Im Paper Draft-3-2-2
Im Paper Draft-3-2-2
Im Paper Draft-3-2-2
IM I/1/12HCC
Background Paper
become available, surpassing what we previously thought possible. One of the newest
and most promising technology is Virtual Reality (VR). VR enables a person to view and
environment using an electronic headset. However, as with any technology, there are still
many problems that need to be solved. One of the most notable challenges is simulator
sickness, which is a common reaction to VR, even when the user is stationary. However,
the problem intensifies as the simulations get more realistic and as motion in and out of
the simulation increases. This problem directly affects developers who make software for
the VR headsets, including the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets, as well as phone-
becomes more widely available, consumers will use VR in more places, including
moving vehicles, which makes solving the challenge of motion sickness a priority. This
research aims to develop a solution to eliminate motion sickness when using VR headsets
in moving vehicles or aircraft. The approach being studied is to adjust the height of the
objects, the artificial horizon, in accordance with the motion of a moving vehicle.
Some VR devices, such as the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive require PC hardware
Oculus Rift Developer Kit 2 (DK2) will be used in the experimentto meet this
movement from inside the simulation and in the real world. Its symptoms include nausea,
while others experience immediate simulator sickness when using the simplest of
programs (Messing and Durgin). Other factors contributing to simulator sickness besides
motion include the quality of the display of the VR device, field of view/viewing angle,
and lag between the action of the user and actual movement (Messing and Durgin).
Simulator sickness has been researched by many entities, including Columbia
University, U.S. Army Research Institute and the National Center for Biotechnology
Information. A study done by Columbia University mainly focused on adjusting the field
of view based on user movement; however, this conjecture only worked when moving
horizontally as opposed to vertically (Ajoy and Feiner). The U.S. Army Research Institute
and the National Center for Biotechnology Information used a technique of adjusting the
sickness. A British company, Flow IFE tested this method and planned to market it, but
closed before doing so (Gray). The approach this study will take is similar to Flow IFE in
that a program will be developed to test the effect of creating an artificial horizon in the
VR headset to help reduce user disorientation. To accomplish this, this study will
determine the effect on the vestibular system of an artificial horizon projected into a VR
The artificial horizon will be adjusted based on the measurements of the vertical
movements of the user wearing the headset. Adjusting the artificial horizon tricks the
user. The horizon the user sees in the headset is based on the motion of the user. The
initial tests will be done with the test subjects walking up and down stairs and the final
Galaxy S5, as the sensor that measures motion. Unity3D programming tools will adjust
the artificial horizon based on user input. The artificial horizon will be adjusted based on
data from the accelerometer and the gyroscope from the Android phone, which will be
streamed wirelessly to the computer generating the virtual environment. This data will be
used to calculate the position of the virtual horizon in Unity3D. The code also will utilize
user input to change virtual objects in the virtual environment, making them move down
when the moving vehicle increases in altitude and up when the vehicle decreases in
altitude. The objects in the virtual environment will move appropriately until the
The Android phone app Data Collection Free is being used to stream the
accelerometer and gyroscope data from the Galaxy S5 through a wireless connection
between the phone and the laptop computer. The data transferred using the app will be
used to update the VR display using a custom script in Unity3D. The data is sent over the
wireless connection from the Galaxy S5 to the computer running Unity3D in text form.
The program in Unity3D reads in four lines of the test data per frame and uses the data
from the Android phones accelerometer and gyroscope, specifically the difference in
their data values between frames, to change the position of the objects in Unity3D. This
part of the program is being tested, focusing specifically on a cube object in Unity3D.
The next task will be to develop the motion sickness prevention part of the
program. This will address the program feature of when the user, for example in a plane,
moves up in elevation, the objects will seem to move down in the virtual world until the
plane stabilizes in its cruising position and does not have any major changes in altitude.
When the plane goes down, the objects in the plane will move up, making the artificial
horizon appear to do so too, until the plane stabilizes again. This is done so that the
persons vestibular system will adjust when viewing the scene on VR as the plane moves
up and down during the flight. This will allow the viewer to not be effected by the motion
headsets is a potential solution to this problem. The artificial horizon method being
designed is designed to help users adjust to various height changes through the
manipulation of objects in the environment. These methods ensure that using artificial
horizons will be an effective way to prevent motion sickness when using VR headsets.
Sources Cited:
Fernandes, Ajoy S., and Steven K. Feiner. "Combating VR Sickness through Subtle
Dynamic Field-of-view Modification." 2016 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
(3DUI) (2016): n. pag. Columbia University. Columbia University, 20 June 2016. Web. 3
Oct. 2016.
Flow IFE Strike Off Notice. "Companies House. British Government, 16 Aug. 2016.
Web. 26 Sept. 2016.
Gray, Richard. "The End of Air Sickness? Virtual Reality Headsets Could Prevent Nausea
on Bumpy Flights and Even Tackle Jet Lag." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 22
Apr. 2015. Web. 25 Sept. 2016.
Messing, Ross, and Frank H. Durgin. "Distance Perception and the Visual Horizon in
Head-Mounted Displays." ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2.3 (2005): 234-50.
Swarthmore University. July 2005. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.
"Mal de debarquement, motion sickness and the effect of an artificial horizon. National
Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014. Web. 10
Oct. 2016.