Product Catalog Linked
Product Catalog Linked
Product Catalog Linked
lbindemittel __________________________________________________ 22
Puriklyn TR-H _________________________________________________ 22
Aral has a proud company history of more than a hundred years. On Novem-
ber 28, 1898 a conglomerate of 13 mining companies founded the Westdeut-
sche Benzolverkaufsvereinigung (West German Benzol Sales Association),
which evolved over the years into todays Aral Aktiengesellschaft. Since the
year 2001 the Aral Aktiengesellschaft works under the
roof of the German BP AG.
In addition to the product lines Aral offers new online services to customers.
Feel free to get more information about Aral and its products and services on:
Let Aral take care of supplying your vehicles with the right lubricants so you
can concentrate on what you and your employees do best.
Aral offers one of the widest product ranges of motor oils, gear and trans-
mission fluids, hydraulic oils and greases for commercial vehicles - all at
an exceptional value.
The Aral Turboral range exceeds the toughest manufacturer requirements and
also offers mineral oil-based standard quality for a wide range of applications.
Should you ever have to replenish your motor oil while on the road - despite
preventive maintenance and logistics - youll find our most important products
also at our filling stations in central Europe.
A new high-performance motor oil with the Cost advantages for current and future
latest technology for use especially in heavy- models
duty truck diesel motors. With Aral Synth- Allows longest oil drain intervals up to
Technology Aral GigaTurboral meets current 120,000 km (please comply with manu-
and future European and American specifi- facturers requirements!) and gives addi-
cations and exceeds standards for motor oils tional reserves even when the maximum
for engines with Euro III Norm. With its new allowed oil drain intervals are reached
additive concept, Aral GigaTurboral represents Optimal performance reserves even when
a jump ahead for motor oil development in using diesel fuel with high sulphur ratios
the heavy-duty truck segment: Aral Giga- (e.g. in countries with low fuel quality)
Turboral fulfils the standard of ACEA E5 as
well as ACEA E4, at once, without any com-
ACEA E5, E4 and E3
promises on an absolute top-performance
Exceptional properties for highest motor
MB Service Bulletin 228.5
MAN Norm M 3277
High oxidation stability for long oil drain
Volvo VDS 3*/VDS 2
IVECO 18-1804 T2 E3, T2 E5
Pioneering new quality of soot binding
Scania LDF*
Renault Typ RXD
Use of a single oil for entire truck fleet
Mack EO-L, EO-M
ZF TE-ML 04C, 07D
*field tests are in process
Top class USHPD low friction formula motor Significant fuel savings during the entire
oil with Aral Synth-Technology for the latest time period between oil changes com-
generation of commercial vehicle diesel pared with a motor oil with a 15W-40
engines. Suitable for extended oil changes viscosity range.
intervals. Meets current requirements of com-
mercial vehicle manufacturers and the most
stringent European test requirements.
Minimal engine wear due to excellent
MB Service Bulletin 228.5
lubricating film even under extreme ther-
MAN Norm M 3277
mal and mechanical stress
Volvo VDS-2
Very good cold-start characteristics
through decreased low-temperature vis-
Scania LDF*
Large performance reserves even with
Renault RXD
high sulfur diesel fuels (e.g. in countries
IVECO 18-1804 T2 E3
with low-quality)
MTU-approval (Oil Type 2)
For extended oil change intervals of up to
120,000 km (please comply with manu-
ZF TE-ML 04C, 07D
facturers requirements!)
*field tests are in process
Mineral-oil based SHPD-motor oil with Mineral oil-based single-grade motor oils with
excellent capabilities and a combination of powerful additives, also suitable for use as a
additives specially designed for use in hydraulic fluid in hydraulic clutches, retarder
commercial vehicles. and transmissions (please comply with
manufacturers requirements!).
ACEA E3 Specifications/Certifications:
MB Service Bulletin 228.3 API CD-CE, SF
MAN Norm M 3275 MB Service Bulletin 228.0
Volvo VDS-2 MAN Norm 270
Mack EO-L Plus ZF TE-ML 02C, 03A, 04A, 03B, 04B,
DAF 06A, 07D, 10
IVECO 18-1804 T2 MTU approval (Oil Type 1)
Renault RLD Voith-Retarder
Scania IVECO 18-1804 T1
Adapted for the use in suction diesel engines Mineral oil-based motor oil formulated specifi-
and 2T-diesel engines, which demand API cally for use in engines running on LNG.
CF-2 motor oils (e.g. Detroit Diesel).
Specifications/Certifications: API CD, CE, CF-4, SF, SG
API CF-2 MB Service Bulletin 226.9
API CC-CD MAN Norm M 3271
Aral BasicTurboral
SAE 10W, 20W-20, 30, 40, 50
Low-friction motor oil with Aral Synth- Mineral oil-based universal motor oil with
Technology for mixed fleets with gasoline and great performance for mixed fleets with diesel
diesel engines. Excellent additives for and gasoline engines.
outstanding fuel savings. Keeps engines clean even under difficult
Reduces logistical costs through simpli- operating conditions
fied inventory Prevents oil sludge
Good cold-start characteristics and quick Great performance reserves even with a
supply of oil to all parts of the engine long duration between oil changes and
Effective protection against oil sludge operating under difficult conditions, e.g.
Meets demanding requirements for diesel stop-and-go driving
engines (especially car engines) with an
absolute reliability
ACEA E2, B2, A2
Specifications/Certifications: API CF-4, SG
ACEA E3, B4, B3, A3 MB Service Bulletin 228.1, 229.1
API CH-4 MAN Norm 271
MB Service Bulletin 228.3, 229.1 Volvo VDS
MAN Norm M 3275 VW Norm 501 01 und 505 00 (1/97)
Volvo VDS ZF TE-ML 03A, 04C, 07C, 07D
VW Norm 505 00 (01/97) Allison C-4
DAF Mack EO-K/2
IVECO 18-1804 T2 E3 Voith-Retarder
Renault RD (E3) IVECO 18-1804 T1
Deutz Renault (E2)
ZF TE-ML 04C, 07D
Gear oils, transmission fluids, hydraulic fluids, greases, coolants and brake fluids for commercial
vehicles and construction machines - Developing new products requires vast know-how
Aral participation in international committees for the lubricant industry, close operation with
the automotive industry, an accredited R&D division and ISO quality certification of the
entire group are all factors that ensure that Aral products are consistently of the highest inter-
national standards of quality. At the end of our lengthy development process, extensive bench
testing and vehicle fleet tests under everyday conditions are conducted to evaluate the
performance of new products.
Our perfectly integrated product range for commercial vehicles means that youll find
transmission fluids and greases that reinforce the fuel-saving properties of our motor oils.
High-performance gear oil with Aral Synth- High-performance gear oil with the latest ad-
Technology. With low friction and SAE 75W-90 ditive technology for universal use in
multi-grade properties. Reduces shifting commercial vehicles in highly stressed hypoid
problems and saves fuel. axles, synchronized transmissions, auxiliary
drives, steering systems, transfer cases, etc.
API GL 4 plus Specifications/Certifications:
Ford ESD M2C-175-A API GL-4, GL-5 and MT 1
VW-Norm 501 50 (G50) MAN Norm 3343 Type ML
ZF TE-ML 02D, 08A Volvo (truck)
IVECO 18-1807 MG
Renault (truck)
Scania STO 1:0
ZF TE-ML 01, 02B, 05A, 07A, 08A, 12E,
16A, 16B, 17B
MB Service Bulletin 235.0/235.1
Standard for so called moderate hypoid gear Hypoid gear oil with limited slip (LS) addi-
oils for manual transmissions, axle drives and tive for use in locked axle systems, transfer
steering systems. cases, differentials with axle drives, car and
truck transmissions.
API GL 4 Specifications/Certifications:
MIL-L-2105 API GL 5 + LS
Ford SQM-2C-9008 A MIL-L-2105 C/D
MAN Norm 341 Type N Ford ESW M2C-104-A, 119-A
MB Service Bulletin 235.1 ZF TE-ML 05C, 12C, 16E
ZF TE-ML 02A, 17A (SAE 80W)
High-performance gear oil with Aral Synth- Standard hypoid gear oil for most stressed axle
Technology. With low friction and SAE 75W- drives and steering systems. Also for differen-
90 multi-grade properties. For most stressed tial locks and unsynchronized manual trans-
(hypoid) live axles and - if permitted by missions, if permitted by manufacturer.
manufacturer - for highly stressed transmis-
sions and axle drives. Reduces axle problems
and saves fuel.
MIL-L-2105 C/D
Specifications/Certifications: MB Service Bulletin 235.0
API GL 5 MAN Norm 342 Type N
ZF TE-ML 05A, 12A ZF TE-ML 01, 05A, 07A, 12A, 16C, 16D,
Ford SQM-2C-9002-AA
Fully synthetic gear oil with LS additive for Fully synthetic hypoid gear oil for rear axles
extended-interval use in cars with locked axle in passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
systems, in axles, manual transmissions and
auxiliaries in commercial vehicles.
Specifications/Certifications: Scania STO 1:0
API GL 5 + LS additive MAN Norm 342 Type SL
BMW (Oil Type MSP/A) BMW (Oil Type OSP)
ZF TE-ML 05D, 12D, 16G
Ford WSL-M2C192-A
High-pressure gear oil with Aral Synth- Fully synthetic high-performance oil for use
Technology for use in manual transmissions in transmissions - also with re-/intarder (ZF/
with re-/intarder, in mechanical and supple- Voith) - axle drives, auxiliary drives and
mentary transmissions. For use in commercial steering systems in commercial vehicles - e.g.
vehicles e.g. Mercedes Benz, DAF, Renault Mercedes-Benz, IVECO, Renault, DAF - for
(truck). Also approved for longer oil change oil change intervals of up to 400,000 km as
intervals in accordance with manufacturers prescribed by manufacturers.
Specifications/Certifications: API GL 4
API GL 4 MIL-L-2105
MAN Norm 341 Type TL MAN Norm 341 Type SL
ZF TE-ML 02D, 08A, 02L, 16K ZF TE-ML 02, 08A
MB Volvo (Oil Type 97307)
Renault MB
DAF Renault
IVECO 18-1807 MGS
(Gear Oil)
Fully synthetic high-performance gear oil with Transmission fluid for automatic transmission
low-friction properties for use in axle drives, with GM ATF Type II D specification for use
transmissions, steering systems, final and auxiliary in automatic/manual transmissions, clutch and
drives of commercial vehicles - e.g. DAF, Renault, steering systems.
IVECO - for oil change intervals of up to 400,000
km as prescribed by manufacturers. Meets the
MB Service Bulletin 236.6
toughest current standards of commercial vehicle
ZF TE-ML 03, 04D, 09A, 11A, 14A, 17C
Ford Mercon
Specifications/Certifications: BMW
API GL 5 Voith 55.6335.xx
MIL-PRF-2105 E MAN Norm 339 Type D
MAN Norm 342 Type SL IVECO 18-1807 AG2
MB Service Bulletin 235.8 Caterpillar TD-2
Scania STO 1:0 Allison C-4
Volvo (Oil Type 97312)
ZF TE-ML 05B, 07A, 08A, 12B, 16F, 17B (Transmission Fluid)
DAF Aral Getriebel ATF E-S
Fully synthetic ATF with GM specification
ATF Type II E for extended oil change inter-
(Transmission Fluid) vals in Mercedes-Benz and ZF automatic
Aral Getriebel SGF 84 transmissions.
Top class environmentally sound and water Universal roller and slide bearing greases for
insoluble hydraulic fluid based on synthetic high temperatures, based on mineral oil and
esters. Suitable for all hydraulics and, due to a lithium complex soap. For use in all ther-
its excellent thermal capacity, predestined for mally stressed lubricating areas.
use under extreme conditions (e.g. in con-
struction machines, in the pipe and tunnel
MAN Norm 284
driving within ground water areas).
Non-toxic, environmentally sound and water First-rate greases made from synthetic esters
insoluble hydraulic fluid of German Water and a combination of lithium/calcium thicke-
Pollution Classification 0 with an outstanding ner. This extreme pressure (EP) greases
shearing and aging stability, suitable for the provide advantages regarding the biodegrada-
use in construction machines in the pipe and bility compared to conventional formulated
tunnel driving within ground water areas. greases. Especially for the employment in
centralized lubrication systems in utility vehi-
cles, as well as in outdoor working aggregates
with long lubrication routing distances.
Suitable as long life and low temperature
MAN Norm 283
HLPD hydraulic fluids according to DIN Hydraulic fluid designed specifically for use
51524 T2 with very good detergent properties, in commercial vehicles. Uses: hydraulic sys-
and dispersion properties. Aral Vitam DE is tems, cab tilting systems, etc.
suitable for all types of hydraulics. It delivers Good water separation ability
its special performance under adverse Strong protection against wear
operating conditions such as large temperature Tough protection against corrosion
fluctuations, high humidity, dust and other Aging stability
Specifications/Certifications: MB Service Bulletin 341
ZF approval
Specifications/Certifications: Specifications/Certifications:
KPF 2K-30 K 2K-30
NLGI-Class 2 NLGI-Class 2
Ford and Caterpillar product orientation MB Service Bulletin 267
VW product orientation
Suitable for use in central lubricating systems High-quality summer and winter coolant for
from Schbler, Groenveld or Ciaponi (e.g. in use in radiators of most of the modern gasoline
commercial vehicles from Mercedes-Benz, and diesel engines.
MAN or Iveco). Due to the mixed saponi- Ready-to-use form!
fication of calcium and lithium, this grease
exhibits excellent cold-temperature viscosity.
VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat (Type G 11)
Specifications/Certifications: Opel up to MY 2001
GP/KP 0 K-40 Porsche
NLGI-Class 0 Volvo
MAN 283 Li-P 0 Rover
(Coolant Silicate-Free) Saab
Aral EasyFreeze Silikatfrei Ford ESDM-97B49-A
ASTM D 5345
High-quality summer and winter coolant for
modern aluminium engines. Formulated for
MB Service Bulletin 326.0
the use in radiators of latest gasoline and diesel
MAN Norm Type 324 NF
engine generations. Silicate-free!
Ready-to-use form!
Specifications/Certifications: Deutz
VW/Audi/Skoda/Seat (Type G 12)
MB Service Bulletin 326.3
Ford WSS-M97B44-D
Opel starting from MY 2001
ASTM D 5345
MAN Norm 324 Type SNF
Radiator coolant for summer and winter Radiator coolant for summer and winter
operation. Suited for most engines. Meets operation. Suited for most engines. Meets
passenger car and commercial vehicle manu- passenger car and commercial vehicle manu-
Specifications/Certifications: Specifications/Certifications:
Rover Renault
Ford ESDM-97B49-A
ASTM D 4985, ASTM D 3306 (Brake Fluid)
mable mineral granulate For use in cleaning systems for parts and
liquid chemicals from hard surfaces CFC-free and free from other halogen-
Free from asbestos and similar fiber Dissolves and removes oils, greases,
materials bitumen, tar and waxes
Meets the requirements for fast-acting cold-
cleaning products in accordance with TL
6850-0017-4 of the German Federal Office
for Arms and Arms Procurement; tested by
the Institute for Commercial Water Supply
and Prevention of Air Pollution, Cologne.
Puriklyn TR-H
Aral Aktiengesellschaft
Lubes Consumer
Max-Born-Str. 2
22761 Hamburg
Phone: 01801-11 55 11
Fax: 040-35 94-4 44
Aral Aktiengesellschaft
Lubes Commercial
International Reseller - CMIR
Neuhoefer Brueckenstrasse 127-152
21107 Hamburg