Freelance Traveller 037 Feb 2013
Freelance Traveller 037 Feb 2013
Freelance Traveller 037 Feb 2013
Featured Article:
Neptune Station
by Michael Tumey
Issue 066
June 2015
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Freelance Traveller #066: June 2015 From the Editor
Jeff Zeitlin ................................................................................................................................... 1
Editor: Jeff Zeitlin
Critics Corner
Contributors: Jeff Zeitlin, Michael Brown, Career Book 1 reviewed by Megan Robertson ........................................................................... 2
Megan Robertson, Andrea Vallance, Ian The Prep Room
Stead, Michael Barry, Michael Tumey,
Scratchable Game Maps by Michael Barry .............................................................................. 3
Daniel Phelps.
Raconteurs Rest
Artwork Funny Fish: A Compact Model by Andrea Vallance .............................................................. 5
Cover: .Ian Stead.
Active Measures
From the Editor: Jeff Zeitlin
The Mote Perspective by Michael Brown ............................................................................... 10
Critics Corner: Spica Publishing, from their
website or scanned from the printed product. Multimedia Gallery
Active Measures: Michael Brown Neptune Station by Michael Tumey ....................................................................................... 18
The Prep Room: Michael Barry
Multimedia Gallery: Michael Tumey Doing It My Way
Hazard: Tornado! by Michael Brown ..................................................................................... 43
Freelance Traveller is published monthly in Up Close and Personal
PDF form by the editor. The current issue
Cassius Belli profiled by Daniel Phelps ................................................................................... 47
is available from Freelance Travellers web-
Critics Corner
Career Book 1
Reviewed by Megan Robertson
The Prep Room
Scratchable Game Maps Liquid soap (such as dishwashing detergent or
hand wash soap)
by Michael Barry
Cheap acrylic paint of the desired colour (colour
Theres something satisfying about a printed selection hints below)
physical map, but how does the GM keep some map Small quantity of tap water
details secret while revealing others? Even in the far Broad paintbrush for paint mixing and applica-
future, high technology can take an occasional rest. tion
This recipe is for a simple, low-tech alternative to Coin (or reverse end of brush) for scratching
graphical mapping packages. This simple formula paint
for scratch-off paint allows the GM to reveal por- Procedure
tions of the map during the game as they become 1. Prepare the work surface first by covering with
available to the PCs. newspaper. Ensure all materials are to hand.
Required Materials 2. Mix the liquid soap and acrylic paint in a 1:2
Plastic-covered map (either laminated or cov- mix. Mix gently to avoid generating soap bub-
ered in contact plastic) bles. The soap ensures that the paint will not
Paint mixing bowl or cup bind to the plastic surface. A little tap water will
improve paint mixing and flow.
(Continued on page 4)
The Prep Room
(Continued from page 3) Hints and Tips
Black paint gives the best coverage, because it
3. Cover the plastic map surface with a single thin has the highest pigment density. Other colours
coat of the paint mix. Use a broad paintbrush may need several coats. Red, for example, looks
with long, even strokes. great but light shines through a single layer;
4. Allow the map to dry. Depending on tempera- with yellow paint, this problem is even more
ture, humidity and air flow, this may be as little pronounced. Please note however that any col-
as 5 minutes or up to 20 minutes. Longer proba- our is possible, so long as each coat is allowed to
bly means that the paint is too thick. dry before another is applied.
5. Tidy up, using a coin to scratch areas intended A cheap cosmetic sponge (available in discount
as visible to players from the beginning. In the stores and supermarkets) spreads paint more
example shown, Imperial worlds are known to evenly. The illustrated example was coated in
the PCs, with jump tapes available at a once- this way.
only expense for a minimum-risk jump. Jump I recommend you experiment with other tech-
calculations are free but time-consuming, and niques to find your own solution. For example,
must be performed for every jump, with greater stippling (using the brush or sponge in a dab-
risk of a mishap. bing motion) gives a dappled pattern of paint
(Continued on page 5)
The Prep Room
(Continued from page 4)
which dries more rapidly, but still obscures fea- blueprints, or even for concealing NPC details. It
tures like writing without requiring perfect cov- would also be possible to create solo adventures,
erage. where the player reveals details as the game pro-
Consider using this technique for terrain maps, gresses. Explore and have fun!
tactical maps such as deckplans and building
Raconteurs Rest
A Compact Model three minders and met with a new group of merce-
naries. He made sure the last minder saw before los-
by Andrea Vallance
ing her too. He headed for the shuttle to Daramm
Part 3 Up. All he needed to do now was wait.
210th of 2029 (036-98): Cisvus 210th of 2029 (036-98): The Gubashiidi Estates
Special Agent Vu had decided it was time to act. My anger had subsided. I found Siish sitting
Hed left his hotel room, carefully lost two of his glumly in the garden. Im sorry I called you an
arse, sheevia.
(Continued on page 6)
Raconteurs Rest
(Continued from page 5) ramm26 with it. One, force your opponent onto
ground of your choosing, preferably prepared be-
He looked up, still depressed I assume by that forehand. Two, seize the initiative and hold it relent-
Im forgiven? Yes, Im sorry too. You dont mean it lessly. Vu had achieved the first; now it was time for
about the diet do you? the second. He turned to his two companions and
Siish, you must have put on ten kilos since we indicated it was time to go.
got here; you need to lose some of that. He sighed
heavily; I took pity on him. I took his hand Im sure Nobody was happy; rushing never puts people
we can sneak in a few treats, on the ship. He in a good mood. But here we all were, on Raledenets
smiled. In moderation. Another sigh So, Siish, bridge trying to prep the ship. Jane was struggling
the Imperial Agent? What are we going to do? to get the fusion reactor back on line You know,
Changing the subject seemed the best idea. this would be much easier if I was actually in engi-
I was planning on running through Kirsovs neering, Siish.
mission tonight, and if everyones agreed, well be Probably, but separating is a bad idea. How
leaving tomorrow. Ive already cleared a dummy long to get the reactor stable?
flight plan, so he wont be able to follow us. From standby, about another ten minutes from
I smiled Good, Much as I loved Daramm, I here, at least. Half that if I was in engineering. Rush-
was missing space; it would be good. ing it from here is not good; Ive got fluctuations all
I saw Isabella approaching, she looked con- over the place.
cerned about something. Her message was to the He ignored the remark and turned to me.
point. Vus gone missing. He met with a bunch of Flight?
mercs and has now slipped his tail. I'll have the plan ready in three, four tops.
Siish frowned. Thats not good. Good; Ariaryn?
I giggled, You reckon, genius? Sometimes his Ariaryn was working quietly on anther console
ability to state the obvious was outstanding. Like Jane, this would be much faster outside. But
He blushed ever so slightly. How many? Ill have us out of the clamps and umbilicals away in
Isabellas look had not changed Seven. ten minutes.
He decided. Change of plans, we leave now. It will do. He took a breath. And, Isabella?
210th of 2029 (036-98): Daramm Up She was more than a little annoyed. Siish, I am
not a computer tech, I am a doctor. Its a transpond-
Agent Vu listened, satisfied. Not perfect, not by
er, making it say were not going where were going
a long way, but acceptable. The Lpolan hed had
is meant to be difficult. Itll be done when its done.
watching the estate was still on the shuttle up, hed
Siish frowned. A rough estimate at least?
got delayed. They seemed to be all in one place, he
Ten minutes, but Im pretty much picking a
could hear six voices. Hed expected them to sepa-
number from my head. If you wanted this done
rate, engineering, landing clamps, clearing the um-
quickly, you should have let Sakuya do it.
bilicals, they would have worked a lot faster that
He was sitting quietly in a corner, trying to keep
way. Even if it gave him more time, it meant hed
out of the way. I could do it if youd like, captain.
have to try and deal with them all at once. That
Siish looked over at the boy. He spoke kindly
meant activating the virus before he wanted to. Still,
Its okay, you dont know our systems. And its just
they were on the ship. He chuckled, Vice Admiral
Siish, not kaptan. I, of course, knew the real reason
Siishubuu Manish. His tactical method had two
Siish didnt want him doing it. Whats more, Im
basic features. Hed won the Second Battle of Da-
(Continued on page 7)
Raconteurs Rest
(Continued from page 6) stressed this very carefully to all the Lpolans, harm-
ing a child of Lady Manish didnt bear thinking
pretty sure Sakuya knew them, too. It took a while about. He flicked a switch. Inside Raledenet there was
for Siish to fully trust people. a momentary surge of power and its security sys-
Sakuya looked a little down. Is there anything I tems switched over to silent test mode The three of
can do? them stood and dashed into the landing bay.
Siish considered carefully. Theres some cordial
in the flight galley. Id kill for one, imagine everyone I heard Sakuya yelp with pain and the smash as
would. the coffee pot shattered. I turned to look, he was
Sakuya smiled, took two steps and started rum- clutching his hand.
maging. Siish returned to filing the official flight Sorry, I dropped it. His voice still small, he
plan. He did try to be nonchalant as he quietly add- didnt mention the spark that had hit him.
ed Oh, and theres some ceejka27 in the freezer. Isabella stood and went over. Ouch, thats go-
It didnt work. Siish, youre on a diet. I looked ing to need some spray.
up at Sakuya. No ceejka. She went to leave for sick bay; Siish, however,
He had a different opinion. Firstly, I dont need had other ideas. Transponder, Isabella.
a diet. And, secondly, you said I was allowed occa- She shot him a look. Hand scalded; doctor, re-
sional treats. He stressed the word treats. member. If you want the transponder, get Sakuya to
I, on the other hand, stressed the word occasional- do it, like you shouldve in the first place. She
ly. Yes, a few, occasionally. Not the second you get turned to Sakuya. I assume you can do it without
back to the ship. And most certainly not smothered using that hand? He nodded.
in cream and ice cream. And that cordial, its like Siish sighed, Okay, Sakuya, have the tran-
twenty percent sugar. sponder show us going to Shirshagi. I saw a huge
Siish huffed and half barked, Fine! Sakuya, smile spread over his face as he sat at the console.
make mine a black coffee. With no sugar, if thats
acceptable. He glared at me. I just smiled and nod- Agent Vu looked at his two companions as they
ded. reached the hatch. Susan was a former special forces
sergeant. She was strictly by the book, followed or-
Agent Vu was chuckling ever so slightly. There ders and good at her job; he had no worries with
seemed to be something of a disagreement going on her. Gami, on the other hand, was a heartless killer;
on the Raledenets bridge. The kaptans lover was ban- he knew that. Once a member of the Lpolan Ver-
ning him from dessert. He smiled to himself, his mox28, hed drifted from one morally dubious job to
mind briefly wandering again. He focused and took the next after the fall. Hed even worked for the Pro-
out the ear piece. Thered be a very minor power tectorate, at the start of the war. Obviously hed
surge when he activated the virus, just a tiny one. gone too far; theyd had him in prison for four years.
He ensured it would be in a tertiary system, some- Not somebody to leave on his own, not when you
thing that wouldnt be noticed, but theyd wired the wanted a zero body count. But he couldnt afford to
bug to that system too. It was an amateurs mistake, be too fussy, here. He quickly checked the lock,
not one his people would have made. But it meant green. He hesitated a moment; the techs had assured
the bug would be fried when the virus started. He him it was flawless, but theyd assured him his ID
spoke quietly and quickly, Make it quick and clean, was flawless, too. No time to be worrying about that;
weapons only if theres absolutely no other choice. he pushed the button. The iris value slid open, he
And even then, shoot to wound, not kill. Hed smiled and breathed again. Susan boarded first, cau-
(Continued on page 8)
Raconteurs Rest
(Continued from page 7) you needed precise placement, but it had the ad-
vantage that a lot women didnt realise how vulner-
tiously; she indicated it was safe. Vu and Gami fol- able they were. He connected; ouch, that had to hurt. I
lowed her in. Vu glanced around, clear. Time was felt for her a little as she doubled over in pain. Ari-
critical now, they headed for the bridge. aryn moved to finish her off when the third, another
man, placed his pistol in Ariaryns ribs. Id stop if I
Isabella reached the sick bay and retrieved her were you. I recognised the accent; Sesheryn, Agent
medical bag. All the basics were in there, bandages, Vu, the sub-machine gun in his right hand carefully
sprays, anaesthetics, a full range of usual drugs, covering the rest of us.
more than enough. She paused a second; it was Sa- Ariaryn froze a moment. I could see him consid-
kuya. She grabbed a handful of sedatives as well. ering. One breath, then he relaxed and slowly low-
ered his arm. The dazed man was recovering. He
Id just finished the flight plan and moved on to stood and looked at Ariaryn, then hit him with his
pre-flight checks; I could hear Jane mumbling away rifle butt. Ariaryn stumbled back, nose bloody. Vu
over on engineering; Siish was just finishing up fill- turned angrily to the man, Gami, stand down or Ill
ing the official flight plan when Sakuya spoke: put you down! He indicated the rest of us. Cover
Uhmmm, is this buggy? He sounded quiet and them. Vu turned back to Ariaryn. I apologise.
very uncertain. Ariaryn glared back I dont. I could see the an-
Siish looked up. Is what buggy? ger seething in him.
Still unsure. Anti-hijack, its not displaying a Vu surveyed Ariaryn a moment I understand,
test message. but Im still sorry. He looked around the room,
Siish checked on his console, he sounded a little counting. His face changed Everyone into the cor-
frustrated. Of course not, its not in test mode. Just ner, slowly and sit, hands on heads.
finish the transponder. We all moved slowly to the corner. Sakuya was
Sakuya sounded really uncomfortable. Im sor- terrified, I hugged him before we sat. Dont worry
ry, I I already have, I thought, that was quick, balul, just sit next to me, right up to me. Vu saw
damn quick. but I noticed anti-hijack. It says its live, and heard but remained silent. I sat next to Sakuya,
but its looping video feed; it only does that in test my body touching him, reassuring him. Part of me
mode. chuckled; if hed been Luriani, if I wasnt broken30.
Siishs response was instant. Weapons, now! Vu turned to to the woman, she was struggling
But all the weapons were safely stored in the arms to her feet. Susan, check them for weapons. Quick-
locker. ly, ones missing.
Ariaryn was first to react, he turned and started Susan came over, she was still wincing, it must
to sprint to the door. It opened just as he got there. have hurt. She frisked us all, one by one, carefully.
The mans rifle butt came up, Ariaryn blocked with There was no need, none of us were armed. Vus
one arm. His other arm swung up and round and face was concerned. Ones missing; go and secure
Ariaryn elbow solidly struck him in the side of the the arms locker, then find her and bring her here.
face. The man stumbled sideways, dazed; a fourth He turned to Gami. If you shoot her, I will kill you;
degree adept of eeniag29 is quite impressive to watch. do you understand? Even I could tell he was dead-
Ariaryns arm continued through , striking again on ly serious. Gami did not look happy.
the down stroke. Another, a woman. Ariaryn The pair departed while we sat, hands on head. I
kicked. Id seen Oloku teach that move; apparently could see Ariaryn wasnt the only one seething, Siish
(Continued on page 9)
Raconteurs Rest
(Continued from page 8) maybe, open a line, somebody might hear. I guess I
was kind of reaching, but I just couldnt sit there. I
almost hissed at Vu, You wont get away with very carefully undid my watch buckle. I kept my
this. eyes on Vu, he said nothing, did nothing. Slowly I
Vu smiled at Siish It would seem, kaptan, I al- let the strap fall lose. Vu still did nothing. I let the
ready have. watch fall into my right hand. I smiled, right hand-
ed, he'd be watching the left. I judged the distance.
Isabella had almost reached the bridge; she Vu spoke, Corig Wa, if youd be so kind as to gen-
could see the backs of two men. She didnt know tly toss your watch to me. Im sure your kaptan
who they were, but she could guess. She heard one would be rather upset if his eshal were to be hurt.
telling somebody to find her. Isabella looked Im not his eshal, Im his nuntarri. I hissed it at
around; a fresher; she hid and listened. She heard him.
footsteps, two sets, passing. She waited and left, Vu looked at Siish, he just glared. Nuntarri? As
looking around for a weapon; a fire extinguisher, in the holodramas?
that would do. She moved carefully through the This really was too much, him too? Yes, nuntar-
ship, heading for the arms locker. She knew that ri, I felt like screaming. Nuntarri, nuntarri, nuntar-
was where theyd go, but she wanted something a ri!
little more deadly. He actually sounded interested rather than
She paused at the corner and peered carefully amused. You know, some of the Sesheryn worlds
around it. They were there, working on cracking the still have nuntarri. Not like in the First Protectorate
lock code. She moved slowly, silently behind them. though. More a discreet arrangement. No hair or
A man and woman. She swung the extinguisher dresses and about as many men as women. Though
with all her might and connected with the back of some do dabble in politics. He was talking rather
the womans head. The crunch was sickening. The enthusiastically.
woman fell forward heavily. The man turned. Isa- Really? I drew out the word, filling it with as
bella gasped; she knew this man. A malicious grin much disdain as I could.
spread over his face, his gun trained straight at her. Oh yes. So you're reviving the tradition?
Still not co-operating, I see. Terror gripped Isabel- Yes.
la for an instant, then anger. An anger shed not felt Well, Corig Nuntarri, your watch please.
for a long time. Without thinking she swung the ex-
tinguisher upwards. There was a lot of anger behind Isabella stood panting. She looked at the man.
that swing. It caught Gami by surprise. Isabella was The woman was groaning, she knelt and reached in
no longer the broken pliant subject he remembered her bag. Anaesthetic; she jabbed the needle into the
from Sesh Liryn; she was a person again and that womans neck as she started to move. She squeezed
person was angry. The extinguisher struck the side the syringe. The woman looked at her, then fell into
of his head. He groaned and stumbled forwards. unconsciousness. She moved to the man, felt his
Isabella brought the extinguisher down on the back neck. No pulse. She sat back heavily. Shed seen a lot
of his skull with all the force she could muster. He of death. She was a doctor, she'd been at Rurur,
fell to floor and lay motionless, a pool of blood shed been on the ground during First Daramm31,
spreading around his head. she even tried to bring about her own once. But
shed never killed anyone before. Shed hoped shed
I sat powerless, longing wanting to something, feel guilt or remorse; she didnt. Shed feared shed
anything. An idea; I could see the comms panel,
(Continued on page 10)
Raconteurs Rest
(Continued from page 9) attackers deep into Daramms gravity well, trap-
ping them between his liners and the ground
feel elation or even satisfaction; she didnt feel that based defences.
either. She just felt a little sad. It concerned her. 27. The intelligence service of the Lpolan Empire,
Isabella stood and opened the arms locker. She noted for its ruthlessness and sometimes brutal
took her case and opened it. Ariaryn always insisted methods. Many former members had to flee
on stowing weapons safely. He was almost obsessed from the Imperiums wrath after the fall of the
by it. Every lesson with him started with a safety Empire and found employment as mercenaries.
lecture. Her guns were unloaded. She took her p5 28. A frozen desert high in sugars and fats.
and loaded it. A problem, her outfit wasnt exactly 29. A traditional Luriani form of unarmed combat.
designed to carry firearms. She shoved the pistol the 30. The Luriani are noted as an extremely tactile cul-
only place she could think of. The c5, she took a ture with a very small personal body space. Such
magazine from the locker. It was loaded. She an action by a trusted person would be seen as
pushed it home then turned to the gun. The selector, reassuring. However it is also extremely inti-
fully down. Four settings marked S, 1, B and F. Ari- mate, even for the tactile Luriani.
aryn had not got to teaching her on it yet, he had 31. 100th of 2027: Commodore Rebecca Bat Elams
concerns. She chuckled. She considered a moment, raid on Daramm is considered one of the most
should be simple. She pushed the selector fully up daring Imperial actions of the Luriani War and
and set off for the bridge. one of the few successes of the Ley Fleet. She
Isabella could see the door to the bridge, she managed to take her destroyer flotilla deep into
could hear Agent Vus voice. She noticed her heart Protectorate territory undetected and strike at
beating just a little faster. She paused a moment to the capital itself. The raid caught the defenders
flick back her hair and straighten her dress. She told unprepared and she was able to bombard the
herself she was just regaining her composure. She surface for almost fifteen minutes challenged on-
took a breath and moved towards the door, smiling. ly by surface based fire. Bet Elams flag, the light
Notes cruiser Al-Hassan, was crippled covering the es-
Notes 1-25 appeared with earlier parts of this story. cape and she would spend the rest of the war in
captivity. The raid caused little damage to the
26. 252nd of 2027: A large raiding force of Imperial
Protectorates industrial or military capacity, but
battlecruisers from the Ley sector fleet attempted
resulted in over 20,000 civilian casualties. The
to strike directly at the Protectorates capital
First Battle of Daramm was a much needed boost
(recreating on the success of an earlier much
to the morale of the Ley Fleet and a blow to the
smaller raid). Vice Admiral Manish forced the
Protectorate's prestige.
Active Measures
The Mote Perspective The Mote Perspective is designed for 5-7 Classic
Traveller characters of varied career backgrounds.
by Michael Brown
The group may or may not have worked together
While supporting a mineralogical survey team, before the adventure. No special skills are required
the adventurers contend with hostile primitives and for the adventure, although Prospecting and Recon
their mysterious god. skills are useful. A starship is required.
Active Measures
(Continued from page 10) esting planets in the galaxy. Several expeditions are
currently being mounted to determine mining and
exporting viability. An interstate accord was set up
Pre-Adventure Preparation to ensure proper treatment of the natives, but no one
The referee should select or create the following seriously expects that to be honored once companies
items: start striking it rich.
An anomalous, extra-Imperial world with Star-
Act I: A Little Meeting
port type X, Diameter 1-2, Atmosphere 5-6, and
The PCs are asked to meet with representatives
Tech Level 0; referred to in the text as Mote. It
of Navari Extractions, a large mining corporation
may be interdicted; if so, the referee must decide
based on one of the worlds closest to Mote. The team
who placed the interdiction, how its enforced,
is offered a contract to ferry a cargo of supplies to
and the consequences of violating it.
one of the companys mineralogical survey teams.
A primitive native race (may be a Minor Human
Payment is standard cargo rates for 10 tons of cargo
per jump to Mote plus a bonus of Cr25,000. PCs with
A sketch map of a lush valley with a large, tablet
Broker skill may try and negotiate a higher payment.
-shaped rock formation overlooking it roughly
As they are leaving, an aidea strikingly-
midway along its length
beautiful young womanapproaches the group dis-
(Optional) An animal encounter table (per Book
creetly. Gerde Staussen confides to them that the rest
3) for Mote
of the delegation didnt tell them the whole story.
Prologue The survey team hasnt been heard from in several
Mote is a small, dense world located beyond the months, even accounting for communication lag
Imperial border, between several pocket empires times and the nature of their work. Her brother Kris-
and client states. Its an unusual planet in that de- tof is a member of the expedition and shed like to
spite its small size it has features characteristic of know of his fate; she offers the group an additional
much larger worlds: a standard atmosphere, near 1g Cr3,500 for such word.
gravity, a moderate climate, abundant wildlife; and If the team goes back to the delegation with the
a population of a primitive sentient species bound knowledge that they werent completely up front,
by loose tribal ties and animistic religions. When it the head representative allays their concerns, in-
was discovered, Mote was found to be of little inter- forming them that Mote is out-of-the-way, and the
est. Whether due to malfunctioning sensors or sheer survey team was intended to operate independently
incompetence, scans indicated little in the way of for extended periods. It they persist, he offers them
exploitable resources, and trade with the somewhat an additional Cr25,000.
xenophobic natives wasnt seriously considered. The This time, as they are leaving, any PCs with the
little planet was subsequently classified nonessential ability to do so (enhanced technology, Clairaudi-
and left alone by mutual agreement between the ence, etc.) will overhear a tense but quiet conversa-
surrounding states. tion between the representatives leader and one of
Until now. his colleagues. The discussion centers on why the
Recent deep scans refuted the initial surveys. adventurers arent simply told the truth: that the
The new scans indicated an abundance of useful survey team might be in trouble and need rescuing.
minerals, especially lanthanum. The probes origina- The leaders reply is that the survey teams last re-
tors tried to keep the findings quiet, but word got port indicated that they had found something of val-
out anyway. Suddenly Mote is one of the most inter-
(Continued on page 12)
Active Measures
(Continued from page 11) To communicate with the Motans:
FORMIDABLE; INT, Liaison; 5 minutes
ue, but they dont want any other company to get REFEREE: A throw of 2 indicates a mis-
wind of it. understanding; make an immediate throw
Act II: A Little Misunderstanding on the Reaction table (Book 3) at -4. Success
Navari supplies the PCs with what data it has on indicates that the heroes can communicate
Mote, consisting of the information found in the simple ideas (e.g.: We are friends, We
Prologue above, and files on the survey team. They have food.)
arent important to the adventure, but the referee In either case, they are taken before the tribal
may create them, if (s)he feels otherwise. chief, who is accompanied by an elaborately-garbed
The surveyors were originally deployed in an native (apparently the tribes shaman; hes carrying
area of rough terrain surrounding a lush valley with a crystalline rod clearly not of local manufacture). If
a distinctive feature: a large, tablet-shaped rock for- the travelers are prisoners, they are stripped of their
mation rising overhead about midway. Several trib- equipment and bound to poles stuck firmly into the
al villages dot the area; curiously, none are within ground. When the chief finally deigns to speak with
the valley itself. them, the resulting meeting is more like an interro-
Mote has no provision whatsoever for starship gation. If the heroes are guests, the chief grants them
landings; the team must find clear space to safely an immediate audience and things take a much
put down. The nearest such area is 3D kilometers friendlier turn.
from the valley, making a journey necessary. When As they parley with the chief, any ex-military
the group gets within a kilometer of the valley, adventurers or those with Liaison skill notice the
throw 8+ per 15 minutes to encounter 4D+2 native warriors body language indicates most of them are
Motans (see NPCs below.) If the number encoun- more deferential to the shaman than the chief. The
tered is less than 15, this is a hunting party armed shaman stays silent throughout the encounter with
only with crude spears and knives; otherwise its a the chief, but carries an unmistakable air of authori-
war party equipped with spears, clubs and hide ar- ty behind the throne.
mor giving them the equivalent of Jack. The locals Through broken communication, the chief relates
dont fear the visitors; in fact, they are somewhat that the village met strangers such as the adventur-
aggressive toward them. Perceptive PCs notice that ers in a local timeframe corresponding to several
the natives seem determined to keep them away months prior. The strangers were instructed not to
from the valley. go into the valley. The visitors left not long after-
The heroes will be taken to the nearest Motan ward; the chief doesnt know where they went, but if
village; how they get there depends on how they they went into the valley, they must die. If asked
treat the locals. If they return the hostility, the why, the chief simply informs them that the valley
Motans will do their best to subdue the travelers belongs to their god, who will be angry at the intru-
and take them in as prisoners. If the heroes refrain sion.
from harming the Motans, instead trying to com- Act III: A Little Difficulty
municate with them, they will be invited guests. As the PCs have arrived close to the Motans rest
Of course, neither group speaks the others lan- period, the chief declares the audience over. If the
guage. If the PCs try anyway, they must throw on PCs are guests, a tent is prepared for them; other-
the following task: wise they are left tied to the stakes.
Active Measures
Sometime during the rest period, a disheveled shaman can do to keep them organized. If the PCs at
offworlder makes discreet contact with them. If the any time engage the natives, they will break and run
PCs are prisoners, he attempts to quietly free them on a throw of 7+. The shamans presence gives a DM
from the stakes if they havent already freed them- of -2, but he must actively work to keep his men
selves (7+; failure alerts 1D Motans, who attack from being routed.
while raising the alarm) and lead them to safety (8+; A tense game of cat-and-mouse now ensues as
failure as above.) If they are guests, he sneaks into the travelers try to shake their pursuers and the
their tent. Motans try to catch and kill the PCs. To quickly and
The PCs new acquaintance introduces himself as simply administer the chase, the referee may use the
Kristof Staussen, a member of the Navari survey following abstract method:
team (and Gerdes missing brother.) He saw them The referee should give the PCs group 5 chase
encounter the Motans and had been waiting for an points, which may be defined as increments of any
opportunity to speak with them. He isas far as he valuedistance, time, etc. Every fifteen minutes,
knowsthe last survivor of the Navari survey team. pursuers and pursued alike throws 2D; the higher
On the orders of the expedition leader, the survey- result wins. If the PCs win the throw, they add 1 to
ors entered the valley, breaking local taboo and for- their chase points; if the Motans win, the PCs sub-
ever poisoning relations with the natives. The por- tract 1. Throws of 2 or 12 subtracts or adds 2
tion of their study was complete and they were chase points, respectively. The chase ends when the
ready to try and leave the valley (sneaking past PCs reach 10 points (escape), or 0 chase points (the
Motans sworn to kill them) when they disappeared. Motans caught up to them.) The Motans attack im-
Staussen was away at the time, and returned to mediately if they catch up. Naturally, the heroes
camp to find his colleagues gone, with no hint of may choose to stand and fight at any time.
what had happened to them. Hes been surviving as While the groups are in the valley, the referee
best he could on his own ever since. He knew leav- should also make secret throws every fifteen
ing the valley was suicide without help. Given that minutes. On a result of 12, a new combatant ap-
the locals are now mostly hostile to offworlders; the pears: a crystalline column (see description below;
PCs apparently had the good luck to encounter a observant PCs note that the object looks like a larger
relatively-friendly tribe. version of the shamans rod) erupts from the
While Staussen is with the group, the Motans ground. Immediately upon appearance, it fires a
discover them. Finding the strangers with a target beam at any targets in the area in the following or-
for murder now makes them enemies as well; the der of choice: any Motans, any allied NPCs,
natives attack in an effort to kill them all. Staussen Staussen, the closest PCappearing to disintegrate
instructs the travelers to make for the valley, where them. If it achieves surprise, see the Surprise rules
the Motans are unwilling to follow. (Book 1). Any Motans still in the area immediately
Unfortunately, the tribal shaman feels personal- flee in terror, chanting as they run. Apparently the
ly affronted to the point where he feels breaking the entity is the god that strikes terror in their hearts.
taboo is justified. Hastily assembling a war party The shaman, however, checks morale as above. If
(see above) outnumbering the PCs 3:1, he pursues he stands, he may accidentally seize control of the
them into the valley (an indicator that hes been here object on 11+. If so, the column stops in place, appar-
before!) One thing in the travelers favor is the ently waiting for orders. It takes the shaman INT/5
Motans terror of breaking taboo, even under orders. combat rounds to realize what is happening and
It affects their morale, and as a result its all the attempt direct control. The team has that long to act.
See below for the rods abilities.
(Continued on page 14)
Active Measures
(Continued from page 13) they seized the shamans rod, whoever has it can
open the valve by concentrating on it for one combat
Unless controlled, the pillar disappears in the round, then making a throw of their INT or lower. If
same manner in which it appeared; after zapping 1D the wielder is a telepath, the attempt is automatic.
-3 individuals; or upon being attacked, The iris valve opens into a vertical shaft with lad-
Act IV: A Little Knowledge der rungs set into the wall, descending ten meters.
After the attack by the strange device, they may Below, a narrow corridor 5.5 meters high and 1.5
investigate what happened to their comrades. Alt- meters across (obviously designed for the Machine)
hough they appeared to have been disintegrated, stretches into the distance. Neither shaft nor corridor
there are no traces or indicators of such. In the patch is lighted.
of ground where the machine came from, they find a Assuming the shaman hasnt run away or other-
concealed iris valve 1.5 meters in diameter. There wise been dealt with, he follows the group after a
are no obvious controls. They may force it open (per few minutes if they left the iris valve open. If he en-
the rules in Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats), or if counters the party again, he is no longer hostile, and
1. Chamber Entrance
2. Ceiling aperture: This shaft is ob-
viously for the Artifact. Presuma-
bly it leaves and returns by the
same egress.
3. Lift shaft: This rises into the Main
Base at point 1 (see below.) It op-
erates automatically.
4. Maintenance shaft: Ladder rungs
are set into the far wall of this
Active Measures
(Continued from page 14) snaps and he goes catatonic. Otherwise, he meekly
accompanies the adventurers anywhere they go in
in fact seems to be increasingly awestruck at his sur- the complex.
roundings. The referee should refer to the base map
The entire valley is crisscrossed with such tun- (overleaf) and the key below:
nels. How complex the system is depends on the 1. Artifact Garage
referee, who can make them as simple (a grid, per- 2. Control Stations
haps) or as complex (a maze) as (s)he likes. Shafts to 3. Reintegration Tubes (See below)
the surface appear at irregular intervals. It might Artifact Garage: This chamber is similar to the
occur to the heroes to map the warrens using their one below, except here there are openings at all
equipment. The tunnels are shielded, however, mak- points of the clock. PCs standing in one of them can
ing this more difficult (and explaining why the sys- see down very long corridors into an apparently
tem didnt appear on sensor sweeps of the planet): large complex. The walls are covered with data um-
To obtain sensor scans of the Artifact tunnels: bilicals, automated waldoes, and other equipment
FORMIDABLE; Electronics, INT; 30 minutes. which any PC with Electronics (or Robotics) skill
REFEREE: Success maps a square kilometer recognizes as advanced robot service and repair
of tunnels, including egress points for the equipment; apparently for the Machine. The device
Machine. Multiple attempts allowed. itself is present on a 6+, but it ignores the group un-
The referee should determine the chance that the less they act in a violent fashion. If the group gains
group gets lost while exploring the channels. Of control of the garage via the control stations (below),
course, mapping them eliminates this. they can order it to repair any damaged electronic
Eventually, the party arrives where the myriad devices they may have, at the equivalent of Electron-
passageways converge: a large, ovoid room below ics-5 skill.
the giant rock overlooking the valley. Refer to the The Control Stations: These rooms duplicate one
Base Entrance floorplan. another and resemble a starships bridge; indeed,
The Hidden Base: 50 meters above is a hidden they are the control centers for the complex. All base
base. Built of the same materials as the underground functions can be monitored and directed from these
tunnels, its also shielded from scans, in addition to twin rooms. The controls within are labeled in an
being deep within solid granite. unknown language, but the team can learn their
All corridors in the installation measure purposes through experimentation and deduction:
5.5m5m and are lighted from above. The walls ap- To determine a control function:
pear to be made of black glass, behind which lights (VARIOUS); EDU, Computer or Electronics;
constantly flicker, shift, and change color. PCs with 1 minute (times indicated factor)
Computer skill recognize this as a visual representa- REFEREE: The degree of difficulty for the
tion of high-magnitude quantum computations tak- task depends on what the group is investi-
ing place. gating. Some suggestions:
If the shaman is with the team, hes in a state of EASY: Control light level in a portion of the
profound awe. Recall that hes a primitive viewing a complex; monitor power levels; lock out the
precursor installation for the first time. As far as hes lift shaft; access maps of the base (1)
concerned, hes a (possibly unwelcome) visitor to ROUTINE: Control light level in the entire
the home of his gods, a realm far beyond his limited complex; monitor Artifacts movements; con-
comprehension. The shock to his psyche is pro- trol lift shaft; access external viewers (5)
found. Throw his INT or less; if he fails, his mind (Continued on page 16)
Active Measures
(Continued from page 15)
Active Measures
(Continued from page 16) disembodied, and can be restored. The process oc-
curs as above, but unfortunately isnt perfect; some
Apply the multiplication factors in parentheses unavoidable loss occurs. Each adventurer or ally that
to the time required for the task. PCs may combine is reintegrated should throw vs. Aging (Book 1) as
capabilities; each helper contributes 1/5 of their EDU though (s)he had just completed their 12th term of
or 1/2 of their skill level (rounded down) service, with the stated consequences of failure.
One set of displays shows a very high level of The only control that doesnt have a duplicate is
activity. PCs with Computer skill eventually con- the self-destruct. These are set apart from the other
nects the displays with the quantum computations controls. To activate it, the control in both stations
going on behind the walls. If the group gained ac- must be activated simultaneously. Nothing happens
cess to the quantum subroutines (above), they can otherwise. Once the self-destruct has been activated,
determine a clear correlation between the computa- a plainly-understood holographic countdown timer
tions and DNA mapping. appears along with an alert klaxon. Its similar
This information should give them the last piece enough to the self-destruct sequence aboard a star-
of the puzzle (if they havent already accessed the ship that the PCs cant mistake it for something else.
base logs): the entire complex acts as a gigantic digi- It also cant be stopped. In fifteen minutes, the base
tal storage unit. Indeed, the base map resembles a and the rock surrounding it (!) is obliterated by huge
huge computer disk drive. Exploring the many files explosions.
shows holographic representations of thousands of Act V: A Little Getaway
native life forms, sapient and otherwise; as well as Assuming the travelers didnt trigger the self-
the Navari survey team (identified by Staussen, if he destruct, they must now decide what to do with the
is with the party) and a few other offworlders. knowledge of a precursor base. Reporting the find to
Although its purpose is lost to history, its func- the Imperium is a very lucrative option, but the em-
tion is clear: storage of life forms. The Machine pire would feel it must annex and interdict the plan-
(which the Motans mistook for a god) digitizes crea- et. To say that the governments surrounding Mote
tures (using hyperadvanced technology) and up- would disagree would be an understatement. Ironi-
loads the resulting file into the colossal computer/ cally, any of those states would undoubtedly do the
base. Once uploaded, the creatures can be held in- same thing.
definitely. Retrieval is possible by calling up the Altruistic PCs might try and resurrect all of the
proper file in the base directory. The Machine then captures in the files. While this is possible, restoring
copies the file to the Reintegration Tubes (3). The and releasing the creatures would take a very long
captures are resurrected through a combination of time, and unless they shut the Computer down, the
hyperadvanced technology and a protoplasmic entire process would simply start all over again.
soup stored in large tanks below the floor. The If the shaman accompanied the PCs into the base
base can reintegrate up to 80 creatures at a time, alt- and survived, he returns to his village a god among
hough this puts a strain on its power plant. men. The things hes seen and the knowledge hes
The referee should decide whether the base and gained allows him to easily gain control of his tribe,
its roving Machine are of Ancient (Droyne) manu- and perhaps unite with other tribes in the area. Add
facture, or a bleeding-edge creation of some lesser 1 to his INT and EDU. He also intercedes on behalf
race. of the strangers, allowing them to leave peacefully.
Reintegration Tubes: It should occur to the PCs Then theres the matter of the Navari team. They
that their presumably-disintegrated allies are just must be returned to the company. But the referee
must decide whether theyd be willing to keep quiet
(Continued on page 18)
Active Measures
(Continued from page 17) there. The object measures 33cm7cm and apparent-
ly made of the same material as the Machine (see
about their ordeal, and determine the flow of subse- below.) While grasped, the wielder can control the
quent events. Machine (directing its movements and designating
NPCs its targets, for example), has limited communication
Kristof Staussen 577987 Age 34 with the central complex, and can find either by fol-
4 terms Scientist lowing a homing signal. The shaman hasnt yet dis-
Computer-2; Jack-O-T-2 covered these abilities, although he might stumble
onto them during his confrontation with the PCs
The Motans
(see above.) Tech Level unknown; Cr N/A; Weighs
The Motans are not detailed here to give the ref-
0.5 kg.
eree maximum flexibility in their creation. Brawling,
Hunting (Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium), Sur-
The Motan God
vival, and melee weapon skills are common among The god is actually a sophisticated roving ro-
them. bot programmed to digitize life forms. Its base is the
hidden central complex within the tablet-shaped
Motan Tribal Shaman
rock (see above.) It appears as a crystal cylinder,
The shamans stats and skills should be deter-
5m1m with a glowing band near its top from where
mined by the referee based on the above. His skills
the digitizing beam emanates. It travels using grav
are Dagger-1 and Survival-1 at a minimum. His pos-
propulsion and has limited self-repair capability
session of the crystal rod makes him the power be-
(regeneration) up to 10% of its hit points. More ex-
hind his tribes throne. He has no idea how much
tensive damage makes it return to its garage for
power is actually at his command.
The Crystalline Rod
Weight Hits Armor Wounds/Weaps
The shaman found this item on one of his secret
Crystalline Robot 5800 kg 1000/0 as Cbt Armor Special
trips into the valley. Creator only knows how it got
Multimedia Gallery
Neptune Station: Undersea Research signs. The station serves as post-graduate schools in
oceanography and marine biology for major univer-
Facility, University and Community sities from each member state involved at the station
created by Michael Tumey project (18 are nation states and 34 are multinational
Station Overview
The station houses a permanent population just
Neptune Station is an undersea science station over 500, of which nearly 400 are students attending
located in 480 feet of water on a seamount. As a the university. The remainder includes the universi-
multinational government and commercial venture ty staff, research station scientists, hydroponics
some compromise exists even in its architecture. workers, security officers, physicians and health care
Some participants argued for a domed community, workers, moon pool maintenance crew, and the
while others, particularly those with undersea min- managers and employees of the restaurant and
ing investments desired stacked modules placed in shops operating within the main habitat dome, as
pits excavated from the seamount itself, thus the re- well as cleaning, engineering and warehouse staff.
search station community is a mix of those two de-
(Continued on page 19)
Multimedia Gallery
(Continued from page 18) population. (The bookstore is marked as a conven-
ience store on the map.)
Each dome is framed in titanium alloy in a pro- South of the bookstore is hair and beauty salon.
prietary, non-geodesic design holding a composite To the east of the these four outlets is the station
glass that withstands great external pressures. Be- hospital that includes office and administration, re-
neath the large dome and the two smaller domes stroom and bathing facilities, an operating room,
connected to the southwest sit atop disc shaped nurses station, and a dormitory of sick beds. Two
modular levels that stack into excavated round pits full time physicians for 3 shifts serve this hospital
cut into the seamount below. The two smaller domes with a skilled healthcare staff. A hyperbaric chamber
connected to the southward tube have no levels be- for pressure accidents and scanning beds, as well as
neath. a complete laboratory make a complete hospital fa-
Main Habitat Dome cility rather than a simple sickbay.
On the full map that shows the entire station and East of the hospital is the maintenance room
surrounding undersea terrain the largest of the which contains station cleaning supplies, laundry, as
domed structures houses the community and habi- well as backup generators and pumps. The stations
tat levels for the entire station. Within the main habi- maintenance elevator which connects the main habi-
tat dome are two levels, an upstairs serving as the tat level granting access to the warehouse and in-
station university, with the downstairs as the main dustrial operations level, though bypasses the habi-
community level. Moving top to bottom, left to tat levels.
right: East of the maintenance room is the station gym
facility with exercise bikes, treadmills, weight ma-
Community Level
chines, free weights, and a mat for martial arts, gym-
The habitat dining room occupies the northern-
nastics, dance and other workouts. South of the gym
most area of the main habitat dome, with a kitchen
is a locker room, while to its southwest is a full re-
behind a long counter just to its south. As the sta-
stroom, sauna, hot-tubs and shower facility.
tions only food service facility, a full breakfast,
To the south of the sauna facility is the stations
lunch and supper menu is provided, serving the en-
brig (jail). While eight inmate cells may seem too
tire station population. To make the station more
many for such a secure station, Neptune Station is a
amenable public restrooms exist throughout, with
kind of regional government facility, serving nearby
the first of these west of the kitchen and east of the
undersea mining and science facilities, housing
stairway to the second floor (University level),
criminals throughout the region for eventual
which lies opposite the kitchen to the east.
transport to courts and penal colonies outside this
The 120 Fathoms Lounge lies south of the kitch-
en on the west, to provide alcohol and entertain-
The entire area south of the brig is station securi-
ment in the evening hours, closing at midnight.
ty with a front and back office, and a rear area con-
Keeping to the west, south of the lounge is the
taining the security break room, training area, and a
station gift shop containing clothing, snack foods,
full interrogation chamber complete with adjacent
beverages, and gift goods what you would expect
room and one-way mirror.
to find in a well-stocked convenience store.
South of the Station on the outer edge are two
South of the gift shop is the station bookstore,
high speed, large capacity (up to 20) elevators ac-
with books fully serving the university curriculum,
cessing the habitat levels below.
as well as fiction and non-fiction from best sellers to
(Continued on page 22)
topical materials that serve the interest of the station
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Habitat Levels
Beneath the warehouse/maintenance level are lowest habitat level is an entertainment venue and
five habitat levels that house the entire population training center for the devilfish submersible that
of the station. Each level can house up to 76 inhabit- serves as the primary transport to and from the sta-
ants, two per room in the interior dorm room circle, tion with bays for eight such submersibles in the
with an outer circle of suites with a double bed, and moon pool. A trainer/simulator with holographic
double fold-out couch bed. Though not the most undersea display projected to its front forms the cen-
comfortable accommodations, rotations of six month terpiece of the training center. While regular train-
and annual cycles minimize effects of cabin fever. ing sessions for submersible operators occur here,
Each habitat level is accessed by the two high speed, between training sessions, this facility serves as a
high capacity elevators. The maintenance elevator great entertainment venue for all ages.
passes through each habitat level with an access Three of the habitat levels have small attached
door. A cleaning staff closet lies adjacent the eleva- domes. The top dome serves as a public viewing
tor access on each level. Small public restrooms pri- chamber serving as kind of a park. Because most of
marily serving visitors to the entertainment venues the station views the deep water surrounding the
though housed on different levels. station and seamount, this extended dome gives
Each habitat level contains enough escape pods psychological relief to some of the inhabitants as it
for all inhabitants of each level with a spare pod. sits at the top of the seamount, with an undersea
These pods each contain seats for 10, and are jetti- coral garden outside the dome, granting the illusion
soned away from the station to float to the surface of sitting on the sea floor, rather than the top of a
with lights, power, atmosphere systems, serving as mountain. The two lower extended domes contain
lifeboats for up to two weeks with meals and water luxury suites housing the station chief of operations
for all. and the senior scientist of the research dome.
At the center of each habitat level a different en-
Industrial Operations Level
tertainment venue is provided that serves anyone in
The lowest level of the main habitat structure,
the station community. On the top habitat level is a
located beneath the fifth habitat level is the industri-
dance nightclub with a full service DJ, bar, stools,
al operations level. Here all the life support systems
video entertainment and dance floor. This level is
are contained included sewage treatment, sea water
popular with the student population. On the second
desalination systems, air purification, and the sta-
habitat level is large swimming pool with diving
tions geothermal power plant using the excavated
board on the deep end, and life guard chairs on ei-
volcanic structures within the seamount beneath the
ther flank. The third habitat level contains a movie
station. A full control room for all systems sit to the
theater with a full service refreshment stand. The
east side of this level. Adjacent to this office is the
fourth habitat level contains a playground for the
maintenance elevator. Two escape pods exist for the
families with children at the station. On the fifth and
workers on this level.
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(Continued from page 24)
Multimedia Gallery
Observation Platform
special classrooms, and public events. In many ways
The Observation Platform serves as public facili-
this dome serves as a park. Public restrooms sit on
ty for many activities including non-denominational
the north side of the dome.
religious services, marriages, funerals, celebrations,
Multimedia Gallery
(Continued from page 32) inhabitants. The first level beneath the arboretum is
the agricultural science research laboratory. The sec-
ond level beneath is a nursery for seedlings grown
Ancillary Domes: Southeast Connection
in preparation to be moved to the next level down
To the southeast of the main habitat dome lie
when ready. The third level houses the main grow
two smaller dome structures, both containing
room for hydroponics produce. Each contained area
sublevels beneath the domes.
is on a different growing schedules to provide a con-
Hydroponics Laboratory Dome tinuous source of food, with seasonal fruits and
Serving as the primary food source, the hydro- vegetables varying throughout the year. The level
ponics labs contain farms for all fruits and vegeta- beneath this one serves as a laboratory for undersea
bles. The top level inside the dome is an arboretum, agricultural science studying various plant diseases
also serving as a kind of woodland park for station and nutrient supplements.
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Multimedia Gallery
(Continued from page 38) its doesnt solely have to serve as an undersea facility. This map can be
more versatile than that.
Editors Note: Neptune Station has been released commercial;ly by the
The commercial versions of the mapped station are currently scaled at 1
author as both a PDF product and a set of maps for Virtual Tabletop
inch = 10 feet. The large, main map measures 7272 inches, so from
systems such as Roll20, at $4.99 each. The commercial products are at
edge to edge the area shown depicts 720 feet making the station an
higher resolution than the maps presented here, and the PDF sections
entire, compact undersea town and really quite extensive. This means
may be printed at sizes suitable for use with miniatures
rescaling it to 1 inch = 5 feet would rescale the dimensions to be
Authors Note: if you ignore the undersea aspects in the areas sur- 144144 inches, meaning you would have to divide this map into 4
rounding the main map, as well as finding an alternative to the moon quarters to display on platforms like Roll20. At the 1 inch = 5 feet
pool, and oceanography dome, this facility could easily work as a plan- scale, even the sublevels and the main habitat level would be larger
etary space station on an airless or exotic atmosphere environment, so than 7272, so a single full level couldnt be displayed in its entirety
on a Roll20 screen.
Doing It My Way
Hazard: Tornado! Willem had heard of these things, but had never seen
one; now one was bearing down on him. As he cast quick-
by Michael Brown
ly about for shelter, his mindprobably in a ludicrous
A particularly loud thunderclap drew Willems gaze attempt to keep his fear at baydwelled on the name for
upward. Were he a Primitive, like his partner whod dis- the phenomenon. The Vilani called it iirupiim. Hed
appeared into the underbrush to circle around their quar- heard a Vargr once call it zoghfaeng. He remembered the
ry, hed say the gods were angry. The sky certainly was. ancient Terran word as he dove for a welcome depression
Overhead, the clouds boiled black. Off to the west, they in the ground:
took on a greenish cast. The rain came down in sheets. The Tornado.
wind gusted to worrisome levels. And the lightningit
wouldnt do to stay exposed like this. The worlds of the Imperium are unique, with
We should wait this out in the ATV, he thought. their own beauties and their own dangers. Weather
Then he remembered how he and Bereld had chased their is often one of those dangers, as any planet with a
bounty across the subsector. They werent about to let thick enough atmosphere and an energetic enough
himand the 25,000 credits on his headget away. star has significant meteorological events. Storm
Theyd never been this close to catching him. form and sometimes become life-threatening. One of
Cursing, Willem returned to the hunt. Staying low to those threats is an example of the worst a worlds
avoid being struck, he tried to catch a glimpse of the other weather has to offer: the tornado. This article builds
men through a face full of rain. He knew the barbarian upon Hazard: Storm! appearing in an earlier issue
would flush their prey toward Willems waiting shotgun. of Freelance Traveller, providing background materi-
He had to be ready. al, scientific explanation, and a game mechanic the
The rain suddenly stopped, as though Berelds gods referee can use to implement such a disturbance.
had decided enough was enough and flipped the off Authors Note: while based on real-world meteorolog-
switch. It was then that Willem heard it: a loud rushing ical science, the concepts presented here are part of a
sound. A waterfall, or? game. Nothing written here is intended to be used in real-
He peered westward, toward the sound. A few kilome- life situations. Tornadoes are dangerous weather phenom-
ters away, a grayish-white finger of cloud had begun a ena that cause great damage and injuries. Warnings re-
journey to the ground below. Rope-thin at first, it gained garding their appearance should be promptly observed
girth as it touched down and announced its presence with and authorities instructions strictly followed. Readers
a roar of wind and a veil of black dust. are directed to their respective national weather organiza-
(Continued on page 44)
Doing It My Way
tions or meteorological research institutes for more infor- Each tornado is a unique creation, but they all
mation. start the same way: cool, dry air clashes with warm,
Defining a Tornado moist air. Thunderstorms develop along the bound-
A tornado is a rotating column of air, in contact ary between the air masses. Some of these storms
with the surface, [suspended] from a [vertically- develop powerful updrafts and downdrafts; the in-
developed] cloud, and often visible as a funnel terplay of this wind shear eventually becomes rota-
cloud and/or circulating debris/dust at the tiona mesocyclonewithin the thunderstorm. The
ground. (American Meteorological Society.) Also storm then becomes a supercell. The mesocyclone in
called twisters, whirlwinds, or cyclones, a tornado is due course extends downward, pulled by intense
the most violent and unpredictable known atmos- downdrafts, through the cloud base. The visual
pheric disturbance. Tornadoes are also among the manifestation of this is a wall cloud, and is a near-
most recognizable. They appear in many shapes and certain confirmation of impending tornadic activity.
sizes, not necessarily the classic funnel shape. The funnel cloud extends downward out of the wall
Width ranges from a few hundred meters to almost cloud, but isnt considered a tornado until it touches
five kilometers. Winds in the most powerful exam- the ground. The funnel may not be visible if there
ples can approach 500kph, more than enough to lev- isnt enough condensation to make it so; its thus
el almost any structure and hurl vehicles like toys. invisible and only detectable on electronic sensors or
Their lifespan is typically less than ten minutes, alt- by observing swirling debris under the wall cloud.
hough some last mere seconds and others can rav- Heavy rains and darkness may also hide an ap-
age the landscape for over an hour. In short, there is proaching tornado.
no such thing as the typical tornado. Fortunately, twisters tend to be self-limiting. The
Tornadoes are rated by a scale known as the En- updrafts which pull in the warm air feeding the
hanced Fujita, or EF, scale. This scale doesnt meas- storm also draws cooler air that eventually cuts it
ure tornadic winds directly; rather it estimates the off. The tornado soon weakens until it enters a rope-
prior wind speed using a combination of observed out, or a stage where it narrows until it resembles a
damage and knowledge of building strengths. The rope or cord hanging in the sky. It dissipates soon
scale ranges from EF0 (a weak tornado doing little after. However, a powerful enough parent storm
damage) to EF5 (the deadliest, most powerful can form another mesocyclone and begin the cycle
storms.) again.
A waterspout is a common tornado variant; its Particularly powerful supercells may also spawn
essentially a tornado over a large body of water. multiple vortices, in the form of separate twin torna-
Generally weaker than a classic tornado, it can be- does; a smaller satellite tornado orbiting a much
come one if it comes ashore. Waterspouts pose a larger and stronger funnel; or multiple suction vorti-
threat to small watercraft, although larger watercraft ces revolving around a common point. These are the
and some aircraft have been known to survive en- most dangerous tornadoes of all, and spark the com-
counters with them. mon observation of one structure being destroyed
while an adjacent structure survives.
The Making of a Tornado
Tornadogenesis is complex, and a full discussion
Surviving a Tornado
of it is beyond this articles scope. For gaming pur- While the only truly safe place from a tornado is
poses, however, a grossly oversimplified version of underground, heroes have several courses of action
the events will do: which increase the odds of survival. PCs can take
refuge in a basement or specially-constructed safe
room or get into the structures interior on the low-
(Continued on page 45)
Doing It My Way
(Continued from page 44) animal migration), and food chain disruption. Facili-
ties that manufacture toxic compounds, if damaged
est floor, away from windows and with as many or destroyed, can leak poisons into the ground and
walls between themselves and the twister as possi- water. Tornadoes that become waterspouts can carry
ble. If caught outside, they can lie flat in the lowest hazardous debris with them. Fires sparked in the
depression available (such as a culvert or ravine.) A storms wake can wreak secondary havoc, especially
vehicle such as an ATV or Ground Car or a light if local emergency services have also been compro-
structure like an Advanced Base (Book 3) may be mised. Social disruption can lead to psychological
death traps and arent recommended as shelter. problems such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Of course, the best way to survive a tornado is to social unrest in the form of increased crime and riot-
listen closely to weather reports for a particular area ing, and even mass exodus as a populace decides to
and then be elsewhere before it arrives. relocate to safer places.
Aftermath of a Tornado Refereeing a Tornado
Twisters can cause great damage, but this is typ- The following rules are a more detailed version
ically along a set path. Thus, a tornado is by nature a of the rules appearing in Hazard: Storm! and re-
local phenomenon. However, an outbreak, or multi- place the tornado rules therein. Its also geared to-
ple storms and associated tornadoes appearing in a ward creating classic supercell twisters.
widespread area, can cause extensive damage. Such Determine ifor rule thata thunderstorm is
disturbances on planets with particularly dynamic powerful enough to become tornadic. Once the fun-
weather patterns may see outbreaks become region- nel begins descending, it touches down in 1D com-
al in scope. bat rounds.
The typical response to a tornados aftermath is Throw 2D-2 for the tornados Intensity (i). Apply
to locate survivors, render aid to the injured, ac- the result to the following calculations, substituting
count for the missing and the dead, and assess the 1 for 0 except where noted:
damage with an eye not only to calculating mone- The funnels width in meters at its narrowest
tary costs, but assigning an EF rating. On worlds point: 100i. If the Intensity throw was a natural
with a low Law Level, victimization of survivors by 12 (before die modifiers), throw 1D-1 (minimum
criminalsespecially looterscan be a problem. 1) and multiply the funnel width by the result.
A tornado can have a large impact on an areas The wind speed in kph: 50i is its wind speed in
economy, infrastructure, environment, and even its kph. Consult published sources for EF scale
society. Damage from an EF5 or an outbreak can wind speeds
reach into the billions of credits. Typically only the The vortexs forward speed in kph: 10i
area directly affected by a tornado bears the costs of The time the tornado is in continuous contact
recovery. Even an outbreak rarely rises to the level with the ground: i minutes. If this is longer than
of requiring aid from a nation-state, world or the its lifespan (below) it touches down only mo-
Imperium. Infrastructure can be greatly compro- mentarily then spends the rest of its life as a fun-
mised, especially the delivery of essential services nel cloud
such as power, potable water, and foodstuffs. If the The tornados lifespan: 2i minutes. If the Intensi-
tornado destroys the main provider of these items, ty throw was zero (modified), the time is 2D sec-
recovery can take years instead of weeks. Environ- onds instead.
mental damage comes from the destruction of
(Continued on page 46)
cropland, forests (which can lead to soil erosion and
Doing It My Way
Attempts to stand, fight, etc. for exposed charac- If use of the EF scale is desired to help describe
ters: -2i. Double this if flying exposed (a grav the tornado, throw 2D: 2+ = EF0, 6+ = EF1 10+ = EF2,
belt, Droyne, etc.) 11 = EF3; 12 = EF4. If a natural 12 results, throw
The DM to Pilot skill to operate a flying vehicle, again. If 12 again results, the storm is the dreaded
including a starship: i EF5. DMs: +1 if Atmosphere 8+. Note that the vast
DMs: Atmosphere 4-5 = -1; Atmosphere 8+ = +1 majority of tornadoes are EF0-1.
Note that there isnt necessarily a correlation be- Forecasting a Tornado
tween the size of the funnel and its Intensity. Predicting tornadic weather is an inexact science
A direct hit by the funnel inflicts 2i dice of dam- at best. The storms are completely unpredictable;
age per second it is in contact, from dust and debris they may not appear even when conditions favor
driven hard enough to penetrate solid objects. their development, and may form even when condi-
(Funnel width0.28)forward speed (round to near- tions dont warrant it. They may not necessarily
est value)=number of seconds. For example, an In- move in a predictable fashion: theyve been known
tensity 3 funnel measuring 300 meters across mov- to stand still, make abrupt turns, and even back-
ing at 20kph takes 4.2, or four seconds to pass over track. And they can appear and disappear with dis-
an area. Anyone unlucky or foolish enough to be turbing suddenness.
caught in the vortex takes 6D damage each second Still, to save lives, science endeavors to under-
for four seconds. Armor protects normally, for what stand them. Again, the best way to survive a torna-
its worth. do is not to be near one in the first place. The key to
A person in such straits is endangered not only accomplishing this is earlier prediction. Meteorolo-
by the shrapnel, but being lifted and thrown. The gists have long focused their efforts on lengthening
total direct hit damage calculated abovethe objects the time between a prediction of a tornado and its
weight in tons=number of meters the object is manifestation. Imperial science has helped; torna-
moved. In the example above, the total of 24D does can be predicted on worlds prone to them with
would be used to calculate how far an object would high accuracy and long prep times. The tools used to
be thrown. `If the object is a person, throw 1D; if it do so havent changed, only the technology behind
comes up 1, (s)he is thrown into the path of the them.
tornado, to be thrown again. Repeat this for each
I Happen to Know Something About
result of 1 on the 1D throw.
However, tornadoes have been known
rarelyto leave creatures completely unharmed. PCs with certain skills and backgrounds can be
Total the victims STR, DEX, and END. If the result very useful in an adventure or campaign featuring
equals or exceeds the total damage dealt by the fun- tornadoes. They typically will have received some
nel, the character suffers no damage, but may still be measure of training involving the study, prediction
thrown, as above. or survival of tornadic weather.
As noted, a vehicle is the worst place to be in PCs hailing from words with tornadic weather
during a tornado, but if the heroes are caught in one, will be familiar with the proper safety techniques.
it protects its occupants as Combat armor for a num- They can advise other heroes on how to take cover
ber of seconds equivalent to its weight in tons divid- from the storms, signs that show if one is imminent,
ed by i (round off), thus reducing the damage some- and whether an intended survival action is a good
what. Atmospheric craft instead divide weight by 3i idea. As noted before, primitives still attuned to na-
due to their light construction. ture can often sense innately if tornadoes are likely
to develop.
(Continued on page 47)
Doing It My Way
Scouts receive a broad meteorological overview the referee uses a tornado, the result should be to
as part of their planetology and survey studies. Sci- enhance the adventure, not derail or destroy it.
entists certainly have the option of specializing in Ships Locker
atmospheric mechanics or meteorology. A subset of THOR (Tornado Haven Optimally Restrained)
scientists gets up close to the storms and attempt to (10) Cr10,000. This is a higher-tech expression of a
insert remote sensing devices but many such storm safe room. It uses gravitics technology to keep itself
chasers are motivated more from the adrenaline anchored to the enclosing structures foundation
rush than pure science. and deflect flying debris. Its armor is equivalent to
Two skills can dovetail with tornado knowledge. Combat for any debris that does get through.
Pilot skill must have knowledge of wind shear and Tornado Reconnaissance Drone (9) Cr89,500. A
atmospheric conditions favorable to safe flights, and remotely-piloted, lifting-body robot designed to en-
any PC with Survival skill has at least some ter a tornado funnel (a maneuver called punching
knowledge of tornado safety and avoidance. the core) and take readings and measurements.
A Tornados Impact on the Game Basic remote control range is 5 kilometers. Some
The appearance of a tornado in an adventure can models have wireless communication systems that
serve many purposes: as a random or background allow them to be controlled at longer ranges, even
encounter; as an unthinking, unfeeling adversary; as from orbit. At Tech Level B+ low-level AI takes the
a spur to adventure; as a device to provide clues; or place of remote control in some models. Against de-
even as a deus ex machina should the heroes find bris damage, its armor is equivalent to Cloth.
themselves in over their heads. Regardless of how Weighs 400kg.
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Far Future Enterprises has released Classic Traveller Special Supplement 4: The Lost Rules.
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I00000I: Lighe Escort Cruiser, and Space Stations XIV: Breakers Yard.
Mongoose Publishing has released Borderland Profile: Tanith.
Terra/Sol Games has released Six Guns: Lasers.
Gypsy Knights Games has released Clement Sector Players Guide.
Felbrigg Herriot has released Decopedia Volume 1.
Submission Guidelines
What is Freelance Traveller looking for? the submission, but will not print it unless/until weve
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Were looking for anything and everything to do with
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At the very minimum, we need the submission itself,
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Some things that we want that you might not think of What format should I submit it in?
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ture larger without it becoming pixellated.
ited to) Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, Babylon 5, Reign of Di-
If youre submitting a graphic that youd like to see
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fit nicely on both US Letter and ISO A4 pageswell crop
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Weve made the decision to support Hyperlite as good resolution is 100 dpi or more.
though it were an alternate Traveller setting, much like Plans (deck plans, building plans, maps, etc.) may be
Twilight Sector or Reign of Diaspora. The changes that better submitted in a vector-based format such as Corel-
Sceaptune Games has made to Traveller to get Hyperlite DRAW! format (CDR) or any format that can be imported
arent really much more than the differences between into CorelDRAW! X4. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG),
Classic Traveller, MegaTraveller, Marc Millers Traveller, Windows Metafile (WMF), Enhanced Metafile (EMF), En-
and Mongoose Traveller, and converting between any of capsulated PostScript (EPS), or Microsoft Visio (VSD) are
those systems and Hyperlite, in either direction, should be some common vector formats that can be imported.
How do I get it to you?
Diaspora, or Starblazer Adventures? Email it to us at our submissions address,
If your article is about crossing over between these Your subject line
products and any of the standard or supported Traveller should specify the type of article that it is, and what sec-
rulesets or settings, by all means, submit it! If its support tion you think it should be put in, e.g., Combat Rules for
for those systems beyond Traveller, well accept and hold Doing It My Way.