Bilateral Aid Review: The 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' of 21st Century Development Assistance
Bilateral Aid Review: The 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' of 21st Century Development Assistance
Bilateral Aid Review: The 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' of 21st Century Development Assistance
Oxfam GB
30 September 2010
Executive Summary
Oxfam GB welcomes the UK governments Bilateral Aid Review. The UKs international
leadership in development is widely recognised, and the Department for International
Development has a well-deserved reputation for progressive, effective, cutting-edge
development policies and programming. Global change is continuous, so it is right and
necessary that aid and development policies are subject to review, not least at a time
where major challenges must be met: tackling global poverty, ensuring an equitable and
sustainable growth path out of the global economic crisis, and urgently addressing the
causes and impacts of runaway climate change. We welcome the opportunity to
contribute to this process.
Poverty-reduction as the goal of a systemic, coherent development
It is vital that poverty-reduction remains the main strategic goal of UK development
policy whether in stable, conflict-affected or fragile states. Development is a complex
process and requires a systemic, coherent and strategic approach. Aid is a key, but not the
only, part of ensuring successful development. Oxfam welcomes the governments drive
to ensure greater aid effectiveness and value-for-money in its aid spending. This
emphasis should not come at the expense of a systemic approach to development nor
result in a focus on easy-to-produce or easy-to-measure projects and outcomes, given that
the deepest poverty is often the hardest to tackle, and that complex, but vital, long-term
outcomes are not always easy to measure. Strategic policy goals should drive the choice
of indicators and not vice versa.
DFIDs Country Footprint and results offers
A truly participatory and bottom-up approach to establishing development priorities in
different countries is welcome, within a coherent overarching UK development strategy.
Oxfam considers that the current focus of 90% of UK aid on the poorest countries is
broadly the right one. Criteria for selecting among offers should include the key drivers
of development success and not just value-for-money. Support to fragile states is vital
but so is support to equally poor but stable countries. UK aid is already fairly
concentrated; further concentration does not seem justified. We urge greater transparency
in the results offers process; we are also concerned that consultation in-countries
appears to have been inadequate and urge DFID to make use of White Papers in further
consultation processes.
We should also not lose sight of the fact that many of the worlds poorest live in middle
income countries with India accounting for the greatest number, a country where
DFIDs aid has been important in itself and in leveraging further aid in-country. DFID can
play a vital role in supporting innovation and advocating scale-up of best practice in
middle-income countries, though the programme-spend should be less, given the
governments own resources.
Climate Change
Maintaining the UKs international leadership in tackling climate change is vital if the
huge challenges to be tackled due to rising global temperatures are to be met. Continuing
to champion the interests of the poor and vulnerable countries is central, not least as they
are the ones most affected by existing impacts of climate change. We urge the
government to ensure at least half of climate finance is for adaptation not mitigation, that
it is additional to the 0.7% ODA commitment and that it is increasingly delivered through
global institutions especially through a new UNFCCC Global Climate Fund. This builds
trust and influence. The UK can also lead by prioritising pro-poor approaches to
adaptation and low carbon development.
Section 1: Introduction
Do: Keep poverty-reduction as the main strategic goal of UK development policy.
Do: Search for ways to increase aid effectiveness, including value-for-money.
Don't: Let a focus on results and value-for-money undermine a systemic coherent and
sustainable approach to development or allow a return to an old-fashioned, donor-
driven service delivery approach to aid.
Dont: Let budgetary pressures or the needs of the National Security Council
undermine the quality and effectiveness of DFIDs focus on poverty reduction, which
sets a standard significantly higher than the OECD DAC guidelines.
Don't: Promote a conclusion to the Doha Round unless it returns to its original pro-
development intentions.
Don't: Forget that private and public investment in infrastructure are often synergistic
and complementary not competitive.
Don't: Undermine the international Paris and Accra aid effectiveness commitments in
pursuit of a greater focus on the results agenda.
Don't: Reduce DFID support for the provision of free, public services.
Dont: Stop supporting social protection as a vital means of ensuring those living in
deepest poverty are not highly food insecure, chronically malnourished or starving.
Don't: Focus only on developing the capacity of formal state institutions in 'fragile
states', without also developing active citizens and civil society to hold state
institutions to account.
Don't: Integrate development, foreign and security policies, especially in ways that
undermine DFID's focus on poverty-reduction or that undermine developing
countries' ownership of their development processes.
Dont: Take away key input indicators and commitments that allow DFID to be held to
account in the short and medium term by UK civil society and others.
Don't: Penalise countries that are very poor and performing well, because they are not
narrowly defined as 'fragile'. In particular do not simply use the CPIA scores to define
whether a state is fragile, as the CPIA is a deeply flawed instrument.
Don't: Conclude that there has been sufficient in-country consultation to date.
"The UK has a moral responsibility to help the poorest people in the world"
The Coalition: Our Programme for Government, May 2010
"UK money should be spent helping the poorest people in the poorest countries"
Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development, June 2010
"We believe the UK must continue to play a leading role in ensuring justice and equity for
poor people around the world"
Liberal Democrats Policy Paper, September 2001 (Accountability to the Poor)
1. Introduction
Do: Keep poverty-reduction as the main strategic goal of UK development policy.
Do: Search for ways to increase aid effectiveness, including value-for-money.
Don't: Let a focus on results and value-for-money undermine a systemic coherent and
sustainable approach to development or allow a return to an old-fashioned, donor-
driven service delivery approach to aid.
Dont: Let budgetary pressures or the needs of the National Security Council
undermine the quality and effectiveness of DFIDs focus on poverty reduction, which
sets a standard significantly higher than the OECD DAC guidelines.
Tackling Poverty and UK Leadership
1.1 Too many millions of people's lives around the world continue to be blighted by
poverty and suffering. We can and must change this: the UK has a major contribution to
make to this overarching goal given its track record in supporting progressive
development policies, in particular through the increasingly effective, high impact work
of the Department for International Development. Oxfam GB welcomes the essential
continuity in the UK's overarching development policy and goals, exemplified both in the
above quotes, from the members of the new coalition government, and by the new
government's vital commitment to keep to the UK's promise to deliver 0.7 per cent of
Gross National Income in aid by 2013 and to make this commitment legally-binding.
1.2 It is important that the new government reflects on the overarching strategy, and the
specifics, of UK development policy; but it is also important to recognise the leadership
role the UK has among northern donors in development policy, and the impact many of
its key policies and commitments have had in driving improved development policy and
aid funding elsewhere. These should not be shed lightly. UK leadership, and the
international recognition that UK aid and DFID's role gets as world trendsetters, makes
the case for considerable continuity in UK development approaches. UK aid overall is
mostly working and working well; there is no need for radical change. But learning,
revision and addressing change and new opportunities and challenges will always be
vital, not least in a natural resource-constrained world, facing the challenges of climate
change, and the continuing impacts of the global economic crisis.
1.4 The UK is one of the world's biggest bilateral donors, with an approach that is far
more poverty-focused than most other existing donors, which is welcome in itself, and as
part of the UK's international leadership on development. In allocating bilateral aid
across countries, it is vital that the UK government maintains its commitments to spend
90% of bilateral aid in low-income countries, with an increasing share to sub-Saharan
Africa. The vast majority of DFID's aid is already concentrated on a relatively small
number of countries, and with a strong focus on 'fragile' states while also rightly focusing
too on stable but poor states including 'good performers'. Oxfam does not consider that
moving to a more concentrated focus on a smaller number of countries would be a route
to more effective UK aid spending.
1.6 Such a strategic approach will require the building of effective states, and enabling
active citizens to hold those states fully to account. Poor women and men must play a
leading role in determining those overarching development strategies, and in holding
their governments and donors to account for effective and participatory
implementation of those strategies.
1.7 In the absence of a specific White Paper or consultation document to respond to,
Oxfam GB is submitting its views to the government's Bilateral Aid Review based on a
number of sources that set out the government's approach to development so far,
including: the DFID 'Draft Structural Reform Plan', the Coalition's 'Programme for
Government' statement on international development, speeches by key members of the
government that have focused on international development since May 2010, and
information on the themes and pillars that DFID has used in its own internal consultation
for this Review with its country programmes.
1.8 Oxfam welcomes the opportunity to submit its views to this Review. It urges the
government to ensure full and effective consultation as it further develops its policies
towards international development, including using, as appropriate, Green and White
Papers to set out its overarching approach. Oxfam is very concerned that its own
feedback on this review from its country programmes indicates that rather little
consultation or in many cases no consultation has taken place. While the government is
reviewing the aid commitments made under previous governments, Oxfam would
underline the importance and power of many of the existing and previous development
commitments power in delivering results and in leveraging change in other donor
1.9 Before commenting under the main themes and headings of the Draft Structural
Reform Plan, we set out first what Oxfam sees as the central drivers to successful
development. Every country and society has its own specific characteristics, which will
impact on its most effective routes towards sustainable and equitable development. But
there are some overarching concerns and lessons that all can usefully draw on. We would
urge the government, through DFID, to apply these lessons and themes, when deciding
the overall shape of its bilateral aid programme in response to this review, and when
formulating its response to the 'results offers' from individual DFDID country
programmes. In particular, it should aim to:
Do: Support policies to ensure growth and wealth creation is pro-poor, sustainable and
Do: recognise the crucial role of states and civil society in development.
Working with developing country states to enable them to become effective states
that: protect the rights of their citizens, provide an enabling environment for
economic activity and deliver essential services including health and education.
Working directly with affected communities, building their resilience in the face of
increasing vulnerability, and helping to build an effective civil society that can hold
their government to account.
2.3 Growth is a vital component of solving these desperate problems but on its own is
insufficient. So DFID's aim in its Draft Structural Reform Plan (DSRP) of making British
development policy 'more focused on boosting economic growth and wealth creation' can only
be one part of the story. Growth must be poverty-reducing it must be sustainable, inclusive,
climate-resilient and it must tackle social, political and economic inequality head-on.
2.6 The evidence from all successful developing countries is that investing in free basic
healthcare and primary education, as well as social protection, underpins growth that is
equitable and has the maximum impact on poverty reduction. Diseases stifle growth with
the annual economic loss in Africa due to malaria estimated to be $12 billion, representing a
crippling 1.3 per cent annual loss in GDP growth in disease-endemic countries.
Do: Prioritise increasing the overall quality of education for women and girls.
Do: Continue to prioritise tackling violence against women.
3.2 Oxfam particularly welcomes the focus placed by DFID on maternal health, girls
education, womens economic empowerment and preventing violence against women.
Progress on, and investment in, these four issues are vital if real progress is to be made in
overcoming poverty. There are a number of particularly important priorities within this.
3.3 Supporting girls and women to complete primary and secondary education is
important but it should also be closely linked to supporting girls and women to move on
into tertiary education. In particular, a holistic approach to education for girls and women
will contribute to an increase in the number of women pursuing careers in education and
in entering other higher-waged jobs. Training more women teachers has a deep and
positive impact on the number of girls in education and the quality of provision for girls.
Gender parity at primary school needs to translate into gender parity at secondary and
tertiary education levels. Girls education empowers women everywhere to demand
control of their own fertility.
3.7 The slow progress on maternal health to date reflects a donor-driven agenda of short-
term, selective interventions based more often on commodity distribution rather than
investment in services and most importantly health workers to protect and save women
and childrens lives into the future. The expansion of free health services for all mothers
and children puts needs and rights, rather than the ability to pay, at the heart of
healthcare in poor countries. The expansion of free health care should form the
cornerstone of DFIDs fight against maternal mortality. DFIDs leadership in this agenda
internationally should continue. As part of this, DFID should renew its commitment to
support countries to remove fees and formally establish the Centre for Progressive Health
Financing to provide technical support necessary to achieve this.
3.8 Expansion and improvement of health care for mothers and children is not possible
unless DFID invests in training and paying a new generation of midwives in poor
countries. Skilled birth attendance is a decisive factor in women's and girls' health and
millions more midwives are needed. DFID should continue its support for mid-wives: the
recent evaluation of the Emergency Human Resources Plan in Malawi, for example,
where DFID supported a 50% increase in health workers' salaries, concluded that it was a
very successful programme that has stemmed the brain drain of mid-wives to the UK.
3.9 Ensuring that maternal health, womens economic empowerment, girls' education and
violence against women are part of the broader development policy and funding
mechanisms is necessary but not sufficient to ensure lasting progress. Oxfam urges DFID
to create clear standalone policy and funding mechanisms that support the above issues.
Central to this will be increasing the accessibility and quantity of funding provided to
national and regional womens rights organisations and networks to enable collective
organisation and effective and action by women to promote their rights.
Don't: promote a conclusion to the Doha Round unless it returns to its original pro-
development intentions.
Don't: forget that private and public investment in infrastructure are often synergistic
and complementary not competitive.
4.2 At the level of specific sectors, markets and businesses, both the behaviour of private
enterprises, and the role of national and local governments and governance structures are
key in ensuring market structures, regulation and market and business development do
not work to entrench poverty or block routes out of poverty through access to markets,
and fair trading and employment opportunities. As the global economic crisis has shown,
free (unregulated) markets will not promote sustainable and equitable growth;
institutions, such as contracts and trust, are needed for markets to function; and the
nature of those institutions can either lay the basis for inclusive, pro-poor growth, or can
do the opposite.
4.4. Millions of the poorest people in developing countries live in remote and rural areas
where agricultural markets offer the best opportunities for sustainable exit from poverty.
But this potential can only be fulfilled when workers or small-scale producers enjoy
sufficient power to enter and remain in relevant markets, negotiate terms, influence the
rules governing markets, and capture decent returns. Most small-scale producers trade
infrequently in local, flexible markets, which have low entry barriers, but generate low
returns. These producers usually lack the skills, knowledge, capital, economies of scale,
information and contacts needed to become part of more economically-rewarding value
chains. Women especially often lack the time, access to knowledge, assets and services
compared to men and so can be actively excluded from enterprises and markets.
Furthermore, limited rural infrastructure and investment has resulted in inadequate or
missing financial and product markets for small-scale producers and enterprises.
4.10 DFID should play a key role, alongside other government departments, in ensuring
that UK companies understand and meet their responsibilities for the social and
environmental impacts of their operations overseas, including where they affect poor
communities in weak and fragile states. We encourage DFID to strengthen its work to
promote corporate transparency and accountability, by supporting the introduction of
appropriate country-by-country reporting requirements for companies, to disclose the
profits made and the taxes paid in every country where they operate as well as their
social and environmental impacts, for example, via the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB), and as part of listing rules. In addition, we would encourage
DFID to give serious consideration to the proposal to establish a UK Commission on
Business, Human Rights and the Environment, which could offer both encouragement
and advice to companies on best practice, as well as helping to investigate and find
solutions to complaints arising from poor practice that do harm to poor people.
4.12 The UK government must continue and scale up its role in defending access to
medicines by ensuring that EU Free Trade Agreements with developing countries honour
the Doha declaration on public health and do not include any measures that go beyond
the TRIPS agreement. The flexibilities in the TRIPS agreement have led to the provision
of lifesaving low cost generic medicines to millions, and are one of the great victories of
the last decade.
1This proposal is included in the Liberal Democrat Accountability to the Poor policy paper on international
development (Sept 2010) and relates to one aspect of governments role in protecting human rights within the
Ruggie framework on Business and Human Rights.
2Doha declaration reaffirmed that the (TRIPS2) Agreement .should be interpreted and implemented in a
manner supportive of WTO as members right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to
medicines to all".
3 Trade Related Aspects on Intellectual Property Rights
4 Trade Related Aspects on Intellectual Property Rights
Don't: Undermine the international Paris and Accra aid effectiveness commitments in
pursuit of a greater focus on the results agenda.
Don't: Reduce DFID support for the provision of free, public services.
Intensifying Efforts
5.1 The new coalition government will be the last UK government able to deliver on our
countrys promises in time for the 2015 MDG deadline. Given the scale of the challenge
many countries face over the next five years to reach the MDGs, it is imperative that the
UK government intensifies its efforts and does all it can to help DFID, along with other
departments, optimise their impact in this area.
5.2. This means ensuring DFID has sufficient resources to work on the MDGs. The UK
government's public promise to increase aid to 0.7 per cent of national income in an era of
austerity is an example of outstanding international leadership that does huge credit both
to its commitment, and to the depth of public interest in and support for international
development. The UK government should enshrine the commitment in law as soon as
possible, as planned. The trajectory of increases to 2013 should be a straight line, as a
steady strategic increase is what will be most effective. This will require increases in the
DFID budget of around 10% for the first three years of the Spending Review. 6
5.4 DFID has great expertise in working with those many low-income countries that are
far from achieving the MDGs, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. Given this, DFID
should maintain its commitment to provide 90% of its bilateral aid to low income
countries, and provide an ever-increasing share of this to sub-Saharan Africa. In 2005,
donors committed to double aid to Africa at Gleneagles. But on current trends the UN
The Coalition: our priorities for government (2010); DFID Draft Structural Reform Plan (2010)
The Coalition: our priorities for government (2010)
DFID spending is governed by the 2002 International Development Act which legally binds DFID to ensuring
that all its spending contributes to poverty reduction
Data from statistics on International Development, 2006-2009 versions, DFID, tables 1-3.
5.5 DFIDs focus, as outlined in the DRSP, on improving maternal and child health and
education is very welcome. Improvements in healthcare and education in developing
countries are vital in order to meet many of the MDGs (2, 4, 5 and 6) and are also critical
in establishing an enabling environment for growth that will directly reduce poverty and
5.6 As part of this focus, DFID should maintain its commitment to spend half of its direct
aid for developing countries on public services and helping to ensure these services are
free. The evidence shows that supporting the scale-up of public systems in both health
and education is critical for ensuring these services work for poor people and help tackle
gender inequality. In Mozambique, for example, improved public health care saw the
number of mothers dying in childbirth fall by more than one-third between 1993 and
2007 . The removal of school fees in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, for example, resulted
in seven million additional children many of them girls entering school in these three
countries alone.
Whilst there is a role for the private sector in some services, the overwhelming evidence
clearly shows that the public sector should be the majority provider of these services,
while privately provided services are either too expensive to be accessed by the poorest
or are of very low quality and largely unregulated.
Tackling Malaria
5.7 We welcome DFIDs commitment in its health policy to reducing mortality and
morbidity resulting from malaria and we look forward to the publication of the Malaria
Evidence Paper and Business Plan. Combating this deadly disease requires DFID to take a
comprehensive approach to malaria that focuses on sustained response in terms of long-
term prevention and treatment via:
Enabling countries to build their health systems via bilateral aid to health sector
budget support;
Investing in free bed nets, indoor spray and free treatment via fully funding the
Global Fund;
Ensuring low prices of medicines by enabling generic competition via supporting
Ensuring that treatment is based on correct diagnosis (as per WHO guidelines and
recent evidence of effectiveness) and that malaria programmes are based on concrete
evidence. In this regard, we urge the UK government to ensure that the pilot phase of
AMFM measures whether delivering sophisticated medicines via local grocery shops
represents a do no harm cost effective measure in terms of: correct diagnosis,
patient safety and reaching poor people in rural and remote areas;
Investing in R&D for new medicines, insecticides, and vaccines.
It is estimated that Africa will receive only about $11 billion out of the $25 billion increase envisaged at
Gleneagles. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010
DFID White Paper (2009)
Maternal Mortality Ratio per 100.000 live births has decreased from 234/100.000 live births in 1993 to
163/100.000 live births in 2007. 2008 Mozambique Report on the Millennium Development Goals
This means meeting its international Paris and Accra aid commitments and going beyond
them. As part of this, DFID should aim to:
Deliver, where possible, 50% of its aid as general or sector budget support to enhance
country ownership, help build public services and reduce the use of expensive and
wasteful parallel systems;
Expand the number of countries with which the UK has ten year aid agreements to
improve the long-term predictability of UK aid and enable developing country
governments the opportunity to undertake long term planning;
Maintain its commitment not to attach any economic policy conditions to UK aid and
streamline the number of other conditions attached.
5.9 DFID should also take a proactive role in shaping the agenda of the forthcoming High
Level Meeting in Korea in 2011 and working with partner countries to deepen existing
aid quality targets and develop new ones. The MDGs can only be met if aid is spent more
Don't Let Easy Results Drive Out Tackling the Most Serious Challenges
5.11 The UK Government must ensure that its drive for value for money and results does
not result in it abandoning the pursuit of the MDGs in difficult to reach countries and
communities. In some countries, achieving the MDGs will be more expensive, than
achieving results in other countries, and some results may take longer to be delivered.
Outcomes that need sustained investment in systems (rather than quick fixes) will take
longer time to be quantifiable. For example, investment in public health system is
essential to achieve cuts in maternal mortality, yet these actual cuts will take a few years
to be quantified and demonstrated. On the other hand, it is easier to estimate lives saved
due to delivering vaccines. Obviously both are needed and investment in health system is
essential to sustain vaccination outcomes.
Do: lead by example by delivering our share of global finance pledges, and ensuring
that at least 50% of climate finance is for adaptation.
Do: lead by example by developing and prioritising pro-poor approaches to adaptation
and low carbon development.
6.2 DFID must continue to place tackling poverty at the heart of its work on climate
change. In particular, it should seek to become the thought and practice leader of the
donor community on adaptation, promoting a systemic risk-reduction (rather than project
driven) approach that identifies and prioritises the needs of the most vulnerable
communities. DFID should help deliver adaptation to those in poverty by investing in
livelihoods, disaster risk reduction and natural resource management so that they all
integrate climate change. Overall, DFID should ensure that at least 50 percent of climate
finance (through bilateral and multilateral channels) is for adaptation.
6.4 Promoting low carbon development, increasing resilience and extending access to
energy should be the key elements of a DFID sustainable development framework and
reflected in the design of the proposed Environmental Screening Note and Pilot Strategic
Climate Programme Reviews.
6.6 Innovative financing sources for raising climate finance should continue to be
championed by DFID. This should include taxes on shipping and aviation. It should also
include pressing for an agreement for a further tax on the financial sector, either a
Financial Activities Tax or a Financial Transaction Tax. A tax of around 0.05% on all
financial transactions could raise up to $400 billion dollars annually and 20 billion in the
UK. Money raised through these innovative means should be counted over and above
the UK commitment of 0.7 % of GNI for ODA.
Additionality as Key
6.7 From DFIDs perspective, adaptation can be considered as development in a hostile
climate, and mitigation as development in a carbon-constrained world. Adaptation and
mitigation should therefore be fully integrated into existing development programmes
and strategies at the level of delivery and implementation. But integration at the delivery
level does not mean that climate finance cannot be additional to ODA at the budgetary
level. DFID already has spending that is not counted as ODA. An increasingly hostile
climate makes development increasingly expensive. It necessitates new investments,
among others, in agriculture, greater provision of social and private insurance, and new
buildings and infrastructure. Similarly, developing non-fossil fuel energy sectors
increases the costs of development beyond what they would be in a non-carbon
constrained world. These are the additional costs to development of climate change, and
they must be met by new and additional resources. DFID should therefore report on its
climate finance as entirely separate to ODA and not count it towards the 0.7% target,
being transparent regarding whether the money is in the form of loans or grants, whether
for adaptation or mitigation, to which countries it is going and through what channels.
Do: Develop a long-term model for sustainable agriculture that will end hunger and
that is resilient to climate change and is able to meet projected demand without
passing environmental boundaries.
Dont: Stop supporting social protection as a vital means of ensuring those living in
deepest poverty are not highly food insecure, chronically malnourished or starving.
Ensuring Access
7.1 There are currently over 900 million hungry people in the world, despite more than
enough food being produced to feed everyone. Current food insecurity is primarily a
problem of access. DFID should support and promote a more coordinated international
approach to addressing food insecurity through increased policy coherence and co-
ordination of funding. In particular DFID should support the reformed Committee on
World Food Security (CFS) as the key forum for policy guidance and co-ordination of
global action on food security, and promote the establishment of a co-ordination and
accountability mechanism for finance under the guidance of the CFS.
7.2 Increasing price volatility also poses a serious threat to food security, with food price
spikes increasingly triggering negative feedback loops via land-grabs, export bans and
speculative capital flows. DFID should undertake research into the drivers of rising
volatility and how best to tackle it, with respect to both prevention and to dealing with its
impacts. DFID should also increase investment in social protection in poor countries to
help build resilience to food price shocks in the future.
7.4 But this on its own will not be enough. DFID must develop a vision for sustainable
agriculture a coherent model for food production that is resilient to climate change and
is able to meet projected demand without passing environmental boundaries. This should
inform its own investment strategies, and also provide it with material for international
advocacy and knowledge sharing.
Don't: Focus only on developing the capacity of formal state institutions in 'fragile
states', without also developing active citizens and civil society to hold state
institutions to account.
Don't: Integrate development, foreign and security policies, especially in ways that
undermine DFID's focus on poverty-reduction or that undermine developing
countries' ownership of their development processes.
8.2 Evidence indicates that long-term state stability is improved by reducing poverty and
inequality, particularly horizontally between groups ; and ensuring that states are
capable of delivering essential services such as health and education to their citizens.
DFID's 'fragile state' strategy should focus not only on developing effective, accountable
states; but also on developing active citizens, equipped to hold governments and state
institutions to account. This is the essential counterpart to the Capable, Accountable and
Responsive states envisaged in DFID's fragile state analysis.
F. Stewart, G.K. Brown & A. Langer, 'Major Findings and Conclusions on the Relationship Between
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict' in F. Stewart (ed.), Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding
Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies (Palgrave: 2008)
P. Collier & A. Hoeffler, Greed and Grievance in Civil Wars, Oxford Economic Papers (2004), 56:663-595;
B. Bigombe et al, Policies for Building Post-Conflict Peace, Journal of African Economies (2001)
DFID, Building the State and Securing the Peace, Emerging Policy Paper (June 2009)
8.5 The risk of aligning aid spend with UK security interests not with tackling the deepest
poverty is seen in the Draft Structural Reform Plan's emphasis on Afghanistan and
Pakistan. These two countries face major problems of insecurity, conflict and poverty but
so do other countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan that are not
mentioned in the DSRP. Oxfam considers that DFID resources allocated to Afghanistan
and Pakistan should be driven by the same poverty-reduction and humanitarian
objectives as in other countries.
8.9 Working in 'fragile state' settings can take time to deliver results. DFID should
therefore be prepared to commit to programmes which may show slower results for a
given spend than in other settings. Value-for-money should not mean that capacity-
building, governance and civil society support lose out against the more rapid results that
infrastructure and basic services projects can show.
In Sudan and Somalia, for example, humanitarian assistance has persistently constituted over 50% of total
international aid since 2001.
Oxfam has estimated that over the next five years the average number of people affected by climate-related
disasters alone may have increased by over 50 percent to 375 million per year. The unprecedented
combination of a predictable West African food crisis with the Haiti earthquake and the Pakistan floods illustrate
the serious challenge of this rising need.
Do: Ensure that support for accountability institutions encompasses building the
capacity of civil society to hold governments to account, including organisations that
advocate for the rights of women and girls in policy-making.
Dont: Take away key input indicators and commitments that allow DFID to be held to
account in the short and medium term by UK civil society and others.
9.2 It is important that DFID focuses systematically on strengthening the capacities of civil
society organisations in developing countries to enable them to engage in community
engagement and advocacy through which citizens can hold their own governments and
donors to account. We welcome the emphasis in the Liberal Democrat policy paper on
international development for DFID to continue to fund civil society groups capable of
scrutinising government budgets and lobbying for policy change.
9.3 Activities to support civil society should include a focus on addressing gender
inequalities which are a root cause of poverty by supporting organisations that champion
womens rights, foster social and political empowerment of young women, and tackle
domestic violence. They should also help parliaments carry out gendered budget analysis
and ensure that the needs of women are reflected in government planning.
Additionally, governments should be supported to provide legal environments within which civil society
organisations that monitor government activities can flourish.
Do: Ensure that policy drives choice of indicators and measures of effectiveness and
not vice versa
10.3 As part of this drive for results, Oxfam welcomes the piloting of cash-on-delivery
schemes at DFID. However, we urge that DFID recognise the limitations of such an
approach. Delivering better health and education outcomes, often means providing large
upfront investments in poor countries. For example, fifty-seven countries, most of them in
Africa and Asia, face a severe health workforce crisis. The deficit is largest in sub-Saharan
Africa, which accounts for 24% of the global burden of disease but has just 3% of the
worlds health workers. These countries cannot be expected to deliver key health
outcomes without financial assistance upfront. Development is complex and most of the
OECD (2010) United Kingdom Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Peer Review
World Health Organization, The Global Shortage of Health Workers and its Impact, Fact Sheet No. 302,
10.5 It is essential that private sector actors who are contracted by the UK government to
deliver services as part of the development budget should also be held to the same
standards of transparency, rigour and evaluation as governments and NGOs.
Independent Advisory Committee on Development Impact (2009) Evaluation Quality Review
Do: Recognise that the current focus of 90% of DFID aid on the poorest countries is
broadly the right one.
Don't: Penalise countries that are very poor and performing well, because they are not
narrowly defined as 'fragile'. In particular do not simply use the CPIA scores to define
whether a state is fragile, as the CPIA is a deeply flawed instrument.
Consultation is Vital
11.1 For the new Results Offers process to be successful, we believe that DFID country
teams should work and consult closely with their developing country partners
(governments, NGOs, beneficiaries, other donors) to ensure this is a truly participatory
and genuinely bottom-up approach that supports our partners development priorities.
11.2 DFIDs support to 'fragile states' is vital, and encompass many but not all of the
countries with the highest levels of poverty; but DFID should avoid weakening the results
of UK aid by diverting bilateral aid from 'good performers' elsewhere who are equally
poor but stable countries where aid is having enormous impacts in partnership with
effective states. Increased aid to 'fragile states' should therefore come from promised
annual increases in ODA.
11.3 Oxfam urges that the 'Results Offers' process is made fully transparent. This means
being open about the criteria used to assess countries' Results Offers and the decision-
making process and discussions that take place around individual offers. At present,
initial 'Results Offers' are due to be submitted by 30th September, which is before the
deadline for inputs to the Bilateral Aid Review consultation process, of which this
submission is one input. We understand that a sequence of decisions are likely to be taken
over the coming months, both on which countries to continue to provide aid to, and in
what form. We think it vital that there is clear and full consultation on the criteria for such
decisions (which criteria are currently not transparent and clear).
They should also be in line with the UK's commitments to the Paris and Accra principles
of effective aid, and good donor coordination and consultation practices.
11.6 We should also not lose sight of the fact that many of the worlds poorest live in
middle income countries with India accounting for the greatest number, In India, our
partners were clear that DFID resources at both national and state level have been
instrumental in leveraging greater poverty spending from the Indian government in the
last decade. This does not mean that any more than 10% of DFIDs resources needs to be
spent in middle-income countries, but that the 10% is used to leverage resources from the
national governments in middle-income countries to fight poverty.
11.7 Oxfam has consulted a broad range of our country offices and partners across the
world and they have expressed serious concern at the idea of DFID reducing or
eliminating its programme in their context this itself is a tribute to the important and in
many ways unique contribution that DFID makes.
11.8 It is also important that the focus on results and value-for-money does not lead to an
inappropriate redistribution or reduction of DFID's own human resources. Ensuring
adequate expert human resources capacity to ensure quality of programming, of research
and of policy development is vital. Pressures to reduce administration costs should not
leave DFID without the human resources to monitor its spending and give policy support
at country level.
Don't: Conclude that there has been sufficient in-country consultation to date.
12.1 Oxfam welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in the context of the Bilateral
Aid Review. We look forward to, and urge the government to ensure that, further
consultation happens as the Bilateral Aid Review process goes forward. We also urge that
there is full clarity and transparency in the substance, process and timing of the next steps
in the review, and further consultation once that clarity and transparency has been
provided. We understand that ministers will report to parliament this autumn on the
overall shape and objectives of the bilateral programme. We also understand this includes
an intention to announce UK aid's 'footprint' this autumn. We hope that before any final
decisions are taken there is further consultation on the proposed shape and objectives of
the new 'footprint' as the government clarifies its plans. We also hope the criteria and
analysis underpinning choices and changes will be made explicit.
UK development aid represents some of the best aid in the world from its strategic
goals focused on poverty-reduction to its practical delivery on the ground. The new UK
government has declared a commitment to ensure the UK remains a world leader,
morally and practically, in development and has been praised by UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki Moon for showing the way internationally by keeping to the commitment to spend
0.7 per cent of GNI on aid. UK development policy has to be effective, transparent and
accountable, and it has to remain so in a changing world. Much of UK development
policy has stood the test of time. So in this submission, Oxfam has called for change
where change is needed, and for continuity where we see aid that is at the cutting edge of
international efforts to overcome poverty and suffering.