Lamsal - 2012 - The Structuration Approach of Anthony Giddens
Lamsal - 2012 - The Structuration Approach of Anthony Giddens
Lamsal - 2012 - The Structuration Approach of Anthony Giddens
V (2012)
The Structuration .........Lamsal
that balances elements from both sides (i.e. macro and micro).
Anthony Giddens, the igure that is the focus in this paper, is unique in this
sense because of his thoughts on the delicate relationship between structure
(external forces) and agency (internal motivations) in society; or macro
versus micro perspectives respectively. Giddens thoughts have been used
by some of the most well-known policy makers in the world including
the United Kingdoms Prime Minister Tony Blair. The use of sociological
theories in real world policies is an important aspect to study in order to
understand the intricate complexities that develop in our cities.
Giddens early work on the basis of Sociology argued that the current state
of the ield was overly revolutionary. There were several theorists that were
trying to create an over encompassing social theory of the social world.
The role of the human agent was either solely based on volunteerism,
where human action was unconstrained by social forces, or that it was too
deterministic, that humans are solely restricted by their social structure.
He rejected both points of view because he thought that neither theory
gives proper attention to the actors themselves in producing their social
reality. Giddens could be said to be a theorist of the humanistic frame of
thought. He believed that it was humans that act as knowledgeable objects
in conjunction with the social order to change their social reality. He
redeines the role of structure by realizing that it can be both a constraining
and an enabling element for human action. As society becomes more
urban, Giddens theory can be of great assistance to policy makers and
human geographers alike to understand the needs of the current and future
The UN habitat organization reports that the number of people living
in metropolitan areas has been rapidly increasing and is projected to be
the home for more than 6 billion people worldwide or two-thirds of the
human population by 2050. The role of the city in human development is
universal. Cities are well known for their abilities to promote economic
trade including employment, providing a stage for civil protest and offering
a healthy lifestyle for its citizens. Yet, as our cities grow and change, it is
important that we do not lose sight of the unintended consequences of such
a rapid immigration to urban areas. Cities in different parts of the world
are not always equal in their offering of goods and services to their citizens.
Himalayan Journal of Sociology & Antropology-Vol. V (2012)
Theory of Structuration
Anthony Giddens uses a selected vocabulary to understand his theory of
Structuration. The relationship between actors and social forces may not
be clear immediately but in this chapter we will explain how he uses these
terms in conjunction with his theory of Structuration, the different forms of
structure (social forces) and how the relationship between the two can be
used to understand our shared reality.
a. Structuralism
The basis of the theory of Structuration involves the identiication of the
relationship between the individuals and the social forces that act upon us.
In Giddens theory of Structuration he tries to balance the role that actors
play with their limited choice of position in history and in the social fabric
they ind themselves. In his theory, Giddens proposes that people do not
have entire preference of their actions and their knowledge is restricted;
nonetheless, they are the elements that recreate the social structure and
produces social change (Craib, 1992, pg.33).
Structuration, as with any theoretical issue, is suggested to have two
signiicant philosophical components; Ontology and Epistemology.
Ontology is the theory that suggests the existence of some phenomenon
and Epistemology emphasizes the philosophical theory of knowledge,
exploring a deinition for a phenomenon, recognizing both its sources and
establishing its limits (Cloke, 1991, pg. 95). Giddens is more interested
in proving the existence of this duality between structure and agency than
deining what exactly causes or reinforces its existence.
He speciies that structure and agency cannot be separated; that they are
connected to one another in what Giddens has termed the duality of
structure. Human actors are the elements that enable creation of our
society's structure by means of invented values, norms or are reinforced
through social acceptance. Yet, at the same time people are constrained
by our social structure. A person is unable to choose who ones parents are
or what period of time one exists. Giddens describes structure in terms of
what he refers to as modalities (elaborated on in the next section); as a set
of rules and resources that engages human action. He explains that rules
restrict actions but the resources facilitate it. Along the same lines he also
distinguishes the differences between systems of interaction and structures.
The Structuration .........Lamsal
Himalayan Journal of Sociology & Antropology-Vol. V (2012)
behavior. Interacting in this manner shapes the current social norms and
are weighed against the moral rules of the structure. Therefore, whether or
not an action is considered legitimate in the social order is structured by
this dimension of legitimation. The inal element, Domination, focuses on
the production of (and exercise of) power, originating from the control of
Giddens identiies that forces of domination and submission exist in the
delicate power relationship that Karl Marx is well known for remarking
upon. Giddens, like Marx, believes that resources are the vehicles for
power. However, Marx is more interested in relationship between the
'means of production' in the capitalist societies whereas Giddens' goal is
to understand the power relationship as a form of interaction between the
actor and the structure. In this interaction, resources can be used as a form
of authority illustrated by a boss and employee relationship. Resources can
also be used in the form of property such as the allocation of wealth or
c. Agency
The basic human acts and resulting activities can be seen as the two deining
capabilities of what Gidden's terms the 'Agency'. Giddens distinguishes
between acts as a separate progression of action and action as a continuous
low of involvements by different and autonomous human agents (Cloke,
1991, pg. 99). Giddens identiies that action could be stimulated by
the individual who wants to investigate what he/she is doing; the self-
examination process is referred to as relexive monitoring (Giddens,
1984, pg. 5). Gidden's model of action, as depicted in Figure 2, has three
elements of action, relexive monitoring, rationalization and motivation of
action. Each element has a speciic role in the overall process of action.
The atmosphere we interact with is that of an individual's action which
is inluenced by both unintended consequences and unacknowledged
conditions of their acts. The unacknowledged circumstances involve the
unconscious sources of motivation, as a persistent stream of interference
in the world by special agents (Cloke, 1991, pg 101). Action or the ability
to act by the agency is always interacting with power. Structuration theory
suggests that the agency is the fundamental element to create any sort of
change. Change can be thought of as simple as movement through space to
interact with a new environment, thereof changing interaction or as complex
The Structuration .........Lamsal
as voting to pass a piece of legislature that will create new laws, changing
the routine of society. Through the decision to act, either consciously or
not, creates changes within the agency and to the structure that one has
inluence on (Mestrovic, 1998, pg.182).
d. Micro vs. Macro
Structuration is essential for both micro and macro level topics. Taking the
example used previously of restricted selection of ones parents. At a micro
level we cannot choose our parents but have the choice to have children.
The relationships we create are in constant interaction and are controlled
by the individuals themselves. On the other hand, we are not capable of
organizing as a society without some form of state and social organizations.
At this macro level we are held together by a common pattern of survival
which is structured by a set of determined standards such as state laws. The
two perspectives could not be separated; otherwise it will be dificult to
understand them apart. This shared bond between individuals and exterior
forces brings Giddens theory of Structuration together.
Human Geography
The previous two parts focused mainly on the ideas of Structuration Theory
and Anthony Giddens' thoughts on the subject. Now it will try to explore
how this theory is related to human geography and more speciically urban
environments. Urban social forms are by far the most complex social reality
and maybe the most dificult to analyze completely. For that reason, the
focus will be on dominant social struggles, such as allocation of resources,
municipal segmentation, etc. and understanding why Giddens believes that
the single human agency is disregarded in other social theories.
a. Introductory Connections:
The main point of convergence between Giddens' theory and human
geography would be the emphasis that Giddens gives to the knowledgeable
human agency and their freedom in time and space. Humans are constantly
in action in one sense or another; be it through monitoring of one's own or
other's action, developing an understanding for such action or choosing
their own course of action. Yet, as Giddens points out, day-to-day activities
are not directly motivated but through relective monitoring the individual
can rationalize their actions (Giddens, 1984, p. 6). Therefore, according to
Giddens, humans routines are based on rational thought, not on the often
Himalayan Journal of Sociology & Antropology-Vol. V (2012)
hidden motivations that drive our actions. The relevance of the separation
between routines and motivations can be witnessed through the capabilities
possessed by humans and the unconscious results of their action. The idea
of consequences of action is well outlined in Giddens own words:
"The consequences of what actors do, intentionally or unintentionally, are
events which would not have happened if that actor had behaved differently,
but which are not within the scope of the agent's power to have brought about
(regardless of what the agent's intentions are) (Giddens, 1984, pg.11) ."
Giddens is telling us that our current state of affairs in this world is in control
of the factors that inluence them, not solely restricted by our structure.
This idea can be applied in several ways and at different levels of society
(city v. world policy) or through institutions such as the student-teacher
relationship. The way in which people have altered human development
patterns can be illustrated through the application of an apartheid or racial/
ethnic segregation in city planning or the displacement of people from
regions because of conlict. One of the most widely known apartheid ever
to have dominated the social mainstream was in place under the South
African government from 1950's until the mid-1990. South Africa, a country
founded in British colonialism, created separate areas for 'white' and 'non-
white' people to ensure European dominance in the area. Both white and
non-white people were restricted by the area that they could move, do
business, go to school as well as limiting who one could interact with and
even marry. Racial apartheid has been used in several points throughout
human history including the Native American reservations or the separate
but equal standards during the black suffrage years in the United States.
Today, there is no known nationally enforced apartheid mainly because the
policy is considered to be a crime against humanity by the United Nations.
However, it is a great example to illustrate exactly what Giddens means by
the consequences of action and the result of concentrating so much power
in the hands of a relatively few.
In the Structuration theory, the agency does not have complete power
but is constrained by the second modality of the structure which is the
societal 'rules' that limit human freedom. As said previously, structure is
not completely constraining as a result of its rules but also facilitates action
through resources. In many circumstances, such as South African example,
resources are unevenly distributed. Most often people have identiied class
stratiication as the main dividing point between the 'haves' and 'have-nots'.
The Structuration .........Lamsal
While Giddens would agree that class differences are a main determining
factor in resource allocation he also thinks that the relationship between
rules and resources is much more dynamic than solely reliant on class
position. It is most important to note what Giddens is trying to prove here.
By giving preference to the agency and explaining that structure has both
rules and resources he is expressing his biggest disagreement with past
structural theorist, such as Karl Marx, who have blindly given the structure
the constraining characteristics without acknowledging its facilitating
abilities as well. So, with this understanding it is imperative to seek how
Structuration theory is facilitated and exists in the social world we are
interacting with today. We would like to illustrate this in three ways: the
effect of globalization, in separation of agents in space and in terms of
multicultural city policy.
b. Globalization and Time/Space
Globalization has been a dominant issue ever since its irst appearance on
the world stage. It has been a concept that has been met with both great
appreciations for its connective abilities and iercely opposed because of its
lack of intimacy. There are several angles to look at the issue of globalization
from economic and political ties to its changes in the traditional social and
cultural frameworks. Geographically it has inluenced the social framework
of the world most of us interact with, many times unknowingly. Take for
example the internet encyclopedia website Wikipedia. The way people
interact, gain and share knowledge has all changed in the last 20 years.
The realm of an actor's impact on world affairs has vastly increased. This
can be experienced by the increase in large foreign direct investment into
businesses and countries with very little more than video conferencing and
the click of the mouse. This example also illustrates that the space that
someone really needs to physically cover has shrunk tremendously in day
to day activities. This trend is mainly fueled by innovations in technologies
and streamlined production processes.
Giddens' Structuration theory has been inluential by giving us a notion for
understanding how actors routine behavior has inluenced the structure of
society and introducing ideas of time-space geography. Giddens stresses
that "the concept of vital to the theory of Structuration
(Giddens, 1984, pg 60)." Globalization has been one of the most well-
known phenomena to be taking place around the world today, with only
Himalayan Journal of Sociology & Antropology-Vol. V (2012)
The Structuration .........Lamsal
The Structuration .........Lamsal