Becket 1964
Becket 1964
Becket 1964
This is d book dbout the 1964 season dt Cdmp Becket. Between the covers you cdn find
pictures dnd comments about the things which hdppened durin g the sixty-second summer
spent in this specia l pldce .
However, in the memories of each of us must lie the deeper significance of Becket ...
its reason for being . . . and how it helped us to be come better children of God because
we shared experiences that are now a part of us.
Our 19 64 book is ded icdted to the idea ls of this great camp dnd to those who envisioned
w hat it could mean to have been together in a world o f such beauty .
Don Shellenberger
Blessed Me they who run oround in circles, for they shc,11be cdlled big w hee ls.
Without the worries of d cdbin to occupy their time, they VdCdtioned dt lovely Cdmp Becket,
omusing themselves with crdfts, light housekeeping, Cdmping, bird-wdtching, dnd music.
The President of the Becket Transportc,tion Company In July he bugled us dwake dnd bugled us to sleep.
The noble young men of the Pdlm Room Their motto Check w,th D,c~
- ~t,~
They supplied the power : pdncdkes, mdshed potdtoes, bl ue berry pies ' rodsl ldmb.
The Ch,ef
Tombugled us in August Or WdSthdt a trombone?
c-- cJ
~ ,;
Mr. and Mrs . Treibe r stop al the B. 0. Dee Triouleyre hduls out his trun k
Over 100 Ddd's dte 36 dozen eggs for bredkfdst dnd mdde d grdnd totd l of over 400 trips up
dnd down Gibson Hdl l pdth .
\!' , ."
He 1Mketh me to lie d own in green p asture s; He leadeth me beside the sti ll Wdters .
All morning the Rdnger Bdll Field wdS humming.
It is more fun to throw water on some people than on others .
'" ~
J ... not to mention tethecb,11, looc-squace, ping pong, d,ns, miniatu,e hock,
,ind bunk riding.
The ob1cct of this gdrncis to hit the b.,11ocross the net. Huh?
,7. I.
_, '
The Duck d emonstrdtes the difficult bdck-kick shot.
Once: you le:,Hn to rig your bo d1 .
'Be lieve me, my yo ung frie nd, there is nothin9 - <1bsolut ely no thin g-
hdlf so worth doing dS simple messing \"lbou1 in boo ts."
Onci dd July
left to righl: J. Keb<lbidn,S. \'Vdsserm<ln,R. Go rmbly, R. Ouinn,
R.Beck, D. Billings, dbsent from picture F. Schneider
Counselor: Scou Ridw ds, O berlin '68
Cdbin Motto:
Cdbin r\wdrds : Edgle fedther for renovdtion of counci l ring
Fdvorite Expressions: Thdt's gusty!
Give me no grief.
O neid ,1 August
M . Kdlpdkis
first row: R. Gutler, A. 810, F. Schneider J K b b
secon d row: M. Ensslln, C. Merrill 1 S R'i h. de
c <Jr s, aper,
Counselo,: Scott Richdrd s, Oberlin '68
(dbin Motto: Shdpe out or ship up
Cdbtn Awdrds: Honor pldque
Fdvorlte Expressions: I'm going to hunt fro s
Where's the store Cd;d?
Cayuga July
first row: t' t o1wless,Spor!SC<lrLavoie
second row M Munson, M. r,r.,ft, B J.,cbon, 5. Aditms, A Estode
Counselor Hr11:nt Jdcbon, Tufts, 64 (OSP.Q04)
Cc1b1nMotto Do your best
C,bm Awards: Winner al 1h11: Vdldqe SNtrn meet, tJ,iture Trophy,
dnd an eagle fe6ther /or rrbuddin9 Abn<lh c6mpfir,: sit,:
Fdvor!le l)(pressions f3y,:cr"c~y
A Sdldm1," bolognc, d hom sandwich
first row: J. Stephenson, J. Hdllock, S. Johnson, B. Bruce
second row- 8. Dc1v1s,8. )dckson1 8. V,1n Tuyl
Counselor Brent Jc1ckson,Tufts, 64 (OSR-004)
(dbin Motto: Keep your elbows to yourself
Fdvorite Express,ons
Mo hdwk July
first row: K. Leeds, D. Irons, L Nichols
second row: N . Ch<1dwick, S. Billings, P. Lozier, C. Hdrvey,
R. Mdrsilid, A. Ebr<1him
Counselor: Abdul Ebrdhim, Y<1le"6~
C<1bin Motto: Pldy the Gdme
Cobin AwMds: Honor olrlque for cwo week\, N<1ture trophy,
dnd wi nn er o f lhe ndture Scdvenger Hunt, edgle fedther for
work on villdge sncike pit.
Fdvorite Expressions: Thdt s my n<1me1 wdnt my dddress?
Good show.
Mohdwk August
foe July
first row: J . Pretat, 8. Page
Cdbm Motto : The 9redl person is on"" who helps the others.
(dbm AwMds: Second pldce in the villc19e in the "Is He Dizzy"
re:ldy of the Ol ympics
rdVOrite Expressions: How chief!
Let's do itl
Erie August
f1rslrow: E. Soper, S. Addms, 8. Sedger, P Mdnn
second row: S. Oswd ld, K. Schenke l, M . Zei del, Chip Kennd,
Chuck lJownton ~/ V
Counselor C huck Downton, University of N orth Cdrolind, "66
Cdbin Mono: Do your best
C bin Awdrds: First pldce m the Vtlldge skits.
Fdvome Expressions: Gonnd bed redtly big shew to night.
l-.!_fc __
V .,,/ - -11:
0 Whdt did the grdpe Sdy when the el eph dn( stepped on il?
A. Nothing . It 1ust gdve d little wine. ~ ,,
TuscdrOrd July
first row: N . Schu ller, L. Doy, P. Hinmdn, G. Schon
c~~~ ~elitP;~ 'Ri~h~i~ds~o~:~1T~,R :ls ~~1R-6o?~)nsbo ro
(dbin M otto: Wh o's the best cdbin? Tumnordl
(dbin Awards: H onor pldque, first pldce in Villdge in Olympics,
ed9le feather for work on Villdge snc,ke pit.
fdvori te E)(pressions:
TusCdrord August
first rodw: M. Blegg, M. Roberts, S. Gainsboro
secon row: . Cooper A. Bender 1 S K I 0
Cobu_nseMlor:Pete Pichdrds, Oberlin, '65 c0SR-~of~d),E"b "h d B
d 1n alto: , er ar t arr
(dbin Awdrds:S.econd pldce in l~ Sc1venger Hunt,
first pldce in Vdldge Bible Star c
favorite Expressions: Oh, boyl Y Onlest
Aw, gee, do I hdfta?
- ,A ....
Ononddgcl Ju ly
left to right : D. Love, A. Wood , R. Block, R, Michciels,
M. Mrornw, J. Nissenbdum, S. Go ddMd, S. Blcick
Coun selor : Emory Whitdker, Ddvidson, '61 (OSR-001 1 )
C.,bin Motto : The Friendly Cdbin .
C., bin Awcirds : Second plcice in the Vtlloge in Olympics,
edgle ledther for building d Vesper ~ite.
fdvoritc Expressions : The water 1s loo coldJ
Be quiet l
Se necd Ju ly
lefl to right : T. H ibbdrd, S. Cud lizt, C. deWitt, R. Leon hdrdt,
A. Wood, J . Rosenthdl, J . Ros nick
Counselor : Russ Redmond, University of North Cdro lin<i, '67
(OS R-009)
(dbin Motto : Justice for .,11,dll (or 1ustice:.
~~~~t~~~r~!~i;~~~eJ~d~;;t f~;r~cf~idi~tt:r .Vesper site:.
Let's climb o tre:e:.
\' - -- ~ ..
5dme to youl
S\~J'ols~ b. Resnick, J. Go dddrd
first row : F. Moore, S. Lyons, M . Cu rtis
second row : A. Sorensen, S. Hdllett
third row: W . Mdrtin, P. Sto ne
Counselor : Preston Stone, St. Andr ews, '6 4, Wdyne M.,rt1n
Cdbin M o tto: Hurry up.
Cdbin Awdrds : Secon d dnd third in Olympics .
Fdvonte Expressions: Don't spldsh Wdter in the Wdr Cdnoe.
Cldrk August
first row ; F. Mo ore, L Pleiffer, H. rount<'lin, P. Stone
second row: J. Bosler, C. deW1t11 C Budley, obsent ( Ne,d
Counselor; Preston Stone, St Andrews '64
Cdbm Mott o: Help the other fellow '
(dbin Awd 1ds
r ova, t E,pressi ons
Steve Lombdrdo, Un1ve:rs1tyof Kentucky Med1cdl School
Cody Au9ust
first row: R. Bermdn, B. Weiss, M. HdmS
second row: J. K1lchener, J. Robertson, G Schon
w,ndows: A. Schne1der 1 J. Treiber
Counselor J4mes Robertson, Col9dte Univermy, '67
C.,bm Motto
C4bm Awdrds Won Blueberry Pick for the Villd9e
Favonte E)(pre rnons Treiber, tdke 75 push-upsl
Jim gave me orders to tell you to sh4pe
Custer July
lefl to right B. Leeds, M . Henders o n, D. Sh e llenberger
A. Kirschbdum, ll Bolding, D. Legg, T. Feitel, D. Tucker '
Counselor: Bill Bolding, Un ivers1tY of 0 1,-ldhomd , 67
Cdbin Mon o
Cdbtn Awdrds : First in the: Vdldge tn the O lympics , winner
o f the Shon -Story Co ntest
F,wor1te Expressions: Dern m1ddlebuster
Custer Auqust
ftr$! row C Pdttdvtnd, I) Shvll,n bP19t>:r(dnd friend ), J) l eqg,
P I lornv
Sl!Cond row /\_ Y1rKhbd11m, )' 11,Jrdy, A. Wood 0
(01ms"lor /\l,m B1nl-Prd, UmvPrsuy o f Ar110nd (J8
Cdbtn Moua f fJlunb11s Unum '
(db1n / /,Jfd~ VJ/on Viii J" d It 111yht
fd11011t ,r,rv~~ori~ I !Py, Joo!- you quy~, no clotlws hurtPr
Boone Ju ly
first row: L. Lopez, D. Addnis, S. Drosse l, B. Gled hill
second row D. D<'lnn,8. Stdples, P Sp rin ge r
Counselor Sdm Mdthcny, University of Kentucky Med1cdl
:t:~ ~::~dsu,i~~n;;c
squ cHc court
;rtd~ir 1dd;; ~:1~n~~ h~ ! , bu ,lt four
Boone: August
first row : B. Goul d , J. Pret dt, R. Russell, S. Dressel
second row : J. Brooke, D. Addms, L. Lope:z
Counselor : 5dm Mdtheny, University of Kentucky Med,cdl
Cdbi n Motto : United we Stdnd divided we fdll.
Cd bin Awdrds : Winner o f Ndt ure Trop hy, dnd Ndt ure Scdven-
gcr Hun t.
Fdvoritc Expressio ns: Why ?
Crocket July
le:ltto right. J. G,Hnsboro, D. Legere, P Zdnd,m, G. And rews,
R. Ldvoie:, S. Pdrsons, D. Lambeit, M . Sincldir
Counselor: 0dvid Ldmbe:rt, University of Vermont, '67
Cdb1n Motto : Luxemburg luckies
Cdb in AwMds: Constructed the tet he.r-bdll court.
FdvOr1te:Expressions: 0 . Whdt would you do tf you were
surrounded by 36 horses, 26 drdg
ons, 16 c.imels, dnd 6 dogs?
A. Get off the merry-go-ro und.
,. _
Crocket August
first row: B. Fogwell N Ddvids, T. Feite:I, D. L.,mbe:rt,
G. Emerson '
second ro w: A. Schr,mk, J. Gainsboro, J. Rhinehan
~~b~:t~;t~:"Llin;d ~e~~s~ ~h~:rsity
:T... of Vermont, "67
f,:~~n ~::;~s: SeCond plac;e ,n Md1wy Ody, tie: for first m
Favorite Eicpressions Ddvy Crewcut
C.uson July
lelt t o right. D. K1rkpd lr ick, S. Dexter, J. Vdn Buskirk,J . Wi,rd,
D. Smirsky, 13. Buck, B. Jord<rn
se:cond row : M . Kdfdtos, A. Binke:,d
~jj f~d/~:;h
~ dnd A l Binkerd CIT
C., bin Awdrds : Hono r pldQue: fow t imes, mdde: Longhorn
s19n for thei r Cdbm.
i:dvorite Expressions : Good 9r1efl -
Don 't be spastic eldst1c!
' \
- ---.- /"
111 '
Cd rson August
first raw : J . Zucker, B. Buck, S. Dexter, D. Legere
second row : G. Boyce, J . Ensslin, D. Swirsky, Mmds KdfdtOS
Counselor . Mm ds Kdfdtos, Cornell, '66
Cdbin Motto : N o t scre:dming dt or fighting with the othe r
fellow .
Cdbin Awd rds: Honor pldque five t i mes
Fdvorite Expressions : 0 . ~h~~ch~u ever seen dn elephdnt in
A . No
0 . Thdt's becduse they hide so well
tt'\;:; J_u3tlbe:rt, J . Sc hon, D. H,991ns, B. Boue:r
se:cond row : J . Pe:tri, J. Hdye:s, C. Wh.nton, C. l,nhrol?
Counse:lor : Bill Rdwlings, Unive:rsitY of Puge:t Sound, 6S
W ithe,ichne:wd,iywe: /,ice:the:te:st,
We: give: 10 oll our very best,
Le:wis August
first row : R. Miller , B. Linsky, A . Wood (on B. R,iwlings ),
M . Coh e:n, J. Pdle:y
se:cond row: R. Husbdnd, T. Moore:, C. Ldthrop
Counse:Jor : BiJJRdwlings, University o f Puge:t Soun d , '65
Cdb in Motto:
Cdb! r Aw drds : Honor Pdtrol, bui lt rock wdll oround nogpol <
Fovo r1te: Fxpre:ss1ons:
Hickok July
~~ : l. Pfe,ffe,, B. Leui.lcr, D. Gold, Bo Hendricks,
seconJ row C Cudl1 1z, D. 8diley, B. Ber9
Couns el or- R1chMd Tdylor, Un1vers1ty o f North Cc,ro lind, "66
Cc,bin M oua: Edch for dll dnd dll for edch.
Cdbtn Awdrds: Blue ribbons dl the O lympics repc11red the
Villdge horse.s hoe ptt '
Fdvo r1te Expre ssions: H ey mdn!
You bet your boo11csl
Fol-de-ro l-de-rol-ro!-rol;
Pioneer, Pioneer, Becket's best dre Pioneer .
We <1refedrless, we dre bold, we're the best of dll.
Hi ckok Augusl
left to right: L. Pdtoudlct, R. Mdrriott, P. Kd1m,B. Berg, R.
Bermdn, D. 8diley, E. Wh1ttdll
Co unselo r: Richdrd ldylor, University o f N o rth (droliM, "66
C ibtn Motto: PJdy fair or not dt dll.
Cdbtn Awdrds: Third pldce on Md1tdry Ddy, dnd second p1dce
in Skit Cont est.
Fctvorite Expre ssions: Sw ,ftl
Hey mdnl
Vincennes July
1 6
~!~ ,t<B.
ri"~~o1d;B '. C r~v?r~~d,bP~is81~~k~G~eM~~i~eTr1ip Hin-
Co unse lor: Richo,rd $0,bu lis, Unive rsity of Mo,sso,chusetts, 6 5
Co,bin Motto : Tedmwork mo,kes d co,bin.
Cobin Awd rd s:
Fdvorite Expressions : Egods, ho,d.
Knock it off!
Vi ncennes August
first row: 8. Leed , R. Munson, M . Mo,rx
B~cL;~zriw : R. Noonon, P. Dickinson, D. Sobulis, J. Pickett,
Counselor : Richord Sobu lis, University o f Mosso,chusetts '65
Co,bm Motto : V,ncennes tops them oll. '
Cobin Awo,rds ; Noture plc,que
Fovor1te Expressions : $po,stic c,pples
Where's L1ttleJohn?
Cdhokio July
kneeling : S. Gormbley
second row : J . t\ndr us, Buzz. CMpe nter , L. Pi,Helli , D. N o r-
rell , P. FJgg
windows : D. Z dnddn , J. Finkelst ein
Counselor : Pdul Fdgg, Unive rsity o f Mdss<1chusetts, grddu ,ue
C<1bin M o tt o: Co unt 10 ten .
Cdb in AwMds : First in the Vill dge swim mee l, unde:fedt ed
bdseb<1ll te<1m.
F<1vorite E>.:pressions: ~~h~~ s:b~~; J :h ~t 1eft-h1mded smoke
Pitt August
:~d"~t~/tG~~d~-, ~~B~:"e:',
{' ~~r'd' J. Schon, J Stdgg - J \
Cdbin A.ndrds: Winner of Scdvenger Hunt, dnd Vdldge
s~it comest.
Fdvorlle ,.,..p,ess1on'. A , e you hddmg me?
Some people.I
Jo~e~: 0 Wlrnt's red , hdngs from d 1ree ,rnd goes, "Duhh ."')
A. A reto1rded dpple
' . i ..,,,
. .
h~ r,' . ' (1
~ ; .."'f _:
Necessity July
(WhcH is wrong with thts picture?)
first row: G. Ellice, A . Levin
second row: D. Robbie, G. Pedrson, D. Northrop, 8. Gooddl,
J. Prctdl, P. Kuhbdch
Counse lor: Gregory Pedrson, Cornell, '67
Cdbin Motto : On my honor .
Cdbin Awdrds: Ndmed the rdccoon (Socrdtes), winner o f the
Vdldge Scdvenger Hunt
Fdvorite Expressions Tough gezou.
Comb your hd1r, Addm.
We dre Necessity
Necessity August
first row : B. Sweeny, G Ellice:, A. Levin
second row : G. Pedrson, J. Pretdt, D. L1ttleboy, C. Shoemdker,
D. Ardnow, G. Wh1ttenduer
Counselo r Greg PedrSon, Cornell, '67
Cdbin Motto : On my honor
Cdbin Awdrds : Blueberry Pick winners, Ndture: Hunt second
p~~~~; 1~E~p~e:~~~0~itL<3~,~~~m:~~k;b~~ Jurgen WI tt eMuer
Cool dS d moose
Ticonderogd July
left to right : C. Cook, J. 13<.'lsdekds,
J. Pdley, S. Siekmdn, S. Er.
~~~~~eC;,~~ ;:t2~ot b 0
n~~~~ite~rMdsSdc huse 1ts, '67
c..,bin Motto: w..,rden is st ifl ....
Cdbin Awdrds: Only cdbin wit h d wdrden
r dvorite Expressions: It's wicked good
T. S. (Tough Situdtion)
Ticonderogd August
first row: S. Berg, P Veysey, B Kime, C Cool, R. 5dyhn,
S. frldnger
si>:conrlrow: J. Pdley, D. Sos1n
Cour. l'f 1r. (r<.'119Cook, Umvernty of MdSSdchuseus, '67
Cdbn M()tto: Cut the Md converSdtiOn
(dbtn Awdrds. The nly Cdbm to hove d wdfden
rttvor11e F,,press1ons: Pecllly, l'rn not sen ous dbou t Amy
How ,ibout ,1 cdbm ch,H on hypnotism?
Ordnge July
left to right: H Goldstein, V. Up1ohn, C Jose, P Stirgent,
C Dormdn, D. Hdiris, S. Mt"11eski
on the roof: S. (t'lmcron
Counselor: Chico Jose, University of H,mford, '67
C.sbin Motto: \V/e die Ordngutdns
Cdbin Awdrds: Hono, pldque, seven ribbons m the Olympics.
Fdvoritc Expressions: We like pizzd
lt"s my ndturdl her1td9e
Could I pledsc hdve the H2Q with
Wdtercoloring compound?
O rdnge August
!~~~~~t~o~'.~l.leJ~s; lci~~:=nk, T. Wmsh1p 1 B. Holt, B
, Chicd Jose University o f Hdrtford, "67
Cdbin Motto: We dre OrdngutdnS
Cdbin Aw-,r ds :
Fdvori te Expressions: Jenni fer the sick cow
~:~; ;tL~uJ~ck,J. Me.e.ske.,R..J.Gibbs
stdndin9: D. Dwork 8. Le.w1S Finch)..8 . Holl
Counselor : De.nisW,chmon, Corne.II, l..,:irddudte:student
Cdbin Motto: Good Grid , Henry Col tdge:.
C)bin Aw,nds: Origindtors o f the: SEBG
fdv ori le Expre ssion s: Nice o ne:, Louie:
A littl e moment, pledse .
Henry August
left to right L. rr.,ft, M., D. Dwork, J. Finch, L. Peck,
P. Hrchhorn, J finhdm:in, K. Gilbert
mordl tPr,dr.ncie.s afte.rwilrds
rdvorth!r 1press1ons: It makes me. nyc,wshus
VJ,~ e.s 1hne:nhe.ute:
Jo ke~: lh1~t<!blP1sn'1 Mo"'s rril"dt mc1rYe.l
or Joe's pool hdll
Kdsk.,skid July
Mi~~~e~R. iu~]~~S, A. Dormdn, J . Smith, R. Forghdm, A.
roo f: T. Andrew s, M . Schuller, H. McIntyre
Tir~hsd~ocrf'm Smith, St. And1ews College, .67' Bongo
Cd bin M otto: TCdm work
$~~~~;"wd1ds : Tic for best V illdgc skit, first 1n O lympics for
Fdvor1te Expressions : Oh, Goodyl
KdSkdskid Augusl
left to right: 8. Stevens, R. Richdrds, D. Sdlerlee, M . Wynne,
D. Roberts, B. Tdy!or, J. Smith
Couns elor: Jim Smith, St. Andrews College, '67
Cdbi n M otto: First cdbin in first vd1dge.
Cdbin Awdrds : Honor cdbm for first week, undefu ted m
Villdge sportS, only cdbin housing the 4-squdre bdll.
Fc,vorite Expressions
Bruce July
ldt to right D. AddmS, D. Anthony, B. ( hitt1cl , L. Lewi:,
8 Roc hd R. 8<1cr1 J. Vdydd, C. Rdt1ere
counsel~r Ddv1d A d dms, Un1vers1ty of I ldrtford, '66
(dbin Mott o: Think befo re you dCt.
C,bin Awdrds : Third in the Cdmp in the O lympics.
Fdvorite Expressions: " Not I," Sdid the pig.
Bruce August
first row: A. Sze, R. Mueller, B. Rochd
second row: D. Adorns, M . Monl gomc ry, L. Dickenson, J
Alers, C. Rotiere
Counse lor: Dovid Adoms, University o f Honford, '60
Cabin M otto: Think big, use you r hcdd
(db1n Awards
rav orite Expressions Isn 't th 1.
1t twcc.ty.
Mon, thot's sadist
Glc1c1er July
le.ftto nght M. Zebley, C. Wolldce, Wdy, G 8drr, J Gil
bert, C. Hedbdvny, D. Mosher
Counselor: Ddve Mosher, Ydle, '65
Cdbm Motto :
Cobin Awdrds: Explorer cdbin
Fc1vo11te E)(pressions:Oh, whdt you dlmost SdidJ
Aldn Gehring
University of MdSSc!chusetts,
Acddld .July
left to right A. Winston, D. Tnouleyre, D. Shdpiro, D. Col lins,
M . Montgomery, G. O' Mdhony, J. Wells, H . G ledh ill
Coumcfor Jo hn Wells, University of Ok luhomd, '66
Cdb1n Motto:
Cdbm Awdrds: First pldce 1n the N dturc Scdvenger H unt.
f l
,,.,. .. ;..
l..... '...
, n,. ......
,~ e;..
c;,. lf
.., ,. j
~ Ac<1d1d August
left to righL J. Buckley, B. Kronick, Grdnt Legg, R. Burydn,
B. Miller, S. Foster, D. Stevenson
Counselor: John Wells, University of Okldhomd, '66
Cdbin Motto:
-- --
J f }-
Cdbm Awdrds: Top Rdnger Cdbin m the Blueberry Pick
Fc1vo , ne Exp, essions: It's the horrors.
Pedsc1n tl
Iu 50
Yosemite. July
~ef:d:~gr:~i~== ~r~~~.dr~.t Ldthrop, 1 Rochd, P Goodwin,
Yosemite August
1 0
~~~~rnol~~~:"1. R!~h~~ .\:~ )j:(t,DB.Dtd~~dr~p,C. Hedb4vny,
Rdmer Augus t
first row: M . Au rbdc h, C. Rhinehdrdt , R. Binghdm
seco nd row: M . Wdlto n, G. Sot eropou 1o s, J . Smith, A. Wh in-
Counse lo r: Geo rge Soteropo ulos, Ob erl in '65
(d b in Motto: I'm ou t o f bred th '
Cdbin Awd rd s: Explorer Cdbi n, fust pldce 1n skits, thr ee dll
Stdr soh bdll tedm member s
Fdvon te Expre ssions: Geo rge, I Cdn"t help 1t
I'll ddnce wi th yo u in my dru ms
J ellyst one: J uly
left to right R. $1.,ple:s, J. W.,rd , P. Se:ge:I, G. Ke:mp, S. Young,
R. Busbri d ge:, T. M o rrow
Co unse lo r: Rdymon d Busbrid ge:, Linco ln Co He:g e:, Ox ford, 6 7
Cc, b in M otto: We try hMder .
( .,bin Awc1rds :
Fdvorite Express io ns: