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Mine Gases

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Detection Methods

1. Catalytic-oxidation detectors
used to measure the concentration of combustible gases, most notably
methane and carbon monoxide, by measuring either the heat generated
during the oxidation process or the change in resistance in an electrical
circuit(Wheatstone bridge).

*Wheatstone bridge principle

-one leg of the bridge is used to burn the gas, thus heating than leg and causing
an imbalance in the bridge resistance, is proportional to the concentration of
the combustible gases present.

2. Electrochemical sensors
have found application in determining the concentration of oxygen,
carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and oxides of nitrogen. In these
sensors, the gas being measured reacts with a special electrode in an
electrolyte. This reaction generates an electrical current that is
proportional to the concentration of the gas present.

3. Optical detectors

Non-dispersive infrared detector

is based on the principle that different gases absorb light at specific and
distinct wavelength. By passing light through a gas mixture and measuring
the amount of absorption, the concentration of the gas is determined.


is based on the difference in the index of refraction between two gases.

Basically, a beam of light is split, with one part passing through a chamber
filled with air and the other passing through a chamber filled with an
unknown gas mixture. The difference in velocity of the two beams is
proportional to the concentration of the gas interest(usually methane).

4. Electrical conductivity
newest method of gas detection
uses special types of elements ( semiconductors) that change resistance
in the presence of certain gases.

5. Stain tubes
uses the reactive properties of gases and chemicals to cause color
changes in the chemical. These color changes are proportional to the gas
concentration, measured as either the length or the intensity of stain.

Handheld Detectors

most commonly used type of instrument in the mining industry

small and lightweight
used to spotcheck the air quality at various locations underground.
those that are labeled permissible have been tested by and met the
requiremnts of MSHA for electrical safety. In general, the permissibility
label signifies only that the instrument is safe for use in methane-air
mixture. Further, detectors that are tested in a methane-air mixture should
not be used to make checks for gases that are more explosive than
methane. For example, a methane detector should not be used to check
for hydrogen in a battery-charging station.

1. Safety Lamps
oldest type of gas detector
for many years, it was the only means available to check for methane. It is
also useful for cheking for oxygen deficiency.
will not burn in methane-free air having aan oxygen content of 16%
In environements containing methane, it will continue to burn at lower
oxygen concentrations; however, at oxygen content of less than 13%, the
lamp will be extinguisehed regardless of the methane content of the air. It
should be recalled that at an oxygen content of approximately 13%, there
may be a loss of consciousnedd if the exposure is prolonged.
should never be opened underground and should be relit only in intake

2. Methane Detectors or Methanometers

the only instrument used for making gas determinations that are
approved to both electrical safety and performance.

Two basic methods of detection:


operate on the Wheatstone bridge principle

in adition to detecting methane, this type of detector is sensitive to higher
hydrocarbons such as ethane and propane, hydrogen, and other
flammable gases. If these gases are present, they cause erroneous high
readings. In addition to being affected by other flammable gases, the
catalytic-oxiidation deector is also sensitive to oxygen deficiency.
should not be used when the oxygen content of the air falls below
approximately 10%.

Optical Interferometry

compare the velocity of light through pure air with the speed through the
air being tested. The two beams of light are combined, producing
interference fringes. The position of these fringes indicative of the
methane concentration. As with the catalytic-oxidation methane
detector, the interferometer also is sensitive to gases other than methane.
When exposed to a hydrogen-air mixture, this type of methane detector
indicates a negative gas concentration. The nature of this response to
hydrogen is such that a mixture containing1.0% hydrogen and 1.0%
methane in air results in an interferomter reading of approximately zero.
also sensitive to carbon dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen defiencieny.
indices of refraction of carbon dioxide and water vapor are comparable
to that of methane. One percent carbon dioxide gives a methane
reading of approximately 1%. Therefore, carbon dioxide and water vapor
must be scrubbed from the sample. Decreased oxygen content causes
the interferometr-type detector to read high. Each percent decrease in
oxygen results in approximately 2% methane indication.

3. Oxygen Detectors
the actual oxygen concentration can be measured using liquid
absorption devices, stain tubes, paramagnetic analyzers, and
electrochemical or fuel-cell detectors.

4. Detectors for Carbon Monoxide and Other Toxic Gases

All toxic gases found underground are detectable using calorimetric
indicator tubes(stain tubes).

Two basic types of stain tubes:

First, the one which utilizes the length of the stain generated by the
reaction of the gas of interest with the chemical reagent in the tube as a
measure of gas concentration.
The other type compares the intensity of the color created by the
reaction with a standard color chart for the tube.


Gas monitoring

-continuous or cyclic measurement of a gaseous contaminant

Gas detection

-intermittent checks for contaminants

Two types of monitoring

Machine-mounted methane monitors

are required in coal mines on all electric face-cutting equipment,

continuous miners, longwall face equipment, and loading machines.
the function of these monitors is to detect methane liberated during the
mining process and to protect the miner by giving warning at a methane
concentration of 1.0% and by de-energizing the equipment on which it is
installed when the methane concentration reaches 2.0%

Area monitoring

contaminant concentrations, airflow quantities, temperature, and relative

humidity are measured at fixed locations. In adition to the monitors, these
systems incorporate telemetry equipment to transmit the signals to other
locations where data analysis and output and alarm monitoring take

Laboratory Analysis and Sampling

Grab Sampling

-used to collect samples underground in suitable containers that are then

returned to the laboratory for analysis.

-used to aspire samples through boreholes or tubes from areas that are
inaccessible to direct sampling.
When collecting samples, care should be taken to insure that the sample is
representative of the environment and is not contaminated prior to analysis.
Once collected, the sample should be analyzed as quickly as practical.

Gas chromatography

-primary method of analysis used today.


The following are the techniques used to control gases in mines:

1. Prevention
a. Proper procedure in blasting
b. Adjustment and maintenance of internal-combustion engines
c. Avoidance of open flames, and so forth

2. Removal
a. Drainage in advance of mining
b. Drainage by bleeder entries
c. Local-exhaust ventilation
d. Water infusion in advance of mining

3. Absorption
a. Chemical reaction in IC engine conditioner
b. Solution by air-water spray in blasting

4. Isolation
a. Sealing off abandoned workings of fire areas
b. Restricted blasting or off-shift blasting

5. Dilution
a. Local dilution by auxillary ventilation
b. Dilution by main ventilation airsteam
c. Local dilution by diffusers and water sprays
Control of Strata Gases


if the ventilation airsteam generates insufficient turbulence, any methane

present remains stratified and forms a persistent layer moving along the
ample air velocity and turbulence are the primary safeguards against

Other control measures used to control strata gases:

1. Design the mining and ventilation systems

a sufficient air quantity can be provided, gas can be removed close to
the point of emission through the use of bleeder entries, and areas that
have been totally mined out can be isolated from the remainder of the
mine through sealing.

2. Draining in advance of mining

reduces the inflow of methane into active workings

3. Auxillary ventilation
necessary for the control of methane at the working face in coal mines
and in some noncoal mines.
used to provide ventilation of active working faces in uranium mines.

Control of Blasting Gases

The following control measures are applicable to blasting gases:

1. Prevention or Reduction
in the amount of gases liberated from blasting is possible through the
proper selection of explosives and proper blasting techniques.
only explosives designated as permissible may be used
proper stemming is essential to reduce gases.

2. Removal
of blasting gases through local-exhaust systems or auxillary ventilation is
used quite often and is considered good practice.

3. Absorption
of some ingredients of the gas formed in blasting is achieved by an air-
water spray.
the spray is mounted in the drift or raise to produce a curtain of fine mist
across the opening, some distance behind the face, and is turned on by
the miners prior to blasting
effective for water-soluble gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
and nitrogen dioxide but is ineffective for carbon monoxide.

4. Blasting off-shift
or at restricted times, and localizing the blast are often practiced as
control measures.
effective where workings re isolated or sectionalized in the ventilation

Control of Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust

The use of gasoline engines in most underground mines is prohibited by law. The
following gas concentrations in the dilute exhaust mixture should not be

Carbon dioxide 0.25%

Carbon monoxide 0.005%
Oxides of nitrogen 0.00125%
Oxygen content Must not be less than 20%

Absorption of certain exhaust components can be achieved with an

appropriate conditioning device on the engine discharge.

Scrubbers containing a water or reagent bath or granule filter are used to

remove many of the gases or reduce their concentration. For effective
absorption, initimate contact between the gases and the reagents in the
scrubber is essential.
Comprehensive maintenance program

one of the best control measures

Control of Firs and Explosions


most effective control measure against fires and explosions


of the zone of conflagration is the most important action to be taken to

contain the blaze and gaseous products generated and to shut off the
oxygen supply once ignition has occurred,

Control of Battery Gas

The hydrogen liberated in charging conventional storage batteries underground

can be controlled by isolation of the charging station and providing
adequate ventilation, including a separate split of air to ensure dilution of
the discharge.


Dilution by general ventilation

most useful method of gas control practiced in mining

contaminated air is diluted with uncontaminated air to keep the
concentration of the contaminants below the maximum permissible.

Local exhaust system

an airflow of sufficient velocity is created to reove the contaminated air

from around its source and discharge it directly into places where it can
cause no harm to human beings.

Four Limiting Factors of dilution ventilation:

1. the quantity of contaminant generated must not be excessive as

otherwise the volume of air necessary for dilution will be impractical
2. either the workers must be far enouh away from the source of
contaminant or else the contaminant must be in sufficiently low
concentration so that the workers will not experience an exposure above
acceptable concentrations
3. the toxicity of the contaminant must be reasonably low
4. the evolution or generation of the contaminant must be reasonably


Control techniques considered for use in coal mines can be divided into three

1. dilution ventilation
2. blocking or diverting gas flow in the coalbed by means of seals
3. removing relatively pure or diluted methane throught boreholes.

Methane Drainage

is the process of removing the gas contained in the coal seam and
surrounding strata through pipelines.


Reduced gas concentrations in the workplace

-this lessens the chances of ignition and explosions considerably

Reduces ventilation air requirements for the mine

The recovery gas, which usually has a high calorific value, can be
commercially used by industry

Techniques of Methane Drainage

1. Vertical Degas System

consists of a vertical holes drilled from the surface to the virgin areas of
the coal seam, and equipped with necessary pump, pipe,
instrumentation, and control system to extract methane gas.

2. Vertical Gob Degas System

consists of vertical holes that communicate with the gob and extract gas
from the gob area
*Coal extraction by pillaring or a longwall causes cracking of the overlying strata
and results in improved methane production in boreholes. Vacuum pumps are
often added to further improve the flow and to prevent the reversal of flow in

3. Horizontal Borehole Degas System

long horizontal holes are drilled into the coal seam from the mine workings
and the gas is extracted through a system consisting of a compressor,
moniroting and control equipment, pipelines in the mine, and in a vertical

Three subsystems of Horizontal drilling system

Drill rig: provides the thrust and torque necessary to drill holes and contain mud
circulation and gas and cuttings separation systems.

Drill bit guidance system: guides the bit horizontally and vertically as desired

Borehole surveying instruments: measure the pitch, roll, and azimuth of the
borehole assembly.

4. Cross-Measure Borehole System

boreholes are drilled from the tailgate of longwall faces to intercept the
overlying strata at an angle of 30-40 from the vertical, parallel in plan to
the line of the face, and also inclined over the gob.

5. Packed-cavity System
gas is drawn from corridors left and supported in the gob as the face
advances. Drainage pipes are inserted into the corridors from a mine
airway and are then connected to methane-drainage mains.

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