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Lesson Plan: Name: Paige Tyler Cohort: CGC1D

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The activity simulates countries choosing energy sources given limited resources, needs, and economic status. Students learn about political decision making and conflicting views of stakeholders.

Each group represents a country and must fulfill its energy needs by voting on different sources within its given budget. The roles include a government official, NGO, industry representative, indigenous representative, and citizens.

The government official controls the budget and voting, the NGO wants most renewable energy, the industry wants most non-renewable energy, the indigenous member promotes sustainability, and citizens want cheap energy.

Name: Paige Tyler Cohort: CGC1D

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Energy Summit Grade: 9 Date: October 19th 2016

Subject: Geography Strand: Managing Canadas Resources and Industries Time:(length in minutes):76m

Lesson Plan Description (one/two paragraphs with general details about what you will do and how you will do it)
This activity is simulating what is like for countries to choose energy sources around the World,
given limited resources, differing needs, and socio-economic status. We will divide up the class
into 5 groups, each containing a government official, an NGO, an industry representative, an
indigenous representative, and varying amounts of citizens, which represents different
population sizes. The goal is to fulfill their countries energy needs. The role of the government
official is to control the money, facilitate voting, and spend the least amount of money. The
NGO wants to have the most amount of renewable energy. Industries goal is to have as many
non-renewable energy sources as possible. The Indigenous member is trying to promote
sustainability of recourses and land. Citizens are the wildcard that just simply want cheap
energy ASAP.

Each group will vote upon the following energy sources:

Nuclear, Coal, Natural Gas, Geothermal, Wind, Solar, Hydro, Biomass

Each country will have a different amount of money to purchase energy sources, which
represents different socio-economic standings. As with real-life, most non-renewables will be
less expensive. The energy cost is directly correlated to energy prices based off of the average
cost per kilowatt-hour.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations(numbers from documents and details)
C1. The Sustainability of Resources: analyze impacts of resource policy, resource
management, and consumer choices on resource sustainability in Canada (FOCUS ON:
Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)

C2. TheDevelopmentofResources:analyseissuesrelatedtothedistribution,availability,and
development of natural resources in Canada from a geographic perspective (FOCUS ON:
Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations(numbers from documents and details)selected& listed from the Ont.
Curriculum, refined when necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3)
have expectationsthat match assessment
C1.3 analyze the influence of governments, advocacy groups, and industries on the sustainable
development and use of selected Canadian resources (e.g., International Joint Commission;
Niagara Escarpment Commission; Ministry of Natural Resources; First Nations, Mtis, Inuit
organizations; individual industries; transnational corporations; trade unions; advocacy groups,
such as the Forest Stewardship Council, Greenpeace, engineering non-governmental

C2.3 assess the renewability and non-renewability of various natural resources in Canada

C2.4 assess the feasibility of using selected renewable and alternative energy sources (e.g.,
solar, wind, tidal, hydro) to augment or replace existing power sources in various parts of

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

Learning GoalsDiscuss with students: What will I be learning today?(clearly identify what students are expected to
know and be able to do, in language that students can readily understand)

Today I will learn

How to simulate realistic political decision-making

Demonstrate challenges that conflicting views and interests stakeholders have when
problem solving

To identify the grey areas regarding energy sources

Show the disadvantages and advantages that different countries face


Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn?(clearly identify the
criteria to assess students learning, as well as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge,
skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand)
I can: Distinguish renewable resources from non-renewable
I can: Recognize and identify that the feasibility of energy resources varies based on
geographic factors
I can: Demonstrate and describe the impacts that different groups (NGO, Government, industry,
indigenous, etc.) have on resource use
I can: Understand the complex and multi-layered process that effects energy resources
Assessment how will I know students have learned what I intended?
Achievement Chart Categories(highlight/circle the ones that apply): Knowledge and Understanding; Thinking;
Communication; Application
Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Complete the chart below)

Assessment Mode: Assessment Strategy Assessment Tool

Written, Oral, Specific task for Instrument used to
Performance students record data
(Write, Say, Do) e.g., turn and talk, i.e., rubric, checklist,
brainstorming, mind map, observation sheet, etc.
debate, etc.

Assessment For Written/Oral Mind map Checklist

Learning Summary Worksheet
Assessment As Performance Mock trial of energy Observation sheet
Learning decision making
Assessment Of N/A N/A N/A
Learning *would not be
assessing of in this
lesson, however,
knowledge can be
tested at a further
Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have
What a resource is, and which resources are used for energy purposes
Why we need energy
Why it is important to switch to greener energy sources
Definitions of energy sources orally, written by students, and in handout
Pros and cons of energy sources
Country scenarios
Mind maps

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Class discussion
Group discussion
Oral communication
Critical thinking
Cooperative education
Exit cards

Assessment/Accommodations, Modifications:
Monopoly money can be added for students who struggle with math; this also provides a
visual aid for students and a hands-on tactical approach
Add Lego blocks, each colour representing a different energy source to help visualize and
make it hands-on
Give more time to fill out exit cards, ex allow students to hand it in next class
Change countries to reflect diverse cultures and students interests.
Simplify stakeholder roles and instructions.
Provide relevant background knowledge through multiple methods (videos, newspaper
articles etc.)
Adjust content for smaller or larger increments.

Learning Skills/Work Habits

Highlight/circle ones that are addressed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative,

Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, self-

Vocabulary (for word wall and/or to develop schema)

Resource: A substance of economic value use for goods and services to benefit humans
Renewable resource: A substance of economic value that can regenerate naturally in less time than it
takes to draw the supply down
Non-renewable resource: A substance of economic value that cannot be replaced by natural means on a
level equal to its consumption
Sustainable: To use resources at a rate which the Earth can renew them to meet the needs of the current
generation, without sacrificing the needs of the next generation
Nuclear: Radioactive minerals such as uranium are mined. Electricity is generated from the energy that is
released when the atoms of these minerals are split (by nuclear fission) in nuclear reactors.
Geothermal: There are three different types of geothermal: in volcanic regions it is geothermal uses the
natural heat of the earth; in other regions cold water is pumped underground and comes out as steam, and
the third is when steam can be used for heating or to power turbines creating electricity.
Biomass: Decaying plant or animal waste. An organic material, which can be burned to provide energy, eg
heat, or electricity. An example of biomass energy is oilseed rape (the fields of yellow flowers you see in the
UK in summer), which produces oil. After treatment with chemicals it can be used as a fuel in diesel engines.
Solar: Energy from sunlight is captured in solar panels and converted into electricity.
Wind: Wind turbines (modern windmills) turn wind energy into electricity.
Hydro: Energy harnessed from the movement of water through rivers, lakes and dams.
Coal: Formed from fossilized plants and consisting of carbon with various organic and some inorganic
compounds. Mined from seams of coal, found sandwiched between layers of rock in the earth. Burnt to
provide heat or electricity.
Natural Gas: Methane and some other gases trapped between seams of rock under the earth's surface.

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Pipes are sunk into the ground to release the gas. Often used in houses for heating and cooking.

Resources and Materials/Technology Integration List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson.
Include any attachments of student worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction.
Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.
Seating plan
Mind map sample
Smartboard/chalkboard/ whiteboard
Bristol board
Energy Summit package including: Role cards and task sheet for each country
Monopoly money (if needed to aid with visual learners, but not necessary)
Summary worksheet
Observation Sheet

Learning Environment (grouping; transitions; physical set up)

Groups will be divided into 5 groups, with no less than 6 people in each group. Try to divide up strong leaders and give them the
government role. If you know the students well, try to give them roles they would play the best ex. If you have someone that is
more passive give them the role of the citizen; give dominant students more active roles like the industry or NGO, and the
government role to the natural leaders of the class. This helps the summit come alive. Also, attempt to pair up shy or quiet
students with more outgoing students. Seating plan attached.

Cross Curricular Links

Social Science, Civics, Math, English
Lesson Delivery Format
Write the lesson description with enough detail that another teacher could replicate the
lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do: What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to
guide lesson

Time: 5 minutes Sample of different Types of energy sources

Break students into groups of students might come up with:
5(refer to seating plan appendix 1) solar
Draw on students previous wind
knowledge by asking them to make hydro
a mind map on a piece of Bristol
board in their groups with the work
energy in the center (refer to Natural gas
example in appendix 3) coal

Time: 5 minutes Renewable resource: A substance of economic value that

As a class, review what each of the can regenerate naturally in less time than it takes to
energy sources that will be used in draw the supply down
Non-renewable resource: A substance of economic value
the Summit (see description with that cannot be replaced by natural means on a level
pros/cons), write the different equal to its consumption
sources of energy on the board
Students may colour code, use shapes, or

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Then ask students to discuss the underline to differentiate non-renewables from
key differences between a renewables
renewable and non-renewable
resource, and have students to
visually identify them on their mind NuclearPros: A small amount of radioactive
maps material produces a lot of energy. Raw
materials are relatively cheap and can last
quite a long time. It doesn't give off
atmospheric pollutants. Cons: Nuclear reactors
Time: 5-10 minutes
are expensive to run. Nuclear waste is highly
Ask students to work as a group to
come up with and write pros/cons toxic, and needs to be safely stored for
for each energy source on their hundreds or thousands of years (storage is
mind maps extremely expensive). Leakage of nuclear
Teacher walks around classroom materials can have a devastating impact on
and listens to discussion people and the environment.
Use checklist to formatively assess
students mind maps (refer to CoalPros: Formed from fossilized plants and
appendix 2) consisting of carbon with various organic and
some inorganic compounds. Mined from seams
of coal, found sandwiched between layers of
rock in the earth. Burnt to provide heat or
electricity. Cons: When burned
coal gives off atmospheric pollutants, including
greenhouse gases.

Natural Gas Pros: Gas is a ready-made fuel.

It is a relatively cheap form of energy. It's a
slightly cleaner fuel than coal and oil.
Cons: When burned, it gives off atmospheric
pollutants, including greenhouse gases. Only
limited supply of gas.

WindPros: Can be found singularly, but

usually many together in wind farms.
Potentially infinite energy supply.
Cons: Manufacture and implementation of
wind farms can be costly. Some local people
object to on-shore wind farms, arguing that it
spoils the countryside.

Solar Pros: Potentially infinite energy supply,

and single dwellings can have own electricity
Cons: Manufacture and implementation of
solar panels can be costly.

HydroPros: Creates water reserves as well as

energy supplies.
Cons: Costly to build. Can cause the flooding

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of surrounding communities and landscapes.
Dams have major ecological impacts on local

BiomassPros: It is a cheap and readily

available source of energy. If replaced,
biomass can be a long-term, sustainable
energy source. Cons: When burned, it gives off
atmospheric pollutants, including greenhouse
gases. Biomass is only a renewable resource if
crops are replanted.

Geothermal Pros: Potentially infinite energy

supply with low environmental impact. Used
successfully in some countries, such as New
Zealand and Iceland.
Cons: Can be expensive to set up, and causes
an increase in seismic activity. Countries like
Switzerland have tried geothermal and it
didnt fit; this is because the seismic activity
has devastating effects of the old structural

Action: During/working on it
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning
Time: 20 30 minutes
Teacher gives each group an Then each group will get a game kit. Within
envelope with a country name on it each group, there will be 5 different roles:
either Canada, China, Brazil, government representative, industry, NGO,
Germany, or Australia (for Canada Indigenous community member, and the rest
example see appendix 4) of the members will be citizens (as there are
more in society).

Use observation sheet to gauge Government:
student success in activity (refer to
appendix 5) Your role as the government is to control
all the money. You are responsible for running
things smoothly and getting things done on
time. If the budget cannot be agreed upon you
have final say.

While the rest of the group just wants to

meet energy needs, you secretly want to
spend as little money as possible


As impacts of climate change increase,

so have the impacts on the plant. You think the
only way to save the plant is to revert to

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cleaner energy sources. Your objective is to
push for clean sources of energy.


You are a part of the non-renewable

energy industry. Despite what the hippies say,
you dont believe in climate change, and
frankly you dont care. Renewables arent
going to put money in the bank. Push for non-
renewable energy sources, if you would like to
continue to live the billion-dollar lifestyle.

Indigenous Community Member:

Save your land by promoting

sustainable practices. There are already too
many communities without clean and safe
drinking water, so lets work together towards
a sustainable future, through an Indigenous
Worldview. This includes land, animals, and
people. There is sacred land and resources at


Save your country, help meet the

energy needs as fast as possible!!!
Walk around the classroom to each
group and get involved in the After roles have been established, students
conversation. Ask prompting should read their roles and the goal sheet (see
questions or make statements like: attached Energy Summit sheet), and begin to
Have you thought about using ___ complete the task of fulfilling their countries
resource? energy needs.
Are those sustainable energy sources?
Is ___ a practical resource for that Each group will be given a different budget
country? and different energy needs to represent the
different scenarios that other countries face.
Students will be given 30 minutes to come to a
consensus, which can be difficult due to the
conflicting views of the roles students will play.
Each group will have to have a minimum of 5
different energy types.

Consolidation& Connection (Reflect and Connect)

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection
Time: 5-minute group discussion
When groups begin to finish up, put up Students Discuss the answers to these
group discussion questions on the questions, and be prepared to share to the
board. Get students to reveal their class
roles to the other group members and
read them out. Students will be asked
to share their experience with the rest
of the class

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What difficulties did you have as a
what impact did the different roles have
on the decision making? If none, discuss
how different roles might impact these
decisions make in real-life
How did the budget affect which energy
resources your group chose? some students like China for example,
doesnt have enough money to meet their
Time: 10-minute class discussion and sharing energy needs; this opens up for a class
Some students will have had easier discussion on some reasons why China
tasks than others. One member from wouldnt meet the energy needs, or go over
each group will relay to the class which budget doing so
country they were, what the population others like Germany will have lots of money
is, their budget, energy needs, what left over; students can discuss where this
resources they chose and why, and if extra money might go to (free student tuition,
they found the task challenging or easy. bike lanes, etc.)

Time: 10-minutes Exit Cards Students can fill out sheet with the
remainder of the class, or bring it with
Ask students to fill out brief summary
them to next class if they need more
sheets individually to demonstrate
learning and connections made (refer to
appendix 5)

Extension Activities/Next Steps(where will this lesson lead to next)

C2.1 explain how the availability and spatial distribution of key natural
resources, including water, in Canada are related to the physical geography of
the country, and assess the significance of their availability and distribution,
nationally and globally (e.g., the amount of bright sunshine in a region
determines the potential viability of solar energy development; a regions rock
type determines which mineral resources are available and the way they are
mined; a regions precipitation, temperature, and soil type determine the type of
agriculture that is practiced there)
This will lead into a lesson or exercise the next day on what they see in the future of
resources and how stresses like climate change may impact these predictions.

This could also open up discussion about Indigenous topics and issues within Canada
and around the world

Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this
The Lesson:

The Teacher:

Appendix 2

Mind Map Checklist

Grou Grou Grou Grou Group

p1 p2 p3 p4 5

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

All energy sources discussed are

There are at least one pro/con per


Renewable and non-renewables are


Clear and concise writing


Observation Sheet

Collaborati Participati Communicat Self- Responsibili Comments

on on ion regulation ty

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

Appendix 5

Energy Summit Summary: Making Connections

1. How does time affect whether a resources is renewable or not? Choose two of three
energy sources for us in Canada; how sustainable are they in the long term?

2. What are factors that vary in different geographic locations that impact the feasibility of

3. How do you think they sources of Canadas energy would change if industries were
completely removed from the decision? Give 1-2 reasons why.

4. What things would you like to learn more about based off of todays lesson?

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

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