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ACOG Practice Bulletin No 82 Management Of.50

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NUMBER 82, JUNE 2007
(Replaces Practice Bulletin Number 8, October 1999)

Management of Herpes
This Practice Bulletin was in Pregnancy
developed by the ACOG Com- Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection during pregnancy poses a risk to
mittee on Practice Bulletins the developing fetus and newborn. Genital herpes infection occurs in one in five
Obstetrics with the assistance
women in the United States. Because many women of childbearing age are
of Lisa Hollier, MD. The infor-
infected or are becoming infected with HSV, the risk of maternal transmission
mation is designed to aid prac-
titioners in making decisions of this virus to the fetus or newborn is a major health concern. The purpose of
about appropriate obstetric and this document is to outline the spectrum of maternal and neonatal infection,
gynecologic care. These guide- including risks of transmission, and provide management guidelines supported
lines should not be construed as by appropriately conducted outcome-based research. Additional guidelines
dictating an exclusive course of based on consensus and expert opinion also are presented to permit a review of
treatment or procedure. Varia- most clinical aspects of HSV.
tions in practice may be war-
ranted based on the needs of the
individual patient, resources, Background
and limitations unique to the
institution or type of practice. Etiology
Herpes simplex virus is a double-stranded DNA virus that can be differentiated
into HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV type 2 (HSV-2) based on the glycoproteins
in the lipid bilayer envelope. Glycoprotein G2 is associated with HSV-2, and
glycoprotein G1 is associated with HSV-1. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is the
primary etiologic agent of herpes labialis, gingivostomatitis, and keratocon-
junctivitis. Most genital infections with HSV are caused by HSV-2, but genital
HSV-1 infections are becoming increasingly common, particularly among ado-
lescent and young women (1).
Herpes simplex virus is transmitted from person to person through direct
contact. Infection is initiated when the virus contacts mucosa or abraded skin.
The incubation period after acquisition of HSV-1 or HSV-2 ranges from 2 days
to 12 days. Herpes simplex virus then replicates in the epidermis and dermis, with
resulting cellular destruction and inflammation. During the initial infection, the
virus gains access to the sensory neurons, and then the infection becomes latent


in the sensory ganglia. Reactivation of viral replication Among women with serologic test results that indi-
occurs and may manifest clinically as recurrent ulcerative cate susceptibility to HSV infection, the incidence of new
lesions or subclinically as asymptomatic viral shedding. HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection during pregnancy is approxi-
Both the cellular and humoral immune systems play an mately 2% (10). Approximately 10% of women who are
important role in controlling this viral infection (2). HSV-2 seronegative have partners who are seropositive
Herpes virus has a characteristic protein coat, and and are at risk for transmission of HSV-2 during the preg-
each of the viral types has identifiable proteins. Type- nancy (11). Consistent with nonpregnant patients, most
specific antibodies to the viral proteins develop within new infections in pregnant patients are asymptomatic
the first several weeks of infection and persist. Antibod- (10). The timing of infection is relatively evenly distrib-
ies to HSV can be detected by most assays within 23 uted, with approximately one third of women becoming
weeks after infection with the virus (3). infected in each trimester (10). Among women with
Genital infection with HSV is a primary infection recurrent genital HSV, approximately 75% can expect
when HSV-1 or HSV-2 is detected in individuals with no at least one recurrence during pregnancy, and approxi-
evidence of antibodies to either viral type in the serum. An mately 14% of patients will have prodromal symptoms or
outbreak is considered a nonprimary first episode when one clinical recurrence at delivery (12, 13).
viral type is detected in an individual with serologic evi- Neonatal herpes usually is acquired during the intra-
dence of past infection with the other viral type. Recurrent partum period through exposure to the virus in the geni-
episodes are characterized by isolation of HSV-1 or HSV-2 tal tract, although in utero and postnatal infections are
in the presence of antibodies of the same serotype. rare but can occur. Approximately 80% of infected
infants are born to mothers with no reported history of
Incidence HSV infection (14). Although the actual incidence is
Herpes simplex virus infection of the genital tract is one unknown because neonatal herpes infection is not a
of the most common sexually transmitted infections. The reportable disease, estimates suggest that approximately
true incidence of genital HSV infection is not known 1,2001,500 cases occur each year in the United States
because it is not a reportable disease. It is estimated (15). Approximately one third to one half of cases of
that approximately 45 million adolescent and adult neonatal herpes are caused by HSV-1 (15, 16). Neonatal
Americans have been infected with HSV-2 (4). In a large, HSV infections can be classified as disseminated disease
national serologic study, it was found that approximately (25%); central nervous system disease (30%); and dis-
26% of women had serologic evidence of HSV-2 infec- ease limited to the skin, eyes, or mouth (45%) (14).
tion (4). It should be emphasized that serologic studies of Mortality has decreased substantially over the past two
HSV-2 underestimate the prevalence of genital herpes decades, decreasing to 30% for disseminated disease and
because HSV-1 also causes genital disease. 4% for central nervous system disease. Approximately
Most individuals who are infected with HSV are 20% of survivors of neonatal herpes have long-term neu-
unaware that they have contracted the virus. Only rologic sequelae (17).
approximately 515% of infected individuals report
recognition of their infection (4, 5). The increasing bur-
den of infection has important implications for health Clinical Considerations and
care providers. The number of initial visits to physicians
offices as a result of genital HSV infection increased Recommendations
from approximately 75,000 per year in 1978 to nearly How can the diagnosis of herpes simplex
270,000 per year in 2004 (6). Risk factors for HSV infec- virus be established?
tion include female gender, duration of sexual activity,
minority ethnicity, previous genital infection, family All suspected herpes virus infections should be con-
income, and number of sex partners (4, 7). firmed through viral or serological testing. A diagnosis of
Whereas HSV-2 is virtually always a genital genital herpes based on the clinical presentation alone
pathogen, HSV-1 is increasingly recognized as the etio- has a sensitivity of 40% and specificity of 99% and a
logic agent of genital herpes infection. Up to 80% of new false-positive rate of 20% (18). The tests used to confirm
genital infections among all women may be caused by the presence of HSV infection can be divided into two
HSV-1 (8, 9). This increase in initial infections with basic groups: 1) viral detection techniques and 2) anti-
HSV-1 is particularly pronounced in the adolescent and body detection techniques. Primary viral DNA testing
young adult populations. In these populations, genital techniques are viral culture and HSV antigen detection
infection with HSV-1 may have surpassed new genital by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The antibody detec-
infection with HSV-2 (1). tion techniques include the use of both laboratory-based

1490 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
and point-of-care serologic tests to detect the presence of
antibodies to either HSV-1 or HSV-2. With viral detec- U.S. Food and Drug Administration-
tion techniques, negative results do not rule out the pres- Approved Type-Specific Tests
ence of infection. The diagnosis of HSV should be
confirmed either serologically or with viral culture. Laboratory-based assays
Isolation of HSV in cell culture is the preferred viro- HerpeSelect-1 and 2 ELISA IgG
logic test for patients who seek medical treatment for HerpeSelect 1 and 2 Immunoblot IgG
genital ulcers or other mucocutaneous lesions and allows Captia HSV-1 and 2 ELISA
differentiation of the type of virus (HSV-1 versus HSV-
2) (18). The sensitivity of this test is limited because of Rapid tests (formerly known as the POCkit test)
several issues related to sampling and transportation of BiokitHSV-2 Rapid Test
the specimen (19). Primary lesions are more likely than Sure-Vue HSV-2
recurrent lesions to yield positive cultures (80% versus
40% of patients, respectively) (20, 21). Additionally, as
the lesions heal, they are less likely to be culture positive
the population tested. In a high-risk population, the pos-
(21). Thus, a positive genital culture provides conclusive
itive predictive value for the ELISA test results was
evidence of genital HSV infection; however, a negative
8094% (24, 25). Repeat testing, using a different type-
result does not exclude the presence of infection. When
specific assay, has been shown to increase the positive
a genital specimen is collected for HSV culture, the vesi-
predictive value of a single test result, and this may be
cles should be unroofed, if present, and vesicular fluid
especially important in populations with low HSV preva-
should be collected.
lence (24).
Polymerase chain reaction techniques involve the
Because HSV-2 is an uncommon cause of oral
amplification of particular sequences of DNA or RNA
infection, detection of HSV-2 antibodies is virtually
before detection and can thus detect evidence of viral
diagnostic of genital HSV infection (26). Conversely,
DNA at low concentrations. Because of the increased
detection of HSV-1 antibodies alone may represent oro-
sensitivity of PCR, unroofing vesicles is unnecessary. In
labial infection or may be indicative of genital infection.
one very large study, PCR results were three to five times
Correlation with direct viral identification techniques
more likely to be positive than were cultures (19).
and the patients symptoms is important.
Cultures were more likely to be positive at increasing
concentrations of virus, as demonstrated by a linear rela-
How can primary herpes simplex virus infec-
tionship between the proportion of positive cultures and
copy numbers of HSV DNA in samples. Polymerase tion be distinguished from a nonprimary first
chain reaction techniques are commercially available episode during pregnancy?
and can differentiate between HSV-1 and HSV-2. It is not possible to distinguish primary from nonpri-
Polymerase chain reaction provides increased sensitiv- mary herpes simplex virus infection on the basis of clin-
ity over culture (19, 20, 22) and may ultimately replace ical findings alone (27). Diagnosis is based on the
culture as the standard of care for diagnosis. Presently, combination of positive viral detection and negative
however, there are no interlaboratory standards that serologic test results or evidence of seroconversion.
ensure that identical specimens processed in different A primary outbreak in the first trimester of preg-
laboratories will yield identical results. Additionally, nancy has been associated with neonatal chorioretinitis,
the PCR tests are not U.S. Food and Drug Administra- microcephaly, and skin lesions in rare cases (28).
tion (FDA) approved for clinical testing of genital spec- Although HSV has been associated with an increased
imens (18). risk for spontaneous abortion, recent studies do not sup-
For patients who do not present with active lesions port such a risk (29).
or whose lesions have negative culture or PCR test
results, accurate type-specific serologic assays that accu- How should a primary outbreak be managed
rately distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies
in pregnancy?
are now commercially available. Currently, there are sev-
eral FDA-approved type-specific tests, and others are At the time of the initial outbreak, antiviral treatment
under development (see box). The sensitivity of these may be administered orally to pregnant women to reduce
assays varies from 93100% and specificity from the duration and the severity of the symptoms as well as
9398% (23). The predictive value of a positive test reduce the duration of viral shedding (Table 1) (30). In
result is influenced by the prevalence of the disease in patients who have severe disease, oral treatment can be

VOL. 109, NO. 6, JUNE 2007 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy 1491
Table 1. Recommended Doses of Antiviral Medications for Herpes in Pregnancy

Indication Acyclovir Valacyclovir

Primary or first-episode infection 400 mg orally, three times daily, 1 g orally, twice daily, for 710* days
for 710* days
Symptomatic recurrent episode 400 mg orally, three times daily, 500 mg orally, twice daily, for 3 days
for 5 days or 800 mg orally, or 1 g orally, daily, for 5 days
twice daily, for 5 days
Daily suppression 400 mg orally, three times daily, 500 mg orally, twice daily, from 36
from 36 weeks estimated weeks estimated gestational age until
gestational age until delivery delivery
Severe or disseminated disease 510 mg/kg, intravenously, every
8 hours for 27 days, then oral
therapy for primary infection to
complete 10 days
*Treatment may be extended if healing is incomplete after 10 days.
Adapted from Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, 2006 [published erratum appears in MMWR Recomm Rep
2006;55:997]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MMWR Recomm Rep 2006;55(RR11):194.

extended for more than 10 days if lesions are incom- deliveries for clinical herpes recurrences was reduced;
pletely healed at that time (18). however, the total number of cesarean deliveries in the
Acyclovir may be administered intravenously to treatment and placebo groups was similar. The number of
pregnant women with severe genital HSV infection or deliveries was insufficient to evaluate efficacy of antivi-
with disseminated herpetic infections. Case reports have ral treatment to prevent neonatal herpes. Evidence of the
associated significant improvement in expected survival effectiveness of cesarean delivery before labor for the
with acyclovir treatment in cases of pregnant women prevention of vertical transmission is lacking.
with disseminated HSV, herpes pneumonitis, herpes hep-
atitis, and herpes encephalitis (3133). How should recurrent herpes simplex virus
Primary genital herpes infection during pregnancy infection in pregnant women be managed?
constitutes a higher risk for perinatal transmission than
does recurrent infection. The risk of vertical transmission All women should be asked early in pregnancy about
to the neonate when a primary outbreak occurs at the symptoms of genital herpes, including prodromal symp-
time of delivery is approximately 3060% (10, 15). toms. Women with a history of herpes should be exam-
Several factors likely contribute to the increased risk. ined for external herpetic lesions when they present for
First, when women have acquired infection near the time evaluation in labor and delivery (6).
of delivery, there is likely reduced transplacental passage Among women with recurrent lesions at the time of
of protective HSV-2 specific antibodies. Higher titers of delivery, the rate of transmission with a vaginal delivery
neutralizing antibodies in the neonate have been associ- is only 3% (36). For women with a history of recurrent
ated with a reduced risk of neonatal infection (34). disease and no visible lesions at delivery, the transmis-
Second, neonatal exposure to the virus in the genital tract sion risk has been estimated to be 2/10,000 (15, 36). The
may be increased. The genital viral shedding in women low risk is in part attributed to the presence and transpla-
with primary infection is of higher concentration and cental passage of antiherpes antibodies (15, 34, 36).
longer duration than shedding that occurs with recurrent Cesarean delivery is not indicated in women with a his-
episodes. Women with primary herpes that is untreated tory of HSV in the absence of active genital lesions or
have a mean duration of viral shedding of 15 days (30). prodromes.
In addition, cervical shedding was detected by viral cul- The efficacy of suppressive therapy during preg-
ture in 90% of women with primary infection (30). nancy to prevent recurrences near term has been evalu-
Data regarding interventions to reduce vertical ated in numerous studies (13, 35, 3741). Because many
transmission in the specific setting of primary herpes are of the individual trials were small, a recent systematic
limited. One randomized trial of acyclovir versus pla- review of randomized controlled trials was performed to
cebo given from 36 weeks of gestation until delivery to assess the effectiveness of acyclovir suppression therapy
women with their first episode of genital herpes infection given to prevent a clinical recurrence at delivery, ces-
during pregnancy found a significant reduction in clini- arean delivery for recurrent genital herpes, and the detec-
cal recurrences at delivery (35). The number of cesarean tion of HSV at delivery (42). The risk of recurrence at

1492 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
delivery was reduced by 75%, and the rate of cesarean active drug from an oral dose is approximately 77%, so
delivery for recurrent genital herpes was reduced by 40% the dosage interval is less frequent than with acyclovir
for women who received suppression therapy after 36 (48). There are no published data on the use of famci-
weeks of gestation. Viral detection at delivery using cul- clovir in pregnancy.
ture or PCR was reduced by 90% among treated women, Development of viral resistance to acyclovir has not
but shedding was not completely eliminated (in one trial, been a problem in immunocompetent patients. In two
virus was detected in one woman receiving acyclovir) large, laboratory-based studies, a very low prevalence of
(13). There were no cases of neonatal herpes in any of the acyclovir resistance in viruses isolated from immuno-
studies. Several trials demonstrating similar efficacy of competent patients has been estimated (0.30.6%),
valacyclovir have been published since the meta-analysis whereas acyclovir-resistant HSV infections occur more
(12, 43). Women with active recurrent genital herpes commonly among patients who are immunocompro-
should be offered suppressive viral therapy at or beyond mised (67%) (49, 50).
36 weeks of gestation. The doses of antiviral medication There are no documented increases in adverse fetal
used in the randomized trials in pregnancy are higher effects because of medication exposure (39, 50, 51). The
than the corresponding doses in nonpregnant women. manufacturer of acyclovir and valacyclovir, in coopera-
(Table 1.) Although neutropenia is a recognized, tran- tion with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
sient complication of acyclovir treatment of neonatal maintained a registry for exposure to these drugs during
HSV infection, it has not been reported following mater- pregnancy through 1999. More than 700 infants reported
nal suppressive therapy (17). The acyclovir concentra- were exposed to acyclovir during the first trimester, and
tions at which neutropenia occurred were approximately there was no increase in adverse fetal or neonatal effects,
530 times higher than were observed in umbilical vein although the safety has not been definitely established
plasma in a pharmacokinetic study of valacyclovir in (18). There are insufficient data on valacyclovir and fam-
pregnancy (44). ciclovir exposure in the pregnancy registry for analyses
(52). Topical therapy offers limited benefit and should be
What medications are available for treatment discouraged.
of herpes simplex virus infection during
pregnancy? Is there a role for routine screening for
genital herpes during pregnancy or at
There are three antiviral agents that are commonly used delivery?
to treat HSV infections. Acyclovir, famciclovir, and vala-
cyclovir are all FDA pregnancy category B medications. In the past, screening referred to the use of a viral detec-
These drugs are all approved for the treatment of primary tion method, most commonly culture, to assess whether
genital herpes, the treatment of episodes of recurrent dis- viral shedding was present. Asymptomatic shedding dur-
ease, and the daily treatment for suppression of out- ing the antepartum period does not predict asymptomatic
breaks of recurrent genital herpes. shedding at delivery (53, 54). Thus, routine antepartum
Acyclovir is a nucleoside analogue that enters virally genital HSV cultures in asymptomatic patients with
infected cells and acts specifically to inhibit the viral recurrent disease are not recommended.
thymidine kinase and, thus, DNA replication. The With the advent of serologic tests that can reliably
bioavailability of oral acyclovir is approximately 20%, detect disease in asymptomatic patients, screening now
which necessitates more frequent dosage intervals (45). refers to the detection of HSV infection. Maternal HSV
Valacyclovir is a prodrug of acyclovir and is rapidly con- screening has been proposed to reduce neonatal herpes
verted to acyclovir after metabolism in the liver. The by identifying women infected (seropositive) with geni-
bioavailability of acyclovir after doses with valacyclovir tal herpes and offering suppressive antiviral therapy near
is approximately 54% (46). This is three to five times term. It also may identify susceptible women (seronega-
higher than achieved with oral acyclovir and, at a dose of tive) whose partners could be offered screening, allowing
1 gm, approximates levels achieved with intravenous for counseling of at-risk couples about strategies to
doses of acyclovir. The pharmacokinetics of both drugs reduce the possibility of new maternal infection during
have been evaluated in pregnancy. After doses of acy- pregnancy. Several analyses have evaluated the cost-
clovir and valacyclovir, there was evidence of acyclovir effectiveness of various screening protocols for pregnant
concentration in the amniotic fluid but no evidence of patients to reduce the incidence of neonatal HSV infec-
preferential fetal drug accumulation (44, 47). tion (5559). The results from these analyses are highly
Famciclovir also is a prodrug that is rapidly transformed variableestimates of the cost to prevent one case of
into penciclovir in the body. The bioavailability of the neonatal herpes range from $200,000 to $4,000,000.

VOL. 109, NO. 6, JUNE 2007 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy 1493
A number of factors influence these cost estimates, includ- In a patient with active herpes simplex virus
ing the costs of testing and counseling, effectiveness of genital infection and ruptured membranes,
antiviral therapy, the probability of lesions or shedding at should cesarean delivery be performed to
delivery in asymptomatic women in whom HSV has been prevent perinatal transmission?
diagnosed only by the screening test, and the likelihood of
neonatal herpes with vaginal delivery (54, 55). Currently, In patients with active HSV infection and ruptured mem-
there is no evidence of cost-effectiveness of screening branes at or near term, a cesarean delivery should be per-
strategies from clinical trials or well-designed cohort stud- formed as soon as the necessary personnel and
ies in pregnancy. Whereas screening may be beneficial in equipment can be readied. There is no evidence that
particular populations or couples, routine HSV screening there is a duration of rupture of membranes beyond
of pregnant women is not recommended. which the fetus does not benefit from cesarean delivery
(63). At any time after rupture of membranes, cesarean
When should cesarean delivery be performed delivery is recommended.
to prevent perinatal herpes simplex virus
How should a woman with active herpes sim-
plex virus and preterm premature rupture of
Cesarean delivery is indicated in women with active gen- membranes be managed?
ital lesions or prodromal symptoms, such as vulvar pain
In a patient with preterm premature rupture of membranes
or burning at delivery, because these symptoms may indi-
and active HSV, the risks of prematurity should be
cate an impending outbreak. The incidence of neonatal
weighed against the risk of neonatal HSV disease in con-
disease is low when there is recurrent maternal disease,
sidering expectant management. In pregnancies remote
but cesarean delivery is recommended because of the
from term, especially in women with recurrent disease,
potentially serious nature of the disease. In a large cohort
there is increasing support for continuing the pregnancy to
study, women who had given birth by cesarean delivery gain benefit from time and use of corticosteroids (64, 65).
were much less likely to transmit HSV infection to their There is no consensus on the gestational age at which the
infants (15). Among women with HSV detected at deliv- risks of prematurity outweigh the risks of HSV. When
ery, neonatal herpes occurred in 1.2% of infants delivered expectant management is elected, treatment with an antivi-
by cesarean delivery compared with 7.7% of infants ral agent may be considered. The decision to use cortico-
delivered vaginally (15). steroids should be based on the balance between the risk
Cesarean delivery does not completely prevent verti- of pulmonary immaturity and the risk of neonatal herpes.
cal transmission to the neonate. Transmission has been
documented in the setting of cesarean delivery performed Are invasive procedures contraindicated in
before membrane rupture (14, 60). Cesarean delivery is pregnant women with herpes simplex virus?
not recommended for women with a history of HSV
infection but no active genital disease during labor (61). In women with a history of recurrent HSV, transabdominal
invasive procedures, such as chorionic villus sampling,
amniocentesis, and percutaneous umbilical cord blood
Is cesarean delivery recommended for women
sampling, may be performed even when genital lesions are
with recurrent herpes simplex virus lesions
present. Because cervical shedding is associated with gen-
on the back, thigh, or buttock? ital recurrences, it seems reasonable to delay transcervical
Cesarean delivery is not recommended for women with procedures until lesions appear to have resolved.
nongenital lesions. These lesions may be covered with an Invasive monitoring, such as fetal scalp electrodes, is
occlusive dressing, and the patient then can give birth a risk factor for transmission of HSV, increasing the risk
vaginally. However, women with lesions elsewhere also of neonatal infection approximately six times compared
may have cervical lesions and should be examined. with externally monitored patients (15). However, if there
The risk of transmission among women with recur- are indications for fetal scalp monitoring, it is reasonable
rent HSV at the time of labor is low, estimated to be less in a woman who has a history of recurrent HSV and no
than 1% (18, 62). As with other women with recurrent active lesions.
herpes, the low risk is probably related to preexisting
Should women with active herpes simplex
maternal type-specific antibodies. Thus, the risk of
virus breastfeed or handle their infants?
neonatal HSV associated with vaginal delivery in a
woman with recurrent HSV and nongenital lesions would Unless there is a lesion on the breast, breastfeeding is not
appear to be very low. contraindicated. To prevent postnatal transmission,

1494 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
mothers with herpetic lesions on any part of the body Proposed Performance
should be advised to take special consideration of hand-
washing. Postnatally acquired disease can be as lethal as Measure
that acquired during delivery. Oropharyngeal or cuta-
The percentage of pregnant women who have been asked
neous lesions can be an effective source of virus for
about their history of herpes
transmission to the newborn. Because the herpes virus is
transmitted through direct contact (eg, hand-to-mouth),
neonatal infection may be acquired from family mem-
bers other than the mother and from sites other than the References
genital tract (66, 67). Most strains of HSV responsible 1. Roberts CM, Pfister JR, Spear SJ. Increasing proportion
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VOL. 109, NO. 6, JUNE 2007 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy 1497
67. Hammerberg O, Watts J, Chernesky M, Luchsinger I,
Rawls W. An outbreak of herpes simplex virus type 1 in The MEDLINE database, the Cochrane Library, and
an intensive care nursery. Pediatr Infect Dis 1983;2: ACOGs own internal resources and documents were used
2904. (Level III) to conduct a literature search to locate relevant articles pub-
lished between January 1985 and October 2006. The search
68. Sheffield JS, Fish DN, Hollier LM, Cadematori S, Nobles
was restricted to articles published in the English language.
BJ, Wendel GD Jr. Acyclovir concentrations in human Priority was given to articles reporting results of original
breast milk after valacyclovir administration. Am J Obstet research, although review articles and commentaries also
Gynecol 2002;186:1002. (Level II-2) were consulted. Abstracts of research presented at sympo-
sia and scientific conferences were not considered adequate
for inclusion in this document. Guidelines published by
organizations or institutions such as the National Institutes
of Health and the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists were reviewed, and additional studies were
located by reviewing bibliographies of identified articles.
When reliable research was not available, expert opinions
from obstetriciangynecologists were used.
Studies were reviewed and evaluated for quality according
to the method outlined by the U.S. Preventive Services Task
I Evidence obtained from at least one properly
designed randomized controlled trial.
II-1 Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled
trials without randomization.
II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or
casecontrol analytic studies, preferably from more
than one center or research group.
II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series with or
without the intervention. Dramatic results in uncon-
trolled experiments also could be regarded as this
type of evidence.
III Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical
experience, descriptive studies, or reports of expert
Based on the highest level of evidence found in the data,
recommendations are provided and graded according to the
following categories:
Level ARecommendations are based on good and consis-
tent scientific evidence.
Level BRecommendations are based on limited or incon-
sistent scientific evidence.
Level CRecommendations are based primarily on con-
sensus and expert opinion.

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Management of herpes in pregnancy. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 82.
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1498 ACOG Practice Bulletin Management of Herpes in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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