TMP - 8864 FeeRemission 946582328
TMP - 8864 FeeRemission 946582328
TMP - 8864 FeeRemission 946582328
Commonwealth Government legislation (the Higher Education Support Act 2003) stipulates that if special circumstances apply, then
students may apply for re- crediting of FEE-HELP balances (which results in remission of FEE-HELP debt), remission of HECS-HELP
debts, and repayment of upfront student contribution amounts. (Repayment of any other upfront payments is at the discretion of the
You cannot apply for a re-credit, remission or repayment if you have successfully completed the course.
You cannot apply for a re-credit, remission or refund of the Student Services Amenities Fee (SSAF) after census date has passed, as
your liability for this fee is based on your enrolled subject load as at the relevant census date.
You must apply within 12 months of withdrawing from the course or, in the event that you did not withdraw, within 12 months of the end
of the teaching period in which the course was undertaken.
Applications submitted outside the 12 month timeframe will not be considered unless you can clearly demonstrate that it was not possible
for you to submit your application within the relevant 12 month period.
Special circumstances do not include a lack of knowledge or understanding of requirements under the schemes or a persons incapacity
to repay a HELP debt.
Circumstances are beyond your control if a situation occurs that a reasonable person would consider is not due to the persons action or
inaction, either direct or indirect, and for which the person is not responsible. This situation must be unusual, uncommon or abnormal.
Circumstances do not make their full impact on you until on or after the census date if your circumstances occur before the census date
but worsen after that day, occur before the census date but the full effect does not become apparent until the census day or occurs only
after the census date.
Circumstances which made it impracticable for you to complete the requirements for the course may include (but are not limited to):
Medical circumstances; Family/personal circumstances; Employment related circumstances; Course related circumstances.
For medical reasons, you should submit a letter/statement from your medical practitioner which indicates the date your condition began
and/or changed, how your condition affected your ability to study and when (the date) it became apparent that you could not continue
with your studies. (You should inform your doctor that the statement will be sent to UNSW in support of your application).
For family/personal reasons, you should submit a statement from a doctor, counsellor or independent member of the community (for
example, a Justice of the Peace or Minister of Religion) stating the date your personal circumstances began and/or changed, how your
circumstances affected your ability to study and when (the date) it became apparent that you could not continue with your studies.
For employment related circumstances you should submit a letter from your employer which states your previous work hours and
location, your current work hours and location, the reason for the change, when the change was effective from and when it was
communicated to you.
For course related circumstances, you should submit a statement from your Course Authority outlining your circumstances.
Please be aware that if you provided falsified documents in support of your application, then this will result in one of a range of penalties,
from failure in the course to suspension or exclusion. In some cases, the matter could also be reported to ICAC.
As a student, you should be aware of your obligations and responsibilities under the Student Code which can be found
How Do I apply?
You should complete all the sections in the attached form and ask your Course Authority to complete their sections of the form. Submit
your completed form, together with supporting documentation to:
Student Central, Lower Ground Floor of the Chancellery Building (in person) or to
Student Administration, Lower Ground Floor, Chancellery Building, UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 (by post).
Your Course Authority or Faculty may also submit this application on your behalf.
If you do not clearly demonstrate that your circumstances satisfy all of the criteria, your application will not be approved and the final
grade achieved will remain on your academic record and will appear on your transcript.
You will usually be advised of the outcome of your application within 28 days of submission. If there is a delay in processing your
application, you will be advised of the reason for the delay within 28 days of the submission of your application. All communication will be
via your student email account.
Can I Appeal if my Application is Not Successful?
Yes. If your application is not successful, you have the right to appeal. Your appeal must be made in writing by
email with the words Fee Remission Appeal as the title, within 28 days of the date you were
notified of the outcome of your application(s).
Personal Information
Student ID Number: Date of Birth:
Postal Address:
Course Information (Please submit a separate form for each course you are applying for)
Course Name: Course Code:
Application Details
When was the last day you attended this course?
What was the last day you attempted any assessment in this course?
Have you applied for special consideration for this course? Yes/No
Outline the reason for your application (You should include what happened, when it happened and the impact on your ability to study):
I have read and understood the guidelines and advice on this application form. I certify that all information including supporting
documentation is correct. I hereby authorise UNSW to contact the professional authority who has provided supporting documentation for
the purpose of verifying any information he/she supplied. I acknowledge that UNSW will where appropriate advise the relevant
Commonwealth Authority of the outcome of this application. In signing this form I understand that the details are protected by the Privacy
and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).
Course Authority
When was the last time the student attended or attempted assessment for this course?
Please provide the dates on which assessments were due for this course:
Has the student sat the examination for this course? Yes/No/Not Applicable
Was the student given a supplementary examination for this course? Yes/No