My Will Sebastian Kneipp
My Will Sebastian Kneipp
My Will Sebastian Kneipp
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Prelate Seb. Kneipp Prior Fr. Boniface Reile.
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H. GREYEL Co., &
33, King Steeet, Covent Gaeden, W. C.
peinted in geemany.
Herbs. As
an Exhibition various objects are ex-
posed to view, so in these may be found many things
vakiable and serviceable in life.
The Author.
First Part.
General Remarks.
K ne i p p , ily Will.
Chapter I.
When these
obstructions occur in various parts of the
body, the blood remains as it were cooped up neither
able to advance nor to retire properly; and the result of
this superfluity at a particular point is a great heat
which will inevitably develop an illness. The special parts
of the body suffering from obstructions do not suffer
alone, for while they are afflicted with too much blood,
other parts of the body have not sufficient. It is a case
of over-filling on one side and privation on the other.
weight at the chest is caused by a flow of blood
to causing at the same time pain in the lower part
can count the number of diseases produced by
defective circulation of the blood?
person came to me this summer with a hundred
boils all over her body which she ascribed to an un-
duly vigorous course of massage which had pressed too
much blood from the veins. The consequence was that
having no flow or outlet, it became foul and corrupt.
This is an illustration on a large scale of what happens
in smaller troubles.
Chaptee I. How DO Maladies arise.
and I know
that infinite care is bestowed on horse breed-
ing, butnever heard of such a folly as putting on a
cuirass in order to render the figure and beauty of the
horse more perfect. Whether Lord or Peasant attempted
such an act of folly, he would be looked upon as
a fool.
law. The bones of the young are pliable and soft, and
by constant compression they may be distorted out of
their natural form and prevented from full development.
This treatment leaves the body weak and troubled.
I have known girls, who were perfect models accor-
ding to Fashion Plates, unable to bend their bodies suf-
ficiently to pick an object off the floor, so thoroughly had
they weakened their bodies. Such weakness makes them
prematurely old and feeble and liable to pain, beside ren-
dering them unfit for any healthy vocation.
I am
no judge of the comfort of gloves never having
worn them in my life, but this I know I never have cold
hands in the summer weather and they are cleaner
without than with gloves and I can use them as I like.
school boy, wishing to take a bath, took a sharp
run and leaped into the water which was about three
or four feet deep. As he sprang in he went under and
was drowned. This could not be due to the coldness of
the water, for it was summer, but to the shock to the
heart and lungs caused by the rapid plunge which resulted
in paralysis.
son can really judge for himself the best time to take
a bath.
The action of the water upon the system in one
such application is so gentle and gradual that there can
foe no question of over excitement. Another question ari-
ses "What is to be done after taking the bath?" In
order to get good results the body must, as we have
said, be warm before taking the bath and it must be
thoroughly warm as quickly as possible after taking it.
This is one of the most important points in water cure.
Bracing by Water.
^- tu^ '. i,'-^^
Chapter HI.
"Going bare-foot."
they are made to tread the earth and carry the human
body, and that can only be done, if they are hardy and
well nourished. It is a great misfortune when, as is
often the case, the feet are too poor and weak to do
their work properly. Those who go bare-foot never suf-
fer from cold feet which is the result of poorness of
blood and too little of it. Not only does going bare-
foot strengthen and nourish the feet by drawing the blood
down to them, and by causing a proper flow and circu-
lation of the blood through the body but it also streng-
thens the organs of the stomach. How many people have
come to me suffering from catarrh and diseases of the
bladder! I may say that not one of them had ever at-
tempted to strengthen his feet and lower part of the body
by going bare-foot, indeed he would scarcely have dared to
walk across the room without shoes and stockings. The
circulation of the blood is much disturbed by debility
and cold feet and, in this condition, diseases of the
bowels, the kidneys and the bladder are easily brought on.
The proof lies in this, that w^e cure these diseases by
well regulated applications of cold water and by going
more active is his system, and the easier will the stomach
perform its duties. In short, "going bare-foot" is the
best protection against all maladies and for this reason,
that by it the body is made strong and the circulation
of the blood regulated. The origin of nearly every ill-
ness may be traced to debility and disturbance in the
circulation of th:i blood.
How children long for the country when the spring
has passed that they may run bare-foot! They love it
because it makes them and does them so
so comfortable
much good and I would never put on shoes
believe they
and stockings again, unless they were compelled.
Going bare-foot is not only good for country folk,
but is even better for town people. The business man
sitting all day long in his office with heavy aching head
counts the minutes until his return home exactly as the
day labourer counts the strokes of the clock which an-
nounces his release from work. His head is heavy, for
the close work has sent the blood so rapidly into it ma-
king it burning hot, while his feet are like ice. Now
what could he better for such a man than a quarter,
or better, half an hour's practice in going bare-
foot? The sleepy heaviness would soon disappear, the
blood would be drawn from the head, the movement
would act beneficially on the whole body and, last but not
least, the feet would be quite warm. I recommend going
bare-foot not only as a relief, but as a protection against
many diseases peculiar to those who lead a sedentary
life, in which the brain has too much to do and the body
too little.
Chapter III. Going baee-foot. 29
remark here that one must walk only in fresh fallen snow
certainly not in that which has been frozen.
Third Pari.
Applications of Water.
Chapter IV.
Effects of Washings.
every ablution there will be a decrease of the
intensityand dryness of the heat and an increase of
strength to the body because of the mass of evil got
rid of.
The Baths.
General Remarks,
The water applications described are to be considered as
taken in a Bath-house with stone floor; only on account of con-
venience our sketches were made in the sick room.
In actual water applications in the room it is of course best
to use a vessel from which the water can run.
The Eye-Bath.
V. 48
Chapter V. The baths. General remarks. 49
neral bath for the eyes and should be taken in the same
way as the simple bath adding the alum in proportion
to the w^ater.
thens and develops warmth, and acts upon the arms and
hands, in the same way as the foot bath acts upon
the feet.
The Foot-Bath.
(See "My Watercure" 50th Ed. p. 39.)
The Sitting-Bath.
ally as required.
The Half-Bath.
Chaptee Y. The baths: The hale-bath. 57
Chapter V. The baths: The cold full bath. 59
entirely for three weeks and then only to take two half-
baths a week of the shortest duration.
This treatment succeeded in bringing back his na-
tural warmth, his strength, and good spirits.
lect will bring all the pain and sorrow back. On the
other hand when the cure has been effected by cold
w^ater the body is so braced and strengthened that the'
cure is permanent.
The Douches.
General Remarks.
the finger but that the whole body was sick and that the
finger was the spot through which the disease made an
outlet. If one had treated the finger alone with reme-
dies the whole body might have remained sick for weeks,
until at length it had got rid of the diseased matter it
had imbibed, and in the process the finger may have
been lost.
Chaptek YI. Douches: The head-douche. 69
The Head-Douche.
(See '^My ^Yater Cure" 50th Edition p. 89.)
The Face-Douche.
The face-douche consists simply in douching the
whole face in the same way that the head was douched.
It is employed in the cure of ulcers, Lupus and other
skin diseases which attack the face. The head may be
held in any way the patient prefers so that the water
is confined to the face only.
The Ear-Douche.
head round about the ear and then on the other in the
same way. The water is not poured into the ear but if
by chance some finds its way in it will not matter. If
the deaf person has not much hair, it would be well to
combine the ear with the head-douche so as to get a
stronger effect. In this case however the greatest care
must be taken to get the head and hair dry as quickly
as possible. Two
cans of w^ater may be used for the
ear-douche. After the ear douche the head should be
w^ell covered until cjuite dry, unless the temperature of
the room is warm when it will not be necessary. There
is no objection to going into the fresh air after it, if
the weather is warm and there is no wind. The effect
of this douche is to strengthen and remove blood obstruc-
tions and disperse foul secretions, in short, it streng-
thens the whole head.
If one very careful, it may be taken three, four
and even times a week with very good results. Its
action will not be on the ear alone but on every part
of the head particularly where blood obstructions exist.
The Breast-Douche.
This is generally taken in combination with the
upper douche. The patient bends one arm upward and
leans on the other, (see illustration) which renders easy
the pouring of the water on the chest from the side.
Many for whom I have prescribed this douche take it
while lying on their back on a board and so get a good
strong douche on the breast. This douche is strengthen-
ing and dissolving; it loosens the mucous in the chest
and makes its discharge easy. It is absolutely necessary
that the heart be strong and in perfect order for a per-
son to take the breast-douche.
72 Third paet. Applications of water.
The Arm-Douche.
(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 88.)
The Upper-Douche.
(See '-My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 85.)
The Hip-Douche.
(See "My Water Cure'' 50th Edition p. 82.)
The Knee-Douche.
(See ''My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 81
The Back-Douche.
(See "'-My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 83.)
While the water pours over the back, the warmth concen-
trates itself within and gradually appears on the surface so
that in a very short time the patient feels great benefit.
Scarcely has he received the douche than a gentle glow
is felt on the skin and one knows that there is an in-
crease of warmth. One has seen the same effect from
wading in water. At first on stepping in one experien-
ces a cutting cold followed almost immediately by an
agreeable warmth and just as one puts on the dress
directly on coming out of the water without drying the
body so one does the moment after taking the back-
I know of no douche so generally strengthening as
the back-douche; its effects are excellent. It is of the
greatest service in regulating the circulation of the blood
and in dissolving and dispersing obstructions in the blood
and secretions. It braces and strengthens the lower part
of the body, in that it disperses gasses, and works upon
the liver and kidneys; its effect is also very good upon
the breast and indeed upon the whole body which it
warms and strengthens and purifies.
As the effect of this douche is so excellent, people
will naturally think they cannot take it too often. My
answer is :good results come slowly aud the ex-
All ;
The Full-Douche.
People generally think that the full -douche is the
most difficult to take of all the douches and the least
easy for the body to endure, whereas the opposite is-
the case.
Chapter VI. Douches: The eull-douche. 81
The Lightning-Douche.
floor. This being fully done the inner walls were found
to be sound and dry. They had evidently had three
layers of plasteron them none of which had been dry.
The church was not at all well ventilated and during
the service it was crowded with people and full of a
hazy mist which settled in the walls.
Chaptfr YI. Douches: The lightning-douche. 35
The Head-Bandage.
(See "My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 93.)
The Neck-Bandage.
(See "My Water Ciire^' 50th Edition p. 94.)
The Short-Bandage.
(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 100.)
The Lower-Bandage.
(See '"My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 98.)
Chapter YII. Baxdages: The foot-bandage. 99
The Foot-Bandage.
(See ''My Water Cure" 50tli Edition p. 97).
V 100
Chaptee YIL Bandages: The Spanish Mantle. 101
the two parts of the front are well wrapped over each
other so that the whole body is covered.
Chaptee YII. Bandages : The wet shirt. 103
be in vain.
The Shawl.
(See "My Water Cure" 50th Edition p. 96.)
Vapour Baths.
General Remarks.
The Arm-Vapour-Bath,
Not only is it possible to apply vapour to the head
and separate parts of it, but it can be applied to the
arm with the greatest success.
The Foot-Vapour-Bath.
(See ''My Watercure" 50th Edition p. 76.)
gentleman took these foot-vapour-baths several
times and thought that all the perspiration came from
the vapour and not at all from the body and because he
could not understand that the sweat running over his
feet came from the body, I gave him rather a strong
foot-vapour-bath and bade him hold his feet over the
steam for twenty-six minutes. He began to perspire so
much that the sweat poured down his face and wetted
all his clothes.
dry and hard, and the pores are closed; in cases of chill
and inflammatory diseases brought on thereby in delicate ;
The Close-Stool-Vapour-Bath.
(See ''My Watercure" 50th Edition p. 78.)
Chapter IX.
K nei pp , My Will. Q
130 Fourth paet. Diseases.
Eye Diseases.
the eye.
is called eye-salvo.
Skin Diseases.
The shirt not only softened the bad matter but drew
it out of the body. The half baths strengthened the
system and the complete shower baths induced great
activity, generated warmth, as well as a general violent
bread every day and not to take more fluid than was
absolutely necessary to allay his thirst.
people are very subject to colds and are sel-
dom without one, while others scarcely have time to feel
that one is coming before it has disappeared. Catarrhs
may be of different kinds and degrees and occur not only
in the respiratory organs but also in the stomach and
getting less.
peared. After the heat had been removed, the child was
merely washed as often as the fever again appeared.
This treatment was continued for a few days the
swelling was allayed and the child well again. To take
intornally the most desirable in my opinion is a decoc-
tion of '"Fenugreek" for allaying the heat and dispersing
the mucus. A decoction of shave- grass is equally good,
so is camomile tea with sage and w^ormwood mixed in it.
and half red wine, if you have such a thing, and drink
a cup of it. Drink it quite warm and if the diarrhoea
continues take a second cup in two or three hours.
Swollen Feet.
Among people of all ages swollen feet are of frequent
occurence and cause fnar to those who have them Bad !
In this way the body and feet are both acted upon and
the harmful matter drawn out at the same time it is
very much and this would take the spirit and courage
of the patient away. So I first operate on the system
internally and externally for the purpose of bracing and
dispersing and then I order the bandages to be removed.
Kneipp, My Will. 12
178 Fourth paet. Diseases.
Cold Feet.
do what I will" she said "my feet are always cold and
my head is always hot; if my head ceases to ache then
I get pains in my chest."
in her feet and the pains in her head and chest would
vanish. Her answer was "Oh! I can't stand damp and
cold at all; I should never be warm again."
It was spring time and she still wore all her win-
ter and enervating clothing; now I ordered her to wear
simple stockings and to go barefoot the greater part of
the day. She said, "May I go barefoot all the time I
am about my w^ork ? for I find my feet get very warm
while doing so and yet this is what I used to dread;
and when quite young I was punished if I did not wrap
up well to avoid cold."
Open Feet.
grew less day by day and at last the foot was healed;
she felt quite well and was able to perform the duties
of her calling. Her foot kept all right but she soon
experienced a great stuffiness in the head, a heavy weight
at the chest, and a swelling of the abdomen. She had
to give up her work and remained in bed four days when
she suffered paralysis of the heart.
thick with dirt and in the course of three days the feet
were less in size.
of food and they eat too much. Now too many sweets,
now too many acids, now quite indigestible things and
often not merely indigestible but perfectly unwholesome,
and the stomach is supposed to be able to digest such
a mixture How can people who thus indulge their
This may
be accomplished by dipping a four or six
fold cloth in hot water and vinegar and laying it on
the pained part, renewing it every twelve or sixteen
minutes until the pains have completely ceased.
The patient should take internally a tea of boiled
fennel, or milk inwhich fennel has been boiled it must
they have not their proper warmth, the blood does not
flow as it should and the motive power is torpid.
It is also hereditary.
For twenty years sufferers from all possible diseases
came to me but no gouty ones, and I should have been
so glad to know how water would heal this disease.
be said to be cured.
In curing Gout by water I operated in different ways
as long as I was not sure which was the best.
water twice a day which was kept on each time for an hour
or an hour and a half. The hands which were as pain-
ful as the .feet I treated in the same way, and had the
body washed all over with cold water daily. This last
caused a perspiration which carried off the bad matter.
After some time the patient considered himself quite
cured, yet after a year the illness re-appeared and he
began anew the treatment of the previous year and with
like success. Whenever the malady returned he resorted
to his bandages, baths douches and washings, and
was able to perform his duties quite easily although;
pain had ceased, and his appetite and sleep were good.
The second prescription was -one day a hip-donche the
next a back-douche and every second day an upper-
douche. The complete washing ceased but the arms w^ere
still to be plunged into cold water.
ral days. After ten hours about fifty rather large stones
passed, and naturally much sedhnent and matter whereof
stones are formed in the urine.
we only would study the leaves in the Book
If of
Nature we should be forced to cry aloud: How great is
our Creator!
good, healthy, and strong system has generally a
good deal of hair because a healthy soil for it is there.
If the bodily strength decreases and the system decays
then gradually the hair lacks its nourishment.
Man, however is not merely like a tree or a plant
which grows out of the earth and has to endure storm,
heat, and cold; the human body is like an implement
which if too much used and made to do more than it
ought becomes easily used up, brittle and useless.
are systems which have been thoroughly
debilitatedfrom childhood and with these the soil for
the hair cannot be good and nourishing.
One sometimes sees new-born babes come into the
world with more hair than many children acquire in a
whole year
Such children generally give indications of a good
strong development, while those who are without hair
possess a weak constitution.
calf or a foal comes into the world with very little and
thin hair the owner says: "I shall sell this as soon as I
can for it will always be a weakling.'' If, on the con-
4:rary, the creature has a very thick coat, he remarks "I :
get too much heat in the head and consequently the soil
for the hair gets dried up. This explains why otherwise
healthy people have very little hair. Members of learned
professions, for example, have seldom much hair.
The boy was weakly and did not look well, hence
the loss of hair might be due to weakness perhaps. Out-
side these spots his hair was tolerably long and strong
so there seemed no reason for these bare spots
than that something was in the skin which bit off the
hair and did not allow the roots to sprout out again.
of rest.
I know
a person of high rank in the army whose
feet i^ consequence of heart-disease are quite decayed
like those of a consumptive tailor or weaver.
lead the blood off and continne the bracing while the
full douches brace the entire body.
is possible to give
it the lightning douche
and where a good operator is to be had a weak one
would be of great benefit in the second part of the
I must however
specially warn every one against
taking too much
the system can only make use of small
Or, thirdly,
it may be that too little blood exists
in the system and is always decreasing and consequently
it does not stream to the heart in sufficient quantity,
therefore the heart stops. As regards this latter condi-
tion I have made certain observations in farm yards
where cattle are bred; one is, that calves, to use the
agricultural expression, become ''heart empty". These young
creatures may for several days or even a week prosper
well ;all at once however they have an attack, they
plunge violently, heave up suddenly and then fall in a
heap. Such attacks repeat themselves and if they pause
for a time the improvement does not last; the creatures
are again convulsed until all at once they give vent to
a rather loud bellow and instantaneous death follows.
the horny skin and make it easy for new ones to form.
Chapter IX. Body ulcees. 237
Body Ulcers.
worse for they do not help the system in the very least
to throw off the corrupt matter which is the first step to
Varicose Veins.
but when they are inside the "rectum" they are known
as blind piles.
Chapter IX. Varicose veins. 241
results of piles are noticeable in fullness of the
head, a variable and depressed state of mind; indeed
piles may bring people to the mad-house and induce
suicide as well as insanity.
Not only
are there varicose veins in the feet and
legs and not only are obstructions to be found in the
hemorrhoidal veins but they may form in many other
Whether these
clots of blood exist inside or outside
the body, without exception operate prejudicially on
the health, and may become dangerous, and as they may
be harmful to the body, so are they liable to cloud
the mind.
This is why
the wearers of narrow shoes have cold
feet year in year out. The emptier the feet are of blood
the greater will be the clots of blood in the varicose
veins and in other parts of the body.
244 Fourth part, r Diseases.
of use.
legs and feet and the varicose veins, although they are
still there, are smaller and painless. But I notice one
thing, several hardenings are on the calf of the leg and
on the foot which feel exactly as if they were sores.''
Cure of Piles.
As regards
diet the patient should take little or no
stimulating beverages and no spiced or strongly seasoned
food. The diet should be simple, wholesome and easily
Chapter IX. Ixflam.matiox of the lungs. 249
the real conflagration, the chest, where the hot,
stinging pain is felt most, apply a plaster of pot- cheese
pounded with pot-water to a white ointment all over
the painful part. In a very short time the plaster ab-
sorbs the heat and decreases the pain. If the pot- cheese
becomes dry and stiff, it will not absorb sufficiently and
must be replaced by a second or even a third applica-
tion if necessary.
and fever are subdued. Should the pain and heat return
apply another poultice.
If no help
is given, the discharge may go on for
years. In this case the children are usually backward
in mental as well as physical development.
One may with good effect wash out and syringe the
ears daily two or three times with a decoction of shave-
grass, or ribwort. The cleaner the injured place is kept,
the quicker will be the cure.
One can
also operate internally not only in expul-
sion by the urine, and cleansing and improving the
stomach, but by acting on the chest and abdomen.
Cold or Catarrh.
She came back and could not say enough about the
quantity of mucus she had expectorated. She noticed
that most of it came from her chest which she said must
have been full of it.
She felt quite easy but still a good deal of phlegm
passed which caused a slight cough.
The nose which had formerly been much inflamed
and the lips which had been greatly swollen returned
to their normal condition. The second prescription ran-
three half-baths, two upper-douches and two knee-douches,
or wading in water during the week. At the end of the
second fourteen days the impurities were cleaned out and
the woman was well.
the nose. I have had proofs over and over again of the
efficacy of this remedy.
The man carried out this and after a year, the boy
was entirely different. The paleness had vanished, the
colour of the face w^as fresh and healthy, and the whole
body had notahly gained in power.
A mother brought her daughter of fourteen years
old to me; she was entirely undeveloped both in mind
and body and her appearance was of a candidate for
consumption. The mother lamented that already two of
her daughters had died of consumption and this one had
the same symptoms as her dead sisters.
I was desirous of seeingwhat the cure would do
for the girl; at present she had no appetite, she could not
sleep because of an incessant cough.
I I am of opinion
have treated many such cases and
that, the water be applied for a
if longer period, such
predispositions to consumption may be overcome. If
however the normal strength be already broken and single
parts of the body have become useless, then naturally it
is of no use to talk about help.
student, thiuty-two years old, arrived from Wiirz-
burg and wished to be told candidly how it was with
him; the doctors in Wiirzburg had plainly said there
was no hope for him. After eight weeks of treatment
he declared himself quite healthy, his illness had com-
pletely disappeared, and as I discovered later, he con-
tinued healthy.
All that has been said up to this has related to
consumption in general.
He has come
not only to hke water but to beheve
in and knows that the system must be helped by
According to my
experience the best remedy is three
or four spoonsful of tea of Fenugreek taken twice or four
times daily and alternately with this tea take a spoonful
of salad-oil twice in the day.
If in the evening several people smoke in a room
and one places there, before going to bed, a vessel of
water all the tobacco-smell will have disappeared by the
Why should not water act in this way?
How much evil is wrought on the system by living
in a damp room. If this is brought about by evapora-
tion, why should not pure fresh water act on the invalid
in an opposite way by corresponding evaporation?
sumptive person.
every one who goes there yet the death rate by con-
It may
be that it is not noticeable in one or ano-
ther, that it never breaks out; but still the disposition
to consumption is in the body and though it may not
develop in the first generation, it will in the second or
third. ^
fatally is also clear and for the reasOn that these ulcers
disturb the entire organism.
The water
applications must be such as will
strengthen, dissolve and warm the whole system and bring
it into greater activity as well as help in the expulsion
of bad matter.
Ifthe invalid still have strength he may take in
the week two or three hip-donches and one or two half-
baths and if possible every second or third day a four-
fold cloth dipped in hay-flower-water bound on the ab-
domen for an hour or an hour and a half.
If one asks w^here the pain is, the sufferer points out
a small spot on the right or left side generally more ;
boy said: 'T used to carry a bag which gave me
such a bad stitch in the side that I can't work any
Again someone else said: "When I woke in the
morning, I had such violent pain that I could scarcely
turn over."
other proof that the meat has not been properly digested.
The case however may occur that food, if even it be
well assimilated, decomposes after being swallowed as for
instance in enlargement of the stomach, then as in the
case of the food in the pot, an acid forms at the en-
trance of the stomach which causes the painful, burning
Stone Diseases.
for five, ten or twenty years have never had their bow-
els opened without artificial help.
official of good appearance and tolerably stout
said, 'Tor sixteen years I have not had my bowels opened
once without assistance. T have been to the Baths, have
because it would not have the dazzling white colour that rolls
generally have ; he, however, made the rolls notably
larger and the patients were keen on them. If one com-
pares a whole meal roll with the usual one, there is a
great difference the former has a brownish colour, and
Urinary Troubles.
The priest had the urine drawn off four times daily
by a catheter so that it should not pass through the
railway journeys one should not restrain the
urine too long one should also be moderate in drinking
bandage may be applied twice daily to the ab-
domen and region of the Madder. The cloth should be
dipped in water and vinegar, and laid on for an hour,
but redipped every quarter of an hour.
It is also good in these cases to wash the abdomen
and region of the bladder once or twice with tincture of
arnica or weak spirit of camphor. You dissolve the
camphor in brandy or spirit weakened with water two ;
This skin may fill itself with water and this is then
called dropsy of the pericardium.
bad matter from being carried off, and hence the accu-
mulation of such matter.
318 Fourth paet. Diseases.
all parts of the body and force the water out, one ob-
tains a double effect on the whole body and on the sick
part. If it is quite settled that the patient has hydro-
thorax, I should promptly wash him all over twice daily
and if he has sufficient strength, three or four times
with quite cold water and vinegar.
Generally at the second or third but anyhow at the
fourth washing the patient will break into a perspiration
and then the further development of the illness is
that he had taken a glass too much and could not come.
f -
Then not only will the fistula be cured but the system
so strengthened that when it has thrown off the bad
matter it will allow no inflammation to arise and thus
true healing will be accomplished.
Chapter X.
One can also prepare from the herbs, roots etc.
powders which are useful.
There are, for example, invalids who cannot drink
teas ; one can help with powders by giving the
latter in wafers or mixing them with the food.
The Medicine-Chest.
Everything that I recommend in my medicine-chest
is easy for poor people to obtain for the little herbs grow
My Medicinal Herbs.
Most my
medicinal herbs are easy to recognise
and many people will doubtless have taken the trouble
to furnish for thems"elves a sort of chemist's shop con-
taining the herbs they have personally collected.*
Obst- uiid Waidbaume. Eiii Beitrag zur Keiiiitiiiss der Bamiie mid
ihrer Friiclite, deren Nutzeii und Bereitung. Mit zahlreichen lUu-
strationen." Price: paper-covered Ji 1,
bound -JL 1,20. ,.Die
The Violet every one knows and who has not en-
joyed its perfume? Not only does it refresh one's sense
of smell, its leaves and blossoms are most useful as tea.
It bhissoms in March and April.
r> 1 r 1 o Forbleedings,
^\-, for in-
bark or oak 6 grammes
m ormentilla
x-n o
o grammes
stance, spitting
-m- L^ f
Mistletoe also
ui blood,
ounLiHii or
uiuuli, etc.
is or
p n Q
Cass-weed 3 grammes
Kneipp, My Will. 22
338 Fifth paet. Prepaeation of the teas etc.
Elder-flower 3 grammes
Dwarf-elder-root 3 grammes The same effect as the
Juniper - berries 8 or 10 preceding.
Broom 3 grammes
Good for stone- and gravel-
Knot-grass 4 grammes
Shave-grass 3 grammes
Centaury 3 grammes
A valuable tea for gastric
Bogbean 3 grammes
12 Juniper-berries crushed.
Yiolet-leavGS 3 grammes
St. John's Wort 3 grammes Useful for the same disease.
Watercress 4 grammes
Rue 3 grammes
Magnolia root 3 grammes
Good for asthma and heart
Silver-weed 3 grammes
Good in constipation,
Blackthorn blossoms V gT.
causes a gentle action of
Eyebright 3 gr.
the bowels.
340 Fifth paet. Peepaeatiox or the teas etc.
Peppermint 2 grammes
4 grammes Good for colic and for
Mullein herb
severe chills.
Lime-tree bloss. 3 grammes
Sage 1 sramme
Rosemary gramme
Yarrow grammes
Shave-grass grammes
Juniper-berries grammes
Ribwort grammes
Common nettle 2 grammes
St. John's Wort 2 grammes
Wormwood 1 gramme
Centaury 2 grammes.
Fenu greek or
A good tea for sufferers
Buckthorn 3
from lung diseases and con-
Ribwort 3 grammes
gested breathing organs.
Fennel 3 grammes
Practising School
Practical Instructions
Practising School.
Prefatory Remarks.
being douched.
346 Sixth part. PSACTISING SCHOOL.
The Douches.
The Head-Douche.
The Face-Douche.
The Ear-Douche.
The Breast-Douche.
The Arm-Douche.
One must take care that the water runs into a vessel.
The Upper^Douche.
A. For the strong. B. For the weak.
Kneipp, My Will. 23
354 Sixth part. Peactisixg school.
356 Sixth part. Peactisixg school.
The Knee-Douche.
The Back-Douche.
The Lightning-Douche,
The Lightning-Douche.
(Continnatioii. I
Figure 2.
douche in the
the separate processes of tliis somewhat comphcated
following series of three illustrations in Fig,
4 the whole Light-
ning-Douche is represented.
The Lightning-Douche.
Figure 3.
The Lightning-Douche.
Figure 4.
Thi Lightning-Douche should last from three to five
The Bandages.
The Head-Bandage.
After moistening the whole head with water, one
binds a dry cloth over it and after this yet a second.
Duration half an hour.
The Throat-Bandage.
The throat-bandage consists in binding round the
neck a wet, wrnng-out cloth as wide as the throat and
putting over it a dry cloth which must however be well
turned in so that the entrance of air is prevented. The
throat-bandage must betaken in bed; it is changed every
twenty minutes and generally lasts an hour.
The Short-Bandage.
First one lays on the bed a so-called coarse cloth
or blanket on which one spreads a wet cloth which has
been wrung out.
On this the patient lies and a second person wraps
him in the wet cloth and then the dry blanket is folded
over his body.
368 Sixth paet. Peactising- school.
The Lower-Bandage.
It begins under the arms and reaches down to the
feet' which are included.
First one lays the blanket on the bed and then the
wet wrung-out cloth in which the patient is swathed.
One has to take care that the feet are well covered,
so that no air can gain entrance.
used, then wrung out and folded round the foot or calf,
over it comes a dry cloth, which may be either of wool
or linen.
The Upper-Compress.
A wet three or four-fold cloth, wrung out, is laid
on the patient from the neck to the thighs, it must be
rather wider than his chest. Over this is placed a
blanket or a four-folded sheet in order to exclude the
air and on this again a feather-bed is laid. Duration
from three quarters to a full hour.
The Under-Compress.
A blanket or a fourfold sheet is first laid evenly on
the mattrass, then the wet, wrung-out cloth: on this
the patient lies down.
The Shawl.
As may be seen by the illustration on page 107 a
second person puts the wet three cornered cloth round
the shoulders and chest of the patient and the dry cloth
on the top. The patient must remain in bed. Duration:
from an hour to an hour and a half.
Knei pp. My Will. 24
370 Sixth pakt. Peactising school.
The Vapour-Baths.
The Head-Vapour-Bath.
The Vessel is so placed that the patient need only
bend his head slightly. He is so wrapped in a blanket
that the steam reaches his head.
Duration: fifteen to twenty minutes followed by a
cold, upper-washing.
The Foot-Vapour-Bath.
On the vessel one or two narrow boards are placed
and the feet rest on them; the blanket is so arranged
over them that the steam does not escape nor get beyond
the feet. Duration: fifteen to twenty minutes; after
which a cold ablution or a knee-douche.
The Complete-Vapour-Bath.
The illustration on page 119 shows how one should
set about preparing this. You place under an open cane
chair or a stool with big holes a vessel of steaming
372 Sixth part. Practising school.
water and on this seat the patient takes his place with
a blanket round him which forms a sort of lid. Dura-
tion fifteen
: to twenty minutes.
Preface .Ill
Part I.
General Remarks.
Chapter 1. How do Maladies arise? 316
Chapter 2. In what condition must a man be to un-
dergo treatment? 1721
Part II.
Bracing by Water.
Chapter 3. "Going bare-foot." Wearing of Sandals.
Wading in Water , . . . - 22 35
Part III.
Applications of 'Water.
Chapter 4. Ablutions. How often, and in what cases,
are the washings necessary? 3646
Chapter 5. The Baths. General Remarks. The Eye-Bath,
Ai-m-Bath, Foot-Bath, Sitting-Bath, Half-Bath, Cold
Fnll-Bath. Warm Full-Bath 4764
374 Contents.
Chapter 6. The DoueheSj General Remarks. The Head-
Donche, Face-Douche, Ear-Douche, Breast-Douche,
^ Arm-Douche, Upper-Douche, Hip-Douche, Knee-
Douche, Back-Douche, Full-Douche, Lightning-
Douche 6587
Chapter 7. Bandages and Compresses. General-Remarks.
Head-Bandage. Neck-Bandage, Short-Bandage,
Lower-Bandage, Foot-Bandage, Whole-Bandage,
Spanish Mantle, Wet Shirt. The Abdomen-Com-
press, Under-Compress, Upper-Compress. The Shawl.
The Hand- and Arm-Bandage 88108
Chapter 8. Vapour-Baths. General-Remarks. Vapour-
Bath for the head; for the nose and ears; for the
arm; for the foot; Close-stool- Vapour-Bath the ;
Part IV.
Chapter 9. Asthma. Eye Diseases. Cataract. Gutta
Serena or Amaurosis. Glaucoma. Skin Diseases.
Bed- Wetting. Catarrh of the Bladder. Chlorosis.
Croup. Diphtheria. Inflammation of throat. Diarr-
hoea. Swollen Feet. Cold Feet. Open Feet. Flatu-
lence. Paralysis of the Brain. Gout. Gravel- and
Stone-Diseases. Baldness. Hoarseness. Diseases
of the Heart. Corns, Body Ulcers. Varicose Veins,
Cure for them. Cure of Piles. Inflammation of
Lungs. Dysentery. Bleeding of the Nose. Discharge
from the Ear. Diseases of the Ear. Deafness. Apo-
plexy. Consumption. Pleurisy. Heart-Burn Con-
stipation. Urinary Troubles. Dropsy. Ascites.
Dropsy of the Heart. Dropsy of the chest. Tooth-
Ache 122324
. Part Y.
Chapter 10. Preparation of the Teas, Powders, Tinc-
tures and
Oils. Domestic Medicine Chest. My
Medicinal Herbs. Tea Recipes 325 341
Contexts. 375
Part VI.
Pages Pages
Baldness . . 215
Acorn 20
Hay-flower . 96.
Advice 31
Head . . . 89.
Anoemia 298
Thigh . . .99
Angelica 332
Whole . 26 27 32
Apoplexy Bare-Foot . 25 32
Arm-Bandage .... 370
Bark of Oak . 232 335
Arm- Vapour-Bath
.... 72
. . . . .47
. . .113 .. . .
Arnica 333
Arm- Yap our . . 113
Artificial Warmth . . 20 127 .. Close stool . .-a^
Ascites Cold Foot 51 .
..... 125
232 302
Complete Vap OUT 191 371
Ear Vapour 113 . .
.. Half . . 56. . .
Baths, Herb .... 61 63 Comforters 11
, Hip 54 Complete Vapour -Bath 119 371
.. Oat Straw . . 53 63 Compresses Abdominal 104
Pine-Shoot ... 64 Under-
Sitting .... 54
^Ya^m Complete . 119 371 Constipation 295
Bed- Wetting 145 Consumption 272
Beer 156 281 Corns 236
Bladder Catarrh of
. . .
333 339
Cough ... 13
. . .
Croup 157
Blanket 367 371 Cramp 130
Blood vessels .... 240
Obstructions 296 D.
. . .
Poisoning 162
Body Ulcers .... 237 Deafness . . . 262
Boils 4 Debility . . . . . 11
Bowels Inflammation of . 298 Diaphragm . . . 308
Bracing 24
Diarrhoea 164
. . .
Breast Cramp .
Discharge from Ear
. . 259
Breast Douche 71 350
Diseases . . . f) 125 to 324
Briar hip 303 Disease of Ear 262
. . .
Cholera 7 Dress . . 14
Chronic Cough .... 13 Drink . . . . . 281
Cleanliness .....
Close-Stool-Yapour-Bath .
Dropsy .
Dwarf- E Ider-root
Coffee 184 Dysentery . . 253
Cold 268
Cold Feet 178 E.
Cold Foot-Bath .... 51
Cold Full-Bath .... 59 Ear
. . . 262
70 349
Colic 191 . . .
Pa!?es Pasres
Knee-Douche .. . 68 76 356
G. Knot Grass . . 209 336 338
General Advice . 39 L.
Gen+inn , 333 339
Germs 218 Lavender 336
Gymnastics .
Maladies .125 to 324
. . .
338 340
Sitting Bath .... 54
New-Born 85
Skin Diseases . . . .143
Nose Bleeding . 256 Sores 136
Sore Throat 157
Spanish Mantle . . .101 368
Spasms 13
Sprains 8 341
Oak-Bark . 335
. . .
Stings 50
Oat Straw-Bath 53 64 303 Stockings 188
Oat Straw-Compr ess 95 .
Stone 213
Oat Straw tea 214
. .
Sweating . . 119 278 318
Obstruction . 304 .
Swollen Feet .169
. . .
, Camomile 334 . .
Perspiration 5
Fennel 338 340 .
Piles 241 .
Pleurisy 289 .,
, Nettle . . 219 . .
Powders 329 ,,
Rosemary 337
Prescriptions . . . .337 .
Phthisis 272 ,,
Shave-Grass 340 . .
Tormentilla 337
Wormwood 337 340 .'
Pages Pages
Tormentilla 336 Vertigo 189 340
Treatment 17 Violets 336 338
Trichina 15
u. Wading . 34
Ulcers 237 Wandering Gout 44
Under-Compress 106 369 Warm Full-Bath 61
Upper-Compress . 106 369 Washings, 39
Upper-Donches, . 68 72 352 Entire 43- -46
Washings . 40
Upper . 40
Uretha 306 Lower . 40
Urine 303 Water Applications . 46
Urinary Difficulties . . 303
. Watercress . 333 338
V. Wet shirt . . 103 369
Whitlows 66
Vapour-Baths, .....113 109 Whole Bandage .
,. Arm-Bath . .
Wormwood , . . 133
,; Close-Stool-Bath . 116 Wrappings . 10
I Complete Bath . . 119 Wind CoHc . . 191
Ear-Bath .113
. . .
Head-Bath HI 371
. .