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Kyte Doolitle

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J. Mol. Biol.

(1982) 157, 105-132

A Simple Method for Displaying the Hydropathic

Character of a Protein


Department of Chemistry
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Calif. 92093, 1J.S.,4.

(Received 8 August 1981~ and in revised form 25 January 1982)

A computer program that progressively evaluates the hydrophilicity and

hydrophobicity of a protein along its amino acid sequence has been devised. For
this purpose, a hydropathy scale has been composed wherein the hydrophilic and
hydrophobic properties of each of the 20 amino acid side-chains is taken into
consideration. The scale is based on an amalgam of experimental observations
derived from the literature. The program uses a moving-segment approach that
continuously determines the average hydropathy within a segment of
predetermined length as it advances through the sequence. The consecutive scores
are plotted from the amino to the carboxy terminus. At the same time, a midpoint
line is printed that corresponds to the grand average of the hydropathy of the
amino acid compositions found in most of the sequenced proteins. In the case of
soluble, globular proteins there is a remarkable correspondence between the
interior portions of their sequence and the regions appearing on the hydrophobic
side of the midpoint line, as well as the exterior portions and the regions on the
hydrophilic side. The correlation was demonstrated by comparisons between the
plotted values and known structures determined by crystallography. In the case of
membrane-bound proteins, the portions of their sequences that are located within
the lipid bilayer are also clearly delineated by large uninterrupted areas on the
hydrophobic side of the midpoint line. As such, the membrane-spanning segments
of these proteins can be identified by this procedure. Although the method is not
unique and embodies principles that have long been appreciated, its simplicity and
its graphic nature make it a very useful tool for the evaluation of protein

1. Introduction
One of the most persistent and absorbing problems in protein chemistry has been
the unraveling of the various forces involved in folding polypeptide chains into
their unique conformations. Insight into this question has been gained both from a
consideration of non-covalent forces as they apply in model systems and from a
detailed examination of the actual structures of protein molecules. It is generally
accepted that. to a rough approximation, two opposing, but not independent.
tendencies are reflected in the final structure of a protein when it folds. The
resulting compromise allows hydrophilic side-chains access to the aqueous solvent
while at the same time minimizing contact between hydrophobic side-chains and

$03.00/O 80 19W Academic Press Inc. (London) I,td.
106 J. KYTE AND K. F. 1~00LITTLE

water. Recently, however, it has been noticed that there are important subtle
deviations from these expectations (Lifson & Sander, 1979; Janin & Chothia. 1980).
suggesting that the extent to which residues are buried depends not only upon
strict hydrophobicity but also upon steric effects that determine packing between
the secondary structures in the crowded interior of the macromolecule.
nevertheless, if one could evaluate the contrary forces of hgdrophobicity and
hydrophilicity inherent within the residues themselves, then it would be possible,
perhaps, at least to distinguish the exterior portions of a protein from the interior
ones. on the basis of the amino acid sequence alone. Moreover. in the case of a
protein that interacts directly with the alkane portion of a phospholipid bilayer in a
membrane. there is general agreement that the amino acid side-chains involved are
chiefly hydrophobic. Once again, an appropriate evaluation of a given amino acid
sequence should be able to predict whether or not a given peptide segment is
sufficiently hydrophobic to interact, with or reside within the interior of the
Considerable effort has already been expended in devising schemes for predicting
three-dimensional aspects from amino acid sequences alone. The most notable of
these have dealt with the prediction of local secondary structure (Chou & Fasman.
1973: Wu & Kabat. 1973: Garnier et al., 1978). These are empirical methods in that
they utilize a library of known protein structures from which t,he distribution of the
20 amino acids among various conformational settings is rigorously tallied. If the
frequency with which the individual amino acids or short peptides occur in #I-
helices. p-sheets or reverse turns is known, any seyuence can be syst,ematicallJ
scanned and the probability of those secondary structures can be evaluated.
Interestingly. even earlier attempts had been made to predict the general shape of a
protein on the basis of the types of amino acids it contained. Thus. in the light of
the general observation that the interiors of water-soluble proteins are
predominantly composed of hydrophobic amino acids. while the hydrophilic side-
chains are on the exterior where they can interact with water. Fisher (1964) and
Bigelow (1967) tried to correlate the sizes and shapes of proteins with their overall
amino acid compositions.
Recently; a method for displaying the distribution of hydrophobicity over the
sequence of a protein was presented by Rose (1978) and Rose & Roy (1980). This
procedure combines the progressive-evaluation approach of the secondar!
st)ructure predictions with the earlier empirical observation that the hydrophobic:
side-chains tend to be buried within the native structure (Chothia, 1976). Rose &
Roy (1980) also have demonstrated convincingly that this approach can distinguish
regions of interior sequence from regions of exterior sequence.
In this paper we describe a simple computer program. similar to that employed
by Rose (1978) and Rose & Roy (1980). that systematically evaluates the
hydrophilic and hydrophobic tendencies of a polypeptide chain. The present
program uses a hydropathy scale in which each amino acid has been assigned a value
reflecting its relative hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity. The program
continuously determines the average hydropathy of a moving segment as it
advances through the sequence from the amino to the carboxy terminus. As such.
the procedure gives a graphic visualization of the hpdropathic character of the

chain from one end to the other, tracking the hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions
relative to a universal midline. We have examined in detail the profiles of several
proteins whose three-dimensional structures are known, and have found excellent
agreement between the observed interiors and the calculated hydrophobic regions,
on the one hand, and the observed exterior portions and the calculated hydrophilic
regions, on the other. We have also examined a number of membrane proteins and
have been able to identify membrane-spanning segments, as well as those
hydrophobic regions that anchor certain proteins in membranes.

2. Experimental Procedures
(a) The computer program
The computer program, SOAP, assigns the appropriate hydropathy value to each residue
in a given amino acid sequence and then successively sums those values, starting at the
ammo terminal, within overlapping segments displaced from each other by one residue.
Although a segment of any size can be chosen, ordinarily spans of 7, 9, 11 or 13 were
employed, odd numbers being used so that a given sum could be plotted above the middle
residue of the segment. Thus, in the case of SOAP-7 the first value corresponds to the sum of
the hydropathies of residues 1 to 7 and is plotted at location 4, the second value corresponds
to the sum for residues 2 to 8 and is plotted at location 5, and so on.
The program was written originally in the language C (Kernighan & Ritchie, 1978) for use
in the software system Unix, which is leased from the Western Electric Co. Because Unix is
now widely used, and because C compilers are now available for many computers, the
original program is supplied as a short Appendix to this paper so that interested readers may
employ it directly. Plots may be obtained from any terminal that prints a standard 199
character output. The program has also been modified for use with a more sophisticated
system linked to a Zeta Plotter (we are grateful to S. Dempsey, Department of Chemistry,
University of California, San Diego, for these modifications). In this latter format the values
are presented as averages rather than sums, and all the figures accompanying this paper were
obtained with this system.

(b) Sequence library

The characterization of a large number of different proteins was facilitated by the fact
that we had two extensive libraries of amino acid sequences already stored in the computer.
One of these was a set of 1081 sequences that can be purchased from the National Biomedical
Research Foundation and that includes all the sequences from the Atlas of Protein Sequence
and Structure (Dayhoff, 1978). The other, NEWAT, was a collection of approx. 209
sequences gleaned from the original literature and covering the period 1978 to 1980
(Doolittle, 1981).

(c) Choice of hydropathy values

Ideally, the most satisfying way to determine the hydrophobic or hydrophilic inclinations
of a given amino acid side-chain (i.e. its hydropathyt) would be to measure its partition
coefficient between water and a non-interacting, isotropic phase and to calculate from that
partition coefficient a transfer free energy. For example, ethanol is a solvent that has been
proposed as a phase resembling the interior of a protein (Nozaki & Tanford, 1971). In this
case, however, the choice of solvent may have been a matter of convenience rather than
design, since the solubilities of many amino acids in ethanol and water were already known
(Cohn & Edsall, 1943), and the theoretical basis for deriving the transfer free energies of the
t Since hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity are no more than the two extremes of a spectrum. a term
that defines that spectrum would be as useful as either, just as the term light is as useful as violet light or
red light. Hydropathy (strong feeling about water) has been chosen for this purpose.
individual amino acid side-chains between ethanol and water from these values had already
been formulated (Cohn & Edsell, 1943). The transfer free energies from water to ethanol for
various amino acid side-chains are presented in Table 1,
The assumption that ethanol is a neutral, non-interacting solvent may not be warranted :
however, nor is it clear that any solvent could ever meet that condition. This difficulty has
been noted in the past, and it has been suggested that water-vapor transfer free energies
would be a less complicated index of hydropathy (Hine & Mookerjee, 1975). The water-
vapor partition coefficients for model compounds identical to each of 14 amino acid side-
chains were assembled by Wolfenden et al. (1979,1981) from the Tables published by Hine &
Mookerjee (1975). They reported as well experimental determinations for four additional.
previously unavailable, values (Wolfenden et al., 1979). All of these values, expressed as
transfer free energies between an aqueous solution and the condensed vaport. are also
presented in Table 1.
It is possible with these free energies to examine the claim that ethanol is a useful solvent
with which to model the interior of a protein (Nozaki & Tanford, 1971). The last column in
Table 1 presents the transfer free energies for the model compounds between ethanol and the
condensed vapor. If ethanol were an isotropic, non-interacting phase, these values would be
fairly constant, representing only the dispersion forces lost during vaporization. It is clear,
however, that this is not t)he case and that ethanol retains many of the unpredictable
peculiarities of water itself. Therefore, contrary to the choice made by Rose (1978) no use
will be made here of the hydrophobicity scale based on solubilities in ethanol.
Another source of information bearing upon the tendency of a given side-chain to prefer
the interior of a protein to the exterior is the tabulation of residue accessibilities calculated
by Chothia (1976) from the atomic co-ordinates of 12 globular proteins. Indeed, the ensemble
average of the actual locations, inside or outside, of a side-chain should be a direct evaluation
of its hydropathy when it is in a protein. Chothia presented two sets of values, the fraction of
the total number of a given residue that is more than 95% buried in the native structures, on
the one hand, and the fraction that is 100% buried, on the other. It has already been noted
(Wolfenden et al., 1979) that there is a strong correlation between the fraction 95% buried
and the water-vapor transfer free energies. Interestingly, there is an even stronger
correlation between the fraction 100/O buried and the same water-vapor transfer free
energies (Table 2). In Table 2 the transfer free energies, the fractions 100/Oburied, and the
fraction 95i, buried have all been normalized arbitrarily in order that the 3 values may be
compared directly.
We have used both the water-vapor transfer free energies and the interior-exterior
distribution of amino acid side-chains determined by Chothia (1976) in assigning the final
hydropathy values (Table 2). Results presented later in this paper indicate clearly that the
number in the second place of the hydropathy values is of little consequence to the
t In the present tabulation (Table 1) a small correction ( < 1.1 kcal mol-) was applied to the former
values (Wolfenden et al.. 1979). To eliminate any entropy of mixing from the values. the transfer must
occur between standard states chosen in such a way that no changes in volume are involved. If the
aqueous standard state is chosen as the infinitely dilute solution at 190 mole fraction. the volume of the
solute in the aqueous phase by definition will be its apparent molal volume. The gas at 190 mole fraction
can be compressed mathematically to this same molal volume. This is accomplished readily by
employing the relationship: AC = -RTln (I&) for the adiabatic change in the volume of an ideal gas
from V, to I,,. Specifically, the solute vapor at a standard state of 190 mole fraction at standard
temperature (25C) and pressure (I, = 24.47 I mol-) is contracted to a volume equal to its particular
apparent molal volume (+ in cm3 mol -I). Therefore. the formula used for this correction was

where N, = equilibrium mole fraction in aqueous phase, N, = equilibrium mole fraction in the vapor at
standard temperature and pressure, and y is the partition coefficient in the units M M- as tabulated b>
Him & Mookerjee (1975). The advantage of this choice of standard states is that free energies of
salvation are directly presented and only the molecular interactions between water and the solutes are
reflected in the values.

Free energies of transfer for the side-chains of the
amino acids between various phases

(kcal mol-i)
4 Water into Water into Ethanol into
Side-chain (cm3 mol-i) condensed vapor ethanol condensed vapor

Leucine 84b - 3.20 -2.41e -0.79

Isoleucine 84b - 396
Valine 6Sb - 2.78 - 1.68C - 1.10
Alanine 35b - 2.34 - o.73e - 1.61
Phenylalanine 97b - 0.23 - 2.65 + 2.42
Methionine 83b + 058 - 1.29 + 1.87
Cysteine 51b + 063
Threonine 56b + 4.23c - 044 + 4.67
Serine 3fJb + 463 - 04M + 4.67
Tryptophan 121b f4776 - 3.22 + 7.99
Tyrosine 101 + 5.10 - 2.39 + 7.49
Lysine 88 + 8.08C.f
Glutamine 71a + f?59* +910e + 8.49
Asparagine 55a + 944* +OOle + 9.03
Glutamic acid 68 + 9w,* + 287=,a + 6.22
Histidine 6gb +9.57d.g -().&jf.B + 10.02
Aspartic acid 51 + 1004~~ + 3.42 + 6.62

The apparent molal volumes (4) at 25C of model compounds for the side-chains (Wolfenden et al.,
1979) of the structure RH, where R is the side-chain of a given amino acid (+HaNCH(R)COO-) are
either the observed values (a) tabulated by Cohn et al. (1934) or values calculated (b) by the methods of
Cohn et al. (1934), which themselves were adapted from Traube (1899). The water-vapor partition
coefficients for the various model compounds are available in the Tables published by (c) Hine &
Mookerjee (1975) or (d) Wolfenden et al. (1979). The standard states chosen for the free energies are 199
mole fraction for the solution and the condensed vapor at a volume equal to its apparent molal
volume (4). The water-ethanol transfer free energies were copied directly from the tabulations of (c)
Cohn & Edsall (1943) or (f) Nozaki & Tanford (1971). The standard states in each solvent are 199 mole
fraction. The transfer free energies for the ionized side-chains (g) were corrected to pH 7.0 (Wolfenden
et al., 1979) using the following pK, values (Tanford, 1968): lysine, 10.4; histidine, 6.4; glutamic acid,
45: and aapartic acid, 4.1.

hydropathy profiles, and as a result we did not hesitate to adjust the values subjectively
when only this level of accuracy was in question. Nevertheless, we tried to derive the best
numbers we could from the data listed in the last 3 columns of Table 2. The hydropathy
values for valine, phenylalanine, threonine, serine and histidine were simple averages of the 3
other numbers in the Table. When 1 of the 3 numbers for a given amino acid was
significantly different from the other 2, the mean of the other 2 was used. This was done for
cysteine/cystine, methionine and isoleucine. After a good deal of futile discussion concerning
the differences among glutamic acid, aspartic acid, asparagine and glutamine, we came to
the conclusion that they all had indistinguishable hydropathies and set their hydropathy
value by averaging all of the normalized water-vapor transfer free energies and the
normalized fractions of side-chains 100% buried. Because the structural information was so
uncertain, tryptophan was simply assigned its normalized transfer free energy. Glycine was
arbitrarily assigned the hydropathy value which was the weighted mean of the hydropathy
values for all of the sequences in our data base because it was clear from a careful analysis of
the actual distribution of glycine that it is not hydropathic ; that is to say, it does not have
strong feelings about water. On the basis of both the transfer free energy scale and the
fraction buried, alanine ought to be more hydrophobic on our scale, its value exceeding that

Hydropathy scale and information used in the assignments

Fraction of Fraction of
Hydropathy LlP ,L3SH side-chains side-chains
Side-chain index (wate-vapor)a 100% buriedb 95% buried

Isoleucine 45 4.4 45 5.2

Valine 4.2 4.2 43 4.2
Leucine 3.8 4.5 3.2 24
Phenvlalanine 2.8 2.5 2.5 35
Cpsteine/cpstinc 2.5 1.I) 6.0 3.2
Methionine 1.9 1.9 1.0 I.9
Alanine 1.8 3.9 5.3 I.6
Glycine - 0.4 4.2 1.3
Thrconine -@7 - 043 - 0.5 - 1.0
Tryptophan -0.9 - 0.9 -2.4 - 0.3
Serine -0.8 -0.X - 0.7 - 1.o
Tyrosine - 1.3 - 1.1 - 3.3 - 2.2
Proline -1.6 - 2.4 -1.8
Histidine -3.2 - 4.2 -3% - 1.9
Glutamic acid - 3.5 - 3.9 -2.8 - 1.i
Glutamine -35 -3.5 -4.0 -3.6
Aspartic acid -35 - 4.5 - 2.5 - 2.3
Asparagine - 3.5 -3% -3.1 -2.7
Lysine -3.9 -3.2 - 4.2
Arginine - 4.5 - -

All values in the last 3 columns result from arbitrary normalization to spread them between -45
and + 45. The normalization functions were :
a -0~679(dG,,,,,,, ; Table 1) + 2.32.
b 48l(fraction lOOo/, buried ; Chothia, 1976) -450.
16.45(fraction 95% buried; Chothia, 1976) -4.71,

of leucine. We find it difficult to accept that a single methyl group can elicit more
hydrophobic force than a cluster of 4 methyl groups, and for that reason we have arbitrarily
lowered the hydropathy value of the alanine side-chain to a point half-way between the
hydropathy value of glycine and the value determined for alanine when the transfer energy
and its distribution were used. No suitable model exists for proline, and in terms of its
tendency to become buried it is fairly hydrophilic. Its hydropathy value was made
somewhat more hydrophobic than this consideration because of its 3 methylene groups. The
hydropathy value for arginine was arbitrarily assigned to the lowest point of the scale.
Because it was difficult to accept the fact that tyrosine is a hydrophilic amino acid, even
though the available data in Table 2 indicate that it is, its hydropathy vafue was
subjectively raised to one closer to the water-vapor Jransfer free energy than the structural
data would have yielded. Similarly, the hydropathy value for leueine was also raised above
the average of the structural data and the transfer free energy, and the hydropathy value for
lysine was lowered. None of these last 3 adjustments, the result of personal bias and heated
discussion between the authors, affects the hydropathy profiles in any significant way.

3. Results
(a) Choice of parameters
The effectiveness of the program and the progressive-evaluation approach in
general depend upon two decisions. First, we had to determine how large a span of
consecutive residues yields a hydropathy profile that most consistently reflects the

exterior and interior portions of proteins. Second, we had to determine how critical
the hydropathy assignments for the individual amino acids are to the outcome of
the calculations. For example, is the profile of a given sequence radically changed if
the hydropathy values for one or more residues are changed by an arbitrary factor Z
We met these problems directly by examining the same protein sequences under a
variety of conditions.




40 I

40 CHYM 13




i .I. /, I. a., I, ., I, i

0 20 40 60 00 100 120 140 160 100 200 220 240

Sequence number

FIG. 1. SOAP profiles of bovine chymotrypsinogen (CHYM) at 3 different span settings (5,9 and 13).
The solid bars above the midpoint line on the SOAP-9 profile denote interior regions as determined by
crystallography (Freer et al., 1970). Similarly, the solid bars below the midpoint line indicate regions
that are on the outside of the molecule.

With respect to the most effective choice of span, we compared the hydropathy
profiles of a number of different proteins over a range of spans from 3 to 21 residues.
Selected profiles from two of these surveys, for chymotrypsin and lactate
dehydrogenase, respectively, are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Naturally, the
hydropathy profiles using the shortest spans are noisier than intermediate spans.
and runs employing spans less than seven residues were generally unsatisfactory.
Long spans on the other hand tended to miss small. consistent features. Frequent
and subjective analysis of the degree of correlation of the profiles with the exteriors
and interiors of globular proteins (see below), as well as the resolution of the profile
itself, revealed that information content was maximized when the spans were set at
7 to 11 residues.
The impact of the choice of hydropathy values was examined in two different

40 I LDH9 1

.~m_mm_--~-i_-- -L-------i--. 2 -_-_- L-2. _..&-a. J

60 00 100 120 140 160 IS0 200 220 240 260 260 300 320 340
Sequence number

FIG. 2. SOAP profiles of dogfish lactate dehydrogenaae (LDH) at 3 different span settings (5, 9 and
13). The solid bars above the midpoint line on the SOAP-9 profile denote interior regions as determined
by the crystallographic study of the protein (Eventhoff et al., 1977). Similarly, the solid bars below the
midpoint line indicate regions that are known to be on the outside of the molecule.

ways. As an initial test, the 20 side-chains were assigned to three groups according
to their rank on the hydropathy scale (Table 2). Thus, arginine, lysine, asparagine,
aspartic acid, glutamine, glutamic acid and histidine were assigned to cluster I:
proline, tyrosine, serine, tryptophan, threonine and glycine to cluster II; and
alanine, methionine, cysteine/cystine, phenylalanine, leucine, valine and isoleucine
to cluster III. The individual values contributing to each cluster were averaged
(cluster I, -3.7, cluster II, -1.0 and cluster III, +3.0) and the mean values
incorporated into a modified SOAP program called LARD. Comparisons of LARD
against SOAP in the cases of chymotrypsinogen and lactic dehydrogenase are
shown in Figures 3 and 4. Although the patterns exhibit some general similarities.
as might be expected since the moving average itself tends to have a leveling
aspect, an experimental approach loses nothing by using the best values available
rather than settling for less precise estimates.
As a second test, the values of four of the most controversial assignments were
shifted radically in order to assess the impact on the hydropathy profile. Thus, the
values for tyrosine, histidine, proline and tryptophan, all of which have arguably
(Nozaki & Tanford, 1971) low hydropathy scores (Table 2), were arbitrarily
increased by 3-O units. When the same two proteins were examined with this
modified scale there was a noticeable if modest change in the patterns (Figs 3
and 4). That the change was modest is partly due to the fact that histidine and
tryptophan are among the least common amino acids.

(b) Exterior and interior segments of globular proteins

Detailed comparisons between the hydropathy profiles of two globular proteins
and their published three-dimensional structures are presented in Figures 1 and 2.
In the case of bovine chymotrysinogen, a judgement was made about each side-
chain on the basis of its position in the standard model that had been constructed in
the laboratory of Professor J. Kraut, Department of Chemistry, University of
California, San Diego, as a part of the crystallographic study of that protein (Freer
et al.. 1970). A variety of hydropathy profiles of the chymotrypsinogen sequence
were obtained and compared with the actual locations of the residues in the model
structure (Fig. 1). The best agreement between strongly hydrophobic segments and
interior regions and strongly hydrophilic segments and the exterior was obtained
with a setting of nine residues.
Examination of the results reveals that, for the most part, agreement between
the actual structure and the location expected from the hydropathy of a certain
region is quite satisfactory. In particular, two of the regions that lie on the exterior
of this protein, whose electron density is poorly defined and that show the greatest
rearrangements during zymogen activation (Freer et al., 1970), residues 72 to 77 and
144 to 152. exhibit very high hydrophilicity consistent with their loose, external
attachment to the structure. The five major regions of the profile that lie below the
midpoint line are all external sequences in the native protein and nine of the 11
major regions that lie above the midpoint line are internal.
A consideration of those few places where the correlation fails is also
illuminating. In the case of residues 82 to 90, for example, this segment in the model

I-4e--i- - -.-~A
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Sequence number

Pro. 3. SOAP profiles of bovine chymotrypsinogen (CHYM) using different hydropathy values for the
20 amino acids. In the top panel (9L) the program (LARD) used a set of clustered values in which case
the 20 amino acids were divided into 3 sets (hvdrophobic. net&xl and hydrophilic). In thr lower panel
(9 S), the program used radically different weighting factors for some of the more controvrrsial amino
acid assignments. including those of histidine. tryptophan. tyrosine and proline. In the middle panel the
program used the standard set of assignments presented in Table 2. All plots utilize a span setting of 9.

runs along the exterior of the protein, even though the hydropathy profile shows it
to have a very hydrophobic character. This nine-residue sequence. Lys-Leu-Lys-
Ile-Ala-Lys-Val-Phe-Lys, contains four positive charges intermingled with live
very hydrophobic residues. The contradiction arises from the fact that the high
concentration of positive charge does not weigh hea.vily enough in the moving


, .-
40 LDH 7

;c 20

d 0 - 4
Ix -20


LDH 75



0 20 40 60 00 100 120 140 160 100 200 220 240 260 260 300 320 340
Sequence number

Frc:. 4. SOAP profiles of dogfish lactate dehydrogenase in which different hydropathies were used for
the 20 amino acids. All plots utilize a span setting of 7. See legend to Fig. 3 for meanings of 7L. 7S and 7.

average to offset the alkane side-chains present in this rather unusual sequence. A
close examination of the model reveals that the five hydrophobic side-chains are all
directed toward the interior while the lysine side-chains point out into the aqueous
In the case of dogfish lactate dehydrogenase (Fig. 2), the designations of external
and internal residues had already been made and published (Eventhoff et al., 1977),
and the hydropathy profile correlates well with these crystallographic findings. The
five major regions of the profile that lie below the midpoint line are all external
sequences in the native protein and six of the eight major regions above the midline
are internal sequences. Again, as with chymotrypsinogen, the profile was least
successful in evaluating those regions in which the main chain is only partly buried,
such as the regions between residues 66 and 78, and 112 and 126, where the
backbone repeatedly passes in and out of the aqueous phase.

(c) Membrane-bound proteins

The issue of the hydropathy of a particular sequence of amino acids assumes
added significance when membrane-bound proteins are considered. The 3 nm of
alkane that forms the bilayer is an invariant structural aspect with which such
proteins must contend. It is generally accepted that the adaptation to this
extremely hydrophobic environment is accomplished by the evolution of long
hydrophobic sequences in those proteins whose destiny it is to become a component
of a biological membrane. A hydropathy profile of the protein glycophorin (Tomita
et al., 1978) unmistakably identifies the archetypal membrane-spanning sequence,
long ago noted by others (Tomita & Marchesi, 1975), that stretches from residues 72
to 95 (Fig. 5). In this example the polypeptide chain only crosses the bilayer once,
polar segments extending into the aqueous environment on either side. A similar
case is known to exist for vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (Rose et al., 1980),
a partial profile of which is also shown in Figure 5.
Cytochrome 6,. on the other hand, is a protein for which the exact disposition of
the hydrophobic sequence that anchors the protein in the membrane is less clear
(Fig. 5). Although, as noted previously (Strittmatter et al.. 1972). the carboxy
terminus is the general location of the embedded hydrophobic segment, the precise
extent of the buried portion has not been determined unambiguously. The
hydropathy profile indicates that the membrane-associated portion begins at,
residue 112. Fleming et al. (1979). on the other hand. have reported experiments
that they believe suggest that the cluster of tryptophans at residues 108, 109 and
112 is deep within the membrane, a conclusion clearly at variance with the
hydropathy profile (Fig. 5). The fact that the tryptophans are surrounded by
aspartic acid, asparagine and serine residues, however. certainly strengthens the
conclusion that this region is not within the alkane of the bilayer in the native
In the case of bacteriorhodopsin (Khorana et ccl.; 1979), a protein that is located
in the membranes of certain halophilic bacteria, live of the seven transmembrane
shafts observed in the low-resolution electron density function (Henderson &.
Unwin, 1975) are clearly identified by the hydropathy profile (Fig. 6). The two
segments nearest to the carboxy terminus, between residues 175 and 225, are not
resolved from each other, although the profile clearly indicates that both are buried
in the membrane.. In this latter case, a point halfway along was arbitrarily chosen
as the point at which the chain doubles back. The seven transmembrane sequences
are aligned next to each other in Table 3.

(d) Membrane-spanning sequences

It was of considerable interest to explore whether or not the hydropathy profile
could identify, within the linear sequence of a membrane-bound protein of
unknown structure, those portions that span the bilayer and distinguish them from
sequences that merely pass through the center of the protein itself. Certainly.
casual observation of sequences known to be inserted into the alkane phase of the
membrane (Figs 5 and 6) suggests that this should be possible. To this end, the
hydropathy profiles of approximately 30 soluble proteins, chosen at random. were


I -20

-40 c i
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Sequence number


0 20 40 60 00 100 120 140

Sequence number
, I, I. ,_7_-I I I, I

360 400 420 440 460 480 500 520

Fm. 5. SOAP profiles for 3 different proteins that have membrane affiliation. In the upper panel, the
plot is that of erythrocyte glycophorin (GLYC), which has an easily recognized membrane-spanning
segment in the region of residues 75 to 94. In the middle panel, rabbit cytochrome b, (CB5R) is depicted.
In this case there is a membrane-anchoring unit involving the ZO-residue carboxy-terminal segment. In
the lower panel, the carboxy-terminal region of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVG) is
shown ; a membrane-spanning segment is clearly evident from residues 470 to 490. All profiles are at
span settings of 7.
, I I I , 71-r----7 i-v,

-40: 1 1 ...Lmi-t -1 -LA-i~di. / .i--. /

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Sequence number

FIN. 6. SOAP profile of bacteriorhodopsin (RHOD) at a span setting of 7. Five of the well-known 7
transmembrane shafts (Henderson & Cnwin, 1975) are clearly delineated; the separation point for the
remaining 2 is not so clear and has been set arbitrarily at about residue 299.

Iransmembrane sequences of bacteriorhodopsin,
aligned next to each other, in correct polarity

A R c D L7 F G

TOP,, Met Ile Val,30 Arg Val P%OO

Ile Thr Tyr Lys Phe,35 Ile Leu
Tv Leu TrpSO Thr Val GI- Asn
Leu GlY65 Ala Leu TOP Ala He
Ala Tyr Arg Ala Trp Gig,,, Glu
Leu15 Gly T.v GlY,,, Ala Glu Thrm
Gly Leu Ala Val Ile 140 Ser Leu
Thr Leu Asps, Leu Ser Gly Leu
Ala Met6o Trp Gly Thr Ile Phe
Leu Ser Leu Thr Ala IAeu190 Met
Met,, Leu Phe Glum Ala Trp Va1210
Gly Tq" Thr Ile Meh Val Leu
Leu Met Thrgo Met Leu Val Asp
Gl> Thrs5 Pro Ile Tyr PI-0 Val
Thr Phe Leu Gly Ile TY,S, Rer
L-*5 Ala Leu ASP,,, Leu Ala L41a215
Tyr Ile Leu Ala Ml50 Ser Lys
Phe Ala Leu,, Gly Val Trp Val
Leu Pr%o Asp Val Leu Leu Gly
Val Val Leu Leu Phe VallsO Phe
LY%ll Leu Ala Ala, Lo Phe Val G~Y,,o
Gly Thr Leu Leu Gly,ss Thr Leu
Met Thr Leuloo Ile Phe Val Ile
Gly Ilk Val Thr Thr Asn Leu
Val Ala Asp Gly Ser Argl75 Leu

examined and the most hydrophobic region from each was picked. From this
preliminary collection, a group of twelve 20-residue sequences, which were judged to
be the most hydrophobic of the lot, was chosen for closer inspection. It was assumed
that, since these were in each case the most hydrophobic region in the entire
sequence of a given protein, they would serve as the most extreme models for a
peptide that traverses the interior of a protein. From these 12 proteins, the most
hydrophobic segment of each span-length from 9 to 21 residues was identified and
its average hydropathy tabulated. The collected values for each span length were
compared directly with those of the most hydrophobic segments of the same span
length taken from bacteriophage Ml3 coat protein (Nakashima & Konigsberg,
1974), glycophorin, and the seven transmembrane sequences of bacterial rhodopsin
(Table 3). These nine hydrophobic sequences, each of which is known to span the
membrane, were chosen as models for a sequence which in the native protein is
within the bilayer.
The discrimination between the segments from the soluble proteins as a group
and those from the membrane-spanning sequences was most unequivocal when the
span was lengthened to I9 residues (Fig. 7). This may be due to the fact that
protein-spanning sequences passing through the interior are usually shorter than
membrane-spanning sequences. Nevertheless, from an examination of Table 4 it
can be concluded that when the hydropathy of a given 19-residue segment averages
greater than + 1.6 there is a high probability that it will be one of the sequences in a



II 15 19

PIG. 7. Comparison between the hydropathy of sequences that span membranes and the hydropathy
of those that span proteins. The most hydrophobic sequences from 9 globular proteins (Table 4). except
for lactic dehydrogenase, were compared with 9 membrane-spanning sequences (Table 4). For each span
length, the average hydropathies of the most hydrophobic segments were collected and the means and
standard deviations of the 9 values were calculated. These are presented as a function of the span length
for the membrane-spanning group (-O-O-) and the protein-spanning group (-o-O-).

Nineteen-residue hydropathy averages for the most
hydrophobic sequences from various proteins

Sequence Mean
Protein Length position hydropathy

Dogfish lactate dehydrogenase 329 23-41 2.26
Klebsiella aerogenes ribitol dehydrogenase 247 142-160 1.52
Human transferrin 676 c:53-c71 1.32
Rabbit phosphorylase 841 139-157 1.18
Bovine chymotrypsinogen A 245 51-69 1.14 199
Lobster glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogensse 333 14-32 194 _+022
Bovine prothrombin 582 35G368 0.99 (n = 9)
Bacillus stearothermophilus phosphofructokinase 316 213-231 @96
Human carbonic anhydrase B 260 135-153 988
Escherichia wli dihydrofolate reductase 156 81-99 0.81I
Bovine carboxypeptidase A 307 95-l 13 0.81
Bovine proalbumin 588 25-43 0.53
Ml3 coat protein 50 II-39
Human glycophorin 131 73-91
Halobacterium halobium bacteriorhodopsin 248 11-29

membrane-bound protein that spans the membrane. Furthermore. membrane-

spanning sequences are more hydrophobic than sequences that pass through the
center of a protein, and they can be distinguished from the latter by their
The sequences of subunits I to V and VII,,, of cytochrome oxidase were then
examined as examples of membrane-spanning polypeptides (Fuller et al., 1979)
about which much less is known. All of the sequences that averaged greater than
+ 1.6 over at least a 19-residue span were identified, as well as some even longer,
more hydrophobic segments. All of these candidates for membrane-spanning
sequences are presented in Table 5. The sequences of six of the seven or more
subunits of cytochrome oxidase have been published, including all of the largest.
They account for 1309 residues, more than 90% of the total protein, From this
consideration and the information gathered in Table 5 it can be concluded that
about 30% of the mass of cytochrome oxidase is located within the bilayer.

(e) Grand averages of hydropathy

In the past many claims have been made to the effect that information about the
size and shape of a protein (Bigelow, 1967; Fisher, 1964) or its affiliation with a
membrane (Capaldi & Vanderkooi, 1972) could be obtained from its amino acid

Candidates for membrane-spanning sequences in cytochrome oxidase

Average Average
hydropathy hydropathy
Sequence (n = 19) Sequence (n = 19)

Subunit I (yeast) Subunit III (yeast)

Ile,,-Ile,,t 204 ProzJ-Met,, 1m
Leu,,-Ile,, 2.53 Le+.,-Trpl,, 2G9
Ileg,-Val,,, 20!4 SW 169-Ih87 1.95
Ile 146-Ile164 1.65
Leu 182-1~eu210t 2.25 Subunit IV (bovine)d
Val 242-TYr260 1.62 The,,-Trp,s 2.15
Ile 269-Ser287 1.73
Leu 332-Gl~m 1.70 Subunit V (bovine)
Val 451-Ile469 2.10 none

Subunit VII,,, (bovine)

Leu2,-Val,, 1.83

Subunit II (yeast)b Subunit II (bovine)*

Phe,,-Ile,, 2.30 Leuz8-Leu,, 2.69
Ile8,-Tyrlo5 2.52 Ile67-Tm5 2.26

a Bonitz et al. (1980). e Tanaka et nl. (1979).

b Coruzzi & Tzagoloff (1979). f Buse & St&ens (1978).
Thalenfeld & Tzagoloff (1980). g St&ens & Buse (1979).
Sacher et al. (1979).
t (n > 19).

composition alone. To explore this possibility in the present context, we compared

the overall hydropathy of a large number of sequences by simply programming the
computer to sum the hydropathy values of all the amino acids and dividing by the
number of residues in the sequence to obtain a GRAVY score.
The GRAVY scores were plotted as a function of total sequence length, inasmuch
as it has long been thought that larger globular proteins need more hydrophobic
amino acids in order to fill up their interiors (Bigelow, 1967; Fisher, 1964). The
distribution obtained when the overall hydropathies of 84 fully sequenced, soluble
enzymes are plotted as a function of their total length indicates that the average
hydropathy of soluble protein is independent of the sequence length, and earlier
conclusions about possible correlations between the size and shape of a protein and
its amino acid composition (Bigelow, 1967: Fisher, 1964) may have been
Included in Figure 8 are the GRAVY scores for several membrane-embedded
proteins whose sequences have been established. These values lie well above those
for the soluble proteins. GRAVY scores were also calculated for other membrane-
spanning proteins on the basis of their amino acid compositions as determined from
amino acid analysis of timed hydrolyses (Table 6). Although the GRAVY scores for
these membrane-bound proteins are also quite high, in every case exceeding the
mean of the compositions of sequenced soluble proteins ( - @4), when their spread is

Gravy plot


- ODn
I- A A o
OAAo no A
E _ 0



L I I1 I I I I I, I , I I I , I , I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 IC lo
Length (residues)

Fra. 8. Plot of mean hydropathies (GRAVY scores) of various proteins against their lengths : ( x ) 84
fully-sequenced soluble enzymes whose amino acid sequences have been taken from the recent
literature; (0) 8 membrane-embedded proteins whose sequences have been determined
(bacteriorhodopsin: yeast mitochondrial cytochromr oxidase subunits J to III. cytochromr h, and the
(oIi-2. oli-4) ATPase subunit; and 2 carbodiimide-sensitive mitochondrial pro&s); (A) 8 putative
proteins inferred from the unidentified reading frames found in the DNA of human mitochondria
(Anderson et al.. 1981).

Average hydropathy (GRAVY) for the entire amino acid composition
of a collection of membrane-spnning proteins

Protein GRAVY References

Yeast cytochrome b @79 Nobraga $ Tzagoloff (1980)

H&bacterium h&&urn bacteriorhodopsin @70 Khorana et al. (1979)
Cytochrome oxidase (yeast/bovine)a 0.37
Human glucose carrierb 0.37 Sogin & Hinkle (1978)
Bovine rhodopsinb 028 Heller (1968)
Pober & Stryer (1975)
Human anion carrierb Ho & Guidotti (1975)
Drickemer (1977)
Steck et al. (1978)
Canine Na+. Ii+-ATPase. a subunitb -096 Kyte (1972)
Rabbit Ca2-ATPaseb - 0.05 Allen et al. (1980)
Torpedo cnlifornica acetylcholine receptorb - 0.22 Vandlen et al. (1979)

a From sequence.
b From composition.
From all subunits listed in Table 5

compared to the spread of the values for an array of soluble proteins (Fig. 8) the
claim that membrane-bound proteins can be distinguished from soluble proteins by
their amino acid compositions alone (Capaldi & Vanderkooi, 1972) appears tenuous.
There remains the possibility, however, that the unexpected hydrophilicity of the
membrane-spanning proteins whose compositions are known only from amino acid
analysis may actually be due to a failure to hydrolyze membrane-spanning
sequences completely even after 72 hours at 108C.

4. Discussion
The equilibrium that determines the unique molecular structure of a protein is
the one that exists between it and a random coil (Anfinsen, 1973). It is generally
assumed that this process can be described as a simple two-state equilibrium
between the native structure and the random coil, and experimental results
consistent with this assumption have been presented (Tanford, 1968). If this is
indeed the case, the individual contributions to the overall free energy change for
this isomerization would be the most critical factors in determining the outcome,
rather than any kinetic features of the reaction. These thermodynamic forces, by
the very nature of the process, must be non-covalent interactions. Several
provocative discussions of these matters have been presented (Cohn & Edsall, 1943 ;
Kauzmann, 1959; Jencks, 1969; Chothia, 1976). Moreover, it has been
demonstrated definitively, by experimental observation, that neither hydrogen
bonds (Klotz & Franzen, 1962), nor ionic interactions (Cohn & Edsall, 1943), nor
dispersion forces (Deno & Berkheimer, 1963) can provide any net favorable free
energy for the formation of the native structure in aqueous solution. Therefore, by
exclusion, and perhaps for the lack of a better candidate, hydrophobic forces
(Kauzmann, 1959) have attracted the most attention in discussions of this process.
Felicitously, this has drawn attention to the significant role of the aqueous
solvent, per se. The hydrophobic force is simply that force, arising from the strong
cohesion of the solvent, which drives molecules lacking any favorable interactions
with the water molecules themselves from the aqueous phase (Jencks, 1969). In the
case of the formation of the native structure from the random coil, this force
participates in the reaction because hydrophobic side-chains, which are exposed to
water in the extended coil, are removed to the interior of the protein during the
folding of the native structure (Chothia, 1976). This transfer appears to provide the
only favorable free energy available to drive the reaction to completion. Therefore.
the more aversion water has for a given amino acid side-chain, the more free energy
is gained when that residue or a portion of it ends up inside the native structure.
Conversely, and of equal importance, it is also the case that the more attraction
water has for a functional group on an amino acid side-chain, the more free energy
is lost when that functional group is removed from water during the folding
process. This point becomes clear upon examination of the data in Table 1, when it
is realized that most of the free energies of transfer from water to the condensed
vapor are actually unfavorable, many by a considerable amount. This is due, of
course, to the fact that water participates in strong interactions with hydrogen-
bond donors and acceptors (Klotz & Farnham, 1968), as well as to the need to

neutralize charged side-chains. As a result, one of the major free energy deficits in
the folding of a protein results from the requirement to unsolvate those hydrophilic
functional groups destined for the interior. Some of this investment is returned
when hydrogen bonds are formed in the interior. Nevertheless, because of
geometric constraints, the hydrophilic side-chains in the center of a protein
participate in far fewer hydrogen bonds than they would in the unfolded and
exposed random coil, where both the donors and acceptors interact fully with
water. As such, there is a high probability that significant free energy will be lost
whenever a hydrophilic residue is removed from water during the folding process.
It is undeniably the case therefore that both the hydrophobicity and the
hydrophilicity of a given sequence of amino acids affect the outcome of the
equilibrium between the random coil and the native structure. Although one or the
other of these two properties is often emphasized to make a, particular point.
neither is more important than the other. For example, it, is often stated that the
interior of a protein is formed from its hydrophobic sequences. but it is seldom
pointed out that the interior of the protein is also formed because the hydrophilic
sequences cannot be buried. Thus, it can be concluded that any description of the
folding process that fails to consider either hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity is
discarding half of the information contained within the sequence of the protein.
It has also been pointed out (Lifson & Sander. 1979; Janin & Chothia, 1980:
Chothia & Janin, 1981) that the packing properties of residues such as leucine,
isoleucine and valine might have an effect, independent of hydropathy, on the
folding process as the interior of the protein is fitted together. [Jnfortunately. very
little is known about the features of this steric interplay. and our understanding of
the folding process does not extend beyond the conclusion that hydropathy is of
central importance to it.
The conclusion that can be drawn from all of these considerations is that, to a
first approximation, the native structure of a protein molecule will be that
structure that permits the removal of the greatest amount of hydrophobic surface
area and the smallest number of hydrophilic positions from exposure to water
(Bigelow, 1967; Fisher, 1964; Chothia, 1976). The obvious prediction that follows
from this conclusion is that the most hydrophobic sequences in a protein will be
found in the interior of the native structure and the most hydrophilic sequences will
be found on the exterior. In order to exploit this prediction with the greatest
success. the most accurate evaluations of the hydrophobicity and hydrophilicit,y of
each amino acid side-chain should be formulated.
To this end,. a number of hydropathy scales have been proposed in other
publications, but, in our view, they all suffer from serious drawbacks. Those based
on water-ethanol transfer free energies (Xozaki B Tanford. 1971 : Segrest Cy;
Feldman, 1974; Rose, 1978) are imperfect due to the peculiarities of ethanol as a
solvent. which seem almost as unusual as those of water itself (Table 1). A scale
based on the partition coefficient between the bulk aqueous phase and the air--
water interface (Bull & Breese, 1974) also seems a poor choice. because the
hydrogen bonds that must be broken and the charges that must be neutralized to
remove a residue from the aqueous phase during the formation of the native
structure probably remain intact at the air-water interface and are thus not a

factor in the overall reaction. In a more complicated attempt, Zimmerman et aI.

(1968) completely neglected the very large solvation energies associated with the
hydrophilic side-chains (Jencks, 1969) in formulating their polarity ranking, which
is based on electrostatic forces in a vacuum. Furthermore, the crystal lattice
energies inherent in the amino acid solubilities that were used for hydrophobicity
parameters are also disregarded by these authors. Finally, a scale proposed by
von Heijne & Blomberg (1979), although sophisticated in its intent, relies entirely
on theoretical calculations, with scant reference to any empirical observation.
The water-vapor partition free energies (Table l), which were first applied to the
problem of protein folding by Wolfenden et al. (1979), also have shortcomings. The
use of the vapor as the reference state leads to the incorporation of the dispersion
forces into the transfer free energies. Since there is, in all likelihood, only a
negligible and unpredictable contribution of dispersion forces to the process of
protein folding (Deno & Berkheimer, 1963), these in principle should be subtracted
from each value. Unfortunately, it is not even clear at the moment what the order
of magnitude of these free energies is, let alone their individual values (Jencks,
1969). If they are roughly the same for each side-chain then their only effect would
be to shift the whole scale uniformly without affecting the relative position of each.
If these forces are roughly proportional to the volume of the side-chains they should
also be fairly constant (Table l), but difficulties could arise with very large and
very small side-chains, such as tryptophan or glycine and alanine, respectively.
Furthermore, it is not clear whether the vacuum is an adequate model for the
interior of a protein with its collection of heterogeneous polarizabilities and
oriented dipoles. Nevertheless, as pointed out by Wolfenden et al. (1979), the values
for these transfer free energies correlate remarkably well with the actual
distribution of the side-chains between the interior and exterior of protein
molecules (Chothia, 1976).
If it is assumed, based on the observed correlation of the transfer free energies
and the actual distribution of the side-chains (Wolfenden et al., 1979), that both of
these parameters are, to the first approximation, measurements of the hydropathy
of a given amino side-chain, then the best available hydropathy index should be
based on a consideration of both of these quantities. This follows from the fact that
each of them suffers from its own unique uncertainties. The transfer free energies
incorporate dispersion forces of unknown magnitude. The distributions, based on
examination of several protein structures, are calculated from a limited data base
and are biased by steric features that are not yet understood. Since none of the
drawbacks is shared by these two independent measures of hydropathy, the most
satisfactory index should be formulated from a consideration of all of the available
information. as has been done here. In addition, the hydropathy scale presented
here, unlike many earlier ones, spans the entire hydropathy spectrum from the
hydrophobic end to the hydrophilic. For the reasons discussed above, this is an
essential aspect of any scale. It is a point that was also emphasized by Wolfenden
et al. (1979).
The hydropathy values presented in Table 2, being singular numbers, do not
have associated with them an indication of their uncertainty, such as for example. a
standard deviation. In retrospect, some of these parameters are more reliable than

others. The most unequivocal values are those associated with leucine, isoleucine,
valine . phenylalanine , methionine, threonine, serine, lysine, glutamine and
asparagine. These ten residues together comprise slightly more than half (52% of
the present census) of the amino acids found in proteins. Most of these side-chains
have partial specific volumes between 50 and 100 cm3 mol-, which suggests that
dispersion forces may not influence their rank. Their relative positions change little
from the fraction 95% buried, to the fraction 100% buried, to the free energy of
transfer (Table 2). As such, these residues anchor the scale and are probably those
most responsible for its success.
There is a group of amino acids that are less reliable : cysteine is complicated by
the problem of disulfide bonds; proline, by the lack of an adequate model
compound in the transfer free energies as well as its tendency to participate in /3-
turns on the exterior; and aspartic acid, glutamic acid and tyrosine. by the large
differences between their tendency to be buried and their free energies of transfer.
Certain amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine, glutamic acid and histidine) are very
reluctant to bury the last 5% of their surface area while some (alanine, glycine and
cysteine) are far more likely than the others to become fully buried. Finally.
arginine was arbitrarily assigned a parameter of -4.5. even though no arginine was
found to be even as much as 95% buried (Chothia. 1976) and no model compound
for arginine was employed in the water-vapor transfer studies of Wolfenden et al.
(1979). It is possible that the parameter for this side-chain should be even more
negative (Wolfenden et al., 1981).
Glycine and alanine are especially difficult to categorize. Both lack satisfactory
model compounds for phase-transfer studies. Because methane is such a small
molecule, its relative hydrophobicity is probably seriously overestimated by
water-vapor transfer energy. because of the ambiguity introduced by dispersion
forces. Indeed, the use of hydrogen gas as a model compound for glycine
(Wolfenden et al., 1979) is such an extreme case of the problem that arises from the
contributions of the dispersion forces when molecules of such radically different
electron densities are compared, that its water-vapor transfer free energy is
probably a meaningless number in this context, and it, has not been included in
Table 1. On the other hand, both alanine and glycine are quite insensitive to
becoming fully buried (Table 2), which suggests that the side-chains contribute
little energy one way or the other to protein folding because they are not
hydropathic. The conclusion from these arguments is that the more alanine and
glycine a segment contains the more equivocal its hydropathy becomes.
A rather interesting and unforeseen feature of the interaction between the
various side-chains and water is that the aromatic amino acids. tryptophan.
tyrosine and histidine, are far more polar than previously thought (Xozaki &
Tanford, 1971). It has been noted that aromatic compounds are more soluble in
water, by an order of magnitude, than their surface areas would indicate
(Hermann. 1972). The phenylalanine side-chain, however, is much less hydrophilic
than the other three and this suggests that it is the heteroatoms in the latter that
are the major contributors to their hydrophilicity.
In this context, tryptophan is one of the most difficult residues to which to assign
a hydropathy index. It has a fairly positive water-vapor transfer free energy

(Table 1), but much of this may result from large, favorable dispersion forces due to
the residues large volume, the opposite problem to the one experienced with
glycine and alanine. Examination of the actual location of tryptophan in a number
of proteins (Chothia, 1976), however, clearly indicates that this sidechain is
infrequently totally buried (Table 2). In the specific case of the interaction of
gramicidin with a phospholipid bilayer, it should be mentioned that its tryptophan
residues are clustered at the two ends of the pore rather than being distributed
evenly throughout, again suggesting an unexpected hydrophilicity for these
residues and a reluctance to bury the last 5% of surface (Table 2). Although the
hydropathy of tryptophan is relatively unimportant in considerations of soluble
proteins, since its frequency is only about l-2%, there are indications that it may be
very significant in membrane-affiliated sequences. In particular, 18 of the 19
tryptophan residues in Ca +-ATPase seem to be within sequences directly
associated with the bilayer (Allen et al., 1980). Another instance is the tryptophan
cluster in cytochrome b,, noted above, which the hydropathy profile clearly
positions at the aqueous interface (Fig. 5). Finally, earlier claims that tryptophan
was the most hydrophobic of the amino acids were based entirely on transfer free
energies between water and ethanol or dioxane (Nozaki & Tanford, 1971). It was
not recognized at that time that when the tryptophan side-chain, which possesses a
hydrogen-bond donor only, is transferred between water, a solvent with equal
numbers of donors and acceptors, and ethanol or dioxane, solvents with excesses of
hydrogen-bond acceptors, there is a net increase of one mole of hydrogen bond
(mole indole)- formed during the transfer, causing the side-chain to appear much
more hydrophobic than it actually is. Using the same logic, it is clear that in a
protein solution, which necessarily contains more acceptors than donors, the
removal of the donor on tryptophan from access to the solvent is a significantly
unfavorable reaction. It seems, when all points are considered objectively, that
tryptophan is a fairly hydrophilic side-chain.
The particular values chosen for the amino acid hydropathies embody one of the
major differences between the method presented here and a similar one proposed
earlier by Rose (1978). He chose to employ water-ethanol transfer free energies in
his scale, the disadvantages of which are noted above. He also chose to ignore, at
least in principle, the hydrophilic force, the attraction that the aqueous solvent
exhibits for many side-chains, by simply assigning a value of zero to all side-chains
for which partition free energies were not listed in the Tables of Nozaki & Tanford
(1971). In addition, Roses curve-smoothing procedure. although mathematically
sound, tends to remove a great deal of the simplicity and clarity of the
unsmoothed moving average. In the program described in this paper the meaning
of each value is clearly understood and a more distinct and graphic rendering of the
sequence obtained.
In addition, we have extended the use of this approach to the area of membrane-
spanning segments of protein sequences. In this regard, the most novel feature of
the approach is that membrane-spanning segments can be identified and
distinguished from sequences that merely pass through the interior of a protein
(Table 4). Since it is these membrane-spanning portions of sequences that have
proven to be most difficult to study (Allen et al., 1980), a method for their

identification ought to be quite useful. For instance, the sequence of

bacteriorhodopsin (Fig. 6) was correlated previously with an electron density map
on the basis of several criteria (Engelman et al., 1980). All of these earlier
arguments were based, however, on an initial assignment of the transmembrane
regions within the sequence. No explanation of how these decisions had been made
was presented, and, in lieu of this, it can be assumed that the assignments made in
Table 4 are based on more objective considerations. If the present assignments are
correct, the criterion of ion-pairing used in the earlier study is no longer meaningful
because the partners in the purported ion-pairs would be displaced from each other.
The belief that the difficulty of buried charges can be overcome by forming an ion-
pair is known to be naive inasmuch as virtually the same amount of free energy is
required to bury an ion-pair as to bury a single fixed charge (Yarsegian, 1969). The
problem of burying charge in a protein is solved not by forming ion-pairs, but by
titering the charge and forming a strong, internal hydrogen bond with the
neutralized acid or base. In this light, the interactions proposed earlier between
lysines and arginines, on the one hand. and carboxylates, on the other, are poor
choices for two reasons. Carboxylates are weak bases and would be unable to
withdraw the proton effectively from the very weak cationic acids. As a result.
charge would be ineffectively neutralized. Furthermore, the difference in pK values
between arginine or lysine and carboxylate is large, which would cause the
hydrogen bond to be a weak one (Jencks, 1969). A much more favorable choice on
both counts would be a hydrogen bond between lysine or arginine and tyrosinate
anion. In fact, when the aligned sequences (Table 3) are examined, two potential
hydrogen bonds of this type become immediately apparent: those between lysine
129 and tyrosine 79 on the one hand, and tyrosine 64 and arginine 82 on the other.
In fact, neutral, strong hydrogen bonds of this type, in which the proton is retained
preferentially by the phenolic oxygen, have been observed directly in lpsine-
tyrosine co-polymers (Kristof & Zundel, 1980).
The biological function of bacteriorhodopsin must also be considered. It has been
suggested that this enzyme is a light-driven proton pump and it can be assumed
that the protons are passed across the membrane along a relay system of lone pairs.
The most reasonable possibility is that this relay system is a string of hydrogen-
bonded carboxylic acids, since these groups can transfer protons efficiently through
space by a simple rotation. Furthermore. only a string of carboxylic acids could
shuttle protons fast enough to keep up with the turnover of the enzyme. A proton
on lysine or arginine cannot be transferred to the lone pair of a water molecule in
aqueous solution at a rate any greater than about 1 second- while the proton on a
carboxylic acid can be transferred in the same reaction at IO6 second- (Jencks,
1969). Although the former rate may be enhanced in a well-organized hydrogen-
bonded network (Wang, 1968), it is unlikely that a proton traversing
bacteriorhodopsin could pass through a hydrogen bond containing a basic amino
acid side-chain. Again, examination of the aligned sequences (Table 3) suggests
that the carboxylic acid side-chains at residues 204, 194.85.212, 115: 94 and 102. or
some subset of these, are distributed appropriately across the membrane to form
such a relay system.
Finally, the present assignment of the membrane-spanning sequences further

weakens the arguments used earlier (Engelman et al., 1980) to correlate the
sequence of bacteriorhodopsin with the electron density profile. In the first place,
the total scattering power of the A sequence in Table 3 is not less than those of the
others, and this would make its correlation with a low-intensity shaft unnecessary.
More to the point of the present discussion, the model preferred in the earlier study
(Engelman et al., 1980) places sequence B, one of the most hydrophobic (Table 4),
at a location where it is completely surrounded by protein ; and sequence F, clearly
the most hydrophilic (Table 4), at a location well-exposed to the alkane of the
bilayer. These considerations demonstrate that an examination of the hydropathy
of a given sequence may provide additional information to the crystallographer in
situations where structural decisions are ambiguous. An assignment that is
different from the previous one and that satisfies the demands of hydropathy more
successfully would be to place sequence A into shaft 5, B into shaft 6, C into
shaft 2, D into shaft 3, E into shaft 4, F into shaft 7 and G into shaft 1, in the
enumeration of Engelman et al. (1980). This assignment positions the most
hydrophilic sequence, F, in the location most shielded from the alkane, and the
most hydrophobic, G, in the location most exposed to the alkane; juxtaposes
sequences F, G, C and B, forming the proton relay system as well as permitting the
strong hydrogen bonds mentioned earlier ; and places the retinal that is attached to
lysine 216 (Bayley et al., 1981) in the very center of the carboxylate relay system, as
well as at the location that it occupies within the projected neutron density profile
(King et al., 1980). Furthermore, no crossovers of the sequence are required. and
the only long connection coincides fortuitously with the longest stretch of polar
sequence, residues 158 to 175. This elaboration, as well as others presented earlier.
is an example of the information that might be gained from an informed
consideration of a hydropathy profile.

A C program for evaluating the hydropathic character of sequence segments

main (1
int i,j,k,;
float total;
char residue;
extern char code C231;
extern float factor r-231;
char sequence[10991;
float value110951;

j q 0;
while (getchat- != \n);
while (j <1099) {
for (i E 0; i <ll; i++) getchar0;
while (j <1099)(
sequence[j++l = getchart);
if (getchar == \n) break;

if (sequence[j - 11 := I*') break;


j I (j - 1);
for (i 3 0; i <j; i++) I
residue q sequence[il;
for (k = 0; k <23; k++)
if(residue == code[k]) value[i] q factorCk1; 1
for (i = 0; i <(j - 6); i++) I
total = 0;
for (k I 0; k <7; k++) total = total + value[i + kl;
printf(84d $c $6.lf, i + 4, sequence[i+31, total);
for (k = 0; k <total; k++) {if(k == 29) printf(.);
else printf ( 1; I
printf ( X\n 1;
float factor[] [0.0,0.6,1.0,1.0,1.o,3.6,1.o,1.3,1.o,1.o,3.8,4.1,4.1,6.3,

(See E:xplerimental Procedures for more details.)

We thank many of our colleagues including ,J. Kraut and S. tJ. Singer for helpful
discussions about many of the matters discussed in this paper. We are also grateful t!o
S. Dempsey for assistance with various aspects of programming for the graph plotter. This
work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants HL18576, HL26873, HL17879.
RR00757 and by National Science Foundation grant PCM78-24284.

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Edited by M. F. Moody

,lotr added ire proof: A similar prediction method has recently been reported by Hopp Hr
Woods (1981). Proc. Xat. =Icnd. Sci.. U.S.A. 78. 3824-3828.

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