Indicaciones de La Técnica de Weil PDF
Indicaciones de La Técnica de Weil PDF
Indicaciones de La Técnica de Weil PDF
considerations including length patterns, transverse plane proximal interphalangeal joint contracture and a floppy
deformities, subluxations, and intractable plantar skin toe. The relaxed tension of the plantar fascial insertion at
lesions sometime merit the osteotomy to be preformed on the base of the proximal phalangeal base may produce a
the third and fourth metatarsal. floating toe. Long or prominent plantar fixation can also
Possible complications of the Weil osteotomy include cause postoperative pain and stiffness and needs to be
a dorsiflexed, nonpurchasing toe, pain on MTP joint removed once the osteotomy is healed.
dorsiflexion, reduced MTP joint range of motion,
Figure 1. Preoperative and postoperative view of a Figure 2. Preoperative and postoperative view of a
long second metatarasal. shortened first ray.
Figure 3. Preoperative and postoperative view of Figure 4. Preoperative and postoperative view of
hallux varus. hallux abducto valgus with second ray adductus.
dorsiflexed toe that is released may benefit from a 0.045 extensor tendon is lengthened in a Z-plasty fashion as are
K-wire across the MTP joint for 4 to 6 weeks. In milder all of the soft tissues that are dorsally contracted with the
cases, splinting or a Betadine splint is useful for the initial sequential release. A K-wire can be carefully passed across
three weeks. The patient should initiate rigorous sagittal the reconstructed metatarsophalangeal joint to either side
plane exercises once early bone healing has occurred. of the screw when necessary. These measures greatly
The most common reported complication is the decrease the incidence of a nonpurchasing toe.
floating toe. One theory suggests the Weil osteotomy Significantly unstable, dorsiflexed toes will require a
changes the center of rotation of the MTP joint. The concomitant flexor tendon transfer.
interosseous muscles then act more as dorsiflexors than The Weil osteotomy is an effective and safe procedure
plantarflexors contributing to a nonpurchasing toe. I for the treatment of plantar, central metatarsal symptoms
usually will perform a proximal interphalangeal joint caused by a relatively long metatarsal. Complications can be
arthrodesis in concert with a Weil osteotomy when controlled with a judicious amount of shortening of
indicated. I strive to avoid excessively shortening the toe the metatarsal while avoiding plantar depression of the
while performing the arthrodesis to preserve the stronger capital fragment. Ancillary procedures directed at correcting
plantarflexory lever arm associated with an arthrodesis. coexistent pathology must be considered in compound
The arthrodesis should be mildly flexed by bending the deformities.
K-wire after it is inserted into the toe. In addition, the long