H11 S
H11 S
H11 S
330^ General movement
Scope 332^ Appearance and fit
335 Thermal movement service temperature ranges 14
This section deals with proprietary (standard or nonstandard) 340^ Air permeability
nonloadbearing walls of glass and other sheet and panel 345^ Air permeability exfiltration 15
materials supported on framing, fixed to a supporting structure, 350^ Water penetration
designed and fixed as an integrated assembly complete with 370^ Thermal properties
opening lights, doors, ventilators, etc. 380^ Solar and light control 16
For definitions of associated walling and roofing systems and 385^ Thermal stress in glazing
their relevant NBS sections see general guidance 1 in this 390^ Avoidance of condensation 17
section. 410^ Sound transmittance
420^ Fire resistance of curtain walling
This section does not include: 425^ Internal surface spread of flame of curtain walling
General glazing see section L40. 430^ Fire stopping
Permanent access and safety equipment see section N25. 435^ Opening lights (windows) 18
436 Doors and other access facilities
437 Louvres 19
440^ Durability
Contents 445^ Lightning protection system
450^ Safety
Reference documents 2 460 Structural sealant glazing requirements
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810^ Protective coating of carbon steel framing sections/ General guidance
820^ Protective coating of carbon steel mechanical fixings 1 Definitions
830^ Powder coating Developments in facade technology have resulted in a blurring of
840^ Anodizing the boundaries between the many different methods and
850^ Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) coating of aluminium alloy functions of cladding. It may be helpful, therefore, to define, not
only curtain walling as covered by this section, but also the other
Fabrication and installation 31 categories most of which are already covered in NBS.
910^ Generally Regardless of the differences, all of the following have one
912^ Metalwork characteristic in common they are all nonloadbearing, dead
915^ Glazing and live loads acting on them being transferred via connections
917^ Fixings/ Adhesives application to the building structure.
920^ Sealant application Curtain walling: Glazing and panels/ facings set into or
925 Structural sealant glazing attached to framing members fixed back to the building
930^ Assembly structure see also general guidance 3. External curtain
955^ Fixing anchor installation walling should be specified in this section; internal curtain
965^ Preliminary curtain walling installation walling can also be specified here subject to adjustment of
970^ Curtain walling installation Design/ Performance Requirement clauses.
975^ Welding 32 Patent glazing: Glazing supported on two or four edges by
980^ Interfaces metal glazing bars fixed back to the building structure to form
982^ Ironmongery walls or sloping roofs. Specify in section H10.
985^ Maintenance Structural glass assemblies: Frameless glazing with sealant
joints, attached by assembly fixings to glass fins or a
secondary support structure and thereby back to the building
structure. Specify in section H13. Do not confuse with
Reference documents structural sealant glazing as a method of curtain walling
assembly see general guidance 3.1.
For a list of documents cited in NBS, refer to the Reference Overhead glazing: Glazing with a slope of less than 75 to the
documents listing on the subscriber website. horizontal usually assembled from one of the three systems
previously defined. Overhead glazing has inherent technical
For a list of documents cited in this section, refer to All reference differences to curtain walling in providing for, e.g. rainwater
documents for a work section on the subscriber website. and condensation drainage, snow and maintenance loadings.
Where it is integral with curtain walling it may be specified in
To check the currency of documents cited in this section, refer to this section, provided the technical differences are
the list of New and amended reference documents on the accommodated.
subscriber website. Rainscreen cladding: An external cladding or overcladding
assembly fixed back to and providing weather protection to an
Publishers of documents cited in this section include: inner structural leaf; the cavity between being drained and
American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) ventilated or pressure equalized. Specify in section H92.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Precast concrete cladding: Large unit precast concrete
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) panels (also known as integral panels) that may be faced with
British Board of Agrment (BBA) other materials. The panels are fixed back to the building
British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd (BCSA) structure but are able to support their own weight and resist
British Standards Institution (BSI) design loads without additional framing. Specify in section
Building Research Establishment (BRE) H42.
Building Services Research And Information Association
(BSRIA) 2 Standards
Butterworth Heinemann The gap in UK curtain walling standards was closed in 1993 by
Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT)/ the issue of the Standard and guide to good practice for curtain
University of Bath walling by the Centre for Window and Cladding Technology
Chartered Institution Of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) (CWCT) at the University of Bath. In 1996 the document was
Construction Confederation (CC) formerly Building Employers revised and republished as a second edition in three volumes:
Confederation (BEC) Standard for curtain walling.
Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) Guide to good practice for facades.
Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB) Test methods for curtain walling.
Fire Protection Association (FPA) These documents have been superseded by a single
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publication Standard for systemised building envelopes, which
Institution of Structural Engineers (ISE) in nine volumes takes account of the European (CEN) standards
Loss Prevention Certification (LPCB) dealing with envelope technologies. The nine (10 with Standard
The Stationery Office (TSO) test methods for building envelopes) volumes are:
Part 1 Scope, terminology, testing and classification
Part 2 Loads, fixings and movement
Part 3 Air, water and wind resistance
Part 4 Operable components, additional elements and means
of access
Part 5 Thermal, moisture and acoustic performance
Part 6 Fire performance (Not included in the first issue of the
standard. To be released after publication of revised building
regulations covering aspects of fire.)
Part 7 Robustness, durability, tolerances and workmanship
Part 8 Testing*
Part 0 Specifiers checklist and certification.
Standard test methods for building envelopes.
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*CWCT issued an erratum sheet dated 26 May 2006 revising secondary retention devices. Unsupported units require a
the discretionary test sequence clause 8.13.5. significantly wider sealant joint bite dimension, increasing
The CWCT Standard covers both curtain walling and silicone use and thereby cost. Insulating glass units should not
rainscreen cladding (section H92). be specified as four sided bonded without secondary support
BS EN 13830 is the curtain walling product standard and is or retention of the outer pane.
supported by the following performance and test/ calculation For further guidance see the following publications:
standards: AAMA, Structural sealant glazing systems.
Air permeability: BS EN 12152 and BS EN 12153. ASTM, Science and technology of glazing systems.
Watertightness: BS EN 12154, BS EN 12155, BS EN 13051 ISE, Structural use of glass in buildings.
and DD ENV 13050.
Resistance to wind load: BS EN 13116 and BS EN 12179.
Figure 1
Impact resistance: BS EN 14019.
The CWCT Standard for systemised building envelopes takes
account of the British standards and sets appropriate levels of
performance for use in specific environments.
Sets conditions when existing test results may be extrapolated
to new projects.
Provides additional information not included within European
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Figure 6
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result in elimination of one or more manufacturers from equivalent basis. Two stage tenders may be favoured for more
consideration, but equally may highlight impracticable design complex projects, the preliminary stage leading to qualifying
criteria. interviews for the submission stage. Meetings during the tender
period can resolve any difficulties of interpretation and should
4.2 Design ensure the preparation of comparable bids.
Curtain walling contributes significantly to the aesthetic of a Submissions must provide sufficient information to enable the
building. Consequently, it is an area where the Architect will design team to verify that all requirements have been correctly
normally seek to keep firm design control but not compromise and adequately interpreted see clause 10.
good practice. Design intent should be communicated in contract On acceptance of a submission, the successful curtain walling
documentation by preliminary design drawings and a concise contractors detailed design process should start as soon as
specification. possible, with priority given to fixings and feature/ interface
The drawings will usually show three levels of detail: details. All members of the design team should be involved in
General arrangement: this stage of detail development.
Structural frame and floor levels with preferred locations and
types of fixings and movement joints. 5 Dimensional coordination
Critical overall or opening dimensions.
Setting out centres, e.g. for mullions and transoms or for 5.1 Fixings
units. The design of curtain walling attachments involves the architect,
Cladding zones. structural or cladding consultant, and curtain walling contractor.
Panel: Fixing design responsibilities should be clearly defined at tender
Sketch panel/ unit details. stage and agreed in principle before acceptance of a tender.
Positions of incorporated components, e.g. doors, opening Detailed fixing design should then be agreed before
lights, sun screens. commencement of building structure works on site.
Components: The building structure will normally dictate the type and
Sketch extrusion/ frame section details. positioning of fixings to be used. All fixings should be capable of
Sketch perimeter details, e.g. sills, copings, abutments. not less than 25 mm adjustment in three directions. Shims
Preparing detailed design drawings at pre-tender stage is likely should only be used where adjustment beyond these tolerances
to be unproductive. With proprietary systems they may limit is required; they should be of equal size to the area of fixing
competition and with bespoke systems they may pre-empt attachment, not more than 10 mm thick, and be locked by
solutions for which the manufacturer will not accept liability. serrations, bonded or welded to the fixing.
Experienced curtain walling companies can usually prepare Lining and levelling is carried out on site as preparatory work
tender submissions without first producing detailed drawings, before erection of curtain walling. Only fine adjustment and
because they can confidently anticipate how their system will locking of fixings should then be necessary during curtain walling
meet the project requirements. installation. Good access to all fixing positions will facilitate the
Specification clauses 210, 230 and 235 in this section assign speed and accuracy of installation.
the preparation of detailed drawings to the appointed curtain Comprehensive guidance on the type and location of fixings
walling manufacturer or the approved fabricator/ installer. It is most suitable for different curtain walling systems is given in the
important that the contract documentation clearly defines SCI publication, Curtain wall connections to steel frames.
responsibilities for detailed design to ensure that the Employer
has a redress in the event of failure due to design. 5.2 Accuracy of structure
The design of the curtain walling system and its method of fixing
4.3 Specification must take account of the degree of accuracy that can be
The content of a specification must be appropriate to the method achieved in the construction of the supporting structure.
of choosing a curtain walling system. Whatever the approach, Conversely, the degree of accuracy required of the supporting
there should be a performance bias, since the product, structure will depend to some extent on the amount of
fabrication and installation capabilities will be better understood adjustability that will be provided by the fixing system. Generally,
and interpreted by the curtain walling companies. They must curtain walling tolerances are of the order of 1/4 to 1/3 of those
prove that their proposed solutions can meet the performance associated with the supporting structure. The method of
criteria. achieving these finer tolerances rests with adjustment of
Writing a performance biased specification for curtain walling connections, or the inclusion of buffer zones.
is a way for the specifier to share, not shed, design Recommended permissible deviations for structural steel
responsibility. Curtain walling manufacturers should be allowed frames are given in BS 5950-2, section 7.3 and in the National
to advise the design team before tendering and the appointed Structural Steelwork Specification for Building Construction
contractor should become a part of the design team. (NSSS), section 9. Recommended permissible deviations for in
This NBS section, therefore, contains comprehensive situ concrete frames and walls are given in BS 5606.
subsections for design/ performance requirements and testing. Levels of accuracy for steelwork specified in the NSSS are
Specifications for bespoke and modified proprietary systems will invoked by NBS in clause G10/125, higher levels being specified
require inclusion of most clauses from these subsections. in clause G10/420. Levels of accuracy for in situ concrete work
Specifications for proprietary systems will also require given in BS 5606 (or higher levels) are specified in Preliminaries
comprehensive inclusion of clauses from these subsections even section A33. Increased accuracy should be specified only after
when comparison (type) testing (clause 510) is acceptable. consideration of increased cost.
Architects, unless specialists in curtain walling, may feel out of
their depth with the specification of more complex curtain walling 5.3 Avoiding critical relationships
systems. The expertise of other design disciplines (structural Problems of dimensional coordination are better avoided rather
engineers, service engineers and/ or cladding consultants) than solved. Structure and curtain walling should be detailed so
should be enlisted where required. that there is the minimum possible requirement for their parts
and features to coincide. Curtain walling usually runs past
4.4 Tender submission columns and beams and is not directly related to the space
A disciplined approach to contract documentation can reduce the between them. The only critical dimensions are the overall length
cost of curtain walling tender preparation and thereby tender and height of the facade, thus allowing minor inaccuracies
prices. It is usually desirable to restrict the number of tender between the curtain walling and the structure to be taken up over
submissions to three or four, whichever method of procurement many joints rather than a few.
is followed. This may mean starting from a list of five or six Consider also the coordination of tolerances of other building
companies and eliminating those that are not competing on an components at abutments, e.g. ceiling, wall and floor finishes.
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5.4 Live load deflection variations in the proposed project details, e.g. spacing of
In addition to permissible deviations in the structure, the curtain mullions/ transoms, will require evaluation.
walling will also have to cope with live load deflections. The Project testing (for proprietary, modified proprietary and
structural consultant should provide drawings and schedules of bespoke systems): A full scale specimen is laboratory tested in
anticipated loadings to curtain walling contractors at tender stage. accordance with specified criteria and procedures. Panels can
Where deflections are high and curtain walling contractors are be tested using the facilities of an independent laboratory or the
involved in design development (see general guidance 4.4) it may curtain walling manufacturer, in the latter case the results and
be considered more economical for the primary structure to be report must be certified by an independent consultancy. Project
stiffened than allowances made to accommodate movement in the testing is always time consuming and costly.
curtain walling.
7 Health and safety
6 Testing (verification of performance) Health and safety risks should be listed in the pre-tender health
Testing of curtain walling can expose design, fabrication and and safety plan (Preliminaries section A34 ) and method
installation weaknesses at an appropriate time for corrective action statements obtained from the contractor in the outline construction
to be applied, but it does not guarantee satisfactory performance in phase health and safety plan (Preliminaries section A30 ).
use. Testing is intended to subject a specimen to performance
criteria that will match or exceed the extremes of environmental 7.1 Materials
conditions likely to be experienced during the life of the curtain The usual components of curtain walling are not considered a
walling. However, the exact combination or cyclical changes of health risk, but care is required in handling cut edges of glass,
conditions that may occur, cannot be reproduced and the panels/ facings and framing members. Unitized systems will
specifiers evaluation of test results should make appropriate require mechanical lifting into position and restraint during
allowances where necessary. attachment of fixing anchors. Normal precautions should be taken
The CWCT Standard for systemised building envelopes states with sealant application.
in clause 1.5 It is fundamental to the use of this standard that a
representative sample of the envelope system shall be tested as 7.2 Design
appropriate for air tightness, water penetration resistance, and The main hazards are associated with installing and maintaining
resistance to wind and other loads, prior to installation. curtain walling at high levels people falling off the structure and
Specification clauses for testing these and a range of other criteria materials or equipment falling onto others below. Consideration
are provided in this section, but this does not imply that project should be given to safe access systems for cleaning and
testing is mandatory. The options for satisfying a specification for inspection, e.g. gantries, cradles and anchorage points.
testing are:
Previous results (for proprietary systems only): The CWCT 7.3 Reference documents
Standard for systemised building envelopes allows testing to be For guidance on working at heights see:
deemed unnecessary if one of two conditions are satisfied: CC Construction health and safety manual, section 8D Work on
The system has been successfully tested to the CWCT standard roofs.
to pressures not less than those applicable to the proposed CITB Construction site safety, section C6 Safe working on roofs
location and the system is to be used with spans, support and at heights.
conditions and supporting structural frames similar to those HSE Publications INDG 401 The work at height regulations
originally tested or used. 2005. A brief guide, Designing for Health and Safety in
The supplier/ manufacturer can demonstrate and/or produce Construction: A guide for designers on the Construction (Design
evidence of satisfactory, prolonged and extensive use of their and Management) Regulations and HSE Guidance booklets HSG
product in a similar manner and location to the intended project 33 Health and safety in roof work and HSG 150 Health and
for not less than ten years. safety in construction.
Classification (for proprietary systems only): The CWCT have
adopted the performance classification system established in BS 8 Contractual arrangements
EN 13830. Proprietary systems are tested and performance The performance of curtain walling is dependent upon careful
classes shown in CWCT table 1.2 reproduced in table 1. fabrication and installation in accordance with detailed design.
Complications may arise where the curtain walling system includes
Table 1 CWCT Classification and appropriate usage components designed and/ or manufactured by other specialists,
Maximum Design Air test Water Wind Wind e.g. glazing and infill/ facing panels. Where such components are
calculated wind pressure test serviceability safety an integral part of the curtain wall assembly, the scope of this
wind pressure pressure test pressure test section enables their inclusion within the curtain walling
[pressure (p) pressure specification and thereby achieves single contractor responsibility.
Up to 1200 Maximum 300 Pa 300 Pa 1.0 p 1.50p This approach is recommended since the performance of the
Pa calculated (A2) (R5)* curtain walling is reliant upon the integrity of all components.
1201 to wind 450 Pa 450 Pa Where curtain walling is one cladding component of a complex
1600 Pa pressure (A3) (R6)* building envelope, this section can be part of a stand alone
1601 to but not 600 Pa 600 Pa contract package or it can be incorporated with other sections (e.g.
2400 Pa less than (R7) (R7)* L10 Windows, L20 Doors, H92 Rainscreen cladding) into an
Over 2400 800 Pa 0.25p 0.25p inclusive work package.
Pa (RE) (RE)
* The selection of the test pressure is based on the degree of exposure to 8.1 Subcontracting
the weather. Where justifiable, the Specifier may wish to test the envelope The specifier may choose a subcontractor or influence the choice
to higher pressures than indicated. of subcontractor in several different ways. See Preliminaries
section A30.
The CWCT Standard defines the parameters for a standard test
panel and details a suitable panel for proprietary systems. Test 8.2 Requirements for submission of information
results are expressed in terms of pressures achieved for air The specifier may require the Contractor or a subcontractor to
permeability, water penetration and wind resistance g Air submit drawings or other technical information. Clause 10 specifies
permeability A2, A3, A4 or AE.xxx, Water penetration R5, R6, submissions at tender stage. Clauses 230, 235 and 240 specify
R7 or RE.xxxx and Wind resistance as the actual pressure submissions during the course of the contract. See also
achieved. Manufacturers have the opportunity to test standard Preliminaries section A31.
systems and make results available for comparison. Again, any
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Internal framing member: The subitems are for use with exposed
mullion/ transom sections of stick or unitized systems. Adapt them
for other framing member arrangements, e.g. unitized systems with
secondary framing (see general guidance 3.1).
Where framing members are to provide support to internal fixtures,
e.g. radiators, partition end posts, details of the fixtures should be
provided on drawings or schedules.
Material: See Products clauses and insert, e.g.
Finish: A decorative finish will normally be required for metal
framing. Aluminium alloy can be anodized, powder coated or liquid
coated. Steel must be galvanized and can be powder coated or
liquid coated. Curtain walling manufacturers may offer standard
factory applied finishes that can be specified if a single proprietary
system is selected. To complete this and the following two subitems
see Finishes clauses and insert, e.g.
Finish: Powder coating.
Colour/ texture: RAL 9003/ matt (30 5 units).
Minimum film thickness: 60 micrometres.
External cover cap: The subitems are for use with cover caps to
pressure plates of exposed mullion/ transom sections of stick or
unitized systems. Adapt them for other restraint systems, e.g.
compressed gasket glazing.
Material: See Products clauses and insert, e.g.
Finish: A decorative finish will normally be required for metal. To
complete this and the following two subitems insert, e.g.
Finish: Anodizing.
Colour/ texture: Dark bronze.
Minimum film thickness: 25 micrometres.
Glazing/ Inner pane/ Outer pane: Determination of glass thickness
can be left to the contractor see Integrity clauses 311, 312 and
313. However, if the contractor is not made responsible for integrity,
the thickness should be specified. For general guidance on glass
types see section L40.
For generic specification, see Products clauses and insert, e.g.
Glazing: Insulating glass units.
Inner pane: Clear float glass.
Outer pane: Laminated solar control glass.
For special types of glazing, insert proprietary references.
Glazing system: See Products clauses and insert, e.g.
Gaskets, cover plate fixed.
Structural sealant, four side bonded.
Panel/ facing type: This item assumes composite units or
fabrications with external and internal linings. Insert, e.g.
Composite infill panels, external cover plate fixed.
Composite facings, mechanically fixed to secondary framing.
Edit or amend the subitems to suit other panel/ facing
arrangements. Ventilation of cavities in panels/ facings may be an
extension of the drained and ventilated or pressure equalized
weathersealing system. If not, specify details here or require details
in tender submissions (clause 10).
External material: See Products clauses and insert, e.g.
6 mm laminated, ceramic coated glass.
40 mm polished white granite.
Include description of any complexities that cannot be shown on
External finish: Use where the panel/ facing has a decorative
finish. For metals see guidance note to Internal framing member
above. Also see general guidance 2 to section Z11.
Internal material: Insert, e.g.
9 mm fibre cement board.
12.5 mm plasterboard dry lining.
Internal finish: Use where a workshop applied decorative finish is
required. For metals see guidance note to Internal framing member
Core insulation: Specify by prescription for proprietary or
specifier designed constructions, see clause 780. Specify by
performance where the curtain walling contractor is providing
detailed design, e.g. As clause 780, to comply with thermal
performance requirements of clause 370.
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Manufacturer: . . . . . .
Product reference: . . . . . .
Material: . . . . . .
Finish: . . . . . .
Colour/ Texture: . . . . . .
Minimum film thickness: . . . . . .
Fixing: . . . . . .
Other requirements: . . . . . .
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See general guidance 6 for optional methods of verification of
performance of curtain walling. The test clauses in this NBS
subsection invoke CWCT Standard for systemised building
envelopes Part 8, and are appropriate to previous results,
classification or project testing. Amend the clause test references
where previous results submissions based on, e.g. British Standard
window testing methods, will be considered.
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Method for identifying areas of concentrated air leakage: Thermal cycling regime: . . . . . .
CWCT Standard guidance lists the following qualitative methods: External air temperature limits: . . . . . .
Not applicable Maximum solar radiation intensity on a vertical surface:
Hot wire anemometers ......
Smoke Internal in use psychrometric conditions: As clause 390.
Back of hand. Post-test requirement: Retain specimen in its final
Water penetration resistance static: A water penetration static condition for subsequent air permeability and water
test is required following discretionary tests for impact penetration resistance tests.
serviceability, building movement regime and thermal cycling. Refer Air permeability (infiltration): . . . . . .
to Sequence for discretionary tests above, the accompanying notes Test pressure: As clause 340.
and determine whether a water penetration static test is required. Method for identifying areas of concentrated air leakage:
Insert, To CWCT clause 8.7.1 or Not required. ......
Wind resistance serviceability: Air permeability (exfiltration): . . . . . .
Peak test pressure: Insert reference to clause 311, 312 or 313. Allowable exfiltration rates: As clause 345
Position of displacement measuring devices: CWCT Standard Method of identifying areas of concentrated air leakage:
test methods for building envelopes Section 11 requires the ......
specifier to agree the position of the measuring devices. Insert, e.g. Water Penetration resistance static: . . . . . .
As shown on drawing. Peak test pressure: As clause 350.
Allowable elastic and residual deformation: CWCT Standard Hose test: To CWCT clause 8.16.2.
clause 3.5.2 establishes maximum allowable deflection criteria and Joints to be tested: . . . . . .
the allowable residual deformation requirements. Wind resistance safety: To CWCT clause 8.8
Water penetration resistance dynamic: Peak test pressure: Equal to 1.5 times design wind
Test method: CWCT Standard clause 8.7.2 provides alternative pressure specified in clause . . . . . .
test methods, the dynamic aero engine test or the dynamic fan test. Position of displacement measuring devices: . . . . . .
CWCT guidance indicates the fan test is not applicable to building Allowable residual deformation: . . . . . .
envelopes containing ventilated cavities and not suitable for walls Impact safety: To CWCT clause 8.10.
with additional components such as sun shades or locally faceted Location, sequence and number of impacts to be applied:
walls. Insert either Dynamic aero engine or Dynamic fan. ......
Hose test: This test is carried out in the laboratory to establish Type of soft body impactor: . . . . . .
comparative values for site tests which are used to help detect Energy of soft body impactor (E): . . . . . .
construction and workmanship defects. Insert, To CWCT clause Required hard body impact load category: . . . . . .
8.16.2 or Not required. Required soft body impact classification: . . . . . .
Joints to be tested: Insert locations or refer to drawings. Load tests (other than wind load): . . . . . .
Impact serviceability: Impact testing is only required for custom Dismantle inspect and record.
curtain wall systems if suggested by the in use conditions.
CWCT TN 52 gives guidance on impact specification and testing.
At the time this guidance was written CWCT TN 52 had not been
published. Check with CWCT for availability. Insert either To CWCT
8.13.1 or Not required.
Type of soft body impactor: Insert either Double tyre to
BS EN 12600, Loaded canvas spherical/conical bag as described in
CWCT Standard test methods for building envelopes clause 15.4.1
or Not applicable.
Required hard body impact load category: Insert, As clause
311, As clause 312, As clause 313 or Not applicable.
Required soft body impact classification: Insert, As clause 311,
As clause 312, As clause 313. or Not applicable.
Building movement regime/ racking procedure: Racking regimes
are compulsory when specifying earthquake load resistance see
guidance note to clause 380. Insert To CWCT 8.13.3 or Not
Displacements to test specimen supports: Insert location,
direction, magnitude and cycle of displacements, e.g. Move upper
fixings 50 mm in the two directions horizontal to the plane of the
specimen. Repeat this cycle three times within a ten minute period.
Condition of specimen for follow on air permeability and/ or
water penetration tests: CWCT Standard test methods for building
envelopes Section 17 indicates that on completion of the racking
regime the required state of the specimen should be determined
ready for the follow on tests. Insert either Retain deformed position,
Return to normal or Not applicable.
Thermal cycling regime: CWCT Standard requires the inclusion of
thermal cycling testing to be discussed with the Client prior to the
preparation of the specification. See guidance to CWCT Standard
clause 8.13.4. Insert either To CWCT clause 8.13.4 or Not required.
External air temperature limits: Insert in C the maximum and
minimum air temperatures.
Hose test: This test is carried out in the laboratory to establish
comparative values for site tests which are used to help detect
construction and workmanship defects. Insert, To CWCT clause
8.16.2 or Not required.
Joints to be tested: Insert locations or refer to drawings.
Impact safety: The impact safety test is included in the CWCT
Standard as a recommended test for proprietary systems. Impact
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Additional Tests
Confirm the need for all additional tests with the Employer before
inclusion. These tests will usually be carried out by specialist testing
authorities and require separate test specimens repeat and adapt
clauses 530, 535 and 540 where necessary.
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