School Asset Management System
School Asset Management System
School Asset Management System
A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
JUNE 2012
Asset item devided two categories, inventory and model asset.At the school
stationeries are used very commonly by people in an office. SAMS is a system from
manual to computerized system.It is developed for staffs of the school to take any
asset item such as stationeries they need and management of items at the
school.Current practice use manual forms of log books to keep records of stationeries
taken by staffs. This method burdens staffs who want to take stationeries from school
counter. SAMS was the solution to this problem. This system can help staffs in the SK
USJ20 manage the procedure of taking stationeries because one of the objectives of
this project is to computerized the manual form asset stationeries item taken by staffs.
Therefore, this system is will be very helpful and can make the management of asset
stationeries item run smoothly. SAMS is developed by using Adobe Dreamweaver
CS3 and Xampp Server.
Pendaftaran item Aset dibahagikan dua kategori, inventori dan asset. Peralatan
menulis adalah peralatan yang biasa digunanakan oleh orang-orang di pejabat. Ia
termasuk didalam harta modal sekolah. SAM S adalah satu sistem yang dibina untuk
memudahkan pihak sekolah terutama pembantu tadbir menguruskan harta dan modal
kerajaan sekolah.Sistem berkomputer dibangunkan untuk kakitangan sekolah untuk
mengambil apa-apa butiran aset seperti alat tulis yang mereka perlukan dan
pengurusan item di dalam sekolah.Sekolah menggunakan sistem manual seperti
manual buku log untuk menyimpan rekod alat tulis diambil oleh kakitangan. Kaedah
ini membebankan kakitangan yang ingin mengambil alat tulis dari sekolah. SAM S
adalah penyelesaian kepada masalah ini. Sistem ini boleh membantu staf di USJ20 SK
menguruskan prosedur mengambil alat tulis kerana salah satu objektif projek ini
adalah untuk berkomputer yang bentuk alat tulis item aset yang diambil oleh
kakitangan. Oleh itu, sistem ini sangat membantu dan boleh membuat pengurusanitem
harta modal sekolah dan alat tulis berjalan lancar. SAMS dibangunkan dengan
menggunakan Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 dan Xampp Server.
4.1 Introduction 50
4.2 System Interface 51
4.3 Scripting Techniques 53
4.3.1 Declaration of Variable in PHP 53
4.3.2 SQL Statements 54
5.1 Introduction 55
5.2 Result Analysis 56
5.3 Output and Result 56
5.4 System Constraints 65
5.5 Suggestion and project enhancement 65
5.6 Conclusion 66
1.1 Background
The asset inventories such as stationeries are used very commonly by people
working in an office. At the SK USJ20 in Subang Jaya Selangor, stationaries are
supplied for the use staffs. School Asset Management System ( SAMS ) in an asset
booking and registeration system developed for staffs of the school to take stationeries
they need, keep booking and view the stationaries available. Other then that
administrator responsible to approve the booking asset item. This system is a
computerized the manual system asset management.
The problem statement described for the conflict asset management of the
school and problem which manage to the need simplify, record and printing certificate
of each asset. Currently, a school asset management system at the school is performed
manually, through a manual process. This, however makes the process laborious and
time consuming.
The manual process normally will involve extensive paperwork and is prone to
human error. The Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel which currently used to record
information of an asset sometimes can be mistaken , incomplete and miscalculate as
well as non - integrated. It is also also troublesome tedious to trace the physical asset
and track their movement.
Basically, there are two foremost statement of the problem which is to be solved by a
proposed system ;
i. How the School Asset Management System, can be used to be improved and
simplify the current process.
ii. How and what asset information can be integrated and shared among process
or user.
Seeing such problems exist among the users, it motivates the author to develop
SAMS, which is a computerized system solution that is developed based on Rapid
Application Development ( RAD )
1.3 Objective
1.4 Scope
The scopes are defined as the boundary of the functionality, user system and
database. These elements are important to make sure that the scopes of the system do
not override the boundaries of the system. For User scopes elements, above shows the
scopes of the user involved. This system is a web-based application. It can be accessed
via the Intranet so that staffs can make bookings before taking items from the counter
whom the person eel in command of the system manage the inventory asset item. It
has security elements whereas only authorized users can view the specific amount of
the content of this web-based application based on their user level of the system. In the
database framework, its contains a feq table the record the data history, information,
staff details and item details. All documentations are referring to Software Engineering
such as SDP,SRS, and SDD
i. Administrator
a. School admin uses this system to insert, update and delete the information
such as asset details, and record all new assets issued.
b. Manages staff such as register new staff, updated staff details and delete
c. All school assets must to record and register for each asset such as
computer, laptop and so on.
d. Admin can view all request assets of the applicant before sending
e. Admin will have to to handle the booking asset when that requested
a. Staf can make bookings of items before taking them from the
b. View status booking of users taken items.
The thesis consists of five chapters presented. An overview of the following chapters
is as follows:
Chapter 1 is about the introduction of the system. In this chapter, the problem
statement, objective and scope will be identified.
In chapter 2 , briefly explains about the reviews for the chosen project. This chapter
is reviews that require to study to get complete information about the project. This
chapter also explains about the technology that can use during the project development.
Chapter 5 involves decision and discussion that elaborate about the result from stay
analysis that have done by project research. The elements that should have in this chapter
include result analysis, the problems of build project, and project solved. The last chapter
is conclusion. This chapter mentioned about a summary that has to be done by the built
project. The information includes in this chapter includes a summary of project, data
summary and observation of the efficiency of the project and suggestion of the project
approach to the next research.
Literature review refers on interview, book, and the internet to get some
information about this project to give a clearance perspective in developing for this
project. This chapter will be discussed about overview of the manual system, study of
the development tools and database management system. Its ultimate goal is to bring
the reader up to date with current literature on a topic and forms the basis for another
goal, such as the justification for future research.
2.1 Introduction
In the year 1999, efforts have been taken to integrate the asset-management
system that has been developed separately and stand alone by various public agencies.
Trial run for the implementation of the asset and store management system based on the
regionalization, and operational store concepts are being carried out at four pioneer
agencies. The agencies involved are the Defense Ministry, the Education Ministry, the
Agricultural Ministry, and the Malaysian Royal Police. Through this approach, it is
hope that the government asset and store management image could be improved from
an outdated and inefficient system to a more sophisticated, economic and effective
system in line with the effort to implement the electronic government (e-government).
2.2.1 Asset
e. Store Items : not yet used items and need to be stored for operational use ,
maintenance etc.
The figure 2.3 below illustrates the boundary of asset management as defined
the circular
The Figure 2.4 below illustrates the flow of the asset management process as
defined the circular.
The Multimedia Super Corridor ( MSC ) is a world first , world-class act to help
companies of the world test the limits of technology and prepare themselves for the future
and attributes. To spearhead the development of the MSC and give shape to its
environment, seven primary areas for multimedia applications have been identified. The
seven flagship application are Electronic Government,Multipurpose Card, Smart Schools,
Telehealth, R&D Clusters, E-Business and Technopreneur Development.
ePerolehan allows suppliers to present their products on the World Wide Web,receive,
manage and process purchase orders and receive payment from government agencies via
the Internet. The supplier's product catalogue is converted into the form of an electronic
catalogue or eCatalogue, which can be viewed from any desktop with a web browser. The
supplier is able to submit quotations, obtain tender document and submit tender bid
through ePerolehan. ePerolehan allows suppliers to register or renew their registration with
the Ministry of Finance through the Internet. Suppliers are able to submit application,
check application status and pay registration fees through ePerolehan.
i. Quotation :
a. Quotation process is for any purchase with a total value of RM100,000 but
less than RM200,000.
ii. Tender :
Some of the functions and benefits of the quotation and tender process through ePerolehan:
a. Status Monitoring: This system will monitor the status of Purchase Order that
has been sent out.
c. Document Security: Proposals that have been accepted from the suppliers will
be kept in a secure document server and may only be seen on the date of the
opening of Tender.
With the unique qualities available in the ePerolehan system, it will simplify the
procurement process of the Quotation and Tender. The procurement process will be better
organized and more proficient, as the system aids the Approver, the Committee and the
Committee Chairperson in the process of evaluation and decision making, as well as
advancing the suggested decision promptly.
Accountant General comments has raised weaknesses for the year 1999 Records on
the management of asset and store were not maintained accordingly and the officer-in-
charge did not carry out physical inspection from time to time. Procurement of store goods
was not done according to requirement where as the disposal action was not carried out
according to the procedure.
Accountant General comments has raised weaknesses for the year 2001 among others
a. Capital Capital Asset Registry and Inventory Registry was not updated
b. 479 units of capital asset purchased for the period of 1999 to 2000 was not
recorded in the registry; ( In 8 State Departments / Institutes)
c. There is no proof that physical inspection was carried out on capital asset
g. Registry of Capital Asset do not follow the capital asset which were
transferred permanently to districts ( 3 State Departments)
h. Capital Assets which were broken-down have not been certified for disposal
The following are three screen snapshots from internet .Some sample of screen design
and information capture in the asset management system or application.
Some of the sample screens of Asset Management System are used by various
US government offices such as Defense Logistics Information service, Honolulu Police
Department, Illinois State Treasurer, Lake County Illinois and Iowa Army National
Guard. Managing IT assets is getting more challenging these days because of the
different mobile applications and numerous locations in which the IT assets are
relocated to. Bar-coding plays an important role in managing these assets.
There are several advantages in this system. For example the user did not have
much time review all the asset manualy. Moreover, it will not waste time when they
want to pay it at anytime they want. Then, this system also has its own disadvantages.
One of that is this system only can be used for the user target that do the asset
management systemMBJB only. Moreover, the user did not know the concept of
MBJB asset management system when the system is crowded with the not related
information provided.
The several One of the MBJB package available.The general section allows
for setting default values for more common data entry items such as register new asset,
division, group, location, building, aisle, bay, rack, and units of measure. When a new
asset is entered the defaults will apply unless they are overwritten with the other data.