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Fwd: Chat with dsherlockbaa)gmail.

P-Th -bqq
6: 14 Pl,l dsherlockb@omail,com : He's wierd
like will ferrel wierd
me: noooooo
dont compare anchorman to tom cruise
6:15 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: What has been written can not be undone
me: then i will just have to make you watch anchorman and old school and step brothers, and make
you publicly retract your statement
6;16 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Have watched them all. Old Schools duh best b/c of Boo
6:17 PM me: no way, anchorman wins hands down:P
have you watched will ferrell man v/s. wild?
6:18 PM dsherlockb@smail.com: Man vs. wild is all about that one guy finding an excuse to drink piss
me: hahaha i wouldn't know - the only one ive watched is the will ferrell one;-)
6:19 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: haven't seen that one
6;20 PM me: he's funny in that one
6i22 PM so are you neo's body and arnold's voice?:P
6i23 Pl4 tlSXeIJegB!@S!0gjlSe![: That would be strange. Any time I wanted to say something as neo, Arnold
would start talking
6i24 PM And I haven't been checkin out Neo's bod like you babe B-)
6:25 PM me: hahahaha well, he is pretty hot:P
6:26 PM you can keep your body, just have arnold's voice
6:30 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Omg/ I just won a medium fries!
me: wait what?
6:31 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Mickey D's monopoly instah win
6:32 PM me: is that online monopoly?
and now I am craving fries:(
dsherlockb@omail.com: No fries for you
6:33 PM I eats dem all
me: no likes:(
dsherlockb@omail,com: :'( <<< You
:D <<< me
me: hatred !
6:34 PM I'll just have to do with some awesome maple bacon i guess
dsherlockb(Aomail.com: Would you be so kind as to share?
6:35 PM me: nope, when did i give off the impression that im kind?
dsherlockb(aomail.com: I might just have a winning medium fries game piece for you o.O
me: hahahaa i deserve that anyway:P
dsherlockb@omail.com : pfff
me: also, bacon > fries:P
6:36 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: fried bacon > bacon n fries
me: ummm, isnt bacon supposed to be eaten fried?
6:37 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Yea, unfried bacon and unfried fries are really gross
thats why its >
6:38 PM me: hahahah i hope you dont eat unfried bacon and unfried fries
coz that would be an epic moot point
then i couldnt talk to you any more;)
6:39 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Nah, you'd still talk to me cuz you can't get enough of my sexy neo body and
arnold voice
6:40 PM me: lol, aren't we full of ourselves:P
dsherlockb(aomail,com: Just full of fries. ZING
6:41 PM me: again. hatred. Oh and Arnold voice is just funny, not sexy:P
6i42 Pl4 dsherlockb(aomail.com: Who do you think has a sexy voice?
and don't say will ferrel ; )
me: why, are you going to impersonate them?:P
hahahaha no, he doesnt
idont think he's sexy, just epically funny
5i44 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: The only voice I can impersonate are those african tribes
Clickx Click* Clackt Clickx
me: oh you can talk to lions and tigers?
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

6:45 PM hahahaaha i thought that was morse code;-)

dsherlockb(domail,com: Lions and tigers and bears
6:46 PIY we get along like pals
me: ah so when we go hiking you can save me from mountain lions and bears
good, ill keep that in mind while choosing hiking partners:P
6:47 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Hmm, mountain lions like deers though and bears like honey so they'd
probably be all after you my dear honey
6:50 Plvi me: aww thanks, I know I am very sweet;-)
but are you saying you wont protect me from them either way?
6:51 Plvl dshrlockb@omail.com : - lYy mission is to protect you
me: hahahahaha good, here I thought you were being overtaken by skynet
6:52 Pl,l maybe then I will choose you as my hiking partner
6:53 PIvl dsherlockb@omail.com: Oh, umm... well this is awkard. I kinda already chose another hiking partner
me; aah isee
that's okay, its your loss, coz I am an awesome hiking partner
6:55 PM good luck getting hit by lightning:P
dsherlockb@omail.com: Pikachu would redirect that no prob
6:56 PM me: doesnt pikachu do the lightning?
dsherlockb@omail.com: Yea, so he would easily be able to redirect hostile Iightning :) bolts
6:57 PM me: well then, id just have to go with neo
6:59 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: How about we trade. I'll switch with neo so Pikachu and neo can battle mr
smith. More effective duos both ways
7:00 PM me: hmmmm, igotta think about this
battling mr smith would be a pretty sweet experience
7:01 PM dsherlockb@Gmail.com: Das true. Only problem is neo's gal dies to mr. smith :'(
7:02 PM me: that's only in the third movie
nothing happens the first movie
7:03 Pf4 in the first one, they fight mr smith and kick some serious ass
7r06 P[4 dsherlockb@omail.com: Looks as if you better not 90 on three hikes or disaster is abrewin'
7:O7 PM me: well, i choose from a random pool of awesome hikers
7:08 P[4 improbable that neo would be there for 3 hikes
7:09 Plv dsherlockb@omail.com: 1 bet you wrote a program for that
me: maybe ....
it can be an artificial intelligence problem:P
are you sure you'd survive a hike without my awesome wit?
7:10 PM dsherlockb@Email.com: maybe. Seems that I would be fighting a lot of wild animals though.
can you outwit a gtizzly?
7: 11 PM me: maybe...
maybe pikachoo can sizzle the gtizzly for you though
7 i72 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: maybe
but then there's still lions and tigers or maybe even pterodactyls.
7:13 PM me: had to look that one up;-)
didnt know there was a jurassic park in colorado?
7'.14 Pl4 dsherlockb@omail.com: its underground.
http: //sp6. fotoloq. com/p hoto/6/ 15/38/stoooooooop idl 12843 5 3 754712 f.i po
7:15 PM me: awww, i thought you were allergic to cats:P
can iknow the location so ican geotag it?
7:16 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Anschutz Medical Campus
13001 E. 17th Place
Aurora, Colorado
Especially allergic to hipster cats
7:77 ?M me: are you calling me a hipster?:P
7:18 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Eh, when did I say I was allergic to you <(o.X)> Q(o.o)q
me: lol you gotta explain what those emoticons mean:P
7:19 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Thats me on the right
me: ah i assumed so coz you start sneezing whenever i am near;-)
dsherlockb(aomail,com: I'm punching a cat
me: awww, poor cat!
7izo Pl.4 dsherlockb@omail.com: nah/ I haven't sneezed once around you
Frvd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwdr Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb@omail.com <dsherlockb@omail.com>
Date: 2011/10/20
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@omail. com

6:55 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Hey Gargs, do you have a steam account?

me: no, should I?
6:56 PM dsherlockb(aomail,com: Depends if you like computer games more advanced than angry birds
6:57 PM me: hahaha, i dont play angry birds on the computer, only on my iphone
the two games ive really gotten into were fallout 3 and sid meyers pirates - got so addicted that ihad to
be dragged out of my room to eat
try to stay kinda away after that;)
dsherlockb@omail,com : ahh
6:59 Pl4 Anyways I've got a short 4hr long problem solving game you might like
me: oh yeah?
dshrlockb@omail,com: It's called LIMBO
http : //www.oamespot.com/pclaction/limbo/index. html
7:00 Pf4 me: i wikied it:D
looks pretty interesting - but i dont have windows ...
7:01 PM does look like my kind of game though
dsherlockb@omail.com: Yea lots of pink scenery
me: hahaha yes, coz pink is my favorite color:P
7.02 PM dsherlockb@omail.com : Teal is # 1
7:03 PM me: i dont even know what shade of blue is teal - its all light blue to me
7:44 PM ah this looks like peacock blue, kinda
7:05 PM dsherlockb@omail.com : I'd say teal looks like teal >. >
7:OO PM me: now that's a tautology :P
see there's a reason i call you genius
7 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Hmm I am beginning to think it is the sarcastic form genius
"O7 me: well you'd just have to figure that one out yourself:P
7:08 PM dont worry, i only associate with intelligent people;)
dsherlockb@omail.com: I started reading that wifey hat book
7:49 PM On the case with the phantom leg
me: ooh the other book i told you about has awesome cases on phantom limbs :D
this one's more philosophical, the other ones are moTe case history type
7 il:- Pl4 dsherlockb@omail.com: What would you do if you woke up with a random leg next you in your bed?
me: prolly try to find the body it is attached to?:P
7 il2 Pl'tl dsherlockb@omail,com: I would try and find the other leg first
7: 13 Pl,1 but those guys just push the leg out of the bed. that's no fun
me: hahaha, well they clearly dont like sharing the bed
7114 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: That phantom leg probably hogged all the sheets
me: you mean the blanket right?
dsherlockb@omail.com: pfft, it's too hot in my apartment for blankets
I just have sheets
7r15 PPI me: you know, you could turn the heat down:P
dsherlockb(aomail.com: I'm too hot is the problem
F$d: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From : dsherlockb@omail.om <dsherlockb@omai!.com>
Datet 2077/7L/L0
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@o ma il.com

11:35 AM me: do you like etheopian?

27 minutes
72iO4 ?M dsherlockb@omail.com: I have eaten Ethiopian. It was ok, kinda understand why they are so starving
12:05 PM me: hahahah
what kind of food do you like?
12:06 PM dsherlockb(Aomail.com: American, mexican, italian, sushi, chinese
me: ok we are doing sushi or chinese tomorrow
ill look up restaurants
72:07 PVI iheard you and ben are cuddling
dsherlockb(aomail.com: when do u wanna eat?
we are in a vicous dog fight
me: woof!
ummm the thing is at 7.30 right?
12;08 PIY dsherlockb(Oomail,com: probably should be there at 7:30
me: okie
if the food place is on our way, we can leave around 5.45 or so, if not. ill look at distances
we'll figure it out tomorrow:P
12:09 Plvl dsherlockb@omail,com: cool beans
me: now ilike the hot ones:P
C9hsd]sgkb@s]lle!-Lcslo: huh
me: cool beans...
12:10 Pf4 dsherlockb@omail.com : groans
me: sexually?: P
12"17 PM d.sbe.rleskb@g-EEeiLss.Es: very
me: good
ill keep doing that
12it2 Pl'tt dsherlockb@omail.com : yea, don't stop
me: yum
12:13 P[4 dsherlockb(oomail,com: you"re such a peach, so delicous
t2:t4 Ptq me: i know, that's why i never go to the hills
12:15 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: I dunno how there can be cannibal tribes
me: you dunno how tribes can be cannibals?
12:16 PM dsherlockb(Oomail,com: Wouldn't they eat each other?
until no one was left
me: haha
they only eat the weak
su rvival of the fittet
72117 PM fittest
also eat people like you
dsherlockb@omail.com: weak is relative though. As soon as u eat someone weak the next weakest
Fwd: Chat rvith dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb@qmail.com <dsherlockb@qmail.com>
Dalei 2OL|/7L/28
Subject: Chat with dshe rlockb@omail.com

B:03 Al4 dsherlockb@omail.com: What's up buttercup?

8:04 AM me: nm choco puffs
B:OB AM ttapscott@omail. com
tim's gmail
8:09 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: have that sheeit alreadys
me: hahahaha ok
B: 10 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: Best thing about dev bio is all the cleavage
me: hahahaha
good for all the boys in dev bio;)
dsherlockb@amail.com: and some of the girls
B:11 AM me: lol true
8r 13 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: http: //chzmemebase.files.wordpress"com/2011/11/internet-memes-we-oot-
B: 14 AM me: yep, that's me
im alredy bored
dsherlockb@omail,com: I'm already wood
8: 15 AN4 me: like a banana?
dsherlockb@omail.com: like a tree
me: treesap!
8: 16 Alvl tlfhedesEE@S-meiL.c9m : That's so maple
me: maple bacon is delicious
8: 17 Alvi dsherlockb@omail.com: Especially when you make it:)
me: awww thanks r P
8: 18 A[4 dsherlockb@omail.com : cleaving
me: hahaha cleaving the wood?:P
8: 19 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: need alcohol
every time cleavage is said
me: hahaha
you could bring in vodka:P
B:20 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: gotta mix vodka
have some oj
can make screwdrivers
me: hahahah that sounds delicious
B:21 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: whatcha gonna do later if Bens not comin'?
B:22 AM me: i have a seminar at 2, so have to stay in school;(
prolly sit above udis and work on the course project
B:23 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: all alones?
me: yep:(
you come visit?
8:24 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: Maybe. Gotta move in to my new lab today though
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

me: oh yeah
dsherlockb@omail.com not really
8: 25 Al4 me: :(
but new lab, new desk!
B: 26 A[4 dsherlockb(oomail.com i like my old desk
me: haha
8:27 Al4 maybe you could join the lab in the end
dsherlockb@omail.com perhaps, they are good peeps
B:29 AM me: peeping toms?: P
B:30 AM dsherlockb(oqmail.com The lab doesn't get that steamy heh
8:32 AM me: just get a water heater:P
gah, i woke up for this
i could have been sleeping
8:33 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: There are some cool red lights too
sleeping is always a top priority
me: i have a meeting after the semianar, cant even go home: (
8:34 AM your favorite slide !
dsherlockb@omail.com: cleavage!
B:3 5 AM me: Iol
dont think thats the cleavage you want though
B:36 AM dsherlockb@qmail.com: This cleavage is not exciting
me: hahaha maybe one day ill show you mine:P
8:37 A[4 dsherlockb@omail.com: Waits patiently*
B:38 Alvl me: hahaha and ihave a banana
i will eat it sexily at some point
8:41 AM dsherlokb@omail,com: That day will be a good day
me: that will be today:P
B:44 AM dsherlockb@qmail.com : battery x.x
me: thats why you charge it fully before coming to school: P
8:46 AM dsherlockb@omail,com : it was 70olo
me: yesterday was a stressful dya:(
haha ok
dsherlockb@omail.com: did u get panda?
me: and today is also turning out to be very stressful
no, ben was basically very sick the whole day
and my friend from michigan is in the spirals of depression since yesterday
and its very stressful to me:(
B:47 AM tl5b3dockts@.S-E0ejL.cgI[: I hope i'm not stressin' u
me: thankfully, no:)
dsherlockb@amail.com: with my extra fine looks
me: just dont decide to get very sick or very depressed in the next few days:P
lol thats the good kind of stress;)
dsherlockb@omail.com: and amazing video game skills
me: hahahaha
dsherlockb@omail.com: i'm kind of sick of dev bio
me: well yeah, you can go kill the lecturer
B:48 Al4 dsherlockb@omail.com: but she says cleavage so much
me: ill show you some:P
dsherlockb@omail.com: hooray!
Fwdi Chat lrith dsherlockb@gmail.com

so damn far
10:17 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Not too far to avoid telepathic powers of blushing observance
Enhanced by this large slurpee
me: you have a slurpee!
i dont Iike you!
10:18 PN4 dsherlockb@omail.com: Gotta learn how to drive, then yuh can get a slurpee whenever u feel like it
10:19 Plvl me: or .... i make my bf get me a slurpee if i am really craving it
that's what bfs are for right??:P
dsherlockb@omail,com: I'll make you one out of snow B-)
10:20 PN4 me: as long as its not snow from aurora:P
dsherlockb@omail.com: Brown snow coca cola flavored slurpee
10:21 Pf4 me: yum!
what else is mixed with the slurpee?
so ... you wanna go on a date on friday?
70:22 Pl'4 dsherlockb@omail,com: To a swing dance lesson?
me: there's a swing dance lesson?
dsherlockb@omail,com: I thought there were free swings for beginners on fridays
me: oh i had no idea
we could definitely do that
10:23 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Did yuh have something else in mind?
10:25 PM me: not really
dsherlockb@omail.com: Not even murder mystery dinner
dun dun d uuh
me: ithink its usually pretty booked:P
10:26 PM my initial plan was
if its too cold, 90 to a crappy movie and snuggle up
10t27 ?M dsherlockb@omail.com: Well maybe somewhere to eat, I like trying new restraunts
me: and if its warm like today, dunno, go to a nice park:D
haha that's a given
i like food;)
dsherlockb@omail.com: B movies and snuggling are my kinda dates
10:28 PM me: well then, its swing dancing or that
of course food though, id kill you and eat you if kept hungry
dsherlockb@omail.com: Good luck finishing that meal
me: well id freeze your meat
would last me weeks
10: 29 Plvl dsherlockb@omail.com: What can I say, I'm a giver
10:30 P[4 me: you definitely are a giver of pleasure;)
dsherlockb@qmail.com: compared to you, I'm Mr. Scrooge
10:31 Pivl me: i was uncle scrooge in my school play for a christmas carol!
10:32 PIvl well what can i say, i am satisfied with mr scrooge;)
7 minutes
10:39 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Will yuh be in Anschutz tomorrowi
10:40 PM me: nope: (
gotta go to njh
ill be in anschutz on friday though - got a meeting with the course project prof
you coming for dinner tomorrow?
10:41 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Yea, I'll see yuh before 6. Anyways imma jet. Cheerio
10:42 PM me: 'n ight grumpball!
dsherlockb(aomail,com: ;)
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb@qmail.com <dsherlockb@omail.com>
Datet 2072/7/77
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@oma il. com

11:00 AM me: hey slurpie

11:02 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: How goes it Gatgizzle?
me: really really really tired
couldnt sleep much last night
11 :03 Alvl dsherlockb@omail,com: All those serial killers keepin'you up?
me: actually this time, yes. iwas asleep for an hour and had a serial killer dream
and couldnt sleep after that
11 :05 Al4 dsherlockb@omail,com: I won't let em get you.
11:06 AN4 me: hahahaa i dont think i have anything to worry about from emily;):P
11i 07 Al4 dsherlockb@omail,com: Emily was the killer. What a twist!
me: hahaha no it actually was some creepy maile
i will tell you about the dream when i see you
11:OB AM working on presentation?
dsherlockb@omail.com: Nah, making a gel
It's mixing atm
11:10 AM me: ah, whats the gel for?
11:11 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: Another ethidium bromide stain. Looking to see if the mutation worked
me: ah
http : //matt. miqht. net/articles/ways-to-fa i l-a-phd/
11:13 AM dsherlockb@omail,com: That seems like a high fail rate, I thought lt was more around 10yo
11:15 AM me: oh at least in engineering, dropout rate is 60+yo
in cse in michigan, its a low drop out rate of 50-600/o
1I i!7 Alel dsherlockb@omail.com: A masters is the typical working degree for engineering though. In biology
it's a Phd, so a lot more engineering students stop with the masters
me: true
this one was more comp sci geared: )
11:19 AM tlEEIleS&!@SllEjLlglq: Are yuh worried about failing?
me: nope not really
11:20 AM im pretty confident ill do well here - the only way id fail is prolly by getting frustrated and giving up
last time, i gave up coz i didnt like my project - my prof had offered me a smooth transfer to phd with
funding for 5 years
dsherlockb@omail.com: Even if you do, you'll still get a good job with your masters. I on the other
hand would be sol
11:21 AM me; you are biology though, so as you said, phd is kind of a norm
for cs, i can get a good job with an undergrad degree. also places like apple really dont giv a shit about
degree as long as ihave done cool stuff
11 :23 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: And you being cool helps too
11 :24 AM me: here i thought i was hot:P
dsherlockb@omail.com: brb gel stuff
me: ok
Fwd: Chat lvith dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb(oomail.com <dsherlockb@qmail.com>
Datei 2Ot2/7/25
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@omail.com

72i44 PM me: how's lab today?

dsherlockb(oomail,com: It's koo.
72145 PM lust did a chemical LTD treatment and fixed my cells and will stain em tomorrow.
me: whats LTD?
12:46 PIvl dsherlockb@omail.com: Long term depression
It's a cellular correlate of reduced activity not like the mental ailment at all
12:48 PM me: interesting
iwould think cells dont have depression issues;)
Csherlqsk&.@sloeilssI[: hehe
72149 PM they do when i put them in the dark fridge overnight witha lil NMDA and don't pamper them
me: awwww
then they die !
dsherlockb@omail.com: Yea, that's what usually happens but they're supposed to survive
12:50 PM me: cell-killer; )
how long did you end up sleeping?
C$er!.eskb@gxo.ajLsem :'till 3
12:51 PM then on and off
me: dont remember, i did wake up a few times
but it was generally much better than the last few days:)
thank you for sacrificing your sleep to enable mine:D
12:52 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Anytime, day or night, i'll be there for yuh
12:53 PM Do you want to try a sleeping pill? I have some ambien you can have
72i54 PM me: i dont
idont want to lose my awareness
hopefully therapy will hlp
sleeping pill is not addressing the root of the cause
dsherlockb@omail.com : Aight
me: and most days idont have to wake up at an ungodly hour, so ican sleep from like 5-6 am to 10
12:55 Plt4 hey btw, do you get picture messages?
dshcrlgsLb.@g-E[elLs9m: Yep
I gotta 9o right now though, short meeting with my advisor
me: sounds good
me too doing the same in a few actually
slshsf,lqskb(QgEeillq9![: laterz
12:56 PM me: by
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From : dsherlockb@omail,com <dsherlockb@omail.com>
Datei 2O72/L/25
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@o ma il. com

2:30 PM dsherlockb@amail.com: What was that picture showing?

2:31 PM me: it was a quote we manipulated and wrote on our white board
show ya tomorrow?
2..32 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: It can't be written in chat :-o
me: its a pictureD:
i thinks its funnier in picture:)
dsherlockb@omail,com: Picture of text, classic
me: gives it more character
dsherlockb@omail,com: ok, i'll take ur word for it
2:33 PM me: ok
how was meeting?
dsherlockb@omail,com: My advisor said I need to jump into a pool
Tippy toeing in doesn't work
2i34 PYI It was an analogy for being more social in discussions x-(
me: hahahhaha
2:3 5 Plvl dsherlockb@dmail.com: Science appears to have shifted from guys working alone in a dark room to
some huge interactome
me: would you run away from the pool?;)
so was it full of awkward silences?
dsherlockb@omail.com: Oh no you didn't!
me: hahahhaa i dunno, you can be pretty closed off as a comp sci personD:
dsherlockb@omail.com: He used to be antisocial but he learned to be talkative
2:36 P[4 me: oh? so he advised you to do the same?
dsherleekb@s]llellcs4: Yep
me: hahahahahaha
that is funny
2i37 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: i'll brb just finishing up a micro prep 5 mins
me: iguess hanging out with me will help you advance science;)
su re
6 minutes
2:43 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: When are yuh gonna go see the rapist?
For $400 Alex
2i44 PM me: for $400 Alex?
dshrlockb@omail.com: You haven't seen the sean connerey jeopardy paordy?
me: no
2:45 PM idunno, icalled the rapist and left a voicemail
lesse when he's ready to rape;)
2146 PM http : //qizmodo. com/5878987,/qooo les-broken- oromise-the-end -of-dont-be-evil
2i47 PM ok brb, i gotta meet the overling - lesse if she's in
Fwd: Chatwith rlsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb@omail.com <dsherlockb@omail.com>
Datet 2072/ I/26
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@o ma il.com

11:48 Al4 me: i did no such thing!

all lies!
11 :50 AM dsherlockb(aomail,com: An album cover lols They
used to have good SNL writers back in the day
me: is the sickness messing wiht your head?
you gonna be a zombie soon?
11:51 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: It is a head cold, runny nose, no coughing though. Maybe I can get u sick
with it
11:52 AM me: i thought you were saying that i got you sick:P
the sickness must have mutated a lou)
dsherlockb@omail.com : Pandemic!
Omg. I almost won but China had 57 people alive when the vaccine got distributed
me: contagion, stop being gwenyth paltrow!
11:53 Al4 hahahaha china has too many people;)
annihilate them!
dsherlockb@omail.com: I'll leave jackie chan alive, he's cool
me: dont need to keep him aline
11:54 AIvl alive
clone his dna
thats all you gotta do
you want a nurse giving you a sponge bath tonight?
11 :55 AM dsherlockb(oomail,com: If I don't have to be crippled to see the nurse
me: hmmmm the nurse doesnt have an actual nursing degree
but has great boobs
and is v good at giving sponge baths
11:56 AM no crippling. maybe be punched a bit:P
11:57 AM dsherlockb@omail.com: A punching sponge bath is a rather novel idea.
12:00 PM me: it is very therupathic
CEIeflegBts@SlEelf.call: therapeutic?
12:01 PM me: yea
dsherlockb(oomail.com: Gotta figure out how this hermann grid illusion works
http://en.wikipedia.orolwiki/Grid illusion
me: shit
!2:O2 PVI htto;//www.nku.edu/-issues/illusions/HermannGrid.htm
12:03 PIY dsherlockb@omail.com: Looking at it hurts my head :(
me: hahaahaha
seems like lateral inhibition is a repeating concept in all the articles
12:04 PM here's someone's thesis
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

they will prolly have a decent lit review

htto ://www. neco"ed u/librarv/theses/BodkinThesisApr0S. pdf
dsherlockb@omail.com: Oh god 54 pages
12:05 PM me: hahaha
dont read the whole thing
read the abstract
and introduction cha pter
dont need to read what this particular guy did
B minlites
72:74 PVI dsherlockb@omail,com: I can't think right nows, my head is full of boogers
12:16 PI\4 me: :(
did you take meds?
dsherlockb@omail.com: I used the nasal spray and claritin D for post-nasal drip bc my nose was a
faucet yesterday,
12t17 PM Now its the oppositte and I'm all congested
Wish it went straight to the middle
me: lol
sucks that you are sick:(
12:1B PM vicks vaporub works for me since i was a child
dsherlockb@omail.com: ahh. I usually use that for chest colds
12:19 PM me: i used to use it for the both - chest area for chest, nasal area for nose
if that wasnt apparenU)
5 minLrte,
12:25 PM me: i heard you have the magic touch of healing
12:26 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Aww, more like psychotic delusions
Didn't know Ben was paranoid :-o
me: how do you think we connect?;)
72:27 Pl4 we met at a paranoia support group:P
12:31 Plvl dsherlockb(oomail.com: And here all this time I thought u met through alcohol
12:32 PM me: no, that's how you and ben met. i dont have that kind of a drinking problem :P
12:33 Pl4 although we do have paranoid absinthe raves... hmmm...
12:34 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: I've always wanted to try absinthe
Have you drank it ?
me: the americanized version without the secret ingredient
do want to try the banned version though
12:35 PM dsherlockb@amail.com: Without the narcotic it's not really the green fairy
12:36 PM me: haha true - and i wouldnt be in danger of making out with my own sibling (read eurotrip)
dsherlockbfdomail.com: They were twins too.
me: well yea, im extrapolating:P
72:37 PM bw
12:38 PM i made myself an awesome scrambled eggs, toast with butter, bacon, coffe breakfast this morning:D
dsherlockb@omail.com: You're making me hungry. I probably will have to skip lunch today
12:39 PM me: oh? I can bring you chips or something from the vending machines
or something from udis
my class is on the 6th floor anyway
dsherlockb@smail,com: They're too overpriced
me: jll get you some cheetos
how about that
72.-40 PVI dsherlockb(oomail,com: Nah, I'll just let my tummy growl but thx anyways
me: okay, well, we are prolly doing dinner around 4.30ish anyway
t2:41 PVI dsherlockb@omail.com : Where to?
72i42 PM me: ben said he'll think about it
or ... we could do....
dsherlockb@omail.com: -Gasps-
My thermometer goal must be raised
me: i like you hot:P
72 43 PM there's no point for a space heater to be cold:P
Frvd: Chat rvith dsherlockb@gmail.com

and prolly is kinda genetic

dsherlockb@omail,com: Did he ask when it started?
that might be why it got into childhood
me: he did
1r43 Pl4 dsherlockb@omail,com: I didn't enjoy our family group therapy. Maybe it will be different for you as
it's individual and you sought it out
1i44 Pl4 me: oh iwould HATE group therapy
rothberg seems funny and not-judging and is okay wiht me using words Iike asshole
1:45 P[4 dsherlockb@omail.com: Probably, unless you start calling him an asshole :)
1:46 PM me: also cracks jokes himself
btw did you get the emial about bsp?
7'.47 PM dsherlockb(oomail.com: Recent incident
me: yea the one where they sent the wrong spreadsheet to students
1:48 PM dsherlockb(aomail.com: i didn't get the spreadsheet
me: no new recruits i mean
dsherlockb@omail.com: did they send the evals to the recruits
me: yea
dsherlockb@omail.com: that's a major fuck-up
me: it is
1:49 PM the evals had stuff like faculty comments, even on minority status and stuff
dsherlockb@omail.com: Dunno why they would even send them a spreadsheet in the first place
me: i think someone fucked up the attachment
1:50 PM anyway
got journal club v soon
dsherlockb(aomail.com : Aight, laterz
me: bye babe
F!rd: Chat u ilh dsherlockh@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb@qmail.com <dsherlockb@qmail.com>
Dalei 20L2/2/tO
Subject: Chat with dshe rlockb@omail. com

2i40 Pl4 dsherlockb@omail.com: Gotta go to lab Saturday afternoon

2:41 PM How's your project coming along?
2 t42 Pl4 me: hey
oh? what for?
dsherlockb(oomail.com: Paraformaldehyde fix and mount some cells
me: project not coming, doing friend's stats
ah ok
2:43 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: This the same guys stats
me: yea
dsherlockb@omail,com: Seems like he is a statistician
me: no
but in many comp sci stuff where you do data collection
you gotta interpret your results with lotsa stats
same goes for bi
2144 ?M im kinda okay with doing his stats, coz this is helping me learn stats which will be important for me
i basically planned to do a t-test, btu his data is not normally distributed
thus had to find another test
dsherlockb@omail.com: Stats is a valuable skill set
Much more than calculus
2:45 PM l got some free qdoba today
2:46 PM 10x > than Chipotle Chipotle
< taco bell
me: wow, you californians have a twisted sense of taste:P
i like calcu lus: )
2147 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: I like the power rule
Everything else i've forgotten
me: haha
i remember quite a bit of calculus
2:48 Pl4 dsherlockb@omail.com: well ur brain is weird with numbers
me: brb
2: 50 Pl.4 back
how are you feeling?
2: 51 Pl,l dsherlockb(oomail.com: Not good
Haven't hung out with my Gargi in a long time :(
2;52 Pl'4
we were thinking of moving last night's board game night to tonight if tim's conducive to it
2:53 PM you should stay over afterwards if we do
dsharlockb@omail.com: You're still in need of a good Dominion whooping
me: we will definitely play dominion if we have board games
2:54 PM wait, are you planning on spanking me?:P
2:55 PM tlghg!9skb.@@AjkeI[: Imma spank you so hard, there will be seismic activity in India.
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: dsherlockb@qmail,com <dsherlockb@omail.com>
Dalet 2O72/Z/23
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@o ma il. com

9:13 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Where'd yuh run off to after class?

me: i had the rapist at 4:)
dshc.rlsskb@g.EDeils9.Eq: aww
9: 14 PM i thought it was 5
me: yea
it was
he called yesterday though
he had an opening at 4
and he remembered my classes ended at 4
so ..
heard you went home and slept;P
dsherlockb@omail.com: typical rapist move
not waiting for an answer
9: 15 Pl.4 yea
just finished my paper summaries
i've stopped reading the ones that 9et presented by students
and just read the figures
9: 16 PM me: that makes sense
you guys dont get a breather for tomorrow?
thats harsh
i still have 3 papers to read:(
9i77 PM dsherlockb@omail.com : bummer
It looks like I won't be joining this past lab I rotated in
9: 18 PM me: oh?
dsherlockb@omail.com: The professor got pissed off I didn't complete the main project
me: oh? that blows
d idnt he know already?
9: 19 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Yep
Finished the side project though
Gave me a B
9:20 PM me: that sucks
well, you anyway wanted to join the first lab right?
when do you start with freed?
dsherlockb@omail.com: On the bright side it will make the choice of lab to join easier :)
9:21 PM Monday with Freed
maybe a mountain view
I hear the mountains are located geographically to the west ;)
me: nice!
oh shush
dsherlqskb@s!.ail,sem: hehe
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From : CshC[!gekh.@g!04!Lr.9gl0-<dsherlockb@omail.com>
Datet 2012/3/21
Subject: Chat with dsherlockb@o mail.com

5i22 PM dsherlockb(oomail.com: Whatcha doin' tonight Gargs?

5:23 PM me: dying ..
everything hurts:(
dsherlockb@omail.com: That's unfortunate
me: taken 6 tylenols in 12 hours
5:24 PM gotta lay off it
dsherlockb@omail.com: Too much acetominophen will fuck the liver
me: i thikn im gonna take it easy tongiht and die curled up in a ball, but if you want, we could hang
tomorrow night after my study session?
5:25 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: Many people who don't read the tyelenol directions wind up in the hospital
me: haha the max ive taken is 11 in 12 hours
ages ago
5:26 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: If you die, there won't really be a tomorrow ;)
5:27 PM me: well it was a hypothetical death
more like pass out from tiredness and sickness
5:29 Plvl dsherlockb@omail.com: Oh wellz, cya two days from yesterday
5:30 PM me: haha
see ya in class tomorrow
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

Forwarded message
From: .lcherl6.kh(odrn.il -..rm <dsherlockb@qmail.com>
Datet 2Or2/3/25
subject: Chat with dsherlockb@o mail.com

1:21 PM me: hey

you rickrolling the world?
t.22 PM dsherlockb@omail,om: did you click it : )
me: nope: P
it says below the link what it is:)
1:23 PM dsherlockb(oomail,com: Still a good song heh
7:24 ?ftl me: you should incorporate his world famous pants wearing style:P
1 :25 PIvl dsherlockb@omail..om: I am debating whether to sleep, skyrim or read.
me: skyrim!
slay those damn dragons
liu PM dsherlockb(aomail.com: I would n all but it probably won't be very useful for the future
me: how much is reading or sleeping going to help?
1 :28 PIY dsherlockb@omail.com: More than video games I suppose
me: its something fun that you like to do, go ahead do it, fuck the future for once
do what you feel like doing, its a sunday afternoon
1:29 Pl4 dsherlockb(domail.com: Well what I feel like doing is evil so can't do that
me: what do you feel like doing?
dsherlockb@omail.com: Video games are the next best thing through escapism
1:30 PM me: what is so evil that you want to do?
1:31 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: Kill people of course
That is why I live in the future
me: killing people is too much effort, you'll end up locked up
1:32 PN4 most people are not worth what might happen to you coz of the
1:33 Pf4 dsherlockb(oomail,com: That's why you kill many people
me: even then, at least personally im selfish and have too much of an idea of self-importance
most people arent worth jack shit
even if you go postal, whats it worth? what do you gain?
1:34 PM dsherlockb@omail.com: There's no way to do it and not get caught
The only way justice can be served is by taking away your time or life
me: why do you care so much about justise?
1:3 5 PM dsherlockb@omail,com: If you wait to kill until the end of your life, than there is nothing to lose
1 :36 Plvl me: but why would you want to kill
as in why would you decide this is the end, and kill
when you could live more, experience more things?
why would those people be worth ending your life?
dsherlockb@omail.com: It's the end then though, no more experiences
me: why?
how do you decide that is the end?
Fwd: Chat with dsherlockb@gmail.com

dsherlockb@omail.com: Aight, you want play some dom?

2'.34 Pt4 me: sometime today i gotta finishup some stuff ive to send strong
but after that we can
ill keep you posted
Crhedrqskb.@gEleils.gr!1: ciao

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