Toronto Life - April 2017
Toronto Life - April 2017
Toronto Life - April 2017
Comedian Lilly Singh and the
star-making power of YouTube P.80
the coolest blue jays gear p.98
Who lives where in the citys
ritziest condo tower P.40
re o e
e 2017 a
Featuring plus
snack bars, the best
BBQ and things
five-star our critic
comfort tasted all
food year
p r
Ardos organic veal
tonnato with mustard
sprouts and watermelon
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Lilly Singh, p. 80
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Sarah Fulford
executive editor Angie Gardos
art director Christine Dewairy
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Ken Hunt
senior account manager John Andreopoulos
account managers Laura Cerlon, Daniel Trojanowski
eastern general manager Bettina Magliocco
senior national account manager
Allen Sapp Joseph Giunta Suzanne Farago
national account managers Suzie Carrier,
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Terror Track that Aaron did, but fundamental- your point of viewgot both camps in
Lauren McKeons deeply reported ism was likely one of the few a froth. Lets start with his fans:
profile of Aaron Driver, the small-town ways he could square the trage-
kid turned suicide bomber, unearthed dies in his life with his belief in a Needed course @ U of T:
details about his childhood that had higher power. We need to con- how to deal respectfully with
never before been published. Reader tinue to teach our children to the self-proclaimed social justice
reaction was smart and sensitive. think critically. warriors. This is a left-wing
FrancusAurelius, lynch mob against this professor.
Lauren McKeons piece on Barry Dennison, Facebook
Aaron Driver was riveting. Disenfranchised with undiag-
Everyone wants to know how nosed vulnerabilities: that is the We need more Petersons
radicalization happens; weve all target audience of radicalization. people in academia who are more
hypothesized and were often That is why totalitarians push so than armchair scholars, who
quick to judge the parents. This hard to disenfranchise popula- personally engage in current
article provided some of the tions by alienating societies. debatable issues.
insight we need to gain better Allison Lee-Clay, Facebook Jessie To, Facebook
Society desperately needs They recruit like bike gangs: Jason McBrides piece on Jordan
specialists who have the skills to target disenfranchised, alienated Peterson was exceptionally
get through to these very young, males, offer them a family or thoughtful. I had the same
tragically scarred souls, and to brotherhood, and make them do response as the author toward the
de-radicalize those who have your dirty work. Snakes. gender pronoun requestjust call
fallen down the rabbit hole. We Mick McCarthy, Facebook people by the names they request
need to unite globally and devote and forget the rest. I wish Jordan
more research dollars to this had not become entangled in gen-
worthy cause. der name-making. But mandatory
Elina Guttenberg training for unconscious biases is
a whole different kettle of fish,
The first section of this story will and I think it has been lost in the
tear your heart out. Nothing is gender brouhaha. Jordan is tak-
ever as simple as it appears. ing a very important stand on the
@zchamu, Twitter issue of political correctness, the
hollowness of imposed niceness
Lauren McKeons article shows The Peterson Principle and the resultant catastrophes.
what happens when you raise Our profile of U of Ts rabble-rousing Hes a deep thinker, but he also
someone to believe in ideologies professor, Jordan Petersonwhos carries the navet of the stereo-
blindly. Obviously most religious either a heroic defender of free speech typical academic.
people will not go down the road or a trans-phobic bigot, depending on Patricia Dawn Spence
The ConversaTion
In 2016, the U.S. election and Brexit This levelheaded strategy is difficult The day to day events that
highlighted just how uncertain the to execute but can be critical to dominate investment news are like
world can beand how market successful investing. waves crashing onto the beach;
expectations can be wrong. When unique, absorbingand ultimately
positioning their portfolios for these In every investors experience there inconsequential. Most investors
types of macroeconomic events, it is a point when a stock you like will would be better off focusing
is important for investors to realize start to deteriorate. Our learning is: their attention on understanding
what it is that they actually know. dont immediately start chasing. the longer-term driversthe
When a stock is coming down in investment tidesthan trying
Here are three principles to price, it is doing so because the to predict the impact of todays
consider: market, made up of a collective of events that will hardly matter in
thousands of individuals, is saying ten years. Increased knowledge of
1. Bet when you have an edge.
the price should be lower. Now, the tides can help investors better
2. Diversify otherwise. there are times when the market is understand the true nature of the
wrong and your previous viewpoint risks in their portfolios and the
3. Realize that most of the time
could be right; but, often, the companies in which they invest.
you dont have an edge.
market is telling you something.
In investing, it is not enough to be Something you may not yet know. For example, several important
rightyou also want an edge. An themes took root in the last year:
edge occurs when you have an we saw policymakers publicly
insight that is different from the acknowledge that we are reaching
collective view of the market. It the limits of the effectiveness of
happens when you have information monetary policy; governments
that gives you confidence that the around the world have shown
odds displayed in the market are interest in using fiscal policy to
wrong. At Mawer, we systematically stimulate growth and redistribute
seek to act on an edge by buying wealth; and a rising tide of populism
wealth-creating companies, run and anti-globalization sentiment
by excellent management teams, has spread through western
priced at a discount to their nations. These developments may
intrinsic values. have meaningful consequences to
the investor.
The inherent complexity of macro
events often make them and their Prudent investors are focused
consequences difficult, if not on tides, not waves. They seek to
impossible, to predict in advance. understand the long-term themes
When we dont believe we have any so that they can better identify the
special information on the way an companies that should be wealth-
event will unfold or the impact it will creating over the long-run.
have, we know that making a one-
way bet is not an advisable strategy.
In these cases, it is most prudent As fundamental investors, our
to diversify. With diversification, natural instinct is to presume that
you hold assets that should we know the story on a stock.
perform differently under different After all, weve likely spent hours of
scenarios. Using this strategy, you analysis trying to understand it.
have not positioned yourself for But when a stock begins to
one outcome only; it requires giving deteriorate, our lesson over time
up some upside in order to protect has been to have patience and not 1 800 889 6248
most (but not all) of the downside. act immediately.
The ConversaTion
Apologies to Lisa ODonoghue and Julie
Ford of Brightlane, who were misidenti-
fied in a February issue caption. We
also had Brightlanes address wrong.
Its at 545 King Street West, not 544.
Buy tickets
online now! @GreenLivingPage
In a global context, tensions between about safeguarding the religious freedoms subscribers can purchase an annual
Jews and Muslims have never been higher. afforded citizens in Canada and the U.S. digital subscription for $17.99.
In Israel, the idea of the two-state solution And theyre enough to make even a diehard
has been dying a quiet death for decades, cynic feel a glimmer of hope.
leading to a toxic hostility that frequently
erupts into violence. Theres no sign of a Sarah Fulford
resolution in the foreseeable future. And Email:
yet the Trump presidency and the tide of Twitter: @sarah_ fulford
The incomparable kate spade new york collection is now available exclusively at the
Art Shoppe, a Toronto icon since 1936.
Real estate
liSted at
Sold for
the moment
photographs courtesy of sohail mansor
Bubble Trouble?
Torontos logic-defying real estate market just got crazier
Sold over asking: in Toronto, its a phrase so common it hardly it for $27,000 in 1967. In a year or two, perhaps $2.3 million will
means anything. But 5 Norden Crescent was no run-of-the-mill seem like a deal; the average price of a detached GTA home in
budget breaker. In February, the quaint 1,500-square-foot January 2017 was 26 per cent higher than it was the same month
Don Mills house was listed for $1.2 million. Nine days and 31 offers last year, and prices have shown few signs of slowing. The bubble
later, it went for $2.3 million. Still not shocked? The owners bought hasnt burst yet, but its probably best to take cover.
Meanwhile, an
episode of Girls
features the line: We
ego cant all be perfect,
boost okay? ... We cant all
be Justin Trudeau.
research firm
soul star
QS calls Toronto
a great city for
Cara nails
her debut
11th best in
the world, to
Night Live
photographs: latte courtesy of run and gun coffee; cara, trudeau, jagmeet singh, drake by getty images; union station by istock
be exact.
START Tru-doh!
White House END
Tweeters slam Toronto press secretary
caf Run and Gun Coffee Sean Spicer calls A car gets stuck in
for its disrespectful the PM Joe the Union Station
Tupac latte, which has Trudeau. streetcar tunnel
five shots of espresso and (again). The driver
bullet holes in the foam. says he was
following his GPS.
At $146 a month,
the Metropass is
the worlds fifth- on the same day a
priciest transit pass, Ryerson University report
according to a report says Toronto is not truly
by moving company a sanctuary city.
Movinga. (If only we
had the worlds fifth-
best transit.) An angry band of
protesters calls for a
ban on Islam outside
a downtown mosque
Camera The months
best parties
Contemporary Persians
Exhibition Reception Kuwaiti royal Sheikha
Feb. 2, Aga Khan Museum. The Paula Al-Sabah and
most poignant moment from art collector
Mohammed Afkhami
this art shows launch: when
Toronto Region collector Mohammed Afkhami
Board of Trade Dinner read a letter of gratitude from
Mayor Feb. 9, MTCC. Quips about
John an Iranian artist in the U.S.
Tory road tolls were plentiful, who couldnt attend because
which might explain why of Trumps travel ban.
Wynne mysteriously van-
ished before dinner. Tory
left, too, to tend to a
TCHC building fire, but
later returned. George
Cope scored points for
praising Toronto in his
Bespectacled keynote, but the room
broadcaster wasnt fond of at least one
Stephen LeDrew
of his ideas: taxing Netflix. Aga Khan
Museum U.K. consul
director general Kevin
Henry Kim McGurgan
Bell honcho Kathleen Motionball
George Cope Wynne founders Mark,
Paul and Sean
Etherington Motionball
Feb. 3, Liberty Grand.
The Special Olympics fund-
Musical Chairs
An intimate soire featuring a
13-course dinner, a bathtub full
of bubbly and a playlist that had
guests dancing in their seats
$5.8M unit Israeli-Canadian
Rogers CFO anthony bajillionaire and
staffieRi owns a PokerStars co-founder
3,500-square-foot unit isai scheinbeRg
on the 48th floor with shares a 3,500-square-
two balconies. foot suite on the
52nd floor with his
wife, Dora.
Postmedia emperor
Paul godfRey bought
Maple Leafs head coach unit
this 3,500-square-foot
Mike babcock has a
unit on the 47th floor in
scenic view of the
April 2013.
Rosedale Ravine from his
2,600-square-foot suite
on the 46th floor.
Luxury realtor elise $4.6M
kalles snapped up a
posh suite for herself: a
3,500-square-foot space
Property taxes paid by the Colonnade, a luxury
shopping complex in Yorkville, due to a 66-year-
old arrangement between the city and U of Ts
Victoria University, which owns the land.
Price of a four-pack of Henderson
Brewings The End of Honesty beer, a
themed lager brewed with sugar pur-
chased at Honest Eds.
Amount that the average homeowners annual property taxes will increase this year,
thanks to a 3.3 per cent hike in the 2017 budget. (Unless you own the Colonnade.)
Number printed on one womans Presto receipt after a
$40 transaction, due to a technical glitch that flubbed a
couple of decimal places. Her card wasnt charged.
Amount, in cash, found in a shopping bag left aboard a TTC bus. The
photographs: colonnade by getty images; beer via youtube; tv by istock; go train courtesy of transit toronto
driver contacted the police, and they returned the money to its owner.
Amount, in cash, found in an old TV at a recycling
THE GIGI plant in Barrie. Staff contacted the police, and they
returned the money to its owner, whod used the
LARDINI TV as a hiding spot.
ASPESI Value of the endoscopy and colonoscopy equipment that three thieves recently
stole from Toronto Western Hospital. At press time, they, and the pilfered
HERNO scopes, remained at large.
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The Upstart
Torontos boldest innovators explain what
theyre making and how it works
how iT works:
Its an air-trucking system, like a Tesla of
the sky. We go into inaccessible places,
such as landlocked African countries and
Canadas North, with resources that
enable local entrepreneurs to connect to
the rest of the world.
Jay Godsall
eureka momenT:
Founder and CEO of Solar Ship, which
In high school, I mowed the lawns of a few
builds helium-filled hybrid aircrafts that fly
embassies in Ottawa. Once, at a lunch
vital cargo to remote areas
at Burundis embassy, I got into a friendly
COMPANY HQ: adelaide and sherbourne, argument about whether it was more
and a hangar in brantford difficult to transport things to Africas
fOuNded: 2006 landlocked areas or to Northern Canada.
eMPlOYees: 50 Thats what kicked it off. I studied the topic
and eventually founded Solar Ship.
Youll need to keep those
elbows tucked while dig-
ging into the bone-in lamb
shank and lemon potatoes:
the cozy room has only six
tables for 12 diners. Every-
one else? Start jockeying
for one of the 16 bar stools.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Piano Pianos Bitters pizza
is, hands down, the citys
best. Its perfectly blistered No.
and topped with fior di
latte, parmesan, dandelion
greens, kale, garlic, chili
flakes and lemon.
piano piano
8 8 H a rb o r d S t . , 416 - 9 2 9 -7 7 8 8
La Bananes Eurobass
en Crote is the dish
most likely to make
you ask the server,
what did they order?
Each fish is latticed in la banane
golden pastry, then
finished with a yuzu 2 2 7 O s s i n g to n Ave . , 416 - 5 51- 6 2 6 3
beurre blanc.
1. Chef Jeff
Kang, ex of the
Shangri-Las Bosk
2. Albacore tuna
with chunks of
radish and an herb
1 2
The gut-busting rijsttafel
1 feast at Noorden, for groups
of six or more, includes
20-plus dishesand a hefty
No. helping of potatoes and rice
for good measure.
2 1 10 Yo n ge S t . , 416 - 4 8 8 - 2 1 10
1 2
This light-filled, art
deco dining room
was once a humdrum
Hudsons Bay atrium.
The O&B restaurant
group made the rooms
striking central pillar
the centrepiece for the
hexagonal bar.
No. Ive been a Jonathan Poon fanboy for and a heavy blanket of shaved parmesan.
years, following him from Chantecler to The pizza isnt up there with Piano Pianos,
Bar Fancy. Now, he and fellow Bar Fancier but its still great, especially the variation
Jesse Fader have conquered Ossington with on a Hawaiian with mortadella in place of
a hipster pizza-and-pasta joint that would ham. The chefs make an extra-creamy
be insufferable if it werent so terrifically caesar salad topped with what turns
good. Among the 2017 hipster crimes: the out to be No Name potato stickstoo clever
supERpOinT jagged neon signage, the 80s rawk by half, but surprisingly tasty. In the fall,
soundtrack, the anti-gourmet wink-wink they made a wonder-
18 4 O s s i n g to n Av e . , 416 - 519 - 6 9 9 6 menu items (shrimp spring rolls) and the fully simple salad of
sheer number of patrons in tuques. But ripe Ontario tomatoes, 1. The wardrobe-
the food: wow. The reason I go back so canned peaches and Hawaiian pie
often, despite the tuques, is the pastain burrata. Reservations 2. Jonathan Poon,
particular, a reginette in a red sauce are scarce, so plan 90s pizzeria
overloaded with slow-cooked beef cheek ahead. nostalgist
Chef Jesse Fader took
more than 100 tries to
perfect his dough
recipe: half high-gluten
flour and half Italian
00 flour, cold fer-
mented for 24 hours,
topped and finished in
a Vulcan deck oven.
58 toronto life April 2017
adamson barbecue
176 Wic k s te e d Ave . , 6 47- 5 5 9 - 2 0 8 0
No. a vegetarian restaurantthe Persian
carpet wall hangings, Joni Mitchell and
tisane selection are dead giveawayseven
the most hard-core meathead will suc-
cumb to Isbergs ravioli stuffed with
braised artichokes; his flatbreads black-
ened from a wood-fired oven and loaded
AWAi with cherry tomatoes, their fruitiness
intensified by a complex herb mixture
2 2 7 7 B lo o r S t . W. , 6 47- 6 4 3 - 3 1 3 2 that includes floral, Quebec-sourced
sweetfern, alder tip and juniper; his
Vegetarians, once consigned to the salad crisp-fried baby eggplant with creamy
section of the menu, have a lot to be thank- insides brought into relief by a zesty
ful for. Plant-based restaurants recently chermoula; and his black arborio and
spread roots around the city, and even wild rice paella, with a funky trio of 2
erstwhile foie gras worshippers like Nota oyster mushrooms, black truffles and
Benes David Lee have all but sworn off huitlacoche, plus a scattering of puffed
animal products. My pick of the crop is rice for extra texture. He offers salads,
the new west-end home of Nathan Isberg, too, including one dazzler with candy-like
formerly of the Atlantic. Hes one of our overnight-roasted apple, quick-pickled
most cerebral chefs. His every plate is a onion and various
1. Wood-fired cocas
dissertation on the culture and evolution shoots and sprouts,
with fire-braised
of taste. That makes him sound like a but it doesnt feel like cherry tomatoes
bore, but hes truly an incredible cook. a return to the salad 2. Ex-Atlantic chef
While theres no mistaking that Awai is days of the past. Nathan Isberg
The secreT To This place isnt the million dollars sunk into
the century-old buildings restoration, or the potency of the
double Manhattan, which is so popular its on tap. Its not the
old-timey jumbo shrimp cocktails or the all-star cooking team
(though theyre greatpulled from spots like the Spoke Club,
Scaramouche and the Saint). The secret is the kitchens built-
in wood-fired grill with racks raised and lowered by custom
pulleys. Wood-grilled everything is as trendy as it gets this
year, and any restaurant would be lucky to have this set-up.
Executive chef Jesse Vallins grills veggies and whole potatoes,
whole fish, he-man tomahawk chops, mutton and rib-eye.
The smoky, charred outcome is like campfire cooking, only
far better.
9 9 6 Q ue e n S t . W. , 6 47-74 8 - 4 416
T h e f i r s T s i g n s arent promising: a
rickety door leading into a fluorescent-lit
antechamber, the odour of vinegar thick
in the air, and a cave-like dining room of
industrial carpeting and mismatched teak.
You could be in a church soup kitchen, not
one of the most-anticipated restaurants of
the year. Guy Rawlings first grabbed atten-
tion during his stint at Dundas Wests
Brockton General, where he made magic
from humble ingredients. He left to help
manage Bar Isabel, among other gigs, and
his fans waited five long years for him to to brush on a salmon collar, repurposes
return to a stove. At Montgomerys (its the leftover whey from cultured cheese in a
family name of his wife, Kim), hes pre- vegetable dish and smokes the mustard
occupied with pickled veg and air-cured that accompanies a goose cretonpays off.
meats, and the result is one of the most Once youve joined Rawlingss cult, all
peculiar and fascinating menus around. is heavenly.
Supersour fermented cabbages and roots
serve as a snack. He douses slices of field
tomatoes in a hot sauce, and yet a sprinkling
1. The dimly lit dining room, brightened with
of dried mint is what catches you off candlesand a unicorn
guard. His fixation on the labour-intensive 2. Quick-pickled celery, salt-roasted celeriac, 2
and handmadehe brews his own vinegar Italian parsley and sunflower aoli
Encounter the works
of artists who have
chosen self-expression
over silence.
1 2
people who Keep TraCK of these things all agree that Filipino 1. Turon with ube ice
No. food is currently the trendiest. Toronto, with its large Filipino cream is a sweet way
population and ambitious second-gen chefs, can take some credit to end a meal at Lasa
2. The counter-
for this. Its the ultimate fusion cuisine, melding the spiciness of service restaurant is
India, the shrimp pastebased dishes of Malaysia and the predi- a casual follow-up
lections of China (rice and spring rolls figure prominently) with to Lamesa
souvenirs from hundreds of years of contact with traders and
colonists. This midtown spot, my favourite of the new wave, is a spinoff of Queen Wests
lasa Lamesa, which introduced downtowners to home-cooking classics usually found in
6 3 4 S t . C l a i r Av e . W. , 6 47- 3 4 3 -1 1 10 outer-GTA strip-mall eateries. Come for a lunch of skewered pork (tangy from a mari-
nade of ginger, soy and 7-Up); squash and bok choy poached in a coconut-miso broth;
lumpia Shanghai (ground porkstuffed spring rolls); oxtail stew fragrant with garlic
and peanut sauce; rice served with deep-fried tofu and a fried duck egg; and, in the
summer months, halo-halo, a Day-Glo dessert of shaved ice, flan and taro ice cream.
No. Ive heard gossIp that Grant
van Gameren, the relentlessly
successful chef behind Bar
Raval and Bar Isabel, has no
less than a dozen new business
concepts in the works. Maybe
its Bunyan-esque hyperbole,
harrys charbroil but it squares with the past year,
when he opened three: the
16 0 S pr i n g hu r s t Ave . , 416 - 5 3 2 - 2 9 0 8 mescal-centric El Rey (No. 17
on this list), a cocktail bar called
Pretty Ugly and this spot, a
takeover of an ancient Parkdale diner. He left the look intact, including the
patchwork linoleum floors, smoky-mirrored walls and tabletop jukeboxes
(last updated circa Beat It). The short-order menu, however, has been
van Gameren-ized. Be sure to get the burger with a green chorizo patty, its
heat slightly tempered by a sweet tomatillo relish. Im also a fan of the skirt
steak on a bun, which is especially good dipped in a bowl of gravy (by request),
and the Miami-style ribs, which are sweet, tender and paired with a tart
green sauce. Nearly everything comes with chunky fries. Theyre crispy and
addictive, though Id try to save room for a dessert special like cherry
crumble with vanilla ice cream. Experience Harrys while you can: it sits
Theres nothing plain about
next to a now-closed No Frills and one of the neighbourhoods last-surviving
Harrys Plain Jane burger
parking lotsin other words, prime condo territory.
1. The 90-seat
dining room
one of four distinct
seating areas in
the sprawling
King West space
2. Chef Steve
signature arroz
2 4 3 K i n g S t . E . , 6 47- 3 47- 8 9 3 0
1950s street urchins, a Sinatra Chef sTeve Gonzalezs great-
soundtrack and at least one est invention is a riff on the
bumbling server from a Fawlty Peruvian fried rice dish arroz
Towers casting. But few of them chaufa. He serves his in a
have a chef-owner like Roberto heated stone bibimbap bowl
Marotta. Hes as dashing as a and adds duck confit, squeaky-
Fellini star and a sophisticated baro fresh edamame and tobiko,
4 8 5 K i n g S t . W. , 416 - 3 6 3 - 8 3 8 8
interpreter of Sicilian classics, then stirs it all together with
which translates to piping-hot egg and enough chili to let you
arancini as big as goose eggs, 3 know he isnt messing around. Id easily scrape away at the
beautifully charred and tender rice grains caramelized on the bowls surface all night on my
octopus with caponata, couscous and mus- 1. Spaghetti with own. But, like ValdezGonzalezs last King West spot, which
sels with Moroccan spices, and lighter- fresh sardines closed to make way for a condo towerBaro is designed for
than-light gnocchi in a supercreamy mush- 2. Chef Roberto partying, with its sharing plates of ponzu-spiked hamachi
room sauce. The only proper way to end Marotta ceviche and beef empanadas (both commendable), and its long
3. Chocolate mousse
the night is with a thimble of bitter amaro, (very, very long) list of tequilas. Theres even a secret lounge
with biscotti and
and a candied orange and fresh ricotta shaved-ice coffee on the second floor thats only accessible with a password that
cannolione of the citys best. changes daily. Im content with my crunchy rice.
Motherhood is a big job. Creating a meal for the whole family to enjoy
shouldnt have to be. Meet the all-new Ascent Series blenders
from Vitamix. With built-in timers, intuitive controls and a family of
SELF-DETECT containers, theyre designed to make fresh, homemade
meals in minutes, leaving more time for whats most important.
No. The off-menu
High Rolla ramen,
with shrimp,
Chinese sausage
and pickled egg
El REy
2 A Ke n s i n g to n Av e . , no p h o ne
Whenever I felt a cold coming
on this winter, Id head to
Craig Wongs new Chinatown
restauranthis comeback after
Patois, his Chinese-Jamaican
fusion spot, was destroyed
jAckpOT cHickEn in a block fire. His chicken,
3 1 8 S p a d i n a Av e . , 416 -7 9 2 - 8 6 2 8
poached Hainanese-style in a
winter melon broth and served
on a bed of schmaltz-fried rice along with a bowl of chicken
broth and (more) winter melon soup, is the closest thing to a
curative. Less healthful, but well worth it, are appetizers
like deep-fried tempura broccoli dressed with Kewpie mayo,
shrimp potstickers enhanced with Japanese curry paste, and
chips of crisped chicken skin painted with house-dehydrated
sriracha sauce.
WHERE TO FIND US Yonge & Finch (SUMMER 2017) Scarborough Town Centre (WINTER 2017)
Square One York University (SUMMER 2017) Royal Bank Plaza (2018)
Ryerson University SLC Sheppard Centre (2018)
Queen & Spadina Bathurst & College (2018) THEBASILBOX.COM
WHere To eaT 2017
5 4 6 9 Yo n ge S t . , 416 - 2 2 9 - 6 1 9 1
His menu lists 18-plus varieties, The prize for ugliesT restau-
from the fairly conventional rant exterior goes to Anthony
(udon with spicy pork, and udon Roses newest location, his
with dried shrimp and seaweed) fourth in a handful of Dupont
to the slightly freaky (udon blocks. (Midtowners dont
coated with black sesame pure seem to mind his monopoly.)
such that it resembles worms, bar begonia But behind the grey stucco
2 5 2 D up o nt S t . , 6 47- 3 5 2 - 3 3 3 7
and udon baked with shrimp, and greenhouse windows is a
scallops and bacon in an approx- handsome room of marble-top
imation of a mac and cheese tables, bistro chairs and an impressively stocked bar overseen
tasty in small doses). My go-to by the Toronto Temperance Society cocktail wizard Oliver
is the kake: room-temp noodles Stern. To eat, there are breezily assured renditions of bistro
in a chilled broth with a gener- standards: endive and shallot vinaigrette, mussels steamed in
ous grating of ginger and green onion. Its 1. MeNamis hand- white wine, steak frites with a pool of bordelaise, and snacky
the best way to appreciate the chewiness pulled udon noodles bites like gougres and roasted veg to dip in aoli. As at Roses
and springiness of the fresh noodles. I swear, 2. An uptown respite other spots, Bar Begonia doesnt take reservations, which is a
from ramen
youll be so mesmerized, you wont notice pain when youre stuck waiting outside, knowing the view
youre slurping cold soup. inside is so much better.
by d a r r y l g e b i e n
a s t o l d t o k at h e r i n e l a i d l a w | p h o t o g r a p h by c h r i s t o p h e r w a h l
to med school at the University of Queensland in Australia and
did my residency in emergency medicine in Michigan.
In 2007, I visited my parents on vacation in Florida. I slept
on the couch and, during the night, I displaced the disc in my
back. The pain was much stronger than what Id experienced
in high school. My mother, who had prescriptions for her own
back issuesshed slipped on wet stairs a few years before I was
borngave me a powerful opioid called Dilaudid to soothe it. I
knew I liked it too much. The back pain melted away, but so did
everything else. It was like taking a happy pill. I immediately
felt calm, relaxed, brighter and more wakeful than usual. Later
that month, I sprained my thumb playing hockey. I went to the
hospital, where the doctor asked me if I wanted codeine-based
I had my first
Brunswick. At the bar one night, I met a blond girl named Katie,
a personal support worker at a pain clinic. I was taken by her
eyes, a light bluish-grey Id never seen before. It took me a
couple of tries, but, eventually, she agreed to go out with me. In
February 2009, I moved back to Toronto to take a job as an ER
doctor at the York Central Hospital, and Katie and her two-year-
old daughter soon followed. They rented an apartment at Bathurst
and Steeles, and began settling into a routine.
with opioids.
I found a new doctor in Toronto who prescribed me another
30 Percocets for my back, and I started taking them more often.
After a few weeks, the pain subsided, and I stopped using them,
but I stashed the extras, maybe half the bottle, in my medicine
cabinet. One Friday night, some buddies came over for a few
I was born with a hiatal hernia, which constricted my esopha- beers and some PlayStation golf, and I popped a few Percocets.
gus and caused me to reflux like crazy. I couldnt keep breast It wasnt some big decision, but, in hindsight, I realize that was
milk down and I became malnourished, tiny and weak. One the moment I crossed the line. It was the first time I took them
night, my parents, Gayle and Morty Gebien, rushed me to the purely recreationally. They gave me a fuzzy, happy feeling I
hospital. I was dehydrated and spitting up everything they tried couldnt access any other way. Soon, I was dipping into my
to get me to eat or drink. The doctors told my parents to prepare bottle once every few weeksif Katie and I were going camping
themselves for the possibility that I wouldnt live through the with friends or if I needed a boost of energy to play with Katies
night. They brought me into surgery and gave me morphine for daughter after a long shift. She couldnt tell when I was high
the pain. Maybe thats where it all began. and, at first, neither could Katie. The following year, in early
Ive always had a difficult time coping with stress. I sucked 2011, we learned that Katie was pregnant with a boy and we
my thumb until I was eight years old. I started smoking at age bought a five-bedroom stone house at Bathurst and Sheppard.
14 and never stopped. In high school, I was a pothead, and so My parents lived a short drive away and were proud grand-
were most of my friends. I dropped acid and did ecstasy a hand- parents. They were over at least once a week, but my mom and
ful of times. Academically, I was apathetic, skipping class often Katie didnt get along. Katie felt they were too involved in her
and bringing home terrible report cards. One day, when I was daughters lifethey werent biologically related, after all. My
17, I went golfing with friends. When I got home, my back began mom would get upset if Katies daughter didnt call her on her
to ache, a dull pain like a hand wrapping around my spine and birthday. A series of slights, real and imagined, between my
squeezing it tight. I didnt know it then, but I had a herniated mother and Katie culminated in an exchange of profanity-laden
disc. I lay down on the floor of my bedroom, and it felt like my emails. I became the rope in a vicious tug-of-war. My mother
vertebrae were shifting beneath me. Eventually, the sensation would tell me to assert myself and be a man. Katie would say
passed, and I got up. I wasnt standing up for her. Eventually, Katie asked me to choose
The next year, I started volunteering at a hospital in Richmond between her and my parents. I was dedicated to making my life
Hill, folding blankets, mopping floors and stocking shelves. Thats with Katie work, so I told my parents that they werent welcome
when I first considered becoming a doctor. I studied science at the at the house anymore. Shortly after that, Katie and I flew to Las
University of Toronto Scarborough, but my grades werent strong Vegas to get married. A little more than a year later, she gave
enough to get me into medical school, so I moved to Montreal and birth to our second child together, a girl. My parents werent
did a masters in molecular biology at McGill. After that, I went there for the birth, which broke my heart.
Over time, I began to rely on the was wrong, but I popped a Percocet
pills not just to help my back pain
but also to cope emotionally. Initially, I made and immediately felt relieved. I
wondered if I had been experiencing
I went to my doctor every couple of
months, then once a month and then $300,000 a year withdrawal symptoms, but I felt
ashamed even considering it. I dealt
every couple of weeks. He recom- with patients every day and didnt see
mended that I exercise, lose weight and owned a myself as one. Throughout my career
and see a physiotherapist, but he as a doctor, I was trained to believe I
always filled my prescription. He boat and a Lexus was infallible. As far back as medical
never told me it was too much. school, we were told that, no matter
In August 2012, I got a job as an SUV, but my what, you dont call in sick; you show
emergency room doctor at the up. So, even though I knew I was in
Royal Victoria Regional Health
Centre in Barrie. Katie and I bought
marriage was in trouble, I didnt ask for help.
As the months went on, I continued
a spectacular five-bedroom house
on the waterfront, at the end of a
free fall using. That May, I was visiting my
folks when I started having with-
cul-de-sac. We had a dock and a drawal symptoms. I asked my mom
boat. I was making roughly $300,000 for a few fentanyl patches and she
a year. I bought Katie a Lexus SUV, obliged, thinking that I just needed
which we eventually traded in for relief for my back pain. She had a
an Audi Q7. But our marriage was deteriorating. We were argu- prescription for the opioid, which is up to a hundred times more
ing all the timeabout my family, about my parenting. Id powerful than morphine. The intensely potent drug is usually
reprimand her daughter for misbehaving, and Katie would doled out in surgery or given to patients with chronic pain who
undermine me, saying, Daddys just had a bad day. Katie had have built up a tolerance to other opioids. The transparent
also noticed my drug use, which had gone from two pills a day squares, which at the time looked a little like clear Band-Aids,
to as many as eight. We fought about it at least once a week. She contained two layers: one with the slow-release drug and one
wanted me to get help, but I always refused. Seeking help would thats skin adhesive. I slapped one on my back and stashed the
have meant two things: one, admitting that I had a problem; and others for later.
two, admitting that I was no longer in control. The pills helped About a week later, I got home after a long shift and typed,
me get through my days, and I wasnt ready to let that go. Some- How to smoke fentanyl into Google. My kids were with their
times I slept in my car to avoid another fight. nanny at the park near our house. I went to the garage and cut
a patch into one-centimetre squares. I lined each piece up on a
larger square of tin foil, then I held the lighter under the first
piece, watched the puff of smoke come up and inhaled. The sweet
The first time it occurred to smell of burnt plastic filled my nose and travelled deep into my
lungs. It was as if I were being pushed by a powerful but gentle
me that I might have a drug problem, I was standing next to a wave. Calm washed over me. My anxiety and fear were gone. I
lumber pile in Rona, waiting for my contractor to pick out slowly lowered myself backward into a chair. I was higher than
aluminum framing for our basement renovation. I felt irritation Id ever been. Imagine a surge of confidence kicking in, a worldly
wash over me, totally unprovoked. I couldnt figure out what reassurance that all of your problems will just dissolve. A soft
and many more!
For the Kids
FOOD + Drink
*Some conditions apply.
By Emily landau
PhotograPhy By Emma mcintyrE
hair styling by rene cortez. makeup by ashley joy beck. styling by sara acevedo
free, accessible and ample. And, while the production values cheerful titles from Singhs fellow YouTube starsa cookbook
are evolving by the minute, the platform still retains an indie by the chef Hannah Hart (2.5 million subscribers), a self-help
spirit. The personalities tap into a plaintive desire for authen- book by the comedian Grace Helbig (3 million subscribers), a
ticity: many of them play versions of themselves, speak directly coming-of-age memoir by the LGBT activist Tyler Oakley
to the camera and, like Singh, offer some form of inspira- (8 million subscribers). Singh owns a plaque that reads What
tional pablum. Millennials now purge their emotions through would Beyonc do? and a bottle of Mot encrusted with the
YouTube the same way Gen X-ers did with Judy Blume novels. word BAWSE in rhinestones. She got her friend, a YouTube star
It can be a lucrative formula. Last year, Forbes pegged Singh named Mr. Kate who creates DIY home decor videos, to design
as the highest-paid woman on YouTube and the platforms her bedroom in a burlesque colour scheme of fuchsia, purple
third-highest earner overall, estimating her 2016 earnings and yellow, with lyrics from Bob Marleys Three Little Birds
at $7.5 million (U.S.). (When I asked Singh if the number was hand-scripted in giant calligraphy on the wall behind the head-
accurate, she played dumb, claiming she had no idea how much board. Shes putting the final touches on a production studio
she made.) She has leveraged her YouTube fame into a multi- with three-point lighting, soundproofing and a green screen for
pronged empire, bagging sponsorship deals with brands like CGI. The room is painted in My Little Pony pastels, and the
Coke and Toyota. You can buy Superwoman-branded T-shirts, words Hustle Harder are written on the wall.
hoodies and trucker hats on her website. In 2015, she capitalized Singhs house has four bedrooms, and, for about half of the
on her massive fan base and embarked on a worldwide comedy year, one of them is occupied by her best friend, Kanwer Singh
tour, selling out stadiums in Mumbai, Sydney and Singapore. (no relation), who goes by the YouTube moniker Humble the
And her coterie of famous friends keeps growing: her videos Poet. Humble is a 35-year-old former Rexdale elementary school
have featured Ariana Grande, Seth Rogen and James Franco. teacher who earned minor YouTube fame for his rap-inflected
She just released a hybrid memoir and self-help book called spoken word poetry in the late 2000s, before Lilly even joined the
How to Be a Bawseslang for bossin which she counsels her platform. She emailed him to collaborate in 2011, soon after she
acolytes to believe in themselves and reach for greatness. The started her YouTube career, and, over the years, hes become her
chapters are titled with directives like Schedule Inspiration, sidekick. Lilly, whos single, insists their relationship is platonic,
Be Unapologetically Yourself and Be Nice to People. but she brings Humble as her date to every Hollywood party,
In the golden age of Hollywood, celebrity was a top-down and they frequently appear in each others videos. They have a
operation: cigar-chomping studio suits would discover their brother-sister vibe: he scolds her for not eating well enough and
muses at the drugstore, mould them into stars and unleash teases her about her hyper-focused work ethic.
them on the world. Singh spent years as a teen transmitting Her favourite souvenir from back home is a large piece by the
her videos directly from her bedroom in Markham to millions artist Inkquisitive that features soulful illustrations of Drake
of teenagers bedrooms around the world, building her name drawn overtop the CN Tower. Singh, like any law-abiding
before Hollywood took notice. She became a star in reverse. Torontonian, is a devout Drake fan. She finally got the opportu-
nity to meet him last September, backstage at his concert in L.A.
In the Instagram photo, Singh wore a 416 trucker hat, closed her
eyes and clasped her hands in mock prayer, while Drake made
photographs via youtube
LiLLy SinghS houSe looks like the set of a Disney Channel his signature 6 hand signal. Me and a sweeter Toronto ting that
series. In the centre of the kitchen is a vintage popcorn machine has the world in her palm, he wrote in the caption.
covered in rainbow stripes and the Superwoman logo. The When I walked into Singhs living room on the day of the
armchairs are marigold yellow, and theres a hoverboard in the Peoples Choice Awards, I heard her voice before I saw her face.
corner. The shelves are stacked with Shopaholic books (I can Yoooooooo, she bellowed as she thumped down the stairs
read each one in a day, gushes Singh), as well as relentlessly makeup-free in a shiny black basketball jersey and tearaways.
hated the idea of a linear lifetake suddenly found the idea of religion reassuring. She spent two
or three hours a day at the Gursikh Sabha, a baroquely fur-
michelle oBAmA
zAc efron
AdAm devine
Jimmy fAllon
Jos BAutistA
hilAry duff
mAlAlA yousAfzAi
chris hAdfield
photographs via instagram/@iisuperwomanii
shAwn mendes
russell peters
screaming for her. Before Singh left Mannat, Khan gave her one year, she joined forces with YouTube for an ad campaign that
of his monogrammed blazers. I want your dad character to ran on buses and billboards, including a 20-footer in Times
wear this in one of your videos, he said. Square. Depending on the deal, Singh might appear in ads for
Later that night, Singh performed for 2,000 screeching teens a product, plug it in her videos, wear branded merchandise or
at YouTube FanFest. Khan made an appearance there, too. let the company advertise at one of her events.
While he was revving up the crowd, Singh walked onstage Until recently, Singh was still living in her childhood home
behind him, and the audience lost it. They chanted, LILLY, in Markham. It was really hard to make videos. I never felt
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The new fan Best Dressed ......p. 97
uniforms are Roundup ...........p. 98
cheeky, tailored Property
and timeless Ladder..........p. 100
The Chase.........p. 102
p. 98
G r e at S pa c e S
Forlorn, Reborn
photographs by revelateur studio
2 The couple
5 installed a retract-
able screen above
the fireplace and a
projector across
the room.
5 The cabinetry is
white oak.
6 The master
bedroom was once
two small rooms.
Ben and Anisa
6 punched out the
dormer at the back
and took down walls
to make it an open,
airy space.
9 Anisa stole
the floor tiles in
the master
bathroom from
Hassams master
bathroom (he has
7 the same ones).
2. The one-of-a-kind
jacket and shirt are just
two of the many items he
best dressed has from Queen West
fashion outpost Call
and Response, of which
Kardinal Offishall 4
Prince was also a huge fan.
702 Queen St. W.,
The Canadian rapper with a penchant
for big, bold accessories 3. He prefers a chunky
timepiece: When youre
six-foot-four, a small
For Kardinal Offishall, no outfit is complete without a watch looks weird.
statement piece. Whether hes co-hosting his annual $370.
Christmas party with Drake collaborator Director X or 4. A pair of understated
palling around with the PMas he did last November black-on-black sneakers,
in Ottawathe Canadian rapper and fashion enthusiast like these retro Jordans,
follows this style rule: he picks one unique item that are a versatile wardrobe
staple. $215.
elevates his outfit from ordinary to outstanding. You can
portrait by vanessa heins
cheat, he says. You can be wearing a white T-shirt and 5. Offishalls fountain
a pair of jeans, and as soon as you put on a great pair of of youth is Bevels
shoes or an amazing hat, it becomes something else. aftershave balm. He says
friends regularly remark
Heres how to get his look. that he looks younger than
5 any 40-year-old they know.
Photographed at Call and Response on Queen West. $14.95 (U.S.).
Blue crush
Bautistas epic
toss will live on
Joey Flippin Bats T-shirt. Bat Flip iPhone case. Bautista enamel pin set.
$35.25. $36.60. $13.
property ladder
The Prodigals
A party-loving couple get
serious about real estate
and reap the rewards
by jo sh de h a a s
Call 416.469.6003
With thanks to
for making this space possible MichaelGarronHospitalFoundation
The Chase
Your Toronto Life print subscription now includes
free access to the Toronto Life and FASHION digital
editions. In your digital newsstand store search Dennis Avenue (near Eglinton Norman Avenue (near St. Clair
toronto life and fashion magazine, download/open OPTION and Weston). Listed at OPTION and Caledonia). Listed at
the apps and follow the prompts.
1 2
$599,000, sold for $701,000. $599,900, sold for $633,800.
To nd out when your current subscription expires,
Wylie was taken with the first property This three-bedroom semi was closer to
check the mailing label. she saw: a detached house with three Bloor West, and it had a rental unit in the
BILLING AND RENEWAL NOTICE bedrooms. It was recently renovated, basementalbeit one with a strong mouldy
Invoice and renewal notices are printed one week but she wanted a place she could fix up smell. The sellers were taking bids the next
before they are mailed to you. With delivery time,
its possible that your payment or renewal order will
herself. It didnt help that this one was in day. Even if Wylie had wanted to make an
cross in the mail with our invoice or renewal notice. Mount Dennis, a long way away from her offer, there would have been no time for her
target neighbourhood. to bring in an inspector.
Some issues of Toronto Life Magazine include perfume
strips. If you prefer to receive your copy of the Brad Street (near Dundas and Dupont).
magazine without perfume strips, please write to us The Listed for $699,000, sold for $688,000.
at the address listed below.
The houses Wylie liked were either too
On occasion, subscriber names and addresses are remote or too expensive. Then she saw an unusual
made available to carefully screened companies listing: a two-bedroom semi that had been on and
whose products or services we feel may be of interest
to readers. To be excluded from these mailings, off the market for two months. The wallpaper was
contact us via one of the following: jaundiced from tobacco smoke, the floors had a
portrait by erin leydon
slant and the roof had been shoddily repaired. Wylie
phone 416-364-4433 hired an inspector, who said that fixing the place
mail toronto life magazine, p.o. box 825, wouldnt be that costly. She bought the house for
station main, markham, on l3p 8c8
privacy policy $11,000 under asking and sunk $30,000 into renova-
tions. She has since moved in and is expecting her
first tenants in the spring.
Canada 150
Visit us at
or download the free app.
Available now.
A sweeping ode to one of
modernisms late greats
The AGO follows its Lawren Harris showcase with another blockbuster dedicated to
a 20th-century icon: Georgia OKeeffe. The landmark exhibition chronicles her evo-
lution from little-known abstract expressionist to the so-called Mother of American
Modernism through 100 works in her trademark styles: undulating blooms, sun-
Art | Georgia OKeeffe bleached animal skulls, geometric skyscrapers and flowing New Mexico landscapes.
April 22 to July 30, AGO It also provides a glimpse into OKeeffes personal life through a series of black-and-
white portraits taken by her husband, the photographer Alfred Stieglitz.
A politically
charged roots
rock record
photographs: the handmaids tale courtesy of hulu; crash by michael cooper; the wooden sky courtesy of the wooden sky
stumbles into a resistance movement after an illicit affair, while Samira Wiley (Orange is the New finest folk-rock act in town.
Black), Alexis Bledel (Gilmore Girls) and Yvonne Strahovski (Dexter) round out the cast. The band should have no
trouble hanging onto that
title with Swimming in
Strange Waters, a vibrant
blend of high-energy indie,
A devastating blue-eyed soul and solemn
one-woman play acoustic numbers. Beneath
layers of swirling organs,
TheATre | Crash chunky guitars and crisp
April 26 to 29, Young Centre for the Performing Arts percussion, theres some
serious subject matter:
Pamela Mala Sinhas harrowing solo front man Gavin Gardiner
show shook Torontos theatre scene quivers about refugees,
like a land mine when it debuted in Keystone XL and familial
2012, the year it took home a Dora scars caused by his abusive
Award for best new play. In it, she grandfather.
combines confessional theatre,
tortured dance steps and projections
to tell the story of an unnamed
woman stumbling through
the aftermath of being raped
by an intruder in her
Montreal apartment.
Ten years after the attack,
shes still grappling
with guilt and shame
when the memory
emerges during her
fathers funeral.
American War When You Find Out the Roughneck
by Omar El akkad World Is Against You by JEff lEmirE
March 28, by kElly OxfOrd April 18,
Penguin Random House Little Sister April 18, HarperCollins The Last Neanderthal Simon and Schuster
by barbara GOwdy by ClairE CamErOn
A spookily resonant April 18, HarperCollins The Edmontonian April 29, When hes not draw-
novel about America mom has parlayed her Penguin Random House ing X-Men comics for
on the brink of a Gowdy writes neo- Twitter superstardom Marvel, Lemire cre-
second civil war, Gothic psychodrama into real-world success: Cameron has a knack ates gritty graphic
El Akkads gripping like no other Canadian. her first book was a for harrowing survival novels. His latest,
tale is set at the end Her first novel in a New York Times best- sagas. This one flashes Roughneck, is a dose of
of this century. As the decade is the spectral seller, and Seth Rogen between two timelines: blue-collar Canadiana
plague-ridden North tale of a rep-cinema is producing her new 40,000 years in the about a grizzled ex
and South engage in owner from Toronto screenplay. Her latest past, as a teenage hockey player who
a vicious battle over who finds herself collection of essayson Neanderthal girl reconnects with his
photograph: 887 by rick labb
fossil fuels, one young slipping into another pop culture, parent- struggles through troubled sister in a
woman rises up to persons consciousness ing and life in Los wintry barrens; and the remote northern
lead the southern after a thunderstorm Angelesis equal parts present day, when an Ontario hunting camp.
resistance. like Being John Malkovich, plaintive melancholy archaeologist discovers
with a literary twist. and caustic wit. her bones.
A time machine
to Torontos
immigrant past
Becoming canadian
in ToronTo
Hungarian immigrants
by getty images; hungarian immigrants from archives of ontario
of those hated rivals, the
Toronto Maple Leafs. Since
1979, Roch Carriers story
has become shorthand for
Canadian childhood. Backed
by the Toronto Symphony
Orchestra, Carrier himself
narrates a new musical A shape-shifting wall of sound
adaptation, featuring a
Music | PJ Harvey | April 13, Massey Hall
wistful, specially commis-
sioned score by Hamiltons
Abigail Richardson-Schulte. A listener could be forgiven for thinking PJ Harveys dozen albums were recorded
by as many different musicians. Over the past 25 years, the chameleonic English
songwriter has pumped out entire LPs of 90s grunge, sombre piano ballads and
obscure electronica, hitting every sound on the spectrum between Patti Smiths
protest rock and Bjrks eccentric experiments. Her latest incarnation: political
provocateur. The apocalyptic 2016 album, The Hope Six Demolition Project, features
bleated refrains like Theyre gonna put a Walmart here. Such theatrics extend to
the stage, where Harvey clads herself in elaborate feather getups and cycles
between saxophone, guitar and vocals.
Sincerely, Future
Timber Timbre
Arts & CrAfts
April 7
chugs slowly, pairing
sinister lyrics with even
spookier melodies.
Recording in a chateau
on the outskirts of Songs from inside
Paris, the Canadian a POW camp
trio channelled their
unease about the new MUSIC
world disorder into Messianic Revelations
their dystopian record, April 30, Mazzoleni Concert Hall
Sincerely, Future
Pollution, a dark, synth- Messianic Revelations refers
heavy effort crowned not only to the spiritual
by singer Taylor Kirks minimalism of Estonian com-
deep croon. The poser Arvo Prt but also to the
Annie Murphy and Kimberly Laferriere, Gary Slaight, CEO and President of Slaight Communications
CFC Actors Conservatory alumnae Inc., Michael Friisdahl, President and CEO, Maple Leaf Sports &
Entertainment; and Randy Lennox, President,
Broadcasting and Content, Bell Media
The singer-songwriters from the Slaight Music Residency:
Aimee Bessada, Rebecca Everett, Chris Reineck, Laura Barrett and
Michael Peter Olsen; Kayla Diamond (Slaight Music);
and guest auctioneer Stephen Ranger.
15 The citys buzziest soul singer
Music | Charlotte Day Wilson | April 19 and 20, Mod Club
photographs: charlotte day wilson courtesy of charlotte day wilson; louis riel courtesy of the coc; true crime courtesy of crows theatre; bach courtesy of tafelmusik
An intergenerational
classical concert
Bach: Keeping It in the Family
April 5 to 9, Trinity-St. Pauls Centre
Louis Riel an adventurous approach to
March 25 to May 13, Four Seasons structure, and Wilhelm
Centre for the Performing Arts Friedemann, who hewed
more closely to Bachs baroque
Canadian composer Harry counterpoint. Theres also an
Somerss opera returns orchestral suite by C. P. E.s
a half-century after its A rockers stage debut godfather, Georg Philipp
premiere to mark Canadas Telemann. Appropriately, the
150th anniversary. It docu- TheATre | True Crime | April 4 to 15, Crows Theatre father-daughter team of oboist
ments the life, trial and Alfredo Bernardini and
execution of Louis Riel, the Torquil Campbell, the front man of local indie violinist Cecilia Bernardini
charismatic (and possibly band Stars, swaps his songbook for a script in tackle the program.
mad) Mtis leader who his first play, True Crime. Accompanied by a
championed Manitobas guitarist, he plays 30 different characters, many
French and Indigenous of them aliases of Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, a
people. Famed baritones real-life German swindler who moved to the U.S.
Russell Braun (Riel) and and posed as an aristocrat, physicist and art
James Westman (John A. collector. Gerhartsreiter also murdered a man in
Macdonald) are well-matched California and married a woman whom hed
nemeses, backed by an convinced that he was a Rockefeller. The charade
Indigenous assembly, in a collapsed in 2008, when he kidnapped his
libretto that includes French, daughter and was sentenced to life in prison.
English and Michif, the
Mtis language.
Teen Spirit
My husband and I had always planned to adopt a toddler.
Instead, we came home with a 17-year-old girl
by av i va z u k e r m a n s c h u r e
My husband, Peter, and I married in 1995. We had an informal stuffing their pocketsand faceswith sweets. Turns out, candy
agreement that wed have two biological children, then adopt two is a universal language.
more, but life didnt work out that way. Instead, I had four babies After that, she stayed with us every weekend for a month. She
in nine years. Our big family was exhausting, exhilarating and was reserved, but we knew she was interested because she kept
expensive, and I loved (almost) every minute of it. But, when our saying yes: yes to weekend visits, yes to help with her homework,
youngest son turned three, I realized it was time to plunge into yes to a road trip to Ottawa. We texted constantly. Because of the
my adoption dream or let go of it altogether. language barrier, our early chats were mostly strings of emojis:
People called us crazywe had four rambunctious boys under happy faces, dogs, cats. At night, she stayed up with Peter and
the age of 11 and we planned to adopt a toddlerbut we were me, and painted our nails with nail art. Whenever she left, our
determined. When we discovered wed be at the bottom of a five- house felt empty.
year waiting list for international adoption, we tried the Adoption In October, she told us she wanted to be our daughter. CAS
Resource Exchange. Its an event hosted by the Ministry of hired an interpreter who could explain the full legal process, right
Children and Youth Services. Childrens Aid down to whether she wanted to call us Mom
Society workers from across the province gather and Dad. (She did.) A couple of months later,
to try to find homes for hard-to-place kids: sibling we celebrated Hanukkah, and I finally realized
groups, children with disabilities, teens. Its how much we meant to her. When she arrived
heartbreaking. There are files and files of children for dinner, she brought presents for all of us. She
who will likely never get placed. bought pencil cases and notebooks for her broth-
I believe family is a basic human right, and ers, and she got me a necklace with two silver
visiting the exchange clinched it for me. I charms: a little girl and a heart. I burst into tears.
thought, Why not adopt a teen? We could provide She moved in full time on January 25, 2013,
a teenager with love and opportunities. Plus: when she was 17. We transformed her room,
no toilet training! No schlepping a stroller all painting the walls yellow and plastering them
over the city! One of my sons once asked me For Hanukkah, with giant flower-shaped stickers. It was bright,
why I wanted to adopt. Mom, he said, our cheery and so quintessentially teen girl. She was
family is crazy and loud and annoying, right?
my daughter ecstatic to have a room that was hers.
Why make it even more crazy, loud and annoy- bought me a Its amazing to live with someone who has
ing? But I knew that, if I could give a kid a chosen to be part of your family. There are
chance at a family, I had to try. necklace with roughly 6,500 kids in foster care in Ontario,
One evening, we got an email from our case- two silver and the year we found our daughter, only three
worker. It read like something off a dating app: other kids over the age of 16 were adopted. But
teen newcomer from Asia, likes school and charms: a little adopting an older child is incredibly rewarding.
playing piano, seeks family. She was 16much
older than wed ever imagined. This teen would
girl and a heart. We got our dog, Kora, after our daughter moved
in so we could build new experiences as a fam-
benefit from a very nurturing, loving mom who I burst into tears ily. We introduced her to skiing. And, not long
is demonstrative with affection, the note read. after we adopted her, she chose to convert to
A few weeks later, we met with her adoption Judaism. The whole thing was her idea. She
worker and foster mom, who told us how resourceful and creative went through a Reform conversionshes so small that I thought
the girl was, and how she dreamed of attending university to shed drown in the mikveh.
study art. I thought, This could be our daughter. I remember one morning, soon after she moved in, I woke up
We met her at FunWalk, an annual fundraiser for the Adoption and her room was empty. I thought, Thats it. Shes gone. I bolted
Council of Ontario in Riverdale Park. I was incredibly nervous. through the house, thinking she had run away. I found her in the
I wanted her to want our family as much as we wanted her. She basement doing homeworkshe hadnt wanted to wake us. I
was tiny and adorable, not even five feet tall and less than dont worry like that anymore. Shes finishing her first year at
100 pounds, dressed in leggings and an oversized hoodie. I talked OCADU while still living at home with us. And it feels as though
and talked and talkedand she nodded a lot. She didnt speak shes always been here.
much English then, but she bonded with my sons over a mutual
love of candy. The FunWalk is like an old-timey fair: every time Aviva Zukerman Schure works for the Adoption Council of Ontario.
you play a game, you get candy. They went from booth to booth, Email submissions to
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Henrik Lundqvist, famed goalie, Olympic Gold Medalist and Vezina Trophy
winner. His ghting spirit on the ice and in life are what earned him the
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