March 22 Pages Gowrie
March 22 Pages Gowrie
March 22 Pages Gowrie
Gowrie News
March 22, 2017 GOWRIE, WEBSTER COUNTY, IOWA VOL. 127 NO. 12
Downtown Gowrie
buildings change
ownership soon
By Gowrie Development Commision
2017 is shaping up to be a great year for Gowrie.
Particularly the business district downtown. The new location
for Heartland Bank continues to take shape on the corner of
Market and Pleasant Streets, the Gowrie News is under new
management with an office on Market Street, the old Caseys
location has been donated to the City of Gowrie for develop-
ment and two more buildings will change owners soon.
Purchase agreements have been negotiated for at
least two buildings downtown. Jay and Patti Anderson will
purchase the current Heartland Bank building at 1113 Market
Street and directly across the street Jeff and Marcie Boerner
have agreed to purchase the current Gowrie News building
at 1108 Market Street. Closing dates are still pending for
mid to late summer as current owners work to relocate.
That doesnt keep both prospective owners from dream-
ing up new ideas and researching possible new retail
Currently Patti Anderson finishes quilts with a long
arm sewing machine out of her home. She has been
looking for a new location for a long time and is excited
to move to downtown Gowrie with better access for her
customers. She is considering adding machine embroidery,
possible consignment items, coffee, and baked goods. Patti is
looking to help others in her same situation by making offices
Gowrie buildings sold continued on page 10...
10 OFFany athletic shoe
under $110.
15 OFF
any athletic shoe
over $110.
City of Farnhamville
friendly and polite to others
and for being a part of
replacing our office fish.
plans Mosquito control Jaguar of Week recognition is made by a different
staff member on a rotating basis each week at Southeast
The City of Farnhamville is pleased to announce Valley High School.
that we have contracted with Mosquito Control of Iowa to
provide coverage for your comfort and safety throughout
the 2017 season.
FICATION/NO SPRAY REGISTER PRIOR TO JUNE Farnhamville Fire Dept., 7:30 p.m. at the fire
15T, 2017. station.
If you have any questions please call either City
Hall 544-3619 or Mosquito Control of Iowa 712-848- Monday, March 27
3295 or go to our website at www.mosquitocontrolofio-
Harcourt TOPS, 8:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran
Church Harcourt.
Learn to crochet at
Kopecky to submit a job description along with duties
with the possibility of hiring a part-time person.
In other business:
--Approval was given for a contract for mosquito con-
trol. the Gowrie Library
--The Farnhamville/Somers burn site will open in April
with Frank Morgan in charge on April 15. March 27 and April 19...
--The estimate to repair the sinkhole located on Farn-
ham Avenue was accepted. Learn to Crochet at the Gowrie Public Library
--A verbal report by city employee Roger Kopecky was Monday March 27 & April 10th 2:00 - 3:30 pm. This will
given pertaining to the electric and water departments. be held every other Monday with Bridget Wiklander.
He noted several radio read electric meters will be pur- Bring yarn and any size crochet hook. If you al-
chased as replacements of older devices. ready crochet come and crochet with others! All experi-
--Six delinquent notices will be posted for shut-off. ence levels welcome and coffee is always on!
Callender Public Library
Sunday, April 2, 11:00 am to 1 pm. Harcourt Fire De-
Gowrie News 1107 Market Street, P.O. Box 46
Story Time held every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and partment Annual Soup Dinner, Held at the Fire Depart-
4:30 p.m. ment is planned. Gowrie, IA 50543
Ph.: 515-352-3325
Farnhamville Moorland
April 10 to April 13 spring clean-up has been set. Easter Egg Hunt STAFF
June 23 and June 24 garage sale days has been tenta- April 15 Moorland Fire Department Annual Easter Egg Rick and Julie Vinsand, Editor and Publisher
tively been set. Hunt will be held. Tonya Harrison, Graphic Designer
Clean-up Day
Julie Vinsand, Sales
Saturday, May 20 city wide Clean-up Day is scheduled. Amanda Coleman, Sales
Thursday, April 6th Gowrie Development Commission Shari Everhart, Writer
Spring Banquet at Mulligans. Official County Newspaper (USPS 224-240). A local news-
Saturday April 8 starting at 10 a.m. Studio Fusion will be Paton Public Library paper as prescribed by law. Published weekly by The Gowrie
a fun hands-on, take-home project at the Gowrie Pub- Every Thursday evenings from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Adult News, 1107 Market Street, Gowrie, Iowa 50543. Periodicals
lic Library. There will be a slight cost involved varying Social will be held. postage paid at the Post Office at Gowrie, Iowa 50543.
from $6-18.00 depending of which take-home project March 23rd from 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Don Hyndmans SUBSCRIPTION RATES
you choose. Wood Carving Presentation will be held. Within the State of Iowa - $3000 Per Year
Wednesday, April 12th at 9:30 a.m. UMW lenten break-
Out of state - $3300 Per Year
fast at GUMC. Snowbird - $32 00 Per Year
Saturday, April 15th Easter Egg Hunt 1:00 pm at Laurel Saturday April 8 Easter Egg hunt at, Somers City Park Card of Thanks................................................$650 20 per
first 15 words,
word thereafter
Sunday, April 16th Happy Easter!
Southeast Valley High School Jag Cafe dates have been
Dayton POSTMASTER: Send address change to
announced! They include March 31st, April 13th, April April 2 Lions Club Chicken Dinner at the Community THE GOWRIE NEWS
27th and May 4th! Contact the high school at 352-3142 Center. P.O. Box 46, Gowrie, IA 50543
to RSVP your spot! April 3 Oak Park Gold & Recreation Opening Day.
22-March Sophia Gutshall, Donna Moe
Brooke Peterson
23-March Brad Lane, MacKenzie Thomas
Wednesday, March 22 - Turkey Roast, Potatoes w/Gravy, Peas & Carrots,
24-March Krista Nepple Pumpkin Custard, Tomato Juice
25-March Patrick Lusmann, Katrina Nelson Thursday, March 23 - Egg & Potato Casserole, Broccoli, Banana Half, Fruit
26-March Ken Kopecky Oat Muffin, OJ
27-March Randy Kopecky, Dusty McGuire Friday, March 24 - Crunchy Baked Fish, Parsley Potatoes, Herbed Green
Marion Moeller, Marcus Urelius Beans, Pineapple Crunch
28-March Michelle Martin, Mike Tasler Monday, March 27 - Swiss Style Gr. Beef, Squash Scalloped Cabbage,
Jane Wilson Blushing Pears, Tomato Juice
Tuesday, March 28 - Turkey & Dumplings, Asparagus, Mixed Fruit, OJ
Anniversaries Wednesday, March 29 - Italian Meatloaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, Brussel
24-March Larry and Jill Alliger. Sprouts with Cranberries, Cinnamon Apples w/Crunchy Top
28-March Kevin and Joelle Vote
4 March 22, 2017
Southeast Valley Academic Awards
announced for Winter Sports
Several student-athletes and 2 winter sports sidy Lambert and Kasey Lundberg also qualified for Twin
teams academically achieve in the classroom. Twenty-two Lakes Conference All Academic Honors (To earn this
individuals earned Twin Lakes Conference All Academic award you must have a cumulative GPA above 3.25 and
Honors. Girls basketball and boys basketball earned state earn a varsity letter).
academic certificates. The following is a list of those ac- The boys basketball team earned the IHSAA
complishments. Excellence in Academic Achievement Certificate (Team
The girls basketball team earned the IGH- GPA between 3.00 3.25). Team GPA was 3.117. Nolan
SAU Distinguished in Academic Achievement Certificate Brand, Myles Davis, Keegan Goodwin, Ryan Gustafson,
(Team GPA between 3.25 - 4.0). Team GPA was 3.557. Nolan Johnson, Anna Hanson-manager, Hannah Vaughn-
Emma Graves, Karissa Hiesterman, Sammy Alphs, Mor- manager, and Ethan Anderson-manager also qualified for
gan Castenson, Shelby Cummins, Mady Jaeschke, Cas- the Twin Lakes Conference All Academic Honors (To earn
this award you must have a cumulative GPA above 3.25
and earn a varsity letter).
Kamryn Shady and Katie Wickwire qualified
for the Twin Lakes Conference All Academic Honors in
basketball cheer (To earn this award you must have a cu-
mulative GPA above 3.25 and earn a varsity letter).
Carter Fluckiger and Xavier Nichols qualified
for the Twin Lakes Conference All Academic Honors in
wrestling. (To earn this award you must have a cumulative
GPA above 3.25 and earn a varsity letter).
Shelby Hofbauer and Jessica Shirbroun also W
qualified for the Twin Lakes Conference All Academic Hon-
ors in wrestling cheer (To earn this award you must have a Dave Carlon and a group of Gowrie area fans
cumulative GPA above 3.25 and earn a varsity letter). enjoyed the first game of the weekend at the Bradley Center d
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. a
SV Girls Track Team contributed 13 points apiece as the Cyclones posted the
10th win out of the last 11 games and a tourney win in
Kansas City.
kick off 2017 season Nevada struggled early as the Cyclones experience
showed gaining an early 13-point lead at halftime. The
Southeast Valley at ISU Indoor second half proved to show their real talents but could
never sustain a lead. For the Wolf Pack, Cameron Oli-
Schedule of Events The girls started their track season at the ISU
ver dropped in 22 points, Jordan Caroline had 20 points
and eight rebounds, and Marcus Marshall contributed 16
indoor on March 13th. Last year they ran inside and it points and five rebounds.
was over 70 degrees out and we wished we were outside
Week of March 23rd to March 29th running.
Iowa State led by as much as 15 points in the first half
before Nevada found its groove.
Friday, March 24 That was not the case this year. The girls we Next up for Iowa State, Purdue, which won over Ver-
7:00 p.m. SVHS Spring Play very happy to be inside with the cold weather we have mont. Caleb Swanigan had 16 points, 14 rebounds and
Saturday, March 25 had the last few days. We have a very young new team four assists for the fourth-seeded Boilermakers and a solid
7:00 p.m. SVHS Spring Play and have a lot of work to do yet. second half showing for Vincent Edwards who posted 16
Sunday, March 26 This gave the coaches an idea of where some of his 21 points in the second half.
FCCLA State Leadership Conference are at and gives us things to work on. We will keep work-
ing them hard and get ready for our outdoor season next.
Monday, March 27
FCCLA State Leadership Conference Results... Zion Lutheran Church
High Jump - *Mackenzie Crampton, 4 4;
PVES - NO AM Preschool
All-State Individual Speech Festival @ UNI
Shot Put, Jaiden Ackerson, 34 7.5; Kayla Dolph, 24
4; Long Jump - Maddy Jaeschke, 12 6.5; 60H - Nata-
Council meets March 28
4:30 G Varsity Track Meet C- Lake City lie Lambert, 23, 10:50; Karissa Hiesterman, 11:86; 60M Wednesday, March 22 Lenten Soup Supper at
4:30 B Varsity Track Meet C- Lake City - Karissa Hiesterman, 11.49; Leslie Housken, 12.38; UMC will begin at 6 p.m. followed by worship at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, March 28 Sprint Med. Relay - 2:09.08 it consisted of Katara Jon- Sunday, March 26 Sunday School will begin at
FCCLA State Leadership Conference dle 14.47, Shelby Cummins, 14.18, Karissa Hiesterman 9:30 a.m. Worship will begin at 10:30 a.m.
PVES - NO AM Preschool 1:10.38, and Kanyon Pepples 1:10.38; 800M - Emma Tuesday, March 28 a Church council Meeting
6:00 p.m. SV SIAC Committee Meeting Hunter 3:30.44; Viatris Scott, 3:16.82; 1500M - Allie will be held at 7 p.m.
True, 6:23.62; *Sammy Alphs, 6:25.05; *4x400 - finish Wednesday, March 29 Youth Bells will begin at 4
*Schedule is pulled from the SV website for your convenience* time 4:42.57, Katara Jondle 1:08.66, Shelby Cummins p.m. A Lenten Soup supper at Zion will begin at 6 p.m. 1:09.80, Maddy Jaeschke 1:12.00, and Karissa Heister- Worship Service at Zion will begin at 7 p.m. Vesper
***Schedules are subject to change at anytime*** man 1:11.62. *Cheeta awards. Ringers will meet at 8 p.m.
March 22, 2017
prevention poster
Hanna Hicks, Landon Dorsey, Ellie Carstens, and Firemen
Kevin Kruse. Elizabeth Thompson (not pictured).
winners announced
Prairie Valley Elementary third and fourth grade
art students created fire prevention posters supporting
this years theme Dont Wait: Check the Date remind-
Walter F. Lusmann, 97 ing homeowners to replace fire detectors every ten years.
This theme was the final in a three year fire detector fo-
Walter F. Lusmann 97, passed away on Thurs- cus.
day, March 16, 2017. Funeral services were held at 10:00 Many people know the benefits of installing fire
a.m. Monday, March 20, at the Holy Trinity Lutheran detectors and the need to check batteries regularly. Yet,
Church, Farnhamville, with Pastor Robert Zellmer offi- few are aware that the manufacturing date is printed on
ciating. Burial was at Reading Township Cemetery, near each detector and that units are to be replaced every ten
Farnhamville, with Military Graveside rites by the Amer- years. Students were encouraged to share this life-saving
ican Legion Post #510 of Farnhamville. Memorials may information with parents and others.
be left to the discretion of the family. Palmer Funeral Prairie Valley appreciates the annual poster con-
Home, Gowrie is serving the family. test support from the Callender, Farnhamville, Gowrie,
Survivors include son, Neil Lusmann (Lori) and Moorland fire departments. Firemen Brian Lane and
of Rockford, Illinois; daughter, Michele Staub (Dan) of Kevin Kruse presented this years plaques to Camryn
Urbandale; grandchildren, Ryan (Michelle) Lusmann of Lane, Aiden Anderson, Hanna Hicks, Landon Dorsey, El-
Huntley, IL, Ashley (Will) Dowell of Rockford, IL, Ty- lie Carstens, and Elizabeth Thompson (not pictured).
-ler (Pilar) Lusmann of East Troy, WI, Jarrod (Lia) Lus- Top posters created by Camryn Lane (3rd grade)
rmann of Rockton, IL, Kyle Lusmann of Rockford, IL, and Hanna Hicks (4th-grade) were sent on to state level
eEvan Lusmann of Rockford, IL, and Morgan Staub of Ur- judging. Congratulations, artists!
tbandale; and five great-grandchildren. He was preceded Prairie Valley Elementary recognize all our local
oin death by his wife Caroline; parents, Herman Sr. and firemen for supporting this project and for their volunteer
nIda (Mueller) Lusmann; and brothers, Art, Harold, and service to our communities
-Herman Lusmann.
. Walter Frederick Lusmann was born January 25,
s1920 in Farnhamville, Iowa. He graduated from Farn-
-hamville High School, with the Class of 1938. Walter
8enlisted in the United States Army, serving our country
during World War II. On May 16, 1948, he was united
-in marriage to Caroline Kopecky at St. Peter's Lutheran
aChurch in Farnhamville. Walter owned and operated a
-carpet and flooring business until his retirement in 1990.
Along with his clever sense of humor, Walter will be re-
rmembered as a loving husband, father, grandfather, and
ngreat-grandfather. He enjoyed gardening and working in
dthe yard but was happiest when he was fishing or spend-
ning time with family and friends. As a member of Holy
,Trinity Lutheran Church, he was thankful for the friend-
.ships he made there.
Why It Matters
s Does it really matter what we believe about the
6 origin of mankind? Yes. Yes, it does, and here is why. If
God is left completely out of our belief, life is meaning-
f less. If God is not involved in our lives, then we are noth-
ing but a bunch of molecules that just magically came
- together billions of years ago. Without Gods involve-
d ment, ethics and morality become nothing by whomever
d happens to have the most power at the moment.
6 If we leave God out of our lives, there is nothing
left except us looking out for number 1 in our lives. But if
God is in our lives, we have a reason for living. We have
a purpose for life. Why? Because then it gives us an ap-
preciation of life itself and a reason for existence. Most
of all, it is a matter of faith faith in God. Our faith is a
never changing God virus the whims of scientific theory.
Our God is always there for us and that gives us peace.
Prayer: Lord, strengthen our faith and help us
to not be misled by scientific facts. You are the truth, help
us to always see this. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen
6 March 22, 2017
Gowrie Municipal
Golf Course offers
Half-price golf passes
The Gowrie Municipal Golf Course is preparing
to open for the 2017 golf season. The weather during the
past couple of years has put the course in excellent condi-
tion! Our experienced grounds crew has done a fabulous
job maintaining this wonderful Gowrie asset.
To encourage more golfers to give it a try, the
course is offering a half-price sale to new golfers this
If you were not a season pass holder last year,
you are invited to purchase a 2017 pass for half-price.
The hope is to attract new golfers to the course, as well as
entice past members to re-join.
The Gowrie golf course has been through many
changes in the past. It went from being a private golf club
to being a municipal course open to the public. This evo- Representing Gowrie from left to right are Berna Tucker, Heartland Bank; Jeff Boerner and Marcie Boerner,
lution is confusing to some people who still believe there Webster-Calhoun Cooperative Telephone Association; Jill Heistercamp, Calhoun County Economic Development Commis-
is the stigma of it being an exclusive golf club. Nothing sion; Kevin Black, Heartland Bank; and Kelly Halsted, Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance.
could be further from the truth!
The Gowrie City Council wants people to know
that everyone is welcome to golf the course. Contact the
Gowrie and Gowrie Development Commision
Gowrie City Clerk at (515) 352-3999 with any questions
or to purchase your annual golf pass. represented at GFDGA Annual Dinner
Greater Fort Dodge Growth Alliance...
Gowrie Easter Egg Hunt By Gowrie Development Commision The dinner included record attendance and fea-
April 15 at 1 p.m. Gowrie and the Gowrie Development Commis-
sion was recently represented at the Greater Fort Dodge
tured John McElligott speaking about embracing disrup-
tion and the future of technology.
Growth Alliance annual dinner.
Located at Laurel Park...
By Gowrie Development Commision
Prairie Valley PTA discusses Library
furniture and funds for walking path
Easter is April 16th and plans are underway for
the annual Easter Egg Hunt in Gowrie on Saturday, April
15th at 1:00 pm at Laurel Park (weather alternative is the
new fire station). We would appreciate your support by The Monday, February 6 meeting of the Prai- ily Fun Night to benefit more students. It was the con-
either donating a finished Easter basket or pre-plan a bas- rie Valley Elementary PTA was held at the Elementary sensus of the group that this would allow for more books
ket by making a donation. School library, Farnhamville, 6:30 p.m., with President to students needing them the most. The free book has a
Pre-plan and allow the committee to create a Kerri Moeller presiding. Peyton Heslop provided child- $5.00 limit. The spring book fair is a BOGO event which
basket for you! The shopping committee will need your care, with pizza, snacks and drinks available to all in decreases PTA costs with last years book fair free book
donation no later than April 6th. The shopping will be attendance. President Moeller discussed the evening expense was under $600. Trish Wanat made the motion
finished by April 8th. The baskets choices are $15.00, agenda. Trish Wanat approved it with a second made by that students receive their free books wehen they visit the
$20.00 or $25.00. Please include your return address as Jennifer Hicks. book fair during the school day. Motion was seconded by
we will give each child a thank you card to mail back to Minutes from the last meeting were given by Jennifer Hicks. The motion passed unanimously.
you. Trish Wanat, Treasurer, and discussion was held regarding
Please make your checks payable to Pat Pe-
terson. Donations can be given to Pat Peterson (mail to
the treasurers report. It was indicated that no response has
been received from the middle school principal pertaining
SV Math & Science Club
1405 Market Street, Gowrie, Iowa 50543), Jeff Petersen
at Jamboree Foods, or Heartland Bank by April 6th. This
to the money market account funds from Prairie Valleys
former middle school. After several inquiries were made
2016-17 members
will ensure that your basket will be ready for our hunt!
If you would like to donate a finished basket you
and no answer received, it was moved by Samantha Guts-
hall to close the money market account and roll the funds
Complete eight credits...
can drop it off at Webster-Calhoun Telephone or Jambo- into the checking account with the stipulation the funds For these Southeast Valley students to become a
ree Foods no later than Friday, April 14th . be given to the middle school if requested. Audrey Ahlers member of the SVHS Math & Science Club, the students
The Easter Basket Committee appreciates your seconded the motion. Motion carried. must successfully complete eight credits of math or sci-
support: Jeff and Julie Petersen, Pat Peterson, Shelly Principal Jim Duncan shared a picture of stu- ence. Congratulations to these students on this accom-
Nelson and Renee Robertson. dents with the purchased playground equipment and stat- plishment!
Sponsored by the Gowrie Development Com- ed the photo will be published in a future edition of The
mission and Jamboree Foods. Jaiden Ackerson 12 Drew Lundquist 11
Gowrie News. He reported that many positive comments
Help is still needed during the actual egg hunt! Aaron Swieter 12 Ryan Gustafson 12
were made concerning the TK-2nd grade music concert,
Please contact Pat Peterson for more information! Joel Anderson 12 Alanna McFarland 11
and that the 3rd/4th grade concert has been scheduled for
Aaron True 12 Peyton Heslop 12
March. It was also noted that a growth in fluency scores
Michael Balla 12 Melissa Pautsch 11
are indicated in the recent FAST reading assessments and
Carson Walrod 12 Morgan Jackson 12
that teachers are currently preparing for the Iowa Assess-
Sam Bergland 12 Kanyon Pepples 11
Spencer Warehime 12 Dakota Jaeschke 12
Worship Schedule
The subject of library furniture and funds for a
Nolan Brand 12 Cameron Pliner 11
walking path was reopened. Principal Duncan presented
Mickayla Willison 12 Jordan Lane 12
catalog items he and Margo Shirbroun had chosen for the
Makayla Busma 12 Daven Rees 11
library as well as a floor plan layout. It was moved by
Samantha Gutshall to give $1,000 to the schools library
8:30 a.m. Sunday School; 9:30 a.m. Worship Regina Cook 12 Kelsi Sandahl 11
to purchase new furniture.The motion was seconded by
Audrey Ahlers. The motion carried.
Anthony Crampton 12 Megan Seil 11
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship, 9:45 a.m. Fellowhip Coffee Discussion continued concerning the walking
Leah Gibbons 11 Fernando Salazar 12
OUR SAVIOUR'S LUTHERAN, CALLENDER path with a tentative summer date selected. It is a pos-
Myles Davis 12 Patti Snyder 11
sibility that Tyson Gutshall will assist with the project
9:15 a.m. Sunday Worhip Anna Hanson 11 Kelcy Schultz 12
by providing and operating a skid loader to construct the
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, GOWRIE Nick Eslick 12 Ramona Thompson 11
walking path bed. Also discussed was setting a budget
9:00 a.m. Sunday School; 10:15 a.m. Worship Karissa Hiesterman 11 Jacob Sorenson 12
ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. The item was tabled until
Jennifer Gallentine 12 Hannah Vaughn 11
ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH, GOWRIE the next meeting in consideration of monies realized from
Leslie Housken 11 Ryann Steburg 12
9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship an upcoming fundraiser.
Keegan Goodwin 12 Claire Whalen 11
FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH, HARCOURT Principal Duncan noted that the schools lamina-
Daniel Johnson 11 Ashley Stenzel 12
tor has stopped working. He said a replacement laminator
10:30 a.m. Worship; 9:30 a.m. Fellowhip Emma Graves 12 Kyle Zeka 11
would cost between $400 to $2,000. Jennifer Hicks made
a motion to allow $1,500 toward the purchase of a new
8:30 a.m. Worship; 9:40 a.m. Sunday School Gordon Grossnickle 12
machine. The motion was seconded by Trish Wanat. Mo-
9:00 a.m. Worship Teacher Representative and Box Tops/Campbell
Soup Label Chairman Samantha Gutshall reported that
the winter box tops contest brought in $400, down from
9:00 a.m. Worship almost $1,000 from last year.Discussion was held regard-
FULTON LUTHERAN CHURCH, ROELYN ing different ways to promote and inform the community
9:00 a.m. Worship of the box top program and the possibility of advertising
It Pays to Advertise!
and promoting the project at various banks, post offices,
etc. She also brought a request from Librarian Margo
Shirbroun to offer the free book from the spring book fair
during school hours rather than during the Reading/Fam-
March 22, 2017
Our Saviours Lutheran Sunday, March 26 Sunday Worship
will begin at 9:15 a.m. followed by fellowship coffee
Lenten Supper planned at 10:15. Children will meet at 10:30 for Sunday School.
Worship in Harmony will meet at 10:45 a.m. in room
number 5. Adult Forum will meet at 11:00 a.m. in the
Wednesday, March 22 at 5:15 p.m. . . Fireside Room.
Wednesday, March 22 Lenten Supper will be- Monday, March 27 Bible Study with Don Doo-
gin at 5:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Confirmation little will meet in the Fireside Room at 7:00 p.m.
will begin in the Fireside Room at 6 p.m. followed by Tuesday, March 28 Creative Christian Crafters
Lenten Worship at 7 p.m.. will meet from 1-2:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room.
Thursday, March 23 Dorcas/Lydia Circle will Wednesday, March 29 1st Communion
meet in the Fireside Room at 9:00 a.m. followed by Mary/ Class will meet in the Fireside Room at 4:00 p.m. A
Martha Circle at 2:00 p.m. also in the Fireside Room. Lenten Supper will take place in the Fellowship Hall at
Gowrie Care Center Devotions will be held at 3:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. with Confirmation Class in the Fireside Room
Choir Rehearsal will meet at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 25 Mens Group will meet at 9
from 6:00-6:45 p.m. Lenten Worship will begin at 7:00
p.m. Star Energy, Fuel
up Jags program
a.m. in the Fireside Room. Shared Blessings Food Pantry
is open from 10 a.m. till Noon. A Come & Go Bridal
Shower for Hillary Hanson will be held from 1 p.m. till 3
~ Email your news to
p.m. at the Fellowship Hall. ~
generate funds
North Central Iowa Classifieds $903.77 in last six months...
HELP WANTED- TRUCK MEDICAL CARE The Southeast Valley School District would like
DRIVER IF YOU HAD HIP OR to recognize STAR Energy for the #fuelupjags program.
In 6 months, we were able to generate $903.77 to be re-
Tankers. Great Pay, Home SURGERY AND SUFFERED
Weekends, and Benefits! AN INFECTION between turned to the school. Southeast Valley Schools would
Potential of $60,000 plus per 2010 and the present time, also like to recognize all of the businesses and individu-
year! Contact Tony 608-935- you may be entitled to als that have applied for the Jags card or have converted
0915 Ext 16 compensation. Call Attorney your exisiting STAR account to a Jags card.
(INCN) Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535- For those of you that have not, it is really simple.
5727 (INCN) You can apply for a Fuel the Jags card at http://www.south- and
click on the card for an application.
CRP SEED BUYING TIPS STAR Energy & Fast Stop Locations: Gowrie,
Callender, Farnhamville, Churdan, Rockwell City,
Nemaha, Storm Lake, Knierim, Roelyn, Otho, Fort
Always buy your CRP seed from Dodge, Humboldt, Spencer, and Spirit Lake.
Professional Seedsmen - Programs like this in other areas are generat-
ing over $10,000 a year. Please encourage your friends
LONG TERM and neighbors. They will save 1 cent per gallon and the
school gets 2 cents per gallon.
supplier of excellent quality seed.
a Gowrie United
Years in
Methodist Churchs
weekly events
e the prairie experts
11009 542nd Street Lucas, IA 50151
How You Can Avoid Gowrie United Methodist church will be host-
800-582-2788 or 641-766-6790 7 Costly Mistakes if
ing the Lenten Soup Dinner and worship on March 22nd.
Fax: 641-766-6795 There is need for soup, treats, set up and clean up! If you Hurt at Work are interested in helping please contact 515-352-3715.
All offerings collected at the mid-week Lenten Each year thousands of Iowans
are hurt at work, but many fail to
services are what funds VBS each summer. To donate
please mark your donations GOWRIE VBS and give to
We Accept:
a Check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover & Bank Letter of Credit learn the Injured Workers Bill of Katie Dorsey or Brenda Anderson.
Rights which includes: Mark your callendars for Vacation Bible School,
- 1. Payment of Mileage at $.54 per Victory by the Go Fish Guys will be held July 23-27 this
- mile 2. Money for Permanent summer at Zion Lutheran Church.
Disability 3. 2nd Medical
Opinion in Admitted Claims. . .
Disc Golf...
. A Bold New Book reveals your continued from front page...
other rights, exposes insurance company secrets and much challenges to enforce completions of challenges.
more. The book is being offered to you at no cost because The challenged player must give the challenger
since 1997, Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker has two (2) times to meet in the next 2 weeks or they must
seen the consequences of clients costly mistakes. If you forfeit and swap tags. If the challenger can not meet that
or a loved one have been hurt at work and do not have an timeline, the challenge is void. Not showing up for a
attorney claim your copy (while supplies last) Call Now match results in a forfeit. (20 minute leeway)
(800)-707-2552, ext. 311 (24 Hour Recording) or go to www. PDGA rules apply. If the challenger wins the round, the Guarantee- Corey stands behind his tags are exchanged.
book and if you do not learn at least one thing call us and we Ties result in everyone keeping the bag tag
Motion by Kail, seconded by Farley to approve the March agenda and PETERSON MYERS, ROBERT PETERSON, FREDERICK CARLSON
the meeting minutes from February 13th meeting. Motion carried. JR., DANIEL CARLSON, STEPHEN RALPH CARLSON, DIANE PEJZA
Mayor Morgan open the Public Meeting regarding the Budget FY LATIOLAIS, DONNA PEJZA MILLER, MICHAEL PEJZA, PAULA JEAN
2017-2018. Motion by Farley to approve Resolution No. A-2017 for the
budget for FY 2017-2018, seconded by Jepsen. Motion carried. Public MCBROOM, ADRIENNE NICHOLE CAUDILL MASON, MARK EARL
Morgan opened the regular meeting. V. HUDSON, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON MUZZY,
Following discussion motion by Farley seconded by Gregg to approve AND THEIR UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, City of Farnhamville Public Notice
the payment of the bills presented at the meeting. Motion carried. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST AND THEIR UNKNOWN SPOUSES AND In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency and the
Motion by Gregg, seconded by Jepson to approve the monthly UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL 1996 Safe Drinking water Act, the Farnhamville Water Department has
finance report as presented. Motion carried. ESTATE SITUATED IN WEBSTER COUNTY, IOWA: completed the public right-to-know CCR (Consumer Confidence Report).
The Employee Insurance was discussed with motion by Gregg, Government Lots 6, 7, and 8 and the S1/2 of the SW1/4 of Section The report is being made available upon request from Alan
seconded by Kail to go with Wellmark Complete Blue 2250 PPO Silver for 14-88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, EXCEPT a tract of Jorgensen, Water Superintendent or Emily Bendickson, City Clerk, during
Kopecky at a rate of $676.20 per month. Motion carried. Upon Jorgensen land in the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 and in Government Lot 7 of Section 14- normal business hours. This certified report has been sent to the Iowa
retirement he will obtain his personal insurance. 88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, described as follows: DNR to be placed on file.
There was discussion on the open employee position. Council would Beginning at a point 1899.5 feet East of the SW corner of the SW1/4 of
like Kopecky to submit job description/duties with the possibility of hiring a the SW 1/4 of said Section 14, said point being also on the South line of
part-time person. said Section 14; thence North 344.0 feet; thence East 218.4 feet parallel
Motion by Kail, seconded by Gregg to approve the Mosquito Control to the South line of said Section 14; thence South 145.6 feet; thence East
contract for the yearly rate of $2,100.00 127.9 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14; thence North 190.6
Motion carried. feet; thence East 85.0 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14;
The Farnhamville/Somers burnsite will be opening in April. Morgan thence N052' East 1100 feet; thence East 205.0 feet parallel to the South
will be at the site on April 15th. line of said Section 14; thence S053' West 1489.0 feet to the South line
Motion by Farley, seconded by Jepsen to accept the estimate bid of of said Section 14; thence West 630.3 feet to the point of beginning, AND Regular meeting was held March 15, 2017, 6:15 PM, at the utilities
$1,948.00 to repair the sink hole located on EXCEPT a parcel of land located in the SW1/4 of Section 14-88-28 West of building with the following members present: Rittgers, Boerner, and
Farnham Ave. Motion carried. the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows: Carpenter. Also present was Chris Frideres, Gordon Adkins, and Keith
Kopecky gave a verbal report on the electric and water departments. Commencing at the SW corner of the said SW1/4; thence N9000'00" East Streit, counsel liaison.
He will be purchasing ten radio read electric meters at $275.00 per meter 1899.50 feet along the South line of the said SW1/4; thence N0000'00" Rittgers moved to approve the minutes and financial reports, second
to replace some old meters. He contacted three companies to submit bids East 344.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing N0000'00" Carpenter. Carried-all ayes.
for painting the water tower. East 30.00 feet; thence N9000'00" East 218.40 feet; thence South Bills allowed on motion by Rittgers, subject to audit, second
Six delinquent notices will be posted for shut off. 0000'00" West 30.00 feet; thence S9000'00" West 218.40 feet to the Carpenter. Carried-all ayes.
Verbal Police Report was given by McCormack. point of beginning, containing 6552 square feet. Note: The South line of
Motion by Farley, seconded by Jepsen to accept the resignation the said SW1/4 was assumed to bear N9000'00" East. DATA TECHNOLOGIES, SPRING USER GROUP REGISTRATION 95.00
of Farnhamville Librarian Kristen Fields effective April 29, 2017. Motion ANGSTROM, CHUCK CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 80.00
carried. NOW KNOWN AS Government Lots 6, 7 and 8 and the S1/2 of the PAYROLL TAXES STATE TAX 816.00
Next council meeting will be Monday April 10th, 2017 at 6:30 pm. SW1/4 of Section 14-88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, ARAMARK, BLDG & MAINT SUPP/UNIFORM EXP 176.46
Motion by Gregg, seconded by Farley to adjourn the meeting. Motion EXCEPT a tract of land in the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 and in Government BLACK HILLS ENERGY UTILITY SERVICE 493.02
carried. Lot 7 of Section 14-88-28, West of the 5th P.M., Webster County, Iowa, JIM BLAIR SANITATION RECYCLING-382 CUSTOMERS 1,719.00
Spring clean-up days will be April 10th 13th with dumpsters described as follows: Beginning at a point 1899.5 feet East of the SW TCB SANITATION GARBAGE-382 CUST & 20 TAGS 5,941.00
available on Hardin Street. corner of the SW1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 14, said point being also CITY OF GOWRIE ELEC WATER SEWER GARBAGE 1,652.89
Tentative Garage sale days in Farnhamville will be June 23rd and on the South line of said Section 14; thence North 374.0 feet; thence East EMC ELEC DIST SUPPLIES 170.28
June 24th. 218.4 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14; thence South 175.6 GMU UTILITY SERVICE 5,171.13
feet; thence East 127.9 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 14; GOWRIE NEWS FLUORIDE NOTICE 177.66
Emily Bendickson Frank Morgan thence North 190.6 feet; thence East 85.0 feet parallel to the South line GOWRIE SERVICE GAS & DIESEL (DEC,JAN,FEB) 742.36
City Clerk Mayor of said Section 14; thence N052' East 1100 feet; thence East 205.0 feet HAWKINS INC CONTAINER DEMURRAGE 10.00
parallel to the South line of said Section 14; thence S053' West 1489.0 ACHFILE-HEARTLAND BANK, ACHFILE 32.10
VENDOR, REFERENCE AMOUNT feet to the South line of said Section 14; thence West 630.3 feet to the
point of beginning. IAMU CIASSO DUES MAR-MAY 401.54
You are hereby notified that Plaintiff's Petition in is now on file JAMBOREE FOODS OPERATING SUPPLIES 8.74
BLACK HILLS ENERGY GAS $615.33 in the office of the clerk of the Court,stating in substance that Plaintiff
BROWN SUPPLY CO WATER PARTS $285.65 owns in fee simple the property described in the caption of this notice.
Such ownership is claimed by reason of facts fully stated in the Petition, SALES TAX SALES TAX
CALHOUN COUNTY ELECTRIC COOP, FEBRUARY $26,250.24 which also alleges that Defendants claim some interest therein, but their
claim is without right and constitutes a cloud on the title which it is desired SIMECA POWER PURCHASED 36,923.31
PROPRTY TAXES - BURNSITE $425.00 to remove. The Petition prays that Plaintiff's title to the premises be
established as an absolute title in fee simple, and quieted and confirmed JOHNSON KRAMER MULHOLLAND, PROF SERVICES 200.00n
CARROLL REFUSE SERVICE LLC, GARBAGE-RECYCLE $2,900.00 against all Defendants, each of whom be forever barred and estopped
from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest in side property; PRINCIPAL LIFE LIFE INSURANCE/MAR 2017 77.41
CENTRAL STATES LAB LLC CHEMICALS $2,805.36 and for other equitable relief, and for costs. For further particulars see the
Petition as on file. IPERS IPERS
COMMUNITY BETTERMENT CLUB,DONATION $1,000.00 The name and address of the attorney for the Plaintiff is: Grefe & Sidney,
DATA TECHNOLOGIES INC METER READER $925.00 PLC, Craig S. Shannon, 500 E. Court Avenue, Suite 200, Des Moines, IA
50309. The attorney's phone number is (515)245-4300. PETTY CASH, POSTAGE,MTG EXPENSE,OFFICE SUP
ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION PEST CONTROL $109.14 You must serve a motion or answer on or before the 19th day of
April, 2017, and within a reasonable time thereafter, file your motion or TAYLOR CLEANING OFFICE CLEANING 90.00
EMILY BENDICKSON BCBS $254.60 answer, in the Iowa District Court for Webster County, Iowa, at the County
Courthouse in Fort Dodge, Iowa. If you do not, judgment by default may be BUSINESS CARD, NORTON ANTIVIRUS SFTWRE RENEW 129.99
GALLS LLC EQUIPMENT $42.44 rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition.
You are further notified that the above case has been filed in a BANKCARD MERCHANTS CHOICE, MONTHLY FEE 65.37
GOWRIE TIRE AND SERVICE LAWN MOWER-TUBES $15.00 county that utilizes electronic filing. Please see Iowa Court Rules Chapter
16 for information on electronic filing and Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, COPIER LEASE CONTRACT 73.50
IAMU DUES $1,690.18 division VI regarding the protection of personal information in court filings.
If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to PAYROLL CHECKS TOTAL PAYROLL CHECKS 13,004.23
IPERS IPERS- REGULAR $1,466.31 participate in court because of a disability, immediately call your district
ADA coordinator at (641)421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Revenues for month $124,683.25. Expenses for month $105,106.53.
ITRON INC, METER READING MAINTENANCE $1,712.80 Agenda was approved by consensus with the deletion of Fox
JACOBSON ELECTRIC OUTDOOR LED WALL PACK REPLACE Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942.) Disability coordinators cannot provide legal
advice. Engineering.
,$696.88 Chuck informed the board that the RFP is being sent to IAMU to be
ONCE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. posted on their website for potential bidders.
MARY ANTES HILER - LEASE $10.00 Tvrdik arrived at 6:30 pm.
MID AMERICAN RESEARCH CHE, CHEMICALS-SEWER $958.25 Chris Frideres, representing Cornwell, Frideres, Maher & Associates,
MIDAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, PLC, was present to go over the audit ending June 30, 2016. She
GENERAL ADMINISTRATION $538.67 paged through the audit explaining the summary income statement,
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS, MAGAZINE $20.00 budgetary comparison schedule, and supplementary information for
PAUL KAIL CCEDC $41.40 each department. She went through the schedule of findings noting that
READING CEDAR FIRE DEPT 2017-2018 LEVY $4,049.00 " IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN WEBSTER COUNTY the budget did not get exceeded. Next, she covered the schedule of
ROGER KOPECKY MILEAGE $43.87 indebtedness and noted that both the electric fund and the sewer fund
STAR ENERGY FUEL $219.55 IN THE MATTER Probate No. ESPR307502 did not maintain enough net revenues to comply with the provisions of the
TREASURER STATE OF IOWA SALES TAX $876.00 OF THE ESTATE OF NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, bond for principal and interest due in 2016. She explained to the board
USDA LOAN - WATER $245.00 GARY EDWARD TAYLOR, WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION that it is their responsibility to keep an eye out for fraud. There are two
USDA LOAN - WATER $6,987.00 Deceased. kinds of fraud, the first being financial statement fraud. This pertains to
VISA BOOKS $1,247.87 spending out of incorrect funds. Second is misappropriation of assets.
WCCTA PHONE $388.91 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Gary Edward Taylor, This pertains to stealing. Areas to watch are cash transactions and credit
WELLMARK BC/BS HEALTH INS CITY $1,534.74 Deceased, who died on April 14, 2010: card use. Other examples may be use of equipment, taking care so that
DAVID C PETERSON SHERIFF OWEN PAPERS SERVED $32.56 You are notified that on July 2, 2013, the last will and testament laptops, for example, are not stolen and personal use of vehicles. Chris
TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $96,855.30 of Gary Edward Taylor, deceased, bearing date of March 10, 2010, was answered any questions from the Board of Trustees and was thanked for
PAYROLL CHECKS $7,076.84 admitted to probate in the above named court and that there will be no taking the time to come to the meeting.
**** PAID TOTAL ***** $103,932.14 present administration of the Estate. Carpenter moved to accept the 2015-16 audit, second Rittgers.
**** SCHED TOTAL ***** $36.84 Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court Carried-all ayes.
***** REPORT TOTAL ***** $103,968.98 of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the There was discussion about raising rates now instead of waiting for
GENERAL FUND $29,959.36 second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of the rate study. A special meeting was set for Monday, March 20, 2017 at
LIBRARY $915.15 this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose 4:30pm to discuss rates and set a public hearing.
ROAD USE TAX $1,371.95 identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Motion by Rittgers to adjourn, second Carpenter. Meeting adjourned
WATER $21,483.30 Dated: July 15, 2013. Next regular meeting to be held April 10, 2017, 6:15 PM at the utilities
SEWER $11,204.48 building.
ELECTRIC $38,496.07 /s/ Linda Sue Mumper Taylor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FEBRUARY REVENUE Proponent ______________________________
GENERAL FUND $4,468.18 5066 School Hill, Apt. 5 Patrice Klingson Jeff Boerner
LOST $6,572.62 Lehigh, Iowa 50557 Sec of Board Chair Protem
WATER $9,328.14
SEWER $5,799.55 Ernest Kersten
ELECTRIC $52,984.95 Attorney for the Proponent
Gowrie buildings sold...
1609 220th Street
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501
continued from front page...
Date of second publication
Public Meeting 22nd day of March, 2017 in the building available for rent, If someone needs a store
front to get their business started I can offer a small office or
CITY OF GOWRIE retail space.
Marcie Boerner has been involved in economic
Region V Regional Planning Affiliation which serves the counties of
Calhoun, Hamilton, Humboldt, Pocahontas, Webster, and Wright will hold
development and marketing the community of Gowrie for a
a regional meeting to discuss the regional Surface Transportation Program
(STP) and Transportation Alternative (TA) application process. number of years. I see so much potential in Gowrie. I feel
This meeting will also give those present a chance to discuss the The City Council of Gowrie, Iowa, met on March 13, 2017 at 7:00 this is a way to step up and make a positive difference locally.
regions transportation system. Discussion on this topic is especially p.m., at the Gowrie Community/Civic Center, in Gowrie, Iowa, for the
important this year as the regions Long-Range Transportation Plan is purpose of conducting a public hearing on adoption of budget for fiscal The couple will start by renovating the building. I would re-
being revised. Any project for which STP or TA funds are planning to be year beginning July 1, 2017 ending June 30, 2018. Mayor Redman in
used must fall within the scope of the regions Long-Range Transportation the chair and the following council members answering roll call: Streit and ally like to create a type of consignment shop for area artists
Plan. Petersen. Harrison arrived at 7:18 p.m. and vendors to feature gifts, home dcor, and repurposed vin-
The regional public meeting will be held March 30, 2017, 3:00 PM Council Member Streit moved the adoption of FY2018 Budget,
at MIDAS Council of Governments in the Conference Room, 602 1st second by Council Member Petersen. Roll call: unanimous tage items adds Boerner.
Avenue South, Fort Dodge, Iowa. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was Both ladies are still researching ideas and business
Applications for regional STP and TA funding will be available for upon motion to adjourn at 7:34 p.m. by Harrison, second by Streit. Motion
the first time at the public meeting. After the meeting applications will be carried-unanimous. plans but want to get people in the area thinking. If you are in-
available at the MIDAS office, 602 1st Avenue South, Fort Dodge, Iowa _______________________________________ terested in more information about renting space or consign-
and on the MIDAS website Danielle Clancy, City Clerk
Applications must be received by 12:00 p.m. on May 12, 2017. All Gayle Redman, Mayor ing merchandise contact Patti Anderson at 515-352-5471 or
application must be submitted electronically to: shelgevold@midascog. Marcie Boerner at 515-352-3331.
March 22, 2017
Southeast Valley Highschool announces Your Local
second trimester honor roll BUSINESS DIRECTORY
A Honor Roll - 3.67 - 4.00 Andrews, Randy Lawrence, Trenton Brand, Nolan
*-GPA 4.0 Blunk, Kenneth Lundquist, Drew* Cook, Regina
9th Grade Castenson, Morgan McFarland, Alanna Davis, Myles
Anderlik, Margaret Clark, Kylie Mentzer, Karrigan Davisson, Cassey
Anderson, Avery* Cummins, Shelby* Pautsch, Melissa Goodwin, Keegan
Anderson, Ethan* Dencklau, Dalton* Pliner, Cameron* Lane, Jordan
Berglund, Casandra* Graves, Jonathan Rees, Daven Nahnsen, Sarah
Conrad, Delaney* Haub, Eva* Snyder, Patricia Pontius, Lucas
Crampton, Mackenzie* Jaeschke, Madyson* Thompson, Ramona* Roe, Megan
Ferrari, Jaynie* Lambert, Cassidy* Whalen, Claire Salazar, Fernando
Grove, Joelle Loseke, Jarrett* Winkler, Kaleigh Shady, Kamryn
Halligan, Ross Marcus, Jade Siebert, Leah
Hansen, Brody Miller, Bailey* 12th grade Tilley, Ascension
Housken, Christine Morgan, Isabella Ackerson, Jaiden* Whitmer, Levi
Jepsen, Robert* Roe, Benjamin Busma, Makayla
Johnson, Parker Seehusen, Savanah* Clough, Kenly* B Honor Roll - 3.00 - 3.32
Kastendieck, Jared* True, Allison* Eslick, Nick 9th Grade
Lane, Carter* Wickwire, Kate Fiala, Dylan* Allbee, Madison
Long, Taegen* Fishbaugh, Lee Clancy, Quinton
Miller, Ayedden 11th Grade Gallentine, Jennifer* Clay, Lincoln
Samuelson, Lucas* Ayntee, Nafisa* Grandfield, Rawly* Goodwin, Mason
Studyvin, Haley Baird, Kyle* Gustafson, Ryan Kruse, Hunter
Swieter, Chase Berg, Tessa* Hamilton, Todd Larson, Shelby
Thompson, Brynna* Brandenburger, Caroline* Hartley, Breanna Lundberg, Madison
Warner, Elizabeth Geis, Eliza Jackson, Morgan Pigman, Hailey
Weiland, Kylie Gibbons, Leah* Jaeschke, Dakota Rowley, Jaidyn
Zeka, Erin* Hanson, Anna Scott, Vanessa Smith, Anthony
Housken, Leslie* Stenzel, Ashley Stevens, Joseph
10th Grade - Johnson, Daniel Stern, Kennedy Weaver, Ryan McCrary-Rost
Alphs, Samantha* Johnson, Nolan* Stuart, Jason Willuweit, Macie Clinic
Swieter, Aaron*
Jaguar students Warehime, Spencer
Willison, Mickayla*
10th Grade
Ackerson, Mason
Rochelle Guess, FNP C
Adam Swisher, DO
Kari Swisher, ARNP-C
met grade goals
Christy, Kaylin
B+ Honor Roll Erritt, Payton Margaret Vitiritto, DO.
3.33 - 3.66 Graves, Zachary Hours: Monday-Friday
9th Grade Grossnickle, Chelsea
Second Trimester Goal Setting... Cox, Akasha Haakma, Cameran
1800 Main, Gowrie, Iowa
Phone 352-3891
For the goal setting, the SV students in grades George, Blake Lambert, Joel After Hours: 1-800-262-2614
9-12 set an academic goal at the beginning of the trimes- Hunter, Emma Pudenz, Alex
ter. They look at their current GPA and aim higher for the Lemke, Aidan Rees, Hannah
next trimesters GPA. Miller, Lincoln Sebring, Benjamin
They also keep track of their grades on a bi Scott, Viatris Tuel, Hailey
weekly basis in this packet to help them keep track and Shirbroun, Jessica
reach their goal. The students who met their trimester two 11th Grade
academic goal are listed on the attachment. The list is or- 10th Grade Breitsprecher, Patrick
ganized through Cat Packs. Carlson, Benjamin Fevold, Micaela
Christians: Sammy Alphs, Hunter Summers; Cleveland, Kennedy Kepler, Jade
Bachel: Jackson Housken, Ashley Gustoff, Corell, Alexis Lambert, Amanda
Madison Lundberg, Daven Rees, and Dakota Martin; Fiala, Keri Lennon, Thomas
Dosland: Ayedden Miller, Cassie Berglund, and Fluckiger, Carter Myers, Jaxon
Melissa Pautsch; Goedken, Caleb Peebler, Isaac
Bruns: Brody Hanson, Caden Maguire, Eliza Hofbauer, Shelby Peterson, Benjamin
Geis, Morgan Jackson, Chelsea Grossnickle, Avery An- Housken, Jackson Sandahl, Kelsi
derson, and Nyles Johnson; Johnson, Nyles Scott, Ebony
Vogel: Morgan Castenson, Sam Hemmestad, Jondle, Katara Shipley, Carson
Jaxon Myers, Ben Sebring, Anna Hanson, Isabella Mor- Lundberg, Kasey Vaughn, Hannah
gan, Bailey Miller, Ebony Scott, and Kyle Baird; Sorenson, Morgan
Schill: Jason Stuart, Ben Roe, Dylan Fiala, Luke 12th grade
Samuelson, Kasey Lundberg, Kylie Clark; 11th Grade Bahr, Mason
Rippentrop: Chelsea Mitchell, Kaylin Christy, Alcantara, Karhyn Cline, Jaden
JJ Graves, Hannah Rees, Jarrett Loseke, Leslie H, and Comp, Samuel Crampton, Anthony
Dorothy, Destanee Graves, Emma The
Nolen Brand; Gowrie News
Geisler: Ashley Stenzel, Cameron Pliner, and Grimm, Halle Gustoff, Ashley
Hiesterman, Karissa Heslop, Peyton
Jennifer Gallentine;
Long, Gabrielle Hughes, Angela 1107 Market Street,
Conrad: Randy Andrews, Carson Shipley, Mad-
dy Jaeschke, Rawly Grandfield, Patti Snyder, Christine Rasmussen, Colton Jabbar, Ieisha Gowrie, IA 50543
Housken, and Maddy Weipert; Stewart: Lexi Corell, Seil, Megan Steburg, Ryann
Ph. 515.352.3325 712-297-5218
Taylor, Keanna
Michael Balla, Halle Grimm, Ian Bosch, Noah Jepson,
12th grade True, Aaron email: 712-465-5335
Aaron Swieter, and Carter Lane;
Nuss: Jared Kastendiek, Sarah Nahnsen, Jordan Anderson, Joel Walrod, Carson
Dutcher, Megan Roe, Joel Anderson, Destanee Dorothy, Balla, Michael
and Joel Lambert;
Peterson: Carson Walrod, Robert Jepson, Kayla
Hoover, Austin Crampton, and Sierra Keller;
State Individual
Swieter: Blake George, Lincoln Miller, Clay-
ton McFarland, Emi Schlief, Eva Haub, and Kenly
Speech Contest held
Jaeschke: Jaiden Ackerson, Kylie Weiland, Ra- Saturday, March 11
mona Thompson, and Hannah Vaughn;
Kruse: Todd Hamilton, Kenny Blunk, Carter The Southeast Valley Speech Team had a great
Fluckiger, Isaac Peebler, Delaney Conrad, Caroline Bran- day at the State Competition held on Saturday, march 11.
denburger, Vanessa Scott, and Rylee Walker; Superior Ratings went to Eliza Geis, Daniel
Johnson, Daven Rees, Patti Snyder, Kayla Dolph, Katara
Gowrie golf leagues holds
Lizer: Erin Zeka, Brynna Thompson, Lucas
Pontius, Akasha Cox, and Drew Lundquist Jondle, Parker Johnson, and Patrick Breitsprecher.
Good Ratings went to Kylie Weiland! All-State
organizational meeting
Blunk : Adrianna Echevarria, Dalton Dencklau,
Alanna McFarland, and Haley Studyvin; Nominations went to Patrick Breitsprecher in After Din- Men - April 5; Women - May 2...
Zigrang: Shelby Cummins, Shelby Hofbauer, ner Speaking and Daniel Johnson in Improvisation. The Gowrie Municipal Golf Course is holding
Taegen Long, and Tessa Berg; They will represent Southeast Valley at the All- organizational meetings for its gold leagues and anyone
Kehoe: Lincoln Clay, Keri Fiala, Nolan John- State Festival on March 27 at the University of Northern interested in joining a league is encouraged to attend.
son, Alexys Jenkins, and Dakota Jaeschke; Iowa. The Mens League meeting is Wednesday, April
Hyland: Trent Lawrence, Katara Jondle, Allison 5 at 7:00 p.m.
True, and Tabatha Ball; The Womens League meeting is Tuesday, May
Nellis: Spencer Warehime, Leah Siebert, Tom- 2 at 6:30 p.m.
my Lennon, Mackenzie Crampton, Nafisa Kamal Ayntee, For more information contact the golf course
Cassidy Lambert, and Micaela Fevold. with any questions 515-352-3320.
12 March 22, 2017