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Becket 1964

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This is d book dbout the 1964 season dt Cdmp Becket. Between the covers you cdn find
pictures dnd comments about the things which hdppened durin g the sixty-second summer
spent in this specia l pldce .
However, in the memories of each of us must lie the deeper significance of Becket ...
its reason for being . . . and how it helped us to be come better children of God because
we shared experiences that are now a part of us.
Our 19 64 book is ded icdted to the idea ls of this great camp dnd to those who envisioned
w hat it could mean to have been together in a world o f such beauty .
Don Shellenberger
Blessed Me they who run oround in circles, for they shc,11be cdlled big w hee ls.

Every morning dl ten o'clock, ind still, sm<1II

room these eight men plot the course o f our c<1mp

These two were ex-officio members of the Surefoote d Club.


Without the worries of d cdbin to occupy their time, they VdCdtioned dt lovely Cdmp Becket,
omusing themselves with crdfts, light housekeeping, Cdmping, bird-wdtching, dnd music.

The President of the Becket Transportc,tion Company In July he bugled us dwake dnd bugled us to sleep.

,,~\ ..,,' "'..


The noble young men of the Pdlm Room Their motto Check w,th D,c~

Tho~,ol us who didn't rC'11dJ,111ws

Bond, r1t1d lom Swift



- ~t,~

The chone r members of the John Bartsch.

They hdndle the PdY,rnd the goodies .


They supplied the power : pdncdkes, mdshed potdtoes, bl ue berry pies ' rodsl ldmb.

The Ch,ef
Tombugled us in August Or WdSthdt a trombone?



c-- cJ

~ ,;

Susan, Liselyn ond Rlch<lrdG, the uncornpers.

Bobby Ouinn hedds for (dbin Oneidd

the busiest ddy dt Cdmp- dlmoSt

Pete SMgent dnd friend ordngutdn

You haven't been greeted unti l Doc greets you .


Mr. and Mrs . Treibe r stop al the B. 0. Dee Triouleyre hduls out his trun k
Over 100 Ddd's dte 36 dozen eggs for bredkfdst dnd mdde d grdnd totd l of over 400 trips up
dnd down Gibson Hdl l pdth .

Th, Camp "'"' special OPP"""""'"

' fhw aod '"" DO Df1.cl5 Wee
kend 1


' The Pe derson boy s ond fri end ,

\!' , ."

He 1Mketh me to lie d own in green p asture s; He leadeth me beside the sti ll Wdters .

Rev. Hi ggins dnd son .

All morning the Rdnger Bdll Field wdS humming.

Edch cabi n prep dres d boot h or d game fo r the Ct.-cus dnd

Gorgeous Greg vs. the Big Bomber in th e Pillow-Fig ht C hdmpions hip .

It is more fun to throw water on some people than on others .

afterwards there is a tremendous spread in front of the lodg e.

The Blind Hog himself.

They sdid they cou ld swim, too.

1s more and more popular d ue l o the ince nt ive offere d by th e new

slide s. These wer e christened wi th great ceremony, mermaids inclu d ed , in J uly.

Whal have you go t to lose?

Keep your ch in on you r chest!
W oo d smen in the ma king .

He pulls his body o ve r th e frog . See his jaws unhinge .

Appl ied N,uun~- stud y is

Hot, slightly burne d , breakfast coming up .


'" ~




J ... not to mention tethecb,11, looc-squace, ping pong, d,ns, miniatu,e hock,
,ind bunk riding.

The ob1cct of this gdrncis to hit the b.,11ocross the net. Huh?

,7. I.
_, '
The Duck d emonstrdtes the difficult bdck-kick shot.

A privote gdme in Pioneer Vil lc,ge.

Once: you le:,Hn to rig your bo d1 .

dt C, mp dis c invo lves th e: Pentdthdlo n. W o n this y e:dr by Steph en Stdr k,

... you Cdn go s,1il ing on L<1ke:Rudd.


'Be lieve me, my yo ung frie nd, there is nothin9 - <1bsolut ely no thin g-
hdlf so worth doing dS simple messing \"lbou1 in boo ts."


O nce you ledrn to Pdddle the: dock

Onci dd July
left to righl: J. Keb<lbidn,S. \'Vdsserm<ln,R. Go rmbly, R. Ouinn,
R.Beck, D. Billings, dbsent from picture F. Schneider
Counselor: Scou Ridw ds, O berlin '68
Cdbin Motto:
Cdbin r\wdrds : Edgle fedther for renovdtion of counci l ring
Fdvorite Expressions: Thdt's gusty!
Give me no grief.

Ldnd of the silver birth

Home of the buver

O neid ,1 August

M . Kdlpdkis
first row: R. Gutler, A. 810, F. Schneider J K b b
secon d row: M. Ensslln, C. Merrill 1 S R'i h. de
c <Jr s, aper,
Counselo,: Scott Richdrd s, Oberlin '68
(dbin Motto: Shdpe out or ship up
Cdbtn Awdrds: Honor pldque
Fdvorlte Expressions: I'm going to hunt fro s
Where's the store Cd;d?
Cayuga July
first row: t' t o1wless,Spor!SC<lrLavoie
second row M Munson, M. r,r.,ft, B J.,cbon, 5. Aditms, A Estode
Counselor Hr11:nt Jdcbon, Tufts, 64 (OSP.Q04)
Cc1b1nMotto Do your best
C,bm Awards: Winner al 1h11: Vdldqe SNtrn meet, tJ,iture Trophy,
dnd an eagle fe6ther /or rrbuddin9 Abn<lh c6mpfir,: sit,:
Fdvor!le l)(pressions f3y,:cr"c~y
A Sdldm1," bolognc, d hom sandwich

Prof ,md Mrs. W,11,amDdn1el

Winthrop College, Rock Hill, South Cdrol1nd

first row: J. Stephenson, J. Hdllock, S. Johnson, B. Bruce
second row- 8. Dc1v1s,8. )dckson1 8. V,1n Tuyl
Counselor Brent Jc1ckson,Tufts, 64 (OSR-004)
(dbin Motto: Keep your elbows to yourself
Fdvorite Express,ons
Mo hdwk July
first row: K. Leeds, D. Irons, L Nichols
second row: N . Ch<1dwick, S. Billings, P. Lozier, C. Hdrvey,
R. Mdrsilid, A. Ebr<1him
Counselor: Abdul Ebrdhim, Y<1le"6~
C<1bin Motto: Pldy the Gdme
Cobin AwMds: Honor olrlque for cwo week\, N<1ture trophy,
dnd wi nn er o f lhe ndture Scdvenger Hunt, edgle fedther for
work on villdge sncike pit.
Fdvorite Expressions: Thdt s my n<1me1 wdnt my dddress?
Good show.

Where once the mighty moose wdndered dt will

Blue Jdke dnd rocky shore

Mohdwk August

!i;~lo~d~~S/t~hp~~s:,~; ~~s~,I~~( ~d_icjd~,g~Akkeroyd, A. Ebrt

Counselor: Abdul Ebrdh1m, Ydle 65
Cdbin Mono: Do vour best.
Cdbin Awards: Winners of lhe Blueberry Pick, Honor pl<1que,
Fc1vorlte Expressions: Let's get out, fell ows! lt"s Wdrm outsidel
We get the dukel

foe July
first row: J . Pretat, 8. Page

Cdbm Motto : The 9redl person is on"" who helps the others.
(dbm AwMds: Second pldce in the villc19e in the "Is He Dizzy"
re:ldy of the Ol ympics
rdVOrite Expressions: How chief!
Let's do itl

I will return once more.

Boom- ditty-um-boom, boom, booml
Boom, d1ny-urn-boom, boom, booml

Erie August
f1rslrow: E. Soper, S. Addms, 8. Sedger, P Mdnn
second row: S. Oswd ld, K. Schenke l, M . Zei del, Chip Kennd,
Chuck lJownton ~/ V

Counselor C huck Downton, University of N orth Cdrolind, "66
Cdbin Mono: Do your best
C bin Awdrds: First pldce m the Vtlldge skits.
Fdvome Expressions: Gonnd bed redtly big shew to night.
l-.!_fc __
V .,,/ - -11:

0 Whdt did the grdpe Sdy when the el eph dn( stepped on il?
A. Nothing . It 1ust gdve d little wine. ~ ,,
TuscdrOrd July
first row: N . Schu ller, L. Doy, P. Hinmdn, G. Schon
c~~~ ~elitP;~ 'Ri~h~i~ds~o~:~1T~,R :ls ~~1R-6o?~)nsbo ro
(dbin M otto: Wh o's the best cdbin? Tumnordl
(dbin Awards: H onor pldque, first pldce in Villdge in Olympics,
ed9le feather for work on Villdge snc,ke pit.
fdvori te E)(pressions:

High mighty Wdter WdY

C,rry me ftlr
Blue Ldke dnd rocky shore

TusCdrord August
first rodw: M. Blegg, M. Roberts, S. Gainsboro
secon row: . Cooper A. Bender 1 S K I 0
Cobu_nseMlor:Pete Pichdrds, Oberlin, '65 c0SR-~of~d),E"b "h d B
d 1n alto: , er ar t arr
(dbin Awdrds:S.econd pldce in l~ Sc1venger Hunt,
first pldce in Vdldge Bible Star c
favorite Expressions: Oh, boyl Y Onlest
Aw, gee, do I hdfta?

- ,A ....
Ononddgcl Ju ly
left to right : D. Love, A. Wood , R. Block, R, Michciels,
M. Mrornw, J. Nissenbdum, S. Go ddMd, S. Blcick
Coun selor : Emory Whitdker, Ddvidson, '61 (OSR-001 1 )
C.,bin Motto : The Friendly Cdbin .
C., bin Awcirds : Second plcice in the Vtlloge in Olympics,
edgle ledther for building d Vesper ~ite.
fdvoritc Expressions : The water 1s loo coldJ
Be quiet l

Ldnd of th e silver fish

Cdnoe of birch bcirk

Onon d dgd August

first row: J. Nissenbdum, D. Wdlker, N . Chcidwick
second row: S. Kitchen, R. Pierce, Emory Whitdker, L. Rosen,
A. Levine
Counselor: Emory Wh1tdker, 0dvidson, '6 4 (OSR-0011 )
Ccibin Motto : The Friendly Tribe .
Ccibin Awdrds: Honor pldque for necitness
Fcivorite Expressions: Mdgilld Gorillci
Knock, knock ... Who's there?
Dwdyne ... Dwdyne who?
Dwdyne the bcithtub, I'm dwowning

Se necd Ju ly
lefl to right : T. H ibbdrd, S. Cud lizt, C. deWitt, R. Leon hdrdt,
A. Wood, J . Rosenthdl, J . Ros nick
Counselor : Russ Redmond, University of North Cdro lin<i, '67
(OS R-009)
(dbin Motto : Justice for .,11,dll (or 1ustice:.
~~~~t~~~r~!~i;~~~eJ~d~;;t f~;r~cf~idi~tt:r .Vesper site:.
Let's climb o tre:e:.

I wrl! return once: more

Boom, ditty -um-boom, boom, boom!
Boom, ditty-um-boom, boom, boom!
Sene:cd August
left 10 nght : Tom Brnwne, J, Rosenthal, R. 8dl<ter,J. Rasnick,
R. Redmon,E. 81,mk,B. M.,run, r . Leeds,
dbsent from picture: JeH Senft
Counselor : Russ Redmond, University of North C ,rolind, '67
C,bin Motto :
C,bin Awc,rds: Ncnure trophy
Fdvorite Expressions: Wontd mt1ke" bet ?

\' - -- ~ ..
5dme to youl


S\~J'ols~ b. Resnick, J. Go dddrd
first row : F. Moore, S. Lyons, M . Cu rtis
second row : A. Sorensen, S. Hdllett
third row: W . Mdrtin, P. Sto ne
Counselor : Preston Stone, St. Andr ews, '6 4, Wdyne M.,rt1n
Cdbin M o tto: Hurry up.
Cdbin Awdrds : Secon d dnd third in Olympics .
Fdvonte Expressions: Don't spldsh Wdter in the Wdr Cdnoe.

Cldrk August
first row ; F. Mo ore, L Pleiffer, H. rount<'lin, P. Stone
second row: J. Bosler, C. deW1t11 C Budley, obsent ( Ne,d
Counselor; Preston Stone, St Andrews '64
Cdbm Mott o: Help the other fellow '
(dbin Awd 1ds
r ova, t E,pressi ons
Steve Lombdrdo, Un1ve:rs1tyof Kentucky Med1cdl School

Cody Au9ust
first row: R. Bermdn, B. Weiss, M. HdmS
second row: J. K1lchener, J. Robertson, G Schon
w,ndows: A. Schne1der 1 J. Treiber
Counselor J4mes Robertson, Col9dte Univermy, '67
C.,bm Motto
C4bm Awdrds Won Blueberry Pick for the Villd9e
Favonte E)(pre rnons Treiber, tdke 75 push-upsl
Jim gave me orders to tell you to sh4pe

Custer July
lefl to right B. Leeds, M . Henders o n, D. Sh e llenberger
A. Kirschbdum, ll Bolding, D. Legg, T. Feitel, D. Tucker '
Counselor: Bill Bolding, Un ivers1tY of 0 1,-ldhomd , 67
Cdbin Mon o
Cdbtn Awdrds : First in the: Vdldge tn the O lympics , winner
o f the Shon -Story Co ntest
F,wor1te Expressions: Dern m1ddlebuster

Pioneer, Pioneer, Bcd:ct's best dre Pioneer

We dre fedrle ss, we MC bold, we're the best of dll

Custer Auqust
ftr$! row C Pdttdvtnd, I) Shvll,n bP19t>:r(dnd friend ), J) l eqg,
P I lornv
Sl!Cond row /\_ Y1rKhbd11m, )' 11,Jrdy, A. Wood 0
(01ms"lor /\l,m B1nl-Prd, UmvPrsuy o f Ar110nd (J8
Cdbtn Moua f fJlunb11s Unum '
(db1n / /,Jfd~ VJ/on Viii J" d It 111yht
fd11011t ,r,rv~~ori~ I !Py, Joo!- you quy~, no clotlws hurtPr
Boone Ju ly
first row: L. Lopez, D. Addnis, S. Drosse l, B. Gled hill
second row D. D<'lnn,8. Stdples, P Sp rin ge r
Counselor Sdm Mdthcny, University of Kentucky Med1cdl

:t:~ ~::~dsu,i~~n;;c
squ cHc court
;rtd~ir 1dd;; ~:1~n~~ h~ ! , bu ,lt four

F,worite E)(pressrons: Wei!, d uh now, rrit z

O f the SWdmps we'v e hdd our fill,

Fol-dc -rol-de- rol-ro l-rol;

Boone: August
first row : B. Goul d , J. Pret dt, R. Russell, S. Dressel
second row : J. Brooke, D. Addms, L. Lope:z
Counselor : 5dm Mdtheny, University of Kentucky Med,cdl
Cdbi n Motto : United we Stdnd divided we fdll.
Cd bin Awdrds : Winner o f Ndt ure Trop hy, dnd Ndt ure Scdven-
gcr Hun t.
Fdvoritc Expressio ns: Why ?

Crocket July
le:ltto right. J. G,Hnsboro, D. Legere, P Zdnd,m, G. And rews,
R. Ldvoie:, S. Pdrsons, D. Lambeit, M . Sincldir
Counselor: 0dvid Ldmbe:rt, University of Vermont, '67
Cdb1n Motto : Luxemburg luckies
Cdb in AwMds: Constructed the tet he.r-bdll court.
FdvOr1te:Expressions: 0 . Whdt would you do tf you were
surrounded by 36 horses, 26 drdg
ons, 16 c.imels, dnd 6 dogs?
A. Get off the merry-go-ro und.

And Now we live: upon the: hill.


,. _

Crocket August
first row: B. Fogwell N Ddvids, T. Feite:I, D. L.,mbe:rt,
G. Emerson '
second ro w: A. Schr,mk, J. Gainsboro, J. Rhinehan
~~b~:t~;t~:"Llin;d ~e~~s~ ~h~:rsity
:T... of Vermont, "67
f,:~~n ~::;~s: SeCond plac;e ,n Md1wy Ody, tie: for first m
Favorite Eicpressions Ddvy Crewcut

C.uson July
lelt t o right. D. K1rkpd lr ick, S. Dexter, J. Vdn Buskirk,J . Wi,rd,
D. Smirsky, 13. Buck, B. Jord<rn
se:cond row : M . Kdfdtos, A. Binke:,d
~jj f~d/~:;h
~ dnd A l Binkerd CIT
C., bin Awdrds : Hono r pldQue: fow t imes, mdde: Longhorn
s19n for thei r Cdbm.
i:dvorite Expressions : Good 9r1efl -
Don 't be spastic eldst1c!

' \
- ---.- /"

111 '

Pioneer, Pioneer, Becke t's best dre Pioneer

We Me fedrless, we dre bold, we're the be.st of dll

Cd rson August
first raw : J . Zucker, B. Buck, S. Dexter, D. Legere
second row : G. Boyce, J . Ensslin, D. Swirsky, Mmds KdfdtOS
Counselor . Mm ds Kdfdtos, Cornell, '66
Cdbin Motto : N o t scre:dming dt or fighting with the othe r
fellow .
Cdbin Awd rds: Honor pldque five t i mes
Fdvorite Expressions : 0 . ~h~~ch~u ever seen dn elephdnt in
A . No
0 . Thdt's becduse they c.sr. hide so well

tt'\;:; J_u3tlbe:rt, J . Sc hon, D. H,991ns, B. Boue:r
se:cond row : J . Pe:tri, J. Hdye:s, C. Wh.nton, C. l,nhrol?
Counse:lor : Bill Rdwlings, Unive:rsitY of Puge:t Sound, 6S

:~:~ ~;~~ds : Third pld ce: in Lhe: Obstocle:

O lympics, se:cond pldce: )n the: Shot Put
Fdvorite: Expre:ssions: Sw ift!
O h, Gross!

W ithe,ichne:wd,iywe: /,ice:the:te:st
We: give: 10 oll our very best,

Le:wis August
first row : R. Miller , B. Linsky, A . Wood (on B. R,iwlings ),
M . Coh e:n, J. Pdle:y
se:cond row: R. Husbdnd, T. Moore:, C. Ldthrop
Counse:Jor : BiJJRdwlings, University o f Puge:t Soun d , '65
Cdb in Motto:
Cdb! r Aw drds : Honor Pdtrol, bui lt rock wdll oround nogpol <
Fovo r1te: Fxpre:ss1ons:

Hickok July
~~ : l. Pfe,ffe,, B. Leui.lcr, D. Gold, Bo Hendricks,
seconJ row C Cudl1 1z, D. 8diley, B. Ber9
Couns el or- R1chMd Tdylor, Un1vers1ty o f North Cc,ro lind, "66
Cc,bin M oua: Edch for dll dnd dll for edch.
Cdbtn Awdrds: Blue ribbons dl the O lympics repc11red the
Villdge horse.s hoe ptt '
Fdvo r1te Expre ssions: H ey mdn!
You bet your boo11csl

Fol-de-ro l-de-rol-ro!-rol;
Pioneer, Pioneer, Becket's best dre Pioneer .
We <1refedrless, we dre bold, we're the best of dll.

Hi ckok Augusl
left to right: L. Pdtoudlct, R. Mdrriott, P. Kd1m,B. Berg, R.
Bermdn, D. 8diley, E. Wh1ttdll
Co unselo r: Richdrd ldylor, University o f N o rth (droliM, "66
C ibtn Motto: PJdy fair or not dt dll.
Cdbtn Awdrds: Third pldce on Md1tdry Ddy, dnd second p1dce
in Skit Cont est.
Fctvorite Expre ssions: Sw ,ftl
Hey mdnl

Vincennes July
1 6
~!~ ,t<B.
ri"~~o1d;B '. C r~v?r~~d,bP~is81~~k~G~eM~~i~eTr1ip Hin-
Co unse lor: Richo,rd $0,bu lis, Unive rsity of Mo,sso,chusetts, 6 5
Co,bin Motto : Tedmwork mo,kes d co,bin.
Cobin Awd rd s:
Fdvorite Expressions : Egods, ho,d.
Knock it off!

Vi ncennes August
first row: 8. Leed , R. Munson, M . Mo,rx
B~cL;~zriw : R. Noonon, P. Dickinson, D. Sobulis, J. Pickett,
Counselor : Richord Sobu lis, University o f Mosso,chusetts '65
Co,bm Motto : V,ncennes tops them oll. '
Cobin Awo,rds ; Noture plc,que
Fovor1te Expressions : $po,stic c,pples
Where's L1ttleJohn?

Cdhokio July
kneeling : S. Gormbley
second row : J . t\ndr us, Buzz. CMpe nter , L. Pi,Helli , D. N o r-
rell , P. FJgg
windows : D. Z dnddn , J. Finkelst ein
Counselor : Pdul Fdgg, Unive rsity o f Mdss<1chusetts, grddu ,ue
C<1bin M o tt o: Co unt 10 ten .
Cdb in AwMds : First in the Vill dge swim mee l, unde:fedt ed
bdseb<1ll te<1m.
F<1vorite E>.:pressions: ~~h~~ s:b~~; J :h ~t 1eft-h1mded smoke

C<1h oki<1 August

first ,ow: M . Kussner, T. Snyd er
second row: P. Smith, D. Se nft, B. Boldi n g, I\. Penderseon,
B. Meyers, R. Roy
Co unselor ; Wiffidm 13oldings, Univ ersi ty o l Okl<1hom<1,'67
C<1bin M otto: Do the bes l we can .
Cobin Aw<1rds:
F<1v o rite Expressions: An Au H::Q counselor
~~~teJ:ut P,Hterson, R. Go ld, R. Wickenden, A . Freedm,m
~~nud~tei~;:' :~b~~idz~~;
r,~nt~d r:~ ~c ~~~ge, ~s
C, b in Motto: To d o" job, ' do it in" wort h while WdYor
t /\~drds : Second pldce in Villdge Swim Meet.
Fdvorite b(pressions: A re you kidd ing me?
W here is my torc h light ?

P.1- double -Tl

Pitt August
:~d"~t~/tG~~d~-, ~~B~:"e:',
{' ~~r'd' J. Schon, J Stdgg - J \

Counselor. Robert Zeh, St. Andrews College, "65

Cdbin Motto miles to trdve1 ,

Cdbin A.ndrds: Winner of Scdvenger Hunt, dnd Vdldge
s~it comest.
Fdvorlle ,.,..p,ess1on'. A , e you hddmg me?
Some people.I
Jo~e~: 0 Wlrnt's red , hdngs from d 1ree ,rnd goes, "Duhh ."')
A. A reto1rded dpple
' . i ..,,,
. .

h~ r,' . ' (1

~ ; .."'f _:
Necessity July
(WhcH is wrong with thts picture?)
first row: G. Ellice, A . Levin
second row: D. Robbie, G. Pedrson, D. Northrop, 8. Gooddl,
J. Prctdl, P. Kuhbdch
Counse lor: Gregory Pedrson, Cornell, '67
Cdbin Motto : On my honor .
Cdbin Awdrds: Ndmed the rdccoon (Socrdtes), winner o f the
Vdldge Scdvenger Hunt
Fdvorite Expressions Tough gezou.
Comb your hd1r, Addm.

We dre Necessity

Necessity August
first row : B. Sweeny, G Ellice:, A. Levin
second row : G. Pedrson, J. Pretdt, D. L1ttleboy, C. Shoemdker,
D. Ardnow, G. Wh1ttenduer
Counselo r Greg PedrSon, Cornell, '67
Cdbin Motto : On my honor
Cdbin Awdrds : Blueberry Pick winners, Ndture: Hunt second
p~~~~; 1~E~p~e:~~~0~itL<3~,~~~m:~~k;b~~ Jurgen WI tt eMuer
Cool dS d moose

Ticonderogd July
left to right : C. Cook, J. 13<.'lsdekds,
J. Pdley, S. Siekmdn, S. Er.

~~~~~eC;,~~ ;:t2~ot b 0
n~~~~ite~rMdsSdc huse 1ts, '67
c..,bin Motto: w..,rden is st ifl ....
Cdbin Awdrds: Only cdbin wit h d wdrden
r dvorite Expressions: It's wicked good
T. S. (Tough Situdtion)


Ticonderogd August
first row: S. Berg, P Veysey, B Kime, C Cool, R. 5dyhn,
S. frldnger
si>:conrlrow: J. Pdley, D. Sos1n
Cour. l'f 1r. (r<.'119Cook, Umvernty of MdSSdchuseus, '67
Cdbn M()tto: Cut the Md converSdtiOn
(dbtn Awdrds. The nly Cdbm to hove d wdfden
rttvor11e F,,press1ons: Pecllly, l'rn not sen ous dbou t Amy
How ,ibout ,1 cdbm ch,H on hypnotism?
Ordnge July
left to right: H Goldstein, V. Up1ohn, C Jose, P Stirgent,
C Dormdn, D. Hdiris, S. Mt"11eski
on the roof: S. (t'lmcron
Counselor: Chico Jose, University of H,mford, '67
C.sbin Motto: \V/e die Ordngutdns
Cdbin Awdrds: Hono, pldque, seven ribbons m the Olympics.
Fdvoritc Expressions: We like pizzd
lt"s my ndturdl her1td9e
Could I pledsc hdve the H2Q with
Wdtercoloring compound?

O rdnge August
!~~~~~t~o~'.~l.leJ~s; lci~~:=nk, T. Wmsh1p 1 B. Holt, B
, Chicd Jose University o f Hdrtford, "67
Cdbin Motto: We dre OrdngutdnS
Cdbin Aw-,r ds :
Fdvori te Expressions: Jenni fer the sick cow

~:~; ;tL~uJ~ck,J. Me.e.ske.,R..J.Gibbs
stdndin9: D. Dwork 8. Le.w1S Finch)..8 . Holl
Counselor : De.nisW,chmon, Corne.II, l..,:irddudte:student
Cdbin Motto: Good Grid , Henry Col tdge:.
C)bin Aw,nds: Origindtors o f the: SEBG
fdv ori le Expre ssion s: Nice o ne:, Louie:
A littl e moment, pledse .

Good grief I Henry C,binl

We:'s .,11K,isk<1skid
We live: upon the. green

Henry August
left to right L. rr.,ft, M. Line.tt, D. Dwork, J. Finch, L. Peck,
P. Hrchhorn, J finhdm:in, K. Gilbert
mordl tPr,dr.ncie.s afte.rwilrds
rdvorth!r 1press1ons: It makes me. nyc,wshus
VJ,~ Ge.ht e.s 1hne:nhe.ute:
Jo ke~: lh1~t<!blP1sn'1 Mo"'s rril"dt mc1rYe.l
or Joe's pool hdll

Kdsk.,skid July
Mi~~~e~R. iu~]~~S, A. Dormdn, J . Smith, R. Forghdm, A.
roo f: T. Andrew s, M . Schuller, H. McIntyre
Tir~hsd~ocrf'm Smith, St. And1ews College, .67' Bongo
Cd bin M otto: TCdm work
$~~~~;"wd1ds : Tic for best V illdgc skit, first 1n O lympics for
Fdvor1te Expressions : Oh, Goodyl

We're Frontier Vdldgel (ddp)

We're Fronlier Villc,gel (ddp, ddp)

KdSkdskid Augusl
left to right: 8. Stevens, R. Richdrds, D. Sdlerlee, M . Wynne,
D. Roberts, B. Tdy!or, J. Smith
Couns elor: Jim Smith, St. Andrews College, '67
Cdbi n M otto: First cdbin in first vd1dge.
Cdbin Awdrds : Honor cdbm for first week, undefu ted m
Villdge sportS, only cdbin housing the 4-squdre bdll.
Fc,vorite Expressions

Bruce July
ldt to right D. AddmS, D. Anthony, B. ( hitt1cl , L. Lewi:,
8 Roc hd R. 8<1cr1 J. Vdydd, C. Rdt1ere
counsel~r Ddv1d A d dms, Un1vers1ty of I ldrtford, '66
(dbin Mott o: Think befo re you dCt.
C,bin Awdrds : Third in the Cdmp in the O lympics.
Fdvorite Expressions: " Not I," Sdid the pig.

We're R.,nge,s, ye.sh, yeoh, ye.shl

We're Rdngers, ye:dh, yedh, yedhl
We're Rdngers, yedh, yeah, ye:dhl

Bruce August
first row: A. Sze, R. Mueller, B. Rochd
second row: D. Adorns, M . Monl gomc ry, L. Dickenson, J
Alers, C. Rotiere
Counse lor: Dovid Adoms, University o f Honford, '60
Cabin M otto: Think big, use you r hcdd
(db1n Awards
rav orite Expressions Isn 't th 1.
1t twcc.ty.
Mon, thot's sadist
Glc1c1er July
le.ftto nght M. Zebley, C. Wolldce, Wdy, G 8drr, J Gil
bert, C. Hedbdvny, D. Mosher
Counselor: Ddve Mosher, Ydle, '65
Cdbm Motto :
Cobin Awdrds: Explorer cdbin
Fc1vo11te E)(pressions:Oh, whdt you dlmost SdidJ

Aldn Gehring
University of MdSSc!chusetts,



Acddld .July
left to right A. Winston, D. Tnouleyre, D. Shdpiro, D. Col lins,
M . Montgomery, G. O' Mdhony, J. Wells, H . G ledh ill
Coumcfor Jo hn Wells, University of Ok luhomd, '66
Cdb1n Motto:
Cdbm Awdrds: First pldce 1n the N dturc Scdvenger H unt.
f l

,,.,. .. ;..
l..... '...
, n,. ......

,~ e;..
c;,. lf

You think your boys dre good;

Well, we sdw them yesterddy
The R,mgers dll dre menl

.., ,. j
~ Ac<1d1d August
left to righL J. Buckley, B. Kronick, Grdnt Legg, R. Burydn,
B. Miller, S. Foster, D. Stevenson
Counselor: John Wells, University of Okldhomd, '66
Cdbin Motto:

-- --
J f }-
Cdbm Awdrds: Top Rdnger Cdbin m the Blueberry Pick
Fc1vo , ne Exp, essions: It's the horrors.
Pedsc1n tl

Iu 50
Yosemite. July
~ef:d:~gr:~i~== ~r~~~.dr~.t Ldthrop, 1 Rochd, P Goodwin,

~o~~~:l~r~d6oug Dunldp, Amherst, '66

Cdbin Motto: Lct us htdp you out-Which wdy did you come

~~~;d ~~h(J;~~:tr~~;bi~ d\ii~8~~m~~io~~ dC~b7n~~~~~e~r~h~

Rocky Point shelte r, built new cdmpsitc for Rdnger Villdge
f dvorite Expre ssions: Hdng it up, huh?
Aw gimme.d bredk!

The bes t in every wdy

Becduse we're Rdngers,
And you know thdt cc1n't be bdd.

Yosemite August
1 0
~~~~rnol~~~:"1. R!~h~~ .\:~ )j:(t,DB.Dtd~~dr~p,C. Hedb4vny,

~o~~~!ior : Doug Dunldp, Amher,st, '66 .

C db1n M otto: l dlwdyS come tru dd w1ndd
Cdbin Awdtds
fdvortte Express,ons; Zo11enlyl
You roil
R,m1e1 July
first row : E. Jensen , G. Soterop oulos, M. Whitemdn
second row : C. Gtdnst ien, G. Legg, B. Mdislen
windows : T. Pitt, B. ( hdse
Counselor : George Soteropoulos, Ober lin, '6 5
C,bin Motto : Good show, boys .
fd~~r~tt&~r~~ :si~::~rped;;~t~YWorceswshire Sduce, ple.,sc .
Moby pickle .

Yedh, yedh, yedh.

We"re Rdngc:rs,dnd you know you should be gldd.

Rdmer Augus t
first row: M . Au rbdc h, C. Rhinehdrdt , R. Binghdm
seco nd row: M . Wdlto n, G. Sot eropou 1o s, J . Smith, A. Wh in-
Counse lo r: Geo rge Soteropo ulos, Ob erl in '65
(d b in Motto: I'm ou t o f bred th '
Cdbin Awd rd s: Explorer Cdbi n, fust pldce 1n skits, thr ee dll
Stdr soh bdll tedm member s
Fdvon te Expre ssions: Geo rge, I Cdn"t help 1t
I'll ddnce wi th yo u in my dru ms
J ellyst one: J uly
left to right R. $1.,ple:s, J. W.,rd , P. Se:ge:I, G. Ke:mp, S. Young,
R. Busbri d ge:, T. M o rrow
Co unse lo r: Rdymon d Busbrid ge:, Linco ln Co He:g e:, Ox ford, 6 7
Cc, b in M otto: We try hMder .
( .,bin Awc1rds :
Fdvorite Express io ns:

We're Rc1ngers, yec1h, yec1h, ycc1h!

Were Rc1ngers1 ye.,h, yedh, yedh)
W e' re Rdngers, yedh, ye11h,yedh, yec1hl

Yellowstone .Ausust B G h ' II A Jc1cobsen , R. deWiu

first row : G . 0 Mdhony, re.en ' ' S ' I Rc1 Busbridge
second row : D. Sh.,piro,bDd. Smitlh_,P. J eE~(leg: Oxford, '67
Couns elor : Rdymond Bus r, ge, inco n '
(.,bin Motto : We lry hc1rder thc1n eYer
Cdbin Awdrds :
Fc1vorite Express ions

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