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Fitness 4 Lifehandbook

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Physical Education Handbook

Mrs. Dean
Email: kathy.dean@summitschoolaz.org

I believe that every person has the right to participate in physical education and physical
activities. Research shows that daily physical education/physical activity not only develops
healthy, active students but promotes better learning. Physical education allows every student to
learn games, activities, sports, health and fitness, teamwork and sportsmanship in order to
develop as a healthy, responsible, cooperative, creative and knowledgeable person. Physical
Education promotes the development of the whole person.

Physical Education Content Standards

Standard 1: Demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of
physical activities.
Standard 2: Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies as they
apply to learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3: Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and
Standard 4: Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to
improve health and performance.
Standard 5: Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts,
principles, and strategies as applied to learning and performance of physical

To develop movement skills and concepts that allow for optimum participation in various
physical activities and sports; to be able to self-assess for personal improvement development
To develop physical, social and emotional skills in individual, dual/partner, collaborative
group/team settings.
To establish a foundation and awareness of the importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle
for life.
To be receptive of the differences of people and cultures and to work towards a culture of
cooperation and teamwork, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking through proper
To develop the knowledge and application of the concepts of healthy skills and habits for life.

Safe Participation Requirements

All students are required to wear appropriate footwear - tennis shoes/sneakers or hiking shoes
with velcro, shoelaces or a combination of the two.
NO SLIP-ON shoes (VANS, SKETCHERS, TOMS, etc.) will be permitted for safety purposes.
NO DOUBLE-LAYERED/PLATFORM shoes will be permitted for safety purposes .
Socks are required for wear with appropriate shoes.
Please wear clothing that allows for appropriate and safe activity! Students will have the time
clean up and change their clothes if needed.

Medical Excuses
A note or email from a parent/guardian or doctor excuses a student from participating in physical
activity for no more than THREE consecutive days.
Please include the date to be excused and a phone number to contact the parent/guardian with

A doctors note is necessary for medical conditions or illnesses requiring more than three
days of modified and/or excused participation.
A student is still asked to come prepared to participate in activities that he/she can safely

Make-Up Work
Students must be present and participate fully with a positive attitude in all activities to receive
their daily points. When absent, a make-up assignment must be completed within 3 days of the
date of their absence. Please be sure to notify your childs instructor if your son/daughter has
any physical limitation that may require special consideration, i.e. asthma, allergies, etc.

Student Responsibilities
With any activity there is an element of risk involved. Mrs. Dean is dedicated to ensure the
safest environment possible but injuries may still occur. Students MUST report all injuries
Follow Personal and Social Responsibility Guidelines
o Caring - be helpful, not hurtful; show respect to all; listen and communicate wisely
o Self-direction - show respect to other students, teachers, equipment, school and facilities;
participate fully and responsibly with all; demonstrate perseverance and appropriate competition
and sportsmanship; win and lose with grace and respect
o Participation - participate consistently in ALL team and class activities and
o Respect - Use self-control without constant teacher supervision
o Responsible - play fair, use teamwork, cooperation and communication
o Show up doing your personal best
Class Rules
No swearing, rude gestures, teasing, or put-downs. TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WANT
Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. NO HORSEPLAY during class.
No destruction of school property or facilities. Take pride in your school and clean up after
Use the equipment the way it is intended to be used.
Pay attention and follow directions.
No food, drinks (except water), or gum is to be consumed during class.
Be responsible and please use the restroom before or after class.
Students are not allowed to touch or use the equipment until instructed to do so by a teacher .
When the whistle blows at the end of the period ALL students must STOP and appropriately put
away equipment.
Consequences for Negative Behavior
First Offense Verbal Warning (may include loss of daily points)
Second Offense Call/Note home and/or detention (may include loss of daily points)
Third Offense Call/Note home and detention (may include loss of daily points)
Fourth Offense Referral to Principal (may include loss of daily points)
Severe Clause The right to utilize administrative intervention with any student that displays
serious behavior problems or the right to utilize a time-out for students if behavior continues to
be disruptive, uncooperative and/or unsafe. A time-out may result in zero credit for the day.

All Summit School of Ahwatukee discipline policies will be followed and enforced (see Student

Earning your Grade in Fitness for Life

The grade you earn in physical education communicates to you and others about your progress
toward learning to be a healthy, active person. 5 points will be given daily for active
participation and attitude/behavior using the Lifelong Guidelines. . Arriving to class tardy, not
fully prepared to participate (technology devices, proper dress, assignments, etc.), not
participating fully in all activities, or having poor attitude/behavior will result in a loss of some
or all points. Some written work, tests, quizzes, and/or homework may be given to measure the
cognitive development of skills, rules, and strategies of the sports, activities, and health
information during PE. Fitnessgram testing and goal setting are included as of the classwork and
homework grades.

Classwork and homework = 50%

Assessment of student learning through daily participation = 50%

If you have any questions regarding the policies and procedures please contact:
Mrs. Dean, kathy.dean@summitschoolaz.org




We have read and understand the Summit School of Ahwatukee Fitness for Life Physical
Education policies and requirements.

Student Name:_______________________________ Period: _______________

Please Print

Student Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________

**Please indicate below any physical limitations or special considerations your son/daughter
may have/need as indicated by a Doctor. For example, Asthma, bee sting allergies, flat feet, etc.


Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Home Phone: ________________________________________

Cell Phone: __________________________________________

Email Address: ________________________________________________________________

Please Print Clearly

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