For Richer or Poorer: The Capture of Growth and Politics in Emerging Economies
For Richer or Poorer: The Capture of Growth and Politics in Emerging Economies
For Richer or Poorer: The Capture of Growth and Politics in Emerging Economies
Many people have helped improve this report throughout the different stages of the
research and writing process. I would like to thank particularly Gianandrea Nelli,
Meryem Aslan, Mariano De Donatis, Adhemar Mineiro, Pooja Parvati,Daria Ukho-
va,Nick Galasso, Urvashi Sarkar, Darmawan Triwibowo, Sugeng Bahagijo, Kevin Mei,
Chen Wu, Sibulele Poswayo, Carolina Maldonado, Rocio Stevens and Brisa Ceccon for
their most valuable comments. Many thanks also to Daniel Hernandez for the
wonderful graphic design, and Jane Garton for her excellent text editing. A very
special thanks to Thomas Dunmore Rodriguez, without whom this report would not
exist, for his kind support, constructive feedback and great enthusiasm from begin-
ning to end of the project.
As a coalition of civil society networks from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico,
Russia and South Africa, our aim is to ensure the voices of poor and marginalized
people in our countries are taken into account inglobal policy-making processes. We
encourage others leaders and governments from our nations, businesses, academ-
ics and fellow citizens to join us in taking a stand on the issue of inequality and the
negative impact it has on society.
Cover photo:
India, Mumbai, Maharashtra. A modern office building being constructed behind an old crumbling residential area (2011).
Fredrik Naumann/ Panos Pictures
Supported by:
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The
contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way
be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
This report has been developed with the assistance of Oxfam in order to share research
results and to contribute to debate on development and humanitarian policy and
practice. The content and views expressed in this report are the responsibility of the
author and do not necessarily represent the views of Oxfam.
The emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, China,South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia
and Turkey henceforth the BRICSAMIT have come to beconsidered the economic
powerhouses of recent decades, fostering a narrative of the growth of the South.Not
only have these countries managed toreduce extreme poverty; most have embarked
on a steep economic growth path andplay an increasingly inuential role on
theglobal scene. But an emphasison growth masks another, worrying trend. Today,
all eight BRICSAMIT countriesoccupy the top ranks as some ofthe most unequal
countries inthe world. The price these countries andmillions of their citizens pay
for thisis high. Excessive inequality hampers development prospects: negatively
impacting growth potential, threatening poverty reduction,leading to mass migra-
tion ows and brain drain, and reducing opportunities for young people.
Inequality affectsall aspectsof a persons life andlife chances, from health and
education to living environment and prospects forold age. Extreme inequality
perpetuates high levels of violence and crime, fuels mistrust and undermines social
cohesion. It is now clear that the gains of economic growth in the BRICSAMIT have
been captured by the very richest. Fortunes have been made by large corporations
engaged primarily in theextractives, agribusiness, infrastructure, media and telecom-
munications sectors. The capture ofpower by economic elites, including companies,
drives inequality by ensuring the rules remain rigged infavour of the rich, whogrow
increasingly inuential.
This concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few is clearly at the
expense of the many. It reinforces existing social structures, perpetuating inequality
and excluding millions of people from an equitable share in prosperity. Despite the
This research paper which was commissioned by civil society networks across the
BRICSAMIT countries aims to increase the urgency to tackle the structural causes of
inequality by shedding light on the nature and scope of the issue in these countries,
and the economic, political and social consequences they are now facing as a result. It
looks at the conditions that enabled the rise of the super-rich and how political and
media capture by this elite is undermining democracy and thwarting most attempts
to reduce inequality. The paper concludes with recommendations of ways in which
growth and development could be usedto make our societies more equal.
The BRICSAMIT countries have come to be considered the economic powerhouses of
the past decades, fostering a narrative of the forthcoming rise of the South. Not only
have they managed to reduce poverty; most have embarked on a steep economic
growth path. Their sheer physical and population size, share in world GDP, growing
political influence, economic weight, desire to expand activity on the world markets,
etc. have made the BRICSAMIT countries grow increasingly influential and increas-
ingly unequal.
However, inequality has largely been neglected in the developmental discourse of the
emerging economies, because it has generally not been perceived as an impediment
to development. As such, the mainstream economic theory of the past decades
predicted that once a course of economic growth was set upon, countries would
automatically grow their way out of poverty. The more productive parts of society
were to receive higher incomes first, so that the process of economic catching-up
with developed countriesi would come at an initially increasing level of inequality.
i The term developed countries is used throughout the report to describe wealthy industrialized nations
which rank high on the HDI index. Usage of this term is to facilitate comparison with other groups of
countries, such as the BRICSAMIT countries, and should not be understood as a statement on the
desirability of specific countries developmental model.
However so the theory goes this wealth accumulated in the high end of the
income distribution would later trickle down through the social strata to the remain-
der of the population. Eventually, then, this would raise living standards for all, at
which point inequality would start falling again. All in all, therefore, growth would be
progressive over time, and temporarily high inequality seemed like a fair price to pay
for future prosperity.1
Rising GDP and per capita incomes in the exemplary BRICSAMIT countries were thus
expected to lead them to leave behind characteristically high disparities, thanks to
this trickle-down effect. The countries certainly did well on the growth account
(although recent years have seen growth slowing down, particularly in Mexico and
Brazil, and now also in China). However, they lagged behind in terms of tackling
inequality: when the now-developed countries had income levels comparable to
current emerging economies levels, they were less unequal.2 Today, the BRICSAMIT
countries have long surpassed the income thresholds where inequality started
decreasing in developed countries, yet they are still waiting for such a turn in their
own trends. Even trends in poverty reduction are less clear for some of them; for
instance, according to the most recent figures, poverty levels have been increasing
again in Mexico. In fact, today all of the BRICSAMIT countries are among the most
unequal in the world by at least one or more indicators:
South Africa is the country with the highest income-inequality levels by virtually
all indicators.3
India has the largest absolute number of poor people notwithstanding its
wealthy elite, which includes 22 members among the worlds 500 richest individ-
China and Indonesia display some of the fastest-growing gaps between their
richest and poorest income earners.
In Brazil, the richest 5% of the population secure over 30% of total income, while
the poorest 10% only gain just above 1%.
Turkey occupies one of the lowest ranks in the Global Gender Gap Report 2013.5
In Mexico, indigenous peoples are almost four times as likely to live in extreme
poverty as non-indigenous,6 while the average income of rich individuals
amounts to 27 times that of the poor.
Russia is the country with the highest absolute wealth inequality in the world.
On top of these dimensions, spatial inequality is vast within all of the BRICSAMIT
countries, with developmental differences between richer (urban) and poorer (rural)
regions similar to those between Norway and Iraq.
The price the countries have to pay for these trends is devastating: excessive inequali-
ty severely hampers their development prospects. It not only negatively impacts their
growth potential but also threatens poverty reduction, leading to mass migration
flows and brain drain, limiting opportunities for youth and perpetuating high levels
of violence. Economic, social and political inequalities come to affect all aspects of life,
from health and education to legal protection, investment choices and social cohe-
sion. Under such circumstances, inequality in its multiple dimensions becomes
self-perpetuating and leads to a downward spiral of negative consequences from a
human development perspective.
Considering that these countries continue to be highly unequal despite their vast
growth and some important successes in extreme poverty reduction, calls into
question the discourse of inclusive growth and trickle-down of wealth promoted by
many economists. In fact, new data available today, which covers longer time spans
for most of the countries in the world, has challenged the general assumption of a
self-correcting distribution as countries grow richer.7 Growth in the BRICSAMIT
countries does not resemble a rising tide that lifts all boats. Yet despite this, the
pursuit of economic growth at all costs appears to continue unabated. Besides a lack
of interest on the part of a closely-intertwined economic and political elite who stand
to continue to gain from the status quo, this failure to act more decisively on inequali-
ty might also be based on the underestimation of both the actual levels of inequality,
and its consequences.
As the political power of economic elites grows, the average citizens power to
actively shape significant policies decreases. The more visible causes and conse-
quences of the resulting inequalities manifest themselves in differentiated living
standards for citizens according to income, including in the realms of health, educa-
tion and life chances. They create two tiers of development in all aspects of life, where
the wealthy enjoy increasing levels of affluence that do not fall short of any high-in-
come group in the developed countries, while the lower income groups remain in
conditions of deprivation. All of this affects social cohesion and societal stability. A
mutually reinforcing circle of inequality is created where economic concentration
leads to political power, often reinforcing existing social structures, which increases
concentration of wealth and hence perpetuates inequality.
While economists have started to consider the question of how much (economic)
inequality a market can bear by exploring the links between inequality and growth,
the question of how much a society can bear has been somewhat neglected. Scruti-
nizing the current income and wealth polarization shows that this is far from a trivial
side-clause. Indeed, developmental goals such as equal rights for all, the fight
against poverty and gender discrimination, empowerment of disenfranchised groups
and individuals, and the right to a life free from violence are central to the debate on
inclusive growth and development.
Country Population GDP, US$ (bil- GDP/cap 2014 Government Public health
2013 (millions) lion) (US$) expenditure on expenditure (%
education of government
(% of GDP) expenditure
Russia 143.5 2,057.30 14,316.64 4.10 8.42
Brazil 200.4 2,244.13 11,067.48 6.35 6.93
Mexico 122.3 1,295.86 10,836.69 5.15 15.38
Turkey 74.9 813.32 10,518.29 2.86 10.74
China 1,357.4 10,355.35 7,572.36 1.91 12.63
South Africa 53.2 341.22 6,354.28 6.00 14.02
Indonesia 249.9 856.07 3,403.97 3.57 6.63
India 1,252.1 2,047.81 1,625.64 3.87 4.55
Source: Data from the World Bank (2015)8
The hope that came with the idea of transition from any one political-economic
system to another, which all of the countries experienced then, has now given way to
popular disillusion in many cases. Instead of a supposedly benevolent elite that would
share gains voluntarily, a majority of citizens in emerging countries believe that their
economic system unduly favours the wealthy, who, rather than looking out for the
greater good, are mainly concerned with their personal privileges.9
The remainder of the report will be structured as follows: Section 2 briefly explores
the complex relationship between growth and inequality in the BRICSAMIT countries
and its impact on their state of development, before mapping the inequalities in
income and wealth in each country. Section 3 links the findings to mechanisms of
elite capture and identifies some key institutions that perpetuate elite privilege.
Section 4 outlines the impact of social inequalities e.g. in health and education, and
how they decrease opportunities on the personal or group level, based on the
coexistence and mutual dependency of the multiple inequalities observed. The report
concludes by sketching out a way forward in the countries considered, in Section 5.
Joko Widodo, newly elected president of Indonesia, recently proclaimed that a
dangerous level of inequality was threatening his country: Economic growth is very
important for my administration, for my people, but its more important to narrow the
gap, he said on 2 February 2015.10 Indias Narendra Modi, on the other hand, pro-
claimed in July 2014 that, Economic policy has often to strike a delicate balance
between the two goals of economic growth and human welfare which need not
necessarily be contradictory.11 Thus, although inequality has at least started to enter
the political narrative of leaders in their policy design and implementation processes,
addressing inequality still does not constitute the central focus of economic policies
in all of these countries.
combined with rising inequality during recent decades. Hence, increasing inequality
does not necessarily preclude growth rates at times exceeding double-digit levels in
China and India, and reaching around 9% in 2010 and 2011 in Turkey.13
The mere existence of growth gives no indication of who benefits from it. Instead of
an overall process of developmental improvements, two-speed progress can be
observed within the BRICSAMIT countries, where large parts of the population are
consistently losing out under the current economic and political set-up.
This puts the BRICSAMIT countries into a difficult position: instead of functioning as
an engine for fair and equitable increase in well-being among the masses, their
macroeconomic progress increasingly benefits primarily those who receive capital
gains as opposed to income from labour. Except for a small elite, most people in-
cluding even relatively high-income groups earn by far the largest part of their
income from labour.16 This makes the distribution of capital incomes by definition
more unequal: in a context of economic growth it means that only a very few individ-
uals (i.e. those receiving their incomes from capital) have appropriated ever-larger
parts of total income, an unequalizing process that has accelerated over recent years.
Secondly, the persistence of poverty indicates the exclusion of an important part of
the population from the benefits of growth. There has been undeniable progress in
poverty reduction at the lowest income levels in most of the countries. As Figure 2
shows, while two decades ago all of the countries had about 50% or more of the
population living on less than $5 a day at purchasing power parity, today this is the
case only in half of these countries: India, Indonesia, China and South Africa.
However, vulnerability remains ubiquitous. In Mexico, 79.5% of the population live
either in poverty or vulnerability.17 World Bank data18 shows that in 2015 in India and
China alone, almost one billion people still live on less than US$2 a day. What is
more, the number of poor people living on less than US$5 a day, while falling
proportionally, has actually been on a significant rise in absolute terms in India and
Indonesia, where virtually the entire population except for a tiny economic elite
survive on incomes below this threshold. Altogether more than 2.3 billion people
(or over 65% of their combined populations) live on less than US$5 a day in the
BRICSAMIT countries, and close to 1.2 billion people in India alone.19
Finally, the decoupling of average per capita incomes from what most people actually
earn in BRICSAMIT countries starkly illustrates who has been benefiting from growth. For
example, although the average disposable per capita income in Mexico is MXN$3,164 per
month, (approximately US$180 at the time of writing) half of the population earn less
than MXN$2,030.21 Thus, commonly quoted per capita income figures overestimate the
resources available to most people. This difference is even more pronounced when
considering wealth: for instance, in Indonesia, half of the population own less than
US$1,800 in assets, even though Credite Suisse estimates its average wealth at a level of
US$9,742.22 In South Africa, even fewer people reach the average wealth level of
US$22,073, with half of the populations actual wealth lying below US$4,007. In fact, in
South Africa and Indonesia, the median incomes lie below the minimum wage level,
which in turn represents only 60% and 65% of average wages, respectively.23
In Indonesia, India and South Africa, the gap even increased in relative terms. Data from
Milanovic shows that in the latter, for instance, despite growth both at the bottom and at
the top, the poor saw their share diminish by around 3% while the top 5% increased
theirs by almost 7% between 2002 and 2011. If unaltered, in 20 years such dynamics
would leave the poorest 40% with a mere 2.2% share of total income, while that of the
richest 5% would have increased to 55.8%.
Poorest 40%
Richest 5%
South Africa
Given this polarization and the trend of leaving entire population groups behind on
the road to prosperity, the tendency to treat inequality simply as a factor that might
slow down or harm the countrys growth prospects seriously downplays its negative
impacts. The degree of equality in the distribution of developmental gains has to
become the central objective for policy making if the well-being of citizens is a
Despite progress made on extreme poverty reduction, most of the worlds poor today
live in the BRICSAMIT countries. This contrasts sharply with the fact that these are by
no means poor countries. They not only host a growing number of the worlds richest
individuals as listed by Forbes (22 of the Top 100 in July 2015),27 but they are also
endowed with exceptional natural resources particularly energy resources such as
oil and gas large domestic markets and thriving international trade, making them
occupy the top ranks in the list of the worlds richest countries in terms of GDP. This
could in principle ensure considerable well-being for their entire populations. Instead,
encountering poverty amidst great wealth is becoming the norm in these countries.
60 Indonesia
50 South Africa
As a result of this general tendency, the spectrum of Gini coefficients, which in the late
1980s ranged from 23.8 to 61.4, shrank to a space of 34 (India) to 65 (South Africa) by
the mid-2010s. This shows a convergence of inequality on a high level, meaning that
the countries are on average getting more unequal and more similar in their inequality
levels, including those countries which historically were less unequal. The Palma ratio30
corroborates this observation. With an increase at the top that outpaced the increase at
the bottom, the formerly less unequal countries are more unequal now, while the
formerly more unequal ones became even more unequal over the time considered.
In view of the still pervasive levels of poverty in the countries, how were the additional
resources from decades of fast GDP growth allocated across society particularly, how
did the most vulnerable parts of society fare?
While the 50% of the population which lies between the richest 10% and the poorest
40% holds on average about 50% of total income,31 the share of the richest 5% of the
population corresponds to more than double that of the poorest 40% in some of the
countries. On average, the shares these groups hold remained fairly constant through-
out the last decade, except for the slightly increasing share of the richest 5% (Figure 5).
Richest 5%
80% Second Richest 5%
Middle 50%
Share of total income
Poorest 40%
South Africa 2002
Brazil 2002
Mexico 2002
Russia 2002
China 2002
Indonesia 2002
Turkey 2002
India 2002
However, important distributional differences mark the individual countries. The only
countries with unambiguously equalizing shares throughout the period considered,
i.e. those where the poorests share is growing consistently while the richest 5%s share
is decreasing, are Brazil (albeit from a very low position) and, to a lesser degree, Turkey.
In all of the countries except India, the richest 5% alone earn a larger share than the
poorest 40% of the population. Yet even given this overall trend there are clear
differences between countries in terms of just how much of the share of income is
taken by the top: while the richest 10% account for about a third of total income in
Russia, China, Indonesia, Turkey and India, in South Africa they earn more than half,
followed closely by Brazil and Mexico.34
60 50
Poorest 40%
50 Richest 10%
Richest 5%
0 0
1984 1988 1993 1998 2003 2007 2012 1984 1992 1996 2000 2004 2006 2010
35 40
30 35
Income share (%)
Income share (%)
5 5
0 0
1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2010 1988 1996 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009
25 50
Income share (%)
Income share (%)
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
1987 1993 2004 2009 1993 1995 2000 2006 2009 2011
30 40
Income share (%)
Income share (%)
15 20
0 0
1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2010 1987 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
An increasing share of the top is almost always accompanied and matched by a loss in
share for the most vulnerable part of the population, i.e. the trajectories of the rich
and poor groups in Figure 6 mirror each other (especially those starting from more
equal distributions). Given the context of economic growth in the countries, this
indicates that rich groups have been able to take advantage of growth benefits at the
cost of the poorer groups. Scrutinizing the share of the top income earners can shed
some light on the dynamics behind this pattern.
Percentage of total income
If the top is dissected into ever-smaller fractions, and each of these fractions is divided
into an upper and a lower half, the poorer half of the respective groups always has a
significantly smaller share compared to the richer one. This is concerning, as it means
that a focus on the richest 10% or even 5% as the top share falls short of capturing the
truly extraordinary differences hidden in the highest end, and further scrutiny as to
what is happening at the peak of the distribution will be necessary. This phenomenon
of fractal division means that, for instance, the South African top 0.1% just over
50,000 people held 4.8% of total income in 2010; the richer 25,000 of this small
group, however, appropriated close to 70% of this amount.
Where the increase of the top share is so large, proportionally other income groups
lose out. As Figure 5 has shown that the middle income groups share remains fairly
stable at around 50%, the loss must therefore occur at the bottom of the distribution.
This groups voice tends to be represented less in policy circles, due to several factors.
For instance, its lack of economic power means it has little exposure to networks and
connections that are close to and have influence on decision makers. These groups
also lack the resources to invest in professional lobbyists who could advocate their
interests. At the same time, the very diverse interests of the low income groups
further complicate advocacy dedicated to their concerns.
More generally, the BRICSAMIT countries rely on regressive indirect taxation over
potentially progressive direct taxes: in 2009, Brazil collected 12.9% of GDP through
expenditure tax, such as VAT, but only 8.2% in direct taxes.43 The structure of direct
taxation is not very progressive either; for instance, Indonesias relatively flat in-
come-tax system only has four thresholds, the lower threshold being zero (i.e. there is
no tax-exempt amount for the poor), while the highest rate of 30% applies to annual
incomes starting from just US$37,000.44 In 2012, the OECD countries managed to
decrease their inequality levels through their fiscal systems by 25% on average,45
whereas data for Brazil (2009) suggests that the combined effect of direct transfers,
indirect subsidies, and direct and indirect taxes amounted to a reduction in inequality
of just 4.2%.46 Moreover, the overwhelmingly regressive item of tax expenditure, i.e.
the foregone government revenue due to tax reductions, exemptions or credits
claimed by specific groups, is estimated at 5% of GDP for Turkey in 2003, and may be
well above 10% of GDP in China in 2002.47 Brazil has achieved a decrease in income
inequality, as shown in Figure 5, albeit not significantly below its 1990 level (see Box 1).
Irrespective of their degree of progressivity, the low transfer levels of such pro-
grammes do not allow recipients to save much of their incomes for moments of
unforeseen hardship, such as illness. In South Africa, over 86% of adults took out a
loan in 2013/14, making it the worlds number one country for people needing
loans.50 Recipients do not seem to have enough money to meet even the most basic
needs: 36% of loan-takers borrowed to pay for education and/or healthcare. Only
when individuals are endowed with savings or wealth of their own, may government
transfers lose importance, because (temporarily) insufficient income can be compen-
sated using personal means. So to assess peoples actual opportunities to enjoy equal
living standards, particularly in the context of a limited welfare state, it is important
not only to look at current incomes, but also at the distribution of wealth.
Three sets of policies seem to have aided Brazils efforts at bottom-up equalizing, i.e.
increasing the incomes of the most vulnerable groups: there has been an outspoken
political focus on inequality reduction; substantial increases in minimum salaries; and
a set of inclusive social transfer programmes and universal pension schemes. These
include its flagship conditional cash transfer programme (Bolsa Famlia), the non-con-
tributory pension programme for the elderly poor (Beneccio de Prestao Continua-
da), and a milk transfer programme. This strategy of equalization from below is
promising, since it is a path of least resistance and thus politically easy to embark on.
However, the equalizing potential of these policies could be multiplied if they were
combined with others, particularly progressive tax policies. Additionally, Brazil has not
been able to achieve more redistribution through direct transfers because its highly
progressive programmes are small: combined, the above three programmes make up
less than 1% of GDP.48 The majority of Brazils larger transfer programmes are, on the
other hand, regressive in absolute terms.49
However, again, the massive increases in wealth have not necessarily led to decreases
in inequality: China and India are more unequal than in decades. Only Brazil, Indone-
sia and South Africa have wealth distributions roughly similar to that for the world as
a whole. The remainder of countries are yet more unequal: 88% of Indonesias and
95% of Indias adult population own less than US$10,000, compared to an internation-
al average of 70%, while Indonesia is home to 98,000 dollar-millionaires, and in India
650 people own more than US$100m.55
Simultaneously, in all of the countries both the number of millionaires and their respec-
tive wealth has risen over the past two decades, and Credite Suisse (2014) estimates that
their number will continue to rise significantly over the next five years; in some countries
almost doubling. Such high-end growth is a worrisome tendency compared to the
constant or diminishing income share of the poorer groups documented above.
Moreover, wealth trends do not necessarily follow the same trends as income. In India,
where income inequality is rising continuously but from a relatively modest level and
not nearly as dramatically as in other countries, the concentration of wealth is much
more preoccupying. The share of wealth held by the richest 10% in China is the most
modest of the BRICSAMIT countries. Yet Chinas Gini coefficient seems to have grown
from 55 in 2002 to an estimated 76 (a level comparable to that of the USA) in 201056 a
very rapid change for such a short period of time. Hence, wealth distribution is not only
even more unequal than income;57 it is also becoming more unequal at a faster rate.
Alarmingly, even in those countries where income inequality seems to have fallen over
recent decades namely Brazil and Turkey wealth inequality is actually on a fast rise.
Whereas a majority of the countries (Mexico, South Africa, Russia, Indonesia and Brazil,
in order of decreasing change) experienced a timid decline in the share of wealth held
by the richest 10% between 2000-2007, their share increased rapidly again following
the global economic slowdown in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, reaching
very high levels in all of the BRICSAMIT countries, particularly in Russia, China, Turkey
and Indonesia. In Mexico and China the richest 10% now hold more than 60% of total
wealth; in Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Turkey this proportion rises to
above 70%. In the most extreme case of wealth inequality in the world, Russia, the
richest 10% hold 85% of total household wealth.58 Indeed, as Figure 8 shows, the share
of the richest 10% now by far exceeds its 2000 levels in all but two countries, Mexico
and South Africa (though in the latter it is only 0.5% below its 2000 level).
South Africa
0 20 40 60 80 100
Considering only the change in wealth these individuals experienced over the last year,
we find that in India, the richest mans income corresponds to almost 1.5 million times the
average income; in China this ratio is over 1.4 million. In Indonesia, Brazil and Mexico the
richest man earned almost half a million times the average income.
Country Richest Person Core Business Personal Wealth as % Richest Per- Ratio of
Wealth (US$ GDP sons Income Richest
billion) 2014 (US$ Persons In-
billion) come 2014
to Countrys
Mexico Carlos Slim Helu telecommunication 77.1 5.95 5.1 470,623
Brazil Jorge Paulo Lemann beer 25 1.11 5.3 478,881
China Wang Jianlin real estate 24.2 0.23 10.8 1,426,240
India Mukesh Ambani petrochemicals, 21 1.03 2.4 1,476,341
oil, gas
Russia Vladimir Potanin metals 15.4 0.75 2.8 195,577
Indonesia R. Budi Hartono tobacco, banking 9.3 1.09 1.7 499,416
South Johann Rupert luxury goods 7.4 2.17 0.1 15,737
Given such numbers it is difficult to justify differences on any account of marginal pro-
ductivity, let alone basic fairness or egalitarian justice; it is unlikely that Indias, Chinas
or any countries richest person could be almost 1.5 million times as productive as
their compatriots. Additionally, considering that large parts of the wealth accumulat-
ed by the very richest stem from capital gains, peoples skills, knowledge and experi-
ence becomes less relevant in the generation of wealth. Even in South Africa, where
the difference between average income and that of the richest man is smallest, it
would take the average worker 15,737 years to earn what the countrys richest man
made in just one year.
With just his increase in wealth over the last year, Mexicos richest man could have
paid close to three minimum salaries63 to his 1.25 million fellow Mexicans living on
less than US$1.25 a day in 2012. And the combined wealth of the seven men listed in
Table 2, amounting to almost US$180bn, equals the annual income of all those 425
million people who live on less than US$1.25 a day across the BRICSAMIT. This vast
disparity points to a systemic issue whereby certain population groups are excluded
from opportunities and influence while others are enabled to shape the system.
The wealth shock effect following the 2008 financial crisis was the result of a combina-
tion of factors in its aftermath rather than a direct result of it: unstable markets and high
degrees of turmoil and insecurity among investors offered unexpected opportunities for
enrichment. Such crises tend to consolidate industry i.e. some firms go out of business,
while struggling companies are taken over by competitors and strategic businesses have
to be supported by public funds to stay afloat. This tends to benefit the owners of
surviving firms, while many workers might be dismissed on efficiency grounds.
The resulting inequality is exacerbated by individuals at the top end consuming less
of their assets compared to average income earners, who need to spend most of their
current incomes to make ends meet meaning continuous accumulation of further
wealth for the former. A government running fiscal deficits that threaten its opera-
tions at times of private-sector slowdown might also sell off public assets and/or cut
social spending. Those with sufficient financial cushioning tend to be less affected by
this and have better capacities to get on their feet again, even where they might have
lost assets temporarily.64 Figure 9 displays this effect very clearly, showing the sudden
rise in the share of total wealth going to the richest 1% after 2008.
share of total wealth
South Africa
However, the banking reforms of the 1990s to accommodate the new socialist market
economy, as well as a controlled market opening and increasing participation in
global trade, yielded special opportunities for investment that many entrepreneurs
were able to take advantage of, making them rich in the process. Figure 6 above has
shown the effect of such shocks on the income distribution, with the share of the
richest 10% spiking up in Russia in the late-1980s, and growing at an increased pace
in China in the late-1980s and again in the late-1990s. Between 1988 and 2002, (rural)
Chinas wealth Gini increased from 31 to 40.67
Despite the large absolute differences in wealth between the richest individuals of
the respective countries, as in other parts of the world the wealth in the BRICSAMIT
countries is accumulated in the hands of a fairly homogenous group. There are
virtually no women or members of ethnic minorities among the 100 wealthiest
people of these countries. For instance, of Chinas super-rich, 90% are male;69 Indias
top 100 rich list counts four women; and Indonesia only features one woman in the
top 50. The average age of the top 50 in India is 66.6 years, and Indonesia only has
three members under 50. Chinas super-rich are comparatively young, with an average
age of 40. Excluding inherited wealth, in Russia, nine of the top ten richest people
have made their fortunes in extractive industries (oil, minerals etc.); while nine of the
top 19 wealthiest in China got rich thanks to telecom and internet companies, also a
favoured sector among the super-rich in Brazil, Mexico and Russia. Other popular
areas of investment for the rich include construction, real estate and banking. All of
these depend heavily on government permissions and regulations.
and lacks sanitation and proper
equipment. Family members are
often asked to help with
deliveries. (2015)
The above suggests that the accumulation of wealth in this context works largely
through small groups of individuals and families thriving through their proximity to
political elites, and running the biggest raw-material and infrastructure companies of
the country undoubtedly helps to provide certain political influence. These individu-
als either happened to be in the right place and time at the moment of large-scale
privatization (Russia, China); were long-standing friends of the leaders of old and new
political regimes (India, Brazil); or they just became those leaders themselves (Mexico,
South Africa). Since contracts over former public assets are made available exclusively
through government permissions, these are susceptible to corruption by powerful
actors, especially where combined with low public sector accountability or weak rule
of law. This is a political problem, because it grants those people with the necessary
economic means more influence than average citizens.
In a 1996 interview to the Financial Times, newly appointed deputy secretary of the
Russian Security Council, billionaire Boris Berezovsky, credited seven prominent
Russian bankers, including himself, with bankrolling and masterminding Boris Yeltsins
presidential re-election campaign. Between them, Berezovsky claimed, they con-
trolled more than 50% of Russias GDP: We hired [first deputy prime minister Anatoly]
Chubais and invested huge sums of money to ensure [president Boris] Yeltsins
election. Now we have the right to occupy government posts and enjoy the fruits of
our victory. Another member of the group, head of Rosprom, Mikhail Khodorkovsky,
said in an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta in 1997 that Politics is the most
lucrative field of business in Russia. [...] We draw lots in order to pick out a person from
our milieu for work in power. Indeed, several of the bankers ascended to important
political posts after the election was won, including Vladimir Potanin, head of Unex-
imbank and the groups richest member, who become deputy prime minister.
However, in mid-1997, battles for influence over gains to be made from new privatiza-
tion rounds (of telecom and oil) broke out among the bankers, and by November
1997 Berezovsky was removed from office and the group dissolved.
(The term Semibankischina was originally coined by a journalist as a contemporary
adaptation of Semiboyarschina, the seven Boyars or nobles who betrayed the Tsar and
defied Moscow for the invasion of Poland in 1610.)
The economic flip-side to the same political problem is that opportunities open up for
rent-seeking, i.e. the extraction of wealth without creating new wealth, and for the
monopolization of access to vital resources. The owners of these assets can sell a
more expensive product or service back to the very state that sold off the business in
the first place. As such, after privatization, the price for water in Jakarta increased from
about US$0.13 to US$0.54 per cubic meter 2.7 times the rate charged by the public
water utility in Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia.72 Such mutual
back-scratching makes both the investor and the politician richer in the process.73
But especially where natural assets are privatized (as has happened with much of the
energy resources in Russia, and water in Jakarta79), exposure to related threats is highly
unequal. As such, in Brazil and Mexico, indigenous peoples are disproportionately
affected when forests are eroded for mining or farming, destroying their homes and
livelihoods. Massive dam projects in China and palm oil plantations in Indonesia also
see poor farmers and villagers pay the costs while private corporations reap the profit.
As in any small in-group that shares common (business) interests and interacts on the
same global (economic) stage, elite members know each other and rely on their connec-
tions for personal profits. They study together at expensive private universities80 or Swiss
boarding schools,81 live as neighbours in Sandhurst, South Africa,82 or meet regularly at
annual economic events across the world such as the World Economic Forum in Davos.83
This would not have to be problematic if it werent for the fact that the entanglement of
rich individuals in such networks has a collective capacity to influence policies, and
thereby permanently change the institutional landscape and rules of the game for
everybody to the continuous advantage of an already privileged group.
In Brazil, for instance, of its 65 richest billionaires, 25 are blood relatives, and eight
families have multiple members in the top rankings;84 some have been there for
decades or even centuries (see Box 3). The elaborate power structures necessary for
such stability in the concentration of wealth include virtual control over media and
strategic economic assets such as banks and natural resources.
Brazil has 225,000 millionaires and 296,000 adults in the top 1% of global wealth
holders. In 2014, the 150 richest Brazilians saw their combined wealth increase 18.5%
compared to the year before, corresponding to about 13.3% of Brazils 2013 GDP.
Together, just the 15 richest families in the country are worth an estimated US$122bn
or about 5% of the countrys GDP. The wealth of an average citizen, on the other
hand, amounts to the 841,880th part of its richest citizens 2014 wealth. Brazilian
wealth inequality is very high, with an estimated Gini level of 82. Many billionaires are
concentrated in traditional rich clans who still control Brazils largest conglomerates in
media, banking and construction. These dynasties that resist going public and remain
family businesses include, for instance, the Marinho clan, the richest family in the
country and owner of Brazils largest media corporation, Globo Organizations, which
controls about half of Brazils broadcast television market. The Villelas and the Setub-
als together share control of Itau Unibanco Holding, the largest private bank in the
Southern hemisphere. The history of wealth and power of these families dates back
over four centuries to the 1500s.
Russia adds a new twist to this revolving door operation between business and
politics. Having created the basis of their fortunes during the transition in the 1990s,
when large-scale privatization meant auctioning off state mines and oil fields,
oligarchs started to control much of the economy through their dominance of natural
resources.93 Recently, the same group of individuals started to sell their assets back to
state enterprises run by associates of, or billionaires closely aligned with, the govern-
ment. An example of this trend is the TNK-BP deal: the oil producer, which is half-
owned by a Russian consortium and BP, sold itself to state oil giant Rosneft, the
worlds top-listed oil company by output, for US$55bn,94 in 2013. The latter is run by
Igor Sechin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin; Sechin became head of
the company in 2012, after serving a term as the countrys deputy prime minister.95 At
the same time, many of the Russian super-rich now strive back towards the political
realm. At the last election, Mikahil Prokhorov (who made his US$13bn fortune in
natural resources, and more recently technology) ran for presidency,96 while Putins
right-hand man, Gennady Timchenko, is a highly influential energy and construction
magnate in Russia.
Economic sponsorship can grant certain influence over both policy outcomes and the
regulatory framework. Two channels further help to build an environment that
favours the privileged. For one, the command over most of the key strategic sectors
for growth by a narrow group of influential individuals provides them with control
over large parts of the economy. This imposes the threat of their boycotting policies
and stalling the economy in instances where such policies are not perceived to be
beneficial. Acemoglu and Robinson100 describe how extractive elites block certain
technologies or increased spending on education, if and when such policies do not
promise them private gains.
One of the factors allowing such aberration is the countries systems of election
finance. Table 3 shows the limits for campaign financing in the BRICSAMIT countries.
In many cases, these are largely absent. Even where they do exist, the threshold is
often high, e.g. in Brazil, corporations are allowed donations for campaign finance
equivalent to 2% of their gross revenues (individual donors, 10% of their income);
however, this only refers to election campaigns outside election times there is no
limit to party contribution.102 In Russia, corporate donors should limit their contribu-
tions to $14m in purchasing power parity; in India $1.4m. In practice, nearly 90% of
the Indian Congress income and 75% of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Partys income
stem from donations below the disclosure limit of Rs20,000 (around US$300) and are
therefore not accounted for.103 In Turkey there is no requirement to even list a dona-
tion, while in South Africa a donors identity does not have to be revealed (in India it
only has to be revealed sometimes), making it very difficult for concerned citizens to
oversee which interests may be considered in the making of certain laws.
Source: Data from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (2015)104
The way that elections are financed thus gives an indication of the potential for
political capture by influential interest groups. Of the roughly US$2bn spent by
parties and candidates in the 2010 Brazilian presidential election, nearly 98% of
winner Dilma Rouseffs campaign donations and 95.5% of her main opponents came
What do the corporate sponsors gain from this practice? In fact, financing parties and
candidates often several adversaries at the same time is a highly lucrative business
for private corporations. One recent study carried out in Brazil found that an electoral
victory brings on average an additional US$73,921-184,676 in government contracts
for each corporate donor, corresponding to 14-39 times their average contribution.110
While there is no way of telling whether these companies would have received similar
contracts in the absence of their donations, it can be assumed that their sponsorship
would not have hindered such preferential treatment (see also Box 4).
mechanisms against conflict of interest, it seems that these are not always very
effective, and the public is not given any control mechanisms to check whether the
law is actually adhered to (see Box 4).116
The current president, Enrique Pea Nieto has the lowest approval rating of any
president in the past two decades.119 His government is facing numerous large-scale
corruption scandals over the finance of mansions worth millions, involving the most
important members of the executive (the president and his wife, and his ministers of
the interior, Miguel ngel Osorio Chong, and finance, Luis Videgaray). The deals
sponsor is the private conglomerate Grupo Higa, whose owner Juan Armando
Hinojosa Cant happens to be Pea Nietos favourite entrepreneur,120 and has,
incidentally, received billions in government contracts in recent years.121
Although the law also provides for factual division of power and until recently
prohibited re-election, there has been a remarkable overlap between delegates to the
senate and Parliament. Some congressmen have accumulated 14-30 years living off
the Unions Congress in the past eight decades. Of the 10,027 legislators that went
through the federal chambers in Mexico, 1,448 were members of more than one
legislature.125 Fortunately for them, with the re-election approval on 7 June 2015, this
behaviour has been legalized.
A societys key social, economic and political institutions, such as its political constitu-
tion, level and progressivity of the tax system, prevailing welfare regime, bargaining
power of labour unions and other labour market regulations (e.g. minimum wage),
the structure of educational and electoral systems, accountability to civil society, and
many others,126 constitute the backbone of its inequality potential; they provide the
possible range within which inequality levels will fluctuate. They affect the distribu-
tion of resources across society leading to huge gulfs between rich and poor in terms
of educational outcomes, wages and health i.e. symptoms of inequalities. These
consequences in turn feed back into the institutional context and prevailing power
relations, slowly changing them over time. If key institutions are wittingly or
unwittingly designed deficiently from the outset, or are eventually captured by
elites, inequality will prevail.
Oxfam India
The problem is that all of the vital inequalities are far from randomly distributed;
instead, they are very closely related to the presence (or absence) of economic
resources at the individuals disposal. The uneven distribution of economic resources
comes to shape every aspect of a society. In capitalist societies127 to have money is to
have freedom, while insufficient income and wealth leads to the denial of freedoms
and exclusion from the main activities of a society.128 In the BRICSAMIT context, state
provision of essential services is often limited, so the availability or otherwise of
economic resources is a key determinant of well-being in most other dimensions, i.e.
an individual can also improve their own and their childrens intrinsic situation by
investing in the private, expensive version of key goods, including education, health-
care and social protection, thereby securing higher income levels in the future. This
effectively results in two tiers of development within the same society.
Whether one belongs to the highly developed group or one of the lower ones depends
both on ones economic resources and geographical location within a given BRICSAMIT
country, due to persistently large regional differences in economic performance. For
instance, the ratio of GDP per capita in the richest versus poorest regions of Russia can be
compared to the developmental difference between Norway and Iraq. In Mexico, the
richest region earns 16 times more than the poorest earns. As such, the rural-urban divide
is still a reliable indicator of incomes. But living costs also vary greatly within countries
and are not always in proportion to differences in incomes. For instance, consumer prices
in Jakarta are more than 65% higher than those in the East Javan city of Surabaya, and
receiving an average income will mean something very different for a farmer in rural
Indonesia than it will for a (capital) city dweller.130 Large-scale migration towards mega-
lopolis from the rural hinterlands and a lack of absorption capacity by the recipient cities
has meant the creation of shantytowns in all of the countries, sometimes with popula-
tions of several millions of people.131 But what do these development differences mean
when translated into in less abstract terms?
If, then, the richer 20% of the population were to live 70.8 years, as is life expectancy
in Indonesia, for instance, a poor person would only live to 53, according to its quintile
ratio of 1.5 (Table 4). She would enjoy 17.5 years less of life. In South Africa, this
difference in life expectancy between the poorest and richest quintile amounted to
19 years; in India, 21; and in Brazil, almost 26 years.133
Whether or not one belongs to the fortunate group that can expect to live an extra 26
years depends largely on ones income, because, firstly, exposure to violence and
related threats to physical well-being is confined to specific areas usually the most
deprived neighbourhoods.134 Secondly, these differences are exacerbated by a
two-tier healthcare system of expensive private and scarcely sufficiently equipped
public services, where parts of the population are left largely unprotected. In Mexico,
for example, in certain states, health centres associated with the Seguro Popular, a
government-subsidized health insurance scheme for the poor, are unable to provide
over 80% of the medication they prescribe.135 At the same time, private clinics, which
charge the equivalent of a months minimum-wage salary for mere hospitalization136
are modern, comfortable and equipped with state-of-the art technology. In China,
10% of millionaires have their own personal physician to overcome shortages in the
provision of healthcare.137 Consequently, with the exception of Indonesia, satisfaction
with health systems in the BRICSAMIT countries is very low compared to the 80%
satisfaction rate in top HDI countries; complete satisfaction with the Mexican Seguro
Popular does not even reach 10%.138
The issue of old-age pension coverage divides the BRICSAMIT countries. According to
UNDP, this is enjoyed by a mere 8% of the population in Indonesia, 24% in India and
25% in Mexico.141 However, these numbers contrast starkly with the extent of cover-
age in the remainder of countries, reaching high levels of 86-92% in Brazil, Turkey and
South Africa, and 100% in Russia. In China, coverage is still 74% of eligible elderly;
however, the social pension level is set at US$9 per month, or 1% of GDP per capita
hardly a sufficient amount.142 Prospects for the elderly are hence quite diverse,
depending on the country.
The experience with social pension schemes where level and coverage are more
adequate, as in South Africa or Brazil (and parts of Mexico), shows that minimum
conditionality and universal coverage in old age has progressive effects on the income
distribution. This points towards a clear way forward, particularly considering the
demographic change that the BRICSAMIT countries are starting to experience, with an
increasing proportion of the population aged over 60.
Differences in quality of education, particularly between rural and urban areas, perpetuate the
trenches between the social strata. Turkey is one of three OECD countries that spend more on
the education of its rich children than on the poor.147 Such a divided education system means
that in Mexico, just to cover the MXN$88,000 (approximately US$5,400) of annual fees to send
their child to private kindergarten,148 a worker receiving the minimum wage would first need
to work for four full years. At the other extreme, of the CNY1.77 million (approximately
US$280,000, or 3% of their average wealth) that Chinese millionaires spend on average each
year, 20% goes on their childrens schooling, and more than 85% of these super-rich plan to
send their children abroad for education.149
With the exception of Indonesia, all of the BRICSAMIT countries display high homicide
rates by international standards. Brazil and Mexico (together with Colombia and
Venezuela, representing about 5% of the global population), account for one-quarter
of worldwide homicides.158 But these deaths are not equally distributed across their
populations. In Brazil, murder is now the leading cause of death for young men.159 A
strong economic bias means that the vast majority of violence takes place on just a
few street corners in a given city, at certain times of the day, and among specific
people. The discriminatory remnants of ethnic division and colonialism mean that, in
the case of Brazil, those segments of the population most affected are young black
males.160 Driven by rapid unregulated urbanization, a youth bulge in growing cities
and weak policing, justice systems and penal institutions, income and social inequali-
ty give rise to above-average rates of violent crime and the resultant victim pat-
The exclusionary nature of law and justice in India clearly manifests itself in the
overrepresentation of marginalized groups in its prison population, particularly of
under-trial prisoners who are yet to be convicted for their alleged crime. While
making up 38.6 % of the total population, Dalits, Adivasis and Muslims together
account for 53.5% of the convicted prison population and 56.7% of the under-trial
prison population.
Traditional patterns of social discrimination along the lines of caste, gender, religion
and tribes go hand in hand with income inequality. Poverty rates are 14% higher
among Dalits compared to non-scheduled groups. Moreover, the 2.7% average
annual poverty reduction falls to 2.1% for the Dalits while for Muslims in urban areas
it is only 1.8%, suggesting that these inequalities are growing wider particularly
when regional disparities are taken into account.
Even in comparison with other vulnerable groups, data on the situation of Muslims is
stark. In 2009-10, only 30.4% of Muslim workers in urban areas received regular
salaries compared to 39.7% of the total population, and their working conditions
were generally much worse than those of other regular workers, including Dalits and
Adivasis. The only group that displays even lower paid employment levels are persons
with disabilities, of whom only 26.3% were engaged in gainful economic activities.
This number decreases to 10.4% for disabled women, and falls as low as 5.6% for
mentally disabled persons.
Based on such data, the India Exclusion Report 2013-14 concludes that the consistent
exclusion of these communities from just and equitable access to diverse public
goods suggests that both in their design and functioning state institutions, policies
and laws tend to mirror, produce and reproduce discrimination and exploitation
based on gender, caste, class, religion and disability.
0.8 HDI 2013
United States
The shifts in income and wealth distribution of the BRICSAMIT countries in the past
three decades point to the importance of local conditions for inequality outcomes.
Besides the highly unequally distributed accumulation and flow of financial resources
across population groups, social inequalities for instance in health and education
are also vast. Such inequalities are both cause and consequence of a set of power
inequalities embedded in the respective historical-institutional environments of the
BRICSAMIT countries.
These multiple and overlapping inequalities hinder the utilization of the full potential
of a society. Economic development in terms of economic growth remains below its
potential level in a context of inadequate investment and elite blockage of innovative
policies. Extremely limited access to affordable and quality education decreases
economic prospects on the personal and societal level, and limits the potential of
social emancipation. Two-tier health systems that keep large parts of the population
at health levels below the countrys potential are likely to become a drag on public
finances, as well as limiting individual capabilities. Income differences imply both
differences in social status and in the ability to shape ones future, for instance
because pension systems are precarious for those who cannot afford private pension
schemes during working age. Thus, the development of personal capabilities is
severely hampered for large parts of the population that are less free to pursue their
own life aspirations.
Lack of social cohesion and societal malfunctions in highly unequal societies also
include the erosion of trust. This further strains quality of life: if people start feeling
uncomfortable around their peers, in their neighbourhood, with their fellow humans,
because they fear or despise, envy or pity them, or because insecure and often violent
environments around them lead them to assume the worst of strangers how will
they live comfortably and happily, even if they happen to be so lucky as to be at the
high end of the income distribution?
tial for rent-seeking. Since they are central to the countries development strategies,
they also grant important political leverage.
1 Re-frame the economic development model, and ensure that public interest,
protection of human rights and reduction of inequality forms the core of the
developmental agenda. This applies both within the BRICSAMIT countries but also in
terms of the investment and cooperation model these countries are increasingly
engaged in overseas, particularly in low-income countries.
In light of the spectacular disparities outlined in this report, policy answers to date
have been rather timid. The bias towards growth, and the perception of inequality as
a necessary by-product of the development process that would in time decrease
naturally, have contributed to the limited response to inequality. All along, the
assumption has been that for a country to overcome its development challenges, the
willingness to accept an initial increase in inequality was necessary, following the
logic that it first needs to get worse before it can get better.
ence, i.e. revolving door strategies, etc. Therefore, to change distributional patterns
requires consideration of both the legal framework and the rule of law in a just
manner. Unless these institutions are changed, policies targeting inequality will
continue to address the consequences of inequality rather than its root causes, and
will thus remain palliative. These root causes can only be altered by changing the
framework. As Porter (2015) summarizes: subsidies, tax treatment, legal protection
and other mechanisms conspire to aid the wealthy while often serving to damp
economic gains.169 It is widely recognized that these regulations ultimately stem from
historical and socio-cultural conventions. But that they can indeed be altered has
been shown, e.g. with the recent change in electoral regulations to accommodate
independent candidates in Mexico170 and a possible ban on corporate election
finance on the horizon in Brazil. This certainly proves that the perceived iron grip of
an extractive elite can be eased.
Achieving an increasingly equitable and inclusive society will only be possible if and
when pre-distributive policies, i.e. those measures that correct the so-called market
distribution, including, most importantly, labour policies, and redistributive policies,
such as progressive taxation and transfers, are applied in parallel. The recent decades
weakening of unions, the proliferation of trade agreements that prioritize the inter-
ests of corporations over workers rights, the tightening of intellectual property rights
and the rise of finance, as well as a consolidation of strategic industry reducing
competition across the economy, constitute some examples of negative pre-distribu-
tion policies that fail to protect the majority of citizens, who lack the economic
affluence necessary to benefit from such regulation. These policies have weakened
the bargaining power of workers, while entrenching a legal framework with rules that
lock in inequality.171 Hence the reversal of these policies, which have been widespread
and popular over recent decades, could yield some significant advances. Raising the
minimum wage, improving labour protection through measures such as formalizing
jobs, and government-investment policies for the creation of jobs are all examples of
how pre-distribution policies could lead to a positive result on income distribution.
Such an approach has been successfully implemented in Brazil, which has accelerated
its two-decade-old revaluation strategy of minimum wages over the past five years. In
a countercyclical manner, the strategy to boost domestic consumption saw regular
adjustments of the minimum wage level to inflation plus GDP growth.172 This im-
proved inequality levels from below by increasing gains for those at the bottom of
the income distribution. However, this contrasts sharply with the case of Mexico,
where minimum wage levels lie below the poverty line, with a real-terms value that is
70% below their 1980 level.173
4 Achieve redistribution and strengthen tax systems by filling loopholes for tax
evasion and aggressive tax planning; increasing top income-tax levels; and revising
tax incentives for large corporations. Recognize the problem of rapidly increasing
wealth inequality, and thus apply a high-threshold wealth tax in the form of inheritance
tax or a tax on capital gains. Such a tax would have considerable redistributive impacts,
as well as fill the public accounts, which in turn provide resources for more effective
social policies and provision of public services.
Fiscal policies are infested with evasion and administrative bottlenecks due to high
levels of unregistered self-employment and informal sectors that limit the capacity of
tax authorities to verify taxpayers declared income. In India, where tax evasion has
allegedly become a national sport, an estimated INR800 billion (US$12bn) is lost
every year because of corporate tax incentives,174 and up to an estimated US$2 trillion
of illicit money more than Indias GDP is stored abroad.175 Thus, the BRICSAMIT
countries tax systems could improve the income distribution, for instance through
filling loopholes for tax evasion and elusion; increasing top income-tax levels and
making the tax structure more progressive; and revising tax incentives for foreign
investors and corporations.
5 Ameliorate the symptoms via inclusive social policy. In order to enhance well-be-
ing across society and to reduce inequality, ensure there are more concerted
efforts to provide public healthcare, education and social protection, allowing access
for everybody, particularly those who have been excluded in the past.
Finally, the consequences of inequalities can be dealt with more effectively if a func-
tioning tax system is in place, since it provides resources to be distributed. Active
redistribution via a progressive tax system allows for a more generous transfer system
towards the provision of public goods for everybody. Universal access to unconditional
transfers should be the aim to mitigate remaining market inequalities. Public health-
care, social protection and education must ensure access for everybody, to enable
citizens full participation in public life and a level playing field, i.e. equality of opportu-
nity. Basic income proposals, as are discussed in many developed countries, and most
recently enshrined in law in Finland, can ensure a safety net for all citizens also in the
BRICSAMIT countries. Such a scheme would also finally end extreme poverty.
In sum, the countries must ensure a more concerted strategy than that which is
currently employed, taking advantage of future growth to benefit the well-being of
larger parts of their populations, alongside more active equality-enhancing policies.
The BRICSAMIT countries have used several of the policies outlined to varying
degrees. Yet a sustainable pro-equality strategy would require a comprehensive set of
policies combining measures from all five of these dimensions. Considering their
different approaches and partial coverage of selective policy areas, the BRICSAMIT
countries can benefit a great deal from incorporating their peers policies into their
own set of strategies.
Porter emphasizes that the power of money in politics should never be underestimat-
ed.177 But institutions can be changed and do change. Therefore, if something is really
to be done about inequality, this is where it must be approached. So far, the
BRICSAMIT countries, although aiming to challenge the old global order, are follow-
ing a similar economic logic. Although they have enshrined equal rights for all in their
constitutions, the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the few seems
rather stable for the time being. But it can and should be challenged by the
countries citizens. This could be the historical moment where they break with the
current economic complacency, and together start on a new, more equal path,
towards empowerment of the many.
1 This natural trajectory of inequality dynamics, first formulated by economist Simon Kuznets in the 1950s, seemed to fit the
empirical patterns observed in the developed countries distributions then.
2 The World Bank puts Brazilian per capita income at purchasing power parity at I$16,155 and its Gini at 52.7 (World Bank 2015;
World Development Indicators. [online] Available at: [Last
accessed 9 June 2015]). Germany had a per capita income of I$16,273 (PPP) in 1977 (Public Purpose (2000): http://www. Last accessed: 09.06.2015.) when its Gini was 24.7 (Atkinson, A.B. and S. Morelli (2014). The
Chartbook of Economic Inequality. Last
accessed: 07.08.2015.).
3 World Bank (2015). World Development Indicators. Last
accessed: 09.08.2015.
4 Forbes (2015). The Worlds Billionaires Available at last accessed 20.11.2015
5 120th of 136 countries according to the annual report by the World Economic Forum (2013): The Global Gender Gap Report 2013 .
6 Esquivel, G. (2015). Desigualdad Extrema en Mxico. Concentracin del Poder Econmico y Poltico,
images/desigualdadextrema_informe.pdf. Last accessed: 07.08.2015.
7 For research covering many decades using data from e.g. the World Bank, OECD, WIDER, World Top Income Database, and/or
regional databases like SEDLAC, Eurostat, etc. See, for instance, Piketty (2014) Capital in the 21st Century, Atkinson (2015), Palma,
J.G. (2011). Homogeneous Middles vs. Heterogeneous Tails, and the End of the Inverted-U: the Share of the Rich is what its all
about. Development and Change, 42(1).
8 World Bank (2015), op. cit.
9 Pew Research Center (2013). Inequality and Economic Mobility, chapter 5 in Economies of Emerging Markets Better Rated During
Difficult Times, Last accessed: 09.06.2015.
10 Chatterjee, N., Y. Ho and C. Brummit (2015). Dangerous Inequality Spurs Widodos Indonesia Shakeup, 2 February 2015, http:// Last
accessed: 09.06.2015.
11 Ghatak, M. (2014). India needs more than Narendra Modis trickle-down model, 14 July
commentisfree/2014/jul/14/narendra-modi-india-trickle-down-model-gujarat. Last accessed: 09.06.2015.
12 IMF asserts negative effects of inequality on growth (IMF (2015a). Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: A Global
Perspective, Last accessed: 09.06.2015.); OECD estimates that
inequality cost its member countries 4.7% of cumulative growth between 1990 and 2010 (OECD (2015b). In It Together. Why Less
Inequality Benefits All. Last accessed:
09.06.2015.), reaching 10% for Mexico (Esquivel, G. (2015). Op. cit.).
13 World Bank (2015). Op cit.
14 Bourguignon, F. (2015). The Globalization of Inequality. Princeton University Press: Princeton (US).
15 ILO (2015). Global Wage Report Collection. Available at Last accessed 15.08.2015
16 OECD (2014). Focus on Top Incomes and Taxation in OECD Countries: Was the Crisis a Game Changer?,
soc/OECD2014-FocusOnTopIncomes.pdf . Last accessed: 01.08.2014.
17 CONEVAL (2015). CONEVAL informa de los resultados de la medicin de pobreza 2014,
18 World Bank (2015). Op. cit.
19 There is discussion about whether basing poverty-reduction achievements on measurements of those living on less than US$1.25
per day is adequate, considering the status of high and medium development countries compared. Indeed in most of the
BRICSAMIT countries, the cost of living, particularly in cities, is comparable to high-income countries in Europe or North America,
whereas poverty in the EU, for instance, is measured as 60% of national median income rather than the absolute threshold of
extreme poverty.
20 World Bank (2015). Op cit.
21 Krozer, A. And J.C. Moreno-Brid (2014). Inequality in Mexico. World Economics Association 4(5): 4-6. This number is obtained from
household surveys and therefore differs from the per capita income as stated in Table 1, which is calculated on the basis of
national accounts. In 2014, the average Mexican household has 3.8 members, and a trimonthly household income of
MXN$39,742, according to INEGI.
57 Because many poor people have virtually no wealth at all, the distribution of wealth is always much more unequal than that of
58 Credite Suisse (2014). Op. cit.
59 Credite Suisse (2014b). Global Wealth Databook 2014.
file/?fileID=5521F296-D460-2B88-081889DB12817E02. Last accessed:10 November 2015
60 Just as in the case of incomes, the distance between the wealth of the rich and the richer increases the closer one gets to the very
top. For instance, the second-to-richest individual in each country often owns less than half of what the top-ranked possesses.
61 Forbes (2015). Op. cit.
62 IMF (2014). World Economic Outlook Database, October 2014. Available at (last accessed August 2015).
63 Based on 2015 levels and a six-day working week.
64 Although with the crisis Carlos Slim lost almost half of his wealth (from US$67bn in 2008 to US$35bn in 2009), by 2012 he had
resurrected to own US$73.8bn, according to Forbes.
65 Credite Suisse (2014b). Op. cit.
66 Contrary to the Russian case of sudden combustion of the economic system and sell-out of state assets, which triggered runaway
inequality, the whole process is rather more controlled in China, leading to a slower yet steady pace of inequality increments.
67 UNDP (2005). The State of Equity in China: Income and Wealth Distribution, Chapter 2 in China Human Development Report
2005, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, Chinese version, China Translation & Publishing Corporation, October 2005.
68 Acemoglu, D. and J.A. Robinson (2012). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, Crown Publishing: New
69 GMK-Hurun (2013). The Chinese Millionaire Wealth Report 2013, GroupM Knowledge-Hurun,
70 Treisman, D. (2010). Loans For Shares Revisited, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 15819, March 2010:
Cambridge MA.
71 Azarova, K. (2011). Of Russian origin: Semibankirschina, Russiapedia,
semibankirschina/; Phillips, A. (2000). The political economy of Russia: transition or condition?, Chapter 6 in Russia After the Cold
War (eds. Bowker, M. And C. Ross) Routledge 2014: New York; Piontkovsky, A. (1997). Modern-Day Rasputin, The Moscow Times,
12 November 1997, Last
72 LOC (2015). Indonesia: Jakarta Court Bans Water Privatization, Library of Congress 30 March 2015,
73 Consider, for instance, the lasting friendship between the Mexican multi-millionaires Slim and Salinas de Gortari, the countrys
president during the privatization deals, as well as similar cases in Indian politics (Crabtree (2012). Indias billionaires club,
Financial Times, 16 November 2012,
74 Patnaik, P. (2014). India opens new front in tax evasion battle, 23 June 2014,
75 The National (2013). Tax evasion rampant among Indias wealthy, The National, 3 April 2013,
76 Around 90% in Russia, Turkey, Mexico, China and South Africa; around 70% in India and Indonesia (UNDP 2014).
77 El Economista (2015). Pemex pag remolque de plataforma desde Arabia que nunca ocurri, 23 January 2015, http://
78 This threatens not only current distribution, but that of generations to come. For instance, depletion rates in Mexico, Russia or
Indonesia amount to 7% of GNI (UNDP 2014).
79 However, the Central Jakarta District Court ruled in March 2015 that privatization of water provision in the city had to be reversed.
A consortium of city residents, trade unions and water justice activists sued the city over the initial decision to privatize water
resources and the poor service record of the private companies, where water leakage levels after privatization were reported to
be as high as 44% (LOC 2015).
80 A degree in marketing from one of the top Mexican private universities costs between MNX586-668,000 (US$34-38,000) (El
Semanario (2014). Costo de la educacin en Mxico y el Mundo qu conviene ms?, 20 June 2014, http://elsemanario.
com/59022/costo-de-la-educacion-en-mexico-y-el-mundo-que-conviene-mas/. Last accessed 20.08.2015.
81 Winters, P. and J. Mao (2014). Where Chinas elite are taught a global view, Agence France Press Weekend, 22 December 2014,
82 Sandhurst is the richest neighbourhood in Johannesburg, South Africa, home to 130 multi-millionaires (net wealth of over US$10
million) (Ujuh (2015). Multi millionaires like Sandhurst, Hyde Park, Zimbali 11 March 2015,
83 Frank, R. (2015). For the New Superrich, Life Is Much More Than a Beach, The New York Times, 20 June 2015, http://www.nytimes.
84 Antunes, A. (2014). The 15 Richest Families In Brazil, Forbes, 13 May 2014,
85 Credite Suisse (2014). Op. cit.; Antunes, A. (2014). The 15 Richest Families In Brazil, Forbes, 13 May 2014,
sites/andersonantunes/2014/05/13/the-15-richest-families-in-brazil/; Antunes, A. (2013). The Richest People In Brazil 2013: The
Full List, 9 September 2013,
86 GMK-Hurun (2013). The Chinese Millionaire Wealth Report 2013, GroupM Knowledge-Hurun,
87 Lee, J. (2011). Chinas Rich Lists Riddled With Communist Party Members, Forbes, 14 September 2011, http://www.forbes.
88 In 2010, then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh went to Mr. Ambanis private housewarming of his 27-story mansion in Mumbai
(Daily Mail (2010). Billionaire Indian tycoon throws a lavish house-warming for 80 guests at the 630 million Taj Mahal of the 21st
century, 29 November 2010,
89 Karmali, N. (2014). For The First Time, Indias 100 Of 2014 Are All Billionaires, Forbes, 24 September 2014,
90 Particularly three fellow Gujaratis are rubbing their hands in glee: port magnate Gautam Adani added U$4.5bn to his wealth since
his personal friend Modi became prime minister, pharma magnate Dilip Shanghvi saw his wealth grow by US$4.1 billion, and
Mukesh Ambani is the countrys richest man for the eighth year in a row (Karmali 2014).
91 Forbes (2014). Hartono Brothers Top Forbes Indonesia Rich List, 4 December 2014,
92 Melby, C. (2013). South Africa Tops Africas 50 Richest, Johann Rupert Is Countrys Richest Man, Forbes 13 November 2013, http://
93 Fedorinova, Y., M. Kolesnikova and A. Sazonov (2013). Russias Oligarchs Ditch Oil and Gold to Pile Up Cash Bloomberg, 28
February 2013,
94 CNBC (2015). Russias Rosneft chief earns up to $4.7M in basic salary, 5 May 2015,
95 Ibid.
96 RT (2013). Russias Richest: Forbes publishes billionaire list, RT Question More 18 April 2013,
97 Rapoza, K. (2015).Russia Warns Of Capital Flight, Market Considers Capital Controls, Forbes, 2 March 2015, http://www.forbes.
98 Lundstl, O. 2014). Domestic Consequences of Illicit Financial Flows, Proceedings for GFI-MINDS conference in Rio De Janeiro, 9
September 2014
99 UNDP (2014). 2014 Human Development Statistical Table,, accessed 10.10.2015
100 Acemoglu, D. and J.A. Robinson (2012). Op. cit.
101 The 2014 elections in India cost US$4.9bn, making them the second most expensive in world history (The Economist (2014).
Black money power, 4 May 2014,
102 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) (2015).
103 Sinha, A. (2015). The dirty secret of Indian politics that neither the AAP nor the BJP are debating, Quartz India 5 February 2015,
104 IDEA (2015). Op. cit.
105 Thompson, N. (2012). International campaign finance: How do countries compare?, CNN 5 March 2012, http://edition.cnn.
106 As a consequence of the recent accusations of corruption involving Petrobras and high-ranking politicians, Brazil is currently
discussing a ban on corporate election finance.
107 Boas, T.C., F.D. Hidalgo and N.P. Richardson (2014). The Spoils of Victory: Campaign Donations and Government Contracts in
Brazil, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 76, No. 2, April 2014, pp. 415.
108 Thompson, N. (2012). Op. cit.
109 Adler, D. (2015). The Revolutionary Election That Wasnt, Jacobin Magazine, 22 June 2015, https://www.jacobinmag.
110 Boas, T.C. et al. (2014). Op. cit.
111 Guriev, S. and A. Rachinsky (2005). The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 19,
Number 1, Winter 2005, pages 131150.
112 Mexicos football coach investigated over election tweets, The Guardian (2015), 9 June 2015,
113 Watts, J. (2014). Dilma Rousseff pledges unity after narrow Brazil election victory, The Guardian, 27 October 2015, http://www.
114 Estevez, D. (2014). Real Life Mexican Soap Opera: Broadcaster Televisa Gave Two Homes To The First Lady, Forbes 14 November
115 Shukla, A. (2014). Its official: Mukesh Ambanis Reliance Industries now controls news broadcaster Network18 Group, The
Financial Express, 30 May 2014,
116 Ackerman, J.M. (2014). Conflictos de inters, Proceso, 3 July 2014,
117 Adler, D. (2015). Op. cit.
118 Pew Research Center (2014). Crime and Corruption Top Problems in Emerging and Developing Countries, 5 November 2014,
119 Tucker, D. (2015). Mexico elections: The surreal list of candidates reads more like the line-up of a TV panel show and the
countrys long-suffering voters are not amused, The Independent, 8 August 2015,
120 Huellas de Mxico (2014). Quien es Hinojosa Cant, el duque de los privilegios, 10 November 2014,
121 These include a US$3.4bn contract over the construction of Latin Americas largest aqueduct (Luhnow D. and S. Prez (2014).
Mexico Digs Into Ties Between Leader, Builder, The Wall Street Journal, 3 December 2014,
mexico-digs-into-ties-between-leader-builder-1417657132) and the renovation of the presidential hangar through direct
assignment worth MXN945.5 million (US$58.5m) in 2014 (CNNExpansin (2014). 7 datos sobre Grupo Higa, la empresa de
Hinojosa Cant 12 December 2014,
122 Ley Federal de Responsabilidades Administrativas de los Servidores Pblicos: Second Title, Chapter 1, Article 8, Paragraph 11.
123 Pemex (2014). Form 20-F: Annual Report to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, filed by Petrleos Mexicanos,
124 Forbes (2015). The Worlds Billionaires.
125 Of those, 72.5% were PRI; 14.3% PAN; and 10.6% of the left parties, former and current (Rodrguez, E.D. (2015). Reyes del
Chapulinazo, El Universal, 29 April 2015,
126 Gonzlez, J.D. (forthcoming). The Political Economy of Inequality in Chile: The Role of Institutions and Power, Oxford Handbook
of BRICS and Emerging Markets, preliminary draft.
127 Although China retains some elements of central planning, effectively all the BRICSAMIT are (now) market economies.
128 McQuaig, L. and N. Brooks (2013). The Trouble With Billionaires: How the Super-Rich Hijacked the World (and How We Can Take it
Back), Oneworld Publications: London.
129 The annual UNDP Human Development Index (HDI) bundles the aspects of health, education and economic resources into one
measure in an attempt to better describe human development, ranking countries according to their aggregated position. The
BRICSAMIT countries occupy positions of high- and mid-level development. Of the group, Russia is the most developed at the
57th spot out of 187 countries, followed by Turkey (69), Mexico (71), Brazil (79), China (91), Indonesia (108), South Africa (118) and
finally India (135). For disaggregation by income, comparable data is unfortunately only available for India, Indonesia, Brazil and
South Africa. Unless otherwise specified, numbers in this section are taken from UNDP (2014).
130 Numbeo (2015). Cost of Living Comparison Between Surabaya and Jakarta,
131 The BRICSAMIT countries host some of the worlds largest slums, including the Neza-Chalco-Itza area, with ca. 4 million
inhabitants in Mexico and the 1-million-strong Dharavi and other precarious neighbourhoods in India (Jacobson, M. (2007).
Dharavi: Mumbais Shadow City,
132 Grimm, M., K. Harttgen, S. Klasen, M. Misselhorn, T. Munzi and T. Smeeding (2009). Inequality in Human Development: An
Empirical Assessment of 32 Countries, Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper Series nr. 519
133 These numbers are based on the countries life expectancy as of 2014.
134 For instance, some states have higher homicide rates than others, such as Guerrero in Mexico or Sao Paulo in Brazil, or face more
pollution due to industrial concentration or mining sector presence as in Northern Cape in South Africa.
135 The Seguro Popular has 57 million affiliates, most of whom do not have formal employment and means for private health
insurance (Cruz Martnez, A. (2015). Esperas de hasta tres horas para una consulta del Seguro Popular, La Jornada, 6 August
136 Secretara de Salud (2004). Mdulo de Estimacin de Costos Hospitalarios. Direccin General de Planeacin y Desarrollo en
137 GMK-Hurun (2013). The Chinese Millionaire Wealth Report 2013, GroupM Knowledge-Hurun,
138 On average, only half the population are satisfied with the quality of healthcare in the BRICSAMIT (Cruz Martnez 2015), though
reaching approval rates as low as 27% in Russia and 25% in Brazil (compared to 80-94% satisfaction in the HDI top ten countries).
139 Kanbur, R. (2014). Informality: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses, Reserve Bank of India, Department of Economic and
Policy Research June 2014.
140 Global Fairness Initiative (2012). Informality in Emerging Markets: A Cross-Country Examination,
141 UNDP (2014). 2014 Human Development Statistical Table,, accessed 10.10.2015
142 Social Pension Database (2015). Downloadable from Pension Watch at:
143 The BRICSAMIT countries average schooling of 8 years lags considerably behind the developed countries 12 years, although
Russia with 11.7 and South Africa with 9.9 years are not far off this level. Considering tertiary enrolment, however, all of the
BRICSAMIT countries fall significantly behind the top HDI countries; their average rate of just under 40% compared to almost
75% for the top HDI countries.
144 Mander, H. (2014). India Exclusion Report 2013-14, Books for Change, Bangalore, India.
146 Grimm et. al. (2009). Op. cit.
147 The Economist (2015). An hereditary meritocracy, 24 January 2015,
148 Ciudadanosenred (2011). Mejores escuelas DF, Zona Norte,
149 Preferably to schools in the US, UK and Canada (GMK-Hurun 2013).
150 In Norway, e.g. women earn on average 80.5% of their male peers.
151 Mander, H. (2014). Op. cit.
152 UNDP (2014). 2014 Human Development Statistical Table,, accessed 10.10.2015
153 With the exception of South Africa; however, the difference between male and female average incomes is also particularly high
154 In 2013, these amount to 475 and 294 per 100,000 people, respectively, compared to e.g. 30 in India (UNDP 2014).
155 Mander, H. (2014). Op. cit.
156 Ferdman, R.A. (2013). 98% of murders in Mexico last year went unsolved, Quartz, 18 July 2013,
157 This can be at the hands of public authorities, exemplified by the large prison population in South Africa, or the repression of
public displays of discontent and press freedom in China, Turkey and Russia; executed by organized crime, as in Mexico and
Brazil; or based on rivalry between disadvantaged groups along ethnic or religious lines as in India and Indonesia.
158 Eisner, M (2015). Homicide Dispatch 1: How to Reduce Homicide Rate by 50% in the Next 30 Years, Igarap Institute August 2015.
159 For most of the 20th century, the Brazilian homicide rate was more in line with countries in North America and Western Europe.
Since the 1980s, it has climbed dramatically, mainly as a result of drug issues. Similarly, in Mexico, homicide rates skyrocketed in
the early years of this century due to the declaration of a war on drugs and the ensuing very bloody open rivalry among cartels
(Byrne 2015).
160 Instituto Igarap (2105). Homicide Monitor,
161 Byrne, C. (2015). The Worlds Most Murderous Places, And Other Lessons From A Killer Map, 8 May 2015, http://www.
162 Mander, H. (2014). Op. cit.
164 Ibid; Dubochet, L. (2013). India: Moving Towards Equal Opportunities For All?, Oxfam India August 2013.
165 World Bank (2015). World Development Indicators. Last
accessed: 09.08.2015.
166 Only for Russia and China are these numbers lower, at 16% and 18%, respectively.
167 In technical terms, the inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI) accounts for inequalities in HDI dimensions by discounting each
dimensions average value according to its level of inequality, based on the Atkinson family of inequality measures. Without
inequality, a countrys HDI would be equivalent to its IHDI; the further inequality rises, the more the IHDI falls below the HDI.
UNDP thus describes the IHDI as the actual level of human development (taking into account inequality), while the HDI should
be viewed as an index of the potential human development that could be achieved if there were no inequality (UNDP (2013):
Human Development Report 2013. Technical Notes, .
168 UNDP (2014). 2014 Human Development Statistical Table,, accessed 10.10.2015
169 Porter, E. (2015). What the Debate on Inequality Is Missing, The New York Times, 5 May 2015, http://www.nytimes.
170 In the state of Nuevo Leon an independent candidate became governor for the first time in 2015 (Ibarra, P. (2015). El Bronco
hace historia al ganar la eleccin de gobernador en Nuevo Len, CNN Mxico, 8 June 2015.
171 Porter, E. (2015). Op. cit.
172 International Labor Organization (ILO) (2013b). Global Wage Report 2012/2013,
173 Krozer, A., J.C. Moreno-Brid and J.C. Rubio Badan (2015). Inequality and Minimum Wage Policy: Not Even Talking, Much Less
Walking in Mexico. Investigacin Econmica vol. 74, Issue 293, pp.3-26, July-September 2015
174 Dhara, T. and C. Thomas (2011). In India, Tax Evasion Is a National Sport, Bloomberg 28 June 2011.
175 Biswas, S. (2014). Black money: Making a mountain out of a molehill?, 28 September 2014,
176 OECD (2011). Special Focus: Inequality in the Emerging Economies, in Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising.
177 Porter, E. (2015). Op. cit.