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A Multi-Phase Particle Shifting Algorithm

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Proceedings of the

International Workshop
35 June 2014, Paris

D. Violeau
A. Hrault
A. Joly

9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Proceedings of the
9th SPHERIC International Workshop
3th 5st June 2014
CNAM, Paris, France

ISBN: 88-7617-020-0
ISBN 13: 978-88-7617-020-1

Organised by
Laboratoire National dHydraulique et Environnement, EDF R&D
Conservatoire National des Arts et Mtiers
Laboratoire dHydraulique Saint-Venant, Universit Paris-Est

Edited by
Damien Violeau
Alexis Hrault
Antoine Joly

Cover pictures by
S.M. Longshaw et al.
D. Barcarolo et al.
J.M. Dominguez et al.
R.B. Canelas et al.

The organisers would like to thank:


9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Damien Violeau
Alexis Hrault

May 2014

Foreword to the 9th SPHERIC International Workshop

Dear delegate,

The Research and Development division of Electricit de France, the Conservatoire

National des Arts et Mtiers and The Saint-Venant Laboratory for Hydraulics are
delighted to host the 9th SPHERIC International Workshop.

Since SPHERIC was born in 2005, the annual International Workshop has been the
central event of our community, with exciting scientific talks and fruitful discussions.
This is the place for all SPH researchers, students and practitioners to share
knowledge and present their improvements, in a stimulating and friendly atmosphere.
The present workshop in Paris will be of particular interest with the recent creation of
the Grand Challenge Working Group, while SPHERIC is approaching its tenth

This workshop received 83 abstracts of good quality, and 60 of them were selected
to appear in the present proceedings. This demonstrates the success of SPHERIC in
fields ranging from sediment transport, solid mechanics and astrophysics to
heterogeneous High Performance Computing and GPU programming. The present
proceedings will allow the participants to enjoy a comprehensive description of the
work exhibited by the speakers.

For the 9th SPHERIC International Workshop, it is with great pleasure that we
welcome you all to the City of Paris.

Thank you for your participation.

Damien Violeau, EDF

Alexis Hrault, CNAM
Chair of the Local Organising Committee

9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Scientific Committee
Prof. David Le Touz (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France)
Dr. Damien Violeau (Electricit de France, LNHE, Chatou, France)
Dr. Alexis Hrault (Conservatoire National des Arts et Mtiers, Paris, France)
Dr. Nathan Quinlan (National Univ. of Ireland, Galway)
Dr. Ben Rogers (Univ. of Manchester, UK)
Prof. Moncho Gmez-Gesteira (Univ. de Vigo, Spain)
Prof. Stefano Sibilla (Univ. of Pavia, Italy)
Dr. Jean-Christophe Marongiu (ANDRITZ Hydro, France)
Dr. Paul Groenenboom (ESI Group, The Netherlands)
Dr. Alex Crespo (Univ. de Vigo, Spain)
Dr. Andrea Colagrossi (INSEAN, Italy)
Dr. Xiangyu Hu (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Prof. Rade Vignjevic (University of Cranfield, UK)
Prof. Thomas Rung (Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany)
Dr. Antonio Souto-Iglesias (Technical University of Madrid)
Prof. Joe Monaghan (Monash University, Australia)
Dr. Raj Das (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Local Organising Committee

Damien Violeau
Alexis Hrault
Antoine Joly
Martin Ferrand
Agns Leroy
Julie Chize
Eugenio Rustico
Virginie Hergault

Day 1: 3rd June 2014 1
Session 1 : Multiphase Flow 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A Multi-Phase Particle Shifting Algorithm for SPH Simulations for Violent Hydrodynamics on a GPU
A. Mokos, B.D. Rogers & P.K. Stansby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3-D SPH Modelling of Sediment Scouring Induced by Rapid Flows
G. Fourtakas, B.D. Rogers & D. Laurence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
SPH Modelling of Granular Flows
A. Amicarelli & G. Agate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Two-Phase Benchmarks for SPH Multiphase Fully Compressible Schemes
I. Zisis, R. Messahel, B. van der Linden & M. Souli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Session 2 : Incompressibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
A Non-Newtonian ISPH Scheme for Improved Prediction of Pressure Fields
A.M. Xenakis, S.J. Lind, P.K. Stansby & B.D. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Buoyancy Modelling with Incompressible SPH and the Unified Semi-Analytical Wall Boundary Conditions
A. Leroy, D. Violeau, M. Ferrand & A. Joly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Modelling Buoyancy and Thermocapillary Convection in Molten Metals Using an Incompressible SPH Method
C. Demuth, A. Mahrle & A.F. Lasagni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Space Potential Particles as Free-Surface Boundary Condition in Projection-Based Particle Methods
N. Tsuruta, A. Khayyer & H. Gotoh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Session 3 : Surface Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

A Novel Laplacian-Based Surface Tension Model for Particle Methods
A. Khayyer, H. Gotoh & N. Tsuruta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
On the Issue of Interface Spurious Fragmentations in Multiphase SPH
K. Szewc, J. Pozorski & J.-P. Minier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Numerical Simulation of Jet Fragmentation in Multi-Fluid Medium using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
T. Yue, A.C.H. Kruisbrink, F.R. Pearce & H.P. Morvan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Implementation of Surface Tension in Polymer Flow During Reactive Rotational Molding
A. Hamidi, L. Illoul, A. Tcharkhtchi, S. Khelladi & F. Bakir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Session 4 : Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Exact Computation of SPH Wall Renormalising Integrals in 3-D
D. Violeau, A. Mayrhofer & A. Leroy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Local Uniform STencil (LUST) Boundary Conditions for 3-D Irregular Boundaries in DualSPHysics
G. Fourtakas, J.M. Domnguez, R. Vacondio, A. Nasar & B.D. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Explicit Strategies for Consistent Kernel Approximations
M. Leonardi & T. Rung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Open Boundary Conditions Using the Mirror Ghost Particle Approach in OpenFOAM SPH
B. Werdelmann, W. Krebs, E. Portillo-Bilbao, R. Koch & H.-J. Bauer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Session 5 : High Performance Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127


9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Multi-GPU, Multi-Node SPH Implementation with Arbitrary Domain Decomposition

E. Rustico, J. Jankowski, A. Hrault, G. Bilotta & C. Del Negro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Achieving the Best Accuracy in an SPH Implementation
A. Hrault, G. Bilotta & R.A. Dalrymple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Efficient Implementation of Double Precision in GPU Computing to Simulate Realistic Cases with High Reso-
J.M. Domnguez, A.J.C. Crespo, A. Barreiro, M. Gmez-Gesteira & B.D. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Day 2: 4th June 2014 146

Session 6 : Multiphase Flow 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Application of Multiphase SPH to Fluid Structure Interaction Problems
R.J. Paredes & L. Imas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Drying and Morphology Evolution of Single Droplets in Spray Processes
W. Sckel, M. Huber, M. Hirschler, P. Kunz & U. Nieken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Pairwise Force Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Multiphase Flow Model
A.M. Tartakovsky, U.B. Bandara, M. Oostrom & B. Palmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Application of SPH Method Using Interparticle Contact Algorithms to Mesomechanics of Heterogeneous Media
A.N. Parshikov, S.A. Medin & A.V. Ivanov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Session 7 : Adaptivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

3-D SPH Scheme with Variable Resolution: Assessment of the Optimal Splitting Refinement Pattern
R. Vacondio, B.D. Rogers, P.K. Stansby & P. Mignosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Particle Filling and the Importance of the SPH Inertia Tensor
P. Groenenboom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Adaptive Discretization
F. Spreng, D. Schnabel, A. Mueller & P. Eberhard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Toward a Higher Order SPH-ALE Method Based on Moving Least Squares Method
G.-A. Renaut, J.-C. Marongiu & S. Aubert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Session 8 : Turbulence, Structures, Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Flow Structure Detection with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
B. Tth & K.G. Szab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Large Eddy Simulation with SPH: Mission Impossible?
A. Mayrhofer, D. Laurence, B.D. Rogers & D. Violeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
2D Turbulence Using the SPH Method
A. Valizadeh & J.J. Monaghan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Energy Conservation in the -SPH Scheme
M. Antuono, B. Bouscasse, A. Colagrossi & S. Marrone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Session 9 : Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

An Interface-Energy Conserving Approach for the Coupling of Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics and Finite-
Element Methods for Transient Fluid-Structure Interaction
J. Nunez, Z. Li, J.-C. Marongiu & A. Combescure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238


9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Coupling of a SPH-ALE and a Finite Volume Method - Extension to 2D and 3D

M. Neuhauser & J.-C. Marongiu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Coupling Between SWASH and SPH for Real Coastal Problems
C. Altomare, T. Suzuki, J.M. Domnguez, A.J.C. Crespo & M. Gmez-Gesteira . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Modeling and Validation of Guided Ditching Tests Using a Coupled SPH-FE Approach
M.H. Siemann & P. Groenenboom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

Session 10 : Numerical Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

Momentum Conserving Methods that Reduce Particle Clustering in SPH
S.P. Korzilius, A.C.H. Kruisbrink, T. Yue, W.H.A. Schilders & M.J.H. Anthonissen . . . . . . . . . . 268
Pressure Evaluation Improvement for Euler Isentropic SPH Scheme
M. Clayer, J.L. Lacome, J. Limido & J.P. Vila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Towards both Numerical Consistency and Conservation for SPH Approximation
S. Litvinov, X.Y. Hu & N.A. Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Day 3: 5th June 2014 289

Session 11 : Water Waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
On the Model Inconsistencies in Simulating Breaking Wave with Mesh-Based and Particle Methods
S. Marrone, D. Le Touz, A. Colagrossi, & A. Di Mascio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Modeling the Coherent Vortices in Breaking Waves
R. Jalali Farahani, R.A. Dalrymple, A. Hrault, G. Bilotta & E. Rustico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
SPH Numerical Computations of Wave Impact onto a Vertical Wall
X.Z. Lu, G. Pinon, J. Brossard, J.-M. Cherfils & E. Rivoalen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Modelling of Wave Impacts on Harbour Structures and Objects with SPH and DEM
R.B. Canelas, R.M.L. Ferreira, J.M. Domnguez & A.J.C. Crespo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Session 12 : Real-Life Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

Hydrodynamic Performance Simulations using SPH for Automotive Applications
D.A. Barcarolo, J. Candelier, D. Guibert & M. de Leffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Simulation of Earthquake Sloshing Loads in a Nuclear Reactor
J.L. Cercos-Pita, L.M. Gonzlez, A. Moreno, A. Guerrero & S. Salgado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Modelling Real-Life Flows in Hydraulic Waterworks with GPUSPH
G. Bilotta, A. Vorobyev, A. Hrault, A. Mayrhofer & D. Violeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Application of GPUSPH to Design of Wave Energy Converters
B. Edge, R.A. Dalrymple, A. Hrault, K. Gamiel, G. Bilotta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

Session 13 : Alternative Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

Multiphase and Free-Surface Flows in the Finite Volume Particle Method
N.J. Quinlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Finite Volume Particle Method for 3-D Elasto-Plastic Solid Simulation
E. Jahanbakhsh, C. Vessaz & F. Avellan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Applications and Improvements of the Particle Finite Element Method to Free Surface Flows
J.M. Gimenez, L.M. Gonzlez & P. Galn del Sastre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363


9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Voronoi-SPH: on the Analysis of a Hybrid Finite Volumes - Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
D.A. Barcarolo, D. Le Touz, G. Oger & F. de Vuyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371

Session 14 : Free-Surface Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

SPH Modelling of Wave Pressures at Vertical and Perforated Breakwaters
D.D. Meringolo, F. Aristodemo, P. Groenenboom, A. Lo Schiavo, P. Veltri & M. Veltri . . . . . . . . . 379
Evaluation of SPH in Capturing Flow Separation Points on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Bodies During Bluff
Water Entry
A. Kiara, R.J. Paredes & D.K.P. Yue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Investigation of Ship Flooding Situations by MPS and SPH Methods Compared to Dedicated Experiments
H. Hashimoto, N. Grenier, D. Le Touz & M. Sueyoshi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
Energy Decomposition Analysis in Free-Surface Flows: Road-Map for the Direct Computation of Wave Breaking
A. Colagrossi, B. Bouscasse & A. Souto-Iglesias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403

Session 15 : Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Simulation of a High-Pressure Homogenizer
L. Wieth, S. Braun, R. Koch, H.-J. Bauer, K. Kelemen & H.P. Schuchmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
A Semi-Implicit SPH Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations
A.O. Bankole, A. Iske, T. Rung & M. Dumbser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Multiphase SPH for Liquid-Dust Flow and its Application to Sedimentation in a Turbulently Convecting Flow
J. Kwon & J.J. Monaghan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Whale to Turbine Impact Using the GPU Based SPH-LSM Method
S.M. Longshaw, P.K. Stansby & B.D. Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430

Additional Papers 438

A Parallel SPH Implementation on Shared Memory Systems
Y. Reyes Lpez & D. Roose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438

A Multi-Phase Particle Shifting Algorithm for SPH
Simulations for Violent Hydrodynamics on a GPU

A. Mokos*, B. D. Rogers, P. K. Stansby

School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, University of Manchester
Manchester, UK

AbstractThis paper investigates the use of a shifting algorithm speedups for even just one graphics card over the equivalent
for improving the results of smoothed particle hydrodynamics conventional CPU codes for simulations of 10-20 million
(SPH) multi-phase simulations by preventing the creation of particles [4]. It has already been used for accelerating multi-
unnatural voids. Particle shifting occurs according to a Fickian- phase flows with significant speed-ups recorded against a
based algorithm so particles maintain a nearly uniform conventional CPU code [5].
distribution. A modification of the shifting algorithm is necessary
in the air phase to avoid unphysical void formation. In The higher resolutions possible with GPUs have now
conjunction with the use of graphics processing units (GPUs) for highlighted a number of problems when applied to multi-
the acceleration of the simulation, the new shifting algorithm phase SPH simulations which persist regardless of the
allows the simulation of complex multi-phase flows such as a wet resolution used. The creation of unphysical voids is a major
dam break and a sloshing tank. Finally, the shifting algorithm is one, especially in entrained flows. Smaller voids can also be
extended to 3-D and validated with the SPHERIC benchmark created for water particles suspended in the air phase. The
test case of dam break impacting an obstacle. objective of this paper is, then, to present a treatment to these
issues allowing the simulation of complex multi-phase flows
I. INTRODUCTION with millions of particles.
Multi-phase flows with mixing and violent free-surface
Particle shifting techniques have recently emerged as an
hydrodynamic interaction, a common sight in both industrial
attractive additional operation to avoid unphysical and
and natural phenomena, are an ideal application of smoothed
numerically unstable particle arrangements. The use of a
particle hydrodynamics (SPH). A diverse range of problems
shifting algorithm, initially presented within a divergence-free
such as overturning or breaking waves and potentially
incompressible SPH approach [6] is proposed to prevent the
explosive multi-phase pipe flow require accurate multi-phase
instability caused by anisotropic particle spacing. The
simulations with a large number of particles due to the
algorithm was improved by Lind et al. who proposed a free-
constantly changing free-surface making the interface between
surface correction to the Fickian-based algorithm to ensure
the fluids the most important and challenging aspect.
that the particle positions maintain an approximately uniform
Including multiple phases in SPH is relatively particle distribution [7] and further by Skillen et al.[8] who
straightforward, as it is possible to assign a separate set of improved the calculation of the diffusion term.
particles to each phase [1]. Handling the interactions among
In this paper, the shifting algorithm has been further
them however, is greatly dependent on their physical and
modified in order to apply to a weakly compressible multi-
hydrodynamic properties such as density. Treatment of the
phase SPH approach instead of a fully incompressible model.
interface may be necessary. A number of multi-phase SPH
An investigation has also been performed regarding the effect
models have already been developed addressing such issues
of the free-surface correction. This work shows that altering
the shifting algorithm is necessary in the air phase where
SPH is a modelling method with extremely high voids can occur near the surface and are prevented through
computing requirements due to the integral interpolation and greater Fickian motion by simply switching off the surface
its simulations require a substantial time period. This correction in the air phase. The results are demonstrated using
drawback is particularly important when simulating multi- the overturning wave on a dam break case. Validation of the
phase flows as a larger domain and a greater number of results is also performed with different cases including a dam
particles is required. The interactions at the interface and the break on a wet bed [9] and a sloshing tank case. The shifting
different qualities of the fluids may also necessitate a smaller algorithm has also been expanded to 3-D space with results
time step and a finer resolution. presented for a wave impact case [10].
To reduce the computational runtimes, the use of graphics The structure of this paper is as follows: first we present
processing units (GPUs) has been proposed [3]. Their the governing equations and SPH discretisation used on the
massively parallel architecture is an ideal fit for the GPUs. The next section presents the shifting algorithm as
Lagrangian methods used in this study enabling the modelling described by Lind et al. [7] and Skillen et al.[8] as well as the
of finer resolutions and very large numbers of particles. DualSPHysics code [11]. The issues encountered in high
Accelerating the simulation with a GPU gives significant resolutions are further elaborated and the modifications of the

3-D SPH Modelling of Sediment Scouring Induced
by Rapid Flows
G. Fourtakas, B. D. Rogers and D. Laurence
School of Mechanical, Aero & Civil Engineering
University of Manchester
Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom

AbstractIn this paper, a novel two-phase SPH scheme is simulations to simulate fine particle resolutions required for
developed to model scour of non-cohesive sediment suspension. such industrial applications in realistic time.
To model the sediment scour due to intense fluid flows the
Drucker-Prager yield criterion has been used to evaluate the In this paper, a multi-phase fluid-sediment model based on
yielded region of the sediment. The dynamics of the yielded a yield criterion and a constitutive viscoplastic equation
region are modelled using the Herschel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou together with sub-closure models such as the seepage force has
viscoplastic model for low and high stress states with a variable been implemented in DualSPHysics [1] to model the scour and
yield stress calculated by the sediment skeleton pressure. Also, sediment suspension at the interface with attention to the
the seepage force exerted on the sediment is included in the viscous forces of the yield and suspended sediment particles.
governing equations. Finally, the suspension of the saturated
sediment particles is modelled using a statistical colloidal model The paper is organized as follows; Section II.A describes
based on the volumetric concentration. The model has been briefly the fluid model whereas II.B presents the sediment
validated using a well-known 3-D dam break test case with close model in detail. Section III describes the GPU implementation
agreement to the experimental data. The multi-phase model is followed by the results and conclusions.
implemented in DualSPHysics using Graphic Processing Units
(GPUs) to accelerate the computations with satisfactory II. NUMERICAL MODEL
In this section, the governing equations and the modelling
technique for the fluid and sediment phase are presented.
I. INTRODUCTION Throughout this paper, superscripts and denote the
Problems that involve two or more phases, highly non- Cartesian coordinates using Einsteins summation and i and j
linear deformations and free-surface flows are a common the interpolated particle and its neighbours respectively.
occurrence in applied hydrodynamic problems. Sediment
A. Govering equations
resuspension and scouring at the bottom of industrial tanks is
used widely for mixing, filtration, heat generating sediment The governing equations for density and momentum
flows and reservoir scouring. evolution of the field for the multi-phase model are given by

A real life engineering application is being developed for
the UK nuclear power industry where the resuspended d i j Wij

N m

sediment is agitated in industrial tanks by rapidly-varying uij


j j
flows with internal jets. The current application is very difficult
i Wij
j j

g i
to treat with traditional CFD approaches due to the fluid-


sediment interface, the highly non-linear deformation of the


sediment and particle entrainment of the sediment particles by dt
j i j

the fluid phase with additional heat effects. This makes the

problem ideal for SPH development on graphics processing
units (GPUs) to enable simulation of real engineering problems dt
with a large number of particles.
where xi is the position, ui is the velocity, is the density, i
These subaqueous sediment scouring flows are induced by is the total stress tensor, m is the mass and gi is the
rapid inflow creating shear forces at the surface of the sediment gravitational force. The total stress tensor i is made up from
which yield the surface and produce a shear layer of suspended the isotropic pressure pi and the viscous stresses according to
i pi i
particles at the interface and finally sediment suspension in the
fluid. Resolving small-scale effects at the interface is essential
to capturing complex industrial flows accurately with variable
physical properties for each phase. The massively parallel
where the viscous stresses are
architecture of GPU computing can dramatically accelerate

SPH modelling of granular flows
Andrea Amicarelli, Giordano Agate This section describes the main features of the numerical
Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE SpA, Department SFE model (Sec.II.A.) and the erosion scheme which can be
eventually activated to speed-up the code (Secs.II.B,II.C.). A
Milan, Italy
complete description of the model is available in [2].
Giordano Agate@rse-web.it A. Governing equations of a 3D 2-phase SPH model for
granular flows
Abstract This study describes the development of a 2-phase 3D The 3D 2-phase SPH model is based on the governing
SPH model for granular flows. The numerical solution is based on

Let first refer to the definition of the mixture density 1

equations of [4], here adapted to SPH formalism.
a SPH approximation of the mixture model of Chauchat-Mdale
(2010), a 2D finite volume code. The new model represents the
dynamics of a mixture of pure fluid (e.g. water) and solid granular (subscript m for mixture can be omitted hereafter):

2 3 45 6 78 928 A 7B 2B
material (e.g. sand; mixture viscosity is not a tuning parameter).

where CDis the volume fraction, and the subscripts f and

Further, we have investigated a faster and approximated solution,
in case erosion is the only cause of mobilization for solid grains.

Preliminary validations involve three 2D erosional dam breaks, a s refer to the fluid and solid phase, respectively.
2D submerged landslide and a 3D erosional dam break. Further,
We use the continuity equation derived in [4], adapted to a
we provide model inter-comparisons on a 2D flushing test case and
Weakly-Compressible (WC) approach:
represent a demonstrative 3D dam breach event.

3 62
Numerical modelling of granular flows interest several
application fields: erosion and bed-load transport phenomena, where is density, u is velocity and Einstein notation
sediment removal in water reservoirs (flushing), erosional dam
works for the subscript j.
breaks, dam breaches (earth-filled dams), fast landslides.
SPH technique ([21],[28],[25]) has been already applied to
We then adopt the following continuity equation using the
granular flows in 2D ([17], 2D erosion criterion) and for several boundary scheme of [6]:
studies on 2D landslides (e.g. [3]). In general, the reference (mesh-
based or mesh-less) CFD models for granular flows are 2D d 0 W
(mainly with the Shallow Water approximation), usually need ad- = 0 2 (ub , j u0 , j ) b +
dt b x j (3)
hoc tuning for the granular mixture viscosity and can be applied to b

a limited number of phenomena. W 3

+ 2 0 1 [(u w u 0 ) n]n j dx
In this context, we have developed a 3D 2-phase SPH model Vh'
x j
for granular flows. The numerical solution is based on a SPH
approximation of the mixture model of [4], a 2D finite volume The subscripts 0, b and w refer to the computational
code. The new model represents the dynamics of a mixture: pure particle, its neighbouring particles and frontiers, respectively.
fluid (e.g. water) and solid granular material (e.g. sand). In this W represents the kernel function, n the frontier normal vector,
model mixture viscosity is physically estimated (i.e. it is not a is the particle volume.
tuning parameter).
The reference momentum equation ([4]) is:
Further, we have investigated a faster and approximated

36 6   A    3 D
E      !
solution, in case erosion can be considered the only cause of
E F   F
mobilization for solid grains. Under this condition, we can avoid (4)
modelling the whole granular material and treat only the eroded

where  is the mixture kinematic viscosity, g gravity, p

particles. In this frame, we have used the 2D erosion scheme of
[17] and modified it implementing two main features: the
coefficient for generic 3D bed slope inclination of [30] and an pressure and Einstein notation works for the subscript j.
algorithm to allow the mixture (not only the pure fluid) to erode
the fixed bed. The mixture dynamic viscosity takes the form:

" 3 A "1 DDDD2- 3 534 - 5456 7 5 (5)

After this introduction, we describe the numerical model # &'( )*+
#!$% , ./0 41 9
(Sec.II), the results of this study and conclusions (Secs.III,IV).

Two-phase benchmarks for SPH
multiphase fully compressible schemes
Iason Zisis Ramzi Messahel Bas van der Linden Mhamed Souli
Materials innovation institute Laboratoire Dept. Mathematics Laboratoire
Delft, The Netherlands de Mecanique de Lille and Computer Science de Mecanique de Lille
iason.zisis@outlook.com Lille, France TU Eindhoven Lille, France
ramzi.messahel@ed.univ-lille1.fr Eindhoven, The Netherlands mhamed.souli@univ-lille1.fr

AbstractSPH schemes for multiphase simulations in the equipped with particles of unequal masses and the differential
fully compressible regime are studied with four one-dimensional form of mass conservation. Unless one is interested in
test cases. They come from a well-studied variational SPH building higher order schemes for density, computing the
framework and incorporate artificial diffusion coming from a
generic formula. It is shown that this standard approach for latter is more popular for open domains and more robust
SPH may treat multiphase processes in the fully compressible than using the integral form [5]. These four benchmarks
regime, without reverting to non-standard formulations. Results involve one-dimensional shock tubes with discontinuous
are compared to results from the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian initial data and discontinuous fluid parameters, as well. In
method and validated against exact solutions. order to show that SPH results are comparable to the results
obtained by more advanced numerical techniques, problems
are also solved with the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE)
Multiphase problems in SPH have recieved substantial at- method, which utilizes fluid mixing theory. Finally, results
tention, due to SPHs straighforward way of introducing more are validated against exact solutions.
than one fluids in the computational domain [1]. Especially
for the weakly compressible regime, multiphase algorithms
have been extensively studied [1][6] and remedies have II. E QUATIONS
been pinpointed and often fixed. Validated results have been Considering both integral and differential forms of mass
reported involving density ratios of 1, 000, by simply using conservation, two popular density estimates deliver four
standard SPH algorithms [6]. SPH schemes, after casting them into the SPH variational
In all these schemes, it is common practice to use particles framework of [1], [9]. The integral form of the traditional
of different masses for each phase, such that particle mass approach is:
ratios correspond to the initial density ratios. However, for
the simulation of processes in the fully compressible regime, " m # n1
i " := mj Wij,hi , hi := , (1)
particles of equal masses are advised [7]. For such systems, i
the ratio of initial spacings between particles of each phase is
the ratio of the densities. Thus, the spacing of particles in the
or its differential counterpart:
lowest-density region regulates the discretization length and
hence the number of particles in the system. Therefore, sim-
ulations involving high density ratios like air-water shock d i " 1 !
= mj (vi vj )i Wij,hi ,
tubes are either computationally implausible or are bound dt i j
to be coarse. hi ! Wij " m #1/n
SPH has been frequently critisized for its ability to sim- i = 1 mj , hi = ,
i j hi i
ulate multiphase processes (for this discussion see [8], [9])
and alternative formulations have appeared [10], [11], where (2)
particle volumes are obtained from thermodynamics rather
than density. However, the standard framework, as reviewed deliver their corresponding equation of motion for each
by Monaghan [1] and [9], is better studied, offers a well- particle:
established spatial adaptivity and provides a generic formula $ %
for artificial dissipative terms. dvi ! Pi Pj
= mj W
i ij (h i )+ W
i ij (h j ) ,
The aim of the present article is to show that the SPH dt j
i " 2 i j " 2 j
standard framework is able to treat multiphase problems, when (3)

A non-Newtonian ISPH scheme for improved
prediction of pressure fields
A. M. Xenakis, S. J. Lind P. K. Stansby, B. D. Rogers
School of Comput., Maths & Digital Techn. School of Mech., Aero. and Civil Engineering
Manchester Metropolitan University University of Manchester
Manchester, UK Manchester, UK

AbstractA new incompressible smoothed particle hydrody- with the addition of a shifting mechanism based on Ficks
namics (ISPH) method is presented for the modelling of time- law of diffusion. This approach ensured a uniform particle
independent non-Newtonian flows. This new method is based on distribution in the computational domain. This technique has
the diffusion-based ISPH methodology by Lind et al. 2012 [1]
for Newtonian fluids, which has been proven to be stable and been extensively examined in internal and free-surface New-
accurate, with a virtually noise-free pressure field. The proposed tonian flows, proving very efficient and accurate in predicting
method is validated against internal flows and free-surface flows pressure distributions for a wide range of Reynolds numbers
by comparing with analytical and experimental results respec- and complex geometries [1], [4], [7].
tively. Furthermore, comparisons with previous published results Many attempts have been made in the past to model
and other CFD techniques were conducted and showed that in
addition to the accurate prediction of free-surface flows, the inelastic non-Newtonian flows with both WCSPH [8][11] and
proposed methodology can significantly improve the prediction ISPH [5], [12], [13]. In general the existing WCSPH and ISPH
of the pressure field distribution. methods presented well described velocity fields and surface
profiles, but rarely showed adequate performance in the esti-
I. I NTRODUCTION mation of the pressure field. In this work, an approach to non-
Free-surface non-Newtonian flows are met in a vast variety Newtonian free-surface simulations is introduced, in which
of applications, both industrial (e.g. lubricants, suspensions, ISPH with diffusion-based shifting is expanded to model
paints, etc.) and environmental (e.g. mud, ice, blood, etc.). inelastic non-Newtonian fluids. To validate this incompressible
Moreover, due to the increased density and viscosity values non-Newtonian SPH (INNSPH) method, the following cases
of these fluids, the pressure and stresses exerted by such flows are considered: a variety of non-Newtonian internal flows for
can be substantial. Bingham and Power-law rheological models, where analytical
Although traditional weakly compressible SPH (WCSPH) solutions in the steady state are readily available. A Bingham
has proven to be very capable in predicting the kinematic visco-plastic fluid dam-break case is presented and compared
flow patterns of fluids it generally suffers from a noisy with both experimental [14] and computational results [13].
pressure field, caused by the explicit density-pressure rela- A more demanding Cross fluid moulding flow problem is
tionship. This problem is eliminated almost entirely with also considered and compared with computational results [11].
incompressible SPH (ISPH), first introduced by Cummins and Traditionally in SPH, pressure results are rarely presented due
Rudman [2], who used Chorins projection method [3] to to the very noisy pressure fields, making it hard to establish
enforce a divergence-free velocity field. This approach was the accuracy of the pressure results given by INNSPH. In
proven to be substantially better than the WCSPH approach order to bridge this gap, results of the dam-break problem [14]
in the prediction of the pressure field, but its applicability were compared with a control volume finite element method
was restricted to relatively low Reynolds number due to insta- (CVFEM) [15] available through ANSYS-CFX CFD software.
bilities occurred by anisotropic particle distribution [4]. Shao The INNSPH method presented herein, manages to retain the
and Lo [5] addressed this issue by enforcing the invariance of benefits of the SPH methodology in accurately calculating
the density through the pressure-Poisson equation. Although free-surface profiles, in addition to providing a greatly im-
this method improved the particle distribution, it was found to proved estimation of the pressure field.
suffer from some noise in the pressure field [4]. A combination
of the two aforementioned techniques [6] showed stable and II. M ATHEMATICAL M ODEL
accurate results, with increased computational cost [4], since
A. Governing equations
the pressure Poisson equation now needed to be solved twice.
A promising approach was that of ISPH with shifting first The conservation equations for incompressible flows are as
introduced by Xu et al. [4], and further improved by Lind follows:
et al. [1] who used the divergence-free velocity field method, u=0 , (1)

Buoyancy modelling with incompressible SPH and
the unified semi-analytical wall boundary conditions
Agn`es Leroy, Damien Violeau, Antoine Joly Martin Ferrand
Saint-Venant Laboratory for Hydraulics MFEE, EDF R&D
Universite Paris-Est Chatou, France
Chatou, France

AbstractThis work aims at modelling buoyancy using a VALUES OF THE k MODEL CONSTANTS [1]
2D incompressible SPH model (ISPH) where wall boundary
conditions are imposed through the unified semi-analytical tech-
nique, noted USAW [2]. The model is based on the Boussinesq C C1 C2 k
approximation so that density variations only act through an 0.41 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
additional term in the momentum equation. It is combined to
a RANS k turbulence model so as to have a numerical tool
able to model industrial or environmental flows. The advantage
of working with the USAW boundary conditions, besides their
accuracy on complex wall geometries, is that they make it is the equivalent thermal diffusivity, with K the thermal
possible to exactly impose arbitrary wall boundary conditions diffusivity and KT = PrTT , P rT being the turbulent Prandtl
on the temperature. To illustrate this, several configurations number, taken as 0.85. The formalism of heat transfer was
of a Poiseuille flow were tested with isothermal walls and/or chosen, but the reasoning applies to other active scalars like
imposed heat fluxes through the upper wall. In all cases, excellent salinity as well. The Boussinesq approximation is used to
agreement with the theoretical solution was obtained. We propose
several other verifications to the present approach, including account for density variations so that remains constant and
a lock-exchange flow, two laminar and one turbulent flow in the system reads:
differentially heated cavities and a turbulent Poiseuille flow. Very
good agreement was obtained with mesh-based methods in all
v =0

dv 1 1

= p + (E u) + (1 (T T0 )) g




The present work aims at modelling incompressible viscous


flows taking active scalars effects into account. Buoyancy dk 1
plays an important part in many industrial and environmental = P + G + (k k)

flows. Modelling its effects through a Lagrangian method
d 1
= (C1 P + C3 G C2 ) + ( )

presents the advantage of avoiding artificial diffusion, since the

dt k

convection directly corresponds to the particle displacement.
= KE 2 T

The system of equations to be solved is composed of dt
the incompressible Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) (1)
equations coupled to a heat equation and to the k turbu- The variables k = + Tk and = + T were defined,
lence closure [1]. The buoyancy model was introduced in an as well as p = p + 32 k. k , C1 , C2 and are constants
incompressible SPH (ISPH) model based on the unified semi- described in Table I. P is the production of turbulent kinetic
analytical wall boundary conditions (USAW), noted ISPH- energy and G is a buoyancy production term. C3 is equal to 1
USAW [3]. In the equations, the time is noted t, the gravity g, if G 0 and 0 otherwise. The eddy viscosity T is calculated
the pressure p, the density , the dynamic molecular viscosity as a function of k and :
. We define v, the Lagrangian velocity and u, the Eulerian
velocity. Both velocities are equal in our SPH model except k2
T = C (2)
for wall particles as we will see in Section II-C. The turbulent
kinetic energy is noted k, and the dissipation rate . T is
the dynamic eddy viscosity, E = + T is the equivalent where C is a constant defined in Table I. Note that the eddy
dynamic viscosity. We also define = and T = T . The viscosity is imposed equal to zero at the walls. In case of a
temperature is noted T , the mean temperature of the flow T0 laminar flow, T is set to zero and the k and equations are
and the coefficient of thermal expansion . KE = K + KT not solved.

Modelling buoyancy and thermocapillary convection
in molten metals using an incompressible SPH
Cornelius Demuth Achim Mahrle, Andres F. Lasagni
Institute of Thermal Engineering Institute of Manufacturing Technology
Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg Technische Universitat Dresden
Freiberg, Germany Fraunhofer IWS Dresden
cornelius.demuth@iwtt.tu-freiberg.de Dresden, Germany

AbstractIn laser surface modification of metallic materials Thermocapillary convection is assumed to be a possible
characterised by melt displacement, the fluid flow in the molten cause of deformation of the molten pool surface. In this
phase has a crucial effect on the resulting surface structure. regard, Seidgazov [2] proposed that there is a threshold in
In particular, surface tension gradients occurring on the melt
surface influence the shape of the molten pool and hence absorbed laser intensity characterised by a change of the
the resolidified material. At first, thermocapillary convection flow structure from vortical flow to shear flow. The present
resulting from the temperature dependence of surface tension is authors believe that this is a reasonable assumption, since
considered. In the present article, the test case of a differentially they have observed experimentally similar surface deformation
heated cavity filled with liquid metal with an undeformable free in direct laser interference patterning of steel substrates. On
surface is concerned. The authors have the impression that the
modelling of surface-tension-driven flows is still a less pronounced the other hand, a different conceivable physical mechanism
application of SPH. The prospect is to implement the incompress- of laser surface modification is the melt expulsion due to
ible SPH algorithm employed here in the thermal model of laser the evaporation-induced recoil pressure at considerably higher
interference patterning to incorporate the molten pool convection absorbed laser intensity. However, surface structures resulting
and to predict the surface deformation. This capability of SPH from such a process are irregular and characterised by the
will help to understand the physical mechanisms of laser surface
modification in detail. occurence of spatter. The authors intend to employ SPH
in the modelling of laser materials processing owing to its
I. I NTRODUCTION unique feature of representing free surface evolution. Such
an approach offers the possibility to represent the molten
In laser materials processing of metals, incident radiation pool deformation occurring in laser materials processing at
is absorbed and heats the material to the melting point. moderate intensity in the numerical model. Prospective work
Subsequently, the enthalpy of fusion is provided by further consists in extending the developed model towards modelling
absorption of radiation and the molten material is heated. thermocapillary-driven convection with a deformable surface.
Normally, the supplied intensity of laser irradiation is limited Such flows were described by Pimputkar and Ostrach [3]
to such an extent that desired material ablation or displacement and Sen and Davis [4]. The present authors aim is to
takes place in the molten phase. Because of the often non- implement the incompressible SPH method in the two-phase
uniform intensity distribution of the laser radiation and its thermal model of direct laser interference patterning, cf. [5], to
limited extent, the exponential decay of absorbed intensity account for the molten pool convection and predict the material
with depth of penetration and due to heat conduction, temper- displacement, i.e. the free surface deformation.
ature gradients occur in the material. In particular, tangential To the best of the present authors knowledge, there are
temperature gradients on the molten pool surface cause gra- only few investigations concerning the application of SPH
dients of surface tension due to its temperature dependence for modelling surface tension driven flows. On the one hand,
and thus induce thermocapillary convection. For pure metals, Adami et al. [6] have employed a weakly compressible
surface tension decreases with increasing temperature of the SPH method for numerical solution of such flow phenomena.
melt. Consequently, thermocapillary convection, or Marangoni However, they have considered flow driven by a gradient
convection, in shallow surface layer of the molten pool is of concentration of surface active solute, or surfactant, i.e.
directed towards regions of higher surface tension, i.e. towards solutocapillary convection. The work of Shigeta et al. [7]
lower temperature of the melt on the molten bath periphery concerns the simulation of thermofluid flow in an arc weld
in pure metals, cf. [1]. The associated displacement of fluid pool including Marangoni convection using SPH. Tong and
and altered temperature distribution inside the molten pool Browne [8] have modelled heat transfer and fluid flow in the
necessitate the consideration of buoyancy effects as well. melt pool in laser spot welding considering Marangoni flow

Space Potential Particles as Free-Surface Boundary
Condition in Projection-Based Particle Methods

Naoki Tsuruta Abbas Khayyer, Hitoshi Gotoh

Marine Environment and Engineering Department Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering
Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) Kyoto University
Yokosuka, Japan Kyoto, Japan
tsuruta-n@pari.go.jp khayyer@particle.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp, gotoh@particle.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp

AbstractThe paper presents a simple and effective scheme as a As a rare trial, in the most recent years, Marrone et al. [19]
novel free-surface boundary condition for enhancement of the showed a good resolution of this matter by introducing the
numerical stability and accuracy in projection-based particle ghost particles into the interface of a cylinder with good
methods, namely, Space Potential Particles, abbreviated as SPP. reproduction of vortexes under relative high-order Reynolds
SPP scheme guarantees accuracy of the volume conservation and number. However, this advancement concentrates on only the
physical freedom of motion even for particles around free surface flow around the cylinder. Therefore, considering further high-
by a particle-void interaction, which is an essential key to keep order Reynolds numbers for future work, a careful treatment
consistency between physical and mathematical space potential. should be required for unphysical voids which would occur
By performing a set of simple benchmarks including Karman
around the centre of strong vortex apart from the cylinder.
vortex simulations, it is shown that existing models have
problems in the volume conservation, specifically about restraint For suppression of unphysical voids, it is effective to adopt
and rectification of unphysical voids, while, SPP scheme shows a appropriate models handling the negative pressure [10], which
good reproduction of this problem with enhancement of accuracy, brings particles close to one another so as to diminish directly a
stability and computational cost. dilating cavity between them. However, this concept does not
work on voids, but only particles. Therefore, it cannot
I. INTRODUCTION coordinate voids occurring once, and may result in leaving or
expanding their unphysical space. As the second step, the
Projection-based particle methods for viscous handling of voids should be focused on.
incompressible flows, e.g. ISPH (Incompressible SPH) method
by Shao and Lo [1] and MPS (Moving Particle Semi-implicit) Regarding voids, namely free surface, the projection-based
method by Koshizuka and Oka [2] have been applied to various particle methods, e.g. ISPH and MPS frameworks set a free-
engineering problems [3,4] owing to their superiority in surface boundary condition with forced zero pressure for a
robustness of tracking free-surface flows. Thanks to the particle whose particle number density is below a threshold.
framework based on the Lagrangian tracking, particle methods The matrix of the Pressure Poisson Equation (PPE) is solved
are free from the non-linear advection term causing numerical under this regulation. This process contains two controversial
diffusion, as a result, are brought a good applicability to points. First, the free-surface particles are excluded from the
complicated violent flows. However, in exchange of this Continuity equation without any consideration of the volume
advantage, they require a prudent consideration to the conservation for themselves. This problem is clearly shown by
distribution of particles for accuracy and stability in the locally overlapped particles around free surface. Second, since the
weighted averaging operation. As an approach of this problem, free-surface boundary is treated as a fixed boundary in the
in recent years, the accurate particle methods by introduction of matrix of PPE, the sufficient freedom of motion of
a Taylor consistent correction term [5-10] were proposed with neighbouring particles for its direction is not guaranteed. That
achievement of enhancement of accuracy and stability even is, existence of the space behind the free-surface particles,
with the maldistribution of particles. Nevertheless, considering where no interaction is defined for the neighbouring particles,
the volume conservation, the regular distribution of particles is is not premised in the mathematical space. Comparing with the
still essential at all times. In particular, this fact comes to be physical space, it is clear that this unnoticed factor in the
decisive around free surface in the domain due to its deficiency mathematical space brings about a loss of a potential that fluid
of the particle number density. Needless to say, so is the can be flown into the void space. This fact would be one of the
unphysical free surface, namely unphysical voids. As for a causes of unphysical voids.
well-known instance of the inconsistent voids, the so-called Herewith, to resolve the inconsistency in the Space
Karman vortex simulation [11-14] has insufficient trials by Potential between the mathematical and physical space, a new
particle methods [15-19] due to occurrence of unphysical voids boundary condition for the particle-void interaction as
around the centre of vortex, even though the Karman vortex is expression of the potential by introducing an additional virtual
generally targeted by Grid-based methods for examination of free-surface boundary particle, namely Space Potential
applicability of themselves to the violently complicated flows. Particles (abbreviated as SPP) is proposed. This scheme sets all

A Novel Laplacian-Based Surface Tension Model
for Particle Methods

Abbas Khayyer, Hitoshi Gotoh Naoki Tsuruta

Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering Marine Environment and Engineering Department
Kyoto University Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI)
Kyoto, Japan Yokosuka, Japan
khayyer@particle.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp , gotoh@particle.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp tsuruta-n@pari.go.jp

AbstractThe paper presents a novel surface tension model for Brackbill et al. [2]. In this approach, the surface tension is
macroscopic particle methods. The proposed surface tension treated as a continuous, three-dimensional effect across the
model is based on the Continuum Surface Force (CSF) concept interface, derived directly from the Young-Laplace equation,
and is characterized by a novel formulation for curvature where the corresponding pressure jump across the interface is
estimation. The curvature is formulated using direct second applied via a volume force normal to the interface. Morris [3]
order derivatives of color function and is meticulously discretized showed several possible implementations of CSF model in
via a single summation scheme. The new model is referred to as SPH and highlighted one of the most key challenges of this
Laplacian-based surface tension model which applies a high- approach, i.e. calculation of interface curvature. This difficulty
order Laplacian scheme including the approximation of
mainly arises from the fact that interface curvature
boundary integrals. Comparisons are also made with two
commonly applied MPS surface tension models, namely,
corresponds to a high order differential operator (Laplacian of
divergence-gradient based model and the arc fitting one. a color function) which is usually calculated via a double
approximation (or a double summation scheme) comprising of
calculations of normalized gradient of a color function and
I. INTRODUCTION divergence of this estimated normalized gradient.
Surface tension is caused by the effects of intermolecular A set of studies have been carried out on enhancing the
forces at the interface. In the bulk of a liquid, the molecules particle-based CSF model by providing more accurate
experience equal inter-molecular forces in all directions, while schemes for approximation of interface normal and curvature.
molecules at the interface only feel these forces in one For instance, Adami et al. [1] proposed a new formulation for
hemisphere and are therefore, pulled inward. This results in a the surface curvature by applying a reproducing divergence
net force towards the bulk in interface regions. In principle, approximation. Qiang et al. [4] applied a Taylor-series based
surface tension modelling in the context of particle methods is correction leading to more accurate interface normals and thus
achieved by either including directly the particle-particle curvatures. In most cases, curvature calculation was obtained
interactions or by considering additional volumetric forces via a double summation scheme.
which act directly on the liquid at the interfaces.
An alternative approach for curvature estimation is to
The approaches applied for modelling surface tension in formulate it using direct second order derivatives (of color
macroscopic particle-based methods can be divided into two function) and then meticulously discretize it via an accurate
main categories, namely, the so-called potential approach and single summation scheme. This derivation and discretization
the continuum one. The potential approach assumes that have to be performed carefully considering the nature of a
microscopic cohesive intermolecular forces can be mimicked continuous and sharp varying color function.
by macroscopic inter-particle forces. The major disadvantage
of potential approach is related to the fact that the surface This paper presents a novel and simple surface tension
tension forces depend on the intensity of particle-particle model on the basis of CSF concept and by considering the
interactions. These interactions have to be adjusted above mentioned alternative approach. The distinct feature of
numerically by varying the macroscopic input parameters the proposed model corresponds to accurate estimation of
depending on the simulation case in order to reproduce desired interface curvature via deriving a single summation,
surface tension forces. Further, with the given parameters, the Laplacian-based scheme. This derivation has been carried out
potential-based surface tension modelling approach is meticulously by considering the nature of a continuous color
resolution dependent and the modelled surface tension does function (with bounded values) that varies sharply in a narrow
not converge to a fixed value with resolution refinement [1]. transitional region. The Laplacian-based scheme applies a
high-order Laplacian model (analogous to that derived in [5])
The most common approach for incorporation of surface and includes approximation of the boundary integrals [6]. This
tension in macroscopic particle-based simulations is based on scheme and other considered surface tension models are
the Continuum Surface Force (CSF) model introduced by applied together with an enhanced MPS method [7].

On the issue of interface spurious fragmentations in
multiphase SPH
Kamil Szewc, Jacek Pozorski Jean-Pierre Minier
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Electricite de France
Polish Academy of Sciences Recherche et Developpement
Gdansk, Poland Chatou, France
kszewc@imp.gda.pl, jp@imp.gda.pl jean-pierre.minier@edf.fr

AbstractThe purpose of the present paper is to investigate to as the micro-mixing problem. However, this terminology
the issue of spurious interface fragmentation in Smoothed is misleading since micro-mixing is typically related to a
Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approaches for multiphase flows. real and physical mixing at microscopic (or molecular) level
Although SPH has become an increasingly popular method
for free-surface flows, which are addressed as single-phase whereas, here, we are concerned with an artifact happening in
flows, it has appeared in recent years that current SPH the absence of any real molecular mixing. It is thus proposed
formulations, which have been developed for multiphase flows to refer to this issue as being a spurious fragmentation of
involving an interface between immiscible phases, can suffer interfaces. As it transpires from these explanations, the main
from non-physical particle mixing through the interface. This reason for the phenomenon of spurious fragmentation is a lack
question is related to spurious fragmentations of interfaces and
is an important issue that can hinder specific applications where of mechanism assuring immiscibility of phases in the detailed
physical phenomena take place at the interface itself, such as implementations of present SPH formulations. Indeed, in the
phase change or even changes in two-phase flow patterns. In Eulerian approaches, the precise location of interfaces is given
this paper, the various remedies proposed in the literature are explicitly (at least, locally in any cell) and, therefore, this
discussed as well as the current assumption that this problem problem does not occur in these methods. In order to fully
occurs only when there is no surface tension at the interface.
It is shown, however, that spurious interface fragmentation is benefit from the advantage mentioned above which is provided
a general problem of current SPH formulations and appears by SPH simulations, it appears important to address the issue
even when surface tension is present. A new proposition for an of interface spurious-fragmentations.
interface sharpness correction term is proposed and a series A similar behavior in SPH calculations was also reported
of detailed simulations of two and three-dimensional bubble in [1] and later in [2], but these authors suggested that the
rising in a liquid allow a comprehensive study to be carried out
which provides new insights into the relations between the new problem appears only when surface tension is negligible.
correction term and central SPH notions such as the kernel To control interface sharpness and prevent spurious interface
smoothing length. fragmentations, some authors have proposed various forms of
small repulsive forces acting on particles located close to the
The extended version of this paper has been submited for interface, cf. [1], [2], [3]. One recent approach, which differs
publication in Computers & Fluids by Elsevier.
qualitatively from previous ones, was proposed in [4], where
the authors suggested to smooth the density and viscosity of
fluids in order to avoid sharp gradients of fields close to the
Due to the Lagrangian nature of the Smoothed Particle interface. It is thus seen that this issue is receiving more and
Hydrodynamics approach, a strong advantage over Eulerian more attention.
techniques is that numerical grids are not needed. Conse- In the present work, we focus mainly on this issue of
quently, for multiphase flows, the shape of the interface does spurious fragmentation of interfaces in SPH formulations.
not have to be reconstructed (contrary to Volume-Of-Fluid, Remedies which have been put forward in the literature will
Level-Set or Front-Tracking methods), since it is directly be first discussed and a new variant of the sharpness correction
obtained from the set of computational particles. procedure, based on the multiphase SPH formulation by Hu
One of the main advantages of the SPH approach, namely and Adams [5] is proposed. Detailed analysis of two- and
the simulation of interface shapes obtained directly from three-dimensional simulations of a bubble rising in a liquid
particle locations, can nevertheless lead to the appearance of a confirms that such correction terms are required in present
new problem which is a spurious fragmentation of interfaces. SPH computations. A careful and comprehensive study of the
This spurious fragmentation is due to an artificial mixing of influence of the new proposal for the sharpness correction term
particles belonging to immiscible phases across the interface, brings out some insights into the relation between intrinsic
which can then lose its sharpness and becomes locally blurred parameters. Furthermore, the influence of key computational
or slightly fuzzy. As such, this problem is sometimes referred parameters of a SPH formulation, such as the smoothing length

Numerical simulation of jet fragmentation in
multi-fluid medium using Smoothed Particle
T. Yue, A.C.H Kruisbrink, F.R. Pearce, H.P. Morvan
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom

AbstractThe Rayleigh-Plateau instability governs the frag- (FVM) and volume-of-fluid (VOF). Choi et al. [3] simulated
mentation of a low Weber number hydrodynamic jet in a multi- the capillary instability of nano-scale surface tension driven
fluid medium. Therefore, the SPH simulation of a hydrodynamic flow of a Lennard-Jones fluid by means of molecular dynamics
jet at high density ratio requires a multi-fluid model and a surface
tension model which accurately handle the necking behaviour (MD). The authors reported good agreement with classical the-
where the jet eventually breaks into droplets. ories and claimed that the thermal fluctuations are responsible
In this paper, we apply the surface tension model of [1] for the break-up of nano-scale jets.
motivated by continuum surface force (CSF). The surface ten- The past decade has also witnessed the growth of apply-
sion model is validated against the Young-Laplace pressure for ing particle methods in jet simulations. Shibata et al. [13]
droplets of small diameters O(103 ). In addition, the Neumann
boundary condition near the interface to allow for the discon- simulated the jet break-up using a Moving Particle Semi-
tinuous pressure jump due to surface tension. The combination implicit Method (MPS). Their study focussed on the effects of
of surface tension model and the multi-fluid SPH formulation the Weber number and Froude number. The authors reported
successfully demonstrates the break-up (or fragmentation) of a the breakup length deviated from the experimental data by
hydrodynamic jet, where the density ratio of the liquid jet and 70%-80%, whereas the relative error of 25% was reported
ambient gas is 1000.
Three validation cases are presented to evaluate the combina- when the influence due to gravity was neglected. Similarly,
tion of these models: (i) the square box test, (ii) the static droplet Takashima et al. [15] simulated the break-up process by means
pressure comparison between SPH and the Young Laplace of Incompressible SPH (ISPH) and reported good qualitative
pressure, and (iii) the oscillation of a droplet in multi-phase agreement with the experimental results, except for the pinch-
medium. off length. Recently, Sirotkin and Yoh [14] introduced the
The jet break up is simulated using the multi-fluid SPH, with
surface tension. The break-up time is found to be dependent on corrected smoothed particle hydrodynamics (CSPH) method
the amplitude of the initial perturbation, the density ratio and the for simulating surface tension driven flow. Their numerical
viscosity. The linear relation between break-up time and initial scheme is based on the combined use of continuity equation
perturbation amplitude has a slope of -0.12 and an intercept of approach (for density evaluation) and the surface tension
0.328. Whereas the linear dependence between break-up time and
model of Morris [9]. They simulated the two-dimensional jet
artificial viscosity parameter has a slope of 0.04 and intercept of
0.05. break-up without taken into account the ambient fluid and
found acceptable agreement for the critical Weber number
I. I NTRODUCTION which governs the transition from the jetting to dripping.
A jet is a stream of matter organised into a collimated shape. This work presents the results of a three-dimensional hydro-
Jets span a large variety of length scales and are encountered dynamic break-up modelled with weakly compressible SPH
in many scientific and technological applications such as the (WCSPH). While variants of SPH have been applied for jet
design of propulsion systems, diesel engines, ink-jet printers, simulation [13, 14, 15], to the authors best knowledge, a
and nuclear fusion experiments. Rayleigh [11] and Plateau three-dimensional break-up of a hydrodynamic jet has never
[10] conducted a linear stability analysis to study the break- been attempted with WCSPH. More importantly, we consider
up of a jet, therefore, the Rayleigh-Plateau instability (RPI) is the break-up of a hydrodynamic jet submerged in an ambient
named after them. Their work was later extended by Lafrance fluid for the density ratio up to 1000. The combination of high
[7], who conducted a third order perturbation analysis of an density ratio and small jet diameter therefore challenges the
inviscid liquid jet. The author found the interaction among capability of the state of the art SPH models.
non-linear terms is responsible for the generation of satellite The rest of this paper is organised as follows: section II
droplets. describes the numerical methods used in this work. A series
With the advances in computer technologies, some research of simulations are conducted in section III to validate the SPH
groups have conducted numerical simulations of the RPI. scheme. The SPH results of the Rayleigh-Plateau instability
Mead-Hunter et al. [8] simulated the RPI occurring around are presented in section V. Finally, we summarise our findings
an optical fiber with the combination of finite volume method in Section VI.

Implementation of surface tension in polymer
flow during Reactive Rotational Molding

A. Hamidi, L.illoul, A.Tcharkhtchi S. Khelladi, F.Bakir

PIMM laboratory Dynfluid Laboratory
Arts et Mtiers ParisTech, CNRS-UMR 8006 Arts et Mtiers ParisTech, CNRS-UMR 8006
Paris, France Paris, France
Abdelmoumen.hamidi@ensam.eu Sofiane.khelladi@ensam.eu

Abstract The Reactive Rotational Molding (RRM) is a molding challenge because a multiple parameters involved during this
process where the polymer synthesis and shaping of piece is process like the rate of chemical reactions, viscosity variations
carried simultaneously. The main drawback of RRM is poor during polymerization and fluid flow during crosslinking. These
control of the process due to the high number of influent phenomena are complex and require detailed study to modeling the
parameters. In this condition, the optimization of the process is process.
quite complex. Homogeneous quality in technical parts requires
However, few research works focused on the reactive process
the mastery of the process by controlling on line the main physical
unlike conventional rotational molding. The flow during the
parameters. During RRM, it is very important to predict the fluid
reactive process, on a cylinder in uniaxial rotation was described for
flow in order to be able to obtain the piece with homogeneous
the first time by Throne and Jhonson [5-6], they defined four ideal
shape and with high quality. For this study, Smoothed Particles
hydrodynamics regimes occurring during the process.
Hydrodynamics (SPH) have been applied to simulate the polymer
flow during this process. Indeed, SPH method is a suited method Finite element calculation based on mesh methods, such as Finite
to simulate the fluid flow with free surface. To implement tension volume method, has been applied to simulate flow polymer during
surface force, the interface between polymer and air is tracked the process, but the calculation wasnt stable and the free surface
dynamically by seeking the particles constituting this border. First, misrepresented [7]. This is mainly due to the large difference in
the boundary particles are detected by free-surface detection viscosity and density of the two phases (air-polymer). To overcome
algorithm developed by Barecasco, Terissa and NAA[1,2]. Then, this difficulty Mounif[8] and Riviere[9] adopted meshless method
two methods were used to reconstruct the interface, the called Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamic (SPH) which is best
Lagrangian interpolation and fitting circle in two dimensions SPH suited to simulate the fluid flow with free surface [10] such as
solver. Finally, the results obtained by both methods, have been appears in RRM. Rivieres work permitted to enhance the initial
compared together. solver developed by Mounif by the implementation of rheokinetik
The simulation is validated by comparing the numerical results model and a new kind of boundary condition to model the adhesion
with experimental measurements of dam break problems. Then, of the reactive fluid on the mold surface. Unfortunately, we
2D simulations were performed for flow polymer during RRM. observed in the Rivieres solver as it works can generate roughness
or particle agglomerates on the internal surface (Fig.1) because the
I. INTRODUCTION material adhered to this surface cant be deformed. This
Rotational molding is a four-stage, high-temperature (150C- phenomenon affects the flow of material and its adhesion process
300C), low-pressure, plastic molding process that uses heat and bi- that can be slowed and even stopped. It will also consider this
axial rotation to produce hollow, one-piece parts [3-4]. problem for example by integrating new model or criterion then
seeing if taking into account the viscoelasticity of the material and /
Rotational molding is an economically and environmentally viable or surface tension, this phenomenon can be reduced. In this study,
method for manufacturing of polymers. The molds of this process the surface tension force will be integrated in SPH solver in order to
are less expensive because its not necessary to make them with simulate the polymer flow during reactive rotational molding
high performance materials. In absence of pressure, there is not process.
residual stress in final parts. In this manufactory method, the
quantities of wasted materials are low. However, this process takes
long times, about 20-40 minutes; so this technique is generally used
for small series of industrial parts. The limited number of polymers
only thermoplastics that can be used for rotational molding is also
considered as another disadvantage of this process. The various
inconvenient of conventional rotomolding have favored the
emergence of Reactive Rotational Molding (RRM) where the
polymer synthesis and piece shaping are carried simultaneously
Fig.1: formation of particle agglomerates on the internal surface of mold. The
which allows to reduce the cycle time and expand the range of mold is shown in red, the adhered material in white.
materials such as thermoset [4]. Modeling of this process is a

Exact computation of SPH wall renormalising
integrals in 3-D
Damien Violeau, Agn`es Leroy Arno Mayrhofer
Laboratoire dHydraulique Saint-Venant Institute of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering
Universite Paris-Est University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Chatou, France Vienna, Austria
damien.violeau@edf.fr arno.mayrhofer@boku.ac.at

AbstractNew approaches in modelling wall effects in SPH are Ferrand et al. [1] have explained how to compute as
based on wall renormalising integrals. In one of the most recent exactly in 2-D as a function of the position of particle a and the
approaches (Ferrand et al. [1]), the discrete differential operators position, orientation and length of the wall segment s. These
are modified using boundary terms a and as that are used
to discretise the walls. In the present work, we propose a new authors used a time governing equation to deduce a , needing
exact method to compute analytically these quantities in 3-D for an additional stability condition for the time step. Later on,
the 5th order Wendland kernel. The idea consists of two steps: Leroy et al. [3] showed how to compute analytically a in
1) following Feldman and Bonets method [2], Gausss theorem 2-D without any governing equation, starting from an idea of
is used to write a as the sum of boundary integrals like as . Feldman and Bonet [2]. Finally, Mayrhofer et al. [4] proposed
These boundary terms are integrals over triangles (sometimes
truncated by a sphere); 2) using again Gausss theorem, the a relatively complex algorithm to compute as exactly in 3-
boundary integrals are transformed into integrals over edges e D. To our knowledge, no algorithm has been published so far
(straight lines), which can be computed exactly. Comparisons to compute a exactly in 3-D. Our purpose is to provide a
against the analytical value of a in special cases like a right- new algorithm to compute a and as analytically in 3-D,
angle edge provide satisfactory results. Although rather time on the basis of the Wendland kernel of order 5:
consuming, this algorithm makes it possible to compute boundary
terms exactly in 3-D and provides a better prediction of wall W,n  q 4
pressure. The overall computation time is only increased slightly w (q) = n 1 (1 + 2q) q 6 qmax = 2 (3)
h 2
due to an increased time step.
where q = rab /h, h is the smoothing length and the normal-
I. I NTRODUCTION ising constant is W,3 = 21/16 (W,2 = 7/4 in 2-D).
Recent publications on SPH for fluids use a new method to In comparison to the algorithms where is computed from
treat wall boundary conditions, based on boundary terms. In a time governing equation, the present approach will allow
Ferrand et al. [1] for example, the discrete gradient operator increasing the time step, as we will see.
a X Aa Ab
Ga {Ab } + mb + 2 wab (1) Here we show how Feldman and Bonets approach [2] can
a 2a b
 be extended to 3-D to write a as a boundary integral.
a X Aa As
s + as (A)a
a 2a 2s A. Feldman and Bonets approach
We start by summarising Feldman and Bonets idea. It
where a and b stand for the particles while s denotes wall
consists of writing w (q) = divW (q), which makes it possible
boundary elements called segments. The latter are line seg-
to use Gausss theorem:
ments in 2-D and polygons (most of time triangles) in 3-D. Z
This approach, which can easily be extended to other operators
(r) = w (|r r |) dn r (4)
like the divergence and Laplacian, has proved being efficient to Z
model wall effects under all circumstances. The main difficulty
= W (|r r |) n (r ) dn1 r
is to estimate the boundary terms, which are defined as
a + w (|r ra |) dn r (2) where n is the inward unit boundary vector. Since w is a
Z radial function, W must have the same property, i.e. W (q) =
(q) r = r r . Thus:
r with
as + ns w (|r ra |) dn1 r
(r) = (q) r) dn1
r n ( r (5)
where w is the kernel and n the space dimension.

Local Uniform STencil (LUST) boundary conditions
for 3-D irregular boundaries in DualSPHysics
G. Fourtakas1, J. M. Dominguez2, R. Vacondio3, A. Nasar1, B. D. Rogers1
1 2 3
School of Mechanical, Aero & Civil Environmental Physics Laboratory Department of Civil Environmental
Engineering, (EPHYSLAB), Engineering,
University of Manchester, Universidade de Vigo, Spain University of Parma,
Manchester, UK jmdominguez@uvigo.es Parma, Italy
georgios.fourtakas@manchester.ac.uk renato.vacondio@unipr.it

AbstractIn this paper, a novel 3-D wall boundary treatment for further enhanced and applied to shallow water equations
SPH is developed. Boundary surfaces are discretized into sets of (SWE) [13] and Navier Stokes equations [14] in 2-D.
triangular planes. Boundary particles are then obtained by
translating a full uniform stencil according to the fluid particle In this work the latter method is extended to 3-D arbitrarily
position and applying an efficient ray casting algorithm to select complex geometries. The wall boundaries are described by
particles inside the fluid domain. The method ensures that a triangles to maximize the efficiency, also for GPU
complex geometry can be readily discretized while guaranteeing parallelization. Approximate zeroth and first order consistency
approximate zeroth and first order consistency. No special are ensured by using a fully uniform fictitious particle stencil.
treatment for corners and low computational cost make the
method ideal for GPU parallelization. The proposed algorithm is The proposed wall boundary condition is implemented in
coded in the open-source software DualSPHysics. Static and the open-source code DualSPHysics [15]. The dynamic
dynamic test cases are used to validate the wall boundary model. boundary condition (DBC) [3] currently implemented in
Significant improvements over the pre-existing wall boundary DualSPHysics is suitable to reproduce complex geometries but
condition of DualSPHysics are demonstrated. suffer from drawbacks such as over-dissipation and spurious
pressure oscillation. Therefore, a new accurate wall boundary
is needed.
The paper is organized as follows; Section II briefly recalls
Imposing boundary conditions (BCs) in SPH is still an the governing equations, the novel local uniform stencil wall
open problem due to the Lagrangian nature of SPH and the boundary condition (LUST) method is presented in Section
kernel based interpolation. Therefore the extension of many III, Section IV highlights the numerical implementation in
boundary conditions to 3-D problems can be cumbersome. A GPUs and finally in Section IV the numerical scheme is tested
widely used approach, proposed by Monaghan [1-2], is the against reference solutions.
repulsive force method where the wall is described by particles
which exert a repulsive short-range force similar to a Leonard-
Jones potential force on fluid particles. With this approach 2-D II. GOVERNING EQUATIONS
and 3-D irregular geometries can be easily discretized, but the This Section presents the governing equations in SPH form.
kernel truncation near the wall can introduce non-negligible Throughout this paper, subscripts i and j denote the
inaccuracies. interpolated particle and its neighbours respectively. The
density evolution and momentum of the particles follow the
Another widely used method to describe boundaries in SPH
Navier-Stokes equations [16]
[3-4] is the mirror or ghost particles as introduced by Randles

m j uij iWij Di
and Libersky [5]. However, extending the method to 3-D is

challenging for irregular geometries. Kulasegaram et al. [6]

proposed a variant of this method which introduces an dt

m j 2 i2 ij iWij g i


additional term in the momentum equation in order to mimic

N Pj
j i
the effect of the wall. This technique eventually uses an P

empirical function originating from variational principles to j

approximate the force, the concept was further developed in [7- dxi

10]. These methods have the advantage of restoring zero-
consistency in the SPH interpolation but the discretization of dt
complex 3-D geometries and/or multiphase flows is not
straightforward [11]. where xi is the position , ui is the velocity , is the density , P
Ferrari et al. [12] proposed a local point symmetry method is the pressure, m is the mass and gi is the gravity acceleration.
which is able to discretize arbitrarily complex geometries In this paper, the Wendland kernel [17] has been used as a
without introducing empirical forces. Recently the method was smoothing function but numerical tests have shown similar

Explicit Strategies for Consistent Kernel
Marzia Leonardi, Thomas Rung
Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory (M-8)
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Hamburg, Germany
marzia.leonardi@tuhh.de, thomas.rung@tuhh.de

AbstractThe paper reports investigations on explicit strate- most popular variant is the Shepard normalisation of the kernel
gies for consistent kernel-based approximations of functions function itself [3], which provides zero-order consistent ap-
and derivatives to be used in SPH. The study is motivated proximations of functions but not of gradients. More advanced
by the challenges of truncated and irregular (unsymmetrical)
particle samplings in conjunction with non-collocative standard examples of formerly published strategies are the reproducing
kernel based approximations. Examples of such problems refer kernel method [4] or the moving least-square approach of
to the imposition of boundary conditions or predicted spurious Dilts [5], [6], which reveal some similarities [7], [8] and the
gradients of homogeneous fields. Therefore a transition to a two series expansion based suggestions of Chen & Beraun [1]
more cardinal basis in the vicinity of boundaries as well as and Liu & Liu [2]. Unfortunately, all these approaches refer
an adjustment to sampling irregularities might be desirable.
Attention is devoted to consistency properties up to the order to implicit techniques and involve the solution of equations
of 2 derived from a 1D analysis. Emphasis is given to explicit systems for each particle at each instant of time. The size of
corrections in discrete space rather than appropriate analytical the equation system scales with the consistency order and the
formulations in continuous space. The strategy here presented is dimensionality of the problem.
compared with former (implicit) approaches suggested by Chen
The goal of the present study is to investigate means for
and Beraun [1] as well as Liu and Liu [2]. Deficits of explicit
second-order accurate approaches and routes towards multiple an explicit corrective procedure to improve the consistency
dimensions are discussed. Results indicate benefits of consistent of the smoothing function. Due to their importance in kernel-
approaches as regards the formulation of boundary conditions based approximations of transport equations, emphasis is given
with only one row of particles. to improvements of gradient approximations. Different from
many other strategies the present techniques is derived in
discrete space, which naturally supports irregular particle lo-
Consistent kernel approximations represent a challenge in cations and facilitates apparently simple explicit corrections at
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. The consistency returned moderate computational surplus of a few additional neighbour
by isotropic bell-shaped kernels is rigidly linked to the location loops.
of particles inside the support domain. They are second- The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: The
order accurate for a lattice of regularly spaced particles employed SPH model and the respective background of the
if the particles are located far from the boundaries of the consistency requirements are briefly repeated in the second
wetted domain. In this case, the symmetry and compact section. The third section is devoted to explicit corrections up
support properties are also valid in discrete space. Particularly, to the order of two in 1D. The fourth section deals with two
the inherent symmetry of the kernel function Wij together different applications, i.e. a lid-driven cavity flow at Re=400 &
P a symmetric
P spacing of neighbours xj around xi yields Re=1000 and a simplified 1D channel flow. Final conclusions
j W ij j W ij (xi xj ) = 0 and is a important feature are drawn in the fifth section.
of the predictive performance and the attainable order of
accuracy. On the contrary, the kernel-based approximation II. M ATHEMATICAL M ODEL
suffers from severe consistency and accuracy problems when
irregular sampling occurs or the support regime is truncated This section briefly outlines the governing equations and
close to the centre, which e.g. is a frequently met issue along their SPH-based approximation of fluid dynamic problems
boundaries. in addition to a short overview on consistency constraints.
A number of techniques to improve the kernel function or The subscript i indicates the focal particle, while j refers to
its derivatives have been published. They all aim at achieving neighboring particles found inside the kernel support. Vecto-
an enhanced level of consistency and predictive accuracy. The rial and tensorial quantities are indicated by bold symbols.
improvements are related to a sequence of conditions for Cartesian coordinates of tensorial quantities are distinguished
sums of the central moments of the kernel function and its using greek superscripts. Spatial derivatives in direction are
derivatives which must either vanish or achieve unity. The indicated by (...) .

Open Boundary Conditions Using the Mirror Ghost
Particle Approach in OpenFOAM SPH
B. Werdelmann , W. Krebs , E. Portillo-Bilbao , R. Koch , H.-J. Bauer
author: bastian.werdelmann.ext@siemens.com
GasTurbine Technology, Siemens Energy, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery (ITS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

AbstractA new algorithm for inlet/outlet boundary condi- Hydrodynamics (SPH) code [3]. This method has the inherent
tions in the context of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) advantage of the natural advection of phase interfaces, which
is proposed in this paper. The algorithm manages the insertion simplifies the numerical handling of the phase interactions.
and extraction of particle mass and particles. At the inlet, the
particles are accumulating mass according to prescribed mass Since SPH has indeed certain drawbacks compared to grid
fluxes, whereas, at the outlet, the relative movement between the based methods (e.g. treatment of boundary conditions, strong
particles and the outlet is determining the removal of particle time step restrictions, large interaction stencil) [4], a coupling
mass. A mirror ghost particle approach is used to impose the of both methods will provide advantages towards the realiza-
boundary conditions and to maintain an almost homogeneous tion of simulations of the technical liquid jet breakup. In this
particle distribution across the open boundaries, while avoiding
the explicit control of the temporal evolution of the boundary context, the principle idea is to utilize SPH in regions, where
particles. strong phase interactions take place, i.e. the jet breakup region.
The algorithm is validated with a 2D Poiseuille flow test case On the other hand, it is desirable to benefit from the high accu-
at low Reynolds number. Good agreement with the analytical racy and efficiency of the FV method in single phase regions
solution is found for an increased ratio of smoothing length to and regions, where the phase interactions may be captured by
initial particle spacing. However, using low smoothing lengths, the
density of particles close to the boundary exhibits instabilities, semi-empirical correlations with sufficiently high accuracy, i.e.
which prohibit a steady state solution. An analysis of the upstream and downstream of the primary atomization zone.
instabilities, caused by the continuous redistribution of mass Thus, downstream of the primary atomization zone an Euler-
within the kernel of those particles, is presented in terms of Lagrangian solver needs to be applied to manage the droplet-
a 1D numerical experiment. A suitable correction approach is gas interactions. Since the most convenient way of coupling
subject for future investigation.
two numerical methods is to use the same code environment,
I. I NTRODUCTION SPH was implemented into the open source CFD toolbox
The primary atomization of liquid fuels including water/fuel OpenFOAM [5] during this work and is intended to be coupled
emulsions plays a crucial role in the control of emissions with the FV method in the future.
for power generation gas turbine engines operating in fuel An interesting approach for coupling SPH with a different
oil. Furthermore, it is one of the most challenging physical numerical method (incl. the FV method) was recently pre-
models in the chain of physical phenomena involved in fuel sented [6]. The domains of the coupled solvers use overlapping
oil combustion. interfaces, in which the particles are behaving according to the
Due to its computational efficiency, Euler-Lagrangian algo- solution of the external solver. However, due to the tempo-
rithms are often used for simulating liquid sprays in combus- ral evolution of those particles, a computationally expensive
tors [1]. This method uses Lagrangian parcels representing particle seeding algorithm is required in order to ensure
a certain bunch of droplets, which are interacting through a sufficiently homogeneous distribution of particles at the
appropriate source terms with the gas phase being represented interface.
by an Eulerian approach. The trade-off for the computational At the interface between a SPH domain and a FV grid,
efficiency is the extremely simplified description of the phase particles may leave and new particles may enter the SPH do-
interactions, which is most often based on semi-empirical main. Therefore, this situation is strongly related to inlet/outlet
correlations. Contrarily, completely grid based approaches boundaries in SPH, which has only been addressed in a few
derived from the Finite Volume (FV) method, e.g. Volume of publications, e.g. [7], [8] and [9]. Generally, buffer zones are
Fluid (VOF), resolve the phase interfaces directly [2]. These connected to the inflow and outflow boundaries. Particles,
advanced approaches rely on computationally costly interface which are located inside the inflow buffer, behave according
reconstruction techniques. Therefore, in case of the breakup of to a prescribed velocity profile. As soon as a buffer particle is
water/fuel emulsion jets the large number of phase interfaces moving from the buffer zone into the internal domain, a new
may become cumbersome for those methods. buffer particle has to be inserted at the entry of the buffer
To overcome those shortcomings, the Institute for Thermal zone. This approach shows some similarity to the particle
Turbomachinery (ITS) started to develop a Smoothed Particle seeding mentioned above, even though, in a very simplified

Multi-GPU, multi-node SPH implementation with
arbitrary domain decomposition
Eugenio RUSTICO*,
Alexis HERAULT Giuseppe BILOTTA,
Jacek JANKOWSKI Conservatoire National Ciro DEL NEGRO
Bundesanstalt Fur Wasserbau des Arts et Metiers Sezione di Catania
Karlsruhe France Istituto Nazionale
Germany & Sezione di Catania di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
eugenio.rustico@baw.de Istituto Nazionale Italy
di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

AbstractWe present a restructured version of GPUSPH [4], Limitations in GPU usage are largely determined by mem-
[8], [11], a CUDA-based implementation of SPH. The new version ory occupation, since even the most expensive, compute-
is extended to allow execution on multiple GPUs on one or dedicated GPUs are currently limited to 6GB of RAM for
more host nodes, making it possible to concurrently exploit
hundreds of devices across a network, allowing the simulation a single device, almost an order of magnitude less than the
on larger domains and at higher resolutions. Partitioning of the amount of memory that can be found on a high-end work-
computational domain is not limited anymore to parallel planes station. To circumvent this limitation, and to further reduce
and can follow arbitrary, user-defined shapes at the resolution runtime, a second level of parallelism needs to be introduced,
of individual cells, where the cell is defined by the auxiliary grid by using multiple GPUs connected to the same host CPU.
used for fast neighbor search. This allows optimal partitioning
even in the case of complex domains, such as rivers with U- Multi-GPU usage in SPH has been shown in [8], [10], [11],
turns. The version we present also includes many additional and is based on the principle of domain decomposition, where
features that have been developed on GPUSPH. Particularly each device is assigned either a fraction of the total amount
important are: the uniform precision work by Herault et al. [13],
which is essential for numerical robustness in the case of very of particles in the simulation, or a section of the computa-
large ratios between the domain size and particle resolution; a tional domain. Compared to single-GPU programming, using
compact neighbor list, which allows larger subdomains to be multiple GPUs introduces a layer of complexity due to the
loaded on each device; the semi-analytical boundary conditions distributed memory (each device only has access to a fraction
by Ferrand et al. [9], [12], and support for floating objects [14]. of the entire particle system) and the need to exchange data
All of these features are seamlessly supported in single-GPU,
multi-GPU and multi-node modes. between different devices.
In this paper we present an enhanced version of GPUSPH,
I. I NTRODUCTION that introduces an additional layer of parallelism by allowing
the distribution of the computation across multiple GPUs con-
From a computational perspective, one of the most impor- nected to multiple host machines. To achieve this, the multi-
tant benefits of the weakly-compressible Smoothed Particle GPU version of GPUSPH [8], [11] has been restructured,
Hydrodynamics (SPH) numerical method is its embarrassingly removing restrictions in the domain decomposition, refactor-
parallel nature. This has led to a number of implementations ing data transfers to allow transparent network usage, and
of SPH for high-performance parallel computing platforms, including a number of enhancements such as homogeneous
most recently focusing largely on Graphic Processing Units precision (see Herault et al. elsewhere in these proceedings)
(GPUs) [4], [5] and similar architectures, which have shown to which are essential to avoid numerical issues in the large-scale
be very efficient alternatives to traditional CPU clusters both high-resolution simulations which are made possible by the
in terms of performance/price and in terms of performance/ new opportunity to distribute computations across hundreds
power consumption ratios. of devices.
GPUs hold tens of compute units with hundreds of process- We will first present an overview of the general and techni-
ing elements which operate in parallel to concurrently execute cal features of GPUSPH for single devices (section II), which
a large number of instances of computing kernels, the equiv- will provide a basis to introduce the changes necessary to
alent of standard CPU functions, in a shared-memory model support multiple devices on one or multiple host machines,
(all processing elements can access the same global memory), discussed in section III with the implementation details and
allowing a well-tuned GPU program to easily perform 100 technical challenges. Results are presented and discussed in
faster than equivalent serial CPU implementations. section IV-B, leading to the conclusions in secion V.

Achieving the best accuracy in an SPH

Sezione di Catania Sezione di Catania Johns Hopkins University,
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Baltimore (MD) USA
Italy Italy
& Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers

AbstractMost SPH implementations use a naive approach represented in the C family of programming languages by
which is a literal translation of the mathematical formulas for the float type, and the double-precision binary64 format
SPH into computer code. This does not take into account the fact (fp64), typically represented in the C family as the double
that computer floating point arithmetic does not obey many of
the common properties of real numbers arithmetics. For example, type. The bit widths of the exponent and mantissa for these
addition and multiplication are not associative in floating point, types are shown in table I.
and the accuracy of any operation is proportional to the value An interesting side-effect of the representation of floating-
of the least significant digit of the involved numbers which are point values by the IEEE-754 is that the density of the
larger in magnitude. We propose a new approach which ensures representable real numbers is not uniform throughout the real
that all SPH computations are done at the maximum possible
accuracy, uniformly across the entire domain. The main key line: since the mantissa has a fixed width, the distance between
point of the approach we propose is to never use global, absolute two consecutive representable number is given by the actual
positions, but instead use positions local to the cell grid used numerical value of the least significant bit, which is essentially
for neighbor search. Additional benefits can be gained by using controlled by the value of the exponent: in a format with M
a similar approach for density, by the use of Horners scheme bits of mantissa, the least significant bit has value 2(pM ) ,
to compute the equation of state, and finally by using Kahan
summation for integration. where p is the exponent. This value is known as Unit of
Least Precision (ULP). For example, in single precision with
I. I NTRODUCTION an exponent of 3 this value is 2(323) = 220 = 9.53 107 .
In 1984 the IEEE put an end to the chaos in the repre- The ULP for exponent 0 is known as machine epsilon and
sentation and treatment of floating-point values throughout in this paper will be written as m . Values for m and the
computer architectures, finalizing the standard (IEEE-754) that largest and smallest (normal) representable numbers are shown
has been adopted by all manufacturers since. in table I.
The basis of the standard is a common structure for the A direct consequence of the representation is that repre-
representation of floating-point values, with different levels of sentable floating-point values are more dense towards 0 and
precisions achieved by similarly-coded formats whose only get sparser as the magnitude (absolute value) of the values
difference is the width of the type in bits. A floating-point grow. In fact, beyond a certain point not even all integers are
value is represented by a sign bit s, an integer exponent representable: in single-precision, the limit is 224 , for which
p (stored in biased form), and a (binary) mantissa c. The the next representable value is 224 +2 (meaning that 16777217,
represented value is thus (1)s c 2p . The mantissa itself which is not representable, will be converted to 16777216.0
represents a fixed-point value between 1 (inclusive) and 2, under the standard round-to-nearest-even rounding mode), up
but the leading 1 is implicit, to gain 1 bit of accuracy in the to the next power of two, where numbers are spaced by 4
representation. units, and so on.
The standard also includes provisions for special values, The decreasing density of representable numbers has impor-
such as (signed) infinity, denormal numbers (numbers smaller tant consequences in applications, and it can lead to surprising
than the smallest representable value in normal form, char- results, or even introduce subtle bugs in operational code. The
acterized by having an exponent of 0 and not assuming an effect is seen when adding (or subtracting) numbers those
implicit 1 in the mantissa) and even not-a-number (NaN) ratio is lower than machine precision: adding two numbers
values, typically obtained as the result of indefinite operations L and s with |s/L| < m results in L (i.e. with floating
such as 0/0. point arithmetics L + s = L). More in general, addition
The most common formats supported in modern hardware and multiplication with IEEE-754 numbers are not associative
are the single-precision binary32 format (fp32), typically [(a + b) + c results in a value which is generally different

Application of Multiphase SPH to Fluid Structure
Interaction Problems

Ruben J. Paredes and Len Imas

Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ USA
rparedes@stevens.edu, limas@stevens.edu

AbstractThis paper presents an alternative formulation of the SPH uses a set of discrete points carrying a constant mass,
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method applied to thought as particles, to represent the time evolution of a system
Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems involving both single- according to their governing equations [7]. Along the years, it
and multiphase flows. This work extends a pressure-entropy has been used to study several problems involving either fluids
formulation developed for cosmological mixing problems with
or solids only. For example, solid deformation [8], free surface
contact discontinuities, which defines the particle volume without
using explicitly the mass density [1]. This formulation eliminates flows [9], multiphase flows [10], wedge water entries [11], fast
the artificial gap reported at the interface of high-density ratios ship simulation [12], high-speed impact [13], and underwater
fluid flows [2, 3], which is a source of instabilities and particle explosions [14]. However, only few publications of FSI
disorder. Our numerical study is performed using a SPH solver problems have been performed using a full SPH algorithm,
that simultaneously models both the fluid dynamics and given the limitations of the formulation used in the fluid-
structural dynamics with a two-way fluid-structure coupling. The structure coupling. Reference [6] was the first one to address
coupling is made using the skin particle formulation proposed this, where the calculation of the interface location and its
in [4] to wrap the solid, thus allowing arbitrary geometries to be normal vectors is required; which could limit the simulation to
modelled. Each component of the method is validated using
concave surfaces and two-dimensional geometries.
existing experimental and numerical data. We present results for
two benchmark problems: (i) tank sloshing, as in [5], is used to In this work, the fluid-structure coupling was made using a
validate the accuracy of the impact load predictions on tank walls skin particle layer to wrap the solid. These particles exert a
considering both single- and multi-phase cases. Also, (ii) flexible
repulsive force over fluid particles using a modified version of
gate, as in [6], is used to validate the effectiveness of our FSI
coupling in three dimensions. In both cases, good quantitative
[4]. This formulation allows to model arbitrary geometries
agreement to experimental measurements is obtained. because it is easy to calibrate, the normal vector calculation is
not required, and the resulting force is almost normal to the
I. INTRODUCTION surface of the structure.
In many engineering applications, where fluid and solid An additional challenge is the implementation of a
motion are of the same order, the dynamics of both media are multiphase SPH model able to handle high-density ratio flows.
studied together; this type of analysis is known as Fluid- Recent works have reported some limitations for this kind of
Structure Interaction (FSI). One of the challenges for numerical simulations, i.e.: an artificial gap develops at the interface and
simulations of FSI problems with large deformation and the requirement to use an artificial pressure gradient force to
nonlinear fluid motion is the assessment of the fluid load acting avoid interpenetration [10] or particle disorder that could lead
on the structure, due to its influence in the entire system to instabilities [2]. In this work, an alternative formulation was
evolution. In a standard FSI modeling, a Lagrangian explored to eliminate these shortcomings. It extended a
formulation is used in the structural domain and a Eulerian pressure-entropy formulation developed for cosmological
formulation in the fluid domain. Both media are coupled using mixing problems with contact discontinuities [1] to high-
a hybrid formulation to update the structure deformation and density ratios flows.
remesh the fluid domain at each time step.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the
In large deformation problems, the computational cost is Pressure-Entropy formulation developed in [1] and the
high because a nonlinear Lagrangian formulation is used and proposed extension to air-water flows. Section III describes the
the accuracy of the load estimation decreases since large-aspect rigid boundary condition for interaction with water and air
cells are generated near the interface in the remeshing process. particles, and the fluid-structure coupling algorithm. Section IV
For this reason, an alternative methodology was used in this shows validation results for (i) sloshing tank problem
work to describe both media in a natural way, in an effort to considering single-phase and multiphase flow to validate the
take advantage of meshfree methods capabilities, such as accuracy of the impact load predictions on tank wall. (ii)
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Three-dimensional flexible gate problem to validate the

Drying and Morphology Evolution of Single
Droplets in Spray Processes

W. Sckel, M. Huber, M. Hirschler, P. Kunz, U. Nieken

Institute of Chemical Process Engineering
University of Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany

Spray drying is a technique, where solid particles are prediction of structure-related properties like the porosity or
manufactured from a liquid feed. The product morphology is a breaking strength of the crust, as the parameterisation itself
crucial property for the further processing. In this contribution already contains implicit assumptions about the product structure.
we present an SPH model of suspension drying based on first A modelling approach, which accounts for the physical effects
principles, where the underlying physical effects of drying, during drying on a more detailed scale, is therefore highly
interaction of the suspended primary particles and surface desirable. However, modelling the evolution of structure in a
tension and wetting are considered on a detailed scale. multiphase regime is challenging with grid-based methods. In the
Simulations have been carried out for two-dimensional droplets following, we therefore introduce an SPH drying model, which
and show a good agreement with drying theory and experimental shall account for structure formation based on first principles.
findings. The results show a dependence of the final product
structure on physical properties like the contact angle or process II. BASIC EQUATIONS IN DROPLET DRYING AND THEIR
parameters like the drying rate. A simulation of different drying SPH COUNTERPART
regimes is possible, too. In this section we will provide a short introduction into
typical equations used in single droplet drying models. SPH
implementations for transport inside the droplet can be found
Spray drying is a widely used technique in process industries. in the SPH literature. The application of linear driving force
A liquid feed consisting of a solution or a suspension is atomised boundary conditions, which are commonly used in drying
at the top of a heated dryer. As the droplets fall down within the models, is not straightforward in SPH and will be explained
spray dryer, the liquid phase evaporates. The final product is a more extensively.
powder consisting of small, solid particles. Typical applications of
this process lie in food industries or in the production of A. Transport inside the droplet
pharmaceuticals as well as in other fields. The morphology of the Typically, a diffusion dominated transport regime is
spray dried particles is a crucial property for the further assumed inside the droplet. The effect of circular convection
manufacturing of the product. The evolution of structure within a due to friction can be assumed to be small in comparison to
single droplet is influenced by many different physical effects and
diffusion [6]. In this contribution, we will not consider solute
still subject to current research [1].
transport by diffusion, as the suspended solid particles will be
Simulations of the spray drying process have been undertaken modelled in SPH in detail. Hence, only heat transport inside
in different dimensions. In large scale simulations a whole spray the droplet has to be taken into account. Fouriers second law
dryer, which in industrial scale may be of up to 15 m height, is with respect to the radial direction r in spherical coordinates is
considered and simulated by typical mesh-based CFD-techniques
[2][3]. The droplets are followed using Euler-Lagrange couplings
dT 1 1 2 T . (1)
with the physical processes inside these droplets being = r
implemented by simplified, lumped models. Whereas this dt c p r 2 r r
approach gives an insight into the process as a whole, single
droplet drying models are employed for a more detailed is the density, cp the specific heat capacity, the heat
understanding of the interplay of the different physical effects and conduction coefficient and T the temperature. With heat
their effect on the drying process. A thorough review over many of conduction being by far the most dominant effect, heat
these models has been given by Mezhericher et al. [4][5]. transport by mass diffusion and convection can be neglected.
Commonly, a spherically symmetric droplet geometry is assumed. The SPH discretisation is undertaken in Cartesian coordinates
Transport equations inside the droplet can be reduced to the radial
and was derived by Cleary and Monaghan [7], who used the
direction due to symmetry. Physical phases are expected to be
Brookshaw formulation for the Laplacian, but a harmonic
quasi-homogeneous, whereby in suspension drying often a
distinction between a porous, solid crust and a wet core is made. mean for the average heat conduction coefficient.
The drying curve of a single droplet can be simulated very well by
such models, if the physical parameters are adjusted appropriately. d Ti 2 m j 2 i j Ti T j dW (2)
However, such parameters are often averaged and tuned to =
dt cond i c p, i j j i + j rij drij
experiments. This kind of models is hence very limited for the

Pairwise Force Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Multiphase Flow Model
A.M. Tartakovsky U.B. Bandara M. Oostrom and B. Palmer
University of South Florida South Florida Water Management District Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Tampa, FL USA Palm Beach, FL USA Richland, WA USA

AbstractWe propose a novel parameterization of the Pair- have been studied experimentally using quasi-two-dimensional
Wise Force Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (PF-SPH) multi- micromodels, in which (when placed horizontally) the effect
phase flow model and validate it using micromodel experiments. of gravity is negligible compared to capillary and viscous
First, we derive analytical expressions relating parameters in the
PF-SPH model to the surface tension and static contact angle. forces. The flow displacement in the absence of gravity can
Next, we use the model to study viscous fingering, capillary be described by two non-dimensional numbers: the capillary
fingering, and stable displacement of immiscible fluids in porous number Ca = vd / and viscosity ratio M = d /r , where
media for a wide range of capillary numbers and viscosity v is the average pore-scale velocity of the displacing fluid,
ratios. We demonstrate that the steady state saturation profiles d is the viscosity of the displacing fluid, is the interfacial
and the boundaries of viscous fingering, capillary fingering, and
stable displacement regions compare favorably with micromodel tension, and r is the viscosity of the resident fluid. [4] did
laboratory experimental results. For a displacing fluid with low poineering work on studying and visualizing pore-scale dis-
viscosity, we observed that the displacement pattern changes from placement phenomenon using micromodels. They established
viscous fingering to stable displacement with increasing injection three basic displacement regimes: capillary fingering, viscous
rate. When a high viscosity fluid is injected, transition behavior fingering, and stable displacement. Viscous fingering occurs
from capillary fingering to stable displacement occurred as the
flow rate was increased. These observations are also in agreement at high flow rates (high Ca), when a low viscosity (higher
with the results of the micromodel laboratory experiments. mobility) fluid invades a high viscosity (low mobility) fluid
and is characterized by narrow forward progressing flow paths.
I. I NTRODUCTION Capillary fingering occurs at low flow rates (low Ca) over a
In this work we propose a novel parameterization of the wide range of viscosity ratios. Capillary fingering takes place
Pair-Wise Force Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (PF-SPH) in the form of wide forward and lateral nonwetting phase flow
multiphase flow model and validate it using micromodel exper- paths. Stable displacement occurs at high flow rates when a
iments. In the PF-SPH model, the surface tension and wetting high viscosity fluid displaces a low viscosity fluid and has the
behavior of fluids is modeled with pair-wise molecular-like form of a flat moving front with no fingering behaviors. As
forces. The accuracy and consistency of the PF-SPH model M increases, flow crosses over from viscous fingering to the
for simulating surface angle and static and dynamic contact stable displacement region. As Ca increases, flow crosses over
angles for flows in domains with simple geometries, such as from capillary fingering to the stable displacement region.
flat surfaces and fractures with uniform apertures have been We use the PF-SPH model to simulate displacement of
demonstrated in a number of papers including [1][3]. Here a fluid initially occupying a micro-cell with another fluid
we derive analytical expressions relating parameters in the PF- injected into the cell at a constant flow rate under a wide range
SPH model to the surface tension and static contact angle. of Ca and M numbers. We compare the model results with the
Traditionally, periodic boundary conditions for fluid pres- experimental results of [5] and [4], who conducted a series
sure and velocity have been used in SPH models, and the of displacement experiments in a micromodel representing
flow has been driven by a gravity/body force. In general, two- a uniform two-dimensional porous medium. We demonstrate
phase flow is not periodic and periodic boundary conditions that the PF-SPH model is capable of capturing different flow
cannot be used to describe such flows accurately. Also, in regimes including viscous fingering, capillary fingering, and
many laboratory experiments the fluids are introduced in a stable displacement and the transition behaviors. The detailed
flow cell with a constant flow rate. In the present work, we description of the PF-SPH model and validation study can be
propose a new method for implementing the prescribed flux found in [6].
boundary condition in SPH.
In general, the displacement behavior in porous media of II. PAIR -W ISE F ORCE SPH METHOD
one fluid by another is determined by the balance between
capillary, viscous, and gravity forces. Here we consider a hor- In the Pair-Wise Force SPH (PF-SPH) method, the momen-
izontal flow in a two-dimensional porous medium. Such flows tum conservation equation for each fluid phase is discretized

Application of SPH method using interparticle
contact algorithms to mesomechanics of
heterogeneous media

Anatoly N. Parshikov, Stanislav A. Medin, Andrey V. Ivanov

Joint Institute for High Temperatures
Moscow, Russian Federation

Riemann solver for hyperbolic equations and discontinuity to simulate shock waves in heterogeneous media and
breakup solutions for parabolic equations have been diffraction of detonation waves in explosives with inert
implemented in SPH by the authors of this paper. In this inclusions. The standard SPH method with artificial viscosity
approach the SPH equations are written in terms of the and the modified SPH method with Riemann solvers were
interparticle contact values of the dependent variables and extensively compared in [1], where accuracy estimates were
fluxes. The improved SPH method is used to solve a number of made for both methods in the vicinity of contact discontinuities
problems. Simulation of propagation of failure waves in brittle and in rarefaction and compression waves.
materials nd compaction waves in liquid metals with solid metal
inclusions is performed. Shock wave compression of porous In this paper the results of simulation of a number of
materials and detonation wave in porous explosive are simulated problems in mesomechanics of heterogeneous and reacting
on the mesostructure scale. media are presented.
Plane failure waves in a brittle material loaded by an elastic
I. INTRODUCTION compression wave are simulated using the failure model with
Numerical methods of solving the equations of dynamics of the measured velocity of propagation of the failure wave and a
continuous media used to be the only instrument to discover failure condition of the Drucker-Prager type. Compression of
the processes occurring in heterogeneous media exposed to glasses with shock-wave while the stress is being exceeded the
impact-wave loading. There arent analytical solutions for threshold value cause the wave of material fracture. It
these problems. List of heterogeneous media exposed to propagates in compressed elastic brittle material with a speed,
impact-wave loading is wide enough ceramics, powder less than sound velocity and close to the limiting value of
metallurgy materials, space-armed composite materials, speed of fracture growing. The fracture wave has the narrow
structure components of various reactors, foamed materials and front, in this front the continuousity of the material is being
explosives with inert additions. broken as a result of the explosive fracture growing.

Behaviour of heterogeneous media submerged to dynamic The structure of shock waves is simulated in
loading is described by various physical models. Porous heterogeneous media composed of two components: liquid
material, e.g. in the zone of high pressures can be modeled well lithium and solid tungsten inclusions. The problem is solved in
enough with averaged equations of conservation with effective thermal viscous elastoplastic 2D formulation. The
equations of state, thus the strength, and thermo-physical computations show that the flow in the shock front has
properties must be defined experimentally. On atomic level the characteristic pulsations of temperature and velocity caused by
molecular dynamic is a powerful instrument for simulation of well pronounced temperature and velocity difference between
cavities under load with high stress in material. But because of the carrying and inclusion phases. The process of temperature
limited computational resources molecular dynamics meets the and velocity relaxation determines the width of the shock front.
difficulties in modelling the flows in the spatial and temporal A mesomechanical simulation of porous aluminum shock
scales exist in the experiments. In this paper application of the loading is performed. The 2D periodic structure of porous
modified SPH method for various problems of impact loading material is presented explicitly and the properties of solid
for condensed matter is presented. aluminum are used. The shock loading is simulated by the
To increase calculation monotonicity and accuracy in the impact of a porous plate against a rigid wall. The material flow
region of contact of two materials with a large difference in fields show major features of loading dynamics: multiwave
physical and mechanical properties, a variant of the SPH shock structure at low shock intensities, hydrodynamics of the
method without artificial viscosity based on the solution to the pore collapse in a strong shock and formation of the two-step
Riemann problem was developed. In [1], [2], this concept was material compression at the shock front, the generation of
introduced for condensed strength media, and then was applied pressure oscillations behind the shock front and the influence

3-D SPH scheme with variable resolution:
assessment of the optimal splitting refinement
R. Vacondio B.D. Rogers, P.K. Stansby P. Mignosa
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Mech., Aero. & Civil Engin. Department of Civil Engineering,
Parma University University of Manchester Parma University
Viale G.P. Usberti 181/A, Manchester, United Kingdom Viale G.P. Usberti 181/A,
43100, Parma, Italy benedict.rogers@manchester.ac.uk, 43100, Parma, Italy
renato.vacondio@unipr.it p.k.stansby@manchester.ac.uk paolo.mignosa@unipr.it

AbstractIn this paper a 3-D SPH numerical scheme with particle splitting and coalescing that minimises error within
variable resolution is presented. The key idea of the algorithm is a SPH simulation. In this work the global density error
to use particle splitting and coalescing to modify the particle size minimization algorithm has been extended to 3-D to define
according to some criteria. Different 3-D particle splitting stencils
have been analyzed by means of the density error minimization the position, smoothing length and other physical quantities of
procedure and the optimal stencil has been assessed, considering each daughter particle. Four different splitting patterns have
both accuracy and efficiency. The SPH algorithm is variationally been considered: cubic, cubic with additional particles located
derived and this guarantees that both mass and momentum are in the centre of the faces, icosahedron and dodecahedron. An
conserved also when particles with different smoothing lengths accuracy analysis of how the daughter particle positions and
are considered. To prevent highly anisotropic distributions of the
particles, a generalized shifting procedure which can address also smoothing lengths affect the global density error and the mass
domains discretized with variable mass particles is included. The distribution has been conducted for each refinement pattern.
code has been developed by extending the open source parallel- Finally the optimal refinement pattern for 3-D simulations is
SPHysics code, and thus can exploit the cluster computing identified. Both the Wendland and the cubic-spline kernels
capability. have been used to demonstrate that the analysis is independent
The algorithm has been tested against Poiseuille and Lid-driven
flows showing a good agreement with reference solution. of the choice of kernel.
The particle coalescing procedure presented in [19] has been
I. I NTRODUCTION extended to 3-D to reduce the number of particles where high
In mature numerical schemes variable resoution is adopted resolution is no longer necessary.
in order to improve the efficiency of the simulation without Mass and momentum conservation, also in the presence
reducing the accuracy. In particular in Eulerian schemes of particles with variable mass and smoothing length is
different approaches are available in literature such as guaranteed by using a weakly compressible variationally
unstructured grids [5], Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) consistent SPH algorithm. The numerical scheme has
based on Octree grids [14] etc. Adaptivity is more difficult to been developed by extending the capability of the parallel
achieve in SPH due to the Lagrangian nature of the method. SPHYSICS open-source software (www.sphysics.org).
Previous works in SPH have introduced variable resolution To increase the accuracy a particle shifting correction [17]
by either remeshing, and particle insertion/removal techniques has been used in the update of the particle position, and an
[3], [8], dynamically varying particle characteristics [18], or additional diffusion term has been added to the continuity
through variable smoothing lengths with dynamic particle equation [10].
splitting and coalescing according to pre-defined criteria [19],
[20]. In the Finite Volume Particle Method multi-resolution
by Eulerian particles for high resolution zones [15] has been
used. Only recently have schemes appeared that offer both A. splitting procedure
runtime particle splitting and coalescing to provide dynamic To increase the resolution in certain areas of the domain
adaptive resolution [2], [16], [20]. Feldman and Bonet [4] one original particle N is split into M daughter particles.
defined the refinement stencil that should be used for 2-D The mass mk , position xk , velocity vector vk , and smoothing
models, however all those previous works are developed length hk for any of the k = 1...M refined particles must be
considering 2-D schemes whereas little attention has been defined, therefore the total number of degrees of freedom is 8
dedicated to 3-D. The aim of this work is to develop a (in 3-D) for each k-th daughter particle. To reduce the degrees
3-D particle refinement scheme that includes both dynamic of freedom of the problem, the number of new particles M

Particle Filling and the Importance of the SPH
Inertia Tensor
Paul Groenenboom
ESI Group Netherlands
Radex Innovation Centre, room 4.57
Rotterdamseweg 183 C, 2629 HD, Delft, The Netherlands
Email: pgr@esi-group.com

Abstract In this contribution we present an extended version of has been extended by various options to fill a domain bounded
the Weighted Voronoi Tessellation (WVT) algorithm as a by an arbitrary geometry and by allowing the particles to grow
powerful method to generate and improve initial particles in size while they are filling the domain. It will be
distributions [1]. With this method it becomes simple to create demonstrated that an extended WVT (EWVT) procedure
distributions of particles of non-uniform size and to fill allows generating distributions of sufficient quality, with the
arbitrarily shaped domains. The possibility to create initial anisotropic ratio close to one, to be used for SPH flow
distributions of particles with varying size allows reducing the simulations. Various examples, in 2D and 3D, will be
number of particles and related computational effort while discussed.
maintaining sufficiently fine particles in regions where high
accuracy is required. The quality of the resulting particle The possibilities to use the EWVT to fill a domain of
distribution for an SPH simulation requires that the particle size complex shape with particles will also be addressed. Finally,
varies smoothly throughout the entire domain and that the the possibility to enhance the quality of the particle distribution
distribution remains locally isotropic. The equivalent of the during SPH flow simulations using an algorithm based upon
inertia tensor for each particle is demonstrated to define an the WVT method and thus ameliorating the tension instability,
appropriate quantitative measure of the local anisotropy. It will will be discussed.
be shown that WVT algorithm is consistent with the
requirements for a distribution to be stable under gravity loads.

I. INTRODUCTION A. Non-uniform particle distributions

Application of SPH and other particle methods to practical A shortcoming of the standard SPH approach is the
engineering studies without the need for huge computer difficulty to employ a non-uniform volume discretization. For
resources may significantly be enhanced if it would be flow simulations such a feature allows using a fine
possible, by a simple procedure, to generate particles with a discretization for the regions where this is relevant, as for
fine distribution where required and coarser elsewhere. The instance where there is contact with structures. The difficulty is
resulting particle distribution should be of sufficient quality, a related to the requirement that the particle distribution should
property that will be detailed in this paper. Generating locally be sufficiently uniform as well as isotropic and without
distributions of particles of non-uniform size is not simple sudden discontinuities in particle size. If, for example, a
since the particles should cover the volume properly i.e. the rectangular domain is filled with particles placed at equal
particle density number should be equal to one at the interior, distance from each other in horizontal directions, but at an
and there should be no abrupt changes in particle size. If small increasing distance in vertical (downward) direction, the larger
particles located on top of much bigger particles the smaller particles near the bottom may have more neighbours in
particles will migrate through their larger neighbours when horizontal directions than in vertical direction. Such a
subjected to gravity. As will be demonstrated, the above distribution may give rise to unphysical flow phenomena. To
requirements are not sufficient to guarantee that a particle overcome this problem, the Weighted Voronoi Tessellation
distribution remains stable when subjected to external force (WVT) method originally proposed by Diehl et al. [1] has been
fields. In addition, it is required that the particle distribution is implemented in VPS (Virtual Performance Solution).
isotropic in terms of neighbours in various directions. The
SPH inertia tensor will be defined as a quantity to assess the B. Overview of the original WVT algorithm
isotropy. The ratio of the largest and the smallest eigenvalue of A Voronoi diagram (or tessellation) is a way of dividing
this tensor (anisotropy ratio) may be defined as a scalar space into a number of regions. A set of points (called seeds) is
quantity that has to be close to one for any particle not near a specified beforehand and for each seed there will be a
boundary to warrant stability. corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed
A suitable method for generating particle configurations for than to any other. The regions are called Voronoi cells. It is
optimal initial conditions is the Weighted Voronoi Tessellation dual to the Delaunay triangulation. The Delaunay triangulation
(WVT) algorithm proposed by Diehl et al. [1]. This algorithm defines the basis of the Natural Element Method (NEM) of

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
with Adaptive Discretization
Fabian Spreng, Dirk Schnabel, Alexandra Mueller, Peter Eberhard
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
[fabian.spreng, dirk.schnabel, alexandra.mueller, peter.eberhard]@itm.uni-stuttgart.de

AbstractBy combining a local adaptive refinement technique proposed formulation as well as the benefit gained from it are
with a newly developed coarsening algorithm, we found a demonstrated. To that end, the results of different two- and
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) formulation that allows three-dimensional fluid and solid simulations obtained with
for a dynamic adaptation of the discretization level of a simulated
continuum at runtime. With this advanced SPH method, one is the particle simulation package Pasimodo [3] are discussed.
able to improve the accuracy of the simulation results while II. S MOOTHED PARTICLE H YDRODYNAMICS FOR F LUIDS
reducing the required computational cost at the same time. AND S OLIDS
For this purpose, the number of particles is, on the one hand,
adaptively increased in critical areas of a simulation model, The SPH discretization procedure we use to approximate
i.e. areas showing a too low particle density. On the other hand, the well-known Euler equations follows the one proposed in
the number of discretization points is decreased in domains of [4]. In case of fluid dynamics, the liquid is assumed to be
little interest and high particle density. Besides a very brief
introduction to the SPH approximation procedure we use to
weakly compressible and, according to this, the exponent
discretize fluid and solid continua, the extensions to the original of the employed Cole equation of state [5] is chosen to be
formalism necessary to provide a truly dynamic model resolution 7. The parameters and of the artificial viscosity term
are presented and it is shown in this paper how they can be are set to values 0.01 and 0, respectively. The kernel W
efficiently implemented. Following this, the applicability of the is a Gaussian function with an initial smoothing length of
enhanced formulation, as well as the benefit gained from the
1.5 times the initial particle spacing. For time integration,
adaptive discretization, is demonstrated for several examples.
the second-order explicit Leapfrog scheme [6] is used and
I. I NTRODUCTION the corresponding step size is determined by the Courant-
Most Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) software Friedrichs-Lewy condition [7].
In case of solid mechanics, the Mie-Gruneisen equation
provides no option for a variable model resolution since there
of state [8] is deployed to close the system of governing
is no convenient and well-established extension making this
equations. Besides, the parameters and are chosen to
feature available so far. This is especially a problem when it
be 1.0 and 2.0, respectively, the parameter of the artificial
comes to industrial application of such numerical tools as some
stress tensor is set to a value of 0.15, and the initial smoothing
of their potential in terms of results accuracy and/or compu-
length has a value of 1.7 times the initial particle spacing. As
tation time is wasted that way. For this reason, we address
some of the simulation scenarios used for the validation of the
this issue and developed an enhanced adaptive discretization
proposed adaptive resolution scheme show a plastic response
strategy for SPH by combining a more sophisticated version of
of the modeled continuum, the basic SPH solid formulation
the dynamic particle refinement approach presented in [1] with
introduced in [4] needs to be extended accordingly. The mod-
a newly developed coarsening algorithm. For the development
ifications made in terms of solid material model, as well as an
of the coarsening part of the routine, the approach proposed
appropriate force model for boundary interactions, are briefly
in [2] served as a good starting point, but relies exclusively
discussed hereinafter. Detailed information on our enhanced
on a random particle selection strategy and is restricted to
SPH formulation for solid bodies can be found in the 2013
pairs of adaptive particles. Therefore, we designed a new,
SPHERIC Workshop Proceedings [9].
advanced resolution scheme that allows for a merging of a
user-defined number of SPH particles and takes into account A. Plasticity Model
the refinement history of each adaptive particle. In addition The SPH solid material model can be extended to plastic
to that, we integrated an algorithm providing an automated behavior based on the von Mises equivalent stress vM . With
refinement of the near-surface areas of a simulation model. the von Mises stress and the yield strength y , a plastic
After having introduced the modifications to be made to character of the material is identified in the case that the von
the classical SPH approximation procedure in order to provide Mises yield criterion
such a local adaptive refinement and coarsening of the modeled y
structure in the first part of this paper, the applicability of the fpl = <1 (1)

Toward a higher order SPH-ALE method based on
Moving Least Squares method
Gilles-Alexis Renaut. Jean-Christophe Marongiu. Stephane Aubert.
Ecole Centrale de Lyon Villeurbanne, France Ecole Centrale de Lyon Ecully, France
Ecully, France jean-christophe.marongiu@andritz.com stephane.aubert@ec-lyon.fr

AbstractThis paper describes the development of a high possibility is the use of high-order approximation so called
order meshless method for the solution of weakly compressible a p-refinement. These both approaches are very popular in
flow obtained with a meshless method. The novelty of this the Finite Element method. The pionneer for this idea was
approach is based on the use of least squares fitting to compute
the state at the interface in the numerical flux reconstruction Babuska [8]. We can note the paper of Jameson et al [16],
step. The main principle motivation of this work is to reduce the where a comparison between h and p refinement is presented
numerical dissipation in the Riemann solver used to compute and shows the possibility of a p-refinement for smooth flows.
numerical fluxes. Numerical simulations show the accuracy and
the robustness of the numerical approach for inviscid flows. The first key issue in the development of high-order mesh-
less SPH-ALE schemes is the implementation of efficient
reconstruction procedures of unknown variables at each in-
Nowadays computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is routinely terface for each interaction. The numerical dissipation due to
used for many applications in aerodynamics, hydromechanics the Riemann solver can be reduced with a MUSCL recon-
and aerospace. Complex geometries are used and favour struction (Monotone Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws
unstructured grids. The fact of achieving high-order of ) introduced by van Leer in 1979. The idea is to replace the
accuracy in this case remains a great challenge to capture piecewise constant approximation of Godunovs scheme by
complex flow features. Mesh based methods like high order piecewise linear reconstructed states.
continuous finite element methods (FEMs), discontinuous On unstructured meshes, one of the classical ways to obtain
Galerkin methods (DGMs) and finite volume methods high resolution results is to use the k-exact reconstruction
(FVMs) have gained popularity for the numerical simulation [11] [12] together with a slope limiter. The slope limiter is
of compressible and incompressible Euler and Navier-Stokes used to guarantee the monotonicity of solutions. The first
equations. For reasons of robustness and cost of calculation, implementation in this framework of a limiter function was by
second-order finite-volume schemes are routinely used for Barth and Jespersen [10]. Another way to do a scattered data
engineering problems. However, for a set of industrial approximation, and very famous in the meshless community is
application, mesh-based methods are not always efficient and the use of Moving Least Squares (MLS) method proposed by
easy to use (free surface, moving geometries...). An idea was Lancaster and Salkauskas [4] for smoothing and interpolating
to develop methods where meshes are not necessary. data in 1981. This method is based on minimizing a least
squares functional with respect to the nodal parameters. A
In 1977, the SPH method (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) lot of research use this latter technique : in the field of
was discovered by Lucy for astrophysical application. Some meshless methods one can cite Dilts [15] or Afshar et al
years later, a new branch of this classic SPH method was [18] and in the field of unstrutured Finite Volume search one
developped by Jean-Paul Vila in 1999 [1] [2] : the SPH-ALE can cite S.Khelladi : [6] [7]. Other alternative approaches
method. The main idea of this last work is to use Riemann were developped, a hybridization between WENO methods
solvers to compute numerical fluxes unlike classical SPH and MLS approximation was published [19] to improve the
approach where an artificial viscosity is used to stabilize the accuracy of the SPH-ALE method for compressible flow. We
method (Monaghan [13]). Many authors have worked on this can cite other works based on the radial basis function (RBF)
meshless method [21] [22] [20] to improve its capacities. with A. Iske (2000) [14].

In this paper, we compare two strategies to reduce the In the frame of SPH-ALE method, to show the ability of the
numerical dissipation and to increase the accuracy of the p-refinement, we propose to test the k-exact reconstruction
numerical results : the first strategy is to use a h-refinement and the MLS approximation. We will compare these
where the particles radius h is gradually reduced; the second reconstructions with the historical approach (2nd order

Flow Structure Detection
with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
B. Toth and K. G. Szabo
Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
BME Budapest University of technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
toth.balazs@epito.bme.hu and szabo@vit.bme.hu

AbstractWe discuss how existing flow structure detection we present the concept of the -criterion (which also happens
methods can be realised in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamcs to be Galilean invariant) for two and three dimensional SPH
(SPH) simulations. We demonstrate the use of the criterion applications. Another key issue is whether it is possible to
for the detection of instantaneous Eulerian flow structures. The
standard calculation of the velocity gradient tensor (VGT) results achieve such a precision in SPH that the spatial derivatives
too noisy gradient field. We propose a correction method based of the velocity field necessary for the Eulerian criteria can be
on the idea of XSPH that yields a much smoother VGT field, calculated: this problem will be discussed in Section III.
enabling significantly more accurate structure detection. We also Finally, in Section IV, we shall turn to the investigation
demonstrate on test cases the process in which the instantaneous of Lagrangian flow structures. As SPH is a genuine La-
Eulerian tools are used to locate Lagrangian coherent flow
structures. grangian method, the field variables are related to particles
in the material frame. This makes SPH a very promising
I. I NTRODUCTION potential tool for Lagrangian structure detection problems.
Finding reliable algorithms to pinpoint a flow structure in The central notion in the Lagrangian problems is mixing:
the data of a sizable computer simulation has become a key certain types of Lagrangian coherent structures are defined as
issue in most fields of computational fluid dynamics. The the ones that maintain their identity, other types correspond
different flow structure identification methods can be roughly to barriers to material transport. We calculate two quantities
classified as Eulerian or Lagrangian. that characterize the local strength of mixing in suspected
Eulerian methods operate on the instantaneous flow field Lagrangian coherent structures: relative dispersion and finite
and treat it as if it was steady. This is a serious drawback with time Lyapunov exponents (FTLE).
respect to Lagrangian ones that try to capture the flow features The computations we present have been carried out by our
evolving in time. However, the computational demands on parallel SPH solver written in CUDA and C++.
resources has so far prevented the latter ones from becoming
routine analytic tasks. The best approach seems to be the II. T HEORETICAL BACKGROUND
application of an appropriate Eulerian criterion at some time A. Flow Structures and Dynamical Systems
to the instantaneous fields to capture candidates of Lagrangian
The flow pattern of steady flows can be completely de-
flow structures. Having narrowed down to a much smaller part
scribed by the local analysis of their stagnation points and
of the fluid, high demand calculations can be started to further
the global analysis of their invariant manifolds [4]. Due to
verify or exclude the existence of Lagrangian flow features.
the achievements of dynamical systems theory this seems
An important goal of the Eulerian methods is to detect
to be a closed problem, even if in specific cases the actual
vortices, and, therefore, a great number of methods have been
computations can be challenging.
developed for that purpose. Unfortunately, the very meaning
The simplest case is that of isochoric (divergence free)
of a vortex is unclear: high vorticity and circular motion, the
steady plane flows; their most typical flow features are
main characteristics of a vortex, do not necessarily coincide,
like e.g. in shear layers. It seems that as many definitions of two types of stagnation points elliptic (centres) and

vortex exist as many vortex detection algorithms. Instead of hyperbolic (saddles) points ,
seeking for a good definition of a vortex, one may look for a elliptic islands containing closed streamlines, which loop

good vortex detection algorithm instead. Apart from practical around the centres, and
issues three principal requirements have been formulated: a separatrices stable and unstable invariant manifolds of

good algorithm has to be dimensionless [1], frame-independent the saddles that form boundaries among the elliptic
[2] and capable of describing compressible fluids [3]. islands and regions of unbounded flow.
The last point seems to be the most decisive from the point It is natural to identify elliptic islands with vortices and elliptic
of SPH, which is, by design, compressible at least weakly. stagnation points with vortex centres. There is an immediate
Therefore in Section II, following the recommendations of [3], relation between these (in fact Eulerian) flow structures to the

Large eddy simulation with SPH: Mission
Arno Mayrhofer0, 1, 2 , Dominique Laurence1, 3 , Benedict D. Rogers1 , Damien Violeau4, 5
0 Institute
of Water Management, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering,
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
1 School of MACE, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
2 arno.m@gmx.at
3 Mecanique des Fluides, Energie et Environnement, EDF R&D, Chatou, France
4 Laboratoire national dHydraulique et dEnvironnement, EDF R&D, Chatou, France
5 Saint-Venant Laboratory for Hydraulics, Universite Paris-Est, Paris, France

AbstractThe goal of this paper is to perform a Large Eddy the Taylor-Green vortex is introduced. This well-known test
Simulation using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method case consists of a lattice of counter-rotating vortices for which
with the unified semi-analytical wall boundary conditions. Before an analytical solution is available [6]. This test case is often
this simulation is presented the Taylor-Green test case with an
analytical solution is revisited from a different perspective than used to analyze the stability of a SPH method [7]. In the
usually. Namely, to investigate the capability of SPH to convert present context a different aspect of this test case will be
momentum from one to another direction in turbulent flows. highlighted that concerns the resolution requirements for an
It will be shown that to obtain adequate results a significant accurate prediction of the forces in the first time-step. As this
resolution is required. test case features periodicity in all directions no boundary is
The Large Eddy Simulation presented in the following shows
poor agreement with the established reference data and it will present and thus the results can be treated independently of
be shown that this can be traced back to resolution issues. Tying the boundary model used.
this together with the results from the Taylor-Green vortex it In Section IV an attempt is made at performing a Large
can be shown that to perform such simulations the Smoothed Eddy Simulation (LES) of a turbulent closed channel flow.
Particle Hydrodynamics method needs significant modifications. The case is introduced in detail showing that the geometry
is significantly bigger than the one used for the DNS in [1].
It is briefly remarked how the values of the simulation are
interpolated back to an Eulerian grid in order to extract the
In the past year the authors presented a quasi Direct Nu- necessary statistics to compare to established Eulerian codes.
merical Simulation (DNS) of a turbulent wall bounded channel The results show that SPH fails to predict the correct average
flow [1] using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). The velocity, which will be tied together with the results presented
results showed a reasonable agreement with the reference in Section III.
data. The only exception were some numerical discrepancies
close to the wall. The channel that was chosen for this II. T HE UNIFIED SEMI - ANALYTICAL BOUNDARY
simulation was geometrically small in order to reduce the
computational demand. Even then, due to the computationally The unified semi-analytical wall boundary conditions for
expensive nature of SPH with its large number of neighbours SPH were first introduced by Kulasegaram et al. [8], then
the simulation consumed significant resources on a BlueGene improved by Ferrand et al. [2]. The basic idea is to replace
Q supercomputer. the standard SPH interpolation procedure by one renormalized
In order to perform this DNS successfully the unified semi- by an analytical term , i.e.
analytical wall boundary conditions by Ferrand et al. [2] were 1 X
utilized. As they enable the correct imposition of wall shear [f ]a = Vb fb wab , (1)
stresses they were an integral part of the simulation. A volume bP

diffusion term was used that was originally introduced by where P is the set of all particles, Vb the volume of particle b
Ferrari et al. [3] and modified by Mayrhofer et al. [4] in and wab the kernel function as function of the distance vector
order to reduce numerical density fluctuations. Furthermore, to rab = ra rb between particles a and b. Furthermore f is an
simulate a 3-D flow, the extension by Mayrhofer et al. [5] was arbitrary scalar or vector function and [f ]a is the interpolated
used in order to compute the wall normalization parameter. value of f at position ra . Throughout this paper the fifth-order
This SPH variant will be presented in greater detail in Section Wendland polynomial is used which is given by
II. r 4 2r
After explaining the background for the simulations to follow, w(r, h) = 3
(1 ) (1 + ), (2)
h 2h h

2D Turbulence Using the SPH Method
Alireza Valizadeh Joe Monaghan
School of Mathematical Sciences School of Mathematical Sciences
Monash University Monash University
Clayton VIC 3800, Australia Clayton VIC 3800, Australia
alireza.valizadeh@monash.edu joe.monaghan@monash.edu

AbstractIn this paper we extend our previous study of tur- boundaries of the container. The length scale of the vortices
bulence in two dimensions using SPH [27][29]. The crucial role initially increases but there is an upper bound to the length
of the solid no-slip boundaries as sources of vorticity filaments, scale because the cylinders cut through any very large vortex.
which significantly affects the flow evolution, has been revealed
in laboratory experiments and numerical flow simulations [8]. We therefore do not expect the large circulation cell seen when
Keeping this in mind, we use mechanical stirrers moving on a stochastic stirrer is used in a confined container.
specified trajectories as the source of timedependent forcing to The numerical method we use is the particle method
generate turbulence. This is applicable for many industrial and SPH. Other methods could be used but we intend to extend
engineering problems in which the sources of turbulence are our results to problems where breaking waves or disturbed
physical mixers or stirrers.
Our weekly compressible SPH model has been improved using interfaces are produced and, for these problems, SPH has
density diffusive term in the continuity equation and using three the advantage of being simple to implement while retaining
layers of boundary force particles to model the solid boundaries. satisfactory accuracy. Furthermore the SPH method has also
The accuracy of the developed model is confirmed by recovering been used in recent studies of decaying turbulence in two
the results of oscillating cylinder flow. dimensions (Robinson and Monaghan [24], Monaghan [18],
In addition, the ability of the SPH method in simulating the
periodic and no-slip boundaries in turbulence driven by either Valizadeh and Monaghan [27]) which show that the SPH
stochastic forces or physical stirrers is studied. The comparison of simulations converge and give results in good agreement with
kinetic energy spectra, vorticity and velocity structure functions experiments and direct numerical simulations. SPH has also
and the probability distribution functions with theoretical, ex- been used in numerous problems involving bodies moving in
perimental and numerical results shows satisfactory agreement. fluids. These include moving bodies impacting the surface of
a fluid (Monaghan and Kos [20], Monaghan et al. [21]), and
linked bodies moving through a fluid (Kajtar and Monaghan
[9], [10]). The accuracy of the vortex generation was tested
The results for a stochastic stirrer driving two-dimensional by simulating a cylinder that generates vortices as it moves
flow in a square container with no-slip boundaries have been harmonically in a container with periodic boundaries. Our
conveniently summarised by Van Heijst et al. [8]. The key results are in good agreement with those of Dutsch et al. [5].
features are these: the forced turbulence has strong anisotropy An issue that has plagued SPH simulations is the way
and nongaussian statistics; the motion is dominated by a large boundary conditions are implemented. In this paper we con-
circulation cell that breaks up then reforms in a process sider two methods. The first of these is an improved boundary
that is repeated; the breakup is associated with a change force method (Monaghan and Kajtar [10]), and the second
in angular momentum and kinetic energy and the associated is the method of Adami et al. [1]. The boundary force
production of enstrophy near the wall. The formation of a large method has been improved by altering the arrangement of
circulation cell in both decaying and driven turbulence with the boundary force particles so that they mimic a material
no-slip boundaries distinguishes it from turbulence in doubly- boundary more effectively, and by including weak diffusion
periodic domains as does the anisotropic flow and enstrophy in the continuity equation. The density diffusion ensures that
production near the boundaries. the irregular density seen even in systems that have been
In the present case, where we consider the stirring produced damped to equilibrium, for example static fluid in a tank, is
by either a cylinder moving in a two dimensional fluid within a removed and the results greatly improved [29]. The use of
container with no-slip boundaries or with periodic boundaries, slight diffusion in the continuity equation also improves the
or by using stochastic forces to generate turbulence in the same method of Adami et al. [1]. The two methods were used for the
geometry. There are some significant differences between the oscillating cylinder test case and the comparison shows that
cylindrical stirrer and the stochastic case. The cylindrical the results of the two methods agree closely. Because of the
stirrer leaves a wake of vortices, and therefore enstrophy, with flexibility of the boundary force method we use it for the main
a length scale approximately the diameter of the cylinder. applications of this paper having in mind further applications
These vortices subsequently interact with themselves and with that involve bodies breaking through free surfaces.
the moving cylinders and with vorticity produced on the The principal diagnostic tools we use are the kinetic energy

Energy conservation in the -SPH scheme
M. Antuono, B. Bouscasse, A. Colagrossi S. Marrone
Marine Technology Research Institute (CNR-INSEAN) LHEEA-ECN, Nantes, France
Rome, Italy CNR-INSEAN, Rome, Italy

AbstractAn in-depth analysis of the energy conservation in II. The standard SPH
the -SPH model has been carried on. In comparison to the
standard SPH scheme, the mechanical energy equation of the - Hereinafter we call standard SPH the following system:
SPH variant is characterized by a further term that is generally
di X
dissipative and is related to the diffusive operator inside the

= (u j ui ) i Wi j m j ,
continuity equation. The behaviour and the structure of such a

dt j

term have been studied in detail and a number of specifically

conceived test cases has been considered, highlighting that the

X p j pi


dissipative term is generally small and it mainly acts when

= + i Wi j m j + f i +

dt 2j 2i

spurious high-frequency acoustic components are excited.



+ i j i Wi j

I. Introduction

j i

The -SPH scheme is a variant of the standard SPH model

pi = c20 ( i 0 )

that includes a diffusive term in the continuity equation to

= ui
reduce the high-frequency spurious oscillations in the pressure where i , pi are respectively the density and the pressure of
field. This scheme satisfies the conservation of mass and of the the iparticle while ri and ui are its position and velocity.
linear and angular momenta and, since its definitions (see [1], The particle mass, mi , is constant during the motion so that
[2]), it has been successfully applied to several hydrodynamics the global mass i conserved exactly. Here, Wi j is the kernel
problems (see [3][6]). In the present work we add a further function (a Wendland kernel is used hereinafter), i denotes
contribution to the analysis of the -SPH scheme and study the differentiation with respect to ri and f i is the body force at
the conservation of energy in such a model. the position ri . Finally, symbols 0 and c0 indicate the density
We show that, in comparison to the standard SPH model, the along the free surface (which is the reference value for the
mechanical energy equation of the -SPH scheme contains a density field) and the sound velocity (assumed to be constant).
further term that is generally dissipative and that derives from The dynamic viscosity is indicated through while the kernel
the diffusive operator inside the continuity equation. Further, of the viscous term is given in [7] and reads:
we describe the general structure of such a term (hereinafter
called diffusive power term) and, through numerical test cases, (u j ui ) r ji
i j = K . (2)
we draw a qualitative description of its behaviour. Specifically, kr ji k2
we considered two test cases where the fluid is inviscid and where K = 2 (n+2) and n is the number of spatial dimensions.
no solid boundaries are present. Under these hypotheses, it is
possible to focus on the evolution of the diffusive power term, III. The -SPH scheme
neglecting viscous and fluid-body interactions. We observed The -SPH has been first defined in [1] and further inspected
that the magnitude of the diffusive power term is generally in [2]. It reads:
small and it mainly acts during the generation of shock waves
or when spurious high-frequency oscillations characterize the

= i (u j ui ) i Wi j V j + h c0 Di

pressure field. Since the diffusive power term principally drags


energy from the compressible components of the SPH, the -

SPH scheme appears to be somehow less compressible than
dui 1 X
(p j + pi ) i Wi j V j + f i +

the standard SPH.

dt i j

The paper is organized as follows: section III introduces

the -SPH scheme and section IV describes the main energy


+ i j i Wi j V j
terms, the energy equations and define the diffusive power

i j
term. Then, sections V and VI show some applications

of the -SPH to inviscid free-surface flows and describe the

pi = c20 ( i 0 )

behaviour of the diffusive power term.

= ui

An interface-energy conserving approach for the
coupling of smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics and
finite-element methods for transient fluid-structure
Jorge Nunez Jean-Christophe Marongiu
Laboratoire de Mcanique des Contacts et des Structures Andritz Hydro SAS
UMR CNRS 5259, INSA de Lyon Villeurbanne, France
Villeurbanne, France
Alain Combescure
Zhe Li AREVA SAFRAN Chair Professor
Laboratoire de Mcanique des Fluides et Acoustique Laboratoire de Mcanique des Contacts et des Structures
UMR CNRS 5509, Ecole Centrale de Lyon UMR CNRS 5259, INSA de Lyon
Ecully, France Villeurbanne, France

Abstract The purpose of this work is to present an interface- conserved.

energy-conserving coupling strategy for transient fluid-structure In this study, a hybrid mesh-less formulation is used to
interaction. The proposed coupling strategy is synchronized and describe fluid particle motion, the SPH-ALE method,
partitioned while handling different time integrators for each proposed by Vila [4]. This method combines the flexibility of
subdomain. By imposing the interface's normal velocity
the classical Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics method, with
continuity, the proposed coupling method guarantees that neither
mechanical energy injection nor dissipation will occur at the the adaptability offered by the Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian
interface, thus ensuring the coupling simulation's stability over technique in terms of particle free-surface flows tracking.
time. Additionally, the numerical simulation will converge in Concerning the solid structure, a finite-element Lagrangian
time with the rate of convergence of the worst time integrator approach is implemented. In order to allow for a simplified
chosen for each subdomain. tracking of the fluid-structure interface, the SPH-ALE method
is used in a Lagrangian framework for the fluid particles
I. INTRODUCTION (arbitrary velocity is set equal to the fluid velocity).
Fluid-Structure interaction effects are a recurrent issue in In terms of coupling strategy, a partitioned but
many types of multi-physics problems in academic researches synchronized method is used. Although the choice of applying
as well as in engineering sciences. Several types of numerical this type of method, as opposed to a more stable monolithic
approaches exist to investigate this particular phenomenon and method, might seem contradictory given the main goals of the
allow for more reliable conceptions that help prevent proposed coupling technique, it was a necessary choice since
unexpected disasters. monolithic methods can become quite difficult to handle if the
The purpose of the present paper is to present a partitioned fluid and structure are described by very different solvers. By
coupling approach for fluid-structure interaction involving solving a system of coupling equations, synchronization is
different time integrators for each sub-domain [1,2,3]. The assured at each time step between the fluid and solid solvers
physical characteristics of the fluid take into account a weakly thus helping to avoid typical instability issues inherent to
compressible model. As for the solid structure, non-linear partitioned couplings.
behaviors such as large deformations and plasticity are The current paper is organized in a straightforward manner
considered. presenting the key stages underlying the development,
The key feature behind the proposed coupling method is implementation and validation of the proposed method.
the conservation of mechanical energy at the interface that is Section II and section III focus on presenting the equations
ensured at each time step. This condition is implemented by and numerical methods governing the fluid and solid
means of a weak space-time velocity condition imposed in the subdomains. The coupling strategy and algorithm will be
normal direction within the contact zone between the solid detailed in section IV. Finally section V presents one-
elements and the fluid particles. Thanks to the fact that neither dimensional and two-dimensional validation tests verifying
energy dissipation nor creation takes place at the interface, the proposed method's robustness and enhanced numerical
preservation of numerical stability is assured. Additionally, stability when compared to other partitioned methods
this condition allows for the minimal convergence order of the currently used.
time integrators used in the different subdomains to be

Coupling of a SPH-ALE and a Finite Volume
Method - Extension to 2D and 3D
Magdalena Neuhauser Jean-Christophe Marongiu
Ecole Centrale de Lyon Villeurbanne, France
Ecully, France Jean-Christophe.Marongiu@andritz.com

AbstractThis paper presents a multidimensional extension of direction normal to the wall but not tangential to the wall. In
the coupling of Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics - Arbitrary Finite Volume methods (FVM) long thin cells are used in this
Lagrange Euler (SPH-ALE) with a mesh-based Finite Volume region that can be more than ten times longer as large. In the
Method (FVM) that was first presented at last years SPHERIC
workshop [1]. The approach allows us to combine the flexibility past, some work has been done to develop anisotropic kernel
of the meshless method SPH-ALE with the advantages of the functions for SPH [3], [4] but this is not the approach that this
FVM as for example the well-established boundary treatment work takes.
and the possibility of anisotropic refinement. The algorithm is We present a flexible coupling method of SPH-ALE with
very flexible and uses a decomposition of the computational FVM [1] that allows us to refine anisotropically in space and
domain into regions where the fields are computed by the FVM,
regions where they are computed by SPH and overlapping regions to benefit of the other advantages of mesh based methods like
where the information is transferred from FV to SPH and imposing open boundary conditions more easily.
vice versa. The method can be used for fixed SPH particles, Even if SPH is a meshless method, there are important
particles in Lagrangian motion or particles that move arbitrarily similarities with FVM, especially in the case of SPH-ALE.
(ALE). FV cells are added in areas where a more accurate Hence, it suggests itself to adapt approaches to SPH that
(refined) simulation is needed or in regions where there are
other advantages to use FVM, as for example at the outlet of were first developed for FVM. In the 1980s the bottleneck
the computational domain. In the overlapping region, boundary of meshbased methods applied to industrial problems was the
values for the FV domain are obtained by interpolation from the mesh generation and multidomain methods were developed to
SPH particles, similar to the CHIMERA method of overlapping make it possible to subdivide the computational domain into
grids, while FV cells are used as SPH neighbours for the coupling. subdomains where the mesh can be created independently. One
For validation the results of two dimensional inviscid academic
testcases are presented, the Taylor-Green vortices and the flow family of these methods is called CHIMERA methods and
around a symmetric NACA hydrofoil. uses overlapping meshes where information is transferred from
one mesh to the other by interpolated boundary values [5]. In
I. I NTRODUCTION general these methods are very robust but not conservative
Due to increasing computing power the Lagrangian method but for the case where conservative interpolation methods are
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is more and more employed. Then Part-Enander showed in her PhD thesis [6]
used for industrial applications in the last years. Especially for that conservative interpolation methods that interpolate the
free surface flows with moving geometries like for example fluxes instead of the physical field variables [7] are not stable.
the flow in the runner of hydraulic Pelton turbines [2], the In recent years several authors started working on a coupling
use of SPH or variants of SPH is advantageous compared to of SPH with FVM, often inspired by the CHIMERA methods.
traditional meshbased numerical methods. But also for internal In 2001 Mancip [8] developed a conservative coupling method
flows without free surfaces there are applications where SPH for FVM on overlapping meshes that no longer interpo-
has great potential because of its meshless nature that treats lates boundary values for each domain like it is done with
geometries moving in a complex way without remeshing or CHIMERA methods but uses a smooth coupling function
mesh interfaces. instead. An application of this method to the coupling of SPH
However, there is one important drawback of the SPH and FVM is shown but it necessitates the computation of an
method. It is difficult to have non-constant particle sizes, i.e. approximative mesh for the SPH particles in the overlapping
particle refinement is complicated for particles in Lagrangian region. At SPHERIC 2013 in Trondheim (Norway) coupling
motion, in particular, anisotropic refinements. SPH is an methods of SPH and FVM were presented that are similar
intrinsically isotropic method with isotropic particles and a to the one presented here. Barcarolo [9] showed a SPH
kernel function with an isotropic support but flow phenomena refinement and derefinement procedure as well as a coupling
often necessitate fine space discretization only in one direction. with a Voronoi FVM. Bouscasse [10] and his team developed
Close to solid walls for example many particles are needed in a multi-purpose interface for coupling SPH with other solvers,

Coupling between SWASH and SPH
for real coastal problems

C. Altomare, T. Suzuki J.M. Dominguez, A.J.C. Crespo

Flanders Hydraulic Research and M. Gmez-Gesteira
Antwerp, Belgium EPHYSLAB, Universidade de Vigo
corrado.altomare@mow.vlaanderen.be, Ourense, Spain
tomohiro.suzuki@mow.vlaanderen.be jmdominguez@uvigo.es, alexbexe@uvigo.es,

AbstractModelling the whole process of wave propagation, from the deep ocean to the nearshore region and to characterise
wave transformation and wave-structure interaction is a the wave propagation and wave interaction with coastal
challenging task both in physical and numerical models. defences and beaches, the coupling between two different
Nevertheless, it is often required for a proper assessment of numerical models seems to be a reasonable solution. A
coastal safety and design of coastal defences. However to study coupling, or hybridisation technique, between two models
the wave propagation from deep ocean to nearshore is difficult characterized by different capabilities and different
using a single model because multiple scales are present both in computational costs can help to get a complete representation
time and in space. The present study proposes the use of two of phenomena at stake.
different models to generate and propagate the wave field from
offshore to nearshore locations. The work aims to develop a A hybrid method has been developed starting from the
technique for the assessment of the action of sea waves on the wave propagation model SWASH and the meshfree particle
coast starting from predicted incident wave conditions offshore. method DualSPHysics. The hybrid model has been validated
Hence a hybrid method has been developed that couples the with physical model data. The purpose is to represent and
capabilities of a wave propagation model, SWASH, and a analyse the transformation of the sea waves due to the
meshfree particle method, DualSPHysics. processes typical of the surf and swash zones, such as shoaling,
wave breaking, uprush and backwash, run-up, etc... A proper
representation of the waves nearshore will make possible the
proper modelling of the interaction between sea waves and
coastal defences (sea dikes, breakwaters, embankments) with a
particular focus on the extreme storm conditions propagating
The latest decades saw a huge development of numerical from offshore and no-lineal wave transformation.
modelling applied to real life problems. In coastal engineering
in particular, the role of numerical models is increasing as The so-called SWASH model has been chosen to propagate
essential alternatives or complementary tools to laboratory the sea waves. SWASH is a time domain model for simulating
experiments and prototype measurements. Numerical models non-hydrostatic, free-surface and rotational flow. Wave
are nowadays often used to assess the processes of wave propagation models as SWASH have been proven to be able to
propagation, wave transformation and wave interaction with simulate accurately surface wave and velocity field from deep
coastal structures. However outstanding differences exist water and with satisfactory results both at open ocean and
between the different kinds of models. For instance, grid-based nearshore but they are not suitable to deal with abrupt changes
models are widely used in engineering but they are not suitable of shape of coastal structures.
to represent violent phenomena characterised by large An SPH-based model has been used to study the wave
deformations, whereas meshfree models can be still transformation and breaking at detailed scale close to the
computationally too expensive. In terms of base equations, shoreline. DualSPHysics [1] is an open-source numerical
Boussinesq or nonlinear shallow water equation models have model based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method
limitations due to the approximation of the governing and can be freely downloaded from www.dual.sphysics.org.
equations, meanwhile Navier-Stokes based methods can model The expensive computational cost of SPH in comparison with
properly the physics of fluid hydrodynamics but are still other meshbased methods for CFD problems can be partially
characterized by high computational costs. Thereby a single alleviated by general-purpose graphics processing unit
model capable to represent the wave phenomena that occur (GPGPU) where a graphics processing unit (GPU card) is used
both offshore and nearshore and to provide accurate results in to perform computations traditionally managed by big cluster
reasonable computational times is still a challenge nowadays. machines with thousands of CPU cores. Thereby
A different approach can cope with these drawbacks. If the DualSPHysics was designed from the outset to use SPH for
main scope of the modelling is to represent the entire domain real engineering problems with software that can be run on

Momentum conserving methods that
reduce particle clustering in SPH

S.P. Korzilius1, A.C.H. Kruisbrink2 T. Yue2 W.H.A. Schilders1 M.J.H Anthonissen1

1 2
Eindhoven University of Technology The University of Nottingham
P.O. box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven NG7 2RD, Nottingham
The Netherlands United Kingdom

Abstract momentum equation will also tend to zero. This makes that par-
ticles cannot get away from each other. This is the type of instabil-
In this paper we present two remedies for particle clustering ity we consider in this paper. To avoid any confusion regarding
in SPH. Since particle clustering is the consequence of a di- the tensile instability we will not use the word instability, rather
minishing kernel gradient for small inter-particle distances, the we will speak about particle clustering.
first method uses a convex kernel with a non-zero kernel gradi- In [3] it is argued that not the diminishing kernel gradient is
ent at the origin. The second method is based on inter-particle causing the clustering, but it is in fact caused by a (partly) nega-
collisions. They are both compared with conventional SPH in tive Fourier transform. Since Wendland kernels are constructed
several case studies. The results show a great improvement in to have a positive Fourier transform, they should not suffer from
particle distribution, where particle clustering is strongly re- particle clustering. This statement does not agree with our re-
duced or absent, with only a small influence on the accuracy of sults, as can be seen in Figure 1. The left picture shows the initial
the computations. situation of a box with periodic boundary conditions. The box
is filled with air and all particles have the same mass and are
randomly distributed. From a gas we expect that over time it dis-
I Introduction
tributes itself more or less uniformly over the domain. However,
in the second picture, for which we used the Wendland kernel:
One of the unsolved problems in SPH is the pairing, or clustering,
of particles. This process in some situations mimics physical pro- (
(2 R)3 3

R +1 R 2,
cesses and fragmentation, making it hard to detect as a numerical W (R) = d 2
artifact [18]. Particle clustering reduces the resolution of the sim- 0 R > 2,
ulation. This not only endangers the accuracy of the results, it
is also a waist of computational effort. It is thus of great impor- the particles are not distributed uniformly over the domain, but
tance to reduce the numerical clustering of particles as much as are even forming clusters. For more details we refer to Section V.I.
possible. Thus also with Wendland kernels particle clustering can occur,
In the battle against particle clustering there is confusion about
what is causing the particles to cluster. This confusion is caused
by the presence of two types of particle clustering. On the one
hand there is an instability known as the tensile instability [14,
18]. This instability can be present in simulations that allow for
a negative pressure, but it is also known to occur in problems
where the pressure is always positive [14]. SPH particles being
subjected to a compressive/tensile stress will repel/attract each
other, just like real particles, e.g. atoms, would do. However, in
the case of tensile stress this leads to an instability where particles
On the other hand, there is an instability usually known as the
pairing or clumping instability. This instability has little to do
with the sign of the stresses, instead it is caused by a diminishing
repelling force for approaching particles. Because the gradients
Figure 1: Particle clustering in action. The left picture shows the
of the most commonly used kernels tend to zero for small inter-
initial configuration. The right picture shows the results when the
particle distances, the forces or accelerations calculated from the
Wendland kernel as in (1) is used. The clustering of particles is clearly
Correspondence to s.p.korzilius@tue.nl visible.

Pressure evaluation improvement for Euler
Isentropic SPH scheme
M. Clayer J.L. Lacome, J. Limido J.P. Vila
IMPETUS AFEA IMPETUS-AFEA Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse,
Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse, Grenade Sur Garonne, France Departement G.M.M. INSA de Toulouse.
Departement G.M.M. INSA de Toulouse Toulouse, France
Toulouse, France

AbstractOne classic drawback of weakly compressible SPH some numerical results with comparison to the classical SPH
method is the noise in evaluated pressure field. In this paper we scheme.
present a new set of diffusive term method based on an approach
initially introduced by Grenier et al [8] in the framework
of finite volume method. We extended this approach to SPH II. R ECENT OVERVIEW
There a different ways to improve the pressure calculation
I. I NTRODUCTION in SPH formulations. To avoid the spurious in calculation
of pressure field, Monaghan et al [9] introduced an artificial
The SPH method enjoys the advantage of being a mesh- viscous term based on a Neumann-Richtmeyer artificial vis-
less, adaptative, Lagrangian method naturally handling dis- cosity to dampen the oscillations appearing in shock waves.
continuities and free-surfaces [7]. Initially developed by Lucy, Such an artificial viscosity term also helped to stabilize the
Gingold and Monaghan, for astrophysical problems [6], [12], SPH scheme and reduce spurious oscillations. Nowadays the
it has been extended to cover the behavior of solids and most common method for avoid these oscillations are ALE-
fluids and, because of its nature, it is able to handle complex SPH, density reinitialization and SPH with diffusive term. We
phenomena and complicated flow patterns, without having quickly present the first two, and we detail the diffusive term
issues with the strain induced to the computational elements. method.
For that reason it is used for the simulation of breaking waves,
impinging jet, sloshing fluids and generally in the simulations
of violent phenomena with very large deformations.
For hydrodynamic applications, we treat the described The SPH-Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) method,
medium as weakly compressible, so we usually use the weakly was proposed by Vila [14]. This method relies in the
compressible SPH method. This method is simple to imple- discretization of the inviscid Euler equations, under an
ment and it can be parallelized efficiently. ALE description, using SPH approximations. The resulting
Despite their intrinsic capability for simulation of vio- method resembles more to the finite volume method, using
lent free-surface fluid flows, particle methods have a few the Godunov method for calculating the fluxes between the
drawbacks that may considerably affect their accuracy and volume. The great advantage of the SPH-ALE method is
performance. Such drawbacks are mainly caused by the in- that it enables robust handling of the boundary conditions.
terpolation features of particle methods; that is, local kernel- Moreover, the Godunov method introduces numerical
based interpolations on the basis of moving calculation points diffusion, damping in pressure oscillations and provides much
(particles). Non-exact conservation of momentum [2], lack of smoother results than the standard SPH method.
interpolation completeness [11] and existence of spurious pres-
sure fluctuations are among the major drawbacks associated This method has considerable differences from the tradi-
with particle methods. tional SPH. First of all, the conservative system of the Euler
In this paper, we first present a short overview of the equations is solved [, u, v, w], instead of using the prim-
recent improvement for the treatment of the evaluation of itive variable set of the standard SPH method. Also, it adopts
pressure field. Then, we present our improvement of a centered an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian point of view, meaning that
formulation for the pressure gradient term with the intro- the computational elements move because of the influence
duction of a stabilization term proportional to the pressure of a transport field. Hence the particles may move following
difference between two neighbor particles. We present a proof the flow field (Lagrangian description), or may remain still
for the stability of this new formulation. Finally we present (Eulerian description), or move in any other arbitrary way.

Towards both numerical consistency and
conservation for SPH approximation
S. Litvinov, X. Y. Hu and N. A. Adams
Lehrstuhl fur Aerodynamik und Stromungsmechanik
Technische Universitat Munchen
85747 Garching, Germany

AbstractSPH approximation of the gradient of a scalar the smoothing error. The second step is an integration by parts
field involves a calculation of an integral, which is further and we assume that the kernel function is zero at the edge
approximated by the summation over all particles in the support of support domain. The third step calculates integral by the
domain. This further approximation step introduces an error
and generally leads to the failure of zero-order consistency, that summation over all particles in the support domain, and Vb
is, SPH approximation does not exactly reproduces a constant denotes the volume of the particle b. We call the error of the
field. The usual correction to achieve zero-order consistency is last stage the integration error.
implementing the reproducing approximation kernel. However, The quality of the SPH method is directly determined by
such kernel violates one of the most important properties of the the properties of the above two approximation errors. And
SPH method, that is, the full conservation which is assured by
the anti-symmetric algorithm for particle-particle interactions. it is not surprising that equation (1) was studied extensively.
In this contribution we show that the conditions under which Monaghan [10] showed that for sufficiently smooth kernel the
a SPH formulation can satisfy the properties of conservation smoothing error is O(h2 ). Quinlan et. al. [12] analyzed the
and zero-order consistency at the same time is the so-called integration error analytically for uniformly spaced particles
partition condition. This condition can be achieved by relaxing and numerically when these particles are randomly perturbed.
particle under constant pressure field and the resulted particle
distribution has the radial distribution function (RDF) very It is found that, while for uniformly spaced particles high-order
similar to that of water molecules. We also show that, with two integration error is obtained, for the later case the integration
different kernel functions, the SPH approximation on particles error lacks the zero-order consistency, in other words the
following the partition condition can achieve very high-order equation (1) does not exactly estimate the zero derivative
convergence respect to the ratio between the inter-particle space of a constant-valued function, which is known as a major
to the radius of kernel support.
difficulty of SPH. And several modifications of the method
I. I NTRODUCTION were proposed to remedy this problem such as the reproducing
kernel particle method (RKPM) [7]. However, as will shown
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a mesh-free later, such kernel violates the conservation property, which is
Lagrangian simulation method introduced by [8] and [4]. one of the most important properties of the SPH method.
It has a wide range of applications ranging from structural In this paper we begin with the simple integration rule,
mechanics to complex multi-phase flows [10], [11]. In SPH a that is, a zero-order consistency of derivative estimate can be
discretization element is called particle and every particle can achieved in equation (1) when the sub-domains defined by the
take an arbitrary position in space. At a particle position ra particles give a partition of the entire domain. Furthermore,
the gradient of a scalar field (r) is approximated by using inspired by our previous work [1], we show that this condition,
the following three-step approach: without compensating the property of discrete conservation,
can be achieved by relaxing particles under constants pres-
(ra ) (r)W (ra r, h) dV
sure, and also demonstrate by numerical experiments that the
convergence rate of the integration error is close to that for
= (r)W (ra r, h)dV (1) uniformly spaced particles.
where W (r, h) is a kernel function which depends only on the In the literature there are several forms of SPH approxima-
magnitude of the vector r, and has a compact support domain. tion of derivative. In this section we specify a class of such
The parameter h is called smoothing length and if it tends to approximations which is popular in hydrodynamic simulations.
zero W (r, h) approaches the Dirac delta function. We construct an approximation to the function (r) at
The first step in Eq. (1) is called filtering or smoothing position of a particle a. We start by adding an equal-to-zero
approximation and an error introduced by this stage is called term and then apply transformation (1) to the both terms. After

On the model inconsistencies in simulating breaking
wave with mesh-based and particle methods
S. Marrone, D. Le Touze A. Colagrossi A. Di Mascio
LHEEA Lab., Ecole Centrale Nantes / CNRS CNR-INSEAN CNR-IAC
Nantes, France Rome, Italy Rome, Italy

AbstractIn the present work the numerical simulation of occur since it can lead to a very different flow evolution with
breaking wave processes is discussed. A detailed analysis is per- respect to the case where air-cushion effects take place (see
formed using Smoothing Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) models e.g. [7]). On the other hand, in many two phase model the
as well as a mesh-based Level-Set Finite Volume Method (LS
-FVM). Considerations on the numerical dissipation involved in air phase is considered incompressible and therefore the air-
such models are discussed within the frameworks of weakly cushion effects can not be taken into account. Notwithstanding
compressible and incompressible assumptions. The breaking these model inconsistencies different articles in the recent
wave processes are simulated using both mono- and two-phases literature show that mesh-based and particle solvers are able
models. Due to the extensive test-cases discussed, the present to solve breaking wave and the related energy dissipation (see
analysis is limited to a bi-dimensional framework. Test-cases with
increasing complexities are considered starting from a simple 1D e.g. [8], [9], [10]).
impact of two water-jet up to complex shallow water breaking
waves. The analyses presented in this article are not only useful to
weakly compressible SPH or LS-FVM users but can be extended This work is devoted to a critical analysis of these and
to other numerical models for which accurate (convergent) results other model inconsistencies and to show the consequence on
on benchmark test-cases are provided the numerical results. We focus our attention on the SPH
model and on a Level-Set Finite-Volume-Method (LS-FVM).
I. Introduction The two solvers selected take advantage of quite different
numerical approaches, that is a Lagrangian Particle Methods
Free surface flows are challenging phenomena to model and
and a classical mesh-based method; therefore, the conclusions
simulate due to the possible fragmentation and reconnection
we draw can be of interest also for other kinds of numerical
of the air-water interface. Starting from the 80s when the
solvers. Furthermore, in the SPH model here adopted the liquid
volume of fluid technique (VOF) was developed, the numerical
is treated as a weakly compressible media while in the LS-
simulation of fluid-fluid interactions have been tackled by
FVM an incompressible constraint is used. This allow us also
many researchers (see e.g. [1]). Besides the VOF approaches,
to consider these two different models when dealing with water
in the framework of mesh-based method another free-surface
impacts and/or breaking waves.
tracking algorithm have become quite popular: the so called
Level-Set (LS) method [2]). More recently also the develop-
ment of particle-methods has allowed to study free-surface After a brief introduction of the governing equations and
complex flows (see e.g. [3]). Indeed, thanks to the meshless the SPH and LS-FVM models, we start our analysis on the
and lagrangian characters of such methods it is possible to simple problem of two impinging jets in 1D which allows
simulate liquid fragmentation in a natural way. For this reason the discussion of the energy transfer features of the different
in the last twenty years hundreds of articles regarding the models. Then, the problem of 2D impinging jets is discussed
simulation of free-surface flows through Smoothed Particle as prototype problem useful to address cavity collapse during
Hydrodynamics (SPH) (see e.g. [4]) or Moving Particle Semi- breaking event. The role of the free-surface and the different
implicit (MPS) solvers (see e.g. [5]) have appeared in the behavior on the energy conservation of the solvers is discussed.
literature. Finally, a confined dam-break flow is considered. Indeed, this
All the above-mentioned numerical methods can hide model problems is characterized by different stages: (i) an inviscid
inconsistencies when simulating liquid fragmentation and re- fluid deformation, (ii) a water impact on a vertical wall, (iii)
connection (both involved in breaking phenomena). For in- a backward plunging jet formation, (iv) splashing stage with
stance, as demonstrated in [6], in simulations involving liquid several cycles (v) finally a sloshing flow regime. Because
collisions, the incompressible assumption implies instanta- of these stages it is possible to consider different energy
neous mechanical energy losses. Another important aspect is dissipation processes. This final problem is studied using a
related to the use of mono-phase or two-phase models for single-phase model as well as a two-phase model showing
simulating breaking wave events. The mono-phase model give how the two different models adopted behave in simulating
rise to another model inconsistency when cavity collapses such a flow.

Modeling the coherent vortices in breaking waves
Rozita Jalali Farahani Robert A. Dalrymple Alexis Herault
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers
Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins University Paris, France
Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy
rozita@jhu.edu rad@jhu.edu Catania, Italy

Giuseppe Bilotta Eugenio Rustico

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy Bundesanstalt Fur Wasserbau
Catania, Italy Karlsruhe, Germany

AbstractBreaking water waves at the shoreline create a wide (Herault et al. 2010), which uses massively parallel Nvidia
range of turbulent structures in the water column. Plunging graphics cards.
waves are particularly interesting as the plunging tip of the wave
impacts into the toe of the wave, often creating a tube or barrel II. G OVERNING EQUATIONS AND GPUSPH MODEL
of air that surfers enjoy. As a result, the turbulence left after
The governing equations to model the water wave motion
the passage of the wave consists, in part, of coherent horseshoe
(hairpin) vortices that sink deeper into the water column with consist of the conservation of mass and the conservation of
time. Nadaoka et al. (1989) identified the legs of the horseshoe momentum as:
(hairpin) vortices as obliquely descending eddies; here we show
they are just part of the horseshoes (hairpins). We also provide an + (.~u) = 0 (1)
argument for the creation of these hairpin vortices (Farahani et t
al., 2014b), based on an analogy with turbulent boundary layers.
D~v 1 ~
= P + ~g + (2)
where is density; t is time; ~u is velocity; P is the pressure;
Water wave breaking at the shoreline produces turbulence, ~g is the gravitational acceleration; and ~ is the viscous term.
which can play an important role in the sediment transport, The conservation of mass equation can be written in SPH form
wave damping, and safety of vessels and structures located in as:
the surf zone (Banner and Peregrine, 1993). Not only do waves
a X
periodically breaking on a beach give rise to these coherent = mb (~ua ~ub )a W (rab ) (3)
vortical structures, but a solitary wave does as well. One of t
the important differences with a solitary wave (which is a first where a denotes the particle of interest; b denotes the neighbor-
order approximation of a tsunami) is that here there is no pre- ing particle; m is the particle mass; W is the kernel function;
existing turbulence in the water column prior to the arrival of and rab is the distance between particle a and particle b.
the wave as is the case for waves on beaches. Therefore, we The first term of the right hand side of the momentum
can study three-dimensional vortex structures separately from equation (2) is the pressure gradient term that can be written
the effect of returning undertow and the residual turbulence in the SPH form as:
induced from the previously broken waves in the case of X Pa Pb
periodic waves. ( 2 + 2 )mb a W (rab ) (4)
a b
Breaking water waves including solitary waves have been b
previously modeled using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics The second term on the right hand side of the momentum
(SPH) method by several researchers such as Monaghan equation is the gravitational acceleration, which is defined
and Kos (1999); Monaghan and Kos (2000); Dalrymple et as: ~g = (0, 0, 9.81) sm2 . The third term on the right hand
al. (2002); Colagrossi and Landrini (2003); and Dalrymple side of the momentum equation is the viscous term that can
and Rogers (2006). In this study, we use three-dimensional be computed using several methods. In this study we have
Smoothed SPH method to model broken solitary waves as well used the SPS approach of Dalrymple and Rogers (2006) with
as to investigate the induced three-dimensional vortex struc- constant Smagorinsky coefficient. In the SPS approach, the
tures and turbulent fields. Two different solitary wave types effect of turbulence is considered in the SPH method using a
(spilling wave and plunging wave) are studied and coherent model similar to the Sub-Grid Scale (SGS) turbulence model
vortex structures associated with each type are investigated. in the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method (Dalrymple and
Our computations are carried out with the GPUSPH model Rogers, 2006).

SPH Numerical computations of wave impact onto
a vertical wall
Xuezhou Z. Lu, Gregory Pinon, Jerome Brossard Rivoalen
Jean-Marc Cherfils, Elie
Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes Laboratoire dOptimisation et de Fiabilite
LOMC, UMR 6294 CNRS-Universite du Havre, France en Mecanique des Structures
gregory.pinon@univ-lehavre.fr LOFIMS, EA 3828 INSA de Rouen, France

AbstractIn order to assess wave impacts on coastal structures Then wave impacts, more similarly to the practical problem
that are coupled with a marine energy device, a SPH software mentioned above, are presented in the final section. A numeri-
(JOSEPHINE, [1]) is used and new features are developed. The cal wave-maker generates a solitary wave, which propagates in
present paper will focus on pressure peaks prediction onto a
vertical wall in terms of accuracy and convergence of the used a wave flume and finally starts to break. The impact pressures
SPH scheme. Firstly, an idealised configuration representing a and forces on the wall are thus presented and analysed.
wave impact (i.e. impact of triangular liquid column) will be
considered. This test case allows us to investigate the relationship II. W EAKLY COMPRESSIBLE SPH MODEL
between free surface shape and impact dynamics. The results
are compared with those obtained from other numerical VOF
In our problem, the governing equations are the Euler
(Volume Of Fluid) computations of Mokrani et al. [2] using equations in the Lagrangian frame for a weakly compressible
THETIS software and the analytical results of Wu [3]. Secondly, and inviscid fluid. The Taits equation of state is used to close
the generation and propagation of a solitary wave is computed in the system of equations:
a wave flume equipped with a beach, which makes the solitary
wave breaks onto a vertical wall. Several types of impact are 0 c20 i
obtained similarly to those mentioned in literature by changing Pi = (( ) 1) (1)
the wave-maker parameters or the water depth in numerical wave
flume. The results will be compared with experimental data. where 0 is the density at the free surface, = 7 is the
polytropic characteristic exponent of the fluid and c0 is the
numerical sound speed. Here, the sound speed is set so that
This study is performed under the framework of the project c0 = 10|umax |. In our model, the smoothing kernel 0 is
EMACOP (Energie MArine COti`ere et Portuaire) funded by a truncated Gaussian function proposed by Colagrossi and
the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development Landrini [6]. In the sequel, in order to assess the stabilisation
and Energy. This project focuses on multifunctional struc- properties of different SPH variants, two of them will be tested
tures equipped with a coastal wave energy recovery device. in section III thanks to an academic test case.
The device that will be assessed during this study is an
oscillating water column. The final aim being evaluating its A. Diffusive terms
survivability in high or extreme weather conditions, impacts Different variants of the diffusive term (Di ) to be added to
of energetic waves will be considered. This practical problem the continuity equation (eq. (2)) were proposed in the SPH
involves complicated free surface deformations. SPH is an literature.
ideal approach to simulate such a process due to its mesh-
Di X mj
free, Lagrangian numerical scheme. = i uij i 0 (xij ) + Di , (2)
The accuracy of computed impact pressure still being a Dt j
scientific issue (see for instance Mokrani et al. [2], [4] or
In this paper, two different approaches of this diffusion term
Rafiee et al. [5]), an analytical test case will be first considered.
are presented and tested, namely the Rusanov flux and -SPH.
The academic test case is basically the hydrodynamic impact
Both of them can be expressed similarly and as the following:
due to a triangular water column hitting on a solid wall. By
increasing the angle of the triangular water column, more and
X mj
Di = ij nij i 0 (xij ) , (3)
more violent impacts are obtained. This test case reveals to j
be complicated in terms of convergence and stability of the xij
numerical method. Our numerical results are compared with with xij = xj xi , uij = uj ui , nij = .
| xij |
the analytical results of Wu [3] for the validation of our SPH For the Rusanov flux, following the work of Ferrari et
model. Finally, this academic case allows us also to assess the al. [7], the remaining term ij can be written as:
stability and accuracy of different SPH approaches, namely
the WCSPH method with a Rusanov flux and -SPH. ij = cij (j i ij ), (4)

Modelling Of Wave Impacts On Harbour Structures
And Objects With SPH And DEM
R.B. Canelas, R.M.L. Ferreira J.M. Domnguez, A.J.C. Crespo
CEHIDRO, Instituto Superior Tecnico EPHYSLAB, Universidade de Vigo
ULisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Ourense, Spain
ricardo.canelas@ist.utl.pt jmdominguez@uvigo.es
ruimferreira@ist.utl.pt alexbexe@uvigo.es

AbstractA Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), cou- limitations to the usage of simple models [1]. Furthermore,
pled with a Discrete Element Method (DEM), is presented and experimental validation of such models is remarkably complex
applied to model the interaction of incoming waves over a section and also relies on simplifications, both on the setup and on the
of a shipping harbour. The main objective is to simulate the
response of the containers at a harbour in Portugal to the analysis of the data [2], [3].
hydrodynamic action represented by a tsunami wave. Wave Any computational tool designed to deal with such problems
amplitude is taken from data of the coast of Portugal and must be computationally scalable and should be able to model
the discretization of the port geometry and infrastructures is all physically relevant scales which fluid-solid interaction
based on high resolution digital elevation models and actual occurs. In most engineering applications involving fluids and
port information. Buildings and terrain are treated as fixed
boundary, with a series of shipping containers and a large structures, solid objects are much larger than the smallest flow
vessel being treated as unrestricted rigid bodies with different scales. For instance, viscous modes of momentum transfer
material properties (density, Young modulus, Poisson and friction are often negligible since the involved Reynolds numbers are
coefficients). In the model, the fluid is modelled with the Navier- normally large [2]. However, the relevant modes of interaction
Stokes equations, solved by the SPH method. This allows for the are not always evident, in which case the model must be
simulation of a large spectrum of relevant momentum transfer
scales between fluid and solid phases. The solid interactions designed to offer high spatial and temporal resolutions. Also,
are accounted for by considering physically based formulations to minimize the influence of non-physical boundaries, some
derived from contact mechanics and discretized as a DEM, in simulations require remarkably large domains. This stresses
what constitutes the main novelty of the proposed work. The GPU the need for high performance models and implementations.
implementation of DualSPHysics allows for the high resolution Finally, such models should be based on consistent conceptual
spatial discretization covering the large domain at a reasonable
computation time. Experimental and numerical data are used models, avoiding ad hoc closures, and should be subjected
to validate the formulation and to assess the accuracy and to a computational implementation that preserves the key
limitations of the model, both considering fluid-solid interactions mathematical properties of the conceptual model.
and solid-solid contacts. The behaviour of containers and the Within the meshless framework, efforts have been made on
carrier vessel is tracked and could offer insights on the potential unifying solid and fluid modelling. Such is appealing since if
risk to the integrity of main port infrastructures. A larger
simulation would be needed to consider critical structures as the fluid phase is well discretized then most of such scales
they are located mostly inland, requiring Multi-GPU simulations should be represented. Reference [4] modelled a rigid body
to compensate for the larger domain. as a collection of Moving Particle Simulations (MPS) fluid
particles, rigidified by default. This has become the standard
I. I NTRODUCTION approach due to its simplicity and good results. Similarly,
The interaction of solid material in fluid flows is common [5] modelled the effects of wave interaction on a caisson
in several fields, including coastal, offshore, maritime and breakwater resorting to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
fluvial engineering. In such contexts, it can be associated large (SPH) and some special considerations for the particles that
scale disasters that pose a relevant risk to populations and made up the solid body, effectively including a form of
infrastructure. The main difficulties with modelling such class frictional behaviour. For normal interactions the continuum
of events arise from the characteristics of the phenomena. The potential based forces of the form used in [5], [6] are not
scale of the affected area implies that modelling a single event based in mechanics of contact of rigid bodies. Contact laws
may require very large domains, since the non-linear nature of like the non-linear Hertzian models have been used extensively
the flow difficults the partition of the same in several smaller, in the Discrete Element Method (DEM) literature [7], being
individual domains and events. Another type of scale issue regarded as one of the most, physically based, available class
arises from the type of interactions, that may require very high of contact laws. Further generalization allows for the inclusion
resolution to resolve to a proper extent. The type of non-linear and consideration of distinct materials in such interactions [8].
and multiscale problem that is being addressed poses severe This work describes a model where inter particle forces of

Hydrodynamic performance simulations using SPH for automotive applications
D. Barcarolo, J. Candelier, D. Guibert and M. de Leffe
Nantes, France

Abstract In the automobile industry, CFD is mostly used to and the user does not need to worry with the mesh generating
improve the aerodynamic performance of cars and not much has process: the particles distribution can be straightforwardly
been done yet concerning hydrodynamic flows. Problems like the adapted to any kind geometry, even as those present in the
tire aquaplaning or ford crossing remain difficult to be simulated automobile industry.
using traditional meshed based methods, e.g. Finite Volume
Moreover, the external flow phenomena like tire
method. In these flow problems, the free-surface is very complex
(with a lot of discontinuities) and the flow is very violent, not to aquaplaning can be extremely violent if one considers elevated
mention the fact that complex geometries are treated and that the speeds and very complex with several discontinuities in the
relative motion between the car and the tires is to be considered. flow: it is split by the stripes.
All these aspects combined make it difficult for any meshed based
method to simulate efficiently these flows. In this article we will
present a series of results showing that with SPH, it is possible to
achieve both global and local convergence for such complex
flows. Focus is also given to the analysis of these problems by
changing some parameters as the tire speed and the water layer
depth for the aquaplaning problem. In the figure below we show
the free-surface shape for the tire aquaplaning simulation using 5
million particles and for a ford crossing simulation using 24.5
million particles. These simulations were performed using the
SPH-flow code with the Riemann-SPH formulation and up to 1
billion particles.

Figure 1 Tire geometry with its complex stripes
In the automobile industry much effort is concentrated into
performing CFD computations of the aerodynamic In this article we will present a series of results for these
performance of cars. Several examples may be found in automobile applications demonstrating how suitable SPH can
literature concerning Formula 1 simulations. However, in the be to simulate such flows phenomena. Focus will be given to
specific case of hydrodynamic simulation not much can be the tire aquaplaning flow and to the ford crossing.
found in such a field. Indeed, considering the external flows, Additionally, in this article it will also be demonstrated that
the air flow around the vehicle is the phenomenon that impacts with SPH one can achieve local and global convergence.
the most its energy efficiency. However other phenomena like Taking as example the tire aquaplaning, we can demonstrate
tire aquaplaning, ford crossing and windshield wiping are also convergence on global loads on the tire but also we can seek
important and must be considered. convergence looking at pressure probes inside the tire stripes.
Due to the complexity of the geometry of the car and its Considering that the tire stripes may measure some
appendices (e.g. tire shape in Figure 1), the modelling of the millimetres, convergence can be hard to be achieved and
flow around such complex structures can become very maybe only achieve by using a high number of particles. The
complicated with mesh based methods. Very fine meshes may results shown in this article regarding this aspect may be of the
be necessary, not to mention the fact that meshing complex interest of the research community.
geometries can sometimes before time-consuming and impact The present article is subdivided as follows: first a section
the quality of results. In [12], we may find results for the tire- introducing the SPH algorithm used is presented followed by
aquaplaning using a mesh-based method. the presentation of the description and results of the tyre
For the past years the SPH algorithm has been proven to be aquaplaning and the ford-crossing test cases respectively.
a very robust method to handle complex flows around Conclusions close the article.
complex geometries as one can see in [1-6] (limited list of
articles). The SPH method seems, then, to be well suited to II. SPH ALGORITHM
model such complex hydrodynamic flow phenomena taking The results presented in this article were achieved using the
place in the automobile industry. The Smoothed Particle SPH-flow code developed by HydrOcean and Ecole Centrale
Hydrodynamics algorithm handles easily with discontinuities de Nantes. The SPH-flow code has all the main variants of the
in the flow (it intrinsically takes into account their presence) SPH method together with the most recent developments in
the area:

Simulation of earthquake sloshing loads in a
nuclear reactor
J.L. Cercos-Pita, L.M. Gonzalez A. Moreno, A. Guerrero, S. Salgado
Naval Architecture Department (ETSIN) Ingeniera IDOM Internacional
Technical University of Madrid (UPM) IDOM
Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain

AbstractModelling of sloshing flow inside a Lead-cooled Fast the nuclear reactor geometry and the earthquake motion is
Nuclear Reactor during an earthquake is conducted, focusing on described. Fourth, the results obtained for the Lead-cooled Fast
the evaluation of the loads caused by the fluid on the structure. Nuclear Reactor are presented. Finally, a conclusions summary
AQUAgpusph, a free software OpenCL accelerated SPH code
has been used. This tool is analysed, including the performance together with future work targets are provided.
comparison with some available GPU accelerated SPH codes, and
its validation against SPHERIC test case number 10 about severe
sloshing phenomena. SPH fits particularly well to this application A. General
due to the complex nuclear reactor geometry. Simulations have
been conducted with ELSY lead-cooled fast reactor geometry. In the first stages of a nuclear reactor design process
a lot of earthquake potentially critical situations must be
I. M OTIVATION simulated to estimate the loads suffered by the structure. More
specifically the cases matrix may include a wide variety of
In the design process of nuclear reactors, the loads during combinations of earthquake induced motions and dampers.
an earthquake due to the sloshing phenomena have been Hence the performance of the simulation tool is a critical
considered in the past using semi-empirical techniques [18]. point which must be taken into account. Actually with the
However after the violent earthquakes in Japan which caused classic mesh based models time lapses of order of months per
the collapse of nuclear plants (Kashiwazaki-Kariwa in 2007 simulation are required to get quality enough results, which
and Fukushima in 2011), the nuclear engineering community are unacceptable [6].
has significantly increased the research efforts on this topic On the other hand, GPU based acceleration technologies
[16]. More specifically, the fluid-structure interaction is be- have demonstrated to fit pretty well to the SPH codes, at least
coming one of the points which is attracting the attention of in the WCSPH formulation, where no linear systems resolution
the researchers [9]. is required, such that a medium size cluster computational
In this sense, due to the complex geometries considered power can be achieved by a fraction of its cost [14, 17].
in these problems where mesh based methods may be hard However, almost fully GPU accelerated SPH alternatives have
to be applied, the meshless methods are gaining relevance. been written in CUDA language, with the intrinsic limitation
Particularly SPH has demonstrated to fit well to problems to NVidia computational devices. Therefore, the AQUAgpusph
with a complex geometry or heavy free surface fragmenta- performance, which is accelerated with OpenCL [8], must
tion. However, the characteristic pressure noise shown in the be analysed in order to demonstrate that it is competitive in
Weakly Compressible SPH (hereinafter WCSPH) formulation computational terms.
may be an impediment to apply this methodology to the fluid To do that a dam break case is simulated. The dam break
loads prediction. problem has been widely used to analyse the performance of
In this paper the simulation of a Lead-cooled Fast Nuclear CFD codes [23, 19, 5].
Reactor (Hereinafter LFR) during an earthquake to evaluate
the loads caused by the fluid on the structure is described. B. Case description
We focus on the time spent per simulation and the quality of In this work the experiments carried out by Lobovsky et al.
the measured pressure. The simulations have been carried out [20] will be considered, and more specifically the water level
with AQUAgpusph, an OpenCL accelerated SPH code [8]. H = 0.3 mm case. In Fig. 1 an schematic view of the
This paper is organized as follows: First, the AQUAgpusph experimental setup is depicted. An initial column of fluid
performance is analysed, comparing it with other SPH codes in rest state, subjected to hydrostatic pressure, evolves freely
accelerated with CUDA [14, 17]. Second, the results of a up to 1.25 seconds. The water level is recorded along the
simulation of the benchmark test case number 10 are dis- simulation in the positions H1, H2, H3 and H4, as well as the
cussed in order to validate the tool [13, 21, 22, 7]. Third, pressure at the solid vertical wall downstream the dam in the

Modelling real-life flows in hydraulic waterworks
Giuseppe BILOTTA,
Alexander VOROBYEV Conservatoire National Department of Hydrology Laboratoire dHydraulique Saint-Venant
Sezione di Catania des Arts et M
e tiers University of Life Sciences & EDF R&D
Istituto Nazionale France and Natural Resources France
di Geofisica e Vulcanologia & Sezione di Catania Austria
Italy Istituto Nazionale
giuseppe.bilotta@ct.ingv.it di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

AbstractWe simulate two real-life cases, a vertical-slot fish- models we use in our applications (section II), followed by
pass and a dam-break with floating objects, using GPUSPH, an the results of their application to a vertical-slot fish-pass
implementation of the SPH method in CUDA which has been (section III). This is followed by a synthetic description of
recently extended including support for fully coupled fluid/solid
interaction with moving rigid bodies. Boundary conditions are our approach to the modeling of fluid/solid interaction, an
computed using the unified semi-analytical model proposed by additional theoretical aspect underlying the simulation of a
Ferrand et al. and include the treatment of turbulence through dam-break with floating objects (debris flow on a spillway,
the Reynolds-averaged k- model. SPH is also used to compute (section V). Conclusions are then drawn in section VI.
the total force and torque acting on the floating objects, which
are then used to integrate the motion of the objects. II. U NIFIED SEMI - ANALYTICAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
Applications of SPH to real-world problems depends on In our presentation of the semi-analytical boundary model,
the correct evaluation of boundary forces, particularly when we will use the standard notations for weakly-compressible
the domain has a complex shape and to model fluid/object SPH (WCSPH), where W denotes the smoothing kernel with
interactions accurately. We show the use of the unified semi- influence radius h, p is the average inter-particle distance,
analytical boundary model proposed by Ferrand et al. [7] in ra the position of particle a, rab = rb ra denotes the
two problems derived from real-world scenario: a vertical slot distance vector between the particles, rab its norm and Wab =
fish-pass and a dam-break with floating objects on a natural W (rab , h). For the physical properties we will use the usual
topography. subscripted convention, with a being the density of particle
The simulations are done with GPUSPH [5], an implemen- a, ma its mass, Va its volume, Pa its pressure and ua its
tation of 3-D SPH using CUDA-enabled GPUs to achieve high velocity. Additionally we will denote by F the set of all fluid
computing performance. GPUSPH has been recently extended particles, and by S the set of all boundary particles.
to include the unified semi-analytical boundary model, and The flow is assumed weakly compressible with an equation
support for floating objects and their fully coupled interactions of state (EOS) P = B((/0 ) + 1) where = 7 is the
with the fluid. The domain boundaries are described as a polytropic constant, 0 the at-rest density of the fluid and B =
triangular mesh (stored in STL format) which is pre-processed 0 c20 / , c0 being the numerical speed of sound density of the
by Crixus, a tool that computes the initial values for the fluid.
boundary correction terms (see section II-A) and can provide A. Renormalization terms
fluid particle distributions to fill domains with arbitrary shapes. The unified semi-analytical boundary model was first intro-
Crixus output can then be imported into GPUSPH to run duced by Kulasegaram et al. [3], suggesting a renormalization
the actual simulation. Floating objects are discretized as thin for the SPH smoothing kernel near a solid wall. P
In such a case,
shells of boundary particles, whose interaction with the fluid the standard WCSPH density summation a bF mb Wab
is used to compute the total force and torque acting on the is replaced by
object. GPUSPH then relies on the open-source ODE library 1 X
a = mb Wab .
to integrate the object motion and to compute object/object a
interactions as well as the interaction of the objects with the
topography. The renormalization factor is defined as
We will first briefly summarize the key aspect of the unified
a W (|r ra |)dV
semi-analytical boundaries and of the k- turbulent viscosity a


9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June 03-05, 2014

Application of GPUSPH to Design

of Wave Energy

Billy L. Edge Kevin Gamiel

UNC-Coastal Studies Institute Island Edge Computing
Civil Engineering Dept. NCSU Manteo, North Manteo, North Carolina
Alexis Hrault
Conservatoire National des Arts et Mtiers,
Roberty A. Dalrymple Paris, France
Johns Hopkins University Sezione di Catania Istituto Nazionale di
Baltimore, Maryland Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy

Giuseppe Bilotta
Universit degli Studi di Catania
Catania, Italy
proof of concept can be initially undertaken with
AbstractAnalysis, design and evaluation of coarse numerical models. Then, confirmation with
wave energy converters involves hydrodynamic physical models follows with the numerical modeling
which are often nonlinear and not always well continuing at a finer resolution. There are several
handled by linear solutions and somewhat options available to do the former analysis but very
complicated, articulated bodies. This study is about few are able to accurately capture both the
the develop and application of a new approach using hydrodynamics and the structure response especially
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). SPH is a with articulated structures. WAMIT (Ferreria and
Lagrangian meshless numerical method with Newman, 2008) for example is based upon 1st and
substantial capabilities in simulation of both fluid 2nd Order potential theory that limits wave breaking
dynamics and solid mechanics due to its meshless and most wave nonlinearities.
nature. GPUSPH is an implementation of SPH on
NVIDIA CUDA-enabled (graphics) cards. GPUSPH Le-Ngoc et al. (2010) discussed the different
is used as a simulation tool for both the WET-NZ and approaches to modeling a complex hydrodynamic
the SURGE-WEC wave energy converters in this environment with multiple solid objects interacting
study and the feedback from a power take off system. The
direction they chose is to simplify the system to the
I. INTRODUCTION point where all components can be incorporated into
There are many different categories of WECs a single MATLAB program.
(Wave Energy Converters) including point absorbers,
oscillating water columns, and surge devices. Within The objective of this paper is to illustrate the
each category there are many differently designed effectiveness of GPUSPH to provide the accurate
devices that are currently being developed and hydrodynamics needed including the fully nonlinear
installed most of which are proprietary. Wave energy features of breaking waves and the wave structure
converters (WECs) are expected to operate and interaction. This will be illustrated with the analysis
survive in a very hostile environment. Of primary of the laboratory and field-tested WET-NZ by Pacific
importance is the ability to be designed and Energy Ventures and with the SurgeWec developed
constructed to efficiently provide wave energy. Of by Resolute Marine Energy.
equal importance is the safety of the device during
extreme events whether operating or powered down.
Efficient optimization of WEC design beyond the

Multiphase and free-surface flows in the finite
volume particle method
Nathan J. Quinlan
Mechanical Engineering
National University of Ireland Galway

AbstractThe finite volume particle method (FVPM) has been velocity x i . Application of the test function results in the
developed to enhance its modelling capability for free-surface and following semi-discrete form of the FVPM:
multiphase flow. Results are presented for benchmark applica-
tions of various hydrostatic cases, a falling wedge entering water,
i (x, t)Udx+ ij G(Ui , Uj , x i , x j )+bi G bi = 0 .
dambreak flow, and Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The preliminary dt
results presented in this paper confirm that FVPM is a viable j
tool for free-surface and multiphase flow applications. (3)
The numerical flux function G approximates the flux F, as in
I. I NTRODUCTION the classical finite volume method (FVM), and also accounts
for transport between particles i and j due to relative motion.
The finite volume particle method (FVPM) is a meshless The superscript b denotes boundary terms. The vectors ij
method that resembles SPH in its use of overlapping particles
and bi take the place of cell-cell and cell-boundary interface
and kernels to discretise the continuum. Unlike SPH, FVPM
areas, respectively, in mesh-based FVM.
is built on a weak formulation of the governing equations.
Interparticle area ij is defined as ij ji , where
It is closely related to the classical finite volume method,
Wi (x)Wj (x)
and inherits some of its convergence and conservation proper-
ij = 2 dx . (4)
ties. FVPM has been demonstrated and evaluated for various (
k Wk (x))
applications including internal flows, and flow over moving P
walls and rigid bodies. However, while great progress has been Bu this definition, interparticle area satisfies j ij = 0,
made with SPH in simulation of free-surface and multiphase which is analogous to the geometric condition that faces of
flows, FVPM has had very limited application in these fields. a finite volume mesh cell form a closed polyhedron, and
The purpose of the present work is to adapt FVPM where ij = ji , which ensures conservative exchanges between
necessary for the physics of free-surface and multiphase flow, neighbours. With the substitution of ij for cell face area,
and evaluate it critically in some benchmark applications. FVPM can be analysed rigorously as a generalised FVM with
cells allowed to overlap [2].
II. T HE F INITE VOLUME PARTICLE M ETHOD Usually, ij has been calculated by Gaussian quadrature,
which dominates the computational time of the method. Alter-
FVPM is described here in outline. Detailed derivations and natively, if Wi (x) is defined as 1 inside the support of particle
analysis of the general FVPM are given by Keck and Hietel [1] i and 0 elsewhere, the integrals of 4 are greatly simplified and
and Junk [2]. The implementation used in this work follows can be computed analytically. The resulting scheme is both
Nestor et al. [3] and Quinlan et al. [4], except where otherwise faster and more accurate than FVPM based on quadrature [4].
stated. Particle volume is defined as
The governing equations to be solved are of the form Z
U Vi (t) = i (x, t)dx . (5)
+ F(U) = 0 , (1)
t This equation is used in practice to initialise and periodically
where U is the vector of conserved variables and F is the flux reset particle volume. Differentiation of (5) with respect to
function. To derive the FVPM, the system (1) is multiplied by time yields
a test function i (x, t) which is non-zero only in the support
dVi (t) X ! 
of particle i. The test function i (x, t) is constructed as = ij x i ji x j , (6)
dt j
Wi (x(t))
i (x, t) = P , (2) which is less costly than (5) and is used to update volume on
j Wj (x(t))
most time steps.
where the particle weight function Wi (x, t) is compactly sup- To evaluate the numerical flux G, data is reconstructed to
ported on i . Each particle moves with an arbitrary transport particle interfaces using a linear MUSCL procedure [5] with

Finite Volume Particle Method for 3-D
Elasto-Plastic Solid Simulation
Ebrahim Jahanbakhsh, Christian Vessaz, Francois Avellan
Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines
Ecole polytechnic federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland
ebrahim.jahanbakhsh@epfl.ch, christian.vessaz@epfl.ch, francois.avellan@epfl.ch

AbstractFinite Volume Particle Method was successfully used 75 and 100 m s1 . We validate the method by comparing the
to predict fluid flow behavior for 2-D simulations. In this paper, residual stress and plastic deformation with the FEM solutions
we present a FVPM which is applicable for 3-D solid mechanics of Meguid et al. [5] and Hong et al. [6].
simulations. This method features rectangular top-hat kernels
for computing the interaction vectors exactly and efficiently. The structure of the paper is as following. In the next
We employed this method to solve the elasto-plastic constitutive section, we present the governing equations including con-
equations. To validate the model, we study the impact of rigid stitutive model for solid, silt motion and the contact force.
spherical particle to the solid surface with different velocities Then, FVPM with rectangular top-hat kernel discretization
and compare the residual stress and plastic deformation with is presented. Later, the strategy used for particle splitting is
the FEM solutions.
explained. We present the solution algorithm and numerical
results afterward.
Fluid flow advecting silts originating from snow, glaciers II. G OVERNING E QUATIONS
or monsoons can cause severe erosion when passing through A. Solid state
the turbines. Erosive wear occurs when silt particles collide The solid motion is governed by mass and linear momentum
into the material and remove part of it due to the repeated conservation equations as
plastic deformations. The purpose of this paper is to present a d
particle-based method, which is capable to predict the plastic = C (1)
behavior of the material under the silt impact loads.
The Finite Volume Particle Method (FVPM) is a particle- d (C)
= + fc + g (2)
based method introduced by Hietel [1]. This method includes dt
many of the desirable features of mesh-based finite volume d
where dt denotes substantial derivative, is the density, C
methods. FVPM profits from particle interaction vectors to is the velocity vector, g is the gravitational acceleration and
weight conservative fluxes exchanged between particles. In is the Cauchys stress tensor. To model the effect of silt,
this methods, computational nodes are usually moving with the contact force, fc , exerted by silt particles in considered in
material velocity which is compatible with the Lagrangian linear momentum equation.
form of the motion equations. FVPM has some features of The Cauchys stress tensor, , is decomposed as
SPH but unlike SPH, it is locally conservative regardless of any
= s pI (3)
variation in particle smoothing length. This enables the users to
refine the solution by splitting particles into smaller ones in the where s represents the deviatoric stress tensor and p represents
region of interest and perform the simulation efficiently. Re- the pressure obtained from equation of state
cently, Quinlan and Nestor [2] proposed a method to compute
the interaction vectors for 2-D cases exactly. Following their p = a2 ( ) (4)
work, Jahanbakhsh [3] developed an exact FVPM applicable In (4), a and denote to the sound speed and reference
for 3-D cases. This method features the rectangular top-hat density respectively. For a given bulk modulus, K, the sound
kernel and is implemented in SPHEROS software [4]. speed is computed as
In the present paper, we discretize the elasto-plastic con- s
stitutive equations based on the mentioned 3-D FVPM. To K
a= (5)
validate the model, we select a problem concerning the shot
impact to the solid material. This test case is selected due to
The rate of deviatoric stress, s , is described by the Jaumann
its close relation to erosive wear mechanism. The numerical
rate of stress, s , as
study is performed for normal impact of a single shot to the
solid plate. We study the effect of two impact velocities of s = s s s (6)

Applications and improvements of the particle finite
element method to free surface flows.
Juan M. Gimenez Leo M. Gonzalez Pedro Galan del Sastre
Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM)
Santa Fe, Argentina Madrid, Spain Madrid, Spain
jmarcelogimenez@gmail.com leo.gonzalez@upm.es pedro.galan@upm.es

AbstractIn this work a new generation of the particle method have a volume, PFEM uses non-material points that transport
known as Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM), which com- fixed intensive properties of the fluid.
bines convective particle movement and fixed mesh resolution, is A new strategy known as X-IVAS (eXplicit Integration
applied to free surface flows. This methodology, named PFEM-2,
presents basically two novel steps: first, the possibility of using following the Velocity and Acceleration Streamlines) was
larger time steps compared to other similar numerical tools, developed [6]. This methodology of integrating of convection
showing that shorter computational times can be achieved while of fluid particles is based on following the streamlines of the
the solution accuracy is maintained. Second, different improved flow in the current time step instead of the particle trajectories,
versions of discontinuous and continuous enriched basis functions which is a better way to solve the non-linearities of the
for the pressure field have been also developed in order to recon-
struct the free surface without artificial diffusion or undesired equations of the flow. Adding this strategy to the original
numerical effects. Combining these two improvements, a variety PFEM method, a new methodology called Particle Finite
of free surface flows have been solved in 2D and 3D cases, Element Method Second Generation (PFEM-2) [8] appears.
where the evident advantages of the improvements are remarked. The X-IVAS strategy gives the possibility of solving complex
The results of the different free-surface problems solved which flows with large time steps (CF L > 1), as well as the presence
include: Rayleigh-Taylor instability, sloshing problems, viscous
standing waves and the dam break problem are compared to well of the mesh allows accurate solutions of the fractional step
validated numerical alternatives and experimental measurements method.
obtaining good approximations for such complex flows. The current Fixed Mesh-PFEM-2, projects states from parti-
cles to nodes preserving the initial background mesh, avoiding
I. I NTRODUCTION remeshing at each time-step. In this approach, mesh nodes and
Hybrid methods are everyday more present in computational moving particles interchange information through different in-
fluid mechanics, where the Lagrangian framework given by terpolation algorithms. A detailed explanation of this algorithm
a particle method is combined with a Eulerian methodology. is given in Section II.
In these hybrid methods, a fixed or reconstructed every k In this work the PFEM-2 has been used to solve free-surface
time steps grid support part of the pressure and velocity flows in different problems starting from classical benchmark
calculation. The original idea, given by Monaghan [3] or problems as the Rayleigh-Taylor instability and finishing with
later works applied to fluid mechanics [13] where a pure problems of industrial interest. To the authors knowledge, this
Lagrangian perspective was used during the whole meshless paper presents the first application to free-surface flows where
computation, has been in some cases completed using other PFEM-2 advantage of using larger time steps compared to
well known discretization methods as FVM [14] or FEM other methods is exploited. This analysis includes very accu-
[7]. The first combination of Lagrangian methods and FEM rately demanding problems as those involving two different
methods, known as MFEM [9], where an extended Delaunay fluids with high density ratios. Taking into account that the
Tesellation is used to reconstruct the mesh while the fluid computational time per time-step is similar as the one required
evolves. by other methodologies, the possibility of increasing the time-
The next step in this evolution was the first version of the step implies shorter global computational times.
PFEM method [10], which was a robust method designed The treatment of the free-surface has been done simulating
to solve fluid-structure interaction problems including free- both fluids that share the interface and using a scalar function
surface, breaking waves, flow separations, etc... where la- to identify each fluid. The computation of the free-surface at
grangian particles and meshing processes are alternated with different positions has been compared to other well reputed
the advantage of having a FEM structure that supports the Eulerian codes obtaining accurate and numerically stable re-
differential equation solvers. An interesting difference between sults but using larger time steps. A wide version of free-surface
the PFEM and other particle methods as SPH or MPM [17] flows has been studied including a wide range of Froude
is that while latter methods transport mass and consequently number situations.

Voronoi-SPH: on the analysis of a hybrid Finite
Volumes - Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Daniel A. Barcarolo David le Touz and Guillaume Oger Florian de Vuyst
Ecole Centrale de Nantes and HydrOcean Ecole Centrale de Nantes CMLA ENS Cachan
Nantes, FRANCE Nantes, FRANCE Cachan, France

AbstractThe recent articles on the Smoothed Particle Hydro- that SPH operators lack of convergence. In order to improve
dynamics method show that the method has reached a certain the order of convergence of SPH operators, a deep change in
maturity. Researchers have now a better understanding of the its structure must be proposed and studied since no simple
method, its limitations and its capabilities. SPH is very suitable to
treat violent free-surface flows due to its simplicity when taking corrections proved to be both efficient and versatile in all
into account the presence of the free-surface boundary conditions situations. However, that would imply to work on a different
and flexibility to model complex free-surfaces. Nevertheless, its method, which shall not result on losing the most interesting
operators lack of accuracy and for that reason, to simulate property of the method, i.e., the fact that it intrinsically takes
some kind of flow phenomena with SPH may become a hard into consideration the presence of the free-surface.
(and sometimes impossible) task. Aiming at increasing the
accuracy and the range of applicability of the SPH method, some Taking as basis the similarity of the SPH discrete operators
researchers started developing new techniques to couple SPH to to the Finite Volume method ones, and considering the recent
other more precise numerical methods. In this article we will developments on Voronoi-based Lagrangian FVM [22], this
consider the coupling of SPH to a Voronoi-based Finite Volume article treats of a new method that couples a Lagrangian FVM
technique, both based on the solution of the Riemann problem. to SPH: Voronoi-SPH. The objective of such a coupling is to
The goal of this article is to show that such a coupling is possible
and that much can be learnt from it. We will present both benefit of the advantages of the Finite Volume method (no-
techniques (SPH and Voronoi-based FVM), discuss the coupling tably its precision) and the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
and some problems related to it and then validate such coupling method (notably the fact that the free-surface conditions are
on free-surface flows. intrinsically taken into account by its operators, which is a
hard task in FVM). Hence, we propose a method in which the
I. I NTRODUCTION fluid domain is divided into two zones, one being treated by
The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method has shown, a Voronoi-based Lagrangian FVM formalism and the another
for the past years, to be very robust and applicable to a large zone where the SPH one is used.
variety of flow phenomena. In the recent years, SPH has We may add to these objectives the desire of better un-
reached a certain maturity and hence relevant improvements derstanding the SPH method itself. Within this method,
are more difficult to be developed. Yet, several major and even though the volume changes in time, it is not explicitly
relevant improvements were proposed which enhanced some accessible (from the meshless assumption) and researchers
aspects of the method. However, these developments do not have always been concerned by knowing how it evolves and
change the main drawback of the method which relies on the changes during a simulation. The fact of having a mesh (from
fact that SPH has imprecise operators. Because of that, the the Voronoi tessellation) will (maybe) allow us (and SPH
same issues encountered for the classical SPH formulation are practitioners) to have a better view of volume evolution within
always present, that is, the incapability of increasing signifi- SPH. Also, we may say that SPH is known for performing well
cantly the time-step, the lack of convergence of operators, the for some kind of flow phenomena, violent flows of small time
well-known tensile instability issues, etc. duration for example. However, when SPH is applied to slow
The SPH discrete operators have a limited convergence flow phenomena of long time duration (wave propagation for
rate and in a way to restore 0th and 1st order convergence, example) it quickly shows its limitations: CPU costs becomes
corrections must be used, (Shepard and renormalization for prohibitive and dissipation becomes too important.
example [8], [18], [19]). However, these corrections are It is necessary to state that in this article the main objective
limited and sometimes produce undesired effects in the flow. is to demonstrate a proof of concept, i.e., we want to take the
We may also cite works done by Colagrossi et al. [4] and first steps (and justify them) towards a more precise Smoothed
Marrone et al. [15] going in the direction of improving SPH Particle Hydrodynamics algorithm which can also be seen
interpolators. However, this solution does not rectify the fact as a more flexible Finite Volume method. This article is

SPH modelling of wave pressures at vertical and
perforated breakwaters
D.D. Meringolo1 , F. Aristodemo1 , P. Groenenboom2 , A. Lo Schiavo1 , P. Veltri1 , M. Veltri1
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Universit`a della Calabria, Italy (domenicodavide.meringolo@unical.it)
ESI Group Netherlands, Delft, The Netherlands

AbstractThis paper deals with the development of a 2D long simulation time [8]. Conversely, the diffusive model of
weakly-compressible SPH model to simulate the wave pressures Antuono et al. [2] is able to preserve the hydrostatic pressure
acting on vertical and slotted coastal structures. Particular atten- component but it has some limitations in evaluating the
tion is devoted to investigate the diffusive term in the continuity
equation in order to smooth out the high-frequency numerical dynamic pressures when a flow impacts on a solid boundary.
noise in the pressure field. A hybrid formulation based on the In the case of a breakwater subjected to wave trains, the
diffusive models of Molteni and Colagrossi [1] and Antuono et flow field is firstly characterized by a slow motion induced
al. [2] is proposed. The dynamic pressures acting on the body by non-breaking waves along the flume (from the wavemaker
profile of the breakwaters are evaluated with an interpolating to the breakwater) and, successively, by a faster motion due
kernel, corrected with Moving Least Squares technique, over the
neighboring fluid particles, for every point located at a distance to the wave impact in which the magnitude of the pressure
equal to the adopted spatial resolution. The interaction between peaks is dependent on the type of incoming wave attack [5]. In
regular wave trains with vertical and perforated breakwaters are order to obtain an improved model for the interaction between
analyzed in time, space and frequency domain. The numerical waves and breakwater walls involving different flow dynamics,
results are compared with laboratory experiments and other a hybrid formulation of the models by Molteni and Colagrossi
diffusive SPH formulations, varying the magnitude of the adopted
diffusive term. On the basis of a root mean square error [1] and Antuono et al. [2] is here introduced. The transition
analysis, the results show that the hybrid formulation gives a between the two models is driven by a variable parameter
better agreement with the experimental data for the majority of introduced in the diffusive term. The dynamic pressures acting
the investigated test cases. Moreover, SPH simulations highlight on the body profile of the breakwaters are evaluated through a
non-linear trends of dynamic pressures in correspondence to Moving Least Squares interpolator of neighbors fluid particles.
geometrical singularities, such as the holes of slotted walls, due
to strong pressure drops induced by the loss of wave energy. The proposed hybrid approach is firstly applied to sim-
ulate the interaction between regular waves and a vertical
I. I NTRODUCTION breakwater and, successively, for two types of perforated
Vertical and perforated-wall caisson breakwaters are mar- breakwaters. SPH results of dynamic pressures are compared
itime structures widely used in harbors. The main purpose with experimental data and the diffusive models by Molteni
of the perforated ones is to minimize the wave reflection to and Colagrossi [1] and Antuono et al. [2].
guarantee safe navigation during sea storms. The performances
of perforated breakwaters are usually analyzed by a structural II. P RELIMINARIES
and a hydraulic point of view [3]. In particular, pressure The adopted governing equations of the flow evolution for
distributions for vertical and perforated breakwaters have been the SPH model read as:
mainly assessed using empirical and approximated formulas
(see e.g. [4] [5]), while the use of advanced numerical tools

i = (pi + pj )i Wj (ri ) Vj + i gi +

Dt j
has been rarely adopted to support their design.

! (u u )r
+hc0 0 j j| r i|2 ji i Wj (ri ) Vj

For the optimization of these coastal structures, the correct

evaluation of the flow impacts on the structure is fundamental. Di

= i (uj ui ) i Wj (ri ) Vj + Di
In this context, the use of standard weakly-compressible SPH Dt (1)
models leads to the generation of high-frequency numerical

noise in the pressure field that can compromise the numerical

pi = c20 (i 0 )

solution. Some authors have recently introduced a diffusive

term in the continuity equation to smooth out the numerical

Dr !
Dt = ui + X j (uj ui )Wj (ri ) Vj
noise occurring in the pressure field [1] [2] [6] [7]. Even if
the formulations of Molteni and Colagrossi [1], Ferrari et al. where rji = -rij = rj -ri , gi represents the mass force acting
[6] and Groenenboom and Cartwright [7] show an appropriate on the fluid, the symbols i , pi , ui and Vi denote the i-th
smoothing level of spurious high-frequency pressures along particle density, pressure, velocity and volume, and 0 and c0
solid bodies, they produce a decay of potential energy for a are the initial density and sound speed, respectively. As regards

Evaluation of SPH in capturing flow separation
points on hydrophobic and hydrophilic bodies during
bluff water entry

Areti Kiara, Ruben Paredes, Dick K.P. Yue

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02142
areti@mit.edu; rparedes@mit.edu; yue@mit.edu

Abstract Water entry, where flow is generated from the impact of I. INTRODUCTION
a body with the free-surface of a fluid, encompasses a broad range
of problems, such as ship slamming and mine deployment. For such
Water entry characterizes a broad range of flows generated
problems, the cavity formation behind the impacting body depends in various scientific and engineering applications: from Basilisk
primarily on the Froude number, body geometry, and location of the lizard water-walking to projectile deployment and ship
flow separation from the body. For prescribed separation points, slamming. For such problems both the kinematics of the air
potential flow models can capture accurately the cavity kinematics cavity formed behind the impacting body as well as the
until pinch-off [1]. For water entry of bodies with corners, where the corresponding dynamics are still not well understood. The cavity
separation points are fixed, SPH simulations [2] are also shown to formation is known to depend primarily on the Froude number,
capture the cavity kinematics. However, in contrast to bodies with body geometry, and location of the flow separation from the
corners, the location of the flow separation on bluff bodies is a priori body. For given Froude number, body geometry, and flow
unknown and depends, among other things, on the body surface [3]. separation points potential flow models have been shown to
For example, hydrophilic spheres below a threshold velocity produce capture the cavity kinematics with high accuracy [1]. Smoothed
no cavity while hydrophobic spheres always entrain air [3-5]. In [5,6] Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations have also been
it is argued that the latter threshold velocity for a given body depends successful in simulating wedge water entry [2] where the
on fluid properties, such as viscosity and surface tension. This paper separation points are fixed. However, for bluff bodies, in
accesses the ability of weakly compressible SPH to capture the flow contrast to wedges, the location of the flow separation is a priori
separation points on bluff bodies with hydrophilic and hydrophobic unknown. The latter is believed to be determined by complex
surfaces while investigating numerically the effect of the fluid smaller-scale physics influenced by viscosity, surface tension,
properties. For the simulations we utilize a rationally modified
and the body surface. For example, hydrophilic spheres below a
weakly compressible SPH scheme (mSPH) [7], which regularizes
threshold velocity produce no cavity while hydrophobic spheres
instabilities due to the weak compressibility assumption and
numerically dissipates spurious high frequency oscillations via always entrain air [3-5]. Moreover, in [5,6] it is argued that the
spatial filtering, to obtain highly accurate and robust dynamics as latter threshold velocity for a given body depends on viscosity,
well as kinematics for incompressible free-surface flows. The validity surface tension, and surface smoothness. Therefore, it is unclear
of the weak compressibility assumption is verified via a global error whether meso-scale, low-order numerical methods, such as
metric that quantifies the amplitude and temporal growth of the high SPH, can capture the kinematics of bluff water entry without
frequency oscillations in the dynamics [8]. The effects of the user-prescribed location of the flow separation points. However,
hydrophobic and hydrophilic surface is modelled via imposing no- recent CFD results [3] have shown that modelling of
slip and free-slip kinematic boundary conditions on the body surface, hydrophobic and hydrophilic body surfaces with respectively
following [3]. The body boundary conditions are enforced with the simplified no-slip and free-slip body boundary conditions can
fixed ghost particle technique proposed in [9] where however, the capture the cavity kinematics of bluff water entry, even in the
density of the ghost particles is computed directly and independently absence of surface tension. The scope of this paper is to assess
of the pressure to ensure consistency with the governing equations the capability of SPH to capture the separation points of bluff
and reduce the generation of high frequency oscillations. Viscosity water entry, similarly to (more complex and expensive) CFD
and surface tension are modeled respectively following [9] and [10]. methods.
Validations with 2D experimental data are provided. Separation
angles for hydrophobic cases are slightly under predicted with SPH for incompressible, free-surface hydrodynamic flows
comparison to experiments. The challenges in capturing the [12] is a simple and efficient numerical technique often used for
separation points on hydrophilic points at lower Froude numbers are the simulation of violent flows, such as water entry and
discussed. slamming, where there are few other alternatives. SPH is a
Lagrangian method that owes its simplicity and efficiency to a

Investigation of ship flooding situations
by MPS and SPH methods compared to
dedicated experiments

Hirotada Hashimoto David Le Touz

Graduate School of Engineering LHEEA lab.
Osaka University Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Suita, Osaka, Japan Nantes, France
hashimoto@port.kobe-u.ac.jp David.LeTouze@ec-nantes.fr

Nicolas Grenier Makoto Sueyoshi

Ecole Centrale de Nantes Kyushu University
Nantes, France Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan
nicolas.grenier@limsi.fr sueyoshi@riam.kyushu-u.ac.jp

AbstractFor realizing quantitative safety assessment of In this study, systematic comparisons between the MPS and
damaged ships, numerical simulation methods for predicted the SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) [4][5] methods, and
dynamic behaviors of damaged ships are desired. In order to a set of dedicated model experiments are performed on forced
predict fast and largely-deformed free surface flows related to roll tests of two-dimensional and three-dimensional damaged
flooding, particle methods would be promising. In this study, car decks. Through the comparisons, capability of the particle
systematic comparisons between the MPS and SPH methods, and methods for flooding problems are demonstrated and
a set of dedicated model experiments are performed on forced differences in prediction accuracy between the MPS and SPH
roll tests of two-dimensional and three-dimensional damaged car methods are investigated. In a first stage both methods are
decks. Through the comparisons, capability of the particle
compared on 2-D situations without taking into account the air
methods for flooding problems are demonstrated and differences
in prediction accuracy between the MPS and SPH methods are
phase, showing discrepancies with the experiments. In a second
investigated. In addition, the three-dimensional effects of the flow stage, it is shown how modeling the trapped air in damaged
evolution are then investigated. compartments permits to recover closely the experimental
results. This is done in two different ways: either by
numerically modelling the local equations in both phases or by
I. INTRODUCTION using a simple Boyles law model. The three-dimensional
Collision and grounding accidents of ships are frequently effects of the flow evolution are then investigated using the
reported even nowadays when security issues are carefully MPS method.
looked by societies. Securing the survivability under flooding
condition is one of the most important subjects in ship design. II. MPS AND SPH SOLVERS
For quantitative safety assessment of the damaged ships,
numerical simulation methods to predict the dynamic behaviors A. COMPS
of damaged ships are desired, which enable simulating the ship The moving particle semi-implicit method was developed
motion from the beginning of water flooding to final by Koshizuka and Oka [1] for solving incompressible fluids.
equilibrium state. In order to predict fast and largely-deformed The governing equations of the MPS method, dealing with
free surface flows related to flooding, e.g. progressive flooding, incompressible fluid, are expressed as Eq.1-2. The first and
down flooding, and sloshing, particle methods would be second order differential operators in Eq.2 are calculated with
promising. The authors applied the MPS (Moving Particle discrete models called particle interaction models [1]. In the
Semi-implicit) method [1], which can easily handle MPS method, the gravity and the viscous terms are solved
fragmentations and reconnections of free surface and can explicitly and the Poisson equation for the pressure is solved
accurately follow interface deformations, to ship dynamic implicitly.
stability problems. Violent water flows coupled with nonlinear
ship motions are well reproduced by system-based In this study, COMPS (COmputational code for Moving
mathematical models coupled with the MPS [2][3]. Particle Simulation) is used as the MPS solver. (See the

Energy decomposition analysis in free-surface
flows: road-map for the direct computation of wave
breaking dissipation
A. Colagrossi B. Bouscasse A. Souto-Iglesias
CNR-INSEAN CNR-INSEAN (Rome,Italy) Naval Architecture Department (ETSIN),
Rome, Italy Aeronautics Department (ETSIA), Technical University of Madrid (UPM),
Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain
Madrid, Spain

AbstractA viscous free-surface flow energy decomposition II. Physical problem and governing equations
analysis is conducted in the present paper. In the presence of
a free surface, the viscous dissipation for a Newtonian liquid can A. Governing equations
be decomposed into two terms: an enstrophy component and a
free-surface deformation component. Equations for such terms in
A fluid domain is considered whose boundary, ,
the weakly compressible SPH (WCSPH) formalism are devised. consists of a free surface, F , and of a solid boundary
They require the discretization of a volume and a surface integral, B (Fig. 1); in practical applications periodic boundaries
respectively. Applying energy conservation, a double-checking may be also considered. Since WCSPH will be employed
of the free surface term is developed and applied, confirming at the discrete level, compressible Navier-Stokes conservation
the quality of the surface integral SPH evaluation, even in the
presence of moderately fragmented free surface. Application to
equations are of application:
a large amplitude standing wave with breaking is presented.

I. Introduction

Breaking waves induced mechanical energy dissipation is

important for the design of earthquake sloshing dampers for Periodic
buildings and bridges. Its modelling is an extremely challeng-
ing problem with mesh based VOF techniques due to the dif-
fusion at the fragmented interface. Sun & Fujino [1] looked at
the topic by semi-empirical methods and Iafratti [2] analyzed Fig. 1. Layout of the physical domain
the vorticity generation during dam-breaks. Bouscasse et al.
[3], [4] demonstrated the importance of wave breaking dissi- D
pation in damping angular motions, by performing an analogy

= div(u) ,

with a hydraulic jump. However, insight on the dissipation

mechanisms due to breaking is yet an open problem. div()

= f + ,

Colagrossi et al. [5] conducted a decomposition analysis of Dt

mechanical energy dissipation contributors in small amplitude
where D/Dt represents the Lagrangian derivative, u the flow
gravity waves. That analysis is pursued here by extending it
velocity, the fluid density, the stress tensor, the rate of
to large amplitude waves with wave breaking and by directly
strain tensor and f is a generic specific body force. Thermal
evaluating the free surface terms through SPH summations.
conductivity effects are here neglected. The pressure p is
The paper is organized as follows: physical problem, gov- linked to density and internal energy through a state equation
erning equations and boundary conditions are first presented; which changes depending on the nature of the fluid (gas or
the dissipation sources are then individualized through volume liquid). For example in the weakly-compressible regime for a
and surface integrals; the implementation of these integrals in liquid a simple adiabatic linear state equation can be used to
SPH is presented and applied to a standing wave, discussing link the pressure and density fields:
the influence of its amplitude, the fluid viscosity and the onset
of breaking influence. Finally some conclusions are drawn. p = c20 ( 0 ) (II.2)

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
simulation of a high-pressure homogenizer
L. Wieth , S. Braun, R.Koch, H.-J. Bauer K. Kelemen, H. P. Schuchmann
Institute for Thermal Turbomachines Institute of Food Process Engineering
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Karlsruhe, Germany Karlsruhe, Germany

Corresponding author: lars.wieth@kit.edu

AbstractA fully three-dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydro- ometry optimization and as indicators for phenomena to look
dynamics (SPH) code has been developed and validated with the out for in experiments [8], [10]. One the other hand the most
objective to simulate primary atomization [1]. It is capable of sim- important parameters for theoretical models, the pressure loss
ulating shear-driven and multi-phase incompressible flows, using
the weakly compressible SPH approach. With this prerequisites p [11] and the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy
the simulation of a generic high pressure homogenization orifice [7], can be determined. A different approach, which focuses
was conducted to show the ability of the code to simulate on the investigation of the relevant flow conditions leading to
technical relevant interfacial problems. The results are compared droplet disintegration, as function of the pressure loss p can
to Micro Particle Image Velocimetry measurements, focusing on be found in [6]. There, a two-dimensional, multi-phase Direct
the velocity distribution of the continuous phase and the droplet
deformation and disintegration. The findings demonstrate that Numerical Simulation (DNS) is conducted, whereas the multi-
the code is promising regarding the simulation of the prevailing phase interaction is described by the Volume of Fluid (VoF)
high velocities and shear driven break-up. method using the Continuum Surface Force (CSF) model [12]
with Piecewise Linear Interface Construction (PLIC). Such a
I. I NTRODUCTION reconstruction of the interface requires an enormous amount
Emulsification in high pressure homogenization (HPH) units of computational effort. Furthermore, any inaccuracies of the
is widely used, but still it is not possible to predict the droplet interface reconstruction, causes an erroneous estimation of the
sizes and their distribution from system parameters, such as interface curvature and, thus a wrong estimation of the surface
geometry, materials and process data. Therefore, the develop- tension force. As consequence, the whole disintegration pro-
ment and optimization of products is based on trial and error. cess cannot be predicted accurately. Other existing methods
Models to describe droplet disintegration and to estimate the have their drawbacks too, like the Level Set approach, which
resulting size distribution only exist for well defined boundary does not conserves mass strictly, or VoF methods with adaptive
conditions, e.g. laminar shear and elongational flow [2]. But mesh refinement, which leads to high computational costs.
in the HPH the flow conditions mostly are superpositions of At this point the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
different flow types, which makes a prediction rather complex. method seems to be an promising alternative. Due to the
In addition, cavitation could occur. A general mechanism was Lagrangian frame of reference, the interface is advected inher-
not found up to now [3], therefore models, which are based ently and complex geometries are handled naturally, because
on averaged values [4], are developed. For the development no mesh generation is required.
of more sophisticated models it is necessary to characterize In this paper the ability of our SPH-code to simulate technical
the flow conditions and the droplet break-up mechanisms in relevant interfacial problems, in this case a generic HPH
the HPH. This can be done using visual experiments [4], [5] process, is addressed. Therefore, generic two-dimensional
or numerical predictions [6][8]. However the experimental simulations of an homogenization unit were conducted and
analysis of the system by classical methods, e.g. measuring compared to -PIV experiments.
probes, as well as modern laser based diagnostics, like Micro
Particle Image Velocimetry (-PIV), is limited. This is due
to the high flow velocity through very small geometries on II. SPH FORMULATIONS
one hand and the small droplet sizes on the other hand [9]. A
detailed numerical investigation is time consuming due to the Mathematical describtion of macroscopic flows is based on
flow conditions, ranging from laminar to turbulent, and multi- the continuum hypotheses for three dimensions. The Navier-
phase phenomena. Stokes equations as well as the conservation equation for mass
In literature mostly grid-based numerical simulations with the and temperature have to be solved. To close the system of
k turbulence model are conducted. On one hand they are equations a suitable equation of state, which serves to couple
used to investigate the prevailing flow conditions for fast ge- the pressure p and the density , has to be utilized.

A semi-implicit SPH scheme for the shallow water
Adeleke O. Bankole, Armin Iske Thomas Rung Michael Dumbser
Dept. of Mathematics Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory Dept. of Civil and Environ. Engrg.
University of Hamburg (UHH) Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) University of Trento
Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany Trento, Italy
adeleke.bankole@math.uni-hamburg.de thomas.rung@tuhh.de michael.dumbser@unitn.it

AbstractThis work focuses on the development of a new semi- discretized implicitly whereas the nonlinear convective terms
implicit SPH scheme for the shallow water equations, following are discretized explicitly. The semi-Lagrangian method is one
the semi-implicit nite volume and nite difference approach of the techniques to discretize these terms explicitly (see [12],
of Casulli [1]. In standard explicit numerical methods, there is
often a severe limitation on the time step due to the stability [13], [14]).
restriction imposed by the CFL condition. This paper proposes, a In this paper a new semi-implicit Smoothed Particle Hy-
new semi-implicit SPH scheme, which leads to an unconditionally drodynamics (SPH) scheme for the numerical solution of
stable method. To this end, the discrete momentum equation the shallow water equations is proposed and derived. The
is substituted into the discrete continuity equation to obtain a ow variables in this present study are the particle free
symmetric positive denite linear system for the free surface
elevation. The resulting system can easily be solved by a matrix- surface elevation, particle total water depth and the particle
free conjugate gradient method. Once the new free surface velocity. The discrete momentum equations are substituted
location is known, the velocity at the new time level can directly be into the discretized mass conservation equation to give a
computed and the particle positions can subsequently be updated. discrete equation for the free surface leading to a system
A simple and yet non-trivial 1D test problem for the 1D shallow in only one single scalar quantity, the free surface elevation
water equation is presented.
location. The system is solved for each time step as a linear
algebraic system. The components of the momentum equation
at the new time level can be directly computed from the new
This paper proposes a novel semi-implicit SPH scheme free surface. This can be conveniently solved by a matrix-
applied to the shallow water equations. We consider one- free version of the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm [4].
dimensional inviscid hydrostatic free surface ows. These Consequently, the particle velocities at the new time level are
ows are governed by the shallow water equations which we computed and the particle positions are updated. In this semi-
can derive from the three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations implicit SPH method, the stability is independent of the wave
with the assumption of a hydrostatic pressure distribution (see celerity. Hence, a relatively large time steps can be permitted
[3], [11]). to enhance the numerical efciency [3].
A considerable amount of work has been done for both The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In
structured and unstructured meshes using nite difference, section II, the numerical models for the one-dimensional
nite volume and nite element schemes ( [3], [11], [17], [18], shallow water equations and models used for the particle
[19]). A major problem of explicit schemes in numerical meth- approximations are presented. In section III, the key ideas
ods is their severe time step restriction, where the Courant- of the proposed semi-implicit SPH scheme are presented and
Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition imposes the time step size in derived. One dimensional numerical results to validate the
terms of the wave propagation speed and the mesh size. Hence, scheme are presented in section IV. Section V presents the
the major advantage of a semi-implicit approach is that stable concluding remarks and an outlook to future research.
schemes are obtained which allow large time step sizes at a
reasonable computational cost. In a staggered mesh approach II. N UMERICAL M ODEL
for nite differences and volumes, discrete variables are often This section details the computational models and their
dened at different (staggered) locations. The pressure term, accompanying particle approximations. Vectors are dened by
which is the free surface elevation is dened in the cell reference to Cartesian coordinates. The latin subscript is used
center while the velocity components are dened at the cell to identify particle locations, where subscripts i denotes the
interfaces. In the momentum equation, pressure terms are due focal particle whereas the subscript j denotes the neighbor of
to the gradients in the free surface elevations and the velocity particle i. Einsteins summation will be employed for repeated
in the mass equation (i.e., free surface equation) are both superscripts.

Multiphase SPH for liquid-dust flow and its
application to sedimentation in a turbulently
convecting flow

Jihoe Kwon Joseph J. Monaghan

Department of Energy Resources Engineering School of Mathematical sciences
Seoul National University Monash University
Seoul, Korea Clayton, Australia
iori9@snu.ac.kr joe.monaghan@monash.edu

Abstract This paper is concerned with the simulation of multi- continuity equation therefore has an extra sink term that can be
phase fluids where the phases are liquids and solid particles (we interpreted in an SPH formulation by allowing the SPH dust
refer to them as dust hereafter) using the multiphase SPH model. particles to lose mass in the neighbourhood of the sedimenting
First, by simulating the sedimentation of the dust in a static boundary. This algorithm enables us to simulate the
liquid, we show that SPH can be successfully applied to such
problems Second, we simulated the settling of particles in the
sedimentation in the presence of turbulence without
presence of turbulence. Given that the sedimentation occurs resolving the thin boundary layer.
within a very thin boundary layer which can hardly be resolved,
we introduce a new sink model for sedimentation. From the
result of turbulent settling simulation, we verified that our II. MODEL DESCRIPTION
multiphase SPH model simulates turbulent settling very well.
A. Equations of Motion
I. INTRODUCTION The equations for continuum analysis we used are those
This paper is concerned with the simulation of dusty liquid given by Harlow and Amsden [6], [7] and
fluids using SPH. The SPH equations of motion of a dust-fluid

system were first given by Monaghan and Kocharyan [1]. The
algorithm was applied successfully to dusty disks of gas around (1)
stars [2] [3]. Laibe and Price [4], [5] improved the original

formulation and applied the resulting algorithm to dust and gas
in an astrophysical context. The results were in good (2)

agreement with theory.

= +
In this paper we apply the algorithm to the case of dust in a
liquid. The equations of motion are then those given by Harlow (3)

and Amsden [6], [7] and used by Valentine and Wohletz [8] for

= +
the simulation of volcanic dusty-gas eruptions. Closely related
equations are those discussed by Gidaspow [9] and Kuipers et (4)
al. [10]. The sedimentation model is closely related to the
analytic model by Martin and Nokes [11], [12].
where subscript and refer to the liquid and dust,
We shall show that our SPH model can be successfully respectively, is the pressure, is a drag factor, and are
applied to the multi-phase problems where the phases are the liquid and dust velocities, respectively, and is the
liquid and dust by simulating the motion of dust in a static external self-gravity. and are the effective densities of
liquid. Then, we show the simulation result of the
each phase per unit volume of the mixture, and are related to
sedimentation in the presence of turbulence using our
multiphase SPH model. In a turbulently convecting flow, and , the material densities of each phase by

particles are stirred by the turbulence but they can sediment
close to the bottom boundary where the no-slip boundary (5)
condition drives the particle velocity to zero. The layer of

sediment is normally very thin, and to simulate it correctly
requires a very large number of particles. To escape this (6)
problem we introduce a new SPH algorithm based on the idea
that the boundary forms a sink. The continuum version of the

A Parallel SPH Implementation on Shared Memory
Yaidel Reyes Lopez Dirk Roose
Dept. Computer Science, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Dept. Computer Science
CIMCNI, UCLV, Santa Clara, Cuba KU Leuven
Leuven, Belgium
yaidel.reyeslopez@cs.kuleuven.be dirk.roose@cs.kuleuven.be

AbstractWe present a parallel implementation of SPH for synchronization mechanisms may be required in order to avoid
shared memory computers. Our approach is based on domain data races, which in turn introduces parallel overhead.
decomposition and space lling curves (SFC). The particles are In the next section we briey discuss modern shared mem-
sorted and assigned to threads according to the Z-curve. This
ensures per thread local storage of most frequently accessed data, ory architectures and describe a strategy to efciently use
avoids NUMA-unfriendly memory allocations, reduces data races caches and avoid NUMA-unfriendly memory allocations. Then
and allows efcient calculation of symmetric inter-particle forces. we elaborate on the domain decomposition technique and the
We describe a simple and inexpensive dynamic load balancing approach to handle data accesses at the boundary of the subdo-
algorithm. Finally, we present strong and weak scalability results mains. Finally, we present and discuss the parallel algorithm.
of the implementation, and we identify sources of overhead.
Section III presents a scalability study for a breaking dam
I. I NTRODUCTION problem, and we analyze the load balance during the different
phases of the simulation loop.
The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is
currently used in many application areas including uid dy-
namics, solid mechanics, astrophysics, coastal and marine In order to reduce the computational cost, SPH implemen-
engineering, and others. Compared to other simulation tech- tations exploit the compact condition that must be satised by
niques, SPH simulations are computationally expensive: a the kernel, i.e. every particle interacts only with particles inside
large number of particles is required to achieve good accuracy; a local neighborhood with radius h, where is a constant
small time steps are needed, a limitation that results form that depends on the kernel function, and h is the smoothing
utilizing explicit time integrators; interacting particles must distance. Different data structures can be used to efciently
be identied in every time step due to the particle movement. identify interacting particles.
For that reason much attention has been paid to the paral- For simulations that discretize the physical domain using
lelization of the method, mainly considering highly parallel particles with (approximately) the same smoothing distance,
systems, i.e. computer clusters and Graphic Processing Units the most efcient data structure is an underlying regular grid.
(GPU). Examples are the open-source code DualSPHysics Every cell in the grid has information regarding the particles
[1] (http://www.dual.sphysics.org) and the code SPH-ow [2] that lay in it. The cell size is chosen so that interacting particles
(http://www.sph-ow.com). are only in direct neighboring cells. Then, the SPH simulation
Although some work has been done on the parallelization loop generally consist of the following steps:
of SPH on shared memory systems [3], [4], the attention to 1) assign particles to grid cells depending on their current
this type of architecture has been limited. However the number position,
of cores per processors quickly increases, and will continue 2) determine interacting particles using the information on
to increase. This, together with multi-socket boards provided the grid,
with fast interconnects featuring cache-coherent non-uniform 3) compute ux terms, i.e. process the interactions,
memory access (ccNUMA), provides shared memory system 4) perform time integration.
with large calculation power. Flux terms can be computed in two ways: (a) for every
Despite the fact that a shared memory space suggests easier particle i nd the list of neighbors and compute the contri-
parallelization, there are several factors that are a detriment bution of is neighbors to i; (b) nd all interacting pairs of
to efciency. In particular, sharing of cache memory may particles, then for every pair (i, j) account for the reciprocal
lead to extra cache misses, and on systems with NUMA, contributions of particles i and j , exploiting the symmetry of
improper data placement in memory can lead to signicant the interactions.
latencies if threads often access data that reside far from them, The parallelization of the rst approach is simple. It is an
possibly also causing bandwidth bottlenecks. Also, different embarrassingly parallel algorithm given that every particle can

Author index

Adams, N.A., 283 Galn del Sastre, P., 363

Agate, G., 17 Gamiel, K., 342
Altomare, C., 254 Gimenez, J.M., 363
Amicarelli, A., 17 Gonzlez, L.M., 327, 363
Anthonissen, M.J.H., 268 Gotoh, H., 56, 64
Antuono, M., 231 Grenier, N., 395
Aristodemo, F., 379 Groenenboom, P., 185, 260, 379
Aubert, S., 200 Guerrero, A., 327
Avellan, F., 356 Guibert, D., 321
Gmez-Gesteira, M., 140
Bakir, F., 87 Gmez-Gesteira,M., 254
Bandara, U.B., 162
Bankole, A.O., 419 Hamidi, A., 87
Barcarolo, D.A., 321, 371 Hashimoto, H., 395
Barreiro, A., 140 Hirschler, M., 154
Bauer, H.-J., 119, 411 Hu, X.Y., 283
Bilotta, G., 127, 134, 297, 335, 342 Huber, M., 154
Bouscasse, B., 231, 403 Hrault, A., 127, 134, 297, 335, 342
Braun, S., 411
Brossard, J., 305 Illoul, L., 87
Imas, L., 146
Candelier, J., 321 Iske, A., 419
Canelas, R.B., 313 Ivanov, A.V., 169
Cercos-Pita, J.L., 327
Cherfils, J.-M., 305 Jahanbakhsh, E., 356
Clayer, M., 276 Jalali Farahani, R., 297
Colagrossi, A., 231, 289, 403 Jankowski, J., 127
Combescure, A., 238 Joly, A., 40
Crespo, A.J.C., 140, 254, 313 Kelemen, K., 411
Dalrymple, R.A., 134, 297, 305, 342 Khayyer, A., 56, 64
de Leffe, M., 321 Khelladi, S., 87
de Vuyst, F., 371 Kiara, A., 387
Del Negro, C., 127 Koch, R., 119, 411
Demuth, C., 48 Korzilius, S.P., 268
Di Mascio, A., 289 Krebs, W., 119
Domnguez, J.M., 103, 140, 254, 313 Kruisbrink, A.C.H., 80, 268
Dumbser, M., 419 Kunz, P., 154
Kwon, J., 425
Eberhard, P., 192
Edge, B., 342 Lacome, J.L., 276
Lasagni, A.F., 48
Ferrand, M., 40 Laurence, D., 9, 216
Ferreira, R.M.L., 313 Le Touz, D., 289, 371, 395
Fourtakas, G., 9, 103 Leonardi, M., 111


9th international SPHERIC workshop Paris, France, June, 03-05 2014

Leroy, A., 40, 95 Roose, D., 438

Li, Z., 238 Rung, T., 111, 419
Limido, J., 276 Rustico, E., 127, 297
Lind, S.J., 32
Litvinov, S., 283 Salgado, S., 327
Lo Schiavo, A., 379 Schilders, W.H.A., 268
Longshaw, S.M., 430 Schnabel, D., 192
Lu, X.Z., 305 Schuchmann, H.P., 411
Siemann, M.H., 260
Mahrle, A., 48 Souli, M., 25
Marongiu, J.-C., 200, 238, 246 Souto-Iglesias, A., 403
Marrone, S., 231, 289 Spreng, F., 192
Mayrhofer, A., 95, 216, 335 Stansby, P.K., 1, 32, 177, 430
Medin, S.A., 169 Sueyoshi, M., 395
Meringolo, D.D., 379 Suzuki, T., 254
Messahel, R., 25 Szab, K.G., 208
Mignosa, P., 177 Szewc, K., 72
Minier, J.-P., 72 Sckel, W., 154
Mokos, A., 1
Monaghan, J.J., 223, 425 Tartakovsky, A.M., 162
Moreno, A., 327 Tcharkhtchi, A., 87
Morvan, H.P., 80 Tsuruta, N., 56, 64
Mueller, A., 192 Tth, B., 208

Nasar, A., 103 Vacondio, R., 103, 177

Neuhauser, M., 246 Valizadeh, A., 223
Nieken, U., 154 van der Linden, B., 25
Nunez, J., 238 Veltri, M., 379
Veltri, P., 379
Oger, G., 371 Vessaz, C., 356
Oostrom, M., 162 Vila, J.P., 276
Violeau, D., 40, 95, 216, 335
Palmer, B., 162
Paredes, R.J., 146, 387 Werdelmann, B., 119
Parshikov, A.N., 169 Wieth, L., 411
Pearce, F.R., 80
Pinon, G., 305 Xenakis, A.M., 32
Portillo-Bilbao, E., 119 Yue, D.K.P., 387
Pozorski, J., 72 Yue, T., 80, 268
Quinlan, N.J., 348 Zisis, I., 25
Renaut, G.-A., 200
Reyes Lpez, Y., 438
Rivoalen, E., 305
Rogers, B.D., 1, 9, 32, 103, 140, 177, 216, 430


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