Budget Highlights
Budget Highlights
Budget Highlights
The Tamil Nadu Rural Roads crores for CMCDM in the Revised
Improvement Scheme launched Budget Estimates for the works
during 2015-2016 to take up works including spill over works.
relating to improvement of road
infrastructure, will be continued Chennai and Coimbatore cities
during 2016-2017 by dovetailing have already been selected under
funds from various schemes. the Smart Cities Programme, and
will get a fund of Rs.100 crores per
Improvement of 573 roads city each year for five years from
and 22 bridges will be taken up the Government of India with an
under the PMGSY Phase-X in the equal States share.
current year at a total cost of
Rs.758.44 crores. Under the Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and Urban
Under the MLACDS, a sum of Transformation (AMRUT), projects
Rs.470 crores has been earmarked worth Rs.3,834.49 crores are being
for the year 2016-2017. proposed for implementation during
The budgetary allocation for
rural development has been In this Revised Budget 2016-
enhanced to Rs.21,186.58 crores in 2017, a sum of Rs.400 crores has
the Revised Budget Estimates 2016- been provided for Smart Cities
2017. Programme and Rs.500 crores for
AMRUT scheme.
Under the Tamil Nadu
The Integrated Urban Sustainable Urban Development
Development Mission (IUDM) and Programme, 13 projects have been
Chennai Mega City Development taken up in 8 Urban Local Bodies
Mission (CMCDM) schemes will be (ULBs) at a cost of Rs.2,212.89
continued with an amount of Rs.500 crores.
crores each by dovetailing of funds.
In this Revised Budget
An amount of Rs.886 crores is Estimates 2016-2017, a sum of
provided for IUDM and Rs.800
Rs.399.39 crores has been allocated Rs.1.70 lakh per house, including
TNSUDP. the roofing cost of Rs.50,000
provided by the State Government.
Twenty underground sewerage
schemes at an estimated cost of Under PMAY (Rural) scheme,
Rs.1,017.09 crores, to benefit a the Government would construct
population of 14.41 lakh, are under totally 1,77,619 houses in rural
various stages of progress. areas at a total cost of Rs.3,095.62
crores in 2016-2017 itself, of which
In this Revised Budget Rs.1,908.47 crores will be the
Estimates 2016-2017, totally a sum States share.
of Rs.11,820 crores has been
allocated for Municipal Under the Chief Ministers
Administration Department. Solar Powered Green House
Scheme, 20,000 houses will be
HOUSING FOR THE POOR constructed during 2016-2017 at a
cost of Rs.420 crores.
With an aim to create hut-free
villages and slum-free cities in the In the last five years, Tamil
State, the Government will Nadu Slum Clearance Board has
construct ten lakh houses in the constructed 59,023 tenements at a
next five years in the State under cost of Rs.2,753.42 crores. Another
various schemes. 10,537 tenements are under
construction. TNSCB will construct
Under the Pradhan Mantri 23,476 houses during 2016-2017
Awaas Yojana (PMAY) (Rural) the for which approval has already been
Government of India has allotted given.
45,788 houses as special allocation
for flood areas at a unit cost of The State Government will
Rs.70,000 and 1,31,831 houses as also constitute Shelter Fund,
regular allotment at a unit cost of dedicated to finance housing
Rs.1.20 lakh. projects to rehabilitate the urban
In order to have uniformity,
the unit cost for all the houses to
from the existing 1,474 million cubic Rural Local Bodies and Urban Local
ft to 2,542 million cubic ft. Bodies respectively for 2016-2017.