How To Gamble Paper OSA2009 Shepp Abstract
How To Gamble Paper OSA2009 Shepp Abstract
How To Gamble Paper OSA2009 Shepp Abstract
You are in a sub-fair casino, with fortune f0 (0, 1), and you want
to turn it into a fortune of size one in discounted time. You may
stake any amount, sn , 0 < sn fn and at any odds, rn > 0, if your
fortune is fn at any time, n 0. We assume every such gamble has
an expected payoff with a fixed value, csn , with 1 < c < 0. The
problem is to maximize the expected discounted payoff,
V (f0 ) = V (f0 ; b, c) = maxS,R EfS,R
b (f 1)
where the maximum is taken over all choices of stakes, S, and odds, R,
and you get a positive payoff, namely b , only if your fortune at time
is at least unity. Here 0 < b < 1, 1 < c < 0 are given parameters.
The parameter b reflects that the gambler wants to stop gambling as
soon as possible, while the parameter c reflects how subfair the casino
is. The case b = 1 was solved earlier and it was shown that the optimal
payoff is not attained. When b < 1, the solution is attained, and we
solve explicitly for the unique optimal strategy R, S and for V =
V (f, b, c). We show that there is an increasing sequence of numbers,
n [0, 1), with n tending to one, such that if f0 (n1 , n ], n 1,
then the optimal strategy is to make at most n bets; one stakes an
amount s0 at odds r0 , each given explicitly, at time 0. If you win any
bet at any time, then your fortune is one and then you quit, but if you
lose you then have a fortune, f1 (n2 , n1 ], and then you then
continue until you either win and get the reward bj , j n and quit,
or until you arrive at fortune 0 (after exactly n bets) and on such a
path you get 0 reward. We show that n tends to one very quickly:
n2 b(1+c) bc
1 n (bc) 2 , and that V (1 , b, c) = 1+bc . Set 2 = 1b(1+c) .
Then the n and the values vn = V (n ) at these break points, are
1 = 1 2 , v0 = 0, v1 = b(1 + c)(1 2 ), and for n 2, n , vn are
given recursively by:
n = 1 + 1vn1bc(1 n1 )
1n2 , vn = b(1 + c)(1 11n
) + b(c +
1vn2 1n1
(1 + c) 1n1
)vn1 .
Thus 2 = 1 6 . For general f0 [0, 1], between the break points,
the optimal expected return is given explicitly, again, inductively. It is
tempting to guess that for every n, n is a power of since this holds
for n = 0, 1, 2, but the asymptotics, (bc) 2 shows this is false. In
bc 10 (1b+ 2 )
fact the recurrence shows that 3 is given by 3 = 1 + 1bbc(1b+ 2) .
these problems and many similar ones belong to convexity theory, or
infinite dimensional linear programming; it seems insightful to observe
the consequences of discounting - it provides compactness and hence
existence and uniqueness. The problem of this paper is one of many
versions of the classical problem due to Dubins and Savage [1]; the
new twist is that we assume there is a decline of utility or desire to
continue gambling after every bet by a factor 0 < b < 1. We bet on a
binary outcome with odds r and we win with probability w and lose
with probability 1 w. Thus our fortune moves from f to fortune
f + rs w.p. w and to fortune f s w.p. 1 w (note that binary
outcomes generate any possible gamble with a fixed expected return
since these are the extreme points of a convex set). We must have
w = 1+r so the expected return is cs, and we must have 1 c r
in order that w is a legitimate probability. The parameters 0 < b < 1
and 1 < c < r are assumed given. In the Dubins-Savage casino, the
parameter r is fixed. In the present paper we assume that r can also
be chosen to be any positive odds ratio at any time, as was suggested
by Yehuda Vardi [12].
In Dubins and Savages classic book [1] it is supposed the mafia
will kill you if you do not repay your debt, normalized to be of size 1,
to them. Your present fortune is 0 f < 1 and you are in a casino
where certain gambles are available. You want to optimize the chance
to reach one and remain alive. In Dubinss simplest case the casino
allows only one subfair bet with odds r, i.e., you can stake any amount
s f and reach the fortune
f1 = f + rs with probability w < 1+r , or
f1 = f s with probability 1 w > 1+r .
It was proved by Dubins and Savage [1] that bold play, where you
stake s = min(f, 1f r ) at each bet until you either go broke or reach
the goal is (non-uniquely) optimal. This is not as obvious as it may
appear and with the variation where money decays by the factor 1+a
and it is desired to finf max P (f = (1 + a) ), it is shown in [6]
that bold play is no longer optimal and though it seems even more
obviously optimal it is false. At certain initial fortunes it is necessary
to play boldly but at other fortunes it is provably suboptimal to play
boldly; the general optimal strategy is remains unknown. For the case
when bets at any odds are permitted (Vardi casino), the problem was
solved in [13], by methods similar to those used here, as discussed in
the abstract. Related results were obtained in [8, 2, 3, 4, 7, 14, 9].
In more realistic casinos the casino allows more than one odds ra-
tio, r, and then the optimal strategy is usually not known and hard to
approximate much less determine without writing a large linear pro-
gram. Yehuda Vardi raised the question in a conversation of whether
bold play would also be optimal in a gambling house where any stake
s f is allowed and any odds is allowed so long as the expected return
is at most cs, where c (1, 0) is negative and given. Vardis question
has a neat answer [12]: the supremum over all betting strategies of the
probability to reach f = 1, in Vardis casino, although not attained
by any strategy, is
P (f ) = 1 (1 f )1+c , 0 f 1.
The supremum is achieved as the limit of the probability attained by
the strategy S as 0, where S (boldly) stakes f when f and
S (timidly) stakes s = 1 (1 f ) when f < 1. Note that s f
as required. Whenever money is bet, all of it is bet (boldly) on the
table with the right odds, r, to carry the fortune to unity in case of
a win (similar to the Dubins-Savage case). [12] shows the strategy S
obtains the winning probability
P (f ) = 1 + (1 (1 + c))n (c (1+c)(1f
(1)n )
[1] Dubins, L.E., Savage, L.J. How To Gamble If You Must, Inequalities for
Stochastic Processes, New York: McGraw-Hill (1965)
[2] Chen, R. Subfair primitive casino with a discount factor, Z. Wahr. verw.
Gebiete, Vol. 39, pp 167-174 (1977).
[5] Chen, R., Shepp, L.A. and Zame, A. (2004). Subfair primitive casino in
the presence of inflation. J. Applied Prob. June 2004. Vol 41. pp 587-592.
[6] Robert W. Chen, Larry Shepp, Yi-Ching Yao, and Cun-Hui Zhang, On
optimality of bold play for primitive casinos in the presence of inflation,
(2005), J. Appl. Prob., 42, 121-137.
[7] Yi-Ching Yao and May-Ru Chen, Strong optimality of bold play for dis-
counted Dubins-Savage gambling problems with time-dependent parame-
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[8] Yi-Ching Yao, Explicit optimal strategy for the Vardi casino with limited
playing time, (2007), J. Appl. Prob., 44, 831-837.
[11] Larry Shepp, A model for stock price fluctuations based on information,
IEEE Trans. Inf. Th., 48, 2002, 1372-8.
[12] Larry Shepp, Bold play and the optimal policy for Vardis Casino, Ran-
dom Walk, Sequential Analysis and Related Topics, A Festschrift in honor
of Yuan-Shih Chow, Hsiung, Ying, Zhang, eds., World Scientific Publishing
Co, Singapore, (2006), pp. 150-156.
[13] Ilie Grigorescu, Robert Chen, and Larry Shepp, Optimal strategy for the
Vardi casino with interest payments, Jour. Appl. Prob., 44, No. 1, 199-211,