Peptide Macrocycles
Peptide Macrocycles
Peptide Macrocycles
eptide macrocycles are ring- In addition, their capacity for fine-mo-
shaped molecules that have a lecular tuning makes them excellent
wide application range from therapeutic agents. Despite their no-
drug discovery to nanoma- toriously difficult synthetic methods,
terials. A macrocycle generally has peptide macrocycles are expected to
at least twelve atoms in a cyclic ar- experience exponential growth due
rangement. In nature, the most com- to their therapeutic viability. Some
mon macrocyles contain 14-, 16-, or common macrocycles include Calcito-
18-atoms in their framework.1 Using nin, Octreotide, and Cyclosporine A.
traditional synthetic methods, peptide Peptides International offers a wide
macrocycles can be difficult to synthe- assortment of peptide macrocycles as
size due to entropically unfavorable well as having the capability to custom
conditions.2 Recent developments in synthesize one to suit your research.
synthesis have uncovered new ways PMC-3683-PI
to prepare peptide macrocycles, eas-
1. A.K. Yudin, Chemical Science, 6, 30 (2015).
ing this difficulty. Because of their nature, they are re- 2. C.J. White & A.K. Yudin, Nature Chemistry, 3, 509 (2011). (Review)
sistant to proteolytic degradation making them good for
3. J.R. Frost, et al., Nature Chemistry, Advance Online Publication (2016).
biomolecular interactions at protein-protein interfaces.3
PMC-3881-PI Ac-Arg-[Cys-Met-Ava-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ava-Cys]-NH2 1 mg
Ava = Aminovaleric acid 5 mg
(M.W. 971.22) C49H82N16O11S3
(Disulfide bond between Cys2 and Cys9)
Melanin Concentrating Hormone Receptor 1 Antagonist
M.A. Bednarek, et al., Biochemistry, 41, 6383 (2002).
OCT-3738-PI Octreotide 1 mg
D-Phe-(Cys-Phe-Trp-Lys-Thr-Cys)-Thr-ol 5 mg
(M.W. 1019.26) C49H66N10O10S2 [83150-76-9]
(Disulfide bonds between Cys2-Cys7)
Somatostatin Analog