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Budget Highlights

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bfhilm brnfh FoXg ehF

cilahM ntjF x
(Fw 390)
Gifts, grace, right scepter, care of peoples weal
These four a light of revered Kings reveal
(Kural 390)

The State Government has ports, irrigation and drinking

formulated Five State Missions and water
Eleven Special Focus Areas of Industrial investment through
Development for achieving through corridor based development
multi-disciplinary and multi- and improving ease of doing
departmental co-ordination. The business
Five State Missions are: Education to all with focus on
Mission for water resource Health for all
management and revival of Social security with focus on
Kudimaramath women and children
Mission for housing to achieve Strengthening urban
hut-free villages and slum-free transportation
cities Governance and transparency
Mission for poverty reduction
and economic empowerment of
Mission for clean Tamil Nadu
Mission for skill development This Government has
launched a State Mission on Poverty
The Eleven Special Focus Reduction in both rural and urban
Areas of Development are: areas with a multi-pronged
Agriculture and allied sector approach.
Strengthening urban The Tamil Nadu Rural
infrastructure Transformation Project will be
Tourism promotion taken up with the World Bank
Promote Micro, Small and assistance at a cost of Rs.900 crores
Medium Enterprises in 120 Blocks.
Infrastructure development
including roads, power, minor The Tamil Nadu State Rural
Livelihood Mission and the National

Rural Livelihood Mission will cover Budget Estimates 2016-2017 for

all the 385 Blocks in the State this Mission.

An amount of Rs.355.81 District Level Private

crores for rural poverty reduction Placement Assistance Cells created
schemes and Rs.350 crores have in 37 District Employment Offices,
been provided for urban livelihood organise job-melas and facilitate
programmes have been provided in face-to-face interviews.
the Revised Budget Estimates 2016-

EMPLOYMENT AND SKILL The profiles of 217

DEVELOPMENT infrastructure projects in six major
sectors have been spelt out in the
The State Mission on skill Part-II of Vision Tamil Nadu 2023
development will impart skills to 20 document.
million persons as stated in the
Vision Tamil Nadu 2023 Document. Works for 88 projects have
already started and 16 projects
Tie-ups of potential employers have reached bidding stage.
like industrial units with academic Detailed Project Reports and
institutions will be encouraged to Detailed Feasibility Studies have
enhance the employability of the been prepared for 24 projects are
educated youth and to ensure ready for launch.
benchmarking of skill training in
alignment with the National Skill In the Revised Budget
Qualification framework. Estimates 2016-2017, an amount of
Rs.2,000 crores has been allocated
During 2016-2017, it is for Tamil Nadu Infrastructure
proposed to train two lakh youth for Development Fund and Rs.100
skill development under the Tamil crores has been allocated for the
Nadu Skill Development Mission. Project Preparation Fund.

A sum of Rs.150 crores has The Tamil Nadu Infrastructure

been earmarked in the Revised Fund as an Alternative Investment

Fund Category-I (AIF-I) has been Under the Tamil Nadu

promoted through the Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiatives (TANII), 115
Infrastructure Fund Management projects have been taken up at an
Corporation (TNIFMC), which is now outlay of Rs.250.49 crores to pilot
in the process of mobilizing the first innovative ideas.
financial close of Rs.3,000 crores.
These resources will be used to fund In the Revised Budget
new infrastructure projects in the Estimates 2016-2017, Rs.150 crores
State during 2016-2017. has been provided for TANII
The State performed better as
the Gross State Domestic Product TAMIL DEVELOPMENT
(GSDP) growth rate in 2015-2016 is
estimated at 8.79% as against the The Amma Literary Award for
All India Gross Domestic Product eminent women writers, World
(GDP) growth rate of 7.57% at Tamil Sangam Award for Tamil
2011-2012 constant prices. Scholars across the globe, The Best
Translator Award for outstanding
The State Plan expenditure translators will be given from this
target for 2016-2017 set at year onwards.
Rs.60,610 crores.
A total sum of Rs.32.94 crores
For 2016-2017, a sum of is provided for the Tamil
Rs.100 crores is allocated for the Development Department in the
State Balanced Growth Fund Revised Budget Estimates 2016-
(SBGF) to reduce socio-economic 2017.
imbalances in 105 backward blocks
through flexible programmes. ROAD SAFETY

The Special Area An amount of Rs.165 crores

Development Programme will be has been provided for the Road
implemented with an allocation of Safety Fund in this Revised Budget
Rs.75 crores during 2016-2017. Estimates 2016-2017.

Under CRIDP, an amount of Under the Crime and Criminal

Rs.150 crores is earmarked for the Tracking Network System (CCTNS),
Road Safety Component to correct 1,482 Police Stations and 479
black spots in highly accident-prone higher offices throughout the State
areas. have been connected. Besides,
sanctioning Rs.22.14 crores from
LAW AND ORDER State funds for various components
including the addition of 938 special
A Naxalite Special Duty Wing units in the CCTNS.
in 10 border Districts has effectively
controlled the activities of Left Wing The Government will take up
Extremism. construction of 2,673 houses for
Police Personnel at a cost of Rs.422
500 fishermen youth were crores in the year 2016-2017.
appointed as Marine Home Guards
in 13 coastal Districts, which is a In the Revised Budget
first of its kind initiative in the Estimates 2016-2017, a sum of
Country. Rs.6,102.95 crores has been
allocated for the Police Department.
Buildings will be constructed
for the remaining 64 Police Stations, FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES
functioning in the private rental
buildings. A sum of Rs.230.07 crores
has been allocated to this
Under the Modernisation of Department in the Revised Budget
Police Force (MPF), Rs.50.10 crores 2016-2017.
has already been sanctioned
towards purchase of vehicles, PRISONS
equipment for security,
communication, surveillance, etc. In the Revised Budget 2016-
In the Revised Budget 2016-2017, 2017, a sum of Rs.282.92 crores
Rs.68.62 crores has been provided has been allocated for the Prisons
for MPF. Department.

ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE administration and accountability in

In the last five years, 223
new courts have been constituted, The process of establishing
new buildings at a cost of Rs.486.26 the State Resident Data Hub
crores have been constructed, and (SRDH) has been almost completed.
additional Judges and necessary It will facilitate rolling out of a
supporting staff have been biometric-Aadhaar enabled payment
sanctioned. system to disburse welfare benefits
to citizens.
Established Regional Centres
of State Judicial Academy at REVENUE ADMINISTRATION
Coimbatore and Madurai at a cost of
Rs.28.10 crores. The Government under the
Honble Chief Minister has created
Digitization of court records of 65 new Taluks and 9 new Revenue
the High Court of Madras is under Divisions in the past five years.
progress at a cost of Rs.9.43 crores.
The infrastructure of the
A sum of Rs.993.24 crores Revenue Department will be further
has been provided in the Revised improved by constructing buildings
Budget Estimates 2016-2017 for for 15 Taluk Offices and 5 Revenue
Administration of Justice. Divisional Offices and a new building
for Assistant Director, Survey
GOVERNANCE Department at Kancheepuram at a
total cost of Rs.51.57 crores.
The e-Sevai Centres are
offering more than 100 public The online patta transfer
services at present and the number system, originally piloted in select
of services will be scaled up to 300 Taluks, is now ready to be launched
during this year. throughout the State.

The proposed constitution of During the year 2016-2017,

Lokayukta will make a significant 3.50 lakh house site pattas will be
impact in ensuring clean given. The Government will adopt

an innovative approach, promote will be followed in 27.50 lakh acres

multi-storied buildings and issue and the Sustainable Sugarcane
joint pattas to the houseless Initiative (SSI) will be adopted in
families in areas, where land is 43,688 acres. Precision farming will
scarce and costly. The Rural be promoted in the cultivation of
Development Department will cotton and vegetables.
construct houses in such patta lands
by adopting flexible housing A new scheme will be
designs. launched for dry land farming,
focusing on improving the
In the last five years, under production and productivity of
the Chief Ministers Uzhavar millets, pulses and oilseeds.
Padhukappu Thittam, a sum of
Rs.3,039 crores was disbursed to Water conservation measures
37.67 lakh beneficiaries as will be taken up as an integral part
assistance under various schemes. of this scheme. Mixed farming will
For this scheme, an amount of be promoted in dry land areas by
Rs.206 crores has been allocated in supporting mini-dairy and poultry
the Revised Budget 2016-2017 units to supplement farm income.

A sum of Rs.5,686 crores has A special self-sufficiency Pulse

been allocated for the Revenue Production Programme will be
Department in the Revised Budget launched this year to bring 27.50
2016-2017. lakh acres of land under pulses
during 2016-2017, aiming for an
AGRICULTURE AND CO- overall production of 9.80 lakh
OPERATION metric tonnes.

The State Government has During 2016-2017,

fixed an ambitious food grain micro-irrigation will be adopted in
production target of 147 lakh metric 28,540 acres of agricultural crops
tonnes during 2016-2017. and in 86,707 acres of horticultural
crops at a total cost of Rs.319
During 2016-2017, the crores.
System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

Heavy duty machinery will be zones and in coconut plantations as

purchased and used by Agricultural a multi-tier crop.
Engineering Department and
purchase of farm machinery with a An amount of Rs.518.19
maximum subsidy of 50 per cent crores has been allocated in the
will be promoted among farmers. Revised Budget Estimates 2016-
2017 for the Department of
The rural youth will be Horticulture.
assisted to set up Agricultural
Machinery Custom Hiring Centres A sum of Rs.150 crores has
with 40 per cent subsidy. also been provided as revolving
fund to TANFED for ensuring timely
So far, 212 such Custom supply of fertilisers.
Hiring Centres have been
established at a cost of Rs.20.99 A special project for Supply
crores. During 2016-2017, another Chain Management of perishable
324 Custom Hiring Centres will be commodities like fruits and
established at a cost of Rs.32.45 vegetables in 10 Districts at a cost
crores. of Rs.398.75 crores is under
In the year 2016-2017, a
sum of Rs.100 crores has been Necessary amendments will
provided for promoting farm be brought in the Tamil Nadu
mechanisation. Agricultural Produce Marketing
(Regulation) Act, 1987, to improve
In the next five years, the the efficiency of agricultural
area under fruits and vegetables will markets.
be increased from the present level
of 13.85 lakh acres to 16.0 lakh A sum of Rs.239.51 crores
acres. has been provided for the year
2016-2017 as the States share in
the Revised Budget Estimates for
Cocoa, one of the most
the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima
potential commercial crops, will be
Yojana (PMFBY).
promoted in suitable agro-climatic

The State Government has During 2016-2017, 12,000

already waived the outstanding milch cows to 12,000 poor women
short-term crop loans, medium term and four lakh goats / sheep to one
(agriculture) and long term (farm lakh poor families will be
sector) loans issued to small and distributed. In the Revised Budget
marginal farmers by the Estimates 2016-2017, Rs.182.33
Co-operative Institutions as on crores has been allocated for
31.03.2016. implementing these schemes.

The tentative principle and An allocation of Rs.25 crores

interest outstanding due to be has been made in the Revised
waived has been assessed at Budget Estimates 2016-2017 for the
Rs.5,780.92 crores, which will be Fodder Development Scheme.
compensated with interest in five
years to Co-operatives. This will During 2016-2017, 100 sub-
benefit 8,35,360 small farmers and centres will be upgraded into
8,58,785 marginal farmers. veterinary dispensaries with
necessary building infrastructure. In
In the Revised Budget the Revised Budget 2016-2017, a
Estimates 2016-2017, an amount of sum of Rs.90.27 crores has been
Rs.1,680.73 crores has been provided to strengthen the
provided for Co-operative loan veterinary infrastructure with
waiver scheme. During 2016-2017, NABARD assistance.
the Co-operatives will extend fresh
crop loans to an extent of Rs.6,000 A sum of Rs.25 crores is
crores. allocated for the Poultry
Development Scheme to promote
ANIMAL HUSBANDRY broiler farms and native chicken
farms in dry areas and tribal areas.
Under the Distribution of
Milch Cows and Goats / Sheep, the For the Animal Husbandry
unit cost of milch cow will be Department, a sum of Rs.1,188.97
revised from Rs.30,000 to crores has been provided in the
Rs.35,000. Revised Budget 2016-2017 .

DAIRY DEVELOPMENT The Government is providing

30,000 Distress Alert Transmitters
In the past five years, several to fishermen at a cost of Rs.48
infrastructure developmental crores.
projects amounting to Rs.593.65
crores have been implemented in Steps have been initiated to
the Dairy Sector under various provide communication network
schemes. facilities and Very High Frequency
(VHF) equipment to all fishing crafts
A new product dairy will be at an estimated cost of Rs.62.14
established at a cost of Rs.45 crores crores with World Bank support.
at Madurai, to promote the Dairy
Sector in Southern Districts. Works related to establishing
four fish processing parks are under
In this Revised Budget progress in Thiruvallur, Thoothukudi
Estimates 2016-2017, an amount of and Kanniyakumari Districts.
Rs.121.69 crores has been provided
for the Dairy Sector. An amount of Rs.209.25
crores has been provided in this
FISHERIES Revised Budget for improving of fish
landing facilities. In the Revised
The relief assistance during Budget Estimates, Rs.743.79 crores
the lean fishing season and fishing has been allocated for Fisheries
ban period provided will be Department.
enhanced to Rs.5,000 per family.
In the Revised Budget Estimates ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS
2016-2017, a sum of Rs.223 crores
has been provided to implement The scheme of raising teak
various relief assistance schemes to and other plantations on canal
fisherfolk. banks, padugai lands and other
lands outside the forest will be
A sum of Rs.14.32 crores has implemented in Thanjavur,
been provided for 2016-2017 for Thiruvarur, Trichy, Madurai,
procuring new Tuna longliners. Dindigul, Theni, Sivagangai, and
Villupuram Districts, with an

allocation of Rs.52.64 crores over a animals will be enhanced and fixed

period of five years commencing on par with the State Disaster
from 2016-2017. Response Fund (SDRF) norms.

An expenditure of Rs.339.18 In the Revised Budget

crores has been incurred under the Estimates 2016-2017, an amount of
JICA assisted Tamil Nadu Rs.652.78 crores has been provided
Bio-diversity Conservation and for the Environment and Forest
Greening Project from 2011-2012 Department.
to 2015-2016 and Rs.109.51 crores
allocated for the current financial WATER RESOURCES AND

The ecological restoration and The State Government will

conservation of Pallikaranai wetland, embark on a State Mission for Water
and the eco-restoration works in Resource Management to restore
Madhavaram, Ambattur and water bodies and revive
Korattur lakes are under progress at Kudimaramath through user
a total cost of Rs.74.93 crores. communities.

The Government will take up A sum of Rs.100 crores is set

restoration works relating to all apart as incentive fund to revive
other water bodies in and around Kudimaramath, which will be
Chennai, in a phased manner, using enhanced substantially with
the funds available with the Tamil NABARD assistance in due course.
Nadu Pollution Control Board.
Flood prevention works like
A new scheme for widening the drainage channels and
Rejuvenation of Vaigai and Noyyal strengthening bunds and river
Rivers at a cost of Rs.24.58 crores banks will taken up in Cuddalore
will be launched. District at a cost of Rs.140 crores
with the financial assistance of
The compensation provided NABARD during 2016-2017.
for loss of life and damages to crops
and property due to attacks of wild

For vulnerable coastal The budgetary allocation for

Districts like Chennai, a the Water Resources Department in
Comprehensive Flood Protection the Revised Budget Estimates 2016-
Plan is being prepared, which will be 2017 is Rs.3,406.69 crores.
executed in a phased manner.
During the current financial
year, a sum of Rs.445.19 crores has During 2016-2017, widening
been provided for taking up projects of 1,000 km of roads and
relating to irrigation structures and improvement of 3,000 km of roads
flood control with NABARD will be taken up under the
assistance. Comprehensive Road Infrastructure
Development Programme (CRIDP).
The works have already A sum of Rs.2,800 crores has been
commenced in 66 dams in out of allocated in the Revised Budget
106 dams to be rehabilitated under Estimates 2016-2017 for this
the World Bank funded Dam scheme.
Rehabilitation and Improvement
Project. In this Revised Budget, Initial rectification and
Rs.258.46 crores has been allotted maintenance works on State
for this scheme. Highways and Major District Roads
have been taken up under the
In the first phase of the Asian Performance Based Maintenance
Development Bank assisted Climate Contract (PBMC) system in Pollachi,
Change Adaptation Programme, Krishnagiri, Ramanathapuram and
works have been taken up in the Thiruvallur Divisions. For 2016-
Vennar sub-basin at a cost of 2017, an amount of Rs.437 crores is
Rs.279 crores. earmarked under the CRIDP for
continuing this scheme.
The Phase-II of IAMWARM will
be taken up with the World Bank The Government will
assistance at an estimated cost of undertake strengthening of roads
Rs.2,950 crores to extend the and bridges at a cost of Rs.300
benefits to the uncovered sub- crores with NABARD assistance
basins. during 2016-2017.


proposed to complete 12 Road Over
Bridges and Road Under Bridges at Works relating to the
a cost of Rs.375.17 crores during computerization of the PDS
2016-2017. operations and integration of
Aadhaar numbers with the family
Flyover works have been card database at a cost of
undertaken at various sites Rs.318.40 crores is in progress. This
including Five Road Junction in will enable the issue of smart cards
Salem City at a cost of Rs.320 by 2016 and streamline the system
crores, AVR Roundtana and by plugging leakages.
Kuranguchavadi junctions at a
combined cost of Rs. 111.40 crores, ENERGY
Thiruvagoundanur junction at a cost
of Rs.26.77 crores and Athupalam In the last five years,
and Ukkadam junctions up to 8,432.50 MW additional power
Oppanakara Street in Coimbatore at generation has been added to the
a cost of Rs.121.82 crores. grid by the State and Central
Government agencies, through
In the next stage of Tamil long-term, medium-term Power
Nadu Road Sector Project-II, four Purchase Agreements and through
laning and strengthening of State Solar power purchases.
Highways for 30 km length of
Mettupalayam-Erode road, 70 km 13,000 MW of thermal power,
length of Oddanchatram-Tiruppur 2,500 MW of hydel power and 3,000
road and 46 km length of MW of solar energy will be added to
Tirunelveli-Kollam road will be the existing power generation
undertaken under capacity in the State in the next five
Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) at a years.
cost of Rs.1,541 crores.
An amount of Rs.1,738 crores
In the Revised Budget 2016- has been included for various works
2017, an amount of Rs.1,220.28 taken up under the JICA assisted
crores has been provided for this Tamil Nadu Transmission System
project. Improvement Project and kfW

assisted Green Energy Corridor as replacement for old vehicles in

Project in the Revised Budget 2016- 2016-2017.
Under the Senior Citizens
The announcement of free Bus Pass Scheme, so far 2.49 lakh
power up to 100 units to all 191 identity cards have been issued to
lakh domestic consumers will cause the senior citizens for free travel in
an additional commitment of Metropolitan Transport Corporation
Rs.1,607 crores every year to the buses.
State Government.
During 2016-2017, the
Free power to Handloom and Government has provided
Powerloom weavers has been Rs.505.35 crores as Student
enhanced to 200 units and 750 Concession Subsidy and Rs.200
units respectively. The power crores as Diesel Subsidy in the
subsidy has increased to Rs.9,007 Budget.
crores in the current financial year.
In the Revised Budget 2016-
An amount of Rs.2,000 crores 2017, an amount of Rs.1,295.08
has been provided in the Revised crores has been allocated to
Budget 2016-2017 for repayment of Transport Department.
TANGEDCOs debt takeover under
the Financial Restructuring Plan. TOURISM

In the Revised Budget Tourism circuits covering

Estimates, an amount of Rs.13,856 various themes like heritage
crores has been provided for the tourism, religious tourism, eco-
Energy Sector. tourism and health tourism will be
promoted and strengthened besides
TRANSPORT encouraging new tourism promotion
activities like heli-tourism, water
A sum of Rs.150 crores is sports activities, etc.
provided as share capital and
Rs.125 crores as loan assistance for
the purchase of 2,000 new vehicles


information centres will be set up in
World famous tourism destinations. Subsequent to the Global
Investors Meet 2015, M/s. Ford
An amount of Rs.53.20 crores Motors, USA is in the process of
is provided for the Asian establishing its Research &
Development Bank funded Development Centre at Chennai, the
Infrastructure Development first such global centre outside USA.
Investment Programme for Tourism
in the Revised Budget Estimates IT companies such as M/s.
2016-2017. Honeywell, M/s. HCL Technologies,
M/s. Zoho Corporation and M/s.
A sum of Rs.85.80 crores has Syntel are establishing their
been provided for Tourism facilities in Southern Tamil Nadu.
Department in the Revised Budget
Estimates 2016-2017. Under the scheme of
distribution of laptop computers free
HINDU RELIGIOUS AND of cost, 5.35 lakh students will be
CHARITABLE ENDOWMENTS provided with laptop computers
during 2016-2017.
The scheme of Annadhanam
being implemented in 724 temples A sum of Rs.890 crores is
in the State will be extended to provided for this scheme in the
another 30 temples during 2016- Revised Budget Estimate 2016-
2017. 2017.

Repair and renovation of 500 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT

village temples and 500 temples in
Adi-Dravidar and Tribal areas will be The Japan International Co-
taken up during the current financial operation Agency has also agreed to
year at a cost of Rs.10 crores. fund the second phase of the Tamil
Nadu Investment Promotion
Programme with an outlay of
Rs.1,560 crores to improve the
investment environment.

After the stupendous success plastic component manufacturing

of the Global Investors Meet in units.
Tamil Nadu held at Chennai in
September 2015, investments Approval has been granted for
totalling Rs.23,258 crores have an aerospace park in about 250
materialised and have generated acres in SIPCOT Industrial Park at
employment for 48,145 persons. Vallam Vadagal in Sriperumbudur
Taluk. This will accommodate
The Government is committed aerospace engineering, production
to conducting the Global Investors and maintenance of aerospace
Meet once every two years and the components, repair and overhauling
next meet is due in 2017. facilities for Avionics.

The Madurai-Thoothukudi In the Revised Budget

Industrial Corridor project will help Estimates 2016-2017, Rs.2,104.49
to bring an investment of about crores has been allocated to the
Rs.25,000 crores with an Industries Department.
employment potential for one lakh
The Government is in the
process of developing Ponneri Out of 10,073 Memoranda of
Industrial Node as a National Understanding signed during Global
Investment and Manufacturing Zone Investors Meet, 3,029 cases worth
(NIMZ) under the Chennai- of Rs.2,599.93 crores investments
Bengaluru Industrial Corridor have materialised so far.
For the year 2016-2017,
TIDCO in association with the Rs.12 crores and Rs.60 crores have
SIPCOT, is establishing a Polymer been allocated for interest
Industries Park in about 306 acres subvention and infrastructure
of land in Ponneri Taluk of support respectively.
Thiruvallur District at a total cost of
Rs.294 crores to accommodate A sum of Rs.15 crores is
about 84 medium and small scale earmarked to fund the programme

in flood affected areas of Chennai Scheme respectively have been

under the Unemployed Youth included in this Revised Budget.
Employment Generation
Programme (UYEGP). During 2016- A sum of Rs.1,129.74 crores
2017, a sum of Rs.30 crores is has been provided for the
provided under UYEGP. Handlooms and Textiles Sector and
Rs.174.27 crores has been provided
The New Entrepreneurship- for Handicrafts and Khadi Sector in
cum-Enterprise Development the Revised Budget.
Scheme will be extended to major
educational institutions for RURAL DEVELOPMENT
executing Start-up Action Plan
activities at a cost of one crore The THAI scheme will be
rupees to create a vibrant start-up continued to upgrade the basic
ecosystem in Tamil Nadu. amenities by dovetailing the
resources available under the State
An amount of Rs.100 crores Finance Commission grants.
has been allocated for NEEDS in this
Revised Budget 2016-2017. The State has secured an
award for Exhibition of Best
An amount of Rs.348.22 Practices under the MGNREGS for
crores has been allocated to the the year 2015-2016 also.
Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Department in the In the Revised Budget
Revised Budget Estimates 2016- Estimates 2016-2017, Rs.7,155
2017. crores has been allocated for
TEXTILES AND KHADI The Comprehensive School
Infrastructure Development
An amount of Rs.487.45 Scheme will be continued with an
crores and Rs.78.45 crores for Free amount of Rs.100 crores during
Distribution of Dhoties and Sarees 2016-2017.
Scheme and Rebate Subsidy

The Tamil Nadu Rural Roads crores for CMCDM in the Revised
Improvement Scheme launched Budget Estimates for the works
during 2015-2016 to take up works including spill over works.
relating to improvement of road
infrastructure, will be continued Chennai and Coimbatore cities
during 2016-2017 by dovetailing have already been selected under
funds from various schemes. the Smart Cities Programme, and
will get a fund of Rs.100 crores per
Improvement of 573 roads city each year for five years from
and 22 bridges will be taken up the Government of India with an
under the PMGSY Phase-X in the equal States share.
current year at a total cost of
Rs.758.44 crores. Under the Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and Urban
Under the MLACDS, a sum of Transformation (AMRUT), projects
Rs.470 crores has been earmarked worth Rs.3,834.49 crores are being
for the year 2016-2017. proposed for implementation during
The budgetary allocation for
rural development has been In this Revised Budget 2016-
enhanced to Rs.21,186.58 crores in 2017, a sum of Rs.400 crores has
the Revised Budget Estimates 2016- been provided for Smart Cities
2017. Programme and Rs.500 crores for
AMRUT scheme.
Under the Tamil Nadu
The Integrated Urban Sustainable Urban Development
Development Mission (IUDM) and Programme, 13 projects have been
Chennai Mega City Development taken up in 8 Urban Local Bodies
Mission (CMCDM) schemes will be (ULBs) at a cost of Rs.2,212.89
continued with an amount of Rs.500 crores.
crores each by dovetailing of funds.
In this Revised Budget
An amount of Rs.886 crores is Estimates 2016-2017, a sum of
provided for IUDM and Rs.800

Rs.399.39 crores has been allocated Rs.1.70 lakh per house, including
TNSUDP. the roofing cost of Rs.50,000
provided by the State Government.
Twenty underground sewerage
schemes at an estimated cost of Under PMAY (Rural) scheme,
Rs.1,017.09 crores, to benefit a the Government would construct
population of 14.41 lakh, are under totally 1,77,619 houses in rural
various stages of progress. areas at a total cost of Rs.3,095.62
crores in 2016-2017 itself, of which
In this Revised Budget Rs.1,908.47 crores will be the
Estimates 2016-2017, totally a sum States share.
of Rs.11,820 crores has been
allocated for Municipal Under the Chief Ministers
Administration Department. Solar Powered Green House
Scheme, 20,000 houses will be
HOUSING FOR THE POOR constructed during 2016-2017 at a
cost of Rs.420 crores.
With an aim to create hut-free
villages and slum-free cities in the In the last five years, Tamil
State, the Government will Nadu Slum Clearance Board has
construct ten lakh houses in the constructed 59,023 tenements at a
next five years in the State under cost of Rs.2,753.42 crores. Another
various schemes. 10,537 tenements are under
construction. TNSCB will construct
Under the Pradhan Mantri 23,476 houses during 2016-2017
Awaas Yojana (PMAY) (Rural) the for which approval has already been
Government of India has allotted given.
45,788 houses as special allocation
for flood areas at a unit cost of The State Government will
Rs.70,000 and 1,31,831 houses as also constitute Shelter Fund,
regular allotment at a unit cost of dedicated to finance housing
Rs.1.20 lakh. projects to rehabilitate the urban
In order to have uniformity,
the unit cost for all the houses to

In the Revised Budget 2016- At present, integrated Solid

2017, an allocation of Rs.689 crores Waste Management projects are
has been made for the Housing for under implementation in 402 Urban
All scheme. Local Bodies at a cost of Rs.833.22
NADU A sum of Rs.200 crores has
been allocated for the Swachh
Under the Swacch Bharat Bharat Mission (Urban). A sum of
Mission (Gramin) in 2016-2017, Rs.100 crores has been provided for
7.66 lakh household toilets and 50 the Solid Waste Management Fund
public sanitary complexes will be under the State devolution grants
taken up in the State. for the year 2016-2017.

In the last two years, WATER SUPPLY

Integrated Solid Waste Management
has been taken up in 9,000 village For Chennai City, preliminary
panchayats through convergence works are underway to establish a
with MGNREGS. 400 MLD desalination plant at Perur
in South Chennai at a cost of
For collection, segregation Rs.3,227.84 crores and another 150
and disposal of waste, currently MLD desalination plant at Nemmeli
52,998 Thooimai Kaavalars are at a cost of Rs.1,258.88 crores with
being engaged in these villages and the financial assistance of JICA and
have been provided with 22,704 tri- KfW respectively.
Completion of ongoing new
In 2016-2017, the remaining reservoir project at Thervai Kandigai
3,524 Village Panchayats will be in Thiruvallur District and major
taken up under this scheme. A sum renovation works taken up in four
of Rs.150 crores is provided for lakes, namely, Cholavaram,
Solid Waste Management under the Nemam, Porur and Ayanambakkam
State devolution grants. will enhance the combined drinking
water storage capacity for Chennai

from the existing 1,474 million cubic Rural Local Bodies and Urban Local
ft to 2,542 million cubic ft. Bodies respectively for 2016-2017.

In this Revised Budget 2016- Under the 14th Finance

2017, Rs.405.19 crores for National Commission, local bodies in the
Rural Drinking Water Programme, State will receive Rs.2,406.14
Rs.186.35 crores for Minimum crores as General Basic Grants and
Needs Programme and Rs.450 Rs.494.99 crores as General
crores for water supply schemes Performance Grants during the
with NABARD assistance have been current financial year.
Totally, Local Bodies in the
Works relating to eleven State will receive a total amount of
major Combined Water Supply Rs.11,514.34 crores as Finance
Schemes (CWSS) are in progress at Commissions grants in 2016-2017,
an estimated cost of Rs.2,888.26 which will be Rs.2,163.24 crores
crores. In addition, 18 CWSS at a higher compared to the last year.
cost of Rs.644.01 crores are also at
preliminary stages of LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS
Considering the importance of
22 stand alone urban water women empowerment, the
supply improvement schemes at a reservation for women has been
cost of Rs.480.76 crores are at enhanced in local body posts to 50
various stages of progress. During per cent.
2016-2017, four stand alone urban
water supply improvement schemes An amount of Rs.183.24
will be taken up at a cost of crores has been provided in the
Rs.373.82 crores. Revised Budget Estimates 2016-
2017 for conducting Local Body

A sum of Rs.4,995.66 crores

and Rs.3,617.55 crores have been
provided as devolutionary grants to

CHENNAI METRO RAIL PROJECT National Health Mission for the

year 2016-2017, to take up projects
The passenger services in the including establishment of new
remaining elevated stretches from Maternal and Child Health Wings at
Little Mount to Airport and from Cuddalore and Tiruppur at a cost of
Alandur to St. Thomas Mount will Rs.20 crores each; strengthening of
commence shortly. The passenger existing trauma care units at
services in the first underground Tambaram, Krishnagiri and
stretch will also commence by the Villupuram at a cost of Rs.10 crores
end of this year. each.

Approval for the extension of Under the JICA assisted Tamil

Corridor-I of Chennai Metro Rail Nadu Urban Health Care Project, 10
from Washermenpet to Government Medical College
Thiruvottriyur/Wimco Nagar at an Hospitals, seven District
estimate of Rs.3,770 crores has Headquarters Hospitals and four
been obtained. This project has other Government Hospitals would
been included in the rolling plan for be strengthened with world class
JICA assistance. diagnostic equipment and
The proposal for Phase-II of
the Metro Rail covering two more The States performance in
corridors for a stretch of 104.50 km the Deceased Organ Transplant
will be expedited. Programme has received National
accolades and Tamil Nadu has won
HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE the Best State Award in the
Country. So far, 2,652 major
The State Government will organs have been harvested from
establish 37 new Primary Health 828 donors and used for patients.
Centres (PHCs) and upgrade 24
existing PHCs into 30 bedded PHCs Under the Chief Ministers
during 2016-2017. Comprehensive Health Insurance
Scheme so far, about 15.41 lakh
An amount of Rs.1,423.38 patients have availed treatment
crores is allocated under the costing Rs.3,192 crores and

Government Hospitals have earned primary level, 1:26 at secondary

about Rs.1,138 crores. This scheme level and 1:37 at higher secondary
will be continued with a budgetary level as against the National norm
allocation of Rs.928 crores in the of 1:30, 1:35, 1:40 and 1:45
Revised Budget 2016-2017. respectively.

Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy In the last five years, 4,339

Maternity Benefit Scheme, has units of toilets will be provided in
benefited 34.57 lakh pregnant the year 2016-2017 in elementary
women since May 2011 at a cost of and high schools at a cost of
Rs.3,239 crores. In the Revised Rs.59.25 crores.
Budget 2016-2017, Rs.668 crores
has been allocated for this scheme. For maintenance of clean
toilets in all schools, during 2015-
The Menstrual Hygiene 2016 funds amounting to Rs.57.63
Programme will be continued with crores provided through local bodies
an annual budgetary allocation of exclusively for this purpose.
Rs.61 crores.
For infrastructure
The Government will continue improvement in schools like
its innovative welfare schemes of classrooms, toilets and drinking
Amma Baby Care Kit, Amma water facilities with NABARD
Magapperu Sanjeevi and Amma assistance, an amount of Rs.333.61
Arogiya Thittam. crores has been provided in this
Revised Budget Estimates.
In this Revised Budget
Estimates, Rs.9,073 crores has been Under the Right of Children to
allocated to the Health Department. Free and Compulsory Education Act
2,31,404 children has been
SCHOOL EDUCATION benefited so far. During the current
year, 86,199 children have been
The teacher-pupil ratio in admitted in private schools and a
Government schools has sum of Rs.125.70 crores has been
consistently improved to 1:25 at provided in the Revised Budget
primary level, 1:24 at upper Estimates for this purpose.

The Government of India's In the Revised Budget 2016-

share of Rs.847.58 crores due for 2017, a total amount of Rs.24,130
the year 2015-2016 is yet to be crores has been allocated for School
received under Sarva Shiksha Education.
Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya
Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan HIGHER EDUCATION
The Gross Enrolment Ratio
In the Revised Budget (GER) in higher education has
Estimates 2016-2017, Rs.2,329.15 improved substantially to 44.80 per
crores under the SSA and cent; especially the number of girls
Rs.1,139.52 crores under the RMSA and Scheduled Caste students has
have been provided. increased respectively from
2,51,211 and 84,660 in 2010-2011
The Government will continue to 3,01,110 and 1,36,877 in 2015-
to provide laptop computers, free 2016.
textbooks, notebooks, educational
kits, four sets of uniform, footwear, The scheme of reimbursement
school bags, bus passes and of tuition fees to the first generation
bicycles, etc. In the Revised Budget students will be continued in 2016-
2016-2017, a sum of Rs.2,705 2017 with a budgetary allocation of
crores has been allocated for these Rs.582.58 crores.
For improvement of the
The Dropout Rate has reduced infrastructure facilities in colleges,
to 0.90 at primary level, 1.55 at Rs.233 crores has been allocated in
upper primary level and 3.76 at the Revised Budget Estimates 2016-
secondary level during 2015-2016. 2017.

In the Revised Budget The Government has also set

Estimates, Rs.381 crores has been apart Rs.357.12 crores in the
allocated for special cash incentive Revised Budget Estimates for
scheme. sanctioning grants to the
Universities, including Rs.152.97
crores to the Annamalai University.

In the Revised Budget Construction of buildings for

Estimates 2016-2017, Rs.3,679.01 81 hostels is in progress and for the
crores has been allocated for the balance 24 hostels functioning in
Higher Education Department. private rental buildings, the
Government will construct new
YOUTH WELFARE AND SPORTS hostel buildings at a total cost of
DEVELOPMENT Rs.27.48 crores.

Sanction has been accorded Idly cooker-cum-steam boilers

for a High Altitude Training Centre and washing machines will be
at Udhagamandalam at a cost of provided to all hostels in the next
Rs.5 crores. two years.

Revamping of Aquatic In the Revised Budget 2016-

Complex at Velachery, Chennai at a 2017, a sum of Rs.103.15 crores
cost of Rs.1.50 crores is under has been allocated for feeding
progress. charges and Rs.83.80 crores for
improving infrastructure facilities
A sum of Rs.153.39 crores and hostel maintenance.
has been allocated in this Revised
Budget Estimates 2016-2017 for A sum of Rs.55.11 crores has
sports and sport related activities. been allocated to provide incentives
to enrol girl children in schools
ADI-DRAVIDAR AND TRIBAL during 2016-2017.
The extension of the Post-
In the Revised Budget, Matric Scholarship scheme to all the
Rs.12,462 crores has been allocated Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
for the Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan, Tribe students studying in private
which is 20.56% of Annual Plan self-financing colleges has benefited
outlay and Rs.722 crores for the 7.76 lakh students during 2015-
Tribal Sub-Plan, which is 1.19% of 2016.
Annual Plan.
In the Revised Budget 2016-
2017, Rs.75.61 crores and

Rs.1,429.94 crores have been WELFARE OF BACKWARD

provided for pre-matric and CLASSES, MOST BACKWARD
post-matric scholarships CLASSES AND DENOTIFIED
respectively. COMMUNITIES

In the Revised Budget In the Revised Budget 2016-

Estimates, an amount of Rs.64.86 2017, an amount of Rs.21.40 crores
crores has been allocated for has been provided for pre-matric
distributing cycles free of cost to scholarships and Rs.186.56 crores
students belonging to these has been provided for post-matric
Communities. scholarships for the benefit of 6.96
lakh students from Backward
An amount of Rs.130 crores Classes, Most Backward Classes and
has been allocated under Special Denotified Communities.
Central Assistance (SCA) during the
year 2016-2017. Construction of buildings will
take up for the 36 hostels
Under Comprehensive Tribal functioning in private buildings at a
Development Programme, Rs.50 cost of Rs.76.96 crores during
crores has been allocated during 2016-2017.
Idly cooker-cum-steam boilers
Infrastructure in tribal schools run and washing machines will be
by the Forest Department will be provided to all the hostels in the
improved at a cost of Rs.12 crores next two years. A sum of Rs.70.64
with NABARD assistance. crores has been provided for food
charges during 2016-2017.
In this Revised Budget 2016-
2017, Rs.28.80 crores and Rs.7 An amount of Rs.168.04
crores have been allocated for the crores has been allocated for
development of particularly distributing cycles free of cost to
vulnerable tribes living in the State students of the Backward Classes,
and Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojana Most Backward Classes, Denotified
respectively. Communities and other

A sum of Rs.104.40 crores enhanced to eight grams under the

has been provided in the Revised Marriage Assistance Schemes. In
Budget for the 290 Kallar this Revised Budget, an amount of
Reclamation Schools functioning in Rs.703.16 crores has been provided
Madurai, Theni and Dindigul for all marriage assistance schemes.
Under the Puratchi Thalaivar
LABOUR WELFARE MGR Nutritious Meal Programme,
26.88 lakh children in the primary
Members of the Unorganised school, 28.17 lakh children in the
Workers Welfare Boards have been middle and high schools are being
provided with social security served with variety meals.
benefits to an extent of Rs.125.90
crores during 2015-2016. A sum of Rs.1,644.52 crores
has been provided for Nutritious
An amount of Rs.70 crores Meal Programme in this Revised
has been provided as grants to Budget.
Unorganised Workers Welfare
Boards in this Revised Budget. Under the Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS)
A sum of Rs.152.76 crores is scheme, supplementary nutrition
allotted for the Labour Welfare and nutritious meal are being
Department in the Revised Budget served to 17.63 lakh children in the
2016-2017. age group of 6 to 36 months and
13.97 lakh children in the age group
SOCIAL WELFARE of 2 to 5 years, 6.55 lakh pregnant
women and lactating mothers and
A sum of Rs.140.50 crores 4.02 lakh adolescent girls. A sum of
has been provided in the Revised Rs.1,699.79 crores has been
Budget 2016-2017 for the Girl Child provided for the ICDS scheme in the
Protection Scheme and the Cradle Revised Budget.
Baby Scheme.
In this Revised Budget, an
The gold for amount of Rs.3,820 crores has been
Thirumangalayam has been

provided for social security Under the Comprehensive

pensions. Health Insurance Scheme, for the
benefit of seven lakh pensioners, a
In this Revised Budget sum of Rs.129 crores has been
Estimates 2016-2017, totally a sum allocated for the premium amount
of Rs.4,512.32 crores has been in 2016-2017.
allocated for Social Welfare
Department. A sum of Rs.18,868 crores
has been provided for pensionary
WELFARE OF GOVERNMENT and other retirement benefits in the
EMPLOYEES AND PENSIONERS Revised Budget 2016-2017.

From 01.07.2016, the New WELFARE OF SRI LANKAN TAMIL

Health Insurance Scheme, 2016 to REFUGEES
provide healthcare assistance to the
Government employees and their In the Revised Budget
eligible family members for another Estimates 2016-2017, an amount of
four years is being implemented. Rs.105.98 crores has been allocated
for the welfare of Sri Lankan Tamil
The limit has been enhanced refugees.
to Rs.7.50 lakh in certain cases of
specified serious illnesses. For this WELFARE OF THE DIFFERENTLY
scheme, an amount of Rs.300 ABLED
crores has been provided in the
Revised Budget Estimates. For the benefit of children
with various disabilities, 435 Special
After the Union Government Schools are functioning in Tamil
accepts the recommendations of the Nadu.
Seventh Central Pay Commission in
all aspects, the State Government Early Intervention Centres
will constitute an Officials (EIC) has been established with
Committee to study it and qualified educators in 29 Districts
recommend on the appropriate pay for the hearing impaired and in 31
revisions in the State. Districts for the mentally retarded

During 2016-2017, 1,000 Taking into account the State

retrofitted petrol scooters will be Government's decision to close
distributed free of cost to both lower down 500 TASMAC shops, the
limb affected differently-abled Excise Duty collection for 2016-
persons. 2017 has been scaled down to
Rs.6,636.08 crores.
In the Revised Budget
Estimates 2016-2017, an amount of The receipts from Stamps fees
Rs.396.74 crores has been allocated and Registration charges has been
for the welfare of Differently Abled estimated to be Rs.9,858.17 crores,
persons. whereas the Taxes on Motor
Vehicles has been estimated to be
MINORITIES WELFARE Rs.4,793.91 crores in the Revised
Budget 2016-2017.
The Ulema pension will be
enhanced from Rs.1,000 to The overall State's Own Tax
Rs.1,500 per month. Revenue during the current financial
year has been estimated to be
RESOURCES FOR FINANCING Rs.90,691.87 crores in the Revised
THE BUDGET Budget 2016-2017.

The tax collections on The receipts under State's

petroleum products were stagnant Own Non-tax Revenue has been
in the last three years and have estimated at Rs.9,723.95 crores.
registered a negative growth during
2015-2016. Based on the Union Budget
2016-2017, the State's share in
The estimates for Commercial Central Taxes for the year 2016-
Taxes have been revised to 2017 has been reduced to
Rs.67,629.45 crores in the Revised Rs.23,018.12 crores.
Budget 2016-2017 as against the
Interim Budget Estimates of The Grants-in-Aid from the
Rs.72,326.45 crores. Government of India for 2016-2017
has been revised to Rs.24,741.15

FISCAL INDICATORS crores, which is 2.96 per cent of

GSDP, and is well below the limit
The Total Revenue Receipts prescribed by the Tamil Nadu Fiscal
for 2016-2017 has been estimated Responsibility Act, 2003.
at Rs.1,48,175.09 crores in the
Revised Budget Estimates as Since the Government of
against the Interim Budget India has revised the GSDP figures
Estimates of Rs.1,52,004.23 crores. as per the new 2011-2012 series,
the Net Borrowing Ceiling has got
Implementation of many new revised to Rs.41,085 crores in
schemes such as waiver of 2016-2017.
agricultural loans of small and
marginal farmers owed to the Co- The budgetary borrowings
operative Institutions and free have been estimated to be
power to domestic consumers up to Rs.40,529 crores in this Revised
100 units and continuance of Budget Estimates. The overall
various welfare schemes have outstanding borrowings of the State
increased the expenditure of the has been estimated to be
State. Rs.2,52,431 crores at the end of
this financial year.
During 2016-2017, in the
Revised Budget, the Revenue As per Revised Budget 2016-
Expenditure has been estimated to 2017, the outstanding Debt to GSDP
be Rs.1,64,029.56 crores as against ratio will be 18.43 per cent of GSDP.
the Rs.1,61,159.01 crores in the
Interim Budget Estimates.

The Revenue Deficit for the

ongoing financial year has been
estimated to be Rs.15,854.47

In the Revised Budget 2016-

2017, the Fiscal Deficit has been
estimated to be Rs.40,533.84

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