstructions
coupled with the rapid change of temperature.

A dry warm temperature expels, while a cold damp

air exercises revulsion hundreds of people have given

proof of this in the fact that when cold rain sets in

much more urine passes than* in a warm dry tempera-
ture. Many people can by their feelings predict change
of weather better than a barometer. They say ^'My feet
are like lead to-day and very painful, we shall have
winds and heavy rains", although not a single cloud is to
be seen in the sky.

Whydoes the barometer fall? The air depresses it.

Why should not the air act in like manner on the skin
and so on the body? Of this there can be no doubt
that troubles with the feet or other bodily pains are the
result of lack of transpiration. After a thunderstorm
when the air is cleansed these people are, in a few
minutes, free of all trouble. Why should not a sudden
stoppage occur in the w^hole human body, if a general
Chapter IX. Apoplexy, attack of the lungs. 267

blockade exists in the system, and it can no longer per-

form its functions ?

Now comes fhe how

can one prevent this
evil? If the transpiration be not in order, one can easily
remedy it by taking a daily washing. This will open
the pores, render the transpiration easier, and increase
the normal warmth. A shirt dipped in hay-flower water
opens the pores and absorbs matter so that the system
is greatly assisted in expelling. The short bandage has
the same effect as the wet shirt, while the Spanish
mantle is more powerful still.

the system be supported in this way the half-bath

will so strengthen the whole organism that there will
be no difficulty in performing the most necessary func-

One can
also operate internally not only in expul-
sion by the urine, and cleansing and improving the
stomach, but by acting on the chest and abdomen.

It is generally the people who have coughed much

or who have been often cupped, ou had much blood let^
who suffer from apoplexy probably because each and all
of these are weakening.

An inactive way of life may lead to it also, as i^

this case the body is never induced to throw off the used
up stuff.

I was once summoned to a man of sixty years of

age who said: had a
cough in spring and
'T usually
autumn and when a good deal of phlegm had been ex-
pectorated I was all right again but now I can no ;

longer get rid of it formerly I had an appetite, now I


have little or none.

I have or no warmth and shiver if the wind

be cold. My
breathing gets more difficult and there
have been times when I thought I should never breathe
again. The feet are heavy and work no longer easy.
I am always depressed."

I have known many like this invaUd who, according

to the signs given, were the prey of death.

In my was the custom to meet such a dif-

youth it

ficulty by lying bed and taking two or three cups of

sweating tea. When once the patient had perspired
freely, he was better and his friends considered the danger
was over.

I gave the man to whom

was summoned the ad-

vice to take twice daily for three days a whole wash-

ing; once a day a short bandage, and further two half-
baths in the week, and to drink daily a cup of tea of
shave-grass, coltsfoot and wormwood. The result was
that a quantity of mucus passed and the urine was dull
and thick.

These applications freed the system from its impu-

rities jiist as a sweep cleanses the chimney and the smoke
is free to issue from it again.

Cold or Catarrh.

As in the body, blood obstructions arise in various

parts, all of them bringing with them greater or smaller
consequences, so in different spots of the body obstruc-
tions occur in the juices; one notices those soonest
which form in the nose, head or throat, in short, in
those organs which are necessary for breathing.

The evil is felt most here, but in my

opinion it is
not only this part or that which is attacked by it, but
the evil is deep rooted in the body.

Such a delicate condition often occurs in autumn,

but still oftener in spring, and I find that in this illness
the system is like a house-mother, who from time to
time tries to clean her house because wherever she
looks she finds an accumulation of dirt.
Chaptek IX. Cold or cataeeh. 269

She begins by turning out every room and every

corner in the house and when the work is done it ap-
pears to her as if she had almost a new home.

It is like this in the system Avhich

also a kind

of shelter for the spirit. What

goes in and out of the
body may collect in one place like the dirt in a house.
Such collections are principally to be found in the head,
nose, and throat. The nose is stopped up and the air
will neither proceed nor retreat. One expectorates more
phlegm than usual and many who scarcely require a
pocket-handkerchief in the usual way, find now two or
three a day not sufficient.

This uncomfortable condition lasts often two or three

weeks until by degrees the unclean matter is expelled.
People endure this troublesome state of things with
patience because there is no special danger in it, and
when the emptying is over, they know they will be much
Some people are troubled the whole year with such
a cold or what is called an aggravated cold; in this
case the breathing becomes affected, and the appetite
decreases, and the sufferer knows that his whole system
is sick.

The question comes before us; can one do nothing

in such circumstances or can one give an impetus to the
expulsion and take measures to prevent the frequent oc-
currence of such conditions ?

My answer is: "The cleanest house is the best to

live in, and where the greatest cleanliness reigns there
also is the best state of health" And this I wish to
apply to the human body.
That a cold often repeated and lasting long may
gradually become harmful to the system admits of no
doubt. I am therefore in favour of assisting the system
in its expulsion and taking the housewife who cleans
her house as an example.
She takes water and brushes, she washes and sweeps,
and when she has finished is glad to be able to say to

270 Fourth paet. Diseases.

her neighbours, "I have done a good day's work." How

medicines are to effect the purification, I do not know
I have myself made many trials but have found nothing
to help.

If however one assists the system to throw out

matter at once unpleasant and burdensome, one may attain
the best success.

A matron came to me and said: "The whole year

through have
I a cold, sometimes I expectorate much,
sometimes little, and my nose runs the whole day. Can I
not rid myself of this misery?"
My answer to her was "Wash the whole body three

times a week from your bed or on rising with perfectly

cold water. But it must be done in a minute. Take
also two cold half-baths in the week for one or two
seconds, and wash the upper part of the body three times
a week in the early morning. Continue these applica-
tions for fourteen days and then come back to me."

She came back and could not say enough about the
quantity of mucus she had expectorated. She noticed
that most of it came from her chest which she said must
have been full of it.
She felt quite easy but still a good deal of phlegm
passed which caused a slight cough.
The nose which had formerly been much inflamed
and the lips which had been greatly swollen returned
to their normal condition. The second prescription ran-
three half-baths, two upper-douches and two knee-douches,
or wading in water during the week. At the end of the
second fourteen days the impurities were cleaned out and
the woman was well.

avoid a repetition of her trouble I re-

In order to
commended he'r to continue to take one or two half-
baths in the week and to wash the upper body two or
three times weekly in the early morning so that the
system should be by them strengthened. According to
the woman's account these acted so that the urine be-

Chapter IX. Cold or catarrh. 271

came quite dull and had a thick sediment for several

days. Obstructions therefore existed in several parts of
the body and even if this condition was not exactly
dangerous it was troublesome, and weakened the internal
organs, and who knows whether such a weakening might
not form a preparation for the decomposition of the jui-
ces. If such a cold however occurs in the nose the sim-
plest and most effective thing is to wash the upper body
every morning and evening. If one wishes to get rid of
the cold at once lie a day in bed, wash the upper body
every hour, and directly after the washing wrap yourself
in a dry towel so that the evaporation produces an
agreeable warmth which expels strongly. This applica-
tion helps most quickly; for usually such conditions arise
only from inhaling the cold air which hinders evapora-
tion. The cold, in my opinion, is nothing more than a
blockade in the transpiration called forth by the cold air
w^hich has pressed on the skin and closed the pores, and
as a consequence of this obstructions arise.

The clearest proof is afforded us by the person who

has his thick hair cut short during a cool temperature
a cold is nearly always the result. At first he experien-
ces a cooling in the head and after two or three days
the cold comes out; in this case evaporation ceases and
obstructions arise and so the cold is established.

The proper thing to do, after having the hair cut,

is wash the head in cold water to harden the skin,
and not to leave one's room till the head is dry or the
cold air may get the upper hand of the wet head.

Remaining in the warm room develops a greater

warmth in the head making it more capable of resi-

The cold usually begins in the nose which explains

why I am so often asked what is to be done in order
to avoid it. My invariable reply is The very best pre-

ventive of snuffles is that while washing in the morning

a handful of Water should be drawn up vigorously into
272 Fourth part. Diseases.

the nose. I have had proofs over and over again of the
efficacy of this remedy.

Breathing cold air or drinking water too cold pro-

duces discomfort in the throat, the mucous membrane
swells, and a slight inflammation sets in.

If there is a slimy mass in the whole body which

the system has not been able properly to get rid of, one
can help it to do so both by water applications and
operating on the bowels. Expelling teas have also a
good effect here. He who
from much phlegm on
the chest should take daily a cup of coltsfoot and shave-
grass-tea and in so short a time as two days he will
notice that a much larger amount of matter passes.

If the mucus in chest and lungs

is heavy a tea of
violetleaves with shave-grassand wormwood is excellent.
Three or four spoonsful of it should be taken morning
and evening. Bark-of-oak tea mixed with shave-grass
and sage operates in dissolving and expelling.


There are many illnesses which are very troublesome

but not fatal. There are however others which at the
commencement seem quite unimportant and harmless
which as they make progress will certainly cause death.
of the most dangerous of these is consumption.
Scarcely any illness at the commencement looks more
harmless than this and yet when it once takes deep root
in the system, the patient is lost.

In the first stages of the disease help can readily be

given. The causes of consumption are many. It may be inhe-
rited, it passesfrom generation to generation, and many
bring the seeds of the disease with them into the world.
If one does not take these germs into consideration, the
disease gradually develops and life comes to an early
Chapter IX. Consumption. 273

victim of this illness is usually a very weak de-

licate person with poor blood, especially when not nou-
rished on the best food. With these unhappy people the
proverb holds good, "As the field so the turnip" etc.

I therefore exhort all parents to take simple nou-

rishing food not only that they may be strong but that
the children born to them may be healthy and strong also.

It often happens that sickly children sufter from nose

bleeding and these are particularly disposed to consump-

tion because by the bleeding they become poorer in


blood and that which remains to them gets watery.

One cause of consumption may be lack of nourish-
ing food. With anoemic people a trifle suffices to pro-
duce consumption such as catarrh, a chill or fever.

The that this disease has begun are first a

diminution of strength, followed by a dry cough, a pres-
sure on the chest, a fleeting heat after meals, and lastly
an expectoration occassionally mixed with streaks of blood.

The invalid may go on performing his daily duties

but getting weaker and weaker, the appetite grows

less, sleep vanishes, feverishness increases, and sweats set

in from time to time. When all these signs show them-
selves, the disease has already made great progress.

When consumption first begins to develop, or where

it isinnate but not come out, help may be success-
fully given.

Children of consumptive parents are always delicate

and have weak blood, the first thing therefore to do is
to brace the children and strengthen their systems that
they may be in a condition to digest nourishing food and
throw off the bad matter.
Great care must be taken that such children have
a good nourishing diet so that they make much and
good blood.
A man told me that his brothers and sisters four
in number died early of consumption and that his child,
Kneipp, My Will. 13

though apparently in good health, was certainly weak

and he feared that he would grow up delicate and later
fall a prey to consumption.
advised him to immerse the child daily in water
for one or two seconds and continue it for some time.
After some weeks the immersion was given every second
or third day, and the child fed on a simple nourishing
diet such as I have described in "Care of Children".

I further advised him not to dress the child too

effeminately, to let him go barefoot and run about in the
fresh pure air.

The man carried out this and after a year, the boy
was entirely different. The paleness had vanished, the
colour of the face w^as fresh and healthy, and the whole
body had notahly gained in power.
A mother brought her daughter of fourteen years
old to me; she was entirely undeveloped both in mind
and body and her appearance was of a candidate for
consumption. The mother lamented that already two of
her daughters had died of consumption and this one had
the same symptoms as her dead sisters.
I was desirous of seeingwhat the cure would do
for the girl; at present she had no appetite, she could not
sleep because of an incessant cough.

ordered her to w^alk barefoot perseveringly, to take


three half-baths and two very gentle complete douches

in the week, to live on a very simple diet in the morn-

ing strong broth or piquant soup, in the evening some

farinaceous food of simple flour, in the middle of the
day again a strengthening food and in between times a
small piece of whole meal bread with some sugar-water.
Even after six weeks of this treatment the child
was much better: her appetite was improved and she was
much more cheerful.
Her further treatment consisted in two or three
half-baths during the week, plenty of fresh air, going
bare-foot and taking only strengthening, simple food.
Chapter IX. Consumption. 275

The child went on in this way for two years and

there was now no fear that she would fall an early
sacrifice to consumption.
Such examples I could give in large numbers both
of young and older people.
If the person leads a simple healthful life and un-
dertakes to brace himself with water applications, he has
every chance of escaping consumption. I must however

repeat my warning that too many applications must be

avoided, even when through them the health has already
One to three halt baths in the week are enough.
Going bai-e-foot and wading in water may be more often
repeated because these have an extraordinarily bracing
efPect on the system.

A young man of twenty-five years old had buried

his father and four brothers and own ap- sisters ; his
pearance excited conjecture as to whc^ther he were not
already attacked by the mischief to which his relations
had succumbed, He was well built but, so he said, his
relatives had been.
He made water applications with great zeal, at first
weak and then stronger, and when his condition had
somewhat improved, he used in the week two half-baths
and a complete douche, because these applications pleased
him best.

After a year he looked healthy and felt quite strong

and his mental condition had kept pace with his phy-

I I am of opinion
have treated many such cases and
that, the water be applied for a
if longer period, such
predispositions to consumption may be overcome. If
however the normal strength be already broken and single
parts of the body have become useless, then naturally it
is of no use to talk about help.

into one's own body, many came

As one cannot look
to mewith the conviction that they were lost and yet
after a short time they were completely cured.
276 Fourth part. Diseases.

student, thiuty-two years old, arrived from Wiirz-
burg and wished to be told candidly how it was with
him; the doctors in Wiirzburg had plainly said there
was no hope for him. After eight weeks of treatment
he declared himself quite healthy, his illness had com-
pletely disappeared, and as I discovered later, he con-
tinued healthy.
All that has been said up to this has related to
consumption in general.

There are, however, several kinds of consumption

which run the same course but affect other organs as
for instance pulmonary consumption (pthisis) which is of
the most frequent occurence and of which so many people
die, especially those who live in towns; indeed one half
of the mortality may be traced to it.

Weak and delicate people fall easy victims to con-

sumption, for these not only have weak lungs but poor
weak blood and very little of that.
The lungs, however, are of all members of the body
the most used, for day and night, sleeping and walking,
they are incessantly active. If therefore they do not get
well nourished, they become not only weak but used up
and corrupt for lack of blood.
When the corrupt condition of the lungs has made
great progress, the blood vessels which run through the
hmgs become corrupt also and are unable to hold the
blood within limits, the consequence is that in certain
places it breaks through and accounts for the streaks of

blood in the expectoration.

If the lungs are too weak to fulfil their function,
they are too weak to inhale the necessary fresh air, and
bad matter collects both in the chest and in the lungs
then it is as with a room which is not kept clean and
becomes full of dust.

Where the lungs get into this condition, they can

no longer get rid of the old used up air and by the
collection of this the lungs are still more hindered in
the performance of their work.
CBL&.PTER IX. Consumption. 277

Oxygen is very necessary to life and if it cannot

penetrate everywhere, the blood decreases and grows
If then the whole organism has become corrupt,
the normal strength collapses and a decomposition of
the juices sets in which issues in sweat: the blood makes
a partial exit through the lungs and streaks the ex-
the strength
If still further diminishes, death puts
an end to the life.
If fever be coupled with consumption, it must be
fought against with water. The fever generally comes
about four or five o'clock in the afternoon, increases ra-
pidly and again gets low till by morning it has almost
Where the illness has not made
great progress, a
tolerable amount of normal power still exists, and if the
fever is not very high, gentle douches may be given to
the invalid.
It is best to begin with the knee-douche and upper-
washing, and after three or four days have passed, a hip-
douche may take the place of the knee-douche and the
upper-washing, performed every morning and evening.
If the invalid makes progress, then instead of the hip-
douche the back-douche might be given with one or two
upper-washings, and later, if progress keeps up, half-baths,
back- douches and even full-douches may be employed.

The upper-douche can be replaced by the upper-

washing if the invalid with his weak lungs finds difficulty
in stooping.

When the patient has got to the back-douche, he

may be hopeful as regards the future and believe that
he will be healthy once again. During the water appli-
cations I must insist upon the diet being good and sui-
table and capable of maintaining strength in the system,
and one that will help to remove bad matter.
A student in the third Preparatory Class was ill and
the Doctor pronounced the boy to be consumptive.
278 Fourth part. Diseases.

He was cured with water and has for many years

been active in his profession and few can equal him in
strength and endurance.

He has come
not only to hke water but to beheve
in and knows that the system must be helped by

bracing and nourishing it and keeping it in good con-


If Consumption has already developed and the fever

is very high and if it appears during the day, then cer-
tainly there can be no question of cure. Still the patient
can obtain more relief from water than from any other
remedy. Supposing him to be not too emaciated and in
possession of normal strengsh, he might have a whole
washing daily.

For combating the>#fever Ihave found the best thing

is to lay a four fold cloth dipped in warm hay-flower-
water on the abdomen; or if the normal warmth has
not decreased too much a cold cloth dipped in vinegar
and water.
the invalid be extremely weak, wash the upper part-
of the body only in the morning and the lower part in
the evening.

good to mix some vinegar with the water, it

It is
produces more life and freshness and develops warmth
more quickly.
If the disease is very advanced, a heavy sweat ge-
nerally sets in at night called "Sweat of the Consumption".
As soon as this occurs, the disease as a rule runs
a rapid course, diarrhoea sets in and the end is not
far off.

As a remedy against this night-sweat I recommend

first a very good diet, secondly a good herb-tea, and
thirdly before the sweat appears an under or upper ban-
dage, indeed it would be well to have this every day it ;

must not last longer than half an hour.

the sweat appears every night, it is very good for
the invalid, after the sweat has lasted fifteen or twenty
CiiAPTEK IX. Consumption. 279

minutes, to wash the body rapidly with vinegar and


The sweat will then frequently cease. Stronger ap-

plications than washings are not advisable, at most a
lialf-bath from the bed.
The washings may be had daily once or even twice
and these will be more effectual if vinegar is mixed with
the water.
I take this opportunity to mention that in the cure
of other diseases sweats appear from sixand last often
to fourteen days. They appear when for several days
together water has been used. We welcome these sweats
however because they get rid of a great deal of diseased
matter. These do not weaken the patient but render
him easy and comfortable. We call them sometimes cri-
tical sweat .^.

It frequently happens that a consumptive person has

an extraordinarily irritable cough one whicii can scarcely
be controlled.

According to my
experience the best remedy is three
or four spoonsful of tea of Fenugreek taken twice or four
times daily and alternately with this tea take a spoonful
of salad-oil twice in the day.

Sage and ribwort with wormwood, used in the same

way, are very good; so is a tea of Mullein-flowers and

These herbs have the advantage of being harmless

and it must be deplored that suffering people often take
remedies which would make healthy people ill.
Consumptive people often, if I may use the expres-
sion, lie themselves sore (bed sores).
There are parts of the body on which they lie most
which gradually get inflamed, the skin breaks and a sore
is formed.

. With invalids who suffer from a severe illness and

who, in consequence thereof, must lie a long time in bed
280 Fourth part. Diseases.

great care must be exercised to avoid bed sores, there

is nothing better as a preventive than washing such
places with tincture of arnica.

As a rule bed-sores do not come when water appli-

cations are given to the invalids because the skin is

kept braced and no foul stuff is kept in the system.

Therefore it is best to wash these places with water

mixed with vinegar and care should be taken that the
bed is even and that no member of the body is unduly
pressed on; then it will be difficult for bed sores to

The best thing for a foundation is a cushion stuffed

with oat chaff or millet-chaff.

In Swabia it is a common custom when people have

been ill long to place a vessel full of water beneath the
bed in which the sick person lies. It is supplied with
fresh water twice a day and it cannot be denied that
where this remedy has been employed bed sores have
rarely appeared. I regard this as a natural effect of the

If in the evening several people smoke in a room
and one places there, before going to bed, a vessel of
water all the tobacco-smell will have disappeared by the
Why should not water act in this way?
How much evil is wrought on the system by living
in a damp room. If this is brought about by evapora-
tion, why should not pure fresh water act on the invalid
in an opposite way by corresponding evaporation?

If a sore appears on the part lain on, it is best", to

treat the place as one treats all sores. A very good
thing is to lay a soft cloth soaked in warm hay-flower-
water on the place. This expels the bad matter and
heals at the same time.

Binding remedies are also good, for example, a decoc-

tion of bark-of-oak draws together and heals the worst
Chaptee IX. Consumption. 281

sores. A decoction of shave-grass has the same effect.

In fact everything possessing a binding and healing power
may be rightly applied here.
generally gives invalids a different diet to that
given to healthy people. I do not consider this right in

so far as one always enjoys good and wholesome food.

The invahd should, where possible, keep to his accustomed
diet and above all take it in small portions.

not even good for healthypeople to alter their

It is

diet; much more will it hurt invalids.

Rules are often given to invalids for their diet which

I cannot approve; much meat, eggs, fowls, wine, beer,
spirits, cognac and similar food, all this I call a very
bad diet.

Eggs have not by a long way the nutrition which

is ascribed to them and are moreover difficult of diges-
tion the system is simply burdened with them and

receives no nourishment from them. Meat would be all

right if the system could stand it, but the very word
consumption expresses that the strength is decreasing


The digestion suffers from this decrease of strength

because no more good juices exist. Ham and spiced
articles are they have very little nutritive
value, and what they have cannot be assimilated.

Wine, beer and similar alcoholic beverages, if taken

in superfluous quantities, are in themselves sufficient to
destroy a healthy system, how then can they help one
already broken down?

I do not think it well to drink wine regularly, and

to the oft-repeated assertion that it makes blood, I say,

wine contains no nourishment. As however wine warms

the system, I do not forbid it; if a mouthful be taken
occasionally to freshen and warm one, it is better to
take that produced in the neighbourhood.
Beer! It is odd that when a beer-drinker is ill, he
does not like this beverage.
282 Fourth paet. Diseases.

think it bad to drink beer frequently, and cer-


tainly does not afford sufficient nourishment to a con-


sumptive person.

I know that invalids drink one or two glasses of

beer in the evening because it dulls the pain and they
are able to get a little sleep. I look upon this however

as a weak opiate. It may be less harmful than Morphia


but the sleep obtained by it is no less artificial.

To bring quiet into the system, there is nothing so

effectual abdomen in vinegar and water,
as w^ashing the
or laying on the abdomen a four-fold cloth dipped in
vinegar and water; as a rule it diminishes the cough,
and makes the breathing easier, and sleep comes na-

What diet is the best?

From my long experience I have come to the con-

viction that the simplest farinaceous food taken by our
forefathers is the best.

People who have lived principally on vegetables

which is the case in many neighbourhoods, especially in
Swabia I do not advise to change to a meat diet. Those
who are accustomed to meat should not abandon it but
be most careful in its selection and cooking, that the
system may be able to digest it. Meat combined with
farinaceous food will provide the invalid with sufficient
nourishment and wil be most easily digested by him.
With invalids it is not desirable to keep wholly to one
diet. One should change it often because the system
requires various materials if all parts of the body are
to be nourished.

Cooked fruit is the body if in the

nourishing to
cooking there is no prejudicial stuff introduced. I espe-

cially recommend good soup any that can be made

and cooked of grain I prefer. It is prepared as follows.

Wheat, rye, spelt (a sort of wdieat) are baked as hard

as possible without however being roasted, then ground
Chapter IX. Consumption. 283

in a coffee- or some other mill and then cooked in meat-

stock, or in water or in, best of all, milk.

Water-oat-gruel and barley-water can be scarcely

excelled by any food in their usefulness to the invalid
because oats and barley contain so much nutriment and
are at the same time easily digested.

do not recommend Panada still if it

I is used the
bread must not have too much acid in it.

odd that invalids have a special liking for cer-

It is
tain food and beverages which, however, as a rule are
not given them. My opinion is that the system yearns
generally after what it needs and loathes that which it
does not require. It has frequently happened that when
an invalid has received the desired food after much dif-
ficulty, his condition has quickly improved and convales-
cence has followed.
I knew
a peasant who was very fond of eating cab-
bage. When
he became ill, he was forbidden to touch
it indeed he could no longer eat it, because, as often

happens with sick people, his usual food no longer

pleased him. When the illness had lasted some time
and his condition gradually grew worse and he was
thought to be at the point of death, he all at once
wanted some pickled cabbage which naturally was not
given him as it was considered most harmful. Still the
desire for it increased and at last I advised his people
to give him some well cooked cabbage in very small
portions and at short intervals. He w^ould have liked
a large quantity at once.

After eating a spoonful of cabbage every hour, he

became gradually better, his whole condition improved
and he got well again. Just so is it with smoking.
great smoker falls ill. he can no longer smoke
and directly he longs for it and can smoke all danger
is over.

One should then, when possible, keep to the food

to which one is accustomed, only it should be taken in
284 Fourth part. Diseases.

small quantities and so cooked that the stomach can

digest it.

Consumption, which carries off so many victims,

begins with the formation of so called tubercles.

It isthe same illness that so often occurs with

domestic animals and which every countryman designates
"by the name of Tubercles or Pearl disease. These
tubercles mostly begin in the lungs and spread by de-
grees over the remaining parts of the body till, as one
has seen in domestic animals, there is no longer a healthy
spot inside their bodies.

At the commencement of such an illness and when

the formations are few, it is easy to give help. If,

however, such tubercles have rooted themselves already

in a large part of the body, the blood and juices will
have been spoilt and the powers of the body consider-
ably decreased. In this case the illness has gained the
upper-hand and help is no longer possible.
If the illness has not made great progress, its further
development may be easily checked.
Even when children come into the world weak and
delicate with a tendency to tuberculous disease, they may
be helped by good nourishment and bracing with cold
water. These will prove a check to the development of
the disease and will remove all used up matter.

consumption be inborn or if the system has be-

come weakened by illness that such material is able
to form, the diseased matter can be cleared out by wa-
ter applications. Therefore I recommend everyone to
brace themselves from childhood upward and to continue
it right into the prime of life. Almost, if not quite, as
important is a good diet which should be without any
artificial ingredients and without stimulants and to take
it in proper quantities, neither too little nor too much.

I am convinced that in this way consumption may

be warded off; and that it occurs so frequentlyis owing
Chapter IX. Co:nsumptiox. 285

to the mode of life and to the lack of nourishment in

the diet selected.
The condition of one's dwelKng influences the rise
and growth of this disease and that is why consumption
is so much more frequent in towns than in the country.

As consumption is and so fatal, it is

so wide spread
well to ask, Is this disease hereditary and are there cer-
tain places to which it is especially attached?

not to be denied that consumption in certain

It is
places and under certain conditions is much more fre-
quent than in others. I know a small town which delights

every one who goes there yet the death rate by con-

sumption is very high.

My view of the cause of this phenomenon is that
the town has a hill on the west or windward side and
the houses do not get enough air. A brook runs through
the town and as the wind does not touch it, there is no
movement to carry off the mists and, as a consequence,
the air of the little town is damp and unhealthy. On
the other hand consumption is rare in the neighbouring
places which are open to the wind and can easily get
rid of the evaporation both of earth and water.

Thus protection from the wind is by no means an

unmixed blessing.
Worishofen is highly praised for its good air stran- ;

gers from other lands usually exclaim on their arrival:

''What exquisite air!"
This is because the west side is quite open and the

wind is able to penetrate every street and house in the


I know of several places where the houses are built

on and around hills. It is true there is no peace here
from the wind which blows from all quarters, but con--
sumption is almost unknown.
The more exposed places are to currents of air, the
more protected they are from consumption and other
286 Fourth part. Diseases.

I do not say that all other places are unhealthy and

that consumption must he the lot of all who live in them.

Cure Places are often recommended on account of
a beautiful view or because they are protected from
the wind.
Imyself know a place, highly recommended, which
is protected from the north and other cold winds but ;

it is open to the west and south so that the winds from

these quarters can easily penetrate it.

Moreover the sun shines on it all day, streams come

from the mountains of the freshest and most wholesome
water, and the place is dry. One must remember that
change of currents of air act beneficially, not only on
the climate but bracingly on the human body.

There is no better bracing than that afforded by

exposure to change of air and out door occupation and
there is no surer way to ward off consumption than this
kind of life.
There is a great difference between water flowing
through a valley slowly and a fresh fountain bubbling
out of a mountain. The, trout prove this. In those
waters that issue from the mountains, there are trout
and to spare but in the brooks which flow slowly and

have partial halting places, there are none.

Heredity with men which attacks mind and body

is far too little regarded.

As the children bear in their faces the features of

their parents, so in their minds and bodies do they bear
their characteristics; thus they inherit their good and
bad qualities and if this inheritance does not specially
appear in the first generation, it will certainly come to
light in the second and third, whether it be an emotion
of the soul or an infirmity of the body.

In the same way family imperfections bodily as w^ell

as mental may be inherited by the children and children's
Chapter IX. Coxsumptiox. 287

If therefore such a power of inheritance be possible

for mind and body why should it not be possible to
inherit diseases and bodily infirmities?

It is quite easy to trace heredity in consumption.

What does the word consumption mean but a con-

sumption health, a consumption of single parts of
the body, and admission into the system of general
weakness ?
Single organs are no longer capable of living, and
these affect others which mutually succumb; just as one
part can support another, so one part can drag down
and destroy another. Here the proverb holds good: "As
a field so is the produce", or "Like father like son,
like mother like daughter."

I am opinion that if one or both parents are

consumptive, then a double disposition exists in their
children towards the disease.

It may
be that it is not noticeable in one or ano-
ther, that it never breaks out; but still the disposition
to consumption is in the body and though it may not
develop in the first generation, it will in the second or
third. ^

As the tubercles form in the lungs and may spread

themselves, so this frightful disease may develop itself
in the bowels where, as in the lungs, it forms itself into
little nodes, which break open again and again producing
new formations.
That poisonous stuff causes much pain and
weakness not to be doubted and that it must end

fatally is also clear and for the reasOn that these ulcers
disturb the entire organism.

The digestion naturally suffers and thus the body is

deprived of healthy juices and a general diminution of

power takes place and the w^holebody fades and sickens.

Still this illness may be healed if one

operates at
the right time and there is no surer remedy than water.

288 Fourth part. Diseases.

Ifdiminution of the power in the whole system sets in,

strengthen the body again by appropriate applications of
water. One must also strive for a good digestion and
work on the abdomen by means of strengthening, dis-
solving and dispersing remedies so that instead of al-
lowing further decay, it may recover its power.

It is also necessary to operate internally in order

that all bad matter existing in the stomach and bowels
may be expelled.

Properly chosen herbs may bring about marvellous


one can heal exteriial ulcers with herbs, why not

heal internal ulcers in the same way? How often have
stomach ulcers been healed when they seemed incurable

What herbs are best to use?

Angelica-root, wormwood, and tormentilla which

seek the diseased matter inside the body and seize it as
the swallows do the flies in the air.

If rottenness of the bowels exists bark-of-oak, shave-

grass and juniper - berries are the best remedies, their
influence is bracing, binding and expelling.

These remedies used in the form of tea must not

be taken strong because the stomach cannot make use
of everything at once and would be troubled by it.

Take instance Angelica- root and wormwood;

make of these a weak tea and drink a spoonful every
two hours for about ten or twelve days.
Wormwood collects the diseased stuff, improves the
juices and cleanses the stomach.
Angelica is more effective and may be regarded

as an exceedingly good remedy for ulcers.

When tea has been taken for ten or twelve
days, it may
be changed for tea of bark-of-oak and
shave-grass to be used in the same way.
Chapter IX. Stitch in the side. 289

As a third one of tormentilla and sage may be

used. Tormentilla is very favourable for the blood, and
sage improves both blood and juices. A variety of tea
is advised because each herb has its special effect and
what one cannot do another can.

The water
applications must be such as will
strengthen, dissolve and warm the whole system and bring
it into greater activity as well as help in the expulsion

of bad matter.
Ifthe invalid still have strength he may take in
the week two or three hip-donches and one or two half-
baths and if possible every second or third day a four-
fold cloth dipped in hay-flower-water bound on the ab-
domen for an hour or an hour and a half.

We must mention that compresses of hay-flowers

are the easiest means of dissolving, cleansing and healing
ulcers in the abdomen.

One mast be most carefnl not to use too many ap-

plications the benefit does not depend upon the num-

ber of applications but on the way they are given, and

where it is necessary to spare the system as mnch as
possible too many applications would do harm.

Stitch in the side (Pleurisy).

How often it happens that people complain of a

sudden and severe stitch in the side !

If one asks w^here the pain is, the sufferer points out
a small spot on the right or left side generally more ;

to the right than the left, and in the neighbourhood of

the lower ribs.
If one asks them to describe the pain, their answer
is generally "It seems as if the stitch were on the bone
or very deep down," often however people cannot answer
you at all.
Kneipp, My "Will.
290 Fourth paet. Diseases.

Frequently they complain of a burning sensation,

extremely difficult breathing, a tendency to vomit, and a
severe cough which hurts greatly and especially affects
the suffering part.

From this it is evident that the pleura is attacked.

The skin reddens and a small swelling appears of which
one cannot decide whether it arises from a blow or a
fallor whether a slight inflammation has formed, the
pain does not last long and usually goes of itself.

There however, yet another form of stitch in the


side which occurs much more frequently and of which

the sufferer can generally tell the origin. Thus a girl
said: 'T used to carry a w^ater vessel but it gave me
such a stitch in the side I can no longer work."

boy said: 'T used to carry a bag which gave me
such a bad stitch in the side that I can't work any
Again someone else said: "When I woke in the
morning, I had such violent pain that I could scarcely
turn over."

Many similar cases might be given.

Very often however it happens that people say, they

get a stitch in the side an hour after eating which is
frequently so bad that they have to lie in bed. Many
even declare that certain articles of diet give them a
stitch in the side.

Usually in such cases the pain begins right or left

under the ribs and passes upwards into the chest.

These people generally have a good deal of flatu-

lence and if the wind be constantly ejected the pain
diminishes, if, however, the wind can find no outlet, the
pain grows worse.

Stitches in the side again may arise from rapid

walking or running; in this case the pain has its seat
in the spleen.
Chapter IX. Stitch in the side. 291

This explains the custom which formerly prevailed

for people who had to w^alk many miles to bind a girdle
round their loins.

Very often the pain occurs with young people, who

have grown unusually fast.
Here it is plain that their bodies are too tender for
great exertions.

Since has been the unfortunate custom with wo-

men up their bodies, one hears them complain as
to lace
soon as they take their corsets off, "I have a good deal
of pain in the side and feel such weakness round the
loins that can only accomplish easy work with great

difficulty while as for hard work it is quite impossible

for me."
It is the greatest happiness to have a completely
developed, sound, strong and elastic body and those are
indeed unhappy who, in order to follow^ the fashion,
encase their bodies in a strait waistcoat. The proper
circulation of the blood is hindered and the body cannot
Then weakness arises in the loins, the abdomen suf-
fers and consequence there are complaints of stitches
in the side and pains in the abdomen.

To these people I can say nothing.

Whoever follows the fashion must bear the conse-

Now, how can cases of pleurisy be cured?

the cause of the evil arises in the ribs, it is suf-

ficient to wash the upper part of the body every morn-
ing and evening, to douche the knees with w^ater for a
minute every second or third day and to take one half-
bath during the week. A cloth, which has been first
dipped in water and some vinegar, may be bound round
the painful part.
After two or three hours renewed and generally
it is
from one to three such bandages are enough. One

may also apply a compress of Femi-greek; this operates

as quickly as, or even quicker than, a simple water-
It is, however, generally sufficient to wash the pain-
ful place well with water and vinegar.

These applications also suffice should the pain set

in anywhere else.
If the stitch be the result of hidden gas, then one
must naturally endeavour to get rid of the latter.

Where much gas accumulates, weakness usually pre-

vails in the organs ; therefore bracing must be tried.

Two or three half-baths in the week, one or two

lower and upper bandages and one complete washing
will effect an equable warmth and a regular circulation
of the blood.

Our ancestors complained much of this trouble and

warmed either a pot-lid or a square tile and laid it on,
by which time the pain was relieved.
in a short Soaked
hay-flowers, laid quite warm in a cloth or a little bag
and if needful renewed in three quarters of an hour, help
the sufferer equally. If the evil, however, is of long
standing, it is necessary to continue the half-baths and
lower and upper-bandages for some time until the nor-
mal power has fully returned.

In order to operate internally, one may take a cup

of milk in which fennel has been cooked: juniper-berries
also are an excellent remedy.

Tea of bark-of-oak and juniper-berries boiled together

strengthens the internal organs; ^-it should however
be taken in small portions, about three spoonsful morn-
ing and evening.

Anoemicpeople can scarcely stand anything at ;

every turn they are subject to pleurisy whether it be from

work or discomfort and the only way to help them is
to brace and strengthen the whole body by a good diet.
Chapter IX. Heabt-burn. 293

Water will perform its part here and in

these cases best to take two or three half-baths in
it is

the week and to wash the body on rising two or three


Those, who by lifting or carrying heavy weights or

in some other violent exertion, get pleurisy, if they wish
to avoid serious trouble, must necessarily rest altogether
for a time and gain strength by complete washings, half-
baths and compresses of water and vinegar.

Teas made of wormwood, juniper-berries and shave-

grass and especially tormentilla, have a good effect in-
ternally. Should blood or juices in some way or other
break through, they will be absorbed by these teas.


Many people experience from time to time a burning

cramping pain and pressure in the pit of the stomach.
If the burning sensation be very severe, the pain ascends
to the neck.

Thiscondition may last long and with delicate

systems may be often repeated.

How are such conditions to be explained and what

is the cause of the same?

Ifone leaves ready-cooked food for some time in a

vessel mould forms on the top and the food turns sour.

Everyone knows that this food is spoilt and that

the mould and sourness are harmful.

happens just the same in the stomach if one

consumes greasy food and then drinks cold water.

In thiscase pain and pressure are very liable to

arise, aproof that the stomach is not able to digest the
food. Some people also experience this feeling if they
have eaten meat which was not cooked sufficiently, an-
294 Fourth part. Diseases.

other proof that the meat has not been properly digested.
The case however may occur that food, if even it be
well assimilated, decomposes after being swallowed as for
instance in enlargement of the stomach, then as in the
case of the food in the pot, an acid forms at the en-
trance of the stomach which causes the painful, burning

Anyone often troubled with such things certainly

possesses a delicate inactive system.

The food cannot be worked up quickly enough and

bad digestion is followed by this mischief.

Nothing can help here so much as water.

Very often it is enough if one rises from bed and
washes the whole body three or four days running and
then goes back to bed.

In this way the warmth is increased, the system

braced and brought into greater activity.

No more decomposition of food need then be feared

for it is worked up by the stomach and used by the

Compresses are nearly as helpful as washings.

Lay on the abdomen a which has
four-fold cloth
been soaked in water and vinegar, or in hay-flower water
for an hour and a half twice or thrice in the week, and
the effect will be sure the complete washing might then

be added with great success.

the sufferer from heart-burn has a strong system,

he may also take in the week two or tree half-baths,
for all these applications produce bracing of the system
and bring it into greater activity.
A spoonful of weak wormwood tea taken every hour
will give help and relief.

The evil will be removed still quicker if one mixes

the wormwood with shave-grass and sage.
Chapter IX. Constipation. 295

Three spoonsful of angelica-root tea, morning and

evening, will al-;o assist in removing the mischief.
If the washings and baths cannot be undertaken,
the abdomen should be well washed with half water and
morning and evening. These washings pro-
half vinegar,
mote warmth, strength and activity in the system.
Heart-burn is extremely unpleasant but it can be
removed by the applications described.
A strong and sure remedy for heart-burn is the
juniper-berry cure.
Take one day five, the next six, the third seven
juniper berries and go on up to fifteen and then back
again to five.

Stone Diseases.

See under Gravel Diseases .


As the human body is rendered strong and durable

by the blood, so the blood is formed by the food.
The need for food is shown by one of Nature's laws
which is hunger just as need for beverage is by thirst.
and drink enters the stomach which takes
All food
them up and works them into a thin pap which is known
as food-pap.
This food-pap goes through the whole stomach into
the bowels and it is marvellously ordered that the needful
part is separated from the rest by the digestive glands
and directed to the blood as nourishment.
One would think that no interruption could arise
in removing the useless and used up stuff, the fluid by
the urine and the solid matter by the action of the
bowels, yet such often occurs.

There are many whose systems are infirm and diseased

and therefore are subject to interruptions.
As there are disturbances which show themselves
by strokes, just so are there disturbances which hinder
the regular course of action in the body and cause ob-
structions to arise which one calls constipation.
If a system be weak, it generally has also a weak
If the man however
be careless and eats too much
food which the system cannot assimilate, it cannot make
it into a liquid pap.

Instead of itsdispersing itself in soft pap, it rolls

itself into balls and the system is no longer in a con-
dition to advance it.

at length the system succeeds in accomplishing

It its

evacuation by putting forth all its strength, yet it is

rendered weaker by this exertion, and thus relaxation

and heaviness set in, the obstructions increase and several
such obstructions may exist even in the bowels.
The longer the system is obliged to strain itself, so
much the more relaxed, inactive and tired it becomes.
At last it is no longer in a condition to accomplish
that necessary evacuation at all.

This condition is called chronic, that is, obstinate

constipation. This evil is very common both in children
and in people of advanced years, indeed no age nor rank
is excepted.

If now the system can no longer accomplish evacua-

tion of the used up matter, remedies are often used to
assist the over-burdened system but this is frequently
done at its expense.

The oftener such aperients are given, the w'eaker the

system becomes and the more power and strength does
it lose in performing the evacuation.
Hence happens that there are many people who

for five, ten or twenty years have never had their bow-
els opened without artificial help.

But all these people may be looked on as invalids,

the}' are no longer healthy.
If such conditions occur, other troubles crop up such
as a swollen, heavy body, a bad appetite, a furred tongue
and a confused head; frequently severe head-aches and
depression set in, the patient has little saliva and un-
equal normal warmth, in short the whole body suffers.

These conditions occur least with people in the

country who enjoy a simple diet, take a good deal of
exercise and by working hard, have a well-braced, sturdy
system and also regularly breathe good air.

The evil is most marked in people who lead a

sedentary life, or who stand much, who strain the mental
more than the bodily powers who, instead of inhaling
fresh, wholesome air, breathe that only of rooms and
therefore do not possess the normal warmth of people
who lead simple country lives.

Again the nourishment of country people is more

natural and suitable, it is not over-spiced, it is without
all sorts of stimulants and prepared in the most w^hole-
some way. On the other hand those who lead a stu-
dious life or belong to the upper classes generally eat
meat by preference, which produces much heat and un-
wholesome blood if it is not consumed w^ith care and
causes constipation much more easily.
Moreover the diet, indisputably heating to begin with,
is rendered still more so by seasonings, which all pro-
duce obstructions, .and to these may be added alcohol,
coffee and various other stimulants.

Instead of these stimulating, as is supposed, they

have just the contrary effect.
Howoften people bear mischief about in their bodies
without knowing it, and yet this evil originates others!
How often blood-obstructions exist in the body, and
where blood-obstructions are, there is heat ; all humidity
is used up and dryness sets in.
298 Fourth part. Diseases.

How easily may the liver be attacked without the

sufferer being conscious of it!

But still, if you ask how his bowels work, he will

answer "With difficulty!"

Where disturbance of the bowels occurs with piles,

one may be certain that much blood is heated and dried
up. How many people have inflamed stomachs!
A small inflammation sets in, or small ulcers form
in the stomach, just as some people have sores on
their face.

Thus the stomach is also in too heated a state and

the proper action of the bowels is also hindered.

So it happens that when these people go to the

doctor, he says, "You have an inflamed stomach with little

Anoemic systems are especially weak, this weakness

again causes great inactivity of the bowels.

From the foregoing it is plain that the obduration

of the bowels is a diseased state, and the cause is always
inactivity of the abdomen'.

Thus first of all it is necessary to operate on the

whole body so that a general activity and equalisation
of the circulation of the blood ensues and the whole
machine is brought into proper working order.

One cannot do much with internal remedies for even

ifone assists the bowels thereby, yet the system will get
Water is here the best of all remedies.

The gentler, however, one proceeds with the water

applications, so much the quicker will help come.

Ihave found that the application of water inter-

nally produces quite a remarkable result, but, as .a heal-
ing remedy, only in combination with the external appli-
Chapter IX. Constipation. 299

If an obstruction be the cause of constipation of

the bowels, then operate on the stomach with repeated
small quantities of water.

This consumption of water causes the food to get

into a moist condition and as a douche operates out-
wardly on the body, so does this spoonful of water act
by stimulating the mucus membranes, inciting them to
more activity and preventing obstructions.

Even though the hourly spoonful of water is such

an excellent remedy internally, yet the following external
applications must be made two thigh-douches, two back-

douches, two knee-douches and a half-bath in the week,

which, in a short time, will produce a marked improve-
After about fourteen days, three half-baths, two
thigh-douches and a complete douche may be taken in
the week so that the whole system may get into a better

Of several examples I choose only the following.

official of good appearance and tolerably stout
said, 'Tor sixteen years I have not had my bowels opened
once without assistance. T have been to the Baths, have

drunk mineral waters, have swallowed much medicine,

have undergone massage, but have not been improved
one bit; my body is always too full, my head often in-
capable of thought, my appetite is bad and my sleep is
restless and broken.^'

This patient had during eight days, two hip-douches,

three back- douches, a complete-douche and a half-bath;
besides this he had daily to wade in water over the
calves of his legs for four minutes and to take every
hour a spoonful of water.
Medicaments he was naturally not to take.

After three days his bowels were opened, again after

two days, and after twelve days it occured daily.
300 Fourth part. Diseases.

He remained three weeks and during this time not

only got his bowels into order, but removed as well all
pains produced by the constipation and he could not
imagine how his system which had been out of order
for so many years could be cured in so short a time.

lady from Munich wrote to me, "I had for years


the greatest trouble with constipation at length 1 knew


not what to try, for I had swallowed so many things.

Then your book fell into my hands. I looked at once
to see what would help me: it appeared to me quite
impossible that a spoonful of water every hour could be
of ally use. I have daily douched my knees for a minute

with water and have done nothing else, in four w^eeks

the whole obstruction in the bowels vanished and now
r feel strong and well."

Whenthe obstructions in the bowels arise from the

mode and professional duties, then one must ope-
of life

rate with water, so that the applications produce the

movement that is lacking.
Iadvise those who lead a sedentary life not only
to walk, because this exercise is too one-sided, but also
to take in the week two half-baths, a couple of hip-
douches or back-douches and one complete douche.

When, by means of these applications, the body is

strengthened and brought into general activity, it will be
sufficient to take two half-baths and one complete-douche
which one can easily give oneself.

there is a warning of constipation, take without

delay a spoonful of water every hour, until the bowels
are in proper working order.

It is, however necessary, that one should suit his

manner of life to his profession. Townneverfolk will
be like people who live in the country, but they can do
a good deal to imitate the country folk and learn from them
how necessary bodily activity, exercise, and unstimulating
nourishment are for health.
Chapter IX. Constipatiox. 301

Above all, good nourishment must be provided. I

am not against a meat diet but still I think that if meat
be eaten at the midday meal with its accompaniments
that is enough, and soup or some farinaceous food is
best at night. The food itself should not be heated with
many spices and strong seasonings and thus rendered
harmful to the system. It is also of great importance
to eat good bread. A good wholesome, strengthening
bread can only be made of a flour which contains all
the essential parts of the grain.

I induced a baker to make rolls out of pure, un-

adulterated flour without the addition of any artificial
ingredients he thought he would never be able to sell it

because it would not have the dazzling white colour that rolls
generally have ; he, however, made the rolls notably
larger and the patients were keen on them. If one com-
pares a whole meal roll with the usual one, there is a
great difference the former has a brownish colour, and

when cut through shows the fragments of the grain,

the exact opposite to the usual roll. I advise people
who suffer much from constipation to take, during the
day, between the principal meals a piece of w^hole meal
bread and about six spoonsful of sugar water, there is
scarcely any remedy that helps more towards a regular
action of the bowels; and if it is employed for sometime,
it will increase the blood, expel the gas, get the bowels
into order and improve the digestion. I have sometimes

advised people to eat during the day a small piece of

whole meal bread with an apple, so that the two are
mixed in the eating. The effect of this is very good if
eaten slowly and well digested, both in promoting diges-
tion and in forming blood.

As the spoonful of water was such a success for

obstructions in the bowels, I asked myself why should
not a small portion of bread, eaten every hour and well
digested, operate in the same way ? Naturally it must
not be ordinary bread but whole meal bread. 1 tried it
and was astonished at the effect.

After from fourteen days to a month, many evils of

which the invalid had complained had vanished and his
appearance was greatly altered for the better. It hap-
pens now and again at the beginning o*- the water-cure
that it is needful to give the patient some opening me-
dicine once or twice, otherwise he might have pain if
the obstructions w^ere severe.
The and heaviness of the head combined with
'the swelling would otherwise discourage the invalid, so
I permit them to take as much aloes as can be put on
the point of a knife and cook it in a quarter of a pint
of water for three minutes with one or two spoonsful of
honey and take two or three spoonsful of it daily.
If this remedy is taken once or twice it will answer,
especially if the water applications go on and a spoonful
of water in the hour.
Instead of aloes one may take boiled honey alone.
I also allow some to take a cup of Tonic-Laxative-tea
in tw^o portions, the first half one day, the second half
the next day, and this proves quite sufficient, but only
when the bowels are very obstinate.
In this w^ay everything will come right but one must
have a little patience.
When one sees in the newspapers the many adver-
tisements giving advice to these sufferers and offering
remedies for sale I can only pity the purchasers who not only
waste their money but ruin their constitutions.
If one reads of Kneipp's pills and various other
remedies the advice still holds good that one or two
pills are sufficient, but neither these nor other of his
remedies are for every day use but to be employed only
in case of great need.
I have myself taken Tonic-Laxative but only in order
to see what effect it had. I may say here that during
ten years I have neither drunk Toilic-Laxative-tea nor
taken pills, and in this respect no one can be more for-
tunate than I.
Chapter IX. Urinary troubles. 303

Urinary Troubles.

A very frequent and painful evil is urinary difficulty.

If, for instance, the urine does not pass in the proper
way the pain is great.

Interruptions of the regular passage occur if stones

are in the bladder and find their way to the Urethra
or outlet.

The passage of the urine may be blocked by sw^el-

ling caused by inflammation. When this occurs in the
canal, no water can pass.

Another cause of difficulty is cramp produced by a

chillor wetting, or by taking very cold and new beer
which affect the regular passage of the urine.
Just as weakness may set in, in any part of the body,
so can weakness or even paralysis occur in the bladder.

the urine passes partially in large or small por-

tions, drop by drop and yet not sufficiently to
empty the bladder, it becomes like a vessel which is
overfilled and runs over.

With old or weakly people swelling or enlargements

of the gland occurs and stops up the passage.

If stones be the cause of the w^ater not passing, they

must be broken up so small that they will no longer
form a hindrance.

An excellent remedy have

already given
for this I
viz. two or three half-baths of oat-straw-water a week
of from 28*^ to 30*^ of w^armth lasting from twenty to
twenty-five minutes and to drink every day two or three
cups of oat-sti*aw-tea.
Instead of a half bath one might take a warm sitting
bath of oat-straw-w^ater every day twice, from fifteen to
twenty minutes, and in place of the oat-straw-tea, one
of shave-grass, briar-hips and juniper-berries might be
304 Fourth part. Diseases.

As a rale inflammations always cause swellings

and attract both blood and juices to them this is the;

case also in catarrh of the bladder.

If such an inflammation arises, the mucous mem-

branes swell and thus the regular ejection is interrupted. If
the swelling is reduced by proper means or goes down
of itself, the urine again returns to its proper course.

Ifby catarrh of the bladder the ejection of the '

water, be hindered, the best treatment is that we use in

all catarrhs. Remove the heat find make the obstruc-
tions yield; and the best way to accomplish these is to
take a complete washing once a day at first, and later
twice a day: this will relieve and remove the heat and
disperse the blood in all directions. To these complete
washings may be added daily two or three compresses
or bandages laid on the inflamed spot renewing each at
the end of half an hour, this renewal prevents an in-
crease of heat and discourages the flow of blood to the
inflamed part.

the patient be strong, he may take every day a

half bath lasting from one to two seconds. The hip-
douche is excellent in its effect, and one or even two
may be had every day. A bandage or lower wrapper
may be safely taken every day.
Jacob was quite healthy; yet if he drank beer too
cold or too new, he got urinary trouble which lasted a
longer or shorter time, and usually passed off of itself. Once
the pain was so great that he could not endure it.

I made him take

a close-stool vapour-bath. A hand-
ful of shave-grass was put into the pan and boiling wa-
ter poured over it, he then sat over it for twenty minutes,
so that the vapour well enveloped the lower part of the
body. In a few minutes he perspired freely and urine
passed while he sat there.

On the next day we treated him in the same way

and the difficulty passed completely.
Chapter IX. Ueinaky troubles. 305

Bernard suffered in like manner but not from the

same , cause neither did his condition yield to the vapour
bath which only relieved for a time. We placed a cloth
on the back dipped in oat-straw-water, and another on
the abdomen near the region of the bladder. At the
end of three quarters of an hour the bandages were
renewed and left on them for an hour. We then gave
him a cup of tea of briar-hips and shave-grass in three
portions, and in three or four days the. trouble disap-
peared. We continued the applications for three quar-
ters of an hour instead of an hour and a half, in order
to brace the system and so prevent a return of the

A was quite well and healthy during a school

examination. On the way home he was invited by
an official to travel with him and his wife and the jour-
ney lasted more than two hours.

Daring this time the urine greatly troubled the

priestbut on account of the presence of the lady he
would say nothing.

Thus the man travelled in frightful pain.

When he got home, no urine would pass and the

Doctor ^vas summoned but before he arrived, an opening
formed itself in the bladder and the urine sought an-
other outlet.

On the right foot under the calf a hole appeared

through which the urine flowed.

The priest had the urine drawn off four times daily
by a catheter so that it should not pass through the

The effluvia from the wound was the purest urine,

judging by the smell and by experim'^nts on its contents.

The priest lived on thus for fourteen years ; he was

able to do his work but his appearance was very sickly
and his life was one of suffering.
Kneipp, My Will. 20
306 Fourth pabt. Diseases.

In the year 1853 he came to me. I tried to relieve

his suffering with water in which I was successful. The
urine passed easier and in greater quantity, the man
acquired a fresher look and the pains vanished, as he
said, by more than one half.

In time however the internal organs grew weaker

and he died, as it seemed, of consumption,

the bladder was overfilled and

Here indisputably
suffered so great a cause it to burst and
strain as to
the urine sought an other exit which it found in the foot.

The bladder later filled up to the opening and as

the urine passed oftener, the flow from the wound was

From this example it is clear that the urine should

be allowed an exit at the proper time, otherwise the
bladder will be weakened by a too often repeated and
severe expansion, and will risk paralysis.

railway journeys one should not restrain the
urine too long one should also be moderate in drinking

before a journey, so as to avoid the danger of being

troubled by the bladder.
When with old or delicate people or those just re-
covered from illness the urine does not pass easily, weak-
ness is generally the cause.

The uretha and presses on

in old people is swollen
the opening of the canal so that the urine can only pass
sparingly or in drops.

Help can only be given in this condition in one

way, and that is by bracing the abdomen and the blad-
der and its entire surroundings.

The best applications to employ are one or two

lower bandages every day and to keep them on for fif-
teen or twenty minutes only. They must be cold ban-
dages and not warm, for cold alone produces strength
and harmony.
Chapter IX. Urinary troubles. 307

bandage may be applied twice daily to the ab-
domen and region of the Madder. The cloth should be
dipped in water and vinegar, and laid on for an hour,
but redipped every quarter of an hour.
It is also good in these cases to wash the abdomen
and region of the bladder once or twice with tincture of
arnica or weak spirit of camphor. You dissolve the
camphor in brandy or spirit weakened with water two ;

washings daily would be of great benefit.

It often happens that in case of sudden fear or anx-
iety a person passes water involuntarily. There is no
doubt that the cause of this is a general weakness of
the abdomen arising probably from deficiency of blood.
Help can be afforded here by bringing the whole
body and therefore the abdomen into a stronger con-

advise the people who suffer from this weakness

to take during the week two half-baths, one hip-douche
and one back-douche, also from bed they should take a
whole washing. These should all be continued for four
weeks and then for some time take in the week tw^o or
three half-baths.

This treatment generally relieves them.

There is another evil; viz. that one cannot make
water if some other person be in the vicinity, or if one
knows some one is near though not seen. I regard this
condition as a nervous cramp, and help may be quite
well given here by a general bracing of the system, spe-
cially however by strengthening the abdomen.

These people would soon be cured of their trouble

if they would wade in water or go barefoot, or take a
knee-douche as well as two half-baths, two back-douchjes,
or two complete-douches in the week.

I advise them also to take tea of bark-of-oak w4th

wormwood or shave-grass.



If diseases are called executioners of tlie death sen-

tence, it may be specially said of Dropsy.

a disease with which many troubles are com-

It is
bined and, like heart-disease, causes great pain.
There are many kinds of dropsy; first ascites, or
dropsy in the stomach: second dropsy in the limbs;
third hydrothorax or dropsy in the chest, and fourth
dropsy of the heart.
With ascites the feet first begin to swell from below
upwards, by degrees the thighs swell and at length the
abdomen fills itself so with water that the whole body
is expanded to its greatest extent, and the poor victim
drags about such a mass of water that at length he
cannot walk.
the water mounts still higher, intense thirst sets
in, the sleep gets un restful and scant, the urine passes
in small quantities, and then not at all, the bowels be-
come irregular, constipation and diarrhcea taking it
in turn.
The fore-shadowings or symptoms of this disease
are great drowsiness, languor, a large appetite, general
weariness and inactivity in the whole body and later on
sleep vanishes and in consequence of the water obstruc-
tions the body, the diaphragm is thrust upwards,
thus injuring severely both heart and lungs.

As a consequence of this the breathing gets harder
till at last the invalid can breathe at all
scarcely the ;

action of the heart is hindered and the weaker the pulse

beats so much nearer is the end.
then are the primary causes of such a general
break up and destruction of the whole organism?
They are diverse. The principal one however is an
irregular circulation of the blood, especially if at the
same time much blood is lost.
Chaptek IX. Ascites. 309

Ascites (Dropsy in the Stomach).

As one knows, the kidneys have the task of carrying

off by the urine the partly used up liquid matter in ;

this ejection an obstruction may very easily arise or in-

flammation may appear in the kidneys themselves, either
one or other will cause interruption to the flow of blood.

In consequence of the obstructions the kidneys are

impeded in their task of ejecting; much blood and water
accumulate and can find no proper outlet.

If the water is not drawn off, the blood becomes

too watery and then the fluid may pass into the entrails.
According to the law of weight it sinks down into the
feet, these by degrees get full, the water mounts until,
at last, the whole body is full.

As the kidneys suffer, so do a'll the parts of the ab-

domen until they become useless.
This is ascites taking its exit through the kidneys.

Theheart and lungs, as well as the kidneys, may

have something to do with the setting in of dropsy.
Obstructions can arise everywhere and cause decompo-
sition of the blood.

In whatever organ the water arises, this must first

be operated the dropsy has its origin, for in-
on. If
stance, in the kidneys they must first be acted upon,
and if it spreads itself over the whole body that, in like
manner, must be treated. If the dropsy has established
itself in the liver, that must be specially treated.

No matter what organ dropsy has taken possession

of, the whole body suffers in sympathy with it, and must
therefore be operated on.

Ifthe body has already lost strength the first thing

to do to bring the strength back.
is If diseased matter
is filling any part of the body and doing harm it must
be removed as quickly as possible. Thus the dropsical

must be treated in a two fold manner viz. for the whole

body and for the suffering part.
The weakest applications on the whole body are the
complete washings which can be borne by every one;
they cause increase of warmth which is so lacking in
dropsical people although they are always thirsty.

With such invalids transpiration is wanting ; nearly

everything in their system gets jellified, the skin is dry,
and the pores are closed, and when once urine no longer
passes properly, transpiration ceases.

The washings supply what is wanted; after a

few of them, perspiration sets in which is the best thing
for the invalid. Nothing does so much good to the body
as cold water especially if it is mixed with vinegar.

Ifthe patient is still strong, double or threefold

effect will be produced by stronger applications, such as
douches beginning with the simplest and going on to
the strongest.
the dropsical person finds transpiration diminished
and the illness making progress, the Spanish Mantle will
be of great use in opening the pores and absorbing the

One must always proceed with caution, that one does

not hurt the normal powers, and therefore the Spanish
Mantle should be used at most for an hour.

When the invalid has made use of it two or three

times he perspires much more freely.

Just as this Spanish Mantle and similar applications

act on the whole body, so can upper and lower bandages
act upon separate parts of it.

In consequence of irregular action the kidneys deve-

lop much gas, flatulence ensues, which usually precedes

This wind, which is not merely harmful to the ab-

domen but also injurious to the upper part of the body,
Chaptee IX. Ascites. 311

will be vigorously driven away by the lower and upper

bandage and the system will be greatly relieved.

Also the obstructions of water will be carried off

by these bandages and as the urine passes freely a better
action of the bowels ensues and the system gets much
help. As the whole body can be operated on from
without, so can those places in which dropsy has deve-
loped be treated with success.

the dropsy is in the kidneys a half-bath and hip-

douche will brace, disperse, and dissolve. If it has
developed in the liver, the best remedy will be the

If, as has been stated, dropsy has other origins as

for instance, fever, loss of blood, general weakness after
illness, a general application on the whole body is usu-
ally enough. If it arises from a weak heart, attention
must naturally be given to failings of the heart, and as
the greatest caution is necessary with the heart, one must
begin to work in its vicinity.

one looks in the face of a dropsical man, the

thought immediately occurs, "How ill this man looks,
his whole body is sick."

One can operate on the digestive organs

and in dissolving and expelling bad matter.
The most marked produced by tea of dwarf-
effect is
elder-root, juniper berries and wormwood, and quite a
special result by tormentilla root and rosemary.

and many others beside act on the

All these herbs
system by dissolving, dispersing, cleansing and bracing.

If the dropsy is in the liver Tormentilla, juniper-

berries, Avormwood and rosemary head the list, as they
effect improvement of the liver, carry off sickliness and
bring about a general improvement of the whole system.
312 Fourth paet. Diseases.

Dropsy in the limbs or skin.

Just as dropsy announces itself by the swelling of

the feet and abdomen, so also does dropsy develop it-
self between the skin and the flesh in the so-called sub-
cutaneous cellular tissue. I knew a boy of seventeen whose
hands, arms and feet and at last his whole body, sud-
denly became swollen; his head was unusually large, his
neck thick and short, and in fact the whole body got

The doctor pronounced this diseased appearance to

be dropsy in the limbs or skin.

is almost inconceivable how greatly

It swollen this
boy became in a short time, all his strength completely
vanished, sleep ceased, and though his appetite first
remained good, it soon went completely and the breath-
ing became more difficult.

The invalid was also troubled with intolerable thirst,

very little urine passed, and the action of the bowels
got gradually weaker.

It is noteworthy that with this dropsy the abdomen

swelled but slightly and no sweat showed itself.

The warmth was so low that his hands and feet

felt quite cold as if there were no blood anywhere.

The causes of this dropsy may be

the same as those
of ordinary dropsy, with this that the water
does not collect in the belly, but jellifies and in conse-
quence of this all parts of the body swell.

It is easy to help here, if heart, kidneys, liver and

the remaining parts of the body are still in a good con-
dition. If no help is given, a general decomposition of
the blood at length takes place, and at last this dropsy
puts an end to life.

The dropsy in the limbs is, in my opinion, easier

to heal than "Ascites" : I have treated several such
Chapter IX. Dropsy in the limbs or skin. 313

cases but in not a single instance has death ensued. If

there are obstructions of kinds internally, they at last

collect between the skin and the flesh in the cellular

tissue, and by degrees jellification sets in. The first

thing to be done here is to open the pores and draw

off the obstructions and, since general flaccidity exists,
one must take stops to ensure new life and new ac-

1 made the boy wash twice every day all

over without drying himself, then go back to bed, being
covered properly but not too heavily.
the first and second days I made him wash all
over four times and at the fourth washing he broke into
a gentle perspiration.
As well as the two washings daily he had a shirt
soaked in hay-flower-water, at first every second day,
and afterwards every third day.
The swelling rapidly decreased, his colour became
fresher, and his normal heat also increased rapidly. In-
ternally I gave him two small cups of hemp-emulsion

Two spoonsful of hemp-seed were pounded, boiled in

milk and thus given to the patient.
This lessened the heat, decomposed the mucus and
carried it off.

This was continued for twelve days.

Then the invalid had a half-bath and an upper-
washing daily; and to improve the stomach, as much
powdered angelica-root as would lie on the point of a
knife was given daily.
For diet he had strong broth, grain-soup and simple
farinaceous food, and meat, such as his system could
The invalid was completely cured in three weeks.

A priest more than sixty years old came to me and

complained that his whole body was swelling and as the

swelling increased, so equally rapidly did his mental as

well as bodily powers decrease; if it had continued for
a few more days, he would soon have fallen a victim to
this disease, as indeed the doctor had pointed out to
him, especially as dropsy had occurred frequently among
his relations.

As this priest led a very simple mode of life, one

might assume that he had not treated his internal system
roughly and so it was still in a healthy condition.

I therefore advised this man to take a short ban-

dage every second or third day, and a whole-washing of
water and vinegar every morning and evening, and to
drink daily two glasses of rosemary wine because he was
accustomed to wine but only in small quantities; never
more than two small glasses.
The rosemary wine was prepared as follows; a few
twigs of rosemary (green or dried) were cut small, put
into a bottle, and wine poured over them when it had

stood two days, it might be drunk.

When the bottle was empty, wine was once more

poured on it; this rosemary wine removes, in a remark-
able manner, all the watery stuff through the urine and
the action of the bowels.

The priest was once more completely restored to

health and able to fulfil his duties after a cure of only
fourteen weeks. He lived for nineteen years more, and
when he died, it was not of dropsy, but he always con-
tinued to 'use some of the washings.

Dropsy of the Heart. (Pericardium.)

It is certainly well-known to most people that the

heart, the most important part of the human body, is
enclosed, for its protection in a thick skin, which wrap-
ping is know as pericardium.
Chapter EX. Deopsy of the heart. 315

This skin may fill itself with water and this is then
called dropsy of the pericardium.

If one gets the snuffles or any other catarrh, the

nose begins to run and one might well ask, "Whence
comes this fluid all at once?"
If one collected together everything that came
through the nose, one would get quite a respectable
It is exactly the same with the pericardium.
As the mucous membrane of the nose may become
more or less inflamed and cause such an over-flow,
exactly so may a discharge occur in the pericardium by
reason of cold or inflammation so that by degrees the
pericardium gets filled with fluid.

It may at last reach to such a pitch that the heart

perfectly floats in the water, and then the highest point
of dropsy of the heart is reached.

Dropsy of the heart begins with more or less in-

flammation, in consequence of which a discharge ensues
and by degrees the pericardium becomes full of water.

This dropsy may run a long or short course accord-

ing as the flow in the pericardium gets weaker or stronger.
It is less common than "Ascites"' and is not difficult to
cure if one commences operations early enough.

As only develops internally like a ca-

this disease
tarrh, one may be afflicted with it for some time without
knowing it, if, however, it has already made great pro-
gress, then as a rule there can be no hope of cure.

Now a general decomposition sets in, and in con-

sequence of the accumulated mass the heart can no longer
properly act.

Weakness of the heart necessarily puts an end to

life. As the kinds of dropsy already mentioned are cu-
rable by the strengthening and expelling qualities of
water, so also dropsy of the heart can be successfully

treated by a general strengthening of the system and by

carrying off the watery matter.

And this again can only be accomplished by water.

If the invalid, as is usually the case, is already rather
weakened and of an advanced age, the whole body may
be washed every night from bed with Avater and vinegar,
the upper-body, however, may be also washed morning
and evening, and during the day a knee-doache or hip-
douche may be taken.
As the washing expels and braces, so strengthening
results from the knee and hip-douche.

When the invalid has made tolerable progress by

these applications, then also a hip-douche may be taken
one day and a back-douche the next.

If the patient can stand the back-douche, he will

he able to bear also the half-bath, generally even better
than the back-douche; he may then take alternately one
day a back or hip-douche, the next day a half-bath con-
tinuing the upper washing as well.

one may use a tea of dwarf-elder-root

which dissolves and expels through the urine all watery
matter from the whole system, and subsequently tea of
elder-flowers, camomile and janiper-berries. .

These, boiled together, produce, if not a great sweat,

still a good transpiration as well as a thorough expulsion.

Dropsy in the Chest. (Hydrothorax.)

As the heart is contained in a skin-bag, the peri-

cardium, so also the lungs lie in the chest, which is
similarly covered with a rather tight top.

As inflammation may set in in the pericardium and be

followed by heart-dropsy, so in the same way may inflam-
mation arise in this envelope of the chest in a larger or
Chapter IX. Dropsy in the chest. 317

smaller degree and then the same thing happens as in

heart-dropsy fluid accumulates which can find no outlet.

If no stop be put to it, a large quantity of water

gradually collects and then so-called Hydrothorax sets
in. The water may mount so high that the lungs com-
pletely float in it and can no longer expand, paralysis
sets in and death ensues.

If one attacks it in time, help is easily possible as

in every other kind of dropsy.

If, however, the mischief has already made progress,

there is nothing to be done.

The invalid coughs a good deal, but generally without

expectoration (if expectoration exists, one may hope for
recovery), the breathing is difficult and short, because
the lungs can no longer work properly.

The generally anxious and restless, he can

invalid is
no longer lie and only sit with difficulty, the sleep is
generally quite disturbed and the appetite also decreases;
stinging pains and vomiting set in, the appearance of
the man is dark, decayed, swollen and pitiful, the voice
is hollow, in a word-everything shows that all internally
is wrong.
Help can only be afforded here by inward and out-
ward expulsion.
Internal operations must be begun as soon as pos-
sible so that all the collected fluid is removed.

How is this to be done?

By bringing the whole system into greater activity
and providing for a quicker interchange of material the ;

used-up and superfluous matter being removed and replaced

by new.
Such people generally have little or no evaporation
and suffer from a dry heat their weakness prevents much

bad matter from being carried off, and hence the accu-
mulation of such matter.
318 Fourth paet. Diseases.

however, there comes into the system greater


activityand power, then further accumulations cease and

the decayed matter is expelled and replaced by whole-
some stuff.

If one the body twice or thrice daily, a

strong transpiration takes place and the decayed matter
is quickly expelled; not only does an outward expulsion
begin but a still greater one internally.
Scarcely has the invalid been washed once or twice
than much more urine passes; this usually takes with it
some bad matter from the system, and in this way ex-
pulsion goes on internally and externally.

If, however, one gives internal remedies which purify

all parts of the body and force the water out, one ob-
tains a double effect on the whole body and on the sick
part. If it is quite settled that the patient has hydro-
thorax, I should promptly wash him all over twice daily
and if he has sufficient strength, three or four times
with quite cold water and vinegar.
Generally at the second or third but anyhow at the
fourth washing the patient will break into a perspiration
and then the further development of the illness is

the patient gets into a perspiration, I know that

matter will be driven out from the interior by the urine
and mostly by an ejection of mucus also.
When once the patient has sweated, there is no oc-
casion to wash so often, the system shows its power
and activity to eject the diseased matter of itself, and
so it is sufficient to wash the body twice daily or, with
very strong people, three times.
He who does not know the power of water is quite
angry at being treated with cold water, and is even a
little timid about the treatment; as soon however as he
has had a few washings, he feels so comfortable and well
that whenever fever strives again for the mastery, he
does not hesitate to combat it with water.
Chapter IX. Deopsy ix the chest. 319

If the invalid be still one or two

tolerably strong,
half-baths daily may be taken
instead of the wash>
ings. As the half-baths do not embrace the whole body,
the upper part may be wa.shed three or four times a
day. After each of these one can distinctly feel an in-
crease in the activity of the system which becomes
stronger and more capable of expelling the bad matter.
Although one operates on the w^hole body by wash-
ings, one especially works upon those places where in-
flammation has taken up its abode. Pot cheese is a good
remedy in inflammation, it extinguishes the fire and
decreases the pain, and an application of this to the
painful part is the first remedy tried.
Applications of water may also be applied but they
must frequently be renewed: if allowed to get dry, they
will increase tlie heat rather than diminish it. I object

to icebags here, as in other infirmities, because my belief

is they act too precipitately and prejudicially on the parts

of the body on which they are laid.

Instead of pot cheese a decoction of Fenu-greek may
be laid on with good effect as it both dissolves and
Formerly mustard or a mustard poultice was fre-
quently used and it is now-a-days employed as a con-
ducting remedy it is
; quite harmless and undoubtedly
operates more strongly than water applications.
If pot- cheese be used as an application it should be
constantly renewed, as it and Fenu-greek also get dry
very quickly.
In my youth, linseed jam was used in such cases,
it was made of linseed and crumbs of bread.
For internal use tea of juniper-berries and shave-
grass, or of rosemary and wormwood is very useful in
purifying and healing. Another tea almost as good is
made of dwarf-elder-root and common nettle root.
But never forget that the internal remedies should
be taken in the smallest possible quantities.


As the single members of the body are intimately

connected one with the other while yet maintaining their
independence, so each part being injured may cause the
whole body to suffer.

If' is like this w^ith the teeth, of which one has

about thirty. One would think that these little bones
could give no trouble, but general experience teaches us
that they can be the greatest possible nuisance.

Who can detail all the remedies which have been

used to relieve toothache?
Generally the teeth decay inside causing a small
hole on the outside
this lets in the air and causes in-
flammation in the root.

As the hole gets larger the pain increases till at

length the crown of the tooth breaks from decay, leav-
ing only the root inflamed gum.
in the Sometimes the
holes are stopped to prevent the air from penetrating;
in this way both inflammation and pain are reduced.

Many people have the decayed teeth taken out in

order to get rid of the pain. My opinion is that no
tooth should be extracted, as an infirm tooth is better
than no tooth at all. Who would pufl down a house
because a few tiles had fallen from the roof?

I consider it the greatest folly.

equally foolish to extract a tooth on account

It is
of a small hole; the tooth may remain in its place and
be of service for years.

If the tooth can be stopped, all right, I am with

you so far, if stump in, for it may still
not, leave the
be useful. Of course if the stump is to do the work of
a whole tooth, care must be taken to remove all inflam-
mation from its structure.
Chaptee IX. Tooth-ache. 321

had a bad tooth-aclie and consulted a dentist.


He was quite ready and extracted my tooth. Scarcely

a couple of months had passed when 1 had tooth-ache
again, and the dentist took out a second tooth. At the
end of a year it was necessary for a third to come out,
and I verily believe I might have gone on till I had not
a tooth left in my head.

From was saved by an old peasant, for at

this I

that time I had no knowledge of a water-cure. He re-

commended me to hold my head for five minutes under
a pipe of running water declaring that if I did so, I
should lose the tooth-ache.

I followed his advice and succeeded in keeping my

tooth and losing my pain.

Twenty years agoI had tooth-ache again but only

in a stump, and I sent for the dentist the answer wa& :

that he had taken a glass too much and could not come.

In the evening the pain was so great that I sent

again begging him to come, but for the same reason he
was unable to do so.
It was a cold day and raining fast and as the suf-
fering was great, I waded in the water that stood in the
roads for half an hour.

From that time to this I have not had toothache

for a single minute.

Undoubtedly the cause of the pain was not to be

found in the stump, but in an obstruction of blood in
the jaw.
By going barefoot in water the blood was carried
off and the pain ceased. A prolonged influx of blood
whether it be to the gums or any other part of the
body will, by degrees, cause inflammation and produce
extraordinary pain both on the spot ani its surroun-

If therefore one would cure toothache, one must

remove the inflammation and this is done most easily
Kneipp, My Will. 21

f -

322 Foukth' part. Diseases.

by drawing off the blood. As soon as the inflammation

is withdrawn, then at once the pain ceases.

Ithappens sometimes that obstructions of blood in

the gums cause others to form in various parts of the
head, and the pains extend from one side of the head
to the other or to the whole. In this no extraction of
teeth can help. A little time ago a girl came to me
complaining of an ulcer in the tooth. She told me that
nine of her teeth had been taken out but the pain had
remained and that now a fistula, or ulcer, had formed
which could not be cured. In her case great blood ob-
structions had formed in the suffering part w^hich became
inflamed and the matter, gradually dissolving, sought an
exit by a fistula pipe.

Had no cure been at hand for this, the consequences

would have been that either the whole side of the head
would have been affected or rottenness would have
destroyed the jaw; for when pus once passes, it is a sign
that rottenness is spreading.
This girl had tried every imaginable remedy, yet
nothing helped.
Fistula in various parts of the body are healed by
water, why not fistula in the tooth or gum?

Andit was by water that this girl's teeth and gums

were completely healed wdthin a month. The painful

side of the head w^as sw^oUen as well as the jaw. The
accumulation here of harmful stuff was dissolved and

The existence of a fistula is a pretty sure sign that

an influx of blood has taken place there. If, however,

the inflammation causes rottenness, this spreads about

and harms the organs the system is not able of itself

to throw off the harmful matter and so the cure is hin-

dered or rendered impossible.
If how^ever the foul matter be removed by water as
quickly as possible the neighbouring organs will be
strengthened and braced, and fresh blood will be made.

Chapter IX. Tooth-ache. 323

Then not only will the fistula be cured but the system
so strengthened that when it has thrown off the bad
matter it will allow no inflammation to arise and thus
true healing will be accomplished.

My In order] to remove disease, one

principal rnle is,

must operate on the whole body so that the blood gets

into complete order and an equalisation of warmth is
established throughout the system. Of course the suffer-
ing part must receive special attention.
Wegave the girl with fistula an upper-douche and
head- douche daily, then a knee-douche or a hip-douche.
By the two last the blood was conducted from above
and the system strengthened. By the two former the
whole upper part of the body was strengthened so much
that the foul matter was ejected and an equable trans-
piration established. The special treatment consisted in
douching either the whole head or the two cheeks once
or twice daily. "When the cheek is douched the pain as
a rule ceases at once, if it begins again, give another
douche and repeat it, if needful, three or four times and
then the pain will certainly stop.
At first a good deal of bad matter will pass but
the pain will diminish and at length cease altogether;
then the cure is complete.
One may operate on the whole body with half-baths,
full- douches, hip- and back-douches, the effect of which
will be to bring the whole system into a stronger and
better condition.
To walk bare-foot on wet stones or in the open
diverts the blood, diminishes the pain and often^removes
it altogether.
There are many household remedies which|one may
use with great advantage. Their effect however is not
generally so certain as when one operates on the whole body^
I a man who had cured [many hundreds of
people of tooth-ache. He took, so he said, a new nail,
stuck it into the gum near the bad tooth so that the
gum bled and then, on taking it out, carried it away,
324 FOUETH PAET. Diseases.

so it was believed, to drive it into a beam in a dark

place where neither sun nor moon could penetrate.
admit that by this process the toothache was often

removed. The reason was, however, because the blood

ran out of the wound and so reduced the obstruction
which had caused the pain.
This could have been done however by something
less formidable than a nail.
Garlic is occasionally used as a remedy ; it is stuck
into the bad tooth or in the ear.

Another remedy is figs cut and laid on the gums;

many have been helped by succory, the root of which,
fresh or at least damp, is split and laid on the walls of
the gums. This root is helpful because it drawls out the
fluid which of course reduces the obstruction and dimi-
nishes the pain.
Fifth Part.

The Preparation of the Teas,

Powders, Tinctures etc.



Chapter X.

The Preparation of the Teas, Powders,

Tinctures and Oils.


ince there are many who are not experienced in

the preparation of tea and do not know how
much of the different sorts one should take to
make a cupful, the following short chapter will
give them information it will also be a guide

as to the cases in which they should be taken

and how the herbs should be mixed.

For a cup of tea one usually takes as much as one

can gras pwith three finger tips, or, if weighed, nine grains
if several sorts of herbs are to be mixed together, then
take for a cup of tea, which for instance consists of a
decoction of juniper-berries, wormwood and shave-grass,
eight or ten pounded juniper- berries, one grain of worm-
wood and three grains of shavv^ -grass.
Wormwood must never be taken in large quantities
because the tea would otherwise be too bitter.
328 Fifth paet. Prepaeation of the teas etc.

one wants to cook more than one cupful at a

time, then take so many times more as you want cups

Roots, berries, and hard herbal stalks are

cooked whereas leaves and blessoms
for a longer period,
if they are in a dried condition, only have boiling water

poured on them, then left to get cold and, before being

used, they are strained.
Berries and kernels are crushed first as for example
juniper-berries etc.

One can also turn herbs and powder into tea in

which case one acts as with the blossoms and leaves by
merely pouring boiling water on them.
If. one has blossoms and leaves together to
make into tea, one cooks the bark first, then adds the
blossoms and leaves, then takes the pot off the fire,
covers it up and lets the tea stand fifteen minutes after
which one strains it.
few examples may be cited for further instruction.
Bark-of-oak is cooked for five minutes, then elder-flowers
and strawberry leaves are added and allowed to stand
for fifteen minutes.

Crushed juniper-berries and shave-grass are cooked

together for five minutes, then wormwood is added and
the whole again allowed to stand for fifteen minutes.

One may, if the kinds of tea are already mixed,

cook the same together, even if blossoms and leaves are
mixed with bark it is however better, if one first boils

the hard ingredients such as bark, berries, roots and

hard herbal stems and then, during the boiling, add the
blossoms and leaves, taking the decoction instantly off
the fire, the tea is finer so and the aroma of the blos-
soms is retained.
The various curative herbs produce different effects,
so that in each illness special herbs make special mix-
tures which are designed for the relief and cure of the
corresponding malady.
Chapter X. Tinctures. 329

Thus, for instance, one can give the following kinds

of tea for kidney disease briar-hips, juniper, knot-grass,

or shave-grass, oats and centaury in dropsy, rosemary,:

dwarf-elder roots, and juniper-berries in disorders of ;

the stomach, wormwood, angelica-root, juniper-berries, or

bark-of-oak and shave- s^rass.
way one can apply the medicinal herbs to
In this
the various kinds of illnesses and they are often of the
greatest service.

One can also prepare from the herbs, roots etc.
powders which are useful.
There are, for example, invalids who cannot drink
teas ; one can help with powders by giving the
latter in wafers or mixing them with the food.

The preparation of the powders is somewhat trouble-

some and cannot be undertaken by many on account ofw^ant
of time and because they lack the necessary apparatus.

Moreover they can be obtained at the chemists, all

the more easily, because many chemists have provided
themselves with the herbs etc. recommended by me.


The tinctures or essences are easier to obtain as

one requires for them neither a large expenditure of time
nor an apparatus.
A bottle is to be found in every house, and such
a one suffices to prepare a tincture.
If one, for instance, desires to make tincture of
wormwood, all that is necessary is to fill a clean bottle
with fruit brandy, and then add to it a few leaves of
dried wormwood.

330 Fifth pabt. Prepakation op the teas etc.

Then the whole, hermetically closed, is stood in a

moderately warm place for six days; then the tincture
is poured into a clean bottle and the parts which Eire
exhausted thrown away or once more subjected to the
distilling process, for, by this method, the accumulated
materials are not, by a long way, so thoroughly sucked
dry as, for instance, in the bruising apparatus.

one would rather not waste time over this work,

the tinctures, like the powders can be got at the chemists.


The oils which I usually recommend are equally easy

to obtain at a chemists, many people would not under-
stand the preparation of the same and neither is it at
all easy to explain.

The Medicine-Chest.
Everything that I recommend in my medicine-chest
is easy for poor people to obtain for the little herbs grow

in God's open air and can be easily collected, dried and

made into tea.

Only one must not grudge the time spent in picking

the herbs during walks or on similar occasions.

A small medicine chest is always of great value as

it enables one to help oneself in any and every case.

not always possible to get a doctor at once

It is
and then it is of the greatest advantage to have merely
to put your hand in the first drawer of your medicine
chest and take out that which is needful to help the

One should also have a supply of linen to make into

the various bandages, ready to hand, so that in emer-
Chapter X. My MEDicrNAL herbs. 331

gencies one has everything for use; for, as a rule, one

loses one's head on these occasions.

My Medicinal Herbs.

It is certainly no very hard task to keep everything

in readiness and so avoid the usual heedless confusion.

Most my
medicinal herbs are easy to recognise
and many people will doubtless have taken the trouble
to furnish for thems"elves a sort of chemist's shop con-
taining the herbs they have personally collected.*

^Note. At this point I wish to draw attention to the book

published by Jos. Kosel, pubUsher in Kempten, called .,Father
Kneipp's Plant-Atlas"'; where in the medicinal plants collectively
mentioned in Kneipp's books are pictorially represented, true
to nature and provided with clear and explanatory text, so
that by it every novice is placed in a position, even without special bo-
tanical knowledge, to seek for himself in field and wood the plants
recommended by me. enabling him and his family to collect a small
medicine chest for the carrying out of my prescriptions.

This Atlas has appeared in two editions; the first edition,

in ordinary clear print, contains twenty plates. Price : bound in cloth
7 s. 6 d. The second edition printed in colours contains forty-one
plates. Price: bound in cloth 12 s. 6 d.

The '"Plant-Atlas'' has also appeared in French, Spanish^

Bohemian, Polish. German. Hungarian and Dutch.

The same Firm published

also a third enlarged edition of a
little work,
called 'Haus-Apotheke. Alterprobte Heilkriiuter, die
in keiner wohleingerichteten Haus-Apotheke fehlen sollten. Fiirs
Volk gesammelt in Garten, Wiesen, Feld und Wald von J. A. Ulsa-
mer. Hauptlehrer." 128 pages with many pictures. Price paper- :

covered 90 Pfg., bound in cloth M. 1.10. This little book con-

tains a copious description ot the Plants recommended by Kneipp
with a statement of their curative quahties. the method of using
the same for curative purposes etc.

Besides these many other medicinal herbs and plants, freely

and gladly used by the people, have been taken into consideration.

The same Firm have also published ''Unsere einheimischen

Beeren in Garten. Feld und Wald. Fine bewiihrte Anweisung zur
332 FiETH PAET. Preparation of the teas etc.

Many herbs can be reared as decorative room-plants

or they may be planted and grown in little gardens. For
the rest it is not difficult if one. has room at one's com-
mand in the garden to plant and tend many medicinal
herbs. There are some, however, which will not prosper
and thrive in a garden, because the conditions of the
ground are not favourable to all plants alike.
The dear God has so well cared for it th?ot every
plant should have its appointed place where it can best
grow. I will enlarge on this and indicate also where
the herbs I recommend may be found, and when they
blossom and should be plucked.
Ahsinth or wormwood is generally cultivated in Gar-
dens but it grows also in uncultivated places. Flower-
ing season, July and August.
Aloe Agave Americana grows wild in Mexico and
Italy ; w^ith us it thrives in hot houses where after many
years it blossoms. Its flowering season is June.
Aloe Vuljjaris may be easily grown as a room plant;
its flowering time in Southern Europe is the month of
June. This plant also grows wild in Southern Europe.
Angelica grows in damp meadows, on the edges of
brooks and streams, ditches and moats, also in wet places
in woodlands. It flowers from July to September.

Silver-weed grass grows freely in the neighbourhood

of manure heaps. Flowering time from May to July.

Anpflanznng mid Pflege der Frnchtstraiicher des Gartens, zur Kennt-

niss aller essbaren Beeren des Waldes, deren Beiiutzung fiir die
Kliche mid Haus-Apotheke mit genauen Yorschril'ten mid Rezepten
fiir Weill-, Liqueur-, Mus- mid Thee-Bereitung ii. s. w. Zweite Aut-
lage." Price: paper-covered 60Pfg., bomid 80 Pfg. Unsere deutschen

Obst- uiid Waidbaume. Eiii Beitrag zur Keiiiitiiiss der Bamiie mid
ihrer Friiclite, deren Nutzeii und Bereitung. Mit zahlreichen lUu-
strationen." Price: paper-covered Ji 1,
bound -JL 1,20. ,.Die

Kiichengewlirzkraiiter unserer deutschen Hausgarten, ihr Anbau,

ihre Verwendung und ihre Heilkrafte. Den Herren Cxeistlichen,
Lehrern, Angestellten auf dem Lande, sowie den verstandigen Laiid-
wirthen gewidmet. Mit Illustrationen.'' Price: paper-covered 60 Pfg.,
bound 80 Pfg.
Chapter X. My medicinal heebs. 333

Arnica grows in meadows which are near woods:

on mountains, damp places and especially in marshy
meadows. The flowering time is June and July. The
Arnica blossoms are very easy to recognize. Nearly
every part of the plant is usable. The leaves make a
good tea for liver diseases, and from the roots one pre-
pares the well known tincture of Arnica.

Dwarf-elder-root is usually found in damp rocky

glens, in marshy woods, among ruins and in fields. Flow-
ering time July and August.

Eye- bright is to be found in meadows, wooded

glades, pastures, fields and moors. It blossoms from
July to October.

Valerian grows in thin woods, on the edges of

thickets, generally in rather damp places though it will
grow in dry soil and on sparsely covered slopes. It flow-
ers in June and July.

Bogbean, called also Marsh-trefoil, is mostly found in

marshes, on swampy, wet meadows and in meadow ditches.
Flowering time April and May.

Fenu-greek is to be found everywhere; one sees corn-

fields over run The seed is made into powder
v^ith. it.

and called Foenum-Graecum. The seed is excellent for

dissolving swellings and gatherings. It flowers in June
and July.

Water Cresses are cultivated in many places but

grow best near fountains and brooks. One may eat this
plant also as a salad.

Blackthorn blossom is known to every one. It

flowers in April and May.

Gentian grows mostly in mountainous districts, on

the Alps and lower Alps, and specially thrives on Cal-
careous soil. Time of flowering July and August.
Strawberries (wild) grow in wooded glens and groves
but are also cultivated in gardens. They flower from
334 Fifth paet. Peepaeation of the teas etc.

April to June and the blossoms may be collected in April

or May.

Fennel mostly cultivated, but it also grows wild

on rocks and stony slopes. It flowers from July to Sep-
Broom grows on very dry, fruitful soil in woods, or
on the borders of the same. It is a bristly weed and
somewhat larger than the heath-herb. The plant is used
to make tea for gravel and stone disease.

Ground Ivy grows in somewhat damp grass-plots, in

woods, bushes and on damp fields and gardens. It blooms
in April and May and in some places until the autumn.
Briar-hips or sweet-briar is to be found in districts
on the borders of woods and hedges. The flowering time
is June. The fruit may be taken in October.
Bilberries grow best in a sandy soil, in leafy as
well as in pine and fir woods, on heaths and on moors.
Blossoming time is May and June.

Shepherds-pouch-herb is a weed which grows every-

where even on houses. It blooms nearly the whole year
Black-elder is found all over Germany: it grows
wild but is planted also in gardens, and country people
grow large quantities of it near their houses. Time of
blossoming June and July. The blossoms make a sudo-
rific tea (Sweating).

Coltsfoot grows best in damp places, on roadside

mounds, on stony plains and on foam soils. It blossoms
from February to April. It is an excellent curative herb,
St. John's Wort thrives on dry heaths, grassy plains
and thin woods. It blooms in July and August. It
differs from other St. John's herbs in its round stem and
the two lines running up from the same.
Camomile is pretty generally known and grows rea-
dily on sandy soil and on all kinds of cultivated land.
It blooms from May to July.
Chapter X. My medicinal heebs. 335

Lime tree blossoms are plucked in the months of

June and July. The Lime tree is peculiar to mountainous
districts but may also be found otherAvise planted.

Lungwort grows in shady leafy woods on all sorts

of soif. It blooms in March, April, and May.

Mallow-flowers are plucked in July. In Germany

the Mallow is a cultivated garden plant.

Mistletoe is a parasitical plant and grows on old

trees. Time of flowering March and April. Mistletoe
mixed with santala makes an astringent tea.
Peppermint is mostly cultivated in gardens. In Baden
it grows wild and blooms from July to October. Its leaves
are used for tea.

Pimpinel or Beaver root is a cultivated^ plant and

found both in gardens and in fields. It blooms in July
and August and it acts very like fennel.

Bark of oak or Querkus is obtained from the young

oak trees or boughs; it is used as an astringent.

Rue is a native of Southern Europe, cultivated by

us in gardens and naturalized in sunny places. Blossoms
in June and July.

Marigold is a native of southern Europe and is cul-

tivated by us. Time of flowering July to September
Marigold salve is excellent for skin disease and marigold
tea is very good.

Rosemary is cultivated by us in pots and gardens.

It grows wild in Italy, Southern Switzerland and Tyrol.
It blossoms in April and May.

Sage is cultivated in gardens but also grows wild

on chalky hills. It blooms in June and July.

Yarrow thrives everywhere in meadows and grass

plots and as a weed in the fields. Time of blooming:
June to October.
336 Fifth paet. Prepaeation of the teas etc.

Cowslips, the perfumed, the opposite to the common

ones, grow in dry meadows and woody glades and grassy
slopes and blossom in April and May.

Spikenard or Lavender thrives on dry nnfriiitful

mountain slopes but can be planted anywhere, and also
grows wild here and there. From this plant the so-
called Lavender oil is prepared. This oil is good for the
stomach und is employed for the relief of Epilepsy.

Ribwort is a very well known plant; it grows in

dry meadows, on the sides of roads and in giass plots.
It blooms from April to October. The extracted juice
of Ribwort is used for healing wounds.

Centaury is most excellent in its effects. It grows

in sunny but not arid spots, especially in thinly wooded
places on sandy and light chalky soil, in fields and
wooded pastures. It blooms, in July and August.
Tormentilla root is found in damp places in the

The Bloodwort or fine crab-grass, by which name

this plant is known to the people, forms a good remedy
for bleeding and the tincture is excellent for poverty of

The Violet every one knows and who has not en-
joyed its perfume? Not only does it refresh one's sense
of smell, its leaves and blossoms are most useful as tea.
It bhissoms in March and April.

Knot-grass grows wild in paths, pastures and grass.

Itblooms from July to the Autumn. Knot-grass-tea is
most beneficial in Kidney and Bladder diseases.

Juniper-berries. The fruit of the Juniper shrub is

an excellent remedy for the stomach and helpful to drop-
sical people. The bush grows in light woods of fir and
pine and on mountain slopes, it is very well known. It
blooms from April to May.
Chaptee X. Tea-eecipes. 337

Mullein thrives on all kinds of soil and under all

conditions, but it is most prolific on railway embank-
ments. It blooms in July and August. The flowers are
used as a tea for sweating and for a gargle.
Shave-orrass grows wild on every kind of soil and
is well knovm to the good housewife. The fruit time is
in March and April.
I have now said all that is most necessary to know

about the plants and I desire earnestly that men should

come to regard them with more honour than they have
hitherto done.
They have so much curative power: certainly our
ancestors kept their health by the use of herbs and
plants and knew no other medicines.
To cure or prevent death no little herb has yet been
found, for it does not grow; we are all destined to die
once and to enjoy in Eternity the fruits of our labours.


r> 1 r 1 o Forbleedings,
^\-, for in-
bark or oak 6 grammes
m ormentilla
x-n o
o grammes

stance, spitting
-m- L^ f

Mistletoe also

ui blood,
ounLiHii or

uiuuli, etc.
is or



p n Q
Cass-weed 3 grammes


Juniper-berries crushed 8 or 10 Good for diseased stomach

Shave- grass 2 grammes and for liver complaints and
Wormwood 2 grammes may be safely recommended.

Dwarf-elder-root 3 grammes Excellent in urinary trou-

Rosemary 3 grammes bles, and of great service
Shave-grass 3 grammes in dropsy.

Kneipp, My Will. 22
338 Fifth paet. Prepaeation of the teas etc.

Elder-flower 3 grammes
Dwarf-elder-root 3 grammes The same effect as the
Juniper - berries 8 or 10 preceding.

Broom 3 grammes
Good for stone- and gravel-
Knot-grass 4 grammes
Shave-grass 3 grammes

Centaury 3 grammes
A valuable tea for gastric
Bogbean 3 grammes
12 Juniper-berries crushed.

Eibwort 3 grammes the

For congestion of
Coltsfoot 3 grammes
Lungs or Air-tubes.
Lungwort 4 grammes

Common nettle 3 grammes

Used by me for the pre-
Blind-nettle 3 grammes
ceding disease.
Mallow flowers 3 grammes

Yiolet-leavGS 3 grammes
St. John's Wort 3 grammes Useful for the same disease.
Watercress 4 grammes

Angelica root 3 grammes me-

Forms a good gastric
Fennel 2 grammes
Eyebright 4 grammes
Chapter X. Tea-eecipes. 339

Gentian either alone or with some other tea is good

for the stomach, but only a small portion must be taken,
at most one gramme, for it is sharp.

Briar-hips 3 grammes Is a tea for kidney di-

Oatstraw 7 grammes seases.

Rue 3 grammes
Magnolia root 3 grammes
Good for asthma and heart
Silver-weed 3 grammes

Mullein flowers 3 grms.

Elder 3 grms. To cause sweating.
Lime-tree blossans 3 grms.

Good in constipation,
Blackthorn blossoms V gT.
causes a gentle action of
Eyebright 3 gr.
the bowels.

Though I spoonful of water hourly, and

prefer a
with this simple remedy I have cured invalids who had
suffered long and greatly from this trouble.

One may also boil Aloes in honey for very obstinate


A good tea for patients

inclined to Melancholia, or
Speedwell 4 grammes
for vertigo, congested con-
Valerian 3 grammes
ditions and palpitations of
the heart.

340 Fifth paet. Peepaeatiox or the teas etc.

Peppermint 2 grammes
4 grammes Good for colic and for
Mullein herb
severe chills.
Lime-tree bloss. 3 grammes

For bleeding of the lungs

Santala 3 grammes of the stomach and for
Mistletoe 7 grammes severe bleeding of the lower
part of the body.

Fennel 3 grammes Is a good tea in cases o-

Silverweed 3 grammes cramp, and attack of verf
Rue 3 grammes tigo.

Cowslips and wormwood act well in gout.

The following make a good tea for purifying the

blood, and one which I specially recommend to invalids
Avho are troubled with eruptions.

Sage 1 sramme
Rosemary gramme
Yarrow grammes
Shave-grass grammes
Juniper-berries grammes
Ribwort grammes
Common nettle 2 grammes
St. John's Wort 2 grammes
Wormwood 1 gramme
Centaury 2 grammes.

Pumpkin Kernel 25 pieces bruised and wormwood

1 gramme make a good tea for sufferers from tape worm.
Chapter X. Tea-eecipes ./ 341

Fenu greek or
A good tea for sufferers
Buckthorn 3
from lung diseases and con-
Ribwort 3 grammes
gested breathing organs.
Fennel 3 grammes

Fenugreek may be used as a gargle and in the

same way sage and shave-grass also.
The three kinds may also be mixed together or each
kind singly for a gargle.
Bilberries aregood for sufferers from They
are dried and so eaten ; one can make a tea from them
or prepare a tincture.
Arnica is generally used for sprains.

I have given these few tea-recipes to enable people

to learn what kinds of herbs to mix together in any
case of ilhiess, wdiat to apply, and which of them are
best for the various diseases.
Sixth Part.

Practising School

Practical Instructions

for the correct application of my

Douches, Vapours and Bandages.

Chapter XL

Practising School.

Prefatory Remarks.

ar illustrations, thosein the third as well as

those in the present part, are designed to show
how the douches, vapour-baths and bandages
should be given and how the doucher and the
<^(||)^ douched should stand.

y The greatest exactitude is indispensable in

the administration of the douches, vapours and bandages,
for on this depends one's success, that is, the cure of
the disease. Therefore the operator while douching must
allow nothing to escape his notice so as to be able to
report to the doctor, and give him a correct statement
which will help him in treating his patient.

In administering the douches the operator must al-

ways proceed very carefully, for the more equably the
douche is given so much the better can the patient bear
it. He should not be splashed but douched.

The operator must also take special notice of diffe-

rent attacks which may occur to the invalid while he is

being douched.
346 Sixth part. PSACTISING SCHOOL.

All patients not equally strong, therefore a

slight difference must be made; again, with some the
re-action, the flushing of the skin, does not set in very
quickly, whereas with others it may be observed as soon
as the water touches the body.

In these cases one judges according to the prescribed

duration of time.

For the head, ears, and face-douches the patient

need not be undressed.

For the knee-douche only the lower part of the leg

up to above the knee need be bare.
For the upper-douche only the upper part of the
body is stripped.

For the hip-douche the shirt may be kept on.

For the arm-douche and breast-douche the trousers

need not be taken off.

To stand about much with no clothes on, whether

before or after the douches, is harmful in the highest

The Douches.

The Head-Douche.


The patient being m

a receptive, bent attitude the
head douched, not in a single spot as this would
too much but, as the illustration shows, in a
This is continued for five or six times.
348 Sixth paet. Practising school.

The Face-Douche.

In this douche one begins, as shown in the ilhi-,

stration, at N^ 1 and continues with the jet, which need
not be very broad, round to the point of commencement
again, repeating this five or six times.

The patient stoops so that the water has a good

flow. For the head- and face-douche he remains clothed.
Chaptee XI. The eae-duuche. 349

The Ear-Douche.

One doiiclies exactly as the illustration on page 70

indicates, directing the water round the ear four or five
times with the hose or the can.

The attitude of the patient is a bent one so that

the water can run off.

Complete undressing is not necessary.

350 Sixth part. Practisik-g school.

The Breast-Douche.

After the patient has assumed an attitude as if for

the upper-douche, he raises either his right or left arm
as high as is convement and bends somewhat sideways,
so that the water flows broadly over the chest as in the
One first douches the arm, which is leant on, con-
tinuing slowly upwards to the chest and so on to the
spot \vhich is the best for allowing the water a broad flow.
The length of the douche is from one to tw^o minutes.
Chapter XL The aem-douche. not

The Arm-Douche.

One begins at N'^ 1, proceeds slowly upwards to

N^ 2, and remains stationary here for some time.

One must take care that the water runs into a vessel.

The position is shown in the illustration on page 72.

The douche lasts from one to two minutes.
352 Sixth paet. Peactisixg school.

The Upper^Douche.
A. For the strong. B. For the weak.


This is rather difficult to give and recjuires some


The position of the patient is a stooping one (com-

pare the figure with page 73).

One begins with the right hand, douches from N^ 1

upwards to N^ 2. proceeds from N^' 2 along the side to
Chapter XL The uppee-douche. 353

N^ 3 (the reel point), remains stationary on it and lets

the water flow, so that the whole surface of the back is
covered with water at once.
One can point N*^ 3 whence the
easily discover this
water most easily flows broadly over the whole back.
For weak people, when the right arm and right side
have been douched, one can pass first to the left arm
and left side and then seek right or left (3 or 6) the
spot whence the water can flow in a nice broad stream
over the back.

The chest is not douched.

The stream of w^ater must not fall directly on the
The length of the douche is from one to two

For the upper-douche the lower part of the body

may naturally remain clothed.

Kneipp, My Will. 23
354 Sixth part. Peactisixg school.

The Hip- or Thigh-Douche.

For this one begins as for the knee-douche at the

heel of the right foot, as the picture shows in N^ 1, con-
tinuing up the centre of the calf to above the knee and
letting the stream of water at the thigh fall somewhat
sideways, so that a sheet of water washes the whole
thigh; one then douches slowly upwards to N^ 2, that
is, to the waist and goes back to W 1 then one begins

at N^ 3 and douches the left thigh or hip in the same

way: this process is repeated three or four times.
Chapter XL The hip- op. thigh-douche. 355

]\[ake the patient turn round and begin again at

the right foot up to the height shown in the picture,
and proceed exactly as ah'eady described.
The more equably the parts to be douched are
washed by the w^ater so much greater the benefit.
The length of the douche is from one to three minutes.

356 Sixth part. Peactisixg school.

The Knee-Douche.

One begins, as indicated, at the lieel of the right

foot at N^ 1, continues slowly up the middle of the calf
N^ 2, and lets the water flow so that the whole calf is
covered with a sheet of water.

Then begin on the left foot at N^ 3, and con-

tinue in just the same manner as on the right foot
up to W 4:.
Chaptee XI. The knee-douhe. 357

After one has been up and down both calves four

or five tmies, make the patient turn round and begin on
the toes of the right foot and continue slowly upward
to above the knee, remain stationary some time and
begin on the left foot, and douche that as already ex-

The douche lasts from one to two minutes.

358 Sixth PART. PeactisixCt school.

The Back-Douche.

The Back-Douche begins

at the heel of the right
foot ; indicated (from N^ 1 to
one douches up, as is 2), W
then down to N^ 1. One then begins on the left foot
at W 3, proceeds upward to N*^ 4, crosses over to N^ 2,
up to W
5, back again to N*^ 2 and 4 and from N^ 4
up to W 6.
Chaptee XL The baok-douche. 359

For the back-cloiiche one does not douche too high

up\Yards lest the water flows down over the breast.
fore part of the body is not to be douched.

The length of the douche is form one to two

360 Sixth part. Peactising school.

The Complete Douche.

In this douche one begins as in the

back-douche at
IS 1 on the right foot, proceeds upward to
back to NO 1.
2 and

Then begin on the left leg at N^ 3, proceed up-

wards to W 4, cross over to 2, up to N 5, back again
to 2 and 4 and so upwards to points 6
and 7. After
some time the patient turns round and (with strong
Chapter XL The complete-douche. 361

people) one begins at once on the chest, whilst seeking"

a place whence the water spreads over the chest in a

sheet as well as over the abdomen and thighs.

For weak people one can begin below as shown in

the illustration.

The length of the douche is three minuteSv

362 Sixth paet. Peactisixg school.

The Lightning-Douche,

-^For the lightning- douche the stream is narrow

b'lg. 1.

as given from a distance of three and a half yards

it is
and the mouthpiece should have a small opening.
*One begins behind on the heel of the right foot at N^ 1,
ascending to N^ 2, and going back again to N*^ 1.

After this begin on the left foot at 3, proceed W

up to N^ 4, down again to N^ 3, then up again to N^ 5,
cross over to N^ 6, proceed up the right side to
N^ 7, go down the arm to N^ 8, ascend again to 7, W
*Note. For the sake of greater clearness I have represented
Chaptee XI. The light^'ixg-douche. 363

The Lightning-Douche.
(Continnatioii. I

Figure 2.

and then proceed corkscrew fashion up and down

douche in the
the separate processes of tliis somewhat comphcated
following series of three illustrations in Fig,
4 the whole Light-
ning-Douche is represented.

The douching in front is, as the figures show, exactly similar.

364 Sixth paet. Peactising school.

The Lightning-Douche.

Figure 3.

and obliquely over the back.

The numbers are merely to show the directions in
which the jet is to be turned.
Chaptee XI. The lictHtxi^'o-douche. 165

The Lightning-Douche.

Figure 4.

The Lightning-Douche is not administered at home,

but mthe Bath-Establishment, for in private houses
apphances for it are never, or at least very seldom,
tamable and moreover the lightning-douche requires
skill as it is impossible to apply it
without having seen
it done.
366 Sixth part. Practising school.

After one has completed the designated manoeuvres

with the jet in the hghtning-douche, there is still the
"whipping" to be accomplished; it is done by whipping
with the jet upwards and diagonally rapidly as with
a lash.

This whipping cannot be shown in the illustration.

Thi Lightning-Douche should last from three to five
The Bandages.

The Head-Bandage.
After moistening the whole head with water, one
binds a dry cloth over it and after this yet a second.
Duration half an hour.

The Throat-Bandage.
The throat-bandage consists in binding round the
neck a wet, wrnng-out cloth as wide as the throat and
putting over it a dry cloth which must however be well
turned in so that the entrance of air is prevented. The
throat-bandage must betaken in bed; it is changed every
twenty minutes and generally lasts an hour.

The Short-Bandage.
First one lays on the bed a so-called coarse cloth
or blanket on which one spreads a wet cloth which has
been wrung out.
On this the patient lies and a second person wraps
him in the wet cloth and then the dry blanket is folded
over his body.
368 Sixth paet. Peactising- school.

The patient is covered up moderately, bat if he is

not weak, one can do away with the covering over the
short-bandage as may be seen by the picture oii.page 101.
Duration: an hour and a half.

The Lower-Bandage.
It begins under the arms and reaches down to the
feet' which are included.
First one lays the blanket on the bed and then the
wet wrung-out cloth in which the patient is swathed.
One has to take care that the feet are well covered,
so that no air can gain entrance.

The Foot- and Calf-Bandage.

A dipped in the decoction or fluid to be

cloth is

used, then wrung out and folded round the foot or calf,
over it comes a dry cloth, which may be either of wool
or linen.

The length of time for keeping on this bandage is

an hour and a half; it must however be renewed at the
end of an hour.

The Spanish Mantle.

The patient puts on this specially prepared mantle

wet but wrung out. He is then to lie down on the
ready made bed and be covered by the blanket or cloth
and on this again a light feather bed or quilt. Dura-
tion from an hour and a half to two hours.
Chaptek XL The wet shirt to The SHA^YL. 369

The Wet shirt.

This dipped in water, or hay- flower or pine-shoots


decoction, wrung out and put on the patient. The blanket

must first be laid on the bed to be ready to wrap the
patient round. ^Vlien this is done, he is covered with a

The sheet or quilt must always be bigger than the

wet cloths in order to prevent the entrance of air.

The Upper-Compress.
A wet three or four-fold cloth, wrung out, is laid
on the patient from the neck to the thighs, it must be
rather wider than his chest. Over this is placed a
blanket or a four-folded sheet in order to exclude the
air and on this again a feather-bed is laid. Duration
from three quarters to a full hour.

The Under-Compress.
A blanket or a fourfold sheet is first laid evenly on
the mattrass, then the wet, wrung-out cloth: on this
the patient lies down.

The under-compress reaches from the last bone of

the neck all down the back. Length of time from half

to three quarters of an hour.

The Shawl.
As may be seen by the illustration on page 107 a
second person puts the wet three cornered cloth round
the shoulders and chest of the patient and the dry cloth
on the top. The patient must remain in bed. Duration:
from an hour to an hour and a half.
Knei pp. My Will. 24
370 Sixth pakt. Peactising school.

The Arm- and Hand-Bandage,

Fold the cloth, which has been dipped in water or
prescribed decoction, round the hand up to the wrist or
from the wrist to the elbow according to circumstances,
or even to the shoulder and place the dry cloth over it.
Keep it on from one and a half to two hours.

The Vapour-Baths.

The Head-Vapour-Bath.
The Vessel is so placed that the patient need only
bend his head slightly. He is so wrapped in a blanket
that the steam reaches his head.
Duration: fifteen to twenty minutes followed by a
cold, upper-washing.

The Foot-Vapour-Bath.
On the vessel one or two narrow boards are placed
and the feet rest on them; the blanket is so arranged
over them that the steam does not escape nor get beyond
the feet. Duration: fifteen to twenty minutes; after
which a cold ablution or a knee-douche.

The Complete-Vapour-Bath.
The illustration on page 119 shows how one should
set about preparing this. You place under an open cane
chair or a stool with big holes a vessel of steaming
372 Sixth part. Practising school.

water and on this seat the patient takes his place with
a blanket round him which forms a sort of lid. Dura-
tion fifteen
: to twenty minutes.

Afterwards a complete cold washing.

If more steam is recj[uired lay a red hot brick in
the water.



Preface .Ill

Part I.

General Remarks.
Chapter 1. How do Maladies arise? 316
Chapter 2. In what condition must a man be to un-
dergo treatment? 1721

Part II.

Bracing by Water.
Chapter 3. "Going bare-foot." Wearing of Sandals.
Wading in Water , . . . - 22 35

Part III.

Applications of 'Water.
Chapter 4. Ablutions. How often, and in what cases,
are the washings necessary? 3646
Chapter 5. The Baths. General Remarks. The Eye-Bath,
Ai-m-Bath, Foot-Bath, Sitting-Bath, Half-Bath, Cold
Fnll-Bath. Warm Full-Bath 4764
374 Contents.

Chapter 6. The DoueheSj General Remarks. The Head-
Donche, Face-Douche, Ear-Douche, Breast-Douche,
^ Arm-Douche, Upper-Douche, Hip-Douche, Knee-
Douche, Back-Douche, Full-Douche, Lightning-
Douche 6587
Chapter 7. Bandages and Compresses. General-Remarks.
Head-Bandage. Neck-Bandage, Short-Bandage,
Lower-Bandage, Foot-Bandage, Whole-Bandage,
Spanish Mantle, Wet Shirt. The Abdomen-Com-
press, Under-Compress, Upper-Compress. The Shawl.
The Hand- and Arm-Bandage 88108
Chapter 8. Vapour-Baths. General-Remarks. Vapour-
Bath for the head; for the nose and ears; for the
arm; for the foot; Close-stool- Vapour-Bath the ;

Complete Vapour-Bath 109121

Part IV.
Chapter 9. Asthma. Eye Diseases. Cataract. Gutta
Serena or Amaurosis. Glaucoma. Skin Diseases.
Bed- Wetting. Catarrh of the Bladder. Chlorosis.
Croup. Diphtheria. Inflammation of throat. Diarr-
hoea. Swollen Feet. Cold Feet. Open Feet. Flatu-
lence. Paralysis of the Brain. Gout. Gravel- and
Stone-Diseases. Baldness. Hoarseness. Diseases
of the Heart. Corns, Body Ulcers. Varicose Veins,
Cure for them. Cure of Piles. Inflammation of
Lungs. Dysentery. Bleeding of the Nose. Discharge
from the Ear. Diseases of the Ear. Deafness. Apo-
plexy. Consumption. Pleurisy. Heart-Burn Con-
stipation. Urinary Troubles. Dropsy. Ascites.
Dropsy of the Heart. Dropsy of the chest. Tooth-
Ache 122324

. Part Y.
Chapter 10. Preparation of the Teas, Powders, Tinc-
tures and
Oils. Domestic Medicine Chest. My
Medicinal Herbs. Tea Recipes 325 341
Contexts. 375

Part VI.

Chapter 11. Practising School. Practical Instructions

for the correct apphcations, of my douches. Vapours
and Bandages. Prefatory Remarks. The Douches,
upper douche, hip or
for head, face, ear, breast, arm,
thigh douche, knee, back, complete and hghtning
douches. The Bandages. Head, throat, short, lower,
foot and calf, Spanish Mantle, wet shirt, upper com-
press, under compress, the shawl, the arm and hand
bandage. The Vapour Baths. The head vapour
bath, the foot, the complete 343 372
Alphabetical Index.

Pages Pages
Baldness . . 215

Abdomen Bandages- 364

. .150 185 193
. .

Abdominal Bandage 167 . ,

Arm . 108 370
Abdominal Compress Calf . . . 368
104 . .

Ablutions Foot . . . 99 368

Abscesses Full . . . 101.
Acids 190 195 Hand . . 370.

Acorn 20
Hay-flower . 96.

Advice 31
Head . . . 89.

Air T^eg . 99 101

6 285 :,

Alcohol 5 281 Lower thig h . 97 368

Alternating Bath ... 61
Neck . . 90 364
93 364
Amaurosis 141
. .

Anoemia 298
Thigh . . .99
Angelica 332
Whole . 26 27 32
Apoplexy Bare-Foot . 25 32
Arm-Bandage .... 370
Bark of Oak . 232 335
Arm- Vapour-Bath
.... 72
. . . . .47
. . .113 .. . .

Arnica 333
Arm- Yap our . . 113
Artificial Warmth . . 20 127 .. Close stool . .-a^
Ascites Cold Foot 51 .

..... 125
232 302

Complete Vap OUT 191 371
Ear Vapour 113 . .

.. Eye Vapour 48 111 .

B. .. Foot Vapour 114 371 .

.. Half . . 56. . .

Back-Douche . . . . 77 Hay Flower 64. . .

Bad-Cold 268 Head Vapour Ill 371

Alpieabetical Index. 377

Baths, Herb .... 61 63 Comforters 11
, Hip 54 Complete Vapour -Bath 119 371
.. Oat Straw . . 53 63 Compresses Abdominal 104
Pine-Shoot ... 64 Under-

Sitting .... 54



^Ya^m Complete . 119 371 Constipation 295
Bed- Wetting 145 Consumption 272
Beer 156 281 Corns 236
Bladder Catarrh of
. . .

333 339
Cough ... 13
. . .
Croup 157
Blanket 367 371 Cramp 130
Blood vessels .... 240
Obstructions 296 D.
. . .

Poisoning 162
Body Ulcers .... 237 Deafness . . . 262
Boils 4 Debility . . . . . 11
Bowels Inflammation of . 298 Diaphragm . . . 308
Bracing 24
Diarrhoea 164
. . .

Brain Paralysis of . . .195 Diet . 155

Brandy 5 281
DifficultBreathing . . 44
Bread Soup 155 Diptheria . " . . 159

Breast Cramp .
Discharge from Ear


. . 259
Breast Douche 71 350
Diseases . . . f) 125 to 324
Briar hip 303 Disease of Ear 262
. . .

Brick 120 372

Diseased Bones . . . . 54
Broth 155 Douches, . . . . 65
.. Arm . . . 72 351
.. Back . . . . 77 358
Calf-Bandage .... 100 .. Breast
. 71
Camomile . . . . . 334 .. . . .

Cataract . . . . . .140 .. Face . . 70 348

Catarrh 268 Full . . . . 80 360
_ of the Bladder 35 147 .. Head . . . . 69 347
Centaury . . . .184 336 .. Hip . . . 74 354
Chalk 211 .. Knee . . 76 356
Childrens' Paralysis . .51 ., Lightning . . 83 362
Chlorosis 153 Upper 72 352

. .

Cholera 7 Dress . . 14
Chronic Cough .... 13 Drink . . . . . 281
Cleanliness .....
Close-Stool-Yapour-Bath .
Dropsy .

Dwarf- E Ider-root


Coffee 184 Dysentery . . 253
Cold 268
Cold Feet 178 E.
Cold Foot-Bath .... 51
Cold Full-Bath .... 59 Ear
. . . 262
70 349
Colic 191 . . .

Collar 11 Ear- Vapour-Bath 113

378 Alphabetical Index.

Pa!?es Pasres

Eating 282 Head-Ache 27 189

Effects of Washing 42 Head-Bandage . . 89
Effeminacy . 41 Head-Douche 69 347
Eggs . . . 281 He ad- Vap our-Bath . Ill
Elder Flower 252 Heart Burn . . 293
Entire Washing 43 Heart Disease . 225
Eruptions 143 Herb-Bath . . . 61
Expectoration 269 278 Hjgh-Heeled-Shoes 8 243
Eye-Bath 48 Hip-Bath . 54
Eye. Inflammation of 49 135 Hip-Douche . 74 354
Eye-bright . 135 333 Hoarseness . . 221
Hydrothorax . 316
Features"^, 6
Feet 180 Ice-Bags 199
. . . .

Open . . 181 Immersion 274

Swollen 169
. Inflammation of Bowels 298
Fennel 139 334 ,,
of Lungs 249
Fenn-Greek . 161 334 Insect Stings 50
Fever 17 277 Itch 14
Flaccid . 187 193 212
Flatulence 189

Food . . . 155 189

Foot Bandage 99 Juices 189 219
, Baths . 33 Juniper-Berries 129 215
Vapour-Bath 114
Fruit .... 169 K.
Full Bandage 101
Full Douche . 80 Kidneys . . . . 186 210

Knee-Douche .. . 68 76 356
G. Knot Grass . . 209 336 338

General Advice . 39 L.
Gen+inn , 333 339
Germs 218 Lavender 336

Glaucoma 142 Leg-Bandage 99 101

Goitre 92- Lightning-Douche . 83 362
Gout . .
202 Loam Poultice . 245

Gravel 210 Lower Thigh Bandage 97


Gutta-Serena 141 Lungwort 335


Gymnastics .
Maladies .125 to 324
. . .

Half-Baths 56 57 Malt 155

Hand-Bandage . . . .108 Mantle, Spanish . . . 101 368
Hay-Flower-Bandage 183 187 260 Massage 4 85
Hay-Flower-Bath 64 ... Medicine chest .... 330
Alphabetical Index. 379
Pages Pages
Medicinal herbs . . 331.
Membranes 222
Milk 128 155 Sage 335
Mortality 337
Sandals 33 34
Mncons 304
Scarlet Fever . . . .172
Mncns ... 160 224 252 Scrofula
Shave-Grass 135 337
N. . . .

Shawl 107 369

Neck-Banclage 90 367 Shoes . . . . . 8 243
Short Bandage ... 93 184
Nettle root
Nettle Tea

338 340
Sitting Bath .... 54
New-Born 85
Skin Diseases . . . .143
Nose Bleeding . 256 Sores 136
Sore Throat 157
Spanish Mantle . . .101 368
Spasms 13
Sprains 8 341
Oak-Bark . 335
. . .
Stings 50
Oat Straw-Bath 53 64 303 Stockings 188
Oat Straw-Compr ess 95 .
Stone 213
Oat Straw tea 214
. .
Sweating . . 119 278 318
Obstruction . 304 .
Swollen Feet .169
. . .

of blood 182 223 Swollen Throat 159

... . 330 Sweet briar 334
Open Feet _. . 181
P. Tape Worm 15
. . .

Teas 327 to 341

Palpitation 234
Bark of Oak 335 . .

Paralysis of the Brain 195


, Camomile 334 . .

Peppermint 335 340 .

J' Dwarf-Elder-;Root 319

Pericardium 314
Elder Fower 338 . .

Perspiration 5
Fennel 338 340 .

Piles 241 .

Pine-Shoot-Bath ... 64 ,. Fenu-Greek



Pleurisy 289 .,

, Nettle . . 219 . .

Potcheese . . . . 195 251

Oat-Straw 214 339 .

Powders 329 ,,

Rosemary 337
Prescriptions . . . .337 .

Ribwort 336 338 '.

Phthisis 272 ,,

Shave-Grass 340 . .

Tormentilla 337
Wormwood 337 340 .'

Rectum . . 241 Tea Recipes .337 to 341

Recipes . 337 Thigh Bandage 99 . .

Ptibwort . 336 338 Tight Lacing 8 . .

Rosemary 335 337 Tinctures 329 . .

Rue . . 335 Tonsils 158 . .

Ruptures . 165 Tooth-Ache .

320 . .
380 Alphabetical Iisdex.

Pages Pages
Tormentilla 336 Vertigo 189 340
Treatment 17 Violets 336 338
Trichina 15
u. Wading . 34
Ulcers 237 Wandering Gout 44
Under-Compress 106 369 Warm Full-Bath 61
Upper-Compress . 106 369 Washings, 39
Upper-Donches, . 68 72 352 Entire 43- -46
Washings . 40
Upper . 40
Uretha 306 Lower . 40
Urine 303 Water Applications . 46
Urinary Difficulties . . 303
. Watercress . 333 338
V. Wet shirt . . 103 369
Whitlows 66
Vapour-Baths, .....113 109 Whole Bandage .

,. Arm-Bath . .
Wormwood , . . 133
,; Close-Stool-Bath . 116 Wrappings . 10
I Complete Bath . . 119 Wind CoHc . . 191
Ear-Bath .113
. . .

,. Foot-Bath .114 371


Head-Bath HI 371
. .

Varicose Veins 239 Yarrow 335


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