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One man challenged another to an all-day wood chopping contest. The challenger worked very

hard, stopping only for a brief lunch break. The other man had a leisurely lunch and took

several breaks during the day. At the end of the day, the challenger was surprised and annoyed

to find that the other fellow had chopped substantially more wood than he had. "I don't get it,"

he said. "Every time I checked, you were taking a rest, yet you chopped more wood than I did."

"But you didn't notice," Said the winning woodsman, "that I was sharpening my ax when I sat

down to rest."i
o Rest is very essential for our body. God cares and he has provided a day for us. Today we

are going to study Gods mark.


o Revelation 13 says that the antichrist power will in the last days unite with United
States to promote their agenda.
We will see the whole world wondering after the beast.
o O be enforced and those who doesnt
Mark of the beast, the Sunday sacredness will
worship will be killed, but we have our God who will save us.
o T know that the end is near.
Paul says when these signs happen, we should
o H upon the mark of God because we dont
And we concluded by saying that we will look
want the mark of Satan.
Revelation 14: 6, 7 The last day conflict is worship.
o The hour of judgment is come. U
o We need to worship the creator. DI
Where in the Bible do we find worship and creation? E
Exodus 20: 8 11 The Bible calls us to worship the God of the Bible. The Bible tells us that
God made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all
CE that in them. The Lord blessed it and

hallowed it.
How important it is! We are studying about the mark/seal of God. Whats the link between

Sabbath and seal?

Exodus 31: 16, 17 God says that Sabbath is a sign between Him and his people. He commands

his people to keep the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a continuous covenant.
What does a seal/mark/sign contain?
o Sign or seal shows the authority and validity of a person. Without a seal, no law would

be valid anywhere. The law of God should contain a seal for its authenticity and validity.

A seal contains the name of the lawgiver, his territory, and his title.
o Exodus 20: 8 11 The Sabbath commandment contains the seal of God. It has the

name (Lord), made (Creator), the heavens and the earth (Jurisdiction).
o The Ten Commandments gain their validity only from the royal seal of the creator God

embodied in the Sabbath commandment.

o Wasnt the law nailed to the cross and Sabbath with it?
Colossians 2: 14 16 This talks about the ceremonial law which Jesus put to an

end at the cross.

Ephesians 2: 15 Christ abolished the ordinances not the Moral law.
More of this will be studied in the Study 15, One God, why many churches?
Why is Sabbath very important?
o Exodus 20: 8 11 The Sabbath is the sign of creation.
o Deuteronomy 5: 15 The Sabbath serves as a sign of Gods redemptive act.
o Ezekiel 20: 12 Sabbath is a sign of sanctification.
o Sabbath is very important to God because God could have chosen any memorial to his

creative act, but he chose a memorial set in time. Time cannot be eradicated or

eliminated in the same way that a physical memorial, such as a city or holy place, could

be eradicated.ii
Sabbath is the mark of God. Now, lets look at the history of Sabbath.
o Genesis 2: 1 3 God rested, blessed, and sanctified the Sabbath.
The Sabbath was given to Adam the head of the human race, before sin. Sabbath

was created at least 2,000 years before the first Jew, Abraham. That says a lot.
o Exodus 25: 10 Sabbath law placed with the other nine commandments in Ark of the

o Exodus 16: 4 The Sabbath was in effect prior to the Ten Commandments at Sinai.
o Exodus 16: 27, 28 God condemned Jews who disregarded Sabbath observance.
o Exodus 20: 1 17; 31: 18 Codified by Gods finger as a moral law in the Ten

o Isaiah 58: 13, 14 The prophet Isaiah affirms the Sabbath is honorable and will be a

blessing to its keepers.

o Nehemiah 13: 15 22 Sabbath worship was emphasized by Gods prophets after the

o Luke 4: 16 20 It was Jesuss custom to keep the Sabbath. In fact Jesus took Sabbath

as an occasion to announce his mission on earth. One of the revolutionary statements

made by Jesus was that he said I came not to nullify the law to magnify it (Matthew 5:

17 19). This was one of the characteristics of the messiah (Isaiah 42: 21). Jesus rightly

fulfilled it.
o Luke 23: 56 Jesus and his followers rested the Sabbath day according to the

commandment. This serves as one of the biggest proof for Sabbath.

o Acts 13: 14, 42 16: ; 17: 1, 2 18: 3, 4, 11 Jesus disciples kept the Sabbath even after his

death. There is no evidence in the Bible that Sabbath has been changed.
First day in the Bible.
o Matthew 28: 1 This was written after the resurrection, and inspiration makes no

mention of a change of the Sabbath day. The NEW Bible uses Sunday instead of first

day. There is a marked difference here. When Sabbath was ended, first day of the week

began. There is a clear distinction.

o Mark 16: 1, 2 Mark refers to the same event as was described by Matthew.
o Mark 16: 9 Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, but there is no sacredness

attached to the first day.

o Luke 23: 54, 56; 24: 1 Christ was crucified on Good Friday in the afternoon before

sunset and that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. Christ rested the

Sabbath according to the law.

o John 20: 1 All the gospels repeat the same idea that Sabbath was not changed to the

first day.
o John 20: 19 The text says nothing about the disciples holding a meeting in honour of

Christ's resurrection but they were hiding for fear of the Jews. In fact they thought

that resurrection was idle tales, and they believed them not (Luke 24: 10, 11).
o Acts 20: 7 No sanctity attached to the first day of the week as it was like a farewell

meeting. The NEB identifies the time says Saturday night instead the first day of the

week (In biblical times, a day began at sunset and ended at sunset). The fact that they

were breaking bread cannot be used to support Sunday as Acts 2: 46 says that they did

break bread daily.

o 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2 This text honors the Sabbath that the calculation of tithes and

offerings shouldnt be done on Friday as it might take the preparation time and neither

on Sabbath. Paul admonishes them to do this on Sunday because as a custom, everyone

received their wages on Friday.

o Revelation 1: 7 The Lords Day refers to Sabbath (Revelation 1: 10; Mark 2: 28).
o Thus scriptures nowhere mentions that Sabbath was changed. There is no biblical

o More than 100 languages use a form of the word Sabbath to describe Saturday. The

Jewish people still observe Saturday as the Sabbath. Jesus never commanded his people

to honor his resurrection as the Sabbath day. Theres no biblical evidence.

As we saw yesterday it is the papacy who changed it. They even say it so boldly.
o You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line

authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The scriptures enforce the religious observance

of Saturday, a day that we (Catholics) never sanctify. iii

o Sunday is a catholic institution, and its claims to observance can be defended only on

catholic principlesFrom the beginning to end of scripture, there is not a single passage
that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the

o Reviewing all the basic points.
o Isaiah 66: 22, 23 even in the new heaven and new earth, Sabbath will be kept.
o Appeal Coming up to the front How many of you have heard this for the first time?

How many of you want to keep the Sabbath? Do you want to obey Gods sacred day or

manmade day? There might be problems and oppositions that may come our way, but

God cares. He is willing to take you through this period of trails and he has a way of

escape for our problems. He will take care of you. Do you want to trust in him and obey

his Sabbath commandment?

i L.S. Chafer, Grace.

ii Truth Matters Pg. 113.

iii The Faith of our fathers (110th edition) Pg. 89

iv Catholic Press (Sydney, Australia), August 25, 1900

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