Applications of Fractional Differential Equations: Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, 2010, No. 50, 2453 - 2461
Applications of Fractional Differential Equations: Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, 2010, No. 50, 2453 - 2461
Applications of Fractional Differential Equations: Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, 2010, No. 50, 2453 - 2461
By considering dierent denitions of fractional derevatives, we study
some kind of fractional dierential equations and also give some of there
1 Introduction
Fractional calculus is a eld of mathematics study that qrows out of the tra-
ditional denitions of calculus integral and derivative operators in much the
same way fractional exponents is an outgrowth of exponents with integer value.
The concept of fractional calculus( fractional derivatives and fractional in-
tegral) is not new. In 1695 LHospital asked the question as to the meaning
of dn y/dxn if n = 1/2; that
is what if n is fractional?. Leibniz replied that
d x will be equal to x dx : x.
It is generally known that integer-order derivatives and integrals have clear
physical and geometric interpretations. However, in case of fractional-order
integration and dierentiation, which represent a rapidly qrowing eld both in
theory and in applications to real world problems, it is not so. Since the appear-
ance of the idea of dierentiation and integration of arbitrary (not necessary
integer) order there was not any acceptable geometric and physical interpre-
tation of these operations for more than 300 year. In [13], it is shown that
geometric interpretation of fractional integration is Shadows on the walls
and its Physical interpretation is Shadows of the past.
In recent years, fractional dierential equations have been investigated by
many authors. Rawashdeh used the collocation spline method to approximate
the solution of fractional equations. Momani obtained local and global exis-
tence and uniqueness solution of the integro-dierential equation.
2454 M. Rahimy
In the last years has found use in studies of viscoelastic materials, as well as
in many elds of science and engineering including uid ow, rheology, diusive
transport, electrical networks, electromagnetic theory and probability.
This paper is organized as follows:
Fist of all, we review most commonly used denitions of fractional derivative
and there important properties. The next section contains some examples
about explicit solutions of some dierential equations. In the last section we
state some applications of fractional dierential equations.
2 Basic Denitions
This section is devoted to review three important denition of fractional deriva-
tive and give some examples of fractional dierential equations equipped by
1. Riemann-Liouvill denition:
The popular denition of fractional derivative is this one:
n t
1 d f ( )d
a Dt f (t) =
(n ) dt a (t )n+1
(n 1 < n)
This operator has the following important properties:
For a function f
a Dt a Dt f (x) =a Dt+
By using of this denition, V. V. Anh and R. Mcvinish in [2] considered
fractional dierential equations of the general form
(An D n + A1 D 1 + A0 D 0 )X(t) = L(t)
n > n1 > > 1 > 0 , n 1 (2)
where L is Levy noise.
Fractional dierential equations in terms of the Riemann-Liouvill deriva-
tives require initial conditions expressed in terms of initial values of frac-
tional derivatives of the unknown function.
For example, in the following initial value problem (where n1 < < n):
0 Dt f (t) + af (t) = h(t); (t > 0) (3)
0 Dt f (t) t0 = bk , (k = 1, 2, . . . , n). (4)
Applications of fractional dierential equations 2455
2. Gr
This is another joined denition which is sometimes useful.
[h ]
a Dt f (t) = lim h (1) f (t jh)
3. M. Caputo (1967):
The second popular denition is
C 1 f (n) ( )d
a Dt f (t) = , (n 1 < n)
( n) a (t )+1n
As an example of fractional dierential equations of Caputo derivative is
D y(t) = a(t)y(t) + f (t) + K(t, s)F (y(s))ds, t [0, 1] (5)
D f (t) = D 1 D 2 D n f (t), = (1 , 2 , , n )
3 Some examples
In this section we consider some explicit examples of fractional dierential
1. Consider the equation
t+1 D +1 y(t) + t D y(t) = f (t) (6)
with initial conditions
y(0) = y (0) = 0, y() = y () = 0 (7)
which D can mean the Riemann-Liouville, or the Caputo, or the Miller-
Ross fractional derivative. According to [13], applying of the Mellin
transform to equation (6), the solution of this equation is
y(t) = f (t )g( )d (8)
(1)n tn+1
g(t) = ln(t) + () +
() n=0
(n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 1)
= 0.577215 . . . is the Euler constant, (z) = is the logarithmic
derivative of the gamma function and the power series converges for
|t| < 1.
2. In [10], the linear fractional dierential equation, is dened as follows:
Let rm , rm1 , , r0 be a strictly decreasing sequence of nonnegative
numbers. Then if b1 , b2 , , bm are constants
[Drm + b1 D rm1 + + bm D r0 ]y(t) = 0 (10)
is a candidate to fractional dierential equation. This equation is too
complex and we need additional conditions; we make rj s to be ratio-
nal numbers. Thus if q is the least comon multiple of denominators of
nonzero rj s, we may write (10) as
[Dnv + a1 D (n1)V + + an D 0 ]y(t) = 0 (11)
where v = 1q . If q = 1, then v = 1 and (11) is an ordinary dieren-
tial equation. The equation (11) is called fractional linear dierential
equation with constant coecients of order (n, q). By introducing
Applications of fractional dierential equations 2457
P (D v ) = D nv + a1 D (n1)V + + an D 0 (13)
P (D v )y(t) = 0 (14)
m = DP (m ), m = 1, 2, . . . , n
qk1 q
y1 (t) = Am m Et (kv, m ) (15)
m=1 k=0
Et (v, a) = t (16)
(v + k + 1)
Et (0, a) = eat and Et (v, 0) =
(v + 1)
DEt (v, a) = Et (v 1, a)
2458 M. Rahimy
4 Applications
In this section we review some applications of fractional dierential equations.
1. Abels integral equation
3. Schr
odinger equation
5. Food Science
0 Dt (x, t) 0 (x) = K xx (x, t) (23)
(1 )
0 t
(t) +0 Dt (t) =0 (25)
(1 )
with the solution
(t) = 0 E . (26)
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