A Course Material On DSP
A Course Material On DSP
A Course Material On DSP
Class : II Year
is of adequate quality. He has referred more than five books among them
minimum one is from aborad author.
Classification of systems: Continuous, discrete, linear, causal, stable, dynamic,
recursive, time variance; classification of signals: continuous and discrete, energy
and power; mathematical representation of signals; spectral density; sampling
techniques, quantization, quantization error, Nyquist rate, aliasing effect.
Z-transform and its properties, inverse z-transforms; difference equation Solution by z-
transform, application to discrete systems - Stability analysis, frequency response
Convolution Discrete Time Fourier transform , magnitude and phase representation.
Discrete Fourier Transform- properties, magnitude and phase representation -
Computation of DFT using FFT algorithm DIT &DIF using radix 2 FFT Butterfly
FIR & IIR filter realization Parallel & cascade forms. FIR design: Windowing Techniques
Need and choice of windows Linear phase characteristics. Analog filter design
Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations; IIR Filters, digital design using impulse
invariant and bilinear transformation - Warping, pre warping.
TOTAL : 45
Ability to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, Electro-
magnetic field theory control theory and apply them to electrical
engineering problems.
J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles,
Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, New Delhi, PHI. 2003.
S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer Based Approach,
McGraw Hill Edu, 2013.
Robert Schilling & Sandra L.Harris, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing using
Matlab, Cengage Learning,2014.
Poorna Chandra S, Sasikala. B ,Digital Signal Processing, Vijay Nicole/TMH,2013.
B.P.Lathi, Principles of Signal Processing and Linear Systems, Oxford University Press,
Taan S. ElAli, Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with Mat Lab, CRC Press,
Sen M.kuo, woonsengs.gan, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture,
Implementations & Applications, Pearson,2013
Dimitris G.Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, applied Digital Signal Processing,Cambridge,2012
Lonnie C.Ludeman ,Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing,Wiley,2013
Introduction 7
Classification of signals processing 8
Advantages of DSP over ASP
Disadvantages of DSP over ASP
Classification of signals 11
Discrete time systems 11
Types of convolution
Properties of convolution
Causality of LSI systems
Stability for LTI systems
Correlation 19
Types of correlation
Properties of correlation
A/D Conversion
Differential Equations 23
3.0 Introduction 39
3.1 Difference between FT & DFT 39
3.2 Calculation of DFT
3.3 Difference between DFT & IDFT 41
3.4 Properties of DFT
3.5 Application of DFT 47
3.6 FFT 50
Radix 2 FFT Algorithm
3.7 GEOERZEL Algorithm 59
Introduction 61
Types of digital filters 65
Structure for FIR system 65
Structure for IIR system 68
IIR Filter design (Impulse invariance) 73
IIR Filter design (BZT) 76
Butterworth approximation 80
Frequency Transformation 87
FIR Filter design 89
Design filter for pole zero placement 93
Glossary Terms
Tutorial Problems
Worked Out Problems
Question Bank
Question paper
A Signal is defined as any physical quantity that changes with time, distance, speed, position,
pressure, temperature or some other quantity. A Signal is physical quantity that consists of
many sinusoidal of different amplitudes and frequencies.
Ex x(t) = 10t
X(t) = 5x2+20xy+30y
A System is a physical device that performs an operations or processing on a signal. Ex Filter
or Amplifier.
Analog Analog
Input Output
DSP (Digital signal Processing) : If the input signal given to the system is digital then system
does digital signal processing. Ex Digital Computer, Digital Logic Circuits etc. The devices
called as ADC (analog to digital Converter) converts Analog signal into digital and DAC
(Digital to Analog Converter) does vice-versa.
Analog Analog
Signal signal
Most of the signals generated are analog in nature. Hence these signals are converted to
digital form by the analog to digital converter. Thus AD Converter generates an array of
samples and gives it to the digital signal processor. This array of samples or sequence of
samples is the digital equivalent of input analog signal. The DSP performs signal processing
operations like filtering, multiplication, transformation or amplification etc operations over
this digital signals. The digital output signal from the DSP is given to the DAC.
Single channel and Multi-channel signals
Single dimensional and Multi-dimensional signals
Continuous time and Discrete time signals.
Continuous valued and discrete valued signals.
Analog and digital signals.
Deterministic and Random signals
Periodic signal and Non-periodic signal
Symmetrical(even) and Anti-Symmetrical(odd) signal
Energy and Power signal
= + ( ) 2
Rearranging the above terms we have
= + ( ) 2
Odd component of discrete time signal is given by
= ( ) 2
Test whether the following CT waveforms is periodic or not. If periodic
find out the fundamental period.
2 sin(2/3)t + 4 cos (1/2)t + 5 cos((1/3)t Ans: Period of x(t)= 12
a cos(t 2) + b sin(t/4) Ans: Non-Periodic
Find out the even and odd parts of the discrete signal x(n)={2,4,3,2,1}
Find out the even and odd parts of the discrete signal x(n)={2,2,2,2}
Tutorial problems:
Find the power and energy of u(n) unit step function.
Find the power and energy of r(n) unit ramp function.
Find the power and energy of an u(n).
(n) = 1 n=0
0 n=0
i.e (n)={1}
u(n) = 1 n0
0 n<0
Unit ramp signal
ur (n) = n n0
0 n<0
Exponential signal
x(n) = a n = (re j ) n = r n e j n = r n (cos n + j sin n)
4) Sinusoidal waveform
x(n) = A Sin wn
Delayed by 2 samples : X(n-2)= { 1, -1 , 0 , 4 , -2 , 4 , 0 ,}
Advanced by 2 samples : X(n+2) = { 1, -1 , 0 , 4 , -2 , 4 , 0 ,}
Folding / Reflection : It is folding of signal about time origin n=0. In this case replace
n by n. Original signal:
X(n) = { 1, -1 , 0 , 4 , -2 , 4 , 0}
Folded signal:
X(-n) = { 0 , 4 , -2 , 4 , 0 , -1 , 1}
Addition : Given signals are x1(n) and x2(n), which produces output y(n) where y(n) = x1(n)
+ x2(n). Adder generates the output sequence which is the sum of input sequences.
Scaling: Amplitude scaling can be done by multiplying signal with some constant. Suppose
original signal is x(n). Then output signal is A x(n)
Unit advance
Scaling (constant multiplier)
y(n) =x1(n)+x2(n)
y(n) =x1(n)*x2(n)
x(n) y(n) = A x(n)
It is very easy to find out that given system is static or dynamic. Just check that output of
the system solely depends upon present input only, not dependent upon past or future.
S. No System [y(n)] Static / Dynamic
1 x(n) Static
2 A(n-2) Dynamic
3 X (n) Static
4 X(n ) Dynamic
5 n x(n) + x (n) Static
6 X(n)+ x(n-2) +x(n+2) Dynamic
(Shift Invariance property)
1 A System is time invariant if its input output A System is time variant if its input output
characteristic do not change with shift of time. characteristic changes with time.
2 Linear TIV systems can be uniquely No Mathematical analysis can be
characterized by Impulse response, frequency performed.
response or transfer function.
3 Thermal Noise in Electronic components Rainfall per month
Printing documents by a printer Noise Effect
It is very easy to find out that given system is Shift Invariant or
Shift Variant. Suppose if the system produces output y(n) by
taking input x(n)
x(n) y(n)
If we delay same input by k units x(n-k) and apply it to same systems, the system produces
output y(n-k)
x(n-k) y(n-k)
(Linearity Property)
1 A System is linear if it satisfies superposition theorem. A System is Non-linear if it
does not satisfies
superposition theorem.
2 Let x1(n) and x2(n) are two input sequences, then the system
is said to be linear if and only if T[a1x1(n) +
a2 x1(n)
x2(n) a2
1 Non-Linear
2 x2 (n) Non-Linear
3 m x(n) + c Non-Linear
5 X(-n) Linear
It is very easy to find out that given system is causal or non-causal. Just check that output
of the system depends upon present or past inputs only, not dependent upon future.
S.No System [y(n)] Causal /Non-Causal
1 x(n) + x(n-3) Causal
2 X(n) Causal
3 X(n) + x(n+3) Non-Causal
4 2 x(n) Causal
5 X(2n) Non-Causal
6 X(n)+ x(n-2) +x(n+2) Non-Causal
It is very easy to find out that given system is stable or unstable. Just check that by
providing input signal check that output should not rise to .
= () <
S.No System [y(n)] Stable / Unstable
1 Cos [ x(n) ] Stable
2 x(-n+2) Stable
3 |x(n)| Stable
4 x(n) u(n) Stable
5 X(n) + n x(n+1) Unstable
y(-1) = h1 x1
y(0) = h2 x1 + h1 x2
y(1) = h1 x3 + h2x2 + h3 x1
X1 x2 x3
y1 y2 y3
X(n) Response
3 Distribute Law: (Distributive property of convolution)
x(n) * [ h1(n) + h2(n) ] = x(n) * h1(n) + x(n) * h2(n)
The output of causal system depends upon the present and past inputs. The output of the
causal system at n= n0 depends only upon inputs x(n) for n n0. The linear convolution is
given as
y(n) =
y(n0) =
y(n) = x
The input x(n) is said to bounded if there exists some finite number Mx such that |x(n)| Mx
< . Hence bounded input x(n) produces bounded output y(n) in the LSI system only if
|h(k)| <
With this condition satisfied, the system will be stable. The above equation states that the LSI
system is stable if its unit sample response is absolutely summable. This is necessary and
sufficient condition for the stability of LSI system.
It is frequently necessary to establish similarity between one set of data and another.
It means we would like to correlate two processes or data. Correlation is closely related to
convolution, because the correlation is essentially convolution of two data sequences in
which one of the sequences has been reversed.
Applications are in
Images processing for robotic vision or remote sensing by satellite in which data from
different image is compared
In radar and sonar systems for range and position finding in which transmitted and reflected
waveforms are compared.
Correlation is also used in detection and identifying of signals in noise.
Computation of average power in waveforms.
Identification of binary codeword in pulse code modulation system.
Under Correlation there are two classes.
CROSS CORRELATION: When the correlation of two different sequences x(n)
and y(n) is performed it is called as Cross correlation. Cross-correlation of x(n)
and y(n) is rxy(l) which can be mathematically expressed as
rxy(l) = x (n + l) y(n) n= -
rxx(l) = x (n
+ l)
n= -
The cross-correlation is not commutative.
rxy(l) = ryx(-l)
The cross-correlation is equivalent to convolution of one sequence with folded version of
another sequence.
rxy(l) = x(l) *
The autocorrelation sequence is an even function.
rxx(l) = rxx(-l)
Q) Determine cross-correlation
x(n)={2, -1, 3, 7,1,2, -3} & y(n)={1, -1, 2, -2, 4, 1, -2 ,5}
Answer: rxy(l) = {10, -9, 19, 36, -14, 33, 0,7, 13, -18, 16, -7, 5, -3}
Q) Determine autocorrelation
x(n)={1, 2, 1, 1} Answer: rxx(l) = {1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1}
It is the process of converting continuous time signal into a discrete time signal by taking
samples of the continuous time signal at discrete time instants.
Thus Sampling Theorem states that if the highest frequency in an analog signal is
Fmax and the signal is sampled at the rate fs > 2Fmax then x(t) can be exactly recovered
from its sample values. This sampling rate is called Nyquist rate of sampling. The imaging or
aliasing starts after Fs/2 hence folding frequency is fs/2. If the frequency is less than or equal
to 1/2 it will be represented properly.
Case 1: X1(t) = cos 2 (10) t Fs= 40 Hz i.e t= n/Fs
x1[n]= cos 2(n/4)= cos (/2)n
Thus the frequency 50 Hz, 90 Hz , 130 Hz are alias of the frequency 10 Hz at the
sampling rate of 40 samples/sec
The process of converting a discrete time continuous amplitude signal into a digital signal
by expressing each sample value as a finite number of digits is called quantization. The
error introduced in representing the continuous values signal by a finite set of discrete value
levels is called quantization error or quantization noise.
Quantization Step/Resolution : The difference between the two quantization levels is called
quantization step. It is given by = XMax xMin / L-1 where L indicates Number of
quantization levels.
Each quantization level is assigned a unique binary code. In the encoding operation, the
quantization sample value is converted to the binary equivalent of that quantization level. If
16 quantization levels are present, 4 bits are required. Thus bits required in the coder is the
smallest integer greater than or equal to Log2 L. i.e b= Log2 L
Thus Sampling frequency is calculated as fs=Bit rate / b.
When processing the analog signal using DSP system, it is sampled at some rate depending
upon the bandwidth. For example if speech signal is to be processed the frequencies upon
3khz can be used. Hence the sampling rate of 6khz can be used. But the speech signal also
contains some frequency components more than 3khz. Hence a sampling rate of 6khz will
introduce aliasing. Hence signal should be band limited to avoid aliasing.
The signal can be band limited by passing it through a filter (LPF) which blocks or
attenuates all the frequency components outside the specific bandwidth. Hence called as
Anti aliasing filter or pre- filter. (Block Diagram).
The sampling of an analogue continuous-time signal is normally implemented using a
device called an analogue-to- digital converter (A/D). The continuous-time signal is first
passed through a device called a sample-and-hold (S/H) whose function is to measure the
input signal value at the clock instant and hold
it fixed for a time interval long enough for the A/D operation to complete.
Analogue-to-digital conversion is potentially a slow operation, and a
variation of the input voltage during the conversion may disrupt the
operation of the converter. The S/H prevents such disruption by keeping the
input voltage constant during the conversion. This is schematically
illustrated by Figure.
After a continuous-time signal has been through the A/D converter, the
quantized output may differ from the input value. The maximum possible
output value after the quantization process could be up to half the
quantization level q above or q below the ideal output value. This
deviation from the ideal output value is called the quantization error. In
order to reduce this effect, we increases the number of bits.
Tutorial problems:
Q) Calculate Nyquist Rate for the analog signal x(t)
1) x(t)= 4 cos 50 t + 8 sin 300t cos 100t Fn=300
2) x(t)= 2 cos 2000t+ 3 sin 6000t + 8 cos 12000t
3) x(t)= 4 cos 100t Fn=100
Q) The following four analog sinusoidal are sampled with the fs=40Hz.
Find out corresponding time signals and comment on them
X(t)= cos 2(10)t X2(t)= cos 2(50)t X3(t)= cos 2(90)t X4(t)= cos 2(130)t
Q) Signal x1(t)=10cos2(1000)t+ 5 cos2(5000)t. Determine Nyquist
rate. If the signal is sampled at 4khz will the signal be recovered from its
Q) Signal x1(t)=3 cos 600t+ 2cos800t. The link is operated at 10000 bits/sec and each input
sample is quantized into 1024 different levels. Determine Nyquist rate, sampling frequency,
folding frequency & resolution.
y(n) = a n+1 y(-1) + a k x (n -k) n0
k= 0
Zero state response (Forced response) : Consider initial condition are zero. (System is
relaxed at time n=0) i.e y(-1) =0
Q) Determine zero input response for y(n) 3y(n-1) 4y(n-2)=0; (Initial Conditions are
y(-1)=5 & y(-2)= 10) Answer: y(n)= 7 (-1)n + 48 (4)n
For analysis of continuous time LTI system Laplace transform is used. And for
analysis of discrete time LTI system z transform is used. Z transform is mathematical tool
used for conversion of time domain into frequency domain (z domain) and is a function of
the complex valued variable Z. The z transform of a discrete time signal x(n) denoted by
X(z) and given as
X(z) = x (n) z n z-
Transform.(1) n=-
Z transform is an infinite power series because summation index varies from - to . But it
is useful for values of z for which sum is finite. The values of z for which f (z) is finite and
lie within the region called as region of convergence (ROC).
The DFT can be determined by evaluating z transform.
Z transform is widely used for analysis and synthesis of digital filter.
Z transform is used for linear filtering. z transform is also used for finding Linear
convolution, cross-correlation and auto-correlations of sequences.
In z transform user can characterize LTI system (stable/unstable, causal/anti-
causal) and its response to various signals by placements of pole and zero plot.
Imaginary Part of z Im (z)
Fig show the plot of z transforms. The z transform has real and imaginary parts. Thus a plot
of imaginary part versus real part is called complex z-plane. The radius of circle is 1 called
as unit circle.
This complex z plane is used to show ROC, poles and zeros. Complex variable z is also
expressed in polar form as Z= rej where r is radius of circle is given by |z| and is the
frequency of the sequence in radians and given by z.
1- 2z-1cos0+z-2
15 sin(0n) u(n) z-1sin0 |z| > 1
1- 2z-1cos0+z-2
16 a cos(0n) u(n) Time scaling 1- (z/a)-1cos0 |z| > |a|
1- 2(z/a)-1cos0+(z/a)-2
17 a sin(0n) u(n) Time scaling (z/a)-1sin0 |z| > |a|
1- 2(z/a)-1cos0+(z/a)-2
Tutorial problems:
Q) Determine z transform of
following signals. Also draw
ROC. i) x(n) = {1,2,3,4,5}
ii) x(n)={1,2,3,4,5,0,7}
Q) Determine z transform and ROC for x(n) = (-1/3)n u(n) (1/2)n
Q) Determine z transform and ROC for x(n) = [ 3.(4n)4(2n)]
Q) Determine z transform and ROC for x(n) = (1/2)n u(-n).
Q) Determine z transform and ROC for x(n) = (1/2)n {u(n) u(n-
Q) Find linear convolution using z transform. X(n)={1,2,3} &
The linearity property states that if
x1(n) X1(z) And
x2(n) X2(z) Then
Then z
a1 x1(n) + a2 x2(n) a1 X1(z) + a2 X2(z)
z Transform of linear combination of two or more signals is equal to the same linear
combination of z transform of individual signals.
Time shifting
The Time shifting property states that
x(n) X(z) And
Then x(n-k) X(z) zk
Scaling in z domain
This property states that if
x(n) X(z) And
Then an x(n) x(z/a)
Thus scaling in z transform is equivalent to multiplying by an in time domain.
x(n) X(z) And
Then n x(n) -z d/dz (X(z))
Convolution Theorem
The Circular property states that if
x1(n) X1(z) And
x2(n) X2(z) Then
Then x1(n) * x2(n)
X1(z) X2(z)
Convolution of two sequences in time domain corresponds to multiplication of its Z
transform sequence in frequency domain.
Correlation Property
The Correlation of two sequences
states that if
x1(n) X1(z) And
x2(n) X2(z) Then
x(n) X(z) And
x(n) X(z) And
Fourier transform of sequence x(n) is given by
Complex variable z is expressed in polar form as Z= rej where r= |z| and is z. Thus we
can be written as
X(z) z =e = x (n)
Thus, X(z) can be interpreted as Fourier Transform of signal sequence (x(n) rn). Here rn
grows with n if r<1 and decays with n if r>1. X(z) converges for |r|= 1. hence Fourier
transform may be viewed as Z transform of the sequence evaluated on unit circle. Thus The
relationship between DFT and Z transform is given by
The frequency =0 is along the positive Re(z) axis and the frequency /2 is along the
positive Im(z) axis. Frequency is along the negative Re(z) axis and 3/2 is along the
negative Im(z) axis.
=/2 z(0,+j)
= =0
z(-1,0) z(1,0) Re(z)
=3/2 z(0,-j)
Frequency scale on unit circle X(z)= X() on unit circle
S.No Function (ZT) Time domain sequence Comment
b0 zn + b1 znn-1+ .+ bn
First find the roots of the denominator polynomial
a0 zm+ a1 zm-1+ .+ am
X(z) =
2 (2n -1 ) u(n)
z (z
3 z2 + z (2n+1) u(n)
(z 1)2
4 4 (n+3)(0.5)n u(n)
(z-1) (z0.5)2
The z transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is given as
X(z) = x (n) z n
=- Expanding the
above terms we
x(z) = ..+x(-2)Z2+ x(-1)Z+ x(0)+ x(1) Z-1 + x(2) Z2 +.. (2)
This is the expansion of z transform in power series form. Thus
sequence x(n) is given as x(n) ={ .. ,x(-2),x(-1),x(0),x(1),x(2),
Power series can be obtained directly or by long division method.
S.No Function (ZT) Time domain Sequence
1 For causal sequence an u(n)
_ z
For Anti-causal sequence -an u(-n-1)
2 _ 1 {1,3/2,7/4,15,8,.} For |z| > 1
{.14,6,2,0,0} For |z| < 0.5
1- 1.5 z-1+0.5z-2
z3 -3z2+3z -1
The long division method can be recast in recursive form.
a0 + a1 z-1+ a2 z-2
X(z) =
b0 + b1 z-1+ b2 z-2
x(n) = 1/b0 [ an - x(n-i) bi] for n=1,2,.
X(0) = a0/b0
X(1) = 1/b0 [ a1- x(0) b1]
X(2) = 1/b0 [ a1- x(1) b1 - x(0) b2]
S. No Function (ZT) Time domain Sequence
-1 -2
1 1+2z +z X(n) = {1,3,3.6439,.}
1-z-1 +0.3561z2
z2-3/4z+ 1/8
ROC dos not contain any poles of X(z). This is because x(z) becomes infinite at
the locations of the poles. Only poles affect the causality and stability of the system.
With this condition satisfied, the system will be stable. The above equation states
that the LSI system is stable if its unit sample response is absolutely summable.
This is necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of LSI system.
Taking magnitude of both the sides
Magnitudes of overall sum is less than the sum of magnitudes of individual sums.
Poles inside unit circle gives stable system. Poles outside unit circle gives unstable
system. Poles on unit circle give marginally stable system.
A causal and stable system must have a system function that converges for
|z| > r < 1.
2 z u(n) u(-n-1)
3 (n+1)an -(n+1)an
(z a)2
4 1/(k-1)! (n+1) (n+2)an -1/(k-1)! (n+1) (n+2)an
(z a)k
5 1 (n) (n)
6 (n+k) (n+k)
7 (n-k) (n-k)
S.No z Transform (Bilateral) One sided z Transform (Unilateral)
1 z transform is an infinite power series One sided z transform summation index varies from 0 to
because summation index varies from . Thus One sided z transform are given by
to -. Thus Z transform are given by
X(z) = x (n) z n
X(z) = x (n) z
n=- n=0
2 z transform is applicable for relaxed One sided z transform is applicable for those systems
systems (having zero initial condition). which are described by differential equations with non zero
initial conditions.
3 z transform is also applicable for non- One sided z transform is applicable for causal systems
causal systems. only.
4 ROC of x(z) is exterior or interior to ROC of x(z) is always exterior to circle hence need not to
circle hence need to specify with z be specified.
transform of signals.
Properties of one sided z transform are same as that of two sided z
transform except shifting property.
Time delay
x(n) X+(z) and
z+ k
x(n-k) z [ X (z) + x(-n) zn]
Time advance
x(n) X+(z) and
z+ k-1
x(n+k)z [ X (z) - x(n) z-n]
k +
Q) Determine one sided z
transform for following
signals 1)
2) x(n)={1,2,3,4,5}
Z{x(n-1)} = x(n-1) z-n
(One sided Z transform)
= x(-1) + x(0) z-1 + x(1) z-2 + x(2) z-3 +
Difference equations are used to find out the relation between input and
output sequences. It is also used to relate system function H(z) and Z
Tutorial problems:
Q) A difference
equation of the
system is given
below Y(n)= 0.5
y(n-1) + x(n)
Determine a) System function
Pole zero plot
Unit sample response
A difference
equation of the
system is given
below Y(n)= 0.7
y(n-1) 0.12 y(n-
2) + x(n-1) + x(n-
System Function
Pole zero plot
Response of system to the input x(n) = nu(n)
Is the system stable? Comment on the result.
Q) A difference
equation of the
system is given
below Y(n)= 0.5
x(n) + 0.5 x(n-
Determine a) System function
Pole zero plot
Unit sample response
Transfer function
Magnitude and phase plot
A difference
equation of the
system is given
below a.
0.5 y(n-1) +
x(n) + x(n-1)
b. Y(n)= x(n) + 3x(n-1) + 3x(n-2) + x(n-3)
System Function
Pole zero plot
Unit sample response
Find values of y(n) for n=0,1,2,3,4,5 for x(n)= (n) for no
initial condition.
Q) Solve second order difference equation
2x(n-2) 3x(n-1) + x(n) = 3n-2 with x(-2)=-4/9 and x(-1)=-1/3.
Q) Solve second order difference equation
x(n+2) + 3x(n+1) + 2x(n) with x(0)=0 and x(1)=1.
Q) Find the response of
the system by using Z
transform x(n+2) -
5x(n+1) + 6x(n)= u(n)
with x(0)=0 and x(1)=1.
This process will continue until you obtain 2N-3 rows
with last two having 3 elements. Y0,Y1,Y2
Time domain analysis provides some information like amplitude at sampling instant but
does not convey frequency content & power, energy spectrum hence frequency domain
analysis is used.
For Discrete time signals x(n) , Fourier Transform is denoted as x() & given by
kn / N
X(k) = x (n) e j2
DFT.(2) n=0
IDFT is given as
kn / N
x(n) =1/N X (k) e j2
IDFT(3) k=0
S. No Fourier Transform (FT) Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
Tutorial problems:
Q) Prove that FT x() is periodic with period 2.
Q) Determine FT of x(n)= an u(n) for -1< a < 1.
Q) Determine FT of x(n)= A for 0 n L-1.
For calculation of DFT & IDFT two different methods can be used. First
method is using mathematical equation & second method is 4 or 8 point
DFT. If x(n) is the sequence of N samples then consider W N= e j2 / N
(twiddle factor)
Remember that W8 0 = W8 8 = W8 16 = W8 24 = W8 32 = W8
(Periodic Property) Magnitude and phase of x(k) can
be obtained as,
|x(k)| = sqrt ( Xr(k)2 + XI(k)2)
Angle x(k) = tan -1 (XI(k) / XR(k))
Tutorial problems:
Q) Compute DFT of x(n) = {0,1,2,3} Ans: x4=[6, -2+2j, -2, -2-2j ]
Q) Compute DFT of x(n) = {1,0,0,1} Ans: x4=[2, 1+j, 0, 1-j ]
Q) Compute DFT of x(n) = {1,0,1,0} Ans: x4=[2, 0, 2, 0 ]
Q) Compute IDFT of x(k) = {2, 1+j, 0, 1-j } Ans: x4=[1,0,0,1]
kn / N
x(n) = 1/N X (k)e j2
kn / N
X(k) = x (n) e j2
n=0 n=0
4 Thus DFT is given by In DFT and IDFT difference is of factor 1/N & sign
X(k)= [WN][xn] of exponent of twiddle factor.
x(n)= 1/N [ WN]-1[XK]
x(n) x(k)
Let x(n) and x(k) be the DFT pair
then if
x(n+N) = x(n) for all n then
X(k+N) = X(k) for all k
Thus periodic sequence xp(n) can be
given as
The linearity property states that if
x1(n) X1(k) And
x2(n) X2(k) Then
Then DFT
a1 x1(n) + a2 x2(n) a1 X1(k)
+ a2 X2(k) N
DFT of linear combination of two or more signals is equal to the same linear combination of
DFT of individual signals.
A sequence is said to be circularly even if it is symmetric about the point zero on the circle.
Thus X(N-n) = x(n)
A sequence is said to be circularly odd if it is anti symmetric about the point zero on the circle.
Thus X(N-n) = - x(n)
Anticlockwise direction gives delayed sequence and clockwise direction gives advance
sequence. Thus delayed or advances sequence x`(n) is related to x(n) by the circular shift.
This property states that if the sequence is real and even x(n)= x(N-n) then
DFT becomes N-1
This property states that if the sequence is real and odd x(n)=-x(N-n) then
DFT becomes N-1
This property states that if the sequence is purely imaginary x(n)=j XI(n) then
DFT becomes N-1
.(4) n=0
Multiplication of two sequences in time domain is called as Linear
convolution while Multiplication of two sequences in frequency domain is
called as circular convolution. Results of both are totally different but are
related with each other.
Tutorial problems:
Q) The two sequences x1(n)={2,1,2,1} & x2(n)={1,2,3,4}. Find out the
sequence x3(m) which is equal to circular convolution of two sequences.
Ans: X3(m)={14,16,14,16}
Q) x1(n)={1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1} & x2(n)={0,1,2,3,4,3,2,1}. Find out the sequence x3(m) which is
equal to circular convolution of two sequences. Ans: X3(m)={-4,-8,-8,-4,4,8,8,4}
The Multiplication property states that if
X1(n) x1(k) and
X2(n) x2(k) then
x1(n) x2(n)
1/N x1(k)
x2(k) N
It means that multiplication of two sequences in time domain results in
circular convolution of their DFTs in frequency domain.
hen x((-n))N = x(N-n)
x((-k))N = x(N-k) N
It means that the sequence is circularly folded its DFT is also
circularly folded.
x((n-l))N N
Thus shifting the frequency components of DFT circularly is equivalent to multiplying its
time domain sequence by e j2 k l / N
Circular Correlation
rxy(l) = x (n)
y*((n l
))N n=0
This means multiplication of DFT of one sequence and conjugate DFT of another sequence is
equivalent to circular cross-correlation of these sequences in time domain.
Consider that input sequence x(n) of Length L & impulse response of same system is h(n)
having M samples. Thus y(n) output of the system contains N samples where N=L+M-1. If
DFT of y(n) also contains N samples then only it uniquely represents y(n) in time domain.
Multiplication of two DFTs is equivalent to circular convolution of corresponding time
domain sequences. But the length of x(n) & h(n) is less than N. Hence these sequences are
appended with zeros to make their length N called as
Zero padding. The N point circular convolution and linear convolution provide the same
sequence. Thus linear convolution can be obtained by circular convolution. Thus linear
filtering is provided by DFT.
When the input data sequence is long then it requires large time to get the output sequence.
Hence other techniques are used to filter long data sequences. Instead of finding the output of
complete input sequence it is broken into small length sequences. The output due to these
small length sequences are computed fast. The outputs due to these small length sequences
are fitted one after another to get the final output response.
Step 1> In this method L samples of the current segment and M-1 samples of the previous
segment forms the input data block. Thus data block will be
Step3> The N point DFT of h(n) is H(k) & DFT of m th data block be xm(K) then
corresponding DFT of output be Y`m(k)
Y`m(k)= H(k)
Step 4> The sequence ym(n) can be obtained by taking N point IDFT of Y`m(k). Initial
(M-1) samples in the corresponding data block must be discarded. The last L samples are the
correct output samples. Such blocks are fitted one after another to get the final output.
M-1 Size L
Step 1> In this method L samples of the current segment and M-1 samples of the previous
segment forms the input data block. Thus data block will be
X1(n) ={x(0),x(1),.x(L-1),0,0,0,.}
X2(n) ={x(L),x(L+1),x(2L-
X3(n) ={x(2L),x(2L+2),,,,,,,,,,,,,x(3L-
Step2> Unit sample response h(n) contains M samples hence its length is made N by
padding zeros. Thus h(n) also contains N samples.
h(n)={ h(0), h(1), .h(M-1), 0,0,0,(L-1 zeros)}
Step3> The N point DFT of h(n) is H(k) & DFT of mth data block be xm(K) then
corresponding DFT of output be Y`m(k)
Step 4> The sequence ym(n) can be obtained by taking N point IDFT of Y`m(k). Initial
(M-1) samples are not discarded as there will be no aliasing. The last (M-1) samples of current
output block must be added to the first M-1 samples of next output block. Such blocks are fitted
one after another to get the final output.
Points add together
1 In this method, L samples of the current In this method L samples from input
segment and (M-1) samples of the previous sequence and padding M-1 zeros forms data
segment forms the input data block. block of size N.
2 Initial M-1 samples of output sequence are There will be no aliasing in output data
discarded which occurs due to aliasing blocks.
3 To avoid loss of data due to aliasing last M- Last M-1 samples of current output block
1 samples of each data record are saved. must be added to the first M-1 samples of
next output block. Hence called as overlap
add method.
DFT of the signal is used for spectrum analysis. DFT can be computed on digital computer or
digital signal processor. The signal to be analyzed is passed through anti-aliasing filter and
samples at the rate of Fs 2 Fmax. Hence highest frequency component is Fs/2.
1. Large number of the applications such as filtering, correlation analysis, spectrum analysis
require calculation of DFT. But direct computation of DFT require large number of
computations and hence processor remain busy. Hence special algorithms are developed to
compute DFT quickly called as Fast Fourier algorithms (FFT).
3. The radix-2 FFT algorithms are based on divide and conquer approach. In this method, the
N-point DFT is successively decomposed into smaller DFTs. Because of this
decomposition, the number of computations are reduced.
W k+N = W
(Periodicity Property)
W k+N/2
= -W K
(Symmetry Property)
WN = WN/2.
N point sequence x(n) be splitted into two N/2 point data sequences f1(n) and f2(n). f1(n)
contains even numbered samples of x(n) and f2(n) contains odd numbered samples of x(n).
This splitted operation is called decimation. Since it is done on time domain sequence it is
called Decimation in Time. Thus
f1(m)=x(2m) where n=0,1,
.N/2-1 f2(m)=x(2m+1) where n=0,1,
N point DFT is given as
Since the sequence x(n) is splitted into even numbered and odd numbered samples, thus N/2-1
X(k) = x (2m) WN + x (2m+1) WN (2)
X(k) =F1(k) + W k
F2(k) (3)
X(k+N/2) =F1(k) - WN F2(k) (Symmetry property) (4)
Fig 1 shows that 8-point DFT can be computed directly and hence no reduction in
x(0) X(0)
x(1) X(1)
x(2) X(2)
x(3) X(3)
x(7) X(7)
Fig 3 shows N/2 point DFT base separated in N/4 boxes. In such cases equations become
g1(k) =P1(k) + WN
P2(k) ------- (5)
g1(k+N/2) =p1(k) - WN P2(k) --------
x(0) F(0)
A= a + WN b
B= a - WN b
V= log10 N / log10 2
= log2 N
Thus if value of N is 8 then the value of v=3. Thus three stages of decimation. Total
number of butterflies will be Nv/2 = 12.
If value of N is 16 then the value of v=4. Thus four stages of decimation. Total number of
butterflies will be Nv/2 = 32.
Each butterfly operation takes two addition and one multiplication operations. Direct
computation requires N2 multiplication operation & N2 N addition operations.
N Direct computation DIT FFT algorithm Improvement in
processing speed for
Complex Complex Complex Complex
Multiplication Addition Multiplication Addition
A= a + WN b
WN B= a - WN b
From values a and b new values A and B are computed. Once A and B are computed, there
is no need to store a and b. Thus same memory locations can be used to store A and B where
a and b were stored hence called as In place computation. The advantage of in place
computation is that it reduces memory requirement.
Thus for computation of one butterfly, four memory locations are required for storing two
complex numbers A and B. In every stage there are N/2 butterflies hence total 2N memory
locations are required. 2N locations are required for each stage. Since stages are computed
successively these memory locations can be shared. In every stage N/2 twiddle factors are
required hence maximum storage requirements of N point DFT will be (2N + N/2).
For 8 point DIT DFT input data sequence is written as x(0), x(4), x(2), x(6), x(1), x(5), x(3),
x(7) and the DFT sequence X(k) is in proper order as X(0), X(1), X(2), X(3), X(4), x(5),
X(6), x(7). In DIF FFT it is exactly opposite. This can be obtained by bit reversal method.
Decimal Memory Address x(n) in Memory Address in bit reversed New Address
binary (Natural Order) order in decimal
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4
2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
3 0 1 1 1 1 0 6
4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
5 1 0 1 1 0 1 5
6 1 1 0 0 1 1 3
7 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Table shows first column of memory address in decimal and second column as binary. Third
column indicates bit reverse values. As FFT is to be implemented on digital computer
simple integer division by 2 method is used for implementing bit reversal algorithms. Flow
chart for Bit reversal algorithm is as follows,
Since the sequence x(n) is splitted N/2 point samples, thus N/2-1 N/2-1
X(k) = x (n) WN + x (n + N/2) WN (2)
m=0 m=0
N/2-1 N/2-1
X(k) = x (n) WN + WN x (n
+ N/2) WN m=0
N/2-1 N/2-1
B= (a b)WN
X(2) B w40
x(2) X(3) w40 C
x(3) w41 D
w4 0
2 In this input sequence x(n) is splitted into In this output sequence X(k) is considered to be
even and odd numbered samples splitted into even and odd numbered samples
3 Splitting operation is done on time Splitting operation is done on frequency
domain sequence. domain sequence.
4 In DIT FFT input sequence is in bit reversed In DIFFFT, input sequence is in natural
order while the output sequence is in natural order. And DFT should be read in bit
order. reversed order.
1 Direct computation requires large number Radix-2 FFT algorithms requires less number
of computations as compared with FFT of computations.
2 Processing time is more and more for large Processing time is less hence these algorithms
number of N hence processor remains busy. compute DFT very quickly as compared with
direct computation.
3 Direct computation does not requires Splitting operation is done on time domain
splitting operation. basis (DIT) or frequency domain basis (DIF)
4 As the value of N in DFT increases, the As the value of N in DFT increases, the
efficiency of direct computation decreases. efficiency of FFT algorithms increases.
Tutorial problems:
Q) x(n)={1,2,2,1} Find X(k) using DITFFT.
Q) x(n)={1,2,2,1} Find X(k) using DIFFFT.
Q) x(n)={0.3535,0.3535,0.6464,1.0607,0.3535,-1.0607,-1.3535,-0.3535}
Find X(k) using DITFFT.
Q) Using radix 2 FFT algorithm, plot flow graph for N=8.
FFT algorithms are used to compute N point DFT for N samples of the
sequence x(n). This requires N/2 log2N number of complex multiplications
and N log2N complex additions. In some applications DFT is to be
computed only at selected values of frequencies and selected values are
less than log2N, then direct computations of DFT becomes more efficient
than FFT. This direct computations of DFT can be realized through linear
filtering of x(n). Such linear filtering for computation of DFT can be
implemented using Goertzel algorithm.
X(k) = x (m) WN
Thus for LSI system which has input x(n) and having unit sample response
hk(n)= WN u(n)
X(n) yk(n)
To remove or to reduce strength of unwanted signal like noise and to improve the
quality of required signal filtering process is used. To use the channel full bandwidth we mix
up two or more signals on transmission side and on receiver side we would like to separate it
out in efficient way. Hence filters are used. Thus the digital filters are mostly used in
Time signal Digital signal
Samplers are used for converting continuous time signal into a discrete time signal by
taking samples of the continuous time signal at discrete time instants.
The Quantizer are used for converting a discrete time continuous amplitude signal into a
digital signal by expressing each sample value as a finite number of digits.
In the encoding operation, the quantization sample value is converted to the binary
equivalent of that quantization level.
The digital filters are the discrete time systems used for filtering of sequences. These
digital filters performs the frequency related operations such as low pass, high pass, band
pass and band reject etc.
These digital Filters are designed with digital hardware and software and are
represented by difference equation.
-c c
Bandpass Filter
A bandpass filter is made up of two stopbands and one passband so that
the lower and higher frequencies of the input signal are attenuated while
the intervening
frequencies are passed.
-2 -1 2 1
Bandstop Filter
A bandstop filter is made up of two passbands and one stopband so that the lower and
higher frequencies of the input signal are passed while the intervening frequencies are
attenuated. An idealized bandstop filter frequency response has the following shape.
Multipass Filter
A multipass filter begins with a stopband followed by more than one passband. By
default, a multipass filter in Digital Filter Designer consists of three passbands and four
stopbands. The frequencies of the input signal at the stopbands are attenuated while
those at the passbands are passed.
Multistop Filter
A multistop filter begins with a passband followed by more than one stopband. By
default, a multistop filter in Digital Filter Designer consists of three passbands and
two stopbands.
All Pass Filter
An all pass filter is defined as a system that has a constant magnitude response for all
|H()| = 1 for 0 <
The simplest example of an all pass filter is a pure delay system
with system function H(z) = Z-k. This is a low pass filter that has a
linear phase characteristic.
All Pass filters find application as phase equalizers. When placed in cascade
with a system that has an undesired phase response, a phase equalizers is designed to
compensate for the poor phase characteristic of the system and therefore to produce
an overall linear phase response.
Ideal filters have a constant gain (usually taken as unity gain) passband characteristic
and zero gain in their stop band.
Ideal filters have a linear phase characteristic within their passband.
Ideal filters also have constant magnitude characteristic.
Ideal filters are physically unrealizable.
Digital filters are of two types. Finite Impulse Response Digital Filter & Infinite
Impulse Response Digital Filter.
S. No FIR Digital Filter IIR Digital Filter
1 FIR system has finite duration unit sample IIR system has infinite duration unit sample
response. i.e h(n) = 0 for n<0 and n M response. i. e h(n) = 0 for n<0
Thus the unit sample response exists for the Thus the unit sample response exists for the
duration from 0 to M-1. duration from 0 to .
2 FIR systems are non recursive. Thus output of IIR systems are recursive. Thus they use
FIR filter depends upon present and past inputs. feedback. Thus output of IIR filter depends
upon present and past inputs as well as past
3 Difference equation of the LSI system for FIR Difference equation of the LSI system for IIR
filters becomes filters becomes
y(n)= bk x(nk) y(n)=- ak y(nk)+ bk x(nk)
k=0 k=1 k=0
4 FIR systems has limited or finite memory IIR system requires infinite memory.
5 FIR filters are always stable Stability cannot be always guaranteed.
6 FIR filters can have an exactly linear phase IIR filter is usually more efficient design in
response so that no phase distortion is terms of computation time and memory
introduced in the signal by the filter. requirements. IIR systems usually requires less
processing time and storage as compared with
7 The effect of using finite word length to Analogue filters can be easily and readily
implement filter, noise and quantization errors transformed into equivalent IIR digital filter.
are less severe in FIR than in IIR. But same is not possible in FIR because that
have no analogue counterpart.
8 All zero filters Poles as well as zeros are present.
9 FIR filters are generally used if no phase IIR filters are generally used if sharp cutoff and
distortion is desired. high throughput is required.
Example: Example:
System described by System described by
Y(n) = 0.5 x(n) + 0.5 x(n-1) is FIR filter. Y(n) = y(n-1) + x(n) is IIR filter.
h(n)={0.5,0.5} h(n)=an u(n) for n0
FIR Systems are represented in four different ways
Direct Form Structures
Cascade Form Structure
Frequency-Sampling Structures
Lattice structures.
The convolution of h(n) and x(n) for FIR systems can
be written as M-1
y(n)= h(k) x(nk) (1)
The above equation can be expanded as,
(2) Implementation of direct form structure of FIR filter is based upon the
above equation.
h(1)x(n) y(n)
There are M-1 unit delay blocks. One unit delay block requires one
memory location. Hencedirect form structure requires M-1 memory
The multiplication of h(k) and x(n-k) is performed for 0 to M-1 terms. Hence M
multiplications and M-1 additions are required.
Direct form structure is often called as transversal or tapped delay line filter.
In cascade form, stages are cascaded (connected) in series. The output of one system is input
to another. Thus total K number of stages are cascaded. The total system function 'H' is given
H= H1(z) . H2(z). Hk(z) (1)
H= Y1(z)/X1(z). Y2(z)/X2(z). Yk(z)/Xk(z)
(2) k
H(z)= Hk(z) (3)
x(n)=x1(n) y1(n)=x2(n) y2(n)=x3(n) yk(n)=y(n)
Here H1(z) = bk zk And H2(z) =
1+ ak zk
Overall IIR system can be realized as cascade of two function H1(z) and H2(z). Here H1(z)
represents zeros of H(z) and H2(z) represents all poles of H(z).
Direct form I realization of H(z) can be obtained by cascading the realization of
H1(z) which is all zero system first and then H2(z) which is all pole system.
There are M+N-1 unit delay blocks. One unit delay block requires one memory
location.Hence direct form structure requires M+N-1 memory locations.
Direct Form I realization requires M+N+1 number of multiplications and M+N
numberof additions and M+N+1 number of memory locations.
X(n) bo y(n)
b2 -a2
+ +
bM-1 -aN-1
+ +
Z-1 Z-1
bM -aN
(2) k
H(z)= Hk(z) (3)
x(n)=x1(n) y1(n)=x2(n) y2(n)=x3(n)
H(z) = bk zk / 1+ ak zk (1)
K=0 k=1
Expanding the above terms we have
H(z)= H1(z) . H2(z). Hk(z)
where HK(z) = bk0 + bk1 z-1 + bk2 z-2 / 1 + ak1 z-1 + ak2 z-2
(2) The above system function can be expanded in partial fraction as follows
H(z)= C + H1(z) + H2(z).+ Hk(z)
(3) Where C is constant and Hk(z) is given as
Hk(z) = bk0 + bk1 z-1 / 1 + ak1 z-1 + ak2 z-2 (4)
Thus Direct form of second order IIR system is shown as
Z= e ( + j ) T
= e T. e j T
Comparing Z value with the polar form we have.
r= e T and = T
Here we have three condition
If = 0 then r=1
If < 0 then 0 < r < 1
where pk are the poles of the analog filter and ck are the coefficients of partial fraction
expansion. The impulse response of the analog filter ha(t) is obtained by inverse
Laplace transform and given as
ha(t) = Ck epkt
The unit sample response of the digital filter is obtained by
uniform sampling of ha(t). h(n) = ha(nT)
h(n) = Ck epknT
System function of digital filter H(z) is obtained by Z transform of h(n).
H(z) = Ck epkT z-1 n
k=1 n=0
Using the standard relation and comparing equation (1) and (4) system function of
digital filter is given as
1 1
s - pk 1- epkT z-1
1- e-aT (cos bT) z-1
s+a 1-2e-aT (cos bT)z-1+ e-2aTz-2
(s+a)2 + b2
2 1
_ 0.148 z
(s+1) (s+2)
z2 - 1.48 z + 0.548
(for sampling frequency of 5
3 10
1 - z-1
(for sampling time is
0.01 sec)
S 2
Comparing the above equation with S= + j . We have
2 r2 -1
T 1+ r2+2r cos
= 2 2 r sin
T 1+ r +2r cos
If = 0 then
r=1 When r
2 sin
1+cos (2/T) tan (/2) 2 tan -1 (T/2)
The above equations shows that in BZT frequency relationship is non-linear. The frequency
relationship is plotted as
S. No Impulse Invariance Bilinear Transformation
1 In this method IIR filters are designed This method of IIR filters design is based on the
having a unit sample response h(n) that is trapezoidal formula for numerical integration.
sampled version of the impulse response of
the analog filter.
2 In this method small value of T is selected to The bilinear transformation is a conformal
minimize the effect of aliasing. mapping that transforms the j axis into the
unit circle in the z plane only once, thus
avoiding aliasing of frequency components.
3 They are generally used for low frequencies For designing of LPF, HPF and almost all types
like design of IIR LPF and a limited class of of Band pass and band stop filters this method is
bandpass filter used.
4 Frequency relationship is linear. Frequency relationship is non-linear. Frequency
warping or frequency compression is due to
non- linearity.
5 All poles are mapped from the s plane to the z All poles and zeros are mapped.
plane by the relationship
Zk= epkT. But the zeros in two domain does
satisfy the same relationship.
3 3 1 / s3 + 2 s2 + 2s +1 s3 / s3 + 2 s2 + 2s +1
step 1. Find out the value of c*.
Tutorial problems:
Q) Design second order low pass butterworth filter whose cutoff
frequency is 1 kHz at sampling frequency of 104 sps.
Q) First order low pass butterworth filter whose bandwidth is known to
be 1 rad/sec . Use BZT method to design digital filter of 20 Hz
bandwidth at sampling frequency 60 sps.
Q) Second order low pass butterworth filter whose bandwidth is known to
be 1 rad/sec . Use BZT method to obtain transfer function H(z) of digital
filter of 3 DB cutoff frequency of 150 Hz and sampling frequency 1.28
The transfer function is given as s2+1 / s2+s+1 The function is for Notch
filter with frequency 1
rad/sec. Design digital Notch filter with the following specification
Notch Frequency= 60 Hz
Sampling frequency = 960 sps.
fC f
1 + (/c)2N
The squared magnitude function for an analog butterworth filter is of the form.
_ 1
|Ha()|2= 1 + (/c)2N
c 2
= (-1)
As e j(2k+1) = -1 where k = 0,1,2,
.. N-1.
c 2
= (e j(2k+1) )1/N
s2 = (-1) c2 e j(2k+1) / N
Taking the square root we
get poles of s. pk = +
-1 c [ e j(2k+1) / N ]
1/2 Pk = + j c e
j(2k+1) / 2N
As e j/2 = j
Pk = + c e j/2 e j(2k+1) / 2N
Pk = + c e j(N+2k+1) / 2N (1)
This equation gives the pole position of H(s) and H(-s).
The frequency response characteristic of |Ha()|2 is as shown. As the order of the filter N
increases, the butterworth filter characteristic is more close to the ideal characteristic. Thus at
higher orders like N=16 the butterworth filter characteristic closely approximate ideal filter
characteristic. Thus an infinite order filter (N ) is required to get ideal characteristic.
|Ha()|2 N=18
Ap= attenuation in
passband. As=
attenuation in
stopband. p =
passband edge
frequency s =
stopband edge
Specification for the filter is
|Ha()| Ap for p and |Ha()| As for s. Hence we have
_ 1
1 + (p/c)2N
_ 1
1 + (s/c)2N
(s/c)2N = (1/As2)
s 2N
Hence order of the filter (N) is
calculated as
N= 0.5
Log (1/Ap )-1
log (s/ p)
N= 0.5
log((1/As2) -1) (2A)
log (s/ c)
And cutoff frequency c is
calculated as
c =p (3)
[(1/Ap2) -1]1/2N
If As and Ap values are given
in DB then As (DB) =
- 20 log As
log As = -As /20
As = 10 -As/20
(As)-2 = 10 As/10
(As)-2 = 10 0.1 As DB
Hence equation (2) is modified as
N= 0.5
10 -1
log (s/
Design a digital filter using a butterworth approximation by using impulse invariance.
0.89125 _
0.2 0.3
N= 5.88
log (s/ p)
Order of the filter should be integer.
Always go to nearest highest integer
vale of N. Hence N=6
Step 3) To find out the cutoff frequency (-3DB frequency)
c =p [(1/Ap2) -1]1/2N
cutoff frequency c = 0.7032
Step 4) To find out the poles of analog filter system function.
Pk = + c e j(N+2k+1) / 2N
As N=6 the value of k = 0,1,2,3,4,5.
K Poles
Ha(s) =
Ha(s) =
Ha(s) =
Ha(s) =
(s-s1)(s-s1*) (s-s2)(s-s2*) (s-s3)(s-s3*)
(s+0.182-j0.679)(s+0.182+j0.679) (s+0.497-
j0.497) (s+0.497+j0.497) (s+0.679-j0.182)
[(s+0.182)2 +(0.679)2] [(s+0.497)2+(0.497)2] [(s+0.679)2-(0.182)2]
0.09 z-1
Tutorial problems:
Given for low pass butterworth filter Ap= -1 db at 0.2
As= -15 db at 0.3
Calculate N and Pole location
Design digital filter using BZT method.
Q) Obtain transfer function of a lowpass
digital filter meeting specifications Cutoff 0-
Stopband > 85Hz
Stopband attenuation > 15 db
Sampling frequency= 256 Hz . use butterworth characteristic.
Q) Design second order low pass butterworth filter whose cutoff
frequency is 1 kHz at sampling frequency of 104 sps. Use BZT and
Butterworth approximation.
S. No Type of transformation Transformation ( Replace s by)
1 Low Pass
lp - Password edge frequency of another LPF
2 High Pass
hp = Password edge frequency of HPF
(s2 + l h )
s (h - l )
3 Band Pass h - higher band edge frequency
l - Lower band edge frequency
4 Band Stop s (h - l)
When the cutoff frequency c of the low pass filter is equal to 1 then it is
called normalized filter. Frequency transformation techniques are used to
generate High pass filter, Bandpass and bandstop filter from the lowpass
filter system function.
s2+ h l
h - higher band edge frequency
l - Lower band edge frequency
z-1 - a
1 Low Pass
1 - az-1
- (z-1+ a)
2 High Pass
1 + az-1
z-2 - a1z-1 + a2
4 Band Stop a2z-2 - a1z-1 + 1
Q) Design high pass butterworth filter whose cutoff frequency is 30 Hz at sampling
frequency of 150 Hz. Use BZT and Frequency transformation.
Step 1. To find the prewarp cutoff frequency
c* = tan(cTs/2) = 0.7265
Step 2. LPF to HPF transformation
For First order LPF transfer function H(s) = 1/(s+1) Scaled transfer function H*(s) = H(s) |s=c*/s
- 0.2735
Tutorial problems:
Q) Design second order band pass butterworth filter whose passband of
200 Hz and 300 Hz and sampling frequency is 2000 Hz. Use BZT and
Frequency transformation.
Q) Design second order band pass butterworth filter
which meet following specification Lower cutoff
frequency = 210 Hz
Upper cutoff frequency = 330 Hz Sampling Frequency
= 960 sps
Use BZT and Frequency transformation.
Consider the ideal LPF frequency response as shown in Fig 1 with a normalizing angular cut
off frequency c.
W W4 2 W4 4
W W4 3 W4 6
1 1 1 1
[ 1 j -1 j
1 -1 1 -1
1 j -1 -j
S. No Linear Convolution Circular Convolution
8 Point
In Fourier series method, limits of summation index is - to . But filter must have finite
terms. Hence limit of summation index change to -Q to Q where Q is some finite integer. But
this type of truncation may result in poor convergence of the series. Abrupt truncation of
infinite series is equivalent to multiplying infinite series with rectangular sequence. i.e at the
point of discontinuity some oscillation may be observed in resultant series.
Consider the example of LPF having desired frequency response H d () as shown in figure.
The oscillations or ringing takes place near band-edge of the filter.
This oscillation or ringing is generated because of side lobes in the frequency response W()
of the window function. This oscillatory behavior is called "Gibbs Phenomenon".
Truncated response and ringing effect is as shown in fig 3.
Windowing is the quickest method for designing an FIR filter. A windowing function
simply truncates the ideal impulse response to obtain a causal FIR approximation that is non
causal and infinitely long. Smoother window functions provide higher out-of band rejection
in the filter response. However this smoothness comes at the cost of wider stopband
Various windowing method attempts to minimize the width of the main lobe (peak) of
the frequency response. In addition, it attempts to minimize the side lobes (ripple) of the
frequency response.
Rectangular Window: Rectangular This is the most basic of windowing methods. It does not
require any operations because its values are either 1 or 0. It creates an abrupt discontinuity that
results in sharp roll-offs but large ripples.
= 1 for 0 n N
= 0 otherwise
Triangular Window: The computational simplicity of this window, a simple
convolution of two rectangle windows, and the lower sidelobes make it a viable alternative to
the rectangular window.
Kaiser Window: This windowing method is designed to generate a sharp central peak. It has
reduced side lobes and transition band is also narrow. Thus commonly used in FIR filter
Hamming Window: This windowing method generates a moderately sharp central peak. Its
ability to generate a maximally flat response makes it convenient for speech processing
Hanning Window: This windowing method generates a maximum flat filter design.
In the design of low pass filters, the poles should be placed near the unit circle at points
corresponding to low frequencies ( near =0)and zeros should be placed near or on unit
circle at points corresponding to high frequencies (near =). The opposite is true for high
pass filters.
A notch filter is a filter that contains one or more deep notches or ideally perfect nulls in its
frequency response characteristic. Notch filters are useful in many applications where
specific frequency components must be eliminated. Example Instrumentation and recording
systems required that the power-line frequency 60Hz and its harmonics be eliminated.
To create nulls in the frequency response of a filter at a frequency 0, simply introduce a pair
of complex-conjugate zeros on the unit circle at an angle 0.
comb filters are similar to notch filters in which the nulls occur periodically across the
frequency band similar with periodically spaced teeth. Frequency response characteristic of
notch filter |H()| is as shown in figure.
o 1
A digital resonator is a special two pole bandpass filter with a pair of complex
conjugate poles located near the unit circle. The name resonator refers to the fact that the
filter has a larger magnitude response in the vicinity of the pole locations. Digital resonators
are useful in many applications, including simple bandpass filtering and speech generations.
Ideal filters are not physically realizable because Ideal filters are anti-causal and as only
causal systems are physically realizable.
Let take example of ideal lowpass filter.
H() = 1 for - c c
= 0 elsewhere
The unit sample response of this ideal LPF can be obtained by taking IFT of H().
( ) (1)
1 (2)
h(n) =
[ejcn - e-jcn ]
sin (cn )
h(n) = for n0
for n=0
The output value at t = nh is equal to the difference between the current input xn and the
previous inputxn-1:
5.TWO-TERM AVERAGE FILTER: yn = (xn + xn-1) / 2
The output is the average (arithmetic mean) of the current and
previous input: 6.THREE-TERM AVERAGE FILTER: yn = (xn + xn-1 + xn-2) / 3
This is similar to the previous example, with the average being taken of the current
and two
7.CENTRAL DIFFERENCE FILTER: yn = (xn - xn-2) / 2
This is similar in its effect to example (4). The output is equal to half the change in the input
signal over the previous two sampling intervals.
The order of a digital filter can be defined as the number of previous inputs (stored in the
processor's memory) used to calculate the current output.
This is illustrated by the filters given as examples in the previous section.
Example (1): yn = xn
This is a zero order filter, since the current output yn depends only on the current inputxn and
not on any previous inputs.
Example (2): yn = Kxn
The order of this filter is again zero, since no previous outputs are required to give the current
output value.
Example (3): yn = xn-1
This is a first order filter, as one previous input (xn-1) is required to calculate yn. (Note that
this filter is classed as first-order because it uses one previous input, even
though the current input is not used).
Example (4): yn = xn - xn-1
This is again a first order filter, since one previous input value is required to give the current
Example (5): yn = (xn + xn-1) / 2
The order of this filter is again equal to 1 since it uses just one previous input value.
Example (6): yn = (xn + xn-1 + xn-2) /
To compute the current output yn, two previous inputs (xn-1 and xn-2) are needed; this is
therefore a second-order filter.
Example (7): yn = (xn - xn-2) / 2
The filter order is again 2, since the processor must store two previous inputs in order to
compute the current output. This is unaffected by the absence of an explicitxn-1 term in
the filter expression.
Q) For each of the following filters, state the order of the filter and identify the values of its
(a) yn = 2xn - xn-1 A) Order = 1: a0 = 2, a1 = -1
(b) yn = xn-2 B) Order = 2: a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 1
(c) yn = xn - 2xn-1 + 2xn-2 + xn-3 C) Order = 3: a0 = 1, a1 = -2, a2 = 2, a3 = 1
The most fundamental mathematical operation in DSP is sum of products also called as dot of
Y(n)= h(0)*x(n) + h(1)*x(n-1) ++ h(N-1)*x(n-N)
This operation is mostly used in digital filter designing, DFT, FFT and many other DSP
applications. A DSP is optimized to perform repetitive mathematical operations such as the
dot product. There are five basic requirements of s DSP processor to optimize the
performance They are
Fast arithmetic
Extended precision
Fast Execution - Dual operand fetch
Fast data exchange
Fast operations
Circular buffering
There are mainly three types of microprocessor architectures present.
Von-Neumann architecture
Harvard architecture
Analog devices Modified Harvard architecture.
Von-Neumann Architecture
General purpose microprocessors uses the Von-Neumann Architectures. (named after the
American mathematician John Von Neumann)
It consists of ALU, accumulator, IO devices and common address and data bus. It also consists
of a single memory which contains data and instructions, a single bus for transferring data
and instructions into and out of the CPU.
Multiplying two numbers requires at leased three cycles, two cycles are required to transfer
the two numbers into the CPU and one cycle to transfer the instruction.
This architecture is giving good performance when all the required tasks can be executed
serially. 4.For large processing applications like DSP applications Von-Neumann
architecture is not suitable as processing speed is less. Processing speed can be increased by
pipelining up to certain extend which is not sufficient for DSP applications. In order to
perform a single FIR filter multiply-accumulate, an instruction is fetched from the program
memory, and during the same cycle, a coefficient can be fetched from the data memory. A
second cycle is required to fetch the data word from data memory
SCE 100
Three Computational Units are
Arithmetic logic
unit (ALU)
(MAC) Shifter
Two Data Address generators (DAG)
Program sequencer
On chip peripheral Options
Data Memory
Serial Port
_ Register Cache Program
1 2 Memory Sequencer
s s
s s s
The ADSP-21xx processors have five internal buses to ensure data transfer.
PMA and DMA buses are used internally for addresses associated with
Program and data memory. The PMD and DMD are used for data
associated with memory spaces. Off Chip, the buses are multiplexed
into a single external address bus and a single external data bus. The
address spaces are selected by the appropriate
control signal.
The result (R) bus transfers the intermediate results directly between
various computational units.
PMA bus is 14-bits wide allowing direct access of up to 16k words of
code and data. PMD bus is 24 bits wide to accommodate the 24 bit
instruction width.
The DMA bus 14 bits wide allowing direct access of up to 16k words of
data.The DMD bus is 16 bit wide.
The DMD bus provides a path for the contents of any register in the
processor to be transferred to any other register or to any external data
memory location in a single cycle. DMA address comes from two
sources. An absolute value specified in the instruction code (direct
addressing) or the output of DAG (Indirect addressing). The PMD bus
can also be used to transfer data to and from the
computational units thro direct path or via PMD-DMD bus exchange unit.
The processor contains three -independent computational units. ALU, MAC (Multiplier-
accumulator) and the barrel shifter. The computational units process 16- bit data directly. ALU is
16 bits wide with two 16 bit input ports and one output port. The ALU provides a standard set of
arithmetic and logic functions.
ALU Features
Add, subtract, Negate, increment, decrement, Absolute value, AND,
OR, EX-OR, Not etc.
Bitwise operators, Constant operators
Multi-precision Math Capability
Divide Primitives and overflow support.
The MAC performs high speed single-cycle multiply/add and multiply/subtract operations. MAC has
two 16 bit input ports and one 32 bit product output port. 32 bit product is passed to a 40 bit
adder/subtractor which adds or subtracts the new product from the content of the multiplier result
(MR). It also contains a 40 bit accumulator which provides 8 bit overflow in successive additions to
ensure that no loss of data occurs. 256 overflows would have to occur before any data is lost. A set of
background registers is also available in the MAC for interrupts service routine.
The shifter performs a complete set of shifting functions like logical and arithmetic shifts
(circular or linear shift) , normalization (fixed point to floating point conversion),
demoralization (floating point to fixed point conversion) etc
ALU, MAC and shifter are connected to DMD bus on one side and to R bus on other side.
All three sections contains input and output registers which are accessible from the internal
DMD bus. Computational operations generally take the operands from input registers and
load the result into an output register.
Two DAG's and a powerful program sequencer ensure efficient use of these computational
units. The two DAG's provides memory addresses when memory data is transferred to or
from the input or output registers. Each DAG keeps track of up to four address pointers.
Hence jumps, branching types of instructions are implemented within one cycle. With two
independent DAG's, the processor can generate two address simultaneously for dual
operand fetches.
DAG1 can supply addresses to data memory only. DAG2 can supply addresses to either data
memory or program memory. When the appropriate mode bit is set in mode status register
(MSTAT), the output address of DAG1 is bit-reversed before being driven onto the address
bus. This feature facilitates addressing in radix-2 FFT algorithm.
The program sequencer exchanges data with DMD bus. It can also take from PMD
bus. It supplies instruction address to program memory. The sequencer is driven by the
instruction register which holds the currently executing instruction. The instruction register
introduces a single level of pipelining into the program flow. Instructions are fetched and
loaded into the instruction register during one processor cycle, and executed during the
following cycle while the next instruction is pre-fetched. The cache memory stores up to 16
previously executed instructions. Thus data memory on PMD bus is more efficient because
of cache memory. This also makes pipelining and increase the speed of operations.
16 bit fixed DSP microprocessor
Enhanced Harvard architecture for three bus performance.
Separate on chip buses for program and data memory.
25 MIPS, 40 ns maximum instruction set 25Mhz frequency.
Single cycle instruction execution i.e True instruction cycle.
Independent computational units ALU, MAC and shifter.
On chip program and data memories which can be extended off chip.
Dual purpose program memory for instruction and data.
Single cycle direct access to 16K 16 of data memory.
Single cycle direct access to 16K 24 of program m
Various development tools such as assembler , linker, debugger,
simulator are available for ADSP-21xx family.
The system builder is the software development tool for describing the configuration of the
target system's memory and I/O. The ranges for program memory(PM) and data
memory(DM) are described.
The program memory space is allotted with 16 K of memory for instructions and 16K for
data. The data memory space is also divide into two blocks. The lowest 2K is the dual -port
memory that is shared by both processors. Each processor has an additional 14K of private
data memory.
The sample system configuration file (.SYS) is shown. .SEG directive is used to declare the
system's physical memory segments and its characteristics. .PORT directive declares the
memory mapped IO port. .ENDSYS indicates the end of .SYS file.
The assembler translated source code into object code modules. The source code is written in
assembly language file (.DSP) Assembler reads .DSP file and generates four
output filed with the same root name. Object file(.OBJ), Code File(.CDE), Initialization
File (.INT), List File(.LST) etc. The file can be assembled by the following command.
The linker is a program used to join together object files into one large object file.
The linker produces a link file which contains the binary codes for all the combined
modules. The linker uses .INT, .CDE, .OBJ and .ACH file and
generates three files. Map listing file (.MAP), Memory Image File
(.EXE) and Symbol table (.SYM).
Here Filter is the input file name, sample.ACH file is system architecture file name and
FILTER.EXE is output file name.
A debugger is a program which allows user to load object code program into system memory,
execute the program and debug it. The debugger allows the user to look at the contents of
registers and memory locations etc. We can change the contents of registers and memory
locations at run time, generates breakpoints etc.
The multiprogramming environment can be tested using the simulator. When simulated, the
filter program produces output data and stores in common data memory. Simulator
command is used to dump form data memory to store the dual port data memory image on
disk which can be reloaded and tested.
Basic block diagram of a speech recognition system is shown in Fig 1
In speech recognition system using microphone one can input speech or voice. The analog
speech signal is converted to digital speech signal by speech digitizer. Such digital signal
is called digitized speech.
The digitized speech is processed by DSP system. The significant features of speech such as
its formats, energy, linear prediction coefficients are extracted.The template of this
extracted features are compared with the standard reference templates.The closed matched
template is considered as the recognized word.
Voice operated consumer products like TV, VCR, Radio, lights,
fans and voice operated telephone dialing are examples of DSP
based speech recognized
Synthetic speech
_ filter
Synthetic speech
Filter Coefficients
In sound processing application, Music compression(MP3) is achieved
by converting the time domain signal to the frequency domain then
removing frequencies which are no audible.
The time domain waveform is transformed to the frequency domain
using a filter bank. The strength of each frequency band is analyzed and
quantized based on how much effect they have on the perceived
decompressed signal.
The DSP processor is also used in digital video disk (DVD) which uses
MPEG-2 compression, Web video content application like Intel Indeo,
real audio.
Output Reg
Input Regs
Output Reg
I*put Reg
Output Reg
There are one sided(right and left sequences) and two sided
sequences are present in the Z Transform pair.
It cosists of two duration they are
Finite duration
Infinite duration
Poorna Chandra S, Sasikala. B ,Digital Signal
Processing, Vijay Nicole/TMH,2013.
B.P.Lathi, Principles of Signal Processing and Linear Systems,
Oxford University Press, 2010
Taan S. ElAli, Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with
Mat Lab, CRC Press, 2009.
Digital Down ConverterTuner Mix a signal down to baseband. A DDC
operates in the complex domain and consists of a frequency mixer, a
LPF, and a decimator. SeethedownmixerinInputDevicewindow.
A decimator reduces the sample rate by discarding samples. It is
important to low passfilterinordertopreventaliasing.
Digital Signal Processing. The art of manipulating signals in the
discrete digital domain.
Fast Fourier Transform. A mathematical operation that converts
between the time andthefrequencydomains. O(n*logn).
Finite Impulse Response filter. Performs convolution in the time
domain. A DSP algorithmic construct made up of cascaded MAC units
and filter taps. FIR filters are stable and have linear phase. Both the
decimator in Input Devices and Hilbert
Address: The logical location of program code or data stored in
memory. Addressing mode: The method by which an instruction
interprets its operands to acquire the data it needs.
Address stage: The second stage of the parallel processors fetch,
address, execute (FAE) pipeline during which addresses are calculated
and supplied to the crossbar. (TMS320C8x)
Address unit: Hardware on the parallel processor that computes a bit
address during each cycle. Each parallel processor has two address
units: a global address unit and a local address unit. (TMS320C8x)
Address unit arithmetic: The parallel processors use of the local and
global address units to perform general-purpose arithmetics in parallel
with the data unit. The computed address is not used for memory
access, but is stored in the destination register. (TMS320C8x)
Address visibility (AVIS) bit: A bit field that allows the internal
program address to appear at the external address pins. This enables the
internal program address to be traced and the interrupt vector to be
decoded in conjunction with the interrupt
acknowledge (IACK) signal when the interrupt vectors reside in on-
chip memory. At reset, AVIS = 0. (TMS320C5x, TMS320C54x,
Administrative privileges: Authority to set software and hardware
access; includes access and privileges to install, manage, and maintain
system and application software and directories on a network server or
individual computer systems.
ADTR: Asynchronous data transmit and receive register. See also
receive (ADTR) register.
AFB: See auxiliary register file bus.
Define DTFT. Let us consider the discrete time signal x(n).Its DTFT
is denoted as X(w).It is given as X(w)= x(n)e-jwn
State the condition for existence of DTFT? The conditions are If
x(n)is absolutely summable then |x(n)|< If x(n) is not absolutely
summable then it should have finite energy for DTFT to exit.
List the properties of DTFT. Periodicity Linearity Time shift
Frequency shift Scaling Differentiation in frequency domain Time
reversal Convolution Multiplication in time domain Parsevals
What is the DTFT of unit sample?
The DTFT of unit sample is 1 for all values of w.
Define DFT. DFT is defined as X(w)= x(n)e-jwn. Here x(n) is the
discrete time sequence X(w) is the fourier transform ofx(n).
Define Twiddle factor. The Twiddle factor is defined as WN=e-j2 /N
Define Zero padding. The method of appending zero in the given
sequence is called as Zero padding.
Define circularly even sequence. A Sequence is said to be circularly
even if it is symmetric about the point zero on the circle. x(N-
Define circularly odd sequence. A Sequence is said to be circularly
odd if it is anti symmetric about point x(0) on the circle.
Define circularly folded sequences. A circularly folded sequence is
represented as x((-n))N. It is obtained by plotting x(n) in clockwise
direction along the circle.
State circular convolution. This property states that multiplication of
two DFT is equal to circular convolution of their sequence in time
State parsevals theorem. Consider the complex valued sequences
x(n) and y(n).If x(n)y*(n)=1/N X(k)Y*(k)
Define Z transform. The Z transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is
denoted by X(z) and is given by X(z)= x(n)Z-n.
Define ROC. The value of Z for which the Z transform converged
is called region of convergence. 15. Find Z transform of
x(n)={1,2,3,4} x(n)= {1,2,3,4} X(z)= x(n)z-n = 1+2z-1+3z-2+4z-3.
= 1+2/z+3/z2+4/z3.
State the convolution property of Z transform. The convolution
property states that the convolution of two sequences in time
domain is equivalent to multiplication of their Z transforms.
What z transform of (n-m)? By time shifting property Z[A (n-
m)]=AZ-m sin Z[ (n)] =1
State initial value theorem. If x(n) is causal sequence then its initial
value is given by x(0)=lim X(z).
List the methods of obtaining inverse Z transform. Inverse z
transform can be obtained by using Partial fraction expansion.
Contour integration Power series expansion Convolution. 20. Obtain
the inverse z transform of X(z)=1/z-a,|z|>|a| Given X(z)=z-1/1-az-1
By time shifting property X(n)=an.u(n-1)
What is DFT?
It is a finite duration discrete frequency sequence, which is obtained
by sampling one period of Fourier transform. Sampling is done at N
equally spaced points over the period extending from w=0 to 2.
Define N point DFT.
The DFT of discrete sequence x(n) is denoted by X(K). It is given
by, Here k=0,1,2N-1 Since this summation is taken for N points,
it is called as N-point DFT.
What is DFT of unit impulse (n)?
The DFT of unit impulse (n) is unity.
List the properties of DFT.
Linearity, Periodicity, Circular symmetry, symmetry, Time shift,
Frequency shift, complex conjugate, convolution, correlation and
Parsevals theorem.
State Linearity property of DFT.
DFT of linear combination of two or more signals is equal to the
sum of linear combination of DFT of individual signal.
When a sequence is called circularly even?
The N point discrete time sequence is circularly even if it is
symmetric about the point zero on the circle.
What is the condition of a sequence to be circularly odd?
An N point sequence is called circularly odd it if is antisymmetric
about point zero on the circle.
Why the result of circular and linear convolution is not same?
Circular convolution contains same number of samples as that of x
(n) and h (n), while in linear convolution, number of samples in the
result (N) are, N=L+M-1 Where L= Number of samples in x (n)
M=Number of samples in h (n)
What is circular time shift of sequence?
Shifting the sequence in time domain by 1 samples is equivalent to
multiplying the sequence in frequency domain by WNkl
10. What is the disadvantage of direct computation of DFT?
For the computation of N-point DFT, N2 complex multiplications
and N[N-1] Complex additions are required. If the value of N is
large than the number of computations will go into lakhs. This
proves inefficiency of direct DFT computation.
11. What is the way to reduce number of arithmetic operations
during DFT computation?
Number of arithmetic operations involved in the computation of DFT
is greatly reduced by using different FFT algorithms as follows. 1.
Radix-2 FFT algorithms. - Radix-2 Decimation in Time (DIT)
- Radix-2 Decimation in Frequency (DIF) algorithm.
2. Radix-4 FFT algorithm.
12. What is the computational complexity using FFT algorithm?
Complex multiplications = N/2 log2N
Complex additions = N log2N
How linear filtering is done using FFT?
Correlation is the basic process of doing linear filtering using FFT. The correlation is nothing but
the convolution with one of the sequence, folded. Thus, by folding the sequence h (n), we can
compute the linear filtering using FFT.
What is zero padding? What are its uses?
Let the sequence x (n) has a length L. If we want to find the N point
DFT (N>L) of the sequence x (n). This is known as zero padding. The
uses of padding a sequence with zeros are
We can get better display of the frequency spectrum.
With zero padding, the DFT can be used in linear filtering.
Why FFT is needed?
The direct evaluation of the DFT using the formula requires N2
complex multiplications and N (N-1) complex additions. Thus for
reasonably large values of N (inorder of 1000) direct evaluation of the
DFT requires an inordinate amount of computation. By using FFT
algorithms the number of computations can be reduced. For example,
for an N-point DFT, The number of complex multiplications required
using FFT is N/2log2N. If N=16, the number of complex
multiplications required for direct evaluation of DFT is 256, whereas
using DFT only 32 multiplications are required.
What is the speed of improvement factor in calculating 64-point
DFT of a sequence using direct computation and computation
and FFT algorithms? Or Calculate the number of multiplications
needed in the calculation of DFT and FFT with 64-point
The number of complex multiplications required using direct
computation is N2=642=4096. The number of complex
multiplications required using FFT is N/2 log2N = 64/2log264=192.
Speed improvement factor = 4096/192=21.33
What is the main advantage of FFT?
FFT reduces the computation time required to compute discrete Fourier transform.
Calculate the number of multiplications needed in the calculation
of DFT using FFT algorithm with using FFT algorithm with 32-
point sequence.
For N-point DFT the number of complex multiplications needed
using FFT algorithm is N/2 log2N. For N=32, the number of the
complex multiplications is equal to 32/2log232=16*5=80.
What is FFT?
The fast Fourier transforms (FFT) is an algorithm used to compute the
DFT. It makes use of the Symmetry and periodically properties of
twiddles factor WKN to effectively reduce the DFT computation time.
It is based on the fundamental principle of decomposing the
computation of the DFT of a sequence of length N into successively
smaller discrete Fourier transforms. The FFT algorithm provides
speed-increase factors, when compared with direct computation of the
DFT, of approximately 64 and 205 for 256-point and 1024-point
transforms, respectively.
How many multiplications and additions are required to compute
N-point DFT using redix-2 FFT?
The number of multiplications and additions required to compute
N-point DFT using redix-2 FFT are N log2N and N/2 log2N
What is meant by radix-2 FFT?
The FFT algorithm is most efficient in calculating N-point DFT. If the number of output points N
can be expressed as a power of 2, that is, N=2M, where M is an integer, Then this algorithm is
known as radix-s FFT algorithm.
What is a decimation-in-time algorithm?
Decimation-in-time algorithm is used to calculate the DFT of a N-point
Sequence. The idea is to break the N-point sequence into two
sequences, the DFTs of which can be combined to give the DFT of the
original N-point sequence. Initially the N- point sequence is divided
into two N/2-point sequences xe(n) and x0(n), which have the even and
odd members of x(n) respectively. The N/2 point DFTs of these two
sequences are evaluated and combined to give the N point DFT.
Similarly the N/2 point DFTs can be expressed as a combination of N/4
point DFTs. This process is continued till we left with 2-point DFT.
This algorithm is called Decimation-in-time because the sequence x(n)
is often splitted into smaller sub sequences.
What are the differences and similarities between DIF
and DIT algorithms?
For DIT, the input is bit reversal while the output is in natural order,
whereas for DIF, the input is in natural order while the output is bit
The DIF butterfly is slightly different from the DIT butterfly, the
difference being that the complex multiplication takes place after the
add-subtract operation in DIF. Similarities: Both algorithms require
same number of operations to compute the DFT. Bot algorithms can be
done in place and both need to perform bit reversal at some place
during the computation.
24. What are the applications of FFT algorithms?
Linear filtering
Spectrum analysis
What is a decimation-in-frequency algorithm?
In this the output sequence X (K) is divided into two N/2 point
sequences and each N/2 point sequences are in turn divided into two
N/4 point sequences.
Distinguish between DFT and DTFT.
1. Obtained by performing Sampling is performed only
sampling operation in both in time domain
the time and frequency
2. Discrete frequency spectrum Continuous function of
What is signal and Signal processing?
List the advantages of Digital Signal processing.
Mention few applications of Digital Signal processing.
Classify discrete time signals.
What are Energy and Power signals?
What do you mean by periodic and Aperiodic signals?
When a signal is said to be symmetric and Anti symmetric?
What are deterministic and random signals?
What are the elementary signals?
What are the different types of representation of discrete time signals?
Draw the basic block diagram of digital signal processing of analog signals.
What are the basic time domain operations of discrete time signal?
What is the significance of unit sample response of a system?
Classify discrete time systems.
Whether the system defined by the impulse response h(n) = 2n u(-n) +
2-n u(n) is causal ?
Justify your answer.
Compute the energy of the signal x(n) = 2-n u(n)
Compute the energy of the signal x(n) = (0.5)n u(n)
Define convolution.
List out the properties of convolution.
What do you mean by BIBO stable?
What is linear time invariant system?
Compute the convolution of x(n) = {1,2,1,-1} and h(n) = {1,2,1,-1} using
tabulation method.
Check whether the system defined by h (n) = [5 (1/2)n + 4 (1/3)n ] u(n) is stable.
Differentiate between analog, discrete, quantized and digital signals.
Differentiate between analog
and digital signals.
Differentiate between one dimensional and two dimensional signal with
an example for
Name any four elementary time domain operations for discrete time signals.
For the signal f (t) = 5 cos (5000t) + sin2 (3000t), determine the
minimum sampling rate
for recovery without aliasing.
1 = 5000 = 2F1 2 =
3000 = 2F2 F1 = 2.5
kHz F2=1.5 kHz
Fmax = 2.5 kHz
According to sampling theorem
Fs 2 Fmax So, Fs = 5 kHz
For the signal f (t) = cos2 (4000t) + 2 sin (6000t), determine the
minimum sampling rate
for recovery without aliasing.
1 = 4000 = 2F1 2 =
6000 = 2F2 F1 = 2 kHz
F2 =3 kHz
Fmax = 3 kHz
According to sampling theorem
Fs 2 Fmax So, Fs = 6 kHz
What is sampling?
State sampling theorem and what is Nyquist frequency?
Sampling theorem - Fs 2 Fmax ,Nyquist frequency or Nyquist rate FN = 2 Fmax
What is known as aliasing?
Define the criteria to perform sampling process without aliasing.
Differentiate between anti aliasing and anti imaging filters.
What are the effects of aliasing?
What is anti aliasing filter? What is the need for it?
Draw the basic block diagram of a digital processing of an analog signal.
Draw the basic structure of linear constant difference equation.
What is sample and Hold circuit?
If a minimum signal to noise ratio (SQR) of 33 dB is desired, how many
bits per code word
are required in a linearly
quantized system? SQR =1.76
+6.02b, SQR given is 33 Db
1.76+6.02b = 33 dB
6.02 b = 31.24
b = 5.18 = 6 bits
Determine the number of bits required in computing the DFT of a 1024
point sequence
with an SQR of 30 dB
The size of the sequence is N = 1024 = 210
SQR is X2 / q2 = 22b / N2 10 log [X2 / q2] = 10
log [22b / N2] N2 = 22010 log [X2/ q2] = 10 log
[22b / 220]
SNR = 10 log [22b - 20] = 30 dB 3(2b-20) =30 ,b=15 bits is the
precision for both multiplication and addition
Determine the system described by the equation y (n) = n x (n) is linear or not.
What is the total energy of the discrete time signal x(n) which takes the
value of unity at n
45. Draw the signal x(n) = u(n) u(n-3)
For each of the following systems, determine whether the system is
static stable, causal,
linear and time invariant
y(n) = e x(n)
y(n) = ax(n)
+b c. y(n) =
d. y(n) = +1 ( )
e.y(n) = n x2(n) f. y(n) = x(-n+2)
y(n) = nx(n)
y(n) = x(n) +C
i. y(n) = x(n) x(n-1)
y(n) = x(-n)
y(n) = x(n) where x(n) = [x(n+1) x(n)]
y(n) = g(n) x(n)
y(n) = x(n2)
y(n) = x2(n)
y(n) = cos x(n)
y(n) = x(n) cos 0n
Compute the linear convolution of h(n) = {1,2,1} and x(n) ={1,-3,0,2,2}
Explain the concept of Energy and Power signals and determine
whether the following are
energy or
signals a.
x(n) =
(1/3)n u(n)
b. x(n) = sin ( / 4)n
The unit sample response h(n) of a system is represented by
h (n) = n2u(n+1) 3 u(n) +2n u(n-1) for -5 n 5. Plot the unit sample response.
State and prove sampling theorem. How do you recover continuous
signals from its samples? Discuss the various parameters involved in
sampling and reconstruction.
What is the input x(n) that will generate an output sequence y(n) =
{1,5,10,11,8,4,1} for a system with impulse response h(n) = {1,2,1}.
Check whether the system defined by h(n) = [5 (1/2)n +4(1/3)n] u(n) is stable?
Explain the analog to digital conversion process and reconstruction of
analog signal from digital signal.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital signal processing
compared with analog signal processing?
Classify and explain different types of signals.
Explain the various elementary discrete time signals.
Explain the different types of mathematical operations that can be
performed on a discrete time signal.
Explain the different types of representation of discrete time signals.
Determine whether the systems having the following impulse responses
are causal and stable
h(n) = 2n u(-n)
h(n) = sin n / 2
h(n) = sin n + (n)
h(n) = e2n u(n-1)
For the given discrete
time signal x (n) = {
-0.5,0.5, for n = -2, -1
1, n = 0
3, 2, 0.4 n > 0}
Sketch the following a) x (n-3), b) x (3-n) c) x (2n) d) x (n/2) e) [x (n) + x (-n)] / 2
Find the convolution of x (n) = an u (n), a < 1 with h(n) = 1for 0 n N-1
Draw the analog, discrete, quantized and digital signal with an example.
Explain the properties of linearity and stability of discrete time systems
with examples.
The impulse response of a linear time invariant system is h (n) = {1, 2, 1,-1}.
Determine the response of the system to the input signal x (n) = {1, 2, 3, 1}.
Determine whether or not each of the following signals are periodic.
If a signal is Periodic specify its fundamental time period.
x(t) = 2 cos 3 t
x(t) = sin 15 t + sin 20 t
x(n) = 5 sin 2n
x(n) = cos (n/8) cos (n / 8)
Define Z-transform
Define ROC in Z-transform
Determine Z-transform of the sequence x(n)= {2,1,-1,0, 3}
Determine Z-transform of x(n) = - 0.5 u (-n-1)
Find Z- transform of x(n) = - bn u(-n-1) and its ROC
Find Z- transform of x(n) = an u(n) and its ROC
What are the properties of ROC in Z- transform?
State the initial value theorem of Z- transforms.
State the final value theorem of Z- transforms.
Obtain the inverse Z transform of X(Z) = log ( 1 + Z-1) for Z < 1
Obtain the inverse Z transform of X(Z) = log ( 1-2z) for Z < 1/2
What is the condition for stability in Z-domain?
Mention the basic factors that affect thr ROC of z- transform.
Find the z- transform of a digita limpulse signal and digital step signal
Determine the Z-transform and ROC of
x(n) = rn cos n u(n)
x(n) = n2an u(n)
c. x(n) = -1/3 (-1/4)n u(n) 4/3 (2)n u(-n-1)
d. x(n) = an u(n) + bn u(n) + cn u(-n-1) , |a | < | b| < |c|
x(n) = cos n u(n)
x(n) = sin 0n . u(n)
x(n) = an u(n)
h. x(n) = [ 3 (2n) 4 (3n)] u(n)
Find the inverse Z-
transform of a. X(z)
= z (z+1) / (z-0.5)3
b. X(z) = 1+3z-1 / 1 + 3z-1 + 2z-2
c. H(z) = 1 / [1 - 3z-1 + 0.5z-2] |z | > 1
d. X(z) = [z (z2- 4z +5)] / [(z-3) (z-2) ( z-1)] for ROC |2 | < | z| < |3|, |z| > 3, |z|< 1
Determine the system function and pole zero pattern for the system
described by difference equation y (n) -0.6 y (n-1) +0.5 y (n-2) = x (n)
0.7 x (n-2)
Determine the pole zero plot for the system described by the
difference equation y (n) 3/4 y (n-1) +1/8 y (n-2) = x(n)
Explain the properties of Z-transform.
Perform the convolution of the following two sequences using Z-
transforms. x(n) = 0.2n u(n) and h(n) = (0.3)n u(n)
A causal LTI system has an impulse response h(n) for which the Z-
transform is given by H(z) = (1+z-1) / [(1 + 1/2z-1) (1 + 1/4z-1).
What is the ROC of H (z)? Is the system stable? Find the Z-transform
X (z) of an input x (n) that will produce the output y(n) = -1/3 (-1/4)n
u(n) 4/3 (2)n u(-n-1).Find the impulse response
h (n) of the system.
Solve the difference equation y(n) -3y(n-1) 4y(n-2) = 0, n 0 ,y(-1) = 5
Compute the response of the system y(n) = 0.7 y(n-1)-0.12y(n-2)
+x(n-1)+ x (n-2)to the input x(n) = n u(n)
What is ROC? Explain with an example.
A causal LTI IIR digital filter is characterized by a constant co-efficient
difference equation
given by y(n) = x(n-1)-1.2x(n-2)+x(n-3)+1.3 y(n-1) 1.04 y(n-
2)+0.222y(n- 3),obtain its
transfer function.
Determine the system function and impulse response of the system
described by the
difference equation y(n) = x(n) +2x(n-1)- 4x(n-2) + x(n-3)
Solve the difference equation y(n) - 4y(n-1) - +4 y(n-2) = x(n) x(n-1)
with the initial
condition y(-1) = y(-2) = 1
Find the impulse response of the system described by the difference
equation y(n) = 0.7
y(n-1) -0.1 y(n-2) +2 x(n) x(n-2)
Determine the z- transform and ROC of the signal x (n) = [3 (2n) 4 (3n)] u(n).
State and prove convolution theorem in z-transform.
17. Given x(n) = (n) + 2 (n-1) and y(n) = 3 (n+1) + (n)- (n-1).
Find x(n) * y(n) and X(z).Y(z).
Compute the DFT of x(n) = (n no)
State and prove the Parsevals relation of DFT.
What do you mean by the term bit reversal as applied to DFT?
Define discrete Fourier series.
Draw the basic butterfly diagram of DIF FFT algorithm.
Compute the DFT of x(n) = an
State the time shifting and frequency shifting properties of DFT.
What is twiddle factor? What are its properties?
Draw the basic butterfly diagram of DIT FFT algorithm.
Determine the 3 point circular convolution of x(n) = {1,2,3} and h(n) =
If an N-point sequence x(n) has N-point DFT of X(K) then what is the
DFT of the following
x*(n) ii) x*(N-n) iii) x((n-l))N iv) x(n) ej2ln/N
What is FFT and what are its advantages?
Distinguish between DFT and DTFT (Fourier transform)
What is the basic operation of DIT FFT algorithm?
What is zero padding? What are its uses?
State and prove Parsevals relation for DFT.
Draw the flow graph of radix 2 DIF - FFT algorithm for N= 4
What do you mean by bit reversal in DFT?
Write the periodicity and symmetry property of twiddle factor.
Give the relationship between z-domain and frequency domain.
Distinguish between discrete Fourier series and discrete Fourier transform.
What is the relationship between Fourier series co-efficient of a
periodic sequence and DFT?
What is the circular frequency shifting property of DFT?
Establish the relation between DFT and z-transform.
Define DFT pair.
Define overshoot.
Define Gibbs phenomenon.
How many multiplications and additions are required to compute N-
point DFT using radix 2 FFT?
Perform circular convolution of the sequence using DFT and IDFT
technique x1(n) = {2, 1,2,1} x2 (n) = {0,1,2,3} (8)
Compute the DFT of the sequence x(n) = {1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0} (8)
From the first principles obtain the signal flow graph for computing 8
point DFT using
radix-2 DIT FFT algorithm. Using the above compute the DFT of sequence x(n) =
{0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0} (16)
State and prove the circular convolution property of DFT.Compute the
circular convolution of x(n) = {0,1,2,3,4} and h(n) = {0,1,0,0,0} (8)
Perform circular convolution of the sequence using DFT and IDFT
technique x1(n) = {1,1,2,1} x2 (n) = {1,2,3,4} (8)
Compute the DFT of the sequence x(n) = {1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0} (8)
From the first principles obtain the signal flow graph for computing 8
point DFT using
radix-2 DIF-FFT algorithm. An 8 point sequence is given by
x(n)={2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1} compute
its 8 point DFT of x(n) by radix-2 DIF-FFT (16)
Compute 5 point circular convolution of x1(n) = (n) + (n-1)- (n-2)
- (n-3) and x2(n) =
(n) (n-2)+ (n-4) (8)
Explain any five properties of DFT. (10)
Derive DIF FFT algorithm. Draw its basic butterfly structure and compute the DFT
x(n) = (-
1)n using radix 2 DIF FFT algorithm. (16)
Perform circular convolution of the sequence using DFT and IDFT
technique x1(n) = {0,1,2,3} x2 (n) = {1,0,0,1} ( 8 )
Compute the DFT of the sequence x (n) = 1/3 (n) 1/3 (n-1) +1/3
(n -2) (6)
From the first principles obtain the signal flow graph for computing 8
point DFT using
radix-2 DIT - FFT algorithm. Using the above compute the DFT of
sequence x(n) = 2 sin n
/ 4 for 0 n 7 (16)
What is circular convolution? Explain the circular convolution property
of DFT and
compute the circular convolution of the sequence
x(n)=(2,1,0,1,0) with itself (8)
Perform circular convolution of the sequence using DFT and IDFT
technique x1(n) = {0,1,2,3} x2 (n) = {1,0,0,1} ( 8 )
i) Compute the DFT of the sequence x (n) = (-1)n (4)
What are the differences and similarities between DIT FFT and
DIF FFT algorithms? (4)
From the first principles obtain the signal flow graph for computing 8
point DFT using
radix-2 DIT - FFT algorithm. Using the above compute the DFT of
sequence x(n) = cos n / 4
for 0 n 7 (16)
Compute 4-point DFT of the sequence x (n) = (0, 1, 2, 3) (6)
Compute 4-point DFT of the sequence x (n) = (1, 0, 0, 1) (6)
Explain the procedure for finding IDFT using FFT algorithm (6)
Compute the output using 8 point DIT FFT algorithm for the
sequence x(n) = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} (16)
Determine the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n) = {0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0}
Find the circular convolution of x(n) = 1,2,3,4} and h(n) = {4,3,2,1}
Determine the 8 point DFT of the signal x(n) = {1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0}.
Sketch its magnitude and phase.
An analog filter has a transfer function H(s) = 1 / s+2. Using impulse
invariance method, obtain pole location for the corresponding digital
filter with T = 0.1s.
What is frequency warping in bilinear transformation?
If the impulse response of the symmetric linear phase FIR filter of
length 5 is h (n) = {2,3,0,x,y}, find the values of x and y.
What is prewarping? Why is it needed?
Find the digital transfer function H (z) by using impulse invariance method for the analog
transfer function H(s) = 1 / s+2.
What are the different structures of realization of FIR and IIR filters?
What are the methods used to transform analog to digital filters?
State the condition for linear phase in FIR filters for symmetric and anti
Draw a causal FIR filter structure for length M= 5.
What is bilinear transformation? What are its advantages?
Write the equation of Barlett (or) triangular and Hamming window.
Write the equation of Rectangular and Hanning window.
Write the equation of Blackman and Kaiser window.
Write the expression for location of poles of normalized Butter
worth filter. Pk = c ej (N+2k +1) / 2N
Where k = 0, 1, . (N-1) and for a normalized filter c = 1 rad / sec
Write the expression for location of poles of normalized Chebyshev filter.
Draw the magnitude response of 3rd order Chebyshev filter.
Draw the magnitude response of 4th order Chebyshev filter.
Draw the basic FIR filter structure.
Draw the direct form I structure of IIR filter.
Draw the direct form II structure of IIR filter.
Draw the cascade form realization structure of IIR filter.
Draw the parallel form realization structure of IIR filter.
When cascade form realization structure is preferred in filters?
Distinguish between FIR and IIR filters.
Compare analog and digital filters.
Why FIR filters are always
stable? Because all its poles are
located at the origin.
State the condition for a digital filter to be causal and stable.
What are the desirable characteristics of windows?
Give the magnitude function Butterworth filter. What is the effect of
varying the order of N
on magnitude and phase response?
List out the properties of Butterworth filter.
List out the properties of Chebyshev filter.
Give the Chebyshev filters transfer function and draw its magnitude response.
Give the equation for the order N and cut off frequency c of
Butterworth filter
Why impulse invariance method is not preferred in the design of IIR
filter other than low
pass filters?
What are the advantages and disadvantages FIR filters?
What are the advantages and disadvantages IIR filters?
What is canonic structure?
If the number of delays in the structure is equal to the order of the
difference equation or order of transfer function, then it is called
canonic form of realization.
Compare Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.
What are the desirable and undesirable features of FIR filters?
What are the design techniques of designing
FIR filters? Fourier series method
method PART
With suitable examples, describe the realization of linear phase FIR filters (8)
Convert the following analog transfer function H(s) = (s+0.2) /
[(s+0.2)2 + 4] into equivalent
digital transfer function H (z) by using impulse invariance method
assuming T= 1 sec. (8)
Convert the following analog transfer function H(s) = 1 / (s+2) (s+4)
into equivalent digital
transfer function H (z) by using bilinear transformation with T = 0.5 sec.
Convert the following analog transfer function H(s) = (s+0.1) /
[(s+0.1)2 + 9] into equivalent
digital transfer function H (z) by using impulse invariance method
assuming T= 1 sec. (8)
Convert the following analog transfer function H(s) = 2/ (s+1) (s+3)
into equivalent digital
transfer function H (z) by using bilinear transformation with T =
0.1sec.Draw the diect form II realization of digital filter. (8)
Design a high pass filter of length 7 samples with cut off frequency of 2
rad / sec using Hamming window. Plot its magnitude and phase
response. (16)
For the constraints
0.8 H() 1.0 ,
0 0.2
H() 0.2, 0.6
With T= 1 sec determine the system function H(z) for a Butterworth
filter using bilinear transformation. (16)
Describe the effects of quantization in IIR filter. Consider a first order
filter with difference equation y (n) = x (n) + 0.5 y (n-1).Assume that
the data register length is
3 bits plus a sign bit. The input x (n) = 0.875 (n). Explain the limit
cycle oscillations in the above filter, if quantization is preferred by
means of rounding and signed magnitude representation is used.
With a neat sketch explain the architecture of TMS 320 C54 processor. (16)
For the constraints
0.7 H() 1.0 ,
0 /2 H()
0.2, 3/4
With T= 1 sec, design a Butterworth filter. (16)
Explain the quantization effects in design of digital filters. (16)
Discuss about the window functions used in design of FIR filters (8)
Obtain the cascade and parallel realization of system described by
difference equation
y(n) = -0.1 y(n-1) + 0.2 y(n-2) + 3x(n) +3.6 x(n-1) + 0.6 x(n-2) (10)
Design a digital Butterworth filter satisfying the following constraints with T= 1 sec,
using Bilinear
0.707 H ()
1.0, 0 /2 H
() 0.2, 3/4
Design a digital Chebyshev filter satisfying the following constraints
with T= 1 sec,
using Bilinear
0.707 H ()
1.0, 0 /2 H
() 0.2, 3/4
Draw and explain cascade form structure for a 6th order FIR filter. (6)
Explain impulse invariance method of digital filter design. (10)
Derive an expression between s- domain and z- domain using bilinear
Explain frequency warping. (10)
Draw the structure for IIR filter in direct form I and II for the
following transfer Function
H (z) = (2 + 3 z-1) (4+ 2 z-1 +3 z-2) / (1+0.6 z-1) (1+ z-1+0.5 z-2) (10)
Design a filter with
Hd() = e-j2 - /4 /4
= 0 /4 Using a Hamming window with N= 7 (16)
Discuss about frequency transformations in detail. (8)
Design a LPF with
Hd() = e-j3 - 3/4 3/4
= 0 3/4 Using a Hamming window with N= 7 (16)
Using the bilinear transformation and a low pass analog Butterworth
prototype, design a low pass digital filter operating at a rate of 20 KHz
and having pass band extending to a 4 KHz with a maximum pass band
attenuation of 0.5 dB and stop band
starting at 5KHzwith a minimum stop band attenuation of 10 dB. (16)
Using the bilinear transformation and a low pass analog Chebyshev
type I prototype,
design a low pass digital filter operating at a rate of 20 KHz and having
pass band extending to a 4 KHz with a maximum pass band attenuation
of 0.5 dB and stop band starting at 5KHzwith a minimum stop band
attenuation of 10 dB. (16)
Obtain the cascade realization of linear phase FIR filter having system
function H(z) =
( 1+1/2 z-1 + z-2) (2 + z-1 +2z-2) using minimum number of multipliers.(8)
Design an ideal Hilbert transformer having
frequency response H(ej) = j for - 0
= -j for 0 for N=11, using i. rectangular window ii. Blackmann
Obtain the direct form I, direct form II, cascade and parallel form of
for the system y(n) = -0.1 y9n-1) + 0.2 y(n-2) + 3 x(n) + 3.6 x (n-1) + 0.6 x(n-2)
Using Bilinear transformation and a low pass analog Butterworth prototype, design a low pass
digital filter operating at the rate of 20k Hz and having pass band extending to 4 kHz with
maximum pass band attenuation of 10 dB and stop band starting at 5 kHz with a minimum stop
band attenuation of 0.5 dB
Using Bilinear transformation and a low pass analog Chebyshev type I
design a low pass digital filter operating at the rate of 20k Hz and
having pass band extending to 4 kHz with maximum pass band
attenuation of 10 dB and stop band starting at 5 kHz with a minimum
stop band attenuation of 0.5 dB
Design a low pass filter using Hamming window for N=7 for the
desired frequency
Response D () = ej3 for -3 / 4 3 / 4
= 0 for 3 / 4
Design an ideal differentiator for N=9 using Hanning and triangular window
Compare fixed point arithmetic and floating point arithmetic.
What is product quantization error or product round off error in DSP?
What are the quantization methods?
What is truncation and what is the error that arises due to truncation in
floating point numbers?
What is meant by rounding? Discuss its effects?
What are the two kinds of limit cycle oscillations in DSP?
Why is rounding preferred to truncation in realizing digital filters?
What are the 3 quantization errors due to finite word length registers in
digital filters?
List out the features of TMS 320 C54 processors.
What are the various interrupt types supported by TMS 320 C54?
Mention the function of program controller of DSP processor TMS 320 C54.
List the elements in program controller of TMS 320C54.
What do you mean by limit cycle oscillations?
What is pipelining? What is the pipeline depth of TMS 320 C54 processor?
What are the different buses of TMS 320 C54 processor?
What are quantization errors due to finite word length registers in digital filters?
Differentiate between Von Neumann and Harvard architecture.
Define limit cycle oscillations in recursive systems.
How to prevent overflow in digital filters?
Describe the function of on chip peripherals of TMS 320 C54 processor. (12)
What are the different buses of TMS 320 C54 processor? Give their functions. (4)
Explain the function of auxiliary registers in the indirect addressing
mode to point the data
memory location. (8)
Explain about the MAC unit. (8)
What is meant by instruction pipelining? Explain with an example how
pipelining increases through put efficiency. (8)
Explain the operation of TDM serial ports in P-DSPs (8)
Explain the characteristics of a limit cycle oscillation with respect to the
system described by the equation y (n) = 0.95 y (n-1) + x (n).Determine
the dead band of the filter. (10)
Draw the product quantization noise model of second order IIR filter. (6)
In a cascaded realization of the first order digital filter, the system
function of the individual section are H19z) = 1 / (1-0.9 z-1) and H2(z)
= 1 / (1-0.8z-1). Draw the product quantization noise model of the
system and determine the output noise power. (16)
Explain the statistical characterization of quantization effects in fixed
point realization of digital filter. (16)
Give a detailed note on Direct memory Access controller in TMS 320
C54x processor.
Find the effect of quantization on the pole locations of the second order
IIR filter Given by H(z) = 1 / (1-0.5z-1) (1- 0.45 z-1) when it is realized
in direct form I and in cascade form. Assume a word length of 3 bits.
Determine the variance of the round off noise at the output of the two
cascade realizations of the filters with system functions H1 (z) = 1 / 1-
0.5 z-1 ,H2 (z) = 1 / 1- 0.25 z-1
Cascade I, H (z) = H1 (Z) H2 (z).
Cascade II, H (z) = H2 (z) H1 (z).
Question Paper Code: 11295
PART B (5 16 = 80 marks)
(a) (i) Check whether the following is linear, time invariant, casual and stable
y(n ) = x(n ) + nx (n + 1) . (8)
(ii) Check whether the following are energy or power signals
= (1 )
= (8)
(i) Describe in detail the process of sampling and quantization.
Also determine the expression for quantization liner.
(ii) Check whether the following
are periodic (1) x(n ) =
cos(3n )
(2) x(n ) = sin( 3n ) . (6)
(a) (i) Determine the Z transform of
(1) = ( ). (5)
(2) x(n ) = 3 u(n ) (3)
(ii) Obtain x(n ) for the following :
1 2
11.5 +0.5
(8) Or
(b) (i) Determine the linear convolution of the following sequences
1 = 1,2,3,1 2 = 1,2,1, 1 . (6)
(ii) Obtain the system function and impulse response of
the following system y(n ) 5 y(n 1) = x(n ) +
x(n - 1) .
Assume N = 7 . (12)
0 +
(ii) Write a note on need and choice on windows. (4)
(a) Explain in detail the architectural features of a DSP processor. (16)
Explain the addressing formats and functional modes of a DSP processor. (16)
Question Paper Code: 53129
PART B (5 16 = 80 marks)
(a) (i) What you mean by Nyquist rate? Give its significance. (6)
(ii) Explain the classifications of the discrete signals. (10)
(b) (i) Explain in detail the quantization of digitals signals. (8)
(ii) Describe the different types of sampling methods can be used.(8)
(a) (i) Explain the properties of Z transform. (8)
(ii) Find the impulse response given by Differential equations.
y(n ) 3 y(n 1)- 4y(n-2) = x(n ) + 2x(n - 1) . (8)
(b) (i) Test the stability of given systems.
1) = cos( ( )) 2) ( ) = ( 2) 3) ( ) = ( ) (8)
(ii) Find the convolution of the following systems
. 1) = 1,1,2, 2 , = 0.5 ,1, 1,2,0.75 8
(a) An 8- point sequence is given by = 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
Compute 8 point DFT OF x(n) by radix DIT------FFT Method, Sketch
the Magnitude and Phase. (16)
(b) Determine the response of LTI system when the input sequence is =
1,1,2,1, 1 radix 2 DIF FFT. The impulse response is
= 1,1 ,1,1 . (16)
(a) (i) Design a low pass filter using rectangular window by taking 1
samples of w(n) with cut off sequence of 1.2 randians/sec also draw
the filter.(16)
(b) The specifications of defined low pass filter is : Using
Hanning window, design a filter with
0.8 1.0 ; 0 0.2
0.2; ; 0.32
Design Chebyshevs digital filter using bilinear transformations.(16)
(a) (i) Explain in detail the Von Neumann architecture with a neat diagram.(8)
(ii) What is MAC unit? Explain its functions?(8)
(b) Explain in detail the architectural of TMS320C50 with a neat diagram. (16)
=1 1 n
y n 1 + x n ,x n = 2 3
u n ; y 1 = 1 (16)
(a) Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response = 1,1,1 and
the input signal = 3, 1,0,1,3,2,0,1,2,1 using overlap save method.
(b) Find the DFT of a sequence =
1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1, using DIT algorithm. (16)
(a) Explain the addressing formats of a DSP processor. (16)
(b)Draw the functional block diagram of a DSP processor and explain. (16)
Question Paper Code: 10304
(a) (i) Determine the system function and the unit sample
response of the system described by the difference equation y(n)
(ii) Determine the step response of the system y(n)- ( 1)+x(n), -1< <
1,when the initial condition is y(-1) = 1. (8)
An filter system is described by the difference equation y(n) = x(n0+x(n-
Compute and sketch its magnitude phase response
PART B (5 16 = 80 marks)
(a) (i) Discuss whether the following are energy or power signals
(1) x(n )= u(n )
jw n
(2) x(n) = Ae 0
. ( 10)
(ii) Explain the concept of quantization. (6)
(b) Check whether following are linear, time invariant, causal and stable.
(i) y(n ) = x(n ) + n x (n +1) . (8)
(b) (i) Obtain the discrete Fourier series coefficients of x(n) = COS w0n .(4)
(1) | z| 2
(2) | z| 2
1 + 3z
1 2
X (z )= 1 + 3z + 2z
. (12)
13. (a) (i) Explain 8 pt DIFFFT algorithm with signal flow diagram. (10)
(ii) Compute the DFT of x(n ) = {1, 1, 0, 0}. (6)
= 0 for
3 w 3
4 4